160 SOME EARLY VISITATION ROLLS Thomas Charles, son of Thomas Charles, executor of the same T., hath. not carried out the last will of the said Thomas, because he retaineth Sixpence left to the hospital of the blessed Thomas at Canterbury, and si.\'pence to the hospital of poor priests. Dfis \Vil”is capcllanus dc Stanford tenet in demo sua Aliciam [l0 '\\"crchornc. Verso. .Tol”ina . The rector is not in priest’s orders, nevertheless he saith he obtained institution before the council of Lyolis. Jens til’ hl_\‘a notatur super adulterio commisso cum Ca )(‘,ll1lJlllS do St‘ant'ord tenet concubinzini suani ut )rius dicitur l l a hoe adiccit quod cam tcnuit per x annos ct‘ aniplius. Dem do lieche lceepetli back all the tithe of the wiinl-mill, and hath rut2Lin(-rl tor a year and a halt three bushels of barley, ten sliilliiigs. J\. inissal is lacking in the chapel of Stanford, which the V ‘hioners are bound to find ])f\l IS > 4 . - \"ivarius tenet liliam propriani dome sua de qua notatnr dictus Jens capellanus socius suns, ct satis est apta. ad viriles aniplexus. Timings lacking in the chapel ot l’a‘C(,'l11l_y'1)lX; the font has no lock or cover; the (.1.ris1natory has no lock. i\Vll('l'(‘li01’L‘ the Sir .l., chaplain there, is siispeiiilwl tvoni celebr:itin«_;‘ divine service. and the pfLI‘isl1iO1le1‘S should he warned to repair the cinled; John, ticcmr “ii ll<’1‘t01ls £1011“ 0‘? Ell”“"> ‘~‘uQ]l(‘lltl(‘(l and after repeated. coniumacxj cxcomniunicated, Geof- rnnsnavnn AT CANTERBURY. 161 frey, vicar of Chileham, dean of Bregge, Robert and Richard, vicars of Preston and Pelham et Vlfilliam de Stodmersse . . . . ? . . verso, John Boxley, dean of Weshere, excommunicated; Peter, vicar of the Church of Menstre, suspended; John de Vlfatton, vicar of the Church of Kingston (blank), Master Matthew, rector of the Church of the blessed Mary Magdalene in Canterbury, sus- pended; John, vicar of the Church of Monketone, excommunicated. Broolcland. [ftoll XL] The church is badly covered, the gutters (stillicidia) and timber are rotten. “Therefore the parishioners are summoned, and because it is said that they are liable, it was enjoined on the wardens that they should cause all the said defects to be repaired before the next visit of the lord (.7 co-muz»issm'_y) to the marsh under pain of twenty shillings. The rents assigned to the fabric and lights of the church are not paid nor can they be levied except by the rector, whose duty it to levy such dues. Adjourned. ]"(zz'1;/fclcl (Feyrefe ld). Roger of Keuardintone, clerk of the church, is married, and he carrieth the blessed water, and it is believed that he married a. widow. He appeared and swore that he would no longer serve about the altar. The present chaplain pastureth lambs in the churchyard and allowcth a young woman (juvenculam) to minister to him at the altar. He appeared and swore that on three or four occasions he was served in the manner aforesaid, and he swore that in future that he would do so no more, nor would he pasture lznnhs in the churchyard except in gathering time (tempore collectionis). Simon quondam capellanus ibidcm nunc manens apud Romene notatur de Nutekina filia Hugonis ate Walle, vir comparet ct con- litetur quod aliquo tempore doliquit cum on. super quo tuit correctus .~"tlC Vacante, et ncgat recid’ . . . . cioni, etc. , super quo supposuit so inquisi- *'l‘he visitation of brother R. de Clyve, Commissary of Canter- bury, sede racrmtc, made in the Church of Feyret'el4l on the * This is from another document [F 29], but it preb:l,bl_y was once part of the roll. voL. xxxii. 3‘ Q ,3 M 4.’ —.. '~.- 174 some EARLY VISITATION ROLLS (C'hall0ck), and Sirs Thomas, Thomas, Ralph Thomas, ‘and Reginald of the churches of Wy and Crundale. Sir John, rector of Hort-one, dean of Elham, who had refused to summon the jury, was suspended from entering a church or performing divine service. Wiclclzam. Proceedings to inquire into the vacancy in the Church of W'yeha1n. In accordance with his instructions, Geoffrey, vicar of Chilham, had summoned the following clerks to inquire into the matter: John, rector of Chilendenne, Nicholas, vicar of \Vyeham, Henry, vicar of Littleburne, Robert, vicar of Prestone, Clement, vicar of Beliesburne, Richard, vicar of Petham, \Villia1n, parochial chaplain of Stodmershe, and Wlilliam, parochial chaplain of Sturmuth. On the day appointed at first appeared only John Amys, who asserted that he was acting as proctor for several of the clergy of the deanery. After some delay the Rector of Chylendenne and the Vicars of VVyeham and Littleburne appeared in person ; the absentees were pronounced eontumaeious, and were suspended from entering a church or performing divine service. Later, on the same day, Clement, vicar of Bekesbourne, appeared, and excused himself on the ground that he had been hindered from coming by a fit of bleeding, and humbly sought to‘ be restored to his former condition, which, after he had sworn to obey the eonnuands of the church, he obtained. Sm-re. Proceedings in the Church of \Vestbere. The Dean of VVestbere, John called Cutteler, had been instructed by the Commissary to summon a jury consisting of Master W'alter, rector of VVestbere, Peter, vicar of Minster, Thomas, vicar of Sesaltre, and others not named, to inquire into the cause of the \'aeancy in the Church of Serre. After a long wait neither the dean nor any of the clergy put in an appearance; they were accordingly suspended for their contuniaey. Thomas, vicar of Sesaltre, appeared later, made his submission, and was restored to his former condition. Upper IIard7‘es. 1293. Monday after the octave of St. Luke, in the Church of 'Wymelyngcswelde. Proceedings before the Connnissary to inquire into the vacancy in the Church of Hcghardres through the alleged v.43 (W al_;,,¢, F :5: — _§.aa... 47 .g,._ 1>REsERvED AT CANTERBURY. . 175 default and neglect of the Archdeacon. The said Archdeacon being abroad (in remotis) the following clergy were summoned: Master Anselm, rector Eastry, Master Martin, rector of Icham, Thomas dc Upton, rector of Adesham, and Sirs John, Thomas, Richard, Ralph, Richard, Stephen, and Robert, parish priests respectively of Weiigeham, Nonyntone, Grodwynestone, Esse, Staple, Estry and llfymelyiigessvelde, and Sir John de Wattoiie, rector of Kyngestone. On the day appointed none of the said clergy appeared, and they were thereupon declared contumacious and suspended from their ofiice. Afterwards Robert, parish priest of Bregge (Bridge), came running i11 great haste into the hall of the lord bishop of Herford (dfii Epi herford) at \Vymelyngeswelde,”“ and asked to be restored, and since he offered a legitimate excuse, namely, that he had a corpse to bury, the aforesaid sentence was relaxed, and the said Robert gave evidence on the said vacancy. Bmfreston. In the same year, (lay and place, an inquiry was held into the vacancy of the Church of Berfreystone (no pm~h'cuJnrs _r,7z'z-en). Enstwell. Tuesday next before the feast of SS. Simon and Jude 1293 an inquiry was held as to the vacancy of the Church of Hstwell. The clergy were summoned to the inquest but did not appear, and thereupon they were suspended from oiliee, viz., Sir Richard, rector of Broke, VVilliam, vicar of Chering, John, vicar of Bocton juxta lilen, and sundry parish chaplains. The same sentence was pronounced also against Master John de ltavelingeliain, rector of Kcnyntone (Kenington), and Sir John, vicar of 'l‘entirdcnne, for at like default. Friday after the feast of St. Martin in the year ab«:>i'esai«l another inquiry was held as to the vacauu-y of the church by the following incumbents: Master Peter, rector of Kenar