lxxxvi rnocnnbrnes, 1914.. body of arclireologists, l)ut also as it society which was protmitinj, the very best national and public sentiment. V 1 . . . . ,l he proceedings closed with a vote of tlurnks to the l)e-an tor pres.iding. TI1es,(l:i_y, -luly .1~1«th. The members nnule mi excursion by inotor-cars to Dover, stopping on mule at Ptttrixbourne, Bridge and l§:1rf1-cstoii. :\t.Pz1tri.\'bourne Church the visitors were welcomed by the Rector (Rev. ll. Knight), and Mr. Keyser described the chief t'e:1tures of the church, driuving e..~*pcciztl :tttention to the he:tutii'ul south :loorw:Ly of late Norman work, with its elztborutely curved lylllpfllllllll and richly wrought moultlings. The next stopping-pl:Lc(3 was Bridge Church, which, although rebuilt in 1855), still retains some relics of the earlier church, not:tbl_\' the two Nornnln doorways, now insertetl respectively at the west end and on the cast side of the Vestry. \Vithin the chancel and on the north well there is it very renmrkable series of figure subjects curved in stone. These are airimiged in two tiers, :l.11d2l.ppCZn‘ to represent Our Lord in Ma_jesty, with the symbols of the Evzmgelists in the upper row, while below are the following scenes from Old Testznnent history, vi’/.., the temptation of Adam and Eve, in which the serpent is shown with :1. hunntn head, the expulsion from P{t1‘ZUllS0, the s:1.erilices of Cain and Abel, and Cain killing Abel. There is an inscribed lzibel l)811(‘t'lttl10£tt‘l1 subject‘, but in the defective light these could not be reml except in the ease of the subject represe11t;ing the Sttcrilices, D0707‘ Ornw. \"estiges of colour renutin, and the whole series ol‘ can'vings arc SllI'lll0l1l1l.U(l by -.1 semi-circul:u' nloultling, which gives the :Lppe:t1'a.nce of :1 tympunnm to the cu1'vcLl work within. lt is, however, perlutps more likely that the figures once tormctl part of an :tltar-piece, :lll(l tlmt in the (lays of the l{ct'ornmtion they were relnoved from their original position, but on account of their liiblicztl elutraicter were saved from destrilction. They (lo not :nit.e‘lI next Szunlwich, is of ~_{cncrons proportion. .-\s will be seen, it con- sists of :1. nave, choir, with it l:ir}_;c sitlc chupcl on the north, northern and southern tr:nis0|)t..~z. illltl :1 lol't\' toner ovcr the crossing. lieliore consitlerin}_; the ;trcliitcctur:\l tlctzuls ol the linllxlnr-_v' it/1n:l»yl)e wcll to ;;i\'c :L bricl‘ liistoricul ll|l,l't\llllt'll\lll. The church - ‘ ' ‘ ' ' . .. .. . - ‘- . doubtless occupied :1 site usctl lor tll\’llH'. wor.