106 EXTRACTS FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS Queen Mary is infamous, are hinted at in the return from Hythe, which gives a long list of persons whose only crime was tlmt they had :1(:eomp:1nie(l to (la1‘1terl>ury some of their fellow townsnien who lnul fallen under the ecclesiastical ban and l1-ad visited them when in custody there. A cha.rit-able work for which these names should be held in honour. _ Presentments temp. Queen Mary.* Rzcrar. William Knight for that he did jest and rztyle of the Gospell when the priest dill read it in the pulpit. And (lid say that he [;l:1_\'(’~[l “ .l:1el< :tpy(-,.” The wile ol’ Robert \V<~si' of Elhzun |'or not 4 but hololith (l()\\'ll(‘ hm‘ lI(‘ll :11 tl1(~ole\':1tion tvnie. 1V0!/072. Rohert, the servant of W'illiz1.m \Vybonrn, o:1rpenior, for sytting behind it pillar in the Church at the elemtioii ty1ne,anlLl(’. Dozier. -lzlmes Justice hath it hylile in his house whether it he goml or no, it is not knowon unto the pri('.~'l. lVeU. 'l'lw_y pi'(-,.-mit that the Chnppell of" \Vell is pntto to :1. pi-oplmiw use for wher tho 1)n1'i;_
  • ‘(’ they being <,lisohe«li(3nt to tln: qne1ie’s lawns. ~ - ' . ' ' .. i ‘i . r 3 1 \\ 1111:1111 P111-lu-1' 1)‘_‘(‘.\‘t‘l|l(‘(l lor lwpilig ot. the Mtltl hn J.im( S l’r-ors \\'i‘r'o in liis liouso It long t_\'ine illltl that she iwver eoinin_~_§ to the ('hurch, and (le.~'p_vsetl1 the l:1lH.l:l,l)l0 «:e1'ez11oi1ye.\' and Sfl('l‘1LlIX(.‘Ilt>‘, mnl went’ :1\\‘:1y when she, shohlo hzue roc(*y\'wl the bm~r:u11v11t at l‘l.\'H}I‘, and Snyetli that she wohle go over seal to hot‘ llHSl):lll(l. '1'///n11‘n_r//on. '11”. 1),-i,.,«1—‘.< xvifo, late of ('h:u'th:nn, lor .<:1_\'n1«; ll ( lir1.