A/flC.I—? crrm/r‘ Ea-.1411 AN ACCOUNT 0.1:‘ A MAI’ O11‘ K1<]N’J_‘ DATE_1) 1596. BY THE HON. HENRY 1{ANN11':t1111_;' this 11121.11 is t11:1’r I 11111111v1—_* 1:11:11, 111 1'0 K11111 1111ss1rss1-S :1 111:111 111' 11111 111111 1:1'111'111'y, 1211131-1' 111 .<1':111~. 11111111 :11"1‘111':111- 111 111’.~1\\‘1’111_-', 111111 111111-11 11111111-111 111-11111 1112111 111111111‘ ;111_\' 11111111-1111111111’, 111111111111 111111111111’ 11111 w111'1< 111’ :1 11:111\'1~. 1’1111111 .\‘_\*1111111;<1111 111' 11111'1111.<1'111'. 11‘ 111111)‘ ‘111sT1111‘s 11:111111;11'111~‘.< 1<11111~11111111':11'.\'1111s1'1'111I11111 111111 1111111111 “1L1\=1-1'5. (‘1-111-11115. \\':111-1‘i11v1_:1<. :11111 11,1111»; 1111 1111111- 1-xz11*.11_vs11:11111w1*11 111111 11111-1111 t11:111 111\1'111111'111'1-. in this, 111' :111_\ 1111111111" 11111‘ 1:111111~ 111:1! 1 11111111) 11:1111 11111111 111-1‘1‘111'1111111." .\.x' is \\'1-11 1<1111\\'11t111* 111'sL 1'1111111y111:111.< 11111111s111\11\\'1-1'1‘ 11_\' (1111*i.4:1x1'1111. 211111 1111111-;11'1-11 as :1 >111! in 171751. 11H11|f_{'11 11111i\'11111;11 11111111.~‘ 111111111111-11111-1-111111 11»1:11‘1>:11'111=1'11:11‘11s. '1‘1111,s'11 111' ().\'1'111'11.<1111'11. 1%111‘k111;'11:1111s1111'1- 211111 11111'1(>'11i1'11,111 111111 1112111. 111111 111.411 1111111 111’ N111'f'1111(‘ :11'1'1,1:111111 1-"171-; 1(1111t, 11:111111s1111'1\ 211111 .<1111111 11t11111'.<, 1717-"1. A1‘(?<)1'111Hf_!‘. 1111w1~\-'1\1'. to 11111‘111,\1'1 111 1115 'l'.1//11111/r1111/111111 11111/1.11111’//1/.~', 11131-1111‘ 111 1111111 211111 11111111511 S:1xf1111's 11111115 \\‘i1.\' 111111 _;-11111111111 1111111 15177, 111111 t111>,‘\' 11111 11111, 111 1’;11f’r, :1111_11*11,1' 1111111 t111- 1311111-13111111 \v:1s111111-- 11.<111111 111 15711. "'~'~1'_R T1113 1191113; H111. 1':1.<1', 1111111. 11' it c:111111- .x‘1111\\’11 111:11 11111 u'1XF-“' D5~*C"“’T“‘N 0’. 111:111111' K1-111 \\'1111 \\'1111‘11 \\'I‘ :11'1‘ 1-1111111-1'111111 \\':1.s 1111111is111~11 111 Y . . . . K E W _ 1-1111. \\'11 11:1\'11 111-111111 11.< 11111 1‘;11'111-.r5:afam§'_'__ 1 . -, . rv adage, ,-, _ - . . . . ~ - . 71:«"r;~1'r§~h:'1’v1f»_f“f;¢,I,',{;",,‘*;,"f";,1. .,5‘1'f:,'E1'g§ 1 T1111 :1vt11;11 \'1*;11'111'1s,<111~ 1s. 1111wu\'1~1'.111 111111111: 111111111‘1:111w . ., . .. . wu§:r11-11-rfirmr fi 1;l‘?:u!'Al gvfflf _ I 1 _ » V 1 1 1 _ V 11 - 1,_ _ 55111. no e_r ’cv11_I-1;‘ ¢9'm'_f;,,'.‘~ \\'111-11 11111‘ 1'1111m111«‘1'.<1111- g1-111~1;11 111,11111~,~. .11111 .~.1-.11 11 1111 . 1. . r , » _ '$1"7.'.5§»'1.5Zf,-'3‘»1‘1.§>'_'z1‘1'-'r'«’§3?7§.'.}p "rd-tm’ 11111115 111 11111~~1'1<>11. 11 1s -1111111111111 111‘»1‘1- 1-1 1111111: 11:11 11,11 .'Rv1'.1-t. Ina crreuxmyrfi I 1' E A 1 I .~r naluz-.2l'yl.gr' U 1,! 1 - __ 1, ,. __ . . ~- ‘ »1 1 ' .‘ .1, ‘' .,; ._ -1.313:-'15‘1ig?a1 '5:-Fin.’ ‘hf 1 1\.\1111-1,.~11111\ 111.11» .111.1.\1111-1» «-1 11) _1__ 111111-.. .-.1- _ «~ 21.1-«.1»-cu:-1 7'." 1, . _ _ . ~ 1 .= ,1. ~1_ , ~ _ _ _ L .,-. T ,. 1211-111111111111 1\:v»1:, 1111111 , 11z11z< 1‘~,.1\a:111~- 111.11‘ .A.¢A .‘ . .5 86 AN ACCOUNT or A MAP or KENT '1‘)ATlED 1596. 21 by 16 inches, and includes the whole of Sussex and Mid- dlesex, and parts of Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckingham- shire and Essex, as well as Kent. As regards details, Saxton only gives symbols for churches and shews no roads, and in other respects is distinctly inferior to Syinonson. Before drawing attention to the numerous valuable and, in some respects, unique features of Sy1n0nson’s map, I will deal with its date and reprints. The impression which I have before me, and of which a reduced facsimile (if I may be excused the expression) is herewith given, bears two dates. My attention was first drawn to this fact by a MS. note in the copy of Philipot’s Vz'lla¢r(: Ceatirxxnzmn, in the handwriting of the well-known antiquary William Twopeny. The note refers to this copy of the map, which was inserted in the volume. Twopeny says: “The map in- serted in this volume appears to be an impression of it in its original state. The original date, 1576, is nearly etfaced from the copper, 1596 being inserted near it.” In order to obtain further information on this point I enquired at the British Museum, the Bodleian, and the Guildhall, but none of them possessed a copy; nor, indeed had they ever heard of one. I also connnunicated with Sir George Fordhani, whose knowledge of cartography, more especially in connec- tion with Englisli county maps, is second to none, and with Dr. Cook of Appledore, but neither of those two great authorities could assist me. It will be noticed that in the bottom riglit—lrand corner one can read clearly the date l,-396, and, in the extreme corner, but appearing very faintly, t-he date l57G.* Considering_;' the manner in which this map has been dealt with at later dates, it seems to be desirable to give contemporary corroborative evidence of the date of its pub- lication. Lamb-arde, in the second edition of his l"ew.nnlm- tion. of Kent, published in 1-596, says: “Divers other smal pipes of water there be . . . . which I may the better passe over with silence, because tlwy may with more pleasure bee * '|‘m,< sovoiul dale on all the impres.'et.ln~1' down tlw centre, It nieasllw-S ill by El’ ' * Quoted from l‘: 15!?) of the 2'vf‘vrin1 of tilt‘ .~(=ve:-ml. e=~lm~x:'v. :4‘-"V's ‘aw .l‘i".3l3, 88 AN Accounir "or A MAP or KENT 'DA'1‘En 1596. on a scale of two miles to one inch. It is framed in an ornamental scroll border, inside of which are three ruled lines, containing the degrees and the minutes of latitude and longitude on the meridian of the Azores. In the top right-hand corner of the map are the Royal Arms of the time of Elizabeth, and in the bottom left—hand corner tables giving a list of the “ Lathes, Bailywicks, Hundreds, Market Towns ;” “ Cityes with their Cathedral and parishe churches ;” and Cinque “Portes and their members byinge in Kent ;” and lastly, “ Franchises.” I11 the bottom right- hand corner is 21 scale of ten English miles surmounted by a pair of compasses, and the following inscription below: A NEW DESCRIPTION or _ KENT Divided into the tyne Lathes therof: and subdivided into l3a_yly\\'ickes; and Hundredes, with the parishe Churclies conteyned within enery of the same I-iundredes. All which, for better ynderstandinge, are distinguished with varyetye of colonres: Comprehendinge aswell the Cities; the vsnall Market towns; and the Fortes, with their members lying in Kent; As also such of the houses of the Nobylitie and (}entr_ve as the Plott could conneniently receaue. VVherin moreover the nature of the soyle (whether playne, Hyllye, or wooddye) is more <.liligrei1tlye observed; and the tractes of ltyuers, ltylles, and Creches, with the treudinge of the sea-shore be more naturally described then here- tofore it hath ben «lone. Pr'[4z.t(wl and .9024/(Z /I_1/ 1’. Slant B.V(;r:g)tl‘:l13 S)']'gg;m“1576* At the bottom of the map, to the left of the centre : “ Engraren by Charles VVhitwell.” The words “ .I’rinted . . . . Stout ” are en_;ra.ve(l apparently by a different hand. (2.) The next impression that we llave of the map is in all respects similar, except that at the top near the lett- liand corner, in place of “ P-arte of Essex ” with Romforde, Da_«_;'enln1111, and .Ra.ynln1«1n Cl1111'cl1es, there is giveii :1 View of Rye on which is inscribed: “ Sir Anthony Van Dyek, Delineavit”; and in the top right~hand corner, in place of * See note on p. 86. ...,. ,..e.........._-- “' ~..~w..r,.«..«......J§§'L V. r , - «u in iccomw or A an ‘or ‘mum DATED 1596. Be the Royal Arms, is given: “A view of Dover Castle and Towno from y“ Landside "; and, on the bottom of the view, “ W. Hollar fecit ”. A print of this is in a copy of Philipot in the British Museum, and the engravings are fresh and clear. This impression bears no date, though faint signs of both 1596 and 1576 can be detected. They appear to have been intentionally erased. We can, however, (late it approximately between 16:35-6, when Hollar first came to England, and 1641, when Van Dyke died; though it is of course possible that the plate was first published after Van Dyke’s death. 1’. Stent’s name is given as the publisher, as in the earlier impression, and VVhitwell as the engraver. (3.) The next in order of date would seem to be siinilar in all respects to the t'oreg'oi11g__,-, except that after “ Printed and sould by P. Steut” is added “ at y" VVl1ite Horse in Uriltspnr Street,” and the date “ lti:'>Sl.” A copy of this is in the possession of Dr. Cock of Appledore, and he informs me that the earlier dates are faintly visible and tllat the e11-_;'1'n\'in_I_g's are clear. i (I-.) The next. zlgaiiil unzlatml, is silnilar. but in place of “ I’. Stunt " appears "printed by J" (iln-rton at y“ \Vhite Horse no-are S‘ Pulcliers Uliurch." Copies of this impression are in the possession of Dr. Uoclc, and in the Liuildhall. and Bodleian Libraries, and in the British Mnseun1."'*‘ The plates in all these are excceiliiigly taint, the plate havin5.,r evidelilly become greatly worn. Traces, liowever, of the earlier dates are still to be detected. (5.) The map occurs for the fifth and last time in Harris’ Iliistory of Kent, which appe-.1red in 171%). In this case the map is surrounded by a border or frame composed of 118 arms of subscribers to his work. The meridian is altered to that of London. hi the top of the map, towards the left, in at t'ra.me-like border, “A Map of the County of Kent”; at the bottom, near the centre, “ Engraven by Sam‘ Parker, 1719 ”; and filling up the bottom 1'igl1t-l1a11~t'-~‘ :1 copy, -150. ,,....¢_‘,-.u»».;w «- 90 AN ACCOUNT or .1 MAP or KENT DATED 1596. West from East Kent.” The views by Van Dyke and Holler do 11ot appear. It may be noticed that in Nos. 2, 3, and 4 a few ships are represented in the lower reaolies of t11e Thames, but are not given eitl1er in tlie erigi11:11 impression or i11 Harris T11e map gfiven by H21rris is 11ot an 21ct-11211 reprint of any of the f<)1'11g1'1i1:1g', but is 10-11se1111po11 them. Seine fresh roads 21.1'1_1 g-ive11, 11.1/.. t1'1111'1 Croy1'1o11 to M:1idstone, and the elmrohes 111:1-, 111ost1_y r1,--d1'21w11, 211111 quite :1 eo11si11e1'11.111e 111111111111‘ of addi- t1i1>112111'ill215_,}'14s 21r1~, 111e11tioned. On the other 11z111d tl1e trees are 1'1sp1-11111101-11 ex21.et1y, both i11 1'eg_>,'211‘11 to their position 21nd 11111111101‘. 1t 1211,-11.1-1y not 11121111-, t'ro111 21 fresh su1'vey,b11t 1'1'11n1 b'y1111111s1111’s n121,p 1i11'1>11g11t, 111111-11 111' less, up to 1121te. 11 11:1s s11111111-11 111->si1'21h111 to 111-1111 at son11- 1e11f_;'t11 with the 1121111, 111' 11111» 1112111, 1)e1:21.11s1- so 111111-11 of its v211111e 211111 i11te1'est 11epe1111s on 11111 :11,<1;u1'11e_v111' its 1l1>t21i1s. 111 1'eg'211'11 to houses, 1)ri11ges, hills, rivei-.~;_. 21.1111 ee1't21i11 1>t11e1' features it does not §_;~1'e21.t1_y 11i1’f1~r 1’ro111 other e2»11'1_y n121ps, hut in some respects it is 1111iq11e. ,.»\Ceo1*1li11g to Sir (}1-1>1'g1- .1!‘o1'1l11:11.11—--:11111 w1s1.'o1111l not wis11 for 21 g'1'e21te1' 2111t11o1'it_y——J1>1111 N1)1'111!11 (15-18—~ 11112-3 19) \v21s the first t11i11(1ic:11'1;- 1-11211.11, his p1'ede1;1'>ssor S:1.xto11 not ;_ri\'i11g 11115’. T1111 o111_\’ 11121ps iss11e11 by N1>1'111,-11111-1111-t1‘) 15119 t11:1t s11ewe11 this 111~t11i1 \\’(‘1‘(! 111’ Mi1l111ese_\', L1111111111, 111111 VV11s‘1111i11s11)1'_. \\'hi1'h 21ppe211'e11 in 1:3$1Z1. 11is11ex’1:11111p, t11:1t of “11211'1.f111'11sl1i1'e,” w21s not p111)1is11e11 11111 15518. It follows 111111 if 111111121111: 1111111: 11x1 r111111* o1>1'ne1' of Sy1111111s1‘>11’s 1112111 1.11) 1576, 1111 may 1:121i111 this most i111po1'12111t i1111ov11tio11 11.1111 i111prov111111_~11t. It’, on the other h:1.11d, the 11-ate be 1596, he eo11111s :1 Vt‘1')' close see.o1111. 111 z1.1,111itio11 to this, Symonson 211so ;_-;iv1\.s us 111111<11 ot11e1' i11f111'11121ti1>11, and of 11 kind not 111111111 211: 1111 in S21:cto11, Speed, or C21n1de11. As well 1;1111wn, i11 their 111-aps, 2111d i11111ostof1:1ter 11:1t1_-, 11111)’ :1 s.1'1111_1111 is giv1s11 to i1111ie.21te 1'1 (-,11111'e11. Syn1on— son, on the other 11211111, 1'ep1'ese11ts e1111r1rhes in quite :1 111111111111- of 11i11’e1-e11t ways, and iii such 21 n111n11111' 21s to shew, i11 1‘eg2’1rd to the tower, iis ess1'11ti1'11 c11211'211;ter. They .’1r(- 111'21wn. to i1111i1-ate the f1,111owi11g' 111,-,t11ils: (1) 21 simple tower; (2) with :1. stair turret : (33) with :1 lofty, low, or broken spire ; (-1) with pi1111:1c1es; and (5) whether next to 31 house or in 21 town or village. 4 ..-..;.- :_-. ,.: .1». . ...-‘din. z..«....»...,..«_ 1.1.... ................,,.- N, .......ag ,.,-1.;...,........,1n .... AN ACCOUNT or A 1111.111 or K1‘:1.\‘*"1* ‘M6111; 1596. 91 Having o11re1'111ly compared the map in reg-(1111 to these p21rticu121rs with Mr. Oy1e1"s pl1otogr21p11s,* I find that of the 251 old ehnrelies given by him, in the Diocese of Can- terbur , 147 are correctly represented in the 111211). Of the re111z1inder 81 are i11z1ec111':1te only in giving 21 spire wl1ere there is not one 21t present. 1 have not 111,-.e11 able to eheclc this a.ppz1re11’t 11isorep1111cy to any 1211;;-12 extent, but 111 11111-1 few cases where 1 h21v1-. 11111111 so, 11.11., \Vest F211'1ei;g;11 211111 1\'121i11sto11e, t111,>11g'11 t11e_y have no spire at the preseilt time they 111111 one when Sy111o11so11. published his map. In rei'erence to this point, the rep1'ese11t:11ion of St. “,\121r_y's Cllurch at Town Sutton, or Snttoii V:1,11,-,111-11, is 1121rtie111211'1_y i11te1'esti11f>‘. 1t is shown by S_y1111’111so11 as p1)sses>si11g_g' 21 tower silrmounted by 21. tr11n1:211e1,1 111- 11111111-11 spire. (111. 1‘1~‘r'1r1'I‘i11.4' to M1‘. A11ge11’s 21ccou11t'1‘ of this c11111'e11 we 1i1111, /11/1+r 11/1711, 21 picture represe11ti11_1_§ it as it was i11 1823, j11st111\f1'11'1s it w21s pulled dow11, 211111 it is t11er1s shewn with :1, 111w1—-1'su1‘- 111o1111ted by 21 s1opi111_>; roof, fr11n1 the 112111 top 111’ w11ieh p1'11~ j1=,1:ts 21 low spire s111'1111,11111te11 by 21 w11:1"r111-1'-1~1>1*1(. 111 the text Mr. An1_>;el1 11uotes Hz1ste11 '11» the 1111111-t 111211 “t1111 steeple st2111ds on the 11o1'1,h side, 211111 111111 11 11i5_-;11 spire, 1'11e,11pp11r 11111fof w11ieh 11u.vi.11g 111,11.-.11 burnt‘ 1,low11 h_y 1ig_-;11111i11;;', 11 was at th21t p21-rt 11:11: 211111 1:ove1'1-11 with 11-2111." 11 \\'1»1111,1 1111 i11te1'esti11g to 1<111>w if 1,111-re is :1111_y 1'01-111-11 111’ 11111 1121111 111‘ 1.111s destructioii. As reg21,1'1_1s othe1'det21i1s s111aw11 on 11111) 1112111. we 111111 111211: the chief rivers 11nd n1:1.11_y of their t1'i1>111211'ies :1re 1-1ez11'1y 211111 c.o1'1'ectly s11e\\'11, 211111 the chief 1‘o211,1s 211111 1,11'i11g11s, 211111 111 111111 case 11 ford, clezirly lmted. Towns 211111 vil1:1;,ves,' the 11111111 i1npo1't2111t 11o11ses with their p2u‘1(s, 1-,21st11-s, w11111111111s, \v1’>1>t1.>‘: and hills are 211s11 sl11-,w11. C11:1111_;'1-s 1.11 1111- 1:1111s1‘ 111111111111 111 the course of so111e 111:’ the rivers 211111 the i1111i11_1,vs i11 R1>11111ey 211111 ot11er 111z11's11es 21re p:11‘ticu1:11‘1_y i11teresti11;;~ 211111 v2111.1211)1e. In reg:11‘1'1 to the 112119 and o1'igi11 111' 1111- 1111111 there ISIUIIL‘ other point tl1-at 1'eq11i1'es notice. '\V1- 111111 1111 1111» 1:11p_\’ 1-1' t11)11 1112111 here 11ese1'i1.)ed the words “ 1’1‘i11‘r1‘11,=1W1 _S"“1<1 1’TV_r1»- Stent". O11 t11e1'1;1.te111:01‘>)’ "f 11559 1'11“ 1'‘’11‘’‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘.‘-%' “)‘1‘1‘1‘:"V" appears: “ at y“ [White Horse i11 g11tsp111’ St1'1-et . 11 1th bu‘ >1: _ 11. 0 11>, , Pm'1'.¢/1 Clmre/zes Q/' the I)io1'.v.wa 11/‘ (.‘r111/1'::/»1/1'_{/ (19111). _‘_ E F. A!,fi,‘(51,1)aN-sh Chm.c}l of ,§'g_ ]1[ar>//’.s' at T011111 Mrltrm (1191 1). 92 AN ACCOUNT OF A MAP or KENT DATED 1596. Gegrge Fordham and Dr. Cock commented on the occurrence of Ste11t’s 11211119 011 both t11ese maps, because, as they pointed out, he was :1 known p11bli.s'he1'of the sevexiteent-11 century. 0“ "°f"'“'i“z‘-’»' tl’ Sh’ G001'g'e F111-d11:1111’s C:1t:1logue of Herl:— fomlshire Maps I found th.:1t Ste-11‘c pul1l.isl11—>d :1 reprint of Si’tXl30I1'S 1112111 in 1652 (ET) and 1665 (29), (11~tl1ere:1l)0uts, and ‘a111(1t.l1e/1' 111-.111, Very similzu‘ to S:1xl<111’s, also of :1b0u.t ]665. B1-:;i1'l1;~.< tl11Js1_1 1111 p11bli..~'l1wl :1 111:111 of E11;;'l:11111 1l1-11 Sl<,>11l' i11 his l111si1111sH." It is, l 1111151» :1«l111it. 1'lilli(?11ll l11<>.\'pl:1i11this:1:11p1A:11':1.11('11 of S’f1—'11‘1”s 11:111111 1111 111:111r< .\'(1Wl1l1‘ :111:11'l1 :1.< 'l7,1!l1i 111111 111115. ll» is, 1,1l7c«,1111',<<‘, 11119111 p(1ssil1l1- ll1:11 t'l1<11'1: \\'(‘1'1*t\\‘() 11u11l1.s‘l11*i‘s 11f llw .<:1111<- 11:11110, 1,111ssil.1l_\' f:1ll11-1' :1111l SUI], :1111l llmt H11-. l2“1ft~<11‘ s11c(*uwl1>1l l11 l.l111 l)ll.\‘,lll1*S.<. ll is \'1‘1'_V u111'i1111s l1l1:1‘1 U““.1-"1' ll"“~*‘ WW 11<1f.i1-1;. this 11:1i11l., :1111l slill 111011,‘ s(1ll1:1t l11>ll1 lm in llis /1’1‘('/,/.~'/I '/'1:/1/1.4/;'u/1//‘V um] ,I_ ‘]{_ Swill] in I}1',Iz/1'm‘/1w1~.u (W11!/ulzrr. ll11111<_1-l1 l'l11~_\'111111l11 l1:1111l1:11' ic1111l,1l 1'11f1-1‘ tn :1: 111:1p tl1:1l 11111st l1:1\'1: l1e1111 [,11'i11l.-Ml 11121.11)‘ _y0:1:1's :1.1”t1-.1‘ his «l1.-:1l1l1, \vl1i1:l1 01‘-<'111'1'1.11l in IGOI. (z'1o11}_g'l1 also d11sc1'il1:~s it :1s “ l’1‘i11l1e1l :1111l s11l L1111111 :Ll1lu ‘:11 ‘r1':1c.1~ :1 c11p_y with this i111p1'i11l, 1101' l1:1,v(e 1' 0111110 :LC1‘11;>‘S :1 v11l«1u1'1~d il111"11’(?S.\,‘i0]l as 1111~11ti«111o1l i11ll10111'ig_1'i11:1l " l)11s1:1'i11l3io11" in the copy (1f1e‘1{)6. Of S.1'1111111s<,111 l1i111s1rlf I have l1()t:‘ b01111 ;1l1l0 to 11l.1t:1i11 any i11l'111'111:1l'11111. ll 11:15 l1111111 s111_;'_«_;'csl:(,=1l l,l1:1l, 1111 \\1111‘lm1l 1111 c111't:1i11 11l:111.< of llw 11st:1l11.s‘ b11l1;11;:i11g' 111 t-l11~ ll:11cl11:..~'. f_{l‘(‘:l1 lu-l.ll<~11l'l11':1>.<. ..<1111'I‘l111— 111:1.~‘,:1 l1:1_\'11l1111's0,c:1\\’.l111llc:1ll', :1l11‘ltl1‘ :1.111l my 11111l1ll15 11.111 11l' l11‘:1_<.<, 11:1i,1'(1f sl1111-t.<.:1:111.l :1,l1111‘1l1: vlnlh. 'l‘11 S1111 l€i<,:l1:11'1l. :1 1‘()\\ 1':1ll1wl 'l'_1‘l, .-1: now kcltlp .-11111 the 1-i11goll .l1111.< .\l1*_\':1111l1-1' :1111l (ie111'}_r1- l1:1\'1- 111_v1':11-l will: ils:1[1p:1:1‘(1l. 'l'11s1111 .-\l1‘.\:1111l(‘1‘, :1ll 1111* 11:11'l 11l' ll11~ 1\11r11l 111‘ 1\‘11111l1- \\'11o1l :1111l :1. <:1:11l‘l \\'i1l1 :11111111'l(-1121111-vs l11~l'111'11 llw j_;';1l1~ ml‘ l{,i1’l1:11‘1l 'l’:11‘:1111111'(:. S1111 (im11‘§_§11 111 l1:1\'1- ll11- l1-111111111111’ \1l11-1'11 l li\'1‘-. \\ill1 i'1\-'<‘:11:1‘<*.~'<1l' l:1111l, :111x’11r.<. 1’:-1111. 1H D1-1:. llllfl. (Vol. lll.. l'11l.132S'l.) * A l1:111d111ill l'111' _;1'i1111i11;_: <_;1~:1'111 <11‘ .<(~,:-11. T A sL11]1]Ji11 111‘ .<111l‘<‘11 ix‘ :1 .~‘lL*\"'l"‘“ ml *"l"m"l-“P“""»“ll ?'“‘l “'l1i\‘V1 14"’- Kenlislz 1)1'a/«ct.