210 R,0U'l‘l<‘. F.l't()M DOVER TO C;\N'l‘,[CRBUI‘tV of the l1211‘(-11y of Saye, and was l1eld of the (,“t\‘llC‘ of l)m't-1- 'J,'l11'o11gl1 :1. siieeesssieii of o\\'ne1's it ]1z1ssed £0712]; l(iel1'11'd Ill ‘ ’ '1 ’ ' n 7 i, ' , ‘ ~ » e11eV\V1ll1i1n1 boys of ,l;e1111111gtei., ixhose dos -11d:111t, .hl:1Jn1- Boys, ienglit 1111i,le,1' the stzi11.\,Nb C/<.)lJR,,l_‘ (\\. llztniiiiond, Esq.) lies beyond the V1l~ _*‘t»,“": W1 10W Sl.0]_'>111g g1‘o1111d. It has been iii the fl,lz1111i11e11«l ¥Jl”"l.l': “Will the exception of at hriel‘ i11le1'v:1l, since tl1e 3(>[,I1 ,e111y Vlll. ,l.l,1e1'e are some good p1et,111'es here, <-,s},1eei:il|v :1 po1‘t1'_:t1t, piinited by Jensen d tiring liis resirliziiee {Lt ]51'iit;re, el‘ 21 Ltlllullll l1.l(,l_y ,l;m\1_ya1, :1 wo111:111 el Sll1*l)£lSSlllg l,1e;1,u1,V, Whom wi,]__ pole speiilxs oi as “ the Star oi’ tl1e Ezist” (of Kent 1 ii-(‘:(‘_,'L«‘,1§1,'Yl1l,l(‘. llrlttill Cante1'l1u1’y .1‘()£ltl, we p:1ss,<,111(>11rl<1ft:, ‘; rz ' ‘ ' ‘ ' < ' - » , ' {$115111 7 ,. 1 (.n5l()h,b (1)0I)lll(li,l()ll, .310), and leave dull liitiilml (‘I '1' )1 1"!V..-. N . 11 in L1/l1(.l line/,y l1,e..itl1.s lei snnliiti fields ;t11<.l liztlmy glsules ; tor 11 ee1111t1'y~s1de, “ ' iv I ‘ V v -1 1 '. u v . \\ h<.1e we may t1.1u. eaeli stiomiilet tliroiigh the n1e:1e:1n1s and l)l00JllS “NU” “Shh” ‘l'5)1\-‘111l>eaLIty. '.lo look domi l1'o1n tl1e (_.l:111t1-1'- ;_11111"\i"1'(1:1<.l u_1_‘)011 the .lo\vl:111ds l1e,11e:1tl1, is to gene upon a t1'11lV {,.,.( ‘V _ v N) .,l, ‘V ‘ '. 1 _,1.1;_}, 1.~h pi(,t,111e,‘011r1 oi. those £111 lezity l.a11u1"y races are held ; and the View from the »1 Uise is one wiliieli the teniist mll (21110). ]_lo:1111111gove1‘ tl1e:~:e 11 L‘:l>:l.llt lieiglits he will find liimself t1‘ei1<,l,in;' in the footpriiits of the 111en el lege11.lE‘S the slope of tlie hill opposite Kingstone Cl1n1'el1,, and thence to the \\'OStVV‘fll‘(,l izoiitiimes :1 line oi‘ si111il;11.' 111ilitz1,ry pests, while .“tl’lt)i}l1()l‘ 1i11e l)l‘tL1lCllCS to the ez1sLw:.u'(l from Denne Ilill. ’l.‘l'1e tnnnili in this vieinity were opened l1yBry:1n Faiusset, and their eonteiits are ineluded in the collection l{l10\.VI1 by the ]l£L111O of that 1_1erseve1"i11g :L1'el1:n- elogist. KLNGSTONIII CHURCH has 11. ehzineel, e 1ltLVO, a squzire Westerii tower, and is iledieziteil to St. Giles. A n1.o1111111e11t in the eliimeel eo111111e111e1':1tes Jo/in iVez,‘/zwsole, Li. 1546, and there are also Il1€1110l'itllS to Robert Dczme, d. 1594, and Joint Ifas/3/92/, (l. 1600. ’l‘he zidvowsoii of the1‘ecto1'y, vzilued at £500 yearly, is in the gift of Sir Brook ]31:irl;.;es. [dressing tl11‘o11;;l1 GORSLEY (Gorse-1ea)WooD, we may rezieh, after :1 fo1,11' miles’ \\‘.'1lk, UJTER IIARDRIQS (po1111l.'1tir111, 303). It gmve 11111110 to FL f:,1111ily settled here soon :1l'te1'tl1c Conquest, which resided :11; llz11'u1:1tie11, 3:33), :1 17z11'isl1 mlj 1113115; Upper Hn,1‘(l1'es in the soutli, and I%:11'l1z1111 en the wcsia. 'l‘l1e‘\'ill:1ges .'11‘e .'|.l)i)lll} 2 miles :1,11u1‘t, {1(li't, ehzineel, sent-h aisle, and loW~pei11twl steeple. The font is of i§et|1e1‘sde1_1 111211'l>le. ’l'l1o1'eeLo1'y, mliieil at £317, is iii the i>7Lt1'o11r1ge of the Lord Cl1.‘1neello1‘_ Elevhii miles i'ro111 Dover, :1nd 4 mil es fm111 (Aj§,Ll1ii0I'l)lLJf§', on the hanks of the Stout, mid in the heart ol‘ the pleztszint 1li(3t1(l(1WS wliioh that “ gentle river” enrielies and enlivens, is the " l1.'1.1~ lowed groiinil” of BlSllOl’S.l3()URNE (p<1p1ilz1t.i1)11, 3/t1), nssociziteil with the l1:.il>ly llltttle use of by him. There is 8. iiiie yew li<:tlge in the §.§iH'(,lC't1, in whose slizide. he lllity often have wetlketl, anal, :ilto;.;etlier, the “ quiet 1)2ii'soii:,ige” is one where u eeiiteiiteil solitary, like llookei‘, iiiiglit enjoy to see “ Goals lilessi,iigs spriiig out of his iiiotlier—ezirtli, Etllti eat his own b1‘(3[‘ttl iii 1V02t(i(‘, and pi-iV:ir_',y.” ’l‘he Uuunoii, de(lic;i‘.e,d to St. l\l:ii‘y, is it lU.1‘g(: 1‘e1jpeiiLli'eiihii' biii1(1i1ig, i'estoi'ed. about :20 y0:.tI‘S :1§,;, norlli Liiul south ziislo, north minl south 1.i':tiise1;ts, elizuicel, fllltl towe .le. The exist \\'ll1(ll)\\', (it live lights, is blzizoiieil willi the ziriiis of lloolter, Ciiiiterhiiiy, ztlltl lIooliester—llie latter in coiiiiiitniioriitioii of ].’»isliop \V:i'rli2iiii, who was rector here ll1‘(>]I1 ll3lS)w38. in the cliniieel is ’lloeliii~y, to Wllltil‘, up to the tiiiie of llenry VHL, the BRIIJGE einiuoii. 24:3 iiituior ltr-,loi'iger.l. lleiice the name of the parisli l3<>UnNic (or, stimiii). The tourist; will fiiid. it 8. pleasaiit stroll, or drive, tlirougli the green glziiles of BoUii,Nr: l’AP.i{ (M. Bell, Esq), following the course of the Lesser Stour. Sonie Szixoii Z’ZL77LZ//ti were opeiied, in 1844, on the Ul)l.{t11(lS which rise, with a, gentle swell, lroiii tinioiig the lezily iiiasses of its groves. To the east lies CHARLTON (F. (Kurtis, Esq), zit the foot of the hills, well~wooiler.l and ]VIl()11lil~ fully Sll£L(,ll_‘,l,l. Our iiext point of tlelziy is also in the Fair rieh viilley of the STOUI‘, wliere the l‘tJ£t(l. iroiii Cliilliznii crosses the lziiitzistie “ nail- bonriie” at the leafy village of . . ]3isHoi>’s ]3R1l)(}l‘l (populzition, 864), ttlltl joins the “V'i:i Alba,” or }iiiitei*biii:y road. The View froin the surroumliiig hills over less, i11l(,lC0])]}i()(3S,()V01‘l)1'OVVI1 (iO1‘11ll0l(.lS and SlltltlU\Vy hollows, over the fertile lzimls of Eastern Kent, iiiziy safely be eoiiinieinleil to the l1(>111‘iSi~,S §,Ltl11li1‘LLti()I]. BRIDGE PLACE is rt liziiidsoiiie se-tit. Zmi>oF‘. Cninioii, dedieutml to St. l’etei-, foriiiorly belonged, as well as the iiianor of Bridge, to the nionhs of St. AIigusti1ie’s, C:iiilerluii:_y, who hehl so 1ii.'.iny hit portions of bonny Kent, ttlltl supplietl so tiiziiiy of its eliurelies. it lies some Norniziii portions, but the l)lllltllllf_; is iiiziinly Early Eiiglisli. It eoiitz,i,iiis at I1iLVC, iiortli zunl soutli ziisles, eliznieel, trn.iisept, and spire steeple. Uiiiler ziii elegmit :ii3eli,i1i the iiortli well of the Cll2MlU(‘l, lies the reeuiiibent elligii of ti iiizin in robes, whose long loose sleeves zire furreil at the wrists. The hair is long ziml strziiglit, ftlltl zi Slllitll hanlge, or clzisp, eilorns the left lireast. Above are two rows of eiiibleiiiatic:i1 ilj__fl11‘CS: God the ]t‘:itliei', with zingel.s4—the ‘,l‘eiiiptutioii, the Expul- Sl()I’l,£t1ltl the Murder of Ahel. It may (IvO1l1111{)11l(Jl'tti'i(‘., perliaps, some Ollltfittl ntttiolieil to the Abbey of St. Aiigiistiiie. On the omiosite ell, ezist of the south Wl1l(lOW, is :1. niche loi‘ at lamp or tigure, and :1 seiinzely legible inscription in iiieiiiory of Jacobus Kasey, 31 years viezir of l'){ll»]'l.\lJ()1lI'I)0, who Ll. 1\[.V.C.XX1I. West of the south ‘\VlIltl0\V, notice the seiilpture of a skull, with it siiake writhing tlirough the hollow eyes, ftlltl a hand witli outstretelied finger pointing towzirils it, “ as if it haul been the cause of the persons tlrzitli.” Observe, too, the II10111t)l‘ii1lS ol‘ e/(l7Lt’,’ .[[m;/late, Ll. 1685 ; ]2'[z';'(zbcl/L (second dziiigliter of Sir fiudley Uiggs;, <1. 1645 ; and Ifobmf ]i’urg7'm:e, d. 1649. There is also :1 iiioiiniiient to the Iiczron de ilImz_/,().s‘yu?'r.2u, Li. 1823, grziiiilson of the great author of 244 ROUTE Fnon Devin: Tl) cAN'i:I«:R1zI:m'. the “E:i1yiigli:iii1. ],’A'l',’tlXBOUltNlC (1-opul:itio1i, 264) is easily reached from llridge. Crossing the liigli road, and fol- lowing 1!. pleziszint tree—slnidewed hy—htne tlnit turns ell’ to the 1‘if.;‘llll, we gain. the vil.l:ige—wliicli clusters upon the north bank of the Lesser Stonr~-titter at few minutes’ wzillc. More We find ourselves znnong hop g:i1'tle11s and corn Iields, in :1 fertile and well-cultiv:ite[.j.;. ,{e1n:irl«: the finish and sliziijniess of the Uzien stone 1l1()1ll(,li1Ij_§5‘~. AS the Dinner was bestowed by John de ,l.’1'utis, zihout .1200, upon his priory of '.l3e:mlien, or De Belle Loco, in Nernunitly, the Church iiizty lJ2LV'C heen built by its 'l110]1l(S,lJl1i} we should .rutlier ztserihe to it It _<.,>r<::tt<3i* znitiqnity. The columns n.nnilt n.l>ont 1775 hy the iltev. Eis- copal l’;Lluce. To this calm retreat, when ])erseent;ed and (lis- graced, he retired ; and appreliending further injuries, concealed his will (it is supposed) behind the Wainscot of the gallery, where it was discovered by the ltoiindheuds, who pillaged and partly demolished the palace, (LL the time of the Civil Wars. C‘nnnner was reinoved from hence to Fo'rd. Ilia successor, Arel1bi.