aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The Scanlan Sisters: (L-R) Blanche, Grace, Eva, and Norah Children: Edward (Ted), Aunt Grace’s son; Kathleen (Kitty), Aunt Eva’s daughter; and Charles (Chick), Aunt Norah’s son, 1913 Left Aunt Eva with family: Kathleen, Michael and Patrick Facing page (clockwise) Uncle William (Bill), Aunt Ada, Cousins Kathleen and Olive (Curtis), Cousin Edward (T ed) mmmm«ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamumama«mm S3ea.339aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4 Above Grandad Scanlan with Uncle Edward Facing Pages (clockwise) Uncles Reginald, Lionel, Edward (Ted), and Desmond tmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IalllvwlatvlvlvlvlvlvlvblvlvlvIvlvlvflllrfilvlvlUW|vl|v~|v|vl|v7lv~IvIv‘vIvl« Above (clockwise) Mother and me, 1916 Me, 1917 Family group, 1917 Lefi‘ (clockwise) Mother, 1 9 10 ‘ My parents at the time of their engagement c19 1 0 Parents’ wedding, 1912 Back row: UncleChar1es, Grandmother Sole, a friend, Aunt Ada Seated: Uncle George, Aunt Norah, my parents, a fnend Aunt Emily; and in front Cousin Charles .e..eeee$$$...:.e$$a$«$$5...5E.aa 7721's page ~_of T _§f'oRTY-oHi:'K;N3-xséz Mafirrvas " ‘Y1!-_j(-)__,\°lERE'.‘ " KQBURHT _A'1"1ffi:‘s'(AKajou ‘nus Epsr '_m 75: Rtién pr QUEEN MARY 5 Afi§fi_55:5 -ixssafi R‘ éL\its.'+ Bi fitufi ygzéiré rufizgxifiz figs? fiaarié ‘Ta sscum; _. fl ’ "V " ’ ' " '1': has esicgcgss eiassxué; TS ;W.t<.‘T“'-*' '9'!) xx: I‘I’I’I’I’I’I1’I'I’I’I‘I.’I’I’|’I’I’I’I’l’l’l'l’I"I‘I’I’l’I'|'l'I’IQQM’! ‘I bWWWWWWWlWUWEbWWWbWWmmEbbmumwwumvuvumuw Above (clockwise) Primrose Cottages, Bridge High Street, Bridge Uncle George and Aunt Grace’s cottage, Bridge t {)5 Bridge of CofE School, 1927 My friend, Ronald (‘Sonny’) Taylor sits to my right and at the end of the second row. Miss Knight is the teacher Jubilee Day, Summer 1935 Bill Wilkinson and Me, 1937 aancanasanmamaAanmmmmmmmmmmmmaanmnuunnumum