_ .3 .l.|fl ‘I F‘? " " BRIDGE 1. BOWLING CLUB. R’ u I e 5 ‘Passed May 7th, 1*93l.V 2 _ 1‘; The name of the Club shall be The Bridge Bowling Club.” ’l.‘.ha't any gent1en1e.11 desirous of becoming a, Member of the Club must he proposed and :3-eeonded by Me1n'bere, and elected by 21. majority of the 'fomnI..ittee. 3. '.l..‘l1e.t the nianagelnent of the Club shall be ca.rried on by a. Committee of live Mem'be1'e, together with the Oflice-re of the Club, five to form a. quorum. 4... 'l'.‘l.u-it a. General Meeting of the -Club shall be held. at the close of the ee2uso11,_, at which the Officers and (.;'om;m.ittee eh:-1.11 be elected. The Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer to give their reports. ..\+ 5. That a G-eneral Meeting be held --during the flret. week in M'a.1'cl1-in each year. tr 1' $1‘; 6. That any Member shall be allowed to introdllee :1. friend, and should he play he Inliet conform. to the rules of ’the Club. *2‘. Reeideiite of Bridge may not he perinitted to play as “Frien(le ” on more then. two occasions. 8. The Co111n.1ittee- shall 11:.-we power to .~s1.1epe'11(l or expel any Member who ehali. wilfully infringe any of the ru.le.°»' of the Club. or whose conduct on. the green or adjoining, p'roperty shell, in the opinion of the Committee, -110- pre-judic-ial to the interests of the Clulo». 9. That no new rule he niade. or any rule altered, rescinded or oe.n.c_el]ed without written n.otio-e- of motion. to the Hon. Secretary. who shall then mill at Ci-eneI'£L1 Meeting of the~Cl11‘h~, .......l .9. in . . 35: 2% Eoflofl _mWm..S we %m£:,.$.,_ 2.5.; A....._._..._.§r ow. o$§.§$. E. > Qobafii wmamfibm om $5. 95. :9: ca omdem o: .9 amndpwmfiob am..,_& :2 33 .Z....::rm:.mu 3 to moasgfiémfi we :5 5.2:. m.§.mS£ $48.. spam _ommo...m. 2.3:. :5eS:.m.. Z. fi_._._E >d:.:E msUmS.:w.S..o: 3 55 c_:: 1:9,: we Hxafigo 3:5... _.__€o .. ._=c.:._._:m 3. £.._@ owmaibm. 3, SE E95,. c:.:: u.Es_H.. 5. .>._._ Eocam 5% W: E3..o.rmm o... ._.,_.:.:..__..:....c_.L .::._m__ we Sr. 25 m:.:...:.Q..HS...,H .:..._._.S:.:. :53 a_§E& 6% $5 :.__.§. 5. >5“ Eonzomum Hfimizim .3 :53 $9.3. o.c..wo:3:_m 5 5 .335: 3. fi2:E.a:.H. 3.. 9 m:.omS.:oam $55. .35.: .._..E.._.m:h S55. _.F...E.. we $5 Z_.H9.no.._: Ezmmm _cH.m<.§1mm .3 Edema. u E. m.ro:E 95% mSmm.fi_n.m mime E .§..m._S.rom 3. Emwnfiomwm flziu $5 Wmmmwmo o.3...do.r maoia .5605. Wm E,:.m_n $601“ mafia 3 SE OoEB:Hmm.. 25$ moowmwow 35: .53 mua. ea. >:.< E.m5,:omH. dowwoaibm OT»? 35% 3 6.3% 933: Hbfimw H.m¢.S.b mmabm 2: moo: mm tommflim. . 3. 2o Embiofi. $55 39% .33 wgbmm m:.a:§m.w: E3&.....m. ipmb mmfidoibm 9 .83.. 353... $949 $5 $2: moo» ob $5 32%.. 5. ewfi ME . .mE.m:mmBm5.om mow Eiormm SE Hmpsfiomum $5: we 5 $5 :3E.m om $5 Oofiflflfinmm. $. E.._.§.S5_omH.m mum <_.§:..o$ Hflfimw 2.93. 33% 3. 9.03% ....d.o_om.H. mromm ow SE mwoob. 3 58¢ 39%. 8 20. Members introducing a. friend must pay 4d. per game of 21 up. 21. 01110:-)ke1*s are requested not to "pass rema1'1;:s or otherwise interfere with any ‘game or games in progress. 22. Wee1:]y Membership Tic._!~:ets for Visifore may be issued at 2/- pe.r.wee1<. 23. A book shall be kept on the prenaiees of the Club, in which. any Member introducing a friend "must Sign his name and that of ‘the ‘friend "whom he introduces, and must see t.ha.1.- the Club dues are paid. --I Mar‘. .i..' .............................................. -- has been duly elected a. Member Of ‘the above Club. ENTRANCE FEE — ZS. 613- . . . . . I . u . ' . . . . . . ' . _ _ . . . . . . . . . g . u ¢ o o o - o n - - - n pa - o o a g . n n u - - - u u ¢ - u . . - . . . . - - . . p . - - - y o ¢ - . . . . — u . . 1cm.~rr C0'UN'I'Y NEWSPAPERS, LTD., “ I{EN’l‘ISI:l GAZETTE " OFFICE, —-— 0 A N T E R B U R Y -- u . o - - o n c u u u - - . . - - . . - - . . . . - - - - - . . c n ¢ . s n u - - . o o -