The Fire Brigade be few village fire 131*-i - There can mat site more eflieient than the brigade at Bridge. The eq_11ipme11t is of :1 thereughly modern type, consisting of '7_ 21 _ Merryweather trailer P1111113, ; I d1-awn 133* :21 Rolls R-eyes tender. -_ ' The trailer pump is so light _.__ r ' ;_- and mobile that it can be tz1.1+:e11 ever 3:- __ fields "end into places near pends, etc... 2:. whet-e it would be impossible for e 1s_1-_ge1~ meter to be conveyed. Drills are " undertaken once 3. week. and the III1‘E-‘31‘__?_l".t-' - -.beI's have a. splendid 1*ep11t.s.tie11 for the" ' smertfless eff their “ t11r'11-euts ” when 5.: :3" called te attend 'i§_E¢TES. The B1'ige.-tie ‘i _. eevers e. large £LI‘B'E1—, 'i11e1ut1i11g Waith-e1u, 1 Ha-r"hi1edewn,_ Berhem, Elh.-3111. “Women.-sl -woilld an-61 C._he.rthem. M1‘. C. Wills. - - !Méhe- eem1:e_a‘m:1ed_ the Brigade ‘for ever 30 -‘ years and is new the Hon. Chief Officer. was succeeded last year by ‘Supt. G. F. Ford, and the present Chief Ofieer .is Mr. A. Gilbert, wit11'M1'. Jack F1*ie11.-(1. as Seeend Ofieer and Hen. See1*ete.1';g.r. the members are Messrs. F. Hegben, .9... ‘Baylor, L. Hen-hey, -- . ._ -Hawkins, H. P_rie.e, H. 33. Price. H. 1 ' For the first "-9 ":Je11es end__ A. Vinten. _ T‘ "*3" =~“’re*r*efl the I*eee11t '- ge.tie's -