0 N()'l‘|-ISt- COUNTY OF KENT |’nrllmnentm'y (‘on-ttltm~m-._y l".lcotoru| ”IVl.'~Il(|l| Polling l)|Mlrlet . . . . Pitrlnh . . . . . . . . (.'AN'l'l".l(lIlJRY l"{lI)(:"'/~l‘lA":AN IH‘IKlCSl5()| JRNIC ((.') IIICK ICSIIOI JR NI‘) REGISTER OF ELECTORS ()UAl.|I"\’lN(.' I‘)A'I'I",, lllth l)('l'()III'ZR. l‘)7l The lllIlt' printed In l)l‘tlL‘l(L'l.‘»‘ lmmetlinlcly xtl'tt:r nu elector‘ lllltl will he ulale to voto nt elt-ctlon.-t held on or tiller tlmt tllllc. I. Printed ltelow u nnme lll(llL‘|llC.‘% than the elector lll N()'l' entitled to vote in rt'h‘[X: S Prlntcul hcl'on-. elector‘,-L niunc lntlicutex Service Voter. M Prlntctl l)el'ot'e elector‘.-t mime lmllenleu Merchnnt Sclttttttti. at mine mid :t(l(ll'C.‘t‘t ntc:tn', that he l'Cil(.‘lIC'. voting age on .| Printetl nltcr cluL‘loI"N ntune itttllcttles litthlllly for service nu n Juror. Mtntilelpttl Ilttlltllttgs. Ctutterhury. Q A33. -tAuuuu:.auu:.a:.:uuut~JMMMMr~:Nu_._.__..._....£S.S —-O\O9D~lc\UIJ~:JI~.)—GVO¢~lQUu.A'..zto-—O‘vO0=~l¢3'JI-b1.JIJ—o€;w\l:'.\