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Jxav %Jyv§g:sTo1~$ €.~ev~§‘~*s51 "V‘v1c;a1':'n5 an «.43 - ens. r‘ %_ A-e~v~v~=-.~v-s~_rW»'_.3,_...£2c~4..«'«§.'=~.I_‘ \3V\"-S , AVVS, C’.'ngga ,‘ @~'=~=T\-e - (Eta?!-\.,-I-W % )20c2- .).\§.v-‘A H JG nwazlfvib .' Java...-3 Meu . _. 5?:-3€'.'-~.-‘_'."'TS...".. _ _ DA Oaufiuavv 5;‘ . ./“$0.. L Iv-LI.dQQ.\ %:,:_sm.¢1“ eamgaaca. II )5. Tcbsaiyss :§..1:w; gfwkws : * ._9U.:‘\"'wC_T<°,; e>R;.—~ D.,\.s,v\...viS A-u-9. >¥ 0Qn3.3 .. Afx>‘T'L>.__... __?=:>c..czXS V IV wows Cw» ‘$75-33- u.\a\M_a3.sc» gg; _ %.;9°,,.,53»u.S»\ xows av . Ow .. .3.~?J?t(ra\ca& \"'\°\.«3.§‘9 . Jvv-‘L «’%='e‘a.n:£\-‘S may % % 5 .M\..0 i‘)"Un‘ 3 - 3 5?“ o “. _-F.'*Q»6&»9»5 _' . (£5? u~‘.c¥‘i.»z.e~9' [ M, . 3 m;g4m , . 8» --—~{ 5%? _ ‘Y Li TT 1%;/”/my Tf Lama. 3% ALQJ1/u-?.&fi\.. TL _, T__PRT0Gr€*3mmé TT_Eoae_~¢rweve3 Sé fT’T7“TT1T*?T«TkaT‘:2TT-%:r_ T sTu'v—‘~:T.TTt€x 6.7 —1I €597‘ H-H‘H- -—rOFENu~il'3rLm¢~:E'rmC-( 4-, CHE53-$5 q Tfi Tser%tTT-1%:H: _ Ts«sT«:er~’ Smsm 5 f585?T*3‘3T T<‘=T*+=9»°_W9T nu 5039176; .—‘r:‘+c«: Huaur-=£6"b TaL&L?.d€ f-Mrvefix, Cm :°.»..Ac;_ 0,; ,g,,g;~g,g meme"! :i’:c’Pflv€ru£.~ ernaamzax rfO!'-°H0Sl"ifF\‘- LGHO lafli U'\H°H9Lé‘ T!’-FT -* Tim+ T _TvTe~«¢~T: ;=r-me:TT HTIQ‘/’§"°‘?9'5‘3:?i‘9_¢.5. T?'T_j§96’€‘ 9" '+!T“U<‘ffTT_ f-5:! "*3, TtT~‘oS€r‘9r~T\£’>4 ‘T“AP5:TTTTT._§E ‘T‘_T'*‘f-T7“ T3“‘:°na’ T =e{ THO Fflée’ snmuse we-rs bemonism--.~.m,% 0fi'~i.S‘ mm; f$fiw»a§w:4%-% - Ffifimrw S‘Pem»ms=*m¢ Hwcf. ' K€éP:ma» LEZNT. Mt_S’E: ‘§iasuom:% ,9-?‘€I.i..«_-_ sm-2% %TuE$_%Vqn:va—mTmrxrf0 few Kfiwfifjfifim. , %.€9san~2%A _°Tf\’\i§f__Ti_.“_.*'.... ‘r?%_Ef§tT€ as eueesé _ :F’Ffl*€?N,, ‘ gm, GH¢I1>:€EN~?__f6.._U'ri.~a- To P-'%»~d'T0m:n.e:. €VM€fl'%W<>?bH;*?5) ES’? 'I€c¢2u°‘ILue-(F QRKE E5,C«’\\°f:'.__M _ I384 Hm’ 7o;I_1ru éf<5‘**°=-r,t ‘becaemvflw E7-':<3r55~ rwtwér HN3>rx=a¢:;-s%:a- Ct-£u:<¢t+ F6779: , _ i T W A_ fl-<*re,:> % F 91*‘! - évaae -‘BuS‘1'6K$/.)_ ___‘ V ‘W L 555"? 55393 '?°6fi.'9€t9VI = ET€$T?!%vN:a¢.e, fir L:’L_mS foA;é' CNHKH 5 <5-‘->f"€3«*+ I P:?x*.f_\,¥..§b._g;y _. ? l°rNN¢-U44-‘ GENEEQL ;né,'E‘Tam_€g, H C1DlTU~3€rfT0 LP/V"%_"_:;‘ Cz.’1§'-€3uuM‘_, CQAQ14‘ /322* ' H53’ kc. mamas: ‘7 E2av~Tr=.m' A "Té:w2% ms I§€’1’D_i§H§ _(EHu:i?i"£H 3- $3’-r%_e¢,‘;g.~;.;\) \je‘S’§‘n—§enM*S_ «ETQ, T %’i1o£T__ SE6-’wea-: 12'; 64.2255 wma ;’Er-\.<.—w, ¢ ,;g; "M L flaah in hané at fiéth seg%. £§.1?¢%g 9 '\ Eglanéé $fi§§% fa£.j@rié& ?%fih fig §t;3§éif%§~?éthv§§n@ 195?, Eaafiage, gragraazea, Fhsaa galla £$.§4 I fiiéa£Lf$r_Ear%y 1 V M§a« %Eafm$shm$nfi3 far msetisga iaifll ~Ex§®m$$$ fa? Spaakers ?q§;' fiiaaasaa Faaas % ?$. . Flgwarg aka‘ fer sick mamfiera i§w %22~tiéke%$ far ¢hil§ran*$ §fi%§a §.??. Eéra af eaaahas ¥ingham &%A$fifar££§.Q¢ gfiiiarature & play eagiaa ?.?§» Kira sf Briéga S ghgsl % Zuifl = Axfitawafiuxfi & East Kanfi bus fare §»() firifiaa far Summer Fetfi 2;?.:bi fiafih ix hamé 9.%1qtkJi o~0 T§§3% _?2.1§i§i 3s€§% 4.13. § ?a15t':}a'r §515§Qa Ealance of gagh fram E.E; fiuhfi. frag Sag? ta flay fiaifi ef Eragvwmfiea Exaeeeds fr&$ E&ff1%$ ?£é¢$$&$ gf Eeatla 3ri?$= ?arga far %maah.%xi§$ C>9i0C7G”0_Dq~ £§1.18.4% £32 .¥..m. 34."/:3. *mfi'H«w&kL1‘izMQ-;“"""'M“."?:‘N‘!l":::":,—A..‘ K1 . aunt-asasuusumap:-»»-3-‘-:vr.%-*~ -. *- ,4 ICWC ~ .+_ ' 3 I 5.. -~ - "“"“: "I""‘H\r-5-' 7-;‘5QPv... nu - . 5 M- ' °' Gm“ “"?¢‘-G Met-nwg was Hem; n- :1. w...,, M':"' C-L-°‘-E (.H°V“\¢- *5" M'35- K. vcitficey R?m.oc,;';s F29... “'5 _. E-£1-vsas. ' h C‘ ! UILI:-fl’C|\§ Hflkp fligoyw‘ ‘IT, . lfofisratl Hao.\"pm1 T51z:m,¢ _ % N - ~ .. - * .fl:’.§_L_‘-;__& 3:17:95 aye. ‘Ffiezc.-.t.u Guap 'DEMO;u5'r'{A1-:9” .q,,,_, EH MR. S.§nKx)\S. ‘'3'’ MR. L.;¢u.v(e.R.- \Ji-L-Ac,E Hm»... ‘l'5opu.. \- > ‘ ' _&’B_¢_l¢..?._‘:E. vast‘? To ‘rue. Leas-rg’Z finim Ki-cuuvtt 99...- _ OOFFEE. lEue.n;uc,L:;s: 9;}; OF FLuu§S) IL) ugghhge Ham" 7'37°?"""’qpm. 071590 rmst-IT. sr “ ~ " A—“—9—¥—3—'—— Q.u~‘~‘-W0-4 Tme- s?En\.'.\>C-.5 . bxsausscom yaw ?g¢,¢‘g5MMG BATE‘ ‘ .6 , db ME-kinks 1£:L*L_SL WI‘ 6 Hang -15°‘ l3_§.-nuum~ qauauaa :I,\|.,,,\' - ’/ ?R9“iE-V-5 -‘y MI'uu‘rE.$ 'Re.n'p. yr Mn-r-mes Am.-.1»..c, |+/ seoennaqs -2.,-,7," .‘/'“?E="°“‘3*-“S RI7aET 6/ Qfiou? :»..s.n‘,uz.s ‘Zena:-r 'y¢I-4A1fl.Mflu‘$ 'Re?oR'C V Ek.E.€.'n‘¢.,,; 1:? “gm g‘F.‘_£as ‘’I/ Am; o‘ru€.2. TSu$\I:..i.£s F*‘TTt~‘.>'-D G-c1~W\ Ha-—.:.;9 {cu -m:. un.£....,e, Ham.‘ 'PRmgr:.a'a wane an}; ms‘ aqua» c...'?:~.‘Rz~.{ {.‘\'mE \~\u;u1'It$ wane 1:-.m> B\( THE $6:-RETMII1 M"°'P.T ; 1 ; fi_u‘I;ERso-o any ‘THERE wazfi Na mnfiaus nkuacug nu) .: 11-IE Muvwrss Anette S:.¢‘uEy 31 canon ¢_,.?-gang. §’(‘fi-ff: SEcoRETH‘R.~{r. ?E?eR"I" wag Ran) guy MRS D - M Ea-.¢..i-ll‘ 3 Rea‘? THE -rasasuaaris Re?oa1“R:Eu:nu.u'uc. II sn'r\sFn»aofl: ._ 4 ..,. '-»-—b-- E 5 I .- 5 ¥ I ‘FmAuc.\‘n». ?0$\'\:|0a-‘I. MR‘ Rea} pea qkou? Léagens Qe?oa.T,‘ft-\nuvt;s-c, THE. SE¢.RE‘tREI.|‘TREHSuRf.'K PHD c.oMv~u‘-(rte! Fe?-. ‘N-\E.‘\9. Lawn». gu.?Pg9:r ‘Vhaougu THE. yzaa. M50 qEnTE:Fu:..:. 11-InuKs To §‘5E1l§sn9J.) ufincu {on Ms QEMERM. HE»? I‘IJ qkou? FH>‘hm'n=S- Au‘D ‘fl-\vnJ\(s To M¢5"\’3.\uooD Acsrmc, .35 .'0E?u\--g LENDER» 79¢ Cl-!fi;fl-MPcIu.S ‘R€?oR'( was REM) <5‘! Canon c...‘?eR9q\w\-xu T1.-\auK€-.b THE‘ -Z no 9. & ‘ 335‘ 3:: M__;_ C19,? . Lqibu? I-EFn‘9£.T¢’-"DE.?~r\( Lea-pea, saczernzy‘ Taensuum. , c.oM¢\.a'|‘n'.' _.-r Meuaazs ‘Foe. 1»-sale. gfitaars no c.HuiLc.\-t flmsmg _..¥$uu!;$ they Tflfi <:.»\~\u%c.‘~\ Qkfifiulwg RQTR ‘ho .~ Me'£”uo‘o~sc.n\».t..v-g ankétfiy. cud’. Canon ?g3k\g R6-I~u‘-iklutib I I-he mount; (‘me MEM‘BE?.$ To ‘rm; aw mftwp -1 RT E.\IEN'=oO‘I~Hi‘ SE.R:u\\C-«E3 gdfué Mix.) ofiuoezs Ehegfay wfiifi‘.- ;4(;_g_¢:.£* slaalgg MRS. T’. nupeiseu. S q M35 » ?. Moon) ;[7Ro?osey ?:\i.K~?;E\‘c,_es M35“ C... HET(RmgTm»; ; MR5 K.?u-.::m.az MR5“ H. Huiksf MR5 - "D. 'i'”"nu..EoT Mm’ $M\‘TH'éao\~J HR5~'\:‘5- wen}? i M“ ?a. wE«$‘tg¢1't M9‘$‘\7=.'B:E\-.:a.‘R.. WHO 1% SQ-toR'n.xg kéfiwwg THE‘ '=r._m a.:‘E.c-1-as -j -ms-tmcn ‘Y0 fine ua Mnnystqufl % cc.i!l.l.$ ‘ N135 ?Re.st-ItI‘9 urn-a ‘up s-mm...ess sues... nun wsnvéoexe 3:; MRS. ;<,‘P..gj;¢,.; ‘fang/\?aFfs..e '?Rvz7..&s wetté won-J Em m§$.$,.ERu;c..¢.s.. amp mafia K. Eu:-.v( 8-mks? 7 ‘ma ;.=;uev.:'wc, oou"ru-aut..'.!7 menu‘ I.?\~»€\°t$nt~JTt...\‘ Wu‘-rs-\ av unease Hwy usnwé '3u§F1:T, ??.% \m;u-an C.?SRemE.?cés wm..s...?&'?E."»?. Siwus-» 7 3 1.9114; ,g}Tu‘9 sr. - __ ~ { Oc>'ffli%..E-‘R 35% ifrvtauxy-m) Ts»; Nammgg ird H-«E \.m..».nqa Ham.‘ MEn.,\/Cfiomq S,?”Pc;w(E F-'I‘\‘.1eu'r 9.959 $5-iouoap Cokoufi $i..ab¥:¥; mo - maflmuw Csumpimqg M» _ .._.b~Jz=;Mi=.>f<’5l 19... THE \3\\~:,..nqz“=' Hr’-xv-L. was THE. $05M; 0?‘ gm . e'wvssq»—»;&z~'-.-. ?€{¢c_v.".uc, ‘fuénfl xwws qérs Cm T’PRa..?m2a"'iw.c.c, Foil E21?» $3‘ Pfivb WV TH-E CA-\uR ms>aii\Lt3'f .‘n~.5 bEC.'E.q.‘V\75‘’f:Za -: F2-~u\M\.:~i.u’~1s-... E.UEv\J‘\vu<‘_l NEmL_ F¥"f THE. Mflxpfiuowav. /\'{E$Tun‘\Z¢aM‘T‘ C..Aw‘x‘6Z?.iBu\2\1 meuemm-.2 52:3“ M&w\'€‘>E;f2.% 33.55%-IMEETR 10 C‘1F\‘l2c\,... $3-Mqiwé, MR9‘ H699 ikw '71-TE UiLw;q€.; Htfirm. (t/0?*$:a.*» ‘rC>tc,i.~tT Tn ‘T1-Tia \;u:..ws°+cl-gas’) T A « as NR9 '13. nmpeasm Cqfieu? H2. abE‘R> XNHQ; ’5‘»E.%~e:=-cor-<5 L?R'oM 1v\E;Mi5;.3_fi2_g_ (3,: s/,.,_3;.,E=..) ’Fo*:<*mc~.. C.i~o$E E%E‘.”-.:; V)e':mT$ 5 Fifi, MEm'?a’E.R$ .Fr’T1.ZE.N‘®E.) 41' THE \an,.m>sq_x;: Ham. 130?. '9: TGLK qaimo $3»; N92~a.mu,.<;.essaT'fHe 'RAu...c..an\; Hnzasme. Hug '.M0“912iZ1fl)H1" f-Hms..¢Pr?~.}i Qtgf 3-L.) ‘THE. uzmvnqe Lxmh, NR-”S.smnH ‘ ‘5TQx,c.:*=mf§) 9?osA£ Om TV-VE i‘-T27 0? §R\U:M|1‘ Hmb Lek-MT “:17 t.m‘t'mgs.-.~ w. . - ‘ _: A Cammvraa’ ME1:<”Tm;.C.‘ E,ofi‘5 HELQ HT "Ik:>:vu§-- Ming C2.L.u::‘c§rE ' (if: my L R vs - = . ~Q,'\J-[Qt R-vE.R$\, -2-r=:=$* -- Ml '~ fi..”__DE.RS5P3 LQQQ Lxflmbxg are Qirigflcir .€HE \;sm..-t9<’1E H-‘-Hm. commlfieé M251-'w<:Hl-flap.-9 #7 §,©vEE?3~c‘ 1-nu-9 C.-i..e$¢_:f_4;_______ - ' ___— ,;—7: ”—7 ‘ ,_,?.r uuapwsa¢'=.f”_i‘‘a''ou¢i-.....“,.L,(;e1: T-5‘-’E'~E 5@u"“-*"'“l%‘»F~9"'i’ 79M‘?-\) $.?m },t!MN fivaw‘ lqN§ Mfiqqldg ’W\\{lwE'n"'mE‘B .\\;c3‘E.RE (‘Li-uaséw H5 ‘mac: 9:7 THE S-,1): I‘1oT;aL.": _ {’59x "9\ZMGN$"‘\’RPkTtoM ‘ i~s,___ - % 3 AHRQH 3* $PtTu%Mq) £92 Esau Dr=nuc..:~ t~e'=1‘~”:a \~—ua.L.9 no {THE \Jm».'.nc1-é HR'L.L~\".\'L§C) Pia) 6F OUR qRcu?S “iuwya RN33 W ‘: |: v v. « *‘.&n.nw..='l*1 1W1: (LT-n;7 9: ?52aF\T or £1% was ‘M93; ?£'3C¢C;Ll F1'w§€Q$aN HTTEMPE} THE Ux'\.v-H-E,1-.’- Ti'ir9t..a_. :5‘ 1 J‘-ii:-§«OmM\T:t£|£' Nvae'n»..ac,Lt~sém7 um’ 5' ?eT¢cmc, _cc.os:«: vvnlm ‘9|$C,u$$caa»\‘b ., W A I 1 .;QwRS fifieuw tuiiua S-wit-+"s’1uu;C, 3:551 THE '\—mv.L._ L?\:fi”‘.'\-ilmcl was Décageg ff; . .|*;f_£)m_'|‘l-its Sa%Zt'~g:;‘\' -\ 1 Q _‘ - 3-*-1 . % , E,';;.H?~?2s »-gm [1 mm qicu? ?2wu3e"g; :4 my sezxr-.—:‘;7 T~’ErR(:5i-«\MEwTS I1 {are ‘THE \3H.\,.me‘é. Hv=+,1.a.—,l’9o‘€Z. c,eM'(,¢R?.\-u:a'noc we u._niZ.E. iroFw€2v\ab gw i;"‘THaiZT:. mew-—p 135'-" W5 ?E6r?L.l:é1%uT THE mumfiaiz Lon; “‘” rfiuofit’-‘Z. “Fe 1c:(;a_1T5u‘T «ME: M44wt°¥C,E.D "Th TIM ‘T"'1.~|E \J“\L.\._&'~‘-vclé HnLL..1 7-DE't'-."_'__'L§..1_S?¢=_;c"a‘o*;'fL L(£_:...>Dp,l...L_;‘ '?.R&l,.s_ I’ j 2‘?-"$?a%e gm “PH-4?. “biuq SCENE 2{flZg;\.. Q.9:‘"_ Fl C»tsT—¥e.a ‘E..\')E-iukuvdf, fin) ‘BRmc_, Flu) Bu\( snuff; 5!. ‘S-vq an, air out Euuys) w..o,s Ha) no ‘me. \3{L.k¥+C1E i-am.u,. QM‘? 0' "?Re%('§ 0? £49. «50 NHS r~m';o'e- ‘ T’.M.&;§_,__._L QW‘ U6’ IVuZm?>E..2": 5:1-ap “use. i5 «RE ':1=I‘ef®Qun‘:?;1'g-.29 F41‘ _.__3 .WIc¢m)~';-rs'“o~me _ T % ._ Q C—O\‘~4mt:i‘T££é ME.”E*3Tn.9(,( war‘: Ha-n..3 F3-"i M .C; Rfiau % i I C»m,»9;'r C\~\ow.:z oi‘ Si-uR}~E~( c;Ru“mac,.,L, : 1. Raexcm fl'N§E-9.":'0U pr"'i‘TEL.®E:j) Tl-Ia T’-c.c,. Nexzflwc‘ KM‘ 'iHE \Hé—¢«>rQmc,§. ‘fa VSCMSS Runs. Mflnmgamnmw fink Cmuacu FETE , C ‘T . 45 <;‘l2'ru‘D “:’\9"~i_3.l;‘M H» \‘V|€v~‘-’\'5*ER$ éNTa\\Ey Fl fiscc,-‘.'u=n. Eoeronmg A ,9Nb -4£%§:‘r'\vuuvr:=,.'ra.ev~:s $1’; fVIv’%i\)%Tew€ ?m.i(;€ mines q?eu? Prmfi) 'u¢r£"2e k§i2“£«-.CacM‘\41:«:?T9- Ex.‘ 155-2111 Nfifiam ‘§*‘ %’F‘e-it’-ins ”i"D“1)??L:a) %FI§.'\¢ \'~1m-ué ‘Ta EoE\DqE~ Q. Cefimxwg C-0i<|'TU-\)U.lQ~‘T(e'vQ G? Q2au??_ may Rqé fiunay->3 -‘-}_js.,;:§_¢;’.d__f'3L_a MEM%‘i‘=’-9.3 wan‘: BM 9 ?vfiMTSLé.\ L’:-:-£9 B61 007 Tm.'E>eT) ms:-$2._ "\"'\«~E %a.z‘sTs"*, in» The any ?au..a,.m L[_1"H-i'i2z‘:vu<’,i-A To B:sHe'\’S‘-/ {5c2xs.fi.m&‘?e=t-usuac, 59r’_T ’i.H\£ Naizvmmg ?o€i T?&?’a2E=‘-‘.aHmemT$ Hub 3, °~«m’i=- 23_M) R l;.-i-4.?.'-sin; '9:-==n2~n[ was l-nu.» acrr in C}?¢::.mo C’.aq,@,,"\' any £142? Pm¥.e~ b~3w=.+$ uwfipé r’—’oR one l:u~§$x§ iiwwfi é’3‘$h‘--fin Kvmaflqawafi MEETING? -.,u:=+$ Lsaay FIT H». QEEEM f..(‘,@u.»\t"\’ MEMRR; iQ"'T'\”Elub€§) ‘Te DrS(‘_,.~usgT Q-q,M.~ §\4sa~1“I£.‘Z$i cm-. L-P‘ m,nSmu?.En\g.1/(nTu‘LDa'T‘*x'S;-auauex‘ wraxza ‘am <:.LuqRq~a of‘: me Qnxée S~rm.x,; i4”'\"'“1'Hc—E_ cuose fée::g(‘Tm; :hcaL.:3 was iMaa..'";nu§ ‘THC: L\t«c°s'T~'\.~aqu%}‘{Hi(\:uC) £26 [Cog Tl-H’: Cuagé Fusubs » _ 3?EqCgi1,g&wET‘rE-. am? EUE ‘Teak Cltuifilqé of; "THE ‘TE!’-3 -rm-..x.. M‘ ?:Qt'i)c.,E %‘[‘?fi$9 Eownmza Hm) i'\4_r:r>é ‘THE fI7RH«;;(,gLLi um Gt‘ 3:09. THE flt';n\:s'T (13714 FIND ?Ro.)c—:c_T fefi ’i°l~|c‘-: <1'h-33>» EVER i S % E11311-= """jth;ie_‘I- %r«e*tiz-mg : H" j:a.'I‘-1'd__Said _. % % % < ” % 1 j «i%i'fI?r‘h\.ef a ;1e1ader , . ', L €:f%itim:e%, thfa:n1ied% ' Sgécretaa %Mrs =Pa‘tT1M0on,V ' % tori her; ‘..f\'|_.ll'-l_ ‘-rajsirggi 'effQ'I"12--in . organising adances Fa111LngV attena;a::¢es and . membership 7 1a,m:1 i_“.di:ffiC1_1ltieS' ’ _I due. speakers cancelling % ?W3re; =r;ep0r-ted! [by _‘th8'=- S_ecre- M ~ “ Pat :Me0m9 who is % %%‘aI%s%oi:%%%%1-re;signing%%% %%befcaus%e % Lefv ~ % ;0.thie;r%%d11ties%.J%%% AL%%%ba»11af1c;}e Of £47, % - + =m%on-ei; la,;st.x y?e:a:r.1i* “Was: % rsepojrtie: t3iy:*theL treasurer. Mrs " ‘ -: . -‘O5-. fié"ers.« e'1écte_di '.Mé%9$d[a;mes% % %Lyin%1r1?; % A;da.:m%s' cl; _Chr.'i'$ % C_o_uS'ins-,. joint leaders ;-'-Mrs -E.j: sofa. :1-?%‘:_Green-;; Court a ;(:p%han§ % %8:3044*9% ).,L:”s*ecrLeta.ry; % %M1:*°s= D; ~ Welch, i treasurer; _ 7 committee. M;eSd3_1T1éS. . 0m1sor'1‘,.=E..:"Stace3x',- B;;.;. Budge, iK,mgs:1ancI; .* a;m1 s. % : RaffleV wir1mLérs% 7 were Mesa- :damessT: W61-ch',1 Decent % and LC%oVus1nLs%V agnd: Lrefreshmentsi ; L%P'1§re;e 3“-!1i1;%%D%.%Ta1hO[t.% % = % - 1 ~ '%%ere~»'T$e%rved b5r"Mesdame§ Kg? : %%members - 'are‘iha;v;ing;an o?ufi“r1gevTto% the % %W%interV%L Garden-s.% = M%,a.r%gat,e.% L ,new::*se ‘a;s0n_j =0p_ens% Mon; ‘ %Septerr1ber :8 With% .9» [harvest %s1_;1%ppe1f a.;t;thje%vi%11age 1 % , . ..- - __ __T_..:-L-"“""" THE Qmmuak. c,c-suezm. ‘ME&‘I.’:vu€1 Qlat-tn “Ni: O 1 Mzmwrasq of» §~.n'$T Mag-\wc__ ‘Ree; 3.-. Y\1fiT-‘,','g_2_€, 9“-21$-,,.,Q,| ~ '$€c.12.e.'r:=-1z._«1€: ‘Raj?ow_r L2-~ Tfiensuaaug ?a?ou$.¢-mess _ j MERE *r’He%a'K’Vw.ew¢:r-\1 M’EM?.~.E‘5.’.$ R“? ‘THE Qgqm. ‘\—u=_.,..\,. am‘ . h..Ui;~L-in,.c‘é Hm.L_.._ Qzanow Ci,."PE-z"av.i, \3eTZ\-{ V./n.ab:.x( snzu l»‘?'(Zi‘-N[€.RQ4'P:‘POkfiC¢iE% wEi>~T:. WEIRD. FROM Smrzu.-24-‘ (‘.Ru'\‘wEc._.a.._ V" /folk. Mfg H~"r"LEm°§;tmq. ?F}T Mecmisfic-.'Rr=THazL(§ Lac’-+5 umnggg T6 F}’I"'Ce“m§ {flE'C.®e,;.6-*,;__,§5 of kkumess , ;-_ t-14; ixwxm’-\,n-'e.g, 617 “rue M437 MEQTINC, maize R2143) Esq Qeou? I 39??“ ?Et“1q.*r) 9*-*‘9E290W ‘;i~3- 7“? fibsemce of? "H-lé SECRETHRY %T ;i'w¢.fa*c—— wavfé M6 ¥".tFk‘T“I’E:.R‘I: Prflzsanswg ea“ 0F ‘Ti-(E N:wL:'r'r:S my THE». qaou? 'Iu*»:“'¢¥)*E‘iL Rainy ‘rue sefczewnvfs Ra:-7'a:z‘i .' Hie»: was pf??£+‘<.eu~a~‘9 \-to fit-aP«mi.~“';r-‘, —' A 1 % T = % T .% V s/47 { *4: % J"%m,oL.,’ { 7' A/we‘. ;=/a,«u.~ % 77 4, % 5 % % wxw «fine 349;, ~ *5 402° ,~‘+‘f' [ Ii G . rmucfivaa waT\~\ THE Xnmt-.. ‘MARKET Q»? tuuwitu E-ammo f?a~$w_,-§ R€Nfi?u’,E'§1‘THH"s“ 1-45 59..-.. srr-u_..__ déixf :i$Hr”??fll:t~;‘iTEp z9~°"\" THE ?ee‘i. ¢—-H\.LQ.Q.\-‘\ Fl~‘TTE.I«u§'n—w€'.\'= or— .‘ ¥V|'E—WL '\7oE§?.$‘ nub \~I0?*ay “-’m«=rr\ wt.‘ ‘(He meufieag wouup mmza ¢.??e,:z,j'(" Ta Re¢,{\1:»§ ‘H-u$,,,-1~\'5 TH»; as-anion was .4 C;R£.w‘\' >'{u.—sU.rz..2 «Wm ':_'\»u-vr ‘H42 ELK-‘?:>.gs was §cm'l$‘\—tEp?' flsaées ’:'H.q..,~.4c;,=é To Tag ?e"?\$.uuc:\ Qfilou? t.aa2.T wws i=+?'f"~.?_cu%23 EH 'E_\;<_a $_Tr+c,aq i=l~m> Seccwfiyfi} 13*-( CA..a4izE. %i.1L.!~iU‘iAM“' "?.e.q_cN 10rM"9a"iZ$m0 Ran; I-—ie22. qficu? Lr=“nye2_s Re’?a2T,, c.om-— _ Mg,”-mwg am) 5:-_,~;¢?;..a4n.:swC3 <_,.-;LH{' ‘THE i\mM1?;%.=.'VL 8? v~1e:MBeR$ W-\fi‘§ L_E’\-1“’i' ‘1”|—.ié.” €‘Rou—?,m.$0; 'i1Em1J,Ro(»‘vuC,. How ‘THE. FIr\;wc»1a°kaoc§_: cw? ?aV\{§»o««'-5 gga Qfifiam‘? ?E"4f.S3«':,@uLi) %E euanczewe BR % _j_.0rk{4“mc,] fimwunw $u‘?sScR\'PTtow €623. REM-“R*"iW% HOW: £>uR 3 Cusuy QQ~\‘5‘:h.vC." E?F~:2?l‘TT‘3 mafia me‘? \)E’R\4 W‘?-L‘-~ "u"??osa*c{§—‘:f‘e-EQG %\¢ NEM-BEQS; ’-(He _’K'c'.;?eR"\’ ma-9 iH??*:2waD ‘B11 _ Prwfi-T‘? ?JnbKnfi&TER fin?“ %.ve'.<:-e“»u"i;)€.\p %‘-It €—\.»—.VH2é ~SRAb.L.'.Ui-’3%N3 ~ £1~.E<:.‘\'i0m. mi“: Nfiw C}\’-'t::c,€”?-$».‘/ii-IQ. (glam? ‘*~f-‘=I5\‘9'EiZ%;l\? {S TU : $i.zfirRE;‘;) :S€)‘\l\‘}TL.J~[ \—~‘/mix: FIW-'am Hwy (“,1-ifitfi CGv.§;v\i%; ‘§‘a.(3M:e} $5‘-Q l{{?3r"'\”'\:-='\ K\31E1Lc;E. flu?» Sagombgy ‘EH Ef=:”i'5—iEi __M-\u"-hm~"s~~ *3’!-‘E ‘Mew $.aC'iE’T'n<{K E?» EH-..EEM EEUHN1 TN9 avefi Q ‘WM ,(=<"cg=o$a'§ 'E‘-\ C2!-\R\%_. c;.e—~...s';mg nag Saceugpa) ‘\ - _ _ hut Fr B {-1- M 5 1:74.42. . T W ., :.H€~Z ”?:a$‘-"; of» ’TiZ€PnSuR€R U-.3i~\..\.. csmmz F}?-;i“Iiu-D BE. Hep; ‘ii ‘Da9..§*r\-xx] we.‘¢...e.H‘ ’PRo‘?ese_“p Ex‘ I‘-€n~.:.e_.,a Fat-;\)ayQ amp EC..m.£fl)€®. ‘EN Y5E'\‘Tx\ ‘%?vpc,e'«’a :- 17.“-xé. New C’t€9iV\iMkiTTE"E ‘uxn.-_=_m’.?;a'i2.% \3o'r-33 Bm'1?;c.oc.v:'. .EPF-:2 Sex-nu<;=.o-.-A‘. Eva $*mc,e~t'. 'l?3E"[‘U{ E=Ra\)c,e§. Jenn Kmc,sL.aAm>~E 3uvu*£-:- Lanmfi 3i~‘[\3v9 ‘yanuzzadé gt .. =W’-'vv-:-‘-=.--.--=%*’?i-\TE 3>uc1qa¢;TnouJ 10? 74|\}M‘vlfil-- $ui?.~,.% bun‘:-. *i9uT 0 ‘THE’ qR6w?1, %e.-.1’ wuls “flyéfi Dawn’ mam boflu Nucti 'xu ‘?\-us.<‘.;sns-»~vx.’mc~. SLiC|C'E$-‘|'lavQ mi The meiaftmge EE.1:~§ at 0Ni‘\'Hl~\{ was ?u\' "?uf'wr4’R) I709 7)tSC..u§.?;iao§) i‘-‘Imp =7 516% 53”\:.%$ To ‘Q~5:§\Je.Q}__%f:’ ‘TLVE. 17tIvn\~ OuT-C.0M€ 0? 1.-Ree: wears To Lanna ‘CH6 NI-3EE."\"hwC,$ ’s$ H-'1 Pa’? [PMS 5p 93$EN7i:Ea) yup Sea. PH? "F!-1155 n~r‘TRnc:rs FHu\..l New "‘lEW56?§ ;.. 'wo."‘= rSI'?’”?V.wC—:‘r>,’Huzsa-t R I-ET"u=.1z <1? ’iHHm(C., BE Sam’ To THE ‘RE“V:i{'mc1 SECRET-afilq C62 HER Vast \[z—:nia's woRv< Fm) AER €\9J-\..;‘y KWORK OF Réssém, THE. 7Re.?rc' .01: 519687 Fok O\s..e Sazwep ‘BN1 “Kn-nx -Renae any Do‘? TRL..‘i$0TT ivr‘*4h ..—«—_—=-rS;.»—. .‘ _‘ ._.. .2‘ .u. . .. 3.. .. _ q‘.1L= C-0ca'«;nx3uE.“p jQL\\ é1.\9T' % ME..su.?yaiz$ Rwy 1’r‘R:E"u‘1)s. \.3\.$i1‘.E:P ‘THE ma},-."-1311 ‘ "15‘li7»‘\)ea\<),‘.C:LiV~.\‘u-’«’T0\xa\:!xt,.1.€_,"Te sea “TX-\\’: I‘4iV{&‘9'.f\?S‘EE;atE ‘mum-r:er.t'$l X-Kom. V A. . 'ER9x;num F991 1°<*\'*1(1,,, gin? oi>%|('2.m 99$. («oil “THE \’x?>i~r~9J A‘. "’\’e°;’i m~ cjsi g€_}..2~‘1D? u.an°=. c..e:m~~ac:ra>','fm Efifiaqjg Ek‘ mz—m¢a<‘.; mddflnm Mom“ ( —§ ‘gwwrx. V Qi:-..,‘3’aQ;Q L\}.dl :2, Han. m7«U?$.,Pryi. 4 l gist: cD;>& fléflefkm «.-+G{.&ls Porn‘; (2060 -.Q.;o,oL 0:: (‘la '. “J.:..¥\o;%s2, and awm» ‘£3 .&m,.,\, l_ L5k;Ys{’e5).».QQ,f1r6CQ2d:ep <.:-3 mkej. -...»:,»b In r]w.__._'3i '%‘LmL0iu2zs A- ' Ldbma. CL ‘U93 -92»\£&—Iu—*‘ ‘% wao g,W:¢A.cna"C¢.gtaa 6’me£2G.«£a_a."’ A _ :. gm % Duf do-z.;.,t LacLd;e.r.hLrs;Qelcmm., mm 9:, ‘ P55 Pacuscn», w’sL_L(21o{ xlfillcr-3:2. {J-c~Q.Cl_. x..;kg,¢, W9, . . “G'=3“\0é '-'€c:ar' (A ScmaiL ..Q»ms..o_d 05. “RU. ' Tim Swan am cu! mmmm Fania. C~n.CA£13¢Q‘ f:.:,_¢_ ;+i zggm ? H9. "CwTmo.; ~i0.rIén;;*' .1zQg,_.,¢ V; H». Jlcm 03 I~U'S.. /4. ?m?c.a £ 7 Cflomi Igrtoiaxa. I377 % , % A % % 7 . av.’ «£2. - if: Q _ 5 " {,J.cL our {law yww Q. "' ._.C., {UL \}_.:uc\_3,a, H-ad‘, U_,_,-L I‘ 1.4. “D; Uagt .erno.—.s.T«u.Ea,¢ 1-1.9, \/.Ltia._3g, H-oxen, om: . H43. 111.19. Lana. map dam. QML Q 611mg 3; (..UCu: fim 4. H4: um ,; % an ‘ cu: 7.l'.£»f§pm , :.t:t&.c.a ~ uscmxlas E;ba1u2m_a¢a‘"'%% % 1 am am. mm. @,ua.m W; flue 39,. iaam" "T1?-; «HIS; G«Dr:-4:2.» 3a...u;,. 3.-, cg? /‘slang; .: mug ska Afim: 'UA;§iL‘f.§.‘€L Ho. 7w _e,%,a;%Vr-.;.=,% . M..." .. ..1.:#'r". ., _-‘a..u;. - ...._ ._.. .-..._.. _..,. ._ .«..._ n. .. I. . .-= .. ._.-. . .._ .._.._. _ A_.._.A.. ; . ..;___. . «Gun? 3% fezxnol‘ . cu-ml mama 32» mm» ed-.7 (A :.Q.,,m lib gf=EvLl:- ed}.-uu.l' H42 “ A,dWd!'. ,: ; mil .9, \,u~_.Ll_. A . T % 1. . % T.» Jufnas £2 ’ %~ tufiao lieu %._,; % tin \LJJ‘{cL.Bg,' H t-Ffluica l‘toJ (‘Mama ‘S Q£n¢,z..“_ whek . we J-Ev-Q} om; L6 N, Cg? LJa.Its- e P.tJo£fs. -» 53c fi8.mzCé’.a N-'3":-N2»" in H-m.Q.0. (2u~01 a,oc«.,~. c>p.a—.'.' -cs..~J?;s.1i!2a ~Q~2.ECaJ $4J‘;Faf{aQL mam on; E3.a~_Q,a..=3€‘.In£.e-3 (J/LG. :G‘,w_a___? » . ‘ffwnm _ M 3%)" 430' mom,0m/s,‘vx.Ls'.tacL rig Mmfiuwia "7]«§m.a.e.T”L Pf. Fe» 5 IV ‘rte H 5%“-’Lt{k.o.:>.:2L€:>“ -91 \-LflI‘C0u\'(&Qu..1 Ofarfic; .§ot.n.s2J.a-,,' ,.., ‘SAW '7‘: . .1.” .2 I977 cmllm :7, 3.42% J-t./.> Ru rug GA Hg. “now. is/W1" {LWE ,- -woo ' ..§4i"g.q,;..;‘*.._E%+ mQQ§;,[ New. vi .9\2.QA ‘Qomfi. dmmi gag 06 Guy _ ‘ H056 LL_H”_:_ Q ‘JJ«_sc:-...'m.m,¢§~, 84 “ g,Qc,,_, Vfim «L 1-Le. .O\¢.,M_ ~ ( _ ‘ . . cue. C/u.f« . . . t’Lc.r-r;u_0..J, '-""'— .. 9 Fifi, ‘€;,x3c:;ktL§<:yg,’ ‘ ‘\l‘Q;-;,.m._§_ . , 0_,_QehQ} rm .::1m..m.o. om; /§E[I Ia :fi ? «J» 2°33: fiifi §:ii;:: f _: gram go-e:<:idsT‘a.z..r5! \)4_flR_%Q__ and 1 “°°‘-0 3&6 Ha \1~‘-e\\&E.uAJ mom ['6 mo $0., 0.“; . lat‘ M3 1) . ’ . T T » gwz $3 an Ram (54. 1;; .,Wg3 auo.(x,.'- Cjogg’ j§,,_da£§ Jgkflg yd“ Hrs. \/-sc,L.¢Le;g 03+-u ,g4..,_,&a\_ fim Em‘ Crass; c5we.w%e« «ed omrmm» «Ha Gm j “F L. €12? L-4:29:92 c;& the Efg:2,cl. CIQSSD and -am...» ._‘-.2; wax: c.u-fiuat. {H33 03%» Qumal J;-4 Pu: Qxomn. 0.3 1415.3. (lnclaxmg. " ‘Fae iilanrunj. GENERAL "i§_&’n'n-{G i°J‘l'l_ HMTUTES 0?‘ L997 Haafiuec Rama, 9. "‘o.m:-.25 43A-11$‘.-JG T Saceaafaay '3 £EPoi=?.T« , CHaF9’rRw_*m~ 3:. _ ,zgPb,,4.:>_T,, I-1-T. Taaasuaezfi €e.«Po_a'r éggafro-N OF New (ii-‘F-;£_.g,gg 8, QM1 cmaz Sesuiass w£.»..u:21 mmzmms Nilcucl .CWW~_ 590»? Lake I‘FLaJd2:2.:L TL2 CJ&g,i_;.a.$é and ,2o,m afinwt ma Gm? La:>a.;:.C>;ma5. gm C3.{u>‘rFm,§ 1 Cc-Arm Soubt. 0» ‘fox; 1% .i£a ”F:~e.o.m.ue: i Hrsg*x>, wu.~.,.k. .&¢.c rte Pcuc.fc..Q., oqu_>,L t.uc.ua ..£_.n, eo¥u’<;.Q.4ska Rad mu; ‘ Dxa: On.uL H2.eU4.:mCcio.L fi—m.c gm ‘rto P.a~o..<.2s2n.i:, ska, Sham CoI’TJj-VU-t-Q. ft». Mg... Tia. E..u2u.,L3So" gm: { V £0‘ u.i.x1«d.rcwocJls. Ha Gm“? mag mam Qlalubncr Ha C4:-m.a..n/6 \I..D_.o-5', lie. 0.0.30 flnmlzm am, mi:-.;M.-.6; c;m..P La.ouJ.n5', r'[l’-3_sC3"i.1{SCi/Lfi- Cami.-as gar J)“; we:-% cu»-¥«««3 «to ‘few, om Hrs. =E.gg;p, ‘:.a‘“o~emsm, _-£05 Dw ‘ox1u.0I1 cuul s».FPo.—t; In M cg.-WP .%'(;rg_,gj M ‘1~=w5 - °“&““ '9“ ‘Q*P*€S$o.cL _eu,, WE, re wuafizfl ..%rawx. fin. ‘Iowa m,3gg comp4_g.1:a2,J,- cL.,Q_ mM,;_g_3‘_ kg cm {E CLULG.» l'c> i .. l. wbu-2... TE 0~fi:o4\c.l.:mc.Q, fins? Hg. %u\\€.'\.:...).:‘\J6 F17"? n-e.:~«2. fcoa-a:-We) A , A, i. ‘_~;,-4.1‘-.-..:'.:.w'; 4&3;-’-G-. _ Hrs. Ch.n:s|Tru: Caum}-A magi mpmt; and- +&=z,uo.sIT5.aL /5 13¢ (,6 Bug- ew LD£.Lel.a.$', c;La..42. 'r'.=:, fta gag max, qg .J Ska . 51,1}.-1 Mt .Q;..£;a gin. Ha U:.\\q§6Q, i. gkg, ¢L,{Q;, Mt, _ Coma Mia cmJT2.d: u—Q'L ‘rte &Lz=‘~“c::rfc2a~l C5? Nani QEE{;;.:.-as. “”I’h.,g, iLQ,.¢._.;_a -Q;Q::~.c.LE:al.. - ‘ gw-0»-€« M 5g‘*-‘“°W$‘-’- rm gmndq, LJ»c:rc=e.L Hrs. éxi.£;.0~. 1’ Hrs. CIou.L.g Sb~o;QJ.Ué-A. (Tmumg) W‘ ComrrL{H:m:a.. r‘Ls»m§i-.0135‘. imam _g;_.U;ja¢y1a_g'(_'¢,r'EQ—,-g," {Eat cm rte Gem? is so E:-mc«.L1‘ \+wJ:-, «gov: Comwxl-H'.aa» 7*1£2»r¢\Qa.n§‘» 'L.:»3.c~.Qpi‘ $4-7~a&lE-Qs’ % taje-L2’LfifLQ.€-5 w.o.eQ.;H— Has. 17mm Lam. _H¢$« Hts. €M°'\.aX F1-(Sn igasamaglg, i’L0h~a'12$i .c>*?_::1:..§g (gas.-flags-_. Ti: c:;ci,..ga_d, f‘(_g (T;.,.,, F; - _a&v5#:=-.4 -«L-av-u¢-a=s¢a-nu-vs‘-eguvu" " ' » ma. mwm rvuszt, Cam rm mama wadmxd _ uéadl mc,o.ILO:L3 ».i:r\§CQ._c:.cL _ tu,~.;« .~Q'fl‘,_ac"L',_.,.E.,¢= &,,._\— N11 t_ _ T T 1'“ % ’ :__ % *7? HGM. (c¢.,g,L;,ld3_ [5 Tia Ga1<>5.ImS Lt; was m_um.Qn23;$ L.».3c_;.- LQI Q; rolfinnx \;{s.£,{_c,, ‘go.-na.Q_.3.§ QQ_§“'-’QU_f°./1_,ii.l‘ t ‘~%¢.< 9: xim-§ mm N1.» I Q:EIgQN§°ga_xfl 23:’! C KEN1. QSS.(f§C'"I»"-1I\£)£\3 Q-‘,oe'114E. Q foul I 03 ‘£53.99? was OoilJ;o1(EgL- E-’1o{Aol.Q Q3 Vwkunizmis Raw t ;:v-1-v“‘“ VV 4 .4.~.;-..——_ 4.‘-‘ .w.-,«m .=‘~-w ,. A..— .+-.4 W11(Cw:~..;..D % {Jr-4. % 9: U-£1 H3} -mm; {3e‘fJ.ulo~1‘ |Jr<1N£S.E= I‘? upper“ G—3l\L¢2‘—-Q. WM will °ICnr\ch2_¢aL. Gad p»o.;?;:d.uL emu ( ,‘.A'«‘s'!-en ..-ma» i Cam 4.,;.;|‘ _ ff: H55 % ' Hr.Eafl.J:a. am. amt ts-«T19 uaré «av f1oScm¢§.,.1‘e..u -| dmo.;;,,._ as £2.m:,. m.,.. E,;.,.., Fe”:-L..:ca~e\3 M; gwh, ' U2. Daze: GA "op. &m;ng" rfr Emma, gnu-'2. A % Leemmm. l"cJl2.,u,£e:f; 9Qs-«F me); at its Qom ofi rl.s.4£.?a}:a. fig frlunia L_.,+a Ha uc..n.’o»Ls C:xSScfi'w\2z\JZ fig Ckwck Gmslim rla)e.z g.2.\ap7 sac, m.‘='=* us. field cx'Ch:z~G. euW.3" .4, H4 Uhlaja Ms, 9.-M9. 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IT‘ SECRETARY‘ s gamer Lssereenea L973‘-JULY 1974 Ehe year‘s Pregame passed‘without many hitches,in September two dCommittee?s‘meetings were held at 7,Windmill Close(one being an Emergency meeting because of bereaveent in Mrs K.Pierce’s family) Asking Ere P.Anderson(Secretary) to preside at the Harvest Supper fin her absence. )”T Members attended the Harvest Subper,which seems to be,a popular event. Only 8 Members attended the-Husband and Wife [Service held in Canterbury Cathedral at 8pm,although Rev. Proctor was quite amusing in his address on harriage and hit the nail on the head several times. Gctober found only one Committee meeting held. A Judo demonstration was held in village,by Mr J.Herbert and helpers,causing chuckles from members but no one volunteered to be thrown. ' ‘ The village Expo was held in the village hall,the stalls showing the efforts down by different groups to help village life to run.‘ Rev~Blaxland spoke to members on St.Luke and the goodswork spread by the great man. '1 A Visit to the Canterbury Ambulance Station by members was thought very interestinga: ' November hr gG.Watts showed two very inresting travel filmsabout Switzland and Guesrny ” sffilm and talk on the good work done done by Oxfam,was given by Mrs Cooper. ’ « Members enjoyed a Christmas Cake demonstration given by Mrs N.Sharman, , who afterwards hindly iced and decorated‘a fruit cake made by ers»D;“* Welnh,who kindly gave it as the raffle prize. «e 5 « Eembers met at Mrs k.Pierce’s home to price the gifts for our stall we running for the Church Xmas fete. ‘ E ll’ ’ December The Bridge and Fatrixbourne Xmas Fete was held in the village _hall, A night of Carol singing was held in the village halland the Senior citizens were invited to join us.The highlight of the evening was the Xmas table decoration compertition judged by Mrs*%ordan.Mrs Kfierce presented Mrs.Betty haben with a stainless steel nut dish and a card signed by all the members(as she is leaving the village in January) Januarg l974 started with 24 members visiting Highland Courtto enjoy an interesting talk, given by Mr McGuiness(Head nurse) on his work with the Mentally Handicapped in his care at the home. firs,E.Pierce asked if there was anyway members could help or any essential item; they need at the home .hrs ficGuiness replied a Tumble Dryer would be very welcome? ’ Mrs Unwin gave a very interesting talk on.aL”Day in the Life of a Doctor's Wife" and seemed very popular with the members. Febuagy Mr.W.JohnsonN.C.B Eanager talked on Coal industry through the years,and followed with three films ”Fortrait of a miner“,”New world” about advanced cutting equipment etc ,"Trees on the move“to me this was Very interesting,how matuee trees are up—rooted ,transported and re-planted onre—developed ,but barren 1and,thus providing instant grown tree“s in one day? M Mrs.M.Elgar (Chairmanof Diosan of Mother's Bnion)spoke on Young wives Programm ?lanning and hrs.R.Davey(Chairman od Young Wifes Group) spoke on how Young wives fit in the structure of the church. Saturday 25rd ,Members and their children enjoyed a be-lated Xmas Party in the village*hall, this merriment was followed by Mr.G.Watts showing coloured cartoon films.The children were each presented with an apple, orange,sweets and a balloonon leaving the hall. SEFTEMBER i913}Ju1y 1974 continued Febuary continued 30 hembers spent two hours one evehingknittihg squares(sponsored by kind friends) to raise money to buy Highland Court a Tumble Dryer. About £170 was raised through this effort. §A§§§___ Rev.C.Harrington spfikegabout the Passion play preformed by the Villagers of Oberammergah, onee every lfi years. the preparations for this play takes one whole year? But their efforts are worth while. The great sums of money made is used for the village's benefit.R?v Harrington illstrated his talk with film slides taken on his visit to the valley in 1960. 15 Members visited Highland Court for the Officalpresehtationof the Tumble Dryer(which was delivered Earch4th) c Mr.M.Bethould gave a interesting talk on Antiques and illustrated with film slides, and Mrs.K.BuckhursL kindly operated the projector. Several members visited the Marlowe Theatre for the Canterbury Operatic Societyfs performance od "New Moon“ and a fish supper after. APRIL “embers visited the Canterbury Water works,to View this establishment is an eye opener,because one does take for granted just to turnzthe tap on is so easy.do thought is taken about the work that goes on before it reaches us. Ehe Canterbury Lions Club member spoke on the good work done for charity by his group through the year.This talk was illustrated by a film about Gra vesend's efforts for their charity work. Gnly one Committee meeting was held this monthat l4.Green Court theme of Mrs.S.Crutwell.) . MAE Mr.J.Goad spoke to members about Astronomyof the Moon .Planets, of which there are 9,this hobby requires lots of patience as observation of planets and stars ace watched when other folk are going to bed? Members were invited by Wflngham wives Group to a Gemini Fashion hhow, which was held in their village hall,we thought it rather cheeky of them to charge 10p entrance fee? On-May 25th we manned our drocery stall at the Flower Eestival,which was held in the church yard of St Peter's church Bridg§.‘$he stall was operated on a rota'soheme by members, and at the end of the busy day £86 was raised from sales for the church funds. JUNE “ record evenung was held by members-in the village hall,this .was based on a Dessert Island scheme ,siX members choosing a record to be played and explaining why they chose it to be played.No time was wasted squares were knitteé,for another blanket for Highland Court.To‘roasd the evening off,members dined on fish and chips, kiadly fetched from C/bury by Betty and Margaret.(Members pflying for their own generous portions. ‘ On the l2th a Coffee Evening was held in the village hallin aid of funds,the grand sum of £18.50 was raised. A Committee meeting was held afterwards to discuss the arrangements for the A.G.M. On the 19th the A.G;M. was held at the village hall;35 members attended,it proceeded with Canon C.Perry saying prayers,the minutes were read by the SecretaryQMrs.P.Andersoh) and there were no matters arising from the 1972-1975 minutes and Canon signed same. the Treasurer(Mrs D.Wehch) read her report,&une 4th cash in hand , was £8 1 V A At June 19th 1974 cash in hand was £79-82 Less outing coach fare;l2.00 Less Theatre tickets 31.00 Balance in hand at June 1974 33-00 Raffle Subs have realized 51.88 Coffee Evening (Profit £8“5Q} TV? T .;L: a “rw?”“ id 55$ ' iLourn&eAIC%QA June continuedrfrom page two The Treasurer re—narked that the 5p;péia1ty fine for none attendance Has helped the finances-to keep solvent. Having opened an.account at ' the Hastings and Thanet building Society for the Group's fund had ' already realized £l.98p interest. Ers.K.Pierce(Groip Leader) read her report,she thanked the Treasurer for her good work through the year,and the Secretary's and the Committee's loyal support.Hrs.Pierce read agletter from the Close,Brigdge for the for the very generous gift of a Tumblr Dryer,for the residents use, bought from the knitting marathon held early in the year. also a letter of thanks from the Mary Sheridan Play—group for Mentally Handicapped children, for the money gift we gate them from ‘the balance left "from the knitting marathon. *Mrs;7B..Bridges°“**““ ‘””“l§’”“7f°l‘ Ghairman's report was read by Canon C.Perry,who thanked Mrs.K.Pierce, for her year's work as Group Leader, and the Secretary and the Committee for their loyal support,thanks to all the work done for the Xmas Baiket., and all mho manned the stall at the Flower Festival, which from all the effort put into relized the grand total of £5l2.76p. ‘ Election of new officers ; Mrs.K.Piecoe said she would be stand as Group Leader for another year,but members agreed it would be a good idea to have an assistant G/leader and firs b.Wood agreed to stand for same.,who was proposed by (sec)Mrs.P.Anderson andsecouned by Mrs,K.Pierce. Mrs.D.Weloh agreed to remain Treasurer,and was proposed by.Mrs.CLCousins and seconded by Mrs.fl.Hodgeson, Mrs P.Anderson agreed to stand as Secretary for another year,and was proposed by firs.K.Pierce and seconded by Mrs.C.Sullivan The new Committee duly elected by members were; 1 “ Mrs.J.Waltofi\ Mrs.S.Crutwell Mrs.E.Bevan Mrs.D.Talbot , _ , --7..» ——a,a_. ,_ , -. :4. -..\.,\\::_ . _ ‘.v—t;_«‘. if ~ ‘ :"1£$.-T Hrs.B,Smithson Mrs.C{Herrington _ ~ i i “ It was interesting to note that four old Committee retained their plea on the ggg comhittee? ~~ 1 - " Mrs,K.Bnékhurst resigned from the retiring committee owing to pressure of work,and_Ers.G.Harvey also as the new baby needs all her attention. To concihd.the officalside of the A.G.M.members enjoyed a cheese and winebuffet provided by the retiring committee as Secretary I sincerely hope I have met with favour with all of you, although I do realize that you.may.have halt that no} all met with your approval in the programmfi ?fiR&>a$2~~~ SECRETARY*S REroari974/1975 I ; Ihis year has been a varied programme,the planning was helped by ideas from members of the group i We nopened with the ever poplar Harvest supper,the evening was very pleasant,the secretary Feggy Anderson presided in the absence of Group Leader Kath Pierce.3G members attended and 6 new members were weloomed,apologies were read from CanonC.?erry; Still in September,hrs.N;Hagger£Matron of Borstal Prison Dover) spoke of her work with Teenage boys.Her work has led her to several prisons during her 12 yearsiin this heart breaking branch of the M prison servioe,but from all the good work put into the Borstal Training it has‘nt been a suocess,so the authorities are lqoking for another solution to the problem.Interesting to note that in l973 onl1g8Q women ~were convicted against §7¥QGG nen?i In Gctoher 5% members enjoyed a Very interestégg visit to the Rover fioy factoryin Canterbury,and were shown round the several denfis r by Mr.P.Santer(Personal Qffioer) and Mr.G.Greenaway(Produotion Hanager) This tour consisted of cutting out on very modern machinery of soft to,s, filling of same ,plastic moulded toys,moulding of dolls heads,and doll s furniture.@reat interest was shown in the machine which makes plastic ' eye lashes for Basil Brush,who in this factory ends up as a night dress caee?The dolls eyes disnlayed on very large oards,looked weird staring up at usiheing different colours.?hey were thanked by"Mrs.Anderson. ’ Still in October 3a.N0 7.prodnot beauty demonstration had been aranged in the village hall and 20 members from Sturry Group had been invited.But alas one Demonstrator let us down at the last minute. apologies were made to the Starry Seoretarygwhoooheerfnllyrinformed me that they had been let down hy speakers several times.(No comment from me. I l “ ’ - November started with a “Know your cuts of meat"demomstration given by and at fine shop of Mr.B;WelchW.This was very intesting,to know that Beef weighing in at l‘G0Olbs,loses about half of this weight at the Abbatoir.Another interesting point is that only Zlbs Fillet steak is found on a whole oowgand only 2 Chump chops from a whole Lamb. ‘ Mr. Welsh kindly gave 3 parcels of meat-as raffle prizes.$he~audienoe each carried their chair back to the village hall where refreshmenis were served and Mr.Wolch was thanked by Kain Fierce who also welcomed one new member Mrs:Beryl Harris. . “loo in November l5 members were invited by Starry Group to a talk and demonstration given_by J&E.Coates,of samples of work made with their crochet and embroidery;silks;(i.e.sasples worked on cushion coversgdressing table sets,aprons,oollar‘sets,eto and the unusual art of tatting} Afterwards the audience could purchace booklets on.the subjects shown. A ‘ ~ ‘ M November Both fonnd several nenbers manning on a rota system our gifilstall at the Annual Bridge/Patrixbourne church Xmas Market.¥he grand total of§28a70p was fiaken by us for the chureh fonds, V in Deoember an interesting talk and demonstration was given in then village hallon Christmas decorating by Mrsrl Gouchman,who made artifical flowers and dried grasses into works of art,also tips on how to dry the differs: flowers and grasses from high summer.afterwards members could buy assesories from Mrs D.LaVer,£8 was spent on purchases and Mrs Couchman kindly deducted 10% of 80p towards our funds,They were fihanked by Mrs.F Anderson. — SECRETfiRY*S EEPOETl974/1975 Continued To roahd off”§ecemher members and their older children very kindly Visited the Chapel at the Close to ehtain the residents with Xmas carol singing,and 5 readings of the meaning of Chrismes,§olly,ahd carols wre read by members and letters to Santa Claus read by Miss Teresa Harvey,Highly delighted the elderly residents.Canon C.Perry thanked all those who attended and Mrs horothy Beceht very Kindly invited members to her home for refeeshments afterwards.Also the children and adult members of Eridge Choir sang carols assisted by Mr,S.Lewis on the organ. gg§g§§§__;g1§ Gpehed in the Village hall with a very interesting talk and film slides and cine film presented by Miss M Dowley and her friend hrs D.Lewis on their five holiday spent in Canada,which covered fioronto, Gttawa, Montreal and Niagra Falls.I could write quite a lenghly tale of interest on these talk,bat if interested any of you could read my rough note hook.Gne item about Niargra Falls which stands out in my is that the spray is so test from the falls that in waster it freezes on the trees and bushes and railings in.long icicles,and that a boat caught in the rochs at the top of the falls a few years ago found that one of the young occupants hair had turned completly white whenthhey were rescued. They wre thanked_hy Kath Pierce who also read letters from the Matron of the Close for our thoughtfull carols visit and thanks from the woman res sidents for their Xmas gifts bought by mamhers.Two new members wrelcomed» Mrs J. Boats and Mrs.P. hchonaldeon. Saturday llth A Bars Dance was held in the village hall in aid of funds, M.C.was Mr .K.Edwards and the ‘Barn Stormers*.Mr B.Welch and Mr D.Pethere bridge kindly manned the bar for us.A profit of £16.00 was made for funds, %Wahd 84 tickets were sold,and refreshments wre served by several members and vote of thanks to everyone who made this event possible was made by Mrs K.Pierce. to round off danuary hiss K.Yougng spoke on ‘Schools and changes'in the village hall.Eroml870-1890 the school leaving age was l2years old.By l944 the system had become very advanced,being Known as A.B.C.D. dtreasxuo to date the Education Authnoties are in favour of Ce-Education?.Miss houng was thanked by Mrs Kath Pierce. fiehuarg 5th Was the re-turn visit of the he 7.PFOduCt fieauty Bemonstration in the village hall,given by Mrs W.£ones,who explained about skin care and which products to use at each stage.At the end of the demonstration, one member fro m.€turry volsnteeeed to be made up by Mrs.%ohes.l think the sicea thing about Boots demonstration members are not compelled to purchase the products on the»spot.hrs genes was Kent very busy filling gp skin charts for members,she was thahked by Mrs Eeéhdaiheod. gtill_in Web or ,Rev R;Harris was unable to attend to speak on “His Exoeriencec in the Mission Eield’owing to illness,So Members attended St Peter's Bridge for awflisscusion on Church music presented by fir P. Giles(the church organist—(fiembers invited the church choir back to the village hall afterwards for re+freshmests.All were thanked by hrs. Kath’Pierce, March 5th Members engoyed a very interesting talh onflhe History of Cadhury'giVen by er. .Hayes(%iv.,Area Manager). $he firm was founded ‘in'l8d& in the hullring in Birmingham,they moved to Bourneville in 1869 where to this day, they still operate the business.they started with a staff of lO,but now employ l7&0O0(70% women?iThey are hog a world over concern,with factories indifferent patts of eurooe.Mr 3.3ayes was thanked by Mrs Brenda fiood,and the former supplied some very tasty dadbury products serangr re-freshmehts.Incidently T.V. Advertising is very expensive,but Egg r strangely the most ecnomical way of advertising, A to round off March Mrs Effie Johnson gave a very interesting talk on how to make a Scricptuee cake,this consisted of 13 members reading extraots fron the b1ble(which represent up to date ingriedents),“ the finsshed cake weighed about 2lbs half was given as a raffle prize and the other was sampled by members at refreshment time.Effie was thanked by Mrs Kath Fierce. In April an interesting talk and film show on Bird's eye Frozen floods was held in the village hall,presented by hr 8 Jarvis and'gr D.Walk§r, Deep Freezing was used as far back as 70fO¢0 years, but it was 1924 when a American in Canada discovered the possibeimethods of quick freezing. Most of bird's eye firoducts are grown in asst Anglea,they contract out to farmers(reserving authoroty on instrution etc and harvesting) from the field man by radio control,the vegetables are harvested,blanched, frozenand stored in 30 sinutes(Birds Eye declare that veg over 48hours old are not fit for freezing purposes.They were thanked byitrs-K.Fierce. and once again members enjoyed fresh cream sponges chocolate eclaires for their refreshments. V t ‘ be Still in Anril Members enjoyed a interesting trip to the Lucas Lobster Farm at Reculverhan interesting point the eemale lobster carries her eggs for 9 months?,5'000 eggs are laid by her,but 90% of these are detroyed when they reach the surface.Hence there is still a big head ache}so hobsters are imported from Canada.R‘cord size Lobster caught to date weighed in at 44lbs(at £2.95 per lb that is a lot of dough) firJE.Lucas was thanked by Mrs Kath Pierce. t ' May 7th A coffee evening was held innthe village hall in aid of funds ‘blue a bring and buy*sale.$t was open night for every one.The stalls were run by several members, the cake stall as always very popular, Mrs Upturn{Matron of the Close)kindly gave two large-delicous hooking fruit gateues,one was for sale and the other was given as a raffle prize(won by ‘Kath).The grand sum of £25 was raised for the Groups funds Mrs ?.Pierce thanked everyone for their help and for people coming to support us. May 21st The Rev.C.Harrington was unable to give his talk ‘Question Time’ owing to impottant business in London,Rev.J.fieek(%ector of 3t Mary Bredin‘s chuch C/bury )kindly took his place as speaker,who answered members questions in a very tactfull,cheerful,up to date and satisfying way.Gn1y 14 members attended this interesting debate? He was thanked by Mrs K.;iecce,who read a thak you letter fromf?ev*Blax- land for our signed get well card ,sent to him in his recent illness. hlso letter of thanks from the Blind A§so.,for the annual door to door collection by members; i §gng_Ath;_ 22 members visited Colledge farm at Wye Colledge and the added highlight wastouring round the farm by tractor and trailor?and Mr S.Kenton EFarm manager)was our escort. who is in charge of Dairy Farming and Exper- emental feeding methods. there are l'OOO acres at Wye Colledge.Mr Kenton has a valuable contract with Smedlyfs Canning factory to gsow 65 acres annually of Navy beans(for baked beans.We were also shown the milking parlour,cow shed cubicles and the silage grass stores(a food very much liked by thel3o cows onthis farm,who are encoranged to eat at least 80lbs per day of_silage(which increases the milk output very much) We were unable to visit the Pig research Dent owing to Swine Fever,A rush was made to get back to the main entrance in town before dark,because of no lights on the trailer,Mr S.Kenton was thanked by the Sec.Mrs Peggy Anderson in the absence of Mrs Kath Fierce. W June l8thd Due to an oversight by the Rfld Gross speaker(their annual General Meeting was held in London onthis date)she was unabie to talk é&#gn* ihe work.of the Red C¢oss‘.However Miss E.White (R.K.TUTOR) Very ‘ kindly came to talk to us onfGenera1 Fisst Aid in the Homeetane member volunteered as practice eatient and members asked Questions.Mre K.Pierce ‘thanked Miss Eidthiteb ,2:m';i. 2-:<:r“i'; T July 1st .flrs K.Pierce and Mrs .P.Anderson kindly accepted Miss White's invitation for coffee et her ftat in Canterbury at 10.50am. There four Committee meetings held through the year. Sn May 18th a P.P.C meeting was held in bridge Vicarage to discuss the planning of the annual chuch fete sta1l,our firoup being represented by Mrs D.Ta1bot and firs P.Andersom. ._Eiaa1?:£ would like te thank.Mrs K Pierce for her very Kind co-operation through the year,working with me,and the kind support of the committee, and all you members for you gooé attendenee through the year,£ know the programm events don't please everyene,but one can enly try? GRLUE LEuDfin‘S fihruhl 1975/1976 lhis yeer‘s attendance has dropped from,l oelievo I am rlght lo saying,from 49 &¢mu$fS to 2? on the rogisteréreguler members totalling l5?}. which sounds alarming,Llll you pause and think.xEour members resigned from the oommittee,a combination of business,new babies,end evening olasseo..hhese ladies Gflliaéd politely by writting to me personally explaining why. Three members were very annoyed at paying at paying up the 5p charge for being absent from so many meetings(this formality could be overcome by paying an Annual subscription). Qne other member is a dedicated teacher,snd in her letter to me,said the few meetings she would be able to attend,would not be fair to the more regular members. Another member felt no one was being friendly to her! Betty has been ill but I am happy to report that she is feeling much better,end is making the effort to join us(inoidently she is the C/Bury driver who used to ferry three other members to our meetings. do per- haps those three will also make the effort and come; _I5_>nl1'pe E’~.nrme and ‘Betty Dewar moved 130 haidstone. Our fund raising efforts consisted of a Coffee and Bring and Buy Sale,e barn Dance and s hence in hekesbourne hall. got one of these efforts were supported very well by you the members,the efforts of Pat organizing the Qenoe,resultod in the grand sum of £58 which ’ will help pay for the coach hire and Eheatro seats for our Annual trip on July 21st to lhe Winter Qardens. ‘ Io please everyone is an impossible thing to do,but the Secretary, Treesurer,Committee and I have tried to make the programme varied,so if in any way we have failed to please l do spologize,end thank you for your support through the year. The reason I an resigning as your Group Beader,is because l cannot devote enough time to the Group as I have in the pest. N lo dis—band the Group I feel would be e pity,but if you the members feel you cannot undertake the position of responsiblity,then by ell moons vote which ever way you feel best. l myself have enjoyed being with you, thank you all. g c OHhA4*””A ‘ R"%“" , 51“ I<=z’}(; T T I — ‘Fe; cdgu ?T’iflTTTTTC.i'\A.éir§7wc«\.§ £3-*¥?>GziST_%7®LmC3r V\fx\féST _ T T T [9178 ‘T’ TT59‘7CT3‘ITT I‘ T Eo4:c:a:"C« T T T ,LT I L./.2. T$l7§_;L“fb,‘*.TafiTT 0&5 Tcsuf C)/\.T T('(TTa T/4 37*‘ T .T_ II S&f>Emb4.>.£‘ T oa.u<-T O‘-+3 TT pica T Onfit Hr’ at HIS -p.0~it N [356 Cm. .©_c;c.apsLLT‘o~u j Cd ’ .060 ' gait I'T\.Jb L C.~>fv:.> V .T ll.Q“. _ s.a«:.-—Q;~o% ‘T'\-u}; D I ‘cas ° /3.3: CJ«'m_:s(7ffl ..-._ ‘ lh S\'1c:>uJ.ol. gxaum. SVEJQQL (‘:65 '. Fm-an ‘5>i2.s.=.@<:aA.H wilt; 0:4. e ; —- A—-«— i»~ .,—.——'..‘, . .1:-F." ‘J. F. L H9 -r2—=u~£vu—:rw( "g\<;s.£71 \'_c» Gan‘ uéwa _ T<;1.A— U C.sz.br-Aug.‘ _ "”U£__‘ _ . ._;33§L’:‘.. Vqpr. gitsgei-:2;* .,_ $19 \/.Q.sT.».5n§_ mg if 7 "T":"*'" V’ In-7 ‘ 1,‘: - L4’ ‘-9, ,.rrF—- T T Gm L.uT.Q,TT _': C'5’LQ£1-=.-5“-‘>9 J»/U-’b T T. Ca‘w:u2aS._ T I QOEIT fiéimdt gee‘ I T I‘ T ' item <.~:><:-—,T ta ~€m_x\TT I G: T (2—emTrfuL'"m+mCFi. exit- .T ' QT rdTT \iJ;..é‘}.‘L (‘'12 T E I ' , F—-3<1scL.. .CA:>il«2,7.2 T‘ TUQ. - u,Lm:’c I TTTFOTTTTTT T'_fzTTc::»’L—T TS.c> “ '5¢}:C \ Ca<:-<:JvT Tu~.>e.T. TT<édm<:s‘t:.. _i’tr2»T (7\.P.T =1 uxuz Tb Lula Que). z1TCogé.p_R,.. Evr_p.,—.,.,.,7 and t way. ‘ /QQJFR grv" ‘ . _ WW2 G6 _...Mo - . cw’ ' 'r‘\_r,3. '7 zm -QM-ZfLL.n.. { 7‘ L * rte _C_' ’ ._J.~.9.a-1“ gaaf * {“~;'.“': (A-."a0Lt‘1.Q# 17.22, r$_~.-"T-:3:-f’I.J.£i.'J\.2' ix am! pm... ' 5' W13 <9 , at _ _\.._...__,.___.Q...... Hi ’1G‘%._ “Lam bus 3 ;L«J.a»f:a_... .[::c~,t2 T<'>U.:?J. rYl0ef10LA.»=f..n« 2.' .flt.PF4'O5éit:~’\.9J:£?_J'2:_.i 7%/IE-. gar /_‘Ct2 f_.-nc OH-Gib .C;Lc]c.2.e:~ _ L0"B3_.C3 ,OvrEd,’tc;Lg..¢3.. , Vfb Q-Hu.ic~»..” ,5-=’r _ .2..va L , Q—\c.w2.. rt?» Qrx boii. . V *7 Tense tame B.~anc,\c:.£ j’E\=:~..9=m not: _b.m:.n czo ‘CV15. 4_ lb, ,.,/ou£:.l'€_©é;: T cdu.:c-7s_ /ass» JI_1‘lT:CT'Lat.s.-‘$iC::S.-.’?c=!\.e, C:.,2fi'1c:>u._1»(7/-... rQu;v.,a.a;__ ~1’c,~3 <3-LL» . . “L1 » T_(b and M $a..~.5:Po_{t; { wra1>:«*'.-"*-=|~ " :'-'.-'-‘” ‘F’ *"""""f 4“ “" ‘ "E. - ‘ ; F-1~s{ «ye»: me», _§3r:>i‘.‘>aLbQ«.7-: A Q.{‘’« 77 Cflnm. i;7vC§;.%"1,_w1fl. .z~a.o,r_§:u; Qua. _,L%CPT1Tc:gxév»fa../u, amzx. T':>{ g...»_e.z sum -/w 12: W rsrxfi. vim; Oaxd. Tt-&r$ . bzgb {go-rT0»T avid. Tc:.«7.a..?7..o_£,;..,,.g, axe» po..£'I'E.E.’e c:>{)— Chum Q 943 73/ Bridge Village Hall, Bridge, Cmmbm» Hon. Treasurer: Hon. Secretary : . 3; ii}, 3% 9, Kxafifig 1&3; T V T A . 3 Xfi ta aw mfiiae 5&2? 3?; iéaaat» §.=.*E;- isa ~$%;W<§-“ égfiakg. Q19; gram win,-. Q-mar: $2" M? wag $21 fifiarmila aéhew than‘ éfisfggaa-z=s:lae %' is m 5% ‘¥§~"-33%“ an %£:a- yrmimfi. ‘$9 ?;3§% éfiéfifififiablé saga, pjlama 2:*%m$;iE;:s- man tam -gas: hm: mag:-; :3 immli: % in ‘V 9 3 _ g Ltg Zxafim Wfi %?&‘¥’::%3‘1‘ iii i<fi52$.§E1£%nf ma alaamfaam a er %”"s%’%% we a;‘3;.<:;«g§,a;@ far imsflvfirfiaim-e £2135 my §.r‘tI‘Er %a3,_ is-he §i:f:a,‘Ea*%»a-:~a:* 7%: $23?» nzwdfli 5-Ii 31% ‘*?‘%1*‘:¢ agar ‘fazzrs aiaxwareky, Ran. ‘ fiacawa -( « - 1553* V335»:-3i=i%«€;‘% '%.§%3i5'%- fl-#i3*';§%ia % %§ £gr;~2e*.« Efiféz ‘E9 §@:3~3L-"gar "’f§*?‘§‘3fi...- ‘if % 5% Kent Association for the Blind (Registered under the National Assistance Act 1948 and Charities Act 1960) 15 Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent g'g“‘7“;’"; Bankers National Westminster Bank Ltd, Maidstone 5 4 4 4 8 President Chairman Vice-Chairman Hon. Treasurer General Secretary M. Colin CowdreyCBE P. Rockiiffe A.J.Saunders,A.l.B.A.C.|.S. W. H. Rawkins E. E. Stratten, M.W.|. 24th May, 1978. EES/GM Mrs. K. Pierce, 7, Windmill Close, Bridge, Nr. Canterbury, Kent. Bear Mrs. Pierce, Geranium Day Collection for the Blind I acknowledge with sincere and grateful thanks the splendid amount of £52.29 which was raised by you and your helpers in response to our Geranium Day Appeal for the Blind. Over a perioa of some two years our Cliftonville Holiday Hotel has been extensively refurbished, including wall to wall carpeting in all bedrooms. The yrogramme of redecoration is now coming to an end but Your efforts this year will help us in adding those final "touches", all important in proviéing comfortable surroundings for our guests. Letter have been sent to your helpers and I see from the list of collectors that you personally collected the grand sum of £12.26. « with gene wishes, Yours sincerely, C3?S5h~é\,4¥%V General Secretarx Over half a Century of service to the Blind and Partially Sighted in the County of Kent and the London Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley ‘M ' -, as V‘! \. TC; ig#T«*=% T—afi<=“2-+ mfassa I i%fv.. 6.9129. T ffimkfi T E4-3? $~>~:ff¢:-=*+"‘i?«~ Ha I A T ‘T’. T Tau (:imuJf.fi— gefa. \"':i2§,\mosL-{:2 e—Lz~:-:.;.z- T ‘ T T TF3 T T. KL. T"*5‘CT"-%“5~':"» T T * .Znfl°t* T /T “Sena. .;;.r».\¢fi...«_/-T E T T rD““”":;-’§t3 j"i0 €90. TT_1TTL+T1 ri.aTmTLTT,TT T T T T TT TT T mm; T a, g£:>;=cT>£l ;§["7/7% T TTs;:’.§”T ’<:>‘ clcdi; fgfiflgfl /_ T_!?é‘7 ;% % /45; A 54% flcmcéy fly-4*’,-_f8" [ _ xx «6*- MM fl‘? »em”or-a-én A5 ”=““‘’“~€‘>. 14 »WW’e/ we 24 ‘€49 rfifmv‘ we aonméae. ¢_é"/2.1%’/%é€ /5577 ,a%,.g.. /w.T‘cW% 4m we "”F'%%"W2L 7 ””° ’°”“~‘% { J42?:»5w4’5~' WWW f»&'é?’% 5’”“r* ‘,"‘*’4"*r““" % /« Ta«~a’/W M4“?/” %W _; éww/9 3‘ /«*3 #4 w«¢%~“w% «W %~“W=v‘a4~ 3% -.-—._.. .—,. . sukxf ‘ ’ ' H9 9Mxuw»3.~Q.:.n “N:-f“( %u.|g,.;.&,m ¢,(a.m.J' «Q2 ’ 0} _1.?v~3\.a»5L§». '._ W“ JE-‘o ':.Q;.m.Q_<«& , ’ ‘ ‘L _)a»Q/Gum V9»; u W341 J,g_,n/31 cz.,;.,§g.«__’i . 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Q 04. ‘j Damn Vboamid €Re»c.1-1:: Sr+T.«=x—<.s»._U_,>.:..( p,.'}r,~;',2;,,¢¢,.,,,r, wH‘u_L: 1_ . .... ' . 5 ‘$5 M ‘ K. zE?2c.E QPNE VOTE 0? 'rm~o1'1«‘~.u?>m (fax. . S13”? % E\'V\K\"5i‘:'R?- €.%Q&,\g,m, <=+°R\'.M..., .g».Ee.‘Q,°} Q’ §1.Q§)Eg[;E; MM. (“mm (\°o.g.L\ \~\‘ Fgxfi. UtS19x.*>.g_9.. l g . prg29.c.33J.L= A j ,. ‘""“i‘ '%“""°“'\ K""‘\°“‘*"’2\—J:" ‘ -—4»v°v» “Q \‘\‘&'~\ 9*? ~ ‘T W. Mmubq xiéuci/kH,qQ5’T V cw/\~' \@$Ts> Q\)C—‘P__ ‘1 QQGU. . Qa4}:n-\RavuJs qll-’E§ or MR2./\ §F>,N.,+;,,$ 3 . Wm '6»-tr‘. “FVFHWIIQH voflfi IF-E.’§ . £3?» C.i=‘~v~2»c9 \ " ngfif. _r A ; 3 ' 53-Hw .w« °”“'”“""~"“’°> wwa '1 ?3.u:\-o ' Mun/.c«:~( Mousf-J, €57) ?H7'-7) R??? 3 3i~uE -35:95 ‘*3"5‘-’I <4? y.>oa‘9' .u:oc>‘5>'P3:c\~ mum D a ~v9~uRw;su...&; a .e Q r , git '“-*-°-~¥’é~“w> MW“ ‘ “W‘ “W twirl; K, H’ "S- O3. :§:;E::p JN4A&— oézuunhxxaxg Jtsi -Qdmnne %QJ;_ E£AA}fi@rLaf;QuLg y‘1£:ph a are. _‘ ~QJAA;x;5A“ Mr 92“, 9.‘; (R"::s9~a ¥1'7’0L@LPF -"!:_»_. “BRIDGE LETTER OF THANKS VT The members of Bridge Wives Group are very grateful to all { sponsors of the Knitting Marathon. When all the money is.paid T in, we will have raised approx £170 — enough and more to”buy ,W ’ T - the largest Tumbler Dryer for the residents at Highland Court T Hospital. We assure you that the balance will be used for a ~charity cause. H V Thank you every one for making such generous donations. It ’ is so heartening to know that you care for others less fort- unate than yourselves. May God bless you all. .n.4,,L.i.. _ ,, ,,. ._ f5k4 r ‘M xv‘ |..L;._AAn.m_A.A...ur.m - m ¢&t£h.fl.a:hLA.AILLn.»‘,_.,_I-KIA“‘“‘k‘;'_ L1. L1. L_l. .41. ALI. A.‘ ‘. LL 5 1 /3 38 C)PaE‘w?9vv~M&'?Z ii humour was the order bf“the. day wherl Bridge Young Wives held K — iing manthon in‘ aid of Hi.gh’.and Court ‘i-»|<_>,spita| ,on Wednesday. Pausing for dlgphotogrzipher are Mr: C. Herrington add Mrs E. Bevan. — . V 1 rd ’ frrrrz rrrr ' I. $3; ‘.7 Q~ is ' Q;Qx1»@\ 1:! Q 1 I\ I 54_l_10wILngV[.how it -‘ishould in dorie.— Mrs! A. Hirst knits on.“ MR: C. Sfillivan get;,un¢_ie.I';..;§nr:i)5p during the knitting Lnnarfithon. ./xr ,~,:..r;_-1 ,,‘j._,... W," . Q” 4 "I 6! V 5 C C a G J . c C J 5 Q as 1] Q SL,{?g";Z M®'9Ei.. 6-r QMELEK .DR\{ER wP«‘5 % %- ‘ é? VSRN ‘sz I BE ~.t~\uI"=”’«Z&p To Hsqumup ? cpuiar H0 "Yak __ F‘ CH "D®fi'rLo“rHv§ 'Pi°c'\p ‘Cori. 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MEE.‘ru§s 3-: *1. in-'MN‘9‘HI\:-\- e.\..9$\’-.,oua;n~.xg To ?.>€:~REhuME.u‘\' l.\-I M33 K. ?@«.c.n‘:'s ?QM|k\[- -E?‘F~'EM?;l."'.'.R \‘I,L' ’n-:6. \-unRuc—:.sT au??e.:7. was I-IEL.) fa ‘mi vu.-page Maw. 91’ '1'3DpM.MR$c?-ENDS?-SONCSEG) ?RE.sc‘pE.D ' Cu Rf‘.':$\:.Mc.£-. of M35. |/x.'P:ER.c.é ; Cr. MEMBER6 m‘\"l.-2-.mr:.n ‘THE Husisnub Rub 9 ‘»$:ces:zRu'.c.u: n-r <:.ne~a'r’u\?.BuR\§ <:.mHa§em.. 9,». mm I-uw r.oFFr.rs r-n’-mzmra.-9 915 OF M95‘S.cRuTwE.\..L... “-6- C‘.RE.¢iu C-ouRT(HoM£ 0c.!-o?se.e. [sf Q-C.oMM.\‘\"l'I.'.‘E M:=.r='h'..g u-ms HE»? RT ‘7. \».>«u;9ms'».-.. c.L.os:-1, Na" K. Rucwauttsf uu~h?.nLtE To flTTC.NT) Owcug ‘re '?‘tZ\E$Sulé 0? WGRK AND MRS E . Benn» was GM Hcu:.\‘\,>a‘( . ¥\ h..'o¢\.$ %i‘uEb.‘3 -to CA-.u?a. Funwf. QD h§fiT V;kLHfiE lE:.A'Po an 9.59.-.1pc,t=3. Sol-Ioli-. Hang. o,q.-rqmzk 11"” 9 TAMC on s-r. i-..uK€f- s‘Peav(&R ‘Rev P3knxI..nu-9 I.‘-3 -\M\.-buhfiti HRH-. '1"50pm. oc:ra'BeR 3|? ME.MB:=:Rs w£u're\; Tue. c.nme.?_t$uRq |'-\Mf5uL.nuc.\': $TPt‘\'l.ovJ. 4-_\ was qtuesu To HMBuL.Iauu¢.€i Flaw-I3 NQQE34'BER uh“ NR~c‘%.w¢=n-‘rs qnwfi A '1*Rnva..L. FILM Show :5? su-:;'r:.\-..m-:1) A-u'9 C\uI.'5RNw.-~( {H12 \;u..L.m',£. Han. ‘T-Sop» . ‘ "s?.=.avc.¢ 'Pn~ta.\x‘B»oua.we Xmas wmmw.-r 1-urn; H0 % \M;-.I»l=u-€15 HAM. £$‘F\T!:T!.'pm; awsaxm) .. M ‘ - ' ‘ ,1);-,c.jeMBE.V~ 19. 013:“ Nil‘-‘HT To .5:-«no.2 cu-rna.e~s um I .. . vu..s.m,¢ I-|Id~$~. ‘1-so Foe unites. smc,m¢,. mes. K 'I’uanc.£ ‘PRz=.su»-my H 5'!"-I'5\\\Hr-L‘—§$ STEIK. Nu.-r 'p:sH °r- safiuup CARI} [fa NR‘-E.Ma‘\5EooCwHe:'> Vs I~:.a\n‘wg ‘\?:R;'D¢,a 134 ‘Janunmg K. 'BRem< 'Fo2. c.u-u' \J;L.\.-..r«€,e Hahn ‘7-30PM Iva“. D— Mfimfiens cumpktvlt Na» yanks ‘PA%'m‘ Fakuowzb $1 TREE: cokouatb I‘.-fi‘R‘raoM Fu.:vu'uC$HewauB\1 q. M9115. Fnums CHARTHHM3 Un-..\.nc,t t-mm... Rpm - 5-sap... E&E.u.a.1.a._J.3a: so Memssms lI+'l"l'¢.\~.n>t.‘p ‘rm’: s<'u$m\'v..¢, mnRa'\'\-mun (T0 R935 Fuwbfi 1'0 fiauq '\'uMBn..e.tL 13%!»/ran F-on \.u¢,H|.n\uIb_ mum? 'Rc.sn"m-.n'rs \J|i-..\..fi¢,¢ Han». '1-%apw--Cl-3oen~s 5‘\>e.aKv.2-- Rev. c.. HA-RR\.wc,Tor¢ - -rm...“ RB»? DEERHMMERQAH _vau..e.~( IA:-V9 GDLGHRCD $111!»: $1-ayes. Lu‘-2 um;-nae I-mu-u.~ ‘I-Bopm _M&1c.u..l!4':. L’; Maufials Rt!-v'\5;‘I£.b Hu.,Hl-mu'.D C-oak? “:37. ‘me. oFi=;c'um. 9&6-$€MTIi‘u‘ov\) cu? THE. camps Tammi-. puck (_’\’aou<,m 1'-Row: Fuubh Rake.» at 1«(m'r-r'w..g Maitmuuu [gngggg go“ 5‘PEm(aR- MR‘ M.?;£’?.-mou:..\;, s?occe. coo ‘‘ “IQu'n6{,uEs ‘fmtouqh THE.‘ yc‘.’R?.s" 150M-.our=.) E44 cououzfib ¢n..M $3--\T)i-‘aCUH~\n.A-c‘C-. Ham, 7:39‘)... ,i MnRc.\.\ 331“ sauaant. Mr-.M$ERs we-wr -ra -rm‘: NnRt.owE. ‘Eat Tc-u:.¢=mzx'+. (509. TM: 'P‘E.'R?'o?~MA~¢..E. ot"”N&w-Macon" iWlI.‘£S‘E;u'fi2.'9 cw -rut-. c/Bum o?E.Rrn'fc. soc.un~I . . Q v\.s.c'r To C/bunq wn-nan. woRK'a (=16 Memfiets) '7-%opm°rSl-lawn Rouub ‘ER HR‘ (l.fiUHHS«('D|:\J E.-uc,me.e.z) 9* 943- T-PcM£«‘.a (H$$IS.Truu1' $u?R) 1'3‘-‘fit I R?g'n... 4.5“ s?aa\<¢.R.-M'- c.o1'\'ow- $?ov(t’. on ‘ma qua) |u¢lt~( puma‘ ‘Fol! cunt:-1'»; B:\( ‘THE camakfiukq Luéus. c.:.ue.' Fol.-moms‘; 3»; {tin m7 qenuas limp B2m.ac.u"a M-mRn~¢ R.FFo2ts(u\c:;nge HIWKL.‘ ‘1'$09\M \ C.o~m:4uTT¢'.c=: Meemfic, n-r- lL;.qRE.£eu count (Home 9!? M29» 5.1-\‘u"._\q___3_"i?_ st-.-.u:~'-Em... memmns Pr‘:-'1~e.u)€p "rue 'pe.a~e.z.»¢ 3E’.Ru|.c.\:§ A1‘ h:IV‘\)S\-{RM C.HuiZ€.\-t AI») ‘RE-T-Rtsuwmms n.-7 fue uaé-.m,e nF*ra?—wn'R>‘> (7-30?-M $?EHKe2- MR.I Gem; TAM: on as-mouamy aF ‘fl-IE MOO»-3 '?l»~|*-MC-“"5(_U‘lV-|..flC,€ Ham... 7‘.309v\-u) .M.B!_3—.Q..n;2‘. N.-.-.MBE.2$ mafia IuCn'rr:'9 B‘-| w\;ugs-uqws wséas ‘ Cfliuu? To A c,e...(.~'. ‘Fasm.o.~'> st-tom Has.) {.1 uaanlrgunua Ul.LI..§-¢,\£ Ham. '1'3opm _RE&oR§ E:\.J\'_v$\ug. uu.»..nc,c-:T Ham. 7-hem ("Mai-D on ‘Desert-t E-su-my ’):5c. Tuema. A. C.cF\'vr.'z.o.':. c—;um$mg was Hen]: :14 §UI'M«..P~¢;e Hum. {M My on‘? fur-aps "I«'$O"!pm.}T nuns ‘ 5513-¢.'\\7(=..D C..Hve.€.$E Hub v..;m».=. To Be se.:zul'-.|> R1’ n.c,_m_ ‘F L I f H i q .i In ‘ nuuuhb-. "\.—————5'3"“'e¢"" ' l/ ?Ri\\[I2lS Jy Mns;u.'rb$ REE) 3, ma-rmzs na.s'...3 n,/ saccze.-.aa~{s Re‘Poa'r 5/ Tkaasunc-.2.s ’Re.?ok1’ 1/ qzou? Kenyans 'I?e?¢a.r 7/ C.Hmr£.Ma-n1 R€?g21 8/ &LE.t.'|'Ioa~: of- have oFF:r.e:-23 q- Amy OTHER ‘\5u,S\Nt'.$S ‘THE-. F\.€,.M was I-tau; {nu ‘rue. uu..u..nc.£ Hana», 3§.Mzm'\'3E-.15 H't'rt.up¢.p, '11’ '?Roc.:-.t»..'pz.'9 we‘;-L, c,m.,¢.,.; ¢'..?E.RR1 says‘-ug 'PRn~(r.9.s.‘ who nkso was C.Hn;2MAv0 ‘Fl-I6 MlI:4u1'\‘."a. wane ‘Reap Bu MRs.'r7.mu‘9é‘Rso»( .(.SEc.Rernm1) am; Tweet mafia no mnfiazs A‘u?cs'm§ . {Rom M71’ I473 MlN.HTE'.S amp lcnuom ?E'aZ'R\| $I€,IIJED SAME 4"»:-. $ac.‘R.=.'m2\;'s 'RE'?oi21 nuns. ‘Rea; MW» 33 %-ul:.\x.c..'»\ ‘Reap TREfl$u'\Z\".\'~‘:$ ‘Re?ot?.T 1» Swa rm‘-. cam {N mm; was $2 I9“ uqwu " ~ '~ ~- £;§‘g;!. {ass Cone.»-a OuT;L9§ F»-We £11. " Taemtze. Tu-.\‘~==\— s.ac.2e1-am; 9...}, ‘\'12&.R$uReR our 913 Kw-°rIu:4§ Matza-u-um Camus ’Rn':sc'~.;> Fa? cuafimfl: ‘PLIM1-C,Eou'? C.avu'|'RE. FOR ‘THE Mtnxflfikks‘ HAw'p.qcn7?rrb) \% 1°|'7'+ ha -. uvefi \°I C»o~\'\m.g.:,_'n[fi~9 comm.-nu: oF¢u.-.£:s. I-7&5: ,T1-lfiuvts To Mu. went ‘Domi {Ice ‘ma xv-ms manger '9 to 1 win $1-nFi=:.y Tue. .s~rm..o... A-r ‘rue. Fl-awutl. . $1 . Cfibfwn-\-.. an S.-AT. Mm; 3.54"‘ (To-tau... a\'- '75:! um Palsy». W1 fi\~|- 51»;-1.5 he THE TERM. '9"-W‘.~o E.I~e.'c—T:g':».: J} HQ»-3 0FFLc_.§_?._§ MR'°*K. 'P:e.v.«~.-5 nqacep sue ‘~°‘-“-9 Swan‘; prs qlau? I~.e.A)r.R. Foe yer Hue-rt-\i.‘:2 \/EAR ?au:r mammls f1“\-uouga-rr 3v 9. gear :D‘9r:.n -ro Have mo HSS\;ThuT qkou? L.r.an‘pe.2\ nub MR'a.‘E..woop nc,'R.¢~.e.'1> To srmoy ‘Fora -rnfs 1'-”os-r L?feo'?a.se.b 33 MR5-?.Qu'DE.’\l5oI-2 Aug sgoorobet) Fug MR5. K.?.e.ar._g. % MR5 \ nfiqiaag To STIM-:9 Prs Tiéansukafl ‘FM2. I Peuofuartz. YEAR -any NR5 '\3Ro?ase.) 3% MR5 C‘-~C-bu.$ms mm .sezc.a~'pe) Eh‘ M23. M. \-\obg,§,§om_ };_4__i3_~t;»__._"\_’_;__tl}_n_a_\,z_§:_2,;s_9,»a Ac.Re.s.§ -re 5-m~t> as seckerakq ‘$09. nuoruan. yum. Flap was '?Ro'PoSé.'D B‘! .Ql?.__3. K i ??;e~.ge.§ Am-; .SEc.o1~.a\)Eb em MR5 c .$uI..I..\y_|n_a_g ,l3- M2M?aa2s Mamas w\'-JRE '?wr' Faawnkp as comwurlié 1 5. Tfiucwmnsrgzfl. T’a.SMn'Hso..:\ l'$.D&wn?.,1‘o.'\?>Ra'ov,a-.s 9» $u\--\~\vvAH, ‘>~l'3n\T<’.T$R¥-Iva, t’-1-.KoM4o:'»r'_ 'D.Tfl|~T5a1"‘ i LS . (Sauna S. u..nm~..'\"aoJ , .5. c‘—F~2u.-r-...u5t..L. A \-Cxflsr C. L\ER.T€\.~¢-‘TDN Q NIH- I ivwé Wk“ G-°u-M- §La.u.'£s.u.a£.b Tue. muw e.ou-mm-was cuaswi 3-1:! R5 ‘FoM.aw$:-v:3'uI-‘IE. wt-u.-was st-Km-.m ¢Jk‘u‘h.ue:a..s.. En-.u‘EEo~.> (Sivan ‘Dow’ 'r'ns.3e-r Berra ':%?z~v3:,c.s Enkaann sm.-m$o~3 CA-\R\s'r.nuE' ue.Rzu..:,1-on fin-refine.-ru‘.ac., ‘re mote. Tn-an-r ‘Faun :~..m;a'es I-«ma RE-TH-xuuxp THEN. ‘:$¢;n-rs Fvoa Tu-xt. Nam ye-'...|h'R. K.'\'Suc.v¢-Ivmttrr Hm; ‘R.£-su.<,u:.v; F-Rom ‘TI-IE '23-‘iufiubg ¢-0\VtM.|TTE¢ own»-as To ?'Ru-Sufie of wokut PH-3'9 M?9C. I-\n1zu¢~,‘ns -rue New 'fi5n?.~1 may: Heft n'T"u.~"neou ‘Y;-u.$ c,ov~ac..y,..u.1;e.p Ti-us OFF\€:HM.. sci}: at? THE 3.6;-M. may. MEMBER-5 %¢m§snc» THE. I-ivawfwg \»-I|*\"\'\ _ 0L QHIEELSE. AND \,.n\.u¢ Bug!-:57‘ Su??L.I.|3=.‘D RN!) ?RE?ARe.‘y 3‘-( THE RE..T1.’s2\'uv<’ C.-OMhvt.t'!'\‘E.E. THE T§fiFl:p..E ?(.:."z.e.$ wafle. we.-.2 TSI1 M35 M. Mn:.n.$ MR5. ?t'-X‘? Moon flu) nuqrava. .»~"“" ‘ once again out: Qfiou? wane nsusr Bu J 1’:-we 7-rT~Asss. uF Baum: $c.NooL.,'uF we mm.-.u..p Emu 3» $1-Rawfiemzq nu} caenm ‘Tea. 1‘m's .,._,p.<, ‘Run on 4, Br 1?»-tn sqs-ram 3'1. MRS-K.Re.12c.E‘MR5-?.MaeN,M353.3Ru|>;E M35‘ HRRUEW‘ N35 E~3EUmJ ‘ MR5 D.Ta|-.391’. M”B.Smu-It-«Son 335- Q . fiaufi ' . _§_v~_t-_-_\j__§.24 ‘L Mamtsaas S’$me> ‘Ft-lfi ccuvuwtls.‘ ’\'. bri5‘raR'r 013.-New-‘ Vial}, ?R l°I’I|+ “ I-mzut-—.sr su??¢=.R fro \;Iu.nc,e HALL H 7~3op. G0 at.» maurszas-) may I: Nuw MeM?$£R$ wake. bJl£k¢-OM?-‘VI- P.s‘1 MR5‘ ?- nupttlso.-4 (ch n?;ssE"-at-is oF— 9435- V.’.?nn..x‘e.t..e [ Ks?¢sawzR MR5. N. \-\nc.c.a.R(_MntRau as Ytoks-rn-\.. ?R:$‘on 'DoulE¢-\C'.‘Hu& n- -rm..v< an HER woauc w»‘{'H Tt:t:euPrqe'-R3. (Uu.\..u¢.e. HlM~\— 1'3OPI'V\§ M 30 Mamfiefls azusotuzy 5- u|5.t'\" ‘re Eflouax Ton; FAc.'roR~( {so c.q=~.~'raREu‘RU\ nub wake T gsuouu -me. wméc.-.».cze...r ‘\)2?rs (sq M?-?.s.-me: A i£?E.R!-atamnt-.. of-monk.) mm) M9“ 0..CqREEmnwn~| (7KoDu=.Tl;au N) : lQ;,Iofbe.’R IBM (J GOMM\‘T‘tl7'.'E. Mzefuuc, was \..».as:.t> AT 5 7» UJIMDMEM... c.a.os£ (HOME OF MR$- K .?n:.Rc.£ 3.5:-.uss¢> '_ [DATE FOR Bnfluu Dmuc.\"- Rub C.I.\m:ug RE..$lDEut$ at? THE :GL0$|-"3 E-new P: sumo... xmns ?ize.se.~'r (No1’ Maze ‘I1-Ima 3op~ j G 'D . O NO- "I - ?3°‘\>u€-T ‘BEnu'\‘\| D6-Mousfaclfton In , ,_.., ».—-—-0.--u'——-—..—..a.—g I \| J _\m..\.m.:: Han-» RV ‘1*3of- was 4-_onc.eu..u.x; and»; To _:FA\\-.\.\€?.L‘:' 0? ‘DE.MoM$‘\’2a'foR- NOT H‘R'\?wuv¢.(l-ucT\-L-nu‘: : aux‘ '?€?.\.':u\ou¢a wh1<2uu\'n.Q an Mc'.MBe2$ Faun $‘|’uRR\.' ' 5 gynuuoc, wnnuas I-In‘; ‘Be. n~:\3|'ru;. 1 , N we. M333, bk" r$TRPH.'\‘ov-3 was l-us-;\.:9 HT M2.?a. mm.c.\-(s st-Ia? Hub ‘ Knob: yauil c.u'ts oF M€.fi‘t_ ‘Du-wow" 11?:-Feesumauss mafia seflmap fiF'ra‘§£~un'ap n-r wua mu.nc.£ 3 . ‘ Hm-k [Mm Wfih‘-H V/nub!-\( 'DOwn'TE.'9 3 'Pnu.c..a«QS up man? Q3 RQFCLB ?RuZE.$ - M?!» K. ?ua.Rr..e vets-c.eMG.b ,4 one NEW M:-.w.%c.tL M“’*' 75. I-leak-Cs § M'MEMuR$ warez. IN-\5I'r£.b B‘-I 51'u??.!-( .:.\~J\\3¢’5 qfiou? To A ‘|"m.vC mob sAM?L.§. 0F wakvt Q-|>E.Mo~S1'fi-nova qfuéu BY 3“rCOAT'£"= EDCMHKEE OF ;c.oTTor~31cROc.He.T yARuus-=+- E-;M'\3Ro.\BE.R\’ <.~.-3-:.\/(5) 1;: ;3Tu7-IPA-l comuulww \~lm.».. "7-‘so %. M ?Re.?e.Rr=mom nu‘; Prhclanug THE’ .Xmrs Q:‘F\-5 F09. oak a-r~M.v...Cct-mv.c.u XMA-5 Matt) mks New C» THE uu.s..nc,e; Hm.»-.. M T5R.t>c.a°«-?n'fizx><\souRmz c-.t~u.rLc..H x M as IMARKET was Has.» ‘ma \JIH..hc,F:. HnM~ 9c3ofu-s. o...ue,,s1*m..¢.. ‘Toow 3:3-'1op. \‘\7|+ ‘I 1 Ms i.D'i<‘—BM’6\-‘R S?emEmtr~\ ‘§E-.uowsTRnTua.;-qméw few Mas“ ‘-0- Tbmis. Eu m‘|...|...nc,e I-\m..o.. ‘P30 (“:5 fonts C §*m’°**°°\‘5£‘) FOR THE c.nuc.\';M.p.-I-{ova 0? ?K€\n}.m: L1-.‘rJ)ou;u) V ‘M . __ . ‘ RE\J- E. HfiiQ\$'~ My L§,,\{'PE.Rn£.NC.ES nu ‘Tug *M‘55‘°r~3 Ff?-6-'9 VII-..L,nC,é HA!--ls 7'3D?nq