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L. .1 tfi-.5 fr li'.'.l'_' ' 11': ‘Hair h'n_ui' "i.I'.Il'=I'.'.:III_]'II;~l*lnk'."-;,'5_'I_'.-Fifi-_.§hflitl, .2:-r en: wfi._%_‘:r¢i:.tz.::sa§ -=11--hm.If¢.!~..f9fiiiH°~’9itri';1%? .'?‘?-W -' I1-bu" fir ffficfi H45! ' "1'i'ifi*'-*1? .1.’ ‘-5 J.» * ‘ ‘- ii. ;=;'.:. .": .;_' '|-I q . .3 |. .. . .. |.. . _'_ " :1".---— "1 .. r - '-"L- .. ..': t -'- - - -'r . I ‘:2 ' ' 1 .-fiIthru:~€-hndfirfllg in ‘viii J... .furn5'!hI;:+i’1;§i!Ite'.-‘; I i’; : '_-_!|_-._'.‘-: -'- ' 5.Ifi:—-the héuf=‘i'%,.!fi$—'é-flffi'ffi*!§*?i F" "..3.,.%'.‘~!?.?"-"":i7;.=!"?.1*" .. F tuEri1.i,.¥ ;u_1d'_‘:' Eijllifrlfifltiilffir%j§'t‘F}_f._t I ' - . -- = Eu" ' "L *5-‘ '~.‘+_.«-.-'». '-Ir‘. '-.:+I gaunt t . __u _f ' . '. ' : -.: -%.. é."ThI.-r":-.»-ii I tflpntiflrtamfflgnn __ _ __ _ _ 1'7, r f. it Tr PF'Fi¢-Itlflglg. Ind -:s:- I =_i_=___I:.1;';'=..-.._*.1~==-s.:.i."_§:_ "=.u'r'v4.'Ir:—'f~*!_i,'-.._ .‘_::-urn :'a"i_-ic_:_:,.I'~i.ipt.§T=s'rsI:_;§1a;itsrbu.?Ir m : 'r:;1:::-1h1'.-t)2'hi1?;''.aJ'tt¥ c:%.wra;.% am : 1:,-._ 1.’. __‘i l"/‘_fli$t.‘()«!'.i:ciiiil:»l1"'fi:.|:¢iS1.-:- , é We were rriost fortunate to be ' T ‘ ' ; ' - - Swen the opportunity of excavation at Bridge Place ‘this summer 013' ob : - - . . .- . ' ' figésggugacggtam thehlayoéut of the original foundauons of a house built c._l640, three-quarters of expem as few Sinflwnhat t eerf: of the seventeenth century: the work was of great interest to architectural _ ._ 1 ar ouses o the period survive unaltered to the present day. On our Sunday afternoon Voedzuons we managed to excavate the well at the rear of the house, to clarify the layout of the former rniagg tlhle house. and to examine foundations at both front and rear. Our warmest thanks are due to - rs. lnhorn for all their help and interest. - ,_\. H__ VJNG fiiflbosed = of -Morton" ' ' ouse, ‘Hatfield, Herts, to Lord Salisbury, Mr. Malcolm. Pinhorn, who is associated with Phillimore 8: Co., the Farnham genealogical publis_hers, has ‘contracted to buy Bridge Place, near Canterbury, from the Hon. Mrs. Nearne. Bridge Place, built late in the 17th century, is scheduled as a building of historic and architectural interest. It is being sold. with an entrance lodge and six acres of ground through which runs the Nail Bourne. The house is.the surviving portion of the substan- tial property built by Sir Arnold Braems, a Dover merchant. Later it formed part of the Bifrons estate of the Conyng- hams. In negotiations Mrs. - _ Nea_me’s agent wag’ F_ R_ .W_ : Busy preparing for the opening of the new Bridge Country _._‘,B'3n_-y‘ Qf Canterbury‘, ' . - . Club are Peter Malkin (front) and Michael Loveday, who . - . - ' - ' will be running the club. --'i:.I AT I%: e v --a«~.a.ns--smmnvau~ -~ W» ("N \1<_::1N Ccvflmcfi IN i‘.?3E.D!?.c>c.>f’L éaloae avubdxfi" '€\.J\C€." -a-.a-ow»-apt-v-act‘-* ”""‘ ‘ gebficsm E3\£”?>7(ia (J BB7C/ 8 01% 1 Ff M l%>;Z BE.1>‘«zc>dv\ Q /\: zmwxv 5; ‘W’ 7C'_:_./“:?TCJ C, )‘?<’c~.2l ' M. fl/\lHo;Z-"M 6 K‘|pQ VqE K‘. ?l~P1CE'. E u E I F . I r glpgca %E\DC\E Puma as