1 .. : &_ . . q... .. r _ _.rv..ul .. . ..I....q... .. U. n___..w__ 5_ /S _'b/?r//'D».S'o/V’ 9- D -/14//1/7‘-/-cie 13/9 . Mw'v/»«¢/5.\. PI'I'(‘IIET’., L. A. JO}II~.':'-'\O.\'. K’, ':'-‘..‘~.'l fiEf‘{.*‘.(.JI~‘. S. I L L u... \ a_ «V. CUTTRES-Ea‘. 1-‘? W. M.—'xI€'iI.'~-', J. REID, .\I.—'\i‘ii J. CO1 L.-\ RD. W, :3. G G. U 0 .\I, .( W L I u\. 0 H S. H .W. A. R. BREFICI-ELEV. R. F, YZIFFG. E. F’.-\'I'R[CI-C. 'I‘_ JI2.‘EI(I?u‘.‘-3, .1. T5. :\f-IC‘~.'I.E, A. E. PRIOR. l?F‘v'. ‘-.L‘i'. E1;\‘.\'.‘\I-E1!I~Iu' D. ER cm .)3 .t-. CL 5H I Y.” ( .1. Mr-{'-.“\R'I'?I'\.'. ‘J [€‘u'F.', ‘ R. MILE-‘.5. W'ILLI.-'\M.S, F. HENLEY PRICE, R. I-T-'\'l']fE-11!. J. D. ‘S3-II'I'I'I. L. .i. mm HIR F unrcnmtr $0-i'cL~.. _n£.o_.'._r as - . '_;A_7_'.»--—-- \..- '5 !v..'‘-_ —- —- - - —-._.\.._..- Herbert P ' J " I M, W -I his fathenrlce 011 eme :3 on a barley Daudson motorcycle brought by -\. -nfi.-.-.--.«. 1. 1. .-.-.-\.«.-n. ______M_ _‘_ -u.-\.-\.-.-.-.-» ‘L 1. ::.:3:§-E3}’§§‘“ " 3': ,~ .; rnnmmmmvrr ..,¢¢¢,¢~~aaan~~~~aea ,_.,,.,,.,_._. _.. .....-.-..-..-.1. - -.-. ¢ pxvaa mmvaaaxxxfivi-?---¢¢?‘ -r ,;..¢ 5559. 559; Va-a-xxivfifi .I.I\.n.'\.'\.-\.-\.I .I--\. I’ ‘- xvuaaa-x xwva x. xx «.-.- '3 ; iiiktffiil :1...-'1. -I-'\.""' ,4.-C. ; .... '\.'\. E. . .. ~ ~ 5: a '2 c ran .-.. :-a-:-H rfii :-=_'\- u.. a2: 5;- ;;;¢ ~++ > .-.-n.-\. . .-.-.- 1. .-.g :.I\.I\. . .-.-.n. '\.'\.'\.'\...|..|.|"\."\. .--:-.-u---'-'\-'\--'\- .-\. .. -\.n.-H. .-.-.-.-.--\.--\.-\.¢-O-3--3- . . - -\.'\. ._. '\-"- --'-:-.-.--u. . ..... :----'-w. H. ._. . -.-\._. ..._ .._. ---~.-.-.-..-. ---'\-.-.- .. ..- "' .-.-.-c -\.--..-\..- -\....-\. -\-'\-.-.- 3-.- .-: .-.- _. . .- -\- -'-\.'\. . '\-"-.-\.'\. .n. -'-c -....., .-.-.- .-.-..,_ -\... -......__,_., -C .-.-..-.- ..-\...-.. .-.-.... --.-.- -.a.. .-.-.g. .-.-.- «.-.- ». - -\.'\. . .- -\.... .-\...-\. ._.. --':-.-. ..-.... .-.~ .- -\... -\.._. -'\-.-.- -5‘ H .-.-: . . . .---.- ---'-\...-..-.. ---\.-\..-\._-.. . .._, _ - '\-.-\.-\. -u.-\.-\.-\._- -\. .-.-\. .-.--v.-.-a-.-. . - - .-. «.-. -'.-.-C .- -\. in. In. -' -c. .-\.-\..-..-\.-\.-\. .-\.. _-3-:-.-.-\. .£:....,._: 2.: ~...:...:.: .....:.;:c: u:::_o._ .,__m.__.=_S:_ .322... u___:.:_. __:.3 _u_::: .._.i._ u.:_._a: u_.__:.:.c ...nu..4::_ E. ::_..?% 2:... _ o. ..a_ :.;tJ.l.... SK‘? .. (‘.- Tlar rnomcm of detonation in Charlton cutting just north of Kingston. The trcnu-ndous forcc propelled the gun backwards, at 111:: um: time creating clouds of dust from the track}-rd. l:rnp:'ri.:1 ll av \'H:‘-1'}.'."l i919: Victory Outing. . lllla. . 9 uIul|ID.., . N ;.4JI_$ '- BRIDGE BLEAN R.D.C. CIVIL DEFENCE ORGANISATION —.'.f-Jar: (_': .‘-"I'I‘IC'i‘C\\'}[I.l, ET \\' 3-II-ii-'_‘-1'. H .>\. PI'I'(‘IIET’., L. A. JO}II~.':'-'\O.\'. K’, ':'-‘..‘~.'l fiEf‘{.*‘.(.JI~‘. S. I L L u... \ a_ «V. CUTTRES-Ea‘. 1-‘? W. M.—'xI€'iI.'~-', J. REID, .\I.—'\i‘ii J. CO1 L.-\ RD. W, :3. G G. U 0 .\I, .( W L I u\. 0 H S. H .W. A. R. BREFICI-ELEV. R. F, YZIFFG. E. F’.-\'I'R[CI-C. 'I‘_ JI2.‘EI(I?u‘.‘-3, .1. T5. :\f-IC‘~.'I.E, A. E. PRIOR. l?F‘v'. ‘-.L‘i'. E1;\‘.\'.‘\I-E1!I~Iu' D. ER cm .)3 .t-. CL 5H I Y.” ( .1. Mr-{'-.“\R'I'?I'\.'. ‘J [€‘u'F.', ‘ R. MILE-‘.5. W'ILLI.-'\M.S, F. HENLEY PRICE, R. I-T-'\'l']fE-11!. J. D. ‘S3-II'I'I'I. L. .i. 13. EV‘. -J. 10. 14. 4.1‘: ogh C:cLVO e-..Fi’J (:2, 7%; "Q-1,.‘ 3_ L1?>”";‘,\./"./7,’ I ‘ ‘ H xi»). 12. 7‘UH'\./ \«C-‘»‘l«m:t/K ‘I5. .-':r'!§’ (‘U :‘~ M~,~C_.;,.-__-f ;. ‘ ‘H -!|-I-. - WW I I I u . ._ h. .__:.. . 3.1-.._.: Ea. .. t ..e%—._._::.. A Special job in Bridge The Special Constabulary (Bridge Section) is seven strong, with five special Constables and two special Sergeants. ' Our duties are varied, covering such things as weddings, funerals, church services, bonfire nights, polling duties, traffic control and visiting business prem- ises etc. _ Two of our members travel _ 7: over from Canterbury to do -. . e '. duties throughout the summer on Saturdays and Sundays. The Section have always had the pleasure of receiving thanks for their efforts, but many people say that the Police are never around when they are most wanted. This proves the point that when they are around few incid- ents occur. The Police are under-manned and this is Where the Specials can help out, the uniform itself helping to deter crime. ‘ May an appeal be made to all residents of Bridge, that if they do happen to see something suspicious to report it straight away. Do not worry if it proves to be a false alarm, the Police will thank you anyway. Let parents help to stamp out any vandalism they may see. Many villages are suffering from this type of crime today. The old Bridge School is a good example of what damage youngsters can do in a very short time. Let vandalism in Bridge be controlled before it is too late. May I end by stating that if at any time our Section can be of any service to you, please notify either S/Sgt. John Buckmaster, ‘jonette’, Patrixbourne Road or S/ Sgt. Bill Pierce, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge Bill Pierce . . .h..=n..._u.1. . :~ Wifiiém T-lllll-fl I.'Ir.I|: |IJI.'I:|:| IrI-:l FTlI'l I:III:I'I I:.|III I_I' I I_I-I'| I_-II_.- -I-I h 2 III I I I2& I. I. I I I I ZI —I 2 2 II I 2 F I] I] In - - I. . L I I I F'1.u|I|r:|r.I Fnlhlrr HIII I|'|.||'_| |!|'.:IIIr.II 15'-II:-E F'I|II||I-III "'I'II'I||IIrI ll HIT-'JI:lII1I':Ir.I|: