"to. Cafe Inn :5. l590.:a_(fLan Flo!"-¢ —-I.— .|.a-J—T'—I-I'C- ' '- l'I —-;r-|. Hr-an-II-I-J--"'.'l—._”' qum_. - -_n_un.r——d-- -- '1 up 'h._l.. _' I _ j -' -- - 1:.-.. — -«.-.-I...._.._.-. ...fl.~ -. _|.',_ _ .'I7|_|.'__._._.__;_... *uh.“_'¢u_--, . . ,.._. . ._.. \ .. .. - . .. ... _ u _._ S _. .1 fir ..-u. I... ....n_ ... . 5 :3. flu !‘£r I . £.'| lIl.|5. I‘-'. F:-EIIIH rt“-II'a',I!|:'-.II5.fi'|I!}hI.I-'.'|Er-l'|' - I; f kl. ;q__ If-s\l Izr--Law-‘ SNACKS % ryi o . - . ih { .T A " 51- in - ;...'..' . n - . - ' ' . ‘ . .' A‘ MR58- A MR5 « A.-LER REDAUI)’ AwLr‘1Ane to the .. % PLOUGH 8. HARROW INN A FULLY LICENSED SHEPHERD NEAME HOUSE. BED a. BREAKFAST A‘ A "-5 \ .- ._ _‘.r‘1 ,2, . ‘ \ —.\ - _ . 3,1 ;:> * v -' C.’-. ‘ }-.-_.'.‘5- 7* —«"—...r_../4—.:..~———... "' 4..»... FLQU LE l-1 Mil!- .__, l1'!;l§|iL5 Dwelling: Bridge Street (Plough 8- Harrow Inn) Census Place: Bridge, Kent, England Source‘ FHL Fnm 1341227 PRO Re! RG11 Piece U955 Folio 25 Page 9 Marr Age Sex Bmhplace George WHlDDE'|'l' M 29 M Canterbury, Kent, England Rel: Head Occ Licensed Victuatler Catherine WHIDDETT M 29 F Canterbury, Kent, England Rel: \Nfe George JOHNSON U 30 M Kirworthr Leicester, England Rel: Lodger Occ Butcher FLOUGH ,1;’—,1»tu L _ 1-i-,‘:.»:’a.l‘cl‘;L"‘\’L' i ." J}: 2 If‘; .7 4 ~ -~13 ;%firfffZfE§§}%§! ! ".r€ . alalfl-Ali; ,._,. _ -1...]:-_:zu;.£;'£.r: ‘cu. _ .. ..........anmun...u.uuuuguuuuu1uu1.nuuuu- ‘ '_‘ :1-1I.:.l.£.15I€££.‘5i-‘ v A .. , L_ ._i * ‘T-15:|‘fi:1=*'»'Pi :n-. J z HRRDW -: 1_1_‘::§ .- _. .-SHEPHERD v" ._§HEhME.L’-5"- *.*"#"' -r .' ' ",,_.-‘r.-LIE: in -- .r‘,_ I I ? I! ah s1AeL:nc"f:?§"icAnnunc' FOR HIRE 1-. . ‘II- n. .. : G M GOQE. :::~a.\>:~ ‘{1L05E"' . PL©U+ .P. HAMB -'.,-'.' .'''-~: * ""7- ‘I ‘* .-. ll. - -«I “! _ '_'II' ;. — " -In. ._ ,n__‘._' ,3‘... ; ''L_'‘_l_-___-''_.-_ ‘E ti,‘--+ .I..iin.-.-...- . “_ E! “I I BEER G.’-.RDE‘i - [53 pm q ...,.. ......—-I -.......A......- . ._...__...-- _.,‘...A‘.,_'. -¢.'pJu- . p -.-,.A...._..-. .‘—,..—.-,3’.-—.----Q-:';-'r"" — -_‘ ‘A _ .|= ‘ .' ‘ Dwelling: Bridge Street (Red Lion Inn) census Place: Bridge, Kent, England Source: FHL Film 1341227 FRO Rel RG11 Piece 0955 Folio 24 Page 5 Man Age Sex Elinhplace George FINN M 44 M Brabourne, Kent, England Rel: Head occ: Licenced Viclualler Emily FINN M 3B F Padlesworlh. Kenl, England Rel: Vlflfe ' Vlfllliam G. FINN 12 M Holborn, Kent, England Rel: SOD Occ: Scholar Minnie FINN 10 F Eltham, Kent, England Rel: Daur Occ: Scholar Louisa FINN 8 F Eltham, Kent, England Rel: Daur Occ: Scholar Rosie FINN 5 F Ellharn. Kent, England Rel: Daur occ: Scholar Hannah FINN 4 F Eltham, Kent, England Rel: Daur Occ‘. Scholar George FINN 2 M Folkslone, Kent, England Rel: Son Louisa TAFFENDEN U 17 F Chartham,Kent, England Rel: SEN Occz General Servant '1/kw}. ...,.,.,,__ u’ ' L 1 LLLHIMLQN Mr. 8: Mrs. FRANK cuwson. YUUFS raltniuuy, ‘ , 1,; . . A pint of porter and steak and oyster pie —- Phone the Red Lion Inn B ‘d 20 book with the bowler-hatted Mr Frank Clayson on H 98 and 157,.-" } J E . E S 1; 3 1-‘. 2 .3 u /,u;iI.‘U:It..I1n|.\n‘ur P .. ._..—1aI C _ ,c£-:2-use-r.-as "' 1...) . .|.|...I.].I. it]: J15! . restolftflg. ' =A recently-restored'Brid e house which dates back to e 16th Centu has been made an oflical storic'buildi.n of KentbytheCm.1ntyCounc . The house is Theship, in the ‘Hi h‘ Street, home or Mr W ter_Tumer.- He bought the house five years ago and is still’ making improvements. He had 9. £2,000 County Council grant for the_ work and has also spent much of his own money - although .- -he is unsure of the amount. - , - A conservation order was put on the house and -Mr Turner asked the Count Council to consider making t an historic‘ buildlng._- Last week he heard the council had a eed and soon the red amend-shaped plaque. will beputupoutside. ' Explaining the building's history, M1‘ 'I‘u'rner said it was ori lnally a. yeoman's house bu t_ about .1530. In Eliza- -bethan tim_es 'a. cottage was added _Qn ‘one end and in Georgian times it was a public house — The Ship -— and was later converted to four homes. , Mr 'D.u'ner has restored it to ‘its original form and name. He has done much of the work himself and of the award of the laque he said: “I am awfu 1y proud." One of the unusual features- of the house is an oast which cannot be seen from the front of the building. ‘? 19 :6 et, Bridge.’ a ' White Horse fu__ .,._r _-_" -..—.-————_-_ H "-‘F-‘:"""" ii -‘7-'-“-'-=-n.~3;‘1.-:ba.sa- ’ '3-..‘_I-— '.'_..¢--.-. __ ,_.\-,2 -,‘_.-. .__ ‘_ l___.. \1 , Tx xii Wuxw E \-50135 Fl, Bmoefi. , Ht M~.0M~n maumr. \xau<.\1’mm,».E59.\_m,y_ \.:=-gm ?9eaw.xo%..‘N.‘.S .Fmass.emcr.. '\'I\i.n'1 Goon-N Q»W~¢-*1-j‘ "Wt R01. ~ s.<=\'L\.),\'-mm: \_\c K . ,- r. _ .u n H 1 M . ‘#l‘:ll'.l .1. R. E.,. High Stsmea Bridge, I1’e';=s.;A. A Efeafi Pfzmoyraph. J .M. “ I -‘mt _' _ ._‘ .-;_-- . ‘3‘t‘::= “::-;-.5: . _.\ .1. \_ ,- ;\*fl_,..... __ ._ x _ \ \ "'.'-\‘. 1",.‘ 5 ,s.\. -. .'_. ' - ' —/ ".‘.~' \ --".9 "' has‘ ,....---—. 1‘ '.a" ’*I. I ..._.___K '1‘-u.~. ‘ u’: - 1- 1-: .. ‘_ .o .9‘ . .__ _ .-‘;t'nt __ ' ' - .»~ '\_-s".',~. .9:-5:‘ it ' "":;r__!. I 1 ' -"1-"‘ . w. u \ ".15. E} ; -*".‘:~.' In -, ',.,..--:-._,__ . - 0" . Dwelling‘. Bridge Street Whlte Horse Inn Census Place Bridge, Kent. England Source: FHL Film 1341227 PRO Rel RG11 Piece 0955 Folio 23 Page 4 Mart Age Sex Elrrlhplace James WEBB M 59 M Petham, Kent. England Rel: Head Occ: Licensed Viclualler Harriett WEBB M 53 F Newmarket. Cambridge. England Rel: Wale George W. WEBB U 23 M Barham. Kent, England Rel: Son Occ' Professional Cricketer Caroline Ann WEBB U 18 F Barham. Kent. England Rel. Daur Occ: Barmaid Arthur Stewart WEBB 12 M Bridge. Kent, England Rel: Son Occ: Scholar George STROOD U 23 M Canterbury. Kent. England Rel: Serv Occ: Groom (Dom) William SWINSON U 18 M Barham. Kent. England Rel: SEN Occ: Gardener(D0rn) Wfilliam JARVIS U 22 M Bridge. Kent. England Rel: SEN Doc" Labourer {General} H I -'- as - The Jfhfe #ar.5'u. _._1 I THEE. ‘4iH11l“flHflE:', ‘Eu'H'.im3'!. I ‘H: I-.t~'CrhH*v:1.HLaa11-.1 ‘-z‘-.3 xnt.fi'&-.1“;-‘i5um;..1. 1.1!. Ta. ' in-a.~nI.."III.l-.fnn1.*|n1.I~n:.L. Lmum Clunti L1-v.‘H:.."l-."I_'t It Hui. 1..-n..1.n].l+~m.a.1 ‘Lu _ '- 5.. LITTLEBOURNE M,