"' a _.' W 3 .. I.-HI Willi pf _. . . .I-..||. l.||1:|.:I1._ Bekesbourne Church. .%.. mw H WV}; fl W W ,., { Z mf 1. R’ Qv’W;au.L 2. 3, 4 5- %ll"1I“’1CIrJ/PS 5- 7.”'I’_ C-_}{3¢f_2_(;~‘.3_«-,:—__.K ,'v\Q,TJSE:LL_ / 9' 10- bCJ?3‘E3t:3 M 11.J)[W\ 12_ ‘\\__ \\/\“\r-Ed ~.'-_- -- r .r- ‘1m.'i-'i.uii "' ‘K L=_..[...-':.-arr","' \\ -\-\ «J3 V"~‘TIé\\3 2. M5/6UrJC» 3. C.C‘§:—}=§E-JJIS 4. a norm % 5. E; vwmm s. H. v/mums 7. 8_ 'ha\1\-V \ 9.j.a1nzt2wz./K mp m1wm:»m\J 11. N rmcrmq 12. ~. ;<,EN,¢5.~;7 13. Q [€347 Bishopsbourne Village. ) /H" J all! «"1", , , 4 Wfiii’ an I ‘F547 ""5 J. ‘W '0 11 E ' 9 n % é a ~* .4? Eré 1. cocameits 2. L!n.«.uw.n.«!é’J2\/ E 9. \) ox‘ 10. P- P~:=~cT‘c»—n;7g.—J 11. N M]l\TT'E‘-36 12. E! VI3’L)’C4HB1\}/ +‘ D [WW 13. 0\H25‘(/M5140 l\': Back: A Schofield; R Britten; B Cole; F Lawson; A Pay Middle: D Johnson; D Castle; D Doifc Front: G Bourn; K Pay (Capt); R Croxon 1978/79 ;L%.*-Tm.‘ ; v % ‘L L ‘I —- __ - - ‘\ /Jami as ovfew’ 7/} CLCJ 5:- ou I l3oL'[T?1 E r.-.- A . 1.’ ...-..J ,.n—_—-- TEL? f='7=-_Au£f: H F; ' ' "— ,1 _ .v - -s— _— ___-‘—‘b-_—~“"_....r_‘j."_7'1' _ V -w--—‘'‘ . .\-—-3‘ L an-e-nan-w--'-I"'=""‘I-. g '“=—‘=‘= }lH1l|j_11N' V. . .fi-x-—-yfi '=c!''J.-<--r . in“ .. wh ". .'t L.‘ pl 1... wig‘ L 1 me ILL‘: HE: :"::i:{§“ W31 |' U_1—'li£1U€ ‘B‘*4E1'-’(fl<‘<=e fwcxf Em [II '|'0'I‘:\l. I It IS E'_""*.-‘"_.-*E"._"".':"....'.., . 1-1; __T_....... * * .. 'I"I'- -3- Pfl‘i'rie‘5 teheue) Itlfltretl S. W. Meunt‘:-. {l:t'.‘IL'I‘.H]. H1 5.1 friendly mttteh. And it was shew his eutherity. werriett. _ 1 En. en Stinritnr me-rriiri::.. at Bekef-;hr:urr.2 very trienttty. with referee Les I-(night rarely called en to The seere? Welt. itehethr seeme-:1 quite certain . . . But It is rurneured that I‘-i'Ieunt'5 team rettteit up :1 tew mere {.3 er |;]3fIJ£1l|3fl'-f 0.315 than their eituenents I “;‘:.§:‘ a; ,‘__ - ?’ 4'" 0" M TE E . El BQID GE K ‘I ‘t mu. e._ \. \ ls‘ V." H‘ N 5 .‘( ———T ._._._ _.3. .... —4..._..‘T. -_ —;. ,. - V :,. __ _ _ - . .1-. Bfldgf H111. Mike Green; Peter Sinnock; Viv Pritchard; Bob RathmaI1;,g2-;,Puliman; F rank Whitten; Keith "Watson; Peter Morris; David Tamsitt; Brian Middleton; Steve Sutton. .- A :3.r:':*.l’T J5‘?-‘:,r:-t.«=_s;',v"r"-e"-1.»‘,i“4*3‘::... Stand: Robert Horgan; Peter Sinhock; Jasonn Stokes; Hamish McMillan; Kevin Fagg; Timothy Spencer; Stuart Sinnock Knee]: Jamie Green; James Sinnock; Matthew Horgan; Mark Thornby; Robert Whitten _ ~ ;..\-~;‘L‘.EB C!"_‘!"‘L—'—,"‘.5¥',V""""’ ' '\.. I‘ h ‘. ‘ "1". — _ ! _ {tr M . ‘ ' ' ’ 9.5" . ' L ‘i " .S_'f. F"E"l_E-‘R'-5 munch." _ ._-..-_. ' ‘Ill! I-=I:I[ ii-“J -J " :'.'.« _ ,.‘_ I \f.:1io'tei1s m_é that _ _ Jnrsdge Sbhopl 3 I qpgthbf dag-55!.-slgfinper A.ud:_*ew's : :.231T11=_'rg.:'Ev=1-EciIuT="T can » game it-§1*=.1*?-*+*~3i‘%*11‘t?=e,~= -.1'I.r«'9m*.>9*s.- 01? ‘the r‘;7-19x22: ’-vl11u.g'e __ 2:15-o‘l’:!_1_a11 -t~ea1V:n in- ‘ ' weems ‘photo- -- . ‘ ro\'~:5 .. -_ben-. Fred "Am-cs.’ , _ 1438-P1_1nl|;II)€~W5; Hfighén. 3. Farm: .'=cent.reif -.1?» . .-2u:.en; (B0-I'hnm3~ ;_:;‘.Bmwn.-';,‘x; -__irqnt.,-. C. ,Cu1thu_p gishop, x. T " ‘his "‘ch.'ec1£.ex1‘ with -Mr. . 11?. ,<.‘___ _7 ‘ _. : Har1:y.3V,dpgar, who sent‘ me the, h tog:-a l11a.mi who played foot- .|;I!;a1(1) » &n¢I.?-cficket- at Britjge 6D ‘yéars ago,-. and-"he ‘agrees the .'_m1mes"_ ut'is_‘a_._iso unable‘ to 1111 the gaps.’ _7 ' '- -Another-"fo'rmér' Brid resl~ dent"-—recogn§sed.' ".1':lmm5:" Fenjn. who died. recent1y.~a.nd'a1so re- members his brother, Jack, who . fu.'as"k§1!ed"by,1.he mm-can which ' gave flrc-‘warning. .3-? This. happened,‘ he says, “in _the year the king dled‘." As he must mc—a.n King Edward V11, . th.a._t was in 1910. _ % R ‘l:r‘r~'iF=;:e_«__ r ' -. x‘. ,_:;\\, »\'_‘,'\'*~. _ \ 1' _, --r’,...._. W .---.....a'_.,..n..-..-o“"'_ .4.-'A ...1 F “-5): ,3. “1‘... ._ J .-- ‘:2---*4! 3"" - 4 n 5-. -.' I v '5.---: ~ . 4 ,3?’ \ . 3-A"’\.‘gJ 15-17 Bnidgc, {mm tlw Mill. Bridge Junior Badminton Stephen Cfare; Jason Davies; Christopher Clare; Andrew Buckhurst Bridgc, {rmn Cant-.-'.rbL1r‘,r Hill. ‘L +_Bn'd_qe Canferbury .;Y}'//. ‘ 2,1, ALICE PRA BRIDGE JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT MOST SENI 1991 ' ALICE PRATT, BRIDGE TENNIS CLUB'S HER ENT MOST SENIOR MEMBER, CELEBRATES 80th BIRTHDAY Hill 91 1994 Step $0-_ _._... _.* ...-4. .-'a-\.'“' - -.n_.... . yrs ... .. . . ...n.....».._. .474». . U“ h#; _ 1 --+.-——- _‘ ...-o-v . r '.--’-r"\-'***- . «-2 + *,—w%—*-"F-1 2 * I-«-‘..;—«l. = . ._,.a._ . -L... . . -L4-4|. . 4, ..--L - -«-4- § -aw "1. -- 6-2‘- ? -.~ €”I'.r-1-:_, 1-"' ;.' l,a,..:_:+.-_..;_.*r'_..,;__.. ,_..,, . & \\ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \\ CONYNGHAM LANE STABLES Lml on may (nu Immc) m lhl: alnlnluu 1936/9 I’mvidI:d by Inn (firm-in-. I-':mm-r, Lilllu I’;-tr i"m'm ,4’ ' "554 ' I-‘j/%r/I3}!/f:'f_;;/lrf;A{ # » ._ _l('{'5-;-‘In up-}.{_-"_._ ‘ '1'. ~ ‘f.r+.’-r I.-3 . l'I. _“l_' 'J."(|'_‘ '_' "V '. 40" ‘II ix/4l')f‘-fl/ff‘ . f..u.l ll.-uIF|uI\ Clients of the school preparing for a ride. Hm]; Street N Bridge. }\’C{LV(7,V 11777.75 Vrv.‘-' I ‘V -.g(.-;,' ./ ..1’I. This PC suggests tee Masliu stables were still in business because I think it is Capt. Maslin in the trap weth my sold the trap to Bifrens. private laundry ( which you “now well ’ ) lhe tjportanmui and In) was tJu3 only exua to huwxzxxipped mm It was used to take father and he ma} \ ‘l I l-..:iiAL‘\.: El \' the laundry to bifrc“ horse was 6 -Z - .. Miss R. Talbot with my father riding “shot gun” at a loc ul meet This Kentish Express picture shows a horse culled Dolphin winning a Point to Pointa The horse was owned by Miss R. Talbot from Bifrons, trained by my father and ridden by a local farmer named Tom Long, Arthur Swan from Bridge who worked as stable lad at Bifrons, probably 1935/36. Had sisters living in Bridge & Putrixbourne UFOWHIB, FIOI 3. NIKON". First 4 snaps must have been taken about 1931/32 and all show the riding stables of Capt. Maslin & his brother George and the stables were behind the Red Lion ( I think this was the name of the pub - the entrance to the stable yard was almost opposite the V.C. Chapel. nu; .‘ ‘H...- I :.'”fi:o,_I|'¥’.)_II_irj‘;¢_:r' The poat—card shows my father, who would have been lmown to the locals as Toby Godden, trimmingu. hoof. 1.. -0 I :- pd . 1 Father leading them off. Captain MASLIN leading ’Powder Puff’ (known as l"ulTy) in lifrons Park on the footpath leading l'rom the Stables at the top of Laundry Lane (now Conynham Lane) down to the little while bridge. Inn Gracie as :1 young boy riding. 7th Seplemlwr [9]-1 srdflw. .%_..t_.r»__.__ . H, . .m .,u.:u. ._ . 4.. 3 k,._.«u..u_.... 1&1 ._. .. u a H 1» L V: f. JU U U ad L c. E ..m f.. B Power Puff taken at Captain Maslin’s stables with a Bridge Blean Council wagon behind 1935 I I \|f Lad on pony (no name) at the stables 1938/9 Provided by Ian Gracie Farmer, Little Pett Farm - mqmmm 5 * I ' _'I_' __ H E ——1‘ i . ,''-''lF--:-:‘':$:'.'' . I. I’ l‘ - E F i " 1- J Li. I I ' I ' I -'.I i - " I . -J" 1 rid - 1' ' I E II --......_. __ 'I._:—I.:_'-1' ifiil -_ I.‘ ‘ F. I . . - . L . --I—I'I I -- "i-r: I-'I-I-IuII‘-:.I-l-In;"- -'_-'-'-I--“|.I- I - -":I. I. :3 I| -Q I I ‘la 1. I- I I II. I‘ |' -' I'''-IIqIrI.--- : ‘Ii ‘Hi. Ii‘-J: II. ‘I- Hd.+_. '-rI....'....I' I II -"I"-I-I.I" -‘_-I “""r I. J._'_|"'|.- _ --I.II_I.I I-.I.I. . I I I -1 r_,__II|- .___ I I‘-I.--..._.J— Fa "-.-—|_u-1'...‘ I-I-II- - I L ' ‘ — .- "I. "t ‘J. .1--I .'l..]..l-"P -. " -.-'..:.......-,“._ 51.. ‘: ~. I H ."._.a-Iii :- 1. '3 .--.. I-EL 4. 1. , r H H" J'T}':"...;’?ra;:'r'r:-*.».E1nqa-."‘ ‘ "H J. --F! I -IS-'FII.I II.I_.-,_.,_'--r.'r:.--I‘-_I‘. _ L ':‘::J5'.1-rfmm .}'.Jmriz'1_ r;_:'r,riar,;,r‘r_‘,-E""".v& _:-_:. _“;,1;;:ra' fitrun-r . ' I'It’*'*'"‘»”" fl.euh‘:*f-" ‘ "' 1:-,~--3-' "'P:un i‘"l1_f'_l:n:unr .' I‘- "- -:1.‘ * I 13. ,_r_:." ' I E: I -.'-as ,= - .-.- III I1 __'.' _- :1 :=.«:=+ It?‘ '- I I ~- I fl -' '-.'I._ --'-I‘ - I I -1".‘ '|-_1.'...-I .‘hl‘~.\‘-ll.“ . __;-l -' -I. ._III u.' ‘'1: 3:1 _—I_ -I. -.' H I". _I_ "I.'. I t 1- H .' .'''''''-|'H- .. .,_ -3; _ _p J‘I'..nnn +- I-H-I-II-Iu.II|:.'I'I-.. ‘H . ‘''—5h'.'''Ii 1- 1-..:n.I-—n_I'--"""'-.*"""""' ""-H -I """"““""Tj —- — _ I ' ntI:a4.laflE 41. ~. .-'_.. 29‘/?”‘.=§"“'” ii j «I _ ' ,3. "I; ;‘- K v‘ \‘~\ '1 I _ _. 9__ "5. ‘t.’ ....~..,._.."-....-4v-* “ " \ ._- L.-.4. '_,___..- 1345 FORD 'BRlDGE~ ‘ KENT - .H.,.. _firi# . . __._.p \ , 2/ J L '~'. '_ ' .. .' '- - =~ - -r .".»= Patrixbourne from Side Hill. . ___. v... . ___. . . ._ . .. J .33 . . _. . .1. r . 4 . _._ ._ . .. .__ . . ._ W , _ .._ _ . _. _. 4. . .\ . ... _. . . . ...\... . . ....\ _ M _ . _ .._ .. . an _ _ _ -._ . _. _ . ._ . _.n _ . . — . . . u. u 1. I _ -_ . 10 ' ~;.. _ ' :.z,-r-.3: -.— =.a;'..F ““L<;*'f*7' { ‘ ._ ._ y I‘ I View from Church Meadow. {R- _.__._..._ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ u ., N.‘ _ . _ . . ,. U . r..I..su...I. F W - — — _ fi .. T V , v ' m g . . , ...! ..1__. :-. .. ....H5..,....rIl..hi....|¢»;a. I. . ......f...i,.., ..l. u ,\ .5» _ o ' .