ENTDAY SERVICES ; St.‘ Mary‘ s, Patrixbourne: Jan: 5th. Christmas II. a.m. Holy Communion " 19th. Epiphany II. Holy Communion Evensong ” 26th. Epiphany III. 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Feb: 2nd. Septuagesima 18.00 a.m. Holy Communion ' '.- 6.30 p.m. Evensong 8 6 In. " 12th. Epiphany I. 11.00 a..m. Morning Prayer 8 m. 6 In. St. Peter‘ s,Bridge: Jan: 5th. Christmas II. 9.00 a.r.1. Holy Communion . _with hymns. ' 11.00 a_.m. Morning Prayer " .]_2th. Epiphany I. 8.00 a.m. Holy Conmunion I _ 6 00 p.II1. Erensong " 19th. Epiphany II. 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion 1 with hymns. 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer “ _ 11.45 a.m. Holy Comzrunion " 26th. Epiphany III. 8.oo- a.m. Holy Communion . ' ' 6. 30 p.111. Evensong Feb. 2nd. Septuagesima 9.00 21.121. Holy Communion ' with h;y1':m.s. 1 e 11.03 a.m. Morning Prayer ‘ Sunday February 2nd is the feast of The PurJ'_f'ication 4 of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I ALTAR FIDWERS (Brig). 0 - Jan: 5th. Mrs. Howard. Smith. J an; 12th. Mrs. . " 19th. Mrs. Ledger. " 26th. Mrs. Roadley. Feb: 2nd. Mrs. Sandbach. LADY CHAPEL FLOWERS: . Jan: 5th. Miss ‘J. Swan. Jan: 12th. Miss D.Taylor " 19th. Miss D. Hunter. " 26th. Miss J.Baker. Feb: 2nd. Miss B. Hawkins. . ALTAR mowmzs‘ £Patr:bcbou.rne_l.. January - Mrs. Mount. February p — 1V_£r‘s...Parker. _ - q - Even song 1‘ ++++++++++++ i " ’ BRIWE 1>.~xR_I_$_':j__C§_1_Uf\_Q_H_ _I:‘3_G_I_S_§?}QI%_§ :‘ to them and strive to overcome them. Above all, "-"-‘ remember that our resolutions are a matter between our individual selves and God. That He is always at hand to help us when we need His help and ask ' "A New Year resolutions, if well kept vrill go a long way towards ensuring a Happy New Year, not only for ourselves but for all of those we love -and for the se with whom we are in contact every day. -“«,{~TCI.’%TJ.ri: Nov: 10th. Malcolm Nigel Hogben. T “Wee; l.h,th. James Reuben Ta.I11si'i:t and Winifred Jean Kennett. Nov: lst. Edward Clark, aged 76. " 20th. James. Wesley Harvey, aged _ _ A ,_ J D N 25th. Robert Ward Whittle, age'd""]8. -S - -3- ‘ . +++++++-I-+++ +++-‘.--.‘-++ -E‘ + -:- + + OVERSEAS nV__LI_fl§_: The Overseas Evening held in the v Reading Room on November 28th, was a very pleasant, if rather small, gathering. The Rev. Stapley gave an interesting introduc- tory talk on the "Beliefs of the people of South India". The setting of the first film also dealt 1 H _ '_ with this. The first step towards making a good reso1u- _, . ' ThG.SeO°nd,_£flm’ Fhlch Wés In Colimr’ was gist tion should be an examination of ourulives during limtgresfilngi Em'.ltled ’P(.)rtralt of 8‘ Diocese ’ 1 the year that has gone. Tm-S will Show us our . ., dealt with work in the l):Locese of Natal. " Weak points and so guide us in forming pour; _ Tea was served during the evemllg and Our W -1. - A ’ . Christmas Bazaar" offered something for all tastes lesolntions, to take steps to try and overcome ~~ . (th h - . 1 d) Th -them Next We Should Write them down and Pin them. . 2;‘ ,e, ome made sweets were especial y goo . e » - result of the evening was a profit of £12. 8. 5 for .1 SAP?! XEAR: » One part of the ritual of the New Year is the making of New Year resolutions. It is a good thing to make ’these resolutions provided that we are sincere and have taken the trouble to make them properly and with the intention of keeping them as far as in us. . lies. " 7 ’ 71; x:herc.we can see them when we say our prayers _ p ._ morning and evening. The dictionary says the word resolution-medians: -.-z'~ '4" "acting with a fixed purpose", "firmness-, ' constancy and determination", . '" If our resolutions are ‘to be worth ...rI I . should first of all make sure that they are not "H 1300 difficult for us and then We should bring 170 3681‘, the qualities of firmness, constancy and etermlnation to help us, - ' Then We should not be discouraged. by. fa:a'.1i1z'-e‘.‘..' S.P.'G. General and South India Fund. .Thank you all very much for your help and S‘1PPort. ‘ K.W. V +++++++++-i-+ __M0TrIERs' UNION: The Service of Holy communion at 9.00 a,.m. on January lst will be 3 Corporate Ooumunion for the Mothers‘ Union. 1;, .» .r - . . . ~ . . There will be meetin on Mond:a».Y J3-‘mar-V who is striving is ,lla,.'bl€.:._tO slip at _, .. 20th in the Methodi; Chapel? at 2_1,_5 13:31,, when to turn or another. Rather, we should endeavour Mrs. Caesar will we an address on "The Mother of our failures into stepping stones towards 3 WI‘ 8061- Never try to excuse failures, face Im our Lord." +++++++++++ E-C T ~vg:g;y«'i⁡.a;1av.* Unforhmately, owing to control, the Decexnber ,; .- A5 ....!..,,f_fi. {#2 (AJJAAJV V‘lCAR’,§ AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS ' PAT IXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Te1.: Bridge 310. 71; Q’“J" MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. (WA 0 idge 218. 77% GE FAR1sH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. ‘S/1J7/M‘? Lg/”"(Te’léBridge £38.; LIE -COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Q4 Tel.: Bridge 325. 6 SecreIary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge, Tel; Bridge 245. Treasurer.‘—MR. W. J. PARKER. Sr. MARY XBOURNE <.:;r« ., Vb T... [1/\ PATRI /4 IR 3 § \\\\\\\\\mmiuviwtmitwmmlmimz//fl JR 1 I Sr. PETER BRIDGE I ‘§\\\\\\\\‘\\\\\ \\\ \ PARISH MAGAZINE \ PD._ § .\ \\‘ "Z/ MAR-. 1953 flj ‘~ St. Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne Goon FRIDAY SERVICE, 11 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES ST. MARY'S, PATRIXBOUENE Mar. 2nd Lent II 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Mar. 9th Lent III 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Mar,l6th Lent IV 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Mar.23rd Lent V 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Mar.30th Palm Sunday ll.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Apr. 6th Easter Day 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. ST. PETER‘S2 BRIDGE. Mar. 2nd Lent II 9.00 a.m. H.Comunion with hymns ll.0O a.m. Morning Prayer Mar. 9th Lent III 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Mar.l6th Lent IV 9.00 a.m. H.Commnion with hymns ll.OO a.m. Morning Prayer 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion Mar.23rd Lent V 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion ' 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Mar.30th Palm Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Apr. 6th Easter Day 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer ll.45 a.m. Holy Communion. Friday April 4th is GOOD FRIDAY. There will be a service in St. Peter's, Bridge, at 7.30 p.m. EASTER DAY. Please note the altered times for the Easter Day services. Mar. 25th Annunciation of the B.V.M. in St. Peter‘s, Bridge, at 9.15 a.m. ALTAR FLOWERS. No flowers during Lent; on the rotas are as follows:— Altar flowers (Bridge) Apr. 6th. Easter Day, Mrs. Carroll. Lady Chapel Flowers (Bridge). Apr. 6th Easter Day Miss S.lhmmwry Altar Flowers (Patrixbourne), for the month of April — Mrs. Potter. Holy Communion The next __ NSTITUTION OF THE REV. R.A. PENNEY Ayrangements have been made for the-Instieuw tution and Induction of the Rev. R.A. Penney to the united benefices of Patrixbourne with_Bridge and Bekesbourne, by the Bishop of Dover and the Archdeacon of Canterbury, in St.Peter's, Bridge, on Monday April Qlst at 7 p.m. _ As Mr. Penney will not be inducted into either of the other churches accommodation will have to be provided in Bridge Church on Apr.2lst for members of the congregations 6f Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne who may wish to attend the Institution. Bridge Church will accommodate a congregation of about 300. The Parochial Church Council has decided that admission to the Institution will have to be by ticket only. Application for tickets should be made to the Churchwardens of the three churches coneerned,fl' to Mr. J,D, Smith (Lay Reader), not later than 13th April. , ‘ After the service on 21st April there will be an informal gathering_with_refreshments, in the Reading Room, Bridge, to meet the new Vicarl and Mrs. Penney.”’ All parishioners of the three- parishes will be welcome. " AHHUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. The above meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 26th March. At this meeting the People's Wardens and the members of the Parochial Church Council will be elected for the ensuing year. Any parish— ioners may attend this meeting, but only those whose names are included in the Electoral Roll" will be eligible to vote. will members of the P.C.C. please note that as this is an open meeting, no individual notices will be sent out. STEADFASTNESS How are we standing up to the Lenten challenge? we all realise that the more we strive to live up V to the standards set for us by Jesus, the more the Devil strives to lure us away. We find the Devil very plausible and it needs constant vigilance on our part, to keep us from falling into the snares he sets for us. Jesus found this too, only in His case the temptation was much greater, because he was not only human like us but He was divine and the Son of God Himself and therefore all powerful. He knew very well that he need not starve in the wilderness, just as He knew that He could come to no physical harm unless He was willing. He knew that as God he could quite easily dominate the whole of this world and its rulers and its peoples. But He also knew that if He succumbed to these tempta- .tions, the whole purpose for which He was sent to dwell amongst us, would be wrecked. He came to show us the example of a perfect life that we might follow in His steps. None of us can ever be tempted as He was tempted. Indeed our temptations, when we examine them, seem very trivial compared with His. But therein lies their subtlety. Because we think they do not matter. a great deal owing to their seeming smallness, we are'apt~ to succumb for this very reason. Yes, the Devil is certainly very subtle. We have got to remember that We as Christians are also examples, not of a%~~ perfect life as He was, but as His followers, trying always to live up to the pattern of that perfe9t_ _ life. Our enemies (and His) are always on the watch~ for us to slip up, especially during Lent and they rejoice when we fall even in a small way. Our friends, especially those younger than We are, rely quite a lot on those of us who are older and more experienced than themselves and Qur‘ example often means more than we realise. Good or" bad it may influence them to follow in our steps.‘ J.D.S. Please let it be a good example. INSTITUTION OF THE REV. R.A. PENNEY Arrangements have been_made for the-Insti¥___ tution and Induction of the Rev. R.A. Penney to the united benefices of Patrixbourne with Bridge and Bekesbourne, by the Bishop of Dover and the Archdeacon of Canterbury, in St.Peter‘s, Bridge, on Monday April Elst at 7 p.m. . -s Mr. Penney will not be inducted into either of the other churches accommodation will have to be provided in Bridge Church on Apr.2lst for members of the congregations 6f Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne who may wish to attend_the Institution. Bridge Church will accommodate a congregation of about 300. The Parochial Church Council has decided that admission to the Institution will have to be by ticket only. Application for tickets should be made to the Churchwardens of the three churches concerned,H to Hr. J.D. Smith (Lay Reader), not later than 13th April. ‘ ' After the service on 21st April there will be an informal gathering_with_refreshments, in the Reading Room, Bridge, to meet the new Vicar and Mrs. Penney. All parishioners of the three- parishcs will be welcome. . AHHUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. The above meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 26th March. At this meeting the People‘s Wardens and the members of the Parochial Church Council will be elected for the ensuing year. Any parish— 1°n0TS may attend this meeting, but only thoSe_. Whose names are included in the Electoral Roll will be eligible to vote. Will members of the P°C°C° Please note that as this is an open m°§tin€9 no individual notices will be sent ou . .tions, the whole purpose for which He was sent to STEADFESTNESS How are we standing up to the Lenten challenge? we all realise that the more we strive to live up 4 to the standards set for us by Jesus, the more the ' Devil strives to lure us away. We find the Devil A very plausible and it needs constant vigilance on our part, to keep us from falling into the snares he sets for us. Jesus found this too, only in His case the temptation was much greater, because he was not only human like us but He was divine and the Son of God Himself and therefore all powerful. 2", ' J-(£1-.m|I.'!‘,‘. .. . He knew very well that he need not starve in the wilderness, just as He knew that He could come to no physical harm unless He was willing. He knew a that as God he could quite easily dominate the whole of this world and its rulers and its peoples. Bt He also knew that if He succumbed to these tempta- ..'.‘J.‘; 4.. ..';,'i.'u.-‘=7 dwell amongst us, would be wrecked. He came to show us the example of a perfect life that we might. follow in His steps. None of us can ever be tempted as He was tempted. Indeed our temptations, when we examine them, seem very trivial compared with His. But therein lies their subtlety. Because we think they do not matter. a great deal owing to their seeming smallness, we are‘apt- to succumb for this very reason. Yes, the Devil is certainly very subtle. We have got to remember that We as Christians are also examples, not of a~~~ Perfect life as He was, but as His followers, trying always to live up to the pattern of that perfe9t_ life. Our enemies (and His) are always on the watch- for us to slip up, especially during Lent and they rejoice when we fall even in a small way. Our friends, especially those younger than we are! rely quite a lot on those of us who are older and more experienced than themselves.andnQuT ‘ V‘£ example often means more than we realise. Good or’ bad it may influence them to follow in our steps.‘ Please let it be a good example. 3-3-5- MOTHERS‘ UNION Intercession Service in St. Peter's Church Bridge, on Tuesday Mar.4th at 3 p.m. There will be a meeting in the Methodist Chapel on Monday Har.l7th at 2.45 p.m., when Mrs. Burnett will give a talk on “Lent.” The Annunciation of the B.V.M. Tuesday Mar. 25th. . There will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.15 a.m. in St. Peter's Bridge. Will members of the M.U. please make this a M.U. Corporate Communion. R.I.P. With regret we have to record the passing of another old member of the fi.U. Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Sheather, who passed to the fuller ‘ life in December. She was one of the oldest members of our Branch of the M.U. and was a zealous and God—fearing Christian. JUNIOR CHURCH EOTES The date of the Annual Concert has been fixed for Apr.l7th and 18th. Will members and friends please make a note of these dates and will you please give us your support again this year. We hope to produce a show as good as ever. Meetings. Mar. 2nd and 16th-Family Service in Church at 11.0 a.m. March 9th, 23rd; and 30thi Class teaching in Church at 11 a.m. ’ NOTE March 30th is Palm Sunday. There will be the usual distribution of palms. EXTRACTS FROM PATRIXBOURNE PARISH REGISTERS BAPTISES. Nov. 17th 1957 Jeremy Hugh Arnold Nov. 24th 1957 Monica Jayne Hambrook BURIALS Dec.l7th. Frances Elizabeth Sheather aged 75. EXTRACT FROM BRIDGE PARISH REGISTERS BAPTISM. Feb. 2nd Adrian Cloete Uys. -X-**-X-*'% Vicar: THE REV. ROBERT PENNEY. The ViC8F3ge- Bridge‘ .Tel.: Bridge 250: Lay Reader: " . :9 -» MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. ' Tel.: Bridge 260.‘ g g V VICAR’S AND PE'OPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. J TeI.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixboume. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE J ’ CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. TeI.: Bridge 438. LIEUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. TeI.: Bridge 325_. V 4 ’ - Secretary.’—-MR. L. J, WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. TeI.: Bridge 245. Treasurer.'—MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesboume Tel.: Bridge 213. ' MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Coma TeI..' Bridge 235. Secrelary.'—-MRS. SANDALL, School Hous Tel.: Bridge 256. Treasurer:——MR. H. F. SHOREY. 86. Bekesboum¢_ e, Bekesboume_ ST. WM/IRT 7 ‘ Iii ~Z“iI_/flf L.__. \ PATIRIXBOURNE ” .'5'r._ ~ K’ e AND I sT..~, PETER :55 -7 _BEKESBO,URN.E ‘ A BABi$H M;§GAZlNE ‘V PD. r____j._,. - _ PARISH DIARY - MAY, 1958. May. 1 — Th. SS.Philip & James. 7 a.m. Holy Com. Bridge. 2 - Fri. 3 p.m. Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union. Vill Hut. 3 - Sun. 4th Sunday after Easter. Bridge 11 a.m. Matins 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bakesbourne. 3.00 p.m. Family Serv. 6 — Tu. 3 p.m. M.U.Intercessions. Bridge. 8 p.m. British Legion. The Basket Maker, Littlebourne. 9 — Fri. 7 p.m. Jumble Sale. Village Hall. 11 — Sun. Rogation Sunday. Bridge 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm., 11.00 a.m. Junior Church 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Matins. Bekesbourne. 9.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 15 - Th. Ascension Day. 7.00 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne. 18 - Sun. Sunday after Ascension. Bridge. 9.00 a.m. Parish Comm. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 19 - Mon. 2.45 p.m. Mothers‘ Union. Methodist Chapel. Speaker: Mrs.Sellars. 25 - Sun. Whitsunday. Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins. Bekesbourne. 9.00 a.m. Parish Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 26 — Mon. Whit Monday. 7.00 a.m. Holy Com. Bridge. 27 - Tu. Whit Tuesday. 7.00 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 28 "“ed° §E§2£_22l- 7-O0 a.m. H.C. Bidg6- °”""“ -c VICAR'S LETTER. My dear People, I waswrong in forecasting, in my last letter, that my Institution and Induction_woulC be a terrifying experience. Momentous and thrilling it certainly was, but not at all terrifying, Isaw not a sea of strange faces, but just friendly faces. Everybody has been so kind and Welcoming to us since we arrived in Bridge that already we feel ourselves to be amongst friends. And that is how we hope it will continue'+»for.friendship in a comunity is the spirit which enables God's work to be done. A ' V ' The arrangements for m Institution and Induction involved the Churchwardens and all their'helpers in a very great deal of work, which was done so willingly and so well that everything went off smoothly and agreeably. I am most grateful, and say thank you to all of you, Churchwardens, Choirs, Organists and other 0fficials,.caterers and the host of "backroom boys" and-girls. Thank you especially for 9 your warm hospitality to our many visiting friends frgm.Shirley and Boxley. j *7 ~ A :;~I'am sure, too, that we all felt grateful to the Bishop of Dover, the Archdeacon of_ '1 Canterbury and our Rural Dean for the_devout, dignified, yet friendly way in which the ‘ service was conductéd§"”The Bishopfs Address was salutary and inspiring, not only to'me'W but, I am sure, to all who heard it. It is good to be reminded of the joint duty of Priest and people. We are a team,~working for God in this part of His Kingdom. This first edition of the new magazine is important because it marks the beginning not only of your_work under new leadership, but also the strengthening of our team.,_ We are now the United Benefice of Patrixhourne with Bridge and Bekesbourne - "three in ohe‘and one in three" - the Divine pattern of unity. Legally, for certain purposes only, we still remain three Parishes, but for all other purposes of work and worship, we are as ONE CHURCH COMMUNITY with the privilege of uprshipping together in three beautiful and valuable churches. On Trinity Sunday, June lst, we shall be thinking of the Divine Mystery of the TRINITY. Let us pray that something of the harmony of the Divine Trinity may be ours as We work and pray together in the days ahead. Your friend and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY. * * *’ _ Notes from Bridge. =Village Hall Fete. Will you please make a note of the date of this hardy annual. It is July 19th. The Officers and Committee appeal to all those who use and value the Hall, to give this event all the support possible as money is urgently needed to pay for the repairs and alterations which have added so much to the comfort of all who use the Hall for any of the various ' functions which make it so necessary to our village life. A Jumble Sale to provide money for current expenses will be held in the Hall on Friday, May 9th, at 7.00 p.m.. Cast off clothing and any saleable articles_of household use will be gladly welcomed and will be collected on notification to the Secretary, Miss Seath or the Chairman, Mrs.Clark.’ BTiQ8G County Primary School. — The Jumble Sale held on March 29th raised" £ll.10.0d. .. _ ..- BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES. ,The.Annual.- Concert, held on April.l'_7t1i": 18th was attended each evening by a Hall-full. pg of our friends and, I hope, we managed.tojgiVé _," them as good an entertainment as they expected. We are very grateful to Mr. & Mrs.Stevens, Mrs- Clements and Mrs Taylor and Diana for their valued help and I am very grateful to my » - '— -‘ ' ‘*;‘:—‘ colleagues of the Junior Church, Miss Wass and Miss Gwen Lemar for doing all the training of the performers and to Mrs.Ledger and her Junior Drama Society for the two extremely amusing plays. Lastly may I sincerely thank Miss Richards who did so much good work on the piano. It is too early for me to give you the financial result but I feel sure that it will be as good as we expect. Meetings. Family Worship in Church on May 4th at ll a.m. and 18th at 9.a.m. Class teaching in Church on May llth and 25th at 11 a.m.J D S MOTHERS’ UNION.— Tuesday, May 6th. Intercessions in Church at Bridge at“3 p.m.. ‘A "lOn Monday ’May 19th, meeting in Methodist Chapel at 2.45 p.m. when the Speaker will be Mrs.Sellars (Diocesan President) who will speak on "Look out — Look up — Look in". Preliminary Notice. The Annual Outing & Service will take place on June 23rd when the members will go by coach to Sissinglimst then to'Cranbrook for Tea and on to Biddenden Church for Service. Full particulars in next issue ‘of this Magazine. ‘Notes from St. Peter's, Bekesbourne. lst Bekesbourne.Scouts. The Annual Meeting was held in the School on April 24th.” Will boys and parents please note that recruits to this troup will be welcomed from any of the neighbouring parishes. The Scouts held their Social in the Hut on April 26th. ’ Will parents please note that the Brownies meet at 10.45 a.m. on Saturdays in the School. Girls aged 7% to ll will be welcomed if they wish to join. - EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS. Bridge. Marria e. Peter John Johncock and -‘*5’ Gillian Ovenden. Ma;-.29th~ Caroline Annie Prescott, Burial. '“""""" aged. 70. March 26th. :1 EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS (Cont.) BEKESBOURNE. Marriages. Neville Leonard Gibbs and Janet Ann Goodwin. March 29th. Michael John Harrison and Elizabeth Clifford Wilson, Apl.5th. Burial. Stephen Thomas Tinley (of_Dover). * * * BRITISH LEGION. This year has seen a gratifying increase in attendance at the monthly meetings of the Littlebourne and District Branch, and the very successful whist drive held on-March-25th was, also well patronised. The new president is”“ Major—General G. Surtees, and the officials are - Chairman, Captain F.W.Newing; Vice- chairman, Mr.F.L.Newport; Honorary secretary and treasurer_(the two offices being‘combined’ for the first“time)iMr.V.Maynabd; Sports secretary; Mr.C.Edwards§f;“wL”%TiI.+M1=+- ;a7 A recent measure of decentralisation isf the appointment.of membership representatives for villages as follows. i.Littlebourne, 0‘ Captain F.W.Newing, and Mr.C.Edwards; 'V~ Wickhambreaux, Mr.R.Miles; Ickham, Mr.R.Maple I ;andTMr.F.W.Bennett; Bekesbourne, Mr.J.Newport. The monthly meetings, which take place’at 8 p.m. on the first Tuesday in_each month, will be continued throughout the summer. ‘_The next two venue are May 6th, The Basketmaker,;IfV Littlebourne§“~Junel3rdz;Th%5Prince of Wales, Bekesbourne.- “.. 4 TIM" T"“* ’"‘75 ' *.* ?. r May 4th. Mrs.H.Hawkins PARISH DIARY - Cont. May. 30 - Fri. Ember Day 31 - Sat. Ember Day. 7 a.m. Holy Com.Patrix. 7 a.m. H.C. Bridge June. 1 — Sun. Trinity Sunday. Bridge. 11.00 a.m. Matins 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 3.00 p.m. Family Serv. 3 - Tu. 8 p.m. British Legion. Prince of Wales. Bekesbourne. 5 — Th. Corpus Christi 7.0 a.m. Holy Comm. Bridge. * * * * * AITAR FLOWERS. BRIDGE: (High Altar May 11th Mrs.Howard Smith June 1st Mrs.Road1ey " 18th. Mrs.Huter " 25th. Mrs.Ledger _(Lady Chapel) May 4th. Miss J.Swan " 18th Miss J.Eaker " 25th. Miss B.Hawkins PATRIXBOURNE. May: Mrs. Ronald. EKESBOURNE: See list in Church. May 11th Miss D.Taylor June lst.Miss I.Lawrence June: Mrs.Christopherson 4I>*§*§ V 1' car .' THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Te1..' Bridge 250. Lay Reader.‘ MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PAT RIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel..' Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. TeI..' Bridge 438. Lnztrr-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 325. 5€Cretary.'——MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Te1.: Bridge 245. Treasurer:——MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. TeI..' Bridge 235. Secrerary.-—MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. TeI.: Bridge 256. Trea_mrer.'—MR. H. F. SHOREY. ST. MARY PATRIXBOURNE ”’ WITH I Sr. PETER ’ BRIDGE AND Sr. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE A \ JUNE, 1953 ‘-\~ ‘ , PD. ERRISH DIARY - JUNE, 1958. June. 1 - Sun. Trinity Sunda . Services as detailed in the MAY Magazine. 3 p.m. M.U. Intercessions - Bridge. 8 p.m. British legion: Prince of Wales, Bekesbourne. 5 - Th. Corpus Christi. Bridge- 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 8 — Sun. 1st. Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne. ' 11 .00 a.m. Matins. Beke sbourne . 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 "' Wedo Ste Barnabas! Ashl- Bridge. 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 15 - Sun. 2nd. Sunday after Trinity. Bridge- 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 18 — Wed. Bridge. 10.30 a.m. Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion. 22 - Sun. 3rd. Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne.11.00 a.m. Matins. 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion. Bekesbourne. 9.00 a.m. Parish Commn. 5.00 p.m. Evensong. 23 - Mon. Bridge Mothers’ Union Outing. Leave White Horse Inn 12.30 p.m. 2h - Tu. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Patrixbourne. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 29 - Sun. St. Peter A.M. Patronal Festival. Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. 6.30 p.m. Evenscng.- 5 - Tue. VICAR'S NOTES. My dear People. God forbid that we should ever régard the existence of the National Health Service an: t . ’ - 7. 118. e other benefits of the Nelflare State as an aiiq substitute for p rsonal service anddgénerii .y - e :*::;.::::§:h’.:: . 1-. ' mi s - . °”phanS.inw§§§h it can give its SPe°ia1 1°Ve’ 15 cauSe£rivilegea _ and that is how I feel about V¢I_'Y. . ‘ t th the Close. I am very glad to be Chaplainé 0 Ofe Close. aria I shall bung to your :11: 1:: ogicial their needs which cannot biamet tshzge in minist_ channels. so that {flu 2333 £03: aThe local branch ering to these wor Y ’ _ .11 ha of we of canterbmv ha: my fullest SuPP°Tt: as I am 5 yours. Green grass in place of Asphalt 1: thetfgrst thing we want at the Close. I wouldtno a::nof_X Parents, OI'Y°urs’ to spend-thebl:sasy:alt'Paved their life gazing “P°n n°?hlng lls - End that is Courtyards’ flanked by brick W8 t the Close who all there is for those old peqpl: aMr Booth are not strong enough to Walk on Q A t or bowls wants to give them a lawn f°? °r?°que 1d be a , and some rose—bedS: and I think lihwgu wonderful thing for us to do for e ° - ' f S rvices Services. I hope that the pr°V1$1°n ° 9 .11 t —'“’at our three is Wage’ “:2: t° meet any r?qpests yogugzfigueeggzy cglebrations already made l?clude re‘d on Wednesdays at of Holy Communion at_§EE_S§ ‘ 1 0 an 10-30 a-m- and °n Fr1days.at 7 aéétrgxgourne occasional Carly Celebrlfbontizn :t 8 a.m. will A“ additi°na1 Sunday Ce 6 ra 1 t Sunday in be provided at Bekesbourne on the 3 there will —-<—-—7;-—- the m°nth» °°mmen°1ng lh. J:l¥§ :3 a.m. at also be a late Celebration a - Patrixbourne on the 1st. Sunday- _____________ In addition to the valuable help I get from Mr. Smith at Bridge, I am expecting to receive occasional help in future from two Lay- Readers, Mr. Sidney Lamb, M.B.E., of Bekesbourne, and Commander C. Steele V.C. from Folkestonc. Choirs. Our choirs show hopeful growing signs. We have several new recruits at Bridge and soon we hope to sing the 9 a.m. Parish Communion Service. Members of the Bekesbournc choir who live near Patrixbourne Church are now going to come to our services there to help with the singing. we thank Miss Richards for her past services as Organist and Choir Mistress at Bridge and welcome Mr. David Maple as her successor._ Gifts. I akcnowledge with gratitude a donation ,of £50 to be used at my discretion for Bridge Church. The giver wishes to remain anonymous. Parishioners. A welcome home from hospital to Ian Whigham, Mrs. Christopherson, Mrs. N. Gray‘ and Mr. A. Gray: also welcome to a new family- who have just come to live in Patrixbourne, Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood and their two daughters, Anthea and Margaret. ' Please let me know about anyone who is_sick or house-bound for any reason, so that I can Visit. . Your friend and Vicar, ROBERT EENNEY.‘ *=‘.=*='.€='.$*** FRIENDS OF THE HOSPITALS The Bridge, Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne Group has now been reactivated, with Miss Stella Logan a5 Secretary. There is great need for extra comforts and for service at the hospitals, and the local People will no doubt take a special interest in the Close, with its many old peqp1e..l.W The work of the-Friends is excellent and deserves all possible support. Mothers‘ Union. Tuesday, 3rd. June. Intercessions in Bridge Church at 3 p.m. The Annual Outing & Service will take place on Monday, 23rd. June. The Coach "will leave "The White Horse Inn", Bridge at 12.30 p.m. for Sissinghurst, to visit the Castle and gardens. Then to Cranbrook for tea and on to Biddenden Church for Service at 6.30 p.m. Junior Church Notes. There will now be Class Teaching at Bridge Church every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. excepting the 1st. Sunday in the month when the Family Service will be held at 11 a.m. If parents of small children who need escorting to Church will let Mr. Smith know, he will arrange for them to be called for and taken back after Class or, Service. ' _Village Hall. .} .-The Jumble Sale held on 9th. May realised , ikfthe sum of £30 and the Committee wish to thank g all those whose efforts helped to raise this magnificent sum. The Annual.Fete will be held on 19th. July . and the Committee will be glad of all the help they-can get to make this a big success. Kent Country library. The Bridge branch of the Country Library is _open on Thursdays 4.30 p.m. - 5 p.m. & Fridays 5 p.m. — 4 p.m. & 7 p.n. - 7-30 P-m- The Library is free to all persons residing in Bridge. There is now a Junior Section for young people who go to schools or work away frm the Village. New borrowers are always welcome. The branch Library carries a good and well varied stock of works of fiction, as well as works of a more serious nature and books not in our local stock can always be obtained from the Central Library on application to the local Librarian. i PATRIXBOURNE. The Patrixbourne Church Restoration Committee recently met to discuss with Mr.- Swaine, our architect, certain urgent repairs. The Spire requires to be re—shingled and some of the timbers and masonry need attention, apart from interior decoration and plasterwork.' Estimates are being obtained and a detailed scheme will be published before an official appeal is launched to raise the money required, but; of course, donations towards this cause may be sent to the Vicar at any time and will be very welcome. BEKESBOURNE. Scout, Cub & Brownie News. With the coming of new recruits, from out- side and from the pack, Scout numbers have _ increased. Mac is taking the whole troop to camp over the Whitsun.week-end. On 31st. May the Cubs and Brownies are going by coach to the London Zoo. This will probably be one of the last occasions on which Brown Owl will be with us. To our great regret Mrs.Colthup (Brown Owl) is leaving the district and this will leave the Brownies without a leader. Mrs. Colthup has been a keen energetic worker and we shall miss her services. The Brownies will miss her more than most of us and we shall be in.urgent need of a suitable adult lady to take her place. Will somebody please volunteer so "that the Brownies can carry on.where she leaves off. Youth Service. . This service, on Commonwealth Youth Sunday, conducted by the Vicar, was a full parade service for Scouts, Cubs and Brownies and was quite an impressive event and a real youth effort. The Queen's message was read to a large family congregation. Brigge. . . p.m_ F '1 - . July 1. Tue. 8 p.m. British Legion’ ami Y Service Duke William, Ickham. BRITISH LEGION. ESEEEBSEEEE is included in the area of the Littlebourne and District Branch which warmly l ' ’ we comes the interest already shown by the Vicar. The next monthly meeting will be held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday 1 t Jul William, Ickham. ’ S 3': at the Duke B ‘d ' - - . _r1 ge Branch, will publish details of its meet- gngs in a future issue of this Magazine. Ex- ervice men in thi di t ' t membership to the ;on.sS::? wiaygagfiiggfigr F'lm - ‘ . ’ 1 er Cottage, Filmer Rd. Bridge. (Bridge 392) . ALTAR FIDWERS. §_r1_£.- High Alter une 1st. Mrs..Roadley. J. gth M " 15th. Mrs. Williams. :ne22nd. N::. §:::§ach. ll . C ’ I . Lady Chapelfs arr°ll° July 6th’ Mrs‘ Chem‘ J . ' . fine1;:: 3:55 B-Iawrence.June 8th. Miss G.Iemar. - » SS 6. Mummery. ' 22nd_ Miss M_ _ Setterfield 2 th. _ I - .. ' Phtriib Miss A.Stevens. July 6th. Miss J.Swan. June. Mrs. Chr' t h Bekesbourne. ls qp ers°' JulY- Mrs. Loman. June 1st. Mrs. Scales. June 8th. Mrs. Arman. ll 1 0 On. I! mu haln II 2 th. I - I . ' g I 9 M158 Walla°e° July 5th. Bekesbourne EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTER? Ies" §1_1'i_€~.1_‘- Edward F°y1e- Aged 79. 14th. May 1953_ Phrcy Philpotts. Aged 82. 22nd. May 1958, ——u.——— -.——¢— Vicar.‘ THE REV. Roman A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Te/..' Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Te1..' Bridge 310. Mn. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixboume. Te1..‘ Bridge 218. isnrwARX iflflflwi 2”” PATRIXBCOURNE “ii BRIDGE ‘ ' . ’ . . . WITH Cur. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 438. ‘ ' " L1EUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgef0rd‘Cottage, Bridge. g -ST. R / T 1..- B ‘d 325. - . e n ge l B . Secretary:——MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 245. b » AND % Trea.s‘urer.'—MR. W. J . PARKER. _ . ‘ _ 4- ; ST. PETER - BEKESBOURNE J . ~ ‘ . \ Tel.: Bridge 213. Ma. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. TeI..' Bridge 235. Secrelary.'—MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. A i 4 Te1.: Bridge 256. ‘ Treasurer.'—Mk. H. F. SHOREY. ‘/ i \ MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. J / ‘ . JULY, 1958 ‘Q L_________;______:' J P” PARISH DIARY — JULY, 1958 3 pm. M.U. Intcrcessions — Bridge. 8 pm. British Legion. Duke William, Ickham. - Ted. 2 pm. Bridge School Sports. O\ R.) I U) 5 5th Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 11.00 11.45 Patrixbourne. .00 6.30 Bekesbourne. .00 3.00 am. am. am. pm- am: Pm- Matins. Holy Communion. Holy Communion. Evensong. Holy Communion. Family Service. 13 — Sun. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Bridge, 8.00 6.30 Patrixbourne. 11.00 Bekesbourne. 9.00 am. Holy Communion. pm. Evensong. am. Matins. am. Parish Communion. 16 - Wed. 10.30 am. Bridge. M,U,Corpo1-ate 19 Communion._ Sat. Bridge Village Hall Fete, 20 — Sun. 7th Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. Patrixbourne. 9.00 am. Parish Communion. .00 am. Holy Communion. 6.30 pm. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 11-00 amo Mating: 22 - Tu. Patrixbourne. St. Mary Magdalene. 10.00 am. Holy Communion. 23 - Wed. 2.30 pm. Bridge School Parents‘ Day and Prizegiving. 25 - Fri. St.James A.M. Brid e. 27.— Sun. 8th Sunda Bridge. 7.00 an. Holy Communion. after Trinity. .00 am. Holy Communion. 6.30 pm. Evensong. VICARTSI ‘NOTES My dear People, . * HOW GENEROUS CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE TOWARDS G615?" And I-IOW MUCH DO YOU .‘.CTU.‘.LLY GIVE N_<)v[ in_ donations to Charities, Missions and Church Ffiids, and also, in regular weekly contributions to your local Church for its work and upkeep? I am compelled to deal urgently with this practical side'of our religion, because I find that we are facing a three—fold financial emergency in our Parishes — and your immediate help is needed. '1. At Bekesbourne Church the organ woodwork has been savagely attacked by Woodworm, which must be dealt with now to avoid serious consequences. This involves stripping down the organ, which must be cleaned and overhauled at the same time. The total cost will be about £300. and the P C.C. decided at their last meeting that this work should be put in hand at once. It was also decided to investigate the possibility of installing an elec- tric blower in place of the present "small boy" device, and this may cost an extra £150. — more a less. An immediate payment of £150. must be made to the 0rgan—builders to enable the work to commence, and the balance found within a few months. 2. Patrixbourne spire needs to be re-roofed immediatEfi37EE3Ithi§ work has been authorised at a cost of about £800, but there are also other fairly urgent repairs and interior decoration to be financed to the extent of another £700. o.f“ji more. 3. Our Diocesan ota has been raised by 25%, and our regular expenses have also risen, but in 1957 our total direct giving dropped by Over £100, so there is need for everyone of us to make the effort to increase our weekly giving. _ YOU cm: HELP (1) by a DON£.'I'ION or a promse — to give a donation, (2) by a IDAN towards the immediate outlay (repayable when the money has baen received from other sources) and (3) by maklng the most generous contribution you can afford by means _ . _.. A ._....:.-._.i.. ..... .. . , _.._.-_..._¢.,.,..‘_ .‘_. .. ...,..,.............._...-. - ——~‘ ” .4... ’ To The Vicar of Patrixbourne, Bridge and Bekesbourne. of the Free—will Offering Scheme, which assures Us of your weekly amount_towards Church expensesy In response to your Appeal in the July Magazine, qvsri when you are not able to come to Church. - - . our Willingness t0 accept the duty to ive, I am.will1ng to contribute to Church Funds as set realistically, sacrificially and regularly, as out below:- part of our worship, is a searching test of’-cfir Christianity. Will each of you give serious thought to this question and pass judgment on yourself as to whether your Alms-giving is in by DONATION of as proper relation to your expenditure on’ personal luxuries, pleasures and hobbies? Then will you by LOAN Of 5 ' decide for yourself, first of all, how much you can contribute by way of gift or loan to our present parish emergency, and send me details '1 . PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH RESTORATION FUND 2. BEICESBOURNE CHURCH ORGAN FUND of your decision on the enclosed form. ' _ by DONATION of £ : : When the hop—picking starts, some of you may like the idea of picking for 1 hour in 7 for by LOAN of £ 3 - the benefit of Church funds. In this and other, 1 ways I hope we may all take some part in raising ’ 3_ (;E1\1ER_g_L UpK1_:;E_p of the Chulch at j money for our lovely Churches and that we will . patrjxboulne/Bridgezgekesboulne thoroughly enjoy doing it. "Let every man do _ by annual subscription (01. additional according as he is disposed in his heart, not Subscription) on the !lEREE_.W]:LL grudging, or of necessity; for God loveth a Offerin Scheme", of £ : : cheerful giver". (II Corinthians IX v.6). ' payable (Weekly monthly Your friend and Vicar, Equarterly ROBERT PENNEY. ‘ I SIGNATURE BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE ’ ' Address Freewill Offering Scheme: In View of the D t increasing need for money to meet the rising a 8 ——-—-—-———- costs of maintaining our churches‘,-we are veryll anxious to increase the number of those who wi gi‘/6 regularly - monthly, quarterly or annually - ' I would like to discuss this with you before and so enable us to budget for Church expenses. deciding, so please call upon me. Please ask your Magazine Visitor about the F.W.O. Scheme; she will be able togive y'ou"'” SIGNATURE full information and will be pleased to leave ' ' an ‘=nVe10IJ6 with your magazine. Your contribut— - Address ion can then be returned to the Visitor or Sent Date r” TIEHC IN’ 5 _ r_ V W V 7 _ _ L‘. A E direct to me (hiss J. Richards, Marley Dene Union . _ . 9 : Road, Bridge). The offerings are made in plain I envelopes unless you wish a receipt to be sent, in which case, subscribers are given numbered envel- opeso , ' _ S . This matter is urgent and I am confident that . you will respond to this appeal. _ ' ' J.Richards, F.W.O.Hon.Sec, FOLD HERE J T Bridge Primary School: The School Sports will be on Wednesday, 2nd July on the School_field at 2 pm The Inter—School Sports between Barham, Bridge, Bekesbourne, Adisham and Womenswold Primary Schools will be on_Wednesday, 9th July at 2 pm. on Barham School Field. Parents’ Day and_Erizeggiving will be on THE REV. R.A. PENNEY, Wednesday, 23rd July at 2.30 pm. on the School Field (weather permitting). ' Parents and friends of the School are wel- comed to these three events. » CONFIDENTIAL ' BRIDGE VICARAGE, ‘Bridge Village Hall Fete: You are reminded that the date is Saturday, July 19th. Please come, or if you cannot, it is hoped that you will send a donation. Heavy expense has been-incurred with the improvements and redecoration of kitchen and cloakroom, so we need to raise a lot of money. We also need more helpers on the stalls and Sid€Sh0WSe Please volunteer to help; if you can. . n- _ 0.seath, -~“- FOLD HERE ' c’ Hon.Sec. DERR CANTERBURY. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES: Diocesan Children's Awards: Thirteen or more of ~ our members aged 9 and upwards have volunteered _ to do the papers of their respective grades in thls new Diocesan venture; The Seniors have already started on the practical part and the interest and enthusiasm they are showing is Very 8Tatify1?g t° those of us who take them in class. We all Wish them success in this effort- Annual Outings This Annual Event will tdke place on Friday, August lst. Our programme will follow the usual lines. We shall go to Folkestone, via Stelling, Minnis, etc., leaving the Reading Room at 9.30 am. We shall provide our own lunch and picnic on the beach by the Harbour. High Tea will be laid on at the "Marina" at 5 pm. and the return;burney will commence at 7 pm. from Folkestone Harbour. As is usual, we shall be very glad to have with us the parents and Aunties and Uncles who would care to.join us, and the charge to them is 6/— inclusive of fare and tea. I shall be very grateful if the adults who wish to accompany us will let me know as early as possible. J.D.S' BEKESBOURNE Scouts: The Whitsun Camp at Highland Court Farm was a great success in spite of the thunder storm which paid the Scouts a surprise visit. The Vicar also gave them a surprise, but a very welcome one, when he paid them a visit at 7 o'clock in the morning. Guides and Brownies; One Saturday in June, the Guides and Brownies shook the dust of Bekesbourne off their shoes and paid a visit to the Zoo. The unanimous verdict of all who went was that they had a "perfectly lovely day". British Legion: In future transport will be available to convey members to and from the monthly meetings. Rendezvous - Mrs. Newport's yard, 7.40 pm. ———————-—-—u-—— Patrixbourne. 11.00 am. Matins. Bekesbourne. 9.00 am. Parish Communion, Au st 3-00 pm. Evensong. 1 - Fri. Bridge Sunday School Outing, 3 — Sun. 9th Sunday after Trinity, Bridge. 11.00 am. Matinsd 11-45 am. Holy Communion- Patrixbourne. .00 am. Holy Communion. 6.30 pm. Evensong. Bekesbourne. .00 am. Holy Communion. 3.00 pm. Family Service. AIEAR FLOWERS Bridge. High Altar. - July 5th. Mrs. cherry. July 13th. Mrs.Friend.. 2Oth- MTS- Gilbert» 27th. Mrs.H.Hawkins. Aug. 3rd. Mrs. Howard Smith. lad_ Chapel. - July 5th. Miss S.Mummery.July l3th.Miss D.Taylor. 20th. Miss J.Baker. 27th.Eiss B.Hawkins. Aug. 3rd. Miss I,Lawrence, Patrixbourne. Ju1y- Miss Logan. August. Mrs. Mount. Bekesbourne. - ____?r____ . . July th. Bekesbourne Brown1es.July 13th.M1ss E. Wilson. 20th. Mrs.Bishop. July 27th. Mrs.Coombs. Aug. 3rd. Mrs. Steed. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS. Marriages: Bekesbournc. June 7th, Robert Files and Wendy Mhtcham, Bridge. June 14th. David G.W.P.A1ibone and Valerie Kathleen Fairbrass John Preston Bell and Susan Elizabeth Blanche Ledger Vt'(‘ar .' THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. TeI.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader .' MR. J. D. SMITH, 4. The Terrace, Bridge. To/.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE Tel..' Bridge 438. LIEUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 325. Secretary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 245. Treasurer.'—MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesboume. Tei.: Bridge 213. MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 235. Secretary.-—MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bckcsbourne. TeI.: Bridge 256. Trea.rurer.'—MR. H. F. SHOREY. CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Sr. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH 51'. PETER BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE %’I_.?— “" — "' - .v' My dear People, PARISH DIARY — AUGUST 1958. Tue. Wed. "Mm. PENNY NEEDS TONS or MONEY" was the headline article in THE EVENING NEWS on 11th August. _ 1 ; Fri_ Junior Church Outing_ Leave Reading July, concerning my appeal for Church Funds. Room? 9_30 a.m_ Some mention was also made in the Daily Mail, 3 Sun. 9th Sunday after Trinity. as well as in the County newspapers‘ A5 the result of this welcome publicity two or three Brigg . 11.00 a.m. Matins , _ _ l1_45 a_m_ Holy Communion donations from well-wishers in Surrey have patrixbOurne_ been received. This is a reminder to us that 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion the care and maintenance of our historic‘ 5_3O p_m. EvenSong_ churches is of national importance, and not_ BekeSbourne_ Just a local matter, and in recognition of this 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 3.00 p.m. Family Service 3 p.m.M.U.Intercossions - Bridge 8 p.m.British Legion - King William Littlebourne The Transfiguration of Our Lord. 10.30 a.m.Holy Comunion — Bridge fact we are hoping to receive valuable help financially from various societies. gggb we have to do most of the money-raising ourselves, so if you can manage to help in any of-the _ Ways mentioned in my July letter, I shall he"5 glad to hear from you soon. "a t It is too early to coment here on the 9. Sat. 2.30 p.m.Bridge Horticultural Society result of my ArPeal- Those who-have already summer show, responded have been very generous, but we ‘ 10 Sun. 10th Sunday after Trinity. really do Want something from everybody td do -‘ Brigg . 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion a 890d j°b- C ' ' 6.30 p.m. Evensong. The scaffolding is up round Patrixbourne Patrixbourne Church and the golden cedar shingles will ll.OO a.m. Matins soon give a new look to the spire. We must Bekesbourne then proceed with some urgent repairs to 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion masonry and interior decorations. 17 Sun. 11th Sunday after Trinity. v We are postponing work on-the Bekesbourne Bridge. 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion organ until after the wedding of Mr.'&.Hrs. Patrixbourne Tyler's daughter Ruth, on 9th August, by which 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion date we hope to have enough money subscribed to 6.30 p-m- Evensong make a start. Bekesbourne Bridge Church is also going to require 11-00 aomo Matins repairs, but we shall not know what is 20 Wed. 10.30 a.m. Bridge M.U.Corporate Comm. necessary untilrwe have the report of the 24 Sun. St.Bartholomew A.M. 12th Sunday after Church Architect who is due to inspect. In Trinit2- the meantime — everyone who gives a little? Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion extra on the Froe4Wil1 Offering Scheme is __. 6-30 P-m- EVenS0ng- helping to build up our financial strength tog Patrixbourne meet this situation when it arises. ll.OO a.m. Matins _ * * * * 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 2 1. My family and I have found great pleasure in taking part in the various activities such as the School Sports and Village Hall Fetos which proved so well—run and enjoyable. "It is our hope and wish to organise a small Garden Fete,: in which all three parishes will participate, to be held in the Vicarage Garden at Bridge on ' Saturday, 27th September next. Emphasis will be on the social side, but any money raised will be devoted to the needs of the three churches. A certain amount of work is going to be done to make the garden respectable for the occasion — but no more - so Horticultural exports and prizeewinners in the local shows are advised to wear dark glasses! * * * * May I say a word to those who have not yet received a visit from me? It may take a year before I get round to you! With three Parishes and the Close there is a great deal of administ¥ rative work and preparation for services, as well as committee meetings and social events - and so there is very little time for visiting — especially in the evenings when one hopes to catch the whole family at home. I am trying to give priority to those who have special need of a visit, so please let me know if you, or anyone known to you, are ill, or in trouble, or confined to the house and unable to attend Church. Other- wise, I shall look forward to seeing you at Church or at social gatherings, until I have the pleasure of visiting you in your home. Your sincere friend and Vicar, Robert Penney. * * * * BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE. Bridge Fete. The Village Hall Committee wi_sh to thank all helpers and patrons of their fete which was held at Bridge School Field on Saturday 19th July at 2.30 p.m. The weather was 3. GIS CH3 exceptionally kind, and in spite of the fact that there were many other fetes being held, and ‘loyalties’ were divided, a satisfactory .. profit is expected. The final figure will be, published outside the Village Hall as soonlasif possible. O.Seath, Hon.Sec. Bridge Primary School. I should like to remind parents that School re—assembles after thevhw Sumer Holiday, on 15th September. O.S. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES." .., ._ Annual Outing. By the time these notes iéébh" you, the outing will be_a thing of the past. I hope to be able to report on it in the next issuefi I“. Meetings. During the past few years we have had.no meetings during August on account of holidays. This year I shall be available and those of us who are in Bridge will meet as usual at 11 a.m. each Sunday except 3rd August when we can attend Matins with our families. J.D.S. Sfinshine Guild. May I remind all our members that the Sunshine Guild is still going strong, but needs money to keep it going. Jean is still the Treasurer and Barbara is the Secretary but-we don‘t want them to do all the work. You have your part to do, just by letting them know about any people who are sick at home or in hospital and secondly by passing on your subscriptions every Sunday. The members of the Junior Church have kept the good work of the Guild going for a good.many years and it is so much worth while that we hope the present M_ members will see that it continues to do so. BEKESBQUBNE. School. Top Juniors will have enjoyed their excursion to Hampton Court. We sincerely hope that Mr s. Sandall and the children will have a fine and very enjoyable day. The school annual outing to Dymchurch takes place on Thursday, 31st July, and once again 4. By the time these notes reach you the. we cannot report on it in this issue. We can only hope for a fine day and plenty of fun for them. Scouts. The scouts attended and took part in the District Sports which were.held at Herne Bay on 5th July. Cubs. The Cubs also attended the District Sports but theirs were held at Whitstable on 5th July. Brownies. The Brownies held a small tea party for parents and friends on 17th July. While these functions are always most enjoyable, this one was tinged with somesadness as it was made the occasion of a farewell to the Brownie's beloved "Brown Owl".'V We are pleased to be able to report that the three pack leaders are ready to carry on with the running of the troop and I am sure that they will be successful. BRITISH LEGION. Mr. T.D. Russell has been appointed as the second Membership Representative for Bekesbourne. Ex-servicemen and women wishing to apply for membership should contact him,‘ or Mr. J. Newport. The allocation of monthly meetings to villages for the next British Legion year, Oct. 1958 to Sept.l959, has been based on the distrib- ution of membership. This gives 6 meetings, including the A.G.M., at Littlebourne, and 2 each at Ickham (Bramling), Wiclshambreaux and Bekes— bourne. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS. Marriages. Bridg . 28th June. .; William A. Cooper & Maureen Ovenden- **-I- ALIEES ‘t .. 23 - Sun. Bckesbourne 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 31 — Sun. 13th Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins Bekesbourne 3.00 p.m. Family Service ALTAR FLOWERS. Bridge. High Altar Aug.3rd. Mrs.Howard Smith. Aug.lO. Mrs.Hunter 17th. Mrs. Ledger 24. Mrs.Middleton 31st. Mrs. Penney Sept.7. Mrs.Roadley Lady Chapel. Aug.3rd. Miss I.Lawrence 17th. Miss S.Mummery 31st Miss.A.Stevens Sep.7th. Miss J.Swan Patrixbourne. August : Mrs .Mount Aug.lO.Miss G.Lemar 24 Miss M.Setter— field September: Mrs.Parker. Bekesbourne. Aug. 3. Mrs.Steed 17. Mrs.Wood 31. Mrs.Noble Aug.lO. Mrs.Russell 24. Mrs.Row1and Sep. 7. Mrs.Mowll *‘X-*-)6 MAGAZINE. No charge is made for this Magazine, because we tent all homes in the Parish to receive it — but it costs the church 3/¥ per annum per copy to produce. You may therefore like to give a donation towards this expense to your Magazine Distributor. *'I'** 6. Vicar .' THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY. The Vicarage, Bridge. 7131,.‘ Bridge 250. Lay Reader .' MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. TeI.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbournc. Tel.: Bridge 218. PATRIXBOURNE g T BRIDGE 5 -j _ _ . WITH ;~ CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH—SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. ; 2 Tel..' Bridge 438. i E LIEUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. E ST‘ R g Tel: Bridge 325. ,§ ? Secretary.'—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. E E Te/.: Bridge 245. ' E AND E Treasurer:—MR. W. J. PARKER. ; E ;~ __ J _: g Sr. PETER ‘§ MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. fig § §-.- Tel.: Bridge 213. , g E ._ : _ MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesboume. 3 E Tel..' Bridge 235. g E Secre!ary.‘—MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. E Te/.: Bridge 256. E Treasurer:-~Mk. H. F. SHOREY. PARISH MAGAZINE E —j szrr..ms W¥“ En. ’ '7’ «VICAR'S IETIER - PARISH DIARY — SEPTEMBER 1958 My dear People Sept . - - ’ . ._ . 2 - Ta. 3 p.m.M.U.Intercessions. Bridge, As I Write " in mid“A118'l-15$ - the 8 p_m°BI.j_tiSh Legion. The volunteer holiday season is well-advanced and many of you are Branding‘: already away or Just going. I Wish you all happy, 3 .. Wed. 2_3o P.m_ September Faj1._ Kent & _ restful holidays to set you up for the Winter. Canterbury Hospital” My wife and I will be away from lath - 22nd 7 .. sung 1)+th Sunday after Trinity September. During our absence the Rev. and Mrs. A. ‘ Brigge, 11 a_m_Met:-,_ne; l1_h5 Holy Communion. Georgantls from New Zealand will stay__at the Vicarage patrixboug-‘1_§_ 8_Qo a_m_ Holy Communion with the Junior Penneys. Mr. Georgantis will cope 6.30 p_m_ Evensong. with all services and Parish emergencies, but as he Bekesbourne, 8_QQ e_m_ Holy Communion and W-ifeewill really be on holiday too, I hope 3_OO p_m_ Family Service. they will have plenty of opportunity to explore 11+ _ sun_ 15th Sunael after g_\rinitY Canterbury and the local beauty-spots. Having Br,-_ e, 8_O0 e_m_ Holy Communion aceuired a vintage Austin 7 (very fashionable in 630 p_m_ Evensongg Bridge) they will be well-equipped for our country Patrixbomne: 11.00 a_m_ Mating lanes. I am sure that you will make themvery :T 9.00 a.m. Parish Commmion welcome andethat. they will enjoy their stay. ‘ l - W d. Emb D : 10.30 a.m. M.U.Corporate Comm- ““““ "’ 7 8 _jf3_IL__§*.Y union‘ Bridge“ HOP PICKJNG: My family and I are keenly looking 19 _ Fri. Ember Da : 7 a.m. Holy Commun;-Lon.Br.id8e. forward to our first experience of hop-picking. 21 _ Sun 51; Matthew A_E M, 16th Sunday after I My suggestion in the July Magazine that some ' ' ° Trinit . of you might care to pick for 1 hour in 7 for the _ . . P . h —"""""z"Co J 1: 1- n. 1, Church funds was publicised in one of our National . 9°O0.aémOO a :15 Holy Comgunion 5 Daily papers under the caption "VICAR HOPES TO PatI‘”‘b°“I'ne' 6'30 ‘E’ Evensongn a CATCH‘ ‘EM ON THE HOP". I shall not pursue the - P- ' Mating I matter, but WE pg NEEDA LOT or MCNEY at all three Bek8Sb011I'1'1e3 11°00 a'm' Churches - for urgent repairs - and so, if any I, ,.., 4 27 - 3313- 2-00 P'm' PARISH G““R].3E°.’tPARTY keen Churchmen care to organise collections oi1'P'aY"' 28 .. sun_ 17th Sunda after giO‘11'11 ‘on day (with the farmer's permission, ofacourse) any Brige: 8.00 acme Holy mmml money so raised may be presented in Churchas a 6.30 pfi.Ogv:n:onfiatmS *Ct)hank-offering on Harvest Festival Sunday, 5th Patrixbourne: . - - . ctober‘; - ‘ a.In. Holy Comm?” --------- e_ %1eL(§5e_m_ Parish CommuI11°n PATRDCBDURNE CHURCH: The spire now has an £¢£ 3'00 P.m' Evenseng attractive "new look" and we congratulate Messrs. St Michaei & Dadds &-. Sons on their good work. ' You will be glad 29 - Mon. . on. Patrixbourne. and proud to hear (as I am to tell you) that the- 10 a'm° H0 y Mothers’ Union Quiet After‘ full cost or £830 was raised before the job was 3 p.m. Deanelgoono Patrixboulne. - jfl mpleted. This fine achievement was due partly In Bekesbourne M.U. Se1'V1°° to Mr. R)tter's foresight and skill in presenting 30 - TU» 2'30 P’ ‘Church our applications for Grants to the trustees of ________...——— various Funds for the Care of Ancient Churches, to 3. ‘ 2. r whom we are greatly indebted for generous help, but also, our freedom from debt is'due to generous giving by many Parishioners of all three parishes. About £700 is still.required for repairs to masonry and interior decoration, which will be put in hand as soon as the money becomes available to pay the bills. I am determined that We shall pay our way, and am confident that we shall raise this extra sum by functions, collecting boxes and by regular and generous giving by loyal members of the church - including non-churchgoersl BRIDG CHURCRL The clock has been in the wars, but thanks to some clever engineering on the part of Henry Foord and his friend Reginald Payne of ~ Canterbury, new parts have been made and it is hoped that by the time this reaches you the missing hands will have resumed work. THE CHURCEYARD is to be cleaned up and made beautiful the near future, thanks to an _ unexpected and welcome legacy for that purpose. In the meantime I wonder if any volunteers would like to help by weeding and trimming the front’ garden of the Church? BEKESBOUIEIE Ch_'gR;C_I_i: The renovation of the organ will soon be commenced, but we still need many‘_ more donations to clear the cost. Every little helps - and if every member of our Electoral Roll would give no more than £1 each — we could have‘. our Electric Blower as well! Our organist, Miss Bradley, has unfortunately had to resign at short notice, but we are grateful for her past help, The problem of a new organist and Choirmaster is now under consideration, so if anyone has any suggestions, please speak to me. A PARISH GARDEN PARTY: 2 p.m. SATURDAY, 27th SEPT. at BRDDCE Please book this date all of you and pay us a visit. We want it to be a social gathering of people from all three of our Parishes. Any money raised by teas and sideshows 1+. will benefit the funds of the three Churches. PLEASE — will each of you GIVE a TIN, PACKET, BOX or BOTTIE of SOMETHING for prizes,‘ games, etc. Hand your gifts to Mrs. Sandall at the School House, Bekesbourne, or to the Vicarage,’ or bring them to church. Failing that, bring them with you to the Garden Party. Transport from Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne will be arranged and combined Tea and Coach tickets will be sold in advance. MORE DETAILS LASER. _____________ NEW VICARACE: As all efforts over the past 9 months to secure a suitable site for the Vicarage in the Bekesbourne/Patrixbourne area have failed, 7 there have been fresh deliberations between myself‘ and the Diocesan Authorities, the Churchwardens and the Bekesbourne Parochial Church Council. After full discussion at a P..C.C. Meeting on 29th July, 1958, a decision was reached unanimously "that the former condition as to the siting of the Vicarage in the Patrixbourne/ Bekesbourne area, proposed at the 19.0.0. Meeting held on 29th July, 1957', be rescinded; and that M efforts be made to find a suitable Vicarage at Bridge. Taking the United Parish area as a whole, it is clear that the geographical and most efficient centre for the Vicarage is Bridge, where there is the bulk of the work and population. I am ' grateful to the Bekesbourne P.C.C. for What I am sure will prove to be a wise and right decision. CONFIRMATION: I would like to have early details of any possible Candidates, ll-jg years and over, Who would like to consider being Confirmed. I propose to run classes this Autumn and.Wint6I‘ for the systematic study and discussion of the Christian Faith. . These classes will be" open to‘. anyone interested, those 3_11_'S_‘>_9;§X confirmed as well as Confirmation Candidates. Your sincere friend and Vicar, ROBERT P£:.‘Nl‘IEY. 5 . :3Rn3** 7. l Vicar .' THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Tel. .' Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. TeI.: Bridge 218. PATRIXB OURN E BRIDGE Te/.; Bridge 310. {L ST. M M WITH CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH—SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 438. ? I ST. R LIEUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. J Tel.: Bridge 325. B Secrerary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Te/.: Bridge 245. AND LII. Treasurer:-—MR. W. J. PARKER. ST. BEKESBOURNE BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesboume. TeI.: Bridge 213. MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. TeI..' Bridge 235. Secretary.-—MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. TeI..' Bridge 256. Treasurer.'——MR. H. F. SHOREY. //Ilrll//(I IINTIII/TTIII mumllllm nnnmmn PARISH MAGAZINE I —% Nov., 1953 PD Ln/,4 PARISH DIARY — November $33- 1 — Sat. All Saints‘ Day. 8 a..m. Holy Communion. (Mothers' Union Corporate). 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comn. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comn. 6.30 13.111. Evensong. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Family Service. 3 p.m. M.U.Interc:essions. Bridge. 7.15 p.m. Bekesbourne British Legion A. G.I\-I. Littlebourne War Memorial Hall. 7.30 p.m. Bridge P.C.C. Meeting. Reading Room. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. CE SUNDAY. Bri e. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comn. 10.1.5 a.,m. Remembrance Service. 2—Sun. Beke sb ourne . 4- Tu. 6"Tho 9—Sun. //’ /Patrubomne. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 9.00 a.m. Parish Comn. 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne P.C.C.Meeting. School House. 7.30 p.m. Parish Social Evening. Reading Room. 24th Sunday after Trinity. Bridge. 9.00 a.m. Parish Comn. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a..m. Holy Comn. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 2.1.5 p.m. Bridge Mothers‘ Union. Mrs. Welch. "The Work of the Young Wives‘ Groups". 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Mothers’ UI1i01'1- Mrs. Stanton. "The World-Wide Conference" . Sunday next before Advent.1 C m B_z_1._c_3,g' e. 8.00 21.111. H0 Y ° ‘ 6030 Pomfl Evensw. 2. ll-Tu. 11;.-Fri. 16 - Sun. i ’ .___i 4#__ p“ Nov. Patrixbourne. 11.00 e.m. Matins. ll.1+5 a.m. Holy Comn. Bekesbourne. 9.00 a.m. Parish Comn. 30 — Sun. 1st Sunday in Advent, - 8.00 a.In. Holy Comn. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne. 11.00 a,m, M'a_tins_ ; 3-00 p-m- Family Service. ALTAR FLOWERS BRIDGE. High Altai‘. Nov. 1. Mrs. Friend. Nov. 8. Mrs. Gilbert. " 15. Mrs. H. Hawkins. " 22. Mrs. Howa.rd—Smith. " 29. Mrs. Hunter. Dec. 6. Mrs. Ledger. Lady Chapel. V Nov. 1. Miss Stevens. Nov. 8. Miss J’. Swan. " 15. Miss D. Taylor. " 22. miss .3’, Baker, " 29. Miss B. iHaWkins. Dec. 6. Miss Lawrence. PATRIXBOURNE . November: Mrs. Ronald. December: Mrs. Stevens. BEKESBOURNE. ‘Nov. 1. ‘Mrs. Russell. NOV. '8: ‘ " 15' " >220 mo W¢ " 290 Mrsl ' D60. 69 NEPS. ¢ — VICAR’S IETIER My dear People, . "Come, ye thankful. people, come" We sang lustily at our Harvest Festival Services - and you §_:i._