Vicar: Tan REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel: Bridge 250. La! Reader: MR. 1. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Te-1.: Bridgc 260. VICAIPS AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dcarnley, Patrixbourne. Tel; Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Ficld House, Patrixbournc. Te1,: Bridge 213. BRIDGE Can. A. E. W. FARISI-I-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 438. LIEUT-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. T 21.: Bridge 325. Sccretarya-»MR. L. J. WILUALIE, Llandogo, Bridgc. Tel; Bridge 245. Treasurer:—MR. W. I. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE Mn. W. R. Mowu, Mulberry Cottage, Bekosboume. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel; Bridge 235. Secretary.-~—~MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bckmboumc. Tel.: Bridge 256. Treasurer.'—Mk. H. F. SHOREY. I“.fF14TI 1‘ 4 ‘x M , ‘ml/9; I i \ \ \ H ‘.1- ; ‘. ".| ,§I1;‘\ ‘\ .*\‘ 3??» M1’: \ \'H\ *5.‘ Sr. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH 51'. PETER BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE Jan. 1. l'—I 19. 22. PARISH DIARY — JA1\1U;g__:n' 1959 - Th. 2he__(:J_:'L_roumcision 9 a.m. -IT3"ly“5oEEuuion. Bridge . (Mothers ’ Union Corporate - Sat . Mothers ' Union Wave of Prayer. Bridge 2. 15 — 2.30 13.111. Bekesbcurne ,2p .m. -2 . 15p .111. — Sun. Second Sunday after Christmas . Bridge. 11. 00a. In. Matins . ll.lt5a..m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne. 8 . 00a. :11. Holy Comm . 3.OOp.I:1. Evensorg. §_e_1g_<_e_s:o_g_u_I_'1;1E. 9 . 30a. Mat ins . - Tu. The Ep iph_any_ 1O . 30a . In . Holy C ommunion. Patrixbourne . - Th. 8 p .111 . Young Wives ' Group .Vicarage . - Sun. 1st Sunday after Epiphany. Bridge . 8 .. OOa. E. ' Hgly G 0mm . 6.. 30p.m. Evensong. Pat ri_xbourne . ll.OOa. In. Ix-"Eat ins Be1<:esBourn_o~_ . 9 .. OOa. In . Parish Comm. Fri. 7. 30‘ p. in. Youth Meeting Soc ial, Reading Room. Sun. 2nd Sunday aft Epiphany. Bridge . 9. OOa.m. Parish Coma. _3:_"__e_._’c_I_'_i—__3?oouII1e. 8.00a.m. Holy Coiazm. 5. OOp.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne. ll. 00a. 1:1 . Iniatins . Mon. 7p . m . Mothers ' Union. Reading Ro om. -— Th. 8 p. L“: . Young Wiv es Group.Roading .Room. — Sun.,_§eptuagesi2na. Bridge. 8.00a.m. Holy Comm. 6. 3@..m. Evensong. §a_‘§i._3g_T_3_c;_1.1_I'_ne . 11. 00a .m . Mat ins . Beke sbourne’: 9 . 00a .33 . Holy Comm. ' 3.0Qp.m. Evensong. —- n. The Conversion of St. Paul. 7 a. m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 2. 30. — Fri. 7.30 p.m. Parish Musical Evening. Reading Room. Feb. 1. — Sun. Sexuage__s_:3i_na. Bridge. ll.OOa.m. Matins "__—C_ ll.lt5a.m. Holy Comm. Patx-j_x;b;ouI‘11e.. 8.00a.m. Holy Comm. 3.009.121. Evensong. Bekesbourne. 9.30a.m. Matins. 2. - Mon. $n of the B.V.Ivi. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 3. - Tu. 3 p.m. M..U. Intercessions. Bridge. ALTAR FLOVERS BRIDGE. High Altar. 4th.Jan. Mrs. Middleton. llth. Mrs. Penney. 18th. Mrs. Roadley. 25th. Mrs. Sandbaci . lst . Feb . Mrs . Williams . Lady Chapel ltth.J an. Miss Mummery. llth. Mis s Setterfield. 18th. Mis s tevens . 2 5 th. Mis s Swan. 1st Feb , M is s Taylor . _l3i’_'i;IRIXBOURL_"\T;E_ January. Mrs . Chris tophe Is on. February. Mrs. Greenwood. BEKEEEBOIBNE. See list in Church. }Z[9.:"33.'§.‘_._L~I*’ _T“._i_!3_ My dear People, The beginning of a New Year is like the peak of a mountain in a large range of mountains. It is good to look back for a moment to appre-cm iate what we have left behind us in 1958 bo,«-Tore we tackle the 1959 slope. Looking back, I see much cause for gratitude for g73EH_E;z7E—aE—hieved in the parishes through 3. loyal and devoted service by many officers and helpers. Our thanks go out to all who have done their bit behind the scenes or in public View — especially those who have to turn out regularly in all weathers to do their duty — our Vergers, Sexton and Bell—ringers, members of our Choirs, Organists and Choir—trainers, Churchwardens and P.C°C. Officials; also the ladies who have cleaned and decorated our Churches so well — and those who have assisted at Socials. Services and Social events have been well attended and generous giving has cnablad us to put in hand the renovation of the spire at Patrixbourne and the organ at Bekesbourne. It is too early to comment yet on our Christmas services, but already we have had some delightful school carol services and a most enjo'able recital at Bridge Church by the Canterbury Singers” .,. :;~ :§: at -1: 3: 9:: Looking forward. I can see before us some chal— 1‘ lenging problems, which promise to make l959 an a interesting and worthwhile year, ’ §P'RITUALEY, we are challenged by the fact that far too many of our Local residents seem to have little or no interest in their Church. They neither attend Services, nor contribute in any way to the upkeep of the lovely old Churches, which are our precious heritage. to such I say, we can manage without your financial help (though the burden is heavy) but God is missing your“worship, we miss your con- tribition to our corporate strength and it is probable, if not certain, that your return to church—going will prove to you that you have been missing something which only religion can give to enrich your own way of life. we warmly invite those of you who are only occasional church goers to join us for worship, study, and social activities. we shall also, gladly welcome any newcomers to the district. In the new year we shall make special 49 Well 'i’" IIIII:"IIIIIII .3-f eiibrts to attract more children into our Junior Church and Youth Fellowship. All young people 3 ll — 19 years old are invited to our YOUTH 0 i A /' r - nwzsrnxre cc SOCIAL on 16th January (7.330 p,m,, at the Bridge Reading Room). Those of us who regard ourselves as regular Churchgoers need to examine ourselves to s3§‘Z§" we are really as sincere, devout and as fresuert . _ h ‘1 ‘V '*-’ in our prayer and worship as we should Dee FINQMCIALLY There is much to be done, but if every loyal church~member would support our -Q —- ' ‘ 3 ‘‘ PI ) - .. . iree will offbring scheme, even by a very small regular contribution, we should manage to cover all our church expenses. we would then be able to make special efforts to do more of Christ's work by contributing to the needs of welfare and missionary activity; It is not enough to scrape together only sufficient money to cover our ordinary annual expenses, plus our minimum missionary and diocesan commitments. we should also be putting aside, to organ fund, Bell fund, and Fabric fund, such sums each year as would meet the héavy repairs, which fall due periodically. §OCIALLY there is a tendency for large numbers of residents in this district to exclude bhCmS€lVGS from our local activities. You may quite well be able to do without the fell wship or our modest little groups, and you are busy people, but ygu have something to give to others in the way of companionship and encouragement » and in a village all should share the covnunity life as much as possible. Eerhaps this angle has not occurred to some of you. New blood and enthusiasm are always beneficial — so we 100k forward to seeing you. 33‘ =33 31 =21 :1: :1: :1: EVZEIBY GOOD wiss roa A sissrxit New YE.AP. u Yours sincerely, Robert Penney. ...... .__.—....-.. 5» 1 WEEK? mama This month 6EE”%wo branches are holding the second of the joint meetings arranged for this season. On this occasion.the Fatrixbourne & Bridge branch will be hostesses and the meet- ing will be held in The Reading Room, Bridge; on Monday 19th January at 7 p.m., when the film "The Woman in a Dressing Gown" will be Shflwna Members are reminded of the Wave of Prayer on Saturday 5rd January. The tim for Bekesbourne is 2~2.l5p¢m. and for Bridge 2915‘ YOUNG WIVES‘ GROEE We were a that Miss Campbell was prevented.through illness from coming to give us a demonstration.of Christmas Cookery last months However, she has promised to come on 22nd January to give us a demonstration of Continental Cooker . we have arranged to hold this meeting in the Reading Room so that we shall have room for a larger audience and we extend a warm Welcome to all the ladies in.the parish to join us on this occasion, so please keep the date free—Thursday 22nd 8 p.m. We were most grateful to Mrs. Campbell who came at such short notice and gave us such an interesting account of her experiences in Persia. Ne meet as usual on 8th Jan. at the Vicarage, when we shall elect our committee. BRIDQQ Junior Church Notes. fEEEE§T€EE§T'“TETE‘event takes place on 22nd Dec. but as we go to press before this date,a report must be held over until our next iSSueo how Year. we wish all our members and their pEZ6EE§"a Happy and Carefree New Year. Will members please make an extra New Year Resolu- tion — "To bring along to our meetings at least one new'membeI“a Meetings, Jan. hth. Family Service in Church at 6. ll a.m. Jan. llth, l8th & 25th. Class Teaching yin Church at ll arms BEKESBOURNE §chool0 A Carol Service was held in the School on Fri. Dec. 12th, the Vicar and in spite of the bad weather there was a very good attendance of parents and friendso The School Christmas party was held on Thursday afternoon with all the joy and eXcite~ ment that accompanies this event. Then at 6 o'clock the parents came and the presents were distributed and everybody sat around the Christmas Tree and sang Carols. Social. On Wednesday, l7th.Dec. there was a very successful paIty'for everybody, with Country Dancing and Carols in the Huts Coming Events. On 2nd Jan. there will be a combined Scouts and Guides party and on 3rd.Jans ashfihrpmfiyfm“fimCmwzmdhmmfimn It is also hoped to have a monster Coun ry Dance Party early in January, but the date is not yet fixed. §3ITISH LEGION Littleboux-z~"T”e;'?,5{'}3"i"é'+C1~7§_'c"t Branch The next meeting will be held at the Rose Inn, Wickhambreaux on 5rd February. The Branch Officers for 1958/9 are as follows :— Eresident. Major-General G6Surtees C.B.,C.B.E.,M.C. Chairman. Capta F.W;Newing. Vice Chairman» R1E.Port.T§on.Sec/TressQvohaynardg Committee: F.Bennett.,R.Camood, C.Edwards, J-FOX, W3 Gilliam, R.Maple, Rahiles, F;Newport, T.Newport, T.Russell, T.Rye, J.Scrivener, J“ Spreadbury‘& E. Stringer. In the Bekesbourne parish area any applications for assistance should be made to théi V1031‘, The RGVa R. A, Pegqney, Vicar: Tm; REV. Rossxr A. Pmmsv, The Vicarage, Bridge. 7221.: Bridge 250. Q Reader: MR. J. D. Smm, 4, The Tcrracc, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOi’LE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Deamlcy, Patrixboumc. Tel; Bridge 310. Ma. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixboumc. Tel: Bridge 2218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH—SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Te1.: Bridge 438. LIBUT—COL. J. L. Cum, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel..' Bridgc 325. Secretary:——MR. L. J. WILuAMs, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 245. Trea.s*urer:——-Mk. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE Mn. W. R. MOWLL, Muiberry Cottage, Bekesboume. TeI.: Bridge 213. MR. H. F. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekcsbourne. Tel; Bridge 235. Secretary.-»-Mas. SANDALL, School House, Bckesbournc. Tel. : Bridge 256. Trees-urer:—-MR. H. F. SHOREY. Y ‘.5 ‘ 5 .‘ \ \ x \ mx 9»; »\‘-9’ "ta Hutv‘ ,\ \ \\ \\ I». Sr. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH 57. PETE R BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE ‘\\\§ PARISH MAGAZWE « MMkk\$.E..§,\\§.§‘ “ I ‘i\H11‘l‘\l\\HYYXW§\§ 1 : ‘ 5;” ‘)3‘> . >1 FEB.,1959 ~ Li‘ / 3 .. L :' ——~»~ ~-%:i§~"‘*3‘f:" _ vi 3* 1": .5 Feb. 1. - 2.- ll. — 12.- 15.- 16.- 17. — 18.- 200 "' Sun. Mon. Tu. W ed. Fri. Sat. Sun. W e d. Th. Sun. Mon. Tu. Wed. Fri. ARISH DIIRY —- FEBRUARY l959. Sexagesima. Bridge. ll.00 a.m. Matins 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 _'p. In. Evensong Bekesbourne. 9.30 a.m. Matins Purification of the A B. V._I§_/_I’. 7 21.111. Holy Communion. Bridge, 3 p.m. M.U.Intercessions. Bridge. 8 p.m. British Legion. Rose Inn Wickhaxnbreaux. 7 p.m. .[..G.M. Friends of Canterbury Hospitals Bridge 8c District Branch. The Close. 7. 30 p. In. Youth Meeting 8: Social. Reading Room. 7. 30 pom. Beetle Drive.Reading Room. Fruingua geggng 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. Bridge 6.30 p.m. Evensong .'§_21=1:rixbgg__:_c;rne.ll.O0 a. In. Matins Bekesbourgg. 9.00 a. m. Parish Comm. Ash ‘\.~"-(‘C-:c‘lne§_<‘i___a._=y_‘ 10.30 a. m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 7. 30 13.111. Evening Prayer :9’: Medit- ation. Bridge. 7.15 13.111. Young Wives‘ Deanery Meeting. Wingham. .._1s.; .S,1£?.¥1~2~.Li£L_L91_1’° Bridge. 9.00 a. In. Parish Comm. l_:_§j‘;g;:'Qgbourn§_. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3. 00 p.m. Evensong Bekesb¢g;rne. ll.00 a.rn. Matins. 2.45 p.m.“B’ridge Mothers‘ Union. 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union. EInber.,12.%.V:- 10. 30 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge. Emberggy 7 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 7.30 p. m. Youth Meeting & Social. Reading Room. -2. Feb. 2l.- Sat. Ember Day 8 a. m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 22.- Sun. §_n__c;lm§ru;£day in Lent _}=3_x="fi=._<=3._g=e__. 8.00 a.rn. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong ggsgrixbclgrrnng. 11.00 a.m. Matins Bekegb_ggr4gg. 9.00 a. 111. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong 21:-.— Tu.. _.§3:. Ma‘ttl’J‘;j_.‘§.‘_§. 10. 50 a.m. Holy Communion. Patrixbourne. 26,- Th. 8 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group. Vicarage. Mar. l.- Sun. 3rd Sunday in Lent Bridge. ll. 00 a.m. Matins 11. 1+5 a.m. Holy Comrn. gaigigourne. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3. 00 p. m. Evensong. 9.30 a.m. Matins. 5 33.111. M.U.Intercessions. Bridge. 8 p. In. British Legion. King William IV, Littlebourne. 6.— Fri. 7.30 p.m. Youth Meeting & Social. Reading Room. 30" T11» ALTAR FLOWERS BRIDGE. Hig}; Altar. . lst Feb. Mrs. Williams. Lad‘; Chagel. lst Feb. Miss Taylor. February. Mrs. Greenwood. _BEKESBOURN'E: lst Feb. — — - 8th.. Feb. Mrs. Young. 8th Feb. Miss J. Baker. 8th Feb. Miss Darville. N.B. l_\T_Q FIOWEP.S DURING LENT. My dear People , Ash Wednesday on 11th February marks the be ginning of the Church‘ s annual preparation for a lively spiritual advance at Easter. It should be for each one of us a period of self- cleansing, self—discipline and self-giving leading to a closer walk with God. In keeping forty days of "prayer and fasting" the Church follows the age—old Bible pattern of spiritual preparation: Moses on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights before receiv- ing the ten Commandments; Elijah, forty days on Horeb before God speaks to him "in a still, small voice"; and our Lord, fasting in the wilderness, and wrestlingwith temptation, before embarking on His active ministry. The object of our LENTEN discipline is not self—improvement, but freedom from selfish and slovenly habits of mind and body, which impede our response to the calling of God. Our Easter Communion should therefore mark the climax of an increasing sense of communion with the mind of God and understanding of His purpose for each of us in the World. May I suggest the following Jill‘/IS for LENT: 1. LOVE GOD -— with heart, soul, mind and strength by giving of time to meditation and Worship at home and in church. 2. LOVE NEIGI-IBOE — by generous giving of alms and service to Church and charities. 3. DENY YOURSELF in order to observe l and 2. THE CHURCH _f.RMY_: You gave a Good Friday collect- ion to the Church Army in 1957, I am glad to see — and now they are going to help us. A Church [rmy Mission Van is visiting us from 8th - 22nd March. Their Caravan will be parked in the Vicarage Garden and the two Church Army sisters will be visiting your cottages and holding services for the benefit of those who now find it difficult to go to Church. I am hoping that you will give them a very warm welcome and invite them to a meal with you -4- during their stay. The difficulty of finding time to visit homes when one is trying to cope with three parishes and their many problems is so great that I am glad to feel that these Sisters are going to help me during Lent in this Way. We shall all benefit in many Ways for there is no doubt that these Sisters are Wonderfully gifted to irwart the faith and Joy of Christ. SOME INTERESTING PROBLEMS now receiving our attention, include the folloWing:— 1. Curtains and stage surrounds for the Reading Room, Bridge. 2. Renovation and possible re-siting of the organ at Bekesbournc. » 3. Urgent repairs and interior decoration of Patrixbourne Church. 4. Demolition of A.R.P. Shelters and improvements to the courtyards of the Close. R. LP. The parishes have recently lost, through death, the services of several faithful and much loved members, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hope of Bridge and Mrs. Ronald and Miss Fanny Tonbridge of Patrixbourne. Thank God for their life and Witness. Your sincere friend and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY. A PRAYER FOR DAILY USE IN LENT Look graciously upon us, 0 Holy Spirit, and give us, for our hallowing, thoughts that pass into prayer, Prayers that pass into Love and love that passes into life with Thee forever. Amen. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES : We had a very pleasant evening on 22nd December when Mrs. Penney so kindly came and presented the prizes to our members, including the Certificates to those who got e"distinction" in -5- the Diocesanfixam. We all enjoyed the carols and the Nativity Play which was given in such a reverent manner by those taking part. Sunshine Guild: We need a new Secretary to fill the vacancy left by Barbara’ s departure. Will a Senior member please volunteer to fill this post ? This is urgent because Joan, our Treasurer, now lives in Canterbury and has not sufficient leisure time to do both jobs. B_;I§_<;*tings: As is usual, we meet for class teach- ing every Sunday, in Church, at ll a.m. except lst Feb. when there is the usual Family Service at ll a. m. Found: After Prizegiving. 1 pair child's woollen gloves, 1 "Kynoch" scarf. Please apply to me if they are yours. - J.D.S.. _BtRIDGE LKENT COUNTY) LIBRARY The present stock of books will be changed for a new supply on 30th Jan. This is an entirely free service and all residents, Junior and Senior, are entitled to borrow books. The Library is open on Thursdays from l+.3O — 5 p.m. , and on Fridays from 3 p.m. to 1:, p. m. and from 7 p.m. to 7.30 13.111. WOMEN'S WORLD 1“.'.Y OF PRAYER The services this year will be held at the Methodist Church, St. Peter's St. Canterbury, on Friday, 13th Feb. at 3 p.m. when the Leader will be Mrs. Rowlands and the Speaker Mrs. G.K..f=.. Bell; and at 7 p. m. , Leader Mrs. Field. Speaker, Mrs. Oliver. MOTHERS‘ TQ1;l=I_Q§_I The combined meeting of our Branches held at Bridge on 19th January proved a very happy occasion. After prayers led by the Vicar we were shown the film "The Woman in a Dressing Gown" which portrayed the breakdown of a marriage and gave us much food for thought. On 16th Feb. at 2.145 19.111. Patrixbourne & Bridge Branch will hear a short talk by Mrs. Ledger on the work of the Watch & Social Problems Committee of the M.U.. , followed by discussion. Mrs.Fie1d will be speaking to Bekesbourne Branch on “The Holy Communion" on 17th Feb. at 2.30 p.m. YOUNG WIVES,’ A GROUE We were very glad to welcome visitors to our meeting on 22nd January and Miss Campbell's demonstration of Continental Cookery was enjoyed by everybody present. On 12th February at 7.15 p.m. there is a Deanery Young Wives’ Meeting at Wingham when the speaker will be Mrs. Wright from Jamaica. _/".t this meeting there will be a Bring and Buy Stall for Deanery Funds. Transport from the Vicarage at 6.45. p. In. On 26th Feb. we meet at the Vicarage as usual at 8 p.m. when there mdll be a Discussion Evening. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism — Bridge Oct. 19: SYLVIA CAROL, da . of Dennis and Avril Plain. Dec. 111-: DI.VID KEITH, son of James and Winifred Tamsitt. Dec. 11+: J ONI.THAN Vf~.UGH[.N, son of John and Dorothy Stevens. !aia Oct. 19: MARY CAROLYN , dau. of John and 1\.-‘IaI'y Kent. ...l.Be1 WEN -14-\ 18 20 21 Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. PARISH DIARY — MAY 1959 Rogation Sunday Bridge 11.00 a.m. Family Service 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service Rogation Day 7.00 a.m. H.C. Bridge Rogation Day 7.00 a.m. H.C. Bridge 3wp.m. M.U.Intercessions: Bridge Ch. gggaiign Day 10.30 a.m. 3.0. Bridge Ashe HS 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion Patrixhourne ’\ 3 7. 0 p.m. Bekesbourne Eouth Social. School. 7.33 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship 2.30 p.m. MAY FAYRE. Bekesbourne Sch. Sunday after Ascension Bridge 9.00 a.m. Parish C.{Sung) 11.0; a.m. Junior Church 6.30 p.m. Evensong Patrixbourne 10.00 a.m. SUEDAY SCHOOL 11.00 a.m. Matins 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong 8 p.m. Young Wives’ Group, Vicarage W. unit Sunday Behesbourne Bridge 9.00 a.m. Parish C.(Sung} 11.00 a.n. Junior Church Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 3.00 p.-. Evensong Bekesbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 11.00 a.m. Matins Whi§_Mondav m. Holy Communion, Bridge Bekesbourne M.U. Bridge M.U. 10.30 a.m. H.C. Bridge 7.30 p.m. Bridge ‘Young Wives‘ Festival Service ~ ._'3_. g 22 — Fri. 23 — Sat. 8”Tho 31 — Sun. 7.00 a.m. H.C. Bridge 7.30 p.m. Bridge Y.Fell. Ember Day 7.00 a.m. H.C. Bridge 7.30 p.m. Choir Beetle Drive & Social Reading Rm. Trinity Sunday Bridge 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church 6.30 p.m. Evensong Patrixbourne 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Matins 11.00 a.m. Holy Comm.with Hymns & Address 8 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group, Vicarage 1st Sunday after Trinity Bridge 9.00 a.m. Par.C.(Sung) 11.00 a.m. Junior Church 6.70 p.m. Evensong Patrixbourne 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. iatins 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 p... Bvensong Ember Day Bekesbourne Bekeshourne J‘ME 4 — Thurs. 3 p.m. British & Foreign Bible Society Garden Party St.Augustine‘s College grounds. 7.15 p.m. PIANO BECITAL in aid of Bekesbourne Organ Fund by ALFRED TAYLOR at Bekeshourne School. ALTAR FLOWERS BRIDGE High Altar 3rd May Mrs.Friend 10th May Mrs.Gilbert 17th. " Mrs.H.HaWkins 24th " Mrs.Howard~§mith 31st " Mrs.Hunter 7th June Mrs.Ledger Lady Chapel 3rd May Miss Taylor 10th May Miss Baker 17th. " Miss Lemar 24th " Kiss Mummery 31st " Miss Setterfield 7th June Miss Stevens PATRIXBOURNE EEfi?_7:7:_7Mfs.Parker June — — Mrs.Potter BEKESBOURNE 3rd May Mrs.Watson—Tay1or lOth.Mrs.Hulse 17th ” Mrs.Ash 24th Mrs.Newport 31st " Mrs.Scales 7ih June Mrs.Arman -3 Bridge £25.16.7). every Communicant, VICAR'S LETTER My dear People, I thank you all very warmly for your generous Easter Offering, which amounted to £46.3.4 (Bekesbourne £20.6.9, Patrixbourne & It was very good to see so many of you in Church on Easter Day and I have never seen Churches more beautifully decorated. HOLY COMMUNION and "the moment of truth" To the Toreador the moment of truth comes when the sword point is placed for the kill and the die is cast for success or failure. For the Communicant a "moment of Truth” may occur as the Chalice is administered. Are you truly "in love and charity with your neighbour” and drawing near "with faith” to take the Holy Sacrament to your comfort? Or is there an instinctive drawing back — a reluctance to drink from the Cup from which your neighbour has just drunk — because of a weakness in love or in faith? Although it is customary to wipe the Chalice each time it is re—placed on the Altar, it is ngt the general practice to wipe the lip of the cup gftgg and for me this would be a denial of the true nature of the Sacrament and would deprive someone of this vital "moment of truth" - the challenge of the Holy Spirit — which must be faced by every Christian before unity is achieved. It was only when Francis of Assissi turned back and embraced the leper that his saintly life began. When Christ took the Cup and gave it to His disciples they all drank from it, sharing His Cup as an act of unity and love. To them, and to us — this is Christ's blood, by which, through faith we receive the life of Christ into ourselves. iRead I,Cor.XI, 17 on). On grounds of hygiene, I doubt if there is any case for wiping the Chalice after each person. Wine is itself antiseptic and there is less danger from germs here than through kissing, conversation or any occasion when people come together and -4... in-An‘ ‘V breathe the same air. Priests consume the ablutions after every Celebration and yet their longevity is unequalled! But for me the last word on this subject is "consecration". We believe that wherever Christ is present good is brought out of evil: can anyone therefore seriously believe that out of this good act, whereby wine is consecrated and given to Believers in accordance with His Commands, any evil could ensue? "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?" Your friend and Vicar, ROBERT PEENEY PARISH VESTRY & AINUAL GENERAL M“ETINGS Bekesbourne The meetings were held on Wednesday 8th April, and the following were elected to offices- Churchwardens: Mr.W.RiMowll, Vicar‘s Warden; Mr.H,S.Shorey, People's Warden, Diocesan Conference Representative: MreC,E°Watson— Sidesmenz Taylor (elected in 1958 for 3 years). Parochial Church Councils Messrs.C.E,Watson— Taylor, T.Ash, C.Noble & F.Carey. Hesdames Belsey Baker, Coombes, Jury, Newport, Hoble, Sandall, Penney, Russell & Tyler. Messrs. Newport, F,Carey, Tyler, Sandall, Ash, Weatheral, Watson—Taylor & Russell. Patrixbourne & Bridge Joint meetings were held on Thursday 9th April and the following were elected to offices- Churchwardens: Bridge. Capt.A.E.W.Farish- Sandbach, Vicar‘s Warden; Lieut—Col.J,L.Carr, People's Warden. Patrixbourne. Mr.W.J,Parker, Vicar‘s Warden; Mr.CoA.Potter, People's Warden, Diocesan Conference Representative: Capt.Sandbach (elected in 1958 for 3 years). Ruri—Decanal Conference Representatives: Mrs.Ledger, Miss Seath & Lol.Carr. -5... Parochial Church Council: Messrs. E.Greenwood, J.D.Smith, J.Mc.Quie, L.J.Williams. Mesdames, Christopherson, Parker, Penney, Potter & Sidders; Misses Richards, Wass & Wylie. Sidesmen: Bridge. Messrs. A.Fenn, W.Kennett, J.Mc.Quie, H.Stanbridge & L.J.Williams. Patrixbourne. G.Rooke, N.Christcpherson & E.Greenwood. At both Meetings the Vicar expressed his gratitude to the Churchwardens, sidesmen, members of the P.C.C. and Choir, the Organist and Bell- ringers for their help and co-operation during the past year — and to Mr.Henry Foord for his voluntary work maintaining the Church clock. MOTHERS‘ UNION The Young Wives‘ Groups of our Deanery are holding their Annual Deanery Service at Bridge Church on Thursday 21st May at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Church and members are invited to this Service and to meet the Young Wives over a cup of tea in the Village Hall afterwards. Bridge and Patrixbourne Branch meeting will be on Tuesday 19th May when we hope for a large attendance to welcome Mr.Church who is coming to speak to us on the History of the Prayer Book. Bekesbourne Branch also meet on Tuesday 19th May. Our Speaker will be Mrs.We1ch and her subject, "The Church Today". YOUNG WIVES‘ GROUP Members are reminded of the Deanery Service at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 21st May at Bridge Church. After the service we shall entertain the other Groups in the Village Hall and I should be glad of contributions of cakes towards the catering. We continue to meet on 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 8 p.m. in the Vicarage. On 14th May there will be a Social Evening and on 28th May Mrs. Alan Bailey is coming to speak to us on "The Sex Education of Children". YOUTH FELLOWSHIP — PATRIXBOURNE & BEKESBOURNE All young people between the ages of 11 and 19 are invited to our opening Social at Bekesbourne -5- School at 7.30 p.m. on 7th May. At this meeting the Vicar will explain the purpose of the Youth Fellowship which will meet in future on 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the month. BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH ESTES Sunshine Guild. The Jumble Sale realised the gum §f~§ff:5:7d. We also received a donation of £ .2.0d. from a lady, Miss E.H.Almedingen, who lives in Shropshire. As a result of this, together with.the fact that the membership of the Guild has increased considerably under the enthusiasm of the new Officers, we now have a very nice balance in hand. Will everybody who helped us, especially Mrs.Harry Hawkins, please accept our sincere thanks. Membership. Our numbers are increasing each week and 5E§”£;w teachers are doing very good work. W111 you please help them with your prayers? Meetings. On the first Sunday in the month we Ta""1‘i”?nI:.T§JE for FAl»iIl.Y SEPJIICE in Church at 11 a In» On every other Sunday in the month we meet in Church at ll a.m. for Class Teaching. J.D.S. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT PATRIXBOUREE CHURCH Commencing §un§§y;}£fi§rjg§z, there will be Sunday School at 10 a.m. for 30 minutes every Sunday (except the 1st Sunday). Will all parents of children aged E-upwards bring or send them on this first Sunday so that they may be enrolled in proper classes and get off to a good start? The Superintendent, Mrs. Greenwood, The Bartons, Patrixbourne (tel. Bridge 288) will be glad to answer any enquiries. BEKESBOURNE MAY FAYRE A Hay Fayre is to be held at Bekesbourne School and Grounds on Saturday 9th May in aid of BEKESBOURNE ORGAN FURD. PLEASE COME AND GIVE YOUR SUPPORT. We particularly hope to see visitors from other Parishes. We still have £250 to find for the Bekesbourne Organ. -5- Vicar.‘ THE REV. ROBERT A. PEN1~iEY,. The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 438. LIEUT.-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 325. SeCI'etary:——MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 245. Treasurer.‘—~MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S._ S]-IOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 235. Secretary:——MRs. SANDALL, School House, Belcesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 256. T reasurer:——MR. H. S. SHOREY. nu_uy, I ;‘,g‘.._ . , W7‘/‘7fiiifitifiiii/?/ii’/WW‘, “““‘“ttia~mi:«;i he .u ‘“‘iii\Wii§iiii\\\\\\x\\T S-r. MARY PATRIXB OURN E WITH Sr. PETER BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE /f// ,_ , K\ /——j/ JUNE, 1959 / . . §.. /:%%é/£%W/{WééMiii!iiT‘ W 2 PD. ~J\J1 10 11 14 18 19 21 Tu. Th. Fri. Sun. Wed. Th. Sun. Thfl Fri. PARISH DIARY ~ JUNE 1959 3 p.m. M.U. Intercessions. Bridge. 3 p.m. British & Foreign Bible Soc. Garden Party. St.Augustine's College Grounds. 7.15 p.m. PIANO RECITAL in aid of Bekesbourne Organ Fund by ALFRED TAYLOR at Bekesbourne School. 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship. Second Sunday after“Trinrg1L Bridge 11.00 a.m. Family Service 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3:00 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service. H.U. Outing leave White Horse 1.30 p.m. §:v_~§a1::eZI>__..____'=1s 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion.Patrixbourne 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Youth Fellowship 8 p.m. Young Wives’ Group. Vicarage. Third Sunday after Trinity Bridge 9.00 a.m. Parish C.(Sung) 11.00 a.m. Junior Church 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne 10.0 a,m. Sunday School. 11.0 a.m. Matins. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 7.30 p.m. East Bridge Deanery Missionary ‘ Festival, Nonington. 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship. Bekesbourne Sun. Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9.00 a,m. Parish C.(Sung) 11.00 a.m. Junior Church Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Matins. .2_ Bridge I ,1 Wed.Nativity of St.Johg the Baptist 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge, Th. 3 p.m. Deanery Festival Ickham, 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Youth Fellowship. 8 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group.Vicarage. Sun. Fifth Sunday after Trinity Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm, 11,00 a.m. Junior Ch. 6.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG Patrixbourne 10.0 a.m. Sunday School 11.0 a.m. Matins. 11.0 a.m. Holy Comm. with Hymns and Address. Hon.St.Peter.AJ[L 7 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge. 24 ~ Bekesbourne 29 — July 4... 5... Sat. VILLAGE HALL FETE. Sun. Sixth Sunday after Trinity Bridge 11.00 a.m. Family Service 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrix~ 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. bourne 3.00 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service ~‘.1.lJ.T_*-’“_*_P;_‘i“_J"L:..<3.‘~*T%?"‘J.B.S. BRIDGE: High Altar 7th June Mrs. Ledger 14th June Mrs.Midd1etcn 21st " Mrs. Penney 28th ” Mrs.Hoadley 5th July Mrs. Sandbach. Lady Chapel 7th June Miss Stevens 14th June Mrs. G. Smith 21st ” Mrs. Weller 28th " Mrs.Nilliamson 5th July Miss J. Baker PATRIXBOURNE June - Mrs. Potter. BEKESBOURNE 7th June Mrs. Arman 14th June 21st " Mrs. Whigham 28th " 5th July Bekesbourne Brownies 3. July — Mrs. Stevens. Irs.Wi1son Miss Wallace VICAR'S LETTER My dear People, _ Bekesbourne May Fayre was a great success and a very happy occasion, thanks to glorious sunshine; much hard work and generosity on the part of many, and the kindness of Bobby's of Folkestone, who sent us flags, shields and bunting for decoration. A profit of §§l_was made for the Organ Fund, which is good news as the organ has now been completed, but we still_nggd at least £200 to clear the COSta Our grateful thanks to Mrs.Sandall for her unsparing efforts in organising this most enjoyable event. *-X-*** You will be glad to know that the Patrigz bourne & Bekesbourne Sunday_§chogl has made a wonderful start. Already 35 or more children have been enrolled and teachers and children are equally enthusiastic. The Youth Fellowship at Bekesbourne'also made a good start with a Social at which 34 young people enrolled. I warmly invite all young folk of 11+ upwards to join us at the Hut at 7.30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. * a * * * On my return from an instructive and inspiring conference with all the clergy of the I‘ Diocese at Margate, I was delighted to find that a party of ladies from the Bridge Mothers‘ Union ‘J and young Wives’ Group had spent some busy hours ‘ polishing the pews in Bridge Church, and I am very grateful to them. I cannot overstress the value which I place on voluntary work by parishioners in the care of our churches, church furnishings, and ornaments and of the surrounding grounds and graveyards. All over the country Vicars receive complaints about neglect of churchyards, but it is not perhaps realised that there is neither money nor labour available to keep graveyards and church gardens in a well—kept state and it is only by —.——_L._¢-.. voluntary labour that this can be done, 4. I will gladly receive offers of assist~ ance from those who are willing to do some work in any of the churchyards; to cut grass, trim hedges and bushes? clean tombstones; tend flower.beds etc. A list will be put up in each church of jobs of work for which volunteers would be appreciated and on StaPeter's Day, 29th June, (our Patronal Festival at Bridge and Bekesbourne) these lists, representing our offering of work to God, will be b eased at the Altar. The time has come for a revival of the spirit of Christian stewardship in its Widest sense. In days of old, and today in the mission field, wonderful work was done and is being done through the giving of labour for Christ's saken Today there is a great need of sacrificial giving of time and labour in God's service. -)(— * -X- * -)6 * Our best Wishes and congratulations go with Sergeant Corks who has been promoted and transferred to Maidstone. We shall miss him and his family very much. Many will have cause to remember with gratitude P.CaCorke, whose pastoral care for people, and interest in the affairs of the village, went far beyond the call of duty. I remember with pleasure the way he reported to me in old clothes on his day off to help me with the labour of preparing for the Vicarage Garden Fete. I I hope we shall find ourselves equally blessed in his successor, to who; we offer a warm welcome, Your friend and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY. ****9(--X- IflOTHERS' UNIOI\]_ All members are reminded of the Deanery Festival Service at Ickham on Thursday, 25th June at 3 p.m. Patrixbourne & Bridge Branch outing will be on Wednesday, 10th June.‘ The coach will leave the White Horse at 1.30 §.m.9 drive to Rye: tea at Tenterden and from there we will proceed to Hawkhurst for Evensong. Home about 8.30 p.m. Approximate cost ll/L. Intercession service — Bridge Church ’\ 2nd June at 3 p.m. YOUNG WIVES‘ GROUP On llth'June srs.m5EEEVE§”is coming to tell us about her work as a Children's Officer and we would welcome any Mothers‘ Union members who would like to join us on this occasion. On 25th June we are having a flower arranging competition. There will be no restriction as to type or style of arrangement, only they should not be very largei We are very sorry to lose two of our members, Nrs.Corke and Mrs.Griffiths through removal. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH We were very glad to welcome so many children at our first service. If there are any children too young to come by themselves. the teachers will gladly escort them — please contact the Superintendent, Mrs.Greenwood, The Bartons, Patrixbourne, if you would like your child to be collected. The FIRST SUNDAY IN EACH MONTH there will be'FAMILY SERVICE at BEKESBOURNE CHURCH at 9.30 a.m. This. of course, will take the place of Sunday School and we hope that Mothers and Fathers will co—operate and make this a real FAMILY service. ~ 6. 1;‘ BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL FETE: 4th JULY The Village Hall and its financial commitments are the joint responsibility of all who live in Bridge — so please give all the support you can by donation and gifts and by coming to the fete on the day. Helpers for stalls are welcomed. O. Seath, Hon.Sec. EXTRACTS FROM IARISH REGISTERS .H. .01. J — i 11.21’-59. 19th April. LES? ANN, dau. of Philip and Joan BIRCH. Patrixbourgg 21st Feb. Sheila Margaret CAMPBELL (Confirmed 22nd Feb.) SHARON, dau. of Robert and Betty WALLIS. Bekesbourne 29th.Mar. 15th Mar. ANTHONY JOHN, son of John and Audrey HILLER. " ” COLIN CHARLES, son of Robert and Ethel FREELOVE. JOHN DEREK, son of Derek and Kathleen HOGBEN. MARRIAQES - Bridge 31st Jan. Brian Frederick HORNE and Grace Irene LAWRENCE. 17th May fgtrixbourne 21st Feb. John Victor SOWTON & ANNE GREY 7th Mar. Alan Jeffery CLIMPSON and Sheila Margaret CAMPBELL. Bekesbourne 7th Mar. George Brian.PEARSON and Barbara Florence WALLACE. BURIALS Bridge 19th Feb. Gertrude Ada SMITH. 15th Apr. George Edward REYNOLDS. 18th Apr. Herbert Alan.BLOWS. Bekesbourne 2nd May Phyllis Alice UPTON. 7. Vicar .' THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. T el.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAI=‘i‘. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 438. LIEUT.-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel; Bridge 325. Secretary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. ' Tel.: Bridge 245. Treasurer:—MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 235. Secretary.‘——MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 256. .Treasurer.'———MR. H. S. SHOREY. \\\ \ K. 51. MARY PATRIXBOURN E WITH ST. PETER » BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE WV; ## we \~¥+ \\ \ 44/44///////i/I/i/.l.J.Ji.l.\zl.. l HIIILLIIHLHUJ I ' / \J”1-F>UJ \O 12 17 19 23 9 26 Fri. Sat. Sun. Tues Thu. Sun. Fri. Sun. Sat. Sun. PARISH DTAEY - JULY 1959 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship. BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL FETE. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Bridge 11.00 a.m. Family Service. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.n. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service. 2.30 — 3.30 M.U. Deanery Quiet After- noon. Bridge Church. 8 p.m. British Legion Meeting. King William IV Littlebourno. 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Youth Fellowship. 8.0 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group. Vicarage. 7th Sunday after Trinity Bridge 9.00 a.m. Parish C.(Sung) 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Batrixbourne 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 8.00 aun.Ikfly Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship. 8th Sunday after Trinity_ Bekeshourne Bridge 9.00 a.m. Parish C.(Sung) 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Matins. 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Youth Fellowship. 8.0 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group. Vicarage. BEKESBCURNE VILLAGE FLOWER SHOW & FETE. 9th Sunday after Trinity, Bridge 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Patrixbourne 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Matins. 11.00 a.m. Holy Comm. with Hymns and Address. Bokeshourne Jul. 30 ~ Thu. JUNIOR CHURCH OUTING. Aue. 2 - Sun. 10th Sunday after Trinity Bridge 11.00 a.m. Family Service. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Patrixbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Comm. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. Bekeshourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service. ALTAB FLOWERS BRIDGE. High Altar 5th Jul. Mrs.SandbaCh 19th " Mrs.Young 2nd Aug. Mrs.Carr 12th Jul. Mrs.Uilliams 26th " Mrs.Berry Lady Chagga 5th Jul. Miss Baker 12th Jul. hrs.Chadwick 19th ” Mrs.Chi1lard 26th " Miss Lemar End Aug. Miss Mummory PATB1§BOURNB July u Mrs.Stevens. August — Ers.Christ0pherson. BQBESBCURNE 5th July. Brownies 12th July. Mrs.Harrison 19th " Mrs.Bishop 26th “ Mrs.Coombes 2nd.Aug. Mrs.Steed VICAR'S LETTER my dear People, Before long the Church's new watchword "Christian Stewardship” may be ringing in your ears. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has invited representatives of the laity to meet to- gether on 6th July to discuss “The meaning of Christian Stewardship and Christian giving in the modern world." Eighteen lively members of our three parishes will be present, so no doubt there will be repercussions in due course. As I see it, we are being called by God to realise and remedy our failure as Christians to accept and apply our Lord‘s teaching concerning -2- good and bad "stewardship" in our own individual lives and in our corporate Church life. From.every point of View we must honestly confess that we are unfaithful stewards in the Service of God. The world shortage of Christian priests, ordinands, missionaries, church schools, and money for every charitable purpose, is sufficient evidence to condemn us ~ and the local picture is seldom more reassuring. In every parish the wonderful efforts of a few emphasise the failure of the great majority. I thank God with all my heart for the hope and encouragement given by the faithful few, (and many youngsters) who arg doing their bit by worship work and giving in our own parishes. But the con— trast with the standard of the majority is too great. hgst of you are still quite unrealistic in assessing your O“; share of responsibility for God's work in this place. 450 families receive this Magazine (free) every month in order that all may know what Services are being provided and what are the needs of the moment. Please ask yourselves whether you are dging and giving your fair sharea I make the following remarks and suggestions for your thoughtful consideration and aCti0n:— l. The children and young people are enthusiast— 1 ically responding to our efforts in Sunday School and Youth Fellowship, but_it will all come to very 1; little without parental example and companionship C in worship, so make Easily Worship_a top priority if you can. 2. Bekesbourne Organ has been finished but it is not yet fully paid for — and we NEED £l§O to clear us of debts We also need all the money we can raise for Fatrixbourne Church and Bridge Church for repairs and decoration. A target of £1 upward per family this year would just about do it. 3, The average giving in Church collections is lamentably low and is nct_keeping pace with rising costs of heating and lighting. (Our gas bill for last quarter was up by £20, but I doubt if l3- collections were up more than $5.) It is generous of a child or an O.A.P. to offer to God the price of an ice lolly or a cup of tea — bgp if your offering is not big enough to involve you in personal sacrifice ~ then it is NOT WORSHIPi .—--—....—..—-.-._. Holidays will soon be here and I wish you all a happy time of recreation and rest. My family and I will be away for the first four weeks in .ugust. During that period Canon Carter, our Rural Dean, will take all services at Bridge; Canon Appleton will look after Bekesbourneg and Patrixbourne Church will be closed for complete redecoration and improvements. God bless you all and inspire you to greater efforts in His Service. Your sincere friend and Vicar, Robert Penney. P.S. Thank you for your help in the Churchyardsl BRIDGE MOTHERS’ UHIOH OUTING 25 members set out from Bridge on 10th June for our Annual Outing. We drove through lovely country to Eye — our first stopping place - and there wandered through the picturesque old town and looked at the fine old Church. At Tenterden we had an excellent tea at the Spinning Wheel, and journeyed on to Hawkhurst where we joined some of the local branch of the M.U. in their Parish Church for Evensong. After the service the Vicar gave us a most interesting talk about the Church which was extensively damaged during the war and has recently been very beautifully restored. We returned home via Cranbrook and Charing, arriving at Bridge about 8.30 p.m. and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Berry and the Committee for arranging such a happy and successful outing. -4.. XQ§fl§_ WIVES‘ GROUP On 9th July we have Mrs. Ledger coming to speak to us. Her subject will be “What Youth Expects of Parents". This is a debatable subject.. and we shall follow up the talk with discussion! On 23rd July our speaker will be Mrs. Rock and her subject "Homes or Houses?" There will be no meetings in August. lOTHERS' UNION There will be a DEANERY QDIET AFTERNOON in Bridge Church on Tuesday, 7th July from 2.30 - 3.30 p.m., conducted by the Vicar. BEKESBOURNE VILLAGE FLOWER SHOW & FETE This event will take place on 25th July. Please come and support us. BEKESBOUBNE SCOUTS & CUBS There is room for new recuits both in the troup and pack. Will anyone who is interested in joining us please get in touch with Mrs.Sandall. ‘he Cubs are taking part in the Wolf Cub Rally and Pageant at Tonbridge on 27th July. BRIDGE JUEIOR CHURCH NOTES gnnual Outing. On Thursday, 30th July, to Folke— stone via Stelling Minnie. The arrangements are as usual. Coaches leave the Reading Room at 9.30 a.m. Everybody brings a picnic lunch and we all assemble at the “Marina” at 5 p.m. for High Tea. Coaches leave for the return journey at 7 p.m. Will parents etc. who wish to come, please let me know as early as possible and send 6/- per person (excluding babies), to include High Tea. I hope we shall have fine weather and, as usufl. a very happy day. Qanterbury Dio9e§an.Children‘s Pilgrimage. It is now some years since we were privileged to join in ,. -u—:)—. a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral} but one is now arranged to take place on 4th July, when children from all over the Diocese will meet and walk in procession to their Mother Church. We can only send 5 children and one teacher owing to the limited space, and.Miss Lemar will be taking our party, together with our banner. It is a pity that it takes place on the same day as the Village Hall Fete, as it will prevent most of us from seeing this extremely impressive ceremony. Missions to Seamen. We have now become "ship- builders". The Mission to Seamen have sent us a very ingenious device whereby we become "tradesmen" and build our own ship by collecting 3d. bits. Unfortunately there are rather too few of us to absorb all work so if any of you would like to join up us out we shall be glad of your assistance. Diocesan Examination. Preparations are going ahead to hold one next year. British Legion - Littlebourne and District Branch. The June meeting of the branch held at the Volunteer, Bramling, was attended by twelve members. The President reported that the Service committee had recently dealt with two cases result- ing in a member gaining admission to a Convalesmrm‘ Home for a fortnight and another receiving grocer- ies to the value of 10/— a week for twelve weeks. The next meeting of the branch will be held at the King William.lV, Littlebourne at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 7th July. -—.—-—._._._.—-._.——.—-— -6- Vicar: THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE -MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel; Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 438. LIEUT.—COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 325. Secretary.'-MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel. : Bridge 245. Treasurer.'—~MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel..' Bridge 235. Secretary:——MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. Tel,.' Bridge 256. ' T reasurer.‘-«MR. H. S. SHOREY. ' ’/’7}"/W7’/'7'}?/"/f/’/”. - ii/11]‘ \ I Sr. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH 51-. PETER » BRIDGE AND ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE \\\ \ i,,44//JIM;fifliiiii I PARISH MAGAZINE 4. /L./ \._4v_ :-T U , ,___ /' PARISH DIARY. AUGUST 1959 Note: ALTERATIONS IN SERVICES DURING AUGUST ONLY. 1. No services in Patrixbourne Church 2. No MIDWEEK services. 3. No JUNIOR CHURCH or SUNDAY SCHOOL BEE A FAMILY SERVICE every Sunday. 4. No SUNG PARISH COMMUNION at Bridge. See BELOW for details of services. 2. Sun: Bridge. 11.00 a.m. Family Services 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service. 4. Tu: Bekesbourne British Legion — Prince of Wales, Bekesbourne. 8. Sat: BRIDGE HOREICULTURAL SHOW. 9. Sun: Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion- ll.00 a.m. Family Service. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 16. Sun: Bridge 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion» 11.00 a.m. Family Service. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. I Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Matins. 23. Sun: Bridge 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Family Service. 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion with Hymns and Address. 30. Sun: Bridge 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. Family Service 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Bekesbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 3.00 p.m. Family Service. September 2. Wed: Friends of the Hospitals Summer Fayre. Grounds of Kent and Canterbury Hospital. *-X-*-X-**-X-****-X‘ l. ALTAR FLOWERS BRIDGE: High Altar. 2nd Aug: Mrs. Carr 9th Aug: Mrs. Carroll 16th. " Mrs. Cherry 23rd " Mrs. Friend 30th ” Mrs. Gilbert 6th Sept: Mrs. Hawkins Lady Chapel 2nd Aug: Miss Mummery 9th Aug: Miss Setterfield 16th " Mrs. Smith 23rd " Miss A. Stevens 30th " Mrs. Weller 2nd Sept: Mrs. Williamson BEKESBOURNEa . 2nd Aug: Mrs. Steed 9th Aug: Mrs. Russell 16th ” Mrs. Wood 23rd ” Mrs. Rowland 30th " Mrs. Noble 2nd Sept: Mrs. Mowll -u——-vu--—...——.....-4..-.---.- VICAR'S LETTER Bear People, For the sake of holidayamakers I hope this glorious weather continues. Having laboured in my back garden to plant an enormous crop of potatoes, in the hope of producing FIVE MATCHED POTATOES Worthy of the Village Horticultural show, I now realise that the show will take place after We are away on holiday! However, I wish you all a successful day, and lots of luck with your exhibits. SERVICES - Please note changes of services as follows:— (a) During August, Sunday Services in Bridge will‘ be conducted by our Rural Dean, Canon C.W. Carter, 16, Oaten Hill Place, Canterbury (Tel: 2307) and, in the case of Bekesbourne, by Canon L.G. Appleton, 12, Ethelbert Rd., Canterbury (Tel: 3792). In case of emergency, please communicate with one of these ministers, or a Churchwarden. There will be NO MID—WE K SERVICES during August and N0 Sunday School or Junior Church. (b) Commencing Wed: Sept: 2nd. the Wednesday service of Holy Communion will be at 9.30 a.m. to suit the convenience of some who are not able to come at 10.30 a.m. 2. NEW VICARAGE: PATBIXBOURNE CHURCH will be closed during August for repairs and interior decoration. Thanks to the generosity of the Hughes—Hallett family, and a bequest from the late Fanny Tunbridge, the memorial tablets Will be removed from the East Wall of the North Aisle to the West wall and the brickedrup window will be re-opened. This window will incorporate some circular panels of stained glass from Canterbury Cathedral, presented to us by the Dean and Chapter. I hope that when the new Window is dedicated we shall all have the opportunity of indicating our appreciation and gratitude to those who have been so generous in contributing to the beautification of this lovely little church. VASES: We acknowledge with gratitude a present of two beautiful Grecian~style vases from Mr. Hope and members of his family in memory of the late Mrs. Hope. These will be seen in due course at the side of the Altars at Bridge and Patrixbourne respectivelyo . CONFIRMATION CLASSES: We have been promised ' our own Confirmation Service NEXT year and {! PREPARATION CLASSES will start late in September. Please let me have_yritten details of all who would like to join the Classes. There will be separate instruction for Adults and younger members, at times and places to suit all-comers. I already have many names and am looking forward to receiving many more. CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: Eighteen parish representatives went to a meeting recently to hear the Archbishop and the Archdeacon of Maidstone speak on this subject. When they have consulted together, I expect they will Wish to tell you all about it in their own way. What looks like a horrible accident to the gates of the Vicarage is really the first step towards the building of a newt Vicarage in the grounds of the present house. Watch for further unexpected developments! (3) WOMEN'S OFFERINQE The amount raised by Bridge and Patrixbourne M.U. towards the Moral Welfare work of the Diocese was £9. ls. 2d. The amount contri- buted by Bekesbourne M.U. was £10. ZULULAND MSSION BOXES: Please keep your boxes during August and return them all to the Vicarage during September. My holiday address will be: 1, Uplands, THORPENESS, Suffolk. I have undertaken the chaplaincy of this delightful little sea~side village during August, and We look forward to the best family holiday We have ever had. I hope to return to you refreshed and ready for a heavy programme of Work, preparing Candidates for Confirmation and supervising the building of the new Vicarage. Meanwhile, I leave you in the best of hands — with every good Wish, Your sincere friend and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY. JUNIOR CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL: During August, instead of the usual'Junior Church at Bridge and Sunday School at Patrixbourne, there will be a FAMILY SERVICE at Bridge Church at ll every Sunday and at Bekesbourne, at 9.30 a.m. on 2nd. August and 3 p.m. on 30th August. This will give the teachers a rest from teaching and the children the opportunity of coming with their parents. CHILDREN'S PILGRIMAGE TO CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL: On Saturday afternoon, 4th July, six of us representing Bridge Junior Church and four of our friends from Patrixbourne Sunday School, went to join children from Sunday Schools from all Parishes in the Diocese to take part in a Pilgrimage to the Cathedral. We assembled on the Green Court in brilliant sunshine and at 1.45 p.m. the procession of 1,500 children, each parish headed by their own banner, walked through the Precincts into the Nave. We 40 watched our banner, amidst some sixty others, carried through the West Door and up to the Altar by Elizabeth Booth. - The Dean Welcomed us to the Mother Church and the Archbishop, in his address, said that it was truly a wonderful sight to see the children dressed in gay colours and exactly how they wished, so unlike the gathering of children he had seen in the Far East Where they were all uniformed. We were volunteers, he said, and could pray and sing together, but they had to go as a regiment and could not join together in prayer and thanksgiving. It is impossible to express in words the feeling that one gets from attending such festivals as this, but the sight of the banners in the Cathedral, the beautiful singing of the choir, and the hearty way in which the children sang the hymns will be remembered by us always. After the blessing by Dr. Fisher we all returned to the Green Court and managed to find some shade in which to sit and enjoy our tea. Gwen Lemar. CHOIR; The standard of singing of the choir has improved during the past few months and several anthems and special settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis have been sung. The members are very keen to learn, and to keep this spirit, new chants for the Canti- cles, new hymn tunes and simple anthems will be sung on special occasions. Solo singing by the choir is often received with mixed feelings by the congregation, but it must be remembered that the choir is representa- tive of the congregation and just as the minister alone may voice the prayers of the people, so the choir may properly voice the praises of the people on behalf of the Whole congregation. Finally, the choir needs more members, especially males. Any volunteers? 5. flfi‘ VILLAGE HALL FETE: Members of the Village Hall Committee wish to thank very sincerely, everybody who supported the fete on 4th July, by their gifts for the stalls, and their presence during the afternoon on the field. They also thank especially the village organizations, who worked hard running stalls and sideshows, and made the fete the success it was. Because of the heat and counter attrac- tions, not quite so many people as usual came, so the fact that a net profit of £90 at least has been made, shows that those who did come were very generous indeed. O. Seath, Hon: Secretary. FRIENDS OF THE HOSPITALS SUMMER FAYRE: The Annual Fayre of the League of Friends will take place on Wednesday, 2nd September, in the grounds of the Kent & Canterbury Hospital. Bridge Group are to be responsible for the Bowling for the Pig and Guess- ing the Weight of the Pig stall; also the Handker- chief Girl. It takes quite a lot of handkerchiefs to cover even a small girl and therefore We are appealing for gifts of handkerchiefs which may be given to Mrs. Pratt, Police House, Bridge, or Mrs. Campbell, 1, the Green, Patrixbourne, or Mrs. Jury, Hillview, Bekesbourne before the end of August 0 -———-— ——-———u-—-—— BRIDGE and DISTRIUT H O R T I C U L T U R A L S O C I E T Y —.——-_..——--——-—._—-—_-.- 39th ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW will be held in MR. meets MEADOW, BRIDGE on SATURDAY, 8th AUGUST, 1959. in conjunction with a VILLAGE FETE and FAIR The Show will be opened at 2.30 p.m. by MR. JOHN TAYLOR, Chairman, Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies. 6. Vicar.‘ THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 438. LIEUT.-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 325. Secretary:~—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. T el..' Bridge 245. Treasurers-MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. T 421.: Bridge 235. Secretary.‘——~MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 256. T reasurer.'——MR. H. S. SHOREY. ST. MARY \.\l w.- : PATRIXBOURNE : S WITH 5 _____, F ST. PETER - \ BRIDGE _ AND f "r ST. PETER ’ : BEKESBOURNE \E W PARISH MAGAZINE :5 i L *—J/ SEPT 1959 » I? 7 " g \ E13,,‘ PARISH DIARY _ SEPTEMBER 1959 PARISH DIARY (continued) . . EEEEEEEEE __ ’ X1. Tu. 3.00 p.m. M.U. Intercessions w Bridge 24_ Th_ 8_0Q p_m_ young wives: Group _ The 8.00 p.m. British Legion Meeting - Vicarage, Basket Makers‘ Arms. 27. Sun. 18th Sunday after Trinity Litt19b0uTn9° 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 2. Wed. 9-30 a-m- H013 C0mmuni0n ' Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne. 2- 0 p-m- Friends of the Hospitals 11.00 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge Summer Fair° Canterbury 11.00 a.m. Metins — Patrixbourne H0SPit0l~ ll 00 a.m. Holy Communion with Hymns & 4. Fri. 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship Address _ Bekesbourne 6. Sun. 15th Sunday after Trinity 5_3Q p_m. Evensong _ Bridge. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixa 29. Tu_ St. Michael & All Angels 9-30 3-m- Family SerViCe ‘ Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion - Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge October 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge ‘Z:'§EE_ 19th Sunday after Trinity 3.00 p.m. Evensong - Patrixbourne HARVEST FESTIVAL 10. Th. 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Yth.Fel1owship §jEEf;:§:'figj§‘EbmmuniOn _ Patrixbourne 13° S“n° 15th Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m. Family Service - Bekesbourne 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 1l_OO a°m_ Family service _ Bridge 9'00 a'm° Parish Communion ' Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne 3.00 p.m. Evensong _ Patrixbourne 11°00 a'm° Junior Church ’ Bridge ’ 6.30 p.m. Festal Evensong - Bridge 11.00 a.m. Matins — Patrixbourne _ 3.00 p.m. Evensong - Bekesbourne §§E§E_EEQH§§§ 6030 p.m. Evensong -' Bridge. ~’ Altar 16- 080- EH222;22r 6th Sept: Hrs. Hawkins. 13th Sept: Hre.Hererd- 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge Smith_ 18- Fri- §eE2£_2EX . _ 20th Sept: Hrs. Hunter. 27th Sept: Hrs. Lodger 7.00 3.111. Holy COII]1’flU.IllO1’1 -' Bridge Oct: Mrs. Dflddleton 7.30 p.m. Bridge Youth Fellowship Lady Chapel 19- Sat- Ember Dav 6th Sept: Hrs. Williamson.13th Sept: Hise Baker 7-00 n-n- H013 Communion " Bridge 20th.Sept: Hrs. Chadwick 27th Sept: Hrs. Chillard 20- Sun» 17th Sunday after Trinity 4th Oct: Miss Hunter. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixz PHTRIXBOUEEE 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge _ September — Mrs. Greenwood. Oetober — 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne Mrs. Christopherson 11000 a..m. JUI3iOI' ChU.I‘Ch -' Bridge 11-00 a-m- Mnnins - Bnkesbnurne 6th Sept: Hrs. Hewli 13th Sept: Girls’ Choir 3'00 p‘m' Evensong ' Patrixbourne 20th Sept: Mrs. Kingsford 27th Sept: Mrs. Belsey 21. Mon. St.Matthew A.M. 4th Oct: 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 24. Th. 7-30 p.m. Bekesbourne Yth.Fe11owship. _____________ 1. 2 risses Jarvis. VICAR'_S LETTER - My dear People, I am writing this at Thorpeness, where my family and I are having a very good holiday. We shall return, if all goes well, on Friday, 28th August, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing you all again. Good news has been reaching me of activities in Bridge and district ~ a successful Horticul- tural show; The start of the improvement scheme at The Close; Re—decoration of Patrixbourne Church, and so on. I also noticed that Col. Carr's son did great things against Kent in Canterbury Cricket week! The Diocese is embarking on a campaign to revive the true biblical concept of "Christian Stewardship", and a book with the title "The Christian Stewardship of Money" is now being circulated among Members of the P.C.C's — all of whom are requested to read it as soon as possible. I am therefore cutting short this letter so that I may give a few extracts from this book for your general interest and information. God bless you all, and best wishes from all of the Penney family. ‘ Yours sincerely, ROBERT PENNEY. YOUNG WIVES‘ GROUP: We shall resume our meetings on 24th September at 8 p.m. at the Vicarage, when the Vicar is coming to talk and answer questions. We have room for more members and would be very pleased to welcome some of the other young wives and mothers in the village. Our meetings are very informal and our programme varied; planned to help us to fulfil the aim of the Young Wives‘ Groups, which is to build Christian Homes. Wig.‘ "THE CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP OF MONEY" The following are extracts from the publication issued by the Central Board of Finance of the Church of England. PREFACE The ENCYLICAL LETTER of the Archbishops and Bishops attending the Lambeth Conference, 1958, stated:— "There can be no forward steps without a full acceptance of Christian Stewardship. By stewardship we mean the regarding of ourselves - our time, our talents, and our money — as a trust from God to be utilized in his service. This teaching is an urgent need in every congregation; a parish without a sense of stewardship has within it the seeds of decay." Resolution 64 (Christian Stewardship) stated2— "The Conference recalls Church people to the duty and privilege of stewardship, of which sacrificial, planned, and systematic giving is a part, to the end that the souls of the people may be enriched, and the needs of the Church met, including the adequate support of its ministry and the provision for the extension of its work......." Introduction "The movement which the Central Board of Finance is seeking to assist by the publication of this little book has arisen spontaneously ——~~— Beginning, in most places simply with a desire to put the finances of the Church on a healthier and sounder basis ———-— it has broadened out into an attempt to recover and to teach the principles of the right Christian attitude towards the use of money —-——— and the Christian Stewardship of money is part of a larger stewardship of time, talents, possessions and opportunity. In this materialistic and acquisitive age, a right atti- tude towards the gaining and the use of money could be a distinctive mark of Christian men and women and a particularly effective form of witness to Christ who is the Lord of all life. §pagagThe primary ohjective,therefore, is not to to inculcate the duty of giving one—fortieth, one- twentieth or one-tenth of income, but to teach the stewardship of ten—tenths. The doctrine of Christian Stewardship is, of course, not new; but it has been greatly neglected, especially in this country. (para) There is no reason to suppose that the ( 5 ) English are by nature more attached to their money than other races, but a superficial acquaintance with the facts of Church finance in England might lead one to suppose so. On the one hand, twouthirds of the stipends of the clergy is provided by the income of the endcwa ments of which the Church Commissioners are the statutory trustees, so that of the cost of main- taining the clergy at a standard which is seriously inadequate, the laity of this genera- tion bear one—third only. On the other hand, our Church appears to lack sufficient funds for almost every necessary or desirable piece of work. At every level,parochial, diocesan and central, the Church is troubled and hindered by lack of means, financial problems absorb an altogether disproportionate amount of time and attention, and the energies of many of the Church's living agents are diverted from the true work of their calling. What is, and has long been so_perpleXing about this situation, is that it is accompanied by an extraordinary low level of giving. -———— (para) The average Englishman who is not a ( 8 ) regular church—goer has a well—nigh ineradicable impression that the Church, in some mysterious way is ‘laid on’. He expects the Parish Church to be there when he wants to use it, and a clergyman to be in residence to minister to his needs; but he does not recognise any obligation to support the Church of which he would honestly claim to be a member. He may even believe that the Church is at least partly financed by the State — a misconception which is far more common than Church people generally realise. The existence of the endowments 5 administered by the Church Commissioners also encourages the belief, in the minds of those who want to believe it, that the Church is paid for, if not by the Exchequer then by some unidentified authority, and that the ordinary person has therefore no responsibility in this connection. (para The financial Weakness of the Church of ( 24 ; England in recent times has not been due to poverty. Our forefathers built our ancient churches with their own hands at a time when the whole population of England was less numerous than our Easter Communicants today; and the en- dowments which provide two—thirds of the stipends of the clergy are mainly the accumulated gifts and bequests of generations of Christian men and women made out of a standard of living very much lower than our own. The financial weakness of the Church of England has been due to ignorance and lack of understanding: ignorance of the facts about the needs and resources of the Church; lack of understanding of what it means to be made by baptism members of one another and members incor» porate in the Body of Christ. (para) The remedy is to be sought not so much in ( 25 ) new methods as in a revolutionary change in the attitude of mind of Church peoplc......... The basic principle, which is winning ready acceptance where it is being taught, is that this world's goods are to be regarded and used as a trust from God, committed to us for the fulfil- ment of His purposes. (chap.11) .......the use of the whole of our money (para 4 ) should reflect conscious and deliberate thought and careful judgment, with prayer, directed towards using what is not in truth our money, but God's, as God Himself would have us use it. (para) the dedication of a part the whole ( 6 ) is consecrated and brought before God for His blessing. This is a familiar principle. It is by setting aside a few hours exclusively for the worship of God that all time is sanctified; it is by the consecration of some bread that all bread is made sacred. 6. Vicar: THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T 521.: Bridge 260. ' VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PA7Rer<§i3-R,BE§::(:n;e136,‘ Patrixbourne. [ {t M ST. M I MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. B Tel. .- Bridge 218. P E ' fl‘.1.P_G.‘_3 WITH CAPT. A. E. w. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. ' Tel.: Bridge 438. \ ST‘ R P LIEUT.-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. J « Tel.: Bridge 325. B __ Secretary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 245. ~ AND T reasurer:—-—MR. W. J. PARKER. _ ST. BEKESBOURNE 7 MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. " B E S B O U E Tel; Bridge 213. —-- MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. T el.: Bridge 235. Secretary:—MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. ’ Tel.: Bridge 256. .4 Treasurer:—MR. H. S. SHOREY. /L‘j/ OCT., 1959 \% W“-— / \ PD. it \ /~r,/».i.//.44»;/.I».I.J,~ai~<.i. KN 14. 15. 16. 18. 19.’ 200 22. Th. . Fri. Sun. Wed. Th. Fri. Sun. PARISH DIARY — OCTOBER 1959 8 p.m. Confirmation Class Bekeshourne School Mothers’ Union Rally — Margate 8 p.m. Confirmation Class. Vicarage 19th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 6.30 p.m. M.U. Intercessions HARVEST FESTIVAL Holy Communion — Patrix Family Service — Bekesbourne Family Service Bridge Holy Communion —_Bridge ' Evensong - Patrixbourne Evensong - Bridge - Bridge 8 p.m. Confirmation Class Bekesbourne School Young Wives’ Bally — County Hotel 8 p.m. Confirmation Class. Vicarage 20th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 6.30 P.m. 7.15 p.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne Parish Communion — Bridge Sunday School ~ Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Matins — Patrixbourne Evensong — Bekesbourne Evensong - Bridge Whist Drive — Bekesbourne Hut. In aid of Organ Fund. 8 p.m. Confirmation Class Bekesbourne School 8 p.m. Confirmation Class. Vicarage 21st Sunday after Trinity. St.lmke 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.15 p.m. Holy Communion — Patrix Parish Communion — Bridge Sunday School — Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Matins ~ Bekosbourne Evensong — Patrixbourne M.U. Bridge Methodist Chapel Bekesbourne M.U. Service in Church Y.W.Deanory Meeting. Wing n. 2 22. Th. 8 p.m. Confirmation Class. ' Bekesbourne School 23. Fri. 8 p.m. Confirmation Class. Vicarage 25. Sun. 22nd Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.n. Holy Communion — Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School - Patrixbourne 11.00 a.n. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 a.m. Hatins - Patrixbournc 11.00 a.n. Holy Communion with Hymns ‘ & Address — Bekeshournc 6.30 p.n. Evensong — Bridge Preacher: David M.Lawrence C.M.S. 27. Tu. 7.30 p.m. Meeting for Young Wives. Bekesbourne School 28. Wed. SS.‘Simon & Jude 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 7.15 p.m. Whist Drive — Bekesbourne ' Hut. In aid of Organ Fund. 29. Th. 7.30 p.m. Young Wives‘ Beetle Drive 8 p.n. Confirmation Class. Bckesbourno School 30. Fri. 8 p.n. Confirmation Class. Vicarage 1. Sun. 23rd Sunday after Trinity — All Saints’ 1321 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — ‘ridge 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourne ALTAR FLOWERS BRIDGE High Altar th Oct. Mrs. Middleton 11th Oct. Mrs.Penney 18th Oct. Mrs. Sandbach 25th Oct. Mrs.Williams 1st Nov. Mrs. Young Lady Chapel 4th Oct. Miss Hunter 11th Oct. Mrs.Kelsey 18th Oct. Miss Lemar 25th Oct. Miss Mnmmery 1st Nov. Miss Setterfield PATRIXBOURNE October — Mrs. Christopherson: November — Mrs. Greenwood BEKESBOUENE 4th Oct. Misses Jarvis llth Oct. Mrs. Sandall 18th Oct. Mrs.Wilson Jro 25th Oct. Mrs. Reynolds lst Nov. Mrs. Tyler VICAR‘S LET’l“R lfiy dear People, How can we thank God for the wonderful summer and Harvest and all the other benefits we have enjoyed this year? Our annual Harvest Festival worship is NOT enough in itself — but one of our Harvest hymns (A & H 383) expresses a help- ful line of though :- ”Accept the gifts WC offer for all thy love , imparts, And, What thou most desirest, our humble thankful hearts" We can show God our thankfulness in many ways. By our continual faithfulness in work and daily duties, by our love and care for family and home, by our generosity in sharing What we have with others, and by regular prayer and worship, This year, in giving Harvest Thanksgiving collections to the Refugee Fund, for the work of the British Council of Churches Inter—Church Aid and Refugee Service, we are expressi @ our thanks to God in a truly practical and Christian war; as also by our contributions to the Zululand Mission, the Leper Mission and other nissions; (I hope soon to be able to publish the results of these appeals). It is our Church—going that is the weakest part of our total response to God's love, We find it so hard to realise that regular worship in Church is our sacred duty — our offering on our- selves as part of Christ's family, praising God and thanking Him for the Harvest that we reap daily all our lives. How odd that Christian people, so courteous in thanking each other for the smallest favours, should be so blind, neglectful and 4 discourteous towards their Creator! Yet it remains true that although services are conducted in our three Churches, and at the Chapel at the Close, on at least 3 days weekly, at various times to suit your convenience (7 a.m. 8 a.m; 9 a,m. 9.30 a;.. 10 a.m. ll a.m. ll.45 a.m. 3 p.m. 5 pam. and 6.30 p.m.) only a faithful minority come a and they are every bit as "busy" as those who do not come. When adults set a poor example to the younger generation they have no right to complain if children grow up rude, ungrateful and Godless. We have the best of children in our villages and they deserve all the help and encouragement we can give them, so even if it is difficult, I hope you will try to accompany theh to Church, especially to Family Services. Everv Sunday a Harvest Festival would be ideal! ' CONFIRMATION: There will be a Parish Confirmation in Bekesbourne and in Bridge Churches next year about Whitsuntide. There are two large groups of young Candidates who will be attending Preparation Classes as follows. As from 1st October, 1959 — 1. Bekesbourne School at 8 p,m. every Thursday 2. Bridge Vicarage at 8 p.m. every Friday I know that there are also a number of sincere adult Christians in the three parishes who have not yet been confirmed and I would be glad to receive names of any who are willing to consider being prepared, so that I may discuss the necessary arrangements. PARISH VI§ITI§g: I am sure that there must be many parishioners who are now saying "The Vicar has been here over a year but he hasn‘t yet visited me!" I ask you to be patient and under- standing if that is so. The fact is that having three parishes to care for there is such pressure of regular duties in connection with the Church Services, care of the Churches and Churchyards, schools and parish events, that there is very little time available for visiting, Such time as I have available I spend first attending to the needs of the sick, the 5 aged and house—bound, people with troubles — and the children of all ages. I shall be visiting the homes of all candidates for Confirmation during the next few weeks, and in due course I hope to get round every house. There is also the difficulty of finding people at home. I have called at very many houses and found no one at home. If you want me to visit you for any special reason or if you know anyone who ought to be visited — please let me know. A written note of name and address handed to me at Church is quite sufficient. PROGRESS: Remember in your prayers to give thanks for the many favourable signs of progress in building up our local church life — including the thriving new Sunday School at Patrixhourne Church, the enthusiastic work of our teachers; the loyalty of our choir members and Church officials, the work achieved in the restoration of the Bekesbourne Organ and Patrixbourne Church, the encouraging number of Confirmation Candidatesg and the increase in our Missionary giving. For these and all His mercies, may God's Holy Name be praised. Your friend and Vicar, Robert Penney YOUNG WIVES — BEKESBOURNE The Young Wives‘ Group which was formed a year ago in Bridge is now well established and it has been suggested that a similar Group be formed in Behesbourne. There will be an open meeting at Bokesbourne School on Tuesday, 27th October. at 7.30 p.m. to discuss the formation of such a Group, so will all young wives or mothers of school age or younger children keep this date free and come along? §§CUTS, CUBS & BROWNIES The Beheshourne Troop and Packs would welcome new recruits from Bridge and district and Mrs. Sandall would be pleased to meet any parents of children who are interested. Scouts meet on Friday evenings and Cubs and Brownies on Saturday mornings, at Bekesbourng School. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Staff Reluctantly, we say good~bye to Tina? who has done such good work with her class. We shall miss her very much, but we wish her God—speed in her new sphere. Concert This annual event which we were unable to produce earlier in the year is new in preparation and will take a new form this year which we feel will appeal to all our friends. Please look out for future announcements and do please, once again, give us your support. J.D.S. BRITISH LEGION LJTTLEBOUBNE & DISTRICT BRANCH The September meeting of the branch was held at the Bnnkotmnkers' Arms, Littlobourne and was well attended. It was reported that the membership which now stundn at 151 is fully paid—up for the current Lunion year and for the second year in Succession. In future the annual subscription will be raised by ls.Od. in order to meet the increased affiliation fee. I It was decided to hold a Whist Drive at the War Memorial Hall, Littlebourne on Friday, the 27th November. The next meeting of the branch wilj bu hold at the Duke William, Ickham at 8 p.m. on Wunndmy, the 6th October. I V icar: THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel..' Bridge 310. MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. Tel.: Bridge 218. BRIDGE CAPT. A. E. W. PARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 438. LIEUT.-COL. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. Tel: Bridge 325. Secretary:—MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. Tel.: Bridge 245. Treasurer:—MR. W. J. PARKER. BEKESBOURNE MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 235. Secretary.-—~MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. ' Tel.: Bridge 256. T reasurer:——MR. H. S. SHOREY. Eh MARY ,: PATRIXBOURNE Z T mm 3 : SrPETER ; ’ BRIDGE I AND ~ £2 ” ST. PETER ’ BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE s ..__.j-éé/7; 1959 ; PD. 1. Sun. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. 3. PARISH DI; Y — Novnrarr 1959 All Saints’ .1.7_5-213 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge Tu. 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourne 3 p.m. M.U. Interoessions — Bridge 8. Sun. 24th Sunday after Trinijy REMEMBRAHCE SUNDAY 16. 17. 21. 220 Th. Fri. Sun. Mon. Tu. Sat. Sun. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.l. Parish Communion — Bridge 10.45 a.m. BEMEHBHAHCE EBVICE & BRITISH LEGION PARADE: Bekesbourne 10.00 a.m. Sundry School — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong - Bridge 8 p.m. Bridge Young Wives‘ Group — ‘icarage. 7.30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT - Village Hall. 7.30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT — Village Hall. 25th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix. 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Hatins — Bekesbeurno 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourno. 2.45 p.m. Bridge H.U. Methodist Chapel 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne. M.U. The Hut 2.30 p.m. BEKESBOUBNE CHRISTMAS FAIR 26th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrix. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church ~ Bridge 11.00 a.m. Matins - Patrixbourne. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion with Hymns and Address ~ Bekesbourne _ 2 _ N.B. BRIDGE let 5th. Hov. Mrs. Young 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. Th. 8 p.m. Bridge Young fiives'Group The Vicarage. 7.30 p.m. OVERSEAS EVENING Village Hall. 7.30 p.m. Choir Beetle Drive, Village Hall. Sun. égyent Sunddv 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge 10.00 e.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne ll.0O a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Metins — Petrixbourne 3.00 p.m. Evensong ~ Bekeshourne Preacher: Cmdr. Steel, V.C. Missions to Seaman. 5o3U p.m. Evensong — Bridge Mon. St. Andrew. .“ 7‘::E:NHely Cc~ rmnion — Bridge Th. 3 p.m. Pleasant Hour Club Sale of Cakes, etc. 2nd Sunday in Advent. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Palrix 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekesbourne 11.00 . Family Service ~ Bridge 11.45 . Holy Communion — Bridge 3.00 ;. Evensong - Petrixbourne Confirmation lessee: Every Thursday, 8 p.m. Sun. {D B {T5 ,.2 "U9 *”E 0 Bekesbeurne School. Every Friday? 8 p.m. Bridge Vicarage. ALTAR FLOCERS High Altar 8th Nov. Hrs. Berry 22nd ” Mrs. Carroll " Mrs. Carr Lady Cherels lst Nov. Miss Setterfield 8th Nov. Hrs.G.Smith 15th 15th “ Mrs.J.D.Smith 22nd " Hiss A.Stevens PATBI§BOURH§: 1st Nov. Mrs.Greenwood 8th Nov. Mrs.Mount 22nd ” Mrs. Potter ._3_ ” Mre.Parker BEKESBOURNh: lst Nov. Mrs. Tyler 8th Nov. Mrs. Scales 15th " - 22nd " Mrs. Hadlow NO FLOWERS IN ADVERT VICAR‘S LETTER My dear People, Thank you all for what you did by your gifts and work to make our Harvest Thanksgiving a real Festival occasion. I am delighted to be able to tell you that our total contribution to the Church Fund for Aid to the Refugees amounted to £56.l4s.2d as follows: Collections — Patrixbourne £9. 7s. 3d. Bridge £22. 7s. 0d. Bekesbourne £9.l4s. 2d. Donations ~ Various £5. 5s. 9d. Bridge School Sale £10. Os. Od. £56.l4s. 2d. This was a remarkable response and a real act of thanksgiving. LEPER MISSION APPEAL: The total to date amounts to ZULULAND: £3. lls. dd. If there are any more Envelopes to come, please let me have them at once. Our friend Bishop Savage has been very ill but is now much better. The new priest, the Rev. Anthony Salmon, whose stipend will be paid by voluntary gifts from Canterbury diocese, is on his Way out to Zululand. So far we have coll- ected £18 this year, but all collecting Boxes have not yet been returned to me. Please let me have them at once, so that I can send in our money. BEKESBOURNE ORGAN FUEL: By a little miracle our outstanding debt of £140 was cleared in one week by generous donations from two parishioners and a donation of £78 from a well—wisher from Shirley Parish where I was previously employed. Thank God for this relief which enables us to build up new for future needs instead of struggling to pay off debts. We owe grateful thanks to Mrs. Sandall and her supporters for the Whist Drives she has -4- Sunshine Guild: organised in aid of the Fund. Remember in your prayers our sick friends, our many Confirmation Candidates, and all our brethren in the Mission field. God bless you all. Robert Penney. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTE Annual Concert: The dates for this event will be Thurs. Nov. 12th with a repeat performance on Fri. Nov. l3th, commencing at 7.30 p.m. Please give us your support once more. This year‘s enter- tainment is a specially written pantomime and everybody concerned is working very hard to make it the best show we have ever given. Missions to Seamen: We have almost completed the "building" of our ship and hope to be able to send the result, £5.0.0. to the “Missions to Seaman” in the next few weeks. The Guild has been very busy lately cheering sick people in the Parish. If you know of anybody who is ill and has not received a message from us, please let us know. J.D.S. OVERSEAS ENENINQ This will take place in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.u. on 27th Nov,, and there will be a talk or films on the work of the Church over- seas. There will also be the usual sale of work in aid of the S.P.G. and gifts for this (including Home—made sweets, Cakes, Raffle Prizes, etc.) will be gratefully received by Miss Richards, Mrs. Sidders or Miss Wass. PLEASANT HOUR CLUB (over 60's). On Dec. 3rd at 3 p.m. we are holding our Sale of Cages, etc. to raise money for the Christmas Party and as usual nothing will be over 5/—. Please come and support us. The Christmas Party is a great event in our Club, for not only can the over 60's of Bridge and Patrixbourne have a really good party, with your generous help, but each member may ask a friend to share the fun. - 5 _ gi MOTHERS’ UNION Bridge: ‘ During the coming session we are having a course of talks on the Church in various parts of the world. Mrs. Eagling opened the series with a most interesting talk on "The Church in Australia" and on Monday, l6th Nov. the Re . C.G. Stapley is coming UC speak to us on "The Church in India". Bekesbourne: At our opening meeting in October it was unanimously decided that we should make the 8 o'clock service on the 2nd Sunday in each month the occasion of our Corporate Communion. On Tuesday, l?th Nov, Mrs. heigh, who has recently come to live in Bridge, is coming to speak to us about her experience as a Missionary in India. YOUNG WIVES‘ GROUPS Eridgga On lOth December at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall, we are having a film on the work of the Church of England Children's Society and a Gift Stall in aid of this Society. We invite all the Parish to come and see this film and do some Christmas shopping at our stall? Our Nov- ember meetings will both be working parties — the first has been changed from Thurs. l2th to Wed. llth Nov. on account of the Sunday School Concert. ggkesbournes At the time of going to press we are looking forward immensely to our first meeting of the Young Wives‘ in Bekesbeurne. t this meeting those present will be discussing plans for the future, and dates and details will be given in the December magazine. The success of the Group will depend largely on the enthusiasm and recruiting powers of the pioneer members. Our object is to provide a pro- gramme of real interest, value and enjoyment to young wives and mothers and we hope that you will all come to the meetings. BRITISH LEGION — LITTLEBOURNE. & DISTIRCT BRANCH The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Littlebournefi War Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Tues. 3rd Ngv. This will be followed at 8.40 p.m. by a talk on Chile, illustrated with colour slides, by Sir Charles Empson, K.C.M.G. Relatives and friends of members will be welcome to this talk. The branch is again indebted to the three Women’s Institute branches in the district for undertaking the sale of poppies on Poppy Day which, this year, will be on Sat. 7th Nov. The Remembrance Day church parade will take place at Bekosbourne Church the following day at lO.45 a.m. Preacher: The Rev. J. Cartman, M.O. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS HOLY BAPTISM2 - Patrixbourno. July 5th. RICHARD ERIC, son of Edward and Nancy WILSON. " 13th. JACQUELINE JANE, daughter of David and Doreen MeEWAN. Bridge: Juhy 12th. LORRAINE ELIZABETH, daughter of Joan SWAN. Sept. 6th. PETER LAWRENCE, son of Geoffrey and Gonda FRANCIS. ” 20th. ATRICIA HILIARY, daughter and ERNEST SEAN, son of Ernest & Catherinea DUEKLING. MABRIAGES Igirixbourneg July llth. John Gardener WHITE and Eleanor Valerie FLETCHER. Oct. 10th. William Thomas PHIPPS & Janice Kathleen BRICKENDEN. Bridge: Sept. 3rd. James Denson SMITH & Kathleen Grace ’iJEnTHEZLTi_l.L . Bekesbourne: Aug. 8th. Keith SANDALL & Maureen HOPLEY " 22nd. Raymond DYER & Elizabeth DEEBANK. Sept. 19th. Peter Waller PHILLIPS & DIANA Mary Wellesley WATSON—TAYLOR. Oct. 3rd. Geoffrey Michael Ernest TURNER & Pamela Jean RUSSELL BURIALS: Aug.l7th. Henry SIMPSON, at Bridge. ._ . ... Vicar: THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. Tel..' Bridge 250. Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. T el.: Bridge 260. VICAR’S AND PEOPLE’S WARDENS 1 WM" » V‘\ ST. MARY .\ 3 V/A‘ PATRIXBOURNE MR. W. J. PARKER, Dearnley, Patrixbourne. Tel..' Bridge 310. » -.. v . 7‘ \ ‘ av... .‘.-... ..>. ‘J ‘I MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Patrixbourne. ' ‘ ---- -- §g:iL’ T 1.: B ‘d 218. . N \ ’ 6 H A6 3 PATRIXBOURNE \\ BRIDGE WITH dix CAPT. A. E. w. FARISH—SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. 5% Tel..' Bridge 438. ST. PETER LIEUT.~C0L. J. L. CARR, Bridgeford Cottage, Bridge. 7e1..- Bridge 325. Secretary.'—~MR. L. J. WILLIAMS, Llandogo, Bridge. « Tel.: Bridge 245. I A ND T reasurer:—MR. W. J. PARKER. _ ST‘ BEKESBOURNE BEKESBOURNE I l\\\\\\V\T\\\\ \\\ I1’ . .. . \ 44/(44 //ll/1/;/.lJ.JA.l.|:lM Mi.\.\M§\m\m\\\k\\\ 7//, IIHIJIHII [HUN 1 HJH MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. Tel.: Bridge 213. MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. = Tel.: Bridge 235. 1 , Secretary:——MRs. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. Te’-~' Bridge 256- E - PARISH MAGAZINE T reasurer:——MR. H. S. SHOREY. ‘ — ew / ‘—j/ DEC., 1959 / _ . —» / fff \ IJ//I xxx» 3 /2 ST W Holy Communion: L;-J!——' 10 ll 13 16 17 18 PARISH DIARY — DECEMBER 1959 9.30 a.m. on Wednesdays 7.00 a.m. on Fridays at Bridge and on special days as below. — Tu. 3 p.m. H.U. Intercessions — Bridge - Th. 3 p.m. Pleasant Hour Club Sale of cakes, etc. Village Hall. 8 p.m. Confirmation Class — Bekosbourne — Fri. 8 p.m. Confirmation Class - Bridge - Sun. 2nd Sunday in Advent. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix. 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekesbourne 11.00 e.m. Family Service ~ Bridge ll.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 3.00 p.m. Evensong - Batrixbourne. — Wed. 7.30 p.m. Friends of the Hospital Hhist Irive — The Close — Th. 8.00 p.m. Confirmation Class ~ Bekesbourne — Fri. N0 CONFIRMATION CLASS — Sun. 3rd Sunday in Advent 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion - Bridge l0.00 a.m. Sunday School - Patrix. ll.00 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 a.m. Hatins — Bekesbourne Preacher: Cmdr. Steel, V.C. Hissions to Seamen. 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge Preacher: The Rev. Alan Fagg, Chaplain to Haidstone Prison. — Tu. 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne H.U. - Wed. Ember Day 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 2.30 p.m. Bridge School Carol Concert 7.30 p.m. C. of E. Children's Society Film and Young Wives‘ Sale of Work. Village Hall. - Th. Bridge School Whist Drive, Village Hall. — Fri. Ember Qgvz 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge '...1.. 19 "' State 20 — Sun. 21 — Mon. 24 - Thu. 25 — Fri. 26 - Sat: 27 — Sun. 2.30 p.m. Bridge School Carol Concert Bekesbourne School Party. 7.00 p.m. Junior Church Prizogiving. 8.30 p.m. Confirmasion Class, Vicarage. Ember 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 2.30 — 6 p.m. Bridge School Party. 7.30 p.m. Bekesbourne Village Sobial. 4th Sunday in Advent_ 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Batrix. 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School ~ Patrix. ll.00 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 a.m. Hatins - Bekesbourne, 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourne. St. Thomasg A.H. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 2.45 p.m. Bridge M.U. — Methodist Chapel Christmas Eve; ll.30 p.m. Parish Communion — Bridge Christmas Day: 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix. 10.00 a.m. Short Family Service — Bridge. 11.00 a.m. Short Family Service — Bekesbourne. ll.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge St. Stephen, M. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 1st Sunday after Christmas St. John, .A.H. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bri "e 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrix. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion with Hymns and Address — Bekosbourne. 11.00 a.m. Matins — Patrixbourne. 3.00 p.m. Service of Carols & Nine Lessons — Bekesbournc. 6.30 p.m. Service of Carols & Nine Lessons — Bridge Holy Innocents: -2- 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge Jan. 1960: 1 — Fri. Circumcision of our Lord. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 3 — Sun. 2nd Sunday after Christmas 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrix. 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekes~ bourne. 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge. 3,00 p.m. Evensong — Patrixbourne. 5 — Tu. Mothers‘ Union Wave of Prayer: Bridge — 4.45 - 5 p.m. in Church. Bekesbourne — 4.30 - 4-45 in the Hut 16 — Wed. The Epiphany: 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge VICAR'S LETTER NW dear People, Mid—November seems a little early to be writing a Christmas Message to you, but it must be done if you are to receive your December Magazine in time. This will be our second Christmas with you and my family and I are look- ing forward to happy times ahead - School parties, Sales of Work, Sunday School p;ize—givings, Carols and the joy of the Midnight Celebration of Holy Communion to welcome the CHRIST—CHILD. Let our Devotion to Christ, our love of children and our thanksgiving for all the Bless- ings of home life find expression in our family Worship on Christmas Day. There will be three Celebrations of Holy Comunion in addition to the Midnight Service, so that every fit Communi- oant, and Member of the Church should be enabled to come, (for this is ONE of the occasions on which all Communicant Members are expected to“Klso there will be two short, joyful Family Services — half—an—hour only — at which parents and children together can sing Carols and hear the lovely story of the Birth of Our Lord. Make an effort to come as a family: bring the babies too. _ 3 _ It is a sobering thought that Our Saviour was born and nurtured in circumstances not unlike the conditions in which our Modern Refugees and displaced homeless families are living. Babies are being born to them too, you know, and Mothers are desperate because they have no place to go. That is why I am so glad that you all responded so generously to the Appeal for the Fund to aid Refugees. For the same reason I hope that every family will give all they can afford to the Church of England's Children's Society appeal. Our Christmas collections will be given to this cause and the Young Wives‘ Group organising a Sale of Work to raise money for them. At this Season of love — the Children's happiest time — let our love and generosity overflow towards the homeless and love—starvcd children of broken homes, the orphans of our day, for which the Church has an abiding responsibility. A happy and blessed Christmas to ytu all and especially to the children. Yours sincerely, Robert Penney. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Annual_Concort: Thank '§6b all very much for your support once again. The show was a great success and I think everybody enjoyed it especially the per- formers. Tho exact amount we raised is not avail— able yet, but it is over £21 when all expenses are paid and I will publish the full amount as soon as it is ready. Annual Prizegiving: This, our usual Christmas event, will take place on Friday, 18th Dec. at 7 p.m. As always, we invite all our parents and friends to come and sing the old Christmas Carols with us and hear some new ones. We also hope to put on a short Nativity play for your enjoyment. Christmas: The Junior Church members wish you all a very happy Christmas and a New Year full of peace and joy and blessing. J.D.S. -4- Bekesbourne: MOTHERS‘ UNION PatriKbourne;& Bridge: Our December programme will take the form of a Christmas Anthology. This will be followed by tea and Carols. The Wave of Prayer this year falls on the first Tuesday in the Month — 5th Jan. 1960 — The time allotted to our Branch is 4.45 — 5 p.m. and we will, therefore, meet in Church at this time instead of our usual time of 3 p.m. so that we may preserve the unbroken link of prayer which is maintained by M.U. members all over the world throughout the year. The speaker at our meeting on 15th Dec. will be Mrs. Burnett, whose subject is "Some glimpses at the Life of our Lord." At our September meeting it was decided that we would meet in the Hut to observe the Wave of Prayer this year as it is more access- ible for most of our members. Our time is 4.30 — 4.45 p.m. on Tues. 5th Jan. Please make a real effort to come and make this a corporate act of prayer. YOUNG ‘=5/’IVEE3' GR_Qj;_l_B_ Bridge: An interesting coloured film showing the work of the Church of England's Children's Society will be shown at the Reading'Room at 7,30 p.m. on Wednesday, 16th. ec. A warm invitation is extended to all members of the Parish. The Rev. S. Britt, Organizing Sec. of the Society will be with us to comment on the film and to answer questions. After the film you will have an opport- unity of buying many attractive things for Christmas presents which have been made or given hy members of the Young Wives‘ Group and Mothers’ Union in aid of the Society. Please come and spend generously. Bekesbourne; A new Group has been formed in the Parish and it has been decided to meet monthly at 7.30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday in the month in _5_. it the School. At the moment our numbers are very small and we should welcome more new members. BRITISH LEGION The Annual General meeting of the Littlebourne & District branch of the British Legion was held in the War Memorial Hall, Littlebourne on Tuesday the 3rd November. In opening the meeting, the President, (Major General G. Surtees, C.B., C.B.E., M.C.), outlined the activities of the branch during the year. He emphasised the need for a fuller membership of the British Legion by oX—Service personnel and the showing of a greater interest by present members. The Chairman (Capt. F. lxlewing) reported a total membership of 150 (fully paid-up) and a profit on the year's working of £17. 18. 1. The total sum disbursedi by the Service committee in the way of aid to distressed ex—Service personnel amCufi*Gd to £42.10. 0; and another form of assistance given was two weeks‘ at a Legion conval- escent home for one case. A branch Benevolent Fund for the making of grants not permissable from Legion sources, was started in April, 1959, with C. 6. 6. donated in memory of the late Mr. F.E. Atkins. Mr. L.R. Ioaley was elected Chairman for the forthcoming year, Capt. F. Ncwing, Vice—Chairman and Mr. V. Maynard, Hon. Secretary & Treasurer; and elections to the main and Service committees were duly mad—. The meeting closed with a most interesting talk en Chile illustrated with colour slides by Sir Charles Eumson, K.C.M.G. V The next monthly general meeting of the branch will be held at the Rose, iwickhambreaux at 8 p.m. on Tuesday the lst December. On Remembrance Sundavfthe Littlebourne and District Branch and The Bridge and District Branch had a joint parade and Sgrvice at Bekesbourne Chu°ch 0-. a§,_L