Vicar : T112 REV. ROBERT A4 I’i«:.\*.\'i<:v, The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Reader : Mk. I. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE VVITI-I BRIDGE Clmrchwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Secretary C9’ Treasurer : , . M12. C. A. POTTER. Assistant Secretary F5‘ Treasurer (and Free Will Offering Secretary) MR5. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C lzurclrwardens : » MR. W’. R5 MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREV, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbonme. (Bridge 235) Secretary : MR5. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. H. S. SHOREY. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Your Parish Church is maintained for Divine Worship and for your benefit in time of need, without any State aid or help from central church funds. It depends entirely upon your -uoluritary gim'n.g. The Free Will Offering Envelope Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. You assess for yourself how much yousliould give each" " month, as a Thank-oflering to God, for the work of His Church in your Parish, and place your contribution in the small F .\V .0. envelope supplied with each Parish Magazine. You may then give it to your Magazine distributor or any Church oflicer, or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. Sr. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH Sr. PETERS BRIDGE AND .. Sr. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE JAN.. 1961 _ he--f ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUILDING COI\TTRz\.C'I‘O R JOHN ROBSON TDOVer) Ltd. G‘ F. T Y L B R IILRISH DIARY — JAITIIELRY 1961 CHOTA POULTRY I~"A1i'.I.I., PLEASE NOTE ALTER.’LTI01‘TS TO SERVICES, owing to flooding in Bridge Bekesbourng _ ’ Church boiler room and con sequent lack of heating. if . ~~ 1 Th 3 a ‘ . ~ ,, -,- F», , h 1. Tel Bridge 345 9 Te: E0?-3W IYs]B1'idge fl9{;_(_;_; }j3l,__3r__f,_oL21_'1_1J._nw;on.e 9.30 on ‘.uo_Lnesd.,..Vs ) hi,‘ -37,: ‘ * * ‘ 1'1 89 3 4 7.00 min. Fl-icLr.y:. ) "““ ' JOINERY, PLUTIBING, SANITATION, DECORATING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \ 3 Choir l’rcLc":.icea Fridays :2‘: ‘_6.30_p.m. at the Vicarage i A°°”di*ed Broediné’ 5'°a*‘i°n Youth Fellowship: Fridays at 7.30'p.m. ‘ (Com.) K.N. 38 *'X** DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROZIING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NE?! LAID EGGS 1 — Sun. Circumcision of_ our Lord. 8.00 Ho1y"C'oI:1mun,ion — Patrixboume 9.30 mm. .L."2I'i sh Communion — Bekosbourne ll.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge Reading Room 12 noon. Holy Corz':_x__nun'i’on — Bridge Church. 5.00 p-.m. Holy Communion - The Close Chapel. 6.30 p.m. Evensong - Patrixbourne 2 - Mon. M.U;'WAVE or PRAYER 9.30<=~9r-45~a-m- -.= Beke§P_01l¥’1'19 9.45" -— 10 - Bridge. 4 — Wed. 9.30 e..m. Holy Communion — Bridge. .(M.'U.Corpora..t'le,V ' followed -by Intercessions.) 7 A 7 6 — Fri. Ee_a,s1J of 17110 ' 8 Your local «x- as * DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, -x- -x- BOOT 8c SHOE DEALERS 7 -x- H. HAWKINS §1"_i ' .35’. am- 11300 aUmI r.~..m._ p.m. Pom: 11.00 3.00 6.30 A sh Tiedn e srlay .9. 30 mm. ' ""6. 30 vI1,=i.'.r,1. let‘ SlJ.IJ_.\’la._'y' 8000 8.-no 9.00, .'.L.r;l. 10.“O‘O‘€3.-D. . 11.00 - ll‘.OO z-..r.1..' p.m.‘ 6.30 Even song 3- Bridge. Holy Communion — Patrixboumef Holy Cmmunion —‘ Patxixbourne Parish Communion - Bekesbcnlme Familg Service — Bridge‘ 0 Holy communion — Bridge Evonsong — Bridge ' Frierzcls ofthe Canterbury Hospitals, Bridge Branch A.G.lL — “he Close. Brifish Legion — Duke Ta':i.llia.n,_ Ickham. Young ’.Tives' Group -0 The Vicarage. Peri sh Coymrrrunion;-‘Bridge _ .SL_m.-flay _. School '-.— Eatrixboumé Junior Church 5 Bridge » ‘ Matin_s — iPatrixbouIf1e 0 ' Evonsonglg Bekesboume - I Evensong‘ — Bridge Holy, cc'm'mn1on- _ Brirlge ;(l-l.U.ez-parate) ‘Lent _S_e_l_:'vioe — Bridge . Holy Communion —_.Patri’I.'ou.x_n,e—_f. Paiisll Corr-muriion — Bridge - H , » Sunrlzzy School ___Patri;cb‘oume1-.,-. ' Junior Church -Bridge ' ‘ _' latins — Bekesbourne _ , 7 -010- PARIEI DIARY (Continued) —v1(-31:3! s~LEv1u1vER' 20 _ lion. 2.45 pun. Bridge--ll—.U. - Methodist Cha.pel_>__V My dear People, " 21 - Tu. 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne I‘J.U. — "Hi17—Vi9W"71LeI'odI'0me ' "FLOODS ON THE A.2 AT BRIDGE" brought the-Parish some Press 22 _ wed. Ember Day _ V H and T.V. publicity which — like the flood— has now partly 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge Z subsided. The after--effects of the flooding still continue 5-30 P-IT” Lent S€‘»1'ViC€ * Bridge _ however, and our sympathy and practical help must go out to 23 — Th. _2.l5 p.m. Young Wives‘ Group —- The Vicarage ‘ those whose homes have been invaded by water and damp, 24 — Fri. St-I4.Xat‘t-hias.A.I. Ehaber Dal ‘ damaging floor coverings, furniture and decoration — and 7 ans. Eoly Communion — Bridge necessiftating evo.cua.tion in. some cases. I am helpil g to com- 2§ _ sat, amber 333- p __ e V B pile an unofficial record of the loss -and damage suf; ared 7 a.m. Holy Communion l—- Bridge ‘ _ locally through the flood andwould be glad to have confi-7 _ 26 — Sun. 216. Szniday in Lent . .. -. ‘ dential details from all affected- -I am also ‘trying to o a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge , ‘ ensure that financial help is given in cases of need, for 10 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne purchase of extra. coal, new lino, etc. and if any of you who 1“ a.m. Junior Church — Bridge ' live above the "high Wa.‘i:e;u mark" like to senfl me at clonation, ll a.m. lalotins —'PatriXbourne’ I will gladly accept it for that purpose. V . - I ll a.m. lfatins (Short) — Bekesbourne ‘ There has been no heating in Bridge :16”/,5 a_;,,_ 3013- C0m,—_J_‘1j_Un: _ Bekegqnculyje \ , gliui-clti sinceljohe floods lrose up in the boiler I‘-JOr_'11j1.J.S"E3 befoi-e .30 pry.’ Bwensong — B;-iflgo ._r1s mas. lo'.'.'evcr_, ‘.70 v.e.vo~n..o°,'-.1 s1.‘.<‘-cosr..‘.: .;;,' c >:1p_::-:3. r:'_".- ga;-_=_ _ ‘ ' " __ 3 "tanking" of the ‘ooilcr“roor;..f";o 1:259; water out‘; the G:/s"Ec.‘_x is 1 .—‘.‘.”ed. 6.30 p.;;. Lent Se":-vice .. Bridge ' ' ‘ M working again and shoul’rl-‘be ‘c’o"m‘pletcly safe from future floo-'l—_ — Sm. 3rd Sunday in Lent . - - »« ing. The work was done under very difficult conditions, by a.m. Holy Communion — Pat'ri'xbourne John Robson (Dover) Ltd.., Builders, Messrs. Ffass and Smith, 9-30 a-m- Parish Communion — BekeSbOu'IY1e ' Asphalters, and the Boiler Engineers — Tice ‘pf Canterbury, ll a.m. Family_Service"—l Bridge ‘ _ under the direction of Anthony _Swaine, Itrchitect. 71.45 z;.r:.-. Holy Comiznznion _ Bridge _' ‘ _ Normal services will now be resumed :':1:e:"n’.e.tol.;‘ 6.30 p.n. Evcnsong — ‘Bridge ' ' ‘ Donations to the "Church Boiler Fund" will be most grate- fully received by our Treasurer, Mr. Ch::.rles'Potter, or myself, as -x— as as -1- -1» * -x- as -1- as as as *' towards the large bill’ which will now have to be paid. ,, _, _, _ , . — ’ ‘ LELNT PASSION-TIDE e.n"1‘EAS’I‘ER_ 1961.. Startin on ‘sh Vfednesda Fzdri-IDS 0: TE CANLBBURY HOSPITALS — BRIDGE. GROUP l5th’FebmM,y’ them will be ;_ Short Lent Seisice ‘in Bridge y’ We thank all those who supported our Whist Drive on the Church weekly on Wednesdays at 6. 30 p.E1. x ‘ - ‘ 18th January, which raised the magnificent sum of-e.pproxi— ‘Easter will be early this year and We are now starting our .v:.=;tely £15 for Group funds. ' ' preparations for special ‘Choral music and a 1’.'.SSION PLAY. We Would all members please note that the ‘Fourth ._Annual will gladly Welcome newcotleyrs to the Choir (practice Friday ‘floral Meeting of the League of Friends Bridge Group will evenings at 6.30 p.r.1.) and offers of help with the play he held at The Close on Tuesday, 7th Februézry 1961 at ( in Bridge Church, Wednesdays at 7 13.13.), - 7.30 p.m. Please come and bring your frj_ends_ ‘ God. bless you all,-- especially those suffering from fl oocls, ‘flu or any other misfortune. Spring is Very close. V Your,fri,en:l and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY. Winifred Clarke Hon. Sec./'l‘rer=.surer. _ 2 _ _ 3 .. _, .i .1‘; a — var 1uRI DT‘RY (Continued) VICAR' s LETTER QC _ -‘iQn_ 345 p_;:,_ Fridgg ;;,U. —Me‘tl1odist Chapel” My dear Peoples , 21 _ i »_ 3.30 ~;.m. 1‘~e}«:c:=bouI'r1e IJ.U., — "Hillview",Aerodrome "FLOODS ON THE A.2 AT BRIDGE" brought the Parish some Press ( 2; — ed. En‘:-cr Day _ _ _ and T.V. publicity which — like the flood— has now partly ; 9 30 831- E013’ Commmion — Bridge subsided. The after—effects of the flooding still continue 5-35‘ 3-7» LEI?‘ 3<‘1‘ViCC - Bridge however, and our sympathy and practical help must go out to 23 — Th. _2.l'3 Young Wivx-s‘ Group — The Vicarage ‘ those whose homes have been invaded by Water and damp, 2c — Tri. St. atthi.=.s..-'~..I_'. Zmbrr Day ’ damaging floor coverings, furniture ant‘. 'ieco"ttion — and ( 7 a.:,i. Foly Communion — Bridge necessitating evacuation in some cases. I run helpii g to com- 2f .. sat. T:-J:-:r Day pile an unofficial record of the loss and damage suf; :red 7 Holy Communion —' Bridge ‘ locally through the flood and. would be glad to have confi- CE — Sun 2nd Sunezy in Lent - I ~ dontial details from all affected. I am also trying to 8 a.:n. Eoly Communion — Bridge ’ ensure that financial help is given in cases of need, for 1C a.:. Sundagr School — Patrixbourne purchase of extra coal, new line, etc. and if any of you who 1‘ :.r;. Junior church — Bridge live above the "high W:LtCL' mark" like to send me a donation, 21 3. r.. I-Latins — Petrixbeurne ' I will gladly accept it for that purpose. - 11 Z73-tins (Short) —- 3ckesboL1rne >Bll_I4_T)_§_l],'(gTj_§Qi_f§§§§lfg§£Q_I\I- There has been no heating in Bridge 3.45 ;.;. 301;, corgiliun _ 3c;k;,,;:.,.-w;s ‘ Church since the floods rose up in the boiler room just bOf’JL'U €~fO pr: Evensong — Bpidge \ 7 Christflas. however, to have now m1CcesfiTulIy’c:eplci:i the . ' ' ' x _ s 3'"?-anking" of the boiler‘ ro'o\1;. "to 1:ee-,1 '-rater out’; the systcu is - Tad. 6.30 0...". Lent Service - Bridge‘ ' 1 g _. working again and shoulrl-‘be ‘completely safe from future floo"—_ 5 — Sun. 3rd S.u1i:y in Lent . ~- ing. The well: was done under very difficult conditions, by 8 a.:. Holy Communion — Pat'ri'Xb0urne John Robson (Dover) Ltd., Builders, Messrs. Bass and Smith, 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion — Bekesbourne ' Asphalters, and the Boiler Engineers — Tice "of Canterbury, 11 3.5:. Family Service — Bridge under the direction of Anthony _Swa.ine, ftrchitect. "l../1 5. E. Holy Communion — Bridg ‘ Normal services will now be resumed irme;1'_:.te1y 6.30 p.m. Evensong -— Bridge ' " ' Donations to the "Church Boiler Fund" will be host grate- fully received by our Treasurer, Mr. Ch:.rles;Po-tter, or myself, as -x» as as as -x * ->e as -x- as -x as -x-' towarcls the large bill’ which will now have to be paid. 7- W, 3 ,.,-.i - — ’ LEN'I‘, PA.SSION—TIDE end’ E.l3.STER,, 1961..., Startin on Ash Wednesda - _r1I-..JS 0. lie CANT_HBURY HOSPITALS _ BRIDGE. GROUP 15,611 Febmary, them will be a ‘short Lent Serfiice in Bridge -V’ We thank all those who supported our Whist Drive on the Church weekly on Wednesdays at 6. 30 p.m. _ ' » 16th January, which raised the magnificent sum of-a'=_ppI‘OXi—' Easter will be early this year and we are now starting our rt‘.f.tely .-:15 for Group funds. ‘ ' preparations for special "Choral music and o. P.'.SSION PL.1Y. We would :11 members please note that the ‘Fourth Annual will gladly welcome newcomers to the Choir (practice Friday General Meeting of the League of Friends Bridge Group will evenings at 6.30 p.I:1..) -and offers of help with the play be held at The Close on Tuesday, 7th February 1961 at (rehearsals in Bridge Church, Wednesdays at 7 p.m.). ~ 7-30 p.:. Please come and bring your friends. ' God bless you all_—- especially those suffering from floods, _ . ' ‘ ‘flu or any other misfortune. rin ‘is ve close. Winifred Clarke Your-_fS‘:ient:l and Vulgar, 2 Hon. Sec./Treasurer. ROBERT Pmmn I, g_' A 4--. JUNIOR CHUB-CHI‘ tiio‘i*’E‘s“" ‘ ‘ Annual Prizegiving. This wn.s’h£e1'a..on tm; Sinday beforepchrist-" ure for us _ and we app-r.eE:'ié'tcd‘t}1C-'»b-ig ..«.tte'n;1—_ ance of parents and friends. V . - - _. We were especially glad to welcome :3. very dear friend in the pgrson of Mrs. Church who very kindly came and pr oscntecl the . prizesto the children. We remember with gratitude her ready help and her many lcindnesses to us all when she was in Bridge.‘ The children 11-ad an additional surprise in__the form of 5 bag of sweets each, sent by a friend who wishes ymous, for the members of the simshine Guild. . - Smshine Guild. Do please let our members know when anybody is sick. During the past few weeks several people have been over- looked and we don't want this to happen if it can be avoided. Membership. sickness md possiblypthe fact that we have had to meet in the Village Hall while the Church is ‘closed, our attendaxice has suffered to some degree. However, we shall be back in Church on Sunday, 5th February. - to remain anon- I»-IOTHERS ‘ UNION ,- Bridge Branch Comznnion 5: hitercession Serviceron Wednesday, lst Feb. at '5 9.30 a.1::.' at ‘Bridge, Also Corporate Communion on Ash ‘fiefalesdcy, 151;}; Feb.‘ at 9.3o'e..m. at Bridge‘. - » _ Meeting. Liondny 20th February at the Methodist Chapel at " . 2.45 p.E. Speaker Mrs. Ledger. . Triennial Elections will take place at above meeting and it is«:lly important all members should bake 9; great effort to..:=.tten"l and vote at this meeting. _ . Bekosboume Branch Corp orate Communion: smlay _l2th Feb. at 3 a.I:1. ‘ liectj.n;«;:'_Tucs1ay, 21st Feb.. at Hillview,‘ The Qleroirome at 2.30’ p.m. .Spcaker:,-"i‘»_he Rev. Arthur Brough.— "The Inspiration of some Famous HyI:ns".. Triennial Elcctionsvrill take place :_*.t_._. the end of the meeting. _ . - ' V YOUNG ‘LIVES’ GROUP 91:11 Feb. at 8 p.L'1. at The Vic3.I'z'.ge ,_ "Beauty Counsellor". 23rd. Feb. at 2.15 p.11. The Vicamge — Hrs. Fox "Erzlbroi-'1ery "- -4- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A nGRICULTUR.1L 8: GENERAL FHIGINEE I.IO‘.TII,TG r3’c BALING Acetylene & Elect. ‘fielding Tel; Non 204. Bridge 220 Lawn Iiower Grinding. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i THREQEDIG 8: BALING CONTRACTORQ + . CHA-°., H. “EER ’' Family Butchers ’BRIDGE-" 13: Bridge & Nonington ++++++++++++ + + + i 1 CL.-LRKE & HEAPI-DEN + + + + + + + +++-I—l»+ E BEST Groceries $++++++++++++++++f+++++++++++++++ : BEST Value for Money : AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL i if 1 and GENERAL ENGINEERS 1 .9. H E N R Y G. P R I C E 1 , + ,. A. 7.. R 0 c E R s + i THE STORES, BRIDGE E BRIT.‘-GE Tel: 348 1 E T913 Bridge 323 i Overhauls & Repairs. Cars, E + ' . illotor Cycles & Cycles supplied E E530 Blue 36 V511?‘ 11591135 $4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Birds—Eye Fros ed oo s i E ‘Hardware £ ."~.uto Electrics & Batteries 1 i I QULITY 3: F. E. ZEVOODYTARD E “' CiV 'LITY I - 1 ’ i AUTOEOBILE ENGINEER 1 DELIVERY 1: * * ' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$ , * E 1. Repairs, Overhauls & Sales 1' — The Village Butcher — E E J D Y S 0 N + . 1 &i 1 HIGH ST., BRIDGE E 1 BRIDGE. Phone 321 + _ + _ 1 Tel: Bridge 212 I ’+r Engli sh & Imported Meat, + i 1 Home-made Sausages J’ 1 1‘f'+++++-I-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++-I-++++++++++++++++-5:: . ilectflcal Ehgineeh 3: Motor Engineer. E Jr: R.G.D. SHITH 1 ________S-T~F0°RD } i 5, The Terrace, Bridge I Brgwfm gang’ B1'5éd-8e- 1 . - + e : ri ge 2 2 + 1 Tel. Bridge 260 i + 1 Lighting, Heating & Cooldng i OVEP-H{1UL5 3‘ REPAIRS _ I ilnstallations. Estimates FREE. 3; Tyre Service - Battery Chm-"eméi I+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1!-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i IE -11» Decorating * Painting * Signwriting * E 3; Ii’-.3 CENT &'H0 GBEN UNION 1m., BIEDGE. 3; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vicar : THE REV. ROBERT A. Pr.N.\'1£\', The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE CJmrcI1wa.rdens : MR. C. A. PO'l"l‘ER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A, E. W, FAR1s1{—S.mDIiAci1, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Secretary 69’ Treasurer : MR. C. A. POTTER. Assistant. Secretary 59'‘ Treasurer (and Free Will Offering Secretary) MR5, J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : MR. W’. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary : MR5. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) . * Treasurer : Mn. H. S. SHOREY. FREE WILL OFFERING SCH EM-E Your Parish Church is maintained for Divine Worship and for your benefit in time of need, without any State aid nr help from oentral church funds. I t depends enii rely upon your voluntary givirig. The Free Will Oflering Envelope Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. You assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-ofiering to God, for the work of His Church in your Parish, and place your contribution in the small F.\V.O. envelope supplied with each Parish Magazine. You may then give it to your Magazine distributor or any Church oflicer. or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. . i ST. MARY PATRIXBOURNE WITH ST. PETER BRIDGE AND ST. PETER- . BEKESBOURNE y PARISH MAGAZINE A MAIL, I96I x. _ PD. ‘ ‘Juar- ~—»r—~ —---vwgr ->9 «I? ‘ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ G.F.' TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FAILZ, Bekesbourne Tel Bridge 345 ~‘.£--)9--I Accreiited Breeding Station (Com.) K.N. 38 -X-** DAY OLD CHICKS ZATCHNG EGGS GROYING STOCK TABLE POULTRY LAID EGGS +++++++++++¥+++++++++++++++++4¥++++++ §)F'I‘ FURNI SEUINGS Curtains & Loose Covers Eiderdowns Recovered Patterns Available ANN SLIITH Dover Cottage,Eigh St.3ridge ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ N. A. T U R N E R FRUITERER 8: GREENGROCER -¢1++-Iv-++++++ +4-L4-++ Orders Delivered Home Grown Produce Tfreaths etc. made to order. THE LILD3‘S,flGH SI‘. Bridge 361 B. F L 0 ".7 E It GEN'I'S' HILIRDRESSER BRIDGE figs: Feekdays (incl.Sa.t) 8-30am — lpzx. 2pr’1—6.30pm, + ++ +++++-O-++¢-04-+4-++++++4~§-+++++ + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4-+++++++++++++++++++++++4-+-I-+++++ BUILDING CONT Iii: CTOR J O H N R O 3 S 0 N (Dover) Ltd. 1, The Broadway, Bridge Tel. Bridge 374 JOINERY, PLUZBING, SAl\TITILTIOl‘I, DEOORILTING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Your local as ‘H’ * DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, * * BOOT & SHOE DEALERS as H. HAWKINS §1'_i_QE.G. - T913 347 Specialists in ladies‘ dresses, knitwear, sldrts and blouses. NETI SAGENT S TOBLLC CON I SI‘ S CONFECTI ONER S * * It * * III +++++++++++++++++++++++-:4-++++++ THE‘ WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE LUNCHEON S * +++++++++++++++-+1:++++-I-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+_;_+++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4: + + + + + + + + + . + + + + i DDTNERS + + + + + + + + + + + 1 HOTEL AC COI5MODfi.TION + E Tel ephone 1 B ri dge 249 + 7 + + .+. + + + + + + PARISH DI.[..RYe 4 I.Ia.rchi1961" with details of . LENT, HOLY WEEK and EASTER SERVICES "IN THREE DAYS", 2. play for Passiontide and Easter, giving a dramatic insight into the events of Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Day — will-be"aoted by members of our Parishes in Bridge Church on,PALI-II SUNDAY at 3 p.m. (forchildren of the Smday School and'Junior Church) and at-6.30 2.m. "GOD so LOVED THE w0Ri.D3r., a Passiontide Devotion for Congregation and Choir will be performed on PASSION SUIIDAY at Bridge Church at 6.30 p.m. at Bekesbourne atj ll a.m.- Note: Holy Communion: 9.30 a.m. _- _. _‘ _,,"?...Q.0’a..m. - ~~-'Cho’ii"' Prac‘ti’ce;{ , ,6,-3V0..._"p.m¢ "Youth Fe1lowshiR:7.30 ’p.m. Study. Grouyse ' ‘ 8.30 p.m. xooo-4 ox “Th. 6.30 pm. Lent.Se'rvice’,-{Bridge 3rd Sunda. in Lent--;—~‘-D . A :5, 3.00 a...m‘.‘ "Holy Communion - Patrixbvqurne '7'" on _ ‘Jedne $da.ys_.v) '"_ U »_.) »on- _Friday's' in Church oh Frida.y_s . - ‘ _on Frida.ys,_a.t the Vicarage. Also at the Close at 5 2.111., and.‘ on PALI.i- SIIDAY ‘ at Bridge ‘ Wed: 'i'_9..30e.'.m. Holypomuflaunion -_ B1-idge~(rI.U.C_orpcra1:eV& Intercessions) Th, 7.30 p.m. Young Wives‘ Deanery Eeeting — wingham.‘ Sun. ' T - L 9.30 e..m. Parish Communion - Bekesbourne 11.00 a_.m.‘ Familyjservice —‘ Bridge 11.45 a.m..4i Holy Communion 7 -Bridge 6.30 Even'song'.— Bridge . = ‘ Mon. 7.30 p.m. Bridge 'P.C.C. Meeting .. V.ica.1‘a-ge Tu. 8 pun. British Legion — The Rose,_ T'iQ}§h§I_I,fbI€BuI~ Wed. 6.30 p-.Ii1'. "Lent Sé‘I'V:-l.‘¢,e";>'BI‘i@7e " ’ - - ""7.3O 'Leb_ture Mr. 1043.0 a.m. ,'—. 12. noonk}--~Eoffe‘e"l;Iomirig 'ahd_:Bring 8: Buy , The ‘Vicarage. ' A-3-Ryan "From Slavery to Federation" - Bridge school. - ‘”‘ .15 _ 718 _ ..l-9? ;_ 12 l4-Tu. 20 — Tu. 22 — 23 - 25 - 26 M28 _ Tu. lion. fiei. Th.. 2.30 2.45 2.30 -~ 7.15 6.30 2.15 7.30 Sat. Annunciation of the B.v%m:"“‘"“““ I-‘arish Diary — Torch 1961 Qcont) _ sun 4tp Sunday 1“ Léht (fiothering Sunday) 8.00 9.00 am). 10.00 11.00 11.00 3.00 6-30 7.30.. wed, 5,30 p.m. Lent Service _ Bridge» Set. .3111. Holy Communion — Bekesboume Iarish Communion — Bridge a_m, amday School — Tatrixbourne a.m. Junior Church — Bridge‘ Pi I-Jzztins — l"atI‘iXb0UI'I1G Evonsong — Bekosbourne Isvensong —.,B1.”i<..i.€..',e _ .. a.m. a. _. p.111. P-10. ‘ p_m_ Annual Assembly of fatriizbourno Farisli ’ .-IbeIine« p.m. Junior Church Jumble Sale & Bring & Buy. Iassion Sunday. 8.00 9.00 10.00 sum. 11.00 11.00 -5.00 6.30 Holy Comxtruniori — fatrixbourne 3-ari sh Communion — Bridge Slnd-iy School - Tctrixbourne Junior. Church — Bridge 7 7 y lj.-Iatin s_ —_ Bekesboume p.n. "God so loved the ’:’;'orldff__:-__ The‘ Close. p.;'-_’:.- "God so loved. -the.‘ ‘.“."orlifi."__7__l_3_r_i__-,d_ge. p.r1.. Bridge ZI.U. — -li'ethodiS13E_-1(2_L1£1-I_3‘9.l.__-f p.111. Bekesbourne I.~I.U. — Hillviewg the A3’-3I'0C1I‘0II1e p.L'1. T’-hist DriVe'in’ of Church Lighting" Fund - Bekesbourne School a.r_1. 21.131. ., 1‘ 4‘ 51-121- 32.13.‘ Lent Service .— Bridge 7 _ Young.T.1’ives' Group —.ViC€>g1‘a%9 . 3 ‘ —_ . Annual Assembly of Bridgc»TaI:i,_Sh_F;Eect1ng p.m. p.I."..— p.m. 10 £2.11. Holy=Conmunion_;—Eatrixbouine (I-.I.U.Corporo.te) -— Sun. Ialm Sunday. ‘ (Distribution of I‘e._1I:x Crosses etfall noming services) 8.00 (2.123. Holy Communion - Bridge 10.00 1.n. Sunday School — Iatrixbourne. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge _ 11.00 e-.121. Ifiatins — Iatrixboume . . 11.00 o..n- "God so loved the Zforld" -_Bekesb0‘uI‘1’16 3.00 13.13. "In Three Dgys" Iassion flay _ Bridge 6.30 p.13. "D1 Three Days" Iassion Play — Bridge 7.30 13.11. Horticultural Society Quarterly Meeting- Brains Trust — Village Hall. ._ 2 _ gag. HOLY TEEK 27 - H013 7.00 a..m. Holy Communion - Bridge. 28 _ Tu. +7-00 a-m- Holy Communion _ Bridge 29 Wed. 9.30 a..n. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 p.m. Lent Service — Bridge IJIAUIIDY THURSDAY 7.00 mm. Holy Communion — Bridge 7.30 p.m. lleditation — Bridge. GOOD FRIDAY 7.00 a.m. Ante-Communion & Litany — Bridge 9.00 £1.21. Ante-Communion &: Litany - Bekcsbourne 9.30 a.m. Family Service — Bekesboume 10.30 a.n. Family Service - Bridge 12 — 3 p.111. Three Hours Devotion — Bridge (Conductor: The Rev. *.7.I'IortimeAr-Lamb, Vicar of Boxley) 8.00 p.I:1. Service in Bridge Church, including a. TALK by S. H.‘.’-.’in’Ger Esq.,J.P. with FILIC I1‘? 7 COLOUR " A VISIT TO THE 0BEIL‘iI.IIEI{G.".U PASSION PLAY" (H.B. Transport will be available from Bekesbcurne) _ 30 — Th. 31 — Fri. APRIL 2 — Sun. EASTER DAY 7.00—a.n.' Holy Communion - Bridge .8.00,a..r:1. Holy Communion .— Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m. Parish Comriunion - Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Family. Service - Br:i.‘dge"'" 11.45 a..m. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 p.D- Festal Evensong _ Bridge "”‘"f‘ 3 - lbn. Easter Monday ' 8.00 a-rm Holy Communion — Bridge 4 — Tu. Easter Tuesday. 7.00 e..n. Holy Communion - Bridge 7.30 p.I:1- Patrixbourne with Bridge Vestry Ileeting and lmnual. General Ileetingr — Village Hall 12 — '-.'s'C'3.- 7-30 P-Eh Bckesbourne I—‘.C.C. and at 8 p.r:.,' Vestry and Azmual General lieeting — The School EASTER DECORLTIONS: Hay all gifts of flowers etc.’ be left at the Churches NOT L.‘.TER TEA}? 10 a..m. on Holy Sa.‘tuI‘da.y pl case? _ All those who wish ‘to help to decorate are asked to come early." EASTER LILIE'S= If you mi sh to give an Lily in memory of a levee‘. Ono, ‘ 2 send 5/— per lily to Ifrs. Penney not L._’1‘EB. T311? I‘o.l:.*«. ‘‘ (sr -— 1";-r 3cl<.;.sb-virne — ‘bu Iirs.&4.nd:L1l) '1 -3.. VIC;-,R'S LVTTER ’ ,_... I';y zirar Frioniss ._ _ L-int - the sp:r'ing—tir.1o Fast ::f’tlfi. Christian — is a time for .'I_‘7‘t,‘1'al n.3mn;‘m- zni ola.ntin.~:" and all Lenten thoughtsend. i ,- -o t ‘ s - . . - SP: lutiono qhouv. -0,. Qgitivc and fruitful in purpose. Our re 0 ~* ~ * “ -T-1‘ , - Lore‘ makes it clear (Ijatt. 3 v.16) that God desires happy, 0, _;rR1GaTts mi faces during Lent as much as.a.t.—-any other tzfc _ -my SL~,1f_c:11sC.iouS rzi scryl Happy because we see in " 1 ,, - - v n evoI'_)' Spring bud and f_vo'.vcr u now sign of God. s love end grace to:-v»'v~4sAus rug‘. a c"usc for renewal of our faith.’-and‘thankf‘ul— II'4-—- 3 ~- ~ *‘ _ _ , 17‘-'2 ml» bcc"usc our response 1S fresh enthusiasm to noss- 4—«~ v<_~ C, _ - lgarn ani to :13 HIS ..1ll- It makes no thanldul to see you’ rcsponrling so well tothe call of. Lent, as you came in encouraging numbersto Study Groups, Choir Practices, l“*:.ssioni'r:ley.rehearsals and Church Scrviocs. Your':1”''l help others too. ‘All our ‘.'.-'3I‘k is iirectecl towards the perfecting of our praise and r worship — that it may be more sincere, better understood and i ’ \,/ sore truly a family offering. «A _ .-:.4» You will See from the Diary for Holy Tfeek{3. E9-S1991‘ thflfi \ as our Lord bazle us love Goi with heart and sofi'l7'and ‘mind ani stre-ngt‘.-1, so we are trying to teach, learn and-unrlerstand the Passion of Christ in 2. variety of W-:.ys.‘_ .bea11‘biful woris ani music of "Goi so loved the '.?orld.", sungby 0111' unitci ch:irs, the clrenatic teaching of the play "In Three Days"; the Three Hours Devotion, vconducto-3. by Fr. Lamb‘ 011 EE?E”Eriiay EEE_¥EE’?ElETE?“¥iE—Psssion riay at obcranmcrgau, shauli all help to bring us, united in the spirit of love arld uI1'leI'st?.n-iing, to the rest of Christ, Our Riser1__.SaViour,z..on " "' Easter Day; "M" . On Eastcr Day all Comnunicent members of t1_:e_ Church are biiien to raalse Communion. .'I-prajy"th£if§___M§93:1...Will a.l_1 53:? 5°" cspeciall ',.thos<. rec'en'tly_ Confirmed-~""iTc"sh5ll welcome at the Jiltar this Tester ten new Adult Lembers, wh6'Z1re f§_Q_bc ‘ * Confirmei_at_Canterburytcéthedralmgj.6wp:m7 on“:éi. 22nd.§§£9hs+~"”€V 1961- Pray for Godfls Blcsléing upon and. their ‘f‘e?filies“."" N-E.i' EY13'1' '3OOKS.= Your I‘.C.C.-:. have -agree-1 that the IIPIT EDITION Of "Hymns nncicnt anl xoiern" should be introiucoi at Bridge ‘ and Bekosboumc ChuI'o‘.’.cs that supplies arc. to ‘or; orrlererl .1 ._q_.. as soon as possible. Sample copies will be»rlisplayod'a,t _ tho Parochial Annual General Hectings and it is honed that. mozxbc-rs of the congregation will each BUY a copy for the Church (5/- each). Larger and more expensive books with or"without music, will also be available for personalfluse, if prcferrccl. Each Fymn Bookso given will have 2..3ook , Plate r'ecord_in_g the name of the Donor — or the name of the person in wl1osc__menory it is given. ELECTRIC LIGHTING for BEKESBOURNE'CHURCH ,. Te hope at ,__ last to be able to face this expensive but desirable step" [i forwar-ifi-‘from noisy, smelly gas'li;_;hts:,_'to convenient efficicnt.clectric lights. This shouvipnot only faoilitote worship, .but s.ho'ulrl enhance t‘__1e_"bea.uty of‘ the Church. ‘ CHURCH or ENGLAND CHILDRENS' SOCIETY , I should be glad to have:a'll- Collecting St.rips_ beckavt thjc c‘n:l"of Lent. , 20 out of the '50 have already been r«.e;t1,1Itr1-__e_'§,a11'Ei.,'~‘—e.¢s"'V‘1‘:\§e'—7', if Chairman of the Canterbury Branch,’-*I"tl:a'.iik the anonymous givgrsgnost gratefully. Last year, chiefly. through increaiseil Church support, the branch.-rloub-l orl it-s'in’c_or:1e, sending £700 to the ‘Society, -t'oI.7arcls which ouriparishes raise-'1 the wonderful total” of £65. * - ' PAROCHLLL £a.N1\1U.'.L GENERLL AND ELLSTER VESTRY ITETIETGS Bridge 3 Tues.- 4th April a.nd“l3fekesboum-e*'2 '.Tecl.12th jipril. Please §l_ COTE. It is your duty and, privilege to ' appoint your P.C._C. I/IembeI'_§ and Church '.2'arr3.ens for the ensuing year, to _~roc.cive“;‘Lcoounts ani to-qzliscuss pl-:~.‘ns;_ and to express;/our tha.nk_s to all who hrzve labourerlon your behalf in any capacity -— and you wiT_.l__— enjoy the _ meeting» “If you wish" to nominate someone new for the ._ 1-’.C.C., plea.5'se“as1_C_for a form. _ »' '1' .. Newcomers to sh 'shouT.r1Vsign_E1octo};a_;__.Roll Foms so that they nref_'_que.l_ifiecl to‘ vote anvipto sex-"V3.7 . EASTER EGGS?’ If you want to give someone a presgnjvthis year — the best possible lwou-lcl be a. copy of the New Testament, the first part of the New English Bible at;8/64. or 21/-s.r.c.K. God Bless all of.‘ you. '_ Li‘-:7‘ ‘ I I _ ii very happy Easter. “Yours sincerely, ROBELUI‘ IYNIIPY. L- _ J — __ _ iii lg IIOTPBERS ' UNI OH BEKESBOURIIE — At the Triennial Elections held last month, the ere elected to offices-— Enrolling Member: Mrs. Penney, See. ljrs. Jury; Treasurer: Ilrs. Tyler; 3rd Rep. Mrs. Watson. Committee: Iiesdames Baker, liason & Newport. On 21st liarch Deaconess Stapley is coming to speak to us about Father Damien and his ministry to the Lepers. BRIDGE — At the Triennial Elections held on 20th Feb., Hrs. 1-Zeigh was elected as the new Enrolling Member and llrs. Berry, retiring 3.1.". was elected the 3rd Representative. The new Committee is as follows; llesdames Anstiss, Derry Fenn, Ledger, Penney, Pratt and Setterfield. The new Secretary is to be elected at the Committee Iieeting on Wed. 8th March. ‘fie should like to thank I.Irs. Chadwick and lilrs. Smith for their land help as Tellers, also lirs. Parker who has done such good work as Treasurer for so many years. ‘ie are very sorry that she is retiring. Corporate Communion & Intercessions - Wed. 1st lfarch 9.30 a.m. Al so on 25th liarch, the Annunciation of the at Patrixbournc Church at 10 a.m. T_'eeting_: lionday 20th lhrch at 2. 45 15.111. in the Methodist Chapel. Speaker: I-Irs. Alan Bailey on the "Work of the Tarriage Guidance Council" YOUNG '1”-._'IVES' GROUP Instead of our usual meeting on the Second Thursday in the month, we shall be going to ‘Iingham to the Deanery Electing on Thursday 2116, L”-arch at 7.30 13.11. This will take the form of a Brains Trust — the team consisting of a Doctor Teacher, Mother and Clergyman (our Vicar) Please let the Secretary (lirs. Tilliarison) know whether or not you are able to come, so that we can arrange transport. lie-et at the Vicarage at 7 p.m. sharg. The meeting on 23rd liarch wi‘l*l:*iUe at 2.15 p.121. and will be a working party. ,_ The Ilothers' Union make the first Tfedncsday in the month at 9.30 a.:. the occasion of their Corporate Communion and they have suggested that the Group r;ig1';t :2 :in them. I hope that some of ;.;;:u will find it p:-ssibl , to rlcr t‘_‘.is. ..5_. CHURCIi'BOILER"FUI~Il) ; ‘£100’ needed There will be a Coffee Homing and Bring & Buy at the Vicarage on Thursday, 9th I-.Iarch_ from 10.30 a.m. —'l2"ri6on"ifi aid of the above fund. ’I.‘Iease'comc and bring your friends. JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Funds — Ovring to- unavoidable circumstances, we were unable to produce our Anmial_.Concert, which provides us with the funds necessary to , to carry on with our work. As the expenditure _still goes on we have decided to ho]_d.a Jumble Sale Trith"a""Bring & Buy" section on Sat., l8th lfarch at 2.30 p.n. ‘.270 shall be very glad to Shaver. co—o;.verr:tion you can give us and if you have any £salea_bl clothes or household effects, for which you have.no__ further use, will you please let ushave ' theI.’1?- ill so.‘ will youg.:he_lp-us with the "Bring & Buy"*.section? ‘-.Te really do need your help. Qfl — We now have an films Baglofouhr own. It is a very__l_ove1y one and we are very gratef.ul...-to. tlieselady who made andlégvel 11:. FRIENDS OF THE ClUT‘I‘ERl3URY HO_SI”I'l‘EiLS - BRIDGE GROUI‘ ".Th'e'”Annua'.l- General I-Ieeting was hem on 7th February .«.t"“ ’ The 01059: and copies of the Chairman‘ s Report are available. As a result of our loyal helpers‘ efforts, we collected‘-£4-7n in subscriptions, our Membershipihoti being 279. The Open Day at the Close, a Coffee;l«£cming::a_nd Day,—~;[-a,.j__sed.a 3..- further 5180» enabling us to,ma"ke.,a.—._7sun:stantia1 d.o'.nati,on tor the Main Fund: Pay the T-'9ntc'b1.,fO1‘-':ft}l_Q'.VT.'V;._ at theflclosei, etc. and Kingston Drar_na Group have kindly off'ér‘ed to ‘put on 3 _ play called "A fickle in l’aradi'se" in aid" of the League of ‘(Ce hope to hold another '.".'hi'st' ‘l)riv"é_7in '_,A'_p1‘il_. the Ba;-ham Friends, Bridge Group, on 8th Ap:-i1“.~r ":.'e'-hope an members - and friends will support these efforts.~. " " ’ ' '_' ".'.‘.M.CL;';RICE, _ y ' Hon. Sec. _ 7 _ _. ____....__ .._-.A..-. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH REGISTERS HOLY BAPTISM '2nd Oct. 1960 13th Nov. 1960 27th Nov. 1960 18th Dec. 1960 'l1‘bh Sep‘b.l960 9th Oct. 1960 11th Dec. 1960 uinfimass Ioth sept.196o 29th Oct. 1960 BURLILS 5th Sept.196O 5th Oct. 1960 5th Nov. 1960 8th Nov. 1960 3rd Jan. 1961 5th Jan. 1961 7th Jan. 1961 23rd sept.196o Patrixbourne ANGUS SI‘3PHE1\I, s. of izaymomi 85 Mary GOLDFINCH Bridge _ ‘ _ R0sImIiRY"ANN and”J1i1\TET L]l\TDA, <13 of Reginald and Daphne HARRIS ° IE.“-.l..’iNIE mm, Va. of Peter & Joan srrvms JANET ANNE, d. of James & Winifred TIMSITT Bekesboume - ‘ CLINTON, s. of Ronald &_ Kathleen COLEMAN VALERIE Jj.YNE, d. of Maurice 8: Margaret MARSHALL SELII JORDAN, s. of Reginald & Sylvia WILSON‘ Patrixbourne James Henry BURR and Jenifer Anne IuLlLOI\lEY B eke sboum e -Robin Col,in‘_B0lCl3RS and Gladys Mary JEFFERY Bri e‘ William James PEARCE Emest Harold EARL I-.5az-ia - FARNFIELD Ada Mary BAILEY Percy PEGDEN Walter Henry HUNT Alice Edith DUHNELL Beke sboume C Bessie TJJILOB _ 8 _ ; ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ F«+ c H 2-. ‘<3. H. I BRIDGE. I AGIECULTUR;-.L GENERAL II-IGINEEI2; LIO'.‘.'I';IG & BILING % + + Family Butchers B E E R CILLRKE & Iinmmim 11 Bridge & Nonington Acetylene as Elect. Welding Tel: Non 204. Bridge 220 '4- ++++++++++++ _ Lawn Iiower Grinding. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I THRESHIING 8: BALING CONTRACTOR . "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ it BEST Groceries I *1. BEST Value for Money 1 AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTUIML E ht i'~ and GENERAL ENGINEERS : 57$ HENRY G“ PRICE E A. TI. ROGERS 1 I3: TI-IE STORES, BRIDGE 1 BPIDGL‘ Tel: 348" 3‘, '+ E - . Tel. Bridge 323 1" Overhauls & Repairs. Cars, E + Iizotor Cycles & Cycles supplied 1 E330 Blue 30 V3101‘ Agents 3;-~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i “'—+ Birds—Eye Frosted Foods i _ . §$ Hardware + Auto Electrics & Batteries + 1 I 1 F. 11. 'f!OOD‘-HARD ‘+ CIVILITY QUALITY + c -+ DELIVERY 1 AUTOHOBILE ENGINEER i A . : ->é’ -x- 4;. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _ 1 - ‘ IE Repairs, 0VeI‘hauls& sales 1 — The Village Butcher — E E. J. D Y S O N E.J;, PURSSORD —-—————————————— IIEGH . . BRIDGE.‘ Phone 321 i ST ’ BRIDGE Tel: Bridge 212 Eagli sh & Imported Meat, Home—ma.c1e Sausages +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +¢++++++++++ ++&++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ,”.m - E" Electrical Engineer. E Motor Engineer. 1 R.G.D. SMITH ¢ S.'1‘.FOORD 5, The Terrace, Bridge i Brewery Lane, Bridge. ¢ Tel: Bridge 260 :: ‘1‘el= Bridge 282 + 1 Lighting, Heating 86 Cooking 2'; OVERHAULS 55 REPJLIRS ¢Insta11ations. Estimates FREE. 1 Tyre Service - Battery Charging: I+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++fi$++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: i * Decorating * Painting ~x- fignwri-ting .x. i it me C.EN'1‘ anno GBEN UNION 113., BRIDGE. 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i' Vicar : THE REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Reader : MR. ]. D. SMITH. 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOUR.\'E WITH BRIDGE C hu-rrlnvardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. ll". FARISH-SA.\‘DBAcH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Secret.a.r_\' C7‘ Trezzsurer : MR. C. A. POTTER. A ss:'si.a,nl Secretary 5:‘ Treasurer (and Free I/Vill Offerivig Secretary) MR5. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C hwrchwalrdens : l\IR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary .- MR5. SA.\"DALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) : MR. H. S. SHOREY. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEM-E Your Parish Church is maintained for Divine Worship and for your benefit in time of need, without any State aid or help from central church funds. It depends entirely upon your volu.nta.ry giving. The Free Will Offering Envelope Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. You assess for yourself how much you should give each - month, as a Thank-ofiering to God, for the work of His Church in your Parish, and place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with each Parish Magazine. You may then give it to your Magazine distributor or any Church officer, or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. ST. MARY .\‘/W/(l /« A PATRIXBOURNE WITH ' ST. PETER BRIDGE AND 4. ST. PETER BEKESBOURNE PARISH MAGAZINE \ APRIL, I96! I. PD L 2. 9x '.,:'e..- _ ltm: J -x_++ L.» ++++-Q-++*+++-I»-l~++-I-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-+++++++++++ + + 4. i G. :7. T 1’ L:_j_ SE01-1. l0J;;‘lx“I ;-.'-.'..L;. 3GkC:SbCuI'l1C Tel '3r;1_:c 3-95 ~.“.-)9-* .i.oc1‘odi‘‘. L.Ieedi1xg; Station (co-m.) LN. 38 -)$~).‘* DAY OLD CHICKS ILATCEING EGGS GROUING STOCK TABLE POULTRY LAID EGGS +++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++ Si)F'T Curtains & Loose Covers Eiderdowns Recovered Patterns Available ANN SILITH FUHN I SHIN G S Dover Cottage , High St. Bri dge N.A. TURNER FRUITERER & GREENGRO CER Orders Delivered Home Grown Produce ‘Jreaths etc. made to order. TE LU.1l3S,EIIGH sr. Bridge 361 —+++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ B. F L O ‘I E It GENTS‘ HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE Hours: Weekdays (incl. Sat) 8.30am — 1pm. 2pm.. 6.30pm, +++++++++++4-P‘?-+1‘-+++++-i—+-++++++-HA-+++++++++++++++-i-1--4-+++++** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-I-++ . -.-._-.4...-«..—...E..-...'.~- LUNCHEONS * DINNERS HOTEL ACCOLEEEODATION ++ Tel ephon e 1- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3: Bridge 249 1 + + ._._...-v-.3-—,-—~vr~.:m-v _.......- ~ + é + . + V t 4 PARISH DIARY - APRIL..l961 Hotc: Holy Communion: 9.30 a..m. on Wednesdays.) -1: B .d 7.00 a.m. on'Fridnys ) a H 56 Choir 1‘rz=.c‘§_iE: Fridays at 6.30 p.!'.‘.. Bridge church Youth Fellowshigs Fridays at 7._30 p.r:. Adult Study Group} Fridays at 8.30 p.m. the Vicarage. Sm. EASTER DAY 7.00 a.m. 8.00 mm." 9.30.z:.m. 11.00 a.m.: aom. 6.30 p.m. Holy Communion - Bridge‘ Holy Corrmtmion — Patrixbourne Perish Communion - Bekesboume Family Service — Bri_dg_e«;,-, ' Holy Communion -L Bridge Festal Evensong - Bridge. Easter I‘-Iondal a..1:1. Holy Communion“.-Brizige Easter Tuesday 7 a.r_-1. ,1-Ioly Comrfnmidn — Bridge . p.I:1. ,Latrixbou_rne with. Bridge ;c_.G.I_;, Reading Room. 9.30 r:‘..r:1. Holy Communion 4 Bridge. L'.U.Co1-poi-ate lion. Tu. -{>9-J I 5 - Wed. 6’: Intercessions and Izdriission Service. —— 7.30 p.r.1. Bnrham Players "Iicfle in 1‘:,ra.d.ise" Reading Room ' 1st Sunday after Easter V _ _, . 8.00 5-..s'f.. Holy Coumuni-on*'—:"Bek'es'bourne 9-O0 a.r1. Parish Communion — Bridge 10-00 ='-‘«-Eh .3-mdvi‘-Y School — Iatrixboume 11.00 a.r:1. Junior Church— Bridge. 11.00 a..m. Matin-s — ‘I-‘atrixbourn_ej 3.00 p.r.1. Evensong — Bekesbourne‘ 5-30 p.r.1. Evensong — Bridge. $1}. 9-3.111- ;\. Retiring Collection will be taken after all services, as our contribution tqwai-as--r—---* the presentation to ..t1ie"A1"oI1bishop. on 13th May. ' ' 7.30 p.m. 8.00 13.111. 12 — 'r.’.‘ed. Bekesb-;-ume I‘.C.C. lleetine-;-~ Bekesboume A. G T’ 1.5: -1- R‘- VICAR' S LETTER. . . My dear feople, Parish Diary — April 1961 Qont-) ' " "GOD so LOVED THE "WORLD" : Thank you Choir, Organist and ‘ Choirmaster for leading us so well in_ this lovely Iassio-ntide‘ 16 — Sm. 2nd S.1ndaLa.fter mster musical devotion". There was a great-deal of hard work 8.00 a-m- F013’ Communion - Tatrixbourne ‘ involved — but it was rewarding and enjoyable. 9.00 am. Tari Sh(C0mI:’Iuni0n -»-Bridge ' "“ "IN THREE DAYS" 3. A wonderful start to Holy Week was given 10.00 a.;'.. Sunciay School — ratrixbourne _ to us by the PASSION PLAY "In Three Days" on Palm Sunday. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge A " The passionate sincerity, devoted hard work and dedicated 11.03 5...“... Eiatins — 13ekesbourne' " skill of all ‘concerned in the production and acting; of the 5-30 P-13» E‘V€nS01"1E - 3I‘idge- ' . play resulted in a deeply moving act of worship. The dramatic 17 — 2101:. 2.45 Zridge EI.U. — Methodist Chapel . message of the play stirred us all to a better understanding 1? — Tu 2-30 3.3- 3e1IeSb0uI'ne Ii-=Ua — The Church.‘ of the events of"I*z'~.ssion-tid'é! ‘and. so helped us in our own 20 — -Th. 2-30 Working Party — The Vicarage y preparation for‘Easter.' 23 — Sm. 3rd Smda," after Easter ‘ All who took part or assisted in theproducction were our o.OO a.73- Holy Communion - 333’-‘idgse , ' 1 ' own parishioners and our prog_”rz1r,1m—e'—s-were printed and donated lO.'iO a.::. Sunday School — Patrixb0uine...:. ‘ ‘ " by a parishi“one"r‘.' Cur producer," Mrs’. Boyd from Blean, kr1_oi<:s 71.00 a.:. Junior Church — Bridge ' _ how much we appreciated her help. ' ' ll.OO a.1::. ljatins — Fatrixboume ' BEICBSBOURNE CHURCH LIGHTING FUND 3 Thanks to Hrs. Sandall, 11.00 a..:. Ijatins (short) — Bekesbourne . ‘I two very enjoyable Whist Drives.h.ive--produced nearly 5115 ll--45 a-I2. Holy Comrzunion — Bekesbourne _ _ y C‘ towards the fund. T 1 A ‘ " 6.30 p.1'.':- Evensong - Bridge. ‘ BRIDGE CHURCH BOILER FUND 3 The Coffee I'IoI'nin'g at the 25 - “In. St. liar}: y . Vicarage, and s_ubsequent.dona-tions raised over £43. We 7 Eoly Communion — Bridge still need £250‘. ‘ 27 - Th. 2.30 ~_o.:. Tforldng farty — The Vicarage ' A.G.IiE. s. BRIDGE: Tues. 4th Apr. BEICESBOURNE: Wed. 12th Apr. 30 .. Sin. nth Smday after Easter Come if you. possibly can: Elect your Churchwardens and 8.00 a.::. Eoly Communion — Bekesbourne P.C.C. Members; voice your views. See and order your 9.00 a.:. Iarish Communion — Bridge new Hymnals. I look forward to seeing-Myou ‘there. 20.00 a.::. Sinday School - Ictrixbournefl msrmn DAY 2 We Welcome at the ;,1t';u~""1‘.2i Adult Menxbers who_ 11.00 a_;»_._ 31411103 church _ gridge ‘ were confirmed by the Bishop of Dover in the Cathedral on 11.00 a.r;. Eiatins — 1‘-atrixbourne 22nd Ilarch 1aS17- ~ ' , . 3_Q0 pm, Family Service _ Bekesboume The power-of ‘the Holy Spirit is evidently stirringus 5_30 p_E_ gvensong _ Bridge to cntliusiasm, generosity anrJ.'11:'._rd work. May He move us __ to humble acceptance of His power and fill us with the i__—_ Ham SIS. Ihilip & James A.A.L,.::. §1C:mI;1l:iE:.Dcvotion to the Risen Christ as we nake our 7 a.:. Holy Communion — Bridge. - Special loveflto;._filT..._6hi1dI:¢n arid best Wishes to you all ___y , _. ' for Easter. 7 ’ _ ' 1).’-.’I‘ES TO KEE.‘ FREE A Yours sincerely, Ctr. L:-y 3e.>'.es'oeu::-We ‘LY F‘.’__'PE ROBERT ‘En-NEY' 27th .'_.:.j/ : Lilli; CEZULCH PETE. _ 3 _ ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - + . + £H£@L£ Family Butchers 1 _C.._IT_:‘;._9:__1£-______3 E__E R E , + BRLTKVZ Jgzgble Sale. I am very glad to say that the nett .. . _._l T 1, Q... _..,._, H’ ., Tr" ____V_ H‘? remlt of the Jumble Sale & Bring and Buy was 21 Profit. .. .. .:T...-‘..'V-;..-_°:_. .-...-;-__.-... ‘L J:Tp“_“T.‘ "T ‘ J" 1 “L "J ' J -I of £22 8s. 0d. for our funds. I should. 1i’ke"to thank ‘ ' Bridge & Nonington +' A "' "““; be h t 1 _ .— , + Acetylene 0!. Elec-.. ".‘7e1,djng :-‘liizyveg ;1:a:§1:: a:lo::t§:fgc::iyenr::tj(L) to achieve Tk.LE Non 2091.. BI'iC‘.L'e 220 L7?.‘."I Iiowor C-rinr1in:. .I.I). Smith. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I TIIRESEII‘-{G & B.’-LLING CUE‘4T1.u‘.C£‘ORSJ: ' — PEEP Groceries $+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: HOTEIRS‘ UNION BEST Value for Money I AUTOIIOBILE, AGRIC'UL'l‘URAJ.. 3; Bridge 31-anch Eember: are reminded that at the Corporate and GENERAL ENGINEERS 1 Communion and Intercezsion service on ‘Jed. 5th ApJ§i_‘l_, . 4 H E N R Y G‘ P R I G E E 1;, R 0 G E R S I “.7 -r - -n - - . . ' "“e 7 9 :1 " O . u I I ;::...:=:..:“:.“:f..*;..:::: :. ::J:.:::: 1* ri MS; 1 34 I ~.. :4 ‘ ' 3 ' + . to support her’ .6 ere i Tel Bn ate 323 iUO‘1r;erh:u1: & gegairs. Cars, + V .b_ 1. .b th ; _ ' . + + .0 or yo cs yc es supplied rem;-:7:n§1‘:»f°the°De C:t eB§:n:::: lire t EssodBl1E: &PVa1:rdA%en:s jg++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 ‘ - ’ ‘»"y a I. “ir s— e +ros e -00 s + 3 P-m. at Aylsham Church.‘ :: I D Ihrdware 1 .‘=_uto Electrics & Batteries A V 3* i *~ ~* 0 I _____._?____3EK353°U"”E WY F«lYR~_‘~‘~ .- ' W 3? CIVILITY QUALITY it E’ L” "T O D W A R D . _‘ "-" ' . .' . . 4- AUTOICOBIL“ ENGINEER This happy event w:1-l take place again this year at the _ ' ‘E DELIVERY I . L School on &.tI1rday 6t] Ifrty at 2.30 p.m. There will be the-—--»~-»-»-—- + * * * :4 LLI . usual stalls and side:‘.'_-ows and contributions of"fanc:3r goods, E++++++++++++++++++++++++++§+++++++1 cakes and sweets, eecc1d—hand books, jumble and raffle" + Repairs, Overhauls & Sales _. - + Prizes will be 81':~.tef1;;1Y received and may be sent to I _ The Vlllage Butcher _ E ___...__.______E- 3- D Y S 0 N Zlrs. &*.nda1l at the sc'1oo1. . _ V. »— ' - ;: E- J- P_U_.____:R 5 3 0 R D + may gr, 3311391? , A’ n 3* BRIDGE. Phone 321 i ' ‘ ’ " 331190: CHURCH FTIPHE V I . 1 English & Imported meat, 1 Tel: Bridge 212 By lclnd invitation cf the Matron as Superintendent, this I — A Home-made Sausages 1 will a hold at the Close on. 27th May ‘at 2.30 -9.5. purtlml. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ details -.7111 be published in thoflay Ijagzmzine, but were W111 be weekly working paries at the Vicarage ‘on Thursdagr ’ .2 aftcmoons starting 0: 2_0th April, to which all ladies in I the Parish are cordially invited. ‘ M 4'I§1cctrica.l Engineer. R. G. D. S I; I T H 5, The Terrace, Bridge Tel: Bridge 1260 Motor Engineer. S. I‘. F O O R D Brewery Lane, Bridge. Tel: Bridge 282 OVERHAULS & REPAIRS I..E.’~.C'rIIE or FEIEIJDE OF THE HOSPITALS — BRIDGE GROUP. +++++++++++++i+++++—H-++++++++-+—+-H~+++++++ ++++++++-I-++++++ lu air; of Group funds zt 1:120 Reading Root: on S':tux-j_p_y Installations. Estimates FREE. Tyre Service .. Battery Chargmgi 513': _V._:-ril at 7-30 p.f.'.- Tickets pricg 2/5n_._ each, Cbiidren +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3r+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: 1/6:1,. q~_1~~_. r_'5-t,-_:_-_i_-,3:-._‘:_jC ;,_..,J[. .511: C705: _r ,_:____|r jflbfr of tlm at , Decorating -1+ Painting as figmvriting «xv a»~--~~ r_~r.:+*~ ” ‘ _.-_./.4 4 u.'-‘_,- _ _. _ ‘ 1 4. +4-+++++++++++++++++«‘+++¢+++ . .. + + Two C.EN'I‘ &’IIO GB EN UNION 117)., BRIDGE. 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'IC.-1R .- THE REV. ROBERT A. P1-;r:ou'.t.'.-i and Crush :3: jackmar. LLd., 1.1 Best Lam, Came-(bury. ___A____A‘_A‘_‘_____A‘___“A--.A-A-A -AAA----AA-AAAAA....-..AAAAA AA A AAAAAAAA G. F. TYLER (‘HOTA POULTRY FAR“ BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 ‘k Accrcdilcd Breeding Station (Com I K..‘\'. 38 * DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GRO\\'I.VG STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I THE BROADWAY. BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FL'R.\"]SI-IINGS CL'RTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SI-IOE DEALERS H. HANKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-—c-overed Patterns Available B10“-W3 * * NEWSAGENTS DOVER COTTAGE. HIGH STREET TOBACCONISTS BRIDGE CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths. etc. made to order ‘V- THE LIHES. HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 1161 B. FLOWER GEl\'T'$ HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 4 Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—l pm. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE ¥ LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION #1 Telephone : Bridge 2.49 PARISH DIARY — MAY 1961 ' II.B.. Holx Communion: Wednesdays 9-30 a.*m. ) ’ . Fridays 7.00 am. ) Budge Choir Practice: Fridays 6-30 p-m- Bridge Church Youth Fellowshigs Fridays 7-30 p.m. ’ . Adult Stugx Grougt; Fridays . 8-30 vp-m- The V1carage- 3 - Wed. 4 1 Th! 6 -- Sat. 7 — Sun. ‘S, 10 — Wed. - ‘ 11 — Th. 14 — Sun. 16 - Tu. 18 — Th. 21 — Sun. 22 — ilon. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge (M.U.Corporate) 2.30 p.m. Working Party - Vicarage 7.30, p.m. . Young Wives‘ Deanery Service - Wingham 2.30 p.m. BEIESBOURNE FAYRE -—_ School R0 ation S.1nd.a 5.00 a,.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m.. Parish Communion — Bekesboume 10.00 a.m. Smday School - Patrixboume 11.00 a.m. Family Service - Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge 10.30—-12 Noon 14'-.’.I.Cof;f‘ee Morning - Village Hall Ascension Dal 7 a.I:I. Holy Communion — Bridge 2.30 p.m. ‘-:“.'orking Party - Vicarage Sindal after Ascension — Youth Slmdgg 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Be).-cesbourne 9.00 sum. Holy Communion — Bridge 10.00-a..m.. Sunday'Schoo1 — Patrixbourne 1.00 a..m. Youth Service '- Bridge 11.00 a..m. Matins - Ihtrixbourne 3.00 pm. Evensong — Bekesbourne 6.30. p.m. Evensong -' Bridge 2.30 p.m. Mothers‘ ‘Union - Bekesbourne 2-30-p.171-_. Working Party — Vicarage Whitsunday . _ G . .00 21.111. Holy Communion - Bekesboume _8.00 a..m. ‘Holy Communion - Fatrixboume 9-00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge 10-00 r".-I'.1- Sunday School - Tatrixboume 11-00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Matins — Bekesbourne 6-30 p-m- Festal Evonsong — Bridge 8 o...r;~.. -1- '. [hi 1: 1»Ionclo,:,' Ho 1 y Conrzuni on — 3 ri dge ii Parish Diary - May 1961 (Cont-) 23 _ Tu. Whit Tuesday ] e.m: Holy Communion — Bridge 24 _ ~_-_-ed_ Ember pay 9.30 3.1:. Holy Communion — Bridge §";'m'TT;TU.1>estiva1 Service — Ay_l_shara 25 _ Th, 2.30 p.m. Working Party — Vicarage 2 — Fri. Ember Day 7 £1.13. Holy Communion - Bridge 27 — Sat. Ember Day 7 a.n. Holy Communion 5 firidge _ . §j’3‘o1T.T BRIDGE CHURCH FETE :.T1.1.e C1_.os.e.._ - 28 - Sun. Trinity 3.111639? 8.00 mm. Holycommunion Bridge- l0.00 s..r:. Sinday School — Patrixbourne 11.00 e.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.;::. E.'1t'_':s — I_‘'::bouI'r1e- ll .00 :..r_:. Eatins 6; Iloljr Qo;~_r:u_1nionp:-.__3e1{gg13\;ume £3.30 gun. _"-vonso:.g —- L5-_‘idgc ,- U 5.1 g;_’u¢’;-_~ :- ‘ ;I.. ‘.; M,‘ ‘ ‘K .33’ ~ £‘f‘.l'-..".tS zrzi c11:‘.1‘i1‘.'n ecu: ‘L " 453-5 L013-'8' 1133'» . The yomig: (;o1__'_v,u:_i — i¥3 th°SG “Ts I;c.ico par.ur;l encci . -r. ..-L’ - -, . _ H: :1; “ 11 _ « A—.f no cn:Llircn_ brougn_t‘_£jLo_wers to be ~c:fvus ant ohur were in church without their motheri The old séymg nthfgiggwhnhlt’ but the reward is great’ i, , . * “ 1~y that PTOYS together, stays u.Jg'c:t}le1"lS true today. H 1 p _ _ _ -1- «E * -K * * * * * * _2__ 4lD»

3rhrf‘~’:tDI‘“«-Eta Ertilplsi riisfd £9. 33. 3d. and the Group _ 1 CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY 31:12:). ee W:ru_d i e 0 hank all members and friends wh . supP3rt.;_'1 1;l_~,_j_s effort, 0 , Repairs, Overhauls and Sales I The Village Butcher: _;N1lU;.T_. F..EOCHL;L CHURCH I—:r:r'rI1-res . E. J. PURSSORD E‘ -I‘ DYSON _ . . OBILE ENGINEER .atr1xb'um ‘nth ‘“ ‘Elan. 11 Kg s ». I BRIDGE AUTOM ‘:Tc,,+,.$ sir. ,. id C “T°h~7~r~"1<=ns, Truasurer and 1 Phone: 321 men STREET BRIDGE .. w.. ..c, - .— .-ect—e and four new members el ected. to 1 En [sh am” 0” ‘HM I ’ 1 5’ ' "W e 3“ Tel.: Bridge 212 1 1 MOTOR ENGINEER T11: Churchwardens and Secretary were 1-e-e1ected, _ & ' ‘ S. T. FOORD 33' GIVE)’ has taken over the dutues cf Treasurer from 311- srrzrey, has done this thankless j~:.b faithfully f:;r man . I ymrs J David ,,q M [1 3' ‘ BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE - . . -. _r.p u was uh cc-ted to serve on the 1‘*.C.mC. cgficg, 400041 Tel_: Bridge 232 ' r. . . _ rt- I BRITISH 723310;! A A A - ‘ ‘ ' I ore” ”‘°“°' M004, Overhauls and Repairs 7 BRIDGE 455 ION Tyre Service — Battery Charging M95533; 2nd lfiay at the Bask-c—~tma.kers' .-‘.1133, ‘Va Littl . b:,ume. DECORATING — PAINTING —— SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS A ' DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge -4__ 7 H , . .. ‘ vvvvvvvvwwvvvwvvvvvvvq I'](‘.4R .- ,=_ THE RI.~‘\‘. Rtmiam‘ .~\. P|7.\'i‘\'lE\'. The Vicxirage. Bridge. (Bridge 3503 W 3 Lu)‘ R(‘z1dz*r: . _ Miz_ J, D, SMITH. 4, The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) ' = ~'L-‘_-_ PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C1114I‘t‘hwar'dm1.r .' ND A MR. C. A. Porrriz. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISI-[~SA.\‘DRACl-I. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) 5(’(‘l'FI(1I'>\’ & TI'(’(I.\‘lU'(’I‘ : MR. C‘. A. POTTER. .4 Ssisfurlf Secrrmr-y & Trea.m/‘er (and F roe Will Offering SecreIar_\'l : MRS. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 2603 BEK ESBOURNE C /zurclzward ens : MR. W. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHORE)’. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary .' MRS. SA.-‘\‘DALI.. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place Yiiur contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine. and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar. or F.W.O. Secretary. CHURCH MAGAZINE June, 1961 Printed L5‘ Eli‘): Brother: and Crc-:5 8' Jackman Ltd” 11 Best Lane, Canterbury. _‘-' {# , . __AA-A-4--A;AAA-AAA44--AAAA - - ----- —- I VICAR‘ S LETTER ‘ 1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR ) , / My dear People 5 G. F. T} LER JOHN ROBSON 5 B .d Ch’ h F t at , ' ri go uro — . h -~ 1 CHOTA POULTR\ FARM (Doser) Ltd. : about to take place 0 ;h:nSo;ia1M9'3fd27tfs £11151‘ $hc'C1ose is ' ‘ ‘ E BROADWAY BRIDGE . ' ' . S1 9 ° 5‘ e 9 13 °.f great 1 BEKESBOURNP‘ I 1" Te, Midge 3,’, ’ importance. We lmow you will ~11 be generous as always but ,. . . p U ’ = v 9 1 M" Bridge 345 JOINERY PLUMBING SANI'1‘ATION ’ We hope t° make Your money Spending pleasant and even enjoy 1 * _ . DECORATING I abl e1 - : Accredicled l3)r;2 Compensation through BI'idg€—Bl0<".l’J. R.D.C., we still have to y 4 * Your local 1 find £200 for the re— of the boiler chamber against : DAY OLD CHICKS : fuzure floods — and also to-pe'J.y a bill’ for £180 incurred in 4 : B 19 O for roof re airs and new gutter wnd rein i es for Brid e . HATCI-1I}\G EGGS ¥ [ p u c. p p g 4 GROWING STOCK > Churoh- A I 4 TABLE POULTRY H ; Our target is 5:150 and if we reach it, that will be a. ‘ NEW LAID EGGS BRIDGE 5 tribute to your very hard work, generosity and goodwih, for 3 Tel. 347 E : Whlchc: amhde:p;y lgre:e::-lides e.lscS>' arettheéfurch Ylfardens. Hm Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, , r ‘fro ° _ an ren °°1e -7' you _*3Ve '"~ 3 CURTAI§V4TOSFTAiTléRNI.1(§OSEGS(:OVERS Knitwear. Skirts and ; :t::§ni::syo1(:1Sc~S%cj>'fs:=ssion, plea-.se_ retum it to Mrs. Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available Blouses ' : 4 . V * * A ENTS ) _ Bekesbourne Village Hall. Congratulafi ons ,to all COI- » 1 ANN SMITH NEWS G ' ; oerned with planning and financing this lovely new ball, TOBACCONISTS IV - - - - I 1 > I»«._ which will officially replace the old "But" on June 16th. ‘ 1 DOVER CO”lTARG“F;G[E:[lGH STREET CONFECTIONERS 0 A B 0 5 Church History. The we1l—known authority on Kent" ‘ : E J Churches, Mr. V. J. TORR, has offered to write OUR Church history —- and I think you will be very interested in his 1 1 N‘ A‘ " : contribution on 13.4. ‘ 1 FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER ; AT L_ST ft (1 1’ f 21 ((1. it +h‘ ) I 1 0d Dlj ed H -Gr wn Produce ’ .__..:_A ga_ er 9‘ G fly °_ y‘_3e'rs ue O “ e. War 9 4 I ersW:ealf1:,etc.,x31r:cle tooorder : am taking my Wife for z: promised visit to SCOTLAND. Until : ¥ : my retum on June 7th,» my Reverend Brothers Stcpley and : THE UME5: HIGH STREET, BRIDGE 0 Certmrin will take Services, and Mr.J.D.Snith will deal-with ‘ Telephone: Bridge 351 4 F parish emergencies. wife_.:*.n<_i I are very thanlcful that 1 I We can leave our responsibilities in such -good hands. LUNCHEONS > ' All good wishes 1 NNERS I A ' Your friend and Vicar, 1 GENTS HAIRDRESSER DI ; ' ’ - ROBERT pmqgy, 1 BRIDGE HOTELACCOMMODATION , ‘ *******************,x_** 1 H *‘ _ 4‘ <: FRUIT PICICERS WELCOME 1 WEEKDAYS (incfufifiié SATURDAYS, ; Douglas BAKER, Little Pett (Bridge 200) invites applicants for 1 8.30 a.m.—1 p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. Telephone: Bridge 249 : Ivr]v:l11glEug‘r1's¥e=.rt—time SOFT FRUIT P-IEKING, hourly rates-, midqune to . 1 b C 1 "' . wvvvwvvvvvv vvvv vvvwvwvvv ‘\ q._l rjn UJ P511133 31.7.1’ _ 5171:: 19_§1_ Eclv Cor:u:icn.Wed. 9-39 8-K-:nridpe>but NOT On May 31: OT ““*"""'"-"Fri, 7.00 a.;.)” C ) June 2nd or 7th. 9:115;-s 6.30 p.m. Bridge Church Choir Practice; :?ridays {-30 P-m- VO~t¥ ?e‘Towshi“ - i _ - -. ; Sun. lst Sx:day after Trinity 5,00 3.3. 3313- Cor.-xmmion - Patrixboume 9,30 3,3, Parish Communion — Bekesbourne 1;».DL‘ a.:.. Sgnday School — Patrixboume 21.50 a..':. Matins — Bridge. Preachers Cmdr. G. Steele, (N0 Holy Communion afterwards}/ R.N.,V.C. 0.33 2.;-. 3'»'enso11g — Bridge §n:. 2nd 3;:ia:_after Trinity (S.BaInabas,A.H.). 5.00 a.:. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne c_g~.j» 301;; Comm1.1nion — Bridge " ‘ 10.03 a.:. Sunday School - Patrixbourne _ 11.03 a :. Junior Church — Bridge K 11.35‘ a.:. E.-Latins — Patrixboume 1‘ 3.30 -3.2. ivensong — Bekesboume 6.30 §».;. Evensong — Bridge. Preacher:Rev.J.J. Lawson,Precentor,Canterbury Cathedral " ‘:. 3rd SLliEi after Trinity _ g E.OC a.:. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne, 9.00 a.:. Parish Communion — Bridge 10.00 g;.m. Sunday School — Patrixboume 21.00 a.:. Junior Church — Bridge l1.0C a.n. Matins — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.:. Evensong - Bridge. PreacherzReV-P- Coul ton, Sacri st, Canterbury Cathedral Sat. Hativitycof S.John the Baptist 7.00 52.21. Holy Communion - Bridge 3.1.11. gtth aznday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 20.00 a.m. Sznday School — Patrixboume 11.00 33.21. Junior Church _ Bridge ll.0O a.m. lkztins — Patrixboume 12.00 a.m. Matins — Belcesboume 1‘.4S a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesboume 6.30 p.m. Zvensong — Bridge ‘ .. 2 _ « with their young people in this great not of prayer and thanks- .4..- ‘ <-..;-=-u -‘—-Em $- Parish Diary -— June 1961 (contd.) 29 — Th. S". Peter2A.lnI. 7 am. Holy Communion — Bridge July 2 '. sun._§Q Smday after Trinfiy — PATRONAL FESTIVAL -‘ o- 8.00 a'.m. Holy Communion — Patrixboume 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion - Bekesboume 10.00 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixboume 17.00 a.m. Family Service - Bridge 4_l1_.45 a.m. Hd‘Iy”Commi1:r'1i'on' -:"BI'idge _6.3O p.m. Festal Evensong —' Bridge-V YOUTH SPEAKS TO YOUTH Commonwealth Youth Sunday ' Together-with the young people in many parts of "the world, on Sunday, May 14th, we kept "Commonwealth Youth Sunday". . 5 H ‘ 0 Bridge Junior Church were joined. by their older brothers and sisters of the Youth Fellowship. V The Scouts, Cubs and Brownies from Bekesboume accompanied by their leaders, paraded with their Colours, and, headed by Janet Dove carry- ing the Junior Church Banner, and followed by the members of the Junior Church, marched into Church and laid up their Colours at the altar, where they were received by the Vicar. The service was taken by the young'peop1e. Stuart Dove of the ,Youth Fellowship and Elizabeth Pratt of the Junior Church read__the Lessons, and Jill Waghom of Bekesbourne read. the Q.1_een_'s Bill-Penney, himself a student of ‘King's College, camedovm from London spegia11y_to give the address, and what'_an_,Vms. It iwafs _a..reé of youth spealdng to youth. " The service closed with the Banner Bearers parading to the"a1ta.r —to‘1-eceive their Colours from the Vicar, and to lead their contingents from the Church.‘ It was all very, Verylimpressive, especially the eamest reverence of even the very young members. We are ve1'y_so1-my that‘sc‘> few parents were present to witness itland to join 1'. giving to God. _ 3 _ J.D.S. ST. PETl3R’S YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Membership continues to grow. Some new Table Tennis equipment has been bought out of Club Funds to cater for the growing enthusiasm for this sport, and matches are now being arranged with other Youth Clubs. 2nd June 2 Ramble and Barbecue. - 16th June 3 BARN IlA.1\lCE 7.30 — ll p.m. Allinvited. Club meetings as usual. ~ Membership is open to all young people in Bridge, Pat:-j_x.. bourne and Bekesboume. Ages l2 years upwards 2 Annual Sub- scription 2/6d. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.‘ Now that St. Peter's, Bridge has become the Parish Church of the uni ted parish of Patrixbourne with Bridge, it is inter- esting to read this echo from the past — 1557 — quoted from :1 letter written to the Vicar by the Kent historian, V.J.'.I‘orr. "I think the following extract will interest you, from the Elarpsfield MS (A.l).1557) in the Cathedral Libary. It contains a lot of data. for all 3 Churches, and in time I will supply them for the magazine, but meantime here is this for Bridge, "a chapel annexed to Patrickesborn rectory":- "lIIemor:.nd11m that the perishoners of Bridge doo require that ther saide chappell of Bridge may be appoyncted to be "the hed churche to Patricksborn bicause as they saye ther saide chappell standithe in the myddest parts of the inhabi- tauntes of bothe parishes and that Patricksborn standeth in thuttermoste parts of the dwellers of the too parishes verey farre out of the waye". A rather highly—co1oured picture, but of course establish- ing that Bridge has always been the populous place. As, how- ever, it was always a mere chapel, it is remarkable that it named the whole deanery. .(Bythe did not, however —- as another chapel — being always in the Deanery of Elham). " It is proposed to print in the Magazine, monthly extracts from the history of the parishes, which Mr. Torr has kindly undertaken to write, and these will be of the greatest interest to us all. 4 FAMILY BUTCHERS CHAS. H. BEER Clarke & AGRlCULTURfilIzllD:«;lI‘I:D GENERAL ';:':.:::r::: MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 323 Tel : 348 * Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware ‘k CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs, Overhauls and Sales The Village Butcher : E. J. PURSSORD 13- 1- DYSON BRIDGE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER Phone: 321 HIGH STREET, BRIDGE English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 212 MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE T 1.: B ' 282 cgficg 4900/.1/.1 e idge qgln‘ ’ Ph°“° ‘ 004 T ' Overhauls and Repairs 0 BRIDGE 455 '0)‘; Tyre Service —— Battery Charging DECORATING — PAINTING .— SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge wvvvvvwvvvvv I‘/(‘AR ; THE RD‘. ROBERT —\. Pt'\'\'I'\'. The \ ictiraige. Bridge. (Bridge 350i Lu)‘ R¢‘.I.2lvr' .' MR. J. D. SMITH. -3. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 2601 P—\TRl\BOL‘R\‘E \\lTH BRIDGE (7714 H '.":in7rr:'{m‘ : \1R, C. \. F‘0'iTlTR. Field Hoizsc. Bridge. (Bridge ZIS) Carr. A. E. W. Fu:i. - - Preacher at all.servicesg. The Van. ghas_F_Rehi{Opf3 - ~ Of TS . ' S . ' ' 7th Sunday after»TrinJ;j 13 Loui 9 Missouri. 8'00 3411- H°1A.V-.C0TI1.m11ni'Or1‘.— Paftrixboume ,9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge -9'45 '3'm- 3~11’1k'10-)’- School 1- Patrixbourne 11.00 .m. Junior church _ Bridge 11.00 a.m- Mating _ Bekesbourne 6-30 p.111. Eveneopg ....'B1~idge 1 1 MO1'.I1€I‘sI Union Ou‘bin“g.W>Léa_ve Whi-be Horse 1 p _m. S'l7- Mary Magdalene 7 «‘l-II1- Holy Communion - Bridge BEKESBOURNI3 VILLAGE FLOWER SHOT.’ Am) l6—Sun. i9 1 wed. ._]__ Consider these rough figures. Our total parish population If I have mane . _ _ — - - y I W111 ra = G d th G is 1250. Our Electoral R0113 450- Commlmlcf‘-n‘tS at Easter: 200. with it the l:"'~ther whg or:-ttetl me e Iver Communicants on r. normal Smday (at all churches): , 40 .. 50, ’ ‘. ‘ ' Free Will Offering givers: 100.. Number who have given Hymn Books: If I have a house, I will praise God the Bckesbournc 17, Bridge 35. Maximum number of donors who respond Dcliverer with it, the Father-who created me. to E31 urgent appeal for mcncy for Church repairs etc“ 10 " 25‘ If-I have honour, I will praise _God. the Giver Well — we could close churches or let them fall into dis- wj_-1:11 it, the Father who watches over me__ repair, and abandon our efforts to beautify and improve our church buildings and fumishings, but we have l\T_0 INTENTION f tn tr Lmtllcm sung in St- Peter's Church, Aremo, Ibadan, at its of doing any of these ::i :' ass dings. _ consecration by the Archbishop of. Canterbury in" 1960. If God wills it ‘.71; shall this summer instal Electric lighting 1 V _ in Bekosbsurno cl:urc1:. tn;-»1 should :1 so modcmi so the heating KLRISH WEEKEND _ ])EcEMBER,.8 — 11th and lmvc water laid on :2 .16 same ime — but that depends upon ‘ _ _ _ - th, \C,_,I.;,sity Cf YOYR GIVIHC__ ~ — ~ . n Retreat or Quiet Weekend at St. Gabriel's, T,"—on— C 1” - Sea, with Fr. Willoughby Mortimer Lamb as Conductor, is being planncd; so please keep these dates free. I‘ rf'(| Ltd H I-‘ gs, necessary i.':3pI‘OVeE1c:ntS and repairs to churchy:~.rd, lzs, interior layout and building and spire may cost in; must start saving up now. 7 MOTHl7JR$' UNION V ‘I‘he‘ & Pa.triXbouI"ne Branch Jmnuail éuting will take . place on Wednesday 19th July and members of Bekesboume Branch are cordially invited to join us. church pom. Like many of God's "housekeeperser Ste’-.7ards" I have insufficient n;ln.~.-.y the housekeeping purse to meet our bills, 1 so will you :11 please be generous and help me? I ' ' 1. n3n—p:-.ris‘:i;ncr friend has given me £500 to use tow:-.rds The coach will leave the White Horse, Bridge at l 13.13. 1356 li>1‘0P<-‘S641 113I3I'0V"~=»’—”!i"-T1'1’=S‘- Are there any local .benefa.ctors . for Saltweocl Castle and gardens, pI‘OcOGdit1g from "there to or parishioners ::‘:.: TCO1l1C1.1i1’£{=. to match his generosity? - Tontcrden for tea. at the spinning Wheel Cafe. Q1 the return I '3PL‘~~v31 ‘IO every one of you to make a sacrificial. gift to your journey we shall stop at-,Charing Hcé‘Ch'ifrch for a short Parish Church: t3 ti’-=3 {§1‘€€’-tel‘ @1013’ Of God. Iapszrt from those - service, and sliould arrive back in Bridge .-_-at about 8 p.121. '-'-'‘i‘—C 091111 313113 i-9nC+4i0I1S Of £100 or more, tllere must be many who rlplnroximato cost: 8/—-. ' ’ ' could five or pI‘0H1i-'56 <3 gift if .95 01‘ £110, and many more who could S‘_LT‘.I‘C a guinea ;r less. ’ LEAGUE or FRIENDS or THE QANTERBUhY HosPIr;Ls — BRIDGE BRANCH~ ‘F Th’ P-.C.C.s must make their decisions this month regarding ' A Garden Party is to be held at Grindley Lodge, Bridge on the work to be done this o.utum-— and I shall be away during Saturday, ,8th>July from 2.30 —' 5.30 p.m. in-‘aid of the above‘, ..'|-15118 — so rl-cos" .2-' e t ’ ‘a /V. =._ - .. - _ E’ ‘ , ' thought — and writteit: me-b:<::i::lJy1—n:: *:1:_:tO1;St::dp§;aZ7r);:i,mrd All members and friends are invited, and any gifts of with 3 v1'b3_nr1 of men whose hearts God has ieouchedn °’ cakes, home "produce etc., would be most welcome. Your sincere friend and Vicar ROBERT PENNEY 1 _ ;_ ; =~:~. “fl”"7' ”” Oddly enough. the Little Stour rises in Lyminge, divided by only about a mile or two of high land from the Postling source of its .gree.tor sister. Flowing nearly northwards, and in some parts of‘ its early course forming 21 nailbourne, it passes Elhem, Barham and Kingston, and then runs through the "country of the Bourncs".,. district notable for some of the most attractive of Konti sh villages, both in ‘themselves and because of their surrounding sccnoI'y- Five villages in succession stand on the Little Stour: Bishopsbourno (called -znciently simply Bournc); Bridge, a significant name, for here the stream meets the great Roman highroad to Dover, the T}-':.tling Street; Patricksb-sums or Pctrixbcurne; Bekesbourne, lcnorm in really Carly times as Livingsboumeg and 1;_s-513-9 Littlebeurncyof which the church has an ancient dedication, unique in the county, to St. Vincent. '.7hen the-lend of the Bournes Ins thus been travelled_ through, the Little Stour then meanders along the Valley ‘octtresn Wicldzam and Ickhcm on the one side and ‘flingham and Preston on the C-thrr, and finally joins the Great, quite C13SC 10 Plucks Guttcr bridge. The three parishes l'10'.‘.' in the spiritual care of Mr. Penney, like all the rest, Whether ending or not in "bournc", have had their being from the common link of this picturesque little I‘iVE.I‘. This is the first part Of 2. series of notes about 353’: three — Bridgc, Pctrixbcume and Bekesbourne — and they -LI»;-lllrcly to continuc for :. long time to come in the pages of their common paris-1: :n.".g:.zinc. So, to .j,Void_ any contention, J- Thougiit the Ihirest thing would be to call these notes "Little Stcur Rcoards". I h9PC' to be 31310 to put before modem parishioners of the thI'«}C p1C‘.CGS - Bridge: Patriizbourne and Bekesbourne - many records from their past which are not only good reading in-V J°1.1‘3E_‘Sf31V_'3Ss but -“-180 information which otherwise they would" . find it hard t. com; by. I — - ( to by: con tinued) O3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AAAAAAAA;AAAA 1’ "" 1 FAMILY BUTCI-IERS CHAS. H. BEER Clarke & Hearnden AGRICULTUR'AlI{sID,f\;lED GENERAL BRIDGE AND NONINGTON ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding T elcphone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS _ BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 323 Tel _ 348 91' Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware * F. R. WOODWARD CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY Auto Electrics and Batteries Repairs, Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. : Bridge 212 The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE ficg) 400041 Tel. : Bridge 282 ‘k €g.\»‘c’$ P110” ’ M004 T Overhauls and Repairs 0 BRIDGE 455 1 01v Tyre Service — Battery Charging A---AAAA..AAA‘A-AAAA-- DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge l"I(.“/1 R .' THE RH’. RORIERF A. Pl€.\‘.\‘lE\'. The \'ic:1r;1gc. Bridge. (Bridge 250) /.u_\‘ Rmdcr : MR, J. l). SMHH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRlXBOUR.\‘E WITH BRIDGE E G C/mr('/1H'ar'dUn.\' : ND A MR. C. A. Porn-:11, Field House. Bridge. (Bridge :13) CAPT. A. E. ‘W. FARISH-SA?\'DRAL‘H. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Sr*rr'i>Iz1r‘_\' & TI‘(’(1.\‘llI‘t’I‘ .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Aufslalil Sr’(‘I'r’IdI‘_\' & T /'m.s'ru'er (and F rec Will O_(}'m'iI1g Sc('r€Irn(\') : MRS. J. D. SMIrH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C lmrc/zwarclens .' MR. W. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secremrgv .' MRS. SANDALL. School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available, The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month. as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. _If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. CHURCH MAGAZINE August, 1961 Printed L} Eh) Broil‘-L-rs and Cross & Jackman Lld., 11 Best Lane. Canterbury. %a§Q—Q-QQQQQ G. F. TYLER CHOTA POYLTRY FAR“ BEKESBOLRNE Tel. Bridge 3-15 at Xccredited Breeding Station (Comb K.\'. SS 1' D—\Y OLD CHICKS H-\TCHI\G EGGS GROVVIXG STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS -- ---‘---AAA--A-A4AAAAA— A BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING JOIXERY SANITATION SOFT FL'R\'1SHl.NGS Cl_'RTAl.\'S A\'D LOOSE COVERS E:cier(in\\'.'1§ Re-cm'ere:I Patterns A\‘ai1a'b1e * .~LNN SMITH om-an COTTAGE. man STREET BRIDGE Your local DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS. BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAWKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear. Skins and Blouses ‘A’ NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER F-RLITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delixcred Home-Grown Produce Wreaths. eLc.. made 10 order 4- THE LLVIES. HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 1 : § § 3 i. B. FLOWER GE.NT’S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 4 Hour!) .' WEEKDAYS ’ SATURDAYS: 8.30 a.m.—l p.m. 2 p.m.—6,30 p.m. 1 4 I 4 1 vv THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE -V‘ LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4* Telephone: Bridge 249 vwwvv v vvvvvvvv vvvv vvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv V7‘, 7''‘, PARISH DIARY _— Aooosr 1961 N.B. Mid-week services A _ ) A ALL S.1nda.y School at Patrixboume CANCELLED. :.A.. Junior Church at Bridge DURING Youth Fellowship AUEIJSI‘ 12 P, 13 20 27 - Sash. Choir Practioeias usual — 6.30 p.m. Fridays — Tues. p.m." Sm . 10th Sunday British Legion, Prince of Wales, B'boume. after Trinity — Transf. of our Lord 8- atm- 9.30 a.m. 11'.oo a.m". 6.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. - ,SlL1n.llth Slmday 8.00 a.m. ' 9.00 a..m. 11.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 6.30 p.m. - Sun.l2'bh Sunday ' 8.00 a..Hi. 9.00 a.-In. ll-00€LoII1u', 11.00 a..m. 6-30 p.m. -- SLm.13th Sunday 8.00 a.rn. 11.00 a..m. .00 a..m. 6.30 ‘P-mo Holy Communion — Patrixboume Parish Communion — Bekesbourne (with Hymns and Address) Matins ;— Bridge"(1\T0 Holy Communion) Evensong — Bridge. Preacher: The P.ev.Robt. L.Parsonage,Ge.r.*"'_:on Chaplain, C'bur;',-. BRIDGE HORTICULTURAL SHOW after. Trinity - ‘ Holy Communion - Bekesboume Holy Communion — Bridge Matins - Bridge Evensongs -:- Bekesboulne. Preacher: D.E.J‘..}l-;JCc1.5'o,' l'/' : .\lR. C. A. POTTER. _~1,v_¢f.\'fam $(‘{)'(‘l'tlI'_\' & TJ‘(’(lSIll"(‘I' (and F rec Will O_(7'vrirzg Secretary) .- MRS. .l. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) B EKESBOURNE C ]1IlI‘C]1H‘[1l'd(’Il.Y : MR. W. R. MOWLL. .\1ulberr_\' Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHORES‘. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secreranv : MRS. S.n.\'DALL. School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) T reamrer : MR. STA.\'LE\' GREY. Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W_O. Scheme enables _vou to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-ofiering to God. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. c'n\(:l0pc‘: supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. It you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which b_s income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar. or F.W_O. Secretary. 1.‘ 1...; b'~'..i,::; ;.z.n €..rl.== L jachriuar. l.:d., 11 Bust Lam-_ Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESEOURNE PATRIXB 0 U ‘ CHURCH MAGAZINE September, 1961 AAA‘--- AAA‘ AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 ‘A’ Accredited Breeding Station (Com) KN. 38 * DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE JOINERY Tel. Bridge an PLUMBING DECORATING SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAWKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-»co\‘ered Patterns Available B10“-5'3-5' ‘k * ' ANN NEWSAGENTS I TOBACCONISTS DOVER COTTAGE. HIGH STREET BRIDGE CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ¥ THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLOWER GENTS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE ¥ Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—1 p.m. 2 p.m.-6.30 p.ln. THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE ¥ LUNCH EONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION -V- Telephone : Bridge 249 vvvvvvvvvvvvwvv vvv vvvv vvvvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvww v vvwvvvvvvvvv PARI SH DIARY - Holy Commun ion 2 Choir Practice; You ‘bh Fel 1 owship: 9 — Sat. 10 —- Sun. 16 — sat. 17 — Sun. 20 - Wed. 21 — Th. 22 — Fri. 23 — Sat- 24 — Sm. 29 - Fri. Teenagers‘ SEPTTEZBER 1 9 61 9.30 a.m."'o1i'I}‘-fednesdays 7.00 a.m. on Fridays 6.30 p.m. on Fridays 7.30 pm}. on Fridays. Dance — Bekesbourne Village Hall. i at Bridge 15th S.1nday after Trinity. a.m. a.m. a.m. 8.-In- a.m. . 8.00 9.00 945 11.00 11.00 3.00 p.m. 6.30 -p.m. 2.30 p.m. A Holy Communion — Bekesboume’ Holy Communion — Bridge S.1nda.;Y School — Patrixboume Martins 4 Patrixbourne ' »Junior Church — Bridge‘ Evensong -— Bekcsbourne _ H Eirensong — Bridge. 1 UTUMN FAYRE in aid of BRIDGE‘ VILLAGE HALL FUNDS at Bridge School Field. DANCE in“ evening at VILLAGE HALL. 16th Sund.aJy after Trinity - 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Patrixboumo 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion —_BI-idge 9.45 a.m.‘ Sunday School — Patrixboume 11.00 a.m. Idatins — Bekesboume ll.OO Junior Church — Bridge _ _ 6-30 p-m- Zyensong — Bridge. "I ‘ " ______,. Ember Day 9-30 Bum. Holy Commu.nior‘1"'— ‘Bridge St. L'Iatthe°w ;1.E.l.-I. 7 a.m. Holy Cormunion - Bridge Ember Day 7 Dnber Day .7 8.00 .'3..I.-'1. 9.45 a.m. 171.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. St. l-£icho.e1 7,00 .':..r_1. HARVEST FESTIVAL: ———"“—"" I‘.1THIXBOURl‘I13 5. B’”JI$SBOUI€IT .00 a.m.’ Holy Communion - Bridge .00 a.m. Holyjcommunion — Bridge v17th Sllnday after Trinity Holy Communion — Bridge Smdrzy School — Patrixboume Junior Church — Bridge Matias (short) _ Bekesboume Holy Communion — Bekesboume Evonsong — Bridges and .111 Angels. Holy Corlmunion — Bridge. BRIDGE: 1 st October. 8th October. v—Ic1nz"s LETTER Hy dear People, Holidays are over for most of us and it is "back to work" and "Back to school". V Good wishes to all our children who are starting at new schools this term,‘ or leavingschool to start jobs. I was sorry to hear some bad newston my -return from holiday — the sudden death of lir. "I.F.Barnes of Bekesbourne, a Valued friend. when I greatly admired: -al so a bad. car accident to Dr. and Mrs. Hunt of Bridge.. Both families have our sympathy. I - As I write HOP—1‘ICKING is about to startiand we are about Pzzrvest Festivals. This h3_.s been 3. 7 peculiar summer and I don't knov: yet whether the harvest and fruit crops are good._'- but there is much to be the.nlcf‘ul for and we shall look for.‘~Iard__te decorating the churches, ‘ with your best offerings of fruit, flowers,-‘wheat, hops etc. I hope that many of you will come :early on the Sxturday morning preceding your Harvest Festival Smday, and help to decorate. ‘ . At Bekesbourne I should very much like us to have a HARVEST SJPPEE in the new Hall at‘ the end of September. If the idea meets with approval we will announce the details later. At PATRDZBOUBITE CHURCH we are regretfully discontinuing the service of liattins on the 4th‘ S1nday.' '"’l‘hi"sT service .. clashes with lfattins at Bekesbcurne -church‘ a.n'd.’“for some tin: it has become obvious that the congregation at Bekesbourne is growing and that there is no longer a. need for this service at Pctrixboume. ' All other services at Iatrixbourne are well attended. and this is encouraging- Recently the Vogue ilagazine group selected st. LIarY'S Iatrizrzbourne as one of the 10 most attractive churches in‘ Ehglend, and took photot-;s1pias"‘o‘f :9 "3i~i-)(-‘X--I’-I-ht 3- ***1=*=o=**.;>+<'>r**=o-:<;='-':'_ we *=o==o<*¢4=*4s**='o=** . JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Irnnuel Outing: We hztd perfectly splendid day at Folkestone ‘on 27th July and all of us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was one of those days when we “.11 feel that we are members of one big family with parents and aunties and children all enjoying ourselves together. Junior Church — pest and4present. The holidays for this year are nearly over and it will soon be back to school once more. We shall start our class teaching on 10th Sept. and we hope to wclcone all our old members. To have roe: for any newcomers who care to join us and teachers who are keen to welcome them. All children from 3 years old are eligible to join us and, indeed, the most flourishing part of our Junior Church just new is the thfies with Janet Dove as their very competent teacher. it the other and we have a very skilled person in Hrs. Keigh, but very few of the older children, who would benefit from her \I_ knowledge and experience. '\_ -. There T‘.I‘t_; quite .2. number of children in Bridge who are ‘ growing up with no religion whatever in their lives and I ‘ would urge the parents of these children to think seriously about this prsblcm, which is theirs even more than it is ours. The neglect of Christian teaching of children in a Christian land is a serious business, both for the individual and for the country as 2 whole. The parent whose child "goes wrong” is responsible. The parent whose child his no religious teaching is harming the child. So many parents have under— taken the duties of Godparents to their own children in Baptism, and made no attempt to carry out their promises. We do realise that in many céses children do receive religious training at home, which is very valuable, but these children miss the fellowship of membership in the family of the Church, with all its privileges and responsibilities. Do please Semi the children to us, and let us help you and them. Xe want to. YOUTH FELIDTSHIP The uSur'~.'|_ regular meetings have now been resumed, and we should be glad to ‘.vr,lO'::.’;o any new members. .AA4----A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--..-A-----AAA-AAA-A----AAA---‘ go FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 323 * Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds~Eye Frosted Foods Hardware * CI VILITY DELIVERY QUALITY The Village Butcher .' E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs, Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. : Bridge 212 PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE CS’ 4000 _‘}c€$ Phone : A0700 0?‘ maroon 455 ‘TIOA, MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE - Tel.: Bridge 282 * Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service —— Battery Charging DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge vvwvwvvvwvvvvwvw vwvvvvwwwvwvvvww l~’I(‘A R : THE REY. Rom:RT A. Pl‘.‘\'.\'lEY, The \'icurage. Bridge. (Bridge 350) Lay Rmdcr : MR. .1. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE VVITH BRIDGE (‘/Inn‘/1u‘r1rri¢’n.¢ : MR. C. A. POTTLR. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. F.~\RlSH~S'\\‘l)llA(‘l‘ - quite :1 number of children in Bridge who are growing up Tfitl‘. no religion Tzhatever in their lives and I would urge the parents of these children to think seriously -about this prsblcs, whiclz is theirs even more than it is ours. .:.; .2;-:l;«ct of Cltristizzn teaching of children in 9. Christian ‘ ' . serious business, both for the individual. and for The parent whose child "goes wrong" . The parent whose child hzs no religious rzing the child. So rzany parents have under- —:s f G-adparents to their oivn children in and _.:ie in: attempt to carry out their premises. Te -- r:;“ise that in many cases children do receive r;ligieus tr:-irring at horse, which is Very valuable, but these c;ildr-:n ::.i,-as fellowship of xiem‘o..rship in the family of ti: Church, with :-.11 its privil.c,g;os 9.11:‘. responsibilities. Do pl Lise s<,;’1'i the children to us, and let us help you arui t‘;e:~.. ‘.7: want to. I.»-5 r+ 5* H «t *” 2'? l YOUTH FMIDT.-'31-IIP .,1« r ..-_ , .., . _ - 7_-—~ u§“*'-1 I"—‘r?'«11r.r I..L;C-".?lngS have now been resumed, and TC Srieula to glad to W-’:lC':I:.e 914;; new yjlrflbcl-;;;_ -4- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAA FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke 81 Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS . BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 323 Tel _ 348 * Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware * F. R. WOODWARD CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY Auto Electrics and Batteries AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 Repairs, Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 212 The Village Butcher : E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 282 PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE gC9 4000 1‘! ‘k X6’ Phone : A700 . l €63‘ 4 Overhauls and Repairs 0 BRIDGE 455 T10‘/V Tyre Service —— Battery Charging DECORATING — PAINTING —— SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge vvvvvvvvvvvwv-wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv AAA-‘ G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FAR“ BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 * Accredited Breeding Station (Com) KN. 3S 3% DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS AAA-AAAA;AAAAA_AAA----A AAAAAA-AAAAAAAA4---A-‘AAA- BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 31: PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION ;AA4-AAA-_--.. AAA‘--- A-.A;AAA‘-4-A‘AAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA;.AAAAAA-AA SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAWKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-cox-'¢=_red Patterns Available B10"-‘es ' ‘k ANN NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS DOVER C0TTB1:{(iI5:.,G'[£IIGH STREET CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, ctc., made to order All . THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLOWER GENT ’S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE ‘V- H ours .' WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 am.-1 p.n. 2 p.m.—6.30 gun. THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE 4 LUNCHEONS DIN N ERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv 10 ll 114 145-- _ _ PARISH DIARY — oc'1'o13312 1961 ms. Holy Communion Choir Practice Youth F611 owship F1-idays at —Sur_1. - Wed . -3111. 1- Mon . -— Wecl. 1 fitn 18th Sunday after ‘Trinityp HARVEST: 8.00 a,Lm... V9530 agm. 9-45 . 11.00 a..m._ j._. 11.45 a.m_. 6030 _p.m. 9.30 a.r:1. Wednesdays art;fl_9_,V3HQ'_§“m_ ) Fridays at -7.00 "a..m. ) .Fridays at 6.30 p,m_ 7.30 p.m. at Bridge FESTIVAT - BRIDGE Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Parish Communion — Bekesboume Sunday School — Patzixboume HARVEST FESTIVAL mating ; Bridge Holy Communion -— Bridge Festal Evensong — Bridge I 8 British Legion j,—- Ickham. I-:I.U—_.' Corporate Communion '& Intéj-cegsiong ' Bridge. 19th su-.~_r1ay .o.ft“e"f“T3:i£i’iW+;'X, "HA3v1"3si':=3sTIv_u, _ {J gnoo HM!‘-"C5 111 $39193 \.a-. <-.—. P_3TB:’_—'£El 1-IH ' H°q?“.”.“'.“\’3‘3E*“/ ' w.O:'>O—+:oo 9,0000 ‘JE'3iJ O I 1.1 7 5 '9-in 2.3o p.1:1. EIITEIXBOURITTE X: SBOURIT3 . I{‘dl;'3hr"U_-5-3::-‘i:iunio;q -{Bekesbourne Holy Corar;.u_t'Iion — Bridge S0-nd3».‘f. School — Patrixbourne Ju11_i-or Church — Bridge ‘_I"1j1‘l_7J'.r1:~‘ ,-»- 1“_.triXbourne ._Fesfbz:l rEvs_;n_song — Bekesboume FM-en ?.~:11g -.~. Bri dgc 6.1 Workers’ Day — lflzrgate. Tfhisf Drive C_1os_e___:__' 10.30 -7 _12_noor_1.-5 I.ff.:3'si«:~11s‘to Seamen Coffee Mor11ing-.- ”‘.'Iych Elm", Bridge Working Party - Vicarage ..Hz'1RVEST SUPPER — ,BE1<:msBourm_1:_ A. _ 20th a'fte"f"T':‘~i'n:Tgg . 8.00 a.F1.-Holy Communion — Pzifrixbourne» 9.00 a.m.‘-I-"a.r_ish Corzuznmion - Bridge; 9.45 a.._m. a.r:1. 11.00 a..m- 6.30 p.r:1. Sm7day'S.choo1 — I-‘atrixbounue ' Junior Church — Bridge Imtins — Bckosbourne Evensong — Bridge -1- Iarish Diary §Cont. 2 16 — Hon. 2. 17 — i . 2. 18 — Wed. St 45 p.m. Bridge K.U. — Kethodist*Chape1 30 pm. Bekesbourne 1I.U. - Service in Church . Luke; E. . 9.30 a.m._ Holy Comtnmion — Bridge BEKESBOURIE V.I‘..'.. AUTTJIII SHOT Teenagers‘ Dance ~ Bekcsbournc 21st Smday after Trinity 8.00 a.m: Holy Communion — Bridge 9.45 a.n. F.“.lIILY SERVICE '— I-‘atrixbourne 11.00 a.z. Junior Church — Bridge. 11.00 a.:.. llatins - Bekesbourne. Preacher: C.F.Freema.n Iissisns to seamen. 11.45 a.r.~. Eol y Communion -, Bekcsbounle 6.30 p.114 Evensong — Bridge. Trencher: The Rev.R.L. Iarsonage. Garrison Chaplain. Ted. 2.30 p.n. Tcrking Tarty — Vicarage " 27 - Fri. 8.30 p.:. Bible Study Group — Vicarage -' 28 — Sat. SS. Silnonfic Jude, l;l’l.I]_*. .— 7 a.5. Hoiy Communion — Bridge 22nd Slnday after Trinity 8.00 a.:. Holy Communion — Bckesboume 9.00 a.z:. Holy Communion — Bridge 9.45 a.n. Sunday School — Eatrixboume 11.00 a.n. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 3.:-. 1-fatins — I-7-.tI'ixbourn_e 3-00 p.m- Family Service - Bekesbcurne 6.30 p.:. Evensong — Bridge 21 - Sat. 22-Sm. M K11 I :33 DhY — THE CLOSE.» ‘hi Nov. 1 — '.'.'cd.. All Saints‘ Day 9-30 a.::1. Holy Communion — Bridge. (I£.U.Corporate & Intcrcessions) OF FRIE.l"1'DS OF CIJTTEPB 1:1’ HOSI‘IT.’.L,S (BRIDGE GIl0U£)_. . L Thist Drive will be held on the 2nd muesaay of each month at the Close. Tickets will be 2/- each, including refreshments. ..ll z:e::b-ers and friends are "asked. ‘tc Sl1PP°1‘t these Thist Drives _ the first being on Tuesday, 10th oct. at 7-15 p.:;. ' . consented to be our Conductor. .. Swrt article "lle'trcz‘.‘t to -.-lrlvc. VI CAR‘ S LETTER LU dear Iooplu, , .;s the long winter evenings approach once again, our thoughts naturally turn to indoor activities. I would like tr.» draw your special attention to the fol_lowing:- 1. COlTI3‘II’»lL.'-.TIOl\T — Ll parisll Confirr::"uti':n at Bridge church H (-'.‘.I’1\’l possibly Bckosbournc as Well) is planned for ljhitslmtide * 1962. N-::I'r.l:.Ll1y 12 years is the minirlurl age for Confimativan, but church-trained chilrlr-on xtrllo will be 12 in 1962 may be accepted. Classes will start in November and I would like to have names of children and adults as quickly as possible in order 1 that I may see all candidates before pI‘E,—pf‘.I“.‘ti0n begins. ‘ 2. BIBLE STUDY GROUI — Young people and adults who woul :1 like to meets .'r.rcekl:_~' for informal, study and discussion, are invited to‘ come to the first mc_,ting at the Vicarage on Friday evening, 27th October, at 8.30 3-3-9 at Tfhich the subject and method will be discussed. 3. ILIIISH EET117l_'.T - As mentioned in the July 1'l:".gZ".ZiT10, a Ile’Gr$:"E—<)—r—_($u-i._c-1;-‘f.'eekend, h:?.s‘noW been :‘.rr:=.n._:;e:l_ at St. Gabriella (tho Diocesan Retreat House at '.'7estg,r:.te-zon-—Sce.)—,..f-— and the Rev. l_’brti:ler—Lm"lb, Vicar of -30:51 cy; has 1C‘Lndl,y I shouli be glad to have as soon as possible .,thc—n::«.mes— of all those ‘who are interested. I hope th';t many of you will consider seriously settingrtzsi-do this weekend ‘for quiet neditztion, rest and prayer. It is 7,‘. most worthwllile _ For those who are not ICn.1::il iar with this ldO:".9 '-":,ori=nce- _ Mr K’ -ncc?', which may help you, ‘Will be included in next month‘ :3 _ llhe cost of the weekend will be 7.ppI‘O§<:iI‘1-f‘.'l7c1.'Y 35/-9 but .. 1-, detnilsuwill be published nearer the time. _ 'C:)f;ll*c‘I‘{BOU1llIl'.9 CHURCH : Starting on 22nd Oct., in future on the :%%fifiérEflfiD1Y { Short FAHILY SERVICE will take the place of ]éun‘dp‘l Soioglg SO -that ;“pL3«1Ts-:»m;;y...cgme with their children. -'F'l’~l.:III;¥ ".‘.—'ORSH_II of this kind is valuable prcpcrttion for _ 1" h services. ' ~ . the f1C11l11(?1:r:h~-1; vnu will all find tine for some form of -I 0 aid or ~72):-k during-the winter months, which will serious. at v_;Z,r_t.l,l(__l.,1 y_.u1- Chri gtinn wi-tncss .-mi -]._ep.d you into h9‘P_*? “fliicgiehce gf'tho fellowship of_th: church. dob?“ Wt Your sincere friend and Vic?-I‘ < - 1 ROBERT IENHEY - 3 _ ii--_-_ —. ’ ‘W "IE JUIIIO ll CIIU RCII NOTES H07: that the holidays are ever antl hop—pioking is done, I laupr, to see all our r3ombo1‘s ".::ack at our weekly :.1setin_gs|. V T.'c= have 2". lot to do before Christzfiss. -, It is very important duty of our members to .brinfg_:~.l.on.g any w1;.= do not attend a ;> of worship, and we will give -t1w_Q[—_ 5-. very r.'elccmc—. H " "Tc have 3.15: a sf,-eci-17 Senior class if 12-15 age group, with an ;::cell=:nt t;ac1‘;r in Yrs. Ificiglz, who will conduct this. class as 3. pl r-.c-.— nshzrc young I:COP]_J can discuss LT:-1a.tJCQ1‘s..Qf in their sgiritual life. fl easo c.:-2:2; along; if 3;;-,.u are interestql 3111:‘; try it out. I 2:: sure‘ it will :~.fp:_>,cfl to y-;u ani wi.‘l be -3 sczr. service to the Church. J.D.,SI.1it‘.;. ;;o:*::::.s't -YUIIICN. ' ' EZIJGT 3I._‘_IIC11 — ’I‘h‘— 2e-ztings will re—co1;1r3::nco on Ilonday, 16th OC‘b<:)‘.‘!'~.I‘ at 2.45 3.2. at the liethodist Cha;-cl ' Ijrs‘ Ilodges will give a talk -on "Obcramz:erga.u", with sliles. Corr; ._.t-3 C'3:L':ILl_TliCn, Foll::.7;i by »Intercsssicns_— lst l..of ' each month at 9.30 €..r_~. —' -7 — -F _ . A. '._u;ES3CrUl"‘: 3L_'_1ICE — Opening S—.I'vic;.; Tu-esd-o.;y', " 71:11 October, in céturch. Cor;;=r.::e C:E::uniz;n A 211.1 Smlay in _thc month at a.::. K) 'f.'OId.’IIl.TG 1‘_~1‘JI'I_'Z S _ __ ‘ K7 3:.‘ s are invited to come to tho Vicar-22,3 <.}.nesd_a;;-' afternoons at 2.30 ;.:.*.=.', beginning on E Oct:-bcr, to work for the liissionarzr Sale to .. i in iT.ovoI:b«:r.; ‘ _r_U*rL'.;~I r.; IQSULT __ c P}ail"Goz:r3ittee-'sish—Ato thank all who helped’ and :~:u::;~crtsL. tit-e'_.'.utur:1 Fayre on. 7 6th.se3tember.'. The vprdfit. .~ rtaie will be ahcut 51100. The cnterprisc‘ :1: ;‘.'.‘.r:,' and _',r1“c‘;;<;.': an’: 1a.rr3aI‘-at G3'?C=1’1'~’-"~—‘C‘-"ls" 27..-csc attrcctiv»; Sea; Stall, stccked and staffed by them, raised £lg.‘Cvs. ., ‘:2: '.:;rticulr-.r1y r~:misc-'.7':‘rtl:;/ Con_J'l712.t:.'." cti‘:-ns "5' . 1:11 6.71 tI:, ':;r1»:,r:-. 7; Sf.]_-.,'1’L':.i“'-. rusult. ' t-an CA’ ‘J BPITISH LEGION The Honthly Kcctinfi Of the Branch was held at tho Baskct- i-"1'5‘~kC3-"S' 431735 On 5th 391717- under th-:, Ch~.i1'r.::.nshi1é of l‘fr.J.Fox. ‘; new Lzomber, hr. - E.L.Berker, was Wel comorl. The ChoiI‘r.1é.n- rcporterlthat another case of hardship has been brougllt to a. satisfactory conclusion, with the help of the Duffs Regimental xlssn. It is most h.-gnrtening to get this co-op-prntion from other similar bodies in the relief of hardship to all lbs-Serviceman — member of the Legion or not. Getting to know of cqses appears to be our difficulty. —_Iny infolmatign on, thisflsubjcct would be grttefully accepted, and of course kept most COnfidG11tiO.l. - . . ZZISSIOI-IS‘ TO, SELLHEIT . Iirs. Vine is holding E‘. Coffeeliorning and "Bring-c.nd.-Buy" at ".'.'ych Elm", Eflgh _St., Bridge, in aid of the above on '.'.'ednesd-_':y, ’l1th October from 10.30 cum. — 12 noon. .? come and bring your friends. ' -~ _ "IuiVENDER. DAY" PESULT The S.-1~1'of= Lavender Bags in aid of 5the Funds of the nlfordi'i-L-id? Socie-ty,_Czmterbu1jy, was a. great success,’ Many thanks to l_"_e siames Kelsey, Pratt, Dove, Cherry and‘ ipps ' and Kiss Ovcnrlen, Whose coll oction in Bridge totalled £7.lOs. LITTLE STOUR"RECOPDS '"- V.J. TOTE ’ (fart II) East .K:nt,s'.wJ'.=‘th its noble‘bui1ding' and vivid history has nevort_heloss‘11a;J. within -the last 200 years a most di-scrsditnbl 0' record of destruction of valuable buildings which otherwise would still be its glory today. It is in hope of fanning up local pride as an antidote and shield against such ‘evil deeds that I write these articles. In casecny reader rziglt think this indictment of ovil deeds more rhetoric, l_r':t 1'.1:c_'_ set a foyy instances wh_"Lch establish ittc 1;)o'~sobcr fact:-~ '1 _ ' "' " ' (1,) In -the1reia'n.of King "."il1i7:.m IV, the Dean and Chapter of 'C'1nt'erb1'1fc3'r= cohiwiitted the 1inpa.rrlon.'~..b" o .':ffcn(‘:e“ of“destroy:ing the 3.7.1,’, tower of the CzithedI‘:?.]., which Ind" stood fim since the clays offfilliam the Conqueror cnrl -‘.1-chbishop Lanfranc, on t}_;;, 1‘1:i\}olous pretext that they vrnntc.-cl to erect in its rl.:~,e.:, ;:nc,» wllicli ',70u'!d mntch—u;1 *.vith_.tI.*.t the corner: -5- Q (ow _-_‘._~_.;.ut ti; sdr_';.\ bc.ni_‘E‘.t\;?l jcrioi, :tnot11or Norman t.t:re;r :1" great ztrclzitccturfl izlportrmce was Wantonly clostroyetlj .".';:.11‘:~ t‘:.; ruins sf St» .;u;ustine‘ s .,bbey. {3\ In 1809, the very 2:-icignt clzurcl: cf Icocu‘vcr was pulled *".1ct tint on] 3/ three years c-:*.rlicr, its .. down, in spit- of ti.- [1 111.‘. c::ti:‘ir.i t._:- lrclabi sh:-; that it was in :_;t3=>:‘_ repair. ‘ t t‘ .1" ct grjmss to arrest the vrzstaggc of the 3‘-i:"‘”s 111:‘; jrciucoi panic by l‘:-O9, ani the local t1‘«.c-:1 :=.n.:vt11cr church out of reach of 21 ; '* 7' 4;.-' aut::'>riti-s tit: SC:-.1 _,_.Vv;r, ‘‘:—1::. 11.7: clzurclz proved s;:- cheap and t: buili t1;;.t, fgr Very s11o.:1;;, 2. later generation felt ':.isoI‘a':l: ‘ :':'Tn 331:‘. croct number three.’ of the ancient city g;:tow.'§.ys ‘, ‘.4 V--;CC:U ‘bhc ‘est G".T»€., and thtt saved only .. A ;—":_t. 3f "'3 :n_ i lr.t;r y_.._ 7' C:.nter‘3ur;r of all plioes — various precious houses rvcrc :‘_.str.;rci (quit; ".::..':I‘t from any dariago in either rly l‘Tor'.-nan crypt, near the G.I.O. 1327;: a shop floor by few inches‘. .*:r'1 Tar} mi‘ :2: er '31:; term grates of 'S";nic‘::ic‘:_ c.~.r:1'e down, and in _:.tin._j anther Dunkirk, though well . s_c.:n:‘. War to st:-o the authorities ‘ 9 J. . :r-:. :,utcl:;r..3.,; the precicus church of St. fi_'n.r3,r in S':nclwich'. is nzt <:<;n'vince.i by the foregoing: c-',. all in area, that sir.-.«thin: is :ra=lically ”1vrr2n.3 with the ‘em Zrxglani, he Lust be dull of understanding; — ‘ hr-.s trevellci :11 the Contincnt and witnessed ant “.u7..17iO ’Lt'tilFL'1-'l.;. ‘ T 1 " ‘ be '|'~,'\, . .. - _ .. ‘-r,_.,C :33, Win; ;_n§u::C‘C:,::’:‘:sJ°'t’;;t (I3_'I:;:’:t :L1L;sE -) mmREss.................... . A.’ ‘ 5"‘ * 7 - LL ’ ‘ "|. »AC La . ' I’ _ M,‘ _ ‘ T13 lL‘~?rCVed ,utl 001: may keep your Little‘ Stour ) A-.. ...‘..'.. I_’..........._,. .. ‘flil-.._,.; in t--»;1r present -zttrnctivc StB.‘JG.. A _ " (To be continued.) " - 5 _ _ 7 _ __ — 7 ? BEKESBOURIIE BELLS It was a proud day for our new recruits to bell—ringing, when they rang for Service for the first tine on Sunday,» 24th September. ,Mr. Fox conducts a Bell Tractice on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. anc1_vo1untocr—lo.-=.rners will be welcomed. BEKESBOURNE :»Lj.nvEs'r surrm ’ This parish'e"vc,nt will be at _'].30 13.0. on Saturday, 14th October at the new Hall,;‘Bekesbou1ne. The cost of the, supper willpbe 2/_6d.. per person (incl. soft drinks) and tllcre will be Harvest hyr:1n—singing, guest artistes and other. aids to an "enjoyable evening. So please, all Bekesboume people and friends, come and make this 5-. real Harvest Thr".nkS- .- giving. :1 worm invitation is oXtend.ed"to the Iatrixbourne and Bridge parishioners who usually attend Bekesbourno Church services, fotes and other functions. * Gifts of flowers, fruit, food or drinks, and offers to assist in the catering, would be appreciated. FOR CATEIEING I‘UR.?OSES — ALL ‘HO TTISH TO ATTE.-TD lIUS'l‘_ AITLY ET .'LDVj.IICE FOR TICIETS. J;c_:c0x:1modn.tion is limited S0 COHILETE THIS SLII N0‘.'.T'a.nd returrn not later than 8th 0ct'.to: MRS. SILNDILLL, SCHOOL HOUSE, BEKESBOUIETE: Ilcnse Ie'3sE:aVE.........rL:.cEs at 2/66.3 each for the I-IARVESI‘ surrsn on Si.TUllDlLY,i_14th October, a.nd‘'‘ “ I enclose the sum of £.. ..s.;."d: herewith BLOCK LETTERS) HOLY BAPTI SI 1961 29th April 8th July 2nd Sept. 17th Sept. I 12th Mar. -;‘V'uI_'* I333’ 18th June. 25th June. 5 -_ ‘,3:-Id. July -2nd July 24th Sept. ‘_V1A,n'.,rv,K.rg- w on v ~ 3.1-"... I-....,. ... , 17th .!.pr. 6th 14th Llay 14th Hay 1 -4-», =-.,.. _l.._ -.,, 10th lCth 1:1’. EI=;.c_E3 Sept. Sept. 4th Feb. 29th July 29th ilpri l 1 5th July BURL.L S 2151: liarch 30th Aug. EFCTRACTS FROM PAICCSH REGISIUERS V I-‘atrixbourne MARTIN RICHARD GARDEITER, s. of John & Valerie WHITE TOM LAUREJICE, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth RINGLAND CAROLEID MARY, d._ of, Antony & Jennifer HARTT IIMANDA JANE, d. of William 6’: Janice PHLPPS Bridge IilI'IIlD' ELIZABETH, d. of Roderick & 1‘=.Iariar1_ne BAKER CIIRISTOPER, s. of Kennetli & Yx'«_:.t“;e-.l.’.'ES'.-‘ of John 5-. Eve1.yn‘;~i§RKI;,;s JAEES s. of I-‘aul &"rarr.e1a' LZUI3 BIVEEIIEY JOEL s. of I’e'l'-er & Gillian JoI«:;.dGi3'K"":" c,:rmIs-30:32-:3 rues, 0”’ ‘:7.Til1i:1m & 1;au~ec_.«. .'liDRE‘.'-I, s. of Arnold Es Betizy Jones. “":‘:."T a All -A._.._;.k dn Eeke sbo=_1;t'nc.=. G..VIZ‘l R.;Z'l.1)Il'.D, s. of Raymond 8c E1::'.Z.;..." ~ L117 .;L3X.’.TDER 1-""|.ZTI~_'.Y, of Donald I--. -' _ _ CA1-EBELL "7I'~LJ—J I-KIRK, s. of Ja.:l1l’l 8c Ee,nn:—I‘r1 .’.'1‘TT.'ELL _;l-T.-IE ELIZJIBETH, :1. of Jack & Amy G_ITl“.-ll .'.llDZ_'T.'.' :.r_::I.LI:_::, s. of "_:--.131“ 5, _»_,;.1__ ‘,3; LZLRGJET, 4:“ Ivor & Iamela ?.7:}LT(“".-‘; ;_z.i2ao:;: >_..::*1:;31I1, 2. of Jcrdi 5:25-In _f.=§t:-:;_;1&1__~.~n_ .3 Henry H. }‘£I.‘I‘F.II)C~EV & Edith R.‘ “_’l‘.“uR Duncan IL. IECDOUG-.i1.L & Gillian M’ LIOWLL Bridge ‘ Derek 3- F.1RBR..CE & Marion SE'1‘TElRF‘IELD Bekesbourne B ' -, -- . nan A ..’HI'I‘T,IlG3R & Diane G. GIBBS Bridge Joseph cl. BISIIO“ Sidmey Reuben s_l;1'm; _ 8 ‘~ I __ FAMILY BUTCI-IERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Noninglon 204 Bridge 220 BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY THE STORES, BRIDGE Tel. : Bridge 323 ‘k Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware ‘k CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding Tl-IRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel. : 348 _ Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs, Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 212 PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE C?» 4000 yfififi Phone : A’/17004 BRIDGE 455 T101‘, MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 ‘k Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging DECORATING ~ PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge vvvwvvww -vvvvvvvwvvv l '/(' 4 R . Tm RI \_ Ruin R1 \. Pi xx‘: \, The \ Bridge. (Bridge 150) l..\ R.'.i.:'u~ : \lR. J D Sxtiiii. J. The T:rr;icc. Bridge. (Bridge Ihill I‘\TRlVBOl'R\'lE WITH BRIDGE (7:54 W /‘:\n1u.'i:‘Ji.\‘ .' ‘\‘lR. C. \. Puiri R. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2lSl Cari \ E \\, Fxrtim-S\\m:at H. l’ils_:rim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Sun H'.‘.:v-V\' (Q Ti'i‘tI_\'14/tr .' MR. C. A. POTTER. 4~~'.‘<'.’.1':.' Std‘: itztji .( 7't1‘t1.\\’1I. .\lulberr_\' Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR H. S. SHORITS. Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) 5(’€P't’I(1f‘_\‘ .' MRS. SAVDALL. School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer .' MR. STAVLE) Gan‘. Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.V~'.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-ofiering to God. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. enxelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your glagazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at hurch. ‘If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant which by Income Ta); refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar. or F .W.O. Secretary. V‘ }_,.V B:-,:..¢.= a..c C:«.;: L j.::.....;r Lin. 1] 5:)! Law, Chnltrbur). PATRIXBOURN E WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURN E PATRIXB 0 U ‘ I s: PETER anioca CHURCH MAGAZINE November, 1961 AA---AAAAAAAAAAAA--AA‘AA-‘AAAAAA-A I . - AA-‘ -AAAA-AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAA C. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 i’ Accredited Breeding Starion (Com) K.?\'. 38 i: DAY OLD CHICKS H—\TCI-IING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 31-: PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available ‘k ANN SMITH DOVER COTTAGE IDGH STREET BRIDGE Your local DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirls and Blouses ‘k NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivercd Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, elc.. made to order 4 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 36! B. FLOWER GENTS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE -F Hours: WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.-l p.m. 2 p.Ill.-6.30 pm THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE I ‘V- LUN CHEON S DIN N ERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ Telephone : Bridge 249 vvvvvwwvvvvvwwvvv NJ‘- 11 12 1 4 18 19 Holy Communion: Confirmation Classess. ‘fednes. Choir Practice: Fridays Youth Fellowshigz Fridays Stug’_;;_r Grougs Fridays ‘Ved- Sit- "..:uTCd.c Sat . Tu. Sat. Sun. 1 Ion . PARISH JLIARY — IIOVEIIBER 1961 Fridays‘ ' All‘ Saints‘ D:Ly_ Wednesdays at 9.30 at 7.0Q‘D.,‘.m.)_ at at at 7.30 at 8.30 a".in') at Bridge p.m. at Vicarage pom: p.m- p.m. at Vicarage 9.30 .~.,_m. .Ho1y Communion‘ .. Bridge '(1aI.U.c<§rpc$z.w.+.e ~ foll owcd. ‘by Int_¢-.1-cossion 2.30 p.1Z1- W.I. Se-.10 of_’."'.’ork- _-‘3riclg"o—V.i1_l:z§e""Ha1l. 23rd Sunday after Trinity - 8.00 I: .In. Holy Cornrnmion — P:J.“Erixbo1‘.11neS mm. Parish Commmiong Bgkcsbou_1nc+ , :3. . 1:1. Sund.rIy Soho 01 }?b.tii'i€b611'1"fI_c'f"""" 9.30 9~4-5 11.00 53.131. Family Service —'_"31‘J'..d.;’-3'9,’ 11.45 a-1:1. Holy Communion .._:3ridg0. 6.30 p.r_.-1. Evcnscngg Sridgoj. Preacher: _' I-:LI-..C.F.FreeI_1r~.n:lIissions to_Se.'*.I:Icr1. 2,30 P.m, I:.U. Deanery Overseas Jlioeting — Tingham. 3.00 p.r1. Jumble Sale —- Bridge School. 24th Eimclay after Trinigy: RIEIIJEFJRILITCE SJNDILY 8.00 9.00 9-45 10.45 10.45 3.00 6.30 C-110 g..I:1. E-ma r'3..r:1. p.r;I. p.m. Evensong — Bridge 7.15 p,m_ "_"11j_st Drive — The Close. ;..Dcz.‘.nory Eission.-Dry Service - Barlmm Church 3 pm" 25th Sunday ’ 8.00 9.00 r..r,‘.. _ 9.45 -1.111. 211.00 r:.rI. "ll.OO 52.1.1. 6.30 p.:.I. 2..;j 13.1.1. liriclgc after Trinity \"‘l a 111 o Tixrcn song — l‘>I‘idC0 -1- ’ & Bckoshournc 3i.U. — Ch-zpc-1, Holy Communion — Bekesbourne a.1*:. v Hal-y Comr-.Iunion- —- Bridge Smday School — Patrixbouxne Junior Church - Bridge- Rcmcmbrance Service — Patrixbournc Evcnsong — Bekcsboumc Holy Communion — Pntrixbourno parish Corrxrzlunion — Bridge Sunday School — Pntrixbourno Junior Church -'— .’31‘i<1C?C' ' E1-tins _' jokosbournc Ilctho dist .3 Ti CIEC o I Nov. 37- Th. 7 p.m. Missionary Evening & Sale of Work .. , . Village Hall. 26 — SJI1. Smday next before Advent _ ' ' I -— 1.00 a.n1. Holy Communion — Bridge ‘ _ VICAIUS LETTER 9.45 la.m’. Family Service — Patrixbouine ' 113/" <10?"-I‘ People, 11.00.a.m. Junior Church - Bridge . , _ 1 _ y . 11.00 a.m. Matins (Short) —. Bekesboume COnc:°mY0E R-“LD this I.;age.zine, -and note all the rgptt. , .. 1;6.45 a..m. Holy Communion — Bekesboume . ,_ 1 shelf OI-ytE1)1‘CorW:" YO1_1.; after z‘. quick glance, iirjnivilch .‘C- E“'::dso.2z* — rid.~e . "‘ '7 ‘ 91‘C 1 ‘or A ' . ‘ ' 29 - Wed. 7.30_)p.I;1). Evensong 5 Miisiorfary Znterce::..~,ions _ t1‘~lI1{:“ gets lost?.:.'J3 GCDS Under the ‘T.V.T11Z1¢:S or. some- BO Th St ;7;.H.G1ossop c.M.s. — Bridge Church thcy‘ fifsiful :10 read and act upon ~.3h-._t " ' ' ' ' . . , l"Of".ChOS you late in t? x H Son“ of you DO complain if it 7 a..m. Holy Communion — Bridge __ _ _ the Wrioufl .1; month -— but so poor is the res O Q _ ALL DAY CILKIN OF DITERCESSION~—fo—r;MISSIONS . _ be Oxchscd-Jf_1'Cq119:$tS. published fI‘O.".'1 time to time thpt p n~e'tu . _ _ . or thinkin-7 that E . . ~ .9110 r31g11t D—e£' - Christian 1* k 7- 3 thcrc ls 7"1d0SDI‘G.?.d‘apC1:hy'nnd_ 3 - Sm. lst Sing: in Advent _ , y _ Work‘ _I O: con__ecin for the needs of the Churoh onld: ‘ uh’- _ .00 a..m. Holy Communion — Patrixboum NOT reed x:h'~tQl- ,3 think th_fl.t you do not respond bocouse its 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion -— Bekesb'ou;m~e '1'"-'0 ‘db oar 1138 idiressed to YOU-' . t’ you do 9.45 am. Smday School — Pa.trixbo1in_F{e- — q Services Zpprislols 0 S00 that you. are» notified of Church 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge '‘ - _ ’ . NOTICES EN C-HURCHcv:;nts and the needs of the Church ;_ b 11.45 a.m. Holy Communior'1_"— Bridge ’ 1‘L~a,_,azine to ’v‘ 9' c-nC_1 b}'.the distribution of themonthf 6.30 12.121. Evensong -— Bridge ‘ - . ‘ tign :J.r1d.'adis1(;)r:fL;bI;.J1’t§$1:¥ tffe three parishes. This P1-Zane ' ' 1' ‘“-mi money — and 9.11 this iéewléigmewls °°S*13r in time, 1:011 S0 PLE.‘.SE as a .3 .. “’.‘-“SS You do your art. ILRK and 1’1pon tr: forrpleasurle, READ, . _ To aid. you: I list below the est -w ‘ERISH MLG‘1ZmE' P112153 QUIET ‘JEEICEND RETRJLLT which I am hopefully expectinm re: 0 "im present appeals to at sr. GhBRIEL'SLWESTG;1TE , ‘ ‘ 1- - Names Wantedbof E0230”. 1 . \ Confimnfionl on ‘isconsign my 3121; V"£>_e_cjl31_ve.Cz‘.11dirl:1tes for Frida 8th December (Assemble in time for ‘ Commences, '.'.'eC].neS’l;T‘.y,l5th Novenbc r 1962: Instruction Slpper at 7‘p.m.5 until after tea on‘ Vi0’-IT‘-£;’2- October l~Ia.gaziz.1o)_A. L .30 pun. at the Sundgy,_ 10‘tI_‘.. 3-'3CetZ1‘.)e1‘ 1961 ' ' I - 2- BIBLE STUDY GROUP meets 8.30 ‘I . . ' 1 ' Vic:ra=*e. see Octob, *~.:‘ ‘ - p'n"Frld'°‘y evenings at the Charge: 38/— per person for.1;he..,who1o period, . 1 - 3 - D ' . Cr ‘“a'3"'Zln°)- . ——including all meals (B0d_1inen & to;-éi-é . P..RISH RE'_I‘RE..T2 December 81:11 — 101:}; .'‘«,t ~.—\-_St at. 1 rovided) please. (see July, October and No, _V “C 0» Names P 4. EEKESDOUMTE CHURCH HF”-‘ING m.I)\ ember Magazines). Conductor: The Rev. w. MORTIMER 1.41.13 of BOXLEY REPAIRS LJID IIIPROVELENTS. . You} d.o§E:§3y]1::G: and -_3RIDGE °EU.19§ The Vicar requests early intimation of (800 July and luaust Ie.~:gn.zines). ‘ "re “gently Y1:;._-dei. names: 80 that the necessary booking and " ' transport can be arrmgr,-(1. _ 3 _ .) _ ' ‘ .o.‘;;.'_..._, 5. 113.7 EYIMJ-.L":': :;CkCSbC‘1lITlL. :3: L‘-riri;-“:0. Only 60 of the 200 new books have so far been given: _. donatlan Of 5/5d. will buy .1 beak, in 'r.*11icl: C. Ilzzziic Plat; will be inserted. (see ]3_';p,1-ch & ':.'rL'.T is 1. RE'I‘”RE.;'I‘? "RC-iRl3.;'I‘ TO .';DV.‘.NCE" is a "good s1 egen for a Churchman, for ,.-~, _ ) Retreat, in the religious sense, is the exact opposite of :1 ' V "-«T as I < ' . ' ' f‘ ‘ A I64"-'>’_q-3‘ g Z:"Ii“qICY CI FOU,§7_\0mm P.M_qHIONEHg -find eqpficinll retreat in the worldly sense. It is neither ...,.n act of coward- ‘ 1"DLt'S}_, E3 iqllqdi-,~ 5 notifier}. ,.t’O1;lCO to ;h “Viy ice, nor 3. Sign of defeat.‘ But it is an act of ccur:r::c':~,1iT1'(§o‘or1 ‘n’ "V D, L.Lu 4*. — -.‘ . ' no " '7, V - v K . . ‘ t11_:°S:1 tins pr irypr ni vgsitinfl .- “ C‘ r sense, and marks one's deterr.1in:.t1on to advance in one's faith '7. u'.‘..,., 1..L3 , _o‘ L. L,‘ C‘. ‘ bu , ‘ V_ ',__ - . 7 WV“ "IVL O‘F‘-"JRIlIG9~ New Qubscribers uni incre-“sed. "rifts nnl pbrsonhl-religion. - A * ° . .’ " ‘ b In er. Parish Retreat suchns we are planning; 6‘. grsup of .-=_l':::.ys n.=:i-ci cni '.7elc:m:i, especially on 2‘. Covenant ('1'.-xx‘ ‘ . _ . . . . :_ ‘ i__ (J) Ups (Q, back GOV, r) 1 p V p-“.I‘1ShlOn<3I‘S retire for a. quiet period of rest and neiitatien reiuni 3..-]. . ~‘,._, _ e . togcther. . — — — — — — — Our Retreat House St. Gabriel's at i1'est.-ate—on—Sen is .3 . , 9 _ U 9 G3"l pre~rc"= is bein-T 1‘**"c titl* the plans for wcttinfl ‘ cheerful, comfortable, .7ell—run place, containing 2. beautiful ". 3 'b.. ’ L .424‘: 4. u; ‘- ~_ _ . _ ‘ - ‘ _ Electricity int: Bekesbourne hurch, and _I aclmowlegge ' D" pI‘:?“Q:}LlaPf1' _YOE eafh your Grim bed-rO,om and there its 9' 'c‘sl'etefu173’ an ".n:r13r'T1:-us" clan-"-tion of £109 filso .u"§en'ereu‘s‘ ‘ I ' 00"‘ or "b e Ounde “nd “ l"r‘3G S°1e°t1°n of ..b°°ks for r9‘"'d1nf3"' ‘ . - ‘ -- ‘.- ' ., “ " ’ — -- The row:-anme includes '3 nun‘ r of » ‘c ‘ . 51f-ts 11-31: hrs. ,.r..3hem, Ltr. Carey and Dr. Fa.rtt- wt whichpthl: Conductor ive; sliisrt ~l:::::nn: 1nki't_r111:3l Cgjpely .- . .. . _ - - H ‘ ‘,-A H -w -1 our Enrvest Supper was an mcourlging Success‘ Over ‘ 1 Lstimulcti n to our evnfi riv :'e meclitl tion 3:1 he is l)so . . . 7 . - A - . . '- 1. c. '~ .2 60 of us enjoyed. a splendid. sit—down supper, be.:u‘tifully ‘g I L y ' P ’ served. — thank ysu, lr.dies.'.* V Our best Tzishcs to Gordon Colleri and Dr. Brian Hunt for 1 quick -zni full recovery. M cuss one‘s private problems. ' The outstanding and unusual factor of such a weekend. is that complete silence is kept, which ensures to each :2 maxi- a :=.v::'il.~.b1e at other times for interviews at which one can dis- :- Ycurs sincerely, Iium of mental privacy and e.vai1.s=,bi1ity to God for spi-ritual I ROSERT PENITEY. _ , guidance. His Grace,_,-=the .1rchbishep of Canterbury, during" his 1 recent visit to St. Gabriel ‘s, empliesised the vclue of such a. as +». at -is ae 51- -;:~ ->.= as ea - Silence, stating-; "..gein and again first retreatants had. said. ' ' , V‘ . _ that as the silence rlce-peneclthey. hnrl-felt "in it tjoy ani n i _ ' ” JUNIOR cHU;:c;~[ HOTEL} ' ' V V I V rest they ha-:1 never knovm before". it 35:11 .36 Mlh. __ _”_ R.” p ‘ k _ H _ The Rev. Denali Harris cpofiggentcd Ife_ce.n_tT__y on the growth of D fi,.- __ - T: J‘ " ; C‘J‘;*r°n S C--rlst-'3a° Fair mlthc. the Retreat Llovenent as ,"reaction against the rush and turmoil 1 :~<='~-1-Tie 1J\"=-is _ri._.fc, on ;c.tur;ay, 9th DC-Ci‘,-I‘.’;bC'I‘ commencing at _, p.:.—_— t: proviie plenty 3f ‘#4 4‘ . '1 1 5 A ' f\ Cm -1311 17 -P»n.‘. ti-:.-ir pocket none l:-.rd.—carnerl c:ppgrs_ H W U .r‘.pI'l1'lC_f: Ch-“;I'.'Tzi11.:_‘-9 »V-,3-1,; Of -the ncaisny 331.16 of the crew Qf Li._\_.;,. Ijtyg 52111 EN ; Ssuth Sea Islgni L-_.{~.__j_,j_enS hav-.9 prcvni-SCC1 . .~ "'7 , _ —. - A .1 , - _ _ , , tJ .JC'tI‘_eI'(., ._n.‘_ ‘arébr .1171 bx; kept by the Tm, S,-Jlfllers. -- Gifts for the Zr-:11 Tub etc. will be 01” nlodem life". In thisage, he s.5.ic1, it is more necessary. tlian ever before for people to realise" hat prayer was not just efllcin; tc God, but listening to.God and receiving from Him. I201:-cover, it was while spending eweekend in quiet that many People learnt how to pray for the first time. To go intn retreat is, in effect, to r~.dvance and. be ' “ ' I'c—cre.~.ted in body, mind. and spirit. ' :- ppo rtunvi ty for the y inf. grcvm—ups their 1, y receiveda and :13. ‘Le .:e : 'z’'<~.r- "i~.r.~.. - " _, . y L nt 1;’ -1“ ---w: 5 Unlun Real, .J1‘15.1g'(3. ._..$b;. -‘ -4- JC‘iI';'t “"cc-‘binw sf "rid,- .~. . ‘ “ - " J ;C cc lckc.sbcum»~ ‘man 1-1 . - 20-t1. 7,v,‘.V,‘,_,,,‘kr at 2 e_ ‘ L, _ .. Cnu,S.,.— Iionday -- ..\\, ,.l__ ,_. _ 1 “.3. ln tn“ T-_ ._ . 9 Lies Cutcliffe ~.-.117 an i~'w{fvt§”§‘§d»:SntkCmpe1 Wm" —— :- S a ; '1,.- o . - .—-.n open ir1Vit1‘ti:n as Gvtflhdcd t‘ f n d’. f S.Ind1au C0rp‘*r-ts Cormun‘ ‘N .“ '”“‘ C’ P-95 S 0 hctlbors. V =- ..__ ‘ lOn::‘~I‘l‘ '*. \ 9.30 :,.;~_ fQ11s.,,d 1 _ inn: ..L.dI"lu,Sd;.’y, lst 1Io\.Cnber at — - .33 _Intsrcess1::ns . . 7 _or_;so:-urns-9 sq-_i;g_y 12-th NO‘/._ 8 a M -1.1: Deanery -lqeik» - - I -_. n.. ‘.4 ._y ‘_N‘_j'tl1v-1:: -7- v_ _) _ .-‘u 2.33 13.11:. on--}—-1., C D D“ Etmll on 8th NOV. ,_ --_. xg . vi‘. 0 »«I,::___*O F .3 V I _ Cells./Te. “ * —+u=>Us*1ne's ::ERIST:;’kS IISIC Choir ‘DI‘€.C"iCL;'= fci ‘~ ' - ‘*' ~ - ‘ CllI‘1Q1;-—.-ac "usi 7.7 .. u ” W“ -—' ‘tart rt - » _.ov., -_ng_ ‘-4; Tomi _\_,7 .. C S on firldny 3rd 4V~.> .. _ .»e-core "dd_i"‘io .7 1- n " ’. or Cont:-alto voices If 2'01: or‘, iii‘ Ltlg iron Bass’ Tenor .,- _. ‘ ‘ -"“CI‘c-‘Se ml. - «V 7 0-3.» on «ridiv votn“ ~ C " ’ Pswse attend ' — - -./2- AJIJOVI a-*1‘-—~, subshqumt practice. cu _»rid._.o Church, or any ‘-75’ II" :>l:.r~_n:Ln: u - - . . ’ 6tv~ 3.-.c~,§-‘ --L -. f‘ “ C1401? Festival on st. ._ ._, .._x or :.u _,1‘1dge church. Nicholas Day, 7‘ 113510213 TO 33;}; 1ZI‘S- Vin-v;.’S Coffee "ornil «— -. 1 - . ‘ imy thank: to :11 who suppO:;::C~{a;}js:d .pp:ox;m.te1y .,z;11_ “ - :1 e*cn . f T32‘ CO‘“‘ection 1; o . “ “ - '1 '=kr.-.. ~ an - .. £J.3.6‘ r _)k. bournc Chul ca smountod to_ :1‘. 71-e.,:r-,;>v1 —i1,1 , L _ ‘ “""‘ ““ — PI‘:;7‘.C-._' at 3V'.:nSOn7fit -\ ' ' v - .-;=- nudge on 5th I331’. our --nrlufii. OV(';I'S.'_p_3 r“\ Even‘ .~ '1 ,. *1‘ 4; rd l."9v.,:;’::.;- ml; m 1 73- 1‘~'«'15- On ’l‘hursd.:~,y, ‘ ‘*4’ ... - »__u 7.30 p.,,.. 111 the R.:“_r1j_1~ 'o~,\.. .—v -~Pin; ‘153 r c it -1. f‘t .6 are __ .’ ‘ ‘ ‘~'— 6'1‘ Success -1-,'w.'. . - _ n.-t:Lc: ,".l"€; Ecin" hclri r-1; tin, xr l _, "L JC"r ’-‘H51 W0I‘l~:1ng t1: 3*-_‘l1,<:. ‘ " “" '10<«J-“-13¢ 1': 1iE,l"p furnish '7‘. :"_”‘Il ‘.:,;-n 1_"‘.:;- «nIT.-LLS _ BRIDGE GROUP A very successful ‘I."hist Drive ms held on lOth October at the Close-,- when a net’ profit of b£5.3s.0d. was ra_:1sed—tor:ard.s Group Funds. The next ‘ffhist Drive will be on Tuesday, 14th November, when we hope to have the support of our friends again. The OPEN DAY at the Close realised over £18 far the Funds; thanks to the hard work and generosity of enthusiastic supporters. -7- _3RITI_s~i .L.3CzI_QL3l3.»‘§73_S3_Ii~1_1l§;.DAY mm s Li ‘ttl eboum c.— :1 Di stric t ."‘,-ranch _'.rrrn._;;:::iits for thcl Poppy Day .'tppc-:1 are ~.r.vo11 in llfuld and '.'.'c are '::os‘.. _;r:.tcf't11 to tlit; '.?or.1en' s Institutes for r,grt;c— ing to Lmicrtzkg tht. ‘task :.1‘ selling; the poppies on Sr~.‘bur:i.a.y, llth llovtzbcr, 1961. art; I‘.Opin.j that as this is our 40th. '..n_nivsrsar;,-' Year all rscoris will be broken. This Branch itculi lili- the public ‘be 131;": tint +«I‘.C.I‘G is no set price for ".1‘i:_.' 3;" the Poppi-;s .‘.'Z;icl: :1‘; offered for Sale, the _.~_r_1ou_nt gixxzi is C.‘;,' up to ‘I11: gtncrssity of the public. ,."." P’; Service this 3413 ",r is b;in,:; hold 3‘. ICRELLL, ‘tho "f{".11—'Zl_l‘1"lO./;.O (2.111. 5‘-,pproxj_._ '3 rggugstci t‘;‘.::.'l: as r_1::,ny members as possible ".:is scI'vicc.. ' . franc}: are organising Z‘. Festival of __ Zlarloxre Thcztro on ‘:11: e-vonj_n._3 of SU.nd.ay, l2tl.1:-v::'§-r :31 ‘E131: ‘zaranch mafia :. block booking of 36 c»-..~S 27 3/— «;ac';:, so if any -11¢-rilicrs arc Lritorcsted, they will +..-: _:et their bias in early as the tickets are’ being,-' v'~_, 4-. —. . . I.-_h-r. -.1; 1 .i.!.,__ -1 H1--. .2I‘€_I'lC:'l is _‘_.G.lI. to be held it.. ;.cv;:ber 1961 at the Lit‘:l'»‘ocurn it"-“w '~ H L. G i;,..-OI‘lc.:i_ ’“"- -—--~¥'v-«—J,- ,_ ' ,._'_-11' ,. 4. — ~—l~_~-w_vlu., v0 ulect ‘-/LLlCs:I'S CI.C. is the most ” 3n3‘1n TIC”UTIr?”i? is 3EInOStly'reou0sted that 7 . ,:o;-= —.~‘«— - ‘ ‘ I is”. ; re;l effort to attend. meg ;.G.x, W111 :*:.11o:r.—' ‘~~— +=— W - ~.- ~_e I‘l.OI';P.l r:ont1Ll:,r for llovezibcr. Iriflz“-; Di strict Ir:-.n cl: -—IJpi'.r.:ntly no official arrrngenents have been :::r~»,rlo for -: ?.“.:‘:i:» Sczrvicc, ‘:t1‘a wreaths be‘ lsirl on ".Tar~IIcr.1>—-V - 3133'-'9lPS~3°um9s 331356 CH1 Pdtri;:"oo-urne Cliurc‘.-Les. *u’.:".‘t :.2e:i‘.3crs of the Legion f.'.‘i-3-1'l'G like to “pI‘CpI'i-';‘t-: 33.7.:-:"o uncr: Day as their P L‘ Y’ I-I 0 cf 1+ ;~’°~r) r'.-._- :1‘: :irfl1’.p:b3u:'n.g 10- F3 "..;1.. at Pr—.tri:>:'r,m_irnr,,-. .¢AA------_-----A-‘.------_-A---4.------A..-A..-._A-A---AAAAA..A‘AAA-AAAAAAA FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE Esso Blue and Valor Agents TeI.: Bridge 323 ‘k Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware + CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel. : 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY The Village Butcher : E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs, Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 212 PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE 0?? 6» 4000 _\,\C$$ Phone : M/"O04 BRIDGE 455 T101‘, MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 ‘k Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge ..........................i vvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv-VVVVVVVV ' VICAR .- THE Rl~f\'. ROBERT A. Pl3Nl\'lZ‘\'. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) LrI_\‘ R€tIdr’I' J MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C/1ur'chwm'rI'cnx .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) CAPT. A. E. W. FARlSl{~S.-WDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) SecreIaI‘_\‘ & TI'(’(1SllI'(’I‘.' MR. C. A. POTTER. A ssiszam Secrr’/ary & Treasurer (and F rec W ill Offering Secretary) : MRS. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBCURNE Churclzwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. "-. ‘#1:’.-a -:«r—.- v - Primed by Ei.\'_\' Brothers and Cross (Iv Jackmar. Ltd., 11 Best Lane, Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE December, 1961 vv V- O . BUILDING CONTRACTOR R h d B t k I G—- F- T‘ LE“ JOHN ROBSON 10 31' OS 00 - » CHOT.-\ I*OI‘I.TR\‘ Him (Dom, L,d_ _ I I BEKESROL*R.\‘E , THE .m0M,wA,._ ,,R,,,GE Bullder and Decorator _ < Tel. Bridge 345 Tel 3"id8e 314 P I ,, JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION . . . . I EI I I »\ccrediiec? Breeding Siation DECORATING new I I iConi,\K.\'.3i~ . . . . . I , You, W buildings, conversions, interior I ; D__\\’ OLD CHICKT DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS. . . I I HATCHKG E265 BOOT & SHOE DEALERS decorations and fitted ; I GRO\\‘I\‘G STOCK * I . . . ; ‘ TABIQIEEE \:Ol1:7;I'%R\}':GGS H_ HAWKINS ; furniture, external paintinu I : ‘ ‘ BRIDGE I . - - ‘ I I M 347 . and repairs. Advice given ; I SOFT FL'R\]SH1NGS Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, I I CL'RTAI.\'S .~\.\'D LOOSE COVERS Km'rweai'. Skirts and > ' I Ezcie:-:bou:me 11.00 a.m. Fo.mily"Servico — ‘Bridge- ll.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 p.r.1. Evensong -’ Bridge“ 7 6.30 — 8.30 p.m. Open Evening 4 Bridge School 9.30 a.I:1. M.U.Corporate Commun_i_on5&_; Intercessions Bridge Church. 7.30 p.m. Choir Festival Service — Bridge Church 7.15 p.m. Chri"stmas"‘.3i'hist Drive — Bridge School ‘7- p.m..— Sun...4..3-O p.m.' PARISH RETREAT 2.30 p.r.-'1. -Junior Church Fair — Village Hall. 2nd... Sunday in Advent " _ _- W .00 a._m. Holy«Co1:'n'nunion - Bekesboumo. 9.00 a..rn.. Holy Communion {Bridge H 9.45 a..r_=.. Sunday School — Patrixboume 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 21.131. Matins - Patrixbourne 3.00_ p.'r.:. Evensong — Bokosboume 6.30 p.r.1. Evensong — Bridge . 2.30 p.m. 1_3ekeshournc'M.U. — VILLAGE HALL 7.15 p.13. Christmas ‘.1-'hist Drive —.'lfhe Close 2.30 pm-.1-. School Carol SC,,I‘V‘i‘ce — Bridge Church 3336. Sinday in Advent 8.00 a.121’:’ Holy Communion-—’Patrixbournc 9.00 cum. Parish Communion — Bridge 9.45 a..m. Sunday School _- Patrixboume NO JUNIOR CHURCH Afl BRIDGE -U11-OO'a.IZ1. _I¢Ia.tins — 3okes'b>urnc V 3.30 p.r:1. Junior Church Nativity" Play & i Prize;-iving — Village Hull 6.30 l-Jvensong — Ilrid{tc:. -‘ ._ '__’_i.._ -..- . 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 '27 28 31 L... lion . Wed. Th. Fri. Sat. Sm. - Mon . Tu. Wed. Th. ' -nu- '.4n;;—.;... . PARISH DIARY (Continued) 2.4§’p.m; Bridge M.U. - Methodist Chapel nnbcqr 133;; 9-30 a-I_n- Holy C0I_mm__mi0n 7 Bridge St. Thomas 1l.LE. 7 a-m- Holy C°mII1\lT1i0I1 — Bridge Embel-_ Q31, 7 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge ;_ Ember Day . _ 8 a.m. Holy Communion 5 Bridge; __ Christfilas Eve V 9 8.00‘a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge NO Fg.1flILY SERVICE at 9.45 a-mg at IATRIXBOURNE 1l.OQ a.ra. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00. a.m. lfiatins — Bekesboume NO HOLY COMMUNION at 11.45 .a..m. at BEKESBOURNE 3.30 p.m. Family Carol Service - ratrixboume 5.00 Evonsong - The. Close . NO SQEVICE OF 'EVENS0l{G l-1'1‘ BRIDGE CHURCH 11.30 }p.m_. Parish Christmas Communion ‘ Cl~1'flSI‘1\E.‘.S,D.';Y - - » - _ 8.00 ';a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne 1' . 8.00 a.m- Holy Communion with Carols ‘— Bekosbourne 10.30 a.m- Family Carol Service — Bridge 11.00 bum. Holy Communion — Bridge - St. Stephen 8 a.n. Holy Communion — Bridge: st. John L.E. 9.3Q_a-m. Holy Communion - Bridge Innocents‘ Day 7 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge Su.n'lay after Christmas . 8.00.e..n. Eoly Communion —-Bekesbourne 9.00 a.n. Holy Communion»--Bridge 9.45 a..':1. Sunday School — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.:. Junior Church _ Bridge 11.00 lflatins — Patzixbourne 3-O0 Family Service —»3ekesbourne 6.30 Evensong — 3ri-dge. - ' ’ ” n L. . 'TOPPY DAY” COLLECTIONS P°P1>if-s .:=,nd Collections in Church rancc Day realised til; magnificent fmm Bridge and Patrixbournel for the P‘-ind for Disabled EX—SeI'Vice lf""‘r:‘ WILL REMEMBER THEM" —-—»—~ _._.*.____._ .._ .. JUNIOR CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR“ Will all -members, parents and friends please come to the Village Hall and ,»support_ our Junior-church Fair on Saturday afternoon, ’9th December at 2.30 pm.’ We havenot been able to produce a Concert this year and as our financial respons- ibilities still remain, we are hoping to raise enough to keep us going by means of a Fair. The're—.wi»l1 be .a Fun Fair, Games and Music, and theaftemoon will be a- pleasant one for everyone. Our 'Prizegivin_g will take place in the Village Hall on Sunday afternoon,.. 17th December at 3.30 pan. , with a Nativity Play and Carol s. "All ‘parents, aunties and friends are invited to come along. succrsswul OVERSEAS'EVENING; Thanks .to' all} thosewho "so generously brought gfts for the stalls,‘and to "those who gave their support, the sum of £23.5s.o%d. was raised for Overseas Missions. As we saw" from the inspiring film "While we have Time", our help is badly needed for _the work of the Church Overseas. BRITISH LEGION ‘ Whist Drive;(and Disabled Men's Industries stall), 8th Dec. at 7.30 p.m. at the Littlebourne Memorial Hall. Entrance: 2/5. Next Meeting; The Rose, Wickhambreaux, on 5th December at 8 13.111. LEAGUE or FRIENDS OF THE CANTERURY HOSPITALS (BRIDGE GROQEQV to all who supported the Whist Drive on 14th November, when a. nettvprofit of"£5.l5s.9d. was made. The next Whist Drive _will be held at The Close on 12th Dec. at 7.15 p.m., when we hope to see our SuppO1‘teI'S- once again- W.M.C.(Hon.Sec.) Our grateful thanks . ATTEN'I‘IO1\I LADIES! In preparation for. Christmas, may we have a large _bancl'of ' holpersto polish Church Pews in Bridge Church after the Communion ‘'_Service on Wednesday, 6th Dec. at 10.39 a.m-? (Please bring you own" polish and, cloths). I-LPENNEY. -4- 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~26 '27 28 31 lion . Wed. Th. Fri . Sat . Mon . Tu. Wed. Th. 1 PARISH DInRY (Continued) 2.4§'p.m. Bridge M.U. - Methodist Chapel Babe: Day 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion _ 31-ijdge st. Thomas A.M. 7 am. Holy Communion — Bridge Ember D3 _ 7 a.m. Holy Communion -7BI'id_ge -_ 1)-nbcxj 8 a.m. Holy Communion — iBridgo__.__..A V Chri stnhas ‘Eve 8.00'a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge N0 FAMILY SERVICE at 9.45 ads. at FATRIXBOURNE 1I.oq’a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00‘. a.m. Matins — Bokesbourne No HOLY COMMUNION at ll.45.a.m. at BEKESBOURNE 3.30 ‘p.m. Family Carol Service - Tatrixboume 5.00 .m. Evonsong — The. Close N0 SFERVICVE OF EVENSOHG AT BRIDGE CHURCH 11.30 ‘,p.m. Parish Christmas Communion ‘ CHRISTMIS DAY “V . . 8.00 ‘,a.m. Holy Communion — Pa.trixb0u1"ne' V 8.00 ‘a.m. Holy Communion with Carols '— Bekesbourne 10.30 b..m. Family Carol Service —- Bridge 11.00 bum. Holy Communion — Bridge - ~- St. Stephen 8 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge‘ st. John A.E. 9.3o_a.m. Holy Communion _ Bridge Innocents‘ Day 7 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge Smiay after Christmas" 8.00:2-..m. Holy Commmion —4Dekesboume 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion»--Bridge 9.45 a.r_i. Sunday School — Patrixboume 11.00 .=..m. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 lhtins — Patrixbournei 3.00 p.r:1. Family Service — -Dekosbourne 6.30 p.12. ‘ ' Evensong -‘ Bridge. - , "POPPY DAY “ COI..LEC'I'IONS Sale Of Poppi.-gs Col1cctions- in Church 011 Remembrance Day realised til; magnificent -‘mm of 559 fI‘0!rI Bridge and Patrixbouine for the F331 551% Fund for Disabled Bx-Service men. 'wE WILL REMEMBER _THEM" I is JUNIOR CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR‘ Will all members, parents and friends pl ease come to the Village Hall and 5-Support our Junior Church Fair on satux-day afternoon, 9th December at ,2-30 p.m'-' We havednovt been able to produce a Concert this year and as our financial I'espons_ ibilities still remain, we are hoping to raise enough to keep us going by means of a Fair. There_.wi11 be .21 Fun Fair, Games and Music, and theaftemoon will be a- pleasant one for everyone. Our Prizegiving will take place in the Village Hall on Sunday aftemoon,..l7th December at 3.30 p.m., with a Nativity Play and Carols. “All ‘parents, aunties and friends are invited to come along. SUCCESSFUL OVERSEAS EVENING. -Thanks to all] those who so generously brought gifts for the sta11s,'and to those who gave their support, the sum of 5:23.5s.o%d. was raised for Overseas Missions. As we saw from the inspiring film "While we have Time", our help is badly needed for the work of the Church Overseas. BRITISH LEGION Whist Drive;(and Disabled Men's industries Stall), 8th Dec. at 7.30 p.m. at the Littlebourne Memorial Hall. Entrance: 2/5. Next Meeting; The Rose, ‘Nickhambreaux, on 5th December at 8 p.m. LEAGUE or FRIENDS.0F THE CANTERURX HOSPITALS (BRIDGE caoggg Our grateful thanks to all who supported the Whist Drive on 14th November, when :3. nettfiprofit of"£'5.15s.9d. was made. The next Whist Drive _will "be held at The Close on 12th Dec- at 7.15 p.m., when we hope to see our support-ers once again- W.M.C. (Hon. Sec.) ATTENTION LADIES! In preparation forpchristmais, may we have ‘a large ‘nandof ‘ helpers to polish Church Pews in Bridge Church after the Communion ‘hservice on Wednesday, 6th Dec. at 10.30 a..m.'? (P1eas’e.b'ring you o'run"po1i sh anc1_clot1:.s).— IKPEWEY. .~4~ BRIDGE: —--—-— V _ 9.30 am. Christmas Meotingaloth Dec. at 2-45 13-111. Speakers‘ Mrs. Ledger "Christian Influence in Painting!’ Cogoratc Communion: Sunday, 10th Dee-. -8 ."minc-rity express the fact by their actual names. Examples ;of this are Christ Church (the dedication of Canterbury ” ‘the Holy Trinity. MOTHERS‘ UN ION Corporate Communion & Intercessions Wed. 6th Dec. Christmas Meeting: MONDAY, llth Dec. 2.30>p.m. Speaker; Mrs. Alan Bailey. "D.-'[.U. in Umtota". ALTAR FLOWERS — BRIDGE CHURCH Before making up the Rota.-for 1962, I shouldhbe glad to have the names of any ladies who would like to take a turn in providing and arranging the flowers for either the High Altar or the Lady Chapel, and for tending them during the week. I shall assume that those already on the_Rota are willing to carry on, unless I hear to the contrary. , — M.PEN1\TEY. Little Stour Records — V.J.'l‘orr (Cont.) CHURCH DEDICATIONS The next thingrto consider is an important one _ church dedications. Every church, as a "House of God", is of course primarily consecrated to the Almighty; but only a F! thedral, although in course of centuries it has wavered betwefin 1711159 The H013!’ Trinity, and St. Thomas Becket), St. Saviour, the Holy Ghost (or spirit), and? comp-,rehgnsj_Ve]_y’ But from really early times it has been usual to dedicate a. church to some venemted humanbeing; in which C,-35¢ you must <'_11W?-bis understand the name of God behind this holy person, who 15 t‘3C-‘mic?-115’ known as the "patron saint" of the church. sometimes, however, there is found to be more than one? e_g_ SS’_Sim°n and Jude? Peter find P?-U]: Philip and James, and so on. It is probable that the oldest dedic,-ltions of all related to 73*”-1'tZ¥‘1'Ss <#-€- -3t"$I_3hC’Y1s Lawronccc, Alhan, and so forth. In such Cases the Church 111 question was sometimes built over or near their reputed. place of suffering for Christ; and others elsewhere would take over the same name. If you study ancient dcdications throughout Blgland, you will find that the greatest number of churches is dedicated to St. Mary, sometimes with the varied. title of our Lady. This Mary is of course not the Magdelen, nor any other mentioned in Holy Scripture, but the Blessed Virgin, mother of our Lord. The second place is taken by All Saints, or All Hallows. This is a Saxon dedication, and it is significant that within your own rural dcanery, the church of Stoumouth (All Saints‘) still displays a few remains of pro—Conquest buildi__ng.. -. —But it is'of“specia1 interest that in Kent alone of English counties, All Saints'give way, as to second place to the Apostles Peter and Paul, who have always been con- sidered the patrons of Christian Rome, just as were Romulus and Remus in its pagan times. The original dedication of the now destroyed, but once mighty abbey church in Canterbury, Which for ages before its end. was known as St. Augustine‘s or Austin's, was to this martyred pair, Peter and Paul. The re—eva.ngelisation of Kent was » - entirely under Roman influence, and this may go far to explain why in this particular county the Roman protectors became so popular. After the a.bbey's change of title, however, we begin to find St. Augustine appearing in country churches, and in most cases these are known at one time to have belonged to that abbey. In a. few cases, as at Elmstono, near Wingham, the dedication‘ is unknown. In others, it "has always been constant, but rests on nothing more than tradition. Some churches now merely called St. Peter's can be proved originally to have - home the joint title to him and to St. Paul, that wonderful man who more than anyone else made struggling Christianity a. seed which took firm root. -_ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA A A AAAAAAAAAAAA-.___ Established 1786 Deliver‘ Daily Throughout Bridge FM AA AAAAAAAAAA :3:2.:....... ABBOTT * 755159 Phone Canterbury 2041 for fsfigggt MILR, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAM AND I EIICSTEURISED ‘OGHOURT MILK A CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST BOTTLED IN cAN1'Enaunv's MODERN DAIRY You are sure of a welcome Inspection Invited I I I I I I I DAIRIES I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY 3' A T I. 1 ° RED LION INN . 0 1 s. & W. ASPHALT BRIDGE I 1» FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR at I 1 SPECIALISTS OFF SALES ORD I - - ER I 1 3 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE s DELIVERED 4 * * , I TI h : : Canterbury (E2217 one Bridge 266 Just Telephone « BRIDGE 281 I 1 g\- ‘V I I G“‘:P“ PIIIIITS 214"‘? I Q ‘fig 4Q:w» : : TROJAX 0 ’ I RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY 3; GREETING CARDS s. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFF[(jE Producer and Retailer of Tuberculin Tested Guernsey Po & Milk (Certified) Golden Guernse D - 2 GUILDHALL STREET a y "7 CANTERBURY LODGE LEES FARM BARIIAM 8: DEN T I. 5345 Telephone:Tg;3;mN2r_;7CanIerbury e * * FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE A AAAAAA ___ GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILI . C W] KESSRS, NAILS. PAINTS, etC., delivered to any district _ = ‘ T "OUSE STORES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE vvwvvvvvvv V 7" wv vv vvvv- FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Noninglon 204 Bridge 220 BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money HENRY G. PRICE THE STORES, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 323 at Esso Blue and Valor Agents Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Hardware ‘k CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY The Village Butcher : E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE cf» 4000 €‘\,\C’$€‘ Phone A’ O A O‘? BRIDGE 455 TIOA, CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding TI-IRESHING 8: BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE. AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs. Overhauls and Sales E. J. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 212 MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE. BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 282 * Ovcrhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv V vvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvw DECORATING ~ PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DCCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge vvvvv