' VICAR : THE Rev. ROBERT A. PENNEY. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churclmnrrlens : MR, C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) S(’(‘I'£’l'[lI‘_\‘ & T reasm'm' .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Assistant Secretary & Treasurer (and Free Will Ofiering Secrctm-_\') .- MRS. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C hurcltwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F .W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Aims Box at Church. _ If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven—year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F .W.O. Secretary. Printed L-_\ Iilvy Brother: and Cross Ii’ Jackman Ltd., 11 Best Lane, Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESBOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE January, 1962 Go F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 * Accredited Breeding Station (Com) KN. 38 wk DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY. BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available ANN SMITH DOVER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET BRIDGE Your local DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS. BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H, HATVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialisfs in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Blouses at NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS vvv vvvvvvwvvvvvvvv N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, eLc., made to order ¥ THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLOWER GE/\-"TS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE ¥ Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—l p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE 4 LUNCHEONS DI NNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ Telephone: Bridge 249 vvvwvvvwvvvvvvvv vvv vvvv vvvv AA‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-A AAAAAAAAAAA A A4-A--..AA-_--. _ Builder and Decorator Invites inquiries. for new” buiIdings,conversions. inferior decorations and fitted» furniture, external paintinq and repairs. Advice giveri if required. E 3M'Best Lane Canterbury Te1.4301 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR D. H. WHTTTAKER (Late W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 M. S. BODY LTD. * BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY AAAAA;AAAAA-AA--‘-----_---A--- -A _ _ ENGINEERS- Car Body Repairs * Re-Cellulosmg Sheet Metal Work * R. F. ANDREWS BARHAM THE BROADWAY BRIDGE Telephone 265 WEDDING. Cl-IRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge vvvvvvwvvwvwwvvvwwwvvvvvvvvwvwwvwvvvvvvwwvvvvwvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv _ __VV_"v'vvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvwvvv vvvwvvvvvvvwv v VVV Confirmation Class: PARISH DIARY — JANUARY 1962 N.B. Holy Communion: Wednesdays at 9.30 a.m. ) _ Fridays at 7.00 a.m. )3‘ Bridge Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. — Vicarage (recommence 11th January) Choir Practice: Fridays at 6_3Q p_m_ _ Vicarage.‘ ._ §EE§l_§E2EE5 Fridays at 8.30 p.m. — Vicarage (recommence 12th January) 1 — Mon. Feast of the Circumcision 7 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge — Tu. 8 p.m. British Legion _ Evenhill House,Litt1ebourne — Wefl- 9-30 a-m. M.U. Corporate Communion & Intercessions _ Bridge Church. WM 6 — Sat. Feast of the Epiphany 5a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 1st Sunday after Epiphany 8‘OQ 3-m- HOly Communion — Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion — Bekesbourne 9-45 e.m. Sunday School _ Patrixbouxne ll-O0 8.111. Family Service ._ Bridge ‘ 11-45 a-m. Holy Communion — Briige 5-30 pvm- Service of Nine Lessons & Carols — Bridggr 14 — Sun. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 8'00 3'm- H013 Communion — Bekesbourno 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 9-45 a-m- Sunday School— Patrixbourne 11-O0 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Mhtins — Patrixbourne 3-00 P-m- Evensong — Bekcsbourne 7 6.30 p.II1. Evenggng __ Briilge Mon. 2.45 p.m. M.U. Bridge — Methodist Chapel. Tu‘ 2'30 P-m~ M.U. Bekesbourne — Village Hall. _ s‘1n‘..3I'd. Sunday after Epiphany 8.00 a.m. Holy C0mmuni3n — Patrixbourne 3-22 :-m- Parish Communion - Bridge 7;'OQ 9'?’ Sunfifiy School — Patrixbourne ago ::';::- §;“;%°r Church - Bridge ‘ '_ ”'“' ‘ lns - Bckosbourne 6-50 p-m- Evonsong — Bridge. :\,w—4r—- >—‘O\u1 If _1__ 3 S . Parish Diary-— Jenuary~l962 (contagy Conversion of St. Paul ' 7 a.m. Holy Communion ——Bridge' 28 _ Sun. 4th Sunday after Epiphany » 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion +;Bridge ‘9.45 a.m. Family Service - Petrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge. ll.OO.a.m. Metins 4 Bekesbourne _ _11-45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bckesbourne‘ '"6.3O p.m. Evensong — Bridge. :5 — Th.- EBB- 2 — Fri. Purification of the B,V.ML _' - 7 a.m. Holy Communion 5 Bridge 4 4 Sun. 5th Sunday after'Epiphany 1 Usual Services for 1st Sunday in the month. MOTHHRHJVUNION BRIDGE s'wave of Prayer . Wed. 3rd Jan.‘ 11.45 _ 12 noon. Monthly Meetings 2.45 p.m. 15th January at the Methodist Chapel,_when Mrs. Phillips from Lower Hordres is coming to—speak to us on Reading. BEKESBOURNE 2 Wave of Prayer» Wed. 3rd Jan. 11.30 — l1.45n.m. Monthly Meeting2_2.3O-p.m; l6th_Jenuary at the ,_Villago Hell; When*fie arc"to have a visit from our new Presiding Member Mrs. Bradley. HIDDEN TREASURE Recently,some‘bdnk notes were discovered by our Church Cleaner under a seat cushion in Bridge Church. If the owner Wishes to claim, please contact the Vicar — otherwise, Very manxrthanks for_an anonymous don1tion’to Church Funds. _ 2 i E" 7 VI CAR ‘ S LETTER My dear geople, Jun: M V :_ _ V _ Epiphany means the showing forth'of'Christg Christianity itself is nothing more — for when we were-made~Christiansiwegl became a living part of Jesus Christ..'Thefvery existence of the Church of Christ is the continuance of his Incarnation — for as members of the Church we_are Members_of Christ's Body, and through us Hi's'sp'irit' proffers‘ Love and Service to all men. This understanding of the nature of our religion should help us in the making of our New Year Resolutions. Be simplep he unselfish — be determined in making your resolutions and-W" DIay that by Grace you will he_enabled_to.keep\them.for'Jesus' sake. . ‘ *' p _ ' _ ‘ ' ;, _ This was our fourth Christmas;in"Bridgeiafid"d"very happy sue: We have never had so many Christmas Communicants, or such representative congregations — in spite of much illness. God bless you all in 1962 ='and’may I thank you all for your kind,encouraging and faithful support throughout 1961:- Much has been done and there is even more to do, so let us get down on our knees and get on with it. Your friend and Vicar, .ROBERT PENNEY. MONEY FOR NOTHING e FOR YOUR CHURCH A NEW YEdB RESOLUTION on the part Qfiyou benevolent business men, to contribute to the cost of running your parish church, by means of a 7-year Covenant — would-lift a great—burden of work and anxiety from the shoulders of your Vicar, Church- wrirdens, and P.C.C. To give your Church £10 pd}. would require a covenanted payment of only 36.2.6. p.a. (less than 2/3d. per week — the cost of 2 cigarettes a day only), the balance of £3.l7.6. would be recovered as Tax Refund frim Inland Revenue, Tax Qt the Standard Rate, ask the VicnI'or ahcut thu Covenant Schema — and let your Tax rgzug your contribution to church fun1s.- Our r t1;r;:r1 his.‘ — 3 —-V If you pay Churohwardcns .c.or inc is great an. 1- il! I-s “position across the West end of the BEKESBOURNE . .1 appeal t9 all Wh0.l0Ve this fihe and ancient littlegi . ‘church to help forward our plans.for its preservation and ’improvement.-., -. , .-~ -~ . i . ST. PETER'S The decision to replace ohsolete and inefficent gas 1ight_l ing and heating by the latest, most efficient and economical electrical system is being oxecuted“cs soon as §gssih1e_:,1his _spring g and not A MOMENT TOO SOON. ~Our organ, recently re- rconditionedlat,the cost of over £400 has already suffered severe deterioration through the_gas fumes — and the-beautiful alabas- tcr memorial in the Bell Eower-is'rapid1y.disintcgrating5 due .also_to the chemical reaction of the fumes. ‘ ' - " Frcm_the convenience and labour saving point of view, the electrical system will be a great boon Ce-g. Mr. C. hgd;to wslk'to church at §,a.m. on Christmas Day to light the heaters so that the church would be warm for the 8 n.m. servicel). A further improvement 1S being contemplafisig namely the removal of the Oak Screen frdm"aai¢§§ the Chancel (where it separates Choir and Vicar-from the Congregation) to a new [Church to form Vestries'for the Choir and Bell—ringers. ' ' It will save a great deal of time and money to carry out all these improvements at the same time and I hope to have , the-full support of the parish. We already have the necessary funds for most Of the work — but more is needed. May I now have your donations, please 4Has generous as your means 3 't_ l P”I@1,i ROBERT PENNEY 1' Vicar.’ . ALTAR LINEN Gifts of fine linen and/or lace suitable for making into Altar Cloths, etc., would be_epprcci%ted and offers to hQ1Pj“ in the making. -Please discuss this with the Vicar if you are intcrestcd.'.All the church linen at Bridge_and at Bekcsbourne really needs to be replaced. ' JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Christmas Fair: This event, organised by Miss Wass, Mrs.Meigh and the teachers and members, was held on 9th December and was most successful. We thank_all those who gave things to sell and all those who supported us with their presence. Our funds benefitted by over £15. ' ' ' Annual Prizegiving: This took place on Sunday,-l7th December, before an audience of parents and friends. ’The children mimed a delightful Nativity Play, accompanied by a choir of oarollers. H We are most grateful to Miss Wass and Mrs. Meigh for.organising this, and also to Miss Seath for her help with the Nativity Play, and Miss Wiltshire, who took over the duties of accompanst at the last minute. Greetings;'The:st3ff.and members of the Junior Church wish all their_friends a very happy New Year, especially the Mums and Dads.‘ "V ‘ _ _ _ AFTERTHOUGHTS on the PARISH RETREAT gntil I Spanft 3 weekend at St. Gabriels I had imagined that a 'Retreat' would be a very solen time and more suited to high- y minded intellectuals. that this is no_t so_. ; .. A ‘ On the Friday evening we were welcomed by the Conductor, Father Lamb,-the Warden and staff. After being shown to our rooms there was time before supper_to have a 106k r0und the house and choose suitable books from the well-stocked library. Having had supper we assembled in the beautiful Chapel where Father Lamb spoke;to us about the programme for the weekend. There were to be addresses on Prayer, the Offices of Holy Commun- ion, Matins and Compline, times of Intercession, private prayer and ample time for walking. »After'saying Compline we were plunged into silence until lunch time on Sunday. One imagines that being in silence would create-loneliness, but in fact it had the opposite effect. I found that I was able to think far more easily about my spiritual life in these’ conditions and any doubts in my mind seemed to be answered in the addresses. If one felt the need for advice or confession, the Conductor was available at all times. The one thought that sticks in my mind, taken from the _ 5 _ ‘I was agreeably surprised to discover ' - . dedication by tradition only, sddreases, is that in prayer it is not what Go d d that counts, it is what He does with you. oes EEE you As well as being spiritually stiulating the Retreat wa also a period of re-creation and perhaps the fact that 1 as looking forward to the next one will make you want to_°°me along. D.M. Little Stour Records — V.J.Torr CHURCH DEDICATIONS (Contd.) Perhaps the foremost authority which decides doubtful dedi f::lO?;:: fggnd in the last wills of parishioners of a particu- < ‘p e , r in medieval times they would often insert in their testaments the name of the patron saint of their rish church. This brings us to your own three parishes pa _ £ATRIXBOURNE This ancient church, called st. Mgryus, is an example of the _ _ for apparently no , 1 a t Positively states the fact.. e?r y acumen h BRIDGE goen w; come to this church, (formerly a chapel of Patrix— u¥fl? s We are on firmer ground. Today it is knon.as st. P?t9T S: and this is confirmed as valid by a parishioner's will calling it so, in the year 1474. St_l _ BEKESBOURNE Si1_% known likewise as St. Peter's, we find it confirmed by a m1 ar W111 of 1507 — the same date as that on one of the grasses in the neighbouring church of Goodnestone (prounced Gunston"). Exwfitlis always Of great intesst to find very rare dedications. ( =_P 05 in.Kent are St. Vincent (Littlobourne), st. He1en C11ffe—e.t-H00) .~.nc1 st. Oswald (Paddlesworth, near Bythe). Eijizharefiall unique in Kent, whereas two only of its old Cfiristes ere nemed after SS. Cosmus and Damien, two early ‘lan Physicians — at Blean and Challock. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA T CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST- BOTTLED IN GANTERBURY’S MODERN ' ‘ nmgy You are sure of a welcome Inspection Invited BEST Groceries BEST Value for Money AUTOMOBILE AGRICULTURAL & HENRY G. PRICE 1 I 3 Es1.ablishcd1T86 E FAMILY BUTCHERS CHAS. H. 4 T-—-—--——-——-————-—’ Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge , BR[D(;E 1 Ffizcxtt 31' ' I C1arl{§R,§)lGE}£%?,rnden AORIciULTuRA(L}WEEIE GENERAL 4 ;g§.|§:g'U'*'" Phone Canterbury 2041 for NONINGTON MOWEVIZ A‘ND BALING 1 IHILK’ EGGS’ BUTTER’ CREAM AND Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 Acetylene and Electrical Welding 1 and YOG]-[OURT Lawn Mower Grinding 1 PASEEURISED THRESHING 8.‘ BALING CONTRACTORS 1 MIL I 1 1 1 at 3 THE sTOREs, BRIDGE NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY BRIDGE ‘ .,e,_ 3553 Tel.: Bridge 323 Tel_: 348 : ~ ’ ~k Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied 1 S. & WI. I Esso Blue and Valor Agents 1 FLAT R001: AND FLOOR * I. Birds-Eye Frosted Foods Auto Electrics and Batteries ‘ SPECIALISTS OFF-SALES ORDERS DELIVERED . Hardware 5 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE * : I * F- R- WOODWARD * 4 3 Telephone, . Just mephone { mi . CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY 1 Camerbury 2257 Bmige 266 BRIDGE 281 £ ' Repairs, Overhauls and Sales 1 ’ I The Village Butcher‘ 1 9’ Joy “'4: ’ ' : ¢,.«;:.v~ a,;;;4,% . E. J. PURSSORD 13- 1- DYSON 4 qr-V ,R.,_,Ax Va > BRIDGE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES P"°“°= 321 HIGH STREET. BRIDGE i 1 STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages Tel’: Bridge 212 DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge ._-..__.........-....- -- - ---..- - -----..A-.' ‘AAA--- - --._AA--A..AAAA_AA..A-t-‘_..AAAAAAA‘; ( a 1 ' ’ MOTOR ENGINEER < . PLOUGH & HARROW 1 Producer and Retailer of Tubercuiin Tested Guernsey PI & i , S. T. 1 Milk (Certified) 2 GUILDHALL STREET 9 BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE < Golden Guernsey Dairy 0?» 4°C T°"’ B""g° 282 CANTERBURY IS 0 at I LODGE LEEs FARM T I $g-\»‘C$ Ph0ne= ‘"004 Overhauls and Repairs ‘ BARHAM T&1 EENTIDN, Nr. Canterbury cl" 5345 I 0 BRIDGE 455 I701‘; Tyre Service — Battery Charging ecp one: arham 277 * , it I FRESH CREAM A SPECIAUTY FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE : DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS I I pg---‘ GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS. PAINTS, etc., delivered to any district C. W. MARTIN, KENT HOUSE STORES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE vv&999‘..''v ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V ' V V v v v v v v v v v v v v V V V . V V v-’ EA-‘ VICAR .- THE REY. ROBERT A. PENNEY. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C/l'rlI'(‘}ll1.‘(1I‘d(’IlS : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) 5(’(‘I‘(’l(lI‘_\' & Tr'z>as1u'€r' : MR. C. A. POTTER. Assistam‘ Secretary & Trecrsu/'e1'(aml Free Will Offering Secretary) : MRS. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C /zurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F .W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine. and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. lf you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F .W.O. Secretary. Pri.'iu.d L;'l:1i'_» Bwum. and Cross iv Jaclunan l.(d., ll Besl Lane, Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE E WITH BRIDGE ND A BEKESBOURNE A .-. ; ........~—¢ V. ‘'‘”‘:T~5-. :. .V‘ ' - =; " 1 e ~ " -.-t-3% /9' =- 2* U ‘;._,5‘ ‘'1 I . ta CHURCH A MAGAZINE February, 1962 fig":-u‘ --14 . ‘ G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKE-SBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 * Accredited Breeding Station (Com.i K.N. 38 ‘k DAY OLD CHICKS I-IATCI-IING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS AAA-AA-AAAAAAAA4.AAAAAAA BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 31:: PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available ANN SMITH DOVER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET BRIDGE N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ’(~ THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA B. FLOWER GENTS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE ‘V- Hours .' WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—I p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Blouses NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE *- LU NCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4‘- Telephone : Bridge 249 vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv V V, v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Bostock Ltd. A R1cha.rd - Builder and Decorator Invites inquiries for new buildingsconversions. interior decorations and fitted furniture, external paintinq and repairs. Advice giveri if required. . ‘ 3 Best Lane Canterbury M4301 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR >‘( D. H. WHITTAKER (Late W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 M. S.LBODY LTD. at BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY ENGINEERS Car Body Repairs ~k Re-Celluiosing Sheet Metal Work * R. F. ANDREWS BARHAM ' AY THE Telephone 265 i V V V‘ V v vwvvvvvvvvvvvvv v v vvwvwvwvwvvv WEDDING CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge V‘ V‘ v vvv v .pARIs'g DIARY _ FEBRUARY 1962 Parish Diary - Feb]:-ua.ry 1962 (Cont) 1 9-30 a.m. Parish Communion - Bekesbourno ' N.B. Holy Communion: Wednesdays at 9.30 a,.m. ) _ 24 .. mt. St. Matthias 11-M- . _ Fridays at 7.00 a.m. ) 3* Bridge mmion — Bridge Conrimatiori Class: Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. Vicarage ' 25 " Sun‘ Sex” esim Choir Practice: Fridays at > 6.30 p.m. Vicarage. -7 Holy Communion — Bridge _ Youth Fellowship: Fridays at, 7.30 p.m. ._.9.45 51.11. Family Service — Patrix our-ne S17”-5-V GTOUP3 Fridays at 8-30 p.m. Vicarage. I 11.00 cum. Junior Church - Bridge 1 ' ' 11.00 a.'m. Mati_nS (short) i— Bekesbwme 2 - Fri. Purification of the B.V.M. 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesboume 7 -:-m- Holy Communion — Bridge. _ _ 6.30 p-r.1- _I93VenS0ng — Bridge- 4 - Sun. Stiol Sunday after Epiphany V Mar. _ V » 7- ‘ 0.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixboume V ~ Sun. iCeS for the 1st Sunday in month_ 3 ' l 9-45 a-m- Sunday School — Patrixboume — - , 11.00 a..m. Family Service - Bridge ~- ' ‘ 1 "ne _ 't N 15 , NEWS ITEMS & NOTICES FOR THE Marc; E18351 , ‘ 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge Edi or's o 9- should reach the Vicar NOT L.;T1‘.-R TH.Al\T. 21st Feb: ’ 5-30 p.121. Evensong.-,,B.ridge ‘ 5 1'' >H°n- 3 13.111. IMGIM. C.of E. Chi1ciren's Society Count Hut 1 ' ‘ 6 — Tu. 3 p.m.' British Legion — Duke William, Ickham. y 0 e C C CHURCH OF ENGLAND CHILDREN'S SOCIETY if I M 7 " 791- 9-30 8--m- M.U.Corporate Communion & Ititercessions — Bridge Church. This is one of the most important ch.~,rita=.ble works Ofi:1:: Church to which we give our SUPPGN7 and last Year We h . over £38 for the funrls of the Canterbtlry Branch? (Of Whlc . « |_.u 1 — Sun., 6th Sunday after Epiphany a.m. Iliojly gormunion — Bekesboume the Vicar i,s‘cha,j.1-mafi). 7 h . a.m. ‘o-y ommunion — Bridge ‘; —— V _ at _M — -r_.h fh. 9.45 a.r;. Slmday School — Pntrixboume The Annual General I.-ice-‘films of 1.10 Society’ at.Wh}c:e e 11.00 mm. Junior church __ Bridge 1 _.1I'C11biShOp will take the chair, vii). take p.ace inl Wu arm 11.00 3,43, Ma-tins __ Patrixboume County Hotel on I\Eonr.L§.y, 5th Fcbru-?..ry at 3 ]\).I:1-9 _an_-. in ‘X4 “invited to bé present if you are Interested- 3-O0 P-T1“ EVenSOng — Bekesboume 5'30 P-T~“~ Evensong — Bridge MOTHERS’ UNION 13 - TU- 7-15 p..r:.. Friends’ W1'r~t D ' . ,. -t < . 18 — Séftuagcsima in rive — The Close‘, ' - —-———BR.IDGE3 Corporate Comiunicn & Interccsslmsg Mad.’ 71h F533-01315-;'L1i‘i,l‘* 3'0? H01‘? Comunicn ‘ P’"'triXb°”me ' N~~t N t‘ m licthoclist Church, ’19tn‘Feb. at 2.45 13-H- (,.O3 .:..r:;. Parish Communion _ Bridge “C we lnbi _' C St} icy _ HHOW we got our CI-ood.s".*. 1714.?) a.:;. Sunday School — Patrixbourne '1 Sgegikf-mg cThbo§-S,‘-Er; Cor-u:1ur(1iJon° Stmrlay, 11th Feb. 8 a..m- . 1i,..,r:) a.r,i. u'unior Church -— Bridge for? :,in_‘g"3 Ha1l,‘2_30 p_£.__ 20th Feb. “L?” '“mM” ‘ B°k°“"’b°“me Nut MOO mg“ " “Sta 1~. _ "The Bible in English". _ 6.10 p.:;. Ev-zneongr _ Bridge SPCRKQT3 Deaconess "p““y 19 — Lira. ’. F -u ?»-r " . . 1 20 TM 45 p.... firjllgo i-.U. — Methodist Chapd , .. u. .4. J p.:..-. ire/.:1;::Lourn.; j,',Ub __ Village E311 1 .. 2 _ 3 7 pg;/, '\»]c-:,;.r,-nvg l'J1:;‘|;i‘bu‘G<;- — Bridge Vi‘! lagg H,-111“ ‘ 1 " _‘—- —v»——;,———j———-;" VICnR‘S LETTER Ky dear People, Vith so many houses being built and new families coming into our Parishes, it is most important to look out for the newcomers and make them welcome. Please call upon them yourselves, give them a church magazine, and let me know that they have moved in. I want to keep up—to—date with arrivals, and I need your help. Newcomers in Bekesbournc, Patrixbourne and Bridge - if I have not yet visited you and you would like me to call, Please drop me a line and say when is the best time. q- ‘ CONFIRT_L'.TI0lI at Bridge LSCENSIOII aY;731str:;.:§.y, 1962 liult ptrishioncrs, who are not-Gonfirmed are warmly invited to approach me for private preparation and instruction, ‘ with .2 View to CONFIRM.-'v;TION. — . __ ZKESBOURRE CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS: The P.C.C. have ratified all the plans mentionei in the January Magazine, and alreaiy.the \ Electric Cable has been laid up to the church. We now face the ask of finding the cost. A SPRING FAIR is contemplated, ani all who would like to help are invited to start 333 making ani collecting articles for sale. ;'..'.G_7.ZElE DISIURIBUTION: 7;; iolivcr cur parish magazines. billy ncoici in Bckesbcurne and Briige to share the work and lighten the burden of our present faithful few. If you would like to help, please attend an informal zocting and tea party at the Vicarage, 3 p.m. on Wed. 14th Feb. (St. Valentine's Da ). Our grateful thanks are due to all MORE distributors are :3 best Wishes to all who are sick or housebouni. Please l;t me know if you wopli like a visit. Yours sincerely, ROBERT PENNEY. _7 J.. AID TO REFUGEES — A new Campaign A letter from the British Council of Churches, Intor—Church Aid and Refugee Service thanks us for our share in raising their income for 1961 to £670,000. They are now planning a FREEDOM FROM HUNGER CAMAIGN in co_operntion with all leading Missionary Societies. Altogether the Refugee Year campaign raised £9,000,000. This seems a wonderful total — until one realises that in the some period we spent on ourselves a thousand times as much on GAMBLING, even more than that on DRINK, and still much more on SMOKING!!! C O N G R A T U L L T I O N S * * * * to JOHN HARRIS, of Bridge, elected the Captain of the Junior Section of Canterbury Golf Club for 1962, and to NEVILLE CHRISTOPHERSON, of Patrixbourne, nominated for the Presidency of the Kent Cricket gssociotion. A very popular choice. ‘- ‘ CHIROPODY SERVICE The County Council now operates a Chiropody Service in the Bridge/Blean area, available to olierly people, expectant mothers and physically handicapped persons. There is a standard charge of 4s. per person for treatment in any one week, but any applicant who feels unable to pay this charge may_ask fior.an assessment of means to pay a lesser amount, or nothing at all. For further information, please write tos- H.T.Suckling Esq., District Officer, Health Dept. 15, Test Cliff, UHITSTABLE. _ 4 _ if E JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES _ lic‘:.bersl:iD: The Junior Church is an essential part of the LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF THE CANTERBURY HOSPITALS (BRIDGE GROUP) Christi.-,~,n life of the parish, catering for tiny toddlers up At the whis-.5 Drive in December £11 1 to children old enough for Confirmation. Our meetings are we thank all those land people who gavO5Suchwa11:v:$.1sod3 and 1:311 in the Church itself, so that even the youngest of the . and'ona.bled us to make this evening such a successy Prizes children soon get to feel the atmosphere of God's House, and The Febnn m___ t _ " to sense His Presence th_ere._ This sense of reverence is next one Wi_|‘1r§;e 'O*I11S13£:1V9b1‘31S0d 8- further £3.l0.0. The apparent in even the young'ost',= and is a. great joy to us. As . at 7-15 P-U. at The Close. they grow in age and membership, the children get a very - V " The Group has bought Place M.->,ts for every pptient at g-'O-C1 grounding in the Christian Faith, as laid down in the H . _-'. The Close, and provided artificial flower displdrg S “[1 Church Catecliism. '.'.'e have a good. staff and the atmosphere . I at Christmas every patient was given 5; presentty ' * so is 2. brother and sister one; as it should be. ‘ - ' . ’ E ' ‘ Y :?.fJJ..C1.”.I‘kCo (Hon. Sec.) On the first Sunday in each month, the meeting istnotg confined to members of the Junior Church, but is a.--'"Fa.rnily ' 7 ' BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE ’,.7OI:iENS. INSTITUTE 3.3_‘gr_j_7c§2_‘V‘,. so that the parents cgnhshare with theirchilclronl h — The February meetin .11 b _ _ ’ J ini‘f;1_Qi1y'-“.‘VOrShip_. . would like more pa‘ronts.eto;:.=;o.ome..tq;N__.; at Bridge on -Tupsdp 8 W1__ (2 held in the V1llage.Ha11 ; service and g:_'Lve_us their help and support in thiS ‘ _-..'1‘al'k: Cooking Ecn:g:.t:S::o:e:ruI:_IV at 7 P-’—“=- ‘__C‘:ristie.n training. ‘ _ ; _ __ Competitions Peppeminit Cream: 15$ P. Angeu S'E'G'B' are a growing parish. Eany families are coming _ to live here and bringing children with them. To _these 7 _ BRITISH LEGION — LITTLEBOURNE & DISTRICT BENCH people -gve extend a. very lie:-.rt_7 welcome and an assurance that -_ (including BEKESBOURNE) cvcn —‘Wlil“:rS ‘-7111 find in the 5“mi°1" Chu1‘°1‘- an al!fi5SPh0r0 ‘ " Results of the Poppy D13’ Appe~1= of frienrlliness and Welcome because we are not ‘est a 9 Sunday School, we are 9. famil;/. House to House collecting tins £74. 12, 10, . . . "' Church C ll= t’ Let us lmow if you would like children collected. Contribution: Ions 2;. 1;. 10' - I V O U 0 O. J.D.S.'1ith.' pi ‘ 1 Wreaths . 2_ 12. 6_ £108. 3. 2. SI‘. PEER’ S YOUTH F.ELLO':TSHIP Elects every Friday at 7.30 p.rn.in the Village Hall; and ' ' We most sincerely thank 311 whe he1_p,3.:;_, gaspeciajly the CC'!l‘til’lLlr,S to thrive. A new Electric '1lc,corcl Player and 0. 7 ' Womens‘ Institute in our ere-L1, who carried out the nest . I ~_ ' — a _ x ; set of S:':l7‘.I't blue Football Jerseys have been bought out of 0n0mous task of house to house colhction Club I”u:1'1s. ‘ - Th . t ' - '- win A '?~' ‘W * . - i . . - . ” CI‘ ‘x-hi-Pt Drive hold in D\.C'.,I:1bc,I‘ realised a flfifit '00 the Branch of nearly £10, which Will enable us to S 13 those in need. -5 - Nvt » n . Dl1kOl.:1l11€!.I11, Ick.‘rJ.ar., 8 p.m., 6th Feb. _. 6 ._ __p _5_ _ A ,_______ A L ___ ___ ._ _ F’ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAA Established 1786 ABBOTT For LOCAL TUBERGULIN TESTED . CHANNEL ISLANDS I PASTEURISED DAIRIES MILK A BOTTLED IN CANTEREURY’S MODERN DAIRY Inspection Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 3553 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge * Phone Canterbury 2041 for MILK, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAM AND YOGHOURT S. & W. ASPHALT FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR SPECIALISTS 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE *1: Telephone: Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 $9” JOY 4; 5:35? F9‘ PAINTS 414':;7:,% *1 TROJAX o RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST You are sure of a welcome RED LION INN BRIDGE ‘k OF F-SALES ORDERS DELIVERED * Just Telephone BRIDGE 281 Producer and Retailer of Tuberculin Tern-d Gll('I‘II.V(’y Milk (Ccrlified) Golden Guernsey Dairy LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM’& DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Iclcplioni.-: I3.'Al'Ill1I1I 277 ‘Ar FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY P. Hawksfield & Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 5345 * FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A C(iAR&I3!\'J"E(/)€fi.S’, l‘ I ~k - BRIDGE . S‘ & W‘ * ’ Esso Blue and Valor Agents FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR 1 Birds-Ey F t a F d SPECIALISTS OFF-SALES ORDERS DELIVERED { ' Hirdffafe 0° S 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE * I ‘ ‘ * I * Telephone: Just Telephone D : CIVILITY DELIVERY QUALITY Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 BRIDGE 231 4’ > we; J“ »:’‘P4 : 3 The Village Butche,._\ 91- gr» PAINTS 4! ‘#5 Tnmmx 4Qhfk : { EL JI]?[”RSSK)I{I) _ I BRIDGE RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES ; 1 Phone: 321 STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE , English and Imported Meat p - Home-made Sausages R . Auto Electrics and Batteries F. R. WOODWARD Repairs. Overhauls and Sales E. DYSON AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 212 PLOUGH & HARROW Prurz‘ucer and Remiler of Tuberculin Texled Guernsey P. Hawksfield & Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET INN, BRIDGE Milk (Certified) AAA--A-----AAA Golden Guernsey Dairy CANTERBURY } $0?) 4000 LODGE LEEs FARM “L 5345 ; g 1509 Phone: 414,00 BARHAM II DENTON, Nr. Canterbury * O? BRIDGE 455 *|T1ON FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY Telephone : Barham 277 MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE. BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 ‘A’ Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service ~ Battery Charging * FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS, PAINTS, etc.. delivered to any district C. W. MARTIN, KENT uousr. STORES, HIGH S’l‘REE’l‘, BRIDGE DeCENT & HOGBEN AAA---‘ DECORATING # PAINTING ~ SIGNWRITING R BUILDING REPAIRS Union Road, Bridge VIC/{R .' THE REY. ROBERT A. PF..\’7\'EY. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH. -'1. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge Z60) PATRIXBOURNE. WITH BRIDGE C/mrcIm‘ar'dw1s : MR, C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) SecI'ciar_\' & Tr€a.s‘ureI' .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Assislam S€CJ'c’Iar_\‘ & Treasurer (and Free Will O_{7erI'ng Secretary) : MRS. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) BEKESBOURNE C hm'clm'ardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Secretary .' MR5. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) T reasmer .' MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank—oIIering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. lf you care to pledge a definite amount by 21 seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. Printed by El‘-‘y Brother: sand Cross 4%.’ laekmam l.Ld., ll Ural Lane, L.3antei'l.vur‘). PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESBOURNE FATRIXB I U ‘ CHURCH MAGAZINE May, I962 su=ErER a meal CHRISTIAN FAMILY YEAR From May 1962 to May 1963 parishes in this diocese will be observing Christian Family Year, with the approval of the Archbishop, who, with Her Majesty the Queen, is its patron. The one great purpose will be to bring home to all the supreme value of the family and their place in the life of the Church of today. All members of the Mothers‘ Union and a1l_women are earnestly asked to keep 16th May 1962 as a day of personal dedication MOTHERS‘ UNION FESTIVAL SERVICE: Members of both branches are reminded of this special service which is to be held at the Cathedral on Wednesda 23rd May at 5.30 p.m. Those attending are asked to be in thei seats by 4.45 p.m. BRIDGE: Corporate Communion & Intercessions — Wed. 2nd May at 9.30 a.m. Special Corporate Communion for commencement of Christian Family Year — Wed. 16th May at 9.30 a.m. Branch Meeting: 21st May at 2.45 p.m. in the Methodist Church, when the speaker will be the Rev. Eric Stanton. There will be a Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Sale in Mrs. Ledger's garden on Friday, 18th may from 10.30 a.m. — 12 noo to which all ladies of the parish are cordially invited. BEKESBOURNE: Corporate Communion — Sunday 13th May at 8 a.m. Branch Meeting 15th May at 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall, at which Mrs. Ledger will speak on some aspects of Christian Family Year. ' LEAGUE or FRIENDS or CANTERBURY HOSPITALS (BRIDGE GROUP) Once again the Group has cause to be very grateful to the Bfirhflm Players: Who: by their Very amusing and well acted play "Sailor Beware", gave a large audience a hilarious evening and at the same time contributed £7 to the Group Funds. BRIDGE & PATRLXBOURNE wommvs INSTITUTE The next meeting, on 15th May at 7 p.m. in th e Village Hall, will be the Resolutions M eeting and Members‘ Night. on}: LOCAL CHURCHES - -6 ' .' lustrated lecture will be given Another 1n§e.Ire..:1xgs ~.on Fflday; 1 8th May by M,_ V_J_Torr, at Bridge LS0C:h9Q_1K:nt h§;£oi_ian_ Th,-_s_.shou1d prove of great the Well’ -93“ ~ - 1e .hd’«5n are warmly invited to interest tolall 10951 P°°P '“ f A ' ' ‘ " 1: dl .- ' .. " at en ’ ’ » cHRI':Tc"-imczz COLL'3GI3, 'C.LI‘I"ERBURY _ _ v ‘ in September 1962 with This new training coi::§:t:S °P;:::§ will be no residential seventy men and women s'n their first year and an appeal is accommodation fzrdthegpie to act as hostesses. Generous made to interes e P9 k th Vicar for further boarding terms are offered. As e information. CMTERwRy.p1ocEsAN YOUTH CAMP 1962 ‘ last year, there will be F°11°"””‘g 8' m°St Successful camp 1 t s t. 1962 at another this year; iigm lafignfiug. Ehescosipwill be £3.5s.Od. Stowtinfi CO§::g5§ Obogfifgg fee for each week. The age per wee , p — limit ls 14+ - 20 Years- _ . . . - b holiday. Each The emphasistgf camp;-ggaziaei WE Elgpe’ an cmpbrs day will end wi an ep tunit of joining in the will come. We shall have an ophor Y 8 this will be fans work on severgl occasions. In many way a holiday to remem er-- t _ . ' d ‘cation forms; Plefise “rite 0'- For more inform;::o;e:? M:§§::1 Upton, Diocesan House, Lady Wootton's Greens CANTERURY' BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE PRIl.'IARY- SCHOOL . _ . 1-ted their The Staff and Children wig: t: 0d_ Jamble Sale on 7th Apr11- 9 9- . ;E2?W? ' . all who The mesh Rea cross S°°1?*Y 6." ‘“°“‘ %i2*i§2i{‘Z. so kindly 0°11e°t°d f°r them 1n.Br1dge.v r last year's £ll.2s.lld. is an increase of £1.11s. 0 8 collection. D-M-P- _ 6 — ,h4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- -_- AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A G. F. TYLER CHOTA I'0UL'l‘R\' FARM BEKI-ZSB()L7RNE Tel. Bridge 345 ‘A’ Accrediied Breeding Station (Com) KN. 38 * DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Lid. 1 THE BROADVVAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 3141 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available ANN SMITH DOVER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET BRIDGE Your local DRAPERS. OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HATVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Km'Iii'ear, Sldrls and Blouses NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, clC.. made to order 4 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLO\VER GI3f\"’[".S' HA I.RI)R1;‘.s‘.$'l:‘R BRIDGE ‘V- H rmrs .' WEEKDAYS iiilrgludirii-; SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—I p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 pm. THE WHITE HORSE INN IHHDGE #- LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4‘ Telephone: Bridge 249 _A ...-an‘. A A AAAAAA A A AAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAA Ciiiliial-Ii‘ Bostock Ltd. AAAA A AA A-.. Builder and Decorator lnviies inquiries for new buildings, conversions. inferior decorations and fitted furniture,-external painiina and repairs. Advice given if required. . 3 Best Lane Canterbury""Tel'. 4301 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR * . D. H. WHITTAKER (Late W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 P ' M. s. BODY LTD. BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING 3. SANITARY Car Body Repairs ‘k Re-Cellulosing‘ Sheet ‘Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY BRIDGE ENGINEERS ".‘ . BARHAM ‘Telephone 265 WEDDING. CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv wwv-wvwvvvvvvvvvv vv vvvvv ‘V- vvvvvwvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvv V vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vv v 7 if H.B -—n—L- mav 1 2 13 15 16 18 20 PARISH DIARY — MAY 1962 Holy Communion: Confirmation Class; Choir Practice: Youth Fellowshigfi Tu. Wed. Sun. Tu. Wed. Fri. Wednesdays at 9.30 a.m. ) , Fridays at 7.00 a.m. ) Bridge Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. Vicarage Fridays at 6.30 p.m. in Church Fridays at 7.30 p.m. SS.Philip & James AA.EM. 7 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge St. Mark (transferred) 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge (M.U.Corporate & Intercessions) 2nd Sunday after Easter 8.00 9.30 9-45 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. a..1I1. B.-X11. a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Parish Communion — Bekesbourne Sunday School — Patrixbourne Family Service — Bridge Holy Communion — Bridge , Evensong — Bridge 8 p.m. Village Hall Committee — £11 Representatives invited to attend 3rd Sunday after Easter 8.00 9.00 9-45 11.00 11.00 3.00 6.30 a. In. a.m. 3. m. a..In. a..m. p.m. Pom: Holy Communion — Bekesbourne Holy Communion — Bridge Sunday School — Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Matins — Patrixbourne Family Service - Bekesbourne Evensong — Bridge 2.30 p.m. Bekesbourne M.U. — Village Hall. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge (M.U.Corporate) 10.30 a.m. — 12 noon. M.U.Coffee Morning - Lynton House 8 p.m. Illustrated Lecture, ’Our Local Churches" by V.J.Torr — Bridge School. 4th Sunday after Easter 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Parish Communion - Bridge Sunday School — Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Parish Diary — Hgy 1962 (cont') U-Festival Service - Cathedral Family Service — Patrixbourne Ma-tins (Short) — Belcesboume Holy Communion — Bekesbourne Holy Communion — BRIDGE. Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Dover Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Parish Communion — Bekesbourne Sunday School — Patrixbourne Commonwealth Youth Service - Bridge 20 - Sun- 11-00 a.m- Matins — Bekesbourne 5-30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge 23 - Wed. 5.30 p.m. M. 27 — Sun. Rogation & Industrial Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m- 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. 31 - Th. Ascension Day 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 7.00 p.m. CONFIRMATION — Bridge June 2 ~ Sat. 6.30 p.m. Deanery Choir Festival — Ash church 3 — Sun. Sunday after Ascension 8.00 a.m. 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge at Sweets, Jumble etc. BEKESBURNE SPRING FAYRE In aid of Church Improvements Scheme 2.30 p.m. Sideshows & Amusements, Produce, PLEASE COME, Sat. 26th May 1962 BEKESBOURNE SCHOOL Pony Rides, Cakes & Fancy Goods, Garden Plants, BRING & BUY Children specially welcome i —: . .. V . Ev VIC1a_R'S LETTER .. . , . ANNUAL PARO_CH_!'AL<"CHURCH MEETINGS :- HC dear P901119: _ * The following electionsanzi appointments were made:— First, I thank you for a very generous Easter Offering, for ‘ ‘M _ I _ ' BEKESBOURNE ’ a A t ‘ which I am most gratefill. _ Easter Sunday was a lovely day, with _ » '? strong congregations at all services. It was ‘brought to "la 3 W11fI'?d R‘ Mowllv H'S'Sh°1'9«V' close by Festal Evensong at Bridge, attended by the Bishop of Dlocesan Rfiresentatlve” _-P'_;.WatsV°n‘T3Y1°I' E_ Dover’ who preached us 3 fine Sermom It was typically kind Ruri-Decanal Representatives: Mr. .&.l'Irs. S. Grey, "Fred Carey of the Bishop that he chose to come to us_ on such an important . 3 The 5'b°Ve EX*°ff1°1°)9 and " V and busv day, when he must‘ have been very tired indeed. We Mesdames Beige” Jul’-V’ MaP1e*’ Noble’ ‘_Penney’ Sandall’ shall welcome him again very soon when he comes for our S9Ve1'I1y Try’-181‘-y and Misses ‘Douglas and June Had]./ow*. COr‘fimatiOn_ ‘ ‘ __ Messrs. Ash, Maple and Noble. — A. co:-.i”@:’~7*-f TION at BRIDGE : Ascension Day 4. 31st ‘May. ' ' - _..____H°n- Se°- " M1‘S-i_i5="mda11- - 1'41" -Stanley Grey- This sei-«ice will be at 7 p.m., but all Candidates will ____.3ideSme“3' ‘*3 bef°Te- -» - , ' require to be in Church by 6.30 p.m. — detailed instructions. 4 V 1>ATR1X3oURNE WITH B31993 will be issued to them personally. _ -—---»'----- " , . .» ..._;—,_.._ _-_ _ . _ . " ' ‘ ChuI‘ch.waa'd.ens2_ Chas. _A._._Potter, Capt. A..E.W.F'arish—Sand.bach. 1’-7-ease P133’ for °u1‘.13 Young Candidate-S-3-M.-.. . — " - Diocesan Repre’sentati‘\?e: John Williamson __ _1 __ > k ' Girls: Margaret Blakeys Pauline Fuggles ‘Cherry Hunter, Diana . Ruri—Decanal. Representatives: Miss seat‘h,—lirs. Meigh, bIrs.Young.*' Lone)’, Kathleen Penney, EliZ6.beth,Pratt, Francesca Purchese . P.c.c.Membez-s:."'The above (einofficio) and - and Jennifer Young. Boxsz _Peter Fitton, Roger Fuggle, Mesaames Greenwood-, penney, getter, smith, wiltshirg and Anthony Purchase, William Webb and John'Young. Miss \syso1_»1«a+, ‘ _ - ‘ — The will make their FIRST collllIINIoN"at Brid. e on 3rd June Messrsi B5-*1“‘31‘*= .°had_Wi°k: Ch1”iS*°Pher3°’?’ KG-‘1S‘3Y..2 MiFm1°‘°"'_ , and H1‘: Bishop of Dover will Celebmtg g ——-—-- Rooke, Strongitharm, Williams. J.D. Smith, ;é_-,;;l3flgi_- (ex Offlclo) . ' ‘ Hon. Sec. lIrs..J.D. Hon. Traas. C.A‘.Potter.- Fl’-JEILY YELR2 We must congratulate the Mothers‘ Union Sidesmeng As befol-_é_ :—j'~.__ forhaving initiated a much nee_zied_. campaign to bring about ' ' _* Denotes new members. ‘ sanctification and strengthening of F‘éE:'1ily’Life.' Ofcourse _ . . ‘ ~‘ * ' nothing can be achieved Without the -willing co—operation of _ . : 'COMMOmrf[_:;ALTH YOUTH SUNDAY ‘ parents, but this campaign may cause Fathers and Mothers of - -. _. , S ' _ families to question and examine the quality of their family A on 313583’: 3131 Juney Services: for Commonwealth Youthamday life and their own example anduleadership in all its aspects. will be held 3]-lt°Ve1' the W°1'1d-- This" V931‘ is the Jubilee - _ of the movement. ' NH CITIZEN is the name of an attractive new Church newspaper _. _t ‘ __ - —- . _‘ _ which caters for the whole family. Copies will be available _ We_Sha11 have eunited" servi»‘ee--for eur~~youth.orgAn1.Sat1.Is'II1.I: F‘.eLI[LY YEAR is a Church campaign '—"a mission to the Nation — to re—think, re-learn and re—practise true ' Christianity in personal, family, parochial and national life This needs faith, and faith (to quote again the Archbishop,) means — ' I "The conviction. that/_pthe world is in the hands " of a faithful Creator. Te too are in His hands, and the supreme question is not whether we live or dies but whether we are with Him or are separated fmmIfimn' -3 _ dmired your and look forward LITTLE sroua RECORDS _ V.J.'I‘ORR (Cont. from April is.sue) BEKESBOUBNE ‘ The other Bekesbourne culprit was female, but her case is of rather greater interest than the last. She was ‘mlice, the wife of John Caryngeboll” and was accused of suspiciously___ " visiting "H. Nalk, Vicar of Patrikysborne”. To make pleasant variety, this gentleman would sometimes call on Alice at her own house, for the same alleged disreputable purposes. Now this Vmhlk" was none other than the Malcolm Ramsey, who was in the living of Patrixbcurne for many years, and whom you can_ still see, lying in stone effigy just by the High Altar at Bridge. Alice (who next year was miscalled Joan) was ordered, under pain of excommunication, to keep clear of the Vicar "except in public places". Warham's official thereupon let her go because they had arranged that Ramsey must also clear himself from the charge. So we now turn to BATRIXBOURNE The only complaint here is again about the Vicar; and this implies that both Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne Churches were probably in fairly good condition, unlike many of their fellows at that period. Now the language used in the official record is more forthright than at Bekesbourne. Master Malcolm Ramsey, the Vicar, is openly accused of adultery with Alice Claryngbole "the which is openly known". I may remark in passing that in the same record we find that the Master of Wye College (also a priest) was accused of riding all the way to-Boughton-under- Blean to visit a married woman for similar purposes. Eamsey denied it all — "openly known" or not — and was there- fore ordered to appear at Canterbury on 26th January, 1512, accompanied by two clergymen and two laymen who should clear him of the crime. He did so, but then unfortunately a blank is left as to what happened. We may presume he scraped off, since he stayed Vicar for many years more, but the method employed to establish innocence seems a little naive, for had the accusation been true, both Malcolm and Alice would certainly have conducted their affairs out of the reach of local persons and countrymen: (To be continued) -5- HOLY Bhrgg EXTRACTS FRDI PARISH REGISTERS Bekesbourne 1961 8th Oct. KATHERINE, d. of Michael & Jean GREY 3rd Dec. BARRY ANDREW, s. of Roy & Rita SMITHSON 10th Dec. SUZANNE PATRICIA, d. of Eric & Patricia JAMES 24th Dec. DAVID JOH, S. of Violet NEWPORT 24th6Deo. ANDREA LESLEY, d. of Edward & Sylvia FIGG 19 2 13th May. JONATHAN MICHAEL, s. of Denis & Pamela HOPE Patrixbourne 1961 “' 15th Oct. JOANNA MARY, d. of Brian A Josephine ARNOLD ' Bridge 1961 A 22nd Oct. NICHOLAS, s. of Raymond & Josephine PRICE 22nd Oct. ELISABETH ANNE, d. of Nigel & Beryl HOGBEN l7th6Dec. Kevin Edward, s. of Reginald & Jean NEAME 19 2 7th Jan. TIMOTHY JOHN KENNEDY, s. of John & Mollie lst Apr. MARK CHARLES, s. of Roy ac Margaret 3'3E{B9HESE MARRIAGESa _ “““‘"‘- Patrdxbourne 1962 . 14th Apr. John Frederick SAVAGE and Geraldine Mary HAWICENS. BURIALSs Bekesbourne 1961 1962. 3rd Oct. Trevor WILSON 19th Jan. John R. HOGBEN 28th Oct.--William Gilbert UPTON 8th Feb. Edith PRETT 23rd Dec. Penelope TUCKER 7th Apr. Olive REYNOLDS. Bridge 1961 6th Oct. Noah BOOTH 9th Jan. Thomas G. SMTH lst Dec. David J.DAVIS 14th Mar. Beatrice M.FAULDS 1962 28th Mar. Grace aovmmmw 6th Jan. Joseph A.A1exander 19th Apr. John H.RA.VENEILL _ 6 _ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A- A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Established 1786 FEIIEEIIIICULIN BROS TESTED CHANNEL ISLANDS and PASTEURISED MILK T BOTTLED IN CANTERBURWS MODERN DAIRY Inspection Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 3553 SHARPS DAIRIES Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge ‘A’ Phone Canterbury 2041 for MILK, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAM AND ' YOGHOURT S. & W. ASPHALT FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR SPECIALISTS 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE i’ Telephone : Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 9' JOY "41. ‘;F:;: P-° PAINTS 4:427:10’? ~I F rnoux 0 RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST You are sure of a welcome RED LION INN BRIDGE ‘k OF F -SALES ORDERS DELIVERED * Just Telephone BRIDGE 281 Producer and Retailer of Tuberculirr Tested Guernsey Milk (Cenified) Golden Guernsey Dairy LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Barham 277 ‘k FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY P. Hawksficld&Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 5345 * FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS, PAINTS, etc., delivered to any district C. W. MARTIN, KENT uousr. STORES, HIGH STREET, nmncrz FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearndcn BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 AAAAAAAAAAAAA A A AA._.____ CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALENG Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS For tliélhighest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT T VYE & SON A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE ‘A’ And branches throughout Kent * T he Village Butcher .' E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages A. & J. PURCHESE "ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET. BRIDGE, CANTERBURY, KENT PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE $0“ Q?» of‘ 3”‘ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. F OORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 282 * Overhauls and Repairs I)e(JENT & HOGBEN 4 DECORATING ~— PAINTING — SIGNWRITING ’ Tyre Service — Battery Charging ~ BUILDING REPAIRS Union Road, Bridge VICAR .' THE REV‘. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250} Lay Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH, 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clm/'cim'ardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary .' NIRS. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hon. Treasurer.‘ MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds 1S available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the‘ small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please Contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. T Printed by El!) Blolblll and CIUII Ii Inckrnnn Ltd, 11 Best Lane, Clntcrbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE July, 1962 g -;----AA------4-A AAA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA--- AAAAA; AAAAAAAAAAA A--AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - - G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 ‘it Accredited Breeding Station (Com.) KN. 38 ‘k DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING J OINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HATVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear. Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available B1014-5'3-V * ‘k ANN NEWSAGENTS DOVER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET TOBACCONISTS BRIDGE CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ‘V- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 ..-A..- B. FLOWER GENTS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 4 Hours .' WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—l pm. 2 p.m.-6,30 pm, THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE ¥ LUNCHEONS . DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4'- Telephone : Bridge 249 vvv vvvvvwvv-vv A vvvvwvvv vvv vvv vvvvvvvvvvvrvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvwvv _ ,. _ - -----AA-..A---AAA-4.-AAAAAAA‘4AAA_AA;AA-A g--A--A4 A Builder and Decorator Invites inquiries for new % buildings, conversions, interior decorations and filled L_ Q furnilure,exieLrnaI painiinu and repairs. Advice given if required. ‘ 3 Besi Lane Cairterbury’. Te1."4301 V, V‘, vvvvvwvvvvvvvwvvvv BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR ‘k D. H. WHITTAKER . (Late W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge zss Car Body Repairs wk ' Re-Cellulosilng Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY . BRIDGE M. S. Bony LTD. ‘k BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY ENGINEERS ‘k BARHAM Telephone 265 WEDDING. CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge Lvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvwvvvvwwvvvvvvvvvvv Holy Communion: Choir Practice; Youth Fellowshigs JULY 8 - M- H- 22 — 25 - Sun. Sat. Wed. PARISH DIARY — Wednesdays at 9.30 a.m.) JULY 1962 Bridge Fridays at 7.00 a.m.) Fridays at 6.30 p.m. in Church Fridays at 7.30 p.m. 3rd Sunday after Trinity 3.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. VILLAGE HALL FETE - Bridge School Sun. 4th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. ll 0 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne Holy Communion - Bridge Sunday School — Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Matins — Patrixbourne Evensong — Bekesbourne Evensong — Bridge Holy Communion — Pétrixbourne Parish Communion — Bridge Sunday School -Patrixbourne‘ Junior Church ——Bridge Matins — Bekesbourne Evensong — Bridge 1:44: jth Sunday after Trinity — S.Mery'Magdalene 3.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. S.James A.M. Holy Commnion — Bridge Family Service - Patrizbourne Junior Church — Bridge Matins (short) — Bekesbourne Holy Communion — Bekesbourne‘ Evensong - Bridge 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge. 10.30 a.m. Coffee Morning — Reading Room, Bridge- (League of Friends of the Canterbury Hospitals). 6th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. 9'00 3.01110 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 3000 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne Holy Communion — Bridge Sunday School ~ Patrixbourne Junior Church - Bridge Matins — Patrikbourne Family Service — Bekesbourne Evensong — Bridge. 1 AUG. Parish Diary - July 1962 iponid.) - NO MIDWEEK SERVICES, JUNIOR CHURCH OR SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING AUGUST. 5 — Sun.— 7th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Perish Communion — Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 6.30 'EVensong - Bridge p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 30 p.m. 4-0 _pcmo 5.00 p.m. BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL FETE Saturday, 14th July at 2.30 p.m. in Bridge Primary School Grounds Opening Ceremony by Mr.Wa1ter Whigham, High Sheriff of Kent, and Mrs. Whigham. Dog Training Club Demonstration Scottish Dancing gnd music .Children's Sports and Prizes .Raf£le draw and presentation of prizes. A great variety of Stalls — Sideshows — Pony Rides 4 Cycle Races — Teas. . COME AND SUPPORT THIS EFFORT TO RAISE FUNDS FOR OUR _VILLAGE,HALL 2-1. ' _-.;_;-..; Oseating accommodation and also some extra heating. 'v’ICA.R'S LETTER 1.7;,‘ dear People, During July we shall complete the work on Bekesbourne Church I hope then to have a special Thanksgiving and Dedication Service in September or October, preceded by a' Gift Day, so that if possible we can raise the balance of the cost before the service takes place. Heanwhile, any donations towards cost will be very welcome — about £150 is going to be needed, in addition to what we have already in hand. The total cost will be about £950. We also hope very shortly to carry out a small scheme of improvements to Bridge Church -— moving some pews from the front to the back to give more space for Weddings and Funeralsr Eater we hope to move the pulpit, so as to make room for an additional hinister‘s Desk and Seat, and to give a better ' .P_ view of the Sanctuary. This scheme will give us improved . J I hope to cover the cost of this by means of a generous donation from one & of my Shirley friends — but any gifts towards these and other much needed repairs and improvements will be gladly received. ‘JP <).‘- -)5 9? * * August is the holiday month and as usual I shall be taking the family to Thorpeness in Suffolk for the first three weeks in August. my wife will be remaining at the Vicarage, but she will have company. Our friend, the Rev. Dennis Hawker, formerly at Folkestone, but now Missioner to the Diocese of Lincoln, will be bringing his wife and family to stay at the Vicarage from 3rd to 17th August, and after that I shall be back. FT- Eawker Will assist the Rev. Frank Cartman and Mr. J.D.Smith in taking the Church Services during my absence. I am sure that you will make the visiting Ministers welcome and support them with your presence at all Services. I wish you all very happy summer holidays, especially the School children. Yours sincerely, ROBERT PENNEY - 3 _ ZULULAND REES Extracts from letter from the Rev. Norman Gilmore. Kwa Magwaza Mission Station Zululand, South Africa. . 21st Hay,.l962. Dear Friends, ee~- . In my last letter written in 1960, soon after coming to ‘ this Mission from St. Augustine's, I spoke of the plans I had for building in various parts of the district, and of the need to press on in the face of the growing power and hostility of our Afrikaner Nationalist Government. _ We have "pressed on" and I can now report that the churdl of St. Paul, Nkwenkwe, has been completely rebuilt and re- roofed and the school—rooms there put into good order..... On_8th April, by the side of the Zulu King Mpande's "great place* — it was he_who gave Kwahagwaza to our first missionary, fRobert Robertson, in 1860 — I dedicated the church of. St.-Barnabas, Keteketeni....... On Saturday, May 5th, yet another dedication took place, this time‘at Kwa Magwaza itself.- I dedicated the new : assistant Curate's house and also the new classroom block, in the presence of the Zulu King, Cyprian Bekuzulu, his ‘prime minister" Chief Gatsha.Buthelezi, the inspector of schools, Mr. Kolbe, our local chief Sikhukhuza, and a great crowd of Christians and Heathen....... On the morning of May 5th, preceding this dedication, I received a letter from the Magistrate asking whether my church was prepared to "co—operate" with the Government in removing the people of Kwa Magwaza Mission. Because this Mission is surrounded by European—owned farms, we are regarded as a "black spot" in a white area and this is anathema to the present Government who believe that all men must live in their own areas, separated from people of other race groups. Remember that when Kwa Magwaza Mission began in 1860, ands for many years after, there were 33 European—owned farms anywhere near us. The whites came later, and the story'of how they got their land makes disquieting reading. But now we, the Zulus, must leave the homes that families have held for 100 years in order to conform to a.blue7 print of racial segregation. Justice takes second O“ place to political expediency. I have replied to this letter that under no circumstances will the Church co—operate in perpetrating so dastardly a crime. The Bishop confirms my -4-- PATRIXBOURNE & BRIDGE MOTHEQS‘ UNION Liseian Station letter {Cong-7 _ _ ‘F_ ‘T1 _AL T t_- th W v.th th .i ' d Corporate Communion & Interoess1onss4th July at 9.30 a.m. actlxg-:1 H‘-"3 ‘J]__fi,-I Lo/u T:lOVC:”U.n ll By CO..e M71 911' {.7,'l.U.’lS an _ Tuesday, Juli. The Coach leave houna us Dui 0: iui homes T . . the White Horse at 1.30 p.m. for Sheerness. Tea will be I Cainoi sufficiently sirisinihe urgency Oi.ihe Situation catered for by the Sheerness Mothers‘ Union Branch. After W9 3iS5i°‘a:i3S a§d_Ourt§C°§lflI1:31gugjglgjipégtiggaiguaifi tea, on to Minster in Thanet, via the coastal route, for a CUT d93P3ra 5 599 Ior ‘G e OW ‘ A short service there. Any further names to be given to Mrs. e_ re _ _ , L ,,. " A ll tl t h . - , - 1* V i”u ‘al- w- ‘V- A 171 — 3 ;:: the iorai issues clearly, nor for fear of consequence, to Once again We have been asked to run the Household Stall leai his Deopls in opposition to whatever threatens-God's at the Village Hall Fete on l4th.Ju1y. Will all members A —p, andigollg laws please try to give something for this stall? For your help which has helped us here to achieve so much _ ' ii so short a time, I am profoundly thankful. ‘We continue to _ IEeGUEOF FRIENDS or THE CANTERURY HOSPITALS — BRIDGE BRANCH press 01' I have not SR°°ee§ed in getting a Site (50 far) at E , A Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale will be held at llazdlweni but have applied with more hope of success for one £f- the Reading Room at 1O_30 _ 12 noon on Wednesday, 25th July_ at #3059 Wane‘ 00 much remains to be dine“ O 31 t E h 1962 Will all.members and friends please try to support this effort. Our Lission account is heavily in deb . n s laro r , _ _ we Owed £331 10 Gd. Perhaps I Should not have gone ahead so I Mr. R. Carpenter would like to thank all the kind friends ' ’ - including the Pleasant Hour Club and Bridge and Patrixbourne quiciii Wiih buiiiing Pioiecii iiihoui having ihe money in iinii I ' W.I., who donated so generously in memory of his dear wife. .it as I have tried to show the times are urgent. So if you H. _ fignihelp us to liquidate ouridebt — to pay our evangelists (£60 “jgcsfiqug fir fig has be?: f°rw‘rded t0 the Lea8ue'°f FT1en§S a year) _ to build and repair _ to establish new StatiOnS._ I gund e an er ry Ebspi als, to go to the Nurses Recreation beg of you to do so. . ‘ ' {Hotel Zululand Hission Boxes available in Bridge Church) . BRITISH LEGION — LITTLEOURNE & DISTRICT BRANCH . JUNIOR CHURCH HOE§§ At the last monthly meeting it was agreed that the Branch Annual Outing: In view of the number of families who will be ‘ ‘ should adopt the In—patients at Preston Hall. Arrangements away, it has been decided not to hold the Junior Church Annual i are now being made regarding visits etc. and the Secretary- Outing on 27th July as notified. I Administrator, Mr. A. Hornick, is to be invited to speak to Summer holidazs; The Junior Church will not meet during the ; the Branch in the near future. Sundays in August owing to the holidays, but it is hoped to J Next Meeting:King William, Littlebourne, 8 p.m. on 3rd July. announce special arrangements for those children who will be at home. I‘ ~ ‘ . USED STAMPS _' l BRIDGE & DISTRICT HORTICULTUHAL SOCBETY The Collection of used stamps to be Sold in aid of . E 42nd Annual Summer Shows Union Road Meadows 11 August 1962. Village Hall Funds is being well supported, and grateful thanks ' Entry F°rmS to reach Secretary NOT LATER than August’ are extended for stamps received to date. It is hoped that everyone in the village is saving all stamps from parcels and letters. Mr. Clark is always willing to accept them at The Pharmacy, and any further information can be obtained from the organiser, Mr. J. Kelsey, Garth, Meadow Close. _5_ Establislied 1786 ABBOTT For LOCAL TUBERCULIN TESTED CHANNEL ISLANDS ' and PASTEURISED MILK DAIRIES BOTTLED IN GANTERBURY'S MODERN DAIRY Inspection Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 3553 SHARPS DAIRIES Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge * Phone Canterbury 2041 for MILK, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAM AND YOGHOURT S. & IV. ASPHALT FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR SPECIALISTS 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE * Telephone : Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 e““:I*; 4 ""5 "4 in Mflnjqtzl/Q JOY PAINTS TROJAX RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE Praducer and Retailer of Tuberculin Tested Guernsey Milk (Certified) Golden Guernsey Dairy LODGE LEES FARM BARI-IAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Barham 277 ‘k FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST You are sure of a welcome at RED LION INN I BRIDGE OFF-SALES ORDERS DELIVERED ‘A’ Just Telephone BRIDGE 281 Eflillflliii Illil l)ll5 P. Hawksfield & Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 5345 * FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS, PAINTS, etc., delivered to any dislricL C. W. MARTIN, KENT IIOUSE STORES. IIIGII STREET, BRIDGE FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 For the highest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT VYE & SON (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE -Av And branches throughout Kent wk CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING 8: BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied wvvvvwv v A..A_--AA_--AAAA--A44-- The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE (S: C ,\,\c’$$ Phone : OMMOD BRIDGE 455 9?? DECORATING — PAINTING —— A. & J. PURCHESE “ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET. BRIDGE, CANTERBURY, KENT MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel. : Bridge 282 ‘k Ovcrhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS DCCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge T v v V‘ wvvvvvvwwvvvvvvvvvvv v Vvvv vww vvv vvvvvvvv vvvvv- V V vs .I VICAR .' Tm: Rev. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250} Lay Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clmrcizwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) C‘.-ipr. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) H on. Secretary .' MRS. J. D. SMXIH. 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hon. Treasurer .' MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C /mrc/zwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer .' MR.STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F .W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. Printed by Elvy Brother: and Cross It Jaekman Ltd., 11 Best Lane, Canterbury. -¢.- ii?»-w-¢ ..-.. y,-1 5-: .-....~._...:.~‘ - PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURN E PATRIXB 0 U ' St PETER amuse I CHURCH ' MAGAZINE August, 1962 G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 ‘k Accredited Breeding Station (COm.) K.N. 38 * DAY OLD CHICKS ' HATCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS 9QQ4QQQQ4Q99QQOQ9QQ9QQOQ¢¢¢O¢¢¢9§99Q99fi V‘ BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION vvv vvvvvwv SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eiderdowns Re—cuveI'ed Patterns Available ANN SMITH oovm COTTAGE, HIGH STREET. BRIDGE ‘ ’~ Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT _ &‘ SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, ’ Knitwear, Skirts and Blouses NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER _FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ' _ 44 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA B. FLOWER ' GENT’S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE -1- Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—1 pm. 2 p.m.-6.30 p.m. vvvwvvvvvwvvvvvvvv¢wvvvvv vwv vvvvvvvvvv%¢$v" THE WHITE HORSE INN I BRIDGE LUNCHEONS I DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ Telephone : Bridge 249 WVVVVVVV vvvvvwlvvvvvvvv vvv©% AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-A-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--- Richard Bostock Ltd. Builder and Decorator invites iriquiries for new bui|dings,corii_/ersions.inierior decdraiiods dnd fitted furniture, external painting and repairs. Advice giveri if required. 3 Best Lane Canterbury Tel.430l BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR I ,. M. S. BODY LTD. D. H. WHITTAKER * (Late w. c. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY _ ENGINEERS Car Body Repairs * Re-Cellulosins - Sheet Metal Work * R. F. ANDREWS BARHAM THE I?lI:l(l))?;lI)3wAY Telephone 265 WEDDING CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge vv vvvvvvw-—vwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvv _‘-.;id—week services — PARISH DIARY — AUGUST 1962 All cancelled during August Sunday_School at Patrixbourne closed until Sunday 16th Sept. Youth Fellowship — usually 7.30 p.m. on Fridays — see Notice Board. Choir Practice - 7 p.m. on Fridays, as usual. l2 — 21 — 26 _ Sun. 7th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion - Bekesbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service — Bridge HO HOLY COMMUHION AT ll.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. 8 p.m. British Legion — Prince of Wales, Bekesbourne BRIDGE HORTICULTURAL SHOW 8th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Matins — Patzixbourne 3.00 p.m. Evensong — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong - Bridge 9th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne 9.00 a.m. Eoly Communion — Bridge ll.0O a.m. Matins — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge ‘£371’; 7 p.m. Bridge & Patrixbourne Women's Institute, 10th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge ll.0O a.m. Eatins — Bekesbourne 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne C-30 p.m. Evensong _ Bridge, -1- V churches and attractive new Vicarage: VICAR'S LETTER ._ _ h _ A: 24th July,‘ 1962.‘ my dear People,v I have just had the distressing experience of breaking the news to my Churchwardens and P.C.C. members,_and_announcing in Church, that I have to leave Bridge, as from early December next, to go to the densely populated town parish of St. Saviour, West Croydon. I and my family_have been very happy here and it is a sad blow to us to have to leave you all, not to mention our lovely As?I explained in ' Church on Sunday, 22nd July, this call to new responsibilities Was quite-unexpected, and the move will not be to our advantage from the residential or financial point of view, but I feel that it is my plain duty to do the_work.for.which I was Ordained where the need is greatest, and I believe that the Archbishop and his advisers are the best able to judge where I should be used. St. Saviour's Parish will.have been without clergyfor a. year, and is in a very low state, and my wife and I both feel that it would be wrong to decline to go. I hope and trust that my successor will be appointed with the minimum of delay, and I will do my utmost to complete all outstanding improvement schemes and make the best possible arrangements for the interregnum period. THE CHALLENGE The next few months are going to present a great challenge to me and to you who make up the church—going community. matters when I leave_you is that there should be no diminution of your worship; no.slacking off in your churchgattendanoe, and no relaxing of standards where your duties are concerned- You are fortunate in having good and experienced leaders in your Churchwardens and P{C.G. members, and good Clergy and Lay—readers available and willing to take Services. Choir—members will still have Mr. Maple and our other Organists 0 take Choir Practices and to maintain the present excellent standard of singing- Everything W111 d§Pend 0n the determination of all members to attend choir practices and -2- What zcleaning problem. church services with even greater punctuality and regularity than at present. Servers will have to be organised and trained to look after visiting Celebrants and to attend to the setting out and putting away of linen and vessels correctly. The Baggzine production and distribution must go on and $ick' visiting, flower arranging, church cleaning, church—yard grass cutting and all the other duties which are part of the church's working life. ' ' ” ‘ Jcf” . 2 My job will be to find and train those who are to carry on the various duties when you are without A Vicar. which involves finding new schools for the children and super4 visizlg the work of repairing and decorating the old Victorian’ f f Vicarage which is to be cur‘new home. TEE IMMEDIATE PROBLEMS Please help me to find a solution to the Bridge Church If some one (man or woman) could be found to_do the sweeping floors and brushing of mats, it should be possible to find one or two volunteers for dusting and polishing *pews etc. Eas anyone an oak table? (about 4'6“ X 2'6“) Hissionary Boxes etc. . Improvenents to Bridge Chugch injerior — "he removal of the front pews and re-siting of the pulpit to give a better.view of the Sanctuary and Choir will shortly be commonccd.."I hope ta put up a sketch to show you how it will look. Meanwhile=Ij.m am looking for a nice Lectern — possibly a brass Eagle; Shirley Parish Church have presented us with a very fine Bishop's Chair to go in our Sanctuary;‘so releasing the present Chair to be used for the second Minister's Stall which is to be made out of the present~Lectern. This will give"us~a?pair-of identical minister-s Stalls, which will look very nice indeed when the Pulpit and front pews have been moved. ' _ 3 _ _ V _ _ I shall also have to make many preparations for our family removal to CrbydQn,_" _ _ I would like to Put a table at the West End of Bridge Church for Magazines, ' »Summer Holidays - During August we shall be closed down HOLIDAYS ~-i.h: ll.;f _.,h_lmL;;J? As mentioned last month, I shall be away with the children at Thorpeness from 1st — 20th August, but Mr. J.D.Smith and visiting clergy will take services and attend to any parochial emergencies during my absence. Wishing you"all'very happy holidays‘and*every blessing in your h9P?§a;._‘ . ,A . e H r, “T Your'sincere-friend and Vicar, hdBERT PENNEY.' bu JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES for ordinary meetings, but the Family Service at 11 a.m» on Sunday, 5th August will take place as usual and we would like to see all of our members who are not away from home. On 12th, 19th & 26th August there will be no ordinary class teaching, but if those who are not away will let me know‘ that they would like to attend, I will hold a service with some lantern slides at the usual time. Please let me know in good time. “ ' .‘* .-3. J;D¢s__ “ ’+ Eiifirxofinrr éfiN5lY scHo5L_ _'l_f _ -»*-?~ Patrixbourne Sunday School will be closed from the beginhifig of-August until l6th"September." ’“ ’” Balboa & PATRIXBOURNE WOMER'shlNSTITU§E M°nthlzfMeetings 7 p.m. on iuesday: 21st:hugust in the Reading Room, when there will be a talk by Miss Iafihn on "Growing and.Arranging Garden Flowers”.3 ~ “ C0mPetition:»—Salad on a~Tea'Pflate:*" ‘ ; 4 ; LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF THE CANTERBURY HOSPITALS — BRIDGE GROUP A very successful Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale was held in the Reading Room on 25th July, and a total of £10 was raised towards funds. ‘ ‘ 5 WANTED URGENTLY: CLEANER FOR BRIDGE CHURCH For several months we have been without a cleaner and the Church has been kept clean meantime by a voluntary helper, who is no longer able to carry on. Anyone who feels able to spare a few hours weekly to keep our Church looking clean and tidy, for a modest wage, please get in touch with the Vicar or Churchwardens without delay.. BRITISH LEGION — LITTLEBOURNE & DISTRICTWBRANCH At the last meeting of the Branch two new members were proposed and accepted, Mr.E.G.Rogers, ex R.N., and ‘ Mr. E. Holness, ex R.A.S.C. *” A Various correspondence from H.Q. was read to the meeting, including a circular regarding the photographs of graves or memorials in the case of missing personnel. These can he obtained by relatives, who should apply to the Secretary of the Branch, giving as much information as possible.‘ §§§j_m§§ting2 Tuesday, 7th August at 8 p.m. at the Prince of Wales, Bekesbourne. J- BRIDGE & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 42nd ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW” ., ~ -~‘ will be held in UNION ROAD MADOW, BRIDGE ~7 °” SATURDAY: 11th AUGUST. l962.at 2.30 p.m. LITTLE STOUB RECORDS by V.J.Torr. (Continued) BRIGGE, 1511. In Warham's time and for very long afterwards, Bekesbourne was ecclesiastically independent of Patrixbourne and its chapel of Bridge. Nevertheless, it appears that all three churches were, in 1511, in fairly good structural condition, unlike so many of their sisters, for the visitation returns of each are almost silent about such defects. You have had two of them put before you, and now I come to the longer report on Bridge, where you will notice that the greater part of it is concerned, as so often, with financial matters. The first case deals with a complaint that the Warden of St. Laurence's Nunnery in Canterbury has kept back (for the past 30 yearsl) ls.4d. per annum which is due to Bridge Church. (I need hardly remind readers that this annual sum was then worth far more than its equivalent today). The circumstances were in any case rather unusual, for this establishment was not governed, as might be expected, by an Abbess or Prioress, but by a man. Still, curiously, this male Warden was a Benedictine monk of St. Augustine's Abbey, named Robert Dovor. Later on, this person dppeared at Canterbury and denied that Bridge had any such claim on himself; so Warham's Commissary ordered the Bridge wardens to prove it on 28th January, 1512; when they produced the documents showing that their former predecessors had in some cases actually received that rent.- Richard Dovor was accordingly directed to appear again on 18th March to hear a decision. On that day the Commissary ordered him either t0 pay these long arrears to the Churchwardens, or to appear before the Archbishop to justify failure to do so. ' Next we come to the offence of William Isaac, gentleman, who 13 15 years behind with a twopenny annual rent to Bridge Church. He was ordered to pay this rent yearly in future, and to wipe off the arrears by next Midsummer - or be excommunicated. The next case links up with that of Isaac. Yong has for over three years similarly kept back a fivepenny annual rent to the church — and that lifts the lid a little more about Bridge affairs, since he pleads that he will not pay up until Mr. Isaac and certain other defaulters give him an eXamP1e- _ 6 _ A certain Thomas AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 --A-AA ___-A--.AA-AAAAAAAA-A-AAAAA Established 1786 ABBOTT For SHARPS DAIRIES Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge * Phone Canterbury 2041 for MILK, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAM AND YOGHOURT LOCAL TUBEFICULIN TESTED CHANNEL ISLANDS ' and PASTEURISED MILK T BOTTLED IN CANTERBURY‘S MODERN DAIRY Inspection Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 3553 S. & W. ASPHALT FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR SPECIALISTS 5 UNION ROAD, BRIDGE * CATERING wk BED & BREAKFAST You are sure of a welcome RED LION INN BRIDGE ‘k OF F -SALES ORDERS DELIVERED ‘A’ Just Telephone BRIDGE 281 Telephone : Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 e\- 4 .0: Q, aov 4p ~fl:\svI~ pAlNTS #464310” rnomx 0 RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE Producer and Retailer of Tuberculiu Tested Guernsey Milk (Certified) Golden Guernsey Dairy LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Barham 277 * FRESH CREAM A SPBCIALITY tllfll Cliiil Hill (Jill I’. Hawksfield & Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 5345 it FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS, PAINTS, etc., delivered to any district C. W. MARTIN, KENT nous v v v vvwvv-V E STORES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE I v—vvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvvvv-",__' n—V-W 1*‘ 4---AAA---AAA--AA-AA--A-A-AAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---‘ FAMILY BUTCHERS I Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 For the highest quality I GROCERY AND PROVISIONS A plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT VYE & soN CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL _ ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS ' A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 . Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied. (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE - ~k Anti branches throughout Kent * T he Village Butcher: '~- - E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE ' -Phone : 321”; A _ " ” English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages‘ A. & J. PURCHESE “ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET, ' _BRIDGE, CANTERBURY, KENT PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE .A ' ‘CO0 ' ' €€,\}c$$ Phone: MMODA ° ’ BRIDGE 455 - T101‘, . MOTOR ENGINEER . 5: SI Tr‘ BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE - -‘ Tel. {Bridge 282 . * _ Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING —— BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN - - -- > ....... -------- ---------_v,,v_v,_7,vv;."_',..'711:5. .-Y.',z'(n'.-; .-..;;, mvvvi : Union Road, Bridge '7 vvvv vvvvvv vvvv vvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvvvvwvvvvvvv VICAR .- Tms REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250} Lay Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH. 4, The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clmrchwar'dcns : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MRS. J. D. SMITH, 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hart. Treasurer‘ : MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurcizwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even If you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-ofiering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F .W.O. Secretary. I Printed by Elvy Bfolhefl and Cross & Jackman Lld,, 11 Best Lane, Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE September, 1962 G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 3-15 1% Accredited Breeding Station (Com) K.N. 38 ‘k DAY OLD CHICKS HATCI-IING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 3113 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS. BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies‘ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available B10"-5'95 * * Q 1‘ NEWSAGENTS DOVER CO'IT'§AG§ZD€lI:'IIIr(I}I:I_ISTREET TOBACCONISTS BRlD’GE CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER F RUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order «'1- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLOWER GENT‘S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 1!- Hours : WEE!-LDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—l pm. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.rn. THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE ¥ LUN CH EONS DIN NERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ‘V- Telephone : Bridge 249 vvvvvvvvv-vvvvvv vvvvvvwvvvuuvvvvvv vvv v vv 'v'v____ —I,-fix AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA Builder and Decorator Invites inquiries for new buildings, conversions. inierior decorations and fitted furniiureexiernal painting and repairs. Advice given if required. Richard Bostock Ltd.‘ 3 Best Lane Canterbury Te1.4301 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR ‘k D. H. WHITTAKER (Late W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 A AA-AAAAAAA A AAAAAAAAAA AA M. S. BODY LTD. ‘A’ BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY Car Body Repairs * Re-Cellulosing Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY BRIDGE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ENGINEERS ‘A’ BARHAM Telephone 265 1 1 1 WEDDING. CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge v v vvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvwvv vvvv v vvvwvvvvvvvwwwvvvvvv V vwvwwvwvvvvvv _vvvvwvvv v VVV v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv _Iio_1_y C Jnmuni on ~ Choir Era cti ce: Youth Fel 1 owshi 13.: 11th Sunday after ’I‘rinit;' 2 - am. 4 — Tu. 5 - Wed. 9 — 3.111. 15 — Sat. 16 - Sun. 18 — Tu. 19 — Tied. 21 — Fri. 22 - Sat. 23 - Sun. 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a..m. flifi " 11.00 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. 3 on Wednesdays ) 00 a.m. on Fridays 0 7. O p.m. on Fridays 7.30 p.m. on Fri iays. Family Service - Bridge Holy Communion — Bridge Evensong — Bridge ) at Bridge Holy Communin-n — Patrixbourne Parish CommLu'ion _ Bekesboume ' 3" flffl .013 J .'U.I .’ 7.30 p.m. Fete Committee Meeting — The Close. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge (M.U. Corporate 7, *. Communion & Intercessions) 12th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a.m. l1.0.m. Jor Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge - .9,-pggu;-nu '- -' 0:: ‘ 3'1 tabla -'41!» 'u-:- r‘ Matins - Patrixbourne 3.00 p.m. Evensong - Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge 2.30 p.m. BRIDGE CHURCH FETE — THE CLOSE 11th Sunday after Trinity 3.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Patrixbourn Parish Communion — Bridge Smday School - Patrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Matins — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Patrizbourne & Bridge W.I. Harvest Supper.. 7 p.m. Ember Day Evensong — Bridge 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bri e dge St. Matthew A.E.M. Ember Day 7 a.m. Holy Communion - Ember Day 33115-8 9' 7 12.111. Holy Communion — Bridge. ljLth Sinday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 9.45 a.m. Family Service — Patrixbourne 11.00 a..m. Junior Church — Bridge -1- — . 29 - Sat. Parish Diary — Scptcnbcr 1962 (co-1-9;.) 11.00 a..m. Matins - Bekeebourne 11.45 a..m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. 7.30 p.m. Bridge LLU. Service in Church." St. Michael and All Angels 7 a.'m. _Holy Communion —. Bridge 15th Sundegr after Trinity - 76.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bekesbourne 9.00 a..m. Holy Communion — Bridge.- 9.45 a._m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.xn. Junior Church 4- Bridge K \ 11.00 a.m. Matins — Patrixbourne GIFT 1mIs;~" HARVEST. FESTIVAL? BRIDGE — 7 OCT. Evensong ;- Bekesbourne Evensong - Bridge. BEKESBOURNE .- 13 OCT. PATRIXBOURNE 8: -BEKESBOURNE — 14- OCT. 3.00 p.m. 6.30 p.m. BRIBGE _ 6 OCT. *3‘? ' 9% if The VICAR and CHURCEWARDEEIS of PATBIXBOURNE with BRIDGE request the pleasure of your company 3!. SE __at BRIDGE CHURCH PETE on Saturday 15 Septemberi ~..’€\ in the grounds of THE CLOSE, UNIONIRD. BRIDGE. ~51; '. E m ~ - § 2 Children are invited to wear FANCY DRESS ‘ti § and compete for a. PRHIZE-‘ ix 3 THE FAMILY AND ENJOY YOURSELVES 3. A BRING ALL %*mgi%€5%€5%% I (4 _ .4. .4 f I Wemmmwfimmmmedv "79 /J -2- VICAR‘S LETTER L3 dear People, s me great joy to tell you that my Wife gave on on Tuesday, 21st August, and both are very brings our family on to level terms — 3 boys ls — and we are all delighted, though Stephen John he junior member by nine years. We would like I had the privilege of being 2" wi-e during the birth and I believe that husbands encouraged to do this where possible. It is a y unifying experience and very beneficial to both d wife. It gives the wife company and comfort play an active part instead of Waiting in anxious separation. 9 J I hope that children and parents alike have had good summer holidays and I expect that some of you will soon be very busy picking hops. Please note the date of Harvest Festival and don't forget to bring your gifts of fruit, flowers, vegetables, Wheat, hops etc. for the decoration of the churches. Last year at Bekesbourne we had a HARVEST SUPPER which w-s a great success. I feel sure that you will want to repeat this and I will do my best to arrange it _ especially as it may be my family's last opportunity of attending a parish social at Bekesbourne. Good wishes to you all, good health, and a good harvest. Your sincere friend and Vicar ROEERT PENHEY the long hours of labour and enables the husband to CHURCH IMPROVEMENT SCHEMES — CIFT DAYS BRIDGE 2 SAT. 5th OCTOBER‘ BEKESBOURNE 9 TO ENABLE US TO COMPLETE AND PAY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT SCHEMES NOW IN HAND, BEFORE MY DEPARTURE at the end of the year, THERE WILL BE A GIFT DAI at Bridge and Bekesbourne. GIFT ENVELOPES WILL BE ENCLOSED with the OCTOBER MAGAZINES, and I will be glad to receive your gifts by the eve of your Harvest Festivals, so that they can be presented at the Altar next day as part of your Harvest Thanksgiving Offering. At Bekesbourne there has been a hold—up due to delay in the supply of the Electric Light fittings, but as soon as those arrive the job should be completed in 2-3 Weeks. The entire scheme is costing £950, and fill the money has been raised except about £100. At Bridge the re—arrangement of Pews is Well in hand non:_;Ed—extra heating has been provided: but I regret that we may have to postpone the re—siting of the Pulpit and other improvements to the Chancel until Your next Incumbent takes over, as we are short of money- If we have a successful Church Fete on 15th SePtember' and if some of you felt able to contribute to the cost by means of a donation, there would S?il1.b9 tin‘? f°r me 30 have the improvement scheme completed b°f°r° 93 departure. Needless to say I would very mu°h 1-lke t° 1 see the job through, and I hope that your genertosity wil make it possible. £200 is necessary- " ‘E "R0 BERT PENNEY Vicar- -4- SAT. 13th OCT, ;_____——n g children know what this means it cannot long remain so. Please JUNIOR CHURCH NOTES Be—opcning. On Sunday, 2nd September, the Junior Church will resume its normal activities with attendance at the Family Strvico at 11 a.m. Class teaching will start again on 9th September. 7: all sincerely hope that now the holidays are over mepbcrs will strive to be present every time we meet. We shall also be clad to welcome as new—comers any children who would b‘ care to join us. We have an excellent staff and a very fri endl y atmosphere 1. Annual Excursion — We regret that it was impossible to make ¥BE‘EEEEEEE§§‘§§rangements for this event as the attendance of the senior members dwindled to three or four during the last few weeks of last term. Events of this kind cannot be arranged without co—operation, as one can neither arrange transport nor the necessary catering without some knowledge as to numbers. I Parents — hay we ask you to co—operate with us in our work? I At the present time there is a big drift away from Christianity E and religious practice.‘ 1 ‘Easy travelling facilities lead ‘’ people to make Sunday a holiday and to hold all sorts of I , sporting fixtures on Sundays. As a result children are growing V us with practically no knowledge of religion or the real place of Sunday in our national life. I would ask you as parents to give the children a chance to know something about religious observance and give us a chance to try and influence them. This is still supposed to be a Christian country, bur unless the help us in our work and send your children along. J.D.Smith. PATRIXBOURIWE gt. BRIDGE W0liE1\T'S INSTITUTE C Our El‘-.RVES'l‘ SUPPER will be held on Tuesday, 18th September at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. 7 Competition: Short story not exceeding 500 words. MOTHERS’ UNION‘ Bridge and Patrixbourne Branch start their Autumn Programme with a service in Bridge Church at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 26th September. r ..-V__...__...-T,,_...,__. ....._.a_ ..__._w.....» -5- I‘ if _I__lTTLl‘. sToUlg_ncccRl>s by V..J”.TORR (Continued) Then comes Nicholas Parker, who has kept back a twopenny thurch—rent for the handwome period of 30 years. He denied this, and the wardens must prove their case on 2jth.January, 1512, when they produced receipts as in the cise of Dover. So Parker was told he must clear off all the arrears or otherwise satisfy the wardens by the following August, under pain of excommunication. You will notice that these slippery financial transactions in one village justify my statement that the diocese was riddled with such cases; there are some hundreds more in the enormous Warham report. We end with a change of diet. The Bridge wardens complain that "They be not duly served with an honest priest, but sometime with a friar, sometime with none at all, and that the Vicar will not have there a priest resident". Now this raises several noteworthy points2— (1) as Vicar Ramsey was buried in Bridge Chapel, it implies that he probably lived and died there rather than in Patrixbourne, (2) if he lived on the spot, therefore, there was little excuse for the irregular nature of how the chapel was served, when served at all, (3) I would suggest that Perhaps at that period of his long incumbency, Master Malcolm was too engrossed with Alice Claryngbole to have much concern for church services? (4) This business of the duties of a secular priest being sometimes carried out by monastic persons who were supposed to live and work inside their own precincts, was a sign of the times in the years Preceding the general Dissolution. It is known for example that St. Radegund's Abbey, near Dover, had its residents §raV91Y depleted in 1511 through this cause, or in a few instances through its inmates having decided to take long leave of their abbey, wandering all over the place and so Presumably getting a living by odd jobs or begging from lay- folka Remember that this sort of decadence was firmly in béing for a respectable time before Henry VIII employed Vlsitors of pliable consciences to gather up evidence why 'monkery' should come to an end. (5) Ramsey's objection to hévins a curate resident at Bridge, where he himself probably 1}Ved when he was in the district at all, may have'been dictated by a desire not to have another clergyman spying on Alice and himself, or it may have been merely to sawe money. - 6 _ I I I I I D I I I I I I I P I I I P I P I I I I I I I Eslahlislaod 1735 ABBOTT BROS. DAIRIES ' BOTTLED IN CANTERBURY'S MODERN DAIRY Inspection Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 3553 For LOCAL TUBERCULIN TESTED CHANNEL ISLANDS and PASTEURISED MILK --_ -AA------A- A SHARPS DAIRIES Deliver Daily Throughout Bridge ‘k Phone Canterbury 2041 f0|' MILK, EGGS, BUTTER, CREAIU AND YOGHOURT S. & W. ASPHALT FLAT ROOF AND FLOOR SPECIALISTS S UNTON ROAD, BRIDGE ‘k Telephone : . Canterbury 2257 Bridge 266 ,p.?—" aov 44p c,h“59v~ PAINTS 4I4,;'|f1(,Q 1*” TROJAX 0 RADIO BATTERIES CYCLE TYRES STATIONERY 8: GREETING CARDS S. A. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE Producer and Retailer of Tuberculin Terted Guemrey Milk (Certified) Golden Guernsey Dairy LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM 8: DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Bax-ham 277 ‘Ir FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY CATERING * BED & BREAKFAST You are sure of a welcome RED LION INN BRIDGE ‘k OFF-SALES ORDERS DELIVERED ‘I: Just Telephone BRIDGE 281 P. Hawksfield & Son Ltd. 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 5345 * FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE _______-_------_---AA‘AAA-AAAAA-AA--A ‘AA. A A wvwv GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILISERS, NAILS, PAINTS, etc., delivered to any district C. W. MARTIN, KENT HOUSE STORES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE vvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvv v v V V """"" wvvv vv vvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvv AAAAAAAAA g--- FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding For the highest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT VYE & SON (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE * And branches throughout Kent * THRESHING .2. BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied vv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvwwvwv The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages A. & J. PURCHESE “ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET, BRIDGE, CANTERBURY, KENT AAAAAA A--- _ A 4-------_._ PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE _\,\c€§c$Phor:?CO BRIDGE 455 0%‘? DeCENT & HOGBEN AA 4---- 0124 new DECORATING — PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. F OORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE TeL: Bridge 282 * Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service —— Battery Charging vvvvvvvvwvvwvvvvvvvvvv Union Road, Bridge VICAR : Tm: REV. ROBERT A. PENNEY, The Victiruge. Bridge. (Bridge 250‘; Lay Reader : MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C/1lll'Cl1H‘(II'd(’f1.§‘ : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) H on. Secretary : MRS. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hon. T reasmer : MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurc/1 wardens : MR. W. R. MowT.L, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secrefary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer :, MR, STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. _ ST. PETER’S CHURCH |l——J— DA voluntary 1 iavailable. .FOR CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS. ' °” ‘”°” nth. as a Bridge: 6 October, I 962 lt§";,I£,‘ Bekesbourne: 13 October, 1962 S BOX at Covenant ‘you give) ‘I7 please contact the Vxfffir, Ur r.vv.\J. .m,u,..n,. Prinhcd by Elvy Brc-Lhers und Cross & Jackman Lld., 11 Best Lune, Cnntcrbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESIBOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE October, 1962 A A AAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AA AAAA-‘AAA ‘*4 “ V‘ v AA A AAAAAAAAAAAA G. F. TYLER CHOTA POULTRY FARM BEKESBOURNE Tel. Bridge 345 * Accredited Breeding Station (Com.) K.N. 38 * DAY OLD CHICKS HATCHTNG EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION DECORATING SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS , BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, 7 Knitwear, Skirts and Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available B10“-"9-5' * ANN SMITH NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS DOVER C0T'II“AGE,GlIEIIGH STREET CONFECTIONERS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ‘V- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 B. FLOWER GEN T'S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 9(- Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.-1 p.m. 2 p.In.—6.30 p.m. THE WHITE HORSE INN I BRIDGE 4 LUNCHEONS _ DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION wwvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvv «Y~ Telephone : Bridge Z49 vvvvvvvvvrvv vvvvvvvvvvvv v v ..... _‘ H‘ I‘ PARISH DIARY — OCTOBER 1952 Parish Diary _ October 1962 Lcont.) go_l_;);__@;n_IgL;__ni<>r1 . Wednesdays 9-30 am. ) At Bridge 21 — Sun. 9.45 a.m. Sunday School - Patrixbourne . Fridays 7-00 <3~m- ) _ _ll.O0 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge Choir Practice 2 Fridays 7.00 p-m- 11.00 a.m. Matins — Bekesbourne " 6.30 p.m. Evensong - Bridge. 27 _ Sat. 2.30 p.m. W.I.Sale of Work - Reading Room. 28 — Sun. SS. Simon &: Jude - 19th Sun’*g ;d ‘ ll. .0 . E l C ' -- B ‘cl 7. a..m.' o y ommunion — r1 ge : 45 a m 0 Y °mmun1°n I1 89 ' 7.3o.p,m. CHOIR FESTIVAL SERVICE _ BEKESBGJRNEg ‘ 6.30 39.111. Festal Evensong - Bridge Preaohers'l‘he ' t Rev. Kenneth Hoare, Rector of Godstone M x 4 " Sun? 20th amday after Trinibl 10 - Ted. 7.30 p.m. 2.0.0. - Bridge v -Services aé_£3?_£§f_§%§d§¥ in *h€_P°PFh- 13 - Sat GIFT DAY ‘ BEKESBOURNE (Gifts 17° Church 8 3-In--4‘ P-1'1-) Church Decoration for Harvest Festival. — Please..h'rin..g7_7your 6'30 P‘m’ Parish Ch°:?'rf5 Festival ‘ Cathedral (599 below)‘ gifts of fruit, flowers and v'egetab1es‘Vi'.o_the churches‘ by 14 — Sun- 17th Sunder after Trinity , 10 a.m;'on the preceding Saturday, and if possible, stay HARVEST FESTIVAL - RATRIXBOURNE & BEKESEOURNE . and help with the decoration_ " ' 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 9.00 a..m. Holy Communion — Bridge CHOIRS FESTIVAL —. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL 9.45 a.m.. Family Harvest Fe‘s“:'l\'ra.&. ggervicepg-t _ b I on 13th October at 5__3o P_m_» the choir of ”_31'-jag-{:5 11-00 armr Junior Chur°h_- Bridge rlx °“’“e Bekesbourne will be joining for the first time with other . 11.00 e..m. Matins — Patrixbourne Preachers Cmdr. choirs of -the Diocese; for the Annual 1:'Ae_A-_;1;iva1_,..j_n. the Gordon Steele, V.C.. CathedI.a1_ :. _ . 3.00 11.12. Festal Evensong — Bekesbourne. Preacher: Cmdr. Gordon Steele, V.C. 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. I£.U.School of Prayer — St. Mary Bredin Hall — Canterbury» The intention of‘ this year's serviceiis C'to*b1‘in8 °‘-1" ‘the meaning of the psalms and to show their depth a.n versatility, by singing them in various ways. 2.30p.m. Bekesbourne M.U. - Service in Church A11 members of {he congregation will be most welcome at 7 p.m. Patrixbourne & Bridge T.7.I. this very impressive service, where nearly 1000 Chcrzlsters ° 7 a‘m' ¥I°_1Y C°m”““1°n * BI'1d8e- .will be singing together. _ ‘ . f ~ __' _ "__ 18th Sunday after Trinity our Choir hop"-é--£5---E-4fi-iéthe Festival musj_c‘“5fi'the evening 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Pat:-ixbourne of A11»-Saints. Dav,- Nov, 1s1:’a.t Bekesbourne Church, and also 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion _ Bridge at some other time; at Bridge. : _ 1 _ -.- T VICAR'S LETTER hy dear Eeople, First of all I must tell you, what to me and my family is good news, that we shall be with you all over Christmas. We expect to move to Croydon early in January, but the date of my Institution by the Archbishop has not yet been settled. One of the benefits of the new lighting and heating at ' Sekeebourne Church is that we shall be able to hold evening s ces there again, and I hope to hold our Christmas rbt Communion there this year, with a Christmas peal It should be a joyful experience, giving us one wore happy memory to treasure in the future. EAEVVST FESTIVALS 2 Bridge — 7th October. Patrixbourne & Bekesbourne — 14th October,_ Our special preachers will include Commander Steele at Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne and the Rev. Kenneth Hoare, Rector of Godstone, Surrey, at Evensong, Bridge. Our Church Collections will be given as last year to the figyal Agricultural Benevolent fund and to Zululand. Your Gift Envelopes containing your donations to the cost of Church Improvements will be placed on the Altar and offered to God as part of the Offertory at our Harvest Festival Communion. GIFTS OF ALTAR LINEN. In response_to my appeal;for Altar Linen I am glad to say we have had several gifts. ,A lovely Altar Cloth and Credence Table cloth have been made for Bridge Church b’ Mrs. Harry Hawkins and Mrs. Stanley Grey has just finished working the lace edging of a beautiful Altar Cloth for Bekesbourne, which will come into use at Christmas. CHURCH NEWSPAPER. Please help yourselves to the copies of "NEW ClTIZEh¥, stocks of which are now in each of the Churches. There is no charge — as the cost has been paid by members of your P.C.C. ‘V GIFT nus : Bridge - Sat. 6th Oct. Bekesbourne — Sat. 13th Oct. A GIFT ENVELOPE is enclosed for your family use and I APPEAL TO YOU ALL to make a generous donation to the cost of -in the ALMSBDX. Cgoctl the Improvements which are being carried out to your Church. All these improvements have been authorised by your P.C.C. after the fullest consideration, and on expert advice — and the cost must be met. Most of the money has already been raised, including very substantial contributions from well- wishers in other parishes, and the balance required (£100 Bekesbourne and £200 Bridge) is so small a sum that if you each give something there should be a good surplus to carry forward for future maintenance. We have accepted on your behalf the-responsibilitylof. beautifying these churches to the Glory of God and for the benefit of future generations of worshippers, and you will ' surely wish to contribute according to your means out of loyalty to your Church Officers and Vicar, and in the spirit ”of'glad thanksgiving for your lovely Churches. I, or an Officer of the Church, will be present at the Church to receive your gifts most of the day between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., but in our absence your envelopes may be placed (I have to take a Wedding on 6th Oct.) ‘If you would like an acknowledgment of your gift; Please 1put your name and address on the Gift Envelope. "If thou hast much, give ;flenteously5 if thou hast little, do thy diligence gladly to give of that little, for so gatherest thou thyself a good reward in the day of neces?E§%$} Zszjéga -- '4"Let every man do according as he is disposed in his heart, not grudgings 0? °f' necessity; for God lqVeth a cheerful 8iV9r?iI Cor. 9 v.6) Whatever is given I will most'8IBtefu11Y r9C9iV9g f°r‘A_“ it is my heartfel$“!i§h“$9 see all theuworkwoempleted and paid for‘ before _I reluctantly take‘_m£_S1§I2€3?1£J‘°.e.......... God bless yo{1‘f‘£f1T'1',"." . ~ **~¥bur sincere friend and Vicar,— h . ~ ROBERT ’i=ENNE'r.j -4- n II BRIDGE CHURCH FETE at the CLOSE 2 This proved a most happy and successful event. 15th Sept. 1962 The sun shone and everybody came and spent their money generously and with evident enjoyment, to the benefit of Church Funds. As Vicar I would like to thank all who contributed to this success in any way — by Work and by gifts. Socially, if not financially this year's effort was the best fete we have held, and I conl gratulate Hrs. J.D.Smith, Mr. Douglas Baker and the Organizing Committee, of which he was the Chairman. 17. 6. 8.19. 4. ,l8.ll. 6.’ £l42.’5. 7. Details of Stall Results. Draw Teas & Cakes Einerals & Ices Fancy Goods 01d/New Clothing »Garden Produce Books Sideshows Lucky Dip Photos eflappy Snaps _Ba1loons Cake Competition Punch & Judy Sundries Donations -Less payments in respect of Insurance, Prizes, Transport Ice _Total available for Church Funds ...... £102.15. Cream etc. Robert_Penney Vi 11.16. >4~I 3- 16. 3. 16. 8. 13.8. 5.10. 8. O. 2. 4; 2. 0. 11. 14. '1.12. 6. 3.12. 2 I 20 9i 6- 08.1‘. 1962 £25.11. 6 41 4. 4-0 0 0 5. 8. 6. 0. 6. 2 4 o 0. l. 8 5. FREE HILL OFFERING SCHEME (See back cover) our t°t31 this Year has dragged seriously, due to deaths, removals etc. but Church Expenses ( Please try *0 INCREASE your F.W.O. if you can. help US by Joining the scheme. _ 6 - like your own) have one u . NEWCOMRS please MoTHERst”UN1oN SCHOOL OF PRAYER 1 East Bridge and Canterbury Deanery are combining to hold a School of Prayer entitled 'The Family and Prayer" on Monday, l5th October at St. Mary Bredin Hall, Canterbury. The Conductor will be Canon Gordon Strutt, Arch- deacon of Maidstone, and there will be an afternoon session from 2,30_g 4 p.m., and an evening session, particularly for husbands and wives from 7.30 -69 pom- OFFICIAL WORKERS‘ MEETING 2 Friday, 19th October, 11 a.m. at the Winter Gardens, Margate- Bridge Branch — Corporate Communion and Intercessions on 3rd October at 9.30 a.m. In view of the School of Prayer mentioned above, our monthly meetings will commence on 19th November- It;is hoped that as many members as possible will attend either or both sessions on 15th October. Bekesbourne Branch — Corporate Communion on Sunday, 14th Oct- at a.m. Opening Service in Church on Tuesday, 16th Oct; at 2'30‘ P'"“' BRIDGE.& PATRIKBOURNE WOMEN'S INSEITUTE Monthly Meetings 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 16th October in the Reading Room, when there will be a talk and film by the East Kent Road Car Company. Comgetitiong Item of Handicraft, not exceeding value of 2/6dr Sale of Work: To be held on Saturday, 27th October in the Reading Room. JUMBLE SALE IN AID OF OVERSEAS MISSIONS It has been decided to hold a Jumble Sale in aid of the Overseas Missions supported by the Parish on Mondays 15‘h Oct‘ at 7 p.m. in the Reading Room. Miss W355: MrS~ Meigh °T Mr. J.D.Smith will be pleased to receive any Jumble °r arrange for it to be collected. STONEY AT THE VICARAGE1 The Vicarage back garden has been cultivated preparatory to sowing with grass seed - ut which have to be raked up and removed before the ground can be rolled and seeded. It requires many hands With rakes‘ Any volunteers — Youth Club membegsv 0? Others ‘ f°r 3 Saturday Working party? - - it is covered with l§3gg.§3gg§§ __ .._,"._.-...,,“.,.,..,. 4. , — .——— FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 For the lzfglrest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus (1 Free I Delivery Service SHOP AT VYE & SON (t/3 H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE 3% And branches throughout Kent ~k The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel. : 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied A. & J. PURCHESE “ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET, BRIDGE, CANTERBURY, KENT PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE N“ 4°90.» Oflflcfi BRlIll|)oG‘:?.:455 00”‘ T101‘, MOTOR ENGINEER S. T .‘ FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 * Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging DECORATING _ PAINTING — SIGNWRITING — BUILDING REPAIRS Union Road, Bridge DeCENT & HOGBEN v vvvvv vwwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvwwvvv I/[CAR : Tm: REY. ROBERT A. PEr<.\‘I«:\‘, The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250} Lay Reader .' MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Chit/'cl1u'arrI'z=r1s : Mrz. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) C.-arr. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBAC]-I. Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary .' MR5. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hon. Treasmer : MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURN E Ch urciiwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hart. T reasurcr : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank—ofIering to God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. It you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please Contact the Vicar, or F.W.O. Secretary. F Prinua by Ehry B«o1.bo.n and Cmn Ar Jnckman Ltd., )1 Best Lune, Canterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESi3OURN E PATRIXB 0 U ' CHURCH MAGAZINE November, 1962 BUILDING CON TRACTOR vs GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY H NEW LAID EGGS D 0- F- TYLER JOHN ROBSON ; CHOTA POULTRY FARM (Dover) Ltd. , REKESBOURNE 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE i 2 Tel_ Bridge 345 Tel. Bridge 3111 D * JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION I Accredited Breedino Station DECORATING : (Com.) KN. 38 = * Your local : 1),\\' OLD CHICKS DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, D HATCHING EGGS BOOT & SHOE DEALERS : F D I I} I I D D D BRIDGE Tel. 347 SOFT FURNISHINGS Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, , CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Knitwear, Skins and 4 Eiderdowns Re-covered Patterns Available B1011-Y8-S‘ ‘ ‘k ‘k ‘ ANN NEWSAGENTS _ DOVER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET TOBACCONISTS ‘ BRIDGE CONFECTIONERS - ‘ N. A. TURNER THE FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order ‘V THE LINIES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 ‘V_ 4 I B. LUNCHEONS ‘T GENTS HAIRDRESSER DINNERS BRIDGE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ Hours: ¥ WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—l p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. T°lePh°“e‘ Bfidge 249 v vvvvvvv v vvvvv vv V v _ vv vvvvvvvvv vv vvvv PARISH DIARY _ NOVEMBER 1962 Holy Communion: 9-30 3-mv On WeC'1-nesda-Y5 ) t B -d 7.00 a.m. on Fridays ) a n ge Choir Practice: 7.00 p.m. on Fridays Youth Fellowshig: T-30 P-Rh On FI'id3YS- l — Th. All Saints’ Da_y_ 7 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge. 4 — Sm. 20th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Patnxbourne 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion — Tlekesbourne 9.45 a.m. Sunday School -—-Pa rixbourne 11.00 a.m. Family Service - Bridge 11.45 a..m. Holy Communion - Bridge 6.30 p-.m. Evensong — Bridge. Preacher: The Rev. Frank Cartman. 6 - Tu. 7.30 13.111. British Legion A. -— Littlebourne Hall 7 - Wed. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge (I1.1'.U.Corporate & Intercessions) 10 — Sat. 2.30 11.111. Jumble Sale — Bridge Primary School 11 - Sun. 21st Sunday after Trinity — Remembrance Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne ‘ 9.00 am. Holy Communion - Bridge 9.45 a.m. Sunday School — Patrixbourne 10.50 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge 10.50 a.m. Matins — Pat:-ixbourne 3.00 pun. Evensong -— Bekesboume 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge (Ho Semen) Followed by" Illustrated Talk by Dr. Stevens on the , Pilgrimage to the Holy La-nd.., 13 — Tu. 2.30 p.m. Friends of the Hospitals Rummage Sale - Village Hall’. 18 — Sm. 231:1 Sandgy after Trinity 3 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixboume 9.00 a.m. Parish Communion — Bridge. 9.45 a.m. Smday School — Patrirbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Igflatins — Bekesbourne. Preacher: 1'-fir. Freem-H1 Missions to Seaman- 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. 2.45 p.IL. Bridge & Iiekesbcurne 4(:;m:}_3i:.1e:d.FE " - 1 .. LI:.':} u;.'l‘i:.'” 2” ‘ T” z:1#.a._p?,~1. Parish Diary — llovomber l962 tcont.) 20 _ Tu. 7 p.m. Patrixbourno 55 BIidge'l‘f-?;I;-*-*- Village Hall 25 _ Sun. Sunday next before Advent 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge. 9.45 a.m. Family Service -— Batrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge 11.00 a.m. Mating (Short) — Bekesbourne___ 11.45" a‘.m. Holy" Communion — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m. Evensong — Bridge. 29 — Th. 7 p.m. Overseas Evening — Village Hall. 30 — Fri. 'fSt. Andrew A.M. ' 7 a.m. Holy Communion —' Bridge’ ALL‘ DAY CHAIN 0F INTERCESSIONS FOR MESSIONS. Dec. 2 _— Sun. Advent Sdndayl ‘Usual services. for 1st Sunday in the month.‘ 4 —_v Tu. Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy for Missions to — .SeamVenA_— Wych, Elm, High St. Bridge. BRITISH LEIC-ION - — EEI"l;E$/IBRA.NCE DAY PARADE Will members please note that the next meeting is the Annual General Meeting,“ and will be held in the_ Littlebourne Memorial Hall on Tuesday 6th November at 7.30 p.m. Remembrance Day Church Parade will be held at Litflebourne Parish Church. R.\[. at Basketmakers Arms 10.45 a.m. Sunday, l-lth November. ' "."'T.V.S. — ..'.P1'-EILL FOR CLOTHING K Owing to heavy demands on the wardrobe during the past year, there is now a serious shortage of children's clothing, especially for boys. Gifts of second—hand clothing in good condition will be gladly received at the W.V.S. centre ' in Castle St. Canterbury. If necessary, Mrs. Kelsey would arrange, for collection. Telephone Bridge 309- WAIITED ' __ To rchase at ‘Bridge _— a family 11‘ se with IIfl'1:IE13I1\T13LY - goo garden. - Alternatively props to rent. ———-— lease yhone Canterbury 2541. - 2 _ VICAR'S LETTER Hy dear People, Z ‘ First I must thank you for your generous GIFT DAY donations, which so far amount to £32 at Bekesbourne and £53 at Bridge. mmmmmmma ' ‘ ~)«'~-!(-*~).’- % e % to those who did the Harvest Festival decorations. We have never seen the churches more beautiful. + * * to BILL KOWLL on being accepted as an Ordinand. already started his pre—Ordination training at Farnham. * * * to FRED CAREY and ETHEL MINTER on their marriage, which it was my great privilege and pleasure to conduct recently at Bridge Church. Mr. & Hrs. Carey were overwhelmed with presents and congratulations, and on page 5 you will find messages from them to Bekesbourne parishioners and the ‘Pleasant Hour‘ Club. He has * * * to DAVID MAPLE, our Choirmaster on his splendid work in training our choir for the Choir Festival at Canterbury Cathedral, a most thrilling and inspiring.service;— and for the Choir Festival Service on All Saints‘ Day at Bekesbourne Church. iA_special word of appreciation to BARRY MORGAN and JOHN GREY whose guitar accompaniment to David Maple Singing the Introit Psalm to a modern setting was most effective. 11 hope that we shall hold a similar service at Bridge Church on St. Nicholas‘ Day (Thursday, 6th December). .1 . *’* * to Choir members for their high standard of musical discipline and skill, and to IMOGEN WILTSHIRE for her splendid support on the organ. * * * to ALBERT PATTERSON for his able direction of the electrical work at Bekesbourne Church. The entire scheme, including the flood-lighting of the church and paths from the Lych Gate, is very efficidnt and attractive. _ v 1(- 'K- 9(- * * -)i- '.‘(- -¥- -)6 4‘ . A Host of you by now will have heard of the appointment of your new vicar, the Revd.Colin E.H.Perry, at present Rector of St. hartln WltL Stg ?aul§_and Chaplain to H.M. Prison, Canterbury. It is a compliment to you all that the Archbishop has seen fit to appoint suchga senior and experienced priest to be your new;;; 6? y incumbent. I feel very relieved to know that you will te'{£" Such good hands — and without a long interregnum. 7 we expect to'leave early in January, but the joy of having Christmas Celebrations with you all at Patrixbcurne, Bridge and Bekesbourne will compensate for the discomfort qf_our mid- winter removal. ” '“' i’”””l”‘ 7’ Do please keep me informed of illness or other cases for priority visiting, as my time is necessarily becoming more restricted. Your affectionate friend and Vicar, ROBERT PENNEY FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF BEKEsBoURfiE"CaUabH Being recent arrivals from South Africa, it was with some trepidation that my husband and I set out through the cold and wet to attend the service at Bekesbourne on All Saints’ night. We imagined ourselves shivering throughout the evening. ut we" were soon entranced and uplifted by the exciting and unusual service which took place in a delightfully warm,bIightly lit church. The church at Bekesbourne has been very reverently restored to beauty and usefulness and above all for worship. Especially. notifiable is the way in which the Norman Chancel has been opened up and the screen moved to where it makes a very impressive West End. It was very fitting that the first evening service should have been held on All Saints‘ Day, and suchna.beautiful service - showing the beauty and uses of the psalms both sung and read- Host striking was the opening psalm reverently and beautifully Sung to a very effective guitar accompaniment. All concerned are to be congratulated on such an ambiti0uS undertaking, carried out so well and with such an acute Sense Of Worship; which made the service a wonderful act of tm -- w nksglvlng an®_PIalSe' Barbara Norburng ‘V . (note; The Revdl and his. Rjafiwlvoiouin from South Africa have come to live_at Bridge.) I'fiDTHEBS' Ulv"IOl‘T . Coreorate Co1:1:"union:: Bridge — Wednesday 7th Nov. 9.30 ‘a.m. Bekesbourne — ‘Sunday 11th Nov. 8 a.m. ': Llethodist Chapel Bridge. 2.45 p.m. 19th Nov. Sgeaiccr. Deaconess Berry "Eeace". P.?—.TRI1-IBOURIE :9: BRIDGE Wt')MEl\T‘S INSTITUTE Tuesday 20th November at 7 p.m. in the Village. Mall. Speaker: Hrs. Crookenden. C niztetitio-n: Einitted 6" square. OVET SEAS EVENING V On Thursday; 29th lfoxferfiber at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. The lf.I.'.'.l1atmore wil; speak about the work of the Bible Society ,*J’J EV. ni show a film. 9-7 OE‘ FRIEZTDS OF Cl\_N‘I‘ER_'BURY HOSPIT-;LS — BRIDGE GROUP A Jumble Sale will be held at the lleading Room Bridge on 13th 2T-ave:-_-be: at 2.30 pan. Will all members olease support this effort. Rummage can be delivered to The Close any time,- or gven to members of the Committee. _ ‘The Secretary would like to take this opportunity of thanking - all L~.O.?. members who so generously responded with cakes eto., for the Church Fete held at The Close. MESSAGE FROM M. 65 MRS. FRED CAREY l{y_dear Friends of Bekesbourne, We wish to thank you for the lovely present you sentus on the occasion of our marriage. The beautiful inscribed book of names is a treasure, also the cheque most acceptable. Thanldng you all so much,‘ ' ' — F. & E. CAREY. To the Committee and Members of the "Over 60s Club":- LII‘- 8: Hrs. Carey thank you so much for the sweet little present you so lnzindly sent on the occasion of our marriage, and we hope to see *ou one iav. J “ E. & F. Carey. EXTRACTS FROM PARISH MGISTERS B9£¥__.§_Al""i_I§_11 1962 29th July. 30th sept- 3.":"_1 ..'<.-LI") lath oot. 14th oot. 30th June. 29th July. 7th.0ct. 28th‘0ct.. 1st July. 22nd. July. 16th Sept. 23rd Sept. 21st Oct. 21st Oct. MARRIAGES: 1962 8th sept. 25th Oct. BURIALS: 1§62 5 June. 6th June. 24th Oct . Beke sboume STEVEN GLENN, s. of John & Harmah ATTWELL JULIAN, s. of Ronald & Kathleen COLEMAN WENDY, d. of Frederick 8: Janet D./£9.cNALLY STEPHEN, s. of Geoffrey & Margaret COX TINA SUSAN, d. of Albert Joan CHARLTON Patrixbourne , E }3RQs1‘ER d. of"Thomas 8: Elizabeth MELANIE ANN 9 RINGLAND S JAMES s. of Duncan & Gillian McDOUGALL §¥§gHEN LEotABD.ls-—°f Paul & Vera ZYGMANT RUEERT'JAMES MARCUS, s. of John & Ailsa WILLIAMSON. — Bri dge MRK STEPHEN, s. of George & Brenda BAMUZ LOUISE a. of David & Alicia PENTIN §$§3§§EJoa, s: of Robert & ?argar§gG§§§NEY BELINDA JANE. d- of R°b%“ & G adys, EVER SHEILA JANE, :1. of William 8: lnne l.cK§ACE K'EV'_[1\I JOHN, s. of Derek 8: Marion FARE - Bri dge » - Hgmxrvs raui.Haro1a ISLACSON and aiibirgeiiiide HEN;ER Frederick John CAREY and 3 9 Beke sbourne George Exnmerson FARBRACE Bri (156 Walter SAGE James KENYON \6%§§Q% 1 4---------A--AA..A-AAA--AAA---A-._A‘.AA._._A-4.AA--- - FAMILY BUTCHERS Clarke & Hearnden BRIDGE AND NONINGTON Telephone: Nonington 204 Bridge 220 For the highest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT VYE & SON (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE at And branches throughout Kent * CHAS. H. BEER BRIDGE AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL ENGINEER MOWING AND BALING Acetylene and Electrical Welding Lawn Mower Grinding THRESHING & BALING CONTRACTORS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied The Village Butcher .' E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages A. & J. PURCHESE “ROSEBANK,” HIGH STREET, BRIDGE. CANTERBURY, KENT PLOUGH & HARROW INN, BRIDGE C?’ ‘CO0 ?E_\,\c$$ Phone : MMODA 0 BRIDGE 455 T104. MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. F OORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 ‘k Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service —— Battery Charging DECORATING __ })AIN’[‘1NG — SIGNWRITING —— BUILDING REPAIRS DeCENT & HOGBEN Union Road, Bridge v v vvwvvvvvv vvvvV" qvwvwvvv vvvv vvv v V v'_ VICAR : THE RT-:\'. ROBERT A. PENNEY. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250‘,- Lay Reader: MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurcizwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) H011. Secremry : MRS. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurc/zwardens .' MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SI-IOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds 1S available The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even If you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month. as a Thank-ofiering to God, place your contribution in the. small F.W.0. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Aims Box at Church. If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar, or F .W.O. Secretary. Printed by Elvy Brothers and Cross A: Jnckmnn Ltd.. 11 Best Line, C-nterbury. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE BEKESBOURN E PATRIXB U ‘ CHURCH MAGAZINE December, 1962 1%$%££§%Q§ BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 3. F. TYLER CHO'.i'.-\ POULTRY I_7;\Ri\l BEKESBOURNE 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 345 Tel- Bridge 314 * JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION Accredited Breeding Station IMLCORATING (COIIL) K.N. 38 * Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIIIIINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 DAY OLD CHICKS H.-XTCHING EGGS GROWING STOCK TABLE POULTRY NEW LAID EGGS i i 5 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, SOFT FURNISHINGS Knitwear, Skirts and CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS Eider-downs Re-covered Patterns Available B 10"-Yes ‘A’ ANN NEWSAGENTS ‘ TOBACCONISTS DO‘ ER COTTAGE, HIGH STREET CONFECTIONERS BRIDGE N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce WreaLhs, etc., made to order THE WHITE HORSE INN * BRIDGE THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 -\L LUNCHEONS B. FLOWER DINNERS GENTS HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ Hours : T WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 :Lm.—1 p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. vvv vvv ‘-vvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvv Telephone : Bridge 249 vvvvvv vvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv-vvvvwwv-vvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvv vv vvv-rs ,.._.'____ AAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAA--. _ A AA A AA‘. _ AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA- A AAAAAAAAAAAAA- _ ___ , A A AAAA 3 Best Richard Bostock Ltd. Builder and Decorator lnviies inquiries for new buildings, conversions, interior decorations and fitted furniiure,exiernaI painiina and repairs. Advice given if required. Lane Canterbury Te1,4301 Tel. Bridge 285 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR D. H. WHITTAKER (Formerly W. C. SIDDERS) HIGH STREET, BRIDGE M. S. BODY LTD. BUILDING CONTRACTORS HEATING & SANITARY Car Body Repairs AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA A BRIDGE Tel. arms!» 468 vwvvvvvvvvvvvvvv * Re-Cellulosing Sheet Metal Work iv R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY ENGINEERS H0_oDs PLACE . KINGSTON Telephone» Barham 265 WEDDING, CHRISTENING AND FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS BRIAN PEARSON, Station House, Bridge fol. lrldgc an vvvvv vvv vvwvvvvvvvvwvvvvvwvvvvv vwvvvvvvvvvwvvwvwvvv v . -,4._,_._._ _ PnRISH DAIRY — DECS Hg1y_§gmmEn£2g: 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday )at Bridge 7.00 a.m. on Fridays ) Chaig Practices 7.00 p.m. on Fridays Iguth Fellggghigz 7.30 p.m. on Fridays 2 — sun» J:i.em<;a_i_ii;':dy_~n+~ 8.00 a.m. Holy Cgmmunicn — Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m. Parish Comm nion — Bekesbourne P.nS .L. Sugdgy School — Batliztou 3: 71.00 a.m. Fa ily Service — Bridge ll.l5 : r Holy CJTHHHLCH u B;idgc _ ‘ f,.0 p.m. Evcnsong — B idge 4 « Ti? 10.30 — 12 noon. C:ffce Lorning — Hych E11, Bridge. 5 — wed. 9.30 a.m. H.U. Corporito Communion & Interccscions — Eridge Church C - Th 7.00 p.m. Lecture on Canterbnry Cathedral — Bridge School. 9 — Sun. gpd Stfdiy 5.00 9.00 9.45 11.00 11.00 3.00 6.30 7-15 7.00 11 — Tu. 12 — Wed. 8.00 9.00 9.45 11.00 11.00 3.00 6.30 17 — Hon. 2.45 21:13: a.m. &-.T1- .‘n nu .- a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 8..II;. a.m. p.m. p.m. PI ml in Advent EBIR 1962 Holy Communion — Beresbournc Holy Communion — Bridre Sunday Sc hool — Fatrixbourne Junior Church — Bridge Hatins Evensong Evensong - PatriXbourn— ~ BekesbouILe — Bridge Whist Drive — The Close. Bridge School Whist Drive ifi5re:5a$r:""'ESQupmmmaflakeEb2:;LmgEEuimdxfiimgmnmxxxkxkxififiz 16 — Sun. 3rd Sunday in Advent Holy Communion — Patrixbourne Parish Communion — Bridge Sunday School — Patrixbourne Junior Church - Bridge Eatins — Bekesbourne Sunday School Prizegiving. Evensong — Bridge. Preacher. The Rev. T. Bridge M.U. _ 1 _ — Methodist Chapel. Rockley, Tait Iissioner. Parish Diary — December 1962 (Cont.) 18 — Tu. 2.30 p.m. Bekesbcurne H.U. — Village flg11,~ 7.00 p.m. Patrixbourne & Bridge W.I. 19 - Wed. Ember Day 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 21 — Fri. St. Thomas-A.M..Ember Day _ _ 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 22 ; Sat. Ember Day — 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 23 - Sun. 4th Sunday in Advent 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 9.45 a.m. Sunday School Family Service With_ Carols — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church — Bridge _ll.00 a.m..Matins (Short) — Bekesbourne 511.45 a.m- Holy Communion — Bekesbourne 6.30 p.m..Evensong — Bridge 24 — Mon. CHRISTMAS EVE y» H 11.30 p.m. PARISH CHRISTMAS-COMUNION - Bekesbourne 25~_ Tu. CHRISTMAS DAY {.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge ,1.i-;i_,.. ‘8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Patrixbourne 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Carols — Bekesbourne 'lO.30 a.m. Family Carol Service — Bridge" 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge _ _ 5.00 p.m. Carol Service — The Close. 26 - Wed. St. Steghen M. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion — Briége‘” 27 — Th. st. John A.E. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion - Bridge 28 — Fri. Holy Innocents 7.01 a.m. Holy Communion — Bridge 29 — Sat. 3.00 p.m. Parish Tea Party _ Village Hal 30 — Sun. Sunday_after Christmas '~ 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion — Bekesbourne ' 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion A Bridge 9.45 a.m. Sinday School — Patrixbourne 11.00 a.m. Junior Church - Bridge 11.00 a.m. Mating — Patrixbourne 3.00 p.m. Special Service of Lessons & Carols — . ,. Bekeshournei. 6.30 p.m. Special Service of Lessons & Carols — _ ' vfizidge. JAN. _ 3 — Sun. The Feast of the E ivhan 0 _ _ “ ""1U§EEI‘1§fififiRfi§§2f3?‘?%e 1st Sunday in the m°n*h- _ 2 — _.,_ :.1L2:"* ~ VICARJS LETTER ' ljy dear Peopl e, advent ; "the coming" — creates its own atmosphere of :pec'anoy and preparation for Christmas, the family festival. It the pictures of the Holy Family remind you of the precious .ature of family unity. If you want a really happy Christmas, - it one of family reconciliation and reunion, accepting a“ y the burden of the extra hospitality and the work it valves, and including as a top priority at least one family visit to Church. ~ - The Christmas Eve Midnight Communion at”Bekesbourne Church strikes a new note, and I hope that many of you will come from all parts of the three parishes. I would réhind you that the path up to the Church will be flood—lit, and the walk up to the Church through the cherry orchard and the lychgate, with the bells ringing out, will be for you a memorable.experience. Institutions — My Institution as Vicar of St. Saviour's will be conducted by the Archbishop on Wednesday, 16th January at 7.30 p.m. A verypwarm invitation is extended. to any of you who would like to come. A notice concerning arrangements ‘ appears elsewhere in this magazine. 4_ ‘M _ _, lo I understand that your new Vicar will be Instituted by the Archbishop at 3 p.m. on Saturday, l§thwFebIuary at St. Peter's Bridge. ' ' I and my family will be leaving Bridge on 2nd January and probably Er. Perry will move into the Vicarage about the end of January. ' Interregnun Arrangements -"I am happy to be able to assure you that during the short interregnum period all your services will continue without change. ‘We are very fortunate in having 5° many good priests in the neighbourhood who have gladly offered their services. . Farewell Parties — I believe we shall have_the pleasure of *4 seeing many of you “* and at the Bridge Village Hall on” Saturday, 29th December, and our last Sunday in church with you will be 30th December. We are trying to see as many people as possible, but of course _ 3 _ i:* see STOP FLTCS p. ‘ we are desperately and increasingly busy, and you must forgive us if we finally slip away without having hidden farewell to all of you personally. Please take the wish for the deed. Apart from the hand—over arrangements at this end, I am trying to supervise extensiye repairs and Wwimprqvements-to»the'old—fashioned and shabby Vicarage at’ St. Saviour's, and we will spend the fortnight before my Institution frantically painting and decorating? ‘with the aid of parish volunteers. Church Services — Our choir again had the pleasure of sjoining with the choir of St. Paul's to sing a special Psalm Festival Service, this.time at St. Paul's Church, Canterbury. arrange a similar service at Bridge ongfith December, as_ the choir will be busily engagedmin preparing foranew»~4~5‘ and very special Christmas music. In any case on 6th December there will be a splendid lecture on Canterbury Cathedral at 7 p.m. at Bridge School, given by H .V.J.Torr, whose‘previous talks on our local chrohes were so greatly enjoyed. H , _ ,_l.H H w.- * ' i"""‘ Please let me have the names of those who wodld‘likelto” receive Communion in their homes for health reasons, and I will gladly visit them. _. : _,_,._.~.-.;. May you have good health, happy family gatherings, and ‘the joy of Holy Communion this Christmas. Yours affectionately * ROBERT PENNEY 4X}UU\'.XX_XXX X X x 1 x x xxx xxx x x X x xx x x xx x x x x xx K II xxx x x xx xx x xxxx xxx x § x x x x x x x x x x x X I X x x xxx x x x x xx xx X x xx X X xxx: x x: X I x x x § §'x x _x7x x xx_Xx § § .3 x x x x xx x xxx x x x x c. » Xxx.§cDDDUJ