PATRIXBOURNE _ WITH BRIDGE A = AND BEKESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE January, 1 964 3d. AAAAAA AA A A A A Richard BAr)stock“]E;tAt;1A.A - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1.-. AAAAAAAAAAAA A ‘ '1 v U LDING CONTRACTOR C. F. TYLER BJ(I)HN ROBSON CHOTA POULTRY FARBI (Dover) Ltd. vvvvv A if required; A 1 4 4 4 E 0 ’ : BEKESB URNE BR] ' : I “E 333223223; DEE 1 Builder and Decorator : 1 * JOINERY P§§é\g1;I§;}INGSANITATI0N 1 . ' 1 1 1 : Accredited Breeding Station _ 1 D I I '1 1 1 (Com) }\.1'\. :8 ; 1 . I . 1 1 * Your mar buI|dmgs,conversrons. Interior : . rmcnmc EGO-s BOOT & SHOE DEALERS . decoratrons and fitted » 1 GROWING STOCK *‘ 9 _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ 1 1 TABLE POULTRY H, HAWKINS A furmture,exIernaI parntmu . 1 NEW LAID EGGS BRIDGE . .1 1 .11 1 Tel. 347 and repairs. Advrcesgrven ' _ 1 SOFT FURNISHINGS Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, 1 ‘ CURTAINS AND LOOSE COVERS K,,,-,,m,, 5k,-,,s and , , D D D D D D D D D PBIIETHS AV£iiI3.b]C B[0u_§*gs ‘k ‘A’ , NEWSAGENTS ' ' A’ ’ oovmsmmzr TOBACCONISTS 3 Best Lane Canterbury Tel‘ 4301 I - ‘ A 5 CONFECTIONERS . BRIDGE N. A. TURNER __w“_ Al“. 1 AT > FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce A AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE Wreaths, etc., made to order 1 WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—1 pm. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. WHITE HORSE INN Telephone : Bridge 249 D THE RED LION THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 46! I 1 1 1 .1 ¥ 1 - 1 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE BRIDGE 1 _ B R I D G E 1 Telephone: Bridge 361 ¥ 1 awhfmm C 1 1 _, _ , ‘ 1 V’ B ‘ . 1* B. FLOWER LUNCHEONS ; : POST OFFICE. “OT «L Cow PHONE }{ GENTS HAIRDRESSER DINNERS 1 BRJDGED SNACKS “IDGE 281 4 BRIDGE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ‘ 1’ _ . . 1 ¥ 1, Car Body Repairs fir Re-Cellulosmg fir Sheet Metal Work . 1 *‘ 2 1 R. F. ANDREWS 1 I .A vvvvv .UNn;iY 5;1z'v1c.~-.. ; JANUARY 1964 BPIDGE 5th Janna ’.‘\TF IXBOUF NE BE KESBOUT? NE 1-y — 2nd Sunday after Christmas 11 a.m. Ix atins and Ser. Family Service 11.45 a.m.1'i‘o1y Com. 6. 30 Evensoug and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9. 30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 12th January — 1st Sunday after Ep 9 a.m. Holy Communion 6. 3013.111. Evensong and sermon. 11a.m. Matins and Sermon. iphagv Sermon. 8 a.m. Holy C0mmunis$- 3p.m. Evensong and _ 19th J anuagy - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9 a.m. Holy Communion with Hymns 6. 30p. m. Evensong and _~er1non 8 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon. 26th January — Septuagesima Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Communion 6. 30p.m. Evensong and Sermon. 9. 45 a.m. Simday School and Family Service All ages invited. Sermon . 11 a.m. 1\v':atins and 11 a.m. Matins and 11.45 a.m. Holy Conii +a I 2nd February — Sexagesima Sunday _ The ”urification of Saint 1\Lary, the Virgin 11a.m. litatins 8: Sermon Family Service 11.45 a.m. Holy Com. 6. 30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. 8a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion}; Dear ?arishioners of Patrixbourne, Bridge and Bekesbourne Once again we beuin a new'y.3~.';~ {mil a "Sense ; . . ’.'.. -"'.; .. - i -f ’ ' ~ wi-:11 a sure faith tli_2,‘, W9, C311—Safe1y.1eave an things i:«'3t1}:1;;‘ l’c(l)1:i :I1l1{11'1OV(«;I1y of God‘ '30 We P1'%Y'?1?]eW.:.""Thy IV/i11'done"’ in all the varied eierin S and °ir°“mSW1¢.eS df.‘°i1£' Pilgrim May I commend for our s Sift ual use the p1‘ai'¢r‘at,t1ié.eudjof this letter. _ . _ y p 1 _ A “if” .._?9.°k both b9~C.1$‘V5-Y3 and forwards into the future. We see in the light of_ the past the countless blessings that we have re- ”ceived' in’ spite of tour ‘:1A‘r'1aI"1y"'failings. As we look forward we must ;;,a_1.;e up our minds clearly to fix the direction in which we desire to go, and build our foundation accordingly in the present. The foundation rests on the infinite worth of the individual (i. e. of you who read) to God and its salvation through the Incarnate‘ :Lord. 5 The individual actions of each one of us matters to ‘God. And We ,8._I;‘e_.. involved deeplyitheiactions bf other ' :"s0u'ls_"witliin the family._ of. man, - so it behoves us to loveieach otheras C..1.‘4Ai”.i‘.l_=§5*t.‘.19.“.’..le:‘l '- r- :1 " ‘A "r" llettie Mason. B. I. P. CALEND.'aR For ‘ F1:13'RUr\R A _ _ . . . “'oth’e;}g' Union Corporate Communion at We extendrto Mr.’ fercival Mason our deep and real _ Bridge Church, 9. 30a. I1'1.'r ‘ sympathy in the death of his beloved wife Hgttig, T We assure him ' . . A — ' Vi ' of our prayers and affection atvthis time. He has the assurance that ‘on:-at*Bridge Chulr-‘ch-' “underneath are the everlasting ar.mWs”. She set us all a high example 7_ 00 a_m_ __andp_9_30at_m_ w= — V - - ' ‘ .2: miglegqonstantgpresence,in all weathers at prayer and sacrament at 171-jday; K«':Jomen‘s Institute Cofieefllorning at Village 1TIal1::l3T‘?i¢fi ‘ Peter's,..Bel{e_sbourne.:;; She;,.w_as avfaithful member of the5Mothers' V 10.30 a.n1. ';~ 12‘noon;. :32 a i “ Union and gave great service to the Women's Institute and the family women's World Dayor Pfrayeri '5e__FV'i°eS;“?t Svt-t1\’1'c{I‘_Y life of the 'Ji11agep;pgf:Bel(?h.aL_)e1,..?';4f§I)fl:§I1‘ P .,3peaker: Moffet-.2 -_. - .§_ 7 ‘ Subject; "What the Bible #199-DS‘t°'“5**°da3"""f H 18th — Tuesday‘ Women's Institute 1-Jonthlymeetings -V713-'m» ‘at* " :7 . 1 . _l . -Bridge Villagefiflall-;»‘..;-A ' -*' ' ' 23rd; 2nd 3und3_y_-inVL'e1;h_tv, _ ’:. . . Zgth _ fi:;édnes_day;_,5 C9_nfir;ma-tion _Ser_V'«ce at‘? ..3~0p.—m.‘-“‘ ” ‘l ’ T -at Bel;e_sbourne .Church‘;':= ’ .. a. —.-»-CHURCH —SOCAI.-A-L'-‘ - .fl3he ‘So‘c':ia1'-I hope'-‘ygu*;all- enjoyed the"evening on 30th December, 1963. -A 7‘ —— .._ ._,- _ .,.Qur._tha._nkss are;,du1.3, to allzbfzyou-rwho"supp1ieil' cakes and _ sandwich_es,.. the Mo_thers' Union :members. who served the‘ refreshments; William h;_ihQw11:'?111(,~I,ne;'ry= group for-playing for"=i'1s,"and indeed”:-ill Mamh who helped with the entertainment. Thank you also Mr. Purchase for SUPD.1ying,_a,nd printing the.~invairtatien-.éards.?z52? 1 w . — _ _ » V -We were.-de_l_ighte.d:. to 'we1come':Mr;:v""a_nd M1"‘.'s‘.3'Dav‘id> Pwlaplé A3_I1d_.t9 make ‘a_.sma1l._p.res_entation. to them.$" Our-‘best wishes go with David on the start of his training at--Salisbury. Theological College‘; .- $1 ;we Qan-’§al1=claim our first Social Evening wa's"a _gr§3a_t_success. Thank you all. FHGN THE ?*éi1'tISH-l—ZEGIST£ERSi" _ ' '_ lE'_tje_rnal': grant unto the,r‘n‘;‘.-2 ' ‘ ' ‘ Colin E. H. Perry, Vicar. . _ _ 7:’: K 1.5.21. V. W -’,-_:._‘_:'_5.,l" St. Peter's, Bridge; *27th December ‘1963; /Pxapginaldp gr a_Ip¢§ ,1,1}1.1,?°.}*¥§;l.,. .St. ?eter’s,ABekesbournei 6th January:'l96:4_§‘_l‘;llett_ie’ V; ;»A,__‘-_~.: " :__i_¢,1g'13lr9’''ti‘s’n5“ ‘ it St'..Peter's:;:'B;ridg:e'. 5th “Clareth Temple H Ho1y"I\’Eatri’rnon'y' ' ’ H St. Peter's, Bekusbourne. '-l1th"Jan_ua'ry, ' 1964 . M _ _--.5 David John Champs and Joy Dawn Westwiok p_ _ " " To all our friends at Bridge and Bekesbbllrne, Thanlc you very much for giving us the oppprtglgity of saying "?1‘1}‘9VQir”" at ‘thej-CK}:-istmas "Pai‘ties_ at Bekesbourne. School.-_and gt-ithe Vfllagef Han‘: 1 , r t ‘ ~ r Gera_lc1_ine_andllihaveipnipved up'.to Croy_don‘and _I__am off; to Sa1isb1'1'ry'at thelenld of the ni6n‘tli.j _f' ’ ‘ ;: . . _ _ As _I said on hofli peoasio *5, I ampmost gratefu1,for the Aequally‘ 'gene’rous ‘our:':friends"in the parishes. 'I shall use VICAR : E REV. COLIN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) - TH Lay Readers .- MR. J. D. SMITH, 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. 5. SERGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. . l PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE . , AND Clzurchwardens : 2 . -. A. POTTER. Field House, Brid e. Brid e 218 C APT. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cotrgage(, Brigge. (B)1-idge 438) F E Hon. Secretary : MR. S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurchward ens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary: MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : ‘ MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Marazine Adverts.: MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F .W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to church. Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank-offering to God. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied with your Parish Magazine, and give it to your _ glgiiafiline distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Aims Box at c . _If you care to pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income Tax retund almost doubles the amount you give) M please contact the Vicar. or Mr. C. A. Potter. F K ~ ._ P . _ _ . g. - _ : 4’; = March, 1964 Primed bv Elvy Bmthcru Ind Cron Jr Jnckrnnn Ltd" 11 3“; [_.n¢_ c,me,g,“,,. _ . ‘ - PRICE 3d V _ I . - ~ ‘¢?..- —_~_— —-. .p-—--_-——-—_-—~———_ —r —- the money in setting myself up with the numerous books that I shall Thanla you all again.‘ Yours sincerely, DAVID l\'l.APLE need. WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PFKYEB Services will be held at 1‘/gary Bredin Church. Canterbury, on 14th February 1964 at 3 p.m. p and 7. 30p.m. . Speakers will be as and to read to anybody who would welcome this semi Please contact the Village Represontative Moe. J Garth, (Bridge 309), who will arrange for a memberrt: elsey’ follows:— _ A 3. 0Op.m. Speaker: Miss Mary K. Abel Leader: ll-lrs. ‘Pillar 7. 30p.m. Speaker: Iv-:1-s. Gi1bert—&iiith Leader: Mrs. Archer L13 .GUE or FPIENDS or C/1.NTEP»BURY‘HOSPITi\LS. _ V BRIDGE GROUP ” " V “ ' The above’ Group would lil S G " s by having a. Medical l\/Iissions Box, would they please contfct “an e Miss Wa:-:3, 16 Union Road; Bridge. Whovwould gladly supply one, BRIDGE & PATRNCBOURNE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE T ‘ n- - ‘ ' ‘ 0 T d V he monthly meeting will be held in the Village Han on 1195 3-J, 18th February at 7.00p.m. ’ ' - A Speaker: lvirs. Forge on Folk Songs Competition‘: Potato Sculpture. . >(<*************>l=****=I==l=******* Fri" , 14‘ 1 1141 ». 4. O ‘- I3 .5221... ;‘;.“‘;E;.;a1y.sf~- A Mme we D J - Sfiwll be held in the Village Hall, 10.36 a.m. - 12 noon. . roceeds to Last Lent Federation County 1f\mds_ MOTHERS’ ' UNION Wedn sd L . L . 9 ay. 5th l"eb. — 9.30 a.m. Corporate Communion 8: Intercessions M°nday. 17:11 Feb. - 2.45p.m. Bridge and Patrixbourne i/iothers: U111.0I1: Methodist Chapel. Speaker: Mrs. Moffet S"-bJe0t: "What the Bible means to us today". .i.... ll .. ... SUNDAY SERVICES ; I RIDGE ]la.m. Matins 8: Sermon Family Service 11.45 a.m.Ho1y Com. 6. 30 p.111. Evensong and Serm on 9 mm‘. Holy Communion G. 30 .m. Evensong and Sermon. 9 am. Holy Communion with Hymns 6. SCH . m. Evensong and Sermon. ‘.7 e_.m.Ho1y Communion 6. 30 mm. Evensong and Sermon. I’.\TF- 8 Holy Communion 8th March — 4th Sunday in Lent :i\§9_thering Sunday Mothering Sunday Children s '3' Falnily Service . All ages invited. 15th March ~ 5th Stmdag in Lent 8 mm. Holy Communion 22nd March — Dalm Sunday 9.45 mm. Sunday School and Family Service All ages invited Fresentotion of ‘?n.,1ms at 9.11 Services MARCH 19 64 11 --.111. 1\vf‘9.tins and Sermon ‘ '74)’ _....__—__.._.—- 11. 45 '\.m- . Commlmi 1 I‘..’on.231_‘fi. -I\}’."-.u1-’_ '..;'-5 ; ' -- M”-IT'S, *.>;»t14i:V:dbom-fie ‘I in IQ)‘. :.:H°1Y Communion‘ ‘ ' ‘-~--Vestal -Evensong 9nd"Sermon _ , 7 .. 7 HOLYuwE.EK‘ ‘:_=.,»,>’. . 3.: ’++;':t++;+++"T++ . 9.’ 30 -n. ;m-. Holy ’» S Holy ~ ' ' Communion - 1 - 9«t~30.a-m. ‘Holy Communion " ‘:71’ 00 n.-.n'1':-‘ 3Ho1y* 4 Communion? .8-.0 ,a.n.i. in _ O Ofiimun ' I. " ‘ ' ‘ Iv: _- -- ‘ ‘ ,':‘aL'_;_"' -------- -'--L—‘-—‘—_-..'.. _ :EASTEl2F DA.Y_ SEFV1cEg';-gggfi-MA:-CH’ I '> HO1y_.__Con_11nunion | ‘I I -I ' ‘ : 50 \a.II1.r‘1Vfn.tiI1s .Child1.en~'s and Family Service - ~ .m. ..~estal Evensong ‘ ‘ ' 1' i00f‘m- Holy Communion I ~ . -.a -1, m. Matins. Chijlgh-:e!1.»sL Fgmfly ,3 » . " "eta" 3: , ;3ek.esbourne ‘ 30 -1.m.‘Holy V ' Communion ' 3' iSermon;-= ‘ . g"0 a er '7: k .A , -, . ic at :31 t Ihubric. ‘And note. that every ‘?:=.rish1oner shall commun. - e east three times in year, of which Easter shall be one_ ..__..—_-....—--.n__ W .1? 5 Dear P“ rishioners o Witrixbourne and Qekesbourne, March and wegshall be holding a udqy falls on the 8th Tnmily Service on this r-_ ther lovely day at 11, 00 rpm... 1 do hope that all the grown ups will co ill find elsewhere, in ourmagazine f_u_l_1x. d on Good Friday and Ea‘ f "21-idge. Motheriiig 811 Joint Children s and 7 h_ Vo.ti~ixboui‘11e. You w during Holy Week an j\1.g-_\~ s Churc with thcjr chiiiren on this day. details of the Church services Day. _ Easter Day falls on the 29th March. May 1 se to you. "in the greatest cities, world wherever Christian people gath gather round the altar where the Body of Jesus is laid. mg not to an empty symbol, to an empty" tomb, Church of Him who is ‘alive in the humblest village, in distant. parts of-tlie er together, penitence, faith, love, 1. 1 OI‘ for evermore'~,""éi'i'id -"<'1* to the Altar of the living 1*. e shall find Him. We shall find Him waiting for. us, v siting to comfort us, waiting to bring us into’ closest communion with Hi vj snd with His resurrective power. He deals tenderly with us during the p if cf Lem. He leads us gently out of darkness into light, Lent is one long p .11"! mg of His Holy Spirit with us, because He wishes us to have the joy of un together and with Himself in our Easter Communion. May the joyof the:i_.. light be with you all when Easter morning comes. ‘ Before our Easter Communion may we pra . risen Lord with a perfected penitence, _ (b) to worship Him (cl to receive Him in a spirit 0 ‘< ‘P91 0 v-s cm v-s S9 o ai % 31 FF 0 S to PHI 0 o E 5: Q.- ‘E .6‘ ch E HQ Yours sincerely in our blessed 1 _ H COLIN E. H. PERRY, Vicar- EASTER SICK coMMU'N1oi'~f: i it becaiisewof sickness) . atrtheir homes this 3 The Vicar would be glad to know of any who, age. desire the administration of Holy Communion tide. V , ##5##*#>r**f*****‘**#=k##<*=k***** nd‘this my Easter: ‘mesa . We come on East . _:but we come in"deep'—f Waiting to welcome at _ f humble and adoring love.” _ ‘ ST.PETEB'S BRIDGE FLO - - = ' - WERS FOR EASTER We will be deco” V » . helpers, particularly new parishioners who a::r_3l welcome, also . yet on the flower rota. If anyone wishes to givg )“1tl:.e3‘ted but not of relatiyes or- friends will they kindly send 2/ 6da-. t mm mem°1'.li Lyntoii, good time before Easter, so that the “-1 ie: rs. Ledger, ********il<******************* may be ordered’ CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1964 C 1st 3rd. Sunday in Lent 2nd Monday: Annual General Meetin ' ' V r - g Brid G . . '_: _.,. Friends of Canterbury Hoiiitgoup League of 3rd Tuesday: Joint meeting of Bridge and Bake :~~7P-H113. The Close . _ .5 Ourne .C.C.s 7. 30 . . ' ~ ' A p in Bridge Village Hall. .speaker Rev. P” Allen, Methodist Minister. Subject.‘ An 1. V ‘to ' I Methodist Report. . _ . :_ E lC,an.. ' ‘Eh Wednesda'y‘M9t»he,rS' Uni°n C°‘1‘D0r211_ile: C°,111inunio1i 9» 30 3-In. at Bridge Church." 3”‘ 4”‘ Sundair Lent- . 15”‘ 5th _.3unda.y inljent l7thTud:W "A 19th Thsiszial _ Boiriienvs Institute. .7p.m. Bridge Vinage Ha11_ . . A _ p y‘ 1'1 3.9 Annual Parish Meeting. 7.30p’.1n. B1'1d8e‘V.i11a.gee Hall. . . 7 22 .. L . . . . g 22; _P;1m Sunday - Dlstribution of-Palms, 6th Holy Week (See Holy Week Services) 251311 Wedn d . . _ 98 a¥- Pgiraxbonfgne Parish Annual Meeting. 7.30p..m. 1 . 27th GOOD FRIDAY 89 imary School. . . 29th EASTER DAY APRIL st ‘Wednesday: M°th3.1‘B»'~ .U!1_i0r;.S3orporate Communion 9. 3t) a.m.g at Bridge Church. lgztriicbonrne & Bridge Vestry 8; Annual Gene;-a1 31.3" F='=i»d.«~._.. at Bridge Village Hall. ,1‘ ay. Bekesbourne Vestry “and Annual General Meeting 7- 3013-m. at Bekesbourne Schoolroom. CHUPCH VEs'l‘RIES AND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS : Please note the dates in the Calender and make a real effort to co to hear reports of progress and plans, to express your thanks to all who liave served so well in the past year ‘— and to help elect the Churchward and officers for the forthcoming year. . G - p -x~;:Qc1{1_;L CHUPCH COUNCIL NOMINATIONS. Election of~_membe;rg the P. C. C. will take place .'1t‘the Annual General l\/IeetiI1ga_311d.Y0\l-3}‘-8 invited to make nominations, forms for which are available from your P. C. C. Secretary or from the Vicar. x . T5 -. THE CHURCH ELECTORAL R0 LL . Is your name on your Parish Electoral Poll‘? Lay members of the Church {of ' England of 17 years ofage upwards, who are baptised and declarethat ’ ’ they are members of tl1e'Church ‘of England; and have Signed the £01111 . “application for Enrolment". ' ‘ h _ A ‘ ‘ ' " g \VrlY SHOULD YOU SIGN’? By doing so you acknowledge your member- ship of the Church of England and become" a v'otin'g member of the Ch 1' ' helping to ensurethat all the Councils of the Church — including the P ochial Church Council, the Diocesan Conference. and the ‘Church Asse are fully representative of its members. doing so you are eiierci a privilege and carrying out a duty given to you by law. " ' Forms are in the Church or may be obtained fronithe Vicar 01‘ me ' i . - .- - « - V 1 * LEAGUE OF FRIENDS or CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Secretary of your g_.g.;____'__._;__ ________ __g___p _y u _y 19 Mar. Bridge Annual Parish -Meeting. '7".'30 p.m. Bridge Village Haglln-“ 25 Mar. Patrixbourne Annual Parish Meeting.W7. 30p.m~. Bridge Prim . - ' - . — . ~ .- J;—'.=‘i -school; FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS V g > "Pest Eternal grant unto them" i ._ - - _. . f St. Peter's, Bridge. 28th January 1964. David Alan Grey _ ,1 st. Mary's, Patrixbourne. 15th February 1964. Creorge"H'éI11"'Y”Ca1'P9n‘ MOTHEFS’ UNTON V _ V Wed./lth Mar. 9. 30 a.m. Corporate Communion andAlnterceSS,19nSy;. J The March meeting will be held in the Village Hall, Bridge, on ‘, V who are interested in the very valuable and essential work done by the . - League, to attend this Meeting. ‘ Throat Specialist at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital W110 has this ‘ talk to the Meeting about the work of the League- Mon. 16th Mar. 2.45 p.1n.Bridge 3. pamxboum M th , e Monthly Meeting at Bridge Methodicst gig Speaker: Mrs. Freebairn Smith Subject: "The Reformation and Aftervv 1?-E30 p.m. Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union Monthly eeting at Bekesbourne Village Hall Speaker: Miss E. P. Cutcliffe. At the Bekesbourne Mothers’ Union held on 1 following officers were elected at the Trienni Enrolling Member . . . . Mrs. M. D. Jury Hon Secretary . . . . Mrs. D. Watson Third Representative. . Mrs. R. Grey ' Union apel . Tues. 17th Mar. 8th February 1964 the al Election. Hon. Treasurer. . Mrs. W. Tyler gfégnlggtltge ) . . . Mrs. E. Baker ) Mrs. D. Newport The date of the service for admission of the Enrolling Member was fixed for 2. 30 p.m. at Bekesbourne Church on 16th June, 1964. ****************************** BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tuesday 17th March at 7. 00p. m. Talk with coloured s1ides:Mr. B. Gipson Competition: A decorated Hen's Egg for Easter. ****************************** The Bridge Group is holding its Annual General Meeting on Monday 2nd March at 7. 00p.m. at The Close, Union Road, Bridge. As we are try ing to extend our Group we offer a very warm welcome to all members and friends — especially to the newcomers to the village Mr. T.A. Clarke, M.D., F.R. C. S. (Ed.) the Ear, N088 and work very much at heart, has very kindly offered to 001119 310118‘ and ************************************* ******************************¥****** PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE l'lC/l R ; _ T R“ (~ml\._ L: H F1.-RRy_ B,Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) iii’ :2 - -‘ La)‘ Rc*(1dm'.\' .' ' J_ D_ 5 mi, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MRMR_ s. S:iton,.\xr. 22. Conynghain Lane. Bridge. XBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Cliurc/zwurdeiis .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2l8)_ gi,(p~r_ A, E, W FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secr'eiar_v : PATRI S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.1.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer : MR. C. A. Porran. M R. BEKESBOURNE Ciiurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) H on. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) H0.-i. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Ediior: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. “ PATRIXB o u - FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME . '_ Our Earish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary _Er|I:€l:n£g:-W,:()() SS$te aid oglhelp from central Church funds is available. . . . CHIC ' are not able to come t::1)achLeE:C)}I1ou to pay your share regularly even if you AS5553 f01' Yourself how much you should ’ _ . _ give each month. as a ;l}\f:’1‘(]:p‘:fi:‘{1‘“g1,‘:>i G9d. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. Magazine dgfiig twnh 3’0l1r_ Parish Magazine, and give it to your I Church. “ 0T 0F Put It in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at lf . s (which Yboyll Icgicfgnfi lilfigi :1 dgfinite amount b)’ a seven—year Cow”-imt please Contact the vicar] Ok******>lf$*=I$‘>l"§0$*?l<***V*>lf*ak***':l<‘*. CALENDAR’ "Font ‘Apnii. 1964;‘. h Mothers’ Union Corporate'Co1nmunion 9:30-a.m‘. Bridge,Church. '- - - . - ~ Patr-ixbourne &.Bridge -Vestry and Annual General Meeting 7 . 30 p-.m.. at Bridge Village Hall. Bekesbourne Vestry and Annual General Meeting. . - A 7.30p.m. at- Bekesbourne School room‘. 5th Low.Sunday »1;stsSunday. "after Easter.— .« V .. I - 7th Tuesday.‘ Annunciation of the Blessed V.irgin’lVlary.' ‘V T ‘U - 12th 1st Wednesday. 3rd Friday. . .l\/Ir. .C.-Freeman. « Mission to Seamen.~ Tuesday. ' Wednesday. Youth Fellowship Dance‘ at=St. Thomas;Hal1‘, * Canterbury at 7.é30p.m=. - i '- ':' ~. " -2:; 3rd Sunday after Easter. ' ~ 1 ': " ' 17th 1 8th 19th 21st Tuesday. ' H > .— ’ meeting at Bekesbourne. =2. 30 p. 111. Speaker _: The Rev. P. Hammond, Vicar of Barh 24th Friday Archdeaco’n‘s Visitation at the Cathedral. 26th 4th Sfiinday after Easter‘; MAY ’ 1st Friday. St. Philip and St.Jarnes. Holy Communion" 7.'oo‘a.m'. : at Bridge Church. ****=k********>k;l;;!<=I<1i;k_§é‘=kv>!<‘*=0<'***§|<=i<*}|<:*;0<>|;2l<****§k**>!< BEKESBOURNE MAY ' FAYRE The May Fayre will be held on May:9th at Bekesbourne School-1‘ Stalls will include Gifts, cakes; ‘Produce, Jumble, Hot Dogs, Teas. ~‘ Plants and there will also be Competitions etc. ' V ‘ Please make anote of this date and comeandhelp ‘us toimake 5 this year‘s Fayre a really big success. 2nd Sunday aftertliaster Preacher at Evensong, St. Peter's, Br‘ ~ Women'..s‘=Institute, 7p.m. at Bridge Villagerfiall. ‘ ' Club fimds . Mothers‘ ‘Union. ' Bridge" and Patrixbourne monthly taking the S, p_(;__. IV ( "Rest Eternal grant unto him" A few months ago we 1earn't of the t‘ service of Albert Taylor, _Lynton Cottage II‘:rl:::‘e::t:r;.oIIlr1 pllblic represented Bridge on the Bridge-—Blean fwral Diétrict 28 years. He had also been a member of the Bridge Parish Zlougfl for half a centur , ' dd't‘ - «_ Committees. y in a 1-10l’l to service on other public and local Now we mourn his loss by his de th ' Many Parishioners; would Wish toasa; xe1t1t1ha:1:1;}:)3:IE,::C<1)1' dear friend for hisgkeeninxterest anclhelp at an ti“. lafe education and housing.-and his faithful care of "mes especl ly on . .. J , ,- . ~ L. ._ _ ‘our Village of Bridge. ' ' . .. .‘ L. ‘J.- Williams. _ vf"*’E**fj=***i0fV*;*jk**=o:_=o==o<=o==1==o==o=4==r:r=o:=o=4nag;7 - ST. PETEB.'Sv YOUTH. FELLCWSHIP . V The Youth Fellowship are h l ‘L H April 18th at 7. 30 p.m. at St. Thorrfas Ilfalal YC()):i1te1I-)l?nce 0.11 S"‘T*“"“‘Y g Dancing will be to the uncommllters Ban§‘1"}.', in aid of Tuesday, Talk : ' ... 1\{l1:S. Field on Dr. Albert Schweitzer. M'ar1"O“;e ijlm-eatreuaé C<:un1c):il Meeting at the ~5- . -1.’ an er 3 10- . _ ************;‘.l::*’l‘::5|<***‘*>I==k****1¥*‘::y a m COLLECTIN I __ G.--BOXES FOR T ‘ T’ .-~~ W 3. HP P..~G. :1\/IIS.SIONARY SOCIETY a Ollld th(‘)Vse Wh V ' S by keepigigicolle 21st April Monthly nieetin - 3: - gatthe Village Hall at7p m M°nday 27th April . . _ ‘ or w 0 would be interested~inl~.‘ men y bunetm magazine Please contact‘ issv was Road, or Stuart.‘gDov}e, nMéadow croft" Coyyngham S Un' ane.‘ I : ‘IOII **** A .. 3» ****#****f*f**a******¥***** rieudfi of ()3antérb3u£/rt. ‘tglme ‘Mam C'Dmmjtt-cc bf 0 Nurses Recreati fl Dspl S win he on‘Tues' 7th. April 011 3.11. Members please note. (C ,- Ontlnued fr Oln ' B League of F '0p~nq_ th 403 340 63_ Con oral _l_ncnme. V 155 Collections 35 223 Special _ * of l3I‘l(lg_C__f1_l_l(l Pnirixbourne 1’. C. C. Accounts for Year ending Illst Dec. 1963 l‘Z.\'pcndit.u1*e VVages ~ Salaries Church Services 1Algl}l,, llcat and Water Summar IQ IC 62 50 118 Insurance 161 324 485 21 20 12 19 21 10 21 _ 103 "155 35 . 25 -20 45 12 £1,263 Envelope Scheme Covenants Fees . v Special Efforts Summer Fete J ' Tassell Bequest Income i l Sundry Income Grant from Bridge Parish’ Council ;Sundries 4 Vicar‘s Alms A Church Boxes H , Bridge Mothers’ Union (for Church Gate Lamp) ‘' Church Linen f'Caro1 Party Church ards Special Efforts for‘ Missions ” Free Will Offerin s 37 25 47 ._' Sundry Donations 16 ' 16 10 133 67 202 _ 251, 263 23 45 30 35 Repairs and Renewals Diocesan Quota Dilapidations on Vicarage Scheme ‘K'- Vicarage Rates — Water Parish Magazine Net Deficit bhirvey Fee Bridge Church _ Bridge Church Gate Lamp Church Linen _ Sundry S_ubfscript_ions . ‘Donations ._ _ 4 Home ‘Missions Overseas Missions General Charities - Easter Offering ' Sundry Expenses" Surplus forg-the Year 1963 HON. TREASURER'S REPORT The Satisfactory result for _ 1963 h - reductlon in expenditure rather as been achieved by a than an increa e ' - Church collections for General 8 m receipts’ Expenses and for S ‘ pecial Purposes show an increase . Covenant income is down byog2:%9a::1e:h:h:«:§:‘<£;?;Sgfearf but Envelope Scheme shows a reduction of £34 com 31 (1 foring Admittedly, contribution s towards the cost of t}l)e 1:21 1962'- amount to £24, but it was hoped that the decision to dlls MagaZm.e fee of 3d. per month for the magazine would not resultfirge _a n°m1_na"1 in receipts from the Free Will Offering scheme which lllxaa reduction connection with the magazine. , S no direct On the E enditure ' - . to - ve ‘ i give“ away ‘566_1<3_z‘>_§ to Missions and Charities than we did in 1963 The ' - - . . . s ances w ic are unlike] to re We are b t t _ y cur‘ It is importantythat an mos}; have to do some work at Patrixbourne. heart should do the’ t 0 ave the Welfare Of the Parish at contributio ‘ 1r u most to support the“ Church by regllla-T certain Cirns, either through the Free Will Offering Scheme 02‘, in - C11 '1 Tax is reco msdailces, by 8. Seven Year Covenant‘, whereby Income Vere ornthe Church at the full 1-a_te_ C. A. POTTER — Hon. Treasurer. ****************************** LEAGUE OF 1 . 1 A FRIENDS O} C11NTERBURY HOSPITALS,.Bridge Group. :1;ethA:121::1 1‘/?3:1:1(‘:_3}:'a1T31\:I9<$1'11Ilg" of the above Group was held at the so many new members and 1: ankalrman said how pleased he was to see cold night_ The Se 6": ed them for coming along on such a ship of 234. After Cr 81% reported that the Group‘ now had a member- purchasing Christnliaymgu e rental of three television sets at.The Close, electronic or an f as prcsents for all the patients and pI‘OV1dJI1g an We We g f or the Chapel‘ there was £66 in hand. Main 1'9 ortunate in having Mr. T. A. Clarke, the Chairman of the Comm? , . , has been dOIleLE]:D(§r’t}t1Oes ggéu the Meetmg about the V3.1l1ab1\%.VV1\?I‘.t‘l&l?Vh1Ch Close ,¥ VICAR .- . _ H. PERRY, B.Sc.. The Vicarage, B1’ldg9- (B1'1d8¢ 250) Lay Readers : ‘d (B ‘d 260) _ _ 5 , 4, The Terrace, Bri ge. ri _ge MR3/lit. Sl?RI<::ANT, 22. Conyngham I-3“e= B“d3°~ THE REY. Corns E. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AN BEKESBCURN E PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens: _ 2 8) 1 _ “. A. POTTER, F‘eld House, Bridge. (Bridge 1 _ CAPT. A.Tl3T{\\% FARISH~SANDB:]\Cl-I, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 433) Hon. Secretary : MR. S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer .- MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bckesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME 0111' Parish Churches depend for upkee ' . . _ p entuely upon our voluntary smug. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F .W.O. S h - are not able “:3 6:111}: igagglfisciou to pay your share regularly even if you Assess for yourself how m h ' ank . . uc you should give each month. as a mc,o;f:f:§§fi;3 G931. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. Ma . , W1 your Parish Magazine, and give it to your d ' - - . Ch 5311.116 istributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at If YOU care 1 led .. - (which by Incomi’ Praxgiegugafimte amount by a seven-year Covenant please Contact the Vicar or Mr a(1:lmXstPc(l):>tubles the amount you give) ' - - - er. CHURCH MAGAZINE I j .: C: -" May, 1964 Pfimfl M 35")‘ armheu Ind Cm: I A: Inckmnn 1.111., 11 Ben L.“ C b . Inter ury PRICE 3d‘ m_____:__ SL'I\’£.*.\” C;ER\’I(‘/ES — iV}f‘i'1’ 1964 P;.TfiD{BOURNE BEKESBOURM em‘ _ :_—’-:‘"‘$~. 31-d tiny istii snide)’ ,=1fter_E9§t€,1;'£9g9lt1.-Eatins 8: Sermon 8a.m. Holy (._ 3Q3_ m_ ;\-msong and Family Service. Communion $.rmon. All ages invited. 3p.m. Evenson and Sermon. 17th lviay — Whit Stmday ':”;:..n:.1iol_v Communion 8a.m. Holy Communion wihh Eiynins \—( /_: 3» '7‘! .:\/4|"/[III-1. / t£¢~"'v-tag. 11 a.m. Matins Sermon foll ed by Holy Communion 3: 11.45 a.m. 24th May — Trinity Sunday . 45 a. in. Sunday School and Family Service. All ages invited. 11 a.m. Matins 3’ Sermon. Communion 318’! May - 1st Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. Holy Communion 11 a.m. I‘./Iatins & Sermon 6. 30 p. rn. Evensong and Sermon. 8 a.m. Holy Communion‘ 11.45 a.m. H011! _. s —~ THE VICAR'S LETTER . ‘ Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, . This month we have the Bridge and Patrixbourne Summer I:",e1:e’ on the 23rd May and the Bekesbourne May. Fayre on Saturday, May 30th, Ido hope ‘we shall mutually support each other. This is 3;;gO0d .y opportunity for new members of the village community to join with us. and meet each other on :these‘sociala.nd family occasions. Welextend to all our old rfriends and our new.‘ arrivals a warm we1_c_ome.. Full details appear elsewhere in our magazine- We should be most glad. ‘V to have gifts for the various sta.lls.. . 2 , _ _V _ y _ U I I - I wo‘uls'l liketo -see -anfiincrease in ouridonations for overseas C missions. -I feel we could do better than the donations of £45 received during the last financial year. Perhaps we could each make an indiv- idual effort to better this. If you would like a collecting box in which you could allocate a small sum regularly, "I would gladly see that you have one, if_Y0l.1 Would let me know. " -’- "3'7"3'- -» ~ A . .. ‘ During this month"we havethe great thoughts of Rogation Sunday, the Feast of the Ascension of'0ur‘ Lord,‘ and the birthday of the Church, Whit S"md'ay,' and the ‘great dodtrinal feast of the Holy Trinity. »I "O Lord, from whom all good things do come" is the thought of thecolleot for Rogation ‘Day. ' We worshipfc-od ascreator. It is God, ‘too, who insupiresus to pray.“ "Whatsoever yezshall ask the Eather in mfi’ I13.m'-en, he‘./vill give it you". ‘The collect goes f111"the1': We are not merely to think. and pray, but "to" do those. things that be good“. , The Ascension ‘is ri’ch~'in' mean‘ing'for‘thel Christian who apprehends 1? by faith.‘ The Ascension’reinindsithé-faifl'1fi11~ChriSti3-RS 1'-ha‘ their true homsis i'n”I*Ieaven,. a.nd‘tl1at’itV'1'S-from $119‘ Ascended L°1'd that they receive gifts and power ‘to do His will onearth. r'.;'Ag'ain 1195579 -the 5 i World and go to the-Father". "From the Father, to the Father". Such is the description of His own life in the worlds givefl by the Son of _,_.G'°’d Himself. As "members -of Christ, children of God, Such t°° is the truepicture of ‘the dignity of our human lives, that "where He is, thither we; inightalso ascend, and reign with Him in g1°1'Y"- _ Whit Sunday is the day when we commemorate the outP0“1'mg_°f the Holy‘ Spirit on the apostles. It is, that “'9 behave 1“ the Holy "Apostolic" Church. Each believer rsweives this 5°1‘“‘°‘am° _. V?— gift of the Holy Spirit, and with the help of the Holy Spirit we continue‘ ‘ incur generation and age the lif_e_of the Church. A ’ . The feast of the Ho1y.Trinity- safeguards our doctrinal beliefs; that. we v orship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, neither confusing; the Persons nor difiding the Substance: in the words of the Proper‘ P1-ye. face for Trinity S\mday “O Lord, A1-mighty, Everlasting, God, Who art’-_« me God, one Lord, not one onlyperson, but three persons-in one sub- star ce‘.‘ For that which we believe of the glory. of the Father‘, the -same we believe of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, without difference or -j inet uality. ‘That tremendousitruths _l _ ‘ ' k A ' I V A» ' ’ ‘ ' Yours affe,c_t-i’onately_, in ourblessed Lord,.- _ 'COLIN'E. _'H_-._»P'ERB.Y f4 V7icarL%5I- x:klt*****=k#=9==k**=k*~******3t<>k'******.**,**A**fi= g g 3.. CALENDAR non MAY 1964 g If _"’ Philip.and,St._James. 7 ‘ ‘ » _ I Holy Communion "Z.()Q a. m. at Bridge Church. 3rd C Fifth Sunday after Easter. 5‘ " lst Friday 6th Wed. - Mothers Union Corporate Comr'nunion'9. 30 a.m. ' Bridge Church. * ~ . _ , *3 Rural Decanal Confelrence '7 St. r".ugustiI1e’s.C9__1__1.f%§° 7th Thurs Ascension Day, Holy Communion 7 a.m. Bridge Church- 9. 30 a.m. Holy; Communion and Children's Service. at, Bekesbourne Church. ‘ ~ . 10th Sunday after (ascension. Canon Kenneth Cragg, Warden of St. Augustine's College, will be the preacher at Evensong, 6.30 p.m. at Bridge Church.‘ , . 15th Hiday Bridge Fete Meetingat The'C_lose, 7. 30p. m.- B ‘ "v'-JouLd all helpers please attend. V ' ‘ ' 17th Whit Sunday. 3 _ ., , A 19th Tues. V1.1. Monthly Meeting 7 p'.in:.' at‘Bridge Village. Hall- zofh Wed, Mothers‘ Union Deanery ll»/_;_eeting‘a_;t 7.’45'p. In. at 'V'{i1*d‘1 ' Church. Preacherpthev Very F§ev.~I'a.‘1i-V»/hite—ThomB°“' Dean of Canterbury. “ 231-d 321, Bridge & Patrixbourne Churches Summer‘ Fete 2. 30 p.m. at The Close. 24th ' Trinity Sunday. , _ n U . ,g _ _ 30th Sat. Bekesbourne May Fayr,e,2. 0p.m. at Bekesbourne School. 31st First Simday after Trinity.-" ~ g V . ' ' vi‘,-¥**3“*.*?"***?’f.*{0<*>Hf***************** '.»'.‘.-"V 5Tf"- . EASTER‘ o\fi"15ER1NG",:,_ ' " I I should like to express; lgratefulvthalnks to all who contributed so generously to my Easter Offering. Your kindness is very much appreciated.-“ ~ V. _ _ , ~ ' ‘- » . . _ .~ ;.Co_lin E.‘ H;"‘Pe;4ry' ’- Vicar, ******=o=**>o-*********-o-******=v==r*m**' ' l ' A CHURCH NEEDS I would like to see in both the’-Churches of and Bridge silver Wafer Boxes for .tl1"e¥Credence Tables. If there is anyone in the parish who would like to donate a gift in memorylof a ’ dear one, this mayjbetal suitable memorial. AColin~E-'. H.-Perry _j~ - - vicar, =o<*=k**>k*>I<*************=of********** M BEKESBOURNE MAY FAYRE .; goth M,.~,Y*_ 2_30 p_m_ if C the d Owing to illness and other commitments of our helpers Y ate has been altered from May 9th to May 30th. ' * » Will you please support this effort by giving and by your presence on this day. books A We would welcomeigifts for the following stalls — plants, _ . produce, cakes, articles fOI"g1ft stall, jumble etc. These Could be left with Nlr.__Sl1oréy or ll/its. Sandall. Please help us to have successful day. . _ ' H W****>ltg0=*=t=*************5t*§k*>tt>l<*>|}**# ;"0MEN's INSTITUTE" /edneaday, 5th May. Visit, of members of Windsor Park w.1. esday, 19th May. Monthly Meeting at the Village Hall, 7. 0p.m. **#******#********#****#**I|I3l=**** ""1 _. _ 1‘ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS HOLY MATRIMONY St. Peter's, Bridge. 21st Marcli “ Gerald Douglas Hogben and Wendy Yvonne Stiffle. 3151 March St. Peter's, Bekesbourne ‘ .. - D: : .. T 28th Eviarch Gerald Robert Patfield and Rosernar'y3Clark* 4th Apr il Stanley Vincent Rowley and June Marjorie Hadlow. HOLY BAPTISIVE St. Peter’s_.Bakesbourne TA, ._ *‘ ‘David Charles‘ Hill Janet Elizabeth Adley Russell Garrett 5 ' «E “ 22nd Z\Earch 29th March "REsT.ETERNA‘L‘dR}iNT rmrro THEM" " St. Peter's, Bridge 31st 2=.Larch Charles Measday 9th April‘ Irene Dorothy Blakeyi St. Peter‘s, Bekesbourne -' 29th ls/Lar ch _/llbert Kennett =\‘<*It***>6=********=?<**>ff>k**********>if**.=‘ _ ‘,_ The Kent Association for. the Blindwish to extenud-'£h€iI‘ grateful thanks to St. Peter's Bridge Youth Club for their help in: arranging and collecting on behalf of the Association the sum of £10. 1. 11. I. most gratifying result. H. J. JENNER. Rep.—K.C.A.B. V The Vicar wishes to extend his appreciation to‘ the Youth Club as the organisers. ___A Glyndwr Thomas Davies and Angela Rosemarie Grey Lionel John George Walker and Mary Gwendoline :‘I :.. The result of the Coffee mm-um . g to . seating in the Bridge Recreation Field wasrillsfif lttllnljls to'I")1::r1vl:de are extended to ever h h 1 '. ' ' , _ 5 total. 370119 W 0 G Ped towards this granfymg J. Kelsey. =o<***=o<*=o=*=o<=o==o<*******************,..,,.,..,..,..,,, MOTHERS‘ UNION — 6th May Wed. Patrixbourne and Bridge Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions. 9. 30 a.m. at Bridge Church. 20th May Wed. Mothers‘ Union Deanery Festival in Wingham A Church, 7.45 p. m. *' Preacher: The Very Rev. The Dean of Canterbury 5th June Fri. A Coffee Morning will be held in the garden at Garth, by kind permission of Mrs. Kelsey for the Church's Work for %cial Welfare. ************************************ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Groug An "Open Day" and Bring and Buy Sale will be held at The Close, Bridge, on Saturday, 13th June, at 2-30 D-111; Please '-‘ Put this date in your diaries and give us your Support by Y0“ Presence and gifts. Gifts for the raffle would be appreciated- «, Please deliver either to Mrs. Clarke, Grindley 1-0539» Bridge or to 1‘/iatron at The Close. Thank you. ****************************#****** MOTHERS‘ UNION — B'ekesb'ourne" urne Village Hall’ 2' 30 p'm' 19th May Tue . Meeting at Bekesbo _ S N. Baldock, Vicar °f A51‘- Speaker : The ReV- **** *******************#*********** ' H. l'lC‘.-IR .' ]_(1_‘i' Ri‘i1iicr.\' I _ _ W; i 1) SMITH 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) ‘ ,;1'R' ‘\~_' 5].RGHv_ 3; Conyngliani Lane, Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hiirc/iwarderis .' Mr.. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) (‘Arr A. E. \V_ F.iRisii-SA.\'-DBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MR. 5. SERGEANT, B.Sc.. F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C}2urc}iwai'derzs .' MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesboume. (Bridge 256) Hart. Treasurer: MR.ST.L.NLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor." THE VICAR Maga:.i’r2r Adverts. : FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for u ' ‘ . ,. . _ pkeep entirely upon our voluntary %‘u1:11%-W3\C;J SS:z;:naid oglhelp from central Church funds is available. are not 3516- to éomfie tglachfiiciglou to Day Your share regularly even if you ban/ikfzggrffigr ,:'(:>u(r3selif how much you sliould giye each month, as a emelope Supplied w?th- D1306 Your contribution In the. small F.W.O. Magazine distributor your‘ P'amh Magazl-He’ and gwe It to your Cburch. or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at If you c’ , . I please contact the Vicai, or\i\r}ir Elmo“ doubles the amount you give) T Rn" (‘oii\' F H Pl~'RR\’. B.Sc.. The \'iC3fiiS€- B1'ldg9- (Bridge 250) hlf . -- ‘ MR. 0. MIDDLETON. Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH A BRIDGE ND BEKESBOURNE PATRIXB I U ‘ PRICE 3d. .511. .1. 11 St PETER BRDE CHURCH MAGAZINE June, 1964 A-.~ « ~ ~.-~rr - NT 1964 .. . =1» *‘"D~*‘ Lb“ ‘CW JU L am Mon. Joint P. C. c. s and Open Meeting to discuss church of _ _ _. ‘ _ _‘ England and Methodist Church Report on Converga_t,jgng_ semen BEKr.oBOURNi:. _ p 7.30 p'.in_. at Village Hall, Bridge. 11 nt. ; atins and 5 3- 111- H013’ C0mm‘1“i°n 9- 3° 3- 31- SW18 14th 3rd 0-Sunday after Trinity. The Revd.H. L. Paget, Rector :€r,mm_ yamfly Holy Communion of Ickham, will be the preacher at 11.00 a. m. at :21-vice. ~ " ~ “Max”-y's, Patrixbourne. - ‘ ' 0 11. 45 2.. In. Holy ‘ 16th Tues. Service of admissionof Enrolling Member of Bekesbourn Communion. - Mothers‘ Union; 2. 30 p..m. at Bekesbourne Church. 6. 30 p. 1:. Zvensong and " _ 0 " ‘ Women's Institute Monthly Meeting — 7 p. m. at the Lermon. F i H » Village Hall,«_ bridge. ‘Speaker ; Miss Larkan- . 14th June _ 3rd gundfly after Trinity 17th ‘Wed.’ Rural Deanery Missionary Festival at.7.0 p.m. at St. ' * - =Nicholas-Church, Ash. Preacher will be the Very Rev. 32. :1. E013‘ Communion l1a.m. Matins {iv Sermon. 821. in. Holy . . . Featus Seam‘, fDe‘a_n of Lago5_ _ . . A 5- 30 13- 23 :’\'3E50ng Family 391‘ViCe- C0mm‘1ni°n- ' 20th Sat. ' Village Hall’ Feteatiz. 30 p. m. at Bridge Recreation Ground. and .2-::r1:2or.. $.11 ages invited. 3 p.111. Evensong 21st * " 4th Stmday after Trinity. The Revd. L. F. Geddes, Rector and 5<"3I‘m°n- "H e I 1 of St. 1‘/Lary-'s,‘ Bishopsbourne will be the preacher at 215‘ Jun’) 4th A m . _ ‘ - St. Peter's, bridge at 6.30 p.m. _ . . V i " ‘ "unday after irmlty ' 25th Thurs. Bridge Primary School Inter-team Sports — 2.30 p. m. .- * 3' 2. r:_. holy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a. m. I-/Latins & 27th Sat. ' Canterbury Diocesan Missionary Fe8tiVa1 811 M3idSt0l19- v 1&1 Ziyms. sermon followed 28th 51:11’ Sunday after Trinity. 5- 3013- In IV-BIISOHS 3nd by I-loly Commllfl 29th Mon.‘ 3St. Peter, Apostle and Martyr. Holycommunion at 3311131 ion at 11.45 a.m» ' " A - ‘ ?Bridge Church, 7.00 a.m. 28th June _ 5th Sunday after Trimw A ’ 1 9. *1:!H=It#*!lHt*IHI#tttttilnllttllltttttlltttlt :; 1. :5. Holy Communion 9.45 a. In. Sunday School & 11 a. m. I:/.-Zatins and ‘-309 13- EVEHSODE Family Service. Sermon. Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Pairixbourne and Bekesbourne. 9-55 3~'=”-'l011- All ages invited. 11. 45 a. In. H013’ Firgt 1’wou1d like to welcome a number of new parishioners to _ Conimunmb Bridge‘ Ifdb ‘-so hofie mat you and your families will be happy with us and assure you of a sincere and heartfelt welcome at the Divine %1'V10e8 in Our Churches. 3"} “"‘;'°d- ; -'°th°T5' T331011 Corporate Communion 9. 30 a. m. Bridge Cwk This month Iwould like to mention for Y°‘11‘ '-h°“3m3 and prayers 5th Fri. Coffee Eriorning at Garth, 1_/jeadow Close, 10_ 30 3. m_ to 12 D the Report on Conversations between the Church of Englandand flame 7th 2nd ;und.;y after Trinity. Methodist Church. It has been commended by the C0l1V003t1°n3 Church for study. I propose "to have an everrng for discussion and 1;,- A intercommunion, to be achieved-through aservice of mutual recogni --3’.’: study of this report on lffonday the 8th June at 7._3Q p. m. at the Village Hall. _ lLGI'Ilb(3I'S of_the« Parochial Church Councils-and of the congreg- ation are invited to attend. I have purchased four copies of the Report and would be glad to lend them to anyone-who is desirous of reading it,» The Peport is the work of a Committee of Church of England repre- sentatives appointed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York at the__,;_ request of/the. Convocation, and Methodiséb Representatives appointed by the President of the l-/iethodist Conference. It is necessary that we may form. our? judgement atza parochial level,‘ with a reasonable, ..11nd§1;.-A standing of the issues involved; . The Reportuenvisages an ultimate union of the’ Church of England andithe Methodist Church, to be achieved in two stagesi.'%.‘First, having establishedfthe conditions necessary for mutual recognition, the Church of England and the l‘.Cethodist_Church-3?; will enter‘ into communion with each other, . "the.ministries and sacra- ments of each being acceptable and available to theother“, i. e. full ion of thezministries and the creation of a Methodist episcopate. The} -- Secon--Stage will be that of complete union, when both. seek to be united in -One Church, i.e. complete'organic1unity regardedas the goal. It is the chief concern of the Report-'te set= out-proposals for reaching .fl!76C nearer goal of full communionf Itldoes not attempttoiset out.a com:-' ‘" plete plan or to answer all the questions which are implied or may be‘ - raised. —The:P.eport,v of course‘; expresses the views of those .who i’ drafted and signed it. These may or may not-represent official teach‘ ing and practice; atthis stage they can be no more than a pointer. For communion we shall _need_ fo_rma.l_;statements from the Churches 35 well. What is involvedis' a'”gr‘eat'act'o.flfaith. We walk by faith and not by sight. "fie are joined together ‘in*this yenture to discharge this" mission of ours. - We are divided by widezdivergencies ot ecclesiastm custom and ways of worship, that ma.1_‘Newport " C St. Peter's; Bridgei '"’“ -_2‘5t‘h " v -?'-'’William James Brown. *‘**>zFs«>l5§ié*=k¥¥***=I<**>k=o=** MOTHERS‘ UNION , .;._ ,,,_Briage;.1..ij1p;,,;.,,,,,;,,,,,ne:g _. ' ‘_9;‘3o all ‘;i‘*a?g_;Bridge?AcnurchL-4' 4? ' I 3rd June" J, _ ' ‘Corporate-”Co1_nn1_uni-bi wit$HlInterce_ssions. ~ - V .. l6th June, T1198. Thé‘r'e,wi1I-be 'a,s.ervice for admission of the 2 : Enrolling 1\/Eember,'_;l\!£rs_. ‘_.Jew1gy,V:_;-a1;j.,*2_, 30 p,m, at petal-vs Bek_esbourne;- ,-I_t_ ,is:11QD,ecl,;that: all ;»rr_‘1__e,-mbers will attend and members of Bridge Meth,er,s';,Unign especially invited to come.‘ ';—.;;ar- _ . _» -~.::.4.». ,,, Welfar i'\..(131offee ‘Morning-«in-aidiof the Church's Work for Social of Mr 6 W1 be held at Garth, Meadow Close, by kind permission » : ant? Mrs. J, Kelsey on Friday, 5th June, 10.30a.m.—12 noon. are Will be a"Bri'ng"and Buy Stall. All are welcome. ******$**¥**¥;****************************** BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 25th June Thursday 1st July Wednesday 8th July Wednesday 9th July Thursday BRIDGE 8:. PATRIXBOURNE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 16th June Tuesday- CANTERBURY DICCESAN 1\nss1ONARr COUNCIL Annual Festival‘ -"'Satt1rday.o-27th‘ June 1964 The Diocesan I~;.1ss1onary Festival will be held this year at MAlDSTO8h ) 11 a.m. Sung Eucharist (Celebrant : The Lord Archbi OP Programme: . 3 ' - 1:0 1 p. m. Buffet Luncheon (cold turkeY» 53«V°““e5v cheese 6 2. 30 p.m. ' The theme of the afternnon meeting will be Voc . " bl - If you would like to go please contact the Vicar as soon as P059 e tItit‘tit!¥*#¥¥*#*####***¥**#*¥****#** RED CROSS COLLECTION _ » . - . ‘kindly On behalf of the Red Cross I would like to thank all those who so collected £13. 13. 5d,, Inter—team Sports — 2. 30 P- 111- Inter-Schools Sports at Womenswold -_2. 00 p.m. Parents Day — 2., 30 P-m- Open evening ‘- 6. 30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Monthly meeting at the Village; Hall. Speaker : Miss Lark-an 011 R0899 Competition : One _Specime.1'g1 3059- in Maidstone Parish Church (A11 33-mtg” Preacher : The Very Rev. 0. Festus Begun. Provost of Lagos. fruit salad, ice cream & coffee) 5/ -. (ticket n_e‘l’e5a Meeting in Maidstone Grammar School for G1!‘ 3' Chairman : The Lord Archbishop. Speaker : The Revd. Dewi Morgan - Eectourgof ‘ V St. Bride's, Fleet Street; London. fl and it is very much h_0Ped that 1313-3)’ teenagers ma be able to attend. 21. 4. 0d. more than last year. D-M‘? BRIDGE & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL socnarr There will be anouting to visit the Gardens of Northbourne Court and Updown House, Nr. Deal on Sunday 28th June. Transport will leave the White Horse Car Park, Bridge at 2. 00 p. m. Non-Members who are interested in Horticulture are cordially invited to come along. A. Jones - Hon. Secretary. ********¥****************************#***** BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL FETE This annual community event will be held on SATURDAY, 20th JUNE on BRIDGE P.EC?.EATION GROUND, Patrixbourne Road, opposite the Village School. Snowdown Colliery Welfare Band will assemble at the entrance to Conyngham Lane at 2 p. m. and march via Union Road and Western Avenue, where at Green Court DECORATED CYCLES, DECORATED P.T1z11\/_fS and FANCY DRESS entrants will join the parade at 2. 10 p. In. and thence to the Recreation Ground for the Opening of the Fete by Mr. Fred Nason at 2. 30 p. in. On the field (admission and parking free) will be Sideshows, Stalls, Teas, Baby Show, Raffle, Five—a -Side Push Ball Competition ’ (get your team together and enter on the field), Children's Cycle Town‘, Canterbury Archery Display and many other attractions. In the evening there will be an Open Air Dance on the School Field. Details in the Programme on sale in the village soon — or enquiries to the Secretary, Mr.J.J.‘/Villiamson, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (Tel. Bridge 399). ' ******************************************* Used stamps on 'piece', especially Shakespeare issue. These can be sold and the proceeds are devoted to the upkeep of the Village Hall. Please send to Iv/fr.J.I-I. Kelsey, Garth, Meadow Close, Bridge. 4... ~— “ VICAR .- Tm; Rev, Come E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) MR. 1. D. SMITH, 4. Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SERGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND C lzurchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) C APT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDEACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MR. S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. g ’ BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Han. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adi-er1s.: MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to enurcn. PATRIXB I U ‘ Assess for yourself how much you should give each month, as a Thank- 9§~‘3_~'1!‘-E 10 God, place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied _“'11f1 Your P3!‘_iSh Magazine. and given to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church. 11 3'01-1 Care ‘to Pledge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which by Income T"): r f d l t d ' Vicar. or C-eA1.1nPO:au:rrios oubles the amount you give) please contact the COMPLETE FUNERAL ANI) CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED C N TELEPHONE EITHER : A1 TERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 _ DEAL 222] (Day or Night) Efficient and Personal Su 1 MEIABERS OF Ii/-_,}‘,D_ CHURCH MAGAZINE pervision always assured ” .__ PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS . '—.- ‘ _‘ '37’; Pris.-lad by Elv, Brother: and Cmu Ar Jnckmnn ill! 11 Ben L. C l, ‘ " HG. Iflltf UFV PRICE 3d. . _. g SUNDAY SERVICES — JULY 1964 BRIDGE 5th July — 6th Qunday after Trinity 11 a.r.-.. .‘T.:>t~‘ns and Sermon — ‘Family Service. P.5iTRD{B0URNE 8 a. in. Holy Communion 11. 45 a.m.1-Ioly Communion 5.3"p.:r . Fivensong and eermcn. 12th July - 7th Sunday after Trinity 9 a.r:.. Eoly Communion 11 a.m. Katins 8: Sermon . 3» p.m. Evensong and Sermon. 19th July — 8th Zundaiafter Trinity Family Service. All ages invited. 9 a.m. T-7015' Communion with Fyrnns. “. E O p.rr . Lvensong and Cannon. 2 6th July - 9th Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m.Z‘; oly Con munion 6. 30 mm. "ivensong 3.110 fferrr an. Fnd August - 10th Qunday after Trinity 11 a. 2;. Iv'7atin£ 6: Ser- mon. - amily .'.Lervice. I 1. 45 a.rn. noly Comm. ‘J. .50p. m . “versong and .';er non. 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9. 45 21.111. Sunday School 6; Family Service. All ages invited. 8 a.rn. Holy Communion. BEKESBOURNE 9. 30 a. m. Sung Holy Communion. 8 a.rn. Holy Communion. 3 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. 11a.m. Matins and Sermon. 11 a.m. lvlatins and Sermon. 11. 45 a. m.Holy Communion. 9. 3(h.m. Sung I-Ioly Comm1m1°n' TI-IE VICAR'S LETTER A Dear Parishioners of_Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, Many of you will be going on your .holidays during the next "few months and I do hope you will have a. very happy time and come back refreshed in mind -and body. After Trinityimday we enter on the longlist.-of the Ciundays after Trinity." The '-great -festivals of the first half oftheyear h_ave reminded us of the main Christian truths and .dogmas,- and during Trinity-tide we should consolidatelthis teaching bystudying the '.'theme" for each Sunday, as suggested by the-“Co11ect7for the day -and amplified in the teaching of the Epistle and Gospel. . .;: _ , For“1:li'e‘ Summer Fete.this.year' at.Br_idgeI<=o==I--or-m==o<*=o==o==r=o==I~=o=*************** BEKEEBOURNE MAY FAYRE 1. it ‘ .. I53 ~.. 1\FGTHE«“-».CJ' UNION - Bridge and Patrixbourne Tlekesbourne May Fayre was once again a_ success, over. £50 be ' raised for Church funds. We were blessed with glorious weather. some of the stalls were set up in the garden and people sat in, ‘gI‘oups,; enjoying the sunshine. Our thanks are again due to those who gave, thosewho Bekesboume, helped and those who came to buy. _ - s, Zh- 1st July, Wednesday. Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9. 30 a.m. at Bridge Church. y y _ _ ‘_ ' D. E.G. Mrs. D. Jewry was admitted as the Enrolling Member at a P‘,__q_~RIv3C URNE El BRIDGE CHURCH FETE b'__ 23rd very happy and representative service at Bekesbourne Church on the _ _ ‘y " ‘ 16th June. Mrs. Ingram, representing the East Bridge Deanery, and RECEIPTS ‘ ' ' members of the Patrixbourne and Bridge Mothers‘ Union were present at the service. The Vicar, the Eevd. Colin Perry, gave the address. firm. Net) ' ' ‘ ~. ' ' ' ' ' ' 24-“ 8" 6' =H<=o<=o==i==o==o==s==I==o==I==o<=k*=r=o==o=-o==o==t==o==I--out-=H:=o<=o--o-=o==or=i==n-=o«=H==o< Leas .. .. .. .. ‘9. 1. 8. (..nl_'es . . . .’ ' . . . .' ” ". . 1 I 3. 16. " "£555.: A very successful Coffee Norning, held at "Garth", Bridge, on Qoft Drinks (net) . . . . ‘. L M ', __ 2_ ' 5;’ 6 5th June for the Church's work for Social Welfare realised £13. 15. 6d. Fancy Stall .. . .' .’ ' ,_ T , _' ' _; '7,‘=17_= " :5,“ and many thanks are due to all who very kindly supported it and to Juli‘-131€_ . _ . . . . . . . . .' " i 1;); 10, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelsey for the loan of their house. Bekesbourne Lndzn Proéuce '. '_ _ ' , _ . _ 15_ 7. 0. Mothers‘ Union also kindly sent a donation of £3. 3. 0. to the above Tjtatiionery Stall . . . . . . e * . . . 9. 16. , 11- Cause- iiitchen Stall ' _ U l 7' H V 4" ' 1" ' ' . _‘ ‘ (1 _ goal, 3t,.__u H H A » e : z .112 m 0. 3311362. PRIM.«.RY ..-ceooL Z, . , 33-H13 for Chicken 1 . .. .', I ' ’ " -' 30;". 0;" 1st July. Wed. Inter-Schools morts at Womenswold - 2.00 p. In. i Side .T.1»:>ws _ ’ ' ’ ‘ ’ _ :4'_‘=- 8th " " Parents Day ~ 2.30 p.m. The children are Presenting '35-“A T11b(net) . . , _ _ _ 'i1"9A_%‘ 0, a small entertainment at this. Eonations . . . . _ , _ ' _ _ _ _ V H ,3_ ,1_ _ 0’ 9th ” Thurs. Open Evening — _6. 30 to 8. 30 p. m. 5 I ' ' ' 7 ’ ’ o ' ‘ I-Eydisplay of children's work. I I 111_ ' '9_ ' 9,. 4H=**2k#********=H-** $=lt**#=r**1)<*#¥10<=kt¥#*#-k#******1<#¥***IQ:#*=k>Ht*=l<=lr**‘I|. - , Mrs. Masnn and M1-5_ Kelsey wish to thank everybody who 1 V ‘ answered their appeal for contributions to the Bottle M1 at the Village Hall Fete which resulted in the worth-while total Of 513- *****************#******+**#******** gs K MK VICAR .- ' ,_/C 3+. THE REV COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE (A Mn. .1. D. SMITH. 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. 5. SERGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. M AND PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C liurcliwardens : T . OTTER, Field House, Brid e. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. Ffintlgu-SANDBACII, Pilgrim Cottgage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary: MR. S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer : MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .' MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hart. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Han. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine AdverIs.: MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. N0 State aid or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme 523335 You 10 P3)’ your share regularly even if you are not able to come to If . by Incgigé 91.32:)? 130 figgdglema definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which wear‘ or Mr. C. A. Pouerost doubles the amount you give) please Contact the St PETER BRIDGE COM PLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE 9- H- & SON LIMITED PHONE EITHER; C"‘”TE’E’?§,i‘iYz§§2““ WINGHAM 224 1 (Day or Night) CHURCH MAGAZINE August, 1964 MEMBERS OF N.A_F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Printed by Elvy Bmlbcu and Croi ' 3 Jlckmm Ltd 1] 3,“ " I-I'M. Cnnterburv PRICE 3d. %%““ ‘ BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 3(- Telephone : Bridge 249 (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION DECORATING N. A. TURNER FRU ITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Producer Wreaths, etc., made to order 4'- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE - Telephone: Bridge :61 CIIJEVGILCIEIR DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (M.S.A. Registered Instructors) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 ewe Telephone : Day 63979 Night 62535 32 ST. 16 Longport, Canterbury Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS 5P99i31iSLS in New Residential Properties M"*RG*“‘E""5 STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Brunei‘. Office : 9‘ KINGSUOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whitstable ms Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses. Knitwear, Skirts and Blouses ‘A’ NEWSAGENT5 I TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS 4-; vvvvvvvvv" I . . - _. - - - --._....;---..-_A..;. 3 Best Lane, Canterbury Tel. 64301 Builder and Decorator Invites inquiries for new buildings, conversions. interior decorations and fitted furniiure',exiernaI painiinu and repairs. Advice given if required. g--- -44- vvvw vvvvvvvvvvwvvv . ' A WALPAMUR PRODUCT ‘ iwntrinun um Buy II from _POST OFFICE BRIDGE -1} Car Ilody Repairs. * Re-Cellulouing ‘R MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE RED LION BRIDGE ' PHONE mums :31 HOT & _coLD SNACKS Sheet Metal Work ' R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY. BRIDGE vvvv VVVV‘ ' ' Tel. Irldsi Ill qvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvv V" ' .N;$ THE VIC! .'S LETTER Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, (Jung holy Com mun ion . vensong and Sermon. My first word is to the children. During this month you will be having your school holidays. The word "holiday" means Holy Day. The first holidays were always Saints Days or commemorated special days in our Lord's life, when work was stopped so as to an- able all to go to church and praise and thank God. God does not forget us, and is loving and caring for us wherever we are. So we must not forget Him for the lovely holidays He gives us, and the best way is to worship in His Church on Sundays. During this month of holiday the Simday School at Patriidaourne and the Junior Church at Bridge will be closed, the former commencing again on 13th September and the latter on.6th September. During holidays, if any children would like to come to any of our Services, one of the teachers will meet them at the porch» and sit with them. You would he most especially welcomepat the Family Service at 11 o'clock at Pan-ixbourne Church on August 9th. Please, parents, try and come with them. 1-} I1.’ I’? E QB OU E 1964 9. 30 :J.. m. 8 a. in. Holy Communion Family Service. All ages invited. 3p. m..Evensong 6:, Sermon. 11 a. m.1\/Zatins & Sermon. 11 a.m. Matins & Sermon. 11.45 a. m. Holy Communion 8 a. in. Holy Communion. 3 p. m. 7;3@7;"_Hl5“¥_-33£)L‘1.'£1il“- E3 :1. in. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Matins & Sermon. 8 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Natins £5 Sermon. Preacher: Mr. J. D. Smith. I would like to have one further meeting, perhaps in late September, to discuss the Report on the Conversations on Anglo- Methodist unity, when we might formulate simply what view we take on this important subject. It is always difficult to find waysiand means to ascertain with absolute precision the views of the Church of England on any particular subject or question. The mind of the Church has to be sought on a wide basis, with laity as well as clergy of all kinds Playing a significant part. The Bishop of Peterborough at his Diocesan Conference recently spoke of the apathy of the laity towards ‘ re-union. I have now a small library on this question, including °°Dies of the Report, which I would gladly lend to any who are interested. I would also be most happy to discuss any particular point about which you may be doubtful. .3‘-UNI)/'iY SlCR.VlCli2() - /iU('iLJ.'J'i‘ 2nd August. ~ 10th £hin(l.'.1y after Trinity. 9th August - 11th Sunday after Trinity. 16th August — 12th Sunday after Trinity. 23rd August — 13th Sunday after Trinity. 30th Atgust - 14th Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion 6.30 p. m. Evensong 8: Sermon. Evensong & Sermon. : Rev. F.J. Cartman. rl§ILI_DGi-I ll a.m. Mating G: Sermon 1'-‘nmily Service. 11. 45 a. in. Holy Communion 6. 30 p. m. Evensong &. Sermon. 9 3. m. 9 a. in. Holy Communion 6. 30 p. m. 8 a. in. Holy Communion 6. 30 p. m. Evensong 8; Sermon 9 a. m. Holy Communion. 6. 30 p.m.Evensong & Sermon. Preacher V .\' ;_ ——- ~ ' ~‘v— , I shall be away on holiday during the period 28th August — 18111 September. Should there be urgent need of a priest will you FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS kindly get in touch with the Reverend Peter Hammond, Rector of ’. . _ A Barham (Barham 340) or the Reverend F. J. Cartman, Lime Trees, . Holy Bagtism Nackington Road, Canterbury (Canterbury 62359) _ Yours affectionately in our blessed Lord, ,- COLIN E. ‘H. PERRY - Vicar. St. Peter's, Bridge ‘ my 19th lxgreimetsan Johnson ' ‘ A H July 12th ' Eugene Millen ' ~ ‘ Tyrone William Millen ¢**¥********=1<*****=l<****=k*****>Ii>k*>¢<***** ’ C : ;LI'o1' '1‘/Iatrimon _ . I . 1 -2 X.» - ' CALENDAR FOE; AUGUST," 1964 A I _ H L . . . . . _ , :. St. Peter's, Bridge ‘ " June 27th " John Charles Martin and 2nd Tenth Sunday after A ‘L-. _ Shirley Ann Hogben . 5th Wed. ' Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communionwith Inter? ' cessicns. 9'. 30 a-cm. -at Bridge~Church..~ . - Vi Eteriia1'Grant‘nhto Them" - 8th Sat. -* ridge Horticultural Society Annual Showaat the "new.B;ecreation-Ground, 2. 30 p.111. N . . _~ _ 911: Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.. . “L P¢”’r'S’ Beke???°“m"— . .- . ' ‘ ' ' - 16th Twelith‘ Sunday after Trinity. . , . .- ' July 1_1th .1 , 'Erri_‘est*fI‘homas Friend. 18th Tues. _ Women's Institute Monthly I-.£eetin.g, 7 p.m. in Village Hall, Bridge. *****=€<*********=|§I|=**********=k:|n|<*:|:****** 23rd ’ Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. _ 30th Fourteenfli Sunday after 'l‘rinity.: A " ' . '3 INSTITUTE 4=**=u<**:i=-:=*=oé¥*=%=o=*$z<=u==a1a==e;>I=>:<=:<=o<=I<=«=e<>L-=o<>a<=e:<=e<:o=:i<>k>o=*>k>nk=o=::=»=a|==i<*>:<=v<*=e<*>I<,,.4==oA.Ts.n{BoUaNE BEKE3B0UF.Nl BRIE GE 4th October - 19th Sunday after Tringy 8 a. In. Holy Communion 9. 30 a.m. Sung 11 a. In. ixjattins & Sermon E-ioly Communi? Family Harvest Thanksgiving Service. 11. 45 a.m. Holy Communion 6. 30 p.m. Festal Evensong & Eiarvest Thanksgiving Service. 11th October — 20th Sunday after Trinity 9 a. in. Holy Communion 11 a.m. Mattins 8: Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Co 6. 30 p.m. Evensong 8; and Harvest Thanksgiving union. . sermon. Service. 3 p.m. Evensong a Sermon and Harvest Th giving Servi St. Luke's Day 18th October — 21st Sunday after TrinJg' 11 a.m. Iviiattins 9* Sermon. 9 a.m.HoIy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Communion with hymns & address 6. 30p.m. Evensong Sermon 25th October - 22nd Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9. 45 a.m. Family Service 11 a.m. IV,-attinsl‘ 6. 30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon Sermon. 11.45 a. m. H017 Comm_uni°” All Saints Day 191: November - 233d Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m. I-/attins £1 Sermon 8 a.m.I~1oly Communion 9. 30 a,m. Family Service Holy C0111 11. 45 a. In. Holy Communion 6. 30 p.m. Evensong 6': Sermon “"%'* ... Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, Atethis time of year we give thanks to God for the blessings of Harvest. ';-The keynote is in our prayer of thanksgiving, so many people are involved in the maintenance of our own life and in the pro- visionof food and clothing. In a simple meal we arein living touch with the lives of many people of different races and colour, who in their labour both in this country and in distant lands are providing us with the necessities for the continuance of life. Let us remember them in our prayers with thanksgiving. This is one of the rare years when St. Luke's Day falls on a Sunday, October 18th. In many dioceses it will be kept as Hospital Sunday. It is good to keep the Church's observance of St. Luke's-tide 36 a season for special prayer for medical work in general, for doctors, nurses and researchers, for hospitals here in our midst - The Close and Highland Court -— hospitals and infirrnaries in this country andin’ missionary diocese overseas. _ I feel that more emphasis should be placed on this annual observance. I hope too that we shall have in mind the Church's Ministry of Healing, which is directed towards a very important field of human need and Christian lvfinistry. Ipropose to preach on this subject at Evensong, at St. Peter's Church, Bridge on St. Luke's Day, Sunday 18th October. I do hope that many of you will be able to come to the service. During this month there will be a General Election. Inevitably a General Election is a battle for political power. One needs to be on; guard when power has to be competed for. We must not surrender our EW11 judgement to enticement by person, word, television or wireless. "'79 must make our own judgement of fidelity to the things all Christians hold deal‘ in righteousness, justice, law, goodness. humility» care °f 0”” neighbours — selflessness (not selfishness) - self-abnegation - “’iSd0m to do the thing that is right in God's eye. To vote sincerelf is to Seek a right judgement, and it must be a judgement based on love of G0‘! and so love of one's neighbour. . 3ur measuring 1'05 must be grad" “ated rightly. One must not follow a blind loyalty to 3 e 3 Cleansing of the mind from all bias, so th me“ We can in a good conscience. Votinfi is 3' m°r party, There needs must at we make the best Jufige‘ a1 act of citizenship» but we can make it Christian act of our heavenly citizenship. All Saints‘ 33'. which falls on November 1st and like St. Lukexs Day! this year is on 9. Sunday, takes its own intimate and personfl appeal to Christian worshippers. as 9. commemoration of those who in a drziznatic end sacrificial Way had reflected the glory of Christ in their lives death. It serves" now to 2 great erntent as an occasion when all remeinber with thanks- giving their own loved ones and friends _who are now "with Christ". V "Saint" too is short for “smctified", and sanctified means “set apart" or "macie holy“. The special a saint then is that ‘of being clearly and noticeablydedicated to the service of God in Christ, in such 3 way that both the result3.nt'char_3.cte‘r,l achievement and bearing alike bear witness to God's transforming grace. We all, a } Christians and by our baptism, are ‘called tobecome such. * ' Yours sincerely in otunblessed Lord, y COLIN PE?‘-?Y ..— ‘Vicar, , . >.==tv‘->.=-V$i‘=$*islk‘-ti:##2##****=05**>l=*>i==i=>‘#****:********** A? ocressa, 1964’ 1st 'Z‘hm.. Bring Buy Coffe Morning at Lynton I-louse 18. 30. — 12 i 7. 30 p.122. Meeting of young parents at 1, The Green, i Patrixbourne. - o’ = . - . ' V. * 2nd Fri. ridge Primary School Iiarvest Festival at Bridge ‘Church 2. 30 p. In. 4th Nineteenth .3v_nday after Trinity. ' , Lt. Peter's, Bridge. Harvest Thanksgiving Service- Tth ‘fled. Bridge Church . C-‘:._ Thurs. Mothers‘ Union Overseas Deanery I.£eetinga'£: ’.?7Jickha2't1b7 7. 30 p. In. ' ' 11:11 Ewentieth Sunday gfter Trinity, . St I:'=11”Y"c‘; Patrixbourne. Hervest Thanksgiving Services‘ 33 -1-33t91“'-‘Si Bekesbourne. Z-Iarvest Thanksgiving ;:3'91’Vi°eB 12131 l+50I1- -‘mothers’ Union Diocesan Annuz-.1 Meeting at Croydon-» . Mm 1"7¢‘3"i11g Of 1lT2.gazine distributors at the Vicarage at 2. 39 18th I'— "1 — " fi' "r. J rx,‘ - r. —\ *V""“%' f1‘St*"1‘1’4¢a’ after illllllly. ct. Luke’s .3. ay. . Jriginally, itwas intended Bridge" iaijotiiers‘ Union. Corporate Communion 9. 30 a.I3" 19:11 11-011. I‘./fiotl1ers' Union Monthly Ixcjeeting at 37, Cottages, Union Road at 2. 45 p. In. 20th Tues. Missions to Seamen — Bring «'5: Buy Coffee Morning at Wych Elm, High Street, Bridge — 10. 30 - 12 noon. 2. 30p. rn.’ Bekesbourne Mothers’ union Service at F Bekesbourne Church. . ‘ 7. 00 p. in. W. 1. Monthly Meeting, Bridge Village Hall. Rural Decanal Conference at St. Augustine*_s College, Canterbury at 7. 00 p. In. 25th Twenty—second Stmday after Trinity. , 6th Iv;-‘on. Overseas Missions evening at Bridge Village Hall. 8th "I./“ed. C. 3. Simon and Jude. I-Ioly Comrnunion at Bridge Church 9. 30 a..m'.' I-I aywards ‘.7 ed. = lst 'l‘wen_ty—thir_d Sunday after Trinity. All Saints Day. - -. - - Thelievd. Peter Hammond, Rector of Barham, will _preach7at_'Bridge Church at 11. 00 a..m. *******4**************¥******#***¥******#x f.CI3SICl‘li3 TC) SEAI‘/_{.EN A Coffee T/iorning with Bring and Buy Stall in aid of the l '-liissioxis to Seamen will be held ‘at’ Wych Elm, nigh meet, Bridge 11 TuesdaLy_, 20th'October, from 10. 30 a.m. — 12 noon. v73r;:;:i1:ri‘s INSTITUTE ‘ ' The Monthly Meeting will be held in ‘Bridge Village on “lesday, 20th October at 7. on p.m. ’ Speaker : Iiir. ‘Torr '-‘The History and Beauty of East Kent" with slides. o . "Competition : Harvest decoration in a 1 lb. chip basket. Charity Christmas cards will be on view, as last year. $r°.GA.:11\I23 DISTZZIBUTIOIJ All Magazine distributors and helpers, ahd Others Wh° 31' 9 terested, are invited to a meeting at the Vicarage at 3- 3° P-11‘- , Mlfediiesday, 14th October. . ‘um 7’ ‘.TI;l3?»3‘ UATICN m-¥ A»..\4 Cot. 7th Bridge Iiijothers‘ Union. Intercessions and Corporate Communion at Bridge Church at 9. 30 a. in. Cot. , Zjothers‘ Union Overseas Eeanery meeting at lificlcliam. breaux at 7. 30 p. 111. Bring and Buy ‘stall for the overseas work. . ct. 13th Monthly meeting to be held at 2.4-5 p. m. in 37, I-Iaywards Cottages, Bridge. ;;peaker : Deaconess Stapley -Subject 2 “Problems of ?rayer“ (.2 Bekesbourne The Bekesbourne 1.-Cothers‘ Union will begin their new session with a Service at 2. 30 p. In. on Tuesday, 20th October at‘ Bekesbourne Church. The address will be given by the Vicar. 5.11 are welcome. _ T3 YOUNG 3.-5£E1‘~?'i"J ‘.7Ji1tshire is holding a Coffee_Evening on Thursday, lst Cictober, at 1, The Green, Patrixbourne, to dis- cuss the possibility of holding meetings for young parents during the winter evenings. Do please come and offeryour views. BRIDGE PRIIXC/1_'3.Y SCHOOL The School Z-Zarvest Festival will be on Friday, 2nd October, at Bridge Church at 2. 30 p. , followed by a sale of produce at the school. Proceeds for school voluntary fund. 3. l’§'.NIGI~lT. DVEPLSE AS MISSIONS 26th Noxreniber, 1964 Book the date now. Two films on South Africa. ‘Open ‘Lie Door“ and "Place of Compassion" will be shown at the Qverseas Evening in the Reading Yiooin, Bridge. ,... FF.C)'\/I THE PARISH REGISTERS fioly Bgtism 20th September Robert Andrew Ledger "Rest Eternal grant unto them" St. Peter's, Bridge St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 20th September Alfred James Stanton **>H=**=o==r*>Hr**4:*»=*****=o-*=o=***=nrn=4==H- LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBUEYIHOSITALS. Bridge Group Bridge Group would like to thank all who supported their Rummage Sale on 10th September, when £24 was raised_ Members and friends will like to know that a dining table and six chairs for patients in the sick ward at the Close, who are able to get out of bed for their meals, have just been purchased. or. PETER'S C:-:Ur.cH YOUTH CLUB The Club 1'e0Pened on Friday, September 27th under the supervision of Mr. Todd who has now recovered after his recent ISreI‘10‘l’.l‘S illness. A new table tennis set has been obtained from the :.ent'n'ducat1on Committee and it is hoped that some new members W111 ]0m to make the Club a real service to the parish for 1964/5. J. Williamson. CANTER-.BURY ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 33- I‘-’5331'Y'S. Patrixbourne, which was recently described 311 Television by J olm Betjeman, was visited on Saturday, 19th jeptember by over 50 members of the Canterbury Archeological "°‘3iet.V and ‘a talk was given on the Swiss stained glass in the chancel and Bifrons Chapel by if . Greenwood of The Barton, Patrixbourne, 8. well known glass expert. After a short visit to Bridge Church to see fl1eNtIr1nanArchway and the tomb of the wife of Sir Arnold Braemes, whose family owned Dover harbour in the sixteenth ?‘?nt“TY. the party were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Plnhorn at Bridge Place and were shown the restoration that is t - . . hao'1fx1é1egSPi1I$.(i‘é3exl1I% it;;1eth1éein72:111n1C§1egn:vl¥31'_g of one of the largJes‘t,V :01-intry . liamson VICAR : THE REY. Conn E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : MR. .1. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SERGEANT, 22, Conyngham Laue, Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary: MR. S. SERGEANT, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTIER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .- MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State and or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme efiablis YOU to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to c urc . . _ . it to your Magazine distributor or put it In the Collecting Bag or Alms Box 3 t Church. by Igclfoll fifire tof Dleldge a definite amount by a seven-year Covenant (which _ ome ax re un almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the Vicar. or Mr. c. A. Potter. COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 Em ' DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) cient and Personal Supervision always assured I MEMBERS OF N"‘-F-D- PRIVATE RESTING CI-IAPELS h _ (K {{ PATRIXBOURNE J WITH BRIDGE I AND BEKESBOURN E F-_ . _k_. r PATRIXB .- _:_. ,_;_j,7 ' ,, ",'C:'3/,N/'/’ . .7,‘ 5-. . -.‘ I‘. . I. . , . _ //A’ , .5 ‘ ‘. I 4- / Zn”? -1 n. In ‘ -_ of/W -_-* U‘...~ T. T 1-:*-7’. ..u\Dl/ -mm-— .-A J. .114 I St PETER emcee CHURCH MAGAZINE November, 1964 PRICE 3d. .. _.Is_._..__.—.- -A BP IDGV PA TRIXBOURNE BEKESBO u U C?-jjj lst Novembef - saints Day SUNDAY SERVICES — NOVEMBER 1964 23rd Sunday after Trinity 8 a. m. Holy Communion 9. 30 a. m. 11 a.m. ixaattins S; Sermon Hoiy Comm 11. 45 21.111. Holy Communion 6. 30 p. m. Evensong 8; Sermon Preacher : The Rev. Peter Hammond, Rector of Barham 8th November — 24th. Smd ‘y after 'f‘rinitfJ 11 a.m. Mattins & Sermon 8a.m.Holy Remembrance Day Service munio 3 p. m. Evens & Sermon. 9 a. in. Holy Communion 6. 30 p.m.Evensong & Sermon 15th November — 25th Sunday af‘er Trizjy 3 am. Holy Communion with 8 a.m. Holy Communion l1a.m. Mattinifl hymns and address Sermon. 6. 30 p.m. Evensong 8,: Sermon 22nd November — Sunday next before Advent gm 8 a.m.Holy Communion 9.45 am. Family Service ’11a.m. M25 6. 30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon Sermon- ll. a. mv Coznmunic .113 29th Noveizcber - let Sundair Adrvcn’: 91-13 H01)’ C°I31m’~1i1i0I1 11a.m. Mattias 8; Serrnorz 8a.m.HO1'J 6.2«Op.m.E.~:::scr.g & Sermon mil“ 3p.m. EV” and S911” 10 é . Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne This year the Social Committee have decided to have three events during the coming months. A First, a Whist Drive beginning at 7. 00 p.m. on Tuesday the 10th_l\Iovember at Bridgevillage Hall. Secondly, we_ i are goingéto have a Christmas Market, beginning at 2. 30 p, m_ on Saturda , the 12th December, at Bridge'Village Hall, ’I'hirdly, we shall be holding :1 Twelfth Night Social on the 6th January. Please make a note of these dates, and come and give us youf support and help, and ask your friends to do the;.~ More details asout the Christmas 1%/iarlzet will be given izzgthe December magazine. S‘undo..y, November the 29th; is Advent Sunday, the first day of the season in the Church's year which precedes Christmas. Like Lent, it is 2. time of preparation, and so, -while we prepare‘ for Christmas by n:akiz':.-'r.cakes, .puddi11g_s; a__nd:1'nince pies, and ‘by collecting the presents 2"; and cards to send away-to.our friends, it is a good thing to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Saviour. This is more than a good thing, it is our duty as Christians. ‘E ' Owing to the retirement of the Bishop of Dover I have not yet received a firm date for our next Confirmation. I do hope it will be earl}! in April. I would like to make preparations for instructional classes, and I would be glad to receive the names of those who are desirous of being confirmed. . Confirmation represents partof our full membership of the Church. While we rejoice that young people come forward at this time for preparation, I also appeal to adults who have not been confirmed to think carefully and prayerfully about the Challenge. Specia1“arr‘angements will be made for them, and Ihope that they will come forward without any sense of embarrassnent , but with a Slncere sense of the call of God. -Itwill indeed be a joy and a privilege to Prepare those who respond. - ' " C V. . Yours sincerely in our Lord, 1 COLIN E. H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. 1st 4th 8th 1 0th 1 5th 1 6th 17th 13th 22nd 26th 29th Patrixbourneat 7. 3'0g'- 9.00 p'.' will be'l1'e_Id on‘ThVursdays' as follow! 19th November ; d I T H V T ' ’ 10th December ; Tuesday Parish Whist Drive 7 p. m. at: Bridge ‘Village Hall. *#***##### *********#**Ir#*#¥******=H=********¥***t**# CALENDAR FOR. NOVEMBER 1964. All Saints Day — 23rd sunday after ‘Trinity- Wednesday Bridge Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion and Intercessions, 9.30 a.m. Bridge Church. 24th Sunday after Trinity - Femembrance Sunday. 25th Sunday after Trinity I. onday Bridge Mothers‘ Union lvionthly l\.c.eeting. 2. 30 p.m. at 37, Z-Iaywards Cottages, Unionfioad. Bekesbourne Village Fete meeting, 7 p; In. at. Bekesbourne Village Hall. . 5 -3 Tuesday Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union 1‘v_ont.hly’meeting ‘ 2.30 p. m. at Bekesbourne Village Hall. Bridge 8-. Patrixbourne Women's Institute, 7‘p.m. in Bridge Village Hall (Annual General Meeting) Thursday Bridge Church Social -Committee Meeting at 8 .p.m. at the Vicarage. ‘ -= . v ‘ ..unday next before Advent. » .. ., , , . Thursday Gverseas Missions evening and Sale. 7 p. m. at . -Bridge’-Village I-lall.‘-., Advent Sunday._ _ 4 , 3 . . , . u**n-r=o<=é=|=42*-o=+*=k*a=**aén¥:r*n:***x=r=u=i=4=**=r§o==o<=I='=H==¢é=o=:o==o<=1<=Hc=ouo=§oé' J YOUNG PARENTS '&' VOTHERS! The dates for the n'eict' l"Open“ Evenings atl, The Green, Transparencies of Lee Abbey. to be shown ‘by _ Mrs. Tucker. Advent Calenders and-Christmas . cards on sale, "L°°kfi5g forward ‘to’Christmas" . Icing a cake dem°n5tl‘at.i0n bYxN5:I'8. Greenwood. Table A decorations etc, FREE WILL OFFERING ENVELOPE SCHEME This scliczne has rcccittly been under review and the following facts have emerged. The total contributions for the two years ending 30th September. 1963 and 1964 :—~ 1963 1964 Free Will Otlering contributions £173 5 0 £137 12 10 Paynients for Parish Magazine 8 17 6 51 2 3 £182 2 6 £188 15 1 l~‘a_\'n'..-zni for the Parish Magazine was introduced in June, 1963. It was hoped" that the charge of_ only 3d. per copy would be paid in addition to the F.W.O. contributions. but Judging from the above figures it would seem that this hope has not been fulfilled. The 1964 total of £137 125. 10d. represents an average F.W.O. contribution of only 3 2d. per month. While it is realised that the scheme includes a number of pensioners and oiirrs who are not in a position to make large contributions to the Church. there is no doubt that the average figure of 3/2d. per month is vcoebilly inadequate. The Vicar and Churchwardens ask all those members of the Parish, both older residents and newer ones, who are interested in the welfare of their Church, seriously to consider increasing their periodical contributions and placing them upon a x;_ore regular basis. For this purpose the following modifications to the existing scheme are proposed. The accompanying slip (to be kindly returned to the respective Hon. Treasurers of the Pwrochial Church Councils) will enable parishioners to promise a regular wee1:l_\' aziount and can be returned to the magazine distributor or the Church collection plate or direct to the P.C.C. Treasurer. If anyone would like to have the amount recorded weekly and a receipt given at the end of the year, a number will be allocated by the Treasurer and only he will deal with this and know the amount contributed. There may be those who desire to continue with the position as it is, with the nsonthly envelope returnable to the magazine distributor. Please continue to do so, .3!‘ you prefer this zsethod, and make arrangements with the magazine distributor to ire the usual necessary envelope. For those who are subject to lncome Tax at the standard rate a Seven Year Covenant in favour of the P.C.C. is more advantageous, as the tax is recoverable in full by the Council. A Covenant can be paid quarterly, if desired. The Hon. Treasurer will be pleased to supply full particulars. Please complete and iietum this Form To : Mr. Charles Potter, Field House, Bridge. (for Bridge and Patrixbourne) Mr. Stanley Grey, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (for Bekesboume) FREE-WILL OFFERING PLEDGE As a thank-offering to God, and for the maintenance and work of my Parish Church, I am willing to pledge myself to give regularly, as below, to the Church Funds of Patrixbourne with Bridge * Bekesbourne * I am * already a Free-Will Offering Contributor, but in future am not I intend to give the minimum sum of £ . weekly / monthly / quarterly / yearly‘ Please send a supply of Weekly F.W.O. envelopes. Signature .......................... . I .............. .. Address ....... . ; .................................. .. Date ............................ .. * Please strike out what does not apply. t". ‘:31: ‘V’/O1‘-./i';1 '3 INSTITUTE ‘ _ " '. L] L . 17th November : Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall, Bridge at 7 p. m. Ballot for new Committee and President. V. C. 0. Mrs. Paine, Chairman of E. K. F. W. 1. Competition : Knitted hot water bottle cover. 1‘-.'1OTHERS' UNION 4th November : Bridge Mothers'- Union. - Intercessions and Corporate Communion at Bridge Church at 9. 30 a.m. _ 16th " M.U. l\/ionthlj meeting to be held at 2.45 p. m. in 37, I-Iaywards Cottages, Union Road, _Bridge. - 17th " ‘ Bekesbourne M. U. l\'.~.'onthly Meeting 2. 30 p. m in Village Hall. Speaker : Mrs. Bradley. WHIST DRIVE A Whist Drive in aid of Church Funds will be held on Tuesday 10th November 1964 in the Village Hall, Bridge, commencing at 7 p. m. - Tickets, price 2/ —. may be obtained from Mrs. Apps at Hawkins, Newsagents, at the Vicarag_'e_'_or at the door". 4 _ Mr. Jack ‘Carpenter has kindly agreed to be C. BEKESBOURNE XOUTH CLUB The Belcesbcurne Youth Cli1b‘wou1d like to invite all parents of Youth Club members to a Christmas party, to be held on the 12th December in the Village Hall, Bekesbourne at"6.'30 p. m. Would all Parents please let .the Secretary’ know as soon as possible and before the 3rd December whether or-notthey can come. , *= -*2“ -' 4- ' (Miss) ‘Sandra Castle —Hon.Sec. M1;s_1oNs T0 SEAMEN _ A ._ _. ,_ ‘C A ' The Coffee_Morning held at,Wyjchelm on 20th October realised £9. 5. 0. for the Missions to Seam_en_. A Mrs. .Vine would like to thank all Who came and supported this v.ery:worthy cause. -1 SEATS IN THE RECREATION FIELD The organisers of the Coffee Morning held inaid of the above in April have been informed that the Parish Council have now approved 2-. suitable design for seats. _As the, Sl‘_.n11I1€I‘ is over, the Council have decided to have them placed: in the field next spring. The 1119.113,’ upporters of this effort will no doubt be :interested to know ihrzt die £20 which they helped to raise will pay for two seats, with some money over towards a third. TO THE PEOPLE or BEKESBOURNE ‘A A public meeting will be-"held iii the Vii“-Fre Hall, Bekesbourn .._u..,.‘O 311 1» Ofldfly, 16th November at 7 p. m. , to consider running a Village Fete in'1965'. Please give this your supoort. LIEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bn]IDGE GROUP The 9*b°V3 GTOUD will be holdingftheir annual Christmas; _ ' xfhist Drive at The Close, on 22nd December"-[at 7. 15 p. m. ' 3}’-./’__e:<__iQ, hope that all members and fr either by their presence, Thanking you, iencls will try "to support" this effort - or help towards the prizes. W. M. Clarke hon. Gecretary/ Treasurer ___ Please don't forget the Overs B ‘d — . , r1 gc, at 7 p.m. on 26th Novembe There will be and 913°C‘ 0‘ C°mPassion". 3 a b r There will also 13 gladly received by Mrs 1:’ Madr- F. _gh H‘ Gifts for the stalls will 7" Miss Cutcliffe Go d ~ lei 01: Miss Wags’ U“i°“.R°3‘3» 0”’ ' need 3’ our support. Prose 18 always an enjoyable evening and we eds to 3- P-G-.‘..3. and Zululand Mi” seas Evening in the‘ Reading scpm two films, both about Africa, "bpen the Door" ll 4__fii..-h——_____ ,_.W .a FROM‘ "THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St. Peter's, Bridge 27th September 1964 Susan Mary Cozens 4th October 1964 Martin J 01111 Bardsley 18th October 1.954 Gary Richard Pearson Elizabeth Jones St. Peter‘ st Beke sbovirne 11th October 1964 Lynda Ann Bissenden Angela Mary Bissenden Trevor James Bissenden Paul Andrew Bissenden Gordon Ivor Walker Holy Matrimony St. Peter's, Bride-e James Willi:.::: Underhill and Sheila Frances Lester 26th September 1964 Rest Eternalgraat v.m’.'o Them St. Petg‘ s ,_l31‘idr§§_ ._...:_. __.. r1 23rd oeptember 1964; Victor John Stockwell ***#******#****¥***#*********** Mrs. Sidders would like to than}: everybody who so kindly sent cards and letters and for enquiries made while ‘srhe was in hospital. Also to the Bridge Sunday School Sunshine Guild for their gift. VICAR J rm; R.:_\v_ (for m E, H. PERRY, B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ R eadcrs .' MR, J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SEERGEANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C liurcliwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACI-I, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary.‘ MR. 5. SERGEANT, B.Sc.. F.R.I.C. (Bridge 469) Hon. Treasurer .' MR. C. A, POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churclzwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHORE)’. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. Magazine Editor: THE VICAR /lluguzim» Adverts. : MR. 0. MIDDLETON. Beechen House, Beech Hill. Bridge. PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE E D ND BEKESBOURN E FREE WILL OFFERING SCHEME Our Parish Churches depend for upkeep entirely upon our voluntary giving. No State and or help from central Church funds is available. The F.W.O. Scheme e-Enables you to pay your share regularly even if you are not able to come to C urch. PATRIXB - U ' Assess for yourself how much you should give each month. as a Thank- Oiferiflg 10 God. place your contribution in the small F.W.O. envelope supplied f-Vlth )'0ur Parish Magazine, and give it to your Magazine distributor or put it in the Collecting Bag or Alms Box at Church, If )'0U Care to pledge a definite amount by a seven—year Covenant (which by Income Tax refund almost doubles the amount you give) please contact the \ ICBT. or Mr. C. A. Potter. COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 g i I DEAL 222! (Day or Night) tfiicient and Personal Supervision always assured -"“3‘"'m’“-7“-‘5 OF N~-“F-D~ PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Brother: and Cm» & Ia:-kman Lld._ 11 Bust Lune, Cnnlerburv CHURCH MAGAZINE December, 1964 PRICE 3d. » Printed by Elvy _ _---AAAAAARA----A4AAAAAAAAAAAA----AAAA-AA _---AAAA-A § THE 1 WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE LU NCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMM ODATION -V? Telephone : Bridge 249 CD E r E z 0 0 O 2 »-I an > 0 -1 o 2-: JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 31: PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION 4 Established 1786 h For 1 LOCAL TUBEROULIN TESTED and CHANNEL ISLAND MILK ABBOTT BROS. DAIRIES N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Orders Delivered Home-Grown Produce Wreaths, etc., made to order -‘I- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE‘ Telephone: Bridge 361 DA! R Y Inspoollon lnvllod TOI. 63553 ‘I ;..j eof A..._A..---A--A CE1I3I~l"G1CElE'|R DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (M.S.A. Registered Instructors) Booking Agent 1 B. L. PRICE, 16 Longport, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 Night 62535 Your local DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS. BOOT & SHOE DEALERS H. HAivI A --A- ' A WALPAMUR PRODUCT ‘ HLPAMIIII I ‘. . up IIIEII ‘“” Wnifiivior '~‘\ ‘Am: pair‘ ; 2 Buy it from POST OFFICE B RID G E Car Body Repair! 1: Re-Cellulosing Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge I65 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE RED LION BRIDGE PHONE BRIDGE 281 {_—- HOT & COLD SNACKS AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 or-- v vvvw Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplifi wvvwv .4... I W. E. PINNOCK LTD. COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS REMOVAL AND STORAGE CONTRACTORS 32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBURY Tel. 65511 REPAIRS and OVERHAULS E. J. DYSON MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM Phone: 334 Any make of Car Supplied AGENT FOR SIMCA PART EXCHANGE 8 am. - 8 p. m. Mon. - Fri. 8 am. - 6 p.m. Sat. Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY For the highest quality GROCERY AND PROVISIONS plus a Free! Delivery Service SHOP AT B. FLOWER GENT'S HA IR DRESSER BRIDGE 4'- Hours: WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.-1 p.m. 2 p.m.—6.30 p.m. |VYfi§§0N| The Kéntish Grocers (t/a H. G. PRICE) THE STORES BRIDGE Tel. 323 AND BRANCHES THROUGHOUT KENT The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages FAMILY BUTCHER B. WELCH BRIDGE Phone 220 PRIME ENGLISH MEAT HOME-MADE SAUSAGES LOCAL POULTRY OFF-LICENCE vvvvvv vvwvvvvvv vv ‘V MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. F OORD BREWERY LANE. BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 1|’ Overhauls and Repairs _ Tyre Service — Battery Charging PLOUGH & HARROW INN BRIDGE Phone : BRIDGE 455 ACCOMMODATION ' vwwv V vvwvvvv V ' v ‘V v ' ‘ " vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvwvvvvvv vvvvvww w wwvvwvvw vv vvvw