VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV. (.‘oL1.\' E. H. PERRY, B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers .' MR. J. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. 5. SERGEANT, 22, Conyngharn Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C lmrchwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAT’T. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary .- MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer : MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourhc. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL, School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bckesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor .- Ti-is VICAR agazine Adverts. .- MR. 0. MIDDLETON, ‘Becchcn House, Bee (Bridge 532) M ch Hill, Bridge. Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Ofiice : 91 KIHGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstahla 4116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED ~ TELEPHONE EITHER: CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 _ DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) MEMBERS OEI§IfIe:;1tDand Personal Supervision always assured PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS "Iliad by Elvv Brother: And Crou Av Jnckmnn Ltd 1] Ben lane L PATRIXBOURNE WITH AEJRIDGE BEKESBOURNE P; THE 5 WHITE HORSE INN 1 BRIDGE ¥ . LUNCHEONS DIN NERS . HOTEL ACCOMMODATION -11 Telephone : Bridge 249 ¢1DEl"(IlQ'.}E1R (EERVWG CONSULTANTS LTD_ 5 W M T"“5P°"‘a':;1Proved Drlvins A .---AA--4-4._-A-AA--A-;A AA Instruct H HA‘! Booking Agent : ' 3. L. PRICE, ';R,IDGE M L°“gP°11a Canterb . , e ' 347 Tcle h _ ury Speq-;aI:._sts in Ladies’ Dresses. D: P one 1 Kmrwear. Skirts and _ 7 63979 Blouses Night 62535 * NEWSAGENTS ‘ TOBACCONISTS : CONFECTIONERS : BUILDING CONTRACTOR ‘ JOHN ROBs0N mnfig A- TURNER 1 1 THE BIIDMH) Lu‘ Orders Delgk AND GREENGROCER I Te(|)AD.wAY, BRIDGE ; Wemd Home-Grown Produce JOINERY PL{I1\:l;‘I:f; 3" cams’ etcugmadc to order SANITATION T DEC HE L1 ommmc MES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE filenhono: Bridge 351 plus a Super Free Delivery service Shop at EIEB M049"! Self-Service store WESTERN AVENUE B RI D G E and get value for your money Your locai DRAPERS. OUTFITTE BOOT & SHOE DEALSIES T For a wider-than—wide range of goods 1 1 1 1 M Established 1786 LOCAL -ruaencuun TESTED and CHANNEL asumu mu. DAIRIES BOTTLED IN cAN1'Enaunv's MODERN DAIRY Insnocllon lnvltod Tel. 63553 AAAA-A-..-A Enjoy an Evening at THE RED LION WITH YOUR FRIENDS ‘k vwwvvvvvwwwwwwvw HOT and COLD SNACKS ’ at the BAR 1 NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY 1 1 GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST C. & B. M. LEWIS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE 1: Delivery to your Door 'l=-hone: Bridge 38:! BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR ‘k D. H. WHITTAKER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE , Tel. Bridge 285 ’ Producer and Retailer 0] Tuberculin Tested Guernsey Milk (Certified) ' From the Farm to the Customer GGLDEN GUERNSEY DAIRY LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Barham 277 ‘A- FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY AND NEW LAID EGGS CORRALLS COAL, COKE AND FUEL OILS C 2 GUILDHALL STREET ‘ CANTER BURY Tel. 65345 C FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE DIPLOMA MEMBERS OF APPROVED COAL MERCHANTS SCHEME A 7 vv v wv-r 3+? ‘c}£EéSEz§?§f 7:. w. LYONS .3. SON 1:11). ’ ‘*"‘-‘*‘*—r‘ >—i;—:-_. FUNERAL SERVICE ,.__1 TELEPHONE 63508 v-vvvvvvvvvvv‘vv—vvvvvv 9 6 _—._._._ SUNDAY SERVICES — JANUARY 1967 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE let January — lst Sunday after Christmas _ ll a.m. Matt. & Ser. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8th January — 1st Sunday after .m. Holy Comm. 0 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Q a bI3| I 15th J 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion the Epiphany 8 a.m. Holy Comm, 3 p.m. Family Service anuary — 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany KO e.m. Sung Holy C Ommuni on 5-30 P.m. Evensong and Sermon _______________ 22nd January _ ..____________ H ».m. Holy Comm. P-E. Evensong and Sermon Lu; 0 8 a.m. Holy ‘Communion “‘\‘. \— 4 . 5 “‘ ‘V‘.hr: -‘ 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 n m H 1 5'30 D-H vvenson Q. ' O y R __ L:_n .4 g . and Sermon munion ______________-_h_*_A ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon ‘ T________;____“_“____«~. ny ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy [Communion 11- Bum. . and Sermon 29th Januar _ '5*‘ see». 4th-Sfiedas after the“Epiphany 8 a.m. Holy Communion My dear people: I think our Christmas Market at Bridge was a great success. The result was utterly splendid. But besides the material aspect it was a happy family gathering. It was particularly nice to see the Brownies present and teithfully helping. I would like to thank everyone who helped to make it such a wonderful success. _ The feeling f real friendship that existed, the generosity with which gnople brought gifts for the stalls and gave of their time figdt§§§§9:§§S%§eSgiggrgfitnthe New Year, the year of our Eégd 1967, and may God's blessing and this wish extend to all your loved ones. A o forward into the New Year the dominant theme,Sa:ea§ways as we face the future, will be hope: hope for the Church, for the world. hope for Our °°untrY and Commonwealth, hope for our families_and lastly» h0P: for ourselves simply to do Godls will within ghidcontex of His good gift of life and time $0 us H13 C 1 ran‘ But first, before entering the New Year, let uS_S3Y 3 prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings Whlch W9 A have received in the years that have passed. The feast of the Epiphany is a very lovely S935°n' "We have seen the star in the East and are come to 9 worship him". Is this lovely story history or p0e?rY~ But the essential truth of the great Christian stories is what Christian experience has found in them. Hha? is given in the Gospels is Christ as the first Chrlstlan generation knew him. What is important 18 not 30 much to speculate how the tradition reached its present form as to ask what it has to say to the World t0*daY- The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles 7 repressnted and personified in the Magi. the three W1S9_Men ‘ has been conceived as the dawning of the true llght *0 §?9ht Peoples of the world. "Natures shall_C0§e t° the'.1g and Kings to the brightness of thy T15}ng '. Such 18 the Christian hope I spoke of earlier in this lettiig based on the sure foundation of Christ himself as. ef I Lord of all life, the revealer both of man S meaning 0 God and God's meaning for man- I send to you all my every . That is the true God and eternal life: this is what life itself really means. I am beginning Confirmation classes on Thursday, the 12th January at 6.l5 p.m. at Bekesbourne School and on Friday, the l3th January at 7.30 at the Vicarage, I should e most happy to arrange classes for adults at suitable times for them. if they would kindly let me know, With every blessing, Yours most sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. ********%*** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS May they rest in peace 'eter's, Bridge December l966 Decenber l966 Arthur John Jefferys Mabel Alice Wraight SH: ****%**%%*** Mrs. WRAIQEQ _ _ Iljwasywith great sadness that we all heard of the sudden ceatn of Mrs. Nraight on 7th December. She will QEWEYS be remembered as one who was ready to help every- gaing and anyone in the village in any way she could. gelng E to us all. in how to give of one's best and help in all the activities of the Institute, and her fellow members will miss her for many a monthly meeting to come. VICIDI ****%******* (3) founder member of Bridge W.I., she was an example '9 January “Is?” _ Junior Church will meet on Sunday. H1Bridge Church at 9.30 arm- fiii___..n*flE_il_ CALENDAR FOR JANUARY 1967 First Sunday after Christmas. Feast of the Circumcision. 4th Wednesday Mothers‘ Union and Young Wives Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. 5th Friday Feast of the Epiphany. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. 8th First Sunday after Epiphany. 12th Thursday Confirmation Classes begin. 6.15 p.m. - at Bekesbourne School. , 13th "Friday Confirmation Classes begin. 7.30 p-m- at the Vicarage. 15th Second Sunday after Epiphanyo _ 17th Tuesday Women's institute meeting at 7 p-m- at - Bridge Village Hall. _ _ 1 18th Wednesday Meeting of P.C.C. at Bridge Bx-1ma.I‘3' S_cht_>0 7.30 p.m. Young Wives Meeting_at Bridse Primary Sggool 7-30 P-m- 22nd Third Sunday after ipnaflY- ,. 25th Wednesday Conversion of St. Paul. Holy C°3mufl1°n at BriggeMChurch g&3%iiéEévening and 2 th Wednesd; U}S.P. . issiona _ _ 5 fly Bring and Buy Sale at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. 29th Fourth Sunday after EpiphaHY- Epbruary ’ ~_"_7 u U - n and Young Wives CorP°Tat9 lst Wednesday Mothers n10 - at Bridge Communion with Intercesslons %:f1§h‘*vl{r':g~ fiégtins at Bridge Primary School 7.30 P-3- ************ JUNIOR CHURCH ' 1st January 1967 (4) CHRISEHAS MARKET — 10th December 1966 Gifts and Stationery . . . . . . . . . . .......... £15. 7. 3, Sweets .................................. 9. 16. 5. Cakes ..................... . . . . . . . ....... 8. 16. 4. Bottle Stall ............................ 9. 12. 4. Jumble and White Elephant ............... 3. 17. 1. Handkerchiefs and Household Goods ....... 6. 3. 10, Christmas Decorations ................... 6. 3. 7 Christmas Tree .......................... 1. 10. O. Teas .................................... 7. 5. O. Raffle .................................. 7. 9. 3. Weight of Chicken competition ........... 1. 18. 2. Name the doll competition ............... 2. 0, 0. ""'¢' CIIIIIIIICIIVI ll 09 on £80. 19. 3. Less: Printing ...... £1. 7. 6. Hire of Hall .. 1. 10. O. 2. 17. 6. Nett proceeds ... Isaac-c-oocnoono This is an excellent result. As a matter of interest the proceeds from the Christmas Market in 1965 amounted to £67. 15. 3d. ************ U.S.P.G. The annual Film Evening and Bring and Buy Sale will held in the Reading Boon Bridge on Wednesday, 25th anuary 1967 at 7.30 p.n. There will be a collection nd proceeds will be given to the United Societies for he Propagation of the Gospel. Mrs. Meigh or Miss Wass will be pleased to receigy gifts for the Stall. / 4 (7 b J 1; THANK YOU 1. To all who helped with gifts and service towards the decoration of the Churches for Christmas. To all who helped with the linen and cleaning of the Church for Christmas. 3. To the Organists, Miss Imogen Wiltshire, Mr. David Riceman, the Choir Master, Mr. Stanley Grey and members of the Choir for all they did to make the Carol Services SO j0¥fu1 and inspiring. C EIiP ****-X-*****-X-**** Wednesday 4th JafluQ£X- _ T- V c ion in Mothers'Un1on and Young N1V°S Cg:§:§a;:ur0§§::g Bmdge Church at 9-30 a~m- Please duldren with you. Wedne s day 18th J€LnuaJ- _ _ 1 _. h 1, A tape At 7.30 p.m. in Brldgv Primary figrggkly Speaking". . - ' ' d . recording on sex instruction title 1 us with the Mrs. Penn has kindly offered to come and he P discussion. . t th . - 'ns°e d children will be §:;uaIy_21st About 40 mothers an at St Thomas Hall on Saturday: bus stations Pantomime . ~ at 2.30 p.m. As the H911 ls ?3art;::e. members are to find their own way Wednesday February 1st , Mr. Fanow e Primary School’ tory at At . O .m. in Bridg - Fae Will tall ibofit his work at the Cosmetlcs ‘fillesborough. (6) 1.-.9 T5 ’— A’ ——-“ ‘ Jwy *‘*.?“—’-— —¥4—( Kr?’ M V as ‘“— J J y -—1~-3-'4 N ' . M9$i££EL'gE£9‘ TINFOIL and ZULULAEQ (Cont'd-) delightful and informal manner, as she read it to us._ _‘ 4th January. Corporate Communion at 9.30 a.m, She d0n&t9d 5°Qe_l§V°ly b::§d°fa§§“§§°§§t§r2§Cfi gggislghd so Church. fwave of Prayer" intercessions Soutgifiigicgélygtgiogeig wercvable go send £7.l5.O. to llow the §erv1ce. Please brlné your copy of thg P G The Society and the Zululand Diocesan 4 nd flmlly HéS5oia%i0n fiad sent us books and Christmas cards on sale , .. . .. . . : ' d r ' od number. ! No Branch meetings will be held in January and or return, of which we sol a V0 y g0 FCbTu3T¥- M ‘ 1 , *t nt achieved our object Eckesbourne Si gagfiigndngand we thank all those who helped in various ‘*‘““_"‘“ in v Tuesday, 17th January. Meeting of Bckesbourne M.U. at Ways to do th1s' Bekesbourne Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. E.E.C. -)6-)6--)(~*‘X'~X--)(--;‘6-)(-*** ************ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday, 17th January l967 at 7 p.m. Mrs. Carless will give a talk on "My Experiences as 2 Policewomin". Co:_etition: A bowl of bulbs. TINFOIL and ZULULAND We were very happy to welcome quite a number of friends at Gordon House on 17th November, and we want to thank them for the interest they showed in this effort to link up their gifts of tinfoil and the Work f of the Church in that land. » “M Mr. Milton was untiring in showing the slides we set from U.S.P.G. to illustrate this, and Dr. Morton! we worlzed in Africa brought first—hand knowledge of '-ml work there and was able to interpolate some of 'nto tLe script of “Spotlight on Zululand“ in a (8): <7) so s High Class Ladies Dressmaker and TOIIOFCSS BERTHA M. LEWIS ‘A’ LONDON EXPERIENCE IN MODEL HOUSES WEDDING GOWN SPECIALIST ‘A’ PERSONAL ATTENTION AT ALL TIMES Ring for Appointment — Bridge 383 VANITY FAIR HAIR STYLIST WESTERN AVENUE BRIDGE 9 a.m. - 6 [:.m. TUESDA Y - SA TURDA Y CLOSED MONDA Y 0 Phone 565 44------‘ A. J. BUCKMASTER, M.R.P.A. REGISTERED PLUMBER CENTRAL HEATING, SANITARY ENGINEERING, DECORATING, I SIGNWRITING AND BUILDING “JONETTE,” PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 I STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS . CORGI TOYS : SWEETS AND TOBACCO I 4 L. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE I WALPAMUR. MAGICOTE .3. VALSPAR . PAINTS : EVER READY & VIDOR BATTERIES MICHELLN CYCLE TYRES Car Body Repairs fir Re—CelIulosing Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge I6! vvvvvvvvaro-av :“%sAA— — .. BRIDGE STORES GENERAL HARDWARE ].W. &G. S. HARVEY BRIDGE 474 TO YS CYCLES GARDENING EQUIPMENT Cycle and Electricai Repairs AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel.: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied W. E. PINNOCK LTD. COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS REMOVAL AND STORAGE CONTRACTORS .32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBURY Tel. 65511 Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY REPAIRS and OVERI-IAULS E. J. DYSON MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM Phone: 334 Any make of Car Supplied AGENT FOR SIMCA AND SINGER PART EXCHANGE 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8 am. — 6 p.m. Sat. The Village Butcher : ‘ E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages B. FLOWER GENTS HA IRDRESSER BRIDGE ¥ Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.—1 pan. 2 p.m.—6.30,p.m. MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. F OORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 282 ‘k Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging PLOUGH & HARROW INN BRIDGE ACCOMMODATION MORNING COFFEE SNACKS OFF-LICENCE Good Selection of all Wine: SPIRITS — LIQUEURS ~ BEERS Phone: BRIDGE 455 FAMILY BUTCHER B. WELCH BRIDGE Phone 220 PRIME ENGLISH MEAT HOME-MADE SAUSAGES LOCAL POULTRY SAXON CHICKEN urn. COURTHOPE FARM STELLING MINNIS CANTERBURY “SAXON BRAND" Fresh Chicken Weekly Deliveries STELLING MINNIS 354 'v‘v‘vvvv"vv—v—vvv:—wvvvvvvvwvuvvvvwwvvvwvvvvvvvvvvwvvwwwwvvvvvvvwvvwvv , . . _... ‘—‘ VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV. COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE MR. J. D. SMITH. 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) AND PATRIXBOU RNE WITH BRIDGE MR. C. A. POITERF‘IQi:ifihi‘:i:’i1‘:::1sl£ridgc. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESB OU RN E Chufchwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretciry : _ MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesboume. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor .' THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House. Beech Hill, Bridge. (Bridge 532) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Omce : 91 KINGSDOVIN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone whltstable 4118 St PETER BRLDGE COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER: CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efliciem and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS CHURCH MAGAZINE February, 1957 Printed by Elvy Brother: and Cron & jackmnn Lrd.. 11 Ben Lane, Cnnlerburv __...._.,_, ‘*4 A __ A SUNDAY SERVICES — FEBRUARY 1967 BRIDGE ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 5th Februar - Quinquagesima Sunday 8 3-m- H01Y 9-30 a.m. Sung C0mmuni0n Holy Communion 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 12th February — First Sunday in Lent 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Communion and S9Tm°n 3 p.m. Family (Preacher Rev. service Christopher Donaldson) 19th February — Second sunda in Lent 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 26th February — Third Sunday in Lent a.m. Holy Comm, -3b p.m. Evensong and Sermon , =2 11 a.m. Mattins and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Ccrmunipn 9 a.m. Holy Communion 5th March — Fourth Sunday in Lent ll a.m. Matt.& Ser 8 a m Holy 9 30 a m Sun VP‘ , ' ' '. u c I g E1-4? e-m- duly Comm. Communion Holy Communion ~ 6:)? p.m. Evensong and Sermon (see below) ‘#_ * Preacher at §.3O p.m. on 5th March at Bridge: Revdv Alan R10h3TdS0n: Rector of Barham. Subject: Growth in the Life of the Spirit. (1) ylou will notice in the Church Acc Mydear people, Ash Wednesday falls on the 8th February. Lent brings us challenge to us to take our religion seriously and mithfully. It brings the deep joys of peace, but it also gmuld bring its steady discipline on which the security of my faith so much depends. Thus we learn to perceive the mmbling power of Christ, learning to trust Christ and so toknow the essential element of personal encounter with lfim. Each one of us, each one of you who reads this laser has a trust committed to you personally by our Lord. mu-Christian duty is to find and know that trust, and mmwing it, fulfil this trust through God's power working in you. ‘ ‘ ' The 12th February is the First Sunday in Lent. I am mmticularly asking all whom I have prepared for Cmfiirmation during the time I have been with you to come m>Holy Communion on this day and make there an act of re- dedication to God's will, making the resolve to be most flnthful at the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion, where flmre is always the personal encounter with our Lord. Mme the times of Holy Communion on that day — 8 a.m. at Jkkesbourne Church and 9 a.m. at Bridge Church. The lmvd. Christopher Donaldson, Rector of St. Martin's with St.Paul's, Canterbury, will be preaching at Evensong at &3O p.m. at Bridge Church on the subject of Confirmation mm the power of God the Holy Spirit, which is given to us personally at our Confirmation. Make a real effort to Come to this service. Lenten purses are Mmey placed in them wi flmrch Overseas, and they provide Lenten self—denial to be expresse Of God's Kingdom in the world. I hope you will all make Very good use of them. Unfortunately, and sadly» as cunts for 1966, our rably. Let us all this omission to fulfil t into all the world". available in our Churches. The 11 be given to Missions for the an opportunity for your d in the active extension Eflssionary giving decreased conside make a determined effort to remedy TU Lord's direct command "G0 Y9 0“ With every blessing, Yours sincerely in our Blessed Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY, Vicar and Rural Dean. I 1 42.1; ,-;__ _A _. «ti CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS May They_Rest in Peace February , , ,_ - "T*t Wednesday Mothers‘ Union and loung Wives Corporate _ .d s Communion at Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. §£;J%§§§£LEi_R£l_EE . _ . . lst .. ybung wives meeting at Bridge School at 31st December 1966 William Drinkwater 7-30 P-m~ . . H 1;: Ba tism 2nd Thursday Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 0 ‘2~*—-‘ Holy Communion at Bridge Church at 9.0 a.m St Peter's, Brid e 5th Quinguagesima Sunday. *‘ H 1067 Heidi Riceman I 7th Shrove Tuesday. _ lst Janu“€y J El- b th Mummer 7th Tuesday Sa§eBtheSChild:e§tCo$£ee Morfiin% and Bring 15th Janualy 1957~ iiggceslgioiet Piercey an uy a e a ‘ . -0mas a , . . _ . 1 A - Canterbury Lane, 10.30 — 12 noon. 2235 January 1967 Martin Russel rnlson 8th Ash Wednesday. First day of Lent. Holy Communion at ************ Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. 3 DGE M 12th First Sunday in Lent. Preacher at Bridge Church at JUNIOR CHURCH’ BRI E 6.30 p.m. The Revd. Christopher Donaldson, Sunday, 5th February 9-30 a-m- 4‘ Rector of St. Martin's and St. Paul's, N 12th February" - Cait rbur . ' " th F b r 11 a.m. } 15th Wednesday goung Wivis meeting at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge H égth Fgbifigrg ' chool. Ember Day. 3 19th Second Sunday in Lent. ‘ ************ V 2lst Tuesday Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union 2.30 p.m. at MoTHEES' UNION = Bekesbourne Village Hall. Women's _ -* Institute meeting in Bridge Village Hall §1;1.d.é’.e at 7 p,m_ Wednesday, 1st February ‘Corporate Communion with St. Matthias A. 8: ii. Holy Communion at Intercessions, 9.30 am- Bridge Church at 7.30 a.m. 24th Friday in Bridge Church._ _ 26th Third Sunday in Lent Bekesbourne‘ ~ .i H O n_ -_ 1 v _ _ _ 3- ak~ : R vd. John Gore 28 in m at \J' 0. J. 0 I March ’ y’ P Village Hall. 15* Wednesday M.U. and Y.W. Corporate Communion in Bridge ************ _ Ch h . O . . » lst " Yo3§§ Wgvgs ieiiing at Bridne School at 7.30 . . ° - - T esday 21st A Bib Fourth Sundav inPL§nt. P 8 _ F The monthly meeting W111 b? held figllu when’ : J re.cher at 6.30 p.m. Bridge ebruary, at 7 p.m. in Bridge Village " s_ d" 1 Church the Revd. Alan Richardson, Mrs. Graves will give a Travel Talk on Thailan - 1 Rector of Barham. E competition: A jar of Marmalade. : <)(--)(--x--)(--)(--)(--)(-%(--).L-)Hé<)(- ************ J i R _B;lj_]_Ll)_g§__e_u1+c1__PATR1)CBOU Um/[ARY oF_._ax_gcoU1\I@_s _f;0_1;111.£9._1C<:a.r to Decgf1£"il:..l_9_5_.5. RECEIPTS PAYMEN_T_§ 05;, S, d. gt" S. £1. So do £4; So do aT.:urc11 co11ections 506. 1.11.-mges ~ Salaries 186. O. 8. . ‘r:_..-_O Scheme Light, Heat, Water 255- 19- 4- Envelopes .l25_ 17. 6_ Insurance ' 78. 13. 7. 30'V€1’+'F~1VS _3]3. 12. 7. 499. 10. Repairs — Maintenance 297- 10- 4- Do::atic:3s Church Services 32- 5- 9- Collections for Missions 44, 1, .Di00eSa.n.__E__X:Ee__nS___.eS :‘.n‘c-,r¥c‘=._1 co11_ection_boXes 40, 10, Quo-ts 239, 10, 0, V _'_'OI’l»'3.L:lOI’lS (including Tne C1ose) 85, 15, scheme ‘KI 25. O. O. ‘ , c:;u_1~C:1 1:11.55, Vicarage dilapidations 37. 1. 9. , , '"—““_“‘*"__‘ Q; 4 H Rates 40. 1o. 4. 1 1' i_rF'hB fltlcome SO‘ 9- 1- Fees _ lo lo 00 30 lo ! ‘_ g_vud5‘e r.C. Grant 20, o_ O, _ _ '*""‘-“-—‘ E 5m._,Q1.y income 18’ O_ O. Sundry Subscriptions 5. 2. O. (find OWN-L .0 \Ir ~ _1_ 880 9- la 35' 3' 4‘ ! mu ./DU 0.1. I..a1ntens.nce 70. 2. 2. 18. 6.1 Donations I h ' ii J(b-Trusts etc.) 60- 17-1 Home Missions 1. O. O. ;~_2'_3C1?-— 3310:" S Overseas Missions 46. 17. 10. i c. LL General Che" ‘t’ - “__—,_.,er Feta c . ri ies 1'7. 12. 6. :I.‘::'r-ietme.s Iidarket Easter Offering 1]-8' 4- 1' ~51":-'35‘? {flee-ler Fund 4, l_ 6. Patrixbourne Guide Book. Net cost of E Cnurch Chancel Fund 81. 6. O. 282. 8. printing 7. 15. 8. g whurch Magazine gost 0%‘ Production 196. Q. 0. ; ess ubscriptions and - ; Advertisements 135. 8. 4. 60. ll. 8. I “““""““"““ _ _,, Balance 0/3‘ 108. 1. 9. I " - T3. .. 4 . - D - 5 ii I items — see overleaf ‘“l’538° 12' £1,538. 12. 3. 1 H 1. <5) '*—-—*" (6) NON—RECURRI NG ITEMS IiON— R}ICUP.1§I NG I TEMS REC D PAYMENT S “" &J- 8. do do £4: S. at 21 U) Balance T-vrought Forwzxrd lO8. l. 9. Bridge Church ’,__.H.—————-——-—— 2 Cost of work carried out in 1965 5'79. 7- 4. Trust ee Savings Bank U1 Net wit}1dl*:—v.=.vals 100. O. O. Ecclesiastical Insurance GrouP' —I-J§§-S- f;Ogt1::21;tr%:3s£r0m 4.43, 5, 3, 135, 1, 1 Jompellsetion for damage to n G1 i"""""""*“"' ' brloge ‘"311 85' 0° 0' Bridge Church 5 _ , Balance 449. l0. lO. ’ jepairs -to Churchyard Wall ' 85. C. 0. Installing additional Heating 67- 313- 3- Removing Grave footstones A 37- - - Closing Balatlce Held for Bridge _Cha.ncel_Fund 81. 6. Held for Bridge Kneeler fund, ' 21- 3- 9- 416 7 9; Applicable to P.C.C. 313- 1 - - - ' - 5 , - £742. 12. 7- 1.20 70 -—*"""“—__‘—— E=.*O'l‘E: All the above figures have been extracted from thecash Book. They may n°J°n°°I'r‘?SP°nd with the amounts shown in the final accounts, owing to apportionment OI V8-I'l0uS items and other adjustments. ' ‘)(-*~)6*-X-*-X--)1-9’:-X-** -X--)€9(--X<******** THE CLOSE- THE SEE THE CHILDREN FUND every Sunday Canterbury Branch Evensong is sung at p.m. at irklle giégsfeloly communion V“\q . (except the first Sunday in the mon W t inere will be a Coffee Morning and'Bring and Buy Sale ‘is Celebrated). An invitation is extended ° any |:‘:.iC‘ of Society's Sponsored Child, on Tuesday, 7th parishioner or friend of The Close to attiffrefigisghurcmll 1"‘-15‘-l”;~’a in St. Thomas’ dull, Canterbury Lane, 10.30 a.m- Selqvicesr especially to those of you who 1 , 2 noon, with C/91-re Stall, Fancy Goods and Raffle. House, . » the We are urgently in need of 8«1’fYfnea¥hEh::Ie1 £3-iices. hflrmonium or the small eleo’G1‘1° °1g"‘§_ll they kindly 1et {i_lso_, on Tuesday, 28th February, a Whist Drive will be 12’: the County Hotel, Canterbury, at 6.45 13.111. for 7 rn: ~ J ‘_- - _ iicice wlll be obtainable at the door. If -there is anyone who is willing W1 ;’our support for these efforts will be greatly the Mat:-on or the Vicar know. satgreciated . E G ************ %-'2’v—‘;<—%%*'.$i\'-’.(-—3%1(*-)(-* (7) I §;g.C, — Hon. Treasurer's Report She financial results in l966 were not as favourable as they were in l9E3. For convenience the accounts have been divided into two parts — normal items and non—recurring items. Zealing with normal items first: when allowance is made for the contributions to the Bridge Chancel Fund, fbl;$.d, and the Bridge Kneelers Fund, £4.l.6, there was 3 ;fifi;:?o"O:~OHly fel.l4.3, compared with over a250 last yea infmieajogs f?T4b?l§fiaIE that during l966 we had to spend §:i: 3'“; econ iepails U0 tne two churches, an increase of 7; s over 1163. _ Me also made a loss of more than £60 on the Cnurcn Magazine (compared with a profit of £4 in 1965) due on iderable increase in the cost of production ’“‘ ’ ” ' 1 -:7‘:-' ' ~ ,1. . U ’ S Eta a .all in both subsciiptions and revenue 4 ‘v S€meHTS- We cannot afford a loss of this _ as as a result of this that the P,C_c, .-crease the price of the magazine to 6d; as uary last. H; Li. 1 H (D W H C.) H- I# , —'- J. , , b3 the non—recurring items: the amount uhe_Anderson Trust was insufficient to pay ‘tigigg 3:} i9 Bridge Church in 1965 and £136 bueii in gnogfitggfgufices. Q In addition to husoh and £33 on to 3v' 0 lgpleve tne heafilng in bridge CburCfi”:;§ the root—stones from ggver §his‘eVfie;§i+: no facilitate cutting the Mr reserves ifirtfie §l%€ ¥e had to withdraw tand at £504) -.d Zn. rustee Savings Bank an ieduce our share of the 1 0y 3136. égdrgfiglggg fiom the Free Will Offering , d witfi 19/SH? 10h of magaaine subscriptions ' ° ls dlSaPpoint1ng. Costs are eth costly repairs to Sh 1 - It is therefore -Du d make every effort to . es in the near f ‘ 1* 5 ‘I - _ itfrfly important that we “Vela up our reserves, C.A. Potter. **'X’*'X—-}$%(~*3(—,‘{—.yr* (9) 1 LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF THE HOSPITALS Bridge Group The above Group will hold their Annual General Meeting ggThe Close, Union Road, on Wednesday, 1st March at 7.30 p.m. All old members are urged to come and all new ones welcomed. It is interesting and it is worthwhile. Come and See. Frances E. Apps, Hon. Secretary. Bridge Group L.O.E1 May I thank the following collectors in the Bridge Group for their untiring efforts in making their annual collection of subscriptions amongst our members in Bridge, Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne: Mesdames Apps. marks, Harris, Lawrence, Milton, Pratt, Rood, Shorter, lmbb and West, Miss Douglas and Messrs. Pratt and Milton. Between them they have called on 317 members. New members would be welcomed to this very worthy cause at a subscription rate of 2/6d. per year. Our collectors will shortly be making their calls for 1967 and will be pleased to explain the objects of the League to any interested person. It is with regret the committee has accepted the resignation of Miss Douglas as collector for Bekesbourne mm district after many years of good work for the Group. Eowever, it is with pleasure I announce that Mr. and Mrs. “Hines of Behesbourne have taken her place and will be calling on new and old members in the future. M. Milton, Hon. Treasurer. -X-*<)(--)H(-~)(-*-)(--K--)(-** (Jo) n_._l,_ I‘/CAR .~1.’\"D RURAL DEAN : v _ THE RE\._ Cm“. E_ H pmgy, 3_sc,, The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La). Reade;-5 ; E ‘Q (B ‘d G60) U MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace. 1'1 ge. I'l ge._ Ma S SERGF-ANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) \ K 7 PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND ' Clmrchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge ZIS) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Semelar)‘ : M155 C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge (Bridge 48?.) 1 Hon. Treasurer : MR. C. A. POTTER. J BEKESBOURNE. C hurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Ad\'€1'1S.: MR. 0. MIDDLETON. Beechen House. Beech Hill, Bridge. (Bridge 532) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Oflice : 9‘ “NGSDOVIN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable ma COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 CHURCH MAGAZINE MEMBERS OF N(.:xe:1‘.LDfmd Pflrsonal Super\,1SioI;3§'Il31i{‘SE CHAPELS 1 hunted bu Eh» Brothers mg (2.4, H. Jnrkiriar. l.rd. Ii Bu. l‘=”e' (~-mflbu” I 4: PRICE 3d_._ SUNDAY SERVICES - MARCH 1967 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 5th March — Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday) 11 a.m. Matt.& ser;* ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon (Preacher: Rev. Alan Richardson) 8 a.m. Holy Communion * Mothering Sunday Service: Presentation of Mothering Sunday Cards 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion l2th March — Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday) 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. and Sermon Matt. 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 3 p.m. Family Service 19th M arch - Palm Sunday 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. The Choir 8 a.m. Holy Communion will sing "The Cross of Christ ll a.m. The Choir will sing "The Cross of Christ" Distributiom of Palms at all Services 26th March — EASTER DAY See elsewhere for details of Holy Week and Easter Day Services. .4. 2nd gpril — 1st Sunday after Easter (Low Sunday) ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion (1) 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion (2) illllllllluliil My dear Peoples During this month there are really three events which provide an opportunity for both Church people and those not so closely identified with our parish churches to become practising members of His_family._ First we have Palm Sunday, followed by Holy Week, which enables us to enter into and penetrate spiritually with the meaning of the dramative events of Palm Sunday and Our Lordus Passion, leading up to the Crucifixion of Our Lord mtthe Cross of Calvary. ‘ _ we have Easter Day, which is the central Secondly’ Easter festival in the life of God's continuing Church. Day comes to us quite clearly as a call to renewal. _ Easter teaches us that the Personality Of Jesus ?urV1Ved death and made itself manifest to His disgzpies in is living power. What we have to understan ghearhy a that there sprang from Jesus the Christianh tu§€ is an society which is His body ‘ }n_the Seuss. ab Worship extension of His life and Spirit: uPh°1_1:5 g a Whole and deed His standards of how human socie y 3 love should reorganize itself in unse1fishneSSt§n fore'nthe The divine life is at work W1?§lng;En:¥ditnfire Thus gates of hell shall no Preval *3 . ' ! -~- there flows from Jesus a movement which hi? Slgggllcance for history; which shows that God iswwor lgfir time are Purposes out in the world of time. te 13 within the content of God'S PurP°SeS' Bridge Church On Thirdly there will take place at nfirmation in the the 30th March the event of another Co history of our Church. - , . ’ Fai I Confirmation is meant to confirm youvgneggzgelists We must all be evangelists: 9V9“ aggressl-stian Faith in davs when it is common to hear the Cgrlfirmation attacked both in school and at work. °n - means too becoming a full member 9f for a resolution of loyal membershlfit is an act Church at least once each SundaY- 1.VeS We make a definite dedication of our 1 dedication is met by His blessing- ' ” 7' ’ " ”' " But most of all we are quickened by the gift of the Holy Spirit. By our prayer and imposition of the hand of the Bishop they, the candidates, obtain the Holy Spirit and are perfected by the seal of the Lord. To fix a seal to a document gives to the document an added security, impressing upon it the mark of its true character. So too at Confirmation, a seal is put to ‘is already been done in Baptism, when the child what U: become a member of Christ. There is a matter of great importance to which I xould like to draw your attention. During the last month we have had to have by law the quinquennial survey of he Churches of St. Peter's, Bekesbourne and St. Hary's, Batrixbourne. It will of necessity involve us in much expense, the cost of which is yet to be estimatw, but which is likely to be quite considerable. The maintenance, for example, of Bekesbourne Church falls on a comparatively few faithful people, who feel quite humanly a little despair that it has reached the point’ where it is beyond their resources. Yet the Churches, with the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Christian burial exist for all. ' have to ask ourselves how poor a place it would be the Church were not set in the midst of us. If any you would like to help to maintain our churches, which indeed is our bounden duty as Christians, free will envelopes will gladly be sent to you, if you would let me know or the Hon. Treasurers, Mr. Stanley Grey, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne for Bekesbourne Church or Kr. C.A. Potter, Field House, Bridge for Patrixbourne and Bridge Churches. Do give this matter your careful and prayerful thought. oI4:q' |tFbm With every blessing, Yours affectionately in our Blessed Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. (3) in HOLY WEEK Bridge Patrixbourne Bekesbourne Monday, goth March Communion Tuesday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion Est March 9.30 a.m. Holy Wednesday: _ Communion 22nd March Maundy Thursday, 7030 aamc 23rd March Communion Good Friday, 8 a.m. Ante- 24th March Communion 2 — 3 p.m. Devotional Service EASTER DAY SERVICES — 26th March 8 a.m. H0lY_C°mmuni§n ll a.m. Mattins and er fin Peter's, Bridge Family Service) 11.45 6.30 p-m- Festal Evens St. Mary's, Patrixbourne §§;_§eter's, Bekesbourne _ 8 a'm. Holy communion ll a.m. Mattins an . Family SerV1°e. 11.45 a-m- H°lV C°mmunl B tism and 3 p.m. H§:gil;PServiCe (4) ’ Communion a.m. Holy C°mmuni°n 8 a.m. Holy C°mmuni°n d Serm0n 9.30 a.m.Holy ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon mon (E35t°r Oflg (Easter on Short ‘x ; Floral gifts to the Ch ,,l( ———_—"gm §§§TER DECORATIONS J §£ig§2_g2E£EE 5th March _________ Decoration of the Church will begin at lO.3O a.m on Saturday, 25th March. Helpers and gifts of . flowers will be welcome. If anyone wishes to give a lily "in remembrance" will they 1 s. ' 2/66. to Mrs. Ledger before Holy Heck. P ea G give Eatrixbourne Church Decoration of the Churc‘ I'll b- ' * A on the afternoon of Good Mriday?gE2t§hM;}g§ P'm' 3G1PGTS and gifts of flowers will be welcome Bekesbourne Church Decoration of the Church will be ' ,. . -_ ~g1n at lO a.m. on Saturday, 25th March. Helpers are required, . , urch or mon n O Lilies and flowers please send toeMr:O gFidfl?Uter School House, Bekesbourne. _ ' d a ’ ******** \ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St. Peter's: Bridge J a_ ' - anu ry 29th Chr13t0Pher James Hudson Emma Jane Patten Feb .. ruary 5th Aorian Roger Vaughan ******** (5) 1 I 12th, 19th, 26th March 2nd April JUNIOR CHURCH, Bridge No morning meeting. Prize giving and films at 3 p.m. in the Village Hall. All parents are invited. ll a.m. 9.30_a.m. *-)(-*-X--X--)(--)(--)(-*-X- CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1967 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 5th Fourth Sunday in Lent. 8th Wednesday 12th Fifth Sunday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 19th Palm Sunday. 20th Monday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday Mothers‘ Union and Young Wives Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Young Wives Meeting at Bridge School 7 p.m. Bekesbourne School Whist Drive at Bekesbourne Village Hall at 7.15 p.m. Junior Church Prize Giving and Films in Bridge Village Hall at 3 p.m. Preacher at Bridge Church at 6.30 p.m. the_Revd. Alan Richardson, Rector of Barham. Bekesbourne P.C.C. meeting at Bekesbourne School at 7.30 p.m. in Lent. , Young Wives Meeting at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Village School. Bridge Parish Council Annual Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. Mothers"Union meeting at 37. Haywards Cottages, Union Road at 2.45 p.m. Bekesbourne Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting at Bckesbourne School at 7030 p,m. Women's Institute meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. (6) ,, , .~q-..l’.ggn--It ggggnngg FOfi_MARCH 19g] (Cont'd.) 24th Good Friday. 26th EASTER DAY. 29th Yednesday Bridge and Batrixbourne Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting in Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. Confirmation at Bridge Church 7.30 p.m, by the Bishop of Dover. 30th Thursday April —§Hd“First Sunday after Easter. 4th Tuesday Annunciation of the B.V.M. Holy Communion at Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. (Transferred from March 25th) **-X--X--)6***~X-**** ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS Eggesbpurne The Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Monday, 20th March: at 7.30 p.m. in Bekesbourne School Room. Bridge and Patrixbourne The Easter Vestry and Annual ParochiaI'Chureh Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 29th March, at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. F" These are important meetings and it is hoped that as many people as possible will attend to elect their Cnurcnwardens and members of the P.C.C., and to hear -«—.,~— —« ‘- 4' _ . _ ‘n iryplms 0; what has been done and is being done Ior uflelr Churches. v ************ (7) J -1 pgtrixbourne »é'j"j':'.-‘-_F PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in Bridge Village School on Tuesday, 21st March, at 7.30 P-m- o.M' The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Thursday, 16th March, at 7.30 p.m. and the agenda will have been exhibited by the time this magazine is issued. Bridge Among the items for discussion are "Main Drainage", 'By—Pass" and "Car Park", which have been included because of the concern expressed in many directions. hmidentally, these matters are outside the scope of the Knish Council, but that body has made actiye representations and it is intended, if possible, to arrange for a representative from a higher authority to be present to tell us what the future prospects are. This particular meeting will be of considerable importance to the village and the subjects under review xnll deserve a better representation than in former years, when perhaps 25 people attended. With an Qeetorate of more than 950 this is not good enough and 1t is hoped there will be a large gathering. A. Stickels, Chairman of the Parish Council. **-X-**-X--X-**-X- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 21st March. at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. - Lecture Recital "What's in Music" by Peter Blunt. Competition: Decorated Easter Egg. Thg G 3 roup Meeting is on Monday, 13th March, at Denton. % ’ (8) MOTHERS’ UNION Bridae lst March M.U. Corporate Communion with Intercessiong in Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. M.U. Branch Meeting in 37, Union Road at 2.45 p.m. Business meeting. Letter from Ethiopia ****%***%* BEKESBOUBNE NOTES 20th March Haywardvs Cottage s S fi£+erE%gnC%gr%EeM3y: iagri wgll takf place on the ca..Lu _ _L _L S 3 -n 3 ‘ r Bekesbourne School room. ul y in flay, 0th May’ at ********** EQUNG WIVES GROUP lst March, Wednesday, 7.30 p,m, Mr. D. Cole—Jones, Headmaster of Holy Cross C.P. School will talk on "Going to School". He will §}¥0 members plenty of time to ask questions and W1 l answer your problems. 15th March, Tednesday, 7.30 p,m_ r - Farrow will talk on his work at the Cosmetics a tory at Jillesbrough. March: 7ednesday. A visit has been arranged to M N' h %in§Sman Bakery in Sturry Road?SSr:.eoaghOH:: been ooled and further details will be given at the meeting on 15th March, *********** (93 J BRIDGE CHURCH FETE Please keep Saturday, 20th May, free. The Summer mte will be held on that day at the Village School and it w hoped that it will have your full and enthusiastic mmport this year. A list of stalls and stall—holders mil appear in next month's magazine. ********** PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH RESTORATION The P.C.C. commissioned the architect, Mr. J.C. Magus, to carry out an inspection of Patrixbourne Church nlaccordance with the Diocesan instructions. Thanks to um work which has been undertaken in the past the church isin a reasonably good state of repair, but the following items require urgent attention: 1. Re—pointing of external flint walls. 2. Repairs to the stone work of various windows. 3. It is also possible that the roof and internal wood—work may require treatment against rot and insect damage. Mr. Clague estimates that the cost of re—pointing Hm walls will be about £500, and repairing the worst of Hm windows a further £200. The P;C.C. has instructed tum to obtain tenders for this work, and also to have the Ibof inspected by a specialist firm. Our existing reserves, amounting to some £500 between the two churches, are quite inadequate to cover expenditure °f this size and the P.C.C. will approach various bodies Much are prepared to assist with the restoration of Wmlent churches; but in order to succeed it is essential hat we should be seen to have raised a reasonable sum df money from within our own resources. It has therefore been decided to make a special gppeal for donations towards the cost of restorations to atrixbourne Church. Contributions will be gratefully Iteeived by the Vicar or the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C.A. °‘“‘0er. Field House, Bridge, Canterbury. (10) r_4Ih__ {- l'l('..~tR .~4.\'D RURAL DEAN ,- THE REV. Cm l\' E. H. Pi=RR\', B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Rerzrlmzt .' MR. J. D. SMHH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR 8 5l7R(}l3\.\'T. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) l’.~\TRI.\'BOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clzurchwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge Z18) Cart. A. E. W. FARISH-SA.~rDi3Aci«1. Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Han. S€r‘I'r’I(Ir\' : Miss C. M. BARKER. Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hart. Treasurer.’ MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurcliwa/"dens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MR5 S.-‘u‘\7DALl.. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hm. Tretmu-er .- MR. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor.‘ THE VICAR ‘l/tr;-n:.~‘rzr 4‘1!I'\‘t),-[S— : MR. 0. MiDDLETo.\‘. Beechen House. Beech Hill, Bridge. (Bridge 532) Canterbury 8: District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. .\lARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Oflice: 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable 4116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER: CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efficient and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Frlaled in El” ar.i:l».p.-s 4'6 (‘mu 5 lacvmar. I,vo_ 1] 13.“ |,;.,. r‘,m.ri,.,r. PATRIXBOURNE WITH ADERIDGE BEKESBOURN E 0 C FATRJXB i 9 ‘I g g}?7‘1 K‘ _ 9"‘ ' /V/’/\‘\! " CHURCH MAGAZINE I “” y C 4*‘. SUNDAY SERVlCES — APRIL l967 R My dear People, %fiT fl? 4» V " o n ow n‘ - 1d l'k to welcome into the family of the Eiiggf TATRIXBOURNL BEKLSBOUh&E Churchlgii £hg?uby theetime this letter reaches you, will 2nd April — First Sunday after Easter have been confirmed. One always Piays that th?59 Whom I one had prepared for confirmation will make a life-long 11 awn Ib+t % Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9 30 s ‘tnese to the faith of Christ and so faithful by prayer ? 7? "“"Y" ~‘ . - ' a'm' gng W1 U. ' 1‘f of the Church. I hope we shall il.+2 a.m. Holy comm. Communion Holy Communion and saciament in the 1 e - _ 3 2”:1n1 Ttensong 11 remember them in our prayers and welcome them in our ":w§°§éw§op a'dsfi The Church is the blessed company of all faithful id‘ ii A giople Each human soul that is united to him by faith . . . . ' - t f th living whole. We all have 9th Anrll — 3eC0nd Sunday after Easter :2: Ziggiggigiiitg ggrshgre t: the full in the life of the r,, 1 «1 U , - C ”' tion we see the wonder of the D.jO ydil. iuvensong a1’]_d Sermon Communion Cont]-nu]-‘by of e urc ans fiermon 3 P‘m- Family Please make a note of certain important dates. Service First, on May 6th we are holding Our Bek?Sb°urne Church Maye Fayre. We rely considerably on this Fete for the léifl APTEi ‘ Third Sunday after Easter every day expenses of maintaining this Church- e - - l "' Bekesbourne Church is also facing the problem.0f raising 5 aém buig 5°13 8 a-m. Holy 11 a m M~+t enough money to make a start on certain essential repairs €_:5Oi;3nlgE“ Q Communion and éermelu ' to the fabric of the church. I an inviting members °f 'pfiE'Eer:VFn~Ong Bridge and Patrixbourne churches to come to support 4::"-inn Beéisbourne with their.presence on this day or with 81 s or dona ions. ‘IL _. 1 ct _ Y ' ‘ ' . __.*:flEE—__—§g££EliflE@aJ afE§£—§E§£§£ On Saturday, May 13th, from 2 p.m. to 6 P-m-a Mr- E i-‘ 3w’«omm. _ and Mr . J hn Mount of Woolton Farm Bekesbourne are 5 9f_P'm' EVenS0flg aeigfigigfily 11 a'm' Matt‘ Opening thgir lovely gardens, which’should then be at s-"1 Sermon Agegmgn Holy their best, for the benefit of Bekesbourne Church. ”‘”““”*”‘——-———-_i______________ Communion Then, on Saturday, goth May, Bridge and Patrixbourne "or . .- V1: Chur h n ld‘ th ' s r Fete. May I_ remind i éllfl.éE£££;;J£§3@i§E2§§l_§£E?T Easter helpgrgsaigestgllhgfidergliorugfiis Fete that there will E E gin. Holy Comm. 11 I ~‘ A6 a meeting at the Vicarage at 8 p.m. on Monday, 17th : ‘Jriln p.'f._'-‘. I‘ 8 a.m. and Sermon and Sermon Communion "‘“"~-~—-———_________ During this month we have the opportunity Of .__— listening to the Epistles and Gospels of five Sundays if er Easter. I commend them to your reading and (1) Gditation. I ‘ (2) Ir FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS J he‘. 7 one word throughout which attracts and rivets so brief and yet so pregnant with meaningf St Peter's, Bekesbourne .iour's greeting to his disciplesy "Peace" — 1 fi5f;'BaBtism »o you". To them came this greeting, .— -—“ . them the assurance of their Master's presenw 12th March 1967 Alison Melita Cotter Presence unchanged by His sogourn in the shoe with the changeless attr ° rtl J H T1_ibufeS of power H01 Matrimony was ‘ 1e same esus . 11S messace com _ . to us with the same beauty and the same force. 3 es 4th March l967 William Miller JOY Ellzabeth W°°d - old, but ever new. Human hearts are the same .3 world in its attitude to Christ and i .; {J1 ”) U} C?‘ $3 His Church is ************ same he stands among us as of old and— t'll H "I reazs in the closed chambers of our hearts "Pzaee bee ST. PETEE'S, BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH .nto Ton”. - . V _ _ . . é- 'ng event in the Yours very sincerely, . Junior Church had tg:;rMg§::e;;l§1p.m. The Vicar V W i village Hall on Sunday’ “ s tary of U.S.P.G. v COLIN n.H. PLRRY ' r— or. The Area ecrg . » opened with piay _ f.lm of Work in Borneo. He tflen Vicar and Rural Dean. showed an lD?9reS£§n%helchildren. The senior boys ********** presented prlzes i . - euiid. 3 .fih £5 from their Sunshine presented the Secretary W1 k. _ . . - k in Kwamagwaza: S00-‘Eh -N 9 THANKS which will 80 *? hG1P the 31° a h he was very Q 3 __""__ Africa, where B?Sh°P Savage was nurse W en $ s grateful thanks to Mrs. Cherry and ill and later died there. i b ‘ v gift of a silver wafer box for St. . . t h r stuffed birds, given Y 3“ Bridge in memory of Willi m A _ Miss Wass klndty 19“ 9 hildren showed 3 'CG. ’ a PPS uncle who had beentin Borneo and the C 3 ********** great interest ln em. 3 FROM THE PARI”H REGISTERS . This made a very happy after“°°n‘ Q ‘ . ‘ . O aom-O ~I ' 33T33'9s Bridge Junior Church will meet in Bridge gh:§§h9::,912th, 3 - sirrism ’ on Sunday 2nd April, and at 11 a.m. on P i 23rd and 30th. Shaun Michael Eley s ************** Margaret Hamilton—Brown i 1 Amanda Jane Buckmaster MQ$§§E§L_g§;9§ I ‘I0 m A J U\ U\ _ . - h at 9:30 a"m" ’”“ ' “ ’ Patrixbourne §£l§5§ °°rP°ratedC°mm%§$°Xp§§1?r§g§§ gggzgcessions. >~4. »'ur1m0ny on Wednes ay, _ ,- ' Bekesbourne on Branch meeting W{}1 b: Eegg ;%m_ Alan Hatswcll Monica Davies TuG3d3yr 18th Aplll a °' <3) (4) v; x d — March 30th April 211d 4th CALENDAR FOR APRIL 1967 Thursday Confirmation at Bridge Church at 7.30 pm, First Sunday after Easter. Tuesday Annunciation of the B.V.M. Holy Communion at Bridge Church at 9.30 a,m_ . Eeetiné Of League of Friends of Hospitals P_ (.30 p.m. at The Close. kednesday M.U. and Young Wives Corporate Communion 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Second Sunday after Easter. 71-~..—. in -- -. iygsfluy Young Wives to Wingham. inird Sunday after Easter. 30553? Social Committee and helpers of Summer H“ fete meeting at the Vicarage 8 p.m. iuesday Mothers’ Union Branch meeting at H Bekesbourne 2.30 p.m. H%m$n:'mInstitute meeting at Village Hall Q54“ 1-'1 " ' r-— . " , . . . _ ~«bUTGuY b¥1dse Village Exhibition at Bridge fl Village Hall 2.30 p.m. gourtn Sunday after Easter. Iuesaay St. Mark E. e M. _ Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Y Young Wives meeting at Bridge School 13.111. _ hrchdeacon's Visitation 7.30 .., Saturagy League of Friends of Hospital: gumble S'le 2.30 . , ' - 1 Fifth Sunda; after Egsfierat Bridge Village dall. Thursday Hfiflday SS. Philip and James, A.A.M.M. holy Communion 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church- Day- Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9'30 3-m- Evensong and Sermon at Saturday Erfiggfi Church 7 p'm' ““ “‘ ~e* S Ourne Mare Fayre 2.30 — 5 .m. at Bekesbourne School. P *'X'***‘X“*‘X’7"r‘)(’** (5) Ascension GETTING TO KNOW YOU .... GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VILLAGE 1 This is the title of an EXHIBITION or VILLAGE MTIVITIES to be held in Bridge Village Hall on Saturday, find April, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Societies taking part extend a very cordial wdpome to all residents of Bridge and Patrixbourne to gmm along and see for themselves the life of the cmmunity. There will be an opportunity of finding out mmw about your village and of meeting others interested informing other clubs. Please come along and do what you can to make life niour village interesting, friendly and W0TthWh119; Even if you are not a newcomer, please come - you will, we feel sure, find much to interesfi YOU- 'Admission is, of course, free; entertainment Will: We hope, be provided at intervals by some of the £T0uPSv and refreshments will be on sale. This event is being spOnSOred'bY the Pa?i5h c°un°il’ the Chairman for the exhibition is Mr. A. Stiehelsv Lloret Cottage, Beech Hill, and the Secretary 1S Mrs. J-D- _Smith, 4, The Terrace, High Street, Bridge. **-X--)(-****-X-* YOUNG WIVES GROUP 9n Tuesday, llth April: Winsham Young Wives and M°*heTS' Union have invited our group to a cheese and Wlne PSTVY2 followed by a Brains Trust, to be held at Wlngham Village Hall- Please note this is a Tuesday evening a?d n°t 3 V@dnesday. A coach has been booked and will P1°k “P members at Highland Court entrance at 7 P'm° °r at the bus STOP in the High Street at 7.5 p.m. Husbands are W9l°°m° 0 Come. . . 0 - _ ' B ‘d Primary §%_Wednesday, 26th April at 7.30 p-m §nofr§h§eSt_ JQhn.s if hool, Mrs. Elvey will talk on the wor ! mbulance. ) T (6 B LIIIIIIIII----_________________ 5 _ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i“.1e:“~dr:3‘s 18th April at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. I) éwth Birthday meeting — "Members' Night". ( The gnnual Council meeting of the E.K.F.W.I. will be held on the same day at the Marlowe Theatre. *******%** EAGUE OF FRIENDS OF THE HOSPITALS Bridge Group A Jumble Sale will be held in the Village Hall on ‘W3: 29th April at 2.30 p.m. in aid of the funds of _?d§e Group. Articles may be left at "The close" on nib. Milton, Dover Cottage, High Street, Bridge, 0 d L E f F ‘The following is a 1 . I3‘ I3‘ {_\' $3 '\\_‘ agrangfments for collections can be made. Please '1‘I'I“ T -» - .. - _"’;«f;fET° worthy cause, remembering that somebody ;r‘..’ L»_L~ll1SG \-'fli1E‘.b you dlscgl-d_ OrQOC)C|‘U3 M. Milton, Hon. Treasurer. APPly Messrs. T. Ash & Sons, at the Transport provided. v)(-<)(-*-X-->.4-3!-9(--)é$(--)5 ‘:7.-'..‘:T_:_U: , H .C:3'_:‘ '17:"-C:in.~.v-<: rnquired ,1-JG Parso 1 .- ~-~ v _ . - na, _ eex H May. C 39 farm, Bekesbourne w C _ ********** ANNUAL CHURCH PETE as stat 3: the Villagg %:§§O$02:hSt§e Summer Fete will be held everything you can to su I urday’ 20th May’ Please do n;3K:v ta 3011 and with Pg M thenstallholders with ~ - P eflty OI purchasers to ensure %:~_e;,v sell all tr». . 3 11d Patrixbouggé have: The Churches of both rt ¢h_ , M 9 ln urgent need of financial [ _;§f' -4 year and this is a way in which all can u <7) ANNUAL CHURCH FETE (Continued) ;~—-—-"‘-“‘““‘ ist of stalls and stallholders:- Captain and Mrs. Farish— Garden Produce Sandbach Mrs. Baker Groceries and Cosmetics Mrs. Irvine and Mrs. Turpin Stationery and Fancy Goods Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelsey Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Meigh, Cakes Miss C. Barker and Mrs. Ledger White Elephant. MrS- DOVB Bottle Stall . M13. Hoare Raffle Mr. Pentin and Mr. Johnson Side Shows Young Wives and Brownies Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Greenwood Teas Children of the School will give a display of dancing during the afternoon. ‘ There will be a Children's Fancy Dress Competition. ************ (8) — --My-«_-_-n-ai-n“-‘u - -~«a--Je§:'n-433- =-a'-I-!.2— .. . .. fil”H W QCJQSJ +1. are P-*3 here will be a Coffee Morning with Bring and Buy e held in “Garth”, Meadow Close, Bridge, by kind mission of Mrs. Kelsey on Thursday April 27th, 30 a.:. until l2 noon, in aid of the Churches‘ Social 3 in the Canterbury Diocese. -X-*-)(-***-X--)(-** ract from 'Thanet and the Cinque Ports’, Vol. 2, by . Brayley, published by Sherwood, Neely & Jones 1818. j Pages ll4, ll5. H uukuthnh H drwo w (J U) W ’J. aweuxa ()H4jU) |“U n‘ 9.1 m 1:; 1:9 (1) :5 W [1 1-? I1‘ I J I; n :3’ H35!) 1-" N L)’ 1-‘ LA 0. , ha :0 :5‘, Q '1 cl Ll LI [D R3 I". :7" L" i’ fl‘ (H I" '11 P: (0 W F r:!~ r.-9' F33 ,4 ,4 m M; :7: so A O :4 #3 (:1 u U) :4‘ 17.‘ {V55 Lt "Y Y‘ r 0 r.~ 0 :1 m (‘n .'.- (MG L4. 1.411 0 (‘J —- 4(1) w P H's Hcn O '_ 0 (‘ad L :3 x: N '11‘ L‘-1 .'-' 9+ Bekesbourne rish of Bekesbourne, or Beakesbourne, as it equently spelt, is a member of the Cinque tings, in Sussex; although fifty miles from and within a short distance from Canterbury. derived from the family of Beke, who were s owners; and from its situation on the , or Bourne. In the reign of Henry the en de Beke held this manor in grand serjeantry service of ‘finding one ship for the King, r 1 n n the reign of Henry the Sixth, it was 0 H: <3 6 . T n *ev d it to the Priory of Christ Church, On It was then granted'to Thomas Colepepper: r, of Bedgbury; who, about three years xchanged it for the manor of Bishops—bourne remises, with Archbishop Cranmer; and it nOW the See of Canterbury. ‘e e D) T {J L" :3 mtsm ds1«'m riors of Christ Church had a pleasant House here: which were enlarged and converted into Archbishop Cranmer. During the Civil Wars: was pillaged, and almost dilapidated, by ~€nt&Ty fanatics; but after the Restoration: ng offices were fitted up as a dwelling. (9) I ‘x 1 assed the seas, and presenting to him three j 1 I Extract from 'Thanet and the Cinque Ports‘ (cOnfiiHu9d)~ vaff‘, by E.W. Brayley. _ g . d a and the Gateway: t alterations have siggecggfigeg? Sad the date 1552, t the a1msThe Church, dedicated to st_ Grea h d i - h on Kgecbeeg pulled down. _ b '1d' now much Pemtrhahfitnasiimng dilapl a e_, , 1 'th the figure 0 a monuments 1S one in the chance : W1 . d‘ d in memory of Sir Henry Palmer, who 19 Knight in armour: llage congists of a few houses only. in 1611. This vi **-X--)(-**-)(-**** (10) I/ICAR AND RURAL.DEAN: ‘ . THE RB; COLIN E. H, PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : MR. 1. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR S. SERGEAXT. 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C liztrclrwardens : MR. C, A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E, W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary .- M155 C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POWER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage. Bckesboumc. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MR5. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbournc. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Ads-erxx. .- MR. 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill, Bridge. (Bridge 532) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Office: 91 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whltslable 4116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED ’ TELEPHONE EITHER I CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEA-L 2221 (Day or Night) Efli ‘ r - - MEMB C OF Nc[1:1:L and Personal Supervision always assured E“ ’ 3- PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS 'ru-.u6 Lv Elm 3-,_,,‘,l_,, "5 ,-F - . . I 5 R V ‘“ I“ m” lvld , 1] Ben Lane, Canterbury % PATRIXBOURNE B WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESBOURNE A ' ° .. » _{¢h»»_ _i 1 .1//. St PETER BRDG CHURCH MAGAZINE May, 1967 3d. . i J il 4 ' -""_"""" $5"-=k='*'*""‘T'" "‘ ‘um 1' —s—£-Au-——r-:-v—---< ’ €f"":lag..'.rf__.i_ SUNDAY SERVICES — May 1957 Bekesbourne 9-30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Comm. Tridge Patrixbourne » 7th May — Sunday after Ascension ll 3. Wait.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 1i.eo ".1. Holy Conn Communion 6 .30 p .1::. Evensong and Sermon 14th May - Whit Sunday 2 fémf f9l§_C°Umo ll a.m. Matt. '“ E‘L' tvenbong and Sermon and Sermon 3 p.m. Family Service 215* May - Trinity Sunday 0 H ' ., t..,I.“_-. Sigggm Holy 8 O V’ T _“cO:Eu1;gn Cogégaiigly 11 a.m. Mattins 5.gL p.:, Evensong ~ and Sermon and Sermon 28th Ma — p- a _ - i E 3 _ y lrbt Sunday after Trinity : ~:\u.‘_.o._‘.-C':|_:}' Comm‘ 9 a.m H01 30 3-1- E*ensong g0mmu£_ Y 11 a.m. Mattins en: Sermon ion and Sermon ll.45 a.m. Holy —-——~ Communion JU_n:~. S _ - e - . . lL'e.m. Matt & Ser V 8 Cofld Sunda after Trlnltl 1l‘45 a 2 F01 ' 3'“' H°1y 9 30 6 7‘, H r: - 4 .Y Comm, Commu . _ - a.m. Sung erg p.l. Evensong 'nlOn H013 Communion fl03flmm “‘“‘*““‘*-~———-—_.J_____*_ (1) _..., , .. ._ -... ,...,.... , ..-.._.... ..- -........-.,_ ..,_,.-_. Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, During this month we keep the great church festivals of the Ascension of our Lord, the birthday of the Church, Whit Sunday, and the great doctrinal feast of the Holy Trinity. The Ascension of our Lord tells us of the ultimate dignity of man, that "where He is, thither we might also ascend and reign with Him in glory". Ascens1on_ Day too reminds us that Jesus has taken out humanity into the Eternal Presence in Heaven, where He ever liveth to make intercession for the same, this our humanity. In this age, when we are preoccupied and seem to be in the grip of material things and forces, it is well to be reminded of the Lordship of Christ, that all things have been committed into His hands of things in heaven and things in earth. us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. We, in our generation, still live in this Dispensation of the Spirit, and His gifts are no less available to us on Whit Sunday 1967 than on the first Pentecost. Each believer receives this self: Same gift and with the help of this Holy Spirit we continue in our generation and age the life of the Church. Whit Sunday reminds Trinity Sunday is a day when we affirm our faith in the majestic words of the Athanatian Creed. Trinity Sunday directs attention to the doctrine of God as summarizing what Christians learnt in the events between Advent and Whit Sunday. The truth of God as manifested In creation, in history and in present experience could not be told if God were conceived as just one person like a single human person. Yet the Father's majesty must Oonsist with the Son's sufferings and victory, and with the Spirit's striving as he “helpeth our infirmities" While "forming himself“ in us.‘ Only as man maintains a ¥1Ving trust in God as creator, redeemer and sanctifier 1% he freed from moral despair and assured of ultimate Victory. (2) LL ,,_.. _ 'I’?lI II-3 ax- suvgua Ti? I lr the final words of the 1fhqnjf‘ ¢§ _ “ ~~ - 4. . t.lan Cre "‘- t . ‘- *3:t Flslos *0 be SGVOG (i.e.Lto be Secuii) gfisthgfiefore thin: * 1*: W~‘ '+v" _ . U3 R_ vffl$lmThf::l%nlu3 ' unchnowledge the glory of the ;-J-flJ_ irlnltr and ‘worship the Unityn This month also brings two in ort s , . * . ant n . regescourne Church Mave Fa rgp S anngal events sq“ Ii 5 ,fi u y On aturday afternoon icy, at bencsbourne School grounds and Bride d ’ .rixbourne Churches Summer Fete on Saturday ?i an May, at Bridge School grounds These ital ilnoon’ »y events. I do he e tn t,B ' _ “ 9 a Ways P ~3 Tldse and Patrlxbourn support Rekeshourne and Bekssbo - - 9 ,DS; -ih . u urne support Bridge. ivrtv Wlbt repairs to both Patrixbourne and uswolrl . . “pi_“e Churches, we shall need all the help and “O£b we can muster. - 5 I _ 7‘- N C h 0 m14Fjp“ A I would ale ' . - ~ - E 0 like to Uenfilon asain that on Saturday, l3th jav from — I *- Tegjfohvgq E B:>QsgOE£m; Mr. and Mrs. John Mount of ' -' -- *~~¢‘ --. ‘run ,~ ‘ - , the Hammett sf Beiesbougzcaéfi opfining their garden for “ * "~** — -~ urc . Yours sincerely, COLIR E.H. PERRY Rural Dean and Vicar %*******%%** It was indeed thoughtful of you.. COLIN E.H. PERRY. *****%****** f"‘,'. G A J tap D;§;4:%car Ls grateful to all who have contributed to -— -~ L- ourne and Bekesbourne Church Fabric Appeals. **********%* (3) 1 '. fan.-in-r_wmh““ .. --.. ...~......._,,, __ ’ DIOCESAN MOTHERS‘ UNION FESTIVAL The Cathedral -Wednesday, 10th May, at 3 p.m, Preacher — The Rt. Rev. Bishop S.W. Bette, Dean of Rochester ************ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holg>Baptism St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 26th March l967 26th March l967 16th April 1967 Ian Rhite Gillian Gay Ash . Helen Catherine Cal 000 Holz Matrimony St. Peter's, Bridge 25th March 1967 ... 7-30 a.m. 9-30 a.m. 7'00 p .111. _Peter Charles T Doreen Prickett *********%*+ ASCENSION DAY SERVICES — 4th Mal idoe Church. Holy Communion at Br e Churchward apley 1967 ridge and - - - 'th B Joint Children's Service wl ourne Church.‘ t Patrixb Bekesbourne Schools a Parents are invited- Choral Evensong will be Sung Bridge. It is hoped that Pag all three parishes§§Er the joint choir in their e h money to help meet the Very 9 will have to be met with raga: repairs so urgently require and Patrixbourne churches. in St. Peter's: ishioners from and support t to raise avg bills whigh d to the fabric y Bekesb0uTne ’1 e G E 7,--ab». - V ‘ _j. :jg§fiSl0N DAY SERVICES — 4th May 1967 (Cont'd.) The choir are trying hard to make this service as beautiful as they can. You, on your part, can encourage them very much by your attendance. S.H—G. -)(--)(--)<—€&'-~)(--‘.’cv‘(-v‘(-~3€9(-*-)6 JUNIOR CHURCH, BRIDGE Junior Church will meet in Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. on 7th May, and at ll a.m. on May 14th, 2lst and 28th. ***-X-*9£-->69?-)(-=,'(-** CALENDAR for MAY l967 «~nuu-(‘nu .«~~—“e K »-»-r immtmnin FOR MéX_l2éZ (C°nt'd-) flfit Trlnlty uguigl Decanal Conference at St. Augustine's Mfih Wednesday College 7 P.m. fith First Sunday after Trinity. JUNE . . 4th Second Sunday after Tr1n1*y' ************ EAST BRIDGE RURAL DEANERY EVENTS - MAY Deanery Missionary Festival Wednesday: 17th May’ at 7 p'm' at DAY lst Monday SS Philip and James, AA., M. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. I 3rd Tednesday Rogation Day. M.U} and Y}W. Corporate ‘ Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m.' 3rd " Bridge Group, Friends of Hospitals Committee meeting at The Close 7.30 p.m. 4th Lscension Day — see notice of Services. I 6th Saturday Bekesbourne Church Maye Fayre at 3 Bekesbourne School 2.30 - 5.30 p.m. - 7th Sunday after Ascension. ' 13th Saturday Garden at Woolton Farm, Bekesbourne open 2 — 6 p.m. Proceeds for Bekesbourne Church. Vhit Sunday. lfitd " " 2 p.m. Visit of Horticultural Society to Olantigh, Wye. 15th Monday M.U. Service at Bridge Church 2.30 pom- Preacher, Revd. John Gore, Vicar of Aylesham. l6tn Tuesday Women's Institute meeting in Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. East Bridge Deanery Missionary Festival at Adisham Church, 7 p.m. Bridge and Patrixbourne Church Fete at Bridge School grounds, 2.30 — 5.30 p.m. (5) Holy Innocents, Adisham Preacher — The Revd. Canon Craggs x; St. A euStine'S °°11ege Marden of nduBuy Stall afi Village Hall» a 15' . L Reireshments and ring Adisham ‘ - sence Please SuPP°rt Wlfih your Pre ************ RURI—DECANAL CONFERENCE St Augustine's College Wednesday: 24th May’ at 7 ? Diocesan'R€8iStrar’ ml. Speaker ~ D.M. Carey E59" n . "Government by Synod ' Subject — ************ (6) -,,--lli A_- " .,. __,_._-. — B7{ESECDRNE NEWS g MOTHERS‘ UNION Kflfc Fayre ~ 6th May 1967. ””” fl % ‘ Q A _p* May 3rd. Corporate Communion with Intercessions - q*Fll;§ Woulu Wvloofle Slxus for any of the following \ 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. Gift Stall May 15th. Branch meeting in Bridge Church at 2.30 p.m. n_lfiN The preacher will be the Revd. John Gore, §;駰 1 ' Priest—in—Charge at Ayleshan. _ B t?§fb Members from St. Paul with St. Martin will §Enft”S join in the service. All Young Wives are Ju:£1: welcome. There will be tea after the “ ‘ service in the Village Hall. - Promises to M s. a . e - the ,OIninE of therFet:.ndell OL gifts to be brought on ************ ' YOUNG WIVES GROUP _ _ We should he most .w ;i.nn A g beiesbourne Church and §:fiP¥h:°Sfi§:;;$e ell lovers of 1 May lOth Meeting at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. I Pltrlxbourne reSidentS_ Pk~— OI Brluge and M Speaker Revd. J. Gore. Experience as a ; ************ ‘ Padre in the Far East. May 17th 7.30 p.m. Preparation for Summer Fete. '-. John Mount fire - --f_;‘___>____ O enlnrv L ' n *: Beneebourng, toPVio:%.E:e:£C§”§dens a: urfiay 13th Ma 7? Ti .“ P'“' 0 b ’ y’ “Qml°“+9H 2/6d. The 1 “The Annual General Meeting will be at 7.30 p.m. at 8 given to Bekesbourne Church i ' 1 Bridge School on Wednesday, 14th June and not on May 31st. ************ ******¥***** _I.‘:31‘:C;S‘ .3-.1 e \f1‘ I ‘ - -——__3S;£L_£EEEE- LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS 1 _ .H ffaicéutbog ti:er:t:r§o:l§eg:%§ ::%:E$- To have your ” §3ig5§—§E9EE L,.l __ ‘ _n G ‘ . 3’; _ .S. . 9; eying Onvigilglgeweegs, anq those of u: xiolgrzo the W A Committee meeting will be held at The Close on 55 is Please to Mrs. gofit Eratefut f9T your heln. uednesday’ 3rd May’ at 7'30 P'm' ,,eicphone Bridge 522): - reyt Mill Cottage, ggkesbourne ‘ ' F.E. Apps, ************ Hon. Secretary. ************ (7) ‘ (8) IIlIIIUIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn--______________.III-______ -r v———:—‘ ————4 4— .,—4:r ‘_,___, . . . _ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15th May, in the Village Hall at 7 p.m. Discussion of Resolutions for the National Federation Annual Meeting. Play reading. Competition - Spring Flower arrangement. ************ BRIDGE and DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Garden Pr°du°e Whit Sunday. 14th May 1957 Groceries and Cosmetics 4 1 1 The garden of "OLANTlGH”, wye will be 0 s - . i _ }_ _ _ pen to the tatlonery & Fancy Goods 333113633 $}§dh£:§mlsslon of F.E. London Esq. Entry uCaKes, Sweets & Minerals ice .1. 3 1 ' -, . , ‘ Teas are not aVai1ab§e?ld of the brlends of Kent Cnurches1 Bran Tub + - 1. garfiegb 1Sw§§$P%:9d to get up a party to visit this J White Elephant gar ané théSe+r2 Ofie Who have seats available in their 1 Secretary Mr Equfiigng tT5nSP0rt please inform the Hon. Bottle Stall not latersthqg %fi . eever (Phone No.: Bridge 227) “ e evenlné of Friday, 12th May. Raffle Transport will G b " _ Side Shows 2 p,m‘ on Sunday’ l4;:S§:yle at the Hhite Horse yard at T938 C.A. Potter, Chairman. dancing. ************ Reminder:— PATRIXBOURNE with BRIDGE CHURCH FETE will be held at BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL GROUNDS Saturday, ggth May 1967 2.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Please come and bring your family and friends. All are welcome. STALLS Captain and Mrs. Farish—Sandbach Mr. and Mrs. O. Middleton Mrs. Berry Mrs. Baker, 11 Riverside Close Mrs. Irvine and Mrs. Turpin Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelsey Mothers’ Union Miss C. Barker Mrs. Muir—Little Mrs. Hunter Mrs. Dove Mrs. Harrison, 8 Bridgeford Way Mr. Hoare, Mr. Rose and Mr. Johnson Mr. D. Pentin Young Wives and Brownies Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Greenwood Children's Fancy Dress Competition Children of the School will give a display of There will also be displays by members of the ****-X-******* Stallholders would be grateful to receive gifts appertaining to their respective 1 W i ( Red Cross. E stalls. (9) ITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInu-........._____________..uIn..______,_ (10) V’ VICAR AND RURAL DEAN : THE REV. C0L1N E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : MR. J. D. SMITH. 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. 5. SIERGIEANI". 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clzurchwardens : A D MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) - Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY_ Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer .~ MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magaginc Ac1'\'eI't.S. : MR, 0. MIDDLETON, Beechen House, Beech Hill. Bridge. (Bridge 532) I Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 64269 Branch Office: 91 KINGSDDWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable 4116 I St PETER amuse COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efficient and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.AF.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS CHURCH MAGAZINE June, 1967 7'53"‘ 5?‘ Elvy Br:-lhcu -nu' Crou Jr Jirkrrnn Lld.. 11 Ben Lane. Camuburv iii__iii__eM\.W”;—:...,————— . .--»«~~ew~»~e~- SUNDAY SERVICES — June 1957 gee Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, B ‘d P t ' b Bek — ‘E£‘£§ a rlx Ourne Gsbourne we are now entering the long series of Sundays after 4th June — 2nd Sunda ft T ‘ ‘t ' - ‘t . I consider this time an opportunity for Bible “" y a er rlnl X fi§§§_y We need to discover afresh the wonder and beauty ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 e_m, sung fGod'S Word,Gwh§re there 15 rfveglggrtgg §§:d§:£e ever . . . " C . ’ T - - ' f d s ur ose. w n ‘ %l3é5Pamm Efigiyonémm Communion doly Communion ::§%g:i:§ gtudging Enepof the books of th? Bible gnq really and Sermon efinng to grips with the booh of your choice. Visit the 3.C.K. Bookshop in the Precincts, Canterbury, after having 515$ prayed for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. After 11th June — 3rd Sunday after Tr‘ ‘t — 11 many of you visit regularly a library for fictional St. Barnabas A.l. lnl y rbiographical reading» Eu: ?0W m39Y gieugngzfigtggggigogf - ' ' s in 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy h°°§l§§haaE§Ofioflgfiigowlfieguiag geading of this kind should 6.30 p.m. Jvensong and Sermon Communion Ur a t of ever Ch£iStiancS41ife_ I want you seriously and sermon 3 P-m- Family .’ giofigider this yasking yourself when you last read a bodk Service pon the Christian faith..A ‘C p ' . a'- M « e 1 I ' te the way 18th June — 4th Sunday after Trinity any gfwggidhiifierzgpgigégogodihg.gppe:§p§:;l%ekesbourne ‘ - - * ' b d I“ 3 a-m- Sung 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. §:fi§$::l§§°%£§: §22§1° FifidétZh2§$2ge§E§Te:ye§§e“fia§e it holy Com . C - 3 . V ' - 11 f 6.30 p';i Evensong °mmun1°n and Sermon liar that we have still a_long way to 80: GSPBC13 Y °r and Sermon e esbourne Church. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks tg 311 25th June — Sth Sunday after Trinity “Mme who contributed in so many ways to the succes: 0 . rides and Patrixbourne Church Fete: When the Sum ° . 2 aém. doly Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. 127° 1 65 was realised Details of stall results W111 ._; p.m. is ensong Co ' _ ' ' ' _ ' . and sermon mmunlon i$?4§G:?;? befound elsewhere in the magazine. Holy Communion 1 h ' d ‘ft f rather lovely watercolour 2nd Jul 6th S d ffi T gifatriizguizgegzfircfi gér sgleafor the Patrigbourne iibgi; V ' “H fly a er rinitl nd from the Revd. G.B. Mountford of canter_ury- , _ ‘ ll a.m. Matt. 8 e m Holy 9 30 a m Sun mm is interested and would like to see it, will they kindly and Sermon communion Holy Communiofi Qt me kn°W- ' ll'i2m:駣OH°lY Yours sincerely: u v - n 6.30 pun. Evensong COLIN E.H. PERRY: and Sermon A ' Vicar and Rural D989- (1) CALENDAR FOR JUNE 1967 JUNE 3rd Saturday Canterbury Diocesan Conference. 4th Second Sunday after Trinity. 7th Hednesday Mothers‘ Union and Young Wives Corporate Communion 9.30 a.m. Young Wives Deanery Festival 8 p.m. at Elmstone Church. llth St. Barnabas A.M. Third Sunday after Trinity. 14th fiednesday Young Wives Annual General Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. Bridge & Patrixbourne P.C.C. meeting at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. 17th Saturday Open Day at The Close. 18th Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 20th Tuesday Women's Institute meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. 21st Wednesday Young Wives outing to Godington Place. 22nd Thursday Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy at Lynton House in aid of Bridge Church Chancel Fund. 25th Fifth Sunday after Trinity. ' . A 26th Monday Mothers‘ Union meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages. - St. Peter A. & M. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. 15th Thursday 29th Thursday 2nd Sixth Sunday after Trinity. ************ BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH June 4th - 9.30 a.m. June llth and 18th _ No meeting, June 25th — Junior Church at 11 a.m.‘ ************ (3) ‘St. Peter's, Bridge “‘Il"—" i”””“'* "””’i FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism Nicholas David Millyard 22nd April Matthew Richard Hill 14th May May they Rest in Peace -Sh Peter's Bridge 8th May 1967 Flora Sutton 92 years- ************» 1 Mom ERS' UNION June 7th —_Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in Bridge church at 9.30 a.m. with Intercessions. June 26th (Monday) — Branch meeting in 37: Haywards Cottages at 2.45 pom-5' 7 Our rateful thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey for kindli lending us their house for our Coffee morning and to all who helped by their presence an3ngaVe th subscriptions. The final results came to £15 for e Church's Social work in this Diocese. ************ E9M§HL§_l§§2£EH$§ The monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th June in Bridge Village Hall at 7 p-m- Speaker _ Mr_ Abbott of Abbotts Dairy- Competition — A specimen r°Se' ************ (4) PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH RESTORATION The Vicar and Churchwardens wish to express their most sincere thanks to the following people who have kindly subscribed a total of £367. 2. 0d. to this appealh Mr. & Mrs. D, McEwan ms.A.M£%wm Mrs. Berry Miss J. Bright Mr. and Mrs. N. Mr. & Mrs. H. Partridge Christopherson The Revd. Colin and Mrs. J.E. Cook Mrs. Perry Mr. F.O. Cooke Mr. D. Coupe Mrs. I. Foottit Mr. G. Goulden Mr. & Mrs. P. Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Lewis Mr. J. Mount and Mr. D. Mount Mrs. A. Plumptre Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Potter Mrs. I.P. Rooke and Mr. G. Rooke Mrs. D.E. Ryder Captain and Mrs. A.E.W. Sandbach Mrs. P. Whigham Two Anonymous Donations. The tender of the Canterbury Stone and Marble Co. (Messrs. Wiltshire) has been accepted and work will be commenced at an early date. ************ BEST KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION In the near future the judges will make their first inspection of Bridge. Please keep everything tidy and do all you can to improve the general appearance. There are already sign5 of a growing awareness of this competition and the village is looking more attractive, but a sustained effort is needed. AOSI ************ _Wednesday, 14th June THE LEAGUE or FRIENDS or CANTERBURY HOSPITALS, Bridge Group A Fete in conjunction with The Close Open Day will be held on Saturday, 17th June: at 2-30 P'm' Side Shows, Gift Stalls: Raffles: Teas and SfitDmwm. The Buffs Band will be in attendance- please come and support us and see The Close. Fa-E0 Hon. Secretary: L.O.F. Bridge Group- *********** EQEE§_fllXE§_§B9HE CEast Bridge Deanery Festival Service at Elmstone Church at 8 p.m. Coach arranged. Annual General Meeting at Bridge School at 7 Psm. Please make a special effort to attend. Outing to Godington Place, leaving . ’Bridge by coach at 6.30 p.m. _Would any Mothers‘ Union member who would like to come please contact Mrs. Kolhoff. *********** BRIDGE CHURCH CHANCEL FUND A Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale in aid of the above fund will be held on Thursdays 22nd Jug? §r°m 10.30 a.m. - l2 noon at Lynton_House by the inl t aka invitation of Mrs. LedgeT- Please Come and etfi 0 mh_ UP the balance needed before work can start gn ' e gigd e needed redecoration of the chancel in St. Pe er s, g . (6) Wednesday, 7th June Wednesday, 21st June BEESBOURNE MAY FAYEE, 6th May Proceeds from the various stalls were as follows:- CHURCH FETE, 20th May 1967 (continued) Mater & PATRIXBOURNE ,___l Gift Stall (Mrs. Sandall & Mrs. Watson—Taylor) £14. 4. m Produce (Miss Douglas) ... ... ... ... 2. 6. 5 Jumble (Mrs. Wood & Mrs. Castle) ... .. 4. 9. 0 Raffles (Mrs. Tylor & Mrs. Kingsford) ... 6. l5. 0 Teas (Mrs. Baker & Mrs. Watson) ... ... la l5. 4 Cakes (Mrs. Severn & Mrs. Mowll) ... ... 5. l2. 0 Bran Tub ... ... ... ... ... ... l. 0. 9 Toffee (Mr. Shorey) ... ... ... ... l. 7. 6 Bottle Stall ... ... ... ... ... ... l. 18. 0 Cake (Mrs. Grey) ... ... ... ... ... l. 7. 3 Smarties (Miss Fox & Miss Patterson) ... ... 15. Plants (Mr. 7atson—Taylor) ... ... ... l0. 2.0 Donation ... ... ... ... ... ... 10. 0 £52. 2. 8 Deep appreciation is expressed to all who so kindly helped and gave gifts which enabled the May Fayre to be such a great success and happy event. ********%*** BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH FETE, 20th May 1967 Receipts Expenditure ‘ Draw 32.l4.0. Mire of School 1. O. O. Teas ( l2-0- " " .Crockery 5. O- 9.ll.2. Fancy Dress Prizes 1. 13. 0- Cakes, Sweets * Third party i and Minerals 11. 0.0. Insurance 2. 0. 0» White ElephantlO. 7.0. Garden Producel4. 2.5. Stationery 6.17.0. Groceries 6. 3.6. ____:_______;r-7 Q/Fwd. £91. 7.1. C/Fwd. £4. 18. ot * Approximate sum. (7) Receipts Egpenditure 91. 7. 1. 4018000 Bottle Stall 20.17. 6. 'BI‘an 5_¢ Ol 00 30 80 60 young ives Side Shows 9- 5- 3- Brownies Side i 10 2 Sh°W5 ' ' '. ' .11.s. Donations 2. O. 0- 5VrP1“S 128 - 9. 6' 9060 ———_:.?_?_:n The above surplus of £128.l1.6d. compares with that of a118.10.6d. last year and can therefore be considered very satisfactory. *******-***** BEKESBOURNE Bekesbourne was once, SHTPT?Sin51¥: °°n¥9°ted Wlth the ancient Cinque Ports as a "limb" 9f HaSt1ng:' Ffirft Of course, the village is many miles 1n1and' g.Su° 1 was compelled to contribute men or money *0 ?hed lnque Ports fleet, and in the 13th century It provide 9H9 tn sh1p_ For the same reagon, Bekesbourne was ouisidi de Police jurisdiction of Kent Malefactors had 0 s an their trial at Hastings. Hastings authorities dar Justice would often fly to Beke Sanctuary!. And because no other than the ed arrest them, fugitlves fr°m sbourne as a sort of BEKESBOUEEE (Cont'd.) At last the Mayor of Hastings hit on a happy item. He appointed a leading inhabitant of Bekesbourne as his deputy, who was empowered to try prisoners at the village court house, now known as Cohham Court. Administrative difficulties again arose when in l597 the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports held the Court of Shepway at Bekesbourne. It caused much ill—feeling in the Kent ports. ' Although not generally known, the modern world M owes much to past inhabitants of Bekesbourne. In 1677 Stephen Hales, second only to Harvey in the founding of the science of physiology, was born here. He invented ventilating machine and processes for distilling sea water. Because he warned against the dangers of alcohol, he can be thought of as the first popular temperance man. Yet another worthy was Dr. Charles Tilstone Beek—Beke (surely an appropriate name!), who spent many years of his life (1800-74) in Abyssinia, mapping 70,000 square miles, fixing the latitude of scores of nations, and putting on record a dozen native languages. Dr. Beak-Beke crossed the eastern edge of the high tableland of East_Africa at points 400 miles apart, and found the watershed of the Nile and the rivers of the Indian Ocean. , He was the first,t in fact, to make known the physical formation of ' Abyssinia and East Africa. The headstone of Dr. Beek-Beke's states that his forefathers lived at nearby ”Bekesbourne Palace". » ' ‘ The palace was, in fact, the old residence of the Archbishops of Canterbury, but to-day not a lot of the building survives. Cranmer, the Protestant martyr, here spent some of the critical last-months of his life when,on the accession of Mary I, he had ceased to hold his high office in the Church. This Archbishop Cranmer may be claimed as one of Bekesbourne's great figures of the past. (9) r“ i, BEKESBOURNE___(_Cont 'a .) Roman remains are common in Kent, particularly in the Canterbury area, and some were discovered at Bggesbourne a number of years ago." When the railway was biing laid a shaft of oak timbers, packed with flints, fs found l3 ft. below the ground. In the shaft were given urns full of human ashes. They'were P?°b§b%Yrth° remains of some important Roman family: Wh° 11Ve 9 9 sixteen or seventeen centuries ago- ***-I(-******** (10) VICAR AND RURAL DEAN.- THE REV. COLIN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers .- MR. J. D. SMITH, 4, The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SERGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurchwardens : MR. C. A. POITER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2118) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH~SANDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adver1s.: MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 61?.) Hon. Treasurer : Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice : 91 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTDN Telephone Whitstable 4116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Eflicient and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Win!’-’d by Elvy Brothers Limited. It Best Lane. Cumcrbur; PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURN E ...e.. CHURCH MAGAZINE THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE 4 LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Telephone: Bridge 249 For a wider-than—wide range of goods plus a super Free Delivery service shop at EEEB Modern Self—Servic~e store WESTERN AVENUE B RI D G E and get value for your money CE'll3."ElUl¢IE1R DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry of Transport Approved Driving instructor) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, I6 Longport, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 Night 62535 Your local LADIES’ & GENT’S OUTFIT'I‘ERS H. HAN/KINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses & Lingerie CONFECTIONERS STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS *1 . * ' N EWSAGENTS ,; BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, B[u[)(;E ‘rel. Bridge an PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION vv v -rvvvw ........ --- N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order 4 T HE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Brldao 361 vv vwvvvvvvvvwvvwwv h {500n'as TOBACCONISTS _ ‘R II/W0 require .I/ HAVE YOU GOT A TALENT? How about putting your talent to work to help your Church? This year our parishes have to raise a great deal M‘noney to pay for the repairs and maintenance work mflled for, among other heavy expenses, by the Quin- mmnnial Valuation of St. Mary's, Patrixbourne. Many of us are not able to make donations, but all cfi us have some talent which can be used to make a cmmribution towards these expenses. A few suggested ways of using your talents Nre: FRUIT BOTTLING, JAM MAKING, BABY SITTING, CAKE and SWEET MAKING, CAR LIFTS, KNITTING, GARDEN PRODUCE, HEDGE TRIMING, LAWN MOWING, HANDY MAN REPAIRS etc. etc. _ If you are willing to join this effort, the P.C.C. as willing to lend you money in units of 5/—, if you. Inquire to buy materials to start you off. Then, by Ymu‘own industry and ingenuity you try to double or ‘noble the original value of the unit, which we should like to receive back, plus the amount your talents ave made for you, at the Christmas Market in November. Please fill in the following slip and return it as possible to Miss C. Barker, Caldy, Patrixbourne Dad: Bridge. —..___ I/ We would like to take part in the Talent Scheme. ............ (number) of units. r J0 Propose to use my/our talents to .............. O‘ N amcg V '"‘0lI0llUOcuOlOlO‘VIIOIIIIUIIOIIOICIIIOOIIon I ; l Address IIIIIIOIIIOIIIIDCIIIIIOIICUIlIOQ|...'..... *-X-~X-*-X~-X--)(-******* s=;:Q.;i' smirrcrs — JULY 1967 My dear parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and /3 " ‘ Bekesbourne, :20‘ r §;;D}E §§;§IXEOUENE BEKESBOURNE 4?? "‘""““'““‘ I have sometimes been asked why we have the firs hy ;_3 T115 — 6th Sunday after Trinity lbefore the Magnificat at Evensong at Bridge Church. The is no fixed rule regarding the position of hymns during l a.:. :'t.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m, Sung Evensong. In many churches, including our own church at 1.4? a ~ Joly Cons. Communion Holy Communion Bridge, a hymn is sung before the Magnificat because this .33 _.t. Zcensong was the position of the office hymn at Vespers in the and Se:::: Imdiwaval Service Books. The structure of Evensong is lmwever rather different from that of Vespers. There 3-“ —. , _ ~ _ fl , . . are some who say that it is inappropriate to sing a hymn ‘LA dJ1§ /th Sund“y after Trlnlty mm then to sing the Versicle "O Lord open than our lips”, zT\k(\ :_:_ 3:Ly O::_ 11 a_m. Matt. 8 a.m‘ Holy but such an objection is probably pushing logic too far. yetsong and Sermon Communion This is a time of refreshment of body and mind and g P-@- Family many of you will be going away on your holidays during the ervlce rmxt few months. I wish you every happiness and healthr ful relaxation with the members of your families and your 1575 Jily ~ 8th Sunday after Trinity friends. Whatever church you may worship in on your holiday: Dlease conve the greetings of our parishes. o » -« e ”'V v t — y « ;-— ~s¥e T343 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. It is a good thing sometimes to get away from our : fE~~ iii; Communion and sermon parochial boundaries and realise afresh our one—ness in ~ fjA-é7-- ever-so-.e (the world—wide Anglican Communion. ' ., 9-»-.. ~;:': Cr; I ‘h I have had a rather desperate letter appealing for 22,5 J31 _ - . . elp from the Ccnterbury Diocesan Association for the ‘ "X gtn Sunday after Tr1n1§X Eeaf. They ar: anxious to form an organisation to be 5 a.:_ 391 C mg. I nown as the "Friends of the Deaf" to meet from time to 6 :2 :.:. %ve§song goiéifiiggly l1daém° Matt‘ time at St. Margaret's Church in Canterbury. The needs ;n§"ge3:9n “ ag Ormon Of the deaf continue from day to day. If there is anyh lg -45 a-*-’1- one in our parishes who might be interested in this work 013’ Comm __ ‘and would be willing to help, will they let me know and -,.,.n J_ M _ ‘I Will put them in touch with the Chap in and W fare / j“”‘ “l3 ’ ienth Sunday after Triniil Officer for the Deaf. ’1.¢. :.@Aa.:. Holy Comm. 11 Mn 6 Q4‘;/3. zvensong anaas§}mo;tt' gofigfigigfily Yours sincerely, S ‘;‘ 52., &’’.C] Pr»-rr " - ‘ .a_,____)__ ( COLIN E.H. PERRY» V 9' Vicar and Rural Dean; (1) (2) , E: —+ ‘''""-—--.——-,-.-r-;.—.--- FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 11th June 1967 James Barton Griggs Matthew Ian Stephen Griggs St. Mary's, Patrixbourne llth June l967 Mark Elliott St. Peter‘s,Bridge 14th May 1967 10th June 1967 18th June 1967 Matthew Richard Hill Nicholas Saviours Shirley Lorraine Clark Tracy Clark V Lorna Loelia Caroline Colvin Narjleen Nancy Kesby May they_Rest in Peace St. Peter's, Bridge 26th May 1967 Ethel Jane Foster aged 88 years Qiamond Wedding at Christ Church, Forest Hill on 8th June l907:e Harry Stewart Shorey Alice Mary Capps *************** (3) 3 J 1‘2nd Sixth Sunday after Trinity. CALENDAR FOR JULY 1967 Y UL Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. . Mothers Union Corporate Communion and Intercessions in Bridge Church 9-30 3-m- Young Wives Meeting in Bridge School 7.30 p.m. 5th Wednesday 1335111 §§¥§3§1§ySWataiitfiiigéinigfiery choir Festival at Holy Cross Church, Goodnestone 6 P-m- (Practice 3 p-U-) _. . 16th Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Young Wives Corporate Communion in Bridge Church 9 9-m‘ 18th Tuesday Women's Institute Garden Meeting at The Cottage, Bridge Hill;_2 p-m- Young Wives Meeting at Bridge Church 7'30 P'm: . after Trinity. ’ _ Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting, 2.45 pom- at Haywards Cottages. 19th Wednesday 23rd Ninth Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday st_ James A. & M. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. 30th Tenth Sunday after Trinity- AUGUST _ 5tE Saturday Bridge Village Fete and FlowertS%ow5f 6th Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Transflaura 1 n Our Lord. ************* JUNIOR CHURCH July 2nd Sunday Junior Church meets 9.30 a-mv in Church. July 9th, l6th, 23rd and 30th at 11 a-m- ************* (4) TEE LEAGWE OF FR'ENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group ‘ Te, the Committee of the above Group, would like to thank our many friends and patrons, who so generously gavfl and then came, to support us at our Fete, which we ran in conjunction with The Close ‘Open Day‘ on Saturday, l7th June. In spite of the very cold day, we were lucky enough to raise just over £200 gross takings, a really worth—while effort, we feel. And we all hope that your support in the future will be as generous as it has been in the past. Again, our thanks to you all. FRANCIS E. APPS, Hon. Secretary, Bridge Group L.O.F. *********** TALENTS SCHEME You will find a loose leaf in the magazine explaining the idea behind this scheme. ‘Already firm offers of co-operation have been received, the following them:— cwovp _4U4C firs. Ledger Meringues, Pate, Rich birthday and Christmas cakes. Mrs. Greenwood Cakes, especially Sponges Miss Syson Knitting Hrs. Knight Holiday coaching (2 hours per week) ‘ Miss C. Barker Jam, Fruit, Flowers and Plants in season. I hope in the August magazine to be able to publish a further list of talents available. I am only waiting to hear from you all, so please do not delay in sending in your forms. C.M.B. (S) SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Canterbury Branch A Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale will be held at The Barton, Patrixbourne, on Tuesday llth July, from 10.30 — 12 noon. Please come and bring your friends to support this very deserving cause. E. Greenwood. ************ VBRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Mr. J.B. Williams, assistant Master at Bridge Primary School for fourteen years, is retiring at the end of this term. A presentation will be made to him on 18th July. Past scholars and parents who would like to take part in this presentation are asked to give their donation to Mrs. 0. Knight, Headmistress, before 12th ' July. ************ Parents of children entering the school on 12th September are asked to contact the Headmistress before the end of this term, if they have not already done so. Places will be found for children who are five before December 19oz; ************ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 18th July in the The July meeting will be held on by kind invitation Garden of "The Cottage", Bridge Hill- Of our President, Mrs. Dawson- Talk "Wild Flowers" by Miss 3- L°“8 at 2 Pm‘ Competition: My favourite Piece °f China’ (6) --‘L-.6:-_—-~--4-.-%~r >2-.—_._... YOUNG WIVES GROUP The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, léth June, with the Vicar in the Chair. The Secretary and Treasurer gave their reports and Mr. Perry thanked the Group for their continued support in the parish. aid he was disappointed at the lack of attendance - Corporate Communion on the first Wednesday in the Several members said they found mid—week services inconvenient and it was proposed and agreed that the Corporate Communion be celebrated on the third Will members therefore please make a special . SL1 :10 . effort to attend with their families on Sunda , 16th Jul at 9 a.m. Those members who are not con irmed can stil 7i in the service, though of course cannot receive the The election of officers and committee resulted in the following being elected for the coming year:— Group Eon. Eon. Ccmmi the month leader Secretary Treasurer tt e (1) Mrs. Kolhoff Mrs. Pierce Mrs. E. Barley Mesdames E. Johnson, P. Hulyer, J. Harvey, M. Jarvis, L. Linkins and D. Stacey. ' meetings are as follows and then we close for of August:- St: July at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Primary School. l9th July at 7.30 p.m. Meet in Bridge C urch. l6th July, Sunday at 9 a.m. Mrs. Carless will talk on her experiences as a olicewoman. The Vicar will give a conducted tour of the church and show us the vestmentss closing with a short service. Holy Communion with hymns and address, prams can be taken into the church. (7) MOTHERS‘ UNION July 5th Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions. July 24th Monday M.U. Branch meeting 2.45 p.m. in Hayward's Cottages. Miss Griggs will speak on her work in China and Malaya. No branch meeting during August. ************ VlOLET GERTRUDE BILLINGTON R.I.P. Mrs. Violet Gertrude BILLINGTON was first ' admitted to The Close Hospital Wards on the llth April, l946, though previous to this she had been incapacitated for some twenty years. While in Honney Ward she was always of a cheerful personality and undertook her illness in a courageous way, and in all ways continued to lead a full life in her own way and looked forward to all the festivities such as Christmas etc. _It was also quite obvious she looked forward to the visits of The Close Chaplain for religeous administration. She was indeed a saintly soul. We shall all miss her happy smile and welcome. _ She was cremated at Wickford, Essex and her ashes laid to rest with her husband. W. Clarke and C.E.H.P. -iH(-~l-*-I--)(-*-)(--)(>-)(--)(-‘X- (8) F __.___ - , BRIDGE CHURCH CHANCEL FUND The Coffee Morning held at Lynton House on Thursday, 22nd June, raised the sum of £32 for this fund. Grate- ful thanks to those who were unable to attend and gave, as well as those who came. E01“ May I express my deep appreciation to Mrs. Ledger for her efforts towards this Fund. C.E.H.P. -X-*****-X-*-)€--X--X-* THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelsey wish to thank all who kindly sent gifts for their stall at the Church Summer Fete. *-X-***-)(-****** The Vicar wishes to thank a donor who wishes,E0 remain anonymous for the gift of a St. George's Flag ;»; for the Flag Staff at the entrance to St. Peter's Church, Bridge. *****-J(-****** (9) HCAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV. Coim E, H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Readers : MR. 1. D. SMITH, 4. The Terrace, Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. 5. SERGEANT. 22. Conyrigham Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SAVDBACH, Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : Mu. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. St-IOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Aa'rerz.r. : MR. C. J. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) H (In. Tn’a$t(rer' : Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice : 91 KINGSDOHN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone whltstahle 4116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED V _ TELEPHONE EITHER: CAI\ThRBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Eflicient and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Prinlcd :1, Eli» Br-.1r.-rA. |..n.i1cd ll Bea l.'~r.g (' ')L"rBUK’ PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESPBOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE August, 1967 PRICE 6d. -4 A--4AAA AA- A4A._..._--_____----_---4-._A-AA_._.....-A-A.._A Er D I D D D I I I I I I I I I THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE ¥ LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 3.‘ Telephone: Bridge 249 CDIIJEIIIIQZIEIR DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry oi Transport Approved Driving Instructor) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, I6 Longport, Canterbury Telephone: Day 63979 Night 62535 A AA;;AAAA--AA---A---A-----A_A For a wider-than-wide range of goods plus a super Free Delivery service shop at EBB Modern Self-Service store WESTERN AVENUE B R I D G E and get value for your money Established 1786 F0! LOCAL A..- ------ DAIRY , Impeotlon lnvltad Tel. 63553 ABBOTT . BROS. ' TIILLAKND DAIRIES BOTTLE!) IN GANTEFlBURY'8 MODERN NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY %%‘% Enjoy an Evening at WITH YOUR FRIENDS HOT and COLD SNACKS at the BAR THE RED LION V vvwcwvvvvw Your local LADIES’ & GENT.’S OUTFITTERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies‘ Dresses. Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses 9: Delivery to your Door GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST ‘A’ C. & B. M. LEWIS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE ‘Phone: Bridge 383 D. H. WHITTAKER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR Milk (Certified) AAAAAAAA BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 31: PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION - A .4; __. vvvv 7777wéééérétyjébééétéwwyyyéyééééétTéb77VTV7’ & Lingerie * Nswsmwrs DAIRY 2 GUILDHALL STREET TOBACCONIS-I-S " B LODGE LEES FARM C y ARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury CONFECTIONERS Telephone: Barham 277 Tel» 55345 STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS * . T FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order ’I- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone : amiss 351 NEW LAID EGGS Producer and Retailer of Tuberculin Tested Guernsey I From the Farm to the Customer GOLDEN GUERNSEY _ FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY AND CORRALLS COAL, COKE AND FUEL OILS DIPLOMA MEMBERS OF APPROVED COAL MERCHANTS SCHEME vvwvwwvvv LL §C. W. LYONS & SON LTD. FUNERAL SERVICE El TELEPHONE 63508 v wvwvwwvwvvwvvvvwvvwwvwvvvvv I l A m._l J__ 1 ___ 4!... Z__Z_ I ..i,. 1 . SUNDAY SERVICES _ AUGUST 1957 bear parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE } The art of taking a holiday, it is well said, is the -rt-—* !art of knowing how to rid oneself of all but the .unavoidable burdens of responsibility, and in consequence !to feel secure and at ease. Then one can get the best 6th August — 11th Sunday after Trinity Transfiguration of Our Lord 1l‘a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung ‘out of relaxation: and of course, everyone in the holiday ll;45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion party must help to make the holiday a relaxation for every- 6.30 p_m. Evensong one else, at least by not making any special demands for and Sermon . himself or herself. . i WHO TELLS THE viola? 13th August — 12th Sunday after Trinity 1 I wonder if it is realized that I am almost entirely 9 a;m. Holy Comm. ll a.m.Matt. 8 a.m. Holy dependent on being TOLD that such and such a person is 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Communion ill or housebound or recently come to live in one of our and Sermon 3 p.m. Family villages? The clergy do miss people, but we do not call Service a register. Regular churchgoers can be missing for several weeks without being discovered unless the missing person, his relatives or neighbours are good enough to 20th August — 13th Sunday after Trinity flgelephone, write or come round to the Vicarage. 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. ix A MESSAGE To THE CHILDREN Communion Communion and Sermon ~\ H . ' h 6-:0 p-§- z'ensong ‘‘ I do wish all the children in our schools a very and ermon _ppy holiday. The word "holiday" means Holy Day. The irst holidays were always Saints Days or commemorated ' Cd ' n ' o - mh ,:.h::°:.:~:a': ans: Iéfirioscifiiia 8° 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. ggod. God does not forget us and is loving and caring- 6,3o P,g, Evensong Communion and sermon “Or us wherever we are. So we must not forget Him for and sermon 11,45 a,m; the lovely holidays He gives us, and the best way is to Holy Comm. His church on Sunday and so make your holiday —s— a true Holy Day. 3rd September - 15th Sunday after Trinity ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9,30 a.m. Sung 11:45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion 6.50 p.m. Evensong zmdSumm On Sunday, the 6th August, at Evensong at Bridge church we welcome back Mr. John Sinclair as our Organist. t will be a great delight to have him with us again and 'mSure him of a warm welcome. Our joint choir is making +—— great strides forward and this past month we have had the P easure of welcoming several new members. (1) (2) L4 ur- r‘ - — ~~E«-—e—~—‘1‘— -m_u 1 0 Id like to thank Miss Imogen Wiltshire and Mr CALENDAR FOR AUGUST 1957 T7 u- ‘ . U .. Dgvid Riccman for their great help as organist during AUGUST Wiltshire our Warm 500 W? C‘. . 2nd Wednesday M.U. Cor crate Communion and Interh haPPin95S En hertioithcoglng marriage at Patrlxbourne cessionsp9.3O a.m. at Bridge Church. M Church on “he 19 ugus ' 5th Saturday Bridge Village Fete and Flower Show i I am grateful for the many kind messages and at Bridge Primary School. , _ . . , 6th llth Sunday After Trinity. Personal e¥PT9fSi°%§ gf gaod Wlsgfig igihgiggfiy tgguigfis Transfiguration of Our Lord. on my appointmun % Cfst Tgcev C thgdral P’ 13th 12th Sunday after Trinity. an HOHOTETS Canon 3 an er ury 3. C ' 15th Tuesday Women's Institute Monthly Meeting at 7 p.m. at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. 20th 13th Sunday gfter Trinity. - COLIN E'H. PERRY 24th Thursday 7 a:.Bg:§::oé§3:ghAé.§OMé.mholy Communion 27th 14th Sunday after Trinity. Yours sincerely, Vicar. ********** §§E2EE§§§ » I 3 d 1 th S ft T ' ‘t . TEE TALENTS SCHEME r 5 unday a er rlnl y -)t--’)(--)(-*-K-¥--3!--It--)t--)6 Although I know that quite a number of people are already doing something to help this scheme, it appears that there is a good deal of shyness about filling in_ the slips enclosed with the July magazine and saying ln b st_ peterns, Bria e what ways talents are being used. It is, however, fl H3fE‘E§§ff§fi--“*5- only by letting others know in what ways you are _ prepared to help that they can apply to you for this a 25th June 1967 particular help, so I do hope that even if you are FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS David Philip Marsh unwilling to publish your activities in the magazine i Holx Matrimony you are all doing your best to let your friends know A 1“ What W?YS You are using your talents_ena what you ' 1st July 1957 Dennis Peter Lemar and are charging for them, so as to avoid misunderstandings» Anthea Mary Davis Anyway, good luck to you all and I hope we shall see . a wonderful return for our efforts at the Christmas May They Rest in Peace market in November. "“— . ' - 18th By the way, the money raised is to be used for the July 1967 Arthur James Penn general Fabrics Fund for both Bridge and Patrixbourne Churches and not for the Patrixbourne repairs alone. C.M. Barker. (4) pp (3) f FROM THE PARISL REGISTERS St. Peter's, Bekesbourne Holy Baptism 9th July 1967 Heide oiga Figs ********** R.I.P. ARTHUR JAMES FENN We very much regret the passing away in Bridge of Mr. Arthur James Penn. He has lived here from early school days and been a member of the Church choir and of Junior Church. For many years he has been a sides- man and a most faithful member of Bridge Church. He and Mrs. Fenn kept the church clean and fresh over a long period of their active life in the parish. Mr. Penn was a keen games man in his early days and _ was interested in football and cricket. We shall miss seeing him in Bridge. Our sincere sympathies £0 to Mrs. Penn and their son and families in their lOSS- ********** MOTHERS‘ Wednesday, 2nd August. M.U. Corporate Communion with Intercessions in Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. No Branch Meeting in August. 0 *******%** (5) UNION ' ” THE VICAR The P.C.C. and Churchwardens congratulate the Vicar on his appointment as Honorary Canon of Canterbury Cathedral. ********* JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church will not meet during the month of August, but will meet at Bridge Church on Sunday, 3rd September at 9.30 a.m. ********* Youmerwivrsieeoup V ‘There will be no meetings during the month of August. am will re—open on Wednesday, 13th September. ‘Please note that Corporate Communion will be on Sunday, 20th August at 9 a.m. at Bridge Church. Please do make an effort to join in worship and bring your children. '********* WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday, 15th August at 7 p.m. Cookery Demonstration by Seeboard. Competition — 6 Jam Tarts. ********* (6) 1 W sag?” THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Canterbury Branch The Coffee Morning held at The Barton on llth July produced the wonderful result of £47: Which has now been handed to the Treasurer. I wish to thank most sincerely the many €005 friends who helped in every way to make this effort such a success. The Chairman and the Committee have expressed their gratitude and praise for our splendid contribution to the Fund. E. Greenwood. ********** HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY/VILLAGE HALL FETE This year it is intended to have a joint Fete and Flower Show at the school and grounds. The reasofls for this are:— There has been some criticism that there are too many fetes in the village. To save the Horticultural Society the considerable expense of hiring tentage. And to share out the work involved in organizing, as in previous years it has usually been the same people who have helped with both Fetes. The Flower Show will be held in the school and stalls sideshows etc. in the grounds. Your support and presence is welcomed on the 5th August and it is hoped that everyone will have an engpyable afternoon. (7) LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group The nett result of the Open Day and Fete at "The Close” on 17th June after all expenses were paid amounted to £179, a very gratifying result, as we are meeting several requests from "The Close" and "Highland Court" for various articles of equipment which are not supplied under the National Health Service. These include several adjustable stools for disabled patients, costing £7 each and a convector heater etc. We also pay the rental for four T.V. sets for the wards, amounting to £90 annually. Our sincere thanks to all who helped to organise and those who gave their gifts and time to make this fete the success it was. M. A. Milton, Hon. Treasurer, Bridge Group L. o. F. ************ A“ AA AAAA A AAA AAAAAAAAAA A A A AAAAAAAAA A A AAAAA AA AAA A- AAAAAAA High Class Ladies Dressmaker and Tailoress BERTHA M. LEWIS VANITY FAIR . HAIR STYLIST 0 LONDON EXPERIENCE WESTERN AVENUE IN MODEL HOUSES BR1[)(;E WEDDING GOV‘/N SPECIALIST 9a.m.-6p.m. TUESDAY-SATURDAY * PERSONAL ATTENTION AT ALL CLOSED MONDAY ’ TIMES . Ring for Appointment — Bridge 383 Phone 565 A. J. BUCKMASTER, M.R.P.A. REGISTERED PLUMBER CENTRAL HEATING, SANITARY ENGINEERING, DECORATING, SIGNWRITING AND BUILDING “JONE'l'l"E,” PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 BRIDGE STORES GENERAL HARDWARE ].W. & G. S. HARVEY BRIDGE 474 TO YS CYCLES GARDENING EQUIPMENT Cycle and Electrical Repairs A1 * Re-Cellulosing AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE TeI.: 348 STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS CORGI TOYS SWEETS AND TOBACCO L. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE WALPAMUR, MAGICOTE & VALSPAR PAINTS EVER READY & vIDoR BATTERIES MICHELIN CYCLE TYRES Car Body Repairs Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWA Y , BRIDGE Tel. Bridge Isl Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied Avvvvwvvv vv V REPAIRS and OVERHAULS W. E. PINNOCK LTD. coAL AND COKE MERCHANTS E’ J’ MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM REMOVAL AND STORAGE Phone: 334 V V. v vvvv CONTRACTORS Any make of Car Supplied AGENT FOR SIMCA AND SINGER 32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBUR PART EXCHANGE - Tel. 66511 ~ 8 am. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 pm. Sat. Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY B. FLOWER GENTS HAIRDRESSER The Village Butcher: BRIDGE E. J. PURSSORD 303,3, BRIDGE ‘ WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) Phone; 321 8.30 a.m.-6.30 p.m. Closed Wed. 1 pan. English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages FAMILY BUTCHER B. WELCH BRIDGE Phone 220 MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE TeI.: Bridge 282 it Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service —~ Battery Charging PLOIIGH & HARROW INN PRIME ENGLISH MEAT HOME-MADE SAUSAGES LOCAL POULTRY BRIDGE ACCOMMODATION MORNING COFFEE SNACKS THE MOTORISTS’ SHOP (Motor Services) HIGH STREET — BRIDGE 630 Personal Service irom C. E. Ward FOR ‘Ir CAR ACCESSORIES ‘I: RALLY EQUIPMENT * CAR SAFETY AIDS SPECIALIST FITTING STATION FOR SAFETY BELTS OFF-LICENCE S Good Selection of all Wines "'R|TS — LIQUEURS — BEERS Phone : BRIDGE 455 k I//CAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE Rev. La y Readers : Mn. J. 1). SMITH. 4, The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260] MR. S. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens .‘ MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISI-l-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOU RNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHORES’, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MR5. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Advert.-:.: MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties Branch Ofiice : Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whitstable 4116 TELEPHONE EITHER : CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efficient and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS OF N.A.F.D. Primed by El\;.' Brmhurs Limited. 1) Best Lane, Canterbury A; COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS PATRIXBOURN E WITH BRIDGE ND A BEKES BOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE September, 1967 6d. . 1'” ——c c “rt” , “o“"*1 SUNDAY SERVICES — SEPTEMBER 1967 Dan-parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE There is always a special beauty in this country of V """' . _ um early autumn and all that goes to compose the harvest. ' 3rd September - 15th Sundal after Trlnlty mm harvest always calls for thanksgiving and accordingly Mntt & ser 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung weshall offer our thanks in Church in the usual way and y %%.i;m; mt Hély C0§m_ Communion Holy Communion abmn;the usual time. We shall be welcoming as our guest. 1 ; 3 “' E mmacher at Bridge the Revd. David Maple, who was our 6'90 Pém' Vensong mganist and choir master before his ordination, and later, (Pandch::?O%ev Canon atthe Patrixbourne Harvest Festivals on the 8th October, Tea ' ' ' flm Rt. Rcvd. Bishop Alfred Rose. . .t Throughout the ages harvest had a very special place 10th September ' 15th Sunday after Trlnl Y inthe hearts of Christians and gives a seasonal and vivid , 11 . . M tt. 8 .m. Holy rwnnder of God's providence and care. Harvest Festival 2 §6m' E°1%vgE:§ng andasgrmoi Cofimunion shmud also bring home to our conscience how great is the .andP§ermon Preacher: The 3 P-m- Family cmmrast between our own prosperity and plenty and the (Preqcher. The Rev_ Reva, F. Service tmtible hunger to be seen in some other parts of the ‘P Hslden) Cartman, M'C_ orld. We who are Christians are called to be the world's ' intercessors. A ‘ 17th September — 17th Sunday after Trinity Sunda . . ' y 17th September is a day when we commemorate 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. Mm Battle of Britain. We’remember those who preserved communion Communion and Sermon Wm?country at a time of great peril and danger. 6.30 p.m. Evensong Pre3Ch9T= and Sermon The ReVd- 3- September is also the month of St. Michael and A11 Preacher: The Revd. Allen 939 S - Michaelmas. Nothing is more obvious in human P- Holden = lstory than the perceiving of the conflict between 8005' _ _ "‘ .?ievil. Where is this conflict? First and foremost, 24th September - l8th Sunday after Trinity igfis in each individual Soul, between the lower and the 8 a;m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. H;er lnstlnctsy between better_and worse motives, 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon .w§ee§ ielf and pleaslng God ; lndeeda betweeg goodsgfii and Sermon HARVEST Christ and anti—chr1st. Every uman HARVEST THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING 19“8¥0und- SERVICE, Preacher SERVICE Revd_ D_ Maple Secondly, this conflict, which is inherent in every" ._——- fi§’pi$ externalized in the world, the economic stru8€%8s . . ‘ ' - - ' ‘ logica 1st October - 19th Sunday after Trlnlty tpug§l:t1°?1 Struggle arising from It; the 159° Wh h t‘ ‘ d ' t the ower of a ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Oherent 10 Sane ions it an gives 1 P and victorious idea. llu45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Sung Holy 6.30 p.m. Evensong T and Sermon Communion (2) " —.—.4———V. Thirdly, the same conflict invades the Church in our state of probation. We would not have it so; we would have the Church perfect. But in fact it is a battle- ground of crucial significance. A conflict in each soul, in the world, in the Church — we begin from what we know. But the New Testament bids us enlarge our consciousness of the conflict yet more. Who are our helpers in the conflict? First, our fellow Christians in the Church Militant. Next, for we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, the saints of all ages and times in the heavenly places; and then shall we add those pure created spirits, the holy angels, who, as the Michaelmas collect says so wonderfully and comfortingly, always do God service in heaven and by his appointment succour and defend us on earth? And thus defended, shall we not with them (as indeed we say at every Holy Communion Service) the angels and archangelsw and all the company of heaven, render homage and worship to the Lord most high? For the angels are symbols of suocour, symbols of adoring worship, symbols of swift and instantaneous obedience. So as St. Michael we fight the battle, succoured by the Holy Angels, helped by the Saints, encouraged by our fellow Christians in the Church on earth. But supremely we are helped by our Lord himself, whose battle it is, and who fought the battle on our behalf, who in the great conflict became the victim on the Cross, but as a victor won the day. Such I believe is the teaching of this mystical and little understood festival of St. Michael and All Angels. . I shall be away for the two Sundays of 10th and 17th September. Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY, Vicar and Rural Dean. (3) 3rd CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER 1967 SEPTEMBER 15th Sunday after-Trinity. Preacher at 6.30 p.m. at Bridge — Rev. Canon N.K. Nye, Tate Missioner. 6th Wednesday M.C. Corporate Communion and Intercession Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. 7th Thursday grigge Sufi Patrixbourne P.C.C. Meeting at ri 1. 8th Friday Natigitycofothe Blessed Virgin Mary 9th Saturday Junior Church party at 16, Union Raga, lofll 16th Sundayszitfgegrinity. Preachers — see Sunday 13th Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Bridge School 7-30 p.m. ' - Jjth 17th Sundayszitgiegrinity. Preachers — see Sunday 19th Women's Ins§::gt3 Harvest Supper 7 p.m. at Village Est Thursday, §t.dMatthew A.E.M. Holy Communion at cy a er rinity. Harvest Festivals at B-ekesb ourne Church él a.m. and Bridge 25fl1 Monday Mothers’ Union opegifighsiiig P‘? 30 . Ce - p.m. . Bridge Church._ Preacher - M.U. Deanery 27ml F Chaplain, Revd. R. Lawrence. ”ed“esdaY Y°un8 Wives meeting 7.30 p.m. at Bridge ggth F _ School. rlday st. Michael and All Angels. Holy Communion Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. and ~T§F‘T§t 3rd N th Sunday_after Trinity. 10 hers Union Corporate Communion and Intercession 5th Fr_d 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. 1 33 Bridge Group L.O.F. Jumble Sale at Bria . ge 8th Village Hall 6.30 p.m. Patrixbourne Church Harvest Festival ll a.m. Preacher — The Rt. Rev. Bishop Alfred Rose., ..l (4) . FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS St. Peter‘ S, Brig? H011 Baptism 30th July Denise Angela Bevan 30th July Tracy Scott 20th August Richard James Stokes Holy Matrimogv let July 1967 Dennis Peter Lemar and Anthea Mary Davis 23th July 1967 Peter Bgign Page Jean Evelyn Crampton May they Rest in Peace 2nd August 1967 Ralph Castle ht. lEa:'_v's, Pat-rixbourne H011 Matriuogy 19th August 1967 Peter William Sayer and Imogen Miranda Fraser Wiltfihire *******&***& ST. PETER‘S, BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH All members of the Junior Church are invited to the, Party to be held at 16, Union Road, Bridge. on Saturday! 9th September. at 4 p.m. Please let Miss Wass know if vh You would like to come, if you have not already done 809 Junior Church will meet at Bridge Church on Sunday!” 3rd September, at 9.30 a.?. 5) ‘ -van-an-u—., ’ ..r...‘ .. Kev." ‘- ST. MARY'S. PATRIXBOURNE 1 Sincere thanks are due to Mrs. Dowling and Mrs. Padwick for their gift of flowers for Patrixbourne Church. ************* HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held at our three churches on the following dates:- Sh Peter's, Bekesbourne ' ll a.m. Sunday 24th September. .~St. Peter's, Bridge 6.30 p.m. Sunday 24th ‘ ' September. St. Mary's, Patrixbourne. ll a.m. Sunday 8th October. 1 Any gifts for these services will be gratefully received at-the respective churches on the morning of the Saturday preceding the Harvest Thanksgivin. _ r. The Close Harvest Thanksgiving #111 be at 5 p.m. on . ’ 8th October. All are welcome. ; \ “ ************ . fl YOUNG WIVES (mom? , Group Leader: Mrs. Kollhoff 4-. Filmer Road‘ ‘M Secretary: Mrs} Pierce 7. Windmill Close , Teasurer: Mrs. Barley 49, Bridge Down ‘K E c°mIIli1:tee: Mrs. Johnson 42. Bridge Down 1 Mrs. Hulyer 8, Bridge Down Mrs. Harvey Newlyn, Union Road Mrs. Jarvis 1; Pippins Avene Mrs. Linkins 6; Albert Terrace Mrs. Stacey 8, Bourne View. Se We re—open for the autumn session on ?ednesday; 13th figtember at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Primary School. The wlst meeting is a cheese and cider party and a warm e °°me is extended to all young wives in Bridge. kg-—~ rouse TIMES GEOUF (cout'd.) Do come along, you will find the Young Wives a very friendly group. If you are shy at coming alone, get in touch with your nearest committee member, who will be very willing to call for you. Programmes giving details of meetingsfor the whole year will be available at this meeting. On Tednesday, 27th September, at 7.30 p.m. we are very fortunate to have Mrs. Ledger for our speaker and she will talk about some Historical Men. J ’ . ...., yet-w-..——— Corporate Communion for the Young Wives Group is I on Sunday, 17th September at 9 a.m. We hope more members will attend with their families. ********%*** woMENs' INSTITUTE I The annual HARVEST SUPPER will be held in the Village Hall, Bridge, on Tuesday, 19th September at 7 p.m. . Competition: Harvest Supper Table Arrangement. ************ MOTHERS‘ UNION Gdiesdays 6th September Corporate Communion at 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church to be followed by intercessions. :- Lonéavy 25th September I Mothers‘ Union members invite _ all Young Wives to their fgenlng service in Church at 7.30 p.m. Tea alter the service in the Village Hall. | Preacher — M.U. Deanery Chaplain, the F Revd. R. Lawrence. J *****%*%%%** (7) N — ' ‘A '— ' " - » . — i"_,_..............--—.--.--...—..-.-...--.-.----.,...._.-..-.-.__ ,_ , ‘F HELP THE AGED A national appeal organised by Voluntary and Christian Services, Maidstone and District, appeal for clothing urgently needed for aged refugees in many areas of the world. Clothing in good condition will be received at The Close by kind permission of the Matron. Parcels should be clearly marked for the "National Appeal“ and will be collected on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 12th and 13th of September. Gifts are now distributed free in more than lQO areas of the world. ***¥******** TINFOIL FOR MEDICAL MISSIONS I have much acknowledging a lovely consignment of tinfoil ‘from the Bekesbourne Mothers’ Union. It is most encouraging to receive these bags of foil, large or-small, from time to time and believe me it helps the work of medical missions considerably. Emily P. Cutcliffe. ************ TALENTS SCHEME The following offer has been received:- Miss Marion Hawkins, Riverdale House, Bridge. Car Lifts and Baby Sitting. ************ (8) LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group We are holding our autumn Jumble Sale on Friday, 6th October at 6.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Coffee will be served during the evening, which we trust will make it a happy friendly gathering, and we hope to see all our old friends and many new ones. Gifts of jumble, bric—a—brac or anything saleable will be gratefully accepted at The Close, or by any Committee member. Please help us in any way you can to make this a successful evening, even if only by coming along. The needs of the hospitals get greater " each year and we all feel, as "Friends of the Hospitals: that we must do all we can to prove this name to be true. Frances E. Apps, Hon. Secretary, Bridge Group L.0.F. ************ GRAT EFUL THANKS T0: of two‘ Church, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shorey for the gift beautiful alms bags for Bekesbourne as an act of thanksgiving for their Diamond Wedding. To: Mrs. Sandal for her gif t of Altar coverings for Bekesbourne Church. ' To: MT» Tyler for his splendid work in clearing and Taking the pathway to Bekesbourne Church. ************ (9) -vuuup 34‘. THE CLOSE An invitation is extended to any parishioner to attend the regular 5 o'clock Sunday evening service. Holy Communion is always celebrated at this time on the first Sunday in the month. ************ VILLAGE FETE/HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SHOW The combined Fete and Flower Show was held on Saturday, 5th August at Bridge Primary School. the weather was fine and there was a good attendance. commitments are settled it is hoped When all outstanding the nett total will b e around £100. ************ (10) Luckily VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV. COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : Mn. .1. D. SMITH. 4. The Terrace. Bridge. (Bridge 260) MR. S. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens : MR. C. A. POITER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FArusH—SANoBAcH, Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary: MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482)_ I-Ion. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : Mn. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Belcesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Belcesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 8: 9 Branch Oflice : 91 KIIIGSDOIII PARK, TAIIKERTON Telephone Whlhlnhle 1116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE EITHER: CANTERBURY 62264 WING!-IAM 224 I DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efiicxem and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS 0? N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS P‘ Sad Ea‘ '.- - 4 ' - . “'3 3 E1 .v Lumied, 11 Ben Lane. cnnierbm, ' PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND ‘ BEKESISOURN E PATRIXB I U ~ St PETE BRIDGE K CHURCH MAGAZINE October, 1967 SUNDAY SERVICES - OCTOBER 1967 Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and + * Bekesbourne, BRIDGE PATHIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE “““ First I would like to draw your attention to the lst October — 19th Sunfiny after Trinity series of four Lectures at Canterbury Cathedral, beginning ' m1Wednesday, 18th October. These will continue weekly on ll a.m. Matt.& Scr. 8 a.m._HOly 9.30 a.m. Sung the Wednesday evenings until 8th Hovember. It is _ 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion indicative of the progressive loving dialogue that is 6.30 p.m. Evensong taking place among Christians of different thought that and sermon the second lecture on 25th October will be given by the Ru Rev. B.C. Butler, Romanfcifiholic Auxiligrg gishog of _ - . Wamminster and the las o e series on ovem er 8th October - 20th Sunday afte?rTr1n1ty by the Rev.’Kenneth Slack, Minister of thelcity Temple. h . I d ' t f ‘ll ak 0 1 9 3-m4 Holy Comm‘ 11 a'm‘ Matting 8 a‘m'.H°ly attgngogfiesga:c3::gigalyI:c¥uresT elaamegurg tggt they I 5-30 P-m- Evensong and Sermon Communion . will bring inspiration to those people from the parishes 1? and Sermon HARVEST THANKS— 3 p.m. Family who will be able to be present_ GIVING Preacher: Service T199 R“'.ReV- October the 18th is St. Luke's Day. At St. Luketide 1 B1Sh0P Alfred ROS? we pray especially for the sick and for those who tend and care for them and the work of the doctors and nurses. rtl O t b _ t S _ ft T - -t e shall remember with love the two hospitals in our 1) 1 c 0 er 2ls unday a er rinl y grish, namely The Close and Highland Court Anngxe, of 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. _i9h I am Chaplain and I ask too your prayers or my Communion Communion and sermon lnistry there. It was Paul who called Luke the Beloved 5,30 p,m, Evensong hysloian, and that with reason: for Luke with him.bore and Sermon the burden and heat of the day. An atmosphere of love ——- fin regard surrounds the beloved physician. Trusted by . S companions and respected and revered in tradition from 22nd October ‘ 23nd Sunday after Trinity um earliest times, his is a personality which continues 1 0 d ' th . 8 a'm' H°lY C°mm- 9 a-m- Holy 11 a-m- Matt‘ sse§:iaii§e§:l§§ :ngi£§§i::da:an inageiofigfisand violent 6'30 P'm' Evensong Conmuninn and sermon .°r1d; continuing through thick and thin to maintain his and Sermon n egrity in those things in which he believed, and first “““‘ “ ml foremost in the Christ.‘ 2 th 0 t — 4'.‘ -' ’ ' I 9 C Oher 23rd Sunduy after Trlnlty 1 _ October is for Christians a heavenly month: 89* as 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 11 a.m, Matt. 8 a.m. Holy Dtls between Michaelmas 29th September and All Saints H 6-30 P-m- EV€nS0n5 and Sermon Communion a St N°Vember- and Sermon ' {if (1) p (2) ,,,,. - , _ ‘ . ' ""’.,M_‘ "O God, who hast brought us near to an innumerable company of angels and to the spirits of just men made perfect, grant that in our earthly pilgrimage we may be strengthened by their fellowship, and in our heavenly THE LATE MR. J.D. SMITH (Cont'd.) Lay Reader. Country become partakers of their joy", so we pray; Honorary Librarian for Bridge at the branch County but possessing their fellowship we already belong to llbrary. the heavenly country. We are indeed on its frontier t - - . . whenever we lift our souls to God in prayer, whenever Re urnlng Officer for the parish of the Electoral -. . . Roll we reflect his love in our actions, deeds and words ' and thong t. It is as those who already belong to I . . the heavenly country that we are alert in our present wlla:et$fi%Zhr$§§§k%2lgi§§§g:$% ¥E1§?l%eaveS a gap In the duties, sensitive to the world's troubles and anguish - - -' and yet severe in the way we meet them. This month which began with the angels and ends with the saints AN APPRECIATION 03 THE LATE MR. "J.D." SMITH has so much to teach us how to live that in the midst of things temporal we lost not our intimacy Mr_u§SDI"w::i:fiab%eagomgggengaigg fuggrai ofvfhe lfitfi with the things that are eternal. ' ' ’ g ” u y ur lcar 0* Ins invitation to contribute a few words to the magazine. Y°“1’S affe°”°i°na’“e1f>’: "J.D." was the first friend that .1 made in Bridge mwn I cameas Vicar in April l958, and we remained the COLIN E'H' PERRY flosest of friends to the very end. vicar’ ass l do not need to give you details of "J.D.'s" long - 001a ion with the village and his many claims to the ***************** : %"<°-speot and affection of the wide district that he served ulmany ways. I wish only to record my personal THE LATE MR. J.D. SMITH !?§rg§iat%on of this warmehearted, loving, wise and faith- "J.D." came from Waltham to live in Bridge ~ ep arl§ la“ ma? who gave me so mu9h encouragement and about twenty years ago and among his many local urlng my five yeais as Y°“F Vl°ar' . Lnterests and a°tlV1‘1e5 Were“ f IThe love which all children, not least my own, felt Sub—Controller of the Bridge—Blean Civil r§rhet'?é; t§:mjuStA§lr§?1e§?%°nh°fS*§::d8§§:*c%§;§h“:igh r e , .- , , . is i e e e ‘* ? 4eien.e area during and after World war II. i%F community’ but best of all he Served the children_ fioad Safety Officer and Home Safety Officer to hfther it was Road Safety Campaigns: Library» or teaching 3T15€e—Biean R.D.C. In this capacity he mm he Sunday School, his great understanding of children I "rr'n” d S fit F; 5 _ - ' L i ' ‘ t. gchgolg inatgeyargz :n%C:$:g€:régn?g:db:E S enaoyment of their company was always apparen annual Quiz in Road Safety at the schools. no when as a Lay Reader he ministered the WOIG Of 905 Snjerint ;d ‘t f th 4 3 °“e_00uld fail to be helped by his 3imP11°}ty and gridgeegoiflmagy ye:r:?n’Or Church at 1n°eT1ty, in Bible Reading, Prayer or Preaching- <3‘) (4) __, AN APPRECIATION OF THE LATE MR. "J.D." SMITH (C0nt'd.) CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER 1967 Last, but by no means least, one must recall with gggygg W 1 gratitude his example in the home, as a father, grand— . I father and husband. leg gigfitegnth Sfingiy aitfir Trigity. t _ r e es ay 0 ers nion oroora e Communion at I and my wife and all members of my family for. _ Bridge Church 9.3O1a.m. many long years will continue to treasure our memories 8th Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Patrixbourne Church of "J.D." Harvest Festival — ll a.m. ~ _ ‘ uth Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Bridge School "... thanks be to God, who gives us the victory 7.30 p.m. through our Lord Jesus Christ". l¢fi1 Saturday Rural Decanal Conference Quiet Afternoon at St. Paul's Church, Canterbury ROBERT PENNEY. 15th T 2.30 — 5.30 p.m. _ wenty—first Sunda ft T ' ‘t . Y W‘ *************** Corporgt: Cgimuiign gt Briggggchizgfi —‘ ' 9 8.111. ' rROM THE PARISH REGISTERS imth Monday Mothers’ Union meeting at 37, HayWard's . Cottages 2.45 p.m. Hol Ba tism "Nth Monday 7gomgnFsvIn§titu§el§rgu§OMeeting at . ri ge 1 age a . p.m. St' Peter's’ Bridge _ Nth Tuesday Bekesbourne Mothers’ Union service at _ .” . . Bekesbourne Church 2.30 p.m. Elia éu6:5tbl96Z967 E321 C%§¥”t;a§iB;:h°P 7th Tuesday Women's Institute Monthly meeting at Z 9P 9“ 91‘ avon We 3 Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. 8th Wednesday St. Luke's Day. ' Holy Communion at Holy Matrimony 2nd September 1967 Martin Derek Aynsley acm- Twenty—second Sunday_after Trinity. and 5th Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Bridge School . 7.30 p.m. Suzanne Vera Harris 8&1 Saturday SS. Simon and Jude. Twenty—third Sunday after Trinity. 4 OVEIVEBER 13* Wednesday l % St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 25th August 1967 David Frederick Longley and ‘ All Saints Day. A Holy Communion at I Susan Ann Twining ) I I I st Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. h TWenty—fourth Sunday after Trinity. May They Rest in Peace St. Peter's, Bridge 9th September 1967 Margaret Ann Brown aged 74 ‘; 12th September 1967 Celia Annie Johnson aged 93 ************** ‘i 16th September 1967 (James Denson Smith aged 83 ( ) LL 5) 6 _# —— “R YOUNG WIVES GROUP llth October at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. The Rev. B. Ash, Area Secretary for the Church Missionary Society in the Canterbury and Rochester Dioceses, will show a film on the work of the above Society, called "Three Men, Three Ways". 25th October at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. Handicrafts. Suggestions and practical demonstrations of handicraft ideas for the Christmas Market. Several members are bringing work to show but more ideas are still welcome. Young Wives Corporate Communion will be held in Bridge Church on Sunday, 15th October at 9 a.m. It was rewarding to see so many members with their children in September at this service. ************ St. PETER'S, BRIDGE - JUNIOR CHURCH Sunday, lst October — Junior Church meets at 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church- Uunday’ géi Junior Church meets at 23nd October - ll a.m. in Bridge Church. 29th ************ (7) BRIDGE MOTHERS‘ UNION Tuesday» 3rd October - Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. Monday, l6th October — M.U. Branch Meeting at 37; Haywards Cottages at 2.45 p.m. _ Speaker - Mrs. Meigh - The Arctic Circle. ************ "CHRISTMAS MARKET Please keep Saturday! 2nd December, free, as our annual Christmas Market will be held on that day and S: want everyone to come and support us. Details of alls will be in the November magazine, but please make a note of the date NOW. ************ BEKESBOURNE MOTHERS‘ UNION B k The winter session will open with a service at 9 esbourne Church on the 17th October at 2.30 p.m. 8 Vicar will be the speaker. ************ (8) WOMENS INSTITUTE Monday, 16th October Bridge and Patrixbourne W.I. are hostesses for the Group Meeting, which will be held in Bridge Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. on 16th October; The speaker will be Miss Skinner. Tuesday, 17th October The Monthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village Hall at 7 p.m. Miss Hebditch will talk on "Make Up". Competition — A decorated handkerchief. *-X--X-*****-X-*** (9) e_/Z’‘'/J 71 THE REV. Corm Eifllg:$r:.Al5S:(T1i:fI{7i<::i:g Bridge. (Bridge 250) -' :V. WITH BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE E Clmrchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage, Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixboume Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : Mn. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 6112) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Office: 91 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whitstable I116 CHURCH MAGAZINE November, 1967 PRICE 6d. COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED _ TELEPHONE EITHER : CAi\'TERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day or Night) Efliciem and Personal Supervision always assured MEMBERS or N.A.F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Primrif an I-;I.', rsrothrra Lilnilcd. II but Lmc. (.':amurbur;. L; — SUNDAY SERVICES — NOVEMBER 1967 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BIKESBOURNE 5th November — 24th Sunday after Trinity ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 12th November - 25th Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 10.55 a.m. Remembrance Day Service 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Remembrance Day 10.55 a.m. 8 a.m. Holy Remembrance Day Communion Service Preacher: The 3 p.m. Family Service Rev. Frank Caftman M.C. I 19th November — 26th Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt- and Sermon 26th November — Sunday next before Advent 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 9 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion .44? 3rd December - 1st Sunday in Advent 11 a.m. ‘Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon (1) Dear parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, All Saints Day which falls on the first day of this month, makes its own appeal to Christian worshippers. Though thankful remembrances of the great cloud of witnesses throughout the Christian era remains the dominant note in the festival, it is also an occasion when Christians are challenged to follow Christ's blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living. It is there- fore fitting to ask at this time the question what makes a good saint? , Saint is short for "sanctified" and sanctified means set apart, made holy. The special quality of saints, then, is that of being clearly and izmticeably dedicated to the service of-God in Christ, in ;such a way that character and achievement alike bear twitness to His transforming grace. _ In this month the Church fittingly commemorates the pinnumerable company of Christians "departed this life in ;Iaith and fear of God", reaffirming that eternal hope imuch redeems human experience from futility and its gconfidence that the labour is not in vain. All Saints 1 l I I is followed to—day by All Souls. Though the English Ieformers out out All Souls Day, ineradicable instinct has retained it in the Kalendar of the human hearts. r 1 November also brings Remembrance Sunday, which is {’WW really linked closely to All Souls Day. This year ‘g9 are holding'a Remembrance Sunday Service at St. ; eter's Church, Bridge, as at Patrixbourne Church. \f_eSe services will begin at 10.55 a.m. keeping a silence a lrst at the War Memorials outside the Churches. The ‘ W0 silent minutes on Remembrance Sunday invites to 1§°Nmunion with unseen realities. They are eloquent of a sgflrltual order to which man belongs, by which he is ,TE00mpassed and in which alone he can find fulfilment. [ 93 are, as it were, the interruption of the all- jd§V0uring sequence of time, thereby to reveal the 1_mension of eternity. Against that background man's ;lttle day can be seen in its grandeur and responsibility. g (2) Man cannot live in the memories of the past. and old may be at one together in the solemn annual commemoration of the price that has been paid for their freedom, and of those countless men and women, known and unknown, through whose faith and courage the legacy has under God been preserved. It is the things for which men are prepared to die which invest life with dignity and significance. So I hope the people of our villages will make their act of worship and remembrance on this day at one of these services of remembrance. St. Andrew's Day, Thursday, 30th November, will be observed as a day of prayer for the Mission of the Church. It is much to be hoped that we shall be able to maintain a continual day of intercession for the work of the Church throughout the world. Please keen free Saturday, 2nd December, when we shall be holding our Christmas Market in Bridge Village Hall. See special notice for details. vstallholders and their assistants will be very glad of gifts for their stalls, which may be left at the Hall on the day of the sale or will be collected, if stallholders are notified. All our three churches and the chapel at The Close " giving or arranging the flowers, fruit and . We also thank the organist and the r and choir for providing the excellent hese services. Hwwcnt O r.+ U) I-4 I3‘ Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY, Vicar. ***%****‘k* (3) .. A ,,_ _ But young FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 8th October l967 Kevin Batcliff St. Peter's, Bridge 15th October 1967 4 { l5th_October ‘ 22nd October OCTOBER 3 29th 2 NOVEMBER lst Wednesday I I I J 2nd Thursday j 4th Saturday 1 . ! Catherine Smith A,Julie.Ann Sidaway Adrian Phillip Punchard 1967 1967 **-)(--)(-**-)(--X-*-)(- CADDNDAR FOR NOVEMBER pPreacher at 6.30 p.m. Evensong at Bridge Church - Bishop Clarke. All Saints Day. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. Bridge Church. — Mothers’ Union Communion and Intercessions. All Souls Day. Holy Communion Requiem 7.30 a.m. Diocesan Conference. Women's Institute Annual Sale of Work, Bridge Village Hall 2.30 p,m. 5th Twenty—fourth Sunday after Trinity. , 8th Wednesday 712th Twenty—fifth Sunday after Trinity. ’l5th Wednesday Young Wives Group meeting 7.30 p.m. Bridge School. (see Services). Bridge & Patrixbourne P.C.C. meeting at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. E19th Twenty—sixth Sunday after Trinity. 320th Monday »21St Tuesday Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages. Bekesbourne Mothers’ Union Meeting 2.30 p.m. at Bekesbourne Village Hall. (4) Remembrance Day + - _- L. L . _. CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER (COnt‘d.) 2lst Tuesday A.G.M. of Women's Institute at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. Young Wives invited to Preston — 7 p.m. start. before Advent. St. Andrew's Day. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. See elsewhere for Day of Prayer for Working Mission of the Church. Evensong at Bridge Church 5.30 p.m. 2lst ” 26th Sunday next 30th Thursday ********** MOTHERS‘ UNION Wednesday, lst November. Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Monday, 20th November. Branch Meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages, Union Road, at 2.45 p.m. Speaker Miss Griggs on "Borneo". Tuesday, 21st November. Bekesbourne Mothers’ Union at 2.30 Pvm- at Bekesbourne Village Hall. Speaker Mrs. Appleton, subject "Learning from Living”. *****%%*** ST. PETER'S, BRIDGE - JUNIOR CHURCH Sunday, 5th November Junior Church at 9.30 a.m. at ' Bridge Church. Sunday, 12th, 19th Junior Church at ll.O a.m. at 26th November Bridge Church. - (5) BRIDGE — DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Godmersham Horticultural Society has kindly invited members'of the Bridge Society to attend a lecture by Admiral FIRS, the well-known botanist, to be held at the Godmersham Village Hall on the evening of Monday, 4th December. Members who were fortunate enough to attend Admiral ,Firs' lecture at Wye a couple of years ago will remember what an excellent speaker he is. This is an opportunity «not to be missed. Detailed arrangements will be ‘announced nearer the time. C.A.P. ********** WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 21st November, at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall. It is hoped that all members will do their best to attend this ‘meeting, when voting for a new Committee, President and 4 fflcers takes place. Please try to come a little before lf possible, so that the votes for the new Committee may 9 put in the ballot box before the meeting starts. ,C0mpetition — A Home-made Christmas Card. r_ Saturday, 4th November. The annual Sale of Work to ,w?1Se funds to finance the Institute through next year 5111 be held on 4th November at Bridge Village Hall. X ease come and support this. ********** I { ST. PETER'S, BRIDGE — FLOWER ROTA i ? R The Flower Rota for 1968 will be made up during 4£0ember. Please, before then, let me have the names ‘y anyone who would like either to join the rota next Lear or wishes to be withdrawn from it. E. Ledger 1 (5) mars YOUNG WIVES GROUP Wednesday, 8th November at 7.30 p.m. Preparation for the Christmas Market. T The Whist Drive had to be brought forward to October, so please note the new date for the preparation for the Church Christmas Market. Several members are bringing materials for gifts. Pretty wallpaper pieces are wanted and empty egg shells for this meeting. Tuesday, 21st November. We have been invited by Preston and Elmstone Young Wives Group to a Bamix Food Mixer demonstration at the Congregational Hall at Preston. We will have to leave by 7 p.m. We are not hiring a coach, but hope to manage with car lifts, so come to the meeting on 8th November and arrangements can be made to accommodate members. There Will not Note this is on a Tuesday. be a meeting on Wednesday, 22nd Iovember. ********** EAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group A successful Jumble Sale was held at the Village Bridge, on Friday, 6th October, realising p ximately £30. Our grateful thanks to all those 0 he 1e. The money so raised is a welcome help to the ovision of hand—rails for patients toilets and wo mchairs for "The Close", at a cost of approximately A Whist Drive has been arranged for Wednesday, 13*” December, at "The Close".Bridg€a at 7-15 P-m‘ , t. We welcome YOU? 9uPP°T Ann Milton_ (7) A lped and contributed the various articles for the_ MILK BOTTLE TOPS The U.S.P.G. tell me that the firm in Wales to whom they dispose of the bottle tops is unable to accept any more for the next six months or so. Therefore, will all kind collectors please not bring their bottle tops to me for forwarding until the U.S.P.G. let me know that they are wanted once more. Very many thanks to you all for your support, which I hope will be renewed at a later .date. Foil and pie cases are still required, so please §c0ntinue to let me have these. E.P. Cutcliffe. ********** CHRISTMAS MARKET E As announced in the October magazine the Christmas 1Market will be held on Saturday, 2nd December, in Bridge ivillage Hall. _ A lot of hard work goes into the }preparation of the various stalls and it is hoped that ‘everyone who is able to do so will come and give generous support to this event. The following stalls [are planned:— Young Wives Group. Mrs. Ledger, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Knight. Mrs. Young. Mothers Union. { {Fancy Stall ............... ;Cakes . . . . .................. ]Pickles and Preserves ...... Kitchen Stall ............. Christmas Decorations and) Christmas Tree ).. Books ..... ..... ..... ,Talents Scheme and "Everything l/-" ......... Raffle Iuoooo-nlocnconnocooon The Brownies. ...... Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey. Miss C. Barker. The Choir. , Mrs. Potter and ; Mrs. Greenwood. fl All the above will welcome contributions for their zrespective stalls. 1 <8) TALENTS SCHEME As originally planned, the Talents Scheme will close on Saturday, 2nd December, the date of the Christmas Market. I will have a special table at the market and shall be grateful if all the kind people who have been co—operating in the scheme will bring the monetary results of their efforts to the market and hand them to me during the afternoon. If anyone is unfortunately unable to come to the market, please let me have your contributions before that date, so that the total amount raised by the scheme can be handed to the Treasurer at the end of the market. C.M. Barker. ******9':*-)(-* BOOK STALL at CHRISTMAS MARKET We are organizing a Book Stall for the Christmas Market and will be pleased to receive any new and used saleable books you may have to spare - paper backs particularly. We shall be pleased to collect, if you will let us know when to call. I. and J. Kelsey. **—X-**-X-*~)(--X-* BRIDGE-BLEAN RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Refuse Collection D Bridge—Blean Rural District Council provide a _ refuse collection service to all of the properties in their area and will remove house refuse free of charge’ With improving living conditions many articles that are rejected are too large to be placed in a dustbin or paper sack and unfortunately, in a lot of cases, find their way into woodlands or onto roadside verges etc. The Council wish to draw the attention of their householders to the following arrangements which are FREE of charge. (9) AJ Refuse Collection (Cont 'd.) (a) _Bulky articles such as old furniture, electrical appliance, bicycle frames, prams etc. can be collected by arrangement. (b) Old motor vehicles cannot be collected, as the necessary equipment is not available, but the Council will accept them at their Littlebourne tip. (0) Garden and builders refuse cannot be collected unless there are exceptional circumstances. This refuse, however can be taken to any of our three tips (Chartham, Littlebourne and Sturry) by arrangement. Enquiries in connection with the above or on any other aspect of refuse collection should be made to The Senior Public Health Inspector, Bridge-Blean Rural District Council, 41 Old Dover Road, Canterbury. Telephone Canterbury 66411. People residing outside the Bridge-Blean area are advised to contact their own Authority. Finally, all clean newspapers, magazines,wrapping paper and cardboard, if kept separate from the normal household refuse, can bring in valuable income and assist in keeping down the rates. August, 1967. ********-X-* (10) I‘/(‘.416 .4.r\'/.7 RIVRAI. l)[5A.\'. THE? RH. (‘ml IN E. H. l‘i?i_=z;'&s_n.. r L—. 5 g