—C-coo; DQQQQQQQQQQQQ-94-so.-srQ»9¢»§—Ov§¢Q9~ THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE #- LLNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION «‘«'> Telephone: Bridge 249 For a wider—than—wide range of goods plus a super Free Delivery service shop at [TEE Modern Self-Service store WESTERN AVENUE B RI DG E and get value for your money GTIJEIUILEIEIR DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry of Transport Approved Driving Instructor) Booking Agent 2 B. L. PRICE, I6 Longport, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 Night 62535 5 BUILDING CONTRACTOR I JOHN ROBSON : (Dover) Ltd. 1 THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 314 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION vv wvwvv Your local LADIES’ & GENTS OUTFITTERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies‘ Dresses. K m'rwear, Skirts, Blouses & Lingerie ‘k NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order ¥ THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge 361 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3 Established 1786 For LOCAL TUBERGULIN TESTED and CHANNEL ISLAND MILK ABBOTT BROS. DAIRIES BOTTLED IN GANTEI-'|BUFIY'8 MODERN DAIRY lnspeotlon Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY Tel. 63553 Enjoy an Evening at THE RED LION WITH YOUR FRIENDS HOT and COLD SNACKS at the BAR GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST C. & B. M. LEWIS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE -ir Dollvory to your Door ‘Phone: Bridge an BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR R’ D. H. WHITTAKER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 A‘_AAAA4AAA-...;....A‘.A..A-_.._..-4¢44-%% AA. AA n u Producer and Retailer of Tuberculln Tested Guernsey Milk (Certified) From the Farm to the Customer GOLDEN GUERNSEY DAIRY LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM 8: DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Barham 277 * rnesu CREAM A SPECIALITY AND mzyv LAID EGGS CORRALLS COAL, COKE AND FUEL OILS o 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 65345 0 FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE DIPLOMA MEMBERS OF APPROVED COAL MERCHANTS SCHEME C. W. LYONS & SON LTD. _ FUNERAL SERVICE ST. GREGORY’S, MILITARY ROAD, CANTERBURY. -— TELEPHONE 63508 V wwwwwv vvww vvvvwvvvvvvv vwvww vv vww vvvwvwvvvvvvuywvv vvwwvwvvvvvv SUNDAY SERVICES — JANUARY 1968 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 7th January — First Sunday after Epiphany ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion l4th January - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 3 p.m. Family Service 21st January — 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 1.]. acme and Sermon 28th January - 4th Sunday after Epiphany 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 9 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 4th February — Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 11 a-m- Matt-& Sero 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung 11-45 a-m- Holy Comm- Communion Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon (1) y'dear People, I send you all my New Year Greetings. heme as we enter another year is that of hope. There s a prayer that I often use, which I commend to your so during this year: "0 God, who never forsakest those V hat hope in Thee, grant that we may ever keep that hope ? hich Thou has given us by Thy Word, as an anchor of our i ouls, sure and steadfast, to preserve us unshaken and ’ ecure in all the storms of this life." We trust that od will lead us both in the churches and in the olitical and economic life of our country to a new 'sion of our purpose in the world of 1968. We should 1 1 take a full and responsible part in the development [ f our church and nation. ‘ The dominant During 1968 there will take place the Lambeth [ nference, when the Bishops of the Anglican Church come g together for mutual spiritual enrichment and fellowship ' the Church throughout the_world. I understand that e Lambeth Conference Service will take place at 1 nterbury on the 25th July 1968. I hope that you will ay for God's guidance in the preparation for this most portant Conference. . During this month there will take place the Week of ayer for Christian Unity. The week starts on ‘ ursday, 18th January, and will continue to Thursday,r th January. Elsewhere in the magazine you will find account of the various arrangements made for the eeping of the Week of Prayer in the Canterbury Diocese. I am beginning my Confirmation Classes on dnesday, 10th January, for young people at 7 p.m. at 1 ve Vicarage, and for the older people on Fridays at the 1 carage,'beginning at 8 o'clock on Friday, the 12th g nuary. If there are any, young or old, who would ‘ ke to join these classes I should be grateful if they uld let me know or to come to the Vicarage on either the above dates. I trust that those of you who e of the older generation, who for some reason have t yet been confirmed will give this matter your serious I ought. (2) ‘ The gift of the Holy Spirit to us at our Confirmation i; the t of One who seeks to make us saints with Christ likeness as the aim and end. The Class at Bekesbourne CALENDAR FOR JANUARY 1968 will be at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, at Bekesbourne School ‘CGTEEE , . beginning on the 10th January. Est Sunday fllter Chrlstmas flua£X . . . . . May I thank all who so kindly decorated our three ‘St Monday Circumcision of Christ’ Holy C°mmun1°n at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. rd Wednesday M.U. Corporate Communion with Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. .th Saturday The Epiphany of Our Lord. Holy Communion 7.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Evensong at Bridge Church 5.30 p.m. th First Sunday after Epiphany. with Wednesday Young Wives Group meet at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. th Wednesday Confirmation Class at Bekesbourne School 6 .m. ‘nth Wednesday Cogfirmation Class for young people at the I Vicarage 7 p.m. Confirmation class for older people at the Vicarage 8 p.m. . ‘ uth Second Sunday after Epiphany. }th.Tuesday Bekesbourne M.U. 2.30 p.m. at Bekesbourne A Village Hall. , Women's Institute meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. 7 Est Third Sunday after Epiphany. _ p ;'th Wednesday Young Wives Group meet at Bridge School ' 7.30 .m. .th Thursday -Convegsion of St. Paul. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. churches or gave gifts of flowers, foliage or donations during Christm:s—tide. The churches always look so ve. beautiful for our festivals. May I thank those who in the midst of a busy Christmas Eve found time to decorat: and clean the churches and prepare the linen so lovingly. . Again wishing you all blessing and happiness during the New Year. Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. «)6-)6-)(--)(--)6-)H6—)H(--)6-)6-)6 th Friday FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS May they Best in Peace .’th Tuesday St. Peter's, Bridge 21st December 1967 Leslie George Cowell -)(-****-X-****** WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Presentation.of Christ in the Temple. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 7.30 a-mi th Fifth Sunday after Epiphany . I The monthly meeting will be held in the Village Halv on Tuesday, 16th January, at 7 p.m. Sfieaker : Mrs. Bennett, with slides of New _ _ zealand' *************** Competition : A holiday snapshot. . (3) (4) ' L p Q CHRISTMAS MARKET "he *hristmas Market was held in the Reading Room on Eno as follow :- 00:1 1000 0:00 choc 16. 9. .:/::..—‘\.L,b coca cola Cots nap. 10. 8. O. tickles and Preserves .... . 11 ;-._,_ , J_ " ' I lo 60 can: soon g... ,,., 1 v _ o . 6. 1/0|;-Sat iioo con: Inn: 7- 17. O. “JVL"C‘v"L"‘:L"k3 _ a Oslo . . Teas coo. o-co cons :o:. 3," is go Ra”fle .... .... .... .... 34' 12' 6° *‘__:..:- .0 . ' I I i".€,_".Lj._C once 3... . 3 6 "3”31‘0\?’I1i@S" decorations etc. 9: 2: O: ". £108. Less hire of Hall etc. 1 E‘ S‘ T 3 "' _ot l prorit ............. £107. 1, 4_ La * ‘=~ = - . very p1eased,,~mh a prom or hav— VO;;—+hinLho¥§ tivg mage Over ®lO’!f The Stalls come 3r-n lg; biztla ‘Sir Own’ but thenblg lncrease has the E;;v;O£: f:¢— vs J H0 leSS_than e27 compared with - _~~ a year. Congratulations to all concerned. ************ TALENTS SCHEME 5 . which has been handed to the Treasurer CQAUPC Th T . . 0 alents Scheme brought in a total of £55.l4.0. My grateful thanks to all who worked so hard to a°hiC‘V°‘ this Very worth—while result ************ (5) Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelsey sincerely thank all those who olping to reach a total of £7.l7.0. Books unsold have een taken to the OXFAM shop. ~%‘7¢eeW‘.‘. "1 t k'_¢s o ' n 9 V . L S U01 lie a 1n“ by the V“rlOuS Dthlls Negave books to the Book Stall at the Christmas Market, The choir members and their friends who organised the raffle at the Christmas Market wish to thank all shose who supported them in raising the sum of £34.l2.6. In particular thanks are due to those who gave the orizes, Mr. John Purchese who printed the tickets and to shose who sold tickets and bought them. ************ TIN FOIL I am sorry if my last announcement about tinfoil ollections was misleading. Milk Bottle to s (unmixed ith any other kind of foil whatever} fetch most money, ie—cases and cooking foil, which may be put up together re also needed, but for the present the thin kinds of /silver paper" are not acceptable to the buyers. Emily P. Cutcliffe. ************ A LINK WITH THE PAST rom the Visitors‘ Book at Bridge Church. d Februar 1697 : John Bowtell, M.A. instituted as Vicar of the Church of St. Mary, Patrixbourne with St. Peter, Bridge. (Vicar for 56 years). 8th October 1967 : A.C. Bowtell, of South Bumstead, Essex, a descendant of the Rev. John Bowtell, signed the Visitors‘ Book at St. Peter's Church, Bridge. (6) _r1_1_ANKs M EBKESBOURNE MOTHERS‘ UNION The next meeting will be at Bekesbourne Village 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, l6th January. The speixer will be the Revd. Ralph Lawrence, Rector of Nonington. Subject: "The Hymns of our Church". Tr.’-«II T r-«+ 4.4\.u_—._‘ LU V ******%***** BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE MOTHERS‘ UNION 3rd January : Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. There will be no Branch meeting in January and February. *****%****** ST. PEmER's, BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church will meet at Bridge ChurCh;_ 7th January 9,30 a,m. 14th 2 21 4' 5 v ,, 28:£ 5 January 11,00 a_m_ ***%*%**%*** YOUNG WIVES GROUP _ We look forward to'a ver ' t 2 ‘ r Wednesday, lOth January, whenyfiig ercsting talk on graphic account 0 1' where She has Spent many years on Wedn: ~ 1 . children's wéiggié gE§?c:an%ary’ MrS' Watt’ wh° is a will Speak on the wOrk—in€Ol3rdDr. Barnardotg_Society: Both mee+ingS9a ln Placing children in “ T9 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Primer snh welcome. Y O ool. New members are always very (7) IIIIIIIlu----i-___________l, rm? kggge wiyps GROUP (Cont'd.) Corporate Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, 21st January, at 9 a.m. in Bridge Church. The number of members attending is very disappointing. Please make ; special effort in the New Year and bring your children. On behalf of all the committee I wish all our kembcrs a happy and peaceful New Year. K. Pierce. ************ YOUNG WIVES NATIVITY PLAY The Young Wives are pleased to announce that the um of £7 was handed over to the Treasurer of the Bridge hurch Organ Fund following the performance of the ativity Play "The Light of the World". _ The Young Wives Group wish to convey their sincere hanks to the choir under Mr. Grey, and to Mr. John inclair, Organist for their services; to Mr. Kelsey or erecting and operating the spotlights and to r. B. Medland for making the wonderful wings for the ngel Gabriel. ‘ A very special thank you also to Messrs. Rose, care and Johnson for their stalwart work behind the _cenes, moving heavy choir stalls etc. at numerous pehearsals and for erecting the back cloth for the . erformance. Only a mathematician could have worked ut the intricate details for the spectacular star so onderfully designed by Mr. David Johnson and we are ndeed truly grateful to him and to Miss Joy Bailey nd Mr. Johnson who assisted David in making the star. Over 15 hours work was put in and we are very grate- ‘ ul to them for giving up their weekend to get the star , ade in time, and to Mr. Rose for ascending to the roof V 0 erect it! (8) T (1 I‘ YCUKG TITSS FATIIETI PLQ’ (Cont'd.) RDPARATIONS FOR THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 1 T H he Salvation Army Band will provide the music. (Cont d)’ » 5./' Tinallr, we wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Urwin for the articularly pleasing feature of this service will be loan oi Screens to use as curtains and to Mrs. Ledger hgt the Methodist Church will be using St. Alphege ior g‘; loan or her screen to hide props. uring the month of January whilst their Church is being epaired. aliwho helped to make the evening a success on Saturday’ January 20th, there will be two i l L thanks and a Happy New Year to you all‘ ifferent arrangements running at the same time. In the irgt place there will be a Day Conference at the K. Pierce. _ _ _ , aptist Hall, Canterbury, in connexion with Christian 1 ************* id. The Revd. Roy Poole, the Area €rg:n%ser,l8s3O an ing this Conference which will as rom . a.m. EREEAIAEIONS FOR THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNIT :tilg2 p.m., Christian Aid Cgmmétteetgembgrs fromhfgfi - - f S.E. K t '11 b t n ing is ourse w The week starts on Thursday, 18th January ‘to be vgflebg conductgg bglthe §e:d.eFrank Glendenningr observed as a day of vigil at Holy Cross Church J'rector of Education, and Miss Sylvia Usher, Schools Canterbury. The Church will be open from 7 oI§iock in .ecretary. The object of the Conference is to inform ' the morning for prayer until 9.30 p.m. At 7 30_a 5 : ommittee members and others of the new policy and 5 Holy Communion will be celebrated by the Revd F S . «=pproach of the Christian Aid movement. Church members " Felfer. Anglican Chaplain to the University. ‘qt 1‘p m 'rom the Canterbury area will be welcome. Cofgeg and Hess will b l b a ’ +L b -3 9‘ , ' ’ - n ' _ ‘ h h 1 Cafiholic Chgpfigii §Ot:geb§n:3:£:§tF. MZ2c:iL§L%1R9dan ;'::ug;%l be provided Sandwich lunc es s cu e will be a service of Intercession §ondunteé3b_ %:ie I Cn Saturday afternoon, at St. Thomas's Hall, §“ee Church Chaplains, the Revd_ T_H @505 ang +5; anterbury, at 3 o'clock the Focolare Group will be nevi; 3. Archer. Coffee will be Seréea afterw.§de holding a meeting on the same lines as last year. ‘arm. 2-“ .. 1+» w a ,i‘“ *1. ' .' .- t b P f G‘ 222h222*222.2222 22 2222222222 A2:.22222..22222222. :eiiow—Chrietians from the town and the public is is theme will be'%-City Of Action and Contemglation’ esgecialiy in ‘t d t ,3 2 -5 _ . I ' ". Th F 1 ' f n an women it 8.33 n.m. theie w§1§kb:eal§¢:§§° 33; §:if§llOwshlp& Igggiigging inethgcgozzg C:t%o%§gugh3rcEein Italy who ahfi . ndjcte _ 0 CG_ _ u arrange ‘ . . . . .§aEy.::d2r5r2€ueies-. This ml be the 2223.352 fléimifilvis tfiinmifia°f.%ZZi§ie:“.§3n’“i“§2t§é’ by the peonle of Canterbgrvelilty will have Shared with -3 r Lordgin theeSe::gn 0% the fiount. Their name means hoped unct all Church mgmb Such a Venture.and tt 15 "fhe Hearth Group and they were formed during the war- r°$P°nd Warmly to their 1n$§:a%$O:h:Od%S?rl9t W1l%h J”ime bombing in Italy. Their enthusiasm is very 5535138 of the 17th Chg t Joln 1n’ e F nfeotious. ' ? efirm e basis of the sfler of St’ Johnis Gospel will On Monday, 22nd January, at 7.45 p-m- at the .:lvation Army Citadel White Horse Lane, Canterbury, heié :Elg‘%5 p'm' it gt‘ 5 here will be a testimony meeting to be conducted by r: p n - hymns 0011 d ”§.an.aC ° he Salvation Army. Jvarious members of the §°'et“Gr “ e lnglng Ongrcgations will be asked to explain what bearing . '8 _ _chosen and int 5 , , ; enoninations, arrangeé :2 “C05 by members of differen~ heir Christian faith has upon their public life and ere will be time given for free testimony and Hill. (9) d conducted by the Revd. D.I,~h -intercession. High Class Ladies Dressmaker and Tailoress BERTA M. LEWIS LONDON EXPERIENCE IN MODEL HOUSES WEDDING GOWN SPECIALIST ‘A’ PERSONAL ATTENTION AT ALL TIMES Ring for Appointment — Bridge 383 AAAAAAAA AAA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- VANITY FAIR HAIR STYLISTS O 4 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE STYLING, PERMING. TRIMMING, MANICURES, HAIRPIECES 0 Open a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday Late Night Friday - Closed Monday Bridge 565 W. E. PINNOCK LTD. GOAL AND cox: MERCHANTS REMOVAL AND STORAGE CONTRACTORS 32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBURY Tel. 6551! Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY A. J. BUCKMASTER, M.R.P.A. REGISTERED PLUMBER GAS, OIL. SOLID FUEL CENTRAL HEATING — BUILDING & DECORATING “JONETIE,” PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 L The Village Butcher: E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone: 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages STATIONERY & GREETINGS CARDS Dm“ R(’(1(1(’I‘S .' MR. S. Sr-.iu:i=.»\ix‘T. 22. Conyngliain Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clmrchwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 318) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. S0rrem1')' : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Han. Treasurer.‘ MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens ; MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) Mn. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hun. TI‘(’i1SHI'c’r‘.' Mn. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR 2»/lagazirie Alliwrs. .' MR. C. J. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. - HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 8: 9 Branch Office: 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone whitstable 5116 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED ‘ TELEPHONE EITHER I CANTERBURY 62264 WINGHAM 224 DEAL 2221 (Day of Night) MEMBERS Oéztgcient and Personal Supervision always assured . .F.D. PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS CHURCH MAGAZINE I???" I . February, 1963 PRICE 6d. P“"“‘-‘C. b) H’-y Bfotitcn, Limited. ll Best Lang, Cmtcmun. R SUNDAY SERVICES - FEBRUARY 1968 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE §flKESBOURNE 4th February — Fifth Sunday after Epiphany ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion dear Peoples The New Services Lait ave a roval to the 5 rI§fl%g;ytC:m§3:::nOfSerieg g) andpgt now has ntfiority for a period of four years to be used in _ tuTCheS with the consent of the Parochial Church Council. } the 10th March at the 9 a.m. Holy Communi0n_I Propose. th the consent of the Parochial Church Council, to_ wtroduce the Holy Communion Service according to this new llth February — Septuagesima Sunday 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy and Sermon C ommuni on Service 3 p.m. Family «rm. On the Sunday before, 3rd March: at the 5-30 Pom- Jensong at Bridge, instead of the customary sermon, I ll explain the new service to the congregation- The Book of Common Prayer has not been changed for -er three hundred years, although a number of congrega- gons are familiar with various alternatives which have l§th February - Sexagesima Sunday 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy Communion Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a_..IIl. g and Sermon ten allowed in their diocese since 1928. Now, however. » are beginning to try out new forms of service. The der for Holy Communion (Series 2) is one of them. It :s drawn up by a Commission consisting of bishops, »holars and theologians, parish priests, lay men and The Service was then sent to the bishops and ergy in this Convocation of the Church; They worked 25th February - Quinquagesima Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy 11 a.m. Matt. 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon and Sermon Communion 11.45 a.m. Holrf «rough it in detail, altered it here and there and then I_scussed it with the House of Laity of the Church dsembly before clergy and laity passed it. This means _;at the whole Church, clergy and laity alike. have had ' ' ervice, which is intended for the whole 3rd March - Fire 11 a.m. Matt.& Ser. 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon t Sunday in Lent 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion? It has been authorized for experimental use in the gurch of England for four years from 1967. ?«ied out in any church where the clergy and the . ' ' We have a new :rvioe, but we have not changed our doctrine about the ply Communion. We use the new words to do the same _ ‘ines as before. The night before his death Jesus Christ (1) ..»o bread and wine. He thanked God and broke the bread- ‘. He shared the bread and wine among his followers and 16 them to do this from then onwards as a memorial Of (2) m II ._.......r,-—- -I-~ - 'g::==:=s:_—e * In the Holy Communion Service we shall do this and FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS remember, whether we use the old Order of l662 or the new Order of l967 it is still the same service. We t. Holx Bagfiigm part in it because Jesus commands us to do so — New words, but the same Service. . Peter,S, Bridgg Perhaps some of you may like to familiarize you 58 3 ‘Ce Clair Roblin. selves with this Service before lOth March and if so :7th January 19 ernl copy of it "Alternative Services, Second Series - An May they Rest in Peace Order for Holy Communion", may be purchased at the ' ' S.P.C.K. shop in the Precincts, Canterbury at a cost o - , , _ J B dg , of 9d. May I say that the new services are not Just i Peter S’ r1 e l ‘a suoerficia arrangement of lanouage and words but a ‘. _ A1‘ G C , new emphasis on perhaps forgotten truths which will 3 gig §:§§§3§r iggg Aliggt Eggard Woodruffe bring Ireshness to our worship. -5th January 1968 _ Charles Ja:fisRGregg ‘ y . H 1 _ Of course, this does not mean that the old, well ,§§§ g::3:§§ $322 gzgifialdngarpegtzr i tried and loved and familiar ways of worship are ‘ l ************ ' suddenly going to be swept away. We shall try out, . nany churches are doing, the new Service and discuss it, and seelwhethe: you like it or not. If we do lik, PPUARY i , we sia use l or one or more f t ' "‘ . . Connunion Services during the month,Obuth§eE:ii the 0 3nd Friday Presentatton of Chrlst ln §h9dTemE%:;chH°ly Communion Service of the 1662 Prayer Book for most off th F.fth S d C°“§§n1°: :'figna’m‘ at r1 ge ' §§:r:OrV1CeS during the experimental Ptriod of four ‘;th Tiosdayun agaie iiefighgldrgfi Fund Coffee Morning at ’ St. Thomas‘ Hall, Canterbury Lane, 10.30 - 12 noon. ‘ _ Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church- Young Wives meeting at Bridge Village E. P-13.- ',th Septuagesina Sunday i nsth Friday C Bridge School Parent-Teacher Assoc. Dance H 8 — l2 p.m. at Bekesbourne Village 3311-’ hath Sexagesima Sunday - ' ' f 7?th Tuesday Bekesbourne Mothers‘ Union - 2.30 P-m- 3% Bekesbourne Village Hall. _ Women's Institute meeting at Brldge _ Village Hall 7 p.m. _ Wednesday Young Wives meeting 7.30 p-m- at Bridge School. (4) CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY May I and with the thou ht th t ' th' Bl d , Sacrament He comes to heartsgthat irelgeadysto 52:21 *’th Wednesday Him, and through those hearts to the world He longs the make His own. In the Holy Communion Service, Christ fomes t0 His Own: so that His own may present Him to the world. lth Wednesday Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY Lith Tuesday Vicar and Canon. (3) CALENDAR son FEBRUARY (Cont'd.) 24th Saturday Church 7.30 a.m. 25th Quinquagesima Sunday 28th ASH WEDNESDAY. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. MARCH 3rd First Sunday in Lent. 5th Tuesday Save the Children Fund Whist Drive 6.45 p.m. at the County Hotel. *******-X-**** BEKESBOURNE MOTHERS‘ UNION The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th February, at 2.30 p.m. in Bekesbourne Village Hall. Speaker: Miss U. Miller, Church Social Worker for the Deaneries of East and West Bridge and Ospringe. -3(-<)(--X--X--)(~**~X—*->(-*->6 MRS. M. LAMPLggg Many of the older inhabitants of Bekesbourne will remember Mrs. Lamplugh, wife of the Revd. F. Lamplugh: and be saddened to hear of her death. The late Revd. F. Lanplugh was Vicar of Bekesbou for many years, including the l939-45 war years, and Mrs. Lamplugh did a great deal to help him in the work We who knew her look back to the many She worked extremely. of the parish. happy times we enjoyed with her. hard in connexion with the children's Sunday School, Mothers‘ Union and the Girls‘ Club. to work with and for such an enthusiastic worker. I feel sure we shall never forget the happy times we enjoyed together, rehearsing for Mothers’ Union plays: Nativity plays and displa's by the Girls‘ Club. 5 St. Matthias. Holy Communion at Bridge It was a pleasure, PAYMENTS ges ~ Salaries 'ght, Heat, Water surance pairs — Maintenance intenance of Churchyard urch Services ocesan Ex enses Quota Scheme ‘K’ Vicarage Dilapida- tions " Rates Fees payable ~nations Home and Overseas Missions General charities Easter offering Sundries inting ndry expenses rplus Carried Forward 240." 25. 37. 43. 2. 48. 16. 44. 17. ndry subcriptions payable OOO OO not - OOO OO O O I C I £. s. d. 198. 0. O. 248. 0. 0. 80C‘ 00 OI 1300 0- O1 61. O. 0. 320 O. O! 347. O. 0. 125. O. 0. 5. 0. O. 250 O0 O0 39. O. O. 356. O. 0. £1,646. 0. O. £. s. d. S. s. ¢ Ecla Ce 3/? from Revenue Deposited with Trustee Savings Bank Account 356. O. Q during the year 550- 0- Egtrixhourne Church Repair Fund: Collected during the year 422. O. O. Graxl from Friends of ient Churches _§O. O. _Q. - - O. O. ress: Restoration work _ _ to date 324. O. O. 148, O_ Q §ri_¢e Church Chancel Fund: _ '3 3.’? ' "' *9 3’e‘“*l" 124. o. 0. . . " ' ti ' '4l7. O. 9; Closing Balance '485- 0-. Q- ‘€*-1-)O4'5o On 0-‘ £17045’ 0' 5016 The above figures have been extracted from n Book. They may not correspond with the amounts Shawn in the audited accounts, owing to appo nt of various items and other adjustments. **** *-x--x-*-)e*-)e 29.0.0. — HON SURER'S REPORT pflprigff ffcoiftfi for 1967 disclose a very favourable I. There is a surplus of £356 on the Revenue Account. “‘;7:::fc>9§$ a net increase of over £100, Covenant inc up by £50 and the new ‘Talents Scheme‘ produced £60. 2 ;f~:~fé:l:9r}3Es ofoesl in 1966 on the Church Magazim Gen converted into a profit of £31 this year. Payments “ ‘ ;ujY;n;~:-4§_0I e100, largely due to a reduction d-°n normal maintenance of the two churches. great 5; gag #3 #8 n9n—recurring or capital items s422.11€0ted for the Patrixbourne Church Repairs Fund, and a SW45 tO;;;aQ ¥«§r:€CelVed from the Friends of Kent chur'£3 was spent on restoration work, leaving a balance of £59 for §Q;“;,§§f;m8?t,°fFthe Church roof (estimated to O - £124 was collected for the Bridge Chancel Fund and balance now stands atg:$erug$lOOwQ Were able to place £ he Trustee Savings Bank during the year, where the w;t,i;“$h:l§:ff:§yQ%0€i_for the next three year period n ralsed by 10% and owing to a proposed re—assessment “it; tye*{p;Vitab1lflk We would make provision for 6 0 a Of 5300 per annum, an increase of £60. . by aii Cohcérned. Ma‘ E rlSe in all costs it is essenfi.ri we excellent efforts made in 1967 should be continued it the Etandard rate é Coggggnasain commend the Free W1 ge::SS§2eme to you: and for those who pay Income Tax ted subscription is most r the church. C.A. Potter. 0. r‘ v ~ . MRS. M. LAD/EPLUGH (Cont'd.) fBHlDG—E iN,D PATRI "" f L XB9Efl Mrs;Lamplugh was also a great help to her husband in for the Year to many hidden ways; eipegially wit? the_Ch%ich Festivals. T 6 J5‘ ular y reca e 8. mosp ere in e ehurc gugiiglthe midnight services on Christmas Eve, when the £. s. d. £. s. dchurch was packed.’ I know how much Mrs. Lamplugh enjoyed the joy and solemnity of this occasion. We who knew her 512. 0, 0 will always remember her with affection. Tyler. ' (Q ’ 8 ' ‘ -)(-**3(--)(-*****-)(--)(--)(- L+' ._ . O‘ 0 ‘ i A THANK YOU E 59?? O_.§:§:E5 38. O. 0 A few words of appreciation to the young people at d;:;::Q,; 7§;,7udi c‘T; 43- 0- 0«Bridge, who brought us elderly people of Bridge the coal "" ‘§{5;i egg )“e this Christmas, which they obtained by the carol singing, ; ‘ ”° ' 65. O. m which I am sure was appreciated by the people of the . I;y€3::E:- Lncoie (VDriOu_ village. And I should like to thank those young men who . ‘ T:U:;N§ bagged up the coal, which is a very dirty job, and j O_,‘_ /‘ “““° 78. O. 0 delivered it to us in their car. It is nice, when one ; "i:: 393% klgcludilg grant hears of so much vandalism going on around the district, % ;:_ j_-f0: 5?l5§e Parish to know that we in Bridge are fortunate in having young ;:; '::FJ§§ares upkeep of People who are doing good and have been for several years. A ”“ *¢‘r3/ 41_ O. m‘Th@y are a credit to our village. ‘:‘:~3:~ie{_‘ 3fi"cr+,g s,,, _ ?,+ An Old Age Pensioner. C‘r-'_=";:‘—t:;; >Jf€a_r-Lge-t - 8. 8. -x-*-x-*-x-~x-*~x--x-**-x- 'I:..le‘:?:s S2116; ' ' ' Tfureh faaezere e 60. O. O. 298' 0' Q WOMENS' INSTITUTE olC;3riLflOQS 1‘ The Monthly meeting will be held in Bridge Village ""rva1-4:‘ ‘W . —jOc . H . "°“*°:¢€’*? _§;;__g;~_8: all at 7 p.n. on Tuesday, 20th February. E 181. O. 0. Mr. Wlhgigegill be talk on umarks and Spencersu by 5 less: Cost of }‘I-imaging 1 . "‘ « __5.9-__0_~__9- _____3l. '0. 0; Competition: A Rag Doll. height 15 inches. £1,646. 0. 0 ************ . . - J (6) he ;§iGU;_CF FEIEf3S OF CANTEKEQRY HOSPITALS — BRIDGE GRmfl YOUNG WIVES GROUP T 1 Thefl-an1§l General Meeting of Bridge Group will be Meetings in February will be as follows:— held cn inursdiy, March l4tn, at The Close at 7.30 p.m ' Ple:s3_k.ep this date in mind. More details will be ' Wednesday, 7th February, at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall- given in hirch issue of the magazine. ' Frances 3. Apps’ Speaker: Mrifi Cawsgon,Diocesan President for the Secretary’ ggbjgiiz "$h:¥e‘l1 never be another you". All nOiweC+or~ h V h 3 d - L . . . This meeting is open to members of the Mothers‘ and donet;c:; fromD37§ §eg%§§:, :3 :2§§§n::b§§r%§*1°“s Union and any other women in the parish who are _ 13$? 3$El_ on behalf of the group I wish to thi Kohl interested. Light refreshments will be served during the the cells: ore for th 1* .1 - - J. ‘ ‘"11 “‘ 1 evening. .e_r uhtirinb work. _ The Gjoup Covers four Villages Bria Wednesday, 21st February, at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge School. Patiixbcurne, Behesbourne and Bisho’ b ge7 , ‘ ‘ the ;e:be:g113 could be inglessed b?S.°E§ne’ 3?“ We fefl Speaker: Miss Knatchbull, Home Teacher for the Blind, effort. 4 collector (Or CO1feCtOrg)39°“bad%1tt1e more who serves all the villages in the Bridge-Blean for t;e EckGSbCurne _.3a 3 , Ta 0, 15 9 y needed area. “ill file" please eetali togghl-Ivitfiygge is interested W 4 ° Sunday, 18th February. R9§°3 Collected is devoted t ' 4 fiepgfflgits which are notvnrovideg %§O¥;g+§§tEES 1 Corporate Communion in Bridge Church at 9 a.m. fejrur :ervice to patients*at The Clos E ‘V La K Pierce gg:‘:fE:fY €:§E1£?lS, end include suchereéigigmiggstgg ************ hoists etc. etea Iegl lnter_bed Curtains and rails’ Others - .. ease, therefore, help us to help THE ?éVE THE CHI%DRENh§UND anter ury ranc M‘ Milton’ Forthcominv events in which your support will be +<-***+**-xaex-argon. Treasurer’ gratefully appreciated are:- BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 1- A Coffee Morning in St. Thomas‘ Hall, Canterbury she Parent_Te¢Cher ! _ I Lanes on Tuesdays tth February» 10.30 a.m. to 12 ?¥ Tcmruzry lath at 50pe§§§g§;at%on are holdi a dnnce “OOH, in aid of this Branch's sponsored children. I4 p.m. Musin by LC; 3 10 illage Hall “' 0 . ,_r_ ,_ l V ‘ - 9 ' 7; porilo -t . _ ifiisfhnents, obtainablgngrom $i§“§l§ 5/-, including 2 étghist Drive in the County Hotel on Tuesday: s7i.}]};;{““““° and friends will give %h3°§‘ It is hoped M""1"°hv at 5-45 P-31- " I ' ance good ************ (7) (8) I “%=— MOTHERS ' UN I OH Wednesday, Zth February , Corporate Communion with lntercessions in Bridge Church 9.30 e.m. JUNion_gsURcH Junior Church will meet in Bridge Church during February as follows:— Sunday, 4th February — 9.30 a.m. ” llth ) ” 18th ) " — ll c.u ” 25th ) *********%%% CONFIRMATION CLASSES Confiynction Classes will continue throughout FebruaIy:- Eekeebourne: 6 p.n. _ on Wednesday at Bekesbourne School. a H }_J. D. uq G 7 D.n. on Wednesday at the Vicarage for young people. P~E- On Friday at the Vicarage for older people, **%%******** HISTORY or BRIDGE RI have Teéently been eiven a history of the village u on a large collection of deeds and paper cuttingfi wire left to he b M . F ' - e . 30 f wily livcdyheii f riend, who left the Vlllag ;ipe:ling to everyone 1 1 or writings coveri order that they on else be pleased to le H the village who has any Ofi H be assembled in one book. I woufl Nd the book to any individual or CT Several generations, an S H3 Bridge to let me have theW~ organization who wants to borrow it. Some of the writings and pictures are of considerable and sometimes humourous interest: _ ' _ _ I Bifrons Estate, 1872, a picture of Bridge Gypsies 1903; the Welcome Home party after the Great War, the women's e.g. The rules for allotment holders on the Institute 25th Anniversary party, May 1940, the deed for the laying of Gas to the Village School, 1893; the various floods and the Village Fire Engine made from a converted Rolls Royce. John Williamson. ************ BRIDGE VILLAGE LIBRARY (Branch of the Kent County Library) Change of Times As from lst February, 1968, the Library will be open at the following times:— Thursdays from 4.00 p.n. to 4.30 p.m- Thursdays " 6.30 p.m. to 7-00 P-0- Fridays " 2.00 p.m. to 3-00 P-3- and as from that date the Honorary Village Librarian will be Mrs. Y. West, 7 Riverside Close» Bridge- This library is open to all residents; including lchildren, in the Bridge and Patrixbourne parishes. is a "free" library and is held in Bridge Villase H311° ************ (10) I IYCAR AND RURAL DEAN .' THE REV. Corm E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : MR. S. SERGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 4 PATRIXBOURNBWITH BRIDGE C hur'c}1wardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caidy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge ZI3) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbournc. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. I. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612)‘ Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 sr. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce : 91 KINGSDOVIN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhltstable 4118 COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE 1 - CANTERBURY 62264 E T5IvE§(;'HAM 224 DEAL 01- Emcm“ and P°’5°“33 S“Dcrvision always assured MEMB “S O’ "'-A’-°~ PRIVATE RESTING CHAPELS Pm“"d by Eli)’ Brctthuu limiled, ll Bcu Lane Cm-u,,,-Q,u,y : PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BE KESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE March, 1968 SUKDAY S BRIDGE 3rd March - ‘Viv /*1": aux ‘.q u.,- PA”3IXFOURNE First Sunday ‘-I!--L- _;;j@ARCH 1968 QEKESBOURNE in Lent ll a.m Nat:.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung li.45 a.m. Holy comm. Communion Holy Communion 6.30 p n. Evensong and Sermon 10th March — 2nd Sunday in Lent S a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy o.3Q-§.§: ivensong and Sermon Communion 3-; '..,clL-.011 3 p.m. Service 77TH March - 3rd Sunday in Lent O '7, T “ agtwwfihfé H°1Y 8 a-m-_do1y 11 a.m. Matt. , _”V¢~Mn—9n Communion and Sermon c«jO p.m. Evensong and Sermon 3§I§_M§£Ch - 4th Sunday in Lent 8 a.w. H ” 5 30*“ °lZ’“Omm- 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. “I .ermo “ “ 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 31st March — 5th Sunday in Lent ___- Passion Sunday 0 “ m Holy Comm — : <:~o a -- .1 o a.m. 8 1: 9.50 p.m. Lvensong and Sermon a'm' Joly and Sermon (1) Communion My dear People, We have now begun the season of Lent. I do hope that you will endeavour to be present at one service at least during the Sundays in Lent. I urge solemnly every- one who is faithful to make and keep a Lenten Rule. It is not old—fashioned to keep the time—honoured and ancient means of self—denial under the headings of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. - Prayer. Under the heading of prayer, besides the ‘disciplined reading of the Bible and attendance at Holy Communion or Divine Service on Sunday, may I suggest coming to Holy Communion earlier on a week—day on Friday morning at 7.30 a.m. or on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. The mission of Christianity is one of Fasting. The wisdom of friendship and compassion for humanity. lwhich the Church is the guardian and instructor has this adage "I am a man and nothing that is human is foreign to me”- The appearance of Christ at His Incarnation generates a vocation in the world. The appearance of Christ gives birth to a responsibility. So under this heading of fasting I humbly place before you the ideal of going without in order to fulfil our responsibility to ‘Fe Church Overseas, or to places in the world where there is war and hunger. filmsgiving. Our almsgiving should be sacrificial. C?uld we not give to the Church doubly what we usually glve? Lenten boxes will be provided for the work of the Church Overseas. I trust that many will take these boxes: S0 that our contribution to this work of the urch may be a large and sacrificial one. Holy Communion (Series 2) _ Ma 1 d tt t‘ to my letter in the February at Bridge I shall be explaining this new Service to you and with the consent of the Bridge and Patrixbourne (2) ' v — C ‘-6'v- 3 -V Parochial Church Council I shall be celebrating Holy Communion aecording to this rite at 9 a.m. on March 10% at Bridge Church. Ccnfirmstion. \ H‘ -WT__ ‘On Thursday, 4th April at 7.30 p.m. Coniirmaticn W111 be administered. I would ask for your prayers for all who will be confirmed on that day and to welcome them into the fuller Christian fellowshh of Communion and love. Easter Vestry and Annual General Meeting. May I Urge YOU to come to our Vestry Meeting and Annual General Meeting at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, 28th March at Bridge Village Hall. The Vestry Meeting and A.G.M. for Bekesbourne Church will be at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 2nd April at Bekesbourne School. ’ It is important that those who worship in our churches should express their care and concern for all thav 8098 On by being present at these meetings. Every effort too is being made to revise our F‘ m D H - fiéegto.:l ioll and to keep this up to date. If you q31?.L° 3 féady completed a form will you kindly muuufin one llOm the Church or myself and return it to e WJGH completed. Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY Canon and Vicar. ******+***** (3) CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1968 MARCB lst Friday Women's World Day of Prayer. 3 p.m. in Baptist Church. 3rd First Sunday in Lent. eth Wednesday. Ember Day. M.U. Corporate Communion with Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. 6th Wednesday Young Wives Group. Meeting in Bridge School 7.30 p.m. lOth Second Sunday in Lent. f 14th Thursday League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals, Bridge Branch. A.G.M. at The Close 7.30 p.m. 17th Third Sunday in Lent. Young Wives Corporate Communion 9 a.m. 18th Monday M.U. Branch meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages. 19th Tuesday Bekesbourne M.U. meeting at Bekesbourne Village Hall 2.30 p.m. . 19th Tuesday Women's Institute meeting in Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. 20th Wednesday Young Wives Group. Meeting in Bridge School 7.30 p.m. 24th Fourth Sunday in Lent. 28th Thursday Bridge & Patrixbourne Easter Vestry and A.G.M. in Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. 31st Fifth Sunday in Lent. ' APRIL _§53_Tuesday Patrixbourne Parish Meeting in Bridge School 7.30 p.m. 2nd Tuesday Bekesbourne P.C.C. 7.30 p-m- f011°W9d by the Vestry and A.G.M. at 8 p.m. at B kesbourne School. 3T5 Wednesday Ygung Wives in Bridge Village Hall- Film Show 7.30 pom- 4th Thursday Confirmation at Bridge Church 7'30 P'm’ ************ (4) Phi _i;..3:;~,i.§J‘i R3:G_I..3_T._E_‘§;3 ANl\IUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS §§l§_EQE§E§E gxidge and Patrixbourne. 2L;.i;I;i;ii_£§i§§§ The Easter Vestry and énnual Parochial Church Meeting 77:4 fqvvgmv ¢;~ H1 ‘ i . '11 b held on Thursday 2 th March in Bridge Villase SJ i_rL .%u¢«4d l,Lb Graham Stanley firight gill a: 7_3O p_m_ ’ ’ 5 ‘ " ’‘-:'_‘..1 T , , i _.''.-;1 -.!3I".1».?._T‘ 7 8 " _ 4:‘ 4‘ 3 -0 locney James Kolhofi §§§eSbOurne_ ; C 4%: F~bruar" l ’ ‘ - - : c 3 908 Alison Louise Mills The Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting _* rig 3553333- lQ6Q 3 “D. a . .will be held on Tuesday 2nd April in Bekesbourne School 1; y _ 0 Andrew rrancis Gower ’ at 8 p.m_ ’ :‘ ST. Peter's; B K ' w ‘ %g "“"“‘ e esgggigg These are important meetings and it is hoped that 1! 11:: Eebruarv 1068 A 6“ K I as many people as possible will attend to elect their \ J ’ n’*e" Male » Churchwardens and members of the Parochial Church * ;;—; pebruary 1958 Susan Maje Council, and to hear reports of what has been done and § '-* is being done for their Churches. Ea yE1_EE§E.3§St in Peace ************ I 7 F _~~v eanuary 1968 Reginald Carpenter n 2:5 Fecruary 1068 Am V t . Bulbs have been planted to the left and right of ‘%¥ 1:+” fl L J y ‘a G Irvlne Ege entrance to the churchyard: it would be appreciated it _-t” gguruary 1968 George Foreman 0 People would keep to the path to enable the bulbs I -fi_V m 8 develop and, we hope, give pleasure in the Spring. g -1 v — -C:roary 106 All, J‘ _‘ ’ . # ‘em Edward Gray W.C.R. ! *******'X"K")(-*-)(- ‘ mwwh 7 ************ Electoral Roll 13 in \ E unrolmept forms Process of its ‘ on _,_F_ are ‘C0 be *0 d g . 5., .f b? Obtained from the Vice; un in . The Annual Parish meeting will be held in Bridge H , receipt of T’ The Prlmar S . h flgi A0 edap Edye aengplment forms ls wednesdam V ohool on Tuesday, 2nd April at 7.30 p.m. :3 4 rYF1ur#_ f 05;} when COmnleteéet§ftfin1s_date and if ' **¢ 0 the r.C.C. net later thanel§%§a§ag§hto the ************ F ” cs) 5 ,, 77 §3I3G3 JUNIOR CHURCH WOMENuS INSTITUTE ’ J““dusior Church will meet in Bridge Church as The Monthly meeting will be held in Bridge Village *‘“*“°‘» Hall on Tuesday, 19th March. ? Sfijéaf 3rd march 9.30 a'm Talk by Mr. Peter Blunt on "Accidental or i y L 10-1 ) . Incidental Music". V ~ - f " l7th ) Competition — written Limerick. 3: H 000 a.m. " ) I -)(--)(-***-)H(-*-)(-*-)(-** V i ************ T . ‘ YOUNG WIVES GROUP i QWTHERS: UNION A Wednesday, 6th March at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Primary g ”“"““““*‘”*‘ School. % Eggjgg. lst Mérgg Mr. Roberts, the Educational Psychologist attached g M '> to the Canterbury Child Guidance Clinic, will talk on i ;:EE:r;uier1d ggyagf Pra%er ig Bapfiist Church, the work of a Child Guidance Clinic. N.‘ u,,_ uc ‘y . L Q “fer _. I. ' ' 1 1 _},_ _ A S ep?er flE§E§§§§1L_g9th_March at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Primary i;;i:EEEE;.§E§_§§£ph v School. _ The Revd. Francis Turner, Rector of Northbourne, W111 talk on the subject of Mothering Sunday. §3nda 9 17th March. , HayWard.S Cottages’ Corporate Communion at 9 a.m. in Bridge Church. T — Mrs. Griffiths on —JV...-is _ .n.a4,= £§Y§§ce notice for Wednesday» 3rd April. afir Meztere are reminded that subscriptions are now Car There will be a showing of three East Kent Road C0-‘s travel films in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Pgrishioners from all three parishes are very welcome Join us. (7) (8) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII---——_____g -—4‘III--————ee e~ i““. ‘ ‘.._‘.,, 4.‘: ,..., ...<- -e ' Ki? ~‘-’*" SuTE THE CHILDREN FUND -.__._—._. Sentorbury Branch ing on Tuesday, 6th February, wo sponsored children whom this ort. Many thanks to all who _;» cu Friday, let March, bread and cheese '' f this fund; will be served in St. terbury Lane, from 12 — 2 p.m. and 1 Friday throughout Lent. ~)€++<).L*->6-)69(-*->6*-X-** __,,, I/[CAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE RL=v, C orm E. H. PERRY, B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Readers : ‘ If *3 PATRIXBOURNE J“ WITH AIERIDGE ~ * ~=~ BEKESBOURNE MR. M SERGEA. 2. Conghae,ridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C izurchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) CAPT. A. E. W. FARISH-SANDBACH. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bri-dg _ » Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. V _ "3 BEKESBOURNE Church wardens : Nln. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge ZI3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 1235) H on. Secretary .- Mas. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. snurey cm, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourrie. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: TI-[E VICAR Magazine Adverts. : Mn. C. J. BARLBY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. ~§1§9 Canterbury & District Estate Agency?-5 6 , HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS_ ' New Residential Properties 32 st. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 . V, Branch Offlcet 91 KIIGSDOVIDI PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstablb 4115 F . St PETER 8 GE COMPLETE FUNERAL AND CREMATION SERVICE G. H. DENNE & SON LIMITED TELEPHONE - CANTERBURY 62264 EITHER ' WINGHAM 224 '7.‘ DEAL 2221 (Day or N CHURCH MAGAZINE . fight) 7 i MEMBERS olL:.l3;iqcJr\eJn;tDand Personal Supervision always assured April, 1 P. ' ' PRIVATE Rnsrmc caapus rnued by Elvy Brothers Limited. ll Belt! Lane. Canterbury . J 6d. —.v___, 1 I 31730.19; sramcrs - APRIL 1968 my dear people, l‘ATRI}CBOURNE BE{ESBOURNE I _ On Thursday’: April 4th, we have our Confirmation at H11 A ril _ P 1 ‘Brldge Church. It 1s always a day on which one feels the I m Sunday overflowing of the Holy Spirit. ' It brings home to all of __ .__,>_“ & SW 8 *7 us the great reality of the continuity of the Church from g“‘_'_ ;"‘.:L;.D_ ,2‘; 3-m-_i101Y 9.30 a.m. Sung »‘generat1on,to generation. We shall welcome all who are /w‘CAV:\—4':\i::J»“L"‘JOlJlmO Communion Holy communion to be confirmed into the family of the Church, reminding ,:~%j"w“:*’~*~~--S Ethem of the tremendous privilege which is theirs, of ‘\.; se-_.on ‘regular Communion and attendance at worship. -w--«-——- i Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, 7th April. Blessed 14th April _ EASTER SUNDAY Epalms will be distributed at services throughout the day. _ In Holy Week we follow Our Lord through the anguish See special announcement of Easter Day Services {of his suffering to the joy of his resurrection. I do hope that you will find time, or rather clearly maketime, to come to one or more of the Communion Services during F 1 [H _ _ . 21 1 AD - _ . oly Week. We look forward again to Easter Day deepening Q ‘T11 LOW Sunday‘ Sundai after Easter our understanding of the Resurrection faith: and’ remembering those dear to us who have died in the faith- '9'?‘ ...-n .-. . -en,-un..~.~. 1:013’ 8 a.m._Holy ll a.m. Matt. We all need the assurance of Easter Day to set the seal on m D Zaverqo Communion and Sermon What we believe. It is the triumph of good over evil: »—~'‘é:;-,». 1” mg life over death, ‘love over hatred. These are the un- ”“°n Perishable realities of our revealed Christian faith- 28th A ril - 2nd Sunda after Easter _You will find elsewhere a complete list Of 0111' ‘L Holy Comm. 11 a m MOE; lSeI‘V1CeS and I commend them to Ytu. - sF.5:;.,E;enSOng NO Se1"Vi0€3 and éermon ' I have had most favourable comments conoerniflgthe .-- -.4 -‘LC - 11.45 a.m. Holy §S0l“ies II, the 1967 Holy Communion Serviceo 15 15! as Communion iyou kn0Wa an experimental service for the next f°‘.u' years’ Thwould be Inge-1; glad of your comments and SIJSSSEV3-°:9;t - . ", ‘ urc 5th I‘!IaJy - 3rd Sunday after Easter it 18 Servlco V“-11 be used regulmrly at Bfldggnd Sunday of {E 9 a.m. Holy Communion Sernce On the 39° m- Eat;-¢:>°L’« Sign NO S r _ 9.30 a.m. Sung he month, excluding Easter Day. ' a. . o e V - J I E y Smm. lCeS Holy Communion V _ _ 0 d Easter joy. 15%} Vensone I Wlsh you all true blessing an s «' mor 1 Yours sincerely: Ig.7~§qe,§ «.r-...-nu.-.s~«_ Ir n-_: ~4 COLIN E.I-I. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean‘ (1) ' (2) , Eiwvvww f\) |'\) T\) l“' "J KYI [VJ 1*‘ O\ 43 €+ :3‘ CT‘ CF C?‘ C?‘ rt 5 O C‘ :3‘ L3" D‘ 15 CLLENLAE F03 APRIL 1968 ourne P.C.C. 7.30 p.m. followed by Vestry and A.G.M. at 8 p.m. Corporate Communion with Inter- sions 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Wednesday Young Wives at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. Thursday Confirmation Service at Bridge Church 7.30 p.m. griday Women's Institute Cheese and Wine Party at Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PALM SUNDAY — l2th ELSTBR DAY Tuesday Women's Institute Birthday Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. “ LOT SUN LY " Monday Mothers‘ Union meeting at 37 Haywards Cottages at 2.45 p.m. Thursday St. Mark's Day. ' Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. 2nd Sunday after Easter. Wednesday SS. Philip and James. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. ~ Thursday W.I. Shop Window at Chilham Village Hall. **%**+<—****-)e* JUNIOR CHURCH, St. Peter's, BRIDGE Junior Church will meet in Bridge Church during April as follows:— Sunday, l4th April _ 9,30 a_m‘ " ,3 ll H I u.I1. (3) ‘Mmflay, 8th April See announcement of Holy Week Services.’ SERVICES FOR HOLY WEEK Bridggg 30 a.m. Holy Communion 30 a.m. Holy Communion 30 a.m. Holy Communion O0 Wflnesdaya 10th April _ ' Wmndy Thursday, llth Aprll Good Friday, 12th April - O a.m. Ante-Communion 3 p.m. Devotional Service I l\) (X>\]kOkO Patrixbourne Tuesday, 9th April — 8 a.m. Holy Communion Bekesbourne 9.30 a.m. Holy_C0mmuni0n 11.00 a.m. Mattins and Sermon Wednesday, lOth April * Good Friday, 12th April - -X-**-X-*-X-‘*-X-*-X-** SERVICES FOR EASTER DAY,l4th April EL Peter's, Bridge 8 a.m. H l Communion . . 11 a.m. M:t¥ins and Sermon. Easter Family Service‘ 11-45 a.m. Holy Communion 6-30 p.m. Festal Evensong §l;lEry's, Patrixbourne 8 3-m. Holy Communion §3;QEEE§r's, Bekesbourne 8 a-m 7 H l Communion . - 11 3-M M:t¥ins and Sermon. Easter Family Service. 11-45 a.m. Holy Communion *-X-*-X-***** 6.1. ""‘!lk=—~— SUNDAY SERVICES — MARCH 1968 3312;: PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 5th May 3rd Sunday after Easter 1 ' . ll a;:. fiatt.& Ser. No Service 9.30 a,m. sung :l:i; a,:.fisoly Comm. Holy communion c ju p.:. svensong and Sermci 1' t ,. . _ . -3th fled 4Th Sunday after Easter 9.:. ' ' ( gfl ‘A ?"\IE'\—7"' CLUE: NO Servlce 8 anm. Holy ~ .2» +..’Cl- .Z.\IeZ'_ISOY1D - aha Sermom -o Communion ‘ “ 3 p.m. Family Service 19th May — Rcgation Sundav 9 8.21. S‘_,_r_:* H01 Colmuhlgn Y goiififiigoly 11 a.m. Matt. 5,33 F_E Ev3nSOng H and Sermon and Sermon 26th May - Suvlda after ASCenS.O "'— 1 1'1 3 3=”r Holy Comm. 5-ifi p.l. Evensong %Oa‘m'_H01y ll a.m. Matt. and ocrmcn mmunion and Sermon - 11.45 a.m. "‘““*‘~—-————~_____i Holy Communion 2nd June — Whit Sunda __ ”'""‘*“““—-——————.__2 ii a.:. Matt.& Sex ii;-4: e I -1 ' 8 ao . C‘ O,Tiém.EHoiy Comm_ Commgniggl 9.30 a.m. Sung s;ri-Q- Vensong Holy Communion My dear People, First I would like to welcome the Churchwarden, Sidesmen and members of our Parochial Church Council and to ask God's blessing on them in their work for His Church. I Know you would like to express to Captain A.E.W. Farish—Sandbach our deep felt thanks for all the work he has done for the Church of St. Peter, Bridge during the many years he has been our Churchwarden. I welcome also to the family of the Church all who were recently confirmed. I do hope you will remember Bekesbourne Church May Fair on Saturday 18th May at Bekesbourne School Ground, and come to support with your gifts and presence. I make a special appeal to Bridge and Patrixbourne resi- dents for your kindly help. During this month we have three festivals of the Church : Rogation Sunday : Ascension Day : and Whit Sunday. Rogation Sunday asks for God's blessing on the kindly fruits of the earth and the industries of our land. In the Epistle for Rogation Sunday St. James Warns his readers of the futility of any form of Christianity which fails to express itself in day-to-day conduct. The practical emphasis in contemporary hristianity is to be warmly welcomed. The man or Woman who has no zeal for righteousness, no compassion mfir suffering, no love for his fellows, has strangely . 3386 the spirit of the gospel. The Church must be lnearnate in a people and a culture if it is to have any Tansforming power. Ascension since it falls on a Thursday and not on a aY_1s sadly practically‘ign0red by most people. icenslon Day speaks of God, the King of Glory, exalting hs Only Son Jesus Christ to His Kingdom in heaven. a 9 Ascension is rich in meaning for the Christian who pgiehends it by faith, but none of its messages is more 1 lenslns than this truth that Christ is enthroned as H3 H18 lordship is universal. (2) Sund zfiificizl division between the sacred CALENDAR FOR MAY . hjcry aspect of human life and experience MAX __ ‘ _ ‘A ‘7_. I. . ‘L13 S\|r‘vL‘i;>,' ayld Open.'tO SS0 & r 1.w is a§+evorgpres§nt reality. It is a ‘ M-U- Corpgrgge Communign with Inter- s . ;l§hTf‘OLu&lfiG at no cos 0 suffering and , cessions . a.m. at ridge Church. ctorcisoo through love. Meeting of Magazine Helpers and ‘M _’ Distribution at 3 p.m. at the Vicarage. W‘ +Cn whit Sunday we remember God's gift of the "Holy 5th ThiTd Sunday after Easter- tflcsrn to his Church. Some people prefer to use the 9th Thursday Archdeaconsvisitation 6.30 p.m. at Eorde Spirit”. He can speak of the Spirit of Courage, ‘ Aylesham Church. fine upirit of lruth, the Spirit of Love, but when we 12th Fourth Sunday after Easter. - so so we normally speak of some thing — an infldence, 15th Wednesday Rural Decanal Conference 7.30 p.m. at 5 H309: a tendency; and the pronoun we use is "it". St. Augustine's College. 7 inst is quite fatal to a real understandin c 18th Saturday Bekesbourne May Fayre 2.30 .m. at "‘** “O”“Un*c“ted at Whit Su d Th t g of God S B k bo ‘n S hool P ' §;-U : #s~:+ a ;_ n ay. a gift e es ur e c . — rerson, not a thing. For that reason alone this a 19th Rogation Sunday. l stronger wordsL"$he Holy Ghost” must be retained in the 20th Monday Mothers‘ Union Meeting at Mrs. Berry's, christian vocaou_ary. Christianity is not n 'nfl 11 Union Road. . a :ooo, a tendency passed from man to man. aItlbeg§::ce' 23rd Thursday Ascension Day. Holy Communion at Bridge ;E;E#J §erson_only when one accepts God as the King and V Church 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. ::ie§ c; Eye lnmnst life in the Person of the Holy 25th Saturday Diocesan Conference. ghost. rne Christian religion will regain the ancient 26th Sunday after Ascension. power only when we realise that it means the acceptance 29th Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Rural Deanery Festival 0. someone who will work in us. JD 7.30 p.m. at Goodnestone Church. ‘NE Yours sincerely in our blessed Lord 2nd Whit Sunday E H -X--X-*-X-**-K-***-)l-* ‘ . .PMEY St. Mary's, PATRIXBOURNE Vic r d R a an Ural Dean’ Arrangements have now been made for the repair of E ************ the woodwork in St. Mary's Patrixbourne, and work will begin on 22nd April and continue until 14th May. THANKS ?urlng this time it will be impossible to hold services ‘"““— In this church and there will therefore be no services E BRIDGE CHURCH FLOWERS On Sunday, 28th April, Sunday 5th May and Sunday 12th ' V‘ y th ' 1 ‘ Miy-P Please note alternative Services efithgr at ‘ Cr Tan Q S _ o ' , 0 if zoney is bgy thgi fgg 3:1 who Sent flowers or gifts eter s, Bekesbourne or St Peter s, r1 ge .‘ Lister D37‘ - Coratlng the church for 3+ *********S** : ************ E. Ledger. _ (3) (4) _III-I--——-————___________ £Ih___ ..___-i :--uvv ~——vu~ —v._V_,.._,__,,__ V IL........r— £fi.. i7'POM THE P_«’-JEISH REGISTERS MOTHERS‘ UNION E21! B3Pti§§ Wednesday, May 1st M.U. Corporate Communion with Inter- : ””' cessions. 8*“ Peter 8’ Brldgg 3 Thursday, May_9th May Market. The Leas Cliff Hall, 24th March, l968 Robert Anthony Goate ‘ F°1keSt°ne’ 11-a'm‘ t° 5'30 P'm' 7th April, 1968 Qhrisfiopher John Baker _ _ Monday, May 20th Branch Meeting to be held by kind 14th April, l968 bola ntolola Abrodun—Sab Akinrinsola permission of Mrs. Berry, 11 Union l4th April, 1968 Vanessa Marian Ledner Road. Speaker the Rev. David Rashid. M 14th April. 1968 Paul Edwin Swan "The Problem of the Jew and the Arab". A very warm welcome from §t, Peter's, Bekesbourne all our M.U. Members to the Members n ’ _ I _ of Bekesbourne whenever they are able 4 rlst ApI’ll, 1968 Philip Mark Churchward to join us in our Services and I *+e+s->e*****-)e** ’ ' Meetings . J Tfl Wednesday, May 29th M.U. Deanery Festival to be held in BE7.\_BSBOUR1\J:; CHURCH MAY FAYRE G-oodnestone Church 7,30 p,m, ‘ Please support Bekesbourne Church May Fayre at ************ 1 2;30np.m. on May 18th at Bekesbourne School. Gifts-for . f the Iollowing stalls would be appreciated:~ JUNIOR CHURCH } Eitt St§ll* Produce Stal}s B0fitle Stall, Junior Church will meet in Church on t 535:: §;a%1. innbietana Rafgle prizes. 1 '—x one ions . . 5311 s ‘ House Bekesbourne. 0 IS an ’ Chool Sufiday 12:? gig 13°88 2‘:- " 19th M 11.00 . . ************ " 26th nit 11.00 :.E. 4 ***-ie-x-**-x--x-~x-*-x- The monthlt 1;‘ , - . . _ 1 vrte‘ t th 1 . . ’ ' J 3 on a e tnnual General Meeting of the National ."1EflL;3th to May-18th 1968 In addition to the House-tor Federation at th I Q G _ 5:ggu33ed_ e ‘1b‘rt Hell on 29th May will-be House collection there will be :— 1 A i Competition : Mannequin Parade (M 1. A stall in the Canterbury Market on the Wednesday. ************ V 2. BREAD AND CHEESE LUNCHES each day in st. Thomas’ . Hall (off Burgate) (5) 3- A street Collection on Saturday, May 18th. _ ___,,.,_, -177.’ T YOUNG WIVES GROUP BROWNIE NEWS ednesaii at 7'30 P'm' in the Bridge Primary As many of you will already know Bridge Brownies School. We welcome Mrs. Meigh the I 1, C t D C t't' A -1 5th_ M.U. Enrolling Member, who will,talk iwon tie Dun y rama Ompe 1 Ion’ on prl 0“ "how the Church Came to En813nd"- \ On May lOth we shall be giving a performance of the _:y 15th hednesday Members are going to the Marlowe ”S0rcers Apprentice" at our Open Evening at the Village Theajjre to see Noel Coward's Musical l Hall. Ne 8.180 hope 170 show a fllm made by G1I‘l Gillde Play "Bitter sweet", The pgrformanw Headquarters in which our Brownie Pack took part. starts at 7.30 p.m. nay 29th Wednesday At 7.30 p.m. in the Bridge Primary We do hope that if you are interested in seeing the S S _ _ sort or thing we shall be doing in the future you will tfigofi%ilGri$;g:Stg1%%u3§egfiown Of come alon8_on May 10th at 7 p.m. : ‘C3 0 **-)(-*-X-*****-)(-* ”orporate Communion will be cel b t d ' B id r Church on Sunday, May l9th at 9 a.m.e ra 9 1n r ge . BEKESBOURNE CHURCH FLONERS ************ Grateful thanks to Mrs. Sandall'and Mrs. Tyler for decorating the Church so beautifully over Eastei andtgo J a those who gavegiftsof flowers or money to pure ase em. TH? VILLAGL HALL’ BRIDGE "And at our recent Confirmation, to Mrs. Flynn for her will all users or the V111 we H 11 k.ndl bote great help and to members of the Young Wives Group in tbat stage curtains have now be:: regaired, nzwqpulleys ! help1?g Wlth the refreshments’ and to Mr§'.Ledg§rt§°r and cords have been fitted, if required curtains must :ll?W1n5 the_uSe of her house for the Velllng 0 e only we operated by the draw cords and never under any adles and g1rlS' circumstances drawn by hand. ************ etc. should never be used for any purpose ~ or as these in the past have rusted and nuch damage to the materials. EASTER OFFERING I should like to express my grateful thanks to all who contributed so generously to my Easter Offering- The Village Hall Committee are committed to Your kindness is much appreciated. ‘ expensive improvements to the Hall in an en- C.E.H.P- to make this a community centre, so that ************ _ _ as functions can be held such as Dances, Whist ' “ 7-S: Concerts etc. CORRECTION Funds for new curtains are not available hence the Acknowledgment with deeb 8PPT°°i3ti°n is mafia of 392405? thflt great care should be taken of existing the gift to Church Funds of £6. 2. 0d. from the 0933' -He****->9-x—**** M.M. gesidents Of Daring Close in memory of the late Ornard Herbert. (7) (8) L Previous Vecr 126 Income: Coll. & Offerings 213. 7. 4. 24 Freewill " 31. 4. —. 11 Covenants 11. 8. —. Wardell Bequest 7 Investment Interest 7. 9. l. 3 Bank Interest 3. 2.11. Churchyard Grant — 20 Parish Council 20. —. —. Marriage, Burial & 11 Memorial Fees 2. —. —. 50 May Fayre 52. 2. 8. Proceeds from opening of Woolton Farm per 27 P.J. Mount, Esq. 9.19. —. — Donations 20. ~. —. __1 280 Sale of Chairs —. —. —. 3. 6. ~. 65 Organ & Choir 41, 7, Q, 37 Light & Heat 31,18, 3, 25 Insurance 21, _, —, 26 Churchyard Maintenance 78. —. 6. 7 Fabric Repairs 35, 9, 5, 52 Diocesan & R.D. Quota 52. —. —. 4g jicars Travelling Grant 40. —, -, ; uonition — Bekesbournc M.U. —, _, —, 1 Easutoland Dioc. Assn. —. —, -. 7 Visitation Fee __ __ __ __E 32} Bank Charges & Sundry 10. —. ‘“"*-uuII-- ! BEKESBOURNE PAROCHIAL INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 1967 CHURCH COUNCIL BALANCE SHEET - 3lST DECEMBER 1967 7 Previous 1‘ Year __ 1 NET ASSETS 11 Debtors & Prepayments 85. 9- 2- ' 189 Cash at Westminster Bank 135. 16. 4. 121 Cash at Trustee Savings Bank 133. 17. 10. 3-5 355. 3. 4. Less: Creditors & Accrued 41 Expenses 8- -- -- 280 BALANCE OF ACCUMULATED FUNDS 347. 3. 4. 370. 13. -a “: NOTE: The Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance holds under The Wardell Bequest 172 Investment Fixed Shares valued at 31st December 1967 @ 18/2.7 = £168. 16. 11d. NOTE: Special Collection received and disbursed 303- 1Z;_:: SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR Accumulated Funds 1.1.67. §CCUMULATED FUEDS 31.12.67. per Balance u ce s 4. 670 1' 2800 2' 4' _______———’ 2 3470 3‘ 4' **—"* ‘ _ during year. In our opinion the foregoing Balance Sheet and annezed Income & Expenditure Account give a true and falr Vlew Of the state of affairs of the Council as at 31st December 1967 and of the Surplus for the year ended on hat date, as disclosed by the records of the Council and the information and explanations supplied to us- .8th March 1968 $9745 St. Margaret's Street. gfigjgrbury. REEVES & NEYLAN Chartered Accountants. 33 5"? -‘”*RGARE'1“5 STREET. CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 l/(AR .i.\'/> min.-i/_ ])E.’1l\i .- my RH. Kg.‘ W E H [‘~,:Rg;\'_ B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 350) Lay R(‘rIrIiFi'_\‘ .' .‘\‘li:iWS .\;l'Rx§li;.,(\’7{.’ Bridge, (Bridge 469) P.»\TRl_‘\'BOL7Ri\‘E WITH BRIDGE (‘.}mrc}zwan1e‘n5 : .\iR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) Cam. A. E. W FARISH-SA‘.\'DB.»‘aCll. Pilgrim Cottage. Bridge. (Bridge 438) Hun. Smrzirvfv ; Miss C. M. BARKER. Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. TI‘€(1SlU‘€l‘ .' MR. C. A. POTTER. BEKESBOURNE C hurclrwarde/is .- .\’iI. ‘a\. R. .\lo\\'Li_, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) 31:. H. S. SHORES’. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .- MRS, S.‘i.\'DALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. T!'(’a.YI1"{"' .- Mn. STANLEY GREY. Mill Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) .‘U(Z§(l£'fIZ(’ Editor; THE VICAR .MaL't'l:if‘I(’ Ad\‘m5. : MR. C. J. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 91 KING Brancli Ofiice; SUUWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whitstahle 4116 C0. ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ~ ~ . \1PLEIl:. PLINILRAL Al\D LREMA]“[0N SERVICE 0. H. DEN.-'\‘E & SON LIMITED rl'ELEl’HO.‘\'E BTHER . CA.’\"lERHUl— ” the Conference of Bishops from all parfi _~ le faith, ministry and unity. In 5 aiircss to his Convocation the Archbish®JUNE o: . *inasised that owing to the large number ‘.—— :f fereit races and culture who would be 2nd gr: vlnferenoo would become more aware than 5th =15 ’: great variety of cultural settings ‘Sth it ~nity was taught and lived to—day, and 1:; d culture challenged by culture and th is: s challenged by doctrinal emphasis. 5 All future of Christianity at heart should I fol e happenings at the Lambeth Conference :‘9th 1:5 guidance of God in this gathering ‘lgth to; to Church within the Anglican Communion. 13th Zlscwnere you will find details concerning Bridge ani Pgtrixbourne Sumner Fete on June 15th. I know I 15th egall not as: in vain for your continued support of ~ t;:s anzual event. ilgth 17th Yours sincerely, 18th COLIN E.H. PERRY ; .l9th Vicar. ,l9th -X—-)I~>t-***-X—****-X- I 330:: THE 3:.“ SH REGISTERS 22nd i23rd Baptisms i26th I "'5, Brloae g30th :L1LI may 1953 Kevin Martin |6th may i966 Sally Nicola Hogben 17th 1'2 BeK:ebotrne April l§€8 Simon John Smith . nay 1965 Rachel Ann Goldfarb . I ( I CALENDAR FOR JUNE 1968 WHIT SUNDAY Wednesday II M.U. Corporate Communion with Intercession at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. East Bridge Deanery Missionary Festival at Barham Church 7.30 p.m. M.U. Service of Thanksgiving for Marriage at Canterbury Cathedral 8 p.m. (Preacher: The Dean of St. Paul's) TRINITY SUNDAY Wednesday Thursday Saturday 1st Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday I! Saturday Young Wives outing 7.30 p.m. Save the Children Fund coffee morning and Bring and Buy Sale at Kendall Hall, Nunnery Fields, 10.30 - 12 noon. Bridge & Patrixbourne Church SUMMER FETE 2.30 p.m. at Bridge School. ’ after Trinity M.U. Branch Meeting at 37, Hayward's Cottages, 2.45 p.m. Women's Institute monthly meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. East Bridge Rural Deanery Young Wives Festival at Bridge Church 8 p.m. British & Foreign Bible Society Summer Meeting at The Friends Meeting House 2.30 p.m. Churchill House Sale 2.30 P-3- Second Sunday after Trinity. Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Bridge School 7:30 pomo Third Sunday after Trinity. Saturday Open Day at The Close 2.30 P-m- f°l1°W€d by Barbecue and Fete 7 - 9 P-3- Fourth Sunday after Trinity **-I-********* (4) \3) : u ST. PETIR'S, BRIDGE — FLOWERS M — goods (Bridge 370) has very kindly agreed to tan over the Flower Rota until further notice. I am most grateful to her, as she is an extremely busy person. It would help a great deal if you could give her due notice ‘ if you are to be away and above all, remember your dates; 1 * Then; you for all the help you have given me over the last years « Elisabeth Ledger. **‘X-****-X--X-**-)(- PATBIXBOURNE with BRIDGE CHURCH FETE Preparations are now in hand for the Summer Fete, w;:~h will be held on Saturday, 15th June, at Bridge PEi:ary_School. It will be opened at 2.30 p.m. and there will be_all the usual attractions — stalls, side- nows, competitions, raffles and refreshments. T Gifts of any kind and help in any form will be welcomed by the following stallholders:— Teas and Cane Stall Mesdames Hunter, Potter," Greenwood, and Williamson and N _ Miss C. Barker. uroceries, Sweets and Kitchen Stall r‘en Produce White Elephant ttle Mothers‘ Union. Mr. N. Lewis and Captain Sandbafl Mesdames Knight and Young ..-’. u L4. 3 Stall Messrs. Hoare, Rose, Barley and fl%__1 Johnson. cnil:ron's Stall (toys, books,) _ games etc., and Young wives Bran Tub 3T3Ti0fl9Ty Slall Messrs. Pomeroy and Pratt. Tran-sure Garden Mr. John Hill. Side Snows Messrs. P.Greenwood and C.Hold9” Parent—Teachers Association ( Brownies and Cubs. Mr. Peter Lawrence. (5) PATRIXBOURNE with BRIDGE CHURCH FETE (Cont'd.) The Brownies will give a display during the afternoon mm other entertainment will be provided by the Cubs and Schoolchildren. Please come yourselves, bring your friends and we are sue you will have an enjoyable afternoon. ************ THE VICAR’S NEW APPOINTMENT Parishioners will be pleased to learn that the Vicar has been elected Proctor for the.Clergy to the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury. We should like to extend our congratulations to the Vicar and wish him every success in this important and honourable office. ************ RURAL DEANERY OF EAST BRIDGE Festivals fith June Missionary Festival at St. John's, Barham, 7.30 p.m. ,Preacher: The Revd. Brian Ash, Diocesan Representative of C.M.S. Refreshments and Bring and Buy Stall at the Village Hall. I hope all those who have the work of Missions at heart will come to this Festival. _l2I§_§une Young Wives Festival at St. Peter's» Bridge: 8 p.m. Preacher: The Revd. John Stephen Tunbridge, Vicar of Wymonswold and Aylesham. ************ BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL. The Lenten collection made at Bridge_School amounted *0 $2.l3.0, which has been sent to the United Society for the Propogation of the Gospel. (6) l ' ____4IIIII-________________----III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ "‘ THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY The Canterbury Auxiliary of the Bible Society invite you to the Summer Meeting at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 19th June. at The Friends‘ Meeting House, The Friars. Guest speaker is the Eevd. James Roe, Vicar of St. Markus Bromley, until recently Secretary for Asia of the Societ \ The Rt. Rev. Bishop K.C.H. Warner has kindly consented to preside. Refreshments will be provided. ********%*** I BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH June meetings for Junior Church are as follows:. 8 -da - H: y: 333 £33: ) 9-3O a.m. at Bridge Churdl " 23rd " ) ll.OO a.m " " " “ 30th H ) ***-)(-****-‘;6é(-<)(--9(- ST- PETER‘S. BRIDGE — CHANCEL FUND This fund now stands at £223 0 6d Sincere thanks to all those who have helped to raise this sum. ‘ With this amount we could have t t d t1 k but the Quinquennial inspection of S:.a;e%er';eigogue h t - - - . . izgijfiyognihgfi Eiiieégigs betfier to wait till the ‘“ *” — ~ ~ n is Structural Work has taken plncgown and any necessary ************ CHURCHILL HOUSE, BRIDGE “L A Sale of Hon Udurchill House ate—made articles will be held at 2-30 D.m. on Saturday, 22nd June. YOUNG WIVES GROUP June 5th, Wednesday. Mothers‘ Union Service of Thanks- yying for Marriage in Canterbury Cathedral at 8 p.m. Preacher: The Revd. Martin Sullivan, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral. This service is specially for ALL young married couples in the parish, whether or not they belong to the Mothers‘ Union. Please try to get a baby sitter, so that ilmsbands can come too. June 12th, Wednesday. At 7.30 p.m. Young Wives Outing — details to be announced later. June 19th, Wednesday. Rural Deanery Young Wives Festival (See Rural Deanery announcements). Bridge Young Wives will help to serve refreshments in the Village Hall after the service. guns 26th, Wednesday. At Bridge Primary School at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Elgar will discuss "The problems of bringing up a family". - Holy Communion in Bridge Church at June 16th, Sunday. , 9 a.m. ************ ST. PETER'S, BEKESBOURNE — ADVANCE NOTICE FLOWER FESTIVKL July 20th from 2 to 8 p.m. Teas available at Cobham Court Stall run by children - flowers, buttonholes, vegetables etcg Festal Evensong on Sunday, 21st July at 6.30 9-m- White Elephant stall T- ’ Cakes and Produce. v Ieasure Garden, Home—made ************ (7) (8) IL——_________ AI... ________________--------IIIIII MOTHE@S' UNION Corporate Communion with lnter~ C0SSiOnS at 9-30 a.m. at Bridge Church . Mothers‘ Union Service of Thanks- 8iVing for Marriage in Canterbury Cathedral at 8 p.m. (See also Young Wives notes) Preacher: The Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Branch Meeting at 37, Hayward's Cottages at 2-45 p.m. Subject: Discussion. The Mothers‘ Union members would like to thank all who helped and all who came to our Coffee Morning in aid 05 T53 3hUTCh'S SOcial Welfare work in this diocese. The total amount raised was £lO.7.7d. ************ THE sAvE THE CHILDREN FUND — CANTERBURY BRANCH §pMMER SALE June l7th, Monday. There will be a Coffee Morning in the Kendall Hall, Mgggggg Fields (behind St. Mary Bredin Church) on A~*i;;fi§i June ljtfls from lO.3O a.m. to 12 noon. firlng and Buy Stalls; Cakes: Sweets etc. Baffle. H _ §¥y Sugpgrt by your presence and gifts will be most m;idU;C. cakes are especially wanted. E. Greenwood- **%********* fl9MEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meetinv will b h ld T . l8th at Bridge VillagebHall ate? ;.m.On uesday’ June, Mr. L. Cox will give a "Talk on AntiqueSn_ Competition: A Specimen Rose. (9) 'near. LEAGUE or FRIENDS or CANTERBURY HOSPITALS p§iECE GROUP Our Jumble Sale held on Saturday, llth May realised over £36. On behalf of the Group I would like to thank all who helped and gave to enable us to raise this sum. We are giving a special invalid chair to the wards at The Close. This sum will pay for the chair and leave some money over to go to our own funds. M. Milton, We are holding a Barbecue and Fete in conjunction with The Close Open Day on July 6th, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The Close. We hope to see our many friends from far and We should be very grateful for any gifts to help our stalls, which may be given to:— Hon. Treasurer. Miss Wraight, Lynton Flats - Cakes and Home—made produce. Mrs. Webb, Bridge Hill Flats — Sweets, home—made and shop bought. Mrs. Lawrence, Tullymore, Bridge Down - Kitchen Stall. Mrs. Apps — Shilling Parcel Stall. Matron, The Close - Bottles for Tonbola. Gifts for any stall will be accepted by Mrs. Milton and Mrs. Apps. Do please come and support us on this, our first venture of an evening event. Frances E. Apps, Hon. Secretary. ************ THE CLOSE: BRIDGE The Superintendent of The Close, Mr. Harry Urwin: i3 appealing for sea shells, small, medium and larges_fOP use by the residents and patients in their Occupational Therapy classes. If anyone can assist in obtaining these will they please get in touch with Mr. Urwin or leave them at The Close. Your help W°“15 be Very much appreciated. These classes are very successful and are much enjoyed by the elderly people who attend- ************ (10) _,I W C I Ii I llC,4R AND RURAL DEAN .' .. . . PATRIXBOURNE TH; Rn Cor l\' E. H PFRRY. B.Sc._ The \lCa1‘3gE, Bridge. (Bridge 250) MR S. SER.:E«\T. II. CfwnT.in:li£(11r(1i1m1~aD€- B"id85~ (Bridge 469) P ATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ¥_=~ C/1H7‘<."}IWar'd€PT.S : : . . .'\‘lR C A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2l8l 1 ‘ -4 ='‘-' MR. \\ ,loH\'sor<. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) HW;_ }.(>(v'(‘-.‘a"\’ : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) V Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. ()r9.:v:;’.v.- (Bridge! ; MR. 1. SINCLAIR. 8 Risdon Close, Sturiy. (Sturry 683) 0"J¢'2'2iX‘.‘ iPa:ri.xbourne>: MR5. AMOS. 8 St. Martin's Close. Canterbury. (65055) ‘i’m-tier (Bridge) : MR. J. H(ll'l\'lNS. Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. lwdev lPatrix'bournel : MR. J. CARPENTER. "Hie Green. Patrixbourrie. BEKESBOURNE C /iurchwardcns .' Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) Sl1'iJRL‘§', ChC1'l”_\' Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' ‘mt M R M0wi.i.. Nlr. H C . I. Kl! - I“ 'i‘iRs 5A\'DM.l,. School House, ll-ekesbourne. (Bridge 256) *3" Hon. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH. 3 The Hill. Bekesbourne. Oryanisr : MRS. I. M. F. SAYL-‘R. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Edilors THE VICAR :'~4ajJ(JZlI1( Aa'ier1.s.: MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Office : “ "W-‘-SDOVVN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone wnitmiuo me S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church 01 2 ";*“;‘~‘>’-4'!‘-a'~»'4Ii with the Nutioiiul Suciety) ‘ all U’ ‘ .‘ ' "‘ ‘ 5 u' HIM’/i um! »$HIHj(l|’ Srlirzul purposgi i I ~ . . . - ‘ 5° “° '°" °' °'''‘°'“’'° 50"” PH-lurels. Babies. Prayer and Hymn Books 8 Ci. England since 1698 CHURCH MAGAZINE July, 1968 .ti;,,,ii.«_- . An excellent DEVOT for Presentation IONA . ’ L '3°°"5- WRDSA I=lc.. IN cnznr VARIETY can as seen Yulephurier Carileruury bust l‘J....:‘, - 11.: r, '.r' "_IlHlLl’ilx) l: br'; in ’ .miul.im — ‘V SUNDAY SERVICES - JULY 1968 Dam'Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and p A Bekesbourne, PATRIXBOURNE BEKESIBOURNE First I would like to thank all who worked so hard 7th Juli 4th Sunday after Trinity _to make our Summer Fete such a happy event. This year we 17 ,, # " - :nm a really lovely summer day. The credit for the 1: §'m; mat;°& SST‘ 8 3-m-_H01y 9.30 a.m. Sung ‘enormous success of this occasion is due to the hard work i=+5 d-m- n01N w0mm- Communion Holy Communion of so many people that space does not allow them to be 6'§O P1m' Evensong Imntioned by name, although I would iike to thank each one and Sermon nmividually and also all who gave gifts, for their loyalty and help. 14th July — Sth Sunday after Trinity This year at Bekesbourne we are making a new venture 9 a.u. Holy comm_ 11 . . M tr with a Festival of Flowers. It will take place on 6.30 P.m. Evensong andasgrmoi ' goigfifiiggly Saturday 20th July from 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Then on Sunday and Sermon 3 P m Famil the 21st July it will continue all day except for Mattins Seréiée Y 2t3%l a.m. The day will conclude with Festal Evensong at - p.m. with a special Preacher Canon L.G. Appleton Olst J 1 , Qne time Priest—in—charge of Bekesbourne Church, and the “ u y ‘ 6t“ Sunday after Trinity Joint choir of St. Peter's Bridge and St. Peter's 9 a_§_ Sung H01 8 Bekesbourne. There will be no Evensong at Bridge Church communion y Cozfififiiggly :%daém.'Mattins ggrgiazmevininga but we w§uldBli§e to make transpofit ermon g en s ior our regu ar ri ge congrega ion w o 6-30 p.m. Even— %9uld like to come to Bekesbourne church on this occasion. song & Sermon 111 they let me know as soon as possible. It should be a most happy event and I know many of our Bridge and 28th July — 7th Sunday after Trinity Watrixbourne people would like to support Bekesbourne 8 n E Holv C .n Béfih Ehelr pE§senceFand perhaps their gifts towards . omm. . es 0 ' . ' 5-30 P-m- Evensong g0a'm'-H°1y 11 a'm' Matting ‘your frggfigs k:E;hab%E§l%h:u%:sti£:faigdhgfifieuzlgy legfiifg and Sermon mmunlon §§d4§ermon Self with your kindly suPDort ng y . a.m. _ ‘ H u 01y C°mmun1°E__ ‘H1 On Saturday 13th July at 6 p.m. we are the hosts for 4th August _ 8th S . Oe East Fridge Deanery Choirs Festival. Members of our } ‘ unday after Trinity alngreaation are cordially invited to come to this - ll aim. Matt.& Ser. 8 m H 1 . . ¥ay§ an inspiring service. "The Preacher will be Canon llu¢3 a.m. H 1 o . a- -_ o y 9_3Q _ ' S ' - awson Vicar of Chilham one time Precentor at 6.30dpém. Evgngongnm. Communion Holy gogmunigfi Canterbury éathedra1_ ’ an ermon Worl From July 25th to August 26th the Bishops of the m L 5 Wide Anglican Communion meet in Conference at 3 heth. (1) <2) a 1 1.;-9 present from all parts Cf the FRQM THE PARISH REGISTERS e._le :.repe nee .nina.L lheCCOnference begins with a grezt DCITLCQ in Ca‘ser*ury athedral on July 25th. P terns Bria G The irerfa is a long and important one but the Bisho s‘ §£L“jL-"“‘”"“ii' ' :?t ties are not confined to Lambeth itself. From? ‘ E2ly;§§R£E§E§ F euzust 16th to Sunday Auaust 18th four of the ‘ ' — -3 e _. . . . 9 . . 6th May 1968 Sarah Jane Martin 3 s Hll; be Visitins this Diocese. Bishop J E 2 Amanda Jane Ca : ,vflQp;€1~ l. s Q _ - - - — rpenter ;"“ 3 f:;j:J$1§1§%3p §*Cthf.Ep1S°9pal Church of the 2nd June 1968 Rosemary Jane Leaney : °g”§ “* 9“ J O Oollng’ Blshop Hart Of 16th June 1968 Natalie Suzanne Aynsley . and Bishop Soselege Assistant Bishop May They Rest in Peace top Hines will be preaching in Canterbury. 12th June 1968 Edith Maud Exley _ aged 97 years 3% 3? Ausugt l8§h it Evegsong at 3.15 p.m. This :1 _ _i_owed "y a ia ogue etween him and CALENDAR pop JULY 1958 hr V hiniead-N$ek:s,tS8ni§r Lecturer in English at . ti si y of gen a an erbury. It is possible 3rd wedqesda C ' ‘tn 1 t sion i, _ N m m. ,. l . . _ L y M.U. Corporate ommunion W1 n erces :: 1‘: :} $111 wish U0 put questions to Bishop Hines I at Bridge church 9.30 a.m. ' 5: ifcflblalogue.‘ Ii sd W111 they please send them 6th Saturday Barbecue at The Close. Bridge 7 - 9 Pom- .. _e as vicar and Rural Dean, as soon as possible. 7th Fourth Sunday'after Trinity " 9th Tuesday Bridge with Patrixbourne P.C.C. 7.30 p.n. at the Village Hall. Wednesday Young Wives Annual General Meeting 7.30 p.m. Bridge School. fl _ On Friday July 26th there is to be a Lambeth Youth hall; 1: the Archbishop's School Canterbury at 7.30 p.m. 19th let one more item very closely connected with 13th s E st Bria 9 Deaner Choir Festival at . n::eetn:_ from Monday July 29th to Sunday August 18th ‘ aturday Biidge ghfirch 5 p,%, Preacher: The Rev. an crhioition entitled "What is Man" is being fl0unt9d in Canon John L. Lawson — Vicar of Chilham. ffe Qitfieeral Chapter House. It will be open from 14th Fifth Sunday after Trinity, to a.m. — 7 p.n. on weekdays and from 2 p.m. ~ 6 p.m. 20th Saturday Festival of Flowers at Bekesbourne Church. on Suncays. _¥our help is sought in two ways — first’ 21st sixth Sunday after Trinity. Festal Evensong 3-315; maze it Known as widely as you can — secondly, 5,30 p,m, at Bekesbourne Church, Preacher: st; ZTZ: are needed. Please let me know if you can The Rev,.canon L.G. Appleton. V ll’; . N.B. There will be no Evensong at Bridge Church on this Sunday. 525th Thursday Lambeth Conference of Bishops of the YOUTS Sincerely: Anglican Communion — Service 3 p-m- at 28 Canterbury Cathedral- COLIN E_H. PERRY AUa%S$eventh Sunday after Trinity. Vicar. ‘1$h Eighth Sunday after Trinity. *********%** ************ (3) 1 (4) 1.. > I r ¢,,ss. s , n . ' ' mu h time effort and cash have to Dnwnnni CHOInS FBSlIVAL 1” exégnggg Efinaimigigit ts make it a SuCCesS_ we ask The Rural Deanery Church of St. Peter's Bridge will you all for your help and attendance. be tn etting for the Choirs Festival to be held on _ Saturday 13th July 1968. ; ************ The Preacher on this occasion will be Canon John L. .M92§§3§L_E§l9§ Lawson, Vicar of Chilham. ' - 3rd July, Wednesday Corporate C°fimuni°n at 9-30 a'“‘ The choirs will commence practice at 3 p.m. A ‘ Bridge Churc - break will be taken at 4.30 p.m. for refreshment and T c ' f llo i Holy Ewcnsong will commence at 6.0 p.U. It is hoped that 10*“ July’ Jednesday §§§;§§§§§1§$SBr§dgewcfifirch 9.30 am. Patrixbourne, Bridge and Be? ’ ‘ iesbourne parishioners will _ attend, support and encourage us onbthis occasion. 15th July, Monday Branch Meeting at 37; HayWard's Cottages at 2.45 pom- **%***%***** Speaker : Mrs. ROCK- THE FESTIVBL OF FLOWERS -X-****<)(-****** cmfi iziéétiieii Eiéliiiiiflé ‘3:.§:§%3I,S§ctie*i§;§ BRIDGE W03 CHURCH _ - 1 I - g U —- , . u ‘ gne Festixal will coniigugoon Sundiy ang will indhwith July meetings for Junior Church are as follQwg;— hvensong 'eing sung a . p.n. w en -e join 0 oir _ V gétiiéaiegerws Bridge and Bekesbourne will be in Sunday 7th July 9_3o a_m_ at Bridge church ~ Sunday 14th July ; _ - The Preacher will be Canon L.G. Appleton, who as E " 21st " 11 a.m. at Brldge Church U%nY Parishioners will remember was Priest—inrcharge " 28th " 0} Ournparisn for several years and is still remembered ************ with arfection. » The Festival is being held because we urgently need to carry out fabric repairs YOUNG WIVES GROUP 5500 and the cost is well over Vhdn d lOth J 1 t 7.30 .m. in Bridge Primary School. 13EE§%’3§neral Mgeiiig. Plegse make a special effort to att y _ end. Suggestions also wanted for next year's programme “ “C have the SuPP0rt Of a very fine team for the at this meeting- ilcwer arrangements and we a d v . and Mrs. Walter whigham who igveesgiy Erateful to Mr Open the grounds of Cobh W y generously thrown ednesee 24th Jul - meet at 7.30,p-m- outside Bridge an Court and have granted us Erimary gchool in %atrixbourne Road and we will walk to Permission to Serve teas within the grounds. Patrixbourne Church. Mr. Greenwood has kindly consented E0 s ow us over the Church. Refreshments afterwards in ri S Gee School. - ‘ undr _ ‘ ' B ‘d Ch h t 9 m. (5) .’-.£fl 21st July Holy Comngnion in ri ge urc a a It IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-"""""""‘“""“" dag THEIBEST KEPT VILLAGE TRANSATLANTIC CONFRONTATION .ce again hopefully entered this After preaching at Evensong in the Cathedral on ‘~ COuncil,'Very much impressed with the hmday August 18th, the Right Reverend J.E. Hines, eady made, is doing everything in its ‘Residing Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. *=e the removal of a few "black spots", ;mll be engaged in dialogue in the crypt from 4.30 p.m. nt of the continuing support from to5.l5 p.m. His questioner will be Mr. Mark Kinkead— mekes, Senior Lecturer in English at the University of ‘Kym at Canterbury. This meeting has been arranged after cmmultation with the Rural Deans of East Bridge and West :3Bfidge and it is hoped that people will take advantage of nisers of the Bottle Stall wish to thank ’ this 0p1r>0r’vuni‘Gy- It may be that parishioners have gave so reeaily and generously thereby _oimwstions which they would like to put to the Presiding «:f©_the success of their efforts, They A. mshop. If so, will they please send them to the Vicar * EEJOFEG the friendly atmosphere which pre- as 300D 35 P0SSib1e- efhe Period of collection and during the ' the Fete. A record total of £48.lOs.3d. USED STAMP COLLECTION Thank you very much. THANKS Since this collection was started the sum of M.D.H. T.E.G.H. W.R. W.J. :43-8s.Od. has been handed to the Treasurer to help "V . t0Wards the upkeep of the village hall. Thanks are ex- JHAT IS MAN" __ended to all those who have faithfully saved their stamps lnstead of throwing them away.. Anfiexhibition under this title will be mounted in :1 Cha_Ler H use f C t. n July 29th, to Sundgy A3gu:tbE§¥h?athedral from Monday, gfte MT- Pratt: 13 Green Court, Bridge. is going to look Mlti the stamps in future and it is hoped that everyone _ e village W111 save all those which are delivered to .elr houses and offices to help this good cause. There It has be . . . . ffyghrieg :ee'§§n§f°§§§§§o:¥e:§f §§§a§yc$§§°§:;eg§§%§3e ‘ii alcollecting box in the Village Hall and Mr. Clarke gsugé ;gg;;unSI:h§§:ée:$g églfigigoguéigioan gcugenical i a ways Pleased to accept them at the Pharmacy. :4é;€§:gyd§::§§§éa i: E: fi§0§§Ce%%E¥¥ pioigcigon ::g- 1 J. KELSEY — CHAIRMAN OF THE VILLAGE HALL COMITTEE. grSsgzzitigflo:O:g:n§::e%ti;l goSpe%lg:Ss:§g"dram?:lC !KG1Se$h§O§eXisCanontCfiEiH. Perry wishes to thank Mr. J. ‘Z; _ - - oth by press and radio, The {upkeep for many8;::rs e P and work for the Village Hall ition will be 0 4 0. . {on row , __ nag and from 2 p.m.,tO 2 P mlo a m. to 7 P.m. on week ,.nts will be available from 4 On Sundays. Refresh- W R.v S‘ P-m- - 7 p.m. on week— ‘ - patrilg future. the Village Representative for Bridge and Ijdqf ourne will be Mrs. B. Dove, Conyngham_Lane - Fphone H mmd;: 425. The Meals on wheels Organiser W111 be Mrs. A. ck, Meadow Close — ‘phone Bridge 394. (8) CHURCH PETE 15th JUNE 1968 MASS RADIOGRAPHY SERVICE RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE _ Arrangements have been made for a Mass X-ray Unit ;.~‘:'.—':..\V 2-1 6. es - cares 22. l. lo. (3rd Party) 2' 0- W m..‘ a . H‘ ‘J Jilue Llepnant 6. 6. 6. gigcfiiry 5 0 BRIDGE White Horse Hotel 2 - 4 p.m. and :r5e: Produce 8_ 8_ 9_ Hire of ‘a "‘" Tuesday: 23rd July 5 - 7.30 P.m. ceries 8. 5. 4, School 1. 5. 0. _ ‘-uh; wives stall 13. 8. lo. BEKESBOURNE ¥11laee Hal: th Jul 6 7 30 ffile Sfiall 48. lo. 3. ednesday, 4 y - . p.m. Wilgo 2. 4‘ 7. Reserved ,m ,1 - V vs,” 8 f9r Draw Chest X4ray examinations will be available to all ”“G‘* 01 °°*“l“e 4‘ 2' ' Tickets 3- 9- 0- people of 15 years of age and over. motor Gaze 2. 9. 1, Ynock the fins 2. O. 6. ‘ever the 1/-d. 1. 2, 5, ‘-easu;e Garden 2. 3, Q, ubs, Brownies 2- 4. 3- ************ ‘C95 2. 10. O. ' nation 3. 2. o. Surplus 165. 12. 7-! -—--u—-:-u-—-.—n-—-"4 £172- 2- 7- £172. 2. 7- — , _ Th? Bridge and Patrixbourne Church Fete was held at‘ f?i§g::¢f0§0§1yKbY king permission of the Kent Education ?§“Q,-ifJ7:§ l‘*§; 0: inlght) on Saturday 15th June. ;;P;;f ‘f- 1f_YD ay and the Fete was well attended and 5 ;;;;;“w?S f{¢rl;155 was made. compared with £130 in 1967 s;;§‘De:;le :50 w:r;e§ord.l We are most grateful to the result péssibie. ‘C “O lard to make Such an excellent C.A.P. (9) (lo) I//CAR AND RURAL DEAN .- THE REY COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader .' MR 3. S!-ZRG[3.~\.\'T. 22. Coriyngham Lane. Bfidgfi (Bridge 469) P.-XTRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clmrcliwarderis : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) MR. W. JOHNSON. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Sm-z>IaIj\' : MISS C. M. BARKER. Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd. Bridge (Bridge 4821 H()N. Treasurer.‘ MR. C. A. POTTER. 0i'§r1l3i.W (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR. 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Oreanisi (Parrixbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. Mariin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Inger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS. Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. |'cIj«.ver (Parrixbourne) : MR. J. CAR¥’ENTER. The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurc/iward ens .' MR. \\. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR H S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hart. Secretary .- I‘~1Rs. S-\.\'DAI.I.. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. T reasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverzs. .- MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 91 Branch Office: "'"°3°°WN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whitstable ms - S.P.C.K. P . "°"5“'"5 f*£dAE:M}_§eIIers ro the Church of England since 1593 2 -1-‘HF Mdliori wnh the National Society) _Sup;2lI'¢': of «H An exgeugm selection of chndrews B00 7 < I am . mi uy School purpaaeg. ks Pi t ' ‘or Fraser’-mu:nl:f:t$‘>é'BlbIeS, Prayer and Hymn Books D EVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. etc., in ¢;gEA-r VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: canlerbury 62331 ’“'i-mt‘ 5.‘ Lhl.‘ El.» K aim Parlricrship II Bust lune c..m.,bu, . . , . y PATRIXBOURNE WITH AIBDRIDGE BEKESBOLJRNE PRICE 6d. --A. II A t PETER BRDGE CHURCH MAGAZINE August, 1968 I - s I g I THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE -¥ LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4'- Tclephone: Bridge 249 For a large variety of top quality GROCERIES G PROVISIONS plus a Free Delivery Service shop at EEEB WESTERN AVENUE B RI DG E a modern self-service store AND GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ! r G1DZ~l"(l1Q'.}E1R DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry ol Transport Approved Drlvlng Instructor) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, I6 Longporl, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 Night 62535 --_A--‘__....‘.A--AA-AA--I....-AAA._AAAAAAAAAA..A-AAAALLA---‘ BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd, I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge nu PLUMBING DECORATING 4---..- JOINERY SANITATION vvvuvvvvvvv Your local LADIES’ & GENT’S OUTFITTERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses. Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses & Lingerie ‘Ar NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order 4 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tolaphonoc llrldu an vvvvvv vvv vv vvv 1 Delivery to your Door mbumd ma Enjoy an Evening at ‘gm... ABBOTT THE RED LION '«-55«‘°7~'v3'«’eL'"" BROS‘ WITH YOUR FRIENDS 'I§uLL‘x"° DAIRIES DAIRY Inspootlon Invited NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY TOI . 68553 GROCERIES AND CONTECTIONERY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST C. & B. M. LEWIS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE ‘I- Producer and Retailer of Tuberculin Tested Guernsey Milk (C ml fied) From the Farm to the Customer GOLDEN GUERNSEY DAIRY LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone : Barham 277 ‘k FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY AND NEW LAID EGGS __.?..?———- BOTTLEIJ IN GANTEHBUI-'IY'8 MODERN 'Phone : Brldxo 383 V wwwvwvvvww HOT and COLD SNACKS at the BAR BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR * D. H. WHITTAKER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 CORRALLS , COAL, COKE AND FUEL OILS o 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Tel. 65345 0 FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE DIPLOMA MEMBERS or APPROVED COAL MERCHANTS SCHEME ‘L 1 STV.TGREGORY;S. W. LYONS MILITARY ROAD. CANTERBURY. vwwwvwvwvvwwvvvvv & SON LTD. FUNERAL SERVICE R TELEPHONE 63508 v -rvv V wvvwvvvvvv vvvv vvvvvv r — 'Z ' SUNDAY SERVICES — AUGUST 1968 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 4th August — 8th Sunday after Trinity ll a.n. M:tt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung 11.43 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion 6 30 ;.m. Evensong and Sermon 11th August — 9th Sunday after Trinity :5. ."v T‘? 7- 7*,’ - n 7Ser:es‘ E’? sgiiiigey 1.1d“g‘“: ““~’°*' 8 a-E“ .H°1Y é‘;5—n:fi.—EvepSSng ah. eimon Communion _ ano*b:rwo ’ -Q 3 p'm' Family v~~ ~ Service 18th AUSUST - 10th Sunday after Trinity sung Holy Comm. 6.30 p.2. Evensong and Sermon '1 .. ...I‘.. 8 a.m. Holy Communion 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon 25th August - 11th Sunday after Trinity % Communion 9 3-m- Holy 11 a.m. Mitt Séensong Communion and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion O\ C1‘) 1 t S c S eptvflber — 12th Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m. Matt. & Ser_ 11:55 a.m. Holy Comm_ 8 a'm' Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, The Deanery Choir Festival was a most happy event. Much credit for its success goes to Mr. Stanley Grey, our choirmaster. These events take a great deal of organi- zation and preparation and we had the loyal help of our own choir, and members of the Young Wives organization who helped with refreshments. I know you will be remembering the meeting of the Bishops of the world—wide Anglican Communion, who are now meeting in conference at Lambeth. Elsewhere in this magazine you will find prayers which may be used, in which we ask that God's guiding hand may be upon them to lead the Church in the faithful doing of His will. May I also repeat items in my last letter to_you. Mr. Hines will be preaching in Canterbury Cathedral on 18th August at Evensong at 3.15 p.m. This will be followed by a dialogue between him and Mr. Mark K1nkead—Weekes, Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Kent at Canterbury. It is possible that S9me will wish to put questions to Bishop Hines at the dialogue. If so, will they please send them to me as gicar and Rural Dean as soon as possible. The Rural _e3neries of Canterbury, East and West Bridge will be in attendance. _ from Monday July 29th to Sunday August 18th an 3XhlbltlOn entitled "What is Man" is being mounted in the athedral Chapter House. It will be open from 10 a.m. — P-m. on weekdays and from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Sundays. yybur help is sought in two ways — first, please make it n2°Wn as widely as you can - secondly, stewards are eded. Please let me know if you can help. Bekesbourne Flower Festival was a great success and ' rs 6_.U J H Communion H l C ' n really lovely weather when we saw Bekesbourne ;flaIé:£mEV5n30n8 O y Ommunlo Weurch and the surrounds at their best and loveliest- ___‘ ” on be ad visits from people from all parts of Kent and _. ezgidp The Church was most beautifully and tastefully 3 . (1) ed (2) — foliage? to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whigham for s in opening the garden of Cobham Close to o Mrs. Whigham and to those who helped rangements, and gave gifts of cakes etc., . F. Tyler who worked so tremendously hard 0 Grey l and all who helped in the cleaning of oh and Mr. Stanley Grey and the members of the ioirs of Bekesbourne and Bridge for their ul work and preparation for the really inspiring m:ich brought to an end a memorable event in ‘ of Bekesbourne Church. t ar LL: r-, c, ,_ P-’ to an rt (3 $3 In C?‘ 0 H" <(P I understand that as a result over £175 after paying all e penses will be handed over for our fabric r at esbourne. To all who worked in any way _ ,;is success and to all who sent contributions and girts l am most grateful. X Dex To all children and parents I wish a happy holiday; Yours sincerely in our Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. *~)(-**-X--X-****-X-* FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism [0 T- Peter's, Bekesbourne 14th July 1968 Alan William Petherbridge CA pl -ctcr's, Bridge 213T July 1968 Linda Ann Fairbrass (3) St. Peter's Bridge FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS May They Rest in Peace 8th July 1968 AUGUST» 4th 8th Sunday after Trinity _ _ 7th Wednesday M,U. Corporate Communion with0Int:r— cessions at Bridge Church 9-} 3- - 8th Thursday Bible Study Group: Cosbyv 311589 VHi1l House Drive 8 p.m. llth 9th Sunday after Trinity A 18th 10th Sunday after Trinity t- 20th Tuesday Women's Institute monthly mee lngs Bridge Village Hall 7 Pom- 22nd Thursday gible Study Group» Church °°**a€°' POm-O 24th Saturday Bridge Church Organ_Fund Coffee Morning at Bridge Village Hall» 10.30 ~ 12 noon. 25th llth Sunday after Trinity §_E£“2_EL’I3:E.13 ” lst 12th Sunday after Trinity _ . 4th Wednesday M.U. Corporate Common with Intel‘ Douglas Lewis **********§* CALENDAR FOR AUGUST 1968 cessions, Bridge Church 9-30 a-m- *****-X-***-I>-IN} (4) it:‘In—— ' *------u—w"** JUNIOR CHURCH, BRIDGE ‘ 3 I MOTHERS‘ UNION . CHURCHILL HOUSE . E T5930 will be “0 branch meeting during August. Mrs. Smith, warden of Churchill House, would like ' m erslrqsll —T, .,,. l _ _ to thank everyone who helped to make a success of the t ;h;:3::;li_1;£i£hsE§:- Corporate Communion with Sale held on 22nd June. £52 was realised, which goes , Inter935S10n5- Bridge Church towards taking the tenants out in the summer and for I 9'30 a'm' Christmas festivities. 7G5HGSdiYs 4th September Corporate Communion with ‘ ************ ‘ Intcrcesslons. Bridge Church 1 9.30 a.m. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1 ybnéay’ 16th Sewtember service in Bridge Church The monthly meeting will be held in the Village Hall i 7~30_p.m. Refreshments in on Tuesday, 20th August, at 7 p.m. 3 ghe Village Hall after the 3 iéfigggg: All Young Wives are Cookery demonstration by SEGAS. .* ************ Competition - August Bank Holiday Hat. 1 Tunfio C_ _ ************ o _ r nurch will not meet during August. - ‘ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Luv ventenber Junior Church in St. Peter's, Bridge . at 9-30 a.m. and on the remaining Bridge Group 5 Sundays in September at 11 a.m. ‘ ‘‘ Will all friends who kindly assisted in help or F . 3.,§.~...—-....,._._.__,-,—.e-e.....,_.,...ev_.,..... -. A . 4 A . . . ************ kind at the Open Day and Barbecue at The Close On ? ST F ‘ Saturday, 6th July accept the committee's grateful thanks % ‘ - P~TER 3: BRIDGE — ORGAN FUND for their efforts, which raised the magnificent total of en “356, exclusive of expenses. | OZ Sn, E3fF€G9§ffnins will be held in the Village Hall - ,; ;ré'“”“é ;'fi Augusta fTOm 10.30 a.m. until This money is most acceptable, as the Government's Ti 4 "' rtné and Buy ST3ll, Cakes and Preserves. Health Services are allowing less than ever to the C309 in While you are Sh0PPin5 Please. V3TiOus hospitals, who are turning in their need to the _9SPita1 Leagues to provide those extras and amenities. Without this help hospitals would find it wellnigh lmpossible to carry on their good work in these times financial stress. *+%*s%****** ,N M. Milton, ” Hon. Treasurer, Bridge Group. ,é (5) (5) . L - n BlBLE STUDY GROUP For some time several of us have felt a need to explore the reilitics of our faith, and springing from our interest in the bookstall we are now starting Bible studies: nesting together once a fortnight Just to read :O3:%VRuTO and U0 discuss how to apply it to our lives l/.1" CU.‘ ‘. fi\‘M Ber the following weeks we shall be meeting on inn 5 uys at B p.m. at the following homes, to study 5.. :eil s Epistle to the Philippians, and we do 3 -ens a very warm welcome to any who feel that they would like to Join us. §03bys Bridge Hill House Drive \Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont) 8th August — August — Church Cottage, Bridge (Mr. and Mrs. Rose) 5th September — 42, Bridge Down, Bridge (Mr. and Mrs. Johnson DIAIJI ************* THE CLOSE Mr . VIM - . .i, -r°rry.UrW1n: Superintendent of Ceca ls hoping to :i ext d h_ "The Close", one f G en ‘is occupational therapy ‘lid be mggttgiegiggrig residents and patients and Pariehioncr who could devrtcelve any help from any in this worthwhile Venturo e on? part afternoon a Week I=e. Carless (W.I.) and M§' P HIS present helpers’ * 7 be only too Pleas d t. Omroy (League of Friends) 0 0 show you how this work can be carried out, **‘I(-********—‘r(--36 (7) PRAYERS FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE LAMBETH CONFERENCE O God, who dost send the Holy Spirit to guide and defend thy Church: Be present, we beseech thee, with the Bishops of the Anglican Communion now assembled in conference. Unite them in bonds of sincerity and love; give them strength to be steadfast in the faith delivered unto them, and hold to follow where thou shalt lead them; and enable them as faithful stewards to bring from the rich storehouse of thy Gospel things new and old, for the service of this day and generation; to the glory of thy great Name and the salvation of mankind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty and everliving God, who only art holy, Who only art the Lord, giver of life, and of whom alone Oometh wisdom, truth and love: Pour out, we beseech thee, upon thy servants the Bishops, gathered in thy Namev the many riches of thy grace. Let thy presence be about them and thy guiding hand upon them, that f0llowing only the Father's will they may lead thy church in the faithful doing of the same; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Spirit, one God °T ever and ever. ****-I-******* (8) ‘on on visiting Bekesbourne Church si ' stival. to the shade of Bekesbourne Church out * sun-light, I gradually became aware of lers topped by a subtle arrangement of mist blue with scabious and sea—holly, h the flint stone of the old tower. were two pure white pedestal arrangements uty. c O B ru Hfij in H, V (Pa 0*: J i—‘ r:' H Ibo D4 (_) \ 75 1 ()1 |-’ F4‘ ‘,.: (1; .-_ ... '_J a«ada :3 r"(;; 7 >-' I C?” V '1' o hi U' I4 rl‘ o 9.: 0 «-1 0 o :3 G) . ‘ ("U I cl‘ 3' re I1: H m H Sn (L) ct I i-1 1 Deep red range, fading into yellow till finally at r all was white. The posies, particularly delightful and festive, on the side of every other pew had their part to play in tie progress from dark to light. To partieularise, the dark red of the pedestal y The font which had a touch of blue from hydrangeas wi.n white and yellow lilies. The pulpit had a most original decoration, tall flue poppy and yellow day—lilies. The window—sills 2 were adorned with the colour of an orange sunset. (9) ,_I An impression on visiting Bekesbourne Church Flower Festival (continued). At the Vestry-door: On an antiqP8 Wi%'St3n5z W39 a breath—taking arrangement of sunshine yellow lilies and gladioli, while above the war mefiogial w:: a pin—cushion arrangement of lace—cap Y range - Coming to the chancel St€P5r °n ?y righl was a most charming yellow display 0? th: ¥ind°:o:::l ifiiigg my left at the foot of the choir-s a S; _v and tiny gladioli: 311 White- ’ . t The two pedestals at the_a}t3r were $05 -- magnificent, greenish white lilies wig? gfiggigggliith leaves, lime flowers and carnatlons 8 a livhtness of touch which was I found; tpe h ht cherzeteristic of the whole scheme afid which I t oug so befitting to an old country churc - ************ (10) BRIDGE POST OFFICE PLOUGH & HARROW INN ' gr High Class Ladies Drcssmokcr and Tailoress t 7:‘- AA REPAIRS and OVERHAULS : BERTA M. LEWIS W- E- ‘ E. J. DYSON I If * 9 com. AND cox: MERCHANTS MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM ’ I LONDON EXPERIENCE ‘ WESTEW AVENUE’ BMDGE REMOVAL ANDESTORAGE P"°"“ 33‘ I, d , IN MODEL HOUSES STYLING, PERMING, TRIMMING, Any make °‘ 0'" 5“"P‘° CONTRACTORS S MCA AND SINGER I WEDDING GOWN SPECIALIST M"“"’CURES' ”’“RP’ECES ’ NTE AGENT F1>C:)’5lTIE1XCHANGE I . 32 DOVER STREET’ CA RBURY 8 Mon -Fri Sam.-61>-In. Sat.&Sun. . * Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday Tel. 65511 8 a.m.- pm. . -. - 5 PERSONAL A1-:hE“r;l;rIoN AT ALL Late Night Friday - Closed Monday Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY J { I Rmg for Appointment — Bridge 383 Bridge 565 GENTS HAIRIIQRESSER ‘: ‘ The Village Butcher : BRIE‘; ; E. . Hours: ’ I A. M.R.P.A. J 3Ru)GE WEEKDAYS kincludins SATURDAYS) [ ‘ 8.30am.-6.30p.m CloIedWul.1P-l'- 1 REGISTERED PLUMBER Phone: 321 - ' I I GAS, OIL, SOLID FUEL CENTRAL HEATING i"3":” “:1 g'"~”S‘;"::1 Me“ MM,“ BUTCHER I I REGISTERED “BAXI" INSTALLER — BUILDING & DECORATING °’""'"“ 9 ‘M g B 3 "JONE'I'TE," PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 MOTOR ENGINEER ' W : , S. T. FOORD BRIDGE , . , I BREWERY LANE BRIDGE 9..., no 1 STATIONERY & GREETINGS CARDS LADIES’ HAIR STYLIST ; '['el.: B1-idge,282 ’ 1 DINKY. CORGI & TRIANG TOYS . I * . PRIME‘ ENGLISH MEAT 1 : OVCfhaUlS afld RCPBIIS ' _ E = PHEH IIIIIIIIIII 1 LOCAL POULTRY ; I.. SHIRLEY I 0 4 1 1 v—vv¢—wwvvvv 9 DULUX, WALPAMUR, MAGICOTE AND Phone: BRIDGE 551 1 VALSPAP. PAINTS . Mon G COFFEE SNACKS I - . - I v r NIN mmzupxifigfizf C‘YI§LoER 'rl?1;R£EIs'ERms SATURDAY EARLY CLOSING ‘“°‘°' S°“'i°"’ I HIGH STREET — BRIDGE 630 I ‘ ‘ I ' - - OFFJJCENCE Personal Service from C. E. Ward I ‘ Car Body Rcpun 1: ’Re-Cellulonng AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & Good sdmion 0, an Wm, FOR 4 Sheet MeTLal Work GENERAL ENGINEERS SPIMTS LIQUEURS _ 3555;; 4: CAR ACCE%%())RIES ; ' — E R. F. AADREWS A. w. ROGERS :’c‘:%.L;’.G§u Imm’ THE BRO BRIDGE ITTING snuou BRIDEEWAY, Tel’: 348 Phone: BRIDGE 455 8-‘E02,;-,:*;,:E,., 3;“; 1 I 701- Brian 46- Cm» Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied ~ ________ __ -- - vv vv v v v v v v v v vvvvvvv V . . . -, _ __ vA_ _ v _ _ _ _ _ v _ __ r C>— 1'/C,-1R .-l.\"[) RURAL [_)[544l\’_’ (HE Rr\_ Col l\' E. H, PERRY. B.Sc.. The \’icar:1gc. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)" Reader : MR S. Si-‘RC.l:A.\'T. 22, Con_vngli:1m Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) P.-\TRlXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clzurclmurderzs .' MR C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2183 MR. W. Jomcsox. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hint. Soc:-nrar~_\' : MISS C. M. BARKER. Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon, Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Or-ganisr (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR. 8 Risdon Close. Sturry. (Sturry 683) Orgarlisl (Patrfibourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. Martins Close, Canterbury. (65055) Vergcr (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Vcrger (Patrixbourne) : MR, I. CARPENTER. The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : MR. \\'. R. Mowl.L, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH. 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Oreanisl ; MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR /‘l/Iagazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Office: 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whitstable 4716 S P C K L 0 0 I n Publishers and Booksellers to the Church 01 England since 1698 um A5,.sur_-ration ‘.*.'ltl.v the I\'atir;nal Society) _ 2 {HE PR].-Z(,'[.NCTS, CANTERBURY 5u,'z,rJi’l:':\ 0} LAN :¢»qiu'u».mml.x for (‘laugh and Sunday School ]JlH‘[)0.)(’.) An excellent selection 0! ChlIdren’s Books, Pictures. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books tor Presentation, etc. OEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. 1210., IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 62881 Printrd by (hr; fl»: 5; (,,l~.ln- Pdrrriuralirrn ll l*,=v,; 1__.;,L 4_‘_,,,,U}¢,L,,> PATRIXBOURNE WITH AEDRIDGE BEKESBOURNE St PEER BR CHURCH MAGAZINE October, 1968 BRIDGE ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 11.56 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon HAEVEST FESTIVAL Preacher - Rev. Leslie 9 a.m. Holy Comm. (Series II) ‘ 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Comm» 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon PATRIXBOURNE 8 a.m. Holy Communion Wilkinson (Vicar of Ash) 13th October - 18th Sunday_after Trinity 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY SERVICES — OCTOBER 1968 :1-III-I-n--_i__ y .o,_.ll BEKESBOURNE 6th October — 17th Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon HARVEST FESTIVAL Preacher — Rev. David Maple 8 a.m. Holy Communion 3 p .m. Family Service 20th October — 19th Sunday after Trinity Education Sunday 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon 27th October — 20th Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon ll.45 a.m. Holy_Comm. 44¢ 3rd November — 21st Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a,m, Holy 9_2O a_m. Sung 11-45 a-m- Holy C°mm- Communion Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon (1) 16th October. mar Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, First I wish to commend to you the Series 01 anterbury Cathedral Lectures beginning on Wednesday at 8p.m. on October 23rd. The tenure of the lectures will M "The Ferment of Faith“. Details of these lectures M11 be found elsewhere in this magaZ1ne- Secondly between now and next June the Church ofd mgland, through its Dioceses and the Convoca 10:8 an House of Laity, is asked to prepare for the 8r?3 .t decisions about the proposals for An€1°'M9th°d13t Unltgi ktthe Diocesan Conference on Saturdays °0t°beT §5th 3 subject will be discussed. ihis wlll be part 0 a _ 5 Process of discussion which will go on in the de:§erie e as will be gathered up in a Special D1°0eSan 0° e§§n° Much will be held on Saturday. February 3th: when .3 flergy and the laity will be asked to vote on the ma1 Issues . During Advent I propose to have a series of Serm°nS wlthe issues involved. . . ' holding As I mentioned in my last letter we shall be mu-Bridge and Bekesbourne Harvest Festivals on Sunday. - " for The Harvest Festival Sezzécihe Preacher Bekesbourne Church will be at 11 a.m. of St. Laurent_in_ mil be the Revd. David Maple. curate Thanet. Th Hol Communion at 9-30 a-m- °P this date “ll be cancglled? The preacher at the 33155? Har:§s§5h_ Festival will be the Revd. Leslie Wilkinson. Vicginday, me Close are holding their Harvest Festival c We 13th October at 5 p.m. An invitation to att service is extended to all : I hope many °f 3°“ will come' I ask be on October 20th- the care end.e"“°“fi°'1’n°§n§"§r d interest Education Sunday will gfilgho are concerned with an . I f ont'nued prayer Wial $§rk?r yTh§sCday1gives us an °PP°rtun1ty to emember our Schools at Bridge and Bekesbourne in 0“? prayers for those who teach and those who learn- (2) i_.¢i..II-.—_ Ty, October l8th is a day when we y of the work of Doctors “ch oeople. On this Friday I am having a (D ,._. ,4 man of ' »' ‘ ' . se szryicégu Wlét fig; tlm? to 9Ome to either _ ‘._ L; s. . es—tide gives us an unity U0 shew our thankfulness towards th who Provide a background of security to 338 r c+ (T) (‘D Yours Sincerely in our blessed Lord‘ COLIN E.H. PERRY i Vicar and Rural Dean._ *+********** FRO THE PARISH REGISTERS H01? Baptism St. Mary's. Patrixbou rne lst September 1 68 at‘ S 9 Alison Clare Daughton 5 Eptombcr 1 6 - e c 9 8 Simon Thomas Clarke tember 1968 T M ' Amanda Jane Warren ML. _r"’_“'e~. . - S; Eekesbourne :PTemb ~ 1 er 968 Mandy Caroline Friend and Nurses a Su- in. celebration of Holy Commun' t ‘ Church, as well as the celeb::t?on9a%O7aég'aat =1IIIg.|p--e— _h __ , $'::&:4—7 FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Matrimony m, St. Peter's, Bridge Colin Derek Bees and 14th September 1968 Lyn Rowena Rood May They Rest in Peace St. Peter's, Bridge 29th August 1968 ' Robert Ravenhill llth September 1968 Norman Derrick Day ************ St. Peter's, Briflgg JUNIORZCHURCH 9{3o a.m. Sunday; 6th October " 13th October " 20th October 11. a.m. " 27th October ) ************ SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND — CANTERBURY BRANCH The Annual Bazaar will be held in St. Thomas's Halls Canterbury, on Wednesday, 2nd October at 2.30 p.m. Stalls, Tea, admission 66. Please try to come- (4) rAfl.IIn____ ___ yy _‘__ Iu~sday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER F.C.C. Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. 'Mothers' Union Corporate Communion and Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Young Wives Coffee Morning at 14, Windmill Close l0.30 a.m. Bible Study Group at 7, Windmill Close 8 p.m. l7th Sunday after Trinity. HARVEST FESTIVALS at Bridge and Bekesbourne Churches (Preachers — see Sunday Services). Young Wives at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. League of Friends Jumble Sale 2.30 p.m. at Village Hall. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Women's Institute monthly meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. Bible Study Group at Cosby, Bridge Hill House Drive 8 p.mu St. Lukestide. Holy Communion 7.30 a.m. at Bridge Church and 9.30 a.m. East Bridge Conference Quiet Afternoon at St. Paul's Church Canterbury, _ puma 19th Sunday after Trinity. Education Sunday. St. Lukestide Service for Doctors and Nurses 3.15 p.m. at Canterbury Cathedral. (5) CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER (Cont'd.) 21st Monday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 23rd Wednesday 26th Saturday 27th 28th Monday 30th Wednesday 31st Thursday EQYEBER lst Friday 3rd Mothers’ Union Branch meeting at 18 Windmill Close 2.45 p.m. Women's Institute Group Meeting at Bossingham. Women's Institute Half Yearly Council Meeting at Sittingbourneo Young Wives at Bridge S0h°°I 7 P'm' Cathedral Lecture 8 p-m- Diocesan Conference at The Chapter House 11 a.m- 20th Sunday after Trinity- - J d . 35?; géififinifii a% gridge Chur°h 9-30 aomn Cathedral Lecture 8 pam- Bible Study Group at 0h“T°h‘°°*tage 8 p.m. All Saints DaY- _ h Holy Communion at Bridge Churc 7.30 a.m. acme Zlst Sunday after Trinity- ************ (6) VII.-n'..!—-—l——. .- e- , 3:n~ea~..—— .—~-ee -4-------—-I‘ CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER (Cont'd.) 92295;; 21st Monday Mothers’ Union Branch meeting at lst iuesday P.C.C. Meeting at Bridge Village ‘ 18 Windmill 01°59 2'45 P‘m' Hall 7'30 p'm° 2lst Monday Women's Institute Group Meeting at 2nd Tednesday /Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion Bossingh3m- and Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at u t-t t _H 1f Y arly Council Bridge Church. ' 22nd Tuesday gggigng igssitgiggbgurne? 2nd Wednesday Young Wives Coffee Morning at 2 W d d Youn Wives at Bridge School 7 pam- l W‘ d ‘ll C 10. . . 3rd 8 “es 33' 3 . ?’ 1n.ml lose 3O.a m 23rd Wednesday Cathedral Lecture 8 p.m- 3rd fnursday gigig gtudg GrouP at 7: Windmill 26th Safiurday Diocesan Conference at The Chapter J. 1 P. . . . House 11 amm- M“ flaéilxiiilgaieafiifieirifiétfiekifififliie 27th 20th Sunday after Trinity- C' h P h - S d ‘ J d . S:u:EC::)f reac ers see un ay 28th Monday §8§§ §%$§3n:g: a: gridge church 9.30 9th Wednesday Young Wives at Bridge School . 3-m- 7-30 P-H“ ‘ 30th Wednesday Cathedral Lecture 8 pam- 12th Saturday League of Friends Jumble Sale 315,5 Tmrsday Bible Study Group at Church 0°"’°a8e 2.30 p.m. at Village Hall. , 8 p_m_ 13th 18th Sunday after Trinity. NOVEMBER 15th Tuesday Women's Institute monthly meeting “““-' _F*L H.‘ ‘r at Bricge Village Hall 7 P.m. ’ lst Friday é%%yS3%:::n§:%.at Bridge church l/en inursday §ihle_Study Group at Cosby; Bridge 0 a m and 9.30 a.m_ dill douse Drive 8 p.m» 7-3 ' ‘ T _ ‘t léth Friday St. Lukestide. Holy Communion 7.30 3P5 21St Sunday after rlnl y. a.m. at Bridge Church and 9.30 a.m. 9th Saturday East Bridge Conference Quiet Afternoon at St. Paul's Church Canterbury, 2.30 — 5.30 p.m. l9th Sunday after Trinity. Education Sunday. St. Lukestide Service for Doctors and Nurses 3.15 p.m. at ************ N C & 5 Canterbury Cathedral. (6) (5) C e MOTHERS‘ UNION Wednesday, 2nd October no*ate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church Monday, Zlst October ‘ 4 meeting to be held in 18, Windmill Close by l d pe‘nission of Mrs. Loft, 2.45 p.m. Speaker - Mrs. Bock. *******-X--X-*** BIBLE STUDY GROUP We shall be meeting at 8 p.m. during October at the following homes and we welcome anyone who would like to join us. Thursday, 3rd October - 7 Windmill Close — Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Thursday; 17th October — Cosby, Bridge Hill House Drive’ Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont Thursdays 31st October — Church Cottage — Mr. and Mrs. Rose ******-)(-*<)(-**--)(- (7) BRIDGE YOUNG WIVES GROUP Wednesday, 2nd October _ x We are holding a Coffee Morning at 14, windmill Close, from 10.30 — 12 noon; by kind permission of Mrs, Wood. Bring and Buy Stall, and the proceeds will be used to buy materials to make items for the Christmas Market. Wednesday: 9th October at 7.30 pem. The Midland Bank present their new film show "Meet the Group" and other supporting films. Wednesday, 23rd October at 7.30 p.m. V Talk by Miss Jill Pryor who often writes for the Women's Column in the Kentish Gazette; Both the above meetings will be held at Bridge School, Patrixbourne Road. New members are warmly Welcomed. K. Pierce (Secretary)- ************ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE fliggdixy, 15th October M thl M t‘ t B 'dge village 3311 7 Pm‘ §p§Qk@gn. Mg. S? Iggrznceri "My °°°“Pat1°n as channel 1 gt". (8) v:x::~s INSTITUTE (Cont'd.) l5th October Cozpetition — A Mini Guy and 1 lb- Jar of Bramble Jelly 3331332 218% October GTOUP Meeting at Bossingham. fiesdays 22nd October 7315 Yearly Council Meeting at Sittingbourne ************* CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL LECTURES The Cathedral Lectures this year will be at ch. on the following dates,_ 03 x J C5lGS5§1, 23rd October - Canon David Jenkins "Christian Faith and God". Wzinesday, 30th October - Eanon Douglas Webster Christian Faith and World Religions" 6th November - Dr. Leslie Paul "Christian Faith and Secular Faiths" (9) CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL LECTURES (Cont'd.) *..__.a*4'—‘ ism..." <4 . Wednesday, 13th November - Dr. Glyn Simon, Archbishop of Wales "Presenting Christian Faith" I _.l .. ************ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group A Jumble Sale, will be held on Saturday 12th October in the Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. If ggg have anything you don't need, Matron at The Close, or any Committee Member, will glady accept it, and please all kind friends come and support us, once more. Frances E. Apps. _ Hon. Secretary, Brldge Gr0uP League of Friends. ************ BRIDGE CUB SCOUTS A Meeting of the Group Supporters Association was held on the 19th September. Several matters weref discussed and a further meeting has been a?rangeg orl the 14th October at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Primary g§§° ' when it is hoped that parents and friends of the S°0uts will come along and give their support- ************ (10) il(.i.~iR .-l.’\'Il Rl.7R.-1/, I')l’Li.'I.‘\i.’ lilr Rrx tfai T\' F. H l’rRR\’. B,Se.. The \'ic;ir;igu. Bridge. (llridgc 250) Lin‘ I\’tuIzi¢’l‘ : Mi: 5'. .\‘(-R<;i~‘x\'T, 2.‘. Comngliam Lune. Bridge. (Bridge 40°) l’;\TRl.\'BOLlRi\‘E \\"lTH BRll)t}lZ (iI2l4r<‘}iwz1r'dmzs : .\iR L‘. A. l’m'rrR. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 1l.\‘l MR. \\'_ .lnH.\‘s0t<. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hun. .\rcn‘Irzijt- .- Miss C. M. BARKER. Culdy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 4821 Han. Trmsurer: MR. C. A. POTTFR 0r;:arzi'.)gm ;n:1onEvenson8 Oly Communion he Free Church Federal Council. ’ and Sermon th. St. Andrew's Day, November 30th falls on a Saturday 13 year. The emphasis of our prayers this day is on (1) W he missionary task of the Church at home and in other I (2) in p A Z L 2 ‘ ,_._. lands, and I trust that many more than the usual number will come to the Church to keep this day of prayer with zeal and hope. There will be a cycle of prayer this day and I hope you will fill in a time on the rota when you will be able to devote some period of time in prayer_ A rota will be found in all three Churches on the Sunday before St. Andrew's Day. Saturday, December 7th is the day of Bridge and Patrixbourne Churches‘ Christmas Market and a list of the stalls will be found elsewhere in the magazine. Please keep this day free in your diary and help us by your gifts and presence. Yours sincerely in Our Blessed Lord, COLIN E. H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean. -X‘-X--X-**-)1-*9.‘**-X-* JUNIOR CHURCH, BRIDGE {unior Church will meet in November at the following times 3-‘ Sunday: 3rd November - 9.30 a.m. " loth " " 17th " ll a.m. " 24th H ***%******** V MOTHERS‘ UNION Wednesday, 6th November Corporate Communion with Intercessions 9.30 a.m. at ‘by Bridge Church. ‘ mpndayy 18th November ‘Branch Meeting at'37, _ _ _ Haywards Cottages, Union Rd.’ a.4b p.m. Speaker — Mrs. Griffiths of Chartham. . CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 1968 NOVEMBER _______ lst Friday A11 Saints Day - Holy Communion at Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 afma 2nd Saturday All Souls Day. Holy Communion at 7.30 a-m- at Bridge Church. _ _ 3rd Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity- 6th W dnesday Mothers‘ Union C0TP°Tat9 C9mmuni9n_9'30 a'm' e at Bridge Church. Young Wives visit to Canterbury Sortlng Office ' 7'30 P°m' _ S d ft r Trini y. 10th Twenty Sec§g§EM%§A§gEaDA§ (See Special announcemgnt). 12th Tuesday Extra—ordinary meeting of P.C.C. in Bridge Village Hall 7330 P-my 14th Thursday Bible Fellowship meeting at Red Deer! Bridge Hill 8 p.m._ _ 17th Twenty~third Sunday after Tr1n1tY- . 18th Monday Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages 2.45 p-m- _ _ 19th Tuesday Womens' Institute A.G.M. at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. _ _ S h 1 20th Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Bridge c 00 7.30 p.m. _ _ 24th Twenty—fourth Sunday after TrinitY- f 26th Tuesday Meeting of Stallholders and Helpers or Christmas Market at the Vicarage P-m- 27th Wednesday Film Show in aid of organ Fund - 7-30 P'“' at Bridge viiiage Ha1}- . 28th Thursday bible Fellowship meeting at 42- Bridge g$YnAgd¥é$é Da . Holy C°mm“ni°n at Bridge church g a.m. Day of Prayer for Overseas Missions. 30th Saturday DECEMBER lst ADVENT SUNDAY ************ (4) (3) EROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism «E n-——e-.-._..3,.,..=:...+-.",‘1 ‘ ‘ . St. Peter's, Bekesbourne Julian Sebastien Potter Fiona James Paul William James Holy Matrimony I T St. Mary's, Patrixbourne 6th October l968 13th October I968 28th September 1968 Marek Andrzej Brandon Sarah Virginia Ladbrook 28th September 1968 John Grey Judith Helen Farrow May They Rest in Peace 12th October 1968 Jan Howatson Nutter -X-*********-X-* BRIDGE CHURCH ORGAN FUND _uj It has been decided to hold a Film Evening in the #é—1&€e Hall on_Wednesday, 27th November, at 7.30 p.m. --E PF08ramme will consist of Vintage Comedy, with ¢9¢§ee_and biscuits served during the interval. Admission will be free, but there will be a silver collection in aid of the Organ Fund. 1:»: This event, which has been made possible by the K+fE 0:T0PeTat1on of Mr. Norman Kirk, who owns a large 0° ev 103 of flimsy promises to be an entertaining .?anon Perry is Rural Dean. - Hlthe Deanery, which covers an area from STOURMOUTH in ’?“w North to BARHAM in the South and from BRIDGE to ASH. THE DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY In the September issue of the Parish Magazine the Wear described the organisation and functions of the wNVOCATION of the Church of England and of the CHURCH mSEMBLY. It is now proposed to deal with the mganisation of the DIOCESE. Dr. Michael Ramsey is the Archbishop of Canterbury. mm only is he Bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury, but heis also the head of the Church of England, a most meeting task. There are two Suffragan Bishops in the mocese, the Bishop of DOVER, the Rt. Rev. A.P. TREMLETT, .Mm lives in Canterbury, and the Bishop of CROYDON. The Diocese of Canterbury is administered by the mbcesan Board of Finance, which occupies a handsome mmern office in Lady Wootton's Green, Canterbury. The Parish is the basic unit of the Church. We, of emuse, form part of the Diocese of Canterbury. There are 266 parishes in the Diocese and they are divided between three Archdeaconeries — Canterbury, Maidstone and mbydon. The Ven. M.J. Nott has recently been appointed hchdeacon of Canterbury. There are fifteen Rural Deaneries in the Diocese. Weform part of the Rural Deanery_of East Bridge, of which There are twenty—one parishes Many of the parishes are held in "plurality", and there ' W? only fourteen incumbents. C IAOP O evening. You are cordially invited to join the fun. ************ TVEUGDHI’ WORD WIJI (5) (6) BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GROUP Meetings will be held in the following homes during the next few weeks:— Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Church Cottage, I Thursday, 31st October and Mrs. Hill, Thursday, 14th November - Mr. Red Deer, Bridge Hill. Thursday, 28th November - Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, 42, Bridge Down. Mrs. Meigh, 37, Hayward's Cottages, Union Road. Thursday, l2th December ************ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group On behalf of the above group I thank all who gave either their time or gifts to enable us to raise the sum of £43 at our Jumble Sale on 12th October. May I remind collectors that subscriptions/ donations should be completed and handed in to me as soon as possible during November, as my returns must be in the Central Office by early December. Thank you. M. Milton, Hon. Treasurer. (7) YOUNG WIVES GROUP Wdnesday, 6th November. We are visiting the Canterbury Sorting Office, mrthgate Street. Will members find their own way there, an those going by car have permission to park in the mst Office yard, which is approached from Victoria Row. Nease be there promptly at 7.30 p.m. flgpesday, 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge School. Mrs..Sharman will give a demonstration of-Cake Icing. Mm will also judge a Sponge competition sponsored by Wmfiabix. Bags of Weetabix flour have been bought and fimse who did not collect their bag and competition leaflet on 23rd October can obtain them from me at W Windmill Close. Wmnesdayy 4th December at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. Preparation for Christmas Bazaar. Members are imfiing gifts and toys at home, so please bring completed mfiicles to this meeting for pricing. We would like to see more members and their families the Corporate Communion in Bridge Church on Sunday» a irhh November at 9 a.m. K. Pierce (Secretary) ************ (8) ii_ii_i__aHIIn.._____ CHRISTMAS MARKET WOMENS‘ INSTITUTE ; L \ r_fim V _ . . . B . . ‘*7 ' - ATNWAL GENERAL MhnlING will be held on Hall 3:9Sg%:;§:§?S7¥ir%::eg%:i‘be_giigsinmaiédgesgiiizfe The N t H Tuesdpyi 19th November in Bridge Village Hall at 7 p'm' note of this date in your diaries, so that you can be I sure of coming to support us. The stalls will include:- Ballot for new COmm1ttee' Gifts and Toys ... ... Young Wives «a ;e F‘ ' St t . . — ' Ann“ 1 F ports and lnanolal a emert Cakes and Teas ... ... Mesdames Potter, Greenwood, Bailey and Williamson. } Ballot for President. , l Produce (Pickles, Preserves, Miss C. Barker, Mrs. Baker, Competition — An Indoor Decoration Pot Plants etc ) Mrs Shott Miss Syson g‘ E (size 8 inch cube) ‘ White Elephant ... ... Mesdames Knight and Turpin E ************** Aprons and Children's i ‘ Pinafores ... Mrs. Young BROWNIE NEWS 4 -**‘--—-—- Sweets ... ... ... Mothers‘ Union This month the Brownie pack is three years old, Christmas de9°rati°ns and _ and we are inviting some of our older friends in the Chrlstmas Tree BT°Wn1e5 villa 5 ' L ' b"thd t N b 9th ' _ ‘ Messrs. Turpin, Johnson, Wiywould be most grateful if any mothers could 3°59 and H°are- ‘e he time to make us a f s and for an , _ ‘ rs of help to make tea ate¥hga§:r%y_ It woulg be Contributions to any of the above will be welcomed: ? l gul igothese offers could be made to Mrs. Goode ori e 3 as so ‘ , 8 on as possible A meeting of stallholders and helpers has been During the last three years the pack has grown frmfl arranged for Tuesday, 26th November at the Vicarage at nine Brownies to thirty—three, plus a long waiting lis p'm' TOT flext year- A large pack brings it's own special Eroblems the biggest of which is safety. The climbing frame at the school is out of bounds to Brownies, at thy time when in uniform. I have noticed’that some brownies arrive very early for the meeting, I am alwayfi at school by 5-15 P-m. and I would suggest to parents that they try to ensure their daughters do not arrive (10) before this time. B,M, Goode, ************ 1'IC.4R .4.»\'D RURAL DEAN .- IHE REY. Coin‘ E. H. PFRRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader : Conyrigham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churclzwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) MR. W. JOH,\'SO?\'. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Q \\ \‘iR SERGHXT. Hon. 5eCr€Ia.")' : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Orgarzisz (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR. 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Orgamlrr (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. MarIin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. 1. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. I'e.v-yer (Patrurbourne) 2 MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : _'v1R. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH. 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice : 91 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable 4116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church oi England since 1698 (Ln Association with the National Society) 2 THE PRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Suppiiz-_« of an" I('quZI‘(.'IIi(‘Hi.5 /or Churc/1 and Sunday School purposes‘ An exoellenl selection at children's Books. Pictures. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books for Presentation, etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. eLc.. IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 62881 Pflfilbd by UL; Elva A Qihh i»‘arLm.-nhip ii E-:5! I.-gm. Canterbury PATRIXB * U ‘ 6d. St PETER ERIDGE CHURCH MAGAZINE December, 1968 ' SUNDAY SERVICES — DECEMBER 1968 EHIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 1st December — Advent Sunday ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8th December — 2nd Sunday .m. H017 Comm. ries Ilg O p.m. Evensong nd Sermon (T\ /\LO ' U) W U-' (0 L0 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion in Advent 8 a.m. Holy Communion 3 p.m. Family Service 15th December — 3rd Sunday in Advent 9 a.m. Sung Holy Conzunion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 1]. 51.131. and Sermon 22nd December - 4th Sunday in Advent 8 a-m- Holy C0mm- 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m.Service 5,30 p-m. Service of Communion of Nine Lessons nine Lessons and and carols Carols I {J 25th December — CHRISTMAS DAY (See Special Announcement of Services) I I 29th December - 1st Sunday after Christmgfi 9 f-E- HOIY Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy 5-50 Pom» EV€nS0n6 and Sermon Communion and Sermon Dear People, Once again we are beginning our Christmas prepara- tions. Let us first look forward to Christmas Day as a Holy Day and not as a holiday. Christmas, the feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, is the most wonderful and ‘ sacred of days. He, who is Almighty God, emptied himself } and took upon Himself the form of a Servant. "I am among i you as one that serveth". So in His perfect human nature He still serves us, and that same faithful human nature bore the sufferings of all souls, bore the sin of the world, suffered the Cross, for the salvation of the world He entered into on the first Christmas morning. You will find all details of Christmas services elsewhere in the magazine. I would like to know of those sick or aged persons who desire to receive the Blessed Sacrament at home, so that it may be my privilege to come to them. — Please remember our Christmas Market on Saturday, 7th December at 2.30 p.m. at Bridge Village Hall. Gifts of suitable articles to sell are particularly needed this year. Please give them to the stallholders or bring them on Saturday morning. Do make a point of coming and bringing your friends. .If you are unable to come I do hope you will send a Christmas donation for the church's financial needs. During Advent I shall be preaching a course of three addresses on the Anglicanrmethodist Reunion scheme at Evensong at Bridge Church. I should also mention the keeping of the Second §unday in Advent (8th December). This particular Sunday $8 earmarked as a day of thanksgiving for the Bible, 8:: emaki 13 known as Bible Sunday. Not only Will many Tosolutions to read a portion of Scripture GVGIY day and with greater devotion, but also some will be seeking t0 study together the Scriptures. May I men*1°n °“T 3i?1° Reading Fellowship which meets every f°T*n13ht at V3r1°u3 °Des in our parishes. Duo notice of these meetings “I9 (2) Since id our magazine and Q Warfi Welcome is extended CALENDAR FOR DECEMBER l968 to you to come to these joyful gatherings. _ _ _ 1Advent Sunday First of addresses on AnglicanflMethodist All of us at the Vicarage Send every good Wish to Unity at Bridge Church 6.30 p.m. YOU 311 ior a Holy. Happy and Joyful Christmas. 3TuGSdaY grfigge School Whist Drive at Village Hall Q ptml Yours sincerely, 4.Wednesday M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. . COLIN E,H, PERRY Wednesday fioung Wiv%sBme§tin%hat.fir§dg: School gupém. _ \ Wednesday Dec ing 0 ri ge urc es ora ion n Rural Dean and Vl0aT- Committee at the Vicarage 7.45 p.m. 7Saturday Bridge & Patrixbourne CHRISTMAS MARKET at ********** 8 Village Hall 2.30 p.m. Second Sunday in Advent. Second of addresses on CHRISTMAS DAT SERVICES Anglican/Methodist Unity at Bridge Church , 6.30 p.m. A St. Peter's, Bridge M.Wednesday Young Wives Carol Service at Bridge Church Christmas Day 8.00 a m Holy Communion l5Third Su 7°$O p'm‘ . . = ' ‘ , _ nday in Advent. Third of addresses on Angl1can/ ll.OO a.m. gittégzdagg Family Service, l6II Meggodist UnityBat B£idgetChurc$ ii3OUp.m. 11.45 a'm. Hoiy Communion «onday %2ader:.4gn;o:. ranc mee ing a , nion 5'00 P-m- EV9nS0ng at The Close. Y7Tuesday Bekesbourne School Carol Service at Bekes— T All are welcome. T bourne School 2.30 p.m. uesd W ' I t't t t‘ t B ‘d V lla St. Mary's, Patrixbourne n T ay H:$:n7sp Es i u e mee ing i I ri Se 1 ge Christmas Da 8‘OO a.m. Holy Communion uesday Christmas Whist Drive 7.30 p.m. at The Close. (League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals, Bridge Group). St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 13 Wednesday Briggs School Carol Service at Bridge Church ' 203 13.111. Christmas Eve 11.30 p.m. Midnight Eucharist _ H39 Thursday Bridge School Infants Christmas Party Joint Par‘ h Ch ' t - , _ 3 — 5 pan- Ch 15 es ms mas C°"m“ml°n 30 Friday Bridge gchool Junior Christmas Party ristmas Day 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 2 5.30 - p.m. 10.30 a.m. Matting and Family Service 1 Saturday §t3OThomas. Holy Communion at Bridge Church f ‘b n a.m. 11.15 a.m. Hglyogggmuhion 22Eburth Sunday in Advent. Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Bekesbourne Church 11 a.m. and at 25 Bridge Church 6.30. *****«x--x-*-x--x 26 Wednesday CHRISTMAS. DAY - . (3) Thursday St. Stephen. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 9030 8..m. "‘-v ‘ , k CALEEVAR ECE DECEMBER 1968 (Cont'd.) St. John. Holy Communion at Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. 3 First Sunday after Christmas. J AFTU./LRY 1 fiednesday Feast of the Circumcision. M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. ********** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Bagtism St. Mary‘s, Patrixbourne 27th October 1968 Shaun Peter Clark Ian Hatswell Holy Matrimony St. Mary's, Patrixbourne 26th October 1968 Raymond Ernest Clark Jean Jeanette Hoare May they Rest in Peace 8th November 1968 Alice Mabel Honney ********** BRIDGE CHURCH FLOWER ROTA The flower arranging rota for 1969 is now being rep red. Will anyone who would like to be included ,leass get in touch with Mrs. Goode (Bridge 370)- “U 51') [W ng on the rota entails arranging and supplying the wers for two vases three times a year (usually once h in winter; summer and autumn) so it is not a ver manding task, but so well worth while. m‘*h%fi »i o (C "l r .0 - THE DIOCESAN QUOTA my notes on the parochial accounm As I force. 59; 1957 there he en a very substantial rise in the Quota for this parish for the current year, an increase of 397 to a total of £37 . I think it would be advantageous to explain what the quota is, and for what pL:pOSe it is used. Contrary to the generally held view, the Church of ~ngl:nd is not an immensely wealthy body. The Church Co::issioners administer the property which was originafl known as "Queen Anne's Bounty", but this money is used primarily for paying the basic stipends of the clergy,a after this there is very little left to meet the cost d running the Church. In fact, the greater part of the funds for this purpose has to be found from within the Church, and that means from the parishes. The Quota is the means by which the money is raised is a tax upon the income of the parish. It is not egally recoverable, but the payment of it is undoubtedh moral responsibility. The basis of assessment varies - one Diocese to another: in the case of Canterbury Board of Finance has decided that the requirements .he quota should take priority over all expenditure ier than assistance to the incumbent and any capital XPendifure not covered by grant. _ From the following summary you will see that the gugtanprovides 92% of the income of the Diocese and that 34” 01 339 €XPenditure is required for contributions t0 the Central Funds of the Church. I have recently been appointed a member of the Diocesan Board of Finance, and I know that this body 19 ??rF conscious of the necessity to limit expenditure to study of the summary will, I am sure: the utmost, but a fgniv nee you that it is difficult to find items on which J i economise. I'f' Fl; :5‘ Ii w m o o <.+1~b$‘J |—' H Say that the P.C.C. in the Quota with a accepted the i,E fi_ _ . . 8006 grace, realizing thfl* 14° @0393 13 required for an essential purpose — to rufl “ 9 ChErCh Of England, of which we form a part; but this Call f0? greater efforts on the part of all conr Cerned to increase their giving to the Church. SUMMARY — CANTERBURY DIOCESAN BUDGET 1968 Income Parochial Quota Sundries Expenditure The Clergy Augmentation of stipends Special grants £8,500 Grants to parishes for curates and lay workers Clergy widows Parsonage repairs Lay worker pensions_ Sundries Contributions to Central Funds Church As sefibly Training ordinands Diocesan Purposes Education Tait Mission Church Building Fund Sundry Committees etc. Retreat House ' tewardship Committee A§ministration Mlscellaneous legal fees etc. 400 £ 8,900 2,000 2,500 5,000 1,500 350 21,000 6,000 10,000 1,600 2,500 2,500 850 1,500 11,450 1,200 Surplus £74,285 61470 £80,755 209250 27,000 §1,600 £78,850 £19905 92% CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS St. Mary's, Patrixbourne. Decorating the church for’ - Christmas will begin at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 23rd December. Helpers and materials for decorating will be very welcome. St. Peter's, Bridge. Christmas decorating will begin at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, 23rd December. Helpers and materials for decorating will be most welcome. St. Peter's, Bekesbourne. Christmas decorating will begin at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 24th December. Helpers and gifts of holly and flowers will be welcome at the Church. Donations for purchase of flowers to Mrs. Sandall, School House. MEMORIAL to the late Mr. J.D. SMITH The P.C.C. has commissioned a small plaque in memory Of Mr. J.D. Smith, which the Village Hall Committee has agreed to erect in the Reading Room. There will be a Simple unveiling ceremony at approximately 4.0 p.m. on Saturday: 7th December, the afternoon on which the Christmas Market is being held. BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL — CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES _ There will be a School Christmas WHIST DRIVE at Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday, 3rd December, at 7.30 pm. Admission 2/—, including refreshments. . 1 The INFANTS‘ CHRISTMAS PARTY will be on Thursday, 9th December, from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. D The'JUNIOR CHRISTMAS P Y will be on Friday, 20th ecember, from 5.30 p.m. — p.m. . D The School CAROL SERVICE will be on Wednesday, 18th ecember, at 2.30 p.m. in Bridge Church. ' A g (6) OOL CAROL SERVICES 1001 Cgyol Service (see previous page). I *1? '4. «,+ at I J W 0 U) (‘I '1; .4 (‘J "V 1} m (D [_T' D4, {'1 (fl, 0 H U '7 U’; H~ (U C) I J gn ‘ '1‘ . . T t‘ '11 be d vot d t f‘ 1 “rue S9h°Ol Carol Service W111 be on Tuesdam meparation for the Chrigggasnfiafiket whic: iseto be hgid Tr * bCkeSb9uF3e School at 2'30 p'm7 nmthe Village Hall on Saturday, 7th December. Please gm ev;$ia§?rlSnlOnerS are Warmly lnvlted to wing your completed articles for pricing. Wednesday, llth December. Please note that the Carol ?OMEN'S INSTITUTE . Service in Bridge Church on lbdnesday, 11th December will begin at 7.30 p.m., not Ihe Eonthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village E{p.m. as printed in your programmes._ e earlier time on Tuesday, l7th December at 7 p.m. Twill allow yougger members of tgefghoir :3 tags pfirthin e service an we are very gra e o e urc c oir en cheese by Mrs, Bumstead, ~for their support in making the Young Wives Carol Service F’ C) O H ‘U (11 H ition — 6 Cheese Scones. ‘ Organ Fund- o». . I.) «:0 rxlj ‘$10) ‘m H eshments, the Drama Group is presenting We are not meeting on December 18th, as it is too y Play, interspersed with carols, to Imar Christmas, so our next meeting will not be until friends and husbands are cordially January 8th- ' approximately 8.30 p.m.) K. Pierce (Secretary). C.‘ (J MOTHERS‘ UNION gpgéay, leth December Baowms News 4th December $g§p°rate.C°mmu$i§¥igith '1 b Our birthday party was a great success and enjoyed Ch erfiességns a 88 Y both guests and Brownies. The Brownies entertained UTC - a-m- ‘ fieir guests with singing games before tea, and afterwards ’ E :3 ' Branch Meeting at 11, Union pr 3 acted two plays, which they had written and Road at 2.45 p.m. by kind permission of Mrs. Berry. JUNIOR CHURCH I kitehwe are indebted to the mothers who helped in the ‘n. O W Church will meet at Bridge Church on:- lovel 9030 3.111. ) ll a.m. ) C... December H ..L‘.. ,\\ 1...! I\‘ \n (ii p--4 L‘ C4‘ 1+ (4) LL } YOUNG WIVES GROUP wednesday, 4th December in Bridge School at 7 p.m. -This -‘possible. The collection at the service will go to the Oduced themselves. The evening ended with a sing—song _ and Brownie Bells. _ en in arctic conditions; to the mothers who provided ransport and delicious cakes; to Mr. Baker for his ml Y flowers; and to the very kind anonymous gentleman 0 Sent us a donation. B.M. Goods (7) WANTED BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH'S CHRISTMAS MARKET Urgently needed for ex—Brownies. A kind, enthusiastic person to start a Guide Company. No past , experience necessary. A suitable supply of Guides The Christmas Market will be held in Bridge Village guaranteed. Hall on SaturdayL_7th December. Please make a special note of this date in your diaries, so that you can be sure of coming to support us. The stalls will include:- LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group wits and Toys ... ... Young Wives Cakes and Teas ...’ ... Mesdames,Potter? Greenwood, A Grand Christmas Whist Drive, will be held on Bailey and W1ll1ams°n' Tuesday 17th December at The Close Bridge at 7.30 p.m. ' . . ' We hope our many friends will come and help to make Produce (£:%k%§:’tPre:er¥es’ gigs gfidgirkfiiésmgséoiaker’ this an evening to remember. n S e C‘ ' ’ 4 y ' mute Iflephant ... ... Mesdames Knight and Turpin Frances E. Apps, Hon. Secretary, Mmons and Children's Bridge Group, L.0.F. Pinafores ... Mrs. Young S . CONFIRMATION weets ... ... ... Mothers‘ Union _ Christmas decorations and I hope to begin our Confi t'o Cl 1 in A . . the flew Year. I should be glggato Enowaggzsnzggsyof chrlstmas Tree Brownles both adults and youn so 1 h uld l'k t b - prepared for this Sagrgnefitf W E 2; verylkgenoonefoxudfig Raffle "‘ "’ "' Colonel Irvlye and in 9158f P€0PlG'S class as well as a class for the V geSSrs'dT§rp1n' Johnson’ y§>ur.se_r. and if any of you have been thinking on these °3e an °a1'e‘ £333? in the Past please let me know and I will come" discuss the matter with you personally. C.E.H.P. Contributions to any of the above will be welcomed. POPPY DAY M 9 D POPPY Day collection this year realized the sum 0; ~54. 15. 7d. Many thanks to all who gave so generously: and to the helpers who made this possible- ********** ( J.W.H. 9) (10) L ,