I/[CAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV, C01 IN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader : MR. 8. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngliam Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C Ii urch wardens : MR. C. A. PorrER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) MR. W. JoHNsoN, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Han. Secretary 2 Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Slurry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin's Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. I. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. l=’er_2er (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor : THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce ; 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable 4116 S.P.C.K. Publishers (rind Booksellers to the church of England since 1693 in Association with the National Society) guppy“ ERECIIINJCTS, CANTERBURY _ ' f“'€'m"m‘ or Clmrcl d S a‘ S h I 5 s An excellent selection of children's Books, Piialtitlfes. 'glibaI}es.CP‘;?1y€:r::1£ Hymn Booki for Presentation. etc. °"°"°'““* "°°"5- “"03. etc.. IN GREAT VARIETY GAN BE SEEN Telephone: canterbury 52331 PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE R E R ND BEKESPBOURNE St PETER BRE Printed by the Elvy 6; Gibbs Pzirtzziership. ll Best Lane. Canterbury 5-} CHURCH MAGAZINE January, 1969 PRICE 6d. . ,i THE « WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE #- LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION #- Telephone: Bridge 249 - - -AA; 1JJLjQjLjQ11;@11¢L@Q For a large variety of top quality GROC-ERIES fr PROVISIONS plus a Free Delivery Service shop at EEEB wssranu AVENUE BRIDGE a modern self-service store AND GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ! ClZ1bEl"(l1¢lE1R DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry of Transport Approved Driving Instructor) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, [6 Longport, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 * Night 62535 BUILDING CONTRACTOR . JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge :10 JOINERY PLUMBING SANITATION DECORATING Your local LADIES’ & GENT’S OUTFITFERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses. Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses & Lingerie ‘A’ NEWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS STATIONERY & GREETHVG CARDS N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order *1- THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: lrldnc 361 v vv vv vvvvvvvv vvvwv-rvv. .- _.A---AA--A-A--AAAAA‘AAA; AA AAA Eltlblllhed I786 ABBOTT BROS. DAIRIES For LOCAL TUBEROULIN TESTED um! CHANNEL ISLAND MILK IOTTLED IN CANTERBURY’! MODERN DAIRY IHIDIIIIIOII Invmd NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY TM. nus GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST C. & B. M. LEWIS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Dallnry to your Door 'Phono: lrldnl Bl: Enjoy an Evening at THE RED LION WITH YOUR FRIENDS ‘A HOT and COLD SNACKS at the BAR BUILDER PL UMBER DECORATOR A‘ D. H. WHITTAKER HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge 285 l Producar and Retailer of Tuberculln Toned Guomuy Milk (Canlfied) From the Farm to the Customer GOLDEN GUERNSEY DAIRY LODGE LEES FARM BARHAM & DENTON, Nr. Canterbury Telephone: Buhnn 277 * FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY AND NEW LAID EGGS CORRALIS COAL, COKE AND FUEL OILS 0 2 GUILDHALL STREET CANTERBURY Ti. (5345 0 FREE FUEL ADVISORY SERVICE DIPLOMA MEMBERS OF APPIOVID COAL MERCHANTS SCHEME 7. w. LYONS & SON LTD. sr. GREGORY'S, MILITARY ROAD. CANTERBURY. vvv vvvv FUNERAL SERVICE A — TELEPHONE 63508 ‘V 7 vv -7 boo-use-o‘------.v--- *1--— SUNDAY SERVICES — JANUARY l969 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 5th January — 2nd Sunday after Christmas ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. | 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon l2th January — lst Sunday after Epiphany 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy (Series II) , and Sermon Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong 3 p.m. Family and Sermon Service 19th January - 2nd Sunday after 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Epiphany ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon Epiphany 26th January - 3rd Sunday after 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy*Comm. 2nd February — Septuagesima Sunday .m. Matt.& Ser. 5 a.m. Holy Comm. p.m. Evensong d Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Comm. (1) I send my New Year greetings to you all and trust that God will give many blessings and much happiness in 1969. ‘My dear People, ; Our Christmas market on Saturday, 7th December, proved very successful both socially and financially, and I must take the opportunity of expressing my warmest congratulations to everybody on the successful result. ]Iappreciate greatly the generosity and goodwill of our ;people. The sum raised was over £130, which is a great tflbute to those who worked so well. Preparation classes for young people for Confirmation lwfll begin on Thursday the l6th January at 6 p.m. at iBekesbourne School and at 7 p.m. at the Vicarage. A ideas for adults will begin on Friday the 24th January at ‘8 p.m. at the Vicarage. I should like to have the names ofthose intending to be confirmed as soon as possible. tltwould be a great pleasure to prepare any older person who has thought about this matter in the past: but Owing to circumstances has put off the decision. This may be ¥mu~opportunity for a New Year resolution. , May I return to the thought of the New Year._ The Particular thought that we go into the New Year with» 18 of the mounting goodwill and desire ‘for the unity of_ _ ristians. Especially do we pray that a right declslan may be made both in the Church of England and the Methodist Church for the bond of unity to be expressed Sibly and in reality. The preface for the suggested .eW ordinal tells of the reuniting work of Christ, and of 13 gathering to Him a company of the redeemed. ohérged Withthe task of continuing His work of reconciliation Eamong men. It speaks too of the "new Israel °f the re" eemed" proclaiming Christ, consecrated to 905's Servlgel °I7fe1“ins worship through Christ to the Father: $95 “*1 a . tlng the royal service of the Master by ministering *0 fl" l:%man need in all its forms. That is the VOc8*i°n °f 1 of us who call ourselves Christians- (2). «———_-!——— Another event in the New Year that we all look forward to is the commencement in the summer of the building of the new Bridge and Patrixbourne C. of E. Primary School. As Chairman of the Managers‘ Committee I an delighted that it has been included in the 1969/70 major building programme of the Kent Education Committee January is the season of the Epiphany. of God in the manifestation of His son, living faith, of the Services of the Epiphany. All springs from the love of God. fiod prepares, God sends, God manifests. The relevation in time is the preparation for eternity. It was the love of God which called the Wise Men and which led them through their toilsome journey. God called; they responded with active faith; and God revealed to them His son. In calling them out of dark- ness into light, God called us; in manifesting His son to the Gentiles, He manifests Him to us. In that manifestation the love of God embraced all men of all time, even our age. The love our present and Yours affectionately, COLIN E.H. PERRY, Rural Dean and Vicar. *-)H(--)H(- *-X--X-**** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St. Peter's, Bridge lst December Mark Nicholson Way St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 24th November Lesley Louise Payne lst December Nicholas John Hill (3) our future fruition — such is the teaching 1 FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS (Cont'd.) ._,,_, May theyARest in Peace dt.Peter's, Bekesbourne ,—_? 4th December Frederick John Collard 17th December Charlotte May Austen *-)1-*-X-********* CALENDAR FOR JANUARY 1969 Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord. M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Bible Reading Fellowship 8 p.m. at 7 Windmill Close, Bridge. Sth Second Sunday after Christmas. ‘ 6th Monday Feast of the Epiphany. ,Holy C0mmun10n at Bridge Church at 9-30 a-m- _ Young Wives meeting at 7-30 P-m- in the ‘ Village Hall. 12th First Sunday after Epiphany. Jfith Thursday Confirmation Classes begin:— 6 pgm. at Bekesbourne School- ? p.m. at Bridge Vicara8€- 39th Second Sunday after Epiphany. afit Tuesday Women's Institute mon in the Village Hall. Young Wives ggiit Dr the Village - . Adult Confirmation Class 8 P-m- at the Vicarage. Third Sunday after Epiphany. 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 8th Wednesday thly meeting 7 P-m‘ 32nd Wednesday ive 7-45 P-30 in Nth Friday 26th FEBRUARY %r—— - . v t‘ by ballot on anS23..::;”:::e2°:...:’.:h-waist End S t 1 s d "' 5th w§§n::§§§ maMo¥Ee::' Union Corporate Communion 1 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Chum‘- (4) & PATRIXBOURNE CHURCHES CHRISTMAS MARKET 7th December l968 last year, on this occasion by a record margin of £ -.~llent result from an enjoyable function. - Ci tulations to all concerned. C.A.P- ************ TINFOIL The supply of milk bottle tops, pie cases and sweet iiéfia in separate bags please, all washed clean n-— . _ I . -1.‘ :_v “a and Without any paper linings, seems to be falling off. Dr. Anthony Barkerfs work in Zululand continues, so we are glad of this small help towards him salary. I shall be glad of your contributions, .P- , TABLE TENNIS NOTES This new activity is thriving. We have members of ml ages drawn from the village community. Style of play W957 RECEIPTS . . _ :7jjl5.c_ "young yivesu R 20. 8, ¢3is very varied, with a small number of experienced players ““ “ Gifts & Toys rand enough beginners, so no—one need feel out of it. As ;3_ 9_9_ Cakes and Teas 22. 4_ 4_we are lucky enough to have three tables (one of match (inC1_ Cake Raffle) standard): we can cope with a large membership. ‘l. '.’. P 4* e P‘ kl . l . . , . . £ . ’ L D P§:::§;;S :%C_es’ 25 5 11 So tor a friendly, iniormal evening out, why not Mothers‘ Union. Sweets. ll. l0. 9.j°in us tn the village Hall.°n Fridays at 7'30 ‘H’? fibrous and Pinafores , 7_ l8_ 0 Membership 10/—; each evening l/—. Guests 1 6d. 3. 2.0. gzgggéiiénghristmas 5. 3. 0. Mrs. 3. W906’ _ White Elephant Stall 5. 8. 5. %4ad”1“d“111 °1°Se' T: 'r- o ‘ _.x S - rl ge. . 2” j 0 Sanflry fialls ——————-———- (Telephone: Bridge 648). 73:10-O9 989 8: 9| 34.l2.6. Raffle £40.17. l. ************ Less Printing tickets 3.15. O. 37. 2. 1- __ I Donations 2. 1. 6. __LA~:.o 21/: 1. 70 lav 4" ‘ U1. Less Hire of Reading Room 31. 1;. 2- Wednesdayv 15”“ Januari lC7. l.4. £135. 17. 2. Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.u. _____.__——~ m:Bridge Church. Once again, this excellent result exceeds that 28. N0 Branch Meetings W111 be held during January and February. ************ UNWANTED SPECTACLES glad of these. Chilsworthys 1 (but not Gordon House. The Missionary Optical Service is H may be sent to Mr. H.A. Thomson» _ _ 91Sworthy, Devon or along with your tlnfol H¥Xed up with itafi to: Miss E.P. Cutcliffes lgh og 0 They ****-X-**-I-~l‘*** ,l___“‘-II-r—~ JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church will meet as follows during January:— Sunday, 5th January 9-30 3-~U' 12th " A 19th " 11 8.13. " 26‘th " Junior Church party will be held on Saturdays llth January, at 4 p.m. in the Village hall._ . are invited to join us at 5 p.m. for prize glV1n8s to be followed by children's films. -X-')€'~X-******** YOUNG WIVES GROUP It was grand to see so many people at the Young Wives‘ Carol Service on llth December, and the refreshments provided in the school afterwards were much appreciated. The Young Wives Group was able to hand over £8.l0.0d. to the Organ Repair Fund. The Young Wives Group thank the choir under the leadership of Mr. Grey for their wonderful singing; without them the carol service would have been im- possible. Our grateful thanks too to the organist, Mrs. Sayer. We were delighted to welcome the Rev. Alan Richardson, who is well known to most of us, as guest preacher. -continued- (7) Parents ct"!-II.--- YOUNG WIVES GROUP (Cont'd.) The programme for January is as follows:- ; Wednesday, 8th January, at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Watts will present a film show entitled "Housewives Choice”. There will be a film on Denmark, one from the Outspan Organisation and one showing the care of Carpets. This meeting is open to all the village and we do hope many of you will support us. Admission is free. Wednesday, 22nd January, at 7.45 p.m. in the Village Hall. There will be a Tickets 2/¥ each from any Young lease come and support this too. Grand Whist Drive. vlVeS mem er. §3pday, 19th January at 9 a.m. in Bridge Church. Corporate Holy Communion. Would more members come with their children and join the few regular ones. The Young Wives Group wish you all a Happy New Year. K. Pierce ( Hon. Secretary). ************ BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP 8 The fellowship will begin again on January 2nd at Pom. at Mrs. Pierce, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge. The programme for January will be placed on the N°tice Board in Bridge Church porch. (8) BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP (Cont'd.) 3 We look forward to continuing in the New Year. 1 and hope that many more will join us. ' . .2‘ F .W 03 at X 3!?’ . T ‘ ‘ ; 1": :- E ************ ". -.,‘3¢3_3fl¢ 7‘ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meeting will be held on‘Tuesday,‘§1l January, in the Village Hall at’? p.m. ""“” ; Speaker — Mr. J.J. Williamson will_talk“pg;;;;:;;4. The History of Bridge. Competition: The greatest number of fieefi .osi geef qt stamps of any description. Please 5 place in envelope with the number 0 the outside." lSthmp§;g§ll;y§ iév to the Village Hall collection afterwards. ' ’ :_ ‘-2! .-r.—~u...'- 4. . .' -my»: .. ‘ ha-.1-n-m._.. - ' .~ ~ I wouia«-i§;ke:wvo:.‘- 4 care and work of seamen; “‘t Season at all three=of“fiE%. i flecarated the “rum : , and holly aha &~n ~- ’§ ’ the E rho car§§~e an-nnuauqgqu-5-. so.-.-..:. -.c,.._..-in - _ _A----..AA---4-.4..---AA4¢ ..__..A.... A. ._‘.4‘.._____‘_..._..._-..--- 44-- High Class Ladies Dressmakcr and Tailoress BERTA M. LEWIS ‘k LONDON EXPERIENCE IN MODEL HOUSES WEDDING GOWN SPECIALIST * PERSONAL ATTENTION AT ALL TIMES Ring for Appointment — Bridge 383 VANITY FAIR HAIR STYLISTS O 4 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE STYLING, PERMING, TINTING. MANICURES, HAIRPIECES 0 Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday Late Night Friday - Closed Monday Bridge 565 A. J. BUCKMASTER, M.R.P.A. REGISTERED PLUMBER GAS, OIL, SOLID FUEL CENTRAL HEATING — BUILDING & DECORATING REGISTERED “BAXI” INSTALLER “.IONE'I'I'E,” PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 STATIONERY & GREETINGS CARDS DINKY. CORGI & TRIANG TOYS SWEETS AND TOBACCO I.. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE DULUX. WALPAMUR. MAGICOTE AND VALSPAR PAINTS zvzn nmnv & vmoa HA1-r1:RIl:s mcamm cvcus TYRES cu Body Repair: 1; Re-Celluloaing Shoe! Men: Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tu. lrllll In LADIES’ HAIR STYLIST BARBA.RANN Phone : BRIDGE 551 O Open 9 a.m. -5.30 pm. Weekdays LATE NIGHT FRIDAY {- AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tcl.: 348 Can, Motor Qcles and Cycles supplied v vvvvvvv vwvvwvvww-vvvvvvvvvvvv V- W. E. PINNOCK LTD. COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS REMOVAL AND STORAGE CONTRACTORS 32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBURY Tel. 65511 Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY The Village Butcher .' E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat 1 H ome-made Sausages vvv V REPAIRS and OVERHAULS E. J. DYSON MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM Phone: 334 Any make of Car Supplied AGENT FOR SIMCA AND SINGER PART EXCHANGE 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Fri, 8 a.m.-6 pm. Sat. & Sun. JAMES FLOWER GEN T'S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE 4 Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.m.-6.30 pan. Closed Wed. 1 pm. MOTOR ENGINEER I s. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE Tel.: Bridge 282 ‘k Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging PLOUGH & HARROW INN BRIDGE MORNING COFFEE SNACKS OFF-LICENCE Good Selection of all Wine: SPIRITS _ LIOUEURS — BEERS Phone : BRIDGE 455 L FAMILY BUTCHER B. WELCH BRIDGE Phone 220 PRIME ENGLISH MEAT HOME-MADE SAUSAGES LOCAL POULTRY THE MOTORISTS’ SHOP (Motor Services) HIGH STREET — BRIDGE 630 Personal Service from C. E. Ward FOR ‘A’ CAR ACCESSORIES ~A' RALLY EQUIPMENT at CAR SAFETY AIDS SPECIALIST FITTIN STATION V V vvv v vv vv wvvvvv- I V vvwvvwwvvv vvv FOR SAFETY IELT8 E VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REV. COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge, (Bridge 250) Lay Reader .' MR. S. SIZRGEANT, 22. Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churclzwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Secretary : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. V erger (Patrixbourne) : Mk. I. CARPENTER, The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mus. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. I. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATEAGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice : , 91 KINGSDOWN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable 4116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church of England since uses (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplies of all requirenzentr for Church and Sunday School purpares An exeelient selection of children's Books, Pictures, Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Book! for Presentation, etc. - DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, CARDS, etc.. IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 62881 Printed by the Elvy & Gibbs Partnership, 11 Best Lane. Canterbury PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE _; 5- I AND - T" C. “A'__': '.._: BEKESBOURNE .. uxnt/lfllz --14. «it. 4 ,,,_ St PETER BE CHURCH MAGAZINE \“'. "” 1-?" February. 1969 PRICE 6d. , , M dear Parishioners of Bridve Patrixbourne and ; . SUNDAY SERVICES - FEjBRUARl i9o9 3’ ° ’ Bekesbournes i T *SBOURNE _ , ' , 331DGE PATRIXBOUENL BEKE Legt beginstgn As? Wedfiesday, rather early thislygar ‘ . i— on Fe ruary . do ope ha many 0 you wil ry ’ 2“d.February _ Se9f“§g%§§m§n Mary 1 to come to Holy Communion on this day. Lent is the Furification of the Blebee g ‘ i season in which all right thinking Christians will check u without self excuse whether they are fulfilling their ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. § a'm'.H§ly gel? gofimuiigi rgligious duties. Means of action from this spiritual 11.45 a-m- H013 C°mm' Vommunlo stock taking will be provided in our churches with 5.30 p.m. Evensong special boxes for alms for work in the missionary field. and Sermon _ The unique challenge of the Lenten Season enables - r _ c e e . i 0 Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m._HOly . I i I i “ «Series II) and Sermon Communion _ We are now in the midst of our Confirmation Classes 5 go p.m. Evensong 3 p-m- Family and I hope that you will remember the candidates in your P ‘and Sermon Service prayers. Each year-brings new life to our Church and r : wetpray that they will be loyal and steadfast in their _ . wi n ss to h‘ Ch ' t‘ f 'th. It ' t th 3 16th Februarl ' Qulnquageslma Sundgx gfiopgi thfitmwg mugésfihzndailentifist tég cgggigugéggggf ‘ ' S A 4 . - l . . ' U 9 a-1- Sung H013 8 a'm' Holy 11 a'm' Matting there Egoa contigfiityewgififi gzrmore thgncgstrggzthggiflg". § i3°‘“ni°n C°"mm°n and Sam“ For after Baptism Jesus received the completion proper to »_.~ 6-30 P='«fl- Evensong humanity. Soin Confirmation the Holy Spirit is given : and S9rm°n ior perfecting. We are in the Spirit that He may be in V S. 23rd February — lst Sunda in Lent _ On February 16th I will have been with you for six 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy 11 a'm' Mattlns Years and in my prayer on that day I will thank God for 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon the_many blessings he has given me in and through my and Sermon 11.45 a.m. _ ministry with you and from the many people in our Holy Communion Parishes whom I have learned to love and respect- It as been to me a most happy six years; ~ 2“ Mam‘ ‘ 2“ SW53?’ 1“ L_e’” the fltbelifejbre the ichgreh is linked to the eherzgtei-Sag: ll a.m. matte ser. 8 a.m. Hol 9.30 a.m. Suns - . 9 9 ° he lndlmdual °9nte'?‘P°1‘a1‘7 Perm“ 9 - 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion y Holy Communion ixgilnlte worth. as a persgm In his OW F181”: ’°° 3°“! _ 1'; . 6.30 D.m_ Evensong mo P_1eI-"of us all. That is what makes its history so ._I;, and'germOn Vlngs so human. i"- L Yours affectionately in OUT Lord? COLIN E.H. PERRY Rural Dean and Vicar. ************ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS May They Rest in Peace st. Peter's. Bridge Arthur Edward William Farishésandbad 24th December 1968 30th December 1968 Colin Frederick Crampton lOth January I969 Ethel Sarah Florence Dickinson 22nd January l969 Edith Janet Jarrett ’ St. Mary's, Patrixbourne l8th January l969 Rose Marie Foottit ************ The late CHARDOTTE MAY AUSTEN We wish to acknowledge with gratitude the sum of £12 in memory of Charlotte Austen, which was sent by her friends in her memory in lieu of flowers. ************ (3) —P*" ~ ~ — .m—————————u—- ~w————‘-p—— , . sg we should always have a respect f0r each Onfi S ge§t1W and 3 loving respect for each who serves his C urc. in his or her OWE Unique Way‘ CAPTAIN ARTHUR EDWARD WILLIAM FARISH—SANDBACH Bill Sandbach, as he was affectionately known to many of us, served the church which he loved so well for a period of over twelve years as People's Warden. He was the son of a country clergyman and as a result understood the deep spiritual meaning of the Church set amidst the countryside, serving its people. He did indeed serve us quietly and efficiently, setting a permanent mark on the continuing life of the Church of St. Peter. During the time that I knew him I valued his friendship and the mutual affection which we shared for one another. He too served and suffered for his country. He bore his illness with Christian fortitude. supported by his real spiritual faith.’ We extend to his widow our sympathy and assure her of our continuing prayers. C E H P '************ St. Peter's, Bridge. — Flower Rota 1st February 1969 — -Mrs. Goods . Mrs. Irvine Mrs. Mrs. 8th February 1969 - Hawkins "c Meigh Mrs. Mrs. l5th February 1969 - Hoare Pentin ************. Sts Peter's. Bridge. JUNIOR cannon Junior Church will meet on Sunday, 2nd February; at 9-30 a.m. and at 11 a.m. on 9th, 16th and 23rd February. **-X-********* (4) ,ri|..._i M__” c, c . ..t.y.; 1st 2nd 5th 6th 7th 91311 . llth W I 14th 16th 17th 18th 19 1711 20th 2151; 23rd 24th 26fh CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY 1969 Saturday II Sunday Wednesday u Thursday Friday Sunday Tuesday‘ ll Ehursday ; Friday Sunday Monday _ Tuesday ASH WEDNESDAY. Holy Communion at Bridge Chard First Sunday in Lent londay C Confirmation C1aeees.- 6 p.m, atjir"“ "Serve the Children ~Bekesbourne Sehoo;_4;15e£3ug}5, ,z_ .3 ‘ at ‘Sid-idéé"‘S'E55';'if°' ; comigmsegop Diocesan Conference Young Wives Children's Party 3.30 p.m. at Village Hall . ». ,'_ Septuagesima Sunday_ " Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge ;‘f Church 9.30 a.m. . 9 u.d.- Young Wives meeting at Bridge SphooL 7.30 p.m. , ' C ”' ‘ ‘ Bekesbourne School, 7 p;m;:a¢;vi¢arég§ Adult Confirmation ClaSs'8”p.m. at ffie Viparage ‘ W ‘ _ S-‘éxagesima ‘Sunday “_C . ’ C St. Thomas's Hall IO;30'a;m:~ _ Bekesb ourne School Managers -Meeting wt-' Confirmation Cfiggseé as above Quinquagesima Sunday» --V A Bridge School 5 p.m.nf§C Women‘: Intixufié monfi1y'mea$in&4a%5&T ' ._— ’ -.11."-41:: «’1_%:'-; £3 . '1-m -5” F‘f;_|._“v' ‘... Village Hall $a$&m. ;=N 7.30 a.m;.».£md 9:530 «'a.z£.‘:« ._-:::m;:~3'?£ Young Wives Hearing at Bridge Sehouiiu» 7030 ‘p.111. .‘_ — ...b'_.\.....‘ i_ 5*? - . r L V4 . Keg 31 -‘. . _ . "f “WW-iilliIlIIIIIll!lEF'"" '"~ alga“, BRIDGE AND PA’l‘RI)CBOUBj|l,C.C. SUMMARY or ACCOUNTS RECEIPTS Church Collections Free Will Offering Scheme Envelopes £ 92 Covenants 339 Donations Collections for Missions Church Collection Boxes Donations (including The Close) Investment Income (various Trusts) dtner Income, including STEHT 05 E§5‘?r5E-Eridge Parish Council towards upkeep of churchyard §p9cial Efforts Summer bete 152 Christmas Market 136 Talents Scheme - Church Magazine _-_.-.- u scriptions 93 Advertisements 89 I8? Less: Cost of printing igg Deficiency Opening Bank Balance 485 Less Deficit on Revenue Account 5 Collections for special purposes:« Patrixbourne Repair Fund 213 Bridge Chancel Fund 18 ” Organ Fund’ 5 ” Repair Fund 12 Sundry grants to Patrixbourne Church Ford legacy Trustee Savings Bank — Net withdrawals ____....N For the Year$mt December 1968 PAYMENTS Wages'and Salaries Light, Heat and Water Insurance Repairs and Maintenance Maintenance of Churchyards Church Services Diocesan Ex enses . I Quota £379 Scheme 'K' I 25 Vicarage dilapidations ' r37 Vicarage Rates 41 Vicar's Car Allowance 25 Fees payable __; Donations Home and Overseas Missions 71 General Charities 27 Easter Offering 48 Sundry subscriptions payable Printing Sundry Expenses Surplus Sundry Repairs to Patrixbourne Church Architect's Fee — Bridge Church inspection Closing Bank balance - SGG OVGI‘ - £ 267 273 80 61 73 41 5C8 146 5 47 £1,501 £1. 914.3 41 154 BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE P.C.C. SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS The figures shown overleaf have been extraoted from the Cash Book. They may not correspond with the amounts shown in the audited accounts, owing to apportionment of various items and other adjustments. ************** I BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP The next meeting, on 16th January, will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont, Cosby, Bridge Hill House Drive. January 30th at Mr. and Mrs. Rose's home, Church Cottage, when Mrs. Meigh will lead the group. February 13th at Mr. February 27th at Mrs. Meigh's, 37 Haywards Cottages, Union Road. ' and Mrs. Johnson's, 42 Bridge Down. ************ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group This has been a very successful year, membership having increased by approximately lOO to a total of 470. Grateful thanks to all our collectors for their hard work in obtaining this result. The Bekesbourne area is now without a collector, Mr. Bishop having left the district, to our great regret. Offers of help from anyone interested in giving a little Of their time to this deserving cause would be gratefully received by Mrs. Milton, Dover Cottage, High Street, Byldge. Subscriptions/donations can be collected at any tlme over the next 9 to 10 months, so the task is not an arduous one. ************ MOTHERS‘ UNION I Wednesday, 5th February. Corporate Communion with ntercessions at Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. ************ (6) if-,r0]A;[Elqv S INSTITUTE W . R . V. S . PLAY CENTRE lgih Februggl Monthly meeting in the Village Hall at A Play Centre has now opened in Bridge Village Hall 7.0 p.m. every Thursday morning from 9.15 to l2 o'clock, during i, Speaker — Mrs. Pilcher on Willow, Cane xterm—time. A charge of 2/- per child per morning is 9r and Hcdgerow Decoration. gmade- “ Competition — A knitted garment made ' _ _ _ - d from under 3 oZ_ of 3_ply Wool, Mrs. Lapage, of 54 Bridgedown (tel: Bridge 512) is *7 in charge of the group and would be glad to hear from any 26th February Social Evening at the Village Hall at mothers who are interested in enrolling their children. 5‘ 7_3Q p,d, Mrs, Down will Show her She would be glad to hear of anyone willing to give ‘it coloured Holiday slides, occasional help in running the play centre, and also 3 Evoryono invited to oomo_ 2/. a hood to have offers of any large toys such as trucks, rocking i_ includes COffee_ horses, baby walkers etc. J M 'fi~,! E‘ = THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND YOUNG WIVES GROUP Md E C3nt9rbuT‘ Branch .Saturday, let February ‘fi= t c ff a N 1 'th B ' a B tall a th r . . . . %%. attragtignsewiilrgeniegd in §t?gT%gmas?g gall, ggntgrbfirlmld A C$lld§?n's Pafity for members chlldren only will be :1 ‘ on Tuesday, llth February from 10.30 - 12 noon. This con-uif he dlllage fall if 3'30 §'m‘ 0 P“§°h and Jugy’ ‘ is in aid of the two children (one an English girl: the Ticgetsngrznbefigedisgiiguteggdfirifiémjannarg,y:::sfgrd. ;_ $:%9fr§ Mggzccafidbgi 0TlP€1Ed in §h:hA€§dlTF9aTthquak9) each child and teenager. Members are encouraged to stay “ “ ” 31 sorv « our rwnc ° 9 '0' ' for the party, but children are welcome unaccompanied, I I I ' V ' D ' . n . E ‘ In this Jubilee Year of S.C.F. we are all makingia'o€:;lg%d5t%?g_PrOdu9e thelr t1dket' The Party will be ! L ! special effort to further the work they are doing all; over the world. Please try to come and support this Hgdgesday, 5th February viorthwhile cause , fiV 3 a . . Mr. W.H. Scarborough will talk of the work done'by “' 5 9n rrida*s in Lent - F bru 2l t M h 7th th - - do 3 l4th% §§§¥_afi§_§8¥E:_EEead Sud Zizeseslancfizg at 2766. e residents at the Cripplecraft Home at Herne. fl ' Per .ea are 0 b s v d ‘ St. Th a ' H 11 e’ W y y in aid of S.C.F. E s::pe6d%nextra! OmT:i: i:.a’v:§;ln ‘£§3§Sday' 19th F9br“ary . ‘“V. ;‘ popular fixture and numbers t‘ t . Wh n0* - - °““*°**= noon - 2 p.m. and the soup is delicious! S h Both the above meetings will be held in Bridge ************ ° 001 at 7.30 p.m. New members and Mothers’ Union U1 (7) ‘ em ers are always welcome. K_ yioroo_ ,'a V ‘L V §§ECIAL NOTICE Young Wives Group will be grateful for used Christmas and Birthday cards, old Christmas wrapping paper, crepe paper, paper off crackers, tags and Christmas tape. Also empty toilet rolls and kitchen paper rolls. Wanted in preparation for the next bazaar. Members will collect, if notified, or parcels can be left on the table at the back of the church. K. Pierce. ************ HON. TREASURER'S REPORT The financial results for 1968 have proved to be t disappointing. In 1967 there was a Surplus on enue Account of £356. In 1968 there was a Comparable figures for the two years are shewn in- the Accounts, so it can easily be seen where thingsv have gone wrong. The fall in Covenant income is due to the death of several donors. Falling revenue and rising costs have resulted in If we want the church in the two a serious position. p rishes to continue we must be prepared to pay for it: a-d this applies to every church goer in Bridge and Patrixbourne. During 1969 we shall be launching an appeal for the restoration of Bridge Church: it is vital that contributions to the Appeal should not be made at the expense of the regular support of the church. C.A. Potter. (9) ST. PETER'S, BRIDGE I would like to thank Mr. William Divers who has cleaned the pews and the mats and carpets in the Church of St. Peter's, Bridge for many years. He has now had to give up this work. We are indeed grateful to him for all he has done for us. C.E.H.P. ************** VICAR AND RURAL DEAN : Cm IN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc._ The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)’ Reader : MR S. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngliani Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Cliiu'Cliwara‘ens .' MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2I8) MR. W. JOHNSON. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. SeCr<—‘rar_\'.' Miss C. M. BARKER. Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : Mk. I. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwarderzs .- MR. W. R. MowLi_, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. Schooi House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourrie. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor : THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) THE Rrv. Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS "New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARE'I"S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch omce: B1 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Tetenhono Whltstable 4116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Boolrsetlers to the church of England since 169: (tn Association with the National Society) 2 THE PRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplier of all requirements for Church and Sunday School purpores An excellent selection or children's Books. Pictures. Bibles. Prayer and Hymn Books DEVOTIONAL for Presentation. etc. BOOKS, CARDS. etc-. IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 62881 Printed by the Elvy £1 Gibbs Panuenliip, )1 Best Lane, Canterbury I.L____. PATRIXBOURNE WITH ABRIDGE ND BEKESBOURN E CHURCH MAGAZINE March, 1969 6:1. —_7r ~ — ~_ _, ' ' V - ~—. - . ‘. .5 \ ,'“_',.r’‘_V___ 7 ‘F 7‘ shall use this form of service. 11 a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9-30 §-m- S?n8 _ . _ _ 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy communion _ W; are now in the geriod of Le£t% It_ista special 6.30 p_m_ Evensong time o reco ec ion an prayer. e us aim _o respond 3. s more closely to God to commend every act to His speclal ad ermon grace. Seek to do’every dayLsomething that may win the . - praise of God at the last.- ittle acts of love foster 9th March ‘ Thlrd Sunday in Lent love. For yourself, value life as having so much to do '_ ‘ l. O f th ob ‘ th' 0 do ith 9 a-m- Holy C°mm- 11 a'm' Matt‘ 8 a'm:.H°1y ‘ igntoig ifinmifii time 2: gtteng niiifiissertiii, and e:Pe— (S ries £1) and Sermon Communlgnmil V cially the Holy Communion Service - perhaps in Bridge 6-30 P-m° bvensong 3 p'm' a y Church on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. or early in the morning and Sermon Service on Fridays at 7.30 a.m. before going off to work, as wel3 as on Sundays. Lent is a discipline which is laid upon 16th March — Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday) . every sincere Christian, demanding extra effort and deter- "“ mina ion. 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. _ ‘ _ _ Communion Communion and Sermon Since Ho1y_Neek and Easter Day falls this year in 1“ t :22: ’-*§“1.-"5.’fi“%;%.i.f%.“§.§£§’222e§3.i3.‘%§.. anfl ermon ; azine 11 6 8.1 9 0 e 0 Holy period. Also I should be glad to know of any sick , . Or aged parishioners who desire to receive the sacrament 23rd Marc“ ‘ Passion Sundax 0f Holy Communion during Easter Week. 5 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. _ _ 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon I desire to draw your attention to the duty of being and Sermon 11.45 a.m. A 0% the Church Electoral Roll. If you are not. w%11 go“ H 1 Communion 0 tain fo s curl av the church comP19 9 1 an _—. O y - Eeturn it tgmmz. y Theedate of the Easter g9;t?g ‘age at nnu 1 G M et' :f P t ‘ b rne an r1 88 1 30th March — Palm Sunday 7-30ap.m?n::a%ed:es§:§, g§thaM:::h?uat Bridge Village , 9 9-m- Holy Comm- 11 a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy f Efill’ Unfortunately. owing to a cance11;*i°nng§°y:§ §§°' 7/I» 0 n ' -V ‘ t 0 u I I o Sgdpgm Evensong and sermon communlon , the Ee P C C meeting at Bekesbourfieadzge for the Bekes_ J. ermon . ime of going to press fixed e BRIDGE PATRIXEOURNE QEKESBOURNE ...__._..____.____._..¢.._ I have had several requests for Series II Holy _ Communion Service to be held in Patrixbourne Church and I 2nd March — Second Sunday in Lent have decided that on the third Sunday of the month we 1 SUNDAY SERVICES — MARCH 1969 1 My dear People, 1 ; On Thursday, 27th March: at 7-30 P'm' the Bishop at l Dover will be coming to St. Peter's Church. 311588 3°? ._—— bourne Church Vestry. 6th April — EASTER DAY See separate announcement for Services. 9 Sacrament of Confirmation- *bor those to be confirmed in your prayers am zort them by your presence at the Confirmatm“ Yours sincerely, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar. -36* ?(-9!-X--)6-)(-*9€—9€— EASTER CHURCH DECORATIONS Cburoh decorations will begin at 9th April. Flowers for decor- Will be welcome. _‘ If anyone wishes to yill they please let Mrs, before Holy Week. give a lily "in remembrance"/ / T 3 - i\_K;l::r~ .2 A6 I 30‘. (3r:.:;j_.._\p¢x.;~»¥ Q_ Will be deeorated on Frida ,5 Afrli . P1 . ; u y: oi ihe mo£§;QS§§%s:h::nga§1fts of flowers no the church <_~.r’pw___ ‘pa , ( &°I&“t* a.-.30 SERjJIcEs IN HOLY WEEK 0; _ C (J 33539? . “””"f 23"‘ "V L gr“,-5L ’*w- 4 ’\-5'/‘~« 5*--4. Ionday 1_Lt M _ ’ ‘?€:5~fi£EBL_ 9-30 a.m. Holy Communion V7’-"k";CF}."" 2né_ gypa-3 ‘qy’ 9-30 a.m. Holy Communion fleunéy Thurgday;ua‘wuwiJ\ T 3&5 HPTIl 7.30 a.m. Holy Communion Good Friday, 2f{J4mni 8 a m , y _ - . Ante—Communion nd EEE1 Litany a 2 ‘ 3 D.m. Devotional Service (3) SERVICES IN HOLY WEEK '3‘ ruler XBOURNE Tuesday, lsi—April 8 a.m. Holy Communion ‘BEKESBOURNE Good Friday, {Eb/April z4b’"°‘4v EASTER DAY SERVICES — §$h-tpril ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon *-X--)(~****-)(~** 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Mattins and Family ll.45 aam. Holy Communion 6.30 p.m. Festal Evensong St. Peter's, Bridge St. Mary's, Patrixbourne 8 a;m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion *-Xv*-X-*-)(--X--X-** V FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS .May They Rest in Peace §E;_Peter's, Bridge 17th February 1969 Marie Louise Brockett **-I-***itv*** (4) Service xednesday H 7 Thursday H E Friday Monday V Tuesday H ” 1 Wednesday -r ZJJ-Sf; I‘ ’.__a L) r-rr —- .« ‘V543 4/ -1.”; CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1969 Second Sunday in Lent lflllage Hall Committee A.G.M; 7 p.m. at the Village Hall- M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. « Young Wives Group meeting at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. Confirmation Class at usual time [I II II II I Women's World Day of Prayer (see M.U. Notices for details) Third Sunday in Lent Brownies Cheese and Wine party at Deanery Farm, Chartham. M.U. Quiet Afternoon at Wingham Church, 2.30 — 4 p.m. ' ' A.G.M. Bridge Group, Friends of Canterbury Hospitals 7 p.m. at the Village Hall Confirmation Class at usual time gible Study Group at 7, Windmill Close p.m. Confirmation Class at usual time Fourth Sunday in Lent ‘ M.U. Branch Meeting at 37, Haywards Cottages 2.45 p.m. Bekesbourne Church A.G.M. & Vestry 7.30 p.m. at Bekesbourne School preceded by P.C.C. Meeting at 7 p.m. Women's Institute meeting 7 p.m. at Village Hall Meeting of Magazine Helpers at the Vicarage 3 p.m. Young Wives Group meeting at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. “Choosing Books for Children" at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. Passion Sunday Annunciation of B.V.M. Lady Day. Holy C0mmHnl0n atrBridge Church 9.30 a.m. 2 _i (6) CALENDAR FOR MARCH 1969 (Cont’d.) :25th Tuesday '1 ‘ 2ndpWednesday be Presented at St. Peter's, Bekesbourne on Wednesday, Barrett and the organist will be Mrs. Ratcliffe. Bridge School Whist Drive at Village Hall 7.30 p.m. A.G.M. Bridge & Patrixbourne P.C.C. and Vestry at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. Confirmation at Bridge Church 7.30 p.m. gible Study Group at Church Cottage piml Bridge School Jumble Sale at the School 2.30 p.m. PALM SUNDAY Distribution of palms at all Services HOLY WEE and EASTER DAY - See elsewhere for details. APRIL 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday II 29th Saturday 30th Bach's St. Luke Passion Music at Bekesbourne Church 7 p.m. -)(--)(-‘ll--)&-)(-—)(--)(--X--)t~~)(~ St. Peter's, BEKESBOURNE The Music of the St. Luke's Passion by J.S. Bach'will 2nd April 1969 at 7 p.m. by the choirs of St. Paul's and . Martin's churches, Canterbury, assisted by members from St. Peter's, Bekesbourne and Queen Bertha, Canterbury. The choirs will be conducted by Peter We do ask for your support and attendance to hear Fhi§ presentation of sacred music. The silver collection 15 ln aid of the Restoration Fund of this lovely old ‘ S-H06‘: ~l--X--ll»-)(--It--ll--)1»-Iv!--k PARISH MAGAZINE th Will the distributors of the magazine please note at the annual meeting will take place at the Vicarage °“ Wednesday, 19th March, at 3 p.m. €33 eligibility is in th h h — , The scri tu to read is always Put °n 3 rorm3¢ere to be found inetgeuihurghgghoingagngglgggzine gglloe insidepthgecfigizggfinside door) on the Sunday °é°Si“g-‘*“e‘f°%? ‘"“ Ease l° the “”‘”““g' ~-_.-...-;.; ,_ , es . _ A f r”te or this déte and igturn yofiirggrmgowfiezaggmplegd 0 Anyone interested in Bible Study is most welcome } ;£fi:hf2¥%0§r 0? =0 the Secretary of the P.C.C. not late? °°me along to any of the meetin83- Q -4“ L -arc1.,i:% (7) _ (8) — la 7 V‘ $0‘ M ‘Z-£»L”o'"""‘ ' _. I - i M ‘P 7 —fi _ . 7 w_--;,.,a;, ,7. __ , ' Y’ MOTHERS‘ UNION H_,_ \_;y, 5th March Corporate Communion with Inter- Eessicns at Bridge Church, 9.30 a.m. ( Branch meeting at 37, Haywards Subscriptions will be due. -)€****-$91‘-)é** In WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER "1 ~ridaV, 7th March in the Church of St. Thomas, Burgate, Canterbury. Lunch—time Service at l2.45 p.m. 3 p.m. Speaker — Mrs. Col. V. Williams (There will be a creche for children in St. Thomas's Hall) 8 p.m. Speaker - Mrs. M. Anslow. 9(-**~‘/(--)H(--X--X--)(-<)(-_ St. Peter's, Bridge - JUNIOR CHURCH 3Ufl§aFa 2nd)March — Junior Church will meet at 9,30 am. ' 9th 7 II /1 n égjgg " - at 11 a.m. " 30th) *-X-**-X—-)6*-X-** CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL “T “rTh€ ?@u¥Ch Electoral Roll is in process of its animal revision. A notice stating qualifications for \ , Bekesbourne. ,Bekesbourne School at 7-30 p.m. preceded’fiy a meeting of I you support them._ Thursda : 10th April, At the home of Mr. and Mrs- ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS Bridge and Patrixbourne. _The Easter Vestry and Annual fiarochial Church Meeting will be held on Wednesday,;%Hm. March, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 25‘. The Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Tuesday, l8th‘March at the P.C.C. at 1Ep.m. These are important meetingsAand it is hoped that as many people as possible will attend to elect their Churchwardens and members of the Parochial Church Council, and to hear reports of what has been done and is being done for their Churches. The P.C.C.s really do need all the support and encouragement they can get, particularly in the forthcoming year, so surely it is not too much to ask you to turn out on pg; evening in the year to show" ***¥****** BIBLE STUDY and DISCUSSION GROUP Thursda 13th March. The meeting will be at the home of MT- and rs. Pierce, 7, Windmill Close. Ehuasgay, 27th March. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rose: Church Cottage. . 9&umont,.Cosby, Bridge Hill House Drive- All meetings begin at 8 p.m. i .3 ~fiwfiafl-uiiiiiiiE§i§;$F:7?Z'v- i4 , _ e , .,.e,,_..,, .i..,_,_..._.,,7,._._,,___> #7:“ . BHID§§_BR0WNIES WOMEN'S INSTITUTE There will be a Cheese and Wine party On 11*? Mars» The monthly meeting will be held in the Village Hall at Deanery Farm, Chartham, by invitation of our District on Tuesday, l8th March, at 7 p.m. '., Commi.sioner, Mrs. D. Day. Tickets available from Mrs! Speaker _ MrS_ J_ Ealcke — "Sculpture". G“ode. U Competition — Easter basket with handle. The best m. e money raised will go to the District Guide Ffinh which4;ays for "Brownie Revels” and all the running ex‘ ‘ two baskets to go forward to the pauses of the district. competition at the Group Meeting at On May 8th the Brownie Pack will be giving a show Barham on 27th March. a* the Village Hall in aid of 'Shelter'. If you have anybold curtains or,anything that could be made into ************ costumes please give them to your nearest Brownie. YOUNG WIVES GROUP **-)(--X-1‘!--X-**** BRIDGE CUB SCOUTS Wednesday, 5th March. Meeting at Bridge School at 7.30 p.m. Mrs.,Down will show several holiday films. ~- . Wednesday, 19th March. Meeting at Bridge School at 7.30 _ p.m. Mr.’Buckworth, a well—known Canterbury butcher, will and Christopher Cotter got through to the Finals. M be giving_a talk entitled "Brains and Brawn". ' r. Potter would like to know of anyone who could ; as i I _ 1 - - iflednesday, 2nd April. Visit to-Canterbury Fire Station. er:§;..§§§e°3§-Wfiaiiicfiiiiuiiéiiieifiobiifiiawiilét 33‘: Well members please meet outside the mre_seet:en at Cubs, so that they could get their various badges. 7‘45 P'm' Pun°tu31ly' K'V9 Plerce’ I Anyone who would like to help is asked to Contact Mr. H°n' Secretary‘ Potter at the school. Mr. Potter and the Cubs would like.to thank Mr. Mummery for letting them have the use of the oast house for their hallowe'en party. Barbara Goode. The Bridge Cub Scouts entered the Art Exhibition‘ *-)(-*-X-**-)(--X-**** BRIDGE SCHOOL PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION flrizrsoey, éoth March. "Choosing Books for Children“ - , talk and display at Bridge School 7.30 p.m. All welcome.- ********** Euesday, 25th March. Whist Drive at the Village Hall or FRIEI‘-»"'DS 0“ CANTERB -1’ Br‘ G u) 7.30 pun- ’ ” UR HOSPITALS ( 1658 13°-2 _S&13urday, 29th March. Jumble Sale at Bridge School H The Annual General Meeting will be held at Bridge ' I 2'30 P'm' Village Hall on Wednesday, l2th March, at 7 p.m. ************ - »_ chor-t talk will be given by Miss Haigh, Matron ‘ BRIDGE and PATRIXBOURNE <3. of E. SCHOOL FE-H15 and Canterbury Hospital. There will be iight _ Eeivintrents. Names of all children who will be 5 before? _ e Ements and we hope that all L.O.F. members and “gust may be given in at the school so that arrangements their iriends will attend. .' T°:n be made. if their parents so wish, for these childreh Start school in the summer term at the end of A ril. Frances E‘ APPS’ H°n'Se°’ ‘Mr§- Knight is also anxious to hear from parents wfiose . ********** l°h1ldren will be starting school in September, so that the (9) ‘:°h0ol may have some idea of the numbers of its new intake ' nd Plan accordingly. . -. 12 ;V HCAR AND RURAL DEAN : (‘OI l.\’ E. H. PFRRY, B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) La)‘ Reader .- '\‘lR S SERGFANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C lmrchwardem‘ : MR. C. A. POITER. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 318) MR. W. JOHNSON. 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. 5(’(‘reIar_\‘ : MIss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Or_9aniSt (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close. Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 S1. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Ferger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. \'s‘. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MR5. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) lion. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) THE Rn Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce : II KIIIGBDOIII PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlllltnnblo I116 PATRIXBOURN E WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESi3OURN E S.P.C.K. Pcnllnnu qua Booklollon to the church oi England ulnoo 1608 (m Association with the National Society) 2 'l‘HEPREClNCl‘S, CANTERBURY Supplla of all raqudranau: {or church and Sunday School purposes udullon oi Gllldnn An noun: 'a neon. Ploturu. liblu. Inn: on! Hymn anion.‘ tor Pulmilflmmto. f ' _ osvonomu noon. canon, cu. an aunt vAm£.ry om IE. SEEN fouuhouu Oulhlhury um . . Id-utyncatvyaon-u.r.mu-w.u|.¢I....,c.....g’..,‘" 1'-i” PRICE 6&5; ..,___.._-..— _..,_—._ll._, .»~- » - M; SUNDAY SERVICES — APRIL 1969 PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 6th April — EASTER SUNDAY See special announcement for all Services. l3th April - Low Sunday 9am.HdyCmm. llam.Mmm 8am.Hmy (Series II and Sermon Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong 3 p.m. Family and Sermon Service 20th April — Second Sunday after Easter 9 a.m. Sung Holy 8 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. Communion Communion and Sermon 6,30 p.m. Evensong (Series II) and Sermon 27th épril — Third Sunday after Easter ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 9 a.m. Holy 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 6 1 Communion .cO p.m. Evensong and Sermon __4 4th May — Fourth Sunday after Easter 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion (1) _. ....,r_...,_ _. .i a_?*,.y. .. V .- __.n,,.;_.., ‘My dear People, \ V \ ‘Resurrection- ‘disciples; There are few joys comparable to the Easter morning communion after a well-spent Holy Week. I feel I must give you some thoughts on the wonders of Easter Day, the day when we commemorate the Resurrection of Our Lord- Mfis is the thought of Easter - the power of Christ's That power was witnessed to, by and within the life of the Church which sprang from the empty grave of Jesus; was witnessed to, not only by, but in the love of His ' and must be witnessed to, by and in, the llves of all members of Holy Church in this our generation and to the end of time. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things that are above". The continual help of the risen Lord is ours, and in lmmble faith in the power of His Resurrection Life we bring to Him all our difficulties. our inward strivings, together with our good desires and offer them up to Him m1Easter Day. ’ ’ The Gospel of Easter Day_tells us'of the certainty of the fact of the Resurrection. Before your Easter Communion pray for grace (a) to welcome your Risen Lord with a_ perfected penitence‘ (b) to worship Him with an understanding faith and (c3 to receive Him in a spirit Of humble,purified. adoring love. eYou will find elsewhere details of the Holy Week gervices-and Services at all our three churches On Easter ay. = I welcome to the full fellowship of the Ghusoh all gho were confirmed on the 27th March and ask God's lessing on them. ’ h Perhaps before this magazine is published xgg will ave received a letter of appeal for the restoration _ End repairs of Bridge Church. I,ask your kindly hat: and Vmpathetic consideration ofzthis letter. “ v, ; Tr’ x _ _ _~_w s over forty years since the tower was‘ \ t i .nd restored, when Bridge was a small The outward and visible Church gives to the continuous faith, love and succour ouls of all generations and times need. To so me it is our heritage and our trust. I ' 4 O ""9 U1 7 I quote in conclusion the words of the Arch- Canterbury in his letter to you in the 3’ in H- (r» Mgr). H (D "‘ If) C} K" :3‘ O (I) O :3 CI? H ‘U’ lg +-' ' ‘<1 CS 0 U) 9' alive, and that we live in.the perspective, f this troubled world, but of the Very real e ear world of Heaven. Yes, it does make a srence that Christian people realise Calvary, and one another with.the news that Christ is risen". I I UN 0; {U LS c! C) '3‘ H |-‘- 31 0 m H, c+(‘ Yours very affectionately in our Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY * ***'X--X-**** SERVICES IN HOLY WEEK Holy Communion 505333: 31st March 9.30 a.m. Wednesday, 2nd April . 9;3O a.m. Holy Communion Iaundy Thursday, 3rd April 7.30 a.m. Holy Communion Good Friday. 4th April 8.00 a.m. Ante-Communion and Litany ' = 2-3 p.m. Devotional Servlqe PATBIXBOURNE ‘*3 uesday. 1st April 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion BEIESBOURNE Good Friday, 4th April (3) 11 a.m. Mattins and sermon- :':h the High Street and a few scattered houses: ‘personal gift. ‘care to send his or her offering to the Churchwarden to * Diocesan Notes — "It makes all the differenm , _‘ 3'-?"r3_"‘,",‘ ‘l- _ *—;.‘? EASTER OFFERING The Churchwardens of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne Churches wish to remind parishioners that following the current custom of the Church the collections throughout Easter Day will be given to the Vicar as a Anyone who will be away at Easter might be included in the collection. *-)(--)(>-X-***** EASTER DAY SERVICES — 6th April St. Peter's, Bridge H 8 a.m. Holy Communion I ll a.m. Mattins and Family Service 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 7 6.30.p.m. Festal Evensong E St. Mary's, Patrixbourne .8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon §j; Peter's, Bekesbourne- '8 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion c ****¥**** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS €011 Baptism -3: eter s, Bridge March 2nd, 1969 §3LJ$ary‘s, Patrixbourne %%l They Rest in Peace ‘~L e er a, ridge March 24th: 1969 Ian Andrew Page Tracy Iris Hoineaa E1 Ann Gh ‘ V v‘, If - six) op eras _ T ,h i -4. _"'|F'|‘s-!- “' ',gmE§;"-fiJbEa§h r - L-vl.F-‘N L ‘A-..-. .. _ _ _, ..- , , , 'r—',' '‘.'f'1'''..‘' . _ CALENDAR FOR APRIL 1969 MOTHERS’ UNION AP3l§ 2nd April, Wednesday 3lst March/4th April Holy Week.. See page 3. ; Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge 2nd April Wednesday M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church, 9.30 a.m. Church 9.30 a.m. 2nd April ” Young Wives meeting at Canterbury Monday, 21st April Fire Station 7.45 p.m. can April EASTER DAY Branch Meeting at 37: I\1ayward's Cottages, 2.45 p.m. lOth April Thursday Bible Study Group at Cosby, Bridge Hill House Drive, 8 p.m. Wednesday, 30th April l3th April Low Sunday ' ‘ l5t April Tuesday Women's Institute monthly meeting Deanery Meeting in Staple. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. at Village Hall. Speaker — Mrs. Brown Moffett - lot April Wednesday Young Wives meeting at Village "A Visit to Lesotho" with coloured School 7.30 p.m. - transparencies. l9th April Saturday Women's Institute Jumble Sale at ‘ Village Hall 2.30 p.m. ********** 20th April Second Sunday after Easter. ' ‘ 21st April Monday M.U. Meeting at 37, Hayward's JUNIOR CHURCH - Bridge Cottages 2.45 p.m. ' 23rd April Wednesday Young Wives A.G.M. at Bridge Junior Church will meet in April as f0l19Ws=- School om. 24th April Thursday Bible Study group at Red Deer. Sunday. 6th April (Easter Day) 9.30 am. Bridge Down, 8 p.m. . ' 25th April Friday St. Mark A. and M. Holy Communion " 13th at Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. " 20th > April 11 a.m. 27th April Third Sunday after Easter. l " 27th 30th April Wednesday M.U. Deanery meeting at Staple 3 p.m. **-I--I--l~-I-**-I-* ********** ' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE THANKS ‘. » » ‘ i The Monthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village The gift, from an anonymous donor, of the palms ‘ Hall on Tuesday, 15th April at 7 p.m. ‘ V for distribution on Palm Sunday is gratefully acknow- Speaker: Mr. E. Down, on his Experiences-as Station 1€d€€d- A130 gratefully acknowledged are the gifts Master at Waterloo Station, illustrated by slides. of a silver Baptismal Shell and a glass cruet for the C0mpetition: A Surprise (we shall know when we get Holy Communion Service, from Mrs. Rosalie Farish—Sandb9 there!) in memory of her husband, Arthur William Farish-Sandbafl Saturday, 19th April. Jumble Sale in the Village Hall who was our Churchwarden for many years. a - p.m. (5) _ _ __,_c __ . .l- -— V «means: 3:313 STUDY and DISCUSSION GROUP 'T‘1~u1‘-Q§;"'\'e 1,0?-11 i"‘x'1{3I'j_l - ...... —>~— I-~._ . it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont, Cosby, Eyiage Hill House Drive. 2ith April At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Red Deer, Bridge DOWn- All meetings begin at 8 p.m. and the subject for discussion at the next two meetings is Confirmation. gnyone interested is most welcome to come along to any of the meetings. *-X-*-X-*-)(-***-)(- YOUNG WIVES GROUP Tednesday, 2nd April Visit to Canterbury Fire Station. Will members please meet outside the Fire Station in Upper Bridge Street at 7.45 p.m. ." - flggnesday, léth April Meeting at Bridge School at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Gibbs: a J.P. will talk on his work as a magistrate in the Juvenile Court. Fednesday, 23rd April (Please note earlier date). Annual General Meeting in Bridge School at 7.30 p.m. Please make a special effort to attend and V019 for the committee you want. Remember that both the . Secretary and the Treasurer are retiring after three years and these positions must be filled. (7) ' K. Pierce in, -__AT.-.._,,‘ ’ £'3L."‘.:'...‘._...;"» W.R.V.S. BRIDGE PLAY CENTRE The Play Centre which is now open on Thursday mornings in the Village Hall has been running very successfully since it began last December. Mrs. Lapage and the present committee are, however, retiring at the end of April and more help is needed to ensure that the play group can continue in the summer term. Would anyone who would be willing to supervise the play group or to give some occasional help please telephone (during the evening) Mrs. Lapage, Bridge 512, m~Mrs. Millyard, Bridge 631. J.M. ***-X--X-***** TABLE TENNIS NOTES _. W Owing to the increasing numbers of junior members agfiwpuld like to-open earlier. _As a result we need an 6 ' 3 who would help us by opening the Village Hall at 0 c¢0ok or 6.30 p.m. every Friday and remaining in char 't'll .‘o . - ab1eg:ou$aie‘:vgr;p m., when Mrs. Hazel Wood will be work If anyone would be willing to do this most valuable 4 W_Wlll they please get 111 touch with Mrs. wood. indmill close (telephone Bridge 64%). **~I-*****-Il'-I- (8) ——-uii..II-..____i BRIDGE CHURCH RESTORATION FUND Does this view of St. Peter's Church mean anything y to you? For many centuries the Church has been a part 3 ct village life and been there when needed. You may HOWEVER, UNLESS SOMETHING IS DONE QUICKLY - ‘ be a regular worshipper at St.Peter's or an occasional w j 319. Your children may have been christened or attend 1 ' Junifir Church, or may be associated with other activitiem 5 within the Church. You may simply be glad that the I ‘ Ch‘rch exists, have been married there, and intend to , have a christian burial. <5? -.-.- TEE BUILDING is going to fall into a state of disrepair; Repairs to the ROOF are urgent, the timbers need treating against decay and woodworm; e SPIRE requires new shingles, and a number of other repairs are needed. THE WHOLE OF THE RESTORATION WORK IS ESTIMATED TO COST £4,000 OF WHICH WE HAVE ONLY £600 ' LEAVING £3,400 TO FIND We are therefore asking you, who we hope have benefited in the past from the Church, to make a ‘ px: contribution to this appeal, and help to safeguard it’ not only for the present, but also for future _ . generations. , ' Please do helpcus to preserve our village herit§é,' **-X-******* (95 H E» Pg: _ 7‘ . i V ~ , ._ ., ,i_..; . .-,_,_.-_ ~ ' "- ,""".._','. .'“"? SU”‘~I”M.Y ssavicss — MAY 1969 J My 595” Pe°Ple’ §_ _ «T H L BEKESBOURNE . I am most grateful to you for all the loyal support » [3 EAEDUE PALRIXBOURNE ;that you gave to the Bridge Church Restoration Fund appeal. 4th May — Fourth Sunday after Easter It is a matter of great rejoicing to me to feel that the ;‘ Church set in our midst means so very much to you and I ‘K , ’ I _ _ _ S express my deep gratitude to all of you who sent donations. %% aém: hatgédysggim. goziggfgiy 30%? gogmungfii Ipap hoping that some of the urgent work will shortly 6.35 ;.m: Evensong begln' 335 53330“ Easter was a most joyful and happy day. All our §three.churohes were looking very lovely and I would like 11th May — Fifth Sunday after Easter ;to express my appreciation to all those who so beauti- Rogation Sunday fully decorated the churches and prepared the Easter ‘ " linen, and to the choir and organist who led the music of .l 9 a.m. Hol Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m._H01Y ;the Festival._ a 3 (Series II and Sermon Communion _ I _ 5_3Q p,3_ Evensong 3 p.m. Family V ~ During May we have two of the great Festivals of the and sermon Service mmrch. Ascension Day falls on 15th May. This is the it griumphant festival of the enthronement of Christ as King. l8th May — Sunday after Ascension EgsgzreggifeaggingSfifigiiofie9:0ggfe§:§dfi1§°::ikd§§:ea§;°r T- ' m ‘f - - . a . . 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 8 a.m. noly ll a.m. Mattins Oggtigifaggtfiégpziiegfsfilg §:SE%:eg%§g;Plesih:n2ssgnsion 5.30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon is a _ - 0 flflfi Sermon (Series II) _ much neglected_feast in these days, largely because sL» -‘ it falls on a week day; but it is nevertheless a holy 5th M Wh JG S d d;ymof;’_obiiGIgatiog, and the fa:_L‘t‘1t;1hful should try to keep it 2 ay — . i un ay 8 lng eir ommunion on is day. 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy 8 a.m. Holy S The second great festival of the month is whit. 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion Communion _ tgndayy the festival of the Holy Spirit. Just before , and Sermon ll a.m. Mattins e Ascension, our Lord promised to send the Holy Spirit r and Sermon Ag c0miort and sustain his Church, and ten days after His ; ch§$§§1°$ the H91y Spirit gescended onhthe‘as:emb1e6 M 1 t Jun _ T . .t Sunda ev p 0 remain wi i_ or ever; t at is he great 8 e rlnl y X eegglwfi celebrate at Whitsuntide. Holy Communion will i ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. lkesbguifigeghgg Eggs day at 8 a.m. at both Bridge and i ll. L.n‘¢-Eilc . ' 3 H1 ° ' ~ . 6,365.13 3V2n%’on§‘“"‘ °°‘””“””°” cfifiunfioi’ ‘> and semen Sam We shall be having the Bekesbourne may Fair on f __ mm 3333: the 17th Ma . . This is always a joyful occasion l pat? 1 in Bekesbourne will welcome you of Bridge and '- (1) Tlxbourne. (3) _l- "w". . - 1‘ 4 i 7 ' ' V _" ,____ _ '__...,_'_.._.'._.._ ?:*'* " V“’ ‘ It fie 3 wonderful opportunity when we all come together ‘ The late Violet Jane Severn i as gkcommunity and a family giving us all a sense of P _ _ i belonging, and giving mutual help and encouragement. : The death of Violet Jane Severn brings a deep sense ;of loss to all who knew her. She was a member of we welcome the newly confirmed and pray that they ;'Bekesbourne Parochial Church Council for many years and will be faithful members of Holy Church throughout E the church played a big part in her life. She had many their lives. '*and varied interests, with a great zest for life and ' travel. We offer our sincere sympathy to her immediate Yours affectionately: relations. COLIN E.H. PERRY ~- ************ Vicar and Rural Dean. EASTER OFFERING -X--)(-***-X-****-)(-* I wish to thank you for the Easter offerings that you FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS have presented to me and for the goodwill that comes with Y them. , Holy Bagtism P G.E.H. PERRY, | Vicar. 59- Peter'5s Bridge 8 ‘*****»****** 2nd March 1969 Ian Andrew Page CLERGY CONFERENCE St. Peter's, Bekesbourne , .9 H "'9 — _ _ I _ I shall be away at the Clergy Conference of the 30th_March 1969 Trudi Jane Billings Dlocese at Clacton-on—Sea, to which all Clergy have been : summoned by the Archbishop, from 2nd June to 6th June. May They Rest in Peace Should a priest he needed urgently_p1eaae get in touch 1W1th_the Revd. P. Holden, Lion'Cottage. The Street, St. Peter's, Bridge Patrlxbourne. _ 9 — * 7 CuEoHoPn 24th March 1969 Elsie Anne Gertrude Cherry - ************ 1st April 1969 Adelaide Harriet Smith BRIDGE CHURCH RESTORATION rum) loth April 1969 George Setterfield t I 15% The amount of £398. 17. 0d. has been collected as at , re *1 Apr-._L1. some money is still outstanding and a full 3 §j9 Peter's, fiekesbourne GOPQP? W111 be published next month. Any further 5 I ntrlbutions will be gratefully received. v 23rd April 1969 Violet Jane Severn O A_?. ************ ” ' *****'I'****** (3) ' (4) V H Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday - Wednesday v Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday CALENDAR FOR MAY 1969 Fourth Sunday after Easter M.U. Corporate Communion with Inter- cessions. 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Coffee Evening and Bring and Buy Stall to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, l0 Conyngham Lane at 8 p.m. M.U. and Young Wives Deanery Service at Aylesham Church 7.30 p.m. » Rogation Sunday M.U. Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy at Bridge Village Hall lO.3O a.m. — 12. Rural Deanery Conference. 7.30 p.m. at St. Augustine's College. Women's Institute Golden Jubilee Dinner at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. Young Wives visit to Betteshanger Colliery Medical Centre, Ascension Day Archdeacon‘s Visitation at Bishopsbourne Church 6.30 p.m. Diocesan Conference. ll a.m. at Cathedral Chapter House. Bekesbourne May Fair 2 p.m. at Bekes— bourne School grounds. ’ A Bridge School Parent/Teacher Assoc- Dance at Bridge‘Village Hall 8 — l2. Sunday after Ascension M.U. Branch Meeting at 37, Hayward'S Cottages 2.45 p.m. Women's Institute Monthly Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. gible Study Group at 7, Windmill Close p.m. WHIT SUNDAY Wednesday Wednesday lst Women's Offering Service at Cathedral 3 p.m. Young Wives Group at 7.30 p.m. TRINITY SU?2AY Bridge School work £52. held BRIDGE CHURCH FLOWER ROTA E31 Mrs. Paile 3rd Mrs. Shott Mrs. Sandbach lOth Mrs. Weller Mrs. Williamson 17th Young Wives Mrs. Young 24th Mrs. Beaumont Miss J. Barker 31st Miss C. Barker ' ************ THE CHURCH OVERSEAS The amount given from this parish to support the og the Church Overseas through U.S.P.G. in 1968 was 1 . 2d. . -X--)(-********** A COFFEE EVENING AND BRING AND BUY STALL A coffee evening and bring and buy stall will be at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Hill, 10 conyngham Lane on Wednesday, May 7th at 8 p.m., in aid of the Church Restoration Fund. ‘Please give your support. Coffee and biscuits (l/- per person) will be served by Members of the Young Wives‘ Group. *-I-****~X--X-**** ST. PETER'S, BRIDGE - JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church will meet in May as follows:- Sunday: 4th May “ 9.30 a.m. " 11th May " 18th " ll a.m. II || ‘ ************ (6) MOTHERS‘ UNION 7th May Corporate Communion and Intercessions, 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. 8th May Deanery Festival for M.U. and Young Tiiur s d ay , Wives at Aylesham 7.30 p.m. l3th May Coffee Morning Bring and Buy in TueSday7 Bridge Village Hall 10.30 a.m. — 12.00 noon. A special effort for the Church's Social Work in the Canterbury Diocese. Branch Meeting in 37, Hayward's Monday, 19th May Cottages, 2.45 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. Lawrence — "Watch and Social Problems". ' Women's Offering Service in Canterbury Cathedral 3 p.m. WedL.sday, 28th May ************ BEKESBOURNE MAY FAIR The'Bekesbourne Church May Fair will be held on Saturday, 17th May, beginning at 2 p.m. at Bekesbourne School grounds. Gifts for the following stalls will be much appreciated:- Jumble, Gifts, Garden Produce, _ Cakes, Bottles, and gifts for Raffle prizes. Please hand gifts to Mrs. Sandall or Mr. Shorey. you are willing to help please get in touch with Sandall. ************ (7) . accept the help of i ST. PRTER‘S BRIDGE with ST. MARY'S PATRIXBOURNE I SUMMER FETE The Annual Summer Fete will be held on Saturday, 21st June 1969 in the grounds of the Primary School, Patrixbourne Road, commencing at 2.30 p-m- The Organising Committee will be very pleased to anybody keen to run a stall or a in addition, they will be pleased to hear ' —sh3w° side , elSe!! from anybody who may just wish to assist somebody Gifts to be used as pyizes'in the Raffle. on the side—showS, or as stall merchandise will be very acceptable and should be forwarded to the Com1ttee- Organising Committee: p The Vicar, Mesdames Knight, Meigh and f Shirley, Colonel Irvine and Messrs. Hoare, Lawrence, Turpin and Williamson. ************ Barnes scsoot PARENT/TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Saturday: 17th May . A Dance to celebrate the Association's 21st: _ filrthday will be held in Bridge Village H311 from 8 - 2 p.m. - . Les Jones and his music. Tickets 6/— to include supper. ****i*******' (8)* Our Golden Jubilee Dinner will be held in Bridge _age Hall at 7.30 p.m. Please do not forget to bring your own knife, fork and spoon! Tuesday, 20th May Monthly meeting in Bridge Village Hall at 7 p.m. Discussion of Resolutions for the National Federation's LCM. Fmlmwdbywm.W.LmndmmywfihsmgsaM accordion. Competition — Unusual table arrangement from the seaside. -X-*********-X-*‘ ' BIBLE STUDY and DISCUSSION GROUP No meeting on Thursday, 8th May, owing to the Deanery Festival at Aylesham. _ ‘I Thursday, 22nd May _ At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, 7, Windmill Close, at 8 p.m. . anyone interested is most welcome. The subject. for discussion is pinned to the Church Porch door on tne Sunday prior to the meeting. Thursday, 5th June At 37, Union Road, (the home of Mrs. Meigh). ***-)('****-X-**-X- (9) V gw——_—!' — ~~ _ _ggU_Ng WIVES GROUP jThursday, 8th May y Deanery Festival at Aylesham (with Mothers’ Union). The service starts at 7.30 p.m. so please be at the flhite ‘three at 7 p.m. where a coach will pick us up. There ‘will be a Bring and Buy Stall after the service so ‘please be prepared to giVe and buy- .Wednesday, 14th May A visit to Betteshanger Colliery Medical Centre at I 7.30 p.m. Transport arrangements later. Wednesday, 28th May 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Primary School. Dr. J. Lindsay, Senior Psychologist at St. Augustine's Hospital will Speak on Mental Health and all its problems. We hope Iwmbers of the Mothers‘ Union and anyone else interested will come to this meeting. K.V. Pierce *-)(--X--X-*-)(-****-X-* STILL REJECTED The Tait Missioner has asked us to draw attention to aplay entitled as above, which has been written and is performed by a number of young people in the Folkestone area» and includes singing and guitar music. afirformances will be at St. Mary's, Folkestone on 7th and nh_May at 8.45 p.m. Entrance free, but parties should F°’“1f:v the Revd. Hugh Maddox, of 9, Manor Road, °1kestone (93.56304) for block bookings. *******-)(-*-)(--X-* (10) ..‘._ - I/[CAR AND RURAL DEAN: Fina Rev. COLIN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) Lay Reader : MR. 5. SERGEANT. 22. Conyngham Lane. Bridge. (Bridge 469) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurchwardens : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 48?.) Non. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St.) Martin's Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. 1. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage. Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens: M MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : 5 MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill. Bekesbournc. Organist : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER. (Canterbury 62406) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR - _: Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS ‘ ' A A New Residential Properties . _ 32 ST. M.ARGARE'I"S STREET, CANTERBURY Telepllone_66660‘& 9 Branch Ofilce : ‘ 9| KINGSDOWM PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Vlhlmnhla 4116 S.P.C.K. Publishers gnu Boolrsollors to the church of England olnoe 1698 (in Association with the National Society) _ 2 THEl_’RECINCTS, CANTERBURY , _ _ _ S“PP[“~‘ 9/ “H "4"""’“""5 lor Church and Sunday School purposes ' ' ' V An excellent selection of children’; Books. Ploturu. Blbloc. Mayor end Hymn Bull! lot Presentation. etc. " OEVOHOIIAL nooxs. cums, etc. In (men vmm:-rv can as seen Tilenhom: cmtu-bury am: Printed by the Elvy & Gibbs Partnership. H Best Lanc,‘C.um,grhm-y PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE June, 1969 PRICE 6d. l,1F___ ! SUNDAY SERVICES JUNE 1969 ®eariParishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, The Bridge and Patrixbourne Summer Fete will'be held 331393 _~PAT_____.RIXB°URNE B__WS.______B0URNE ‘on Saturday, 21st June at Bridgg School. Its success 0 _ ‘depends on our enthusiasm and e for s before the day of the l°t June TRINITY SUNDAY “Fete. I asfi you all fortyour lgyal support and presence'on _ , ‘th t d . t 1 ' ' t ' t t f }} arfi: $3tg'§7S€r' l 2 ?‘m'.H°1y %'3O a‘m' SVng twins ggr ragsigg guhgsltooggigtaggrtfigsdayfigfifdzg expgfiges £+;fi9fl*'“'l;:fiiO;§mm' Ommunlon Oly Communion mm our two churches, but it is an exceedingly happy social 3'3" -:P' 5’ *~ and family gathering. enfi bormon The Bekesbourne May Fayre was a great success in 8th June _ 1st Sunday after Trinity spite of a most cold and wet day, and we are grateful to ' ~Ml who supported us either by gifts or by their presence, 9 a.IL. I-Iolv Comm. ii e.m. Mattins 8 51.111. Holy Rm" n°’° least *0 MI‘S- Sendall and her helpers. who worked (Series II§ and Sermon Communion 13° Very hard for Our Yearly eff°Tt- 6.30 p.m. Evensong 3 p.m. Family ‘ ' and Sermon service '. Miss Kitty Wass, who has‘worked so loyally for ‘ ;§:£t%§n gears as the %o%:l gecrefary of t£edUniteg Society . . - e ropaga ion 0 e ospe as as e me i someone 15th June ‘ 2nd Sunday after Trinity ‘¥%uld volunteer to undertake this’most important task. T A T W 7 involves delivering the Mission Magazine "Network" and 2 \ a £6. 4. O6.’ for”which we thank all who worked so hard A~ :' ; i ?- J . f‘ ‘ to make it a success and ‘thank you‘ to those who came 8- S P¥§V¥ Xwa to give and buy. 2 on ;atu?g%y£- . commeneigg at £H1_i_I_9E__C.H_UB.C_H The Qrgani§-eYI|§_- T‘ Junior Church will meet on:— 2- 53 even moré $hey‘h°é f 1 MN>can come and help Q Sunday, 1st June - 9.30 a.m. In 8th II ) u -t u _ " " g - aims 11 29th ll ) in Bridge Church. ************VT '7 5 BEKESBOUBNE MAY FAYREI - -A : I should like to thank all of those'who helped W make our Bekesbourne May Fayre such a success. “ gallant band of atallholders, together'with those W gave 80 generously and those who brawaezawa. etoismzw I afternoon ‘G0 M)’. helped us to raise awndie i=2.:n of 169 4. . ’Ur"U - ~g= gain? any ék to _ Thank you! (5)j p,E_g!,# =!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I'll‘!-I!!! THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND XQLIEG WIVES GROUP Summer Sale Wednesday, llth June 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Primary School. I ‘““”“"""“‘ ‘ Sister Janet will speak on her life a Qgffge Morning with a Bring and Buy Stall and and work with the Community of St. Andrew. other -oods for sale will be held in the Kendall Hall ‘ ' n~C_.._,-3,5 St Mary Bredin‘s Church) on Tuesday, 10th June, ‘ Wednesday; 25th June 7.30 p-m. at Bridge Primary School- f:0:V1C :9 a_m, _ 12 noon_ 1 Weather permitting, we are hoping " ‘to play Bat and Trap in the recreation ground. If wet, 1» this the Jubilee Year of The Save the Children ‘it only takes three minutes" to the school- 1 \ i, peoial efforts are being made towards realising =oord-breaking results, and your presence and support ‘Wednesday, 2nd July Summer Outing to Wye College. — 5 T J Please be at the White Horse H punctually at 6.45 p.m. for the coach to take us to Wye, I I where we shall be shown round Part of the College and the gardens. may I also give you prior notice of a date for your diaries? I shall be holding a Coffee Morning at The Barton on Tuesday, 9th September. Fuller details _ _ _ rill be given near the time, but please book the date gig; U0TP0Tate Communion 13 On the 3rd Sunday Of the fer :e_ V month at 9'a.m. If you are unable to come to this service please try to come to Corporate Evensong on 15th June at 6.30 p.m. E. Greenwood. R ********** G.S. Harvey (Hon. Secretary) 5 \ BOTTLE TOPS \ ********** After this month I shall not be receiving any more nettle-tops. I send thanks to all who have supported . RI 1 ! this appeal for so long. Is there anyone among them B DGE CHURCH FLOVER ROTA } w;;ling to receive bottle—tops and arrange for their 1 June collection from time to time? ' For this, it is only I -—- necessary to inform the district col1ector:~ . Mrs. Berry ' 7th Mrs. Clark G M H_b ' Mrs. Chadwick 14th Miss Cutcliffe 1 bert Esq.. Mrs. Apps 21st Mrs. Stone-ham 20’ Earls Avenue: Mrs. Goode 28th Mrs. Irvine Willebrough, Ashford. (Tel: Ashford 991/21799) ‘ E ‘P . cutcl . % -)(--)(><|(--It--X--X--)(--)(--)(--)(> -X--)(-*-)(-****** 1 (7) 1 (83 L T . ,.t:J BRIDGE CHURCH RESTORATION FUND CHURCHILL House A full report on the progress of the above fund ' was promised in the May issue of the magazine, and There will be a sale of work, with stalls for White readers will be delighted to hear that the fund has now Elephant, Cakes and Produce at Churchill House on reached £650. This is a magnificent beginning to the ‘Saturday. 14th June at 2.30 p.m. All are welcome. task which we have before us, and is most encouraging to those who have given up their spare time and worked ‘ D.M. Smith (Warden) so hard distributing the appeal letters and collecting donations. The Vicar and Churchwardens wish to express! ********** their grateful thanks to all those people and they also * WiSl'l 130 thG Very large number Which has I'eSpCnded ’ so generously to the appeal. K The Monthly Meeting will be held in the Village Hall The work of restoring the church has begun, and T on Tuesday, 17th June, at 7 p_m. as many will have observed it is being carried out under the supervision of Mr. John C. Clague. Attention has been given to the most urgent parts of the roof, the flintwork is being repaired to prevent Speaker:— Nhss Pullen on "Wine Making" . . . . C 't' :- ' further deterioration and the gutters,'downpipes and \ ompetl ion A Specimen rose drains are being put into serviceable condition. ********** Unfortunately, the_steeple will have to‘wait until f more funds are available, and an approach has been JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB made to various charitable institutions, from whom we h°Pe *0 Obtain 5ran*S- As a result of a meeting held at the Red Lion, by Howev _ t b b O klnd arrangement with Mr. J. Hamiltonrflrown, who has a 1 er, more remains _o e done y our _Wn _ become President, a Junior Football Club was launched and @+f°*ES find the APPea1 °°mm1*tee will be considering ,1t is to be known as BRIDGE UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB. whethiurther action they should take to reach our Cangn Colin Perry was invited to the meeting and it is a‘b” ' Very gratifying and gives everyone much pleasure that he 035 at once taken a wholehearted interest in this‘project. inon Perry was made a Vice-President and was elected to »e Committee — overwhelming evidence of the support finch we look forward to receiving from him, and we know te will willingly give.‘ We will keep you informed in 9 Parish of all news concerning this new venture and guy enquiries in the meantime should be made to the °n- Secretary, Mr. J. Loft, of 8 Riverside close. May‘I conclude by thanking once again everyone who has contributed to our appeal. W. Johnson. ********** J. Loft. -K-********* ,______?_ _.....__j_.____ __ _ (9) 5i‘ i (10) '5--¥r»«‘—l--J “ii VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: TI-CE REV. CANON COLIN E. H. PERRY, B.Sc., The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) ~ PATRlXBé);l.‘J‘§Ci;lJ‘[‘::a’\':'::5}'-l- BRIDGE ' - IE MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) ND MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) , A Hon. Secretary: MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close. Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): Mas. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) 1 Mk. I. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixboume. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardenr : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge ?_l3) Ml. H. S. SHORBY. Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbournc. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL, School House, Bekcsbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Orgarlisr : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce: I1 KIIGSDOWI PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhlleuhle I11! S.P.C.K. Plbllehen end leo|t_eeIIere to the church of Enfllnd elnee use (in Association with the National Society) S H‘ (5 CANTERBURY “PP 1 fequarementr or C re}: and S nd S h l .r r en exeellem eeleeflen of 0hIldren'e Books. Pleturee, uB|h1yee.cPar:y5:”:II; Hymn Boole tor Presentation. etc. IIEVOTIOIIAI. BOOKS. CARDS. etc» IN GREAT VARIETY GAII IE SEEN Telephone: centelhury 82181 Printed by die Evy & Gibhe Pnnnnlhip. ll Beet Lane. Canterbury r ‘.945 ‘ A-e l/Afllapn... .245 St PETER as CHURCH MAGAZINE July, 1969 PRICE 6d. L- BRIDGE 1969 BEKESBOURNE ll a.m. Matt. SUNDAY SERVICES FOR JULY 8 PATRIXBOURNE 6th July - 5th Sunday after & Ser. 8 a.m. Holy Communion ll.4S a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. svensong and Sermon Trinity 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion l3th July - 6th Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. Holy Comm. (Series II 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 3 p.m.Eamily Service 20th July — 7th Sunday after 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Series II) Trinity ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 27th July — 8th Sunday after 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 9 a.m. Holy Communion Trinity 11 a.m. Matt. and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 3rd August - 9th Sunday after Trinity 11- acme & Ser. -. . 8 a.m. Holy 9 30 a m Sung aomn ‘ . . . . 6.30 p_m_ Evensong C°mm“n1°n Holy Communion and Sermon (1) 9 ‘tr?!-—— ]ar parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, i During this month an important decision will take place in the life of the Church of England. On July 8th the Convocations of Canterbury and York will meet and make hheir final decision, Yes or No, on whether to proceed ymth the Anglican—Methodist reunion scheme. In the voting ‘m1the willingness to take part in the proposed Anglican- Methodist Service of Reconciliation at the recent Synod of mergy in the Canterbury Diocese, out of 381 cited 282' voted for and 80 against, i.e. 74% in favour. However, the referendum result, taking the voting for all the dioceses in the Provinces of Canterbury and York was 63.2% in favour and 36.8% against. As a Proctor of the Convoca- pion of Canterbury one has learnt to have real trust in who Convocation ability to act wisely in this situation lwhen they come to make their final decision on July 8th. ,flt does need to be remembered, too, that what is before the Church is Stage One alone, and not the scheme of complete organic union. I ask your prayers on July 8th fmfmyself and all members.of the Upper and Lower House of Convocation. - _ This is an important month for a great many boys and‘ girls. They will be leaving school and facing the future, Where their life's purposes are to be fulfilled. The most important thing is to recognize the vision and the splendid idealism of youth - an idealism which so many of _l0se as the years go by;. And a part of recognising U58 Idealism is to place before young people on the !oreshold of their working life challenges, not easy tfit}0n§ - the encounter with life that can be supremely ofrllllng r and that the most wonderful and joyous side 1 life is not what you get out of it but what you put T1130 i-t_ . «-5 Bi? July and August are the months when so many of us will 2: away on holiday. May you return refreshed and strength- ed In body and spirit. Yours affectionately in Our Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY, Vicar and Rural Dean. CALENDAR FOR JULY 1969 M FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Jugy I , Holy Baptism “let Tuesday Meeting of Bridge & Patrixbourne P.C.C.« ' 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. 6 St. Peter's, Bekesbourne 2nd Wednesday M.U. Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. } 8th June 1969 Jane Margaret Wheeler 2nd ” Young Wives Outing to Wye College. I . * 6th Fifth Sunday after Trinity ; St. Peter's, Bridge 8th Tuesday Over—SiXties Opening Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 2 30 _ 4 P m ' 15th June 1969 ‘Michael John Whyman 13?? §fi?§§§::y; Kent County Show at Detling. 15th June 1969 Martin Horne bfl -_L. ‘ ' 13th Sixth Sunday after Trinity - + m. - - ___JL_____.__;Y 15» iuesday Women's Institute Monthly Meeting at I H01 Matrlmon Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. A 20th Seventh Sunday after Trinity ' E St‘ Peter's’ Bekesbourne 21st Monday M.U. Branch Meeting at 37. Hayward's ' \ 24th May 1969 ( John David Smith Cottages 2-45 P-m- . ( Jane Margaret Watson 25th Friday St. James A. Holy Communion at Bridge \ . . - ‘ Church 7.30 p.m. ‘ I R‘ h d C tt 26th Saturday League of Friends Barbecue 6 - 9-30 P-m‘ 7th June 1969 E Aigrzg Brgdsggw A _ 1 at The Close. . :;f2S§l£htfl Sunday after Trinity May They Rest in Peace UL: i - 3rd Ninth Sunday after Trinity St_ peterus, Bekesbourne ********** . _ ' _. 9th June 1969 Albert George 381393 BRIDGE CHURCH FLOW R ROTA ' E % §:; Peter's, Bridge JULY T. . -- \ 23rd June 1969- Frederick Flanders Mrs. Hawkins 5th M . M igh Mrs- Hoare 12th Mig. Pgntin ********** Mrs. Hunter 19th Mrs. Pierce Mrs. Muir-Little 26th Mrs. Rose BOTTLE TOPS F03 U'S'P‘G' Miss Kathleen Douglas: 4: RiV9TSid9 C°tt°3e3' ********** Patrixbourne, has kindly agreed to accept b0tt16't°P9- Miss Douglas is, however, unable to arrange for thelr I collection, but they may be left at the above address. (93) T (4) KENT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SHOW OVER_SIXTIES CLUB (Contrd.) ire IOU intending t0 Visit the Kent Agricultural ;After the business of the meeting is concluded a Concert Show at Detling on July 9th and loth? If so, please Party fT0m Canterbury will entertain the members. do not fail to visit the Church Tent. This is being organised jointly by the Dioceses of Canterbury and ********** Rochester At intervals during the two days the . children of Adisham Primary School and the girls of \ LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Cobhem High School will be presenting a series of : dramatic sequences with the general title "This is Lifeh In conjunction with The Close the League of Friends’ are holding a Barbecue;and Fete at The Close on Saturday, 26th July, from 6 — 9.30 p.m. We do hope all our Friends will again patronize us and so once more help us to help -)(-********-)(- BRIDGE JUNIOR CHURCH our hospitals. Please. . . - - ,_ Frances E. Apps Junior Church will meet as follows. Hon. Sec. Briége Group L_o.F' Sunday, 6th July 9.30 a.m. } *+****f*** n -th II t L ' " Earn " 11.00 a.m. ‘ _.______——CHURCHILL HOUSE H H . 27th The Warden and Residents of Churchill House thank everybody who helped to make the Sale of Work on 14th June Such a success. Over £60 was raised, which pays for Outings in the summer and Christmas festivities. Thank YOU Very much. UNION ; -L . I There will be no meetings during August. ***-X-‘X-***** DM.Smfln Warden. MOTHERS‘ ********** Wednesday, 2nd July - WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Corporate Communion with Inter- cessions at Bridge Church, 9.30 a-W Monday, 21st July Branch Meeting at 37, Haywards . The monthly meeting will be held in Bridge Village Cottages, Union Road at 2.45 p.m- Hall on Tuesday, l'5th Juiy, at 7 pm. ********** Speaker: Mrs. Armstrong on Denman College. OVER—3IXTIES CLUB Competition: Victoria Sandwich The Overhsixties Club will have their opening leetihg in the Village Hall on Tuesday, 8th July at *****u**§* 2-30 P»m- t0 4—0 P-m- All old.and new members will be welcomed, with husbands. (5) (5) COUNTRYSIDE SURVEY The Committee of the Women's Institute's survey of The Countryside in the l970‘s" is most grateful to all -embers and non—members who helped with the survey or a'e information about the parishes of Bridge and atrixbourne. The report, which covers many aspects t Lewis and is now at the Qounty Headquarters of the .I. in Canterbury. It is hoped that we may be able to borrow it back later in the year, so that it can be read by anyone interested. 1'-:!C/)0 W50’) F1 3' For written contributions we thank the following: Mr. Richard and Mr. Nicholas Cotter, Mrs. E. Gilesw Mrs. J. Hill, Mr. Husband, Mrs. 0. Knight, Miss D. Longfi Mr. D. McEwen, Miss Syson, Mrs. C. Turff, Mr. and Mrs. T. Urwin, Mr. J.J. Williamson. D.A. McEwen A. McKeever A.M. Shirley M. Carless V. Dawson M. Harris ******-X-'I'*~I'-I-**** subject of Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. | (5) i (6) ll ._ _l!+_ WOMBfl‘S INSTITUTE The Monthly Meeting will be held in Bridge Village Tall on Tuesday, 19th August at 7 p.m. Hairdressing Demonstration. Competition: Most articles in a matchbox. ************ ST. PETER'S BRIDGE FLOWER ROTA August Mrs. Lawrence 2nd Mrs. G. Smith Mrs. Ledger 9th Mrs. Paile Mrs. Sandbach l6th _ Mrs. Shott Mrs. Williamson ‘23rd Young Wives Mrs. Young 30th Mrs. Beaumont ************ THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND I hope you have all made a note of the date of ‘he Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy Sale at Egg Barton, Patrixbourne, on Tuesday 9th September, from IZTBS a.m. — 12 noon. Do come and bring your friends, E.G. ************ (7) M, ____l._. _n.-.._ __.--._.____._ __ _._.____,.._ __._ _..——.——‘_.__j~_:__ Please Book this Date SUNDAY, 17th AUGUST 1969 Bourne Paddock (Bridge) Cricket Club has kindly arranged a match against the Hon. Secretary's XI, commencing at 2.30 p.m. on The Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. Teas available at the ground. Proceeds will be given to the BRIDGE CHURCH RESTORATION FUND. Do please support this effort by the Cricket Club to assist the Church. ' ************¥ SERMONS IN AUGUST The Revd. Ralph Lawrence, Vicar of Nonington, who is well known to many of us in Bridge will be preaching on the important subjeot,the Church Assembly Report "Partners in Ministry" at 6.30 p.m. Evensong at Bridge Church on the 17th August. It is hoped that many will come to hear him on this most important subject. I shall be preaching at Evensong at 6-30 Poms at Bridge Church on the 24th August on the recent Report Of the Church of England Liturgical Commission. Colin 3.21. Perry. (8) APPRECIATION I would like to express my appreciation of the . work of Mr. Flynn, Miss Prescott and Mr. Jack Carpenter ' for the hard work they have done cleaning Bridge Church in readiness for the Sundays during the re—roofing of the Church. CIEIHIPO ***-)(-**-X' (10) .. * . .. ‘is r-~.-:.e.e=..¢L:-- ' - -w VICAR AND RURAL DEAN : THE Rev. CANON CoLiN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge, (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwarderts : MR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2l8) MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Secretary: Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixboume Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixboume): MRS. AMOS, 8 St.iMartin‘s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : ’ MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR , Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLBY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Ofllce: ‘ I1 KINGIDOUN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Whltslalllo I110 S.P.C.K Publisher: and Booksellers to the church of England since 1698 (in Association with the National Society) 2 S, CANTERBURY SUPP“?! 0/ 411 Ftqulrtmtntr for Church and Sunday School purpose: » An uoumm solution or children‘: Books. Pioturn, Blblos, Prayer and Hymn look! (or Presentation, oto. DEVOTIOIIAL BOOKS. CARDS. Ute» IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Jolgphono : Canterbury 62881 Printed by lhc Elvy & Gibbs Putncrdrip, 1] Ben Lane. Canterbury l 1 PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESBOURNE PATRI KB ~ U ‘ PRICE 6 BEKESBQ S1: rarer. ans CHURCH ? MAGAZINE ? September, 1969 T d. __H . i_________q'%”_ln_m SUNDAY SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 1969 PATRIXBOURNE egtember — l4th Sunday after_Trinity BEKESBOURNE BTIDGE 7th S I. Hatt.& Ser. a.m. Holy Comm. p.m. Evensong ermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion Sermon l5th Sunday after Trinity 11 a40m-I and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion 3 p.m. Family Service 21st September — 9 a.m. Holy Qomm. (with Hymns and Ser.) 6-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 16th Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Series II) ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 28th September — 17th Sunday after Trinity K .m Holy Comm. %o.3O p.m. Evensong and Sermon £H.L.HVEST THANKSGIVING Teacher: Revd. F.J. -Co;er, Vicar of Eastry 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. Communion and Sermon HARVEST THANSGIVING Preacher: Rev. Henry Voller, Vicar of Wingham 5th October - l8th Sunday after Trinity ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. ;i.fi5 a.m. Holy Comm. T-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon HARVEST THANKSGIVING 9.30 a.m.Sung Holy Communion _4g Ecly Communion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m. on fi55n93daY§: and 7.30 a.m. on Fridays during the week- zvensong 1S at 5 p.m. at The Close every Sunday. _ A cordial invitation is extended to come to this serV1°°" , leh Dear parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, One is always aware of the fact that this magazine is taken by a number of people who do not come regularly to services at any of our churches. We are grateful for the fact that our Parish Magazine is coming into your homes, but we ask you - is that enough? What about church-going? " Let us be quite clear about one thing. If we believe that God is our Heavenly Father, then we believe in Someone who is so wonderful, so tremendous, that He deserves some sort of acknowledgement. It is this fact that leads us to worship. As far as worship in church is concerned, it isn't a question of "I don't need it" or "I don't feel like it"; it is rather that "GOD IS ENTITLED TO IT". It is simply giving God his due. The family of the Church (of which we are members - loved by God) having a regular family get—together to make ' public and corporate acknowledgement of His sovereignty, His justice, His love and His wcrthrship to us. We don't go to church, primarily, for what we can get out of it, although we of course benefit by way of inspira- tion, instruotion and spiritual strength. Our primary motive in going to church is simply that this is what God deserves. - In our three'parishes and at The Close there are four Places of worship, with services at many different times- They are all advertised in this magazine. But each Service is a "Holy" service, which provides an opportunity f0r giving God His due. _There is always to us Christians & Clear duty, if we call ourselves believers - the duty to °ffer to God that to which He is entitled. There are really no two ways about it: regular public worship, in Church, is the duty of all Church people. Throughout the ages Harvest has always had_a Very SPe0ial place in the heart of Christians, and gives a Seasonal and vivid reminder of God's gracious prmrldenae and care. It is a time for thanksgiViD8'8fid P131392 ' and Special Harvest Services are being held in 0“! urches. ' ET: , — — N W — — — — ~ ~‘-*'-“ ’-*'""-~‘*r-’r-----—-—~~=—~-v —~—-. ~_.r—.,. ;_ 7 .- Tc; aill fi;i times of these services and arrangem nt , also 53:5 in this magazine. Harvest gifts of fru§t,s lAUGUST CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER 1969 flcwers and "e£‘t.b‘ S v'll b t f ll ' «d. ‘—————4 . . _'s Le C-v3‘_'_€I‘:;:L\—§1‘.:1l‘l‘:i5i:\\g1'1g \?veual?':a§:C:2la.;Cat 13th Sunday after Trinity‘ ~ 33 SL EhenK*g‘=i.; Se‘=' ‘t t ‘—————-——— . . :2 graeiiziéerinorlsfiswiiifpiiisiipé {m3;’°ri’§ur° J W Wednesday M°’.°he1"S' Union Corporate Common at r -e” _" e _ _ r . . Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. 14 __..\CC 0 :16 K.‘€31l that: phrase -the reallsatlon I Saturda Brin & Bu Sale in aid of e or an I on: wfcle liTes, with their differing temperaments, gifts ~ y Fundgat Viila e Hall 10 30 _ lzgnoong and graces, nationalities and races, come from God and 7th 14th Sunda agter Trinié ' thet in return we_must offer back to Him a worthy gfih Tuesday Coffee Merging and Bringy; Buy Sale in of:er;ng of our times, our talents and our substance. aid of The.Save ?he Children Fund at Yours sincerely and affectionately, $gen§::t0ns Patrlxbourne, 10.30 - A _ ? 11th Thursday Bible Study Meeting at 7 Windmill .EroH- 8 P.m. , . 14th s 15th Sunday after Trinity. Rural Dean and Vicar 16th Tuesdays Women's Institute Harvest Supper at -Bridge Village Hall 7 p.m. ************ rl7th Wednesday East Bridge Rural Deanery Conference to FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS discuss the report "Partners in.Ministry" at St. Augustine's 7.30 p.m. Holv BaEtism . fiougg Wévfis Harvest Supper 7.30 p.m. at ~- ri ge c oo . 5+... :~erer's, Bridge — 21st > 16th Sunday after Trinity. - 2‘Eh Jul" 1969 Shane Manolita Couch .22nd Monday Mothers‘ Union Opening Service 7.30 p.m. I at Bridge Church and afterwards for St. Peter's, Bekesbourne refreshments at Bridge Village Hall. 13%: August 1969 Lucy Jane Ruth Kingsford | Preacher Rev. P. Chidgey, Rector of et. Mongeham. ‘ Holx Matrimony :25th Thursday Bib%e Study meeting at 42. Bridge Down. at p.m. ;t. "eter's, Bridge i35th Friday Meeting at the Vicarage at 3 p.m. to zétn July 1969 Graham Trevor Windsor discuss plans for East Bridge Deanery‘ Jennifer Mary Boulton Missionary Sale at Bridge on Saturdays 28 18th October. i Ma; The} Rest in Peace th 17th Sunday after Trini't-1f- mm? 3 THANKSGIVING at Brid e (6.30 pm.) and Bekesbourne (11 a.m. churches. r 99th M d 81:. M‘ n 1 and All Angels. ~ Ada Maud Pegden ’ on ay Jégmgianion at Bridge Home ************ 199$Q§§§ (see over) u (3) ; (4) xi; Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. lst Wednesday P.C.C. Meeting at Bridge Village Hall 7.30 p.m. 5th 18th Sunday after Trinity. HARVEST THANKSGIVING at Patrixbourne Church ll a.m. *%%********* HARVEST THANKSGIVING As you will see on the Services sheet, Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held at Bridge and Bekesbourne on Sunday, 28th September, and at Patrixbourne on Sunday, 5th October. Decoration of the churches will start at 10 a.m. on the following days:— Bridge and Bekesbourne ~ Saturday, 27th September Batrixbourne - " 4th October Helpers and contributions of fruit, flowers and Vegetables will be very welcome at all the churches at the above times. MOTHERS‘ , UNION l ‘Wednesday, 3rd September Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. : There is no Branch Meeting in September, but the ‘Opening Service will be at 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Church on Monday, 22nd September. After the Service there will be refreshments at the Bridge Village Hall. Members of the Young Wives are cordially invited to the Service and refreshments afterwards. ************ THE OVER SIXTIES CLUB This newly-formed club would be glad of sheet music, no longer required, particularly old songs and some old dances. Can anyone please help? We should be most grateful if you can. Hal We meet every Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. in Bridge Village ll M.J. BATE. Hon. Secretary, 9 Western Avenue. ************ I . ! BRIDGE CHURCH FLOWER ROTA ************ ' September £EEl93_§§HB9§ Miss J. Barker 6th Mrs. Ybung _ N _ Mr . B ’ 13th Mrs. Clark _ {unior church will meet at ll a.m. on Sunday. Mr:_ Cfigggick‘ 20th M133 cutoliffe zlst beptember and Sunday, 28th September. MrS_ Apps 27th Mrs, stoneham 6 <5) 1 ‘ ’ __fi“-—r—— 4A1fi——i‘ LLAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group On behalf of the above group I wish to thank the committee, staff and patients at "The Close", also all who contributed gifts and their time to make the ‘Open Day‘ and 'Barbecue‘ such a success. The amount received, £390 gross, constitutes a record for a single event amongst the various groups. Special thanks are due to the Superintendent and Matron of The Close. M. Milton, Hon. Treasurer. *%%********* BRIDGE BIBLE STUDY GROUP We are beginning again on the llth of September at 8 p.m., after a break for the summer, and we are starting a new series of readings, this time from the Old Testament. After a very rewarding set of studies in the Epistle to the Philippians we are turning to the Book of Jonah, to see how God has worked in the lives of the Old Testament prophets. Jonah, the "reluctant prophet“, has much to teach us, and we will constantly be applying thisteaching‘to our lives to—day- The first meeting, on llth Se tember, on Jonah; Chapters l and 2, is at 7, WTEdEiII-UIBEE, Bridge, and W111 be led by David Johnson; and the second'meeting: on 25th Se tember, on Jonah, Chapters 3 and 4, is at 42: Eriage Eowna Bridge, and will be led by Mrs. Rose- ‘ We do hope that many of you will come to share tiese Bible readings with us. You will always be assured of a very warm welcome. D.A.J. ************ (7) } WOMENS' INSTITUTE \ The Harvest Supper will be held on Tuesday, 16th Eeptember, at 7 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. This is blways an exceptionally enjoyable meeting, when business he kept to a minimum. This year, the supper will be followed by the film "WI Not", the film of the successful E.K.F.W.I. revue at the Marlowe Theatre, which so many of us enjoyed. Competition: Harvest Table arrangement. ************ THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Just a reminder about the Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy sale at The Barton, Patrixbourne, on Tuesday, 9th September, from 10.30 1 12 noon. There will be coffee, squash, and ices, and stalls ' for Children's Soft Toys, Knitted and Fancy goods, Cakes, Produce etc. for any of which gifts will be most welcome. I look forward to seeing you all and hope that the day will be a fine one. dE.G. *****%****** THE NEW FACE OF EUROPE The Canterbury Diocesan Education Committee has asked us to announce a series of ten lecture—discussions eaded "The New Face of Europe". These lectures are_ °T3anised by the Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies and will be held on Mondays at 7.30 p.m. starting from ‘ 29th September 1959 at the Girls‘ Technical High senoai, Ongport, Canterbury. If anyone is interested in attending the above lectures, full particulars can be had an 3PP11' -Oation to the Vicar. (8) _ I, __ I _, ,,,7 AGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS Bridge Group if of the above group I wish to thank the committee, staff and patients at "The Close", also all who contributed gifts and their time to make the ‘Open lay‘ and ‘Barbecue' such a success. The amount received, 5390 gross, constitutes a record for a single event amongst the various groups. Special thanks are due to the Superintendent and Matron of The Close. M. Milton, Hon. Treasurer. *%4.(-********* BRIDGE BIBLE STUDY GROUP We are beginning again on the llth of September p.m., after a break for the summer, and we are - 1ing a new series of readings, this time from the d A stament. After a very rewarding set of studies Epistle to the Philippians we are turning to e ok of Jonah, to see how God has worked'in the live f the Old Testament prophets. Jonah, the "reluctant prophet“, has much to teach us, and we will constantly be applying thisteaching to our lives to-dayo The first meeting, on llth Se tember, on Jonah: Chapters l and 2, is at 7, Windmill Close, Bridge, and will be led by David Johnson; and the second'meeting: on 25th Se tember, on Jonah, Chapters 3 and 4, is at 42, Bridge Down, Bridge, and will be led by Mrs. Rose- K‘ O {W V033 T4,; d|*C)m m 3?)‘ ‘,3 P’ Ll“ 1:1- :3 V 9 O UJLIJ We do hope that many of you will come to share these Bible readings with us. You will always be assured of a very warm welcome. D.A.J. **********-X-* (7) ——1fl“-—-r—~ .,..—q.~.,.. WOMENS' INSTITUTE The Harvest Supper will be held on Tuesday, 16th September, at 7 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. This is aways an exceptionally enjoyable meeting, when business is kept to a minimum. This year, the supper will be followed by the film "WI Not", the film of the successful E.K.F.W.I. revue at the Marlowe Theatre, which so many of us enjoyed. Competition: -Harvest Table arrangement; **-)(~*-l(-I-X'*)(--X--X--3-(--X-* I . ~ . so .. ‘ THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Just a reminder about the Coffee Morning and Bring lam Buy sale at The Barton, Patrixbourne, on Tuesday, fith September, from 10.30 — 12 noon. , p . I There will be coffee, squash, and ices, and stalls ' for Children's Soft Toys, Knitted.and Fancy goods,.Cakes, Produce etc. for any of which gifts will be most welcome. 1 I look forward to_seeing you all and hope that.ths fay will be a fine one. V E ‘ "»3.G. ***'l-******** I THE NEW FACE OF EUROPE The Canterbury Diocesan Education Committee has asked us to announce a series of ten lecture-discussions eaded "The New Face of Europe". These lectures as °rsanisea by the Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies mm will be held on Mondays at 7.30 p.m. starting tram‘ 29th September 1969 at the Girls‘ Technical High sauces. t°n8Dort, Canterbury. 0 above lectures, full particulars can he had an anplis °&tion to the Vicar. (8) If anyone is interested.1n.attanflln3 . ——j**-* , > — ~r—— ——~ —- KENT COUNTY CONSTABULARY In connection with their forthcoming Crime Prevention campaign the Chief Superintendent has asked us to publish the following in this month's magazine:- "Peace and Tranquillity" Before the days of the Parish Constable, all members of a Parish were required to assist in detect- ing and arresting offenders within their area, thus contributing to the general peacefulness of the parish. Nowadays this task is usually left to the County Constabulary, although the support of the public is still sought and needed in this connection. Just as important as the detection of an offender, however, is the prevention of a crime, and it is in this field that public co—operation is essential. To bring to your notice the variety of Crime Prevention methods and devices which are available, the Home Office has made up a mobile display caravan. This caravan will be visiting the Canterbury area during October, and by kind permission of Mr. G.T. Deaken will stand on the forecourt of THE WHITE HORSE, Bridge, from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Friday, 10th October 1969. be in attendance. He will be pleased to answer your questionson this subject, so that you may be better equipped to assist your police force in preserving public peace and tranquillity. ***-X-***-X-**** UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL CHRISTIAN UNION Mr. David Johnson, of Bridge, who is at Bristol University, has sent us particulars of a University Mission which is going to be held there from 8th - 15th ‘February 1970, and has asked for our prayers for its success. It is good that we should know something _ about one side of Universitg)life of which we hear ll , l__.ulII-.—e A police crime prevention officer will ~from St. Cuthbert's, I 3 i 1 I I Se tember 17th’ m€m5ers of the Committee invite all members to 3. ttlé‘ Committee Members UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL CHRISTIAN UNION (Cont'd.) The University Mission is an all—out evangelistic effort for a week by the 200 members of the Christian Union to present the Gospel to the 6,000 students in the University by means of evangelistic talks, coffee meetings, lunch hour meetings and personal witness. The central point of each day is an evangelistic talk in the evening by the main missioner, The Rev. David Watson, York. ************ YOUNG WIVES GROUP Mrs. Audrey Kollhoff, Group Leader 4 Filmer Road, Bridge. Secretary Mrs. Gillian Harvey, "Newlyn", Union Road, Bridge. Treasurer Mrs. Effie Johnson, 42, Bridgedown. Mrs. Betty Armstrong, "By—the—Way", Dering Road, Bridge. Mrs. Brenda Fullaway, "Snaefell", Adisham Road, Bekesbourne. Mrs. Joan Hill, ' ’ 10, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. Mrs. Betty Maber, ' 44, Western Avenue, Bridge. Mrs. Kathleen Pierce, 7, Windmill Close, Bridge. Mrs. Hazel Wood, 14, Windmill Close, Bridge. 7.30 p.m. Bridge Primary School. mhe HARVEST SUPPER, and would be pleased to welcome any Wives from the village who would like to meet our Gmfifip and hear about our new progfagme. (cont'd.) e g": ~ 4- -1- I“ YOUNG WIVES GROUP (C0nt'd.) Please come along to the School or contact your nearest Committee Member who will be pleased to introduce you. October 1st 7.30 p.m. Bridge Primary School. Mr. F.J. Nelson from Nasons will talk on "Soft Furnishings in the Home". We are invited to the Mothers‘ Union Opening Service at Bridge Church at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 22nd September. The Preacher will be Rev. B. Chidgey,' Rector of Gt. Mongeham. Afterwards to refreshments at the Village Hall. GOSI 1 (Hon. Sec. *-)(-****-)(--X--X-**-X- YOUTH CLUB The changeover from Table Tennis Club to Youth Club has been most successful and we now have over 30 members. There is a slight shortage of young ladies over the age of 11, if there are any in Bridge who would like to join they will be most welcome - need I add that there are no complaints from the present female members! We intend having one dance a month on our club night and varying the programme on other evenings with films and the odd speaker - these will be short features,the main part of the evening will consist of table tennis, darts, snooker, dancing etc. (Continued) (11) j:3Q_p.m. Bridge Primary School September l7th (Cont‘d.) YOUTH CLUB (Cont' d .) Anyone in Bridge with any ideas on topics suitable for ll—l7 year olds which could be used on club nights or any sort of activity in which they excel and would like to share their knowledge we would be very delighted to hear from them. Sailing, riding and many other sports and pastimes are available through the Education Authorities at very reasonable costs and we may find some of our members using these facilities. Our present Committee is as fo11ows:- Mr. & Mrs. D. Hadlow, Mr. T. Heap Mrs. Hazel Wood Annette Panier Trevor Lambert Melvin Stainforth Christian Urwin Neil Rogers Signed H. Wood ***-)(-*-X-**-X--)(-** CRICKET MATCH SUNDAY 17th AUGUST The Match arranged by Bourne Paddock (Bridge) Cricket Club was most successful. A sum of £15. was raised in aid of the Bridge Church Restoration Fund for which the Vicar and P.C.3. are very grateful indeed, and most appreciative of the friendliness shown. ***~)(-*-)('****** (12) BRIDGE & DISTRICT HORTICULTUEAL SOCIETY ACCOUNTS for THE SUMMER SHOW HELD AT BRIDGE SCHOOL (by kind permission of the Kent Education Authority and Mrs. 0. Knight) on 2nd AUGUST 1969 -X--)€-<)(--X--)1--)(--)(-*~)£--*-)(-*-)6-)E*-)(-*-)6 RECEZPTS PAYMENTS £1. Sud: £. Sod. Door Money ll. 3.6. Hire of School 2.10.0. Teas 2. 5.6. Hire of Tent ?r0duce Stall 5.13.8. - Tableing 41. 0.0.| Raffle 49.11.6. Prize Money / 20.l7.6.) Less Cost of 9. 5.6. 40. 6.0. Printing ' "“‘ Tickets ""“" Schedules 7.14.7. I Bent of Stand 11.0. Third Party Ins. 2. 0.0. ‘ Donations 5.15.0. Judges Lunch 6.l8.0.i Deficiency l7.l8.2. Sunday Expenses 2.12.9- ____._—-f .383 .12.1o. 5383.12.10-1 I The loss on the Show is within the Committee's I estimate. There has been a considerable increase in I subscriptions for the current year, and it is anticipated that it will not be necessary to call upon { the Societies‘ reserves. 1 l C.A.P. (1.3) VICAR AND RURAL DEAN : THE REV. CANoN COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurc/zwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 2I8) MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Secretary: MISS C. M. BARKER. Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): Mn. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbournc. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .- MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbournc. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 612) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BE KESBOURN E PATRIXB U ‘ Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce: I1 KHIGSDOIH PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Vlhltsuble I116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church of England since 1698 (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplier of all requirements for Church and Sunday School purpous An oxoemm eeleetlon of children‘: Books. Pictures. Bibles, Preyor end Hymn Book: for Presentetlon. etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. etc. IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 82831 Printed by the Elvy 5:. Gibbs Pnrtnerlhip. 1! But Laue, Canterbury 6d. .14 ‘ =§{? St PETER 1;‘. an CHURCH MAGAZINE October, 1969 77"“ “re a!-II-_I, H, , , _;n: ' , ‘ "T-r~ -- --——-———:~—~-as——«~—-—.H.-,___...._...l._f_. ,_.i,__ - - _,,;_/_»_;~—---a-sw l - 1 -3 -«*N - :1'.\ ‘ 7‘ I . A ll shinny ssnvioss FOR OLTDBLR 1969 near Parishioners of Bridge’ Patrixbourne and Bekesboume’ BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE This month 111 th ' t f F K? -——-———— --—-*-"—'*"“—‘ "“"““"“"’ » W see e lnaugura ion 0 a new Ilee ,3: m . . »w'11 Off ' ' - - 4. 5th October — 18th Sunday after lrlnlty ti; the mggigfni°;:3ew:?lB£:g§ea§§ddiigiigbogfigei tfiggwhere I ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 aom-_H01y 9-30 3-m-Sung that this venture will be regarded not as'just a fund 95 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy oommo ‘raising operation, but as an exercise of spiritual renewal ‘ 5,30 p.m. Evensong ll a.m. Harvest and advancement. "It may well be that our giving of money and Sermon Thanmsglvlng {W111 be lncreaseda but certainly there must be a deepen- Service ping Sf our spiritual life and acceptance of responsibility ‘ _ as_C urch Members if the Kingdom of God is to be main- l2th October - 19th Sunday after Trlnltr Eéained and Erulybadvanced in our district. In the near — u ur - ' - - v %Sa'Q' H§%§ Comm‘ :%daé:£m%:tt' gogégfiiggly iof Bridgg ghirch.eglnbgligvgniEhfsrfiigfingnlggrgi ;::r:ower S . - - . . . 6'§gi;‘m. Evensong 3 pfm. gigggeghig gfirklgastlasghdonifi This will strain our re- and 5erm°n Family Ser' quennial Survzy ugtompletgg wifi0%:ytggrfirgggggnthgrqgizr 19th October — 20th Sunday after Trinity r°°f timber‘- 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 8 a.m._H0ly 11 :gm- C Work too on the Chancel at Bekesbourne will also (with Hymns and Communion Mat ins ommenoe shortly. Since the Ecclesiastical Commissioners ana ser_) (Series II) and Serm0n are the Lay Rector of Bekesbourne Church they have kindly 6_3Q P_m_ Evensong consented to underwrite this particular work. ‘ and Sermon » The East Bridge Deanery will be holding a Miss'ona 26th October - 21st Sunday after Trinity _ ' fgifilgziognd gale St She Bridge Village Hall on Sat:rda;y 5 a-m-CHOIY 9°mmv 9 a'm-.H°1Y 11 a:m- ' Certed effgit igmtcigg gégé :3 giiOtfi'm°a 9 §P°°‘°1 con’ 5-30 P-m- 3VenS°n5 C°”m“n1°n Mattlns . Deanery for the success of this evente prilsses 9§1°Fr and Sermon and Sermon Epeaker during the afternoon will be CanoneE gechade one '. . . ime V‘ r St. ' ‘ ' - ’ 2nd November ‘ 2235 Suncay after Trlnlty ‘This i:C:rC§urch wfiigh :agh%:l?’kfi:::a§o iggghwfigrlggsed ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a-m- Efirough Durban on the Middle and Far East conveys Euring 11.45 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Sung H913 sue war of 1939-45. I do hope you will all give loyal 6.30 p.m. Evensong C0mmun10D PP°Tt by your presence on that day. and Sermon ._. I h ld l_k t ’ t s ou i e_ 0 ex end a welcome to all new peaple Holy Communion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m, on k ggfi have come to live in our villages this summer. Iiao Wednesdays, and 7.30 a.m. on.Fridays during the wee - glada}WayS hear of your arrival, but I should always be Evensong is at 5 p.m. at The Close every Sunday. mov if parishioners would let me know when new neighbours A cordial invitation is extended to come to this ourefiin so that I may give welcome_to them in the name at '” service. ( ) — °hur°h- (2) ‘V’ ‘ 1 t “.u 4* _ 7".“" F , . 1 1 .- _____i,,,_. e... __ 1 Vs aie most fortunate in having some of the leading ‘ 1 speakers sud theolofiians hf the dayqcoming to speak to us ”ALENDAR FOR OCTOBER 1969 during October and November in the Cathedral. lhe lecturestlst Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion at «re as follows: ‘ ‘ . ' “ °‘“ ° _ » Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Oet.22 EBRSONAL RESEONSIBILITY Miss Diana Reader Harris. ‘ Young Wives Group Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Oct.29 MARRIAGE Canon Hugh Montefiore ' Bridge primary school, Nov 5 STUDENT REVOLT The Rt. Hon. bir Edward Boyle, . Bridge & Patrixbourng p,c,c, meeting at Bart- M-P- Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Nov.l2 RACE RELATIONS Bishop Trevor Huddleston y4th Saturday Aurumn Jumble sale of Bridge Group of _ at 8 ; EttiisgzlVS:§’:::bt:1'1H°sP1’”1S a’° 2-” Saturday, 18th October is the Festival of St. Luke ;5th - 18th Sunday afterPT£ini§§ Ch'rCh.H V st and there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 7.30 ‘ Th fig:-ivfinrlg rgige u ar 9 a'm' at St’ Pet?r‘S Br1dge° In our Prayers on that day we 9th Thursda M ating of ih eFri ids of Cant rbur will remember the worh of all doctors, nurses and all who Y H39 _t8l _-Cfo gr Ch at The C103 t minister to the sick in Eind andtbody and care ffr thed: 7 gglpams 59 an 9 Sara aged, especially those W o minis er in our parisies an _ ’ 3 - - . ' _ at The Close. I hope many of you on this Saturday morning glbifi §:§gY,G§%%§ ?§:t125MgSP-§- §:l£§ed will make 3 real effort to be Present‘ llth Saturday Digcesan Cfigfercnce -‘ll a m. at the . All Saints Day and All Souls Day fall on November 1st Ca*hedTa1'ChaP*er H°uSe-~ _ . 12th — 19th Sunda after Trinit . N e b 2 d d n of ou may not have received 1 , y ,. y -. . ii: tiieitii mggaigneagymihgn I ghould like to mention it 45th Wednesday Young Wlves Group Meet1n8- Film at 7-30 -. N ve her th re t month of Remembrance o ens T P°m' at_Bri&5e Village Hall- gfth iii Sgints Da;,gth: day on which we thihk’ofpa11 the, East Brldse Rural Deanery Conferences members of our Church, both living and departed; Who to: Z-30 P'm' at St‘ Augustine's C011€§e: éether form that great communion of Saints that we mention 18th S t d §anterbury'. 7 . ' every time we say the Creed. Sunday November 2nd is All t Luka ur ay °ly C°@munl°n‘7'3O a?m'. e — Souls Day. Will those of you who would like the souls of - e A-E- East_Br1dse Deanery Missionary Sale and their beloved departed ones to be remembered by name at 19th Meeting at ?-30 p«m- at Bridge Village Hall- the Holy Communion Service please let me know. " 20th Sunday after Trlnlty 23rd Thursday Bible Study Group Meeting at 8 p,m. at Church Cottage, Bridge (Mr. & Mrs,W. Rose). Yours sincerely in our blessed Lord, 26th _ 21st Sunday after Trinity COLIN E.H. PERRY 39th Wednesday Young Wives Group Meeting. 17§30 p.m. at Rural Dean and Vicar Bridge Primary School. . d I *-X-**-)(-******* 9nd —”?2nd Sunday after Trinity. JUNIOR CHURCH _ Junior Church will meet at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday, _ ************ October 5th and at 11 a.m. on Sunday l2th, 19th and 26th October. (3) ’ (4) 1 . .3 _g A.’ ' W ,_ (W . ' 3; J FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Beptism St. Peter's Bridge 24th August 1969 31st August 1969 Charlotte Melissa Darby Roger Arthur Garrod Andrew Karl Garrod Jennifer Anne Tapley Michelle Monique Hutton Egly Matrimony St. Mary's, Patrixbourng 30th August 1969 Francisio Da Silva Freitas Ribeiro Jennifer Lesley Harris May They Rest in Peace ************ ST. PETER‘S, BRIDGE with ST. MARY'S, PATRIXBOURNE EEEE WILL OFFERING ENVELOPE SCHEME Commencing Sunday the 5th October l969_a new Free Will Offering Scheme will become available in Bridge a Patrixbourne. ‘ The envelopes are coloured, they have bee? OVGT‘ printed with the names of the Churdhes and thelr respective Parishes, also with the tive Sundays throughout the year; in “three month packs". The idea behind the Scheme is to provide a COHVGN system whereby you and your family may make a Weekly Offering to your Church. placed into its appropriate envelope, then: at the end of each 'quarter', the envelopes will be collected and fresh supply of envelopes delivered to you; _alternat1 you may prefer to bring the envelope containing your Offering to Church each Sunday — this of course will b quite in order. The Parish Magazine sellers have been asked to assist with the running of the Scheme - they be pleased to arrange for delivery of your Supply Of Envelopes; (5) nd date of the consecu- they will be available ient Each week your Offering can be 3 vely 9 will 1 FREE WILL OFFERING ENVELOPE SCHEME (Oont'd.) alternatively, please contact Peter Lawrence at 729 Bridge gogné Bridge, Tel. No. Bridge 472, or any Member of the ******%***** YOUNG WIVES GROUP Wednesday October 1st. 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Primary School. Mr. F.J. Nelson from Nason's will talk on "Soft Furnishings in the Home". . Wednesday October 15th. 7.30 p.m. at the Village Hall, Bridge. Mr. & Mrs. Watts will show films issued by the South African Embassy. Here is an opportunity to increase our knowledge of South Africa, it's people and wild lifg. Please make a special effort to attend this meeting apd bring your husbands, teenage children and friends a ong, Wednesday October 29th. 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Primary School. A representative from the Trustee Savings Bank will give a talk and short film on Decimal Currency. G.S. HARVEY (Hon. sec.) ************ LEAGUE or EEIENES OF CANTERBURY.HOSPITALS We are holding our Autumn Jumble Sale on Saturday, 4th October at the Village Hall, Bridge at 2.30’p.m.. Jumble for Sale gladly accepted by any Committee Member or by Matron at The Close. Please come and support us inyour usual generous way. We will have a raffle in the hall. FRANCES E. APPS (Hon. Sec.) Bridge Group. ************ (6) ,__—fl‘.hP—— — . _...,. _.. f . -,.-.....__._._.._._....-._... _.., ...-.,,_ .,.._..,.._,..*_% MOTHERS‘ UNION . gr Wednesday October lst. Corporate Communion with Inter- cessions at Bridge Church 9.30 am. Q0053 4th Mrs. Irvine : Hawkins llth Mrs. Meigh Monday, October 20th. Branch Meeting at 2.45 p.m. at 99033 18th Mrs. Hoare 37 Hayward's Cottages, Bridge. _ Hunter 25th Mrs. Muir—Little 3 Speaker:- Sister Vera Vandersteen. ***-X-—X-***~X--X-** -X--)é-){--)(--){-**-3(--)€--)(--)(--)(- BRIDGE CHURCH ORGAN FUND BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP This Group has now been in being for a year. It's The Organizers of the above Fund wish to thank all h 1 ‘t f t . htl . th_ , h _ made and brought many ‘miles and helped to‘ . E3§‘€m‘ii§t§‘‘Z5§ui‘§aay§”a$1§ p.$.1“:5.”3’§ %“33na§i3,%a3£‘3SJ§fin..n ‘*‘*:"‘3“:‘9 “.9 Brilg and Buy S310‘? m°£§1.’}§ i grew S:°§°s§}; :I1s° is at Bristol University and ce.n'only be with us at - E§°59.WflO C393 to Support 9hr 0% E; O ralSeAft4;rsfi:ll vacations. The Rev. P.G. Holden. whom some of You know; a30« 30 Piy :oyA?§9t§Xt:3:1g§ 336'O: Ogganfias rc:liZed a retired priest, often deputizes for him. e;-ezses were ml e s = - - ' L ’ ' JP 1 P S The numbers of the group have stayed constant. This Since the above was held we have raised a few paragraph is written to invite others to join. pounds by selling our garden produce of tomatoes, plums We are 3 Bible study Group and we shall be devoting etc. p the first half-hour of every session to the study of St. T.E.G.H. W.J. W. R. = gohn's Gospel. We shall take as our guide the late Arch- ishop William Temple. He wrote a profound book — ***%******** 'Beadings in St. John's Gospel" - on What he regarded as the profoundest book every written. It is now to be HARVEST FESTIVAL AT BISHOPSBQUBNE obtained as a jpaper—back' price 12/6d. Why not buy it s end read it? Why not indeed, but some of us would find The Choir from Bridge Church will be singing at 1%? a bit too profound without an interpreter. Besides, Eighgpgbourng Harvest Festival Service on October 5th lron sharpeneth iron". Meanings become clearer in a at 3_3O p.m_ Shared discussion. . HZmv"’~‘T FLOWER FESTIVAL A'“ ST MILDRED'S CHURCH of a Herf ‘gen’ in.§h;'iS*f1§n ggligigigg 3;.‘ §§§°;‘:3nf*Y + -«-EJ * fl 4- ~ rea a Vance 1 n u er a e a Q !L1ib_3£‘.QI 1 gonsequent e.dvance"in thisICh:c-istian life. gemple himself , flys in this book I hope am concerned wit what the on Octpbcr 4th and 5th St‘ M1ld?ed's Church’ Presfon Holy Spirit says to me through the gospel." It has its are presenting a Harvest Flower Festival from 10 a-m- message for the heart as well as the mind and Temple gives 7«50 P-U- each 583- a message which is in every way worth receiving. our next meeting will be held on Thursday 9th ************ October at 8 p.m. at Red Dpgy, Bridge Down, by kind (7) A l‘, . ’ " -'--——————v~~~v——-~-— «»—-—' ~——r— ~—'-——._L.'..- ._.... - §gBL3 STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP (Cont'd.) , invitation of Mr. & Mrs. Hill. We will carry on the ‘ readings in St. John's Gospel and we are delighted to welcome to this meeting, Sister Janet, Deaconess of the I Community of St. Andrews. : On Thursday 23rd October at 8 p.m. we meet at Church Cottage by kind invitation of Mr. & Mrs. W. Rose. -X-**-)(-*-)(-****** A HAPPENING AT THE BARTON A ER "The Save the Children Fund has a heart for Children everywhere." This sentence has been impressed on the mind throughout this year, appearing regularly in print in daily newspapers and elsewhere. No one could have doubted the truth of this state— ment when so many of you supported so generously and splendidly our local fund—raising effort in this Jubilee Year of the S.C.F. There was such kindness and generosity. There were those who worked hard for months beforehand and produced wonderful articles of great attractiveness and appeal; there were those who searched at home and found useful and beautiful things they could give us; those who give so generously but were unable to come; and those who came and brought and bought most generously. There were those who helped me in the garden - the coffee makers, the stall-holders and 'rafflers', and the boys and girls without whose help we could hardly have coped- From all this wonderful outpouring of goodwill and kindness we raised £125 to add to this year's income of the Canterbury Branch of S.C.F. I can never thank you all adequately - but another well—known sentence comes to mind in this context - (9) » A HAPPENING AT THE BARTON (C0nt'd.) "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me". EILEEN GREENWOOD -)1-**-X-******-X-* HELP THE AGED Old age is one of inevitable facets of life yet most of us in this country can look forward to it without dread because our retirement can be long, happy and peaceful. But what of the refugees overseas? For them there can be no looking forward. and Privacy they are condemned to live in the streets, under hedges and in hovels. At best they can hope for a refugee camp and, in their old age, they are forced to rely on the generosity of others. V ‘Help the Aged‘ a national appeal organised by Voluntary and Christian Service holds a unique position ' inasmuch as it is the only charity concentrating solely on the problems of old ago. 'On October 7th and 8th an Appeal is being held in Canterbury and District to collect good used clothing to be sent immediately for the relief Of aged people throughout the world and whose need is so great. A Reception Centre for this clothing will be set up in Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday October 7th and 8th from 10 — 6 p.m. Anything you can Contribute will be most gratefully accepted whether it be in clothing to be sent to those in need, gifts which can be sold in our Gift Shops to provide essential_medicines as well as to cover the cost of transport or as a donation Sent to the Hon. Treasurer, the Manager. Barclays Bank Ltd., 9 St. George's Road, Canterbury. *-I-********** (10) Once they have lost all their dignityé i VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REY. CANON COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens .' MR. C. A. Porriak. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) MR. W. J OHNSON. 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon Secretary : Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. ‘ Organist (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- Mx. W. R. MOWLL. Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) Mn. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts. Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebournc 541) _ Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Advens. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) - Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properliee 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Omce: e1 KIIIGODOII PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Vlllltehhle e110 S.P.C.K. Pelnllfluere and leoueuen to the church 01 Enxlend since ion (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplies of «all requirement: to! Church and Sunday School purpau: An euelleut at children’: looks, Ploturee, Ilhlee. Prayer Ind Hymn Ioelll {or Presentation, etc. DEVOTIOIAL IO0KSn CARDS. 030-. IN GREAT VARIETY GAII IE OEEII Telephone : Canterbury cam P:h|eeb1¢h:Elvyl:GihhaPutned1£p.llBeuLen:.Canlerbury ijrjw PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESi3OURNE PRICE 6d. -".1.‘~'='¢’.~'é.:‘..~§;.;.‘-‘ .5 .,,,. St PETER amuse: CHURCH MAGAZINE '5 November, 1969 l W..- _- .._,_,,l , _ ,_____ , __ _____A 7___ __ _ T VICAPUS LETTER SUNDAY SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER 1969 l :"""‘:' Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne & Bekesbourne, T EI&lL0U;HN_E BEKTSBOURNE l All Saints’ Day which falls on November 1st, makes 2nd Nwember - 2?-Dd Sunday after Trinity \ its own intimate and personal appeal to Christian V worshippers. Originally it was intended as a commem- ll a.m. Matt. 3: Ser. 8 a.m. Holy Conm. 9.30 a.m. Sung 9 oration of those who in a dranatic and sacrificial way had 11-45 3-Uh H013’ C°11'm- Holy Communion reflected the glory of Christ in their lives and death. 6-30 Pvm- EVe“5°n§ It serves now to a great extent as an occasion when all and Sermon remember with thanksgiving their own loved ones and friends who are now "with Christ". "Saint" too is short for "Sanctified", and "sanctified" means "set apart" or 9th N0V6mber - 23rd Sunday after Trinity "Trade holy". The special quality of a saint then is 9 a_m_ Holy Comm ll a.m_ Matting 8 . . H that.of being clearly and noticeably dedicated to the (series 11) and Sermon Coinflniofily service of God in Christ, in such a'way'that both.the 6.30 p.m, Evensong 3 P m Family resultant character and achievement, alike bear witness and Sermon Ser"’.1(':e to God‘ s transforming grace. We all as Christians and by our baptism are called to become saints. 16th November - Zltth Sunday after Trinity We are getting ready for our Christmas Market on 6th. Please make a note of this day 9 a.m_ H01 C I 8 O G H 1 C . H . . , Saturday Decanber I (with Hymn: agimser ) (523163 $13)’ mm amasimlgittlm and ask your friends to do the same. There is a good 630 P m_ Evensong ' deal of preparation that is being done for which we are and Seémon grateful and I do ask you again for your loyal help and enthusiasm. A list of stalls will be found elsathere in the magazine. The needs of the ‘two churches, their i nnintenance and day to day expenses are greater than ever, Zjrd November — 25th Sunday after Trinity 8 c . H C . and thus the revenue the Christnas Market remains of .,:s”...?1te::“ms 3.:,;;:*;.:*:1Y ma1.m»°rme- bet it is also « ream r-aw-v aw ==» and Semen 11.15 am. Holy the l1fe.of trlii palr£sh,r:1Then_t':§_ gndamily of the Church C _on gathers in fe ans p a uni eavour. Remembrance Sunday is on the 9th Novanber and there 30th November - Advent sundax will be a -special service at Patrixbougne Church memorial beginning at lO.55 a.m. e number 0 occasions in a a. . H C . Z Bomp m0l%ve:I.L;x—x+:e** FPDM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism St, Po.ter‘s, Bridge. 21st September 1969 28th September 1969 Jonathan Hugh Buckhurst. Matthew James Millar. Holy Matrimony Q. Peter-‘s, Bridge 27th Septanber 1969 Nigel Pettigrew Lewis. Ann Dianthus Daltoides Ross. May They Rest in Page St. Peter's. Bekesbourne 23rd October 1969 The Close, Bridge 20th October 1969 Stanley Metcalfe. Walter Emmett . (3) 1st Saturday 2nd Sunday — 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 9th Sunday - 10th Monday llth Tuesday CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 1962 All Saints‘ Day - Holy Communion at Bridge Church 7.30 a.m. 22nd Sunday after Trinity Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Lecture "Student Revolt" by the Rt. Hon. Sir Fdvard Boyle, M.P. at 8 pm. Bible Study Group Meeting at Hayward‘ 5 Cottage, 37 Union Road, Bridge, at 8 pan. 23rd Sunday after Trinity - Remembrance Sunday Bekesbourne Chu.rch7P.C.C. Meeting at Bekesbourne School. Over-Sixties Club Whist-Drive in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 12th Wednesday Young Wives Group Meeting 7.30 pun. at lath Friday 16th Sunday - 17th Monday 20th Thursday 22nd Saturday . 23rd Sunday - 26th Wednesday 30th Sunday - V... . Bridge School. Cathedral Lecture "Race Relations" by Bishop Trevor Huddleston at 8 pm. 6 Brownie Coffee Evening at 20 Conyngmm Lane, 7.30 p.m. 2J+th Sunday after Trinity Preacher at 6.30 13.111. Evensong at Bridge Church The__Rev. R. No:-burn, Vicar St. Phillip,‘ Norbury, S.W.l6. Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting 2.l+5 Pan. at 19 Wind.mi]J. Close (Mrs. Loft) Bridge School Managers Meeting 5 pm. at Bridge School. Bible Study Group meeting at 7 Windmill Close, Bridge (Mrs. (Pierce) at 8 pm. East Bridge Choir Festival at; Ash Clmrch. Rehearsals at 2.30 p.m. onward: Festival Evensong will be at 6 p.m. 25th Sunday after Trinity Young Wives Group Meeting 7.30 pm. at Bridge School Meeting or the Bridge Branch of the Friends of Canterbury Hospitals. 7.30 p.m. at The Close. Advent Sunday - St. Andrew‘: Day A day of prayer for the work of Missions. (L) _c__A_L_T__§I._\jQA_l?_1-“OR 19-62 (contId.) December 3rd Nednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion at 9.30 9.30 am. at Bridge Church. -31-7":-ix‘-‘F)(-?'--‘,(*-)6-)§-2‘?-X-3'6 BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP Our next. meeting will be held on Thursday, November 6th at 8 p.m. at Hayward‘ s Cottages, 3'7 Union Road, by kind invitation of Mrs. Meigh. We will carry on the readings" in St. John‘ s Gospel. On Thursday, November 20th at 8 p.m. we meet at 7, Windmill Close by kind invitation of Mr. & Mrs. W. Pierce. —;:—%.—x-—:e<-34-xz—;t—x—2e THE ‘HELP THE AGED‘ APPEAL The Organiser of the "Help the Aged" appeal for Clothes was delighted when he collected 18 sacks of clothing and several gifts of money from Bridge Village Hall on October 9151'“ i would like to thank everyone who gave so 8eneI‘°'l151Y and also the "Young Wives" and other valued helpers who gaV6 their time in the Hall to receiving and filling the sacks. Their work was mach appreciated. B. N. TURPIN -re-x-eez-,rx—r«->ee1+x- (5) V THE OVER-SIXT IE5 CLUB We are holding a whist-drive in the Village Hall on Tuesday, November llth at 7.30 p.m. - Admission 2/Od. It is hoped the occasion will be well patronised, as this is our first drive. New members - ladies and gentlemen - will be very welcome to join us on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30 p.xn. in the Village Hall.’ M.J. BATE (Hon. Sec.) THE LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBUIH HOSPITALS BRIIIEE GROUP We, the Committee of-the above Group would like to thank all our friends , who so "generously supported us once more at our Jumble Sale on hth October. We made a very useful £29. Thank you‘ all for giving and.!‘o'r buying. our Christmas Whist Drive has been arranged to take place on December 17th, when we.-hope to'see you all enjoying yourselves. A < FRANCES E. APPS (Hon. Sec. Bridge Group) fifi (6) 1 YOUNG WIVES GROUP } §i1"9_”N_I_1‘-.3. ,\,m_m_LbC“ 12th - This year the Brownie pack is four years old and we ‘-—-“"—“-"""' shall be having a "Scarecrow" party on November 22nd at 7 30 p m in Bridge School __ Bingm [ the Village Hall, from 5.30 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. We are inviting the Cubs and hope everyone will come suitably ‘ dressed. There will be a snack supper. November 26th . . _ i There will be a Coffee Evening at the home of Mrs. .\,isitZr'.3Si§im'i$: Ertgii iihfigi wolfiis’ Clare our local Health Stoneham, 20 Conyngham Lane, on Friday, November 14th at g ' 7.30 13.111. in aid of Brownie Funds. We hope to welcane as many parents and friends as possible. N.B. We will be meeting weekly during the month to continue era: preparations for the Christmas Bazaar. Times and places This year we shall be doing various things to w:1J_1 be announced later. celebrate the Jubilee year of 'Guiding‘ . The first of these is planting tulip bulbs in the garden of Churchill G.S. HARVEY House. ' \ q**H** Many thanks to those who worked so hard to decorate the Church for Harvest-Festival, and also to_those who give produce and donations. Twelve gifts of produce and tea were given to elderly people in the villag‘ e and ‘ a th‘ t —f' h'll' t Chu hi1lH t h 1 ‘th __——1-—————-——'5h‘1’3da 20*“ "°‘’em‘°e1” ‘-0 " 1130 a-m° . thgrychggtgaé f:e:%:vi‘ct)ies.rc ‘me’ 0 e P "1 Visitors welcomed at the Village Hall to see the Play . - BARBARA GOODE- Centre in action. V 4 w Qhildren‘s Used TgY_s_ - we would be grateful for a fan large V . toys such as, rocking horse, tricycle, doll‘ s pram if your BRIIIZ-E CHURCH FLONER IUJIA family has out.-grown them. . _____N0Vembem' Helgrs - if any kind person woul.d like to help us one Mrs. Lawrence C 2nd Miss Lazar Thursday morning in five, or a part morning, kindly contact Mrs. Ledger ‘ '9th * Mrs. Pierce the Lader, Mrs. Davies, 65 Bridge Down, Tel. Bridge 616. Mrs. Goods , 16th Mrs. Rose Mrs. Williamson 23rd Mrs. G. Smith Mrs. Young 30th Mrs. Beaumont at-aew-:1-at-as-at-:4-3:-:1-1+ -)1-u-:2-:9:-as-3:-3:-:t-H-lat (7) y (9) MOTHERS‘ UNION ' EAST BRIIEE DEANERY MISSIONARI FESTIVAL AND SALE 'w'e*‘._nesdaV, November 5th. We would like to thank all those in our parishes who C 3. t CQmmm- -th I t - t B -d Ch h helped to make this an outstanding success. Canon E. Q‘3O afmiwra 8 mm W1 n ercesslons 3 T1 ge um Wade one time Archdeacon of Durban gave an inspiring talk ’ on the Church in South Africa and on his work in this Monday November 17th. country as Secretary for the Society for Promoting Christian ’ Literature. As a result of the‘Sale we raised over £50 B h M V 2‘ . _ t 1 W-ndm-111 C1 kind which is being divided equally between the Church invita§:§; of¢§r:?gLof%? P m 3 9 1 °se by Missionary Society and the United Society for the \ Propagation of the Gospel. Speaker - Mrs. Meigh — "Iona". \l \. \I U ., . *§* ‘3'c‘)\‘-rfii .-o‘-A-/.-1988? CHRISTMAS MARKET JUNIOR CHURCH Hall on Saturday, December 6th. Please make a special note of this in your diaries so that you can be sure of coming to support us. The stalls will include:- Junior Church will meet at 9.30 am. ' on Sunday, November I I I ‘ The Christmas Market will be held in Bridge Village and, and at ll a.m. on November 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th. I *,t,(__a_,(_,A,_H_X_,,€* Groceries and Sweets Mothers‘ Union Household Goods Working Party BAR1-IA]? BOWL T CHRISTMAS FAYRE ' . L LNG CLJB p_ Children‘ 3 toys etc. Young Wives The Ladies of Barham Bowling Club who wish to extend 1 Wheel of Fortune League of Frieais ‘their green, are holdinga Grand Christmas Fayre in Barham ‘ Village Hall on Saturday, November 15th in order to raise funds‘ Stationery and Books Mrs. Shirley for the club. There will be a "Home-made" Stall, a Garden Stall and a Gift Stall. Teas will be served and it is hoped ‘ Phffle Col. Irvine and to have something specially for the children. Messrs. Turpin, Johnna), *_H_H_H+x_H* Rose and Hoare. The Bridge Parents Teachers Association are holding their’ Teas and Cakes Mrs. Potter and helpers. a::;1.al Whist Drive and Grand Draw, for the Children‘ s Christen” parties, on Tuesday, 25th November in the Village Hall, star’? ,_ Christmas Tree ? at 7.30 pm. The entrance fee is 2/-, which includes re- freshments‘ (9) 4 Contributions to any of the above will bewelcomed. (10) g V " "':"“'S I/ICAR AND RURAL DEAN: Tm-: REV. CANON Co1_iN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens .' MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge ZI8) MR. W. JOHNSON, 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. Secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Trearurer: MR. C. A. PoT'ri:R. Organist (Bridge) 2 MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : M11. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE C hurchwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbournc. (Bridge 2l3) Mn. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill. Bekesbourne. Organist: MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Ofice : II KIIIGIOOII PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhlteteble I118 S.P.C.K. Publlshere end Booksellers to the church of England since 1890 (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplies of all requirements for Church and Sunday School purpose: An excellent selection or children‘: Books. Ploturee. Blblee. Preyer end Hymn Ioolie tor Presentation, eto. DEVOTIDNAL BOOKS. CARDS. etc. IN GREAT VARIETY BAN BE SEEN Telephone: Canterbury 62831 PATRIXBOURN E WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESIBOURNE ---~>u.'.an..... .-a. '. ,,, — St PETER BRIDE CHURCH MAGAZINE Printed by the Elvy & Gibb: Pennenhip. ll Beet Lene, Canterbury December, 1969 PRICE 6:]. SLNDAY SEEVICFS FOR DECEMBER 1969 BILTDSE PAT RDZBOU ENE BEKESBOUHNE fin December — 2nd Sunday in Advent ll a.m. Ma‘tt.& Ser. 11,45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 13.111. Evensong a- Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion lath December — 3rd Sunday in Advent 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Mattins 8 a.m. Holy (Series II) and Sermon Communion 6.30 33.111. Evensong 3 p.m. Family and Sermon , Service 21st December -girth Sunday in Advent 9 a.m. Holy Comm. (with I-iymris and Sermon) 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Comm. (Series II) ll a.m. Mattins and Sermon 5th December — Christmas Day See Special Announcement of Services) 4th January l9'7O — let Sunday after Christmas ll a.m. Matt.& Ser. ll.1+5 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 13.131. Evensong and Sermon 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Comm. Holy Coxzmunion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesdays, and 7.30 a.m. on Fridays during the week. Ehrensong is at 5 pun. at The Close every Sunday. A cordial invitation is extended to come to this service. (1) A My dear People, I ask your support of Bridge & Patrixbourne Church narket on Saturday 6th December in Bridge Village Hall. Do make a point of coming to support us with your friends. The Christmas market is always a pleasurable part of our Church‘: family life. There is no need too for me to dilate upon the Church‘ s continuing financial need. I know that the feeling of wanting to help and of being together in the _ friendly atmosphere of this occasion will draw many into help. Gifts for the stalls will too be most welcome. The Christmas market deserves the support of all our people. This is a month where we put our way of life within the context of the Cradle of Bethlehem. We are made strangely aware of the words of Our Lord. "Except Ye become as little children . . . . . . ." which means a child-like trust in God‘ 3 care and love. He, Who is God the Son, Was Born of the Virgin Mary, humbled Himself, and became our Servant and Saviour. The utter simplicity of His coming as a Babe, entering into the life of the world, reveals the wisdom of the Almighty and Eternal Omnipotent God. We in the 20th century with all our welter of lmouledge, need to see the wisdom of God. This means that Bethlehem in its sheer simplicity is yet the profoundest thing that has ever happened to the world. "Thou didst give Jesus Christ Thine Only Son to be born as at this time for us." It is this blessing of Christmas that I pray you all my have. You will find elsewhere details of our Christmas Services. I do hope that every reader of the magazine will make a special act of devotion over the festival of Christmas either at the midnight celebrations or at the Services that follow on Christmas Day. I should be grateml for the names of amr Coxmtunicant, who, through illness or age are unable to get to ghurch so that they may receive Christmas Comnmion in their omes. I know you would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Rev. Geoffrey Church, one time Vicar of our parish, at the death of his dear wife. They were both greatly loved. (2) In the New Year, I shall be holding Confirmation Classes and I should be pleased to know the names of any, of all ages, who wish to be prepared for the Sacrament of the Church. Do think seriously about this matter, if you have not previously been confirrzaod. I would draw your attention to the National Sign-in on world poverty. The "Sign—in" declares that wars, hunger, disease and illiteracy are intolerable anywhere in the world. It is an attempt for the voice of the Church to speak to the Government of this land in compassion and practical help to the poorer countries of the world. An opportunity to sign will be found at the table at the entrance to Bridge Church. To you and your loved ones I wish a Holy and Blessed Christmas Day. Yours ever sincerely in our Blessed Lord COLIN E. H. PERPE Vicar and Rural Dean V V ., u \/ y_y \r ‘K-.r-A-'K'-A-n-A n rfif CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES St-: Peter‘ 5 Bridge Christmas Eve 11,30 p.m. Midnight Eucharist Christmas Dav 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Mattins and Family Service followed by ll.1+5 a.m. Holy Communion 5.00 p.m. Evensong at The Close All are welcome. St . Mary’ 5 Patrixbourne ChristmaLD_a1 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion (3) CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES (Cont‘d.) St. Peter‘ s Bekesbourne Christmas ‘Eve 11.30 p.m. Midnight Eucharist 10.30 231.111. Mattias and Family Service followed by 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Christmas Day -x—x+**H-H—x-x- FRCN THE PARISH REGISTERS Roy; Baptism 23rd November 1969 Tracy Jayne Goodwin Claire ‘Angela Pascoe gm Thgx Rest 33' ' Pggg St, Peter's Be1cesbo_g_me ‘S 29th October 1969 Brenda. Fu].1avay 21st November 1969 H St. Peter's Bridge 22nd November 1969 Tom Macaulay James Cyril Wonfor 24th November 1969 Mary Ann Daisy Louise Kahn -rs-xs~n-n-x-*-Ha:-w ' IOR RC1-I Junior Church will meet at 9.30 am. on Sunday , 7th and at 11 a..m. on Sundays Decgnber lhth, 21st and " . (h) YULETIDE EVENING CHRISTMAS MARKET All villagers are invited to the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. December lCth for a Yuletideevening arranged by the Young The Christmas Market will be held in Bridge Village Han wives vI‘°uP With the Church °h°1T and B1‘°W1'11e5~ on Saturday December 6th, Please make a special note of this _ _ . in your diaries so that you can be sure of coming to support Do come along and engoy a pre-Christmas evening. us, The stalls will include,_ *""‘“‘“""'““"“‘“"""""“ White Elephant Mesdames Turpin and Down YOUTH CRIB Groceries and Sweets Mothers‘ Union I On October 31st replacing the usual Youth Club meeting, H°useh°1d G°°d3 A. w°rking Part?’ a successful discotheque washeld in the evening. Qther clubs ‘ _ ' ' _ i M ‘_ in the vicinity were invited, ‘bringing the numbers present well Children 5 toys etc. Young Wives rt tad:-d. 1v'.L th"Mb D‘ D.J." tth . n . T C ’ A ::=n: :om: goodlr lofignogsiceandowithiicz short time n:arly Wheel °f Fort‘-me i L338‘-1°.‘ °f Fr 13959 "V I 2 . all 'caught‘ the at os here. We hope to have another such \ _ e - - ‘ _ evening in the futuI:_e.p Stationery and Books Mrs. Shirley Other Youth‘Clubs in the district will be having dances in l Raffle pi _ . ’§°1- Irvine end J the coming weeks, to which Bridge and other villages will be R°55r5;ldT‘I;rP1na °hn3°np invited. We would be very grateful if anybody with a car could | °5e 3- °31'e- s 2 the t‘ e t h 1 out with lifts to and fro — it would Oglziebe a f: migesf P Teas and Cakes I Mrs. Potter and helpers On Sunday‘, November 30th there is a table tennis - Christmas Tree Bridge S°h°°1 " ' N YthClbiCtbury. _ _ _ vigmgztullglgg firtithh: 1;;?rn(s:;ar1o(lt:in:]-:3]s.ay:s mal: an: fglnalei, so C°m'mbut1°n5 t° any °f the “-‘b°"e "111 be "°1¢“n“‘- if you are any good at the game please own up! Two students from Christ Church Teachers Training College é in Canterbury and who are interested in youth activity are WOMEN'S INSTIT E helping in the organisation of a small production. Further _ details are kept surreptitiously hidden; 1 The next meeting will be on 16th December in the Vi].la.ge E Hall at 7 p.m. There will be a play or entsrtainnnurt by Club night is , as has always been on Friday evenings at ‘ the Drama Group and Carols by candlelight. Please bring , 7.30 p.m. Anybody of about 11 - 17 years of age is welcome your candle’. The competition will be six mime-pica. I ‘=° “me al°“8- K. CREE} . ’ ' (7) Youth Club Correspondent : (3) L _ ,_ ,,_ 4;, THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Please can you help the very urgent Save the Children Fund Clothing Fund Appeal.? The stock of good second—hand garments at the S.C.F. Warehouse in Bolton, Lanes. is exhausted and an appeal has gone out so that supplies may be built up in readiness for the next emergency. The Canterbury Branch of S.C.F. is anxious to send a collection of clothing as soon as possible. Can you spare any outgrown childrens garments still worthy of six months wear? Clothing of all ages is needed and especially of early teenage. If you would kindly ‘phone Bridge 288 or send me a. message I should be most happy to arrange for collection. May I also remind you that Bread and Cheese Lunches in aid of S.C.F. are to be held again in St. Thomas Hall, Canterbury, during Advent on Fridays December 5th, l2th and 19th - 12 - 2 p.m, Eileen Greenwood MOTHERS‘ UNION ‘Nednesdav December 1rd ' " . Corporate Coummion with Intercessions at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Mondav December 8th Branch Meeting held at 11 Union Road by kind permision of Mrs, Berry, The Speaker will be the Vicar. The meetinfl begins at 2.30 pm. (9) i I 4 l