PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE MAGAZINE January, 1970 % 6d. .‘.%.‘%‘A AAA: A A A A A A A AA ‘ S 8 IS 9 p I I For a large variety of top quality E I M h d m6 Kath and Jun THE GROCERIES and PROVISIONS 1 For ABBOTT WELCOME YOU > --AAAAAAAAAARAAAA--AAAAAAAA N us a se ection o #3g2;cU“N To CONTINEIITAL FLODS anlzl CHEESE > EfisA1JE£ELand 1 BRIDGE _. SHOP AT __ : ISLAND DAIRIES ’ I 1 ”“”‘ BRIDGE 1 1 T. 1 I-UNCHEONS ‘ aornen m cA54Arl%r:aunv's MODERN HOT AND COLD SNACKS E DINNERS WESTERN AVENUE 1 ........u.... m... WINES BY THE GLASS > HOTEL ACCOMMODANON BR] DG E ‘ NEW DOVER ROAD, CANTERBURY DRAUGHT GUINNESS > ‘v_ Tel. sasss OFF LICENCE , wk MODERN SELF-SERVICE STORE ¥ 1 > Telephone‘ B|'idS° 249 A FREE; D:\I'%E:;LEsERvlcE GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY BUILDER PLUMBER DECORATOR : FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TOBACCONIST ‘A’ : I C. & B. M. LEWIS D. H. WHITTAKER Your local ’ Mb LADIES’ & GENT'S OUTFIT'I‘ERS HIGH STREET, BRIDGE 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 * HIGH STREET, BRIDGE p .’.’.§§¥.V..§N§f.’f.’.i‘f.§§i‘;§.‘”...".3$31; H. HAWKINS 3 ==°'~~~ to aw "'°" "““‘° "5 . msmmr) BRIDGE I r d’ d R 11 1' b 11 T :1 G I I S I Booking Agent : Tel. 347 1 to ucer an etaAz”¢‘)j(C:":fri:;) n are uernuy A I 3- L- PRICE; Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses, 1 From the Farm to the Customer (RD FUELS LTD‘) 15 L ,1, came buy Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses ‘ 0 °l:l_g:1:ph°ne_ I &Lingerie 5 COAL, cox]-1 AND FUEL OILS > . * . Day 63979 NEWSAGENTS 1 > - - ET Nlgjlt Baflmm 508 TOBACCONISTS : LODGE LEES FARM CONFECTIONERS ‘ 1 BARHAM & DENTON Nr. Canterbury CANTERBURY , STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS : Telephone: narh;m 277 -pd_ 55345 : . . 1 * C I I gumpmg comm“;-yon N_ A_ TURNER : FRESH CREAM A SPECIALITY AND F135:_°1;l;E:E ggxfgfjpffgfif t JOHN ROBSON FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER 1 "Ew '-“D EGGS coAL MERCHANTS SCHEME I (Dover) Ltd, Flowers, Plants'& Home-Grown Produce : p I ma saowwu. mums Wm m:d° 1° W : C. w. LYONS & SON LTD. Tel. lrldge I14 ’ > JOINERY PLUMBING smmwrxou THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE E FU N E RA L S ERV | C E ——- : DECORATING Tolophonn lrldu :81 { sT_ GREGORY-S : ‘ I 1 > MILITARY ROAD, CANTERBURY. — TELEPHONE 63503 vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvv wvwwvwvwvvvvvwvwvvwvvwvvvv wv vv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv Nine Lessons & Carols E:UNDA‘.L’ SEJ'i'\"'ICBS — JANUAHX 1970 13 EEEIXBOU RNE BE1(ESBQ[_Jfi_N_1§ ggh January 2nd Sunday aft er Christma s I 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion ll :x.,1n. I\Zatt.& 561". 1.l.,.'\5 a,m, Holy Comm. 5.30 pm. Service of llth January 1st Sunday after Epiphany a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Mattins 9 8 a.m. Holy Comm. (u€‘“l€S II) and Sermon 6 3 p.m. Family .m. Evensong Service and Sermon l8th January 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9 am. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 8 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Mattins (Series II) and Sermon 25th January" Septuagesima — Conversion of St. Paul 8 am. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Mattins 6,30 p.m. Lvensong and Sermon and Termon lst February Sexagesima ll a.m. Matt. _& Ser. ll.L5 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon ' 8 am. Holy Comm. 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion Holy Com:_r1u_nion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesdays, and 7.30 a.m. on Fridays during the week. Evensong is at 5 p.m. at The Close every Sunday. A cordial invitation is extended to come to this service. (1) My dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne , This letter comes to you with best wishes for the New Year. I {mist beglf} by thanking all who supported our Christmas Market in many different ways especially those who worked so hard making the articles for sale in the months prior to the Market. The feeling of real friendship that existed, the generosity with which people brought gifts for the stalls and gave of their time for the preparation of the hall, was most encouraging. I begin Irv Confirmation Classes on Friday evening January 30th. They will take place at 6 p.m. at Bekesbourne School and at 7 p.m. at the Vicarage Bridge. I am hoping to begin a class for adults on Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Vicarage on 5th February. The main reqiirement for a person who is ready for a. Confirmation is, I believe, that they should have an understanding of Our Lord‘ 5 -life and what is expected of them as a follower of Him within His Church. I wonder are there any adults who in the past have thought deeply about Confirmation but owing to circumstance have not had the opportunity for preparation. If there are, it would be a privilege and joy to prepare and to present them. Perhaps they would let me kncw and I would cane and dean to discuss the matter. I would like to have the names of amr young people who wish to be prepared. The month of January is particularly associated in the minds of Christian people with the week of Prayer for . Christian Unity. Elsewhere in this magazine you will find particulars of Services in and about Canterbury for the unity of Christians throughout the World. I woull encourage all church people to attend one of these services. They provide an opportunity for us to express our concern and longing for the fulfilment‘ of our Lord's prayer in St. John‘ 5 Gospel "that they all may be one". . (2) A PRAYER FOR UNITY "O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord: that, as there is but one Body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all; so we may henceforth be all of one heart, and of one soul, sited in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; trrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." Mr, John Sinclair and Mrs. Sayer and Mr. Stanley Grey at Bekesbourne would be most happy to Welcome new boys, girls and older persons into their respective Choirs. If you wish to join will you get in touch with me so that arrangements can be made with the Organist. This year the Festival of the Conversion of St. Paul‘ 5 falls on a Sundmr 25th January. In the evening I shall be pre:-Lching about the insight of St. Paul and how he answers the pt-oblemsof all religions. The question of divine - human encounter and of the maintenance of relations between God and men - these are the primary problems of all religions. The higher the concept of- God held by the religion inquestion the more urgent and < pressing the problems become. To St. Paul they were of the _ first nagnitude. He inherited from his earlier days the ‘ doctrines of the holiness of God and of the sinfulness of Klan." The problem of encounter and relationship of God with man rerred nod to St. Paul the problem of religion and he saw it as v a problem solved by the initiative of God Himself. With all good wishes for the New Year. Yours sincerely in Our Blessed Lord Colin E.H. Perry Vicar and Rural Dean THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY I would also remind you that the Feast of the Epiphany falls on Tuesday 6th January. Holy Communion will be at 7.30 a-m- and 9-30 a.m. at Bridge Church. What is the meaning of the Epiphany? "We have seen his star in the East and are coming to wor- ship Him." Nation shall come to the light and Kings to the brightness. There was no Christmas for the first three centuries. Strange though it may seem now, the early Church did not observe the feast of the Nativity. True to their . the Eastern Church celebrated rather the illumination of that lifegiving light which came into the world. In Him was light and the light was the life of men. Through Him God had brought Christians "out of darlmess into His own marvellous light". The darkness is past and the true light now shineth". Many voices have recently been proclaiming that something is going wrong with our society in its moral leader-lessness, its drift and apathy. Its deepest need is to be brought again out of darkness into the marvellous light which shines where Christ is acclaimed as King and Saviour, to see the World again as God's world with a moral law built into the structure of it and for- giveness at the spiritual heart of it. C.E.I-LP. A WEEK or PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY ‘ 20th January,’ Tuesday Hymn singing together at the Methodist Church Canterbury. '7.h5 p.m. 21st January, Wednesday "The Prayer Dimension" for young » people at The Friends Meeting House, The Friars, Canterbury. 7.h§ p.m. 22nd January, Thursday A day’ s vigil of prayer at St. Martin's Church, 3.111. " pol-no (A) "Ti TJ A ow PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY (Cont'd.) wormxrs INSTITUTE 24th January, Saturday Conference on the Holy Communion Service At the Annual General Meeting Mrs, Turpin was elected at the Cathedral Chapter House, A.OO p.m. President, Mrs. I. Harris, Secretary and Mrs. Wimpory, Treasurer. An act of Holy Communion at the Cathedral 8.00 p. (Communicants of all denominations invited) Our January meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th in Preacher: Dr. Eugene Carson—Blake, Gen. Sec. of the village hall, Bridge at 7 p.m. The Speaker will be Mr. the World Council of Churches. David Sharpe on Decimal Currency. The competition will be ; "Something new out of something old". e:-;s-.".-x--><-x—x4e:~:ea- Ann Shirley. CALENDAR FOR JANUARY l970 '"'*’v"""’"""‘"""'*"" lst Thursday Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord Holy __L__________CUB SCOUTS SUPPORTEI5 Communion at Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Ash Sunday 2nd Sunday after Christmas. A Jumble Sale was held on the 29th November. We could service of Nine Lessons and carols at Bridge not have picked a worse day but in spite of the weather a sum church 630 pm,‘ of £19 was raised for the Cub Funds. The Committee would 6th Tuesday Feast of the Epiphany_ like to thank all the hardy people who turned out in the snow and helped us to raise this amount.‘ We would also like to thank Miss R. Kane of "Vanity Fair", Mrs. Turner, Mr. Welch and Mrs. Barsley for donating prizes for the raffle. The 1 winners were Mr. Cobbett, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Coates. Mrs. Diss won the doll in the ‘Guess nv Name‘ ccnnpetition. Holy Communion at 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. in Bridge Church. 71:11 Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Inter- cessions at Bridge Church at 9.30 a.m. Young Wives Group visit to "Ivor Hair Fashions Canterbury — 7.30 pm. 8th Thursday Senior Citizens Club outing to the Marlowe % Theatre, Canterbury. llth Sunday First Sunday after Epiphany. MOTHERS: UNION 18th Sunday Second Sunday after Epiphany. —_'—:———' 20th Tuesday Women‘ s Institute Meeting in Bridge Village wsdnssdax Janusmfl Eh Hall at '7 p.m, "Decimal Currency". . ‘ 21st Wednesday Young Wives Group Meeting at Bridge School V corporate communion followed with Intercessions at 7.33 p :11. Mrs. Meigh talking on Missionary ' 9,30 sum, at Bridge churd-,_ wor . ; 25th Sunday Septuagesima Sunday. Conversion of St. Paul. -;(-)(—)g-)g-;(--;fi(-)(-)§-:(- 30th Friday Confirmation Classes begin 3 6 p.m. at Bekesbourne School A ' THE SAVE THE CHILDREN mm) _ 7 p.m. at The Vicarage, Bridge 3 """“"““"“"“'_"""""' F.eD.mar-Y 1 With reference to the Appeal for good second hand lst Sunday Sexagesima Sunday. < garments on Thursday, 8th January, 1970 Bridge Village H311 i will be open to receive gifts of clothes, from 3 - 1» pm. (5) ; (6) ; L .._.m. we ,7 T}—‘;':—‘ TEE c1~_:II.DRI:N FUN*u4cont1d.) JUNIOR CHURCH 5:130 :35 well as Mrs. Greenwood, The Barton, Patrixbourne, 3+;-'ic_mC.¢; 1,351, month, Mrs. Hill of lO Conyngham Lane, will Junior Church will meet at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday January 4th 4;.~::c5_i\'e giits of clothes for this Fund. and on Sundays, January 11th, 18th and 25th at ll a.m. J. -)(--)Pr’r‘3(--)(-A-)’.-¥(-)’r)(- _\I msmi “.3 '_\I. V.._\I_\4. A 7\ n /\“h :\r\1\ l\I\ FLOWER R0,” BRIDGE SENIQR CITIZENS CLUB At a Club Meeting held in the Village Hall a Bring and Buy was held. A wonderful selection of goods were provided by members and over £8.0s.Od. was raised. January 3rd Miss C. Barker & Miss J. Bark. January 10th Mrs. C. Berry & Mrs. Clarke January 17th Mrs. A. Chadwick . & Mrs. G. irvine January 24th Mrs. B. Goode - - & Mrs. G. Stone January 31st Mrs. H. Hawkins & Mrs. M. Meigh Eridg e Church The Christmas Party went with a swing, carols were sung and games were played. The Vicar joined us for tea and gave his blessing. Members are going to the Pantomime at the Marlowe Theatre _ t _ b Church Mrs Watson Taylor- on January 8th in the afternoon. Ha rix ourne . - “FEE. V V \“,r* _ *“:('1‘H€-K'<)H’€'X-'31-)? FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS ———————Y°UNG "IVES GROUP Ijcgv Baptism St‘ Peter, S Brig e We are visiting "Ivor Hair Fashions" for a. danonstration on the use and care of wigs. Please be at the Salon, 37 St. 1 7;r.h December l969 Sarah Jane Millyard j Peter‘ s Street, Canterbury at 7.30 ‘p.m. prompt. St. Peter‘ s Bekesbourne 5. January 21st lath December 1969 Penny Jane Denne ‘ {H 7.30 p.m. at the Bridge School. Mrs. Meigh is to give a talk on her Missionary work. ' Ijglz Matrimony . St, ‘ jgg _ _ Peter 5 Br e . I ‘ May I take this opportunity to wish all our members a "Oth December 1969 David William King Happy New Year and hope that perhaps this year we can mks a Lynn Virginia Perry ' resolution to attend church more‘:-egularly. I-‘;.~.,r they Rest in Peace V ’ 4 - We have corporate worship at 6.30 p.m, on the second ‘ in the month or Corporate Communion at 9 3.111. on the 19*?‘ De3emb5I‘ 1969 James Anstiss at Barham . hlrd Sunday. G Harv 20th December 1969 James William Nichalls I ' ‘V <7) (8) -j--: "——""’ARr CLUB BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE CHRISTMAS MARKEI‘ (Cont‘d.) ' ~~ Sessions begin again on ltth January (Wednesday Pailxtll . . b fwd. £10 .12. d. 1 ms beeni. most constructive and Pleasant autumn session / 3 3 b/fwd‘ £ 6» 4- 6(1- we -*1: er, =.\'c~.ra:e of 12 members attending. Wheel Of Fortune 2-15. Cd. ““ " ‘ “ Donations __lil_0-_21. Profit £101.13. 9a. For an ‘one who would like to join it is held every £10 18 d ;\rednesday morning 9.30 — l2 noon and it costs A/-d. per morni 7' ' 3 ' £1O7‘18' 3d’ H, Wood H0I1- 360- $HH'r*%*X'-)(‘)'r)’r‘K' OB AU MR. H.T. PRICE'S GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. & Mrs. H.T. Price of "Silver Birches", Musgrove, During the Summer of 1970’ thousands of people will Ashford were married 50 years ago on Boxing Day in Bridge Chu. flock once more to Oberammergau, a tiny village in the and had a Golden Wedding Party in the Village Hallo Bavarian Alps to see the ten-yearly performance of the famous . Passion Play. The play has been performed every decade since Ne take this opportunity to send congratulations and goo 1613, in thanksgiving for release from a plague. wishes from all their Bridge friends and neighbours. ; . Inter-Church Travel Ltd. , who aim to provide travel for <)(--)(-)9-)’.%-)h‘(-3h‘!-* I all Christians, in conjunction with Thos.'Cook 8: Son Ltd. , are 1 offering visits to Oberammergau next year, by air and coach BRIDGE AND PATRIXBOURNE CHRISTMAS MARKET ‘ and in connection with holidays at other resorts in the area. _ For example, an 8-day holiday by air with 2 nights in the Receipts Payments ‘ Village to see the Play and 1. nights at an Austrian resort Gifts and Toys £l9.l6.lOd. _ costs from £h3. Cakes and Teas 15.10. 8d. Hire of Reading Room £1. 9. ‘ Sweets etc. lO.ll+.lOd. ; It is not surprising that the name of the village of Household Goods 31.10. 6d. Printing Posters 1 £14.15. 5 Oberammergau and the fame of its ten yearly Passion Play have White Elephant spread throughout the world. The devotion and sincerity of Stall 7. 8. 0d. . the villagers as they present the Gospel record of the Passion, Bgoks 1, 9, 9d, - Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus are such that hes decorations 3_ g_ 3d_ the audience are able to transport themselves back in time 3;-lee tree 1, o_ ()d_ and feel that they really are a part of it all. Here then is sundry stalls - — — 3- great opportunity to strengthen our own spiritual lives if peffle ' We go to Oberammergau in a spirit of devotion. Less Prize & ' ' Printing tickets A poster in the church porch will give you all necessary £23" 85. od_ - ‘details on how to obtain further particulars. .. 8,155. Oi, l2,4l_3. 0d. #4 c/fwd. £103.12. 3d. c/fwd. £6. 1.‘ (10) _ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAA AAAAAAv54O4‘vv‘ AAA- AAAAA DENNIS WILLIAMS AAA RADIO TELEVISION AND E1.I:cTRIc.»\L ENGINEERS HI-FI SALES AND SERVICE 0 TeI.: Bridge 585 High Street, Bridge VANITY FAIR HAIR STYLISTS 0 4 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE STYLING. PERMING, TINTING. MANICURES, HAIRPIECES 0 Late Night Friday - Closed Monday Bridge 565 Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday I PLUMBING, HEATING. PAINTING SWEETS AND TOBACCO L. SHIRLEY BRIDGE POST OFFICE VALSPAR PAINTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AA‘ MICHELIN CYCLE '1'YR% STATIONERY & GREETINGS CARDS DINKY, CORGI & TRIANG TOYS DULUX, WALPAMUR, MAGICOTE AND EVER READY 8; VIDOR BATTERIES A. J. BUCKMASTER, M.R.P.A. REGISTERED PLUMBER BUILDING AND ALTERATIONS AND DECORATING “JONETTE,” PATRIXBOURNE ROAD, BRIDGE 239 LA DIES’ HAIR STYLIST BARBA.RANNE Phone: BRIDGE 551 0 Open 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Weekdays LATE NIGHT FRIDAY AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. E. PINNOCK LTD. COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS R EMOVAL AND STORAGE CONTRACTORS 32 DOVER STREET, CANTERBURY Tel. 86511 Depots: CANTERBURY AND STURRY REPAIRS and OVERHAULS E. J. DYSON MILL VIEW GARAGE, BARHAM Phone: 334 Any make of Car Supplied AGENT FOR SIMCA AND SINGER PART EXCHANGE 8 a.m.-8 pm. Mon.-Fri.. 8 a.m.-6 p.In. Sat. & Sun. JAMES FLOWER The Village Butcher .- E. J. PURSSORD BRIDGE Phone : 321 English and Imported Meat Home-made Sausages GENT’S HAIRDRESSER BRIDGE #- Hours : WEEKDAYS (including SATURDAYS) 8.30 a.In.-6.30 p.m. Closed Wed. 1 p.lll. FAMILY BUTCHER MOTOR ENGINEER S. T. FOORD BREWERY LANE, BRIDGE 'I‘el.: B1’-idge 282 * Overhauls and Repairs Tyre Service — Battery Charging B. WELCH BRIDGE " Phone 220 PRIME ENGLISH MEAT HOME-MADE SAUSAGES Sheet Metal Work R. F. ANDREWS THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Bridge at 1‘A A‘ 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 Car Body Repairs * Re-Cellulosing AUTOMOBILE, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS A. W. ROGERS BRIDGE Tel: 348 Cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles supplied vv vvwvvvwvvvvvvvvvvwwvvwvv PLOUGH & HARROW INN BRIDGE MORNING COFFEE SNACKS GONZALEZ BYASS DRAUGHT SHERRY OFF-LICENCE Good Selection of III Wine: SPIRITS — LIQUEURS — BEERS Phone : BRIDGE 455 LOCAL POULTRY THE MOTORISTS’ SHOP (Motor Services)- IIIGII STREET — BRIDGE 630 Personal Service from C. 1‘. Ward roll at CAR ACCBSORIES *RALLYEQUIPMIN'l‘ *CARSA!'ETYA.IDS SPEOIALIBT FITTING STATION FOR CA FITY IILTI 1 vvv vwvwvvwwwvwvwv v VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: Tm: REV. CANON COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc., The \’ Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens : Mn. C. A. Porraa. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge ZI8) M11. W. Joxmson, 42 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon secretary : MISS C. M. BARKER, Caldy, Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. . ' Organist (Bridge): M11. J. Smcmm. 8 Risdon Close. Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : Mk. I. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. Cmrmren, The Green. Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : ' _ Mn. W. R. Mowu., Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) Ma. H. S. SHORBY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mus. SANDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Han. Treasurer: Mn. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill. Bekesboume. Organist: Mns. I. M. F. SAYBR, Little Duckpitts. Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR g Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. I. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 61 Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Propel-Iiee 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 8: 9 Branch Ofllce: O1 KIIIIIDOIII PARK. TAIIKERTOII Telephone Vlhltetable I110 S.P.C.K. Pill!!! end Ieelreelleee to the church of Englend elnee 1800 (in Association with the National Society) 2 TIIEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY 5I|PPU¢l 0! all requirement: for Church and Sunday School purpose: In enelent eeledlen ef Ghlldreg: 'Iooke. l::otur.e‘e.°. llblee. Prayer and Hymn loolre nevmonuu. Iooxe. eenne. cu. m' nun um:-rv cm as new Telenhonei centerhury sun P%lDl&Hv7lObbPI.I'!Iel&,l!;-y PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE CHURCH MAGAZINE February, 1970 PRICE 6d. .b T I I D D D D I I D D P D THE WHITE HORSE INN BRIDGE -V- LUNCHEONS DINNERS HOTEL ACCOMMODATION 4‘ Telephone: Bridge 249 ‘AA--- AAA.‘ AAA. --A_-AA For a large variety of top quality GROCERIES and PROVISIONS plus a selection of CONTINENTAL FOODS and CHEESE V- SHOP AT WESTERN AVENUE BRIDGE wk MODERN SELF-SERVICE STORE 4 A FREE DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE CDIDEIIIICDEIR DRIVING CONSULTANTS LTD. (Ministry of Transport Approved Driving Instructor) Booking Agent : B. L. PRICE, I6 Longport, Canterbury Telephone : Day 63979 Night Bar-ham 508 BUILDING CONTRACTOR JOHN ROBSON (Dover) Ltd. I THE BROADWAY, BRIDGE Tel. Ilrldso 811 PLUMBING DECORATING JOINERY SANITATION g4A-A-AAAA--- --- _ . _ _ -4- _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Your local LADIES’ & GENT’S OUTFITTERS H. HAIVKINS BRIDGE Tel. 347 Specialists in Ladies’ Dresses. Knitwear, Skirts, Blouses & Lingerie 1' , N EWSAGENTS TOBACCONISTS CONFECTIONERS STATIONERY & GREETING CARDS L N. A. TURNER FRUITERER AND GREENGROCER . Flowers, Plants & Home-Grown Produce Wreaths made to order 4 THE LIMES, HIGH STREET, BRIDGE Telephone: Bridge :81 Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne 8: Bekesboume I I am sure many of you will be as pleased as I am over the appearance of the Church Tower and the Clock face of Bridge Church. We can indeed say a Deo Gratia that we have been enabled to bring this work of the re-shingling of the tower and the re-tiling of the Church to completion. It is right too that we say a word of credit to those who worked on the tower exposed to the cold winds. We should now beable to turn our attention to the interior work in the Chancel long delayed. The repainting of the Chancel at Bekesbourne was completed in time for the Christmas Service and we are grateful to the Church Commissioners who are the lay rectors of Bekesbourne Church for carrying out this work. Easter Day comes early this year on March 29th. Ash Wednesday is on the 11th February. You may rem-ember that last year I asked you as part of your Lenten discipline to come to one of the weekday Holy Communion Services at Bridge Church on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. and Friday at 7.30 a.rn. I do hope you will do so again this year and make a point of your regular attendance at one of the Services on Sundays. A word about Lent. The Church spends forty days in preparation for t‘ne events which are to take place in Jerusalem culminating inithe suffering of Our Lord on the Cross which we remember on Good Friday. Lent heralds six weeks of honesty with ourselves. We recollect ourselves and reflect “Remember Man". It is also a time for trying to better our lives - a time of conversion. It is a time of penance, when we defend our inner freedom against all that curtails our attitude of service and love. I would mention the Cyonfirmtion Class for adults. For those who have not been confirmed they could be your Lenten resolve. These will begin on Thursday. at 8 13.11:. at the Vicarage on February 5th, I do not believe that the particu- lar age at the time of Confirmation matters so very nuch. The Sacrament is received only once. One may not I‘5m°mbeI‘ much of one‘ s Confirmation, or one may know that one Paid little attention to it at the moment of reception. But 1‘? rennin’ certain that it is a gift which continues to develop once it has been received — it grows through life in the spirit of God. (2) 4-—~q-rr-_' magi «T4»,-. «)5. .. -. 1 yimpgs-xi n » 'f'he Close Brides 3‘; 131911’ who so Very kindly gave of their services so graciously make a note of this "2 the marriage of my daughter Lynne. his soul rest in peace. CIfJRCI—I ELECTORAL ROLL Please remember the candidates in your The Church Electoral Roll is in process of its annual revision. A notice stating qualifications for eligibilit is in the church porch and enrolment forms are to be found inythe 35.93.» I personally thank the Organists, members of the Choir churcheslor can be obtained from the Vicar. The closing date the ladies who decorated the Church and prepared the altar for receipt of enrolment forms is March lOth, 1970 so please _ date and return your forms when completed to the Vicar or to the Electoral Roll Officer, Mrs. P, Hulyer 8 Bridgedown, Bridge not later than Tuesday, 10th March 1970.’ Yours affectionately in Our Lord, es:-—;e-:e:-a<~.v.+:<~::—-x-re Colin E,H. Perry Vicar and Rural Dean ST. PEI‘ER'S BRIDGE FLO-NER ROTA 7th F ob:-uary Mrs. Apps Mrs. Pierce V._v..\'._v_v_ V -I v...v ' L ‘A l\ n n n 7\‘*‘1n\ n")\‘5\ FROM THE) PARISH REGISTERS V ‘X'-X-'31-3(-3(-)(—)(-3(-)’c%(—)s’-‘k May They Rest in Peace MOTHERS_ UNTON Corporate Communion followed with Intercessions - 9.30 am. Bridge Church. Wednesday , February Ath Francis George Whiteman Sidney Gilbert Frida . March 6th Women‘ s World Day of Prayer Theme "Be or Good Courage". Frederick Kemp 7th January l97O John James Constable 22nd January 1970 JUNIOR CHURCH _\1 u__u_)Lvuu u\4_u\‘u l\ A I\ A 47/\’7T"4\‘I\ [W Junior Church will meet at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday, The Late Sidney Gilbert gggguary lst and at 11 a.m. on Sundays, February 8th, 15th and HELP THE AGED APPEt_X_.L_ A letter has been received from the headquarters of the above organisation thanking all those who helped with the collection of clothing for shipment abroad at the village hall. Our centre collected 18 sacks and a. total of 260 was sent. fin-159$ £2..Os.0d. was collected in a. tin provided in the village ~"~- - (ll-) 1:— when Mr. Sidney Gilbert died on 23rd January at the age 01 a link with the past of Bridge was severed. Mr. Gilbert W '.':Lllage Blacksmith and had his smithy on the site where Turner‘ s shop now stands and our older village members less remember well horses being tethered there, He was a member of the village fire brigade and served Bridge W (3) ~— 22nd 24th 26’-;h Thu;"sd.=.y Friday Thursday Fr iday ,. "JJ , un~:'.a uesday I-3 .3 5 _ VJ ecincsday Thur s-iay 4 Friday Sunday Tuesday Thursday _ .—V.r« .—“ C-l‘LJ;3_l‘33_P*E-. \T—#&\>}(2:"y .-L'_:‘_':.‘»-. .. ’_ \ CALEN_D_AR FQ;3._15_g§RnARi (Ccnt‘ c1,. , S-»':? 3"’ G. Sxuiriav .. - - - ~u>~-.~‘e€’ 417‘ ’ Co..firm'-3.tion Cl-.sse.—. - 6 pm. at Bekeabeurne 27th Friday 3.gCt}—;e;~s‘ Unison ‘co:.~;wo1*—ate Communion 9.30 a.m. at Snhoolo —» - - 1 . .3, 7‘ v\ VV4 H - '. 7- ‘I "'3 ~—‘~' 1131956 ‘«“»11fU»».~ ‘—0‘l'-AS W+V°° G10~1.u ~”-'1-est D1 ive Con1"irma.tion Classes. - 7 at Bridge at 7330 p,m_ at Bridge Village Hall. Vicamgea Adult Confirmation Class begins at 8 p.m. at t}Ma_,_.Ch Vicarage. Sunr.i.=3;y Confirmation Classes — 6 p.m. at Bekesbourne 3rd 'we(ineSday Third Sunday in Bent . Young Wives Film. Evening - 7,30 p.m. at School. Bridge Village Ball. Confirmation Classes - 7 p.m. at Bridge Vicarage . »vaz—>z-rs—xA'->:—,"\->,z-3's-z<—x- Quinquagesima Sunday. Br;‘a:‘zge ~.“:.c.’:x_ool I\’lo.nsg::;‘: M:.s*". ing - 5.15 p.m. at Bridge School ‘ Bek-csbourne School Managers Meeting 591.5 pm. at Bekes‘: ourne School Ash Wednesday .- First Day in Lent Holy‘ Communion at Bridge Church at 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a,m. ‘" Adult Confirmation Class - 8 p,m., at Bridge Vicarage. Bible Study Group Meeting — '7 _B_RU_f-5‘ This is our "Guide Jubilee" year and as part of the "County Service Project‘ Bridge Brcvmies are working to help children less fortunate than themselves who live -in Morocco. 4 During the next two months we shall be working very hard, making and collecting things to sand. Morocco badly needs, imitting wool, cottons, needles and toys. We have already Wi'_-iliiill Close, Bridge. pollected forty six ounces of wool but we aim for two lnznired. Cozifirmatiozi Classes — 6 pm, Bekesb::1;::-ne Schogwill you help us to reach our target‘? Please look in your Corfiirmaiion Classes — 7 p.m., at Bridge Vicarabupboards for that odd bit of yarn and give it to any First Sunday in Lent. Ember Week. Brownie. . 7 pm. W.I, Meeting in Village Hall - Bk‘. Kirk‘ on the painter J.M.‘»'I. Turner. Young Wives to meet at 7.30 p.,m. at 37 St. Peter’ s -Street, Canterbury. Adult Confirmation Class - 8 p.m,, at the In March we shall be holding a ‘Spring Fair‘ to raise some money to buy toys to send with our wool — more about this later. Date to remember: Vicarage. Confirma.ti01'1 Class - 6 p.m. at Bekesbourne _ _ _ schoo1_ , Saturday, 21st February - Thlnlung Day Walk Confirmation Cla -7 , , t,B "ge * ‘_'_ Vicarage 5585 P m a rm , Tuesday, 21,1-,h February .. Cheese and Wine Party at. : Deanery Farm, Chartham in aid Second Sunday in Lent ~ St. Matthias - Holy Communion —- 9.30 a.m., at Bridge Church. ' Adult Confirmation Class - 8 Pam-u at the Vicarage. Bible Study Group meeting - 8 p.m. Church Cottage, Bridge. (5) of District Funds. ‘K-5% -}H€~2‘€-X-)1-»‘?)H$- -391- (6) , 4'}. 4..- .. .g—- ....2__ _...4._. _ -...._ _,_ S IP33’? ITUTE fine znozithlgr meeting will take place in the village hall YOUNG -NIVES GROUP (Cont‘d.) -it '7 ;fp1,on l 7th February. The Spea1-It--I--II-«II--It-~)I-«Ii--ll--I-* 3 (4 (3) ’ 26th 27th -< Sunday Wednesday Saturday Sunday ~ Wednesday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Maundy Thursday. CA ENDAR FOR MABQB CALEEDAR FOR MARCH 1970 (Cont'd.) 3rd Sunday in Lent 29th Easter Day — Mothers‘ Union Corporate COmm%ni§n Wig _1 n 5 ‘one — .30 a.m. in ri ge . Tl éi;Ii§§§? 51 9 W Ltls Wednesday Young Wives Film Show at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall- Cub/Scout Supporters Jumble Sale - Bridge Village Hall at 3 p-m- 4th Sunday in Lent — Mothering Sunday Annual General Meeting. Friends of Canterbury Hospital (Close branch) EASTER CHURCH DECORATIONS 7.30 p.m. at The Close. 5th Sunday in Lent — Passion Peter's Bridge W.I. Meeting in Bridge Village Hall _ at 7 p.m. Speakers - Mr. & Mrsu Urwfl Valley Schools Music Festival at Wingham County Primary School at 1.45 p.m. Young Wives Meeting at Bridge Schooli Preacher at ll a.m. at B ‘d Ch — The Rev. Canon D.B. Epgrsgg. uroh Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.m, at Bridge Church. 5th Low Sunday. -I-*********** Church decorations will begin at 1o.3o a,m, on iaturday 28th March. Fl f d .wlperS éill be welcome. 0WerS Or ecorating and . If anyone wishes to give a lil "in r m mbr n at 7.30 p.m. 911 they please let Mrs. Ledger, Lgnton Hguge, ggggge Open Day at Bridge School 7~- 9 p.m.eve 3/—d. before Holy Week. Young Wives Jumble Sale at 3 p-m- at‘ Bridge Village Hall. .¢- Marx's Patrixbourne Palm Sunday - Blessing and Distributi _ of Palms at all Services. _ @- W111 be decorated on Friday 27th March at 2 p.m. See Holy Week services elsewhere 111 Q5259 Send gifts of flowers to the church on the magazine. lng °f that day- Bekesbourne Church Annual Parochial % P I Church Meeting 7.15 p.m. at Bekesboufiée eter S Bekesbourne School. ‘ Ch . B - p Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.M%turd urch decorations will begin at 10.30 a.m. on Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. Bridge lé Chayv 28th March. Please send gifts of flowers to Church. 3 urch or to Mrs. Sandall, School House. Bekesbourne, Bridge and Patrixbourne Churches Annfl Parochial Church Meeting at 7-30 P-mi at Bridge Village Hall. ' **********-I-* Good Friday. (5) (5) ELURCH ELECTORAL ROLL PATRIXBOURNE PARISH MEETING The Church Electoral Roll is in process of its _ G - - Annual revision. A notice stating qualifications foyUrilTg:hA:2u%;idggegihoglegtng.§Cll :9 helilofl Wednefday eligibility is in the church porch and enrolment formsiving in the Parish are welcome“ P’ ' °uSeh°*ders are to be found in the churches or can be obtained frd the Vicar. The closing dates for receipt of enrolmen forms is Wednesday llth March for Bridge and Patrix— bourne and Tuesday lOth March for Bekesbourne, so please make a note of this date and return your forms when completed to the Vicar or to the Secretary of the P.C.C. not later than the 12th March. P. Greenwood - Acting Clerk. ************ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS Holy Baptism ii rridge and Patrixbourne E2_§2i2£L§;§£iQse_ Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March in Bridge 1st February 1970 Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. . The Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Susan Anne Martin , , b May They Rest in.Peace' §_el3.9S’3°.U_—£_I}_e M F b e ruar 1970 The Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church y Robert Mahon Powell Meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th March at Bekesbcurne School at 7,30 p.m. preceded by a meeting of the P,C.Ce at 7515 p.m. t . . 9 h February 1970 William Richard Holmes 9th February 1970 Ellen Wilkins Aves These are important meetings as we begin this ‘ year Synodical Government and it is hoped that as mam people as possible will attend to elect their Church- wardens and members of the Parochial Church Council, and to hear reports of whatThasPbeen done and i: beifi Junie Ch done for their Churches. he .C.C.'s really" o.nee r urch will me t at . , ; all the support and encouragement they can get, igoagd at 11 a.m. on Sundgys, Mgrgg gt: fgsugggyégifich particularly in the forthcoming year, so surely it ia_ t 9-30 a.m. on March 29th Easter DAV. ' not too much to ask you to turn out on gge evening in; the year to show you support them. ************ JUNIOR CHURCH ************ (7) T (3) IIIIII--IIIIIIIIIIIIII--t—— _F_—— 3 ifouite WIVES GRQ_L_I_E THE CHURCH SUMMER FETE __ ‘ This will be held on Saturday 20th Jun t 2 O0 fl223£-iIE in tee groundsdof the Village School. Thee0:ganisin§.m. ; w Show at 7,30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Thycommittee are gawlgfi Ep plans and will be shortly ~“v fi ms of interest to housewives including the gettlgg in t°u°h_W1 “Own he1P€TS- A Special effort §;;g:g%‘an3 freezing of foods, and the designing and is being made t 13 Year and Your help Will be greatly _ g recia ted weaving of carpets. app ' 2F”3 Nqrxh 18th Please make a note of the date in your diary. 7.30 p.m. at the School. ************ Mrs. E. Johnson will make a Scripture cake. Earch_2lst A MOTHERS‘ UNION 3 p.m. Grand Jumble Sale in the Village Hall. £March lgt. Any articles for jumble may be given to Mrs. Harvey or any committee member. Corporate Communion with Intercessions_at 9.30 a.m. ‘at Bridge Church. ************ . - Branch Meeting at 37 Union Road at 2.45 p.m. Speaker - Mrs. Griffiths. E9E§§§_lE§2l2§$§ Subscriptions are due please. it the next meeting on Tuesday 17th March in the Siperin endant will speak on the histor of The Closef - - . M?E_ Urwini the Matropf will then give is some homeznfi This 1S on Friday: March 6th. hints. The competition will be a decorated hen's egg ************ in an egg cup. _ A. Shirley. SILVER FOIL COLLECTION Mrs. Douglas, 4 Riverside C0tta8e5: P§?§%§?g?r§:st Heavy fOi11 thanks all who contributed silver foil for 3?aT and hopes they will continue to do 30- **%*** . ****** lke Ple cases, is especially welcome- _ ************ (9) 1 (10) film Show at 7.30 D-m- in the Village Hallo a- films of interest to housewives including the canning and freezing of foods, and the designing and l (1) Eggyfi WIVES GRQHE 1ea7iUg of carpets. .30 p.m. at the School. 7 Mrs. E. Johnson will make a Scripture Cake. yarch 21st 3 p.m. Grand Jumble Sale in the Village Hall. Any articles for jumble may be given to Mrs. Harvey or any committee member. 4 ************ WOMENS INSTITUTE _ at the next meeting on Tuesday 17th March in the: Vil_age Hall, Bridge at 7 p.m., Mr. H. Urwin, the Superintendant will speak on the his Hrs. urwin, the Matron hints. in an egg cup. The competition will be a d A. Shirley. **%********* <95 Thecommittee are drawing up plans and will tory of The Closefl , will then give us some homend ecorated hen's egfi THE CHURCH SUMMER FETE This will be held on Saturday 20th June at 2.00 p.m. in the grounds of the Village School. The organising be shortly A special effort ill be greatly getting in touch with known helpers. is being made this year and your help w appreciated. Please make a note of the date in your diary. ************ E MOTHERS‘ UNION 3 arch lst. ! Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.m. ‘at Bridge Church. 5 Branch Meeting at 37 Union Road at 2.45 p.m. tjspeaker - Mrs. Griffiths. I § Subscriptions are due please. WOMENS WORLD DAY or PRAYER This is on Friday, March 6th. ************ i SILVER FOIL COLLECTION Mrs. Douglas. 4 Riverside Cottages. Patrixbourne hanks all who contributed silver foil for N.S.P.G. last ?aT and hopes they will continue to do so. Heavy foil, lke ple cases, is especially welcome. ****¥******* I (10) 1 1 T-Z-—Z G'TE,/SCOUTS SUPPORTERS GROUP MKESBQUME MAY FAYRE The Supporters Group are having a Jumble Sale ofl we hope to hold our May Fayre at th Sch 1 M L3—vrd3F 7th March at 3 p.m. in the Village Hall. §23rd. Please keep this date free, Fugtherogetgflsay arrangements will be made for Jumble to bflcgllectedglater, if "Ow ~‘~ '_c 3~'d. 244 or 3 2 or wi e acc = at %n: Sillageuiallloiethe §orning’§f tgi 7§h. t Tfigy ************ will be a Cake and Grocery tall an gi s or his E Stall will be very iccegtible. ghe iupporterg G§Oufl BEKESBOURNE CHURCH FLOWER ROTA are holding the Jum le a e in or er 0 raise un s . . for the new Scout Troop which has just started in the ou W$3§dL:::ef€: izlgeszailcgfigcgog; ;?3::; ggtgiéangigg village. and hope that everyone will come along and lowers’ will you please get in touch with me. give their support. D.E. Sandall. ************ "The Cross of Christ" at 11.15 a.m. at Bekesbourne BRQWNIE NEWS hurch on Palm Sunday March 22nd. The joint Choirs of ""‘”“"““‘ ekesbourne Church and St. Paul's Church, Canterbury will ' ' "Th C f Chri t". Th ' t '11 b The Brownie’ "Spring Fairfi’ will be held °n API :S?l%%lg§tcli§f,rg?;.X.M. glease cogeoiggnéivewds e jth. 6.30 p.m. at the Village hall. The stalls win our suppOrt_ 4 De: ************ Sprites — Handicrafts Gzzomes - White Elephant AN APPRECIATION or THE LATE ELLEN AVES. Pixies — Cakes and Homemade produce . Elves — Sideshows The late Mrs. Ellen Wilkin Aves who died on the 4th ebruary after several years of suffering. her love and Ondness for animals, birds and flwers knew no bounds. he understood them and they understood her. even the 1mid squirrels knew her voice and would come to her and aKe food from her hands. The birds would come and 8P at the window in the morning, and she knew each one f them- The end was "Peace Perfect Peace"- Tle Stall holders will be very glad of any gift for their stalls. The object of the Fair is to raise as much mona as we can to buy toys for children in Morocco. The Brownies will give a short entertainment during the evening, and we hope as many people as possible will come along and give us their support- ************ REMINDER As is the custom the 00116911035 at the erV10eS on Easter Day will be donated to the Vicar- ************ (ll) (12) CUB/SCOUTS SUPPORTERS GROUP BEKESB OUFNE MAY FAYRE The Supporters Group are having a Jumble Sale on d ‘\ W h t h ld ' V’ 7th March at 3 Pam. in the Village Hall. 9 ope 0 0 Our May Fayre at the School :72 on May étall will be very acceptable. The Supporters Group BEKESBOURNE CHURCH FLOWER ROTA ti:-éir Support’ flowers, will you please get in touch with me. D.E . Sandall . **-X-**-)6-)(--)(-*9’.-** "The Cross of Christ" at 11.15 am. at Bekeabourne Church on Palm Sunday March 22nd. The joint Choirs of Bekesbourne Church and St. Paul's Church, Canterbury will W _ " _ _ H _ ,be singing "The Cross of Christ". The organist will be ' ille BrOW1'llea SPI‘11_’1% Fa1I'_: W111 be held On AI_71’1]Mrs. D. Ratcliff, L.R.A.M. Please come and give us Tth, 6.30 p.m. at the Village hall. The stalls will your support BROWNIE NE_W_S *-X--X--)(--)(-****-X-** Sgrites — Handicrafts Gnomes - White Elephant AN APPRECIATION or THE LATE ELLEN AVES. Pixies — Cakes and Homemade produce KLVES - SideSh0WS The late Mrs. Ellen Wilkin Aves who died On the 4th February after several years of suffeI'iD-gr her 1°” and The Stall holders will be very glad of any gifts. fondness for animals, birds and flowers knew 11° b°“ndS' for their stalls. he understood them and they understood her. even the d ‘timid Squirrels knew her voice and would come to her an The object of the Fair is to raise as much mone.'Y17aKe food from her hands. The birds would come alrlld n as we can to buy toys for children in Morocco. TWP at the window in the morning, and she knew 93° ° 9 The Brownies will give a short entertainment ***** d-u_rin‘g the_evening, and we hope as many people as ******* possiole will come along and give us their support. REMINDER As is the custom the collectigfis %Ec:g_.f T e1‘ViC_es on Easter Day will be donated to 9 ************ C FRIDGE-PATRIXBOURNE 9.0.0. ACCOUNTS 1959 money? r'—' -.-a no‘: ‘D ac in the February ~ v:§::tugat:Iy impossible to include tm _. WQQ -Ag Wort on the Summary Of ‘the P.C.C. ie} \4VV—4 ,x..—’. mg to sho _ 1:;-.C:~ ‘ S ‘r l969 $1 following ‘note’ should also have been inclum ‘I L16 " ‘ “Ins figures in the gummary have been extracted from LHQ «Sq; k, Th m y not correspond with the eDiocesan ;§;u;;;Js§3§n in th:?au§ited accogntifi owigguggmentsv. Quota eypcrtionment of various items an 0 er a J . 55 8 o HON. TREASURER'S REPORT , 2°’-3 , 13,300 Tie financial results for 1969 are most ‘ T l2;28O encouraging. A deficit of £5 in 1968 has been convey ted iito a surplus of £238. During the year direct i giving to the Church has increased by £280. Over and’ 9,900 above this £746 has been collected for the Bridge Church Restoration Fund: ; 5’76O ‘ ‘ 5,633 Rep irs oo the roof and walls of Bridge Church ; 2’O6O which were carried out last summer have been paid for- 1:500 76 0“? 3PPI0Xima*e1Y £1,100 for reshingling the spire»; 1 O5 in; uding painting thp fan f t‘ . ; ’ 2 __ _ -- «es 0 .ne clock and the 2 icect-s fee. Paying for this will absorb the f 1:000 E; ?T to b _ld thur reserves and we shall now have to i 2 Ar’ ui em up again. ‘ 700 C.A. POTTER. :_____ ************ 1741285 1*» It is often asked — how does th Here is an answer so far as Canterbury is concerned. THE PARISHES ARE BEING ASKED TO RAISE QUOTA TOWARDS THE 1970 BUDGE THIS IS HOW THE MONEY WILL BE SPENT DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY % l8 17 19 I-' I’-’i-'f\)L»J'QD(b 100 Bridge & Bekes- Patrixbourne bourne Quota Quota Central Church Funds £ 73 £8 The Clergy Dependants 47 5 Layworkers Provision — Maintenance 44 5 of Buildings Education 34 4 Administration 21 2 Training for the Ministry 21 2 Councils - Committees 8 g Stewardship 5 Social Work 2 g 2 Diocesan Retreat House and 2 ) Conference Centre 5 Publications 2 ) Contingencies - 259 28 (14) e Church spend its the Diocese of £74,285 AS THE T 1*1C.4R A/\'D RURAL DE.~ti\': . THE REY. CANON Bridge‘ (Bridge 250) _ . V 1, R C. WITH ME; IDGE MR. W. JOHNSON. 42 Bridge Down, Bridg¢- (Bridge 450) Hon Secrerarv .- Miss C. M. BARKER, Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd., Bridge (Bridge 482) C.A. BEKESBOURNE Organist (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Slurry 683) Organist (Patrixbourne): Mas. AMOS, 8 St. Martins Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPIUNS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixboume. * BEKESBOU R N E Church wardenx : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge ZI3) Mn. H. S. SHOREY, Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : . MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) I-Ion. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling. Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Office : ANKERTON Telephone Whltstablo 4116 PATRIXI * U Magazine Adverts. : . ‘ _~ 5 V ?'.’,‘:"\. ,4‘ -ll’ :3." fi“"‘a$-%‘+> ‘ 1- "1I'A_ . I1 KINGSDOVIN PARK. 1' CHURCH MAGAZINE April, 1970 Supplies An excellent selection of children’: so for Presentation etc osvonomu. soox . c ' - 3 735:9: etc-. IN GREAT vnmzrv can as seen 9 one. Canterbury 52331 P5334 5}’ lhl EN)’ 1 Gibbs Pnrmerihip, ll Bcsl Lune Canlerbu - ry PRICE 6d. §UNDAy S31VICES APRIL 1970 My dear parishioners of Bridge, Petrixbourne and ::.:~_r_:e: PATRIXBOURNE BEKESB OURNE Bekesb ourne , ;;:__£ ——~—~——————— --———————_ Rv lp:il — let Sunday after Easter — Low Sunday Engligg gfififg igghpigzgsgzg °°m¥i:t§e;9$::$2m°:tth€ New ~ . . - ‘ e was E1 3 2‘ xatf. & Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9'30 a'm. Sung8331$S:%:m::tl96lI:ngSn§w1¥ethave the Apoorypha and the 1:-43' ~“~”- 5°13’ Com‘ Com-union H013’ Commionaibieeis still the 'bestesell:r$‘e$1f1mE1?1: :§:{dt::dH5c%§t 5 33i3'm' Evensong sales of this New Testament Version has sold sev n ’1d berian million copies since it was published in 1961. elt has '”"""' _—*been an undertaking in meticulous translation wlth all 12th April - 2nd Sunday after Easter thfi marsha%led skill oi the great Hebrew and Greek ‘ SC 0 ars 0 Our genera ion. Th st 1 h b §Aa.;. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt.~ 8 a.m. Holy described as plain without any f:il1§,eof::n Egna matter \D§§1fS 11) and Sermon 'Communion °f,fa?t Way: Which may be understood more easily, §;fiUCg:m.“EVenSOng 3 p.m_ Family bringing a new understanding of the Scriptures to the ,,n u3fEOL Service gagy sgpliugfiolwilé come to use it 1? tfie future in the . e ove oracu ar s o t A th ' d 79% Q “.1 Version of 1611. y e e u °nZe * * ‘p*1 " 3rd Sunday after Easter g e,__ 3 a C In the Series II Holy Com union S ' hi-h €.3rr3,e?L%vefi:§5g §Oaa§-_H2ly ll aém. Matt. use 9n the 2nd Sunday at Bridg: and onethtcgrg Sgndg; at r;; Sermon (S :9nl0~T\ and oermon Patrixbourne, provision is made for the reading of an ——___ ‘cries Ill 1 Testament lesson with or in place of the Epistle and ?,th fi ' ‘ PT°P0se during the next month to read an Old Testament ;2__;fl££Q;:;£$h Sunday affigg Easter esson during this service from the New English Bible. 5 3 '.Ei&y Comm 9 W H01 With ref r t ch ' ' - - - 5 .V 3 E TTQ ' a.i. y 11 _ _ Mctt_ _ e ence o ristian Aid Week which is from ;_E Elvis srensong Communion andasirmog fi£:i%.l3th — 18th. I have recently heard from the " Q ll_45 ;_m_ peopllshop of Canterbury that a joint letter to Church Holy Comnunionthe Aficifiizfigpthe Parishes in Kent will be going from ._ _i____ _________‘_____‘‘_h_‘_._—‘‘_-——‘— ., ‘ ‘ _,th . _ and the Bishop of Rochester to ask for ' H fat d ' toetilvlng of one day's net pay, through Christian Aid, /f3Q a_m_ on Fridq M e ‘at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesdfiu 1 I _ I S 6 Ch ? help of Overseals aid. In his letter the 3}’; p.n. at T e clog; “ring the Week. Evensong ismass§;Sh0P expresses his hope that there will be a will 9 response from all Christian people and that they Commit themselves by sacrificial giving and prayer. ’ , J E’ ('0 .'_i:c‘ -I tP1ease make a note of certain important dates. Fl 3 . b v on Saturday May 30th we are holding our Bekes— *# °“l“ne Church M ay Fair and on Saturday June 20th we are (2) _.___..,... 1 L3} fnw4pm fihc pridre and Patrixbourne ChurChOS Summ9T Fete IdrIbRth thnsc Rvents we are now making preparation to make them most successful h&PPGnin5S' lst Yours sincerely in our Blessed Lord COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean 3:3 ********** 9th FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Igifi §2l1_§a2ii§e lgth §t. Peter's, Bekesbourne 22nd February 1970 Tracy Lisa Churchward 33:: May They Rest in Peace 23rd 2nd March 1970 Herbert Bailey l8th March l97O Edith Alice Waters 25:11 March 1970 William Smith Syson (Priest) ‘X-**-X-*1‘(-**** BRIDGE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB MEX Mrs. Mellor a committee member who is leaving 1 1st Bridge gave all members tea: and Organised a farewell j Wednesday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Wednesday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Wednesday Friday CALENDAR FOR APRIL Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions at Bridge Church at I 9.30 a.m. W.I. Meeting at Bridge Village Hall - 7.30 p.m. Talk on Devon and Cornwall. Low Sunday The Patrixbourne Parish Meeting A.G.M. to be held at Bridge School at 7.30 pm. Bible Reading and Discussion Group Meeting to be held at 42 Bridge Down. 2nd Sunday after Easter Sacrament of Confirmation — 7.30 p.m. at Bridge Church. 3rd Sunday after Easter — Preacher at 6.30 p.m. Evensong at Bridge Church - the Rev. P. Holden Branch Meeting 2.45 p.m. at 37 Union Rd. W.I. Meeting —.Members Night. 3 Deanery Festival of the Young Wives at 7.30 p.m. at Elmstone Church. Preacher the Rev. Ralph Richardson, Vicar of Nonington. Bible Reading and Discussion Group Meeting to be held at 7 Windmill Close. 4th Sunday after Easter Young Wives Group Meeting at Bridge School at 7.30 p.m. "Decorative Cookery". Summer Fete Committee Meeting at 7.30 p.m. at the'Vicarage. SS. Philip and James. Holy Communion 7.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Rogation Sunday Archdeacon Visitation at 7.30 p.m. at Canterbury Cathedral. Christian Aid Week is from 13th to the 18th April. fiartyg A Competition for an Easter Bonnet was won byi 3rd Sunday Mrs. jgxcné Mrs. Meigh presQnfiing.Mrs' Mellor with a? 4th Monday 5;£%g;bu;§ Siegifttiggg 21% members» a sketch of a Q; She had done forlthe Clfib «rs. Mellor for all the wor lE;§ W V J g the Cigbhave been pleased to welcome new members to ‘E i _ . ** -l-******* (4) WCMEN‘S INSTITUTE Wednesday lst April I ._, LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS BRIDGE GROUP The Annual Hospital Flag Day will be held this year Mr. and Mrs. E. Down will give an illustrated talk on 30th May and all the Week proceedings for this date on Devon and Cornwall at 7.30 p.m. in the village help Bridge. The meeting is open to all who are interested so please bring families and friends. Admission 2/6¢ including refreshments. Proceeds will go to County fund s . ********** MEMBER'S NIGHT Tuesday 21st April Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Sharman have kindly V0lunteered to Organise the eveninv's entertainment. The C0mPetition will be a 6" (inch knitted square in 4—§1Y W001» The squares will be sewn together to ' mane a patchwork blanket for a charity. A. Shirley ********** will be a House to House Collection. The money collected this way in Bridge will be credited to the Bridge Group. If any one feels they can spare a few hours to help this way, we Would be deeply grateful, especially the Bridge Downs and Beech Hill Area. Anyone willing to take a Collecting Box and flags round please contact me: I will then know how many Boxes to get from the Central Group. Frances E. Apps, Hon. Secretary, Bridge Group, L.O.F., Lavender Cottage, Union Road, Bridge. ********** BIBLE READING & DISCUSSION GROUP . Thursday, 9th April REMINDER The Patrixbourn On Wednesday, . O p.m. e ?arish Meeting A.G.M. will be April 8th at Bridge School at E.P.G._ ********** (5) A meeting will be held at 42. Bridge Down. at the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, and the following meeting on Thursday: 23rd APTi1 3* the h°me cf Mr. and Mrs. W. Pierce, 7 Windmill Closeo We are Continuing our study of St. John's Gospe1_aS P°TtraYed by the late Archbishop Temple and anyone Interested t° 30in the group will receive a Warm W01°°m9- ********** (6) { YOUNG mi VES GROUP A .;.~,..-,—.. .-—— — _____~__#________ MOTHERS'_§NIOfi ;;§;;g;;; April 29th 7»30 E-m- at Bridge Primary corporate Communion on April lst at 9.3C a.m. with , Intel‘C0SSi°n5' ? _e: qhqrmgv will give a talk and demonstration ]gnCh Meeting April 20th at 2.45 p.m. at 37 Union 1 _$ ufiE::£a%;%e\E6OkCryH. figgfif Speaker Mrs. Burleigh. Subject - "Christian ‘ V t 1 JG Attitude to Work"- -_‘ may I take this opportunity to congra u a e our _ . , 3301? Léadeg, MrS_ Audrey Kollhoff on the birth of 9E;§£_§£ternoon April 22nd, Saturday in Stfi Paul's l h:r son Stuart, and hope she will soon be back with ‘mmrch, Canterbury. To be led by the Revo OnaldSOn- G. Harvey J ********** ************ CHURCH FLOWERS §;, §::er's, Bridge _‘._i‘_’_'|‘ r ‘1f:":- 31‘-mter 4th Mrs. Smith Irs. Kuir—Little llth Miss Lemar Ire. Lawrence 18th Mrs, shatt Mrs. Pails 25th Mrs. Stoneham *‘)(-****-X--X-‘X'* QQNIOR CHURCH hie: Chnrghflwill meet on Sunday, April 5th u-~ 9 an npfll 12th, 19th and 26th at 11 am- 5 (8) PATRLXI U /‘:~Q\:'I§,¥'la..“. R, .7 - St PETER BRDCE 1'/(CIR .4.'\‘[) Rl7R.4I_ [)L'.4.\'.‘ ' - THE RFV. C«No\' Cor IN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. Tile Vicarage. Bridge. (Budge 250) ‘ WITH BRIDGE Clmrchwardenr .' I B ‘d H8) MR. C A. POTTFR. Field House. Br1d_.i.1¢- ( “ _8° - AND MR. W. JoH.\'s0.\'. 42 Bridge Down, Bf1d8¢~ (Brldge 450) _ Hm. 5[,m,,m.). _. MISS C M BAm;13R_ Caldy, Pan-ixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) I H('I1.T!'l’(LYIH‘¢"I'.' MR. C. A. POTTER 1 Orgcmis! (Bridge) : MR. J. SINCLAIR, 8 Risd0n.C.l0se, Sturry. (Sturry 683) | - Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martlns Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) 2 MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Vergcr (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. l BEKESBOURNE C‘ hurchwardens .- MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hart. Secretary : MRS. SAIVDALL. School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH. 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MR5. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling, Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor : THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & D1str1ct Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties _ 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 ‘J Branch Office: ‘ an Kmcsnowu PARK, TANKERTON Telephone whltstable 4116 Publishers Inc Booksellers to the ; f (11: Association with the Nationzl ‘moo 16” Supplies 02] all requg:¢2lr{rzEr1(l:.r[£jrCTCIlSl4,rc§r:and Sungiixgillgygl purposes An excellent ulocllon of Children: "Br¢;¢;l;:.ul;:cturets. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS, etc.. In °¢':'ia::'~r VAR|E1'y cm 55 355" Telephone: Canterbury 62331 CHURCH MAGAZINE May, 1970 Pfilllbd by the Evy J: Gibbs Partnership, ll Best Lane. Canterbury 6d. SUNDAY S BRTDGE 3rd May ~ Eth Sunday ERVICES MAY 1970 PATRIXBCUHNE BKESBOURNE ll a.m. Matt. & Ser. ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. 6.30 p.m. Evensong 8 a.m. Holy Communion after Easter — Rogation Sunday 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion loth May — Sunday after Ascension 9 a.m. Hol Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy (Series II and Sermon Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong 6,30 p,m, and SGTEOD Evensong and Sermon 17th May — Whit—Sunday 9 a.m. Holy Comm. 6-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 24th May “.2. Holy Comm. *0 p.m. Evensong sermon 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Series II), - Trinity Sunday 9 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion 7 s ' — . . ‘I tlkgf lst Sunday after Trinity 6.30 P.m. Evensong 11 a'm' Matt’ 8 aum-«Holy any Sermon and Sermon Communion F‘ 9-‘! w vv 3 27.1. _L b m (3 O l'h ily Communion is celebrat d dF7.3O a.m. on Fridays de at 9' ‘ 9 p.m. at The Close eve irst Sunday in the month W} f Holy Communion. A cordi o _ .f_' ' ' ' ' ”" W‘’ T‘ My dear People, This month we have the great thoughts of Rogation Sunday, Ascension Day and Whit-Sunday. _ First Rogation Sunday: "0 Lord, from whom all good things do come" is the thought of the Collect for Roga- tion Day. We worship God as Creator. The Bible never doubts that the Lord God Almighty is the Creator and the Lord of Nature, who giveth seed to the sower and bread to the eater, and sendeth forth the springs into the ?rivers which run among the hills. That note, the em- phasis of Rogation Sunday, Christians today badly need to hear again._ It has too long been muted or unheard. For the Church now faces a still more difficult task. It has to baptize into Christianity a scientific and ~technological culture which has little sense of depen- dence on God "from whom all good things do come". It ‘must learn to see the new skills and inventions not as ;'Droblems' but as gifts of God, as elements in that §Creative purpose in which man is privileged and called %to share. It must rediscover the doctrine of creation. That requires the insight of theologians but even more }t is going to require the practical understanding of’ ‘Its laity. Secondly, Ascension Day: The Ascension is rich in meaning for the Christian who apprehends it by faith. The Ascension reminds the faithful Christian that his Tue home is in heaven, and that it is from the ,A§°ended Lord that they receive gifts and power to do 't1S+will on earth. "Again, I leave the world and go ‘S0 vhe Father". "From the Father,”to the Father". j 90h is the description of His own Life in the world, given by the Son of God Himself. As "members of h - . . . _ 30 a,m, on Wednesdays thrlsts children of God": such is the true picture of uring the week. Evensong is rnte dignity of our human lives. The Church's prayer . hat Where He is thither we may also ascend" which ::sS9meS His continual presence with His people and the -sVa}labiiity of His Grace is an imaginative way of - I§y1P8 "growing up in all things unto Him", that is, ea11Zing our true nature, becoming what We are- ——- ""’ is what mankind is meant to be, and that is in the created Order: Which links , ey with the Ascension. Christ and none t God's right hand" and interprets the l .:n. r ns the Universe. There iS nothing that the world needs more than the recovery Of that conviction. trees- Thirdly, Whit—Sunday: the coming of the Holy Ghost in aweful power to transform time with eternity‘s radiance. The fruit of this terrible neglect of the ‘ presence and power of the eternal Spirit of God is apparent in countless fields of human thought and action. There is a constant failure to put a proper emphasis on the reality of Pentecost. The confidence of the Church ought to be in the power of the indwelling Spirit which is promised absolutely to those who will believe. A much bigger place should be found for the operation of the Holy Ghost. The Eoly Spirit waits in His love and mercy to guide and g strengthen and confirm the faithful in whatever path 3 7th Thursday 3rd Sunday ‘ 4th Monday 6th Wednesday their feet may tread. ‘ 3uTiD€ this month we are holding again our Kesbourne Church May Fayre. I do ask for your “QPFrts especially would We appreciate the presence 3 encouragement of the Bridge and Patrixbourne E- It is being held on Saturday, 23rd May at :o.rne School; .1 1 [Nu m (11 hi :1) as U 9. LI) 9th Saturday £ What a wonderful and joyful occasion the Festival Oi Easter “as! We are indeed most grateful to those who decorated our Church or gave gifts or donations :03 thls PuTP0Se. Confirmation Day too was a most n?PPY aha en°°urasins event. Welcome in the name of 13th Wednegday ~£e Lord from us all to those who were confirmed.‘ Ma‘ ti Ch h b ' - - :fJth:§r lgggs’ e continually enriched by the witness }g€§ Sunday Monday 10th Sunday On Sunday. the 10th May we are holding an Evens0”559th Tuesday Service at 6.3C p.m. at Bekesbourne Church instead Of the 3 p.m. Family Service‘ (3) Please C0 ?0me and enjoy a summer evening at this 19 H1 church in its beautiful setting of flowering cherry V8 y Yours affectionately in our Blessed Lord COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean -)(-********-)(-*-)(- CALENDAR FOR MAY 5th Sunday after Easter — Rogation Sunday . ‘ Archdeacon's Visitation — 7.30 p.m. at Canterbury Cathedral. Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion with Intercession at Bridge Church at 9 930 a.m. Ascension Day I Holy Communion at 7.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. ' ' Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Bible Reading and Discussion Group Meeting at 8 p.m. at Red Deer, Bridge Down. East Bridge Deanery Choir Festival 3 — 7 p.m. at Barham Church. League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals - Bridge Group Jumble Sale in the Village Hall. Bridge at 2.30 p-m- Sunday after Ascension Young Wives Group Meeting - 7.30 at Bridge School. Whit-Sunday _ Mothers’ Union Branch Meetlns ‘ 2-45 p.m. at 37 Union Road. Bridseo w.I. Meeting - Bridge Villase 3311 ' Speaker Miss Larkan. (4) laén.-4:-0-s.——.. Cg1:fi?gR FOR MAY (continued) Bible Reading and Discussion Group Meeting at 8 p.m. at Church Cottage, High Street; Bridge. Trinity Sunday Young Wives Group Annual General Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. Bekesbourne May Fayre at Bekesbourne School at 2.30 p.m. 1st Sunday after Trinity . _nurs3ay AH Sunday th Wednesday 30th Saturday 3lst Sunday Aid Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion and Intercession 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. ' ************ JUNIOR CHURCH K Junior Church will meet on Sunday, May 3rd at ;-;, a.n. and at ll a.m. on Sundays, May lOth, l7th, 24th and 31st. ~X--)(--)(--)(-9(--X‘-)6-)€-~)(--)(--)(-5.’ BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH SUMER FETE 3°ur diary Please remember our Summer Fete 1 be held at Bridge School on Saturday, 0 which w? u 20th J ************ fig? Yicar GXPTGSSGS his deep appreciation to JOJ all for your most kind and generous °°ntTibuti°n *0 the Easter Collection ************ (5) FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Bagtism st. Mary's, Patrixbourne 12th April 1970 Philip Neil Grey St. Peter's, Bekesbourne L 29th March 1970 Georgina Pauline Friend ; Easter Day Trudi Denise Zygmant ‘ Sharron Ann Wahstall 12th April 1970 Trudi Colenan E May The1_Rest in Peace ‘St. Mary's, Patrixbourne 10th April, 1970 Henry Hainer Partridge i . , 28th April, 1970 Fanny HenderS°n H°d88°n 1 ' . ‘§L Peters: Bekesbourne 1 , V 20th April, 1970 Charles Adolphus Hoare 23rd April, 1970 Reginald Jarvis (died on 20th Decembero_1 59 1 at Wollongong, Australia i '************ CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Th t tal f th Christian Aid C01leOti?D £°r _ Bridge $i1§age gas egs. 8. 3d. Deep apPre°1at%°n 13 éexpressed to all helpers and to th°39 Wh° °°ntr1but°di B.C. Jones l **********&* (6) I WOMENt5 INSTITUTE BRIDGE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB At the next meeting on Tuesday, May 19th, Miss A successful Bring and Buy was held at the Club :a:“1«fen ‘mil’ t°lk about "".olour ‘n th Flo * Boid ", ting On Tuesday! March 24th and nearly 56- 05' 05- he 0 \ L C. L 1 e Wei 1 er 33596 which will help the Club Fund. Members gave ompetition will be "A Garden in a Saucer". _ _ _ o “ ‘ enerously and a varied selection of articles were on 35-! 1 We shall discuss the resolutions for the N.F.W.I. sale. >_ A. - 1 M t' ' tl Alb t H ‘ . nrua ee lng in 19 er all In June During the afternoon ab out 40 children from the A.M.s. Village School came and sang an attractive programme of Igongs, some with recorder and percussion accompaniment. me committee are grateful to Mr. Potter and Mrs. Knight lfor arranginguthiso BEKESZBOURNE CHURCH MAY FAYRE At the meefing on April 7th all members were given ******-)(--)(--)€-**<)(- 1-tea by Mr. &: Mrs. Loft who celebrated their G0lde1’1 This will be on May 30th at Bekesbourne School. April 3rd and for this occasion, Gifts are urgently needed for the following stalls - {Wedding 9«1'lniVeI'S9«I'Y °I} . Bottles, Jumble, Gifts, Produce, Cakes and Raffle they were presented with a box of fruit from the Club» Prizes - please send these to Mrs. Sandall or to Plollg With 8005 Wishes- Bllqo “ M.J' We ask for the help and support of all who love ‘ ************ and worship at St. Peter's Church, Bekesbourne. If you are unable to come personally please send a : BIBLE READING AND DISCUSSION GROUP donation to Mrs. Sandal]. or Mr. Shorey. _ ' 1 _ p i We are continuing our study °f St‘ Mg“ 5 ggfipfi ***H******* iand the next meeting Will be heldon fi—T——fl -F”? the home of Mr. &: Mrs. D. H111. Re eerélsilmge will CHURCH FLOWERS Down. The following meeting on Thurs“ um 0 rage, vbe h 1d 1; M . & Mr . W. Rose's home- ‘+'Hishestr:et,rBr1ag: The meeting»? will °°mme“§§l§‘tbe [8 Dun. and anyone interested 170 30111 the gmup CIT: t. Peter's, Bridge Mrs. Williamson 2nd Young Wives host we1come_ g%:3nI:S3l:rker A ]§f:%;lE:::r -x-***~x-***~x-**-x- Mrs. Berry 30th Mrs. II.'ViIle _be€;§_S$ay, May l3th - 7.30 P'm' in Bridll tell us about -Jt--)(-<)(—é(-«X-<)(--K-~)(--)I-*-)(--)(~ ‘wn. Mrs. A. Shirl.” A 0 tie”: e).‘13eriences in helping to orgamse an I6 1 <7) S W“?-°n= (8) ' 4 , "“ ——fi“I.-——r~ -*“”“J»#”””“‘dfl~ <0on"‘vinued> ST. mews omen Wednesoav, May 27th— 7.30 p.m. in Bridge School. EBEBEE Annual General Meeting. Pgeeee meke a special effort to attend as it is up to you to choose and vote for your new Committee. ‘ §lQ§§M§EL§_§92§ G. Harvey T Morning Evening **e+a+**->e***** _ undax in Month Service Service s lst D.J. Pentin J. Hill MOTHERS‘ UNION 1 ' j 2nd H.P.M. Lawrence D- Hill Wednesday; May 6th 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church 1 _ _ _ Corporate Communion with ‘ 3rd C_J_ Bar1ey _ J.H. Williamson Intercessions. { . E 4th W. Rose G.L. Beaumont gonday; May l8th Branch Meeting at 37 Union Road 1 at 2.45 p.m. 3 (D. Hill - } April & May) I . **a<—a(-*******%e 5 5th CH]-G Barley F.C. Carey LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS } I Bridge Group a i A Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday, May 9th E“%PVes: Mrs. Flynn in the Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. — any articles and ' gifts may be left at "The Close", Bridge or with any E D. Johnson Cimnlttec Member — also collections can be arranged- l The Hall will also be open from 10.0 a.m. on the day- Subscriptions and Donations. Collectors will be J ' B -d e calling in their districts and we hope you will again | r1 3 ’ I '1 oe generous, as old friends at The Close will be needing our help in the hospitals to which they are 5°in€ moved, and We must not forget them. £££ilL_l219' M. Milton — Hon. Treasurer **-X-*-X-*-X--)(--)(-*** (9) ************ I /(..H\‘ :.\1) R(?R.1L D1.-‘.4\ : THE REV. C.\\'o.\' (‘on.\' E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The \'ic:irage. Bridge. (Bridge 250) P.»\TRl.\BOLlR.\‘E WITH BRIDGE C/'zm‘c‘/zwrzrdclis .- MR C A. Porn-‘R. Field House. Bridge. (Bridge llh‘) MR. \\'. JoH.\'sor<. 42 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 450) Hon. 5€Cr(>I(17‘)' : Miss C. M. BARKER. Caldy. Patrixbourne Rd.. Bridge (Bridge 482) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): MR. J. SINCLAIR. 8 Risdon Close, Sturry. (Sturry 683) Organisr (Patrbrbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. Martins Close, Canterbury. (65055) Ir/‘gel’ (Bridge) : MR. J. Hoprcms, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. I'er;:€r' (Patrixbourrie) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MR5. SANDALL, School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekcsbourne. Organisr : MRS. I. M. F. SAYER, Little Duckpitts, Bramling. Wingham. (Littlebourne 541) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magafine Ad\'er1s.: NIR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARETS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflicez 91 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone wmtmblo ms S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church of England since 1698 (in Association with the National Society) ‘ 2 THEERECINCTS, CANTERBURY Suppl”? 0/ 4“ '¢4}“’¢""€'”S I0’ Church and Sunday School purpose: An cxoallent selection of CmIdren’s Books. Pictures, Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Boolti for Presentation, etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS» CARDS. etc.. IN GREAT VARIETY cm as seen Telephone: Canterbury 62881 Primed by the Elvy & Gibbs Pnnnership. II 345:! Laue. Canterbury PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ND BEKESIBOURNE PATRIXB - U ‘ 6d. St PETER BRDGE CHURCH MAGAZINE June, 1970 . .__j:——.. ' ""“"'*--——r-»-r-~a-—-4- ...-............«..- -l. SUNDAY SERVICES JUNE 1970 BRIDGE PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 7th June — 2nd Sunday after Trinity 11 3.m Matt.& Ser. 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung ll.42 a.m. Holy Comm. Communion Holy Communion 6130 P am: Evensong & Ser. 14th June — 3rd Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. Holy Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy \Se1ieS II and Sermon Communion 6.§C p.m. Evensong 6.30 p,m, and Sermon Evensong and Sermon 21st June - 4th Sunday after Trinity 9_§»m- Holy Comm. 8 aem. Holy ll a.m. Matt. ‘QFH hyflfls and Communion and Sermon %C§Te33 (Series II) o.3O p.m. Evensong and Sermon 28th June - 5th Sunday after Trinity o a,m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. °=20 p-me nvenscns Communion and Sermon and Sermon 11045 aomo Holy Communion 4__- Holy Communion is celebrated at §,3o a m on ~ may Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne. Arrangements are well under way for our Annual Bridge um Patrixbourne Parish Fete at Bridge School Grounds on aturday, 20th June. This is one of the great opportuni- nes we have of our joint Churches meeting up together pr a common cause and it is always a real Parish occasion E friendliness and mutual effort. There is this year an umsually full programme of activities as you will see rom the notice elsewhere in the magazine. I am mnfident that all will combine together to make this a mat pleasant and financially successful occasion. At Bridge Church work on the Chancel and the organ all commence on Tuesday, May 26th and will continue for bout two to three weeks. I ask your forbearance for‘ his period. The usual morning services will continue md the Holy Communion Services will be in the Lady Chapel, Wensong will be at Patrixbourne on May 31st and June 7th. E have made arrangements for transport for those who wish Q come. If you do it would help if you kindly sign the 1st on a board on the table at the entry to Bridge.Church. The Diocesan Eucharist will be at St. Laurence Cricket hound at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday July 4th. Will those who psh to come and desire a ticket, likewise sign the list at @e'back of the Churches or let me know. The Celebrant “ll be the Archbishop of Canterbury and the preacher will W the Archbishop of.York. ' I The Archbishop has invited me to accept appointment F Rural Dean_of East Bridge Deanery for a further period °r five years from June 1st 1970, which appointment I an “St happy to accept. As we proceed into Synodical °Vernment the position of Rural Dean involves more and Wre responsibility and I ask your prayers for God's 7g’J11_ d ,‘ _ * - - ,‘ . V as ays and at 7 50 a m. on Fridays during the week leealng on this work. 3Ve1S°ng is at 5 P°m' at The Close every Sunday excePt « on the first Sunday in the month when there is a oelebration of Holy Communion. A cordial invitation 13 extended to come to these services. (1) ; It would help me greatly if material for the magazine °uld reach me by the 15th of the month. ° t 1 1 Ou B1 3 a Lord Yburs affe°to8E?NeEYH.§PER£Y v§o§§ and Rural Dean lOth llth léth 15th 16th 20th 21st 24th F.0-4. ./_C all Saturday Sunday Wednesday Saturday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Monday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Wednesday §§§§§Q§R FOR JUNE Bekesbourne May Fayre - 2-30 p.m. at Bekesbourne School First Sunday after Trinity — Evensong at 6.30 p.m. at Patrixbourne Church and not at Bridge Church Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church Church Fete meeting at 8 p.m. at The Vicarage Diocesan Conference Second Sunday after Trinity - Evensong at 6.30 p.m. at Patrixbourne Church and not at Bridge Church First meeting of the East Bridge Rural Deanery Synod. 7.15'p.m. at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury Young Wives Group Country Ramble leaving Bridge School at 7.30 p.m. Feast of St. Barnabas. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church T I W.I. Coffee Morning — at 10.30 a.m. at 6 Dering Close, Bridge . Third Sunday after Trinity Recital at 8 p.m. in Bridge Church Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting at 37 Union Road at 2.45 p.m. W.I. Meeting in the Village Hall at 7 p.m. . Bridge & Patrixbourne Church Summer Fe*9 at 2.30 p.m. at Bridge Village School Fourth Sunday after Trinity St. John the Baptist. 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church Bridge Young Wives Meeting at 7.30 p.m. at Bria“ Village Church Fifth Sunday after Trinity (3) Holy Communion 3* _ CALENDAR FOR JUNE (Cont'd.) ———-——---.——-—-—-—-—--—-'--" 30th Tuesday Bridge Senior Citizens Annual General Meeting Bridge Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. Jul 5 Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion and Intercessions at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church **-)1--X-*-X-**** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Ehptism St. Peter's Brid e " 23th Ipril T976 Dean Alexander Potter — »_ Tracey John Potter 3rd May 1970 Robert Edward Marsh 17th May 1970 Peter‘James Goate ’ H01; Matrimony 3*» Peter's Bekesbourne izth ay 7 ames Austen Brice and ' Enid Bartholomew May They Rest in Peage St- Peter's Brid e « 855 M y I§76 Arthur Percy Ledger 8. %5Eh May 1970 Ethel Gertrude Carey 6~h May 1970- Paulette St. John S t' Mar ‘s Patrixbourn §8EK Iprii 1976 Fanny Henderson H0d88°n «I--X-*******-I J UNI OR CHURCH .-—:n:I:-{tr-$1 ' J Junior Church will meet at 11 a.m.J::1§:ng§g;chf3; §4th. 21st and 28th. There will be no ~3EEax_June 7th. sure of work Mr. John Sinclair our master at Bridge Church has had to 1 _ pointment with great regrets. ‘Clair has given us great joy and pleasure during a res ‘ Choir an \ .1.‘_: Owing to p t o ‘r 14. |..l' (D |_. 7 Fl q Wfi)H' 1. net he will be leaving us. He has built up a s—' m H: r: H 0 m,c-)H(--)(--)(--)(--)(--)(- Holy Communion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m. on lkdnesdays and at 7.30 a.m. on Fridays during the week. Evensong is at 5 p.m. at The Close every Sunday except m1the first Sunday in the month when there is a celebration of Holy Communion. A cordial invitation is extended to come to these Services. ********** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism Sh Peter's Bridge 24th May 1970 Andrew Ian Farbrace Stuart Neil Karlhoff 7th June.l97O Jalea Selina Clements 14th June 1970 Julie Anne Roblin §L.M§Ey's Patrixbourne 213* June 1970 Joanna Sayers Holy Matrimony i§34.30ter's Bridge 23rd May 1970 Malcolm John Rule Joy Elizabeth Barley 4 qgeg 3;g:5T3R (Continued) Kg? They Rest in Peace Ethel Cleaver **-)6-)€*~X“3('*-)$* JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church will meet at 9-30 a-m- On Sunday, 3;; 'th, and at 11 a.m. on Sunday, July 12th, 19th .\_F ‘.11 . 5,, <‘_, H r\) 0 *%******** BRIDGE SENIOR CITIZENS Bridge Senior Citizens First Birthday Party in Bridge Village Hall. ********** CHURCHILL HOUSE SALE OF WORK _ ~_T53T¢ will be 3 Sale of work and white elephant at .nurchill house, Union Road, Bridge on July llth 5“ 3-35 P-fi- P103Se Come and support us. Ce; znd biscuits will be served -k-it-k*‘)(-**)$9(--)(--)(— (5) YOUNG WIVES GROUP _:———-l—.:.-—:—_J—.——_——— Wednesday, July 8th We are leaving at 7 p.m. for our Outing to the Winter Gardens, Margate. The Coach will collect us from Vye's. Please do not be late. Owing to the summer holidays we will not be meeting again until September. Any enquiries concerning the Group may be made to the new Secretary, Mrs. E. Giles at Filmer House, Filmer Road or myself at 6 Bridgeford Way. G. Harvey ********** BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP We are continuing our readings from St. John's Gospel and the next meeting will be held at 42 Bridge Down by the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson On Thursday, July 2nd at 8 p.m. We then meet again 0? Thursday, July 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H111. Red Deer, Bridge Down. we are very pleased to 500 new faces and anyone interested would be sure of 3 Warm welcome. We will not be meeting during the schools’ Sumer Holiday. ********** (6) T9TE§B§L.EEl9E BEKESBOURNE socIAL CLUB w iucsdjxr July lst Corporate Communion with SUMMER FETE Intercessions. at flgnday, July 20th Branch Meeting at 2.45 p.m. COBHAM COURT, BEKESBOURNE 3* 37 Union R°&dv Br1d€0- (by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. ¢.H. Wigham) ********** A v SATURDAY, 18th JULY 1é7o WOMENS‘ INSTITUTE #730 p'm' A At the next meeting on Tuesday, 21st July at sta11S,_ L 7 p.m. in the Village Hall, four of our members will . . speak on "The Time of My Life". The competition ; ~. . ~ —A ryeit caie recipe 1S available from Mrs. Turpin or A Cakes, produce, Gifts, White Elephant. Bottle, hrs. 1. narris. Suggestions for next year's ‘ g . _ . programme and criticisms of this year's will be Refreshments and Sidcshows ' gathered together at the meeting. T So please put your thinking caps on! ' i Admission: Adults 1/; children 55, A ‘M's . ‘ ****L)(-**:X-*-7* i Anyone wishing to contribute to the ab0Ve is re‘ ‘ quested to Jeave the same at l Cobham Court Cottages» Bekesbourne. Arrangements will be made for collection lf notice is given at either 1 Cobham Court Cottages ********** ‘ or 3 D0WnSide (Telephone Bridge 659 (after 7 P‘m‘ ‘ °nday — Friday, any time at week-ends - 2 B k Bekesbourne Social Club is open to anV°ne in I e V esbourne, Patrixbourne etc. and the Annual Subscrip- ‘E tlon is 5/—. The Secretary is Mrs. P. Farbrace- 3 *****-I-)6-)(-** i (8) _i.____.___.-i_.__.-.._,__-i... /5; ~J £2 U “"33 ' BRIDGE - PATRIXBOURNE QHURCH FETE 20th JUNE 1970 Stalls 1 Teas, Cakes and Soft Drinks 23- 3. O. ' ll 10' 0' Ice Cream Mothers‘ Union Kitchen — Groceries 9- Garden Produce 8. Senior Citizens I-‘ \I1 -#b.J 1;‘ I 11: 190 69 Gift Stall 21. 7. 0. White Elephant Stall 17. 13. 5. 94. 5, 5, Side Shows Faffle (less cost of Tickets £3) 41. 17. -0. Bottle Stall c 49. 7. 0. » Wheel Of Fortune 9- 9. 6. Young Wives 3 Various Side Shows 6- 5- 9- ' Draw a Straw 5- 5. 6. ’ Draw a Thread 10. O. i in 20 7' 171 4'! : Various Side Shows 14. 4. l. 5; Less Cost of Hire 3. 0. 0. ll. 4. 1. 5‘ Sundry Donations 1 12. 2. 0. it ‘ u 8: 0 "‘ EEQEEE Expenses 233 11 H Hire of School and Playing Field \ 3. O. ‘O. H Posters and Handbills 1 4. 14. 6. ' Hire of Tables and Crockery 1 . 15. 0. V Donation to Scottish Dancers l. 1. O. ‘ Hire of "Tavioli“ Organ 10. o. o. 19. 10. 6- We were fortunate to have a lovely day ?°fi the Fete and good use was made of it. The Surplus of £214 compares with £150 1n 969, and is an excellent result. (9) f (lo) C.E.A.P. VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: THE REY. CANON COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE C hurclzwardens .' MR. C. A. POWER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge 218) MR. H. P. M. LA\\'REN(‘E. Tullymore. 72 Bridge Down. Bridge .(Bridge 472) Hon. Secretary : MR. D. R. HILL. Red Deer. Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 426) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): MR. P. GILES. N.D.D.. A.T.C- (Lond.). Filmer House, Filmer Road, Bridge. (Bridge 293) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martins Close, Canterbury. (65055) V erger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J . CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- MR. W R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : Mas. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MR. S. H- GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District ‘Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflflce: DI KIIIGSDOVIN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whltstable I116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Boolrsollors to the church of England since 1698 (in Association with the National Society) _ 2 THERRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplus 0/ I1" '¢<1u1rement.r /or Church and Sunday School purposes An uullont uloctlon of children‘: Books. Pictures. Blhles, Prayer and Hymn Book! for Presentation. etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS, otc.. IN GREAT vAm£1'y cnu as QEEN Tllephono : Canterbury 62801 Pnhlfid by the Elvy & Gibbs Pumership, ll BBS! Lune. Canterbury PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURN E St MARY PRICE 6d. CHURCH MAGAZINE August, 1970 7-1.-—-j ‘——.--—~ So th; living of the Christian life beginS first from guy worship within our Churches and then from the environment of our home, our school, our daily work. Yours sincerely in Our Lord COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean **%********* CALENDAR FOR AUGUST 2nd Sunday 10th Sunday after Trinity 5th Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church Feast of the Transfiguration. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church . 11th Sunday after Trinity 12th Sunday after Trinity 13th Sunday after Trinity 6th Thursday 9th Sunday -€th Sunday 2;ri Sunday 2~Th Konday St. Bartholomew — Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church 30th Sunday 14th Sunday after Trinity ************ FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Bagtigg . Peter's Church Bridge Q4. KJJ 19th July, 1970 Stephen David 9911 Kirsten Suzanne Pell St. Peter's Bekesbourne 5th July: 1970 nark James Smith 3 . St. Peter's Bekesbourne Egon THE RARISH REGISTERS (Cont'd.) fi9;y Baptism st. Mary's Patrixbourne 17th July, 1970 Christopher Ian Kendrick White Holy Matrimony St. Peter's Church Bridge 4th July, 1970 Elizabeth Pratt . Robert John Brent Robert Edward Stokes Susan Ann Swan May TheyRest in Peace St. Peter's Bridge lst July: 1970 7th July: 1970 18th July, 1970 Grace Adelaide Cowell nKate Elizabeth Whale 17th July, 1970 Winifred Mary Jarvis ' *%********** BRIDGE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB The Club will be.closed for the month of August. ************ YOUNG WI!§§ GROUP There will be no meetings during August owing to the school holidays. Any enquiries concerning the Group m?Y be made to myself at 6 Bridgeford Way or to Mrs. E. Glles at Filmer House, Filmer Road. We will look forward to meeting you all again On September 9th. Happy holidays to you all. G’ I 0 (4) MQTHERS' UNIOE Wednesday, August 5th. Mothers‘ Union Corporate Tctmunion with Intercessions at Bridge Church at 9 3C a D ************** LEGACY The Churohwardens and Members of the Parochial Church Council join with me in the expression of grat- itude for the legacy of £250 from the estate of the late Henry Partridge to St. Mary's Church, Patrixbourne C.E.H. Perry - Vicar. ************** BEKESBOURNE VILLAGE GARDEN FETE 'The Chairman Mr. David Petherbridge and the Hembers of the Bekesbourne Social Club Committee wish to thank Mr. & Mrs. Walter Whigham for the use of’ Gobham Court and all the many friends who supported Inc Pete on the l8th July by their help and gifts. __ You will be glad to know that over £80 was made which will be devoted to gifts to the older people CI fihc v;llage next Christmas. ************** WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A Cookery Demonstration by SEGAS will be given at Tsunaay 27th September. ‘ §Enday 27th September. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (Cont'd.) Prospective new members are welcome to attend this and other meetings. which take place on the third Tuesday in the month. Please contact your nearest W.I. member or the President, Mrs: Turpin”at 6 Dering Close (telephone Bridge 219) or the Hon. Secretary, Mrs. I Harris, 14 Conyngham Lane (telephone Bridge 422); ' alternatively, come to the meetings and make yourself known. The annual subscription is 10/-d. ACMCSC ************ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY The Rev. Canon S.G. Brade- Birks D.Sc., F.S.A. to preach on Saint Thomas Becket, ;at 6.30 p.m. Evensong at Bridge Church. ?Sunday 27th September. St. Mary's Patrixbourne, Harvest Festival - ll a.m. St. Peter's Bekesbourne. Harvest Festival — 6.30 p.m. Wednesday 30th September.Bridge and Patrixbourne P.C.C. Meeting — 7.30 p.u. at Bridge Village Hall. Sunday 4th October St. Peter's Bridge Harvest Festival - ll a.m. and ‘ 6.30'p.m. _ Preacher at 6.30 p.m. the Rev. Eric Chappell, Vicar of Goodnestone w. Chillenden and Knowlton. Menday 12th October Informal meeting of Church- Wardens with the Archdeacon of Canterbury — 7.30 P-0- gat Wingham Village Hall. §h§.gf¥§nmg§:h§§l§:§:i§§l§f gggggzr. %g:hc§;g:::fi§:n Saturda th D c.mb r Bridge and Patrixbourne will be one dozen hoDe_Dade sweets_ Christmas Market. ************ (5) 1 (6) .____ i 4.._ VICAR AN!) RURAL DEAN : THE REY. CANON CONN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage, Bridge. (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens .' MR. C. A. l’oTrER. Field House, Bridge. (Bridge ZI8) MR. H. P. M. LA\\'REN(‘l€. Tullymore. 72 Bridge Down. Bridge (Bridge 47?.) Hon. Sec:-clarvv : MR. D. R. HILL. Red Deer. Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 426) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Orgganisz (Bridge): MR. P. GILES. N.D.D.. A.T.C- (Lond.). Filmer House. Filmer Road. Bridge. (Bridge 293) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS. 8 St. Martin's Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. M0wLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHORBY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) H on. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Or_9aI11'5I.‘ MR. S. H GREY. Mill Collage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor : THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice : I1 KINGSDOVIN PARK, TANKERTON Telephone Whllslablo I118 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booksellers to the church of England since 1695 (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS, CANTERBURY Supplier 0/ all requirements for Church and Sunday School purposes An excellent ulootlon at children‘: Books, Pictures. Bibles. Prayer and Hymn Book! tor Presentation, etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. atc., IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN TIIEDIIUFIIR Canterbury 62381 Printed by the Elvy & Gibb: Partnership. ll Best Lune, Canterbury PATRIXBOURNE ’ WITHABRIDGE ND BEKESBOURN E 4.1:/.' 5 PETER BRD6 CHURCH . MAGAZINE " September, 1970 PRICE 6d. PATRIXBOURNE a SJNEAY SERVICES SEPTEMBER 1970 BEZESBOURNE 6th September — l5th Sunday after Trinity . Matt.& Ser. . Holy Comm. Evensong 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 13th September — l6th Sunday after Trinityéi 9 a.m7 Eel‘ Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy (Series Ilg and Sermon Communion 6.30 p.:. Evensong 6.30 p.m. and Sermon Evensong and Sermon 20th Sentember - 17th Sunday after Trinity ‘T (T\‘'‘ H- ,n.(.:_(\) () ‘til 8 a.m. Holy C ommuni on (Series II) ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 27th September — l8th Sunday after Trinity .1. Holy Comm. Evensong qpre°i3*°"' 2 , I hope many of you will come to hear the Rev; Canon S.G. Brade—Birkes, Rural Dean of West Bridge”at~ Evensong at Bridge Church on Sunday, the 27th Septemben when he will be preaching on St. Thomas BeCKet. I would like to draw your attention to the article "MUSIC" elsewhere in this‘magazine. We also look forward this Autumn to the building up of our choirs and shall be grateful for any new talent to“come forwam and help us in the praise of God's Holy Name. Yours sincerely in Our Lord COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar and Rural Dean -X-*-X-**-X--X--)(--X-** 1 There will be no celebration of Holy Communion on ‘ Friday, 3rd September, Wednesday 9th September and , Friday, 10th September. C.E.H3v ****-)(--)(-**-)(--X- t EE駧 ‘Our grateful thanks to (i) the Rector, Church- V wardens and members of the P.C.C. of St. Giles.Churchy~ Kingston for the gift of a processional Cross to St. Peter's Church, Bekesbourne ' to (ii) Mr. Wilfred Mowll for the re—gravelling of the path to Bekesbourne Church. -3(--X--X-**‘)('**** I <3) i ? 13th Se §I' 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 5th Sunday 9th Wednesday Sunday 20th Sunday 21st Monday 23rd Wednesday 27th Sunday i 30th Wednesday 4th unday 6th Tuesday CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER Bridge Senior Citizens recommences 2.30 p.m. at Bridge Village Hall. M;U. Corporate Communion and Inter- cessions — ygg. — .4 a.m. 15th Sunday after Trinity. Junior Church recommences 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. Young Wives Harvest Supper 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Ember Week. 17th Sunday after Trinity. St. Matthew A. Holy Communion, Bridge Church 9.30 a.m. Branch Meeting M.U. 2.45 p.m. at 37, Union Road, Bridge. Young Wives Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Bridge School. l8th Sunday after Trinity. St. Mary's Patrixbourne Harvest Festival ll a.m. St. Peter's Bekesbourne Harvest Festival 6.30 p.m. ' Revd. Canon Brake—Birkes D.Sc- to preach on_St. Thomas Becket_at Evensong at 6.30 p.m. at Bridge Chu?Ch- Bridge and Patrixbourne P.C.C. Meeting 7.30 p.m; at Bridge Village Hall- l9th Sunday after‘TrinitY- _ St. Peter's Bridge Harvest Festival Preacher at 11 a.n. ReVd- G0rd9n M3319’- Preacher at 6.30 P-U- Reva‘ Erlc Chappells Vicar df G°°dneSF°:f' Bridge School Harvest Festlv 2.30 p.m. at Brldge S°h°°1- Service (4) RECEIPTS Pony Gymkhana Entry Fees Gate Money Surplus from Gymkhana B/F Gate Money (Cars) Door Money 355516 46. ll. 6. Loss Printing ‘ Tickets _§; 16. 0. Tons Produce Stall Captain's Stall Donations . G.‘.V, Twyman (5) 44. 15. 590 |—'L».JO . . . LN}-‘LN -on £99. BRIDGE AND DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SUMMER sgg AND GYMKHANA m _i}UGUST 1970 5. 4. 15. 17. 123 PAYMENTS Pony Gymkhana — Rosettes — Cups — Sundry EXS. — Hire of Jumps — Hire of Public Address System Donation to St. John's Ambulance Soc. Spastics Soc. . Surplus C/F D0Yer Marquee Co. Hlre of Tents, Tableing etc. Flower Show Prize Money Printing Schedules 3rd Barty Insurance Judges Lunch Judges Expenses Sundry Expenses (6) l4. 0. O. 7. 6. O. 20 2. O0 2. 2. 0. ll l0 O0 5. 5. 0. 27. 13. 8. 59 9. 8; 59. 19. 9. 20. 14. 6. 7. 15. 6. 2. 16. O. 7. O. 6. 10 10 OD ’7. 5. £99. 14. 8; ........._ -_ ‘ Eruzrvwwurv‘-$ It was disappointing that the one‘wet Saturday this glorious summer had to coincide with our wer Show. The very dry weather certainly out the L H11 [.1 . L‘. rfL O r‘es in the tent, but then these have been falling number of years, and the Society will have to do e very serious thinking about the Shows‘ future in next months. «.9-m H30 :10 0 ‘.3 P-‘ (Y) H H I would like to thank all those who worked so hard,‘with the clerical work involved in the awarding of the Prizes, the erecting of the staging”and the ' Gymkhana rings, the ladies in the refreshment tent _ « and to Mrs. Vasey and her helpers who ran the Gymkhana; My thanks to you all. _ ~«N‘ David McEwen. _ r Chairman 'W#¢ -)(-9(--)(-*<)6-X--)(--X-*-)(--)(-~26 FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism A St. Peter's Church, Bridge P 1", I 2nd August 1970 Peter Page A _ _ _e §t. Mary's Church, Patrixbourne ' * 533” 9th August 1970_ 1. Jennifer Margaret Clérkgb St. Peter's Church, Bekesborurrge Dawn Ratcliff A Carol Ann Holman John Charles Grummitt 16th August 1970 (7) 34 FROM THE PARISH R;‘»GIS2!LS (Cont'd.) Hoix Matrigogg ‘ St. Mary's Church, Patrixbogggg 15th August 1970 _~. Gé°I'Se :WaI'ner Max Westhy Jenniier Mary Ibmmgacfieag V A‘ ‘. ,,_. .:.,L";.‘_;' ii gq. .'wf .." *****¥&***+*' 7~BRIDG;» The’ Club’ reapags am 2.30 p.m.“ih theivilrageufiaflsfag are all welcomeuefi *4 H" 6 ' '7 .‘,l zxrgh eféréauunefiu 1 ;:-,:.-;Is;:qr: 3 B 1-; i is '-;_:.h+*zLw.-‘ 1; ' ughofi giuxt bus The E5ufi§.W&h%d! with 8. -Halflfwéfiafii start ads.»-Frzeiaewe-. . "P All new members will The second mes Mrs. Pryor from the W111 be at the School- 7.30 pqmginc etazoqtn 5 ' M MUSIC The Choirmaster and’Organist is most anxious to Obegin a bookcase of some sort for the choir's music. It is stored at present in a most inconvenient 'pirate's‘chest, and cannot easily be Seen Or Sorted. Anybody who can help is asked to get in touch with the Vicar or Mr. Giles. While on the subject of music, Mr. Giles'asks that members of the congregation exercise under- standing regarding the further exploration of the hymn book, and that they bear in mind that what has r n sung in the Christian Church over centuries, indeed what will be sung in it in the future is lezst as important as what has been sung in Bridge ‘ on for the past forty years! Mr. Giles hopes to demonstrate Hymns Ancient and Hodern Revised as a book which is comprehensive and wnicL includes in it hymns truly worthy of use in g.3. l9TC, both truly Ancient and truly Modern! Be is confident that the congregation will find this an cxc ting and rewarding occupation, and hopes that what, i is uniaziliar will quickly become the opposite! **)(-***-X-***-X--X-* MOTHERS‘ UNION §2EI2§he£_22§ Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion with Intercessions. §;§- - 2445 a.m. Brénch Meeting, 2:45 p.m. at 37. Un1on“Road, Bridge. Speaker — Mrs. Meigh. ************ (9) p JUNIOR CHURCH Junior Church meets on September 6th at 9.30 a.m. September l3th, 20th and 27th at ll a.m. ************* SCOUT TROOP It may not be generally known that in addition to a Cub Scout Section, there is also a Scout Troop in existence in the village. ' Meetings are held on a Monday evening at the former Civil Defence building in Union Road. There are vacancies in the Scout Troop for boy between the ages of ll and 16 years and anyone ' interested in joining should contact the Scoutmaster, Mr. Flood, 2 Mummery Place, Adisham, or come along on a Troop evening at 7.30 p.m. -X-*~X-*-X -X-—)(-***-X-** Holy Communion is celebrated at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesdays and 7.30 a.m. on Fridays during the‘week. Evensong is 3? 5 p.m. at The Close every Sunday: except on the flrst Sunday in the month when there is a Celebration of Holy Communion. A cordial invitation is extended to Come to these services. L (10) VICAR AND RURAL DEAN: Tl-IE REV. CANON COLIN E. H. PERRY. B.Sc.. The Vicarage. Bfidgfii (Bridge 250) PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens : Mn. C. A. POTTER, Field House. Bridge. (Bridge 218) MR. H. P. M. LAWRENCE. Tullymore, 72 Bridge Down, Bridge .(Bridge 472) Hon. Secretary : MR. D. R. HILL, Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 426) Hon. Treasurer: Mn. C. A. POTTER. Organist (Bridge): MR. P. GILES, N.D.D., A.T.C- (Lond.), Filmer House, Filmer Road, Bridge. (Bridge 293) Organisr (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martiri’s Close. Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. Horxms, Bourne Park Cottage. Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : Mk. I. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens .- MR. W. R. MowLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHORBY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL, School House. Bekesbournc. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MR. S. H- GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 sr. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 ~ ‘ Branch Omce: I1 KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhltstablo I116 S.P.C.K. Publllhm and B00|t_8I!IIrs t_o the church or England since 1m (in Association with the National Society) 2 THEPRECINCTS. CANTERBURY 3|lP.Pl3e.r 0/ all requirements for Church and Sunday School purposes An excellent selection of chIldro:I's Eooks. Plolures. Bibles. Prayer and Hymn Books or rosonhtlon etc. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. etc-u IN GBEAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Tolophono : cnntorbury szm Frinud by the Elvy & Gibb: Partnership, 11 Ben Lane. Canterbury PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE AND BEKESBOURNE -7 ,.,,. 1 ‘A ._.:_g-_‘__vu_ -_ CHURCH MAGAZINE October, 1 970 6d. ...;...-r...A.. SUNDAY SERVICES OCTOBER 1970 PATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE 4th October — 19th Sunday after Trinity 6.30 n.m. Harvest 8 a.m. Holy 9.30 a.m. Sung F9Sfi}5l Services Communion Holy Communion Evensong & Sermon ll a.m.Matt. & Ser. ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. llth October — 20th Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m. H01‘ Comm. ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy (seiies II and Sermon Communion 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 18th October — m. Holy Comm. ‘h hymns and o W CT‘~CQ’\\O m _.. -I J I3 C! m. Evensong m ) I‘Ol’l 2lst Sunday after Trinity C8 a.m. Holy Communion (Series II) ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon 25th October - 22nd Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Comm, 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 9 a.m. Holy Communion ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon ll.45 a.m. Holy Comm. let November — 23rd Sunday after Trinity ll a.m. Matt. & Ser. fl-45 a.m. Holy Comm. «-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Harvest Festival Ser. All Saints Day 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion Dear parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, I commend to you the Bekesbourne Church Appeal Fund for the repairs of the South side flooring which unfortunately collapsed during a Wedding service. It is most unhappy for us coming at a time when we were bringing to a completion the work on the church arising out of our Quinquennial Report on the Fabric. We shall be unable to use the pews of over half the Church's seating capacity until the money is raised; so there is a great urgency about this matter. I hope there will be a prayerful and sacrificial response to this Appeal. I appeal especially to those who have had their children Baptised at Bekesbourne Church or have been married there to give generously in appreciation to God for His blessings. Sunday the 18th October is St. Lukes Day when we are asked to pray for our Doctors and Nurses and the work of hospitals. No Christian person should ever omdt to pray for their Doctor and the Dcctor/ Nurses in their district and it should be an obligation On your part to be present at one of our Churches on this day. _ Sunday the 25th October is Education Sunday. It }s gratifying to see Education Sunday being increas- ingly observed. . The observance of it this year should have a SP€Cial significance as it is the Centenary of the Passing of the first Education Act. Both for the Church and for the nation at large this was an event Wlth far—reaching consequences. It has been marked by the publication of the Durham Report, the Fourth R‘: a highly significant volume which should be Studied by everyone interested in Education. The report gives a challenge to the Church by pointing Out that its special place in the Educational life 0f the nation must be justified, not just on the ground of evangelism but by a deep concern for Education in general and by the involvement of Christians in every aspect of the Educational World. If the Church is ready to fulfil their duty, it means that Church people must take a serious interest in Education and must really study what is going on in Education, both nationally and in their own locality. Education Sunday offers a good opportunity to remember our School, their children and our teachers and to pray for God's blessing on the New School now being built in our midst. I hope that all who have their children at School or University or have the Education of young people at heart will be present at Church on this day to pray and intercede for the work of Education in the world of today. Yours sincerely in our Lord. COLIN E.H. PERRY -X-*-X-*-X-***-)(-* ggoie The Choirmaster—Organist wishes to thank Mr. Potter for the gift of the cupboard which he kindly gave in response to the appeal for a Music Cupboard. Now that the Music is able to be seen we hope that more of it may be heard. *-X-*****-)(--)(-* (3) October 4th Sunday 7th Wednesday 11th 15th Sunday Thursday 18th Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 25th Sund c 28th W Wednesday 29th 30th N Thursday Friday 1§_1: 1 st '22nd Sunday after CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER l9th Sunday after Trinity. St. Peter's Bridge, Harvest Festival, Preacher at 11 a.m. - Revd: Gordon Manley. Preacher at 6.30 p.m. — Revd: Eric Chappell, Vicar of Goodneston. M.U. Corporate Communion & Intercessions 9.30 a.m. Young Wives Outing to the Paper Mills at Chartham. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Bible Reading and Discussion Group 8 p.m. at Red Deer, Bridge Down. 21st Sunday after Trinity. Preacher at 6.30 p.m. Bridge Church - Revd. G. Pownall, Rector of Staple. Mothers‘ Union Branch Meeting at 37; Union Road 2;45 p.m. W.I. Meeting, Village Hall, Bridge. 7 p.m. "The Countryside" — Mrs. Lipscombe. _ Young Wives Group Meeting 7-30 pom- 8* Bridge School. Speaker ~ Mr. Peter Carpenter. Subject: ‘The Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury. Cathedral Lecture "DramaP— T.S- Eliot 8 p.m. _ _ Trinity. " Cathedral Lecture "Books and The Press — Patrick 0'Donovan. _ G gible Readigg 3ndl§1z§%::ion. roup. p.m. 7 in ml ' Bekesbourne W.I. Eve of Hallgweefi Market Bekesbourne Village Hall 6'3 P‘ ' 23rd Sunday after Trinity. All Saints Day. (4) n't'-3-) FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism Tfifggnher 4th Wednesday M.U. Corporate Communion 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. st. Peter's Church, Bridge Young Wives Open Evening. Tramp '#" Supper 7.30 p.m. in the Bridge 23rd August 1970 Andrew Neil Swan Village Hall. 20th September 1970 William Spencer Clint colvin ************ St. Peter's Church, Bekesbourne CHRISTMAS CARDS’ 13th September 1970 Alison.Julie Curtis . l - - ___1___.;___X Christmas cards in aid of the Church of England H01 Matrlmon Children‘s Society will be on sale at the English Speaking Union Room - No.l5a Burgate, Canterbury; or St' Peter's Church’ BekeSb9Vrn9 obtained from Mrs. M.F._Carnes, 3 Bridgeford Way, 22nd August 1970 Roger John Bentley Bridge from October l2tJ at the following times:- Mary Hope Rogers Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 10.30 a.m. — 29th August 1970 B?ian ROY Friend 12_3O p_m_ Linda June Hoare Wednesday 2_3O p.m_ _ Mav Rhev Rest in Peace 4'30 P'm' St. Peter's Church. Bridge ************ 28th Afigugt 1970 "May Edith Bryden 3rd September 1970 Alfred Stickels JUNIOR CHURCH 17th September 1970 Una Maud Mary Waller 9.30 a.m. - October 4th ************* ’ ll.OO a.m. - October 11th ll.OO a.m. - October 18th THERS' U N >_ 11000 acme "' .' , S 9 a.m. J Corporate Communion with Intercession - v m h M t'_1gg 0 t ber 19th at 2.45 p-uh held 3”‘ ************ 7 7,ngnio:eR:ad. Spgafier - Mrs. Meson, 1 Subject — Malaysia‘ (5) <5) DIBLE READING and DISCUSSION GROUP Ye are still continuing our study of St. John's i at the meeting on September 24th at the hose of Mr. & Mrs. G. Hughes, 3 Green Court, we carried on from where we left off, at Chapter 9. Last session we were very delighted to welcome new members and we do hope more people will be The group is very informal and you are not called upon individually to answer questions. The discussion is thrown open for anyone to voice their opinion and it is truly remarkable how much we can help each other. Do come along to the next meeting and see for yourself.‘ The meeting in October will be on the 15th I (Thursday) at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. & Mrs. D. Hill,‘ Red Deer, Bridge Down and on the 29th at 8 p.m. at * the home of Mr. & Mrs. D. Pierce, 7 Windmill Close. ********** BEKESBOURNE W.I. EVE — of HALLOWEEN MARKET to be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th 1970 at BEKESBOURNE VILLAGE HALL \ 5-30 p.m. ********** (7) g EEEESBOURNE W.I. EVE of HALLOWEEN MARKET (Cont'd.) Come along and see our various stalls, including ’ "nearly—new" clothes, practical gifts, home-made cakes, garden and kitchen produce, a bran tub and a variety of Bottles. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS PROCEEDS IN AID OF W.I. FUNDS ********** WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The October meeting will be on Tuesday, 20th October at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall, Bridge. Mrs. Lipscomb of Chilham will speak on "The Countryside". The Competition will be "My prettiest cup and saucer". The Hardres Group meeting will take place at Bridge this time. About a dozen members from each Of the W.I.'s making up our group,will meet in the Village Hall at 2.30 p.m. on 26th October We shall Of course be their hosts. 'A.M.S. ********** CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL LECTURES IQZQ Christ and the Arts Wednesdays 8 p,m. OCTOBER 21st DRAMA — T.S. Eliot. Michael Elliott OCTOBER 28th BOOKS AND THE PRESS Patrick O'D§novan " "I“*?7E* CATHEDRAL LECTURES 1970 (Cont'd.) IQ”ZIEfE 4th PAINTING AND SCULPTURE Kenneth Clark IOTEIEEE llth MUSIC Allan Wicks Michael Elliott ~ Theatrical Producer. - Director, 69 Theatre Company, Manchester. Patrick O‘Donovan ‘ — Reporter, Broadcaster and Author. Feature Writer for "The Observer" Kenneth Clark — Author and Broadcaster Allan Wicks — Organist and Choirmaster, I" L Canterbury Cathedral. Member, Church of England Liturgical Commission. F * theme of the lectures this year was chosen many artistic events of the St. Thomas onaemoration in mind. The lectures review areas of the Arts and their relationship t and the Christian religion. Admission is free, no tickets. Arrangements rill be made for the lectures to be printed, each 1 lecture being available on the following Wednesday, I (1 ”—) - 5 *'K‘******** (9) L 5 THE REV. CANON COLlNVTg.C;'1iizPll‘311fl;1‘i)', Thfsigieige, Bridge. (Bridge 250) E g . 7 -_.. i PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE ‘ AND C hurchwardens : ‘lR. C. A. POTTER. Field House, Brid e. (Bridge 218) MR. H. P. lxii. LAWRENCE. Tullymore, 72 Bridge i)0wn. Bridge .(Bridge 472) Hon. Secretary : MR. D. R. HILL, Red Deer. Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 426) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. I‘ Organist (Bridge): MR. P. GILES, N.D.D., A.T.C- (Lond.), Filmer House, Filmer Road, Bridge. (Bridge 293) Organist (Patrixbourne): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martin’s Close, Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER, The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churcliwardetts : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 213) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary : MRS. SANDALL. School House. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer: MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MR. S. H- GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor: THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY, 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGARET’S STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 & 9 Branch Oflice: ll KINGBDOVIN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhltstable I116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Ioolgsellers to the church of England since 1693 (in Association with the National Society) . 2 THE RRECINCTS, CANTERBURY SIWPIICS 0/ 41” Iequirements /or Church and Sunday School purposes An excellent eelectlon ol children’: Books, Pictures. Bibles, Preyer and Hymn Books for Presentation, etc. °EV°“°NA'~ 3°°K3- CARDS. uc.. IN GREAT vnnusrv can as seen Telephone: Canterbury 62331 Priiued by me Elvy It Gibbs Partnership, ll Bclsl Line. Canterbury CHURCH MAGAZINE November. 1970 V SUNDAY SERVICES NOVEMBER 1970 1st November Matt.& Ser. Evensong ll a.m. 6.30 p.m. and Sermon _§TRIXHOURNE 8 a.m. Holy Communion BEKESBOURNE — 23rd Sunday after Trinity All Saints Dav 9.30 a.m. Sung Holy Communion 8th November 9 a.m. Hol Comm. (Series II 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 24th Sunday aft ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon er Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Communion l5th November — 9 a.m. Holy Comm. with Hymns and Address 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 22nd November — 25th Sunday aft 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Series II) 26th Sunday aft er Trinity ll a.m. Matt. and Sermon er Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Comm. 9 a.m. Holy ll a.m. Matt. 6,30 p.m. Evensong Communion and Sermon and Sermon ll.45 a.m. Holy Communion 29th November — Advent Sunday 9 ?'m- Holy C°mm- ll a.m. Matt. 8 a.m. Holy 5-50 P-m- EVGHSOHS and Sermon Communion and Sermon _______4-0' (1) < Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, First, I would like to thank the many friends of Bekesbourne Church who have supported our emergency appeal. The whole of South Side flooring will need re- placing and it is a matter of extreme urgency that this work be put in hand as soon as we have the financial ' resources to enable‘Hdework to be done. Mr. Mowll, the Chairman of the Appeal Committee has told me that the amount received so far is £328. I think that this is a marvellous response to the appeal and we at Bakes- bourne Church are tremendously grateful. Mr. Mowll would be most pleased to receive any further donations — his address is Mulberry Cottage, Bekesbourne. This month begins with the Festival of All Saints on November lst. The Church through the lives of faith- ful Christian Souls in every generation has a deep continuing life. Whatever form the Church of the future will take, this Festival reminds us that it will continue because the life of Christ is in it, and where that life is to be found there is no power on earth that can ex- tinguish it. November is truly a month which sets us I thinking about saintly lives as the supreme evidence of the truth of Christianity and about the calling to be saints which is the meaning and purpose of being Christians at all. - Advent Sunday is on the 29th November. It has been truly said that this message of Advent is a message 05 Judgement and the quality of our lives.. What 18 Our Purpose? Have we a right assessment of the true value Of the gift of life from God to us? Advent gives us the Chance to examine our own unique role in the World of to-day with its revolution in present day kn°W1°d3°' Bridge and Patrixbourne Church will be holding 8 C - th t Bridge hristmas Market on Saturday» Decggbgiggzing is lafie in Village Hall. In case the Decemb f this date_ reaching you I hope you will make 8 n°‘° ° (2) p. T?" T_e mcnih of November ends on St. Andrews Day. It _ _ oey which we observe as a day of prayer for the « 1 Church. I hope many of you will come to day to intercede for the missionary work 2 the Church throughout the world. Yours sincerely in our Lord, COLIN E.H. PERRY Vicar *~)é*-X~*******-X- CAQNIJAR FOR NOVEMBER (Cont'd.) 99th Sunday Advent Sunday. 5th Saturday Bridge & Patrixbourne Church Christmas Market, 2.30 p.m. at Bridge Village Hall. -X-***-X-**-)1-**** CHRISTMAS CARDS An unfortunate error occurred in the last issue of the magazine where it was stated that Christmas cards were on sale. Mrs. M.F. Carnes of 3, Bridgeford Way, Bridge is selling Christmas cards in aid of the §a1g_th§ CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 23rd Sunday after Trinity. All Saints Day. 1st Sunday Children Fund. Her telephone number is Bridge 727. 4th Wednesday Women's Union Corporate and Intercession -- ************ 9.30 a.m. Young Wives —'Tramps Supper" 8 p.m. at FROM THE PARISH REGISTER Village Hall. Holy Baptism 8th Sunday 24th Sunday after Trinity. ~ 12t Thursday Bible Reading Group meeting 42 Bridge St. Peter's, Bridge Down, Bridge 8 p.m. 25th Sunday after Trinity. Women's Union Branch Meeting 37 Union Road, Bridge. Speaker: Mrs. Penn. 1 William Spencer Clint Colvin 20th September 1970 Joanne McCarthy th Sunday 27th September 1970 th.Monday Ma The Rest in Peace 17th Tuesday A.G.M. Women's Institute 7 p.m. Bridge 2 Village Hall. St. Peter's, Bridge lfitn Wednesday Young Wives Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Bridge 1st October 1970 Agnes Mary Woodcock School. A 15th October 1970 Alfred Stickels 215: Saturday League of Friends of Canterbury Hospital . ************ Committee Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Lavender Cottage, Union Road, Bridge. . ' Eist Saturday Women's Institute.- Christmas Sale of MQ$§§E§__§ElQE Work. Villa e Hall, Bridge 2.30 p.m. I 22:51 Sunday 26th Sunday agter Trinity. 7 VLein~esdaY* Nwember uh %530o:é$é Communion with Inter- 26th Thursday Bible Reading Group Meeting 37 Haywards 7 Oe:gions_ Cottages, Bridge 8 p.m. ; ggth Thursday League of Friends of Canterbury Hospital! Monday‘ Nqvember 15th Branch Meeting, 37 U310“ R°ad' Bridge Group. Annual Christmas Whist Drive at Bekesbourne Village Hall — 7.15 p.m. (3) E 2 Speaker -' MI‘S._PeIm- Subject - My work is 8 new Magistrate‘ JQNICT CHURCH \:vem»er lst 9.30 a.m. " 8th 1l.OO a.m. ” 15th 11.00 a.m. " 22nd l1.00 a.m. " 29th 11.00 a.m. *****~X-*-)(-*~X--)(--X- ._—- -3 SLJDIJZ READING AND DISCUSSION GROUP c ntinuing our study of St. John's Gospel in November will be held on the 12th, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, 42 Bridge Down, U at the home of Mrs. Meigh, 37 Haywards on Road commencing at 8 p.m. *-)(--)(--X-‘X--)H(' Press Report Bridge with Patrixbourne. ‘ VJLO., will be there. 5 Party. The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesda 17th November at 7 p.m. Mrs. Calder. our y’ The competition will be a holiday snap. The Christmas Sale of Work will be on 2lst_§o:emb€r (Saturday) at 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall! Brl 3 ‘ A.M.S. ******-)(-**-I--X-* BRIDGE ENI R C TI N C U3 T h h k‘ d1 ave and bought! at °ur Bring 2.31%; S:]e.ewi?1 ottobir? 011;‘ grateful ‘hanks ‘°" making it such a success. ' t The money raised will 80 t°Ward3 °ur Chris mas ***-X-**-it-*-l**-I‘ (5) LEAGUE OP FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY HOSPITALS HARVEST THANKSGIVING Brides Group _ . W '1fld]Jk t thrmzfll h ' _ A Committee Meeting will take place on Wednesday, oratég Ear threeecharchgs and wgoog:3eb:$¥€:f:iéy Ge Elst Ostober at Lavender Cottage, Union Road at 7.30 pm gwduce for cur Harvest Thanksgiving Services. A A G E N D A qmcial thank you‘ to Mr. Baker of Bridge Bakery who —-—————————— has continued, as in past years, to bake special Harvest f th lt d t‘ . l. Minutes of last Meeting. leaves or G a ar €00ra 10n 2. To arrange Whist Drive. C-E-H-P- 3. A.O.B. ' . ************ -)e*********** 21817 October, 1970. Dear Canon Perry, CHRISTMAS MARKET ON DECEMBER 5th at 2. 30 pan. .at.BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL BEKESBOURNE CHURCH APPEAJIFUND I write to report that we have had a marvellous response to our appeal. To date I have received £328.l.Od. donations and I anticipate that there are - sfill some more to come. In addition, some donors have subscribed to the loan account and these amount to fil0.0.0. We are therefore well on our way towards The following are the various stalls and stall- holde*s:- Orders taken by Mr. Peter Lawrence. Garden Compost at Mothers‘ Union Stall : Sweets and Preserves. , Young ‘gives 3 Toys and Gifts. our ‘target flgure of about Raffle : Messrs. P. Lawrence, Some of the donations have been extremely generous Mm it is very encouraging that so many people have mntributed and that we have received support from out- mde our own parish. R. Turpin and W. Ross. (Prizes gratefully received by Mr. P. Lawrence). Vhrlstmas Tree : Mrs’ P’ Knight’ I enclose a list of names of the donors to date. White Elephant : Mr. Turpin. . ‘ . - d 1; 135; Side Shows : Mr. J. Milton. §0”lYl%Il1CiL:§ig’fl“iga:1’:Xj‘g S?dJ.§Via§§az:§e. S Bingo : Mrs. M. Loft. I . . ‘ d-t 5 t Christmas Decorations : Mrs. B. Goode and the E there_Sh°“ld be a SurP1us 1t W111 be ere 1 e O BrownieS_ I 9 Fabric Fund of our Church- Shilling Parcel Stall : Senior Citizens. I -tt e may I take Stationery & Christmas cards: Mr. A. Chadwick. Qthis Sn gifiiftofoghihgfiiiié $22: g§§::re§y,a11 those Refreshments and Cakes : Mrs. C. Potter and lwho hag: contriguted to this appeal so readily and Mrs. P. Greenwood. tge . Wheel of Fortune ; ner°uS1Y- V _ 1 Gifts for the Stalls will be most gratefully received Yours sinceri ygchairman of the Appeal by the above Stallholders. W‘R‘ MOW1 Fund Committee. BQNAIIOFS R3oEIVBD — to date — lOth October, 1970. Wm_ Wallis "‘ .. 7“ Mrs. E.J. Farbrace Direct to Bank — Anon. Mrs. Noble & Mrs. A. Holton Giles Rooks Mrs. M.A. Young (Bridge) W.R.M. Mrs. Hulse Mrs. Ssndall Mr. & Mrs. Ainsworth. Greenwood Mrs. E. Car enter (Bridge) Mr. King AJL Jones Bridge) D.l.B. Morris 1 F.J. Carey Miss Jessie Smith \ Mr. & Mrs. Cox ' Anon. — M.E.G. Peterboro Rev. P.G. Holden Miss Hilda Brescott (Bridge) ‘ Mr. C.A. Potter Mrs. Russell \ Anon. (Bridge) . W.H. Wnigham L Anon. (Church Collection) 18th Oct. Highland Investment Co. i Mr- & Mrs. Arman Mr. and Mrs. Branson Miss D. Wymark. (Burgess Hill, Sussex) Mr. John Aspinall Mrs. P.G. Wilson Mr, & Mrs, s,F_ Tyler Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Perren Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Shorey i Miss L.A. Pierson jg, & Mrs, Bullen 1 Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Weatherall Tom Ash Mrs. T.E. Skeffington Mr. & Mrs. Petts (Bridge)(20th Oct.) Mr- & Mrs- V. Rogers Rev. Canon C.E.H. Perry (20th Oct.) * Anon- Miss K.E. Douglas (chq.) M 1 MTS- Hadlow Mr. & Mrs. D.G. Farbrace Mr. & Mrs. H. Goodwin Mr, & Mrs, Lamkin . ; Mrs. O. Delano—Osborne Mr. & Mrs. S. Hammond - v Mr. & Mrs. Powell ‘ Mr. & Mrs. G.H. Hume 3 Mr. & Mrs. Green Mr. & Mrs. H. Kingsford . . Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. F. Castle 3 Mrs. I. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. c. & Miss J. Whincup Mrs. H. Pellett Mr. & Mrs. S. Grey . ; Mro & Mrs; P. Belsey Mr. & Mrs. E. Griggs ( Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Quinnell (zoth Oct.) Mr. F. Griggs Mr. F. Goodwin ) ____———————-— Sleat Family 1 £328, 1."O. MI‘. 8!: HIS. Banks I 3. Harrison J ' Deveson ; Loans to date £110. 0. 0. I V I BEKESBOURNE CHURCH APPEAL FUND Mr. & Mrs. Baker & Mr. C. Lambing Hogb n (9) (continued) 4r4_7 l____—i.In—~ (10) THE REY. CANON C0I,lNlvé$:(l4rl}.2 Bridge. (Bridge 350) PATRl.\’BOURNE WITH BRIDGE I AND C hurchwardenr : MR. C. A. POTTER, Field House, Bridge. (Bridge IIS) MR. H. P. hi. LA\\'RE.\'Cl5. Tullymore. 72 Bridge Down. Bridge (Bridge 472) i B ' Him. S¢>c‘r€lut'_\' .- MR. D. R. HILL. Red Deer. Bridge Down. Bridge. (Bridge 426) Hon. Treasurer: MR. C. A. POTTER. Orggizrzifl (Bridge): MR. P. GILES. N.D.D.. A.T.C~ (Lond.). Filmer House, Filmer Road. Bridge. (Bridge 293) Organist (Patrixbournc): MRS. AMOS, 8 St. Martins Close. Canterbury. (65055) Verger (Bridge) : MR. J. HOPKINS, Bourne Park Cottage, Bridge. Verger (Patrixbourne) : MR. J. CARPENTER. The Green, Patrixbourne. BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens : MR. W. R. MOWLL, Mulberry Cottage. Bekesbourne. (Bridge 2l3) MR. H. S. SHOREY. Cherry Tree Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 235) Hon. Secretary .' MRS. SANDALL, School House, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 256) Hon. Treasurer : MR. F. J. SMITH, 3 The Hill, Bekesbourne. Organist: MR. 5. H GREY, Mill Cottage, Bekesbourne. (Bridge 522) Magazine Editor : THE VICAR Magazine Adverts. : MR. C. J. BARLEY. 49 Bridge Down, Bridge. (Bridge 612) Canterbury & District Estate Agency Ltd. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS New Residential Properties 32 ST. MARGAREPS STREET, CANTERBURY Telephone 66660 8: 9 Branch Omce: It KINGSDOWN PARK. TANKERTON Telephone Vlhltstlbto I116 S.P.C.K. Publishers and Booltsollors to the church of England since 169! (in Association with the National Society) _ 2 THEBRECINCTS, CANTERBURY 5|lPI71l¢-3 0/ 1111 requirements for Church and Sunday School purposes An excellent ulectlon of Children’: Books. Pictures. Bibles. Prayer Ind Hymn Books 0 for Presentation, etc. EVOTIONAL BOOKS. CARDS. etc-. IN GREAT VARIETY CAN BE SEEN Tolephonu: cnntorbury 61381 CHURCH MAGAZINE December, 1970 Printed by ch: Elvy & Gibbs PnrlueIship_ 11 Best Lane, Camnbmy 7 PRICE 6:]. ___ —-——+ “""" gUNfiAY SERVICES IN DECEMBER 5 Dear Parishioners of Bridge, Patrixbcurne and .1910 V ' Bekesbourne, EELDEE CPATRIXBOURNE BEKESBOURNE First I would like to pay tribute to Mrs Dorothy 6th December f 2nd SundaV in §dVent Sandalltwho is rgtiring at the end of this term as . , *8 . ; Holy j9.30 a.m. Sung Headmis ress of e esbourne School, for her wonderful 11 a'm; Matgol Sggmm. ‘Cc:m§nion Holy Communion 1 loving work stretching back for nearly twenty years. %13é5Paé§.EVen1Ong Th: village of Begesgogrne is indeed grateful to her - ' ' ‘ an are very prou 0 er. ’ and Sermon . _ l T - - . — era sundav in I CW2: s3ii“it2a:nM::t::.:;f izzziseinétitsizbzuisle 9 a.m. Hol Comm. ll a-m- Matt- 8 a-m-_H°ly p.m. onwards. The Market always provides a most (series II and Sermon Communion pleasant occasion for gathering together the congrega- 6.3O p.m. Evensong tions of our Churches. Elsewhere you will find a list and sermon of all the stalls and I am sure that you will do your . t best to make sure they are well supplied and that you 20th December - 4th Sunday in Adven will support us by your presence. 9 a.m. COUIHL 8.‘-‘m’ Matt’ B .th t- ' - h E%?E hymns and .fg§§§§:°§I) :and Serm°n in theysea:onl§§_Adigngaiiftfieigeifiee:e§§:r§:gSg§l:nEe 3 05988 Evenson other Ecclesiastical year with its clear challenge to Eag Sgéién - g H 3 our consciences, urging us to ‘awake out of sleep‘. Advent calls us to review our lives within the context gfith December — Christmas Da of our Christian faith. Advent too is a true spiritual SEE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF SERVICES Preparation for the festival of Christmas. C2Zth December — lst Sunday after Christmas This is indeed a month when we put our way of life _ C ....._ with’ th - t t _ 8 acm- Holy °°mm- 9 a-m-.H°1Y - 11 arm‘ who i: G03,°$fiee§on°fwZ§eb§§§d§§ §§r§et§i$%§§a Higgeir 6.30 p.m. Evensong Communion §?r§1£:Ssg:s and became our Servant and our Saviour. The utter I afic Sermon _ Eaig Carols §}mplicity of His coming as a babe, entering into the ife of the world, reveals the wisdom of the almighty .. _ 1- and eternal'and omnipotent God. We, in our age of the 3rd January -_2nd Sundav after Christmas fiissinfi 20th century with all our increasing welter of A : § ..--I ow e ge, need to see the wisdom of God. In the words :ém' Mat§él& gfigfi ,8 3-m-_H°1Y 9-30 a-m- Of our Christian Gospel: "The Word became flesh and .0 a.m.EvenZO . Communion Holy C0mm- dwelt among us." The "word" is the guiding and ration- g S§'m° ng al_principle which gives unity and significance to all rm°n y__ existing and created things. Thus the Child Jesus at . , Bethiehem is the self expression of God. This means (1) (2) in ' ”’r"'”' ,,_L. .._;. ‘,3 ' ‘q 1;: I "t’. — I ‘ I—. -n §}i*.t§;:”%E$;1§ ifiifiaihiifipéififiliilhielioiia. ‘Ea1駰of W SERVICES OF “IND MSSONS AND CAROLS :§'h5més is linked with Our Father's House. which is in. _E ER. BEKE OU E ' ' ' ‘ ‘ C " \ heaven because "Thou didst giV9 JeSuS'Chr1§: ?hl$:.°nl¥ §E*fiP g S SB. RN 5 53“ £9 *9 born as at this time for uS‘" ls 18 ll.00 a.m. on Sunda 27th Decembe 1 blessing of Christmas that I pray you may all have. y’ r \ We are, I am glad to say,Bb:gi%ning tgfi rgfiairghto ST‘ PETER'S BRI?qE _ ; n - e ur . e . E iginggtiinthgnthg Clzrgswgegtryeigsalggnin a deplorable 6'30 p’m‘ on Sunday’ 10th January’ 1971 state and this work too will gaye to b: ioge. Tggecioofhi ********** too over this Ves ry is a so. eing re— 1 e . uro i E“ E E is not being closed while this work is being done, but \ CAL ‘DAR F D 3 R we hope it will be completed by Christmas. 2nd Wednesday .Young Wives'"working'évening" at Mrs. Harvey's home. with GVGIY blessing to you and Yours OVGT the 3 5th Saturday Christmas Market — 2.30 p.m. at Bridge Christmas Season. . ‘ Village Hall. K Y°“TS Sin°ere1Y in our L°rd’ D gig §:g§§§y$gnd§¥i§2eAgZ§§:1 Christmas Whist Drive at } COLIN E-H- PERRY V the School at 7.15 p.m. ; Vicar and Rural Dean 3 9th Wednesday Mothers‘ Union Corporate Communion and 3 ‘ Intercessions at 9.30 p.m. at Bridge ***-)(--)(--)(~-)(-‘X-** ‘ _ ’ . ; Thursday Bible Reading and Discussion Group E CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICEC Meeting at Mr. & Mrs. Rose, Church 5 §3e3E— , 13th Third suna.$°§Za§.§;.§.€”ge at 8 pm’ i Christmas Eve 1l_3o p.m_ Midnight Eucharist \ 14th Monday Mothers! Union Branch Christmas Meeting y Christmas Day 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion 1 at Mrs. Berry ll Union Road, Bridge . ; ll 00 a_m. Matting and Family Service 5th Tuesday Senior Citizens Club Christmas Party in i followed by 1 ' Bridge Village Hall. _ ; 11_45 a.m_ Holy communion l W.I. Meeting in Bridge Village Hall at r I 16 c 7 p.m..Drama Group Entertainment. th Wednesday Young Wives Group Yuletide ‘get to- gether' Bridge Village Hall. ST. MARY'S PgTRIXBQURNE H Christmas Day 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Bridge School Carol Service Bridge 17 Church at 2.30 p.m. ' 1 ST. PETEB'S BEKESBOURNE « th Thursday Bridge School Christmas Parties at i - i 2.15 p.m. ” i Christmas Day 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion i 18th Friday Bekesbourne School Christmas Party ll.00 a.m. Mattins and Family Service \ followed by ll.45 a.m. Holy Communion IL..... 1 p4.0 p.m. ?t)Bekesbourne Village Hall- i 4 TL §;;3HDAR FOR DECEMBER (Cont‘d.) 20th Fourth Sunday in Advent _ Elst Monday Bekesbourne School Carol Service 2.0 p.m. Bekesbourne School. Bekesbourne Church Choir Christmas Carol Singing Party 7 p.m. at Bekes— bourne Village Hall in aid of Bekes— bourne Church Restoration Fund Christmas Decorations at 10.30 a.m. at Bridge Church and 2.30 p.m. at Patrixbourne Church ' 24th Christmas Eve‘ Midnight Eucharist at ll.30 p.m. » at St. Peter's Bridge. See elsewhere for time of Services. 2 th Saturday — St. Stephen. 2tth lst Sunday after Christmas St. John. 28th Monday Holy Innocents — Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church 29th Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket. ;gNUARY 3rd Second Sunday after Christmas ' 6th Wednesday Epiphany Day — Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at Bridge Church. 10th Sunday Third Sunday after Christmas - Carol Concert in Bridge Church at 6.30 p.m. ********** FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism . 23rd Wednesday 25th Christmas Day St. Peter's Bridge 25th October 1970 Nicola Dawn Collingwood l5th November 1970 Sally Ann Dighton Emily Kate Dighton St. Peter's Bekesbourne — lst November 1970 -Deanne Masey En1_$herJ&nfl;in_Eean§ §;, Peter's Beke§bourne- . 16th November 1970 - «Mary Adaline Hatcher (5) --—-t-~—-———¢——-—-—u-—-———-—-—-‘ -—— _4§.._. ii. _~ ‘nflill a.m. on December 13th and 20th. ~-m\::p—2r- —_* EROM THE PARISH REGISIERS (Cont‘d.) ; fiQly_Matrimony j 33. Peter's Bekesbourne g ’ 8th November 1970 Alan William Benford ' Yvonne Theobald St. Mary's Patrixbourne 21st November 1970 Adrian Wilson Barbara Ann Carpenter ********** _ DEC TING THE E §§. Peter's Brigg . Decorating‘thé'Church will start - -~ at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday. 23rd December. Donations towards extra flowers would be very welcome and should be given either to Mrs. Goode or to the Vicar. o Sti_Mar ‘s Batri Decorating the Church will start atC2 p.m. on Wednesday, 23rd December. a . .St. Peter's Bekesb u n .. Decorating the Church will start at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, December 24th. . ,********** JUNIOR Qflflfigfi Junior Church meets on December 6th at 9.30 a.m. There will be no Ihnior Church on December 27th. On January 3rd the 7erVice is_at 9.30 a.m. **********‘ . M T ' flédnesday, December zng ‘corporate Communion with ‘ Intercessions. Branch meeting to be held by 1 - kind permission of Mrs. Berry S1: Union Road. Bridge. Speaker: Mrs. Yeobury. ubJect: ‘Advent to Christmas‘. 0 Branch meetings in Januagy and February- ¥b£daxi_De9ember_1ith i_JIn.___ ,, i, -,-,_i,,,,_\_p-f " ' ’ , ' ~' - MUSIC . Some notes by the Ohoirmaster and Organist. ' Now that the Choir is settling down to its new stflp the Choirmaster and Organist would like to take this opportunity to explain to parishioners some Of the reasons behind the few changes and developments made since he took over the music. _ The main ideas behind his plans can be summed_up as follows: Liveliness (this hopeful1y!)- _bxpans1or_1 of music and numbers in the choir, and Quality. ‘ This last item is meant in the sense that all the music Wlll; be the best available to us of its style and date and that includes the words; and will it is hoped be per- formed as well as is possible at all times. _ p A start has been made on improving the Psalm sing- :_v. The strange gabble and stop, gabble and stop routine has been revised and the psalms should soon sound intelligible, and acceptable to everybody._ If there is one thing besides poor quality hymns which pump people off church services it is dreadful singing of psalms which are, after all, some of the most wonderful‘ poetry and imagery that we have in the English languagfi We must take care to enhance, not destroy it. _ The congregation will have noted the total dis- appearance of chants for the Magnificat and Nunc_ Dimittis. In their place has been substituted simple mostly Unison settings which are easy to learn and : pleasant to sing. L The purpose of Office Hymns is often misunderst00¢i They are not just a "hymn for fun" between the first 1 lesson and the Magnificat. If the service includes a? l Office Hymn (and although not specifically mentioned 1” our present prayer book their use goes back many centuries) then it follows that the hymn sung must be t that traditionally set aside and indeed written for the‘. particular day. Each of the many ancient office Hymflsl written to reflect a special Season, Feast or Day. Ancient and Modern Revised includes most of the import‘. ant Office Hymns: the English Hymnal includes %till E more. The Trinity Office Hymn for Sunday evenings, ' "Blest Creator of the Ligh1(:"$ of which we get slightly 7 , : MfiI£ (0ont'd-) too much because of the length of the Trinity season is Varied from time to time as a result of the Sunday being 3 Saints Day or the Eve of one. Once you have read through several of these special hymns, you will begin to realise how unsuitable for Office Hymns are "Abide with Me" or "God is working His purpose out"! Choir practice has been moved permanently to Sunday evening at 5.30 prompt, before Evensong. This should make for a better attendance at rehearsal, and we are already reaping the benefits musically. The Chcirmaster hopes that these notes have helped people generally, and will indeed encourage the hidden mmicians in Bridge to come forward to join in what is going on in the Music of the Church! ' The Carol Service will be held on 10th January. and will include both Christmas and Epiphany carols. If you think this date a little late, remember that Secular Christmas finishes on Boxing Day but that Christ- mas so far as the Church is concerned is much longer! _ Carols will also be sung singly at services immed- iately over Christmas. -X-****-)(-**** EATRIXBQURNE Qflflflgfl FLQWER RQEA 1921 January‘ _ Mrs. Gteenwoed ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ’ -‘ February Mrs. WatsoneTay1or till 25th February. April Mrs. Partridge l8th'Apri1 onward. May Mrs. Potter June Mrs. WatsonrTaylor July Mrs. Greenwood August Mrs. Partridge September Mrs. Potter » ~ . October Mrs. Greenwood & Mrs. WatsonrTay1or November Mrs. Potter ********** BEKE E E ____SEQHBEE_EEfl9QL_IL£§ME_B_A§IlXIIIE§ December-18th School-Christmas-Party 4.0 p.m. Bekesbourne Village Hall ridays Monday! 21st December School Carol Service 2.0 p.m. at Bekesbourne School. 3313c: SCHOOL nronnsea ACTIVITIES . December 8th Christmas Whist Drive 7.15 p.m, at the School. School Carol Service 2.30 p.m_ Bridge Church. School Christmas Parties 2.15 p.m. -X--)H(--)(-*-)€*-)(--)(--X- YOUNG WIVES GROUP Our next meeting (2nd Dec.) is a working evening M Mrs. Harvey's home in preparation for the Christmas Bazaar. all the work they have prepared for the Bazaar. The l6th December is the evening for our Annual "Yuletide" get together at the Village Hall. A be food and carol singing and it promises to be a most‘ enjoyable evening. *.ay, Decem er 16th (U 0.! 9-J ;_) (D U‘ '11 Thursday, December l7th -)6-X -X--X-***%(-*-X- BRIDGE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB The Club is holding its Christmas party in the Village Hall on Tuesday, December l5th. M.J. Batew -X-9(--X-*-)(-*-)6-)6-)(-* BIBLE_:EADING AND DISCUSSION GROUP The meeting on Thursday, 10th December will be held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Rose,Church Cottage, Pridge at 8 p.m. We are continuing our study of St. John's Gospel. There will not be a meeting on Christmas Eve. Anyone interested is very welcome to come along will be sure of a warm reception.» *-X**-X-***-X-** WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The December meeting will be on Tuesday, 15th Dec‘ ember at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall, Bridge. The Drama and Group will give an entertainment and there will be carfl by candlelight. Please bring your candle! The comp? tion will be a Christmas table decoration. A-M-S- We hope all members will come bringing with flmm There win I ‘Raffle "[.Wheel of Fortune I : _by the above stallholders. CHRISTMAS MARKET ON DECEMBER 5th at « at BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL we following are the various stalls and stall-holders:— mnden Compost : Orders taken by Mr. P. Lawrence Mothers‘ Union Stall Sweets and Preserves Young Wives Toys and Gifts Messrs. P. Lawrence, R. Turpin and W. Ross (prizes gratefully received by Mr. P. Lawrence) Mrs. 0. Knight Mr. R. Turpin Mrs. M. Loft Mrs. B. Goode and the Brownies Senior Citizens 2.30 n.m. CI 01 no Muistmas Tree Mute Elephant Bingo ‘ muistmas Decorations Malling Parcel Stall Stationery & Christmas Cards Refreshments & Cakes or II no in on Mr. A. Chadwick Mrs. C. Potter and Mrs. P. Greenwood Sideshows and Ioocoaoa-unconsciou- Gifts for the stalls will be most gratefully received We do hope you will come and Support this most important event. ***-)(--X--)(--X--)(-** BEKESBQURNE VILLAGE flghh Community Carol Singing will be held at the Village Hall on Monday the 21st December, 1970. Admission will be free and copies of the Carol sheets can be bought at the door price 6d._each. Community Singing will commence at 7 p.m. and a ‘break for refreshments will be made. There will be a collection for The Bekesbourne Cmuch Restoration Fund. _ We are hoping that you will make this a bumper night 1n every respect, and enjoy yourselves to the full at the start of the Christmas season. S.H. Grey (10) J’.