Q56”. N. .cg__ 4.; Patnxbourne ' ~ .~;_.“’=. , Runner r‘ / Can I I 1 -. ‘I J .a 1* \. . . I.) "<3 :1» .0 as as" 7 ry :3 rs ( (5 a 2 A. on A A magazine for the ‘ villages along the Nailboume. FEB 2010 40}? ‘ - C‘ C» -'.\ ()1 er. (-"°""¢ ‘ . ‘ ' ..\ F '\ ~.. (‘-3, (1 ' 5.3 Q} _ J.“ 51' Mar-fin's Emmous GARDEN 823 (Charity No: 1047354} Refurbished furniture at bargain prices Dover (on A20) Tel 01304 204550 Shop open Mon - Set 9.00am-5.00pm @g We can use your ‘ unwanted goods " ' A MAINTENANCE Painting, Brickwork, Fencing, Paths, Patios, DELTA ELECTRICAL SERVICES Grass and Hedge Cutting DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS _ and General Maintenance ' UN MILBURN ‘ -‘IA SHA E , 'I'EL:o13o48313so fig: " L'J' Dwyer I ‘ Bridge, Nr Canterbury %§i‘§.§‘§°n§‘..g°"si‘E='¥‘N‘°“@”s..._.E§“”““"'°°'““ 01227 830538 Bed & Breakfast 0000 Guests coming for a family occasion and no room to accommo- date them? Then book them in at Renville Oast, a picturesque oast-house used for drying hops tor the brewery trade. All three guest bedrooms are large and comfortable. There are two 3, _ rooms with ensuite shower, and a lwin—bedded room with private bathroom. All have teafcoffee making facilities and a television. R "" O t The oast, situated on the outskirts of Bridge village. is set in e beautiful countryside. and there is plenty of safe parking. Tel Mrs Joan Hill on 01227 830215 Bridge, Canterbury, Kent CT4 5AD E-mai'= ioan-hi"@Vi'9i"-"Bl Our website is www.renvil|eoast.co.uk ROGERS GARAGE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS OVERHAULS SERVICING & BODY REPAIRS. CLASSIC & VINTAGE CAR RESTORATIONS Any make of new or secondhand cars supplied C 38 HIGH STREET BFHDGE Est 1988 Nr. Canterbury GT4 5J2 Domestic Cleaning Services CANTERBURY 830348 Tel: 01227 277033 mmmcmnu $558 EE 2 mama: m$EE_E max mU_uE_U .52». fit. m:omzo>m_ esp ?:m_£E e 2 Q3 .33. a 25 LOU...) ox» uu_>.3m.. cotum n 55 E? .._Uu_> mi m Eu; ma .2 9.3 6 autism >__EE ..mtEu3m_ mcam. +m_:uO_.:...u<..__ co.E:EEou >__Ecm :U_::EEoU mum 5.55 24 .2 .50 N F2 Eu omm Eu omm Eu 00.3 E6 00;: Eu cod i cam 58:. ?+mE;.< 8_>:_mm >__,Ec.... Eim .9 £3 6 Eu 00.: 3..-: .m E3 #2 §.a_u 5. .25 .eu._> 9F has mi 3.2 m_.___t.c<... co_:nEEou mum co._c_._EEou >61 m t..D.._ ME ha fiw PO Euoofi EU oo.m Eu om.m £._.mN czm Edmar >_§=__.2 my 24 .¢ ..3._3 _.m.. zgué > >ua mxza < 5:5 .6_:cE m. SE5 9.T6_u S. .35 m_-gm :o._§EEou >.oI :o_§EEou mum Egcgusm mzsw murimm. >__Eun_ H tfij .9 mcoeom ..._.Z Eu omd Eu 9% EU om.m Eu om.m in :_..w Hm >u_:o_s__ m cocuu $323.5 :3 .3 .9 tbé um 8._>.am mufiq cut 2 .9 u_.O §EmaEH at -38. .m .3 N #2 ,3 8x 282 .3u_> 3:. ._8_> ma? Eooa E3: 5%., ._8._> 2:, $5 a cocau E3 u._£.un_ omém .m 9:; 6 :o._c:EEou mum :o_:mEEou >=Ecn_ mcom:m>w :o__._:EEou >31 xuucaw N.¢,mH.m an N #2 Eu 8.m Eu 03 E; 03 En ova .3; can 9_.B_u E E5 :68. >._.GE_.>_ M... mcomcmam _mu§ a 25. E 23 +5.. u._o.5n_ emraum «E3 mm._.:tEnI Scum 8_>.._um .605 3:. .._Uu_> 9? 5m EN mm-mm .w 9:3 um uuzium >__Eum +m._..__...r_u:w mczm .G:uof.mE :o._E.E._Eou >._Eum :oE:EEou gum .fc_._...n_uu_ w _.,§ _.._.7_ Eu omm Eu omm So 8.: Eu 8.: Eu com .1. Sn mm£_unu~_ ufizonmoxum uE:onx._.ton_ umutm mw..fi..oI .333 co+m:_xu_...Z u .:..&> Eon hafinum we 5:9: me: Sm mmutnmm @520 mwuim «Fr mmfi 1st Caring and Sharing 7.30pm 2nd Holy Communion, The New Close, Bridge 3pm After eights, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge 8pm 4th Health and Healing, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge 7.30pm 6th Christian Aid Party Time, Methodist Church, Canterbury 2pm 8th Caring and Sharing 7.30pm Bridge and Patrixbourne PCC Meeting 7.30pm 10th Fish Scheme Coffee Pop—In, Bridge Village Hall 10 « 11.15am 13th Friends of Cathedral Bring & Buy, Chapter House (Cathedral) 10.30am 16th Holy Communion, Saxon Lodge, Bridge 3pm Women's Institute, Bridge Village Hall 7.30pm After Eights, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge 8pm 18th Horticultural Society, Bridge School 7pm History Society, Bridge Village Hall 7.30pm 22nd Caring and Sharing 7.30pm 23rd Holy Communion, Highfield House, Bekesbourne 2.30pm Methodist Service at Bridge Church 7th February 11am Rev. Barbara Heather 10 sea '“"“9‘* "°=tr.-,- Rev Simon Rowlands 3* t *4; ,3 H ‘*3, The Vicar .3 f \ 5,, . B! U’) 5, § Canterbury % ii" \ °°"“9*°“‘°* Office: 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar@8ridgeChurch.co.uk www.bridgechurch.co.uk EQQ CT4 5JZ Lent — The Christian Season when we remember Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness, a period of trial and self awareness. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (1?"" February). In the past Christians have used the time of Lent for tasting, the giving up of certain types of food. Consequently Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) the day before Ash Wednesday was the day when certain food stuffs were used up in recipes before the beginning of Lent. Alternatives for fasting today can be the giving up of treats and the money saved being given to a suitable charity. The really important significance of Lent is using the 40 days (Sundays are not included) for personal preparation, a time of penance and prayer, to make one self ready for the most important celebration in the Christian year, Easter. Christians use many different forms of reflection, prayer, meditation, bible study or a group of people coming together to discuss a particular subject or book. The importance is upon the stopping and looking at oneself in the light of how we live in relation to Jesus’ teachings and values. The Benedictine community of monks and nuns use manual work as a period for reflection, and the digging over of a garden or allotment piot is equally worthy as a period of reflection as any spiritual exercise. If you are struggling to find a focus for reflection, when Jesus was asked what the most important life rules (commandments) were, he responded, "To love God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself’. Happy digging! Simon 11 Your Parish Matters Baptism 13/12 Bridge Oliver James William Porter Isabelle Harriet Ann Porter Marriage 30/12 Lower Hardres Thomas Richard Veti and Sarah Louise Willis 31/12 Bridge Michael John Bell and Frances Elizabeth Lavelle Euneral 20/11 Nackington Peter John Fraser 20/I1 Bridge Margaret Eileen Camber 28/11 Bridge Joan Violet Monk 30/ 12 Bridge Betty Sheehan The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off‘ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for Themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. Christmas Workshop On December 19*“ we held our Workshop. It was a very busy morning with many children and lots of helpers. Thanks go to ALL who came and ALL who helped. It turned out to be a lively time with lots of drinks, mince pies and laughter. LOWER HARDRE5 Christmas was a very busy time for all of us. We had a happy time at our Crib Service and the crib looked lovely and very meaningful. Here I should like to thank Jo Mckeever and family for making it so beautiful. Children ‘laden with gifts’ came to the service and they brought much happiness to The Women's Refuge. Thank you parents so much! Christmas day was lovely. Well done children and young people. Christmas Fair We had a great time and made over £400. Father Christmas arrived and we all had a gift! Many people came and meeting people is what it's all about. Sincere thanks to all who made jams, cakes etc. Thank you for my cards and lovely presents. Also SINCERE THANKS to all of you who have helped me with my broken wrist, giving me lifts etc. God Bless Margaret 12 :- _:._ . .1 -- -. ; r_ - - -. -,: we A =. -.~.L=;. - -=- ~35... l. ::r:'v.i-_::.. ’3~:;:‘:,—_5, .7 ‘-V‘ lg % 4 P J DRIVING SCHOOL 0|227 700976 y fr--"“"""""" ' SCHOOL —T | Driving lessons make great g’_,,,,,,, I . Elrthday l DSA approved and BSM trained Friendly, patient female instructor Nervous pupils welcome — Refresher courses £20 per hour — discounts for biock bookings/students Please visit our website or call for more information www.invictadrivingschoo|.co.uk Party Time Christian Aid Canterbury Committee is having a party and anyone who is interested in the work of Christian Aid is invited to attend. It will be on Saturday 6th February at St. Peter's Methodist Church, Canterbury. The party starts with a film at 2 m which will be about Christian Aid's plans for 2010 an particularly the focus for Christian Aid Week in May, followed by a delicious tea at 3pm. i This annual party is always a lovely, relaxed occasion and It would be great to see people from Bridge there. More details from Jean Barber (012 27 831956) or just turn up on the day. 1') Health and Healing The prayer group will meet on Thursday 4th February at 7.30pm at 7 Windmill Close. Please let me have your requests for sickness, bereavement, anxiety, or any other situation for which you are concerned. It is good to share our troubles and to receive C-3od‘s healing powers. You are very welcome to come in person and to share with like minded people our problems, and you don't feel alone any more. Kath Pierce 830844 Eish News The next Coffee Pop-In will be in Bridge Village Hall on Wednesday 10th February from 10 — 11.15am. New faces are very welcome. Bridge and District Poppy Appeal At last I have pleasure in being able to inform you all that John Shirley and family have agreed to continue our RBL annual appeal from the year 2010. I am very grateful to them and have every confidence that you will offer them the same generous support that you have always given me. Barry Whiting Thank you Barry, for all your hard work in co-ordinating the RBL annual appeal for many years - your efforts have helped raise many thousands of pounds which have helped many people. BRIDGE HISTORY SOCIETY Our next meeting is to be held on Thursday 18 February 2010, when we will hear a talk by an archivist of Canterbury Cathedral Archives. These archives provide an incredibly rich and varied source for reference and study not only of the Cathedral itself, and its medieval priory, but also for local and family history. The collection includes a wealth of medieval manuscripts, but also numerous documents concerning the history of the city and its surrounding towns and villages. This should prove to be a fascinating evening, and all are welcome. The meeting takes place in Bridge Villa e Hall at 7.30 pm and all are welcome (Members £3 and non—members £4, inclluding refreshments) Meriel Connor 14 Joan Monk Joan Monk (nee Crawely) formerly of Western Avenue, Bridge died on 15th November just two days after her 85th birthda and was one of the original residents of Bridge. Althou h born in Folkestone her parents moved to Bridge, where they already had re atives, when Joan was two years old and lived in Gordon House in The High Street with her elderly widower Uncle Albert (Vidgeon) and later on in Lower Cottage, half—way up Bridge Hill and which is now known as The Robins. Joan attended the local primary school in Patrixbourne Road, and when she was about six she had to spend the best part of a year in the isolation hospital in Stodmarsh Road recovering from Scarlet Fever. After primary school she then went on to Simon Lan ton Girls‘ School when it was situated within the city walls and where White riars is now built. Her best friend at the time was Susan whose parents owned what is now Howletts Wildlife Park at Bekesbourne. Susan was the niece of Miss Ramsey who owned East Bridge House next door to Lower Cottage and she and Susan used to go flying with Susan's uncle from Bekesbourne aerodrome and it was there that Joan witnessed the first bornbin of an airfield in England at the start of The Second World War. Joan could also recount seeing Count Zobrowski of Higham Place driving the original car that inspired lan Fleming's "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" tearing through Bridge High Street. With the onset of The Second World War Joan was evacuated twice: firstly to Reading, and then, while her father George was in charge of the Lan don Battery overlooking The Channel, she and her mother Lucy went to Nort umberland where her mother was employed as the cook to The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland. It was soon after this that Joan joined The Land Army and moved to Charlecote Park, Warwickshire. When Joan married Geoff in 1954, who was serving with The Royal Engineers, she moved away from Bridge and spent the next part of her life followin the usual route of military postings to several UK locations and to Cyprus an Germany. Joan and Geoff had four children Matthew (her eldest son who predeceased her), George, John and Penny. Joan and Geoff retired to Bridge in 1988 and though sadly widowed just six months later Joan immersed herself in the life of Bridge serving as a parish councillor, a member of The Bridge and Patrixbourne W.I., the local horticultural society. Bridge History Society and helped with church cleaning and church flowers, as well as helpin at the Kent and Canterbury Friends Shop and being a member of USA, a li elong member of CPRE and a supporter of many charities especially children's charities. Until recently she still en'oyed her weekly Bridge sessions with her good friends that she had in the village. She lived her life to the full and will be missed by all who knew her. Penny Morgan ‘IR The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral GIANT BRING AND BUY SALE Saturday 18"‘ February 2010 In the Chapter House. Cathedral Precincts. Canterbury 10.30am to 1.30pm Pick up a bargain at The Friends’ Giant Bring and Buy Sale! Labelled clothes, scarves, hats, belts and costume jewellery Games, toys, books by subject. tombolas Farm produce, cakes and cake baking demonstrations Unwanted presents and bric a brac Refreshments and much more..... Please bring donated items to the Chapter House on Friday 12”‘ February from 2.30pm to 5.30pm or on the day from 9.30am For information call The Friends’ Office on 01227 865292 Normal Precincts charges apply Registered charity number 2565 75 Wine and Wisdom A wine and wisdom to raise funds for Bekesbourne Church is to be on Friday 5th March. The venue is Bekesbourne village hall, starting at 7.30pm. Last years winning table have agreed to set the quiz for the night. The price is E4. Bring you own drinks and nibbles. To book a table of 6-8 people telephone Janet on 83497 Nailbourue Hofiicultural Society A brief reminder of our exciting joint venture with two other local gardening societies. We have invited Fergus Garrett, head gardener at Great Dixter, to talk on "Great Dixter — Past, Present and Future" on 18 March at 7.00 for 7.30 pm start in Bridge School Hall. For tickets, priced at £3.50 each, please contact Kathy Walder on 830057. The Society's Spring Show will be held on the evening of Tuesday 6 April in Bridge Village Hall. For a copy of the show schedule, please again contact Kathy Walder. Bridge_with Patrixbourne Women's Institute The February meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 February at the usual time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Mr Alan Stockwell will be giving a talk on "Kitty" — the Story of the Marlowe Memorial and the competition, in keeping with this theme, will be for a Marlowe Theatre souvenir. PILGRIMS HOSPICES GARDEN SAFARI The Pilgrims Hospices are organising an "Open Gardens" event for 2010 which will extend throughout East Kent over the last two weekends in June. I have volunteered to act as co- ordinator for Bridge and, needless to say, I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to open their gardens for this most worthwhile cause. I would hasten to add that although the event is spread over the two weekends, it does not mean that gardens have to be open for the whole time over the two weekends but only at times and on days that are convenient to the owners. If you feel that you can help in any way, please would you contact me, Kathy Walder, for further information on 830057. 1'? A nice cuppa Tea? More Than 20 million people in The developing world depend on The Tea indusTry for Their livelihood. In counfries like India and Kenya Tea is hugely imporTanT. To local and naTional economies buT producers have |iTTle power in world Trade markeTs and sTruggle To win a fair share of The benefiTs. Many work long hours, doing demanding work for low pay. Ofhers, especially women, can become The vi cTims of callous and degrading e> m.._._.m:omcm>m_ §.._ 00.0 ...m._.£%_:I wu_>Lm.m +m:uor_+m<< cocuu Eu 00.3 :o+LU.m_ 2:3 H go >mm Etczunw LUU_> mfr LOU...) mrrr H, :9) mrt. :oE_..EEou >__Eu.._ mcnm. :o._c:EEoU >__Eun_ :o_r._.:.:_EOU >__Euu_ +m_.._9._u5m mzzm :5 .._u+num Eu om_m Ea om.m Eu om.m En. 00.2 E0 omnm __._a«. fw Sm mu: >>mh © .:..U_> urrr %;9._._£s .m:.m._E_rG 33> wrE.. ...ou._> mat. mu._>Lmm Eu om.m>uE.£ Uoom. .:uu_> mrfi. u:__n_EoU mc.._n_Eou :o.:.__3EEOU _.:oI LUU_> art. cofiumimm En. Oman En Omk. >uvm.=...._.r >_u::.u<< m::aEoU En Oman. x.u_u_.._n_ Uoom. fimw :95 £0m musk Em omn tam mum? En om.» x33 >_oI . Ecmk >e£m_....._<< mutium _»:Eun_ mm US 9% 9786 Eu 00.2 ,Eu._> mi .3 .mm mxna. "mu << .m.._<< ..n_u._> ask :o__.__:EF_0U :-m .N _Em F2 m:_+tu<< :o_::EEou mum >31 _€u§m E__un_ amé on mm F0 Eu0o.S Eu com. 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E»; NH murimm x__E£ mcnm muW>.._m.m. ...m:...oz+w...< :o_c:EEoU >:Eum co._::_EEou mum £ULU<< A .9 Lou H ..._.Z Eu omam Eu omm Ea 00.: E0 00.2 Ea oo.m an cam mmcfiomd u:L:onmm_xUm w...E:on_XT_tun_ um_U_...m mu.__u..:uI L950}. :o+m:_v_Uu7_ U Luv} GHDN Annual me .5505 3.3 now mwumtwm E55 uwvfim ufih. Qiary for March 2010 1s’r Caring and Sharing Lenf Course, The Vicarage 2nd Holy Communion of The New Close Affer Eighfs 61*h Fair-“trade Coffee Morning, Bridge Village Hall 8fh Caring and Sharing Lem‘ Course, The Vicarage 10th Fish Scheme Coffee Pop In, Bridge Village Hall 15’rh Caring and Sharing Len? Course, The Vicarage 16th Holy Communion of Saxon Lodge Pafrixbourne with Bridge PCC Af1'er Eights 22nd Caring and Sharing Lent Course, The Vicarage 23rd Holy Communion of Highfield 29th Caring and Sharing Methodisf Service of 51'. Peter’ s Bridge 7th March of 11am Mefhodisf Service Date for your diary Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd Ocfober 2010 Ari‘ in Bridge 10 7.30pm 7.30pm 3.00pm 8.00pm 10am — 12 noon 7.30pm 7.30pm 10am — 11.15am 7.30pm 7.30pm 3.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.30pm 7.30pm \\E\\\\\t:g .B,.dQ$ _% Rev Simon Rowlancls ss‘ l“-.“ °e,, The Vicar I Bridge CanTerbury CT4 on ,3‘? Bridge ee<""’l‘ . Office: 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar'C-P BridgeChurch.co.uk www. bridgechurch.co.uk “acKll'lglOn 10 5" a f .- 9'l'lJf1Qq39)l 39 I am de|ighTed To announce ThaT The Bridge Benefice is To become a Training group of parishes. In July we will welcome Julia Baldwin as our new curafe. Training To become a minisTer in The Church of England is a long process beginning wiTh eiTher Two or Three years in a Theological college followed by aT leasf Three years in a Training parish. We are privileged To be in a posifion To help form a new vicar‘s fuTure minisTry and I am sure Julia will receive a warm welcome from boTh church and local communiTy when she arrives in Bridge. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) wroTe "Sorrow for sin is indeed necessary, buT iT should noT involve endless self~—preoccupaTion. You should dwell also on The glad remembrance of The loving kindness of God." As we conTinue our LenTen journey Toward EasTer iT is always eas To say whaT our faulfs are buT if is also imporTanT To remember we are ma e in God's image. IT is righT on occasion To ive Thanks for who we are, whaT we can and do achieve and how we can shape T e world around us. Take Time To recognise The person God has creaTed wiThin you and celebraTe This. Simon Your Parish Matters Baptism 07/02 Bekesbourne Nelly Isabella Sommer Euneral 19/"O1 Nackington Harold Barton 25/01 Bridge Norman Charles Ernest Elgar 26/O1 Bridge Dorothy Margaret Carling 02/O2 Bridge Jacqueline Margaret Gowlett The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. LENT COURSE — Encoun fered - Meet/'n_q éod in ordinary places This will take place ‘at 7.30pm at The Vicarage on the following Mondays — 22'“ February, 15* March, 8 March, 15”‘ March, 22”“ March. It would be helpful to know numbers attending, please could you let The Parish Office know if you are intending to come ~ 01227 830250 or oicarageéfir%>rii§gecinircii.co.iiii. Children's Easter Workshop On 2”“ April, Good Friday, we shall be holding our Easter Arts 6: Crafts Workshop at the John Baker White Hall, Lower Hardres from 9.30am to 11.30 am approximately. Please book your PLACES now by PHONIN6 Julie Cox (788316) or Margaret Clarke (765598) THEN you will be given a short booking form (this is to help us!) Parents - if your child is pre-school age please stay with them. You will enjoy it! Also it would be appreciated if you would donate E1 or more! per child towards the cost of materials, and of course the hall. Looking forward to seeing you. Margaret sends lots of love and sincere thanks to all the people who have been helping her especially ‘powerful’ Peggy? Mothering Sunday 14th March. 11am Family Service Please note chan e of time for Family Service at Lower Hardres from 9.30 am to 11 am for Motaering Sunday. There will be no Evensong at Lower Hardres on this day. During the service posies will be given for mothers, grannies and carers. As always there will be Simnel Cake following the service. Do come along, you will be most welcome. Margaret 12 Nailbourne Horficulfural Society A final reminder of our Talk on "GreaT DixTer — PasT, PresenT and FuTure" b head gardener Fergus 6arreTT on Thursday 18 March in Bridge School Hal . For availabiliTy of TickeTs (£3.50 each) please conTacT KaThy Walder on 830057 or Lesley For-wood on 832175. The nexT evenT on The socieTy's calendar is The Spring Show To be held in Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday 6 April. The hall will be open from 6.00 pm for The sTaging of exhibiTs which musT be compleTed by 7.00 pm prior To judging. RefreshmenTs will be available during The evening wiTh a bring and buy sTand and raffle for Sociefy fund-s. To exhibiT you musT be a member of The SocieTy buT iT is always possible To join or renew on The nighfi For Those of you who received bulbs for The Chairman's Challenge, please also remember To bring along your poT of daffodil blooms. To boosT exhibiTs and really make a splendid and colourful show for everyone To enjoy, iT would be wonderful if each member of The socieTy could aim To enTer aT leasf one class. Remember There is always someone on hand To give advice and reassure you if you are aT all nervous or uncerTain. We look forward To seeing you aT boTh These evenTs. Bridge with Pafrxbourne Women‘: InsTi1'u1'e On Tuesday 16 March aT 7.30 pm in Brid e Village Hall, Mrs Julia Page will be giving a Talk enTiTled "Ladies Throug The Eye of The Painfer". The compeTiTion will be for a home—made crown which will Then be required To be worn by iTs owner aT The Group MeeTing we are hosTing in April! 4'} Bridge School PTA are organising a clothing sale for good quality new and second hand men’s, women’s and children’s, formal, casual and sportswear. QUALITY NEW and SECOND HAND CLOTHING SALE 0 I1 Thursday 29th April 6.00-8.30pm Bridge School, Bridge nr Canterbury 0 Encourage recycling 0 Treat yourself to a new outfit at a small cost 0 Find a loving home for hardly Worn favourites 0 Make more space in your home If you would like to sell items, you will receive 50% of the selling price. Please call in at the Bridge and Patrixbourne Primary school office for an information pack and labels Refreshments available. Entry £1 for adults, free for children. 14 Wine and Wisdom Bekesbourne Church wine and wisdom Friday 5th March at Bekesbourne village hall. To book a table of 6-8 eople or come on your own and make up a tab e ring Janet. 830497 Bring your own drinks and nibbles, starting at 7.30pm, £4 per person The Nailbourne Book Club ...... ..has space for a few more members. This friendly and informal group meets in each other's homes about every six weeks. If you enjoy reading and would like to have some discussion about books you have read or books you might like to read, or for more information, call Sylvia Beacham on 830331 or Julia Cooper on 832896 Littlebourne & District Royal British Legion Ten members attended the February meeting. Several members were absent l. due to health problems and we wish them we Our latest branch Poppy Appeal total currently stands at £4,224, with a bit more to come in. We hope to hold (1 Beef Pudding Supper Night and Quiz on Tues 20th April at the Hay Wain in aid of the Poppy Appeal (those interested phone 01227 472023). We have several other events in the pipeline, details later. Our next two meetings will be on Tuesdays 9th March and 13th A ril both at the Recreation Club, Littlebourne starting 8pm. New members we comed. CALLING ALI. PERFORMERS! STAGECRAFT WORKSHOP - LED BY SYD RALPH 10.00am — 4.00pm, 20th March 2010 at Bekesbourne Village Hall, nr Canterbury (by the rail station) Cost £15.00 per person. To book a place or for more information Contact Fiona at: membership@reallypromisingcompany.org.uk or David on 07816 686977 About The Really Promising Company: This community theatre company was born out of the highly successful and critically acclaimed community opera — Promised Land at the Marlowe Theatre in the 2006 Canterbury Festival. We aim to perform original and commissioned works based on the community of East Kent, using professional directors and musical directors. We also run a series of theatrical and musical workshops, led by professionals, which are open to all! To find out more about us visit: www.reallypromisingcompany.org.uk few.-.1-2%‘:-awfirrfi-£%vrIae¢vW:::z-gal-'»+:-=l ‘,1 About Syd Ralph: Syd Ralph's productions have featured at the Savoy Theatre, the English National Opera and on a BBC2 documentary filmed inside Wandsworth Prison. Syd has worked as a freelance director for the National Youth Music Theatre and was a founding Artistic Associate of Youth Music Theatre UK, for whom she co—wrote and directed Arny’s Wedding and the Neil Sedaka musical. Oh! Carol. Amongst her professional credits are the following productions: West Side Story and Guys and Dolls {Pirniico Opera), Under Milkwood (Orpheus Theatre). Sirens (Sounds New Festival, Canterbury), Noyes Fludde { Covent Garden Festival), Godspeli (Young Vic), Jumpers (Crucible Theatre. Sheffield), One Two (English National Opera), Dido and Aeneas and The Epheslan Matron and Sweet Charity (Gulbenklan Theatre, Canterbury), Murderous lnsiincts (Savoy Theatre. London). Annie (Leatherhead Theatre) and the premiere of the opera, Promised Land (Marlowe Theatre) for the Canterbury Festival. Syd wrote and directed Kentish Tales, the first production for the Really Promising Company. 16 %g%%é%;g*WLm;3a&;:§sL§$;§§&§2&H<@@W1&2»: MEETINGS ARE HELD EVERY THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE RED CROSS ROOMS EAST STREET, HERNE BAY FROM 7.30PM NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME THANK YOU We would like to thank all our Friends in Brid e and beyond for all their prayers, cards, flowers and best wishes over t e past weeks and months. There have been too many to reply individually - we hope you understand. After 4 weeks of treatment in The Royal Marsden Hospital, Pat is now home and being cared for by the District Nurses and other carers. Progress is slow and steady and there are special milestones that Pat wishes to reach. Please continue to keep Pat in your prayers and please keep in touch — we much appreciate this. With best wishes to you all, Pat and Laurence Dunderdale FISH NEWS There will be a representative from Hi Kent at the Coffee Pop-In on Wednesday March 10th to help with all aspects of hearing aids. EASTER LILIES at Bridge Church Anyone wishing to purchase a lily, for Easter, in memory of a loved one, please contact Viv Brasier (830981). The cost this year will be about £3 per stem. The flower arranging team would be delighted to welcome new members, so do come along on Saturday 3"‘ April 9.30am and see how we work. 18 CANTERBURY CHORAL SOCIETY BACH St Matthew Passion CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL SATURDAY 20"" MARCH 2010 7.30 £.ZROfiAi.. S0(','I'¥'i-I"l"i‘ For their second concert of the season the Choral Society have chosen Bach St Matthew Passion which will be sung in German. The work was first performed on April 11, 1727 and Bach revised it only once, extending and refocusing its musical dimensions, while leaving the overall design and libretto intact. The story being told in this work, leads up to Good Friday and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Bach's St Matthew Passion is sometimes compared to a Baroque opera, and sometimes to a sermon. Neither comparison does justice to the work's complexity and depth. It is a work of rnaljesty which demonstrates the height of Bach's compositional mastery as we I as the profundity of his musical expression and his understanding of the liturgical and spiritual elements of his faith. The star —teller in this piece is Saint Matthew, watching the scenes of Jesus‘ life unfold — he gives the impression of being an onlooker and is able to paint pictures for us, usin conversations he has overheard from biblical characters. These scenes are eveloped by solo arias and strengthened by the chorus, representing the masses. For the chorus and the soloist, this is perhaps, the most challenging and ambitious of Christian artworks. The Evangelist will be Charles Daniels and Christ will be performed by Michael Pearce, both well known to Choral Society audiences. Mary Bevan, David Allsopp, Andrew Dickinson and Benjamin Bevan will also be singing. The Choral Society Youth Chair will perform. Accompanying them will be The Hanover Band, conducted by Richard Cooke, acclaimed by music critics as one of the finest period-instrument orchestras in the world. They have established an unrivalled reputation for the excellence of their performance and recordings of 18th and 19th century music. Tickets for the concert can be purchased from the Marlowe Theatre Box Office on 01227 787787 or by email on mar|owetheatre@canterbury.gov.uk Full information about the Society including ways to join can be found on their website wwwcanterburychora|.co.uk. 19 “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to hep spinal cord injured people‘ live full and independent ives." Great British Fish and Chip Supper - Friday 21st May 2010 3;:-§.na! injuries ‘ i;‘.w::x-av": Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 21st Ma 2010 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SI/\'s in ormation and support services. ‘You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. Last year we had over 80 suppers taking part in England and Wales. In 2010 we want to double that figure and ensure we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and ublications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent ives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, "The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group. Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people ain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live fu l and independent lives." For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 6786633 xtn 229 or email:— fishandchipsC-Pspina|.co.uk orvisit:- www.spinal.co.uk Christmas Trees Having jusT seen The volunTeer Team Taking down The ChrisTmas Trees along The High 5TreeT and Churchyard, I ThoughT I would en a few lines of ap reciaTion for The efforTs puT in by quiTe a loT of vi lagers To make The vil age look so fesfive and aTTracTive from AdvenT To Epiphany. We are so lucky To have people who give up Their Time on our behalf, and as many of Them are also Parish Councillors, I mighT add a big Thank ou for The resT of The year, when They give hours To Trying To do whaT we vil agers wanT in our local governmenT area( perhaps ofTen a somewhaT Thankless Task). While in 'voTe of Thanks mode‘ , The posTmen have done very good service wiTh deliveries during The icy condiTions, boTh underfooT up and down our garden paThs and driving along snowbound lanes in The parishes in dire early morning condiTions. Thanks lads ( specially Raymond)! Also, The ca-rers who aTTend The elderly folk, and all The sTaff in our shops, posT office, healTh cenTre and pubs who all goT To work in similar dodgy weaTher condiTians and kepT Things going when everyone was busy preparing for The fesTiviTies. Thank you, one and all. *EHUnDl2€D(* Hundred Shows Vacancies Do you believe in surprises? The success of The Hundred Shows surprised some of us buT iTs been e>i§§§_‘5‘tJ9.f€.1‘§§=Ef€”.‘fC€F.E.§§§ ‘ pe Com p uti ng IT ADVISORS AND TECHNICIANS Providing reliable and professional IT services - in your home or business. Computers, Networks, Internet & Websites -Problem Fixing 0 Tuition -Repair oAdvice olnstallation 0 Management - Support Sensible rates. Call to see if we can help. Dave -Haywood. on 01227 832316,; info@Esc—Computing.net Local recommendations. Est. 2000 Pilates Classes Taught by APPI trained Chartered Physiotherapists Wili help to improve the following conditions:- Postural problems. Strength and muscle tone. Core stability. Back, neck and shoulder pain. Osteoporosis, bone density. Stress related conditions. Breathing control. Musculoskeletal problems. Co-ordination and balance. Call to register your interest in local classes 01227 831839 info@pilatessoutheast.co.uk BRIDGE DENTAL PRACTICE PHOTOGRAPHY Mr M Southon 5), Mrs K Leadbetter ALFIE c5~ TRISH JARVIS “'5 V """9"‘ M Family Dental Care Available THE STUDIO Weekdays 8.45 - 1.00 & 2.00 — 5.30 * PORTRAJTURE * Tues & Thurs ‘til 8.00pm :1: 2* Saturdays 9.00 - 1.00 ’°’eaS§.§?§;£f,?,§.?,§S{f;f'§23gZ“ Us Independent, Full Private, Denplan, & 01227 830729 NHS for Children and exempt Adults e-mail: alfietrish@aol.com www.aIfietrish.co.uk 73 High Street, Bridge Tel: 01227 831110 St’ Martin's Emmous (Charity No: 1047354) Refurbished furniture at bargain prices Dover (on A20) Tel 01304 204550 Shop open Mon - Sat 9.00am-5.00pm I T ,_ We can use your , unwanted goods GARDEN & PROPERTY M A I N T E N A NC E Painting, Brickwork, Fencing, DELTA ELECTRICAL SERVICES DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACIDRS H HEI nouesnc /\ INSTALLER "- Dwyer SHAUNEAIHLBURN TEL: 01304 831350 FAX: 01304 831350 MOB: 07702 333898 EMAIL: deItaeloctrica1services@hotnmil.co.uk neorsrsmr-:9 memo pomasnc INSTALLER Paths, Patios, Grass and Hedge Cutting and General Maintenance Bridge, Nr Canterbury 01227 830538 Ftenville Oast Bridge, Canterbury, Kent CT4 5AD Bed & Breakfast 9900 Guests coming for a family occasion and no room to accommo- date them? Then book them in at Renville Oast, a picturesque oast-house used for drying hops for the brewery trade. All three guest bedrooms are large and comfortable. There are two rooms with ensuite shower, and a twin-bedded room with private bathroom. All have tea/coffee making facilities and a television. The oast, situated on the outskirts of Bridge village, is set in beautiful countryside, and there is plenty of safe parking. Tel Mrs Joan Hill on 01227 830215 E-mail: jcan.hill@virgin.net Our website is www.renvil|eoast.co.uk ROGERS GARAGE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS OVERHAULS SERVICING & BODY REPAIRS. CLASSIC & VINTAGE CAR RESTORATIONS Any make of new or secondhand cars supplied 36 HIGH STREET BRIDGE Nr. Canterbury GT4 5JZ CANTERBURY 830348 Est 1988 Domestic Cleaning Services Tel: 01227 277033 mwmflmxu 3551.0 092 00 Sam: mumfimwfiflz m£$.mUCwO ..€EU<< 0 cocuu Eum._. ,C+m_:_c< um? m:om:m>m 6 Emmy Q m.._<< ._.m_.._or_o:w Ea 00.0 mm_.EmE:T_ cocuu um: mmém .3 cxoh "my MUSLNW >:E.0n_ mznw NU_>LMW +m:uof.m<< :oE:EEoU >_._EUm +m_Lur_u:w mzzm m ...u...muw $3 .2 m+.,..:.._ ..._.Z Eu omm Eu om.m_ Eu 00.2 E5 00.3 F6 00.0 >65. EN cam Emma. .€...m.E_..2 .NU.:./LNW >_._Enw 0m-Nw .0,“ :r_oh ..m F6 00.3 m.:w-.m. .\. >m~_ u._.Z §._u_u 5. .mL<< ._uu_> mr_.__. ..5u._> mi. Ucm m:_..L.U<< :o_::EEoU mum :o.=.=..EEoU >_oI ¢ .._u+mum -.wm .m m.«U< UFO EUOOAH EU OO..m EU omem .=mN cam LGU_> arc. EUNF >._+m_c_<< m. m.........:.EE=I cocmu CUEBEEOU >®_:u<< 0 cacao mx..._u_U 5.. .m;<< mfié Am _.=._oh ..mu E0.:.=.._F_EoU ..:oI mwm ...m.E9._u3m mcnm mu._>...w..w >_._Eum m. .._u+muw Ucmri .m Ea F2 EU omm Eu 00.0 F6 omm Eu om.m fma cam .Eu_> wrt. USN LUU._> mrfi. 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En Omfi >n_u_....._ .0090 ._..mm 52 son 35 ea om.» ado. ...uu>> En om.» fie? 2°: mmcmflaum Uznzonmuxum u:L.3on._x._.._+u.n_ Nm.U...._m mu..:u..uI ...Q_so.._ :o+m:_.v_u....Z U L.oN> UMON am.”-.. 4. mo fiufios Ufimu HOW WUUMMVHNW 928.0 mmfimhm wnh. iar or A il 2010 01/04 19.30 Health <5: Healing, 7 Windmill Close 06/04 15.00 Holy Communion of New Close 20.00 After 8's, 7 Windmill Close 11/04 10.45 Pafrixbourne with Bridge APCM of Bridge Church 12/04 19.30 Caring & Sharing 14/04 10.00 Fish Scheme - Coffee Pop In, Bridge Village Hall 19/04 19.30 Caring <5: Sharing 20/04 15.00 Holy Communion, Saxon Lodge 20.00 Affer 8's, 7 Windmill Close 21/04 1930 Lower Hardres and Nackingfon APCM af JBW 26/04 19.30 Caring & Sharing 23/03 14.30 Holy Communion of Highfield 28/04 19.30 Bekesbourne APCM AT Bekesbourne Village Hall Methodist Service at 51'. Pe1'er's Bridge 4Th April at 11am Mefhodisi Service Daies for your diary Safurday 8th May Spring Fayre, Bridge Village Hall Safurday 15th May Coffee Pop In Annual Bring <3: Buy Sale, Bridge Village Hall Wednesday 21st April Fish Scheme Outing To Fayreness Hotel, Kingsgafe Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd Ocfober 2010 Ari in Bridge 10 am‘- “""‘99 'P5i‘l- Rev Simon Rowlands 33¢ O°’a;. The Vicar Bridge 1%, 5 Canterbury "i[\i’?«=°‘i” CT45J'Z "ark Wfah ‘in. '25-and ltaefigfitfi 9° Office‘. 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.oo.uk www. bridgechurc:h.co.uk Hello To you and To everyone in The Bridge Beneficei My name is Julia Baldwin and I am really looking forward To meeTing you This July when I ‘am your Benefice Team as CuraTe. AT The mornenT I'm finishin The Third and inal year of ordinaTion Training aT Ripon College Cuddesdon Z1 residenTial Theological college in The rolling Oxfordshire counTryside), which has involved |oTs of prayer, sfudy, communiTy building and worship as well as: an excifing 6 monTh exchange To a seminary in Berkeley near San Francisco; chaplaincy; hospice and parish placemenTs — all of which you can ask me abouT when we meeT. I am a ‘cradle’ An Iican, born in 1981 in KenT, which is sTill my parenfal home and was educaTedg iniTia|ly in BroadsTairs, before aTTending Oundle School, PeTerborough. WhilsT reading English LiTeraTure aT Durham, I began To discern a call To The priesThood aT age 18 and upon gr-aduaTing spenT an eye— opening year working in Liver ool as a JesuiT VolunTeer — which enabled me, amon sT oTher Thin s, To per ecT a Scouse accenT and To gaTher hair—raising anec oTes To |asT aslifefime (somefhing worTh asking me abouT)! Subsequenfly I supporTed secondary school children wiTh Special Needs prior To Teacher Training aT Cambridge, afTer which I greaTly enjoyed Teaching English & Drama To 11-18 year—o|ds in PeTerborough for 2 years. To relax and recharge my baTTeries, I like To walk, read, sin , be creaTive, Take hoTos, Tour The counTry To see far—f|ung friends and waTc films...I am a dog over buT have no peTs of my own. Over The lasT Three years, in parficular, I have encounTered God aT work creaTive|y, mysTeriously, surprisingly and even humorously in my life and The lives of Those around me and iT is my hope ThaT as I join The Benefice To be parT of The body of ChrisT wiTh Simon and yourselves in This place, ThaT God will keep inviTing us TogeTher To “Come and see" whaT He is up To, To see how we mighT celebraTe and join in. In The meanTime unTil July, God bless Julia You Pa is atters Baptism O7/03 Lower Hardres Ella Florence Debenham Christie Nlae Debenham Eugeral 24/O2 Bridge David Henry Whittaker 17/O3 Bridge Daphne Violet Joyce Brasier The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off‘ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. EASTER IJILIES at Bridge Church Anyone wishing to purchase a lily, for Easter, in memory of a loved one, please contact Viv Brasier (830981). The cost this year will be about £3 per stem. The flower arranging team would be delighted to welcome new members, so do come along on Saturday 3"“ April 9.30am and see how we work. Children's Easter Workshop On 2”‘ April, Good Friday, we shall be holding our Easter Workshop at the John Baker White Hall, Lower Hardres from 9.30am to 11.30am. Then the Rev Simon will lead a short service. Picking up time 12 noon. To book a place please phone Julie Cox (788316) or Margaret Clarke (765598) Lower Hardres On Holy Saturday 3”” April we shall hold a short choir practice at 9.30am. We shall also decorate the White Cross with flowers. On 4"‘ April Easter Day the Vicar will officiate at our Family Communion. Then of course our Easter Egg Hunt! Please come and make it a joyful occasion. On 18”‘ April the Family Service will be held at 9.30am. You are all most welcome at all the services. God Bless and a Happy and Blessed Easter to you all. Margaret 12 Bridge History Society - On the Nail - April 2010 This month's talk, on Thursda 15 April, will be given by Michael Martin, who will talk about some of the di ficulties endured by our parents and grandpar- ents (and some of us) during the Second World War. It should bring back memories for some and provide interest and information for others. The meeting will take place in Bridge village Hall at 7.30 pm. Do come along! Meriel Connor Fish Scheme (Neighbourly Help) News April 2010 There will be a coach outing for lunch to the Fayreness Hotel, Kingsgate, on Wednesday April 21st. If you have not filled in a form but would like to go please ring the Fish number 07935 966 080. The April Coffee Pop-In at Bridge village hall will be on Wednesday 14th. This Year‘ 5 fund—raising Bring and Buy with the emphasis on plants and cakes will be on Saturday May 15t . 1'3 Bridge School PTA are organising a clothing sale for good quality new and second hand men’s, women’s and children’s, formal, casual and sportswear. QUALITY NEW and SECOND HAND CLOTHING SALE 0 H Thursday 29th April 6.00—8.30pm Bridge School, Bridge nr Canterbury 0 Encourage recycling 0 Treat yourself to a new outfit at a small cost I Find a loving home for hardly worn favourites 0 Make more space in your home If you would like to sell items, you will receive 50% of the selling price. Please call in at the Bridge and Patrixbourne Primary school office for an information pack and labels Refreshments available. Entry £1 for adults, free for children. 14 ®eaut_y a [a mazlsmo ‘fanning, Waxing, facials, Waifflnliancements, Manicures andfecficures. Treatments a'va1I[a6[é in a grad}: II [istecffannfiouse in /1 plleascmt ancfpeacqfiof mmf setting. Q’/ione 7(;'m6er[ey I § S(hoo|0fDcrforminq firts =21i%!‘é;si%:;;os*;if?;§‘s :;%¥3;a‘:s§§:frs sssrosssjso so 3-g'>_::s.-.- _ . ,._. _ ,_:_,<:L _ .. M “ “_:;I;”_“E“ D n.-,_ 4,. w IV -n,.,..-..r‘. ,_ ‘V ,.V_‘,..‘«‘_s". -' '--,7‘ 1 . -"’*"‘?-u } Schools in Bridge, Canterburq E Blean Elasses for age 3+run bu qualified teachers I no a free class alongside our talented students Drama Ballot Modern Froestule www.DanceXtrem2.co.uk Benefice Service a? Bekesbourne The nexf benefice service will be a1" Bekesbourne a1‘ 11.00am on Sunday 30 May. Instead of our usual service in ST PeTer's Church, we invife everyone To a non—eucharis’ric service a1“ Chalkpif Farm, celebrating Pe'l's and Rural Communities. Puf The dare in your diary and wafch for further defails in the May magazine! BRIDGE VILLAGE FETE CRAFT STALLS Would you like to have a craft stall at the popular Bridge village Fete on Saturday 26”‘ June 2010. To be held in the grounds of Bridge Village School from Midday to 4pm. If so please call Carole Mounce on 01227 831963 for further details, all enquiries are welcome. $9COGDQGEOOIIDGGGGOQQOOOGGGOGG NAILISOURNE HOKTICU LTURAL SOCIETY rmu I Have gou been to ourspring Show? Con1e along to 5}1ow Hour (iagcadils and tulips, design a spring arrangerncnt, orjust come to 5-fit‘: the bczauthcul spring flowers anc{ Prociucc. Slfiow SCl'ICC‘ILJ[C’:5 availaHc1Crc)m Kathy $350057) or ang committee member. Tucsclag 6&1 April 2.010 Bridge Village Hal‘ 1716 qpcns at 6pm for staging exhibits G 0 E 9 a 9 9 9 G 6 5 9 9 6 9 9 9 G 9 9 9 9 O O 9 9 G 9 0 D 9 9 9 9 9 I I O G O Juciging starts at 7:00pm» Farcscintation cg prizes at 7:50pm Re-.¥r<:5l1mc:nt5 Availabic The following events are being planned by Bridge & Patrixbourne C . E. Primary School .51’ George '5 Day A parade will take place at 10. 30am on Friday 23rd April to celebrate .5’ t éeorge ’s day Infant pupils will leave the school and parade through The Recre ta tion ground Riverside Close Patrixbourne Road High Street to the Butchers and back through the alley to school - Please line the route to cheer us on! *J|':I'J|'JI'.II':I!'!I'JI'JI' At 1 .30pm - 3.00pm on 23rd April we will be hosting a St George's Day ‘Afternoon of Entertainment‘ all villagers are most welcome to come along and join us, in our School hall, to listen to and join in the singing Refreshments will be served Please ring 830276 to book your place (leave a message during the Easter Holidays) we can collect you if you live locally just call us and arrangements will be put in place Parr’ me/wétlrvfirédgwe/PCC t I <7 WW 8 ridge VLU,a.g»€/ H 0111/ Saiiwrday 8th May 10 (7(/I/VI/""12 VLOO1/V Cake Stall, Books, Bric—a—brac, Plants, Puzzles, Rattle and refreshments CO14’L@a»Vbd/WL96tfi/'C€/V1d4/ Overcrvcup ofoofiea. Any donations for the stalls that can’t be brought to the Hall on the day, can be collected, in advance, by calling 0 832984 Com/yowpleotée/grow a/few erctraxplamtzxthixy sprrimg/, tohelp wystodothe/plant ,sta,LL! 19 BRIDCE I/ILLACE FE TE TO BE HELD ON SA TURDA Y 26 TH JUNE 2010 12 noon - 4pm in five school grounds Usual fun packed day being planned Including EXCELLENT REFRESH/MEN TS BAR CHILDREN ‘S ENTERTAINMENT MANY CRAFTS TALLS SRAND RAFFLE, TOYS efc SI DESHOM/5, GIF TS, CAKES Vic for/2:: Sponge Compe 1'/'1‘/‘an Children '5 C ompe fifion M/arch this space for more defai/5! St Peter’s Bekesbourne need your surplus plants! Start potting NOW! We are having a Plant Sale at Chalkpit Farm on 30th Mall in conjunction with our am Be nefice Service t.is$e, funds for Bekesbourne Church Please bring your plant donations to Chalkpit Farm, Bekesbourne Tel: 01227 830666 PILGRIMS HOSPICES CYCLE CHALLENGES SUNAY 9”“ MAY Jamie Staff (UK Cycling Gold Medallist) will be riding on the day tool So get inspired and join him! HELP RAISE MONEY FOR A GREAT LOCAL CAUSE A AND HAVE FUN BY JOINING ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BIKE RIDES: TRl-HOSPICE CYCLE CHALLENGE - A 70—M|LE ROUTE STARTING AT EITHER Canterbury, Ashford or Thanet hospice taking in all three sites. Entry fee: £25.00 per person OR PILGRIMS CYCLE CHALLENGE — each hospice town will host a cycle ride of approx 15 miles. Fun for all the family! Entry fee: Adult £10.00; Child £5.00 You can of course get friends and family to sponsor you and raise even more for Pilgrims Hospices Entries in advance on-line together with a sponsor form from: wvvvv.pilgrimscvclechallenge.org (and entries on the day) or tel. 01227 782062 for more information Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevillage.org,uk o o B id e is u il e i 1119 March 2010 Joint Litter Pick - This would take place jointly with volunteers from Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne PC on Saturday 10*“ A ril. Volunteers should meet at the re—cyc|ing point in Bridge at 9.30am and bring high visibility vests if possible. Recreation Ground - The foot aths notice board had been returned to_ its original site near the lay by. oles continued to be very active. The spider climbing frame on the children's play area was in need of re—painting. The cost would be investigated. Affordable Housing - The Section 106 agreement should be signed by Canterbury City Council next week Canterbury City Football Club - After some discussion it was agreed that Canterbury City Football Club would be offered a further year's contract for ‘£l'(lJe1(;llf"8 of the recreation ground once the current contract ran out in May Bridge Junior Football Club — The club had paid the annual fee. The return of signed contracts was still awaited. Annual Parish Meeting; This would be held on Thursday 20*“ May. It was agreed to ask a representative from Brid e Energy Saving Team to speak at t (-3 meeting. A representative from Chart am Parish would be asked to make a presentation about their community orchard. Mrs Janet Horsle would also be asked to give a report as Secretary of the Bridge Village Hall ommittee. Parish Accounts for 2009/10 - Councillors considered the parish accoi_ints._Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Esdale for giving an overview of the financial situation. New Version of Standing Orders — It was a reed to buy one hard copgl of the Revised Standing Orders at a cost of £ 5. Part II of the new_ tanding Orders would be adapted to Bridge Parish Council's needs by a working group. Extension of Bridge Health Centre - It was a reed to write to the East Kent Primary Health Care Trust in support of Bri ge Health Centre's plans for an extension to the Centre, which were experiencing funding difficulties. Notes from Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiections to the following application; ' CA/10/00136/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of greenhouse in rear of garden The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been ; CA/10/00026/LB 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Replacement single storey dwelling to rear of dwelling CA/09/01462/FUL 8 Windmill Close, CT4 5LV First floor extension to rear of dwelling The next meetin of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8”‘. April 2010 at 7.30 pm in _Bri ge Village Hall. The Plannin Committee will meet prior to the C0l.il’lC!l Meeting at 7.15pm All Bridge resi ents are welcome to attend this meeting. 23 Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churcbwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Potrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchord, 2 St Mary's Rd, Potrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdole, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PC'6'.5ecrefary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down PC'6Treosur-er Mr C Medhurst, 1Pork View Bridge 6iffAr'd0fficer Mrs J Ellis, 32 Riverside Close, Bridge (832955) Organist (Pafrixbourne) /Mr JHar'rzs I Rivers‘/‘a’e 6' lose, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOURNE Char-chwardeas Mrs J Gillonders, Colo, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne ' Mrs J Millyord. 10 De Hovillands, Bekesbourne (830256) FCC Secretary Mrs J Millyord, 10 De Hovillonds, Bekesbourne -(830256) P66‘ Treasurer Mrs Zon Clifford, Ookleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Oryamkf /l/lr J'Har'r'i5 1 Riverside 6' lose, Br’/"dye (830631) Capfam of #22 R1'ryersMrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On 771: NazTAdvertising—: Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) Items for On TbeNailshould reach Laurence Dundendole by the 15th of the preceding month. Allison Builders 0 New Builds R: 0 Extensions ‘ A VALDER o Conversions Tel: 01227 831 410 Mobile: 07734 101382 www.allisonbuilders.com Nl"lBC All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY CARPENTER BUILDER Vl NEYARD Contact details: Breach, Barham, Kent 0122? 831266 Mob. 07813848555 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine Home: 01304 814331 Tea Shop open for Cream Teas and tight lunches Plant Centre e_mai|_ Tuesday 10 Friday 10-30 am to 4-00 Pm Richardwalder83@yahoo.co.uk Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year Wiltshire Farm Food5 delivers a range of over 200 of the very finest frozen read},-I meals .1-and desserts direct to your home. Meals start from £1.95 and are delivered to you for FREE byfr'ier1diy, reliable drivers. Wiltshire Fa.m1N_Fo<_ad;§;« Jelicfrmi rrscals [(1 jmzrr‘ ilnm FREEPHOl\lE 0800 773 77:“: Personal, friendly service offered for your accountancy needs including F WHITTEN Chartered Accountant 29 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5A2 01227831076 frank@fwhitten.co.uk Frank Whitten assisted by Tim Spencer ACA, CTA. preparation of accounts, VAT, PAYE, CIS and book keeping. Tax returns completed, reviewed and filed by a Qualified Accountant. Office Hours 9.15am - 12.45pm, afternoons by appointment. Bishopsboume. For further details contact: Jenny Coop 01227 832242 , - . jenny.coop@btintemct.com www . courtlodgefarmhouse .co.uk Court Lodge Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast Comfortable accommodation in the beautiful village of dew For further information call 2 For a free 50 32. e menu l Veterinary Practice Family owned and run Convenient parking Committed to quality care Purpose designed modern practice Relaxed atmosphere 24 hour emergency service Consultations by appointment Modern purpose designed facility Rob and Rachel McMeeking Chalkpit Farm, Adisham Road, Bekesboume, Nr. Canterbury Kent CT4 5EU (Opposite Essentially Hops) e—mai1 : info@bournevets.co.uk Web : www.bourneVets.co.uk 01227 832322 NDTW OPEN AT C}iTAI..KP!'l' "FARM BEKESBOURNE, Near CAN'I'li‘.RBU RY f/7// 9\C/x2e zzza/e1tnz'/y wear l\*"ldl(‘.I'I1ll}‘ wear selt.‘.(‘{:;=.rl iinm sr‘\rm'2‘|l (lilli-rent (lo.-signers to bring l'rJg't*tl1('*1‘ 21 wide \‘21ri('l_\ ml‘ clothes l‘mrn TJLTSTIICHS lo (_'.'xl.SLl'.ll :_m1l l'\‘("l1 :1 rzuagr for sperial occztsions. All in £1fli‘m‘lz2Ll')l(* j.>rictr.~a. Al so avail il.l‘)l(.‘; ‘ Clarriwell i.indcr1‘\\-T211‘ ' Baiby (.‘l01l1t‘5 ‘ Soil toys ' Gifts For more ir1foi‘n1uti011 pTL"£1Sl‘ i‘onlm‘t l{;u:l1r] on G122? 8'.’>U95i') or (37813 §l88~*'l—()‘.£ any-'ii:11c: i[I[T(i](t't{-.13’-(-'1i‘-‘i[‘!:V.‘(:‘ J4 uli: 's.V\x‘\-\’.i'llTl'llI1(".('(J.1ll( c:oLEBRo0i< E s"ru RR(f)"("K_'o’(*.Oi_ Your Local Oflice is 88 High Street Bridge Canterbury CT4 SLB tellfax 01 227 831 999 www.co|ebrooksturrock.co.u|< ESTATE AGENTS GODDARD ROOFING 0 I 2 2 7 8 3 2 0 I 8 Period and Listed Property Specialists Kent Pegs - Slates - Leadwork Chimneys and Guttering New Roofs and Repairs Council Grant Work Kingston, Canterbury www.goddardroofing.com - Email: info@goddardroofing.com For all your interior blinds a I ’ 62% Em ‘H ‘i Extensive range of Made to Measure Pleated, Roller, Venetian, 1 gq 5 Vertical and Conservatory Blinds. Excefflemf rzegezencea Free Estimates and Friendly Please Professional Service Ring David Lester on 01227 720881 www.kentblinds.c:o.ul< neetnu @%©RF ALL PLUMBING WORK UNDERTAKEN Gas Safe Reg. No. 503574 SPECIALIST IN WARM WATER UNDER FLOOR HEATING AND COMPLETE BATHROOM FITTING Tel: 01227 831300 The Unicorn _ Fax"; 01227 331300 Bekesbourne Hilt- Bekesboume Mohile:O7885282372 Canterbury Kent CT4 5ED Email: en uiries martinshort.c:o.uk www.martinshortco.uk sambucus.net Computing for the over 505 One-to-one assistance, tuition in the comfort of your own home and full support from ct local expert with 30 years experience. Purchase advice — Installation support —Tuition at yourown pace Broad Band explained &installed - E—mai| & Internet Accounts - Word Processing — Digital Photography ~ etc Phone today for a free consultation. Quotations supplied Call Philip of samloucusnet on Ol227 831315 “Men seciai offers each mon1'h* BRIDGEWAY TRS INCORPORATING BRIDGE NEWS A L°ND'3 MEMBER NATIONAL LOTTERY *OFF LlCENCE* *VlDEOS* DVDs* & WSTANTS RETAILER *BAKERY* *GR0CER'ES* £2.50 per night Latest Titles. *NEWSPAPERS-MAGAZINES‘ CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PIES and SNACKS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY 7am until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 5pm SUNDAYS 8am until 6pm 2 WESTERN AVENUE, BREDGE, CANTERBURY, CT4 5L8 TEL: 01227 830323 LEQETONES Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration & Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Lime Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 for the largest choice call CANTERBUBYLTD the Premier Letting Agents 41% = 2 70 Castle Street Canterbury — www. berryscanterbury.co.ul< \.aaw=~L.......ag _ £ifron' J sfark 3' ‘s9 ' " I T L at 1xboume {B ekesboume] Y / (‘J *1’. >1 rs! A magazine for the villages along the Nailboume. MAY 2010 40p :'_3~,l_ U A ‘A / <1‘ \ Ground chiropodymodiatry Bavid Orchard ' .. 33 Northgate 86 High Street Canterbury Wingham -..-' www.bestfeet.co.uk (01227) 451317 J.W. & L.J. BRASIER Fu11DieSe1and The Workshop — Highland Court fo rm SeI_V§:it§;1a?1§3'%?:::iI%T,S Tel: 01227 831928 Welding open g_0() am - 6_(){) pm Cars Collected and Returned r J} H AYWARQ EALTS-7_o::._r—1“k Ht‘.-'-EJMC‘ 3-'v€‘:= .0-'*F~*i r) E s 1 G m & P R a N :4 in cnrcwi-jémg a quaaity »:1eé.ign -1. _ WE '3ri'rw.'.‘+-. .511 a <3;-,-':~.g::r'-.1.i:I‘\.'-.3 prsge 3 — 4 Buikm-rs ‘Square:-. Cour! Hm . ‘ en! GT3 EXLJ _, g Zzzfd V Voiuaflon flays E .1 URL: lu- I 4_¢m:«uLnr:on WYTH ll PH“ VMHTH I .\ :\~\Ia»,,, 8b King Street, Sandwich, Kent C'I‘l3 my ‘Er um Te|iFax: 01 304 617700 ‘I’-‘-'~'-'-’-"43- Buy online at www.mrkimw0odiewellenco.uk " 9.9.0 mwfimam ash. mwmfimfiu B555 Em.“ B @352 mH3£EE w:mmUEO ._8_> 9:. m:omcw>m ecu... >.:m.a.:2 En. ooo «. _um3_ m m...<< mm._.._r_n_E:I cacao uu._>.._um. .._uu_> us... .._uu_> ax... 5-: N 9.3 am 8.s._mm éefi .a._._E2.m mam .a_n2_§2 =o.__._§eou x.__EU.....* E_§..._§.u mum H >...E_...._. 25-: A E 0.2 Eu oma Eu omm Eu 00.2 Eu 00.2 Eu 0m.m uc:._... £0 Em ucgzcomwxwm Ea... E_x__ufi .6 ..8S 9? .325 mvfl .3 ..=._oH um 8._.,._um Erma. :o._::EEoU mum >.::_...._. 5 .m mango”. F2 E6 00.2 Eu 00.0 _.:0m Sam E000: \C+m._:_<< m_u_>LwW >_..Eum E6 00.3 5-0 .3 snob "0 9_.B_u E .m._<< mm_.:a..§I cocou mm_.:._aE_._I cozuu Hm; .~ m.U< F2 m:.:L.E_.< :o.__.SEEou mum zo__.=._F_EoU box wmouuhcmm 3 .2 Em FD Ec0O.S Eu 00.0. Eu omd Ymm cam use . 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EN cam mmczuuua ocnaonmuxum o:.=..onx_.zEn_ m.m_o..._m u~.._uLoI .530.“ :o+m:_xuaZ 0 now.» omen mama we 5:05 an... new mmutium Diary for May 2010 04/05 1500 Holy Communion of The New Close, Bridge 20.00 Affer 8'5, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge 06/05 19.30 Healfh and Healing, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge 08/05 10.00 Planf Sale, John Baker-Whi’re Hall 09/05 10.30 Bekesbourne Rofation Sunday Walk, sfariing of Bekesbourne Village Hall 10/ 05 19.30 Caring and Sharing 11/05 19.30 Nailbourne Horficulfural Society, Bridge Village Hall 12/05 10.00 Fish Scheme Coffee Pop—In, Bridge Village Hall 15/05 9.30 Bekesbourne Churchyard Working Party 15/05 10.00 Fish Scheme Bring and Buy, Bridge Village Hall 18/05 15.00 Holy Communion of Saxon Lodge 19.30 W.I. Bridge Village Hall 20.00 Affer 8'5, 7 Windmill Close Bridge 24/05 19.30 Caring and Sharing 25/05 14.30 Holy Communion a'r Highfield 31/05 11.00 Bridge Benefice Pefs Service, Chalkpif Farm flrfhcoming dates for your diary Bridge Safurday 26’rh June Bridge Village Fete 12 noon — 4.00pm Safurday 2nd and Sunday 3rd Ocfober 2010 Ari in Bridge Bekesbourne Saturday 12-rh June Fun Charity Dog Show 11am Saiurday 17'rh July Bekesbourne Village Boon‘ Fair 10 ‘bias 'B""9‘°" ‘as.-,. Rev Simon Rowlands ~?~ or bi l+¢°"e@ The Vicar Er: ) Bridge 3': git Canterbury ’ xi ‘\ CT4 2 K1. ~., xx & ’>:,, o """9°°““l Office: 01227 330250 07730672 274 Vi car@ BridgeChurch.co.uk www.bridgechurch.co.uk By the time you read this letter the election campaign will be in its closing days after no doubt what will seem like endless media coverage; a real relief for many. We live as part of a community with many different faiths and outlooks on life. Can I urge all church members to engage in the debate and make an effort to vote for whoever they see fit to vote for. As a Christian minister I firmly believe in the value of community and family remembering that there are many people who are sin le and not members of a family but are members of community. I certainly will be asking the question of each party who is the most committed to protecting the vulnerable and supporting community and family cohesion before I commit my cross to a ballot paper. Please support the electoral process for it is the most important part of our democratic society which is so easily taken for granted. As a Christian church community we celebrate the two post Easter festivals of Ascension and Pentecost this month. Many in the world today would recognise Jesus Christ as a teacher or prophet but it is throu h the Easter experience that Christians celebrate Jesus as God's Son who a ter suffering death rose again from the dead and after making various afipearances to the disciples and others ascend back to heaven. As a baptised C ristian I believe that through my own baptism I have already shared or become bound u in Christ death and resurrection thus offering with all others ba tised into C rist hope of eternal life. It is in this hope that I live my own ife of faith. The Archbishop of Canterbury has described the Christian life as "a life of doubt enriched by faith". To live a life of faith without asking ‘iiifficult questions of oneself and the world around is both unrealistic and unhealthy for ones faith. We celebrate a risen and ascended Christ in faith but also with minds fully engaged to our faith and the world in which we live. Simon 11 Vour Parish Matters E-uneral 18/03 Bridge Colin Pepper 29/03 Patrixbourne r Joyce Mabel Bradburn 6/O4 Bridge Patricia Irene Jane Dunderdale 9/O4 Patrixbourne Kenneth Arthur Stacey The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for Themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. Lower Hardres Our next FAMILY COMMUNION is on 2"‘ May at 11am and our FAMILY SERVICE on 16"‘ May at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome! On the Saturday before every Family Service we have choir practice for children at 10.15-11am(ish) in Lower Hardres Church. If anyone would like to join please come along. Good Friday Workshop - We had a busy workshop at the JBW Hall in Lower Hardres. Over 60 children came and we had a great time, as well as having Hot Cross Buns. Sincere thanks to all the helpers who worked so hard, as well as many Mums! J anice's cups of tea and coffee were well received. Thank you children for coming! The morning ended with a short meaningful time of worship with Vicar Simon. Thank you all once again! Easter Day At 9.30am on this wonderful day we had a Family Communion celebrated by the Vicar Simon; children and grown-ups participated; so it made it even more lovely. We had a great egg—hunt organised by Mary & family, so the children went home with a bag of eggs - well they got to the church-gatell God Bless Margaret 12 On June 20*“ I will be Taking parT in The Race for Life in Fo|kesTone. This is organised by Cancer Research. I will be doing if in memory of PaT Dunderdale who was so faiThful and courageous in her illness from diagnosis To deaTh. You can help To supporT The work of Cancer Research (and encourage mell) by sponsoring me online via The following weblink. I would very much appreciaTe your sup orT. hTTp://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/gai rowlandsi Gail Rowlands Rggirtion Sunday Walk The Friends of Bekesbourne Church are organising The RogaTion Sunday walk which This year is 9Th May. STarTing aT Bekesbourne village hall 10.30am, well behaved dogs are welcome. As usual we will be walking some of The arish fooTpaThs, sTopping on The way To pray for The village, The farmers on Their crops. The walk will finish aT The unicorn pub, any one planning To eaT lunch There should book. Telephone 830210. For more informaTion abouT The walk Tel- ephone 832134 'NexT year in J erusalem' NexT year a small parTy will be in Jerusalem aT This Time To ce|ebraTe PenTecosT (see explanaTion below**). A Tour is being organized by Rev STephen & Lesley Hardy, of The Barham benefice, which is called ‘From Promise To PenTecosT’. They will be sTarTing in The book of Genesis aT Abraham's Well aT Beer Sheva, Travel inTo Exodus and The wilderness To see The re—consTrucTed Tabernacle of Moses, and Then norThwards To Galilee and The Gospels, where They sTarT following in The fooTsTeps of Jesus. This unique Tour includes a nighT in a bedouin-sTyle encampment a dip in The Dead Sea, and a Tri across Galilee on a boaT. IT ends up in Jerusalem where Jesus spenT his lasT ays, and where The early church began. STephen, who has led a number of Tours over The years, commenTed: "I do believe This is The besT Tour we have ever managed To puT TogeTher. This is noT 'usT abouT seeing |oTs of places, iT's abouT experiencing and undersTanding T e world of The Bible. Lesley and I are really looking forward To H, and inviTe you To join us." Full deTails, along wiTh phoTos and web links are now available on The Barham church web siTe (www.barhamdownschurches.org.uk) or you can requesi‘ a brochure and booking form from Barham RecTory — 01227 831340. **PenTecosT (WhiTsun) reminds us of God's Holy SpiriT being given To The church (A.cTs, chapTer 2). PenTecosT is ac:Tual|y The Jewish fesTival of 'ShavuoT' or ‘Weeks’, coming 50 days afTer Passover. This has links wiTh The giving of The Ten CommandmenTs, and is also a 'HarvesT FesTival' for barley and firsT fruiTs — a Time for greaT rejoicing. 13 Gifi Aid a1‘ Bekesbourne We are very graTeful when people afiending services an ST PeTer's church donaTe noTes, eiTher in The col|ecTion bag or on The plaTe aT The door. If you are a Taxpayer, iT does increase your conTribuTion To The church if you puT iT in a GifT Aid envelope. Please ask The sidesperson for an envelope and a pen if you are prepared To help in This way. Bekesbourne Churchyard Working Party There will be a working parTy on SaTurday 15 May To Tidy The churchyard before The firsT of This year's weddings. Do come along from 9.30am. Bring your own Tools - refreshmenTs will be provided! New Sound SysTem Following The resToraTion of The bells and organ aT Bekesbourne Church a few years ago, The FCC is confinuing To upgrade The church To make iT more ‘user friendly‘ for everyone, especially for weddings and Times when we have a full church. On EasTer Sunday we used our newly insTal|ed hearing loop and sound sysTem for The firsT Time and were pleased ThaT H was so successful. The cosT was meT by chariTab|e gram and by The Friends of Bekesbourne Church, To whom we are very graTeful. Fish News Do please supporT The Bring and Buy in Bridge Village Hall on SaTurday 15Th May from 10am. There are always excel|enT p|anTs and cakes. The rnonfhly Coffee Pop-In will be on Wednesday 12Th May also in Bridge Village Hall. 14 Michael Ralph Dexter MRCV5 24th April 1928 - 12th Feb 2010 Mike Dexter was a retired Vet who practised in both small and large animal surgeries in Finchly and the New Forest. In 1958 he and his wife Mary and small son Christopher went to Africa and spent a memorable 6 years in the bush and his son Hugh and daughter Belinda were born. Mike was a Provinicial Veterinary Officer responsible for the Northern province in Africa, on area 1/3 the size of Great Britain. He led Cl team of 20 develo ing thevaccination and disease control programme, travel- ling by small aerop one across this large area. The family returned to England in 1964 where Mike started his very succerssful Practice in Folkstone. Sadly he had to retire in 1983 due to serious health problems. In 1989 he moved with his partner Jean, to Canterbury, first to Upper Harbledown where they played an active part in village life and in 2000 they moved to Bridge. Mike made many friends ~ mainly among those who also walked their dogs at 9 am Hi! He was always interested in their pets and happy to give friendly advice. Mike was very creative and loved working in his immaculate Gar-ag/workshop makin picture—frames for Jeans paintings and a vast variety of items for their ome. This was always accompanied by playing music —he had a fantastic collection of Jazz and Big Bands which could be heard (and hopefully en 'oyed by all those walking along Patrixbourne Road and who often steppe for a long chat. Although we only lived here for 10 years we loved Bridge and the lovely surrounding walks and he will be sadly missed. WICKHAMBREAUX SCHOOL FAIR 15th May 2010 12.00 to 15.00 Fun for all the family Tombola Splat the Rat Sumo Suits Ice Creams Sweet Stall Beat the Goalie Fair Ground Ride Coconut Shy Teas Cake Stall Lucky Dip Pirates Treasure and much more we look forward to seeing you there 15 NOTES FROM BOURNE VETERINARY PRACTICE Please beware as we have seen a few cases of Kennel Cough in dogs recently. This is a highly contagious disease that spreads rapidly. The main signs of disease are a honking cough that often ends with retching and owners ma worry their dog has something stuck in its throat. Occasionally the dog wi l cough up mucus and there may be a discharge from the nose. The disease is spread by direct contact with infected dogs and by airbourne transmission so t e name is misleading as it is not always caught in kennels. The disease is so contagious that dogs can catch it whilst out on walks and with just brief contact with an infected dog. To avoid infection we recommend vaccination. The kennel cough vaccine is administered by spraying up the nose and it takes at least 72 hours to develop immunity, with boosters required yearly. As we are seeing more of the disease at the moment we would recommend all dogs are vaccinated routinely to reduce the spread to disease but it is especially important to vaccinate before going into kennels or before your dog wil have a lot of contact with other dogs and to ensure vaccination is not at the last minute so immunity has time to develop. If you are travelling abroad this summer and leaving your dog in kennels then it is a good idea to ensure they are protected with a kennel cough vaccine and many kennels insist your dog has one before they will take them. To help, we are offering 20°/o off all kennel cough vaccines throughout May if you bring this article along‘ with you. If you would like to book your dog in for a vaccine or have any furt er questions about kennel cough please call Bourne Veterinary Practice on 01227 832322. We are holding our annual Fun Charity Dog Show on Saturday 12”‘ June from 11am at Bourne Park Pasture, Bishopsbourne. We will have lots of fun classes such as musical sit and the sausage race and it will be a great day out so please come down and join us. For more details please call us on 01227 832322. 16 Bridge Benefice Pets Service 1 1 a.m. Sunday 31 May 2010 at Chalkpit Farm Bekesbourne all are welcome and bring your pets Prom hamsrbebs to hof‘ses.Ga1‘»s to camels. dogs to donkeys. fish and low! Plant stall in aid of St. Peter's church, Bekesbourne A St. Peter’s Church will be L open from 10 am before "F\/1.‘ and after the service A celebratory Anglo—French CONCERT with the Snowdown Colliery Male Voice Choir and the mixed voice Mabelvoy Chorale from Moutiers, France on Saturday 1 5”‘ May at Beech Grove, Nonington, starting at 6pm The popular and highly regarded Snowdown choir - which celebrated its 80”‘ anniversary last year - will be joining with the men and ladies of the Mabelvoy Choir when they pay a return visit tokent this spring. The two chairs have forged a friendship which has seen several exchange visits and 'oint concerts over the last five years. As well as performing their indivi ual programmes the chairs will sing together for three pieces. Tickets cost £5.00 available NOW from David Rance 07515 027912 ANNUAL CHRISTIAN AID SERVICE - CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL SUNDAY 9TH MAV AT 6.30PM. We are particularly fortunate in having as the Guest Speaker this year the International Peace Prize Winner, Ann Pettifor, who was previously Director of Jubilee 2000. Her talk is called 'Usury, consumption and climate change -— joining the dots‘, a long title for what will be both inspirational and accessible. She is an amazing speaker and well worth coming out on a Sunday evening to hear, so do come if you can. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 9 - 16 MAY This year many of our regular team of house-to~house collectors are unable to help with this important collection for a variety of reasons. We have a good record of covering most of the roads in Bridge, Patrixbourne and Bekesbourne, collecting an annual sum of between E1500 and £2000 to help tackle world poverty. It would be a great pity if we couldn't do so again in 2010. If you are able to help in any way please contact Jean Barber on 01227 831956. 18 CALLING ALL .SIN6ER.S/ VOCAL WORKSHOP — LED BY TREVOR ALEXANDER 10.00am - 4.00pm, Saturday 22nd May 2010 at: The Kingston Barn, Kingston, (nr Bridge/Barham), Kent CT4 6JB Cost £15.00 per person. To book a place or for more information contact Fiona at: fiswingland@googlemaii.com or 01304 619788 This community theatre company was born out of the highly successfui and critically acclaimed community opera — Promised Land at the Mariowe Theatre in the 2006 Canterbury Festival. We aim to perform original and commissioned works based _on the _ community of East Kent, using professional directors and musical directors. We also run a series of theatrical "and musical workshops, led by professionals, which are men to all! To find out more about us visit: www.reallypromisingcompany.org.uk About Trevor Alexander: Trevor studied at the at the Guiidhali School of Music and Drama has sung with many companies including the Royal Opera, Opera North, English National Opera, European Chamber Opera, Opera interludes, Midsummer Opera, Crystai Clear Opera, Central Festival Opera, The Royal -Shakespeare Company, and the D’Oyly Carte. Trevor has a busy and varied concert career which has taken him all over Britain and the world, Trevor performed the iead role in the community opera, Promised Land, at the 2006 Canterbury Festival and has worked with the Really Promising Company in subsequent years including Kentish Tales, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, at The Theatre Royal, Mai-gate and Castle Rackrent in last year's Canterbury Festival where he sang and directed. 19 flailbourne Horticultural Society It was encouraging to see an increase in the number of entries and exhibitors at our Annual Spring Show in Bridge Village Hall at the beginning of April, with a host of daffodils, plants and cookery exhibits for visitors to admire. The next event on the calendar is a talk and demonstration on "Floral Art, Beginners to Show Standard" by Mrs Birch on Tuesday 11 May at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Mrs Birch will be giving tips and advice specificall to help us with our entries in the floral art classes in our summer show and wi I also be demonstrating some arrangements which will be raffled off afterwards. An evening not to be missed, especially if you are interested in floral art. Non--— members are, as always, most welcome. Bridge with Patrixbourne Women's Insitute The May meeting, which is our birthday meeting, will be held on Tuesday 18 May at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. After discussion of the resolution on food labelling to be put to the Annual General Meeting in Cardiff later in the year, we will be testing our knowledge with a musical quiz which Mrs Rosie Turner has kindly agreed to organise. We will also be treating ourselves to a fish and chip supper. There is no competition this month. BRIDGE IN BLOOM Although as I write this and the cold wintery winds are still with us, it is time to start planning your Summer pots and hanging baskets. As usual Judging will take place in late July and this year extra marks will be awarded to those residents who take climate change into account by usin drought resistant plants. Here's hoping we have a good Summer and I look forward to a colourful display. LOWER HARDRES & NACKINGTON GARDENERS‘ SOCIETY PLANT SALE SATURDAY 8TH MAY FROM 10am — 12 noon AT THE JOHN BAKER-WHITE MEMORIAL HALL LOWER HARDRES BRING 6: BUY ALSO UNWANTED GARDEN TOOLS 20 rs 1:9 %5tanclar f Bcginnc Talk 53 Mrs Birch 01:3 Floral rt, giving tips am} adx/{cc mcor 23” Summer entrants. There will also be a chance to win one of Mrs Birch’5 clcmonstration arrangements. Tuesclag I lth Mag 7:50pm bridge Village Ha” Rc=;1Cres.L1ment5 availablé NAILBOURNE HOKTICU LTU RAL SOCIETY O O O 0 I 9 0 G00 0 09 9:0 0 O 9 00 0'00 0 C I-O'l7fiQ'CC 03:90-O 0.0.0 Q9 9100 OfiflflfififlfiflfiflflfiflfiflflflflflflfiflflfififiiflGOO 21 I I 0 0 Q I I ': o I Q .9 I 9% G 9 I 0 o 0 9 9 0 a a 9 CANTERBURY CHORAL SOCIETY ELGAR The Dream of Gerontius CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL SATURDAY 19th June 2010 7.30 For the last concert in this season the Choral Society have chosen to do Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius. Written in 1899 it was first performance in Birmingham, 105 years ago, conducted by Hans Richter, the music was thought daring, even difficult and the subject matter viewed with some suspicion. The text for the Dream was by the Victorian Catholic convert, Cardinal John Henry Newman and is rich in doctrine. This was the first oratorio since Handel's time written by an Englishman and acknowledged to be a masterpiece. The Dream of Gerontius deals with the dying, death and subsequent journey through purgatory of an ordinary man. Central to the theme is the concept of purgatory, one of the doctrines the Protestant church dropped at the Reformation. None of this matters, except Elgar's wonderfully passionate and glorious sweep of the music. Much of Elgar's music has imbued Wagner's influence and the work is flexible and flowing with the orchestra playing as big a role in the narrative as the soloists and chorus. The soloists for the performance will be Justine Lavender who has sung with the society before, a former nuclear engineer he abandoned this in favour of a musical career and has since appeared as a soloist with many of the world's great opera companies, conductors and orchestras. Michael Pearce is a regular and his most recent performance was in Bach St Matthew Passion in March. Singing with them will be the mezzo-soprano Victoria Simmonds who studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She joined English National Opera in 2000 and went on to become one of their principal soloists. She has appeared at the Proms, the Salzburg and Edinburgh Festivals and she recently created the title role in Jonathan Dove's The Adventures of Pinocchio for Opera North. The Canterbury Choral Society Youth Choir needs no introduction and will again be singing - their perform during Britten's St Nicholas received rave reviews. The orchestra will be Canterbury Philharmonic Orchestra and the conductor Richard Cooke. Tickets for the concert can be purchased from the Marlowe Theatre Box Office on 01227 787787 or by email on marlowetheatre@canterbury.gov.uk. information on the choral society can be found at www.canterburychoral.co.uk 22 BRIDSE I/ILLASE FE TE TO BE HELD ON SA TURDA Y 26 TH JUNE 2010 12 noon - 4pm in the school grounds Usual fun packed day for all the famiiy EXCELLENT REFRESH/MENTS BAR CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT MANY CRAFTS TALLS SRAND RAFFLE. TOYS efc SI DESHO WS, SIF TS, CAK ES Vicforia Sponge C ampe fif/‘on Children '5 Compe firicm Lifilebourne Q Qisjjrici Royal British Legion We held an informative April meeting when Bernie Guyatt was welcomed back. following an operation. We will be holding an afternoon tea for residents of Maurice House Royal British Legion Home on Thurs 27th May in the Littlebourne Hall Lounge at 2pm. Any member who wishes to join us will be welcome. Also, anyone who knows Jim Mount as he will be present to celebrate his 101st birthday. Could we mention a ain that we are always pleased to new members - whether ex-service or not, t ey can still Join. Anyone interested can ring the secretary on 01227 472023 for more information. Our next two monthly meetings will be on Tues, 11th May and 8th June, both at 8pm at the Recreation Club, Littlebourne. Stitch & Knit Workshop Knit a small beaded bag/purse June 27th 2010 2-5pm £20 Petham Village Hall, near Canterbury stitchandknit@googlemail.com for details INTERNATIONAL STARS SING IN PET HAM In most seasons The Hundred Shows produces one evening of interna- tional star performances and will next do so at 7.30 on Saturday June 12"‘ at Petham Village Hall. The youn baritone James Cleverton made his debut to critical acclaim at the Eng ish National Opera a year ago and will sin at Covent Garden in October. Meantime he is erforming in Switzerland before singing Sharples in Madame Butter ly for Grange Park Opera this summer. His wife, the Greek soprano, Irini Kyriakidou will 'oin him from Venice where she is singing in Mozart's Don Giovanni at the istoric La Fenice theatre. Earlier Irini was a prize-winner at 1'l'|l1e International Maria Callas Festival in At ens. As our third rising star we are expecting the Korean tenor, Jaewoo Kim, who has sung the principal Mozart roles for Opera Australia for the last four years The programme will contain arias from Mozart, Rossini, Verdi, and Puccini together with a tribute to Rogers and Hammerstein. Adult tickets at £18.50 include a glass of wine. Under 18 tickets cost £12. To be sure of seats do ring 01227 700 847 or 01227 700 327. 24 Cake Stall, Books, Bric-a-brac, Plants, Puzzles, Raffle and refreshments Con/Le/a/VLdxmee2‘:firLemd/y Overovcup ofcofliea Any donations for the stalls that can’! be brought to the Hall on the day, can be collected, in advance, by calling C 832084 to-help ubwtoolcxtlme/pla,vutsta,LLl 25 Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevillage,om uk m. April 2010 Pumping of sewage into the Nailbourne at Bridge The council was extremely concerned that sewage had been pumped into the Nailbourne at Bridge recreation ground. No warning notices had been posted and the parish council had not been informed by Southern Water beforehand. It was agreed to write to Southern Water expressing the council's disappoint- ment at this situation and strongly supporting requests for investment to be made in improving pumping arrangements. Affordable Housing - The village reen application would be put to the KCC's Regulation Committee at the end at? May. A decision would be given within days of that committee meeting. Southern Housing Group had identified a building company to undertake the project. A newt survey would be undertaken once the village green application had been dealt with. Hire of Skateboard Ramp; After some discussion a majority of councillors voted in favour of hiring a skateboard ramp for the holiday weekend at the end of -May. Councillors agreed this would be a trial before deciding whether to commit to possible funding for a permanent ramp at some future date. Canterbury City Football Club ~ The council declined a request from Canter- bury City Football Club to play friendly matches and train on the recreation ground during the closed season. The contract stated that no training or matches should take place between 15* June and 15”‘ August. The club would be asked to remove the goal posts at the end of the current season. Bridge Eete - The council agreed that parking would be allowed on the recreation ground at Bridge Fete on Saturday 26 . June. However, the school would be asked to ensure that there was a marshal directing parking and that steps would be taken to prevent cars from parking on the wild flower area. Smedwatch - It was agreed to start using the Speedwatch equipment borrowed from Lower Hardres on a regular basis this month. A request for volunteers would be put into the Spring Parish Newsletter. Bridge in Bloontcompetition - The competition would take place again this year organised by Cllr Edrnonds and additional marks would be awarded for gardeners who adapted their planting to the drier climate. Bus shelter - Cllr Gulvin reported that invitations to tender for the bus shelter had been issued with a closing date of 23"" April. Lifier - Cllr Lewis reported that there was a lot of litter along the path through the fields from Mill Terrace. It was agreed to discuss possible action at the May Parish Council meeting. 26 Notes from Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee The Planning Committee members agreed that they had no objection to the following application: CA/10/000467/FUL 51 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Removal of arage and erection of single storey extension to front 6: side of dwe ling It was pointed out that the extension would result in a four bedroom dwelling with only one bathroom. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been granted; CA/10/00136/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of greenhouse in rear of garden The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13”‘. May 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee will meet prior to the Council Meeting at 7.15pm All Bridge residents are welcome to attend these meetings. BRIDGE VILLAGE FETE CRAFT STALLS Would you like to have a craft stall at the popular Bridge village Fete on Saturday 26”‘ June 2010. To be held in the grounds of Bridge Village School from Midday to 4pm. If so please call Carole Mounce on 01227 831963 for further details, all enquiries are welcome. 27 Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesboui-ne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Patrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchard, 2 St Mary's Rd, Patrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) P6Z'5ecrie1‘ary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down P6'CTreasurer Mr C Medhurst, 1Park View Bridge 6ifrAid0ffi‘cer Mrs J Ellis, 32 Riverside Close, Bridge (832955) Oryanrsr (Parr/Xbaurne) Mr J"/-/arrr'.s' 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (83063!) BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens Mrs J Gillanders, Cola, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyard. 10 De Havillonds, Bekesbourne (830256) PC'C'$ecre1'ar,v Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Hovillands, Bekesbourne (830256) FCC Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Oakleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Oryamisf Mr JHarri.s' 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) Cqafain of the RI’rgersMrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On The Nail Adver'tising—: Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) Items for On The Nailshould reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month. Allison Builders 0 New Builds ICHARD 0 Extensions Annex 9 Conversions Tel: 01227 831 410 Mobile: 07734 101382 www.allisonbuilders.com NHBC All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY VINEYARD Contact details: Breach, Barham, Kent 0122? 831266 CARPENTER BUILDER Mob. 07813848555 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine Hgmei 01304 814331 Tea Shop open for Cream Teas and light lunches Plant Centre e_mai|_ Tuesday to Friday 10-30 am to 4-00 Pm Richardwalder83@yahoo.co.uk Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year 28 flimaéeaaezfiaezau ;4wu'(a£€e ?‘ei”x,&wéz!éaé’€,£ae/zaamzflcww. Vmwgmayamaug. 5 in @¢mmg,;¢ am; For all your interior blinds . I ’ 62% 5“ “E I ‘z Extensive range of Made to Measure Pleated, Roller, Venetian, Vertical and Conservatory Blinds. Free Estimates and Friendly Please Professional Service ' Ring David Lester on 01227 720881 wvvw.ker':tb|inds.ce.uk T rtlsetu z-seoet ALL PLUMBING WORK UNDERTAKEN Gas Safe R9. No. 503574 SPECIALIST IN WARM WATER UNDER FLOOR HEATING AND COMPLETE BATHROOM FITTING The Unicorn Tel: 01227 831306 Bekesboume Hill Fax‘ 01227 831300 Bekesboume Mobile:0788528233'2 Canterbury Kent CT4 5ED Emait en uiries martinshort co.uk \iwvw.marl1'nshortoo.tk sambucus.net Computing for the over 505 One-to-one assistance, tuition in the comfort of your own home and full support from a local expert with 30 years experience. Purchase advice — installation support - Tuition at yourown pace Broad Band explained & installed —- E—mail & Internet Accounts - Word Processing — Digital Photography — etc Phone today for a free consultation. Quotations supplied Call Philip of sambucusnet on Ol227 83l 315 *Man s ecial offers each mom‘h* ’ BRIDGEWAY STORES g, INCORPORATING BRIDGE NEWS A LONWS MEMBER NATIONAL LOTTERY *OFF *V|DEOS* DVDS* & INSTANTS RETAILER *BAKERY* *GR0CER'E3“' £2.50 per night Latest Titles. *NEWSPAPERS-lV|AGAZlNES* CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PIES and SNACKS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY 7am until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 5pm SUNDAYS 8am until 6pm WEST E B DG zrmariayrrirlggs A E~ Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration & Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Limle Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 NiTE_ R 13 _RY LT D the Premier Le mg/lgenrs 4115, = 2 70 Ctia tre m www.berryscanterbun/.c:o.ul< -- 4 ~ P trixboiim A magazine for the villages along the Nailboume. I ‘ _ 7 I v '\ .- . _ 1, , . . . .u..Ot1.. , 2 , _ _ A l _. 7 _ - _, . - r , HI, . f, .‘ _, 4» _ -. __ ._ . _ _ ’ T ' ' " "' -‘I ' '~.‘ - '. . ‘ I ".- ,' , { V 0 I a \ I . I ' I . End]: Flue I I’ / f'V'I1 ChiropodyIPodiatry David Orchard - . 33 Northgate 86 High Street [ Canterbury Wingham .....a www.bestfeet.co.uk (01227) 451317 JW. 3. LJ. BRASIER Funmeseland The Workshop - Highland Coun‘ form SerV§:it]:(;1a?1:?%:::t;:)T,S Tel: 01227 831928 Welding opcn gm} am - 5_oo pm Cars Collected and Returned FJAYVYARP SIGN ‘ R\N ‘ N§UL HON ‘Him. A out-lu-uni WITH I5 IIEP -.._ : ANTSQ-UE & MODERN ]E\-VEIQLERY, SliVERV\’ARE, WATCHES «S: CLIOFKS cm -4- V37 0,") , . , 81: meg Street, Sandwich, Kent c'r1'3 am’ <= 3/ am Tel/Eax:.0‘l 394 61 7700 "=-'5’—-"-'~7-"~%— Buy online at www.mrkimwoodiewellenco.uk mmmcmzu BSEE mm. 2 fish: m.5.,_mF:§ wS.~mU_EO L85 2» m:omcu>w 25» i,a._s.2 S oo.e 8.2 w .83. A. Es. LS3 2:. 83.5w mm_.._§_s=_._ :88 ._8_> 9.» .2-“ .2 93... 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Within the Christian tradition as in other Traditions the ractise of prayerful meditation or of silently listening to God can be practise . This is no easy task in a world which seems filled to the brim with noise and distractions. Vet the call to pray either silently or aloud seems re-programmed into our sub- consciousness. The need to make known our fears, desires, hopes or urgent petitions to God is a basic part of our spirituality. We recognise it is good to talk throu h a problem with a friend, but how often do we stop and place before God our prayers when we have a concern? Within the Bridge group of churches the five churches* are normally open in the daytime to provide a place of prayer for those who need it. Has italit for the soul is a quiet church and a place to offer prayer and listen in the stil ness to God. Prayer and sittin in silence can take some time to get used to. Some people find silence really ard to deal with others find such silence restful and reassuring. If going privately into church in need of prayer is daunting, try when going into church by beginning with saying the Lord's Prayer and then offering God the silent thoughts of the heart. There is no need for special rayers or rituals just simply by placing yourself and your thou hts before God) is a powerful and prayerful of ering. In doing so my you find t e peace of Christ. Simon 11 Bridge Group of churches includes the Churches of Bekesbourne, Patrixbourne, Bridge, Lower Hardres and Nackington. *the church at Bekesbourne is normally kept locked but a key can be borrowed from Essentially Hops in Chalkpit Farm during shop hours. Your Parish Matters Ba is 09/05 Lower Hardres Matthew James Williams Euneral 23/04 Bridge Lilias Mack Hinchliffe 28/04 Bridge Edgar (Ted) Smith 14/O5 Bridge Eunice Tuson The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WORKS Bridge Graveyard — Garden of Remembrance The area in Bridge Church Yard set aside for the burial of ashes is in need of some tidying. Over the last few ears gravel chippings have been introduced around some grave stones whic make the care of the grave yard more difficult. The Vicar and Church Wardens in the autumn are to instigate works to remove the gravel chippings introduce fresh topsoil and re—grass seed the area to improve the garden of remembrance in addition to weeding and a general tidy up. It ma be required to re-level existing memorial stone tablets but their position wi I not be moved. If families are concerned with these proposed works in the first instance please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens. Bekesbourne Churchyard Working Parties will be held on June 19*“ and July 24*‘. All very welcome. 12 Lower Hardres Our next FAMILY SERVICE is on June 15*“ at 9.30am. Afterwards we shall be holding a PORCH SALE selling CAKES 6: JAM etc. Any ‘home-produce‘ will be most welcome. I know Henr will be making some of his excellent cakes/biscluits, which we sample a short time ago. This is for Church funds. DO COME. The FAMILY COMMUNION is on June 6*“ at 11am. Everyone is most welcome! A Baptism On May 9"‘ Betty and David Woodcock‘s grandson was baptized. It was a lovely service officiated by Vicar Simon and we welcomed Matthew James into the Church family. Our congratulations go to all the family. Many people will be going on holiday soon - have a good time and drive carefu ly. God Bless Margaret Race for Life 20th June 2010 In memory of Pat Dunderdale Not long now until 20th June when I will be taking part in the Race for Life in memory of Pat Dunderdale and so many others we have known and loved who have suffered from cancer. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so for. Your generosity is very much appreciated and extremely humbling. My sponsorship is now at over £400. You can still help to support the work of Cancer Research (-and encoura e mel!) by sponsorin me on- line via the following web link or by of ering me cash or a c eque. I very much appreciate your support for this worthy cause. http‘.//www.raceforlifesponsormeorg/gai lrowlandsl Gail Rowlands 13 RNLI House to House Collection - Bridge Thanks to the generosity of the village, the total collected was £702 .71. This was amazingly up on last year. The overall total for Canterbury and District was E11,00 . Thank you to all who gave their time in going from house to house, and to everyone who gave so generously. Joan Hill Village Co-ordinator Bridge with Patrixbourne Women's Institute On Tuesday 15 June at the usual time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall, Mr Don Wilks will be entertaining us with a talk on the "Flora and Fauna of South Africa". Mr Wilks' talks are always accompanied by the most wonderful slides — an evenin not to be missed. The title of the monthly competition, in keeping with the t eme, is an item out of Africa. We will also be holding a fund—raising coffee morning at 2 Green Court, by kind invitation of Mrs Una Smith, on Thursday Thursday 1 July. Please watch out for further details of the event Eish News The June Po1p—in at Bridge Village Hall will be on Wednesda June 9th from 10.00am to 1.15am and a representative from Hi Kent will e there to help with hearing aids. A gold rin has been found in a volunteer driver's car. If you think it might be yours p ease telephone the Fish number 07935 966 080 for more details. The outing for lunch at Botany Bay on April 21st was a great success and we remember the late Cornelia S avm whose legacy made it possible. Ted Smith A Thanks iving Service for the life of Ted Smith took place in Bridge Church on 28th pril 010 His daughter Valerie and Dorothy, would like to thank everyone who made donations at the service or direct to the Funeral Directors. All donations are for Bridge Church as Ted wished. 14 Thank You Laurence, Simon, Catherine and Edward (together with Ryan and Lauren) would like to say a heartfelt thank you for all the messages of condolence (over 200) we have received. Thanks also to our many friends and acquaintances from across the Benefice and beyond who packed Bridge Church for Pat's Thanksgiving Service on 6th April. Your generosity in giving has astounded us - over £2,000 of which half will go to The Royal Marsden Hospital to help with their research work into cancer treatments. The remainder will go to Bridge Church in Pat's memory. Thank you all for your continued support of all the family. Laurence Dunderdale Bekesbourne Church Annual Meeting The church council (PCC) of St Peter's reported another successful year at its recent annual meeting. The Vicar, Simon Rowlands, said that he hoped that links between the community and the church would continue to grow and that the Friends of Bekesbourne Church (FBC) was an example to other parishes. There were challenges both nationally and locally for the church and a key challenge was how it could adopt as the nature of ministry chan es with a reduction in full time clergy. There was a need to prepare for t e future, although we were fortunate in still having a full time Vicar and would also benefit from the arrival in the summer of Julia, our curate who would be trained in the benefice. Zan Clifford reported a small deficit in the 2009 accounts, which was met from reserves. She thanked the FBC for all the support iven to maintenance of the church and the Parish Council for their churchyar grant. The PCC was very grateful to all who donated to the church with Gift Aid, as this was the main source of regular income. The churchwardens reported that the church building was in good repair and that the PCC was investigating ways in which it could be of greater benefit to the community. A sound enhancement and hearing loop system had recently been installed and the installation of a toilet was being investigated. Anyone who would like to find out more about this project or had any concerns was asked to contact the Vicar. Gill Moon re orted on the Bellringers and on the Friends of Bekesbourne Church, than ing Steve Thomas for running the Hundred Club, and Amanda Barker explained the activities of the East Bridge Deanery Synod. Jill Gillanders and Jane Millyard were re—elected churchwardens: David Millyard retired from the PCC and was replaced by Nicky Fry. Other elected members (Jonathan Cowans, Graham Duplock, Lindsey Kinsey and Roger Nicholls) remained unchanged. Pat Kusel continued as vice—chair-man, Zan Clifford as treasurer and Jane Millyard as secretary. 15 IN MEMORY OF BOB WILLIAMS Those Bridge people who knew of him will be saddened to hear of the death of one of Bridge 5 former residents, Bob (aka Rob) Williams of Grove Ferry Hill, Upstreet. As a bay Bob lived in the house in Patrixbourne Road, built by his father, and now owned by Martin and Jenny Vye. (See their contribution below). From his days at Simon Langton Grammar School he had been a keen photographer and cinematographer. Members of the Bridge History Society may remember seeing Bob's film about the village entitled " gone Bridge". His many memories took him from pre—war times until he joined, the Royal Air Force to become a fighter pilot. Towards the end of the war he would sometimes salute his parents by flying his 'Mustang' aircraft low over Patrixbourne Road. His training had taken him to Canada where he met his late wife Eileen. Bob died one week short of his 89th birthday. Denis and Kathleen Ratcliffe(42 Heathfield Way, Barham) We first met Bob Williams a few years ago and were delighted to learn that he had lived in our house as a boy and had many interesting things to tell us about its construction in 1929. It was in a shed in the garden that Bob set up the first Bridge cine film club and began his lifelong passion for film. He produced a DVD called "Bygone Bridge" which showed many pictures of the Village in past times and which was watched with great interest by History Society members. When the Bridge History Society decided to go ahead with a project to record the memories of current and former residents, Bob was the first one to be interviewed. The record of this interview gives a fascinating glimpse of what life was like in the Village before the Second World War. Bob graciously approved of all the changes we had made to his boyhood home and we feel grateful to have known as a friend, this fine English gentleman. Martin and Jennifer Vye 16 Bridge After School Club and Holiday Play Scheme Do you like working with children? Do you know someone who does? We are looking for an experienced play worker to join our team. Applicants should ideally be qualified to NVQ2/ 3 in playwork, childhood studies or equivalent. Applications from those undergoing training are also welcome. Hours (per week) to cover 7.15am—9am and 3pm-6pm plus 8.30am — 6pm school holidays. Pay £7.00 per hour qualified, £6.00 per hour unqualified. For further details contact Chovonne Munt, Manager on 01227 831159 during Club hours (above), or send an up to date CV to: Chovonne Munt, Manager, Bridge After School Club, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5.7 X. r“~ '1” "ll? -~ ?i¢1i‘it‘iri3.%??7*‘-?ii.-.Cl’i’fi vi--‘"7 5" 3'. 7. You are invited to a Pampered Chef coffee morning on Tuesday 22 June 2010 at 10.00am in The John Baker—White Hall, Lower Hardres. Come along and have some fun ~ cookery demonstration and, of course, tasting! Tickets available from Sue 700338 or Brenda 765948 25p (which includes coffee/ted). All welcome. All proceeds to St Manfs Church, Lower Hardres. 17 BRIDGE VILLAGE RFETE 2% Saturda 26th June 9 V12no)c,>nto wmvvvfl In the school grounds 5 [H5 1 ca§‘\e (‘.\\'\\‘“° 3 es 2? ar ix? 1 3 ye" _ 3 W 0 9 “Her g l\ . V 23> %g\l'\*&“",pe\!\’\"\0“ Egflfiig E? .....and much, much more 18 Bridge Village Fete 26th June 2010 12 noon — 4.00pm The Villa e Fete is fast approaching. This event helps to raise vital funds for both Bri ge <8: Patrixbourne School, St Peter's Church, Bridge and St. Mary’s Church Patrixbourne. The event is also a great community event and brings in a good number of visitors to Bridge which benefit local businesses. To ensure that the Fete is a success we need your help. Donations for the many stalls can be left at the school or ring 830276 for collection. We need bottles for the bottle stall, gifts, toys, books, bric a brac etc. Also help on the day would be much appreciated, call the school on 830276 to find out more, (or turn up from 8am to help erect tents, move tables etc). Competitions: Once again we are organising a Victoria Sponge Competition. Please bring your cake along at the start of the Fete to enter the competition. This is proving to be a really popular annual event! For the children this year's competition is to design a flag to represent a country competing in this year's World Cup. Your flag should be no larger than A3. You can use any materials you like and your design should enable the judges to easily identify your chosen country. Your flag should not be a copy of a real flag. (More details will be given out during a Bridge School assembly). We look forward to seeing many of you on the day. 19 flailboume Hofliguljynal Society For our next meeting on Thursday 24 June, we have organised an evening outing to The Orangery at M stole, Chartham. This is a one and a half acre arden based around an 18t Century orangery, with herbaceous borders, arge walled garden, sculptures, water features and splendid views to Chartham Downs. After our visit there will be the opportunity to enjoy refreshments on the terrace - in the evening sunshine!?! There will be an admission charge of $3 plus refreshments, the proceeds of which go to "Operation Peru", a charity that provides a refuge for street children in Lima. We will meet at 6.00 pm in the open area of Green Court/Western Avenue to organise car loads, ready to leave at 6.10 pm for an arrival at Mystole at 6.30 pm. If anyone decides to go direct to The Orangery, please contact me, Kathy Walder, for details. Show schedules for the Society's Summer Show to be held this year on Saturday 24 July are available from Committee members. Please note that as a departure from the norm, we will be judging the garden entries earlier this y|ear, namely the first week of July, and therefore entries for the following c asses: Prettiest Small Garden Best Kept Vegetable Garden Most Picturesque Garden Entries must be in (verbal contact will be sufficient) by no later than Wednesday 30 June to either Kathy Wolder on 830057 or Pam Dobson on 832369 Bridge Benefice Pets Service 1 1 am Sunday 31st May 2010 at Chalkpit Farm, Bekesbourne All are welcome and bring your pets Plant stall in aid of St. Peter's Church, Bekesbourne St. Peter's Church will be open from 10am before and after the service 20 QQGGQOQOOGOOOQQOOOQOQQOOOUOGGOOOOOUOOO0090000000 IOOOOOOOIIOOOOIOIIGQDIIIQOQOIIQI NAILBOUKNE HORTICULTU RAL SOCIETY THEOGERY 4! ""‘ ». . _r a £4’ Evcning visit to a one and a |1aH:acrc garden bascci around an I 8t}1 Century Orangcry, with sptcndicl views to Chartham Downs. /Afizcr our visit there will be the opportunitg to erjog rc=:{:re5}1rnents on the terrace « in the evening sunshine! Thursclag 2.‘1~th June 201 O Mcct at 6:00pm in Green Court/ Western Avenue to organise tranaport {or 6:10pm A:‘.§:)ari'.L1r-*3. anal arrival at 6:50pm. For those going dirccfzlg to T116: Or'aI1ge|'g, please Contact Katha Waidcr on 01227 850057. /Xc{mi55ion charge: 5‘-J plus f‘eFrC5!"InICE'It5 Gflfiflflflfi9-fififlflfiflfifififlflflfififlDOOflflfifififlfl9fiOO'$O'9'0OOO¢Q0iO G99099999900$999$$$$00OG99990093 Veterinary Practice This is a great time of year to be getting a puppy and we are seeing lots of gorgeous new pups at the practice at the moment. If you have a new addition to your family, or are thinking about getting one then obviously it is very important to ensure they get their vaccinations to protect them from serious diseases and also to ensure they are regularly wormed. However, it is also vitally important to make sure that your pup is socialised properly so they can grow into a well rounded sensible adult dog who is able to behave in a socially accepted manner A lot of people do not realise that it is vitally important to start socialising and training puppies when they are still very young, ideally before 12 weeks old. A puppy needs to learn how to interact normally with adults, children, other dogs and pets as well as become used to everyday noise and different situations. After about 14 weeks of age unfamiliar objects and experiences can cause a fearful response which can ultimately lead to aggression. Attending puppy classes will give you the opportunity to introduce your puppy to a different environment and allow socialisation of your new pet in a safe, friendly environment. We hold puppy parties at Bourne Veterinary Practice for pups that have had their first vaccination and they are a great way for your puppy to experience a new situation and for you to get lots of helpful tips and advice on training and raising a happy dog. Please call us on 01227 832322 for more information. Littleboume and District Royal British Qgion 12 members attended our May meeting and we were pleased our chairman John Marsh was with us following some recent health problems. Our recent Beef Pudding Supper was voted a resounding success, and thanks go to the Hay Wain who laid on a really enjoyable evening for us, despite the Kevin and Louise (landlord and landlady) being trapped in Portugal due to the volcanic ash cloud. We raised £51 that evening on the raffle for the Poppy appeal We have our annual tea party on Thurs 27 May at Littlebourne Hall Lounge for residents of Maurice House, Royal British Legion Home. Our oldest branch member, Jim Mount, will be coming with them and he will be celebrating his 101st birthday. Can we just mention again that anyone interested in joining the Legion will be made very welcome. Enquiries to the secretary on 01227 472023. Our next two meetings will be on Tuesdays 8 June and 13 July at 8pm in the Recreation Club, Littlebourne 22 Please come and support a BARBECUE in aid of OPERATION SUNSHINE Enjoy award-winning local sausages, burgers, delicious desserts and a glass of wine or fruit juice 1 2 noon Saturday 10*“ July at RENVILLE OAST, Bridge, CT4 5AD Tickets £7 Raffle OPERATION SUNSHINE is a Christian Charity based at Folkestone, supported by Churches all over Kent. Helped by individuals and groups, it sends containers of much needed clothing, food, toiletries, blankets, medical eciuipment, tools, sewing machines and other necessities, to the poorest vi Iages in Africa . Goods received are sorted, packed and stored at Operation Sunshine's headquarters in Cape|—le—Ferne, awaiting shipment. For further details, you can contact Joan Hill on 01227-830215. DO COME AND SUPPORT Z3 80 OPEN GARDENS in aid of Pilgrims Hospice in Bridge Village and other venues Weekends 191'h-20111 and 261'h-27'l'h June 2010 10am — 4pm Passpor1' £5 for en'I'ry to all gardens available from 3 Ken? Hospices and a1’ your local open gardens participating gardens listed on Hospice website www.pi|grimshospice.org 24 Invitation to exhibit in Art in Bridge Open Exhibition Saturday & Sunday 2"“ 8: 3"‘ October 2010 Bridge Village Hall Anyone living, working/studying in Bridge or a rural Parish within 5 miles, is invited to submit up to three exhibits — including sculptures and craft work. All abilities are welcomed. Children and young persons are especially encouraged to exhibit. Exhibitors entry form available from: www.artinbridge.org.uk and in September from Colebrook Sturrock & Go, Estate Agents, High Street, Bridge Further information on—line at www.artinbridge.org.uk or from John Corfield, 01227 830976. 25 Bricl e Pa is Can il brid evilla e org,uk ' P ' C 'l e ' 1 ii. May 2019 Election of Chairman 5; Vice Chairman Cllr Edmonds was re-elected as Chairman and John Hill was re—elected as Vice Chairman of Bridge Parish Council for 2010-11. Annual Earish Meeting - This will be held in the village hall on Thursday 20*“ May at 7.30pm. The main speakers will be Philip Wicker , Convenor of Bridge Energy Saving Team and J on Shelton of the Kentish Stour Countryside Project with Janet Larkinson of Chartham Hatch who will speak on Community Orchards. All Bridge residents are welcome to attend. Pumping of Sewage into the Nailbourne -The parish council had received a reply from Southern Water to its letter of complaint. This was substantially the same as the response received by Cllr Austin, who had written on behalf of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group. A reply would be drafted after councillors had heard the response from Southern Water at the meeting in Bishopsbourne on 19”‘ May. Affordable Housing - Planning permission had been granted for the affordable housing scheme. Southern Housing Group had selected a builder for the project after a tendering process. The newt survey was being undertaken by an ecological expert and an archaeological investigation was being arranged. Community Orchard- Cantley Estates had refused the request to make land available to the north of the allotments for use as a community orchard. They were concerned about the application for village green status at Brickfields and the water meadows. The request could be reconsidered depending on the outcome of the village green application. The parish council considered alternative sites that might be suitable but would seek guidance from Jon Shelton, an expert on community orchards, at the Annual Parish Meeting. Audited Accwnts for 2009-10 The internal auditor's report was read out and the Parish Accounts for 2009-10 were signed b the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Clerk as Responsible Financial 0 ficer Replacement bench for thejunction of Beech Hill and Bridge Hill — The parish council agreed to purchase a new bench to replace the one destroyed by vandals. The bench would match the other benches in the village and would be fixed in place by councillors. Purchase of outdoor exercise equipment for adults - It was agreed to purchase four items of outdoor exercise equipment for the recreation ground. Revisions of Parish Standing Orders- Cllr Edmonds and the Clerk would revise the parish council's Standing Orders in the light of the new model version supp ied by the National Association of Local Councils. Villa e Hall Re vatio - The Village Hall Committee and the builder, Stuart Green, would meet on 14*“ May to discuss the renovations to the hall, which would take place from July onwards. It was expected that the work would take six weeks. 26 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been granted; CA / / 09/ 00056/ FUL Erection of 8 dwellings with associated parking and access road. Land fronting 1-3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LG The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10”‘. June 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee wilt meet prior to the Council Meeting at 7.15pm All Bridge residents are welcome to attend these meetings. RISING OPERA STARS -— JUNE 1 27“ A gala evening of opera will celebrate five years of Hundred Shows on June 12 at 7.30 in Petham Village Hall when we host excitin stars of the future. We might even, in the manner of Glyndebourne, take rinks on the terrace. Catriona Beveridge, who accompanies the singers, has been opera coach there and toured with Glyndebourne last year, as well as working with the English National Opera Company and spending two years on the music staff at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. James Cleverton, the Kent-born baritone, has sung ma'or roles at opera houses in Rennes, Zurich, and Hanoi. His acclaimed ebut with English National Opera last April will be followed by a further debut at the Royal Opera House in October. Anna Clare—Monk has an impressive repertoire of major soprano roles — Mimi, Gilda, Susanna, Gretel, Zerlina and Anne Truelove — with Opera North, Welsh National Opera, Scottish Opera and the D'Oy|y Carte. The tenor, Jaewoo Kim, won the Australian Glyndebourne Festival Opera Award and has been a principal artist of Opera Australia for four years, highl regarded in the major Mozart roles. He also sang last February with Englis National Opera. Their programme contains extracts from La Boheme, Carmen, Casi fan Tufie, Don Gio Vanni, La Traviafa, Ruse/ka, The Barber of Seville, The Merry Widow and Porgy and Bess. Tickets at £18.50 include a glass of wine or juice, and the Under-19 concession is £12. Tickets started to sell from our advance announcement. Please telephone (01227 ) 700847 or 700327 to book yours - but don't leave it too late. 27 Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlonds, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Clwrchurardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Potrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchard, 2 St Mary' 5 Rd, Pair-ixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High ST, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PCZ‘$ecrerary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down, Bridge PCCTrecisurer' Mr C Medhurst, 1 Park View Bridge (830762) 6ifiAid0f'fi'cer Mrs E Mitton, Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge (832954) Organist {Pafrixbournej Mr J/-kirrfs 1 Riverside 6' lose, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens Mrs J Gillanders, Colo, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyord. 10 De Havillcmds, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Secretary Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Hovillands, Bekesbourne (830256) P66’ Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Ocikleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Oryamsf Mr J Harris J River-side C‘ lose, Bridge (830631) Captain of fire Rin_9ersMrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On 771: Nail Adver'tising—: Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) Items for On The Nafishould reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month. Allison Builders 0 New Builds ICHARD 0 Extensions Ann-an o Conversions Tel: 01227 331 410 C‘”B“mf;::‘ER Mobile: 07734 101382 www.a|lisonbuilders.com NHBC All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY VINEYARD Contact details: Breach, Barham, Kent 01227 831266 Mob. 07813848555 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine H0me5 01304 814331 Tea Shop open for Cream Tees and light lunchesi Plant Centre e_maii_ Tuesday to Friday 10.30 am to 4.00 pm Richardwa|der83@yahoo.couk Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year 28 Weatté &w Ammu ;4ueu'e'a.J€'e $ ea Emma .3“: For all your interior blinds .14../_.. _, l. ‘ H3 i f‘ in 6 Extensive range of Made to Measure Pleated, Roller, Venetian, Www t éf Vertical and Conservatory Blinds. gxceéfemf rzefezencea Free Estimates and Friendly Please Te'ephOfle Professional Service Ring David Lester on 01227 720881 www.kentb|inds.co.uk MARWTIJ f§%©li’W ALL PLUMBING WORK UNDERTAKEN Gas Safe Reg. No. 503574 SPECIALIST IN WARM WATER UNDER FLOOR HEATING AND COMPLETE BATHROOM FITTING Tel: 01227 831300 The Unicorn ___ Fax: O1'227”831300 Belcesboume Hill Bakesboume Mobile:07885282372 Canterbury Kent CT4 SEE} Email: en uiries martin5hort.co.uk wvnlv.martinshorLco.uk sambucus.net Computing for the over 505 One-to-one assistance, tuition in the comfort of your own home and full support from a local expert with 30 years experience. Purchase advice — Installation support — Tuition at yourown pace Broad Band explained & installed — E—mail & Internet Accounts — Word Processing — Digital Photogra phy— etc Phone today for a free consultation. Quotations supplied Call Philip of sombucushet on Ol227 831315 *M——A__Eu.._ Sfifim +m_nofw<< +m:m:< :4 .m 3 #2 Eu onm Ed 8.: am :_._m. muziwm. >_._Euu_ mfifi .2 9.3 6 EC 00.: 9-0 .m _ou F2 mvtofi 5 .m.:2 >m_:u<< w cocuw cu_3< > >3. 9 m:_fE<< :o_:_..EEou mum +m_.=Eo:m_ yam m b.._:_.._._. -m A ummoi PO E50,: Eu oo.m Ea 0mm 5mm 55 »._,a._c_s a 93 .Eu_> of. 32> 9.? >mEu<< m. coscu ®x.._£U S. .m..=>. -mm .9 3:3 6 :o.=.=._EEoU \,_oI :o_:_._EEou gum Egosuam mczm uu_>._um >_E._cu_ h xterm. mmé a _8 #2 Eu 03 En oom Ea omm Eu oma £3 csw Em .Eu._> of. E. coE:EEou 1mm .2 9.3 a :uEzEEou mum ésfi 8_.5§m o .:_.._.F E; A .3 _._.Z Eu com :8 omm £3 cam. m:om:u>m_ Ecm._. >.;m_=_<< mm._.En_E:I S 00.0 L85 9:. om-£ 6 _mm3_ m mL<< coccu mu_>.._mm co_::EEou .Eu_> mf. m fact... .24 .3 9:3 ..m mu_>._m..u. >_._Ec¢ +m_.B;uaw mczm Euofmé >_._Eou_ co_::EEou mum >_=h EA .0 Em. #2 Eu omm Eu 9% E... 00.: Eu 8.: Eu oqm E. Em mmfiuuua ucpnonmuxum u:.Sonx_.:.un_ umficm mu.._v._uI ._u3o._ sotmsxuuz U 55> OHON mo 5:95 ma: new mmufiamm @530 wwfimum m.£.H. Qiary for J uly 2010 01/07 19.30 Health & Healing , 7 Windmill Close 06/07 15.00 Holy Communion at New Close 20.00 After 8's at 7 Windmill Close 12/07 19.30 Caring <5: Sharing, 8a Conyngham Lane 13/07 14.30 Holy Communion, Mansfield Court 14/07 10.00 Fish Scheme - Coffee Pop In 18/07 12.00 Lower Hardres Summer BBQ 20/07 15.00 Holy Communion, Saxon Lodge 20.00 After 8's , 7 Windmill Close 27/07 14.30 Holy Communion, Highfield Forthcoming Events Bridge 11th September Produce Sale, St Peter's Church — please save us some 2nd/ 3rd October Bekesbourne Saturday 28th August Bekesbourne Village Fete, The Unicorn of your home made jams, chutneys to sell — more details to follow Art in Bridge 10 We 'B"“9*? -1%,, Rev Simon Rowlands 55 ‘ <3” The Vicar 5’ E <13 Bridge g E: Canterbury W CT4 5JZ ’*ee,,.,,,,,B...i=-°‘ Office: 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.co.uk www. bridgechurch . co. uk Jesus said ‘‘I am the way the truth and the life”. For centuries Christians have been known as followers of ‘The Way’, called to follow Christ’s example in the way they attempt to live out their lives. Foremost in living out faith following Jesus teaching is the great commandment that He emphasised, ‘to love God and your neighbour as yourself’. But to be a Christian is not simply about trying to live a good life, there are many people of different philosophies who seek to live a good life, for a Christian it is about belief in God and in his Son Jesus Christ. Out of this belief comes the daily struggle to model lives on Christ’s values of love and forgiveness. Sadly within parts of the worldwide church today forgiveness is needed for damage done by the church community on vulnerable people and parts of communities. Being a Christian is about being fully human and fallible, getting it wrong both in terms of relationship with Christ and those whom we live with. The importance of the awareness of this is not about being racked in guilt but being aware that to live in community, a faith community (church) and the wider world community, (village, family, work) the ability to love your neighbour is central to daily life. To have the love, forgiveness and forbearance to do this comes out of our relationship with God- In his love for us, we find the love for those on occasion we struggle to stay in relationship with. Sadly in our lives relationships can come to an end, both in personal, family or work circumstances. It is when breakdowns in relationship happens that forgiveness and love for the other is tried to its limit. Being a Christian is about trying to live in community both within and outside the church following Christ’s way, often failing but constantly attempting to recover lost ground and getting back on track. This month Rev Julia Baldwin joins our church communities to walk with us as we journey together. Welcome to Julia and may we walk the way in faith, hope and love together as we seek to follow Christ and love God and our neighbours. Simon 11 Vour Parish Matters Marriage 29/O5 Bekesbourne Guy Hudgell and Amy Moon 29/05 Patrixbourne Kevin Harding and Samantha Thompson 5/06 Patrixbourne William Draper and Sarah Blair Euneral 1/O6 Bridge Joan Ann (Jan) Russell 14/06 Bridge Eileen Piggott 14/06 Nackington Elizabeth Bradshaw Fletcher The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off‘ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. Confirmation Confirmation preparation will start at the be inning of September for a Confirmation Service on 9*“ November 2010. I? you are interested in being confirmed please speak to the Vicar and email your details to vicarage@bridgechurch.co.uk . IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WORKS Bridge Graveyard - Garden of Remembrance The area in Bridge Church Vard set aside for the burial of ashes is in need of some tidying. Over the last few years gravel chippings have been introduced around some grave stones which make the care of the grave yard more difficult. The Vicar and Church Wardens in the autumn are to instigate works to remove the gravel chippings introduce fresh topsoil and re-grass seed the area to improve the garden of remembrance in addition to weeding and a general tidy up. It ma be required to re-level existing memorial stone tablets but their position wi I not be moved. If families are concerned with these proposed works in the first instance please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens. Bekesbourne Churchyard Working Party will be held on July 24*“. All very welcome. Lower Hardres In July there will be no Evensong at Lower Hardres because there will be a Benefice Communion at Bridge to welcome our new curate, Rev Julia Baldwin. Do please come. This will be at 9.30 a.m. on July 11*“. On July 18*“ the Family Service will be at 9.30 a.m. This will be a busy day because there will be a BBQ at the J BW Hall at noon. 12 Race for Life 20.06. 10 - in memory of Pat Dunderdale By the time you read this I will have done The Race for Life. Your generosity has been amazin and at the time of writing I had received sponsors ip of over £1000. I would ike to thank everyone who has encouraged me in any way with my efforts, particularly those who have pledged money. It is a true testament to the high esteem that Pat was held in. Watch this space as next year I will be organising Team Bridge Benefice to take part so get in training now! Hopefully photos will be available soon on the parish website to prove I honestly did itllll Thank you all so much. Gail On The flail Could all contributors please note the next issue will be a combined August/ September one. May I please have all items for both months by Thursday 15th gluly. My emailaddress ie: |aurence.dunderda|e@ btinternetcom (or old fashioned handwritten is acceptable) 13 Christian Aid Week The total raised in the house—to-house collection throughout the Benefice this year was E1831.81, which when Gift Aid is added will amount to over £2000. Many thanks to all those who were involved in any way and to those who gave so generously. It was really great to have some new collectors to cover people who were unable to collect this year. Just {$16 will buy the materials needed to build five metres of new drainage in the slums of Kenya's capital Nairobi, which will revent sewage flooding into houses and will protect families from disease. This means that as a result of our collection, and of the other 20,000 churches in the UK, a lot of people in Kenya will have access to a shower and toilet for the very first time! For more information about how Christian Aid works in helping communities grow out of poverty, go to www.christianaid.co.uk Jean Barber Eish News The next Coffee Pop—In will be on Wednesday July 14th in Bridge Village Hall. The hall is being decorated in August so there will be no Coffee P0 «In that month. Could this be an opportunity to ask a couple of friends aroun instead? Thanks to your efforts at the May Bring and Buy over £400 was raised. We were saddened by the death of Jan Russell who was a volunteer driver for the Fish Scheme for many years- Kentish Gazette Community News Details of Bridge 6: Patrixbourne Village events are also published in the Kentish Gazette under Community News. If you would like to notify villagers of an event that has missed the dealine for On The Nail then please send details for publication to email: gazette@bridgevil|age.org.uk Or you can also contact Joan direct on 01227 830763. The press deadline is very early on Monday morning prior to the Thursday publication. 14 lflailboume Hofitieuliucal Sogieiy The SocieTy's Annual Summer Show will Take place on SaTurday 24 July in Bridge School Hall. The hall will be open from 8.00 am onwards on The morning of The Show for exhibiTors To sTage Their enTries, wiTh everyone clear of The hall by 11.00 am To allow judging To Take place. The Show -4- ‘ll Then open To The public aT 2.30 pm wiTh The presenTaTion of prizes aT jusT afTer half pasT Three. - RefreshmenTs wiTh homemade cakes will be available Throu houT The afTernoon and There will also be a raffle and bring and buy sTa| in aid of 5ocieTy funds. I would jusT like To remind you ThaT you do have To be a member of The SocieTy To exhibiT (oTher Than for The Open Class), buT iT is never Too laTe To join! We are hoping for a bigger and beTTer show This year. We look forward To seeing your success wiTh The geraniums you were given for The Chairman's Challenge, so don'T forgeT To enTer These and bring Them along. We also hope To see many more exhibiTs in The floral arT secfion This year afTer our inspiring Talk on flower arranging in May. And please do noT be hesiTanT abouT enTering. WiThouT enTries, There would be no show and, remember, There is always someone on hand happy To give you advice if you are noT sure. Show Schedules are available from KaThy Walder (830057), Pam Dobson (832369) or any oTher CornmiTTee Member and enTries musT be given To KaThy or Pam by no laTer Than Thursday 22 July. EXCEPT FOR THE GARDEN ENTRIES. As announced in The June edifion of The magazine, we have decided by way of an experimenT To bring The 'udging of The gardens forward This year To The firsT week of July. Tllerefore enTries for The following c|asses:PreTTiesT Small Garden, BesT KepT VegeTable Garden, MosT PicTuresque Garden musT be submiTTed (verbal conTacT will be sufficienT) by no laTer Than Wednesday 30 June To either KaThy or Pam. NoT only do we need exhibiTors buT we also need visiTors To The Show. Please make a noTe in your diary and come along To enjoy a colourful display of flowers, fruiT, vegeTab|es and handicrafT on 24Th July. Bridge wiTh Patrixbourne Women‘: InsTiTuTe The WI have Two evenTs organised for The monTh of July. FirsTly on Thursday 1 July, member Mrs Una SmiTh has kindly offered To hosT a fund—raising coffee morning aT her home, 2 Green CourT from 10.30 am. There will be a £2.50 admission char e To include home-made cakes and as much Tea or coffee as you can drink! T ere will be p|anT, cake and bric—a-brac sTalls and The chance To en joy whaT is now very much a p|an’rswoman's garden, someThin of a deparfure from whaT was The old docTor's surgery. We will be de|ighTe To welcome non—members as well as members aT This evenT. The regular monTh|y rneeTing will be on Tuesday 20 July aT 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall when Sue Scrivens, a mosT enTerTaining speaker, is reTurning To give a Talk on "Bees and Bee-keeping". In keeping wiTh This Theme, The monThly compeTiTion is an iTem made wiTh beeswax. 15 Veterinary Praetce As I am writing this it is pouring with rain and I know that most of us are hoping we will have some sunshine soon. Although we would all love to have a long hot summer, our pets probably don't feel the same way. Animals do not have as effective a cooling systems as humans and so are more prone to hyperthermia or heatstroke. If your pet's temperature reaches too high a level they can very quickl overheat and dehydrate. This can cause serious damage to their organs an cell systems and sadly in severe cases can be fatal. Some pets are more at risk than others and extra care should be taken with those that are overweight, elderly, have a heart condition, breathing problems or long and thick coats. When it is hot it is important to walk your dog in the cooler morning or evening rather than the heat of the day and don't over exert them. Always ensure they have access to shady cooler areas in and outdoors. Rabbit and Guinea Pig runs should be placed in the shade and their water should be checked regularly. Also never leave dogs in the car even with the windows open as they can be affected by the heat within minutes. Signs that your pet might be suffering from heatstroke include increased panting, excessive thick saliva, anxiousness and distress, dark gums, lethargy, inability to get up, vomiting, dizziness, collapse and loss of consciousness. Pets can recover from heatstroke if treated early enough, the key is early recognition and prompt action, but better still prevent it happening in the first p ace. If you are worried your pet may be suffering from heatstroke then please call Bourne Veterinary Practice immediately on 01227 832322. Come Dancing! Sat. 17"‘ July: 7.30-11.30pm CONRAD HALL Bishopsbourne CT4 SHT BBQ & Summer Dance Bar ~ Raffle Tickets £10: The Mermaid Inn tel: 01227 830581 (after 6pm) PROCEEDS TO THE CONRAD HALL 16 Please come and support a BARBECUE in aid of OPERATION SUNSHINE Enjoy award-winning local sausages, burgers, delicious desserts and a glass of wine or fruit juice 1 2 noon Saturday 10"‘ July at RENVILLE OAST, Bridge, CT4 5AD Tickets £7 (Children E3) Raffle OPERATION SUNSHINE is a Christian Charity based at Folkestone, supported by Churches all over Kent. Helped by individuals and groups, it sends containers of much needed clothing, food, toiletries, blankets, medical eduipment, tools, sewing machines and other necessities, to the poorest vi lages in Africa . Goods received are sorted, packed and stored at Operation Sunshine's headquarters in Capel-le-Ferne, awaiting shipment. For further details, you can contact Joan Hill on 01227-830215. DO COME AND SUPPORT 17 St Peter’s Church Bekesbourne in aid of church funds Bekesbourne Boot Fair Saturday 17 July 2010 8.00 am Pre-booked pitches £7 Phone 01227 831029 or 832134 sponsored by yprrp . o 1% ' ' essentlallyhops fie 6%"!-'sn0‘%$ 18 2- -V-.' :3" '- - " 2.";-' '_‘ ', J‘ 2: -' =l. V. .‘ 2: l A; I "W E‘ i ii .- -5-~ .1-:\ '31-: : .2 » 4-: _,u,:,;; ,a_ _; .5 g- 1,1.-l .-3:;-‘ _' ~_ 5 :_ .‘ :_ q:;‘- , _ l . .v. ,~ NAlLf>OU RNE l‘lORTlCU LTUKAL 5OCll:_TY Come along to our traoitional Summer 5l‘lOW at... bridge School, Conynglwm Lane Saturclag 2.‘H:l1 Julg ZOEO Show opens at Z:§OBm FI‘e5eI1tation ol Prizes at /\l:ternoon Tea anal Hornemacle <:al:i;::3oke I_ ;_;;_ __ I ' I 3 I "II _ ; images - Photo m__ station Web Design: Domain Names - - _ _ ‘_ . . 23-Esrew ja -;F’_R_-_lNTI -_c;;r e.Ia_t'ii v i t-y_ II n Idesigrz type web . orint hrltn rk Fotion Bishopsbourne CT4 SJA Classes & Treatments: — Ballroom, Belly Dancing, Body-Conditioning, French, Massage, Piano, Pilates, Salsa, Singing, Squash, Swimming (summer only), Tennis, Yoga Business Meetings & Training, Family Celebrations, Special Events Gubby Twigg 01227 831355 www.charlton-pa1'k.org *Man secial offers each mon'rh* BRIDGEWAY STORES @ INCORPORATING BFHDGE NEWS A *-°“D*S MEMBER NATIONAL LOTTERY *QFF LICENCE‘ "ViDEOS* DVDS* 8‘ INSTANTS RETAILER *BAKERY* *GROCER'ES* £2.50 per night Latest Tittes. *NEWSPAPERS~MAGAZiNES* CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PIES and SNACKS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY 7am until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 5pm SUNDAYS 8am until 6pm 2 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE, CAN'{ERBUFtY GT4 5Ls TEL: 01227 530323 Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration & Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Lime Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 for thelargestchoicecall 1‘hePrem:er Letting Agents _& = 2 70 Castie Street Canterbury — WWW.berrvscanterbL.irv.co.ui< 03/08 10/08 11/08 17/08 27/08 28/08 02/09 07/09 08/09 13/09 14/09 21/09 27/09 28/09 15.00 20.00 14.30 10.00 15.00 20.00 14.30 12.00 19.30 15.00 20.00 10.00 19.30 14.30 15.00 20.00 19.30 14.30 Dates for inclusion in Magazine Diary Holy Communion at New Close After 85 at 7 Windmill Close Holy Communion at Mansfield Court Fish Scheme -—- Coffee Pop In, Bridge Village Hall Holy Communion at Saxon Lodge After 8s at 7 Windmill Close Holy Communion at Highfield Bekesbourne Fete at The Unicorn Health & Healing at 7 Windmill Close Holy Communion at New Close After 8s at 7 Windmill Close Fish Scheme -— Coffee Pop in, Bridge Village Hall Caring & Sharing at 8a Conyngham Lane Holy Communion at Mansfield Court Holy Communion at Saxon Lodge After 85 at 7 Windmill Close Caring & Sharing Holy Communion at Highfield NEW CLOSE BRIDGE SUMMER FETE Sat 21*“ August 2 till 4 Cake Stall, Tombola, BBQ, Raffle Fete Games, Therapy Massage, Brick a Brac Teas, Coffee and Soft Drinks mmw.c_.E,u 3555 ma. 3 23¢: m.$..m~r£2. w:._§uEO EUmP >.:m_:_$. ®v_.._U_U << m._<... 6 Emsx aw m.._<< mm_.=_aE:I cocou L33 9:. ..6u_> Qt. .6u._> mi. 3 >t:_.¢. mm-mm .3 9:3 6 8_>._ow .€Euu_ §.§U:m mcnm mzomcufi :oE:EEou amen“, :o_::EEou mum ..unEut._um Hm-” ea #2 Eu ova Eu oma Ea oqo Eu 8.: Eu oom fin cam mvtcfi E m._<< L83 9:. 31x1.“ .3 £3 5 :o..::EEou 8-9 >:Ec.._ wucbzmm ma x._._:_.._._. .3 .2 gal F2 EU Om.m {mm cam. zotum w :m> «T9 .mH 93.. 6 $25528 use >_._Eum mu._u5:um NH >.r_:..._._. -9 .3 fix P2 Eu omd ENN can >m_:oE m cocou 8-? 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L85 9:. >m_:u<< m :88 3_._c_u << .25 m3 .3 9:3 6 :o_::EEou >_o_.._ co_::EEou mum +m.:9._u:m_ mcsm mu._>.6m .€Eau_ 3 >+_c_..._. N; .m EC. H FZ Eu omm Ea cow Eu omd Ea ems £3 cam L8_> 9:. .5u_> were Eooa .§_§ US... 9_.8_u E 932 3.5 a coccu o3 .9 §:._ uw coenesou mum cowczseou >__Ecu_ m§.§m_ Etafizw mzsw mu 325 2-3 A EF H #2 Eu com Em omm Ea 00¢ Ea om.m fwu cam Souk >,:m_:_<< $.56 5. ES 6 _.mm:v_ ; m._<< mm_.:.EE:I zocou 32> Qt. ._uu._> 9.? .6u_> 9:. 3 .EE.__._. 3K 4 .3 .$_:._ “® mu_>..mm >mEuu_ ._.m?§._unm mcnm m:om:m>m co.EnEEou >_._Eou_ co_§EEou mum ._un_EuEum Hm; Ea ”._.z E omm :3 cam, S 8.9 as 8.: ,5 8.m an :3 mm,._nuua ucgronmoxum ucgnonxrcam um_u._.._m mugugcx .639. c£.m:_xuuZ U ._uu> Enfimummm .“—Q £u.fiCE mi Em mmuwimm @530 mwvfim ESL 12 «Na 9'‘“9‘* 9% Rev Simon Rowlands gs _' °t+% The Vicar éf’ _ Bridge . " ' - Canterbury % CT4 5.12 b,.% WM Office: 01227 830250 9° 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.co.uk Www.bridgechurch.co.uk Travelling to a new or unexplored place is part of the joy of a summer holiday, whether your trip is to a beach in East Kent or a more distant holiday destination. In the travelling and engaging with people whilst on holiday, one not only learns some- thing of the place and people who are met on the journey but also something about ourselves in the process. Whilst Jesus undertook his itinerant ministry in Galilee and beyond the disciples who followed him were constantly challenged by Jesus as he sought to teach them through the engagement with the communities and people of different faiths and traditions who they met on their travels. On occasion the disci- ples would seek to find fault in the person Jesus was meeting only for the conversa- tion to be turned upon themselves by Jesus as he sought to find good in others and to open the minds and outlook of the disciples. That which we know and experience as culturally similar to that we are used to often makes us feel comfortable. When we move out of our comfort zones and engage with different experiences, individu- als can either learn by the experience or react against such change. Church communities like Jesus’ disciples are no different; change can be embraced or feared. Perhaps you have stopped attending church because you felt too much or too little change had occurred inside church. Perhaps you have wanted to join a church community but felt put off by the walking through the door of a church for the first time and not sure what to expect. Sunday 26”‘ September is national Back to Church Sunday. A time when church communities are challenged to seek to engage with those who have disconnected from the church or those who want to go to church for the first time but are uneasy in doing so. in the villages of Bridge, Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne, Nackington and Lower Hardres the five churches are hosting a special Back to Church Sunday Open Air Service at Bridge School on Sunday 26"‘ September at 11am followed by a picnic and children’s activities. This is an opportunity to meet members of local church communities in a non threatening atmosphere. if you were thinking of reconnecting with church or simply want a taste of what Christian worship is all about a warm wel- come is assured. Yours Simon 13 Your Parish Matters Baptism 11/07 Bridge Saffron Daisy Faith Haynes Marriage 19/O6 Bridge Timothy Joseph Matthews & Amy Elizabeth Hamill 26/O6 Patrixbourne David John Taplin & Lorna Vere Mallett Funeral 16/07 Bridge Geoffrey Philip Jarrett T_he Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutel necessary, but |eave_a message on the answer Ehone which will be respon ed to as _soon as possible. The Curate, Fiev Julia aldwin will also have her day off on Friday each week. Mi_d Week Communion has now started _on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This IS a short service (20 minutes) and I hope_this will rovide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for t emselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. Confirmation Confirmation preparation will start at the beginning_of September for a Confirma- tiori Service on 9 November 20_10. If you_ are interested in being confirmed please speak to the Vicar and email your details to vicaraoe@bridqechurch.co.uk . FOKC Bike Ride on September 11”‘. it is fun and exhausting; Do come! SERVICES During Au ust_ due to holiday com_mitments across the Benefice, there will be one Bene_ ice _amiiy Communion Service each week at a church in the Benefice (see Service Grid for details). Lower Hardres will have theirs on August 15"‘. After tea and coffee we invite everyone who would like, for a WALK — not long and then there will be _a picnic under the tree just outside the church wall. If you cannot get to the service — do come on the walk. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WORKS Bridge Graveyard - Garden of Remembrance The area _in Bridge Church Yard set aside for the_ burial of ashes is in need of some tidying. Over the last few years ravel chi pings have been intro_dL_iced around some gzrave stones which make t e care 0 _he.grave yard more difficult. The Vicar and hurch Wardens in the autumn are to insti ate works to_remove the gravel chippings introduce fresh_ topsoil and r_e—grass see the area to im rove the garden of remembrance _in addition_to weeding and a general tidy_up. t may be required to re‘-level existing memorial stone tablets bu their position will not be moved. If families are concerned with these proposed works in the first instance please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens. 14 MOBY 24 Hr Fast and Sleepover A couple of months ago, a small and very determined grou of young people from the M BY youth grou gably assisted by Ruth and Tony ashin ton and rn self) undertook a 24 hour as in order to raise funds for the Shelter ox for Haii Ap_- peal. The group ma_naged to go without food from lunchtime on the Saturday until after the family service on the Sunday, having slept over in St Peter's Church. would like to express m thanks to all of the young people who chose to go without food, and to_ all those yv 0 so kindly sponsored us and donated even more of their money to this worthwhile appeal. I would also like to apologise to Margaret who_got quite a shock when unlocking the church at 7.30am only to be met by a very tired looking, and very hungry group. With ift aid added back in, we will have raised in excess of £200 to put towards the third helter Box. Andy Beeching Fish News August and September 2010 The August_ Coffee P0 —In will happen after all on Wednesday 11th. The White Horse has kindly under aken to host us at 10 am as usual. The September _Pop—ln on the 8th will be back in B_ridge village hall with a repre- sentative from Hi Kent on hand to help with hearing aids. Naiibourne League of Friends of Canterbury Hospital We are plannin an Autumn lunch on Thursda October 14th at John Baker White Hall. More detai s later or call Elizabeth Stewar on 01227 830304. 15 FRIENDS OF KENT CHURCHES RIDE AND WALK SPONSORED RIDE AND WALK SATURDAY 11TH SEPTEBER 2010 10AM-6PM Riders, walkers (and runners), sponsors and welcomers will again be greatly appreciated for the above national event. The day doesn't have to be a mammoth undertaking—there are several Churches within fairly comfortable walking dis- tance of your own Church, possibly combined with a picnic or pub lunch, with a larger choice for cyclists. There is also a list of up to 12 Churches within Canterbury City boundaries (with a suggested sequence) which make a very interesting walk or ride. Apart from helping to save historic Kent Churches, the main purpose of the day is enjoyment for the participants. For more information about taking part, or if you can help by welcoming ridersl walkers at any Benefice Church, please contact: Bridge Derek Prior 833808 Patrixbourne Pauline Pritchard 830685 Bekesbourne Gill Gillanders 830894 Nackington Cilla Wright Lower Hardres Anne Nichols BBQ at Renville Oast MANY THANKS to all the friends from Church, Inner Wheel and Operation Sunshine, who su ported the barbecue on Saturday and helped to raise the won erful sum of £715 in aid of Opera- tion Sunshine, a charity helping the poorest people in Africa. A fantastic turnout of 86 peop e athered in the garden of Ren- ville Oast, to enjoy superbly coo ed local beefburgers and sau- sa es, and delicious desserts provided by a number of ladies. J oghn and Joan Hill thank everyone who helped erect the gazebos, set out the tables and chairs, and generally dashed around in the hot sunshine, to make sure everyone had an enjoyable time. Spe- cial thanks go to John and Alan, the chefs who cooked for 3 hours over a hot barbecue grill, on what must have been the hot- test day of the year! However, the end result was very reward- ing. Joan Hill 16 Betresbourne ltilini Fete and Earn Dance There wilt be some thing for the whote family at the fete wition is to be heid in the garden of the Unicorn puo Saturday 28th August 12%/ore. The vicar will open the fete at 12 noon and wilt then be out into the stocks toilowed by other wet! known locai oersonaiities. There wili also be a demonstration oi hand heii ringing at 32 O‘ciook. Circus acts, oaiioon modelling, face painting and magic tricks will be going on the whoie afternoon. interesting crait staiis, home made cakes, oiants and vegetables, and an ali ages tug oi war are pianned oius lots more chiidren‘s games and fun. There will also be a BBQ and a grand draw with iantastio prizes which wiii be drawn in the evening at the barn dance. Donations of botties and gifts for the tornboia would be very weicorne. “the fete will be toliowed in the evening with a Barn dance at Bekesbourne viiiage hall, Dancing to Shileiagh from 7.30 ~ t1.{)Opm. "there wiit he a licensed bar. "tickets oost: £5 each rnust and be purchased in ad- vance and are availabie from the Linioorn pub, Telephone 836210. Both events are to raise tunds for Bekesbourne Church and the viiiage halt fund. Norman Fowier Those in Bridge who knew him will have been rnissing cheery greetings from the iate Norman Fowier, veterinary surgeon and professional author, who died some months ago. He iii/ed with his wife Paula and two daughters, Jane and Mary at River House, one of the historic houses oi‘ Kent, ontii moving on bereavement to e smelter dweiiing, The Shambles, nearby. Born in Wood Green, North London, in i923, the son of a cierk to the London and North Eastern Railway, he entered the Navy at the age of 18 in 1942. His ships, H.M.S. lviarne, an M~oi.-ass destroyer and H.i\fi.S. Fat, a Rivenciass frigate, carried our escort service to convoys in the North Atlantic, the White Sea and the Mediterranean. His oroiound deafness in tater years was due to gunfire during the war. He qualified with honours from the Royal Veterinary Coilege in i951, then joining the practice of James Catell and George Peyton in Canterbury, where he developed its srnaii anirnai side and other aspects of the work. in 1968 he pobiished a text book on Beet and Dairy Management and Production. He retired from the Barton Veterinary Hospital in 1972 to travel the world, advising the intensive livestock industry (poeitry, pig and ruminant) on appointment to Cotborn Dawes. in sernin-retirernent he opened a small animal practice in Bridge, finaiiy retiring in his seventies. His energy and enthusi- asm during his working lite knew few bounds. A ‘fine obituary appeared in the Vet- erinary Record of 20th February 2010, o.244w45, front which the above has been taken. i am grateful to i\|orman’s daughter, it/irs Jane Ludlow oi Bridge, fro provid ing a oopy of the article. A.i\!i.S. 17 To raise funds for Bekesbourne Church and Village Hall Back 1'0 Church Sunday The five village churches of Bridge, Pafrixbourne, Bekesbourne, Lower Hardres and Nackingfon warmly invited you To a service of Celebration and Welcome on Sunday 26"‘ September @ 11am in Bridge School Grounds followed by a picnic and children's games Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC 73rod,occeSaJ,e/ Bridge Church Saturday 11th September 10 am—12 noon Come and join us for coffee and cake and a ‘bring and buy’ produce stall in the Churchyard. To make this event a success we welcome donations of home made jams and chutneys, cakes, home grown vegetables and plants for the garden. Please contact , Andrea Nicholson (830947), or Evelyn Andrews (830960), for further details $@@@%$§%@$$$$@9%%$@%-$®%G§%$§ NAILISOURNE HORTICU LTUKAL SOCIETY Growing anal usage in cooldng Talk B9 Mrs Monica Beale Thursdag :6*"5ePtcmbcr 2010 7:50pm bridge Village Hall Evergone is welcome @ @ 9 % $ @ 9 % @ Q 9 @ @ $ @ @ 9 @ % @ 6 6 @ 3 6 $ @ $ @ @ $ 9? % @ % % @ % 9 G % 9 $%®$%%@@%§%%@@$%.%9@%$@§%®@%$ INDlAN SUMMER EVENING Enjoy an evening eating Indian food, experiencing Indian culture and hearing about Christian Aid’s work in India. Saturday 11th September 6»-8.30 pm St Peter"s Methodist Hall, Canterbury £5 per ticket from Jean Barber 01227 831956 (ibarber@uk2..net) ALL AGES WELCOME! Wear a sari if you want! 22 Deanery Youth Day At Kingston Barn 2.30pn1—5.00p1n Calling children 5 years (yrl) To 11 years (yr6) Fun workshops —- Games G0(l’s O.T. Heroes —- Drama SATURDAY OCTOBER 16TH Contact 01304 812121 for more details and booking or local (':1llll'C1l 23 Naitbourrre Horticultural Society Thirty—one members went to The Orangery at Mystote on a perteot late June even- ing and, after a gentte stroll around this delightfui garden with its herbaceous bor~ der, walled garden and splendid views. relaxed and enjoyed tea and cakes on the terrace. This event was then followed by what we hope was a suooessfui Summer Show on 24th July in Bridge Schoot Halt. The next event on the catendar is, by popuiar request, a talk on "Herbs, Growing and Usage in Cooking" to be given by Mrs i\/tonica Beaie on Thursday 16 Septem- ber at the usoai time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Viilage Hail. As aiways we are pieased to welcome non-members to our events. Bridee with Patrixbourne Women's institute Following on from the success of the ootfee morning held at member Una Srnittfs horns at the beginning of July when the sum of £t"l0 was made, the W? are holding a "Cream Tea" afternoon on Wednesday 4 August from 3 to 5 pm at the home of Kathy Weider, "57 Union Road, Bridge. Admission is -221 to inctude a refreshing drink. Cream teas and other "goodies" wilt be available, as well as a raffle, brida- bras and produce stall. So, make a note and come atong to enjoy a "cuppa" and a reiaxed and cornpanionahle Chat in the garden on the afternoon of the 4th. The August monthty meeting wiii take the form of an outing to "The Pines" gardens at St Margaret's Bay on Tuesday ti? August. We will be meeting outside 26 West- ern Avenue at 11.39 am. We plan to picnic at St Margaret's prior to visiting the gar- dens so please bring a picnic lunch with you. After our visit there will be the oppor~ tunity to take afternoon tea at the cafe adjacent to the gardens. We hope that the weather will be kind to us for the above two events. Moving on to September, we have a talk on the "Lite or Japanese Women" by Mrs l Gould on tuesday 2t September at 7138 pro in Bridge Village Halt. The cornpeti~ tion, in keeping with the title of the tatk, is for a decorated tan. Bridge Villaae Fete Hardwork and gtorioos sunshine added to make the Bridge V itlage Fete a resound ing success this year. "the event raised more than £5,700 to be sptit between the School and Church. Both Simon Hopkins {PTA Chairman) and Simon Rowtands (Vicar) would tike to thank everyone who gave their time to ensure the day went so smoothly and to all those who came aiong and supported the event. 24 The Canterbury Christian Aid Committee is pleased to present a concert by the popular and superbly talented ensemble The Galliard Trio Andrew Morris Flute and piccolo Martin White Oboe and cor anglais Alec Forshaw Piano and bassoon St Peter’s Methodist Church, Canterbury Saturday 2nd October 2010 at 7:30 pm The concert will feature chamber music by Telemann, Haydn, Grieg, Shostakovich and Rachmaninov Members of the group will talk about the pieces Programmes £10 (Students £5) from B. Golding 01227 470151 or by post to 41 Hillside Ave, Canterbury, CT2 7BE or email babs@squ.irrels.pius.com Please make cheques payable to Christian Aid There will be an interval with refreshments 25 ART IN BRIDGE The 10"" Annual Art Exhibition 2010 Invitation to Exhibit The annual Art Exhibition will take place Saturday 2 nd and Sunday 3 rd October 2010. Anyone living/studying in Bridge or a rural Parish within 5 miles, is invited to submit up to 3 exhibits including sculptures and craftwork. All abilities are welcome. Children and young persons are especially encouraged to exhibit. Visitors will be in- vited to nominate their favourite exhibit and the exhibits with the most votes will be announced after the close of the Exhibition. Further information is available from the website www.artinbridqe.orq.uk Exhibitors entry forms are available either from the website or in September from Sturrock & Co, Estate Agents, High Street, Bridge. John Corfield 01227 830976 Royal British Legion, Littlebourne 8. fiisttict Anyone interested in joining the Branch can ring the secretary on (31227 472023 for information. Our next two meetings are at the Recreation Ciub, Littieboume at 8pm on Tues, 10 Aug and ‘£4 Sepn. MTTLEBGURNE 8: UESTRECT ROYAL B§?l"i"iSH LEGION “?ii‘iEET THE LEGION" COFFEE MORNING {in aid of the Poppy appeal) Saturday, dint September 2010 » 10 am War iviemoriai Hall Lounge, Littlebourne Ivieei‘ the Royal British Legion over a coffee” Large Raine, Various Staiis (cakes, produce etc) Contributions weioome (but no biic a brac) 26 Veterinary Frisctime NOTES FROM BOURNE VETERINARY PRACTICE Due to the warm weather we have been seeing a surprising amount of ticks on dogs recently. The most commonly seen in the UK are the lxodes Species. These are small, light grey ticks which only feed on animals for a few days each year. Most of the ticks lifestyle is spent in areas of long grassland and moorland and they can go long periods without feeding. They wait in grass and on low hanging wood- land branches to attach to animals as they brush past. Once they have found a host they feed on the blood. The males feed little and often while the females attach and can increase in size by over 100 times to the size of a pea and can be attached for up to 14 days. Ticks are fairly obvious once they are attached to your dog, especially as they be- come engorged and they are most commonly seen on the armpits, groin, face and ears. Ticks normally have 2 distinct feeding seasons in spring and early autumn but the recent very warm weather has seen them continuing to feed through the summer. Usually clogs only have 1 or 2 ticks but heavy infestations can occur. Apart from being very unsightly, ticks can cause other problems. Usually they do not irritate the dog but occasionally the skin may become inflamed due to an aller- gic reaction. The commonest problem we see is when ticks have been incorrectly removed. Ticks feed using a hypostome, which has backward pointing barbs, so it is easy to leave some mouthparts embedded in the skin and this can cause irritation and in- fection. Heavy infestations of ticks can cause anaemia and ticks can also transmit diseases such as Lyme disease. This is not seen here but does occur in the West Country and we have seen it in 1 or 2 dogs when they return from holidays in that area. Lyme disease can cause serious illness of the nervous system, joints and heart and symptoms include fever and arthritis in several joints If you see a tick on your pet you should use a specific Tick remover to safely re- move the mouthparts. These are available from your vets and come with easy to use instructions, but if you do not feel confident about this we are more than happy to remove them for you, just call us on 01227 832322 to arrange an appointment. Alternatively, you can prevent ticks attaching in the first place as some of the spot- on flea treatments available also work against ticks and we would recommend us- ing one of these treatments before taking your dog on holiday to the West Country or abroad to reduce the risk of contracting Lyme's disease. 27 Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevil|age.org.uk Notes from Bridqe Parish Council meeting 8"‘. July 2010 Village Green Public Inquiry —— The Public Inquiry would commence on Monday 6”‘ September at 10.00am in the Guildhall, Canterbury. It was scheduled to last up to 5 days. The parish council would provide a statement opposing the application. Outdoor exercise equipment — There had been many favourable comments about the new outdoor exercise equipment. It was agreed to ask Amanda Sparkes to inau- gurate the equipment, which had been partly funded by a grant from CCC. Replacement bench — A replacement bench had been installed at the junction of Beech Hill and Bridge Hill. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin for their help in this. A claim had been lodged with the insurance company. Vandalism of the pavilion - There had been further acts of vandalism and parts of the new guttering had again been pulled down. The police had been informed and our PCSO had visited the site and taken statements. Children had been reported climbing from the roof of the sand bag store onto the pavilion roof. It was agreed to buy anti climb paint, as recommended by the police, and to put up warning notices. Details of the community policing number would be put on the village website so that residents could report vandalism direct to the police when it was witnessed. 2009-10 Parish Accounts — Councillors noted that the Audit Commission had com- pleted the audit of the parish accounts without qualification. Cllr Edmonds thanked the Clerk for her work on the parish finances Amendment to Financial Regulations — it was agreed to amend the Financial Regu- lations to allow the Clerk to spend up to £300 between parish council meetings with the prior permission of the Chairman or Vice Chairman and one other councillor. Recreation qround maintenance — Cllr Gulvin had met with the present contractor to discuss how best to improve the quality of the some areas of the recreation ground grass. It was agreed to accept the quotations for herbicide treatment and scarifying supplied by Saunders House Landscapes. Work would begin in September after the schoolhofidays. Affordable Housinq —- The parish council, as an interested party, had received a file of the papers submitted by Mrs Emily Shirley, who was seeking a judicial review of the decision to grant planning permission for the affordable housing scheme. Notes from Bridge Planning Committee The Planninq Committee members aqreed that they had no obiection to the following application; CA/10/00915/FUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA First floor extension to side & single storey extension to front of dwelling. There will be no meeting of Bridge Parish Council in August. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9”‘. September 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee will meet prior to the Council Meeting at 7.15pm All Bridge residents are welcome to attend these meet- ings. 28 WHITTEN SPENCER LIMITED Chartered Accountants 29 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5]Z T 01227 831076 F 01227 831991 E info@whittenspencer.co.ul< W www.whittenspencer.co.ul< Frank Whitten, FCA and Tim Spencer, BSC, ACA, CTA. Professional friendly service offered for your accountancy needs including preparation of accounts, VAT, payroll, C office hours: 9.15 — 12.45, afternoons by appointment. MEALS. Z ” ' Z l H 3 Wilzshire Famn foods .) ‘.1 .. Ft’/§E3z‘U‘1 GEL‘? - £3 .95 elicioug -dishes a.néi desserts 5 ' Suitabfleiféralargerange of - special diets"- _:._. . T I Frozen from fresh to capture: _. the goodness _I_ ' Can" he cocked in_minutes' .35 ? _ Q using an oven otmicrowave :33 Q ; l. 3 3 _, 7 . ' .2. § Tn sfiaarp aniine visit: - WEE 1:sroa:§*ss.i;«a saliz. _ De.i'.‘f‘e‘edJ’?§'Y"ih ‘me bl’. ..._ ;'. wwwwil't5hirefarmfoods.com ' 0122? 7?4 999 V?“-reg” ail; 5*"? Conn Lodge Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast Comfortable accommodation in the beautiful village of Bishcpsboume. For further details contact:. Jenny Coop 91227 832242 35 S, book-keeping and tax planning. Personal tax returns completed and filed online by a Chartered Accountant. Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Curate: Rev. Julia Baldwin Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Patrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritohard, 2 St Mary's Rd, Patrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PCC Secretary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down, Bridge PCC'Treasurer Mr C Medhurst, 1 Park View Bridge (830762) Gift Aid Officer Mrs E Mitton, Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge (832954) Organist (Patrixbourne) Mr J Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens Mrs J Gillanders, Cala, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyard. 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Secretary Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Oakleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Organist A MrJ Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) Captain of the Ringers Mrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On The Nail Advertising-: Mrs E Andrews, The Puriins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) Items for On The Nail should reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month. 36 e bour "" £3 (/ / atFix5 rl ark E” ' 3 .\- " ’ " K .; 73° , mm , ,__A :2»? ' -as .-:3‘ :3 as 1 / w .’‘> r‘; -, I :5 A A (3 P: A magazine for the villages along the Nailbourne October 2010 40p Allison Builders New Builds Extensions ICIIARI) ALIJER. CARPENTER BUILDER Conversions Tel: 01227 831 410 All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY VINEYARD Contact details: V‘ , Breach, Barham, Kent Mob. 07813848555 01227 831266 Home: 01304 814331 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine Tea Shop open for Cream Teas and light lunches Plant Centre e-mail. Richardwalder83@yahoo.co.uk Tuesday to Friday 10-30 am to 4-00 pm Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year Graphic fleskgiu; Logos -' Desigt‘: " Brewing: - Bespoke images - Photo rnaniputation We-h De-sign: Domain Names 5'5.’ - Hosting - Page makerup ~ Eecommerce - Data _ o 4 Search "engines Priming: Dig‘ I ' D E 5 "I G N 3‘ P R I N T (Tong rmi).-Letterheads - Private_ .24: . - Brl:uc|1u_r<-as - Business cards -__ F’ost'ers' -. Leaflets - Wedd‘mg- :_ti__ _ ' ‘L =1 Ft‘ Nlcnus - Mail -outs - invites - Christmas cards _. th e lo a at c o m m u n : t y - Cjaiendars -tilrder at §E.‘l"Vi(‘.P. sheets - NCR . 84 CGi’\I¥FlUOU'5 stationery '- Certificates — — ' " ' Invoices Wide Format _ d t I V 1 t y E Printing: Exhibition : .- A - ., -, W -; -, h —, ' H Boards - "Large Posters ' ' " "’ ' P ' ' ti ' Cr“ ' Pins: Powerpoint ¥7rese|1‘Ea_t'ir‘§iis' 3 and int) ,: : __ ww Charlton Park Foundation Bishopsbourne CT4 5.] A Classes & Treatments: — Ballroom, Belly Dancing, [3od_,v-Conclitioning, French, Massage, Piano, Pilates, Salsa, Singing, Squash, Swimming (summer only), Tennis, Yoga Business Meetings & Training, Family Celebrations, Special Events Gubby Twigg 01227 831355 www.charlton-pal-k.org ‘Man 5 ecial offers each rnonth* . ‘ BFIIDGEWAY STORES I £3, INCOFIPORATING BRIDGE NEWS A I-°ND'3 MEMBER mmomu. LOTTERY *OFF LICENCE’ *V|DEOS* DVDS" & |NSTAN"f3 RE1-A“_ER ‘BAKERY’ "GR0CEF“E5* £2.50 per night Latest Titles. *NEWSPAPERS~MAGAZlNES’ CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PIES and SNACKS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MON DAY TO SATURDAY 7am until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 8pm SUNDAYS 8am until 8pm 2 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE, _ CANTERBURY, GT4 5LS TEL 0‘ 227 330323 Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration & Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Lime Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) E Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 for the largest choice call EEF'-IF-'-IVS CA NT E R BURY LT D the Premier Letting Agents 70 Castle Street Canterbury — www.berrvscanterbun/.c0.ul< mmwmdau B555 Hmfl B wfimm flflmfida wE..=mUEO t.u>v< E3... >.:,mE_<< 0.._o%un_ wmumm dm 9:3 6 6 33 A 9:2 .Eu_> 9? ._3.m> Qt. Eu: > >m~_ ._ou_> 2? _§.§m em vcukfl wu_>._m.m >_._Ecu_ +mr6;u:m mzam m.§§,m _._o_c:EEou >__Ecu_ zeczéeou mum ._un_Em>oZ _m-§ mug... N #2 Eu omm Ea omzm Em coo Eu 00.3 Eu 8.m ‘L .3 ._8_> 2.? L8..> 9:. Eu>.u< m,E_cm =< :oE:EEou ugoufin oz .3 9:3 ..w we 3_>.$w >255 murfizmm .326 fie .39: N #2 ca 03 ea oma in 5w Eomk ..C+mE_<< mu_>,_mw >255. Eu 8.: 5.3 .¢ 93... “w 2: ._8._> 3:. .au_> 2:. .3 .9 sea #2 2592 8225.8 mum E._E2m mgm .§.§m ~35 9.9mm .3 3 #0 Eu 8.: Ea cow :8 omm £3 cam Ecmc. ?_+m_E<< w-fi .3 9:3 ._® L85 9:. ._3_> mfi. >u_:o2 mu cocuu mu_>.6m m.¢ :oE_...EEoU >_oI :o._::EEou mom +m._.._urB:m 9.3 >=Eunm +mu>L.oI om .C.E_.._._. -E.m EC. N ”._.Z Eu ova Eu com Eu 9% Eu onm £3 cam .Eu_> 3:, Eooa Ea: Lcu_> 2:. was :o_::EEou .3u._> 9? $5 a cocou 3-2 .5 mv_a.._ 6 EOEJEEOU aum >:Euu_ %mm>.EI m:omcm>m +m_,._ac_u:w 9% ma >tE..._. mg .w 2:. N #2 Eu com Eu omd Ea 8.0 Eu 03 £0“ Em Eamfi. >.:m_::2 mu _wm3. n_ 25.. ..c2> SF ugimm Swim: gt; ._8_> 2:. ...m_..fi,§: cocoa 82> U_..Cr 3.. >t:_.._.r ofm .5 9:3 6 >:Ecu_ tmiol pmtosusm mcnm m.._omcm>m :o__.SEEou $2.... :oE:EEou aum gunoeuo T: A 2:. m #2 Eu ohm Ea com Ea coo Eu 8.: Eu cow Em can mmczuowa ucgaonmoxum w:.5onx_.z.c..._ um_u_.._m uu..fi.3I ._u.so._ coficiucz U gum.» 39.950 «O 5495 OH: How mmurfium 10 Dates tor your diary—October 05/10 15.00 Holy Communion at New Close 20.00 After 8s at 7 Windmill Close 07/10 19.30 Health & Healing at 7 Windmill Close 11/10 19.30 Caring & Sharing 12/10 14.30 Holy Communion at Mansfield Court 19.30 Lower Hardres and Nackington PCC at John Baker White Hall 13/10 10.00 Fish Scheme — Coffee Pop—ln Bridge Village Hall 19.30 Bekesbourne PCC at 10 de Havillands 14/10 19.30 Bridge & Patrixbourne PCC at Bridge Church 19/10 15.00 Holy Communion at Saxon Lodge 20.00 After 8s at 7 Windmill Close 25/10 19.30 Caring & Sharing 26/10 14.30 Holy Communion at Highfield Now open GROWN The Vineyard Plant Centre Elham Valley Vineyard, Barham, CT4 6LN Open 7 days a week A wide range of plants, garden sundries, bird food, and logs. Staff on hand to answer gardening queries that you may have. We are also able to offer Garden and Ground Maintenance Services. The aim of our plant centre is to create opportunities for adults with learning difficulties Why not visit our Tea Shop and take a look at the art and crafts availa- ‘$5 ,B,-me we _ Flev Simon Ftowlands ©,~2~s‘° b"*éc),,¢ The Vicar 5* _ ;- Bridge e W Canterbury 1/’\ CT4 5.12 i “-K . \\§\ “aft. Office: 01227 830250 %eB,,dgew.e<~°“ 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.co.uk Www.bridgechurch.co.uk This spring and summer as l have walked through the fields around our villages, _l have seen lambs and calves being nursed by their mothers; lavender, hops, wheat, oilseed, soft fruit and all manner of other produce being grown and now harvested. These. animals and crops live and grow alongside the natural wor|d’s continuing cycle of evolution. But- terflies, moths, rabbits, spiders and all manner of flora and fauna share the environment with us. So often that which is so close and near we take for granted. In today's world of plenty where any food is available at any time of the season from many parts of the world we can so easily become disconnected from cycle of life. But as we come towards the end of our lands natural growing cycle and feel the first autumn chill in the early evening air, with crops harvested and evenings closing in; we have an opportunity to give thanks for God’s creation as we celebrate harvest festival. It is a time to stop and appreciate how much we have; I smiled as I heard a visiting Afri- can Bishop staying with a friend in Canterbury explain how he struggled to comprehend the vast array of bread available in a local Canterbury supermarket! When he saw my amusement he challenged me by saying in his country when his congregation prayed the Lord's Prayer they did it with real meaning, implying that we as a church did not. When I questioned him slightly irked by his statement he looked at me thoughtfully and said "we really have to pray for our daily bread because we may not receive it and you ....... Only when something is taken away from you do you really appreciate what you have. Let us as a community gather together this harvest festival to give thanks for creation, farmers and the great amount of food and other plenty which we have. in thanksgiving we should take time to appreciate the world around us on which we are all reliant and interde- pendent Yours Simon 12 Bridge Group of churches includes the Churches of Bekesbourne, Patrixbourne, Bridge, Lower Hardres and Nackington. *the church at Bekesbourne is normally kept locked but a key can be borrowed from Essentially Hops in Chalkpit Farm during shop hours. Your Parish Matters Baptism 01/08 Bridge Ashley James Grant 29/08 Bridge Abigail Mary—Jean Andrews Marriage 17/07 Lower Hardres Christopher Raymond Dash & Louise Sarah Pomeroy 31/07 Bekesbourne Paul Andrew Rogers & Jenny Naomi Webb 7/08 Bekesbourne Andrew John Benzies & Rebecca Joan Shepherd Bekesbourne James Kenneth Gee & Natalie Jane Kirk Hamlin Funeral 30/07 Nackington Heather Joan Hughes The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to dis- turb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. The Curate, Rev Julia Baldwin will also have her day off on Friday each week. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportuni- ty for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WORKS Bridge Graveyard - Garden of Remembrance The area in Bridge Church Yard set aside for the burial of ashes is in need of some tidying. Over the last few years gravel chippings have been introduced around some grave stones which make the care of the grave yard more difficult. The Vicar and Church Wardens in the autumn are to instigate works to remove the gravel chippings introduce fresh topsoil and re -grass seed the area to improve the garden of remembrance in addition to weeding and a general tidy up. It may be required to re-level existing memorial stone tablets but their posi- tion will not be moved. it families are concerned with these proposed works in the first in- stance please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens. 13 ‘Church Mice‘ - a new group for preschool children (ages 0-5) and their parents or carers - action songs, bible story, play with lots of fun - tea/coffee for the adults. Suggested donation of 50p a family - we will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month in Bridge Church from 2pm- 3pm starting in October until Christmas (5/10 - 2/11 - 7/12) dates to be confirmed thereafter. LOWER HARDRES Our next Family Service is our Harvest Thanksgiving on 17”‘ October, when lots of things are happening. Do come and bring a little GIFT FOR AGE CONCERN, please! Last year all the gifts were greatly appreciated. On Saturday morning the children (with help!) will decorate the church! Any offers of greenery, flowers, fruit and vegetables are very welcome. Choir Practice will be at 10.15am on Saturday 16”" but during the morning I hope many children will enter our Harvest Competition between 9.30-11.00am. There will be 2 Categories: 1. An animal made from vegetables; real or prehistoric! 2. Artwork, picture, collage or photograph concerned with Harvest. 50p per entry — name and age please. Dont forget! Age — between 2-8 and over 8 — and on, and on! Winners will be announced at the Harvest Service. This will be a VERY BUSY morning! DEANERY YOUTH DAY At Kingston Barn Saturday 16"‘ October 2.30pm — 5pm Children aged 5 years (Yr 1) to 11 years (Yr 6) FUN WORKSHOPS GAMES GOD'S OT HEROES DRAMA If you are interested in coming please contact Lower Hardres Margaret 765598/Bev Latham 830365 Bekesbourne Pat Kusel 830272 Bridge Ruth Washington 831156 14 tel 853'] 1515 / mob 07847125412 or Jenny tel: 463121 mob 07788 527351 MOEEY is the Hr'ir.:lge Eleneiine Youth Gl‘Ol,!|'7 for Y7-8:: — Aiming to eupport Young People in their Christian Faith . and have fun! 2?‘ AUTUMN PROGRAMME 201 0 Meetings Tuesdays 7 - 8:30pm Sept 7'“ Village Hall — Games Night Sept 21“ Energize — 58 Western Avenue Oct 5“ Village Hall — l'rn a Celebrity Games Oct 19"‘ Energize — Methodist Hall Patrixb’ Fld Nov 2"" Village Hall — Games Night Nov '1 6"‘ Energize - venue tba Dec 7"‘ TRIP DUT Dec 21“ Carol Singing — all ages weloomel Extras: *Dct 8”“ — 10*” The first ever MOBY Weekend Away at Kench Hiil — YBs BOOK by SEPT 28th! Ertra spaces open to Y7s after that Sat Oct 1 6”‘ 6 — 8 pm Deanery Youth Event led by MOBY — DYNAMD! Kingston Barn — booking needed — forms aver’/ab/e now. *30"‘ Nov REPS Meeting 7:00 — 8:30pm CAFIWASH - To raise funds for MOBY and DEC Flood Appeal — some time in November ~ the Spring 2011 - Bridge has Talent — start preparing your act NOW! Get together with your mates and show us your best! Any questions? Contact Ruth 8. Tony Leaders: contact Fllitii tel 831 156 / n1oblJ7El47 125412 " nr Tony mob 07827 926813 Andy tel 88 ‘l 027 / mob 07827 945733. ‘E? Fv'll,3HY?? is the Hrsrigu Hrmelsee Yon,-ti: f}3."oiin for YE! » ’l.'%s,: .£\imang to support Young People in Ll":-air Christian Faith. and have fun! AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2010 Meetings 7:30 — 9:00pm ‘Homegroup’ evenings this term will be: 6"” formers Bible Study group [venue the} YEL1 0&1 '1 s Homegroup [58 Western Avenue] Sept 14”‘ Homegroup / Bible Study Sept 28"‘ l-lomegroup/ Bible Study Oct 1 2'" Ohiilout & Prep for OYNAMO Oct 25'" No meeting - Half Term Nov 9“ Confirmation Service Bridge Church Nov 23'“ Hornegroup / Bibie Study Dec 14" Homegroup / Bible Study Dec 21”‘ Carol Singing — followed by MOBYE Secret Santa Swap Extravaganza! Extras: *Oct 8"‘ — 1 0”‘ The first ever MOBY Weekend Away at Kenoh Hill ~ BOOK by SEPT 28th!!l! Sat Oct 1 6” Deanery Youth Event led by MOBY — DYNAMOl 6 ~ 8 pm Kingston Barn l’9s - booking needed — forms ave/Yab/e now. Helpers needed in afternoon & leaders evening. 30"” Nov REPS Meeting 7:00 — 8:30pm CARWASH — To raise funds for MOBY and DEC Flood Appeal —— some time in November — tba Spring 201 1 —- Bridge has Talent — start preparing your act NOW! 15 The Friends of St Mary’s Patrixbourne Just over a year ago, the Stained Glass Studios at the Cathedral commenced work to repair and conserve the renowned Swiss Glass panels at St Mary’s Church Patrixbourne. The Chancel windows have now been returned and work has recent- ly started on the panels in the South window. The final bill for this project is ex- pected to be in the region of £30,000, but thankfully most of this sum has been raised from donations, grants and fundraising events. We hope that the work should be completed by the end of this year. During the course of the work on the Chancel windows large cracks were seen in the Norman wheel window in the apex of the Chancel Wall. Closer inspection from a scaffold tower revealed serious structural damage, with cracks in the stonework and damage to the glass. Urgent repairs on this window are needed to prevent further damage, as it is unlikely to survive another winter like the last one. We also need to carry out repairs to the roof and to the ceiling in the nave. This new work is estimated to cost in the region of £100,000. The Church is apply- ing for grants to carry out the work, but to assist us with the funding of these repairs we need to set up a ‘Friends of St Mary’s Patrixbourne' scheme, so together we can care for this ancient and beautiful building. The aim of the Friends scheme is to raise money to help look after the fabric of the church. The Friends of St Mary’s is being launched on the 3'” October, with an afternoon of music and a talk by Mary Berg on the history of the church. If you think you might be interested in becoming a Friend of St Mary’s please come to this event, or for further information please contact the Churchwardens, Andrea Nicholson or Pauline Pritchard, or e-mail FOSM @patrix.fsnet.co.uk Please help us to look after St Mary’s Patrixbourne so that future generations can enjoy it as our forefathers have done. The Red Lion, Bridge Rene & Harry Welcome you to live music each Sunday evening 16 Bridge History Society Our meting this month takes place in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Thursday 21 October. Dr Frank Andrews will give a talk on recent discoveries concerning Rich- borough Castle — the first site occupied by the Romans and their final point of de- parture. This makes them the longest occupied Roman remains in England. All are welcome. Members £3, non-members £4, including refreshments. Fish News The October Coffee Pop-In will be on Wednesday 13th from 10 to 11.15am and the Annual General Meeting will be at the November Pop-ln. Everyone is invited. L’Arche Christmas Puddings The excellent puddings made by the Ultimate Food Company and sold in aid of L’Arche homes for the disabled can be ordered from Anne Flooke on 830298. The prices are held again at £9 for a 2lb pudding and £5 for the 1|b.44 Friends of Kent Churches Sponsored Ride and Stride Sincere thanks to all the involved themselves in the above on Saturday 11th Sep- tember, to all cyclists and walkers, to those who kindly welcomed visitors to our Churches (68 at Bridge) and to all who generously pledged sponsorship. Totals not to hand at time of going to press, but will be in next issue. Many thanks. Caring and Sharing The group now meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month—27th September Coffee and Chat, 11th October talk on ‘First Aid Nursing Yeomanry’. Please phone Peggy Pryer on 832058 for further details and to confirm meeting venues for these meetings. Trees for Autumn Planting Young ash saplings and hazel nut trees available, plus seedlings about a foot or more high of different trees. Please ring 831810 if interested. Small donation to the Church and/or the Kent Wildlife Trust, in return. A.M.S. 17 You are warm/y in V/fed to (flame anti éing ifliarule’ at 57‘ Fe fer '5', Bridge on Sunday, December 19”’ and, more particularly, to join us in the Bridge Choir, which will be specially aug- mented as usual for the occasion of the Carol Service! As in previous years, the choir will be supporting the congregation-al singing, and also adding another dimension to the familiar Christmas Readings with a varied, but not unfamiliar selection of short carols of their own. The present intention is to per- form How Brightly Beams the Morning Star (Nicolai [?], arr. Bach), Out of Your Sleep (Richard Rodney Bennett), The Song of the Nuns of Chester (Rose), 0 Joy- ful, Holy Day (Fuchs), Il est Ne’, Ie Divin Enfant (French trad., arr. Miles) and The Coventry Carol (English trad., arr. Shaw). We are looking for all voices (SATB) from all age groups, and hope to welcome back many old friends as well as gain a few new enthusiasts. Some experience and/or ability to read music is necessary for the harmony parts, but not vital for the top line. We will again keep rehearsals to a minimum, but for that reason it is crucial that most people can make both the main rehearsals as well as the Sunday! The re- hearsals will almost certainly be held in Bridge Church as follows: Wednesday, December 15”‘ 7—8.30 p.m. Thursday, December 16”‘ 7—8.3O p.m. Sunday, December 19"" 4—5.3O p.m. Music will be available in advance and for private study! If you are able to join us, please let me know as soon as possible on Canterbury 787994. I can then assess balance and the viability of the programme! With thanks & best wishes Martin Miles 18 The Canterbury Christian Aid Committee is pleased to present a concert by the popular and superbly talented ensemble The Galliard Trio Andrew Morris Flute and piccolo Martin White Oboe and cor anglais Alec Forshaw Piano and bassoon St Peter’s Methodist Church, Canterbury Saturday 2nd October 2010 at 7:30 pm The concert will feature chamber music by Telemann, Haydn, Grieg, Shostakovich and Rachmaninov Members of the group will talk about the pieces Programmes £10 (Students £5) from B. Goldin g 01227 470151 or by post to 41 Hillside Ave, Canterbury, CT2 7BE or email babs@sguirrels.plus.com Please make cheques payable to Christian Aid There will be an interval with refreshments 19 Tatrixfiourrie witfi Bridge TCC Invites you to An af’rer'noon of music and a tciffi fly Mary Berg 0rL tfie History of tfie Cfiurcfi to foiuricfi ‘Tfie frierwfs of St .Ma,ry’s ?oLtrix6ourrLe’ On Sunday 3rc[Octo6er 2010 at gprn, at tfie Cfiurcfi Refresfirnerits wifffle servec[cm0f}oarE— ing is cwaifafife on tfie Recreation ground; Ofofflmface Road R.S.V.P. 01227 830947 or e-mail FOSM@pa’rrix.fsneT.co.uk 20 This message is for all customers of Bridgeway Stores. The main shop will be closed for a major refurbishment from Monday 18th October til! Thursday 28th Octo~ ber 2010. The shop will re-open on Friday 29th October 2010. We will operate a smali supply of necessities such as bread, milk, newspapers and small grocery needs from the back of the shop for the closed period. We would like to thank eve- rybody for their cooperation in understanding for the closure which is out of our hands due to Health and Safety reasons. Thank you for your understanding. Mr R S Dhaliwal and staff, Bridgeway Stores The viilage is also grateful to Bridgeway Stores for supporting the recent flooding in Pakistan by providing a collection ‘pot’. This is in addition to the usuat local chari- ties supported by the store. A Funng Thing iiappened atthe Show An entertaining talk 55 Mr Denis \/icicers oi: Woodrwesborough % (E9 Thursdag 28% October 20 l 0 7:50pm, bridge Village Haii l'iOl1 TT‘lClTli3€I'5 WCICOITIC 35 aiwags NAILBOUFINE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY There has been a change to the programme for October and we now have Mr Den- is Vickers of Woodnesborough coming to entertain us with what promises to be an amusing talk entitled "A Funny Thing Happened at the Show". This will be held in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Thursday 28 October and as always we are pleased to welcome non-members at our events. BRIDGE WITH PATRIXBOURNE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The October meeting will be held on Tuesday 19 October at the usuai time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Our speaker this month is Helen Allinson who wiil be giv- ing a talk on "Life in a Victorian Workhouse". The competition this month, in keep- ing with the theme of the talk, is "A Toy from Your Past". The League of Friends of the Kent and Canterbury Hospital Nailbourne Group Have pleasure in inviting you to another superbly delicious CHARITY LUNCH Thursday 14th October 2010 12.30pm John Baker White Memorial Hall Lower Hardres To raise funds for the newly—refurbished ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENT Two courses plus wine or soft drinks £10.00 Raffle For information and tickets ‘phone 01227 830344 or 830204 22 EAST KENT MAMMOGRAPHY BREAST CANCER APPEAL In view of my previous professional experience and being Chairman of the League of Friends, I was invited to attend a meeting about Breast Cancer Mammography at the Kent & Canterbury Hospital. The facts about breast cancer are quite stark:- One in nine women will get breast cancer at some stage in their life (One in a hun- dred men). It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK. it is increasingly common with age, particularly in women over the age of 45. Over 12,000 women die of Breast cancer in the UK every year. The rate has increased dramatically over the past 30 years (epidemic proportions). Over 300 women a month are seen at one of the East Kent Trust hospitals after be- ing referred for an urgent appointment by their GP — almost all will have a diagnostic mammogram. However there is a positive side — more women than ever in the UK are surviving breast cancer thanks to better awareness, better screening and equipment and bet- ter treatment. I know this is applicable to many living in Bridge and the surrounding villages. The East Kent Breast Cancer Mammography Appeal hopes to raise £1.2mi|lion within three years to buy a digital mammography machine for each of the three main hospitals in East Kent at Ashford, Canterbury and Margate. Each machine will cost in the region of £370,000. Digital machines speed up the process of diagnosis with clearer imagery and faster communications. More women can be seen and individu- al consultations are so much quicker — all better for the patient. The League of Friends ‘Kick Started ‘the Appeal by donating £50,000 towards the machine at the Kent & Canterbury Hospital. So what can the rest of us do? How about having a coffee morning, strawberry tea, bring & buy or undertake a spon- sored event? From little acorns big oak trees grow and because we cannot do eve- rything it does not mean we should do nothing. Perhaps occasionally we should look at local needs, our family and friends and the community around us. Would you like to know more? I can give a Power Point presentation which is available to groups. If you wish to donate to the appeal you can, and if you so wish, specify to which of the three hospitals you want your money to go. Some useful contact num- bers are:— Appeal web site www.ekhuft.nhs.uk/appeal Tel. number 01227 866405 Email fundraisincI@ekht.nhs.uk If you would like to help or think I can be of help to you then ring 01227 830224 Stuart Field Retired Consultant Radiologist and former Director of Kent Breast Screening Ser- vice. Member of the Appeal Committee 23 ART IN BRIDGE The 10"‘ Annual Art Exhibition 2010 The Art in Bridge Exhibition is taking place on Saturday 2 nd October 11 am — 7 pm and Sunday 3 rd October 11 am — 5 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Entrance is free and refreshments are available. As in previous years, we expect some 60 or more local artists of all ages and of all abilities to exhibit over 200 paintings, sculptures and craft exhibits — many will be for sale. Visitors will be invited to nominate their favourite exhibit. The exhibits with the most votes will be announced after the close of the exhibition. The artist's Entry Form can be collected in September from Colebrook Sturrock, Estate Agents, High Street, Bridge or downloaded from the website www.artinbridqe.orq.uk All exhibits and entry forms should be taken to the Village Hall between 4.30 and 6.30 pm on Friday 13‘ October. John Corfield 01227 830976 Ffilfifififl -=. is Art in Bridget Exhibition Bridge Village Hall, High Street, Bridge Saturday 2'“ October 2010 11.00 am - 7.00 pm Soirée with music from 5.00 pm Sunday 3"” October 2010 11.00 am — 5.00 pm Entrance free Refreshments available Visitors will be invited to vote for their favourite exhibit. The exhibits receiving the most votes will be announced after the close of the exhibition. Exhibitors Entry Form from www.artinbridge.org.uk and in September from Colebrook Sturrock & Co, Estate Agents, High Street, Bfidge Exhibits to the Hail 4.30 - 6.30 pm Friday 15‘ October Iohn Corfield 01227 830976 24 Bridge Fireworks Saturday 6Th November Church Meadow, Brewery Lane Advance Tickets available from village ouTleTs: School Office and Laurie Wakeham Butchers £12.00 for a family of Two adults and Two school age children. £2.50 per child and £5.00 per adult Spectacular display With a Tempting selection of Hot and cold food and drinks on sale Royal British Legion At our Sept meeting we welcomed prospective new members Mr and Mrs Robbins from Bridge. We also were sad to learn that Jim Mount, our oldest member (aged 101) had passed away. Jim was a very keen and popular member and had resided far the past few years at Maurice House the Legion Residential Home at Broad- stairs. Our recent Coffee Morning at Littlebourne raised £340.80 for the Poppy Ap- peal. Thank you to alt who he_|ped organise it and those who came and supported us on the day. A magnificent result. We are still seeking Peppy Collectors for our house te house collection. Please call 01227 722912 or 01227 472023. 25 Kentish Gazette Community News Details of Bridge & Patrixbourne village events are also published in the Kentish Gazette under Community News. If you would like to notify villagers of an event that has missed the deadline for On The Nail then please send details for publications to email: gazette@bridgevil|age.org.uk Or you can also contact Joan direct on 01227 830763. The press deadline is very early on Monday morning prior to the Thursday publica- tion. Have Fun Learning Spanish Friendly small group classes with a qualified and experienced teacher. Optional trip to Spain at end of course. Charlton Park Wednesdays 7.30pm— 9.00pm. Cost £72 (6 sessions), includes glass of wine! Please ring Sue on 01227 831884. Stitch and Knit Petham Village Hall (free parking on site) 16th September—21 st October inclusive 4th November—9th December inclusive £4.00 per session—pay only if you attend Thursdays 2.00-—4.00pm Tea/Coffee and homemade biscuit/cake provided A get—together for people of all abilities who want to bring their own knitting and stitching projects, and work on them with like-minded people in a social and fun setting. Also Stitch and Knit Workshops All workshops last from 2-5pm Petham Village Hall Tea/coffee and cake provided For further information about Thursday sessions or workshops email: stitchandknit@goog|email.com or ring Anne on 01227 700587/Rowan 01227 462046 www.stitchandknit.wordpress.com 26 Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevil|age.org.uk Notes from Bridqe Parish Council meeting 9"‘. September 2010 Village Green Public Inquiry —— The public inquiry had been completed on 9”‘ Sep- tember. The Inspector would write her report in the following week. Her recommen- dation would be sent to KCC and a further Registration Committee meeting would take place later in the year to reach a decision on the matter. Cllr Edmonds thanked councillors and the clerk who had spent each day at the in- quiry. in answer to an inquiry from a member of the public, the council thought it un- likely that KCC, Cantley Estates or the parish council would be able to reclaim any of the costs of the inquiry from the applicant, should her case fail. Farmers Market Proqress Report- Cllr Esdale reported that ‘Bridge Going Green’ had carried out surveys at the village fete and in the High Street and the overwhelm- ing preference had been for a Farmers’ Market. Kent Association of Farmers’ Mar- kets had been very helpful with advice and it was planned to hold the first market on Saturday 13"‘. November, probably in the Red Lion garden. Thereafter it was planned to hold markets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month from 9.00am to 12.00 noon. It was intended to sell produce from within a 50 mile radius Bridge. The parish council would be asked to consider providing start up funding for signage etc at its October meeting. Problem of car parking in the Hiqh Street- It was pointed out that the parish council had no powers to regulate parking in the High Street. It was agreed to write to Kent Highway Services asking them for advice. Concurrent Function Fundinci 2011 -12- The deadline for submissions had been brought forward to the end of September. It was difficult to predict the budget only a third of the way through the financial year. The council agreed a 5% reduction in the budget as requested by CCC. There had been an underspend the previous year. Cllr Esdale was thanked for his work on the budget. Having taken advice from ex- perts at KALC and ACRK, it was agreed that the parish council would not be re- quired to formulate a Child Protection policy. Recreation Ground — Both picnic benches and the bench on Patrixbourne Rd had been thrown into the river. The incident had been reported to the police. Cllr Esdale had re-secured the bench with a long spike. Saunders House Landscapes would carry out work on improving the grass in late September/ early October. Possible Cold Calling Control Zone— it was agreed to take no action on this in order to avoid jeopardising house-to-house charity collections Recreation Ground Working Partv- it was agreed that this would take place on_Sat— urday 6"‘ November at 9.30am. No new bulbs would be purchased this year and Cllrs Beinder and Lewis would enquire about replacement trees. Bridge in Bloom— The winners of the competition were Londis — Large Business, Colebrook Sturrock — Small Business and 17 Union Road (Mr & Mrs Walder) - Resi- dential. It was agreed that the parish council would discuss the possibility of award- ing a prize for a community garden at the November Parish Council meeting. 27 RHS Diq Together Dar Councillors were asked to contribute ideas to Cllr Edmonds for any community activity to encourage gardening. This would take place on the first weekend in September next year. Notes from Bridge Planning Committee The Planning Committee had no obiection to the followinct application; CA/10/01270/FUL 47 High Street, Bridge Single storey extension to rear of dwelling Cllr Lewis registered his objection to the use of cladding in this ap- plication The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been qranted; CA/10/00625/FUL 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of enclosed car port to side and raised decking and pergola to rear of dwelling CA/10/00671/FUL 10 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX First floor extension to side of dwelling CA/10/00915/FUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA First floor extension to side & single storey extension to front of dwelling. CA/10/01080/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Installation of chimney The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused; CA/10/00720/FUL River House, 67 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA CA/10/00721/LB Two storey extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14”‘. October 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee will meet prior to the Council Meeting at 7.15pm All Bridge residents are welcome to attend these meet- ings. 28 WHITTEN SPENCER LIMITED Chartered Accountants 29 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5]Z T 01227 831076 F 01227 831991 E info@whittenspencer.co.ul< W www.whittenspencer.co.u1< Frank Whitten, FCA and Tim Spencer, BSc, ACA, CTA. Professional friendly service offered for our accountancy needs including preparation of accounts, VAT, payroll, C S, book-keeping and tax planning. Personal tax returns completed and filed online by a Chartered Accountant. office hours: 9.15 - 12.45, afternoons by appointment. delixrcied. Wit = 31 dei£c'icm:e mmlrs tu gmtw dour‘ Huge z: of dEliCaDLIS dishes. aw - Suitabie for 23. large range of special diets Fscozert from fresh to capture 1 the goodness 1 * Can be cooked in minutes using an oven or microwave - Delivered free 'w%;:%1 can: by your reguiar druver o crcile-2" To shop on-fine visit: FREE bmchure caéai -1 www.wilishirefarmfooclscom 01227_}_774 999 Court Lodge Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast Comfortable accommodation in the beautiful village of Bishopsbourne. For further details contact: Jenny Coop 01227 832242 35 Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) curate: Rev. Julia Baldwin. 21 High Street, Bridge (830265) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Patrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchard, 2 St Mary's Rd, Patrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PCC Secretary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down, Bridge PCCTreasurer Mr C Medhurst, 1 Park View Bridge (830762) Gift Aid Officer Mrs E Mitton, Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge (832954) Organist (Patrixbourne) MrJ Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOUFINE Churchwardens Mrs J Gillanders, Cala, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyard. 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Secretary Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Oakleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Organist MrJ Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631 ) Captain of the Ringers Mrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On The Nail Advertising-: Mrs C Korzeniowski Middle Pett Farm House, Pett Bottom (830990) email: c.korzeniowski@virgin.net Items for On The Nail should reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month preferably by email : laurence.dunderdale@btinternet.com 36 .9.‘ - '05:‘! Pa * and tom: llu-has I ' . I I ( . ‘ - -1. fire; . ke ’ //__ , I .0! ” Be . 1 V .‘ u , . 1 _ . 1 \ I . : x ‘ ; p _y fne .- _ .-fly", (3 0 e'.\‘. 5 *, (3 (‘sf A A A as /H T A magazine for the villages along the Nailbourne November 2010 40p is i I \ _ 4/ (,1\ L}, . Allison Builders New Builds Extensions , _ i - Conversions BUILDER ‘ % Tel: 01227 831 410 All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY VINEYARD Breach, Barham, Kent 01227 831266 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine Tea Shop open for Cream Teas and light lunches Plant Centre Tuesday to Friday 10.30 am to 4.00 pm Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year Graphic Design: Logos - Cilesiign - Drawings ~ Busssgmke - . irn-ages - Photo manipulation Web Design: Domain Names d E S I £3 N - Hostirig - Page makeup - E-commerce * Database ‘ I _ - Scuarcl: s;engino5 Printing: Digital 54 P R l N T (long rim} Letterheads - Private S-t ry * _Br'c:cl1Lsre'.4 - Eusiness cards 0 Post-rrrs - Leaflets - Flye ' Pia: ards 4 Foti biockirig " Folders '- Em.-e-_'~.|ope.s - Viledcling stationery - Book. 5 ' P'rc:gramme.-; 4- 3' J = Menus * Nletiil outs» ' invites h "'stmas cards ' [,3 c 3 c g m m u g 5 y - Calendars 'OE'(,?lE,E3't‘.1f.‘i€l’\llC'i-.‘! :4 . s * NCR eccontimwus stationeryvr Certificates _, 3 t V t * -lnvoirses Wide Format ’ " Printing: E x h ibl tic: n '7 W Board.-5 - E..an‘g€-: Posters Plus: Po ' Pf9$\':‘Dli'l‘l.l(. l._>" email more. . Contact details: Mob. 07813848555 Home: 01304 814331 e-mail. Richardwalder83@yahoo.co.uk Charlton Park Foundation Bishopsbourne CT4 SJA Classes & Treatments: — Ballroom, Belly Dancing, B0dy—C0ndiri0ning, French, Massage, Piano, Pilates, Salsa, Singing, Squash, Swimming (summer only), Tennis, Yoga Business Meetings & Training, Family Celebrations, Special Events Gubby Twigg 01227 831355 www.charlton-park.org Q www.berrvscanterbt.zrv.Cc).uI< - *Man secial offers each month* H ’ BRIDGEWAY STORES Q, INCORPORATING BRIDGE NEWS A I-ONWS MEMBER NATIONAL LOTTERY *OFF LICENCE‘ *VlDEOS* DVDS’ at INSTANTS f:.[E1‘A|LEfi *BAKERY* *GROCER'ES* £2.50 per night Latest Titles. *NEWSPAPERS—MAGAZlNES* CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PlES and SNACKS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MONDAY TO SATURDAY 7am until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 8pm SUNDAYS 8am until 6pm (wintertime) 2 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE, I CANTERBURY. CT4 SLS TEL 0‘ 227 830323 Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration & Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Lime Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 for the largest choice call BE R RYS CANTERBUFRY LTD the Premier Letting Agents £825 = 2 7'0 Caetie Street Canterbury I mmmzmfiu m+5:T_.E ..m mm B m.3.mm m.§.m.F:.§ m.E.La€E.O E3... .C+mE_<< muzium >__Euu_ E: 00.: «Tom cam ths. Hm mvtofi .2 m._<< .6u_> act. L83 9:. 3-: .3 Eoa #2 mcfué :o.__.5EEou mum co_§EEou >31 t$>_u< m-“ .N & #0 so 8.: ,5 ooa smiam e..._o3 so omm :8 can t..u>t< ESP >.:m_c_<< u..o+un .._3._> mi. :62) mi, :o_q<< > >mm av §La_u S. mL<< xuvcmm .95. m¢-mm .mm ~33 6 zo.E_._EEou >_oI :o._:_.:.:EoU mum Etozuaw mcnm mutimm $25“. of +m...__..u 8-: A :8 #2 Eu omm Eu oo.m Eu ova Eu omm «flu §m mu:oLn_EuEmN_ Eu>_u< Us t< Eu 3.2 .au_> gt. 2&3 ...cum> urn. mcom:m>w xovczm. EN mfim am 93.. um. L83 mi. Eooa 5%: 9.6 8 00¢ 35 a comma xuvczm MM :oE:EEou mum coE:EEou >__Eu.._ ®u:c..5Em.Em~_ Egoguzm mzzm. uucognsusua -0 .m mug... m #2 Eu cow Eu om.m .8 té. Ea 3.2 Eu ohm £3 cam t._u>_u< ESP >..;m..:_E u.._o+mn_ M. _mm§ n_ ES. ,_8_> ugh LSS SF :23: > >ma .=§> 9:. Easm Em mmfim dm 9:3 6 83.5w >__Eum Egoxuzw mcsw m§5$ :oE:EEou >:Ecm co_::EEou mum .__un_Eu>oZ man 3.: N #2 as 03 ea om.m ca one Eu 8.: an cow Ex. can mmivaua mcgsonmuxmm u:.5on_x_..+u..._ umv_.._m mo._fi._uI .520... :£.m:_._uo2 0 .._uu> HWQEUPDZ mo finofi Ufiu HOW meumimm @580 wmwmum warm. 1('\ 02/1 1 04/11 08/11 09/11 10/11 16/11 22/ 1 1 23/1 1 Bekesbourne Christmas Bazaar is Saturday 4th December at 10am. The Brownies will be serving tea and coffee during the morning and Father Christmas will be 15.00 20.00 19.30 19.30 14.30 10.00 15.00 20. 00 19.30 14.30 Dates for your diary Holy Communion at New Close After 83 at 7 Windmill Close Health & Healing at 7 Windmill Close Caring & Sharing Holy Communion at Mansfield Court Fish Scheme — Coffee Pop in, Bridge Village Hall Holy Communion at Saxon Lodge After 83 at 7 Windmill Close Caring & Sharing Holy Communion at Highfield Dates for your diam. Bekesbourne. there with his bran tub of goodies. Donations of gifts would be very welcome for the stalls. Jewellery, home made cakes, piant and produce, tombola and toys. Telephone 832134. Carols at The Unicorn The popular Christmas carol singing evening at the Unicorn is to be Wednesday 9th December. As usual Stuart Field and David Cutting will be accompanying the sing- ing which wiil start at 9pm. Those wishing to eat a meal need to book by telephoning Martin and Shirley at The Unicorn 01227 830210 Rev Simon Fiowlands The Vicar Bndge Canterbury CT4 5JZ Office: 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.co.uk Www.bridgechurch.co.uk h\_aC\"~‘inQ10F'? 7- 9'!"-lv'lc;.qg;;}j89' How often have you gone on a walk and been so preoccupied with the destination that you've failed to look at the beautiful countryside around you? I think if we’re honest, its something we’ve all done; there just isn’t time or so it seems. But taking time to enjoy what’s under our nose, to think and to be conscious of God’s presence in the everyday is actually the key to fullness of life — to living as God desires us. God gives us so many little gifts to enjoy and savour every day, which we can easily pass by if we hurry on. God gives us the gift of time and memory to soak in every moment — it's up to us to make space, to let God speak meaningfully and powerful- ly. Allowing ourselves space to remember and hear God’s voice is what the Church seasons in November focus upon. The festival of All Saints helps us remember men and women whose lives have demonstrated the grace of God powerfully at work — we remember the great saints and are encouraged on our own faith journeys. All Souls enables us to give thanks for those departed saints we have known personal- ly; the wonderful people who perhaps gave us life or shared our life with us — whose lives gave us meaning. Lastly Remembrance Sunday, confronts us with issues of war and peace, loss and self-gift through our corporate and individual memories as we reflect on the massive loss of life in the past upon which our fragile lives are built today. So this November -— make space, take time to remember and perhaps God will speak powerfully to you in just one tiny moment. Yours, Julia 1’) Lord, I have time (A prayer by Michael Ouoist) I went out, Lord. People were coming out They were coming and going, Waiking and running. Ever hin was rushing cars, tor- ries, he s reet, the who e town. People were rushing after time, To catch up with time, To gain time. Goodbye, sir, excuse me, I haven’t time. ljil come back, i carat wait, i hai/en’t time. [must end this letter — l haven’t time. lfd love to help you -- but i haven’t time. I can’t accept, having no time. I can't think, i cant read, Fm swamped, i havent time. l’d like to pray but i haven’t time. You understand, Lord, they simply haven't the time. The child is pla ing, he hasn’t time right now La er on... The schoolgirl has her homework to do, she hasrft time...Later on... The student has his courses, and so much work, he hasn't time... Later on... The iyoun lady is at her sports, she asn‘ time...i..ateron... The youn married couple have _ their new ouse, they have to fix it up, they havent time...Later on... The grandparents have their grand children, they hai/en’t time...Later on... They are ill, they have their treat- ments, they haven't time...Later on... They are dying, they have no... Too latel....They have no more time! And so all people run after time, Lord. They pass through life rurmiri — hurried, Jostled, overburdene , frantic, and they never get there. They haveht time. Inspite of alltheir efforts the ‘re fit!“ short or time, of a great eat of ime. Lord, you must have made a big mistake in your caiculations. There is a big mistake somewhere. The hours are too short, The days are too short. Our lives are too short. You who are beyondutime, Lord , you smite to see us fighting it. And you know what you are doing. You matte no mistakes in your dis- tribution of time to people. You give each of use time to do what you want us to do. But we must not lose time waste time, Kilt time, For time is a gift that you give us, But a perishable gift, A gift that does not keep. Lord, 3 have time, I have plenty of time, Ali the time that you give me, The years of my life, The days of my years, The hours of my days, They are ali mine. Mine to fiil, quietly, calmly, But to fill completeiy, up to the brirn, To offer them to you, that of their insipid water You ma make a rich wine such as you one e once in (Jana of Gzaiilee. lam not asking you toda , Lord, for time to do this and then t at, But your race to do conscientious» ly in the who that you we me, what you want me to o. Bridge Group of churches includes the Churches of Bekesbourne, Patrix_bourne, Bridge Lower Hardres and Nackington. *The church at Bekesbourne IS normally kept locked but a_ke can be borrowed from Essentially Hops in halkpit Farm during shop hours. 13 Your Parish Matters Baptism 26/O9 Nackington Sam Bradley Griffith 03/10 Bekesbourne Esme Moon Stevens—Greenwood Funeral 24/O9 Herne Eileen Nellie Joan Godsell 11/10 Barham Cecilia Eileen Mary Reeves The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to dis- turb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. The Curate, Rev Julia Baldwin will also have her day off on Friday each week. Mid Week Communion has now started on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an oppor- tunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmosphere. Morning and Evening Prayer. Morning and evening prayer take place at Bridge Church, from Monday to Thursday at 8.30am and 5pm respectively. All are very welcome to attend. Prayers There is now a book for prayer requests on the altar of the Lady Chapel in Bridge Church. Parish Administrator. Many thanks go to Ginny Hall who has decided to step down from this role. Emma Mitton has replaced her and can be contacted at the Vicarage on Tuesday and Thursday mornings IMPORTANT NOTICE OF WORKS Bridge Graveyard - Garden of Remembrance The area in Bridge Church Yard set aside for the burial of ashes is in need of some tidying. Over the last few years gravel chippings have been introduced around some grave stones which make the care of the grave yard more difficult. The Vicar and Church Wardens are to instigate works to remove the gravel chippings introduce fresh topsoil and re-grass seed the area to improve the garden of remembrance in addition to weeding and a general tidy up. it may be required to re-level existing memorial stone tablets but their position will not be moved. If families are concerned with these proposed works in the first instance please Contact the Vicar or Church Wardens. 1A ‘Church Mice‘ - a new group for preschool children (ages 0-5) and their parents or carers — action songs, bible story, play with lots of fun - teafcoffee for the adults. Suggested donation of 50p a family. The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month in Bridge Church from 2pm— 3pm. The next two meetings will be on 2 No— vember and 7 December, with dates to be confirmed thereafter. Christmas Workshop A date for your diary is the Christmas Workshop, which will take place on Saturday 18 December from 9.30 -12 Noon in Lower Hardres at the John Baker White Hall. Please book your place by phoning Julie Cox 788316 or Margaret Clarke 765598.You will be given a short form to fill in. Parents please stay with your pre — school child. It would be appreciated if each child could bring E 1 towards materials. Do come — we'll have f un! LOWER HARDRES The next Family Communion is on 7 November at 11 am. On 21 November there is a Family Service at 9-30 am. All are welcome. Fish News The Annual General Meeting of the Fish Scheme will take place during the Coffee Pop-In on Wednesday 10th November in Bridge Village Hall. if anyone has some spare knitting wool it would be very welcome. Please tele- phone Rosy Green on 830204 L’Arche Christmas Puddings The excellent puddings made by the Ultimate Food Company and sold in aid of L’Arche homes for the disabled can be ordered from Anne Rooke on 830298. The prices are held again at £9 for a 2|b pudding and £5 for the 1lb.44 Littlebourne & District Royal British Legion At our Oct meeting we remembered Thelma Mitchelmore and Les Pepper who had passed away recently. We are sorry to learn that June Ferris is unwell and we wish her all the best. We were pleased to welcome Colin Hawkes-Horgan who has transferred from Woodnesborough & Ash Branch. Our Remembrance Service will be at lckham this year at 11am ( meet at Lych gate at 10.45am). All are welcome. Our next 2 meetings will be on Tues 9th Nov at 7.30pm (Branch AGN followed by monthly meeting) and Tues 14th Dec at 8pm (monthly meeting). 15 BRIDGE FRIENDS OF KENT CHURCHES- RIDE "ND \~IA|_K SPONSORED RIDE & STFIIDE This event often brings out wide-ranging age differences- this year we have young—at —heart KATHY PIERCE aged 84, who walked around 14 Canterbury Churches (with the help of her ‘trusty tripod’)— a wonderful contribution! At the other end of the age scale there’s KATIE WASH- INGTON, aged 13, who cycled around 22 Churches with dad Tony (beating last years 19)- brilliant! ------------------ The rest of all young cyclists were OLIVER CRAMER (aged 15) with dad Nick, CHRISTINA and MICHAEL BOOTH (aged 10 and 12 re- spectively) with dad Graham and THOMAS BRIANT with dad Stephen. As a result of all their efforts we raised £400 in the vi||age—many thanks to them all, as well as to all the generous sponsors and to the smiling welcomers who gave hos- pitality to the 68 visitors we had that day. Many thanks, Derek Prior CHRISTMAS POST Once again the Nailbourne Scout Group wilt be providing a Christmas post service. Boxes will be placed on 1st of December at the following iocations: BRIDGEWAY STORES, NECHOLAS JAMES HAIRDRESSERS, LAURIE WAKEHAMS, THE BUTCHERS, THE RED LION, THE PLOUGH AND HAR- ROW, AND 8 BRIDGE DOWN. There will be 2 deliveries on the 9th and 16th of December. Please support this worthwhile cause. Nailbourne Scout Executive Committee HOST UK Are you thinking about who might come for Christmas this year? Perhaps you would like to make it a bit different. Some of the adults from overseas who are currently studying at UK universities would love to spend a couple of days in a real home, rather than on a deserted campus. It is interesting to share Christ- mas with people for whom it is all quite new (many international students are from China, for example). HOST has been linking students with hospitable vol- unteers for 22 years, at Christmas and also one-off weekends throughout the year. HOST is a registered charity backed by the Foreign Office and many uni- versities. It is not necessary for hosts to live near a university, as students are prepared to travel far for this unique experience! See www.hostuk.org or call HOST on 0207 739 6292. Thank you! HOST UK Unit 8 Water House, 8 Orsman Road, London N1 5OJ Telephone: 020 7739 6292 Fax: 0207 033 6539 www.hostuk.org.uk Registered Charity No. 327592 Registered Company in England and Wales No. 2179430 1L Bekesbourne Churchyard Working Party The next working party to prepare the churchyard for winter will be held on Saturday 13th. November from 9.30a.m. All helpers with or without tools will be made very welcome. Tea Towels Tea towels with pictures of Bekesbourne church on are still available and make a nice Christmas stocking filla. They cost £3 each and can be purchased from Mama Feelgood, The Unicorn pub or by telephoning 832134 On The Nail The next ‘On The Nail’ will be a Combined December 2010/January 2011 edition. May I please have all information for both months by no later than Wednesday 17th November. Thanks to all who contribute throughout the year. Email laurence.dunderdale@btinternet.com Church Cleaning at St. Peter's Bridge Due to a change in personal circumstances we have a smaller team of cleaners. If anyone could spend an hour or so once a month (approx.) assisting with the regular cleaning, please contact Jill Willis on 832151. Thanks in anticipation. Laurence Dunderdale Churchwarden 17 Craft 8 Gift Fair - Friday 26"‘ November from 6.30 - 9.00pm Bridge 8 Patrixbourne CEP School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 SJX £2.00 which includes a glass of Mulled Wine Come along and see all the lovely goodies we have on offer at our Christmas Craft and Gift Fair. Enjoy a little bit of early Christmas cheer with a glass of Mulled wine with us, buy your Christmas Presents early and beat the queues!! Why not relax and enjoy a drink and homemade cakes from our refreshment stall. Have a hassle free Christmas shopping experience or just treat yourself and help us raise money for good causes too. Bridge 8. Patrixbourne C.E.Primary School Invite all Senior Citizens to an Afternoon of Entertainment On Thursday 9"‘ December 2010 at 1.30pm — 3.00pm in the School Hall Come along and listen to the children sing their Christmas songs Year 6 will serve refreshments during the afternoon if you would like to come please ring the school office on 830276 We can also arrange local transport it you require it SALVATION ARMY AND BRIDGE SCHOOL CHOIR CAROL CONCERT This has now become an annual event, this year it is to be held on Monday 6th December 2010 at 7.30pm In Bridge School Hall “"’* Entrance £3.00 —- pay on the door (schooi children free) Refreshments will be served after the concert Join us for an evening singing carols —— all money raised will go to the Salvation Army Fund 19 C}iFi$fI?Z£lS Q”: air N:r)ve:2*~zber Friday 26”’ 4-9.,3(}pm. Saturday 27”’ I 0£iI?2.~4p1,?:t Entry Fee £2 includes: Mulled Wine & a mince pie Light lunches, tea & coffee on sale Head, neck & foot massages available Stalls I'.nclude.' Neafs Yard Remediiee, S'na2:;2:§ Specs, 'I3euyE.)es;ig,gi§i;§“§{eFa£3 Migriita Jeweiiery, UE%hi}i‘¥’£§;3 fiaaks; Christinas W'reaths._, Em’§ Cupcakes, Fabrieatienls, Aiklmm ‘Valiey !"reserves, Olwen Shaw Style, Zenis Jeweliery, Handmade Bags Tara's Par1'y Bites Homemade Celebration Cakes Childr-en's Par-1'y Food, Children's Food Boxes Filled Party Bags www.1'ar-aspar1'ybi'tes.webs.com Free local de|ivery—01227 832414 07871422072 10 . 2».- E,“ ,.,_-,3 3%." ;',-51 , ,g fig,» Sa/towdovy 131% November 10 am/~12 Vboow “ Cake Stall, Books, Bric-a-brac, Puzzles, Jams and Chutneys, Raffle gs ‘fits Refirezxlvnmenry served/, 50; comexomdz meetfirflemd/y Over axoocp 0-Fcofifea .vzé’ Any donations for the stalls that can’t be brought to the Hall on the day, can be collected, in advance, by calling 01227 830947 or 01227 830960 lIllIlEl|Il|I][]EJClElElElE|DClElClClDE]|ZlElEIEIEIEIEIEIUEIEIEIUDEIEI[JDE]lflClElE|UC|El|]DUDCIEIUUUDUDEIEIEIEIEJ DEIEIDEIDEIDDDDDDUDDDDDDEIEIIJDEIDEIEIDEJDDDEJEIEIEIIIJEICI BRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET SATURDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2010 The inaugural Farmers’ Market in Bridge will take place on Saturday 13 November from 9-12 noon in the car park of the Red Lion Pub Further information will be posted on: www.BridgeFarmersMarket.co.uk A number of stallholders have already confirmed their attendance. It is expected that local meat, fish, vegetables and cakes will be on sale. In addition, the Red Lion Pub will be open for refreshments of all types. The market has been organised by the ‘Bridge Going Green’ group fol- lowing consultation at the Village Summer Fete in June and further pub- lic consultation in Bridge High street in July. Over 80 villagers said they would be keen to have a ‘Farmers Market’ in the village. The Market will run every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. The dates for the next markets are: - 13 November o 27 November - 11 December For more information Email: MarketManager@BridgeFarmersMarket.co.uk Telephone: 07970 633768 C||:lClElElE1E||]E|ClClElE|ElE]ElElEl|:l[]EIE|DElCllZlE||Il|IlElElEl|:llZ|CllZll:|ClE|lZl Ell]UEll:lDCICIDEIDDDEll]DUCIDElEl|:lElD|]ElDElDCIElElDElE|C]EIDUCIEJEllI|Ell:|ElE]DE||]Cl|3|:lE|ClC|l]|IlElDE]D 22 Nailbourne Horticultural Society The next event on the programme is our annual social evening to be held on Tues- day 7th December at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. For your entertainment this year, we are putting together a lighthearted quiz with a gardening theme. Like at all good village events we shall also be holding a Christmas Raffle. Entrance, to include a light festive buffet supper and a glass of wine, will be £3.50. 80, make a note in your diaries and join us at our pre-Christmas get—together. As always we are delighted to welcome nonmembers to our events. Bridge with Patrixbourne Women's Institute The Annual Meeting of the W1 when officers and the committee are elected for the coming year will be held on Tuesday 16th November at the usual time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Superfast Broadband in Kingston, Bridge, Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne? For many of us nowadays, having an Internet connection in our homes has be- come an essential part of everyday life, whether we use it just to email our friends, or search for information, watch TV, order goods or any of the host of other uses, and for many of these the speed of the connection is crucial. Rural areas have until now generally been losing out in the competition for broadband speed, but now we have a chance to do something about it! Over the next five years, BT will be upgrading its exchanges with fibre optic tech- nology, offering speeds vastly greater than at present (they are calling it “BT Infin- ity”). In order to gauge local interest, and decide on a priority order for the conver- sion of exchanges, BT is running a survey until midnight on 313* December 2010 to identify where the highest demand is to be found (they are calling this the “Race to Infinity”). The five exchanges with the highest demand (as a percentage of premises served after a minimum of 1000 has been passed) will be upgraded by early 2012 at the latest. The Bridge exchange has just over 2000 premises connected to it, so that in or- der to enter this competition, half of those would need to vote to pass the 1000 threshold, but if we can do much better than that, there is no reason why Bridge exchange should not be one of the top five. Voting is really easy — just go to www.racetolnfinitv.bt.com and click on “Vote Now”. Only one vote per premises/ household is allowed, and you do not need to be a BT customer to take part. Let’s take advantage of this offer and see if we can help ourselves achieve super- fast broadband! Geoff Macdonald FIREWORKS The fireworks season is now here and if your pet gets terrified by them, you are not alone. We are al- ' . ways hearing from owners whose pets are terrified of fireworks and recent research suggests that almost half of dogs in the UK show some level of fearful re- f‘ '=\ T " sponse to loud noises and it is even worse for cats. h our e is being frightened by firework noise it is important to provide them with a safe indoor den or hiding place where they can feel secure, such as an in- door kennel with a blanket over the top. Muffle the firework noise by closing doors and curtains and turning on the radio or TV. Keep your pets indoors while firework displays are happening. It is really important to not over-fuss your pets when they are scared. This can be difficult but long term it makes matters worse and makes them less able to cope when you are not at home. Try to stay calm yourself and don’t get angry with your pet for behaving differently, fear can make them behave very out of character. If you have any concerns please give us a call at Bourne Veterinary Practice on 01227 832322 and we can offer you advice and medication if necessary to help your pet feel less worried. We can also discuss long term pre- ventative therapy with you to help your pet become better equipped at dealing with scary noises in the future. Kentish Gazette Community News Details of Bridge & Patrixbourne village events are also published in the Kentish Gazette under Community News. if you would like to notify villagers of an event that has missed the deadline for On The Nail then please send details for publica- tions to email: gazette@bridgevil|age.org.uk Or you can also contact Joan direct on 01227 830763. The press deadline is very early on Monday morning prior to the Thursday publi- cation. 24 MEETINGS ARE HELD EVERY THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE RED CROSS ROOMS EAST STREET, HERNE BAY FROM 7.3OPM NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ‘)2 Bridge Fireworks Saturday 6th November Church Meadow, Brewery Lane Advance tickets available from village outlets: School Office and Laurie Wakeham Butchers £12.00 for a family of two adults and two school age children. £2.50 per child and £5.00 per adult Spectacular display With a tempting selection of Hot and cold food and drinks on sale / S1.'llClQl of Dcrf0:f_li;inq_l‘l'i‘l'§ 7' " Schools in Bridge, Eanteiburu E Blean Tel: 077 955547 Classes for age 3- run Du qualified teachers lru a free class alongside llUl' talented students mama « Ballet » Modern » ireestule www.|]anceXtreme.cn.uk 26 Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevilla e.org.uk Notes from Bridge Parish Council meeting 14‘ . October 2010 Farmers’ Market - It was reported that the Farmers’ Market was to begin on 13"‘ November and would run fortnightly thereafter on the 2”” and 4"‘ Satur- days of the month between 9 am and 12 noon. The venue was the Red Li- on Pub garden and it was hoped to have 10 stalls on the first week with an increasing number in the future. The venture was to be a non profit making organisation and is a formally constituted community group. Recreation Ground Matters — No immediate problems were highlighted in the playground safety report however it was noted that the spring motorbike and moon were in poor condition and it was agreed to obtain a quotation for their replacement. It was reported that a fire had been lit in the youth shelter and a petrol can found at the scene. The incident is to be reported to the police. The picnic benches are to be chained and stored on the hard standing out- side the tennis courts for the winter. The bench adjacent to Patrixbourne Road is to be re—varnished. Affordable Housing — The Parish Council has received notification from the High Court of Justice, Queens’ Bench Division Administrative Court that per- mission to apply for a Judicial Review against the planning permission to build 8 Affordable Houses at Brickfields had been refused. Subsequently the Parish Council has received Notice of Renewal of claim for permission to apply for Judicial Review in respect of the City Council’s planning decision. ' The Parish Council deplores the action and regrets the possible delay to its long standing plans for Affordable Housing. Bus Shelter near Post Office - Cllr Gulvin reported that the grant from KCC for the bus shelter had now been confirmed and that the order for the frame was to be placed immediately. Serco will install the shelter when it is ready. Mill Centre — It was agreed that a joint letter from the Mill Centre Manage- ment Committee and the Parish Council should be sent to the City Council in an attempt to resolve the matter of the ownership of the Mill Centre. Georqe Pratt Memorial Bench - Councillors were pleased to accept the gen- erous offer from the family of George Pratt to renew the memorial bench do- nated in his memory. Christmas Trees — It was agreed to install Christmas trees in the High Street again this year. They will be put up on Saturday 4”‘ December and removed on Monday 3”‘ January. Highway Matters — It was reported that the post with a reflector in the top “build out” on Town Hill needed re—instating and pot holes were causing a problem at the junction of Bridgeford Way and Brewery Lane. Kent High- ways are to be informed. Notes from Bridge Planning Committee The Planning Committee had no objection to the following application: CA/10/01525/LB 18 High Street, Bridge — External staircase to basement The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 Novem- ber 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee will meet prior to the Council Meeting at 7.15 pm. All Bridge residents are wel- come to attend these meetings. 28 WHITTEN SPENCER LIMITED Chartered Accountants 29 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5]Z T 01227 831076 F 01227 831991 E info@whittenspencer.co.uk W www.whittenspencer.co.uk Frank Whitten, FCA and Tim Spencer, BSc, ACA, CTA. Professional friendly service offered for our accountancy needs including preparation of accounts, VAT, payroll, C S, book-keeping and tax planning. Personal tax returns completed and filed online by a Chartered Accountant. office hours: 9.15 — 12.45, afternoons by appointment. Nut 9 "delivered wit: ~ MEN-5 9 ‘?§Z§3¥Sthi¥%-_§i%%§:r3..1ia.9..si§ e"-a<:ew. ~-my--~~-~~ f 5 clcliciuus n':ea§:~' an gm-2-1>s' (ism - .:gi..e;§“2::u _ z '::"f22O deiémmirs distiraas and dessaartrs * Suitable for a iarge range of .spe(.%-at diets - Frmten "from fresh to c.apture the goodness * Can be cooked in minutes t.1S-if} g an we n or microwave 5% Q9 fifigiwi Vgggti - _ 9 * Deli\.rer:3d free with care by «.4 I _ _, I I www.wiEtsh.’:efarmfotadsnam 01227 FM» 999 y°“”eg-”'a"d""'3' Court Lodge Fase Bed & Breakfast Comfortabie accommodation in the beautiful village of Bishopsboume. Fm" further details contact: Jenny Coup 01227 832242. Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Curate: Rev. Julia Baldwin. 21 High Street, Bridge (830265) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bekesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Patrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchard, 2 St Mary's Rd, Patrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PCC Secretary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down, Bridge PCCTreasurer Mr C Medhurst, 1 Park View Bridge (830762) Gift Aid Officer Mrs E Mitton, Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge (832954) Organist (Patrixbourne) MrJ Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOU FINE Churchwardens Mrs J Gillanders, Cala, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyard. 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Secretary Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Oakleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Organist Mr J Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) Captain of the Ringers Mrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On The Nail Advertising-: Mrs C Korzeniowska Middle Pett Farm House, Pett Bottom (830990) email: c.korzeniowska@virgin.net Items for On The Nail should reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month preferably by email : laurence.dunderdale@btinternet.com 36 |'\ f ‘V / /T‘-\ ,‘''‘i; K, \ K‘ /5 : /s?{\°(?‘;;<>\,~«’éL’:;1'(i<;v '3‘-.~‘.v:s./*:<‘$\§/*\\ .‘ » 4 " y : .. ~3”«§5‘«. V " 7/ l ~ ‘\ a’ /gg‘ !:,J {'1' sbourne I I ixbourne )5 ‘V ‘.9, I ‘ « &3V;fron's‘('/F1‘; L. 1.).- rk V I .’ 1 / , . ,. 3 N‘.- I , . .. 3/ I ...... III A magazine for the villages along the Nailbourne Dec 2010/Jan 201 1 40p ~"' "-\“£,’.’—‘ (H -"A (3/ca “, '1 ’ 4 4 I ' /r"”( ‘ ’ Q‘ '\ _: ' . . V ‘J. I‘ _ : I'D s _‘ -.f‘)’__’(-‘,( in) X, (‘xx ' "3 i (x 5 4' ‘ P3 \ .- .. , .. Allison Builders New Builds Extensions ICPI.&RI) . ALIDER BUILDER - Conversions Tel: 01227 831 410 All aspects of woodwork and building undertaken ELHAM VALLEY _ VINEYARD Contact details-' Breach Barham Kent Mob. 07813848555 01227 831266 Visit the Pottery and taste the wine Tea Shop open for Cream Teas and light lunches Plant Centre Tuesday to Friday 10.30 am to 4.00 pm Weekends 11.00 am to 4.00 pm Closed Christmas to New Year Graphic Desin: loizios - Design - Drawinqs - l‘$espol<.e:- images - Photo rnanipulation Web flesign: Dcirnain rdames ' . D E - Hnsting - Page mai<_e~up - E-cr:mme'z*:e - Dmabase r_ \ V - Search engam‘.-r. Printing: Eligif.-ai ('-;!m.-‘if um} nr Lithr; a | in N Kt P R I N T (10 run} Letterheads - Private Statior-iery - NE‘.-’\.'SlE‘I’.‘Ei:'}l’S ° BIl.L'l'luF!E:o 0 Elm.-inz‘e>~s L"£tr'I;!s - F'(}5l.E'l'::a ~ 'Lv_":1fle't:» - Flyrens 0 Piziatic cardz; ' Foil blocking - Folders - E'i‘ivclu;3<:5 - Wentldim; stationery < Beoklete: ° Programmes < Menus - M:-ail nuts I invites - ChI’l‘§UTlr3Si czarris v C<‘ill';‘l‘1darS ‘Order of SF.‘.l'Vl(IE' sheets - NCR 8: Continuous "station-my - Certificates ‘ Irw-oices Wide Format Printing: E >< ii i in i t l c: n Hazards - Large I:‘os'te.r's' ' Plus: Powerpoirit f»‘re.-=,<-int‘.-i1ir.3ris~ m"I:i mom. .. Home: 01304 814331 e—mail. Richardwalder83@yahoo.co.uk Carlton Park Foundation Bishopsbourne CT4 SJA Classes & Treatments: — Ballroom, Belly Dancing, B0dy—C0nditi0ning, French, Massage, Piano, Pilates, Salsa, Singing, Squash, Swimming (summer only), Tennis, Yoga Business Meetings & Training, Family Celebrations, Special Events Guhby Twigg 01227 831355 www.charlton-park.org *Man secial offers each month* A LONDIS MEMBER ‘OFF LICENCE‘ ‘VIDEOS’ DVDS‘ ‘BAKERY’ 'GF-lOCERlES* ‘NEWSPAPERS-MAGAZINES‘ CASH POINT MACHINE - 24 HOUR READY MADE SANDWICHES, HOT PtES and SNACKS open seven DAYS A weer: MONDAY TO SATURDAY Tarn until 8pm BANK HOLIDAYS 8am until 8pm SUNDAYS 8am until 6pm (winter time) 2 WESTERN AVENUE, BRIDGE, CANTERBURY. CT4 ELS NATIONAL LOTTERY 8. INSTANTS RETAILER £2.50 per night Latest Titles. TEL: 01227 830323 Period Brickwork/Stonework Restoration 8. Repairs Specialist Craftsmen in: York Paving, Lime Mortar Pointing Fireplaces (old and new) Stone and brick cleaning Quality Property Maintenance & General Building Services Phone Bridge Mobile 07971 853806 for the largest choice call BERRYS CANTE_R B ulr-"av LTD _____ the Premier Letting Agents 413.11: = 70 Castte Street Canterbury m www.berrvscanterbun/.co.ul< mmwfimau 3:58 wmfl Du mfimmn maflmfifiz mmflfiumwo uu_>..mm >_._Ecu_ uosfivuufl W0 finer: VH3. new mmotcom 9:80 «main as; $5 mu.=._._. 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L83 9: >:u...&n_w N73 Ecé 6 9:, yo Baum +m_.._9._u:m mém m:om:m>m :o_::EEoU Amen“. ...o_§EEou mum Banach NE .m ,3 #2 so 2...... .5 onm :3 8.0 so 8.: 5 Ba am §._.=m mmzzuuua scgzonmvxum u_..._=2_x_.a£ umwtm mu.._.....cI .633 :o+9._xuu2 u .._uu> ion r§_E mo fine»: of wow m.....u_>uvm macaw $25 up; 11 Rev Simon Fiowlands The Vicar Bndge Canterbury CT4 SJZ Office: 01227 830250 07730672274 Vicar@BridgeChurch.co.uk Www.bridgechurch.co.uk 9 9 '39 “"5 Do sex 93 ' As i write this letter in the middle of November preparations for Christmas are al- ready well underway in many households and certainly in the shops. Sadly for many, clue to the economic climate, Christmas this year may be surrounded by wor- ry over finances and other similar concerns. We can so easily be led into thinking that this Christian festival every year gets more and more commercialised. l for one can be heard to mutter ‘Bah Humbug’ as the ever increasing commercial expecta- tions grow for what can and should be a simple celebration of Christ’s birth. I am always reminded of this as the school children come into Bridge Church to perform their Nativity plays, with such a sense of innocence and awe. The sheer joy of watching the children’s excitement as they tell their understanding of the first Christ- mas is an apt reminder of how much we can and do over complicate a time of cele- bration of Christ's birth in Bethlehem. As we celebrate Christmas the Christian inhabitants of Bethlehem will again be liv- ing in a tense situation as peace in Israel and Palestine and the region continues to be as elusive as ever. Local families here will also be remembering family and friends deployed in Afghanistan and other places throughout the world. Within our prayers let us this Christmas remember those whose lives are placed in danger as they serve in our armed forces or work for aid agencies and give thanks on Christ- mas Day for those who will work in our hospitals and other essential services to look after our well being. We pray for the peace of the world and for an anxiety free New Year. Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones. Yours Simon 12 Dates for your Diary Bridge Group of churches includes the Churches of Bekesbourne, Patrixbourne, Bridge, Lower Hardres and Nackington. *The church at Bekesbourne is normally kept locked but a key can be borrowed from Essentially Hops in Chalkpit Farm dur- ing shop hours. 02/12 19.30 Health & Healing at 7 Windmill Close 06/12 19.30 Salvation Army and Bridge School Choir Concert at Bridge School 07/12 15.00 Holy Communion at New Close 15.00 Church Mice at Bridge Church 20.00 After 8’s at 7 Windmill Close 08/12 10.00 Fish scheme — Coffee Pop in 09/12 13.30 Senior Citizens Afternoon of Entertainment at Bridge School 17/12 20.00 After 8’s at 7 Windmill Close 04/01 15.00 Holy Communion at New Close 14.00 Church Mice at Bridge Church 06/01 19.30 Health & Healing at 7 Windmill Close 11/01 14.30 Holy Communion at Mansfield Court 12/01 10.00 Fish scheme — Coffee Pop In 18/01 15.00 Holy Communion at Saxon Lodge 19/01 14.00 Hymns at New Close 25/01 14.30 Holy Communion at Highfield 19.30 Bridge & Patrixbourne PCC 26/01 19.30 Lower Hardres & Nackington PCC 27/01 19.30 Bekesbourne PCC Carol Services at Residential Homes Mon 13/12 1.45pm Highfield, Bekesbourne Tue 14/12 2.30pm Mansfield Court, Bridge Fri 17/12 3.00pm Saxon Lodge, Bridge Mon 20/12 3.00pm New Close, Bridge 13 Your Parish Matters Funeral 01/11 Bridge Malcolm Edward Seath O2/11 Petham Cynthia Andrews 16/11 Lower H-ardres Basil Frances Duval 18/11 Bridge Emma Julia Ovenden The Vicar will be having his ‘Day Off’ on a Friday each week. Please try not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary, but leave a message on the answer phone which will be responded to as soon as possible. The Curate, Rev Julia Baldwin will also have her day off on Friday each week. Mid Week Communion takes place on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at Bridge Church. This is a short service (20 minutes) and I hope this will provide an opportunity for those who drop children off at school to have time for themselves with God in a quiet atmos- phere. Please note that there will be no Holy Communion on Tuesday 14"‘ December due to a school service in church. This will take place on Thursday 16”‘ instead. There will also not be a service on Tuesday 28"‘ December due to holiday. Morning and Evening Prayer. Morning and evening prayer take place at Bridge Church, from Monday to Thursday at 8.30am and 5pm respectively. All are very welcome to attend. Prayers There is now a book for prayer requests on the altar of the Lady Chapel in Bridge Church. Confirmation There will be a confirmation service in Bridge Church on Wednesday 12”‘ January. The time has yet to be finalised. ‘Church Mice‘ - a new group for preschool children (ages 0-5) and their parents or car- ers — action songs, bible story, play with lots of fun - tea/coffee for the adults. Suggested donation of 50p a family. The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month in Bridge Church from 2pm- 3pm. The next meetings will be on 7 December, and 4"‘ January. Children’s Christmas Workshop This will take place on Saturday 18 December from 9.30 -12 noon in Lower Hardres at the John Baker White Hall. Out vicar Simon will end the morning with a short service. Please book your place by phoning Julie Cox 788316 or Margaret Clarke 765598.You will be given a short form to fill in. Parents please stay with your pre-school child. It would be appreciated if each child could bring 21 towards materials. Do come — we'll have fun! Please book early to avoid disappointment! 14 BRIDGE AND PATFIIXBOURNE CEP SCHOOL The Salvation Army and Bridge School Choir Carol Concert Monday 6th December at 7.30pm in the School Hall, £3.00 pay at door Senior Citizens Afternoon of Entertainment Thursday 9th December 1.30pm—3.00pm in the School Hall Come and watch the children singing, refreshments served during the afternoon Ring 830276 if you need transport CHRISTINGLES AT BRIDGE CHURCH To help with available seating we recommend as a guide, the 3pm service for under TS and the 5pm service for over 7's. The Lower Hardres and Nackinqton Christmas Favre 4"‘ December John Baker White Hall Lower Hardres 10-12.30 pm. Stalls: Cakes, Toys Jams, Books, Knick-Knacks, Father Christmas Refreshments, Raffle Do Come! Please ring Margaret Clarke it you have any contributions for collection. Sincere thanks! Bekesbourne Church and Brownies Christmas Fayre Bekesbourne Villacle Hall Saturday 4"‘ December 10am donations for sale to Gill Moon tel. 832134. Fish Scheme News December 2010 The housebound library service would be happy to take on one or two more read- ers. If you or anyone you know might benefit please ring the Fish number 07935 966080. At the December Coffee Pop—in on Wednesday 8”‘ Stuart Field will be playing Christmas carols and tunes, a community support officer will be there to advise on aspects of security and a representative from Hi Kent will help with hearing prob- lems. A busy morning, so do come. Fish Scheme News January 2011 The Coffee Pop—in in Bridge Village Hall will be from 10 to 11.15am on Wednesday, January 10”‘. The Winter Warmer Lunch will be on Wednesday January 26”‘. Flower Arrangers A meeting of the flower arrangers for St. Peter’s Church Bridge will be held at The Archways on Wednesday 1st December 2010 at 2.30pm to discuss Christmas dec- orations and next years rota. Sadly due to and people moving, the numbers are dwindling and we would greatly appreciate anyone interested in joining us to come along for a cuppa and a chat. There is no massive commitment, just put some flowers in a vase for a couple of weeks per year. Viv Brazier Recreation Ground Tree Planting A big “thank you" to all the volunteers who cheerfully undertook work on the Recre- ation Ground on 6th November. We were blessed with perfect weather for the working party to plant trees and gen- erally clear up around the pavilion and children’s play area. Come the Spring we eagerly await the results of our labours. Well done everyone! Barbara Binder Christmas Greetings To all who remember me in Bridge, I send you my best wishes for Peace and Joy at Christmas and a very happy and healthy New year. Muriel Packer 16 Bridge History Society Our January meeting, on Thursday 20 January, gives us the opportunity to see some intriguing photographic images recovered from very old glass plate negatives. The images include ‘now and then’ views of Canterbury and East Kent and have been assembled and researched by Eric Hartland from originals in the Centre for Kentish Studies. The meeting takes place at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall and is open to everyone. Members £3, non-members £4, including refreshments. Meriel Connor Nailbourne League of Friends of Canterbury Hospital The harvest lunch held at Lower Hardres in October was much enjoyed and raised £825 for the oncology department . Thank you for your support Rosy Green Canterbury Neighbourhood Team There appears to be milk theft in our area, please be aware of this. There has been a resident in Bridge that has received a number of telephone calls from a foreign male possibly Asian telling them that their phone number is in- terfering with the internet settings in the village and surrounding areas. The company said they are called windows BT tech. The number that was obtained was 0221651562 from the company. On two occasions these persons from this company have been aggressive. This could possibly be a scam so please do not put in any passwords they ask you to into your computer or give any personal details. If you feel threatened please report this to us on 01622 690690. PCSO Gavin Dodwell. Rural Officer for the parish. Canterbury Neighbourhood Team. 17 Littlebourne 8: District Royal British Legion Our AGM on 9th November was attended by 14 members. Mrs Margaret Fenn was welcomed as a new member. Branch Officers and Officials for the coming year were elected as follows: President: Hugh Wheeler Vice Presidents: Oswin Kent, Fred Bennett and Bernie Guyatt Chairman: John Marsh Vice Chairman: Ray Tupper Hon Secretary: Barbara Hunt Hon Treasurer: John Hewett Service Committee Officer: Geof Welch Standard Bearer: Bernie Guyatt Poppy Organiser: Jo Tatman Group 3 Rep: Barbara Hunt Members‘ Reps: Hugh Wheeler, Peter Murton, Ray Tupper and Geof Welch. Our next 2 monthly meetings will be on Tuesdays 14th December and 11th January both at 8pm at the Recreation Club, Littlebourne. Carols at the Unicorn The carol singing evening at the Unicorn is Wednesday 8th December. Singing will start about 9pm. Remember to book if you intend to eat a meal 830210. Friends of Bekesbourne Church meeting The Friends of Bekesbourne Church will be having an open meeting at Bekesbourne village hall, Thursday 20th January 2011 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting to find out why the Friends were originally set up in 1995, what money raised has been spent on, to hear and have their say about the Friends plans for the future. Tea and coffe will be served after the meeting. So please do come along and show your support for the Friends of Bekesbourne Church. Gill Moon (Chair person of the Friends of Bekesbourne Church) Jumble Sale Donations for the Friends of Bekesbourne Church annual jumble sale on Saturday 29th January should be brought to the village hall between 4-6pm the night be- fore. For collection telephone 832134 FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2011 Bekesbourne Saturday January 29th - Jumble Sale Friday 4th March — Wine and Wisdom Saturday 18th June - Concert by The Galllard Trio Bfldge Back by popular demand-——5th March Pudding Evening Open Gardens at end of May 18 we F » =, {K Beume Village Hall Saturday 4 December 2010 10.00am S'lalIsRaflleCofl'ee Proceeds for Bekesbourne Church and Bekesbourne Brownies Nailbourne Horticultur- al Society Firstly, a reminder of our annual social evening which is being held on Tuesday 7th December at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. This year we are organising a quiz with a gardening theme to be answered, you will be pleased to hear, by teams and not individu- ally. The quiz will be followed by a light fes- tive buffet and of course a Christmas raffle. En- trance will be £3.50 which includes refresh- ments and a glass of wine. We hope to see you all there on the 7th and do remember that we are always pleased to welcome non- members as well. The first event of 2011 is our AGM on Tuesday 25th January, again at 7.30 pm in Bridge Vil- lage Hall. After the short business part of the evening, our mem- ber Lesley Forwood has kindly agreed to give us an illustrated talk enti- tled "A Walk in the Park". This is based on her visit to a national park in Italy and will pro- vide us all with an es- cape from our dark win- ter evening. One final thing - a plea for new committee members as we desper- ately need some new blood. I can promise that it is not too time consuming a commit- ment — there are gener- ally only three commit- tee meetings to attend a year plus help at the evening talks and shows. If you feel that you would like to join us please let me know at the social evening or give me, Kathy, a call on 830057 NAJLE:-O(.ll'<’.l\l ii l‘lOKTlC‘.(Jl_T{,IRAL .‘:3CJC,ll‘f_T\" CHRISTMAS QUIZ /5\ £1.11’! ciuiz ljcsllowed lay ii‘;-,__fl-{,;l-1-t lzestive; F)1.l‘g:€”.‘1‘.-‘L3HC‘} Chris-tinzas F‘;-3i‘["'R€:‘.. ‘F Tucsdag 7% December 20 l O __l’il'T'-i-I1i'lC<‘! .'£.;‘).'__‘I5C1 ra-;ciL.n;. 2:9;I'c’f.§"§'c15E1l'llc:i'i[i!?- £'3f‘.t'.“! as if;-s.~_‘-1-‘.» of: wirm. M6fl}ED€F5 Zii"l(_'.% Non-mc-‘:ml3m‘5 W<'.“‘.‘.lCC}lTi{‘.‘.. Tony and Kathy Walder wish all their friends and neighbours in the Bridge area a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2011 20 Bridge with Patrixbourne Women's Institute The December meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th December, one week earlier than usual, at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall when we are to have "A Christmas Chocolate Treat" by a local chocolatier. As this is our Christmas meeting, members are asked to bring a plate of food to share, a plate and a glass. Then moving into the New Year and once all the festivities have ended, member Mrs Christine Sladden will be giving an illustrated talk from tirst—hand experience on "Riding for the Disabled" on Tuesday 18th at the usual time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The competition for the month, in keeping with the subject of the talk, is a horse memento. An illustrated talk lag Leslcg Forward Tuesday 25% January 20 l O Everyone at Bourne Veterinary Practice would like to wish all our clients and their pets a very Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year. Remember that Christmas can be a stressful time for everyone and it’s worth remembering it can be traumatic for your pets too. All the frenzied activi- ty, visits from friends and family and changes in routine can all take their toll on your animals. To help your pets get through Christmas without go- ing Crackers there’s a few important things to re- member. Firstly, a lot of the foods we eat at Christmas are very rich and often give your pets stomach upsets if they have too many titbits. Even worse they can trigger a food intolerance reaction with itching and hair loss, and excess fatty food can also cause pancreatitis which is a very painful and serious condition. Certain foods are even poisonous to pets. Grapes and raisins are very poisonous and can cause kidney failure so it is important not to feed your pet any Christmas cake or pudding and to ensure these are safely stored away out of reach. Chocolate is also poisonous as it contains theobromlne which is toxic to pets, beware that dogs have been known to sniff out wrapped chocolates under the tree and a box of dark chocolates could be fatal. Other potential hazards include poinsettlas, mistletoe, holly and ivy all of which are poisonous and can cause stomach upsets and mouth ulcers. Pine needles can get lodged in paws and cause infections. Baubles and children's toys can be chewed and cause serious internal damage and pets often chew the extra electric cables around the tree, these seem particularly appealing for puppies and house rabbits. Crackers, party poppers and fireworks are also very stressful for pets. If your pet is particularly stressed by loud noises they may benefit from a special spray, collar or plug—in diffuser which releases synthetic pheromones to replicate natural signals of ‘well—being’. This can really help to reassure and comfort your pet. Hopefully this hasn't dampened your Christmas spirit too much! We want you to be aware of potential dangers but don’t want to cause more stress! Hopefully your pets will all really enjoy the festive break. 22 Friends of Bekesboume Church J UMBLE SALE Saturday 29 January 2011 10 am Bekesbourne Village Hall Admission 30p onations of jumble to the Hall on riday 28 Jan, 4 - 6 pm; OT on the day please. 23 Fine Food store, Cake Crafts § Deii Cafe ALL at Mama FeeLgoods are getting readg for Christmas , the festive goodies are arriving on the sheives whetherjust for stocking gour Lar- der or for making fabuious foodie hampers there is evergthing from award winning Kent- ish wines to hand made chutnegs gjams, Loves Lg tins of biscuits and chocoiates to fine cheese g crackers. You can choose gour items 5 basket or box and the staff wiLL Lovingig put gour bespoke ham- per together § wrap for gou. New in Store You wiLL find some products onig avaiiabie at Mama Feeigoods this gear as we are now pro- ducing a few more of our own goodies, Last gear we made gingerbread biscuits to decorate our shop, but Lost count of the amount of peopie who wanted to bug them so we are making extra to seii this gear. These wiii be avaiiabie in December. As weLL as the gingerbread the ‘Made bg Mama’ range inciudes booze Laced puddings § iced cakes, mincemeat pg pies, chutnegs § fes- tive pickies, shortbread _§ meringues. When researching our products to stock some mass produced items just weren't as good as homemade so we gave up trging to -find some things and have made them ourseLves~ 1 hope gou Like them as much as we do. Our order form is on the back, if gou want to piace gour order or if gou need angthing not Listed piease just ask Saiig or Yvonne in the deii theg wiLL be happg to heip. fllvtadifiex Heiio aii gou Loveig Mama Feeigoods customers, weicome to our winter newsietter. weii Mama Christmas has weLL and truig arrived, the deii is bustiing with goodies 5 or- ders are now being taken for Turreegs § mince pies! Winter calendar Fridag 26*“ November 3 — 9pm Craft 5;, gift Christmas Bazaar — Lower Hardes viLLage Haii saturdag 27*“ Earig Bird Hamper §, tasting dag Meet with some of our iocai producers 5 sa mpie some of our Christmas Lines. 5% discount on aii Hampers ordered todag saturdag 4*“ December — Cake craft dag with in store demonstrations from 11am _§ sampies of our Christmas cakes. saturdag 11"‘ Dec Cheese § Wine dag as weLL as Lots of cheese to sampie there wiLL be 5% discount on ad pre orders § 10% if ordering wine bg the case. =flgfl Mondag 1o*'"_)an3.3o - 11.45 Impact Fiowers — qerberas pg Caiia Liiies £95 6 week course starting — now booking spring flowers — coming soon Christmas Opening Hours :5‘ E, Christmas eve ~ open tiLL rspm Then the cafe is ciosed from Christmas dag untii Tuesdag 3rd_)anuarg. ELM EQQd .StQre Christmas eve — open tiii 3pm Bag a bargain as our Christmas saie starts at 12pm. we wiLL then be ciosed untii Tuesdag 28”" December then open wednesdag 23*“, Thursdag sot" g, Fridag 315* — 10am — 4pm so gou can get gour food goodies for New gear then we arejust ciosed on ltijanuarg and then back to normai on the Zzmjanuarlg. 24 LITTLEBOURNE CHILDREN'S CENTRE What are Children's Centres? They offer access to services for parents; carers and children aged 0 - 5 years in your local community. Littlebourne Children Centre is temporarily based in Littlebourne Village Hall while the new centre is currently being built at Littlebourne Primary School site in Church Road and should be ready early in 2011. Littlebourne Children's Centre is a Round 3 centre which is developed to offer universal ser- vices to children and families living in the least disadvantaged areas. Services offered by Round 3 children's centres will be decided after an assessment of local needs and will be based pre- dominantly on existing services rather than developing new ones. Rather than being located on site, parents/carers will be ‘signposted’ to the appropriate services taking place in the local air- ea. These are likely to include health services, extended schools services and childcare. Addi- tional outreach sites may be necessary to improve access for families, especially in rural areas. Round 3 children's centre activities may include some of the following; Health Visitors running a ‘drop in’ clinic to advise and support new mothers. ‘Stay and Play’ groups, Parent and Toddler groups run by the Community Involvement Worker to provide new mothers with opportunities to meet and the children to socialise. A coffee morning where parents/carers can find out about different forms of early education and childcare from the Children's Information Service Out reach Officer. Other health professionals offering support and advice on speech and language or signpost ing parents/carers to the appropriate local services. Support and advice for parents and children with special educational needs or disabilities from appropriate professionals. Who would be using the children's centre? Parents/carers, children and extended families. Local chiidminders. Other members of the local community. What have we been up to so far? This year we have held numerous events for local families in the Littlebourne area such as:- Paediatric FirstAid course for parents with a creche First Time Parents course at Littlebourne Village Hall Baby Massage Group at Littlebourne Village Hall and Primary School Sing and Sign Group at Littlebourne Village Hall Mend Group at Littlebourne Village Hall Parent and Toddler Groups, Thursday's at Littlebourne Village Hall Fun Day event at Littlebourne Village Hall Gazebo and play sessions in Littlebourne and Barham (sadly rained off at Bridge and Adi sham) What's going on now? Parent and Toddler Groups, Thursday's at Littlebourne Village Hall Handling Children's Behaviour Course at Littlebourne Primary School Volunteering Opportunities What's coming up? Walk and Talk Book Start Course Locomotion Group Christmas Parties! Volunteering Opportunities Groups/Services that meet the local need To register with the Children's Centre and receive your free welcome pack and a free 3* mem- bership to Kingsmead Leisure Centre, please call/text the Littlebourne Children's Centre on 01227 722764 or call Suzi for more info on 07872 416323. 25 The Red Lion Inn, Bridge ‘Where Gastronomy and good times come together’ Rene and Harry would like to introduce themselves to you all as the new proprietors of the Red Lion lnn, Bridge. We share a passion to deliver a friendly welcome, good food, wines and beers, ex- ceptional service and a great, relaxed atmosphere, with a special ‘French flair.’ All of our menus are created from freshly prepared ingredients from local sources, and include eggs from our own organic poultry. Fresh fish straight from the boat to your plate are available daily, and a choice of delicious roasts available every Sun- day. You can also enjoy freshly brewed tea and coffee or juice with a choice of cakes baked by Bridge’s own Emma Haynes, during the day. Other facilities include a private function room for that special occasion or business meeting or function, with free WiFi access. Menus and arrangements can be tai- lored to your individual needs. in the summer months, you can also enjoy al fresco drinking and dining in our beau- tiful garden. To find out more, please visit our website at http://www.redlionbridqe.co.uk to see examples of our daily menus and those planned for the festive season. There is also an on line booking facility, details of how to take advantage of our special of- fers and our forthcoming events. We are also members of the UK's and Europe’s leading FREE restaurant site for diner reviews, special offers and on line booking at htto://www.toptable.com We look forward to seeing you soon! Rene and Harry Every Thursday morning we have a coffee morning served 9.00—11.00 am The Red Lion Inn 26 Bridge Parish Council www.bridgevi||age.org.uk Notes from Bridqe Parish Council meeting 11"‘. November 2010 Affordable Housing — Canterbury City Council had asked the High Court to deal with the appeal against the decision to refuse permission for a judicial review of the planning deci- sion as expeditiously as possible, to prevent the funding for the affordable housing scheme being lost. The council noted the news item on the affordable housing scheme that had appeared in that day’s edition of the Kentish Gazette and urged villagers to write to the newspaper to express their views. Canterbury City FC — Canterbury City FC had not paid any rental nor returned the con- tract for the current season. They had failed to respond to emails from the Clerk. It was agreed that the Clerk would telephone one of their officials and explain that the club would be deemed to have accepted the terms of the contract by using the pavilion and ground from the start of the season and would therefore be liable for payment of the out- standing fees. Pot holes in the High Street- The badly pot-holed section of the High Street, outside the Post Office, would be re-surfaced in the New Year using funding from Cllr Michael Northey's KCC Members’ Funds. Recreation Ground — Cllr Gulvin would take over the inspection folder from Cllr Beinder at the end of the month. The graffiti on the pavilion had not yet been removed by CCC. Cllr Beinder thanked all the volunteers who helped with the working party on the recreation ground on 6"‘.November. The replacement of the ‘springies’ on the children's play area was discussed. it was agreed to consider submitting a request for funding under the Cap- ital Grant Scheme in December. The clerk would find out if it would be possible to pur- chase only replacement ride on sections of the ‘springies’ from the supplier. Speedwatch Project- It was agreed to suspend the Speedwatch project until the spring and to review the future of the project at the March 2011 meeting of the parish council. Mill Centre —- Cllr Beesty reported that one of the boilers in the Mill Centre had broken down and was probably beyond economic repair. The future tenancy of the building was still in doubt. The Committee therefore proposed to install a water heater and were using portable heaters as a temporary measure. Race to Infinity — Cllr Esdale reported that 12% of Bridge Residents had now voted for superfast broadband in the area. Broadband users in the village and surrounding area could vote via a link on Bridge village website. www.bridcievillacie.orq.uk Christmas Trees — Cllr Esdale reminded residents that the Christmas trees would be put up in the High Street on 4"‘ December. Volunteers should meet in the village hall at 9.30am. This is a great community activity and all are welcome to take part. Notes from Bridge Planning Committee The Planning Committee had no objection to the following application; CA/10/01875/FUL High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Two—storey extension to rear of dwelling The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/10/01270/FUL 47 High Street, Bridge Single storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9"‘. December 2010 at 7.00pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee will meet prior to the Council Meeting at 6.45pm. All Bridge residents are welcome to attend these meetings. 27 CANTERBURY CHORAL SOCIETY FAMILY CAROLS CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL A it--‘~ ¥;=,« re‘ A FRIDAY 17th DECEMBER 7.00 '52:.--I"(i;E1.“:’.“t’i§-i Canterbury Choral Society's 2010/11 season starts with Family Carols at Canter- bury Cathedral on Friday 17th December 7.00 pm. The Choral Society are delighted that Pharon Independent Financial Advisers continue to sponsor the event. Concerts for the 2011 Season will be Bach Christmas Oratorio on Saturday 22nd January, Handel lsrael in Egypt on the 19th March Elgar The Kingdom on the 18th June 2011. The Choral Society Youth Choir will again join with the Choral Society. The Youth Choir has gone from strength to strength and in 2010 appeared with the Society for all its major concerts. This highly traditional concert which would not be the same without Richard Cooke inviting the younger members of the audience to join him and sing some of the more popular carols. Carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago, but these were not Christ- mas Carols. They were pagan songs, sung at the Winter Solstice celebrations as people danced round stone circles. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, usually taking place around the 22nd December. The word Carol actually means dance or a song of praise and joy! Carols used to be written and sung during all four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at Christmas has really sur- vived !. A Brass Ensemble will accompany the choir and will themselves perform solo pieces. This concert provides the true Christmas spirit and should not be missed. if anyone is interested in joining the Youth Choir they need to be between the ages of 7 and 14, boys or girls. Anyone interested should emails Ali@canterburvchora|.co.uk There is a simple audition to join the choir. Tickets for Family Carols, priced at £7,00 and £4.00 for children, can be purchased from the Marlowe Theatre Box Office on 01227 787787 or by email on marlowetheatre@canterburv.qov.uk Full information about the Society including ways to join can be found on their web- site wwwcanterburvchoral.co.uk 28 WHITTEN SPENCER LIMITED Chartered Accountants 29 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5]Z T 01227 831076 F 01227 831991 E info@whittenspencer.co.ul< W www.whittenspencer.co.ul< Frank Whitten, FCA and Tim Spencer, BSC, ACA, CTA. Professional friendly service offered for our accountancy needs includin preparation of accounts, VAT, payroll, C S, book-keeping and tax planning. Personal tax returns completed and filed online by a Chartered Accountant. office hours: 9.15 - 12.45, afternoons by appointment. Wi§§_b%re.¥ar33a..Fee§s tl:!£é¢:ira1:.$N2aaai$ to }’1‘.LPu1‘tJL'.(){,3Y - , ., . ., «aver22Q defi»':§ous dishes and desserts * Sultaitaioz ' r a Earge range of Spé ideas; - Frozen frcam fresh to cagvmre the goodness - Can be cooked in msérzutes using an overt: er m§::.rr;>wave T-,3, ,_,§_, 9,, 5,1,3 ,3,-;,_;,,_<;;.; hm_,_;..lu,,E, wig: ; [f)6.:lk*u'£%rr_'=.£§ fice.e»vil'f'1ca,re by wwwwiitshzrefarmfoods.co_m_ 01227 724 999 -"‘”""‘“'*‘5“'E“"'w""*" Court Lodge Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast Comfortable accommodation in the beautiful village of Bishopsboume. For further details contact: {:3 F“ H A a‘f*:*~ Jenny Coop 91227 832242 __ ‘QM . . C . jenny.coop@bl1'ntemet.cam www. courtlodgefarrnhouse . co . uk 35 Vicar: Rev Simon Rowlands, Vicarage 23 High Street Bridge (830250) Curate: Rev. Julia Baldwin. 21 High Street, Bridge (830265) Lay Reader: Mrs. Margaret Clarke. (Tel 765598) ALM@Bel-zesbourne: Mrs P Kusel PATRIXBOURNE WITH BRIDGE Churchwardens Dr. AM Nicholson, Riverside Cottage, Patrixbourne (830947) Mrs P Pritchard, 2 St Mary's Rd, Patrixbourne (830685) Mr L H Dunderdale, 37 High St, Bridge (830668) Mrs E Andrews, The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge (830960) PCC Secretary Mrs R Beeching, Bridge Down, Bridge PCCTreasurer Mr C Medhurst, 1 Park View Bridge (830762) Gift Aid Officer Mrs E Mitton, Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge (832954) Organist (Patrixbourne) IWJ Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) BEKESBOURNE Churchwardens Mrs J Giiianders, Cala, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne Mrs J Millyard. 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Secretary Mrs J Millyard, 10 De Havillands, Bekesbourne (830256) PCC Treasurer Mrs Zan Clifford, Oakleigh Lodge, Bekesbourne (830328) Organist Mr J Harris 1 Riverside Close, Bridge (830631) Captain of the Flingers Mrs Gill Moon, The Haven, Aerodrome Rd, Bekesbourne (832134) On The Nail’ Advertising-: Mrs C Korzeniowska Middle Pett Farm House Pen Bottom (830990) email: c.korzeniowska@virgin.net I Items for On The Nail should reach Laurence Dunderdale by the 15th of the preceding month preferably by email : laurence.dunderdaIe@btinternet.com 36 S & w ASPHALT ° 7 ' A" “Spec” °f Tl; W°l" FLAT ROOFING SPECIALISTS 0 I Hedge Cutting 0 l Garden / Site Clearances Call Tony on Tel/ Fax: 01227 478604 13 GRAYS WAY Mob: 07708 537683 CANTERBURY www.har'tleetreesurger'y.com CT1 3XY Email: ‘ronyhar't'lee@tiscc1li.co.uk Tel: 01227 731576 NPTC Certificates - Fully insured Evenings: 01227 463675 54 St Gregory's Road, Canterbury, Kent Mobile; 0795 0299346 CT1 1NU David Harris Furniture Maker & HAIRDHESSING Bespoke Joiner Kitchens, Fitted Units, etc. (X) by (X Design Handmade & Fitted . David MENS 20 Woolton Farm (Mobile Hairdresser) STATE REGISTERED HAIRDRESSER Bekesbourne Canterbury Phone Tel 01227 720037 Eiham 01303 840650 Mob 07855 023 953 34 your local grower Qgflorist weddings & funerals, hops, gifts, fresh & dried flowe christmas decorations & much more ...... fr %de1irv}ry Chalkpit Farm Rural Shopping Bekesbourne SEU 01227 830666 www.essentia||yhops.co.uk 5hop@essentialIyhops.co.uk I ,. I .::; Byfzlfiiagsfrect.§a§ndw§eh.Keu1€T13-QBY ,, I Tet/Fax: §}T£3E}at3 6-’ ?’?{}ii ’ fiujv anfinc at wwsaamricimwmzngiiwweE.la:s:x::>.azL; -' cutting and styling hair hair Iilllitflll in a I-gland and friendly envirnnmant with easy BED HEAD PFIUL MITCJI 4 western ave, bridge, canterhury, Kent, ntll 5Is.. Tm! tal:ll1221 sans MA RGARET MUIRH EA D MNIMH Medical Herbalist and Masseur To treat a wide range of complaints cmariin &) Sfiirfqy R_ f d , I 0 (Befesgbume (BEE-esébumel mg or a vice or consu tation Canterfiiry, q(ent. crr4 sraro Tel: 01227 720991 0”” 33°21“ Mob: 07946 544227 wwwfzufimicormtom Opening Times Monday - Saturday www.her'balist.cantei~bur'y-kent.com 12pm to 3pm 5pm to 11pm Sunday 12pm to 10.30pm Tuesday - Steak Night Specials _ _ _ _ Wednesday - Quiz Night Quiet village location at Littlebourne Sunday - BBQ 6-8pm _ Folk/Acoustic Music - Sunday 8-10.30pm F|"€€ parking BRIDGE 8: BR “DOE DEhwC;rHAar%il|PRACT|CE LITTLEBOURNE Mr M Southon Mrs K Leadbetter Mrs V Wright Family Dental Care Available MEDICINE c|_|N|cs Weekdays 8.45 « 1.00 & 2.00 — 5.30 Tues & Thurs ‘til 8.00pm S t d 9.00 -1.0 3 Ur ays 0 Acupuncture ( Traditional and Western) Independent, Full Private, De-nplan, & Cl7ll_d Heallh 5 P0dl3lCV_ -'C0U”5?”l”Q NHS for children and exempt Adults Dlslrlcl Nurse -‘ Family F”a””'”9 Osteopathy: Physiotherapy Fleflexology 73 High street: Bridge Travel Clinic (Yellow Fever Centre) Tel: 01227 831110 For appointments and information please telephone 01227 831900 32 C W LYONS & SON LTD FUNERAL DIRECTORS 8: MONUMENTAL MASONS 70 Military Road, Canterbury 24 Hour Service Tel: 01227 463508 Family Owned. Est 1911 Members of SAlF, NAFD & NAMM Prepaid Funeral Plans Available Divisitsandholida foyour T is are‘: peéigflemmbnofgigemvnhmm fi%§’mMl priority pets 93e,§:m'§.$'s‘u9g!!,l9 fifiiflfldflliflwmim Professional and friendly service ‘’'All aspects of Tree Surgery ; Fencing *Hee::tges "Ground/Site Clearance Erormomnsomauon oonu::tRoaion0l227 720570 *P’6I‘m’"9 or 077209 zxw ("dig TCIGPIIWIC Shim‘! “Om 0ne20ne Financial Solutions Ltd Contact Geoff Plommer For Independent Financial Advice 01227 769430 or 07786074945 One20ne Financial Solutions Ltd is an apéiointed refresentative of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd which is authorise and regu ated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered in England No. 5681668 JOHNSWflW Electrician 39 The Street Kingston Canterbury Kent CT4 SJQ Tel: Canterbury (01227) 830842 PLANNING PERMlSSl0N BUlLDlNG REGULATIONS CHANGE OF USE Preparation of Drawings, Local Authority Applications, . Contact Supervision, Administration, Estimating, Builders Quantities, Bills of Quantities, Final Accounts MICHAEL PEPPIATT ASSOCIATES Quantity Surveyors and Building Surveyors Mobile: 07973 828356 Tet: 0122? 832100 Fax: 01227 832090 emait: michaei.peppiatt@btintemet.com For all your interior blinds Extensive range of Made to Measure Pleated, Roller, Venetian, Vertical and Conservatory Blinds. Free Estimates and Friendly Professional Service Ring David Lester on 01227 720881 www.kentb|inds.co.uk Mfififilllkll @%©Rf ALL PLUMBING WORK UNDERTAKEN Gas. Safe R. .5935?-4 SPECJALIST 1N WARM WATER UNDER FLOOR HEATING AND COMPLETE BATHROOM FlTTiNG The Unicorn -Bekesbcurne Hit!" Bekesbourne Canterbury Kent CT4 SED Est 1988 Domestic Cleaning Services Tel: 01227 277033 www.su ermaIds.t_:o.uk Emai|:info supermaIds.co.uk Tel: 01227 331390" Fax:"o1'227 831300 Nlobiie:0T8B5282372 Email: enguiries@martinshort.co.ui< www.martinshort.co.uk Sihillelash B®@mDwJG®BJfl We play at English and European folk festivals and have appeared on local radio For more information please contact Chris on 01227 454070 Email: sketesfomily@oal.com It's more than just a Barn Dance 30 vision tiles Natural Stone floor & wall tiles stunning tiles for your home at affordable prices tel: 01227 832265 fax: 01227 832184 email: sales@visiontiles.co.uk www.visiontiles.Co.uk Unit 21 Woolton Farm, BQKGSEOLIFHQ‘ nr. Canterbury, Kent, CT4 SEA References Available From Delighted Clients Reasonable rates Please Contact Chris on 01227 454070 or Anne 07540 653551 Fully Insured for Public Liability The Complete Garden Service General Gardening Services Brushes Expertly Pruned. Hedges trimmed. Gardens tidied up. Paths and Fencing All types supplied and erected at affordable prices. Prompt and reliable service P ' P ' . d “l=’t'.i§n‘.3iu.‘~’.‘a"l'~‘zf3p‘}ll"rleli"’8i‘l-l‘e“s £25. 8" All rubbish removed to a licensed site. Open 9.00 to 5pm Monday to Saturday Sunday 10.30am — 4pm Chalkpit Farm, School Lane, Bekesbourne, CT4 5EU 01227 830830 l Freshly baked bread and cakes l Wine, beer and cider l Free range meat and eggs l Local and seasonal fruit and veg l Speciality cheese counter l Italian means, anti pasti and olives l Foodie gift hampers l Art and hand made crafts l Cake crafts GARDEN & :9 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Painting, Brickwork, Fencing, Paths, Patios, Grass and Hedge Cutting and General Maintenance L.J. Dwyer Bridge, Nr Canterbury 01227 830538 DELTA ELECTRICAL SERVICES DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL ELECT RICAL CONTRACTORS Wilco Plumbing & Heating Boiler repairs and Replacements 5-year guarantee on Worcester Boilers All plumbing & Heating repairs SHA UNE MILE URN TEL: 01304 831350 FAX: 01304 331350 MOB : (37702 333398 EMAIL : de1tae1ectrioatservices@hotmai1.co.uk REGISTERED NICEIC DOMESTIC INSTALLER DOMESTIC MSTALLEH Renville Oast Bridge, Canterbury, Kent CT4 SAD Conservator cleaning, Fascia and so fit cleaning Gutter clearing, Full exterior cleaning Domestic cleaners supplied References provided Est 5 years in Bridge and surrounding villages cabinetmaker MAKEPEACE-TRAENED with 20 years’ experience; based in Bekesbourne ALL COMMISSIONS CONSIDERED Please contact Paul Grudge: 01227 832747 07881 467774 info@pau|crudge.com www.pauIcrudge.com 24/7 emergency service Over 30 years experience Gas Safe Registered KCC Trading Standards Approved 07860 452640 www.wilcoplumbing.co.uk Bed & Breakfast 6009 Guests coming tor a tarniiy occasion and no room to accommo~ date them? Then book them in at Henville Oast, a picturesque oasl—house used tor drying hops for the brewery trade. Alt three guest bedrooms are large and comfortable. There are two rooms with ensuite shower, and a twin-bedded room with private bathroom. All have tea/coffee making facilities and a television. The oast. situated on the outskirts of Bridge village, is set in beautiful countryside, and there is plenty at sate parking. Tel Mrs Joan Hill on 01227 830215 Email: joan.hi|l@virgin.net Our website is www.renviiIeoast.co.uk WINDOW CLEANER DARREN SANDERSON RING ME ON 01227 719114 MOBILE 07789711432 Kent Roofing Loft Conversions, Tiling Flat Roofing, Roofs Cut and Pitched UPVC Facia and Guttering Roof Windows Fitted FREE ESTIMATES Phone 01227 861149 J.W. 81 LJ. BRASIER ChiropodyIPodiatry The Workshop—Hiqhland Court Farm _ " 33 Nonhgate Tel: 01227 canterbury Open 8.00am——6.00pm www.bestfeet.co.uk Full Diesel & Petrol Diagnostic _ Servicing & pre—MOT’s Dav” °"°"a"d Weqding 86 High Street Cars Collected & Returned Winsham (01227) 451317 FAMILY BUTCHER LAURIE WAKEHAM BRIDGE : Tel: Canterbury 830220 PRIME LOCAL ENGLISH MEAT : HOME-MADE SAUSAGES FRESH POULTRY : COOKED MEATS MEAT FOR FREEZERS www.family-butcher.co.uk Telephone: 01622 690236 Fax: 01622 685742 H. GOODSELL & SON LTD www.goodsellbuilders.co.uk info@goodsellbuilders.co.uk 1 Fisher Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 2FiQ New Work ' Alterations ' Decorations ' Repairs Incorporating Avery Engineering Telephone 01622 752130 Steel and Sheet Metal Fabricators including fire escapes, burglar bars, gates and balustrades, welding and general repairs CS SA TELL] TE TV SERVICE CHRIS SHEATHER 5.WI-IITELOCKS CLOSE, KINGSTON, NLCANTERBURY, KENT. CT46JG. 01227330179 SUPPLY. INSTALL. ORSEPAIRS. DIY ADVICE 29 CLARKS LANDSCAPE SERVICES PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING Including garden design and construction, Grass cutting of fields, meadows and paddocks. Patios, paths, concreting, turfing. Hedging and site clearance‘ Grass cutting service from $34.00 per cut. Marley Lane Kingston CT4 6JH Tel 01227 830536 = ll Veterirte W Rracticne 5 .; . Family owned and run Convenient parking Committed to quality care _ Purpose designed modern practice Relaxed atmosphere 24 hour emergency service Consultations by _appointm_e_nt Modern purpose designed facility Rob and Rachel McMeeking Chalkpit Farm, Adisham Road, Bekesbourne, Nr. Canterbury Kent CT4 5EU (O osite Essentially ops) e—mai| : info@bournevets.co.uk Web :www.bournevets.co.uk 01227 832322 51' Martin's Emmaus (enemy No: 9347354) Refurbished furniture at bargain prices Dover (on A20) Tel 01304 204550 Shop open Mon ~ Sat 9.00arn—5..00pm We can use your I I unwanted goods I ‘x... Your Local Office is i 88 High Street isndge A Canterbury CT4 SLB 5 tellfax 01227 831993 w\iim.coiebrooksturrock.co.uk ESTATE AGENTS ROGERS GARAGE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS OVERHAULS SERVICING & BODY REPAIRS. CLASSIC & VINTAGE CAR RESTORATIONS Any make of new or second hand cars supplied 36 HIGH STREET BRIDGE Nr. Canterbury CT4 5JZ CANTERBURY 830348 cut to any size . Full transit tipper load: £120 Half load: £75 Free delivery in the Canterbury are Call: 07552 389 333 e leave a contact name & number, and state whetheti guire iogs for a wood burning stove or for an open smalier quantities avaitable: Pilates Classes Taught by APPI trained Chartered Physiotherapists Will help to improve the following conditions:— Postural problems. Strength and muscle tone. Core stability. Back, neck and shoulder pain. Osteoporosis, bone density. Stress related conditions. Breathing control. Musculoskeletal problems. Co—ordination and balance. Call to register your interest in local classes 01227 831839 info@pilatessoutheast.co.uk cape Comuting IT ADVISORS AND TECHNICIANS Providing reliable and professional IT services — in your home or business.‘ Computers, Networks, Internet & Websites -Problem Fixing 0 Tuition oRepair -Advice olnstallation - Management - Support Sensible rates. Call to see if we can help. Da;ve**i.Ha.ywoodi on it) 1227 83.:y316, ‘info@ Esc-Computing.net Local recommendations. Est. 2000 31 FUNNELL ELECTRICAL Local Electrician Domestic and Commercial Work Friendly, Reliable Service Please contact Tony 01227 721309/07916386081 H El DOHESTIC . INSTALLEFI "' SWEETS STUFF Fun Cakes for any occasion Made to order Why not have something different for your next celebration. These ‘cakes’ are made entirely of sweets 01227 740944 07816 426035 www.sweetsstuff.co.uk DIGITAL AERIALS AND SATELLITE TV—FM AERIALS 8: SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS MULTLSINITCHING DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION FRENCH 8: EUROPEAN PROGRAMMES STORM DAMAGE INSURANCE REPAIRS FULL CHANNEL CHOICE AT ANY TIME 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE FULLY INSURED SERVICE 8: REPAIRS Plastering (City & Guilds) . Interior Plastering . Coving fitted . Exterior Rendering . Painting- interior & Exterior Chris Possee 3 Green Court Bridge, Canterbury, Kent CT4 SLU 07805 695247 in ?I§1lII!1;I1.' rig ' » Bridge Village Playgroup Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9.00 — 12.00 Mon (4's morning) 9.00 — 12.00 Tel 07790 096 325 Fully qualified and very experienced staff Excellent OFSTED Report SARAH de ROUGEMONT RENOVATION AND UPHOLSTERY ALL COMMISSIONS CONSIDERED Tel: 07973 377817 i 1 ,7. , .. NEWBRIDGE HOUSE T“E___3E'._5'_'FI_ "."‘I_G5T°" Specialist in the repair and restoration of antique clocks and barometers Turret.fPut3lEc clocks serviced and overhauiecl John Carpenter C.M.B.H.l. Or..'a:'zf.v'-ad by the Bfllish Horological lnszizute, ’v‘.’orl<.ing in the Sa:m'w{cn area for 25 years. White Haven. Sandown Road Sandwich, Kent CT13 SNY Telephone 01304 619787 G. Blackwell BUILDING amerbury CONTRACTOR Computer Repairs Extensions, Garages Upgrades and Roofing Sgftwagye fixes Restoration We W19 ‘O 3'0" Alterations etc. and personal local service with our NO Fix NO Fee guarantee. Call now — Canterbury 832450 - I 1 Canterbury: 860480 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR HOUSE? WE PRODUCE BESPOKE HOUSE HISTORY BOOKS We will take professional photographs of your house and garden, research and Write its history and present you with an individually designed linen bound book with dust jacket: a unique gift or wonderful legacy. Telephone o1227 832747 or 07754 87733 www.millhousebooks.com 4:. ME FULTON (;()[)[)ARD ROOFING Painl:er&Dec0rat0r Period and Listed Property Specialists Kent Pegs - Slates - Leadwork C"‘m"°Y$ 3"‘ 5““=""3 Specializing in Period Properties New Roofs and Repairs c.,.,,.c;. ¢;,,,,.w.,,;. _ __ g_ Hastingleigh 01233 750511 Ki“E5t,on, Canterbury :7‘, Q I ‘ll; www.goddardraofing.com __ EmaiI:info@goddardroo|'Ing.I:om 33