“Creativity is I e intelligence having fun.” CREATIVE SOLUTIONS A|bertEinstein DESIGN 8 PRINT I WEB DESIGN 8 HGSTING I VEHICLE WRAPPING 8 GRAPHICS I SIGNAGE 01227 780001 - mick|ecreative.com Canterbury Roofing Specialist . Kent pegs www.roo erincan er ury.co.u . New roofs Contact Gary or Trevor for a free quote. o Repair work Syvma o Fibreglass flat roofs Canterbury Road 0 All building work carried out Chilham, Canterbury Tel: 01227 731845 Mobile: 07796 165289 Mill Tower . /K/.s'.s‘((/yr’ Offering holistic massages, I individually tailor each and every treatment to allow time for you to relax, whilst restoring your body’s balance and sense of wellbeing. For more iri/ormcrlf(m.' 07813 272154 Bridge Haven ax/ante) core & support C a H O m e “Evergone matters’ Conyngham Lane, Bridge, Canterbury CT4 SJX At Bridge Haven 24-hour care and support is provided for people living with dementia, where our team of qualified and attentive staff focus on the individual needs of the residents. Visit our website to see how we can help you: www.avantecare.org.uk or call us on 01227 831607 B can U r n e JW8. LJ BRASIER LTD Veterl na ry Pra Ctlce Unit 11 Partridge Drive, Bridge CANTERBURY CT4 5BF Convenient parking _ _ (012_27) 331923 _ Committed to quality Care Servicing & MOT s Classes 4,5 lights & 7 Purpose designed modern practice Fun Diesel gvglggpfi Diagnostic 24 hO'E‘r9'g‘r’1‘1egg5‘grT]‘C‘;3y5g;‘r‘?lri‘E°'3e Cars collected and returned locally Consultations b a ointment Modern purpose ee’§tg‘?t'?ee facility MOLE CATCHER KEITH No Mole — No Fee Chalkpit Farm Adisham Road Your local Mole catctier, based in Ash , covering Bekesbourne, Ni. Canterbury Kent 3“ ‘°°"‘” ‘°‘’‘’”5 3”‘ ‘’'“a9°5- CT4 5EU (O Osite Essentially Offering mole conti_’ol_for your lawns, gardens & Ops) paddocks. Public liability insurance. e-mail : info@bournevets.co.uk can/Text Web : www.bournevets.co.uk East Kent Mole Catcher 07876 686543 k 01 Ernail—molecatcherkeith@hotmail.com R.B.W 41 g KENT’S WATER FEATUR , SPECIALISTS AND " 3- POND BUILDING PERT -3- We come to you... liarilian I Pniiil Illlsiflll, Biiililinu anil fllIflll'IIi$|lllllIllhl - PuiiillllaaiiiniilM:intenaIII:e/M:intanaIiI:I:l:nntI'aI:ta 3' er (05 t:itiiti sate Pllnll |IIlVaI's filtration siiecialata Patina - Ilai:I(inii - Fencing - Brickwork - Arliuiira PC 3‘ '-al’t°P R°P"=‘"s- Data Re°°"e'V Networking & Maintenance. Repairs 8: New Systems . Upgrades. Virus Removal/Protection. Tel: info@gingercatcomputers.co.ull: and www.gingercatcomputers.co.u CONSULTATIONS 01227 700730 www.RefIec'l:IonByWaI:er.eom Emall: andrewlongrbwflnolanallmom CONIPUTEH SOLUTIONS Est 1988 Domestic Cleaning Services Tel: 01227 277033 www.supermaids.co.uk Email: info@supermaids.co.uk To advertise here email steve|thomas91@gmai|.com FS Property Maintenance & Handyman All aspect of interior & exterior, residential & commercial property maintenance undertaken. All jobs big or small. Friendly, reliable, reasonable 07980 364694 01227 722278 ELITE BLINDS l.'lf‘\l)l TO Ml »'\Sl_JRl www.e|ite—blinds.c0m 01227 720 881 Self-Caterinq Holiday Home Bridqe (Centre) Sleeps 7—(5 + 2 on sofabed), 3 Bedrooms Available all year round. Contact Tina: 07890 613185 or 0118 375 0393 T. PETTMAN CLOCKMAKER 0786 0498 963 Ed-IT CCNVIPLJTING 0 Computing & technology advice. support, tuition, repair I provide all aspects of IT support to individuals and businesses on a one—off or ongoing basis. Ed Ludlow, Ed-IT Computing t: 01227 472619 I m: 07494 404238 hello@ed—it.co.uk I www.ed—it.co.uk P J Sweeps Phillip Joiner Chimney Engineer Over 10 Years’ Experience Fireplaces Fitted CCTV Surveying Ii BEE: 3 Rotary Power Sweeping Stoves Installed & Serviced 01227 700 909 pjsweeps@h0tmail.c0.uk WWW.PJCHIMNEYSWEEPS.CO.UK NACS Registered Fully Insured Chimney Lining Pots & Cowls HOPS F k0WERS ..: BY ESSENTIALLY HOPS Hop garlands for decoration | Dried Flowers | Gifts www.essentia||yhops.co.uk Chalkpit Farm Rural Shopping, Bei‘T ‘ , .'._1v The CANTERBURY AUCTION Galleries FREE ANTIQUE VALUATION SERVICE Every Friday 10am to 1pm. Home visits by appointment. CANTERBURY 01227 763337 40 STATION ROAD WEST, CANTERBURY, KENT CT2 8AN www.thecanterburyauctiongalleries.com The Vicarage I-3 ~ 23 Hi h st t \ g _ree - Bridge %:,,,,;;-is Q; Tel: 07423 735398 "’9sGr°°° E-mail: bridgecurate@gmai|.com July/August 2023 Dear All I wonder what the word ‘ordinary’ makes you think of? In your mind, is ‘ordinary’ a good thing, or a not-so-good thing? In the church calendar we have been through the sadness of Lent, and then cele- brated the joy of resurrection at Easter. Now we have begun a season of what is called ‘ordinary time.’ This ‘ordinary time’ continues almost uninterrupted until we begin to prepare for the next big celebration — the celebration of Christmas. It seems a long way off, doesn't it?! But life is like this, isn't it? There are times of great joy and celebration; and there are times of great sadness and grief. Human life is punctuated with these highs and lows, and in between, there are the ‘ordinary’ days — days where it's just a matter of getting up and carrying on, same as usual. And as much as we enjoy the excitement of celebrations like Christmas, for some of us, the ‘ordinary’ days are the days we like the most. These are the days where eve- rything is (more or less!) as planned and expected. The predictable rhythm and rou- tine of the ‘ordinary’ can be comforting in its familiarity, as we all came to realise when ‘ordinary’ life stopped altogether during the covid lockdowns. As well as longing to be together for the big celebrations and for the sad goodbyes, what some of us longed for most during covid was a return to the ordinary— the fa- miliar, comforting, predictable routine, of getting up and carrying on with life as nor- mal. I'm not sure that there will ever be a return to that pre-covid normal. We are living in extraordinary times. But in amongst it all, there can still be the comfort of the ordinary — getting up, putting the kettle on, and carrying on, same as usual. During these summer months, maybe you are looking forward to celebrating some- thing with friends and family — perhaps you have weddings or christenings or birth- days or holidays to enjoy. May I encourage you to make the most of the celebra- Hons? Perhaps, though, you are walking through a time of sadness, illness, or grief. May I encourage you to reach out to others, and to take care of each other during times of sadness and loss? And if, right now, you are just getting up and carrying on as usual, may I encourage you to pause, now and then, to be thankful for the small, ordinary mercies of the eve- ryday? 10 And may I encourage us all, that in these extraordinary times in which we live, God is with us, and for us; in the ordinary days, and in all the days to come. Every blessing, Miriam Rev. Dr Miriam Bier Hinksman, Assistant Curate, The Bridge Group Parish July 2023 Diarv Dates Mon 3'” - 1pm-3pm BREW Bekesbourne Recreation Ground Thurs 6"‘ 9-11am Little Lambs Toddler Group, Bridge Pavilion Fri 7”‘ 8.45am Coffee, Chat and Prayer at Bridge Church Sat 8"‘ 3pm-5pm Messy Church at Bridge School Mon 10”‘ - 1pm-3pm BREW Bekesbourne Recreation Ground 2.30pm Caring and Sharing Weds 12”‘ -10 am Bekesbourne Village coffee morning, Bekesbourne Village Hall Thurs 13"‘ 9-11am Little Lambs Toddler Group, Bridge Pavilion Fri 14”‘ — 8.45am Coffee, Chat and Prayer at Bridge Church 10.15-11.30 Fish Scheme Coffee Morning Bridge Village Hall Sat 15”‘- 12.30pm Friends of Bekesbourne Lunch at The Old Palace Mon17th - 1pm-3pm BREW Bekesbourne Recreation Ground Thurs 20”‘ — 9-11am Little Lambs Toddler Group, Bridge Pavilion 2pm Communion at Mansfield Court Fri 215‘ — 8.45am Coffee, Chat and Prayer at Bridge Church Mon 24"‘ 1pm-3pm BREW Bekesbourne Recreation Ground 11 Service details and readinqs for July & Auqust 2023 2"“ July 4”‘ Sunday Jeremiah 28.5-9; 8am BCP Com- after Trinity Psalm 89.1-4,15-18; Ro- munion St mans 6.12-23; Mary’s, Nacking- Matthew 10.40-42 ton 10am Songs of Praise at St Pe- ter’s Bekesbourne 6pm Choral Evensong at St Peter's, Bridge 8"‘ July Messy Church 3pm Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP 9"‘ July 5”‘ Sunday Zechariah 9.9-12; 10 am Commun- after Trinity Romans 7.15—25a; ion at St Peter’s (Sea Sunday) Matthew 11.16-19,25-30 Bridge 16"‘ July 6"‘ Sunday Isaiah 55.10-13; Psalm 65. 9.30am Morning after Trinity (1 -8),9-1 3; Prayer at St (Disability Romans 8.1-11; Mary’s Nacking- awareness) Matthew 13.1-9,18-23 ton 10am Traditional Sung Holy Com- munion at St Mary's Patrixbourne 4pm All Age Family Service at St Peter's Bridge 23'” July 7"‘ Sunday Isaiah 44.6-8; Romans 8.12 10am Parish after Trinity -25; Communion Matthew 13.24-30,36-43 St Mary’s Lower Hardres 30"‘ July 8"‘ Sunday 1 Kings 3.5-12; Romans 10am Parish after Trinity 8.26-39; Communion at St Matthew 13.31 -33,44-52 Mary’s Nacking- ton 12 6"‘ August 9"‘ Sunday Isaiah 55.1-5; Romans 9.1- 10am Parish after Trinity 5; Communion at St Matthew 14.13-21 Peter’s Bekesbourne 13"‘ August 10"‘ Sunday 1 Kings 19.9-18; Romans 10am Parish after Trinity 10.5-15; Communion at St Matthew 14.22-33 Peter’s Bridge 20”‘ August 11"‘ Sunday Isaiah 56.1 ,6—8; Romans 10am Parish after Trinity 11.1-2a, 29-32; Matthew Communion at St 15.(10-20),21-28 Mary’s Patrixbourne 27"‘ August 12"‘ Sunday Isaiah 51.1-6; 10am Parish after Trinity Romans 12.1-8; Communion at St Matthew 16.13-20 Mary’s Lower Hardres Parish Giving Scheme — Regular Giving to our Churches — THANK YOU! It is now a year since we first launched the Parish Giving Scheme in our Parish, so we wanted to write to say a huge thank you to every- one who has embraced this change and now donates to the church- es in our Parish this way. It has made a huge difference to our in- come and our Gift Aid claims so thank you. If you give regularly by standing order or in some other way, thank you too, we do still really appreciate your gift. If you would like to consider giving to church via the Parish Giving Scheme which is a Direct Debit scheme here’s how you can do it: Changing over is easy! You can do so online at www.barishqivincI.orc|.uk or calling the Parish Giving Team on 0333 002 1271 and using our Parish code which is 06A606008; If you prefer you can use a paper form which we can let you have. If you have any queries about signing up to the Parish Giving Scheme please contact our Assistant Treasurer Evelyn Andrews on 01227 830960. The Bridge Group Parish Finance Team . g» n . oup Pari wt‘. aby 7/1 \‘ My ‘ ' \ \- _. ,0‘ Caring and Sharinq There will be no Caring & Sharing Group meetings in August. There will be the an- nual summer ‘Out for Tea’ event in July. This summer we are booked to go Coppers Bistro, Preston 3pm 10th July. The next informal meeting will be on Monday 11th September 2.30 pm at the usual venue. It is planned from September for our monthly ‘Speaker Event’ to be held in the Sitting Room, Mans- field Court to which residents will of course be invited to attend. There will be a small charge to the group members for the use of the room that will be covered by our usual fund raising activities. ‘The Bridge Group Parish Caring and Sharing Group has a Christian ethos but is open to all; those of faith, those of none and those who are not sure. All are wel- come. For further details of the group’s activities please leave a message on 01227 832058, alternatively send an e mail to: becidvDrver(c'1)icloud.com 14 Fish Scheme Nobody in Bridge, Patrixbourne, Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne need be lonely. Come to the July Coffee Pop-in in Bridge village hall on Friday 14th between 10 and 11.30 and you will be very welcome. Everyone there once came for the first time and they are all friendly. If you need a lift ring 07935 966 080 and someone will pick you up and take you home. Do come. The lunch outing to Coppers at Preston Gardens on June 15th left us all happy and very well fed Bridqe with Patrixbourne Womens Institute Our annual Tea Party held at the Pavilion on a sunny afternoon, was a success and delicious cakes and tea were enjoyed by all. Kevin Tooher’s talk ‘Planting for Containers and Baskets that won't die‘ aroused much interest and a lively question—time followed. We have been asked to judge the Cake Competition at the Village Fete. Our next talk on Guatemala — a land of beauty, is on Tuesday, 18"‘ July in the Vil- lage Hall at 7.30pm. Our annual outing will be to Preston Garden Centre for tea. Details to follow later. WI welcomes anyone interested in becoming a member, or coming along firstly as a guest for a ‘taster’. For more details, please contact the Secretary on 01227-830606. Joan Hill June 2023 DO YOU ENJOY SINGING? There has been a choir at St Peter’s, Bridge, since the 19"‘ centu- ry, but you will have noticed that we are now very few in number and not getting any younger! The choir has an important role in leading the singing in worship and it would be a great pity if this could not continue. Could you help? We sing at two 10am and one 6pm Sunday services every month, plus occasional special services, weddings and funerals. Rehearsals are at Bridge Church on Fri- days from 5pm to 6pm. You don't need to be an expert, just able to keep in time and sing in tune! If you — or someone you know — are interested and would like to come to a ‘taster’ rehearsal please contact Jean on 01227 831956. Occasional singers to deputise when one of us Is absent would also be welcome. 15 Nailbourne Scout Group news Finally we have some sun, and the warmer weather has enabled lots more outdoor activities for Nailbourne. Beavers sessions over the last month have focused on the Big Green Project, based around ecology and lots of hands—on work to create natural habitats for wildlife, including digging ponds and making snake dens and bug hotels. They've seen the potatoes and spring onions that they planted starting to grow, learnt about the importance of pollinators and attracting them with flowers and been on a nature scavenger hunt. Along with the Cubs, Beavers also took part in an adventure day at Lower Grange Farm in Maidstone, where they tried out activities such as bus caving, target shoot- ing, bubble suits, go—karting, archery, axe—throwing, climbing, human table football, metal detecting and what could best be described as mop hockey! Cubs have been working on their Teamwork Challenge Award, completing both physical and logic tasks and learning the importance of listening to team members and that sometimes taking your time is the best strategy! They’ve also enjoyed cook- ing and eating popcorn, marshmallows and bananas during campfire sessions. Scouts sessions have concentrated largely on first aid and gaining their Level 4 First Aid badge — and, of course, on preparing for their expedition camp! This involved two nights camping at Walderchain, Woods base camp, a day mission from Canterbury by bus, hiking with compass work, a return hike to Barham and lots of great cooking on our new Trangia stoves! As mentioned last month, we are now in the process of setting up an Explorers sec- tion for boys and girls aged between 14 and 18, and we are welcoming expressions of interest for anyone who might like to join in September. Please email the address below and we will add interested parties to the waiting list. However, as always, we are still in need of volunteer helpers, both in sessions and behind the scenes, so if you might be able to offer some time for this, please contact us on the email below. We are also very keen to hear from anyone who may be able to support in running our Beavers section. We can only run with the help of our vital volunteers. Nailbourne Scout Group welcomes both boys AND girls and meets during term time as follows: Beavers (6-8 years) — Wednesdays, 5.30—6.30pm, Barham Village Hall Cubs (8-10 years) - Wednesdays, 6.45—8.00pm, Barham Village Hall Scouts (10-14 years) - Fridays, 6.30—8.00pm, Denton Village Hall Please note that the venue is subject to frequent change, particularly in the summer, when we meet outside as often as possible! 16 In your garden with Marie Gold We slaouldx loom/v fl/‘O1/VI/‘Cl/L9 i3tl10L»5r0le/i/D5601/auhoiaae/t‘l¢0iJt 05r1)O’(Il’v€/)€£7]Ub0érl1'€/OIA/1171/fLxW1O1,"L0VI£7L1A Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) I make no apology for bringing snails into the picture this month. We gardeners may abhor them, so the following is aimed at the non-gardening younger members of our society and the older ones who find puzzles fascinating. 6 weeks ago, lhad a snail inside the lid of my green bin and as l tipped waste into it the snail duly fell into the debris. Overnight, it returned to the same spot! lrepeated this and it continued to return. The night before the bin collection I removed it. 10 minutes later I could hear the thrush doing what thrushes do, and so that was that. Snails move very slowly about 0.28 cm per second, but can travel nonstop over 24 hours, so are able to travel further than might be imagined. If you find one on a fence, mark it gently with a small spot using a marker pen and move it a couple of metres away. You may discover it probably returns to the exact same place — albeit slowly. Then there are their amazingly beautiful shells. You may have learned about the Fibonacci Sequence — a series where each number is equal to the sum of the 2 num- bers preceding it [0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 etc]. A snail’s shell spiral can be accurately reproduced with a series of rectangles based on the Golden Ratio. (derived from this sequence). Have a look online to see how it works. You will also find that many flowers have petals arranged in one of these numbers (buttercups 5, corn marigolds 13 as an example). Pinecones, tree branch- es, pineapples, sunflower seeds in situ, again all follow this Ratio, so if you are not a fan of snails these will be interesting factoids to investigate and impress your family in turn. On a dull day this month, discover all the facts about these gastropods that are traced back to the Paleozoic era which was 520 million years ago... Happy Holidays. ‘:35.’ Q’ » ':u‘_ *7; ' -§;’:.’7}L '\‘i“.> r '\ July & August bees love roses, lavender, sea holly, teucrium lucidrys, chive flowers, poppies Helenium, Nepeta, Fuchsia, single flower Cosmos, agastache, echinacea ‘I7 LEARN A NEW SKILL AT YOUR OWN PACE. Learn beautiful lettering, card making, embossing and illuminated letters in a friendly, relaxed environment. No initial outlay. Come along, have a chat and try il OUT. Wednesdays 10 am to 12.50 at Lower l-lordres Village Hall. All Welcome JUST POP IN TO SEE US OR TELEPHONE 01227 456023 /455429 FOR MORE INFORMATION (89 Bekesbourne 100 club Winners May £50 James Thompson £25 Mike Baldwin £15 Joy Smith June £50 Joy Smith £25 David Durell £15 Joanne Watt Special Summer Prize of £100 - Roger Nicholls 18 |ndoorBootFaH Bekesbourne Village Hall Saturday 8"‘ July 2023 Sellers at 9am Buyers from 10am — 1pm £10 per table No food sellers or retail Refreshments available to purchase including bacon rolls. Booking Required 07871422072 Tara Bridge Haven Care Centre Conyngham Lane Bridge CT4 5JX 19 Nailbourne Horticultural Societv The main event in our calendar, our Annual Summer Show, is on Saturday 22 July in Bridge Village Hall. The Show will be open to visit from 11.30 am until 2.00 pm, with prize giving at 1.45 pm. Refreshments will be available as well as a plantl bring & buy stall and a raffle, all to help raise funds for the Society. There is plenty to interest everyone - flowers, vegetables, floral arrangements and photography clas- ses to name but a few. So do take time to pop in to enjoy the exhibits on display. There are also some open classes for everyone to enter, two photography classes, a floral arrangement and a scented rose, with vouchers for the winners. Further de- tails are available from the Show Secretary, Kathy Walder (kath@askwa|der.com/07791 656539/01227 830057). Alternatively, information about the Society is available on our website (nailbournehorticulturalsocietv.uk) where show schedules can also be accessed and downloaded. We look forward to seeing you on the 22'“! Looking forward, we take a break in August and then have both a change of date and speaker for September. So, the re-scheduled meeting is now on Tuesday 5th September, at the usual time of 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall when Anna from Anna's Country Flowers near Chilham (we had an evening visit there a cou- ple of years ago) will be entertaining us with a talk whilst doing a couple of arrange- ments for us. Anna's Country Flowers is a family run flower farm growing a wide selection of beautiful scented sustainable blooms. We should be in for a treat. National Veqetable Societv — Kent District Association The Association has no meeting in Bridge in July because of the County Show and has arranged an evening visit for August. They will however be back in Bridge on |3th September. More details to follow in the September issue. Nailboume Horticultural Society déjglfiiighv SUIIIIIICT ShOW d‘f‘:5i’W’ Saturday 22 July, Bridge Village Hall Show open to public 1 1.30 am to 2.00 g Presentation of Prizes 1.45 pm Includes Open Classes (for all to enter): Please contact Kath}-' (details below) for more information "‘ ‘ /M E‘. :\.1.’.; 3,‘. “L- ._"~,1.’.}«=. -:3 5:‘ s':;>.k‘ Refreshments Plant/Bring and Buy Stall Raffle For Show Schedule and more details, contact Kathy on 83005 7'-“U7 791 656539«'kathfd:ask\va1der.com 20 Family Fun at Chalkpit Farm Pop down to our brand new Shop at ‘Chalkpit Farm’ in Bekesbourne this summer and join in with some new activities that we have going on; from picking your own fresh country flowers (8”‘ — 20”‘ July), workshops to help you arrange them (‘l6“‘ July), photo opportunities in our beautiful Lavender fields (July & August) and for the first time, pick your own Kentish fresh hop garlands! We have a few local businesses located at Chalkpit Farm that offer a variety of ru- ral shopping opportunities and services; including our new shop which has a large and vibrant display of Kentish hops, beautiful dried flower bunches and bouquets, and stunning dried wedding flowers. So whether you pop down to pick fresh flowers in a field or stop for a coffee and cake; we'd love to welcome you to the farm! Find out more about our summer activities at www.essentiallvhops.co.uk or visit wvvw.chalkpitfarm.co.uk to ex- plore the farm! 21 Very many thanks to everyone who donated to our Chris- . tian Aid Week Appeal this year, which we ran for the whole of May. The total collection from individual dona- tions, soup lunches, Messy Church, Coffee and Cake Concert, grand raffle and Murder in the Cathedral refreshments amounted to £1,578.06. As we made the decision not to deliver envelopes around the villages this year, this was a very pleasing result. Christian Aid is still at work in Malawi where Cyclone Freddie has caused so much devastation. Around 659,000 people have been dis- placed, with those living in poverty in makeshift homes being dispro- portionately affected. According to reliable sources, women and girls who have been moved to temporary camps are particularly vulnerable and at risk of harassment and abuse. If you missed this year’s appeal but would still like to donate, please go to the Christian Aid website www.christianaid.ord.uk/aDDea|s/kev- aDDeals/christian-aid-week 22 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuT m .. n O . 0 I — r " molowumo 3 P. 09. . _ C n H P. M um ma n d _ O .n fie n e e H & O n._.2 C an m a e .w . .|a .w...m 0 nd .0 gm M. S 0 H u 0.5 an n n e e H e n V 14 Z _nlv8 8 Why r em 0 £fs e n no . r n3t. ek v..I n on 5.| .I f e m 20 .I.. un m e m k V3 m 0 r o a . u me 5. 3 o fl b 2.0 b O . 8 5 M A .Nw mkm b . E u 5da 0 ed 0 u e S E nr C WI N . B afi 5" M m A .- m m t .uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu_ 23 I am Vicky and alongside my husband John, we have been Fostering with Kent County Council since June 2020. After having my own children, my two V k “oh girls and with 19 years of nursery life ex- foe-ler cyarersror Kent perience in an early year setting. I was cmycauncal ready to and wanted to embrace a new _ , adventure. Fostering had always been at Call us on 03000 ‘-l20 002 or wsrl the back of my mind Our website kenf-'fosJrerin9.co.uk We came together as a family to discuss this next adventure as it wouldn't just be John and myself, our girls would also play a huge part in our fostering role. We all felt happy to go ahead with our application and were now ready to take the next step. The information evenings were so valuable to us learning about fostering and it was so helpful to speak with carers who had been fostering for some time. We felt very at ease asking any questions that we wanted to know and listened to the amazing sto- ries from some of the carers. We started the initial process and felt really connected and supported with our as- sessing social worker. She got to know us very well and the girls enjoyed doing lovely activities with her. When it came to the day of the Fostering Panel, I was very nerv- ous, but they were all so welcoming and very professional in their roles and made a very nerve-racking time go lovely and smooth. It was such a memorable experience. We chose Kent County Council to foster as we had done a lot of research and be- lieved that this Council were the most supportive of their carers. Which has turned out to be so true! Kent lives up to that standard. As foster carers we have always felt sup- ported by our fostering social worker and reassured that they will be on hand to an- swer any questions that we have via the phone or will respond to our emails as soon as they can. The six weekly supervisions are a great space to share any worries around the child/children you have at the time, and we are always asked how we are feeling/coping/managing and how our girls were adjusting to these changes at home. When we moved on the children that we were caring for to adoption we had such fan- tastic support for our girls from our Fostering Social Worker. She came to our home and made lovely creative pieces for all the children to keep. They were told they could call her at any time if they needed to talk about this process. What really stood out was that Kent Fostering supported us as a family. They recognise that every member of our family is important and included in ourjourney. 24 As a very proud foster carer for Kent, I must share with you the wide range of train- ing available and it’s so easy to access such as with online training, face to face training and outstanding conferences that fill you with such knowledge. You can achieve even more by doing level 3 and level 4 Diplomas. I have found all the train- ing of such good quality and learnt so much in such a short time. I honestly cannot rate this highly enough. We are enjoying our roles as foster carers. lt’s not just a job though, you open your house, family, and heart to help these vulnerable children and being a key part in helping these children change their little lives around ..... ..it is just so rewarding! It is hard to explain but being able to watch children grow and flourish is the most beauti- ful feeling in the world, and to know that we have made that happen as a family gives us such happiness. Our birth children are thanked and rewarded for being young carers. My girls join in with fantastic activities such as pizza making workshops, water sports and many more! They have made some fantastic fostering family friends and they have also joined the children Who Care Council and feel they have a strong voice in helping care for these children. I would really encourage anyone who is thinking about fostering to do it. We have met some great friends in our fostering role, and we never feel alone. We are like a big family, and it is the most supported role I have ever had. It was and still is the best decision we made to foster and to foster with Kent, and I look fonlvard to many more years of fostering with the Kent Fostering Team. If you've been inspired by Vicky’s story and would like to find out more, please call us on 03000 420 002, send us an email at kentfosterinq(d)kent.qov.uk or visit our website page www.kentfostering.co.uk Foster for Kent Isostéi For more information give us a call on 03000 420 002 or visit our website kentfostering.co.uk 25 BEKESBOURNE STABLES Liveries, hacking and lessons for all ages and abilities Pony rides and parties Horses taken for schooling Horses hired out for hunting We are a fully licensed and insured establishment with many year of experience. Situated in walking distance from Bekesbourne Station, CT4 5EX For info or to book call 01227 830910 or 07764776057 SARAH de ROUGEMONT UPHOLSTERY Established 1990 j’ Loose Covers - Fabrics - Roman Blinds All commissions considered Tel: 01227 455841 Mob: 07973 377817 CANTERBURY FLOWER CLUB MEETS at ASHFORD ROAD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION HALL THANINGTON CT1 3XR ON THE 3R” MONDAY OF THE MONTH 7.00 FOR 7.30 START Demonstrations and workshops. All abilities catered for. New members always welcome. Woolton Farm Accommodation We run three delightful Kentish self- catering holiday houses, two are on the old village green in Littlebourne and the other one is on our fruit farm in Bekesbourne For more information please visit our website at wooltonfarm.co.uk/accommodation Tel: 07730910890 To advertise here email stevelthomas91@g mail .com ASHTON TREE CARE 07929 627622 B&C Roofing All your roofing needs No job too small Fully insured. Local, friendly, reliable service FREE QUOTATIONS Call Ben 01227 363366 07949973176 ALL WORK FULLY INSURED o HEDGE CUTTING o STUMP GRINDING oTREE SURGERY To advertise here email Citygg. Guilds NPTC stevelthomas91 @g mail .com To advertise here email stevelthomas91 @g mail .com Ack|andWebb Chartered Certified Accountants and business advisers — Local family business Contact: David Muggridge - Friendly & professional service - Specialists in small to medium—sized Tel: 01227 811745 businesses & start ups Email: encluiries@ack|andwebb.co.uk - Full range of accountancy and tax services Web: www.acklandwebb.co.uk - Testimonials & references available THE ACCA ACAQEMY — No cost/no obligation initial meeting ““"'”‘ LAN DCARE Tree Surgeons Fencing ::ri.::;:::0000 La nd sca pes 20 years established . Local references available Maintenance www.|a ndca retreesandfenci ng.c:o.u k 07740-949836 07770-899548 Majestic Q 01227 694123 Garden cm? 07030 005003 Professional garden care specialists with expertise in large gardens and private estates. Our experienced and dedicated team offer an exceptional service in caring for all aspects of your garden. www.majesticgardencare.co.uk majesticgardencare@gmail.com BARKING BEAUTIES KENT Unit 11, Barliam Business Park, Park Valley Road, Barham, Canterbury Kent CT4 6DQ De-matting Telephone: 01303 840456 Ct H alt: P1 Hand stripping and de-shedding c 5 Fully qualified City and Guilds Master Diploma and K9 First Aid qualified Fully insured salon Equipped for larger breeds as well as toy and small Established groomers rices start from £15 for simple wash & blow dry. Find us on Facebook under Affinity Barking Beauties Fully Qualified City & Guilds grooming in the following technique Bathing, drying and nail clipping Full breed standard clip to breed styles PUI I I I I I I I If you are looking to buy a residential property in East Kent, we are independent Chartered Sun/eyors that specialise in: . RICS Building Surveys . RICS Homebuyer Report - Valuations eenStone TERED EYORS We provide a professional, friendly and approachable ser- vice with over twenty years experience. qreenstone.survevors@hotmail.co.uk 07433 496025 Q‘ RICS ® TRADING snuonnns CHECKED Trader |DK06é3 LPJ:.I( FIT 24 Hllllll LIIIIKSMITH SERVICES Aaron Brown Your local trusted Locksmith ~/ No callout charge J Simple, fixed pricing guaranteed V Fast 24/? response Bekesbourne & Patrixbourne T: 01227 656 335 | M: 07508 528 540 E: aaron.brown@lockfit.co.uk Checkatrade Ty Bryn, Patrixbourne, CT4 5BT wwwgreenstonesurvevors.co.uk Plastering (City & Guilds) . Interior Plastering . Coving fitted . Exterior Rendering . Painting— Interior & Exterior Chris Possee 3 Green Court Bridge, Canterbury, Kent CT4 5LU 07805 695247 Canterbury and Bridge Upholstery We have a wide range of fabrics to choose from in your own home Call us for a free quote on 01227830855 or 07757029558 Local recommendations available Chaucer House, Care Home in Canterbury Communities where everyone has a vibrant and fulfilling life _ Chaucer House is a purpose-built dementia care home community that provides residents : with 24-hour support for residential. dementia. nursing and respite care. Find out more avante) \. 01227 213894 ® www.avantecare.org.uk care & support 82 ST MARTINS HILL, LITTLEBOURNE ROAD, CANTERBURY, CT1 IPS “Everyone 7nflt’(6l'S',. We are a reliable virtual credit control support team |NVO|CE for yciur small bu-sitness, offering politene1ssl.),_|i_::rofes- siona ism, persis ence an approac a iiy as MON”-ORING standard. Get in touch — we’d be delighted to S E RV] C E S discuss your credit control requirements. Small business cash flow affected by late Di|”eCl0|”1 J0 Muggridge paying customers/clients? T: 01227 941573 Too busy to monitor invoices regularly? E: he|lo@invoicemonitorir1CiServices.co.uk credit control procedures needing attention? W: Employing a permanent credit controller too costly and unnecessary? We do the monitoring, so you don ’t have to! for the largest choice call BERPYS CANTERBURY LTD the Premier Letting Agents 70 Castle Street Canterbury 1 vvvvvv.berryscanterbury.co.uk 30 /TQQ BASE PLASTERING fifl I www.basep|astering.co.uk For All Your Plastering Needs Tree Sun 8 Stump Removal . .- Domestic & Comrgeyrcial Contractors Plésterlng Cemng Replacement Skimming Plaster Over Artex I Aspects of Tree Rendering Water Damaged I 8' sitfl c|Ofl'alIGB Plasterboarding Patching & Repairs I "Edge Trimming Ceiling Repair Coving & Cornice lFulIy lnstred °“‘'' ° T: 0793 201 2347 gal] 15"; B E: info@basep|astering.co.uk T:O1227 506990 M:07708 537683 No 10'’ ‘O0 S”""“"’ Friendly, Clean & Reliable W:hartleetreesurgery.co.uk Competitive rates Please call for FREE estimates www.basep|astering.co.uk Cw roofing specialist DELTA ELECTRICAL SERVICES Cw roofing are experienced roofing DOMESTIC & CCMMERC1 AL specialists we are fully qualified ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS and fully insured to repair and SHAUNE MILBURN replace all types of roofing. to book a free survey — or for free MOB: Q7702 333898 _ , , EMAIL: de1tae1ectr1calserv1ces@hotma11.co.uk help and advice call Chris on g7g43575g32 REGISTERED NICEIC DOMESTIC INSTALLER DOMESTIC INSTALLER I I chriscollierlflflflvahoocom People of The Vicar: Curate: Reader: Chaplain: Administrator: Safeguarding Officer: the Bridge Group of Churches Rev. Estella Last 01227-206272 este|lalast@gmail.com 07423-735398 bridgecurate@gmail.com 01227-765598 mrsmaclarke@yahoo.co.uk 01227 206272 Rev. Miriam Hinksman Mrs Margaret Clarke Mrs Miriam Westendarp Mrs Megan Shirley bridgeoffice23@gmai|.com Rosemary Whatley 01227-206272 St Marv’s Patrixbourne with St Peter’s Bridqe Churchwardens: (Gift Aid Officer) PCC Secretary: PCC Treasurer: Christian AidI0rganist §t Peter’s Bekesbourne Churchwarden PCC Finance Team: Tower Captain: Dr Andrea Nicholson Mrs Pauline Pritchard Mr Laurence Dunderdale 01227-830947 01227-830685 01227-830668 laurence.dunderdale@gmail.com Mrs Evelyn Andrews 01227-830960 evepur|ins@btinternet.com Mr Rory Wetherell 01227-830318 bridge.gp.treasurer@gmail.com Mrs Jean Barber 01227-831956 Mrs Nicky Fry 01227-830319 nicolafry@cscope.co.uk Mrs Zan Clifford Mrs Gill Moon 01227-830328 01227-832134 To advertise in this magazine, please contact stevelthomas91@gmail.com 01227-832573 To offer items for publication in this magazine, including event information, please contact Mrs Megan Shirley bridqeoffice23(dDqmail.com by the 15”‘ day of the preceding month, ensuring that any emails and attachments are clearly titled to identify their content. Files should be submitted in .doc .pub or .jpg format. Posters should be A5 in size and both portrait and landscape versions provided. Benefice Website: www.bridgechurchgroup.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/bridgecanterbury Youtube: wvvw.youtube.com/channel/UCkTHbcWKzslHJAuYcuMoOdQ Cover photos: Mrs Megan Shirley and Dr Daniel Edward Young 32