36 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council, held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 12 April 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer, Connor, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. 178 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield (holiday). 179 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 March 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2001 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 180 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA (a) Red Lion Public House (Min 158 refers): Councillors NOTED that letters of response had been received from both Southern Water and Ofwat. (b) Buses (Min 173 refers): Councillors NOTED that a letter of response had been received from Stagecoach. (c) Recreation Ground Footpath (Min 162d refers): Councillors NOTED that a letter has been received from Alison Hague expressing concern that the path is to be repaired but not widened. (d) Allotments (Min 169 refers): FPD Savills have sent the parish council a copy of their letter to Mrs Fawke which gave details of the work which has already been carried out and that which is planned for when weather conditions allow. It was AGREED that the clerk would write and acknowledge the letter and ask FPD Savills to advise the parish council once the bottom allotments have been cleared so that a new estimate can be obtained for providing a water supply to the allotments. 181 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose J E Anderson £97.91 Chairman's Allowance FPD Savills Ltd £225.00 Half yearly rents. Kent County Council £369.70 Memorial Bench for Mr & Mrs Worsley The White Horse Inn £173.50 Refreshments - Annual PC Meeting G P McCombe £1119.14 Clerk's salary, office and travel allowance G P McCombe £64.85 Postage, photocopying and stationery (envelopes) Oakleigh Building Servs £282.00 Repairs to Recreation Ground Footpath (b) Payments received: £200.00 for Parish Paths Partnership grant aid. (c) Donation Request: Barham Pre-School have requested a donation for their roof fund and it was AGREED not to make a donation and the clerk was requested to write to Barham Pre-School to this effect. 182 GRASS BORDER Cllr Anderson reported that the grass border near Conyngham Lane has been damaged by vehicles and is looking a mess. It was AGREED that any repairs and damage limitation works should be put on hold until after the school extension work had been completed. 183 PLANTERS Cllr Anderson reported that the planters outside The White Horse Inn were in need of renovation and planting. It was unanimously AGREED that the work be carried out as a matter of urgency. Cllr Anderson also advised that Mrs Possee was willing to plant the planters and the clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to Mrs Possee and also to advise her when the planters were ready for planting. 184 BUS SHELTER SEAT Cllr Monk reported that the bus shelter perch seat needed repositioning as it was virtually 37 impossible to use it. It was AGREED to obtain an estimate for moving the seat forward into a better position. 185 USE OF RECREATION GROUND FOR FETE The clerk had received a request from Woodpeckers Nursery to use the recreation ground for a fete on 5 May 200l and it was also reported that the PCC would like to hold a boot fair on 30 June 2001. It was AGREED that this would be acceptable subject to the condition of the ground and whether football fixtures were still in progress. The clerk was requested to find out if the football pitch was to be used on those days and the cut off date for the nursery should the ground conditions be poor due to bad weather. Cllr Gulvin AGREED to check the ground condition. 186 ANNUAL FETE Councillors expressed disappointment that the joint Fete by the church and the school was not going ahead this year as it had in previous years. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to both parties expressing disappointment and encouraging it to go ahead next year. Cllr Walder AGREED to attend the next PFA meeting to express the parish council's concerns and the clerk was requested send a letter to this effect. It was reported that the Festival Committee and the PCC were intending to put on a fete next year. 187 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are in the process of being commented upon by the planning sub-committee: CAL01/0043/BRI - erection of boundary walls to front of dwelling at 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge. CA/01/0331/BRI - erection of boundary walls to front of dwelling at 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge. CA/01/0343/BRI - replacement single-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 5 Ford Close, Bridge. CAL01/0048/BRI - internal alterations to The Red Lion PH, 75 High Street, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/0119/BRI - first floor side extension to dwelling and single storey extension to rear of garage at 65 Riverside Close, Bridge. CA/00/1330/BRI - conservatory and two storey extension to rear and alterations to front porch at 19 Riverside Close, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. 188 REPORTS FROM SUB COMMITTEES (a) Environment: i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that the footpaths were still closed due to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease. ii) Trees: Cllr Monk said that there were no major problems to report but 3 trees at the top of Union Road do require pruning. Cllr Anderson AGREED to ask one of the villagers whether he would be prepared to carry out this work. (b) Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Gulvin reported that the ground had not been cut round the edge, under the trees or by the tennis court. The clerk was requested to ask KCC to contact Cllr Gulvin so that he can meet with them to sort out the problems. It was reported that the area by the school gate required cleaning up and Cllr Anderson AGREED to ask David Waters whether he can tidy it up as he did before. (c) Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has reported the following direct to the City Council - i) potholes in Bekesbourne Lane which Kent Highways reported were filled on 22 March 2001 have appeared again ii) rubbish by the recycling bins and strewn up Town Hill iii) blocked drain outside the village hall iv) badly broken kerbstone in Western Avenue and v) missing road sign for Mill Terrace. Drains: Kent Highways report that the drain near 100 High Street is not blocked but full of water and this will be investigated once the water level has subsided. (d) Village Sign and Parish Council Notice Board: It was reported that the village sign and notice board are in need of repainting and it was AGREED to obtain an estimate to carry out the work. 38 (e) Map Cabinet: The clerk reported that the map cabinet has been replaced. 189 NAILBOURNE FLOOD COMMITTEE Cllr Anderson reported that he had attended a meeting to discuss a flood action plan and Cllr Gulvin had produced a Bridge Parish Flood Action Plan. There is currently an enquiry in progress and villages are submitting their requirements which will be put together with all the villages on the Stour, Nailbourne and Little Stour to obtain a co-ordinated plan to alleviate the situation in the future. 190 SANDBAGS Canterbury City Council have advised of a facility to recycle the village's current stock of sandbags into new bags but it was AGREED that this was not a viable proposition and the clerk was requested to write to the City Council to request the removal of unwanted bags once the danger of flooding was over . 191 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The clerk reported that PC Ken Bradshaw had received a good response following his circulation of the closure notice. He is very hopeful of being in a position to re-establish the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the village and a meeting of the interested volunteers is planned within the next two weeks. 192 LORD MAYORS AWARD The clerk reported that the winners of this year's Lord Mayors Award were Maureen Tappenden from Canterbury and Dixie Lee and Betty Rivers both from Whitstable. 193 PARISH PATHS PARTNERSHIP Following receipt of the grant aid it was AGREED to wait until the footpaths were open again before making a decision as to the work to be carried out. 194 TRAFFIC CALMING It was felt that the results of the traffic calming measures, together with the history of how the traffic calming plans came into being, should be published so that all villagers were aware of the results and background and Cllr Anderson AGREED to include this in his report to the local newspaper. 195 BENCHES The clerk advised councillors that the bench behind the hedge east of the bridge, which had been thrown into the stream, was taken away by the Environment Agency who reported it to be beyond repair as one concrete end had cracked through and the wooden slats had rotted. It was AGREED that replacement of the bench would be put on hold. The clerk reported that the replacement bench for the Post Office had been delivered and would be installed in the near future. 196 MILL CENTRE Cllr Beer reported that there was still vandalism occurring at the Mill Centre, that recent confrontations had been reported to the police and it was now felt necessary for two leaders to be present at scout meetings. Cllr Beer also reported that as a separate matter John Thackray would like to speak to the Parish Council regarding involving the scouts more in the community. It was AGREED to invite John Thackray to address the council at the May meeting. 197 CANTERBURY DISTRICT CYCLE STRATEGY Canterbury City Council have written inviting parish councils to submit suggestions for new cycle routes or improvements to existing cycle routes. Cllr Gulvin reported that Bridge had previously submitted a cycle route plan to the council and the clerk was requested to write to the council advising them of this. KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor reported that he had attended a KAPC meeting on 11 April 2001 which was poorly attended. Matters under consideration included the development of Manston Airport, County transport strategy and concerns over heavy vehicles and the South Canterbury traffic problems which Cllr Martin Vye is involved in. Discussion also took place on the flooding and concerns 198 39 were expressed as to whether anything would happen due to the number of bodies and agencies involved. 199 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Parish News No 272 (b) Local Council Review (c) CPRE Voice (d) Clerks & Councils Direct (e) The Countryside Agency - New Rights New Responsibilities (f) The Nailbourne and Little Stour - Flood Newsletter (g) KCC Best Value Performance Plan (h) Canterbury City Council Best Value Performance Plan and Corporate Plan 200 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 10 May 2001. The Chairman thanked councillors for their support over the last year and there being no further business closed the meeting at 9.15 pm. Chairman…………………………………………..Date……………………………… 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 10 May 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer, Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. John Thackeray attended until 7.45 pm and 2 members of the public attended for the first part of the meeting. Before the meeting commenced Cllr Anderson invited members of the public to address councillors on the matter of flooding and John Thackeray to address councillors on the matter of Nailbourne Cub and Scout Group and the Mill Centre. The meeting commenced at 7.45 pm. 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 2 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2001-2002 Cllr Anderson was proposed for the post of chairman by Cllr Walder and seconded by Cllr Hill and elected unanimously. 3 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR 2001-2002 Cllr Beer was proposed for the post of vice chairman by Cllr Walder and seconded by Cllr Connor and elected unanimously. 4 APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEES (a) Recreation Ground and Sports Sub-Committee: Cllrs Gulvin, Hill and Walder. (b) Streets, Footways and Lighting Sub-Committee: Cllr Anderson. (c) Environmental Sub-Committee: Cllr Connor (footpaths), Cllrs Dobson and Monk (trees). (d) Planning Sub-Committee: Cllrs Connor, Corfield, Dobson and Hill. (e) Representatives to Village Hall Management Committee: Cllrs Dobson and Gulvin. (f) KAPC area committee representatives: Cllrs Connor and Corfield (g) Representatives to the Mill Centre Management Committee: Cllrs Beer and Walder. (h) Internal Audit of Accounts: Cllr Hill. 5 ALLOTMENTS The clerk reported that a letter had been received from FPD Savills confirming that they will advise the council when the clearance of the allotments has been completed. It was NOTED that garden waste was being dumped on the allotments. 6 SANDBAGS Cllr Anderson reported that the remaining unwanted sandbags in the village are to be collected in the near future. Cllr Anderson also reported that the City Council would supply a container to store a minimum number of sandbags in case of emergency and that a site would need to be found. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the council to ascertain the size of the container before a suitable site could be decided upon. 7 ANNUAL FETE The clerk reported that letters from the School, the PFA and the PCC had been received and all expressed disappointment that the joint fete was not to go ahead this year due to the building works currently being carried out at the school. The PFA and the PCC are hopeful that the event will take place in 2002. Cllr Walder reported that The White Horse Inn is considering a mini festival on 23 June 2001 and would like the support of the parish council and it was AGREED that Cllrs Walder and Beer would obtain more details. Other village events reported to be planned during the year are a sports event on 2 June, a boot fair on 30 June and a disco at the village hall. 8 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 2 Cllr Corfield reported that approximately 12 to 15 volunteers had come forward following PC Bradshaw's distribution of the notice of closure and that the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme would now be re-launched. Three Neighbourhood Watch Areas are planned - Bridge Down, the west side of the High Street and the Patrixbourne side of the High Street. Cllr Corfield advised that there would be a minimal set up cost and it was unanimously AGREED that £100.00 would be made available for this purpose. Cllr Corfield also advised that there could be a requirement for more Neighbourhood Watch signs and he would investigate whether or not this was the case and it was AGREED to offer support should they be required. 9 VILLAGE SIGN AND PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE BOARD A quotation has been received from Les Barleycorn in the sum of £163.00 for repainting the village sign and restaining the parish council notice board. Councillors AGREED to accept the quotation and the clerk was requested to write to Les Barleycorn to this effect. 10 NEW SURGERY Cllr Anderson reported that he had recently had a site meeting with the construction company for the new surgery. Under discussion was the extension of the footpath adjacent to the recreation ground, installation of a street light and certain traffic calming measures. As councillors are not aware that planning permission has been granted for these works the clerk was requested to write to the Planning Department and obtain a copy of the plans and the grant of planning permission. 11 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose J Corfield £21.92 Travel Expenses - Rural White Paper Information Day P Dobson £39.45 Drill Bit, Preservative & Brush - PO Bench & Planters J Hill £19.98 Fertiliser for Village Daffodils Streetmaster Products £654.48 Post Office Bench Bridge Village Hall Mgt Com. £20.00 Hire of Hunter Room BT £43.90 Clerks Telephone Bill & Advance Charges KRCC £30.00 Renewal of Membership Cornhill Insurance Annual Renewal Premium £1128.79 Seeboard Standing Order 01-02 £109.95 Monthly street lighting maintenance (b) Payments received: £100.00 from Bridge Tennis Club for Recreation Ground fee, £6941 for Concurrent Function Revenue Grant and £7954 for Precept. 12 ANNUAL INSURANCE The clerk reported that when checking the cover on the renewal documents it was noticed that the village sign was not covered and that the additional premium for this would be £19.94. It was AGREED that the sign should be covered and the clerk was requested to arrange this. 13 MILL CENTRE It was unanimously AGREED that the sum of £2500 should be earmarked from reserves for future expenditure for the Mill Centre and any requests for further monies would be viewed sympathetically. 14 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE Councillors requested that the clerk write to Kent County Council to find out the type of bridge proposed for the replacement at Mill Lane and to establish the procedure for discussing and agreeing what is to go ahead. 15 PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER/VILLAGE DIRECTORY Cllr Dobson proposed that the parish council produce a newsletter to raise its awareness in the parish. She proposed that the newsletter be issued twice a year - Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter and should include input from all councillors. Cllr Dobson also proposed that a village directory be produced providing information of all the facilities and activities available within the parish. Although both proposals were greeted enthusiastically it was unanimously AGREED to produce the newsletter in the first instance and Cllr Dobson agreed to act as editor. 16 RURAL WHITE PAPER Cllr Corfield gave the parish council an overview off the intensive Rural White Paper Information Day which he had attended in March which covered many aspects including government objectives, 3 community involvement, promoting local councils and quality parish councils. It was AGREED that councillors would read the relevant section of the Rural White Paper relating to parish councils and discuss the matter further at the next meeting. The clerk was requested to copy the relevant section to all councillors before the next meeting. 17 USE OF RECREATION GROUND BY SCHOOL A request has been received from the school to use the playing field for the occasional supervised games lesson as their own field space is limited whilst building work is being carried out. Councillors AGREED to the request on the condition that the school did not allow the children to go in the goal mouths or on the cricket pitch as a lot of effort had gone in to the maintenance of both. 18 STREET LIGHT REPAIR A vandalised street light in Riverside Close had been reported by the clerk to Seeboard and a quotation of £213.19 had been received for its repair. It was AGREED that the repair be carried out. 19 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: No new planning applications have been received. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/0078/BRI - Glazed roof to courtyard and re-position of fire escape staircase at The Plough & Harrow PH, 86 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0012/BRI - Glazed roof to courtyard and re-position of fire escape staircase at The Plough & Harrow PH, 86 High Street, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Intention: A notice of intention has been received for the transfer of licence at Skippers Restaurant. 20 RECREATION GROUND GATES (a) Keys: The clerk reported that the school were still unable to obtain a key for the gate between the school and the recreation ground. The clerk advised that she had arranged to meet David Rumley of KCC Landscape Services later this week to obtain a key and get it copied. It was also reported that there was still no key available for the gate at the Patrixbourne Road end of the ground and Cllr Gulvin said he would try once again to obtain a key before a decision has to be made to change the lock. (b) It was reported that the area by the school gate which had required cleaning up had been done. 21 HIGHWAYS MATTERS (a) A2 Slip Road: It was NOTED that a copy of a letter had been received from Kent Highways to W S Atkins asking them to look at the A2 slip road site at the junction with Bekesbourne Road where there have been a number of accidents and damage to traffic signs. This is with a view to providing yellow transverse markings at reducing intervals and to consider any other alternatives which could be effective. (b) Pothole: Cllr Hill reported a pothole on the A2 slip road near Renville and the clerk was requested to report this to Kent Highways. 22 FLOODING (a) Mr Wyatt of 102 High Street has written to the parish council outlining his experiences during the flooding and requesting the council give urgency to pursuing employing a quality civil engineer who is conversant with land drainage to prepare a drainage scheme that will obviate the trouble which he feels stems from underground springs in a field off Brewery Lane. The council are extremely sympathetic to Mr Wyatt and all the villagers who have been affected by the flooding and AGREED that as they have no authority to act on matters on private land this would be best dealt with by the relevant agencies who have the right expertise available to them. The clerk was requested to write to Mr Wyatt to this effect. (b) A letter received from a parishioner requesting the parish council to consider the possibility of a wildlife pond on the area in Church Field which has recently been flooded was discussed. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the parishioner advising that the parish council has no authority on private land and that the request should be forwarded to the owner. 4 (c) Emergency Road Repairs: A letter from Kent County Council with regard to the procedure for dealing with potholes in the roads was NOTED. The council advise that they are relying on the public and parish councils to report any potholes and these are usually examined the same day as reported. If the pothole is found to be dangerous the contractor is asked to repair it within hours. They also advise that the works currently being carried out are temporary repairs and will be made permanent when conditions are suitable. 23 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor advised that he had nothing to report. 24 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Pfizer Newsletter - April 2001 (b) Environmental Protection Act 1990 - Contaminated Land Strategy - Consultation Draft (c) Parish News (d) SERPA Newsletter (e) SERCAF Information Leaflet (f) Kent Police Authority Newsletter (g) Clerks & Councils Direct - May 2001 (h) CPRE Kent - Spring/Summer 2001 25 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 14 June 2001. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.04 pm. Chairman…………………………………………..Date……………………………… 5 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 14 June 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer from 7.35 pm, Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. John Roberts attended until 8.15 pm and Cllr Bill Oakey for the entire meeting. 26 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 27 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 MAY 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 May were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 28 BUS SHELTER SEAT A quotation of £260.00 + VAT to re-position the seat has been received from Oakleigh Building Services. As the cost seemed high, it was AGREED that Cllr Gulvin would meet with the contractor to discuss whether an alternative, less expensive, option could be found. 29 NEW SURGERY The Parish Council have received notification of a meeting to be held at the City Council on 20 June to discuss proposals for a footpath and lighting in Patrixbourne Road. It was AGREED that the footpath was required but, in view of the fact that there is other lighting in the vicinity, a vote was taken as to whether the lighting was actually necessary. The results of the vote were 4 in favour, 4 against and 1 abstained. The chairman used his casting vote and the motion was passed in favour of the lighting. Cllr Gulvin volunteered to attend the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council. The contractor, as a goodwill gesture, has offered to resurface the car park area in Patrixbourne Road and it was AGREED that this could be done but without white lines. The meeting was adjourned at 8.10 pm and the chairman invited John Roberts to address the council on the matter of his planning application. The meeting reconvened at 8.18 pm. 30 MINI FESTIVAL Cllr Walder reported that the mini festival planned by The White Horse Inn is going ahead. The Parish Council will support the function as individuals but will not be sponsoring it. It was reconfirmed that the PFA and PCC are hopeful that the Annual Fete will take place next year. 31 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE A letter has been received from Kent County Council with reference to the proposed replacement bridge. They have considered the Parish Council's proposal and estimate the additional cost over replacing like with like to be £30000 and additional land will also be required to accommodate the arch. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Kent County Council to request details of the design of their proposed replacement prior to its installation. The meeting was adjourned at 8.25 pm and the chairman invited Cllr Oakey to address the council on the matter of the footbridge. The meeting reconvened at 8.30 pm. 32 RECREATION GROUND Padlocks: Cllr Gulvin reported that a new padlock and 8 keys had been purchased for the gates in Patrixbourne Road and the clerk had obtained copies of the key to the padlock on the gates between the school and the ground. Incident: It was reported that there had been an incident at the Tennis Club on 3 June 2001 in which the padlock to the tennis courts had been removed and the police had had to be called in. The police responded within 20 minutes and the matter was speedily dealt with. It was reported that without the prompt action of the police the Tennis Club would have been vulnerable because of the free access to the courts and pavilion and would also have incurred substantial expense in replacing the lock and 70 keys. The clerk was requested to write to the police to thank them for their prompt action. 33 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson provided councillors with proofs of the first newsletter which is to be circulated in the near 6 future to all households in Bridge. It was AGREED by the council with some minor amendments. The chairman thanked Cllr Dobson for the work she had done in producing the newsletter. 34 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Cllr Corfield provided the names of the co-ordinators in Bridge who are Frank Sochachi (Bridge East), Selwyn Lewis (Bridge West) and Ann Clewer (Bridge Down). He also reported that the scheme was now fully operational and had already dealt with several reports. Cllr Corfield advised that PC Bradshaw could supply Bridge with 10 new Neighbourhood Watch signs at a cost of £10.00 per sign and it was unanimously AGREED that the council would pay for these. 35 ART EXHIBITION Cllr Corfield reported that an Art Exhibition is to be held on 20 October 2001 with profits going to the Disabled Access Fund for the Village Hall. Entries to the exhibition would be open to people living or working in Bridge. A leaflet is currently being produced and it was AGREED that this will be distributed at the same time as the newsletter. 36 TRAFFIC CALMING Cllr Monk reported that the traffic calming measures and the pedestrian crossing were taking an unacceptable length of time to complete and that in the case of the pedestrian crossing it was dangerous as it looked as though it was in operation but is actually not yet working, which is confusing to both pedestrians and cars alike. The clerk was requested to write to the Highways Department expressing the council's concerns and to find out when the works, which were due to be finished by 31 March 2001, will be completed. 37 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Les Barleycorn £163.00 Painting village sign and staining PC notice board. Cornhill Insurance £19.95 Additional policy premium for insuring village sign. Seeboard Trading Ltd £106.27 Street lighting maintenance (Apr s/o not paid by bank). Seeboard £187.74 2 month's electricity charge (Apr-May) not paid by s/o. Seeboard Standing Order 01-02 £93.87 New standing order for monthly electricity charges. KAPC £41.13 Fee for Councillors' Information Day - Cllr Dobson D Waters £20.00 Maintenance of trees in recreation ground. An invoice from H W Sladden & Co Ltd. in the sum of £800.00 for works to the heating system at the Village Hall has been forwarded to Canterbury City Council for payment from the Capital Grant for 2000/01. (b) Payments received: £302.04 VAT reclaim and £425.00 insurance claim (bench). 38 ALTERATIONS TO BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL Cllr Gulvin provided councillors with copies of the proposed plans for the disabled access to the village hall and it was AGREED that the Parish Council as owner would make the planning application to the City Council. Quotations for carrying out the work have yet to be obtained but it is hoped that funding can be provided by way of a Capital Grant and Cllr Oakey has offered his support to the Parish Council's grant application. 39 MOLE TREATMENT The clerk was requested to contact Bounty Pest Control to establish whether the two areas of activity recently re-treated are the areas in front and behind the pavilion and by the boundary fence adjacent to the field which still appear to be active. If further treatment is required it was AGREED that this should be carried out. 40 RURAL WHITE PAPER Following the distribution of Chapter 12 of the Rural White Paper it was AGREED that, as the subject matter is complex, a sub-committee should be set up to look at the implications in the paper and how they affect parish councils and to put forward proposals to the council for consideration. Cllrs Corfield, Dobson and Monk volunteered to be on the sub-committee. 41 CAR PARKING Cllr Monk reported that car parking in the village was a problem especially in the High Street and Western Avenue and that the new traffic calming measures together with the parking in the High Street 7 were sometimes making it difficult for the buses to pass through. It was decided to discuss the car parking issue at a later date once the effects the opening of the new surgery had on parking could be established. 42 FLORAL COMPETION Cllr Anderson advised that the floral competition had now been advertised in the local paper and the categories include both domestic and commercial premises. It was AGREED that Cllr Monk would arrange for a judge to be appointed and will notify the council as to when the judging will be taking place. 43 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following new applications have been received and are being considered: CA/01/0487/BRI - Single-storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory at 90 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0071/BRI - Single-storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory at 90 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0075/BRI - Relocation of walk-in freezer to rear of bakery at 96 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0511/BRI - Relocation of walk-in freezer to rear of bakery at 96 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0076/BRI - Demolition of redundant chimney to rear of dwelling at 69 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0077/BRI - Replacement conservatory, garage, store and rebuild 1.8 metre high boundary wall at Riverdale House, High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0532/BRI - Replacement conservatory, garage, store and rebuild 1.8 metre high boundary wall at Riverdale House, High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0081/BRI - Slab reinstatement to basement floor at 67 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0557/BRI - Conversion of three agricultural buildings to four dwellings and erection of garage/store (revised scheme) and erection of two additional dwellings at Renville Farm, Renville, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/0331/BRI - Erection of boundary walls to front of dwelling at 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge. CAL01/0043/BRI - Erection of boundary walls to front of dwelling at 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge. CAL01/0048/BRI - Internal alterations at The Plough & Harrow PH, 86 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0343/BRI - Replacement single-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 5 Ford Close, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Intention: The following notice of intention has been received and will not have a Tree Preservation Order served by Canterbury City Council: Fell one Leylandi and reduce Leylandi at Dearnley, Bekesbourne Road, Bridge. 44 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Environment, Footpaths & Trees: i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that, following the Foot and Mouth Outbreak, restrictions have been partially lifted and some footpaths are now open. The code of practice for walking on public rights of way is that footpaths adjacent to, or through, fields of sheep, cattle or other susceptible livestock or land regularly grazed by livestock should not be accessed. ii) Trees: Cllrs Monk and Dobson reported that David Waters had cleared the areas around the trees in the recreation ground and Cllr Monk advised that she has an oak tree grown from an acorn to be planted. (b) Recreation Ground & Sports: Cllr Gulvin reported that a window was opened in the pavilion, graffiti had been painted on the inside and outside of the pavilion and one of the new keys had disappeared. Broomfield FC has a new contact who is Andy Cox and the clerk was given his details. The Sport for All morning on 2 June, with helpers from all the sports clubs, was quite successful with a substantial number of 9-12 year olds attending and taking part and congratulations were extended to the sports organisations for its success. (c) Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has reported the following new items direct to the City Council: i) Broken kerbstone and road near entrance to Union Road and rusty stop sign at junction with High Street, ii) Broken concrete edge to bridge at Riverside Close. He has also made a complaint regarding the recent repair to 2 kerbstones in Western Avenue as these have 8 been incompletely filled with the wrong mixture. Bench: Cllr Walder reported that the new bench in Western Avenue looked as though it could need staining but the clerk reported she had previously confirmed with the supplier that it was already treated and no further treatment should be necessary as in time it would naturally turn to a silver-grey colour. 45 PLANTERS The chairman thanked Cllr Dobson for the work she and her husband had done on renovating the planters opposite The White Horse Inn. The clerk also reported that she had received a call from a parishioner saying how nice the planters looked now they had been treated and planted. 46 SANDBAGS It was reported that the sandbags had been collected by the City Council this week. Cllr Anderson reported that he had received details of the sandbag storage container and the clerk was requested to write to Canterbury City Council accepting the container and to obtain a delivery date. It was AGREED that councillors would investigate possible suitable sites for a decision to be made in the future. 47 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor reported that no meetings had been held in the last month. A meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group was due to be held on 16 June at 10.00 am at Littlebourne Village Hall but he was unable to attend. Cllr Corfield volunteered to attend in his place. Cllr Connor reported that at the last meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group he had obtained a list of riparian owners of land adjacent to the Nailbourne. 48 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) London Manston Airport - Masterplan (b) CPRE Voice - Summer 2001 (c) Oast to Coast (d) Local Council Review - May 2001 (e) Periodic Electoral Review of Canterbury: Final Recommendations (f) Parish News 49 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 12 July 2001. The meeting was adjourned at 10.05 pm and the chairman invited Cllr Oakey to address the council on the matter of traffic calming. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 9 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 12 July 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllr Beer (Vice-Chairman) who chaired the meeting and Cllrs Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Hill and Monk. Three members of the public were present for part of the meeting. Before the meeting commenced the vice-chairman invited members of the public to address the parish council on the matter of vandalism. The meeting commenced at 7.50 pm. 50 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Anderson (Chairman), Gulvin and Walder due to holidays. 51 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 JUNE 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 June were confirmed and signed by the Vice-Chairman. 52 BUS SHELTER Cllr Gulvin met with Oakleigh Building Services with reference to the quote received for bringing the perch seat forward and it was decided that Cllr Gulvin would have a look at undoing the bolts himself to move it forward to a better position. It was reported that the bus shelter had been damaged by fire on 23 June and the incident had been reported to the police. An estimate for repair has already been requested and it was unanimously AGREED that, as there is no meeting in August, Cllr Gulvin would be consulted for a decision on the estimate and that the cost of replacing the glass with armoured glass should also be looked at. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the City Council and request that the bus shelter be swept at the same time as the roads. 53 NEW SURGERY Cllrs Gulvin and Anderson attended the recent meeting at Canterbury City Council and put forward the views of the parish council as agreed at the last meeting. It is understood that Cardy have written to Canterbury City Council acknowledging that the lay-by, where the proposed footpath and lighting is to be installed, is owned by Kent County Council and confirming that they will fund the construction of a new footpath and provision of a new street lighting column. Cardy have also agreed to re-surface the lay-by area beyond the new footpath. 54 NEWSLETTER The first newsletter has now been printed and delivered to all households and Cllr Dobson thanked everyone for their help in the distribution. In his absence the clerk passed on Cllr Anderson's thanks to Cllr Dobson for her hard work in producing the newsletter. Several positive comments have also been received from parishioners who wish to see the newsletter continue. 55 TRAFFIC CALMING Following letters from the Parish Council and Cllr Oakey to Kent Highways with reference to the delay in the completion of the traffic calming this has now been finished and is in operation. A parishioner has highlighted the nuisance caused to the neighbouring properties by the floodlighting of the zebra crossing and has asked whether this could be turned off at 10 pm. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Kent Highways to find out whether this is possible. It was reported that although the traffic calming has been completed it looks unkempt and it is understood that Kent Highways have no plans to plant this area. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Kent Highways to obtain their agreement to the planting of shrubs or trees to make these areas more attractive, especially as they are at the gateway to the village. It was also AGREED to request the provision of priority signs to make the right of way clearer to traffic. In his absence the clerk passed on Cllr Anderson's thanks to Cllr Monk who attended Cllr Oakey's surgery. 56 MOLE TREATMENT Although a further treatment had been carried out by Bounty Pest Control and there should have been no 10 further activity it has been reported that the moles have been very active. The clerk was requested to contact Bounty Pest Control to arrange for further treatment. 57 SANDBAG STORAGE It was unanimously AGREED that a suitable site for the proposed sandbag storage container would be on an area of land at the recreation ground where there is already a laid base which could be extended if necessary and the clerk was requested to contact Canterbury City Council to arrange a site visit by their engineer. Cllr Monk agreed to meet with Peter Brooks from the council to sort out the details. 58 INCIDENT AT TENNIS CLUB Following our letter of thanks to Kent Constabulary for their quick response and action to the reported incident at the tennis club the parish council has received a letter of appreciation from Superintendent D M King. 59 RURAL WHITE PAPER The Rural White Paper sub-committee met this week to look at the recommendations the paper contained. The committee suggested that they should produce a parish plan to put before the Parish Council and it was AGREED that this should be done. 60 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose H W Sladden & Co Ltd £800.00 Heating at village hall. G P McCombe £841.10 Salary. G P McCombe £150.00 Office allowance. G P McCombe £106.70 Travel allowance. G P McCombe £70.90 Reimbursements - photocopying and 3 keys cut. G P McCombe £10.07 Postage. (b) Payments received: £800.00 capital grant for heating to village hall. 61 ALLOTMENTS Cllr Dobson reported that there are several parishioners who would like an allotment but FPD Savills had advised that there would be none available until next year when the Parish Council had completed their work with regard to the water supply. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact Savills to establish whether the land had now been cleared so that the council could go ahead with the installation of the water supply. It was also AGREED that the clerk would advise Savills that now the upper allotments have been cleared they would like to consider using this land for a woodland area. 62 CONYNGHAM LANE A resident in Conyngham Lane has written to the parish council expressing concerns regarding the lack of street lighting, the fact that only one new light is proposed and the traffic congestion experienced by residents especially at school times. The parish council are currently awaiting confirmation from Canterbury City Council that their application for a grant for one street light in Conyngham Lane for 2003/04 has been accepted but the clerk advised that this confirmation is not expected to be received until the end of the summer. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the City Council to establish whether any further funding was available to increase the number of lights to be installed. With regard to the traffic congestion it was AGREED that the clerk would write to the school expressing the concerns of residents. 63 VANDALISM It was reported that there been a greater police presence recently in the village following incidents involving vandalism and that parishioners are extremely concerned with the increase in acts of vandalism. It was unanimously AGREED that Cllr Beer would raise these concerns at the next Police Form meeting in July and would invite the police to attend a meeting of villagers to address them on this problem. Cllr Corfield AGREED to contact the neighbourhood watch co-ordinators to ask them to be vigilant and make everyone aware of the problem and request that all acts of vandalism are reported to the police. 64 YOUTH GROUP Cllr Beer reported that Paul Filmer is looking at the possibility of starting a youth group in the village and it was unanimously AGREED that he would be invited to address the parish council at the next meeting in September to put forward his ideas and advise councillors of what support he would like 11 the parish council to provide. 65 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following new applications have been received and are being considered: CAL01/0095/BRI - Replacement two-storey rear extension, internal & external alterations to dwelling at Lynton House, High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0675/BRI - Replacement two-storey rear extension, internal & external alterations to dwelling at Lynton House, High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0071/BRI - Minor amendments to demolition of existing conservatory and replace with single-storey extension at 90 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0487/BRI - Minor amendments to demolition of existing conservatory and replace with single-storey extension at 90 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0701/BRI - Replacement porch including pitched roof over garage at 55 Bridge Down, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CAL01/0075/BRI - Relocation of walk-in freezer to rear of bakery at 96 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0511/BRI - Relocation of walk-in freezer to rear of bakery at 96 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0076/BRI - Demolition of redundant chimney to rear of dwelling at 69 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0077/BRI - Replacement conservatory, garage, store and rebuild 1.8 metres high boundary wall at Riverdale House, High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0532/BRI - Replacement conservatory, garage, store and rebuild 1.8 metres high boundary wall at Riverdale House, High Street, Bridge. CA/00/0036/BRI - Erection of two-storey doctors' surgery with associated parking and formation of new access on land adjacent to the recreation ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Applications withdrawn: The following planning application has been notiifed as withdrawn: CAL00/0061/BRI - Illuminated and non-illuminated signage, floodlights and lanterns at The Red Lion PH, High Street, Bridge. (e) Notice of Intention: The following notice of intention has been received and will not have a Tree Preservation Order served by Canterbury City Council: Fell approximately 50 Leylandi around perimeter of garden at The Old Forge, 49 High Street, Bridge. 66 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Environment, Footpaths & Trees: i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that, following the Foot and Mouth Outbreak, restrictions have been lifted. Kent County Council advise that almost all public rights of way are open from 9 July 2001. The only exceptions are 15 farms which fall within the DEFRA (MAFF) "Form A" category and 16 because there are irreplaceable rare breeds. Notices advising closure and opening of rights of way will be dated 9 July 2001. ii) Trees: Cllr Dobson reported that there was space available on the recreation ground for further tree planting and it was AGREED that she should draw up a tree planting plan for the parish council to consider. (b) Recreation Ground: Cllr Dobson reported that she had cleared the pathway to the school of the overhanging vegetation. The clerk reported that she had written to KCC Landscape Services with regard to the damage caused to some of the trees by strimming and requesting that extra care should be taken. (c) Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has reported 10 faulty or dirty signs to the Highways Department. Kent Highways have advised that signs which have been obscured by overhanging vegetation are the responsibility of the land owner. It was AGREED that the clerk would produce a notice which could be delivered to the householders concerned requesting that the vegetation be cut back. (d) Land at Ford Close, Windmill Close & Greencourt: The unsightly condition of these areas of land has been brought to the attention of the parish council and it was AGREED that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council and ask them to adopt these areas of land and accept responsibility for their upkeep. 67 KRCC/KAPC MATTERS Cllr Connor attended a recent KRCC meeting which was addressed by a member of the Countryside 12 Agency and where the Rural White Paper was the subject of discussion. Cllr Connor advised that the government is going ahead with the recommendations in the Rural White Paper. A 'vital village pack' is to be issued by the Countryside Agency but Cllr Connor advised that this was not yet available. The pack will provide information on the introduction of the Rural White Paper and its implications to parish councils. Cllr Connor also attended the KAPC meeting on 11 July where the topics were the vision for Kent and the London Manston Airport Masterplan. 68 LITTLE STOUR AND NAILBOURNE RIVERS Cllr Corfield attended the June meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group and reported that they are, together with the Environment Agency, trying to get a question asked in Parliament about prevention or reoccurrence of the flooding problems and to try to get Critical Ordinary Water Course status for the river so that it would come within the remit of the government. Cllr Connor had delivered information to the riparian owners for them to reply to the Environment Agency. The next meeting is Saturday 14 July but no-one from the parish council is able to attend. 69 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) KCC Consultation on Proposed Management Protocol for Unauthorised Encampments on Local Authority Land in Kent and Medway (b) Report by the Policy and Resources and Strategic Planning Scrutiny Committees on Flooding in Kent. (c) CPRE Planning Update - Issue 3 - June 2001 (d) Clerks & Councils Direct Issue 16 (e) Local Council Review (f) Draft Housing Strategy 2002-2007 (available on the Canterbury City Council website - www.canterbury.gov.uk.) (g) Parish News - July 2001 (circulated with the minutes) 70 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 13 September 2001. There being no further business the Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 9.58 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 13 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 13 September 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson, Beer, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Cllr Connor attended from 7.58 pm. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman asked for one minute silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the terrorist attack in America this week. The meeting commenced at 7.32 pm. 71 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 72 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12 JULY 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 July were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 73 BUS SHELTER The repair work to the fire damaged bus shelter in the High Street has been carried out and the clerk advised that the insurance claim has been settled. Canterbury City Council have agreed to the Parish Council's request for the bus shelter to be swept at the same time as the High Street which is done every Friday. 74 TRAFFIC CALMING The clerk reported that the floodlighting problem for the neighbouring properties at the zebra crossing has now been resolved. It was reported that there have been several incidents of the pelican crossing lights being damaged probably by high sided vehicles and Cllr Anderson advised that the lights were to be fitted on brackets to alleviate this problem in the future. It was NOTED that the clerk had received a letter from a parent using the crossing with two children advising of a potential dangerous incident in which cars failed to stop. This incident had also been reported to the school and the relevant authorities by the parent concerned. 75 MOLE TREATMENT A further treatment has been carried out by Bounty Pest Control. However, Cllr Gulvin reported that new activity was now evident in another area of the recreation ground and it was AGREED that the clerk should contact Bounty Pest Control to arrange for this new area to be treated. 76 SANDBAG STORAGE Cllr Monk reported that she had met with the representative from Canterbury City Council to discuss the agreed position for the sandbag storage container and that work to extend the existing base at the recreation ground and erect the storage container is scheduled to begin within the next two to three weeks. 77 ALLOTMENTS The clerk reported that a reply had been received from Mr C Gooch of FPD Savills with reference to the proposal for a woodland area in the upper allotments stating that he cannot consider the request as there are at least 2 allotments occupied at the current time. Mr Gooch suggests planting other areas in Bridge which in due time would improve the environment of the village rather than having a woodland in just one area. Confirmation that the clearance of the lower allotments has been completed has not yet been received and it was AGREED that the clerk would write to Mr Gooch to see if this had now been completed and to advise him that quotes for the water supply have been received and the Parish Council are in a position to proceed with the installation as soon as the land is cleared. 78 CONYNGHAM LANE The clerk reported that school will be including the matter of traffic congestion in the first newsletter to parents in an effort to help alleviate the problems being experienced by the residents. The clerk also reported that the enquiry to Canterbury City Council as to whether there is further funding available for additional street lighting was still in hand. VANDALISM A police meeting has been arranged at the Village Hall on Thursday, 20 September 2001 at 7.30 pm to 79 14 discuss the matter of vandalism within the village. 80 POLICE FORUM MEETING Cllr Beer attended the meeting on 24 July 2001 and reported that the matters under discussion included the three year community safety plan and the rural warden scheme funded by Kent County Council. 81 UNKEMPT LAND The clerk reported that Kent Highways have advised that the areas of unkempt land in Western Avenue adjacent to Ford Close and Green Court will be attended to by them in the future. 82 FLOODING Cllr Connor reported that he had attended three meetings of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group. A representative of Southern Water had attended one of the meetings and highlighted the need to look at surface water management. Cllr Connor also advised that the Management Group are collating information on incidents of flow back of sewage and requested that any villagers who were affected should write to Jill Thomas, Cobham Court, School Lane, Bekesbourne, Kent CT4 5ET with details of the incident and date of occurrence. Cllr Connor reported that although the flow has decreased in the River Nailbourne in the last few months it was not confirmed as being at its original level and it was likely to flood if excessive rain was experienced over the next few months. It is hoped to be able to give affected households 10 to 14 days advance notice of increased flow in the rivers and it was AGREED that an amber and red alert system should be operated within the village with the information sent by post if necessary and Cllr Gulvin AGREED to operate the alert system. It was AGREED that all affected households would receive personal notification of the alert system and that all villagers would be advised about it in the next Parish Newsletter. The chairman adjourned the meeting at 8.20 pm and invited Rev Paul Filmer to address the Parish Council on the matter of a youth group in the village. The meeting resumed at 8.40 pm. 83 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Oakleigh Building Services £176.25 Repairs to vandalised bus shelter. BT £36.91 Clerk's telephone bill & advance rental. J Connor £39.77 Travel expenses to KRCC & KAPC meetings. Seeboard Contracting Services £73.14 Repairs to street light - PL 50 -Riverside Close. Seeboard Contracting Services £73.14 Repairs to street light - PL by Ford Mill Lane. Seeboard Contracting Services £250.50 Fit lighting lantern - PL 46 - Riverside Close. Seeboard Contracting Services £32.14 Repairs to street light - PL 47 Bridge Down. Landscape Services £587.95 Half yearly grounds maintenance - 2001. D R Possee £45.00 Supplying plants & compost for planters & maintenance. RBS Accounting Solutions £152.75 Year end accounts preparation. FPD Savills £225.00 Half yearly rents. Joan Stingemore £5.60 Police Meeting Notice (b) Payments received: £101.25 Cornhill Insurance - bus shelter claim and £367.86 VAT reclaim. 84 RECREATION GROUND FEES The clerk advised that there will be no U 15's team this season as the club have insufficient members to form a team. It was AGREED that the fees for Broomfield United FC and Brymore Sports FC should be reduced to £175 and £65 respectively as poor weather conditions last season prevented the teams making full use of the pitches. 85 AUDIT The clerk advised that an audit of the accounts had been carried out by the District Audit and she had attended the interview on 12 September 2001. The clerk understood that the audit was satisfactory and will be confirmed in writing in due course. It was NOTED that Cllr Hill had carried out an internal check of the accounts in July. 86 BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE SCHOOL i) School Roof: It was unanimously AGREED to endorse the decision made at an informal meeting of the Parish Council on 25 August 2001at which the letter to Bill Murphy, Head of Planning at Kent County Council was agreed . The Parish Council is to take no further action. 15 ii) It was AGREED that the Chairman of Governors, Mrs Grace Goodman, should be invited to address councillors at the next meeting. 87 VILLAGE HALL DISABLED ACCESS Cllr Gulvin reported that planning permission had been granted and tenders to carry out the work requested. Cllr Gulvin also reported that the proceeds from the Art in Bridge Exhibition to be held in October would be going to the disabled access fund. 88 DRAFT CONSULTATION ON NEW PROCEDURES FOR CONCURRENT FUNCTIONS GRANTS It was AGREED that, before making any amendments or suggestions to the draft consultation document, the clerk should invite Cllr Bill Oakey and the Community Development Officer, Debbie Adams, to address the Parish Council on the matter at the October meeting. 89 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson provided the proof for the Autumn/Winter Newsletter and requested that councillor's contributions to the newsletter should be with her by the end of September. It was AGREED that the newsletter should be distributed before the October meeting. 90 GREEN BURSARY AWARD APPLICATIONS 2001/2002 Councillors were asked whether they knew of any community groups who might be interested in applying for an award and Cllr Corfield thought the Red Lion Association could be interested and AGREED to provide them with the details. 91 PLANTERS It was AGREED that, as the response to the floral competition was poor and did not go ahead, the prize would be presented to Mrs Possee for her splendid planter display on the corner of the High Street and Western Avenue as a token of the Parish Council's appreciation for her work in planting and maintaining them for the benefit of the whole village. 92 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following new application has been received and considered: CA/01/0869/BRI - Erection of detached garage/log store at Old Renville Farm House, Renville, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/0701/BRI - Replacement porch including pitched roof over garage at 55 Bridge Down, Bridge. CA/01/0292/BRI - Two single storey extensions and external alterations at The New Close Residential Home, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. CA/01/0684/BRI - Access ramp to rear of village hall at Bridge Village Hall, 28 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0071/BRI - Demolition of existing conservatory and replace with single-storey extension at 90 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0487/BRI - Single-storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory at 90 High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0081/BRI - Slab reinstatement to basement floor at 67 High Street, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Intention: The following notice of intention has been received and will not have a Tree Preservation Order served by Canterbury City Council: Fell small tree in front garden at 11 Riverside Close, Bridge. 93 RURAL WHITE PAPER Cllr Corfield reported that the sub-committee had met and although the need for a parish plan was recognised they felt that there would be benefit in doing substantial preliminary work first. It was felt that to proceed with the village directory in the first instance would be beneficial and that the Parish Council should consider standing orders. The clerk was requested to obtain a model for standing orders and circulate these to councillors before the next meeting. 94 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Environment, Footpaths & Trees: i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that all footpaths were open and he had walked them all in the last two months and they were well used and in reasonable (a) 16 (b) (c) condition. ii) Trees: A resident in Riverside Close has reported that trees in the recreation ground are close to her roof and Cllr Beer has reported a tree on the land adjacent to Ford Close which may need attention. Cllr Monk has AGREED to contact Mr J Lambourne, Tree Preservation Officer, of Canterbury City Council and will meet with him to assess what work may be need to be carried out. Recreation Ground: Cllr Gulvin reported that there is a problem in the playground and the posts of the old slide have now become exposed. The clerk confirmed that Wicksteed had already been notified and they were due to call out and inspect during the past week but to date had not done so. The clerk was requested to contact them again and arrange for them to inspect immediately and to also report on the wet pour surface under the swings which is in need of attention. The chain link fence near the gate also requires repairs and the clerk was requested to ask Oakleigh Building Services to attend to this matter. It was reported that the the grounds had been cleared of rubbish and debris. Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has reported the following direct to Canterbury City Council: hole, blocked drain and street light out in Union Road, hole in Mill Lane, foliage obscuring signs on approach road to A2, oil drum by chicanes, damage to belisha beacon x 2 and broken hydrant sign in Saxon Road. There is a dislodged metal cover adjacent to the pavilion which needs to be attended to. The stop sign in Union Road is to be renewed in due course. Maurice Smith also reported that action was slow when street monitors reported faults and the clerk was requested to write to Cllr Oakey to request his help in getting the City Council to respond more quickly. 95 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor had nothing to report as there had been no meetings during August. 96 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Better Healthcare - Consultation Document (b) Rural Revival Annual Report (c) Kent Police Authority News - July 2001 (d) Kent Trails - Issue 3 (e) CPRE Rural Matters - July 2001 (f) Pfizer News - August 2001 (g) CPRE Kent - Autumn/Winter 2001-2001 (h) New Approach to Local Council Audit (i) North Downs Way Annual Report and Leaflets (j) Local Council Review (k) Clerks & Councils Direct (l) Local Council Review (m) Environment Agency Business Plan 2001/02 (n) CPRE Planning Update 97 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 11 October 2001. The chairman thanked councillors for all their hard work and there being no further business closed the meeting at 9.55 pm. Chairman…………………………………………..Date……………………………… 17 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 11 October 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson, Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present were Cllr W Oakey, Debbie Adams from Canterbury City Council and two members of the public. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman asked Debbie Adams and Cllr Oakey to address councillors on the matter of the new procedures for concurrent functions and Cllr Oakey on the Rural Arts Festival Grants. The meeting commenced at 8.00 pm. 98 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr M Gulvin (holiday) and Cllr C Beer. 99 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 13 SEPTEMBER 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 September were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 100 MOLE TREATMENT The clerk advised that treatment had been carried out by Bounty Pest Control to the new mole activity in another area of the recreation ground. Bounty Pest Control also provided details of a scheme for £120 per annum, invoiced quarterly, which would provide eight visits per year and a free call out as and when required. It was unanimously AGREED to take up this annual contract and the clerk was requested to arrange it. 101 SANDBAG STORAGE Cllr Monk advised that the storage container had now been installed and filled with sandbags and the keys had now been issued to the key holders. The key holders are: Cllrs Anderson, Dobson, Monk, Gulvin and Cllr Bill Oakey. The clerk will also be issued with a key to hold as the master key. The clerk was requested to write to Canterbury City Council to advise them of the names and addresses of the key holders should a resident contact the City Council during any future flooding incident. It was AGREED not to purchase a sack barrow at the present time as it was felt that most residents would have access to a wheelbarrow or car to collect the sacks when required. 102 ALLOTMENTS The clerk advised that no reply had yet been received from Mr C Gooch of FPD Savills with regard to whether the lower allotments had been cleared and the clerk was requested to write to him again as the parish council are awaiting his confirmation in order to proceed with the installation of the water supply following receipt of the Southern Water quotation. 103 CONYNGHAM LANE The clerk advised that the reply from Canterbury City Council regarding additional funding for street lighting was that there was no additional funding available. The clerk was requested to write to Mr G Curl of Conyngham Lane to advise him. 104 FLOODING Cllr Connor reported that he had attended a meeting this week of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group. A representative of Southern Water talked to the group about the present problems on the Nailbourne and advised that Southern Water is responsible for sewage and not responsible for surface water and drainage etc. It was recognised that in order to resolve the problems it is going to be necessary to get all the interested bodies together. Cllr Connor reported that in view of the recent rain it was now clear that the risk of flooding is very high and that parishioners should make sure that the drains in their gardens and outside in the street are clear and any blockages reported to Canterbury City Council immediately. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Canterbury City Council and request that the drains are cleaned on a regular basis and to stress that blocked drains need to be cleared as a matter of urgency. Cllr Connor confirmed that the Environment Agency will provide two weeks' notice of a flooding alert which will be advised in the first instance to the clerk who in turn will inform the coordinator responsible in the village. Cllr Connor advised that he was unable to attend the next meeting of the Management Group on Saturday, 10 November and Cllr Monk AGREED to attend in his place. 18 105 BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE SCHOOL Kent County Council have advised that, taking everything into consideration, they have decided not to ask for the tiles on the roof to the new extension to be replaced and, whilst recommending no further action, do not regard this as setting a precedent in the context of further building work. It was reported that the Chairman of Governors, Mrs Grace Goodman, had retired and that Mrs Ailsa Williamson has been appointed Chairman. It was AGREED that the clerk should write a letter of congratulations to Mrs Williamson, invite her to address the parish council once she has settled in and also ask if councillors could visit the school. 106 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Bounty Pest Control £52.88 Treatment of mole infestation. Seeboard Contracting Services £73.14 Repair to Street Light outside 13 Dering Road. Playground Management Servs £99.29 Annual Inspection of children's playground. BVHMC £27.50 Hire of Hunter Room and village hall. Gillett & Johnston £196.34 Repair of village clock. Oakleigh Building Services £91.65 Repair chain link fence - recreation ground. G P McCombe £991.10 Salary (£841.10) & office allowance (£150.00). G P McCombe £103.79 Travel allowance and 2 journeys to CCC for audit. G P McCombe £116.70 Postage, copier cartridge and copying newsletter. (b) Payments received: £10.00 Bridge Village Sports Trust, £250.00 Exiles Cricket Club and £175.00 Broomfield United Football Club. 107 TRAFFIC CALMING Cllr Anderson reported that although the areas of land created by the traffic calming had initially been planted by Cllr Oakey and his wife a decision as to sponsorship for future planting was required if these areas are to remain in good order. It was AGREED that Cllr Anderson would discuss the matter with Cllr Oakey and his wife for suggestions and ideas for planting. The clerk reported that no reply had been received regarding the request for a priority sign and it was AGREED that she should write to Andy Phillips regarding this and also about the textured surfacing which has not yet been laid. 108 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson thanked councillors for their contributions to the newsletter which is now ready for distribution. It was unanimously AGREED that, for the cost of £25.00, the newsletter will be distributed by a parishioner already doing a weekly leaflet distribution in the village and Cllr Anderson AGREED to arrange this. Cllr Anderson also thanked Cllr Dobson for her hard work in producing the newsletter. 109 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Cllr Dobson reported that a request for sponsorship had been made in the newsletter and asked councillors to let her have any information and sponsorship ideas they had for the directory. 110 TREES Cllr Monk reported that Kentish Stour Countryside would provide up to 20 trees free for planting in Bridge and requested suggestions for the siting of the trees. It was unanimously AGREED that 10 trees would be requested and that specific sites would be decided upon at a later stage. 111 RECREATION GROUND Cllr Dobson produced a drawing based on an idea of an avenue of trees for the area of land otherwise unused between the tennis courts and the children's playground and it was AGREED that councillors would meet on site before discussing the matter further. 112 YOUTH GROUP As there was no news yet as to whether an employed youth leader is to be appointed it was AGREED to defer discussion on the youth group until the parish council heard further from Rev Paul Filmer. 19 113 CHRISTMAS TREES Cllr Walder AGREED that he and Cllr Gulvin would arrange for the supply and installation of the Christmas trees in the High Street this year. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to all residents in the High Street to ask if they wished to have a tree and also to request a donation towards the cost. 114 RoSPA REPORT AND CHECKLIST The clerk advised that the RoSPA Report on the children's playground had been received, together with a regular site checklist, and the sub-committee AGREED to look at the recommendations contained in the report and advise councillors of any works to be carried out. 115 STREET LIGHTING The clerk reported that Seeboard have advised that the part night photocells currently fitted are no longer obtainable from any of their suppliers. There is an alternative but this will not fit many of the lanterns in Bridge and those they will fit will have to have the wiring altered. The alternative will be to convert the columns to all night lighting as and when they fail. It was AGREED that that the clerk should contact Seeboard for an estimate of the additional costs involved in the wiring alterations, contact Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council for advice and investigate the possibility of another maintenance company and supplier. 116 NEW PROCEDURES FOR CONCURRENT FUNCTIONS GRANTS The new application form for concurrent functions grants has now been received and it was AGREED that the clerk would complete the forms in draft and circulate these with the next agenda so that the application form can be approved at the next meeting. 117 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following new applications have been received and are being considered: CAL01/0124/BRI - Internal alterations, The Red Lion PH, High Street, Bridge. CAL01/0127/BRI - Erection of conservatory at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/1065/BRI - Erection of conservatory at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge. Cllr Dobson's interest in the application for Dover Lodge was NOTED. (b) Planning applications granted: No planning applications have been notified as granted. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Proposed Work to Trees in Conservation Area: The following notice has been received and is being considered: Fell 1 Conifer, 1 Photina and reduce Salix Contiosa by 10% at 24 Conyngham Lane, Bridge. 118 RURAL WHITE PAPER Cllr Corfield reported that the sub-committee had met and were progressing toward the parish plan in the long term. The sub-committee feel that holding one or two open meetings of interest to the village would be a good way forward and it was AGREED that the next open meeting should be arranged either for the end of November or early January. The clerk advised that the model standing orders were being reprinted and were still awaited from KAPC but would be distributed as soon as they were received. 119 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Environment, Footpaths & Trees: i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that he had walked several footpaths in the past month and those he walked are in good condition. There were however three burnt out cars which had appeared since he had last walked the footpaths. It was reported that the footpath at the end of Conyngham Lane was overgrown and the clerk was asked to write to Kent County Council and advise them. ii) Trees: Cllr Monk advised that Jon Lambourne, Tree Preservation Officer, of Canterbury City Council would be looking at the Sycamore tree in the recreation ground on 23 October. (b) Recreation Ground: i) It was reported that Wicksteed Leisure had now been out and cut down the protruding metal posts from the old slide and made good the surface. ii) It was reported that the parish map which was due to be installed during the first week in October had not been done. The clerk was requested to write to the Public Rights of Way Officer to find out when the map was likely to be installed. (c) Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has reported the following direct to Canterbury City Council: large hole on pavement at corner of High Street and Union Road. Cllr Hill reported that during the work carried out by Transco in Patrixbourne Road they had 20 Cllr Hill reported that during the work carried out by Transco in Patrixbourne Road they had dug up an area of land previously planted with bulbs. The clerk was requested to write to Transco to request that the bulbs be replanted. 120 BEST VALUE INSPECTION FOR THE REFUSE/RECYCLING SERVICE Cllr Anderson reported that he had attended a meeting to evaluate the refuse/recycling service and the consensus of opinion was that the service was fairly good. Under consideration is, in addition to the current weekly collection of black bin/black sack for household refuse, and on alternate weeks, a collection of clear sacks for plastic bottles, textiles and newspapers and a green sack collection for garden rubbish. 121 KCC & CCC TRANSPORT SERVICE FOR HOUSEBOUND RESIDENTS Kent Highways have advised of a service which may be of interest to residents who are unable to use the normal bus service. The clerk was requested to circulate the information to the Fish Scheme, Jean Johnson, Ann Rook and Muriel Packer. 122 POLICE REPORT Following the Police Meeting in September which was well supported, Chief Inspector P West has reported the highway issues raised at the meeting to Mr A Phillips at the Highways Department of Canterbury City Council. These include the pedestrian crossing, traffic calming and parking infringements. 123 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor reported that at the last KAPC meeting the report of the Flooding Scrutiny Panel was discussed. Manston Airport and the development of Thanet was also discussed. Cllr Connor recommended that residents should take a note of any low flying aircraft over the village and record the approach pattern, date and time as this could be helpful in the future in building up a fact file of activity. Residents should also report these flights direct to Manston Airport at the time they occurr. 124 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Parish News (b) Blean Woods and Great and Little Stour Valleys Landscape Appraisal (c) Oast to Coast (d) Consultation on the Proposal to Establish a New Health Authority for Kent & Medway (e) Kent Police Authority - Consultation with Community Representatives Autumn 2001 (f) CPRE Rural Matter 125 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 8 November 2001. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.23 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 21 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 8 November 2001 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson, Beer, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present were four members of the public for part of the meeting and one who attended for the whole meeting. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman asked the members of the public to address councillors on the matters of the joint School and Church Fete and the relocation of Canterbury College. The meeting commenced at 8.05 pm. 126 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr J Connor (holiday) and Cllr J Corfield. 127 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 OCTOBER 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 October were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 128 ALLOTMENTS The secretary of Mr C Gooch of FPD Savills has advised the clerk that the allotments have not yet been cleared and are not likely to be ready in the near future due to lack of funding. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to FPD Savills advising them of the interest expressed by a number of villagers who wish to have allotments and asking them to give the matter a high priority. 129 BRIDGE & PATRIXBOURNE SCHOOL The clerk reported that the Chairman of the School Governors had advised her that the recent open evening at the School was for parents only but that it is intended to invite councillors and villagers to view the new classroom extension once it is fully completed. Cllr Anderson advised that the open day would be on a Saturday during the day. 130 TRAFFIC CALMING Cllr Anderson advised that he had spoken to Cllr Oakey with reference to the planting of the traffic calming areas and Cllr Oakey will be considering the matter and will respond shortly. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the City Council to request more parking attendant presence in the village as cars were still being parked on the hatched areas of the pedestrian crossing and also to request that the broken beacons be collected from 1 High Street. Kent Highways have advised that the anti-skid surfacing should be completed in the next few weeks and that they are reluctant to erect priority signs as the normal convention of motoring is that the motorist with the obstruction on his side of the road gives way. A copy of a letter to CI West from Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways states that a large number of complaints about the scheme have been received but as the scheme is not yet finished, i.e. carriageway markings and anti-skid surfacing, they would prefer to wait to review the scheme in its entirety. The initial findings were that traffic speeds have reduced considerably on the southbound approach to Conyngham Lane but this will have to be measured again once the scheme is completed to see if the speed reduction has been sustained. Details of the 2001 Traffic Regulation Review have been received but it was AGREED that there were no further requests for consideration. 131 TREES Cllr Monk reported that the request for the additional trees was in hand and will arrive shortly and it was AGREED that one of the new Ash trees should be used to replace a Cherry tree in the recreation ground which needs to be removed as it is dead due to disease. The clerk was requested to write to the Women's Institute who provided the tree originally to advise them that it was to be removed to avoid it infecting other Cherry trees around it and that it would be replaced with an Ash. It was AGREED that Andy Osborne would be asked to carry out the work required on the Sycamore tree adjacent to 65 Riverside Close, a Horsechestnut tree in Western Avenue and the Cherry tree in the recreation ground. 132 CHRISTMAS TREES Cllr Walder reported that there were a total of 25 requests for trees and that £185.00 in donations had been received. The trees had been ordered and it was proposed to erect then on the last 22 Saturday in November. Cllr Walder asked for volunteers to assist him and Cllr Gulvin in putting up the of the trees and offers of help were received from Cllrs Dobson and Beer on behalf of their husbands. The clerk advised that the 17 sets of Christmas lights which had been returned to the manufacturer as they were faulty had been received by the manufacturer but had gone missing in the post on their return. As the loss was not the fault of the Parish Council the manufacturer had been asked to replace them free of charge. The reply from the manufacturer was that as a gesture of goodwill they will be prepared to supply 17 sets at half the original cost. It was AGREED that this was not an acceptable solution but as the lights are required urgently the council would probably have no choice but to accept the offer. However, the clerk was requested to negotiate with the manufacturer for them to also supply the additional 8 sets of lights required for this year at half the original cost. It was AGREED that a letter of thanks should be sent to everyone who had made donations. 133 STREET LIGHTING (PART NIGHT PHOTOCELLS) A reply from Babtie (for Kent County Council) confirming that the unit we use ceased production 3 years ago was NOTED. They advise that they do not know of a similar unit that is still in production but say there are units available which are programmable to achieve part night lighting which are extremely accurate. The cost is £40-£50 per unit and, although not cheaper than a rewire and fitting of the one part unit, would be a cheaper alternative to a replacement of the lantern. The clerk advised that a reply was still awaited from Seeboard and the City Council and it was AGREED that this should be looked at again at the next meeting when there was more information. 134 ART EXHIBITION It was reported that the Art Exhibition held in the village hall in aid of the Disabled Access Fund had been a success and was greatly enjoyed by all those who visited the exhibition. It was AGREED that a letter of thanks should be sent to Cllr Corfield and his team for all their efforts in organising the event. 135 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Bounty Pest Control £88.13 Annual contract Oct 01/Oct 02 less previous invoice. J Anderson £25.00 Reimbursement of Parish Newsletter Delivery. J Connor £50.44 Travel expenses for KAPC & KRCC meetings. BT £38.09 Clerk's telephone bill and advance rental. (b) Payments received: £376.40 - VAT reclaim. 136 GOLDEN JUBILEE As part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002 it was confirmed that the combined Church and School fete is to be held on 22 June 2002 and Cllr Walder AGREED to chair the initial meeting and to represent the Parish Council on the committee once it was formed. It was unanimously AGREED to cover any losses up to £750.00. Cllr Hill AGREED to investigate the viability and cost of providing a commemorative Golden Jubilee souvenir to the children of Bridge. 137 CONCURRENT FUNCTIONS GRANT The the concurrent functions grant was discussed and AGREED and the clerk was requested to submit the application form by the required date. 138 ENVIRONMENT WARDEN SCHEMES Kent BTCV is reviewing its activities associated with Environmental Wardening throughout Kent with a view to gaining extra funding from Lottery sources. They are considering extending there schemes to include hedgerows and heritage wardens as well as tree, pond and compost wardens. They have asked Parish Councils to indicate whether they would like them to maintain and extend their Community and Environment Wardening Schemes and it was unanimously AGREED to support them. 139 SCIENCE PARK/LORRY PARK Cllr Beer advised of a report in the Kentish Gazette that the idea of a science park was to be presented to councillors on Thursday. It was NOTED that the park would impinge on the village of Bridge and that the Parish Council had not been informed of the discussions or been consulted. It was unanimously AGREED that a letter expressing the concerns of the Parish Council to the 23 science park should be sent to the Chief Executive of Canterbury City Council, Ian Carmichael, with a copy to Cllr Vye and Cllr Oakey. 140 CANTERBURY COLLEGE It was AGREED in principle to support the application for a judicial review to challenge the Secretary of State's decision to grant planning permission to Canterbury College for outline planning permission for the relocation of the College. Several groups including PACE (People Against Canterbury Expansion) are seeking financial pledges to enable them to proceed with the application. The sum of £6000 was proposed by Cllr Anderson, seconded by Cllr Gulvin, and the motion carried by a majority of 1 subject to written proof that the application is backed by a properly constituted organisation. It is NOTED that Councillors against the sum of £6000 would like the sum pledged to be greater. It was unanimously AGREED that the sum of £6000 only be pledged in principle and that the clerk should seek expert advice from the Kent Association of Parish Councils as to whether it can legally proceed. 141 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Applications received: The following new applications have been received and are being considered: CA/01/TEMP/L - Replacement Building, Bridge after School Club and Woodpecker Nursery, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. CAL01/0136/BRI - Demolition of internal wall, Flat 4, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge. CA/01/1116/BRI - Change of use to garden and formation of new vehicular access, Land adjacent to Field House, Station Road, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: No planning applications have been notified as granted. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Proposed Work to Trees in Conservation Area: The following notice has been received and is being considered: Fell 1mature London Plane tree to ground level and pollard by approximately 40% storm damaged mature Willow tree at Red Lion Estate, Riverside Close, Bridge. A tree preservation order will not be served to control the following work: Reduce two Beech trees by 15% and 1 Ash by 20% next to house at 12 High Street, Bridge. 142 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Recreation Ground: i) The grounds maintenance quotation has been received for the year 2002 at £1040.78, a minimal increase on this year, and it was AGREED to continue with Kent County Council Landscape Services for the next year. ii) The parish map has now been installed. iii) The RoSpa report has been looked at and Cllr Walder reported that apart from one name plate which needed removing there is no other work required. (b) Streets, Footways and Lighting: It was reported that drains in the High Street in particular are still becoming blocked and overflow with minimal rainfall and the clerk was requested to chase the City Council to clear these drains as a matter of urgency. 143 POLICE FORUM MEETING Cllr Beer reported on the recent meeting she attended with Cllr Monk. A new speed camera has recently been utilised to great effect and the camera and a dedicated police vehicle are available for use at the times most needed. To arrange for its use requests should be sent to C I West. The next meeting is to be held on 15 January 2002. 144 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE The clerk reported that she had been advised that a new gas main was to be laid under ground in January, after which Kent County Council would be in a position to install the replacement bridge. She had also been advised that it was likely that a temporary bridge would be placed at the site during the coming Winter until the permanent footbridge could be constructed. A villager had also requested that the electricity supply should be put under ground but Kent County Council advise that, as far as they are aware, the supply will remain as it currently is. 145 PARISH NEWSLETTER The clerk reported that she had received a letter of congratulations from a resident in the High Street on the newsletter and its content. 24 146 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS There were no new matters to report. Cllr Walder advised that following Cllr Connor's recommendation to report incidents of low flying aircraft to Manston Airport he had reported an incident which had occurred on 24 October. He had subsequently received a letter of explanation and apology. 147 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) CPRE Kent Voice Autumn 2001 (b) Canterbury & Thanet Community Health Council Annual Report 200-2001 (c) The Orchid - Kent Downs AONB (d) Kentish Fare Chronicle (e) Police Authority News October 2001 (f) Clerks & Councils Direct (g) Local Council Review 148 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 13 December 2001. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.05 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 13 December 2001 at 7.00 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson, Beer, Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present were four members of the public one of whom attended for the whole meeting. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman asked the members of the public to speak to councillors on the matter of Canterbury College Relocation. The meeting commenced at 7.20 pm. 149 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 150 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 NOVEMBER 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 8 November were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 151 GAS MAINS REPLACEMENT - PATRIXBOURNE ROAD Transco have confirmed that the no excavations took place by their contractor to the grass verge outside the recreation ground. Their location plan shows that the company's main was laid in the footpath or road only. They have visited the site to inspect the area and believe that the trench in the grass verge has been excavated by the contractors laying a new electric cable on behalf of Seeboard. The clerk was requested to write to the contractor requesting that the bulbs which have been disturbed by them should be replaced. 152 TRAFFIC CALMING AND PARKING ATTENDANTS Kent Highways advise that the gully on the Canterbury side of the crossing will be adjusted by the contractor who is working on the footway to the surgery. They confirm that the grating which has been used is of a standard type and the closer gridded type is not used unless a gully grating is in a pedestrian area. They also advise that the outstanding works to the traffic calming, including the anti-skid surfacing, are due to be completed within the next few weeks. Cllr Anderson reported that 2 parking attendants were seen in the village on Monday evening issuing parking tickets. 153 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 Cllr Hill reported that he was still looking into the viability of a commemorative Golden Jubilee souvenir for the children of Bridge and it was AGREED that the matter should be deferred until the next meeting. The clerk advised that funding is available from Kent County Council for community events and grants of up to £500 can be applied for. The clerk has requested an application form and this will be passed to Cllr Dobson on its receipt. 154 SCIENCE PARK/LORRY PARK It was NOTED that letters have been received from Canterbury City Council and Cllr Vye regarding the report in the Kentish Gazette. Canterbury City Council confirm that there are no such proposals in the local plan and therefore no details forwarded to the Parish Council. 155 ALLOTMENTS The clerk reported that a letter from FPD Savills has been received explaining that the reason why the allotment project does not have a high priority is due to the costs involved. It was AGREED to discuss the matter further at the next meeting with a view to setting up a sub-committee. In the meantime the clerk was requested to write to Charles Gooch of FPD Savills to ask him to meet with councillors when he is next visiting Bridge. 156 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose District Audit £253.80 2000/2001 Audit. Ewart J Clough £149.91 Christmas Trees Deta Electrical Co Ltd £189.36 Christmas Lights. A Walder £13.44 Incidentals to Erect Christmas Trees. Gillett & Johnston Ltd £111.63 Service of Village Hall Clock for Year 2002. D Waters £40.00 Clearing Bifrons Path and Recreation Ground. J Monk £9.70 Reimbursement of travel expenses to flood meetings. (b) Payments received: £210.00 in donations for Christmas trees. (c) Budget: It was unanimously AGREED to set the precept requirement for the year 2002/2003 at £8651. (d) Brymore Football Club: Cllr Gulvin is to provide the clerk with the new secretary's details so that the ground fees can be requested. 157 CANTEBURY COLLEGE RELOCATION It was AGREED following a vote to authorise a donation for the judicial review to challenge the Secretary of State's decision to grant planning permission to Canterbury College for outline planning permission for the relocation of the college under Section 137 of the l972 LGA of £3500 it being in the interests of the inhabitants of Bridge so to do. The sum of £3500 was proposed by Cllr Gulvin, seconded by Cllr Walder and the motion carried by a majority of 7 to 1 with 1 abstention. 158 BRIDGE AFTER SCHOOL CLUB & PLAY SCHEME & WOODPECKER NURSERY Following receipt of a letter from Mr Curl of Conyngham Lane regarding the planning permission which has been granted by Kent County Council for a replacement building and the article which appeared in the Kentish Gazette, it was unanimously AGREED that the clerk should write to Mr Curl concurring with the Chairman's personal letter to him dated 6 December 2001. 159 CAR PARKING Cllr Anderson reported that he had had a meeting with Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways to look at the feasibility of improving car parking in Western Avenue. Cllr Anderson had a copy of a rough draft which was NOTED. It was AGREED to defer discussion on the matter until the plan is available. 160 SANDBAG STORE It was reported that the sandbag store door has been vandalised and it was AGREED that the clerk should write to Canterbury City Council for the details of the supplier so that the door can be repaired or replaced. The clerk was also requested to see if a notice can be supplied for the outside of the store stating its contents so as to avoid any misconception of the value of the goods held in it. 161 CONYNGHAM LANE The clerk advised that Mr Curl of Conyngham Lane had written again to the Parish Council regarding various matters including street lighting, road holes, traffic congestion and garden wall damage. It was reported that the road hole at the end of Conyngham Lane has now been repaired. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Mr Curl reiterating that the funding for a street light was in hand for 2003/2004. 162 STREET LIGHTING - PART NIGHT CELLS The clerk reported that a reply had been received from Seeboard enclosing estimated costings for replacing the existing part night cells which are apparently no longer in production. If the existing lantern cannot accommodate the new photo -cell the lantern will have to be replaced at an estimated cost of between £150 and £200 plus VAT but if the lantern can accommodate the new photocell the cost will be £50 plus VAT. The clerk was requested to write to Canterbury City Council to chase a response to previous letters and to enclose copies of the correspondence from Seeboard. 163 BULB PLANTING - BEECH HILL The clerk reported that Deacons has finally confirmed that the bulbs which should have been planted in Beech Hill last year had not been done and this was initially due to the wet weather conditions at the time. The clerk was requested to ask Deacons to carry out the planting as a matter of urgency. 164 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are being considered : CAL01/1268/BRI - Porch to front and conservatory to rear of dwelling, 4 Filmer Road, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/TEMP/L - Replacement Building at Bridge after School Club and Woodpecker Nursery, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. CA/01/1116/BRI - Change of use to garden and formation of new vehicular access on land adjacent to Field House, Station Road, Bridge. CAL01/0095/BRI - Replacement two-storey rear extension, internal and external alternations at Lynton House, High Street, Bridge. CA/01/0675/BRI - Replacement two-storey rear extension at Lynton House, High Street, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No applications have been notified as refused. (d) Proposed Work to Trees in Conservation Area: The following notice has been received and is being considered: Fell 2 Laburnum trees and one decaying crab apple tree at front, one to side and one to rear of 2A Meadow Close, Bridge. A tree preservation order will not be served to control proposed work at Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge. 165 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Rural White Paper: The sub-committee met in early December and Cllr Corfield reported that the Youth Meeting had been arranged for Thursday, 31 January 2002 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Representatives from Kent County Council, Canterbury City Council and Wye Parish Council had agreed to attend. It was hoped that circulation to all households could be carried out about 3 weeks prior to the meeting to promote awareness. Cllr Corfield asked the clerk to circulate the DEFRA Consultation Document to all councillors for discussion at the January meeting. Cllr Corfield also reported on a programme for continued training for clerks and councillors. Recreation Ground: i) The clerk reported that she had received 3 telephone calls from mothers reporting the slippery condition of the ground adjacent to the footpath and the narrowness of the path to the school and requesting that it should be widened to avoid this problem. It was AGREED that a letter should be sent to the school asking if they are prepared to fund the widening of the path. ii) It was unanimously AGREED to make an ex gratia payment of £50 to David Waters for his work earlier in the year in clearing Bifrons Path and the recreation ground. iii) Cllr Gulvin formally reported to the Parish Council that the Exiles Cricket Club intend to hold a weekend tournament on 1st to 3rd June to which the Trust gave their support. 166 FLOOD MEETINGS Cllr Monk reported that she had attended the last two meetings of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group and that Canterbury City Council have advised that the gullies in Bridge will not be attended to until April next year as money has run out. 167 CHRISTMAS TREES Cllr Walder reported that the erection of the Christmas trees had gone well with the help of Cllr Gulvin, four venture scouts and a few villagers. Cllr Anderson thanked Cllrs Walder and Gulvin and their helpers for their hard work and also thanked all the villagers in the High Street who made donations. 168 COMMUNITY LIAISON It was NOTED that a letter had been received from Inspector Ray Carver of Kent County Constabulary advising the changes in the supervision of and the way in which it deploys its tactical resources to deal with identified problems. 169 CANTERBURY DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN REVIEW - FIRST DEPOSIT DRAFT Cllr Beer and Cllr Monk attended the meeting on 12 December and distributed a few copies of the first deposit draft for councillors to read. Cllr Beer reported that Bridge was not identified in the report as a green gap area and that the Bridge cycle route had not been included. Cllr Anderson agreed to petition Cllr Oakey to get the cycle route already submitted to Canterbury City Council by the Parish Council included in the local plan. Cllr Beer advised that the local plan is due to be finalised by November 2002. 170 ALL TOGETHER NOW A meeting was held on 4 December to hear from local groups and organisations. No-one from the Parish Council was able to attend as notice of the meeting was not received in time. 171 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS There were no new matters to report as there had been no meetings since October. 172 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Parish News (b) The Standards Board for England (c) NALC National Conference and Exhibition (d) Crime Prevention News (e) Modernising Hospital Services in East Kent 2001-2005 173 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 10 January 2002. There being no further business the Chairman wished councillors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and closed the meeting at 9.25 pm. 29 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 10 January 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Connor, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present was one member of the public who attended for the whole meeting. 174 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beer and Corfield. 175 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 13 DECEMBER 2001 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 December were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 176 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 Cllr Hill reported that he had looked at the various options for a souvenir for the children of Bridge and had found one of good quality and at a reasonable cost. Cllr Walder expressed an interest in seeing the leaflet on the chosen souvenir before it is ordered and Cllr Hill is to provide him with this. It was AGREED that the criteria for eligibility would be all children up to the age of 18 who live in the parish of Bridge. To establish the numbers of souvenirs required it was AGREED that a leaflet with a return slip would be produced and circulated to all households in Bridge. Cllr Hill agreed to produce the leaflet in conjunction with the clerk for distribution as soon as possible. 177 SANDBAG STORE It was reported that the door to the sandbag store was now completely off and had been stored in the sandbag store and, as the contents of the store are now obvious to all, councillors hope that there will be no further vandalism. The clerk advised that on the advice of the City Council she had had the installer take a look at the damage to see if it could be repaired and the installer had advised that he could effect a reasonable repair for a cost of approximately £200.00 but he felt it would not withstand further vandalism. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the City Council with a copy to Cllr W Oakey expressing disappointment that, as the store is in a public open space, it was not of a more durable quality and it was AGREED that a decision as to whether to go ahead with the repair would not be taken until the City Council's response had been received. 178 CONYNGHAM LANE It was NOTED that a letter from a household in Conyngham Lane had been received expressing concern about the request from another resident for street lighting. The letter advised that they, and many of their neighbours, felt it would be a waste of public money, that they wish for Conyngham Lane to remain a rural area and that most houses have security lighting which they feel is adequate for the amount of pedestrian traffic after dark. They are concerned that the street light will be built outside their house when they have campaigned against it and suggest that if any lighting is erected it should be placed outside the house of the resident who is in favour of the lighting. They are however in agreement with other concerns raised regarding the state of the road and the parking. It was also NOTED that a letter regarding the parking problems had been received from another resident in Conyngham Lane suggesting that a single yellow line occasionally monitored by a parking attendant might resolve the matter. The clerk was requested to write to the resident advising that a yellow line still allows people to stop for loading and unloading purposes or whilst passengers board or alight. 179 STREET LIGHTING - PART NIGHT CELLS The clerk advised that as a result of chasing a reply to earlier correspondence she had had a conversation with the City Council and they had advised that they had contacted the supplier of the part night cells and ascertained that there are still a few part night cells available from various different outlets which Seeboard could try to obtain until supplies are exhausted. The City Council advised that as there is now little demand for part-night cells and this is why production has stopped. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact the supplier direct to establish how many units are available, the cost of the units and the feasibility of purchasing these for future use. 180 BULB PLANTING - BEECH HILL The clerk advised that Deacons are unable to carry out the planting of the bulbs due to their current workload commitments. Cllr Anderson advised that he had taken expert advice and it was now too late to plant bulbs for them to flower this Spring. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the donor advising her of the situation. It was also AGREED that bulbs would be purchased and planted in Autumn 2002 and that this could be carried out by volunteers. 181 PARKING ATTENDANTS Cllr Anderson advised that he had received a letter from Chris Maclean of the Plough & Harrow and this was read out to councillors. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Mr Maclean sympathising with his situation and advising him that there was no intention on the part of the Parish Council that his business should be targeted. Cllr Anderson advised that he is having a 30 meeting with Bob Pollard from the City Council and that he would request that parking attendants visited the village at random times during the day not just in the evening. 182 CANTERBURY COLLEGE RELOCATION It was NOTED that an update from PACE had been received outlining the current situation on the progress of the judicial review. 183 BLOCKED GULLIES Cllr Gulvin reported that as a result of the clerk chasing a response to previous correspondence sent to the Highways Department there had been immediate attention to the blocked road gullies in the High Street and these had now been cleared. 184 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Reimbursement of delivery for youth open meeting J Anderson £25.00 notice. Kent County Council £469.68 Final invoice for 2001 grounds maintenance. G P McCombe £991.10 Clerk's Salary (£841.10) & office allowance (£150.00). G P McCombe £106.70 Travel allowance. G P McCombe £62.64 Postage, photocopying open meeting notice & fax paper. (b) Payments received: £25.00 - donations for Christmas trees. (c) Budget: The clerk advised that the District Audit report and action plan had been received together with the audit certificate. It was AGREED that the recommendations within the report would be addressed by the Parish Council and that the action plan would be completed to this effect by the Chairman and Clerk and returned to District Audit. (d) SERPA Contribution Request: It was AGREED not to pay the £20.00 annual contribution requested by the S E Regional Play Association (e) CPRE Membership Renewal: Notification has been received of an increase from £17.50 to £25.00 in the annual membership currently paid by direct debit and it was unanimously AGREED to continue with this membership. (f) It was NOTED that a letter of thanks had been received from Mr D Waters for the bonus he had received and councillors also NOTED their appreciation for the work that he carries out on behalf of the Parish Council. 185 KENT VILLAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETION 2002 The clerk advised that the application pack for the Kent Village of the Year Competition for 2002 had been received. It was unanimously AGREED not to enter this year. 186 DEFRA CONSULTATION DOCUMENT The consultation paper on Quality Parish and Town Councils was discussed and it was AGREED that most of the features for a Quality Parish Council that are going to be assessed are in place. The clerk advised that the model standing orders should be available in mid-January and that KAPC are planning to provide training for councillors and clerks on the element of the New Code of Conduct relating to the definition of 'interest' and information regarding this training should be available later this month. 187 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are being considered : CA/01/1322/BRI - Conservatory to rear of dwelling at 28 Western Avenue, Bridge. CA/01/1339/BRI - First floor side extension to dwelling (renewal) at 2 Filmer Road, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CAL01/0136/BRI - Demolition of internal wall at Flat 4, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge. CA/01/1322/BRI - Conservatory to rear of dwelling at 28 Western Avenue, Bridge. CAT01/0028/BRI - Coppice 4 Ash trees and 1 Sycamore tree at High Beech, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area: The following notice of proposed work has been received and is being considered: Fell large Yew tree in front garden at Cosby, Higham Lane, Bridge. (e) The New Medical Centre: Cllr Anderson reported that he had received a copy of a letter Cllr Oakey had sent to the Highways Department regarding the erection of the Gateway signs which had been put alongside the existing 30 mph signs rather than as per the plans, upon which the planning permission was agreed, which indicate that the new Gateways, 30 mph signs and road markings would all be moved beyond the bend some 100 metres towards Patrixbourne. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Mr A Phillips of the Highways Department concurring with Cllr Oakey's letter that the signs should be located in the agreed position as per the plan. 188 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that there were no known problems with the footpaths. 31 ii) Trees: Cllr Monk advised that she had the 10 new trees and stakes and would be investigating the planting arrangements. Cllr Monk agreed to look at the state of the Willow tree in Patrixbourne Road following a report from Maurice Smith regarding its condition. Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Gulvin reported that the damage to the pavilion lock had been rectified. ii) It was reported that the moles are very active again and the clerk was requested to contact Bounty Pest Control and advise them. iii) Cllr Walder reported that following receipt of the RoSPA Report he had inspected the play equipment and carried out the repairs required and that it would be advisable for the Parish Council to adopt a formal inspection and report of the play equipment on a regular basis. It was AGREED that the Recreation Ground Sub-Committee should be responsible for carrying out these checks on a monthly basis and the clerk was asked to set up the necessary record sheets for the whole year to record these inspections and any action required. Streets, Footways and Lighting: Maurice Smith has advised the following: i) that he has reported the repeated parking misdemeanours in the bus bay near the pedestrian crossing to the City Council ii) that the orange tape on the bridge in Riverside Close should be replaced with something permanent and Cllr Dobson advised that this is apparently in hand. 189 POND WARDEN The clerk advised that she had received a letter from Mr A Ewing of Littlebourne offering his services as a voluntary pond warden. The clerk was requested to write to Mr Ewing thanking him for his offer but advising him that the village does not have a pond at the present time. 190 CHRISTMAS TREES It was reported that there had been many favourable comments on the Christmas tree display and the clerk reported that she had also received a letter from a resident in Riverside Close thanking the Parish Council for the delightful display and hoping that the event continues in future years. Cllr Walder confirmed that he had all but one set of tree lights, which he should have shortly, and that he would be responsible for storing the lights for use next year. Cllr Anderson thanked Cllrs Gulvin and Walder for their efforts in taking down the trees. 191 KAPC MEETINGS AND TRAINING EVENTS 2002/03 The clerk advised that she had received the KAPC calendar of meetings and training events for 2002/03 and it was AGREED that the clerk should attend the Clerk's Information Day in May and that the calendar should be circulated to all councillors. 192 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor reported that he had attended a KAPC meeting the previous evening at which the report to the Kent County Council Select Committee on modernising our hospitals was considered. Other matters discussed were the Ethical Framework for Parish Councils, which is not a matter of choice, and the subject of Quality Parish Councils from which it emerged that a number of Parish Councils in the Canterbury area were not going with it. 193 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Pfizer Newsletter - December 2001 (b) Oast to Coast - Winter 2001 (c) Safer Community Partnership 2002-2005 (d) Parish News - December 2001 (e) SERPA Newsletter Issue 40 (f) CPRE Planning Update - December 2001 (g) Local Heritage Initiative (h) Clerks & Councils Direct (i) Local Council Review 194 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 14 February 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 pm. 33 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 14 February 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer, Connor, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present was one member of the public who attended for the whole meeting. 195 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield. 196 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 JANUARY 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 January were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 197 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 Cllr Hill reported that the leaflet to establish the number of souvenirs required had now been circulated with a requested return date of 28 February 2002. Cllr Dobson reported that the Golden Jubilee Committee had applied for funding and that they were looking into the possibility of a community art project involving 50 groups coming together to produce a commemorative work of art on tile or slab which could be sited in the village. Councillors unanimously AGREED to approve the idea with a site for the artwork being decided upon at a later date if the project goes ahead. 198 SANDBAG STORE The clerk reported that, in response to letters from the parish council and Cllr Oakey expressing disappointment in the quality of the sandbag store, Canterbury City Council had advised that, although the sandbag store is the parish council's responsibility, on this one occasion they would arrange for the repair to be carried out by the contractor and would contribute 50% of the cost from the City Council Land Drainage budget. 199 STREET LIGHTING - PART-NIGHT CELLS The clerk advised that a couple of manufacturers of the part-night cells had been contacted and they had confirmed that production of these units had now ceased and very few were now available from distributors. The clerk was requested to establish how many of the existing lanterns in the village would need replacing to accommodate the larger alternative photocell as this would enable the total probable future cost of replacing the existing units, as and when they fail, to be calculated. 200 MOLE TREATMENT The clerk advised that Bounty Pest Control had been contacted regarding the increased activity at the recreation ground and treatment had been carried out. Weekly checks will be carried out by Bounty until the problem is cleared. 201 NEW MEDICAL CENTRE - 30 MPH SPEED LIMIT Kent Highways have confirmed that the gateway and speed signs have been moved further back along Patrixbourne Road and that the coloured surfacing should hopefully be laid within the next few weeks depending on the weather. 202 RECREATION GROUND FOOTPATH Cllr Dobson reported that a possible source of funding for refurbishing the footpath could come from Safer Routes to School. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to FPD Savills to ascertain whether they would have any objections to a new footpath being laid and asking when the original path was laid and by whom. 203 FIDELITY GUARANTEE The clerk reported that the fidelity guarantee insurance could not be increased without confirmation that accounts would be checked monthly. It was AGREED that the existing amount of £25,000 with the current account checks was sufficient at this present time. PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS i) Post Office Crossing - Kent Highways are concerned that when vehicles are parked in the bus stop 204 and the bus has to pull up beside the parked cars that pedestrians, especially children, think that the 34 bus has stopped at the crossing and start to cross. If vehicles waiting behind the bus pull out to overtake their view of crossing pedestrians is obscured and Kent Highways understand that there have been some near misses. Kent Highways solution to this problem would be to move the bus stop down by one bus length to give vehicles more visibility. It was unanimously AGREED that a compromise would be to move the bus stop down half a bus length which would still give vehicles passing the bus enough time to see the crossing and would enable the existing seat and paved area to be used by waiting passengers. ii) White Horse PH Crossing - with regard to the proposed zebra crossing at the White Horse PH Kent Highways are seeking confirmation of the parish council's continued support for it. It was AGREED that the parish council would continue to support this crossing and the clerk was requested to write to Kent Highways with the views of the council on both matters. 205 CONYNGHAM LANE The clerk reported that a copy of a letter from Kent Highways to Cllr Oakey had been received in which Kent Highways advise Cllr Oakey that they could not support his recommendation for part time waiting restrictions in Conyngham Lane. 206 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose BVHMC £7.50 Hire of Village Hall for Youth Meeting. BVHMC £22.50 Hire of Hunter Room. BT £51.71 Clerk's telephone and advance rental. J Anderson £25.00 Reimbursement for Jubilee Souvenir leaflet distribution. M Gulvin £17.15 Reimbursement for emergency repairs to sandbag store. (b) Payments received: £304.28 VAT reclaim and £3.45 Seeboard wayleave payment. (c) Concurrent Function Revenue Grant: The clerk advised that the bids for this grant for 2002/3 have been agreed by the Housing and Community Development Sub-Committee although the recommendations still have to be approved by full council on 28 February 2002. The bid of £7352.00 requested by the parish council has been agreed. 207 LAY-BY BELOW CHURCH COTTAGE Cllr Anderson reported that the lay-by below Church Cottage is in a poor state and hazardous for pedestrians. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Kent Highways raising the parish council's concerns. 208 BOULES COURT - WESTERN AVENUE Cllr Beer suggested that a suitable venue for a Boules Court could be the land in Western Avenue adjacent to Ford Close. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to Kent Highways to seek their agreement to change the surface to a boules terrain before discussing the matter further. Cllr Beer also advised that the bench at this location looked in need of retreatment and that her husband had offere d to carry out the work. The clerk was asked to find out what treatment should be used. 209 MILL TERRACE - ROAD REPAIRS Cllr Beer reported that the road at Mill Terrace was in a very poor condition with potholes and it was AGREED that the clerk should write to Canterbury City Council asking them to adopt the road at Mill Terrace and also at Bourne View. 210 ALLOTMENTS The clerk was asked to write to chase up the request for a meeting with C Gooch of FPD Savills when he is next visiting the village to discuss the situation with the allotments. 211 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson advised that she is preparing the next newsletter and any contributions from councillors should be forwarded to her as soon as possible. She also requested an article from the Planning subcommittee which Cllr Hill AGREED to write. A note will be included asking any parishioners who wish to purchase a Golden Jubilee souvenir mug at a cost of £3.00 to contact Cllr Hill. PLANNING GREEN PAPER PROPOSALS ON DEVELOPMENT PLANS It was AGREED that the Planning sub-committee would meet and complete the response to 212 Government regarding their proposal to alter radically the way in which planning is carried out in England. 35 213 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are being considered : CA/00/1018/R - Amended details - rooflights at Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School, Bridge. CA/02/0015/BRI - First floor side extension to dwelling at 1 Bourne View, Bridge. CA/02/0035/BRI - Conservatory to rear of dwelling at 10 Dering Road, Bridge. CAL02/0018/BRI - Internal alterations to River House, 67 High Street, Bridge. CA/02/0061/BRI - Single-storey front extension to dwelling at 53 Bridgedown, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/01/1268/BRI - Porch to front and conservatory to rear of 4 Filmer Road, Bridge. CA/01/1339/BRI - First floor side extension (renewal) at 2 Filmer Road, Bridge. CA/01/1378/BRI - Conservatory to rear of Beech Cottage, Beech Hill, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area: The following notice of proposed work has been received and is being considered: Fell Fir tree in back garden at 34 Conyngham Lane, Bridge. Fell Blue Cedar tree at 9 Riverside Close, Bridge. 214 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Rural White Paper: Cllr Anderson reported that the Youth Meeting organised by the sub-committee at the end of January was well supported by the youth of Bridge with representatives from youth groups, Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council, Wye Parish Council and Wye Youth Forum also attending. (b) i) Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that he had walked most of the footpaths and there were no particular problems identified. ii) Trees: Cllr Monk advised that the 10 new trees had been planted with the assistance of Rosemary Hall of Wye College and the clerk was requested to write a letter of thanks to her from the parish council. Cllrs Monk and Gulvin AGREED to get together to update the tree map. A quote for £310.00 for various tree works has been received by Cllr Monk from Andrew Osborn and the clerk was requested to confirm acceptance in writing. (c) Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Gulvin reported on Canterbury City Council proposals to give up football grounds into free use and said the matter would be discussed at the AGM of the Bridge Village Sports Trust. ii) Cllr Walder advised that the record sheets for the monthly inspection of the play equipment had been set up and Cllr Gulvin AGREED to carry out the inspection for February. iii) The clerk reported that the contractors who carried out work on behalf of Seeboard have confirmed that their work was restricted to the public footpath and not the grass verge outside the recreation ground. Cllr Hill confirmed that bulbs were appearing in the grass verge and therefore it was AGREED not to pursue the matter further. (d) Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) The clerk was requested to write to Kent Highways regarding the gully below the zebra crossing which is full of water and must therefore be blocked somewhere in the run. ii) Cllr Gulvin advised that he had instructed the contractor to replace the broken PVC pane in the bus shelter and the clerk was asked to confirm this in writing. iii) The clerk was requested to check whether the parish council had asked for no white lines to be painted by the contractor in the lay-by in Patrixbourne Road adjacent to the recreation ground and to write to the contractor asking for them to be removed if that was the case. iv) It was reported that the first pinch point of the traffic calming is not very visible especially at night and the clerk was requested to write to Highways to see if it could be painted white or have reflective strips put on it to make it more easily seen. v) It was reported that the white lines at the junction to the slip road to the A2 have faded or disappeared and the clerk was asked to write to Highways concerning this and to also ask for white lines down the centre of the slip road where it is two-way. 215 CANTERBURY COLLEGE RELOCATION It was NOTED that an update had been received from PACE together with the receipt for the donation. 216 CODE OF CONDUCT/STANDARDS COMMITTEES It was NOTED that the code must be adopted by 5 May 2002 and it was AGREED that this would 36 be adopted by the parish council at the April meeting and the clerk was requested to advise the Monitoring Officer of Canterbury City Council accordingly. 217 CHURCH CLOCK Cllr Anderson reported that dissatisfaction had been expressed in the village about the quality of the church clock restoration and as the parish council had been a major contributor the clerk was requested to write to Smiths of Derby in support of the Parochial Church Council. 218 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS There were no new matters to report. 219 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Parish News (b) Kent Police Authority News - January 2002 (c) Canterbury District Community Legal Service Partnership - Strategic Plan 220 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 14 March 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 37 Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 14 March 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin . Also present was Cllr W Oakey who attended until 8 pm and one member of the public who attended for the whole meeting. Before the meeting commenced the chairman invited Cllr Oakey and the member of the public to address the council. Cllr Oakey attended to answer any questions councillors had on the City Council. 221 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Connor, Hill, Monk and Walder (holiday). 222 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 FEBRUARY 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 February were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 223 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 The clerk reported, on behalf of Cllr Hill, that a total of 83 responses had been received to date, with 174 mugs requested for children. Cllrs Beer and Corfield both reported that several households had stated that they had not received the leaflet and it was AGREED that a further invitation for requests for mugs would be included in the Parish Newsletter to be distributed early next week. 224 STREET LIGHTING - PART-NIGHT CELLS The clerk reported that following a discussion with Seeboard it appeared that approximately 40 lanterns could require replacing to accommodate the new units as and when the SS9 units fail. To date this year 6 units have been replaced by Seeboard with the same number the previous financial year. Incatron have advised that they do not refurbish the SS9 unit as it is a sealed unit which has to be broken and cannot be resealed by them. Cllr Gulvin AGREED to meet with a member of the lighting department at the City Council to investigate the matter further. 225 RECREATION GROUND FOOTPATH Cllr Dobson advised that to date she had received two quotations to lay a 1.8 metre footpath from the junction at Bifrons Path to the school and that a request for funding under Safer Routes to School had been sent to the Highways Department. The clerk advised that FPD Savills could not confirm who had laid the original footpath but they believe it was probably one of the developers who built the adjoining houses. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the school requesting a donation towards the cost of the footpath and that details of the proposal should be sent to FPD Savills in order to obtain the Landlord's consent for the work to be carried out. 226 ALLOTMENTS The clerk advised that Charles Gooch of FPD Savills had not yet advised of a new date for when he would next be in Bridge to meet with councillors. The clerk was asked to write again to Mr Gooch requesting a date for a meeting. 227 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson provided copies of the final draft of the newsletter which was approved by councillors subject to the inclusion of the invitation for requests for mugs. Cllr Anderson advised that the previous distributor was now no longer available and it was AGREED that the newsletter would be distributed early next week by councillors. For future distribution it was AGREED that Cllr Anderson would approach John Thackeray to see if the scouts would be interested in carrying out the distribution for a donation to their funds. It was also AGREED that extra copies of the newsletter would be printed and that the Post Office, Bridgeway Stores and Bridge News would be asked if they would display these for any villagers who do not receive a copy via the normal distribution channel. 228 LAY-BY IN PATRIXBOURNE ROAD The clerk advised that according to the previous minutes it had not been agreed to send a written request to the contractors not to paint white lines in the lay-by and it was therefore AGREED not to pursue the matter further. It was confirmed that the street light was now working. 229 MOLE TREATMENT Cllr Gulvin reported that further treatment had been carried out on the 2nd and 8th March. 38 230 LAY-BY BELOW CHURCH COTTAGE Kent Highways have made arrangements for this to be inspected in due course and for any remedial repairs necessary to be carried out. 231 MILL TERRACE AND BOURNE VIEW Kent Highways advise that these could not be adopted in their present form and they both would have to be improved in terms of geometry and construction, with turning heads added, before adoption could take place. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Kent Highways asking when this work could be done. 232 GULLY BELOW PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Kent Highways advise that the drainage system is designed to allow water to pass beneath the build out. With a view to future connections to the drainage system an initial investigation to the highway drainage in the High Street has recently been carried out. The results of this investigation will lead to a programme of works during the 2002/2003 financial year and the flow of water down the hill is one of the areas to be addressed and will provide the opportunity to improve the drainage at the footway build out for the zebra crossing. It was AGREED that a copy of the letter from Kent Highways would be sent to Mrs T Carr who has been affected by the excess water at the crossing. 233 BENCH AT FORD CLOSE The clerk confirmed that the bench at Ford Close was maintenance free and did not require any further treatment. 234 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Street lighting Seeboard Contracting Services £73.14 repairs. KAPC £348.77 Annual subscription. FPD Savills Ltd £225.00 Half yearly rents. AC Osborn £310.00 Tree work. (b) Payments received: no payments have been received. 235 CAR PARKING i) Cllr Anderson presented a draft plan and artists impression for improving car parking in Western Avenue and Green Court and it was unanimously AGREED that Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways should be requested to prepare an actual scheme for public consultation. ii) Cllr Anderson presented a plan for improving car parking in Conyngham Lane and it was unanimously AGREED that this idea should be forwarded to the school for their consideration and that the parish council would fully support and encourage any decisions made to improve the car parking problems in Conyngham Lane. 236 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE Cllr Gulvin presented a drawing of a date stone to mark the erection of the replacement footbridge in the Golden Jubilee year. It was unanimously AGREED to proceed with the date stone and aim to have it in place ready for unveiling on 22nd June. Cllr Anderson agreed to obtain a quotation from a local stone mason to supply and fit the date stone. The clerk was requested to write to Kent County Council to obtain their permission to site the date stone in the footbridge brickwork. 237 VILLAGE SEATS It was unanimously AGREED that any offers of donations of seats would be accepted and that the parish council would be more than willing to find suitable sites within the village. 238 BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTE Cllr Gulvin reported that at the recent Annual General Meeting of the BVHMC it had been agreed to slightly increase the fees and finish off the painting of the hall with professionals as the use of probationers to carry out the work had been a disaster. The plans for a disabled access were still ongoing and a new secretary had been appointed. 239 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING It was AGREED that Cllr Anderson would ask the Red Lion to quote for providing refreshments for the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 21st March, 2002. 39 240 TRAFFIC CALMING - TOWN HILL It was NOTED that a letter from Mr M Wise had been received and the clerk was requested to write to him acknowledging his concerns. It was AGREED to take up the police's offer for the mobile speed camera to be used in this area and the clerk was requested to arrange this. Cllr Anderson advised that Cllr & Mrs Oakey and Mr David Daw had kindly agreed to carry out the planting of the two traffic islands. 241 CONYNGHAM LANE - STREET LIGHTING It was NOTED that a letter had been received from Mr G Curl with a request for its contents to be noted for future deliberations on the issue of street lighting. 242 BRIDGE VILLAGE FETE The clerk reported that a request had been received from the school to use the recreation ground for car parking on Saturday, 22nd June for the village fete and it was unanimously AGREED to allow this subject to care being taken to avoid using the football pitch and goal area. 243 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are being considered : CA/02/0015/BRI - Minor Amendments for information only on First floor side extension to dwelling at 1 Bourne View, Bridge. CA/02/0267/BRI - Single-storey extension to front of bungalow at Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CAL01/0127/BRI - Erection of conservatory at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge. CA/01/1065/BRI - Erection of conservatory at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge. CA/02/0061/BRI - Single-storey front extension; link wall and gate between dwelling and garage at 53 Bridge Down, Bridge. CA/00/1018/R - Amended details - rooflights at Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area: The following notice of proposed work has been received with no intention to serve a Tree Preservation Order: Pollard small Lime tree outside front of house at 51 High Street, Bridge. Clean out crown of mature beech tree between Great Pett Farm and Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge. 244 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Rural White Paper: Cllr Corfield reported that a meeting had been held on 5th March and they were looking at how best to move forward with the matter of a parish plan. The subject of holding further open meetings had been discussed with the next open meeting being on planning and conservation. It was AGREED that the next open meeting should be held in May. Trees: Cllr Anderson advised that the tree at Mansfield Court had been looked at by Jon Lambourne of the City Council and no further work is required at present. Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Gulvin reported that he had carried out the inspection of the playground equipment in February. BVST: Cllr Gulvin reported that the AGM of the BVST had been held and currently they did not have a chairman or treasurer although Cllr Gulvin is acting as treasurer until a replacement is found. He reported that the accounts are healthy, the clubs are still functioning and the ground had been able to be used throughout the year. A mini sports for all is to be held on 22nd June 2002 with times yet to be advised. A plaque for a roll of honour is planned. Following earlier vandalism a new high security lock has been fitted but there is still damage to the windows. The guttering is in need of repair but otherwise the pavilion is in good condition. Subject to the agreement of the parish council the cricket club plan to erect a secure compound to house their mechanical roller next to the sandbag store and it was AGREED that this could be erected. 245 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS There were no new matters to report. 246 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: 40 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 247 Parish News Kent Police Authority News - February 2002 CPRE Kent News Spring/Summer 2002 Local Council Review - March 2002 CPRE Voice - Spring 2002 Clerks & Councils Direct - March 2002 Kent Downs AONB Interreg II Project Kent Fire Bridgade Update DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 11 April 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 11 April 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (chairman), Beer, Connor, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder (from 8.05 pm). Also present was one member of the public who attended for the whole meeting. Before the meeting commenced the chairman asked for one minute's silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm. 248 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield. 249 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 MARCH 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 250 BOULES COURT - WESTERN AVENUE It was NOTED that a letter had been received from the Kent Highways manager advising that he is not aware of a mechanism by which he could license the playing of boules on public land. He also raised concerns about the parking such a use might attract and the potential for disturbance to neighbours and thought the recreation ground would be a far better place for such a facility. 251 STREET LIGHTING - PART-NIGHT CELLS Cllr Gulvin reported that he had had a meeting with Canterbury City Council and had been advised that there is a fully electronic astronomic time switch which could be fitted at the base of the lamp post which had part -night capability. The clerk reported that the first estimate for replacing an old lantern with a new top-entry lantern had been received in the sum of £144.61 and it was AGREED that part-night lighting should be maintained in the village wherever possible and the clerk was asked to contact Seeboard to obtain an estimate using the time switch. 252 RECREATION GROUND FOOTPATH Kent Highways have agreed to contribute 50% of the cost of upgrading the footpath as part of the County Council's Safe Routes to Schools initiative. It was AGREED to proceed with the upgrade subject to the Landlord's consent. 253 MILL TERRACE AND BOURNE VIEW It was NOTED that a letter received from Kent Highways advised that they were not indicating that the highway authority might carry out the work. If the residents and/or landowner undertook the work or paid for its design and implementation, in both cases to the highway authority's specifications, then adoption could follow. 254 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE Cllr Anderson advised that the engraving of the date stone was in hand and the clerk was requested to chase Kent County Council for their agreement to place the stone in the brickwork as this had not yet been received. 255 TRAFFIC CALMING The clerk was requested to write to Kent Highways regarding the matter of highlighting the kerb extensions to make them more visible as no reply had yet been received. It was NOTED that Mr A Walton had written to the City Council regarding his concerns that the proposed second zebra crossing might increase the risk of flooding at the White Horse during heavy rain. Kent County Constabulary have confirmed that they are asking the local authority to obtain up to date speed data at Town Hill and that the officer who operates the 'speed camera' visits the area periodically at school times but will visit at other times to review traffic speeds. 256 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 Cllr Hill reported that he had now closed the boxes for the requests for souvenir mugs and once the numbers were collated would be placing the order. The matter of distribution of the mugs was discussed and it was suggested that they could be collected from the village hall on a couple of Saturday mornings. It was AGREED that a letter should be sent to the Queen congratulating her on her Golden Jubilee. 257 ALLOTMENTS As the clearing of the allotments was not moving forward very quickly Cllr Dobson put forward a suggestion that those who wished to have an allotment could form a group to clear the land but before considering alternative options it was AGREED that the clerk should write again to FPD Savills requesting a meeting to discuss the matter. 258 RUBBISH - TOWN HILL Cllr Anderson reported that he had received a copy of correspondence from Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council to Canterbury City Council regarding the rubbish that accumulates around the re-cycling bins in Town Hill and the possibility of removing them or re-siting them on land at the Bridge allotment site. It was AGREED that the parish council were against both options and that a letter would be sent to the City Council requesting that a sign be erected asking people to take their rubbish home and to also investigate the possibility of putting up a camera as a deterrent. It was also AGREED to write to Cllr Oakey requesting his support. 259 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group £50.00 Contribution to running expenses. Seeboard Contracting Services £77.94 Repairs to Street Lights in Ford Close & Beech Hill. Repair to Bus Shelter (missing Oakleigh Building Services £89.30 window). D R Possee £30.00 Supplying plants & maintenance of planters. G P McCombe £991.10 Clerk's Salary £841.10 & Office Allowance £150.00. G P McCombe £138.71 Travel Allowance. G P McCombe £59.83 Postage, copying Jubilee Mug leaflet & leaflet holders Seeboard Contracting Services £45.79 Repair to Street Light PL 47 Bridge Down. Seeboard Contracting Services £36.98 Repair to Street Light PL 57 Churchill Close. The Red Lion £160.00 Refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting. Seeboard Contracting Services £114.79 S/O for Street Lighting Maintenance 2002/03. KAPC £47.00 Clerks Information Day. (b) Payments received: £73.14 refund from Seeboard Contracting Services for duplicate invoice. (c) Funding for 2002/03: Concurrent Function Grant confirmed at £7352, Precept at £8651 and Capital Bids accepted for 2002/03 are for Village Hall £2800 and Playground Equipment £1160. 260 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS It was AGREED that the annual accounts should continue to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of District Audit but that Mr Michael Stewart's offer to translate the accounts into a more easily understood format should be taken up. 261 CODE OF CONDUCT It was unanimously AGREED to adopt The Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils and the Standards Board for England will be notified accordingly. The KAPC and Canterbury City Council are holding training on the Ethical Framework on Monday 22 April and three councillors and the clerk have put forward nominations to attend. 262 LIGHTING - BIFRONS PATH A request has been received from the Manager at Mansfield Court on behalf of all the residents for lighting in Bifrons Path. It was unanimously AGREED to proceed with installing lighting and the clerk was requested to obtain the relevant estimates. 263 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: No new planning applications have been received. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CAL02/0018/BRI - Internal Alterations at River House, 67 High Street, Bridge. CA/02/0015/BRI - First-floor side extension to 1 Bourne View, Bridge. CA/02/0035/BRI - Conservatory to rear of dwelling at 10 Dering Road, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area: The following notice of proposed work has been received: Reduce Conifer in rear garden by 5ft and tidy crown at 10 High Street, Bridge. (e) Beech Tree at The New Close Residential Care Home: A request has been received from Kent Community Housing Trust for the Parish Council's views on the tree. It was AGREED that the parish council would oppose any suggestions to remove the tree or reduce its crown by 30% and that they would seek an expert opinion on its condition and life expectancy. The clerk was requested to advise the housing trust accordingly. 264 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Footpaths: Cllr Connor reported that there were no known problems with the footpaths. Trees: Cllr Hill reported that the Oak tree planted in place of the diseased Cherry tree in the recreation ground was too close to the tennis courts and needed moving. Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Gulvin reported that there had been more vandalism at the pavilion in the form of spray paint and graffiti. ii) Cllr Walder confirmed that he had carried out the inspection of the play equipment and reported that a hole had appeared in the surface by the swings, that moss and grass were also growing on the surface and the spider needs repainting. The clerk was requested to obtain quotes for the work to be carried out and to find out how best to treat the moss and grass growth. Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) The clerk reported that Maurice Smith continued to monitor the streets and report to the City Council on any work needing to be carried out and the clerk was requested to write to Maurice thanking him for work he carries out on behalf of the parish council. ii) Cllr Hill reported that the pathway at the A2 slip road required attention and the clerk was requested to arrange this. iii) The clerk reported that the worn road markings at the junction of the A2 are to be renewed together with the centre markings on the two-way section. 265 ART IN BRIDGE Cllr Dobson reported that the group had had an AGM to form a committee and constitution in order to obtain grants and that it had been suggested that the parish council have a member on the committee. It was unanimously AGREED that Cllr Dobson should represent the parish council on the committee. 266 PARKING - CONYNGHAM LANE/HIGH STREET JUNCTION Cllr Anderson reported that he had received a letter from Mr D Latham regarding parking at the junction of Conyngham Lane with the High Street and it was AGREED that the matter would be looked into and Mr Latham advised accordingly. It was also pointed out that there had been a lack of wardens in the village recently and the clerk was asked to write requesting more presence in the village. 267 CAR PARKING It was NOTED that a letter had been received from Ms M Stevenson against the draft plan for improving car parking in Western Avenue and Green Court. 268 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS Cllr Connor reported that he had attended a KAPC meeting the previous evening at which there had been a report from the Manston Airport Committee. It was reported that there had been an 11% increase in cargo flights but domestic flights had not increased and that flight paths had been altered. Other matters discussed were the Canterbury District Local Strategic Partnership on which Cllr Connor had received substantial information and he requested that the clerk circulate this to councillors. 269 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Pfizer Newsletter April 2002 270 (b) CPRE Planning Update March 2002 (c) KCC - Kent & Medway Structure Plan March 2002 (d) (e) Flooding Scrutiny Panel Update as at March 2002 KRCC Rural News March 2002 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 9 May 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. 1 Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 09 May 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Beer (vice chairman), Connor, Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present were two members of the public who attended for part of the meeting. Before the meeting commenced Cllr Beer invited members of public to address councillors on the matter of the footpath at Bridge Hill. The meeting commenced at 7.40 pm. 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Anderson (holiday). 2 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2002-2003 Cllr Anderson was proposed for the post of chairman by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Monk and elected unanimously. 3 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR 2002-2003 Cllr Beer was proposed for the post of vice chairman by Cllr Corfield and seconded by Cllr Monk and elected unanimously. 4 APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEES FOR 2002-2003 (a) Recreation Ground and Sports Sub-Committee: Cllrs Gulvin, Hill and Walder. (b) Streets, Footways and Lighting Sub-Committee: Cllr Anderson. (c) Environmental Sub-Committee: Cllr Connor (footpaths), Cllrs Monk and Dobson (trees). (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Planning Sub-Committee: Cllrs Connor, Corfield and Hill. Representatives to Village Hall Management Committee: Cllrs Dobson and Gulvin. KAPC Area Committee Representatives: Cllrs Connor and Monk. Representatives to the Mill Centre Management Committee: Cllrs Beer and Walder. Internal Audit of Accounts: Cllr Hill. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 APRIL 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 April were confirmed and signed by the vice chairman. The report relating to the recreation ground footpath was amended from unanimously agreed to agreed and the report on the recreation ground play equipment was amended from Cllr Walder to Cllr Hill. 6 SANDBAG STORE It was AGREED to accept Canterbury City Council's offer to replace the vandalised metal sandbag shed with a concrete shed and the clerk was requested to write to this effect and request that the shed be supplied without the spar coating. It was also AGREED to investigate the possibility of painting the flat roof with a vandal-proof coating. 7 CAR PARKING - WESTERN AVENUE Kent Highways have advised that it is unlikely that the scheme will receive highway funding. Kent Highways will, however, be pleased to prepare a scheme for public consultation but the Parish Council will be charged fees for the time spent. Due to priorities of work this could not be done until later this Summer. The clerk was requested to write to Kent Highways for an estimate of the costs involved. 8 STREET LIGHTING - PART NIGHT i) A quotation of £165.65 has been received for installing an electronic time switch to the light outside the Old School House, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge and it was AGREED to go ahead with the repair subject to confirmation that the lighting would be set to part night lighting as it was previously. ii) It was reported that the new street light installed in Patrixbourne Road near the Surgery is on all night and it is believed it should be part-night and the clerk was requested to investigate the matter further. 9 RECREATION GROUND FOOTPATH 2 Cllr Dobson reported that a third quotation is still awaited and the Landlord's consent has not yet been received. The clerk was requested to write again to FPD Savills chasing the consent. Cllr Monk advised that the original footpath had been laid in 1971 by the late Mr B Robson. 10 FOOTBRIDGE AT MILL LANE Kent County Council have confirmed their agreement for the date stone to be installed by their contractor at our expense. The clerk reported that she had asked Kent County Council if the stone could be installed by our contractor but this would only be acceptable if he met their indemnity insurance requirements or could be employed for the work by a Kent County Council contractor. The clerk was requested to look into the matter further. 11 BEECH TREE - THE NEW CLOSE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME Cllr Dobson reported that at a recent meeting with representatives from the Kent Community Housing Trust, the City Council and Cllr Oakey, the Housing Trust had agreed not to fell the tree until consultation had been completed. Mr Ian Embry, who also attended the meeting, was preparing a report for the parish council and it was also AGREED to go ahead with an independent specialists report which the clerk was requested to arrange. 12 RECREATION GROUND PLAYGROUND SURFACE The clerk reported that Wicksteed Leisure had inspected the site but had not yet sent in their report. It was reported that the joint between the soft area around the slide where it meets the toddler swings was opening up and it was AGREED to ask Wicksteed to carry out this repair at the same time as they did the area by the swings. The clerk was asked to arrange this. The clerk reported that Wicksteed have recommended pressure washing to remove the moss and grass from the surface and the clerk was requested to obtain quotations to carry out the work from Wicksteed and Trevor May, who has recently carried out similar work on the tennis courts. 13 ALLOTMENTS The clerk was requested to invite Mr C Gooch of FPD Savills to a meeting with councillors on Wednesday 12 June 2002 to discuss the matter of the allotments. 14 TREE PLANTING Cllr Beer reported that the chairman had received a letter from Bridge Tennis Club concerning the location of the replacement tree and its threat to the stability of the tennis courts. They requested that it be moved further away from the courts. The clerk was requested to write to the Tennis Club advising them that it could not be moved before the Autumn and requesting a meeting with them in September to discuss the re-positioning of the tree. 15 RECYCLING BINS - TOWN HILL Cllr Beer reported that the chairman had received a copy of a letter from the City Council to Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council confirming that they will be putting up a sign requesting that litter is taken home and informing of the penalties for rubbish dumping. The City Council also advised that they will be looking into the viability of a CCTV camera at the Town Hill site. The clerk was requested to acknowledge the letter. 16 DISTRIBUTION OF PARISH COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Concern was expressed that following the distribution of the requests for the Golden Jubilee Mugs it had come to light that not all households had in fact received this. It was AGREED that for any future communication that the parish council wished to be circulated to every household it would be better if these were delivered by councillors themselves to ensure full coverage of the village. 17 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose BT £43.38 Clerk's telephone advance rental and calls. Donation for 2 years - 2001 and Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC £200.00 2002. Cornhill Insurance plc £1325.96 Annual insurance premium. The Society of Local Council Clerks KRCC BVHMC £50.00 £30.00 £15.00 Annual subscription. Annual subscription. Hire of Hunter Room. 3 KAPC £3.88 Code of Conduct stationery. Practitioners Guide for New Audit KAPC £9.95 Regime. (b) Payments received: £176.53 Vat reclaim, £9.00 Golden Jubilee Mugs, £100.00 Bridge Tennis Club ground fee, £8651.00 precept, £7352.00 concurrent function grant and £3960.00 capital funding grant. (c) Earmarked Reserve: It was AGREED that £10000 be transferred from the General Reserve to the Earmarked Reserve for the purpose of funding the following projects: footpath £3000, village hall improvements including disabled toilet £3500, investigation of parking schemes £1500 and a light in Bifrons Path £2000. (d) Estimate for Repair to Street Light: It was AGREED to accept the quotation from Seeboard of £61.16 to provide a new lantern bowl for the light at the footbridge over Mill Lane. Before the Planning Sub-Committee presented the current planning applications Cllrs Connor and Gulvin declared an interest in CA/02/0405/BRI and left the room whilst the matter was considered. 18 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/02/0405/BRI - Two storey extension to front of dwelling at 1 High Street, Bridge. CA/02/0508/BRI - Two and single-storey extension to care home including alterations to existing building at Saxon Lodge, 30/32 Western Avenue, Bridge. It was AGREED that the recommendations of the Sub-Committee would be accepted. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/02/0267/BRI - Single-storey extension to front of bungalow at Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge. CA/02/0280/BRI - Change of use from doctors' surgery to dwelling at 2 Green Court, Bridge. CA/02/0278/BRI - Change of use of ground floor lock up shop from retail to estate agents at 88 High Street, Bridge. (c) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. (d) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area: The following notices of proposed work have been received: i) Fell two Conifer trees situated in back garden and reduce by 6-8 ft four Leylandi trees at White Gates, Bekesbourne Road, Bridge. ii) Fell decayed Ash tree from side of house at Bridge Ford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge. iii) Clean out crown of Cedar of Lebanon, fell Cherry Tree at side of house, reduce Cypress, Elder and Sycamore trees back to hedge at least 1.5m high on boundary to Bridge Down and trees with stem diameter less than 75mm at 1.5m high and all shrubs may be removed from the garden at the side of the house at 6 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge. No Tree Preservation Order will be served to control the work for items ii) and iii). It was AGREED that the Planning Sub-Committee would continue the practise of presenting to full council any applications they deemed necessary and that the clerk would circulate the notifications of grant of planning permission to the sub-committee. 19 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Footpaths: i) The clerk was asked to write to Kent Highways requesting that the footpath in Bridge Hill be cleared as a matter of urgency as it had become too narrow for residents to walk along it in safety, particularly when walking their children to school. Kent Highways are also to be asked to give consideration to a more permanent solution for the future eg a kerb or low wall to prevent the bank from sliding down onto the footpath. ii) The clerk was also requested to write to Kent Highways to confirm whether or not repair work at the steps in Bridge Hill will be carried out. Trees: Cllr Monk had no other matters to report. Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Walder advised that he had carried out the monthly inspection of the playground and there were no other matters to report other than those previously mentioned. ii) Cllr Walder advised that the moles continued to be active. iii) The clerk was requested to write to the clubs using the recreation ground asking them to remove their rubbish. iv) Cllr Gulvin reported that the graffiti is still to be removed from the pavilion. Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) The clerk reported that Maurice Smith continued to monitor the streets and report to the City Council on any work needing to be carried out. 4 ii) It was NOTED that Maurice Smith had advised the Surgery that their car park was being used for skateboarding during the evening. 20 KENT PARISH PATHS PARTNERSHIP It was NOTED that Kent County Council have advised that the current scheme ended on 31 March 2002. However, they are supportive of what has been a very popular initiative and are exploring alternative sources of funding to support a similar scheme which might be launched later this year. 21 DEPOSIT DRAFT LOCAL PLAN (2001-2011) FIRST REVIEW The Deposit Draft Local Plan (2001-2011) has now been received and the consultation period runs until 14 June 2002 with all comments to be made in writing and received by 5.00 pm that day. Cllr Monk agreed to look at the draft in detail and will circulate it to all councillors for further discussion at the next meeting. 22 STREET LIGHTING - BIFRONS PATH The clerk reported that she had met with the Seeboard representative on site to discuss the installation of a street light and a quotation is now awaited. It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the residents in the vicinity of the street light to advise them of the proposed installation. 23 NEW ETHICAL FRAMEWORK Cllrs Connor, Monk, Walder and the clerk attended the above event held by Canterbury City Council in conjunction with the KAPC. The event included talks from the Monitoring Officer., Mark Ellender, on the role of the monitoring officer, the District Council Perspective and Standards Committees and from Rodney Williamson of the KAPC on The Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils. 24 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator, Frank Sochacki, has requested funds for two new signs to replace the ones that have been damaged at either end of the village. It was unanimously AGREED to fund these signs. 25 DRAINAGE Kent Highways have advised that the proposed improvements to the surface water drainage system are due to begin on 27 May 2002 and will take approximately 8 to 12 weeks to complete. 26 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (a) Golden Jubilee: Buckingham Palace have replied to the Parish Council's letter of congratulations to the Queen. (b) Major Emergency Plan: The clerk will confirm to Canterbury City Council that Cllr Gulvin is the contact for Bridge. (c) Canterbury & District Parish Forum Meeting: Canterbury City Council are holding a meeting on 25 May 2002 and the theme is Rural Young People. Cllr Corfield was provided with the Agenda. (d) NALC National Conference and Exhibition: the date of this event has been advised as 14-16 June 2002 in Preston. 27 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS i) Cllr Connor reported that at the KRCC meeting the matter of the Kent Structure Plan was discussed. . ii) Cllr Connor reported that he had received a letter from the Environment Agency regarding the flood warning service for the Nailbourne catchment area advising that the Agency is committed to providing residents with a degree of warning and the overall aim is to connect those householders at risk to the Agency's Automatic Voice Message (AVM) database in order to receive direct flood warnings by telephone. They are also currently developing a telemetry system from which it may then be possible to ascertain the appropriate trigger levels for the issuing of flood warnings. 28 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) (b) (c) Vision for Kent Oast to Coast - Spring 2002 The Orchid - Spring/Summer 2002 5 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 29 KRCC Rural News Clerks & Councils Direct Kent Trails Local Council Review Code of Conduct Frequently Asked Questions DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 13 June 2002. There being no further business the vice chairman closed the meeting at 10.20 pm. 9 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 11 July 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chairman), Beer (from 8.40 pm), Corfield, Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present was one member of the public who attended for part of the meeting. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman invited Mr Michael Parkes to address councillors on the matter of the proposed Highland Court development. The meeting commenced at 8.05 pm. 53 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Connor. 54 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 13 JUNE 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 June were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 55 GOLDEN JUBILEE 2002 The Golden Jubilee events held on 22 June were reported to have gone extremely well and provided an excellent day for the village. Councillors thanked Bridge Festival Committee for their efforts and the clerk was requested to write to the Committee accordingly. Councillors were pleased to note that the £750.00 the parish council had donated to cover any shortfall had been repaid as the event had been self-funding. Cllr Hill reported that the distribution of the mugs had gone well, although the replacement mugs from the supplier are still awaited, and he thanked Cllrs Dobson and Anderson for their help with the distribution. 56 CAR PARKING Cllr Anderson advised that he had met with David Howells, Chief Executive of Kent Community Housing Trust, to look at the site with a view to improving the access to the school which will require the use of some land owned by the Trust. Mr Howells will be recommending to his Board that they give it serious consideration and their surveyor will look at some initial draft schemes to see what is feasible. 57 RECREATION GROUND FOOTPATH The clerk confirmed that written consent for the refurbishment of the recreation ground footpath had now been received from Mr C Gooch of FPD Savills. The clerk was requested to send a copy of the quote and specification to Jon Lambourne at Canterbury City Council. 58 BEECH TREE - THE NEW CLOSE RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME The clerk advised that, although no definite date has been agreed for the felling of the Beech tree, Kent Housing Community Trust believe the work could be carried out during the first week of the school summer holiday. 59 ALLOTMENTS The clerk reported that a request for an allotment had been received from Mr John Thackray of Riverside Close who had also offered his assistance to clear the land if required. Cllr Dobson reported that a proportion of the residents requesting allotments would want to grow their produce organically and the proposed clearance of the land by the landowner is to include treatment with a weedkiller. It was AGREED that there was room for compromise and to investigate whether an alternative organic weedkiller was available and whether enough people would be prepared to commit to forming a working party to clear the land at the final stage. 60 TREE WARDEN Cllr Dobson reported that Mr Simon Knights of Riverside Close had expressed an interest in becoming a tree warden and it was AGREED to accept his offer. The clerk was requested to write and thank Mr Knights and Cllr Monk agreed to arrange for the relevant information to be sent to him. 61 DEPOSIT DRAFT LOCAL PLAN (2001-2011) FIRST REVIEW & CANTERBURY DISTRICT CYCLE STRATEGY Canterbury City Council have acknowledged receipt of our representation submitted as part of the 10 public consultation and this has been logged and will be available for public inspection at the City Council Offices. 62 PLAYGROUND SURFACE Wicksteed have advised that their Wet Pour Manager will be inspecting the hole in the surface by the log swing this week and that they will report back next week as to whether they consider it can be repaired under guarantee. 63 SANDBAG STORE Cllr Gulvin reported that the sandbag store had now been removed. The clerk advised that the new store would be installed shortly and filled with replacement bags. 64 CODE OF CONDUCT The clerk advised that the copies of the Members Interests book had been returned by Canterbury City Council as they now required the information to be recorded on official forms. The completed forms are to be returned to the Legal Department as soon as possible. 65 FLORAL COMPETITION Cllr Walder reported that two judges had now been appointed to judge the floral competition, Margaret Jones and Ann King, and that judging would take place during the last two weeks in July. 66 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Bridge Festival Committee £750.00 Golden Jubilee Events (to cover shortfall in funds). G Daley £287.00 Supply & fit Date Stone at Footbridge at Mill Lane. BVHMC £6.50 Hire of Main Hall for distribution of mugs. G P McCombe £991.10 Clerk's Salary £841.10 & Office Allowance £150.00. G P McCombe £106.70 Travel Allowance. G P McCombe £21.25 Postage (b) Payments received: £750.00 refund of payment made to Bridge Festival Committee to cover shortfall in funds. 67 HIGHLAND COURT Following the presentation by Mr Michael Parkes of Michael Parkes Chartered Surveyors Property Consultants councillors discussed the proposed plan and several areas of concern were raised. The proposal is currently at the consultative stage and other parishes have yet to be consulted before the final plan is formulated. 68 STANDING ORDERS AND CHAIRMANSHIP Cllr Corfield reported that the new Standing Orders and Chairmanship had now been received and he proposed that in principle the parish council adopt them. It was AGREED that the matter would be discussed by full council at the September meeting by which time Councillors would have had an opportunity to study them. 69 CENTRAL COMMUNICATION Cllr Anderson requested that councillors report any matter they were dealing with either to himself or the clerk so that central communication could be maintained. 70 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/02/0737/BRI - Extension and porch to front of dwelling at 64 Bridge Down, Bridge. CA/02/0738/BRI - Replacement of 20 metre monopole and equipment cabinets in existing compound at Highlands Court Farm, Bekesbourne. CA/02/0739/BRI - Dormer window to rear of dwelling at 22 Windmill Close, Bridge. CA/02/0756/BRI - Replace flat roof with pitched roof to rear of dwelling at 18 Union Road, Bridge. CA/00/1018/R - Amended details - insertion of 3 windows on the south west elevation at Bridge & Patrixbourne CE Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: No planning applications have been notified as granted. 11 (c) (d) (e) Applications refused: No planning applications have been notified as refused. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area: The following notices of proposed work have been received: Fell three Yew tress situated on east boundary of property at Beechwood, Higham Lane, Bridge. Fell row of nine Leylandi trees situated at rear of back garden at 1 High Street, Bridge. Fell Magnolia tree situated at right hand side of house at Lynton House, 83 High Street, Bridge. Work for which a Tree Preservation Order is not being served is as follows: Reduce height and clean out crown of Ash tree on front boundary at Renville Farm, Renville, Bridge. Fell one dead Pine and reduce Lime tree next to proposed extension to previous pollard points at Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge. Public Speaking at Development Control Committee: Canterbury City Council are now considering how to manage the process in view of the growing interest in planning generally and the increasing numbers of people wishing to speak which, on several occasions, has meant the committee has struggled to complete its business on the night. An all day session is planned for Friday 26 July in order to discuss the issue and members will hear representation from various persons on ideas they may have for managing the public speaking process. 71 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Trees: Cllrs Walder and Dobson agreed to take a look at two trees which are reported to be dead and leaning over the recreation footpath near the school gate and deal with them accordingly. (b) Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Hill advised that there was nothing to report on the playground. ii) Cllr Gulvin reported that further serious vandalism had occurred at the pavilion involving damage to the metal screen at the windows although there was no evidence of entry or internal damage and that repairs to the guttering, roof and windows are in hand. Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) Maurice Smith has reported that the pedestrian crossing (c) light was off and this has now been repaired. He has also reported the mess left at the top of Town Hill where the tree ripping machine has exposed rubbish to the City Council. Maurice chased the City Council regarding the road signs which they have not yet been to view and he gave them examples of signs where the pole is totally rusted. He advises that the City Council are not concerned about the appearance factor of the road signs, although where there is obstruction to the sign they promised to take action. ii) Kent Highways confirm that they have inspected the repaired steps at Bridge Down and agree that the tread is not satisfactory and their contractor will be attending to it shortly. They advise that the steps and handrails are in a satisfactory condition and will be regularly inspected and any defects found will be rectified. iii) Cardy have advised that Seeboard have changed the new light in Patrixbourne Road to a part-night light and Cllr Corfield agreed to confirm that this was the case. iv) Cllr Anderson reported that he had received a copy of a letter from Giles Rooke to the clerk of Bekesbourne and Patrixbourne Parish Council regarding the road signing in Town Hill. Cllr Hill agreed to consult a map to establish the correct location for signage for Town Hill before the clerk responded to Giles Rooke's letter. 72 PROGRESS WITH YOUTH IN VILLAGE PROJECT Cllr Corfield reported that he had attended a meeting of the Canterbury and District Forum in May which dealt the matter of Rural Young People. Canterbury City Council have a Community Development section who have funding available for youth projects and who are interested in doing a pilot study of the interests of the youth in the village. It was AGREED that they should carry out the study. Cllr Corfield also reported that two meetings with the youth group had taken place and although the questionnaire to establish the requirements of the youth had not yet been done it was hoped that this would be completed during the summer holiday. The Clerk reported that the next meeting of the Canterbury and District Forum is on Wednesday, 13 November at 7 pm. 73 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS As Cllr Connor was unable to attend this month's meeting there was nothing to report. 74 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: 12 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 75 All Change in the Council Chamber Environment Agency - Fact File No 4 CPRE Kent Voice - Summer 2002 Vital Villages Update Canterbury & District Local Strategic Partnership Executive Board - Minutes KCC Annual Plan 2002/03 Local Council Review - July 2002 Clerks & Councils Direct Parish News Regional Transport Strategy Consultation Draft DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 12 September 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 17 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 10 October 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chairman), Dobson, Gulvin, Hill, Monk and Walder. Also present were three members of the public two of whom attended for the whole of the meeting. Before the meeting commenced the Chairman invited Mr David Kincaid to address Councillors on the subject of the Mill Centre. The meeting commenced at 7.40 pm. 99 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Connor, Beer and Corfield. 100 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12 SEPTEMBER 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 September were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 101 STREET LIGHTING - BIFRONS PATH Confirmation has been received from The Land Registry as to the sections of footpath for which they do not have ownership details registered and it was AGREED to position the light further along the footpath at one of these sections. The clerk was requested to arrange a site meeting with Seeboard to discuss the re-positioning of the light and also the possibility of reducing its height. The clerk advised that Orbit Housing have advised that they are only managing agents for Mansfield Court and any costs for security lighting/CCTV would have to be met by residents. 102 PLAYGROUND SURFACE The clerk apologised for the fact that the information supplied to Councillors at the last meeting regarding the cost of repairs was incorrect - the £280 advised only related to installation costs and did not include the supply of materials and the total cost to repair both areas exceeded £650. It was, therefore, AGREED to only proceed with the repair to the surface by the log swing and the clerk was requested to arrange this as soon as possible. 103 SANDBAG STORE The replacement store has now been completed and Canterbury City Council have provided the parish council with the keys. 104 CHURCH CLOCK Cllr Anderson reported that a representative from John Smith & Son had contacted him and advised that repairs to the clock had been carried out in May but that a further visit would be made as the clock was still not keeping the correct time. 105 MOLES Bounty Pest Control have confirmed that their monthly visits are controlling a very large mole problem at the recreation ground and, although they could increase visits to the site at a higher cost, they feel that the contract the parish council has at present will cure the problem given a little more time. Due to the current mole problem being experienced both on the outfield and the square Exiles Cricket Club have decided to purchase sonic devices for the square and have requested a reduction of £50 in their annual rental until such time as the condition of the outfield improves. It was AGREED to reduce the rental by the requested £50. 106 DOG FOULING Canterbury City Council have provided the parish council with penalty signs and Cllr Walder agreed to put these up at relevant places. Cllr Monk also advised that the 'No Dogs Allowed' sign in the area of the recreation ground with Bifrons Path had been turned round and Cllr Walder agreed to return the sign to its correct position if it was possible. 107 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 18 (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose BVHMC £12.00 Hire of Hunter Room. Canterbury City Council £250.00 Contribution for replacement Sandbag Store. Bounty Pest Control £164.50 Annual Contract for Pest Control Oct 02-Oct 03. D R Possee £45.00 Maintenance & supply of plants & compost for High Street planters. J Hill £6.37 Paint for playground equipment. G P McCombe £841.10 Clerk's salary. G P McCombe £150.00 Clerk's Office Allowance. G P McCombe £64.02 Clerk's Travel Allowance. G P McCombe £11.97 Bulbs for Beech Hill. G P McCombe £16.38 Postage. (b) Payments received: No payments have been received. A letter of thanks has been received from BTCV for the tree warden donation. (c) Budget and Ground Rents: The budget for 2003/04 was discussed and the precept and concurrent functions grant application figures were AGREED at £9600 and £7572 respectively. It was NOTED that a letter from Mr Curl had been received regarding a new street light for Conyngham Lane to be included in the budget discussion and the clerk was requested to advise Mr Curl that this item had previously been requested as a capital concurrent function grant for 2003/04 but has yet to be granted. It was AGREED that the ground rents would remain the same except for the cricket club which as previously minuted would be reduced by £50. d) Clerk's Resignation: Councillors NOTED the clerk's resignation and appointed Cllrs Anderson, Connor and Hill to recruit a new clerk. It was AGREED that the vacancy would be advertised via the Newsletter, Parish News and the local paper. Cllr Anderson thanked the clerk for her efforts during her time with the parish council. 108 VACANCY - PARISH CLERK Anyone interested in the vacancy should contact the clerk on 01303 862814 for information or write to 14 St Mary's Close, Etchinghill, Kent CT18 8NX. The closing date for applications is 7 November 2002. 109 NEWSLETTER Cllr Dobson provided councillors with the proof of the next Newsletter which was unanimously AGREED with a few minor alterations. 110 CHRISTMAS TREES Cllr Walder agreed to distribute the letter to the occupiers of the High Street to establish how many residents are prepared to have a Christmas Tree sited outside their household/premises. Following its success last Christmas it is possible that more requests will be received this year and if this is the case it was AGREED that requests will be treated on a first come first served basis. 111 FLOOD WARDEN The Environment Agency launched the Flood Warning Service for the Nailbourne/Little Stour, from Lyminge to Stourmouth, on 17 September 2002. As part of the development of the Flood Warning Service the Agency propose that each parish council on the Nailbourne should operate a Flood Warden Scheme. The volunteer Flood Wardens would be the point of contact for the Agency. Cllr Gulvin and Cllr Oakey have already agreed to be wardens and two other possible volunteers are to be approached for their agreement. 112 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/02/01178/BRI - Installation of dormer window to front and roof lights to side of dwelling at 2a High Street, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: No planning applications have been notified as granted. (c) Applications rejected: No planning applications have been notified as rejected. (d) Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area: The following notices of proposed work have been received: 19 Various works to Laurel, Elder, Yew, Walnut, Horse Chestnut, Apple and Ash trees plus reduce two May trees and remove Elder tree at Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge. Work for which a Tree Preservation Order is not being served is as follows: Fell one dead Lime tree at Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge. 113 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Footpaths: No reports received. (b) Recreation Ground: i) Cllr Hill reported that he had painted some of the play equipment which needed attention and Cllr Anderson thanked him for doing so; ii) the clerk advised that Kent County Council will be repairing the parish map board and this should be done within approximately 4 weeks. (c) Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) It was reported that Canterbury City Council will be carrying out a camera inspection of the drainage in Union Road. ii) It was NOTED that the bus stop outside the Post Office had been moved a whole bus length down the High Street and not the half length the parish council had recommended to Canterbury City Council as sufficient in their opinion. 114 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE a) Cllr Hill reported that he had been advised that new pension arrangements to stop fraud are coming into effect from April 2003 and it is expected that this will have a detrimental impact on local Post Offices. It was AGREED that an appeal to support our local Post Office would be included in the next newsletter. b) CPRE Volunteers' Conference is to be held in London on 23 November 2002. c) Rural Youth Bus project meeting to be held at Thannington Neighbourhood Resource Centre on 22 October 2002. d) Altogether Now event to be held at the Cathedral Education Centre on 27 November 2002 in the evening. 115 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS As Cllr Connor was unable to attend the parish council meeting there were no matters to report. 116 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Publication Schemes (b) CPRE Planning Update Issue 3/02 (c) Environmental Planning Booklet (d) Raise Newsletter (e) Parish News 117 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 14 November 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.03 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 14 November 2002 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chairman), Beer, Dobson, Gulvin, Monk and Walder. Also present were four members of the public and Ms Tina Burchell who attended for the entire meeting. 118 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Connor, Corfield and Hill. 119 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 OCTOBER 2002 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 October were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 120 STREET LIGHTING - BIFRONS PATH Cllr Anderson reported that matters were progressing and that he would be attending a meeting on the 19 November to discuss the possibility of positioning the light on land in the garden of The White Horse as the two locations along the footpath previously thought suitable are privately owned. 121 SANDBAG STORE AND FLOOD WARDENS The two keyholders for the sandbag store are Cllr Mervyn Gulvin at 92 High Street and Chris MacLean of The Plough & Harrow and the Flood Wardens are Cllr Mervyn Gulvin, Cllr Bill Oakey and Chris MacLean. Cllr Gulvin reported that a meeting is to be held to allocate each warden with the properties they are to be responsible for notifying in the event of a flood warning. 122 CHRISTMAS TREES Cllr Walder reported that requests for Christmas Trees had been very successful and had exceeded those of last year. In all 34 trees are to be erected and this will be carried out on Saturday 7 December. Cllr Walder advised that he had 2 or 3 volunteers already but anyone else willing to offer their services should contact him. 123 CHURCH CLOCK The clerk reported that John Smith & Sons have been out to measure up for a new part for the clock and arrangements had been made for the part to be fitted next week. 124 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose R Marshall £105.00 Repair 2 benches, bus shelter guttering and plant 150 bulbs. Cornhill Insurance £13.14 Insure 2 additional street lights. BT £45.34 Clerks telephone rental and calls. Seeboard Contracting Servs Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. Chris Penfold M Gulvin (b) (c) £69.18 £254.39 Remove damaged street light in Conyngham Lane. Repair to playground surface. £4535.50 Village Hall disabled access. £77.50 Photocopying 2 issues of Parish Newsletter and Xmas Tree circular. Payments received: £364.65 VAT reclaim, £255.50 donations for Christmas trees and £350.00 Broomfield FC ground rent. Annual Audit: External Auditor's Certificate received with no matters or recommendations arising. 125 APPOINTMENT OF NEW CLERK Cllr Anderson welcomed the newly appointed clerk, Ms Tina Burchell of Bekesbourne, to the meeting. Ms Burchell is to take up her appointment with immediate effect, acting as assistant to the present clerk until 31 December 2002 and assuming the appointment of clerk from 1 January 2003. 126 STREET LIGHT REPAIR AND STREET LIGHT - CONYNGHAM LANE The clerk reported that the estimate for the replacement of the damaged light had been received, the insurance company had agreed the claim and Seeboard were to be advised to carry out the work as soon as possible. It was NOTED that a letter had been received from Mr Curl regarding the parish council's funding of the light in Bifron's Path and not an additional one for Conyngham Lane and the clerk was requested to advise Mr Curl of the reasons behind the decision and to appraise him of Canterbury Council's recently received advice that there is no budget for capital funding for 2003/04. 127 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications received: The following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/02/01252/BRI - Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 38 High Street, Bridge. CAL02/00131/BRI - Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 38 High Street, Bridge. CA/02/01239/BRI - Erection of bungalow on land adjacent to Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge. CA/02/TEMP/0016 - Proposed new fencing & gates at Bridge & Patrixbourne Primary School, Bridge. CAL02/00148/BRI - Re-siting of satellite dish at 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge. (b) Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as granted: CA/02/01091/BRI - Change of use from hotel to single dwelling at East Bridge Country Hotel, Bridge Hill, Bridge. CA/02/01090/BRI - Erection of single-storey rear extension and car port at 10 Brewery Lane, Bridge. CAL02/00117/BRI - Internal and external alterations at Sunnyside, (c) (d) 128 Dering Road, Bridge. CA/02/01178/BRI - Installation of dormer window to front and roof lights to side of dwelling at 2a High Street, Bridge. Applications rejected: No planning applications have been notified as rejected. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area: The following notices of proposed work have been received: Fell a Macrocarpa tree situated by the front gate at The Dacha, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. Work for which a Tree Preservation Order is not being served is as follows: Reduce Willow to previous cutting points, lift Ash and lightly thin crown at 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge. Fell Laburnum and decayed Almond, reduce crown of Holly and Beech at 18 High Street, Bridge. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Footpaths: A request for the repair and/or replacement of two stiles on Footpath CB297 has been made to PROW. (b) Trees: Cllr Dobson reported that the Tree Wardens will be carrying out a tree survey in the parish in the Spring and if anyone wished to help they should contact either her or Cllr Monk. The clerk was requested to contact Canterbury City Council to see if they could supply copies of large scale maps of the parish. ii) Cllr Monk reported that the trees in Western Avenue had recently been surveyed by the (c) city council and some routine management works are to be carried out shortly. Recreation Ground: Cllr Gulvin reported that i) the repair work to the playground surface had been completed and he had carried out the monthly inspection of the playground equipment which was satisfactory and ii) that work on the pavilion continued and two (d) windows are to be re-glazed but the removal the spray paint from the walls was proving difficult. Streets, Footways and Lighting: i) Maurice Smith continues to report matters to the City Council as they arise and has been advised that the yellow lines removed from the junction of the High Street and Union Road during drainage works will be replaced as soon as possible. ii) Cllr Anderson reported that the second pedestrian crossing is due to be completed early in the New Year. iii) It was NOTED that a resident in the High Street had reported that traffic was still speeding through the traffic calmed area and that he had been the victim of irresponsible parking which resulted in him losing work. 129 POLICE FORUM MEETING Cllr Beer was unable to attend the meeting and there was no report. Cllrs Beer and Anderson agreed to complete a policing feedback form before the deadline of 29 November. Cllr Anderson also reported that a new police superintendent has been appointed and it is hoped that his policing policy will assist in resolving some of the unsocial behaviour issues experienced in the village. 130 ART IN BRIDGE AND ART IN THE PUB The clerk reported that several congratulations had been received for both the Art in Bridge and the Art in the Pub exhibitions and Councillors would like to thank all the organisers of both events for their efforts in making them so successful. The clerk was requested to write a letter of thanks to the organisers. 131 MODEL PUBLICATION SCHEME FOR LOCAL COUNCILS Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the parish council is required to adopt and maintain a publication scheme and it was AGREED to adopt the model publication scheme (core classes) produced by the Information Commissioner in conjunction with the NALC. 132 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE All Together Now Conference: Cllr Beer will be attending the conference and will report back to the council in due course. 133 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS As Cllr Connor was unable to attend the parish council meeting there were no matters to report. 134 135 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Local Council Review Kent Downs Management Strategy CPRE Countryside Voice South East England Regional Assembly The Countryside Agency Publications Clerks & Councils Direct Oast to Coast (h) Parish News DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 12 December 2002. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 pm. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 1 BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 8th May at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs Beer (Vice Chairman 2002/3) , Cllrs, Beesty, Binder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman 2003/4), Gulvin, and Hill (vice chairman 2003/4) 1 Apologies for Absence Selwyn Lewis 2 Election of Chairman for 2003-4 Cllr Esdale was proposed for the post of chairman by Cllr Gulvin and seconded by Cllr Dobson. Cllr Beer left after the election of Cllr Esdale as chairman at 7.40p.m. 3 Receipt of Chairman Declaration of Acceptance of Office The Parish Council received Cllr Esdale’s declaration of acceptance of office. 4 Election of Vice- Chairman for 2003-4 Cllr Hill was proposed for the post of vice chairman by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Esdale. 5 Appointment of Sub – Committees The following councillors and local people were appointed to subcommittees: 1) Recreation Ground and Sports Sub Committee- Cllrs Beesty, Corfield and Gulvin 2) Streets, footways and lighting- Maurice Smith. 3) Environment- Joan Monk, Simon Knights, Cllr Edmonds and Cllr Dobson 4) Planning- Cllrs Beinder, Corfield and Hill 6 Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies The following councillors were appointed as representatives to outside bodies: 1) Bridge Village Sports Trust- Cllr Gulvin 2) Village Hall Management Committee- Cllrs Dobson and Beinder 3) Mill Centre Management Committee- Cllrs Edmonds and Gulvin 4) KAPC- Cllrs Beesty and Lewis 5) KRCC- Cllrs Esdale and Dobson 6) Nailbourne and Little Stour River Management Group- Cllr Gulvin 7 Review of Pay and Conditions of Existing Employees It was AGREED to accept the NALC recommendation and increase in clerk’s hourly rate from £6.962 to £7.205 from April 1st 2003. 8 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th April 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 10th April 2003 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 9 Parish Appraisal It was AGREED that the clerk would order 9 copies of the information pack ‘Parish Plans’ for distribution to all councillors. It was AGREED to discuss the Parish Plan and Appraisal at the next meeting. 10 Allotments It was AGREED to accept the Southern Water quote of £1607.86 for the provision of a metered water supply to the allotments. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Charley Gooch of FPD Savills to update him on the progress of work at the allotments. 11 Risk Assessment It was AGREED to discuss the draft risk assessment for 2003/4 at the next meeting. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact ROSPA to request that that they carry out a risk assessment of the playground in July. 12 Clic 4 Bridge Cllr Hill reported that he had been contacted by Bridge Village School with regard to running the Clic 4 Bridge computer course. It was AGREED that Cllr Corfield would liase 2 with the school to establish the school’s expectations of the Parish Council. 13 A B C D Administrative Matters It was AGREED that clerk would obtain extra copies of page 4.4 and 9 of the bank mandate for Cllr Lewis to complete. It was AGREED that Cllr Lewis should complete notification of member interests and declaration of acceptance of office prior to the next meeting. It was AGREED that the clerk would cancel the annual Standing order to Kent County Playing Field Association. It was AGREED by those not on the Village Hall Management Committee to pay the annual village hall insurance for 2001/ 2002 of £614. Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Tina Burchell £358.78 Salary- April 2003 Tina Burchell 50.00 Office allowance- 2003 Tina Burchell £57.33 Stationery Tina Burchell £88.71 Photocopying Bridge Village Hall MC £614 2001/2 insurance Allianz Cornhill £1507.69 Annual insurance Shaw & sons Ltd Forms £23.68 Forms- declaration of interest/ gifts register Bridge with Patrixbourne £100.00 Parish magazine PCC KRCC £30.00 Annual membership Payments received from CCC£4368, and VAT reclaim £389.82 Payments received: 14 Audit and Budget 2003/4 It was NOTED that the clerk has sent a copy the accounts to RBS accounting solutions and Steve Sutton, the internal auditor. Cllr Gulvin AGREED to display the accounts at his office from 16th June- 14th July from 10-1 pm weekdays. The external audit is booked for 14th July 2003. It was AGREED that Cllr Hill would give a presentation on Concurrent Function Funding and precept funding for the benefit of new councillors at the next meeting. 15 Parish Capital Grants It was AGREED to defer discussions on the Parish Capital Grants for 2003/4 to the meeting in June. 16 A2 Slip Road It was AGREED that the clerk would invite Andy Phillips to speak to councillors about the A2 Slip Road prior to the meeting on 12th June 2003. 17 Village Hall Clock It was AGREED that Cllr Esdale would contact an electrician to arrange the repair of the backlight of the village hall clock. 18 A Planning Applications Planning applications received: The following planning application has been received and is under consideration: CA/03/00579/BRI- 1 Park View, Mill Lane- conservatory to rear of dwelling Planning applications granted: The following planning applications have been notified as being granted: CA/O3/00275/BRI- 36 Western Avenue- single storey extension to rear dwelling CA/03/00324/BRI- Willows, Patrixbourne road- single storey rear extension to dwelling and chimney stack CAL03/00030/BRI- 38, High Street, Bridge- two storey extension to rear of dwelling (revised scheme) Applications rejected: The following planning application has been notified as being rejected. CA/03/00300/BRI- 104, High Street Bridge- single storey rear extension to dwelling. Notices of proposed works to trees in a conservation area: the following notice of proposed work has been received: B C D 3 12, Riverside Close- fell diseased apple tree in rear garden 19 A B C Sub Committee Reports Footpaths and Trees: It was AGREED that Cllr Edmonds would check the access along CB299 following a report from Jill Thomas that it is blocked by farmers’ crops. Recreation Ground: (i) It was AGREED that Cllr Gulvin would contact Exciles at Bridge Cricket Club following a complaint from a concerned parent about the cricketers driving their cars too fast across the recreation ground on Sunday afternoons. (ii) It was NOTED that a complaint has been received about the footballers using Riverside Close to park their cars. Street, Footways and lighting: (i) (ii) (iii) It was AGREED that a report concerning the steps to Bridge Down produced by Richard Taylor be circulated for comments. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact SERCO with regard to the reports, from Maurice Smith, that Bifron’s path is constantly strewn with litter and to request that the green litterbins outside the butchers and the Post office be replaced with heavier more attractive back bins. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Alan Walton to see if he requires any assistance from the Parish Council in persuading Enterprise Inn to repair the fence at the Whitehorse Inn. 20 Other correspondence · It was NOTED that amendment A7/061 had been received for the Canterbury City Council Local Plan. · It was NOTED that a letter had been received from Mrs Whiting of Conynham lane regarding street lighting in Conynham Lane. · It was NOTED that programs of events for Music 2003 had been received from Canterbury City Council · It was AGREED that Cllrs Dobson and Gulvin would prepare a response to the City Council’s local plan. 21 KAPC/KRCC MATTERS It was noted that the next KAPC meeting would take place on 9th July at Tyler Hill Memorial Hall 22 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: 1 Introductory Guide to the Disability Discrimination Act ‘95 2 No Time to Waste- March 2003 3 Canterbury District Transport Plan 4 Local Council Review- May 2003 5 Draft Walking and Cycling Strategy- comment by June 2003 6 Rural Matters- April 2003 7 Planning Update- March 2003 8 KRCC Rural Community Halls Newsletter- Spring 2003 9 Rural News April 2003 10 Raise Networks - March 2003 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 12th June 2003 at 7.30pm Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… 7 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 12th June 2003 at 7.15 pm. Present: Cllrs, Beesty, Binder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman 2003/4), Gulvin (arrived late at 7.45pm), and Hill (vice chairman 2003/4) Prior to the meeting City Councillor Bill Oakey introduced himself to the New Parish Council and discussed ways in which he and the council might work together in the future. 23 Apologies for Absence There were no apologies for absence. 24 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on the 8th May were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 25 Parish Appraisal It was AGREED that Cllrs Esdale, Beinder, Corfield and Dobson would form a working group to set up a committee, which would subsequently produce a Parish Appraisal. The Parish Council will subsequently have two places on the committee. Several parishioners have also expressed an interest in assisting. 26 Risk Assessment It was AGREED to adopt the Bridge Parish Council Risk assessment for 2003/4. It was AGREED that this would be reviewed and updated regularly. 27 Parish Capital Grants It was AGREED to defer discussions on the Parish Capital Grants for 2003/4 to the meeting in July. It was AGREED that the clerk would request a revised quote for a street light in Conyngham Lane from Seeboard. 28 Cllr Gulvin arrived after discussions about Parish Council Capital Grants. 29 Steps to Bridge Down It was AGREED that the clerk would write to KCC and ask about the long and short term plans for repairs to steps at Bridge Down. It was AGREED that Cllr Beesty would obtain information about any accidents that had taken place in the past on the steps to Bridge Down and to whom claims for damages had been made. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to KCC to ask who is responsible for cleaning the pathway at the top of Bridge Down and the footpath at Bridge hill. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to thank Richard Taylor for producing the report regarding the steps to Bridge Down. 30 Concurrent Functions Cllr Hill gave a presentation on the main sources of income for the Parish Council. 31 Representation from Andy Phillips regarding the A2 Slip road at Bridge Andy Phillips talked about plans to improve the use of the Canterbury Bypass and to take traffic off the ring road in Canterbury. Andy reported that plans involved improving the use of all 3 slip roads around Canterbury. It was noted that Bekebourne Parish Council had requested a joint meeting with other local parishes to discuss traffic calming plans. 32 i Planning applications: Planning applications received: the following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/03/00664/BRI- 34, Conyngham Lane- 2 storey side extension, single storey side and front extensions and roof extension to incorporate 3 dormer windows CA/03/00657/BRI- 18, Bridge Down- two storey extension including garage to side of dwelling CA/03/00748/BRI- The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge- replacement greenhouse Planning applications granted: the following planning application has been notified as ii 7 iii iv 33 i ii iii iv vi vii 34 being granted: CA/01/00557/BRI-Renville Farm, Bridge- conversion of 3 agricultural buildings to 4 dwellings and erection of garage store and erection of 2 additional dwellings. Applications rejected: No applications were notified as being rejected. Notices of proposed works to trees in a conservation area: the following notice of proposed work has been received: Fell three Leyland Cypress at the Dell, Bridge Work for which a tree preservation order is not being served: Fell one young ash tree from corner of garage and one young ash from rear boundary and remove 3 smallest stems from multi stem walnut to rear of garage- 3 Meadow Close, Bridge Reports from Representatives to outside bodies KAPC KRCC Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Mill Centre- Cllr Esdale reported that he had received a letter from Chris Maclean of the Plough and Harrow stating that: 1) John Thackray has resigned as the village scout leader. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to him to thank him for his hard work with the scouts. It is hoped the scout group will restart after Xmas. 2) There are plans underway to start a youth group at the Mill Centre for 10-16 year olds. Chris Maclean has requested £200 from the Parish Council to cover the insurance, police checks and affiliation fees for the youth club. Nailbourne and Little Stour River Management Group- Cllr Gulvin reported that the RMG is still trying to arrange a meeting with southern water to discuss drains and sewerage issues. Bridge Village Sports Trust- Cllr Gulvin reported that an application has been received from Bridge Village football team (16-19 year olds) to use the recreation ground on Sunday Mornings. It was AGREED that the annual fee to the Parish Council would be set at £150. Reports from Sub Committees Footpaths and Trees: (i) Cllr Edmonds reported that CB299 was not blocked by farmers’ crops. (ii) Cllr Dobson reported that a tree meeting had been held on 10th June 2003 and that Andrew Pearson had been recruited as a new tree warden. Recreation Ground: (i) It was AGREED that the clerk would enquire about the availability of the mobile skateboard ramp from Canterbury City Council. Street, Footways and lighting: (i) It was noted that Steve Howell of KCC Bridges has agreed to provide further splash boards on the footbridge at Mill Lane. (ii) Cllr Esdale reported that a cyclist had run into a car after exiting the footpath between Filmer Road and Union Road. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to KCC to request that a) half barriers be placed at each end of the pathway b) that a t bar be used to stop cars parking at the Union Road end, and that c) a white chevron with posts on each side be used to stop cars parking at the Filmer Road end. (iii) Cllr Esdale reported that there was a problem with dog fouling along the pathway between Filmer Road and Union Road. It was AGREED that clerk write to KCC to ask that the pathway be cleared of nettles and that dog fouling signs be displayed. (iv) It was noted that Maurice Smith had received a letter from Canterbury City Council regarding increasing the frequency of street cleaning at the town hill lay by to 3 times per week. It was noted that Ian MacKenzie of Canterbury City Council is to provide a rubbish bin at Townhill. 35 Allotments It was noted that an allotment society meeting is to be held on 18th June at 7.30pm in the Hunter Room. It was noted that Cllr Dobson and Tony Walder are to meet with Charley Gooch on 20th June to discuss any outstanding matters relating to the allotments. 7 36 Repair Whitehorse Notice board. It was AGREED that Cllr Esdale would contact a local carpenter to repair the notice board outside the Whitehorse. 37 Quality Parish Council It was AGREED to initiate the process to become a quality parish council. 38 Election Results It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council with regard to the delay in publicising Election results. It was agreed that the clerk would contact KAPC with regard to mechanism for publicising candidates in the future. 39 Standing Orders Working Group It was AGREED that Cllrs Esdale, Lewis and Edmonds would form a working group to review the standing orders. 40 Publicity Working Group It was AGREED that Cllrs Esdale, Dobson and Corfield would form a working group to review ways of publishing the parish council activities in the village. It was AGREED to write an article about the new Parish Council members for the Parish magazine. 41 Change venue of parish meeting It was AGREED to change the venue of the Parish meetings from September to the main hall for a six-month trial period. 42 Street Light Bifron’s Path It was AGREED to approve the expenditure of £300 to Canterbury City Council for legal fees and also any costs that might be incurred by the Whitehorse Inn and Enterprise Inns for the installation of the streetlight along Bifron’s Path. 43 Cllr Gulvin departed at 10.10pm 44 Clic 4 Bridge Cllr Corfield reported that Bridge Village School intended to run a ten-week computer course in September, which would be staffed by 2 tutors and would cost £75 (paid in advance). 45 Authorise the sealing of documents 1) The chairman and the clerk to signed the Exciles at Bridge agreement. 2) It was AGREED to authorise the external audit forms at the next meeting once Cllr Esdale had seen the statement of accounts produced by RBS accounting solutions. It was noted that the audit notice had been put up on the notice board outside of the Whitehorse Inn on June 2nd 2003. 46 a)Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Amount Purpose Seeboard- Contracting £234.32 Maintenance and repairs for April/ MayservicesSouthern Water £1607.86 Allotments Tina Burchell £50.00 Office allowance May Tina Burchell £311.11 Salary- May Tina Burchell £0.85 Travel – May Tina Burchell £0.81 Stationery May Tina Burchell £5.76 Stamps May Tina Burchell £14.68 Photocopying- April KAPC£6.00 Good Councillors Guide (6 copies) Seeboard- Power £5.94 Underpayment of standing order £5.94 for April. Seeboard- Power £99.81 Power supply charges for May 7 Richard TaylorSeeboard- Contracting services- b) £2.26 £117.14 Photocopying It was AGREED to raise a cheque only if this amount is not paid by Standing Order in June. Seeboard- Power- June£99.81 It was AGREED to raise a cheque only if this amount is not paid by Standing Order in June. It was noted that the following payments had been received of £300 from Exciles at Bridge Cricket Club (fees 2003) and £12600 from Canterbury City Council (precept) 47 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION The following items had been received and were available for distribution: a) TCG Newsletter- April 2003 b) Raise Regional Network- 14th April 2003 c) The Playing Field- Spring 2003 d) Kent CPRE Voice- Spring 2003 e) Time and Tide f) Kent Downs AONM Management Plan Draft- respond by June 30th g) Proposed alterations to Regional Planning Guidance South East- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy- respond by 29Th July 2003 h) Kent Environment Strategy i) Parish Forum Newsletter- June 2003 j) Good Councillors Guide (7 copies only) 48 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 10th July 2003 at 7.30 p.m. Chairman………………………………………….. Date……………………………… BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 10th July 2003 at 7.30 pm. Present: Cllrs, Beesty, Binder, Corfield, Dobson (arrived at 8.45p.m.), Edmonds, Esdale (chairman 2003/4), Gulvin, and Hill (vice chairman 2003/4), Cllr Lewis 49 Apologies for Absence There were no apologies for absence. 50 Minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2003 The Parish Council agreed the following amendments to the minutes: Minute no 39. It was AGREED that Cllrs Esdale, Hill, Lewis and Edmonds would form a working group to review the standing orders. Minute no 40. It was AGREED to write an article about the new Parish Council members for the Parish Newsletter. 51 Authorise the sealing of documents 1) Cllr Esdale and the clerk authorised the external audit return and statement of accounts produced by RBS accountants. 2) Cllr Esdale authorised the Seeboard Energy direct debit quarterly payments form. It was noted that the standing order facility is no longer available since Seeboard merged with the London Electricity Group. 52 Disposal of Business from the last meeting 1) Parish Council capital grants. It was agreed to defer the discussion about the parish capital grants until the arrival of Cllr Dobson 2) Election results. It was noted that the clerk had received a letter from CCC regarding the delay in publicising elections results. It was noted that KAPC have advised against the Parish Council Publicising candidates in future elections, except for in the parish magazine. 3) Mill centre Youth Club. It was agreed to cover the costs of £200 to set up the Mill Centre Youth Club once the club has started. 53 MATTERS FOR REPORT a.Planning applications i.Applications received: CA/03/00875/BRI- 1 Renville New Cottages- two storey side extension to side of dwelling CA/03/00850/BRI- 1 Bourne View – car port to side of detached garage ii. Applications granted: CA/03/00579/BRI- 1 Park View, Mill Lane Bridge- conservatory to rear of dwelling CA/03/00657/BRI- 18 Bridge Down- two storey extension including integral garage to side of dwelling CA/03/00210/BRI- land adjacent to the Willows, Patrixbourne Road- erection with dwelling with associated parking iii. Applications rejected: no applications were notified as being rejected. iv. Proposed works to trees in a conservation area: Waylands, Town Hill Bridge- fell diseased cherry tree in centre of garden, reduce the height of 2 poplars to previous cutting point along the border with the firs. Reduce height to previous cutting point and thin plane trees by ‘the Firs’. Reduce height of poplar tree by house to previous cutting points and remove growth onto road. Remove Lower branches of walnut tree, which borders Town Hill. vi. Phone masts: Proposed Vodafone Base Station on Bekesbourne Road- Waldon Telecom vii. Planning Customer Service contact number: It was noted that a planning customer service contact number is available from 8.30-5.00pm Monday to Friday on 01227 862178 b. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies. - i. ii. iii. iv. KAPC. It was agreed to join the Country Eye Scheme. It was agreed that the parish council would support any other parishes that might object to Ovendon applying for a license to fill the void quarry at Bekesbourne/ Wingham with inert material. It was agreed that the publicity group would contact the City Council with regard to linking the village website to the City Council’s website. It was noted that KAPC would meet next on 8th October. Nailbourne and Little Stour River Management Group. Cllr Gulvin reported that Southern Water would be undertaking a survey of drains in the village. It was AGREED that the clerk would inform Southern Water that the drain on Western Avenue end of Saxon Road intermittently blocks up. Parish Council Police Forum. It was AGREED that an alphabetical rota be drawn up of Parish Council representatives to attend quarterly meetings of the Parish Council police Forum. Cllr Beesty agreed to attend the meeting on 23rd September 2003 and Cllr Corfield on 8th June 2004.It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would circulate the minutes of the meeting. Allotments. It was AGREED that Cllr Dobson would be the Parish Council’s representative to the allotment society. c. Reports from sub-committees i. Environment: Footpaths & Trees ii. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Kent County Council to ask for a sign to mark pathway CB304 from Pett Bottom Road. Recreation Ground iii. 1) It was noted that the hire fee for the CCC mobile skateboard ramp is £250 per 3 hours. A hard area the size of a tennis court would be required. 2) It was AGREED that a slide bolt would be placed over the door of the shed at the recreation ground. Streets, Footways and Lighting iii. 1) It was noted that Kent Highways has repaired the steps to Bridge Down and cleared to the vegetation on the footway to Bridge Hill and the carriageway bank on the other side. It was noted that the cleansing of the steps at the top of Bridge Hill has been passed onto street cleansing. Cllr Beesty reported that that previous injury claims had been paid by the compensation department of Canterbury City Council. Cllr Dobson arrived at 8.45pm 2) It was noted that the clerk has a supply of sticky penalty notices for dog fouling. 3) It was noted that Kent Highways has removed the temporary blocks outside at the junction of Highham Lane and Bridge Hill. 4) It was AGREED that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council to request that an extra bin be placed at the recreation ground beside that dog fouling sign. 5) Maurice Smith reported that litter accumulates in the gap between the fence and pavement by the first house on the left leaving the Red Lion and heading along the Patrixbourne Road. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the managing agent to ask that they clear the gap. 6) Bifron’s street light- It was AGREED that Cllr Esdale would approach the new tenants of house 4, Riverside Close to see if they would consider having the street light in their garden. 54 Rural Youth Bus and Youth Group- Cllr Dobson advised that 1) the rural transport grant is still available and 2) Bridge Youth Group is still on schedule for summer 2003. The Rural Youth bus could be used to enhance the facilities of the Youth Group. 55 Kentish Stour Countryside Project- It was noted that a meeting is to be held on 16th July 2003 at Tyler Hill Memorial Hall to discuss establishing Wildlife sites. 56 David Waters It was agreed to pay David for 6 hours work at £6 per hour. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would visit David and ensure he completes a P46 and to see if he would like to continue working for the Parish Council. It was agreed to pay any outstanding National insurance and tax contributions once a completed P46 form has been received. 57 Return cheques- It was decided that the clerk would ask other larger parish council’s if they use the return cheque facility. It was agreed to defer making a decision to the September meeting. - 58 Parish Council capital grants. It was agreed to apply for £4500 for the continued establishment of the allotments and £1394.74 for an additional streetlight along Conyngham Lane. 59 Allotments- Cllr Dobson reported that an inaugural meeting of allotment holders had taken place on 18th June. Cllr Dobson reported that Charles Gooch of FPD Savills had asked the Parish Council to contribute half towards the costs of installing sheds on the allotments. It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would investigate lockable taps for the standpipe at the allotment. It was agreed that the clerk would withdraw the request for further standpipes on the allotments until quotes had been obtained. 60 Petty cash. It was agreed to set up an ‘Imprest’ petty cash system for the purchase of day-today items like stamps. It was agreed to set the float at £50. 61 Filing. It was agreed that Cllrs Beinder, Dobson and the clerk would form a working group to update the Parish Council’s filing system. It was agreed that that the clerk would obtain quotes for filing cabinets. 62 New Close. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not be able to assist the concerned resident of Conyngham Lane in putting up a sign to direct people to the New Close. 63 Newsletter- The final draft of the newsletter was agreed for printing. 64 Standing Orders. It was agreed that the clerk would contact NALC to see if they have an electronic version of standing orders that the standing orders working group could amend. It was agreed that the clerk would contact KAPC to see if the Parish Council must submit amended standing orders to the city council. It was agreed that in future the planning subcommittee would meet at 7pm prior to the main council meeting. 65 Bench along the river at the Broadway. It was agreed that the clerk would order a new bench like the one outside the post office. 66 Authorisation of items for payment. The following items were authorised for payment BVHMC- Hunter Room hire 18th June 2003£3.00 David Waters- £36 BT clerks phone line and rental- £57.31 Society of Local Clerks- 2 copies of Governance and accountability in local councils (one with ring binder. One copy for internal auditor) £ 28.98 John Hill- postal charges £1.06 and mileage £1.76. Total £ 2.82 Tina Burchell- Clerks salary- June - £308.78 Tina Burchell- Clerk’s office allowance June- £50 Tina Burchell- Reimbursements June- £5.29 (£4.00 stamps, £1.29 envelopes) Clerk’s salary – July- £319.08. It was agreed to pay in August as there is not a Parish Council Meeting in August Clerk’s office allowance- July- £50.00. It was agreed to pay in August as there is not a Parish Council Meeting in August W. Daniels - £35- wiring of village hall clock Petty cash float- £50 67. Next Meeting It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be Thursday 11th September 2003 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall. 11 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held in the Hunter Room on Thursday 11th September at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village hall Present: Cllrs, Beesty, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman 2003/4), Gulvin, and Hill (vice chairman 2003/4), Cllr Lewis 68 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Beinder and Corfield 69 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2003 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 70 Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed not to use the return cheque facility from Lloyds. b. It was agreed to order an electronic version of the standing orders at a cost of £14.98. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not take the matter of revising sections 39 and 40 of standing orders any further. It was agreed to revise section 53 to read ‘Reports shall be submitted in writing to the clerk at least 7 clear days before the next meeting of the Council.’ 71 Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Allotments. –It was noted that the clerk has received a quote for sheds at the allotments from Kent Sectional Builders of £992.00 per shed. It was noted that KAPC have advised the Parish Council not to issue any tenancies until a lease has been signed with Cantley Estates. b. Parish forum- It was agreed that Cllr Dobson would attend the Parish Forum meetings. 72 Reports from sub-committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservations area River House, 67 High Street Bridge- to crown thin and crown reduce three Silver Birch trees along rear boundary garden by 20%. To crown lift to the main forks on each tree as necessary. Willows, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge- fell 1 common lime. Pollard other common limes to previous cutting points. The Dacha, Patrrixbourne Road, Bridge- fell eucalyptus tree in front garden b. Recreation Ground i) It was agreed that the clerk would investigate the costs of placing a fence around the children’s play area at the recreation ground. ii) It was agreed that the clerk would contact Canterbury City Council to order two new cycle exclusion notices at the recreation ground. iii) It was agreed that the clerk would contact Richard Taylor about repainting the wooden rocking toys at the children’s play area. iv) It was agreed that the clerk would write to Jon Lambourne and ask for a written report about the condition of the sycamore trees which are overhanging 65 Riverside Close. It was agreed to ask Mark Jones for additional advice if Jon Lambourne is unable to provide a written report. c. Streets, Footways and Lighting i) It was noted that Martin Sollis of Canterbury City Council has agreed to clear the footpath path between Union Road and Filmer Road of nettles. ii) It was noted that Martin Sollis has provided an extra bin along Bifrons path. iii) It was noted that Richard Taylor has written regarding the Steps to Bridge Down iv) Blocked gully in private access to garage in Western Avenue. – It was agreed that clerk would write to the owners of the garages at Western Avenue and suggest that they liase with the City Council with regard to the matter of the blocked gully. 12 d) Finance Committee It was agreed not to create a finance committee. It was agreed to amend the risk assessment to remove any references to a finance committee. e) Planning Sub Committee It was noted that the planning sub committee meeting has been postponed this month. 74 Canterbury AdScene It was noted that Emma Foster of Canterbury AdScene is interested in promoting local activities. 75 Clic 4 Bridge It was noted that the Clic 4 Bridge Course started on 9th September 2003. 76 Environment and street Scene It was noted that the clerk would collect and post any completed questionnaires. 77 David Waters It was noted that the clerk has received a letter of resignation from David dated the 16th July 2003 together with a blank P46. It was noted that David has been paid for work completed in February and March 2003. 78 Ragwort at Brickfields It was agreed that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council with regard to the ragwort that had been found in Brickfields area. 79 Parish Plan It was noted that a public meeting has been arranged for 23rd October 2003 at 7.30pm and that Cllr Dobson has registered the Parish Council’s interest with the Countryside Agency. 80 Periodic Electoral Review of Kent County Council It was noted that the Boundary Committee has produced draft recommendations on future local government arrangements for Kent County Council. 81 Parking on Western Avenue It was agreed that the clerk would write to Highways department to ask for advice and guidance about the provision of double yellow lines near the garages at Western Avenue. 82 Publicity Group - It was agreed that Cllr Dobson would obtain quotes for providing additional notice boards at the back of the village hall and at Bridge Down. 83 Planning- It was agreed not to invite a member of the planning department to the next meeting. 84 Canterbury District Transport Conference- It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would attend the conference on 14th October. 85 Assets Register and Street Light Inventory. It was agreed that Cllrs Hill and Dobson would dispose of the star writer and Jubilee mugs in Hunter Room. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would check the accuracy of the street light inventory provided by Seeboard Contracting Services. 86 Filing Cabinets- It was agreed that the clerk would order either 2 two-drawer filing cabinets or one four-drawer cabinet depending on the space available the Hunter room cupboards. 87 Annual Return for Audit –It was noted that the completed return for the external annual audit can be viewed at 3, Cranmer Close Bekesbourne from 8th September to 13 25th September 2003. It was agreed that the clerk would ask Michael Stewart to provide an amended set of accounts in layman’s terms as provided in previous years. 88 Canterbury District Local Compact- It was noted that East Kent Council for Voluntary Service has produced a draft copy of the Canterbury District Local Compact. 89 Quality Parish Council Scheme- It was agreed that clerk would apply for the ‘working for your council ‘training course at a cost of £130.00. It was agreed that the chairman would produce an annual report at the Annual Parish Meeting. 90 Sealing of Documents It was agreed to authorise the updated standing order to Seeboard Contracting Services of £120.36 per month from September 2003. 91 The following items were authorised for payment: a. Petty cash £49.93 (postage 12.32, stationery £22.97, travel £8.75, VAT £5.89) b. RBS Accounting Solutions- - £223.25 (year end account preparation) c. Cllr Beinder –- £47.00 – (KAPC course fees) and £19.93(car allowance). Total £66.93 d. KCC Landscape services- - £629.80 (half yearly grounds maintenance) e. Hunter Room Hire -£3.00 (Allotment Society Meeting- 2nd July 2003) f. Clerk- £50 (office allowance August) and £369.08 (wages August 2003) Total £369.08 g. Seeboard - £3.20 August maintenance h. Canterbury City Council- £724.25(election costs) i. Seeboard Contracting services- £120.36 (maintenance September 2003) j. FPD Savills- £225- (half yearly rent of recreation ground) k. Copy print- £50.00- (newsletter) l. Audit commission- £293.75 (external audit 2003) m. ROSPA- £101.05 (playground check and risk assessment) 92 It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 9th October 2003 at 7.30pm. It was agreed that the planning sub committee would meet prior to this meeting at 7pm. 15 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 9th October 2003 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Dobson, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vice-chairman), and Lewis 92. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Corfield and Edmonds. 93. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2003 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 94. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. The Parish Council rejected the motion to pay £300 for a consultant’s report from Jim Quaife for the sycamore trees at the recreation ground. b. It was agreed to adopt the financial regulations produced by KAPC subject to amending section 3.2 to read ‘No expenditure may be incurred that will exceed the amount provided in the revenue budget’, deleting section 6.5 and amending 9.4 to read ‘Any sums found to be irrecoverable and any bad debts shall be reported to the Council and shall be written off in the year’. 95. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Parish forum- the Parish Council received the report from Cllr Beesty concerning the Parish Forum meeting. b. Mill Centre- It was agreed that the clerk would write to David Kincade to request the date of the next Mill Centre meeting. c. Allotments- Cllr Dobson reported that the cost to the Parish Council for installing 7 sheds excluding VAT from Kent Sectional Builders would be £3472, from the Langley Packing Company would be £3402 and from Quinneys would be £3930.12. Cllr Dobson reported that that the cost to the Parish Council for installing shed bases from the Langley Packing Company would be £945. 96. Reports from sub-committees a. Recreation Ground It was noted that weeds have engulfed some of the newly planted trees. b. Streets, Footways and Lighting i. It was noted that the Kent Highways have cleared the drains outside 12 High Street. ii. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Mr Booth and thank him for maintaining the alleyway leading to the Hunter Room. iii. It was noted that David Latham has said that the bus clearway lines will be repainted at the bus stop along the High Street next to the dentist. iv. The receipt of a letter from Southern Water was noted confirming that there are now no blockages at the Western Avenue end of Saxon Road. v. It was noted that Serco has agreed to place a new bin adjacent to the bus shelter by the dentist. vi. It was noted that Kent Highways requires an approved contractor to install the bench along the Broadway. It was agreed that the clerk would complete the insurance claim form for the bench that was thrown into the river in 2001. vii. It was noted that Canterbury City Council is considering the Parish Council’s Capital Funding Bid for a streetlight along Conyngham Lane. c. Environment: Footpaths & Trees i. It was agreed that the clerk would write to East Kent-County Environment Management to request the replacement of the anti slip wire over the footbridges at the water meadow by Brewery Lane. ii. It was noted that Kent Wildlife Trust has designated Whitehill Wood, Lower Hardres as a site of special interest 97. Notices of proposed works to trees in a conservation area: the following notices of proposed work have been received: i. 51 High Street- repollard lime tree to front of house ii. Lodescroft, Patrixbourne Road- remove dead branch from sycamore, fell dead elm and remove dead lilac from rear of garden 98. Christmas Trees It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would contact the residents of Bridge High Street with regard to supplying Christmas Trees again this year. 99. Stand pipes at Allotments It was agreed to install additional standpipes at the allotments at a cost of £252.78 to B&Q and £169.79 for the hire of a mini digger. 16 100. Litter Collector at recreation Ground: The Parish Council rejected the motion to recruit a Litter Collector at Recreation Ground. It was agreed to investigate private companies that might undertake the work. 101. Bourne View: It was agreed that the clerk would write to Kent Highways with regard to repairing the first 5-10 metres of Bourne View. 102. Recreation Ground Fees 2004/5: It was agreed to set the fees for the recreation ground as follows: Exiles at Bridge £300, Broomfield £200, Tennis club £100, Bridge Football Club £100 and BVST £10. 103. Traffic Priority Sign: It was agreed that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council to request a sign indicating that traffic going up the hill near the allotments should have priority. 104.Bridge School: It was agreed to allow the school to use the recreation ground on Wednesday afternoons for this term subject to the agreement of Allianz Cornhill Insurers PLC and following conditions that the area is not used when the ground is wet and that no lines or pitches are marked out on the ground. 105. Street monitors report: It was agreed that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council to request that they review the process of spraying weeds on the Green at Western Avenue. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Kent Highways to request that all the streets signs be repainted in the village and that the ‘Road flooded’ sign be removed from Brewery Lane. 106.Recreation Ground Review: It was agreed that the recreation ground sub committee would undertake a review of the whole recreation ground. 107. ROSPA report: It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would remove the remove the bolt sticking out from the slide and that the clerk would obtain quotes for repairing the wet pour at the children’s play area. 108. Budgets and reserves: It was agreed to transfer £ 1307 to the allotment capital project reserves from the precept. It was agreed to accept the quotes for sheds and bases from the Langley Packing Company Ltd. It was agreed that Cllrs Gulvin, Hill, Esdale and the clerk would meet to set a draft budget and bid for concurrent functions for prior to the next meeting. 109.Speed Limit Mill Lane: The Parish Council noted the receipt of draft documents of intention to make orders of a 30 mph speed limit at Mill Lane Bridge from KCC. 110 Members allowances: The receipt of a letter from Mark Ellender of CCC regarding the Local Authorities (members allowances) was noted. 111. Newsletter: The Parish Council approved the latest newsletter produced by publicity group. 112. Receipts: The receipt of £425.78 from H M Customs and Excise was noted. 113. Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: T Burchell- £50 (office allowance September) and £ 308.78 (salary September) Nailbourne Scout Group £20 (donation. reissue of cheque number 886) Society of Local Clerks- £130 (clerk’s training) KAPC-£14.98 (electronic standing orders) Bridge Village Hall Management Committee- £23.00 (Hire of the Hunter room and village hall) D.R. Possee £45 (supplying and maintaining planters) Petty cash £49.21 (reimbursement September) British Telecom £59.71 (clerk’s line rental and calls) Chairmans Ltd- £110 (filing cabinets) Time Finance- £180.18 (allotment standpipes) G Hayes- £169.79 (digger hire- allotments) Bridge Village Hall Management Committee- £23 (Hall Hire) Seeboard Energy- £199.69 (power August and September) Streetmaster- £670.93 (bench) 114. It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 13th November 2003 at 7.30pm. 17 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 13th November 2003 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds (arrived at 8pm), Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vice-chairman), and Lewis 115. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr Beesty 116. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 9thOctober 2003 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 117. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. KAPC- The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Beesty regarding the KAPC meeting on 8th October 2003. b. Police Forum- The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Beesty regarding the Police Forum Meeting on 23rd September 2003. c. Bridge Village Sports Trust-The Parish Council received the report from Cllr Gulvin concerning the meeting of Bridge Village Sports Trust on 7th October 2003. It was agreed that Cllr Beesty would attend the meeting of BVST on 9th December 2003. d. Allotments- The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Dobson dated 7th October 2003 concerning the costs of sheds and bases at the allotments. 118. Reports from sub-committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served April Cottage, 1 Meadow Close Bridge- re-pollard sycamore trees, hawthorn and ash trees on boundary of property and Bourne Lodge to previous cutting points. 23a Union Road Bridge- remove large limb of walnut tree over neighbours building and to lift the low growth all round as required. Remove major dead wood from tree. Tidy growth of group of conifers. Remove upright limb of apple tree and prune as required. Reduce willow by 50% and reshape. b. Streets Footways and lighting i. It was noted that Kent Highways are not responsible for the road surface of Bourne View. ii. It was noted that Canterbury City Council has agreed to paint a white line along the road in front of the gate to the allotments to stop cars parking. iii. It was noted that Martin Sollis of Canterbury City Council has arranged for a contractor to clear the dead weeds from the green at Western Avenue. 119.It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would attend the Rural Area Member Panels (North and South) meeting on 24th November 2003 and that Cllr Esdale would attend the meeting on 26th January 2004. 120.It was noted that a risk assessment has been sent to Allianz Cornhill Insurers PLC for the erection of Christmas trees along the High Street. 121. It was noted that the clerk has received the ‘Working with your Council’ training pack and that the AQA certificate in local Council Administration is suitable for clerks and councillors. 122. It was agreed that the clerk would write to the Kent Highways with regard to repairing the Rough Patch of ground near the church and the bakery. 123.It was agreed to accept the quote from Langley Packing Company for sheds and bases at the allotments. 124. It was agreed that the environment sub committee would contact Jon Lambourne, the City Council’s arboricultural officer, with regard to a request from the owner of 9 Riverside Close to cut back an ornamental cherry tree and a sycamore tree at the recreation ground which overhang the property. 125.The Parish Council agreed the budget for 2004/5. It was agreed to adjust the precept request if necessary to meet any shortfall in the concurrent functions funding request 2004/5. 126. The Parish Council agreed the reserves for 2003/4. 18 127. It was agreed to withhold any comments about the reservoir at Broad Oak until a formal application has been made. 128. It was agreed to incorporate the ‘code of practice for local councils in handling complaints’ into the standing orders. 129. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would look at ways to promote Broadband Internet access in Bridge. 130. The receipt of £10 from BVST was noted. 131. It was agreed approve the amended accounts produced by RBS accounting solutions for 2002/3 at the next meeting. 132. It was agreed to use John E McMillan and Associates part wall surveyors to deal with the construction issues between the new extension at 26a High Street and the village hall external wall, subject to Ms Meredith accepting all the costs incurred. 133. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque): T Burchell- £50 (office allowance September) and £ 308.78 (salary September) Colin Beesty £9.98 (travel) Bounty Pest Control £164.50 (pest control) Seeboard Contracting Services £120.34 (October maintenance- less 2p on invoice) Mervyn Gulvin- £35 (photocopying) M Esdale £3.10 (refreshments) and £8.00 (trophy engraving) Seeboard Contracting Services £120.36 (November maintenance) Seeboard Energy £83.81 (October power) Helen Daley, (Youth Group Grant)- £69.16 (start up costs) Petty Cash £32.66 (reimbursement October) 19 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 11th December 2003 at 7 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder,Beesty, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vicechairman), and Lewis 134. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 135. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2003 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 136. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to approve the amended accounts produced by RBS accounting solutions at the next meeting. b. It was agreed to defer the decision about the trees at the recreation ground which back onto 9 Riverside Close until the trees have been inspected by Jon Lambourne. 137. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Mill Centre- Cllr Gulvin reported that i) there is a problem with non-uniformed youth groups using the Mill Centre due to the terminology of the lease and ii) the Mill Centre Management Committee requires a chairman. b. Rural Youth Bus- Cllr Dobson reported that rural youth bus is expected to be up and running at the end of January. c. Allotments- It was reported that i) a draft tenancy agreement between Cantley Ltd and Bridge Parish Council for the allotment land has been received from Charles Gooch ii) KAPC have agreed to send the tenancy to the legal department of NALC for approval and iii) the shed bases would be laid in the spring, subject to the ground being dry enough. 138. Report from sub-committees a. Streets Footways and lighting i. It was reported that Kent Highways have raised a works order to repair the ‘hard standing’ outside 100 and 102 High Street. ii. It was noted that Bridge Parish Council has been granted a capital-funding grant of £1395 for a streetlight outside 39 Conyngham Lane. iii. It was agreed to ask Maurice Smith, street monitor, to complete the questionnaire from Kent Highways about the service they provide in the Parish. b. Recreation Ground It was reported that David Townsend of SLP has been to inspect the wet pour at the recreation ground and that he cannot see a legitimate way of improving the area. It was agreed to fill the gaps around the edge of the wet pour with coal tar in the spring. 139. Insurance for Erecting Christmas Trees Cllr Esdale reported that i) Allianz Cornhill would not insure the Parish Council to erect Christmas trees this year and that ii) a group of volunteers separate from the Parish Council had organised the installation of the trees. The Parish Council thanked all of the volunteers. 140.It was reported that Bill Oakey has resigned the City Councillor for the North Nailbourne Ward. 141. The receipt of a Kent Rural Strategy and Investment Framework questionnaire was noted. 142. The Parish Council agreed the distribution list for the Parish Council newsletter 143. It was agreed that the Parish Council would continue to meet on the second Thursday of the month (except August) in 2004 and that the Annual Parish meeting would be held on 25th March 2004. 144. Bifron’s Street Light i. It was agreed to use the following contact address for Bridge Parish Council on the easement: The Clerk, Bridge Parish Council, Bridge, Canterbury. Kent. ii. It was agreed to maintain any trees within a three-metre radius that might have an effect on the streetlight before and after installation. 20 iii. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale and the clerk would amend and agree the draft easement on behalf of the Parish Council. 145. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder should raise the issue of speed cameras at the next Police Parish Council Forum meeting. 146 Recreation Ground i. It was agreed to ask KCC to undertake the grounds maintenance at the recreation ground for 2004/5.It was agreed that the clerk would ask Kent Highways to trim the grass verge by the lay-by along Patrixbourne Road. ii. It was agreed to increase the level of visits from Bounty Pest Control at the recreation ground from 8 to 12 visits per year. iii. It was agreed that the school could continue to use the recreation ground for sports sessions. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Allianz Cornhill to advise that the Parish Council would not make weekly checks of the recreation ground, as the prime liability rests with the school. iv. It was agreed to reduce the fees from £150 to £75 for Bridge Football Club to £75 for 2003/4. 147. It was agreed to invite C.A. Metcalf from Canterbury City Council to a meeting of the Parish Council to discuss parking issues. 148.It was agreed that Cllr Hill would draft a resolution concerning local member allowances for approval at the next meeting. 149. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque): RBLI £30 (no cycling signs) Tina Burchell salary November £308.78 and office allowance November £50 Total £358.78 Petty cash reimbursement £29.05 Seeboard Contracting Services £120.36 (street lighting maintenance November) Seeboard Energy – £115.85 (£16.02 power October and £99.83 power November) Southern Water £23.83 (water meter charges at allotments from 13th June to 28th November 2003) Kent County Council £204.44 (grounds maintenance) Ewart J Clough £227.36 (Christmas trees) KCC Grounds maintenance £204.44 (grounds maintenance) 21 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 8th January 2004 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Dobson, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vice-chairman), and Lewis 150. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beinder, Corfield and Edmonds. 151. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th December 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 11th December 2003 were confirmed and signed by the chairman. 152. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to request another copy of the accounts produced by RBS accounting solutions for 2002/3. b. Local Member Allowances i. It was agreed that the Chairman should be entitled to an allowance of up to £100 per Council year and that members of the council would be entitled to reimbursement of expenses and mileage allowance, in accordance with the casual user scale published by the NALC from time to time, incurred in connection with authorised Council business. ii. It was agreed that payment would only to be made on production of the appropriate vouchers or receipts. 153. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Mill Centre- Cllr Gulvin reported that Canterbury City Council has agreed to amend the Mill Centre lease to allow non-uniformed groups to use the Mill Centre. 154. Report from sub-committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees It was agreed that the clerk would contact East Kent County Environmental Management about i) a tree blocking pathway (CB304) that runs from the Flint Cottage to the disused railway line ii) cutting back the edge of pathway (CB304) before the spring. b. Streets Footways and lighting i. It was noted that the Highland Investment Company Limited has agreed to keep the gap clear between the fence and the pavement outside 2 and 4 Riverside Close along Patrixbourne Road. ii. The receipt of a questionnaire from Kent Police was noted. iii. The receipt of the Stakeholders consultation on the open spaces strategy and play strategy was noted. c. Recreation Ground i. It was noted that SERCO have agreed to carry out a one off clearance of rubbish from around the recreation ground. ii. It was noted that the clerk has sent Broomfield Football Club a reminder for its fees of £350 for 2003/4. 155. Parish Plan. It was agreed that the Parish Plan Steering Group would meet next on 29th January in the Hunter Room. 156. Accounts i. It was noted that Steve Sutton has approved the accounts from 1st April to 30th September 2003. ii. The receipt of the accounts for 2002/3 in layman’s terms produced by Michael Stewart was noted. 157. Cllr Esdale reported that i) BT has set a target for broadband in Bridge by Easter and that ii) Shepherd Neame have installed a broadband system in the Plough and Harrow as a test site. The tests should start in mid-January and last until the end of March. 158. It was agreed to adopt the phone mast policy produced by the planning committee. 159. It was agreed that the youth group could use part of the grant supplied by the Parish Council to stock its tuck shop. 160. The Parish Council accepted the revised quote from KCC of £1519.41 for ground maintenance for 2004/5 at Bridge Recreation Ground. 161. It was agreed that the clerk would invite Ruth Goudie to a site meeting about the parking issues at Western Avenue with Cllr Esdale. The Parish Council agreed with the suggestion from Kent Highways to 22 paint an access highlight across the path at the Union Road end of the footpath between Union and Filmer Road. 162. Concurrent Function Funding: It was agreed to repair the safety glass at the bus shelter by the Post office and to repair the loose board at the shelter at near Higham Park. It was agreed that BVST would obtain quotes for repainting the sports pavilion. 163. It was agreed to obtain a quote from Plough and Harrow for providing the drinks at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed to invite the following speakers Cllr Vye, Cllr Anderson, a representative from the Youth Club, the Allotment Society Chairman, the village hall booking secretary, and the new superintendent DCI Joanna Young. It was agreed that if DCI Young is not free then Amanda Sparkes of Canterbury City Council should be invited to speak about the rural youth bus 164. Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Gillett and Johnson £116.33 (village hall clock annual service) Seeboard Contracting Services- £120.36 (maintenance December) CPRE £25 (annual membership) BVHMC £749.30 (village hall maintenance grant 2003/4) Tina Burchell £369.08 (salary and office allowance December 2003) Petty Cash £44.93 BT £52.66 (clerks phone line) Seeboard Energy £99.83 (December) P Coker £44.36 (youth group grant) and £85.94 (youth group grant) Bounty Pest control £82.25 (pest control- increase visits to 12 per year) 25 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2004 at 8pm in Bridge Village Hall Bob Pollard of Parking Services was present prior to the meeting to meet with councillors and a large number of parishioners to discuss concerns about parking in Bridge. Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vicechairman), and Lewis 165. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 166. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman subject to amending min ref 160 to read: ‘The Parish Council accepted the revised quote from KCC of £1519.41 for ground maintenance for 2004/5 at Bridge Recreation Ground and agreed that the clerk would write to KCC to express the Council’s concerns about the large increase in maintenance fees.’ 167. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to defer a decision about the level of grant to be given to BVST for repainting the sports pavilion until the next meeting. b. The Parish Council approved the amended accounts produced by RBS Accounting Solutions for 2002/3. 168. Reports from Representatives to outside Bodies a. Rural Youth Bus- Cllr Dobson reported that i) the youth bus would visit the village fortnightly between 7.30 and 9pm ii) the bus is available from 7pm but unfortunately the Beavers use the Mill Centre until 7.30pm iii) the Parish Council is awaiting confirmation of its contribution to toward the cost of hiring the Mill Centre for the youth group. b. Rural Area Members Panel Meeting- Cllr Esdale reported i) on the different levels of funding suggested by Canterbury City Council for the 2004/5 Concurrent Functions Funding Grant. ii) that the Parish Contributions Scrutiny Panel is meeting on 23rd March in Bridge Village Hall. It was agreed that Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin would attend this meeting along with the clerk. iii) that the Rural Area Members Panel would meet next on 15th March 2004 at 7pm c. Fish Scheme-It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds should stand on the executive committee of the FISH as required in the FISH scheme constitution. d. Local Authority Members allowances- The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Hill about the Parish Remuneration Panel meeting on 11th December 2003. e. Parish Council/ Police Forum Meeting- The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Beinder. It was agreed that Cllrs Beesty and Lewis would represent the Parish Council at future meetings. It was agreed not to invite the crime bus to the village or to organise a trip to the Police Control Centre. It was agreed that all councillors would continue to phone the police about non-emergency matters instead of nominating one individual. Cllrs Esdale and Lewis agreed to attend the training to use the police speed camera. It was agreed to request more volunteers in the Parish Council Newsletter to train to use a speed camera and also investigate any cost implications to the Parish Council. f. Parish Plan Steering Group- Cllr Esdale reported that i) the Parish Plan steering group now has a committee of nine people. ii). Cllrs Dobson and Hill have agreed to represent the Parish Council iii) the steering group will meet next in the Hunter Room on 19th February at 7.30pm. 169. Reports from sub-committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: 1 High Street, Bridge- repollard hazel tree in rear of garden b. Streets Footways and lighting i. The receipt of the Kent Police Community Speed Watch Document was noted. ii. Cllr Lewis reported that Canterbury City Council is assuming responsibility of the Mill Lane hedges. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Lewis for his hard work maintaining the hedges to date. c. Recreation Ground i. Cllr Beesty agreed to repaint some of the play equipment in the children’s play area. ii. The Parish Council agreed the amendments to the Recreation Ground Review Group questionnaire that is to be circulated with the next newsletter. 24 170. Concurrent Functions Funding Grant 2004/5 The Parish Council is still waiting for a decision about the level of concurrent functions funding grant it will receive from Canterbury City Council. It is known that street lighting costs are no longer considered eligible for funding. 171. Bridge In Bloom – It was agreed that the Parish Council would promote Bridge in Bloom 2004 in the next newsletter. 172. Allotments i. It was agreed that Cllr Beesty would amend the allotment tenancy agreement to match the allotment lease from Cantley Ltd. It was agreed to review the Parish Council’s insurance with respect to public liability. It was agreed that Allotment Association should look into insurance for the allotment holders. ii. It was agreed that the Parish Council would apply for grant from the Kentish Stour Project to plant a hedge around the allotments. iii. It was agreed to pay the full amount for the sheds (£10,215.45 includes VAT), subject to receiving a grant in advance from Cantley Ltd for half of the net amount (£4347). It was noted that the sheds are to be erected on 25th February. 173. Parish Council Meetings. It was agreed to continue holding Parish Council meetings in the village hall. 174. Street lights-It was agreed to raise the issue of returning the streetlights in Bridge to the control of Canterbury City Council with the Parish Contributions Scrutiny Review Panel on 23rd March 2004. 175. Recreation ground- It was agreed to write to Allianz Cornhill and ask them to be more specific about the weekly checks that they would like to be undertaken at the recreation ground. 176. Publicity Group. – The Parish Council approved the current newsletter. It was agreed that the chairman and the clerk would vet future newsletters prior to circulation, although the newsletter would still be circulated to all councillors for comments. It was agreed that the Parish Council would meet the costs of hosting Bridge Village website. It was agreed to use the post office notice board for Parish Council publicity. It was agreed to take up Canterbury City Council©s offer of a web page, and use a subset of Bridge Village Website for its content. 177. It was agreed to write to Kent Highways about the poor drainage of the pavement along Patrixbourne Road and enclose the photographic evidence supplied by Cllr Corfield. 178. It was agreed to accept the quotation from JK Property Services of £225 plus VAT to provide a bench for the bus shelter by the dentist. It was agreed to ask SERCO to supply new bins at the bus shelters by the dentist and by Higham Park. 178. It was agreed that no action is required at present with regard to the trees from the recreation ground backing onto 9 and 65 Riverside Close. 179.The Parish Council agreed with the suggested traffic regulation review from Kent Highways about parking restrictions on the North Western side of Western Avenue. 180. Bifron’s Street light (clerk, 3.2.04) a. It was noted that Kent Highways have agreed that the Parish Council can leave the Bifron’s streetlight in its current position as they currently maintain the Bifron’s footpath. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Seeboard about wiring up the Bifron’s streetlight. b. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Canterbury City Council to request their bill to date. It was noted that Wragge and Co solicitors have estimated that their bill to date is £1100 plus VAT. It was agreed to offer Wragge and Co solicitors £300 for their services to date, the same amount estimated by Canterbury City Council. c. It was agreed to pay reasonable costs towards the cutting back the trees at the Whitehorse. It was agreed to request an estimate for planned works to the trees from Alan Walton. 181. It was agreed to accept the quotations of £195 plus VAT for repairing the bus shelter by Higham Park and £174 plus VAT for the notice board by the Whitehorse from JK Property Services. It was however agreed to not to repair the bus shelter by the post office for the time being since the bus stop has moved. 182.The Parish Council noted the receipt of the following payments from Bridge Football Club of £75, from Seeboard of £3.45, from HM Customs and Excise of £397.89, from Bridge Allotment Association of £23.83 (water bill) and from local residents of £60 (Christmas tree donations). 183. Sealing of documents 25 The Parish Council approved the sealing of the Bridge Football Club agreement and the Seeboard Contracting Services quotation for the replacing street light 18 along Western Avenue at a cost of £774.79 plus VAT. 184. Authorisation of items for payment: The following items were authorised for payment: Helen Daley £ 4.14 (Youth group expenses) BVHMC £ 29.00 (hall hire) Seeboard Contracting Services £120.36 (maintenance January) Seeboard Contracting Services £120.36 (maintenance February) Seeboard Contracting Services £54.64 (street light at Western Avenue) Seeboard Energy £99.83 (power supply January) Nailbourne Scout Group £2000 (Mill Centre Heating) Cllr Esdale £149.09 (Christmas tree expenses) Petty Cash £41.05 (reimbursement) T Burchell £ 369.08 (clerks salary and office allowance January 2004) KRCC £35 (membership 2004/5) Langley Packing Company £10,215.45 (sheds at Bridge Allotments) BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 11th March 2004 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill (vicechairman), and Lewis 185. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hill and Lewis. 186. Minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman subject to amending minute reference 169bi to read ‘ The receipt of the Kent Police Community Speed watch Document was noted and it was agreed to publicise this in the newsletter’ and minute reference 172 ii.to read ‘It was agreed that the Allotment Association could apply for a grant from the Kentish Stour Project to plant a hedge around the allotments’. 187. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to write to Mona Butrous and advise her that the Parish Council is unable to provide a written guarantee that the sycamore trees at the recreation ground will never fall on her house. b. It was agreed to write to the owners of the Post office to ask for their opinion about the bus shelter outside the post office. c. It was agreed to contact Allianz Cornhill Insurers about the additional cost of insuring the allotment sheds. It was noted that the Allotment Association have already insured the sheds this year. d. It was agreed to defer a decision about undertaking weekly checks of the recreation ground and playground until further information has been obtained from Allianz Cornhill. 188. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Beesty about the KAPC meeting on 14th January 2004 b. The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Esdale about the meeting with Ruth Goudie from KCC Highways on 11th February 2004. c. The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Gulvin about BVST meeting on 24th February 2004. It was agreed to review the Bounty Pest Control contract in October, as their action so far seems to have had little affect on the moles. It was agreed to make a grant of £300 to BVST for 2003/4. 189. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: a. The Whitehorse Inn Bridge-reduce T1 by 1/3 and reduce overhang from neighbours side, T11 reduce storm damage limb and reduce tree below tear and overhang, T15 dismantle large ash, T16 and T17 remove major dead wood from both trees, T18 sever ivy and remove dead wood and T19 cut back dense ivy growth and lift all round b. 17 Union Road- fell two large conifers on rear of boundary 190. The receipt of party wall award for village hall was noted. 191. It was noted that a meeting to look at rural crime will take place on 13th March 2004 at Petham Village Hall 192. It was agreed that it would be unlawful to amend the standing orders to allow decisions to be made on resolutions that are not included on the agenda. It was agreed that the agenda should be delivered on the Friday before meetings to allow enough time for all councillors to include relevant items on the agenda. 193. It was agreed to accept the quotation from SERCO to clear litter from the recreation ground on a fortnightly basis at a cost of £20 plus VAT per visit for a trial six-month period. It was agreed to review this arrangement after six months. 194.It was agreed to order a wet pour kit from Wychwood repair services at a cost of £145 plus VAT. 195.It was agreed not to contribute £35 towards the Kent and Sussex Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group. 196. It was agreed to circulate the information about protecting recreation grounds. 197.It was agreed to establish the ownership of the land between the river and the footpath by the recreation ground along Patrixbourne Road before making any decision about cutting the grass. It was agreed to ask Kent Highways for a quote to clear this land on a regular basis. 198. It was agreed to ask the Parish Plan Steering Group to consider applying for the Kent Village of the Year in 2004/5. 199. It was agreed to write to Colin Carmichael at Canterbury City Council about i) the shortfall in Bridge Parish Council budget 2004/5 caused by the delay in Canterbury City Council fixing the concurrent functions grant for 2004/5 ii) to ask for a grant to make up the shortfall in the budget or to ask if it would be possible to hand over some concurrent functions to Canterbury city council iii) to advise that the Parish Council will take advise from the financial ombudsmen if there is not some resolution to this situation. It was agreed to make up the shortfall in the concurrent functions grant of £3796 from Parish Council Reserves. It was agreed to give the Parish Plan Steering Group a £500 grant from the general reserves (section111). 200. It was agreed to write to the SRA and object to plans to reduce the number of train services from Bekesbourne and other rural stations. It was agreed to copy all correspondence to Jill Thomas, clerk to Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council. 201. It was agreed to write to the police about the parking problems on the corner of Conyngham Lane highlighted by Davis Latham. 202. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain additional quotes for a notice board for Bridge Down. 203. It was agreed to write to Gomez at Highland Court Farm about the problems with TIR drivers not being able to find Highland Court Farm. 204. It was agreed to use RBS Accounting Solutions to prepare the year-end accounts for 2003/4. 205. The parish council received the report from Cllr Lewis about the Parish Scrutiny Panel. It was agreed to discuss the suggestion withhold payment for street lighting costs at the next Parish Council meeting. 206.It was agreed to write to Kent Highways about providing a grit bin for Bridge Down. 207. The receipt of the £4347 from Cantley Ltd towards the allotments sheds and £20 for Christmas trees were noted. 208. Sealing of documents The Parish Council approved the BACS payments form from Canterbury City Council. It was agreed to seal the amended standing orders (minute reference 70) at the next meeting. 209. Authorisation of the following items for payment. PAYEE SLCC KAPC BVST Seeboard Contracting Services AMOUNT £ 72.00 £ 47.00 £ To be agreed £1217.72 Seeboard Contracting Services Seeboard Contracting Services Andrew Osborn FPD Savills Tina Burchell Canterbury City Council £910.38 £120.36 £ 40 £225 £ 348.49 £ 572 Wychwood Play Services BVST SERCO £170.37 £300 PURPOSE Membership Planning information day- Cllr Beinder Grant Street light Conyngham Lane (note that quote was for £1395 plus VAT) Streetlight Western Avenue Street lighting maintenance March 2004 Fence panel at recreation ground Recreation ground fees Salary and office allowance February 2004 Legal costs for Bifron’s Path light (discount £200 as a goodwill gesture) Wet Pour Kit Grant 2003/4 Litter collection April –Sept 2004 28 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 8th April at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale (chairman), Gulvin, Hill and Lewis 210. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 211. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman 212. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to make a grant to the Allotment Association for the insurance of sheds at the allotments of £247. It was agreed that should a claim be made any excess costs would be passed onto the Allotment Association. b. It was agreed to repair the side panel of the bus shelter outside of the post office. It was agreed to request a revised quotation from JK Property Services. c. It was agreed to write a letter of support to Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council about the proposed reduction in train services and to carry out an internet survey, along the same lines as the Bekesbourne survey regarding train use. It was agreed to write to the SRA, and Canterbury City Council about the concerns of Bridge Parish Council of reducing rural train services at the expense of running a faster service to London. d. It was agreed to defer a decision about undertaking weekly checks of the recreation ground and playground until further information has been obtained from Allianz Cornhill. It was agreed to review the Parish Insurance at the next meeting. e. It was agreed to purchase a grit bin for Bridge Down, subject to carrying out a survey of Bridge Down to ask if local residents would like a bin and where it could be positioned. 213. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Bridge In Bloom: Cllr Edmonds reported that i) all of the businesses in the High Street have been given a reminder about the Bridge in Bloom competition ii) a paragraph will be in May’s Parish Magazine and also in the gazette Bridge news at least twice before the judging date Bridge in Bloom. b. Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group: Cllr Gulvin reported that the River Management Group will meet again in May and that the group is waiting for the results of a search through the sewer. c. Art in Bridge Group: The Parish Council received a report from Cllr Corfield on behalf of the Art in Bridge Group. Cllr Corfield reported that the Art exhibition this year would take place on 16th and 17th October. 214. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: 8 High Street Bridge - trim back Leylandii back to the boundary 215. It was noted that Simon Knights has resigned as tree warden. It was agreed to write and thank Simon for his work as a warden. 216. It was agreed to amend point 13 of the allotment tenancy to match point 12 of the Cantley agreement. 217. It was agreed to ask Kent Police to undertake a speed survey through the village at the following locations, Bridge Hill, Town Hill and Patrixbourne Road. It was also agreed to request a copy of the raw data from the survey. 218. It was agreed not to apply for funding from the Kent and Medway Rural Transport partnerships for more cycle hoops, but to instead to apply for funding to repair the post office bus shelter. 219. It was agreed to set the level of fees for Bridge Juniors FC at £50 per year to use the recreation ground. 220. It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council to take over the street lighting in Bridge. It was agreed to ask KAPC about the legality of the Parish Council cancelling the Seeboard energy contract and suggesting to Seeboard Energy that Canterbury City Council would pay any future bills. It was agreed to alert KAPC to the situation and ask if they have any suggestions of what to do next. 221. It was agreed to offer Wragge and Co Solicitors the same amount as Canterbury City Council to settle the bill for the Bifron’s street light easement. It was agreed to remind Wragge and Co. 1) of their duty of care and ii) their bill to date is more than the costs of the actual streetlight. 29 222. It was agreed to make a one off contribution for maintaining the trees at the Whitehorse of £100. 223. It was agreed to pay the KAPC subscription for 2004/5 and to continue to order the Local Council Review and Parish news. 224. It was agreed to approach previous clerks with regard to covering the Tina Burchell’s maternity leave. It was agreed to ask KAPC whether it was lawful for the council to hold meetings without a clerk. It was agreed that the clerk would work until the end of June. It was agreed to pay statutory maternity pay, which can be claimed back in full from the Inland Revenue for six months and then for the clerks to continue unpaid leave for up to six months. 225. It was agreed not to purchase a 2- drawer filing cabinet for the History Society. It was however noted that it is necessary to resolve the long-term problem of storing parish records. It was agreed to ask the parish plan group to consider the long-term storage of parish records in the parish plan. 226. It was agreed to contact the Shirley family about naming the pathway between Union and Filmer Road Laurie’s Path in honour of the late Lawrence Shirley. It was agreed to ask permission from Canterbury City Council to name the alleyway. 227. It was agreed to write to the City Council to protest against the proposed reduction to rubbish collection. It was however agreed to point out that the parish council was actually split on this decision. 228. It was agreed to object to Kent County Council plans to allow lorries to use Cold Harbour Lane as an access road to the Ovendon Landfill site. The Parish Council agreed with the Kent County Council (Cold Harbour lane, Bekesbourne (Width restriction) Order 2004 and requested that vehicles serving Ovendons should not be exempt from the order. 229.It was agreed to thank Interroute for responding to Mrs Parmiter’s letter about the loud banging noise that can be heard when traffic uses the A2 Bridge over Patrixbourne Road. It was agreed to express the concern of the Bridge Parish Council over structural safety of the bridge and to ask if Bridge Parish Council can be notified when a date has been agreed to undertake the repairs. 300. It was agreed to write to SERCO to ask if they are able to provide a more suitable bin outside of the recreation ground along Patrixbourne Road, as the current bin liner is often thrown in the river. 301.It was agreed to defer a decision about apply for planning permission to build a crossing to enter the allotments until further information has been received from Kent Highways. It was agreed that allotment holders should not park on the allotment at the present time. 302. The receipt of £300 from Exiles at Bridge in respect of the fees for 2004/5 and £350 from Broomfield in respect of 2003/4 fees was noted. 303. It was noted that Canterbury City Council has advised that Bridge Parish Council cannot retain the remainder of the capital funding bid for 2003/4 of £359. 304. Sealing of Documents The chairman signed the Bridge Parish Council’s standing orders, the Exiles at Bridge agreement for 2004/5 and the Broomfield United FC agreement for 2003/4 305. It was noted that the Audit Commission has requested the return of the annual audit form by 1st June 2004. 306. Authorisation of the following items for payment. PAYEE Seeboard Energy AMOUNT £99.83 Tina Burchell Cash Seeboard Contracting Services Seeboard energy JK Property Services JK Property Services JK Property Services £369.08 £22.10 £2049.26 £99.83 £264.38 £204.45 £229.13 PURPOSE Lighting costs February 2004 (paid at March meeting) Clerks salary and office allowance March 2004 Petty cash up 31st March 2004 Bifron’s streetlight Lighting costs March 2004 Bus shelter adjacent to Bridge, High Street Whitehorse notice board Bus Shelter opposite Higham Court 28 Plough and Harrow BT Seeboard Contracting Services KAPC £37.43 £50.94 £120.36 £394.60 APM refreshments Clerks phone line rental and calls Maintenance April Membership, Parish News and Local Council Review BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 13th May 2004 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis (chairman) 1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield. 2. Election of the Chairman for 2004-5 Cllr Lewis was proposed for the post of chairman by Cllr Esdale and seconded by Cllr Gulvin. 3. The Parish Council received Cllr Lewis’s declaration for acceptance of office. 4. Election of Vice-Chairman for 2004-5 Cllr Hill was proposed for the post of vice-chairman by Cllr Gulvin and seconded by Cllr Esdale. 5. Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies. The following councillors and local people were appointed as representatives to outside bodies: a) Parish Council Police Forum- Cllrs Lewis and Esdale b) Kent Association of Parish Council- Cllr Beesty c) Village Hall Management Committee- Cllrs Beinder and Dobson d) Mill Centre Management Committee- Cllrs Gulvin and Dobson e) BVST- Cllr Gulvin f) Nailbourne and Little Stour River Management Group- Cllr Gulvin g) Allotment Association- Cllr Dobson h) Parish Plan- Cllrs Dobson and Hill i) Rural Area Member Panel Meeting- Cllr Esdale j) Parish Forum Meetings- Cllr Edmonds k) Rural Youth Bus/ Youth Group meetings- Cllr Dobson l) KRCC - Joan Monk m) Street monitor meetings - Cllr Esdale n) Cllr John Anderson’s surgeries- Cllr Lewis 6. Appointment of Members of the Planning Committee The following councillors were appointed as representatives to the planning committee: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and Hill 7. Appointment of Representatives to Advisory Committees The following councillors and local people were appointed as representatives to outside bodies: Recreation Ground- Cllrs Beesty, Corfield and Gulvin Streets, Footways and Lighting- Maurice Smith Environment - Cllr Edmonds (footpaths), Joan Monk (trees) and Andrew Pearson (trees) 8. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th April 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman 9. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. It was agreed to name the Alleyway between Union and Filmer Road ‘Laurie’ s Way’. b. Carol Baker has agreed to cover Tina Burchell’s maternity leave. It was agreed to divert all calls to Carol’s phone line from 1st July 2004. It was agreed formally write and offer Carol the post. c. It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would apply for planning permission on behalf of the Parish Council for vehicular access to the allotments. 10. Reports from Advisory Committees a) Environment: Footpaths & Trees Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: The Willows, Patrixbourne Lane Bridge- remove 3 pollarded lime trees causing structural damage to adjoining neighbour’s wall. It was agreed to write to Jon Lambourne at Canterbury city Council accepting that the work is necessary but that the council would like to see the trees replaced in the next six months. b) Recreation Ground- The Parish Council received the results of the recreation ground survey from Cllr Beesty. 11. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a) The Parish Council received the Parish Council Police Forum report from Cllr Lewis dated 6th April 2004 b) Cllr Dobson reported that there have been problems with equipment and supplies belonging to the youth group going missing from the Mill Centre. It was agreed that this issue would be raised at the next Mill Centre Committee meeting. 12. It was agreed that the parish council would support any future walking bus schemes in Bridge initiated by the school. 13.It was agreed that no amendments were needed to the Parish Council Risk Assessment. 14. Budget 2004/5 and reserves. It was agreed increase the asset replacement budget to £4000 and the Allotment budget to £1784.76. It was agreed to reduce the contingency fund to £3500. It was agreed to pay £50 per term to the youth group to hire the Mill Centre. It was agreed to discuss capital projects and long term budgetary planning at the next meeting. 15. It was agreed to ask ROSPA to undertake the annual play equipment inspection at the recreation ground. 16. The Parish Council agreed their response to the following public consultation documents: Proposed Changes to the Draft Regional Transport Strategy Proposed Alterations to Regional Planning Guidance SE- Regional Minerals Strategy. Proposed Alterations to Regional Planning Guidance SE- Regional Waste Management Strategy 17. Correspondence a) It was agreed to write to Chris Maclean of the Plough and Harrow advising that the parish council would look into his request to remove double yellow lines from the High Street. b) The reply from Colin Carmichael at Canterbury City Council about the concurrent functions funding grant for 2004/ 5 was noted. c) A vote was held regarding the article 4.2 direction and it was agreed 5:2 not to object to the article 4.2 direction. d) The receipt of letter from David Brenchley of Kent Police about parking problems in Bridge was noted. It was agreed to pursue the issue of parking in Bridge with Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways. e) It was agreed to ask Martin Solis of Canterbury City Council to replace the green bins by the butchers and post office with black bins. Cllr Hill departed at 10pm f) It was agreed to place an item in ‘On the Nail’ about people illegally parking on the zigzag lines by the zebra crossings. g) It was agreed that the Parish Council could take no further action about the condition of the road at Bourne View. h) It was agreed to write to the school, Bob Pollard of parking services and Kent Highways about the parking problems along Riverside Close highlighted by Mona Butrous. i) It was agreed to ask Mona Butrous to refer back to the Parish Council’s letter of 16th February 2004 concerning the sycamore trees at the recreation ground. j It was agreed not to offer any funds to C4B for a feasibility study for the A2 road links k) It was agreed not to sponsor poop a scoop bags. 17. It was agreed that the school could use the recreation ground for the school fete on 19th June provided that that both the weather and the ground are dry. 18. It was noted that Bill Oakey and David Daws have agreed to continue to maintain the flower planters by the allotments. It was agreed to pay for any bulbs and plants that might be needed for the planters. 19. It was agreed to ask KCC grounds maintenance if they would provide a quote to strim the grass between the river and the footway at the recreation ground along Patrixbourne Road 5 times per year. 20. It was agreed to ask JK Property services to install a notice board at Bridge Down, subject to permission being granted from Kent Highways. 21. It was agreed to review the Parish Council’s insurance at the next meeting. 22. The Parish Council discussed the fence between 29 Brewery Lane and Church Meadow. 23. The receipt of £2565.65 from HM Customs and Excise (VAT reclaim Jan- March 2004) and £100 from Bridge Tennis Club was noted 24. It was noted that Interroute anticipates that remedial work on the expansion joint at the A2 Overbridge will take place in at the beginning of July 2004. 25. It was noted that SERCO has agreed to fix bin liner to the bin along Patrixbourne Road outside of the recreation ground. 26. SEALING OF DOCUMENTS. The chairman signed the new Seeboard Energy Standing order of £108.21 per month for street lighting. 27. Authorisation of the following items for payment. PAYEEAMOUNTPURPOSEAllotment Association £247Shed InsuranceTina Burchell£358.78Clerk’s salary April 2004BVST As per budgetBVST Grant 2004/5Petty CashTo be calculatedPostage, paper, envelopes On the Nail£100DonationD. Possee£30PlantersSeeboard Energy£99.83Street lighting- AprilBVHMC£37Hall hire chargesSeeboard Contracting Services£127.14Street lighting May BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th June at 7.30pm in the Hunter Room of Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill 29. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Lewis. 30. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman 31. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Bridge Down Notice Board- It was agreed to obtain a revised quote from JK Property Services to build a notice board. It was agreed to obtain a quote from SERCO to install the notice board. b. A2/ M2/A249 Route Management Strategy -It was agreed that the clerk would advise BABTIE that the Parish Council supported option E of the suggested actions to improve the Canterbury Slip Road (at junction with A2) c. Capital Projects and Long Term Financial Planning It was agreed to move £1000 from the contingency fund to recreation ground reserves. It was agreed to move £1469.38 from the general reserve to pay the outstanding costs for the Bifrons Street Light. It was agreed to obtain quotes for a basketball hoop and skateboard area at Bridge Recreation ground. 32. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. KAPC- the parish council received the KAPC report from Cllr Lewis b. Parish Plan Group- It was noted that the group would have a stall at the school fete on June 19th 2004. It was noted that the Parish Plan Group intends to send out questionnaires in the autumn. c. BVST- it was noted that a questionnaire has been received from the rating office. d. Mill Centre- The Parish Council received the minutes of Mill Centre meeting on 25th May 2004. It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would attend the meeting on 21st June, as there are possible plans to sell the Mill Centre. 33. Reports from Advisory committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served · Eastbridge House, Bridge Hill- reduce and reshape 4 yew tree by 30%, to remove overhang above road and above lawn drive but to maintain hedge like appearance to continue screening from the road · 15 The Close Union Road Bridge- remove one leylandii on left hand boundary and two conifers on right hand boundary 34. Bifrons street Light It was agreed to pay the bill for the Bifrons street light of £1352.02 including VAT at the July meeting. 35. It was agreed to consider any suitable candidates for the Kent Volunteer Awards 2004. 36. It was agreed to adopt the amendments to the agreements with clubs using the recreation ground suggested by NALC. It was also agreed to include an additional clause in the agreements stating that this lease would not override the head lease between Bridge Parish Council and Cantley Estates Ltd. 37. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would attend the Parish Contributions Scrutiny Review meeting on 17th June. 38. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to supply a ledge to stub out cigarettes at the High Street bus shelter, but the quote of £265 plus VAT (which included delivery and installation) for the Cigarette bin was too high. 39 It was agree to order two 6 ft soft wood picnic benches from Britannic Outdoor furniture Ltd provided that delivery could be arranged in the next few weeks. It was agreed to fix the benches to the ground with 4 stakes. 40. It was agreed not to pursue the installation of a grit bin at Bridge Down until a suitable location could be found. It was agreed to investigate the costs of residents storing bags of grit in their own garage during the winter months. 41. Correspondence a. It was noted that Kent Highways have offered to pay for and install a ‘Laurie’s way sign at each end of the Union Road /Filmer Road Alleyway. The Parish Council agreed the positions of the each sign. b. The Parish Council agreed with the suggestions by David Spenser to resolve some of the parking problems along Dering Close and along the High Street. c. It was noted that Kent Highways have approved parking restrictions along Western Avenue but as yet there are no available funds. It was also noted that Kent Highways are considering further parking restrictions at Conyngham Lane, Dering Road and Riverside Close. It was agreed to write to Kent Highways to object to the implementation of parking restrictions along Riverside Close and to pursue outstanding parking improvements around the village. d. The Parish Council noted the response from the school about parking along Riverside Close. e. The response from Canterbury City Council about street lighting in Bridge was noted. Cllr Gulvin left the meeting at 9.30pm 42. It was agreed that the 5 on 1 team could use the recreation ground on i) Mondays 10-11.45 during the summer holidays to run youth sessions for 5-11 year olds and also ii) 1st July for a family day. 43. It was agreed that the Parish Council would undertake weekly checks of the recreation ground. It was agreed to ask KAPC about the liability of individuals undertaking the checks. It was agreed that the clerk would devise a suitable checklist. 44. It was agreed not to investigate residents only parking and limited parking along the High Street 45. The receipt of £15,228 (concurrent functions and precept) from Canterbury City Council was noted. 46. Sealing of documents – It was agreed to defer the signing of Carol Baker’s contract until the next meeting, until both Carol and the parish council had been given the opportunity to make any amendments. 47. It was noted that the parish accounts 2003/4 would be available for inspection by the public at 92 High Street Bridge from 18th June to the 19th July 10-1pm 48. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE AMOUNT PURPOSE £500 £113.88 £369.08 £45.04 Cheque no. 1025 1026 1027 1028 Parish Plan Group SERCO Tina Burchell Seeboard Contracting Services Seeboard Energy Allianz Cornhill Bridge Youth Group KAPC Petty Cash SLCC £99.83 £1756.41 £50 £3.88 £24.36 £24 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 Lighting costs Insurance Mill Centre fees RBLI signs Seeboard Contracting Services £3.97 £18.93 1036 1037 Grant Bench installation Salary May 2004 Street light Higham Lane Postage, envelopes Clerks manual update with legislation up to March 2004 Clips for signs at the recreation ground Maintenance June (part paid by SO) BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th July at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill 49. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman 50. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Agreed not to consider volunteers for the Kent Volunteer awards 2004. b. Recreation Ground Sub Committee to agree risk assessment, and draw up a list of regular checks to be carried out weekly on the Bridge Recreation ground. Mr Taylor has offered to undertake these checks when the list is available. Chairman accepted his offer. Proposal of checks to be carried out to be brought to the next meeting. c. Agreed to order two 5ft pre treated picnic benches and stainless steel stakes for the recreation ground at a cost of £125 and £25 each plus VAT. Delivery £25. Delivery contacts to be Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin. d. Bridge Down Notice Board- Revised quote from JK Property Services to build a notice board had not been received. It was agreed to obtain a quote from SERCO to install the notice board. e. Grit Bin at Bridge Down In the absence of anyone willing to have a grit bin on their land the PC are unable to take this idea further. The recommendation of the council is that residents take their own action. 51. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Received the report from Cllr Hill about Parish Contributions Scrutiny Review meeting on 17.6.04. . When Street Lighting is returned to CCC the insurance premium will be reduced by £600.00. b. Received the report from Cllr Esdale about Street Monitoring Meeting. c. Little Stour Management Group – Cllr Gulvin to attend the next meeting and report to the PC in September. 52. Reports from Advisory Committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge – Fell One dead silver birch tree, fell one elder and reduce the crown and thin one Lime tree – passed to Joan Monk Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge – Fell large Cyprus tree in close proximity to front of property – passed to Joan Monk. Little Bridge Place, Mill Lane, Bridge, - Fell Ash tree in the field to the right of Little Bridge Farm as a result of storm damage – passed to Joan Monk. 53. Matters of Discussion and Action a. Christmas Tree Lights - Cllr Esdale proposed we use a specialist event insurer for the project, he will look into for next meeting. b. It was agreed to accept the quote of £150 plus VAT to strim the grass between the footpath and the river 5 times per year from KCC grounds. c. It was agreed that the Youth Group could use the recreation ground every other Tuesday night through the summer months. d. Letter received from Cllr Lewis about chairmanship. e. It was agreed to provide materials and safety equipment for Richard Taylor whilst he undertakes the repainting the equipment at the play area if permission is granted from Allianz Cornhill. To be discussed with recreation committee. f. The Parish Council discussed the implications of the planning application with a view to whether the land could be used in the Parish Plan for something else, i.e. social housing. It was agreed that this was not an appropriate time to consider this. g. Accepted Richard Taylor’s offer to undertake an inspection of the condition of wooden surfaces, like benches at the recreation ground not covered by his previous survey. h. Discussed and agreed how the judging for the Bridge in Bloom Competition will be organised. 54. Correspondence a) The Countryside Agency – map of registered common land and open country for SE England. b) Martin Sollis of Street Scene, confirming that the green bins in Bridge will be replaced, and a new bin has been ordered for the bus shelter. c) Catalogue from Playdale for adventure trails and basket ball hoops – passed to the Recreation Committee. d) Environment Agency – Flood warning update – passed to Cllr. Gulvin. e) E-mail from Cllr Anderson about phone masts – to be circulated. Question to go on web site – Cllr Esdale to organise. f) Request to park a Fish and Chip van along side the recreation ground on Monday evenings – Thank the person for notifying the PC, who are not in a position to object. g) Canterbury District Local Plan – First Review Public Local Enquiry Cllr Esdale to complete questionnaire and return by 27th July. 55. Noted the receipt of £1974.48 from the Inland Revenue for T Burchell’s maternity pay from July to December 2004. 56. Noted that Steve Sutton, internal auditor, has approved the accounts subject some minor amendments 57. Sealing of documents a) The Clerk’s one year contract from 1st July 2004 It was agreed to defer the signing of the contract until the next meeting, until both the clerk and the parish council had been given the opportunity to make any amendments. b) Cllr Lewis’s declaration of acceptance of office was signed. 58. Letter of authorisation to transfer funds between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council, deferred as the bank had transferred funds incorrectly, The clerk will speak to Tina before she goes on holiday. 59. Parish Accounts 2003/4 produced by RBS Accounting Solutions/Annual Return for Audit Commission signed by the Chairman. 60. PAYE year-end return 2003/4 handed to councillors who had claimed mileage above 40p a mile. 61. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE Wragge and co Tina Burchell Petty Cash Seeboard Contracting Services Seeboard Energy Tina Burchell Carol Baker Britannic Outdoor furniture BT RBS Accounting Solutions AMOUNT £1352.02 £358.78 £25.44 £18.93 £99.83 £332.17 £369.08 £378.35 £50.95 £229.12 PURPOSE Legal fees- Bifrons street light Salary June 2004 Stamps, stationery Maintenance outstanding VAT July Lighting costs June 2003 Maternity pay July (post date to August 2004) Pay July (post date to August 2004) 2 benches for recreation ground PC Telephone bill Preparing Accounts to 30/03/04 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 9th September 2004 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th September at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill 62. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th July 2004 were confirmed and signed by the chairman 63. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Recreation Sub Committee had drawn up a list of regular checks to be carried out weekly and monthly on the Bridge Recreation ground. The Recreation Committee proposed that Councillors carried out the checks on a monthly rota, and that councillors arrange a replacement if they are unable to carry out the checks during their rota time. The clerk to write to Mr Taylor thanking him for his offer to help. b. Two 5ft pre treated picnic benches had been ordered and delivered for the recreation ground. c. Bridge Down Notice Board- Quotes from JK Property Services and Serco to build a notice board had been received. Although there was very little difference in the two quotes, it was agreed to ask JK Property Services to build the notice board and Serco to install the notice board. 64. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Received the report from Cllr Gulvin about Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group. The next meeting will be held on 19th February. b. Received the report from Maurice Smith following a visit to SERCO. The Clerk is to contact Serco to arrange for a larger bin liner to be padlocked to the inside of the litter bin near the play area, like the bin near the Patrixbourne Road and to arrange for a dog bin in the High Street at the north end of the tree area away from the seat. 65. Reports from Advisory Committees a. Environment: Footpaths & Trees – Noted ii. i. Notice of Proposed work to trees in a conservation area order has been served Woodland rear of Four Seasons, Meadow Close, Bridge – Fell elm tree, fell 3 sycamore trees, cut back yew from house and chimney flue, remove lower branch from beech tree, remove stem from beech tree, fell suppressed beech tree, fell dead yew. Jon Lambourne has agreed to this work being carried out as it is to dead or damaged trees. Copy to Joan Monk. Notice to Proposed Work to Trees In a Conservation Area (for information only) Copies sent to Joan Monk The Red Lion Inn, The High Street, Bridge Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge The Dell, Bridge Hill, Bridge 24 High Street, Bridge 9 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Renville Farm, Bridge Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge 7 Riverside Close, Bridge Lantern Cottage, Higham Lane Lynton House, 83 High Street, Bridge – Cllr Esdale declared an interest Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge 66. Matters of Discussion and Action a. Christmas Tree Lights - Cllr Esdale had spoken to an event insurance company and was doubtful that they could provide the insurance cover required. He had also spoken to CCC and understood that if SERCO install the trees then the council may pay the bill as they do in the City Centre. He will continue his discussions with them and report back at the next meeting. Cllr Gulvin suggested that another option to consider would be one large tree located in the centre of the village. b. Recreation Ground – Joan Monk had given Cllr Lewis a plaque to go on a tree in the Recreation Ground. It was agreed which tree the plaque should be placed on. ROSPA Playground inspection. Minor remedial work is to be carried out. Councillors’ noted the inspector’s comments about the swing barrier but agreed this proposal would create a greater risk, no action is to be taken. Richard Taylor’s planned work is too expensive, Cllr Beesty, will paint some of the playground equipment with hammerite paint and Cllr Esdale will ask John Keldris to look at the underside of the slide. Shed- Cllr Gulvin reported that a skip had been arranged for 2nd October to remove the old shed and the contents. He asked for volunteers to come along and help. Cllr Lewis agreed to cut down some trees at the same time so the debris could be disposed of in the skip. The grass around the area will need to be cut with a strimmer. The youth football team has not joined the league this season, but will continue to play friendly games on the pitch. The Pavilion – The floor of the shower is in need of repair. Cllr Gulvin reported that quotes for the work are being obtained. Parking at the Recreation Ground on a Sunday morning. Residents of Riverside Close are complaining about cars parked in their road. The problem has arisen because ramblers for the Elham Valley are meeting and parking their cars in the car park before the football teams arrive. The clerk is to write to the Ramblers Association asking them to park up the hill and not in the car park as the car park is for the user of the recreation ground. c. Rural Housing Trust Affordable Housing. A spokesperson for the trust is to be invited to a meeting of both Parish Councillors and the Parish Plan group. Cllr Dobson is to arrange this meeting. d. Future of the top allotment. – the last tenant has now left the allotment. Cllr Gulvin explained that Charlie Gooch for the Conyngham Estate looks after the top allotment. He will arrange for the site to be cleared. e. Councillors agreed that street lighting in the High Street on the bridge near the seat would be a good idea, Cllr Gulvin will speak to Dr and Mrs mills to see if they would put a light on the wall outside Riverhouse. f. Traffic Issues – The clerk is to arrange a meeting with Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways to discuss local issues and for an update on the meeting last year. Cllr Esdale is to find his notes from the previous meeting. Cllr Vye, Cllr Anderson and Maurice Smith will be invited to the meeting. g. Bridge in Bloom – There is no silverware to present to the winner of the private householder section of the competition. It was agreed to purchase some glasses and then for Cllr Edmonds to arrange the presentations with the Kentish Gazette. The clerk is to send a letter to Margaret Jones thanking her for her help judging the competition. h. Audit of Recreation Grounds, Open Spaces, Village Halls and Burial Grounds for CCC. It was agreed that there are no Open Spaces in the parish. Cllr Gulvin is to mark on the map provide by CCC the recreation ground the village hall and the burial ground for the clerk to return to CCC. i. Canterbury Open space Strategy. No discussion took place. j. Traffic calming in High Street. To be included on agenda for meeting with Ruth Goudie. k. Higham Lane/Higham Court Forecourt. Various measures were discussed including a roundabout and speed ramps, however as Higham Lane is privately owned a meeting will have to be arranged with the landowners and Kent Highways. The clerk is to write to Furley Page for details of the owner of Higham Lane. l. Laurie’s Way – Cllr Gulvin will ask the owners of The Close to cut back the hedge. m. Cross over at the allotment. The planning department at CCC had approved vehicular access. Cllr Gulvin will obtain quotes from contractors for the work to be carried out for the next meeting. 67. Correspondence Of the Correspondence received the following was of note: Parish Council Concurrent Function Grant Scheme – Options for Street Lighting and Bus Shelter. Councillor agreed to transfer street lighting to the City Council, and to keep responsibility for the bus shelter. The clerk to write to CCC informing them of this decision. New Waste Collection arrangements - Talk by East Hants District Council on 29th September. No one available to attend. KRCC Wheels –2-Work questionnaire. The clerk to return. Wealden Consultancy Ltd – (an accountant recommended by the audit office to prepare the accounts and complete the annual audit). Cllr Esdale proposed that as his fees were expensive and he understood RBS Accountings figures that the audit should continue with RBS Accounting. 68. Note that the external auditor had approved the accounts for the year ending 30th March 2004 69. Letter of authorisation to transfer £3,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council 70. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE KCC Commercial Services Serco Playground Management Ltd FPD Savills Mervyn Gulvin Tina Burchell Carol Baker Britannic Outdoor furniture* AMOUNT £892.66 £305.50 £ 78.14 £225.00 £113.75 £332.17 £369.08 £360.73 PURPOSE 1st ½ yearly grounds maintenance 2004 Litter Picking Apr to Sep 04 Playground site annual inspection Cantley Estates 1/2yearly Rents Crossover at the Allotments Maternity pay August Pay August 2 benches for recreation ground *previous cheque no.147 for £378.35 cancelled The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 14th October 2004 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.25 p.m. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill Apologies Cllr Corfield. 71. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th September 2004 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman 72. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Recreation Sub Committee would organise the rota for regular checks to be carried out weekly and monthly on the Bridge Recreation ground at each full meeting. b. Notice Board Bridge Down – Order placed with JK Property Services. Cllr Esdale would chase for installation date. c. Recreation Ground Litter Bin near play area. The clerk had requested a larger liner to be fitted and a pad lock to the bin. d. Dog bin ordered for the High Street. Although this bin had not bee supplied a bin had appeared at Beech Hill. Clerk to contact CCC requesting notification prior to installation for any future bins. e. Christmas tree Lights as an issue had moved from CCC to Serco. The PC felt that Cllr Esdale should have responsibility for organising the lights to the best outcome either through Serco or any other body deemed appropriate. (The Clerk to write to Serco thanking them for their treatment of the hedge in Mill Lane). f. Repainting of playground equipment. - Cllr Beesty had undertaken works but it was decided that any additional/continuing painting should be undertaken in the spring. g. Higham Lane/Higham Forecourt junction. The Clerk to write to CCC to push for a resolution of the issues. h. The Pavilion – quotes for the work to be carried out to the showers. – Cllr Gulvin reported that no works were required and that the problems had been caused only by lack of maintenance. i. Street Lighting near the bridge in the High Street. Since no resolution of this issue had been found it was agreed that the hedge and trees should be cut back to allow more natural light. j. Crossover at the Allotment – Quotes for work to be carried out – Cllr Gulvin presented quoted from Serco and PKR for £1292 and £864 respectively and it was resolved that this item should be placed before the PC at the next meeting. k. The rubbish skip had been organised by the Trust and had been filled and removed. l. The map had been completed for the mark up of open spaces. m. Lauries Way hedge required cutting back to clear the footpath n. KCC Landscape Services had notified Cllr Gulvin of a significant broken willow branch and low branches on the boundary of the Recreation Ground and the Tennis Courts. A working party would undertake this work on the 5th November at 2p.m. 73. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies a. Received the report from Rural Housing Trust, affordable housing –Cllr Dobson. The PC agreed that the questionnaire should be circulated in the New Year. The Clerk to write to both Alison Thompson and Jenny Shaw (KRCC) promising to take the matter further and thanking for visit respectively b. Received the report from Canterbury District Parish Forum – Cllr Edmonds reported that Highways had requested a contact in the High Street for two way instant dialogue when teams were working in the Parish. Clerk to notify Highways that printed notices would be displayed on the notice board at the White Horse. Cllr Lewis to approach Maurice Smith to be nominated High Street contact. c. Received the report from Rural Area Members Panel – Cllr Esdale. The report was noted especially the concerns over the licensing issues. d. Received the report from Little Barton Farm – Cllr Esdale 74. Reports from Advisory Committees Environment: Footpaths & Trees – Noted i ii iii iv 75. Notice of Trees Preservation Order NO 6 2004 being served in a conservation area : Land South East of “Archways” Conynham Lane, Bridge. Notice to Proposed Work to Trees In a Conservation Area (for information only) 69 High Street, Bridge Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge Elsinore, Bridge Hill, Bridge. Cherry Trees required a branch pruning, as it is overhanging the gardens of 7 & 9 Riverside Close Oak Tree sapling at the Tennis courts had vanished. It was proposed to replace it with the Walnut sapling which had self sown on the riverbank in a new location to be agreed by Cllrs. Lewis and Hill. Matters of Discussion and Action a. Recreation ground Tarmac for play area and basketball Hoop– Cllr Gulvin reported that quotes for a 10m2 to cover practice goal and basketball hoop were coming back around £7k. b. Recreation Ground Notice – noted. c. One bench in recreation ground had been vandalised. Cllr Hill requested that the benches be placed away from the fence to the courts to deter fence vaulters and also the PC’s gave its approval for additional slabs to be placed from the clubhouse to the bridge. d. Style and path broken – it was noted that Sophia O’ Sullivan of Public Rights of Way had carried out an inspection. e. Recreation Ground – Increased activity by moles. Bounty had already carried out more than the number of visits they are required to do with the existing contract. It was decided that the contract with Bounty should not be renewed – Clerk to write accordingly. f. Bifron’s Path- Cllr Lewis had been advised that a horseman had been seen riding on Bifron’s Path. The situation would be monitored. g. Pavement in Patrixbourne Road (Main access to the surgery, the pavement slopes towards the road, is overgrown in places and there are no access ramps across Riverside Close) – Clerk to report to CCC h. Public Safety Unit – Cllr Lewis had been advised that the direct number for the unit was Herne Bay 289260 i. Neighbourhood Watch – There was to be a meeting on the 16th October during which the dire financial situation caused by CCC reduced funding would be outlined. Item to be submitted for the next agenda. j. Western Avenue/junction with the High Street – this area to be reported to CCC by the Clerk as an area of increasing illegal parking causing serious road hazard. k. There was a proposal for a disabled parking space to be sited near the post office. The Clerk to promote the suggestion to CCC. 76. Correspondence The correspondence list was noted. 77. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE AMOUNT *EDF Energy £30.22 British Telecom £58.37 Tina Burchell £332.90 Carol Baker £358.77 Audit Commission £293.73 *Previously Seaboard Contracting Services PURPOSE Repair to street lighting – Conyngham Lane Telephone Line and diverted calls Maternity pay September Pay September Annual audit 78. Budget Sub-Committee - Cllrs Lewis, Hill and Esdale would constitute the Budget Sub Committee and a proposal would be discussed at the next meeting. 79. A.O.B. a. The Parish Plan Group was holding a meeting on the 6th November between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Village Hall. b. The questionnaire was being sponsored/printed by Noel Tatt Group in Canterbury. The PC offered their thanks for this generous offer. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 11th November 2004 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.10p.m. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th November 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beinder, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill Apologies Cllrs Beesty and Dobson. 80. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th October 2004 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman 81. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down – Order placed with JK Property Services. Cllr Esdale would chase for installation date. b. Dog bin ordered for the High Street. c. Dog Bin in Beech Hill, Councillors requested that this bin is re positioned on a post near to the hedge adjacent to Bridge Hill. Clerk to contact CCC with these requests. d. Christmas tree Lights Cllr Esdale had had a meeting with Serco. Serco were happy for the lights to be installed as usual, but they will send out an electrician to check all of the electrical connections. Cllr Esdale to go ahead and arrange for the Christmas trees to be set up on the weekend of 4th December. They will be taken down on the weekend of 1st-2nd January. e. Higham Lane/Higham Forecourt junction. Ruth Goudie of Highways had replied that she is reluctant to promote a scheme at this junction, as it is private land. The landowners would need to introduce a scheme and apply for planning permission for their proposals. No further action to be taken. f. Hedges/Tree trimming – The Close; Cllr Gulvin has requested that the hedge is cut, and will request that residents tidy up the overgrown area. Recreation ground Clerk to contact Highways to request that the area adjacent to the river is cut back, and also the corner of Riverside Close. Walnut Tree to be replanted in the hole at the back of the tennis courts. g. Football Post for the Play area , no decision was made. h. Recreation ground moles. Ian Embry had been unable to help. Councillors reconsidered the report from Bounty and decided to renew the contract for £260 for the next year. Clerk is to contact Bounty. i. Bifron’s path no further horseman to report. j. Western Avenue parking problem; Ruth Goudie of Highways has included built out kerbs for the junction on her list, and will ask Parking enforcement to target Bridge. k. Disabled Parking space at the Post Office next to drive way entrance. Clerk to consult the Post Office. Clerk to contact Highways to have the old bus stop markings removed. l. Parish Plan Approx. 200 people attended the consultation day. £1500 sponsorship was received for the project. 82. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Received the KAPC Report from Cllr Beesty 83. Reports from Advisory Committees Notice to Proposed Work to Trees In a Conservation Area (for information only) 102 High Street, Bridge 12 Brewery Lane, Bridge 84. Matters of Discussion and Action Crossover at the Allotment – Quotes for work to be carried out – Cllr Gulvin presented quoted from Serco and PKR for £1292 and £864 respectively, it was resolved that an order should be placed with PKR for £864. b. Allotment Management deferred to next meeting. c. Neighbour Hood Watch donation of £100 agreed. Cllr Lewis to confirm the payee for donation. d. Capital Grant Application deferred to next meeting to consider tarmac for play area and Basket Ball hoop for Recreation Ground. . e. Concurrent Funding Application 2005-06. Cllr Esdale present the figures he and Cllr Hill had prepared. He proposed that the quote from KCC Landscape Services of £1923.39 was accepted for the Recreation Ground Maintenance for 2005/06 this was seconded by Cllr Lewis. It was agreed that £9646 should be claimed from the Concurrent Fund. f. Parish Precept for 2005-06 Cllr Esdale present the figures he and Cllr Hill had prepared. He proposed that the precept for 2005-06 should be £12093.50 this was agreed. g. Tarmac for play area and Basket Ball hoop for Recreation Ground, to be deferred to next meeting and discussed as a Capital Grant application. h. Future action concerning 45 The High Street. The Parish Council has done everything in their powers to resolve this, including contacting CCC. There is nothing further that can be done, we have put all the pressure that we can on CCC. We regret there are no further actions that we can pursue. i. Recreation Ground – Football Post in the Play Area. Dealt with under disposal of business (item f). j. Recreation Ground - Clerk to obtain a quote from Andrew Osborn to cut back the overhanging branches on the Cherry Tree, and the Willow branches overhanging the entrance. k. Litter bin in the vicinity of the Health Centre – No action to be taken. l. Overgrown hedges blocking pavements. Cllr Lewis to speak with the owners of the properties. Item to be included in the next Newsletter. m. Street Scene – Deferred to next meeting n. Trees overhanging street light on the junction of Bridge Downs and Higham Lane. Clerk to contact Highways. a. 85. Correspondence The correspondence list was noted. 86. Sealing of documents a) Letter of authorisation to transfer funds of £2000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council b) Standing Order form for EDF Energy £134.57 (formerly Seaboard Contracting Services) 87. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE D. Possee Audit Commission Seaboard Energy Bridge Village Hall Management Tina Burchell AMOUNT £45.00 £293.75 £570.19 £21.00 PURPOSE Plants and Compost for the planters Audit Fee 2004 For period from 1st June to 30th Sept Hire of Hall/Hunter Room Sept-Dec £332.17 Maternity pay October Carol Baker Bounty Serco £369.08 £164.50 £19.93 Pay October Moles on Recreation Ground Balance of invoice due for installation of a bench The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 9th December 2004 at 7 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.30p.m. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th December 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson. Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill Apologies: None 88. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2004 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman 89. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down –Cllr Esdale confirmed that the Notice Board would be finished by the end of January, and we would have an update for the next meeting. b. Dog bin ordered for the High Street. Order has been given to CCC by the clerk. c. Dog Bin in Beech Hill, The bin has been re positioned on a post. d. Christmas tree Lights Cllr Esdale and Cllr Hill had worked with local residents to install the Christmas trees in the High Street. He had received donations of £420.00 and spent £303.75. Cllr Esdale thanked everyone for their help and Serco for carrying out their inspection. e. Hedges/Tree trimming – The Close; Cllr Gulvin had requested that the hedge is cut, and requested that residents tidy up the overgrown area. This has not been done yet. Recreation ground The clerk has contacted Highways to request that the area adjacent to the river is cut back, and also the corner of Riverside Close. Walnut Tree Cllrs Hill and Lewis are to replant the tree in the hole at the back of the tennis courts. f. Recreation ground moles. The clerk has renewed the contract for next year with Bounty. g. Disabled Parking space at the Post Office next to drive way entrance. The clerk had spoken to the Chemist and Postmaster both were in support of a disabled bay outside of the Post Office. The clerk to contact Highways. h. Cross over at the Allotments. The clerk had placed the order with PKR Services. The Builder had accepted the order and advised that he would not be able to start until the end of January. i. Overgrown hedges blocking the pavement. 5 Households had been identified. Cllr Lewis had contacted two households and the hedges have already been cut back. Cllr Lewis has cut back one of the hedges himself and still has two households to contact. An item is to be included in the next the Newsletter. j. Tree overhanging the streetlight on the junction of Bridge Downs and Higham Lane. Although the clerk has contacted Highways the work has not yet been carried out. 90. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies No reports received 91. Reports from Advisory Committees Notice to Proposed Work to Trees In a Conservation Area (for information only) 69 Bridge Down, Bridge 92. Matters of Discussion and Action a. b. c. d. Allotment Management The clerk is to write to Charles Gooch. Street Runner Cllr Dobson had circulated her report. Football Post Not to be pursued. Recreation Ground Quote for tree work to be carried out to the willow tree at the entrance and the two maple trees and the cherry tree overhanging the gardens of 7 & 9 Riverside Close received from Andrew Osborn at a cost of £135.00. Councillors instructed the clerk to arrange for the work to be carried out. e. Bus shelter – Georgian glass damaged. The costs for the repair have been included in the budget for 2005-06. Clr Lewis is to advise John Shirley f. Bollards or other obstacles at the top of Filmer Road to stop Parking. Cllrs discussed this suggestion, and decided that there was nothing that could be done as there would be no where for local residents to park. Clr Lewis to advise John Shirley. g. National cycle route 16 Dover to Canterbury. Clr Lewis will speak to John Shirley to clarify. h. Emergency contact for the village. Cllr Gulvin had had a request from Saxon Lodge to use the Village Hall in the event of an emergency, and or the need to evacuate their home. Cllrs agreed that the Village Hall and/or the school would be available in the interim until CCC took over. i. Highways Traffic Plan for Bridge. This was discussed, amended and prioritised. The clerk is to reply to Ruth Goudie j. Concurrent funding application The clerk was to increase the application from £9646 to £15046 to take into account the full cost of the repairs to the Village Hall roof and floor. k. Parish Precept for 2005-06 Cllr Esdale wished to reconsider the figure agreed at the last meeting. He was now aware that the full amount of the Concurrent Funding application will not be meet by CCC, and a late request had been received from Patrixbourne PCC to help with the up keep of their open burial ground. A figure of £315 was suggested to be included in the budget. A revised figure of £18877.50 was agreed. This figure to be capped and reduced if the Concurrent Funding was paid at more that 57% of the sum requested. l. Capital Grant Application deferred to next meeting to consider tarmac for the play area and a Basket Ball hoop for the Recreation Ground. Cllr Gulvin to obtain quotes. m. Christmas Tree donations it was agreed that the surplus of £116.50 would be retained to buy replacement Christmas tree lights in the future. 93. Correspondence (The correspondence list was noted.) 94. Sealing of documents Noted the receipt of £350 from Broomfield F.C. 95. The following items were authorised for payment: PAYEE Tina Burchell Carol Baker Bounty Canterbury & District Neighbourhood Watch Ass AMOUNT £332.90 £358.78 305.50 £100.00 PURPOSE Maternity pay November Pay November Pest Control for Recreation Ground Donation The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 13th January 2005 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9 p.m. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th January 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill Apologies: Dobson. 96. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2004 were amended confirmed and signed by the Chairman 97. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down –Cllr Esdale confirmed that the Notice Board would be finished by the end of January. b. Hedge/tree trimming – Laurie’s Way, Cllr Gulvin thinks the work has been carried out. High Street (near the bridge) The clerk has contacted Highways. Cllr Lewis has replanted the Walnut Tree. c. The clerk has spoken to Highways Department regarding a disabled parking space at the Post Office. Unfortunately a disabled bay can only be allocated for a specific disabled person, and is usually outside their house. d. Cross over at the Allotments – The work is to start on Monday 7th February e. Overgrown hedges blocking pavements – Cllr Lewis had spoken to one additional householder; they will cut back their hedge. f. Tree overhanging streetlight on the junction with Bridge Downs and Higham Lane. The clerk has contacted Highways, as this is private land they cannot cut back the tree. The clerk is to contact the landowner. g. Update from Chairman re items from John Shirley: Bus Shelter – Councillors agreed to keep the bus shelter and to replace the 3 broken georgian glass panels. A quote is to be obtained. Filmer Road – pedestrians cannot walk through Laurie’s Way with a pushchair of wheel chair because of cars parked in Filmer Road, which are blocking the entrance. Councillors agreed that a letter should be sent to all residents in Filmer Road asking them for solutions to the problem. Cllr Lewis offered to draft a letter for approval at the next meeting. Signage from Cycle route 16 (Dover to Canterbury) to Bridge. Councillors thought this was unnecessary. 98. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Cllr Beesty had attended a KAPC meeting and reported that Mobile phone masts had been discussed. Cllr Esdale reported that there had been a Street Monitor meeting that he had been unable to attend. 99. Reports from Advisory Committees No reports received. 100. Matters of Discussion and Action a. Allotment Management The clerk has written to Charles Gooch, but has not received a reply. b. Rural housing Trust Waiting results of Parish Plan. Deferred to the next meeting. c. Street Runner The clerk had experienced problems in arranging insurance cover for the new equipment received from CCC for the group. Councillors agreed that the Parish Council would take on the liability for the items, as their value would probably not exceed the excess on the policy. Councillors also agreed that the items would be stored in the Hunter Room. d. Recreation Ground Councillors agree to accept the quote for tree work to be carried out to the willow tree at the entrance and the two maple trees and the cherry tree overhanging the gardens of 7 & 9 Riverside Close received from Andrew Osborn at a cost of £135.00. e. Capital Grant application –Cllr Gulvin is to give the information to the clerk, for her to complete the application for funds to tarmac the recreation ground and for a basketball hoop. f. Councillors agreed to pay an annual grant of £315 towards the upkeep of the graveyard in St Mary's Patrixbourne g. Councillors agreed to renew the CPRE Subscription of £25.00 per annum h. Christmas Tree donations agreed at the meeting last month i. Parish Precept for 2005-06 agreed at the meeting last month. j. Yellow lines in village - Councillors agreed to defer a decision until the kerb extensions were in place. The clerk to advise Ruth Goudie (her e-mail 13th Dec) Yellow lines in Western Avenue – Cllr Esdale reported that the yelloiw lines had been painted in the wrong place. The clerk is to advise Ruth Goudie k. Highways – A2 Slip road de-clutter all the road signs. No action required as this has been carried out. l. KCC Improving your Path Network – Cllr Edmonds deferred to March agenda m. Councillors discussed the transfer of the street lighting functions to the City Council. Cllr Lewis had carried out an inspection of the location of all the light posts and gave out a report. A response to CCC was agreed. The clerk is to send a reply after contacting the insurance company to check any previous claims in the last five years for street lighting. n. Councillors agreed to enter Bridge for the ACRK "Kent Village of the Year Competition" To be discussed at the next meeting. o. Cllrs Lewis and Hill had interview one applicant for the position of replacement temporary clerk to cover the remainder of Tina’s maternity cover. They will wait for a further two weeks to see if there are any further applicants before making a final decision. 101. Correspondence (The correspondence list was noted.) 102. Noted the receipt of £ 3.45 from EDF Energy Networks plc 103. Letter of authorisation to transfer funds of £2000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. 104. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque): PAYEE Tina Burchell Carol Baker Mill Centre Bridge Village Hall Gillett & Johnston CPRE Subscription Kent County Council AMOUNT PURPOSE £332.17 £369.08 £ 50.00 £ 3.00 £121.03 £ 25.00 £572.15 Maternity pay December Pay December Street Runner Tues 22nd Nov Parish Plan Group Servicing the clock to 30/11/05 Annual renewal Landscape Services 2nd half yearly invoice for Seeboard Energy EDF Energy BT Bridge Village Hall Mervyn Gulvin Mark Esdale £294.69 £ 80.80 £ 46.65 £ 8.00 £153.75 £385.99 ground maintenance 2004 Electricity supply 01/10/04 – 31/12/04 Repairs to Higham Lane/Bridge Down (38) Telephone Line Sept- Dec PC Meetings Jan – Mar 05 & Parish Plan 11th Jan Mervyn Gulvin – photocopy Jan 03 –Dec 04 Bridge in bloom trophy and Christmas trees, lights etc The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 10th February 2005 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th February 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill Apologies: Edmonds. 105. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2005 were amended confirmed and signed by the Chairman 106. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down –Cllr Esdale reported that there was a further delay. b. Bus shelter –Cllr Esdale had received a quote to replace all 4 broken/cracked panes of glass in the bus shelter. As this was in excess of the budget it was agreed to replace only 3 panes. Cllr Esdale is to obtain a revised quote giving a breakdown for the costs of each pane. c. Cross over at the Allotments – The work will start on Monday 14th February. Cllr Gulvin has already had a site visit with the contractor. d. Hedge/tree trimming – Laurie’s Way, Cllr Gulvin confirmed that the work has been carried out. High Street (near the bridge) The clerk has again contacted Highways. e. Overgrown hedges blocking pavements – Cllr Lewis had been unable to speak to the remaining householder. f. Tree overhanging streetlight on the junction with Bridge Downs and Higham Lane. The clerk has written to the landowner. The work has been carried out. g. Noted h. Capital Grant - No application was made. CCC have transferred funds from the Capital Grant fund to meet the costs of the repairs to the village hall included in the concurrent application for 2005-06 i. Highways – Yellow lines in Western Avenue, now painted in the correct location. j. Transfer of Street Lighting to CCC –The clerk has sent all the information requested. k. Sue Roper had withdrawn her acceptance for the position of temporary clerk. Cllr Lewis will advertise again for the post. l. Cllr Esdale will contact Bt to enquire whether the telephone number for the Parish clerk can be frozen until a new clerk is found. 107. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Verbal Report of CCC Rural Members Panel 24th Jan received from Cllr Hill Verbal Report of CCC Rural Members Panel 27th Jan received from Cllr Hill Verbal Report of Joint Meeting of the Rural Area Member Panel (North & South) received from Cllr Esdale; the clerk will circulate his report after the meeting. Cllr Gulvin thanked Cllr Hill and Esdale for all the time they had given up attending these meetings. 108. Reports from Advisory Committees Notice to Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area (for information only) Note that Tree Preservation Order No 6 2004 – Land South East of “The Archways”, Conyngham Lane Bridge, has been confirmed by the Development Control Committee (28/01/05) 109. Matters of Discussion and Action a. Allotment Management Cllr Gulvin reported that Charles Gooch had still not resolved the legal issues facing his company, and was not in a position to finalise the leases for the allotments. The clerk was asked to add the allotment sheds to the PC insurance policy as soon as possible. b. Rural housing Trust Cllr Dobson will contact Alison Thompson to ask her to carry out her survey in the village. c. Filmer Road Cllr Lewis had agreed a letter with Councillors after the last meeting, which had been circulated to the 11 residents. He had only received two replies. He will now contact Ruth Goudie of Highways to ask her for solutions to enable pedestrians to walk down the adopted highway. d. Cllr Esdale and Dobson had both obtained application forms for Bridge to enter the ACRK "Kent Village of the Year” competition. Cllr Esdale is to complete the application form and report back to the next meeting. The deadline to apply is 31st March. e. Road closures in the Parish for resurfacing. Noted. f. Annual Traffic Review from Highways agreed. g. Newsletter – draft amended and agreed. To be circulated by the end of the month. h. Annual Parish meeting on 24th March was discussed. The clerk to circulate the agenda for last years meeting. Cllr Dobson to invite Alison Thompson from the Rural Housing Trust to give a presentation about Affordable Housing. The clerk to invite Cllr Vye and Anderson to give talks at the meeting along with a representative from the Mill Center, Village Hall Trust and Fish Scheme. Michael Stewart to be invited to present the accounts. i. Bench outside the Londis shop. Cllr Esdale would approach the shop proprietor, however this was not in the budget for the next financial year. j. No action to be taken k. Street Runner Cllr Dobson referred to her report. Councillors agreed that they would be happy to pay for the hall hire for the Street Runner to continue, this will need to be added to the budget for next year. l. Item withdrawn 110. Correspondence attached) Noted 111. Letter of authorisation to transfer funds of £1000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. 112. Vat recovery of £1090.87 - Noted 113. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque): PAYEE Carol Baker Carol Baker Bridge Village Hall Bridge Village Hall (list AMOUNT PURPOSE £ 43.53 £369.08 £ 18.00 £ 40.00 Petty Cash Pay January Hall Hire for PC meetings Jan – March 05 Hall hire for Street Runner Jan 8th & Feb The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 10th March 2005 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Meeting closed at 10.25 p.m. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th March 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, and Gulvin Apologies: Cllrs Corfield and Hill. Cllr Lewis introduced Christobel Seath to everyone at the meeting. She will be the new clerk with effect from 1st April 2005. 114. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2005 were amended confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 115. Disclosure of Councillors Interests The clerk was asked to provide everyone with a copy of the last form they had signed, and for the item to be put on the agenda in May and November of each year. 116. Disposal of Business from the last meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down –Cllr Esdale reported that the Notice Board would be finished the next day and delivered to him the following week. Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin will finalise the site for the Notice board and arrange for Serco to install the board. b. Bus shelter –Cllr Esdale had received a revised quote for £643 + vat to replace 3 panes of glass. c. Cross over at the Allotments – The work had been completed and the invoice was on the agenda for payment. d. Hedge/tree trimming – Cllr Lewis had contacted the remaining resident and asked for the hedge to be cut. e. Cllr Lewis advised everyone that Christobel Seath would be appointed clerk with effect from 1st April. Cllr Gulvin proposed that she should be paid from 1st March as she had agreed to attend both of the meetings in March and would be receiving training before she took over on 1st April. Cllr Gulvin also proposed that Carol Baker should be paid for April as she was willing to complete the audit for the year ending 30th March 2005. This was agreed. f. Noted g. Cllr Lewis had written to Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways regarding the parking problems in Filmer Road. Unfortunately it was too late to include this as an item for the current Traffic Regulation review. Ruth Goudie also reported that speed data had been collected on Bridge Hill. The clerk was asked to request the information for discussion at the next meeting. h. Newsletter – It was reported that this had been completed, delivered and posted on the web site. Cllr Gulvin advised that he would added the cost of photocopying to the Parish Council account at his office. i. To be discussed under matters for discussion. j. To be discussed under matters for discussion. k. Cllr Dobson reported that Alison Thompson would no longer be carrying out the housing survey in the village. However the survey would now be carrying out by Jennifer Shaw as she is the contact through CCC. Jennifer Shaw has also agreed to give the presentation at the AGM. 117. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Canterbury & District Parish Forum Meeting – Cllr Esdale gave a verbal report of the meeting. 118. Notice to Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area (for information only) at 104 High Street, Bridge - Noted 119. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Annual Parish Meeting Cllr Dobson advised the that the speaker for the APM would now be Jennifer Shaw. Cllr Lewis advised councillors that 2 local residents had e-mailed him indicating that they were unable to come to the APM, but that they had concerns about the ideas being discussed with Highways for traffic improvements in the village. Cllr Lewis will speak to both residents. b. Street Lighting a letter was received from CCC confirming that “Unless you hear further from the City Council you can take it……that the City Council will assume responsibility for the street lights….as from 1st April.” EDF Energy and Allianz Cornhill Insurance to be advised c. Cllr Edmonds handed out the KCC leaflet “Improving your path Network”, and asked Cllrs to let her know of any footpaths etc. that the Community Paths project could help with. d. ACRK “Kent Village of the Year Competition” Cllrs Esdale and Dobson to complete the form before the 31st March deadline. e. Bench outside the Londis shop. Cllr Esdale had spoken to the shop proprietor, he is in agreement with a new bench being purchase to go outside the shop. The clerk was asked to go ahead and order a bench similar to the one purchase in 2003. f. PC phone line. Cllrs agreed that the phone line should be retained if possible. Cllr Esdale was asked to liaise with Christobel and BT to see if this can be arranged. g. Replacement Tree Warden Cllr Lewis offer to take over from Andrew Pearson and share the work with Joan Monk h. Graffiti Cllr Esdale had reported all the graffiti through out the village to the Police and had been issued with a crime report number. The Police were investigating the report. Cllr Esdale will try to remove the graffiti from around the village, the clerk was asked to contact Highways to ask them to remove the graffiti from the road signs in the village. i. Recreation Ground Inspections Cllr Gulvin had carried out the inspections since the autumn, he asked for the monthly rota to begin. Cllr Esdale agreed to carry out the checks until the next PC meeting. j. Recreation Ground Fees the clerk was asked to chase up the outstanding fees, and to send out new agreements and invoices for the following season. The rents are to be included on the October agenda when the budget for the next financial year is discussed. k. Recreation Ground repairs to the play equipment. Cllr Lewis had received a quote from a local resident offering to undertake the work. This was passed to Cllr Esdale as he is preparing all the additional information requested by CCC to support the application make for funds from the Concurrent Functions Funding for the Village Hall, Recreation Ground and Bus Shelter for the 2005-06 budget. l. Street Warden - Maurice Smith wished to resign. The clerk was ask to write and thank him for all his good work through out the village. Mr & Mrs Whiten had offered to take over the role. Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin are going to brief Mr & Mrs Whiten. m. Car Parking in Western Avenue An e-mail had been received from Trish Jarvis regarding plans to change the car parking outside the shops. Cllr Lewis would contact them. Ruth Goudie of Highways is investigating the problem, when she reports back to the PC their findings will be discussed further. 120. Correspondence (list attached) Noted. Cllr Anderson had received a letter from Kent Energy Centre which he asked Cllr Dobson to bring to the attention of the Parish Council , regarding home energy efficiency. Cllr Dobson will contact their representative and report back to the next meeting. 121 held Letter of authorisation to transfer funds of £1000 between the two bank accounts by Bridge Parish Council. - Noted 122 Letter to Lloyds Bank cancelling the standing order to EDF Energy after 31st March payment- Noted 123 Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque): PAYEE AMOUNT PURPOSE Carol Baker Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc PKR Services Ltd Cllr Lewis Savills (L&P) KAPC £ 358.78 £ 46.15 £1015.78 £ 70.44 £ 225.00 £ 409.58 Salary February Insurance premium for adding sheds to policy Cross over at the allotment (inc. vat £151.78) Advertising for clerk Recreation Ground Rent Subscription for 2005-06 124. Cllr Beinder reported that she had attended a meeting at the school, they hoped to encourage the local community to make better use of the school premises. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday 14th April 2005 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Meeting closed at 10.15 p.m. Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th April 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present : Cllrs Lewis, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Hill and Gulvin. 125 . Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beesty 126. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2005 were amended, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 127. Update of Disclosure of Interests Councillors submitted updated Disclosure of Interest forms. 128. Disposal of Business from the last Meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down – Cllr Esdale reported that Serco had approved the site for the new notice board and that it would be erected during the following week. Keys will be held by Cllr Beesty and the parish clerk. b. Bus shelter – Cllr Esdale reported that the new glass had been cut and the panes would be replaced before the next council meeting. c. Entry for the ARK ‘Kent Village of the Year Competition’ – Cllr Edmonds reported that Bridge had been entered in four of the six categories i.e. Young People, Old People, Businesses and IT. d. Phone line for the parish clerk- Cllr Esdale informed the Council that this had not yet been installed in the new parish clerk’s office but he would contact BT to arrange for this to be done and to request that the old number for the parish clerk’s office be retained. e. Graffiti – Nothing further had been heard from the police on this matter. f. Car Parking Western Avenue – There was nothing further to report on this. 129. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies EK Public Rights of Way Parish Liaison Meeting – Cllr Edmonds gave a report on this meeting. Tools, expertise and some limited funding is available from KCC to improve rights of way but councils would need to provide volunteers or possibly employ contractors to carry out work. It was agreed that an estimate for making the surfaces of the bridges in the water meadow safer would be sought by Cllr Esdale. 130. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Highways – The Highways Department had provided speed data for Bridge Hill but this did not differentiate between the speeds of vehicles entering and leaving the village. The clerk was asked to write to Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways to request this additional data for discussion at the next meeting. b. The Clerk’s Contract of Employment – A draft contract of employment had been circulated to Councillors by Cllr Lewis and this was approved. c. Refuse Collection – The Parish Council had been asked to discuss this matter following expressions of concern at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was noted that the Parish Council had written to CCC in April 2004 expressing misgivings over the proposed reduction in rubbish collection. It was therefore agreed to wait until the new system was in operation in the village to assess any possible impact and then decide whether further representations were required. d. Bench outside Bridgeway Stores – The cost of the bench was approved and the clerk was instructed to place the order. The clerk was also asked to write to Mr Dhaliwal to thank him for agreeing to the bench being placed outside the stores. e. Request from the school to use the Recreation Ground as a car park for the school fete on 18th June. This was agreed with the customary proviso regarding damage to the ground in the event of wet weather. f. British Legion 60 year celebration of VE day in the Village Hall- Cllr Lewis had received a breakdown of the proposed costs from the local British Legion and a request to the Council for a contribution from parish funds in the event of a poor local response to the celebration party. This was agreed. g. Recreation Ground : Action on Reports- Cllr Esdale expressed concern that reports on the condition of the recreation ground and the safety of its equipment were made but there seemed to be no mechanism for ensuring that further action was taken. Litter picker – The Council agreed that Cllr Esdale should buy two litter pickers for use on the recreation ground. It was also agreed that the existing contract with Serco for rubbish collection on the recreation ground should be scrutinised at the next Council meeting to ascertain precisely what work they are contracted to do. Cllr Gulvin reported that the contractor had not cut the football pitch the previous week. The clerk was instructed to find out the reason for this and also to enquire what it would cost to have the edges of the recreation ground strimmed regularly. It was reported that rental payments for the use of the ground during 2004 was still outstanding from the Exiles and the Junior Football Club. Cllr Gulvin advised that the Council would receive a cheque from the Exiles for last year’s rental soon and a further payment for the current year within the next two months. It was confirmed that the tennis and cricket clubs had been billed this month and that the football clubs would be billed in September. The rates for use of the ground would be reviewed in October. h. Renewal of Parish Council Insurance – The clerk reported that there would be a rebate of £154 on the current insurance premium because responsibility for street lighting had passed to the CCC. Cllr Hill agreed to seek alternative quotations for insurance cover for the coming year for discussion at the next meeting. i. Library times – It was agreed to publicise the times of the visits of the mobile library van in the next village newsletter and that Cllr Corfield would also include them on the village website. j. Fish and Chip van- Although the Council regard this as a welcome amenity, because it is a commercial enterprise, it was considered inappropriate to advertise it in the village newsletter or on the website. 131. Correspondence -Noted. Cllr Lewis asked that in future items of correspondence not previously circulated should be laid out for councillors to see at the start of Council meetings. 132. Letter of authority to transfer funds of £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council - Noted 133. Receipt of £10 from BVST – Noted. 134. Authorisation of the following items for payment ( 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath Carol Baker John Hill JK Property Services SLCC Amount £108.08 £369.08 £22.92 £505.25 £93.00 Purpose March salary 15 hrs@ £7.205 Salary March Expenses Annual Parish Meeting Notice Board Annual membership 2005 EDF Energy £11.31 Carol Baker BT £41.03 £11.16 Maintenance –balance to finalise account Petty cash Jan to March 05 Final telephone bill for account The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th May 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall The meeting closed at 9. 45 pm. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present : Cllrs Lewis, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Hill and Gulvin. 1. Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Esdale. 2. Presentation by Jennifer Shaw on Affordable Housing. Ms Shaw of Action with Communities in Rural Kent addressed the meeting and circulated a draft local affordable housing needs survey for comment. Amendments to the draft covering letter were suggested and a revised letter and survey will be sent to the Council for approval within the next fortnight. It was agreed that the survey would be distributed to every household in the village in early July. Meanwhile the Council will publicise the forthcoming survey in the village. 3. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th April 2005 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Election of the Chairman for 2005-2006 Cllr John Hill was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Gulvin, seconded by Cllr Edmonds and elected unanimously. The Council thanked the outgoing Chairman, Cllr Lewis, for the excellent work he had done during the past twelve months. 5. Election of Vice Chairman for 2005-2006 Cllr Ann Edmonds was nominated as Vice- Chairman by Cllr Gulvin, seconded by Cllr Hill and elected unanimously. 6. Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies The following councillors and local people were appointed representatives to outside bodies; a) Parish Council Police Forum – Cllrs Lewis and Esdale b) Kent Association of Parish Councils – Cllr Beesty c) Village Hall Management Committee – Cllrs Beinder and Esdale d) Mill Centre Management Committee – Cllrs Dobson and Gulvin e) BVST – Cllr Gulvin f) Nailbourne & Little Stour River Management Group – Cllr Gulvin g) Allotment Association - Cllr Dobson h) Parish Plan – Cllrs Dobson and Hill i) Rural Area Member Panel Meeting – Cllrs Esdale and Hill j) Parish Forum Meetings – Cllr Edmonds k) Rural Youth Bus/ Youth Group Meetings – Cllr Dobson l) KRCC – Cllr Corfield and Joan Monk m) Street Monitor Meetings – Cllr Esdale n) Art in Bridge Committee – Cllr Dobson 7. Appointment of Members of the Planning Committee The following were appointed as members of the Planning Committee; Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and Lewis. as 8. Appointment of Representatives to Advisory Committee. a) Recreation Ground – Cllrs Beesty, Corfield and Gulvin b) Streets, Footways and Lighting – Mr & Mrs F Whitten c) Environment – Cllr Edmonds (Footpaths) Cllr Lewis (Trees) Joan Monk (Trees) 9. Disposal of Business from the last Meeting a. Notice Board Bridge Down – The clerk reported that the new notice board is now in use. Keys are held by Cllr Beesty and the clerk. b. Bus shelter –The replacement of the glass sheets is still awaited. c. Phone line for the parish clerk- This has now been installed. The old number for the parish clerk’s office has been retained. d. Clerk’s Contract of Employment- This has now been signed. e. Recreation Ground i. Maintenance ; The Council asked the clerk to write to KCC Landscape Services to ask them to report each maintenance visit made to the Recreation Ground so that a record could be kept of the number of visits made against the number contracted for annually. ii. The Council decided to keep their annual contract for play area inspection with ROSPA rather than participate in a proposed alternative local group parish inspection scheme. iii. The lease for the Exiles Cricket Club was signed for the 2005 season. f. Parish insurance renewal- Cllr Hill reported that he had been unable to obtain more favourable quotations from other insurance companies. It was therefore decided to continue to use Allianz Cornhill. g. Traffic calming Bridge Hill – Data giving the speeds of cars entering and leaving the village had been received but showed little difference. It was agreed to seek the advice of the Highways Department as to the most effective actions to take to slow traffic on Bridge Hill. 10. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Report of KAPC meeting – Cllr Beesty circulated the minutes of the KAPC meeting and a draft paper on a Parish Council Environment Policy. It was agreed to discuss this at the next Parish Council meeting. Report on Little Stour & Nailbourne River & Flood Management Group – Cllr Gulvin circulated a report. It was agreed to ask the Environmental Agency to provide a flood map showing the whole of Bridge so that parishioners could be informed if their properties are designated as being in an area of flood risk. 11. Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area Ivy House, 14 High Street Bridge - Noted 12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. The clerk’s telephone directory listing - Agreed b. Disposal of old fax machine – Cllr Hill would arrange for this to be given to charity. c. Repair of water meadow bridges – Deferred to next meeting. d. Clerk’s participation in KAPC Training Day - Agreed. e. Parking and lorry nuisance complaints from parishioners- It was agreed to write to A Gomez Ltd of Highland Court Farm again to complain about the number of large lorries which get lost in the village attempting to find their depot and to suggest that they improved their signage and instructions to drivers. It was also agreed to write to Mr Dhaliwal of f. g. h. a) b) c) d) i. j. Bridgeway Stores in an effort to find a solution to the problem of delivery lorries parking on the pavement outside the store. 80 High Street : No reply had been received to the Parish Council’s letter to the surveyor requesting the requisite notice under the 1996 Party Wall Act. This item deferred to the next meeting. Potholes in Higham Lane – Cllr Beesty reported that the road had been owned by Permit Notice Ltd of Dover Rd. since 1995. The potholes have recently been filled in. Recreation Ground – Cllr Lewis reported on a play area he had recently seen in Norfolk which provided a fenced play area with hard standing and large toys such as tricycles and cars. It was decided that there would be problems of supervision, storage and maintenance if such a scheme were to be introduced in the village. It was noted that there were other agreed priorities for expenditure which had been revealed by the recent survey. It was reported that the picnic benches would be put out soon. Cllr Dobson reported gaps opening in the safety surface of the play area. Cllr Beesty undertook to investigate these and to effect repair if possible. It was agreed to put the Recreation Ground on to the agenda for each Parish Council meeting to monitor actions needed for its maintenance. Donation to PCC It was agreed to make a donation of £100 to the PCC towards the production costs of ‘On the Nail’. Bridge in Bloom - It was agreed to continue with ‘Bridge in Bloom’ this year. 13. Correspondence -Noted. 14. Letter of authority to transfer funds of £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council - Noted 15. The following receipts were noted; - £154.63 Insurance premium Allianz Cornhill rebate Bridge Football Club - £150 Recreation ground fees Junior Football Club - £ 50 Bridge Tennis Club - £100 Exiles at Bridge CC - £300 16. The following items were authorised for payment ( 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath Carol Baker BVH Management Committee BVH Management Committee Amount £380.31 £380.31 £18.00 £40.00 Purpose May salary & office allowance May salary & office allowance Hire of hall for Parish Council & Parish Plan meetings Hire of hall Street Runner April/May 05 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th June 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall The meeting closed at 10. 25 pm. Special Meeting A meeting to consider urgent business was convened at the end of the Parish Council meeting. All Councillors listed under 1. above were in attendance. 17. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge Remove two yew trees located on the left hand side boundary with Higham Lane. The Council object to this proposal as the trees are mature and enhance the surrounding area. There would be no objection to trimming or thinning overhanging branches The matter was dealt with as a special item as a response has been requested by the City Council by 31st May 2005. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th June 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present : Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis. 18. Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beinder, Beesty and Corfield 19. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2005 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 20. Disposal of Business from the last Meeting a. Bus shelter –Work has now been completed. b. Bridges over watermeadow- A quote of £4,256 had been received for their repair. This would be sent to KCC Public Rights of Way Dept for their consideration. Action: Clerk c. 80 High Street – A response had been received from Mr Maxwell by e-mail but the plans referred to in his letter had not been received. A standard response form was not attached. The issue of the railings was not addressed in the letter. The Parish Council agreed to appoint its own surveyor to act in this matter. Cllr Gulvin will draft a reply to Mr Maxwell and take action to appoint a surveyor. Action; Cllr Gulvin/Clerk d. Recreation Ground i. Maintenance ; In response to the Parish Council’s complaint, KCC Landscape Services have agreed to send a monthly report to the clerk by email of the work carried out. ii. Cllr Beesty had investigated the gaps in the play area surface and will repair those wide enough for wet pour treatment. Some areas may need professional attention. Action; Cllr Beesty and other Councillors who have volunteered to assist. iii.Cllr Lewis reported there had been a complaint that a manhole cover over a water metre on the recreation ground had been damaged and a child had fallen into the hole. Cllr Gulvin agreed to investigate the problem as a matter of urgency and take whatever measures necessary to make it safe. Action ; Cllr Gulvin iv. It was agreed to remove the picket fence by the tennis court, which had collapsed. Action; Tennis Club to be asked to remove v. The wooden seat on the see-saw requires replacement. The slide steps need to be repaired and the cat replaced. Wicksteed Leisure will give a quotation for the work. There is provision in the budget for this. Action; Cllr Esdale vi. Graffiti was reported on the notice board and pavilion. It was agreed to buy special anti-graffiti solvent to remove this. Action; Cllr Esdale vii. It was reported that the litter bin by the pavilion had been destroyed. e. Affordable Housing Survey – A covering letter to accompany the housing survey and a poster advertising the survey produced by ACRK were approved. An electronic version of the survey will be put on the village website. Eight laminated posters will be produced by ACRK. The Council will be responsible for distributing the survey. Action; Cllr Esdale f. Response from A Gomez Ltd – The reply from A Gomez had not addressed the issue satisfactorily. The Council still felt that the lack of reference to Highland Court Farm on documentation was causing drivers confusion. Several cases of drivers getting lost had occurred recently and none had had an internet map, as Gomez claimed. Cllr Lewis reported that the matter had been raised at the Parish Council Forum on 7th June and that Dennis Button of KCC Highways Dept would be contacting Gomez and would report back to the Forum. Action; Clerk to reply to Gomez advising them of the points raised by the Council. g. Traffic calming Bridge Hill –KCC Highways Dept had advised that there was no funding in this year’s budget for traffic calming measures on Bridge Hill. However, money would be available this year for kerb extensions to ease the illegal parking problems. The Highways Dept will consult the Parish Council on their positioning and materials to be used. 21. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Council Forum – Written report by Cllr Lewis noted BVST – Oral report by Cllr Gulvin noted 22. Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge – No objection Bournes Corner, Bekesbourne Rd, Bridge- No objection provided the City Council Tree Officer approved the pruning of the yew tree. Action; Clerk 23. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Council Environmental Policy – Deferred to next meeting b. Replacement swing seats. – Agreed Action; Cllr Esdale c. Dog fouling – Cllr Esdale reported increased dog fouling in the High St. There had also been a complaint from a parishioner about this. It was agreed to obtain Action ; Clerk notices warning dog owners of the penalties. d. Kent County Playing Fields Subscription – Agreed Action ; Clerk e. Bridge Primary School’s Request for Rounders Tournament on Recreation Ground – Agreed provided participants kept off the cricket square and any newly seeded areas in the goal mouths of the football pitch. Action; Clerk f. Auditing Procedures – The Audit Commission now require a ‘lighter touch’ audit approach for smaller councils and do not need books to be taken to trial balance. Accounts must be certified by an auditor but no longer need to be prepared by an accountant. It was therefore agreed that the council would dispense with the services of RBS accountants for the next audit g. One way status for Union Rd/High St. junction – Discussion on this deferred until after the kerb extensions have been installed. h. Renewal of yellow lines in Western Ave – Kent Highways Dept to be asked to Action; Clerk renew these as they had become very faded. i. Possible change of Parish Council meetings to first Thursday in month – It was decided that this would probably not solve the problem of tight deadlines for responses to the City Council. The situation would be monitored over the coming months. Action ; Councillors & Clerk j. Signage at the top of A2 slip road – It was pointed out that there were signs to the Park & Ride and County Cricket but no sign to Canterbury. It was also mentioned that there are too many signs at the slip road off the A2 to Bridge. It was agreed to approach the Highways Dept to see whether action could be taken to erect a sign to Canterbury at the top of the A2 slip road and also reduce the number of signs on the slip road leaving the A2 to Bridge. Action ; Clerk k. Quality Councils and Clerks’ Training Days – It was agreed that the clerk would undertake the training organised by the KAPC in July with a view to obtaining the AQA Certificate in Local Council Administration. This is a prerequisite for any councils seeking Quality Council status. Action; Clerk l. The notice of intention to transfer the Justice’s Licence to Mr Ranjit Dhaliwal of Bridgeway Stores was noted. 24. Correspondence -Noted. 25. Letter of authority to transfer funds of £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council - Noted 26. The following receipts were noted; VAT repayment CCC Concurrent Funding CCC Precept £ 311.30 £14,546.00 £12,909.00 27. The following items were authorised for payment ( 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath Christobel Seath Amount £380.31 £65.68 Allianz Cornhill £1,147.30 Purpose May salary & office allowance Clerk’s Training Day fee & travel expenses Insurance policy renewal Kent County Playing Fields Streetmaster Products PCC Cllr Esdale £15.00 Annual Subscription £762.63 £100.00 £25.90 Christobel Seath D Possee £50 £30.00 Wicksteed Leisure £67.56 Bench Contribution to ‘On the Nail’ Reimbursement of 2 litter pickers +vat+ postage Petty cash Supply of plants, compost & maintenance of planters in High St. 2 replacement swing seats 28. The Council expressed its thanks to Mr Craig Dobson and Cllr Gulvin for installing the new bench outside Bridgeway Stores. 29. The Council instructed the Clerk to write a letter of appreciation to Anna Newton, the Headteacher of Bridge and Patrixbourne CE School on her retirement. Action ; Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th July 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall The meeting closed at 9.15 pm. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th July 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present : Cllrs Hill (Chairman),Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Dobson, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 30. Apologies for absence: There were no apologies for absence. 31. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2005 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 32. Disposal of Business from the last Meeting a. Bridges over watermeadow-. KCC Public Rights of Way Dept have agreed to replace both the bridges. It is hoped this will be done in August. Action: Clerk b. Party Wall Notice 80 High Street – The Parish Council had appointed a surveyor to act in this matter. A corrected Party Wall Notice had been received and an Award document was awaited. It was noted that some tiles on the bus shelter need to be replaced. Action; Cllr Gulvin/Clerk c. Recreation Ground i. Maintenance ; KCC Landscape Services had sent a verbal report to the clerk of the work carried out in June. ii. It was agreed to fix the remaining picnic bench to the ground following the theft of the other picnic bench. Action ;Cllrs Beesty, Hill, Esdale and Gulvin. iii.It was pointed out that the collapsed picket fence by the tennis court had been put up by the football club. It was agreed to remove it as it was in a dangerous state. iv. The litter bin by the pavilion had not yet been replaced despite agreement by the City Council to do so. v. It was reported that a dead tree near the tennis court needs to be removed. d. Affordable Housing /Housing Needs Survey – The Housing Needs Survey was being distributed by Councillors. The closing date for its return is 22nd July 2005. e. Response from A Gomez Ltd – The clerk had written to A Gomez Ltd as agreed. No reply had been received.. f. Dog fouling – New notices warning dog owners of the penalties for allowing their dogs to foul the pavements had been put on lamp-posts in the High Street by the City Council g. Flood Map A flood map covering the whole of the village had been received. There will be a further report on this at the September Parish Council meeting. Action; Cllr Gulvin h. Signage at A2 Triangle and Slip roads. It was reported that there is no funding available to erect a sign to Canterbury at the A2 triangle. Kent Highways agreed that there were too many signs at the Bridge exit from the A2 but pointed out that this was the responsibility of the Department of Transport. They would be holding discussions with them about the signage and also the possible installation of ‘rumble strips’ to prevent further accidents at the junction. 33. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Association of Parish Councils Meeting – a verbal report was given by Cllr Beesty It was agreed to ask Bridge Pharmacy to take part in the Data Link, a medical alert scheme supported by KAPC, by being a distribution point for data canisters containing medical details. The Fish Scheme would also be informed about the scheme. Action; Cllr Beesty, Cllr Edmonds, Clerk 34. Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area Red Deer,Bridge Down, Bridge – No objection Wayland, Town Hill, Bridge – No objection Land opposite 2 Highland Court Cottages, Higham Lane, Bridge – No objection. Action; Clerk 35. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Report from the Planning Committee Cllr Edmonds reported on the Planning Committee Meeting which had been held immediately prior to the Council meeting. b. Parish Council Environmental Policy – It was resolved in principle to adopt a Parish Council Environmental Policy. Councillors would submit ideas to Cllr Corfield who would coordinate them and report back to the September meeting. Action; Cllr Corfield c. Promotion of Commercial Enterprises by the Parish Council –It was agreed that the Parish Council should support local businesses where possible. The visiting times of the Mobile Library and the Fish and Chip van would be advertised in the next Newsletter. Action; Cllr Esdale d. Launch of the 2006 By-PassAction Celebrations & Bridge Village Festival Committee; The council noted that the Bridge Village Festival Committee constitution had been accepted and adopted. The council had received their proposals for activities and the request for financial support with interest. The council support this initiative in principle but would need more concrete proposals with detailed information on expenditure before any commitment to funding could be made. The BVFC would be invited to submit this information before the October budget meeting. Action; Clerk e. Recreation Ground leases –The Conyngham Estate had been written to about a possible extension of the recreation ground lease but no reply had been received. It was agreed that they would also be requested to draw up and present the lease for the allotments. Action; Clerk f. County Lengthsman Scheme – Cllr Lewis agreed to be nominated as County Lengthsman Coordinator for Bridge Action- Clerk g. Circulation of Correspondence – It was agreed to try and reduce the amount of correspondence circulated to Councillors and also to try and ensure that papers were circulated more quickly. Non-urgent correspondence would be made available at parish council meetings only. Action - Clerk h. Police presence in Bridge – Following the recent speed trap exercise on Bridge Hill, it was resolved to write to thank the police and ask them for any information regarding traffic speeds the exercise had produced. Action; Clerk i. Bus services – Deferred to next meeting j. Request from Bridge Primary School to use the recreation ground for parking on 20th & 22nd July – Agreed with usual proviso regarding wet weather Action - Clerk k. Footpaths – It was reported that paths 297 and 298 by the A2 had become very overgrown. It was agreed to report this to the Public Rights of Way officer, Kent County Council. Action – Clerk l. ‘Bridge in Bloom’ –It was agreed to allocate £50 for the purchase of plants to replant the bed at the first chicane on entering the village as it had become untidy. Action; Cllrs Edmonds, Dobson and Esdale m. Request from the Exiles Cricket Club to erect nets on the recreation ground and for financial assistance. It was decided to invite a representative from the club to address the September parish council meeting to explain the proposed siting of the nets and give further details about the proposals. It was felt unlikely that the council could offer funding for this project as other priorities had been identified. It was suggested that the Exiles sought funding from other cricketing bodies. The insurance position regarding the use of the nets by the public would be investigated. Action ; Clerk Councillor Lewis left the meeting at 9.45pm n. Rural Street Runner Group – A paper was circulated by Cllr Dobson outlining possible options for continuing the very successful Street Runner Project after March 2006. It was noted that there is an urgent need for volunteers to help to run the project. Parents would be contacted and an appeal would be made in ‘On the Nail’ and on the village notice boards. It was agreed to seek funding to support a paid youth worker to work in conjunction with volunteers at each session. If no grant was forthcoming it was agreed that the parish council would employ a youth worker and this would be funded by a combination of parental contributions and a grant from parish funds. Action; Cllr Dobson o. Accceptance of a quotation from Wicksteed Leisure for the repainting of the slide steps and spider. – Agreed Action ; Clerk p. Kent Village of the Year – It was reported that Bridge had been short listed for this award. Two parish councillors had been invited to attend the award ceremony in Harrietsham on 8th September 2005. Action; Cllr Esdale q. Pedestrian safety – A letter had been received from a parishioner regarding pedestrian safety in the Dering Rd area. It was agreed to ask Kent Highways Department to suggest solutions to the issues raised. Action ; Clerk 36. Correspondence -Noted. 37. Letter of authority to transfer funds of £3,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council - Agreed 38. It was noted that there had been no receipts in the past month. 39. 40. The following items were authorised for payment ( 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath Bridge Village Hall Management Committee BVHMC Amount £380.31 £10.00 Ordnance Survey Christobel Seath BVHMC BVHMC £55.81 £60.00 £6.00 £3.00 JK Property Services £755.53 £60.00 Purpose May salary & office allowance Hire of Hall for Council Meeting in June & July 2005 Street Runner June, July & August 2005 Map Reproduction Licence £47.50 +vat KAPC Training Days 3 @ £20.00 Hire of Hunter Room for Parish Plan June Hire of Hunter Room for Parish Plan 18th July Replacement glass panels in bus shelter £643.00+ vat Any Other Business a. Cllr Corfield agreed to attend the Parish Forum in Littlebourne on 10th September if possible, in place of Cllr Edmonds. b. Cllr Esdale will reply to a letter from Mr Walder regarding rubbish collection The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th September 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall The meeting closed at 10.12 pm. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present : Cllrs Hill (Chairman),Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 41. Apologies for absence: There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield and Edmonds. 42.There were no declarations of interest or lobbying 43.The minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2005 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. The following amendments to the agenda were noted; Item 9. Transfer £3,000 not £2,000 between the two bank accounts Item 11. Purchase of plants and bulbs cost £55.43 not £53.43. 44. Disposal of Business from the last Meeting a. Party Wall Notice 80 High Street –The Award document had been completed, received and placed on file. b. Recreation Ground i. Maintenance ; KCC Landscape Services had sent a verbal report to the clerk of the work carried out in July and August. ii. It was noted that both the picnic benches on the recreation ground, which had been fixed to the ground by councillors in July, had been uprooted. It was agreed to take no further action to secure them. It was reported that the table surfaces had been damaged by carving. iii.It was agreed to repair the bench by the willow tree which had become unstable and to contact Mrs T Turner, in whose father’s memory the bench had been purchased, to inform her of this. Action ; Clerk iv. The litter bin by the pavilion had been replaced and an additional bin provided by the City Council. v. RoSPA had carried out its annual playground inspection and issued a report which had been circulated to the Recreation Ground Committee vi. It was agreed to attempt to repair the surfaces of the play area with wet pour; Action ; Cllr Beesty vii. Increased activity by moles was noted. It was confirmed that contractors make regular visits to alleviate this on-going problem. viii. There had been a litter problem at the top end of the field, possibly caused by football supporters. The problem would be mentioned to the football clubs. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Affordable Housing /Housing Needs Survey – The draft report of the Housing Needs Survey had been received and was discussed. Disappointment was expressed at its lack of robustness. It was felt that the conclusions drawn were not backed up by the statistics provided. Concern was also expressed at the large number of houses proposed by the report, which did not seem to accord with the formula given for calculating housing need. It was agreed to write to Jennifer Shaw of ACRK and outline the councils concerns, while reaffirming the council’s commitment to affordable housing provision in the village. Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk d. Flood Map The flood map of the village, which had been supplied by the Environmental Agency, is not specific enough and does not differentiate accurately between those properties at risk and those which are not. This has implications for the cost of insurance cover for residents. It was agreed to write to the Environment Agency and point this out. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk e. Cricket nets The council’s insurers had advised that the parish council’s current insurance policy would not cover the use of cricket nets on the recreation ground. The Exiles Cricket Club had not responded to an invitation to send a representative to address the parish council. f. Speeding Survey in Bridge Constable Bull had reported that only three motorists had been cautioned for travelling at speeds between 30 and 35 mph on Bridge Hill in a recent speed survey and none was found to be travelling above this speed. He believed this was because of the high visibility of the police checkpoint. g. County Lengthsman Scheme It was agreed that parishioners who wished to report problems relating to the highways should do so direct to Cllr Lewis who is the parish council’s coordinator for the scheme. This would be publicised on the village website. Action; Cllr Esdale. h. Street Runner It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would represent the parish council on the Street Runner Committee. The parish council decided to opt to pay Canterbury City Council to provide a youth worker for the Street Runner programme in the absence of volunteers from the village to help with supervising the club. Contributions from participants would be used to pay for this and the council would allocate funding for this purpose when the precept for 2006/7 was set. 45. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Speed Watch – Kent Police – A report was given by Cllr Lewis. It was agreed to find out the cost of a Speed Indicator . Action ; Cllr Esdale 46. Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area 12 High St Bridge – No Objection Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge – No Objection Action; Clerk 47. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Council Environmental Policy – Discussion deferred to next meeting. b. Recreation Ground leases –The Conyngham Estate had not replied to letters regarding the extension of the present lease for the recreation ground or the lease for the allotments. The clerk would write to them again. Broomfield Football Club had paid their rent for the 2005/6 season and the lease agreement was signed and would be sent to the club for countersignature. Action; Clerk c. Bus services – It was agreed to put the bus timetable onto the village website. Action; Cllr Esdale d. ‘Bridge in Bloom’ –A written report on this successful competition was received from Cllr Edmonds. e. Restoration of old names and signs – It was agreed to encourage residents to keep the old house names. The History Society would be asked to carry out research into old street and house names in Bridge with a view to restoring some of them to use. This might be a topic for discussion at the Parish Meeting next year. Action; Clerk f. Christmas Trees- It was agreed that Christmas trees would be bought again this year to decorate the High Street. Serco would be informed so that insurance cover could be arranged. Action; Cllr Esdale g. Preparation of Parish Accounts – On the advice of the internal auditor it was agreed to continue to employ the services of RBS Accounting Solutions to prepare the annual parish accounts. h. Resignation of Cllr Dobson – The council noted with great regret the resignation of Cllr Dobson over the holiday period. Appreciation of her outstanding contribution to the work of the council was recorded. It was agreed to convene a meeting of the parish council to fill the vacancy once it was apparent whether an election would be called and to contact any prospective candidates to arrange a convenient date. Action; Cllr Hill, Clerk 48. Correspondence -Noted. 49. Letter of authority to transfer funds of £3,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council - Agreed 50. Receipt of a VAT repayment for the period 1/4/05 to 30/6/05 of £198.92 was noted. 51. The following items were authorised for payment ( 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) 52. Payee Christobel Seath Christobel Seath Amount £380.31 £26.40 John Hill £17.78 British Telecom RBS Accounting Solutions Christobel Seath Action with Communities in Rural Kent Playground Management Ltd Ann Edmonds £112.67 £158.62 Kent County Council Landscape Services BVHMC £1,130.00 BVHMC £20.00 Complete Hygiene £2,251.70 Purpose July salary & office expenses Travel expenses to KAPC Training days at Lenham 22 miles X 3 = 66 miles @ 40p per mile Cement for picnic table installation £380.31 £35.00 Clerk’s telephone installation & account Year end accounts preparation £135.00 + vat August salary & office expenses Membership to March 2006 £79.90 Play area safety inspection + report £55.43 Purchase of plants & bulbs for traffic chicane £43.73 + vat £961.70 + vat Half yearly invoice for grounds maintenance 2005 £80.00 Street Runner hire 13th & 27th September th th & 11 & 25 October @ £5 per hour Parish Council hire of hall Sept, Oct Nov & Dec 2005 Complete refurbishment of village hall floor Any Other Business a. Complaints about obtrusive yellow lines that had been painted outside the school had been received b. The parish council support an application for funding for the Parish Plan c. Mr J Connor, who had represented Bridge Parish Council at the Kent Village of the Year meeting at Harrietsham, returned to report on the meeting. Bridge had won the ‘Older People’ category and with it a cheque for £250.00. In addition Bridge had been awarded Highly Commended in the ‘Services for Young People’, ‘Support for Business’ and ‘IT’ categories. The Kent Men of the Trees had awarded Bridge a cheque for £15 for the purchase of a tree. It was agreed to consult the tree wardens about the purchase and siting of the tree. It was also agreed that the plaque awarded to Bridge would be placed outside the village hall. The clerk would write to thank the ACRK who organised the event. Action; Cllr Beesty, Cllr Esdale, Clerk. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th October 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall The meeting closed at 10.03 pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Edmonds and Esdale 56. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield, Gulvin and Lewis 57. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest on Agenda item 7 as President of Bridge Tennis Club 58. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th September 2005 and the Cooption meeting on 21st September were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. It was noted that at the last meeting Cllr Beesty had reported that supplies of the Data Link pots had been taken to Bridge Pharmacy for distribution. 59. Information item regarding co-option of new councillor. Following the cooption meeting of 21st September, the successful candidate subsequently withdrew without having signed an acceptance of office form. The co-option process has therefore had to begin again and notices of the casual vacancy were posted in the village on 6th October 2005. 60. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground i.Maintenance; KCC Landscape Services had sent a verbal report to the clerk of work carried out during September ii. The RoSPA Report has been considered by the Recreation Ground Committee and they had agreed that no further action was required. iii. Cllr Beinder will hand over responsibility for recreation ground inspections to Cllr Beesty at the end of this month. b. Flood Map – Discussion deferred to next meeting. c. Speed Watch –Cllr Esdale reported that a flashing speed indicator would cost £1,750. He was investigating the cost of a solar powered version which would be moveable. d. Street Runner- It was confirmed that after City Council funding ceases in March 2006, children will be asked to pay for attending the Street Runner sessions. It was also confirmed that the Council’s decision to opt to pay the City Council to provide the services of two youth workers to work with one volunteer per session will be paid for out of the precept. A note to this effect will be put into the next village Newsletter. Pam Dobson will also be informed of this. Action; Clerk e. Recreation Ground Leases – Mr Gooch of FPD Savills had advised that no decision had been taken by the Directors of Cantley Estates concerning the extension of the recreation ground lease, which currently has 21 years to run. There was a possibility that the request would be refused. It was agreed to write to the Chairman of Bridge Tennis Club, which had originally asked for an extension of the current lease to 25 years, to inform them of the position. It was expected that the lease for the allotments would be issued within the next two weeks. Action; Clerk f. Restoration of old street and house names – Bridge History Society had agreed to do further research on this. It was agreed to put an item into the precept for the possible cost of some new street signs. 61. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Beesty reported on the KAPC meeting of 12th October 2005 Cllr Beinder reported on the Kent & Medway Structure Plan Consultation Meeting of 11th October. It was agreed to write to the Strategy Division of Kent County Council to question the concept of the plan and the basis on which the questionnaires were drawn up. Action; Clerk 62. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area i) Springfield, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Reduce two Cyprus trees to side of bungalow to previous cutting points Reduce a sycamore in rear garden to previous cutting points (All three trees cut about 5 years ago.)- No objection ii) Request from tennis club for tree work on the recreation ground. It was agreed that the parish council do not want major work to be carried out on these trees. However, while the trees by the tennis court are in no danger of falling over and damaging property, some limited work may be justified, such as raising the crowns. The tennis club would be asked to pay for work carried out. It was agreed that John Lambourne of CCC should be asked to consider whether work on the trees is required. Action; Clerk 63. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Council Environmental Policy – Cllr Beesty was congratulated on drafting a policy which covers the entire environment and was not confined to recycling. It was agreed to include a clause covering protection of natural habitats, biodiversity and wildlife. The policy will be formally adopted at the next council meeting. Action; Cllr Beesty b. Use of Cars on the Recreation Ground- It was agreed to insert a clause into the lease agreement with the Exiles Cricket Club when it is renewed stipulating the maximum speed for cars crossing the recreation ground and setting down conditions for the use of cars on the ground. Action; Clerk c. Liaison with Bridge Primary School – It was agreed the Chairman should ask the new Headmistress to attend the next Parish Council meeting to meet the councillors. A decision on which councillor should act as a liaison with the school was deferred until the vacancy for a new councillor has been filled. Action ; Cllr Hill d. It was agreed to purchase of wet pour for the recreation ground at a cost of £75 +vat + carriage –Action ; Clerk e. It was agreed to make an ex gratia payment of £200 to Carol Baker, former temporary Parish Clerk, for her work on completing the accounts. Action; Clerk f. The Audit was agreed and signed. The Concurrent Function funding was also agreed and thanks expressed to those councillors who had worked to complete it. Cllr Esdale agreed to complete the form for the City Council. Action; Cllr Esdale g. It was agreed to purchase a replacement bench in memory of George Pratt for the recreation ground at a cost of circa £190.00. It was also agreed to repair one picnic table and the concrete ended bench near the surgery. Action; Cllr Hill h. It was agreed that the clerk should attend a Finance Information Day, Sat 15th October at a cost of £52.88 (£45.00 + £7.88 vat) Action; Clerk i. Cllr Hill agreed to help Cllr Edmonds to plant bulbs on the first island at chicane at the top of the High St. Action; Cllrs Edmonds and Hill j. It was agreed under the powers conferred by Section 137 of the Local Government Act of 1972 and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfies the requirements of that section, that the council would pay up to £500.00 expenses towards the cost of the production of Bridge Parish Plan. Action; Cllr Hill k. It was agreed to increase the clerk’s office expenses to £55 per month with immediate effect 64. Sealing of documents The Agreement with Bridge Football Club for hire of football pitch 2005/6 season was signed. 65. Correspondence Noted and it was agreed to put an item about the KCH taken from East Kent Hospital’s Patient Notes into the Newsletter and onto the website Action; Cllrs Beinder & Esdale 66. Letter of authorisation to transfer £3,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed, the amount of the transfer having been increased from £2,000 because of further accounts having been presented. 67. The following receipts were noted; Broomfield United Football Club £350.00 Bridge Football Club £150.00 68. The following items were authorised for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel N Seath Amount £380.31 BT £60.91 Cantley Estate Christobel Seath Mark Esdale £225.00 £45.12 £67.85 Wicksteed Leisure £101.64 Wicksteed Leisure £1,063.97 Seeboard Energy £294.69 69. Purpose Clerk’s salary and office expenses – September Parish Office telephone account £51.84 + £9.07 vat Half Yearly rents Petty Cash Graffiti removal wipes & ‘Bridge in Bloom’ trophies & engraving Wet pour kit £ 75.00 plus packing & carriage £11.50 + vat £15.14 Repainting play equipment £883.00 + £22.50 carriage + £158.47 vat Final electricity payment for lighting a/c Any other business a. The council agreed to consider an application from the Fish Scheme for a donation from the £250 prize received by Bridge as winners of the Kent Village of the Year contest, Older People Category. It was agreed that a probable donation of £150 would be put to the next Parish Council meeting. b. The Archways planning application will be heard at the next meeting of the Development Control Committee later this month. It was agreed that Cllrs Edmonds and Esdale would attend. (Cllr Beinder declared an interest regarding this item) c. The dilapidated state of the former hairdresser’s shop in the High St was raised. It was agreed that it was not possible for the parish council to take any further action on this but the situation would continue to be monitored. d. Cllr Esdale reported the uprooting of a large tree in the grounds of Bridge Place and of the planting of two saplings near the churchyard. e. The loss of one bus an hour from the village to Canterbury was noted. f. It was agreed that the Christmas trees would be put up in the High St on 3rd. December The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. November 2005 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.50pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 70. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Beesty 71. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest on Agenda item 7 as President of Bridge Tennis Club 72. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th October 2005 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 73. Sue Radcliffe- Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) visited the meeting and was welcomed by the Parish Council. She explained that her role is to deal with anti-social behaviour and low-level crime. Her area covers Bridge, Littlebourne, Adisham and Rural Canterbury. She may be contacted on 07969584289. It was agreed that the contact number and information about the role of the PCSO would be put on the website. Action; Cllr Esdale 74. Affordable Housing Report –Jennifer Shaw of ACRK answered questions from the council concerning the draft report on the Housing Needs Survey. A committee to take forward the affordable housing plans was formed consisting of Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllr Edmonds and Cllr Esdale. After some discussion it was felt that the first issue to be resolved was to find a suitable site. It was therefore agreed that Ms Shaw would arrange a site visit to Bridge with officers of Canterbury City Council’s Planning and Estates Departments and the Affordable Housing Committee to identify a possible site. It was also agreed that a maximum of 6 to 8 houses would be considered. Action; Ms Shaw & Affordable Housing Committee 75. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground i.Maintenance; KCC Landscape Services had sent a verbal report to the clerk of work carried out during October ii. In the absence of any further quotes for recreation ground maintenance it was agreed to renew the contract of Kent County Council Landscape Services. Action; Clerk b. Flood Map –Cllr Gulvin had produced a new flood map giving more accurate detail than the Environmental Agency’s flood map of houses at risk of flooding in Bridge. It shows properties in danger of flooding and those which are not. The council agreed that a letter would be sent to those property owners who were not in flood danger, despite being included on the Environment Agency’s map, so that they could reassure possible house purchasers, insurers etc. that their houses were not susceptible to flooding. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Speed Watch –(See item 78 a.) d. Adoption of Parish Council Environmental Policy –The policy was adopted by the council and signed by the Chairman. e. Christmas trees – The Christmas trees will be put up in the High St on 3rd December. Volunteers are asked to assemble in Cllr Gulvin’s yard at 9.30a.m. Christmas lights will also decorate the yew tree in the church grounds. Cllr Esdale reported that £180.00 had already been collected in donations towards the cost of the trees. Action; Councillors 76. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Esdale reported on the Action with Communities in Rural Kent AGM. A report by Cllr Esdale on the Rural Street Runner Steering group meeting will be circulated. Action; Clerk 77. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area i) White Gates, Bekesbourne Rd., Bridge Remove conifer on left hand boundary Remove deformed conifer on left hand boundary Remove overhanging bough of greengage tree Remove tree-like shrub on east side of property – No objection ii) Portland House, 10 High St, Bridge Reduce height of conifer tree by approx 4 feet and tidy crown – No Objection . Action; Clerk iii) Request from tennis club for tree work on the recreation ground. It was agreed that John Lambourne would be asked to make a site visit but this could not take place until January because of his previous commitments. The City Council Assistant Tree Officer had confirmed that, in general, trees in a conservation area could not be felled unless they were diseased or dangerous. No further action to be taken until John Lambourne has visited the site 78. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Setting of Budget and Precept – The budget and precept for 2006/7 was agreed. It would include £2,700 to underwrite the costs of the Street Runner programme for 2006/7 and £2,000 to purchase an electronic speed sign. As the concurrent funding bid is unlikely to be met in full, it was agreed to include a figure in the precept to cover any concurrent funding shortfall. The total precept figure will be ~£19,695. b. Concurrent Funding Function Cllr Esdale confirmed that the agreed Concurrent Funding bid had been sent to the City Council for action. The City Council will announce the allocation on 8th December. c. It was agreed to donate £150 from the Kent Village of the Year competition prize to the Bridge Village Fish Scheme. Action; Cllr Edmonds d. Bridge Village Festival Committee – Item deferred as no representative of the committee was present. e. Co-option of a new councillor – It was agreed that the meeting to co-opt a new councillor would be held in the Hunter Room on Monday 21st November at 7.00pm. Possible candidates would be contacted. Action; Clerk f. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Thursday 27th April 2006. This later date would enable the previous year’s parish accounts to have been finalised. Action; Clerk g. Recreation ground benches - It was reported to that it was possible to repair the bench in memory of George Pratt on the recreation ground. It was therefore agreed that the bench purchased to replace it should be placed at an alternative site on the recreation ground. The picnic benches were being repaired and once this had been done they would be stored in the pavilion until the Spring. It was doubtful whether the concrete ended bench near the Health Centre could be repaired. It was agreed that a new bench would be purchased in the next financial year to be positioned on Patrixbourne Rd approx midway between the High Street and the Health Centre. Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk h. Parking & traffic calming – Cllr Esdale suggested that, as the church was now open during the day, it was even more important to press for traffic calming measures on Bridge Hill. It was agreed to ask the City Council what specific actions were being planned to curb speeding on Bridge Hill. Action; Clerk It was also pointed out that no action had been taken to provide angled parking places outside the shops on Western Avenue. The problems of delivery lorries parking on the pavements and on the double yellow lines were also raised. It was agreed that Canterbury City Council would be asked when action would be taken to provide angled parking places. Action; Clerk Cllr Esdale also suggested that the removal of the zebra crossing outside Bridge Pharmacy might make the area safer. Parking & traffic congestion by the zebra crossing made its use dangerous. It was suggested that a ‘lollypop’ school patrol person at school times might be a safer option. No decision was taken on this. Cllr Lewis reported that he had complained about the uneven pavement outside Roger’s Garage in his capacity as County Lengthsman Co-ordinator for Bridge. i. Police Community Support Officer – See minute 73. j. Bridge Allotment Association- It was reported by F P Savill’s that the lease for the allotments was not yet ready for submission to the Parish Council. It was also reported that the fence for the allotment area would not be erected until next Spring. The Tree Warden had been consulted about the silver birch trees in the grounds of the telephone exchange but felt no action was necessary. It was, however, reported that the sycamore tree by the entrance to the allotments and the hedge by the main road needed to be trimmed back. It was agreed that the Allotment Society would be authorised to take the necessary action on this. It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would represent the Bridge Parish Council on the Allotment Association Committee. Action; Clerk k. Tree & Pond project – Cllr Lewis reported that the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers is currently looking for suitable projects to benefit from grants for environmental activities. These might include tree planting scheme, hedge planting, tree/pond surveys, creating wildflower meadows and pond restoration. The parish council will process any suggestions from parishioners. Action; Clerk l. Kent Highways Parish & Town Council Seminar 25th November – Noted m. SLCC Kent Branch Training Day 28th November – Noted n. CPRE AGM 18th November – Noted o. East Kent Communities Conference 1st December- Chairman to attend 79. Correspondence Noted 80. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 81. The following receipts were noted; VAT refund ; £542.27 82. The following items were authorised for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel N Seath Amount £380.31 Christobel Seath £66.48 Carol Baker £200.00 Carol Baker £25.12 Andrew Osborn D R Possee £135.00 £45.00 83. Purpose Clerk’s salary and office expenses – September KAPC Financial Inf Day £52.88 + travel expenses 34 miles @ 40p per mile = £13.60 Ex gratia payment for work on parish accounts for 2004-5 Postage & stationery for accounts preparation Tree work on Bridge recreation ground Supply of plants & compost & maintenance of planters Summer 2005 Any other business a) Cllr Lewis agreed to collect the tree awarded to Bridge by Kent Men of the Trees at the Kent Village of the Year competition earlier in the year. b) It was agreed that the next village newsletter would be produced in January 2006. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th.December 2005 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.19pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th December 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale and Gulvin 86. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis 87. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 88. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th November 2005 and the minutes of the co-option meeting held on 21st November 2005 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 89. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground i.Maintenance; KCC Landscape Services had sent a verbal report to the clerk of work carried out during November ii. Councillor Beesty is responsible for recreation ground inspections at present. iii. It was reported that moles continue to be a serious problem and the holes they make are a hazard. This had also been raised at the BVST meeting. It was agreed that further consideration should be given to this at a later date. b. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Traffic calming and parking –It was noted that Ruth Goudie had advised that, at the request of the school, Bridge had been allocated money for new yellow lines outside the school. This had meant there was no further money this year for the agreed priorities of traffic calming on Bridge Hill and parking control measures in the village. As this decision had not been referred to the parish council and was not in line with the agreed priorities, it was agreed to write to Dennis Button, Head of Canterbury Operations to complain about the lack of consultation. Action Cllr Hill/Clerk d. Christmas trees – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Esdale and other councillors and helpers for their work in erecting the 56 Christmas trees in the village. It was agreed that the trees would be taken down on Saturday 7th January. 90. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Esdale reported on the Police Forum meeting. Cllr Gulvin reported on the Bridge Village Sports Trust Meeting. It was arranged that Cllr Gulvin would arrange a meeting with Chairman of BVST, Exiles cricket captain and captain of Barham CC Action Cllr Gulvin Cllr Hill reported on the East Kent Partnership meeting 91. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area Waylands Town Hill Fell two apple trees– No objection 9 Union Rd, Bridge Fell large flowering cherry in left hand corner of rear garden– No Objection Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Co-option of new parish councillor – Cllr Hill welcomed Cllr Julie Bennett who had been co-opted onto the parish council. It was agreed to send Cllr Bennett a list of the current responsibilities of councillors. Action; Clerk b. Green bin collections – It was decided not to object to the suspension of green bin collection over the winter period. City Cllr John Anderson explained that it had proved uneconomic to continue with these because so little green refuse was collected over this period and manpower was required for other duties in bad weather. c. Precept – It was agreed that, as the timetable for setting the levels of concurrent funding had been extended and the precept figure would not now need to be . 92. submitted until the end of January 2006, it would no longer be necessary to revise the precept this month. d. Liaison with the primary school – It was agreed to discuss this with the headmistress who had been invited to attend the parish council meeting in January 2006. It was noted that Bridge Primary School had been rated in the best five Kent primary schools in recent government league tables. e. Newsletter distribution list – Cllr Beinder offered to collate the next issue of the village newsletter, which is due to be distributed in January. Cllr Corfield asked for contributions to be sent to him. He proposed to edit the newsletter to a single sheet. The clerk will circulate a copy of the old distribution list for revision. Cllr Hill informed the council that the Parish Plan would be ready for distribution in early January and it was agreed that parish councillors would also help to distribute copies of this. Action; Cllr Beinder, Cllr Corfield, Cllr Hill, Clerk 93. Correspondence Noted 94. Letter of authorisation to transfer £4,500 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 95. The following receipt was noted; Christmas tree donations; £425.00 96. The following items were authorised for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel N Seath Amount £385.31 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee R Mortley J Taylor £20.00 Christobel Seath £36.16 97. £190.00 £4,230.00 Purpose Clerk’s salary and office expenses – November Hire of Hall for Street Runner 8th & 22nd November 2005 = 4 hrs @ £5 per hour Refurbishment of bench & delivery Village Hall roof repairs £3,600 + £630.00 vat Petty cash Any other business a. It was noted that the damaged kissing gate is not on PROW CB302 and the Public Rights of Way officer will not take action to repair it. Action deferred to next meeting b. It was agreed to make a contribution to the Bridge Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Action; Clerk c. Mr Maurice Smith had expressed his willingness to resume duties as part of the street monitor team. Cllr Hill will liaise with the current street monitors; Mr & Mrs Whitten. Action; Cllr Hill d. The possibility of providing a Youth Shelter as a focus for local young people was raised by Cllr Beesty. He agreed to find out more information on this and report back. Action; Cllr Beesty e. Cllr Esdale reported that the new mobile police station would be visiting the village on 14th December at 6.00pm f. The Red Lion is now offering an Indian takeaway service. It will be closing for approx 6 weeks for major refurbishment in January. g. A letter from Bridge Festival Committee outlining its plans for the coming year was read out. h. Mr Rarity informed the meeting that the Kent History Federation would be holding its conference at Bridge Primary School on 12th May 2007. i. The clerk was asked to find out what action was being taken to repair the damaged balustrade on the A2 slip road. Action ; Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th.January 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.20 pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 98. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 99. Ms Renuka Chinnadurai was welcomed as the new Head teacher at Bridge & Patrixbourne CE School. Ms Chinnadurai said that she hoped the school would become more involved in the community of Bridge and that she would welcome a Parish Councillor acting as a liaison with the school. It was agreed to investigate this further. 100. Mr Chris Lewis – Development Control Manager, Canterbury City Council addressed the meeting. He explained the planning process and the procedures for enforcement and consultation with planning officers. He advised that the planning process could be followed on-line and all planning documents were being placed on the Development Services web pages of the Canterbury City Council website. He answered questions from councillors and agreed that planning officers should write to the parish council to explain the reasons for decisions which went against parish council recommendations. 101. Mr Bill Oakey presented the Parish Plan to the meeting. In accepting the plan on behalf of the parish council, Cllr Hill thanked the plan committee for their work and in particular Mr Oakey for his inspiration and leadership in producing the plan. The Countryside Commission funding promised at the start of the process had not been forthcoming and the plan had had to become self-financing. There were still some outstanding contributions to be collected towards the printing costs and it was hoped that when these had been received, the costs would be fully covered. It was confirmed that the parish council would meet any shortfall as had been agreed earlier. Mr Oakey thanked the parish council for its support. 102. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 103. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th December 2005 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 104. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground i. It was reported that moles were an increasingly serious problem and that recently there had been doubt as to whether a Bridge Junior Football fixture was safe to go ahead. It was felt that the present arrangement with Bounty Pest Control was no longer effective and renewal of their contract would be deferred pending further discussion. It was decided that other solutions should be sought. The clerk would contact relevant agencies for advice and Cllr Esdale would research the problem on the internet. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk ii Cllr Gulvin reported that the sports pavilion had again been the target of vandalism; guttering and windows had been broken and it had been daubed with graffiti. The BVST were arranging repairs and the damaged picnic bench would be repaired at the same time. iii. The damaged recreation ground bench would be repaired by Mr Mortley. b. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Newsletter – Cllr Corfield circulated a draft of the Parish Council Newsletter for comment. A revised distribution list will be agreed and the newsletter distributed by councillors as soon as possible. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Corfield for his work in producing the newsletter. Action; Councillors d. Slip Road over the A2 – It was reported that Kent Highways’ sub contractors had discovered that the damaged balustrade was sub standard and they would therefore have to replace the full length of the balustrade with a higher specification alternative. The sub contractors would inform the clerk within the next few days when the repairs were to be carried out. Action ; Clerk 105. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Gulvin reported that at the Bridge Village Sports Trust Meeting the Exiles Cricket Club had expressed concern over complaints that cars had been crossing the recreation ground at dangerous speeds on match days. They had undertaken to investigate and asked for details of any vehicle involved. Barham Cricket Club is to be invited to the AGM of the BVST in April 2006. Action Cllr Gulvin Cllr Beesty reported that he had attended a meeting of the Kent Association of Parish Councils 106. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area 18 High St Bridge Remove reverted upper section of hazel in front garden to create domed upper crown – No objection Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Repair of the kissing gate near CB302 – Cllr Hill had made temporary repairs to the gate. It was agreed that a working party would make a permanent repair on Saturday 21st January. Action; Cllr Hill Beesty, Esdale & Gulvin. b. To agree the precept requirement for 2006/7– There would be a shortfall of approximately £420 on concurrent funding from the city council. This and other commitments would be reflected in the precept and a 38.63% increase in the precept was agreed by the council. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Esdale for his work on the budget. c. Redundant Road Signs – It was agreed that Cllrs Esdale and Lewis would walk round the village and identify redundant road signs with a view to having them removed. Action; Cllrs Lewis & Esdale d. Keep Bridge Tidy - Cllr Lewis had suggested that a local contractor might be identified to undertake maintenance work in the village on an ad hoc basis. However, the KAPC had been consulted and outlined the tax, insurance and health & safety issues involved in employing individuals on this basis. It was agreed not to proceed with this suggestion at present. e. Corrall’s Fuel Store – Concern had been expressed over safety issues following the Buncefield Depot explosion last year. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would contact Corralls and the Fire Service to ascertain what emergency plans were in place in view of the fuel store’s close proximity to housing. He would also investigate any future plans for the site at the end of Corrall’s current lease. Action; Cllr Esdale f. Proposal to remove the zebra crossing outside Bridge Pharmacy – It was agreed that the crossing was made dangerous because of cars being parked on the zigzag lines, thereby restricting visibility. However, it was pointed out that the parish council had fought hard to have the crossing put there initially and the problem lay not with the crossing but with motorists who persisted in parking illegally. It was agreed that the problem would be highlighted in the forthcoming Parish Newsletter and that motorists who continued to park illegally would be ‘named and shamed’ on the village website and possibly reported to the police. Action; Cllrs Corfield & Esdale . 107. 108. Correspondence Noted 109. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 110. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations; £160.00 EDF Energy rebate; £3.45 111. The following items were authorised for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) apart from the Bounty Pest Control payment (see item 104 a.i. above) Payee Ewart Clough Amount £263.20 Mervyn Gulvin Christobel N Seath £47.70 £385.31 Canterbury & District Neighbourhood Watch As. Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Bounty Pest Control £120.00 British Telecom Gillett & Johnson (Croyden) Ltd KCC Commercial Services £61.14 £121.03 Campaign to Protect Rural England Cllr Esdale Christobel Seath Bridge Fish Scheme £26.00 Contribution to upkeep of churchyard 2005/6 Annual contract Dec 2005 to Nov 2006 £260 + £45.50 vat Telephone account £52.04+ £9.10 vat Servicing village hall clock year ended 30/11/06 £103.00 + £18.03 vat Second half yearly invoice grounds maintenance £588.58 + £103.00 vat Renewal of annual subscription £290.77 £44.29 £150.00 Christmas tree lights Petty cash Award from Kent Village of the Year 112. £300.00 £305.50 £691.58 Purpose Supply of 56 Christmas trees £224.00+ £39.20 vat Photocopying Jan-Nov 2005 inc vat. Clerk’s salary and office expenses – December Annual donation 2005/6 Any other business a. Cllr Beinder reported that there had been several complaints from residents about street lights which were not working and had not been repaired promptly by Kent Highway services, who were now responsible for lighting in the village. The East Kent area manager had been contacted and had admitted that there had been teething problems since they took over responsibility as sub contractors for Canterbury City Council. A watch would be kept on the situation Action; Clerk b. It was agreed to request a new light for Patrixbourne Rd, a stretch of which was very dark. Action; Clerk c. It was agreed to report to Highways Dept that the flyover on the A2 at the Patrixbourne road has again become very noisy. Action; Clerk d. It was reported that the pavement on Patrixbourne Rd was very uneven and frequently flooded by large puddles. This was a danger especially to pedestrians walking to Bridge Health Centre. It was agreed to ask for emergency repairs to be carried out. Action; Clerk e. The Strategic Health Authority had produced a consultation document on the future of Primary Health Trusts in Kent. It was agreed that Cllrs Bennett and Beinder would attend the Canterbury Area consultation meeting on this. Action; Cllrs Beinder & Bennett f. The council agreed future priorities for policing which had been put to them in a consultation document questionnaire from the Kent Police Service. g. It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds would attend the Canterbury & District Parish Forum Meeting on 25th February. h. Christmas trees – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Esdale, other councillors and helpers for their work in taking down the 56 Christmas trees in the village. Many favourable comments had been received this year. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th.February 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.08 pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th February 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 113. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Councillor Edmonds 114. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 115. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th January 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 116. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground The continuing infestation of moles was discussed and councillors had carried out research into possible solutions. It was agreed that there was no immediate answer to this on-going problem. Expert opinion was that the situation should improve by April. It was agreed to continue to use Bounty Pest Control to treat the recreation ground regularly. It was also agreed that it was the responsibility of individual sports clubs to decide whether it was safe to play matches on the sports pitches. b. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. It was agreed to contribute £25 to the Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group towards the administrative Action; Cllr Gulvin/Clerk costs of running the group until 2009. c. Patrixbourne Rd Flyover Noise - It was reported that Inter Route had agreed to investigate the excessive noise from the A2 over-bridge at Patrixbourne Rd. but should action be required this would not take place until the next financial year. It was also reported that Canterbury City Council had taken over responsibility for the decision on angled parking on Western Ave from the Kent Highways Agency. However, they were unable to take this any further until the new financial year. It was agreed that city councillor John Anderson would look at the correspondence with a view to taking up the continued delays with the relevant department. Action; Clerk d. Redundant street signs – Several signs requiring replacement or removal had been identified by Cllrs Esdale and Lewis. It was agreed to write to Canterbury City Council to ask for damaged signs to be replaced. Action; Clerk 117. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from outside bodies 118. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area 51 High St Bridge Re-pollard lime tree to front of house. – No objection 119. Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parking on Dering Rd – It was agreed not to support a proposal from Canterbury City Council to put double yellow lines on Dering Rd. It was felt that this would exacerbate parking problems in other areas of the village. It was also pointed out that emergency vehicles could now gain access via Aunt Betsy’s Hill as overhanging vegetation had been cut back. Action; Clerk b. Annual Parish Meeting 12th April – It was agreed to ask Ms Renuka Chinnadurai, Headmistress of Bridge Primary School, to speak at the meeting. It was also agreed that Mr Bill Oakey would be asked to speak about the Bridge Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk Parish Plan. c. Areas of Councillors’ Responsibilities – Following the co-option of Cllr Bennett, it was agreed that she would represent the parish council at meetings of the Kent Association of Parish Councils. It was also decided that she would represent the council on the Art in Bridge Committee, together with Cllr Corfield. It was further agreed that Cllr Beesty would share representation on the Mill Centre Management Committee with Cllr Gulvin and that Cllr Beesty would also be put forward as the new liaison with Bridge Primary School. Action; Clerk d. Wild flower meadow on the recreation ground – The parish council agreed to Cllr Beinder’s proposal that the recreation ground should be developed as an environmentally sensitive area. It was resolved to consult environmental experts to seek advice on planting suitable areas with appropriate plants and installing bat boxes and nesting boxes. Action; Cllr Gulvin e. Action with Communities in Rural Kent – It was agreed to renew the council’s annual membership subscription of £35.00 for 2006/7 Action; Clerk f. Village of the Year Competition - It was decided not to enter the competition this year. Instead the council would strive to improve the village using the Parish Plan and competition criteria with a view to submitting strong entries in all categories in 2007 or 2008. g. Bridge Parish Plan – Action Plan – The council agreed to extract those elements of the Action Plan which relate to the parish council and circulate them to councillors so that they could indicate what priority each action should be given. These responses would be collated and a list of priorities agreed, to be taken forward by the council. It was also agreed to circulate a copy of the Village Design Statement which had recently been produced by Chartham. Action; Cllr Esdale, Clerk h. Affordable Housing – Members of the Affordable Housing Committee had met with Jennifer Shaw of ACRK and Craig Savage, Senior Planning Officer, Canterbury City Council and considered fourteen possible locations within the village for an affordable housing development of up to eight houses. It was agreed that the Brickfields site in Mill Lane most closely met the requirements of an exception site and was the most appropriate for a local needs housing scheme. The council therefore agreed to ask Canterbury City Council to release a portion of Brickfields for this purpose. It was agreed to defer consideration of the criteria on which the affordable housing would be allocated until a later date. It was also agreed to try to ascertain how many applicants with close connections to Bridge were currently on the Canterbury City Council housing waiting list. i. j. Action; Clerk Recreation ground trees – John Lambourne, Canterbury City Council tree officer, had visited the recreation ground at the council’s invitation, to consider the request from Bridge Tennis Club to remove trees that were apparently damaging the playing surface of the tennis courts. He recommended the removal one sycamore and one damaged alder tree from the tennis court area and their replacement in a slightly different location with an ash and a hawthorn. In addition, the remaining alder trees could be reduced by 15-20%. The parish council approved these recommendations, which would be paid for by Bridge Tennis Club, and agreed to ask the City Council for permission for the work to be carried out. Action; Clerk Bridge Youth Group – It was reported that neither of the current volunteer helpers is willing to continue with the youth group, the last session of which, under the present funding arrangements, will be on 28th March 2006. It was therefore agreed to seek volunteers willing to assist the City Council youth workers on youth group evenings. (At least two per session are required) It was also agreed to seek volunteers willing to act as members of the committee. A dead line was set of 27th February and an open meeting will take place on that date in the Village Hall for potential volunteers to come forward. If there was an insufficient response, the council agreed to abandon the youth project. If sufficient volunteers were found, it was agreed to suspend youth group meetings possibly until September, or until such time as the necessary police checks etc. have been completed. Meanwhile the new constitution for the youth group was approved by the council, in the hope that sufficient volunteers could be found to continue the project. Councillors would also pursue various options to try and identify potential volunteers. Action; Cllr Esdale k. Kent Messenger Group Big Quiz – It was agreed to enter a team from Bridge Parish Council to take part in the Big Quiz in aid of the Lady Mayoress of Canterbury’s Charity Appeal on March 18th 2006. Action; Cllr Esdale 120. Correspondence Noted 121. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 122. The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Mickle Print Christobel N Seath Amount £215.00 £385.31 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee BVHMC £60.00 Action with Communities in Rural Kent £35.00 123. £15.00 Purpose Balance of printing costs for Parish Plan Clerk’s salary and office expenses – December Hire of Hall for Street Runner Jan, Feb, Mar 2006 = 12 hrs @ £5 per hour Hire of hall for Parish Council meetings Jan, Feb Mar 2006 @ £5 per session Membership from April 2006 – 31st March 2007 Any other business a. Public Rights of Way Meeting – It was agreed that Cllrs Edmonds & Esdale should attend the PROW/Parish Council Liaison Meeting on 8th March if possible. b. Lighting for Bifrons Path – The council considered a request for an additional light to be placed by the recreation ground. However, the council decided that it could not support this proposal, which it felt was unnecessary and would increase light pollution. c. Dog fouling – Dog fouling was again reported to be a problem particularly in the High Street and Western Ave. It was agreed to obtain more stickers for lamp posts in the hope of reminding dog owners of their responsibilities and the penalties for this anti-social behaviour. Action- Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th.March 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.12 pm. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th March 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Corfield, Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis 124. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 125. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Gulvin declared an interest in items 6 and 7g 126. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th February 2006 were amended at item 119b. to record that the date of the Annual Parish Meeting is 27th April 2006 and were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 127. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground Councillors Beinder & Corfield had visited the recreation ground with Dr John Puckett to consider how the area could be developed as an environmentally sensitive area. It was agreed that the project should be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting b. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. c. Annual Parish Meeting It was reported that Ms Chinnadurai, Headmistress of Bridge Primary School, had agreed to be the main speaker and that Councillor Michael Northey and Mr Bill Oakey had accepted invitations to give reports at the Annual Parish Meeting next month. d. Dog fouling Dog fouling warning stickers were distributed to councillors to be placed on lamp posts around the village. e. Restoration of old house & street names It was agreed that Bridge History Society, together with Councillor Beinder would be asked to mark old street and house names on a map of the village. Councillor Gulvin agreed to provide a suitable map for this purpose. Action ; Cllrs Gulvin & Beinder f. Low cost housing The Rural Housing Enabler, Jennifer Shaw, had reported that two people with connections with Bridge were currently on the Canterbury City Council housing list. It was agreed to ascertain from Ms Shaw how residents of Bridge could be included on the housing list and whether they would be able to specify Bridge housing only. It was also agreed to try to find out from Ms Shaw how many residents of Adisham were on the City Council housing list before their low cost housing scheme was undertaken. It was suggested that at a later date a councillor from Adisham be invited to Bridge Parish Council to talk about the operation of the scheme in their village. Action ; Clerk g. Rural Street Runner Councillor Esdale reported that, following a meeting last month, ten volunteers had come forward to help with the running of the youth group and to serve on the committee. The Street Runner will therefore continue, with four teams of two volunteers per session. Police checks are currently in progress and the group will be affiliated to Kent Youth. 128. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Councillor Beinder reported on the Strategic Health Authority Meeting on the reconfiguration of boundaries and alterations to the ambulance service. Councillor Edmonds reported on the Canterbury & District Parish Forum Councillor Edmonds reported on the Public Rights of Way Parish Liaison Meeting Councillor Esdale reported on the Police Forum Meeting 129. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The Close Union Rd, Bridge Remove 1 cherry and 1 lime from wheelie bin area It was agreed that the cherry tree should be removed but Councillor Lewis reported that the lime tree should not be removed but could have its crown raised. Action; Clerk 130. Matters for Discussion and Action a. It was agreed to contribute to the running costs of the Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group costs. Action; Clerk b. Deferred to next meeting. Councillors to consider how the Action Plan is to be taken forward. c. It was agreed that Councillor Hill would follow up the idea of an information board for the village. Action; Cllr Hill d. It was agreed that a working party would take place on 1st April at 10.00am to put wire netting on the new footbridges in the water meadows in Brewery Lane as the surfaces had become slippery. Action; Cllrs Hill, Esdale, Gulvin & Beesty e. Councillor Lewis suggested that nominations for parish council office should be discussed informally with potential candidates ahead of the election meeting. This would ensure that councillors had prior warning of nominations. f. Councillor Lewis reported that a tree near the children’s play area on the recreation ground was rotten and needed to be removed. It was agreed that councillors would visit the site and that the removal of the tree be discussed at the next parish council meeting. g. Representations were made by parishioners who were concerned about the excavations of an Anglo Saxon burial site currently taking place at Star Hill .It was agreed that the parish council would write to English Heritage requesting that the whole site be scheduled as a matter of urgency. A copy of the letter would be sent to the land-owner. Action; Clerk h. It was agreed that the clerk’s salary should be increased from point NJC 15 to point 16 with effect from 1st April 2006. 131. Correspondence Noted 132. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 133. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Junior Football Club, Annual subscription for 2005/6 season - £50.00 Bridge Parish Plan Re-imbursement - £500.00 134. The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Little Stour & Nailbourne £25.00 Contribution to administrative costs up to Management Group 2009 The Audit Commission £141.00 Audit of Parish Accounts 2005/6 Christobel N Seath £385.31 Clerk’s salary and office expenses – February Kent Association 0f Parish £430.39 Annual subscription £341.61 + £59.78 vat + Councils £14 Local Council Review +£15 Parish News 6 extra copies 134. Any other business a. The Parish Council decided not to purchase a lime sapling at a cost of £70 in aid of Canterbury Cricket Club funds. b. Councillor Esdale distributed posters concerning the mobile police station. c. It was agreed not to publicise ITV’s appeal for participants in a reality TV show about relationships on the parish council website. d. The Audit Commission had completed their audit of the 2005/6 parish accounts, which would be available to view in Cllr Gulvin’s office for fourteen days from 10th March. The meeting closed at 9.45 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th.April 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday13th April 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Edmonds, Esdale and Lewis 136. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Councillors Corfield and Gulvin 137. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 138. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th March 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 139. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground Cllr Beesty passed the Recreation Ground folder to Cllr Lewis. Cllr Beinder will put together a proposal for making the Recreation Ground into an environmentally sensitive area to present to the June Parish Council meeting. Action; Cllr Beinder Cllr Lewis reported that concrete blocks were being placed at the base of one of the trees on the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that councillors would remove these and dispose of them at the Council Recycling Depot. Action; Councillors Cllr Hill agreed to contact Mr Mortley to ask when the repaired benches will be installed. Action; Cllr Hill b. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. Action – Cllr Gulvin c. Information Board – Information is still being gathered. Deferred to later meeting. Action; Cllr Hill d. Low cost housing – It was agreed to contact other local parishes to ascertain what had been their experiences in setting up affordable housing schemes. Cllr Edmonds would contact a former councillor from Bekesbourne and the Clerk would find out the names of the Parish Clerks in Littlebourne and Adisham. It was agreed that the criteria for the allocation of housing would be discussed at the June Parish Council meeting. Action; Cllr Edmonds, Clerk e. Water meadow bridges – Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Gulvin, Beesty and Esdale who helped Cllr Hill to lay netting over the water meadow bridges. A letter of thanks had also been received from Mrs Ann Shirley who made the original request.. It was pointed out that the bridge over the Nailbourne ford in Mill Lane is the responsibility of Kent Highways. They had been contacted in February to report the slippery surface. No remedial action had yet been taken but the council thanked Mrs Bryce for bringing the matter to its attention. f. Annual Parish Meeting – As Ms Chinnadurai was not now able to address the meeting, it was hoped to get a representative of Southern Water to speak. If this were not possible, the meeting would go ahead this year without an outside speaker. Cllrs Hill & Esdale would be responsible for buying refreshments and drinks. The Clerk would draw up an agenda and print copies of the 2005 minutes. Action; Cllrs Esdale & Hill, Clerk g. A2 slip road balustrade – Inter Route had reported that, as the replacement balustrade was a new specification, they must obtain permission from the Highways Dept for each component part. This was still awaited but it was expected that the work would be carried out in June at the latest. 140. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Gulvin submitted a written report on the BVST meeting of 28th February 2006 City Cllr John Anderson reported on recent City Council business 141. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area High Beeches, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Remove small conifer growing very close to rear of property – No objection 9 Union Rd, Bridge Fell dead poplar – No objection 142 Red Lion Public house, 74 High St, Bridge Fell 2 apple trees in pub garden – No objection As it is likely that these trees are to be felled in order to increase the capacity of the car park, it was agreed that Punch Taverns should be contacted to confirm the previous agreement that the pub car park could be used for the parish during the day. Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Willow tree on recreation ground; It was agreed that action would be taken to try to preserve this tree for as long as possible as it was used by village children as a climbing tree. It was agreed that permission would be sought to remove dead branches in the hope of conserving it. Action; Cllr Lewis, Clerk b. Youth Shelter; Cllr Beesty had researched the possibility of setting up a youth shelter. The Council felt that this would be a good thing for the village. It was agreed that the community policeman and community support officer would be contacted for their views and to identify a suitable site. Amanda Sparkes would also be asked if other local parishes had successfully introduced youth shelters. It was envisaged that a small working party would be set up to take the plan forward. Action Cllr Beesty, Clerk c. Bridge Parish Plan- Action Plan; The Parish Council reviewed the items of the Action Plan which related to the council’s responsibilities. While most of the proposals were already in hand or had been completed, it was agreed that action would be taken on the following; i) Bus services - A representative of Stage Coach Bus Company would be asked to attend a parish council meeting to discuss fare increases and timetabling issues. Action; Clerk ii) Speed indicator – Bridge Hill – Highways Dept would be asked for an early decision on the siting of a speed indicator for Bridge Hill. Action Cllr Esdale iii) Cycle Route to Canterbury – Canterbury City Council would be asked to discuss the provision of a safe cycle route from Bridge to Canterbury. Action; Clerk iv) Welcome Pack for New Residents – A welcome pack consisting of Bridge Village Plan, a list of village organisations, details of refuse collections and information about the village web site would be compiled and given to new residents to the village. Cllr Esdale agreed to compile a sample pack. Action; Cllr Esdale d Draft Statement of Community Involvement – Cllr Esdale pointed out that the draft statement proposes that pre –application discussions on major proposals likely to cause controversy should no longer be notified to parish councils or to the press. It was agreed that this would be an undesirable development, which would reduce rather than extend community involvement. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would respond to the draft on behalf of the parish council. Action; Cllr Esdale e. Vandalism at re-cycling point – Following persistent incidents of vandalism at the re-cycling point, it was agreed that Cllr Hill would contact the charities which had collection bins at the point and ask whether they would be willing to contribute to the cost of setting up a cctv camera to monitor the area. Action; Cllr Hill f. 30 years of the by pass celebrations – The Parish Council had been asked by the Bridge Festival Committee to take over the organisation of the celebrations marking 30 years of the bypass. In view of the short notice, it was agreed that the parish council would mount an exhibition of photographs during the weekend of the village fete 17th / 18th. June. Maurice Rarity would be asked to help with the selection of suitable material. Action; Cllr Hill, Clerk g. Bridge in Bloom – There was some discussion as to whether the ‘Bridge in Bloom’ competition should go ahead in view of the water shortage. It was agreed that the competition would take place as usual but with extra points awarded for planting and displays that encouraged water conservation. Action; Cllrs Edmonds & Bennett h. Equestrian Elite sign – Several complaints had been received from parishioners that the village hall clock was no longer visible from the bus stop because of the erection of a new shop sign at Equestrian Elite. It was reported that the Planning Dept had refused the original application for an illuminated sign, which the parish council planning committee had supported. It was pointed out that there were several illuminated signs in the High St. It was therefore agreed that the parish council would apply for planning permission for an illuminated shop sign, which would be switched on during hours of business, on behalf of Equestrian Elite. Should this application be granted, the owners of the shop would then replace the sign at a level that would not block sight of the village clock. Action; Cllr Esdale i. Insurance Policy renewal – It was agreed to renew the parish insurance with Allianz Cornhill Action- Clerk j. Clerks’ Information Day – It was agreed that the Clerk should attend a KAPC Information Day on Tuesday 16th May 2006. Action; Clerk 143. Correspondence - Noted 144. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. Action; Clerk 145. The following receipt was noted; VAT repayment 1/10/05 to 4/1/06 - £959.32 146. The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee SLCC British Telecommunications plc Christobel N Seath Amount £84.00 £62.72 Christobel Seath KAPC £43.72 £58.75 147. £385.31 Purpose Annual membership April 06 / April 07 Telephone Account 9/12/05 –7/3/06 £53.38 + £9.34 vat Clerk’s salary and office expenses – March 2006. Petty cash Clerk’s Information Day 16th May (£50 + £8.75 vat) Any other business Patrixbourne Rd light - It was reported there had been no response to the parish council’s request for an additional light. Patrixbourne Rd footpath – There had been no reply to the parish council’s complaint that the footpath needed repairs. Kerbs in Western Ave. – Cllr Lewis as County Lengthsman representative had reported the worn condition of kerbs in Western Ave but had had no response. Chairman - Cllr Hill would be standing down as Chairman of the Parish Council next month at the end of his year of office. He thanked fellow councillors and the clerk for their work and support during the year. He was also thanked by the council for his able leadership over the past year. The meeting closed at 10.09 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th.May 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday11th May 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Esdale(Chairman up to item 5), Edmonds (Chairman from item 6 onwards) Beesty, Gulvin and Lewis 1. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Councillors Beinder. Bennett, Corfield and Hill. 2. Neil Anstrall, Operations Director, Stagecoach in East Kent, answered questions on the local bus service put to him by councillors and parishioners. A leaflet explaining the new bus travel concessions for pensioners would be put on the village website and was available from the Clerk. 3. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 4. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th April 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 5. Election of the Chairman for 2006-7 Councillor Ann Edmonds was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Gulvin, seconded by Cllr Lewis and elected unanimously. 6. Election of Vice Chairman for 2006-7 Cllr John Hill was proposed as Vice- Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Beesty and elected unanimously 7. Appointment of Representative to Outside Bodies The following were appointed as representatives to outside bodies; a) Parish Council Police Forum -Cllrs Lewis & Esdale b) Kent Association of Parish Councils – Cllr Bennett c) Village Hall Management Committee – Cllrs Beinder & Esdale d) Mill Centre Management Committee – Cllrs Gulvin & Beesty e) Bridge Village Sports Trust – Cllr Gulvin f) Nailbourne & Little Stour River Management Group – Cllr Gulvin g) Allotment Association – Cllr Gulvin h) Rural Area Member Panel Meeting – Cllrs Esdale and Hill i) Parish Forum Meetings – Cllr Edmonds j) Bridge Youth Group – Cllr Esdale k) KRCC- Cllr Corfield l) Street Monitor Meetings – Mrs J Jarman and Cllr Esdale m) Art in Bridge Committee – Cllr Bennett 8. Appointment of Members of the Planning Committee The following were appointed as members of the Planning Committee; Cllrs John Hill (Chairman), Beinder and Lewis 9. Appointment of Members to Advisory Committees The following were appointed to advisory committees; a) Recreation Ground – Cllrs Beesty, Beinder, Corfield & Gulvin b) Streets, Footways & Lighting – Mr & Mrs Whitten c) Environment – Cllr Edmonds- [footpaths] Cllr Lewis [trees] Joan Monk [trees] d) Affordable Housing Committee – Cllrs Edmonds, Esdale & Hill 10. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground The councillors agreed to put out the picnic tables near the play area. It was agreed that a working party would fix them to the ground by a chain and ring to try and prevent their removal. The bench awaiting repair was in the pavilion. Cllr Gulvin would contact Mr Mortley to find out when it was to be repaired. Cllr Edmunds would consult Cllr Hill on the positioning of the bench. Action Cllrs Gulvin & Edmonds Cllr Lewis reported that he was continuing to remove the concrete blocks which had been placed at the base of one of the trees on the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that Amanda Sparkes and Sue Radcliffe would be invited to the June Parish Council meeting to discuss the proposal for a Youth Shelter. Action; Clerk b. Flood Map –Cllr Gulvin had now drawn up a map of the village showing which properties were flooded in 2001 and indicating the Environment Agency’s zone of flooding. Cllr Gulvin’s map gave a more accurate indication of properties at risk of flooding. It was available for inspection in Cllr Gulvin’s office in the High St. It was proposed to draft a letter to all householders within the zone of flooding explaining their true position for insurance purposes etc. Action – Cllr Gulvin c. Information Board –Deferred to next meeting. Action; Cllr Hill d. Low cost housing – Other parishes with similar schemes had been contacted. There was some concern that in some instances housing was not occupied by local parishioners but by un-housed people from Canterbury. It was agreed that the Affordable Housing Committee would meet with Sally Richards from Southern Housing to discuss possible designs for the housing and other issues concerning the site etc. and would report back to the parish council. Action; Clerk e. Damaged willow tree The City Council had given permission for the dead branches of the damaged willow tree on the recreation ground to be removed. Action – Cllr Lewis f. Recycling point Following continued acts of vandalism, both the Salvation Army and the Sunshine Club had removed their clothing bins from the village re-cycling point. It was not known whether there were plans to reinstate these at a future date. The Parish Council expressed its dismay at the anti-social element whose actions had resulted in these charities having to remove their collection points. An item explaining the reasons for the bins’ withdrawal would be put in the next parish newsletter. A decision on installing a CCTV camera was deferred to a future date so that the new situation could be monitored. It was agreed to ask SERCO to provide an additional bid for plastic bags etc at the recycling point. Action; Clerk g. By-pass celebrations Maurice Rarity had agreed to help with mounting an exhibition commemorating 30 years of the by-pass at the fete on 17th June. He would liaise with Cllr Beinder over documents for the display. 11. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from outside bodies 12. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area 13. Pheasant’s Croft, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Removal of sycamore trees subject of TPO No 6 of 1990 over the period of 4 years. The tree warden had made a site visit and there was no objection to this proposal as the house holder intended to replace the trees with native species over a four year period. Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bridge Primary School – A verbal request had been received to use the recreation ground for parking on the day of the school fete. This was agreed provided that the weather was not wet, when parking on the field would damage its surface. Action; Clerk b. County Councillor’s Discretionary Fund A discussion on this was deferred to the next meeting of the parish council. c. Bollards for Western Ave Following concerns expressed by parishioners at the Annual Parish Meeting, the possibility of erecting bollards on the pavement of Western Ave opposite Bridgeway Stores was discussed. The aim would be to prevent dangerous parking; an on- going problem. It was agreed to ask KCC Highways for permission and to explore the possibility of the parish council paying for the bollards. Failing this, the parish council agreed to ask the relevant householder for permission to fix notices warning that motorists who parked illegally would be prosecuted. Action; Clerk d. Double Yellow Lines on Dering Rd. A Deposit Document had been received from Canterbury City Council advising that it was proposed to put double yellow lines on Dering Rd and asking for comments before 19th May. It was pointed out that the vegetation had now been cut back on the western side of the road making access much easier. In addition, vegetation at the corner of Aunt Betsy’s Hill had been reduced. It was therefore believed that the problem the Fire Service had raised had been effectively addressed. It was felt that the yellow lines would cause further parking problems in other parts of the village and that unless they were monitored and enforced by the city parking authorities, they would be ignored, as were other double yellow lines in the village. It was agreed that the parish council would write to Canterbury City Council Highways Department again expressing its opposition to the Action; Clerk lines. 14. Correspondence - Noted 15. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,500 between the two bank accounts held by Action; Clerk Bridge Parish Council was agreed. 16. The following receipt was noted; BVST - £10.00 Bridge Tennis Club - £100.00 17.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee John Hill Canterbury City Council Amount £41.70 £43.78 Allianz Cornhill Christobel Seath £1,211.17 £403.18 Kent County Playing Fields Assoc Christobel N Seath Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £20.00 D Possee £30.00 18. £49.83 £60.00 £25.00 Purpose Wine for Annual Parish Meeting Removal of wasps nest from village hall roof 28/10/05 Renewal of insurance Clerk’s salary and office expenses – April2006 Annual Subscription 2006/7 Petty cash Street Runner Hire 11th April – 27th June 2006 = 6 sessions @ £10.00 Parish Council meetings 13th. April – 13th July + Annual Parish Meeting = 5 sessions @ £5.00 Supply of plants & compost for village flower tubs Any other business a. Cllr Esdale asked the clerk to find out whether the parish insurance policy covers the Bridge Youth Group under its public liability insurance. Action; Clerk b. Following the disastrous fire at the Red Lion, it was agreed to write to the landlord expressing the parish council’s sympathy. An e-mail had been received asking for suggestions for alternative venues in the village for a wedding reception booked at the Red Lion. Action; Clerk c. It was reported that the Maclean family are to leave the ‘Plough and Harrow’ in August after 15 years in the village. It was agreed to discuss how to recognise the contribution Chris Maclean had made to the village at the next meeting of the parish council. e. KCC Trading Standards had asked to put up-dates on the village website following an increase in doorstep fraud. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would reply to the letter and that the website would be used to publicise these reports. Action; Cllr Esdale f. James Russ had now left the Public Rights of Way Department of KCC. It was therefore unlikely that any action would be taken on local footpath and stile maintenance until a replacement had been appointed. The meeting closed at 9.04 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th June 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th June 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis 19. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 20. Amanda Sparkes of Canterbury City Council and Sue Radcliffe, Police Community Support Officer, discussed the possibility of setting up a youth shelter in the village. It was agreed that a local consultation would be carried out. Amanda would arrange for separate questionnaires for young people and older people to be drafted. These would be available at the village fete, where there would be a presentation with promotional literature/ catalogues. The village youth group would be consulted at its next meeting. The scouts and guides would also be consulted. Following the consultation process, local residents’ views would be sought. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain as many catalogues as possible for display at the fete. Sue Radcliffe would obtain feed back from other PCSOs with experience of youth shelters in their areas. Action; Amanda Sparkes/Sue Radcliffe/Clerk 21. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 22. 23. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th May 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Beinder agreed to take over the recreation ground folder from Cllr Lewis at the end of the month. Mr Mortley had installed the repaired bench on the recreation ground. Cllr Lewis had trimmed the damaged willow tree. It was reported that the tennis club had planted trees to replace the trees overhanging the courts that had been removed. It was reported that the concrete on the bench near the surgery had been smashed by vandals. Cllr Gulvin agreed to get a quotation for its repair. Action; Cllr Gulvin b. Information Board – Cllr Hill was obtaining catalogues and would report back to the next meeting. Action; Cllr Hill c. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Low cost housing - It was reported that the Low Cost Housing Committee would meet with Jennifer Shaw of ACRK and Sally Richards of the Southern Housing Group on 12th. June to discuss the next steps with the group likely to take on the affordable housing project. e. By-pass celebrations – Cllr Esdale would organise the information panels and he and Cllr Hill would provide gazebos for the exhibit and the youth shelter display. Councillors were asked to assemble at 10.00am at the school field if they were able to assist with setting up the display and to be available during the afternoon to help with manning the exhibits. Action; Councillors f. Western Ave Bollards – Following the parish council’s letter, Kent Highways Dept had requested a site meeting with councillors to discuss the possibility of erecting bollards on the corner of the High St and Western Ave. It was agreed that the clerk would set up a meeting. Action; Clerk g. Restoration of old street and house names – Cllr Beinder had identified three streets whose former names could be incorporated into new street signs. There were also several house and terrace names that could be restored with the owners’ permission. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would write an item for ’On the Nail’ asking for residents’ views on restoring the old names. It was also reported that the old sign for Bridge Hill had been removed and replaced with a new sign that was not in keeping with the village. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Highways Dept to ask them to restore the old sign and not to remove any more of the historic signs from the village. Action; Cllr Beinder/Clerk 24. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Council Forum Report - Cllrs Lewis & Esdale BVST Report – Cllr Gulvin 25. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council had no objection to the following proposals; Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge Fell one conifer from left hand boundary Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Reduce crown and thin one lime tree on left hand boundary The Vicarage, 23 High St. Bridge Reduce crown of mature yew on driveway by up to 25% Plus other exempt works Old Renville Farm, Bridge Remove ivy restricting the growth of holly trees Remove dead wood in sycamore trees The Firs, Town Hill, Bridge Reduce line of conifers in rear of garden Remove line of 6 dying conifers Remove line of immature hedging conifers on rear boundary Reduce conifers by 1m. 1 Riverside Close, Bridge Reduce willow tree at side of house to previous cutting point Action; Clerk 26. Matters for Discussion and Action a. County Councillor’s Discretionary Fund There was to be a meeting organised by Kent County Council in Seasalter on 26th June to discuss cooperation with parish councils and possible funding bids. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would represent the parish council. Action; Cllr Hill b. Wild flower area on the recreation ground – Cllr Beinder had put her proposals to the sports clubs using the recreation ground and had received a positive response. She had also approached Bridge Primary School and it might be possible to involve the children in the project. The doctors’ surgery had informed her that their plans for planting a wild flower meadow had been abandoned. Jo Hesketh of the Stour Valley Project had visited the ground with Cllrs Corfield and Beinder and might be able to suggest sources of funding. She was willing to address residents and discuss plans. It was important that the scheme was of low maintenance and that there was a band of willing local people to assist. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would set up a meeting, probably in September, to assess the level of support in the village. It was also agreed to ask SERCO to provide another litterbin at the top of the recreation ground by the double access gate near the school. Action; Cllr Beinder/ Clerk c. Departure of Chris & Melanie Maclean from the Plough & Harrow – It was agreed that Cllr Bennett would write an appreciation for ‘On the Nail’ looking back over Chris Maclean’s 15 year tenancy of the Plough & Harrow. The parish council would write to Chris expressing its gratitude for the contribution he had made to village life. A letter would also be sent to Shepherd Neame commending the Maclean’s tenancy and expressing the hope that the new tenant would continue the community tradition set by the Macleans. Action; Clerk d. New bench for Patrixbourne Rd – It was agreed to purchase a new bench for Patrixbourne Rd. A decision on a new bench for Union Rd was deferred until next month to allow councillors to inspect a possible site. Action; Clerk e. Kent Highway Services Parish Council Briefing – It was agreed that Cllr Lewis would represent the parish council at this meeting on 27th. June. The clerk would supply Cllr Lewis with a list of issues that the council had raised with Kent Highways and on which action or a reply was still outstanding. Action; Cllr Lewis /Clerk f. Parochial Church Council – It was agreed to contribute £100.00 to the Parochial Church Council towards the production costs of ‘On the Nail’. Action; Clerk g. Angled parking on Western Avenue – Following a negative response from Canterbury City Council, it was agreed that the parish council would approach the four landowners concerned to find out whether they would be willing to release land to enable angled parking bays to be constructed outside the parade of shops on Western Avenue. CCC would be approached for the names of the four landowners concerned. Action; Clerk h. Recreation ground maintenance contract – It was agreed that the clerk would approach three local companies, in addition to Kent Landscape services, to invite them to tender for the recreation ground maintenance contract for 2007. Action; Clerk 27. Sealing of documents The new agreement with Exiles Cricket Club for the hire of the cricket pitch for the 2006 season was signed. 28. Correspondence - Noted 29. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,000 between the two bank accounts held by Action; Clerk Bridge Parish Council was agreed. 30. The following receipt was noted; Exiles Cricket Club - £300.00 31.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Kent Association of Parish Councils Christobel Seath Amount £52.88 Purpose Chairmanship training Day- Ann Edmonds £403.18 Christobel N Seath £13.60 Parochial Church Council £100.00 Clerk’s salary and office expenses – April2006 Travel expenses Bridge-Teynham return 34 miles @ 40 p per mile Contribution to ‘On the Nail’ 32. Any other business a. Dering Rd Yellow Lines – Cllr Anderson had reported that Kent Highways now intended to put double yellow lines along the fence at the Union Rd end of Dering Rd and not in front of any of the houses. b. Yellow lines at the bus stop – Cllr Esdale reported that the new yellow lines at the bus stop at the pharmacy were too long. It was agreed to write to Kent Highways Dept to point this out. Action; Clerk c. Welcome pack for new residents – Cllr Esdale had prepared a pack of information for new residents of Bridge. It was agreed to circulate this to councillors for their comments. Action; Cllr Esdale/Clerk The meeting closed at 9.43 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th July 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill 33. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Bennett and Lewis. 34. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest. 35. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th June 2006 were amended at item 26.b.to correct the title ‘Stour Valley Project’ to ‘Kentish Stour Countryside Project’ and were then confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 36. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Vandalism had again been reported at the sports pavilion. Cllr Beinder had received suggested planting plans for the recreation ground from the Kentish Stour Countryside Project. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would arrange a public meeting in the village hall on 21st September to discuss the plans for wild flower planting on the recreation ground with villagers. The Parish Council agreed to meet the cost of hiring the hall. Action ; Cllr Beinder Cllr Esdale reported that one of the toddler swings needed a bolt replacing. He offered to carry out the repair. Action Cllr Esdale It was agreed to order a replacement cat for the children’s play area as the present one had been damaged. This had been included in the 2006/7 budget. Action ; Clerk b. Information Board – Cllr Hill was obtaining catalogues and costings and would report back to the next meeting. Action; Cllr Hill c. Flood Map –Deferred to next meeting. Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Restoration of old street and house names Canterbury City Council had advised that they had no objection to including old street names on road signs if the parish council was willing to pay for this. As there was currently no funding allocated, it was agreed that research would continue with the emphasis on former house and terrace names. The views of parishioners would be sought and Cllr Beinder would write an article for ‘On the Nail’ Action; Cllr Beinder e. Western Avenue Parking Bays – Details of the landowners involved was still awaited from the City Council. It was noted that some local shop owners were using the parking bays for long- term parking. It was suggested that a time limited parking bay should be created. Action deferred to next meeting. f. Teen/Youth Shelter – Amanda Sparkes, Community Development Officer Canterbury City Council, gave a presentation of her analysis of the questionnaires completed by adults and young people in local youth groups and at the fete. 84% of the adults and 64% of the young people who responded were in favour of the youth shelter. The recreation ground was the location favoured by most people. Fears of vandalism and the ’wrong people’ using the shelter were cited as the main problems. The parish council felt the evidence was strong enough to progress to the next stage of a public consultation event. It was agreed that Cllr Beesty would arrange this and would also work towards setting up a working group of adults and young people. Cllr Edmonds thanked councillors and the clerk for their help with the consultation process at the fete. Action; Cllr Beesty g. Bridge Hill Signs The City Council had confirmed that the old signs on Bridge Hill had been removed by Serco without their knowledge. Unfortunately, the old signs could not be found so could not be restored. The City Council have now advised Serco that since Bridge is a conservation area, no further signs should be removed without approval. h. Cycle Routes from Bridge Kent Highways had responded to the parish council’s request for a safe cycle route to Canterbury by saying that there were two routes proposed for the area; the Elham Valley Line and New Dover Rd. However neither is programmed for construction, no consultation has yet been carried out and they remain ‘ medium term projects’. i. Additional litter bin for the recreation ground – This has now been installed j. Patrixbourne Rd light The city council had replied to the request advising that they had no immediate funding available but would investigate the need for the additional light in due course and add it to the waiting list of such proposals. 37. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KCC Local Group Meeting, Tankerton, 26th June – Cllr Hill Allotment Association Meeting 27th June – Cllr Gulvin (Written report circulated) AONB Design Handbook Workshop, Lenham 8th June – Cllr Beinder Kent Highway Services Briefing – Cllr Lewis Kent Association of Parish Councils – Cllr Edmonds During this meeting it was agreed that parish councils would write to their city councillors to request an increase in contributions for the Neighbourhood Watch. 38. Action; Clerk Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council had no objection to the following proposals; Application CAT6/00007/BRI Land at Pheasant’s Croft. Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge; Removal of sycamore trees subject to a TPO N0 6 of 1990 over a period of four years It was noted that has been granted. Land adjacent to Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Action; Clerk Remove dying cypress tree 39. Matters for Discussion and Action a) Discussion paper on Byelaws in England Deferred to September meeting b) Proposal to purchase a new bench for Union Road It was agreed to purchase a new wooden bench. Action; Cllr Gulvin c) Renewal of the council’s map copying licence A decision on this was deferred until the September council meeting. Meanwhile Cllr Hill would investigate whether such a licence would be needed for the proposed information board. Action; Cllr Hill d) Southern Housing Group It was agreed to adopt the Southern Housing Group as the parish council’s partner in the proposed affordable housing scheme. Action; Clerk e) Parking problems at Bridge Primary School – It was agreed to ask the Chairman of the School Governors, Mrs C Ash, to the November meeting of the parish council to discuss this matter. Action; Clerk f) Western Avenue bollards It was agreed that the parish council would purchase bollards for Western Avenue, at the costs set out in Kent Highway’s Department letter. However, the councillors felt strongly that this action was being taken reluctantly as a last resort. It was pointed out that bollards had been installed in the High Street within the last few months without reference to the parish council. Western Avenue had been a higher priority for the parish council but no consultation had taken place. The council also objected to the Kent Highway’s proposal that the parish council be responsible for their repair/ replacement. It was felt that this was a matter of safety and the council agreed to send a letter to Kent Highways expressing its disappointment at their lack of support. Action; Clerk g) Open Day at the Allotments It was resolved to write to Bridge Allotment Society to request an open day so that villagers would have the opportunity to see what was being done at the allotments, some of which had been funded from the village precept. Action; Clerk h) 200m running track on the recreation ground The council listened to a request from Bridge School for permission to mark out a 200 metre running track on the recreation ground. It was argued that this was needed because of the lack of space in the school grounds, some of which would be taken up by a proposed new kitchen block. In addition the continued expansion of the school had meant that there was pressure on existing field area. Following a vote, it was agreed that the council would support the request in principle. The matter was referred to the BVST for discussion at its next meeting and a report on the practicalities would be presented to the September meeting of the parish council. Action ; Cllr Gulvin i) Parish Newsletter The final draft of the Summer issue of the village news letter was approved. Cllr Beinder agreed to take charge of the distribution of the newsletter and the distribution list was revised. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Corfield for his work in producing the newsletter. Action; Councillors j) Local Council Administration 7th Ed by Charles Arnold Baker It was agreed to purchase a copy of this newly revised reference work for the parish council at a cost of £51.95 including p&p from KAPC, which has negotiated an advantageous price for local councils. Action; Clerk k) Allotment gates and fencing – It was agreed to write to Mr Charlie Gooch to thank Cantley Estates for providing new gates and fencing for the allotments. It was reported that the lease for the allotments may be ready for signature within the next two months. Action ; Clerk l) Bench for the play area of recreation ground – It was agreed that the old bench at the recreation ground needed to be repaired and replaced. A working party may be needed to re-install the bench. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk m) New larger litter bin for re-cycling point- As the present new bin is frequently found to be overflowing, it was agreed to ask Serco to replace the small bin with a larger lidded bin of the type already in use further up the lay by. Action; Clerk n) Damage to the bus shelter – It was reported that some roof tiles had been damaged during the rebuilding of 80 High St. Bridge. The surveyor acting for the parish council on the party wall issues involved had asked for digital photographs to be taken so that he could pursue the matter. Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk 40. Correspondence - Noted 41. The following receipt was noted; EDF Energy Refund of overpayment - £199.86 42.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee British Telecommunications plc Christobel Seath Amount £58.66 £403.18 Purpose Telephone account 9 March – 7 June £49.93 + £8.73 vat Clerk’s salary and office expenses – Junel2006 Bridge & Patrixbourne PCC £200.00 Contribution to upkeep of St Mary’s churchyard 2006/7 Note; Agreement for payment to the Ordnance Survey for map copying was deferred. See 39 c. above 43. Any other business a. Welcome pack for new residents – Councillors approved the Welcome Pack produced by Cllr Esdale. It was agreed that residents should be asked to inform the parish clerk of any new comers to the village and that local estate agents would also be asked to inform the clerk when local houses changed ownership. Action; Clerk b. Red Lion It was agreed to write to Punch Taverns to ask about progress on the rebuilding of the Red Lion Action; Clerk following the recent fire. c. Laurie’s Way It was reported that Laurie’s Way had become very overgrown. Cllr Gulvin agreed to see what action could be taken. Action; Cllr Gulvin The meeting closed at 10.30pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. September 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. KCC Highways Department were responsible for the post of the bus stop and Stagecoach Ltd for the flag. The parish council would have no objection to the proposal but had no involvement in the matter. Action- Clerk g) Recreation Ground Maintenance Quotations- It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting in the hope of receiving further responses. h) RoSPA Recreation Ground Report- The Recreation Ground Committee were asked to consider the report and recommend any action required to the parish council.-Action- Recreation Ground Committee i) Tyler Hill Football Club – It was agreed to offer Tyler Hill Football Club a three year tenure of the football pitch. Action- Clerk j) Canterbury Volunteer Centre – It was decided not to agree to Canterbury Volunteer Centre’s request for funding. k) Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds reported on this year’s competition. Cllr Bennett will take over responsibility for next year’s competition. Acton – Cllr Bennett. l) Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC – It was agreed to donate £500 to the appeal for funding for the provision of water and toilet facilities at St Peter’s Church Bridge. Action - Clerk m) Map Copying Licence – It was agreed to renew the council’s paper map copying licence at a cost of £47.50 + £8.31 vat. Action; Clerk 51. Correspondence - Noted 52. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,000 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed – Action - Clerk 53.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Ordnance Survey *KAPC Amount £55.81 £51.95 *Playsafety Ltd £81.08 *KCC Landscape Services £1,175.19 *Streetmaster Products £734.38 *Christobel N Seath £403.18 Christobel Seath £403.18 Christobel Seath £35.98 recess * = Authorised during August 54. Purpose Paper map copying licence for 2006/7 Local Council Administration (Ed.7) £48.00 + £3.95 vat Rospa Inspection of Play Area £69.00 + £12.08 vat Half year payment grounds maintenance £1,000.16+ £175.03 vat Patrixbourne Rd bench £625.00+ £109.38 vat Clerk’s salary and office expenses –July 2006 Clerk’s salary and office allowance–August 2006 Petty Cash Any other business a. It was agreed to allow Bridge History Society to use the recreation ground for car parking at the Kent History Federation Conference in May 2007, subject to the usual provisos concerning wet weather. Action; Clerk b. Cllr Esdale reported that he had installed a spam filter on the e mail server for village website The meeting closed at 10.10pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th. October 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. will give a presentation, following a visit to the recreation ground. Cllr Edmonds agreed to help with organising the meeting. Action; Cllrs Beinder & Edmonds 48. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies BVST Meeting - A written report had been received from Cllr Gulvin It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would seek advice from the Kentish Stour Countryside Project staff concerning suitable planting round the pavilion. Action; Cllr Beinder Councillors were urged to help to fill in the hole near the pavilion. The clerk would continue to try to identify the owner of the damaged water meter cover which required replacement Action; Clerk 49. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council noted the following proposals approved during July/August; Old Renville Farmhouse Various tree reductions and removal of ivy The Old Forge, 49 High St, Bridge Reduce walnut tree on right side of garden by 30% Remove limb of ash growing over wooden shed Lift purple leaved plum tree growing over outbuilding to clear roof tiles 40/42 High St Reduction of Bramley apple tree by up to 30% and remove large branch Remove laburnum tree Various tree removals of exempt trees The council had no objection to the following proposal; Waylands, Town Hill, Bridge Fell one cupressus overshadowing golden yew Action; Clerk 50. Matters for Discussion and Action a) Discussion paper on the Byelaws in England It was agreed to take no further action on this matter b) 2005/6 Audit The audited parish accounts for 2005-6 were agreed and signed. It was agreed that Kevin Funnell would be asked to assist with compiling the end of year accounts for 2006-7 in place of RBS Accounting Solutions. Action - Clerk c) 8 Brewery Lane– It was decided to ask Canterbury City Council to formally adopt the Bridge Parish Plan. Once the plan had been adopted it would become supplementary planning guidance. It was hoped that this would prevent further applications being approved by the Planning Department that contravened the recommendations set out in the plan. The City Council’s decision at a Development Control meeting to allow the change of use of 8 Brewery Lane was discussed. The council expressed its disappointment that the City Councillor had not supported the parish council in its opposition to this application. It was decided to write to Colin Carmichael at Canterbury City Council expressing dissatisfaction at the way the hearing had been conducted and asking, under the Freedom of Information Act, how many planning application officer recommendations had been reversed following objections from either Parish Councils or local residents. It was decided that the matter of 8 Brewery Lane could not be referred to Judicial Review on costs grounds. Action; Cllr Hill , Clerk d) 45 High St – It had been reported by City Councillor John Anderson that in his opinion the building was dangerous. The matter had now been referred to the Environment Agency. It was therefore agreed to write to Cllr Anderson asking for a progress report. Action – Clerk e) Bus shelter – It was agreed to obtain quotations for the repair of the roof of the bus shelter – Action; Cllr Bennett f) Bus stop at 7 High St – A request had been received to remove the bus stop from the gateway of 7 High St and re-site it by the adjacent wall. Advice had been sought from KAPC who expressed the opinion that this was not a parish council matter. It was therefore agreed to write to the owners of 7 High St to explain that Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th September 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Beesty, Beinder, Bennett, Esdale, Hill and Lewis 44. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield and Gulvin. 45. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest for agenda item 7l. 46. 47. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th July 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – It was agreed to write to Jon Lambourne asking for permission to trim the lower branches of the willow trees which were making grass cutting difficult Action ; Clerk The clerk will obtain quotations for the purchase of a new ‘No Cycling ‘sign. Action – Clerk The new bench should arrive next week. Cllr Beesty agreed to prepare the concrete base for it. Action; Cllr Beesty A long metal pole with a concrete base had appeared on the recreation ground again. It was agreed that this should be removed. Action; Councillors Cllr Esdale took over responsibility for recreation ground inspections from Cllr Beinder. b. Information Board – Cllr Hill would continue to pursue this and report back when he had further information. Action; Cllr Hill c. Restoration of old street and house names - Cllr Beinder circulated details of her on-going research into old street and house names. It was agreed that she would investigate the possibility and cost of having street signs made up giving some of the old street names. The parish council would not fund name plates for individuals who wished to restore the old names to their houses. Action; Cllr Beinder d. Western Avenue Parking Bays Cllr Esdale had discovered that the whole strip of land required for the angled parking bays was owned by Village Properties, which went into liquidation in 1991. The company dealing with the liquidation had also merged with another firm of accountants. Cllr Esdale hoped to identify the current landowner in due course. The Parish Council agreed to meet the costs of search fees etc that may be required to resolve this. Action; Cllr Esdale e. Western Avenue Bollards – There had been no further communication from Kent Highways Department about installing the bollards. The clerk will find out the cause of the delay. Cllr Lewis registered his objection to Kent Highways’ demand that the parish council should pay for the repair of any damaged bollards. Action; f. Clerk Teen/Youth Shelter – Cllr Beesty reported on the meeting held on 7th. September. The six most popular shelter designs had been chosen and an action plan drawn up. A site meeting would be held at the recreation ground on 17th September to identify possible sites. There would be a public consultation on Saturday morning 14th October outside Bridgeway Stores. Residents of Bridge would be asked to choose their favourite design and also choose one from 3 sites identified for the shelter. A proposal would then be put to the parish council for its approval. Leaflets about the meeting would be distributed the week before the meeting and Cllr Beesty asked councillors to help with their delivery round the village. Action; Cllr Beesty g. Wild Flower Meadow – There will be a public meeting on 28th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The Manager of the Kentish Stour Countryside Project Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th October 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale and Lewis 55. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Bennett and Gulvin. 56. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest made. 57. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th September 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 58. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The hole reported on the recreation ground had been filled in. Permission had been received from Canterbury City Council to trim the willow trees. The Clerk would arrange for this work to be done. A ‘No Cycling’ sign had been purchased and it was agreed to put it at the Bifrons Path entrance to the ground. Action; Clerk/ Cllr Esdale b. Restoration of old street and house names - Cllr Beinder had obtained an example of a street name plate made by a local supplier. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would research the history of Primrose Alley and a decision would be taken at a later date as to whether the parish council would pay for a sign to be erected. Action; Cllr Beinder c. Western Ave bollards Kent Highways had marked out the position of the bollards. A request for payment was still awaited d. Teen/Youth Shelter – The public consultation would take place on Saturday 14th October and residents would be asked to vote on their favourite design. A suitable location on the recreation ground had been identified and villagers would also be asked to comment on this. Following the consultation, a proposal would be put to the parish council for consideration. Action; Cllr Beesty/Cllr Esdale e. Wild Flower Meadow – There had been a well attended consultation meeting on 28th September. A decision on the location of the running track was holding up progress on identifying suitable wild flower areas on the recreation ground. Cllr Beinder would draw up a business plan to present to the Kentish Stour Countryside Project contact prior to seeking funding. Action; Cllr Beinder f. Adoption of Bridge Parish Plan by Canterbury City Council Amanda Sparkes had reported that there was no mechanism for this to be done by Canterbury City Council. Only Village Design Statements can be adopted by city councils for the purpose of supplementary planning guidelines. As this did not accord with the advice given by KAPC it was agreed to seek further clarification from KAPC. Action; Clerk . g. 8 Brewery Lane – Two letters had been sent to Canterbury City Council, one objecting to the conduct of the Development Control Committee dealing with 8 Brewery Lane and the second asking how many times in the past two years the Development Control Committee had made decisions that were contrary to the recommendations of local parish councils. h. Patrixbourne Road light - Kent Highways had costed the provision of the light and this would now be considered against other applications. A decision is likely in early 2007 i. High Street bus shelter repair – It was agreed to get an estimate for the repair of the bus shelter roof. – Action; Cllr Esdale j. ROSPA report on the play area - Deferred to next meeting 59. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury & District Parish Forum 23.9.06 Cllr Edmonds Written report circulated Canterbury Rural Forum 25.9.06 – Cllr Edmonds Written report circulated 60. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 40 Conyngham Lane , Bridge Fell cedar tree 14 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell diseased and dangerous ash tree in rear garden 7 Riverside Close , Bridge Fell Robinia in front garden close to wall of property and causing heave under paved area 61. Matters for Discussion and Action a) The Concurrent Funding bid for 2007/8 was approved – Action; Cllr Esdale b) It was agreed to ask BVST to make their annual accounts available to the parish council - Action; Clerk / Cllr Gulvin c) Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC – It was agreed to use funding under S. 137 of the Local Government Act of 1972 to donate £500 to the appeal for funding for the provision of water and toilet facilities at St Peter’s Church Bridge. Action; Clerk d) It was agreed to award the contract for the maintenance of the recreation ground to Kent Landscape Services for 2007 –Action; Clerk e) It was agreed that the telephone account should be paid by direct debit in future to save the council £12.00 per year – Action- Clerk f) Following a complaint from a local resident, it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landlord of the White Horse to ask him to cut back the trees that were obscuring the light in Bifrons Path and making the area dark. It was also pointed out that leaves on the path were a problem and Cllr Lewis was thanked for his voluntary action in sweeping the path to clear them. It was pointed out that Serco was responsible for removing leaves from the path. Action; Clerk g) It was agreed that Cllr Esdale should organise the display of Christmas trees for the High Street again this year. It was proposed that a working party should meet in Cllr Gulvin’s yard at 9.00am on 2nd December to put up the trees. Cllr Esdale would contact High Street residents. Action; Cllr Esdale 62. Correspondence - Noted 63. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,000 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed – Action; Clerk 64.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee British Telecommunications plc. Christobel Seath Amount £57.10 Streetmaster £734.38 Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Bridge Village Hall Management Cttee Bridge Village Hall Management Cttee Roger Casement £500.00 £403.18 £42.00 £33.00 £20.03 Purpose Telephone account June-Sept 06 £48.60 + £8.50 vat Clerk’s salary and office allowance– September 2006 Bench for recreation ground £625+ £109.38 vat Donation to provide water and toilet facilities at St Peter’s Church, Bridge Hire of hall July & Sept Street Runner 2X £10 & 2 X £11 Parish Council mttgs Sept – Dec 06 (4)+ hall on 7th & 28th Sept @ £5.50 No Cycling sign + fixings + delivery + vat £2.98 65. Any other business a. Cllr Lewis reported that the builder had dealt with the damage to the silver birch tree that had occurred during the building of the new houses in Dering Rd. b. Damage to the cat see- saw on the recreation ground had again been reported. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would seek quotations for the replacement of the damaged parts. Action ; Cllr Esdale c. Damage to the footpath at the corner of Union Rd and Saxon Rd was discussed. This had already been reported to Kent Highways Dept on at least two occasions. d. The interior state of the Mill Centre was a cause of concern. It was agreed that Cllr Beesty would discuss this with Cllr Gulvin. Action Cllrs Beesty & Gulvin e. It was agreed that the possibility of putting up a cork notice board in the bus shelter should be discussed at the next meeting f. The agreement for the lease of the football pitch between Bridge Village Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for the 2006/7 season was signed. The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th. November 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th November 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis 66. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Bennett and Beesty. 67. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest regarding agenda item 4b – Youth/Teen Shelter. 68. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th October 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 69. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Andrew Osborne would give the council an estimate for work on the willow trees. b. Teen/Youth Shelter – The public consultation took place on Saturday 14th October and a large majority were in favour of the teen shelter. Residents chose their favourite design from a short list of six. A suitable location on the recreation ground had been identified by the sub-committee. Cllr Gulvin objected to this location. The parish council had also received a letter of objection to the proposed site from Bridge Tennis Club. It was agreed that a residents’ questionnaire would be delivered to houses in Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Rd and collected by councillors before a proposal was put to the parish council. Action; Cllr Beesty/Cllr Esdale/Clerk c. ROSPA report on the play area - Deferred to next meeting d. High Street bus shelter repair – Cllr Esdale would obtain an estimate for the repair of the bus shelter roof, which, it was hoped, could be done by fixing plywood sheets over the hole rather than stripping the roof. – Action; Cllr Esdale. 70. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllrs Edmonds & Esdale reported on the AGM of the KAPC 71. Matters for Discussion and Action a) Notice Board; It was agreed to put up a cork notice board in the High Street bus shelter for residents’ notices – Action; Cllr Esdale b) Children’s Play Area; A letter had been received from three young residents asking for a roundabout to replace the cat, which is in need of repair, in the children’s play area. It was agreed that Wicksteed Leisure would be asked to visit the play area to give a quotation and assess its suitability for a roundabout and also to give estimates of the cost of providing a replacement or repairing the existing cat – Action; Cllr Esdale/Clerk c) Cycle Route to Canterbury; This had again been proposed by a resident. The parish council had received a letter in June from Kent Highway Services confirming that the cycle path remained a medium term project. It was agreed that City Cllr Anderson would raise the issue at the Rural Area Members Panel meeting on 18th December. A possible alternative to the Dover Rd route was suggested by Cllr Hill and it was agreed that Cllrs Hill and Gulvin would prepare a map of this alternative route to be presented to the City Council. Action; Cllrs Hill & Gulvin d) Budget & Precept for 2007/8; Preliminary agreement was reached on the figures for the budget and precept for 2007/8 and there was discussion on the allocation of reserves. Action; Cllr Esdale e) Bushes in front of 67 & 69 High Street; It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services to reduce the crowns and tidy the trees and bushes on this stretch of the High Street which had become very overgrown. Action; Clerk f) Bus services to Bridge; A local resident had reported that the bus services to Bridge were causing difficulties. The 89 bus did not always stop in the village and often arrived late. A new ‘flexible route’ for the 16 and 17 service meant that drivers were permitted to by-pass Bridge if they were running late. In addition, the flags on bus stops in the village were in a bad condition. It was agreed to write to Stagecoach to put these concerns to the company. It was also agreed to thank Stagecoach for providing an additional morning bus for school children to alleviate the problem of overcrowded buses and Bridge schoolchildren left behind. Action; Clerk g) AGM of CPRE ; No councillors would be available to attend this meeting 72. Correspondence - Noted 73. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,000 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed – Action; Clerk 74. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Football Club - £150.00 VAT repayment - £438.00 75.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath Amount £403.18 Canterbury City Council Corporate Services £505.34 Kent County Council £408.38 D Possee £45.00 76. Purpose Clerk’s salary and office allowance– October 2006 Youth Service Sessions 1/7/06 to 26/9/06 – 4 sessions @ £107.52 = £430.08 + £75.26 vat Payment for 5 wooden bollards at Western Ave, Bridge Supplying plants & compost and maintaining planters for Summer 2006 Any other business a. Cllr Hill had received a letter from Colin Carmichael of CCC, in reply to Bridge’s letters complaining about the conduct of the Development Control Meeting which considered the development at 8 Brewery Lane and also to the letter asking for information about the number of occasions over the past two years when objections by parish councils had been up held by the committee. It was agreed to send the letter to KAPC for their comment. Action; Clerk b. Cllr Hill pointed out that current reminder letters for vehicle licence renewal urged motorists to renew their licences on-line or by phone. This was damaging to local post office business and Cllr Hill hoped that local people would continue to use Bridge Post Office for this service. c. Cllr Lewis, the County Lengthsman Representative, reported that following continued pressure, the damaged pavement at the corner of Saxon and Union Roads had been repaired. d. Cllr Esdale reported that the Concurrent Funding Bid had been submitted to Canterbury City Council. e. Residents should be aware that there had been a case of someone ringing up a local resident pretending to be a parish councillor. f. Cllr Esdale had seen several 30 mph notices along the roadside in a London Borough recently. As Bridge had asked for similar signage and been advised that it was not permissible, Cllr Esdale was pursing to find out what the regulations were. g. Cllr Esdale reminded councillors that a working party to put up the Christmas trees would meet in Mervyn Gulvin’s yard at 9.30a.m on Saturday 2nd December. All offers of assistance would be most welcome. h. Cllr Edmonds reported that the Public Rights of Way Agency had agreed to inspect Byway 309, which had been in need of clearing and cutting back for some time. i. Cllrs Edmonds and Esdale would attend the Kent Police Stakeholders’ meeting on 21st November. The meeting closed at 9.50 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. December 2006 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday14th December 2006 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beetsy (at item 84),Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis. Also Kent County Cllr M Northey & Canterbury City Cllr J Anderson 77. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 78. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Esdale declared an interest regarding agenda item 4b –Mill Centre. 79. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9 th. November 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 80. Kent County Councillor Michael Northey gave details of a pilot project to provide free bus travel for students between the ages of 11 and 16, which it was hoped would be introduced in the Canterbury area in June 2007. Children who already qualified for free transport would have the option of continuing with that scheme or opting for the new scheme, whereby for a small administrative fee, they would be issued with a ‘super ticket’ entitling them to free travel on buses throughout Kent at any time. City Cllr Anderson reported that speeding in local villages was an increasing problem and he had spoken to the police about this. He confirmed that plans were in hand to direct traffic to the Coldharbour Lane exit of the A2 southbound rather than using the weight restricted triangle at the top of Town Hill. Other traffic calming measures agreed as priorities by Kent Highways and the Parish Council were still awaited. 81. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Esdale reported that the springy cat was getting worn and he had patched it. He was obtaining a quotation from Wicksteed Leisure for a roundabout to replace the cat and for one of the ‘springers’ to be moved to make room for it. Mole activity was bad at present. Action; Cllr Esdale Cllr Beesty had produced a detailed report of the actions needed following the Rospa report. This highlighted priorities and suggested a programme of repairs. It was agreed that a monthly check would be carried out on the chains on the two junior swings, which were worn. Cllr Gulvin would approach Richard Walder regarding carpentry work needed to the bench and picnic bench. Future replacement of the wet pour may be needed. Action; Cllrs Beesty & Gulvin Cllr Beinder reported that she had obtained the forms to apply for funding to create the wild flower meadow. She proposed to set up a small committee. Cllr Gulvin agreed to represent the parish council and BVST on the committee. It was agreed to check the insurance position of volunteers working to establish the wild flower meadow. Action; Cllrs Beinder& Gulvin & Clerk Cllr Gulvin reported that Tyler Hill Football Club had decided not to rent the football pitch for the current season. Exiles at Bridge had also advised that they would not be using the cricket pitch next season. Cllr Gulvin would approach Barham Cricket Club to ask if they were interested. Negotiations on the size and location of the running track for the primary school were continuing. Mole activities could cause problems. It would be necessary for the Parish Council to find alternative clubs to use the recreation ground to keep up the level of income required to maintain it. Action; Cllr Gulvin b. The Mill Centre- It was reported that a new committee had been formed. Several parish councillors had visited the centre. Potentially this was a valuable asset for the village but it was agreed that major renovation was needed. It was decided to defer discussion until the January Parish Council meeting and that the minutes of the Mill Centre Committee Meeting of 4th. December would be circulated to councillors. Action; Clerk c. Bifrons Light. - It was reported that as this was a public right of way, Kent Highways Dept had referred the matter to the Public Rights of Way Dept in Dover. PROW was unable to take action, as the branches were not preventing access to the path. They had referred the issue back to Kent Highways. It was decided that KAPC would be consulted as to what further action could be taken in the event of no further action from Kent Highways. Action; Clerk 82. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllrs Edmonds & Esdale submitted a written report on the Kent Area Policing Stakeholder meeting of 21st November 83. Matters for Discussion and Action a) Recreation Ground Tree Work –It was agreed to accept the quotation of £165.00 from Andrew Osborn for work to trees on the recreation ground. Action; Clerk b) Annual Return for 2005/6 - Following errors by the accountants and the Audit Commission in the 2004/5 and 2005/6 annual returns, amended figures were initialled prior to re-submitting the return to the Audit Commission. Action; -Clerk c) Rospa Safety Inspection – It was agreed to engage Rospa to carry out the annual safety check of the play area on the recreation ground for 2007. Action – Clerk d) KAPC Canterbury Area Committee meeting- Cllr Edmonds announced that Cllr Julie Bennett had resigned as a parish councillor because of pressure of work. As she had been the parish council’s representative on the area KAPC committee, it was necessary to nominate another councillor to attend the Canterbury Area Meeting of the KAPC on 10th January. It was agreed that Cllr Beinder would attend Action; Cllr Beinder. It was also agreed to write and thank Cllr Bennett for her work as a councillor. Action; Clerk e) Christmas trees – Cllr Esdale informed the council that there had been 69 Christmas trees displayed in the High Street this year. He thanked the villagers and councillors who had helped to put up the trees. He announced that the trees would be taken down on Saturday 6th January. All volunteers to help with this would be most welcome and were asked to meet in Cllr Gulvin’s yard at 9.00am. f) 84. Action; Cllr Esdale Precept for 2007/8 – After discussion the precept for 2007/8 was agreed by the council and will be submitted to Canterbury City Council before the end of December. Action; Cllr Esdale Sealing of Documents The Youth Service Agreement 2006/7 between Canterbury City Council and Bridge Parish Council was signed by the Chairman, Cllr Edmonds. The lease for use of the recreation ground between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for the 2006/7 season was signed. 85. Correspondence - Noted 86. Letter of authorisation to transfer £5,000 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed – Action; Clerk 87. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations - £643.70 88.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Christobel Seath Amount £55.00 £403.18 Purpose Hire of hall Oct, Nov & Dec for Street Runner - 5 sessions X £11 Clerk’s salary and office allowance– Canterbury City Council Corporate Services Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bounty Pest Control £758.02 Dr W G Le-Las £1,185.90 Christobel Seath (Clerk) Gillett & Johnston £41.68 £128.08 Cllr Esdale £679.75 89. £2,664.14 £305.50 October 2006 Street Runner from 1/4/06-30/6/06 £645.12 + £112.90 vat Arrears of insurance payments for village hall 2004/05/06 Annual contract charge for mole control 1/12/06 to 30/11/07 £260.00 +£45.50 vat Consultancy fee and expenses for preparation of case against planning application CA/06/01341/BEK Petty cash Servicing village hall clock for year to Nov 2007 £109.00+ £19.08 vat Christmas tree expensed £575.14 + £104.61 vat Any other business a. It was agreed to write to the parishes of Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne enclosing copies of Dr. Le-Las’ letter to Canterbury City Council objecting to the Higham Park planning application and suggesting that they might like to consider allocating funding to fight any future appeal that might be lodged. Some disappointment was expressed over the lack of a robust initial response from the Planning Department of Canterbury City Council to prevent this undesirable housing development as it had led to considerable expenditure by the parish council. Action; Clerk b. It was agreed to write to Kent Highways Department to ask why no progress had been made in installing the bollards at the corner of Western Ave and the High St. although payment for this had been made a month previously. Action; Clerk c. Cllr Esdale reported that he had been approached by ITV who were making a series of programmes about village life in the Meridian Area. They were specifically seeking information about special events which could feature in a village profile. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would pursue the possibility of ITV coverage for the Kent Association of History Societies Meeting in the village in 2007. d. No parish councillor was available to attend the Progressive Council Training Day to be organised by KAPC in Harrietsham in January 2007. e. The council congratulated Cllr Corfield on being awarded a BA honours degree in Fine Arts. The meeting closed at 9.54 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th. January 2006 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday11th January 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beetsy, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis. 90. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Corfield. 91. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying made. 92. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. December 2006 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 93. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Esdale reported that he had created a new inspection record sheet for the recreation ground which included checking the swing chains for wear. It was agreed to ask Wickstead Leisure to remove the springy cat and make good with wet pour at an estimated cost of £150. An estimate for a new roundabout to replace the cat was still awaited. Action; Cllr Esdale/ Clerk b. Cllr Beesty had updated his report detailing what he had done to obviate the risks outlined in the Rospa inspection report. There was discussion on the report, which it was felt was not helpful in advising the parish council how the risk could be managed. Some items cited in the report as medium risks related to integral parts of playground equipment, which could not be modified. It was felt there was an unhelpful dimension of Rospa protecting itself in the report. It was agreed that when Rospa next inspect the recreation ground, in July, the inspector should be accompanied by a parish councillor Action; Clerk c. The Mill Centre-.Cllr Gulvin reported that an extensive clean up of the centre had taken place the previous weekend The hole in the roof had been temporarily secured with polythene. The committee would meet again on 19th. February. The short lease with CCC was an obstacle to obtaining funding and taking further long-term action to repair and refurbish the centre. Further consideration would be given to this problem. Action; Cllr Hill d. Bus shelter repairs – Deferred to next meeting e. Bifrons Light. - In the absence of any action from the parties responsible, it was agreed to follow KAPC’s advice and approach Canterbury City Council, who were responsible for village lighting and point out the health and safety issues of the light being obscured by branches, especially in view of the proximity of a home for the elderly. Action; Clerk f. Restoration of old house and street names – It was agreed to make a digital image of the design of street nameplate it was proposed to put up to restore old street names. Cllr Beinder would then get costings from a supplier. The nameplate would include the Bridge logo and Cllr Hill would provide Cllr Esdale with a digital image of this so it could be incorporated into the design. It was agreed that local residents would be consulted before any nameplate was put up. Action; Cllrs Beinder, Esdale & Hill 94. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Beinder had attended the Canterbury Area Meeting of the KAPC on 10th. January in Petham. Concern had been expressed over the intrusive personal information that the police now required from Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators. It was agreed that Cllrs Esdale and Lewis would raise this concern at the forthcoming Police Forum meeting in February. Action; Cllrs Esdale & Lewis 95. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The Shires, Renville, Bridge Remove ivy from holly tree to right of property and reduce tree by approx 50% Wychcroft, 3 Meadow Close, Bridge Fell one decayed walnut to front of garage Fell two cypress trees on north west boundary There was no objection to either application but in both cases the parish council agreed to ask the city council to stipulate that replanting should take place. Action; Clerk 96. Matters for Discussion and Action a) The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 12th. April 2007 at 7.30p.m. in the village hall. It was agreed that candidates standing for election to the parish council at the May 2007 local elections would be introduced at the Annual Parish Meeting. The April meeting of the Parish Council and Planning Committee would be held on 19th. April at the usual time. b) Clerk’s Conditions of Service – It was agreed to increase the clerk’s hours of work from 10 to 15 per week with effect from January 2007. c) Quality Parish Council – After discussion it was agreed that the parish council would continue to adhere to the principles of a quality parish council where possible and appropriate but would not formally apply for the status. d) Declarations of interest and lobbying – Clarification had been sought from KAPC. They advised that declarations of lobbying were regarded as good practice and included on the agenda as an aide memoire to councillors to ensure that issues were not pre-determined and that they remained open to persuasion at meetings. It did not imply that councillors should not discuss local issues ahead of parish council meetings. e) Dog Waste Bin - Cllr Hill reported that there was a problem with dog excrement on the path leading past Mill Terrace to the fields. It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council to provide a dog waste bin for the site and to remind villagers of their obligation to clean up after their dogs in residential areas. Action;Clerk 97. Correspondence - Noted 98. Letter of authorisation to transfer £2,000 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed – Action; Clerk 99. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations Bridge Junior Football Club - £35.00 £50.00 100.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee British Telecommunications Amount £68.12 Christobel Seath £403.18 Cllr A Edmonds Kent County Council £29.45 £930.60 Campaign to Protect Rural England Cllr Esdale £27.00 £21.72 Purpose Telephone account for 31st Oct – 4 Dec £57.98 + £10.14 vat Clerk’s salary and office allowance– October 2006 Chairman’s Christmas Drinks 2nd half yearly Grounds Maintenance 2006 £792.00 + £138.60 vat Subscription for 2007 2 extra Christmas trees (£10 + £1.75 vat) + cork notice board & fixings (£8.23 + £1.74 vat) 101. Any other business a) Cllr Gulvin reported that during the exceptionally high winds, recycling bags had been blown around the village streets while awaiting collection and that some bags had burst. It was suggested that parishioners follow the recycling guidelines and wedge their bags with stones when they are left out for collection in windy weather. b) Bollards for Western Avenue; a contractor had been engaged by Kent Highway Services and the work should be completed within the next few weeks. The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th. February 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th February 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis. 102. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 103. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying made. 104. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. January 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 105. City Councillor John Anderson reported on a recent meeting at the City Council to brief candidates on election procedures. Ballots for the city council election will be counted from 9am on the day following the election. Parish Council votes will be counted after the city council votes. Cllr Anderson undertook to represent the views of the parish council to the city council on any matter. 106. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The recreation ground inspection folder was passed to Cllr Gulvin. Several golf balls had been found on the recreation ground. It was agreed to remind parishioners via the website that the recreation ground should not be used for golf practise. Action; Cllr Esdale The damaged springy cat had been removed from the children’s play area. A quote of £4,500 had been received from Wicksteed Leisure for a replacement roundabout. A further quote was awaited from SMP products. Action; Clerk/ Cllr Esdale. b. The Mill Centre-. Deferred to next meeting as the city council official concerned was away on leave. c. Bollards for Western Avenue – Kent Highways Dept had reported they were unable to proceed with the installation of bollards because they had found BT fibre optic cable had been laid close to the kerb edge and too near the surface to enable bollards to be concreted in. It was agreed to ask BT to either remove their cable to a site nearer the wall or to re lay it at greater depth to enable the bollards to be erected. Failing that, consideration would be given to collapsible posts or a length of railing round the most dangerous part of the corner. Action; Clerk d. Bifrons Light. - Canterbury City Council had asked Serco to cut back the trees overhanging from the White Horse garden and obscuring the light because the landlord had not responded to the parish council’s request to take action. 107. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Little Stour & Nailbourne Flood Management Group. Cllr Gulvin reported on the proposal by ‘Newater plc’ to discharge 50,000 cubic metres of water into the Nailbourne each day at Broomfield Bank near Dover. This was in fact a complex re-cycling scheme as it was also planned to extract an equal volume of water at some unspecified point along the river. The plan could mean that the Nailbourne would flow continuously. More information was expected and Cllr Gulvin would report back to the next meeting. 108. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council had no objection to the following proposal; Beechwood, Higham Lane, Bridge Reduce height of silver birch by up to one third Action; Clerk 109. Matters for Discussion and Action a) Financial reporting – It was agreed to change from a system of income and expenditure to payments and receipts financial reporting with effect from the April Action; Clerk 2007 audit. b) Review of Financial Standing Orders – Financial Standing Orders were reviewed and revised where necessary. c) Traffic on Bridge Hill The council had received a letter from a resident expressing concern about the excessive speed of traffic leaving Bridge via Bridge Hill. The council agreed this was especially of concern because of the proposed ‘Walking Bus’ to the primary school, which will assemble at the Higham Park roundabout. The scheme will begin next month. It was agreed to write to Kent Highways Department asking for an early morning site meeting to review the situation and discuss various proposals to slow down traffic and make the area safer for school children crossing the hill to the bus shelter. It was also agreed to ask Kent Highways what progress had been made on the parish council’s request for permission to install a flashing 30mph speed indicator at the Bridge Hill end of Action; Clerk the village. d) Proposal to reduce speed limit on village roads to 20.mph. It was agreed to write to Cllr Anderson asking for the entire centre of the village to be designated a 20mph area, from the Town Hill chicane to the bus shelter on Bridge Hill. Action; Clerk e) Higham Lane pot holes It was agreed to ask Kent Highways to fill these in. It was also agreed to thank Kent Highways for salting the pavements promptly after the snow fall earlier in the week. Action; Clerk f) Annual Parish Meeting It was decided that this year, instead of having one main speaker, a few representatives from the village would be asked to give short presentations to the meeting about their organisations or societies. Action; Clerk g) Kent Village of the Year competition 2007 It was agreed to enter this year’s competition. Cllr Esdale will be in charge of Bridge’s entry. Action; Cllr Esdale h) ‘The Big Quiz’ It was decided not to enter a parish council team this year. i) ‘Circus Starr’ It was agreed to refuse the request from Circus Starr to use the recreation ground for a performance in May. j) KAPC Meeting Cllr Beinder agreed to represent the parish council at the next branch meeting of the KAPC on 11th April. Action; Cllr Beinder k) KAPC Planning Information Day Cllr Lewis agreed to attend this information l) 110. Action; Cllrd Lewis a Affordable Housing Committee The Affordable Housing Committee will y th meet on 20 February at 3.00pm to agree criteria for the allocation of i affordable housing under the proposed new scheme. The criteria will be fput to the parish council for agreement on 8th March. p o s Correspondence – Noted. It was also noted that Cllrs Edmonds, Beinder, Esdale s & Gulvin will visit Higham Park on Sunday 11th. February, in response to an i b invitation from Jane de Bliek. l e . 111. Letter of authorisation to transfer £1,500 between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council was agreed. It was agreed that in future the parish council would be informed of transfers between accounts but would not authorise them specifically – Action; Clerk 112. The following receipts were noted; EDF Energy -£3.45 Christmas tree donations - £20.00 VAT repayment £632.57 113.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £577.28 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – Bridge Village Hall Man Committee Bridge Village Hall Man Committee Wicksteed Leisure £16.50 Central Books £24.00 M Gulvin £88.05 Softation – M Esdale £47.00 114. £66.00 £352.50 January 2007 Parish Council meetings Jan,Feb,Mar 2007 - Hire of hall Street Runner 9 Jan to 27 Mar (6 sessions) - Hire of hall Removal of cat & make good wet pour £300.00 + £52.50 vat 1 Copy of Planning Simplified for Parish Councils £20.00 + £4.00 p&p Photocopying from Jan 06 to Jan 07 £74.94 + £13.11 vat Domain hosting & web site maintenance costs from 1.4.06 to 31.3.07 £40.00 + £7.00 vat Any other business a. One estimate for the repair of the bus shelter ceiling had been received. b. BVST had had an initial approach from a Bridge School parents’ cricket team that might want to use the recreation ground pitch. Canterbury City senior football team had expressed an interest in using the football pitch. Their representatives would be invited to attend a meeting of the BVST on 6th, March. c. The next parish council newsletter would be produced ahead of the closing date for nominations for the parish council on 5th. April. The draft newsletter will be completed by 8th March. Action; Cllr Corfield d. The council considered a complaint about the new siting of the dog bin on Mill Terrace, but it was agreed not to ask Serco to re-site it. This was because in its present position it could be used by dog walkers from Mill Lane and Union Rd as well as those coming from the fields. e. It was agreed not to raise the issue of the new disclosure requirements for Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators at the next police forum meeting as it had now been explained that these would only affect the very few volunteers who had access to police station offices. f. It was reported that the Friends of Bridge Wildflower Meadow Project would be applying for a grant from ‘Awards for All’. g. After Cllr Esdale had produced a proto type for a street sign incorporating the old street name, it was agreed that the parish council logo would not be used on any new street signs. h. A request from Canterbury Archaeological Trust for information about twentieth century defences in the area would be passed to Bridge History Society. Action; i. Clerk It was reported that Tina Burchell, former clerk to the parish council, had married in August 2006. The parish council recorded their congratulations to Tina and Andrew. The meeting closed at 10.05pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th. March 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th March 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale and Gulvin. 114. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Hill and Lewis. 115. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Declarations of interest were made on items 4bi and 7h by Cllr Esdale and item 4bi by Cllr Beetsy. 116. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. February 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 117. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – There had been an incident with a gardening contractor gaining access to the recreation ground via the gate by the primary school on a wet day and causing damage to the football pitch when the vehicle got bogged down. It was agreed to write to the primary school pointing out what had happened and requesting that they did not give out the key to allow vehicles onto the ground without the agreement of the parish council. Action; Clerk The litter problem on the recreation ground had got worse and a hole had appeared near the tennis court, possibly as a result of mole activity. b. The Mill Centre-. i. Carole Mounce addressed the council on behalf of the organisations using the Mill Centre. She explained that the centre was used on four nights a week by four clubs representing around 200 young people. The clubs each contributed £300 per year but a steep increase in insurance costs and a fire safety survey had depleted their funds. It was agreed to make a ‘one-off’ contribution of £1,000 towards the Mill Centre running costs. c. ii. Lease – The current lease expires in 2008. It was agreed to write to CCC to ask them to agree a 25 year lease to be held by the parish council. This would enable the parish council to apply for funding to improve the facilities. It was also agreed to ask the current leaseholders, the Girl Guides Association, to agree to transfer the current lease to the parish council. Action; Clerk & Cllr Hill Bollards for Western Avenue – BT had now marked out the places where bollards could be erected safely. Kent Highways had been informed but the officer dealing with this was on leave until 15th. March. Action; Clerk d. Bifrons Light. - It was agreed to write to the owners of the White Horse to complain that the current landlord had taken no action to cut back the overhanging branches from his garden that were obscuring the light in Bifrons Path. The council would also raise its concern about bags of rubbish accumulating in the garden and the landlord’s failure to keep his dog under Action; Clerk control. e. Bus shelter – Work had begun on re-lining the roof of the bus shelter f. Annual Parish Meeting – Mr M Raraty, Cllr Beinder and a representative from the school had agreed to speak at the parish meeting. A reply was awaited from the vicar. It was agreed to ask Carole Mounce to speak about the Mill Centre and Cllrs Anderson and Northey to speak as City and County Councillors respectively. Action; Clerk g. Higham Park visit- A report of the visit of councillors from Bridge, Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne parish councils to Higham Park had been circulated by Dr Peter Smith on behalf of the developers of Higham Park. It was agreed to write to the parish councils concerned to suggest setting up a small working group to coordinate the responses to the development and planning application. CCC Planning Department had advised that the current application would be refused and thought it probable that the developers would withdraw their application and re-submit revised plans. It was agreed to write to Katie Miller of CCC to ask that the parish council be sent copies of any modified designs and were kept informed of any new proposals. It was agreed to write to Ms de Bliek making clear that the parish council was totally opposed the plans and asking for clarification of her comment that the house would be turned into a children’s holiday home after ten years. Action; Clerk 118. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Forum – Cllr Edmonds Written report circulated SEERA Regional Housing Board Strategy Review 28th February – Cllrs Gulvin Written report circulated. A letter had been sent to SEERA to complain about the inadequate notice of the Canterbury consultation meeting. CCC Election Briefing Meeting 8th. March– Cllr Esdale Poling Day for city and parish council elections will be 3rd May. Nomination forms must be submitted to the city council elections office between 26th March and 4th. April. Candidates must be aged 18 and over. Blank nomination forms for parish councillors may be obtained from the parish clerk or direct from the elections office. Parish council votes will be counted on the afternoon of 4th, May. BVST AGM Cllr Gulvin gave a report on the meeting of the Bridge Village Sports Trust. A new cricket team made up of local parents and children from Bridge Primary School would be interested in taking over the lease for the cricket pitch. Canterbury City Football Club had expressed an interest in taking up a three-year lease for the football pitch from next season. The possible impact of an increased number of supporters at matches was discussed. Little Stour & Nailbourne Flood Management Group Cllr Gulvin reported that a letter had been sent setting out the group’s concerns over the proposals by Nuwater plc to discharge 50,000 cubic metres of water into the Nailbourne at Elham and asking for more details. 119. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council had no objection to the following proposals; Laleham, Bekesbourne Rd, Bridge Reduce a twin stemmed sycamore and three multi-stemmed ash trees in rear of garden by up to 20% Beechwood, Higham Lane Fell silver birch in rear garden Gardenways, Bridge Hill Reduce copper beech by up to 20% Crown lift yew tree by maximum of 3 metres Crown lift second yew by max of 3 metres and reduce overall by 20% Action; Clerk 120. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Affordable Housing – The Parish Council approved the proposed criteria for the allocation of affordable housing that had been drawn up by the Affordable Housing Committee. It was agreed to ask Southern Housing to provide more details about the composition and role of the proposed Trust, including information as to its powers to vary the eligibility criteria. It was also agreed to ask Southern Housing to provide a complete copy of the Trust document and to advise whether a member of the parish council would have a seat on the Trust. Action; Clerk Cycle Path - The council agreed to encourage Dermott Stewart to set up a working party within the village to press for funding for a safe cycle route between Action; Clerk Bridge and Canterbury. b. c. 80 High Street – It was agreed to take no further action on this for the present. d. Newsletter – The newsletter was approved and arrangements made for its distribution round the village. Cllr Corfield was thanked for his work in compiling Action; Councillors the newsletter. e. Pfizer ‘ Reaching Out’ volunteer scheme – Cllr Beinder agreed to pursue the possibility of applying for volunteers from this scheme to help to create the wild Action; Cllr Beinder flower meadow. f. Roundabout for the Recreation Ground It was agreed to buy a roundabout to replace the cat on the recreation ground at a cost of £3,812. Action; Cllr Esdale g. Reserves Allocation for 31/3/2007 The reserve allocation for 31/3/07 was approved. Capital Grants for the Village Hall and Mill Centre It was agreed to submit a request for capital grants in 2008/9 for the refurbishment of the village hall and for work on the Mill Centre. Action; Cllr Esdale Donation to BVST A grant of £300 towards the cost of repairing the sports pavilion was approved. Filing cabinet It was agreed to buy two new four-drawer filing cabinets. Action; Clerk KAPC membership 2007/8 It was agreed to renew the council’s membership of Action; Clerk KAPC for 2007/8. h. i. j. k. 121. Correspondence – Noted. 122. It was noted that the sum of £2,500 would be transferred this month between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. Action; Clerk 123.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £577.28 Action with Communities in Rural Kent Clifford Construction Ltd. £35.00 BVST £300.00 124. £410.00 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – February 2007 Annual Membership fee for year ending 31 March 2008 Part payment of bus shelter repair £348.94 + £61.06 vat Pavilion repairs Any other business a. b. Higham Lane – A letter had been received from Furley Page - Solicitors advising that they had passed the request from the parish council for potholes in Higham Lane to be repaired to their clients, Permitnotice Ltd, the owners of the lane. The Friends of Bridge Wildflower Project – The constitution for this project was adopted on 7th February and presented to the parish council by Cllr Beinder. The meeting closed at 10.20pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 19th. April 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 12th. April at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 19th April 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin and Lewis. 125. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Corfield and City Cllr J Anderson. 126. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest made. 127. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. March 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 128. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Gulvin holds the inspection folder. No more golf balls had been found. One of the picnic tables had been moved and the other table, which is being stored in the pavilion, requires renovation. It was agreed to purchase a new padlock with five keys for the main gate by the school as unauthorised persons have apparently obtained keys for the existing lock. The keys to be distributed as follows; 1 to BVST for distribution to clubs as required, 1 to Bridge Primary School, 1 to Kent Landscape Services, 1 + spare to Clerk. Action - Clerk b. The Mill Centre-. There had been no reply to the council’s letter to Mr D Kemp, Senior Valuer, Canterbury City Council, asking for an extension of the Mill Centre lease for twenty five years or for the parish council to be allowed to buy the freehold. It was agreed that Carole Mounce would write to the Girl Guides Association, which currently holds the lease, to ask for a copy of the lease and broach the possibility of the parish council taking over the lease. It was also agreed that CCC be asked for a response to the council’s letter. Action; Clerk c. Bollards for Western Avenue – It was noted that the new bollards had at last been erected at the corner of Western Avenue and the High Street. d. Youth Shelter- Cllr Beesty had drawn up a questionnaire to be distributed to houses situated round the recreation ground, asking for residents’ views on the proposed position of the youth shelter. It was agreed to add a diagram to the questionnaire indicating this. The clerk would let Cllr Beesty know how many houses there were in the area. Cllrs Lewis, Gulvin and Esdale offered to help with the distribution and collection of the leaflet. Action- Cllrs Beesty, Gulvin, Esdale, Lewis & Clerk e. Bridge Hill Traffic Calming- Cllr Esdale reported that Ruth Goudie of Kent Highways had advised that two new extended kerbs and a flashing speed sign had been agreed for Bridge Hill and would be installed later in the year. It had also been agreed to move the ‘Welcome to Bridge’ sign further up the hill and to paint 40 mph speed limit signs on the approach to Bridge from Bridge Hill. f. Affordable Housing- The Affordable Housing Committee will meet with the Southern Housing Group on 17th. May prior to the village event on 24th. May. It was agreed that the Affordable Housing Trust Document would be discussed in detail at the next parish council meeting. Action; Clerk g. Higham Lane repairs—A reply had been received from Furley Page, Solicitors for Permitnotice Ltd, the owners of Higham Lane, in reply to the council’s request that the owners carry out urgent repairs to the road. As none of the proposals set out in the letter was acceptable to the council, it was agreed that the opinion of Action; Clerk the KAPC legal adviser be sought. 129. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Beinder reported on the meeting of the KAPC at Tyler Hill. 130. Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The council had no objection to the following proposals; George’s Meadow, Bridge Remove two dead trees from George’s meadow 60 High St, Bridge Remove laburnum from front garden and replace with non-poisonous tree Action; Clerk 131. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Litter problems – Cllr Esdale reported that there had been complaints about the trail of litter being left in the fields on the way from the village to Mansfield farm. Drunken farm workers had also recently caused a nuisance to a party of local children by their behaviour. Bridge Explorer Scouts had recently spent a day clearing up the litter and mess from the fields and had collected 15 sacks of rubbish. It was agreed to write to Dave Barrett to thank the scouts and also to write to Mansfield farm to complain about the problems being caused by their seasonal workers. b. c. d. e. f. It was also pointed out that the litter problem in the village was increasing and that the High Street in particular was often unsightly. It was agreed to include an item in the next Newsletter encouraging householders to keep the area outside their houses clean. It was also agreed to ask SERCO to empty the road gulley outside the bus shelter in the High Street. Action; Clerk Friends of Bridge Wild Flower project – The constitution for this group was accepted by the parish council. NALC Communications Awards – It was agreed to enter the Bridge Parish Council Action; Cllr Esdale website and Newsletter for these awards. Bridge History Society – It was pointed out that the parish council had agreed to allow car parking on the recreation ground, provided the weather was dry, for the Kent History Society conference last September. KAPC’s Clerk’s Information Day – It was agreed that the clerk should attend this day on 16th May in Lenham. Anonymous letters - It was agreed that the parish council adopt the policy that all anonymous letters be discarded without consideration. Parishioners should be advised that they might write to the parish council in confidence, but under the Freedom of Information Act such letters could be liable for disclosure unless such information could put the writer in danger. It was agreed to inform residents of this policy in the next village newsletter. Action- Cllr Corfield g. Canterbury Nomads Cricket Club – Representatives from the club addressed the parish council in support of their request for a contribution towards the cost of laying an artificial playing surface on the recreation ground. It was agreed that the parish council would contribute up to £1,600 to this, subject to the balance being obtained from other sources. A further proviso was that there would be no objection to the artificial surface by Cantley Estates who own the ground. Should the surface be laid, it would be the responsibility of the Nomads Cricket team to take measures to protect it. The artificial surface would become the property of Bridge Parish Council should the club cease to use the pitch. Action; Clerk h. Mrs Gladys Flynn – To mark the 100th birthday on 25th. April of Mrs Flynn, a former Bridge resident, the councillors signed a birthday card and agreed Cllr Hill would take Action; Cllr Hill flowers to her. i. Yellow Lines in the High St. The council had received a letter from Kent Highways stating that it would not agree to put down yellow lines across the entrance of the allotments or between the chicanes on Town Hill. It proposed, however to put yellow lines on the corner of Conyngham Lane, which had not been requested by the council. It was therefore agreed to write to Kent Highways pointing out that these lines would be likely to lead to more illegal parking on the zebra crossing outside the post office. The council would also ask for single white lines to be laid across the allotment entrance and between the chicanes. Action; Clerk j. Canterbury City Football Club – After some discussion concerning the potential local disruption that the football club’s tenure of the recreation ground might cause, it was agreed that the parish council would support BVST’s offer of a three year lease to the club. It was pointed out that there would be benefits to the village as the club had agreed to upgrade the pavilion. It was also important for the maintenance of the recreation ground that the football pitches were used regularly. There would be clauses in the lease to ensure that the club organised proper stewarding of spectators and to allow for the termination of the lease should the parish council consider that the club’s tenure caused unacceptable disruption to the village. It was noted that the club had recently sent out a leaflet to properties round the recreation ground. The council felt it unfortunate that the club had not informed it of its intention to do this nor had it sent a copy of the leaflet to the council. Action; Clerk k. Bridge Primary School Admissions policy – Following discussions at the Annual Parish Meeting, the council considered the case of the child living in Union Rd who had been unable to secure a place in the reception class at Bridge Primary School because the parents were unable to confirm that they wished him to attend a church school. The child had been allocated a place at Littlebourne, which was also a church foundation. This would entail a taxi ride to and from school each day. It was agreed to find out whether the situation had been resolved regarding the local child but also to write to Bridge School find out whether the school’s admission policy is set locally. If so, the parish council would request that in future the child’s home address should carry the most weight when allocating places, ahead of siblings and religious preference. This would ensure that children from the village were educated within their community in what the parish council regard as Bridge village school. Action; Clerk 132. Correspondence – Noted. 133. It was noted that the sum of £3,000.00 would be transferred this month between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. Action; Clerk 134.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £577.28 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –March 2007 Kent Association of Parish £462.66 £369.50 subscription for 07/08 + £64.66.vat Councils + £28.50 publications The Mill Centre Committee £1,000.00 Donation towards running costs Audit Commission £293.75 Audit fee 2006 - £250.00 + £43.75 vat Canterbury City Council £631.68 Street Runner sessions 1/10/06 to 31/12/06 (5) £537.60 + £94.08 vat British Telecoms £54.07 Phone Bill £46.01 + £8.06 (Paid by direct debit) Society of Local Council Clerks Kent County Playing Field Association Kent Association of Parish Councils 135. a. £95.00 £15.00 £58.75 Membership renewal for year beginning 1/5/2007 Annual subscription Clerks’ Training Day at Lenham on 16.5.07 £50.00 + £8.75 vat Any other business Cllr Esdale reported that local postal collection times had changed but this was not being indicated on the post boxes. The round is currently being adjusted and residents are advised to post their letters by 5.00pm to ensure evening collection until new times have been notified. The meeting closed at 10.15pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. May 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th May 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and Wilmshurst. 1/07-8. Councillors signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office- Cllr Hill welcomed Terry Wilmshurst to the Parish Council and congratulated fellow councillors on being confirmed in office for a further four years. 2/07-8 Election of Chairman and Vice- Chairman for 2007- 8 Anne Edmonds was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Gulvin and elected unanimously. John Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Corfield and elected unanimously. 3/07-8 Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside bodies. The following changes were made to Councillors’ responsibilities; Cllr Beinder left the Planning Committee and has been replaced by Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Esdale will no longer attend Rural Area Members Panel Meetings. Cllr Hill will continue to represent the Parish Council on this panel. Cllr Esdale will no longer sit on the Parish Council Police Forum. Cllr Lewis will continue to represent Bridge Parish Council on this panel. Cllr Wilmshurst will represent the parish council on the Kent Association of Parish Council’s Canterbury Area Committee 4/07-8 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds. 5/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest made. Revised forms for Councillors’ Notification of Financial and other Interests were awaited from Canterbury City Council and would be completed at a later date. 6/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19th. April 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 7/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – A new lock and five keys for the gate near the school had been purchased. The keys would be distributed as follows; BVST 1, Bridge Primary School 1; Kent Landscape Services 1, Cllr Gulvin’s Office 1, Clerk 1. A letter had been received from Mr C Gooch of Savill’s giving Cantley Ltd’s consent to an artificial playing wicket being laid on the recreation ground. Action - Clerk b. The Mill Centre-. The Girl Guides Association had sent Carole Mounce a copy of the Mill Centre lease and expressed their willingness for Bridge Parish Council to take it over for the remainder of the lease period, provided the 1st Bridge Girl Guides were allowed to continue to use the centre. Action; Clerk c. Higham Lane – The Clerk had discussed this matter with KAPC and, at their request, had written to them copying correspondence from the solicitors for the owners and setting out the difficulty over getting this privately owned road repaired. KAPC would consult the legal department of the National Association of Local Councils to find out if there was a precedent for the case and to seek its advice on how the issue might be resolved. d. Mrs Gladys Flynn – The council had received a letter from David Spencer thanking the council on Mrs Flynn’s behalf for the flowers and card delivered to her on her 100th birthday. 8/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Gulvin (Acting Chairman of BVST) gave an oral report on the Bridge Village Sports Trust meeting held on 24th April. 9/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. 45 High St, Bridge - It was agreed to write to Canterbury City Council to ask it to reinstitute proceedings for the compulsory purchase of 45 High Street as the building had continued to deteriorate. It was agreed to point out that recently a commercial property in Canterbury had been purchased by such an order and it was felt that this should also be applied to deteriorating village premises. Action; Clerk b. Parish Insurance – It was agreed to renew the Parish Insurance Policy with Allianz Action; Clerk Cornhill c. Affordable Housing Scheme Trust Document -. The Council considered the Third Schedule of the Trust Document. Concern was expressed that, as the parish council would not be represented on the Trust, once the Southern Housing Group had taken over the project, the views of the parish council would not be taken into account and it would have no control over the project. It was argued that this had always been recognised as the case. Some discussion took place over altering Clauses 5.4.1, 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 of the document to ensure that if the Trust decided to exercise its right to sell the freehold of the development or any dwelling, Bridge Parish Council should be informed in addition to the City Council. Concern was expressed that point 2 seemed to indicate that the Trust would be able to change the criteria on which housing was allocated. This was thought unlikely as a Schedule 106 Agreement had legal standing and any such changes could be legally challenged. It was agreed to explore with the Southern Housing Group whether there were any other schedules in operation which varied from the example Bridge had been given. It was also agreed to ask the Southern Housing Group to formulate the application forms in such a way that the parish council would be able to monitor expressions of interest without any personal, confidential information being disclosed. It was agreed to discuss the above points at the Affordable Housing Committee’s meeting with the Southern Housing Group representatives on 17th. May ahead of the village open event in the village hall on 24th. May d. Audited Accounts for 2006-7 – The audited parish accounts for 2006-7 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. It was agreed to review the system of internal audit and to approve a statement on internal control at the next parish council meeting, as the internal auditor pointed out in his report is now required of the council under new regulations. e. Cleaning up Bridge – Cllr Lewis put forward a plan to set up a rota of villagers to help to keep the streets clean. He volunteered to act a co-ordinator for the scheme should sufficient volunteers offer help. It was also pointed out that there was a problem with dog fouling on the path into the fields by Mill Terrace. It was agreed to publicise the clean up scheme in the Newsletter and ask for volunteers to contact Cllr Lewis. f. Action; Cllrs Corfield & Lewis Use of Parish Plan Photographs - A request had been received from ACRK to use some of the photographs from Bridge Parish Plan in publicity material promoting parish plans. It was agreed that ACRK should be permitted to do this with the proviso that the photographs be credited to Bridge Parish Council and that the council be given copies of any material in which the pictures were used. Action; Clerk g. KAPC Canterbury Area Committee- It was agreed that Cllr Wilmshurst would attend Action; Cllr Wilmshurst this meeting on 11th. July in Tyler Hill Village Hall. 10/07-8. Sealing of Documents The lease agreement between Bridge Parish Council and Canterbury City Football Club to run for three years from 1st August 2007 was signed. 11/07-8Correspondence – Noted. 12/07-8. It was noted that the sum of £2,500.00 would be transferred this month between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. Action; Clerk 13/07-8 The following receipts were noted; £17,174.21 from Canterbury City Council (£3,629.20 Concurrent Funding and £13,545.01 Parish Precept) VAT refund £344.22 14/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £585.28 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –April 2007 Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc £1,287.25 Renewal of Insurance policy from 1.6.07 to 31.5.08 Ann Edmonds D Possee £29.12 £30.00 Andrew C Osborn £135.00 Andrew C Osborn Kevin Funnell Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Christobel N Seath £165.00 £140.00 £66.00 15/07-8. £22.00 £41.31 Wine for Annual Parish Meeting Maintenance and plants for High St planters winter 2006/7 Tree work on recreation ground in 2005 – original cheque not presented Tree work on recreation ground 13.11.06 Internal Audit Fee Street Runner Hire of Hall April-June 07 6 sessions X £11.00 Parish Council Meeting April – July 07 4 meetings (incl. Parish Meet) @ £5.50 Petty Cash Any other business a. Premises Application, Red Lion, Bridge- It was agreed to call an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 24th. May in the Village Hall to discuss the application submitted by Punch Taverns to extend the opening hours of the Red Lion. It was agreed to invite a representative of Punch Taverns to attend the meeting. The meeting would be publicised on the website and by means of a newsletter to all Bridge residents. Action; Cllrs Esdale & Corfield & Clerk b. Newsletter- It was agreed to issue a Newsletter covering the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting, the Affordable Housing Village Information Event, both on 24th. May in the Village Hall and Cllr Lewis’ plans for a rota of volunteers to keep the village clean Action; Cllr Corfield c.White Horse Cllr Hill reported that there was still no gas supply connection to the White Horse. d. City Council Elections – It was agreed to write to Cllr John Anderson to congratulate him on retaining his seat as City Councillor for Bridge. Action; Clerk e.New Street Signs – Cllr Beinder reported that she had been unable to make any further progress as she had failed to contact the City Council official concerned despite several telephone calls. f.Wild Flower Meadow - Cllr Beinder reported that the Friends of Bridge Wild Flower Project had been given a grant of £904 from ‘Awards for All’ . Cllr Hill congratulated her on her achievement in securing the grant. g. Youth Shelter –It was agreed that a questionnaire would be distributed to residents of Patrixbourne Rd, Riverside Close and Mansfield Court in the next few days. They would be Action; Cllrs Beesty, Esdale & collected over the weekend of 19/20 May. Gulvin. h. Clerks’ Information Day – The Parish Clerk will be away on Wednesday 16th. May attending a KAPC Clerks’ Information Day The meeting closed at 9.45pm. An extraordinary meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be held on Thursday 24th. May at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. June 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th June 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds(Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and Wilmshurst. 20/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill. 21/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest made. 22/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. May 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by Cllr Esdale. 23/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Esdale reported that the new roundabout would be installed within the next two weeks. It was planned that more wildflowers would be planted in the Autumn. Nothing further had been heard from the proposed Bridge Cricket Club which had previously applied to use the ground. b. The Mill Centre-. There had been no further response from Canterbury City Council regarding the lease of the Centre, which expires in July. It was agreed the Clerk would contact the Senior Surveyor to ascertain the current situation. Action; Clerk c. Youth Shelter – Cllr Beesty presented the results of the questionnaire which had been delivered to residents living round the recreation ground. The results showed that in principle the majority of respondents believed provision of the shelter was the right thing to do but there was some doubt as to whether the recreation ground was the right location. No other suitable location had been suggested. It was agreed that formal approval for the shelter would be an agenda item for July. Meanwhile the Clerk would find out whether grants were still available for the purchase of the shelter and whether planning permission was required. Cantley Estates would also be asked for permission to erect the shelter. d. Affordable Housing – Cllrs Esdale and Edmonds reported on the village information event. It was noted that so far there had been a low number of submissions of application forms from residents. It was agreed to discuss how to publicise the need for people to register with Canterbury City Council Housing Department and to submit application forms at the next meeting of the parish council. It was also agreed to use the September Newsletter to publicise this Higham Lane – There had been no reply from NALC to the letter setting out the difficulty over getting this privately owned road repaired and asking how this might be resolved. It was agreed that the Clerk would follow this up if no reply Action; Clerk had been received within the next month. Action; Clerk e. 24/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies 25/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Ares The following proposals were noted; Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge, Reduce one limb of holm oak close to house blocking light from garden by approx. 50% Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge Trim back holly and tri, top growth to previous cutting point Reduce top of adjacent holly Trim back any foliage of spindleberry near to neighbour’s boundary line Selectively reduce back large secondary limb of yew tree to fork, in line wirh neighbour’s boundary on right side of rear garden. Trim back any other growth and fade out as required. Trim low growth on garden side. Action; Clerk 26/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a) Standards Board Code of Conduct – The Parish Council formally adopted the Standards Board for England Code of Conduct of May 2007 and agreed to opt in to the Parish Council amendment at para 12.2. Action; Clerk b) Mansfield Court The council decided to refuse the request from Mrs Williams, Warden of Mansfield Court, for financial assistance to erect a fence on the recreation ground side of Mansfield Court. c) Bridge Parish Plan Review – Section 1.It was agreed to investigate the possibility of providing a basketball hoop for the recreation ground Action; Cllr Gulvin Section 12. It was agreed to consult with Rev Rowlands, who has some experience in this matter, to explore how ‘learner driver’ lorries might be prevented from using the village streets for driving lessons. Action; Cllr Edmonds d) System of Internal Audit Control and Statement on Internal Control – The parish council financial risk assessment document was reviewed and revised and the Statement on Internal Control was signed by the Chairman and Clerk. Action; Clerk e) On the Nail – It was agreed to contribute £100.00 to the Parochial Church Council Action; Clerk towards the production expenses for ‘On the Nail’. f) Paper Folding Machine – It was agreed to buy a paper folding machine for use by the parish council and community groups. As the council was of the opinion that this expenditure satisfied the requirements of Section 137 of the Local Government Act of 1972, the expenditure of £150.00 + vat was authorised under this provision. Action; Cllr Esdale g) Canterbury City Council Development Control Dept procedures – It was proposed that Canterbury City Council be asked to change the procedures at Development Control meetings to allow representatives of parish councils to speak for longer than 3 minutes and to speak last. It was suggested that a time limit of five minutes would be fair as the council usually represented parishioners’ views. It was agreed that Cllr Wilmshurst would raise this issue, if possible under Any Other Business, at the next meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the KAPC in July and that the Clerk would write to other parish clerks in the Canterbury District seeking the support of other parish councils for this change. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst, Clerk h) Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds reported that the competition would take place in July and a notice to this effect would be appearing in ‘On the Nail’. Judging would take place at the end of July. Action; Cllr Edmonds i) j) Joint Traffic Working Committee – It was agreed to participate in the proposed joint Traffic Working Committee with Littlebourne and Bekesbourne-with-Patrixbourne Parish Councils. Cllr Esdale volunteered to represent Bridge. Action; Cllr Esdale Sycamore trees on Recreation Ground – Cllr Lewis offered to investigate what needed to be done in regard to the trees and to take any necessary action. Action; Cllr Lewis k) Old Street Name Project – It was agreed that the Clerk would ask the City Council to repair the street sign in Conyngham Lane and request permission for an additional sign to be appended to the street name posts.The Clerk would also arrange for the supplier to provide estimates for small signs to be added to Brewery Lane and Conyngham Lane signs giving their original names. Action; Clerk l) Pheasants’ Croft, Patrixbourne Rd Bridge- Cllr Corfield reported on the apparent non-compliance of application CAT06/0007/BRI at Pheasants’ Croft. Jon Lambourne of Canterbury City Council would take action in the Autumn once the nesting season was over as lack of compliance with the order had meant that re-growth was Action; Cllr Corfield prevented. Cllr Corfield would monitor the situation. 27/07-8 Correspondence – Noted. 28/07-8. It was noted that the sum of £1,500.00 would be transferred this month between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. Action; Clerk 29/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel N Seath Amount £585.28 Canterbury City Council £758.02 Barbara Beinder £75.95 Clifford Construction Ltd. £198.03 Christobel Seath £13.60 30/07-8. Purpose Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –May 2007 £645.12 + £112.90 vat Delivering Youth Services 1/107 to 27/3/07 (6 sessions) £68.29 + £7.66 vat Supplies for wild flower meadow project Completion of bus shelter works £168.54 + £29.49 vat Travel expenses Clerks’ Information Day Lenham 34 miles @ 40p per mile Any other business a. Premises Application, Red Lion, Bridge- It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would speak on behalf of Bridge Parish Council at the Licencing Board hearing on 25th. June at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Action; Cllr Esdale b. Chairman’s Information Day, 14th July – It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds would attend the KAPC Chairman’s Information Day at Lenham on 14th. July Action; Cllr Edmonds, Clerk The meeting closed at 9.28pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th. July 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 24th May 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Esdale, Hill and Wilmshurst. Also present Michael Harrington (Landlord of the Red Lion) and 97 residents of Bridge 16/07-8 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs. Beesty, Corfield, Gulvin and Lewis 17/07-8 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on Agenda Items. City Councillor John Anderson explained that he was Vice Chairman of the Licencing Committee but during the hearing of this application he would stand down to represent the views of his ward. 18/07-8 Red Lion Application to extend hours of business Michael Harrington outlined his plans for the Red Lion and a large number of residents spoke against the proposals. It was generally argued that the extended hours would be totally inappropriate to a village public house. Residents felt strongly that there would be unacceptable disturbance to the peace of the village at night. The problems caused to the village previously by patrons leaving Bridge Place Country Club were recalled. It was also felt that that there was inadequate parking at the Red Lion and this would lead to additional noise when late night revellers collected their cars. Residents argued there was no local demand in Bridge for the extended hours. The danger of attracting drinkers from other areas once their own public houses had shut was raised. This would not only add to the noise nuisance but would be a danger on the village roads. It was argued that there would be no adequate policing of rowdy incidents in the village at weekends as Canterbury police would be fully occupied within the city. Residents of the village were urged to write to the city council licencing team expressing their views before the 30th May deadline. 38 people signed a petition asking for the proposals to be rejected totally, without compromise. The parish council agreed to oppose any extension of the current licencing hours and to request Canterbury Licencing Department to reject the application in its totality. It was also agree that, should the licencing authority agree to the extended hours, the council would explore the possibility of instructing a lawyer to contest the case at appeal. Action; Clerk 19/07-8 Proposal by Kent Highways to limit parking in front of Western Ave. shops to 20 minutes After some discussion, it was felt that a parking restriction of one hour between the hours of 8.00 am and 7.00pm would enable people to shop locally and prevent abuse of parking by people who parked their cars in the bays all day. It was pointed out that, contrary to Canterbury City Council’s assertion, the Parish Council had never requested a twenty minute limit on parking and agreed that this would be pointed out in the response letter from the parish council. Action; Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. June 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 24th May 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Esdale, Hill and Wilmshurst. Also present Michael Harrington (Landlord of the Red Lion) and 97 residents of Bridge 16/07-8 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs. Beesty, Corfield, Gulvin and Lewis 17/07-8 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on Agenda Items. City Councillor John Anderson explained that he was Vice Chairman of the Licencing Committee but during the hearing of this application he would stand down to represent the views of his ward. 18/07-8 Red Lion Application to extend hours of business Michael Harrington outlined his plans for the Red Lion and a large number of residents spoke against the proposals. It was generally argued that the extended hours would be totally inappropriate to a village public house. Residents felt strongly that there would be unacceptable disturbance to the peace of the village at night. The problems caused to the village previously by patrons leaving Bridge Place Country Club were recalled. It was also felt that that there was inadequate parking at the Red Lion and this would lead to additional noise when late night revellers collected their cars. Residents argued there was no local demand in Bridge for the extended hours. The danger of attracting drinkers from other areas once their own public houses had shut was raised. This would not only add to the noise nuisance but would be a danger on the village roads. It was argued that there would be no adequate policing of rowdy incidents in the village at weekends as Canterbury police would be fully occupied within the city. Residents of the village were urged to write to the city council licencing team expressing their views before the 30th May deadline. 38 people signed a petition asking for the proposals to be rejected totally, without compromise. The parish council agreed to oppose any extension of the current licencing hours and to request Canterbury Licencing Department to reject the application in its totality. It was also agree that, should the licencing authority agree to the extended hours, the council would explore the possibility of instructing a lawyer to contest the case at appeal. Action; Clerk 19/07-8 Proposal by Kent Highways to limit parking in front of Western Ave. shops to 20 minutes After some discussion, it was felt that a parking restriction of one hour between the hours of 8.00 am and 7.00pm would enable people to shop locally and prevent abuse of parking by people who parked their cars in the bays all day. It was pointed out that, contrary to Canterbury City Council’s assertion, the Parish Council had never requested a twenty minute limit on parking and agreed that this would be pointed out in the response letter from the parish council. Action; Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. June 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th July 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds(Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill Lewis and Wilmshurst. 31/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 32/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest and lobbying made by Cllr Beinder (Item 7e), Cllr Esdale (item 7c) Cllr Hill (item 7c) and Cllr Wilmshurst (item 6). 33/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. June 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 34/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Beinder has taken over the weekly inspection folder. It was agreed to make no changes to the specifications against which quotations are invited for maintenance of the ground. SERCO would be starting work on the pavilion, which would include minor internal alterations. A dressing had been applied to the football pitch. It was hoped that in future Canterbury City Football Club would give notice of such work so that Kent Landscape Services could be informed. The new bench by the children’s play area had disappeared. If not found, its theft would be reported to the police. Action; Cllrs Esdale /Beinder & Clerk b. The Mill Centre-.David Kemp,CCC’s Senior Surveyor would be submitting a request for the current lease to be taken over by Bridge Parish Council at the next meeting of the Executive. Meanwhile he had asked the Mill Centre Committee to supply details of the daily activities at the Centre, information about the repairs needed and their approximate costs and for a site visit. Action; Cllr Esdale c. Affordable Housing – Cllr Esdale reported on the meeting held between the Affordable Housing Committee and representatives of the Southern Housing Group, Canterbury City Council and ACRK on 9th. July. As a result of this meeting, several small changes to the draft Section 106 Agreement would be put to the parish council for approval at the September meeting. These changes had been proposed by Alan White of CCC to achieve consistency with other local rural housing schemes. The draft 106 Agreement was being vetted by the SHG lawyers. Meanwhile the parish council would publicise the scheme and seek firm applications for housing by distributing application forms and covering letters to every house in the village. ACRK would supply the forms and pre-paid reply envelopes and SHG would send a covering letter outlining probable rents. Action; Councillors/Clerk d. Restoration of Old Street Names – Cllr Beinder had asked for permission from the property owners to fix a name plate on the wall of Brewery Lane. A request for a quotation had been sent to the sign maker. Cllr Beinder would pursue this. Action Cllr Beinder e. Proposed Changes to Development Control Procedures – There had been a positive response from other parish council to this. More replies were expected once parish council had met during this month. There had also been support at the KAPC Canterbury Branch meeting. It was agreed that the next step would be to ask City Councillors to support it Action; Clerk 35/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Wilmshurst reported on the KAPC Canterbury Branch Meeting held on 11th. July Cllr Beinder would circulate a written report on the ACRK ‘Strawberries and Cream’ Council Meeting held on 9th July. 36/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Ares The following proposals were noted; Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Fell one silver birch in middle of rear garden Fell one middle aged Ash growing into adjacent yew Fell one partially collapsed silver birch growing over neighbours Fell two dying Norway spruce Remove dead wood from alder and a dead elder at rear of house 11 High St, Bridge Remove one fir tree and three alders growing close to property 1 Riverside Close, Bridge Remove one dead rowan tree The Rectory, 23 High St, Bridge Fell line of 6 cypress trees from boundary of rear garden Lift lower branches of an oak, yew, Norway maple in front garden Fell leaning elder in rear garden and lift branches of adjacent holly over neighbours garden Action; Clerk 37/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a) Cycle Route from Bridge to Canterbury – The Parish Council congratulated Dermott Stewart on his report and the work he had done in getting the community involved in plans for the cycle route. The road route appeared to be the worst option. It was agreed to write to Mr Stewart and ask if he needed any assistance from the parish council. The issue could be included on the September agenda once Ruth Goudie’s report had been received. Action; Clerk b) Affordable Housing Applications; This was discussed under item 34.c. above. c) Youth Shelter ; It was agreed to proceed with this project. Following a site meeting it was decided to put the shelter by the Health Centre fence, in the corner near the goal post. It was agreed to review the success of the shelter twelve months after its installation. The Youth Group would be asked to submit the application for funding. Cllr Beesty and the Clerk would liaise over quotations for the preferred design to be submitted with the funding bid. Adding a basket-ball hoop and skate board area was also agreed as Action; Cllrs Beesty & Esdale and Clerk a longer term aim. d) September Newsletter ; Items to be included in the next newsletter were discussed. 1st. September would be the deadline for submitting copy for inclusion in the September newsletter so that a draft could be prepared for approval at the September meeting of the Action; Councillors parish council. e) Bridge Primary School Admissions policy ; Following the response from the Headteacher at Bridge Primary School, it was agreed to write to the local MP and Kent County Councillor to ask for the order of the criteria for admissions to be changed so that proximity to the school was given the second priority, after children in local authority care. A letter would also sent to the Headteacher advising her of this decision. It was noted that Sebastian Apps had been given a place at the school following an appeal. Action; Clerk f) Annual Financial Return 2006-7 – This was amended and signed as requested by the Audit Commission. Action; Clerk g) Bus Shelter - It was agreed to seek a quotation for the repair of the bus shelter at the top of Bridge Hill, which had been vandalised. Action; Clerk h) Overgrown Section of Conyngham Lane – It was agreed to write to Cantley Estates to draw their attention to this area. However, it was felt that some light pruning by residents could resolve the problem. It was also agreed to write to the Agents of Cantley Estates pointing out that fly tipping was occurring at the Old Timber Yard and asking them to secure the gate. The pothole at the entrance to Conyngham Lane would also be reported to the agents. Action; Clerk i) Dogs on the Recreation Ground; The council considered a letter from Mrs Shirley asking that dogs on leads be allowed on the paths on the recreation ground. Whilst the parish council recognised that legally dogs could not be excluded from the right of way that crosses the recreation ground, it was decided to take no action because the parish council wishes to discourage dog owners from taking their dogs onto the ground. Action; Clerk j) Zebra Crossing beacons outside the post office – It was agreed to ask Kent Highways Authority to fit longer shields on the beacon lights because a resident living nearby had complained about disturbance caused by the flashing light. Action; Clerk k) Safety measures at the zebra crossing outside the post office- It was agreed to write to Kent Highways Agency to point out that drivers were continuing to park illegally on the zig zag lines outside the post office and to ask them what solution they could propose to prevent this. It was also agreed to write to the Headteacher of Bridge Primary School in time for the start of the Autumn term to ask her to send out a letter to parents pointing out that parking on the zigzag lines to drop off their children was dangerous and illegal. It was agreed to write to Superintendent Joanna Young to request morning and the end of afternoon school time monitoring of the zig zag lines from time to time. It was further agreed that Cllr Esdale would produce a notice to be placed on windscreens or given to drivers who parked on the zig zag lines explaining that this was illegal and dangerous. Action; Cllr Esdale/ Clerk 38/07-8 Correspondence – Noted. 39/07-8. It was noted that the sum of £1,000.00 would be transferred this month between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council. Action; Clerk 40/07-08 The following receipt was noted; Bridge Tennis Club Subscription for 2007 - £100.00 41/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount KAPC £64.62 BT £65.17 Parochial Church Council Christobel N Seath £100.00 £585.28 Mark Esdale £176.24 Christobel Seath Society of Local Council Clerks Mark Esdale Ordnance Survey £37.68 £85.00 £186.12 £55.81 Purpose Chairmanship Day, 14th. July 2007 £55.00 + £9.62 vat Telephone account £55.46 + £9.71 vat (paid by direct debit) Contribution to the cost of ‘On the Nail’ Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –June 2007 Paper Folding Machine £149.99+ £26.25 vat Petty Cash Annual subscription 2007-8 2 filing cabinets £158.40 + £27.72 vat Paper Map Copying Licence £47.50 + £8.31 vat 42/07-8. Any other business a) Fly tipping at the top of Bridge Hill was reported by Cllr Lewis. He had gathered evidence of the perpetrator and handed it to Serco for action. Cllr Lewis had also recently cleared overgrown vegetation from the bridge at the Nailbourne ford and cleaned the steps on Bridge Hill b) There had been no response so far to the Higham Park issue referred via KAPC to NALC’s legal team but it was pointed out that they were unlikely to suggest a solution. c) Cllr Hill reported that lorries were still getting lost in the High Street and he had received a letter from a resident complaining about this. Cllr Hill had also reported details of fly tipping of double glazing materials at the re-cycling point to the authorities. d) Cllr Gulvin reported that the new smoking area at the Plough and Harrow was making the area very noisy at night. It was impossible to go to bed until after closing time. e) Cllr Esdale reported that the path from Renville to Whitehill Woods CB309 was very overgrown. This had been reported to the Public Rights of Way on several occasions. f) Action; Clerk The possibility of the parish council buying a strimmer was discussed. The meeting closed at 10.16pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th. September 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th September 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill Lewis and Wilmshurst. 42/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 43/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on Agenda item 7d Cllr Beinder (school governor); Item 4d Cllr Edmonds (resident of Higham Lane). 44/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. July 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 45/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The ROSPA Report was considered. After discussion it was decided not to fence the children’s play area. The wet pour would need to be replaced in about 5 years and it was agreed to continue to set aside funding for this. An inspection list for the new roundabout was required. The clerk would approach Wicksteed Leisure to enquire about this. Action ; Clerk The deteriorating state of the bridge into the recreation ground would be raised with Cantley estates. Action; Clerk One of the picnic benches had been destroyed. A decision on replacing this would be taken in the Spring. There was concern about dogs on the recreation ground, some of which were brought by football supporters. This would be drawn to the attention of the football club. Action; Clerk b. c. d. e. f. The Mill Centre-. A meeting of the Mill Centre Committee would take place on 17th. September. The City Council appear willing to transfer the lease to the Parish Council but the rent would be increased. Details are awaited. There had been no information about the length of the lease. The site is designated for housing by Canterbury City Council in the long term. Affordable Housing –.ACRK had received 36 completed application forms for affordable housing which had been passed to Canterbury City Council and the Southern Housing Group for action. Higham Lane – The Parish Council had been advised by the Legal Dept of NALC that it did not have any powers in relation to the maintenance /improvement of Higham Lane and that it did not owe the residents/users of the access road a duty to ensure that the road is improved or maintained. It was reported that local residents were discussing the maintenance of the road with Kent Highways. Youth Shelter- Three quotations had been received from suppliers. A member of the Youth Group would be applying for a grant to buy and install the shelter from the KCC Youth Opportunities Fund. Cycle Path – The cycle path between Bridge and Canterbury had been agreed in principle at the Joint Transportation Committee and three possible routes were being investigated. 46/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Money Talks ‘ Workshop 23rd.July 2007 –Cllr Edmonds BVST Meeting 15th August 2007 – Cllr Gulvin Joint Transportation Committee Meeting 4th. Sept 2007 – Cllr Hill 47/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Fell pine tree in rear of garden Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge Cut back mixed group of trees on rear boundary & reduce by 30% Whitegates, Bekesbourne Rd. Bridge Fell one elm tree in front hedge with die-back crown Fell one very old cherry tree in front garden with decay in most branches 11 High St, Bridge Reduce walnut tree between 2nd new property & vicarage by 25%, lift canopy & reshape. Remove any dead wood & tidy broken branch 18 High St, Bridge Crown lift copper beech in rear garden to remove limbs over adjacent property & balance crown all round Bridge Churchyard Remove holly tree near gate 15 Union Rd, Bridge Remove 4 leylandii at back of property and one small yew tree to front to prevent damage to retaining wall Pilgrim Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge Fell one silver birch close to house causing drain damage and root congestion to soakaway New Close Residential Home, Conyngham Lane Bridge Fell wellingtonia at entrance to home (Parish Council has objected to this application) It was agree that the City Council would be asked what decision had been reached on this application. Action; Clerk 48/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Police Road Safety Project – PCSO Sue Radcliff and a colleague presented proposals for cooperation with parish councils on road safety. It was agreed to consider possible locations for mobile speed limiting signs and to make a decision at the next parish council meeting about the possible purchase of two signs. The PCSOs also reported that they would be providing transport for traffic wardens from Canterbury to visit the villages more regularly, particularly at periods of congestion such as the end of school times, to enforce existing parking restrictions. b. Community Paths Project – It was agreed not to participate in this. c. Replacement bench – It was agreed to purchase a replacement bench for the Action; Clerk one which was stolen from the recreation ground. d. Bridge School’s Admissions Policy – Replies from Kent County Council and Julian Brazier MP were considered. It was decided to ask KCC to consult parish councils as well as schools when the Admissions Forum considered the policy of giving priority to denominational preference at its forthcoming meeting. Action; Clerk e. Littering of fields by seasonal workers. – No reply had been received to the parish council’s letter to Mansfield farms in April asking for seasonal workers to refrain from littering local fields and the railway embankment. This problem had continued and it was agreed to write to Mansfield farms again. It was pointed out that most seasonal workers would leave the area this month. However, the council wish to ensure the company act responsibly in this matter next year. Action; Clerk f. Golf practice on the recreation ground – Individuals were still using the recreation ground for golf practice. The parish council agreed to ban this dangerous activity. It was also agreed to obtain quotations for the purchase of a wooden notice board to be placed at the entrance to the recreation ground advising that dogs, cycles and golf were prohibited on the ground. Action; Cllr Gulvin g. 40 mph limit for Bridge Road – It was agreed to support Lower Hardres & Nackington Parish Council’s request to Kent Highways that the whole of Bridge Rd, up the end of Station Rd, be given a 40 mph speed limit. Action; Clerk h. Annual Parish Audit for 2006/7 –It was noted that the Audit had been certified by the Audit Commission. A Copy of the audited statement would be made Action; Clerk available for inspection at Cllr Gulvin’s office. i. j. Canterbury Football Club –Following the first home match, a complaint about parking had been received by a resident of Riverside Close. Councillors who had attended both recent home matches had found no serious problems. It was agreed to write to Canterbury Football Club asking them to remind their players of the need to drive carefully in the village, requesting they take action to prevent windows of Mansfield Court being hit by footballs, especially during practice sessions and reminding the club that spectators were not permitted to bring dogs onto the recreation ground. Action; Clerk Kent Village of the Year – Cllr Edmonds reported that Bridge had been awarded ‘Commended’ in the Business and Environment categories. It was agreed to enter the competition again in two year’s time. k. Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds announced that Mrs Possee of Bridgeway Stores had won the shield for the large retail category. Julie Bennett had again won the trophy for the best individual display. The residents of Mansfield Court had been awarded a special community award for their lovely display. l. Paper shredder –It was agreed to buy a paper shredder for the parish council Action; Clerk office. 49/07-8 Correspondence – Noted. 50/07-8. It was noted that the sum of £5,000 had been transferred between the two accounts held by Bridge Parish Council in August. 51/07-08 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Village Sports Trust –Subscription for 2007 VAT repayment £10. 00 £238.15 52/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Christobel N Seath Amount £585.28 *ROSPA *Canterbury City Council *Wicksteed Leisure £125.73 £83.29 £4,479.11 *Kent Landscape Services £1,216.30 Christobel N Seath £585.28 Mark Esdale £16.24 Canterbury City Council £6.10 Canterbury City Council £758.02 * = Authorised during August Purpose Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –July 2007 Inspection Fee £107.00 + £18.73 vat Uncontested election fees Installation & supply of Spiro - whirl roundabout £3,812.00+ £667.11 vat First half yearly invoice £1,035.15+ £181.15 vat Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – August 2007 Fixings for Patrixbourne Rd bench £13.82+ £2.42 vat Supply of 10 Declaration of Interest Forms @ 61p each Delivering Youth Sessions 1.4.07 to 30.6.07 – 6 sessions @ £107.52 = £645.12 + £112.90 vat 53/07-8. Any other business; a. The September Newsletter was discussed and its contents were agreed. It was hoped to distribute the newsletter as soon as possible. The clerk would liaise with Cllr Beinder on Action; Clerk councillors who were unavailable to deliver the newsletter. b. The Parish Council had received notice that the City Council was investigating the alleged breach of planning regulations by the erection of a smoking shelter at the Red Lion, High St, Bridge. c. Notice had been received from Canterbury City Council that Bridge Parish Council’s proposals for alterations to Development Control Committee proceedings would be discussed on 16th.October. d. It was reported that the Fish & Chip van would no longer be visiting the village. e. Equestrian Elite had received permission for their illuminated sign on appeal. f. There had been no reply from Roger Casement who had been asked to supply quotations for the restoration of old street names. g. It was reported by Cllr Lewis that Canterbury City Council were failing to maintain their hedges in Mill Lane. It was agreed to write and ask them to do so. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.58 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th. October 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th October 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Beesty. 54/07-8. 55/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on Agenda item 4d Cllr Beinder (school governor); Item 6 Cllr Corfield(neighbour of tree work applicant). 56/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. September 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 57/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The recreation ground inspection folder was taken over by Cllr Corfield. The path near Mansfield Court was becoming overgrown. It was agreed that cleared vegetation should be moved to the fence on the far side of the ground to rot down. Cllr Esdale could lend a flat bed trolley for this. Action; Cllrs Lewis & Esdale It was agreed that the remains of the vandalised picnic table could be burnt on the village bonfire. The remaining table, which had been moved by Bridge Football Club, would be returned to its original site. Mr Fawke kindly offered to arrange this. The rubbers on the swing may need renewing. Cllr Esdale agreed to inspect them. The paint on spider had been damaged by graffiti. It was agreed to bear this in mind for next year’s budget. Action; Cllr Esdale Following complaints from residents, it was agreed to insert a clause in the new lease for Bridge Football Club and to point out to them in a letter that they were obligated to clear up rubbish after each session and to return any furniture that they move to its original location. Action; Clerk Cllr Lewis reported that there had been no problems at Canterbury City Football Club’s last home game. Cllr Beinder asked for help with planting the wild flower area, which would take place on 1st November. Volunteers were needed at the recreation ground any Action; Cllr Beinder time after 9.00am. b. c. d. Cycle Path – Following the Joint Transportation Board meeting, KCC Highways Dept were investigating three possible routes. The parish council had received a letter from the solicitors of S W Mount, the local landowners, asking for further information about the proposals. It was agreed to send the solicitors a copy of the agenda of the Joint Transportation Committee and point out that while the parish council supports the cycle route, it has no power to proceed until KCC have consulted the relevant local landowners. It was agreed to send a copy of the solicitor’s letter to Ruth Goudie of KCC. Action; Cllr Hill, Clerk Mill Centre – Following the expiry of the current lease, Canterbury City Council had re-assessed the rent. This was formerly £250 p.a. It was now proposing a rent of around £15,000 pa. If the parish council took over the lease with the help of a grant, it would need assurances that the grant would cover the full period of the lease. The parish council needed to resolve the situation with CCC and, if possible, secure the lease soon as the future of uniformed organisations in the village could be threatened. There was also uncertainty over the future of the oil depot following a take-over. The legal advisers of the Girl Guides Association (former lease holders) had offered assistance in negotiating with CCC. It was envisaged that the lease would be held by the Mill Centre Committee and neither it nor individual parish councillors would personally be liable for the rent should any grant be terminated. Local Schools Admissions policy – Cllr Edmonds had met representatives of Kent County Council, the Diocese and Bridge Primary School to discuss the parish council’s proposal that proximity to the school should be given higher precedence than denominational preference when allocating places. The school was constrained by the government’s policy on parental choice. KCC had explained that ticking the denominational preference box was now regarded as an acknowledgement that the school provided a Christian ethos. A majority of school governors supported the present system. It was agreed that the parish council consider a proposal to ask Cllr Northey to lobby KCC for change to the admissions priorities at the next meeting. This had to be done by the end of the November to effect any change in 2009 admissions policy. Action; Clerk 58/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area members Panel Meeting – Cllr Hill KAPC Canterbury Branch 9th Oct - Cllrs Hill & Wilmshurst 59/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area Muntok (Formerly Lodescroft) Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Fell a line of 5 small apple trees and a number of young self seeded sycamore immediately behind them. Trees at top of adjacent to rear garden at top of woodland. Cut back a small plum tree and lower branches of neighbours ash tree from over border. Action; Clerk 60/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group had failed to produce a Section 106 agreement agreed between themselves and Canterbury City Council for the parish council’s approval. The council were therefore unable to formally approve the scheme. It was agreed that two of the single units would be for shared ownership,the remaining 6 units would be for rent. Action; Clerk b. Parish Council Capital Grant Scheme – It was agreed to submit an application for approx £10,000 for the renovation of the back of the village hall. Action; Cllrs Esdale & Gulvin c. Traffic signs. – It was decided not to purchase any moveable traffic signs at present Action Clerk but to review the situation in six months. d. Children’s slide – It was agreed to replace the deck of the small slide in the Action; Cllr Esdale children’s play area at a cost of about £200.00 e. Mansfield Court Gardener – Following discussion it was decided not to allow the gardener at Mansfield Court to have access to Bridge Recreation Ground and to Action; Clerk inform Orbit Housing Association of this decision. f. Post Office Campaign – It was agreed to write to the relevant authorities condemning the decision to close three post offices in Canterbury. It was pointed out that the closure of St Dunstan’s post office would result in long journeys into Canterbury for local residents, particularly when the central post office was moved to WH Smiths. g. 24 High Street – Following Canterbury City Council’s approval of the application for garages and a residential unit to be built in the garden of this Grade II listed building, a resident had sought the advice of a barrister specialising in planning. He had agreed to act in the case. Kent Law Clinic had also agreed to represent local residents and a pre-action protocol letter had been sent to CCC advising of impending future legal action. The city council had been asked either to revoke the planning permission or submit to the authority of the court. The deadline for a response had been set as 17th. October. A meeting with the barrister was planned for 18th October and it was agreed that Cllrs Lewis & Hill would represent the parish council at the meeting, when the response of the city council would be discussed with f. Action; Cllrs e. Lewis & Hill It was noted that City Councillor John Anderson had failed to support the parish council and had voted for the development. It was therefore agreed to write to Cllr Anderson expressing the council’s disappointment at his action and reminding him that at the February 2007 parish council meeting he had promised to support the council and represent its views to the city council. It was also agreed to write to the leader of the Conservative group on the city council to complain about our councillor’s lack of support. Action; Clerk the legal team and local residents. h. i. j. l. m. Development Control Meeting – It was agreed that Cllr Hill would represent the parish council at this meeting on 16th. October and press the case for parish council representatives to speak last and for five minutes at Development Control Committee Action; Cllr Hill Meetings in future. Christmas Trees – It was agreed to erect Christmas trees in the High Street again this year. Cllr Esdale would also investigate the possibility of putting up a large Christmas tree in the churchyard in place of the felled holly tree. Action; Cllr Esdale Dog control area – It was decided to ask Canterbury City Council to designate Bridge Recreation Ground a dog control area, apart from the public footpath, and to stipulate that dogs on that path must be kept on leads. Action; Clerk Recreation Ground Notices – The parish council approved the purchase of two notice boards indicating that dogs, cycles and golf was forbidden on the ground, at a Action ; Cllr Gulvin cost of £287.00 Street Cleaning – Cllr Lewis reported that, following the appeal in the Autumn newsletter, only three residents had offered to help with keeping the village clean and tidy. It was agreed to buy four litter pickers and latex gloves. Action; Cllrs Lewis & Esdale Agenda Item 7n was discussed in camera in the public interest in view of the possible commercial implications of the subject under consideration. 61/07-8 Correspondence – Noted. n. 62/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose BT £70.08 Telephone account (paid by DD) £70.08 (£59.64 + £10.44 vat) Christobel N Seath £585.28 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – September 2007 Ann Edmonds £10.00 2 picture frames @ £5 for ‘Kent Village of the Year’ Commended certificates Anthony Glew £258.50 Repair of bus shelter £220.00+£38.50 vat BVHMC £44.00 Hire of hall for 4 Street Runner sessions 11th. Sept to 23rd Oct @ £11.00 BVHMC £22.00 Hire of hall for Parish Council meetings Sept – Dec 07- 4 sessions @ £5.50 Christobel Seath £19.99 Paper shredder £17.01 + £2.98 vat 63/07-8. Any other business; a. Cllr Beinder reported that an area of Union Rd was dark and streetlight might be needed. This was now a city council matter. b. It had been reported that the kingpost on the village hall ceiling might be unsafe. Cllr Action; Cllr Esdale Esdale agreed to investigate. c. Cllr Beinder would ask the supplier when the new street signs would be ready. It was over a year since they had been agreed. Action; Cllr Beinder d. Cllr Corfield was congratulated on the excellent Art In Bridge Exhibition. Combining the event with the Church Flower Festival had been particularly successful. e. Cllr Edmonds reported that at the previous Street Runner Session the youth workers had arrived late with no equipment. It was agreed to write and complain to Alison Small of CCC as the council was being paid £112.90 per session. Action; Clerk f. Parish Councillors had been invited to a meeting of PACE on 8th November to discuss climate change. Unfortunately this clashed with the parish council meeting. g. Following another accident on the A2 sliproad, it was agreed to write to Kent Highways and Kent Police again requesting rumble strips. Action; Clerk h. It was agreed to write thanking Maurice Smith for his help in delivering the Autumn Action; Clerk Newsletter. The meeting closed at 10.14 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th. November 2007 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst. County Cllr M Northey (to item 7d) & City Cllr J Anderson (to item 7d) Councillors observed a minute’s silence at the start of proceedings in memory of Margaret Jones, a former parish councillor, who died last week. 68/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Beesty. 69/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Beinder declared an interest in respect of Agenda item 7a (school governor) 70/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. October 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 71/07-8. Cllr Michael Northey addressed the council. The KCC budget was being drafted and would again be subject to a yearly 3% efficiency saving required by the government. It was expected that service levels could be maintained this year but next year there would be cuts if efficiency savings were applied again. Cllr Northey explained that the parish council could ask him to raise issues in full KCC council where he was allowed one question and one supplementary. In answer to a question, Cllr Northey defended KCC’s decision to establish a TV station. This had had 60,000 ‘hits’ since its inception and was valuable in publicising Kent and bringing business to the area. Cllr Anderson said that he had been working on the redevelopment of the Beaney Institute and Marlowe Theatre. He was also involved in the Higham Park planning appeal and the future of the Mill Centre. He had tried unsuccessfully to have the paper bank emptied and would continue to ask the Street Scene Manager to deal with this problem. He noted that there had recently been poor communication between himself and the parish council. 71/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a.Recreation ground – Cllr Beinder was thanked for organising the successful planting session on the recreation ground. She also thanked councillors for their help on the day. Cllr Esdale had ordered new parts for the slide. He had also inspected the rubbers on the swings but they did not need replacing. There had been a lot of rubbish left on the recreation ground following the Halloween party problems. Complaints had been received again about the amount of litter left on the ground following the Sunday football match. A clause had been added to Bridge Football Club’s lease warning that the lease could be terminated if litter was not cleared up after matches. The parish council would monitor the situation. The remaining picnic bench had lost its seat. It was agreed that if the picnic benches were to be replaced next Spring, benches without hinged seats would be purchased. b. Village Hall KingpostCllr Esdale had inspected the post and found that, while some varnish was peeling, the kingpost itself was solid. c. Street Scene & Litter – Cllr Lewis would be holding a meeting of volunteers next week to decide on how to proceed with street cleaning. The parish council now had four litter pickers. It might be necessary to purchase high visibility vests. Cllr Lewis would contact Serco to obtain plastic rubbish bags and arrange for their collection from the village. Action; Cllr Lewis d. Mill Centre – Cllr Esdale was continuing to negotiate with David Kemp of CCC over the Mill Centre’s future. The 2008 rent had been paid so the immediate future was secure but long-term arrangements were under negotiation. The CCC had suggested a very large figure for the purchase of the Centre but this valued the property taking account of future housing development potential. Cllr Esdale had suggested the possibility of buying the Centre at a community rate with the condition that it would be sold back to CCC when no longer required. A decision by CCC on the future of the Centre was due to be taken at Executive Committee in December. Action; Cllr Esdale 72/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from outside bodies 73/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 68 High St, Bridge Reduce flowering cherry in front garden to previous cutting point Action; Clerk 74/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. b. c. d. Primary School Admissions policy – Cllr Northey noted that the church had indicated it was unwilling to give up its connections with the school. At the recent meeting held at the school to discuss admissions policy it had been explained that ticking the box to request a church school was simply an indication that parents acknowledged the Christian ethos of the school. Non-Christians could ask to withdraw their children from assemblies. All local children had been admitted on appeal. Cllr Beinder pointed out that that had made the Reception Classes very large. Following discussion Cllr Northey undertook to try to get the policy changed for 2009. It was agreed that the parish council would write to Mark Dance of KCC again (copied to Cllr Northey) expressing dissatisfaction with the outcome of the meeting at the school and putting forward the strong case for primary age children to go to local schools. It would also suggest rewording the clause indicating a preference for a church school as this was currently ambiguous. Action; Clerk Recreation Ground Contract –Following the tendering exercise it was agreed to award the contract for recreation ground maintenance for 2008 to Kent Landscape Action; Clerk Services. Higham Park Planning Appeal – It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council how best the parish council could assist it in fighting the appeal by the Higham Park developers, which was being lodged with the Secretary of State. The parishes of Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne and Bishopsbourne would be contacted with a view to holding a joint meeting to discuss strategy. The city council would also be asked to hold a meeting to brief the parish councils on how they could support its case. Dr Wendy Le -Las, Planning Consultant who had prepared the objection letter, was willing to assist and the parish council agreed that money would be set aside for her fees. It was also hoped that the other parishes would agree to contribute if required. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk Parish Council Budget for 2008/9 Following discussion the Concurrent Funding Function requests were approved and precept and budget set for 2008/9. Among the major items of expenditure was the provision of a skateboard park. £5,000 was proposed for this as an initial sum but application would be made for grants, some of which would require matched funding. £5,000 was proposed to cover planning advice that might be required for the Higham Park appeal and 24 High Street legal challenge. (Cllr Gulvin withdrew from the discussion on funding for planning advice). A rise in rental for sports clubs using the recreation ground, apart from Bridge Junior FC, was approved. It was calculated that there would be a 62.4% increase in precept. Cllr Edmunds thanked Cllr Esdale for his work on the budget and for taking the minutes at the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting on 2nd November in the absence of the parish clerk on holiday. e. Village Hall Booking Policy – Cllr Lewis raised the problems caused in the village by gate-crashers who arrived at a Halloween Party in the village hall on 26th October. The parish council agreed that this was an isolated incident and that the policy on hall bookings was a matter for the Bridge Village Hall Committee. f. Tree work on Recreation Ground – It was agreed to ask a tree surgeon to examine the dead tree by the Bifron’s Path entrance to the recreation ground and the rowan near the sandbag store and advise on what work was required. Action; Clerk 75/07-8 Sealing of Documents The agreement between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for the 2007-8 season was signed. Action; Clerk 76/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 77/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 78/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £585.28 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – October 2007 Audit Commission £334.88 Audit fees 2007 £285 +£49.88 vat Streetmaster Products £668.58 Purchase of replacement bench + carriage £569.00+ £99.57 vat Ann Edmonds £36.00 Frames for Village of the Year commendations Mark Esdale £69.25 Bench fixings £16.26 (£13.64 + £2.62 VAT) Litter Pickers £52.99 (£45.10 + £7.89 VAT) 79/07-8. Any other business; a. Teenshelter - The application for funding had been completed by the Youth Group and submitted for consideration b. Health Questionnaire – Cllr Beinder agreed to complete a questionnaire on Rural Erosion of Health Care requested by Eastern & Coastal Kent Patient Public Action; Cllr Beinder Involvement Forum. c. PA System – It was agreed to use the PA system at future public meetings d. A2 slip road – It was agreed that if the request for rumble strips on the A2 slip road was refused again the parish council would seek local technical advice. e. AGM of CPRE 23rd Nov – Cllr Hill would try to attend this meeting f. Wincheap regeneration- The Wincheap Regeneration office had reported that a decision on the new A2 sliproad at Wincheap was likely before Christmas. The current regeneration plans depended on this being agreed for 2010. An outline plan for the area was due for consultation with parish councils and others in February. It was hoped this would include an expanded Park & Ride Scheme, which might obviate the need for the proposed Harbledown Scheme. g. Bekesbourne Parish Council 12th. Nov- An invitation had been received to send a representative to this meeting as the police would be present to discuss traffic issues. Cllr Gulvin agreed to try to attend and to take the opportunity to discuss the Higham Action; Cllr Gulvin Park appeal. h. Bonfire Night signs – It was noted that a large number of signs had been put up advertising the bonfire, many of them illegally on the highway and chicane. They had not been removed promptly after the event. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would contact the PTA of Bridge School to pass on the parish council’s concerns. Action; Cllr Esdale i. Litter in the fields – This continued to be a problem and no reply had been received to the parish council’s letters of complaint to the local farm. Cllr Esdale had contacted Public Rights of Way officers and they had undertaken to look into the problem. The meeting closed at 9.48 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th. December 2007 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2007 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst. County Cllr M Northey & City Cllr J Anderson 80/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield and Gulvin 81/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 82/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. November 2007were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 83/07/08 Cllr Northey told the Council that Kent County Council had increased the number of men clearing gullies in the county from 8 to 11. They were also mapping them as no information currently existed as to the location of gullies in Kent. He said that in his opinion the primary schools admission policy would not be changed. However he thought that all local children would probably be admitted to their local primary school on appeal. 84/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a.Recreation ground – A Osborn would carry out the tree work requested in the New Year. He had carried out the urgent work to the goat willow by the play area. Cllr Esdale had taken delivery of the new slide platform, which would be fitted next year. The Council expressed its thanks to the scouts and guides who had helped to spread the mulch on the new hedge area of the recreation ground earlier in the month. It was agreed to write and thank those organisations. Action; Clerk b. Litter collection project – Cllr Lewis was pleased to report that the amount of litter being collected by volunteers was decreasing. He was planning to ask the City Council/Serco to provide a cart to put the collecting bags in as they became too heavy to carry to the agreed collection points. If the City Council was unable to supply suitable carts, the Parish Council agreed that Cllr Lewis should purchase suitable small wheelie bins at a cost of approx £31 each. Action ; Cllr Lewis c. Higham Park –A letter of acknowledgement had been received from the Planning Inspectorate and the Parish Council would have an opportunity to put its objections to the development at the forthcoming Planning Enquiry. It was agreed that Cllr Hill should ask Dr Wendy Le-Las to represent the Parish Council at that Action; Cllr Hill enquiry. d 24 High Street – The Judicial Review proceedings had been issued in the High Court and a Certificate of Service had also been filed with the High Court. The Parish Council agreed to instruct Richard Honey to make an application for a Pre-Emptive Costs Order (PECO). It was also agreed to seek the advice of our solicitor as to whether to ask for a meeting with the City Council solicitors and officials to assess the present position given the possibility that 24 High Street was to be re-sold. Action; Clerk 85/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Hill reported on the Rural Area Members Panel Meeting on 19th November 86/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Bournes House, Bekesbourne Rd, Bridge Remove top & branches leaning towards the garage of a beech tree situated at the apex of garden in the triangle between Bekesbourne Rd and Town Hill. Action; Clerk 87/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Village Hall Insurance – A grant of £968.51 was approved to cover the cost of insurance from June 2007 to June 2008 . b. Internal Audit System – Councillors approved the current system of internal audit and noted the Auditor’s Mid-Year Report c. Crime and Disorder Compliance – The Council noted its continuing obligation to take account of any crime and disorder implications while carrying out its functions. It was agreed to write to Kent Police requesting that the six monthly Police Forum meetings should continue as the police had taken the decision to end the meetings against the wishes of parish councils and without consultation. Action; Clerk d. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Thursday 15th. May. Councillors were asked to think about a suitable speaker for the event. Action; Clerk e. Mill Centre Lease – The Parish Council agreed to take over the negotiations with the City Council for the Mill Centre purchase/ lease from the Mill Centre Management Committee. f. Skate Board Area – This item was deferred until the February Parish Council. g. ‘Speedwatch’ Presentation - There was some discussion as to the effectiveness of the ‘Speedwatch’ initiative in reducing speeding vehicles and prosecuting offending drivers. It was agreed that Cllrs Esdale and Lewis would represent the Parish Council Action; Cllrs Esdale & at the ‘Speedwatch’ presentation on 24th. January. Lewis h. High Street Bus Stop – A report had been received from Kent Highways advising the Parish Council of the findings of an examination of the bus shelter’s structure which had taken place two years previously. It was agreed to pass the report to Cllr Gulvin for his assessment and recommendations. Action; Cllr Gulvin 88/07-8 Sealing of Documents The signing of the agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2007/8 Season was deferred to the next meeting. 89/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 90/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £4,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 91/07-8 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Football Club 2007/8 season rental VAT repayment Canterbury FC 2007/8 season rental Christmas Trees £150.00 £1,034.23 £350.00 £450.00 92/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *HM Court Services £50.00 Issue fee for legal action re 24 High St. *D Possee £45.00 Maintaining planters in village * M Gulvin £287.00 Reimbursement of cost of two signs boards for recreation ground supplied by Traditional Brush Sign writing Christobel N Seath £790.16 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – November 2007 + back pay from 1.4.07 following NALC pay award Canterbury City Council £379.01 Delivery of youth sessions 1/7/07 to 30/9/07 @ £107.52 (3 sessions) £322.56 + £56.45 vat Bridge Village Hall £968.51 Reimbursement of Insurance costs for June Management Committee 2007 to June 2008 Savills £900.00 Recreation ground rental 29/9/05 to 28/9/07 @ £450.00pa Christobel Seath £48.19 Petty cash Canterbury City Council £40.00 Share of cost of Public Notice advertising Code of Conduct adoption Barbara Beinder £39.90 Expenses and travel to KAPC AGM, Ditton Playdale £141.15 Play equipment parts £120.13 + £21.02 vat Ann Edmonds £16.13 Chairman’s allowance Bounty Pest Control £305.50 £260.00 +£45.50 vat Pest control contract 1/12/07 to 30/11/08 Kevin Funnell £70.00 Interim Internal Audit fee Nov 2007 Selwyn Lewis £217.50 High visibility vests (£180.00 + £31.50 vat) & gloves (£4.95 + £1.05 vat) for volunteers Andrew Osborn £40.00 Remedial work to damaged goat willow by play area Ewart Clough £495.25 Christmas trees £421.50 + £73.75 vat Mark Esdale £365.44 Christmas tree expenses £311.02 + £54.42 vat Gillett & Johnston (Croydon) £135.13 Servicing Village Hall clock to 31/11/08 Ltd £115.00 +£20.13 vat * denotes cheque already authorised and issued in November to avoid delay as invoice submitted during clerk’s absence. 93/07-8. Any other business; a. Cllr Esdale thanked the Councillors and villagers who had helped to put up the Christmas trees in the High Street. The trees would be taken down on Saturday 5th. January and all helpers were asked to assemble at Cllr Gulvin’s yard at 10.00am. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Esdale for his work in organising the Christmas trees again and congratulated him on the large tree in the Churchyard. b. Cllr Lewis noted that there was a newly laid concrete base at the site of the garages in Dering Road. c. Cllr Beesty expressed disappointment at the possible shortfall in funding the Concurrent Function after the City Council had assured parishes it would not happen again. He felt it was frustrating for those parishes such as Bridge, which had been responsible and submitted moderate bids. Cllr Esdale reported that last year Bridge had had a small overspend on its Concurrent Function activities. d. Following complaints from a resident, it was agreed to write to Kent Highways to ask that the agreed plans to place ‘Ds’ at the entrances from side streets to the High Street and in particular at the junction with Aunt Betsy’s Hill should be implemented as soon as possible. Cars parked at these junctions currently made it impossible for drivers entering the High Street to have a clear view of the road. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. January 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst also County Cllr M Northey 94/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 95/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There was a declaration of interest on agenda item number .6 Cllr Esdale (owner of Lynton House) 96/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. December 2007 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 97/07-8 Cllr Northey informed the Parish Council that the KCC budget was being prepared and would be set on 19th. February. The Audit Commission is currently carrying out a Corporate Performance Assessment of KCC. It is hoped that KCC will retain its four star status which allows for fewer inspections and more freedom. If its star status is reduced the council will be subjected to more government intervention and scrutiny. Cllr Northey undertook to represent the view of the Parish Council at the forthcoming parking regulation review (see item 107a.below) 98/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a.Recreation ground – The hedge between the children’s play area and the Health Centre needs to be trimmed back. Cllr Lewis volunteered to do this. Action; Cllr Lewis A hawthorn tree near the new hedge planting has been up-rooted and needs to be re-planted. Cllr Esdale volunteered to do this. Action; Cllr Esdale Cllr Gulvin reported that the football pitch would not be used for two weeks to enable the grass to re-grow and the pitch to recover from seasonal damage. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr and Mrs Corfield for picking up litter on the recreation ground. The new signs indicating that dogs, golf and cycling were not permitted on the recreation ground would be erected shortly. Action; Cllrs Gulvin & Esdale b. Higham Park- Planning Consultant Dr Wendy Le-Las had agreed to act for the Parish Council at the appeal hearing by the Planning Inspectorate concerning Higham Park’s planning application on Tuesday 19th. February at 10.00am at the City Council offices. It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin would liaise with Dr Le-Las and attend the meeting. Details of the meeting would be placed on the village website and posters would be put up in the village informing residents of the date and time of the meeting and it was hoped that many residents would attend to support the parish council in its objections to this development. Action :Cllrs Gulvin, Esdale & Clerk c. 24 High Street – The Kent Law Clinic had submitted the application to the High Court for a judicial review regarding the decision on 24 High St and a copy had been sent to Canterbury City Council. 99/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllrs Hill and Wilmshurst reported on the meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the KALC. There had been a presentation about the Canterbury Credit Union Ltd which offers low interest loans to members. Information sessions were held on Saturdays at the Canterbury Library between 10.00am and 12.00pm. Posters would be put up in the village giving details of this organisation. Action; Clerk 100/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 32 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove a conifer tree from right hand side at the back of the rear garden Lynton House, 83 High Street, Bridge Remove holly tree from garden to restore Victorian greenhouse 8a Conyngham Lane Fell conifer in front garden to allow connection to main services The Burrden 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell scotts pine growing too close to proposed extension 101/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Kent Air Ambulance – After discussion it was agreed not to make a donation to the Kent Air Ambulance Service. The Council fully supported the aims and work of this charity but believed that it was not able to set a precedent by giving charitable donations from Parish Precept funds. 102/07-8 Sealing of Documents The agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2007/8 Season was signed. Signing of Kent Parish Council Website Agreement deferred to the next meeting 103/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 104/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 105/07-8 The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations -£368 Allianz Insurance claim for stolen bench - £444.00 EDF Energy (Riverside Close rental) - £3.45 106/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel N Seath £610.89 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – December 2007 BT (paid by DD) £58.95 Telephone account £50.17 + £8.78 vat Ann Edmonds £47.93 Chairman’s allowance Campaign to Protect Rural £27.00 Annual Subscription England 107/07-8. Any other business; a. Parking Regulation Review – The Parish Council disagreed with the proposals to be put by the Canterbury City Council Transport Team to the Joint Transportation Board in February. The proposal R04 for a double yellow line down one side of Filmer Rd would not solve the problems of the area and would cause more problems in other parts of the village as cars needed to be parked somewhere. Similarly the council was against proposal R07 to put double yellow lines at the corner of Union Rd and Dering Rd. This was unnecessary. The proposal R09 for double yellow lines at the junction of Aunt Betsy’s Hill and the High Street was not the preferred option of the Parish Council. It would result in the loss of many parking spaces. The council had asked for kerb extensions to be placed at this and other junctions along the High Street. The proposal to place double yellow lines at the junction by the recycling point at Town Hill R10 was regarded as completely unnecessary. There had never been a parking problem in that area. The council expressed concern at the assumption by the city council that increasing the number of yellow lines in the village would solve its parking problems. There were serious difficulties over enforcement and it was felt that the proliferation of yellow lines was inappropriate in a rural area. It was agreed to write to the city council outlining the Parish Council’s objections to the proposals and asking why previously agreed measures had not been implemented. The issue of rumble strips for the A2 slip road would also be raised. A copy of the letter would be sent to Cllr Michael Northey. Action; Clerk b. Mill Centre – Negotiations on the new lease were continuing. It was agreed to send a copy of the draft lease to KAPC for comment and advice. Action ; Clerk c. Western Ave/Mill Lane junction - It was reported that the contractors repairing the gas mains in Brewery Lane and the High Street had been dumping their equipment on the grass verge at the corner of Western Avenue and Mill Lane. This had damaged the verge and it was agreed to write to Morrisons asking that they made Action; Clerk good the verge once the work had been completed. d. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group had not contacted the parish council for some time and it was agreed to ask SHG for an update on the current situation regarding the project. Action; Clerk e. Skate Park – Cllr Hill reported that he had visited several skate parks in the area recently and remarked on their popularity with young people. f. CPRE Conference on Climate Change – Cllr Hill agreed to represent the Parish Action; Cllr Hill Council at this meeting. g. Parish Forum Meeting 1st March – Cllr Esdale agreed to represent the Parish Action; Cllr Esdale Council at this meeting. h. Writing Better Bids 14th. February – Cllr Edmonds agreed to represent the Parish Action; Cllr Edmonds Council at this meeting. i. A letter of sympathy had been sent to Dr Peter Giles on the recent death of his wife. j. Following a complaint from a resident, it was agreed to find out the width of a fire engine to ascertain whether it would be possible for emergency services to reach the houses at the rear of the Laurie Wakeham’s shop when the butcher’s van was parked there overnight and at weekends. Action; Clerk k. Welcome Pack – ACRK had funding available to assist parishes to implement their parish plans and had suggested to Bridge Parish Council that it would be willing to help with funding the Welcome Pack for new residents. It was agreed that samples of the welcome packs from other villages would be obtained with a view to deciding whether the Bridge pack could be improved with the help of funding from ARK . Action; Cllr Edmonds & Clerk l. Christmas trees – Cllr Edmonds thanked all those councillors and village residents who had helped to take down the Christmas trees and especially Cllr Esdale who had organised the Christmas tree display again. It was agreed to write and thank Mr & Mrs McNeill for providing sandwiches and coffee to the volunteers during the morning. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. February 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th February 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and Wilmshurst also County Cllr M Northey and PCSO Sue Radcliffe 109/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill 110/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 111/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. January 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 112/07-8 Cllr Northey informed the Parish Council that the KCC budget would be set on 19th. February and a 3.9% increase in Council Tax was likely. He reported on recent visits he had made to two local charities; Kent Kids Miles of Smiles in Canterbury and The Ark, Dover, both of which were doing valuable work in the community. 113/07-8 Following a complaint from a litter collection volunteer, it was agreed to try to eradicate fly tipping and littering at the recycling point which was becoming an increasing problem. As this area was within the parish of Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne it was agreed to approach that parish to ask them to support Bridge’s request to the city council for anti-fly tipping measures and for the installation of a lidded bin at the recycling point. Action; Clerk 114/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a.Recreation ground – Cllr Lewis reported that he had cut back vegetation from the footpath to the school. He had also trimmed part of the hedge by the Health Centre and the remainder had been completed by the Centre’s gardener. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Lewis for his work on the recreation ground. The new signs indicating that dogs, golf and cycling were not permitted on the recreation ground would be erected before the next parish council meeting Action; Cllrs Gulvin & Esdale b. Higham Park-. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Gulvin for agreeing to attend the Planning Inquiry. It was now anticipated that the Inquiry would last for three days, starting on 19th. February. Posters advertising the Inquiry had been removed from the fences of two properties near Higham Park. They would be replaced. Cllr Gulvin had created a poster to demonstrate the scale of the proposed villas in relation to Higham Park in cross section. This would be shown to the Planning Inquiry. Highland Court Cricket Club had provided evidence of the number of local people attending cricket training and matches. Concerns were expressed as to the cost of the Planning Consultants fees should costs not be awarded against Action :Cllr Gulvin& Clerk the developer. c. 24 High Street – Richard Honey had agreed that his fees could be paid in early April at the beginning of the next financial year. Action; Clerk d. The Mill Centre – A copy of the lease for the Centre had been sent to KALC with an enquiry as to the legality of the very large rent increase. This had been referred to NALC’s legal advisers for advice. 115/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies BVST – Cllr Gulvin reported that Canterbury City Football Club were considering plans to enlarge the pavilion to add new showers and extend the changing facilities. This was a long-term aim dependent on funding. Rural Area Members Panel – Cllr Edmonds had circulated a written report. Writing Better Bids Workshop – Cllr Edmonds reported that this was run by Canterbury City Councils External Funding Team, which was willing to look at draft bids for funding if given two weeks before any deadline. Speedwatch – Cllr Esdale reported on the new procedures for Speedwatch. A minimum of two trained participants in each parish were needed to run the scheme and it was agreed that volunteers would be sought before the next training course was held. The equipment would cost about £2,500 but there was a possibility of parishes sharing or renting equipment from other parishes. It was suggested that councillors might visit Chartham which was running a successful scheme. 116/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 84 High Street, Bridge, Remove 12’ flowering cherry and a small pear tree also 12’ high from rear garden 67 High Street, Bridge Cut down a dead cherry tree in garden 24 Conyngham Lane Reduce height of contorted willow in front garden by 40% To note Tree Preservation Order No4,2007 was made on the wellingtonia tree, New Close , Bridge on 18th. January 2008 117/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bifrons Path –It had been established that Bifrons Path was too narrow to allow the emergency services access to dwellings if vehicles were parked in the lane. It was therefore agreed that letters would be sent to all residents of the area requesting that they did not park their vehicles there. Action; Clerk b. Wealden Wheels Presentation – It was decided not to send a representative to this presentation. c. Wincheap Development Consultation – It was decided to write to Canterbury City Council pointing out that the present proposals were unlikely to relieve congestion in the area. There was concern about the plan to surround the new road with 1,300 houses. This would create further congestion as well as being an unsuitable environment for new housing. There was also concern about the height of the buildings being proposed, which were significantly taller than the rest of Canterbury’s buildings. Traffic management plans were vague. Action; Clerk d. Welcome Packs for New Residents – Having considered the examples of Welcome Packs from other parishes supplied by ACRK, it was agreed that the current packs being distributed by the parish council were satisfactory. It was therefore agreed not to seek funding from ACRK to improve them. Action; Clerk e. f. Village hall – Cllr Gulvin briefed the parish council on the plans for renovating the ground floor of the village hall. Additional storage space would be created, the kitchen would be improved and disabled toilets that met the disabled status requirements installed. Planning permission had been applied for and it was hoped that work would begin in the summer. Funding had been requested and the cost was estimated to be about £31,000. Action; Cllrs Gulvin & Esdale Cllr Selwyn Lewis would stand in as Chairman during the absence of Cllr Edmonds later this month. g. Youth Shelter – A grant of £5,000 had been awarded by KCC towards the cost of the Youth Shelter. The council agreed to make up the additional £1,745 to pay for the shelter and solar lighting. This would be found from reserves if necessary. It was agreed to place the order for the shelter. Action; Clerk h. Cycle Route to Dover – It was agreed to write to Kent Highways Authority suggesting that the cycle route to Dover should go through Bridge rather than along the A2. This would be a much safer alternative to the present route 16. Action ; Clerk 118/07-8 Sealing of Documents The Kent Parish Council Website Agreement was signed. Action; Clerk 119/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 120/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 121/07-8 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Junior Football Club Fees 2007/8 season £50.00 Christmas tree donations - £20.00 VAT reimbursement Oct – Dec 2007 - £474.10 122/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *CPRE £15.00 Fee for ‘Tomorrow’s Kent Climate Change’ Conference 1st Feb 08 Christobel N Seath £610.89 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – January 2008 Grounds Maintenance 2nd half yearly KCC Commercial Services £753.12 invoice £640.95 + £112.17 vat Bridge Village Hall £16.50 Parish Council meetings Jan-Mar 2008 – 3 Management Cttee meetings @ £5.50 BVHMC £66.00 Street Runner meetings Jan – Mar 2008 –6 meetings @ £11.00 *already authorised because conference before Feb PC meeting 123/07-8. Any other business; a. Cllr Lewis drew the council’s attention to the garages being re-erected in Dering Rd. b. Cllr Lewis noted that fly tipping was becoming a problem again at the junction of the A2 sliproad with Bekesbourne Rd. c. It was reported that there was activity taking place at 45 High St and it was hoped that the owner was planning to repair the building. d. There had been storm damage to trees in Mill Lane and SERCO had so far failed to take action to remove the tree debris. e. An open bin for litter collection had not yet been received from the city council. f. Cllr Beinder reported that she had investigated a different supplier for the restoration of old street names project. It was agreed that she would obtain further information and quotations for embossed signs. Action; Cllr Beinder g. A Parish Council newsletter would be produced for the Spring. Several suggestions for items to be included were made. Cllr Corfield would compile a draft for the next Action; Cllr Corfield meeting. h. Cllr Esdale reported on the Pfizer volunteer project and it was agreed to apply for assistance with refurbishing the Mill Centre. Action; Cllr Esdale i. No councillor was available to attend the Planning Information Day being organised by KALC on 15th. March The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th. March 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th March 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst also City Councillor John Anderson to item 129. 124/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 125/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 126/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. February 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 127/07-8 Mr Morton, Architect and Mr Mark Sheardown, purchaser of part of the land at Highland Court Farm, gave a presentation. A seven acre site identified adjacent to Gomez is being planned to house 300,000sq ft of business/storage use B3/B8. Also the redevelopment of the farm complex. It was suggested that Canterbury City Council supported this as overspill from the Wincheap Industrial Estate when that is redeveloped and the area would be allocated in the District Local Plan. Councillors raised several issues – traffic directions, access to Highland Cricket Club; surface condition of Coldharbour Lane. 128/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The new youth shelter had been well received and was being used. One large hole had developed in front of the practice goal area and several other small holes had appeared on other parts of the recreation ground. It was agreed to ask Kent Landscape Services to fill in the goal-mouth hole and to contact A Glew to ask him to fill in the smaller holes. Action; Clerk The broken willow branch had disappeared from the recreation ground. It was reported that two road works signs had been left by the pavilion. Cllr Esdale would try and ascertain to whom they belonged. Action; Cllr Esdale One of the new signs on Bifrons Path had been turned away from the path and the other at the Patrixbourne Rd entrance had been knocked from its post. These Action; Cllr Esdale would be replaced. Cllr Beinder reported that she would need approximately £200 for the Wild Flower Project up to the end of the 2008-9 financial year. b. Higham Park Planning Inquiry – Cllr Gulvin had circulated a written report on the Higham Park Planning Inquiry. The Inquiry would not be closed until 5th. April to allow for a possible s.106 Agreement to be drawn up between the applicant and Canterbury City Council. The outcome of the Inquiry may be known in early May. Bridge Parish Council would not be eligible to apply for costs as it was a third party in the case. It was agreed to lobby NALC to try to get this ruling changed to enable parish councils to recover costs when they participate in planning inquiries. Action; Clerk c. The Mill Centre – The meeting of the Mill Centre Committee had been postponed until 17th. March. d. Newsletter – Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Corfield for producing the Spring Newsletter, which was approved by the Parish Council. The Fish Scheme had asked to include a flyer with the delivery. Cllr Edmonds would arrange for this to be given to Cllr Beinder. It was hoped that the newsletters and flyer would be ready for delivery by Sunday 16th. March. Action; Cllrs Edmonds, Beinder & Esdale 129/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Forum Meeting 1st March – Cllr Esdale (Report emailed to councillors) CPRE Climate Change Seminar 1st February – Verbal report from Cllr Hill 130/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Little Bridge Place, Mill Lane, Bridge Remove fallen southern beech from rear of garden 6 Bridgeford Way Clean out multi stemmed ash & reduce crown of willow tree both on stream bank in back garden. 131/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Sports Pavilion- Cllr Gulvin explained plans to extend the sports pavilion by 2 metres. This would enlarge the size of the changing rooms to bring them up to the required standard. It would give the pavilion a longer lease of life for its future requirements and use. The parish council supported this proposal. b. Youth Shelter – The parish council agreed to use funds in the Section 137 budget together with project funds to meet the shortfall of £1,745.00 in the cost of the youth shelter. This had mainly been financed by a grant of £5,000 from Kent County Council. It was agreed to ask County Cllr Michael Northey to open the shelter officially at 6.30pm on 8th May, before the Parish Council Meeting. Action; Clerk c. Maurice & Eileen Smith – The parish council congratulated Maurice and Eileen Smith on 60 years of marriage. d. Code for Sustainable Homes- Cllr Gulvin explained the new Government code for sustainable homes assessment. Levels 3 to 6 were for sustainable homes. Level 6 homes would be carbon zero while level 3 homes would be approx 23% better than current regulations. All new homes after 1st May 2008 must reach level 3 standards and Sustainable Homes Code levels must be shown in planning documents. The regulations would affect Bridge’s Affordable Housing project and it was anticipated that the houses would built to level 3 requirements. e. Annual Parish Meeting – Cllr Esdale would arrange for soft drinks and snacks and hire glasses and Cllr Hill would buy the wine for the Annual Parish Meeting. It was decided not to invite an outside speaker this year. Action Cllrs Esdale & Hill f. Access via Western Ave by Oil Tankers – Cllr Lewis reported that a few tankers were using Western Ave as a route to the Mill Lane oil depot. This was contrary to the restriction on the use of the road by tankers that was imposed when the estate was built. It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would ask the manager of the depot to ensure that the restriction was observed. Action; Cllr Esdale g. Freedom Bus Passes – It was agreed to ask Stagecoach to re-schedule the 9.28am bus from Bridge to Canterbury to 9.30am. This would allow holders of Freedom bus passes to use the bus without payment because the passes are Action ; Clerk only valid from 9.30am onwards. 132/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 133/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £12,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 134/07-8 The following receipt was noted; KCC grant towards Youth Shelter - £5,000 135/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Mervyn Gulvin Christobel N Seath Amount £153.50 £610.89 Canterbury City Council £379.01 Monster Play Systems £7,925.38 Savills £225.00 Mervyn Gulvin £42.40 John E Hill £26.55 Dr W Le-Las £3,430.00 Christobel Seath £36.17 Purpose Photocopying £130.64 + £22.86 vat Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – February 2008 £322.56 + £56.45 Delivering youth sessions 1/10/07 –31/12/07 £6,745.00 + £1,180 vat Youth Shelter (£5,000 grant from KCC) Cantley Estates charges 29.09.07 – 24.3.08 Expenses for attendance at Planning Inquiry 19th – 21st February Mileage claim Bridge Maidstone return = 59 miles @ 40.5 p per mile for CPRE Climate Seminar 1.3.08 Fees for preparation & attendance at Higham Park Planning Inquiry Petty cash 136/07-8. Any other business; a. Restoration of old Street Names; Cllr Beinder had found a new supplier of street signs. It was agreed to send details of the signs required and ask for a quotation of the cost. New photographs would be needed to send to the supplier. Action; Clerk & Cllr Esdale The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. April 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 15th. May 2008 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs A Edmonds (Chairman), C Beesty, B Beinder, J Corfield, M Esdale, J Hill, T Wilmshurst, City Councillor John Anderson, County Councillor M Northey, P Knight CCFC, D Fairclough CCFC, N Fox CCFC, C Seath (Clerk), and 15 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Gulvin, Cllr Lewis, PCSO Sue Radcliffe, Mr & Mrs D Stewart, Mr M Seath, and Mrs J Hill. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12th April 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2007 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2007/2008 Councillor Ann Edmonds welcomed parishioners to the meeting. She outlined various village projects that had been undertaken during the year. Bollards had been installed at the parish’s expense outside Bridgeway Stores and these had proved effective in preventing parking on the pavement. Kent Highways had agreed funding for the flashing speed sign for Bridge Hill but a shortage of installers had delayed its arrival. The affordable housing project was progressing slowly but it was hoped that a planning application would be submitted in Autumn. The Planning Inspectorate rejected the appeal lodged by the owners of Higham Park and that development would not now take place. The parish council had objected to the application for extended opening hours submitted in connection with the re-opening of Bridge Place Country Club. The recreation ground had benefited from the wild flower project, which was progressing well and children from the school had helped on a number of occasions. Unfortunately, the youth group had been disbanded in April due to lack of numbers. Should more young people come forward, this decision could be reviewed. However, the new Teen Shelter was installed on the recreation ground in February and officially opened by Cllr Northey on 8th. May. It had been well used and Cllr Beesty was thanked for his efforts in overseeing the project. The parish council was still in negotiation with the city council over the renewal of the lease for the Mill Centre. Cllr Beinder was having difficulty in locating a supplier of signs for the restoration of old street names, but this was on-going. Cllr Edmonds reminded parishioners of the Welcome Packs for newcomers and asked them to let councillors know of new arrivals in the village. Cllr Edmonds thanked Mr & Mrs Possee and Mr & Mrs Oakey for their good work on the planters outside Bridgeway Stores and at the chicane. She reported that under Cllr Lewis’ coordination a group of volunteers were keeping the village litter free and she thanked them for their efforts. She also thanked Cllr Esdale and residents for their help with putting up and taking down the Christmas trees. The parish council had written to Stagecoach to thank them for re-scheduling the 9.28am bus so that it left Bridge at 9.30 and Freedom bus pass holders could use the bus without payment. Cllr Esdale had instigated this initiative. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Hill for chairing the Planning Committee during a challenging year and she thanked other councillors and the clerk for their hard work and support during the past year. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2007/8 Cllr Esdale presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2007.He explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. 4. REPORT OF COUNTY COUNCILLOR, MICHAEL NORTHEY 2 Cllr Michael Northey announced that the KCC Cabinet had agreed to subsidise the over 60s free bus scheme so that it would start from 9.00am each day. This would cost KCC an estimated £120,000 in the first year, rising to a projected £150,000 at current prices in future years. This was due to be implemented from 30th June but could be delayed to enable legal formalities to be resolved. KCC had voted to ban the use of the ‘mosquito’ device on KCC premises. This device emitted a high-pitched sound, audible only to those under about 23 years of age, and was used increasingly to deter gatherings of young people around shops etc. Kent Highways Authority had instigated a drive to clear up the backlog of pothole repairs, with 11,314 potholes repaired in the five weeks up to 28th April. Recent legislation effective from July would mean that in future any utility company wishing to dig up the road would have to apply to KCC for permission, justify the work and negotiate a time slot. There would be financial penalties for over-running. The St Peter’s Appeal had been supported by a contribution of £11,800 from Members’ funds, following Cllr Northey’s recommendation. Cllr Northey congratulated the parish council and Cllr Beesty in particular on the successful teen shelter project. He had been honoured to perform the opening ceremony. The KCC had an excellent trading standards unit and Cllr Northey urged parishioners to report any ‘rogue traders’ or dishonest door-to-door sales people. The unit also held a list of approved traders. The KCC had a turn over of over £2.1billion. It had been able to keep the council tax for 2008-9 to just below the Retail Price index of inflation of 3.9%, which was in the middle range for English councils. While Cllr Northey did not have a fixed weekly ‘surgery’, he was always happy to discuss concerns with constituents over the phone, by email and letter or would visit their homes by appointment. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILLOR JOHN ANDERSON Cllr Anderson reported that the new Lord Mayor would be Cllr Mrs Caroline Parry, Conservative councillor for Marshside. Her deputy would be Cllr Charlotte McCaul, Liberal Democrat councillor for Wincheap. Cllr Anderson was Chairman of the Licencing Board and as such could not adjudicate on premises applications from his own constituency. He was also Chairman of the Joint Transport Board, which works with KCC. Cllr Anderson was rotating Chairman of Housing Appeals and a member of the Rural Area members Panel. He could advise on building matters within the parish. 5. a. REPORT ON YOUTH SHELTER – Cllr Colin Beesty Cllr Beesty gave a presentation on the processes that had led to the installation of the youth shelter on the recreation ground. He explained that a consultation process had been undertaken over several months, starting with the village fete in 2006. The consultation had involved the village youth organisations, villagers and older school children. A short list of designs had been drawn up after consultation and this was narrowed down to one design after a further exhibition outside Bridgeway Stores in October 2007. Permission had been obtained from Cantley Estates to erect the shelter on the recreation ground and there had been extensive discussions with residents living round the recreation ground as to the siting of the shelter. The youth group had secured a £5,000 grant from KCC, the parish council added a contribution of £1,745 and the order had been placed in January 2008. Cllr Beesty showed pictures of the shelter being erected and of the formal opening of the shelter by Cllr Northey on 8th May. He thanked parishioners for their support for the project. b. REPORT ON PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE VILLAGE HALL – Cllr Mark Esdale Cllr Esdale reported that the village hall was used at least once every day. Five years ago there had been discussions about building a new hall but there had been difficulties over finding a new site. It was impossible to extend the present hall in any direction and the main problems were lack of storage space, particularly for playgroup equipment, and 3 the need for upgraded disabled toilet facilities. Cllr Gulvin had drawn up plans which would provide new disabled toilets, a new storage area, table trolley and chair storage and a re-designed, smaller kitchen. The cost would be about £30,000. The parish council had applied to the city council for funding under a capital grants scheme. Unfortunately this scheme was over-subscribed and in order to obtain funding this year, projects had had to score 78 points and above. Bridge’s project scored 76 points. The parish council would re-apply for a grant in the next financial year and hoped to begin building in 2009. There would be no change to the Hunter Room. C. REPORT ON FIRST SEASON OF CANTERBURY CITY FOOTBALL CLUB AT BRIDGE – Phil Knight, Chairman CCFC & Norman Fox, Press & Media CCFC Phil Knight reported that Canterbury City Football Club currently ran 8 teams; the First Team, Development Team (Reserves), a Ladies team, 2 girls teams, 3 youth teams and a special needs club. The club had had a very successful season with the first team becoming the Kent County League Division Two Champions. The club were also the Kent Junior Cup winners, Kent Ladies team champions, Kent Youth League Under 16s Champions among other successes. Mr Knight thanked the Bridge village website for its prompt match and results reports. The club currently supported over 30 youth and community projects in the area. He highlighted in particular the SNAAP project which supported special needs children in sport, the half term coaching initiatives as the Canterbury Barracks for the children of servicemen currently serving in Afghanistan and the Activ8 schools programme. In addition the club supported the Pilgrim’s Hospice as its charity, helping to raise both funds and awareness. They hoped to receive the Charter Standard for a Community Club. The club currently had 200 members and 30 corporate members. It had been honoured with a civic reception in recognition of its success. It had a well used website and produced a club newsletter. There were plans to organise 11 teams for the 2008-9 season, including a veterans team. Bridge had been an ideal home for the first team. The officials had noticed a reduction in graffiti and damage to the pavilion, as more local young people had been involved with the club. The club was aware of the on-going problems over litter, disturbances to local residents caused by the crowd and some reports of bad language. It was pointed out that there were stewards to monitor the crowd and deter bad language; the club had a zero tolerance policy towards bad language among its players. It was planned to use a large litterbin to clear up after each match and to establish a litter duty rota. The club was investigating ways of communicating the fixtures in advance. The long-term goal of the club was to have its own ground in Canterbury and negotiations were on-going with the city council. It was envisaged that the Bridge ground would still be used for other teams, possibly the Ladies team, once the First Team moved to new accommodation. The club was grateful to Bridge residents for the welcome it had received and to the Plough and Harrow, which was the club’s official pub. At the close of the presentation, the club officials answered questions from parishioners. 6 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Schools Admissions - Cllr Edmonds explained that the parish council had sent letters and had meetings with representatives of KCC, the Anglican Church and Bridge Primary School governors over the criteria for admissions. It was clear that there was no support from any of these groups to change the admissions policy at present. Bottle Bank – Fly tipping was an increasing problem at this area. The parish council was aware of this and it would be discussed again at the next council meeting. Parking on the High Street – It was pointed out that a blue Kia car regularly parked partly on the pavement outside 24 High Street. While this was anti-social and to be deplored, in fact there was nothing that could be done to stop it as, unfortunately, parking partly on the pavement was not illegal, although driving on the pavement was. Country Club Opening Hours Application – Cllr Edmonds explained that an extraordinary parish council meeting had not been held in this case, unlike the meeting 4 to discuss the Red Lion’s application last year. This was because it had been possible to include the Bridge Place application as an item on the normal parish council agenda and give the requisite notice to parishioners. In the case of the Red Lion the application had come between parish council meetings so it had been necessary to hold an extraordinary meeting to meet the deadline for comment to the Licencing Board. Cllr Anderson urged parishioners to write to the Licencing Team if they objected to the proposal and informed residents that they were entitled to attend and speak at the hearing if they wished. The meeting closed at 9.05p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th April 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst also City Councillor John Anderson to item 143b.. 137/07-8. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Esdale and KCC Cllr Northey 138/07-8. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 139/07-8. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. March 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 140/07-8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Lewis offered to remove the large stones which had appeared near the tennis court and about which complaints had been received Action; Cllr Lewis from a resident. It was reported that children had been climbing on the pavilion roof again. Concern was expressed that the newly emerging bulbs had been mown over when the grass was cut despite Cllr Beinder having given Kent Landscape Services a map of the planting earlier in the year. It was agreed to remind KLS early next Spring that the areas of bulb planting should be left uncut for 6 weeks. Cllr Esdale had replaced the second sign on the recreation ground. Bad weather had prevented him from replacing the platform on the small slide. Action; Cllr Esdale Cllr Gulvin would discuss the small holes that needed to be filled in on the recreation ground with Mr Glew. Action; Cllr Gulvin Cllr Lewis offered to remove the old road signs, whose ownership could not be traced, and recycle them. Action; Cllr Lewis b. Judicial Review of 24 High Street Decision – Richard Honey, barrister, had advised that the High Court had given permission for Bridge Parish Council to apply for a Judicial Review of Canterbury City Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the development in the garden of 24 High Street, Bridge. A letter had been sent to Canterbury City Council on the matter and a reply was awaited. There would be no further discussion on this until the May Parish Council meeting, by which time it was expected that a reply would have been received from the city council. A payment of £180 had been authorised to HM Court Services to enable the court process to proceed. 141/07-8 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies 142/07-8 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Remove a rowan tree, prune two silver birch trees, prune one holly tree. 143/07-8 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Youth Group – David Edmonds reported on the problems being experienced by the Youth Group. There were currently only seven regular members. Advertisements in the Parish Council Newsletter and ‘On the Nail’ had failed to bring in any more members. Membership had fallen off since a decision was taken in September to stop indoor ball games as they were too disruptive in a small space. The city council was now providing a regular Youth Leader who emailed his programme in advance and brought an assistant to the meetings.The Committee had met on 18th March and felt it was not viable to continue with such small numbers, in view of the expense to the parish council of paying for the Youth Worker and for the hire of the hall. After some discussion it was agreed to suggest to the committee that the group should continue until July, the end of the current session. Meanwhile the possibility of transferring the group to the Mill Centre in September would be explored. This venue would enable ball games to be resumed as well as allowing for a space in which quieter activities could take place. Mr Edmonds agreed to put this proposal to the Action ; Clerk committee. b. Highland Court Business Park Application CA/08/00322/BEK – Cllr Gulvin had received paper copies of the plans for this development from Bekesbourne Parish Council. Cllrs Gulvin and Wilmshurst had also attended an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting in Bekesbourne to discuss the plans earlier in the week. Cllr Gulvin explained that Canterbury City Council’s District Local Plan First Revision July 2006 had designated land at Highland Court for employment B1,B2 and B8 – light industrial and office use. Outline planning permission for the development was being sought and it was likely that this would be approved. A condition for approval was that a comprehensive plan be put forward for the development of the whole site, of which there were currently three components; one owned by Sheardown Co and two by Highland Court Investments. There would be an increase in sheds at sites A & B, office units would front the access road and utilise site C. There would be a redevelopment of the model farm. Parking for an additional 350 cars was planned together with a shop and café for employees. It was felt that there were several issues that needed to be resolved over which the developer, Sheardown, would have no control. These included tree screening of the site, improvement Coldharbour Lane junction and signage. The parish council agreed to write to the city council pointing out their reservations about the plans. It was also agreed to ask Canterbury City Council for an extension to the deadline of 11th. April for comment on the plans and to ask the Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Clerk send the parish council a copy of their response letter to the city council. It was also agreed to write to Kim Bennett, Head of Development Services, to complain that Bridge Parish Council had not been sent copies of the plans and had had to rely on Bekesbourne Parish Council and the developers for information. This was contrary to his assurance, given some years ago, that Bridge would be fully informed of any major developments that could affect the village, even if they did not lie within its parish boundary. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk c. Item deferred to next meeting d. Annual Parish Meeting It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Football Club to give a brief presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th. May to enable residents to meet officials and hear about their first year in Bridge and future plans. Cllr Gulvin agreed to speak about the proposed village hall alterations and Cllr Beesty would speak about the Youth Shelter. Cllr Beesty would also arrange for equipment to be available for Power point presentations. Action Cllrs Beesty & Gulvin & Clerk 144/07-8 Correspondence - Noted 145/07-8 Transfer – The transfer of £4,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 146/07-8 The following receipt was noted; Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne PC contribution to professional fees for Dr Wendy Le Las - £1,000 147/07-8.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) J Taylor~ Payee Amount £47.00 A Osborn~ £284.35 Richard Honey £2,864.08 Christobel N Seath £610.89 BT* KALC £58.44 £484-49 ACRK Bridge Village Hall Management Committee BVHMC £35.00 £66.00 £16.50 * Paid by Direct Debit ~ Authorised in 2007-8 financial year 148/07-8. Any other business; Purpose Repair of bus shelter tiles £40.00 + £7.00 vat Tree work on recreation ground £242.00 + £42.35 vat Professional services re 24 High Street £2,437.50 + £426.58 vat Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – March2008 Telephone account £49.73 + £8.71 vat Subscription for 2008-9 £388.08 + £67.91 vat + £28.50 publications Annual membership 1.4.08 to 31.3.09 Hire of hall for Street Runner April- June 08- 6 sessions @ £11 Hire of hall Parish Council meetings AprilJune – 3 sessions @ £5.50 a.Bus Service – Following the parish council’s request, Stagecoach had agreed to re-schedule the 17 bus timetable through Bridge to Canterbury so that the bus left the White Horse at 9.30am instead of 9.28am. This would allow concessionary bus pass holders to use the service free of charge. It was agreed to write and thank the management of Stagecoach . Action; Clerk b. Concurrent Funding and Precept –The city council had paid the following amounts into the parish accounts; Concurrent Funding £8,723 £24,533.3 Precept 4 c. Newsletters – It was confirmed that the print run of 750 newsletters had been adequate. d. Welcome Packs for Newcomers – Cllr Esdale would be asked to supply a pack to new Action; Cllr Esdale residents of Saxon Road when he returned from his holiday. e. Youth Shelter – Cllr Northey had agreed to open the Youth Shelter officially at 6.30pm on Thursday 8th May, before the Parish Council meeting. f. Petroleum Company –The Manager had reminded his drivers that they are prohibited from using Western Avenue as an access route to the oil depot at the top of Mill Lane. The meeting closed at 8.54 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th. May 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th May 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, and Wilmshurst also City Councillor John Anderson (to item 11c )and County Councillor M Northey (to item 11d).. Before the meeting KCC Cllr Michael Northey formally declared the new youth shelter on the recreation ground open. 1/08-9 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2008-9 Ann Edmonds was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Gulvin and elected unanimously John Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Beesty and elected unanimously 2/08-9 Areas of Responsibility to Committee and Outside Bodies The following changes were made to councillors’ responsibilities; Cllr Beesty ceased to be Bridge Primary School liaison and have responsibility for the Teen Shelter. He is now the Bridge Village Sports Trust representative. Cllr Beinder is Bridge Primary School liaison Cllr Corfield is no longer the ACRK representative. This role has been taken on by Cllr Wilmshurst. Cllr Hill is the KALC representative with Cllr Wilmshurst. Cllr Esdale would no longer sit on the now defunct Youth Group Committee 3/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis 4/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 5/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. April 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/08-9 24 High Street - Cllr Edmonds made a statement on 24 High Street at the start of the meeting. The High Court had given permission for a judicial review of Canterbury City Council’s decision to grant planning permission for a dwelling in the garden of 24 High Street. The parish council’s barrister had therefore written to the city council seeking a settlement to the matter and as the case was ongoing no further comment could be made. 7/08-9 KCC Cllr Northey reported that there would be a debate at the County Council meeting on 15th. May about the increased use of the high pitched ‘Mosquito’ device used to disperse teenage groups. The County Council wishes to ban such devices from its premises. 8/08-9. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The Recreation Ground Inspection folder was taken over by Cllr Beesty. It was agreed to ask Mr Glew to re-concrete the new sign at the Patrixbourne Rd entrance as it had been pushed over to one side. Action; Clerk Cllr Beinder had given Kent Landscape Services a map of the planting so that they could avoid cutting areas of wild flower and bulb planting at the wrong time. Kent Landscape Services would send estimates for filling in the hollow in front of the practise goal post, renewing the wire on the closed entrance to the field by the pavilion and would also send a brochure on benches made from re-cycled materials. They would provide details of their charges for ROSPA accredited playground equipment inspections. It was agreed to discuss the possibility of buying replacement trees for the recreation ground at the September Parish Council meeting. Action; Clerk b. Higham Park Planning Inquiry – The Planning Inspector had comprehensively rejected the appeal by Paigle Ltd against the city council’s decision to refuse the application for housing development at Higham Park. c. Youth Group – Cllr Esdale reported that the Youth Group Committee had reluctantly decided to terminate the group with immediate effect as it was no longer sustainable given the low numbers attending, neither was it fulfilling a social service to the village any longer. The city council youth worker had been informed and the city council had been given a month’s notice of termination of the contract to provide youth services to Bridge. The committee could re-assess the decision at a later date should sufficient numbers of young people come forward. The parish council recorded its thanks to the committee and volunteers who had helped to keep the youth group going over the years. d. Methodist Chapel – The Parish Council had received no reply from the Methodist Church to its enquiry last October about the possibility of buying the building to use as a village resource, should the Methodist chapel close for worship. The council had heard informally that it was thought that the parish council no longer wished to pursue this. It was therefore agreed to write to Rev Marshall again, confirming the parish council’s interest and requesting an urgent response. Action; Clerk 9/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Allotment Association AGM 14th. April – Cllr Gulvin It was agreed to write a letter of thanks to Mr Spencer who had resigned as Secretary Action; Clerk to the Association BVST Meeting – Cllrs Gulvin & Beesty 10/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge Reduce height of evergreen at front of property & remove dead wood Reduce height by 2-3 m and thin out branches to trees on rear boundary Remove hawthorn tree in rear left hand corner The Tree Wardens objected to the removal of the hawthorn On north west retaining wall alongside No.104 Bridge Church Yard Two ash trees to be felled as they are too close to the old flint wall. To be replaced in a more suitable location. Action; Clerk 11/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. b Audited Accounts for 2007-8 The audited accounts and annual governance statment for 2007-8 were agreed and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer. It was agreed to re-appoint Kevin Funnell as internal auditor and to ask him to carry out the half yearly audit in October.Action; Clerk Bridge Place Country Club Licence Application A number of local residents spoke against this application. Concern was expressed about the noise and disruption that would be experienced late into the night by the whole village if a licence was allowed until 2.00am on Fridays and Saturdays and until midnight on weekdays. Residents recalled the previous disturbances and damage caused in the village when the country club was operating and commented on the attractive appearance of the High Street now that planters and flower boxes were no longer in danger of vandalism from patrons of the country club leaving the village in the early hours. It was felt that the proprietor had previously shown he was unable to control the behaviour of his clientele. He had himself objected last May to the proposed extended opening hours of the Red Lion, claiming they were inappropriate for a rural village. Residents were warned that, once granted, the licence would apply permanently regardless of the use of the club. It was felt that restrictions on the operation of the club should include prohibiting access via Brewery Lane and that a taxi calling service should be installed on site. It was suggested that the Country Club should have the same licencing hours as other public houses in Bridge. There was no local demand for the extended hours. The parish council agreed to write to the City Council Licencing Authorities opposing the application for extended opening hours and urged residents to write to the authority before the deadline of 28th May, copying their letters to the parish council. c. d. e. f. g. h. Action ; Clerk Reserves for 2008-9 Cllr Esdale explained the proposed reserves for 2008-9 and they were agreed by the parish council. Allotments – Cllr Gulvin explained that there was now a fairly static number of allotment holders but a waiting list of 5 local residents and 3 others from outside the village. It was therefore agreed to write to Charlie Gooch to ask Cantley Estates to consider extending the allotment area on the south side to provide 4 further full sized plots. Cllr Gulvin would supply a plan of the proposed extension. The long standing matter of the lease for the allotments would also be raised again. Action; Clerk Planning Portal Questionnaire – It was agreed that the clerk would complete the planning portal questionnaire on line using the comments made by Cllrs Gulvin and Action ; Clerk Edmonds Insurance arrangements for 2008-9 The clerk had requested quotations for the parish insurance from Zurich and NFU but no reply had been received from either . It was therefore agreed to continue to use Allianz as the parish insurers and to negotiate a 10% discount for a five year contract. It was also agreed that the bank reconciliation would be checked by a councillor every three months rather than six monthly, to comply with the underwriters conditions for an increased fidelity guarantee. Cllr Hill volunteered to take on this duty. Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk Annual Parish Meeting – The agenda and arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting were approved. Bridge Village Fete – It was agreed to allow the upper part of the recreation ground to be used for car parking for the village fete on 14th. June, provided that the weather Action; Clerk was fine. 12/08-9 Correspondence - Noted 13/089 Transfer – The transfer of £3,500 between Parish Council accounts was noted 14/089 The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council – Concurrent Funding £ 8,723.00 Precept 08/09 £24,533.34 BVST £10.00 Bridge Tennis Club fees for 2008/9 £125.00 15/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee +HMCS Amount £180.00 Christobel N Seath £621.68 Kent County Playing Fields Association Patrixbourne PCC £15.00 Society of Local Council Clerks Canterbury City Council £102.00 Mill Centre Management Committee Kevin Funnell D Possee £794.22 £400.00 £758.00 £35.00 £30.00 Purpose Fee for Judicial Enquiry into 24 High Street Procedures Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –April 2008 Annual Subscription 2008-9 Contributions for the upkeep of the churchyard 2007-8 and 2008-9 Membership renewal 2008-9 Delivering youth services 8/1/08 to 25/3/08 £645.12 + £112.90 vat Contribution to Mill Centre insurance costs. Audit of 2007-8 records Supply of compost & plants & maintaining planters in High Street + Authorised earlier because of time limit 16/08-9. Any other business; a. Affordable Housing –It was agreed that in future this should be an agenda item every month so that progress could be monitored. Action; Clerk b. Mill Centre – Cllr Esdale reported that the city council had promised to report back on the future of the lease shortly. He reported there had been a clear up of the Centre recently and potential improvements had been identified. c. Cycle Path – It was reported that Spokes now had funds for the Bridge to Canterbury cycle path. Discussions were continuing to agree a route. d. Girl Guides – The parish council noted with concern that the Guides were having difficulty in finding a replacement Guide Leader for Bridge. e. Bridge in Bloom – It was agreed that the Bridge in Bloom competition would take place in June. Cllr Esdale would publicise it on the website and Cllr Edmonds would organise the competition. Judging would take place in late July/early August. f. Action; Cllrs Edmonds & Esdale Thanks – The parish council expressed its thanks to Janet Horsley for providing the refreshments for the meeting. The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th. June 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th June 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst 17/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Corfield 18/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 19/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. May 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 20/08-9. Matthew Wood, Assistant Manager, New Close, briefly advised the council of an application for funding from the Mental Health Foundation to create a 1920s style themed tea-room at the New Close and invited councillors to visit the residential home, which cared for those suffering from dementia and Alzheimers. The aim of the project was to enhance the quality of life of the residents and work in partnership with the wider community. 21/08-9 Sue Radcliffe, PCSO and Dave Garland, PCSO Supervisor, attended part of the council meeting. PCSO Radcliffe intended to hold monthly surgeries in Bridge and would like to use the village hall for this purpose. She would liaise with Cllr Esdale regarding a suitable time. It was reported that there had been problems with youths causing late night disturbance on Western Ave. Residents were urged to report any incidents to the PCSO so that patrols could be arranged at the relevant times. The PCSO also advised that there had been a spate of lawnmower thefts locally. Any vehicles seen late at night carrying mowers should be reported to the police. Action ; Cllr Esdale 22/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – It was reported that litter was being removed from litter bins and scattered on the ground. One of the litter bins had been re-sited from Patrixbourne Rd to the Youth Shelter at the request of the parish council. The council agreed to discuss the possible siting of a skate board ramp and a bid for funding for it at the July parish council meeting. The possibility of erecting a tennis wall was also discussed, following a suggestion from a resident. It was decided to take no action on this for the moment as questionnaires submitted for the Parish Plan had indicated a preference for a skate board ramp. A quotation for filling in the dip in front of the practice goal had been received from Kent Landscape Services. As submission of this had been delayed, it was agreed to b. c. carry out the work in September after the school holidays, so that the re-seeded area would have time to grow. Action; Clerk Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group had been asked to provide the council with a copy of the draft S106 agreement that was being submitted to CCC. It was now estimated that work would begin on the site in early 2009. Councillors were asked to let SHG have details of any comments they had received from residents at the Information Day held last year. SHG had agreed to send the council monthly up-dates on progress in future. Methodist Chapel – It was noted that the chapel would close on Sunday 22nd June. Action; Cllr Edmonds Cllr Edmonds would attend the final service. d. Higham Lane –Cllr Edmonds was pleased to report that under Section 228 of the 1980 Highways Act, Higham Lane had been adopted by Kent County Council. e. Bridge Place Licencing Application – It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would represent the parish council at the Licensing hearing on Monday 23rd June at the Guildhall. 20/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies 21/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 100 High Street, Bridge Fell a fir tree in front right hand corner of garden Nailford House, Brewery Lane Fell dying willow tree on left hand side of front garden Action; Clerk 22/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury City FC – Some of the complaints received from local residents were discussed but it was agreed that the club had made a positive impact on the village and the council were happy with the first year of the club’s tenure. It was noted that the club intended to advertise future games at the pavilion and it was also agreed that the council would be given as much notice as possible of fixtures. The club would arrange with Serco for the goal posts to be dismantled for the summer if possible, to facilitate grass cutting on the recreation ground. It was suggested that these could be stored in the pavilion. b. Pavilion Extension – Cllr Gulvin explained that, although representatives of Canterbury City Football Club had expressed some scepticism about plans for the pavilion extension at the Annual Parish Meeting, there was a need for the work to be carried out. FA inspectors had confirmed that the changing rooms were too small and there was a requirement for separate showers for the teams. If, as seemed likely, the first team progressed into higher leagues over the next two years, it was intended that they would play at a different, more suitable venu. However, in that case it was planned to use the ground for either the second team or the ladies team. It was pointed out that Bridge Juniors would also benefit from the pavilion’s extension. c. Fly Tipping – There had been an increase in fly tipping in Bridge, particularly at the re-cycling point. It was the city council’s policy to prosecute any person found fly tipping and residents were urged to report any incidents they witnessed to the council. Councillors praised Serco for their prompt action to remove any fly tipping reported to them. d. Littering in the fields near the disused railway line – This annual problem was again causing concern. Previous complaints to Mansfield Farms about the behaviour of their seasonal workers had been ignored. It would be difficult for the council to erect signs as the land was privately owned. It was agreed to draw the problem to the e. f. g. attention to Kent Public Rights of Way and possibly arrange a clean up at the end of Action; Clerk the season. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting next year would be held on Thursday 21st May 2009 and that subsequently the date for the next APM would be fixed at the end of each annual meeting. Mill Centre – Advice had been received from NALC regarding the lease of the Mill Centre. It confirmed that the city council were empowered to re-set the rent levels and that the parish council was correct to pay rent at the old rate while revaluation was carried out. NALC pointed out that while the city council was required to obtain a commercial value for properties, the Secretary of State had the power to make an exception on several grounds, including social or environmental well being. It would therefore be possible for the city council to sell the premises at below commercial value. Cllr Esdale would continue to pursue this with CCC. Action Cllr Esdale Insurance for Volunteers – Allianz had confirmed that volunteers working with the parish council and using equipment supplied by the council would be insured under employers’ liability cover. It was agreed to re-confirm that volunteers helping with the Christmas trees would continue to be covered under Serco’s insurance policy. Action; Cllr Esdale h. Drainage problems on Pett Hill – Cllr Lewis outlined the problems of poor drainage being experienced on Pett Hill and Station Rd. It was agreed to write to Kent Action; Cllr Lewis & Clerk Highways setting out the problem. I 45 High Street - Cllr Lewis noted that work was being carried out at 45 High Street and that its appearance had improved. j. Speedwatch – Cllr Esdale reported that several local parishes had adopted the Speedwatch system. It might be possible for Bridge to hire the equipment from other parishes. Lower Hardres had invited Bridge councillors to see their system in operation. Cllr Esdale would contact Lower Hardres council to arrange a Action; Cllr Esdale demonstration. k. Contract for Play Equipment Safety Inspection- After considering a quotation for safety inspections submitted by Kent Landscape Services it was decided to continue to use RoSPA for play equipment inspections. It was agreed to arrange for a parish councillor to be present at the July inspection. Cllr Esdale volunteered to do this. Action ; Cllr Esdale & Clerk 22/08-9 Correspondence - Noted 23/08-9 Transfer – The transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 24/08-9 The following receipts were noted; VAT reimbursement - £1,425.30 25/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *Allianz Christobel N Seath £1,348.69 £621.68 Barbara Beinder £167.79 Ordnance Survey £64.33 John Hill KALC £47.52 £70.50 Janet Horsley BHVMC £20.00 £11.00 Purpose Parish Insurance renewal 2008-9 Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –Mayl 2008 Supply of wild flowers & postal costs for wildflower project £143.39 + £24.40 vat Map Copying Licence renewal £54.75 + £9.58 vat APM refreshments expenses Chairmanship Training Day 17th. July £60.00 + £10.50 vat) Catering for meeting with legal team Hire of hall for Annual Parish Meeting & 10th July PC meeting * Cheque previously authorised to meet insurance renewal date 1.6.08 26/08-9. Any other business; a. Bridleway CP304 –Cllr Lewis reported that he had asked PROW to clear this. b. Hedge Survey Course –Cllr Lewis informed the council that he would be attending this course, the first of its kind in the county. c. Standards Committee Agenda – Cllr Hill pointed out that this agenda had been sent out very late by the city council. There had been no mention of the role of parish councils on site visits. d. Meeting with Kim Bennett and Ludek Majer – It was agreed that this would take place on 20th June at 12.00 noon in the city council offices. Cllrs Edmonds, Hill, Gulvin and Esdale would attend together with the Parish Clerk. e. Parking outside Western Ave shops – A complaint had been received that employees were parking their cars for long periods outside the shops. It was agreed that the council would write to the shop owners pointing out the shortage of parking spaces in the village and asking their employees not to park in the lay by. The council would also try to ascertain what had happened to the proposal put to CCC to time limit parking in the lay by. Action ; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.58 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. July 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th July 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst 27/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey and CCC Cllr Anderson 28/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 29/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. June 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 30/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – It was agreed that when Cllr Beesty, who currently holds the Recreation ground folder, was unable to carry out weekly inspections Cllr Beinder would carry them out in his place. Action; Cllrs Beesty & Beinder The annual RoSPA playground safety inspection would take place on 11th. July and Cllr Esdale would accompany the inspector. Action; Cllr Esdale Cllr Gulvin reported that the goal posts had been removed to allow the grass in the re-seeded goal areas time to re-grow. Cllr Esdale reported that he had replaced the damaged swing seat. There were problems in changing the slide platform because the bolts are very difficult to remove. Action; Cllr Esdale Cllr Beinder reported that an area of planting had again been mown by the grass cutters, despite a map of planted areas to avoid having been given to Kent Landscape Services several weeks ago. b. Affordable Housing – A progress report from Southern Housing Group had been circulated to councillors. Work was continuing to ensure the scheme met the technical, financial and compliance performance standards before planning permission was sought. c. Bridge Place Licencing Application – Cllr Esdale reported that the Licencing Authority had granted a licence to Bridge Place with reduced hours on Fridays and Saturdays of up to 2.00am with last drinks at 1.30am and last entry at 11.30pm. Additional conditions had been imposed, including the need for two security staff on the front gate at all times and no entrance or exit for clientele via Brewery Lane. The owner must consult with Kent Highways regarding signage. d. Bridge Parish Council v Canterbury City Council judgement- Bridge Parish Council’s claim against Canterbury City Council had been allowed and the parish council had been granted unconditional permission to bring its claim for a judicial review before the High Court in the matter of the city council’s decision to grant planning permission for a garage and dwelling in the grounds of 24 High St, Bridge. In view of the judge’s ruling, the city council had decided not to defend the claim. It had therefore signed a Consent Order agreeing to submit to judgement. The grant of planning permission had been quashed. The city council had also agreed to pay the full costs of the parish council’s action. Payment was still awaited. Cllr Lewis agreed to complete a questionnaire submitted by Kent Law Clinic and the council decided to consider whether to make a donation to the Clinic at its September meeting. e. Action; Cllr Lewis Allotments- Following the parish council’s request for further land to be granted to the Allotment Association, Savills had suggested that the northern block of former allotments could be brought back into use. It was agreed to await a response from the Allotment Association and defer this matter to the September parish council meeting. Cllr Gulvin would draft a response. It was also reported that an estate visit by the landowners would take place in October. There had been no comment from Savills on the long outstanding matter of the lease. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk 31/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Reports on the following were received; Canterbury & District Rural Forum, 16th. June – Cllr Edmonds Canterbury Branch of KALC, 9th. July – Cllr Hill Training for Key Holders of Emergency Rest Centres – Cllr Esdale 32/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Remove broken branch of horse chestnut, which is blocking drive 24 High Street, Bridge Remove 3 horse chestnuts between the existing studio office and lime tree and crown lift the yews to a height of 2.5 m. Reduce the height of the highest yew by approx one third. Clear branches of horse chestnut overhanging the carriageway to meet statutory clearance Hazel coppice – re-coppice as required Cut back 5 semi mature yews to form a high hedge. Action; Clerk 33/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. b. c. d. Skateboard Area –It was agreed to consider the possibility of putting a skateboard area onto the recreation ground. Councillors would meet at the recreation ground on 12th. July to measure a potential site and bring recommendations to the September parish council meeting. Unsuitable routes for Lorries in Bridge- It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services to include Station Rd, Bridge to Whitehill Rd, Lower Hardres and Patrixbourne Rd on the list of roads unsuitable for HGVs so that KHS can request Sat Nav. Companies to identify them on their databases and KHS can produce a map of preferred lorry routes to be given to freight transport agencies. Action; Clerk Mill Centre- The parish council supported the Mill Centre’s proposal to ask CCC to sell the centre to the parish council for a nominal sum. The centre would then be leased to the Mill Centre Committee on a 25 year rolling lease for community use and managed by the committee. Should the centre no longer be required, it would be a condition of the sale that the city council would have the first option to buy back the centre for the same nominal amount as the original purchase price. This proposal would be put to the city council at a meeting on 16th. July. A second option would be to ask the city council for a 25 year rolling lease at a Action; Cllr Esdale peppercorn rent. New Bus shelter for Post Office – It was agreed to investigate the possibility of erecting a bus shelter at the stop near the post office. The clerk was asked to contact Kent Highways and Stagecoach about this. Hole had been dug for the post stop posts near the butchers and the post office in the High St. but no posts had been erected. This was a potential hazard for pedestrians. Action; Clerk 34/08-9 Correspondence - Noted 35/08-9 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Village Hall Management Committee - £44.00 Christobel Seath (Clerk) - £2.82 36/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee BT* Amount £72.38 Christobel N Seath £621.68 Bridge Parochial Church Council Wicksteed Leisure £100.00 * Paid by direct debit £42.89 Purpose Telephone account March – June 08 £61.60 + £10.78 vat Clerk’s Salary and office allowance –June 2008 Donation to ‘On the Nail’ Replacement swing seat £36.50 + £6.39 vat 37/08-9. Any other business; a. Cllr Esdale reported that a resident of Windmill Close had had two solar lights stolen from the garden. The theft had been reported to the police. b. Canterbury City Football Club was expecting CCC to make an announcement about the site of their new permanent ground soon. They had asked Bridge councillors and residents to support them and confirm that they had been good tenants. Cllr Esdale Action; Cllr Esdale would circulate the email he had received. c. It was agreed that councillors would accept the invitation to visit the New Close. The Clerk would contact Matthew Wood to arrange a suitable time. Action; Clerk d. Cllr Edmonds drew councillor’s attention to the Kent Downs AONB Countryside Day at Lenham on 25th. July. e. Cllr Lewis asked if any further information had been received about Southern Water’s plan to pump water into the Nailbourne at Elham. Cllr Gulvin thought this had not gone ahead. The meeting closed at 9.35p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th. September 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th September 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Lewis (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin and Wilmshurst 38/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Hill and Beesty, also PCSO Sue Radcliffe 39/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Gulvin declared an interest on agenda item 7e as a member of the management board of The Close. 40/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. July 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 41/08-9 Cllr Northey reported that Kent Highway Services had moved their offices form Canterbury to Ashford. There had been several changes of staff at senior level but it was hoped that efficiency would begin to improve. Proposals had been put to government by KCC for a tax on foreign heavy goods vehicles entering Kent to offset the costs of the damage done to local roads. 42/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Beesty continued to hold the recreation ground folder but Cllr Beinder would take this over shortly. Action; Cllr Beinder The ROSPA inspection report was being circulated. It had found that the newly installed roundabout did not conform to safety regulations concerning the gap between the platform and the ground. Wicksteed Leisure would therefore be asked to Action; Cllr Esdale remedy this. Acts of vandalism had been reported by residents on the night of 30th August. A large amount of broken glass had been left on the play area, goal area and around the youth shelter, where a fire had been lit with the contents of a rubbish sack. A rubbish bag had also been pushed through the open window of house in Mansfield Court. It was agreed to report the incidents to the PCSO. Action; Clerk The signs at the entrance to the recreation ground on Patrixbourne Rd needed to be re- fixed to the top of the pole Action ; Cllr Esdale An increase in dog mess particularly on the path to the school had been reported by a resident. b. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group expected that the affordable housing project would be put to CCC’s Planning Department for approval in December. The section 106 agreement had not yet been finalised with CCC but the parish council would be given a further opportunity to comment on the document after it had been agreed with CCC and before it was presented as part of the planning application. c. Allotments- The Chairman of Bridge Allotment Association would leave his post in January. The Allotment Association had indicated that it was not interested in renovating the northern section of the old allotment area at this time. It was hoped there would be further discussions on expanding the allotment area when the landowners visited Bridge in the autumn. d. Skateboard Area- Councillors had visited various skateboard areas in the district and also held site meetings on the recreation ground. The cost of creating a skateboard area would be high and external funding would be required. There would be further consultations. e. Law Clinic Donation- It was agreed unanimously to give a donation of £250 to Kent Law Clinic in recognition of its assistance in the parish council’s successful High f. Court case against Canterbury City Council’s planning decision on 24 High Street and the subsequent award of full costs to the parish council. Action; Clerk Bus shelter – Kent Highways had confirmed they had no objection to a bus shelter being erected against the wall at the bus stop near the post office. Kent Highways would erect this but the parish council would pay for it and seek part funding from KCC. Cllr Gulvin would consider a suitable design and Cllr Lewis would approach the owner of the wall against which it was proposed to site the shelter. Action Cllrs Gulvin & Lewis & Clerk g. Bridge Hill Build-outs- Despite having had site meetings with Kent Highways Authority, the parish council had failed to persuade them to modify the design of the build outs, to re-site the southern build out or to install traffic calming for vehicles leaving the village going south. As Kent Highways had made it clear that any further discussions would lead to the work, which was due to begin in November, being postponed for at least another year, the council reluctantly agreed that the original plan should go ahead. It was hoped that further traffic analysis in future would lead to measures being taken to slow traffic approaching Bridge Down. Action; Clerk 43/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from outside bodies 44/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Remove a dead horse chestnut tree 45/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Youth Shelter – It was agreed that, despite the isolated incident noted at 42a, above, the youth shelter had proved to be a success. In the three months since its erection it had been well used and it was thought that the incidence of vandalism and damage to the pavilion had been reduced. b. Replacement trees – It was agreed to purchase a replacement ash tree of approx 2 metres and a replacement rowan tree for the recreation ground. The sum of £200 was authorised from the recreation ground budget to be spent on the new trees and their installation. Action; Cllr Beinder & Clerk c. September Newsletter – Suggestions were made of items for inclusion in the September Parish Council Newsletter. Action; Cllr Corfield d. Requests for donations from CAB and Victim Support – In line with parish council policy, it was decided not to give donations to these organisations, which Action; Clerk had recently requested funding. e. Upkeep of Laurie’s Way – As this was a private road, its up keep did not fall within the responsibility of Kent Highways. The parish council decided not to contribute to the cost of its up-keep as this would set a precedent. It hoped that the Management Committee of The Close would be willing to maintain the Action; Clerk pathway. f. Police Noticeboard – The parish council had no objection to the police erecting a notice board in the village for information and news. However, the council would ask to be informed of the positioning of the board before it was erected. Action ; Clerk g. Traffic leaving Archways & The Burrden – A complaint had been received about the entrance to the above properties on Conyngham Lane, which was dangerous because of inadequate sight lines. This was especially worrying because of the number of children who walked along to pavement from the school. It was agreed to ask Kent Highways to install dropped kerbs to give pedestrians the right of way. It was also agreed that the owner of the property whose fence adjoined the driveway would be asked to consider lowering it to improve sight lines. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk h. Wire netting on Bridges over Water Meadows – Councillors agreed to investigate the current state of repair of the netting on the bridges and, if necessary, to arrange a working party to replace it. Action; Cllrs Gulvin & i. j. Esdale Declaration of Interest Forms – Councillors were asked to up –date their Declaration of Interest forms if necessary. Police Parish Forum –It was agreed to support the proposal to reinstate the Police Parish Forum. It was pointed out that this was the only regular, formal way in which issues of concern to parishes could be raised with the police. The original format of the meetings seemed satisfactory. Action; Clerk k. Annual Financial Return - The council noted that the Audit Commission had completed the 2007-8 audit of Bridge parish accounts and issued the certified Annual Return. l. KALC Financial Information Day 18th October - Cllr Esdale would attend this training and information day if available. 46/08-9 Correspondence - Noted 47/08-9 The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council – reimbursement of legal costs £3,094.08 VAT reimbursement - £249.46 48/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts in August and of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts in September 49/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Christobel N Seath Amount £621.68 *Kent County Council (KCS) £1,258.86 *Christobel N Seath Christobel N Seath £42.43 £621.68 Mr D Edmonds £16.20 RoSPA £129.25 Christobel N Seath Savills £26.99 £225.00 Canterbury City Council £252.67 Mark Esdale £26.12 * Authorised during August Purpose Clerk’s salary and office allowance for July 2008* First half yearly invoice for grounds maintenance £1,071.37 + £187.49 vat Petty Cash Clerk’s Salary and office allowance – August 2008 Travel expenses for Chairman to attend KALC’s Chairmanship Day 17.7.08 Playground inspection fee 11.7.08 £110.00 + £19.25 vat Printer refill £22.97 + £4.02 vat Rental for recreation ground period 25/3/08 to 28/9/08 Delivering Youth Sessions 8.4.08 & 22.4.08 £215.04 + £37.63 vat Refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting 50/08-9. Any other business; a. Restoration of old Street Signs – Cllr Esdale would provide photographs to be sent to the street name supplier Action ; Cllr Esdale b. Allotment, Open Space & Play Strategic Consultation Event 21st October – Cllr Gulvin Action; Cllr Gulvin would attend this event if possible. c. Parish & Town Council Seminar 15th. October – Cllr Esdale would attend this seminar Action; Cllr Esdale which was being organised by Kent Highways. d. Charlton Athletic had notified the parish council of a scheme to arrange for parties from local parishes to attend their matches. It was agreed to pass this information to local youth organisations to assess the level of interest. Action; Cllr Esdale The meeting closed at 9.22 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th. October 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th October 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman),Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis 51/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield & Wilmshurst, 52/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Beinder ; Item 6a as property owner. Cllr Gulvin; Item 7d as Treasurer of Bridge Village Hall, Cllr Esdale; Item 7d as Treasurer of the Mill Centre 53/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. September 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 54/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Beinder holds the Recreation Ground Inspection Folder. She raised several issues; Action ; Cllr Esdale There was graffiti on the Patrixbourne noticeboard ; It was agreed to ask the Environment Agency to remove the roller from the river bed Action ; Clerk The roundabout needed to be included on the equipment check listAction; Cllr Gulvin A limb of one of the evergreen trees by the tennis court needed to be trimmed back. Action; Clerk Clerk to approach the tennis club. There were holes at the base of the fence by the youth shelter. Cllr Beesty would Action; Cllr Beesty inspect it. There was a problem with removing the bolts from the small slide platform to install a new platform. Cllr Esdale would try to resolve this. Action; Cllr Esdale It was agreed that councillors would inspect the area behind the pavilion, which was untidy and remedial action would be discussed at the next parish council meeting. A letter of complaint had been received about dog mess on the recreation ground. This was a continuing problem as irresponsible owners ignored notices banning dogs and did not clear up after them. Cracks were appearing in the play area safety surface. This was a seasonal phenomenon. The area is due to be re-surfaced in 2010. b. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group were now hoping to apply for planning permission for the development at the end of October. SHG had carried out wild life surveys. Transport and drainage surveys were being undertaken to comply with CCC’s requirements. c. Water meadow bridges – Action was required to replace the netting on the water meadow bridges. Also nettles needed to be cut back. It was agreed to have a working Action; councillors party on 18th October at 9.30am to undertake this. d. September Newsletter- Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Corfield and Esdale for compiling and arranging the distribution of the September Newsletter. e. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin had drawn up designs for the shelter and the owner of the wall had agreed that the shelter could be erected against it. Cllr Gulvin would approach local firms and national suppliers for quotations. Action; Cllr Gulvin f. Vision splay in Conyngham Lane – It was agreed to write to the owner of the wall adjacent to the driveway to ask for the wooden panels to be removed to allow a better view for pedestrians crossing the drive and drivers leaving the site. Action; Clerk g. New trees for the Recreation Ground – Bridge Women’s Institute had indicated they would donate a tree to the recreation ground as part of the W I 90 year celebrations. Cllr Lewis was pursuing the possibility of the gift of an ash tree from Mrs Ann Shirley, also for the recreation ground. Action; Cllr Lewis 55/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area Members’ Panel Meeting 29.9.08 – written report by Cllr Esdale Parish Forum Meeting – Cllr Edmonds (Minutes circulated) KALC Canterbury Branch Meeting 8th October – verbal report by Cllr Hill 56/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 17 High St., Bridge Reduce crown of sycamore in front garden by approx 1/3rd.and shape crown, reduce outer canopy of tree and remove dead wood. Bridge Telephone Exchange High St, Bridge Lift canopies of 3 silver birch and reduce overhanging from 3 cherry trees to rear of building Remove dead rowan and two dying rowans from the lawned area 14b Riverside Close, Bridge Remove a dying cherry located in front garden and replace 57/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bridge’s Carbon Footprint -. Mrs Emily Shirley addressed the council to urge that the Parish Council and residents take action to reduce Bridge’s carbon footprint. It was agreed to ask Mrs Tracey Todhunter of Ashton Hayes, the village that is trying to become the UK’s first carbon neutral village, to speak on this A subject at the Annual Parish Meeting on 21st May 2009. c b. 40% increase in Canterbury’s house building quota – It was agreedt to lodge i an objection to the proposal by the Government of South East of England o to n increase the house building quota agreed in the draft plan for the Canterbury ; District by 40%. It was unclear how this figure had been reached and why the inspectors report had apparently been ignored. Action; Cllr Hill C& Clerk c. System of internal audit- The council reviewed and amended its Riskle r Assessment and approved the Statement on Internal Control. Action; Clerk. k d. Parish Council Budget for 2009-10 The Parish Council budget for 2009-10 was agreed and the Precept and Concurrent Funding Function bids were set. Action; Cllr Esdale e. Bridge Football Club’s Lease Following complaints about the conduct of Bridge Football Club, it was agreed that they would be asked to pay a bond of £100 in addition to their annual rental this season. On each occasion that the club failed to comply with the terms of its lease, for example, by leaving litter after matches, the club would be fined £10, deducted from the bond. Should the bond be used up it is unlikely the team would be allowed to rent the pitch in future. The clerk would inform the club of this decision. BVST would deal with reports of damage to an internal door in the pavilion. Action; Clerk f. Christmas trees for the High Street – The council considered the environmental implications of erecting Christmas trees in the High Street and decided that the damage to the environment would not be significant. Cllr Esdale would explain this to householders in his letter inviting them to display trees. Cllr Gulvin donated two long ladders to the parish council and it was agreed to hire two additional ladders for the erection of the trees at an approximate cost of £45. It was agreed to buy a large tree for the church grounds. Cllr Beesty would arrange additional high visibility jackets. The trees would be put up on Saturday morning 6th December and taken down on Saturday 3rd January. All volunteers to Action; Cllrs Esdale & Beesty help would be welcome. g. ‘Wastenot’ Clothing Bank It was agreed not to take up the offer of a clothing bank from ‘Wastenot’. The council had previously had to have clothing and shoe banks removed due to vandalism and dumping of bags of clothes etc. in the recycling area Action; Clerk h. CPRE Canterbury Branch AGM 17th.November Cllr Hill offered to attend this Action ; Cllr Hill meeting. 58/08-9 Correspondence - Noted 59/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 60/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee BT* Amount £65.42 Kent Law Clinic £250.00 Christobel N Seath £621.68 BVHMC £22.00 * Paid by direct debit Purpose Telephone account 10/6 to 4/9 £55.67 + £9.75 vat Donation in thanks for their assistance to the parish council Clerk’s salary and office allowance for September 2008 Hire of hall for Parish Council Sept – Dec 08 @ £5.50 per session 61/08-9. Any other business; a. Withdrawal of Bridge’s PCSO – It was agreed to write to Canterbury Police deploring the decision to withdraw Bridge’s PCSO without warning or consultation. It was felt that Sue Radcliffe had been an effective point of contact and had supported the parish council. The police had indicated earlier that more PCSOs would be appointed but this seems not now to Action; Clerk be the case. b. Mill Centre Lease – Bridge’s proposal to buy the Mill Centre for a nominal amount had not yet been put to CCC’s Executive. c. Bench for Union Road – There had been a request for a bench for Union Rd. This had been considered in the past but unfortunately there was no suitable site available for one. d. Trees in a Conservation Area – It was explained that Tree Preservation Orders were not necessary for individual trees in a conservation area although it was possible to have TPOs served on individual trees. This could also be done for trees in parts of the village that lay outside the Conservation Area. Any member of the public could ask for TPOs to be served, not just the owner. e. Sign at entry to Bridge.- It was reported that the sign at the chicane to the north of the village had been knocked into the hedge. It was agreed to report this to Kent Highways. Action; Clerk f. Common Land Registration – Parish Councils had been asked to register any previously unregistered common land in their parishes. It was agreed that there was no land in this category in Bridge. g. The Dogs’ Trust – The Canterbury Branch of this organisation had offered to give talks to any interested groups in Bridge. The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th. November 2008 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th November 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill (items 1-3 and 7a) and Wilmshurst 62/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Beesty, Corfield and Lewis also from City Cllr Anderson and County Cllr Northey 63/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 64/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. October 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 65/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – The Recreation Ground inspection folder was taken over from Cllr Beinder by Cllr Gulvin. The litter bin by the youth shelter had lost its lid. This had been reported to Serco but no replacement had been supplied. Serco to be contacted again. Action; Clerk It was agreed to seek additional tenders for filling in the hole by the practice goal as the Kent Landscape Services quotation seemed high. Action; Clerk The roller was still in the stream bed but in a different place. It would be difficult to move. It was agreed that Cllr Wilmshurst would approach the owner of a skip in Patrixbourne Rd to explore the possibility of the roller and an abandoned child’s bicycle, which had been left for some time near the pavilion, being put into the skip. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst b. Affordable Housing –.Southern Housing Group had reported that the Section 106 Agreement had now been approved by Canterbury City Council and a copy would be sent to the parish council for its approval. It was now expected that planning permission would be sought for the project in December. c. Annual Parish Meeting – Dr Sarah Anderson, Climate Change Project Officer at KCC, had agreed to speak at the 2009 Annual Parish Meeting. Kate Harrison of Ashton Hayes had also been approached to talk about the experiences of Ashton Hayes in trying to become the UK’s first carbon neutral village. The matter of her possible expenses was being explored. Action ; Clerk d. Bus shelter –Cllr Gulvin had obtained quotes for the proposed new bus shelter in the High Street. It was thought this would cost around £4,500 including delivery costs. It was hoped that a grant of 50% of this would be made available by KCC. Kent Highway Services would erect it. It was agreed to ask Stagecoach if they would contribute to its cost. Cllr Gulvin would initiate planning permission procedures. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk e. Canterbury Sign at A2 sliproad – Kent Highway Services had agreed to replace the sign to Canterbury at the junction of the road to Canterbury and the A2 sliproad. KHS would be approached again about the possibility of erecting a sign pointing left to Canterbury at Bekesbourne Road. Action; Clerk 66/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC AGM – Ditton 8th November – Cllr Esdale -Written report circulated Allotment Association Committee 28th October – Report Circulated by Cllr Gulvin It was agreed that Cantley Estates would again be asked to draw up a lease for the Action; Clerk allotments 67/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Old Forge, High Street, Bridge Pollard lime tree outside the old forge 98 High St, Bridge Various work including reduce laurel hedge Fell dead cherry Reduce apple tree and silver birch tree Reduce ancient fruit tree and tidy ivy Remove basal growth from two rowan trees Remove willow sapling and feel ceanothus Bournes Corner, Bekesbourne Rd, Bridge Prune horse chestnut trees Action; Clerk 68/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Visits to Skateboard Parks – It was agreed to hire a mini bus in the spring to take Bridge children to visit skateboard parks in the area. These visits would indicate the level of interest in skateboarding in the village before local consultation was organised and before any firm commitment was made to providing a skateboard area on the recreation ground. It was pointed out that Lyminge village had a skateboard area that might provide a suitable model for Bridge. Councillors agreed to visit Lyminge. The skateboard trips would be an agenda item for March. Cllr Hill would contact the appropriate officer in CCC to discuss. Action; Cllr Hill b. New Proposals for the Making & Enforcement of Bye-Laws- It was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk would compile a response to the Departments of Communities and Local Governments new proposals on bye-laws, taking account of the parish council’s comments. Action; Cllr Edmonds & Clerk c. Speed Reduction Measures on Patrixbourne Rd - Cllr Esdale had proposed to Kent Highway Services that the 30mph limit should be moved nearer to the village, where it would be more obvious to motorists that the village was close by. Kent Highways would also be asked to consider a speed bump at the entrance to the village. A ‘Kill Your Speed’ sign had been lent to Bridge by the police and was in place on Patrixbourne Rd as an experiment. If this were effective the parish council would consider buying one. Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne PC would be asked to consider setting up a joint ‘Speedwatch’ team. Enforcement would be a problem as the parish council had no powers to enforce the speed limit. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk d. Cyclists on the path by Mansfield Court – There had been incidents when elderly residents had been put at risk by reckless cyclists using the footpath. It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services to erect a half barrier on Bifrons Path at the point where it became a footpath to slow cyclists down on the path past Mansfield Court. Action; Clerk e. Improvement to Area of Recreation Ground behind the Pavilion – It was agreed that the land needed to be cleared and it was suggested that the area f. could be planted with shrubs. A working party would be organised to clear the ground. This matter would be discussed at the January parish council meeting to arrange a suitable date for the working party. It was hoped that all age groups of villagers would get involved. Action; Cllr Beinder Ladders – The parish council thanked Cllr Gulvin for his gift of two aluminium ladders. g. Street Signs – The quotation received for supplying the street signs was higher than the allocated budget. It was agreed to ask the residents at 1A High St if they would agree to a sign being fixed to their wall. This would be a cheaper option than the free standing signs. Cllr Esdale would provide a proto-type photograph. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk h. Parish Accounts – The council noted that the government’s guarantee to underwrite bank accounts up to £50,000 did not extend to parish councils The council accepted the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the parish council should continue to hold its accounts with Lloyds TSB Bank. i. Youth Club Equipment – It was agreed that the equipment formerly used by the Youth Group should be loaned to Bridge Explorer Scouts. Cllr Esdale would provide an inventory of the equipment. Action; Cllr Esdale j. Press Enquiries – It was agreed that the Chairman would be the contact to whom all press enquiries should be referred. In her absence the Vice Chairman would be the contact point. As a rule, statements to the press would be made in writing and emailed to journalists to avoid misquotation. 69/08-9 Correspondence – Noted 70/08-9 Sealing of Documents Agreement between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council Agreement between Canterbury City Football Club and Bridge Parish Council 71/08-9 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Football Club - £300.00 Canterbury City Football Club - £400.00 72/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 73/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Audit Commission Mrs A Edmonds Mr D Possee Amount £358.38 £15.00 £50.00 Purpose Audit Fee 2008 £305.00 + £53.38 vat Bridge in Bloom Awards Supply of plants and compost and maintaining High St planters Christobel N Seath £717.23 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for October 2008 + arrears of salary from April 1st following pay award (£81.90) Mr K Funnell £35.00 Interim audit fee for 2008-9 A C Osborn £44.06 Tree work on Recreation Ground £37.50 + £6.56 vat * Already authorised because of 28 day deadline 74/08-9. Any other business; a. Pratt Commemorative Bench – Cllr Esdale would investigate whether the bench needed to be treated with preservative. Action; Cllr Esdale b. Kent Highway Services Independent Survey – Cllr Esdale agreed to complete this on-line survey of Kent Highway Services performance. Action; Cllr Esdale The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th. December 2008 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th December 2008 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Lewis also County Cllr Northey 75/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst and City Cllr Anderson 76/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda items by Cllr Esdale (Item 7i Treasurer of Mill Centre) and Cllr Beesty (Item 7i Chairman of Mill Centre Committee.) 77/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. November 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 78/08-9 Cllr Northey drew the council’s attention to Health Watch, a new scheme with one telephone number to access information and advice on Health and Social matters. He reported that there would be additional funding for Highways and that County Councillors would have some money to allocate to local highways projects in their areas from April 2009. 79/08-9 Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Esdale, other members of the council, Craig Dobson, Marion McNeill, John Purnell and the Scouts for their help in putting up the Christmas trees in the High Street. 80/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Gulvin holds the Recreation Ground Inspection folder. It had been decided to delay filling in the depression under the practise goal posts until the spring. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Wilmshurst and Esdale for clearing up the recreation ground after a recent incident of vandalism. The Health Centre had agreed not to leave their rubbish bags out overnight if they had not been collected during the day.. b. Affordable Housing –. Southern Housing Group had informed the parish council that the S106 agreement had not yet been agreed between themselves and Canterbury City Council, as was incorrectly reported at the last parish council meeting. The council agreed to defer discussion on the local connections section of the S106 agreement to a later date. It was confirmed that SHG would be building the houses to Level 3 standard as current buildings regulations required. c. Bus shelter – No further action to report. d. Restoration of old Street Names - It was agreed to accept the quote from Green Brothers for providing two street signs at a cost of £257 delivered. Action; Clerk 81/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury District Parish Forum – 15th. November 08 – Cllr Edmonds (Minutes circulated) BVST – Cllr Gulvin Licencing Seminar 21st November – Cllr Gulvin It was noted that Parish Council cannot be represented at Licencing Hearings but can co-ordinate the action of residents, who may speak on their own behalf. Mill Centre AGM – Cllr Beesty (Written minutes circulated) Rural Forum 17th. November – Cllr Hill Rural Members Panel 17th, November – Cllr Hill CCC Executive Meeting 4th. December – Cllr Hill Bridge Parish Council had argued for !00% concurrent function funding at this meeting. This had been rejected and 95.26% funding agreed. Expenditure on items under £5,000 would no longer require three quotes to be obtained by parish councils. 82/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge Reduce cobnut tree by 40 % in front garden & remove young stem growth Reduce crown of maple tree in front garden by 1/3rd and remove rear stem Remove stems of willow adjacent to brook overhanging stream and lift growth to approx 18 – 20 feet The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge Reduce silver birch by 20% & crown balance where necessary Remove ash & sycamore trees from rear garden, both have a large cavity due to loss of limbs –Exempt and replace Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge Clean out yew & cut back to approx 4ft. Cut back branched of beech overhanging drive Remove branches of yew overhanging entrance & reshape Remove low bough of oak tree overhanging road. Reduce beech tree in bank of Bridge Hill to same height as adjacent yew Action; Clerk 83/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Freedom of Information Act – Bridge Parish Council adopted the Freedom of Information Act Model Publications Scheme as policy. This was required of all councils by the Office of the Commissioner for Information. b. Local Policing Priorities – The council agreed the following policing priorities 1.Anti-social behaviour 2. Speeding 3. Parking on zig zag lines. The council also commented that it would like to see more visible policing in Bridge. Action; Clerk c. Invitation to Kate Harrison to speak at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed d. e. f. g. h. i. j. to confirm her invitation. The Clerk would continue to try to find sources of funding to contribute to her expenses of £250. Action; Clerk George Pratt Memorial Bench – It was agreed to accept the estimate of £310 for the refurbishment of this bench. Action; Clerk Effectiveness of new build –outs on Bridge Hill – It was agreed to defer discussion of this until the new speed sign had been installed. Purchase of Village Hall Chairs – This was agreed in principle but a decision to when to purchase the chairs was deferred to March when the reserves would be reviewed. Repair to Village Hall Guttering – This was noted. Payment would be drawn from Concurrent Function Funding Litter Collection – Cllr Lewis reported that the village needed more volunteer litter collectors. If there were areas which needed special attention he would organise a litter picking day. Residents were asked to suggest areas which required attention. Cllr Lewis suggested Pett Bottom Rd, Station Rd leading to Whitehill Woods and Renville to Whitehill Woods. It was agreed to discuss this again in February with a view to holding a community event in March. Urgent repairs to the Mill Centre – The expenditure of £630 on urgent repairs was noted and would be met from Concurrent Function Funding. Code of Conduct Discussion Document – The parish council decided not to comment on this document which had been received from the Ministry of Communities & Local Government. 84/089 Correspondence – Noted 85/089 Sealing of Documents The signing of the Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2008-9 was deferred until January. It was agreed to write to the club to ask for the return of the signed lease and for their fees for 2008/9, which were Action; Cllr Beesty & Clerk overdue. 86/08-9 The following receipts were noted; Christmas Tree Donations - £500.00 87/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,500 between Parish Council accounts 88/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel N Seath (Clerk) Amount £33.98 Bounty Pest Control £299.00 Christobel N Seath £635.33 Ewart Clough £552.00 Mervyn Gulvin £75.70 Gillett & Johnston Ltd £141.00 Purpose Replacement paper shredder & computer paper £28.92 + £5.06 vat Annual contract charge 01/12/08 to 30/11/09 £260 + £39.00 vat Clerk’s salary and office allowance for November 2008 Supply of Christmas trees £480.00 + £72 vat Photocopying Services 7/5/08 to 30/11/08 £64.43 + £11.27 vat Servicing village hall clock 1.12.0830.11.09 £120 + £18.00 vat 89/08-9. Any other business; a. School Art Exhibition – Cllr Beinder informed the council that Bridge Primary School had held an exhibition based on The Fighting Temeraire. A representative of the Royal Academy would be visiting the school to decide whether to include some of the children’s work in an exhibit to be held at the Royal Academy next year. b. Church Clock – It was reported that an estimate had been received by the parish church for the repair of Bridge church clock. c. Christmas trees. The Christmas trees would be taken down on the morning of Saturday 3rd January. All offers of help would be very welcome. The meeting closed at 8.29 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8th. January 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst 90/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from County Cllr Northey and City Cllr Anderson 91/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda items by Cllr Esdale (Item 7f -Treasurer of Mill Centre) and Cllr Beesty (Item 7f -Chairman of Mill Centre Committee.) 92/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. December 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 93/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Gulvin holds the recreation ground inspection folder. There were no problems to report. b. Affordable Housing –. The parish council formally agreed the written response to the letter from Mr Harrison dated 4th. December raising several questions about the Affordable Housing project. The reply was then read out to the meeting by the Chairman and a copy of it was handed to Mr Harrison. It was reported that the planning application for the scheme had not yet been submitted to Canterbury City Council by Southern Housing Group. c. Bifrons Path Cycle Barrier – Kent Highway Services had informed the council that the path was too narrow to allow a cycle barrier to be erected as this would impede disabled access and push chairs etc. It was agreed to write to the matron of Mansfield Court to inform them of KHS’s decision. Action; Clerk 94/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies. 95/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 10 High St, Bridge Remove leylandii tree at south western corner of garden Remove lilac tree adjacent to western boundary of garden 50% reduction of cherry tree adjacent to western boundary of garden Action; Clerk 96/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Recreation ground working party – It was agreed to hold a recreation ground working party to clear up the area near the pavilion on Saturday 7th March at 9.30am. Cllr Beinder would purchase the necessary trees, plants and equipment. Cllr Beinder reported that she hoped to enlist the support of Stour Valley Project volunteers to help with weeding the new hedge, however personnel changes in that organisation made this doubtful at present. Action; Cllr Beinder. b. Recreation Ground Maintenance Contract – Having considered three competitive quotations it was agreed to award the contract for 2009 to Landscape Services, our current contractor. It was agreed to write to Landscape Services to ask when they would be carrying out the first cut of the year and to put them in contact with Cllr Beinder to try to avoid any damage to areas of planting. Action; Clerk c. Litter Blitz – It was decided a village Litter Blitz would take place on Saturday 28th. March. Cllr Lewis agreed to write an item for the next Parish Newsletter. Action; Cllr Lewis d. Smoking Shelter at the White Horse – It was agreed to write to the City Council to draw its attention to the erection of a smoking shelter at the White Horse, a Grade II listed building. The council was unaware of any planning permission having been granted for this structure. At the same time it would be pointed out that the smoking shelter at the Red Lion, for which planning permission was refused, was still in situ. The council would ask what action was being taken in this matter. Action; Clerk e. Meeting to discuss the re-siting of the bus stop outside the butcher’s shopThe council would try to arrange a meeting between Mr Wakeham, Kent Police, Kent Highway Services and Stagecoach to resolve the problem caused by the repositioning of the bus stop. Action; Clerk f. Mill Centre Boiler – The council noted repairs had been carried out costing £436. 97/08-9 Correspondence – Noted 98/08-9 Sealing of Documents The signing of the Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2008-9 was again deferred. 99/08-9 The following receipts were noted; EDF Energy - £3.45 Christmas tree donations £50.00 Christmas tree donations - £240.00 100/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,500 between Parish Council accounts 101/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *BT £79.33 Ann V Edmonds Christobel N Seath £15.26 £635.33 CPRE Mill Centre Management Committee Simon Gomm (Payee Miss H Bailey) Cllr Mark Esdale £29.00 £501.40 Telephone account from 9/9/08 to 8/12/08 £68.98 + £10.35 vat Chairman’s Allowance expenses Clerk’s salary and office allowance for December 2008 Annual Subscription Repairs to boiler - £436.00 + £65.40 vat £925.25 Work on village hall and Mill Centre £433.82 Christmas lights and hooks £372.46 + £61.36 vat * Paid by Direct Debit 102/08-9. Any other business; a. Cllr John Anderson –In view of his lack of support for the parish council and complaints from residents, it was agreed to table a Motion of No Confidence in Cllr Anderson at the February meeting of the parish council. Cllr Anderson would be informed of this decision. Action; Clerk b. Station Rd , Bekesbourne closure – Cllr Hill agreed to represent the parish council at a meeting on 9th January to discuss the closure of Station Rd Bekesbourne for Action; Cllr Hill approx 9 weeks to allow drainage work to take place. c. Lord Mayor’s Award – It was agreed to nominate a local organisation for this award. Action; Clerk d. Canterbury City Football Club – A statement from the club was read out explaining that if Canterbury first team were to be promoted, matches next season would not be played at Bridge. However the club would continue to use the ground for one of its reserve sides. e. Meeting to discuss Affordable Housing - It was agreed to ask Mr Harrison for details of his proposed public meeting so that they could be included on the village website. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.04 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th. February 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th February 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr M Northey. Also in attendance for agenda 7a item Jeremy Barkway and Caroline Ruiz of Southern Housing Group 102/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from City Cllr Anderson 103/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Wilmshurst declared an interest (agenda item 6 - owner of Barberry Cottage.) 104/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. January 2008 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 105/08-9. Cllr Northey gave a short report on KCC proceedings. A proposal for a rise in Council Tax of 2.44% with no loss of services was likely to be approved. A report on Kent Child Protection Services was being compiled. There was to be an increase in Kent Highway Services budget of £5 million with an extra £15 million proposed for frontline maintenance later. 106/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – It was reported that the concrete roller was still under the bridge. It was agreed to contact the Environment Agency again to ask them to remove it. Action; Clerk b. White Horse & Red Lion Smoking Shelters – The City Council had confirmed that the White Horse smoking shelter required planning permission and they would meet with the occupiers to discuss options. CCC had determined that the Red Lion smoking shelter was not as substantial as the structure that was refused planning permission and they had advised that they would therefore take no action to have it removed. c. Speed sign and Bridge Hill build outs- The speed sign had not been installed and no reply had been received from Kent Highways regarding its planned installation date. Action - Clerk The clerk would follow this up. 107/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies National Health Service Road Show 11th. February 2009 – Cllr Beinder 108/08-9 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove ornamental cherry tree located between garden and 7 Conyngham Lane 12 High Street, Bridge Prune beech tree by one third Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Reduce yew located in rear garden by 30%, rebalance the uneven side of the crown to create a balanced shaped canopy Remove elder from within canopy Action; Clerk 109/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. b. Affordable Housing Planning Application CA/09/00056/FUL- The parish council unanimously supported the planning application for eight affordable homes to be built Action; Clerk on the Brickfield site in Mill Lane. Motion of Censure on Cllr John Anderson. The council unanimously and with regret passed a motion of censure on City Cllr John Anderson. While it was understood that Cllr Anderson could not give an undertaking to vote in a particular way ahead of council discussions, it was felt that he had failed to represent the views of the Bridge Parish Council and his constituents to Canterbury City Council and in particular concerning planning matters to Development Control Committees. Action – Clerk c. Action on 45 High Street, Bridge –It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council Conservation Unit to report what was happening to this listed property which had been surrounded in scaffolding since November but was deteriorating in the bad Action - Clerk weather. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Mount Charles Planning Application – A section 52 Agreement from 1988 had come to light which was drawn up when planning permission was given for Mount Charles House. This prohibited any further development on the land at Mount Charles House. In the opinion of the parish council nothing had changed which would supply grounds to render this agreement invalid. It was agreed to consult Kent Law Clinic about the process to ensure the enforcement of the agreement. Action- Clerk Skateboard Park visit- It was agreed to arrange a visit to the skate board area at Lyminge for Bridge’s young people on Saturday 4th. April. Action – Cllrs Esdale & Corfield Gift of an ash tree from Bridge WI – The council gratefully accepted the gift of an ash tree from the WI as part of its 90th. Anniversary celebrations. It was agreed that the tree planting ceremony could take place on 7th March when there would be a working party on the recreation ground. Action - Clerk ACRK Kent Village of the Year – It was decided not to enter this competition this year. Grit bin for Conyngham Lane – It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services to provide new grit bins for Conyngham Lane, to be placed near the turn off to the school, and also for Higham Lane/ Bridge Down as both these areas had become very dangerous in the recent icy weather. KHS would be asked whether bins were Action; Clerk available in less conspicuous colours than bright yellow. Police Forum- Cllr Esdale agreed to represent the parish council at the Police Forum Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk on Saturday 28th. February Parish Planning for Climate Change – Cllr Gulvin agreed to represent the parish council at this meeting organised by ACRK on Saturday 14th. March. Action ; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group Meeting – Cllr Corfield agreed to Action; Cllr Corfield & Clerk attend this meeting on Saturday 21st February 110/08-9 Correspondence – Noted 111/08-9 Sealing of Documents The Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2008-9 was signed. 112/08-9 The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations £90.00 VAT repayment - £485.30 113/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 114/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Green Brothers Ltd Amount £295.55 BVHMC Christobel N Seath £16.50 £635.33 ACRK KCC Commercial Services £35.00 £1,082.41 Mark Esdale £46.00 Purpose 2 Street sign name plates £257.00 + £38.55 vat Hire of hall Jan-March 2009 @ £5.50 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for January 2009 Membership for year ending March 2009 Grounds Maintenance 2nd half year payment £941.23 + £141.18 vat Ladder hire for Christmas trees £40.00 +£6.00 vat 115/08-9. Any other business; a. Parish Newsletter – The Spring edition of the Parish Newsletter would be distributed in the next few days b. Kent Landscape Information System (KLIS)– Cllr Corfield recommended this website as a very useful source of maps and overlays. c. Street Signs – The street signs indicating the former names of Conyngham Lane and Brewery Lane had arrived and would be put up soon. Action; Cllr Esdale d. Recreation ground tree – The tree near the pavilion was leaning and it was agreed to buy stakes and steel wire to keep it upright. Action ; Cllr Beinder e. Western Ave Bollard – It was reported that the bollard at the corner of Western Ave had been knocked over. Kent Highways would be informed. Action ; Clerk f. Lighting the Way to Success – It was decided not to send a parish council representative to this meeting g. KALC Planning Information Day – No councillor was available to attend this meeting on 28th March The meeting closed at 9.26 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th. March 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, KCC Cllr M Northey and City Cllr J Anderson. Also Cllr Ash & Prof Field from Bekesbourne PC for item 123b. 116/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 117/08-9 Cllr Northey outlined changes to the funding of Kent Highways which would mean that County Councillors had a budget of £25,000 for local traffic and transport scheme in addition to the funding they currently hold for local projects in their constituencies. This would be implemented after the elections in June 2009. 118/08-9 City Councillors John Anderson commented on the recent disputes there have been between himself and the parish council and requested a meeting to resolve some matters of contention. 119/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 120/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. February 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 121/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation ground – Cllr Gulvin holds the recreation ground folder. The posts erected by CCC to warn dog owners to keep their dogs off the children’s play area had been broken off. Cllr Gulvin would ensure there were no sharp spikes left in the ground. It was agreed that the notices would be re-positioned at the entrances to the ground. Action; Cllr Gulvin Cllr Beinder thanked the large number of residents who had helped with the weeding & planting round the pavilion the previous Saturday. Sadly one plant had been removed during the week. It was decided not to apply anti-climb paint to the drainpipes on the pavilion. It was thought that this would not deter children. The pavilion guttering needed repair and it was intended that this would be done when the pavilion extension was carried out. Cllr Gulvin would report on this in April. Estimates would be obtained to fill in the depression by the practice goal and re turf Action; Clerk the area. A resident of Riverside Close had complained that the branches of the sycamore trees were touching her roof. Jon Lambourne, the city arboriculturist would be asked to advise on the matter. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – Canterbury City Council had informed the parish council that the application for affordable houses would not go to the Development Control Committee before May as there were still some technical matters to resolve. c. Skateboard Park Visit – There had been no response to the proposed skateboard park visit. If a sufficient number of young people contacted the council in the next two weeks the visit could still go ahead. d. ‘Litter Blitz’ arrangements- Cllr Lewis was now unable to supervise this. Cllr Edmonds agreed to take over responsibility for it. It was agreed that volunteers would meet outside Bridge Pharmacy at 10.00am on Saturday 28th March as planned. A shorter litter pick would take place and a larger event would be re-scheduled for later in the year. The Guides had expressed a willingness to carry out a litter pick later in the year as a service to the village and it was suggested they might work on the footpath from Renville Farm to Whitehill Woods. Action; Cllr Edmonds e. Letter from Cllr Anderson – A letter from the parish council had been sent to Cllr Anderson correcting the factual errors in his letter to the council. The matter would now be taken up with the city council. They would be asked to clarify the city councillors role, particularly in regard to representing the views of local residents at Development Control meetings. Action; Clerk 122/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Highways Road Show 27.2.09 – Cllr Esdale (Report circulated) Police Forum 28th.February 2009 – Cllr Esdale (Report circulated) Mill Centre Management Committee 9th March – Cllr Esdale 123/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Marquess Conyngham –The parish council agreed to send a message of condolence to the family of Lord Conyngham who died earlier this month and to express the hope Action; Clerk that the new Marquess would visit Bridge at some time. b. Speedwatch – Representatives from Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council discussed a joint Speedwatch initiative with Bridge. It was agreed that representatives of both parishes would visit Lower Hardres to see the equipment in operation and that the possibility of hiring the equipment from Lower Hardres would be explored. Action; Cllrs Esdale & Lewis c. Methodist Hall – The possible use of the Methodist Hall by the parish council was discussed. It was agreed to tell Rev Rowlands that the parish council were interested Action; Cllr Hill in making use of the hall in future. d. Mill Centre – Cllr Esdale had had further discussions on the future of the Mill Centre with the city council. It was agreed to investigate whether there was a precedent for an organisation buying a building with a promise to give the original owner first refusal to buy it back at a future date, as was proposed in the case of the Mill Centre. The parish council would seek advice on this. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk e. ‘Dogs on Lead by Direction – Dog Control Order – The parish council supported the proposed Dog Control Order, a draft of which had been put out to consultation. Action; Clerk 124/08-9 Correspondence – Noted 125/08-9 The following receipt was noted; Bridge Junior Football Club - £100.00 126/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £3,500 between Parish Council accounts 127/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *ACRK £27.50 Parish Planning for Climate Change Event Christobel Seath £55.52 Petty cash £53.07 + £2.45 vat Christobel N Seath £635.33 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for February 2009 Mervyn Gulvin £45.20 Savills £225.00 Mark Esdale £163.91 Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin £38.92 £23.48 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Simon Gomm £967.18 John Hill £17.61 £310.00 Photocopying services Jan/Feb 09 £39.31 + £5.89 vat Recreation ground charge 29/9/08 to 24/3/09 Web site maintenance £140.00 + £23.91 (2006/7 & 2007/8) Travel expenses & engraving Travel expenses Lenham/Bridge 40 miles @ 58.7p per mile Annual insurance cost for village hall Renovation of George Pratt memorial bench Travel expenses meetings of CCC, KALC in Nov 08, Dec 08 & Jan 09 Bridge Village Sports Trust £500.00 Contribution towards costs of maintenance & insurance for sports pavilion *Already authorised because of deadline for applications 128/08-9. Any other business; a. Restoration of Old Street Signs – Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Beinder, Gulvin and Esdale for arranging for the signs showing the old names for Brewery Lane and Conyngham Lane to be put up in the village. b. Western Ave bollard – It was noted that this had now been replaced. c. KCC Seminar on Village Greens & Common Land – Although the parish council would not send a representative to this meeting, it was agreed that it would send Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk a question to the seminar. d. Bridge Place Country Club – The parish council had been asked by the owner to confirm that it had received no complaints about noise or nuisance since the club re-opened. The parish council confirmed this. Action ; Clerk e. A2 Sliproad – It was reported that the grass needed cutting along the A2 sliproad. Inter-route would be asked to do this. Action; Clerk f. BTCV – The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers were having an open day Action; Cllr Lewis on 25th. March. Cllr Lewis would attend. g. Kentish Stour Countryside Project – Cllr Beinder would meet with this organisation the following week. It was hoped that volunteers would help with maintenance on the area by the fence on the recreation ground. It was agreed to discuss providing refreshments for the volunteers from parish council funds at the April council meeting Action ; Cllr Beinder h. School Art & Music Day & Bookfair - Cllr Beinder drew the council’s attention to the Art & Music Day at the Primary School and the Book Fair. The school had also asked for volunteers to help with listening to children read. Anyone interested should contact the school office. The parish council expressed its willingness to publicise events at the school on the village website if it was given sufficient notice. i. Four Counties Joint Forum Venture 24th. March – It was decided not to send a representative to this meeting as most of the subject matter did not relate to parish councils. The meeting closed at 9.03 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th. April 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 21st. MAY 2009 AT 7.30 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th. May 2008 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2008/09 – Cllr Ann Edmonds b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2009 – Cllr Mark Esdale. 4. Presentations by: a) Kate Harrison from Ashton Hayes, Cheshire, on ways to reduce Bridge’s ‘carbon footprint’ b) Mike Bundy, Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre for Kent, Surrey & Sussex 5. Any other business concerned with parish affairs Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 21st. May 2009 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs A Edmonds (Chairman), B Beinder, J Corfield, M Esdale, J Hill, S Lewis, T Wilmshurst, City Councillor John Anderson, C Seath (Clerk), Kate Harrison of Ashton Hayes, Mike Bundy of The Energy Saving Trust for Kent, Surrey and Sussex and 31 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Gulvin, Cllr Beesty, County Councillor M Northey, PC Paul Gibson, Mrs J Lovelock, Mr P Richardson, Mrs A Williams, Mr M Seath, Mrs F Krish and Mrs J Hill. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15th. May 2008 The minutes of the meeting held on 15th. May 2008 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2008/2009 Councillor Ann Edmonds welcomed parishioners to the meeting. She explained that because the meeting was being held within six weeks of an election, to avoid any possible political bias it had not been possible for either the county or city councillors to speak. The long awaited village speed sign had been installed and the build outs on Bridge Hill completed. These were not positioned where the Parish Council had requested. The upper one had had no effect on killing speed, especially up the hill and had probably made the situation worse. However, the Parish Council had agreed to start a Speedwatch scheme at various sites within the village boundary. Signs had been ordered and the initiative would start in the near future. Southern Housing had submitted the planning application for the affordable houses in January. The Development Control Committee of Canterbury City Council was likely to discuss the application in June, as technical problems had been solved. The Parish Council had spent a great deal of time ensuring that the 106 agreement would only allow Bridge residents and those with long standing ties to the village to qualify for the housing. The Parish Council was considering the possibility of providing a skate board ramp on the recreation ground. Youngsters visited a park in Lyminge and the council were drawing up scale plans to see what space was available. No decision would be taken without adequate consultation with village residents. The parish council had fought the development in the garden of 24 High Street and had won the case on points of procedure at the High Court, with costs awarded against the City Council. The plans had been resubmitted, however, and had been approved. Cllr Edmonds thanked those residents who had supported the parish council in its efforts to prevent development in the garden of Mount Charles House. Cllrs Beesty and Esdale were still in negotiation with Canterbury City Council over the possible purchase of the Mill Centre. The council hoped for a positive outcome. The condition of 45 High Street had been a concern for many years and Canterbury City Council had been asked many times to enforce repairs. Scaffolding had been erected a few months previously and the council hoped that the building would be restored. The Parish Council proposed to erect a bus shelter against the wall, near Bridge Post Office. Cllr Gulvin was drawing up plans. Two old street name signs had been installed in Brewery and Conyngham Lanes. Judging of the annual Bridge in Bloom competition would take place in late June. Cllr Edmonds commented that many residents were continuing their efforts to make their gardens attractive in the winter. During the last year our P.C.S.O. had left Bridge but the council had built up a good relationship with P.C. Paul Gibson. There had been some minor vandalism, especially on the recreation ground, and some fly tipping, but on the whole the village had fared well over the past year. 2 Cllr Edmonds thanked a number of villagers; The Village Hall Committee, Mr and Mrs Possee for their beautiful tubs and Liz and Bill Oakey for their continued work on the chicane, Cllr Lewis and his volunteers, who did such a wonderful job litter picking and the volunteers who turned out to erect and dismantle the Christmas trees. The council had held a special litter pick and a tidying and planting morning on the recreation ground, both in March. Cllr Edmonds thanked everyone who had helped with these, especially Derek Prior. Finally, Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Hill for chairing the Planning Committee during another challenging year and she thanked other councillors and the clerk for their hard work and support during the past year. 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2008/9 Cllr Esdale presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2009.He explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. 4a. PRESENTATION BY KATE HARRISON OF ASHTON HAYES, CHESHIRE Kate Harrison explained that Ashton Hayes was a village of around 1,000 people. The project had begun in 2006 after a meeting called by an enthusiastic resident had attracted 400 people. The twin aims of the project were to become a carbon neutral village and to share their experiences with others. She said that it was very difficult to attain carbon neutrality and there was a limit to what could be achieved through behavioural changes. The parish council was the body through which grants were channelled but the project was run by groups of local people. There had been a lot of publicity and support had come from local businesses and councils as well as national bodies. The project had a website and a toolkit could be downloaded to help individuals reduce their carbon footprints. A baseline survey was carried out in 2006 and a follow up in 2007 showed a 20% reduction in carbon emissions. Kate Harrison gave examples of the activities that could be carried out by most people. These included growing your own food, changing to renewable heating fuels, taking holidays closer to home, starting farmers markets, changing to low energy light bulbs and reducing the heating levels, installing micro generating equipment and ensuring that purchases at work were environmentally friendly. Once the Ashton Hayes project was under way, the village had found that the city council was willing to help, for example, by creating a footpath to the station and trialing energy saving measures in the local school. The next steps for Ashton Hayes would be to investigate a micro-generating system for the village. There were plans to install monitoring equipment to plot energy demand in homes and buildings. Wind speeds would be monitored. There was the possibility of an anaerobic digester and energy suppliers were discussing how to link their generation system to the local grid. The village shop was trying to source stock from local suppliers and the local education authority was keen to support projects in the village school, which had taken an active part in the project. Students from the local university had helped in carrying out surveys and analysing data. Their results had been achieved with two or three public meetings and smaller group meetings during the year. The aim was not only to make Ashton Hayes the first village in England to achieve carbon neutrality but to show other villages that by taking coordinated community action, they could do the same. Kate Harrison left two copies of an information DVD with the parish clerk. This charts the journey of the village and contains a ‘Going Carbon Neutral Toolkit’ The DVDs would be available on loan to Bridge residents. 4b. PRESENTATION BY MIKE BUNDY OF THE ENERGY SAVING TRUST FOR KENT, SURREY & SUSSEX 3 Mike Bundy explained that the Energy Saving Trust had previously been known as the Kent Energy Centre. He said that Elham had been one of four towns and villages in Kent participating in the Low Carbon Communities project since November 2007. In January 2008 the website elhamenvironment.co.uk was launched. In February 2008 the Energy Saving Trust had carried out a carbon emissions audit in Elham and in March 2008 an Eco Fair had been held to disseminate the audit’s results. This had been followed in April 2008 with the ‘Trees for Elham’ project and the launch of the Elham shopping bag in June last year. A fuel club now had 50 members. In December 2008 Elham had been awarded £4,000 by KCC to set up ‘Operation Energy Saver’. ‘Operation Energy Saver’ was an initiative to offer thermal imaging, distribute free low energy light bulbs, measure energy reduction and offer help and support to residents. It was launched in Elham in February 2009. This had been followed up by another audit in March 2009 and a second Energy Saving Fair at which residents could collect the thermal images of their homes and discuss the results with the Energy Saving Trust. So far the carbon foot printing results had been encouraging with a –5.71% change. Mike Bundy also spoke about Community Action for Energy, (CAfE) a national support programme which provided information about energy, and helped to develop community projects based on sustainable energy. It offered free membership, free technical support, free training sessions and small grants for equipment, travel or events to keep projects going. There was a possibility that Bridge could be nominated as the next Kent village to participate in the Green Communities Local Support Programme 2009-10. Only one Kent village could be chosen to participate and it would need to demonstrate that there was interest and enthusiasm for change. It would be important to use the skills and expertise of local residents, for example in designing a suitable logo and maintaining a well produced web site. Evaluation criteria would include scale of potential for carbon reduction, support for longer term ownership, potential to make a difference and achieve good carbon savings and the availability of advocates to promote what had been done in the community. The parish council would be invited to apply in the coming weeks. 6 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Chairs for the village hall – Cllr Esdale said that a grant for new chairs had been applied for and a response was expected within the next eight weeks Parish Council thanks – The parish council was thanked for its hard work during the past year. The meeting closed at 9.08p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th April 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst and City Cllr J Anderson 129/08-9. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Beesty, Corfield & KCC Cllr Northey 130/08-9. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 131/08-9. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. March 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 132/08-9 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground- Cllr Gulvin would keep the inspection folder until May when it would be taken over by Cllr Beinder. It was reported that the gate at the Bifron’s Path entrance to the recreation ground had been removed from its hinges. This had been replaced but split pins would be purchased to make it more difficult to remove. Action; Cllr Esdale The council agreed to lend a litter picker to Mr Prior who had kindly cleared up the recreation ground after football matches on several occasions. Cllrs Gulvin and Beinder had met the grass cutters from Kent Landscape Services during the previous week. It was agreed to accept the tender from A J L Garden Services to fill and turf the area under the practise goal. Action; Clerk Four youths had gone on the trip to the skateboard park at Lyminge. It was agreed that the next step would be to measure out the area to ascertain how much space would be needed. Consultation with village residents would take place before any decision was made. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Beesty, Esdale & Wilmshurst who had supervised the visit. Action; Cllr Esdale b. Affordable Housing – There had been no further communication from CCC or the Southern Housing Group. It was reported that a petition objecting to the scheme had been circulated among the children at Bridge Primary School. This had been signed by adults and children and submitted to the city council’s Planning Department. The Headteacher was unaware of this activity and would make further enquiries about it. The parish council unanimously deplored this manipulation of children. c. Speedwatch – Three councillors had joined the Lower Hardres Speedwatch team to see the system in operation. It was agreed to start a similar scheme in Bridge and to explore the possibility of hiring the equipment from Lower Hardres initially. Ian Biggs of Kent Police would be informed of this decision. It was agreed to purchase two signs, one in red saying ‘Bridge Village Speedwatch Slow Down’, the other a standard Speedwatch sign headed ‘Bridge Village Action; Clerk Speedwatch’. It was also agreed to ask Richard Dixon of Kent Highways whether the new interactive speed sign on Bridge Hill counted the number of cars going over the Action; Cllr Esdale speed limit. 133/08-9 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Planning for Climate Change, 14th. March – Cllr Gulvin (Report Circulated) Meeting with Rebecca Blackburn KCC’s Emergency Planning Assistant 18th.March – Cllr Gulvin It was agreed to form an Emergency Action Committee comprising Cllrs Gulvin, Beinder, Esdale & the Clerk to update emergency planning information. Meeting with British Trust for Conservation Volunteers 25th March – Cllr Lewis (Report circulated) Canterbury Branch of KALC 8th April – Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Wilmshurst reported that the free bus pass scheme for the over 60s was under financial strain, being £600,000 in arrears. Some restrictions on the scheme were likely. Actions were being taken to amalgamate the councils of Canterbury, Dover, Thanet and Shepway to create a large unitary authority. There would be substantial job losses. Meeting with Amanda Sparkes of CCC 9th April – Cllr Esdale The parish council had applied for a Capital Grant towards the cost of village hall renovations, estimated at £37,000. KCC had been asked to provide a grant of 50% from its funds for village halls. CCC confirmed that it would allocate £9,800 to this project provided that KCC agreed the grant. The remainder, and any shortfall should costs rise, would be met from parish funds. It was hoped to start work on the improvements in July 2010. 134/08-8 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted: 21 High Street Re-pollard to previous cutting points and strip ivy to hedge height – 4 limes located on the boundary 17 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Crown lift ash & remove overhanging limbs Crown lift sycamore to 4m in rear garden Fell cypress and two cherry trees in rear garden Remove pittisporum on left hand corner of house Remove lilac on left hand side of patio 135/08-9 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Clerk’s Pay Award – It was agreed to implement the national pay award for the Clerk and that she should progress to the next point on the salary scale. b. Kentish Stour Countryside Project – Volunteers from KSCP would weed the long bed on the recreation ground where the hedge had been planted. The Manager and residents of Mansfield Court had kindly offered to arrange refreshments for the volunteers, for which the parish council agreed to pay. It was also agreed to purchase matting for the volunteers to put down to help prevent the re-growth of Action; Cllr Beinder nettles. c. Pavilion Repairs – Deferred to May meeting. d. Financial Reserves – It was agreed to allocate £250 to the wild flower project, to include the purchase of matting, bulbs etc for the recreation ground. A further sum of £500 was allocated from the reserves for future Green Initiatives. The remaining reserves were adopted as circulated to the council. e. Asset Register for Items under £250 in Value – It was agreed that Cllr Esdale and the Clerk would revise this register to take account of losses e.g. Christmas tree lights and present the revised register to the council for approval. f. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk Fly Tipping – The council was told about the lengthy and frustrating process that was on-going to have four fridges removed, which had been dumped on farmland close to the A2. It was agreed to write to the city council to point out the anomalies in the present system and also to suggest that a doorstep collection of larger items should be instituted on a regular basis to deter fly tipping, as was common in some parts of Europe. Action; Clerk g. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed to ask KCC Cllr Northey and CCC Cllr Anderson to address the Annual Parish Meeting. The main speakers would be Dr Sarah Anderson and Kate Harrison who would speak on the theme of reducing the village’s carbon footprint. PC Paul Gibson would also be introduced to residents as our local policeman. Cllr Esdale would present the financial report. . Cllr Esdale would purchase the soft drinks and snacks and arrange hire of glasses. Cllr Edmonds would purchase wine locally. Action; Cllrs Edmonds, Esdale & Clerk h. Mill Centre - It was agreed to contribute £820.04 to the cost of the Mill Centre insurance. It was reported that KALC would include an item in ‘Parish News’ asking if any local parish had tried to purchase a building from a local authority at a nominal sum, giving a guarantee to sell it back at the same price if it was no longer needed. A similar item would be included in NALC publications. It was hoped that this might encourage CCC to agree to the parish council’s proposal. 136/08-9 Correspondence – Noted 137/08-09 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 138/08-9.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Barbara Beinder* £189.55 Shrubs & plants for recreation ground £164.83 + £24.72 vat BT~ £69.61 Telephone account 9/12/08 –9/3/09 Christobel N Seath £819.41 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for March 2009 + arrears of salary from 1.4.08 to 31.3.09 following national pay award £184.08 Clerk’s Information Day 19th. May (£60.00 + KALC £69.00 £9.00 vat) KALC £482.88 KALC Subscription 2009/10= £406.86 + £61.03 vat + £15.00 for Parish News NALC £13.50 Local Councils Review quarterly for 2009/10 SLCC £105.00 Membership 2009-10 Mill Centre Management £820.04 Insurance contribution for the Mill Centre Committee * Cheque issued in March as in budget for 2008/9 expenditure ~ Paid by direct debit 139/08-9. Any other business; a. Catering van – The parish council did not object to a proposal for a catering van to use the lay-by at the recreation ground each Thursday between 5.30pm and 7.30pm to sell take-away food. Action; Clerk b. Bridge Place Country Club – It was noted that variations in the licence terms had been applied for. The parish council did not object to this. c. Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds announced that the competition would go ahead Action; Cllr Edmonds again this year. d. Litter pick - Cllr Edmonds thanked the villagers and councillors who helped with the litter pick in the village on a wet Saturday at the end of March. e. Tree in memory of John Purchase – It was reported that a letter from the Liberal Democrats requesting this was still awaited. The meeting closed at 9.41p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th. May 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th May 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Lewis and Wilmshurst 1/09-10. Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman for 2009-10 Cllr Edmonds was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Beinder and elected unanimously Cllr Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Wilmshurst and elected unanimously 2/09-10. Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies The following changes were made to councillors’ responsibilities; Cllrs Gulvin, Esdale and Beinder would form the new Parish Emergency Planning Committee Cllr Beinder would cease to have responsibility for the restoration of old street names as that project had ended Cllr Esdale would represent the parish council when needed on the Police Forum 3/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds and Gulvin & KCC Cllr Northey 4/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 5/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. April 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground- Cllr Beinder would take over the Recreation Ground folder from this month. Cllr Corfield would hold it temporarily for the week of 25th. May. The council praised the contractor who had re-turfed the goal area and attended daily to repair damage and the destruction to his signs and tapes by local youths. The police would treat the recreation ground as a ‘hot spot’ following problems with litter and damage over the holiday weekend caused by youths camping on the field. b. Affordable Housing – Nothing to report c. Speedwatch –The signs had been ordered but incorrect sample versions had been emailed. PC Gibson would contact the supplier and collect the signs when ready. It was agreed to train volunteers and arrange to borrow the equipment from Lower Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk Hardres as soon as the signs had arrived. 7/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury District Parish Forum, 25th. April – Cllr Edmonds (Minutes circulated) Inter Route’s Meeting of Stakeholders regarding proposed bridleway across the A2 at Kingston, May 13th. – Cllr Esdale to circulate a paper report A Public Exhibition of the proposed bridleway over the A2 would be held from 4.00pm onwards on 10th June at the Simon Langton Boys’ Grammar School 8/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted: 31 High Street, Bridge Remove a small hazel tree on left hand side boundary of rear garden The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell a Scots pine located on rear boundary of the garden 9/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Audited Parish Accounts for 2008-9- The Internal Auditor’s report was read out and the Parish Accounts for 2008-9 were signed by the Chairman of the meeting Action; Clerk and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer b. Annual Parish Meeting- It had been drawn to the parish council’s attention that it was not permitted for individuals to make statements that might influence voters at official meetings in the six weeks before an election. As the European and County Council Elections were due to be held on 4th. June, it was decided to withdraw the invitations to City Cllr John Anderson and County Cllr Michael Northey to speak at the Annual Parish Meeting. Both would be welcome to attend and speak to parishioners informally after the meeting. Cllr Edmonds would explain the reasons for this decision in her speech. Action; Cllr Hill c. Joint Police & Parish Council Surgery- it was decided to agree to PC Gibson’s suggestion to hold a joint surgery in the village hall. Other relevant bodies, such as Kent Highways, might also be invited to send a representative. It was suggested this should take place on Thursday 9th. July before the Parish Council Action; Clerk meeting. d. Councillors’ Information Day – No councillor was available to attend this event. e. Local Ditches- Kent Highway Services had asked for help in identifying the ownership of local drainage ditches. It was agreed to inform them that the parish council was not aware of any local ditches in the parish that fell within the scope of their survey. Action; Clerk f. Bridge Fete Parking Request –It was agreed to allow the upper part of the recreation ground to be used for parking for the village fete on 13th. June provided the weather was fine. Action; Clerk g. Public Consultation on Time Limited Parking in Western Ave Lay by – As nothing further had been heard about the public consultation to be carried out by Canterbury City Council, the Clerk would ask the city council when it was expected this would be completed Action; Clerk 10/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 11/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,500 between Parish Council accounts 12/09-10 Receipts; The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council – Concurrent Funding £ 8,625.26 Precept 09/10 £24,502.46 VAT reimbursement £378.54 Bridge Tennis Club subs for 2009-10 £125.00 13/09-10.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Allianz Christobel N Seath Amount £1,477.87 £665.47 Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC £200.00 AJL Garden Services £225.00 Christobel Seath - Clerk D Possee £48.82 £35.00 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £22.00 Purpose Parish insurance from 6. 2009/5.2010 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for April 2009 Contribution for the upkeep of the churchyard 2009 Supply of topsoil & turf and repair of goal mouth area 2 Printer Cartridges £42.45 + £6.37 vat Plants, compost & maintenance of village planters Hire of hall for PC meetings April, May, June & July 09 A Williams, Manager Mansfield Court £7.99 Refreshments for volunteers working on the Recreation Ground 7th May 2009 14/09-10. Any other business; a.Pot holes in Higham Lane – A Kent Highways Inspector had visited the site and authorised work to be carried out to fill the potholes in. b. 7 High Street – It was reported that the front garden of this house had been tarmacked over. It was agreed the Clerk would ask Canterbury City Council if permission had been Action; Clerk granted for this. There were potential problems with run off. Action; Cllr Esdale c. Drains cover Bifrons Path – This needed re-seating. d.Public Footpaths Map – The map would be re-erected on May 27th. at a cost of £55 to the parish council. It was agreed to point out to Kent County Council that the relatively recent wood of the supports was rotten and suggest that the posts be concreted in. Action; Clerk e. Triangle bus service - It was agreed to support Kent Highway Service’s bid for additional Action; Clerk funding for this route f. Footpath by A2 slip road at Renville – It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services/ Inter Route to clear away the grass which was growing over the footpath by the A2 slip road. Action; Clerk g. Parish Portal – The parish council agreed to participate in Kent Highways Parish Portal Scheme and would apply for registration and training. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.20p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th.June 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11thJune 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmunds (Chairman), Hill, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and County Councillor Northey 15/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 16/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 17/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. May 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 18/09-10 Cllr Northey thanked those people who had voted for him in the County Council elections and said he would serve all residents of the constituency. The County Council now comprised 71 Conservative councillors, 7 Liberal Democrats and 2 Labour. Cllr Northey outlined the Members Highway Fund, which was being created to fund small local projects. The possibility of using some of this money to prevent parking on the zigzag lines by the pharmacy zebra crossing was discussed. 19/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground- Cllr Beinder noted that the riverbed was choked with weeds. These would be removed in the autumn when the Environment Agency next strimmed the river banks. There had been graffiti on the slide and pavilion. The Pratt memorial bench had been painted white after renovation. Cllr Esdale would find out whether it was intended that it should remain this colour. Action; Cllr Esdale A request had been received from Mrs Kollhoff for permission to plant a tree on Patrixbourne Rd by the recreation ground in memory of Mr & Mrs Stevens. The council was happy to agree to this. Cllr Lewis, the Tree Warden, would liaise with Mrs Kollhoff in the autumn regarding the species and siting. Action; Cllr Lewis & Clerk The footpath map had been re-erected in the wrong place by KCC’s Countryside Access Service. They would be asked to re-site it in its original position by the layby and also to support the map on concrete spurs. Action; Clerk Cllr Lewis had cleared the path across the recreation ground to the school in preparation for the village fete. Cllr Gulvin would inspect the playing field following wet weather to ascertain whether it could be used for car parking at the fete Action; Cllr Gulvin There had been a complaint about the old metal goal posts which had been left on the ground by the pavilion. Cllr Gulvin would arrange for these to be collected. It was also noted that more guttering had been removed from the pavilion by vandals. Action; Cllr Gulvin b. Affordable Housing – Revised plans had been received from the city council showing build outs on the footpath on Western Avenue to improve pedestrian safety. The parish council had no objection to these plans. Action; Clerk c. Speedwatch – The Speedwatch signs would be delivered to the Clerk in the next few days. Cllr Esdale would arrange to borrow equipment from Lower Hardres. The parish council would be grateful for volunteers willing to undergo training and join the project. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk d. Bus shelter – Deferred to next meeting 20/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Police Forum Meeting- 6th.June – Cllr Lewis - Report emailed Emergency Planning Meeting Hawkinge – Cllr Beinder –Verbal report ACRK Village Hall Meeting, Bossingham – Cllr Beinder – Verbal report 21/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Pavilion RenovationsDeferred to next meeting b. Parish reserves for 2009-10 These were presented by Cllr Esdale and approved by the council. c. Statement of Internal Control for 2009 – This was approved by the council and signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer. It was agreed to reappoint Kevin Funnell as the internal auditor for 2009-10. An amendment to the Annual Return for the Audit Commission was signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer Action; Clerk d. Bridge over the Nailbourne, Patrixbourne Rd- Cantley Estates had confirmed that the up-keep of the bridge was the responsibility of the parish council. They had forwarded an engineer’s report and estimate for the repair and refurbishment of the bridge. Further estimates would be required. Matter deferred to July Parish Council meeting e. Reducing Bridge’s Carbon footprint – The parish council agreed that it wished to carry forward plans to reduce the village’s carbon footprint, following the presentations given at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was decided to ask Mr & Mrs Wicker if they would be willing to co-ordinate a committee for this purpose. It was suggested that they might liaise with the successful project already under way in Elham. The Energy Saving Trust would have a stall at the village fete. f. Bench outside Bridgeway Stores – The owner of Bridgeway Stores had asked the parish council to remove the bench from outside his shop. The parish council Action; Clerk reluctantly agreed to this and would re-site the bench near the planters in due course. Mr Dhaliwal would be informed of this decision. Action; Clerk g. Highland Court Cricket Club Licencing Application – The Chairman of the parish council had discussed the application with the Chairman of the cricket club. He had assured the parish council that the extended licence would only be used for small parties organised by team members. There were no plans for large gatherings, concerts etc. He supplied the parish council with a contact number in case of any complaints about noise. In view of this the parish council had no objection to the application. Action; Clerk h. Cycle Route to Canterbury – Cllr Hill informed the parish council there had been some progress in negotiating access for the route from local landowners. Mr Stewart was pursuing this and there would be a stall at the village fete outlining the possible routes and asking for comments from residents. i. Western Avenue parking bays – It was agreed to write to local businesses to point out that a 20 minute parking restriction was already in force in the layby in Western Avenue, although the parish council had not been informed about this and there were no signs at the layby. If local businesses objected to the current proposals under consultation for a one hour limit, the twenty minute restriction would be enforced by the city council. The parish council supported the one hour limit as it prevented cars from being parked all day by commuters, staff of businesses and local residents thereby deterring shoppers from visiting the village to the detriment of local businesses. Action; Clerk j. Annual Paris Meeting 2010 It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting in 2010 would be held on Thursday 20th May k. Power of Wellbeing Training – It was decided not to participate in the training courses being organised by KALC l. Bus shelter – In removing the graffiti from the bus shelter in the High Street, the city council had removed much of the paint from inside the shelter. It was agreed to have the bus shelter interior re-painted. Action; Cllr Gulvin m. Bridge bakery – It was reported that the bakery would not re-open and that the lease had reverted to the owners 22/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 23/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,500 between Parish Council accounts 24/09-10.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Kate Harrison Amount £200.00* Ann Edmonds £78.26 Christobel Seath Kevin Funnell Kent County Playing Fields Association Kent County Council £665.47 £35.00 £20.00 Mark Esdale £25.42 Christobel Seath £14.00 £91.56 * Authorised and paid on 21st May at APM Purpose Expenses & fee for Speaking at APM Sec137 expenditure Chairman’s allowance - Annual Parish Meeting costs Salary & office allowance for May 2009 Fee for Final Audit of 2008-9 records Annual subscription 2009-10 Mulch mat & hedgerow plants for recreation ground £79.62 +£11.94 vat Travel costs, APM refreshments and bench fixings Travel costs to attend Clerk’s Information Day,Teynham 19th May - 35 miles at 40p per mile ~It was decided not to renew the map copying licence for a further year as the parish council did not require it. Therefore the item of expenditure of £62.96 for Ordnance Survey was not approved. Action ; Clerk 25/09-10. Any other business; a. Layby by Recycling Point - Cllr Lewis pointed out that large quantities of cardboard had been dumped at the site behind the bins. This area was becoming an eyesore despite the efforts of Serco and the city council to keep it clean. b. 45 High Street – Cllr Lewis noted the improvement to the building, which was now undergoing renovation c. Skateboard area – Cllr Lewis had submitted a preliminary application for a grant for a skateboard area. It was confirmed that no action would be taken until extensive local consultation had been carried out. This would be an agenda item for September. d. 20 mph limit through village – It was confirmed that a national consultation on speed limits was still being undertaken. Until this had reported there would be no further consideration of local speed limits. e. Mrs Olive Knight – The parish council expressed regret on the recent death of Olive Knight who had been a parish councillor, Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and former headmistress of Bridge Primary School. The meeting closed at 9.17p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th.July 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 thJuly 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmunds (Chairman), Hill, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and City Councillor J Anderson 26/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 27/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 28/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. June 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 29/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – It was agreed that the refurbished bench would be painted brown. Cllr Esdale would attend the RoSPA Playground inspection again. It was agreed not to repaint the spider at present as it had been painted fairly recently. Cllr Beinder reported more damage to the guttering and tiles of the pavilion. There had been some damage done to the wild flower area when vehicles were parked on it thoughtlessly during the fete. It was agreed that the fete committee would be asked to ensure there was stewarding for the car parking next year. Daffodil bulbs had been ordered for the Spring. Cllr Edmonds thanked Brian Cox and Cllr Esdale for removing the old goal posts from the recreation ground and an old tyre from Renville. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would attend the Lyminge Youth Action Group meeting on 21st July to hear about their fundraising campaign for recreation ground equipment – Action; Cllr Hill b. Affordable Housing – The problems with drainage and access at the site had now been resolved. A newt survey had been requested. The parish council re-affirmed its strong support for the scheme and it was agreed to write to Southern Housing Group assuring them of the parish council’s continued backing for the project. Action; Clerk c. Speedwatch – Three Speedwatch sessions had taken place in the village with equipment borrowed from Lower Hardres. It was noted that the average speed of motorists dropped by 10mph when the signs and equipment were in place. More volunteers were welcome to assist with the scheme, the purpose of which was to slow traffic not to catch speeding motorists. Lower Hardres would contact the Clerk to discuss a financial contribution to cover their insurance costs for the equipment. d. Bus shelter – Agreement from Kent Highways about the location of the bus shelter Action; Cllr Gulvin was still awaited. e. Bridge Environment Group – Cllr Gulvin agreed to convene the group initially but it was intended that the group would operate independently of the parish council in the future. The new group would complete an expression of interest form requesting support from the Energy Saving Trust, the deadline for which was 17th July. The next newsletter would ask for volunteers to serve on the Bridge Environment Committee. Elham Environment Group had invited a representative from Bridge to their next meeting on 17th. July. Action; Cllr Gulvin 30/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies 31/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Grindley Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge Cut back to the boundary line a hedge of two yews ,three beech, a laurel and a collection of leylandii around the property Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge Re-pollard the yew trees adjoining Bridge Hill and Higham Lane Action; Clerk Canterbury City Council has confirmed that the following proposal fell outside the conservation area; 17 Union Rd, Bridge Remove two cedar trees located in the garden 32/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Planning Applications; CA/09/00827/FUL Land to rear of 24 High St, Bridge Erection of two detached dwellings with associated parking There was a lengthy discussion about this application with comments from members of the public and councillors. It was agreed that the parish council would object to this application on several grounds, including that it contravened several city and county planning policies for development in a conservation area and development in the setting of a listed building, there would be further damage to the remaining trees, there had been no demonstrated need, there were potential problems with localised flooding, car parking spaces would be lost and the entrance would cause additional dangers at the corner of Dering and Union Roads. Action; Clerk CA/09/00773/FUL & CA/09/00883/LB 73 High St. Bridge CT4 5LB Conversion of restaurant to dwelling with four additional dwellings, first floor rear extension, external staircase, internal and external alterations and associated parking The parish council objected to this application because, if approved, it would result in the loss of another commercial property in the village. In addition it was thought that there were insufficient parking spaces for the number of dwellings. This would lead to further on-street parking problems in the village. The dwellings had inadequate amenity space outside. It was an over development of the site. The parish council asked that proof should be obtained that the owner had made sufficient efforts to sell the property as a commercial concern and at a reasonable cost. Once the building was lost as a commercial enterprise it would never be restored to the village, which had previously shown it was capable of supporting three restaurants. The parish council deplored the changes to the character of the village which the progressive loss of local businesses would cause. Action; Clerk b. Pavilion Renovations- Quotations for new guttering and other repairs were awaited. Matter deferred to September parish council meeting. Action ; Cllr Gulvin c. Repair of bridge over Nailbourne, Patrixbourne Rd- The engineer’s report supplied by Savils had shown that the bridge was structurally sound. It was agreed to obtain two further quotations for refurbishing the bridge. Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Access to Dering Road – There had been a complaint about access problems by a resident. It was noted that Kent Highways Dept had said some years ago that double yellow lines would be installed on Dering Road once the road had been resurfaced. The parish council was not in favour of this as it would lead to further parking problems elsewhere. The council was aware that the road was narrow and access was difficult, particularly for delivery vehicles. However, the council did not have the authority to resolve this issue. It was suggested that individuals informed neighbours when they were expecting large vehicles and asked them to find alternative parking temporarily. e. Allotment lease- A draft lease had been received from Savils. A legal opinion had been obtained from KALC and there were several matters to be resolved. It was agreed to write to Charles Gooch explaining the concerns which included the short length of the lease, the amount of rent being asked, the level of public liability insurance cover stipulated and the length of notice to be given to allotment holders if the land were to be developed by the landlord at a future Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk date. f. Bridge Hill drains – It was noted that these had recently been unblocked. 33/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 34/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts 35/09-10.The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose 9th March-4th. June £61.64 + £9.25 *BT Telephone Account Roger Casement Christobel Seath Les Barleycorn Kent County Council (KCS) £70.89 £45.11 £665.47 £110.50 £1,293.66 The Mill Centre Management Committee The Audit Commission * Paid by direct debit £450.00 2 Speedwatch signs £39.23 + £5.88 vat Salary & office allowance for June 2009 Repainting the bus shelter Half year costs grounds maintenance £1124.92 +£168.74 vat Electrical work at the Mill Centre £327.75 Annual Audit Fee £285 + £42.75 vat 36/09-10. Any other business; a. Overgrown hedges in Patrixbourne Road – It was reported that the hedges of several properties had been allowed to grow over the footpath in Patrixbourne Road. It was pointed out that householders were responsible for ensuring that their hedges did not block the footpaths and cause inconvenience to pedestrians. b. Autumn Newsletter – Cllr Corfield requested that copy for the next newsletter should reach him by 1st September. c. Mansfield Court – It was reported that there had been problems with local youths climbing into the gardens of Mansfield Court and causing damage. The matter had been reported to the police. The meeting closed at 9.15p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th. September 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10 th. September 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Hill, Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis and County Councillor Northey (after item 44b) 37/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 38/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 39/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. July 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 40/09-10 Councillor Northey had been made a Deputy Cabinet Member – Corporate Policy, with responsibilities covering property, human resources and communications. He reminded councillors about the £25,000 members’ fund to be spent on local projects. He asked to be kept informed about negotiations over the re-siting of the bus stop outside the butchers and the zig zag lines by the zebra crossing. 41/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – The nuts on one of the swings had come loose and someone had subsequently removed the bolt. The swing had been removed for safety reasons and was awaiting new parts from Wicksteed leisure. Action; Cllr Esdale It was agreed to obtain quotations for patching the safety surface of the play area and removing the concrete strip. Action; Clerk Bridge Health Centre had been asked to repair their fence behind the youth shelter. A new litter bin was required for the youth shelter as the existing one had had the lid removed and had been damaged. Action; Clerk Cllr Beesty would take over the Recreation Ground Folder in October. b. c. d. e. f. g. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group anticipated that the planning application would go to Development Control in October. A greater crested newt survey would be undertaken and a recent housing needs analysis had shown a probable increase in need for local affordable housing. Speedwatch – Lower Hardres Parish Council would be approached to set up an agreement to loan their Speedwatch equipment to Bridge Speedwatch team once a Action. Cllr Esdale month. th Bus shelter – There would be a meeting on 17 September with representatives from Kent Highways and Stagecoach to look at the proposed site. Bridge Environment Group – A bid for support from the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Energy Saving Trust had been submitted. It was planned to hold an inaugural meeting later in September. Action; Cllr Gulvin Allotment Lease- Cllr Gulvin would draft a letter to Savills concerning the proposed Action; Cllr Gulvin lease. Newsletter – The text of the newsletter had been agreed and the newsletter would be distributed to all the properties in Bridge in the following week. 42/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Meeting of Canterbury Ramblers Assoc – Cllr Edmonds Report circulated by email Kent Highways Parish Portal Technical Meeting 2nd Sept – Cllr Esdale Report circulated by email. Concurrent Function Funding Working Group 9th Sep – Cllr Esdale The group was set up to make recommendations on potential savings. It was unclear when its recommendations would be implemented. BVST 9th September – Cllr Gulvin It was feared that there would be difficulty in finding enough participants for the Trust to continue after the AGM next spring. 43/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Churchill Close, Bridge Thin and trim trees along road at Churchill Close to allow more light to properties Little Bridge Place, Mill Lane Remove ash tree from bank located on Mill Lane The Firs, Town Hill, Bridge Various tree work to hedges on boundaries of the garden 44/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. The future use of the Recreation Ground by Canterbury City FC – Representations were made to the council by several residents of Riverside Close who complained about the frequency of matches and practises and of the litter, noise and disturbance caused by the frequent use of the pitch. A representative of the football club denied that the club had overused the pitch and suggested that several of the practises taking place were not connected with the club. After much discussion it was agreed that Canterbury City FC’s use of the pitch would be restricted to one team. Practises would be limited to one evening per week and the club would ensure that litter was cleared up. The goal posts would be removed from the recreation ground at the end of the season and would not be replaced until August b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. at the start of the following season. These conditions would be incorporated into the new season’s lease for the club. Action; Clerk The parish council asked residents of Riverside Close to monitor the use of the pitch closely and immediately report any team practises that were taking place by groups not connected to Canterbury CFC or Bridge FC to Cllr Gulvin or Cllr Esdale. Tree work to sycamores on the recreation ground – It was agreed that the parish council would arrange the removal of two of the lower branches on one of the sycamore trees (T2) on the recreation ground. This work would be done in November. The council did not sanction the crown reduction of T2 or any work to be Action; Cllr Lewis & Clerk done to T1. Bridge Village Initiative – It was decided to discuss this matter at the October Parish Council meeting when councillors had had an opportunity to talk to local business people about their ideas. Possible Skateboard area on Recreation Ground – It was agreed to draw up a scale plan of the area of the recreation ground with potential for a skateboard ramp. There would then be consultation within the village to ascertain residents’ views about Action; Cllrs Gulvin & Esdale creating this facility. Pavilion Renovations – Item deferred Re-siting of the bus stop outside the butcher’s shop – A meeting between Kent Highways, Stagecoach and parish councillors had been arranged for 17th September to resolve the problem of the bus stop, the new position of which had created difficulties over the siting of a refrigerated van at Christmas. Recreation Ground Maintenance Contract – Following restrictions placed by the city council on the amount of grass cutting which would be funded under Concurrent Function Funding, it was agreed to seek tenders for recreation ground maintenance limiting the grass cutting for the entire area to 22 cuts per year plus 5 strims round the river bank area. Contractors would be asked to quote separately for these two Action; Clerk activities. Flytipping at the Recycling Point – It was decided to ask the city council for advice about preventing fly tipping as the city council was currently undertaking a fly tipping initiative in the District. This would be discussed further at the October parish council Action; Clerk meeting. ACRK’s Parish Plan and Small Projects Grants Scheme – It was decided not to submit a bid for funding at this time. The Whitstable Society’s Initiative on recording Canterbury City Council meetings & retaining public open spaces - The parish council agreed to pursue both these initiatives through the Canterbury Branch of the KALC - Action ; Cllr Hill k. Tree in memory of John Purchese – The parish council agreed to a request from Canterbury Liberal Democrats to plant a tree in Bridge in memory of John Purchese. The Tree Warden would liaise over a suitable location on the recreation ground. Action; Cllr Lewis & Clerk l. Purchase of bulbs for the Recreation Ground – It was agreed to purchase bulbs for the recreation ground and to authorise Cllr Beinder to fund refreshments for helpers. A working party to weed the pavilion flower beds and plant bulbs would take place on Saturday October 24th. Volunteers should meet at the sports pavilion at 9.30am. Action; Cllr Beinder m. Applause Rural Touring Company – No councillor was available to attend one of four receptions to be held in Kent to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this group. 45/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 46/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 47/09-10. The following receipts were noted ; Headley Bros reimbursement of overpayment for NALC subscription - £13.50 48/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *NALC £13.50 *Christobel Seath ROSP (Playsafety Ltd) Christobel Seath £665.47 £129.95 £73.98 Christobel Seath John E Hill £665.47 £9.00 Wicksteed Leisure £283.99 Savills £225.00 Christobel Seath - Clerk £43.26 Mark Esdale £9.95 * Authorised between parish council meetings Purpose Subscription to Local Council Review 2009/10 Salary & office allowance for July 2009 Annual Inspection fee £113.00 + £16.95 vat 2 colour printer cartridges £64.33 + £9.65 vat Salary & office allowance for August 2009 Mileage Claim for Rural Area members Panel & Development Control Cttee Replacement cradle seat & rapid link fittings £246.95 + £37.04 vat Rental for Recreation ground 25/3/09 – 28/9/09 Petty cash Engraving for Bridge in Bloom Trophy The meeting closed at 9.44p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. October 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 th. October 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Lewis and Wilmshurst 49/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Beesty and Gulvin 50/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest or lobbying on the following agenda items. Cllr Esdale-Lobbying- item 7f Football contracts, - item 7a Budget- Secretary of BVHMC & Treasurer of Mill Centre Cllr Beinder –item 7a Budget - Member of BVHMC 51/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. September 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 52/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Beesty holds the Recreation Ground inspection folder The wire fence behind the youth shelter was damaged. It was agreed to write to the Action - Clerk health centre to request that they consider repairing it. The fence and stile by the field was damaged. It was agreed to write to the Action – Clerk landowner to draw their attention to its condition. Plants had been dug up from round the pavilion. The PCSO had been informed. It was agreed that the John Purchese memorial tree should be planted on the recreation ground near the site where the rowan tree had been removed. It was Action ; Cllr Lewis & Clerk hoped that a native species would be planted. b. Affordable Housing – The planning application for the affordable housing scheme would be discussed at the Development Control Committee on 13th October. Cllr Hill would speak in favour of the application, which the Planning Department had recommended for approval. Cllrs Hill, Esdale & the Clerk had met Steve Oborne of CCC Housing Department to discuss the s 106 agreement and the implications of Choice Based Letting. The council’s request for a tri-partite agreement for the part of the s 106 which covered eligibility would be referred to other city council officers for comment. It was agreed to ask the legal department of CCC to provide a letter outlining the safeguards that applied to an exception site. Action; Clerk c. Bus stop at Butchers – A meeting had taken place between councillors and representatives of Kent Highways & Stagecoach. It had been agreed that the bus stop would be re-sited. If this were not possible before Christmas, a temporary bus stop would be installed to allow Mr Wakeham room to park his refrigerated van outside his shop over the Christmas period. d. Bus shelter – A planning application had been submitted for the erection of a bus shelter by the wall at the pharmacy bus stop. Kent Highways and Stagecoach had no objection to the application. e. Bench for the corner of Western Ave. Kent Highways had agreed that the bench, which was formerly outside Bridgeway Stores, could be re-sited at the junction of Western Avenue and the High Street near the planters. It was agreed to consult residents of 52-60 High Street about the new position for the bench. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk f. Zig-zag lines at zebra crossing by the chemists Kent Highways had agreed to a pavement extension outside the pharmacy to prevent motorists parking illegally on the zig- zag lines by the zebra crossing. Funding could be a difficulty and it was agreed to write to KCC Cllr Michael Northey to ask him to consider providing finance from his member’s fund for local projects. Action; Clerk g. Speedwatch – Cllr Esdale had asked Lower Hardres Parish Council to allow Bridge PC to hire their Speedwatch equipment each month. A decision was expected after their parish council meeting later in the month. h. Bridge Environment Group – The bid for technical support from the Energy Saving Trust for Kent, Surrey and Sussex had been unsuccessful. Only one village in Kent could be supported each year. It was hoped a bid could be submitted next year. 53/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Forum 28th September – Cllr Beinder - Oral Report NHS Eastern & Coastal Kent PCT AGM 30th September – Cllr Beinder – Oral Report 54/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 1 Riverside Close Reduce to previous cutting points and remove dead branches of willow trees located to the side of the house on the banks of the Nailbourne 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge Fell one dead ash tree on stream bank behind garage 55/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Budget for 2010-11 – The budget for 2010-11 was approved. The request for Concurrent Function Funding Expenditure would be 10.82% lower than last year. Action; Cllr Esdale The Precept figure would remain the same as last year. b. System of Internal Control – The system of internal control had been examined by the Finance Committee and the parish council approved the Statement on Internal Control c. Dog mess – The continued problem of dog fouling on the pavements had been raised by a resident. Several areas of Bridge were affected. It was agreed to ask CCC to place a dog bin at the end of Conyngham Lane and to request more lamp-post stickers reminding dog owners of the penalties for this offence. Action; Clerk d. Bridge Village Initiative – Item deferred to January 2010 e. Fly Tipping at the Re-cycling point - CCC had agreed to arrange a meeting with Chris Paine of Street Scene to assess the problem. It was agreed to write to Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne PC to draw their attention to the problem as the site was in their parish. It was also agreed to ask them to consider taking action on the litter in the area across the road from the A2 slip road from Canterbury. A Bridge volunteer currently cleared this area but it was a dangerous site and it was suggested that joint action could be taken by both parishes to hold a communal litter pick to remove the rubbish. Action; Clerk f. Contracts for Canterbury City and Bridge Football Clubs – The new contracts were approved in line with the decisions taken at the September parish council meeting. The use of the ground would be limited to one named team for each club and to one specified practice evening for the named team only. No use of the pitch would be allowed by either team after 31st May until pre –season training. The goal posts would be removed at the end of the season. It was agreed that the contract for Bridge FC would allow the team to use the pitch for pre-season practice from 1st August. Canterbury City FC would only be permitted to use the ground from 15th. August because of the greater disturbance caused to residents by their practices. Action; Clerk g. Christmas Trees for the High Street – It was agreed that the parish council would put up Christmas trees in the High Street. Cllr Corfield had kindly donated a set of ladders. The trees would be put up on Saturday 5th December and taken down on Saturday 2nd January. All volunteers to help on these dates would be welcome. More sets of LED lights would be purchased this year. Action; Cllr Esdale h. Wet pour repairs for the play area – Cllr Hill had obtained a quotation for the repair of the play area surface. It was agreed to obtain two more quotes before making any Action; Clerk decision. i. Maintenance of Recreation Ground 2010-11 – Having considered the four quotations received, the council decided to award the contract for recreation ground Action; Clerk maintenance to Saunders House Landscapes Ltd, Ash. 56/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 57/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 58/09-10. The following receipts were noted; Sale of metal goalposts and other scrap metal collected £20.00 BVST rental for 2009 - £10,00 59/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT * Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC £77.61 £200.00 Christobel Seath £665.47 BVHMC £24.00 Mervyn Gulvin £85.00 Purpose Telephone Account £67.36 + £10.13vat Contribution to upkeep of churchyard 2009– (Re-issue of cheque not cashed) Salary & office allowance for September 2009 Hire of hall for PC meetings Sept – Dec 2009 incl. @ £6 per session Reimbursement of local authority planning fee – bus shelter *Paid by direct debit 60/09-10 Any Other Business a. Planting Morning –Cllr Beinder reminded councillors that a planting morning would take place by the pavilion on Saturday 24th. October at 9.30 am. All volunteers would be very welcome. b. Road surface on High St- Cllr Beinder reported that the road surface at the top of the High Street was in a poor condition. It would be reported to Kent Highways – Action; Cllr Esdale c. Patrixbourne Rd Hedges – Homeowners along Patrixbourne Rd were still allowing their trees to overhang the footpath. It was agreed to report the situation to the Kent Highways Liaison officer to ask if Kent Highways could take action. Action; Clerk d. Mobile Library – KCC had informed the parish council that, as a cost cutting measure, in future only one staff member would operate each mobile library. Vans would be fitted with computer systems for borrowing and ordering books. e. Valuation of sports pavilion and tennis club premises – Notification of the valuation of these sports facilities had been received. The valuation could be challenged. f. Phone masts -Cllr Hill reported there were expected to be fewer mobile phone masts in the countryside. He pointed out that this could have implications for farm incomes. g. Kent Highways Parish Seminar 25th. November – Cllrs Esdale and Lewis agreed to attend this seminar. h. Canterbury District Parish Forum 21st November – It was agreed that Cllr Esdale & the Clerk would attend. Other councillors could attend if available i. Street Cleaning – Cllr Lewis pointed out that there had been infrequent cleaning of some of the streets in Bridge and wondered whether the village was getting a similar level of service to Canterbury city. The meeting closed at 10.05p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. November 2009 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th. November 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Esdale ,Gulvin, Hill and Wilmshurst 61/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Beinder, Corfield, and Lewis 62/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 63/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. October 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 64/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Edmonds thanked those residents who turned out to help with planting and weeding the recreation ground on a very wet Saturday morning. b. Affordable Housing – The plans for the affordable housing scheme had been unanimously approved by the city council’s Development Control Committee. City councillors had congratulated the parish council for their tenacity in promoting the scheme in the face of persistent ‘nimbyism’. Several councillors and the clerk had subsequently been approached by residents wishing to be considered for housing at the new site. c. Allotment lease- Deferred to December meeting – Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Speedwatch – Lower Hardres PC had agreed to hire their Speedwatch equipment to Bridge at a cost of £30 per week. Bridge would hope to use the equipment one week per month. It was agreed that the parish council would add the equipment to its insurance policy. The Speedwatch Campaign would start in the New Year. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk Volunteers to assist would be very welcome. e. Pavilion repairs- An estimate for repairs to the pavilion had been received. It was agreed to obtain two further estimates before deciding on what repairs should be carried out. Some reserves were available in the parish accounts for this purpose. The city council’s valuation department had requested copies of the BVST’s accounts in order to assess the rate relief that would be applicable after 2010. This was part of a District wide exercise. Currently BVST qualified for 100% relief. It was agreed to send Bridge Tennis Club a copy of the rateable valuation, which the Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk parish council had received for the tennis club. f. Re-siting of High Street bench.-The parish council had received objections from the residents of 56-64 High Street to plans to re-site the bench by the wall in front of their terrace. In view of the need to provide seating in this part of the High Street, the council would investigate the purchase of a new single seat, which could be Action; Clerk placed at the site of the planters in the High Street. g. Bridge Environment Group – A steering committee had met on 5th November and would hold a second meeting later in November. There would be an announcement about a village event later in the year. h. Provision of a dog bin for Conyngham Lane – There was currently no funding from the city council for the purchase of dog bins. The city council had offered to put stickers on litter bins advising dog owners that they could be used to deposit dog mess. It was agreed to put an item in the next Newsletter on this topic. The parish council had received a complaint from Bekesbourne Parish Council about dog owners, allegedly from Bridge, who allowed their dogs to foul the paths in Action Cllr Corfield & Clerk Bishopsbourne. 65/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC Canterbury Branch, 14th. October 2009 – Cllr Wilmshurst – Minutes circulated Rural Housing Conference – 3rd. November 2009 – Cllr Hill & Clerk – Report circulated 66/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 15 Union Rd Remove one cordyline on front boundary The Close, Union Rd Remove two dead cherry trees close to the boundary with Union Rd 9 Windmill Close Remove one sycamore tree on rear boundary to enable erection of fence. Copse End, Conyngham Lane Reduce two cherry trees and one laburnum by 30% 24 Conyngham Lane, Prune a decorative willow in front garden, reducing it to close to the main branches. Reduce two silver birches in the back garden by up to one third 67/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Application to Register the Water Meadows & Brickfields as a Village Green – The parish council unanimously opposed this application, which it recognised as a device to attempt to thwart the progress of the affordable housing scheme in Brickfields. It noted that the land in question had been held as an agricultural tenancy since before 1936 and the water meadows were currently owned by Cantley Estates and farmed by a local farmer. The public rights of way that crossed the water meadows gave local residents access to the fields but only along the paths. They did not give people the right to use the fields for other activities without permission. There were no public rights of way across Brickfields and unless specific permission was granted for access to this field, those entering it were trespassing. It was pointed out that Bridge had a large recreation ground for the use of residents. It was agreed to write to KCC objecting strongly to this application. Action; Clerk b. Financial Regulations – The financial regulations were reviewed and it was decided not to make any changes to the current regulations. c. Interim Audit – The half-yearly report of the Internal Auditor was noted. There were no matters arising which required action. d. Canterbury City Council’s Proposed Budget Cut Options – The parish council agreed to support Option 1 of the budget cuts being proposed for the 2010/11 budget; ’To fund core functions at 100% with the balance of £3,038 enabling a pro-rata contribution of 31.79% to desirable items.’ Action; Clerk e. Parish Capital Grant Scheme- Two suggestions for funding bids were made under this Scheme. The first was for the purchase of adult exercise equipment for the recreation ground, the second was for solar panels for the village hall roof. Councillors were asked to bring other ideas to the December meeting. f. Refurbishment of bridge into the recreation ground – It was agreed that Cllr Gulvin Action; Cllr Gulvin would obtain two more quotations for this work. g. Wet pour repair/renewal for the children’s play area – It was agreed to accept the quotation from Monster Play Systems for the repair of the wet pour on the children’s Action; Clerk play area. This work would carry a five year guarantee. h. Sand bag store – New keys had been cut and distributed for the sand bag store. Residents needing keys should contact any councillor or the Clerk. It was agreed to contact our PCSO to discuss the possibility of young offenders being used to re-fill the sand bags if the city council would provide the parish council with empty sacks. Action; Clerk i. BTCV Kent Heritage Tree Project – It was agreed to participate in this project. Cllr Action; Cllr Beinder Beinder would be asked to complete the questionnaire. j. Correspondent for Bridge News – Parish councillors agreed to try to find a new correspondent for this column in the Kentish Gazette. k. John Purchese Memorial Tree – It was agreed to allow the Liberal Democrats to purchase a Robinia Pseudocacia Casque Rouge for the recreation ground. Action; Cllr Lewis 68/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 69/09-10 Sealing of Documents Agreement between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council Agreement between Canterbury City FC and Bridge Parish Council Agreement between Bridge Junior FC and Bridge Parish Council 70/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 71/09-10. The following receipts were noted; VAT reimbursement - £389.99 72/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Kevin Funnell Post Office Ltd £35.00 £200.00 Christobel Seath Christobel Seath D Possee £665.47 £45.15 £50.00 Wicksteed Leisure Cllr Hill £12.13 £5.70 Cllr Esdale £6.60 Purpose Audit of 2009-10 records Arrears of Employer contributions for National Insurance April – Nov 2009 @ £25 per month Salary & office allowance for October 2009 Petty cash Plants, compost and maintenance of High Street planters Parts for swings £10.55 + £1.58 vat Travel expenses to city council meetings & parking fee Keys for sandbag store 73/09-10 Any Other Business a. Cllr Esdale asked that the city council be requested to remove the graffiti placed by them some months ago at the corner of the High Street. It had not faded within three to four weeks as they had predicted. Action; Clerk b. Cllr Esdale reminded councillors that the Christmas trees would be put up in the High Street on Saturday 5th. December from 9.30 am onwards. All volunteers would be very welcome. The meeting closed at 9.33 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. December 2009 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th.December 2009 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 74/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds 75/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda item 7c from Cllrs Gulvin and Esdale, both BEST Committee members. 76/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. November 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 77/09-10 Cllr Northey confirmed that he had agreed to fund the proposed build outs at the pharmacy zebra crossing using his ‘Members’ Highway Fund’ allowance. KCC was expecting cuts in government funding and were proposing cuts of £200 million over the next three years. The aim was to preserve frontline services and make efficiency savings. It was hoped that government would take on more of the costs of asylum seeker children arriving in the UK, currently borne by KCC. 78/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – The wet pour surface of the children’s play area had been repaired. The inspection folder was passed to Cllr Corfield. It was pointed out that the recreation ground should be inspected weekly to comply with insurance company guidelines. b. Affordable Housing – Nothing further to report c. Bids for Capital Grant Scheme – It was agreed to apply for a grant to fund three items of adult outdoor exercise equipment for the recreation ground. Fresh Air Fitness could supply and install these for approx. £3,500. The parish council agreed to contribute 25% of the cost. Action; Cllr Esdale c. Allotment lease- Deferred to January meeting d. Fly Tipping – Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council had agreed to attend the site meeting to be arranged with CCC at the re-cycling point to discuss fly tipping problems. They had also agreed to help with a litter pick of the area at the top of the A2 slip road in to Bridge. It was agreed to add this to the February Parish Council agenda to confirm arrangements. Action; Clerk e. Sandbag Store – Cllr Gulvin reported that a group of young offenders had cleared out the sandbag store, re-bagged split sand bags and re-stacked the bags, under the Community Payback scheme. f. Pavilion repairs- BVST had obtained three quotations for the repair of guttering and roof tiles at the pavilion. The contract would be awarded to Green Construction Ltd. The parish council agreed to fund the repairs jointly with BVST. The contractors would be asked to do other small maintenance jobs when they were on site, which would be funded by BVST. Action; Cllr Gulvin 79/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury CPRE AGM 13th November 2009 – Cllr Hill (Report circulated) Rural Area Members Panel 16th. Nov – Cllr Esdale & Clerk (Minutes circulated) Cllr Esdale confirmed that Option 1of CCC’s proposed budget cut options, which the parish council had supported, had now been adopted by CCC. Kent Highways Parish Seminar 24th. November – Cllr Esdale & Clerk (Report circulated) BVST Meeting 10.12.09- Written report circulated by Cllr Gulvin 80/09-10 Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 26 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove one large dying cherry tree from back garden The Close, Union Road, Bridge Remove re-growth from large silver birch at front of 12 The Close Reduce crown of large cherry in main lawn by 20% and reduce crown of mature malus crab apple to previous cutting points Lift low growth of 3 sorbus trees and lift low growth of large lime tree overhanging pavement & bin storage Remove 2 dead cherry trees at entrance to parking area 81/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Street Light for Union Rd –Councillors considered a request for an additional street light to be located at the top of Union Road, but were unable to support this. It was pointed out that there was already a streetlight at the junction of Mill Lane and Union Action; Clerk Road. b. Salt bins – Kent Highway Services had informed the council that they would supply a grit bin the council had requested for Conyngham Lane but they had refused the request for a bin in Higham Lane, because this did not fulfil the criteria recently adopted by KHS. Under the new policy, grit bins purchased by parish councils would no longer be serviced by KHS. c. BEST – It was agreed to fund the energy saving event to be run by the newly formed Bridge Energy Saving Team on 12th. December up to a maximum of £100.00 d. Play group parking – A complaint had been received that parents parking their vehicles outside the Playgroup partly on the pavement in Union Road were blocking the access to Dering Road for larger vehicles and potentially for emergency vehicles. It was agreed to write to the playgroup organisers to advise them that the police were likely to take action against illegal parking on the pavement, which was causing an obstruction. Action; Clerk 82/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 83/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,200 between Parish Council accounts 84/09-10. The following receipts were noted; Christmas trees £615.00 Bridge Football Club - £250.00 85/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath – Clerk £713.73 Mrs E Oakey Bounty Pest Control £19.99 £299.00 Kent County Council (KCS) £1,106.86 John Hill £16.80 BVHMC £18.00 Ewart J Clough Mark Esdale £402.25 £349.68 Purpose Salary & allowances for November + arrears of pay from April 2009 (£42.28) Bulbs for Town Hill chicane Annual charge 1.12.09 – 30.11.10 £260 + £39.00 vat Second half year invoice for grounds maintenance 2009 £962.49 + £144.37 vat Mileage claim to Lenham for CPRE meeting 13th. Nov = 42 miles Hire of hall for BEST meeting 12th. December 2009 Christmas trees £350.00+ £52.25 vat Christmas lights and clips £304.07 + £45.61 vat 86/09-10 Any Other Business a. Christmas trees – Cllr Hill thanked those who had helped to put up the Christmas trees this year and in particular Cllr Esdale who organised it again. He asked for volunteers to take down the trees on the morning of Saturday 2nd January. b. Retirement of Barry Whiting - Cllr Hill expressed the councils’ gratitude to Barry Whiting who had organised the Poppy Day collection for Bridge for many years and raised a considerable sum for the British Legion. It was agreed to write to Mr Whiting to express the council’s gratitude. Action; Clerk c. CCC’s Budget Proposals Questionnaire - Cllr Hill reminded councillors that the consultation period was drawing to a close and urged those who had not already done so to complete the questionnaire. d. Potholes at the zebra crossing - It was confirmed that these had been reported to KHS, most recently on 17th. November 2009. e. New Entrance to Bridge Primary School – Cllr Beinder reported that work on building a new entrance and reception area at the school would begin shortly and last about 12 weeks. f. Hedging material – It was agreed to consider how best to use surplus hedging material which had been offered to the parish council by the Allotment Association. Ideas would be discussed at the January parish council meeting. Action; Clerk g. Canterbury City Football Club – A letter had been received from the club complaining about the state of the pavilion. It was pointed out that the club had failed to send a representative to the BVST meetings where such issues were discussed. It was also pointed out that the club was in default of payment of their fees for the use of the ground in the current season and had not returned the contract. The Clerk and Cllr Gulvin would agree a reply to the letter and the matter of the club’s continued use of the recreation ground could be discussed at the January parish council meeting, depending on the club’s response to that letter. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th. January 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th.January 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Esdale (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Gulvin, Lewis & Wilmshurst 87/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Hill and KCC Cllr Northey 88/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 89/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. December 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 90/09-10. An email from Cllr Northey was read out which reported recent KCC budget decisions. Construction of the build-out at the post office had been approved and would be funded from Cllr Northey’s allocation from the Members’ Highway Fund. The cost would be £4,760 and the commencement date for work would be notified later. 90/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – The wet pour surface of the children’s play area had been repaired. The bench would be painted in due course. b. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group had exchanged contracts for the purchase of the Brickfields site. A soil investigation had been commenced before Christmas. c. Allotment lease - Deferred to February meeting Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Pavilion repairs- Instructions had been given for the replacement of guttering and down pipes and for repair of the roof. These would be carried out when the weather improved. The toilets had been repaired before Christmas. e. Capital Grant Scheme- A bid had been submitted to CCC for funding for adult outdoor exercise equipment for the recreation ground. A decision would be given in April. f. Village Hall alterations – An application for a grant of £19,706 had been submitted to KCC. A decision would be taken in March / April 91/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury Branch KALC 13th Jan 2010 Cllr Wilmshurst reported that the meeting had been cancelled because of the bad weather. 92/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Pavilion refurbishment – The parish council agreed to accept a contribution of £700 from KCC Cllr M Northey towards the cost of the refurbishment of the sports pavilion. b. Canterbury City Football Club – After some discussion, it was voted to allow the club one more month in which to pay its outstanding fees and return the signed contract to the parish council. Failure to do so before the February 11th parish council meeting would result in the formal termination of the club’s contract at that meeting. The club would be expected to honour the terms of the contract with regard to the management of spectators, control of its players by club officials, particularly in respect of bad language and support for the BVST committee, to which it was expected to send a representative and whose affiliation fees were also still outstanding. c. Street lights in Bridge High Street- The parish council supported a suggestion from BEST that the Highways Department should be asked to consider turning off the lights from 1.00am to 5.00am in winter and also replacing them with smaller d. e. f. g. h. more energy efficient white lights in future in order to reduce Bridge’s carbon Action; Clerk footprint. Parking restriction sign at Western Avenue lay by - It was pointed out that the new parking restriction sign had been erected on private land and not on the highway. It would therefore possibly be harder to enforce. It was agreed to write to CCC to point this out. Action; Clerk Bridge Village Initiative – Deferred to February parish council. Surplus hedging material from the Allotment Association – Deferred to March parish council meeting Cycle Path to Canterbury – The council agreed to write to CCC in support of Dermott Stewart’s letter suggesting that farmland next to the New Dover Road should be purchased for a cycle path at the same time as the additional land for the extended park and ride scheme was negotiated with local landowners. It was also agreed to write to Mr Stewart to thank him for talking this import issue Action; Clerk forward. Picnic bench – It was agreed to purchase a new picnic bench for the recreation ground. The clerk would inform the council of prices at the next meeting Action; Clerk 93/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 94/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £5,000 between Parish Council accounts 95/09-10. The following receipts were noted; Christmas trees - £115.00 EDF Energy Compensation- £3.45 96/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT* £87.14 Gillett & Johnston (Croyden) Ltd Christobel Seath – Clerk John Hill Monster Play Systems £144.90 CPRE Philip Wicker, Chairman of Bridge Energy Saving Team *Paid by Direct Debit £29.00 £50.00 £671.45 £26.00 £3,665.63 Purpose Telephone account 8.9.09 – 7.12.09 £75.77+£11.37 vat Servicing of village hall clock Nov 2009 £126.00 + £18.90 vat Salary and allowances for December 2009 Chairman’s allowance expenses Wet pour repair to children’s play area £3,187.50 + £478.13 vat Membership for 2010 Expenses for launch of BEST initiative 97/09-10 Any Other Business a. Playgroup parking – The parish council had received a reply from the playgroup Chairman acknowledging the problem of parents parking illegally in Union Rd and obstructing the access to Dering Rd. She would bring this matter to the attention of parents again. b. Bridge Emergency Plan – An emergency plan had been drafted and the Emergency Committee would meet on 20th January at 6.00pm to discuss it before it was presented to the parish council. c. Gully Cleaning in the High Street – Kent Highways did not empty the gullies as scheduled in December. They planned to do so in the next few weeks. d. Bench for the corner of Western Avenue and the High Street – Quotations were being obtained for a single seat to be placed by the planters. - Action; Cllr Esdale e. Kentish Gazette Correspondent – Unfortunately the volunteer who had agreed to takeover as correspondent for the village had decided to withdraw. Councillors would now try to find another candidate. f. A2 between Bridge and Dover – The A2 would be closed between Bridge and Dover for the next two Saturdays to allow bridge construction to take place. The meeting closed at 8.42 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. February 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th.February 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill & Lewis 98/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 99/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 100/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. January 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 101/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Corfield holds the recreation ground inspection folder. It was noted that there was a lot of mole activity on the ground at present. b. Affordable Housing – Contracts had been exchanged for the purchase of the site. A soil analysis had been carried out and no contamination had been found. Tenders were being invited for the construction of the dwellings. c. Allotment lease - Deferred to March as a reply was still being put together. Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Recycling Point – A meeting had been held at the recycling point with Cllr Lewis, Mrs Wicker and a representative from CCC’s Street Scene. It was regretted that no representative of Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council had been present. The potential for a CCTV camera was being explored. The hedge behind the bottle banks and along the lay by had been cut back and it was planned to move the bottle banks back to the hedge to prevent fly tipping behind them. It was agreed to write and thank CCC for the good job they had done on cutting back the hedging. Action; Clerk e. No parking sign Western Avenue – CCC had agreed to move the sign to the lay by as it was presently situated on private land. f. Street lighting – In response to the Parish Councils request for energy saving lighting KCC had advised that there would be a nation wide review of street lighting and that no decision would be taken until that report had been produced. g. Canterbury City Football Club – The club had finally returned the signed contract to the parish council and paid the fee of £600 for the use of the recreation ground this season. Bridge Junior Football Club had still not returned signed contracts or paid their fees for the current season despite repeated requests. Cllr Beesty would contact the club. Action; Cllr Beesty h. Rateable Valuation of the Sports Pavilion; An Enquiry Form had been completed and returned to the Rates Office in respect of the sports pavilion. 102/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area Members’ Panel 18th January – Written report circulated by Cllr Hill 103/09 –10 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Klisterli’ Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Reduce leylandii by front gate to approx 8ft, same height as adjacent hedge Reduce conifer behind hedge by approx 10 to 12 ft and reshape Reduce ash tree in rear garden to previous cutting points and reduce outer growth & reshape. 104/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury District Local Development Framework – Responses to the consultation questions were agreed and would be sent to the city council. Action; Clerk b. Bridge Emergency Plan – After some discussion it was agreed that the Emergency Planning Committee would meet again to consider the issues that had been raised and would report back to the parish council in March with further proposals. Action; Cllrs Beinder, Esdale & Gulvin c. Community Orchard – The parish council supported the proposal by BEST for a community orchard. Cantley Estates would be asked for permission to clear and use the land to the north of the allotments, on the old allotment site. Action; Clerk d. Picnic Table – It was agreed to buy a new picnic table for the recreation ground. A Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk possible local supplier would be contacted. e. Joint Litter Pick – It was suggested that a joint litter pick with Bekesbourne-with – Patrixbourne Parish Council should take place on either 27th March or 10th. April starting at the recycling point at 9.30am. The Clerk would liaise with Bekesbourne PC to agree the date. Action; Clerk f. Skateboard ramp – The parish council agreed to hire a skateboard ramp for the recreation ground for a weekend, probably in May to coincide with half term. Councillors would consult young people in the village to decide which items would be hired and would come to the March parish council meeting with proposals and Action; Cllrs Beesty & Esdale. costs. g. Flood Route – It was agreed to ask Kent Highway Services to designate Bridge High Street a ‘flood route’ as this would result in more frequent gully cleaning. The parish council thanked residents for their co-operation in removing their cars from the High Street on two occasions to allow gully cleaning to take place. This had now been carried out. Action; Clerk h. New phone/fax/copying machine – It was agreed to buy a new phone/fax/answering/copying machine for the clerk’s office to replace the faulty one. The approximate cost would be £85. Action; Clerk 1053/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 106/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 107/09-10. The following receipts were noted; HMRC Vat reimbursement Oct – Dec 2009 - £807.38 Canterbury City Football Club fees - £600.00 108/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BVHMC £18.00 Mervyn Gulvin £66.90 Christobel Seath – Clerk Christobel Seath £671.45 £26.80 Mill Centre Management Committee £161.00 Purpose Hire of hall for parish council meetings Jan, Feb, Mar 2010 Photocopying costs April - Nov 2009 = 58.17 + £8.73 vat Salary and allowances for January 2010 KALC Clerk’s Training morning 10th Feb (£10.00) & travel costs to Lenham 42 miles @ 40p per mile = £16.80 Boiler service and inspection (£140 + £21 vat) 109/09-10 Any Other Business a. b. c. d. e. f. Cllr Lewis said that the London bound slip road to the Canterbury road at Renville had been cut back, after several requests from the Clerk. Cllr Hill reported that a large part of a car and a ‘Men at Work ‘sign had been left on the verge. The clerk would write to the contractors to thank them for the work and to ask them to remove these Action; Clerk items. Cllr Lewis noted that the oil depot was being dismantled well. Methodist Church – A new kitchen and toilet had been installed, paid for by the Methodist Church Mill Centre – Cllr Beesty said that more maintenance was required on the Mill Centre. This would be an agenda item for March. Sports Pavilion – Cllr Gulvin confirmed that BVST currently insure the pavilion. Funeral of David Whittaker – This would take place on 24th February at 12.00noon at Barham Crematorium The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. March 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th.March 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Hill, Lewis & Wilmshurst 110/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield, Gulvin and KCC Cllr Northey 111/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda item 7d by Cllrs Beesty & Esdale; Chairman and Treasurer of the Mill Centre. 112/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. February 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 113/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – The footpaths notice board had been returned to its original site near the lay by. Moles continued to be very active. The spider was in need of repainting. The cost would be investigated. It was agreed to apply to the Colyer Fergusson Charitable Trust for a grant towards the cost of adult exercise equipment for the recreation ground. Action; Cllr Beesty The Clerk would attend the Funding Fair in Sevenoaks if possible. b. Affordable Housing – The Section 106 agreement should be signed by Canterbury City Council next week. c. Allotment lease – Deferred to April Parish Council in the absence of Cllr Gulvin. d. Joint Litter Pick – This would take place jointly with volunteers from Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne PC on Saturday 10th April. Volunteers should meet at the recycling point in Bridge at 9.30am and bring high visibility vests if possible. 114/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Forum 27th February 2010 – Cllr Esdale - Report circulated Workshop on the Implications for the Health Sector of the Local Development Framework– 8th March 2010 – Cllr Beinder – Verbal report 115/09 –10 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Bridge Remove three honey locust trees to benefit remaining tree The Byre, Renville, Bridge Remove 1 conifer towards field boundary and replace with more suitable tree 116/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury City Football Club – After some discussion it was agreed that Canterbury City Football Club would be offered a further year’s contract for the hire of the recreation ground once the current contract ran out in May 2010. The club officials apologised for not attending BVST meetings and confirmed that they would attend these in future. The football club agreed to investigate the possibility of requesting only two home games in September. The club had tried to prevent spectators standing on the side of the pitch by residences but, as the ground was a public space, this was difficult to enforce. It was agreed to write to Serco in support of CCFC to ask that in future the officials’ area should be marked on the side of the pitch away from residences. Action; Clerk b. Annual Parish Meeting- This would be held on Thursday 20th May. It was agreed to ask a representative from Bridge Energy Saving Team to speak at the meeting. A representative from Chartham Parish would be asked to make a presentation about their community orchard. Mrs Horsley would also be asked to give a report as Secretary of the Bridge Village Hall Committee. Cllr Edmonds would purchase wine and Cllr Esdale would arrange soft drinks and snacks. Action; Cllrs Edmonds, Esdale & Clerk c. Parish Accounts for 2009/10 – Councillors considered the parish accounts. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Esdale for giving an overview of the financial situation. d. Mill Centre Repairs – It was agreed to pay the full cost of the repairs to the Mill Centre before the end of the financial year. The full cost would be £760 of which £329.27 had already been paid. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk e. New Version of Standing Orders – It was agreed to buy one hard copy of the Revised Standing Orders at a cost of £25. Part II of the new Standing Orders would be adapted to Bridge’s needs by a working group in due course. Action; Clerk f. Skateboard Ramp Hire – Deferred to April Parish Council g. Bridge Emergency Plan – Deferred to April Parish Council h. Bridge Junior Football Club – The club had paid the annual fee. The return of signed contracts was still awaited. i. Hedging Material for the Recreation Ground – It was decided that the parish council did not require the hedging material offered to it by the Allotment Society. j. Extension of Bridge Health Centre – It was agreed to write to the East Kent Primary Health Care Trust in support of Bridge Health Centre’s plans for an extension to the Centre, which were experiencing funding difficulties. Action; Clerk 117/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 118/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £5,000 between Parish Council accounts 119/09-10. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations - £20.00 120/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Woodland Workshop Action with Communities in Rural Kent Savills Client Account Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd £99.00 £35.00 Picnic bench Annual subscription 2010 £225.00 £671.45 £69.83 Christobel Seath - Clerk £84.99 Cllr M Esdale £14.20 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Green Construction Ltd £786.00 Recreation ground rent 29.9.09 to 24.3.10 Salary and allowances for February 2010 Employers National Insurance Contribution Dec, Jan, Feb Fax/phone/copier machine £72.33 + £12.66 vat Travel costs to Parish Forum meetings at Upper Harbledown and Herne 35.5 miles at 40p per mile Annual insurance for Bridge Village Hall Simon Gomm £20.00 Simon Gomm Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £329.27 £6.00 £2,656.68 Repairs to sports pavilion £2,261.00 +£395.68 vat Repair of notice board in pharmacy bus shelter Repairs to Mill Centre Hire of hall for BEST Coffee Morning/Information Event 121/09-10 Any Other Business a. b. Cllr Lewis reported that the parking restriction sign on Western Avenue had been re-positioned by the lay by. Cllr Lewis reported that the bench on the recreation ground had been painted. The meeting closed at 9.06 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. April 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 20th. May 2010 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs A Edmonds (Chairman), C Beesty, B Beinder, J Corfield, M Esdale, M Gulvin, J Hill, T Wilmshurst, Philip Wicker, BEST, Janet Larkinson, Chairman Harbledown & Rough Common PC; No Man’s Orchard, Jon Shelton KSCP, C Seath (Clerk), and 11 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Lewis, County Councillor M Northey and City Councillor John Anderson, 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 21st. May 2009 The minutes of the meeting held on 21st. May 2009 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2009/2010 Councillor Ann Edmonds welcomed the speakers and residents of Bridge to the meeting. She outlined the projects which had been undertaken in the village during the past year. Speedwatch equipment was being hired from Lower Hardres Parish Council on a monthly basis and any volunteers to help with this project would be very welcome. At long last, planning permission had been granted for the affordable housing scheme in Brickfields. The outcome of the application for village green status for Brickfields and the water meadows would be known by the end of the month. The greater crested newt survey was under way on the site and an archaeological investigation was being organised. Negotiations to buy the Mill Centre had stalled. Following the closure of the oil depot it was possible that the city council would use the site for housing. The parish council was concerned about the potential loss of this facility for the youth of the village. A skateboard ramp had been hired for the recreation ground over the May Bank Holiday. This would test out the local interest. Full consultation with the village would take place before any decision was made to purchase a ramp for Bridge. A grant had been received from the city council towards to cost of adult outdoor exercise equipment for the recreation ground. Both the bridge over the Nailbourne at Patrixbourne Rd and the spider climbing frame would shortly be refurbished. Tenders for the new bus shelter near the pharmacy had been received and planning permission granted. Cllr Northey had provided funding from his local projects fund for build outs by the zebra crossing and he had also donated £618 from his members’ fund for the refurbishment of the sports pavilion. The poor surface of the road by the zebra crossing had been reported frequently to Kent Highway Services but potholes on minor roads are their present priority. A replacement bench for the corner of Beech Hill had been ordered because the previous bench was vandalised in April. Councillor Edmonds thanked the villagers who took part in the litter pick in April and the Spring tidy up of the recreation ground. She expressed particular thanks to Councillor Lewis and his team of volunteer litter collectors and to those who again helped to put up the Christmas trees. Six councillors had attended the meeting in Bishopsbourne the previous evening to discuss the pumping of sewage into the Nailbourne. It was anticipated that the Environment Agency & Southern Water would work together to prevent a recurrence of the problem. The chairman thanked Liz and Bill Oakey for once again planting the chicane and Mr & Mrs Possee who continue to plant the tubs in the High Street. Councillor Edmonds concluded by thanking the Village Hall Management Committee and also Councillor Hill and Esdale for their assistance earlier in the year when she was unwell. She thanked Councillor Hill for chairing the planning committee and Councillor Esdale for the fantastic website and keeping the parish council on target with the 2 finances. She particularly thanked the councillors and the clerk for their hard work and support during the past year. Councillor Edmonds announced that a tree in memory of the late John Purchase would be planted on the recreation ground the following Saturday, 22nd May at 12 noon. 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2009/10 Cllr Esdale presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2010.He explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. 4a. PRESENTATION BY JANET HORSLEY – HON CHAIRMAN, BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Bridge village hall would be renovated thanks to a grant of £19,000 from KCC and £9,000 matched funding from CCC. A new storage corridor would be created with cupboards and a trolley table. The kitchen would be remodelled and would be slightly smaller with new units and a new floor. There would be three toilets including a disabled toilet and a new water heater. Work would begin on 26th, July and was due to end on 3rd September. New chairs had been bought for the hall during the past year. 5a. PRESENTATION BY PHILIP WICKER – CONVENOR - BRIDGE ENERGY SAVING TEAM BEST grew out of the previous year’s Annual Parish Meeting when a speaker from Ashton Hayes made a presentation about becoming a carbon neutral village. A group of enthusiastic villagers formed a committee to provide good quality advice to local people on low carbon issues. A short video had been made, which was shown to the meeting. An information event had been held in December and a coffee morning in March. The group had a website that could be accessed via the village website www.bridgevillage.org.uk/BEST. In addition to lots of helpful advice, there was a quiz on the website which residents might find interesting. BEST would have a stall at the village fete in June and would be promoting the 10;10 campaign and asking people to sign up to the energy saving campaign. Residents were also invited to enter their energy consumption figures onto the website and join the group which meets at 47 High Street, the home of Philip Wicker. 5b. PRESENTATION BY JANET LARKINSON - NO MANS ORCHARD CHARTHAM HATCH & JON SHELTON - KENTISH STOUR COUNTRYSIDE PARTNERSHIP ON COMMUNITY ORCHARDS Mrs Larkinson explained that the orchard belonged jointly to Harbledown & Rough Common PC and Chartham PC and had been acquired as an established orchard about 15 years ago. The orchard was run by a committee of 8, with 4 representatives from each parish. The group was advised by the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership which helped with obtaining funding and sourcing old varieties of apple trees. One or two trees needed to be replaced each year and orders had to be placed about 2 years in advance. Residents paid £15 per year to rent trees or could pay £50 for life ownership, although this was now being increased to £75. Eight years ago the site gained Local Nature Reserve status and aimed to promote biodiversity. Many community events had been run in the orchard including bat and moth evenings, poetry readings, musical events, an Apple Day in October etc. The site was some way from Chartham and had no toilets or parking facilities. The North Downs Way ran through it. Jon Shelton of the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership showed pictures of the orchard and some of the events that had been held there. He explained that the site covered 10 acres but other much smaller community orchards existed in the area. There were four main varieties of apple grown including some cider apples. KSCP gave advice and Natural England were occasionally called in to give expert advice. The main cost was pruning the trees, which was required every two to three years. This cost around £2,000 and had to be done professionally. The cost was borne by the project not by individual tree owners. KSCP volunteers had helped with fencing and other maintenance tasks. 3 Funding was available to purchase land and start up orchards. Orchards could be any size from one acre of 15 trees up awards. Longer-term maintenance was expensive for apple or pear trees but less so for cherry or plum trees. 6 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Tony Walder proposed a vote of thanks to the parish council for its on-going work on behalf of the village. The meeting closed at 8.45p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th.April 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst & KCC Councillor Northey 122/09-10 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 123/09-10. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 124/09-10. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th. March 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 125/09-10 Cllr Northey reported that KCC had authorised a grant for the cost of the renovations for the village hall. 45,300 potholes had been mended so far. KCC had allocated resources of £1-2 million to potholes with a further £2.4 million from Government funds. KCC needed to make savings of £200 million over the next two years. 450 jobs would go but negotiations were progressing to save £2 billion by combining and sharing resources of services within the county. 126/09-10 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Recreation ground checks were being undertaken by Cllr Corfield. Cllr Beesty reported that the spider needed renovation. Cllr Gulvin would seek quotes for this work to be done by the firms invited to tender for the refurbishment of the bridge. Action; Cllr Gulvin The old picnic bench had been repaired and the new bench would be put in place later this month. Work had been authorised on cutting back the branches of the sycamore tree which overhung the garden of 65 Riverside Close. The council was extremely concerned that sewage had been pumped into the Nailbourne at the recreation ground. No warning notices had been posted. It was agreed to write to Southern Water expressing the council’s disappointment at this situation and strongly supporting requests for investment to be made in improving pumping arrangements. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – The village green application would be put to the KCC’s Regulation Committee at the end of May. A decision would be given within days of that committee meeting. Southern Housing Group had identified a building company to undertake the project. A newt survey would be undertaken once the village green application had been dealt with. c. Allotment lease – A letter had been sent to Cantley Estates commenting on the draft allotment lease. d. Joint Litter Pick – This would take place on Saturday 10th April starting at the recycling point at 9.30am. Councillors would bring the parish council’s high visibility vests and litter pickers. e. Sports pavilion rateable value- Cllr Gulvin reported that the sports and tennis pavilions had been granted discretionary exemption of 100% for this year. f. Repair of bridge into recreation ground –Invitations to tender had been issued for the refurbishment of the bridge. The closing date was 16th. April. g. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin reported that invitations to tender for the bus shelter had been issued with a closing date of 23rd April. 127/09-10 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies . 128/09 –10 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge Fell one large conifer too large for its location & too close to the house 129/09-10 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Hire of Skateboard Ramp – After some discussion a majority of councillors voted in favour of hiring a skateboard ramp for the holiday weekend at the end of May at a cost of £1,080. Councillors agreed this would be a trial before deciding whether to commit to possible funding for a permanent ramp at some future date. Action; Cllr Esdale b. Emergency boxes - It was agreed to authorise expenditure on the contents of two emergency boxes at a cost of £100. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Spring Parish Newsletter - The next edition of the Parish Newsletter would be distributed at the end of April. Cllr Corfield would compile the newsletter and councillors were asked to send their contributions to him. Action; Cllr Corfield d. Canterbury City Football Club – The council declined a request from Canterbury City Football Club to play friendly matches and train on the recreation ground during the closed season. The contract stated that no training or matches should take place between 1st June and 15th August. The club would be asked to remove the goal posts at the end of the current season. Action; Clerk e. Bridge Fete – The council agreed that parking would be allowed on the recreation ground at Bridge Fete on Saturday 26th. June. However, the school would be asked to ensure that there was a marshal directing parking and that steps would be taken to prevent cars from parking on the wild flower area, which had been damaged by cars during the previous year’s fete. Action; Clerk f. Speedwatch – It was agreed to start using the Speedwatch equipment borrowed from Lower Hardres on a regular basis this month. A request for volunteers would be put into the Spring Parish Newsletter. Action; Cllr Esdale g. Bridge Village Initiative – It was decided to take no further action on this proposal. h. Working towards a Sustainable Canterbury Meeting 14th. April- It was agreed to ask a member of the Bridge Energy Saving Team to attend this meeting. Action; Cllr Esdale i. Clerk’s salary – It was agreed that the clerk’s salary should progress to LC20 on the anniversary of her appointment from 1st April. j. Bridge in Bloom Competition – The competition would take place again this year and additional marks would be awarded for gardeners who adapted their planting to Action; Cllr Edmonds the drier climate. 130/09-10 Correspondence – Noted 131/09-10 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,500 between Parish Council accounts 132/09-10. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Junior Football Club fees £50.00 Kentish Gazette Fee for Parish Notes Jan – March 2010 - £23.64 133/09–10 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT* £68.37 Simon Gomm+ Mark Esdale+ £365 £82.25 Purpose Telephone account 8.12.09 –8.3.10 £58.61+£9.76 vat Mill Centre Repairs ‘Softation’ Domain hosting, spam filter & web site maintenance April 09 to Mar 10 KALC £497.62 Post Office Ltd £31.69 Christobel Seath – Clerk £671.45 KALC £25.00 * Paid by Direct Debit + Paid in 2009/10 financial year £70.00 + £12.25. vat Annual subscription April 2010 – March 2011 £425.74 + £71.88 vat Employers National Insurance Contribution to end of financial year Salary and allowances for March 2010 Copy of Standing Orders for Local Councils 134/09-10 Any Other Business a. b. c. d. Cllr Beinder announced that Bridge Primary School would hold a parade through the village on St George’ s Day morning 23rd May. Cllr Lewis reported that there was a lot of litter along the path through the fields from Mill Terrace. It was agreed to discuss possible action at the May Parish Council meeting. Cllr Esdale informed the council that details the parish reserves would be circulated later this month and discussed at the May Parish Council meeting. The clerk advised that notification had been received that the parish insurers Allianz had been taken over by AON. This should not result in any alterations to the terms of business. Cllr Hill would look over the proposed new policy. The meeting closed at 8.45p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. May 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th.May 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Wilmshurst 1/10-11 Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman Cllr Edmonds was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Gulvin and elected unanimously Cllr Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Esdale, seconded by Cllr Corfield and elected unanimously 2/10-11 Areas of responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies The following changes were made to councillors’ responsibilities; Cllr Esdale – Speedwatch added to his responsibilities 3/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis, CCC Cllr Anderson & KCC Cllr Northey 4/10-11. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda item 7a from Cllr Esdale, Treasurer of Mill Centre & Secretary of Village Hall Committee, Cllr Beesty, Chairman Mill Centre Committee and Cllr Gulvin, Member Mill Centre Committee, Treasurer Village Hall Management Committee and Treasurer of BVST (pavilion) 5/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. April 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Corfield had the inspection folder. It was agreed that Cllrs Edmonds, Esdale, Gulvin and Hill would attend the meeting convened by the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group on 19th May to discuss the recent sewage pumping into the Nailbourne. The parish council had received a reply from Southern Water to its letter of complaint. This was substantially the same as the response received by Cllr Austin, who had written on behalf of the LSNRM. A reply would be drafted after councillors had heard the response from Southern Water at the meeting on 19th May. b. Affordable Housing – Planning permission had been granted for the affordable housing scheme. Southern Housing Group had selected a builder for the project after a tendering process and the parish council agreed to accept the invitation to meet with representatives of the building firm and the Southern Housing Group at a date to be arranged. The newt survey was being undertaken and an archaeological investigation was being arranged. Action ; Clerk c. Community Orchard- Cantley Estates had refused the request to make land available to the north of the allotments for use as a community orchard. They were concerned about the application for village green status at the Brickfield Farm and the water meadows and had been put to considerable expense contesting the claims. The request could be reconsidered depending on the outcome of the village green application. The parish council considered alternative sites that might be suitable but would seek guidance from Jon Shelton at the Annual Parish Meeting, who was an expert on community orchards. d. Annual Parish Meeting – Jon Shelton of the Kentish Stour Countryside Project had agreed to speak at the meeting, in addition to Janet Larkinson, on the topic of Community Orchards. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would read the report by Cllr Northey, who had a prior engagement. Cllr Esdale would supply the glasses. e. Allotment lease- The allotment rental had been agreed with Cantley Estates at £50 for the current year and £350 annually thereafter. The parish council had f. agreed to increase the public liability insurance from £5 million to £10 million as requested by Cantley Estates. The parish council confirmed that the Allotment Association would be expected to pay the excess (currently £125) on any insurance claim connected with the sheds on the allotment ground. It was agreed to sign the new lease at the June Parish Council meeting. Action : Cllr Gulvin Bus shelter – Two tenders had been received for the supply of the shelter and two more were expected. It was agreed to apply to KCC for a grant. The budget for this Action; Clerk was £5,500. 7/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Edmonds had attended the Civic Service in Maidstone on 22nd April. 8/10 –11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 6 Riverside Close, Bridge Reduce hazel tree in front garden by 20% to prevent overhanging property and River Nailbourne 9/10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Reserves – Cllr Esdale presented a breakdown of the parish reserves, which were reviewed and agreed. Cllr Esdale would draw up a revised table to be Action : Cllr Esdale circulated to councillors. Litter in fields near Mill Terrace Cllr Lewis had reported that increased litter b. was becoming a problem. It was agreed to write to Mansfield Farms to ask them to Action; Clerk organise a clean up with their workers. Audited Accounts for 2009-10 The internal auditor’s report was read out and c. the Parish Accounts for 2009-10 were signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council Action : Clerk and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer d. Refurbishment of bridge on Patrixbourne Rd – It was agreed to accept the quotation provided by Les Barleycorn for this work and for re-painting the spider, which councillors hoped would be painted in bright colours. Action ; Cllr Gulvin e. Mill Centre repairs – The parish council authorised the payment for emergency plumbing repairs for the Mill Centre, which would be covered by Concurrent Action; Cllr Esdale Function Funding. f. Changes to parish insurance policy – Changes to the parish insurance policy were agreed which would increase the public liability from £5 million to £10 million, increase the fidelity guarantee to £85,000 on the advice of the internal auditor and allow parish councillors to have insurance cover until the age of 80.Action; Clerk g. ACRK Village of the Year Competition – It was noted that the format of this competition had changed and awards would be made on the basis of projects undertaken. The parish council decided not to participate and felt that the original concept of ‘ Village of the Year’ had been lost. h. Canterbury City Council’s letter concerning future litter picks It was agreed that village litter picks were a community led activity and as such did not require the input of the city council. Action; Cllr Lewis i. Replacement bench for the junction of Beech Hill and Bridge Hill – The parish council agreed to purchase a new bench to replace the one destroyed by vandals. The bench would match the other benches in the village and would be fixed in Action; Cllrs Gulvin & Esdale & Clerk place by councillors. j. Purchase of outdoor exercise equipment for adults – It was agreed to purchase four items of outdoor exercise equipment for the recreation ground. The council asked for assurances of the safety of placing equipment in an area where it might be used by children. Cllrs Hill and Edmonds would select the items to be Action; Cllrs Hill, Edmonds & Clerk purchased. k. Revisions of Parish Standing Orders- Cllr Edmonds and the Clerk would revise the parish council’s Standing Orders in the light of the new model version supplied Action; Cllr Edmonds & Clerk by NALC l. Request from Bridge Fete Committee to erect a sign on the recreation ground – It was agreed that Bridge Fete Committee could erect a signboard advertising the fete, to be placed at the entrance to the recreation ground and to be of A1 size. The council stipulated that the sign should not be erected until two weeks before the event and be removed immediately afterwards. Action; Clerk m. Request for funding from ‘Living Land ‘event – The parish council decided not to contribute to the cost of this event. 10/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 11/10-11 Sealing of Documents The Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for the 2009/10 Season was signed. 12/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 13/10-11. The following receipts were noted; CCC – Concurrent Function Funding (interim) - £6,020.26 CCC – Parish Precept - £24,337.00 CCC – Additional Concurrent Function Funding - £420 CCC – Capital Grant for Village Hall £9,469 KCC – Grant for refurbishment of Sports Pavilion - £618.00 14/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath Christobel Seath – Clerk £46.54 £693.42 Post Office Ltd Bridge School Fund £15.00 Purpose AON Ltd NALC Mill Centre Management Committee Ann Edmonds £1,613.02 £13.50 £211.50 Petty cash Clerk’s salary and allowances for April 2010 Employer NI Contribution Grant to BEST for cost of stall at Bridge Fete. Parish Insurance for 2010 - 11 Subscription to NALC for 2010 -11 Repairs to plumbing (£180 + £31.50 vat) £54.00 Wine for Annual Parish Meeting Ann Edmonds £24.00 Kevin Funnell £40.00 Mileage to Civic Service Maidstone 22nd April 60 miles @ 40 p per mile Audit of 2009-10 records 22nd April 2010 15/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Gulvin reported that there would be a meeting between office bearers of the Village Hall Committee and the builder, Stuart Green, on 14th May to discuss the renovations to the hall which would take place from July onwards. It was expected that the work would take six weeks. The committee would report back to the parish council in June. The meeting closed at 9.30p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. June 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th.June 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst 16/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey 17/10-11. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 18/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. May 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 19/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – The picnic bench had been vandalised. Cllr Hill would repair it. Cllr Beinder took over the recreation ground folder from Cllr Corfield. Cllr Gulvin reported that the recreation ground grass was in a poor state. It was agreed that Saunders House Landscapes, the present maintenance company, should be asked to provide a quotation for selective weed control and scarifying Action; Clerk the recreation ground. Cllr Gulvin reported that the new guttering on the pavilion had been damaged by vandals climbing on the roof. The pavilion door handle had been broken again. Canterbury City FC had not yet removed the goal posts and would be asked to Action; Cllr Gulvin do so before Bridge fete. The entrance bridge and gates to the recreation ground and spider climbing frame would be refurbished shortly. b. Affordable Housing - Councillors had met the builders and a representative from Southern Housing Group and had stressed their commitment to the affordable housing project. SHG would send a statement for inclusion on the village website setting out progress and outlining the reasons for the delay in starting the project. The newt survey had so far found no crested newts. It was emphasised that SHG intended to purchase only 0.78 acre of the Brickfields site and the housing would be confined to the top of the field only. It had never been intended to cover the field in houses, as had been erroneously reported by some residents. The decision on the village green application and a possible application for a judicial review of the planning decision were currently delaying the start of the project. c. Community Orchard – It was agreed to await the result of the village green application before negotiating for a potential site. d. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin had completed the KCC application form for a grant. Serco would be contacted for installation prices. It was intended to submit the funding application in July. Action; Cllr Gulvin 20/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Meeting with Southern Water & Environment Agency 19th May Southern Water had admitted they should have put up signs and informed residents that they were pumping sewage into the Nailbourne. A meeting between Southern Water and the Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group to take forward plans would be held in July after Southern Water and the Environment Agency had done some further exploration. Cllr Gulvin would attend this meeting if possible. Kent & Medway Funding Fair 2nd June, Ramsgate Cllr Edmonds & the Clerk had attended the Funding Fair. It was possible that Pfizers might agree to ‘matched funding’ for the skateboard ramp. There was also a possibility of some start up funding for BEST and ‘Green Information’ would advise the group on this. BVST Meeting Cllr Gulvin reported that representatives of all the clubs had attended this meeting the previous week. The officers from the previous year agreed to continue in their posts. It had been suggested that the football pitch might be moved further down the recreation ground onto the former cricket area. 21/10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Twinning Proposal with Saint Andre – Councillors thought that funding would be a problem, particularly in the present economic climate. Saint Andre seemed much larger than Bridge. While the council did not think a formal arrangement was appropriate, they agreed that it would be beneficial for the school to maintain links. b. Village Hall Alterations – Cllr Edmonds signed the contract for the refurbishment of the village hall. Work would begin in July and be completed by September. c. Village Green Application – The Regulation Board had recommended that the application go to public inquiry because of the variety of issues it raised. The public inquiry would commence on Monday 6th September. The venue was to be arranged. Following the recommendations of the inquiry, the Regulation Board would meet again to confirm the decision. d. Skateboard Ramp – The council expressed its thanks to Ryan and Benedict Esdale and Charlie Metcalf who had helped to erect and dismantle the skateboard ramp. The ramp had been well used every day and all the feed back on the website had been positive. If the project went ahead, the young people would be consulted about the design and a grinding rail had been requested. Noise levels had been measured and found to be less than the A2 noise. Full consultation with local residents would now need to take place and Cantley Estates, the recreation ground owners, would be asked for permission to install a ramp, as a first step. Action; Clerk e. Spiro roundabout speed restrictor – Following reports that older children were misusing the roundabout, the manufacturer had been asked to quote for the installation of a speed restrictor. It was agreed not to pursue this as the manufacturer had confirmed that the roundabout met EU safety standards. f. Littlebourne Children’s Centre- It was agreed to allow the Centre to set up a gazebo on the recreation ground on 23rd August to publicise its work. Action; Clerk g. Southern Water – Councillors agreed to accept an invitation from Southern Water to visit an operational site. The company would be asked if councillors could visit a site that was relevant to Bridge. Action; Clerk 22/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 23/10-11 Sealing of Documents The signing of the allotment lease between Bridge Parish Council & Cantley Estates Ltd. was deferred. 24/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £4,000 between Parish Council accounts 25/10-11. The following receipts were noted; HMRC Reimbursement of VAT Jan –April 2010 - £474.82 Bridge Tennis Club rental for 2010 season - £125 CCC Payment for Outdoor Gym Equipment - £2,625 26/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Clever Curves Ltd Mr D Possee Amount £1,269.00 £35.00 Purpose Hire of skateboard ramp £1,080 +£189 vat Supply of compost, manure & plants for High Street planters Christobel Seath – Clerk £693.42 Clerk’s salary and allowances for May 2010 Post Office Ltd Kent County Playing Fields Association Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Parochial Church Council Fresh-Air Fitness £27.83 £20.00 Employer NI Contribution for May Subscription for 20010 -11 £30.00 Rental of hall April – July = 5 sessions @ £6 £240.00 Contribution to On the Nail for 2009/10 & 2010/11 (£120 per year) £1,507.53 First payment for outdoor exercise equipment Streetmaster £659.18 New Bench for Bridge Hill = £561.00 bench + carriage + £98.18 vat Christobel Seath - Clerk £14.80 Mileage 37 miles @ 40p per mile BridgeRamsgate Funding Fair 2.6.10 * Cheque authorised between parish council meetings 27/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Lewis reported that his newly acquired barrow, used for rubbish and hedge cuttings collected around the village, had been repainted green. The meeting closed at 9.09p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. July 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th.July 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 28/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Corfield 29/10-11. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 30/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. June 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 31/10-11. Cllr Northey informed the parish council that KCC had to reduce its running costs by £320 million over the next 4 years. There would be a public consultation on how this could be achieved. Cuts of approx 25% would be applied to Kent Highway Services. The school Freedom Pass would continue as it had cut car journeys by approx 30%. The Members Highways Fund would continue until 2011. Work on the build outs at the pharmacy, paid for under this fund, would commence on 12th. July. 32/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Beinder reported that moles continued to be a problem. She would arrange a working party for maintenance of the flowerbeds in the autumn. A large piece of hard board had been thrown into the river and needed to be removed. There had been many favourable comments about the new exercise equipment. The new company carrying out the ROSPA checks would provide a checklist for routine safety inspections of the new equipment. Canterbury City FC had been holding practice sessions on the ground despite their contract terms, which prohibited any use of the ground between 1st June and 15th, August, The club had apologised. The council agreed to allow the club and SERCO to prepare the pitch for the new season in the week before 15th August. There had been no reply from Cantley Estates to the request for permission in principle a skateboard ramp to be built on the recreation ground. b. Affordable Housing – The parish council as an interested party had received a file of the papers submitted by Mrs Emily Shirley, who was seeking a judicial review of the decision to grant planning permission for the affordable housing scheme. c. Bus shelter – No further quotations had been received. The deadline for submission of the grant application was 6th August. Action; Cllr Gulvin d. Village Green Public Inquiry – The Public Inquiry would commence on Monday 6th September at 10.00am in the Guildhall, Canterbury. It was scheduled to last up to 5 days. The parish council would provide a statement opposing the Action; Cllr Esdale & application. Clerk e. Replacement bench – A replacement bench had been installed at the junction of Beech Hill and Bridge Hill. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllrs Esdale and Gulvin for their help in this. A claim had been lodged with the insurance company. 33/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Street Monitors’ Meeting 22nd June – Cllr Esdale Written report circulated 34/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge Reduce holly tree in front garden by 1/3 and re-shape 39 High St, Bridge Remove one tree in rear garden planted too close to the house 35/10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Amendment to Financial Regulations – It was agreed to amend the Financial Regulations to allow the Clerk to spend up to £300 between parish council meetings with the prior permission of the Chairman or Vice Chairman and one other councillor. Action; Clerk b. Picnic table – It was agreed to repair the damaged picnic table. Action; Cllr Hill c. 2009-10 Parish Accounts – Councillors noted that the Audit Commission had completed the audit of the parish accounts without qualification. Cllr Edmonds thanked the Clerk for her work on the parish finances. d. Appointment of Internal Auditor – It was agreed to re- appoint Kevin Funnell as the internal auditor for the current financial year. e. Outdoor exercise equipment – It was agreed to ask Amanda Sparkes to inaugurate the new outdoor exercise equipment, which had been partly funded by a grant from CCC. The local newspapers would be invited to the event. Action; Clerk f. Recreation ground maintenance – Cllr Gulvin had met with the present contractor to discuss how best to improve the quality of the some areas of the recreation ground grass. It was agreed to accept the quotations for herbicide treatment and scarifying supplied by Saunders House Landscapes. The work would begin in September after the school holidays, depending on the weather and the cost would be met from Concurrent Function Funding. Action; Cllr Gulvin g. Vandalism of the pavilion - There had been further acts of vandalism and the new guttering had again been pulled down. The police had been informed and our PCSO had visited the site and taken statements. Children had been reported climbing from the roof of the sand bag store onto the pavilion roof. It was agreed to buy anti climb paint, as recommended by the police, and to put up warning notices. Details of the community policing number would be put on the village website so that residents could report vandalism direct to the police when it was Action; Clerk witnessed. h. ACRK Council Meeting – No councillor was available to attend this meeting on 27th July in Lenham. 36/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 37/10-11 Sealing of Documents The signing of the allotment lease between Bridge Parish Council & Cantley Estates Ltd. was deferred. 38/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £6,500 between Parish Council accounts 39/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Remittance for Kentish Gazette Parish Notes contributions - £34.20 40/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT * Christobel Seath – Clerk £85.54 £693.42 Post Office Ltd £27.83 Purpose Telephone account £72.80 + £12.74 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for June 2010 Employer NI Contribution for June The Mill Centre Management Committee Saunders House Landscapes £858.64 Mill Centre Insurance (CFF) £747.30 Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council AON Limited £200.00 Fresh Air Fitness £4,522.60 Audit Commission * Paid by Direct Debit £334.88 Recreation ground maintenance costs for April (£120 + £21.0 vat) May (£258 + £45.15 vat) & June (£258 + £45.15 vat) Contribution to the upkeep of St Mary’s Patrixbourne churchyard Additional insurance premium for adult exercise equipment Balance of payment for outdoor exercise equipment £3,848.72 +£673.58 vat 2009/10 Audit Fee £285 + £49.88 vat £60.34 41/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Beinder informed the parish council that her term as a governor of Bridge Primary School would come to an end in September. It was agreed that she would continue to act as the liaison between the school and the council. She reported that the school had recently won an award for inspirational teaching. b. Cllr Beinder agreed to attend the Queens Award for Voluntary Service Information Evening on 14th July c. It was confirmed that the Parish Council Standing Orders would be reviewed by the Chairman and Clerk over the summer. d. Cllr Lewis reported that there had been fly tipping at the recycling lay by again. It had been removed. e. Cllr Gulvin showed councillors a sewer map of Bridge, which showed the extensive network of runs going to the edges of the village for which Southern Water was responsible. It had been reported that side sewers were having difficulty discharging into the main sewer. The meeting closed at 9.00p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th.September 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 42/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 43/10-11. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Esdale declared interests in agenda items 7b Treasurer of Mill Centre & Secretary of Bridge Village Hall Man Committee and 7g Member of Farmers’ Market Committee, Bridge Going Green. Cllr Gulvin declared interests in item 7b Treasurer of BVHMC and Member of Mill Centre Cttee and 7g Member of Bridge Going Green (Farmers’ Market) 44/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th. July 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 45/10-11 KCC Cllr Northey had been made Chairman of the Local Transportation Board. The Find & Fix project for potholes would end by the end of September. £7 million had been spent on roads by KCC in the past year and the government had contributed £2.5 million. The speed limit review for East Kent had been frozen and no new projects would be considered. There was some provision for action on 20 mph limits on safety grounds. One third of Kent roads would be cleared under Winter Maintenance. Roads to surgeries, pharmacies and schools would be a priority. The parish council thanked Cllr Northey for allocating some of his Member’s Fund for the build outs by the pharmacy. It was pointed out that some motorists still parked illegally by the bollards on the crossing. Cllr Northey was asked to consider funding the re-surfacing of the road from the zebra crossing to Union Rd., if funds permitted. 46/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Beinder would hand over the recreation ground folder to Cllr Esdale for the period of her holiday. The guttering on the pavilion may be blocked. It was agreed to ask the city council to remove the graffiti from the Action; Clerk pavilion. The cement round the water meter was cracked. Litter had been particularly bad in the corner of the recreation ground near the river and doctors’ surgery. The light in the teen shelter appeared to have been painted over. Moles were very active. Both picnic benches and the bench on Patrixbourne Rd had been thrown into the river. The incident had been reported to the police. Cllr Esdale had re-secured the bench with a long spike. Cllr Lewis would investigate the offer of a replacement tree for the recreation Action; Cllr Lewis ground. Saunders House Landscapes would carry out work on improving the grass in late September/ early October. There had been a complaint about the state of the recreation ground and pavilion after Canterbury City Football Club’s 2nd team had played on 4th September. It was agreed to add a clause to the new contract imposing a bond of £100 part of which would be forfeited whenever the club failed to clear up the ground after a Action; Clerk match, as stipulated in their contract. b. Affordable Housing – The Brickfield site had been removed from the village green application at the public inquiry. It was agreed to provide Kent Law Clinic with information about the affordable housing project, if requested. Mrs Shirley had indicated she would approach the Law Clinic in order to request a pro bono lawyer if permitted to pursue a Judicial Review of the Planning decision. c. d. Bus shelter – The application for joint funding had been submitted to KCC in August. Serco had provided an estimate for erecting the shelter. Village Green Public Inquiry – The public inquiry had been completed on 9th September. The Inspector would write her report in the following week. Her recommendation would be sent to KCC and a further Registration Committee meeting would take place later in the year to reach a decision on the matter. Cllr Edmonds thanked councillors and the clerk who had spent each day at the inquiry. In answer to an inquiry from a member of the public, the council thought it would be unlikely that KCC, Cantley Estates or the parish council would be able to reclaim any of the costs of the inquiry from the applicant, should her case fail. 47/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area Members’ Panel –19th July 2010 Rural Forum 19th July – Cllr Esdale – Minutes circulated KALC AGM – 14th. July 2010 – Cllr Hill - Written report circulated Information meeting on the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service July 2010 – Cllr Beinder Nailbourne & Little Stour Water meeting, 24th. July 2010 – Cllr Gulvin (Report circulated) BVST – Cllr Gulvin Mill Centre Committee – Cllr Beesty 48/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; The White Horse, High Street, Bridge Remove low branch from ash tree over parking area Cut back mature ash from adjacent property (55a High St) Lift to 2.5m lower growth from trees over Bifrons Path Lift to 2.5m lower growth from trees around perimeter of garden Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge Remove 2 yew trees at either side of the entrance to the private lane off Higham Lane at the front of Trees to allow easier access to the lane. The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge Crown yew to approx 4m on house side & clear overhanging branches from roof 49/10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Problem of car parking in the High Street- It was pointed out that the parish council had no powers to regulate parking in the High Street. It was agreed to write to Kent Highway Services asking them for advice. Action; Clerk b. Concurrent Function Funding 2011 -12– The deadline for submissions had been brought forward to the end of September. It was difficult to predict the budget only a third of the way through the financial year. The council agreed a 5% reduction in the budget as requested by CCC. There had been an underspend the previous year. Cllr Esdale was thanked for his work on the budget. Having taken advice from experts at KALC and ACRK, it was agreed that the parish council would not be required to formulate a Child Protection policy. Action; Cllr Esdale c. Possible Cold Calling Control Zone– It was agreed to take no action on this in order to avoid jeopardising house-to-house charity collections. d. Possible Alternatives to Cheque Payments- Cllr Lewis outlined the system used to make electronic payments in the societies to which he belonged. It was pointed out that NALC were in negotiation with the government over possible alternative payment methods, should cheques be phased out. NALC had specifically asked not to be approached on this matter by members until the negotiations had been completed and a new legally binding system proposed. e. Recreation Ground Working Party- It was agreed that this would take place on Saturday 6th November at 9.30am. No new bulbs would be purchased this year and Cllrs Beinder and Lewis would enquire about replacement trees. Action; Cllrs Beinder & Lewis f. Replacement tree for the recreation ground – It was agreed to purchase up to three new trees from the remaining budget. Action; Cllr Beinder g. Farmers Market Progress Report- Cllr Esdale reported that Bridge Going Green had carried out surveys at the village fete and in the High Street and the overwhelming preference had been for a Farmers’ Market. Kent Association of Farmers’ Markets had been very helpful with advice and it was planned to hold the first market on Saturday 13th. November, probably in the Red Lion garden. Thereafter it was planned to hold markets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month from 9.00am to 12.00 noon. It was intended to sell produce from within a 50 mile radius Bridge. The parish council would be asked to consider providing start up funding for signage etc at its October meeting. The parish council agreed to inform the city council about the plans. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk h. Bridge in Bloom- The winners of the competition were Londis – Large Business, Colebrook Sturrock – Small Business and 17 Union Road (Mr & Mrs Walder) – Residential. It was agreed that the parish council would discuss the possibility of awarding a prize for a community garden at the November Parish Council meeting. i. RHS Dig Together Day- Councillors were asked to contribute ideas to Cllr Edmonds for any community activity to encourage gardening. This would take place on the first weekend in September next year. j. Kent Highways Parish Forum – Cllr Hill would represent the parish council at this event in Ashford on 29th October. k. Meeting with Kent Highways Services Community Liaison Officer-It was agreed to offer KHS Monday, Wednesday or Friday in the week of 6th November for a meeting with the new Community Liaison Officer for the area. Action; Clerk l. Parish Budget setting Workshop- It was noted that Cllr Esdale and the Clerk would attend this event on 22nd September 50/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 51/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts in August and the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts in September 52/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Allianz Insurance claim for bench - £436.00 HMRC Vat Reimbursement - £1,305.34 53/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *John Hill £47.07 *Christobel Seath – Clerk *Post Office Ltd *The Rustic Workshop £693.42 £27.83 £146.88 *Les Barleycorn £1,205 Saunders House Landscapes £535.80 Christobel Seath - Clerk £20.99 Savills £225.00 Purpose Anti climb paint, signs and brushes £40.06 + £7.01 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for July 2010 Employer NI Contribution for July Repair of picnic bench £125.00 + £21.88 vat Painting spider climbing frame £315.00 and refurbishment of bridge to rec. ground £890.00. Recreation ground maintenance July £318 + £55.65 vat & August £138 + £24.15 vat Panasonic Ink Film refill for fax machine £17.86 + £3.13 vat Recreation ground rental 25/3/10 – 28/9/10 Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Post Office Ltd Canterbury City Council £27.83 £337.89 * Authorised during August Clerk’s salary & allowances for August 2010 Employer NI Contributions for August Building Inspection Fee Village Hall £287.57 + £50.32 vat 54/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Corfield asked councillors for help in delivering flyers for ‘Art in Bridge’ b. It was agreed to discuss the Autumn Newsletter at the October Parish Council meeting. The meeting closed at 9.36p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th.October 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th October 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Beesty, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Lewis, Wilmshurst 55/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and KCC Cllr Northey. 56/10-11. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Esdale declared interests in agenda items 7a Member of Farmers’ Market Committee, Bridge Going Green and 7b Treasurer of Mill Centre. Cllr Gulvin declared interests in items 7a Member of Bridge Going Green (Farmers’ Market) and 7b PC Rep committee member of Mill Centre. Cllr Beesty declared an interest in agenda item 7b Chairman of Mill Centre Committee. 57/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. September 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 58/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – Cllr Esdale reported that a fire had been lit in the youth shelter and a petrol can found at the scene. The matter is to be reported to the Action Cllr Esdale police. The bench adjacent to Patrixbourne Road is in need of varnish. Cllr Corfield agreed to re-varnish it. Action Cllr Corfield b. Affordable Housing – The Parish Council has received notification from the High Court of Justice, Queens’ Bench Division Administrative Court that permission to apply for a Judicial Review against the planning permission to build 8 Affordable Houses at Brickfields had been refused. Subsequently the Parish Council has received Notice of Renewal of claim for permission to apply for Judicial Review in respect of the City Council’s planning decision. The Parish Council deplores the action and regrets the possible delay to its long standing plans for Affordable Housing. The wording of the above statement was the subject of a vote with 6 members for and I against. c. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin reported that the grant from KCC for the bus shelter had now been confirmed and that the order for the frame was to be placed Action Cllr Gulvin immediately. Serco will install the shelter when ready. 59/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies ACRK AGM 15th. September, Lenham – Cllr Esdale Report circulated by email Rural Area Members’ Panel 27th September – Cllr Hill Bridge Allotment Association 5th October – Cllr Gulvin KALC meeting 13th October - Cllr Gulvin 60/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Walnut House, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove dead tree & 2 grey alders on boundary with 23 High St Remove dead wood from walnut tree & clean crown 69 High St, Bridge Pollard weeping willow in rear garden to approx 1-2 metres below previous pruning points Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge Fell one leylandii between vegetable patch and pond garden 51 High St, Bridge Remove growth from trunk of lime tree below pollard points (No Tree Preservation Order applies to this work) 61/10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Farmers’ Market - Cllr Esdale reported that the Farmers’ Market was to begin on the 13 November and to run fortnightly thereafter on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. The venue was the Red Lion Pub garden and it was hoped to have 10 stalls on the first week with an increasing number in the future. The venture was to be a non profit making organisation and is a formally constituted community group. Cllr Esdale requested £750 from the Parish Council to cover start up costs which it was hoped to repay. It was agreed that £400 could be used from already allocated reserves but that a further grant of £350 should be an agenda item for next month. Action Cllr Esdale, Clerk b. Ownership of the Mill Centre - Due to the on going difficulties over the future ownership of the Mill Centre, Cllr Beesty proposed that a joint letter from the Mill Centre Committee and the Parish Council be sent to the Chief Executive of Canterbury City Council, Colin Carmichael with copies to the leader of Canterbury City Council, John Gilbey and local MP, Julian Brazier. The purpose was to outline the various options relating to the purchase or lease of the Mill Centre. It was noted that the Mill Centre committee were not in a position to apply for funding for its purchase, whereas the Parish Council was and the Parish Council would not wish to enter into a lease agreement whereas the Mill Centre Committee would be willing to do so. Action Cllrs Beesty, Esdale, Clerk c. Playground Report - No immediate problems were highlighted from the playground report but Cllr Esdale requested that Digley Associates be asked to produce the full report including playablility levels for the equipment. Action Clerk The spring motorbike and moon were in poor condition and it was agreed to obtain a quote for their replacement. Action Clerk The picnic benches were considered a medium risk. For the winter they are to be chained and stored on the hard standing outside the tennis courts. Action Cllrs Gulvin and Wilmshurst d. Parish Newsletter - It was agreed to include the following topics in the forthcoming Parish Newsletter; Affordable housing, Hedges, Farmers’ Market, Christmas Trees, Adult fitness equipment, Recreation ground working party; Art Action Cllr Corfield in Bridge. e. Payment for Village Hall Renovations - It was agreed to make payment of the balance of the village hall renovations account between parish council meetings as soon as payment is received from KCC if necessary. f. George Pratt Memorial Bench - Councillors were pleased to accept the generous offer from the family of George Pratt to renew the memorial bench donated in his memory. Action Cllr Hill g. Christmas Trees – Despite a complaint from one member of the public it was agreed to install Christmas Trees again this year. Cllr Esdale recommended that the trees were put up on 4th December and removed on 3rd January. Action Cllr Esdale h. Elham Valley Visitors’ Group - It was agreed to refuse a request for funding from the Elham Valley Visitors’ Group. Action Clerk i. Advertisement for Village Bonfire - It was agreed to allow Bridge Primary School PTA to erect an advertisement for the Village Bonfire on the recreation Action Clerk ground. 62/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 63/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £26,000 between Parish Council accounts 64/10-11. The following receipts were noted; BVHMC for hall renovations £6,650.00 Payment for Parish Notes July & Sept – £22.08 65/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *BT £97.63 Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Post Office Ltd Mark Esdale £27.83 £54.44 Christobel Seath - Clerk Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Ann Edmonds £50.50 £24.00 Ann Edmonds Mark Esdale £19. £656.99 Green Construction Ltd £22,461.89 Saunders House Landscapes Ltd £1,087.77 Digley Associates £47.00 D Possee * Paid by Direct Debit £50.00 £39.60 Purpose Telephone account June/Sept 2010 £83.09 + £14.54 vat Clerk’s salary & allowances for September 2010 Employer NI Contributions for September Travel to ACRK meetings Lenham, 27th July & 15th. Sept = 81 miles @ 40p per mile = £32.40 & Bench fixings for 2 benches = £22.04 (£18.75 +£3.29 vat) Petty cash Hire of Village hall Sept – December 2010 =£6.00 X 4 Reimbursement ‘Bridge in Bloom’ prize £20.00 and Chairman’s allowance £19.60 Public Inquiry expenses Expenses for village hall work £559.13 + £97.86 vat 50% of Village hall renovation costs (£19,116.50 + £3,345.39 vat) Scarification of recreation ground £607.76 + £106.36 vat = £714.12 Grounds maintenance Aug/Sept £318 + £55.65 vat = £373.65 Recreation ground safety inspection £40.00 + £7.00 vat Plants, compost etc for High St planters 54/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Lewis reported that the cost of the materials purchased for the planting of 3 trees on the recreation ground was £165.50. b. It was reported that the post with a reflector in the top “build out” on Town Hill needed reinstating and pot holes were causing a problem at the junction of Bridgeford Way and Brewery Lane. Kent Highways to be informed. Action Cllr Esdale c. Cllr Hill congratulated the Art in Bridge Committee for the success of the Art exhibition. d. It was reported that the new owners of the Red Lion were very community minded and it was understood that they had sponsored the Bridge Sunday football club and donated the proceeds of their official opening day to the school. e. Parish councillors wished to record their thanks to Janet Potter for taking the minutes of the meeting in the absence of the clerk. The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11th November 2010 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th November 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill and Wilmshurst 66/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis and KCC Cllr Northey. 67/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda item 7e by Cllr Esdale, Secretary, Bridge Farmers’ Market Committee and Cllr Gulvin, Member of ‘Bridge Going Green’. 68/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14 th. October 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 69/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – Cllr Gulvin would take over the inspection folder from Cllr Beinder at the end of the month. The graffiti on the pavilion had not been removed by CCC. Cllr Beinder thanked all the volunteers who helped with the working party on the recreation ground on 6th.November. The replacement of the ‘springies’ on the children’s play area was discussed. It was agreed to consider submitting a request for funding under the Capital Grant Scheme in December. The clerk would find out if it would be possible to purchase only replacement ride on sections of the ‘springies’ from Wicksteed Leisure. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – Canterbury City Council had asked the High Court to deal with the appeal against the decision to refuse permission for a judicial review of the planning decision as expeditiously as possible to prevent the funding for the affordable housing scheme being lost. The council noted the news item on the affordable housing scheme that had appeared in that days edition of the Kentish Gazette and urged villagers to write to the newspaper to express their views. c. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin reported that an order for the timber work of the bus Action; Cllr Gulvin shelter had been placed. 70/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KHS Community Operations Parish Seminar 29th October Ashford – Cllr Hill Protect Kent AGM 8th November – Cllr Hill Rural Area members Panel 8th November – Cllr Esdale 71/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge Reduce large apple tree to previous cutting points Reduce ash trunk to previous cutting points Thin out Portuguese laurel and trim back re-growth Reduce crown of large ash and reduce canopy as required 72 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Community Cup- It was agreed to defer a decision on whether the parish council would award a Community Cup for Bridge in Bloom until the January meeting of the parish council. b. Fly Tipping- A large quantity of builders materials had been fly tipped at the top of Bridge Hill near the bus shelter. The Clerk would ask Serco to remove it. Action; Clerk c. Canterbury City FC – Canterbury City FC had not paid any rental or returned the contract for the current season. They had failed to respond to emails from the clerk. It was agreed that the Clerk would telephone one of their officials and explain that the club would be deemed to have accepted the terms of the contract by using the pavilion and ground from the start of the season and would therefore be liable for payment of the outstanding fees. Action; Clerk d. Overhanging Trees Higham Lane – It was agreed to refer this complaint by a resident of Bridge Down to Kent Highway Services. Action; Clerk e. Payment to Farmers’ Market- Payment of start up costs to Bridge Farmers Market as detailed at 77/10-11 below was agreed. The council approved part of that sum ( £350) under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 0f 1972 (as amended) being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfies the requirements of that section. Action; Clerk f. Speedwatch Project- It was agreed to suspend the Speedwatch project until the spring and to review the future of the project at the March 2011 meeting of the parish council. g. Pot holes in the High Street- The badly pot-holed section of the High Street, outside the Post Office, would be re-surfaced in the New Year using funding from KCC Cllr Michael Northey’s KCC Members Funds. 73/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 74/10-11 Sealing of Documents The contract between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. 75/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £4,000 between Parish Council accounts. It was not necessary to transfer the £24,000 stated on the agenda because the payment of £18,938.00 by KCC had been paid into the cheque account direct. 76/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Football Club - £250.00 KCC Grant for village hall renovations - £18,938.00 77/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Bridge Farmers’ Market £750.00 Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Post Office Ltd Selwyn Lewis £27.83 £165.50 Green Construction Ltd £21,338.80 Purpose Parish Council donation to start up costs Farmer’s Market = £400(Minute 61/10-11a) and Section 137 payment = £350 Clerk’s salary & allowances for October 2010 Employer NI Contributions for October Prunus tree, compost, stake and ties for recreation ground (Minute 49/10-11e) Balance of Village hall renovation costs less 2.5% (£18,160.68 + £3,178.12 vat) 78/10-11 Any Other Business a. Autumn Newsletters – It was agreed that the distribution of the Parish Newsletter in Autumn in future should be arranged on a different week from the annual Poppy Collection for the British Legion. b. Mill Centre – Cllr Beesty reported that one of the boilers in the Mill Centre had broken down and was probably beyond economic repair. The future tenancy of the building was still in doubt. The Committee therefore proposed to install a water heater and were using portable heaters as a temporary measure. c. Mrs Potter – Cllr Hill had written to thank Mrs Potter who had taken the minutes of the October Parish Council meeting when the Clerk was unavailable. Cllr Edmonds also agreed to write on behalf of the parish council to thank her. Action; Cllr Edmonds d. Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership – It was agreed that the council should send a letter of support for this organisation to KCC and a request that funding should Action; Clerk not be cut. e. Kent Downs AONB – Cllr Edmonds would complete the on-line survey for this Action; Cllr Edmonds organisation. f. Kent Highways Survey – Cllr Hill would complete this survey. Cllrs were reminded that a meeting had been arranged between the parish council and officials of KHS. Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk in advance of any issues they would like to raise at the meeting at 3.00pm on 17th November in the Hunter Room. g. Scam Reported – Cllr Edmonds warned of a telephone scam that had occurred recently. An overseas caller advised the householder that their computer was affecting neighbouring computer users. They were asked for computer details, passwords etc. Full details will be put on the village website. The police had been informed but as the scam originated overseas , were unable to take action. h. Race to Infinity – Cllr Esdale reported that 12% of Bridge Residents had now voted for superfast broadband in the area. Broadband users in the village and surrounding area could vote via a link on Bridge village website. www.bridgevillage.org.uk i. Christmas Trees – Cllr Esdale reminded residents that the Christmas trees would be put up in the High Street on 4th December. Volunteers should meet in the village hall at 9.30am. This is a great community activity and all are welcome to take part. The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th December 2010 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th. December 2010 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey. 79/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 80/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 81/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 th. November 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 82/10-11. Cllr Northey reported that KCC were still finalising their budget and that £340 million would need to be saved. It was expected to achieve this through job losses while minimising service cuts. Cllr Northey had allocated £35,000 in Members’ Funding to highways projects in Bridge. It was intended to repair the road outside the pharmacy in March/April 2011becuase the repairs could not be done in freezing conditions. The parish council thanked Cllr Northey and expressed their annoyance that Members’ Funds should have to be used for routine highway repairs because of inadequate Kent Highways funding. 82/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – Cllr Gulvin holds the inspection folder. b. Affordable Housing.- The parish council were pleased to note that Mrs Shirley had withdrawn her application for a review of the High Court’s decision not to allow her apply for a Judicial Review of the Affordable Housing planning consent. It was expected that the project would now proceed without further delay. c. Bus shelter – Cllr Gulvin reported that the new bus shelter would be delivered on 17th December. Serco would prepare the holes on 16th December and the zinc roof would be installed during the following week. The parish council agreed that payments for the bus shelter should be made when the invoices were presented and before the next parish council meeting in January. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk d. The Mill Centre – Cllr Beesty reported that a letter to the city council concerning the safeguarding of the Centre for the youth of Bridge and written jointly by the Mill Centre Committee and parish council would be presented to the parish council for approval at the next meeting. Action; Cllr Beesty e. Village Green Application –The parish council was pleased to note that the application for village green status for Brickfields and the water meadows had been unanimously refused by Kent County Council’s Regulation Panel on 30th November. It was agreed to delay a request to Cantley Estates to allocate land to the village for a Community Orchard. 83/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group Meeting- Littlebourne 13th. November - Cllr Corfield – Report circulated Cllr Gulvin reported that engineers had been unable to put a camera down the sewers in Riverside Close because of wet weather. The water table had subsequently fallen and it would now be too late for the camera to identify leaks. Cllr Gulvin also explained that legislation was in process that would transfer the responsibility for drains from individuals to the water companies. This would come into effect in October 2011 and should be widely publicised at that time. Kent Highways 17th November Cllrs Edmonds, Hill, Beinder & Esdale – Report circulated The parish council had subsequently had some of their requests for improved signage in Bridge refused by Kent Highways. It was therefore agreed to put a strong case to Kent Highways to explain why some of the requests put by the parish council were needed. In particular, a sign to Canterbury was required at the junction of Station Road, High Street and Bekesbourne Rd. There continued to be frequent cases of articulated lorries entering Bridge in error. Action; Cllr Esdale Bridge Village Sports Trust 8th December Cllr Gulvin – Oral Report (See 85/10-11d) 84/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Renville House, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Reduce ash tree by 25% and thin copse of trees in front and to left of property 85 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Precept Requirement- Revised budget figures were agreed for 2011/12 and would be circulated by Cllr Esdale. The new precept requirement would be £25,690-40p; a 5.6% increase on the previous year. Action; Cllr Esdale b. Parish Capital Grants Scheme – It was agreed not to apply for a grant under this scheme in 2011/12.A local company would be asked for a quotation to repair the existing springers on the recreation ground and another company specialising in playground renovations would also be asked for a similar quote. The result would be reported back to the January parish council. Action Cllrs Esdale & Beesty c. Increase in Fidelity Guarantee – The internal auditor had recommended increasing the fidelity guarantee from £55,000 to £81,000 using an Audit Commission formula. It was agreed to ask the insurance company how much extra premium would be charged to effect this change. A decision would be taken at the January parish council meeting. Action; Clerk d. Canterbury Football Club – Cllr Gulvin reported that at the last meeting of BVST Canterbury City FC had outlined problems they were experiencing both in the league fixtures of their second team and in their use of Bridge recreation ground. An official of the club had agreed to write to the Clerk outlining their concerns but no communication had been received. It was claimed that the team fixtures had been reduced to 8 home games and CCFC would be seeking a reduced rent. It was also alleged that a resident of Riverside Close had tried to prevent Serco workmen from preparing the pitch and had confiscated several footballs belonging to the club and Bridge FC. The police had been involved. It was agreed that the clerk would contact our PCSO to ask for a report on the problems and that CCFC should be given one week in which to present their case to the parish council and return the contract with payment. Failure to respond would result in the contract being terminated and the parish council would demand payment from the club for the use of the ground up to that date. Action; Clerk e. Night Flights from Manston Airport – Following a vote, it was agreed to write to Thanet District Council opposing the application by Infratil to increase night flights from Manston airport from the current limit of 3 per month to 7 per night. Action; Clerk f. High Street parking – Following a vote, it was decided not to ask Canterbury City Council to mark the area of the High Street from Bridgeway Stores to Roger’s garage as a designated street parking area by means of a white line. g. Pratt memorial bench – It was agreed that the new Pratt memorial bench should be placed on the grass verge by the notice board and lay by in Patrixbourne Road facing the recreation ground. Cllr Hill would ask the Pratt family for their Action; Cllr Hill approval of this site. 86/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 87/10-11 Sealing of Documents The contract between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. 88/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts. 89/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donations - £629.50 Cheque for Pratt memorial bench - £775.00 90/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath- Clerk Christobel Seath - Clerk £33.99 £693.42 Post Office Ltd Kevin Funnell Bounty Pest Control £27.83 £40.00 £317.72 Mark Esdale £99.92 Ewart Clough £338.40 Purpose HP Inkjet cartridge £28.93 + £5.06 vat Clerk’s salary & allowances for November 2010 Employer NI Contributions for November November Mid Year audit fee Pest control contract 1.10.10 to 30.11.11 £270.40 + £47.32 vat 10 sets of lights for Christmas trees £85.04 + £14.88 vat 72 Christmas trees £288.00 + £50.40 vat 91/10-11 Any Other Business a. Christmas trees – Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Esdale, parish councillors and Bridge volunteers, especially Craig Dobson, for their help in putting up the village Christmas trees in atrocious weather the previous Saturday. Many favourable comments had been received from villagers. b. Salt bag – Cllr Edmonds reported that she had received thanks from a resident of Bridge Down for the parish council’s action in arranging for a salt bag to be provided in Higham Lane. It had been very well used in the past very icy weeks. The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th January 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th. January 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin (from item 5), Hill, Lewis and Wilmshurst. 92/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey. 93/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 94/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9 th. December 2010 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 95/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground –.The memorial bench for Mr & Mrs Pratt had been installed overlooking the recreation ground on Patrixbourne Rd. It was agreed to write to thank their family for generously donating the bench. Action; Clerk Cllr Gulvin had drawn up new checklists for the recreation ground inspection folder, which included the adult exercise equipment. Cllr Esdale would provide a photograph of the equipment for Canterbury City Council. Action Cllr Esdale b. Affordable Housing.- Southern Housing Group were about to sign the building contract with Jenners, who would start work next week. The archaeological survey had been completed. It was hoped that the dwellings would be ready for occupancy shortly before Christmas 2011, although a twelve month time scale had been agreed to take account of poor weather. It was agreed to prepare a press release once building work had begun. Action; Affordable Housing Cttee. c. Bus shelter – The new bus shelter had been installed in the High St. d. The Mill Centre – A letter to Canterbury City Council asking for a prompt decision on the fate of the Mill Centre and outlining three proposals for its future was approved by the parish council with minor modifications. Action : Cllrs Beesty & Esdale c. Canterbury City Football Club- There had been no reply to the council’s letter terminating the club’s lease. The outstanding fees had not been paid. It was agreed to write to the appropriate football league authorities requesting their assistance in recovering the money owed to the parish council. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk 96/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury Branch KALC Meeting 12th January – Cllrs Hill & Wilmshurst Cllr Hill reported on the ‘Localism Bill’ which had been discussed at the meeting. The final document would be published by the end of the year and it was expected there would be significant changes to local decision making, particularly in the area of planning and housing provision. 97/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 1a Meadow Close, Bridge Remove one damaged plum tree in back garden Trim & cut back 4 holly trees on boundary with Bridge Hill, reducing crown of one to 12’. Yew to be planted between hollies. 1 Police Houses, Conyngham Lane , Bridge Remove 1 leylandii with root damage at front of property 98 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. New Springers for the Recreation Ground – It was agreed to submit an application for new springers under the CCC’s Capital Grant Fund using the existing quotations. Cllr Beesty would approach a local supplier to ask if better quality springers could be sourced more locally. Action Cllrs Beesty & Esdale b. Sponsorship of a Community Garden Cup for Bridge In Bloom Competition – A decision on this was deferred until after the parish council elections. c. Award of Recreation Ground Maintenance Contract for 2011- Having considered four quotations it was agreed to accept the tender submitted by AJ Longley Garden Services. It was noted that the firm had agreed to hold prices at the level of its 2011 quotation for two years. Action; Clerk d. Development Control Committee Agenda Electronic Circulation – The parish council did not support CCC’s proposal to discontinue the circulation of paper copies of Development Control Committee agendas. It was thought that the short availability time of these agendas on the website (5 days ahead of a meeting) would seriously inhibit the preparation of any case the council wished to make to the committee. It would also be more difficult for the clerk to keep track of any planning applications that were to be discussed at the committee. The agendas often included interesting issues, which needed to be circulated to councillors for information. Action; Clerk e. Perimeter safety fence for children’s play area – After some discussion, it was agreed not to install fencing round the children’s play area of the recreation ground. f. A2 slip road – It was noted that four cars had crashed over the end of the slip road in the past month. The parish council thought that the signage was still poor. It was agreed to contact Kent Police, Kent Highway Services and the Highways Agency to ask them to liaise with each other and convene a meeting to consider actions to improve the current, very dangerous situation. Action; Clerk g. Problems with numbering of lamp standards - Residents reporting faulty lights had experienced difficulties because the numbering on the lamp standards did not correspond with the numbers used by Kent Highways Agency, who were responsible for their maintenance. It was agreed to write to CCC who were responsible for the local numbering to ask them to resolve this problem with Kent Highway Services. Meanwhile residents reporting faulty lights to KHS were advised to give the location of the light and not the number. Action; Clerk h. Possible Increase of Insurance Fidelity Guarantee- Deferred to next meeting i. ‘Overview of the Planning System’ meeting – The course was now fully booked. 99/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 100/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £5,000 between Parish Council accounts. 101/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Junior Football Club fees - £100.00 Christmas Tree donations – £245.00 UK Power Networks (Riverside Close) - £3.45 Mrs J Stingemore, Kentish Gazette payment - £28.44 102/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Gillett & Johnston (Croydon) Ltd CPRE BT* £152.75 Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Post Office Ltd £27.83 Mill Centre Committee Ann Edmonds Crown Group £802.17 £25.20 £3,275.30 Mervyn Gulvin £50.00 BVHMC £794.46 £29.00 £87.01 Purpose Servicing clock 1/12/10 to 30/11/11 £130 + £22.75 vat Annual Membership subscription 2011 Telephone account & rental for 8/9/10 – 10/12/10 £74.05 + £12.96 vat Clerk’s salary & allowances for December 2010 Employer NI Contributions for December 2010 Mill Centre Insurance Chairman’s Allowance Expenses 9.12.10 Bus shelter, High St, £2,787.49 + £487.81 vat Reimbursement of Kent Highways Inspection costs for bus shelter Village hall insurance 18/6/10 to 18/6/11 103/10-11 Any Other Business a. Rural Area Members’ Panel Meeting 17th Jan. – Cllr Gulvin agreed to attend this meeting in place of Cllr Hill. b. Football pitch – Cllr Gulvin reported that BVST had asked Serco’s advice about moving the football pitch to the former cricket square, if the quality of the ground was good enough. Mole activity could be a problem. No reply had been received. c. Christmas trees – Serco had asked residents to contact them if they want to have their trees collected at the kerbside later this month. Cllr Edmonds thanked councillors and parishioners for their help in taking down the trees from the High Street. The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th February 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th. February 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beesty, Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill (after item 3), Lewis, Wilmshurst, KCC Cllr Northey and PCSO Gavin Dodwell 104/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 105/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 106/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13 th. January 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 107/10-11 KCC Cllr Northey reported that at the budget setting meeting of KCC the following week it was anticipated that £96 million of savings would have to be found this year. It was expected that there would be 1,500 staff reductions over four years. Local KCC councillors would retain their budgets for good causes. Cllr Northey wished the council well in its meeting concerning the A2 slip road the following day. 108/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground –.Cllr Gulvin holds the Recreation Ground inspection folder. Serco had quoted £10,000 as the cost of moving the football pitch to the site of the old cricket square. It was agreed that this was prohibitively expensive. There had been no news on the CCC’s possible funding of new springies fore the play area. Cllr Lewis reported that the tree work on the sycamore had more extensive than the contractor had been authorised to carry out and some unnecessary work had been done. It was agreed that Cllr Lewis would draft a letter outlining the complaint and would seek to meet the contractor on site. In the meantime it was agreed withhold payment for the Action; Cllr Lewis & Clerk work. b. Affordable Housing.- A progress report had been received from Southern Housing Group. It was expected that work on the site would begin in March/early April. c. The Mill Centre – The parish council had received no reply to its letter to the city council regarding the future of the Mill Centre. It was agreed that Cllr Beesty should write again to Mr Carmichael and Cllr Gilbey requesting a substantive reply to the letter as soon as possible. Action; Cllr Beesty d. Canterbury City Football Club- The Clerk had received a cheque for £300 from the club, being the outstanding payment for the use of the recreation ground and pavilion up to the time the club moved from Bridge. e. Bus shelter- The bus shelter had been completed and KCC had confirmed that £2,000 towards its cost would be paid to the parish council. 109/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area Members’ Panel 17 January – Cllr Gulvin (Report to be circulated) 110/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Field House, Station Road, Bridge Remove dead/dying sycamore adjacent to Station Road frontage 112 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Date for the Annual Parish Meeting– It was decided provisionally that the Annual Parish Meeting would take place on Wednesday 27th April at 7.30pm in the village hall. Speakers from Southern Housing Group and the city council’s housing department would be asked to talk about the affordable housing scheme. Action; Clerk b. Revised Standing Orders- This item was deferred to the March council meeting. c. Fidelity Guarantee – In view of the additional cost to the policy and the temporary and unusually high balance in the accounts at the time of the mid year audit caused by the village hall renovations, it was decided it would not be justified to increase the fidelity guarantee for the parish’s insurance policy. d. Abandoned car, Conyngham Lane – It was reported that the abandoned car was currently taxed until June 2011 but was taking up a permanent place on the road thereby reducing parking for the school It was agreed that the PCSO would make enquiries with the owners and check its MOT. e. A2 sliproad meeting 11th Feb 2011 – It was agreed that Cllrs Edmonds and Hill would represent the parish council at the meeting with the Highways Agency, Kent Highway Services and Kent Police.to discuss the dangerous situation at the top of the A2 slip road into Bridge f. Use of Football pitch Saturday morning – It was agreed to make the pitch and pavilion available to the Dayspring Community Church on Saturday mornings for the remainder of the season, expected to be a maximum of four games. The charge would be £25 per game. The Clerk would draw up a temporary contract for Cllr Gulvin’s approval. Action; Cllr Gulvin & Clerk 113/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 114/10-11 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts. 115/10-11. The following receipts were noted; 116/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Post Office Ltd £27.83 BVHMC £18.00 Cllr John Hill £35.20 SERCO £606.49 Streetmaster £882.00 Ann Edmonds Barry Shotton Metal Roofing £20.00 £939.12 Lower Hardres & Nackington PC ACRK £90.00 £35.00 Purpose Clerk’s salary & allowances for January 2011 Employer NI Contributions for January 2011 Hire of village hall fro parish council, January, Feb, Mar 2011 Mileage claims for Village Green Inquiry, Highways Seminar & Development Control meeting 88 miles @ 40p per mile Erection of bus shelter £505.41 + £101.08 vat Supply of bench £775.00 + £155.00 vat less £40 +£8.00 vat credit Chairman’s Allowance Supply & fitting zinc roof for bus shelter £782.60 + £156.52 vat Hire of Speedwatch equipment May/June /July 10 @ £30 per month Membership subscription 2011/12 117/10-11 Any Other Business a. Overgrown footpaths – It was agreed to discuss this problem at the March Parish Council and in the meantime make enquiries about the legality of the parish council Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk undertaking the work. b. Spring Newsletter – It was agreed that the Spring Newsletter would be approved at the next parish council meeting. c. Litter pick – It was agreed to hold a village litter pick on 12th. March in the afternoon The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th March 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th. March 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill & Lewis 118/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Beesty, Corfield and Wilmshurst. 119/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 120/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 th. February 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 121/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground –. Cllr Gulvin agreed to retain the inspection folder for one more month. There had been damage to the football pitch when a match had been played in very wet weather. It had had to be dragged and rolled at a cost of £65. It was agreed to defer a decision on new springers to the next meeting. Payment for the tree work on the recreation ground had been approved because the work had been agreed previously by Jon Lamborne, the city council Tree Officer. (Minute ref 108/10-11refers) b. Affordable Housing. - The Parish Council agreed that they supported the name of Brickfields for the affordable housing development. They would prefer not to add Close, unless this was insisted on by the city council which had strict rules for naming new housing areas. Southern Housing Group would be informed. Action; Clerk It was noted that the hedge had been cut back at the site. c. The Mill Centre – Canterbury City Council had made no decision about the future of the Centre. It was reported that the oil storage depot had been sold. d. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed to ask a representative of Bridge Primary School and the Secretary of Bridge Village Hall Management Committee to give reports at the Annual Parish Meeting. Representatives of Bridge Farmers’ Market Committee, Southern Housing Group and the Housing Department of Canterbury City Council had agreed to speak. Action; Clerk 122/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies A2 Slip road meeting 11th. February 2011- Report circulated Parish Forum Sat 26th. Feb – Cllr Edmonds & Clerk – Report circulated Rural Area members Panel – 17th January – Cllr Gulvin – Report circulated A Greener Economy-Time for Change - 23rd February – Cllr Gulvin – Report circulated 123/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 4A Brewery Lane, Bridge Reduce crown of walnut in back garden to approx 6m high x 4m wide Fell cherry tree 3m from front wall of house, whose roots are affecting front wall & porch. Replace in a more suitable position 124 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Standing Orders Cllr Edmonds signed a revised copy of Part 2 of Standing Orders. b. Overgrown Public Rights of Way – The council were happy to appoint Mr Tony Walder as Footpath Warden for the parish. Since no work had been done to keep public rights of way clear for walkers in the area for some time, it was agreed that the parish council would undertake this work with trained volunteers. A comparative costing for the purchase or hire of a brush cutter and ancillary safety equipment would be brought to the next meeting and a decision taken on whether to purchase the equipment. Mr Walder agreed to store the equipment if it was agreed to purchase it. Action; Cllr Gulvin c. Sports Pavilion Insurance – It was reported that the BVST was currently experiencing financial difficulties because of an exceptionally large electricity bill, which had been received following several under estimated accounts. After some discussion (from which Cllr Gulvin as Chairman of BVST was excluded) it was decided that the parish council would not pay for the costs of the pavilion insurance. However, it was agreed that the new garage doors would be paid for out of Concurrent Function Funding. The future of BVST would be discussed at a future date as both the Chairman and Secretary of BVST were intending to Action; Clerk resign. d. Clerk’s Salary – It was agreed that the Clerk should progress to salary point LC21 on the anniversary of her appointment on 1st April. e. Little Stour & North Nailbourne River Management Group- It was agreed to pay a subscription of £50 to the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group which was doing valuable work in helping to prevent flooding in the area and in trying to resolve the local sewage problems experienced in Bridge last Action; Clerk year. f. The future of Speedwatch – The Speedwatch equipment would be available for hire next month from Lower Hardres. It was reported that there was a serious problem with speeding vehicles along the Patrixbourne Rd. High speeds had been reported from 8.00am onwards. Speeding traffic was particularly dangerous because of the entrance to the Health Centre and the children’s playground nearby. It was agreed to ask Kent Highways to carry out a speed survey on Patrixbourne Rd and to consider placing an interactive speed sign there. Cllr Esdale would call a meeting of volunteer helpers willing to be trained on the Speedwatch equipment at 6.45pm on 14th April, before the parish council meeting. PCSO Dodwell would be asked to attend. Action; Cllr Esdale & Clerk 125/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 126/10-11 Sealing of Documents The contract between Dayspring Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. 127/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Football Club – Arrears of rent £300 Dayspring Church Football Club rental - £100 VAT Reimbursement - £7,456.52 KCC – Bus shelter grant - £2,000 128/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount AON Post Office Ltd £8.90 £27.83 Christobel Seath - Clerk £693.42 Savills £225.00 D. Parr* £273.60 Purpose Additional Insurance for Pratt Bench Employer NI Contributions for February 2011 Clerk’s salary & allowances for February 2011 Recreation Ground rental charges in arrears 29/9/10 –24/3/11 Tree work on sycamore tree, recreation ground £228.00 + £45.60 Softation (M E Esdale) £84.00 M E Esdale £19.16 Mill Centre Management Committee Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group Christobel Seath (Clerk) £496.80 Domain hosting, spam filter & web site maintenance £70.0 + £14.00 vat Reimbursement of fixings (anchor & lock) for Pratt bench New water heater (£414.00 + £82.80 vat) £50.00 Subscription for 2011/12 £47.12 Petty cash *Payment authorisation deferred at February meeting on advice of Tree Warden. Payment made on 1st March. 129/10-11 Any Other Business a. Cllr Lewis reminded councillors about the village litter pick on Saturday 12th. March. Volunteers were to meet at the Post Office at 2.00pm. b. Cllr Edmonds thanked all councillors for producing, preparing and distributing the Spring Newsletter throughout the village. c. Cllr Edmonds reported that the broken down car had been removed from Conyngham Lane. d. There had been complaints about the increasing amount of dog mess appearing in the village. It was agreed to ask CCC to renew the lamp post stickers.Action; Clerk e. Cllr Hill reported on a new system of portable CCTV which was being used in some areas of the UK to catch fly tippers. It was agreed to enquire if the city council had such technology with a view to using it at the recycling point. Action; Clerk f. It was agreed not to intervene in a neighbours’ dispute which had been reported but Action Clerk to give the complainant details of the local mediation service. The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th April 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING WENESDAY 27th. APRIL 2011 AT 7.30 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th. May 2010 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2010/11 – Cllr Ann Edmonds b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2011 – Cllr Mark Esdale. 4. To receive; A report on Bridge Village Hall by Janet Horsley, Hon Chairman of Bridge Village Hall Committee A report on Bridge & Patrixbourne Primary School by Ms R Chinnadurai, Head teacher A report on Bridge Farmers’ Market by Phillip Wicker, Chairman of the Committee 5. Presentations on the Bridge Affordable Housing Scheme by: a) Caroline Ruiz & Anne Dowling– Southern Housing Group b) Gill Pritchard– Canterbury City Council Lettings Officer 6. Any other business concerned with parish affairs Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 27th. APRIL 2011 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs A Edmonds (Chairman), C Beesty, B Beinder, J Corfield, M Esdale, M Gulvin, J Hill, T Wilmshurst, Mr Philip Wicker, Bridge Farmers’ Market, Janet Horsley, Hon Secretary Village Hall Committee, Renuka Chinnadurai, Headteacher, Pam Clubb, Advanced Skills teacher & Daniel Luck, Music teacher & school governor Bridge Primary School, Caroline Ruiz & Ann Dowling, Southern Housing Group, Gill Pritchard Canterbury City Council Lettings Department, C Seath (Clerk), and 30 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from County Councillor Michael Northey and Mr & Mrs Walder 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20th. May 2010 The minutes of the meeting held on 20th. May 2010 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2010/2011 Councillor Ann Edmonds welcomed the speakers and residents of Bridge to the meeting. She outlined the projects which had been undertaken in the village during the past year. The Affordable Housing project was coming to fruition and the speakers later in the meeting would give the latest information on progress. After a lengthy hearing, the application to Kent County Council for a village green had been successfully fought by both the City Council and the landowners, Cantley Estates. The future of the Mill Centre was still in doubt and a decision on the parish council’s request to buy the site had been promised by the city council by June this year. The village hall had been refurbished over the summer. New adult exercise equipment had been installed on the recreation ground and it was planned to replace the two springers with help from a grant from the city council. No decision had been taken about a skateboard ramp. Bridge Farmers’ Market, which had been given start up funding from the parish council had been very successful. A new bus shelter had been installed in the High Street and although some residents felt it should have had a seat, it was a great asset. The road outside the post office had been resurfaced with money allocated from the County Councillor’s budget and the council was very grateful to Cllr Northey for funding this. The new build outs had made a considerable difference to parking by the zebra crossing. Two new benches had been installed in the village. The first was a replacement for the bench vandalised on Bridge Hill. The other, overlooking the recreation ground had been generously donated by the family of George Pratt, former local police sergeant. The Speedwatch had started up again after the winter break and the Chairman thanked those residents who had agreed to help. She also thanked Tony Walder who had agreed to help with clearance of the village footpaths. Gavin Dodwell had been appointed as our PCSO and had been helpful in sorting out parked cars and graffiti. It was hoped he would stay in post for longer than usual. The Spring litter pick in March had been well supported by volunteers. The Chairman also thanked the volunteers who helped to put up the Christmas trees, Mr & Mrs Possee who continued to plant the tubs in the High Street and Mr & Mrs Oakey for once again planting the chicane. Finally the chairman thanked the Village Hall Management Committee and also all parish councillors for their commitment to the village. She mentioned John Corfield for his work on the newsletter and village website, Selwyn Lewis for organising the litter clearance, John Hill, the Chairman of the Planning Committee and Mark Esdale for the Christmas trees, website and work on the parish council finances. She particularly thanked the councillors who would be standing down at the next election and the Parish Clerk for her hard work during what had been a difficult year for her. 2 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2010/11 Cllr Esdale presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2011.He explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. 4a. PRESENTATION BY JANET HORSLEY – HON CHAIRMAN, BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Bridge village hall had been renovated over six weeks in the previous summer, thanks to a grant of from KCC and matched funding from CCC. A new storage corridor had been created with six cupboards and a new toy store. The kitchen had been remodelled with new units and a water heater providing up to 100 cups of hot water for tea or coffee. There were three toilets including a disabled toilet, using air hand driers, which reduced the expense of paper towels. Problems with mould were being tackled. 4b. PRESENTATION BY RENUKA CHINNADURAI, PAM CLUBB and DANIEL LUCK, BRIDGE WITH PATRIXBOURNE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Bridge Primary School had a very good reputation and had performed in the top 8% of schools nationally by ‘value added’ measure. The school currently had 396 pupils. 26% of pupils had special educational need and this reflected the good reputation the school had developed through its specialist teachers. A high percentage (for Kent) of children did not have English as their first language. The school was one of 400 nationally designated as a ‘Support School’ and experienced teachers from Bridge helped other schools with leadership skills etc. as ‘trouble shooters’. The school was proud of its artistic and creative focus. It had participated in the National Gallery ‘Take One Picture’ project and work by pupils had been selected for display in the National Gallery two years previously and in the current year. The work would be exhibited from 13th. May until September. Staff had lectured at the National Gallery on the use of the ‘Take One Picture’ resource for multi disciplinary teaching. The ICT department had been judged outstanding and had been accredited the ICT Mark by inspectors. It was well resourced with computers, web cams, dictaphones etc. Music teaching was strong in the school and choirs had participated in concerts at the Albert Hall and Canterbury Cathedral. There were strong links with Bridge Parish Church. They aimed to be a Fair Trade school and the ‘walking bus’ initiative was continuing. There had recently been a twinning link with a school in St. André, France. Ms Chinnadurai hoped that the new curriculum would make the school more relevant to the village and hoped to strengthen links with the local community. 4c. PRESENTATION BY PHILIP WICKER –CHAIRMAN- BRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET COMMITTEE The first Farmers’ Market had taken place on 13th November 2010. The market had been set up by a committee of volunteers from the ‘Bridge Going Green’ initiative who had carried out research at the village fete in June 2010 to find out what residents wanted to do to make Bridge a more environmentally friendly village. The market had benefited from start up funding from the parish council, a third of which had now been repaid. It was affiliated to the Kent Farmers’ Market Association and complied fully with all regulations. The market, which was held in the Red Lion car park on the second and fourth Saturday morning of each month, had proved very successful and 400 visitors had attended the last market. Stall-holders paid a weekly fee of £12. It was hoped to appoint a market manager in the future to relieve the small committee of the huge amount of work it presently carried out on a voluntary basis and to allow the volunteers to move on to other projects. Mr Wicker paid tribute to the work of the committee and said that the success of the market was evidence of what could be achieved by community effort. PRESENTATION BY CAROLINE RUIZ and ANN DOWLING – SOUTHERN HOUSING GROUP. 5a. 3 th Planning permission for the project had been granted on 30 April 2010 but building had been delayed by the Judicial Review and village green application. Currently the builders, Jenners, were working through 19 planning conditions with Canterbury City Council but building was scheduled to begin on 3rd May. A site manager, Alan Doughty, had been appointed and residents were asked to report any problems at the site to him. The homes would be built to Code 3 standards for sustainable homes. The designs would be adaptable to take account of changes of need, for example, the installation of stair lifts. They would be 20% larger than standard builds with ample storage space. Each unit would have a garden with shed and water butt, composter and external water and electricity supply points. There would be mature hedging to replace the lost hedgerow. Completion was scheduled for February 2012. The 8 properties would be advertised on the city council website and by the parish council in the late summer. People could then bid for properties and a short list would be drawn up of people who had the most need and the requisite connection with Bridge. Those who had already enquired would get a letter explaining the process. The parish council would be involved in ensuring that the claims of local connections were genuine. 5b. PRESENTATION BY GILL PRITCHARD, CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL LETTINGS DEPARTMENT There had originally been 40 applicants for the properties but some had found alternative accommodation. Applicants had to be on the housing list but only if no applicants were found that fulfilled the 4 tiers of long connection with Bridge and then surrounding villages would tenants from the general housing register be considered. Local connections would take precedence over degree of need where there was no local connection. There would be 8 units; 4 one bedroom flats, 2 two bedroom homes and 2 three bedroom homes. All would be for rent. Part ownership was not an option because of the local connection criteria. Rents would vary from around £60 / £70 per week for a flat to £100 for a 3 bedroom house. Initially homes would be leased on a ‘Starter Tenancy Agreement’ for 6 months to one year. This would be extended to a permanent tenancy if the tenants had behaved well. There would be no priority for any particular age group. 6 ANY OTHER BUSINESS The candidates for the parish council elections were asked to make themselves known to the meeting. The meeting closed at 8.54p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th. April 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Beinder, Corfield, Esdale, Gulvin, Hill, Lewis & Wilmshurst 130/10-11 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Beesty. 131/10-11. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest on agenda item 7b Cllr Esdale, Treasurer Mill Centre & Chairman Bridge Village Hall Committee; Cllr Gulvin, Secretary Bridge Village Hall Committee and Cllr Beinder, Member Bridge Village Hall Committee 132/10-11. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 th. March 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 133/10-11 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground –. Cllr Gulvin would hand over the inspection folder at the next parish council meeting. New graffiti was reported on the new garage doors and the external bar had come away from the pavilion door. Action; Cllr Gulvin Cllr Beinder would be weeding the flowerbeds round the pavilion in the following week during mornings and would welcome helpers. New plants would be required to replace those lost through frost and new bulbs would be needed at the end of the year. It had been reported by the tennis club that the willow by the courts needed to be trimmed. The city council tree officer would be contacted. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing. – Surveying had been reported at the site earlier in the week. It was hoped to have a report on progress at the Annual Parish Meeting. c. Speedwatch – Following a meeting of volunteers, a session had been organised for Patrixbourne Road for the following morning. A new co-ordinator would be appointed at the next parish council meeting. d. The Mill Centre – Replies had been received from the city council and local MP. The city council had promised a substantive reply concerning the future of the Centre in June. e. Annual Parish Meeting – All main speakers had been confirmed. Arrangements were agreed for the provision of snacks and drinks after the meeting. 134/10-11 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC Canterbury Branch 13th. April 2011 – Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Wilmshurst reported on the meeting, which had been concerned with the provision of affordable housing in the District. A written presentation would be circulated to councillors. Action; Clerk 135/10-11 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 94 High Street, Bridge Remove 5 leylandii from rear garden The Dell, Bridge Hill, Bridge Pollard holm oak in front garden, remove 2 limbs of holm oak in rear corner, reduce holly, remove 4 limbs of ash tree on bank, remove 2 lower limbs and reduce 3 limbs of yew tree in rear corner of garden and over shed 136 /10-11 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Standing Orders It was proposed by Cllr Gulvin, seconded by Cllr Hill and unanimously agreed that the revised Part 2 of Standing Orders should be adopted by the parish council. b. Parish Reserves – Cllr Esdale presented a breakdown of parish reserves, which were agreed by the council. c. New Springers for the Recreation Ground- It was reported that Bridge had been successful in its bid for part funding for the springers from the city council. It was therefore agreed to accept the tender received from Playline Design for new Action; Clerk springers. d. Bus timetable- It was agreed to ask Stagecoach to reschedule the number 17 bus so that it arrived in Bridge at or soon after 9.30am to enable residents to use their concessionary bus passes, following a change in the rules for subsidised travel. It was further agreed to suggest to KCC that they altered the regulations so that the time at which the bus reached its ultimate destination was the benchmark for concessionary fares rather than the time the passengers boarded the bus. Action; Clerk Cllr Hill reported that the bus stop had still not been re-erected at Pond Cottages. e. Brush cutter for footpath clearance – Councillors agreed to buy a brush cutter and associated safety equipment for path clearance rather than hiring it. This would be paid for out of Section 137 payments and agreement would therefore be deferred to the next parish council meeting. Action; Clerk f. List of parish councillors’ responsibilities – The current list of councillors’ responsibilities was agreed in preparation for the new council. Cllr Gulvin kindly agreed to allow his office to continue to be used as a drop off point for council documents and for the inspection of parish accounts as required. g. The future of BVST – An email from Cllr Beesty was read out putting forward several alternatives for the future of Bride Village Sports Trust. The present make up of the committee was not sustainable. It was therefore agreed that this would be discussed by the new parish council. h. Mini roundabout at the junction of Bridge High Street & Station Road – The council heard representations from two residents of Bekesbourne Road who complained about the volume of traffic using Bekesbourne road as a ‘rat run’. It was agreed that the parish council would support a request for Kent Highway Services to undertake an evaluation of the traffic at the junction of Station Road and Bridge High St and a consultation exercise to take account of the views of local residents. It was noted that the area in question falls within the parish Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne. Action; Clerk i. Christmas tree lights – It was agreed to write off 34 sets of unusable Christmas Action; Clerk tree lights from the asset register. j. Mileage rate – The council agreed to adopt the mileage rate of 45p per mile following government changes to the rate that must be declared for tax purposes. k. Request for a children’s party on the recreation ground – The council agreed to give permission for a party and erection of a gazebo on the recreation ground, requested by a resident. It was pointed out that there could not be exclusive use of any part of the ground as it is a public space. Action; Clerk l. Request to use the recreation ground for parking at the village fete – It was agreed to allow the recreation ground to be used for car parking at the fete on 25th June. It was stipulated that the recreation ground could not be used if the weather was wet and that a marshal should be available throughout the event to ensure that vehicles were not parked on planted areas. Action; Clerk 137/10-11 Correspondence – Noted 138/10-11 Bank transfers The council noted the transfer of £4,000 between parish accounts in the 2010/11 f.y. The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between parish accounts in April. 138/10-11. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donation £25 Canterbury City Council Concurrent Funding - £7,411.00 139/10–11 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount +Saunders House Landscapes Ltd +Green Construction Ltd £78.00 *BT £73.20 Post Office Ltd £27.83 Christobel Seath - Clerk AON Ltd £693.42 £15.99 KALC £504.91 £834.27 Society of Local Council £106.00 Clerks + Payment made in 2010/11 financial year * Payment by direct debit in 2010/11 financial year Purpose Dragging and Rolling football pitch £65.00 + £13.00 vat Garage doors for pavilion ££695.23 + £139.04 vat Telephone account Dec – Mar £61.32 + £11.88 vat Employer NI Contributions for February 2011 Clerk’s salary & allowances for March 2011 Additional premium for bus shelter insurance Annual subscription to 31 March 2012 £420.76 + £84.15 vat Annual subscription 2011/12 140/10-11 Any Other Business a. Councillor Beinder drew attention to recent information concerning volunteers from the Kentish Stour Project, which could be helpful for the proposed Community Orchard . b. Cllr Lewis reported that BT had removed a hanging wire from a telegraph pole in Station Road within an hour of it being reported. c. Both Cllr Beesty and Cllr Beinder, retiring councillors, thanked fellow councillors for their support during their time on the parish council. d. Cllr Gulvin reported that twinning between Bridge Primary School and a French school had gone ahead without any need for parish council involvement. e. Cllr Edmonds asked retiring councillors to list any parish council equipment they held before the new council took over so that it could be passed on to the appropriate councillor in the new parish council. The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th May 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th.May 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Corfield, Hodges, Hill, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 1/11-12 Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman Cllr Hill was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Edmonds, seconded by Cllr Wilmshurst and elected unanimously Cllr Atkinson was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Cook, seconded by Cllr Oakey and elected unanimously 2/11-12 Briefing of new councillors The Clerk briefed new councillors on the parish council procedures. 3/11-12 Areas of responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see attached list. The Chairman thanked the retiring councillors for their work during the four years of the previous council. Cllr Hill also thanked Joan Stingemore, Bridge correspondent for the Kentish Gazette, who was retiring from her post, for her excellent service in reporting village news over the past few years. 4/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 5/11-12 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 6/11-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. April 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 7/11-12 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. c. Recreation Ground –.Cllr Corfield took over the recreation ground inspection folder. It was reported that the lock to the bottom gate of the recreation ground was missing. It was agreed to replace it. Action; Clerk Both the picnic benches had been vandalised and thrown into the Nailbourne and the practice goal post had been uprooted. Cllr Hill thanked Mark Esdale and the Clerk for retrieving the pieces of the picnic tables and temporarily reinstating the goal posts. The damage had been reported to PCSO Dodwell. A grant of £1,986 from Canterbury City Council towards new springers had been received. Affordable Housing – Work had started on the site. Annual Parish Meeting- Cllr Hill thanked the speakers who had made the Annual Parish Meeting a success. A larger number of residents than usual had attended the meeting. 8/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies. 9/11-12 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Audited Accounts for 2010-11 The internal auditor’s report was read out and the Parish Accounts for 2010-11 were signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer. It was agreed to re-examine the level of the Fidelity Guarantee insurance cover in the light of the auditor’s Action : Clerk comments b. Bridge Village Sports Trust As no councillor had volunteered to take responsibility for the BVST, it was agreed that the Recreation Ground Committee would consider the options for its future. Members were asked to attend the AGM of the BVST on 25th May at 7.30pm in the Plough & Harrow. Action; Recreation Ground Cttee c. Purchase of Brush Cutter and Associated Safety Equipment – It was agreed under the powers conferred by s 137 of the Local Government Act, being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfied the requirements of that section, to approve the purchase of a brush cutter/strimmer and associated equipment and accept the quotation from Stuart J Daws of £320 + vat Action; Clerk d. KAPC Clerk’s Conference.It was agreed that the Clerk should attend the KAPC Clerk’s Conference on 15th. June in Lenham. Action; Clerk e. Purchase of replacement picnic table- After some discussion, the council agreed to replace both the picnic tables that had been vandalised. The Recreation Ground Committee would consider which type of tables to purchase and it was thought that two tables might cost approximately £160 + vat. Action; Recreation Ground Cttee 10/11-12 Correspondence – Noted 11/11-12 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 12/11-12. The following receipts were noted; Kentish Gazette Parish News - £27.24 HMRC Vat Reimbursement - £712.59 Canterbury City Council precept -£25,690.00 13/11–12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Kevin Funnell Christobel Seath – Clerk £40.00 £716.17 Post Office Ltd AON Ltd Mark Esdale £17.54 D Possee £35.00 ALJ Garden Services £200.20 Kent Association of Local Councils £72.00 £1,911.58 £23.12 Purpose Audit of 2010-11 accounts 19th. April 2011 Clerk’s salary and allowances for April 2011 Employer NI Contribution April 2011 Parish Insurance 2011/12 Refreshments for Annual Parish Meeting (£21.95 + £1.17 vat) Maintaining planters, bulbs, plants & compost Winter 2010 Recreation ground maintenance March/April 2011 Clerk’s Annual Conference fee (£60 + £12 vat) 14/11-12 Any Other Business a. Starting in June, Cllr Cook would give a brief report on City Council business at the start of parish council meetings. b. A damaged stile was reported by Cllr Oakey to Cllr Edmonds, who agreed to investigate. c. A complaint about rubbish left outside a Bridge private residence following building work at the property was not a matter for the parish council. The meeting closed at 9.30p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th. June 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 th.June 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Atkinson (Chairman), Corfield, Cook, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 15/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds and Hill 16/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 17/11-12. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. May 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 18/11-12 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Corfield reported that the waste bin near the youth shelter had been vandalised. It was agreed to ask for a replacement from Action- Clerk Serco. Councillors expressed their gratitude to the proprietors of the Red Lion for the gift of 4 picnic tables, (two of which were currently being stored.) It was agreed to write a letter of thanks. Action; Clerk The practise goal posts had been pulled down again. These would be re-erected when the new springers were installed. The contractor would hire equipment suitable for both jobs. The PCSO had spoken to the youths who had been reported as causing damage on the recreation ground. Cllrs Wilmshurst and Atkinson offered to inspect the recreation ground immediately before the fete to ensure that car parking would not damage the grass. Action; Cllrs Wilmshurst & Atkinson A tree surgeon had inspected the chestnut tree that had been split by the wind and advised that it should be felled. The city council’s tree department had already given permission for this to be done. It was therefore agreed to obtain two further quotations for this work and for the tree to be felled and a replacement re-planted. Action; Clerk The Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership had offered to weed the overgrown hedge, which had been planted by the Partnership in 2008. It was agreed to accept their offer, for which they would charge £210. The Clerk would arrange a convenient date and a councillor would oversee the work and arrange for access to the recreation ground and pavilion. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing –. It was noted that work continued on the scheme. Councillors were reminded that any residents interested in being considered for the new housing should contact the city council’s housing department and ensure that they were on the housing waiting list. 19/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Link AGM 19 th May – Cllr Ward -Report Circulated Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group 28 th.May – Cllr Atkinson – Report Circulated Cllr Cook gave a brief report concerning his work with the city council. He would be holding a meeting with the Head of Property the following week to discuss the future of the Mill centre. Following an approach from a resident Cllr Cook had consulted KCC’s lighting engineer to enquire whether it would be feasible to install a new street light on Patrixbourne Rd near the surgery. It was pointed out that any request to install a new street light should initially come to the parish council for consideration. It was agreed that, wherever possible, written reports should be circulated to councillors ahead of parish council meetings. 20/11-12 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Cut one branch of willow tree overhanging tennis court back to main trunk Elmdon, 20 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove one cupressocyparis tree at corner of drive entrance 21/11-12 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Summer Parish Newsletter– It was agreed to issue and distribute a Summer Parish Newsletter and the cost of the duplicating (£35.00 inc. vat) was approved. b. Newcomers’ Welcome Pack – Cllr Cook agreed to take over the distribution of the Welcome Pack to new residents. Councillors and local residents were asked to inform Cllr Cook of new arrivals in the village. Action; Cllr Cook c. Use of 92 High Street as Parish ‘Drop Off’- It was agreed to continue to use 93 High Street as a drop off point for parish council materials. The Clerk was asked to write to Mervyn Gulvin to thank him for agreeing to continue with this very useful arrangement. Action; Clerk d. Increase in rental charge for village hall- The increase in charges for the use of the village hall for parish council meetings was noted. It was agreed that Cllr Hodges should propose to the BVHMC that in future small annual increases in charges might be introduced rather than periodic larger increases. Action; Cllr Hodges e. Kent Highways Services Seminar 11 th July – Cllr Atkinson would attend this seminar and report back to the parish council. He would make a recommendation as to whether it would be useful to appoint a parish councillor as a KHS Liaison Action; Cllr Atkinson officer. 22/11-12 Correspondence – Noted 23/11-12 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 24/11-12. The following receipt was noted; Kentish Gazette payment - £14.16 25/11–12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee +Stuart J Daws & Co Amount £384.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd £633.57 £100.14 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Kent County Playing Fields Association Christobel Seath - Clerk Christobel Seath – Clerk £30.00 Ann Edmonds AJL Garden Services £25.96 £200.20 Purpose Strimmer & associated safety equipment (£320 + £64 vat) Sec 137 Clerk’s salary and allowances for May 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contribution for May 2011 Hire of hall for PC meetings & APM April to July (5 @ £6.00) £20.00 Annual subscription 2011/12 £35.37 £75.27 Petty cash 2 printer cartridges & copy paper £62.72 + £12.55 vat) Wine for Annual Parish Meeting Grounds maintenance May 2011 Terry Wilmshurst £60.00 Clearance of fallen tree branch on recreation ground + Paid between PC meetings 26/11-12 Any Other Business a. Cllr Atkinson noted that the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee would take place on 6th June 2012. He suggested that councillors seek the views of residents about how this might be celebrated in Bridge. b. It was agreed that the new Emergency Planning Committee should meet and report back to the parish council with draft proposals in September. Action ; Emergency Planning Committee The meeting closed at 8.24p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th.July 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th.July 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Edmonds, Corfield, Hodges, and Ward 27/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Cook, Oakey and Wilmshurst 28/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 29/11-12. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. June 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 30/11-12 Bob Vidler of Greenhills Football Club outlined proposals for the use of the football ground and pavilion for the 2001/12 season. 31/11-12 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – The springers had been partially installed but the wet pour had been damaged by vandals. The rope used to cordon off the springers had also been stolen. It was hoped the installation would be completed when the weather was dry enough. Moles were a continuing problem. The practise goal post had been re-erected. The guttering round the pavilion had been damaged. It was agreed to arrange for the anti climb paint to be applied and warning notices put up. Action; Recreation Ground Cttee b. Affordable Housing –. Progress was being maintained. The site staff were very co-operative and planned to develop links with the school. A ‘walk over’ of the site for current and previous councillors was being arranged for August. 32/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Highway Services Parish Seminar 11th. July – Cllr Atkinson – Report Circulated 33/11-12 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Fell 1 holly & 1 conifer to enable replacement of boundary fence & replant after fence is installed Fell 1 rowan – notice originally given in March 2008 but not carried out. 18 High Street, Bridge Fell cypress in rear garden overcrowding native holly tree Reduce holly by approx 1/3rd & trim sides Crown thin copper beech in rear garden by 15-20% Crown lift magnolia to approx 3 –4 metres removing lowest 4-5 branches 34/11-12 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Members Code of Conduct– It was agreed that the parish council would support a voluntary system administered by the city council to replace the current Standards Regime and statutory Code of Conduct for councillors. Consistent sanctions for misconduct should be agreed with the city council. Councillors were in favour of the results of misconduct hearings being publicised locally. Action; Clerk b. Village Hall Insurance– It was agreed to pay the village hall insurance premium under Concurrent Function Funding. Action; Clerk c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Increase in Fidelity Guarantee for Insurance Policy- It was agreed to increase the fidelity guarantee cover of the parish council’s insurance policy to £80,000, subject to the matter of the electronic password condition being resolved with the Action; Clerk insurers. Proposed Change in Planning Procedures for large planning applications-. The parish council agreed to support the proposal by Leighton-cum – Sizewell regarding conditions to be placed on any large planning applications in the area. Action; Clerk The Future of the Methodist Chapel– After some discussion, it was agreed to pursue the possibility of retaining the Methodist chapel for community use. The parish council would inform the Methodist Chairman of the District of its interest in the future of the building. A visit to the chapel was arranged for councillors for the following Saturday. Meanwhile, the volume of bookings for the village hall would be researched and councillors would try to ascertain whether there would be local interest in using the chapel for community events on a regular basis. Action; Councillors & Clerk Bridge Village Sports Trust – The parish council expressed concern over the current situation concerning the BVST. It was agreed that the Recreation Ground Committee should investigate ways of re-vitalising the Trust. Cllr Cook had agreed to look at the present financial position. Action- Recreation Ground Cttee It was also agreed to allow Greenhills Football Club to hire the pitch for the 2011/12 season. The rental for the ground would be £600 and there would be a refundable bond of £100 to ensure that the conditions of the contract were met. Action; Clerk It was suggested that the teams might undertake a pre-season clean up of the pavilion. The Mill Centre- Cllr Cook had arranged to meet with representatives of the City Council to discuss the future of the Mill Centre, accompanied by Mark Esdale and Colin Beesty. It was agreed that Cllr Atkinson would join the working party and Action; Cllr Atkinson attend the meeting. Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds reported that she had short-listed the contenders and would do the final judging at the end of July. There would be a presentation in September. Action; Cllr Edmonds Chicane on Town Hill – Mrs Fawke had kindly agreed to undertake the maintenance of the top chicane on Town Hill. Cllr Edmonds would help if required. The bollard on the chicane, which had come unseated, had been reported to Kent Highway Services. Wildflower Project – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Hodges for her comprehensive report on the wild flower project. Cllr Hodges had drawn up plans for new planting and planned to hold a working party on the recreation ground on Saturday 29th October. She had overseen the volunteers from the Kentish Stour Countryside project who had weeded the hedge, leaving an area of nettles for butterflies. Action; Cllr Hodges Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012 – Cllr Atkinson volunteered to take charge of the celebrations to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. He would be consulting village organisations for ideas on marking the event and it was agreed that some form of commemorative item should be given to village children. Action; Cllr Atkinson 35/11-12 Correspondence – Noted 36/11-12 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £5,000 between Parish Council accounts 37/11-12. The following receipt was noted; Bridge Tennis Club Annual fees - £125.00 38/11–12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT* Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Christobel Seath – Clerk £91.62 £785.00 Post Office Ltd £100.14 Broxap £2,678.40 KALC £216.00 Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council AJL Garden Services Christobel Seath - Clerk Ewart Clough £200.00 Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council * Paid by Direct Debit £120.00 £633.57 £258.60 £19.90 £288.00 Purpose Telephone account £76.37 + £15.27 vat Buildings and contents insurance Bridge Village Hall Clerk’s salary and allowances for June 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contribution for May 2011 2 new springers and installation (£2,232.00 + £446.40 vat) Three places at Councillors’ Conference 23 July (£180 + £36 vat) Contribution to the upkeep of St Mary’s Patrixbourne churchyard Grounds maintenance June 2011 Petty cash Tree work on recreation ground (£240 + £48 vat) Contribution to ‘On the Nail’ for 2011/12 39/11-12 Any Other Business a. Allotments – Cllr Ward had visited the allotments with the Bridge Allotment Association Chairman. The Association would like the city council to paint a white line across the gateway. An earlier request for this had previously been declined by CCC, but it was agreed that the parish council would approach CCC again. Action; Clerk b. KALC – Cllr Hodges had attended a meeting of the Canterbury branch of the KALC. The minutes would be circulated. It was agreed that Cllr Hodges should represent Bridge at KALC meetings along with Cllr Wilmshurst. c. Potholes – Cllr Hodges reported that the potholes had been filled in on Higham Lane and part of the road had been re-surfaced. Cllr Atkinson informed the council that KHS would not repair any more potholes unless they posed an immediate danger. d. Steps at Bridge Hill – Cllr Hodges reported that the steps leading from Bridge Hill to Bridge Down had been repaired. The meeting closed at 9.50 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th.September 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16th.August 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Corfield, Hodges, Oakey, Wilmshurst and Ward 40/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds 41/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest from Simon Cook, Beaver Colony Leader and City Councillor on agenda item 3a- Mill Centre and from Bill Oakey, Member of Development Management Committee of CCC also on agenda item 3a- Mill Centre. 42/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Mill Centre – Mark Esdale, Treasurer of the Mill Centre Committee, reported the views of that committee following a recent committee meeting. Their strongly preferred option was to buy the Centre to secure its future for the youth of Bridge and ensure continuity. After an extensive discussion, it was unanimously agreed to ask the city council to agree to the parish council’s purchase of the Mill Centre at a rate favourable to community use, preferably at the current book value. Failing this, the parish council would seek to obtain a long lease on the building at an affordable rent. Action; Clerk b. Methodist Chapel – It was unanimously agreed that the council should pursue the possibility of purchasing the Methodist Chapel to use as an amenity for the community. This proposal would be put to the Rev Boxer, Superintendent Minister of the Canterbury & Coastal Methodist Circuit at a meeting on 8th September. The matter would be discussed further at the next meeting of the parish council on 8th September. Action; Cllr Hill The meeting closed at 8.45pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th.September 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th .September 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, and Wilmshurst 43/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Cook, Oakey and Ward 44/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 45/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 th. July and 16th. August 2011 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 46/11-12 Report on Mill Centre – Cllr Cook had reported by email that Cllr John Gilbey, Leader of Canterbury City Council had indicated that the city council would be unwilling to sell the Mill Centre to the parish council. However Cllr Gilbey had suggested that the city council would be willing to lease the Centre on a 99-year lease at a rent to be agreed but possibly a ‘peppercorn’ rent. This would have to be agreed with the Executive and full Council. Mark Esdale, Treasurer of the Mill Centre, thanked the parish council for their support and said that the Mill Centre Committee would prefer the lease to be between CCC and the parish council but responsibility for the Centre would be devolved to the Mill Centre Management Committee. Mr Esdale circulated copies of the Centre’s August accounts to councillors. 47/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey – Cllr Northey reported that the road from Patrixbourne roundabout to the junction of Town Hill and Station Road is likely to have 40 mph limit. This would be achieved using Cllr Northey’s Members’ Fund allocation, following representations from Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council. There would be a consultation process but the new speed limit was likely to be applied in the New Year. A company called Enterprise had taken over Kent Highways maintenance from Ringway from 1st September. Under the new contract terms the company would be paid by job and only if the standard of work was good enough. 48/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- Cllr Corfield holds the inspection folder. There had been a problem with keys to the access gates and new keys had been cut. The trees next to the sandbag store needed to be removed. The city council would be asked for permission to do this. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – Good progress was being made and the completion date of February looked likely to be achieved. It was agreed to change the date of the parish council visit to the site because several councillors were not now able to attend on 3rd October. Action; Clerk c. Queen ’ s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Atkinson had circulated suggestions for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The site of Star Hill was agreed for the beacon/bonfire on Monday 5th. June 2012. A commemorative item would be given to village children. Other suggestions of a street party on the recreation ground and ‘race meeting’ were discussed. Councillors agreed that Cllr Atkinson should approach village groups to enlist their support and take forward the plans. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Atkinson for his work on this event. Action; Cllr Atkinson 49/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies There were no reports from representatives to outside bodies 50/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; The White Horse Public House, 53 High Street, Bridge Extensive tree work to 21 trees as shown on schedule. Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge Re-pollard yews adjoining Bridge Hill & Higham Lane 67 High Street, Bridge Fell one dying silver birch, reduce two others by 30% Remove crab apple tree from lawn 98 High Street, Bridge Fell apple tree in middle of lawn & prune apple tree also in middle of lawn. The Byre, Renville, Bridge Remove on tree in poor condition in front lawn, replant another tree 51/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Consultation on Local Planning Regulations and the Draft National Planning Policy – Councillors expressed concern about certain aspects of the proposed new National Planning Policy. The lack of reference to priority for building on brown field sites, the emphasis on planning decisions being economy led and the need for local people to hold referendums and achieve high rates of support to influence planning decisions or adopt local plans were regarded as particularly worrying. It seemed to councillors that developers were being given too much freedom and that important safeguards for the countryside were being lost. It was likely that a large number of executive type housing would have to be agreed in order to get any affordable housing in future. It was agreed to write to the Department for Communities and Local b. Government setting out these views. Action; Clerk Methodist Chapel – A meeting had taken place between Rev G Boxer and two Circuit Stewards of the Methodist Church and Cllrs Hill and Edmonds, with the Clerk, to discuss future plans for the Methodist Chapel. A professional valuation had been obtained for the premises, which Charity Commission Law dictated would be the guide price for any sale. This sum was more than the parish council could afford. The Methodist church had no room for manoeuvre on this. A rental figure had also been fixed as an alternative to sale. It was proposed by Rev Boxer that a 3-year lease might be offered. Following discussion it was agreed by a majority of five votes to one that the parish council would enter into discussions with the Methodists with the aim of renting the building for Action; Clerk community use. c. Bridge Primary School Liaison Report- Cllr Hodges presented her d. report on a meeting with the Head Teacher of Bridge Primary School. Among other proposals, it had been agreed that children from the school would plant bulbs along the riverside by the recreation ground play area on 10th October. It was suggested that the school children might use the parish council website for their magazine. Councillors were encouraged by the school’s wish to become more involved with the village. Action; Cllr Hodges Recreation Ground Inspection Report – The Recreation Ground Committee had considered the safety inspection report from Digley Associates. There had been no high risk factors identified. The medium risk factors had been examined but none had required action at present. It was reported that the knee press cushion was cracking and that the wet pour needed attention. As both these items were still under guarantee it was agreed to report them to the suppliers for attention. Action; Clerk e. Parish Audit 2010-11- Councillors noted that the Audit Commission had f. completed the audit of the parish accounts without qualification. Cllr Hill thanked the Clerk for her work on the parish finances. Possible Meeting with Head of Environmental Services CCC – It was agreed to consider inviting Ms Larissa Laing to speak to the Annual Parish Meeting but that there was no particular need for her to address the parish council at present. Action; Clerk g. Dayspring Football Club- It was agreed to charge Dayspring FC the h. i. j. k. l. same amount as Greenhill FC because they would be using the pitch for the same number of matches i.e. £600 + £100 refundable bond for good behaviour. The team was trying to ensure that only one match took place each Saturday by liaising with Greenhill FC over fixtures. Action- Clerk BVST – Cllr Simon Cook was the parish council’s representative on the BVST. It was agreed to write to BVST pointing out that Bridge FC had ignored the terms of their contract and asking for strong action to ensure good behaviour from teams using the recreation ground. Action; Clerk AGM of ACRK – No councillor was available to attend this meeting, which would be held on the same evening as the October parish council. Emergency Planning Committee – Cllr Atkinson spoke about the preliminary report of this Committee, which had re-started under the chairmanship of Cllr Oakey. Further meetings were scheduled. Purchase of CCTV camera for the recreation ground – It was agreed that the Recreation Ground Committee should look at the technical literature about this camera and make a recommendation to the parish council about its purchase. Action- Recreation Ground Committee Parish Forum Sat 8th October – No councillor was able to attend this meeting with the Clerk 52/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 53/11-12 Sealing of Documents The contract between Greenhill Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. To sign the agreement between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. 54/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfers of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts in August and £2,000 between accounts in September 2011 were noted 55/11-12 Receipts HMRC Vat Reimbursement £198.21 was noted 56/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Paul Loveday Amount £125.00 *AJL Garden Services *Christobel Seath – Clerk *Post Office Ltd *Bowman Services £258.60 £633.57 £100.14 £42.00 Aon Limited £16.40 Audit Commission Christobel Seath - Clerk £480.00 £633.57 Post Office Ltd. £100.14 Savills Client Account Terry Wilmshurst £250.00 £30.00 Ann Edmonds £26.73 AJL Garden Services £129.30 Purpose Refurbishment of two village notice boards (White Horse & Bridge Down) Recreation ground maintenance July 2011 Clerk’s salary and allowances for July 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contribution for July Treatment of wasps nest, recreation ground £35.00 + £7.00 vat Additional insurance premium for new springers Audit fee 2010/11 £400.00 + £80.00 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for August 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for August 2011 Recreation ground rental 25.3.11 -28.9.11 Reimbursement of payment to G S Horn Engineering for replacement of goal posts Reimbursement of engraving costs ‘Bridge in Bloom’ trophies Recreation ground maintenance August 2011 *Paid during August 57/11-12 Any other business a. Newsletter –It was agreed that a Newsletter would be produced and distributed in November. Councillors were asked to give their suggestions for items to Cllr Corfield and the Newsletter would be finalised at the October parish council meeting. Action- Councillors The meeting closed at 10.00pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th.October 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th.October 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 58/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Cook 59/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 60/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8th. September 2011 were amended at para. 51/11-12 c as follows; ‘The bulbs were to be delivered in the week beginning 10th October and this would be followed by planting on a date to be arranged.’ The minutes were then confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 61/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey Cllr Northey reported that an unannounced inspection of the Children’s Social Services in several districts in Kent had found significant improvements in the service. Youth services were being organised into local hubs in each district to enable efficiency savings to be made without loss of service. A leadership election for the Conservative Party in KCC would be held the following day. Cllr Northey still had a small amount of money available for grant to local projects. 62/11-12 Report from Cllr Cook – In the absence of Cllr Cook, Cllr Oakey gave a report on the City Council. KCC and CCC would combine on funding for youth services and other local issues. The new Localism Bill should devolve greater powers to parish council. They would have more say in planning matters and, for example, be able to appoint their own traffic wardens. 63/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- One of the picnic benches had been smashed by vandals. This would be reported to the police, along with recent anti-social behaviour in the Health Centre car park. Action; Clerk It was reported that the swing seats on the larger set of swings were too low. It was agreed that the Recreation Committee would investigate. Action; Recreation Ground Committee It was agreed to replace the barbed wire along the fence between Riverside Close and the recreation ground with plain wire and to tighten the wire fence so that planting could take place along the fence. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Pictures of the damaged wet pour would be sent to the suppliers. Action; Cllr Atkinson It was noted that the Environment Agency had cleared the stream bed up stream of the bridge but not downstream. It was agreed to publicise the places where the keys to the sand bag store could be obtained in the Newsletter and on the website. Action Cllr Corfield b. Affordable Housing – Present and former parish councillors would visit the site on 4th November at the invitation of Southern Housing Group. Details of the bid process for the houses would be included in the next Newsletter. c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Atkinson had approached some village groups and would be presenting a request for funding to the November parish council meeting. Action; Cllr Atkinson d. Mill Centre – Cllr Cook had reported that Canterbury City Council had produced a paper on the future of the Centre, which would be presented to the Executive. There was currently an issue over the valuation of the site. e. Methodist Chapel – The chapel had been locally listed by Canterbury City Council as a building of heritage value within a Conservation Area. This would place limits on what could be done with the building in future and should protect it from demolition. An application had been made to English Heritage for national listing. 64/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 65/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area Rural Area Members’ Panel 19th Sept 2011 – Cllr Cook Report circulated Canterbury Branch KALC – 12th. October 2011 – Cllrs Wilmshurst & Hodges Cllr Wilmshurst reported on a talk on Rural Broadband, which had been given at the KALC District meeting. The following proposals were noted; 16, Riverside Close, Bridge Remove holly tree at rear of property 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove 2 low hanging ash branches in front garden Remove small prunus from rear boundary & spindly ash from between specimen beech & sycamore trees Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Remove ash and plum trees with other saplings around sand bag store Cut back branches of willow overhanging Patrixbourne Rd pavement Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove 2m from low branch of beech tree in front garden growing towards house (Application refused by City Council.) 8 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Crown lift horse chestnut tree on right corner of front boundary to 6m & reduce crown by 30% 14b Riverside Close, Bridge Remove one old diseased tree from outside the house 66/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Council’s Autumn Newsletter- The council discussed various topics to be included in the Autumn Newsletter. Copy should be given to b. c. d. e. f. the Editor by 25th October and the Newsletter would be delivered before the next parish council meeting. Action; Cllr Corfield Christmas trees- It was agreed unanimously to erect Christmas trees in the village again this year. Mark Esdale had kindly agreed to organise this. The trees would be put up on Saturday 3rd December and be taken down during the latter part of the week beginning 2nd Jan. All volunteers to help to put up and take down the trees would be welcome. Parking in Patrixbourne Rd- The council considered a proposal by a resident for passing places to be created in Patrixbourne Rd but decided not to support this suggestion. Bus shelter seat- It was agreed to investigate the possibility of installing tip up seats in the bus shelter near Bridge Pharmacy. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Mill Centre Repairs- The council approved the expenditure of £830 on urgent repairs to the Mill Centre, to be met from Concurrent Function Action; Clerk Funding. ‘Friends of Bridge Parish Council’- It was agreed to encourage the formation of a group, separate from the parish council, willing to raise funds to be spent by the parish council on items for the benefit of the village. The group would include a member of the parish council on its committee. It was suggested that the name should be amended to ‘Friends of Bridge’ Action; Cllr Oakey g. ’Twinning with St Andre – After much discussion, the parish council agreed in principle to go ahead with the proposal to further the arrangements to facilitate a twinning arrangement with St Andre les Lille in the Pas de Calais, This would be conditional on Bridge residents showing support, a statement from the mayor guaranteeing that Bridge Parish Council would bear no cost and that no additional work would be caused to the Clerk. Residents would be asked to give their views by means of a voting slip in the Autumn Newsletter. Action; Cllr Oakey 67/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 68/11-12 Sealing of Documents The agreement between Dayspring Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. The agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed. 69/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 70/11-12 Receipts The following receipt was noted; Dayspring Football Club - £150.00 Bridge Junior Football Club - £100 71/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *KALC ~BT Christobel Seath - Clerk Amount £72.00 £103.26 £633.57 Purpose Finance Training Day £60 + £12 vat Telephone account £86.05 + £17.21 Vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for September 2011 Post Office Ltd. £100.14 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for September 2011 Kent County Council £126.00 KSCP Volunteers weeding hedge on recreation ground £105 + £21 vat Bridge Village Hall £48.00 Hire of hall for parish council Sept – Dec Management Committee £12.00 X 4 = £48.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk £39.38 Petty cash AJL Garden Services £193.95 Recreation ground maintenance September 2011 * Authorised in September ~Paid by Direct Debit 72/11-12 Any other business a. KALC -Cllr Wilmshurst reported that only two parish councils out of the 26 in the District were not members of Kent Association of Local Councils. b. Art in Bridge – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Corfield for the excellent Art in Bridge exhibition and said that the exhibition had become part of village tradition. c. Photo competition – Cllr Hill suggested that a local photography competition might form part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. d. Time capsule – Cllr Hill suggested that the school might be asked to create a time capsule to be buried when the affordable housing was formally opened. This would be an agenda item for November. The meeting closed at 9.55pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th.November 2011 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th.November 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Corfield, Edmonds, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 73/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hodges 74/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 75/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th. October 2011 confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 76/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey – Cllr Northey explained that the proposals for Bekesbourne Rd were an attempt to alleviate traffic problems. The solution would not please everybody and there would be extensive consultations. The cost would be £8,743, to be met from his Members’ Highway Fund. Additional policing would not be an option and any re-signing decision could not be implemented until August next year. If agreed, a request for the funding would go to the Joint Transportation Board and then following public consultation back to the JTB and finally to the Member for Highways. 77/11-12 Report from Cllr Cook –Cllr Cook reported that it had been recommended by the city council that the Concurrent Function Funding bids be met at least up to 98%. There had been some discussion as to what constituted a village hall and what was a Community Centre. The city council was about to commence its budget setting process but there would be little money available. 78/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- Cllr Corfield agreed to retain the inspection folder for another month. All repairs to the play equipment had been completed and the wire had been removed from the top of the dividing fence between the recreation ground and Riverside Close. Cllr Corfield would remove the brackets from the top of the fence. Action; Cllr Corfield It was reported that the ground inside the youth shelter was wearing away and the possibility of paving it was discussed. The shelter was peeling badly. It was agreed to ask the supplier for advice. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – Past and present parish councillors had visited the site at Brickfields the previous Friday. They were impressed with the standard of the building and the size and layout of the accommodation. Jenners, the builders, and Southern Housing Group had been thanked for arranging the visit and for their hospitality. (See also AOB a. below) c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Atkinson circulated a further paper and an indicative budget. There was discussion about the provision of commemorative mugs to children to mark the event. Several councillors thought that these should be presented to children up to the age of 18 living in Bridge parish rather than to all the children attending the school and youth groups in the village. It was agreed that a committee should be formed to carry forward the planning. Cllr Oakey volunteered to serve with Cllr Atkinson on the committee. Other Bridge Action; Cllrs Atkinson & Oakey residents would be co-opted. d. Mill Centre – Cllr Cook reported that negotiations for the long-term future of the Centre for Bridge youth groups were continuing. The earlier valuation of £500,000 for the site had been challenged and withdrawn. A more detailed valuation would now be carried out. A suggestion by the Head of Community Development that the primary school could provide alternative space was awaiting a response from the Head teacher. A decision on the future of the Mill Centre was likely to be taken at the meeting of the council’s Executive on 15th. December. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Cook for his continued efforts to secure the future of the Mill Centre for Bridge. e. Methodist Chapel – There had been no further news about the timing of the sale of the building or about possible national listing by English Heritage. (The chapel building has been locally listed.) f. Bus shelter seat – Cllr Wilmshurst had consulted Mervyn Gulvin, who would report back but there was a potential problem with the bar across the back of the shelter being too high for tip up seats. 79/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies CPRE AGM Canterbury Monday 7th November – Cllr Hill Cllr Hill reported that the CPRE had described the government proposals to change planning regulations as a ‘Developers’ Charter’. The CPRE had also complained about the floodlighting lighting of the Marlowe Theatre, which detracted from the sight of the floodlit cathedral at night. Rural Area Member Panel 7th. November– Cllr Cook Allotment Association 1st November – Cllr Ward Cllr Ward reported that there were vacant plots at the allotments and no Bridge residents currently on the waiting list so the Association would consider offering plots to residents of neighbouring villages. 80/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 9 Conyngham Lane Remove one dead sycamore Coppice one large hazel behind dead sycamore Remove large larch tree close to house 81/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Council’s Budget & precept requirement for 2012/13 – There were discussions regarding the draft budget presented by the Finance Committee. Cllr Atkinson questioned the reduction in the allocation of funding for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The budget was passed without alteration. Action; Clerk b. Amendment to Financial Regulations- The proposed amendment to the Financial Regulations to increase the amount that could be spent by the Clerk in emergency repairs from £200 to £300 was passed Action; Clerk unanimously c. Proposals for new traffic restrictions at Bekesbourne Lane- After listening to representations for and against the measure by members of the public, the council voted against the proposal to introduce measures to prevent traffic from turning right into Bekesbourne Rd and to divert all traffic to the junction of Town Hill with Station Road. A motion proposed by Cllr Cook and seconded by Cllr Oakey to agree to trial the proposed closure for a limited period, if possible, to assess the impact it would have on traffic safety in the area was passed. d. Government Consultations on Neighbourhood Planning Regulations & National Infrastructure Levy – It was agreed to form a committee of the Chairman, Cllr Hill and Cllrs Edmonds and Wilmshurst from the Planning Committee with the Clerk to formulate a response to these two Government Consultations. Action; Cllrs Hill, Edmonds, Wilmshurst & Clerk e. Contract for Recreation Ground maintenance – After studying the tenders it was agreed to award the contract for recreation grounds maintenance for 2012/13 to the present contractor, AJL Garden Services Action; Clerk f. Time capsule for affordable housing site – It was agreed to ask pupils from Bridge Primary School to suggest items for a time capsule to be buried in the car park of the affordable housing site. Action; Cllr Hill g. Use of pavilion for private parties – The parish council agreed to allow BVST to hire out the sports pavilion for private parties. The Chairman of BVST was asked to submit an estimate of the cost of essential pavilion repairs to the parish council for consideration. h. ‘Walkers are Welcome’ scheme- Cllr Edmonds agreed to investigate the scheme further and report back with recommendations to the January Parish Council meeting. Action; Cllr Edmonds i. Request for new litter bin at pharmacy bus stop – It was agreed that the possibility if installing a litter bin would be investigated. Action; Clerk j. Report on the Wild Flower project – Councillors had received a report from Cllr Hodges. Cllr Hill thanked all the volunteers who had helped with clearing and planting the area round the pavilion on Saturday 29th October. k. Report on School liaison – The report from Cllr Hodges was noted. 82/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 83/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 84/11-12 Receipts The following receipts were noted; Compensation payment from Lloyds TSB - £250.00 Bridge Football Club subscription for 2011/12 season - £250.00 HMRC -Reimbursement of VAT £646.61 85/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee KALC* Canterbury City Council Amount £10.00 £894.94 AJL Garden Services £129.30 A. Walder Christobel Seath - Clerk £17.03 £701.37 Post Office Ltd. £32.34 Christobel Seath £18.90 Kevin Funnell Terry Wilmshurst £60.00 £50.00 D Possee £50.00 Serco £25.50 Purpose Lunch for AGM delegate £8.34 + £1.66 vat) Fees for conduct of contested Parish Council election Recreation ground maintenance October 2011 Fuel, oil and cutter line for brush cutter Clerk’s salary and allowances for October 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for October 2011 Travel to Lenham, Finance Conference 42 miles @ 45p per mile Interim audit of parish accounts 20.10.11 Reimbursement to D Pilcher Gardening Services for tree work Rec. Ground Supplying plants. Compost & maintaining planters Summer 2011 Bulbs for wild flower project (£21.25 + £4.25 vat) * Authorised between council meetings 86/11-12 Any other business a. Affordable Housing – Southern Housing Group had informed Cllr Oakey that there were currently 56 applicants for the affordable housing at Bridge. b. Gazette Correspondent – It was noted that there had been no Village Notes from Bridge in the Kentish Gazette that week. It was suggested that the village correspondent might be invited to a future parish council meeting. Action; Cllr Hill c. Annual Parish Meeting – The date of the 2012 Annual Parish Meeting would be fixed at the December parish council meeting. The meeting closed at 9.38pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th.December 2011 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th December 2011 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 87/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Cook and Corfield. 88/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 89/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10th. November 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 90/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey – Cllr Northey congratulated the village on the Christmas trees. He reported that the Chief Executive of KCC was leaving her post, which may be abolished. During her tenure the Chief Executive had made savings of around £¾ million. Abolishing the post would save approximately £200,000. KCC members had been briefed on UK’s adoption services, which had seen a drop from an annual average of 22,000 children adopted in the 1970s to 3,000 in 2010. KCC was concerned about the length and complexity of the process and a new report on how to improve the performance had been submitted. 91/11-12 Report from Cllr Oakey – In the absence of Cllr Cook, Cllr Oakey briefed the parish council on city council news. He noted that the Localism Bill had passed through the Commons. £10,000 had been allocated from the CCC’s budget to Rural Area Member Panels. It was proposed that each of the 26 parish councils would receive approx £400. Because of the tight timetable for expenditure it had been suggested that this year the money would be given to each parish to help fund their Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Good progress was being made on the plans to divert traffic away from the Westgate Towers. 92/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- Monster Play Systems had agreed to replace the youth shelter seats and to touch up the peeled paint work under guarantee but would charge the parish council £450 for labour. It was agreed to ask Monster to send the parts so that the replacement could be arranged locally. Action; Clerk Monster had refused to repair the splits in the wet pour on the grounds that the guarantee for repairs only held good for one year. It was decided to ask a local contractor to carry out the repairs. Action; Clerk b. Affordable Housing – Bridge Primary School had agreed to supply seven items for the time capsule to be buried at the site. Each of the 7 years at the school would contribute one item. The parish council would add an 8th,possibly a diamond jubilee souvenir. The parish council would have the right to veto any items regarded as unsuitable. Cllr Oakey reported that East Kent Housing were taking action to ensure that any arrangements to ‘house swap’ council houses took account of the close local connection rules for affordable housing before being approved. c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- A committee had been formed and progress had been made for a ‘Big Bridge Jubilee Lunch’ on Sunday 3rd June. There would be a hog roast, refreshment stalls, an entertainer and residents would be invited to bring picnics to the recreation ground where there would be gazebos and a long table to emulate a street party. ‘Portaloos’ were to be ordered. On Monday 4th June the Jubilee beacon would be lit on Star Hill. Commemorative medals for Bridge children were under consideration. d. Methodist Chapel – There had been no further news about the sale of the chapel. Cllr Oakey offered to make enquiries with one of the Methodist Action; Cllr Oakey Circuit officials, e. Mill Centre – No further information. f. Bus shelter seat – No folding seats had yet been located. The council thought that a fixed seat, which would stick out by 14 inches, would be too wide for the pavement and impede pedestrians. 93/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC AGM Ditton12th November – Cllr Atkinson – Report circulated Cllr Atkinson commented that Kent Police were now changing to a Neighbourhood Policing policy. Ann Barnes, Chair of the Kent Police Authority denied that there were problems with police responses in the area and urged delegates to contact her direct with any problems. The Fire Service was willing to talk to vulnerable groups about fire safety. KHS was willing to assist with Speedwatch sessions. Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group Meeting 27th November – Cllr Atkinson The river was narrower and there was concern that some sections were silting up. There was a lack on emphasis on flood prevention and more on the environment by the EA. Parishes were urged to examine their sand bag store to ensure the bags were in good condition. Action; Emergency Committee Action was being taken to prevent leakage of sewage into the main sewers. KALC Seminar on Localism – Langley 1st December – Cllr Hill & Clerk – Report circulated Cllr Hill emphasised the importance of drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan and getting involved in the planning process for Bridge at an early stage. This would be a January agenda item 94/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Reduce crown of willow by 30%, cut back branches overhanging roof Remove two lowest limbs overhanging lawn from cherry tree Remove 4 lowest limbs from ash overhanging lawn. Land opposite Field House, Station Road Fell one dead oak opposite Field House and deadwood or reduce two other oak trees for highway safety (Exempt) 83 High Street Cut back overhanging branches from beech tree Clear dead wood and tidy 4 yews trees & remove one tangled yew Re-pollard row of limes 102 High Street Remove weeping lime tree in front garden. Remove 2 cypress trees next to house. Remove weeping willow in rear garden. Move 3 sapling silver birch trees in front garden and 2 sapling silver birch in rear garden (Removal of weeping lime referred back to City Council.) 95/11-12. It was pointed out that the trees in Green Court were getting too large. This is a matter for Kent Highway Service and would be reported to them .Action; Clerk Matters for Discussion and Action a. Twinning of Bridge with St Andre –The votes for and against the twinning proposal were counted with 96 in favour and 7 against. Cllr Oakey admitted that the lack of ballot boxes had been unfortunate. A letter from the Mayor of St Andre had been received confirming that the twinning would result in no cost to the parish council, all finance coming b. from an EU fund. It was therefore agreed that the twinning should go ahead. Cllr Oakey would arrange a signing of the agreement to take place in Tower House in the presence of the Lord Mayor of Canterbury. Western Avenue bollards – It was agreed that the parish council would pay for two replacement bollards for Western Avenue. Action; Clerk c. Date of Annual Parish Meeting – The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd. May. Councillors would discuss possible speakers at the January parish council meeting. Action; Clerk d. Letter to Julian Brazier MP – It was agreed to write to Julian Brazier MP to express concern about the proposed changes to planning regulations which do not promote building on brown field sites, do not protect AONBs, limit the scope of the planning inspectorate and reduce the community’s right to appeal against planning decisions. Action; Clerk 96/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 97/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 98/11-12 Receipts The following receipts were noted; Greenhill FC – Fees for 2011/12 season plus bond £700.00 Christmas trees - £543.00 99/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Mill Centre Management Committee Amount £691.66 Alan Atkinson £30.60 Bounty Pest Control £324.48 AJL Garden Services Christobel Seath - Clerk £25.00 £625.83 Post Office Ltd. £90.34 John Hill £45.45 Mark Esdale £202.14 100/11-12 Purpose Repairs to fascia, guttering, rear and front walls of Mill Centre Travel to Ditton for KALC AGM 12.11.1168 miles @ 45 p per mile Annual charge for pest control 1/12/11 – 30/11/12 (£270.20 + £54.08 vat) Grounds maintenance November 2011 Clerk’s salary and allowances for November 2011 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for November 2011 Travel to Langley for Localism Seminar £22.20 (56 miles @ 45p per mile) + lunch for Chairman, Clerk & CPRE rep £23.25 Christmas tree lights & fitments (£168.45 + £33.69 vat) Any other business a. Cllr Edmonds notified the council that she had changed her email address. b. Christmas Trees – Cllr Hill thanked Mark Esdale and the team of helpers who had put up the Christmas trees the previous weekend. He also thanked Janet Horsley for arranging refreshments for the volunteers. The trees would be taken down on Wednesday and Thursday 4th & 5th January and all helpers would again be very welcome. c. Ladders – It was agreed to discuss the purchase of more ladders to assist with putting up the Christmas trees at the January parish council meeting. d. Village News – It was noted that news from Bridge village had again failed to appear in the Kentish Gazette. The Chairman would contact the village correspondent. Action; Cllr Hill e. A2 sliproad - There had been two accidents in the past week with cars overshooting the T junction off the A2 southbound carriageway at Bridge. The Clerk had reported both accidents to KHS and the police and had asked for the demolished signs to be restored as a matter of urgency. The on-going problem of the safety of this junction had been raised with the relevant authorities in February and it was agreed it would be discussed again at the January parish council meeting. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 8.25pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. January 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Ward and Wilmshurst. Cllrs Cook and Oakey from item 6c. 101/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 102/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 103/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8th. December 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 104/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey – Cllr Northey was aware of the problems at the A2 slip road and had been in contact with the Highways Agency. He would be taking an interest in any solutions proposed and suggested it would be possible to ask the local MP to take the matter up with the appropriate government Minister. 105/11-12 Report from Cllr Cook – (Written report) The Executive had recommended a further loan of £1.5 million to the cricket club. A Scruitiny Review had been launched into Parish Concurrent Function Funding, which would be chaired by Cllr Cook. Work had been started to prepare for the Localism Act. A decision had been reached on the future of the Mill Centre (see 106 e below) 106/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- A picnic bench had been vandalised and moved into the Health Centre car park. Cllr Wilmshurst had retrieved it and would attempt to repair it. The Health Centre had been notified that their fence had also been broken down. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Shrubs by the path to the school were getting too big. Cllr Hodges would assess what needed to be done. Action; Cllr Hodges The recreation committee had refused the offer of a sapling walnut tree because of previous damage to saplings without protective cages. The youth shelter replacement seats and paint had been ordered. Cllr Wilmshurst would investigate how best to remove the bolts. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Fresh Air Fitness had agreed to replace damaged parts of the fitness equipment and give the equipment a safety check, the following week. It was agreed to accept a quote from Hartlee Tree Surgeons to grind out the tree stumps round the sandbag store Action; Clerk It was agreed to paint the graffiti covered side of the sand bag store and then plant along it to prevent more graffiti. Action; Cllr Hodges b. Affordable Housing – The city council housing officer, Gillian Pritchard had advised all those intending to bid for the affordable housing to telephone the city council direct between Friday 20th January and noon on Wednesday 25th January to bid for specific properties. The city council would be informing the parish council of the reference numbers of each individual property and this information would be put on the website and village notice boards as soon as it was received. Action; Clerk c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Atkinson confirmed that the village beacon had been officially registered. He asked the parish council for an advance of funds, in addition to the £1,000 agreed, in order to hire entertainers and book facilities such as ‘Portaloos’ that needed to be secured ahead of any donations and sponsorship, which the committee hoped to raise. It was agreed that a breakdown of costs would be submitted at the February Parish Council with a request for funding to be Action; Cllrs Oakey & Atkinson loaned by the parish council. d. Methodist Chapel – English Heritage were still considering national listing for this building. There had been no further information regarding its sale. e. Mill Centre – Cllr Hill and Mark Esdale had spoken at the meeting of the City Council’s Executive Committee the previous week requesting that that the Mill Centre was leased to the parish council on a long lease at an affordable rent, as had been indicated as probable to Cllr Cook last year. However, the Executive Committee had decided to sell the Centre for housing development with a valuation in the region of £300,000 and give the youth organisations nine months to find alternative premises. The parish council expressed its great disappointment at this decision and its determination to ensure that the youth of Bridge and surrounding areas were able to continue their activities. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that the parish council would approach the city council’s Head of Community Services to open a dialogue about possible alternative premises for the village youth organisations. Meanwhile the Mill Centre Management Committee would fight to keep the Mill Centre for the youth. Mark Esdale was asked to draw up the requirements of the youth organisations so that these could be put to the city council in the specifications for an alternative youth centre. Action; Mark Esdale & Clerk f. Bus shelter seat – Cllr Hill had located a suitable model of tip up bracket for the bus shelter seat. Cllr Wilmshurst would make further enquiries about the feasibility of installing the seats. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst 107/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 108/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Garden Ways, Bridge Hill, Bridge KALC Canterbury branch 11th. January – Cllr Hodges – Report Circulated Village Hall Management Committee 17th November 2011 – Cllr Hodges (minutes circulated) Remove copper beech by up to 20% & remove dead wood Crown lift 1st yew by max of 3 metres Crown lift 2nd yew by 3m and reduce overall by 25% Reduce yew to left of parking space by up to 25% The city council tree officer had arranged to visit the site because of the extensive nature of the work proposed. 109/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Neighbourhood Plan- It was agreed to set up a Neighbourhood Plan Committee consisting of parish councillors and other residents of Bridge. The Committee would report its recommendations to the parish council. Cllrs Hill, Wilmshurst, Edmonds and Oakey would initially form the committee. b. A2 Slip road- There had been a series of accidents with cars overshooting the A2 slip road in the previous six weeks. These had demolished the signs on Bekesbourne Road. Kent Highway Services had not replaced the signs. The Highways Agency and KHS had been asked to take urgent action to improve this dangerous junction, as they had promised at the inter agency meeting held in February 2011.It was reported that the transportation team of KHS would visit the site the next day and would make recommendations. It was agreed to report any further incidents to the Clerk who would inform KHS. Action; Clerk c. Twinning of Bridge with St Andre – Cllr Hill asked that the twinning ceremony should be held in Bridge rather than in Canterbury. Cllr Oakey, who had organised the event, explained that Bridge did not have a suitable civic space available for the twinning, which would take place at the Guildhall on the morning of 10th February at 11.00am. d. Walkers are Welcome Scheme- It was agreed that Cllr Atkinson would look at the feasibility of Bridge joining this scheme and report his recommendations to the February parish council meeting. Action; Cllr Atkinson e. Time Capsule for Affordable Housing Site – Bridge School had not yet provided details of the items for the time capsule to be buried at the affordable housing site. It was agreed to authorise up to £236 to be spent Action; Cllr Hill on a capsule. f. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed to invite Ann Millington, Chief Executive of Kent Fire and Rescue Service, to speak at the Annual Action; Clerk Parish Meeting on 3rd May. g. Working party for local footpaths – It was agreed to arrange a working party to clear the footpath CB 309 running from Renville to White Hill Woods. This would take place on Saturday 21st January. Volunteers should meet at Renville Oast at 9.00am and wear boots or wellingtons, gloves and, if possible, eye protectors. Tony Walder, Bridge Footpaths officer, would supply further information Tel 830 057 h. Village litter pick- There would be a village ‘Litter Pick’ on Saturday 3rd March organised by Cllr Ward. Volunteers should meet at Bridge Post Action; Cllr Ward Office at 9.30am. i. Low level lighting for High Street bridge over Nailbourne- The council considered a request from a resident to install low level lighting at the path in the High Street over the Nailbourne. It was agreed not to seek additional lighting but to ask Kent Highways to trim back the bushes to make the area lighter and to ask the city council to repair the footpath. Action; Clerk j. Ladders – The offer of the donation of an extension ladder from Mr Walder to the parish council was accepted. It was agreed that Mr Walder would keep the ladder at his premises. 110/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 111/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 112/11-12 Receipts The following receipts were noted; 113/11-12 Christmas trees - £293.00 UK Power Networks Agreement Riverside Close - £3.45 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee BT Telephone Account* Amount £87.52 Gillett & Johnson £164.40 Green Construction Ltd £1,146.98 Christobel Seath - Clerk £660.71 Post Office Ltd. £90.54 John Hill £34.20 Purpose Telephone account Sept / Dec 2011 (£72.94 + £14.58 vat) Servicing village hall clock (£137.00 + £27.40 vat) Payment of retention monies for village hall refurbishment (£955.82 + £191.16 vat) Clerk’s salary and allowances for December 2011 + adjusted NI for Nov Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for December 2011 Travel to Canterbury City Council 5.1.12 = 6 miles @ 45p = £2.70 + Chairman’s allowance Christmas Party £31.50 * Paid by direct debit 114/11-12 Any other business a. Website – Councillors agreed with Cllr Corfield that the website should carry a disclaimer saying that the views expressed on the site were not necessarily those of Action; Cllr Corfield the parish council. b. Art In Bridge – It was agreed that Art in Bridge should be hosted on the website. c. Patrixbourne Road footpath – It was pointed out that the large leylandii trees on the corner of Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Rd were now obstructing the pavement and major tree surgery was needed. It was agreed that Cllr Hill would discuss the problem with the resident of 1 Riverside Close who had previously cut back the trees. The trees were either the responsibility of the city council or the Environment Agency. Action; Cllr Hill d. Broadband – Cllr Cook explained that it was possible for parish councils to apply for 50% matched funding to improve Broadband speed. The process was very complex and it was difficult to estimate the total cost. It was suggested that the scheme would eventually be rolled out in the area without cost to individual parishes. It was decided not to proceed with any funding request. The meeting closed at 10.03pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th. February 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th February 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst, KCC Cllr Northey & PCSOs Dodwell and Ward-Davies (to item 6e) 115/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 116/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 117/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12th. January 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 118/11-12 Report from KCC Cllr Northey – KCC had frozen the council tax for next year and taken a £14.5 million windfall grant from government. Half of this would be allocated to contingencies. There were presently delays to Members’ Highway Fund disbursements because of the large number of schemes to be dealt with. Cllr Northey commented on the temporary barriers and speed limit signs which the Highways Agency had installed at the A2 slip road. Once Kent Highways had reinstated the signs they would erect 20 verge marker posts along the road and the temporary barriers would be removed. A Kent Highways Action Plan had been inaugurated to try to prevent HGVs from getting lost in villages. A new website would indicate restrictions on local roads and their suitability for HGVs. Residents were invited to send their comments to Andrew Westwood at andrew.westwood@kent.gov.uk Tel 01622 222 729 119/11-12 Report from Cllr Cook – Canterbury City Council had frozen the council tax for next year and accepted government grant to keep the tax flat. The budget would be confirmed on 16th. February. CCC was undertaking a Scruitiny Review of Concurrent Function Funding. This would be a technical review into the application process and comments had been sought from parish councils. Cllr Cook had attended a meeting with city council officials about alternatives to the Mill Centre. (See item 120e below.) 120/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- Cllr Ward thanked Cllr Wilmshurst for painting the sand bag store. Replacement seats had arrived for the youth shelter and were currently being stored in the sand bag store awaiting a decision about their installation. Cllr Hodges had cleared the paths and pruned the shrubs on the recreation ground. It had been decided to accept the offer of a walnut tree. Cllr Wilmshurst and Tony Walder had planted the tree and Mr Walder was thanked for his gift. The tree stumps round the sandbag store had been ground out. Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Hodges and Wilmshurst for their work on the recreation ground. b. Affordable Housing – The city council’s list of successful applicants would be sent to the parish council and Southern Housing within the next few days. The parish council’s only involvement would be to verify claims of close connections by the applicants. Cllr Hill asked for suggestions for items to be placed in the time capsule. The school had already suggested some items. It was likely that the capsule would be buried after the new residents had moved in to the housing and it was suggested they might like to contribute small items such as photographs as the first residents of the properties. c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- See item 8a below d. Methodist Chapel – No further information at present. e. Mill Centre – Cllr Cook reported on a meeting held that morning between himself, Cllr Hill and the Clerk and Suzy Wakeham, Head of Community Development and Outdoor Leisure and David Kemp, Principal Valuer at CCC to discuss the need to find premises for Bridge’s youth organisations following the decision by the city council to sell the Mill Centre. There was much discussion by the parish council of two possible options to retain the youth groups within the village. One option was to build a new scout and guide centre in the grounds of Bridge Primary School. This would require the agreement of the school and KCC and would need funding. The use of the building would be shared between the school and youth groups. The advantage of this plan would be that it would take a relatively short time to implement if agreed. It was hoped that the city council could be persuaded to agree to extend the lease of the Mill Centre until a new building had been completed, perhaps within 2 years. The second option was for a new community centre for the village incorporating facilities for the scouts and guides. It had been reported by David Kemp that Cantley Estates were in exploratory talks with the city council for a large housing development in Bridge. It was suggested that provision of a new Community Centre could be a quid pro quo for agreeing the development. It was thought that the time scale for such a solution could be several years and the outcome was uncertain. The parish council rejected this option. It was pointed out that if the city council had decided to sell the Mill Centre to realise its financial assets, the Mill Centre Management Committee had already expressed an interest in buying the Centre but such an option had not been offered to the Committee. It was agreed that Cllr Cook would put the option of a new youth centre at the primary school to Bridge’s youth organisations. If agreed this would be taken forward by the scouts and guides. Cllr Cook would also approach KCC about the possibility of a shared building with the school. Cllr Cook would inform the city council of the parish council’s preferred Action; Cllr Cook scheme. f. Bus shelter seat – No further progress g. Walkers are Welcome – Cllr Atkinson reported that the scheme would cost around £40 per year and would be good publicity and bring visitors to the village. Canterbury Ramblers had agreed to assist with setting up the scheme, which would require a petition of 25 signatures and a launch event. The local landlords had agreed to display stickers for the scheme. The parish council agreed to implement the scheme. Cllr Atkinson would make further enquiries and report back to the next parish council Action; Cllr Atkinson meeting. h. Annual Parish Meeting – Ann Millington, Deputy Chief Executive of Kent Fire & Rescue Service had agreed to speak at the meeting and would bring two colleagues from the Service with her. It was agreed to ask representatives from the Bridge/St Andre Twinning Association, the Diamond Jubilee Committee and the Mill Centre to give short reports. Action; Cllr Oakey, Cllr Atkinson & Clerk 121/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Bridge, Remove 3 honey locust trees to benefit remaining tree (Notice originally given 4.2.10 and now expired) 122/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Diamond Jubilee Funding- Cllr Atkinson told the council that it was proposed to give a commemorative coin to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee to every child up to the age of 16 living within the parish of Bridge. It was planned to distribute order forms for the coins round the b. c. d. e. f. g. village, probably with the next Parish Council Newsletter. Cllr Oakey was confident that Friends of Bridge would contribute £1,000 to the cost of the celebration. He confirmed that a bank account had been set up and that cheques would be made payable to Bridge Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Committee. There would be two cheque signatories from that committee. The council unanimously agreed to give the committee a loan of £1,000 for the period of eighteen months at zero rate of interest. The Clerk would confirm this in writing to the Treasurer, Cllr Oakey, who would countersign the agreement letter on behalf of the committee. Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Oakey and Atkinson for their work on the celebrations. Action ; Cllr Oakey, Cllr Atkinson & Clerk Recreation ground rent increase – The increase in rent for the recreation ground from £450 to £550 per annum with effect from 24th. June 2012, proposed by Savills, Agents for Cantley Estates, was agreed. Action; Clerk Wet pour quotation – It was agreed that Cllrs Corfield and Wilmshurst would meet with Steve Briant, who had provided a quotation for the repair of the wet pour, to discuss what the repair would involve. Action; Clerk Dog fouling- The parish council deplored the increase of dog fouling in the village and urged all residents to use the litter bins provided to dispose of dog waste. It was pointed out by Cllr Oakey that action could be taken against dog owners if residents were prepared to make witness statements when they saw dog fouling taking place. John Ash- It was agreed to write a letter of condolence to the family of John Ash, former Chairman of Bekesbourne Parish Council and a resident of Bridge, who had died a few days previously. Action; Clerk Recreation Ground Working Party – Cllr Hodges would organise a working party on the recreation ground on Saturday 21st April at 9.30am. Cllr Ward agreed to postpone the litter pick she was organising until Saturday 17th March because several councillors were unavailable on 3rd March, Volunteers should meet at the post office at 9.30 am. Residents of Bridge would be very welcome to help at both these events. Action Cllrs Hodges & Ward Recreation Ground Committee – It was agreed that Cllr Hodges, as Co-ordinator for the Wild Flower Project, should join the Recreation Ground Committee. 123/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 124/11-12 Receipts The following receipt was noted; HM Customs & Revenue VAT reimbursement - £228.95 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) 125/11-12 BVHMC Payee Amount £36.00 Aon Ltd Hart Lee £38.21 £60.00 Christobel Seath - Clerk £643.37 Post Office Ltd. £90.34 Action with Communities in Rural Kent Monster Play Systems Ltd £35.00 Cllr Terry Wilmshurst £19.03 Campaign to Protect Rural England £29.00 126/11-12 a. £210.00 Purpose Hire of hall for Parish Council from Jan – March @ £12.0 per session Fidelity Guarantee increase to £80,000 Grinding out 6 tree stumps close to sandbag store on recreation ground Clerk’s salary and office allowance for January 2012 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for January 2012 Annual subscription 1st April 2012 – 31st March 2013 Replacement seats & paint for youth shelter £175 + £35 vat Masonry paint for sandbag store £15.86 + £3.17 vat Annual subscription 2012 Any other business A2 slip road –Cllr Hill had thanked the Kentish Gazette for their publicity about the dangerous A2 slip road. It was agreed to write to the Highways Agency to thank them for taking action to prevent further accidents at the A2 slip road, which had so far proved to be effective. Action; Clerk b. Twinning – Cllr Hill objected to the word ‘honoured’ in the twinning agreement drawn up for signature. He reported that the alternative wording he had proposed had been rejected by Bridge Twinning Committee. c. Neighbourhood Plan – It was agreed to arrange a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, which comprised councillors and representatives of other organisations. It was agreed to inform the city council that Bridge had formed a Neighbourhood Plan Committee. Action; Clerk d. Ice on Pavements – There had been complaints from residents about ice on the pavements. Specifically complaints had been received that the post office /pharmacy had not cleared ice from the front of the shop making the area dangerous. It was pointed out that shop owners were obliged to keep the area in front of their shops clear. Cllr Oakey volunteered to get salt for the pavements. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the pharmacy asking them to fulfil their obligations. In future the Emergency Planning Committee would include a contingency plan for volunteers to clear ice from Bridge pavements in their emergency plans. It was agreed to re-visit this matter at the September parish council meeting so that plans could be made in Action; Cllr Oakey & Clerk good time. The meeting closed at 10.03 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. March 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th March 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey and Ward 127/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey. 128/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items 129/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9th. February 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 130/11-12 Report from Canterbury City Cllr Cook – Cllr Cook reported that the city council budget had been passed. A review into parish council funding would be completed by the end of March. City councillors had had a presentation on the Localism Act. Further guidance was expected by the summer. The city council’s Local Development Plan would take precedence over local Neighbourhood Plans. The city council was taking submissions for the Local Plan at present and there would be a consultation exercise on which the public would have an opportunity to comment over the summer. 131/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation ground- Cllr Ward reported that the guttering had been pulled down from the pavilion again and yellow paint had been sprayed over the newly painted sand bag store. It was thought that using anti climb paint on the guttering might make it difficult to repair. It was agreed that the Recreation Ground Committee should discuss the repairs to the pavilion with Mervyn Gulvin, Chairman of BVST. Action; Recreation Grnd Ctte It was agreed that Cllr Hodges should buy an oak tree to be planted on the recreation ground to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The parish council would provide a suitable plaque. Action Cllr Hodges b. Affordable Housing – The properties would be handed over by Jenners to Southern Housing Group on 19th March. The successful new tenants had been informed. Cllrs Hill and Hodges would be going to Bridge Primary School to accept items for the Time Capsule and the parish council would be happy to receive suggestions for other items to be placed in the Action; Cllrs Hill & capsule. Hodges c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Atkinson reported on the progress of the plans for the celebrations, which were going well. There were regular meeting of the committee and in future the minutes of their meetings would be circulated to parish councillors. A flyer giving information about the celebrations and enabling residents who wished to do so to order commemorative coins for their children would be placed in the Parish Council Spring Newsletter. Action; Cllrs Atkinson, Oakey & Ward d. Methodist Chapel – It had been reported that the matter of the disposal of the Methodist Chapel had been passed to the Property Department of the Methodist Church for a decision. It was agreed to approach that body again to remind them of the parish council’s interest in obtaining the building for community use. Action ; Clerk e. Mill Centre- Mark Esdale reported that the Mill Centre Management Committee was meeting fortnightly to try to resolve the problem of a future base for youth activities. A meeting with the primary school had been arranged for 23rd March to discuss a possible new building in the school grounds but there were many issues to be resolved. It was not clear who would own, use or fund the building. There were many organisations, not just Scouts and Guides who wanted to use the Centre. It was thought that any building supplied by Cantley Estates as a quid pro quo for a large housing development in Bridge would not be suitable for the needs of the youth groups and the Mill Centre Management Committee rejected that idea. If no workable alternative could be found it was planned to mount a major campaign to save the Mill Centre at the end of the school term. It was suggested that money already set aside in the parish reserves for the Mill Centre could be used towards any possible new building. f. Bus shelter seat – Deferred to next meeting. g. ‘Walkers are Welcome’ scheme- Cllr Atkinson reported that he had approached two groups of local ramblers who were putting together a plan for the year. This would be used in support of Bridge’s application to Action; Cllr Atkinson join the scheme. 132/11-12 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge Pollard poplar in rear garden to first major junction Crown reduce willow tree next to poplar by 30%, removing storm damaged limbs Reduce cypress in rear garden by 12-15 ft, raise lower crown by 8ft and cut back from Judas tree Reduce leylandii at side of house by 50% 133/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bridge in Bloom competition – The parish council agreed to support the competition again this year. Cllr Edmonds announced that this year there would be extra marks for plants that attract insects. Further details would be placed in ‘On the Nail’ and the Parish Spring Newsletter. Action; Cllr Edmonds b. Parish Council Accounts – There was a brief review of the current parish accounts and a request for any invoices relating to the current financial year to be submitted to the Clerk urgently so that payment could be arranged. This was particularly important for items that were funded under Concurrent Function Funding. Action; Clerk c. Litter at The Butts – There had been complaints about an increase in litter at the Butts and the old railway line. It was agreed to write to the manager of Mansfield Farms to ask him to arrange for his workers to clear up the sites. Cllr Hill thanked Selwyn Lewis for continuing to pick up litter around the village. Action; Clerk d. Clerk’s salary – It was agreed that the Clerk should progress to salary point LC22 on the anniversary of her appointment on 1st April e. High Street planters – Mr Possee, who had cared for the planters in the High Street for many years, would be retiring in the summer. It was agreed to write to thank Mr Possee and also to try and find volunteers to take over his duties. The parish council could arrange reimbursement for the costs plants and other materials used. Action; Clerk f. Letter of thanks to Kent Highway Services – Cllr Hodges reported that Kent Highways Agency had completed the re-surfacing and repainting of the white lines at the junction of Higham Lane and Bridge Hill. It was agreed to write to thank KHS for carrying out this work. Action; Clerk g. Spring Newsletter – It was agreed to produce a Spring Newsletter and several items were agreed for inclusion. The deadline for copy would be 1st April and Cllr Corfield would email councillors to ask for their contributions. A Diamond Jubilee flyer would be included with the Action; Cllr Corfield newsletter. 134/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 135/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 136/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *Bridge Jubilee Committee £2,000.00 £1,000 grant and £1,000 loan for Diamond Jubilee celebrations Time Capsules UK Ltd £168.00 Celebration Time Capsule £140.00 + £28.00 vat Savills Client Account £225.00 Recreation ground rental to Cantley Estates 29.9.11 – 24.3.12 Christobel Seath - Clerk £643.17 Clerk’s salary and allowances for February 2012 Post Office Ltd. £90.54 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for February 2012 * Cheque authorised between parish council meetings 137/11-12 Any other business a. Cllr Ward reminded councillor about the village litter pick which had been arranged for Saturday 17th March. Volunteers should meet outside the post office and should bring gloves. b. Cllr Hodges informed councillors that Bridge Primary School would be holding an Art and Music Event day on Friday 23rd March. Further details could be found on the schools’ website. The meeting closed at 8.48 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. April 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 3rd. May 2012 AT 7.30 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th.April 2011 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2011/12 – Cllr John Hill b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2012 – Cllr Simon Cook 4. Presentation by Kent Fire and Rescue Service; Ann Millington – Chief Executive, Kent Fire & Rescue Service Russ Jordan – Group Manager for East Kent 5. To receive; A report by Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook A report by Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 6. To receive; A report on Bridge Twinning with St Andre by Cllr Bill Oakey A report on the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations by Cllr Alan Atkinson A report on the Mill Centre by Colin Beesty, Mill Centre Committee A report on the Neighbourhood Plan Committee by Joe Connor, Chairman Neighbourhood Plan Committee 7. Any other business concerned with parish affairs Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 3RD. MAY 2012 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs J Hill (Chairman), A Atkinson (Vice Chairman), S Cook, J Corfield, A Edmonds, S Hodges, B Oakey, B Ward and T Wilmshurst, KCC Cllr M Northey, C Beesty Mill Centre Management Committee, J Connor, Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Committee, A Millington & R Jordan, Chief Executive and Group Manager for East Kent, Kent Fire & Rescue Service , C Seath (Clerk to Bridge Parish Council), and 40 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were apologies for absence from Derek Prior, Joan Hill and Mark Esdale 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 27th. April 2011 The minutes of the meeting held on 27th. April 2011 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2011/2012 Councillor John Hill welcomed the speakers and residents of Bridge to the meeting. He introduced the five new parish councillors and praised all the parish councillors for the large amount of unpaid work they did for Bridge. Cllr Hill outlined the projects which had been undertaken in the village during the past year. The affordable housing scheme had been formally opened during the week, with the burial of a time capsule. He complimented the previous parish council on their tenacity in getting the scheme through in the face of some local opposition. The council had purchased a strimmer and appointed Tony Walder as Footpaths Officer. There had been a working party of volunteers to clear path CB 309 earlier in the year. He thanked Cllr Hodges for her work on the wild flower project on the recreation ground. There had been two very useful working parties of volunteers in the year. A Jubilee oak tree had been planted on the recreation ground. The wet pour surface of the children’s play area was in bad condition and councillors were investigating the costs of replacing it. Cllr Hill thanked Mr & Mrs Possee for caring for the High Street planters over many years. They were retiring from the task and he asked for volunteers to takeover their care. Cllr Hill also thanked Mrs Fawke and Cllr & Mrs Oakey for caring for the chicane planters. The village was being kept clear of litter thanks to Cllr Ward and her band of volunteers. He also thanked Cllr Ward for organising regular Speedwatch session in Bridge, again helped by local volunteers. Former Councillor Mark Esdale had continued to organise the Christmas trees in Bridge and Cllr Hill thanked the residents of the High Street who paid for the trees each year. Cllr Hill mentioned the Twinning with St Andre, which Cllr Oakey would report on later and also the failure to secure the lease for the Mill Centre, again to be reported on later. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee would be an important celebration and Cllr Atkinson would give the meeting more details.. Bridge Village Sports Trust was being run by former councillor Mervyn Gulvin and he would welcome help and support from residents. The village had again had a change of PCSO but the new officer assigned to Bridge had not yet been in contact. The future of the Methodist Chapel, which the parish council had hoped to buy for community use, was still uncertain. It had been locally listed and a decision on English Heritage National listing was awaited. Cllr Hill mentioned the new Neighbourhood Plan Committee, which would be reported on later in the meeting and urged residents to make their views known about what they wanted for the village over the next two decades of the Canterbury District Local Plan. Cllr Atkinson was working to gain registration for the ‘Walkers are Welcome’ scheme which would bring visitors and business to local shops and pubs in the village. 2 Cllr Hill mentioned the success of the Farmers’ Market and welcomed the installation of the new bus shelter. Investigations were on-going to find suitable tip up seats for the shelter. Finally Cllr Hill mentioned village volunteers who continued to do regular important work; all the councillors who serve on many committees as well as working as parish councillors, former councillor Selwyn Lewis clearing bushes and collecting litter, Valerie Wicker for litter collection, Cllr Terry Wilmshurst as Chairman of the Planning Committee, Cllr Corfield for his work on the village website. He thanked the Clerk for routinely working beyond her allotted hours and for her helpful advice to the council. 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2011/12 Cllr Cook presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2012.He explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. He also gave a comparison of Bridge’s precept against other villages in the District. 4. PRESENTATION BY KENT FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Ann Millington, Chief Executive of the Kent Fire & Rescue Service, explained that the Service was visiting parishes to spread the message about their help for vulnerable people. The Service had 77 fire engines across Kent. There had been a 25% reduction in fires over the past 10 years because of their involvement in community safety. They were available to make home visits to vulnerable people and liaise with other agencies in putting a care package in place. Their performance standard was a10 minute response time but on average this was cut to 6 minutes. New £1/2 million Cobra equipment meant they were able to reduce fire temperatures in 15 seconds. Some fire stations, which had been in the wrong place, had been closed but five new stations had been opened. Cuts had been made in ‘back office’ staff. Russ Jordan, Local Commander for East Kent, said that Bridge was one of the safest places in the Canterbury ‘cluster’ which was one of the best in Kent. There had only been two incidents in the past 15 months. He was keen to work with parish councils in identifying and assisting local vulnerable people. The Fire Service would also work with the police and ambulance services to undertake joint activities to support them. 5a. REPORT BY CANTERBURY CITY COUNCILLOR SIMON COOK Cllr Cook said it had been an eventful and enjoyable first year as a City Councillor. The Council’s budget was tough and future prospects looked equally difficult. His main objective had been to preserve youth facilities in Bridge. Once the city council had refused to renew the Mill Centre lease, he had been working with all parties to secure a new youth centre on the school site. The Local Plan would be an important issue in the coming year. Cllr Cook stressed the importance of residents contributing their views to the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan, especially with regard to the proposed housing development sites. Cllr Cook concluded by saying it had been a pleasure to serve as City Councillor and he was always willing to listen to the concerns of local residents. 5b. REPORT BY KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR MICHAEL NORTHEY Cllr Northey reported that although this year £97 million had been cut from the KCC budget there had been no rise in council tax and in the 2012-13 budget less would be spent on administration and a higher percentage on front line services. £3,000 was being spent from Cllr Northey’s Members’ Highway Fund to introduce a 40mph speed limit along Bifrons Hill and signing had been introduced to improve the turn at the Town Hill/Station Road junction and to divert traffic from the Bekesbourne Road triangle. Overall £8,000 of the £25,000 had been spent on projects for Bridge & Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne parishes. Cllr Northey outlined proposals for a county wide HGV plan aimed at producing electronic route maps to reduce the impact of freight deliveries in the county and reported that a Sat Nav summit held in March was trying to tackle the issue of HGVs 3 blocking rural routes; a national problem. KCC is leading the campaign to use some of the new tax on foreign lorries for repairing our roads. KCC aimed to have 90% of the county on super fast broadband by 2015 and the remaining 10% on at least 2mb. To this end, KCC had received a grant of about £10 million from the government, to which KCC had added a further £10 million and it was hoped to add a further £20 million from local companies. Cllr Northey ended by thanking the parish council for its tireless work for the village. He gave the example of village litter clearings. The parish council assisted him in his work as county councillor and he was pleased to hear of the many superb organisations in Bridge. 6a. REPORT BY Cllr BILL OAKEY BRIDGE-ST ANDRE TWINNING ASSOCIATION. Cllr Oakey reported that following a village poll, held in November last year, it was agreed to go ahead with plans to twin Bridge with St Andre. On 10th February the Mayor of St Andre with their Twinning President signed the Twinning Accord with John Hill, Chairman of the Parish Council and Louise Tasou, Chairman of Bridge Twinning Committee in the Guildhall in Canterbury. The French Twinning Accord was signed on 24th. February in St Andre when the Bridge Twining Committee went to France. Cllr Oakey outlined the benefits of the twinning explaining that over the past two years visitors from St Andre had come to Bridge to the fete. They had given support to educational cooperation between the two local schools and a party would be coming to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. It was hoped that the twinning would bring economic benefits to Bridge. Cllr Oakey said that the twinning was being funded by an EC grant to St Andre and that Bridge would have access to this funding in future. A programme of future events was being drawn up. An open meeting would be held after the Diamond Jubilee celebrations for villagers who wished to get involved and perhaps volunteer to serve on the Committee. 6b. REPORT BY Cllr ALAN ATKINSON ON PLANS FOR QUEEN’S DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Cllr Atkinson announced the plans for the’ Bridge Big Jubilee Lunch’ to be held on the recreation ground on Sunday 3rd June from 12.00 to 4.00pm to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. There would be a programme of fun and games for all the family. Among the highlights would be a fancy dress parade, old-fashioned games such as a tug of war, sack races, children’s entertainment, face painting etc. Villagers were asked to bring a picnic, a picnic blanket and sun-screen for the children. There would be food and drink with a bar kindly arranged by local publicans. On Monday evening at 10.15pm the Jubilee beacon would be lit on Star Hill as part of a national chain of beacons. It should be visible throughout the village. Cllr Atkinson thanked Rev Simon Rowlands, Simon Hopkins and Dominic Graham and the pyrotechnics team for their help. Commemorative coins had been arranged which would be given to local children but there would be additional coins for sale at the Big Jubilee Lunch. Cllr Atkinson, on behalf of the Parish Council, thanked the School, PTA, St Peter’s Church PCC and Friends of Bridge for their support. Volunteers were still needed to help on the day and if possible to lend gazeboes. 6c. REPORT BY Mr. COLIN BEESTY ON THE MILL CENTRE Colin Beesty outlined the history of the Centre, which had originally been a depot for Bridge and Blean Rural Council. The depot had been abandoned in 1973 when the Rural Council had been subsumed into Canterbury and was later used as a wine business before being abandoned again. In 1994 the Scouts had gained entry and started negotiating with the city council for the lease. In 1997 a 10 year lease was granted to the Girl Guide Association at a modest rent and since then the Centre had been maintained by the Mill Centre Management Committee. In 2007 Discussions started over the renewal of the lease. The city council proposed a 25 year lease at £14,000 per year, which was beyond the means of the youth organisations using the centre to pay. Further negotiations led to a verbal agreement to 4 lease the Centre for 99 years for a peppercorn rent. However, in January 2012 the City Council Executive voted to sell the Centre for housing development and gave the youth organisations 9 months to vacate the Centre. It had been suggested by the city council that a new building be erected in the grounds of Bridge school for shared use. To date agreement had been reached in principle with the school and school governors to commit land and building plans had been drawn up. The estimated cost was more than £450,000 and discussions were being attempted with KCC for funding sources. Meanwhile the city council had begun the review process to decide on whether to evict the youth organisations in September and a decision would be reached in June. 6d. REPORT BY Mr. JOE CONNOR ON THE BRIDGE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Joe Connor explained that under the 2012 Localism Act, local input into the planning of housing and local facilities could be achieved via a Neighbourhood Plan. Bridge had therefore set up a working group to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan. As a first step a questionnaire would be delivered to every household in Bridge asking how residents would like to see in the village develop over the 20 year period of the Canterbury Local Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan would be based on responses from residents and there would be other events at which villagers would be consulted about the Plan. Once the plan had been drawn up it would be independently assessed and if accepted, there would be a referendum on it before it could be adopted. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee would have the services of a volunteer professional planner. Mr Connor pointed out that the city council had potentially identified three sites in Bridge and proposed around 250 new houses for the village. This would mean a large increase in the population of Bridge. It was probably not an option to refuse any housing development because of central funding cuts in the future, which would mean that housing would become an important source of city council revenue for local services. If Bridge refused to negotiate over housing numbers, development could be imposed on the village by the city council via the Local Plan Volunteers were asked to help with distributing and collecting in the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire, which would be done towards the end of May. 7 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th April 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Ward and Wilmshurst 138/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Cook and Oakey and KCC Cllr Northey. 139/11-12. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest in respect of agenda item 8e as President of Bridge Tennis Club. 140/11/-12 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8th. March 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 141/11-12 Matters Arising; The Chairman thanked Cllr Ward and volunteers from the Parish Council & village for carrying out a village litter pick on 17th. March 142/11-12 Disposal of Business from last Meeting a. Recreation Ground – Arrangements were being made to remove the broken roller and sell it for scrap. The repairs to the guttering were in hand. It was not known who had been responsible for painting the wall of the sandbag store and the pavilion doors. There was discussion about the wet pour on the children’s play area, which was in need of attention. It was agreed this would be an agenda item at the next parish council meeting. A decision needed to be taken about replacing the entire play surface , which would have considerable cost implications. Action Clerk b. Affordable Housing – The event to bury the time capsule would take place on Tuesday 1st May at the site. There would be a reception in the Mill Centre following the event. A group of children from Bridge Primary School would be invited to attend. Action; Cllr Hill & Clerk c. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations- The commemorative coins were being ordered. Bridge Post Office staff had kindly offered to help with their distribution. The bonfire would form part of the national chain of beacons and would be lit on Monday evening 4th. June at a time to be advised by the national organising committee. Access to the Star Hill site would be via the entrance opposite Higham Park and the gate and stile in Bourne Park Road The next meeting of the Committee would be on 16th April. d. Methodist Chapel – The Methodist Property Division were under the impression that the chapel was already on the market. However neither the local auctioneers nor the agents who had valued the building had been asked to handle the sale. The agents had been told of the parish council’s interest in being kept informed about the sale. e. Mill Centre- A potential site for a replacement for the Mill Centre had been agreed at the school. An indicative plan had been drawn up with costing. This would be discussed by the school governors later in the month. f. Bus shelter seat – It had proved impossible to locate folding seats that sprung back. It was agreed to investigate whether such seats were available from ships’ chandlers. Action; Cllr Hill It was suggested that the cost might be met from Capital Grant funds from the city council. g. ‘Walkers are Welcome’ scheme- Signatures were being collected from local walking groups to support the bid. It was hoped to have this completed by June with a target date for joining the scheme in July. 143/11-12 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury Branch of KALC 11th April – Cllr Wilmshurst Chris Maw of Kent Highways had addressed the meeting and several local issues had been raised, although no solutions had been forthcoming. Neighbourhood Plan Committee 4th April – Cllr Hill The first meeting of the Committee, which represents various village groups, had been addressed by Adrian Verrall of the City Council’s Planning Dept. Local residents would be asked for their views on the proposals being put forward in city council’s Local Plan, which was in preparation and, once adopted, would cover the next 20 years. It was important that Bridge had an input into where additional housing should be and where green spaces should be kept. The next meeting would be on 19th April. 144/11-12. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Reserves – The council approved the current parish reserves. It was agreed to allocate £5,000 from the general reserve to the Action; Clerk Neighbourhood Plan costs. b. Report on Flood Risk in Bridge – Mervyn Gulvin presented maps and supporting documents concerning the flood risk to properties within Bridge. These had been compiled because some residents had had difficulty in obtaining household insurance because of the perceived flood risk in Bridge. It was agreed to put the maps on the village website and also to make them available at the Annual Parish Meeting so that any inaccuracies could be corrected. Cllr Hill thanked Mr Gulvin for his work on this matter. c. Meeting with Bridge Primary School Head teacher – Cllr Hodges spoke to her report on the meeting. It was agreed to discuss the future of the Wild Flower project at the next parish council meeting. d. Support for the initiative to lobby MPs to give parish councils the right of appeal against the granting of planning applications when they had recommended refusal. – It was agreed to write to Julian Brazier MP to ask him to support Early Day Motion 2824 covering this Action; Clerk matter. e. Tennis Club Proposals to extend their fencing and make an outside seating area. – Councillors did not object to this proposal. Cllr Atkinson suggested that paving should be used instead of gravel because of the likelihood of small stones being washed away in any flood and also the problem of disabled access over gravel. Cantley Estates had written to the Clerk to say they did not object to the proposals. f. Purchase of oak tree to commemorate Queen’s Diamond Jubilee The council approved the use of s.137 funds for the purchase of a commemorative oak tree for the recreation ground. g. Site for the commemorative oak tree- After discussion it was agreed that Cllrs Hodges, Hill & Wilmshurst would meet before the recreation ground working party at 9.00am on 21st April to agree the positioning of Action; Cllrs Hill, Hodges & Wilmshurst the tree. h. Use of the recreation ground for village fete parking – It was agreed that the recreation ground could be used for parking at the fete on 23rd June, with the usual proviso that it should not be used in wet weather because of potential damage to the football field. Action; Clerk i. Bridges over the water meadows in Brewery Lane – A request had been received for the wire netting over the bridges to be renewed. It was agreed to refer this to Public Rights of Way since the bridges were its responsibility and the parish council did not have the capacity to undertake this work at present. Action; Clerk j. Village Diary – It was decided to reinstate the Village Diary, which would be kept in a suitable public venue so that bookings for village venues could be recorded in it. The purpose would be to prevent conflicting dates of local events and it would be the responsibility of those organisations making the bookings to record the dates. Action; Cllr Edmonds 145/11-12 Correspondence List – Noted 146/11-12 Bank Transfers The transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts was noted 147/11-12 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose ~BT £71.87 Telephone account for Jan/Feb £59.90 + £11.97 vat * Preston Nursery £110.00 Diamond Jubilee oak tree and associated items Section 137 payment * Bridge Village Sports Trust £300.21 Reimbursement for Green Insurance Group - Sports Pavilion insurance * Green Construction Ltd £120.00 Pavilion guttering repairs £100 + £20 vat * Christobel Seath – Clerk £45.83 Petty cash *Mark Esdale £84.00 Domain hosting, spam filtering & website maintenance 1/4/11 – 31/3/12 *John E Hill £49.60 Aerial photo of Bridge for time capsule (£10.00) & travel expenses to Rochester & Canterbury 80 miles @ 45 p per mile = £39.60 Travel claim Bridge/Petham/ Blean on 14th. *Sue Hodges £10.35 March 23 miles @ 0.45p per mile *Mervyn Gulvin £147.90 Photocopying services May 2010 – Mar 2012 * Simon Gomm £590.00 Repairs to village hall wall. * Christobel Seath – Clerk £54.24 Reimbursement of purchase of postage stamps 10 bks X 2nd class + 2 bks X 1st class Christobel Seath - Clerk £643.17 Clerk’s salary and allowances for March 2012 Post Office Ltd. £90.54 Employer PAYE & NI Contributions for March 2012 D Possee £30.00 Supply of plants & compost & maintenance of High Street planters – Winter 2012. Annual subscription to year ending 31st Kent Association of Local £507.65 Councils March 2013 £423.04 + £84.61 vat Mervyn Gulvin £8.00 2 new recreation ground gate keys cut Mickle Print £73.75 Printing of PC Newsletter and inserts Cllr Simon Cook £13.79 Labels for welcome packs £11.49 + £2.30 vat Christobel Seath – Clerk £42.27 Ink cartridge & accounts file £35.22 + £7.05 vat * Cheque authorised between parish council meetings ~ Paid by Direct Debit 148/11-12 Any other business a. Recreation Ground Working Party - Cllr Hodges reminded councillors that this would take place on Saturday 21st April at 9.00am. All volunteers would be very welcome. b. Newsletter - Cllr Corfield asked councillors to let him know if they had not had enough copies of the Newsletter for their distribution rounds. c. Duke of Edinburgh’s award volunteers - Cllr Hill had been asked for potential areas where two local volunteers could pick up litter in Bridge. The meeting closed at 9.10 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. May 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th.May 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 1/12-13 Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman Cllr Hill was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Wilmshurst, seconded by Cllr Edmonds and elected unanimously Cllr Hodges was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Corfield and elected unanimously 2/12-13 Areas of responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see attached list. The Affordable Housing Committee was dissolved. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Cook & kCC Cllr Northey. 3/12-13 4/12-13 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 5/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th. April 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/12-13 Matters arising; There were no matters arising 7/12-13 Neighbourhood Plan – Mr Joe Connor reported that the village questionnaire had been drawn up and would be distributed and collected from every household in the parish in the next few weeks. Several volunteers had offered to help with this and parish councillors were also asked for their help. After the deadline for collection, boxes would be available at various points in the village for those whose questionnaires had not been collected at the door. It was suggested that collectors be given slips to leave at houses where they had failed to collect the questionnaire, advising occupants to return their questionnaires via the boxes. The results of the questionnaire would be collated during June. The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee would be on 1st June. 8/12-13 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. c. d. Recreation Ground –.Cllr Ward reported that the broken roller had been removed from the recreation ground. Affordable Housing- Photographs of the burial of the Time Capsule to mark the official opening of the Affordable Housing Scheme had been posted on the village website and had also appeared in the Kentish Gazette. Diamond Jubilee – Cllr Atkinson reported that the Jubilee beacon would be lit at 10.15pm on Monday 4th June. Plans for the Street Party on Sunday 3rd June on the recreation ground were going well. Any further help would be welcome. Cllr Hill thanked the Diamond Jubilee Committee for their hard work and hoped that residents would support the event. Bus shelter seat- It was agreed to ask a local carpenter to look at the possibility of lowering the existing bar to make a ‘perch’ for people waiting for the bus, since the search for suitable pop-up seats had so far been unsuccessful and would probably be an expensive option. Action; Mark Esdale e. f. Methodist Chapel- Cllr Hill reported that the Estate Agents, Angela Hirst, were currently handling the sale of the chapel. The parish council had indicated its interest. The Agents were aware of Local Listing and that National Listing was pending. Annual Parish Meeting- Cllr Hill thanked the councillors who had given reports at the Annual Parish Meeting and Cllr Edmonds for organising the refreshments. 9/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Parish Forum Saturday 21st April – Cllr Edmonds - Written report circulated KCC Flood Plan Event Littlebourne 9th May – Cllrs Atkinson & Oakey. Cllr Oakey reported that the aim of the meeting had been to encourage the production of Emergency Plans. The emphasis had been on community resilience, primarily in the face of floods but Cllr Oakey had stressed the need to broaden this out to cover snow and other adverse weather events. Parishes were invited to identify ‘safe places’ in the event of emergencies. Bridge’s Emergency Plan would be Action; Cllr Oakey presented to the parish council in July. 10/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Audited Accounts for 2011-12 The internal auditor’s report was noted and the Parish Accounts for 2011-12 were signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer. Action : Clerk b. Wet pour – Quotations had been received from three firms for the renewal of the wet pour on the children’s play area. The option of artificial grass was also discussed. It was agreed to investigate possible funding sources, which would include the city council’s Capital Grant Scheme. Meanwhile the relative merits of various surfaces would also be explored. Action; Recreation Ground Cttee & Clerk c. Cleaning of Pavilion – It was agreed that the pavilion should be cleaned ahead of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. One quote had been obtained and Mervyn Gulvin, Chairman of BVST, agreed to seek another quotation for the cleaning work, which would include the laundering of the curtains. Payment would be made from parish council funds. Action; Mr Gulvin d. Wild Flower project – Cllr Hodges reported that wild flower areas were developing under the mature trees by the tennis court. It was planned to extend this wild flower area to more sunny patches alongside the courts. A path would be mown on the hedge side and to ensure that the benches were accessible. Action; Cllr Hodges It was reported that the old Pratt Bench was rotting. As a replacement bench had been donated by the Pratt family, it was agreed to take no further action. It was agreed that Cllr Hodges would spend up to £50 on new gardening tools to be stored in the sand bag store. Action; Cllr Hodges e. Tree Work on Recreation Ground – Cllr Wilmshurst reported that work had been carried out on several trees at the school gate end of the recreation ground, alongside the football pitch. f. KAPC Clerk’s Conference. It was agreed that the Clerk should attend the KAPC Action; Clerk Clerk’s Conference on 25th. May in Lenham. 11/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 12/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £4,500 between Parish Council accounts 13/12-13. The following receipts were noted; Concurrent Function Funding £7,028.07 HMRC VAT Reimbursement £372.44 Precept Payment - £25,480.00 14/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Society of Local Council Clerks Christobel Seath – Clerk £123.00 Annual subscription 2012/13 £593.47 Post Office Ltd Christobel Seath – Clerk £160.11 £60.86 Kevin Funnell £40.00 Sue Hodges £119.59 Kent Association of Local Councils Mill Centre Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee AJL Garden Service £72.00 Terry Wilmshurst £18.90 Ann Edmonds £75.32 Clerk’s salary and allowances for April 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution 4 rolls of Panasonic fax film £33.33 + £6.67 vat + £3.06 postage Travel to Herne for Parish Forum 24 miles @ 45 per mile £10.80 Fees for Independent internal audit of 2011-12 parish council accounts Wild flower project expenses £88.03 +£16.26 vat & travel 34 miles @ 45p per mile = £15.30 Fees for Clerks’ Conference, Lenham 25th May £60 +£12 vat Insurance for Mill Centre (Concurrent Function Funding payment) Hire of hall & Hunter Room 12th April to 5th May Recreation ground maintenance March & April 2012 Travel to Lenham for Planning Event 28th. March 42 miles & 0.45p per mile Annual Parish Meeting Refreshments – Chairman’s allowance £840.83 £42.50 £218.95 15/12-13 Any Other Business a. Cllr Hodges reported that she would be attending the School Council Meeting at Bridge school on 21st. May b. It was agreed to write to Cllr Northey to ask for his help in getting Kent Highway Services to replace the missing direction signs at the top of the A2 slip road at Bekesbourne Rd which had been removed in the previous December and also to replace the missing direction signs to London and Canterbury at the top of the A2 slip road at Renville, as all previous requests for KHS to take action had failed. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 8.50p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th. June 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th.June 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 16/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Corfield & KCC Cllr Northey. 17/12-13 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 18/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th. May 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 19/12-13 Matters arising; Cllr Atkinson asked whether any progress had been made in finding funding for the new play area surface. The Clerk explained that as no decision had been made about the type of surface to be used and therefore its cost, it was not yet possible to explore funding sources. 20/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook Cllr Cook said that a new small grants scheme had been launched by the City Council with a fund of £10,000. It was intended for small groups, which could apply for grants of up to £500. The process would be via the Single Grants Gateway and designed to be very straightforward. The City Council had indicated it would prefer to have responses to the Draft Local Plan by the end of August, particularly if local opinion differed from the City Council’s proposals. Formal consultation would begin at the end of November but Committees would start the review process in September. The requirement to hold a local referendum on the Local Plan had been dropped from the Localism Act. The Executive had approved the new procedures for Concurrent Function Funding. 21/12-13 Cllr Hill welcomed PCSO Elaine Cannadine who has recently been allocated to Bridge, among other villages, to the meeting 22/12-13 a b. c. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground –. Cllr Wilmshurst had the recreation ground folder. The guttering round the pavilion had again been damaged and there had been some damage to the plants near the pavilion. Anti climb paint had been put on the roof of the sand bag store to try to prevent more damage to the pavilion guttering. The fencing by Riverside Close had been damaged. Cllr Hodges thanked the volunteers who had planted the Jubilee oak and had helped with the planting on 23rd. April. Cllr Oakey and Mervyn Gulvin had taken sacks of rubbish from the pavilion to the local tip after the Jubilee celebrations. Diamond Jubilee – Cllr Hill thanked the Diamond Jubilee Committee for their hard work in producing a superb celebration for the village, both on the Sunday at the recreation ground and at the Monday bonfire and fireworks. Cllr Atkinson also thanked all the helpers who had made the celebrations a success. He announced that there were still some Jubilee coins available for purchase and they would be on sale at the village fete. Financially the event had been successful and the accounts would be available in due course. Bus shelter seat- Mark Esdale said he was making arrangements for a carpenter to look at the bus shelter and some plans had been drawn up. d. e. f. Methodist Chapel- It was reported that the chapel had been sold. The parish council’s bid to buy the chapel had been unsuccessful Neighbourhood Plan – Joe Connor, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, reported that 335 questionnaires had been returned out of 705 distributed. The data was being processed by Mervyn Gulvin and his staff using a computer program designed by Mark Esdale. It was intended that the Neighbourhood Plan would be completed by August in time to present to the City Council before the end of that month. It was agreed that a special meeting of the Parish Council would be held in August to consider the Neighbourhood Plan when it had been completed. Mill Centre – Cllr Cook reported that the proposal to build a new facility in the school was no longer viable. Funding had been obtained but this depended on the building being available for community use during the daytime as well as the evenings. The proposal would have meant that the school would have had to donate the land to the Parish Council and the school governors had not considered this acceptable. A report on the future of the Centre would be presented to the Executive on Thursday 21st June. It would outline three alternatives; a. to extend the lease for a further two years, b. to secure vacant possession of the site in September c. to transfer the Centre to the community. Cllr Cook thought that agreement to option c. was unlikely. There followed a wide-ranging discussion about the possible future of the Mill Centre. It was pointed out that the main halls were in good condition but the kitchen and smaller rooms needed renovation. The estimated of cost of this was £200,000. None of this would be a cost to the City Council as, provided a lease of 25 years + could be secured, grants would be available. There was a possibility of ‘Right to Buy’ for the Centre but the city council would be under no obligation to sell the building below market value. Cllr Hill would speak on behalf of the Parish Council at the Executive Action; Cllr Hill meeting. 23/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Village Hall Management Committee –24 May 2012 – Cllr Hodges – Report circulated 24/12-13 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell row of dead leylandii from side of property – exempt Remove leylandii & mixed shrubs in rear garden close to boundary Fell leylandii located in front garden 25/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. List of Assets of Community Value – The Parish Council drew up a list of assets of value to the community, which would form part of the Neighbourhood Plan. The list would be lodged with the Development Management Department of the City Council. Under the Localism Act, the Parish Council would have a right to bid for a designated community asset and would have six months to prepare a bid to buy it before an asset could be sold. (List attached) Action; Clerk b. Bridge Village Sports Trust – There was a wide-ranging discussion regarding the running of the BVST and its relationship with the Parish Council. There were issues about the marking out of the football pitch and costs of running of the pavilion. No decision was reached. It was agreed that a new team, Bridge Athletic would be permitted to use the football pitch on Sunday mornings, alternating with Bridge FC. The team would be charged the same rental of £250 per season as Bridge FC by the Parish Council. It was also agreed that Dayspring FC would be offered the use of the pitch on Saturday afternoons at a reduced fee of £300 and that they would be asked to assist with marking the pitch. Action; Clerk The regular use of the recreation ground for profit by a personal trainer was deemed to be a matter for BVST. c. Summer football training for Bridge FC- It was agreed to refuse a request from Bridge Football Club to begin training on the recreation ground in mid-July rather than after 1st August, as stated in their contract. This was because of undertakings given to residents living next to the ground who had previously complained about disruption during the summer months. Action; Clerk d. Change of name of New Close- The Parish Council had no objection to the change of name of New Close to Bridge Haven and thanked the Avante Partnership for consulting them. Action; Clerk e. Request for double yellow lines at junction of Patrixbourne Rd and Riverside Close- It was considered that asking the City Council to agree to the use of double yellow lines would serve no purpose, as they would not be enforced. The parish council requested Cllr Cook to ask the City Council for more frequent visits by parking attendants to enforce existing parking restrictions in Bridge. Action; Cllr Cook 26/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 27/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,500 between Parish Council accounts 28/12-13. The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council BACS payment £434.00 grant towards Diamond Jubilee Celebration costs 29/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Terry Wilmshurst £50.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd AJL Garden Services Kent County Playing Fields Association Lower Hardres & Nackington PC Cllr Sue Hodges Cllr Ann Edmonds Bridge Jubilee Committee £593.27 £160.31 £141.80 £20.00 Christobel Seath- Clerk £18.90 £150.00 £31.91 £32.98 £434.00 Purpose Reimbursement of payment for tree work on recreation ground by D Pilcher Clerk’s salary and allowances for May 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution Recreation ground maintenance May12 Subscription for 2012-13 Hire of Speedwatch Equipment 17/7/11 – 19/3/12 5 wks @ £30 per session Tools & equipment for Wild Flower project Plants for High Street planters Disbursement of grant from CCC towards Jubilee celebrations Travel to Lenham for Clerks’ Conference 42 miles @ 45p per mile 30/12-13 Any Other Business a. Primary School – Cllr Hodges reported that she had met with Bridge Primary School Council on 21st May to ask what they thought about the village. Their responses would be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan The meeting closed at 9.35p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. July 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th.July 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Cook, Edmonds, Oakey, Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey. 31/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield, Hill and Ward. 32/12-13 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 33/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th. June 2012 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 34/12-13 Matters arising; Cllr Cook reported that Canterbury City Council’s Parking Department would send parking attendants into the village at school drop off and pick up times from the start of the September term. 35/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook Cllr Cook would be asking for feed back on the Lounge on the Farm event so residents were asked to pass their comments to him. The formal consultation on the Westgate Towers traffic scheme would take place in August and report in September. Any comments should be sent to the City Council. Cllrs Cook and Oakey had attended the Housing Review Panel that day and given their views to the Committee which was shaping future housing policy. 36/12-13 Report from KCC Cllr Northey Cllr Northey said that because of an under-spend, KCC had £6 million available for road surfacing in Kent. He handed over a letter from KCC’s Highways team explaining that because of the high rainfall during the past few weeks, they had been unable to carry out weed control spraying. Spraying had now resumed but the effects would not be seen until late July. The budget for this work had been reduced from £4.6 million to £3.2 million. 37/12-13 a Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground-.Cllr Cook had the inspection folder. There had been more damage to the guttering round the pavilion caused by footballs being kicked against it repeatedly. It was proposed to bolt the guttering onto the fixing brackets in the hope of making it less likely to be dislodged. b. Digley Associates would carry out a safety inspection of the children’s play area later in the month. Cllr Hodges planned to spend £60 from the wild flower project funds on bulbs Our PCSO had been carrying out foot patrols in Bridge and had the names of those suspected of being responsible for recent episodes of vandalism A proposal to allow St Lawrence cricket team to play a ‘one-off’ exhibition match on the recreation ground was approved. The Club would prepare the wicket. The Clerk would write to the Club and ask that they left the pavilion in a clean condition if they used it. Cllr Oakey to provide contact details. Action; Cllr Oakey & Clerk Neighbourhood Plan – Canterbury City Council had been formally notified of the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan area. It was reported that five members of Bridge’s Neighbourhood Plan Committee had attended a very useful Government funded training day organised by CPRE. They had made good contacts with other village Neighbourhood Plan Committees in Kent. Bridge’s plan was progressing as well as that of any of the other participants. A response on the three possible housing development sites would be sent to the City Council to meet its deadline of 28th September. An analysis of the questionnaires, which would form the basis of the response regarding possible sites was progressing. It would be necessary to hold an extraordinary parish council meeting in August to approve the response. 38/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Future Development of Canterbury 18th June – Cllr Wilmshurst There had been discussion of possible future housing sites in the District. Adequate infrastructure would be crucial to any future developments. Canterbury Branch of KALC Meeting 11th. July – Cllr Hodges Cllr Gilbey and Adrian Verrall had addressed the meeting. The precept paid to parish councils would not suffer in the coming year. Several surveys had been carried out in preparation for the District Plan. The same officers were elected to the Canterbury Branch of KALC for the next year. 39/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Re-surfacing of Children’s Play Area- It was agreed to use wet pour to resurface the children’s play area. Four quotations had been received but the Clerk would obtain one further quotation before a decision on the preferred three companies was made by the recreation ground committee. Grants would be applied for, possibly from the Capital Grants Scheme and other potential donors. Cllr Northey thought that a small amount could be contributed from KCC’s Members Fund. Councillors agreed to vire money from the skateboard fund in the parish reserves to part fund the wet pour because of the urgency of this work. Action; Clerk b. New Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors- Parish Councillors approved the new Code of Conduct. The Code adopted by the parish council is the same as the Canterbury City Council Code. The city council would continue to administer the Code as it applied to parishes. Councillors were asked to complete ’Notification of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest’ forms. Action; Councillors & Clerk c. Revised Standing Orders- Councillors adopted the revised Standing Orders required following the approval of the new Code of Conduct. d. Appointment of Clerk as Proper Officer to receive applications for dispensations under the new Code of Conduct- Councillors approved the appointment of the Clerk in this role. e. Proposal for the re-building of the Mill Centre – Cllr Cook outlined a proposal for a section of approximately 1/3rd the Mill Centre site to be offered to the parish council on a lease of at least 30 years in order to rebuild the Centre. The City Council would offer no financial contribution and the parish council would be responsible for finding funding for the new building. The proposal, which had not been discussed formally by the City Council’s Executive, had been put to the Mill Centre Management Committee which had expressed interest in the idea. The parish council voted unanimously to support the idea in principle and confirmed that funds were available in the reserves for the Mill Centre that could be put towards a new building. (Cllr Cook abstained from voting as an interested party.) It was reported that the Executive had voted to give the Mill Centre a new lease for a further two years. The clause restricting its use to uniformed organisations had been removed from the new lease. Action; Cllr Cook f. Speeding cars in Mill Lane- Councillors agreed not to request traffic calming in Mill Lane. There was no possibility that Kent Highway Services would regard this matter as a priority for their limited funds. Action; Clerk 40/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 41/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 42/12-13. The following receipts were noted; Bridge Tennis Club fees - £125.00 43/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT Ltd* £71.87 Christobel Seath – Clerk £593.27 Post Office Ltd £160.31 AJL Garden Services Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council Digley Associates Ltd £200.00 £200.00 Bridge Village Sports Trust £350.40 * Paid by Direct debit £48.00 Purpose Telephone account calls from 14/3/12 & rental for June-Sept 2012 £59.90 + £11.97 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for June 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution June 2012 Recreation ground maintenance June 2012 Contribution to up keep of St Mary’s churchyard 2012/13 Playground safety inspection for July 2011 £40.00 + £8.00 vat – (Invoice submitted June 2012) Grant for pavilion cleaning before the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations June 2012 44/12-13 Any Other Business a. Cllr Cook gave his apologies for the September Parish Council meeting. He would be attending a meeting of the City Council Executive on that evening. The meeting closed at 9.00p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. September 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday 15th.August 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst. 45/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Cook, Hodges and KCC Cllr Northey . Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. 46/12-13 There were no declarations of interest or lobbying on agenda items. 47/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Neighbourhood Plan Committees’ report on the response to the three proposed development sites in Bridge. Councillors discussed in detail the report on the proposed development sites, which had been drawn from data obtained from the recent village questionnaire. It was noted that 50.5% of respondents had said that they did not think Bridge needed more housing. There was a general consensus that Church Meadow should not be developed at all. On the proposals for the A2 site and Brickfields the report showed that opinion was almost equally divided with a slight majority considering the A2 site more suitable. After considerable detailed debate, a vote on the three options of 1.no development, 2. some limited development and 3. potential large scale development of both the Brickfield and A2 sites was taken. Option 2 was agreed with a majority of 6 councillors voting for it and 1 against. However, to try to ensure that the scale of the development remained small, it was agreed to include a map with the submission to the City Council, drawing boundaries on each site within which any development should be confined. Councillors would agree these boundaries at the September parish council meeting. b. Renewal of wet pour - Having considered the four quotations for the renewal of the wet pour surface of the children’s play area, it was agreed that the quotation from Wicksteed Leisure was the preferred option. Councillors agreed to contribute approximately 51% of the cost of the renewal i.e. £16,500 from parish reserves. The Clerk would seek funding from Canterbury City Council under their Capital Grant Action; Clerk Scheme. 48/12-13 Any Other Business There was no further business. The meeting closed at 8.48p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. September 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th.September 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill, (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey (to item 10), Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey 49/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Ward 50/12-13 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. There were declarations of interest by Cllr Oakey on agenda item 9c – member CCC Development Management Committee. Cllrs Atkinson and Corfield item 9c - Both reside close to SHLAA/201 site. 51/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12th. July and 15th August 2012 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 52/12-13 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 53/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook Cllr Cook reported that this month the budget process would begin and the city council would be seeking to make savings without cutting services. Residents were urged to make their views known on the Westgate Towers consultation. The draft Local District Plan would be published in November and there would be a 6-week consultation period. A further consultation period would take place in April 2013 before the plan was submitted to the Inspectorate. It was intended that the Plan would be adopted in 2014. Residents were encouraged to make their views known on all aspects of the Plan for the District. More information was available on the city council’s website. 54/12-13 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey Cllr Northey had asked KCC what was being done to register its concern at the size of the increase in rail fares for passengers in Kent. There would be no rise in Council Tax next year for the third year. A saving of £60 million was required in the budget and this was leading to promotion of new ways of doing things by KCC, for example more care in the home for the elderly. 55/12-13 a. b. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground-.Cllr Hodges thanked people who had donated plants and seeds to the wild flower project. She announced that a working party would take place on the recreation ground on Saturday 20th October. Volunteers should meet at the pavilion at 9.00am. The fence by the pavilion had been damaged. It was agreed to decide how it should be replaced at the next parish council meeting Cllr Wilmshurst said that special brackets had been made to help to protect the pavilion guttering from damage by footballs. Cllr Corfield reported that Wicksteed had repaired the larger A frame swing. The Clerk reported that Digley Associates had carried out the playground safety inspection and that it was likely that the A frame swings would need replacing. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. An application for funding for the renewal of the wet pour had been made to the city council. An application would be made to Viridor for funding as soon as all the required documentation had been obtained. Neighbourhood Plan – Mr Connor reported that an exhibition showing the results of the analysis of the questionnaire up to that date had been held in the village hall on 25th. August. A decision would be taken by the Committee as to whether to use the services of a volunteer professional planner. It was expected that the Neighbourhood Plan would take about 2 years to complete. c. Bus shelter seat – Deferred to next meeting 56/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposals were noted; Land just past Bridge Health Centre Remove branch of tree at narrowest point currently below car height (Exempt) 11 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Pollard damson in front garden. Remove low branch of hazel in front garden. Remove low branch of hazel over roof & crown lift to give approx 2 m clearance. Remove branches of hazel growing over no 13. Remove 2 branches of hazel growing towards BT cables. Pollard elder by the BT box to approx 2.5 m 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell Leylandii in rear garden Fell leylandii in front garden It was reported that the willow by the tennis court needed attention. Action; Tree Warden & Clerk 57/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Resignation of Cllr Simon Cook – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Cook for his work as parish councillor. The vacancy had been notified by the city council in the normal way. b. Audit of Parish Accounts 2011/12 – Councillors noted that the Audit Commission had completed the audit of the parish accounts without qualification. c. Boundaries for possible housing development of SHLAA sites – Following much discussion, it was agreed to draw the boundary of the area acceptable for housing development on SHLAA site /201 (land west of the A2) alongside the present boundary of Bridge Health Centre, to finish level with the Centre’s perimeter fence and approximately 1/3rd of the proposed site wide. A maximum of 10 houses for families to be built on this site during the period of the District Plan. It was agreed to draw the boundary for SHLAA site /186 (Brickfields) along the top of the field, to follow the line of the existing affordable housing and extend it as far as necessary to accommodate a maximum of 8 affordable housing units to be built during the period of the Local District Plan. A map showing the extent of the two areas for development would be submitted to the city council with the parish council’s formal response to the SHLAA site proposals. The above was agreed by a majority of 6 councillors with one councillor voting Action; Clerk against. d. Proposed Introduction of electronic payments for parish councils- It was agreed that the response from KALC to this consultation was sensible. It was pointed out that as yet no system had been suggested that would be easier to operate and as secure as the current cheque system. The parish council would continue to monitor developments. e. Overhanging branches It was agreed that in future a letter would be sent by the parish council to residents who failed to cut back overhanging branches which impeded pedestrians. Cllr Oakey undertook to obtain an example of a letter used Action; Cllr Oakey & Clerk for this purpose in one of his ward villages. f. Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds announced that the presentation of awards for ‘Bridge in Bloom’ would be held on Thursday 27th. September at 3.00pm in Mansfield Court. All councillors were welcome to attend. Flowers would be presented to Mansfield Court, which won the Community Garden award again, Penny Spencer would be presented with a garden token and the Red Lion would be awarded a shield, which was being engraved. Cllr Edmonds thanked Viv Brazier for her help in judging the competition. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Edmonds for organising the competition again. g. Volunteers for the recreation ground – Cllr Hodges informed the parish council that she would be setting up a task force of volunteers to work on the recreation ground. She would welcome offers of help from anyone who was able to give some time to this. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Hodges for her work on the wild flower project. 58/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 59/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,500 between Parish Council accounts 60/12-13. The following receipt was noted; HMRC – Reimbursement of VAT payments - £150.53 61/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee *Christobel Seath – Clerk *Post Office Ltd *AJL Garden Services Tony Walder – Footpaths Officer Amount £593.21 £160.30 £141.80 £16.18 Digley Associates Ltd £48.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk £593.39 Post Office Ltd £160.32 Audit Commission £342.00 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd £26.40 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd £234.84 M J Gulvin £222.75 Christobel Seath - Clerk Savills Client Account £33.94 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £96.00 AJL Garden Services £141.80 £275.00 * Paid during August Purpose Clerk’s salary and allowances for July 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution July Recreation ground maintenance July 2012 Consumables for strimmer £13.49 + £2.69 vat Playground safety inspection for July 2012 = £40.00 + £8.00 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for August 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution August 2012 Audit fee for 2011/12 - £285.00 + £57.00 vat 2 X Pentagon Keys + p &p for swings £18.00 + £4.40 vat Spare parts and labour costs for fitting bolts & washers, tie bars and end caps to log swing £195.70 + £39.14 vat. Reimbursement of expenses for materials used for Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition £185.63 + £37.12 vat Petty cash Rental for recreation ground 25/3/1228/9/12 Invoice 64 Hire of hall for Parish Council June, July, August + exhibition = £48.00. Invoice 77 Hire of hall parish council Sept to Dec 2012 = £48.00 Recreation ground maintenance August 2012 62/12-13 Any Other Business a. Highways & Transportation Seminar – Cllr Atkinson agreed to represent the parish council at KCC’s Highways & Transportation Seminar in Ashford on Wednesday 10th October The meeting closed at 9.32 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. October 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th.October 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; 63/11-12 Cllrs Hill, (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward, Wilmshurst Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey and CCC Cllr Cook 64/12-13 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. There were declarations of interest by Cllr Hill re item 9 f President of Bridge Tennis Club and Cllrs Oakey and Ward re item 9h, both members of Bridge Twinning Association Committee. 65/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th. September 2012 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 66/12-13 Matters arising; Cllr Edmonds reported on the ‘Bridge in Bloom’ presentations, which had taken place at Mansfield Court on 27th. September. She thanked Mansfield Court for the excellent refreshments they had provided. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Edmonds and Mrs. Viv Brazier for judging the competition. 67/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook (Written report) The SHLAA sites had begun to be considered by the Local Plan Steering Group. It was likely that the consultation will now be early in the New Year rather than November. When the draft was published, each proposed development site would include details of suggested road layouts, allocation of housing, commercial space and so on where this was available from the developer. There were apparently no proposed layouts for the SHLAAs in Bridge so far but the Steering Group may well ask for these details as they considered the sites, so there may be some of this information in the draft, if they were included. Cllr Cook intended to arrange a surgery or surgeries in the village, once the draft had been published so that he could hear as many views as possible. The Executive would be considering the new waste contract that evening. Once the successful bidder was known council officer would be able to answer questions about how the new waste collection system would work. It would start on 1st April 2013. The Westgate Towers consultation would end on 15th October. Residents were urged to make their views known to the City Council. 68/12-13 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground-.The safety inspection report on the children’s play area had been received from Digley Associates and no significant safety issues had been raised. Cllr Ward thanked Cllr Hill for cleaning the graffiti from one of the recreation ground signs. It was reported that there were more broken tiles on the pavilion roof. Cllrs Hill and Wilmshurst had recently carried out repairs to the roof and would investigate the new damage. Action; Cllrs Hill & Wilmshurst There had been two recent complaints about an aggressive bull terrier type dog on the recreation ground. Our PCSO had asked residents to report such matters via the police 101 number. b. Neighbourhood Plan – Mr Joe Connor reported that Stella Meesters, a representative of Planning Aid and Sarah Platts, a volunteer planner from Dover District Council, had addressed a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee on 9th October. Little further progress could be made with the Neighbourhood Plan until the city council had produced its Core Strategy document. Efforts continued to arrange a meeting with Adrian Verrall at the city council. c. d. 69/12-13 Bus shelter seat – Mr Mark Esdale reported that a local carpenter had assessed the shelter and would submit a quotation to install a seat. The approximate cost would be £200. Overhanging trees letter – Deferred to next meeting. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury Branch of KALC 10th October - Cllr Wilmshurst Chief Inspector Steve Barlow had given a gloomy assessment of local policing in view of funding cuts. The future of the PCSO force was in doubt after April 2013.Police were unlikely to respond to calls out unless a crime was taking place. Any future plans were suspended until the new local Police Commissioner for Kent had been elected. KCC Highways & Transportation Seminar 10th October – Cllr Atkinson Cllr Atkinson had circulated a report. He advised that police would not enforce traffic calming measures in future. Two schemes were being considered by the KHT. One was a Village Caretaker initiative, the other a pilot Lorry Watch scheme. Cllr Atkinson had raised the problems regarding the A2 slip road with the Head of Operations. The Highways Agency had rejected a potential solution proposed by KHT. Cllr Atkinson was told it would not be a priority until fatalities or serous injuries had occurred at the site. 70/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposals were noted; 57a High Street, Bridge Reduce height of holly tree by 1/3rd and reshape Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge Remove small maple next to Judas tree. Remove hanging limb from ash tree & limb hanging over fence. Re-pollard cobnut & acer trees in front garden to previous cutting points. The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Remove dying beech tree from back garden 71/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. New swings.It was agreed to purchase two new replacement swings for the larger swing bank at a cost of approximately £100 each. Action; Clerk b. Fence by Pavilion- The chain link fence by the pavilion was being damaged by children climbing or jumping over it. Plants designed to deter this had been damaged or removed. It was agreed to ask a local contractor for an estimate for a higher, more robust fence, Action; Clerk c. Poll Cards- It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council to distribute poll cards for the forthcoming parish council election. Action; Clerk d. Graffiti removal-. A local supplier of graffiti removing solution had been found. It was agreed to order 4 spray bottles of the solution at a cost of approx £7.each. Action; Clerk e. High Street Flower tubs – The Council agreed that Cllr Edmonds should purchase more pansies for the High Street planters. Action; Cllr Edmonds f. Tree Work on Recreation Ground- It was decided to accept the quotation for the g. option of making a 5 ft clearance round the tennis court flood light and for removing overhanging branches of a sycamore tree by Mansfield Court . Action; Clerk Brackets for pavilion guttering- Cllr Wilmshurst showed councillors a prototype bracket which could be installed under the pavilion guttering to protect it from further damage caused by vandals kicking footballs against the guttering. The cost of installing the brackets would be between £200 and £300. Councillors agreed to Action; Cllr Wilmshurst go ahead with this plan. h. St Andre Twinning – Officials from St Andre had offered Bridge two signs to be installed at each end of the village indicating that Bridge was twinned with St Andre. Councillors asked to see the design of the signs before making a decision. It was agreed to link the village website to the Twinning Association’s website Action; Cllr Corfield i. Christmas trees – Councillors agreed that the village would erect Christmas trees in the High Street again this year and would be pleased if Mark Esdale would organise this. The trees would go up on Saturday December 1st and be taken down on Saturday 5th. January. All volunteers would be welcome to help. 72/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 73/12-13 Sealing of Documents Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed 74/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 75/12-13. The following receipt was noted; Bridge Junior FC – fees for 2012/13 season £100.00 76/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *BT £72.34 Christobel Seath – Clerk £593.27 Post Office Ltd £160.31 AJL Garden Services £141.80 Cllr Ann Edmonds * Paid by Direct Debit £37.95 Purpose Telephone account Jun/Sept & rental Sept /Dec £67.96 + £4.39 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for September 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution September 2012 Recreation ground maintenance September Bridge in Bloom engraving & prizes 77/12-13 Any Other Business a. Cllr Hodges reminded councillors about the working party on the recreation ground on Saturday 20th October. Volunteers should meet at the pavilion at 9.00am b. Cllr Atkinson was arranging for a quotation for a commemorative plaque to be put by the Jubilee tree on the recreation ground and would report back. c. Cllr Atkinson announced that there would be a ‘Walkers are Welcome’ event in Bridge on Sunday 21st October. There would be two circular walks round the village, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with lunch in Bridge. Further information would be put on the village website. d. Cllr Ward reminded councillors of the trip to the Christmas Market in Lille which the Twinning Association was organising on 1st December The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. November 2012 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th.November 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; 78/11-12 79/12-13 Cllrs Hill, (Chairman), Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Atkinson, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey. Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. The Clerk as Proper Officer had received written declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest from all parish councillors present in respect of agenda item 8A, setting the parish precept. The Proper Officer had granted dispensations to all councillors under Section 2 (ii) of the Delegations section of the Parish Council Code of Conduct. This dispensation to last until November 2016 or until the next parish council election, whichever is the earlier. 80/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th. October 2012 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 81/12-13 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. 82/12-13 Written Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Members of the Rural Area Member Panel had recommended two things to the Executive : - For the Parish Concurrent Function Funding, more money had been applied for than was in the pot. The recommendation was that grants should be capped at last year's amount (several Parishes - not Bridge had asked for substantial increases) and this would be funded at 83.2% - for the Capital Grants scheme, the two Bridge applications (playground resurfacing from the Parish Council and replacement windows from the Village Hall) should be approved. These recommendations had to be formally approved by the Executive, 83/12-13 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground- Cllr Wilmshurst had again repaired the tiles on the pavilion roof. All spare tiles had now been used up. One of the picnic tables had been smashed. It was agreed to move the remaining picnic table into the pavilion for the winter. Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Corfield and Wilmshurst for installing the new swings. It had been found that one of the shackle pins needed to be replaced. Cllr Corfield would supply the details to Wicksteed so that a replacement could be ordered. Action; Cllr Corfield Quotes to replace the hinges on the sand bag store and to replace the wire / fencing between Riverside Close and the pavilion and raise its height were Action; Clerk accepted. Cllr Hodges thanked the volunteers who had joined the working party on the recreation ground on 20th. October. She also thanked those who had donated plants and seeds and the volunteers who had signed up to work throughout the year on the recreation ground. Cllr Hodges reported that Bridge School Eco Club had planted narcissi on the riverbank and she thanked the school for their help. b. Neighbourhood Plan ; Mr Joe Connor reported on a constructive meeting between three members of Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Committee and Adrian Verrall of CCC, in charge of drawing up the Local District Plan. It had been suggested that Bridge should put forward a small number of proposals for inclusion in the Plan, based on data from the questionnaires. It was important that the Neighbourhood Plan Committee should consider other issues apart from housing. Another meeting of the Committee would be held before Christmas with the aim of putting further proposals to the parish council in January. The District Plan draft was not now expected until March 2013. Mr Verrall had agreed to come to address the village at a future date. c. Overhanging tree letter. Cllr Oakey explained that there was no generic letter from one of his other parishes. Bridge would issue individual letters to householders when required, pointing out that it was an offence to allow vegetation to block the footpaths. d. Design of St Andre twinning notice- Cllr Northey was assisting in obtaining a suitable design, approved by KCC, to indicate the twinning of Bridge and St Andre. When the layout had been agreed, it would be put to the parish council for approval. Cllr Oakey said that there would be no cost to Bridge for Action; Cllr Oakey the sign. e. ‘Walkers are Welcome’ report Cllr Atkinson had reported that 20 walkers visited Bridge on 21st October as an inaugural visit of the scheme. Two circular walks had taken place despite wet weather 84/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposals were noted; 41 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Fell mountain ash due to root rot. Remove a limb from yew tree hanging over Union Rd, bent over due to weight of creeper – Exempt. 1a Meadow Close, Bridge Reduce the height of a holly tree located on northern boundary by 6 feet Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge Clear willow tree round floodlight by tennis court to give at least 5’ clearance Raise the lower canopy to height of 20’ of sycamore tree by Mansfield Court and reduce back the lower canopy by 30% over the garden close to the fence. Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Remove self sown ash tree from back garden, leaning over neighbour’s garden. Lower crown of alder tree leaning over neighbour’s garden by one third. 85/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Budget & Precept requirement;.The precept and the budget requirements Action; Clerk b. for 2013/14 were discussed and agreed. Revision of Financial Regulations; The Finance Committee had reviewed the Internal Audit arrangements and had not recommended any changes. Changes to Financial Regulations recommended by the Internal Auditor were agreed. These included raising the level above which three quotations for work should be obtained from £1,000 to £3,000. Action; Clerk c. Recreation Ground Maintenance Contract 2013/14 It was agreed to award the contract for grounds maintenance to AJ Garden Services again. The price of the contract would be raised by 5% but this would be held for two years. Councillors praised Mr Longley for his good work and his helpful approach. Action; Clerk d. Bus shelter seat;It was agreed to accept the quotation for a new seat for the bus Action; Clerk shelter near the pharmacy. e. Diamond Jubilee Account ; Cllr Oakey reported that the balance in the Diamond Jubilee Account was £670.42p and that this would be transferred to the parish council as soon as possible. Councillors agreed that the balance of the £1,000 loan made to the Diamond Jubilee Committee would be written off. Cllr Oakey reported that there were still about 150 Jubilee coins available for sale. Action; Cllrs Oakey & Atkinson f. Snow and ice removal from pavements – Cllr Oakey would compile a list of volunteers who would be willing to help to clear ice and snow from the street when required. Action; Cllr Oakey g. Purchase of commemorative plaque for Diamond Jubilee oak tree – A decision on this item was deferred because Cllr Atkinson was absent from the meeting. h. December Parish Council meeting ; It was agreed that the Planning Committee would take place at the earlier time of 6.00pm and the Parish Council at 6.15pm on Thursday 13th. December. 86/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 87/12-13 Sealing of Documents Agreements between Dayspring Football Club, Bridge Football Club & Bridge Athletic Football Club and Bridge Parish Council were signed 88/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 89/12-13. The following receipts were noted; Dayspring FC – fees for 2012/13 season £300.00 Bridge Athletic FC fees for 2012/13 £250.00 90/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath – Clerk Amount £581.07 Post Office Ltd £172.51 AJL Garden Services Cllr Sue Hodges £58.40 £23.79 Kevin Funnell Global Cleaning Supplies £40.00 £33.70 Wicksteed Leisure £260.92 Cllr Atkinson £16.80 Purpose Clerk’s salary and allowances for October 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution October 2012 Recreation ground maintenance October Gardening materials for wild flower project £19.83 + £3.96 vat Independent Internal Audit fees 4 X Selden Graffiti remover £28.08 + £5.62 vat Two replacement swings + carriage £217.43 + £43.49 vat Mileage claim 42 miles @ 40.0p per mile 91/12-13 Any Other Business a. Cllr Oakey reported that the PCSO and City Cllr Cook would be holding a meeting for young people in Bridge later in the month. He would check on the venue, which could be the Hunter Room Action; Cllr Oakey b. Cllr Wilmshurst was in contact with the man who would install the brackets on the pavilion. c. It was reported that the football pitch had been severely damaged by a team playing in very wet conditions the previous Sunday. As a result the contractor had taken emergency action to repair some of the damage but the pitch would be unfit for matches until December. It had been recommended that the pitch be rolled two more times at a cost of £75 per time. The Chairman of BVST was taking steps to recover the costs from the football team concerned and had instructed all the teams to make alternative arrangements for matches until December. d. Cllr Hill reported on the Rural Area Member Panel meeting he had attended on 5th. November at which Concurrent Function Funding was discussed. e. It was agreed to invite Helen Bennington of the City Council to the February Parish Council meeting to talk about the new recycling system for Canterbury District. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. December 2012 at 6.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th.December 2012 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill, (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Moon, Oakey and Ward 92/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey 93/12-13 There were no Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 94/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th. November 2012 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 95/12-13 Matters arising; Cllr Oakey reported that he had had a good response to his call for volunteers to help with clearing snow and ice from the pavements. He would be meeting volunteers shortly. It was agreed to buy salt and any equipment that might be required to a maximum of approx. £100.00 Action; Cllr Oakey 96/12-13 Councillor Robert Moon was welcomed as a newly elected member of the parish council and congratulated on his strong election performance. 97/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; ( Via email) Cllr Cook reported that publication of the draft of the Local Plan had been delayed and it is due in March, although this had not been confirmed. 98/12-13 a. b. c. 99/12-13 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – The old George Pratt memorial bench was in a poor state. It was agreed to replace it with the new George Pratt memorial bench which was presently situated by the lay by at the recreation ground. The spare parts for the larger swing bank had been received. Action; Recreation Ground Committee Cllr Hill commented on the excellent job that had been done in installing the new brackets at the pavilion to try to protect the guttering. Neighbourhood Plan – At the meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee last month members had been asked to look at the results of the questionnaires again and identify areas that could be carried forward with the city council. Diamond Jubilee Accounts – A cheque for £670.42 had been paid into the parish council’s account, being the balance of the Diamond Jubilee account. Cllr Oakey would now close the Diamond Jubilee account. Some coins remained to be sold. Cllr Hill commended the committee on containing the expenses for the event so well. Action; Cllr Oakey Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC AGM Ditton17th. November - Cllr Atkinson (Report circulated) Cllr Atkinson reminded councillors that in future bus passes would be renewed automatically. Holders should ensure that KHS were informed of their current address. Cllr Atkinson also suggested that councillors should question the police on their response time statistics as they applied to rural areas whenever the opportunity arose. The tendency was for such statistics only to be quoted for urban areas. Village Hall Committee – Cllr Hodges (Report circulated) 100/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposals were noted; 20 Union Road, Bridge Pollard lime tree in rear garden by 50% The Close Communal Gardens, Union Road, Bridge Pollard silver birch & copper beech on north side of property Thin out crown of crab apple on south side by no more than 20 101/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Review of List of Councillors’ Responsibilities;. The responsibilities of the councillors were revised. (List attached) b. Purchase of Plaque for Diamond Jubilee Tree- Councillors decided not to opt for the more expensive brass plaque because of the cost and the danger of metal theft. It was agreed to opt for a less expensive alternative made from an artificial Action; Cllrs Hill and Moon material. c. Sycamore tree on recreation ground – It was agreed to authorise the tree work proposed for the sycamore tree on the recreation ground which had been recommended by the city council’s Arboricultural Officer, i.e. reduce the height by 20% and inspect the cavities. Action; Clerk d. Bridge Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the village sign was in need of refurbishment. It was agreed to ask a local tradesman to do the work. Action; Cllr Corfield 102/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 103/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 104/12-13. The following receipts were noted; HMRC – Reimbursement of VAT payments - £161.21 Repayment of Diamond Jubilee loan - £670.42 Christmas tree donations - £901.00 105/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath – Clerk £581.07 Post Office Ltd £172.51 AJL Garden Services Christobel Seath - Clerk Cllr Terry Wilmshurst £ £49.55 £295.00 Bounty Pest Control £324.48 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd £63.48 Ewart Clough £836.40 Mark Esdale £279.52 Simon Gomm Gillett & Johnston (Croydon) Ltd Cllr Alan Atkinson £200.00 £164.40 £31.50 Purpose Clerk’s salary and allowances for November 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution November 2012 Recreation ground maintenance November Petty cash Reimbursement of cost of brackets, labour etc for pavilion guttering Annual service agreement 1/12/12 – 30/11/13 = £270.40 + £54.08 vat Spare parts for A frame swing £52.90 + £10.58 vat 87x 5’ and 1 x 20’ Christmas trees £697.00 + £139.40 vat Christmas tree lights & fixings £232.94 + £46.58 vat Bus shelter repairs Servicing village hall clock 1/12/12/ to 30/11/13 £137.00 + £27.40 vat Mileage claim 70 miles @ 45p per mile Bridge –Ditton return for KALC AGM 106/12-13 Any Other Business a Christmas trees – Cllr Hill thanked councillors and residents who had helped to erect a record number of Christmas trees in the High Street on 1st December. The trees would be taken down on 5th January and it was hoped that many residents would come and help to do this. b. Twinning Sign – Cllr Ward showed councillors the design of the new Bridge signs which would show that Bridge was twinned with St Andre, which the approved. The signs would be paid by St Andre from EU funding. c. Recreation ground fence – Cllr Moon reported that the new fence would be erected on the recreation ground by the pavilion in the first week of the New Year. The meeting closed at 6.55 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. January 2012 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th.January 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill, (Chairman to item10f ), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges (Chairman from item 10f), Moon and Wilmshurst 107/11-12 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Oakey & Ward & CCC Cllr Cook 108/12-13 The Clerk as Proper Officer granted dispensation under Section 2(ii) of the Delegations Section of the Parish Code of Conduct to Cllr Robert Moon in respect of discussion on the parish precept. This dispensation to last until January 2017 or until the next parish council election, whichever is the earlier. 109/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th. December 2012 were confirmed as true records and signed by the Chairman. 110/12-13 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes of 13th. December 2012 111/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; (Via email) The grant settlement from central Government received just before Christmas was very slightly better than expected - but the indicated grant for next year was worse, so the budgeting process would continue to be tricky as money was very tight. A meeting between Cllr Gilbey, City Council officials and interested groups to discuss future options for the Mill Centre had been arranged. 112/12/13 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey Cllr Northey had contributed £9,600 from his Members Highway Fund to the Highways Agency to help fund better signage on the A2 slip road at Bridge. KCC maintain about 335,000 gullies and were engaged in a rolling programme of maintenance. Any problems with blocked drains should be reported to Kent Highways on 08458 247800. In future bus passes for the elderly would be automatically renewed without the need to submit an application. Pass holders should ensure their contact details were kept up to date. The KCC website had details of any changes to the qualifying age. KCC was strongly supporting the Dilnot Commission’s proposal that care of the elderly contributions should be capped at £35,000. An on-line petition was available for supporters of this proposal to sign. KCC was leading a campaign to keep future train fare increases to a reasonable level after 10 years of above inflation increases. 113/12-13 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Corfield reported that a hole was developing in the earth floor of the youth shelter. The Recreation Ground Committee would see what could be done to remedy it. Action; Recreation Ground Committee b. Cllr Moon was thanked for his work to repair and increase the height of the fence between the recreation ground and Riverside Close Work to remove suckers from the bases of trees and to remove the broken bench by the play area would be undertaken in the following week. A Spring Working Party would take place on the recreation ground on Saturday 6th April. Volunteers should assemble at the pavilion at 9.30. Neighbourhood Plan – A submission to the city council regarding issues other than housing relevant for the Neighbourhood Plan was in preparation. 114/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury KALC branch meeting 9th January 2013 – Cllr Hodges Report circulated 115/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposal was noted; 11 Union Road, Bridge Reduce height of a Cyprus tree by 30% and tidy. 116/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Review of Parish Precept requirement – In the light of a Government change in the funding of parish council precepts, which could result in lower grants available to parish councils after the next financial year, it was decided to increase the parish council’s precept requirement for 2013/14 by £3,000 to £28,707. Action; Clerk b. Mill Centre – Representatives of the Mill Centre Management Committee and Cllrs Hill and Moon were planning to meet Cllr Gilbey and City Council officials to discuss the Mill Centre’s future later in the month. Action; Cllrs Hill & Moon c. Replacement windows for the village hall – Councillors objected to the Village Hall Management Committee’s proposal to replace the wooden window frames with plastic frames because they considered this was inappropriate in a Conservation Area. It was agreed to ask the Village Hall Management Committee to submit three quotations for wooden replacement frames. Action; Clerk d. Re-examination of the wet pour quotations for the recreation ground Following a re-submission of quotations for replacement of the wet pour on the children’s play area, it was agreed to opt for the Abacus quotation. Action; Clerk e. Date of the Annual Parish Meeting – The date of the Annual Parish Meeting was proposed as Thursday 2nd May. (This was later revised to Wednesday 1st May because of the County Council elections on 2nd May.) It was agreed to invite Larissa Laing, the Head of the City Council’s Environmental Services to the meeting to talk about the new system of waste collection and recycling. Action; Clerk f. Parish Council Newsletter- Cllr Corfield asked for suggestions and contributions for the Parish Council Newsletter. The deadline for copy would be 10th March and distribution should be before the end of March. It would not be necessary for the copy to be approved by the parish council but a draft would be circulated to all councillors before printing. g. Dog bin for Brewery Lane – In view of the amount of dog mess in the area, it was agreed that the city council would be asked to provide a dog bin for Brewery Lane and locate it near the entrance to the water meadows. Action; Clerk h. Fire hydrants- The council decided not to take over responsibility for maintaining fire hydrants in the village from Kent Fire & Rescue Service. i. Village Diary- Cllr Edmonds explained that there had been clashes of dates for some events in the village and a system was needed for societies to publicise their programmes for the year in a way that would be easily available to other groups. It was agreed that an electronic calendar on the village website would be the best solution. Cllr Corfield agreed to discuss this with Mark Esdale. Action : Cllr Corfield j. Street lamp in Mill Lane- Cllr Moon reported that branches from trees outside the oil depot were obscuring the street lamp in Mill Lane. It was agreed to ask KHS to cut them back. Action; Clerk 117/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 118/12-13 stock transfers; The council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts 119/12-13. The following receipts were noted; UK Power Networks - £3.45 BVST reimbursement of cost of repair of football pitch - £133.40 120/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT* £75.28 Christobel Seath – Clerk £581.07 Post Office Ltd £172.51 Christobel Seath £40.48 CPRE John Hill Robert Moon £29.00 £33.95 £346.65 * Paid by Direct Debit Purpose Telephone account Dec/Mar + Sept-Nov calls £62.74 + £12.54 vat Clerk’s salary and allowances for December 2012 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution December 2012 Printer cartridge & calendar £33.73 + £6.75 vat Annual subscription 2013 Commemorative plaque for Jubilee Oak Repairs and raising the height of the fence between the recreation ground and Riverside Close 121/12-13 Any Other Business a Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group - Cllr Atkinson drew councillors’ attention to the report from the Environment Agency circulated by LSNRMG reporting that the river level was rising and suggesting that there could again be problems with sewage. Residents should ensure that the river bed was not blocked by obstructions that could impede the river flow. b. Bus passes – Cllr Corfield said that information about bus passes would be put onto the village website. c. Village information – Cllr Corfield advised that a page of statistics about Bridge, including the village co-ordinates, could be found on the village website under the ‘Introduction to Bridge’ section. The meeting closed at 8.32 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th. February 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th.February 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill, (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Oakey, Moon and Ward and CCC Cllr Cook (from item 10d) 122/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 123/12-13 There were no Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 124/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10th. January 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 125/12-13 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes of 10th. January 2013 126/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook reported that the Budget Committee would meet on 21st February. The Draft Local Plan would be delayed until early May because of the need to liaise with Kent County Council over transport issues. Suzy Wakeham had been made the CCC’s lead officer in the Mill Centre negotiations. Cllr Cook would follow up on the results of the meeting of 28th. January reported below. 127/12-13 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground –Cllrs Hill and Moon were thanked for installing the Jubilee plaque.Cllr Hodges reported that the door to the sandbag store had been damaged by vandals. The store was still secure. Cllr Moon would assess the damage and the Clerk would get additional quotations for its repair since the original contractor had been unable to undertake the work. b. c. Action : Cllr Moon & Clerk Neighbourhood Plan – Prof Connor was drafting a plan for comment by Committee members. Mill Centre- The Chairman of the Mill Centre Committee and representatives of the youth organisations had met with Cllr John Gilbey, Martin Bovington and Suzi Wakeham on 28th January to discuss the future of the Centre. A decision on the future of the site would be taken within the next few days. 128/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 129/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area The following proposals were noted; Kisterli, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BN Remove a Leylandii from the front boundary Reduce an ash tree, in the rear garden, to previous Rural Area Member Panel 14th. January 2013 – Cllr Hodges Report circulated cutting points reducing outer growth and thinning inner growth by no more than 25% and reshape Pilgrims Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Crown reduce Indian bean tree in rear garden by 25% 130/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Proposal for Commemorative tree– Councillors decided that any decision on planting trees on the recreation ground must originate from the parish council. As a general rule, trees to commemorate individuals would not be permitted unless in very exceptional circumstances. For this reason the council decided not to accept the offer of a commemorative tree in memory of Thea Carr. Action; Clerk b. Pollution in the Nailbourne – Cllr Atkinson would represent the parish council at the meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group the following Saturday. He would report that the parish council was appalled by the way sewage was being pumped into the Nailbourne. This had happened in two out of the past three years. The sewer needed replacing. Cllr Atkinson reported that some work had been done to the sewer but that the pipe work was not watertight everywhere and as a result, ground water was seeping into the sewer. The pumping station was not working. Cllr Oakey reported that only 1 kilometre of pipe had been sealed since 2001. Julian Brazier MP would be meeting the Chairman of Southern Water to discuss concerns over the present situation. Action; Cllr Atkinson c. Health Centre Proposals – Councillors who had attended the public meeting on 11th. February reported that staff of Bridge Health Centre had assured patients that there would be no diminution of services following the proposed merger with the London Road Surgery. Some concern was expressed by councillors over the possible increase in traffic along Patrixbourne Road. d. New Parking Proposals – The Council did not support the proposal to put double yellow lines at the corner of Brewery Lane and Bridgeford Way. However the proposal to put double yellow lines between the chicanes on Town Hill was strongly supported because of the danger posed by parents who parked in this area when collecting children from Bridge School. These comments would be passed to the Joint Transportation Committee for consideration at its meeting on 19th February. Cllr Oakey, as a representative to the Committee, would put the Parish Council’s view. Action; Cllr Oakey & Clerk e. Replacement windows for the village hall- Councillors had seen the three quotations obtained for replacing the windows of the village hall with double glazed wood framed windows. Councillors supported the choice of contractor made by Mr Action; Clerk Gulvin. f. Recreation ground fence planting- After a vote it was agreed that Cllr Hodges should purchase pyracantha shrubs to plant against the fence between Riverside Close and the recreation ground. Action Cllr Hodges g. Snow Clearing arrangements – Cllr Oakey reported that the new team of volunteers had managed to keep the pavements of Bridge clear of snow and ice over the weekend of 19/20th January. There were now 14 volunteers and around £200 had been spent on equipment and rock salt. Bridge Down residents had organised their own snow clearance but it was hoped that they would join the team Cllr Oakey would leaflet Bridge Down with details. Cllr Hodges reported that the steps from Bridge Hill to Bridge Down had not been cleared. More volunteers would be welcome. Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Oakey and Moon for their hard work and for organising the new system Action; Cllr Oakey. h. Annual village litter pick – Cllr Ward would organise a village litter pick on Saturday 16th. March. Volunteers should meet at Bridge Post office at 9.30am. New high visibility vests were needed and the Council accepted a quotation from Workwear Express for 24 new vests overprinted with ‘Bridge Volunteer’. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Ward and her team of volunteers for their efforts to keep the village Action; Cllr Ward & Clerk free from litter. i. Youth Shelter floor – The hole which had developed in the youth shelter floor would need to be repaired by installing a concrete floor. The Clerk would obtain two quotations for this work. Action; Clerk j. Rural Area Member Panel Grants – Cllr Atkinson drew the council’s attention to the RAMP fund and thought that some organisations in the village might benefit from such funds if they were made aware of them. The Clerk reported that the Farmer’s Market Committee intended to submit a request for funding for market equipment from RAMP. k. Purchase of new bench for High Street – It was decided not to use Parish Council funds to buy an additional bench to be placed next door to the former bakery in the High Street. The Council would have no objection to the bench being purchased by Mr Gulvin. 131/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 132/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £3,500 between Parish Council accounts 133/12-13. The following receipts were noted; HMRC VAT repayment - £333.69 134/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Christobel Seath – Clerk £581.07 Post Office Ltd £172.51 John E Hill Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Robert Moon £28.36 £36.00 Terry Wilmshurst £50.00 Green Construction Ltd £117.15 Mervyn Gulvin £88.20 Bill Oakey £152.37 Hart Lee £475.00 £45.74 Purpose Clerk’s salary and allowances for January 2013 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution January 2013 Chairman’s allowance expenses Hire of hall for Parish Council X 3 Jan/Feb/Mar 2013 @ £12.00 Rock salt and snow shovel £38.12 + £7.62 vat Reimbursement for payment to D Pilcher for tree work on recreation ground. Pavilion guttering repairs £97.63 + £19.52 vat Photocopying costs 2012 - £73.50 + £14.70 vat 4 snow shovels, 1 broom and 20 X 10kgs salt for snow clearing team £126.97 + £25.40 vat Tree surgery to 2 sycamore trees & willow on recreation ground 135/12-13 Any Other Business a Newsletter – Cllr Corfield asked for contributions for the Spring Newsletter by 10th March b. Time of Future Meetings – Councillors decided not to hold parish council meetings at the earlier time of 7.00pm in future. c. Village News – Cllr Hill pointed out that yet again there had been no items of village news for Bridge in the Kentish Gazette that day. He would approach the Gazette about the lack of information about events in Bridge. Action; Cllr Hill The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th. March 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th.March 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Oakey, Ward and Wilmshurst 136/12-13 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Hill and Moon and from CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey. 137/12-13 Address by Helen Bennington CCC’s Environment Promotions Officer Councillors were briefed on the new arrangements for the collection of waste, which would be introduced in the District starting from June 2013. There would be kerbside collection of glass, cartons, paper and food waste in addition to the usual garden waste and landfill collections. New receptacles would be distributed from May onwards with information about their use. 138/12-13 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 139/12-13 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14th. February 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 140/12-13 Matters arising; Cllr Oakey gave the Clerk a copy of the application form for the Area Member Panel Opportunity Fund, which is available on the city council’s website. 141/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; (Via email) Cllr Cook reported that more work would be done by KCC on Conyngham Lane, which had recently been patched. The road surface would be sealed in August. 142/12-13 a. b. c. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that the new safety surface in the children’s play area was a great improvement and looked very attractive. Canterbury City Council had agreed to meet 49% of the cost. The balance would be met by the parish council and potentially by a grant from Viridor. Work on a concrete floor for the youth shelter had been delayed by bad weather. Cllr Hodges was investigating a cheaper and more environmentally appropriate form of planting for the new fence by the pavilion. Cllr Atkinson reported that the PCSO and rural Police team would monitor activities in the youth shelter periodically. Cllr Hodges reminded councillors that there would be a working party on the recreation ground on Saturday 6th April. Volunteers should meet at the pavilion at 9.30am and bring gardening tools. Neighbourhood Plan – The Neighbourhood Plan Committee would meet on Friday 15th. March in the Hunter Room. Mill Centre- A report from Mr Colin Beesty, Chairman of the Mill Centre Management Committee, had been circulated to Councillors. Negotiations with Canterbury City for the mixed use of the Mill Centre site had reached an impasse. The building was deteriorating and some of the youth groups currently using the Centre had indicated that they would be moving to alternative venues because of the continued uncertainty over the future of the Centre. The MCMC had been unable to obtain a long lease from the city council, whose primary objective remained to use the majority of the site for housing. After extensive discussion it was agreed to write to Cllr Simon Cook, City Councillor for Bridge, to ask him to open negotiations with the city council on behalf of the village to get agreement to make provision for continued youth activity on the site. It was pointed out that the Mill Centre is on the Parish Council’s List of Community Assets. Action ; Clerk d. e. Joint Transportation Board decisions- Cllr Oakey reported that the Joint Transportation Board had agreed to put double yellow lines at the top of the High Street from the entrance to the allotments, between the chicanes and as far as Station Road, as the parish council had requested. A request for double yellow lines round Bridgeford Way, which had not been supported by the parish council, had been rejected by the Board. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson briefed the parish council on the current situation regarding the pollution of the Nailbourne. Screen diluted sewage was being pumped into the river from Bishopsbourne and flowing downstream through the village. The 24 hour use of tankers to over-pump sewage was causing its own serious problem in the village. The Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group (LNRMG) were working hard to put pressure on Southern Water to resolve the problem, which was caused by the seepage of ground water into an incompetent sewer system. The cost of replacing the sewer had been estimated at £10 million and was not a priority for Southern Water. A multi-agency meeting was being called involving the local authority, our local MP, the Health Authority and Environment Agency in the hope of pressuring Southern Water to invest in the renewal of the sewers. Cllr Atkinson was thanked for his tireless work to try to resolve the situation. It was agreed to write to Jill Thomas of LSNRMG to thank her for the work which the Group was doing on behalf of the village. Action; Clerk 143/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 144/12-13 Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation area Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group 16th. February – Cllr Atkinson (Via email) See above item 142e. Rural Area member Panel 11th. March – Cllr Hodges The Area Members Panel Opportunity Fund had been discussed at the meeting. It was also resolved that there would be 4 meetings per year in future and that representatives of parish councils would be invited to participate in two of them, probably starting in June 2013. The following proposals were noted; Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Reduce 3 beech trees on rear boundary by 2m & reshape. Crown thin 2 of trees by removing 2 vertical boughs from each. 3rd tree thinned to match. Remove tree near front of property. 17 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Reduce large sycamore at front to just below previous cutting points and reduce outer canopy as previously done. Sever ivy at foot of tree and remove as much as possible Reduce and shape lilac as required 145/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. BVST Restructuring & Pavilion alterations– Councillors discussed the proposals for restructuring the BVST and renovating the pavilion. The short length of lease remaining on the recreation ground could present a problem when applying for grant funding. It was agreed that Mr Mervyn Gulvin, Chairman of BVST would put forward costed proposals for work on the pavilion at the next parish council meeting. The possibility of changing the relationship between the parish council and BVST, perhaps along the lines of the Village Hall Committee, would also be discussed at that meeting. b. New window frames for village hall It was agreed to fund the balance of the cost of installing new timber frame windows in the village hall. Action ; Clerk c. Meeting with Cantley Ltd- It was agreed that Cllrs Hill, Hodges and Corfield should represent the parish council at a briefing meeting with Cantley Ltd. d. Clerk’s Salary –It was agreed that the Clerk should progress to salary point LC23 on the anniversary of her appointment on 1st. April. 146/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 147/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £32,000 between Parish Council accounts 148/12-13. The following receipts were noted; Christmas tree donation - £20.00 149/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *Viridor Waste Management Ltd £764.28 Christobel Seath – Clerk £581.07 Post Office Ltd £172.46 Canterbury City Council 1,014.40 Christobel Seath - Clerk Action with Communities in Rural Kent Christobel Seath - Clerk £35.00 Purpose Third party contribution to cover shortfall from Government scheme towards wet pour renewal grant. Clerk’s salary and allowances for February 2013 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution February 2013 Parish Council Election expenses £845.33 + £169.07 vat Travel claim Mileage = miles @ 45p per mile = Subscription for 2013/14 £109.20 Reimbursement of card payment for 24 high visibility vests £91.00 + £18.20 vat Savills £275.00 Recreation ground rental 29.9.12- 24.3.13 Cllr Robert Moon £25.00 Repair of sand bag store hinges Abacus Playgrounds £28,188.00 Installation of new playground surface £23,490.00 + £4,698.00 vat Ecoglaze £435.60 Re-glaze of windows in Mill Centre = £363.00 + £72.60 vat * Cheque authorised between parish council meetings 150/12-13 Any Other Business a Register of Members’ Interests – Cllr Atkinson reminded the parish council that a list of councillors’ interests should be posted on the website. It was explained that the parish council was awaiting the posting of this information on the city council’s website. The Clerk advised that the information was available to residents in paper format should they wish to consult it. b. Chess Club – Cllr Corfield thanked Cllr Atkinson for his work with the Bridge Chess Club, which had recently been reported in Parish News. c, Newsletter – Councillors were given copies of the Parish Council newsletter for distribution in the village. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Corfield for editing and producing the Newsletter. d. Village Litter Pick- Cllr Ward reminded councillors that the village litter pick would take place the following Saturday, 16th. March. Volunteers should meet at the Post Office at 9.30.am The meeting closed at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. April 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 1st. MAY 2013 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs J Hill (Chairman), S. Hodges (Vice Chairman), A Atkinson, J Corfield, R Moon, B Ward and T Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr S Cook, C Beesty, Mill Centre Management Committee, L Reed, Canterbury City Council, C Seath (Clerk to Bridge Parish Council), and 50 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds, KCC Cllr Northey, Janet Horsley and Mark Esdale 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3rd May 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd. May 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2012/2013 Councillor John Hill welcomed the speakers and residents of Bridge to the meeting. He introduced Robert Moon, the new parish councillor who had been elected to fill the vacancy left by Simon Cook. He told the meeting that Bill Oakey had resigned because of ill health and wished him well. The highlight of the year had been the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and Cllr Hill thanked Cllrs Atkinson, Oakey and their committee for a great celebration. The largest item of expenditure during the year had been the renewal of the safety surface of the children’s play area. The pavilion had been the target of vandalism and Cllr Wilmshurst had arranged for brackets to be fixed to the under side of the guttering to try to prevent further destruction of the guttering. There had been long standing problems with the junction of the A2 slip road. Speed indicator lights to calm traffic had been stolen. Recently a temporary red and white barrier with lights had been put in place. Cllr Hill thanked KCC Cllr Northey for his efforts to persuade the Highways Agency and Kent Highways to introduce a permanent solution. Cllr Hill praised all the parish councillors for the large amount of unpaid work they did for Bridge; sitting on outside committees and organising many activities for the good of the village, with the help of volunteers. He mentioned the Speedwatch project, litter picking initiatives, the recreation ground planting and footpath clearance. He thanked Cllrs Ward, Hodges, Wilmshurst, former Cllr Lewis, Tony Walder and Valerie Wicker. The village planters were cared for by Mr & Mrs Fawke, Cllr and Mrs Oakey and Cllr Ann and David Edmonds and Cllr Hill thanked them for their work. Cllr Edmonds had also organised the successful ‘Bridge in Bloom’ competition again. The village Christmas trees were greatly admired throughout the area and Cllr Hill thanked Mark Esdale and his band of volunteers as well as the many residents of the High Street who displayed trees on their houses. This Winter Cllr Oakey had organised new group of volunteers to clear snow from the footpaths and Cllr Hill thanked those who had helped. The Affordable Housing project was an attractive addition to the village and the new homes had now been occupied for just over a year. The new bus shelter had had a seat provided during the past year. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee had been set up and was meeting regularly to try to shape the future of the village for the next 20 years. Finally Cllr Hill thanked the councillors for their work during the past year. He mentioned Cllr Wilmshurst who chaired the Planning Committee and Cllr Corfield who maintained the village website and was responsible for production of the village newsletters. He also thanked the Clerk for regularly working more than her allotted hours and for her support. Cllr Hill informed the meeting that he would be stepping down as Chairman later that month having help the post on and off for many years. He thanked councillors for their support over the years. 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2012/13 2 The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2013.She explained, with the help of pie charts, the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. She also gave a comparison of Bridge’s precept against other villages in the District. 4. REPORT BY CANTERBURY CITY COUNCILLOR SIMON COOK Cllr Cook paid tribute to the parish council for the work it did in the village. He had been impressed by the number of activities that went on in Bridge. Cllr Cook reported that the city council was being forced to reduce its costs considerably and had so far managed to do so by introducing back office efficiencies without affecting services. He informed the meeting that the draft Local District Plan would be published the following day and would be put out to public consultation from 14th June for 8 weeks. It was very important that residents made their views known during that period. The draft Plan would be available online but also at the city council offices and in public libraries. Some money was available for local projects through the Rural Area Member Panel Fund and other grants of up to £500 were available from other city council funding. Cllr Cook urged residents to contact him about any concerns and he wished them well in the coming year. 5. REPORT BY COUNCILLOR ALAN ATKINSON ON THE POLLUTION OF THE NAILBOURNE Cllr Atkinson gave a report, with photographs, on the current situation regarding the over pumping at three sites in the area and the tankering at various points on the Nailbourne. He explained that the cause of the problem was that the groundwater level rose and the pressure form this water allowed groundwater to infiltrate an unsound sewer system. The Environment Agency sampled the water regularly and the advice was to avoid direct contact with the water. The cost to Southern Water of replacing the sewer would be more than the cost of the current ‘emergency’ operations. So far the Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group had held a series of public meeting and sent a series of questions to Southern Water. The LSNRMG had also contacted our local MP and consulted with the National Flood Forum and other parishes that were experiencing similar problems elsewhere in the South of England. A meeting with DEFRA had been requested. LSNRMG were embarking on a multi-agency approach which would aim to change the Environment Agency’s interpretation of the law so the current activity, which happened every time the river flowed, was not classed as an ‘emergency’. Once the river dried up over pumping would end but the tankering was likely to continue with its accompanying nuisance, damage and disruption of village life. Parishioners were urged to apply pressure to Southern Water to repair the sewers to resolve the situation. Cllr Atkinson thanked Jill Thomas, Secretary of the LSNRMG for her support. 6. REPORT BY Mr COLIN BEESTY ON THE FUTURE OF MILL CENTRE Colin Beesty, Chairman of the Mill Centre Management Committee, reported that negotiations with the city council regarding the future of the Mill Centre were on-going. The city council had granted the Centre a two-year lease but the youth organisations required 12 months notice to vacate the premises, which meant that a decision on the future of the Centre would have to be taken by the Summer. Every possible alternative site had been explored in Bridge and none had been found suitable. The parish council had started negotiation with the city council over the possible purchase of the site but this would require substantial funding to be found. Clive Medhurst had taken on the role of fundraiser for the project. 7. PRESENTATION BY LARISSA REED, HEAD OF CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL’S NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES. Ms Reed demonstrated the new bins that would be given out in the District over the coming weeks once the new recycling system was in place. She explained that the 3 system had been introduced to increase the amount of re-cycling in the District. This had been 20% ten years ago and was currently 50% recycling and burning to make energy. The new system would recycle glass and food waste at the kerb side with battery and textile recycling in the future. Each household would get a new blue lidded wheelie bin for re-cycling with an insert for paper and a lockable big food waste bin with a smaller food waste caddy, and a roll of biodegradable insert bags. Replacement bags would be obtainable from supermarkets or householders could use newspaper as lining for the caddies. The blue bins and food bins would be collected weekly. The fortnightly green bin collection would continue, as would the black bin collection for residual waste. Ms Reed explained that the city council ran an ‘Assisted Collection Service’ for those unable to move their full bins and she asked residents to make this service known more widely. There would be no compulsion to re-cycle and residents could ask for some of the bins to be taken away after they had been distributed. Bins that got stolen during the first year would be replaced free of charge. After that the householder would need to purchase a replacement. Larger families could ask for larger bins and smaller households could request smaller bins. Clear plastic sacks would be collected for a year after the new system began. The recycling points with bottle banks etc would stay for the time being until it was clear how much use they were getting under the new scheme. The collection lorries would have compartments into which the various categories of refuse were sorted. In future Serco would be penalised if they missed streets or for not replacing the bins properly. 8 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Residents asked questions on the following matters; Location of the parish notice board – no suitable alternative site had been identified Parking on double yellow lines at school collection times in Conyngham Lane – Canterbury City Council would send out a Parking Enforcement Team to target Bridge at some time in the future Dog mess in Brewery Lane – Canterbury City Council’s Environment Dept would investigate Noise from the A2 fly over joints – The parish council had already taken this matter up with the Highways Agency. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.33p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th.April 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; 152/12-13 Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hodges, Moon, Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey Resignation of Cllr Oakey – Cllr Hill reported with regret that Cllr Bill Oakey had resigned from the parish council because of ill health. Cllr Hill said that Cllr Oakey had worked very hard for the council and had been actively involved in the Twinning Association and setting up the system for the clearance of snow and ice among other things. The parish council wished him well. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Ward. 153/12-13 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations 154/12-13 of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14th. March 2013 were 155/12-13 confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 156/12-13 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; The City Council had passed the 151/12-13 Annual Budget. The Draft Local Plan was now expected in May. Cllr Cook reminded the parish council that RAMP funding was now available and an early application had a better chance of success. There was also a Small Grants Fund for applications of less than £500. Cllr Cook was trying to be included in discussions within the City Council on the future of the Mill Centre . 157/12-13 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; Cllr Northey reported that the A2 lay by at Lydden had been closed and that this had had a knock on effect on lay bys along the rest of the A2. He gave the Clerk a monitoring sheet supplied by the Highways Agency on which to report any adverse comments about the effects of the closure. KCC, CCC and the local MP were aware of many complaints about litter along the A2. The City Council was responsible for clearing litter but had to obtain permission from the Highways Agency to close lanes etc to carry out a clean up. It cost the City Council £25,000 per sweep. Cllr Northey reported that the temporary barriers had yet to be restored at the top of the A2 slip road. It was agreed to email Cllr Northey asking him to approach the relevant authorities to try to ensure they were reinstated. Action; Clerk 158/12-13 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Corfield was in charge of the inspection folder and had nothing to report at present. Cllr Hodges thanked the volunteers who had worked on the recreation ground on 6th April, planting a hedge by the fence, transplanting wild flowers and preparing the ground for children from Bridge School to help with planting. She also thanked residents who had donated plants. Neighbourhood Plan – Mervyn Gulvin had taken over temporarily as Chairman as Prof Connor would be away for a few weeks. The newly produced Worth b. c. Neighbourhood Plan was being circulated to the Committee. Mill Centre- After much discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would write to the City Council to express its wish to buy the Mill Centre to secure the future of the youth organisation within the village. Action; Clerk d. Nailbourne Pollution –Cllr Atkinson had circulated a report on the latest situation regarding the pollution of the Nailbourne. He reported that the Environment Agency was loth to act while Southern Water were dealing with an ’emergency’ by over pumping. LSNRMG was trying to get the emergency regulations removed, arguing that an event which occurred regularly could not be deemed and emergency. The solution was to renew the pipe. LSNRMG was liasing with other organisations and groups which were suffering similar problems. The advice was still to keep away from the water. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Atkinson for his continued hard work on this issue. 159/12-13 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury KALC Branch Meeting 10th April – Cllr Hodges (Report circulated) Meeting with representatives of Cantley Ltd 19th. March – Cllrs Hill, Corfield & Hodges (Report circulated) 160/12-13 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Car Parking in the High Street – After much discussion it was decided to take no action to deter car owners from leaving their cars in the High Street all day. It was thought that some of the cars belonged to people who worked in the village and there was not enough evidence that cars were being parked while their owners went to Canterbury on the bus for the day. b. Request for bollards outside Bridgeway Stores – It was decided not to ask for bollards outside Bridgeway Stores. This would affect the ability of large lorries to deliver supplies to the store. The PCSO had been asked to deal with on going concerns about vehicles being parked on the yellow lines at the corner of Western Avenue and outside Woodlands Hairdressers. c. Request for disabled parking bays outside the Post Office – Councillors did not support this request. There were currently only two parking spaces outside the Post Office. Enforcement of disabled parking bays would be impossible and it was also pointed out that disabled drivers could park on double yellow lines if need be. d. Dog waste bin for Bifrons Path – It was agreed to request a dog waste bin to be Action; Clerk installed on Bifrons Path. e. Pavilion refurbishment and BVST’s relationship with the parish council – Mervyn Gulvin, Chairman of BVST, reported that the cost of refurbishing the pavilion would be about £18,000. Fund raising would be necessary but this could not begin until the lease on the recreation ground, which currently expired in 10 years, had been extended. (See item f below) No decision on the future relationship between BVST and the Parish Council was reached because possible income streams would depend on renovating the pavilion. Cllr Hodges reported that the blocked ladies lavatory in the pavilion was a health hazard. f. Recreation ground lease – It was agreed to ask Cantley Estates to extend the Action; Clerk recreation ground lease by 50 years. g. Clerks’ Conference – It was agreed that the Clerk should attend the Clerks’ Conference on 22nd May. h. Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed that in addition to the talk by Larissa Reed, Head of Environmental Services at the City Council, on the new recycling system, Cllr Atkinson would report on the latest position regarding the Nailbourne pollution. Colin Beesty would also be invited to report on the future of the Mill Action; Clerk Centre. Cllr Cook would report on the work of City Council. 161/12-13 Correspondence – Noted 162/12-13 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £5,000 between Parish Council accounts 163/12–13 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount *BT telephone account £77.58 # Mark Larkins £395.00 ^Preston Nursery £75.75 # North Quay Trading £3,952.51 Cllr Hodges £27.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk £581.01 Post Office Ltd £172.50 Society of Local Council Clerks Cllr Hodges £114.00 Kent Association of Local Councils £144.00 Mickle Print Ltd £100.00 £53.16 Bridge Village Hall £13.00 Management Cttee * Paid by Direct debit 24th. March 2013 # Paid in 2012/13 FY ^ Paid before collection on 5th April Purpose Telephone account 5 Dec – 8 Mar £64.65 + vat £12.93 Repairs to youth shelter floor Plants for recreation ground fence £63.12 + £12.63 vat Wild flower project Replacement of village hall front windows £3,293.76 + £658.75 vat Travel claim Bridge Maidstone for Civic Service 12th. March 60 miles @ 45 p per mile Clerk’s salary and allowances for March 2013 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution March 2013 SLCC Membership subscription for 2013 Seeds, tools, manure refreshments etc Wild flower project Planning Conference – 2 places £120.00 + £ 24.00 vat (Credit for other conferences in 2013) Spring Newsletter printing Neighbourhood Plan, use of Hunter Room, 15th.March & 5th. April 2013 164/12-13 Any Other Business a. Kentish Gazette – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Atkinson for taking on the role of Village Correspondent for the Kentish Gazette b. Councillor Oakey – It was agreed that Cllr Hill would write a letter of thanks to Cllr Oakey. The meeting closed at 9.23p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th. May 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th. May 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; 2/13-14 Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman – Cllr Hodges was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Ward and elected unanimously Cllr Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Wilmshurst, seconded by Cllr Corfield and elected unanimously Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies 3/13-14 Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see attached list. Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr 4/13-14 Edmonds There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations 5/13-14 of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th. April 2013 were 6/13-14 confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 7/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; 1/13-14 The draft District Development Plan had been published. A development of 4,000 homes and other associated building was proposed for South Canterbury. Cllr Cook said that the number of houses to be built in the District was dictated by the Government although the City Council decided where the new homes were to be built. Cllr Cook would be holding surgeries in Bridge Village Hall on 22nd June and 6th July and urged residents to come and make their views about the Plan known to him. Residents could also write or email the City Council direct with their opinions. The consultation process would last for 8 weeks over the summer. Parish councillors complained that it had been very difficult to access the Plan on the City Council’s website. The Rural Area Member Panel was changing and in future there would only be 4 meetings a year, 2 of which would be Rural Forums that would be open to parish councillors and the public. . 8/13-14 9/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; Cllr Hodges congratulated Cllr Northey on his re-election as County Councillor. Cllr Northey said that KCC would be taking an interest in the Canterbury District Plan, as it would affect everyone. Improved roads could be funded by developers. The litter on the A2 would be cleared by Serco on 13th. May. Cllr Northey had spoken to David Brazier, the KCC Cabinet Member for Highways, about the persistent litter problem on carriageways. Cllr Brazier had called a meeting of his officers to try to develop a strategy to deal with this problem. Better education of offenders would be one element in improving the situation. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – Cllr Hodges reported that 28 children from Bridge Primary School had helped to plant snowdrops, sowed wild flower seeds and cleared leaves from the recreation ground the previous week. Moles were a persistent problem. The remains of the last picnic table had been removed from the recreation ground. All the 4 tables had now been destroyed by b. c. d. vandalism. It was agreed to purchase two more tables as soon as possible at a cost of about £400. Although vandalism could well be a problem again, councillors thought that the picnic tables were enjoyed by many Bridge residents so it was important to provide them. Action; Cllr Corfield & Clerk Neighbourhood Plan –. The Committee would meet again on 24th. May before holding a Consultation Event in the village hall on 1st June. This would seek the views of residents about the most important issues to be addressed by the Neighbourhood Plan. Draft issues would also be available on the website. There would be an opportunity for residents to give feed back at the event, on line and by paper response forms. The City Council’s website did not yet show the required information about Bridge’s Neighbourhood Plan. Mill Centre- Cllr Hill and Mervyn Gulvin had met David Kemp and Martin Bovingdon of the City Council to discuss the possible purchase of the Mill Centre. The officers had undertaken to consult with city councillors and advise on a price for the site. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported on the latest situation. Southern Water was now putting cameras through the sewers to assess the situation. The river level was falling but tankering would continue after the Nailbourne had stopped flowing. The key was to persuade the Environment Agency to redefine an emergency. It would then cost Southern Water more to undertake temporary measures and would be financially advantageous for them to carry out the necessary repair work to the sewers. 10/13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Audited Accounts for 2012-13 The internal auditor’s report was noted and the Parish Accounts for 2012-13 were signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer. Action: Clerk b. Future Management of Bridge Village Sports Trust – A proposal was put forward that all fees from sports clubs should be channelled to BVST rather than being shared between the parish council and BVST. BVST would then be responsible for running the pavilion on the same lines as the Village Hall Committee. The care of the pitches would still be mainly the responsibility of the parish council because of Concurrent Function Funding grants, although this might be negotiable. The difficulty was to find suitable officers to take over responsibility for BVST once the current officials resigned later this year. The AGM would be held on 3rd.June at 8.00pm in the Plough and Harrow and parish councillors were encouraged to attend. c. Neighbourhood Plan Funding- It was agreed to submit a request for funding on behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to the Department of Communities and Local Government d. Bridge Village Fete – Councillors agreed to a request from Bridge School to use the recreation ground for parking at the village fete on 15th.June. If the weather was wet, Cllr Ward or Cllr Corfield were to decide on whether the recreation ground would be damaged by the car parking. Action; Clerk e. Tree Work at the Allotments- It was decided that the Allotment Association should themselves approach the power company and Cantley Ltd, their landlord, about the tree branches which were encroaching on the power lines. Similarly the problem of trees overhanging from a neighbouring garden was a matter for the Allotment Association to deal with. Action; Cllr Ward f. Skateboard Ramp- Following comments from a resident at the Annual Parish Meeting, councillors again discussed the possible provision of a skateboard ramp. It was decided not to go ahead with this. The initial cost was prohibitive and routine maintenance costs would also be high. At present there was insufficient time left on the recreation ground lease to have any prospect of fund raising. It was agreed that available funds should be directed to the purchase and refurbishment of the Mill Centre, which would be of benefit to all the young people in Bridge. 12/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 13/13-14 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts 14/13-14. The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council - Parish Precept - £28,707.00 Canterbury City Council Concurrent Function Funding - £1,332.67 HMRC – Vat reimbursement - £5,728.71 15/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Kent Association of Local Councils AON Insurance £522.67 Kevin Funnell £40.00 Cllr John Hill £95.34 BVHMC £60.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk £611.37 Post Office Ltd £151.00 Parochial Church Council £220.00 £1,943.12 Purpose Annual Subscription up to 31st March 2014 £435.56 + £87.11 vat Annual insurance premium (including Insurance premium tax 6%) Independent end of year Internal Audit 2012-13 5 litter-pickers = £24.95 and wine & juice for the Annual Parish Meeting = £70.39 (Chairman’s allowance) Hire of hall for parish council meetings April – July + APM = 5 sessions @ £12 Clerk’s salary and allowances for April 2013 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution April 2013 Donation to On the Nail for 2012/13 & 2013/14 16/13-14 Any Other Business a. Horses in Mill Lane – Cllr Moon reported that horses were escaping from the field at Brickfields on a regular basis and could cause a serious accident. It was agreed to contact the City Council, as the landlord of the field, and ask them to take action to ensure that their tenants made the field secure. Action; Clerk b. Antisocial behaviour – Cllr Atkinson said that he had heard nothing further from the Police. c. Illegal Parking on Conyngham Lane -Councillors had received an email from a resident complaining about this. It was agreed to explain that this was something over which the parish council had no control. Complaints should be addressed to Cllr Cook and Larissa Reed at the City Council. Parking enforcement was the responsibility of the City Council. Action; Clerk d. Parish Council vacancy – As no election had been called, the vacancy would be filled by co-option. Notices asking candidates to come forward would be posted on the parish council notice boards. The deadline for applications would be 31st May with interviews to be held, if possible, on 7th June. Cllrs Hodges, Hill and Wilmshurst would conduct the interviews. Action; Clerk e. Draft Local Development Plan –Cllr Hodges had successfully down loaded the draft Local Plan into a format that could be emailed to councillors if they wanted a copy. The meeting closed at 9.34p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. June 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th. June 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Burns-Stark, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill (after item 14), Moon, Ward and Wilmshurst 17/13-14 Cllr Hodges welcomed Michael Burns-Stark who had been co-opted onto the Parish Council in place of Cllr Bill Oakey 18/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Atkinson, KCC Cllr Michael Northey and CCC Cllr Simon Cook. 19/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 20/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9th. May 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 21/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 22/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; (By email) Cllr Cook reported that Bridge Farmers’ Market had received a grant of £672.10 from the Rural Area Member Panel. He reminded Councillors that he would be holding local surgeries to discuss the Canterbury Draft Local Plan in Bridge Village Hall on 22nd June and 6th July from 10.00am until 12.00 noon. 23/13-14 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting b. c. d. Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that she and Cllr Hodges had carried out a tree survey on the recreation ground during the past month. She thanked Cllrs Corfield and Wilmshurst for ordering and installing two new picnic benches. Bounty Pest Control were coming more frequently to try to alleviate the mole problem. Incidents of fly tipping had been reported on the recreation ground. There was a continuing problem with graffiti. Cllrs Ward and Burns-Stark would try to remove some of it. Action; Cllrs Ward & Burns-Stark Neighbourhood Plan –. Prof Connor reported that an Issues Consultation held in the village hall had been visited by 102 residents. So far 42 questionnaires had been returned and there was an opportunity for the questionnaires to be completed on line until the end of June by going to the village website. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee would be having a stall at the village fete and there would be a further opportunity to discuss the issues and fill in the questionnaires. Councillors were urged to listen to residents’ views over the next few weeks, especially with regard to the Draft Local Plan. The Committee were applying for a grant to cover the costs of the Neighbourhood Plan production. Mill Centre- A planning application concerning alterations to the kitchen and toilets had been lodged with the City Council. There was still no information from Martin Bovingdon about the site valuation. Two members of the Mill Centre Committee would attend a seminar organised by ARCK on accessing European funding. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported by email that there had been a site visit by Julian Brazier MP. Cllr Atkinson had set up meetings with District Councillors & was making contact with prospective MEPs for later in the month. A further meeting of interested parties was planned for July. He had continued to press the Environment Agency for details of their enforcement strategy. It is planned to complete CCTV work soon, with the engineering work, i.e., the sealing off of any leaks, being completed before the winter which is when the groundwater levels might again rise and potentially overwhelm the sewer. A report on the June meeting of the N&LSRMG had been circulated. 24/13-14 Reports from Representatives to outside bodies 25/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area Parish Forum (RAMP), Canterbury City Council 10th June – Cllr Hill Bridge Village Sports Trust 3rd June – Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Wilmshurst reported on the new BVST officers. Plans to renovate the pavilion would have to be suspended until a response to the request to extend the recreation ground lease had been received from Cantley Estates. Local Plan Overview – 13th May – Cllr Hodges – Report circulated The Dell, Bridge Down , Bridge Fell a holm oak at top of steps adjacent to Bridge Hill Reduce height of approx 6 trees in a row to approx 6ft. 3 Meadow Close, Bridge 25% crown reduction, crown thin & crown clean 2 beech trees in rear garden Fell 3rd beech tree with major decay to main stem 26;13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury Community Transport -. It was agreed not to offer funding to this Action: Clerk scheme, as it would provide no benefits to Bridge residents. b. Bus shelter repair –It was agreed that Cllr Moon would investigate the problem Action; Cllr Moon and report back. c. Registration of Volunteers- Councillors agreed to record the names of volunteers who joined working parties, as recommended by the insurers. It was pointed out that this was already the case in most instances. d. Village sign – After some discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Hill would go ahead and employ a contractor to remove the rotten post. Once the post had been removed a new post would be installed and it was hoped that the sign would be re-painted and replaced on the new post. Action; Cllr Hill e. John Purchese Memorial Plaque- Cllr Ward had again rescued the plaque from the recreation ground. It was agreed to ask Martin Vye, as a local representative of the Lib Dems if they would find a better solution to installing it on the recreation ground, perhaps with a longer stake, in a way that meant it was not damaged. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst f. Litter Cart – Cllr Ward was no longer able to store the litter cart and Selwyn Lewis also wanted the litter cart he was keeping to be removed. It was agreed to store them temporarily at the Mill Centre until agreement could be reached for their Action; Cllr Ward disposal. g. Twinning Association - Cllr Ward had circulated a report. She informed the Council that the Twinning Agreement between Bridge and St Andre les Lille had come to an end. It was thought that the two places were not well matched. A village sign commemorating the twinning had been ordered but this had now been cancelled. There had been some benefit to Bridge for local businesses but in general it had not brought the mutual benefits hoped for. Cllr Ward did not rule out the possibility of twinning with another French village but thought that there would have to be very careful selection for it to be a success. 27/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 28/13-14. The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council –Capital Grant - £15,779.90 Bridge Tennis Club – Fees for 2013 - £125.00 29/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Sue Hodges £26.95 Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd £611.17 £151.20 Christobel Seath – Clerk AJL Garden Services £39.84 £342.00 John Corfield £300.00 Purpose Travel claim Overview Ctte Meeting mileage £4.05 + parking £3 Wildflower project £ £16.58 + £3.32 vat Clerk’s salary & allowance for May 2013 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for May 2013 Petty cash Recreation ground maintenance for April & May 2013 Reimbursement for two picnic benches 30/13-14 Any Other Business a. Local Plan – Cllr Hill arrived at the parish council having attended a Local Plan meeting in Canterbury. He stressed how important it was for residents to make their views known. This could be done via the City Council website. The Parish Council would discuss a formal response to Canterbury City Council at its meeting in July. b. High Street Planters – Cllr Edmonds reported that a volunteer had come forward to care for these. She would require compost and plants and these would be paid for by the parish council. c. Parish Charter Workshop – It was reported that Cllr Atkinson would attend this workshop on 20th July. d. Village Hall Bookings – As the Booking Secretary was currently indisposed, village hall bookings should be referred to Mark Esdale. e. Weeds on the pavements – A complaint about weeds growing on the pavements had been received. It was suggested that residents cleared the pavements outside their own homes, in the same way they were encouraged to clear when it snowed. Serco usually sprayed weeds on pavements once a year. f. Village Hall Floor – Quotations had been sought to renovate the village hall floor over the summer. g. Local District Plan – Cllr Hill would attend a meeting of the South Canterbury Association and other interested groups to discuss the Local District Plan. Cllr Hodges would attend the meeting on 19th June in the Guildhall, which would be a follow up meeting to the Overview Meeting she attended on 13th. May. The meeting closed at 8.48 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. July 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th. July 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Burns-Stark, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, and Ward 31/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield and Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Simon Cook and Prof Joe Connor. 32/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 33/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13th. June 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 34/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 35/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey-Councillor Northey reported that road marking had been renewed along the road between Bekesbourne & Patrixbourne. He informed the Council that he was gathering evidence concerning the Canterbury Draft Local Plan, on which KCC was a consultee. In particular he was investigating the substantial cost of building at least one and possibly two new primary schools and re-locating the Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School in South Canterbury. He said that the cost of the new road system had been estimated at around £40 million and expressed some scepticism as to whether Developers’ Contributions would cover the high costs as the plan developed piecemeal. 36/13-14 a. b. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that she had, with the help of Cllr Burns-Stark, removed some of the graffiti from the sandbag store, pavilion, youth shelter and play area. Cllr Hodges thanked them for their efforts. There had been incidents of mole traps working up to the surface of the recreation ground. There was a possibility of children tripping over them. It was explained that the mole problem was increasing and the only effective method of control was by traps. It was agreed that the next Newsletter would include an item asking parents to tell their children to keep away from any traps that had come to the surface. The pest controller was visiting the area more frequently and re-buried traps where necessary. It was important to prevent the moles from invading the football pitch. Neighbourhood Plan –. Mervyn Gulvin reported that two successful consultation events had been held in June; one in the village hall and one at the village fete. The aim had been to consult on the issues that the Neighbourhood Plan would cover. The completed questionnaires produced from those consultations were being analysed and a set of objectives would be formulated. It was reported that ‘Locality’ had agreed a grant of £6,640 towards the production costs of the Plan. These funds would be channelled via Parish Council accounts. A draft Village Design Statement had been produced and would be circulated for Councillors to comment on. There would be a public consultation on the Village Design Statement towards the end of the summer, before it was submitted to the City Council. The issue of car parking in Bridge needed to be addressed and an assessment of the current situation would be made. Cllr Hodges thanked the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for the work it had done so far. c. d. 37/13-14 Mill Centre- A Finance Committee meeting had been held. An application to demolish and rebuild the toilets and entrance area had been submitted to the City Council. A decision was awaited before funding could be sought. ‘Locality’ might be able to offer advice on funding for Community Asset Transfer. There had been no response from the City Council to the request to produce a valuation of the building. Action ; Clerk Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that it was intended that three groups would be formulated to tackle the problem from different viewpoints; the existing LSNRMG, a Multi Agency group which had met twice and would meet again on 29th July with the view of overseeing the remedial work and an Enforcement Group which would react promptly and robustly to future damaging flooding episodes. An Emergency Action Plan was being formulated which would act concerning pollution, disruption, highway’s verges etc. It was unlikely that the Environment Agency would prosecute Southern Water over future groundwater flooding problems. The aim now was to make it more expensive for SW to delay taking effective action. SW were proposing to distribute ‘FOG’ funnels via which fat, oil and grease could be re-cycled, to discourage residents from tipping such substances into drains. It was yet to be determined how these products were to be collected and stored. The water levels were still high in the village. Tankering was due to end the following week but the process of repairing leaks would be on-going and protracted. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Atkinson for his continued work on this matter. It was reported that the ford at Brewery Lane had been re-opened. Village sign - Cllr Hill reported that the post had fallen over while the newly painted sign was being replaced. The stump needed removing and the post would have to be replaced. Action; Cllr Hill Reports from Representatives to outside bodies South Canterbury Alliance meeting,18th. June – Cllr Hill (Report circulated) Canterbury City Council Overview Meeting – 19th. June – Cllr Hodges – (Report Circulated) Canterbury Branch of KALC – 10th July – Cllr Hodges (Report circulated) Cllr Hodges reported that the meeting had been told that the levy from all new house building in Canterbury would go to fund any major road works. It was feared this would affect the number of ‘affordable’ houses in the Plan. 38;13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury Draft Local District Plan- There was a detailed discussion of the Canterbury Draft Local Plan. Councillors expressed concern about the plans to build 4,000 houses in South Canterbury and the effect this would have on Bridge and the AONB as a whole. Councillors were worried about proposals to build 17.5% of houses in rural areas and the possible change in the designation of Bridge by the City Council from a village to a ‘Local Centre’. The Draft Plan was considered to be ambiguous. There were vague references to the A2 Interchange, which were very confusing. Councillors were concerned that there would only be a gap of 250 metres between the new South Canterbury development and Bridge at its narrowest point. It was suggested that Bridge should try to influence what sort of development went nearest to the village and this could improve local recreational activities for young people. The SCHLA sites were not mentioned and Cllr Burns Stark highlighted inaccuracies and errors that Amec had committed in their Sustainability Appraisal for SCHLA site 186. The Plan did not appear to include a cycle path from Bridge. The South Canterbury development would destroy the historic approach to the cathedral city from the south. It was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk would draft a response to the Draft Plan, which would be circulated to Councillors for comment. Action ; Cllr Hodges & Clerk b. Electoral Review of Canterbury Following a vote it was decided not to support the reduction in the numbers of City Councillors from 50 to 38. It was thought that a reduction in the Executive from 10 to 8 would mean that too few individuals would make decisions affecting the District. The Constituencies were already very large in the District and a reduction in Councillors could affect the level of local representation. Action; Clerk c. Recreation Ground Lease- A letter had been received from Savills, the agents for Cantley, owners of the recreation ground, refusing to extend the current recreation ground lease at present. After much discussion it was agreed to acknowledge their reply and to express the hope that they would work closely with the Parish Council in the future. Action; Clerk d. Areas of Responsibility for Cllr Burns Stark- Areas of responsibility were agreed for the newly co-opted Councillor Burns-Stark. He would sit on the Emergency Planning Committee, the Recreation Ground Committee and assist with Speedwatch, Litter collection and possibly ‘Art in Bridge’. e. Bridge in Bloom – Cllr Edmonds reported that she was short-listing for the competition. Judging would take place at the end of July and Viv Brazier would assist her. Cllr Edmonds reported that the High Street planters were being tended by Vicky White, who was a Committee member of the Horticultural Society. Action; Cllr Edmonds f. Weeds in the High Street – A spraying programme by KCC was currently under way, although slightly behind schedule. Residents were encouraged to pull up any weeds outside their property to improve the appearance of the village. 39/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 40/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount BT Telephone * £74.58 Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd £611.17 £151.20 V White £53.38 Cllr John Hill £20.17 AJL Garden Services £175.20 * Paid by Direct Debit Purpose Telephone account April/ June & Plan costs to Sept13. £62.15 + £12.43 vat Clerk’s salary & allowance for June 2013 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for June 2013 Reimbursement for costs of High Street planters £51.38 + £2.00 vat Travel costs £8.95 and village sign materials £9.35 + £1.87 vat Recreation Ground maintenance June 2013 41/13-14 Any Other Business a. Police Forum – Cllr Atkinson reminded Councillors that the Police Forum would be on the recreation ground on Sunday 14th. July from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. He urged residents to go along and ask questions about local policing. b. High Street Planters – Cllr Hodges thanked Vicky White for agreeing to care for the High Street planters. c. Meetings – Cllr Atkinson would attend the Parish Charter meeting on 20th July if possible. Cllr Burns Stark would attend the AONB Countryside Day at Boughton Aluph on 23rd.July. The meeting closed at 9.32pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. September 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th. September 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Atkinson, Burns-Stark, Corfield, Moon, Wilmshurst and CCC Cllr Cook 42/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Hodges, Hill and Ward and KCC Cllr Michael Northey. 43/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 44/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th. July 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 45/13-14 Matters arising; Cllr Atkinson reported that, following the recent consultation , the Boundaries Commission had decided to reduce the number of City Councillors to 38 at the 2015 council elections. 46/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook said that following the decision to reduce the number of City Councillors, the Boundary Commission would redraw the City Council constituency boundaries. There had been many submissions during the consultation process for the Canterbury Draft Local Plan. It was expected that redrafting would be finished in late autumn before the Plan was submitted to the Inspector. The Executive would decide on a fairer allocation of council housing, which would no longer take account of the applicant’s connections with the area in which a house was available. In future the length of time an applicant had been on the waiting list would be a more important criterion. This change would not apply to affordable housing on exception sites. 47/13-14 a. b. c. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Burns-Stark had the safety inspection folder. Cllr Wilmshurst had repaired damage to the new picnic bench, which may have been due to a manufacturing fault, and had strengthened the other new bench. The guttering on the pavilion had also been repaired by Cllr Wilmshurst. Cllr Edmonds thanked Cllr Wilmshurst. The safety inspection of the play area should take place at the end of the month. Cllr Hodges had ordered £60 of bulbs to be planted along the Nailbourne with the help of children from Bridge Primary School. A video showing the children carrying out project work in the wild flower area earlier in the year was on the village website. Neighbourhood Plan –.Prof Connor reported that a timetable of activities had been drawn up to the end of 2014. In future the Committee would meet monthly, probably the day after the parish council meeting. Committee members had had a training session on ‘Public Engagement’ arranged by Planning Aid. Local businesses and the Primary School would be asked about their future plans. A village consultation event on policies was being organised for October. Cllr Burns-Star asked to see the responses to the previous event. The Committee would take advice on whether these documents should have personal details removed before being circulated to Councillors. The responses to the village questionnaire were freely available on the village website. Mill Centre- Martin Bovingdon of the City Council’s Estates Dept. had not yet provided a valuation for the site and was on holiday. The plans to refurbish the Centre had received planning approval from the City Council. d. e. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson had circulated a report setting out the current position regarding Southern Water’s plans for the area. Southern Water would be holding a meeting on 18th September in Bridge village hall at 7.00pm to outline their plans. The engineering work scheduled would inevitably cause substantial disruption in Bridge and it was hoped that residents might suggest ways in which the disruption could be reduced. The Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management group would meet again on 25th. September and would then hold a public meeting in Bridge to hear the views of residents. There was some concern that once the ground water had been prevented from entering the repaired pipes, alternative pressure points might arise. It would be an iterative process of repair. Cllr Atkinson reported that the Environment Agency continued to be reluctant to prosecute Southern Water over ground water incidents. Councillors agreed to pay the costs for the hire of the village hall by the LS&NRMG. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported via email that a new post had been ordered. Cllr Wilmshurst said that arrangements were being made to dig out the remains of the old post once the new post had been delivered. It was estimated that the new post would take six weeks to arrive. It was also reported that Kent Highways had been asked to replace the Bridge sign and gate at the chicanes. The old sign had fallen off the gate because the posts were rotten. It was hoped that a new sign would indicate that Bridge was in the Kent Downs Area of Natural Beauty. 48/13-14 Reports from Representatives to outside bodies 49/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area Kent Downs AONB Countryside Day – 23rd July – Cllr Burns – Stark (Report circulated) Rural Area Member Panel 2nd September – Cllr Hill The following proposals were noted; 4a Brewery Lane, Bridge Remove a flowering cherry located at front of the house Mount Charles House, 5 Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge Remove a sliver birch located where new drive to be situated. The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge Various work including reduction of a common beech, reduction of common yew, felling of two leylandii to reduce competition for the beech, reduction of hazel to previous cutting points. 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge Remove dead acacia tree from bank to Nailbourne (Exempt) Churchill House, Union Road, Bridge Remove clump of self sown ash and thorn from back of Churchill House and over garden of 10 Churchill Close Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge Various tree work including removal of 2 sycamores affecting established beech; Pollard 3 willows on river bank; remove alder and 2 scots pines near river; remove group of elders in same area; remove large conifer near main entrance; raise canopy of sycamores near coach house no more than 20% 50;13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Conyngham Lane -. After some discussion it was decided not to erect barriers on the corner of Conyngham Lane and the High Street. The parish council had no objection to flower planters being put on the grass on the corner if a local resident wanted to put them there and maintain them. Action; Clerk b. Children’s Centres in Kent- The proposed plans would not affect Bridge and it was decided not to comment on the consultation as a parish council. c. Recreation Ground Working Party- There would be a working party on the recreation ground on Saturday 19th October at 9.30am. All residents would be very Action; Cllr Hodges welcome. Kent Downs AONB Management Plan 2014 –2019- It was decided not to comment on the Plan on behalf of the parish council. However, individual councillors would be free to make their own comments on a personal basis. e. Bridge Hill bus shelter- Councillors did not agree with the suggestion from a resident that the bus shelter on Bridge Hill should be moved closer to Higham Lane. It was considered that this would make the cross roads more dangerous. Similarly a suggestion that the bus shelter should have a transparent side was not supported. Action; Cllr Hodges f. Bridge in Bloom- Cllr Edmonds announced that the presentation of the trophies for Bridge in Bloom would take place on Monday 16th. September at 2.45pm in Mansfield Court’s residents lounge. All Councillors were very welcome to attend. g. Bridge Emergency Plan- The members of the Emergency Plan Committee; Cllrs Atkinson, Burns-Stark and Moon would meet to review the current Emergency Plan Action; Cllrs Atkinson, Burns-Stark & Moon for Bridge . h. Dog attacks on PROW CB 300 – Cllr Atkinson reminded councillors of the events which had led to a Bridge resident being injured by dogs while she was walking with her dog on PROW CB300. In view of the danger these dogs still posed to Bridge residents walking along this public footpath, it was agreed to ask the Superintendent of Canterbury Police to address the next parish council meeting to advise on what protection the law provided in these circumstances. Action; Clerk i. Recreation Ground Tree Survey Cllr Hodges together with Cllr & Mrs Corfield, Cllr Ward and Cllr Burns –Stark had undertaken a tree survey of the recreation ground. Mervyn Gulvin had created a new tree map using the survey data. Cllr Hodges thanked all concerned for their help. j. Autumn Newsletter- Copies of the Newsletter were given to Councillors for distribution. It was agreed to consider any anomalies in the distribution list at the next Parish Council meeting. k. Welcome Pack- Cllr Edmonds asked that Councillors let her know of any new arrivals in Bridge so that they could be given a Welcome Pack. It was also agreed to up–date the letter in the Pack and review its contents. Action Cllrs Hodges & Edmonds & Clerk l. Parish Clerks’ Pay Award- The national pay award of 1% back- dated to April 2013 for Parish Clerks was noted. m. Phone/Fax machine- It was agreed that the working fax/phone/answering machine should be advertised and given to any Bridge resident who wanted it. It was also agreed to write off the portable photocopier, which no longer worked. Action; Clerk d. 51/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 52/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts 53/13-14. The following receipts were noted; Community Development Foundation - £5,976.00 for Neighbourhood Plan (First tranche) Lloyds Bank - £110 compensation for delays. Lloyds Bank - £75.00 – compensation for further delays. 54/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *Christobel Seath – Clerk £780.69 *Post Office Ltd £47.20 *AJL Garden Services Bridge & Patrixbourne Parochial Church Council Kent County Playing Fields Association Cllr Corfield £141.80 £200.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Post Office Ltd £143.89 Savills Client Account £275.00 Mervyn Gulvin £1,800.00 AJL Garden Services £141.80 Cllr Ann Edmonds £22.95 Lower Hardres Parish Council £270.00 KALC £72.00 H.S.Jackson & Son (Fencing) Ltd * Paid in August £122.16 £20.00 £66.98 Clerk’s salary & allowance for July 2013 + arrears of pay following pay award back dated to 1.4.13 = £20.49 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for July 2013 Recreation Ground maintenance July 2013 Annual grant towards upkeep of St Mary’s churchyard Annual subscription for 2013 Reimbursement of cost of scanner and phone for parish council office. Clerk’s salary and allowance for August 2013 PAYE and NI Contributions for August 2013 Ground rent for recreation ground 25/3/13 – 28/9/13 Research & preparation of Village Design Statement, survey of village built environment, materials, preparation of consultation docs etc £1,500.00 + £300.00 vat Recreation ground maintenance August 2013 ‘Bridge in Bloom’ expenses, engraving & prize Hire of Speedwatch equipment May 2012/March 2013 Fee for Chairmanship Conference 2nd October Supply of non-standard post for village sign £101.80 + £20.36 vat 55/13-14 Any Other Business a. Parking – Councillors noted that illegal/inconsiderate parking was increasing in the village. It was agreed to discuss this at the next Parish Council meeting. b. Solar Farm proposal – The Parish Council had received details of a proposal for a solar farm covering 152 acres to the North West of the village the previous day. It was agreed to ask the promoters of the scheme to hold a public information event in Bridge and to leaflet each household giving more details about the proposal. Action; Clerk c. Weed clearance - The Parish Council thanked several public spirited residents of Bridge who had cleared the weeds from the pavements following weed spraying by KCC. The meeting closed at 9.27 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. October 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th. October 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman), Atkinson, Burns-Stark, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill Moon, Ward and CCC Cllr Cook 56/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 57/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 58/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12th. September 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 59/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 60/13-14 Nackington Solar Farm – Arthur Bell of Green Energy gave a presentation of the plans for a solar panel installation in Nackington around the edges of the Kent Downs AONB. The project was being promoted by a local farmer and Carillion plc and would generate 39 megawatts of electricity. He subsequently answered questions from parish councillors. The application would be submitted to Canterbury City Council and Bridge Planning Committee would have an opportunity to comment on it. 61/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook said that following the decision to reduce the number of City Councillors, consultation was under way regarding the new constituency boundaries. This would continue until the end of November and he urged residents to put their views to the City Council. 62/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; Cllr Northey reported that the Children’s Centre at Littlebourne would continue to provide services although it had not yet been decided what shape those services would take. He also reported that Kent schools had had their best GCSE results ever with 65% of children attaining Grades A to C passes, above the national average. Over 90% of children entering secondary school this year would get a place at a school of their choice. 63/13-14 a. b. c. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – It was agreed that a working party comprising the Recreation Ground Committee would examine the recommendations made in the recent play ground inspection report and take steps to make good any deficiencies to the play equipment. Action; Cllr Ward Cllr BurnsStark held the inspection folder. Neighbourhood Plan –. Prof Connor reported that Planning Aid would be conducting a training session on ‘Objectives’ for members of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee the following day. He also reported that the South Canterbury Residents Association had now become incorporated into a much larger body comprising residents associations from other areas of Canterbury and was now called ‘The Alliance of Canterbury Residents Associations.’ It was agreed that Prof Connor and Cllr Hill should represent Bridge on this new body. Mill Centre-.There had been no response from Martin Bovingdon regarding the City Council’s long-promised valuation of the Mill Centre site. A meeting of current Centre users had taken place to enable them to respond to the redevelopment plans. Members of the public would have an opportunity to comment on the proposals at a later date. d. e. 64/13-14 Nailbourne Pollution –.Cllr Atkinson reported that a public meeting had taken place in the village hall the previous month. Work was about to commence to seal the sewers in several areas in the village. It was hoped to give adequate advance notice of the work, which would inevitably cause some disruption. There would be an event on the following Saturday (12th. October) in the village hall at which fat funnels would be distributed. They would also be distributed at the Farmers’ Markets. It was hoped that Southern Water would donate a substantial sum of money for the youth groups as a result of their involvement in distributing fat funnels. Another meeting was scheduled with Southern Water in early November. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the new post for the village sign was being prepared and would be ready in approx. 6 weeks. It was noted that the Bridge sign at the chicane had been replaced following the repair of the gate. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Canterbury Branch of KALC – 9th October Cllr Hodges – Report circulated 65/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge Reduce weeping willow on stream bank to previous pruning points & reshape The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge Lift spread by 5m & cut back crown by 3m of hornbeam & oak on bank overhanging front garden 66;13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Wreath for War memorial;. Councillors approved a proposal from Cllr Hill that the Parish Council should lay a wreath at the Remembrance Day ceremony in November. It would be paid for under the powers conferred by s.137 of the Local Govt Act of 1972 (as amended.) Action; Cllr Hill b. List of Councillors’ Responsibilities; The list was reviewed and amended. A Action; Clerk revised list would be circulated. c. Completion of Parish Audit for 2012-13; Councillors noted that the Parish Accounts had been approved by the external auditor. d. Parking in Bridge; There was a continuing problem with illegal and inconsiderate parking in Bridge. This was particularly evident around the school and Bridgeway Stores. Requests to our PCSO for more enforcement visits had had no effect. It was therefore agreed to ask the City Council to send out Parking Enforcement teams to Bridge, particularly at school times, to enforce the existing parking prohibitions. Action; Clerk e. Storage of Gardening Tools; Councillors agreed to purchase a lockable container for the garden tools, which were currently stored in the sand bag store. A decision would be taken as to the best place for the container after Councillors had had an opportunity to see whether the pavilion garage was a suitable site. f. Distribution List for Parish Newsletter; The revised distribution list for the Parish Council Newsletter drawn up by Cllr Corfield was agreed. g. Dog mess; There had been more complaints about dog mess in Bridge and the problem seemed to be increasing. Dog owners were reminded that it was an offence to let their animals foul the pavements and again asked to behave responsibly and clear up after their dogs. There were several bins in the village that could be used for bagged dog mess. h. Planter for the corner of Conyngham Lane & High Street; It was agreed to buy a planter for the corner of Conyngham Lane and the High Street. It would be paid for under the powers conferred by s.137 of the Local Govt Act of 1972 (as amended.) In addition there was a possibility that Bridge would be given one of the planters previously used for the Westgate Towers diversion should it be decided that they would no longer be needed for traffic calming. Action; Cllr Ward i. Christmas trees; Councillors agreed that Christmas trees should again be put up in the High Street. Mr Esdale proposed that the trees should go up on Saturday 30th November and be taken down on Saturday 4th. January. It was hoped that many volunteers would be available to help on both these days. 67/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 68/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts 69/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *BT £74.42 Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Post Office Ltd £126.30 BVHMC £17.50 PKF Littlejohn £240.00 Mickle Print Christobel Seath - Clerk £101.00 £43.19 The Play Inspection Company £102.00 Cllr Sue Hodges £19.80 * Paid by Direct Debit Telephone account June/Sept £61.90 + £12.37 vat Clerk’s salary & allowance for September 2013 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for September 2013 Hire of hall by LSNRMC on 12th. October 2013 External Audit fees for 2012/13 £200.00 + £40.00 vat Printing 800 copies of the PC Newsletter Purchase of 2 ink refills for printer £35.99 + £7.20 vat Annual inspection of play equipment £85.00 + £17.00 vat = £102.00 Travel expenses Chairmen’s Conference, Bridge Down – Lenham return 44 miles at 45p per mile 70/13-14 Any Other Business a. Governance Working Group – 9th October. Cllr Corfield had attended this meeting on behalf of Bridge PC as an observer. The purpose of the meeting had been to discuss the basis of the decision to reduce the number of City Councillors to 38. A follow- up meeting would take place in November and there would be a public meeting in February. b. Art In Bridge – Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Corfield for a very successful Art in Bridge exhibition the previous weekend. c. Missing bins – Cllr Edmonds reported that two litter bins had gone missing; one at the corner of Riverside Close and Bifrons Path and the other half way up the lay by at the recycling point. The Clerk would ask for replacements. Action; Clerk d. Christmas drinks ; It was agreed to postpone the Annual Christmas Drinks from after the December Parish Council meeting to after the January meeting. The January Planning Committee would therefore start at 6.45pm followed by the Parish Council at 7.00pm e. Recreation Ground Working Party; Cllr Hodges reminded volunteers that the Autumn working party would take place on the recreation ground on Saturday 19th October at 9.30pm. All volunteers were very welcome and should bring gardening tools. Children from Bridge Primary School would be planting bulbs along the banks of the Nailbourne on Friday 18th October. The meeting closed at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 14th. November 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th. November 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; 71/13-14 72/13-14 73/13-14 Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman), Atkinson, Burns-Stark, Edmonds, Hill (at item 7d) Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, CCC Cllr Cook & KCC Cllr Northey Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Corfield. There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10th. October 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 74/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 75/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook said that the Rural Area Member Panel had suggested that Concurrent Function Funding should be capped at last year’s award less 14%. The Executive would consider this proposal. Parishes were encouraged to claim the maximum next year, as it was likely that CFF would be severely capped again. The City Council’s budget was out for consultation and Cllr Cook encouraged people to respond either directly to CCC or to him, particularly with any ideas that would save money. Cllr Cook had some food parcels from the Lady Mayoress’ Christmas Appeal which he was able to distribute to needy households in Bridge. He asked people to get in touch if they were aware of people in need. 76/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey;. Cllr Northey said that KCC were not in favour of the move of Barton Court Grammar School to Herne Bay. However the school was an academy and the County Council had no direct jurisdiction in this matter, although they would not fund the move. He had had an overwhelming number of comments from people against the move. Cllr Northey also pointed out that many good local schools were receiving grading that appeared less favourable following school inspections. This was because of the new guidelines for Ofsted grading and not necessarily because the performance of the school had deteriorated. 77/13-14 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that members of the Recreation Ground Committee had carried out an inspection of all the items mentioned in the Safety Inspection Report received in October. None were of high a. b. priority for action. It was agreed that replacement parts would be obtained for the bouncy chicken. (Action; Clerk) The adult exercise equipment would be inspected by Cllr Wilmshurst and (Action; Cllr Wilmshurst) he would report back. The seats in the youth shelter would be replaced in the spring. Cllr Hodges reported that Year 3 children from Bridge School had planted bulbs on the riverbank on 18th October. On 19th October a working party of volunteers had taken place on the recreation ground. Cllr Hodges thanked all those involved. Two recently planted holly trees had been taken from the area near the sand bag store. Neighbourhood Plan –. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee was drafting policies, which would be put to Bridge residents for approval. The first quarterly report had been submitted to the Community Development Foundation who were partly funding the Plan. c. d. d. Mill Centre-.Representatives of the Mill Centre Management Committee and the Parish Council would meet Martin Bovingdon, CCC’s Property Services Manager, on Wednesday 27th November at his request. Nailbourne Pollution –. Cllr Atkinson would attend the next meeting of the Group at the end of November. Work had started on re-lining the main sewer and it should soon be possible to get an idea of how the ground aquifers were filling. Cllr Atkinson would report again in December. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the post was now ready but there were problems over delivery to the site because of its weight. (Action; Cllr Hill) 78/13-14 Reports from Representatives to outside bodies 79/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; The Close, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5NJ ACRK AGM, Brabourne Lees, 17th October – Cllr Hodges – Report circulated Road Safety/Speedwatch Seminar, Ashford 16th.October – Cllr Ward – Report circulated Electoral Review Meeting, Canterbury 21st October – Cllrs Corfield & Edwards – Minutes circulated Reduce lime tree in communal parking area by 50% 11 Dering Rd, Bridge CT4 5NA Remove apple tree from front garden, remove 3 limbs of a hazel at side of house & 2 limbs of a hazel overhanging garage. Remove 3 limbs of a hazel growing towards front window. St Peter’s Church, Bridge Remove sycamore, ashes, hollies &elders along boundary wall. Lift canopy of yew between church & newer churchyard. Remove yew growing round ash, remove ivy from tree stump & from holly. 51 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA Remove hollow lime from pavement to front. Pollard willow in rear garden Wych Elm, 13 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Remove lilac on front left corner of front garden which is damaging dividing wall. Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge CT4 5LF Various including removal of one sycamore., pollard 3 willows, remove 4 elders and large conifer. (Authorised by Jon Lambourne) Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge Extensive work to 18 sycamore trees, removal of 11 and reduction of others to give more light and space. Remove one bird cherry, remove ivy from elm, remove 2 conifer trees to allow light into garden, remove lower branches of Norway maple to create space and light, reduce holly and reshape. 12 Dering Road, Bridge Remove laburnum tree located in the front garden 80;13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Budget for 2014-15 and Precept requirement; Acceptance of the precept and budget requirements for 2014-15 was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Wilmshurst and passed unanimously. (Action; Clerk) b. Ward boundaries – Cllr Cook explained that communities should inform the Boundaries Commission of their preferences for new ward boundaries, following the decision to reduce the number of city councillors to 38. It was up to parishes to indicate which communities had an affinity. Councillors agreed unanimously that they did not want Bridge to be included in any South Canterbury Ward. Mark Esdale had agreed to draw up a proposal, which would be put to councillors for their comment before the deadline for submissions in early December. (Action; Clerk) c. Safety inspection of trees on recreation ground & shrub identification; It was agreed to ask Tony Hart to carry out a safety inspection of the trees on the recreation ground. (Action; Clerk) d. e. Use of Kentish Stour Countryside Project Volunteers; Cllr Hodges would meet a representative of KSCPV on 4th December to discuss clearing work on the area near the school gate on the recreation ground. Anyone who had suggestions for other work should let Cllr Hodges know. It was agreed to pay the KSCP £220 for (Action; Cllr Hodges) the day’s work. Kent Police; The Clerk had replied to Inspector Etheridge conveying the parish council’s disappointment at his refusal to send a police officer to talk them about dog attacks. There had been no further response and it was decided to complain to the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner. Cllr Atkinson would attend the Police Conference at Maidstone on 6th December if possible and try to raise the matter (Action; Cllr Atkinson & Clerk) there. Keep Fit Class in the Pavilion- It was reported that a keep fit class was meeting regularly in the pavilion and that punch bags had been installed on the walls without reference to the parish council. It was agreed to ask the Chairman of BVST to attend the next meeting of the parish council to discuss problems with the BVST and the running of the pavilion. (Action; Cllr Wilmshurst.) g. Higham Lane Bus shelter; Cllr Edmonds reported that the roof of the bus shelter at Higham Lane was leaking. The wooden back of the shelter would also need replacing in the spring. (Action; Clerk) h. Bridge Athletic FC fees; It was agreed exceptionally to allow Bridge Athletic Football Club to pay their fees for hire of the pitch in two instalments of £125, one at the end of November, the second at the end of February. The Clerk would also send the club duplicates of the contract, which had been mislaid. (Action; Clerk) i. Trees on corner of Conyngham Lane and Bridge High Street; Kent Highway Services had told the parish council that the small trees that had been planted by a resident at the corner of Conyngham Lane and the High Street should be removed. They had not yet made a decision on whether a planter could be put on the grass verge. Cllr Ward told the Council that the manhole cover on which it was intended to install the planter was owned by the Water authorities. It was agreed to delay purchase of a planter until various issues had been resolved. j. Community Assets; It had been discovered that the City Council had produced a policy on Community Assets which required a form to be completed in respect of each proposed asset. It had been confirmed that although the parish council had submitted a list of Assets of Community Value in June 2012, none had been registered by the City Council. It was therefore agreed that Councillors would complete forms in respect of each of the assets. It was also agreed that the Methodist Chapel be removed from the list since it was now in private ownership and in the process of being converted into a dwelling. Councillors agreed to complete the forms and send them to the Clerk for onward transmission to the City Council. f. 81/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 82/13-14. Sealing of Documents The Agreement between Dayspring Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed 83/13-14 The following receipts were noted; HMRC VAT reimbursement - £476.84 Dayspring FC – fees for season £300.00 84/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Clerk’s salary & allowance for October 2013 Post Office Ltd £126.20 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for October 2013 AJL Garden Services £233.60 Recreation ground maintenance September £116.80 & October £116.80 Christobel Seath – Clerk £44.13 Petty Cash Kevin Funnell £40.00 Interim Independent Internal Audit fees Travel expenses Bridge/Tyler Hill 9th Oct Cllr Sue Hodges £18.45 =14 miles. Bridge/ Brabourne Lees 17th October = 27 miles = 41 miles @ 0.45p per mile Travel expenses Bridge /Ashford 16th. Cllr Brigitte Ward £13.50 October 30 miles @ 0.45p per mile Cllr John Hill £20.00 Wreath for Parish Council Remembrance Day Service 85/13-14 Any Other Business a. Resignation; Cllr Burns- Stark said he was resigning from the Parish Council with immediate effect. b. Remembrance Day ; Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Hodges for laying a wreath at the war memorial the previous Sunday. c. Bench by the old bakery ; Cllr Hill thanked Mervyn Gulvin for installing a bench in the High Street by the old bakery d. Christmas trees; Mark Esdale reminded residents that the Christmas trees would be put up in the High Street on Saturday 30th November. All volunteers should meet at the Village Hall at 9.30am. e. Snow Clearance; Cllr Moon would hold a meeting of volunteer snow clearers on Wednesday 27th November at 6.30pm in the Hunter Room f. Pavilion Garage; It was suggested that BVST should be asked to clear out the pavilion garage so that it could be used to store gardening tools and snow clearing (Action; Cllr Wilmshurst) equipment. g. Bridge Down Steps; Cllr Hodges reported that two steps had been repaired and that KHS had said that the steps would be replaced entirely ‘in the near future’. h. Higham Lane; Kent Highway Services had advised that they would not resurface Higham Lane but would fill in the potholes as they appeared. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. December 2013 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12 th. December 2013 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst & CCC Cllr Cook 86/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey. 87/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 88/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14th. November 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 89/13-14 Matters arising; Cllr Atkinson had been unable to attend the Police Forum or the Emergency Planning Seminar earlier in the month because of ill health. 90/13-14 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook reported that the Chief Executive of the City Council had been very apologetic about the lack of response from various departments to the Parish Council’s letters. It was hoped that this would be rectified by meetings in January. Cllr Cook had two food parcels from the Lady Mayoress’ Charity to distribute to families in need before Christmas. Anyone who knew of someone who would benefit from these gifts was asked to contact Cllr Cook. 91/13-14 a. b. c. d. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground- Cllr Wilmshurst had inspected the springers and said that they seemed to be working well. They had been mentioned in the safety inspection as potentially needing spare parts in the future. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllrs Wilmshurst and Moon for moving the picnic benches into the pavilion for the winter. She reported that Tony Hart (Tree surgeon) would carry out a safety inspection of the trees on the recreation ground. Mrs Pam Dobson had kindly agreed to identify the species in the hedge near the school. Cllr Wilmshurst had attended a meeting of Bridge Village Sports Trust. It was intended that members would repair the showers and fill in the holes made in the walls by the punch bags. £16 per month would be paid to the Trust for the use of the punch bags in the pavilion. It was also intended to increase the amount paid to the Trust by the Keep Fit class. The garage would be cleared out the following Saturday and would be used to store gardening tools and snow clearing equipment in future. Neighbourhood Plan –.Draft objectives had been reviewed by a volunteer planning adviser from Planning Aid. The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee would revise the draft in line with her comments. It was planned to put the revised draft to Bridge residents for their views in the New Year. Mill Centre- Martin Bovingdon and Ian Barnes of the City Council would visit the Mill Centre site on 17th December. The valuation placed on the site by the City Council put it beyond the means of the Mill Centre Management Committee to purchase. Negotiations were on-going. Nailbourne Pollution –. Cllr Atkinson reported that water levels were rising but were within anticipated seasonal limits. The work currently being undertaken by Southern Water should help alleviate future flooding. There would be serious disruption to the residents of Patrixbourne Rd & Riverside Close, potentially from 6th – 17th January. The road would have to be closed to traffic completely between Bridge High Street and Riverside Close at various times. The aim was to prevent future flooding problems. Cllr e. 92/13-14 Hodges thanked Cllr Atkinson for his continued work on this important matter. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that it was hoped that the new post would be ready in the New Year. Reports from Representatives to outside bodies Open Space Strategy Meeting 9th December – Cllr Edmonds (Report circulated) 93/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; Patrixbourne Road, Bridge Crown lift two willows by 4m causing obstruction to the footpath, located by doctors’ surgery (Exempt) 104 High Street, Bridge Remove three dead cherry trees, one in the front garden & two in the rear (Exempt) 11 Dering Road, Bridge Remove silver birch located in rear garden 94/13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Parish Councillor vacancy; The City Council had advised that there would not be an election to fill the vacant post on the Parish Council. It was therefore agreed to advertise for interested candidates. Cllrs Hodges, Corfield and Ward would Action; Clerk interview applicants in the New Year. b. Alliance of Canterbury Residents Association; It was agreed that Bridge Parish Council would formally join this group and pay the annual subscription of £20.00 Action; Clerk c. Recreation Ground Maintenance Contract; Having considered three quotations it was agreed to award the recreation ground maintenance contract for 2014/15 to AJ Longley, the present contractor. This was not the cheapest option but they had proved reliable and the cheaper quote was from a company considered less satisfactory when used in the past. Action; Clerk d. Snow Clearance Preparations; Cllr Moon reported that he had held a meeting of volunteer snow clearers the previous week. He had ordered bags of salt, which would be stored in Bridge Down and at Brickfields Close. Later it was intended to move some of the salt to the pavilion garage. High visibility vests would be distributed to volunteers. At present the priority areas for snow clearance would be the High Street, followed by the route to the Health Centre. More volunteers were needed and depending on the response, side roads could also be treated. Any Action; Cllr Moon volunteers were asked to contact Cllr Moon. e. Withdrawal of Green sacks; Several residents had complained about the City Council’s decision to withdraw green sacks from the refuse collection schedule. There was also strong objection to having to buy new green bins in their place. Cllr Cook said that the City Council had offered to assist anyone who found it hard to move green bins to the kerb. It was agreed to write to Cllr Cook to ask him to take Action; Clerk up this matter with the City Council. f. Meeting with Carol Donaldson; It was agreed that the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership Volunteers would carry out half a days’ work on the recreation ground and that 5 hawthorn plants and 104 plug wild flower plants would be purchased. The total cost would be £217 excluding delivery charges. The volunteers would carry out the work on the morning of 20th March 2014 . Children from Bridge Primary School may be able to help with planting the wild flower plugs. Action; Cllr Hodges g. Response to Boundary Commission; It was noted that the Parish Council had submitted its views on new electoral wards to the Boundary Commission. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Corfield for his work on this. h. Thanks; Cllr Hodges said that recently many people had contributed their time to working for the good of the village and she asked for the following thanks to be noted. She thanked Mark Esdale, and his large band of volunteers for putting up the Christmas trees and those providing refreshments. She also thanked Vicky White, Mr & Mrs Oakey and Mr & Mrs Fawke for tending the village planters and the flowerbeds at the chicanes. Valerie Wicker and Selwyn Lewis were thanked for their tireless work in trying to keep the village free of litter throughout the year. It was agreed to write a letter of thanks to Janet Horsley, who was leaving the village after serving on the Village Hall Committee for more then 20 years. Action; Clerk Finally Cllr Hodges thanked Mike Burns- Stark who had recently resigned as a Parish Councillor. i. Laurie Wakeham It was agreed to write to congratulate Laurie Wakeham on completing 25 years as the owner of the butcher’s shop in Bridge. Action; Clerk 95/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 96/13-14. Sealing of Documents The Agreement between Bridge Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed The Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed 97/13-14 The following receipts were noted; Bridge Junior FC – fees for 2013-14 season - £100.00 Bridge FC fees for 2013-14 season - £250.00 Bridge Athletic Football Club – Half year’s fees - £125.00 98/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Clerk’s salary & allowance for November 2013 Post Office Ltd £126.20 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for November 2013 Bounty Pest Control £324.48 Pest Management contract 1/12/13 – 30/11/14 £270.40 + £54.08 vat KALC £72.00 Dynamic Councillor Workshop fee 7th. November 2013 £60.00 + £12.00 vat Christobel Seath – Clerk £20.99 Canon printer colour refill cartridge £17.49 + £3.50 vat Mrs V White £8.99 33 Wallflower plants for High Street planters Gillett & Johnston (Croyden) £189.60 Servicing village hall clock 1/1/4-31/12/14 Ltd £158.00 + £31.60 vat Ewart Clough £822.00 £686 for 85 X 5ft & 1 X 20ft tree + £137 vat Mark Esdale £430.79 £427.81 for lights + £2.48 for hooks + £71.80 vat Jewsons £168.00 25 bags of rock salt + Carriage £140 + £28 vat (S 137 payment) 99/13-14 Any Other Business a. Conyngham Lane parking ; Cllr Ward reported that she had again had complaints about illegal and inconsiderate parking in Conyngham Lane. The Parish Council had already asked the City Council to step up parking patrols in this area, particularly at school drop off and pick up times. Cllr Cook said that the City Council were reluctant to install more yellow lines because there was a problem with enforcement. b. Light at Zebra Crossing –Cllr Hill reported that the light at the zebra crossing was not working. He would report it to Kent Highway Services Action; Cllr Hill c. Meeting with Ian Brown, Planning Department – It was agreed that Cllrs Hodges, Atkinson, Hill, Wilmshurst & the Clerk would meet to discuss various outstanding planning matters with the Head of Planning at the City Council in the New Year. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 8.45pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th. January 2014 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th. January 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman) (to item 9), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward & Wilmshurst 100/13-14 Councillor Bill Oakey - Cllr Hill paid tribute to Bill Oakey who had died of cancer on 6th. January after a brave fight. He described him as an effective Parish Councillor until ill health forced his resignation. Bill Oakey had helped to organise the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and led a band of snow clearance volunteers in the village. The Parish Council offered its sympathy to his wife and his family and held a minute’s silence in tribute to Cllr Oakey. 101/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from CCC Cllr Simon Cook and KCC Cllr Northey. There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying or written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 102/13-14 103/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12th. December 2013 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 104/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. 105/13-14 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting b. c. d. e. f. g. Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that there had been no significant storm damage on the recreation ground. There had been a lot of litter, following the holiday period, which Cllr Ward had cleared up Neighbourhood Plan –Mr Gulvin reported that Stella Scrivener of Planning Aid would attend the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee on the following day. A car parking survey and meetings with local landowners were planned for January. Mill Centre- Martin Bovingdon and Ian Barnes of the City Council had visited the Centre in December but there had been no feedback. The AGM had been held the previous week and the officers remained the same. There would be a meeting with Mark Bursnell of Canterbury City Council the following day to discuss the transfer of the Mill Centre to the Parish Council under the Community Asset Transfer Scheme. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that the sealing of the sewer, which was currently being undertaken in Patrixbourne Road, was likely to be completed at the weekend or possibly on 13th. January. There were no problems with the Nailbourne so far but the borehole water depths were at the same level as 2001. The Environment Agency report was due at the weekend and would show levels of water in bore holes was rising rapidly. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the new post had been delivered to his home as he had to make some modifications to it before it was erected. Action; Cllr Hill Village Clock- Gillett and Johnston had been told that their contract to maintain the village clock would be terminated at the end of 2014. The cost was increasing and it was debatable whether the contract was value for money. The money saved could be put towards the purchase of a new clock when needed. Withdrawal of green sack collection service; Canterbury City Council officials had offered to visit a house in Bridge High Street to see first hand the problems caused by the withdrawal of the green sack service. The Clerk had arranged for a resident to meet them and was now waiting for the Council to confirm a date for the meeting. 106/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposal was noted; Higham Cottage, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Reduce holly by 1/3rd, reduce crown of eucalyptus gunii by 1/3rd, reduce cherry laurel by 1/3rd & rebalance width to match new height. 107/13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Date of Annual Parish Meeting- It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Thursday 1st May in the village hall. b. Draft Canterbury District Parish Charter –Parish Councillors had considered the draft of the Parish Charter, which had been put forward by the City Council. Councillors were critical of the lack of any hard commitments in the document. They also commented on the lack of consultation that there had been over new planning procedures. Several specific amendments to the Charter were proposed, which would be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Action; Clerk c. Parish Councillor vacancy; There had been two applications to fill the vacant post of parish councillor. A panel would meet to interview the prospective candidates. d. Emergency preparations in severe weather; Cllr Moon proposed that the contact telephone numbers of those with keys to the sandbag store should be made available on the village notice boards. Details were already on the village website. It was agreed to buy a barrow to transport sand bags in an emergency, as they were extremely heavy. Cllr Moon would look at options. Cllr Moon would take over the production of the Bridge Emergency Plan and would attend a Resilience Course run by the Emergency Services on 8th February. Action; Cllr Moon Cllr Moon thanked Colin North for his help with removing a fallen tree from Bridge Hill on 23rd December and Mark Esdale for his help with the sandbags. e. Start of World War I commemoration; Councillors considered Cllr Hill’s proposal that the parish council should commemorate the start of WWI in some way. It was agreed that Cllr Hill should liaise with the parish church and that the Parish Council would offer support to any plans they had. Action; Cllr Hill 108/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 109/13-14. Sealing of Documents The Agreement between Bridge Athletic Football Club and Bridge Parish Council was signed 110/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £1,000 between Parish Council accounts. 111/13-14 The following receipts were noted; South Eastern Power networks - £3.45 Christmas tree donations - £154.00 112/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose BT* £74.51 Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Post Office Ltd £214.65 Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Associations £20.00 Telephone account 10.9.12 - 9.12.13. + rental £63.95 + £10.56 vat Clerk’s salary & allowance for December 2013 PAYE and arrears of Employer NI contribution for July.- December 2013 Annual subscription CPRE BVHMC £29.00 £54.50 BVHMC £26.00 * paid by Direct Debit Annual subscription 2014 Hire of Village Hall Sept – Dec 2-13 4X £12.00 and 12th. Dec £6.50 Neighbourhood Plan Account - Hire of Hunter Room Sept – Dec £6.50 x 4 113/13-14 Any Other Business a. Bill Oakey – It was agreed to send a letter of condolence to Mrs Oakey – Action; Clerk b. Christmas trees- Parish Councillors thanked the many villagers who turned out in record numbers to put up and take down the Christmas trees this year. Mark Esdale was thanked for his superb organisation of the event again. The meeting closed at 8.00pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. February 2014 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13 th. February 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman) Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst & Wortham 114/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from CCC Cllr Simon Cook. 115/13-14 Cllr Hodges warmly welcomed Cllr Kate Wortham who had been co-opted to the Parish Council 116/13-14 Cllr Ward declared an interest on agenda item 9 as the owner of the property for which an application for tree work had been submitted. 117/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th. January 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 118/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. 119/13-14 Report from Cllr Cook (via email) Cllr Cook expressed his admiration for all the work that the Parish Council and volunteers had done to help with the flooding in Bridge. He also said that the preliminary South East Local Enterprise Partnership submission had gone to government. This contained some notes about road improvements amongst many other things and that the final slip road at the A2 / A28 (allowing southbound A2 traffic to drive into Canterbury) was now on the timetable. Work should start in 2017/18 to be completed in 2018/19. 120/13-14 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting b. c. d. e. f. g. Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward re-iterated that the recreation ground had been temporarily closed on the advice of the Environment Agency and would remain closed until the Parish Council was advised that it was safe to re-open it. The EA had rejected a suggestion that a fence should be erected along the path from Riverside Close to the school gate. Some pieces of wooden struts had been left by the pavilion and would need to be removed once the ground was re-opened. Neighbourhood Plan – There would be a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee the following evening. Plans were in preparation for the parking survey and meetings with local businessmen. A green space strategy was being developed and flood control issues would need to be incorporated into the Plan. Mill Centre- There had been no response from Mr Bursnell of CCC to the application for the Mill Centre to be added to the Parish Council’s list of assets of community value. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that Cllr Cook and Julian Brazier MP had visited the area. Cllr Gilbey had also been invited to come and see the situation. Ground water had already reached the highest measurement on the scale and was unlikely to reduce until the summer. This would continue to affect the levels in Church Meadow and the Nailbourne. Southern Water had tried to line the sewer but the present inundation could cause further problems. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Atkinson for his continued work on the problems of the flooding. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the sign had now been put together into one piece and would be erected when there was dry weather. Withdrawal of green sack collection service; The Clerk reported that she had been unsuccessful in getting the City Council to re-consider its decision on green sack withdrawal or visit those affected. Cllr Cook had been asked to continue to pursue this with the City Council. Bridge Down Steps – Cllr Hodges reported that surveyors from KHS had been seen taking measurements at the steps. No indication had been received as to when replacement work might begin. h. Higham Lane bus shelter It was agreed that repair work on the bus shelter should begin once a suitable contractor had been found. 121/13-14 Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted; 24 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Fell a silver birch located at the bottom of the garden Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane , Bridge Reduce row of conifers at side of Gomez complex by 50% Green at corner of Patrixbourne Rd & Riverside Close Reduce crown of willow to previous cutting points 104 High Street, Bridge Cut back ash in rear garden to previous cutting points & remove ivy Sunnyside, 2 Dering Rd, Bridge Remove 8 leylandii in rear garden, originally a hedge but now outgrown the space. Walnut House, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Remove dead tree & a holly tree. Reduce crown of 2 wild cherries by 25% The Vicarage, 23 High Street Bridge Fell Scott’s pine in turning area – roots damaging tarmec. Fell a leaning sycamore. Fell a propped up cedar/yew. Fell twin stemmed cherry with split bark 122/13-14 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC Canterbury Branch, 15th. January – Cllr Hodges – Report Circulated Meeting of Campaign for Democratic Change in Canterbury, 5th Feb – Cllr Hill Cllr Corfield told the meeting that he would be involved in promoting the referendum on the need to reform the current City Council system of governance as a private individual and not as a representative of the Parish Council. 123/13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Flood Situation Update- Cllr Moon updated the Council on the present flood situation in Bridge. Pipes had been installed that day to avoid the ‘pinch point at the bus shelter and water was now flowing over the road via two 8’ pipes and one 6’ pipe. No action would be taken that would increase flood risk further down stream. Cllr Moon paid tribute to the many Bridge volunteers who had helped with filling and deploying sandbags, making tea for the emergency services and helping vulnerable residents. All the professional emergency services had been working tirelessly. It was agreed that there should be a first aid course organised for councillors and volunteers after the current emergency had ended. It was also suggested that the sand bag store be removed to a location that would be easier to access than the recreation ground. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Moon for his continued outstanding work in helping those affected by the flooding and assisting with co-ordinating the emergency services. b. Barton Court Grammar School- It was decided not to express any view on the possible relocation of Barton Court Grammar School from Canterbury to Herne Bay. c. Tree Work on the Recreation Ground It was decided to ask Tony Hart to identify the most urgent work needed on the recreation ground and for that work to be carried out as soon as the ground was re-opened. A further body of work would then be carried out in the next Financial Year when more funding was available. Action; Clerk d. Councillors’ Responsibilities The list of Councillors’ Responsibilities was revised. e. Annual Parish Meeting It was agreed to ask Guy Gardener, the Emergency Flood Coordinator from CCC, to speak at the Annual Parish Meeting. f. Response from Canterbury Police to Dog Attack Complaint The disappointing response from Inspector Mark Arnold was discussed. It was agreed to pursue the idea of re-instating the Police Forum which would include a representative of each parish council and representatives of KHS at regular liaison meetings. A reply would be sent to the Police requesting this and Action with Rural Action; Clerk Communities in Kent would also be asked to support it. g. Lap top for the Parish Office It was agreed to purchase a lap top computer for the Parish Office. Mark Esdale was asked to suggest a suitable model. h. Village Litter pick Cllr Ward announced that there would be a Spring village litter pick on Saturday 29th March at 9.30. Volunteers should meet at the Post Office. If the weather was bad the event would be postponed until 5th April. All volunteers would be very welcome. Action; Cllr Ward i. ‘Kent Men of the Trees’Trees in the Village Competition It was decided not to take part in this j. competition. Recreation Ground Working Party Cllr Hodges announced that there would not be a working party this Spring because of the current situation. Work with the Kent Stour Countryside Partnership Volunteers would be postponed until September as would work with the primary school children, who would do their planting in September. Action; Cllr Hodges 124/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 125/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts. 126/13-14 The following receipts were noted; HMRC Vat reimbursement - £404.09 Christmas tree donations - £165.00 127/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose KALC £72.00 Resilience & Reassurance Training Course 8.2.14 – Cllr Moon £60 + £12.00 vat (Invoice awaited) Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Clerk’s salary & allowance for January 2014 Post Office Ltd £214.65 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for January 2014 A Howe & Sons £120.00 Painting village sign £100.00 + £20 vat Cllr Hodges £92.15 Chairman’s allowance £68.19+ vat £4.46= £73.65 Ink Cartridge & copy paper £15.83 + £2.67 vat = £18.50 Cllr Hill £10.55 Travel expenses 12 miles @ 45p = £5.40 Bolts for village sign £5.15 Mark Esdale £168.00 Website maintenance for 2012- 2013 & 2013 –14 £140 +£28 vat 128/13-14 Any Other Business a. Expenses – Cllr Edmonds proposed that the Clerk should be compensated for the additional hours she had worked during the current flooding. Cllr Moon should also be paid petrol expenses for the travel he had undertaken on flood alleviation duties. Action; Clerk b. KALC Community Award Scheme – Cllr Hodges announced that Cllr Moon had been nominated for this award because of his outstanding work in helping with the flood emergency in Bridge. Cllr Alan Atkinson had also been nominated because of the work he had undertaken over the previous three years with the Environment Agency and Southern Water to improve the Nailbourne sewage system. c. Press Enquiries – Cllr Hodges reminded councillors that all enquiries for comment from the press (with the exception of the present flooding emergency) should be addressed to the Chairman in the first instance. The meeting closed at 9.12pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. March 2014 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13 th. March 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman) Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward & Wilmshurst 129/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wortham, CCC Cllr Simon Cook. Cllr Atkinson declared lobbying on item 8d of the Agenda; re-siting of Higham Lane bus shelter. 130/13-14 131/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. February 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 132/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. 133/13-14 Report from Cllr Cook (Via Email) Cllr Cook reported that the Boundary Commission had made recommendations regarding the new electoral boundaries. Residents would have until 20th. May 2014 to comment. The Mill Centre had been added to Bridge’s list of Assets of Community Value, a group of representatives from the PC and Mill Centre would meet Suzy Wakeham at the City Council to discuss its future the following Monday. A new round of Rural Area Member Panel Funding was about to commence. Small grants would be available on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Rubbish collections had resumed in Brewery Lane and Bridgeford Close. 134/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Northey- Cllr Northey said he had visited Bridge during the flooding and had been impressed by the level of co-operation between all the parties involved. Potholes were a continuing problem in the District and there were crews being deployed to deal with them so residents should continue to report any potholes to Kent Highways. Regarding the proposal to move the bus shelter, Cllr Northey said he would arrange for a suitable expert to look at the site and he would listen to the debate. 135/13-14 a. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground- Cllr Ward said that the recreation ground had reopened following the flooding although the river levels were still high and warning notices had been posted. There were some branches that needed to be collected. Cllr Corfield commented that the daffodils planted by the school children looked lovely. Neighbourhood Plan – Prof Connor reported that the parking survey had been delayed because of the traffic disruption during the flooding .He said that the Neighbourhood Plan needed to consider the future environmental consequences of the flooding and the Parish Council agreed that the Committee should talk to the Environment Agency and the City Council on this subject. Cllr Atkinson agreed to be present at such a meeting. Invitations had been sent out to local landowners to talk to the Committee but as yet there had been no response. The next meeting was on 14th. March Mill Centre- It was confirmed that the Mill Centre had been added to Bridge’s list of Assets of Community Value. Staff from the City Council’s Estates Department had visited the Centre during the week with a view to re valuing the site. The outcome was awaited. Parish Council and Mill Centre representatives would meet Suzy Wakeham at the City Council on 17th. March. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that the Nailbourne continued to run high, fed by exceptionally high ground water levels and b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 136/13-14 there was still significant contamination in the water. The sewage system remained fragile in the village. A new group had been formed to look at the ‘pinch points’ of the river and there had potentially been some funding for this identified. More information about potential Government funding could be found on the village website. Cllr Atkinson and other representatives from Littlebourne & Wickhambreaux attended KCC’s Flood Management Committee on 11th. March. A meeting of the LSNRM was scheduled for later in the month. Village Sign – Cllr Hill reported that the new sign was in place. Bus shelters.- KCC would make good the damage to the bus shelter in the High Street. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Moon for arranging for this to be agreed. An estimate for work to renovate the Higham Lane bus shelter had been requested. Relocation of sand bag store- It was planned to move the sand bag store to the Mill Centre, where it would be more accessible. Five large grey boxes, donated by the Environment Agency, would be used to store sandbags and one box would be used for rock salt storage. The old store on the recreation ground would be used for wild flower project tools. Flood update- Cllr Moon reported that the pump had been moved from 100 High Street to the gate at Church Meadow and was now pumping from ‘the lake’ out via the fields and into the Nailbourne. This seemed to be working well without any significant rise in river level. The ramp had been removed from the end of Brewery Lane and the Portaloos had gone from the village. Cllr Moon said that householders should retain their sandbags for the present. New parish computer- Item deferred to next meeting. Annual Parish Meeting- Guy Gardener and Ted Edwards of Canterbury City Council, both of whom had been central to the planning during the flood emergency, had agreed to speak at the Annual Parish Meeting. Membership of Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Associations- It was agreed that Bridge PC should continue to be a member of this Association. Matters for Discussion and Action a. Football Clubs- After some discussion it was decided not to offer the football clubs compensation for the closure of the recreation ground during the floods. It was pointed out that the ground would have been too sodden for matches during this period in any event. b. Additional hours payment to Clerk- Payment for additional hours worked by the Clerk during the flood was agreed. c. Kent Downs AONB application to Heritage Lottery Fund- The Parish Council Action; Clerk agreed to support this application. d. Higham Lane Bus shelter- It was decided to defer any decision as to whether the Parish Council supported the proposal to move the shelter until after an engineer had considered the site and reported back. Cllr Hodges asked to be present at any site visit. Cllr Northey would arrange the visit. Action; Cllr Northey & Cllr Hodges e. Amendment to Standing Order para 11.- Councillors decided that the Standing Order under reference would remain as it was stated and that decisions of the parish council should not be reversed within 6 calendar months regardless of how many parish council meetings had been held in the interim. f. Sevenoaks Council’s proposal that a percentage of Business Rates should benefit the local economy- Parish Councillors decided to take no action in this matter. g. Clerk’s salary- It was agreed that the Clerk should progress to salary point SCP 24 on the anniversary of her appointment on 1st April 2014. h. BVST Insurance – It was agreed that the Parish Council would reimburse Bridge Village Sports Trust the cost of the pavilion insurance for 2013-14.Action; Clerk 137/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 138/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £2,000 between Parish Council accounts. 139/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose £52.12 Christobel Seath- Clerk Petty cash Christobel Seath – Clerk £864.51 Clerk’s salary & allowance for February 2014 and 38 additional hours Post Office Ltd £199.09 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for February 2014 Cllr Moon £50.40 Mileage expenses payment for work during floods Savills Client Account £275.00 Recreation ground rental 29.9.13-24.3.14 Hart Lee £820.00 Work on recreation ground Mervyn Gulvin £85.70 Photocopying services £70.90 + £14.80 vat Bridge Village Hall £48.00 Hire of hall Jan, Feb Mar 2014 + extra Management Committee Planning Ctte = 4 sessions @ £12.00 Bridge Village Hall £19.50 Neighbourhood Plan Hire of Hunter Room 3 Management Committee sessions @ £6.50 Gary Horn £100.00 Re-siting, digging out & concreting village sign. Bridge Village Sports Trust £306.21 Pavilion insurance 2103-14 140/13-14 Any Other Business a. Brewery Lane drains- Cllr Atkinson reported that in August 2013 KHS had investigated the drains in Brewery Lane and found a blockage. No further action had been taken to remedy the problem and this had contributed significantly to the flooding experienced by residents at the High Street end of the Lane. There was need for a survey of the drain to be undertaken and it was agreed that the Clerk would contact KHS, copied to Cllr Northey, requesting this and also reporting the difficulty there was in discovering what action was being taken on problems reported via the KHS website. Action; Cllr Northey & Clerk b. Village Litter Pick – Cllr Ward reminded the Council that the village litter pick would take place on Saturday 29th March, weather permitting. Volunteers should meet at the Post Office at 9.30am c. Spring Newsletter – It was agreed to produce a Spring Newsletter. Items were requested by Cllr Corfield by the end of the following week and the Newsletter would be distributed in April The meeting closed at 8.58pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. April 2014 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 1st. MAY 2014 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs S Hodges (Chairman), J Hill (Vice Chairman), A Atkinson, A Edmonds J Corfield, R Moon, B Ward and T Wilmshurst, KCC Cllr Northey, G Gardener KCC/CCC Resilience Officer, E Edwards Engineering Manager Canterbury City Council, C Seath (Clerk to Bridge Parish Council), and 26 parishioners 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wortham and Mark Esdale 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1st. May 2013 The minutes of the meeting held on 1st. May 2013 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2013/2014 Councillor Hodges welcomed Rev Jonathon Lloyd, the new vicar, to the village and Kate Wortham who had been co-opted onto the parish council. She then outlined four major events of the year. Firstly the Canterbury District Plan had been published and proposed a large area of housing, a new hospital and a major road junction for South Canterbury. The parish council had commented in detail on the first draft and she asked parishioners to give their views on the proposals in the final plan to the parish council. She also advised that the parish council had withdrawn its support for a housing development on Patrixbourne Road next to the Health Centre following recent flooding in the area. Secondly, a proposal for a solar farm had been opposed by the parish council on environmental grounds because it bordered an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would cover Grade 2 agricultural land. The parish council had written to the Boundary Commission objecting to the proposal to make one large two-member ward covering the area from Bridge to Littlebourne. It was inequitable and did not meet the aims of the Review. The ratio of electors to councillors would be one of the worst in the District and communication links in the ward would be difficult. A two-member ward could prove difficult if two different political parties were represented. Cllr Hodges paid tribute to the very supportive agencies, the parish councillors and residents who had shown great community spirit during the recent floods. She was pleased to report that Cllrs Atkinson and Moon had received local awards for their work. The Neighbourhood Plan was continuing under the Chairmanship of Prof Connor. A parking survey was currently under way and there would be another consultation event later in the month. A group of volunteers worked on the recreation ground regularly. In May last year an updated tree survey was carried out and some remedial safety work was being carried out on the trees. The Jubilee Oak and new hedge by Riverside Close were thriving and children from the school had helped with planting snowdrops and wild flower seeds last May and narcissi bulbs in the autumn. Cllr Hodges thanked Kent County Councillor Michael Northey and City Councillor Simon Cook for their support and attendance at parish council meetings. All councillors gave their time on a voluntary basis for the good of the village. Cllr Hodges thanked the councillors individually for their work and also named many residents of Bridge who also volunteered for the good of Bridge; litter picking, acting as footpath warden, organising the Christmas trees, running the Mill Centre and the village hall, sitting on the Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group, maintaining the village website, volunteering to plant the village planters and chicanes and generally supporting the parish council in its work She closed by thanking the parish clerk for her support during the year and regularly working more than her allotted hours and her husband, Peter, for his support which made her work for the council possible. 2 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2013/14 The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, presented the accounts for the year ending 4th. April 2014.She explained the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. She also gave a comparison of Bridge’s precept against other villages in the District. 4. REPORT BY KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR MICHAEL NORTHEY Cllr Northey explained that KCC had to make savings of around £81 million and this would mean a change in the way KCC did things. The change in delivery would not be noticed by the users. For example in the care of the elderly – there would be the same level of care and home visits, but the number of agencies was being reduced from over 120 to 23. This would result in savings, with fewer agencies to partner, and fewer staff needed to do the monitoring. For the first time in four years KCC had had to increase council tax, by just under 2%. This would raise ten million pounds. From April, each local County Councillor had had a reduction of nearly half in available grants. So funding applications must be well targeted. The current emphasis on partnership working was well demonstrated during the recent floods. Bridge parish suffered awful damage and inconvenience and the issues of water pollution. The City Council had done a great job in helping and co-ordinating, and the community response had been terrific. Cllr Northey had seen huge involvement from many groups, including the church and pubs, KCC Highways, the Environment Agency, Southern Water, the Ambulance Service, Red Cross, the Army, Police, Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Service, the MP, EDF Energy, community wardens, many local councillors, particularly Cllrs Moon & Atkinson in Bridge, and parish chairmen and many prominent individuals. It was good that Greg Clark MP had met people in the village on 23 April. In May the KCC Cabinet would discuss ways to bring in money for enhanced flood protection measures for the future. The government had given KCC an extra £8.6 million to repair Kent roads badly damaged in the floods. KCC was also applying for further funding, especially under the Bellwin Scheme; a national government scheme to help councils with emergencies. There were now over 40 crews on Kent roads in the Find and Fix scheme. The average turn-round to mend a pothole was 13 days. Foreign lorries were now being charged £10 each to enter the country, towards road repairs. Unfortunately the Treasury was keeping the money – but KCC were lobbying for some of it to come back to Kent, which suffered badly from the damage by these lorries. Cllr Northey praised the area as strong with good services, vigorous societies and local life. The village website was especially good. He paid tribute to Sue Hodges, Christobel Seath and, the whole council and said it was a privilege to be Bridge’s representative on Kent County Council. 5. DISCUSSION ON THE RECENT FLOOD EMERGENCY LED BY CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL’S EMERGENCY CO-ORDINATOR GUY GARDENER AND ENGINEERING MANAGER TED EDWARDS. Guy Gardener, who had been the Emergency Co-ordinator for the area during the recent floods, explained that Kent’s emergency response unit had been instituted to make the system more efficient. KCC and CCC were Category 1 responders and the other services co-ordinated with them in educating and warning the public. It made businesses more resilient to floods via the Kent Resilience Forum, which helped them plan for emergencies. Twice the average January rainfall in Kent had led to the flooding. West Kent was particularly badly hit with some properties flooding three times. During the emergency there had been three levels of emergency strategic co-ordination; Gold Control, which met daily to allocate resources and was run by the police from the Police HQ and came into play when more than one area was affected. Silver Control run from CCC at District level, which met twice a day and allocated resources locally. Bronze met three times a day locally and kept a constant flow of information between controls and agencies. 3 In Bridge the main problem had been ground water. Few properties had been flooded by the river. The Environment Agency had played an important role in predicting and plotting the river levels. Mr Gardener congratulated Bridge for its co- ordinated response and community spirit during the floods. It could happen again and the City Council would like to revise and improve the emergency plan. They wanted to work with the Parish Council and the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group (LSNRMG) and residents were asked to feed in their ideas and comments via those organisations. Ted Edwards said that the response in Bridge worked better than in 2001 and he could rely on Bridge volunteers to deploy sandbags delivered by Serco, which was a great help. Arrangements to co-ordinate the agencies and provide sandbags had begun in December when river levels on the Stour began to rise. For the future, a working group had been set up with details of 42 short and long term improvements that could be made. Government funding could be a problem as money was available for the repair of existing flood defences but money for new defences had to go through different channels and could take 2 years to access. Careful records had been kept of the deployment of more than 20,000 sandbags and pumps and pipes for future reference. He conceded that the early response could have been better but said that little could have been done to prevent the flooding. A briefing note from LSNRMG would be put on the village website and the website also gave details of how individuals could access up to £5,000 in government funding for resilience measures for their houses if they had been affected by the floods. Guy Gardener presented Cllr Rob Moon with an award on behalf of the Kent Association of Local Councils for his outstanding work in the parish during the floods. 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Residents asked questions on the following matters; 25 Brewery Lane – house almost derelict and affecting neighbours. Cllr Northey would investigate options with KCC. Allotments – some now available for lease via Bridge Allotment Association Cinema – could films be shown in Bridge? – a matter for a commercial enterprise or an individual to organise. The company showing films in Barham had deemed Bridge village hall unsuitable. Recreation ground – could it be declared a village green? Parish pursuing this with CCC but unlikely because it was currently held on a lease agreement There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m. Chairman ………………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10 th. April 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges, (Chairman) Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst and Wortham 141/13-14 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill & KCC Cllr Michael Northey 142/13-14 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 143/13-14 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th. March 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 144/13-14 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. 145/13-14 Report from Cllr Cook The Executive were discussing the Draft Canterbury District Transport Plan, which would run alongside the Local District Plan up to 2031.There would be a 6 week consultation period. The proposed new A2 interchange would affect Bridge. The Local District Plan had been revised and there would be a further 6 week consultation period before it was presented to the Inspector. The Plan should be completed by mid-autumn. Cllr Cook had been following up complaints from High Street residents about the withdrawal of green refuse bags and was trying to arrange a site visit from CCC staff to consider how to help those affected by the new system. 146/13-14 Report from KCC Cllr Northey- (Via email) The government had given an extra £8.6 million to KCC to help repair road damage and further funding had been requested.40 crews were employed mending potholes. Residents should continue to report pot-holes on the KCC website – www.kent.gov.uk/highways The emergency number was 03000 41 81 81.Flooding was on the KCC Cabinet agenda for May and various partners including the Environment Agency had been invited to discuss long term flood defence strategies. Foreign lorries now had to pay £10 each to enter the country, as a contribution to road repair. At present the Treasury was keeping the cash, but KCC continued to lobby for Kent receive some of the funding to repair roads damaged by these vehicles. 147/13-14 a. b. c. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground- Cllr Ward thanked Cllr Hodges and her team of volunteers for their work on the recreation ground over several weeks. Only one person had attended the Bridge Village Sports Trust meeting. It was agreed to discuss the future of BVST in June after their AGM on 19th. May. Neighbourhood Plan –Prof Connor reported difficulties in getting replies from local businesses and landowners who had been invited to engage with the Neighbourhood Plan process. The next meeting was on 11th. April 2014 and there would be a further consultation event in the village hall on 3rd May. Adrian Verrall, CCC’s Head of Planning Policy, would also meet with the Committee in May. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that river levels were falling but the level of groundwater was preventing Southern Water from doing any work on the sewers. Upgrading of the pumping station was being undertaken. There would be a meeting with the Environment Agency to urge them to make Southern Water more pro-active. The river water was still polluted. Cllr Hodges thanked the volunteers who had helped to remove sandbags and fill the skips the previous Friday and Saturday. The d. Council was pleased to see that Cllrs Atkinson and Moon had been recognised for their voluntary work during the floods by the Canterbury Times and Whitefriars. Higham Lane Bus shelter. Cllr Northey had arranged for a KHS engineer to submit a report on the technical merits of a proposal to move the bus shelter at Higham Lane. The report had been done following a desk study and did not recommend the move saying it would be expensive and no safer. At the request of a resident who wanted the move, it was agreed to defer a decision as to whether councillors supported this until the next parish council meeting. 148/13-14 Reports from representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Police & Ambulance Event – 2 nd April –Cllr Kate Wortham (report circulated via email) South Canterbury Alliance – Cllr Atkinson Cllr Atkinson reported that SCA were under the impression that the parish council were going to pay them £40 to affiliate. The Chairman pointed out that the Parish Council had agreed to affiliate with ACRA not SCA and that councillors could not make decisions regarding funding that had not been agreed by the full council beforehand. 149/13-14 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Local Government Boundary Commission response- After some discussion it was agreed to write to the Boundary Commission commenting that the proposed new ward which included Bridge was inequitable and thus did not meet the aims of the Review. The ratio of electors was one of the worst in the District. It was geographically very large and internal links within the ward would be difficult. There could be problems if two members supporting different political parties were Action; Clerk elected. b. Revised Canterbury Local Plan- Having read the Schedule of New Site Submission for the Canterbury Local Plan, the parish council agreed to withdraw its support for housing development in the area of Patrixbourne Road, next to the Health Centre. The recent floods had made it obvious that any development on greenfield sites along the Nailbourne was undesirable because of the high risk of flooding and the need for the fields to act as water meadows to absorb floodwater. It was agreed to write to the City Council before the Plan went to the full Council on 24th April supporting the decision that the site was unsuitable for housing Action; Clerk development. It was agreed that Cllrs Hodges and Corfield would report on the other proposals in Action; Cllrs Hodges & Corfield the Local Plan. Cllr Cook would be available at the Neighbourhood Plan consultation on 3rd May to discuss the Canterbury Local Plan and Transport Plan with Bridge residents. c. Mill Centre- Mervyn Gulvin reported on the latest developments regarding the future of the Mill Centre. He asked the Parish Council to submit a request the City Council to take over the running of the Mill Centre on a long lease at a peppercorn rent. The Centre would be run on the same lines as the Village Hall. The Mill Centre Management Committee would be the partner of the Parish Council and be responsible for the day-to-day organisation of the Centre. A Business Plan had been circulated to Councillors. The sum of £250,000 was needed to carry out renovations to the Centre but this could be phased over some years. Mr Gulvin was confident that the money could be found. Councillors unanimously agreed to submit the request to the City Council. Cllr Hodges thanked Mr Gulvin for his work on the Action; Clerk Mill Centre’s future. d. Annual Parish Meeting- Councillors agreed the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting and were asked to arrive at the hall at 6.45pm to help to prepare for the meeting. Cllr Corfield would arrange for the previous year’s minutes and agendas to be printed and would set up the audiovisual equipment. e. Youth Shelter seat- Cllr Moon and Cllr Wilmshurst would remove the old youth shelter seat and replace it with the new one. Action; Cllrs Moon & Wilmshurst 150/13-14 Correspondence – Noted 151/13-14 The following receipt was noted; Christmas trees donation; £20.00 152/13-14 Bank transfers The Council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts. 153/13–14 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose *BT £97.24 Telephone account Jan Mar 2014 £83.35 + £13.89 vat +Bourne to Garden £470.00 Higham Lane bus shelter repair Christobel Seath £35.98 2 X Canon Printer cartridges £29.98 + £6.00 vat Christobel Seath – Clerk £643.00 Salary and office allowance March 2014 Post Office Ltd £143.89 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution March 2014 Society of Local Council £129.00 Subscription for 2014/15 Clerks Christobel Seath – Clerk £39.62 Petty cash Cllr Sue Hodges £37.56 Materials for wild flower project £33.21+ £4.35 vat Kent Association of Local £522.67 Annual Subscription £435.56 + £87.11 vat Councils Cllr Sue Hodges £64.93 Chairman’s allowance Annual Parish Meeting £59.43 + key for pavilion £5.50 Cllr Alan Atkinson £98.10 Travel claim April 2013 – April 2014 218 miles @ 0.45p per mile * Paid by direct debit + Paid in 2013/14 Financial Year 154/13-14 Any Other Business a. ‘Flood Heroes’ – Cllr Atkinson and Cllr Moon thanked the residents of Bridge who had successfully put forward their names to the Canterbury Times for awards following their work during the floods. b. Chess – Cllr Atkinson reported that Bridge Chess Team had recently won the Miller Cup, the premier chess trophy for East Kent, having come top of the local chess league. c. Flood Volunteers – Cllr Moon thanked all the helpers who had worked to remove the sand bags and to fill the skips at the end of the previous week. He also thanked Thanet Waste for very generously providing the skips free of charge. d. Litter Pickers- There had been a good turn out of volunteer litter pickers on 29th March. Cllr Ward thanked them for helping to improve the appearance of the village. The City Council had been reminded about the request for replacement bins at the recycling lay by and Bifrons Path. e. Newsletter – Cllr Corfield reported that the Newsletter would soon be ready for distribution. Councillors would be notified when they were available for collection. The meeting closed at 9.09pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th. May 2014 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 April 2019, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30pm. PRESENT: Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Davies, Hodges, R. Atkinson, Dhilllon The Clerk (Fiona Cairns) was also present. 131/18-19 Apologies for absence were received Cllr Kirk and agreed for Councillor Northey. 132/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Shirley - Item 6 Cllr Moon – Item 11 133/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 7 March, 2019 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 134/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. Cllr Davies – Grit Boxes -Cllr Davies has done a map of the village but can currently only find 1 grit box will carry on hunting. “Cllr Atkinson A attended the Tennis Club AGM at their invitation, and discussed possible future arrangements between the Club and BPC. ” Cllr Fawke – The tree issue on Churchill Close has now been resolved. 135/18-19 City Councilor Simon Cook – report below:“The wood from Churchill Close will be recycled and made into different objects, benches etc. Cllr met with Operations Manager from Kent and Sussex there is an issue of land who is responsible for litter picking (not in Bridge) but not Highways are trying to not be responsible for this however Highways need to sort this out. Cllr Cook there was a nasty pothole on A2 where it crosses Patrixbourne Road this has been patched up the reason for this was the water membrane under the tarmac has gone and therefore more water coming up which would in effect cause more potholes . The Operations Manager said they had finished their investment programme and are now moving onto Kent and Sussex. Cllr Cook thanked the current Councilors for all their hard work and said it had been a pleasure working with them”. 136/18-19 Kent County Councilor (KCC) Michael Northey - report below:“Very best wishes to those who are retiring from the parish council now. The service of local parish councilors is much appreciated and you do and have done a great deal for the community. For those who will be on the incoming council, thanks also and all good wishes. Currently more than 3,000 handwritten historic parish registers are held at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone. KCC have in partnership with the family history website Findmypast, have now published on line all these records, making it much easier for people to trace their Kentish family histories. Over 2.6 million fully indexed baptism, wedding banns, 1 marriage and burial records spanning over 400 years of Kent history are now available. For more information, please go to https://www.kentarchives.org.uk”. ‘ 137/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground -This has been updated by Cllr Hodges and the Clerk where they did a walk round the recreation ground – an updated copy will be recirculated. Clerk to contact Sturry Parish Council to get in contact with their handyperson. b. Neighbhourhood Plan - Cllr Atkinson to fix a meeting date in May for the Neighbhourhood Plan to meet. Cllr Atkinson to forward a copy of the Inspectors Report to all Cllrs. Cllr Atkinson contacted Locality and was informed that we should be able to apply for funding for next financial year. (Currently not open as yet). 138/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Atkinson secured £342 in funding from the Rural Opps for the Pavilion toilets. BPC are also to receive 120 Rural Crime Pack (for Villagers). 139/18-19 Matters for discussion and action 1. Email Paul Ferguson Planting under Village Sign. Clerk to contact Paul and his wife Fiona and give them Cllr Davies email (who also knows where accounts are to be used for plants). Cllr Fawke brought up the top build up box where his mother is not able to carry on doing this. Cllr Fawke is going to speak to Allotment Society this week and put on Facebook Page/Bridge Website. 2. Email Membership Rural Kent – Clerk to renew. 3. Email KALC Membership – Clerk - Clerk to renew. 4. Email SLCC Membership – Clerk - Clerk to renew. 5. Neighbourhood Plan - Funding for Bridge Parish Council to underwrite the technical work for AECOM (if grants not obtained) – Voted unanimously to do so. 6. Emily Shirley – Canterbury Air Pollution Case Update & Request for Further Funding – In the absence of anyone from the grant requesters, the matter was discussed. No further assistance was to be offered at this time. 7. Clerk Increase in salary after 3 months in post – Yes all in agreement. 8. To receive the FOI request summary. A Bridge resident asked how many questions were asked and from whom, and how much it has cost the Village in Freedom of Information requests. An estimated cost to the village over the last four years is £4,520 with the overwhelming majority of those requests being from a single individual. 9. Bridge Parish Council – Highway Improvement Plan V8. Clerk to update and send out. 10. Mowing Contract for forthcoming year – Clerk to contact existing Contractor with looking to renew for three year contract. Cllr Moon to give Clerk details of Mole contact to Clerk. 11. Use by Bridge School of the Football Pitch on the Recreation Ground for the Village Fete taking place on 29th June – Cllr Moon – Agreed. 12. Update on Debit Card – Clerk – Clerk progressing a credit card. 13. WI Tree – Cllr Fawke WI contacted Cllr Fawke they would like a wild Surbis Tree and have asked Cllr Fawke if himself and Cllr Davies could order this and they will reimburse us. Cllr Davies has obtained a price for this of £130.00 to be planted in National Tree week November. 14. Village gated sign for installation near our new parish border i.e. Bridge Interchange. Our Parish now encompasses the triangle and the land right up to the Bridge Interchange – Cllr Fawke. Clerk to obtain price on this and to find out who owns the land, email KCC to find out price. 15. Road consultation Dering Road/ Union Road – Cllr Fawke and Kirk were talking about organising consultation with residents on how the road works. 2 16. Western Avenue and Green Court – Cllr Fawke – Cllr Fawke been in consultation with Western Avenue and they would like to buy a tree rather than a shrub, there is a specific tree they would like. 17. Consult with residents in Ford Close – Cllr Fawke to consult what they would like and to go with the majority, Ford Close are also moaning about Tree maintenance. Add to Highway list Tree Maintenance in Western Avenue and Ford Close. 18. Bench on Green Court needs repair or replacement – Cllr Fawke. Cllr Fawke to look at repair/replacement. 19. Village Notice Boards – Cllr Fawke Cllr Fawke to buy some oak to repair White Horse Noticeboard. Cllr Fawke is also dealing with the Pharmacy Noticeboard. 20. Bus Stop – Cllr Atkinson/Clerk. Paul Leary KCC is moving forward with this. 21. To discuss arrangements for co-opting Councilor – “The Council was informed of the District’s co-option regulations regarding Parish vacancies.” 140/18-19 Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. To include PSO reports to all Councilors in the future. 141/18-19 Receipts Banked From whom Various hirers Amount (£) 249.00 Reason Pavilion hiring 142/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns KALC Sarah Hinton SLCC ALCC Canterbury City Council Printing Costs PKF Littlejohn LLP Amount (£) 132.00 675.14 74.70 56.99 553.63 60.00 175.00 40. 00 16.93 Reason Contract Mowing March Salary AGM Drinks and Nibbles Ink Cartridges Membership of Kent Association of Local Councils March Pavilion Cleaning Society of Local Council Clerks Subs 360.00 Annual Governance & Accountability Return for year ended March 2018 Printing Planning Applications Points of information: Clerk to email Michelle at Highways regarding drains on Western Avenue. Cllr Hodges would like to thank John Cornfield for a successful photograph exhibition. Cllr Hodges to respond on Barton Court School Consultation. Cllr Fawke to attend Allotment Meeting – ask about build up boxes. Cllr Atkinson R, would like to thank all the litter pickers who turned up to help with the Spring Clean up. 3 Pavilion Report from P Wicker – to see the Pavilion is breaking even – Clerk to forward Report to Councilors. The meeting ended at 9.10. Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 9th May 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall L;;; 4 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 th. May 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, Wortham and CCC Cllr Cook 1/14-15 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman – Cllr Hodges was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Corfield, seconded by Cllr Hill, Cllr Atkinson was nominated by Cllr Moon but failed to secure a seconder. Cllr Hodges was therefore elected as Chairman of the Parish Council for a further year. Cllr Hill was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Corfield, seconded by Cllr Wilmshurst and re-elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for a further year. 2/14-15 Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see attached list. Cllr Moon would approach a local resident to co-opt onto the Emergency Planning Committee and report back to the Parish Council in June. Action; Cllr Moon 3/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds and KCC Cllr Northey 4/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 5/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10th. April 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 7/14-15 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook apologised for not attending the Annual Parish Meeting the previous week. The Canterbury Local Plan consultation had not yet started but anyone was free to write to the Council about it. The formal consultation would begin in early June and last for 6 weeks. The City Council had passed a motion to revert to a ‘Committees’ system and abandon the ‘Strong Leader and Executive’ model of governance. The Boundary Commission consultation continued. Rural Area Members Panels had funding available up to £7,500 per Panel for local schemes and it would be distributed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; (by email) Cllr Northey commented that he was pleased to see work had started in Bekesbourne Road and that further work was due to begin on 12th. May at Bekesbourne Lane. 8/14-15 9/14-15 a. b. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Wortham would take over the inspection folder Action; Cllr Wortham from Cllr Ward. There was a broken windowpane and broken bracket in the pavilion. It was agreed that Cllrs Moon & Wilmshurst would assess what work was needed to be done on the pavilion and report back Wooden frames which had been left on the recreation ground would be disposed of. The youth shelter seat would be replaced. Action Cllr Moon & Wilmshurst Cllr Moon agreed to request empty sandbags from CCC so that the sand left in the old store could be used to fill them. Action; Cllr Moon Neighbourhood Plan –. Adrian Verrall of Canterbury City Council would meet with the Neighbourhood Plan Committee the following day. The Parking Survey was being undertaken. Speedwatch volunteers would help with a traffic count. A consultation event was planned for May 17th in the village hall. c. d. e. 10/14-15 Mill Centre- Cllr Cook reported that a decision on the future of the Mill Centre would be made by CCC’s Executive in July. Some questions had been raised on the Business Plan and application to take over the lease. They would be answered by members of the Committee. A potential funding source had been found but any application would need to be lodged before 26th. June. It was hoped to get an informal response from CCC before that date. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson reported that sewage was no longer being pumped into the Nailbourne upstream of Bridge but pumping continued on the other side of Patrixbourne. Money for flood alleviation would be a problem. Currently CCC was using money from contingencies for small schemes. Southern Water would be urged to recommence their operations on the local sewers. Higham Lane Bus Shelter – Cllr Hodges said that a KCC engineer had reported that moving the bus shelter would not make it any safer. Cllr Hodges had observed the bus stop on three early mornings and had not seen any problems with its use at that time However she did express concerns at the speed at which traffic travelled along the road. After much discussion it was agreed that Cllr Cook would liaise with Cllr Northey about the possibility of making the whole of the stretch of the road from Bridge Hill to the Valley Road safer by introducing a 40 mph speed limit. In addition the parish council would write to Stagecoach asking to ensure that drivers did not ignore the request bus stop at Higham Lane. The original complainant would be informed of the council’s decision. Action; Clerk Notice of proposed work to trees in a Conservation Area To note the following proposal; Bridge Recreation Ground On Eastern boundary fell one storm damaged Norway maple tree On South West boundary reduce 2x Alder trees back to point of last reductions 11/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Audited Accounts for 2013-14 The internal auditor’s report was noted and the Parish Accounts for 2013-14 were signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council Action; Clerk and the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer. b. Canterbury Local Plan – Cllr Hodges had drafted and circulated a response to the Canterbury Local Plan. As the official consultation period had not yet commenced, councillors were asked to send any further comments to Cllr Hodges for inclusion in the final, revised submission. c. Bridge Village Fete – Councillors agreed that they would allow Bridge School to use the recreation ground for parking at the village fete on 14th.June, should a request be received. If the weather was wet, Cllr Ward and Cllr Moon were to decide on whether the recreation ground would be damaged by the car parking. d. Membership of the South Canterbury Alliance- After some debate it was agreed to subscribe to membership of the SCA. At the end of the year the position would be reviewed and a decision made as to whether it was useful to belong to both SCA and the Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Associations (ACRA). Action; Clerk 12/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 13/14-15 Bank transfers; The council noted the transfer of £3,000 between Parish Council accounts 14/14-15. The following receipts were noted; Canterbury City Council - Parish Precept - £29,980.00 Canterbury City Council Concurrent Function Funding - £3,522.97 15/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Kent County Playing Fields Association Christobel Seath – Clerk Amount £20.00 Purpose Annual Subscription for 2014/15 £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Parochial Church Council Christobel Seath – Clerk £110.00 £22.99 Kevin Funnell £50.00 AON UK Ltd. £1,979.15 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for April 2014 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution April 2014 Donation to ‘On the Nail’ for 2014/15 Canon Black printer cartridge £19.16 + £3.83 vat Independent Internal Audit 2013/14 Accounts Parish insurance premium June 2014/May2015 (including 6% Insurance Premium tax) 16/14-15 Any Other Business a. It was agreed to include an update on the new computer for the parish council on the June agenda. b. The Clerk reported that Cllr Wortham had been added to the list of cheque signatories for the Parish Council. The meeting closed at 8.45p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th. June 2014 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12 th. June 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield (at item 7c), Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, Wortham and CCC Cllr Cook 17/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from KCC Cllr Northey 18/14-15 Declarations of Interest and Written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest regarding agenda item 9c as a member of the Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council. 19/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8th.May 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 20/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 21/14-15 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook reported that the Canterbury Local Plan was out for consultation. He had recently taken up several matters of concern to Bridge regarding recent planning applications with the City Council. He would be speaking against the City Council’s decision to stop notifying parish council directly of tree work in their parishes at the RAMP meeting on 16th June and would propose an alternative automated system. Meanwhile Cllr Cook would alert the Clerk and Tree Warden to any new proposals via email 22/14-15 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; (by email) Cllr Northey reported that KCC had produced a new Road Casualty Reduction Strategy and Cllr Northey had requested that it be made available on the KCC website. 23/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward had now taken over the inspection folder again. She reported that the broken window in the pavilion had been temporarily boarded up, the picnic tables had been put out and the wooden frames had been removed from the ground. Cllr Hodges reported that Serco had said they would no longer collect orange refuse sacks from the recreation ground and that green bins should be used instead. As the various working parties had generated over 50 orange sacks of refuse this year, this did not seem a practical solution. Cllr Hodges was pursuing this matter. Action; Cllr Hodges Cllr Hodges reported that children from Bridge Primary School had been working on the wild flower area of the recreation ground. They had invited her to the school to see their garden. There were photographs on the website. The sand bag store needed cleaning up and Cllrs Moon and Wilmshurst would also arrange a date to fix the replacement seat in the youth shelter. Cllr Moon had ordered some empty sacks for the loose sand in the store. Neighbourhood Plan – Adrian Verrall, the City Councils Planning Policy Manager had attended the May meeting of the Committee and commented fairly positively about the Neighbourhood Plan. Bridge was the only village in the District drawing up such a Plan. Mark Esdale had revised the draft Plan and added photographs and this would be discussed at the next meeting on 13th. June. The traffic survey returns were being processed. c. Mill Centre- Mark Esdale reported that the City Council’s Steering Group had rejected the Parish Council’s bid to take over the lease of the Centre on the grounds that the plans did not provide enough value. As a result, the d. 24/14-15 executive would probably reject the application and the Centre site would be sold for housing development. The Mill Centre Management Committee would be meeting later in the month to see if there was any way the Centre might be saved. It was reported that some of the money from the sale of the site might be given to the parish towards another youth centre, however it had already been demonstrated that here was no land available in the parish for such an alternative Centre and there was no indication from the City Council as to when and how much funding might be available Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson had circulated a detailed report. Around fifty flood alleviation projects had been identified in the area. Funding would be a problem and competition for money would be strong. It was suggested that Bridge might offer some contribution to fund flood alleviation schemes from its reserves. This might enable measures to protect the village to be implemented sooner. It was agreed to discuss some form of matched funding at the July parish council meeting. Meanwhile Cllr Atkinson had requested detailed costing of Bridge’s proposed projects from the relevant engineers. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Police Forum – 13th. May Littlebourne – Cllr Wortham (Report Circulated) It seemed unlikely that the Police Forum would be a regular event. It had been suggested that future discussion could take place via KALC. There was some discussion as to the usefulness of the Police van, which periodically came to the Patrixbourne Rd lay by. Suggestions of alternative more central sites had not been taken up by the police. The next visit would be on 8th. July from 4-5 pm. Cllr Wortham also said that the local crime figures were available on the Police website. 25/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bridge Village Sports Trust; Cllr Wilmshurst reported that Emma Haynes had taken over as Treasurer. Attempts were being made to find other teams who wanted to use the ground. Neither Dayspring nor Bridge FC would be using the ground in future. The next meeting would be on 16thJune. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst b. New Parish Computer – Cllr Corfield reported that, after discussion with the Clerk, it had been decided that the security risk of continuing to use the current system was minimal. It had therefore been agreed that a new computer would not be purchased at this time. c. Patrixbourne Church Burial Ground Extension- Mrs Pauline Pritchard explained to the Parish Council that although Cantley Estates had given a new area of woodland to Patrixbourne Church to extend the burial ground, the legal costs of the land transfer would be £750 plus vat. The burial ground was currently available to residents of both Patrixbourne and Bridge. It was therefore agreed that in pursuance of the powers conferred by S.137 of the Local Government Act of 1972 , being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfied the requirements of that section, the Council approved the expenditure of £450 in respect of the legal costs of the Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council. Action; Clerk d. Parking at Bridge School It was agreed that Cllr Moon would be the parish council’s liaison with Bridge Primary School on parking issues and would attend a meeting there on 26th. June. Councillors were asked to email Cllr Moon their thoughts about possible solutions to the problem before that meeting. Action; Cllr Moon e. Bridge Emergency Plan- Cllr Moon told the Council that Laurence Dunderdale had agreed to become a member of the Emergency Committee. Cllr Wortham explained that the Committee was adapting an Emergency Plan template from KCC and simplifying it for Bridge’s needs. A list of volunteers with appropriate skills was being drawn up. It was aimed to complete the Plan by October and that it should be reviewed annually in March and presented to the Annual Parish Council. f. Cllr Hodges thanked the Committee for their work. Snow Clearance- Cllr Moon would not be able to take an active part in possible snow clearance this winter for family reasons. It was agreed that he would hold a meeting of potential volunteers and try to identify a volunteer or volunteers to take over the organisation of any possible snow clearance this winter. Action; Cllr Moon g. First Aid Course- After some discussion it was agreed that the Emergency Plan Committee would identify possible volunteers to attend Emergency First Aid Courses. It was decided that the most cost effective way of doing this was for volunteers to join scheduled courses at either St John Ambulance or Red Cross Centres. The Clerk would investigate the possibilities and relative costs. This would be a July agenda item Action; Emergency Plan Committee & Clerk 26/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 27/14-15. The following receipts were noted; HMRC – Vat Reimbursement - £115.44 Bridge Athletic FC – Balance of subscription for 2013/14 season - £125.00 28/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee AJL Garden Services Amount £259.40 South Canterbury Alliance Christobel Seath – Clerk £40.00 £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Purpose Recreation ground maintenance April & May 2014 (£129.70 per month) Subscription for 2014 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for Mayl 2014 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution May 2014 29/14-15 Any Other Business a. A paper copy and a disk of the Canterbury Local Plan had been received. Cllrs Hodges and Edmonds would attend a public meeting in early July. It was agreed that Cllr Edmonds would have the paper copy of the Plan on 25th June and Cllr Hodges on 29th June. b. Cllr Hill reported that the grass had been cut at the triangle at the top of the A2 slip road. He would write and thank KHS. c. It was agreed that Cllrs Wilmshurst, Edmonds and Hill would attend a meeting with Nackington & Lower Hardres parish representatives on Thursday 19th June regarding the proposed solar farm at Nackington. d. Cllr Wortham would attend the Rural Area Member Panel meeting on 16th. June at the Guildhall. e. Cllr Hodges said that Carol Davidson and her volunteers would be working on the recreation ground on 4th. September f. Cllr Hodges gave advance notice that there would be a working party on the recreation ground on 18th October The meeting closed at 9.08 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 10th. July 2014 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10 th. July 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wortham and KCC Cllr Northey 30/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Corfield, Wilmshurst and CCC Cllr Cook 31/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 32/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12th.June 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 33/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 34/14-15 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; (By email) Cllr Cook reported that the City Council’s Executive had voted to sell the Mill Centre site for housing development after a one year extension of the current lease. He also said that the City Council planned to remove the recycling point from Town Hill next year and were unable to reinstate the large wheelie bins because they could not be emptied by the SERCO street cleaning vehicle. CCC had offered to install an additional bin if the Parish Council requested it. Cllr Ward confirmed that another bin was required at the recycling point. She also suggested that, as the recycling point was still well used, any decision to remove it should be postponed. 35/14-15 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; The KCC Road Casualty Reduction Strategy had been published on the KCC website. KCC were not routinely made aware by the police of road accidents that did not involve personal injury. Therefore residents were encouraged to report such accidents to KCC so that an accurate picture could be built up of the true situation concerning dangerous locations. A meeting had been held with Mike Harrison, KCC Flood Awareness, and the Environment Agency. The EA seemed more aware of the need for vegetation clearance along the Nailbourne. Cllr Northey would investigate the possibility of making the whole of the road from the Valley Road junction to Higham Lane a 40mph restricted area. 36/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. c. Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that two clips had come undone on the pavilion guttering and a small piece of tile had been dislodged. The remaining picnic bench was still intact. The Clerk reported that Bounty Pest Control were increasing their visits because of the mole activity. Cllr Moon reported that he was still waiting for empty sandbags before the sandbag store could be emptied. The youth shelter seat would be replaced when Cllr Wilmshurst returned. Cllr Hodges reported that in future the parish council would have to pay CCC for any orange rubbish sacks it used on the recreation ground for extra litter and weed clearance. The PCSO had visited the recreation ground and talked to parents and children to discourage climbing on the picnic table and youth shelter roof. Neighbourhood Plan – Prof Connor reported that members of the Committee were now drafting sections of the Plan covering various headings. The next meeting would be on the following evening. Mill Centre- Mark Esdale reported that CCC’s Executive had voted to close the Mill Centre and sell the site for housing development. The Centre would d. e. f. g. 37/14-15 be given one year’s extension to the lease to wind up its affairs. There would be a meeting of the Management Committee in the next few days to discuss options but buying the Centre could be a possibility. Cllr Hill thanked Mr Esdale and his committee for working so hard to keep the youth centre open over the past 7 years. Nailbourne Pollution –Cllr Atkinson reported that ground water levels were higher than at the same time last year. Southern Water was restarting work on the programme they began last year on pipes and the pumping stations. The Environment Agency was beginning a work programme over the summer to reduce obstructions along the Nailbourne. Engineers were currently looking at flood defence scheme options and would meet on 5th August. The LSNRMG would meet again on 19th July. School Parking – Cllr Moon had attended a meeting of the School Parents Council at which parking was discussed. There was a possibility that the two school buses would be withdrawn by KCC. Cllr Moon would liaise with Cllr Northey when the situation became clearer. The PCSO had advised that cars obstructing driveways should be reported to the police. Various other options were under consideration including the reintroduction of the ‘walking bus’, part funding of a parking enforcement officer, installing ‘concrete children’ and making the school road ‘pedestrians only’. Cllr Action; Cllr Moon Moon would continue to pursue this issue. Bridge Emergency Plan – Cllr Wortham reported that Laurence Dunderdale had joined the Committee. The work of contacting other village organisations and identifying skilled people was continuing and the Committee was on track to have completed an Action Plan by October First Aid Courses- It was agreed that Cllrs Atkinson and Moon would initially undertake first aid training with Cllr Wortham to be included at a later stage. The Clerk would investigate the possibility of using Mission Action; Clerk Training, a local firm. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Rural Area Member Panel 16 th. June – Cllr Wortham – Report circulated Bridge Village Sports Trust 16 th. June 2014 – Cllr Wilmshurst – Report circulated South Canterbury Alliance – 30 th June – Cllr Hill Open Space Strategy Meeting – 7 th July Herne Bay – Cllr Hodges – Report Circulated 38/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Canterbury District Local Plan- There was wide ranging discussion regarding the draft of the Canterbury District Local Plan response and some textual amendments were agreed. The response, which would be addressed to HM Planning Inspectorate, would be submitted before the deadline of 18th July. Action ; Clerk b. Recreation Ground Lease As the current lease for the recreation ground would expire in June 2023 and the landlord had not been willing to negotiate any extension, it was agreed to set up a working party to explore options for retaining the ground for the village. Cllrs Atkinson and Hill volunteered to be on the Committee and it was agreed to ask Cllrs Corfield and Wilmshurst if they would be Action; Cllr Hodges interested in being included. c. Contribution to Flood Alleviation Projects in Bridge – Cllr Atkinson had circulated a paper setting out the argument for making a contribution to flood alleviation projects in Bridge. This would show commitment and could encourage necessary work to be done locally as a higher priority. After discussion it was agreed to set aside up to £10,000 from parish reserves should engineers provide an appropriate, fully costed local scheme that would benefit Bridge. Action; Cllr Atkinson d. Use of Recreation Ground for Fun Run – Luke Bicknell outlined plans for a 5 KM Fun Run starting from the recreation ground on Sunday 14th. September. Councillors agreed to the use of the ground for this purpose. Parking would be available elsewhere. e. ‘Lights Out’ project- Canon Lloyd had circulated an email outlining Bridge’s participation in the ‘Lights Out’ project to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War. Councillors agreed to the use of the recreation ground for a picnic on 31st August. It was also agreed to invite Canon Lloyd to the September Action; Clerk meeting of the parish council. 39/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 40/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £4,000 between parish accounts was noted 41/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee BT Telephone * Amount £91.48 Christobel Seath – Clerk £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council £20.00 Joe Connor £35.00 Mrs V White KALC £34.00 £72.00 AJL Garden Services * Paid by Direct Debit £154.70 £450.00 Purpose Telephone account April/ June & Plan costs to Sept.14. £77.57 + £13.91 vat Clerk’s salary and office allowance for June 2014 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution June 2014 Donation towards expenses for 2014 S 137 payment towards cost of legal fees for transfer of land from Cantley Estates to extend the burial ground at St Mary’s Church Patrixbourne Copy of Canterbury Local Plan – Neighbourhood Plan budget Compost and plants for village planters Dynamic Councillor workshop, Lenham 19th. July Cllr Wortham £60.00 + £12.00 vat Grounds maintenance for June 2014 The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. September 2014 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11 th.September 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wortham and CCC Cllr Cook. 42/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst and KCC Cllr Northey 43/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 44/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th.July 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 45/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 46/14-15 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; There were small amounts of money available in the budget for local projects. Councillors should contact Cllr Cook with requests. The City Council proposed to revert to the Committee system of government. The new structure was being designed by a committee led by an independent chairman. Residents were welcome to contribute ideas to the process. CCC was considering selling off small parcels of land which were surplus to its needs. 47/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground – Cllr Ward reported that the safety inspection report had been received. There were no significant risk factors identified. The Recreation Committee would consider whether any of the matters mentioned in the report needed immediate attention. Action; Recreation Ground Cttee A pile of rubbish had been left on the recreation ground at the back of a house on Riverside Close. The Clerk to contact the Residents’ Association Chairman to ask him to contact the owner. Action; Clerk Cllr Hodges reported that volunteers from the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership had cleared the area near the top gate. Children from the primary school would be planting 100 plug plants in the next few days. There would be a working party on the ground on Saturday 18th October. It was agreed that a committee of Cllrs Hodges, Hill, Corfield Atkinson and Wilmshurst would meet soon to discuss how to approach Cantley to negotiate an extension of the current recreation ground lease. The sand bag store still needed to be cleared and the youth shelter seat needed to be replaced. Action : Cllrs Moon and Wilmshurst A clip on the guttering needed to be re-fixed. b. Neighbourhood Plan – Prof Connor reported that the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan had been collated and was being formatted. It would be printed and distributed to every household in Bridge for comment. An on line version would be available. There would be an event in the village hall on 1st November at which residents would be invited to discuss the draft. c. Nailbourne Pollution – Cllr Atkinson was attending a series of meetings concerned with Nailbourne flooding. KCC were planning to resurface Brewery Lane and Bridgeford Way in the autumn. While this work was going on the City Council would install the mechanism for flood gates at the ford. Non-return valves were being installed in some properties in Patrixbourne and it was hoped some would be installed in Riverside Close. d. School Parking – There was nothing further to report because of the school holidays. Cllr Moon would keep the Parish Council informed of any progress. e. Bridge Emergency Plan – Cllr Wortham said that an outline plan would be presented to the Parish Council in October. This would be an on-going document subject to amendment as situations changed. The Committee were contacting other services so that plans could be coordinated. A database of vulnerable residents would be compiled and this would be subject to Data Protection Legislation. It was agreed that the current location of the sandbag store was not appropriate. A decision on whether to purchase a new store would be taken at the October meeting. The best location for such a store was under consideration. It would need to be easily accessible for a vehicle. f. First Aid Courses – It was agreed to defer any decision until after the Community First Responder had spoken to the Council in October. 48/14-15 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC AGM – 16th July – Cllrs Hodges & Hill – Report circulated Bridge Village Sports Trust Minutes – 11th August 2014 – Circulated via email Ecology Workshop – 6th. September – Cllr Hodges Code of Conduct Meeting with CCC – 10th. September – Cllr Hodges 49/14-15 Notice of Proposed Tree Work in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted: 41 Union Road Bridge Crown reduce one yew by 30% The Vicarage, 23 High Street, Bridge Remove holly tree to ground level. 50/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Capital Grant Scheme - There were no suggestions for suitable projects. Amendment to Standing Orders – It was agreed to amend Standing Orders to comply with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulation 2014. Action; Clerk Community Flood Warden- It was agreed to appoint a Community Flood Warden for Bridge. Richard McCarthy agreed to undertake the role. Others could be co-opted to assist in an emergency. Cllr Hodges thanked Mr McCarthy for taking on the role. Community First Responders- Item deferred to October meeting Review of Polling District & Polling Places- Councillors did not wish to recommend any changes either to the polling district or location of the polling station following the electoral boundary changes. Action; Clerk Bridge in Bloom – It was agreed to spend up to £50 on vouchers, flowers and engraving of trophies for ‘Bridge in Bloom’. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Edmonds and Mrs Vicky White for judging the competition. The presentation of awards would take place in Mansfield Court residents’ lounge on 24th. September at 2.30pm. Councillors were invited to attend. Right of Parish Councils to sell any electricity they generate through local schemes – It was agreed to support this initiative. Action; Clerk Planning Committee – Cllr Hill agreed to sit on the Planning Committee when Cllr Moon stood down temporarily from November until early 2015 Date of 2015 Annual Parish Meeting -The Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Thursday 30th April 2015. 51/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 52/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £4,000 between parish accounts was noted 53/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Canterbury City Council* Amount £48.70 Christobel Seath – Clerk* £663.89 Post Office Ltd* £145.56 Christobel Seath – Clerk * AJL Garden Services * PKF Littlejohn* £55.10 £219.55 £360.00 Christobel Seath – Clerk Post Office Ltd £663.89 £145.56 Mark Esdale £14.70 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £34.50 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee £66.00 Savills Client Account Christobel Seath – Clerk £275.00 £59.99 Purpose Printing of PC Spring newsletter, minutes & agendas Clerk’s salary and office allowance for July 2014 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution July 2014 Petty cash Recreation ground maintenance July 2014 External audit fee for year ended 31 March 2014 £300 + £60 vat Clerk’s salary & allowance for August 2014 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for August 2014 Train fare to London for training session 30.5.14 Neighbourhood Plan (Neighbourhood Plan Account) Hire of Hunter Room for Neighbourhood Plan Committee (5 sessions) Neighbourhood Plan account Hire of hall for PC meeting + APM & extra Planning Committee (6 sessions) Recreation ground rental 25/3/14-28/9/14 AVG Internet Security Protection 2 years £49.99 + £10.00 vat * Paid in August 54/14-15 Any Other Business a. Absence of Cllr Moon – Cllr Moon told the Council that he may not be able to attend Council meetings from November until early 2015 for personal reasons. b. Community First Responder Appeal, Littlebourne –It was decided not to send a donation to Littlebourne for equipment for their Community First Responder. Action; Clerk c. Autumn Newsletter – Councillors were asked for contributions for the Parish Council’s Autumn Newsletter to be sent to Cllr Corfield. d. Christmas Drinks – The Parish Council Christmas drinks would be held on 11th. December after the Council meeting. The Planning Committee would therefore start at 6.45pm and the Council meeting at 7.00pm. e. Recreation Ground Working Party –Volunteers were asked to join the working party on the recreation ground on the morning of Saturday 18th October. The meeting closed at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9th. October 2014 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 th.October 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, Wortham, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey. 55/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence. 56/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 57/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th.September 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 58/14-15 Matters arising; It was confirmed that the old sandbag store had been installed by Canterbury City Council 59/14-15 Talk by Ryan Truelove, Area Team Leader, Community First Responders;. 60/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook ; The City Council was undertaking its budget process and in view of the elections next May it was unlikely that there would be any significant decisions made. One litterbin in the recycling lay by had been removed and a review of litterbins in the lay by was being undertaken before it was replaced. The paper recycling bin would be removed shortly as the Aylesford company were ceasing collections. The bottle banks were likely to be removed after consultation with the parish council because of an 80% reduction in usage throughout the district since the new doorstep glass collection system started. 61/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey; KCC were faced with budget cuts of £65million this year making very difficult choices in service cuts inevitable. The new lighting policy would result in £1million in energy saving costs. The grass would be cut on the Dover Road footpath to Canterbury, which had become overgrown. The burnt out van had been removed from the A2 slip road junction and the barriers would be replaced. There was no possibility of extending the 40mph limit from Higham Lane to the junction of Bridge Hill and the valley road at the moment as it was not supported by Kent Highways. 62/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. Recreation Ground – The fence between the recreation ground and the health centre needed repairing. This was the responsibility of the surgery. The Play Inspection report had been considered in detail and it had been decided that at present none of the items listed were in need of action. But as usual they would be monitored closely. Cllr Ward was willing to continue to hold the inspection folder. Cllr Hodges reported that children from the school had planted wild flower plug plants and would plant bulbs the following week. The contractor had mowed an area of primroses in error. An attempt would be made to transplant some on 18th October at the working party. There was the possibility of a butterfly survey next year. The youth shelter seat had been replaced and Cllr Hodges thanked Cllrs Moon and Wilmshurst for this. The old seat would be disposed of for scrap. The sandbag store would be emptied of loose sand in due course Action; Cllr Moon . Neighbourhood Plan – The Neighbourhood Plan Committee had met twice in October and would meet again on 17th. October. A meeting had also taken place with representatives of Cantley Ltd, the major local landowner .A draft Plan was almost ready for distribution round the village for residents to comment on. It would be sent to Planning Aid for their assessment. There would be a consultation event in the village hall on 1st November. Parish Councillors were asked to volunteer to help with the distribution of the Plan. c. d. e. 63/14-15 Nailbourne – Footings for the floodgates were being installed at the ford in Brewery Lane and road patching was being undertaken in Brewery Lane and Bridgeford Way. It was planned to install a bund and floodgates across the back of Bridge Place Country Club. The result of a bid for £100,000 to allow modelling at the top of the Nailbourne was awaited as no engineering work could be undertaken without this. October was predicted to be wet but flooding was not anticipated this year. Measures to reduce sewage problems by Southern Water had been agreed by the Environment Agency and the parish council would be informed. It was hoped that Bridge would have a dependable sewage system within the next 3-5 years. First Aid Courses – It was agreed to pursue the option of recruiting Community First Responders for Bridge initially and then review the situation concerning possible first aid courses for others and the purchase of a defibrillator. The Finance Committee would look at options for the budget later in the month. Patrixbourne churchyard extension grant – Cllr Hill reported that the Parochial Church Council had decided not to accept the offer of land to extend the graveyard from Cantley Ltd because of an infestation of Japanese knot weed on the land. They would therefore return the £450 donation made to them by the Parish Council as a contribution towards legal costs. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Kent Downs AONB Countryside Day – 3rd October – Cllr Hodges (Report circulated) 64/14-15 Notice of Proposed Tree Work in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted: 42 High Street, Bridge Severely cut back or possibly remove plum tree Lynton House, 83 High Street, Bridge Fell four lime trees and one holly tree on edge of property 65/14-15 a. b. c. d. Matters for Discussion and Action Community First responder for Bridge- Following a talk and demonstration by Ryan Truelove and questions from councillors, it was agreed to encourage residents to volunteer as Community First Responders for Bridge. There was a need for these volunteers because ambulance response times are longer in rural areas. It was hoped to recruit up to 6 volunteers who would undertake to commit to 4-6 hours per week on duty to respond to 999 calls and offer first aid until the arrival of the ambulance service. Volunteers would be selected for training by the Ambulance Service. The Parish Council would make publicity material available in Bridge and consider supporting volunteers by assisting with their equipment costs Defibrillator- In view of the possibility of recruiting Community First Responders whose equipment would include defibrillators, it was decided not to buy a defibrillator via the KALC bulk purchase in January. Sports pavilion renovations- Cllr Wilmshurst reported that some work had been started on improving the pavilion. He had replaced 90% of the guttering and had obtained quotations for new floor covering and new showers. One wire-covered window needed replacement and he would obtain a quotation for that. It was agreed that councillors would look at what work was required and make decisions before the start of the recreation ground working party on 18th October. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Bridge Emergency Plan – Cllr Wortham introduced the new Emergency Plan for Bridge, which had been based on the Kent Resilience Plan. Its aim was to provide local support until the emergency services were available. It was a ‘living document’ subject to continuous revision. Residents who needed support should be aware it was possible to ask for inclusion on the register. Confidential information would be password protected and securely retained by the Committee members and Parish Clerk. Cllr Hodges thanked the Committee for their hard work in preparing an excellent Plan. Sand bag storage- It was agreed to approach the Area Manager of Shepherd Neame to ask for permission to site sandbags storage boxes in the car park of Action; Cllr Hodges the Plough and Harrow - e. f. Christmas trees Councillors agreed that Christmas trees should again be put up in the High Street. Mr Esdale proposed that the trees should go up on Saturday 6th December and be taken down on Saturday 3rd. January. It was hoped that many volunteers would be available to help on both these days. g. Emergency Plan expenditure- It was agreed that 5 USB sticks would be purchased for the storage of password protected confidential material by the Emergency Plan Committee and Parish Clerk Action; Cllr Wortham h. Weeding of Planning Files- It was agreed that planning documents over five years old would be weeded from parish council files and removed by a commercial paper removal company to free filing cabinet space. Action ; Clerk i. Snow clearance- Mark Esdale had taken charge of snow clearance with Cllr Moon assisting. Mr Esdale had a list of volunteers but would welcome more to enable snow clearance to be carried out on the side streets as well as the High Street. j. KALC Canterbury branch meeting- Cllr Wilmshurst & Hill were unable to Action; Cllr Hodges attend this meeting. Cllr Hodges agreed to go. 66/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 67/14-15 Receipts The following receipts were noted; HMRC VAT reimbursement - £190.30 68/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £ 2,000 between parish accounts was noted 69/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee BT* Amount £84.19 AJL Garden Services Christobel Seath – Clerk £219.55 £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Cllr Hodges £27.90 The Play Inspection Company £71.94 Christobel Seath – Clerk Ann Edmonds £45.98 £40.95 Purpose Telephone account + Sept Dec line rental £71.50 +£12.69 vat Recreation ground maintenance for August Clerk’s salary and office allowance for September 2014 PAYE & Employer NI Contribution September 2014 Travel to Lenham for Ecology Conference 6/9/14 and Guildhall 4/9/14 Code of Conduct Training + Parking 54 miles @ 0.45p + £3.60 Safety inspection of the recreation ground £59.95 + £11.99 vat Printer cartridges £38.32 + £7.66 vat Bridge in Bloom prizes & engraving 70/14-15 Any Other Business a. Cllr Moon reported that the landlord of the Red Lion and others had completed a 750 mile sponsored cycle ride round France to raise money for Aid projects in Africa. Donations would be welcome. b. Cllr Corfield reminded councillors that Art in Bridge would be holding their exhibition that weekend. c. Cllr Hodges announced that the Finance Committee would meet on Monday 20th October to set the budget and precept for 2015-16 d. KALC were seeking nominations for the 2015 awards to councillors for significant contributions to parishes. It was agreed to nominate Cllr Atkinson for his work on Action; Cllr Hodges. Nailbourne issues. e. The working party on the recreation ground would take place on 18th October. Councillors were asked to arrive at 9.15am to discuss the work needed on the pavilion before the working party. The meeting closed at 9.47 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 13th. November 2014 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13 th.November 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman,) Corfield, Edmonds, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst, Wortham and CCC Cllr Cook. 71/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Hodges & KCC Cllr Northey. 72/14-15 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest in item 10e of the agenda as President of Bridge Tennis Club 73/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th.October 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 74/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 75/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook ; Cllr Cook reported that he, Cllr Hill and Cllr Atkinson had spoken at the Rural Area Member Panel meeting against the Concurrent Function Funding settlement proposed by the City Council which would substantially reduce the amount of funding available for CFF functions in the parish and potentially lead to a higher precept being levied to make up the short fall. The matter had been passed to Executive and city council officers to resolve and it was hoped that the Executive would agree a settlement at least at the same level as the previous year. Cllr Cook asked villagers to nominate to him those in need in Bridge who would benefit from the Lord Mayor’s Gift Fund, which was again distributing Christmas parcels to all ages. Cllr Hill thanked Cllr Cook for his support at the RAMP meeting. 76/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey; (by Email) Cllr Northey reminded villagers of the budget consultation which KCC was carrying out. Residents could respond on line to a questionnaire via the KCC website. He also drew residents attention to the advice issued by the Canterbury & Coastal Commissioning Group regarding winter illness. Patients were advised to seek help from local pharmacies in the first instance and take sensible precautions. Winter flu jabs were available free for over 65s and some carers. 77/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground Cllr Ward reported that the river bed had been partially cleared of weed and rubbish by the Environment Agency. She had also removed rubbish from the river banks where possible. It was agreed to write to the Environment Agency asking that the roots of encroaching weeds be removed from the river as well as the rubbish and pointing out that the channel was getting narrower as the vegetation built up. Action; Clerk The Council thanked the children of Bridge Primary School and volunteers who had worked on the recreation ground in October. b. Pavilion repairs Cllr Wilmshurst reported that all the showers were working, the windows had been secured and rubbish removed from the pavilion. The council unanimously agreed to the expenditure of up to £11.500 as set aside in the current budget for the repairs to the pavilion, including new flooring, electrical work, new floor in the showers and repairs to the windows. c. Neighbourhood Plan Dr Connor reported that the draft Neighbourhood Plan had been published and distributed to every house in Bridge together with a response form. Responses were being returned in paper format and via the website. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee would contact various statutory consultees over the next few weeks and a comprehensive list was being compiled. The Committee would meet again on 21st November.It was agreed to put the Village Design Statement, which was referred to in the Neighbourhood Plan, onto the village website. d. Emergency Plan Cllr Wortham reported that the Committee was now producing a Flood Plan and was in the process of approaching village societies and groups in order to compile a list of vulnerable residents who might require additional help in an emergency. A meeting with local organisations to identify vulnerable residents would take place the following week. Flood gauge boards had been installed in the village and the Environment Agency (EA) would be agreeing levels for flood alerts and warnings. The EA recommended that people undertook their own flood protection. Property protection grants were no longer available. Leaflets for properties that had been flooded had been provided by the E A and could be useful for tenants to share with landlords. There was a suggestion that several Flood Wardens might be needed in an emergency. There would be a Flood Resilience Training event for councillors on the Emergency Planning Committee the following week. e. Sandbag Storage Richard McCarthy, Bridge’s Flood Warden had undergone Flood Warden training. He said that at present there was a lack of structure in the central planning, which it was hoped would emerge as the plans developed. All three Bridge pubs had agreed to have sand bag storage boxes in their car parks. Shepherd Neame had confirmed that they had no objection to two boxes being located in the Plough & Harrow car park. Ted Edwards, CCC’s Chief Engineer, had confirmed that the City Council would provide free of charge three lockable boxes each holding 100 sand bags for immediate emergency use. Cllr Moon suggested that two boxes should be located in the Plough & Harrow and one in the Red Lion. Sand bags were still available in boxes at the Mill Centre and it may be useful to fit locks to these boxes at a later date. Cllr Wilmshurst pointed out that in an emergency additional sandbags would be available from the City Council/Serco and the stores in Bridge were only meant to cover immediate needs. Laurence Dunderdale had agreed to take on the job of Deputy Flood Warden. Cllr Hill thanked Richard McCarthy for his work. f. School Parking The Headteacher of the Primary School had sent out a letter to Conyngham Lane residents asking for comments and ideas about the parking problems. Cllr Moon would be attending a meeting at the school to discuss this the following week. The PCSO had visited the school twice recently. Cllr Moon would let the Clerk have any information about traffic calming measures that came out of the meeting to pass to the City Council Parking Review. Action : Cllr Moon g. Community First Responders The Clerk reported that there had been two enquiries about volunteering as CFRs and they had been put in touch with the CFR scheme organisers. Publicity material that had been promised was still awaited. 78/14-15 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Canterbury KALC Meeting – 15th. October – Sue Hodges – Minutes circulated Kent Highways Parish Seminar 7 th.November – Cllr Hill –Report circulated Bridge Village Sports Trust – 10th November Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Wilmshurst reported that Bridge Athletic FC had been disbanded. They had been asked to return the pavilion keys. Mervyn Gulvin had agreed to continue as Treasurer for the interim as he was a cheque signatory. Bridge Juniors had not paid their fees or returned the contract. Cllr Wilmshurst provided a new address. Action; Clerk BVST had been invited to apply for discretionary rate reduction. Mr Gulvin would complete the documentation. 79/14-15 Notice of Proposed Tree Work in a Conservation Area The following proposals were noted: Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road Felling of a sycamore tree (affected by Dryads Saddle polyporus squamosus) Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane ,Bridge Works to Lawson Cypress tree, subject of TPO No 10 1969/T2 22 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Fell two pine trees subject to TPO No 6 1973/G4 80/14-15 a. b. Matters for Discussion and Action Precept and Budget requirement for 2015-16 The Parish Council budget for 2015-16 and Precept level was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council. The total precept requirement would be £30,570, an increase of Action; Clerk 1.97% on the previous year. Football Bonds It was agreed to pay BVST £200, being the football bonds lodged with the Parish Council for good behaviour by now defunct clubs. c. Fitness in the Park It was agreed that the organiser of Fitness in the Park should be asked to pay the Parish Council £50rental charge for the use of the recreation ground and pavilion up to the end of the 2014-15 financial year and that the Council would charge £125 per annum for the use of the recreation ground for the exercise class for the 2015-16 year Action; Clerk d. Local Postal Collections There was concern that the new plaque on the post box at the corner of Brewery Lane advised that collections would take place after 9.00am. This was not helpful to local businesses and collections still seemed to continue at around 5.00pm. It was agreed to write to the Post Office to ask what the significance was of this change. Action; Clerk e. Tennis Club request – It was agreed to write in support of the Tennis Clubs application to the KCC’s Capital Grant Scheme. While the Parish Council was not in a position to give any guarantees about the future tenancy of the recreation ground, it could point out that the recreation ground was included on the list of Assets of Community Value for Bridge. Action; Clerk f. Flood gate keys – Item withdrawn. g. Identification cards for Parish Councillors The Emergency Plan Committee thought that it would be useful for them to have identity cards to show to residents in an emergency. It was agreed that the Emergency Plan Committee could decide on issuing these to councillors on the Committee. h. City Council Annual Parking Review It was agreed to recommend that the yellow line by the build out at pharmacy bus stop should be removed to allow for another parking space. Cllr Moon would contact he Clerk following the meeting on parking at Bridge Primary School ( see item 77g) Action Clerk & Cllr Moon 81/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 82/14-15 Sealing of Documents Agreement between Herne United Football Club and Bridge Parish Council 83/14-15 Receipts The following receipts were noted; Bridge & Patrixbourne PCC - £450 return of cheque payment towards legal costs for extension of graveyard Herne United Football Club Fees for 2014-15 season - £300.00 84/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £2,000 between parish accounts was noted 85/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath – Clerk Amount £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Sue Hodges £40.17 AJL Garden Services £219.55 Kevin Funnell Sue Hodges £75.00 £13.95 Bridge and Patrixbourne PCC £200.40 Christobel Seath £17.94 Mervyn Gulvin £53.73 John Hill £25.00 VP Heating & Plumbing Services Matthew Wilmshurst £1,418.00 Canterbury City Council £848.25 £102.00 Purpose Clerk’s salary & allowance for October 2014 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for October 2014 Travel Bridge / Samphire Hoe 33 miles @ 0.45p =£14 85 Stationery £13.61 + £2.72 vat =£16.33 Wild flower project bark & compost £8.99 Recreation ground maintenance for September 2014 Independent internal mid year audit Mileage claim Bridge/Faversham Finance Seminar 17th. October 31 miles @ 0.45p per mile Contribution towards upkeep of St Mary’s churchyard, Patrixbourne Plastic pockets for Neighbourhood Plan draft.£14.95 + £2.99 vat (Neighbourhood Plan Account.) Materials & printing for Neighbourhood Plan Consultation event £49.10 + £4.63 vat (Neighbourhood Plan Account) Wreath for Remembrance Day Service – Royal British Legion Plumbing work to sports pavilion Repair of walls, windows and French doors etc of sports pavilion Printing costs for draft Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents £810.00 + £38.25 vat (Neighbourhood Plan Account) 86/14-15 Any Other Business a. Police Forum; Cllr Edmonds would be unable to attend the Police Forum on 25th. November. Since Bridge Parish Council had lobbied for these to be re-introduced it was important that the parish was represented. Cllr Hill therefore agreed to attend. Action; Cllr Hill The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 11th. December 2014 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11 th.December 2014 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman,) Atkinson, Corfield, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst and CCC Cllr Cook. 87/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Edmonds, Wortham and KCC Cllr Northey 88/14-15 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. There were no declarations of interest on agenda items. 89/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th.November 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 90/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 91/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook reminded councillors that the small grants fund was available until February. Applications should be made direct to the City Council. Several gifts had been distributed in Bridge from the Mayors’ Christmas Fund. The Canterbury Local Plan had been submitted for inspection and it was expected there would be a response shortly before the Election in May. 92/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a b. Recreation Ground; The mole problem on the football field was being dealt with by the contractor. Work on refurbishing the pavilion was continuing and the garage had been cleared out. Herne Athletic would be asked to identify any equipment that belonged to them. Bridge Athletic had removed their property but had not yet returned the keys. It was agreed to replace the locks on the pavilion once the refurbishment had been completed, as there were no accurate key holder records. It was agreed to charge Fitness in the Park £60 for the use of the pavilion & ground between May and September 2015. This sum could be adjusted once Action; Clerk the revised fee levels had been agreed. Some rubbish was still on the recreation ground beside 15 Riverside Close. Mr Harris had been asked to pursue this as Chairman of the Residents’ Association and Cllr Hodges would remind him. Action; Cllr Hodges Cllr Hodges commented that the tennis club had been sweeping leaves from the tennis court onto the children’s wild flower area. Cllr Hodges would ask Action; Cllr Hodges them to purchase a compost bin. A problem was reported in the willow tree by the recreation ground gate. Telephone wires were becoming entangled in the branches and this was affecting residents’ telephones. The Clerk would look up who was Action; Clerk responsible for the tree’s maintenance. Bridge Junior FC had complained that the grass outside the pavilion was too long. They had asked to be allowed to bring their own equipment to cut it. This was to be discouraged because our contractor complained that grass was being cut when it was too wet and this could damage the ground. Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Hodges reported that the closing date for responses from residents to the draft Plan was Monday 15th. December. The response date for businesses and landowners was later. The balance of the grant from the Community Development Foundation had to be returned to c. d. 93/14-15 them because the expiry date was the end of the year and they had refused requests to extend the deadline. Nailbourne – Cllr Atkinson had circulated a report. Ground water levels were rising rapidly. The prediction was still ‘Flow not Flood’ but heavy rain before April could result in the flood defences being deployed. The City Council was running a test of defences later this month. Ted Edwards would be leaving the City Council in March. Councillors agreed that he had worked hard for Bridge. Community First Responders SECAMB had been put in touch with two potential volunteers. Publicity material was being updated by CFR but would be provided for the village as soon as it was available. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies KALC AGM Ditton 22nd November – Cllr Wortham – Report circulated Police Forum 25 th. November 2014 – Cllr Hill- Report circulated Community Resilience & Emergency Training Canterbury 18th November Cllrs Wortham, Atkinson & Moon The course had been useful. Cllr Moon had some booklets on what to do in an emergency to distribute to those most at risk initially but he hoped to have more later. It was possible that First Aid Courses would be run by this group. Village Hall Committee. It was hoped to circulate minutes of this meeting later. There had been discussions about a unified booking system for the village hall and pavilion once the pavilion had been upgraded. The fees for hire had been held until September. Some redecoration was planned. Jenny Vye was now the Chairman 94/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action a. Bus shelter.- After discussion it was decided to take no action. It was thought that fitting a back to the shelter would make the bench unusable. b. Retirement of Charlie Gooch, Agent for Cantley Estates- It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Charlie Gooch on his retirement. Action; Clerk Parish Newsletter- It was agreed to produce a Parish Newsletter in February. Items were suggested and Cllr Corfield asked contributors to let him have their drafts as early as possible. Pay award for Clerk – It was agreed to implement the 1% national pay award for Parish Clerks with effect from 1st January 2015 Section 137 Payment – The Section 137 first payment to Canterbury City Council towards flood alleviation schemes in the village was approved. The balance would be paid in the next Financial Year. c. d. e. 95/14-15 Correspondence – Noted 96/14-15 Sealing of Documents Agreement between Bridge Junior Football Club and Bridge Parish Council for 2014/15 season was signed 97/14-15 Receipts The following receipts were noted; Christmas trees - £741 Bridge Junior FC fees - £100 98/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £13,500 between parish accounts was noted 99/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Christobel Seath – Clerk Amount £663.89 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Mrs V White AJL Garden Services Bridge Village Sports Trust Christobel Seath – Clerk Bounty Pest Control £25.46 £64.85 £200.00 £25.00 £324.48 A P Electrical Christobel Seath - Clerk Mervyn Gulvin £33.90 £41.85 £43.84 Ewart Clough Community Development Foundation Mobile Glass £741.00 £4,992.96 Canterbury City Council £6,500 Cllr Atkinson £31.50 £108.00 Purpose Clerk’s salary & allowance for November 2014 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for November 2014 Plants & compost for village planters Grounds maintenance for October 2014 Football bonds returned from defunct clubs Purchase of 5 sacks for secure file disposal Pest control contract 1.12.14-30.11.15 £270.40 + £54.08 vat Electrical work - pavilion Petty cash Postage & stationery costs for business & agency consultee circulation (Neighbourhood Plan Acc) Christmas trees £617.50 + £123.50 vat Return of balance of grant towards Neighbourhood Plan costs. Remove & replace window glass in pavilion £90.00 + £18.00 vat Section 137 payment Construction work for flood gates & flood alleviation ancillary work Brewery Lane – First payment Travel claim Dec- Oct 2014 70 miles @ 0.45p per mile 100/14-15 Any Other Business a. Christmas trees – Cllr Hill thanked all those who had helped with the erection of Christmas trees this year and in particular Mark Esdale who had spent so much time and effort in making the display possible again. The meeting closed at 8.15 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 8th.January 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. DRAFT Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 th.January 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman,) Atkinson, Corfield, Hill, Moon, Ward, Wilmshurst and Wortham. 101/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds, CCC Cllr Cook, KCC Cllr Northey & PCSOs Cannadine & Williams 102/14-15 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest in respect of items 8a and 9c as President of Bridge Tennis Club. 103/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th.December 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 104/14-15 Matters arising; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 105/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook; (via email) Cllr Cook confirmed that the recent scoping request should have been filed under Barton rather than Bridge. Cllr Cook also reported that the planners for the South Canterbury Development, David Lock Associates, would start consulting parishes and other groups once the Plan is in place, probably after the elections. CCC’s budget meeting would be on 19th February. Cllr Cook reminded councillors of CCC’s Small Grants Fund, which is still open for applications. 106/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey (via email) KCC’s budget proposals would be published on 12th.January. The deadline for parents to apply for primary school places in September was 15th. January. Parents should give 3 choices. There was no advantage in naming only one school. Places were allocated under a strict system. Details were on the KCC website. 107/14-15 Disposal of business from the last meeting a Recreation Ground; Cllr Ward noted the increase in litter over the holiday period, which she had cleared. There was also an unusually large number of tennis balls outside the tennis courts. Rubbish had been cleared from the Nailbourne to some extent when the banks were strimmed. It was agreed to arrange a meeting between the Tree Warden, a member of the Tennis Club and the tree surgeon to discuss tree work on the large trees by the tennis court. Action; Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Hodges reported that she would be collecting leaves on the recreation ground the following Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 2.00pm. She had removed a quantity of rubbish left on the ground behind 15 Riverside Close. The mole situation was improving after increased visits by the contractor. A donated wheelbarrow would be kept in the former sandbag store. The down pipe by the garage door needed a new clip near the bottom of the pipe. Nailbourne –.Cllr Atkinson reported that weekly reports were now being b. produced on the state of the Nailbourne. The river was rising and the ground water levels were higher than at the same time last year. Unless there were 30 mls rain once or twice a week flooding was unlikely. An amber flood warning was likely to be issued within the next fortnight and springs may emerge. No sewage was currently being pumped into the river but this could change. Cllr Atkinson had attended several meetings and shown various politicians & journalists round the area recently. It was likely that Bridge c. 108/14-15 church would again be used as the local centre for the Elham valley should an emergency situation develop. Neighbourhood Plan - The Clerk as Treasurer of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee had managed to get the Dept of Communities & Local Government to agree that the Committee could re-apply for additional funding after April. The deadline for comments on the draft Plan from businesses and organisations had been 5th January. The next meeting would be on 23rd January Matters for Discussion and Action a. 109/14-15 Police presence in Bridge; Posters advertising the PCSO surgeries were on the notice boards and it was agreed that they should also be advertised on the website. This was a police issue and it was up to them to find a solution if members of the public did not attend the surgeries in the format they had arranged. It was agreed to ask PCSO Cannadine to contact the Parish Council via the Action; Clerk Clerk. Bridge Village Sports Trust; Cllr Wilmshurst presented a report on the refurbishment of the pavilion, which was progressing well. An application for funding under the CCC’s Small Grants Scheme would be submitted. It was hoped that arrangements for the hire of the pavilion would soon be in place and that this would produce an income stream that could be used for further improvements. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Wilmshurst, Mervyn Gulvin and all who had helped with this work. Tennis Club Access to Recreation Ground in times of Flood A proposal from the tennis club that a specially fenced walk way should be constructed to allow members of the club to access the tennis courts when the recreation ground was closed to the public for safety reasons was unanimously rejected Action; Clerk by the Council. Emergency Plan Committee Reflective Vests – Proposal withdrawn. It was agreed that the Emergency Plan Committee should spend up to £200 on essential equipment. This would include 2 heavy- duty wheelbarrows and 3 snow shovels. The database of vulnerable residents had not yet been started. The EPC would find out what other parishes did about councillor Action: Emergency Plan Committee identification. Commemorative bench An offer of a bench to commemorate a couple with no connection with the village was refused with thanks by the council. It was not easy to find space for new benches and it was decided that any benches placed in the village should be in memory of those with strong connections to Action; Clerk Bridge. Kent Highways Survey Response Councillors agreed that issues regarding problems over lighting, pot holes, road surfaces, pavements, drainage and congestion to be included in the response to the Highways Consultation. Action; Clerk Recruitment of Parish Clerk- A timetable had been drawn up for the recruitment of a new Parish Clerk. Information about the vacancy had been sent to KALC and placed on the village website and notice boards. Paper Folding Machine- It was agreed that a paper-folding machine which was now surplus to requirements should be disposed of. Action; Cllr Corfield Correspondence – Noted 110/14-15 Receipts b. c. d. e. f. g. h. The following receipts were noted; UK Power networks - £3.45 Christmas trees - £265 111/14-15. Bank Transfers The transfer of £9,000 between parish accounts was noted 112/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee +Supa Glazing Amount £1,312.50 *BT £87.50 Christobel N Seath £704.43 Post Office Ltd £145.56 Campaign to Protect Rural England KCC £36.00 Purpose Deposit for replacement windows, Pavilion repairs £72.80 + £14.70 vat Line rental Dec- Mar + calls to 8 Dec 2014 Clerk’s salary and office allowance for December 2014 + consolidated payment £40.54 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for December 2014 Annual subscription for 2015 £248.16 Volunteer work on Bridge Recreation ground ½ day £206.80 + 41.36 vat Wild Flower Project Sue Hodges £58.69 Chairman’s allowance BVHMC £48.00 Hire of hall Parish Council Sept-Dec 2014 = 4 sessions BVHMC £34.50 Hire of main hall 1.11.14 & Hunter room X 3 Neighbourhood Plan Account V Pachenko £110.00 Repositioning of hot water cylinder & pipe work – Pavilion repairs Ewart Clough £756.60 97 Christmas trees £630.50 + £126.10 (Previous invoice cancelled) Mark Esdale £464.98 Christmas lights ties etc £362.48 + £72.50 vat 3 Snow shovels £30.00 (£25.00 + £5.00 vat) Matthew Wilmshurst £1,277.00 Repair work to benches & door frames, building storage & airing cupboards, removing corridor wall & clearing garage contents – Pavilion repairs Supa Glazing £3,937.50 Balance of payment for replacement windows. Pavilion repairs + Payment authorised between Parish Council meetings * Paid by Direct Debit 113/14-15 Any Other Business a. Cllr Moon circulated a plan of the former sandbag store, drawn up by Mark Esdale, which showed how tools and equipment could be stored. It was agreed to keep approx. 24 sandbags in the store for use in Riverside Close, in addition to the other storage boxes to be deployed round the village. New lighting was required. It was agreed that Cllr Moon would get costs for the installation of brackets and shelving etc. Action; Cllr Moon b. Cllr Moon would be resuming his place on the Planning Committee from February. Cllr Hodges thanked Cllr Hill for standing in on the committee for Cllr Moon. c.Cllr Hill thanked Peter and Cllr Sue Hodges for their hospitality after the Christmas Parish Council meeting. d.Cllr Hill reported that Cllr Edmonds was recovering well after her recent illness but that councillors should not send emails or circulate papers to her until further notice. e.Cllr Corfield asked for final contributions to the Spring Newsletter to be submitted to him as soon as possible. It was agreed that he should edit contributions to fit the available space as required. f. Cllr Hodges thanked all the volunteers who had helped to put up and take down the Christmas trees. The trees had made a splendid display and had been commented on by many people. g. Cllr Hodges said that there would be a meeting of the Canterbury branch of KALC on 20th January. h. A Spring Working Party would take place on the recreation ground on Saturday 21st March at 9.30am. All volunteers would be very welcome. i. Cllr Hodges noted that the litterbin in Bifrons Path had still not been replaced despite being requested many months ago. The Clerk was asked to follow this up again. Action; Clerk The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12th.February 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12 February 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hill (Chairman,) Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Moon, and Wilmshurst . CCC Cllr Cook & KCC Cllr Northey 114/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were apologies for absence from Cllrs Hodges, Ward & Wortham 115/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 116/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8 January 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 117/14-15 Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 118/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook: (via email). Cllr Cook confirmed he had recently attended a testing of new flood barriers in Barham to supplement and partially replace sandbags as a flood prevention measure. He is to chair the Best Value Review into parish funding on behalf of Canterbury City Council with the aim of improving the concurrent function funding process. The Review seeks to find out why the gap between parish applications and the city budget has grown so far and fast and to streamline the process. He welcomes any and all ideas. The Review will be completed by the end of April 2015, before the forthcoming elections. The next round of concurrent funding decision making will start in September 2015. The new structure will need some months to bed in. The City Council budget will be debated and approved at the Council meeting on 19 February 2015. 119/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey Cllr Northey noted that KCC published its budget for 2015 -2016 on 12 February 2015. There will be £83m of savings compared with the previous year and a rise of 1.99% in the community charge. There will be no referendum in Kent on this issue. Changes have been made to spending under various headings-personal budget plans to pay for home to school transport were cited as an example. Front line services will be protected. He reported that Kent secondary schools achieved a 58% A*-C (including English and Maths) pass rate at GCSE in 2014, compared with a national average of 53.4%. He explained why changes in the composition of the statistics made it hard to compare these figures with previous years. He noted that Kent outstripped the national GCSE 5 A*-C including English and Maths rate by 4.6% in 2014 compared with 3.9% in 2013. He paid credit to schools and their leaders for the results achieved. Cllr Northey ended by pointing out that LED lights are to replace more traditional street lights in Kent. The policy of turning street lights off between midnight and 5.30 am in some parts of the county will therefore end. The new lighting arrangements, to be implemeted over 3 years starting early in 2016, will cost £40m (the largest such scheme in the country). After eight years the new arrangements will have paid for themselves. The new lights will be controlled centrally. In response to Cllr Atkinson, Cllr Northey undertook to pursue with the Leader of Kent Council (Cllr Paul Carter) the latter’s apparent unawareness of the scale and length of the flooding problems suffered in the Nailbourne valley last winter. Cllr Atkinson will write to Cllr Northey about this matter. ACTION: Cllrs Atkinson and Northey 120/14-15 Visit of Inspector Chris Gurney, Kent Police Sergeant Gurney (her current title) informed the meeting that: PCSO Elaine Cannadine is now working elsewhere in Kent as part of a general retructuring of policing in Kent. Her work is being covered by PCSOs Lisa Williams and Chrissie Cameron. From April 2015 there will be further recruitment to the police service and full coverage of vacant PCSO positions should be achieved thereafter. There have been 2 crimes in Bridge (both thefts) reported in the last month -comparatively few for an area of this size. On both occasions, the thief had forced entry-an indication that residents take security of property seriously. Crime Prevention advice is available on the Kent police website. She reminded the meeting of the Rural Policing Strategy of Kent Police (derived from the mission statement of Kent Police) and cited the work of the Rural Task Force (launched in 2014) as a example of this work. She thanked the local community for all support received. In response to questions raised by Councillors and members of the public she confirmed that she would ensure that the mobile police station is present in Western Avenue at the published times. She clarified the law on long stay parking by vehicles on the public highway and added that Lorrywatch schemes are most effective when committed to the enforcement of existing laws and bye laws. She confimed that crime victims are contacted by the police when there is relevant information to relay. Finally, she stated that there did not appear to be an obvious explanation as to why Kent roads appear to be the most dangerous in the country, though she pointed out that there has been a reduction in deaths and injuries in the Canterbury district. She was thanked for her contribution to the meeting and was reminded that PCSO Cannadine had been a most effective officer in the parish. ACTION: Sergeant Gurney 121/14-15 a b. c. d. Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground; Cllr Corfield reported on a recent inspection he had made of the recreation ground and also passed on comments by Cllr Ward on current mole acivity and some problems with paint on the pavilion to be investigated further by ACTION: Cllr Wilmshurst Cllr Wilmshurst Nailbourne Cllr Atkinson spoke to his previously circulated report on the current state of the river. He stated that the Envirionment Agency is predicting “flow and not flood” this year, though preventative tankering has recently started in Bishopsbourne. He reported on a Kentwide Flood Conference on 6 February-where the exceptional duration of the flood alert in the Parish last year was noted. £1.3m will have been spent by the end of next year on flood protection measures in the Nailbourne Valley with more work to come on improvements downstream of Bridge. No sewage is being pumped into the Nailbourne at present. Current water levels and flow in the river are relatively static. Neighbourhood Plan Joe Cooper reported that 20%+ of all distributed consultation documents had been returned (131 replies in all) . These have been collated by Mark Esdale. A revision of the plan based upon these responses is due to the relevant authoriites by the end of February. Emergency Committee This item was deferred until later in the meeting (see minute 123/14-15) 122/14-15 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies The Council noted the report circulated by email by Cllrs Hill and Hodges on the Kent Association of Local Council Canterbury Branch meeting held on 20 January 2015. 123/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action Sand Bag Store Alterations Cllr Moon reported that the sandbag stores are not yet fully operational. The matter will be discussed in greater depth at the next meeting ACTION: Clerk (for agenda) Annual Parish Meeting Speaker; The council agreed to invite Mr Brian Lloyd of the CPRE to address the meeting on Thursday April 30 2015. ACTION: Cllr Hill New Parish Computer The Clerk was authorised to purchase a computer at £319, and reminded to check that the machine included the cost of relevant software. ACTION: Clerk The clustering of local parish councils Cllr Hill outlined the thinking behind this measure which has been tested on Romney Marsh. The item will need to be discussed more fully by the new council elected after May 7 2015. ACTION: Clerk (for agenda) To consider the reissuing of a footpath map for Bridge Cllr Hill urged the council to consider reissuing such a map. New sponsors will be sought by the new council after the May elections. ACTION: Clerk (for agenda) Report from the Emergency Plan Group, and discussion of the production of an Emergency Information for Residents card at a cost of under £100. Cllr Atkinson circulated a written report prior to the meeting. Wheelbarrows have been bought; the appointment of a new clerk means the list of volunteers and vulnerable residents can be collated; 8 locks have been purchased (£21.80) for the new sandbag stores. It was agreed to print 750 copies of an Emergency Information card for Bridge residents based upon a local example shown at the meeting. Printing will be organised by Mr Laurence Dunderdale at a cost of £25 with the text decided upon by Cllr Atkinson. The cards will be distributed by the EPGroup at the same time as the distribution of copies of the “What to do in an emergency” booklet. Memory sticks remain to be purchased. Funding of £200 was agreed to cover all of these items-to be taken from underspent areas of the budget. ACTION: Cllr Atkinson, Emergency planning group and Clerk (to source appropriate funding stream) To agree to participate in a review by the Strategy and Democracy section of Canterbury City Council of Concurrent Function funding and to nominate a councillor to attend the proposed meeting on 27 February 2015 Cllrs Hill and Atkinson agreed to attend. Cllr Hill and the Clerk will put together initial responses to the consultation questionnaire. ACTION: Cllrs Hill, Atkinson and the Clerk 124/14-15 Correspondence-the list is to be emailed to all councillors. ACTION: Clerk 125/14-15 Receipts The following receipts were noted; Fitness in the Park fee for 2014 - £50. The recreation ground will not be used by this group until May 2015, despite the advertisement in “On the Nail”. 126/14-15 Bank Transfers The transfer of £6,500 between parish accounts was noted. 127/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; Payee Christobel N Seath Christobel N Seath Amount £14.99 £676.55 Post Office Ltd 150.72 Les Barleycorn £892.00 Sue Hodges CPRE £14.99 £80.00 South Canterbury Alliance Lower Hardres & Nackington PC £20.00 £180.00 Broad Oak Carpets AP Electrical £2,495.00 £877.60 Purpose Printer ink £12.49 + £2.50 vat Clerk’s salary and office allowance for January 2015 PAYE and Employer NI contribution for January 2015 Interior & exterior decoration pavilion repairs £880.34 + £11.66 vat Leaf grab for Wild Flower project Two places on Flooding Conference 6th.Feb 2015 Maidstone Annual subscription 2015 Hire of Speedwatch equipment from May 2013 – January 2014 = 6 sessions X £30.00 Pavilion flooring (Pavilion repair project) Pavilion repairs 128/14-15 Any Other Business   The date of a forthcoming litterpick will be decided at the next meeting. Councillors agreed to celebrate the work of the former clerk with a social event on 24 April 2015 to which current and former councillors will be invited. A card is to be circulated by the Clerk and Cllr Hill will be responsible for the purchase of a suitable gift and the selection of a venue. ACTION: Cllr Hill and Clerk The meeting closed at 9.05 pm. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 12 March 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of the meeting of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL held on Thursday 12 March 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hodges (Chairman) Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Moon, Wilmshurst, Ward, Wortham and Hill. CCC Cllr Cook & KCC Cllr Northey. 129/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence 130/14-15 Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. Cllr Hill declared an interest in respect of item 9 (o) as President of Bridge Tennis Club. 131/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 February 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 132/14-15 Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 133/14-15 Report by CCC Cllr Simon Cook: Cllr Cook chaired a Parish Forum meeting on 28 February 2015 on the issue of Concurrent Function Funding. He thanked BPC for having been represented at the meeting (see below minute 136/1415) and would welcome any further ideas from Bridge parishioners. The CFF review will report in late March 2015 with implementation of a new scheme scheduled for Autumn 2015. He explained the timetable for CCC’s proposed sale of the Mill Centre and talked about the means of ensuring a 6 month moratorium on the sale. He stressed that the avoidance of double taxation and double provision of council services is vital and that fairness between rural and urban areas was paramount. This will need to be based upon equity of per capita spending between rural and urban areas with a possible rural premium to take account of higher fixed costs. H Resources are being reduced nationally and locally. e acknowledged that CCC did not have a complete asset register to hand at the meeting on 28 February 2015 and he will raise this point with CCC. Cllr Hodges reminded the meeting that BPC had sent a formal response to CCC prior to 28 February 2015 about Concurrent ACTION: Cllr Cook Function Funding. 134/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey Cllr Northey reported that litter picking on the A2 between Bridge and Wincheap is now underway. In response to local pressure, this will extend to the mini roundabout in Patrixbourne. Paul Carter (Leader of KCC) has been fully briefed as to the nature and extent of the flooding suffered by the village in 2015- as a follow-up to minute 119 of the previous meeting. In response to questions, it was agreed that Cllr Moon would report a malfunctioning lampost in Western Ave via the appropriate portal. Cllr Wortham will inform Cllr Northey of the job number associated with the cleaning of blocked drains on the High St. Cllr Hodges will send Cllr Northey details of the problems experienced in Higham Lane with potholes. The Clerk will search for the agreement which entrusted the steps to Bridge Down (now becoming a health 1 and safety hazard) to KCC, so that maintenance can be carried out. Cllr Northey reminded the meeting that the consultation on the future of the Library Service is open until 8 April 2015. Support for the mobile library service in Bridge should be made expressed there. He pointed out that the current library service in Kent is more extensive than in Essex-a comparable local authority. ACTION: Cllrs Moon, Wortham, Hodges and Clerk 135/14-15 a Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground; Cllr Ward reported that mole activity has greatly diminshed (report dated 3 March) and thanked all concerned (including children from Bridge Primary School) for the narcissi which look so resplendent. Cllr Wilmhurst confimed that no action is required to replace the flaking paint on the pavilion. b. Nail Bourne Cllr Atkinson noted that the groundwater level has stabilised in the local area and current advice from the relevant authorities is that there is no likelihood of flooding of houses this year-despite problems in neighbouring parishes. The ford in Brewery Lane is likely to remain closed for a number of months. There is no sewage being 'overpumped' into the Nail Bourne at present. A meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management Group is planned for Saturday 21 March-to be attended by Cllr Atkinson. c. Neighbourhood Plan Mr Connor explained that the Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being revised in the light of comments made on 27 February 2015 by a consultant, Mr Brian Whiteley, of Planning Aid. The next meeting on 10 April will consider his comments in full, though the implementation of the Bridge plan is dependent upon the Canterbury Local Plan being adopted. This has not yet happened. Councillors agreed to delegate Mr Connor as parish representative for a forthcoming NP awareness event in Hythe. The group will shortly apply to the DCLG for funding to continue their work. ACTION: Mr Connor. d. Emergency Committee Plans are proceeding as outlined in the February 2015 meeting of the Parish Council. Cllr Wortham was pleased to report that BPC has been commended by other local groups as an example of good practice in formulating an emergency plan. 136/14-15 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllrs Hill and Atkinson reported on a meeting held with CCC on 28 February 2015 to discuss Concurrent Function Funding. Discussion of points raised in minute 133/14-15 was resumed-with particular reference to the apparent unfair treatment of parishes in relation to the urban areas of CCC. Cllr Cook assured the meeting that CCC now understood the complaints being made by parish councils and that he would ensure that the pain of funding cuts would be shared out fairly across all areas within the jurisdiction of CCC. 137/14-15 Matters for Discussion and Action 2 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Cllr Moon reported that alterations to the sandbag store would cost in the region of £100-£200. After discussion, Councillors agreed that these changes are no longer necessary. Cllr Ward’s suggestion of Saturday 18 April at 9.30 am for a village litterpick was agreed. Volunteeers will gather at the junction of Conyngham Lane and High Street. The Clerk will provide Cllr Ward with litterpicks and high visibility vests from the parish store. Cllr Hodges agreed to litter pick in the Bridge Down area. ACTION: Clerk Cllr Wilmshurst reported growing interest in hiring the new pavilionincluding a youth club on Saturdays. If income permits, cleaning will be needed in the pavilion. No rates will be charged on the recreation ground by CCC in 2015-2016. Booking of the pavilion is likely to be online through the same portal as for booking the village hall. Interested parties should contact Mr Mark Esdale, via the clerk. Cllr Hill noted that the speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting on 30th April will be Mr Brian Lloyd of the Campaign to Protect Rural England He will talk about the Canterbury District Plan. Cllr Hodges confirmed that a Recreation Ground working party will meet at 9.30 am on 21 March. Participants will need to bring pruning equipment and weeding tools together with gloves. Refeshments will be served in the new pavilion. Cllr Hodges stated that the cost (£75) of the Clerk’s annual conference (17 June 2015) would be reduced to £25 due to monies already owed to BPC by the Kent Association of Local Councils. It was agreed to spend £79.20 on essential software for the new parish computer. ACTION: Clerk It was agreed to place “Bridge in Bloom 2015” on the agenda of the meeting on 14 May 2015. This will allow for a notice to be placed in “On the Nail” for the June issue. ACTION: Clerk Councillors agreed unanimously to award the maintenance contract for the recreation ground for 2015-2016 to Mr Ian Sargent of Mown and Grown. ACTION: Clerk to write to Mr Sargent. Cllrs Moon and Cook (CCC) spoke further (see minute133/14-15) on the decision by Canterbury City Council to sell the Mill Centre. Cllr Cook suggested that there is a possibliity that the CCC executive decision to sell the centre might be overturned now that decisionmaking processes in the council elected after 7 May 2015 will no longer be in the hands of an executive group. It was agreed unanimously that all should be done to trigger the moratorium outlined above in minute 133/14-15. A motion to this effect was proposed by Cllr Corfield and seconded by Cllr Moon. Cllr Edmonds advised that Bridge’s participation in an annual “Walkers are Welcome” festival should be decided upon by the new council after May 7, 2015. Councillors were unanimous in wishing to support the event. The clerk will write to this effect to the organisers in Elham parish. It was also agreed that this event should be linked to the discussion at the February meeting to reissue the footpath map for Bridge. ACTION: Clerk It was unanimously agreed to assign £200 in this financial year to the Emergency Committee to be taken from the “projects” heading of the budget. ACTION: Clerk It was agreed to conduct a site visit of the water meadow near the ford to inspect current arrangements for the disposal of dog mess. The matter will return to the next meeting in April. ACTION: Councillors and Clerk 3 n. o. The Clerk went through the election timetable in preparation for May 7. The meeting agreed to inform Bridge Tennis Club that BPC felt it was unnecessary to re-register the Club as a Community Asset. ACTION: Clerk 138/14-15 Correspondence (List circulated) 139/14-15 To note the following receipts; £70 for Christmas tree donations 140/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; Payee Philip Wicker Alan Atkinson Amount £666.67 £93.48 Alan Atkinson Philip Wicker £75.40 £319 Mark Esdale £84 Cantley Ltd Canterbury City Council Robert Moon Robert Moon £275 £37.50 £9.09 £21.98 Christobel Seath £83.93 Purpose Salary 2 Wheelbarrows (£77.90 + £15.58 VAT) Travel claim and parking Parish computer from Dell online £265.83+ VAT of £53.17 Website hosting and maintenance £70 + £14 VAT Rent for playing field Sept-Mar 2015 750 copies of newsletter Travel expenses 8 padlocks for sandbag store (£18.32 + £3.66 VAT) Ex gratia payment for handover work in February 2015 (7.5 hours in total) 141/14-15 Any Other Business Cllr Atkinson asked for an update on current spending levels under all main budget headings for this financial year. ACTION: Clerk Bridge School Summer fair will be held on 13 June 2015. The Clerk will respond to the request recently received for the recreation ground to be used for parking. ACTION: Clerk Cllr Hodges encouraged Councillors to nominate themselves for a meeting of the Area committee of KALC on 21 April, in which working relationships with Canterbury City Council will be discussed in the light of changed decision-making processes to be used by CCC. There were no volunteers. PCSO Lisa Williams reported 4 crimes in the period 12 Feb-11 March covering the North Nialbourne Ward (which includes Patrixbourne, Bridge, Bekesbourne and Bishopsbourne). Further details will be posted on the police website http://www.kent.police.uk/Your_Neighbourhood/ward.seam?id=1272 The meeting closed at 9.29 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council be on Thursday 9 April 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. 4 1 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 30 APRIL 2015 AT 7.30 PM IN BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllrs S Hodges (Chairman), J Hill (Vice Chairman), A Atkinson, A Edmonds J Corfield, R Moon, B Ward,T Wilmshurst and K Wortham, P Wicker (Clerk to Bridge Parish Council), and 21 parishioners. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were apologies for absence from Mark Esdale, Cllr Simon Cook, KCC Councillor Michael Northey, Cllr Mike Sole, Christobel Seath and Barbara Beinder. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1 May 2014 The minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. 3a. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR 2014/2015 The Parish Clerk It was with great regret that the Parish Council accepted the resignation of the Parish Clerk Christobel Seath at the end of last year. Christobel completed ten years of dedicated work to the village for which we are all grateful. In her place I would like to welcome our new Parish Clerk Philip Wicker who joined us in February this year. I hope Philip will enjoy the challenge of working with us. There have been six major developments this year: 1. The Second Canterbury and District Local Plan 2. The proposed installation of a Solar Panel Park 3. The Bridge Draft Neighbourhood Plan 4. The development of the Village Emergency Plan 5. The future of the Mill Centre 6. The refurbishment of the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground. 1. Parish Council responded to the Second Canterbury and District Local Plan in July 2014. Objections to the proposed housing development in South Canterbury and the repercussions for Bridge were made. The Plan is now with the Inspectors and we await the findings. 2. Several Parish Councils worked together putting forward reasons why the development of a Solar Panel Park was not appropriate on the outskirts of Bridge. The application for the development was withdrawn in September 2014. 3. Work has continued on the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan. Joe Connor will report on the latest developments. 4. After the flooding last year Bridge donated £10, 000 from parish reserves towards schemes that would benefit Bridge. We now have flood gates in Brewery Lane which have been used this winter. Bridge now has an Emergency Plan which is the envy of other Parishes. The members of the Parish Council’s Community Emergency Team are trained Flood Wardens. At present they are collecting the names of people who may need help in an emergency and also the names of volunteers who would be willing to help. 5. In July 2014 the Executive of Canterbury City Council decided to extend the lease of the Mill Centre for another year before selling the premises. Colin Beesty will report on the latest developments. 2 6. The Parish Council has spent £11,000 refurbishing the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground to extend its use. Thank you to many including: Kent County Councillor Michael Northey and Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook for attending our monthly meetings and for their support in pursuing different issues. The six major developments (above) come on top of the day to day work of the Parish Council. I would like to thank all the Parish Councillors for their support, for the unpaid work they do for the village, sitting on committees inside and outside the village and organising many activities for the good of the village together with the help of volunteers. I would like to thank specifically:  Cllr Hill the Vice Chairman for chairing meetings in my absence and for being my mentor – if I get things wrong you know who to blame!  Cllr Wilmshurst for Chairing the Planning Committee, acting as Tree Warden and as a member of BVST taking a major role in the refurbishment of the Pavilion.  Cllr Edmonds for monthly auditing of the accounts, organising Bridge in Bloom, the Welcome Pack and monitoring footpaths  Cllr Corfield for representing Art in Bridge, acting as Editor compiling the Village Newsletter and helping with the Village website.  Cllr Ward for organising Speedwatch, Litter Picking and work on the Recreation Ground    Cllr Atkinson for the vast amount of work he has done and is doing on the Nail Bourne & Little Stour River Management Group and for Chairing the Emergency Planning Committee Cllr Moon for his work on the Emergency Planning Committee, the Mill Centre Committee, the Village Hall Management Committee and undertaking School Liaison. Cllr Wortham for her extensive research and work on the Emergency Planning Committee and offering her expertise on Health Issues. Parish Councillors are ably supported by many volunteers. These are: Joe Connor, who chairs the Neighbourhood Plan Committee and their on- going work.  Colin Beesty for chairing the Mill Centre Committee  Mark Esdale for acting as Snow Warden, for Christmas Tree co- ordination, the Village Hall Management Committee, the Mill Centre Committee, the Village website and taking a leading role in the refurbishment of the Pavilion.  Mervyn Gulvin on the Nail Bourne & Little Stour River Management Group, the Mill Centre Committee and for taking a leading role in the refurbishment of the Pavilion.  Laurence Dunderdale for his work on the Emergency Planning Committee  Tony Walder and helpers for footpath clearance  Jenny Vye for chairing the Village Hall Management Committee  Esther Hall and Kathy Walder for working on the Neighbourhood Plan Committee In my spare time I work with a regular group of volunteers on the Recreation Ground. I would like to thank them for all the help and fun we have had over the year. Volunteers from the Stour Countryside Partnership spent a morning with us last September helping to clear the area by the large school gates and an area near the Tennis Courts. The flower beds by the pavilion provide a warm welcome to visitors. I would particularly like to thank the children of the village school for planting wild flower seeds last May, the wild flower plug plants in September and Narcissi bulbs in the autumn by the Nail Bourne. I would like to thank Pam Dobson for completing a Hedgerow Survey of the Recreation Ground. 3 After a safety inspection of the trees on the Recreation Ground in 2014 some remedial work needs to be carried out. The cost of this has been spread over two financial years, 2013-14 and 2014-15. The Recreation Ground is fulfilling its designation as a Community Asset with a thriving Tennis Club catering for people of all ages, a newly refurbished Pavilion which is not only home to several football teams but other village groups including a newly formed Youth Group. The WI has a May Day Tea from 2.30 until 4 pm tomorrow afternoon. Why don’t you come and join them? If you are holding a small party or get together you might think of hiring the pavilion rather than the Village Hall. Details are available from Mark Esdale. I would like to thank Vicky White for maintaining the planters in the village High Street, Mr and Mrs Fawke and Mrs Oakey for tending the flower beds by the chicane and Valerie Wicker for litterpicking. I would also like to thank local residents in the High Street who put Christmas trees outside their houses. Several Parish Councillors are standing down in May. On your behalf I would like to thank them for the outstanding work that they have carried out over a number of years for the village. Cllr Edmonds has completed 12 years as a Parish Councillor, but I think the record must go to Cllr Hill who has served the village for 39 years including 18 years as Chairman. Finally I would like to thank my husband Peter Hodges for his support because without him I would not be here. 3b. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2014/15 The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, presented the accounts for the year ending 31 March 2015. He explained the sources of the parish income, how the money had been spent and the plans for the use of the reserves over the next year. He also gave a comparison of Bridge’s precept against other villages in the District. 4. REPORT BY KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR MICHAEL NORTHEY-read by Cllr Corfield in the unavoidable absence of Cllr Northey. Recognition of good work I would very much like to thank the whole parish council for all their help and indefatigable efforts for the village, not always fully recognised. It has been a pleasure to work with you over the four years, and all good wishes to those departing and those who will be on the incoming council. A special word of thanks to Cllrs Edmonds, Hill and Hodges for their leadership. Also special thanks go to Cllr Atkinson and all those involved in mitigating flood problems over the past two years. Happily things were not so severe this year but we thank the whole team for their vigilance. It is good to see various mitigation measure in progress, e.g. the wall being planned at 69 High Street. The work of KCC KCC had to find another £86 million savings for the current budget. However it is still possible to do much good work such as the improvements on the Bridge Down steps, potholes filled in Higham Lane and the road markings reinstated. Every so often someone will complain that they receive ‘nothing’ or ‘very little’ for their council tax. A good response might be to simply list the 300+ services Kent County Council provides. Of course not everyone uses all the services – there’s no compulsion to visit a library, download an e-book or visit a country park. But there are other services that everyone uses such as our roads and disposal of your waste (and paying the government landfill tax of £80 a tonne on that waste). Some services might be considered more as ‘insurance’ such as emergency planning, gritting the roads and provision of salt bins. Much of Kent County Council’s budget (and your council tax) is spent on school buildings and transporting children to and from school. If children are at their nearest 4 appropriate school then KCC is obliged to pay for this but KCC also provides a £9m annual subsidy to make a deeply discounted bus pass available to all 11 – 16 year olds. KCC subsidies some uneconomic rural bus services, to keep them open. These and other transport services cost around £ 70m a year. Other services include the coroner’s court, trading standards, help to those fleeing domestic abuse and youngsters needing help to get off drink and drugs. KCC's biggest area of expenditure (over £ 400m) is on social care for adults – the elderly, the mentally ill, the disabled and those with learning disabilities and for children – keeping them safe from abuse, arranging adoption or care. The district/city council, Kent Police, Kent and Medway Fire Authority and the parish/town council also set their precepts and the district/city council then sends out the council tax bills on behalf of them. This year KCC agreed a rise of 1.99%. 5 (a) REPORT ON THE MILL CENTRE BY COLIN BEESTY (CHAIR, MILL CENTRE COMMITTEE) (NB: CCC=Canterbury City Council; BPC= Bridge Parish Council) Context and recent history: The Mill Centre is used on a regular basis by various units of uniformed youth organisations. Over 120 children per week attend meetings and events over five weekdays. The Mill Centre was granted by CCC a two year lease in 2013 which expires in October 2015, the purpose of which was to give time to explore any and all options for community facility provision in the village. Over the last 2-3 years these options have been exhaustively explored and it has become obvious there is nowhere else that would be feasible. So, unless another solution can be found, the youth groups will have to be given notice soon so they have time to find accommodation elsewhere when they restart after the summer of 2015. In early 2014 we approached CCC to brief them on our findings of our investigation and to explore an alternative solution to the problem of where to house youth groups for Bridge. We proposed the granting of a long leasehold by way of a Community Asset Transfer - this long lease is necessary as fund raising for building redevelopment will be unobtainable if it is simply on a rolling lease or another 2 year lease. At the same time, BPC placed the Mill Centre on the register of assets of community value. This gave the Parish the right to bid under the Localism Act should the building come onto the open market. We were then invited by CCC to make an Expression of Interest to run the Mill Centre which is the City’s way of dealing with Community Asset Transfers. This involved BPC in making an application to be granted a Community Asset Transfer (agreed unanimously in April 2014) and corresponding long lease over the Mill Centre with support from the Mill Centre Management Committee to write a business plan and justify the case. This was done. Alongside this we sought and obtained planning permission for a major upgrade and refurbishment of the Mill Centre, including new entrance, toilets and kitchen as well as a rearrangement of the internal rooms to increase the community use and meet requirements of current and future user groups. The business plan ‘The object is to acquire a long leasehold via Bridge Parish Council and to expand and improve the amenities for the benefit of the young people of the surrounding rural area. The centre is to be run as a rural social amenity with the emphasis on youth.’ The centre will be run with daytime (mainly adult) activities to produce revenue subsidise youth work in the evenings and weekends. The centre will be run in tandem with the existing Bridge Village Hall which is unable to provide the necessary facilities for many and various groups. 5 The business plan demonstrated that after gaining the lease (“year 1”), considerable funds could be raised and spent on the refurbishment of the Mill Centre. Year 2 would just break even, with subsequent years showing sufficient balances to repay loans raised in year 1. It does not ask for or assume any additional grant funding from CCC. Following the Expression of Interest submission and business plan CCC had 3 options 1. To grant a long lease to Bridge Parish Council This presumes that CCC is satisfied that community benefits outweigh the site’s market value. 2. Proceed with the open market sale of the site BPC would have the opportunity to bid for the site at market value. We are confident in the business plan for refurbishment but are aware that numbers don’t allow for both an outright purchase and refurbishment. 3. To grant a short term extension of the current lease In June 2014 CCC’s Overview Committee voted overwhelmingly to support option (1) i.e. granting us a long lease-an important step because the Overview Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee In July 2014 the Executive Committee discussed the future of the Mill Centre. Cllr Hodges, Cllr Simon Cook and Mervyn Gulvin spoke in support of the plan. Sadly they voted for option (3) a one year lease extension as we could not demonstrate that the community benefit outweighed the estimated £300,000 market value of the site. We wholeheartedly disagree with the estimated market value and community benefit calculation. We remain convinced this project represents a better value for money for taxpayers than the transfer of Westgate Hall in Canterbury into the hands of its local community. In February 2015 we received notification of CCC’s intention to market the site triggering the Community Right to Buy process (as BPC had previously registered the building as a Community Asset). This allowed six weeks for qualified interested parties to register an interest and place a moratorium (until 28 August 2015) to prevent its sale for 6 months except to a community interest group. CCC initially stated BPC could not do this but later recanted. After August 28 2015, CCC can sell to whoever they wish - the purpose of the 6 months period is for a community group to open discussions and/or raise money. There is no right of first refusal. It is not our intention to raise funds to purchase the site at market value. However, the six month moratorium means that the proposed sale will be the responsibility of newly elected council. It is possible with new leadership and transfer of power away from the Executive Committee under the new CCC operating structure that a vote of the new full council could overturn the sale decision. What I ask of you all here tonight is to challenge your prospective City Councillors for their position on this subject and make it an election vote issue if you really wish to see the Mill Centre continue to provide such a valuable service for our young people and be developed into providing new services for the adult population of the village. In response to questions raised by parishioners, Mr Beesty stated that:  The main priority at present is to secure a long lease on the building and a return of the Mill Centre asset to BPC Minutes of the meeting of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL held on Thursday 9 April 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), Hill, Atkinson, Corfield, Edmonds, Moon, Wilmshurst, Ward and Wortham. Kent County Councillor, Michael Northey and Canterbury City Councillor, Simon Cook. 142/14-15 Mr Joe Connor expressed his disapproval at the felling of a copper beech tree at Beechmount (at the junction of Conyngham Lane and High St). He asked if the Parish Council was aware that this was going to happen and what has been done since. Cllr Hill replied, quoting from an email received from the owner of the property and also from an arborist’s report, commissioned by the owner. Although the arborist stated that the tree required an annual survey of its state of health, the owner confirmed that the tree had been felled with the approval of Jon Lambourne of Canterbury City Council, as there had been a recent case in Kent of the sudden and unexpected collapse of a similar tree in late 2014. Cllr Hill undertook to write to the owner of the property asking why he had not waited for the suggested annual review before felling the tree. Cllr Hill said that Bridge Parish Council had never been consulted about the loss of this tree. ACTION: Clerk to chase up response from Canterbury City Council to his recent enquiry. Cllr Hill to reply to the tree owner. 143/14-15 Apologies for absence; There were no apologies for absence, though Cllr Corfield arrived late (8.10 p.m.) as previously advised. 144/14-15 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 145/14-15 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 March 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed and dated by the Chairman. 146/14-15 Matters arising: The Clerk reported on the unaudited outturn figures for spending under all of the budget headings in the 2014-2015 financial year. These figures will be published to all councillors once they have been audited. ACTION: Clerk 147/14-15 Report by KCC Cllr Northey Cllr Northey recorded his thanks to all members of the Parish Council for having worked so hard and effectively this year and for having liaisied so well with him over issues which required the attention of KCC. He reported that a schedule of works had been drawn up for repairs to the Bridge Down stairs. Cllr Hodges was able to update the meeting on the issue, stating that a safety check was made on Tuesday 31 March 2015. Remedial work was carried out on Tuesday 7th April. The bottom steps were underpinned and the treads secured from 1 above. However no action has yet been taken on the wooden handrail which is deteriorating. Cllr Hodges will write to Cllr Northey about the handrail problem. Further to discussion at the March 9 meeting of Bridge Parish Council, Cllr Hodges reported that there were three remaining marked pot holes in Higham Lane which had not been repaired and the road markings on Higham Lane have not yet been reinstated. Cllr Wortham said she had passed the reference number and information on the blocked gullies in the High St by Union Road and the Post Office bus stop to Cllr Northey. The website still recorded they would be cleaned but no date is given and they remain blocked. The Clerk said he would give a reference number to Cllr Wortham for a recent report he had made on this issue. Cllr Wortham will forward this reference number to Councillor Northey also. ACTION: Cllrs Hodges and Wortham 148/14-15 Report from PCSO Lisa Williams-deferred. PCSO Williams did not attend the meeting and no report was forthcoming. 149/14-15 a Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground; Cllr Ward reported good use of the playgound area over the holiday period with an attendant rise in litter. The moles seem to have been reactivated by the onset of spring. Cllr Hodges thanked volunteers who particpated in the Recreation Ground working party on 21 March 2015. The Clerk reported that the new mowing contractor had already carried out two cuts of the grass. Discussion then ensued about charging for the use of the refurbished pavilion on the recreation ground. It was agreed that payment by users should always be to one source (BVST or Bridge Parish Council) with a partition of funds between these groups to take place before the end of the relevant financial year. For the current application for use of the Pavilion and Recreation Ground by Mr Nkereuwem a fee of £15 per week was proposed by Cllr Edmonds and unanimously agreed. A contract needs to be drawn up by the clerk for this letting. The clerk also needs to clarify the method of payment for facilities booked through the electronic scheme devised by Mark Esdale. ACTION: Clerk to write to BVST and Mr Esdale. b. Nail Bourne Cllr Atkinson reported that the latest report on groundwater levels in the area indicated a fall of 1 metre in the last two weeks. Bridge Ford will remain closed for another month although the gaugeboards in the village have started to record a falling river level. There is no tankering or overpumping along the Nail bourne at present and very little prospect of flooding this spring. Ted Edwards (Canterbury City Engineer) has left his post. Cllr Atkinson recorded sincere thanks to him for his dedication and efficacy in the flooding episode of 2014. The Council supported Cllr Atkinson’s suggestion that names should be forwarded to him of villagers who might be willing to participate in a research project being sponsored by King’s College, London 2 regarding the fear of flooding. The researcher is Mr Sonny Patel. Posters about the project will be displayed on village noticeboards. Action: ALL- Names to Cllr Atkinson. Clerk: Noticeboards c. Neighbourhood Plan Joe Connor reported on a poorly attended KALC organised Neighbourhood Planning Awareness Forum. (KALC=Kent Assocaition of Local Councils). Bridge is well ahead of most councils for Neighbourhood Planning. The Bridge plan is heavily dependent on acceptance by relevant Inspectors of the Canterbury City Council Plan. This is likely to take some time. d. Emergency Committee Deferred to agenda item 9 (i) 150/14-15 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies-None 151/14-15 a. Matters for Discussion and Action To discuss the provision of a bin to deal with dog mess on the water meadow near the ford. Cllr Edmonds led the discussion which culminated in an agreed proposed location of a green coloured bin in close proximity to the water meadows. The approval of Kent Highways will be sought. Agreement will also be sought from Canterbury City Council to empty the bin. ACTION: Clerk b. To review the election timetable in preparation for May 7 elections. The Clerk reminded the meeting of key dates in the current electoral cycle and pointed out that full details are available from him. The list of nominees for Bridge Parish Council is to be published after 4 p.m. on 10 April. c. To discuss the nomination for a KALC award in 2016. Cllr Hodges’ suggestion that Cllr Hill be nominated for outstanding length and quality of service met with unanimous approval. d. The meeting noted the booking of 6 places for BPC members at an event to be held on 6 August by KALC in the Canterbury area for Parish Councillors in post after 7 May 2015 e. Annual Parish Meeting - 30 April 2015. Cllr Hodges ran through the arrangements for the evening and asked for Councillors’ assistance with food, drink, setting up and tidying away. Councillors are asked to bring tea towels. The hall will be open from 6.45 p.m. Cllr Corfield will ensure that a projector and microphone are in place and working. ACTION: All councillors and Cllr Corfield specifically f. Sale of the Mill Centre. A 6 month moratorium on the sale of the building is now in place. The meeting agreed unanimously that there must be an energetic response to the issue once elections results are known. The matter will reappear on the agenda of the next meeting. Contact with the Mill Centre Committee will be made by the Clerk- by 3 letter -on behalf of the parish council to ensure a coordinated and speedy response to the proposed sale. ACTION: Clerk g. A BPC response to the rural enforcement questionnaire from Canterbury City Council-Cllr Hodges led the meeting through the completion of the response form for Canterbury City Council. The Clerk will collate responses, circulate them to all members for final comments and ensure the form is returned by the deadline of 30 April. ACTION: Clerk and all councillors. h. i. A BPC response to the Concurrent Funding questionnaire from Canterbury City Council-Cllr Hodges led the meeting through the completion of the response form for Canterbury City Council. The Clerk will collate responses, circulate them to all members for final comments and ensure the form is returned by the deadline of 7 May. Cllr Cook briefed the meeting on the likely outcome of the review he has chaired on Concurrent Funding. The recommendations of the review group will go to the CCC executive on 23 April. Full details of the recommendations will be published once they have been agreed though it is likely to lead to the ring fencing of CFF monies; spending over a 4 year period and the introduction of an tapered emergency fund for parishes to draw upon over the a limited period of time. The new 4 year scheme will apply from 2017-2018. The Council was unanimous on wishing to complete the CFF questionnaire as fully as possible to ensure that CCC knows all that there is to know about what is funded and what is carried out voluntarily in the village. ACTION: Clerk and all councillors. Cllr Atkinson asked the Council to ratify the draft emergency plan as published prior to the meeting. This was agreed unanimously having been proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Wilmshurst. Cllr Hodges commended the hard work and attention to detail which had been displayed by those councillors who had drafted the plan. A few amendments to the plan were noted by Cllr Wortham which will be added to the final version. ACTION: Cllr Wortham 152/14-15 Correspondence (List circulated) 153/14-15 Bank transfer A transfer between accounts of £1,000 was noted since the last meeting 154/14–15 The following items were authorised for payment; 4 Payee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Amount £666.67 £73.25 £18.45 £23.99 Cllr Hodges Cllr Wortham Cllr Hodges Cllr Hodges Philip Wicker SLCC KALC £39.35 £53.55 £19.99 £46.77 £64.27 £118 £530.33 Purpose Salary and office allowance Parish computer software Travel expenses Printer Cartridge £19.99 + Vat of £4.00 Travel Expenses Travel Expenses First Aid Kit Bark for Recreation Ground Petty cash SLCC subs KALC subs (£441.94 + VAT of £88.39) 155/14-15 Any Other Business Cllr Ward reminded all present of the forthcoming village litter pick on Saturday 18 April 2015 at 9.30 am, with volunteers meeting at the junction of Conyngham Lane and High St. Volunteers should bring gloves and litterpickers. Bags will be provided, as will litterpickers and luminous vests for those who do not possess them. Cllr Moon reminded the meeting that the clerk’s working hours have been set provisonally for 12 weeks running from February 2, 2015. These will need to be confirmed by the Clerk in conjunction with the new Chair of the Parish Council after the Parish Council meeting on 14 May 2015. Cllr Hill expressed his deep thanks to all fellow councillors on the occasion of his final meeting after over 35 years of service. Cllr Atkinson will attend a KALC meeting on 21 April 2015 to discuss future working relationships with the new committee structure of Canterbury City Council. Cllr Hodges asked for interested parties to contact the Clerk if they wished to be involved in a national survey of war memorials. There is a free training course in Maidstone to be held on Saturday 18 April. She also expressed her thanks to all councillors for the support she has received in her two years as Chairman of the Parish Council. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14 May 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s signature……………………………. Date……………………….. 5 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14 May 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present; Cllrs Hodges (Chairman), A Atkinson, R Atkinson, Corfield, Moon, Fawke, Dhillon, Brooks, CCC Cllr Cook and KCC Cllr Northey 1/15-16 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman – Cllr Atkinson was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Moon seconded by Cllr Dhillon and duly elected. Cllr Fawke was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Moon, seconded by Cllr Brooks and duly elected. 2/15-16 Briefing of new councillors. The Clerk briefed Councillors on procedures and their new responsibilities. 3/15-16 Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see attached list. 4/15-16 Apologies for absence; Cllr Michael Northey There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 5/15-16 6/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 April 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 7/15-16 Matters arising;  146/14-15: The 2014-2015 accounts have been circulated to all Councillors as requested at the last meeting.  147/14-15: Gully cleaning has been completed or is scheduled for completion by 28 May 2015.  149/14-15 The Clerk has written to Mark Esdale and procedures will soon be in place online for booking the pavilion. One volunteer had been found for the flooding research project.  151/14-15 Serco have been informed twice of the dog bin request. This will need to be followed up. ACTION: CLERK  155/14-15 Cllr Atkinson will take soundings from Councillors and discuss working hours with the Clerk. ACTION: Cllr Atkinson 8/15-16 Written report from PCSO Williams This report covers the period 14/04/15 -13 /05/15. There has been ( 7 ) crime report incidents regarding 3 Assaults, 1 Harassment, 1 Attempt theft of sheep from a field and 2 Non-Crime Adult/ Child Protection incidents. Police Related Incidents Calls were made to the police in relation to a stolen car and a suspicious male with a set of Nun Chucks in the High Street, Bridge A police search of the suspect was negative. 1 disturbance/concern call to property, 1 Lost money ( large amount) dropped possibly on the way back from an ATM, 1 minor road traffic incident, 1 male showing threatening behaviour, 1 attempted suicide, concern for welfare for animals, ( RSPCA dealing with this) and 3 foreign females seen walking near A2 possibly illegal immigrants. 9/15-16 Report from CCC Cllr Simon Cook; Cllr Cook thanked all who had congratulated him on his re -election as Councillor for Nailbourne and also for becoming the Leader of the City Council. He commented on the lack of CCC activity in the period leading up to May 7 and outlined the forthcoming dates for meetings of the City Council. He reaffirmed his election commitment to table a motion to the new City Council in July reversing the decision taken by the previous Executive with regard to the future of the Mill Centre. The planned reforms of Concurrent Function funding are likely to be implemented by the new administration . 10/15-16 Report from KCC Cllr Michael Northey; Cllr Northey’s report was read out in his absence. It stated that there had been no activity in County Hall during the election period. The first full council meeting will take place on 24 May 2015. He will provide feedback at the next meeting of the Parish Council. 11/15-16 a. b. c. d. e. 12/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground The clerk reported that the Recreation Ground maintenance book would be forwarded to the new Recreation Ground committee and that the current contractor for the mowing of the Recreation Ground had requested heavy duty rolling of the grass due to the uneven surface. The Clerk will gather quotations for this work. Cllr Hodges reported on recent voluntary activities on the Recreation Ground and thanked the Girl Guides for their help with the Wild Flower Project. It was noted that the landowner has taken appropriate landlord actions with regard to illegal access to the Recreation Ground from certain properties on the boundary. The clerk was asked to inform the landlord of current concerns about this matter. ACTION: Clerk Annual Parish Meeting- Expenses only will be paid to the main speaker from the CPRE. In future, speakers should be engaged with a fee as well as expenses if it was felt that expenses alone may not be sufficient payment. Nailbourne River Management- Cllr Atkinson stated that the river now poses no threat to the village this season even though there are some emerging issues elsewhere along the course of the river. CCC will decide on the eventual removal of the floodgates in Brewery Lane. This is unlikely to be before June at the earliest. Neighbourhood Plan- Joe Connor explained that good progress is being made with the revision of the plan. It should be completed by the end of May and the plan then submitted to CCC. Emergency Committee-The current version of the plan is now with Andy Jeffries at CCC who will contact the Emergency Planning Committee again. Reports from representatives to outside bodies. Minutes of the relevant meetings (KALC and the CCC standards Committee) had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was decided that there were no further questions or issues to discuss. Cllr Moon will attend the KALC AGM on 21 July 2015. 13/15-16 Matters for Discussion and Action a. To review the process for co-opting another councillor. The Clerk outlined the procedure for co-opting a councillor to fill the one vacant place. It was decided to advertise the vacancy as widely as possible, invite written applications by 1 June and to decide on the co-option at an extraordinary closed meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 4 June at 7.00 p.m. The outcome will be communicated to candidates by the Clerk and the newly co-opted councillor will be invited to take up his/her place at the meeting on 11 June 2015. b. To sign the audited parish accounts for 2014-2015 and consider the internal auditor’s comments. The Clerk reminded councillors of the previously circulated Internal Auditor’s report and of the need to sign off the Parish Accounts for 20142015 now that the internal auditor has signed section 4 of the annual return. Cllr Hodges agreed to sign on behalf of the Council. c. The future of the Mill Centre. The Mill Centre management committee will meet on Monday 18 May. The election outcome in Canterbury may well have changed the prospects for the Mill Centre-though the Committee is clear that it cannot afford to buy the building if that is still what is required. d. Bridge participation in the Elham Valley Walkers are Welcome festival and footpath publication. The Clerk informed the council of the request received from Chris Jelly of Elham. The Clerk will approach Tony Walder and Ann Edmonds to see if they would be interested in taking this initiative forward. ACTION: Clerk e. Insurance renewal. Councillors considered three quotations from three insurers. After considering the premium comparison provided, it was decided to opt for a three year agreement with Came and Co. The necessary paperwork was completed to ensure coverage after 1 June 2015. f. Future developments of the refurbished pavilion. Cllr Hodges informed the meeting of the need to refurbish the toilets and the kitchen area. It was decided to invite quotations for this work, to be presented at the next meeting. Mervyn Gulvin, who sits on the BVST committee, agreed to undertake this task. g. KALC training for new councillors. The Clerk alerted councillors to the provision of training for new councillors through KALC. Full detail are to be found at http://www.kentalc.gov.uk/page-1171358. 6 spaces have been reserved for the induction to new councillors training on 6 August at Canterbury College. If councillors wish to attend other sessions they should let the Clerk know. h. Skateboard park request. It was decided to pursue an offer made by Bekesbourne Parish Council to run a jointly funded skateboarding day-date and time as yet to be arranged. The Parish Council was keen for the event to take place in Bridge if possible. i. Proposed publicity about the new Council. Cllr Corfield’s suggestion that the new council should publicise its membership and work through a colour edition of the parish newsletter costing approximately £70, if delivered by councillors was agreed. He was also encouraged to develop a strategy for communication using email and social media, reporting back at the next meeting. ACTION: Cllr Corfield j. Members noted the report from CCC (circulated prior to the meeting) concerning the future of Concurrent Function Funding. k. Local Warden Support Officer. Members agreed to express an interest in taking part in the forthcoming pilot scheme. ACTION: Clerk 14/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 15/15-16 The following receipt was noted: £60 from Cathedral Fitness Ltd (Rec Ground Hire May-Sept 2015) 16/15-16 The following transfer was noted: £4,000 from the interest bearing account to the current account of Bridge Parish Council. 17/15-16 The following items were authorised for payment: Payee Philip Wicker– Clerk Philip Wicker -Clerk Insurance Company (Came and Co-Broker Network Ltd)l KCPFA Ian Sargent Cllr Wortham Mervyn Gulvin Cllr Hodges Ian Sargent Kevin Funnell 18/15-16 Amount Purpose £666.67 £22.99 £1,626.98 Clerk’s salary and allowances for April 2015 Printer cartridge Insurance for 2015-2016-due from 1 June 2015 £20 £160.00 £34.95 £108.72 £32.34 £180 £75 Subs for Kent County Playing Fields Association Recreation ground maintenance March 2015 Expenses for Emergency Committee Photocopying Aug 14- April 15 Chairman’s Allowance (AGM) Recreation ground maintenance April 2015 Internal audit and completion of section 4 of annual return. Any other business Cllr Corfield relayed thanks from former Cllr Ward for the assistance offered by villagers at the litter pick on 18 April 2015. Councillors were reminded that unauthorised posters appearing on lamp posts and fences should be removed. The meeting closed at 9.50 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 June 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. RESPONSIBILITY ACRA (Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Association Allotment Association Art in Bridge Bridge in Bloom Bridge Primary School Liaison Bridge Village Sports Trust Christmas trees coordination Emergency Planning Committee Environment – Footpaths Environment – PROW Warden Environment -Tree Warden Finance Committee Financial Controls/monthly oversight Flood Warden Kent Assoc of Local Councils – Canterbury Litter Picking Co-ordination Mill Centre Management Committee Little Stour & Nailbourne River Man Group Neighbourhood Plan Committee Newsletter Editor Planning Committee Cllr Fawke COUNCILLOR/S Cllr R Atkinson Cllr Corfield Cllrs R Atkinson and Brooks Cllrs Hodges and Brooks Cllr Brooks Mr Mark Esdale Cllrs Fawke, Moon, A Atkinson and Dhillon Mr Tony Walder Mr Tony Walder Planning Committee to decide All Parish Councillors Cllr A Atkinson Emergency Planning Committee Cllrs Hodges, Moon and A Atkinson Cllr R Atkinson Cllrs Brooks and Dhillon Cllr A Atkinson Cllrs Hodges,R Atkinson and Fawke Cllr Corfield Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon (Chair) Police Liaison Recreation Ground Committee Rural Area Member Panel Meetings SCA (South Canterbury Alliance) Snow Clearance Co-ordination Speedwatch Co-ordination Village Hall Management Committee Village Website Welcome pack Wild Flower Project Cllr Moon Cllrs Hodges, Brooks, R Atkinson, Dhillon and Moon Cllr Fawke Cllr Fawke Emergency Planning Committee Cllrs Fawke and Dhillon Cllr Moon Cllr Corfield and Mark Esdale Cllr R Atkinson Cllr Hodges Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 11 June in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 19/15-16 3 members of the public asked to speak before the first formal agenda item. A parishioner spoke of her concerns about safety on the High St. She asked for the matter to be an agenda item at the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to raise her specific concerns with Kent Councillor Northey prior to the next meeting. Another parishioner outlined her concerns about the process adopted by Canterbury City Council for the consideration of the Local Development Plan. Her request for further discussion of the village’s response to the process was supported by a local barrister who also spoke on the subject. Having outlined her reasons for considering the Canterbury Plan to be flawed, the parishioner requested a financial contribution to the fund being used to pay for legal counsel to resist the Canterbury Local Plan. Councillors agreed that the financial request and indeed the whole issue of the village’s response to the Plan would be discussed at the next meeting. ACTION Clerk Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield and from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey and Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook. Mr Mike Sole was welcomed as the newly co-opted member of Bridge Parish Council. He was asked to sign a declaration of acceptance of office. 20/15-16 There were two declarations of interest from Cllrs Atkinson and Hodges concerning the election to the KALC standards committee. There were no other declarations of interest on lobbying on agenda items and there were no written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. 21/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair 22/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 Gully cleaning by Kent Highways will happen by July 7 2015 (147/1415) The Pavilion booking form is now online (village website) (149/1415) All bins are now to be used for dog mess and other items of rubbish. Stickers have been provided for village bins to point this out. The bin on Bridgeford Way is close to the water meadow area and the relevant parishioner who raised the issue has been informed. Dog mess bins are being phased out completely by Canterbury City Council. The new councillor was informed by the Clerk as per minute 13/15-16. The Chair announced that Cllr Sole would join the recreation ground committee, act as Snow Warden (as a member of the Emergency Planning Committee) check the monthly bank reconciliations and join the Neighbourhood Plan group. Skateboard park request -RAMP (Rural Areas members Panel) funding has been applied for. Bridge Parish Council may be asked to contribute up to £250. Cllrs Fawke and Sole agreed to speak on the issue at the RAMP meeting on 22 June at 7.00 p.m. in the Guildhall, Canterbury (13/15-16). Cllr Sole explained how the funding is awarded. The Clerk agreed to brief both Councillors, as well as Canterbury City Councillor Cook, before the meeting. ACTION: Clerk, Cllrs Fawke and Sole Local Warden Support officer- a meeting to be held on 15 June 2015 between KALC, Kent Police and KCC will consider Bridge Parish Council’s interest in the scheme. 23/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) There have been some problems with rubbish collection in the last month, both in Bridge and around the district. Serco's performance has not been what it should have been and officers are reminding them of their obligations. Please let Cllr Cook know of any missed collections so that he can get them sorted out. The new committee meeting cycle starts in the next couple of weeks and we will see how things go. The system is new to everyone and there will be teething problems but everyone is trying very hard to make it work. The first meeting of the Rural Area Members Panel is on the 22nd June in the Guildhall. We would very much like to continue the engagement with Parish Councils that was so useful during the concurrent function funding review and parish councillors are warmly invited. Lord Mayor's Awards are given to recognise outstanding contributions to the community and to individuals by district residents. Nominations have to be made by 8 July 2015. Awards are presented at a council meeting after the summer. For more information go to www.canterbury.gov.uk/lordmayorsaward If parishioners require any further help or support they should contact Cllr Cook. 24/15-16 Report from KCC Councillor (Michael Northey) Resurfacing of Dover Rd between Old Gate Inn and the A2 in Summer 2015. He is constantly trying to get road improvements, not least to Bekesbourne Lane, and especially to Bifron’s Hill, which though technically not in Bridge parish, do affect a lot of local people. He has reminded our Highways officers about this. 25/15-16 Councillors were informed of the felling of two trees on the recreation ground one a sycamore tree with the formal approval of the Tree Protection Officer of Canterbury City Council and a dead elm tree. Both tree stumps have been ground out. Wild flowers have been planted around the sycamore tree stump. 26/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground A verbal quotation of £125 had been received from a parishioner for heavy rolling of the entire recreation ground. Councillors agreed that a further quotation should be sought from another parishioner and a decision taken at the next meeting. Cantley Ltd have been informed of recent concerns of local residents accessing the recreation ground through unauthorised gates. Cllr Hodges thanked the year 4 schoolchildren for planting wild flowers on 15 May (pictures now on the website). A letter has been sent to the Tennis Club about the trampling of wild flowers behind the courts. A request was made for larger bins by the school gate entrance and for the repair to lids of existing bins. Former Cllr Ward will be asked to lead evening training on the inspection regime required for the recreation ground. The village PCSO will be asked to repeat a talk to Bridge schoolchildren regarding appropriate behaviour in the recreation ground. A decision on fixing picnic benches to the ground was deferred until the next meeting. The Clerk will supply costs of sturdy picnic benches at the next meeting. It appears that one picnic bench had gone missing (see Any Other Business below). ACTION: Clerk b. Neighbourhood Plan. Redrafting of the plan has been continuing (22 and 29 May) and should continue on 19 June 2015 at 17.30 p.m. in the Hunter Room. No minutes of the May meetings were available because of the indisposition of the minute taker. The Committee will be informed of the presentations made at the start of this meeting and the requests that had been made (see above 19/15-16). Joe Connor gave his apologies for not being present at the meeting. 27/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Bridge Village Hall Management Committee-Cllr Moon reported on the meeting held on 28 May 2015- the same day as the AGM. The Chair is Jenny Vye, the Treasurer is Mervyn Gulvin and Secretary and Booking Secretary is Mark Esdale. The Committee is considering the replacement of the main entrance doors. Repairing the damp walls of the Hall is a project for this year-from the Committee’s own funds. Booking rates will be unaltered. 28/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. a. Communication and decision making. Cllr Brooks b. BVST-Cllr Brooks These items were conflated in the course of wide ranging discussion about the status and role of the BVST as part of a wider consideration of the relationship to the Parish Council of various sub or affiliated groups. Cllr Brooks stated that newer councillors in particular are facing difficulty in understanding how different groups relate to and interact with each other. Discussion focussed mainly on the composition of different groups, leasing arrangements and the application of Parish Council financial regulations to the work of sub groups. It was agreed by all Councillors that a set of options with regard to the BVST should be worked up by Cllrs Atkinson, Moon, Dhillon, Brooks and Sole for discussion and decision making at the next meeting. In the meantime, the apparent lack of a fire extinguisher in the Pavilion must be rectified as soon as possible. In the course of the discussion Cllr Brooks fed back on the BVST AGM held on 18 May 2015. Of particular note to the Parish Council was the BVST’s request for greater clarity on the allocation of funding between the two groups and the news that plans for the internal refurbishment of the pavilion have now been drawn up by Mervyn Gulvin and approved by the BVST. These plans are now to be costed. ACTION Brooks and Sole. Cllrs Moon, Atkinson, Dhillon, c. £200 grant from the main budget for the EPC to spend in the Financial Year Cllr Atkinson’s proposal was seconded by Cllr Fawke and agreed unanimously. d. Snow warden vacancy Cllr Sole had agreed to take on this position. e. Canterbury City Council Local Plan. The Clerk reminded the meeting that the item had been included on the agenda to facilitate the address made by a parishioner (see 19/15-16 above). In the course of discussion it was agreed to seek clarification from Professor Church and the Association of Canterbury Residents Associations that the points made to the Local Plan by Bridge Parish Council in 2014 are to be aired during the Inspector’s hearings which are start on 14 July 2015. The full plan is to be circulated to all councillors. ACTION: Clerk Review of financial regulations. This item was deferred until the next meeting. A draft version of the new regulations will be circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting. ACTION: Clerk g. Parish allowances. Cllr Atkinson informed councillors that an annual allowance of £150 can be made available from the Parish budget for each Councillor, except for co-optees, and of £300 for the Chair to pay for the discharge of their duties. These sums have been agreed by an independent remuneration committee. Cllr Atkinson’s recommendation that the proposal should be adopted was seconded and voted on: 4 councillors agreed, one councillor voted against and 3 abstained. Councillors were reminded that they can forego this allowance if they so wish by contacting the Clerk. h. Elham walking project. Sheila Sochacka has agreed to be the Bridge representative and her name has been forwarded to the organiser. i. Green Court/Western Avenue After discussion of the current neglected state of this area, it was agreed that a meeting on 23 June 2015 between the Clerk and the local KCC Highways steward should be used to point out the its poor state. Cllrs were encouraged to log their requests for action to KCC highways on the relevant website. Cllr Northey will be briefed also. The Chair expressed a desire to draft a list of the improvements sought by the Parish Council which could then be presented to KCC Highways. It was agreed that a complete list could not be drawn up in time for 23 June. ACTION: Clerk f. j. KALC standards committee election. The Clerk pointed out that the Parish Council had been asked to express its opinion about two candidates for the Kent Association of Local Council’s Standards Committee. The Chairman left the room for the rest of this agenda item. The Vice Chair asked for votes to be taken. One of the two candidates garnered 5 votes; 2 councillors abstained. The Clerk will communicate this result to KALC. ACTION: Clerk 29/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 30/15-16 The following receipts were noted: £30,570-precept payment from Canterbury City Council; £2.82 in bank interest. 31/15-16 The transfer of £3,000 from the interest bearing 30 day account to the current account on 19 May 2015 was noted. 32/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Canterbury City Council Philip Wicker– Clerk Amount £3,500 flood defenc es payme nt £686.67 CPRE £12.60 Cllr Hodges Ian Sargent Hart Lee Tree Surgery £4 £240 £804 (of which £118 VAT) Purpose Flood defences (balance from 2014-2015 FY) Salary and office allowance May 2015 Expenses for speaker to the Annual Parish Meeting Wild Flower seeds 3 mowings of the recreation ground Felling of one sycamore and one dead elm tree on recreation ground. 33/15-16 Any other business       Cllr Fawke has requested the repainting of the village pedestrian crossing and asked for the purchase of Speedwatch equipment to be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. He is conducting an online questionnaire about heritage trees in Bridge and asked for councillors’ support in this process. A hedgerow survey of the village has just been completed. Cllr Dhillon’s inquiries about the status of the Mill Centre asset and the management committee were clarified by the Chair who stated that the Mill Centre is not currently an asset of the Parish Council. Cllr Hodges reminded councillors of the need to provide written reports of external meetings if no minutes are available. Cllr Sole asked for abbreviations in these minutes to be avoided. Mr Selwyn Lewis (parishioner) mentioned that a dismembered picnic bench is currently in the Nailbourne River. Cllr Atkinson mentioned that he and the Clerk had held a meeting with the Land Agent of Cantley Estates on 3 June 2015 with the intention of opening lines of communication between the Parish Council and Cantley Estates and for introductions to be made. Bank mandate forms were signed by new Councillors. The meeting concluded at 9.44 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9 July 2015 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 4 June at 7.00 p.m. in the Hunter Room. 19/15-16 Apologies were received from Councillor Corfield 20/15-16 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items 21/15-16 Co-option of a new Councillor. The Chair explained the proposed method of voting for the election of new councillor. He proposed that the meeting should be held “in camera” as previously announced and this was seconded by Cllr Brooks and agreed to by all present. The Chair also proposed that Cllr Corfield’s votes as cast by email should be accepted. This was agreed by all present. A brief resume of each anonymised candidate was given by the Clerk and voting took place. Candidate no 3 (Mr Mike Sole) was elected by a majority on the first round of voting. He will be invited to attend the next PC meeting on 11 June and will be invited to discuss his specific contribution to the council prior the meeting on 11 June with the Chair. The Clerk will inform all 3 candidates of the outcome of the election with an offer to the unsuccessful candidates of ways in which they can contribute to the life of the village if they wish to become involved. ACTION: Clerk and Chair 22/15-16    Any other business The Clerk was asked write to the president of the Tennis Club about damage being caused to the Wild Flowers in the vicinity of the courts. Action: Clerk Folders for Speedwatch and Recreation Ground maintenance were circulated to relevant councillors. The Recreation Ground Committee agree to meet at 7.00 p.m. on 11 June in the Hunter Room to discuss the sharing of responsibilities. ACTION: Clerk to book the room All councillors agreed that the sycamore trump stump on the recreation ground should be removed completely-as per the quotation already submitted by Ian Hart Lee (Tree surgeon). Clerk to action. The meeting finished at 7.24 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 June 2015 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 9 July 2015 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 34/15-16 Prior to the formal meeting, a villager spoke of the need to secure village representation at the Local Plan public meeting regarding transport. She was happy to represent the village or for a Parish Councillor to do so. Another villager mentioned that he had not had any requests to clear footpaths and that the Village Hall noticeboard is inexplicably locked. He added that in his view council funds should not be used to pay for legal costs associated with the public hearings of the Canterbury Local Plan as suggested at the last Parish Council meeting. 35/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from PCSO Williams and Cllr Corfield. 36/15-16 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on agenda items. 37/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 June 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 38/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. Cllr Atkinson was not elected to the standing committee of KALC. (Minute 28/15-16 item j) Following a meeting with Mr Sid Miller of Kent Highways, the Clerk has written to the KCC Traffic Schemes to regarding the location of the bus stops in the village near the post office. Motorists are systematically driving on the pavement because of the location of the bus stops causing danger to pedestrians and damage to the kerbs and pavement. Other matters raised with Mr Miller included repair of drains and one “aquakerb” along the High Street. (Minute 28/15-16 item i) A fire extinguisher has now been provided in the pavilion. (Minute 28/15-16 item b) 39/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook talked of the recent Rural Area Members Panel meeting and the successful outcome for Bridge. He would like all villages to the south of Canterbury to be invited to the skateboarding event on 28 October. He outlined the timing of the forthcoming inspection of the Council’s Local Plan. A final decision will not be known (probably) until early 2016, with open sessions being held in July and September. The city council is publishing a weekly email to Parish Clerks to inform local inhabitants of what is happening in the city council. Feedback is requested. Cllr Cook talked of his forthcoming joint surgery with the Citizens Advice Bureau on Thursday 16 July at St Peter’s Church, Bridge from 9.30-12.00. He explained that the city council has a wide spectrum of responses to parking enforcement and is happy to take advice from parish councils. Councillors should write to him about specific concerns. He outlined the process for attempting to overturn the previous administration’s decision to sell the Mill Centre. On July 23, the issue is likely to be deferred to a sub-committee at which the public can be present, with a final decision due in September 2015. The proposed sale of the centre is on hold until a final decision is reached. He promised to look into parking enforcement powers in rural areas. ACTION: Cllr Cook 40/15-16 Report from KCC Councillor (Michael Northey) Cllr Northey assured the meeting he would follow up concerns raised in the village about traffic in the High St. He outlined the law on pavement parking and advised taking a staged approach to public highways issues, taking each one by one. The Council should send an official email identifying locations in the highway where road markings have become faded. He is happy to put his influence behind improving the environment in the Green Court area. He welcomed the Council’s list of desired improvements from Kent Highways. He advised copying in Cllr Cook to correspondence concerning the highway since their responsibilities sometimes appear to overlap. KCC has planned for 5% surplus places in the latest educational plan now available on the KCC website. He updated Council on the latest developments in Operation Stack, Ofsted inspections of schools in Kent (both targets and current figures) and the increasing numbers of unaccompanied immigrant minors. 41/15-16 Report from PCSO Williams There were 5 crime report incidents in the North Nailbourne area relating to thefts, threat to damage property, assault, biking and making off without payment during June 2015. Numerous calls were made to the police about a young offender knocking on doors trying to sell items from a bag, blackmail involving on-line gaming, parking obstructions, disturbances, threats from builders towards a resident, concern for dog welfare, threats to a person, drugs information, a firearms incident, a noise issue, bad driving near school, thefts, a dog biting a person and a neighbourhood dispute. A van driver was spoken to for parking on the faded double yellow lines outside Bridgeway Stores. She will patrol the primary school area during school drop off/ collection times from 16 July 2015 and conducted a foot patrol in the village with no issues to report. 42/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground Cllr Hodges reported that she has been trained on the regular checks on the recreation ground. She will cascade this information to relevant councillors. She will hand over the recreation ground file to Cllr Dhillon at the end of August 2015. She reported some fly tipping of garden rubbish and blue graffiti on the youth shelter which cannot be removed easily. Uneven paving slabs in the vicinity of the pavilion and raised tarmac caused by tree roots on the path leading to the school exit constitute trip hazards. A broken clip on a downpipe needs replacement. The hedge adjacent to the Doctor’s surgery will need to be pruned in the autumn and an application should be made to reduce three trees by about 1/3 near the tennis courts. Council agreed to a villager’s quotation for the recreation ground to be rolled 3 times with a heavy roller. Councillors agreed to trim the willow trees on Patrixbourne Rd and to delegate to the recreation ground committee the task of creating a vision for the future of the recreation ground. This will include consideration of the pavilion refurbishment, fencing off the children’s play area, and the provision of picnic benches. ACTION Recreation Ground Committee and Clerk (for tree work) b. Neighbourhood Plan. Joe Connor, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan group reported that the revision of the plan is ongoing with a further meeting to be held on 10 July 2015 to discuss future housing in Bridge. The group will also give initial responses to a plan received on 9 July from Cantley Estates. 4/5 appendices will be added to the plan before it is reprinted, circulated to all villagers and then passed to Canterbury City Council for approval. The Canterbury City Local Plan will need to be adopted before the Neighbourhood Plan can be approved: some months away yet. 43/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies a. Canterbury City Council Standing Committee Meeting 1st July 2015. Cllr Hodges reported that the main focus of the meeting was the Kent Code of Conduct for Members. Training materials were distributed and the complaints procedure was discussed. b. c. Canterbury City Council Training Session on the Code of Conduct 6th July 2015. Cllr Hodges reported that a pack of materials and copies of the “standards” landscape were distributed. The procedure for dealing with a complaint was outlined. The key messages are to register DPIs (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) now and update the register as circumstances change, make Declarations at meetings: read agendas with “declaration” eyes, take advice early and if in doubt declare and leave for that agenda item. The onus is on individuals to comply. d. School Liaison meeting feedback. Cllrs Hodges and Brooks reported that the school is keen to remain involved in the wild flower project, litter picking and the reestablishment of a walking bus from Patrixbourne Rd and Higham Court in September 2015. Councillors will attend a school council meeting in September 2015. A school request to use the recreation ground for sporting events must be made in writing to the Clerk. The school would like community volunteers to assist in the school. Relevant checks will be carried out by the school on behalf of potential volunteers. 44/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. a. To discuss proposals regarding the future of the BVST After discussion of a number of options presented to the Council it was decided to offer the BVST a new lease to outline their responsibilities and those of the Parish Council, giving the BVST greater certainty about their role and to encourage them to apply for grants. Cllr Brooks will sound out the BVST on the proposals-including the idea that they should propose the financial basis for their ongoing work on behalf of the Parish Council. ACTION: Cllr Brooks. b. Canterbury City Council Local Plan-how to respond to the financial request made by a parishioner at the last meeting and feedback on the village’s representation at the forthcoming hearings. It was decided not to make a financial contribution as requested at the previous meeting (minute 19/15-16). Prof Clive Church is aware of the responses made by Bridge Parish Council in July 2014. It was felt he would be well suited to present the case for the village. Villagers are welcome to attend the meetings to be held from 14 July onwards at the Franciscan Study Centre, Giles Avenue, Canterbury. c. To adopt updated financial regulations. The Council unanimously adopted the proposed new set of regulations circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting. They take effect from 10 July 2015. d. To consider the purchase of speedwatch equipment. If purchased, Cllr Fawke suggested the equipment would be used 2-4 times per month. He would provide further details of the costs to the Council and also to Cllr Northey in the event that grant monies could be used. The equipment is likely to cost about £2,000. ACTION Cllr Fawke e. How to implement allowances for parish councillors. The Clerk outlined the procedures which must be followed according to a legal notice written by the National Association of Local Councils. The Clerk will work with Cllr Sole to set up the necessary payroll system. The first payment (to cover the year’s allowance on a pro rata basis backdated to 11 June 2015) will be made in September 2015, though Cllr Sole suggested this could be done annually rather than monthly. Cllrs NOT wishing to take the allowance should inform the Clerk by the end of September 2015. f. Improving the KCC maintained environment in Green Court. Following a meeting (23 June) between the Clerk, the Chair and Mr Sid Miller of Kent Highways (minute 38/15-16 above) and discussion amongst Councillors, it was decided to write to David Mounter of KCC highways about the prospect of grassing over the area. The issue will return to the next ACTION Clerk meeting. g. To provide an update on the village tree survey Cllr Fawke tabled a copy of the proposed questionnaire which is to be refined in the light of comments received. There may also be a public meeting to launch what is essentially a mapping project. School children may be ACTION Cllr Fawke involved. h. To set up a group to plan for the skateboarding event during October half term. Following the successful Rural Area Member Panel (RAMP) bid it was decided to hold the joint skateboarding event (with Bekesbourne) on the Bridge recreation ground on Wednesday 28 October. Cllrs Brooks and Sole agreed to join a working party with 2 members of Bekesbourne Parish Council. They will determine various aspects of the day such as refreshments, publicity, supervision of young children. They will report back ACTION Cllrs Brooks and Sole at the next meeting. i. To decide upon the date and content of the next village newsletter. The meeting agreed to publish a newsletter in September 2015. The content will include details of the skateboarding event, Art in Bridge and a working party for the recreation ground. ACTION Cllr Corfield j. To discuss the erection of a fence around the childrens’ play area on the recreation ground. Cllr Moon’s suggestion to fence off the area to increase security for parents and children was discussed. It will form part of the wider discussions about the recreation ground (minute 42/15-16 above) and return as a fully costed proposal, though initial estimates are that the ROSPA approved installation, measuring almost 1 metre high, will cost in the region of £7-8,000. k. To review the process for the appointment of a Local Warden. Bridge’s application to take part in a pilot scheme has been successful. Cllr Atkinson will attend a briefing session on 10 July 2015. 45/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 46/15-16 The following receipts were noted: £1,652.35 VAT repayment. Bank interest of £2.82. 47/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker– Clerk Amount £676.67 Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC KALC £200.00 Vicki White £72 (of which £12 VAT) £222 (of which £37 VAT) £38.40 Cllr Hodges Deal Light transport £16.19 £105.00 Hart Lee Tree Surgery Purpose Salary and office allowance June 2015 Churchyard maintenance Clerk’s conference 17 June 2015 Grinding out of 2 tree stumps on recreation ground, Flowers and compost for Village planters Soil, brush and wild flowers Removal of kitchen equipment in preparation for Pavilion redevelopment 48/15-16 Any other business Cllr R Atkinson asked about the kitchen equipment destined for the pavilion. This will be incorporated into the work of the recreation ground committee. ACTION Recreation Ground Committee Cllr A Atkinson tabled plans submitted to him that very day by Cantley estates for a limited number of houses to be built in the village in return for the resolution of many outstanding issues affecting the village. It was agreed to return to the matter for full discussion at the September meeting. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Thursday 10 September 2015 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 49/15-16 Prior to the formal meeting, David Plumstead of the Elham Valley Action group spoke about opposition to the proposed caravan park at Wingmore, near Elham upstream of Bridge. Mr Tunbridge spoke of his concern at lorries driving through the village during the night, often in search of parking laybys. He asked for the layby on Bridge Hill to be sealed off even though it is the domain of Bekesbourne parish. The Clerk was asked to pursue this issue with Bekesbourne parish. (Clerk) 50/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from PCSO WIlliams 51/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Moon declared an interest for item 7 (a) as a member of the PTA of Bridge School. 52/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 July 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 53/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. The Clerk informed the meeting that:  the bus stop opposite the chemist shop will be relocated in two weeks to prevent motorists driving on the pavement;  a meeting has been set up with Kent County Council Highways to discuss drainage problems in the village;  a fire extinguisher is still needed in the Pavilion;  estimates are being received, and permissions requested, for tree surgery and hedge trimming on the Recreation Ground;  Speedwatch equipment has been ordered;  Councillors’ allowances will be paid annually;  Bridge Down weed spraying has not yet taken place;  no applications were received for the post of Local Warden. Cllr Atkinson stated the riverbed will be cleared before the end of the year. 54/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Forthcoming Rural Area Panel Meetings on 28 September, 2 and 30 November will discuss issues of pertinence to villages such as Bridge. He felt the village should be represented. The subjects for discussion include rural parking enforcement (28 Sept) Concurrent Function funding bids (2 Nov) and rural planning -to include Neighbourhood Planning. (30 Nov) The future of the Mill Centre will be decided by Canterbury City Council by the next meeting of the Parish Council. Any problems with SERCO rubbish collections should be reported to Cllr Cook. 55/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Operation Stack. The Manston lorry park and route option, encouraged by the Prime Minister, has not been used yet, and should not impact on the A2. Highways England have yet to work out a system of two way flow of traffic in both directions and have been instructed to look into a large long-term lorry park. Kent County Council (KCC) is looking into this, as well as a number of smaller parks. Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children are KCC’s legal responsibility. There are now 740 in Kent-well beyond KCC resources-causing a deficit of £7 million with promises of a full reimbursement from HM government. There is not enough accommodation: girls are always placed in foster care and overall numbers show no sign of dropping with many children telling harrowing stories. Public attitudes are softening in Kent with offers of accommodation, football coaching, English tuition and clothing. LED lighting which saves energy and is more environmentally friendly than conventional lighting was introduced in rural areas from January 2015 and will take many months to roll out fully. There will be a public consultation from 21 September for ten weeks. After eight years introduction costs will be paid and then there will be a saving of £5 million per year. 56/15-16 Report from PCSO Williams-circulated prior to the meeting. 57/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground In response to request from the PTA of Bridge School to run the fireworks display on the recreation ground on Saturday 7 November councillors voted unanimously in favour, on the basis of a number of conditions and guarantees being met. These will be forwarded to the organisers as soon as possible. (Clerk) Cllr Hodges read through a previously circulated list of outstanding maintenance and planning items for the Recreation Group to consider at their meeting on Wednesday 16 September. She also thanked the anonymous gardener who had helped to clear garden waste on the recreation ground. (Recreation Ground Group) Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Hodges reported that at the meeting held on 2 September 2015 the Chair resolved to write to a number of local and national bodies for advice on the impact of the stalling of the Canterbury Local Plan on the village’s Neighbourhood Plan. 58/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies a) KALC AGM 21 July 2015. Minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. b) Canterbury Local Plan hearings (July-August 2015). Cllr Hodges reminded councillors that she had attended the hearings for 6 days. She thanked Christobel Seath, Professor Church and Joe Connor for their support. She felt Bridge issues had been given a good airing. Councillors thanked Cllr Hodges for her dedication in following the Local Plan hearings and developments. 59/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. a. To discuss and agree a traffic rules enforcement policy with Canterbury City Council (Cllr A Atkinson) Cllr Atkinson explained that he (and Cllrs Corfield and Fawke) had met Ms Lacy Dixon, “Enforcement Manager- Community Safety, Licensing, Street Scene and Parking Enforcement” and her colleague Ms. Osborne on 4 September. Ms Dixon informed the meeting that although Bridge is not a high priority village for parking enforcement, she has instructed her team to survey the trend of illegal parking over the next two weeks, in areas identified by councillors. A report on these trends will be forwarded to the Council. Her team will then Operation Safety Net whereby verbal warnings are followed by a strict enforcement policy. She commented on effective policies pursued elsewhere in Kent, including ‘A-Boards’ at crossings painted with key messages, asking school children to attend when Speedwatch teams record car speeds; having school children tour the Village noting any irresponsible parking, and discussing how this might be inconsiderate or dangerous to other road users or pedestrians. Bridge school will be invited to attend an information and training day (24 September). Ms Dixon ended by outlining the distinction between obstructing the highway/moving obstructions and parking offences. She asked to be informed of any specific parking problems she had not covered. PCSO Williams needs to be informed of these developments (Clerk) b. Bridge in Bloom: To confirm prizes and prize giving arrangements (Cllr R Atkinson) A report had been circulated in advance of the meeting. It was decided to earmark £80 for the proposals laid out in the report. (Cllrs Atkinson and Brooks to follow up). c. To receive and confirm the Concurrent Function Funding application form for 2016-2017. The draft CFF application form was received and confirmed. The Clerk will submit the application by the deadline date of 30 September 2015. (Clerk) d. To discuss housing proposals from Cantley Ltd and agree a Parish Council response. (Cllr Atkinson) The Parish Council voted unanimously to record its general support for the draft written proposals (as contained in the email from the Clerk to all Councillors dated September 4 2015). Council also agreed to back public consultation sessions where the proposals from Cantley (once fully fleshed out) can be set out, explained and feedback received. Cllr Atkinson explained that following this period of consultation and when the plans are firmed up, Council will be asked again for its views upon those final proposals. Discussion focussed on the previous history of housing development proposals in the village and on the likely impact on the village of the recent demand made by the government inspector at the Local Plan hearings that Canterbury district should increase its provision of new housing and seek sites throughout the district. Councillors agreed it was better to be in control of such developments rather than being subjected to “hostile” plans. e. To receive the report from PKF Littlejohn: Annual return audit for 20142015. The report was received and accepted. f. To discuss improvements to the KCC maintained environment in green Court. The Clerk reported that Mr Paul Woodhatch of KCC Highways will be visiting the site in the next few weeks to offer suggestions for the improvement of this area. A report will be made available to the Parish Council offering a range of options for the improvement of the area. g. To receive feedback on plans for the skateboarding event : 28 October 2015. It will run from 10 am- 3 pm close to the Pavilion. Publicity will be through the normal channels (On the Nail/Parish Newsletter/Village website/letters to local schools/fliers to be drafted by the Bekesbourne Clerk) and also through Cllr Cook’s presence at other Parish Council meetings in South Canterbury. A budget of £50 was approved to purchase refreshments. Any surplus stock will be granted to the youth club. (Cllrs Sole and Brooks) h. To receive feedback on proposals regarding the future of the BVST and to decide on further action Following discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would pay for upgrading the ladies’ toilet and kitchen in the Pavilion, with the intention of handing over the facility to the BVST to manage from 1Janaury 2016 under the terms of a new lease to be drawn up in advance. The next BVST meeting is on 28 September-Cllr Brooks will feed back then on these decisions. (Cllr Brooks) i. To note flood warning changes. The changes communicated to the council by the Environment Agency were noted. j. To decide upon the date and content of the next village newsletter. Final copy is required by Cllr Corfield by 12 September to allow for printing, publication and distribution in the week commencing 14 September. Councillors are asked to check that their responsibilities as listed are accurate. (Cllr Corfield) k. To decide on proposals regarding a proposed caravan park made by the Elham Valley Action group Council voted unanimously to support a letter asking Shepway Council to reconsider their approval of the Caravan park scheme. (Clerk) l. Where might we plant a “Future heritage Tree?” Councillor Fawke will ensure that an application is made for a heritage tree. The eventual location will be decided at a future date. (Cllr Fawke) m. To decide upon a resolution seeking an explanation from Stagecoach for the current pricing policy of transport to Canterbury from Bridge. ( Councillors asked the Clerk to write to Stagecoach asking for an explanation of their pricing policy which seems to disfavour residents of Bridge in comparison with other villages located further away from Canterbury town centre. (Clerk) n. To receive a financial report on spending in the first quarter of the financial year. The report was received and noted. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Sole for his assistance. 60/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 61/15-16 The following receipts were noted: £268 VAT repayment. Bank interest £3.80. Party fee of £9 62/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker– Clerk Amount £676.67 KALC-training (6 August 2015) £100 Savills Client Account Ian Sargent £275 £180 Cllr Hodges £35.10 Canterbury City Council Brooker Farms £65 £180 PKF Littlejohn Paul Davies Cllr Hodges Philip Wicker– Clerk* £240 £18.46 £20.91 £676.67 Philip Wicker– Clerk* £18.46 Philip Wicker– Clerk* Ian Sargent* £47.77 £200.00 Purpose Salary and office allowance August 2015 4 delegates for new councillors course Recreation ground lease 2 cuts and strims on recreation ground Travel expenses for Local Plan hearings in July 2015 Printing summer 2015 newsletter Delivery of roller for recreation ground Audit of annual return Flood warden training expenses Wildflower project expenses Salary and office allowance July 2015 Travel expenses for Lenham conference 2 printer cartridges and paper Cutting and strimming recreation ground *Paid in July 63/15-16 Any other business Thanks to be expressed to Kent Highways for their rapid intervention in clearing away a fallen tree on Bridge Hill, recent repainting of road markings and for their forthcoming remedial work on Bridge Down stairs. (Clerk) The meeting concluded at 9.59 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8 October 2015 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 October 2015 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 64/15-16 Prior to the formal meeting 2 villagers (out of a total of approximately 30 parishioners who attended the meeting) addressed Councillors about their concerns with regards to the Cantley proposals for the village. Discussion of this matter emerged as per the agenda and is recorded at 73/15-16 (a) below. 65/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Moon. 66/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 67/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 September 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 68/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. The Clerk informed the meeting that  the villager concerned about the use of the layby on Bridge Hill is now in touch with the relevant authority-Bekesbourne Parish Council.  A fire extinguisher is still needed in the Pavilion. ACTION: BVST  Bridge Down weed spraying has not yet happened and is being chased up by the Clerk. ACTION:CLERK  The Kent Highways steward is on leave until mid October-that is when the letter of thanks to Kent Highways and a reminder about Bridge Down steps will be sent (minute 63/15-16). ACTION:CLERK 69/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook updated the meeting on the transfer of the Mill Centre to the Parish Council on a 30-year lease at a peppercorn rent. He outlined the forthcoming RAMP meetings to discuss parish council funding and planning procedures, and encouraged villagers to inform him of any problems with waste collections by Serco. He referred to the main outcome of the planning inspector’s scrutiny of the Canterbury District Local Plan, namely the requirement to find more potential housing sites in the District. Consequently, 8-10 houses may be added to the Brickfield Rd site in the near future. A series of meetings is to be held on 15 and 16 October in Canterbury by property developers Corinthian, who have responsibility for housing developments in South Canterbury. These will be followed by public exhibitions by Corinthian on 6/7 November 2015. Cllr Cook concluded by asking for suggestions for beneficiaries of the Lord Mayor’s Gift Fund for Christmas 2015. 70/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey encouraged villagers to take part in the Kent County Council (KCC) consultation on street lighting in Kent, which closes on 29 November. Responses can be made on the KCC website or by post to KCC. He outlined the extra costs and burdens being placed on KCC by the influx of refugee minors. He thanked Kent residents for the help and compassion they have shown. 71/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground (including proposed fireworks event 7 Nov) The annual firework display to be organised by Bridge School PTA, will take place on the Recreation Ground on 7 November. Cllr Hodges listed improvements which she proposed should be enacted. The Clerk was asked to investigate the costs and practicalities of improving 2 paths, repairing guttering and fencing and graffiti removal. It was agreed to install security fencing around the children’s play area based upon one of three quotes received (at a cost of approx. £6,400) and to improve the ladies toilet in the pavilion at a cost of approximately £810. Council also agreed to organise a logo competition for children of the school so that replacement signs to be placed on the Recreation Ground can carry the new logo. Other minor jobs were decided upon involving the wild flower area and small-scale tree pruning. Two maple trees adjacent to the tennis courts will be pollarded (pending the approval of Canterbury City Council planners) with costs to be shared with the Tennis Club. Council also decided to prune the hedge adjacent to the Health Centre and to trim a willow tree on Patrixbourne Lane in line with tenders received. ACTION:CLERK b. Neighbourhood Plan Joe Connor reported that he had received advice from DCLG (Department for Communities and Local Government) that Canterbury City Council should advise the Parish Council on the way forward for its draft Neighbourhood Plan. No reply has yet been received. It was agreed to revisit the survey results recorded after the initial consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. 72/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 1) Social Media and Website training (23 Sept). The Clerk’s notes were circulated prior to the meeting. 2) Chairman’s’ Workshop and Training (22 Sept) This had focussed mainly on managing public meetings. The city flood management group met on 7 October. So far this year, rainfall has been well above average. We are likely to know the full consequences of the recent rainfall in November 2015. 73/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. a) To review responses already received to the housing proposals from Cantley Ltd, to agree on a consultation exercise and next steps. (Cllr Atkinson) Cllr Atkinson stated that  the village is in a difficult situation. The recreation ground lease with Cantley Estates will expire in 2023. The recreation space and all of the buildings and tennis courts on it, including the children’s play area, could disappear.  there is great pressure for housing development in all of Canterbury district-with a requirement now imposed on Canterbury City Council to find land for many more houses than those proposed in the Canterbury Local Plan of 2014.  Bridge would do well to manage this process by agreement with potential developers rather than by allowing less controlled development to take place without any village benefits. Cllr Atkinson invited councillors and members of the public to share their views. Members of the public at the meeting raised questions about the legal status of the recreation ground and its lease, the environmental impact of the proposed development and its location. Questions were asked as to whether the recreation ground lease renewal could be detached from the housing proposals and about the potential location of a new village hall. Further questions were raised about the potential purchase of the recreation ground by the Parish Council, the legal status of the 2015 Canterbury Local District Plan and the various categories of land nominated within it, including the proposed site for new housing. The status and content of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan were also raised. (Cllr Cook added that the Canterbury District Local Plan is unlikely to be adopted before 2017 and the Neighbourhood Plan, once finally adopted after a village referendum, must, ultimately, be aligned with it).  Cllr Cook mentioned that Canterbury City Council does not currently have a 5 year supply of land as requested by the planning inspector and that this will make it very difficult for the City Council to turn down planning requests for new housing. He stated this is not a political issue: it is simply a question of planning law. In the course of discussion, Council agreed to publish all of the formal information received so far from Cantley estates on the village website and to gather villagers’ views through a series of open surgery meetings to be held on held on 13 and 20 October from 7-8 p.m. in the Parish Church, with further dates to be agreed (probably on a Saturday). These meetings will give villagers the chance to learn more about the proposals (such as they are) and to make suggestions as to how the Parish Council should respond, bearing in mind that the ultimate decision about planning permission for all aspects of the Cantley proposals lie with Canterbury City Council. The Council will consider these opinions before formal discussions are held with Cantley about next steps. b) To receive feedback from KCC on the maintained environment in Green Court (Clerk) Although a written report has not yet been received, the Clerk said he had spoken with the officer conducting an appraisal of the area. It is unlikely that Kent County Council (KCC) will dig up the existing tarmac, landscape and subsequently maintain the area. A more likely outcome is that KCC will add the area to its annual weedspaying contract, with the suggestion that the parish council find other practical solutions, such as the installation of planters in strategic areas. Consultation with those who live in the area was felt to be the best way forward, on the basis of suggestions to be formulated by Bridge Parish Council. ACTION:CLERK c) To convene a meeting to discuss problem parking in the Conyngham lane area. (Cllr Atkinson) It was agreed that the Chairman would convene a meeting with relevant parties. Invitations will be sent. In the meantime villagers should send photographs of cars illegally parked to the specialist officers in Lacy Dixon’s department at Canterbury City Council. ACTION:ALL d) To review drainage problems in the High Street following recent heavy rainfall (Cllr Atkinson) KCC officials have been informed by a number of Parish Councillors and the Clerk of the on-going worries about drainage especially in the area of the butcher’s shop and nos 66-70 High St and adjacent properties. They have promised to look into the problem. ACTION:CLERK e) To discuss next steps regarding the Mill Centre in the light of the decision taken by Canterbury City Council to return the centre to the Parish Council. (Cllr Atkinson) Bridge Parish Council will be contacted by the property division of Canterbury City Council to negotiate and formalise a new lease. Once this has been done, the Parish Council will decide how the centre is to be managed henceforth. The Clerk is to look into the necessity or otherwise of tendering for this. The Mill Centre currently has a six month renewed lease due to expire in March 2016. Cllr Cook assured the council that there is no risk to Bridge Parish Council whatsoever with the new arrangements. If funds cannot be raised and the Mill Centre upgraded as required, then the building can be handed back to Canterbury City Council at any time. Once contact is made with Bridge Parish Council over the new lease, all interested parties will need to work together to draw up the new lease. ACTION:CLERK f) To update the Council on High Street traffic issues. (Clerk) The kerbside has been raised but contractors still need to relocate the bus ACTION:CLERK stop. g) To review the skateboarding event on 28 October and decide on any further steps required of the Parish Council. (Cllr Sole) Cllrs Brooks and Sole undertook to contact Bekesbourne parish council about the publicity surrounding this event. It needs to be promoted on the Bridge village website. ACTION:Cllrs Brooks and Sole h) To receive feedback on proposals made for the future of the BVST on 28 September 2015 and to decide on further action. (Cllr Atkinson) It was decided to write to the BVST on behalf of the Parish Council outlining its position regarding the proposed new lease for the pavilion, the current leasing arrangements and the collection of funds from users of the recreation ground. All bookings for the pavilion-whether for social or sporting events-should go through the webmaster Mark Esdale. A new lease needs to be drawn up for the BVST, preferably based on an existing model. ACTION:CLERK i) Where might we plant a “Future heritage Tree?” (Cllr Fawke) The tree is likely to be a broad leaf tree on the recreation ground with the final location yet to be decided. j) Is the Bridge Down noticeboard large enough and should it be replaced? (Cllr Hodges) The noticeboard is not big enough for all notices. The cost of replacement cannot be justified: a message will be placed on the Bridge Down noticeboard explaining that the complete noticeboard is outside the White Horse. ACTION:CLERK k) Kent County Council Consultations on Highways and street lighting. How would the Parish Council wish to respond? (Clerk) The Highways response will be collated by the clerk. Parishioners are encouraged to respond to the street lighting questionnaire online (via the KCC website) or by post to KCC. ACTION:CLERK l) To discuss setting up a Facebook page for Bridge Village (Cllr Corfield) It was resolved not to set up a formal Facebook page for the Parish Council. The newly created Village Facebook page does not represent the views of Parish Council. The meeting was reminded that social media count as media and thefore any Bridge Parish Council responses to messages posted on social media should go through the Chairman of the Parish Council as per the existing policy. m) To decide on a response from Chestfield Parish Council regarding housing policy in Canterbury (Clerk) The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Canterbury City Council using the Chestfield template (circulated prior to the meeting) about Canterbury’s affordable housing policy. ACTION:CLERK 74/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 75/15-16 Bank transfers: A £3,000 transfer from the 30-day account to main account was noted. 76/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker– Clerk Amount £676.67 KALC-training Canterbury City Council Election expenses £20.00 £91.46 Ian Sargent Philip Wicker-Clerk £160.00 £9.99 Philip Wicker-Clerk Paul Davies £38.98 £90.00 Lower Hardres Parish Council Philip Wicker-Clerk Cllr Atkinson £90.00 Purpose Salary and office allowance September 2015 Social media course Parish contribution towards the costs of running all elections in May 2015 2 cuts and strims Computer keyboard (Health and Safety) Printer cartridges Fuel costs for rolling the recreation ground and tree work on Bridge Hill Final Speedwatch hire £23.80 £16.20 Travel expenses to Ramsgate Travel expenses to Folkestone 77/15-16 Points of information  Assistance is requested for the recreation ground working party on Saturday 17 October at 9.00 am.  The Bridge in Bloom presentation was held on 27 September 2015. The meeting concluded at 10.28 p.m. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 November 2015 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30p.m. 78/15-16 Two villagers addressed the meeting on matters relating to item 87/15-16 (a) and another villager addressed matters relating to 87/15-16 (g) 79/15-16 No apologies for absence were received. 80/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 81/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 October 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 82/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 9 of the agenda. The Clerk informed the meeting that:  A fire extinguisher is still needed in the Pavilion. (ACTION:BVST)  Bridge Down weed spraying has yet to take place. (ACTION: Clerk)  New fencing had been erected on the recreation ground in conjunction with a local farmer.  The renovation of the ladies toilet in the pavilion is now almost completed.  The Health Centre hedge will be trimmed on 13 November.  The willow trees on Patrixbourne Rd will be pruned (as previously decided) when the contractor has recovered from recent illness  The Conyngham Lane parking meeting has yet to take place. (ACTION: Clerk and Chair)  Thorough cleaning of the drains opposite the butcher’s shop took place on 26 October.  There appears to be no reason to go out to tender for the management of the Mill Centre (according to the council’s own financial regulations).  The bus stop has now been moved on the pavement opposite no 5 High St  The skateboarding event will need to set a new date (ACTION: Cllrs Sole and Brooks)  A new lease for the BVST needs to be drawn up. (ACTION: Clerk)  The Highways consultation response will be collated and despatched before 29 November. (ACTION: Clerk) There were no other matters arising. 83/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook clarified a comment made at the previous parish council meeting on 8 October 2015. He stated that a Neighbourhood Plan does not have to wait until a local district plan is adopted, though it is common practice. He said he was supportive of a Canterbury-wide policy on the allocation of some affordable housing to local residents, though a balance must be struck between local needs and the needs of those seeking housing in the wider district and beyond. Canterbury City Council is currently seeking to ensure that the right protection is in place within the various conservation areas in the district. A thorough review of the conservation areas will be undertaken over the next 2-3 years starting with the urban areas. He encouraged Bridge residents to be fully involved in the consultation which will form part of this review. The next meeting of the Rural Area Advisory Committee to discuss planning issues for the Parish Council and the City Council will take place on 30 November at the Guildhall in Canterbury. He concluded by noting that the water table appears to be about 4 metres lower than the equivalent time last year. If this turns out to be normal year (regarding rainfall), there is reason to hope that there will be no flooding this winter. 84/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. Cllr Northey updated the meeting on the latest work being carried out by Kent Highways to alleviate the ponding of water after heavy rainfall opposite numbers 66-70 High St. He also urged villagers to consider the role of foster parents. There is a great shortage at present in Kent and those interested should attend a meeting to be held at the Thanington Resource Centre on Tuesday 1 December at 7.00 p.m. See the Kent County Council website for further information. 85/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground It was decided to delay final decision making on the new signage until the next meeting as the school logo competition closes on 1 December 2015. “No Riding “ will be removed from the final version of any signs to be displayed. More estimates are required for the replacement of uneven paving. Tree suckers will be pruned within the next week and work on the children’s play area will start shortly. The meeting agreed to pay 50% of the contractors invoice in advance of the works being completed as the materials are relatively expensive. Cllr Hodges agreed to forward a list of incomplete jobs previously distributed in September 2015. She also thanked the volunteers who came to the Working Party 17th October and the children from Bridge and Patrixbourne Primary School who planted the Narcissi bulbs along the banks of the Nailbourne on 19th October. The Clerk will investigate cost of repairs to those items in the playground area which are now considered to be a moderate risk. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Hodges) b. Neighbourhood Plan The Clerk was asked to establish the links between the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Planning group and to report back to the next meeting. The council were informed that the Neighbourhood Plan in its current form cannot be submitted to the Parish Council as it is in “midedit”. (ACTION: Clerk) 86/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies A Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) meeting on 20 October was attended by Cllr Hodges, though no minutes are yet available, Cllr Hodges reported on the main items discussed and urged Councillors to attend the forthcoming KALC AGM on 21 November if possible. Mill Centre management committee. Minutes of a meeting held on 14 October had been circulated prior to the meeting. 87/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. a. To review responses received to the Cantley development proposals, to plan for further consultation and next steps. (Cllr Atkinson) The Clerk pointed out that there had been 66 emails from 27 individuals and a further 8 formal letters from a total of 8 individuals. These are being collated for the benefit of both the Parish Council and Cantley Estates Ltd. Members were reminded by Cllrs Sole and Corfield that the Parish Council’s role was to consult with the village on the whole suite of the Cantley proposals and not to focus just on the proposed housing development on Conyngham Lane. The council agreed unanimously to set up a working group consisting of Cllrs Corfield, Fawke, A Atkinson and R Atkinson to consider how to canvass opinion of the whole of the Parish in respect of the Cantley Proposals as currently phrased. The group will report back to the full council at its next meeting. The last scheduled public consultation event in the current series is to be held on 28 November in the village hall from 9.3011.00 a.m. b. To note the proposed housing development on the Brickfield Site and the proposed relocation of the Post Office. (Clerk) Cllr Atkinson reported on Canterbury City Council’s Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 11 November. He said he was unable to make the amendments he had been seeking to the proposals. Cllr Atkinson’s ideas had been outlined in written comments he had forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Cook spoke about the importance of the ownership of the land by Canterbury City Council. Canterbury would therefore control the scope and scale of the development. It would be of an appropriate size for a village such as Bridge and would take into account comments made by villagers once the formal 8 week consultation opens on November 25 2015. Cllr Cook did not know as yet whether Housing Association properties on the site would be put up for sale as per proposed government legislation. Consultation responses will be collated and forwarded to Inspector Moore, who is effectively in charge of the Canterbury Local Development Plan as it currently stands. Bridge Parish Council has yet to decide how it intends to respond to the consultation. Letters are to be sent to the owners of the Chemist shop and to the Post Office asking for the reasoning behind the impending closure of the Post Office, since no official communication has been received by the Parish Council. (ACTION: Clerk) c. To review communication with the BVST and to decide on next steps. (Clerk) Council agreed to forward a previously circulated draft letter to the BVST. A copy is to be forwarded to Cllr Corfield. (ACTION: Clerk) d. To discuss the future status and management of the Mill Centre. (Cllr Atkinson) Cllr Atkinson reported on a meeting he and the Clerk had held on 11 November with members of the property department at Canterbury City Council. The broad outlines of the lease to be granted to the Parish Council had been discussed. A further meeting, to be held on 10 December at the Parish Office at 10.00 am., will explore these ideas in more detail. The meeting will include a representative from the Mill Centre Management Committee. e. To decide on the appointment of a new footpath warden. (Clerk) This voluntary post will be advertised in the usual places (noticeboards/website/local publications) with applications to be submitted to the Clerk. (ACTION: Clerk) f. To consider the response from Stagecoach and to decide on next steps. (Cllr Fawke) The Clerk will draft a response to Stagecoach in liaison with Cllr Fawke in order to understand more why bus fares from Bridge appear to be so high in comparison with other locations. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Fawke) g. To consider the report from KCC and decide on next steps for the Green Court area. (Cllr Atkinson) After consideration of the comments made by a villager at the start of the meeting and of the recent report submitted by Kent Highways, councillors asked the Clerk to draft a consultation document on possible options for improvement to the area for completion by residents of all of the Western Avenue development. Once completed the result of the consultation will need to return to the Parish Council for decision making. (ACTION: Clerk) h. Where to locate a donated heritage tree? Should we run a competition for the schoolchildren to decide which species to plant? Who will look after the tree as it grows and develops? (Cllr Fawke) The location of the new tree, to be planted on 30 November 2015, will be chosen following a site visit to be arranged by Cllr Fawke. i. Should we promote and use the KALC awards scheme? (Clerk) The suggested KALC scheme, as previously circulated to councillors was adopted. j. Budget 2016-2017 and half yearly review of Parish income and expenditure. (Cllr Atkinson) A draft budget will be circulated in the week commencing 16 November by Cllr Atkinson. All councillors are asked to consider the document carefully and to feedback suggested changes to Cllr Atkinson by a date he will set which will enable the Parish Council to adopt the 2016-2017 Budget at the next formal meeting of the Parish Council. (ACTION: Cllr Atkinson) k. Data Protection Act-data controller registration (Clerk) Councillors agreed to register the Council as a data controller (for an annual fee of £35) and to adapt the policy already published by Womenswold parish council. (ACTION: Clerk) l. Should we relocate the rubbish bin on Bridgeford Way? (Cllr Moon) It was agreed to seek quotes for the fixing of the relevant bin to the pavement where it is currently located. (ACTION: Clerk) 88/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 89/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker– Clerk Amount £676.67 Canterbury City Council Tony Walder Elite Industrial Supplies The Play Inspection Co Cllr S Hodges Cllr S Hodges Cllr R Atkinson Unipar Services £65.00 £5.01 £36.26 £75.00 £6.95 £6.30 £50.95 £2130.60 Purpose Salary and office allowance October 2015 Printing of Autumn newsletter Fuel for footpath clearing machine 6 Hi Vis vests for Speedwatch October inspection visit and report Wildflower project expenses Travel expenses to Canterbury Bridge in Bloom expenses Speedwatch equipment 91/15-16 Points of information 1. High St Christmas trees will be put up on Saturday December 5 starting at 9.30 am in the village hall. Volunteers are very welcome. 2. Parish council standing orders tell us an annual review of delegation arrangements to committees and sub committees should take place and that the Council should establish a complaints procedure. 3. The PCSO report will be circulated to all Councillors (ACTION: Clerk) 4. Cllr Fawke has been unable to attend meeting of the South Canterbury Association due to other commitments. The meeting concluded at 9.38 p.m. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 December 2015 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.00 pm. 92/15-16 Four people addressed the meeting on various matters. Two related to item 101/15-16 (a), another related to item 99/15-16(a) and the fourth related to item 101/15-16 (j). 93/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Dhillon, Brooks and Kent County Cllr Michael Northey. Present were Cllrs A Atkinson, Sole, Fawke, Corfield, Hodges, Moon and R Atkinson. 94/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 95/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 November 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 96/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 9 of the agenda. The Clerk informed the meeting that:  A fire extinguisher is still needed in the Pavilion. (ACTION:BVST)  Bridge Down weed spraying has yet to take place. (ACTION: Clerk)  The renovation of the ladies toilet in the pavilion is now almost completed-though an electrical certificate is awaited before the invoice can be paid. (ACTION: Clerk)  The willow trees on Patrixbourne Rd have been pruned to remove the entanglement of telephone wires with tree branches. 97/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook said there are currently three consultations in the public arena for villagers to contribute to. They concern the budget for 2016- 2017, the parking plan and the corporate plan. The consultations run from 16 December to 29 January 2016. 98/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. The Clerk read a written report stating that Cllr Northey is to meet with Max Tant (KCC drainage) and Cllr Martin Vye on 12 December 2015 to discuss drainage and flooding in the Nail Bourne Valley. 99/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground Almost 30 entries for the school logo competition have been received and will be judged at a meeting to be held later in the week. (ACTION: Clerk-to set a date and meeting). The Clerk is still awaiting cost of repairs to those items in the playground area which are considered to be a moderate risk. A list of incomplete jobs was circulated by Cllr Hodges. Some will be completed by a local handyperson. The Clerk will investigate how other Parish Council’s employ such people and report back to the next meeting with some proposals as to the way forward. It was decided unanimously to delay pollarding two maple trees until Council reconsiders the pruning of these trees in December 2016, thus giving time for works already carried out by the tennis club to be assessed and for further advice to be received. In the meantime, the tennis club will be encouraged to cut back a hedge which is a considerable source of shade on court no 3. (ACTION: Clerk) b. Neighbourhood Plan Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November had been circulated prior to the meeting. 100/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies BVST meeting- 8 December 2015-see 101/15-16 (d) Emergency Planning group 19 Nov- see 101/15-16 (g) Mill Centre committee -see101/15-16 (e) Meeting re inconsiderate parking-3 December 2015 -see 101/15-16 (l) Village Hall Management Committee meeting. (A key decisions document had been circulated in advance by Cllr Moon and there were no questions). 101/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. (a) To receive a report on the latest information regarding the consultation with Villagers on the Cantley development proposals. The Clerk reported that 71 emails had been received from 32 individuals. Of these individuals, 11 had been in favour, 15 were against, 4 requested further information and for 2 it was not evident if they were in favour or against. In addition 15 individuals had written by letter. Of these individuals, 4 were in favour, 9 were against and 2 were not clearly either for or against. All of this correspondence has been forwarded to Cantley. Councillors have been sent the full email responses and can access the written letters via the Clerk. (b) To decide on recommendations made by the Parish Council working party on next steps in dealing with the Cantley development proposals. Cllr Corfield outlined the difficulties involved in canvassing all of the opinions held by villagers. It was decided that the Chair would contact Cantley about the next stage of their plans for developments within the village and to talk with them about whether further consultation, perhaps in a different form, would be useful in helping to gauge village opinions. (ACTION: Chair) (c) To decide on next steps regarding the proposed housing development on the Brickfield Site and the proposed relocation of the Post Office. The Clerk will provide a link for councillors to the current consultation on the Canterbury City Council website. Cllr Atkinson spoke against the City Council plans at a public meeting on 11 November 2015 and reminded the meeting that the draft Neighbourhood Plan talked of 8 houses on the site, not the proposed 40. He will make a personal response to the consultation and councillors will take a view on a corporate response at the January meeting of the Parish Council. For the Post Office see (h) below. (d) To report on latest developments concerning the future role and status of the BVST (following meeting on 8 December 2015) and to decide on next steps. It was decided to proceed with the drawing up of a lease as outlined at the previous meeting. Discussion focussed on the issue of payments to be made to the Parish Council and the BVST - outlined in a letter sent to the BVST by the Parish Council in November 2015. This stated that given the lack of a current lease, funds are to be collected in their entirety by the Clerk to the Parish Council. These will be shared with the BVST in the proportion of 50:50 in the course of the financial year running from 1 April -31 March 2016. Quotations for the kitchen work are still required before the lease can be completed-so that the Parish Council can hand over the pavilion in good order for potential hirers. (ACTION: Clerk) (e) To report on leasing discussions with Canterbury City Council and regarding the Mill Centre and to decide on next steps. At a meeting held on 9 December between Cllr A Atkinson, Mr Gulvin representing the Mill Centre Management Committee and 2 property officials of Canterbury City Council, the main terms of a thirty year lease were discussed and agreed The new lease will run from 1 March 2016. The Mill Centre Management Committee will produce a list of works to be carried out by a date as yet to be determined. There will need to be a major campaign of fundraising by the Mill Centre Management Committee in order to pay for the proposed works. The payment for legal costs associated with the new lease remains unresolved between the Parish Council and Canterbury City Council. (f) To set the Budget for 2016-2017 The budget was set and agreed unanimously for 2016-2017. A precept of £29,737.61 added to a council tax support grant of £1,377.39 will bring the total budget (without the CFF element) to £31,075 an increase of £505 on the amount received in 2015-16. (g) To address issues arising from the Emergency Planning Committee meeting held on 19 November 2015. The new snow policy was adopted and will be distributed by Cllr Sole to all of the named volunteers and to Cllr Moon. The Clerk will report to the next meeting on the costs of defibrillators and first aid training. (ACTION: Cllr Sole and Clerk) (h) To receive updates on the future of the butcher’s shop and the Post Office relocation. Cllr A Atkinson reported that the future of the butcher’s shop remains uncertain, though work continues on a proposed community buy out. Replies by the Post Office and Paydens regarding the future of the Post Office have been posted on the Bridge Village website. (i) To decide on the appointment of a new footpath warden. Mr Richard McCarthy was thanked for offering to take on this post from January 2016. (j) To note the Pilot Local Warden office post. The village website has a link to the application form. Many councillors undertook to distribute leaflets to advertise the role throughout the village. The deadline for applications is 1 Feb 2016. (k) To report on developments in the proposed regeneration of the Green Court area. The Clerk has met with a representative from the Green Court area and now has sufficient ideas formulated to be able to produce a consultation document on the future of the area for the next meeting. Kent Highways must be informed of the proposal also. (l) To report back on meeting with Conyngham Lane residents about inconsiderate parking caused by parents delivering children to the school and next steps and to approve spending up to £200 for signage. Councillors agreed to set aside £200 for signage, following a report from Cllr Atkinson outlining current and proposed measures to deal with this issue, including the posting of photos of parking offenders on the City Council’s “Park it Right” webpage. The Clerk was asked to investigate with the City Council the designation of areas such as Riverside Close, Conyngham Lane and the school access drive as “traffic managed areas”, meaning that the City Council’s enforcement team could report and sanction inconsiderate parking. (m) Planting of new tree on recreation ground. Who will look after the tree as it grows and develops? Cllr Hodges agreed to take on this responsibility in conjunction with school children from Bridge school. A sign will be fitted shortly on the tree guard. (ACTION Cllrs Fawke and Hodges) (n) To adopt the draft Complaints Policy and draft Data Protection statement (circulated on 20 Nov). Both documents were formally adopted by the meeting. (o) To agree rescheduling of the Skateboarding event. The new date is Saturday, 19 March 2016. (p) Should we have a training plan for Councillors? In response to Cllr Hodges’ question it was felt that there was no need for a training officer. We now have a training budget. (q) Should we “Clean for the Queen” as part of our regular litter pick in March 2016? It was agreed that this would take place in early March (over the weekend of March 5 and 6, 2016) 102/15-16 103/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Ian Sargent Clerk Hart Lee Tree Surgery Paddock Fencing Ltd Coppice Wood (Kent) Information Commissioner Amount £180 £676.67 £204.00 £234 £180 £35 Clerk Mark Esdale £34.48 £459.72 Purpose 2 cuts and strimming-recreation ground salary and office allowance Hedge trimming (health centre border) Tree guard on recreation ground Willow tree pruning on Patrixbourne Rd Data Protection Act registration as a data controller Printer cartridges Christmas Tree lights and fittings The meeting concluded at 8.38 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14 January 2015 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 January 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 104/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Cook. Present were Cllrs A Atkinson, Sole, Fawke, Corfield, Hodges, Moon, R Atkinson, Brooks and Dhillon 105/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Moon declared an interest in item 7 (a). 106/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 December 2015 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 107/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. The Clerk informed the meeting that:  A fire extinguisher is now in the recreation round pavilion.  Chasing up Bridge Down weed spraying will be deferred until later in 2016.  An electrical certificate is awaited for the works carried out to the ladies toilet in the pavilion. (ACTION: Clerk)  A letter has been received from the Tennis Club regarding the pruning of trees adjacent to court number 3. The contents of a reply were agreed. (ACTION: Clerk)  The next meeting with Canterbury City Council regarding the new lease for the Mill Centre will take place on 20 January. Each side will pay its own legal costs.  Canterbury City Council has confirmed the precept request made for 2016-2017.  It appears the butcher’s shop may yet be sold as a going concern and that interest has been shown by an interested party to take on the Post Office. This is why the Bridge branch is no longer advertised on the Post Office website.  The Clerk awaits clarification about which parking road sign(s) needs to be purchased. Conyngham Lane has been registered with Canterbury City Council as a “traffic managed area” though pressure needs to be maintained at regular intervals to ensure that enforcement officers attend more often.  Would councillors publicise the forthcoming skateboarding day on 19 March 2016. Cllr Atkinson recorded his thanks and those of the Parish Council to the volunteers who had erected and dismantled Christmas trees on the High Street. 108/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook’s report was read for him in absentia. Villagers should report fly-tipping to him or to Serco at the City Council. He invited responses to the current Canterbury City Council consultations on the budget, transport enhancements and the corporate plan, either to him or through the website. The transport issues will be discussed at public meetings to be held on 21 and 22 January at 7.00 p.m. (at the Guildhall and in Whitstable respectively). The next RAMP (Rural Area Member Panel) meeting on 25 January will discuss the budget, concurrent function funding changes and arrangements for the “cleaning for the Queen” event across the district in March 2016. 109/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. Cllr Northey mentioned a meeting for councillors at the City Council offices on 26 January at 12.30 to discuss the proposed new A2 junction layout as part of the Mountfield Park development. (The Clerk was asked to forward the latest plans to councillors. ACTION: Clerk). A consultation is about to run from 22 January to 4 March on the Kent mobile library service. It is likely to be cut by £150,000 though many of the visits at present attract only two people and are considered inefficient. The savings made will make possible a revised service, keeping 80% of locations and the great majority of users, which will offer an improved service, with longer hours for many people. Villagers can read the details on the Kent County Council website when published and respond. He noted also that a proposed lorry park near Westenhanger, currently under discussion with the Highways Agency, may alleviate some of the parking problems experienced in the lay by at the top of Bridge Hill. The lorry park will not be ready until the end of 2017. The exact location and layout of the new lorry park has yet to be published and consulted upon. 110/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground The Clerk will inform Bridge School of the winning entries in the competition for recreation ground signs (which have now been approved by the Parish Council) and thank the pupils for their contributions, some of which have been slightly amended. (ACTION: Clerk) Cllr Hodges circulated a list of incomplete jobs. Some will be carried out by a local handyperson, whose details were discussed at the meeting. Insurance arrangements will need to be finalised (ACTION: Clerk). Council resolved to purchase 2 new anchored picnic benches for the childrens’ play area (£1,024); repair one of the swings (£1,136) and pay for improvements to the pathway around the pavilion and the provision of a ramp for wheelchair access (approx. £4,200). The latter job was awarded to one of two contractors who had submitted a quotation-on the understanding that the BVST has a chance to approve and, if necessary, improve the proposed works. New signs will be ordered for the recreation grounds entrances and wild flower area: new signs on dog waste will be checked by Cllr Fawke. (ACTION: Clerk, Cllr Fawke) Neighbourhood Plan The date of the next meeting of this group needs to be established. (ACTION: Clerk) The meeting needs to take place as soon as possible. 111/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Cllr Atkinson had sent notes from the local river group dated 8 January 2016 to councillors prior to the meeting. 112/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. (a) An update on the Cantley proposals for the village The most recent update from Cantley Estates (dated 11 January)-now available on the parish website- was read out by the Clerk. The document was addressed to the Clerk and is given below: “Savills on behalf of Cantley are making representations to the Proposed Amendments to the Canterbury District Local Plan… We are proposing the Brickfields allocation should be deleted and any allocation for Bridge should be left to the Neighbourhood Plan as has always been advised by Canterbury District Council. To follow up on the potential alternative locations for development around Bridge - as requested by some local residents that we consider such alternatives, we will produce SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) forms and plans to Canterbury for the following locations: 1. Land south-west of the High Street (i.e. adjacent the allotment site - but not in replacement of the allotments) 2. Land north-east of the High Street / North-west of Conyngham Lane (this is the site subject to the most recent illustrative site layout for approximately 30 dwellings 3. Land north-west of Patrixbourne Road extending up to Conyngham Lane (this is our original SHLAA submission from 2011 (SHLAA/201) and the land promoted by Cantley under the previous Local Plan a number of years ago) 4. Land north-west of Patrixbourne Road (this is the smaller SHLAA land which followed on from the original draft of the Neighbourhood Plan which identified the potential for 10 dwellings in this location adjacent the doctor's surgery. We followed this up with a revised Illustrative Layout to show, in our view, an improved orientation of any housing). All 4 sites could take more than 10 or perhaps more than 40 dwellings, however, before this causes any alarm this is merely a process for us to go through as part of the Council's evidence base and for Cantley to identify that each of these sites are potentially deliverable now, subject to a process to identify a preferred location or locations for residential development on Cantley land. I want to reassure you that it is not Cantley's intention to bring forward all of these sites, and our position continues to be one of ongoing liaison with the Parish Council and the local community. Through discussions with the local community, it might be, that a preferred option could be for one of these alternative sites to be delivered or perhaps that any residential allocation in the village is distributed around each of these sites and ultimately this can then be a matter for the Neighbourhood Plan to determine through consultation and the referendum. Because this has not yet been fixed it therefore seems appropriate that we request each of these sites are assessed by Canterbury. “ The Chair gave his own personal response to this development in the following terms, which it was agreed were to be minuted: Cantley had promised that they would not pursue the SHLAA sites that they had previously registered with the district Council. We, Bridge Parish Council, had placed that assurance upon our website, and I have said the same to residents of the Village at the consultation sessions that have been held. Charlie Gooch (representing Cantley estates) also said this when referring to those pre-existing SHLAA sites at an early consultation session he attended. When we have met with Cantley’s representatives, I have always sought to reduce the scale of Cantley’s housing development and to contain it, as far as was possible. However, I am appalled that those opposed to a development of thirty homes north of Conyngham Lane have encouraged Cantley’s representatives to consider and then to apply for SHLAA status for four sites around the village: the site north of Conyngham Lane; the area around the Allotments; the area north-east of the Health Centre; and finally, the resurrection of the plan from nearly twenty years ago, which was for up to two hundred homes around the recreation ground. Worse, they will have given Cantley the opportunity to say that the idea has local support, Therefore, whilst the note from Cantley suggests that not everywhere will be developed immediately, the actions of those few opposed to the scheme north of Conyngham Lane have contributed to a situation where many parts of the village will now find themselves adjacent to a potential housing development scheme, being proposed by Cantley, as they follow up on what was “requested by some local residents.” I can only presume that those “local residents,” whoever they are, referred to in the note, will now be content with what they have done. (b) The Pilot Volunteer Support Presentation presentation did not take place. (c) The village party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday will be coordinated by Councillor Dhillon. She outlined plans for the day (12 June; 12-16.00h on the recreation ground) and agreed to submit a request for grant funding to Canterbury City Council. Council agreed to underwrite the event up to a maximum of £2,000. Volunteers will be needed and the event must be properly advertised and organised. It will become a standing item on agendas until it has taken place. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Dhillon) (d) Council resolved to find out whether defibrillators are available in the village at care homes or at the doctors’ surgery. An expert on the use of defibrillators will be invited to talk to the council about their use before making any further decision (ACTION: Clerk) (e) In response to correspondence from KCC it was decided to move ahead with the Green Court proposals. KCC will be invited to carry out their investigations on tree roots. Plans will be developed further once the required approvals are forthcoming (f) In the light of legal costs and the relatively short time period for the new lease to be in place, it was agreed to draw up a memorandum of understanding between the BVST and the Parish Council instead of a formal lease. A meeting will be arranged between the Clerk, Chair and the BVST to agree on details. Councillors are encouraged to contact the Clerk with suggestions for clauses which should be contained within the memorandum. (ACTION: ALL) (g) The Chair spoke of his personal disappointment at the way in which Canterbury City Council had announced potential development on the Brickfield site. The Parish Council agreed to write a letter to the Chief Executive and Leader of Canterbury City Council highlighting their concerns based upon points raised by the Chair in correspondence circulated prior to the meeting. These will include the disingenuous use of the unfinished neighbourhood plan to justify inclusion of more houses than are mentioned in the draft neighbourhood plan. Responses to the Brickfields site consultation can be made through the Canterbury City Council website or through Mr Burns-Stark, parishioner, who was in attendance. (h) The difficulties of controlling mole infestation on the recreation ground was discussed. Two potentially new contractors are to be contacted by the Clerk to see if a more efficient method of controlling the moles can be found. The current contract with Bounty Pest Control has now lapsed and a new solution needs to be found as soon as possible. (i) Councillors noted that they have been informed of the advantages and disadvantages of imap and POP 3 email systems for conducting Parish Council business. There needs to be further investigation of the issues before a formal council resolution can be made. (j) Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk by the end of January of the names of speakers they would like to address the Parish Annual Meeting on 28 April 2016. (ACTION: All) (k) Council agreed to write again to Stagecoach outlining the apparent unfairness of the current pricing policy with regards to many Bridge residents. (ACTION: Cllr Fawke) (l) Training will take place on 9 February at 6.30 p.m. in the village hall on the use of the newly acquired speedwatch equipment. 14 volunteers have come forward, but training is a requirement for all. (M) It was agreed to include a flier about dog fouling in the next edition of the parish newsletter. Serco (to be contacted through Canterbury City Council) will remove dog mess if notified. 113/15-16 114/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. Receipts: £165 Christmas tree monies and £3.45 from UK Power Networks 115/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Amount Purpose S W Mount and Sons Ltd £498.00 Recreation ground fence and gate Clerk £676.67 Salary and office allowance Bridge Village Hall £196.00 Use of village hall for 2015 Management Committee Helping Hand Company £56.94 3 Litterpickers and 1 Handi hoop for (Including VAT of litterpicking £9.49) Ewart J Clough £780 (including Christmas Trees VAT of £130) Points of information:   All councillors were reminded on the forthcoming training on the Code of Conduct. (14 and 24 March at the Guildhall 17.30-18.30 and 14 and 16 March in the Boardroom from 1011am. Councillors should let the Clerk know which session (if any) they can attend. (ACTION: All) Cllr Fawke will attend the forthcoming Dynamic Councillor training to be held in Wingham Village Hall on 22 February 2016 at 6.30 p.m. The meeting concluded at 9.31 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 February 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 116/15-16 A member of the public addressed the meeting on the subject of minute 112/15-16 (a) from the meeting held on 14 January 2016. 117/15-16 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Cook, attending a Policy and Resources Committee meeting in Canterbury. Present were Cllrs A Atkinson, Sole, Fawke, Corfield, Hodges, Moon, R Atkinson, Brooks and Dhillon. 118/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 119/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 January 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 120/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. The Clerk informed the meeting that:  An electrical certificate has been received for works in the ladies toilet in the pavilion.  A letter has been sent to the Tennis Club regarding the pruning of trees.  No-parking road signs have been purchased jointly with the primary school.  Bridge School have been told of the winning entries for the recreation ground signs.  Drawings for the new path and handrail by the pavilion are awaited from the chosen contractor before work can begin.  It was decided to replace the defective cradle swing with a new swing. Quotations to be gathered and presented to the next meeting (ACTION: Clerk)  Insurance arrangements have been finalised with the parish insurers so that the handyman can begin work.  A meeting is required with the Chair of the BVST to sign the new Memorandum of Understanding between the Parish Council and the BVST. (ACTION: Clerk)  Mole contract with Bounty Pest Control remains in force on a month to month basis pending new arrangements. (ACTION: Clerk) 121/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor (Simon Cook) Cllr Cook’s report was read in absentia. He noted that fly tipping is an increasing issue in the district and the City Council needs to look further at enforcement. Please let him know of any hot spots in the parish. The Rural Areas Advisory Committee ran through consultation responses for the new concurrent function funding scheme showing that the changes were generally well received. They will apply from autumn 2016. The City Council will start a community governance review in 2016 including a look at further devolution of powers to parishes. The city council budget will be discussed at the council meeting on 18 February. 122/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey. KCC has passed its budget for 2016- 2017 showing a 3.99% increase in council tax, occasioned by increasing expenditure in adult social care and grant reductions from central government amounting to £18 million. Front line services are being modified where necessary but remain largely intact. KCC has had to save £430 million in the last 5 years. A KCC committee will decide (on 12 Feb) on the hours of street lighting using the new LED streetlights throughout Kent. The mobile library consultation ends on 4 March. It is proposed that the library will visit Bridge once every fortnight and that borrowers will be able to borrow up to 30 items each. Comments are still welcomed. 123/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground Cllr Hodges noted the list of outstanding tasks has been much reduced. The outstanding items concern the removal of the spare roller, repair to the fence behind the youth shelter, removal of the bag of sand, and the fixing of a plaque to the heritage tree New signs on dog waste will be checked. Cllr Hodges also thanked Mr Barry Bray for his work on the wild flower area. (ACTION: Cllr Fawke and Clerk) The Recreation Ground working party will meet on Saturday 16 April at 9.30 am to prepare the flowerbeds for spring. All help is welcomed. Neighbourhood Plan The next meeting will be on Friday 12 February. Joe Connor, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan group extolled the Wye Neighbourhood Plan (now nearing referendum) and stated that he wished to see the Bridge plan completed (and submitted to Canterbury City Council as required) within this calendar year, otherwise the effort expended in generating the Plan might have been wasted. Village event on 12 June to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday Cllr Dhillon reported that external funding was likely to be limited to about £400 maximum. A costed list of proposals will be presented at the next meeting. In the meantime, keep the day free! 124/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. (1) Meeting held on 26 January to review the proposed new road junction on the A2. The chair had circulated his notes in advance but repeated his concern about the apparent complacency of planners that “all will be fine” at the northern end of Bridge High St. The new junction will be planned by Highways England and funded by housing developers. It will probably be built some 4-5 years after houses have started to be built in South Canterbury. (2) KALC Canterbury Area Committee meeting on 19 January 2016. Minutes had been circulated by Cllr Hodges prior to the meeting. (3) Rural Area Advisory Committee meeting on 25 January. Cllr Dhillon reported on the decisions taken to share funding for the Queen’s event on 12 June between all relevant villages and the decision take to adopt a new scheme for Concurrent Function Funding. (4) Cllr Fawke stated that Speedwatch training for the village on 9 February had been attended by 15 people. New locations for the setting up of equipment were agreed and feedback from Guy Rollinson is required before a formal start can be made. (5) Society of Local Council Clerks regional roadshow. The Clerk reported on the regional roadshow event organised by this professional association on 3 February 2016. 125/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. (a) An update on the Cantley and Brickfields proposals for the village. The Clerk reminded Councillors of documentation recently received from Cantley Estates and previously circulated to Councillors. He also reminded Council of the Parish Council’s response to the Brickfields consultation organised by Canterbury City Council. Council agreed to publish all of the Cantley information on the parish website. Canterbury City Council expect to publish all responses to their recent plan to extend housing sites districtwide within two weeks. (b) Council agreed to fund a first aid course to provide basic life-saving first aid including the use of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Local employers will be invited as a priority and asked for a donation towards the costs which will amount to approx. £225. Cllrs Fawke and Corfield will publicise the event on Facebook and the website once a date has been agreed with the course provider. No decision was taken on the purchase of a defibrillator. (c) Green court proposals. Council agreed to fund the necessary tree survey of the area to see which parcels of the KCC land can be developed. A team of councillors will ask local residents for their views on a range of possible improvements to the landscaping of the area. (d) A contractor who quoted for £2150 of works to upgrade the pavilion kitchen was chosen by the Council. (e) Cllr Brooks outlined the BVST response to the proposed Memorandum of Understanding as expressed at the BVST meeting held on 9 February. The MOU needs to be signed by the relevant signatories. (ACTION: Clerk) (f) A speaker from Speedwatch will be invited to address the Annual Parish Meeting on 28 April 2016. (ACTION Cllr Fawke) (g) Cllr Fawke is awaiting a response from Stagecoach to his recent letter on the pricing of bus services from Bridge to and from Canterbury. The issue has been taken up by Councillor Baker of Canterbury City Council. (ACTION Cllr Fawke) (h) Council agreed to appoint Ian Davison of Wellers Hedley to act on its behalf as the new lease for the Mill Centre is drafted. In the meantime, a tenancy-at-will is to be in place from 1 March 2016 and councillors offered comments on the details, including the use of signs and the state of the property as it is taken over by the Parish Council. These points are to be submitted to the Council’s solicitor by the Clerk. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Parish Council and the Mill Centre Management Committee (MCMC) needs to be drawn up for the duration of the tenancy at will. The MCMC has approached Viridor about possible funding opportunities for the Mill Centre. Refurbishment plans for the centre have been lodged with Canterbury City Council. Only when a detailed schedule of works has been drawn up by the MCMC will Canterbury City Council move towards issuing a new 30 year lease. Bridge Parish Council will use its allocated reserves for the Mill Centre in order to meet legal and running costs as the lease is drawn up and as the tenancy at will unfolds, until the existing MCMC is in a legal position to assume its anticipated responsibilities by the terms of a lease which will be drawn up with the MCMC which will effectively pass on all leaseholder responsibilities to the MCMC from the Parish Council. (ACTION: Clerk) (i) The Clerk was asked to determine the exact status of the path which leads from the school to the pavilion across the recreation ground. New signs are to be erected shortly which will underline the fact that the current Parish Council, like its predecessor, does not wish to see dogs on the recreation ground. The next newsletter will reinforce this message. (j) Cllr R Atkinson noted that on 5 March from 10.30-12.30 there will be a village-wide litter pick involving the beavers and cubs. On Thursday 3 March children from the primary school will be invited to participate in a litter pick on the recreation ground. All these activities will be part of the national “Cleaning for the Queen” project. (k) Cllr Corfield requested copy for the next newsletter by Friday 19 February. It will be published and distributed soon afterwards. (l) Cllrs Atkinson and Fawke are able to attend the Mountfield Park invitation on 4 March for further discussions about the proposed developments in South Canterbury. (m) Council decided to opt in to the proposed auditing arrangements outlined by the Clerk. (n) Previously published proposed amendments to the Council’s financial regulations were adopted. Council also approved capital project funding which will use approximately £2,500 of parish reserves in the Financial Year 2015-2016. (o) The Clerk will write to Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council expressing concern about the disruption caused by simultaneous road closures in the local area and a desire to ensure that further disruption is avoided when scaffolding is removed from the Bekesbourne Railway Bridge site. (ACTION: Clerk) 126/15-16 Tree works in a conservation area (as published in the agenda) were noted. 127/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 128/15-16 Receipts: £250 from Bridge Farmers Market (partial repayment of a start-up donation received in November 2010). 129/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Sue Hodges Sue Hodges Les Barleycorn Mark Larkins Amount £49.24 £676.67 £6.30 £6.95 Purpose Bring Petty Cash up to £50 Salary and Office allowance Travel expenses Wild flower seeds £845.00 £3107.50 Ian Sargent SLCC Bridge Primary School £100.00 £41.40 £63.46 Philip Wicker £27.45 Refurbishment of pavilion toilet 50% of costs for fencing in the recreation ground around the play area One cut/strim and work to saplings Training costs for Regional roadshow Contribution (50%) towards cost of noparking boards) Travel expenses Bridge-Chatham and return SLCC conference 130/15-16 Points of information: 1. The Mill Lane ford is likely to remain closed for at least 4 weeks 2. The Local Government Commission has published revised boundaries for use in the 2017 local elections for Kent County Council which will be posted on village noticeboards. The meeting concluded at 9.36 p.m The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10 March 2016 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall . Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 March 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 131/15-16 Apologies for absence. There were none. Present were Cllrs A Atkinson, Sole, Fawke, Corfield, Hodges, Moon, R Atkinson, Brooks and Dhillon. 132/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Moon declared an interest in item 7 of minute 139/15-16 and Cllrs R and A Atkinson declared an interest in minute 140/15-16. 133/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 February 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 134/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.       Cllr R Atkinson reported that there had been 22 volunteers involved in Cleaning for the Queen on Saturday 12 March. 16 bags of rubbish had been filled. Many new litter picking volunteers had come forward. Cllr Fawke has contacted a number of local businesses about the proposed First Aid course. (ACTION: Clerk to find a date with the provider). There has been no response from Stagecoach to the letter about bus fare charges. Drawings for the new path, ramp and handrail by the pavilion are awaited from the chosen contractor before work can begin. (ACTION: Clerk) Quotations to be gathered and presented to the next meeting about a new metallic cradle swing.(ACTION: Clerk) Guy Rollinson’s feedback has been received. Speedwatch operations can now begin.  published responses received to the recent Canterbury City Council has These are available on the (November 2015) amendment to the local plan. Council’s website.    Works to upgrade the pavilion kitchen may cost in the region of £2,350 rather than the estimated £2,160. This is due to the purchase of tiles and some adjustments to the layout of the kitchen units. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the Mill Centre Management Committee and the Parish Council has yet to be written. The pathway in the recreation ground is not “adopted”. The Parish Council can therefore determine rules concerning dog fouling. 135/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Cllr Cook reported that the local plan might be adopted by the end of 2016. Responses to local plan amendments have been passed to the Inspector. There will be a full waiver of business rates for the Mill Centre. The city centre car parking consultation is complete. A compromise is still sought over the fate of two car parks in the city centre. The budget has been set for 2016-2017 with council tax rising by £4.95 per band D property, slightly above 2%. He outlined that Highways England are responsible for litter picking on the A2 (since the meeting Cllr Cook has asked to address this address again in April 2016 as new information has come to light). No definite plans have been drawn up for housing on the Brickfields site (or of any benefits which might accrue to the village). The allocation of housing on the site (or not) will be decided by the government Inspector of the local plan. 136/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Cllr Northey remains pessimistic about the responsiveness of Highway England to representations about the proposed new junction on the A2. They do not appear to be listening to the argument for 4 exits rather than the 3 proposed. KCC have set the budget for 2016-2017 with a reduction of £118m. Council Tax will rise by just under 4% . Consultations on mobile libraries and street lighting are now closed with decisions on both to be announced shortly. Following questions and statements by Cllr Fawke about the Mountfield Park development in South Canterbury and the effect on traffic in Bridge, it was agreed that the Clerk would write to Cllr Northey requesting a traffic survey which takes into account projected future traffic flows and the use of computerised programmes to complete these predictions. Volunteers might be called upon by the Parish Council to provide accurate figures on current traffic movement in the area of Bridge Hill and the Bekesbourne “triangle”. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr A Atkinson) 137/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground Cllr Hodges noted the list of outstanding tasks has been much reduced. The outstanding items concern the removal of the spare roller, repair to the fence behind the youth shelter, yellow signs on the sandbag store and the levelling of the path near the school, as well as the purchase of new cradle swings. Cllr Fawke will chase up new dog signs with Canterbury City Council. The Recreation Ground working party will meet on Saturday 16 April at 9.30 am to prepare the flowerbeds for spring. All help is welcomed. The new wild flower garden signs will be erected using stakes already belonging to the Parish Council in a location to be decided upon by Cllr Hodges in consultation with the recreation ground committee. A replacement contractor has been engaged to carry out the work needed on the pathway around the pavilion. This arrangement was agreed by all present. Canterbury City Council need to be chased up on the provision of larger litter bins. (ACTION: Clerk) Neighbourhood Plan This item was taken later in the meeting (Minute 139/15-16 refers). Village event on 12 June to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday Cllr Dhillon reported that external funding of £339.33 has been secured so far. Full plans for the event will be shared at the April meeting. A reply is awaited from musicians invited to perform at the event. 138/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. (1) A meeting (26 February) for Parish Council chairs was attended by Cllr A Atkinson. Greg Clark MP stated that plans are afoot to prevent the stalling by District Councils of local parish plans. (2) A meeting on 4 March called by David Lock associates was attended by Cllr Fawke about the proposed Mountfield Park development in South Canterbury. See above minute 136/15-16. A meeting for all stakeholders will be held during the consultation stage. (3) The Chair addressed a poorly attended Bridge School parents evening on 9 March 2016. and reaffirmed Council’s determination to deal with inconsiderate parking in Conyngham Lane. 139/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. 1. To decide upon the wording of a statement from the Parish Council regarding the Neighbourhood Plan (Cllr Atkinson). Council voted against including a statement in the forthcoming housing consultation leaflet which might provide a steer to villagers. The Neighbourhood Plan group has been re-energised of late and is holding regular meetings to complete the plan. 2. To receive an update on the Cantley and Church Meadow housing proposals. A meeting was held with Cantley Estates (8 March) to review the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan and the developing Canterbury Local Plan. No details have yet been received about the number of houses planned for the Church Meadow site. There is no further information available about plans for houses on Brickfields from Canterbury City Council. The Clerk outlined the plans for the consultation events on 20 and 22 March. 3. It was decided to appoint Mown and Grown as the contractor responsible for the mowing of the grass, strimming of long grass (£1850 p.a.) and mole catching (£285 p.a.) on the recreation ground. 4. Council decided it was not appropriate to write to Shepherd Neame about the difficulties experienced by landlords at their tied house in the village. It was felt this was not a responsibility of the Parish Council. 5. A proposal that all Council emails are copied to all Councillors was not voted upon. Cllr Corfield referred to the previous discussion about the conversion of our email system to “imap” away from the current pop3 system. It was resolved to return to this subject as soon as possible, with an invitation to Mr Mark Esdale to address council on the issue. 6. A proposal that all tree applications are passed to the Planning Committee for comment was agreed. 7. Council agreed to a request from Bridge school PTA to have the fireworks display on the recreation ground in November 2016 subject to the same conditions as in November 2015. 8. A Community Warden for Bridge has been appointed by KCC. The Clerk was asked to find out more details and to report at the next meeting. The new Warden will be invited to the Annual Parish Meeting on 28 April and to the next Parish Council meeting. (ACTION: Clerk) 9. To receive an update on Green Court developments. Council considered the comprehensive tree report form Lloyd Bore and decided to appoint a committee of councillors to take the initiative forward at the next meeting. KCC will be asked to remove the trees identified as being dead. 10. Can we improve the digital speed display for drivers as they descend Bridge Hill from Bridge Down? Cllr Fawke explained that to record actual speed the current sign would need to replaced. As the total cost could exceed £5,000 it was not felt appropriate to proceed now. If the speaker from Speedwatch cannot address the forthcoming Annual Parish meeting the Clerk will invite the previously agreed speaker from SECAMB (the ambulance service). 11. Council agreed to support the changes proposed by Canterbury City Council to parking arrangements in Conyngham Lane. 140/15-16 Tree works in a conservation area (as published in the agenda) were noted. 141/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 142/15-16 Receipts: There had been none. 143/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Earth Anchors Amount £1,171.20 Philip Wicker £676.67 Purpose 2 x Picnic benches and fittings (of which £195.20 is VAT) Salary and Office allowance Roger Casement HMRC £191.04 £78.57 Sturry Parish Council £140.40 CPRE Cllr A Atkinson Cllr R Atkinson Cllr S Fawke Mark Larkins £36.00 £240.00 £120.00 £120.00 £4,307.50 Canterbury City Council Savills Client Accounting Wellers Hedley (solicitors) £70.00 £275.00 £380.40 Philip Wicker £10.80 MAS seeds Ltd £150.00 (of which £25 is VAT) £84.00 (of which £14 is VAT) £40.98 (of which 6.83 is VAT) £80.00 £36.00 £360.00 £1,160.00 M.E.Esdale Philip Wicker Ian Sargent Alan Atkinson Lloyd Bore Ltd Les Barleycorn 144/15-16      Recreation ground signs of which £31.84 is VAT Tax of £70.65 owing for tax year 2013-14 and £7.92 owing for 2015-2016 Work of handyman (13 hours and travel allowance) Annual subscription Chair’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Completion of fencing works around the children’s play area (of which £518.34 is VAT) Printing of Spring newsletter Recreation Ground lease Fees for Mill Centre legal costs (of which £62.40 is VAT) Travel expenses to Eastry for payroll advice and support Wild flower perennial plug plants Domain hosting, web site maintenance and spam filter Printer cartridges Final cut and strim (rec gd) Travel expenses Tree survey (Green Court) Interim payment for Kitchen refurb in pavilion Points of information: Cllr Moon asked that “No parking at any time” notices should be placed at all of the bus stops so that parking tickets can be issued. Cllr Moon also tendered his resignation from the Parish Council with effect from 25 March 2016. He will continue to work with the emergency planning group and the Queen’s birthday event on 12 June 2016. He was thanked by all for his services to the Council. The report from PCSO Williams was read out-it highlighted 3 recent incidents including damage to the village clock, fly-tipping and an abandoned vehicle. It was decided to write to Tony Walder to thank him for his work as footpath warden. Cllr Fawke asked that dog signs within the childrens’ playground area should be relocated-a job for the handyman. The Clerk informed Council that the likely budget outturn for 2015-2016 would show an underspend of approximately £2,900. This would not have happened had the contracted works to the pavilion pathway been carried out in this financial year. There is also an outstanding bill of over £1,000 to pay for the refurbishment to the kitchen area of the pavilion. The meeting concluded at 9.20 p.m The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 April 2016 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall . PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 28 APRIL 2016. 7.30 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA Welcome by Alan Atkinson (Chairman, Bridge Parish Council) 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting (30 April 2015) 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2015-16 – Cllr Alan Atkinson b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2016 – Clerk (Philip Wicker) 4. Presentation by Ash Capel of SECAMb (South East and Coastal Ambulance Service) 5. To receive: A report by Kent County Councillor Michael Northey A report by Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook 6. To receive: A report on the Mill Centre (a member of the Mill Centre Committee) A report on the Neighbourhood Plan by Joe Connor, Chairman Neighbourhood Plan Committee 7. Any other business concerned with parish affairs Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 28 APRIL 2016. 7.30 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA Welcome by Alan Atkinson (Chairman, Bridge Parish Council) 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting (30 April 2015) 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2015-16 – Cllr Alan Atkinson b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2016 – Clerk (Philip Wicker) 4. Presentation by Ash Capel of SECAMb (South East and Coastal Ambulance Service) 5. To receive: A report by Kent County Councillor Michael Northey A report by Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook 6. To receive: A report on the Mill Centre (a member of the Mill Centre Committee) A report on the Neighbourhood Plan by Joe Connor, Chairman Neighbourhood Plan Committee 7. Any other business concerned with parish affairs Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 April 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. 145/15-16 Chris Jelly of Walkers are Welcome outlined proposals for Elham valley walks on 4 and 5 June 2016. The Council will decide at its next meeting whether to participate in funding this venture once further details have been forwarded to councillors. (ACTION: Clerk) 146/15-16 Apologies for absence. Cllrs Northey (Kent County Council) and Dhillon. Present were Cllrs A Atkinson, Sole, Fawke, Corfield, Hodges, R Atkinson, Brooks. 147/15-16 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests-there were none. 148/15-16 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 March 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 149/15-16 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. 5 Speedwatch sessions have already been organised using the newly purchased equipment. The Chair reported on a meeting ( 9 March 2016) with the PTA at Bridge school on the subject of changing attitudes of inconsiderate parkers who deliver children to the school from various sites in the village. 28 volunteers were thanked for taking part in the litter pick on the Clean for the Queen event (5/6 March 2016). 24 bags of rubbish were collected. A similar event is to be organised at about the same time as the Queen’s birthday party on 12 June 2016. Canterbury City council has no plans to increase the number or size of litter bins in the village due to financial pressures. Council agreed that new litter bins might form the subject of a future RAMP application, with a review of the number and location of the bins in the recreation ground to be carried out. (ACTION: Cllr R Atkinson) Council agreed to replace the timber cradle swings with a steel framed set of cradle swings from Wicksteed at the cost (ex VAT) of £3,253.95. The Clerk will now order. (ACTION: Clerk) Council agreed to run the proposed first aid in the village on Tuesday 10 May. The Clerk will liaise with the course provider and book a venue. Cllr Fawke will recontact the businesses he spoke to previously. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Fawke) Cllr Brooks reported that the skateboarding day (19 March 2016) had been a great success with a wide age range of youngsters taking part. A proposal to run a similar event next year would need to be considered by the Parish Council as it looks towards application for RAMP funding form Canterbury City Council. (ACTION: Cllr Brooks). Canterbury City Council have yet to be asked to remove the dead trees identified ion the Lloyd Bore tree report on Green Court area. (ACTION: Clerk) There is likely to be a small surplus of income over expenditure reported in the Parish Council accounts, due to the late start of projects scheduled for 2015-2016. 150/15-16 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Cook. Cleaning of the A2 is the responsibility of the City Council (and not the Highways Agency as reported at the March meeting). There will be an A2 littler pick in May. Cllr Cook explained many of the impediments Canterbury City Council faces to finding an effective cheap and practical solution to the cleaning of the A2 highway and verges. Canterbury City Council is considering a combined approach with neighbouring authorities which share the A2. Most of the litter problems on the A2 are generated by users of the lay bys. Enforcing littering is extremely difficult given the transitory and often long distances travelled by many of the vehicles using them. A meeting with Julian Brazier MP has been held to emphasise the importance on cleaning litter on the A2 to the Highways Agency and ultimately to the Transport Secretary. More bins may be provided on the A2. Cllr Sole asked if revenue raised from housing developments could be used to fund better litter control on the highway. New parking arrangements In Canterbury City have now been introduced. It is now possible to register for online parking payments. Cllr Cook concluded by referring to forthcoming discussion to be held with Parish Council and the City about the devolution of powers to more local communities-something he is in favour of. Planning applications might be devolved to Parish Councils, but Cllr Sole wanted to know how appeals would be resolved and whether or not a proportion of the City Council’s legal services department would also be devolved. Cllr Cook resolved to look into this and Cllr Sole’s point about developer contributions. (ACTION: Cllr Cook) 151/15-16 Report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Cllr Northey’s written report focused on the need to ensure the road layout of the new junction on the A2 meets the needs of villagers and also on the forthcoming resurfacing of the road from Littlebourne to the A2. 152/15-16 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground. Cllr Hodges reviewed and reallocated jobs on the list of outstanding jobs. It was agreed to dispose of the roller which does not work. A letter is required to the BVST regarding the state of cleanliness expected in the Sports Pavilion. (ACTION: Clerk) Neighbourhood Plan- taken under Matters for Discussion and Action-see below item 7 (b) Village event on 12 June to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday: Cllr Dhillon’s written report listed the proposed activities. A decision has yet to be taken about a gift for children on the day. Volunteers are also needed. 153/15-16 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. The Chair reported that funding has become available for the development of Temporary Relief plans for Bridge. This means that the emergency/instant response plans put together after the 2014 floods will be embedded with equipment purchased and stored for emergency deployment in Bridge. This will free up resources for other Nail Bourne villages. 154/15-16 Matters for discussion and action. Item 9 (1) A unanimous agreement was given to the motion proposed by Cllr A Atkinson and seconded by Cllr Brooks that “Bridge Parish hereby grants itself a dispensation from the declaration of pecuniary interests with regard to the current 6 housing development proposals in the village”. The clerk outlined the legal advice received from the Kent Association of Local Council’s on this matter and informed councillors that the dispensation will be in force for a maximum of 4 years. The Clerk will seek clarification about the need for dispensations if the number of sites falls from the current 6 to a smaller number. (ACTION: Clerk) Item 7 (b) Joe Connor, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Group spoke of the next steps to be taken by the Neighbourhood Plan group in light of the preferences expressed in the recent housing consultation. (166 villagers had expressed their preferences; 14% of the electorate). The raw data from this consultation will be published as soon as possible. It will also be available from the Clerk for those without internet access. Joe Connor will also transcribe all of the comments received as part of the recent consultation for members of the Neighbourhood Plan group. Item 9 (2) The Clerk was asked to forward all correspondence received from villagers to the planning department at Canterbury regarding the proposed Mountfield development (currently the subject of a display in the Parish Church). Councillors will forward their own comments to the Clerk who then collate the Parish Council responses, circulate the draft response to all councillors and despatch to the planning authority in time for the 22 April deadline. Places are still available for villagers and councillors who wish to attend the stakeholders meeting scheduled for 7 May 2016 at The Spitfire Cricket ground in Canterbury. Contact the Clerk if interested. Item 9 (3) There has been no further news about the new Local Community warden. Item 9 (4) Council agreed to write to all residents of Green Court and relevant areas of Western Avenue to seek their involvement in the a working party which will be set to look into plans for improving aspects of the area in the light of the recent tree report which is to be uploaded to the website and which can also be viewed at the parish office by appointment with the Clerk. Cllrs Fawke and Sole offered to take part as members of the Parish Council. (ACTION: Clerk) Item 9 (5) Councillors were encouraged to submit returns via the Clerk to the KCC consultation on flooding and bus services. (The proposed changes to the bus services appears to have no effect on Bridge itself).The Lower Stour and Nail Bourne River Group has already responded to the flood consultation. Item 9 (6) The Clerk outlined the process for the election or co-option of a new Councillor to replace Mr Moon. Cllr Hodges’ offer to join the Planning subcommittee was endorsed by all councillors. Item 9 (7) The Emergency Plan was readopted. It will be updated by Cllr A Atkinson and placed on the village website. (ACTION: Chair) Item 9 (8) It was agreed to invite representatives of the Mill Centre and Neighbourhood Plan committees to update villagers on the work of their groups at the Annual Parish meeting on 28 April 2016. The Chair will organise refreshments. Other aspects of the proposed running order were agreed. Item 9 (9) The latest developments in the drawing up of the lease to the Parish Council were outlined. Difficulties have arisen over the exact boundary of the property. These still require resolution. It is hoped that further progress will be made by the next meeting with Canterbury City Council on 12 May 2016. Item 9 (10) The kitchen is now fully completed in the pavilion. An electrical certificate has been received in connection with these works. Item 9 (11) It was agreed to raise the Clerk’s remuneration from 1 April 2016 to point 19 of the Clerk’s pay scale 155/15-16 Tree works in a conservation area were covered by the planning committee. 156/15-16 The Correspondence list was noted. 157/15-16 Receipts were noted as follows: £35.80 for refreshments sold at the skateboarding event on 19 March 2016 and £3016.75 received by BACS being the Concurrent Function Funding award from Canterbury City Council for 2016-2017. 158/15-16 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Wellers Hedleys Canterbury City Council Sturry Parish Council Les Barleycorn Helping Hand Amount £633-60 £79.60 £124.60 £1,094.95 £25.63 Cllr Brooks KALC Philip Wicker SLCC KALC Ian Sargent £126.61 £72.00 £676.67 £118.00 £534.24 £97.95 Purpose Legal work-Mill Centre lease Neighbourhood Plan leaflet Handyman work on the recreation ground Pavilion works-Kitchen Litter picking equipment (£21.36 + VAT of £4.27) Confectionery for Skateboarding day Chair’s conference attendance Salary and office allowance SLCC subs KALC subs (£445.20 + VAT of £89.04) Cut of recreation ground and mole trap setting *Bold font in the above table indicates the payments were made in March in order to clear the funds before the end of the financial year. 159/15-16 Points of information: a) To note the Post Office relocation proposal (consultation closes on 29 April 2016). Councillors should respond individually rather than collectively. b) The Bank Mandate with Lloyd’s bank has now been fully updated. c) Councillors should express their interest in attending the Mountfield consultation on 7 May by 5.00 p.m. on Monday 18 April d) The CPRE Kent association meeting will take place on 5 May at 7.30 in Ickham. The meeting concluded at 8.58 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall . Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 May 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Prior to the official business being conducted, Mr Danny Scullion the new Local Community Volunteer Warden introduced himself to the meeting. His post is for a trial 6 month period. He can be contacted on 07703 454190. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson, Fawke, R Atkinson, Brooks, Dhillon Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Corfield, Hodges and Sole 1/16-17 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2016- 2017. Cllr Atkinson was proposed as Chairman by Cllr Fawke and seconded Cllr Dhillon and elected unanimously. Cllr Fawke was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Rosemary Atkinson seconded by Cllr Brook and elected unanimously. 2/15-16 Areas of Responsibility to Committees and Outside Bodies Councillors’ new responsibilities were agreed, see list below. Some of the remaining vacancies will be filled on the appointment of a co-opted councillor. Cllr Brooks is no longer on the Mill Centre Management Committee. 3/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests-there were none. 4/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 April 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 5/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. Cllr A Atkinson to update the Emergency Plan policy and upload to the website The new cradle swings have been ordered from Wicksteeds The First Aid course ran on 10 May Kent County Council have yet to remove the dead trees in Ford Close Further guidance is still sought on the dispensation for councillors to discuss housing issues. (ACTION: Clerk) 6/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Cook. a) b) c) d) e) The Mill Centre lease is making headway. Cllr Cook attended the recent Mountfield Park consultation event and felt that there was more to be discussed, but that an attempt is being made to listen to local representations. He thanked the Parish Council for offering local cubs and beavers the opportunity to plant flowers on the recreation ground. 7/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey (KCC) Kent County Council is pleased that the forced academisation of schools has been dropped. He updated the meeting on the circumstances to be used henceforth when schools can be forced into this status. 72% of Kent’s secondary schools are academies and 27 % of primaries. 8/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground. Having reviewed recent vandalism in the pavilion area it was decided to return to the issue at the next meeting. The Clerk will look into the cost and practicality of installing security equipment. Cllr Hodges’ thanks to many different groups involved in the maintenance of the recreation ground were passed on. The handyman will be engaged to carry out the tasks highlighted in the meetingsuch as the repositioning of the no dogs sign in the children’s play area. Danny Scullion (Kent Community Local Volunteer Warden) will be briefed about current security concerns. (ACTION: Clerk) Neighbourhood Plan: The Clerk reported that the plan is being redrafted with the additional of a section on housing following the recent village consultation. The next meeting is on 27 May. Notification of a grant to assist in the process of developing the plan is awaited. Village event on 12 June to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday: Cllr Dhillon reported that all is in hand and thanked Mr Moon for his assistance. Volunteers will be needed on the day. An email about the event will be sent to all councillors 2 weeks prior to the event. Cllr Cook agreed to arrange for a litter pick by the Cubs and Beavers from 4.30-6.30 9/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Minutes from various bodies had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Atkinson reported on the meeting (7 May 2016) regarding the Mountfield development. He expressed concerns about the implications for the road layout at the Town Hill junction with Bridge Hill and also about the proposed new junction on the A2. More meetings are needed about this and he hoped that Kent County Council would be represented at them. Cllr Atkinson felt the impact of the new development in the area of Bridge south of Town Hill had not been properly considered. Cllr Northey expressed a wish to be kept informed of all future meetings. Council agreed to provide up to £400 to assist with an independent review of the traffic data underlying the Mountfield proposals. The findings of this review will be ready for the Parish Council to make its formal response to the proposals (by 27 May 2016). (ACTION: Clerk and Chair) Cllr Brooks reported that the BVST had met on 19 April (minutes are as yet unavailable. The BVST are aware of damage to windows, the malfunctioning of the male toilet and the problems arising from the unclean state in which the pavilion can be left by sporting groups. The next BVST meeting is on 19 July. A letter is to be sent to the BVST clarifying the Parish Council’s interpretation of relevant aspects of the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding. (ACTION: Clerk) Cllr Fawke reported on the recent AGM of the allotment association. 10/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. (1) Council agreed to renew the Parish Council insurance with Came and Company as per the previously circulated notice of renewal. (2) Following discussion with Mr Esdale, Council agreed to adopt a central archive email box at £20 for 1 gigabyte of emails. Parish Council policy on how long emails are to be retained is to be reviewed. Mr Esdale offered to improve spam filters for councillors. (ACTION: Mr Esdale and Clerk) (3) Council agreed to allow the school to use the recreation ground for parking on the day of the school fete. A letter will be sent by the clerk setting out the terms and conditions. (ACTION: Clerk) (4) A new parish councillor will be co-opted at a special meeting on 7 June in the Hunter Room at 7.00 p.m. Applicants will be invited to complete a form by Friday 3 June. Notices will be published to villagers about this as soon as possible. (5) The Parish Council will respond to the formal outline planning application on the Mountfield site. It will be drafted by the Clerk to incorporate all the opinions of parish councillors. Discussion took place about the provision of school places in Kent and in particular in response to the Mountfield development. 500 houses will need to be built and occupied before a decision will be taken about the building of a new primary school. The new road junction on the A2 will be built at the start of the development process. Concerns over the traffic implications are ongoing-the Chair will meet again with the Chair of Bekesbourne Parish Council and the South Canterbury Alliance to discuss further. Bridge Parish Council will request a meeting with Marisa White of KCC through Cllr Northey on the (ACTION: Clerk, Chair and Cllr Northey) issue of school places. (6) The recent Kent Association of Local Councils’ award to former Cllr John Hill was noted. (7) 2 separate RAMP (Rural Area Member Panel) applications will be made to Canterbury City Council for funding to assist with the purchase of traffic signs and litter bins for the recreation ground and the Bekebsourne layby. This will done in time for the June RAMP meeting. (ACTION: Clerk) (8) Council agreed to adopt Cllr Corfield’s written suggestion about conducting a health and safety review of the playground. The council will not renew its contract with the Play Inspection company to conduct the annual survey of the safety of the playground equipment. (ACTION: Recreation Ground Councillors) (9) The Clerk reported on recent delays in the drawing up of the Mill Centre lease. (10) The item on the pavilion was discussed under item 7 (see above) (11) The safety of access to the Higham lane bus was discussed The Clerk will take these matters up with the KCC Highways steward. However, the bus shelter is officially with the boundary of the parish of Bishopsbourne. (ACTION: Clerk) (12) Council resolved decided not to support non Bridge activities with Parish Council fundssuch as the Elham Valley walking festival. (13) Databases currently held on the parish website regarding clubs and societies will be merged by Mr Esdale. He will incorporate an automatic emailing system so that the information is kept up to (ACTION: Mr Esdale) date. 11/16-17 Tree works in a conservation area were covered by the planning committee. 12/16-17 The Correspondence list was noted. 13/16-17 Receipts were noted as follows: £31,075 Precept and Grant funding from Canterbury City Council; £333.39 RAAC fund (Queen’s birthday event); £300 from KCC members grant for Queen’s birthday celebrations. 14/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Amount Purpose HMRC £120.00 Taxation on councillor’s allowances Came and Company £1,697.51 Council’s insurance policy Philip Wicker £37.48 2 black ink cartridges Kent County Playing fields £20.00 Subscription for 2016 association Bounty Pest Control £81.12 Mole catching on the Recreation ground Cllr Alan Atkinson £112.18 Refreshments for Annual Parish meeting-taken from Chair’s allowance Cllr Hodges £15.92 Wild Flower project Philip Wicker £744.97 Salary and office allowance Cllr Hodges £4.50 Mileage Ian Sargent (Mown and £195.90 2 cuts and inspection and resetting of mole traps grown) 15/16-17 Points of Information  Proposals for a solar panel farm in Bridge and Nackington have been revived by the developer-the Clerk will circulate relevant previous Parish Council correspondence to councillors. If necessary, the planning committee will meet prior to the next formal meeting scheduled for 9 June. (ACTION: Clerk)  Road signs discouraging heavy goods vehicles to use unsuitable roads will be discussed at the next meeting. The meeting concluded at 9.30 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9 June 2016 at 7.30 p.m in Bridge Village Hall RESPONSIBILITY ACRA (Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Association Allotment Association Art in Bridge Bridge in Bloom Bridge Primary School Liaison Bridge Village Sports Trust Christmas trees coordination Emergency Planning Committee Environment – Footpaths Environment – PROW Warden Environment -Tree Warden Finance Committee Financial Controls/monthly oversight Flood Warden Kent Assoc of Local Councils – Canterbury Litter Picking Co-ordination Mill Centre Management Committee Little Stour & Nailbourne River Man Group Neighbourhood Plan Committee Newsletter Editor Planning Committee Police Liaison Recreation Ground Committee Rural Area Member Panel Meetings SCA (South Canterbury Alliance) Snow Clearance Co-ordination Speedwatch Co-ordination Village Hall Management Committee Village Website Welcome pack Wild Flower Project Cllr Fawke COUNCILLOR/S Cllr Fawke Cllr Corfield Cllrs R Atkinson and Brooks Cllrs Hodges and Brooks Cllr Brooks Mr Mark Esdale Cllrs Fawke, A Atkinson and Dhillon Mr Richard McCarthy Planning Committee to decide All Parish Councillors Cllr Sole Emergency Planning Committee Cllrs Hodges and A Atkinson Cllr R Atkinson Cllr A Atkinson Cllrs Hodges, A Atkinson, R Atkinson and Fawke Cllr Corfield Cllrs Corfield, Hodges and Fawke (Chair) Cllrs Hodges, Brooks, R Atkinson, Dhillon Cllr Fawke Cllr Fawke Emergency Planning Committee Cllrs Fawke and Dhillon Cllr Corfield and Mr Mark Esdale Cllr R Atkinson Cllr Hodges Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9 June 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson, Fawke, R Atkinson, Brooks, Dhillon, Hodges and Sole Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield Before the formal start of the meeting, a villager spoke of his disappointment that Town Hill had not been resurfaced at the same time as Bifrons Hill. Cllr Paul Davies was welcomed to the Parish Council as the newly co-opted member. 20/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests-there were none. 21/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 May 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 22/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. The Clerk reported that  New metal swings to be installed on the recreation ground in the first week of July 2016. Total cost £3,253.95.  We await a response from Monitoring officer at Canterbury City Council about dispensations for Councillors to discuss housing matters in the Neighbourhood Plan as a result of the recent village wide consultation.  No dogs signs on the recreation ground have been repositioned.  Danny Scullion (the Volunteer Local Warden) was briefed on 8 June about security and litter concerns on the recreation ground.  Traffic review findings were used in Mountfield response  BVST letter sent. Rental received and banked in June 2016.  Correspondence underway with Cllr Northey about questions to be put to Marisa White of Kent County Council Education department.  Rural area panel applications were made by the Clerk in time for the 20 June meeting  Kent County Council has reported to the Clerk on their previous involvement with the Higham Lane bus shelter.  The Parish databases on clubs, societies and contact details are being merged. Cllrs Fawke and Sole reported on a recent meeting with residents in green Court, Western Avenue and Ford Close. A project for the improvement of the public open space in Green Court is likely to come forward from residents within the next two weeks. Ford Close residents are forming a Residents’ Association. 24/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Cook. A litter pick on the A2 has been completed, collecting some 10.5 tons of litter. The Mountfield housing project for 4,000 new houses in Southern Canterbury is likely to come before the City Council planning committee in the autumn of 2016. Given the high number of responses received to the consultation, residents associations are likely to be asked to speak at the committee meeting, though this has not yet been finally decided. The enforcement of parking restrictions is the responsibility of the police on Highway England roads, which includes all slip roads to the A2. Cllr Cook undertook to ask the parking enforcement section at Canterbury City Council to enforce parking restrictions on Coldharbour Lane. There has been very little information from Redbridge about the date on which new residents can be expected at Howe barracks, though there appear to be sufficient spaces in Littlebourne and Pilgrim’s Way primary schools to cope. ACTION: Cllr Cook 25/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey (KCC) Given that flooding and drainage are the responsibility of Kent County Council, Cllr Northey’s report began with a discussion of the recent flash flood in the village. The landlord of the White Horse was invited to speak about the events of Tuesday 8 June. 1.5 inches of rain fell in 20 minutes. The flooding in the White Horse has led to the loss of 9 jobs as well as damage to a building that had just completed a refurbishment worth £125,000. He thanked villagers and the fire service for their excellent support. The pub will open again in 6-8 weeks, though the closure will mean great inconvenience to clients and a significant loss of earnings. He asked why the drains had proved to be so inadequate when it is well known that Bride suffers from flood risk. Cllr Northey responded that he sympathised fully with the predicament of the White Horse and would find out as soon as possible from Kent County Council what had happened and why. Cllr Fawke emphasised that a camera is needed to inspect the full run of the drains in the affected area and that sucking silt from manholes is not sufficient. The Parish Council will send a list of affected properties to Cllr Northey and to the fire service and also to Kathryn Moreton of Kent Highways. Cllr Davies reminded the meeting he has been waiting for one year for a plan of the drains in the affected area. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting. Cllr Northey mentioned that there are 1/3 million drains in Kent which are inspected on a 2 year cycle. He also reported on the different types of road surfacing used by Kent, ranging from surface treatment to micro asphalting and to machine resurfacing. Kent County Council has received an extra £1.4 million to repair potholes in 2016- 2017. It is expecting to spend 3 times as much as last year on these repairs. The total sum to be spent on road repairs this financial year is about £3.6million. Potholes should be reported via the Highways section of the Kent County Council website. They are mostly completed within 14 days of being notified. ACTION: Cllr Northey and Clerk 26/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Cllr Hodges updated the meeting on the list of jobs to be carried out on the recreation ground. The full list of outstanding jobs as of 15 June 2016 is attached to theses minutes. She thanked the Girl Guides for their recent work planting bulbs. Neighbourhood Plan: Joe Connor reported that a grant of nearly £7,000 has been received from the Department of Communities and Local Government to help the committee to bring the Plan to a state which can then be put out for a public vote. It is hoped to have the task completed within the next 6 months with the help of an expert consultant who has been engaged. Village event on 12 June to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday: Cllr Dhillon reminded councillors of the tasks to be carried out. Councillors agreed to pay the expenses of performers before the next formal meeting of the Parish Council, as long as such spending remained within the amounts received through public grants from Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council (approx. £600). 27/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. There were none. 23/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. (1) A resolution was passed unanimously to approve the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2015-2016 (Section 1 of the form) (2) A further resolution was passed unanimously to approve the accounting statement on the Annual Return for 2015-2016 (Section 2 of the form) (3) The report of the internal auditor for 2015-2016 was noted and approved by the entire Parish Council. (4) The Clerk reported that despite anxieties raised by a local resident, Southern Housing Group continues to apply local connections criteria to current and future tenants of Brickfields Close. Cllr Cook said the next meeting of the Rural Area Panel on 20 June is to include a report on “local connection” schemes such as the one in Bridge. (5) It was decided to raise further the issue of the funding of new road signs discouraging HGV’s on village roads with Cllr Northey to see if they could be funded in a similar way to those planned for ACTION: Clerk Lower Hardres Parish Council. Funding could also be sought from Gomez Ltd. (6) Council asked the Clerk to devise a policy on the issue of the retention and storage of emails and other public documents. The transfer to the new email system has begun, though it is advisable for address books and diaries to be backed up before the migration takes place on councillors’ ACTION: Clerk computers. (7) Councillors were reminded of the personal responses sought by Canterbury City Council to its consultation on Public Space Protection Orders. Cllr Sole has completed the response form online in a minimal amount of time. (8) Council agreed to consider further options regarding the security of the pavilion. A CCTV estimate from a local supplier was considered. A further 2 quotes will be sought by the Clerk. The tennis club will also be approached to see what security services they use. Cllr Brooks will look into the minutes of BVST meetings regarding pavilion security. It was agreed that the BVST needs to be included in discussions about pavilion security, including a potential contribution from that body towards the cost of security measures. It was also suggested that shutters could be fitted as an alternative to expensive CCTV equipment. A quotation for shutters will be sought. ACTION: Cllr Brooks and Clerk (9) An update on the current state of the Mill Centre lease negotiations was provided by the Chair and the Clerk. Canterbury City Council have stated that they will have a lease for Bridge Parish Council to consider at its July meeting. This undertaking has also been made to the leader of the City Council Simon Cook. The management committee of the Mill Centre now has charitable status enabling it to raise funds once the final lease has been agreed. Cllr Cook said a solution has apparently been found to the linkage of the lease terms to the raising of funds as well as to the completion of the building works. 28/16-17 Tree works in a conservation area were covered by the planning committee. 29/16-17 The Correspondence list was noted. 30/16-17 Receipts were noted as follows: None. 31/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Kevin Funnell Philip Wicker Amount £75 £710.82 Sturry Parish Council KALC £63.39 £72 Purpose (Internal audit) (Salary and office allowance) Handyman costs (recreation ground) (Clerks Conference) LSNRMG Wicksteed £20 £340.03 Subscription for 2016-2017 Swing repairs 32/16-17 Points of Information: There will be a litter pick on the recreation ground after the Queen’s party event on 12 June. The meeting concluded at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 July 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Bridge Recreation Ground –Remaining Issues in need of Resolution Pavilion Topic Pavilion Uneven and Issue Resolution Replace with raised broken slabs to and round the pavilion and sand bag store. Health and Safety reasons by RGC & VG Vandalism to the windows of the pavilion. Condition deteriorating. Need to repair male toilet. Replacement concrete over whole area including ramp to front door and folding ramp to French windows. Use existing paving as hard core. BVST aware 2 x Paper Safety Inspection of Play Equipment Further damage to two swings Action Necessa y Checked for Towel Dispensers needed Chewing gum on floor of main corridor Unfixed mirror in one of the changing rooms Old cupboard in one changing room Shower curtain needs to be put back in place Some medium risk areas identified. Seriousness of faults not stressed in report. STILL IN USE! NEEDS SIGN ON DOOR/CLOSE BVST aware BVST aware Contractor chosen July 2016 Cost? When? (£4,200 quote) drawings needed to clarify handrail and paths Work to start July 2016 Investigate use of Security Cameras Discuss at PC meeting 14/07/2016 when more quotes available An accident waiting to happen? Swings removed Repair by Wicksteeds and handyman Cost £283.36 + VAT which is reclaimable. Work to take place by handyman. New cradle swings to arrive in July 2016. One additional “No Dogs” sign needed by large school gate Signage for sand bag store Uneven path by large school gates Narrow shelf and rack to hang garden tools at left hand side of sand bag store Fence between recreation ground and Doctor’s Surgery. Available CCC? Damaged Replacement Litter bins on recreation ground Litter bins too small Replace 2 Order 3 re designed signs Dangerous Tools on the floor a Health and Safety issue. Moles in flower bed next to large school gates Catch on small gate by river vandalised. Cllr Hodges July 2016 Fix shelf with hooks to hang tools. Made safe by PD 10/06/16 SF ordered “No Dogs” sign from CCC 16/11/15. SF to chase CCC. Clerk Employ handyman PD investigating Handyman measured area 25/05/16. Job in progress. Posts in place 02/06/16. Old wire in sand bag store Unfinished 02/06/16. Clerk in discussions with Doctor’s Surgery Cost £215 each. RAMP funding sought to contribute to the cost of one bin. Redistribution of spare bins. Handyman? Contact Ian Sargent Clerk? Eventual replacement. Discussion about replacement 14/07/16 Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Tuesday 7 June 2016 at 7.00 p.m. in the Hunter Room. 16/16-17 Apologies were received from Councillors Corfield and Councillor Dhillon. Present were Councillors A Atkinson, R Atkinson, K Brooks, M Sole, S Fawke, S Hodges 17/16-17 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items 18/16-17 Co-option of a new Councillor. The Chair explained the proposed method of voting for the election of new councillor. He proposed that the meeting should be held “in camera” and this was seconded by Cllr Brooks and agreed to by all present. Voting took place on the 4 applications received. Paul Davies was elected by a majority on the first round of voting. He will be invited to attend the next PC meeting on 9 June and will be invited to discuss his specific contribution to the council prior the meeting on 9 June with the Chair. The Clerk will inform all 4 candidates of the outcome of the election with an offer to the unsuccessful candidates of ways in which they can contribute to the life of the village if they wish to become involved. ACTION: Clerk and Chair 19/16-17 Points of information. There were none. The meeting finished at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9 June 2016 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 July 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson, Fawke, R Atkinson, Dhillon, Hodges, Davies and Corfield 33/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Sole and from Cllr Brooks who has resigned. The meeting began with a presentation from a villager about recent cutting of hedges on the public highway in Bridge which appeared to have contravened the law on the obligation to preserve nesting birds’ interests at least until 31 August. Cllr Cook agreed to look into the allegation on behalf of Canterbury City Council. (ACTION: Cllr Cook) 34/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 35/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 June 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed and dated by the Chairman. 36/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  The Clerk reported that new swings are to be installed on the recreation ground by the end of July. Total cost £3, 253.95. It is hoped to get the Wicksteed contractors on site to replace the parts now received to repair the broken swings.  An oral response from the Monitoring Officer at Canterbury City Council explained that a general dispensation for Councillors from Declarations of personal and pecuniary interests always requires a rationale. Assuming proposed housing sites have been whittled down, the existing rationale should be revisited. On the basis of advice received, the Clerk suggested Councillors wait to see what happens with the proposed Brickfields development (to be decided upon by the Local Planning Inspector) as this could influence other housing proposals and therefore the need to revisit the rationale for the existing general dispensation.  Cllr Corfield will look into who is merging the parish website databases regarding village groups. 37/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook In light of comments made under 36/16-17, Cllr Cook undertook to ensure that the Estates department at the City Council communicates and synchronises its activities with all other potential house developers to ensure that all parties are fully apprised of developments regarding potential house building on the Brickfields site. He referred to the recent Joint Transport Board (JTB) meeting (involving Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council) when a resolution was passed to conduct a full inspection of those drains in the village which have contributed to recent flooding events. The Local Planning Inspector (working on the Canterbury Local Plan) resumes his work next week continuing into September. Canterbury Policy and Resources committee has recommended investigation of a potential merger of all 5 East Kent District Councils. It should be clear by the end of July if all 5 of the councils agree. If agreed, consultation will then follow with interested parties (including Bridge Parish Council) about potential devolution of some aspects of current Canterbury City responsibilities. If waste bins are not emptied on time, leave them out and contact Cllr Cook if they remain unemptied after several days. The Area Members Panel has contributed £90 to the purchase of traffic cones and £1,000 towards the renovation of the Parish Church. He apologised for the delays encountered by the Parish Council in trying to secure a lease on the Mill Centre, and responded sympathetically to complaints raised by a number of councillors about the damage caused to waste and food bins by the current waste contractors, caused by excessive speed in trying to empty waste bins. 38/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey has contributed £10,000 of his members fund towards the renovation of the Parish Church. Kent County Council flood drainage team is now looking into the problems we face in Bridge (see below in this section). He concluded by praising the 83% of schools in Kent now Ofsted “Good or Outstanding” and the Key Stage 2 test results in Kent primaries which have outperformed their national counterparts by 5%. Kent Highways is about to tackle road signage problems (cleanliness and vegetation overgrowth) with a clear focus on road safety. There will be an extra weed spray this year (compared with last) on designated areas. Extra funding has also been allocated to the “find and fix” pothole programme. Agenda item 9 (6) on flooding and drainage was taken at this point. Kevin Gore, Team Leader for Kent’s planned drainage works responded to questions posed by Councillors. He was unaware of the JTB promise (see above 36/16-17) made of a full survey. June 2016 was the wettest June for the last 10 years and assuming drains were all functioning correctly, the village drainage system is designed to withstand a 1 in 10 year weather event. Councillors pointed out the drains do not work properly and therefore this figure is not relevant. As a flood hot spot, drains in the High St and Bridge Hill will be cleaned every 6 months rather than annually. Councillors offered to assist with the enforcement of no parking restrictions prior to draining clearing activity assuming Kent Highways give sufficient advance warning. A drainage pipe recently severed by British Telecom north of Aunt Betsy’s Hill will take 7-8 months to repair. Mr Gore was unaware of the severity of the flooding problems in Bridge as there had not been many complaints registered on the KCC website. He said that for action to be taken quickly, KCC highways relies on the number of complaints received. He will contact Mr Chris Maw (Kent Highways) about supplying new sandbags for the village. He could not give a timescale for the proposed drains survey as there is only one CCTV system to cover the whole of Kent highways. If possible he will reschedule the plans for Bridge to respond to the imminent threats caused by heavy downpours. Any villagers with any complaints about flooding or drainage should contact 03000 418181 or visit www.kent.gov.uk/highways. 39/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Cllr Hodges went through a list of outstanding jobs on the recreation ground. Cllr Fawke reported that “no dog” signs will shortly be provided by Canterbury City Council. It was resolved to reiterate on the parish website (and Facebook page) that dogs are not allowed on the recreation ground. Cllr Davies will replace Cllr Brooks as the BVST representative at least until a new councillor is co-opted. Local residents will be encouraged to develop the flower bed underneath the village sign. There will be a working party on the recreation ground to prepare for the autumn on Saturday 1 October from 9.00 am. All villagers are welcome. (Action: Clerk) Neighbourhood Plan: Prof Connor spoke of recent activity and especially the impetus provided to the plan by planning consultant Jim Boot. Useful consultation had been carried out at the village fete on 25 June and a meeting is scheduled in late June with Canterbury City Council about the Neighbourhood Plan. The group now has a number of regular planned meetings to ensure the plan ca be presented to Canterbury City Council by the end of 2016. 40/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Cllr Hodges reported on the KALC AGM held on 12 July, where the main speaker had talked about growing devolution plans for Parish Councils. Cllr A Atkinson reported on the JTB meeting highlighted in 36/16-17 above. 41/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Advisory signs regarding HGV lorries using Station Rd will soon be fitted on the High St now that payment has been secured through Kent County Council. 2. The proposed policy on retention of documents is to be redistributed to all councillors. (Action: Clerk) 3. Shutters are no longer being considered for the pavilion. Quotes for better quality glazing are to be sought by the BVST (Bridge Village Sports Trust) and paid for by the Parish Council if necessary. 4. It is hoped to sign off the Mill Centre lease at the meeting of the Parish Council on 8 September 2016. The draft is with the Council’s solicitor. 5. Following an update from Cllr Fawke on issues identified by residents, it was agreed to proceed with an application for tree works in both Green Court and Ford Close. A representative from Kent Wildlife Trust will be invited to offer advice on the Ford Close developments. A plan of all other proposed developments will be presented to all councillors by September 1 2016 so that other options can be decided upon at the September meeting. (Action Cllrs Fawke, Sole, and Clerk) 6. Flooding and drainage. See above (minute 37/16-17) 7. Cllr Cook is to be informed of Serco’s apparent decision not to replace the existing bins on the recreation ground from Serco funds. (Action: Clerk) 8. Cllr Davies will carry out necessary works on vegetation along Higham Lane. (Action: Cllr Davies) 9. All councillors agreed to augment the Planning Committee to 4 members, with Cllr Davies as the new additional member. 10. The Chair provided a rationale for the reserves as currently recorded in the PC accounts. 11. All agreed to meet the existing shortfall in potential Neighbourhood Plan expenses as outlined by Jim Boot in his fee proposals, from Parish Council funds, amounting to approx £3,500. 12. A new councillor will be co-opted if no election takes place. The Clerk will make arrangements for applications to be invited and for a decisive meeting on 6 September 2016. (Action: Clerk) 13. Council agreed in principle to adopt the equivalent of an “unreasonable customer behaviour policy”. Advice on the issue to be sought from the Kent Association of Local Councils. (Action: Clerk) 42/16-17 The Correspondence list was noted. 43/16-17 Receipts were noted as set out in the agenda for the meeting 44/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker (Clerk) Wellers Hedley BVST Emily Lane Bettina Walker Philip Wicker (Clerk) Philip Wicker (Clerk) Philip Wicker (Clerk) ACRK Philip Wicker Jim Boot St John Ambulance ESE Direct Ltd Ian Sargent Cllr Hodges Amount £717.06 £144 and £57.60 and £172.80 £20 £95 £50 £50 £27 £7.16 £120 £77.98 £1171.47 £110.40 £133.02 £431.80 £19.23 Purpose (Salary and office allowance) Legal services relating to the Mill Centre lease negotiation Payment for use of recreation ground for village events Singer at Queens birthday event Singer at Queens birthday event Petty Cash top up Travel expenses Office paper Bridge Village profile (for NP) 4 printer cartridges Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy costs Attendance at Queens Birthday Event Traffic Cones 4 cuts/mole visits and 2 strims Printer cartridge for Parish Council work 45/16-17 Points of Information: 1. Cllr Davies raised concerns about parking in the Western Avenue area once the post office relocates to the Spar shop. Illegal parking manoeuvres by delivery lorries and cars should be reported to the policy and parking authorities at Canterbury City Council. 2. Speedwatch data will be collected again shortly-to be arranged by Cllrs Dhillon and Fawke. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A hedge close to the Red Lion impeding the footpath needs to be trimmed (Action: Clerk) September newsletter-content to be forwarded to Cllr Corfield by 10 September 2016. Footbridges on the Brewery Lane water meadow have been replaced. Art in Bridge to run as usual in October 2016. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Dhillon in particular for the Queens’ celebration event on 12/06/2016. The meeting concluded at 10.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 September 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Draft Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 September 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson, Fawke, Dhillon, Hodges, Davies and Sole. 46/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Corfield and R Atkinson. 47/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 48/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 July 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed and dated by the Chairman. 49/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.    The Clerk reported that Cllr Corfield is looking into who is merging the parish website databases regarding village groups. (ACTION: Cllr Corfield) Trimming of Higham Lane hedge. Clerk to contact London offices of the property owners-once (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Davies) details have been supplied by Cllr Davies Sandbags have yet to be removed from the High St-though this has been promised by SERCO. A (ACTION: Clerk) request to replenish the village supplies will be made. 50/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook  Villagers can meet the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner at the forthcoming RAMP meeting in the Guildhall on 19 September. Cllr Cook will forward any questions raised by villagers in advance.  The Parish Council (and villagers more generally) might wish to respond to the current Highways England consultation on how the new lorry park close to the M20 should be used. Just at times of Operation Stack or more frequently to deter parking in layby’s and country lanes?  The Mountfield park developers have not addressed the issues raised in the recent consultation about a new junction suggested for Town Hill/Station Rd/Bridge Hill. KCC need to raise this matter through Highways officers. Villagers should contact Cllr Northey about this if interested Cllr Cook undertook to find out about the route taken by SERCO lorries at times of maximum traffic in the village on Thursday mornings. Can the routes be changed to enable villagers to get to work and school on time? (ACTION: Cllr Cook) 51/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey  The PC was encouraged to write formally to Cllr Northey about the proposed junction (see above 50/16-17). Cllr Atkinson will resend information about the proposed junction to Cllr Northey. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Atkinson)  KCC has always intended for the use of the new lorry park to go beyond simply easing congestion caused by Operation Stack.  Road repairs continue.  Cllr Northey’s members funds (£720) to be spent on new signs to discourage HGV’s on Station Rd  School examination results by Kent Schools will be published definitively in January 2017 on the KCC website.  In response to questioning Cllr Northey said he would follow up the promised report on drainage problems found in Bridge by the recent survey team. (It has not yet been received by the Parish Council). Cllr Atkinson will write to Cllr Northey about the problem of communicating with villagers (ACTION: Cllr Northey and Chair) about the survey work in August. 52/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Cllr Hodges went through a list of outstanding jobs on the recreation ground:  “no dog” signs will be provided by Canterbury City Council within a few weeks.  the parish website (and Facebook page) will remind villagers that dogs are not allowed on the recreation ground.  Cllr Davies will remove the spare wire netting from the sandbag store.  Glazing quotations are still awaited form the BVST.  The PC still needs to find a contractor to carry out the work to the tarmac path close to the school gates.  The clerk will clarify the position of SERCO with regard to emptying all of the bins on the recreation ground.  The Environment Agency will carry out an autumnal weeding of the overgrowth in the Nail Bourne.  The clerk will write to the Tennis Club about loose hedge cuttings and to the Health Centre about continuing damage to the new wire fence close to the youth shelter.  The sharp edges on the bridge are to be smoothed out-with an estimate to be sought from Baptie.  The new gate key will be given to the BVST  Cllr Hodges is organising a working party on the recreation ground to prepare for the autumn on Saturday 1 October from 9.00 am. All villagers are welcome. (Action: Cllr Hodges, Clerk, Cllr Davies) Neighbourhood Plan: Prof Connor spoke of recent activity and especially the impetus provided to the plan by planning consultant Jim Boot. 2 meetings have been held since the July Parish Council meeting. Bridge will shortly submit its plan for a health check and will follow guidance from Mr Boot about the need for sustainability assessments. 53/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies.  Minutes had been received from meetings of the BVST. Cllr Davies will represent the PC on 13 September.  Cllr Atkinson reported on the meeting with the Local Plan Inspector on 19 July 2016. Canterbury City Council were not content that the allocation of 40 houses in Bridge should be left to the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council awaits the Inspector’s conclusions this autumn with interest.. 54/16-17 Matters for discussion and action.  Council appointed Lionel Robbins to replace Kevin Funnell as the parish’s internal auditor.  Cllr Fawke has a data stick showing all of the latest amendments to the Mountfield Development in South Canterbury. There will be no new housing associated with this development south of the A2.  Cllr Davies will approach a villager he knows about the planting and maintenance of a new (ACTION Cllr Davies) flower bed underneath the village sign.  The Clerk will produce a to do list for all items on the play area which emerged form a recent playground safety inspection report. (ACTION Clerk)  The village drainage report was not available for the meeting. Cllr Atkinson reported that new gullies had been discovered in the CCTV monitoring of the drains, though full details can be expected in the report.  Council agreed to press ahead with tree reduction work in the Green Court area, to enable more light to penetrate the pavemented areas. The necessary permissions from CCC and KCC will be sought in the next two weeks. Costings of other items being considered for the area will be made. A villager will be approached to produce a drawing of the proposed (ACTION Clerk) amendments.   The retention of documents policy was adopted. The Mill Centre lease from Canterbury City Council to the Parish Council was circulated prior to the meeting. All Mill Centre leases will be signed simultaneously and councillors were asked to raise any concerns with the Chair by Saturday 17 September. Councillors are to let    him know even if they have no queries about the draft lease. Mr Gulvin will send the Clerk a (ACTION Mr Gulvin and all councillors) copy of the CIO documentation. The new councillor will be co-opted at a meeting to be held at 7.00 p.m, in the Hunter Room Consideration of the proposed policy on Unreasonable Customer Behaviour was deferred (ACTION: Chair) until the October meeting. There will be a newsletter produced before Christmas-Cllr Corfield has already started to prepare a document though more copy is required. (ACTION: Cllr Corfield) 55/16-17 The Correspondence list was noted. 56/16-17 Receipts were noted of £730.51 (VAT refund) and £4.53 Bank Interest. 57/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Amount Philip Wicker (Clerk) £1,434.12 Wellers Hedley £662.40 Ian Sargent £421.80 Cllr Hodges £6.30 Wicksteed Leisure ltd £3,904.74 Sturry Parish Council £135.00 Sturry Parish Council £19.29 Playsafety Ltd £113.40 A.R. Baptie Ltd £156.00 Jim Boot £849.27 Ryan Meadows £499.00 58/16-17 Points of Information:  Purpose Salary and office allowance for August and September Legal services relating to the Mill Centre lease negotation 4 cuts/mole visits and extra mowing Travel expenses Supply and installation of new cradle swings 10 hours work for handyman Materials for store on recreation ground Annual playground safety inspection Recreation Ground gate repair Neighbourhood Plan Consultant Interim payment for pavilion groundworks Parking outside the new Post Office. Cllr Davies asked if new bollards could be installed to prevent pavement parking. To be raised formally at the next meeting. Cllr Fawke asked whether Canterbury City Council had abdicated its duty to ensure an archaeological investigation had been carried out prior to building work starting at a property in Beech Hill. Cllr Cook suggested that the PC should adopt a policy about archaeological investigations in designated parts of the village if it so wished. The meeting concluded at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Draft Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 October 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs R Atkinson, Fawke, Dhillon, Hodges, Davies, Sole, Corfield and Dhaliwal. Cllr Dhaliwal was welcomed to the Council as the newly co-opted Councillor. 63/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Atkinson and KCC Councillor Michael Northey 64/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 65/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 September 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed and dated by the Vice Chairman. 66/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.       Cllr Corfield is looking into who is merging the parish website databases regarding village groups. (ACTION: Cllr Corfield) Cllr Davies reported the trimming of Higham Lane hedge can be carried out and the landowner (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Davies) notified. A check will be made to see that the village has the required number of sandbags. (ACTION: Cllr Davies) 2 quotes have now been received for the remedial work needed on the recreation ground footpath, and one quote has been received for repairs to the metallic footbridge crossing the Nail Bourne into the Recreation Ground. (ACTION: Clerk) Cllr Davies will approach a villager he knows about the planting and maintenance of the flower bed underneath the Bridge village sign. (Action : Cllr Davies) Permission is not required from Canterbury City Council to thin the trees on Green Court as they lie outside the conservation area. However, permission still needs to be sought from KCC. (ACTION: Clerk) 67/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook  SERCO refuse collection should not happen in the High Street at the hours of peak traffic.  Remedial work is being undertaken to improve drainage in the village.  The next meeting of RAMP (10 November at 7.00 pm in the Guildhall) will decide on aspects of Parish Council funding allocations for the next 4 years.  A report has been commissioned to look in detail at the merging of 5 East Kent district councils into one. The Parish Council will be consulted on the proposed merger and on the implications of an extension of powers for Parish Councils.  In response to a question from Cllr Fawke, Cllr Cook advised contact be made with KCC about school buses. 68/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey The following report was read out by the Clerk in the absence of Cllr Northey: There are currently two live KCC consultations on the KCC website. The first set of proposalsif they come off- will have a beneficial effect on our local problems with parked lorries. 1. The new Local Transport Plan (pp 43 and 44) deal with the Canterbury area. Of special interest are pp 17 and 18, which deal with proposals to get rid of the need for Operation Stack and also address the countywide problem of lorries parking in layby areas overnight. As well as the big lorry park on the M20, there are proposals to provide a series of overnight lorry parks. Kent County Council (KCC) hope the government will then give them and the police powers to move lorries from laybys, to use these dedicated facilities. Consultation closes 30 October. 2. Adult Social Services are launching a consultation, to close on 4 November, on the care of the elderly. 69/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Cllr Hodges went through a list of outstanding jobs on the recreation ground:  “no dog” signs will be provided by Canterbury City Council within a few weeks. (Cllr Fawke)  the parish website (and Facebook page) will remind villagers that dogs are not allowed on the recreation ground. (Cllrs Fawke and/or Corfield)  It was decided to locate two new litter bins on the recreation ground (near the pavilion and (Clerk to arrange with Canterbury City Council) on Patrixbourne Rd)  The issue of working parties will reappear on the February 2017 agenda.  After discussion concerning the current upkeep of the pavilion, it was decided to produce a list of action items for the BVST with a deadline for completion. A request for checking of the building after each weekend use of the facilities will also be made. (Clerk)  Following discussion of the recent cleaning of the riverbed by the Environment Agency it was decided to write a letter to the agency expressing concerns raised in the discussion. (Clerk) Neighbourhood Plan:  A meeting of the group was held on 30 September which provided a checklist of urgent actions for all members. A meeting is to be held with Canterbury City Council on 13 October 2016. 70/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies.  Minutes had been received and circulated from the 13 September 2016 BVST meeting. 71/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Christmas trees will be erected on 3 December and removed on January 7 2017. Thanks were expressed to Mr Esdale for his continuing involvement. 2. A review of roles and responsibilities will result in a reformulated list to be circulated prior to the next (Clerk) meeting for approval. 3. Council agreed to the replacement of the cradle swings and expect to consider manufacturers’ quotations at the next meeting. The list of jobs to be carried out as a result of the recent safety report on the play area was noted. 4. Recent works as a result of the recent drainage report were noted. 5. A drawing is awaited of the proposed developments in Green Court. The budget provision of (Cllrs Fawke and Sole) 6. Councillor £5,000 in this financial year is to be retained. Dhillon will produce a report for each meeting of the Parish Council, on Speedwatch activity and (Cllr Dhillon) findings. 7. Council decided to scrutinise final versions of both Mill Centre leases before signing them. 8. Council agreed to adopt the Unreasonable Customer Policy unanimously. 9. Cllr Corfield, assisted by Cllr Dhaliwal will produce a newsletter. Copy deadline: 1 November 2016. (Cllr Corfield) 10. Council agreed to adopt the KALC awards scheme for 2017. 72/16-17 The October Correspondence list was noted. 73/16-17 Receipt of a £10,000 transfer into the current account from the reserve account and a further receipt of £94 were noted. 74/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker (Clerk) Wellers Hedley HMRC Cllr Hodges Ryan Meadows Ryan Meadows Cllr Dhillon Cllr Davies PKF Littlejohn KALC Cllr Hodges Cllr Hodges Amount £617.77 £57.60 Purpose Salary and office allowance Legal services relating to the Mill Centre lease negotation £154.40 Tax on clerk’s salary £4.50 Travel expenses £2000+£499 On account for pavilion works £1689 Final invoice for Pavilion groundworks £31.82 Expenses-Queen’s event £25 2 x padlocks and keys £240 Annual return £72 Oustanding training bill (Oct 2015) £35.98 Wild Flower project £11.79 Wild Flower project 75/16-17 Points of Jim Boot £332.00 Consultancy fees-Neighbourhood Plan Philip Wicker £44.59 Petty Cash top up Crackin’ Glass £151.56 Pavilion glazing repair Ian Sargent £215.90 2 cuts/2 mole inspections/cutting suckers Information: Following discussions with, and general agreement from Councillors, it has been agreed to move the Clerk to scale point 26 with effect from 1 October 2016. The next review date will be 1st Oct 2017.       Councillors are asked to be alert to fly tipping especially on Tuesday afternoons in the vicinity of Higham House. Thanks were recorded to Cllr Corfield (and others) for the excellent Art in Bridge exhibition Bonfire night celebrations on the Recreation Ground will take place on 5 November Cllr Dhaliwal agreed to be the new Bridge and Patrixbourne correspondent for the Kentish Gazette. Disposal of green waste on the recreation ground to be an agenda item at the next meeting. A mid-year report on the Parish Council’s current account expenditure was tabled. The meeting concluded at 9.07 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10 November 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of Bridge Parish Council held on Tuesday 11 October 2016 at 7.00 p.m. in the Hunter Room. 59/16-17 No apologies were received. Present were Councillors A Atkinson, R Atkinson, P Davies, M Sole, S Fawke, S Hodges, J Corfield and P Dhillon 60/16-17 There were no Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items. Councillors agreed unanimously that Cllr Dhillon should be allowed to participate and vote even though biologically related to one of the candidates. 61/16-17 Co-option of a new Councillor. The Chair explained the proposed method of voting for the election of new councillor which was agreed unanimously. He proposed (seconded by Cllr Fawke) that the meeting be held “in camera” All present agreed. Voting took place on the 3 applications received. Kiran Dhaliwal was duly elected. She will be invited to attend the next PC meeting on 13 October. The Clerk will inform all 3 candidates of the outcome of the election with an offer to the unsuccessful candidates of ways in which they can contribute to the life of the village if they wish to become involved. ACTION: Clerk 62/16-17 Points of information. There were none. The meeting finished at 7.20 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13 October 2016 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Draft Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 13 October 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield. 28/16-17 The minutes of the meetings held on 8 and 21 September 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 29/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 30/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/16/02149/FUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Proposed replacement of existing roof with monopitch roof and installation of French Doors on southwest elevation of existing outbuilding, located to the rear, to create games rooms. 31/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised objections to them, full details of which can be found on the Canterbury City Council planning portal. CA//16/02228/ADV and CA//16/02229/LB Bridge Pharmacy 16 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Listed building consent for external alterations including display of non-illuminated pan aluminium fascia sign and halo-illuminated projecting sign to front elevation. The committee felt the proposed signs were too modern in aspect and not sufficiently in keeping with the listing of the building. CA//16/02217/LB 22 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for alterations to access for proposed parking area to dwelling. The committee felt the plans were too intrusive (and potentially unsafe) on the busy pedestrian route which is bisected by the planned access route.. The proposed new exit is also too close to the existing bus stop, will have restricted sight lines and will further reduce on street parking. 32/16-17 The committe noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01508 and CA//16/01509: 18 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed first floor and single storey rear extension with internal alterations. 33/16-17 The committe noted that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01361/FUL + CA//16/01362/LB 52 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ 34/16-17 The committee decided to respond negatively (via the Clerk) to the letter dated 28 September 2016 from Simon Thomas, Head of Planning at Canterbury City Council about the plan to no longer send paper copies of plans to Parish Councillors from November 2016. The meeting closed at 7.22 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 November 2016 at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall. AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 04 November 2016 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 10 November 2016 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 11 and 13 October 2016 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 5. Report from City Councillor (Simon Cook) 6. Report from KCC Councillor (Michael Northey) 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground –to include swing replacement and disposal of green waste. b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 1) Neighbourhood Plan meeting with Canterbury City Council on 13 October 2016 9. Matters for discussion and action. 1. Should we hire equipment to monitor traffic use in the High Street? (Supporting paper to be published by the Clerk). (Cllr R Atkinson) 2. To review the procedure for setting the budget 2017-2018 (Clerk) 3. To appoint a new parish correspondent for the Kentish Gazette (Chair)) 4. To continue with the use of variable direct debit for the payment of BT bills – resolution needed. (Clerk) 5. To discuss issues raised at the recent KALC meeting (Cllr Hodges) 6. To receive an update on the Mill Centre leases (Chair) 7. To receive an update on Green Court developments (Cllr Fawke) 8. To adopt the list of roles and responsibilities (Clerk) 9. How to deal with illegal parking in the vicinity of Bridgeway stores. (Cllr Davies) 10. To consider any amendments to the draft charter outlining the relationship of Canterbury City Council with Bridge Parish Council. (Clerk) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. 12. Receipts: None Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount Purpose Crackin’ Glass* £292.26 Pavilion glazing repair (french doors) Crackin’ Glass* £302.76 Pavilion glazing repair (window panes) Philip Wicker (Clerk) £617.77 Salary and office allowance HMRC £154.40 Tax on clerk’s salary BVST £32.00 Pavilion hire 3 cuts/3 mole inspections/extra mowing Ian Sargent £313.85 Broxap £613.08 2 litter bins for recreation ground Sturry Parish Council £82.00 Handyman labour and travel Cllr Hodges £6.00 Grass seeds Jim Boot £492.00 Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fees Alan Webster £25.60 Materials for handyman *Paid between October and November meetings 13. Points of information The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 December 2016 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Draft Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 November 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Fawke, Dhillon, Hodges, Davies, Sole, Corfield and Dhaliwal. A resident from Union Rd spoke of the flooding problems caused for certain properties by the design of the street. 76/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Simon Cook. 77/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 78/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13 October 2016 were confirmed as a true record (with one amendment noted) signed and dated by the Chair. 79/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.    The trimming of Higham Lane hedge will occur on 11 November. 60 more sandbags are required at the White Horse. (Action: Clerk) Cllr Davies will approach a villager he knows about the planting and maintenance of the flower bed underneath the Bridge village sign. (Action : Cllr Davies) Permission to prune trees on Green Court will be pursued in a meeting with KCC official on 22 (Action: Clerk) November 80/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook The following report was read by the Clerk in the absence of Cllr Cook:  - The RAMP meeting on 10 November 2016 will discuss concurrent function funding. He met with Ray Evison from KALC on 10 November to discuss the parish charter which is out for consultation.  - the draft budget for next year has been published and should be put out for consultation at the Policy & Resources committee next week  - the consultation is open for proposed improvements to St George's Street in Canterbury - the detail is here https://www.canterbury.gov.uk/stgeorges and all comments will be gratefully received.  - the ticketless parking trial has now finished, but the barriers and cameras will be staying in place while the project. Is evaluated. Public feedback has been very positive so far. There's no formal consultation at the moment, but any comments about this can be sent to Cllr Cook and he will pass them on to officers.  - Details of residents who would benefit from a grocery parcel from the Lord Mayor's Christmas Gift Fund are encouraged - this is for elderly, isolated, vulnerable and needy residents. Details are at http://christmasgiftfund.co.uk/ 81/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey      Flu jabs are now available for the elderly but also for young children (aged 2-7) and for pregnant women. Recent changes on tobacco packaging are now coming into effect in Kent. Kent schools continue to perform well in comparison with national averages. Kent Highways gritting lorries are ready for deployment as and when required. Drainage work has begun in the High St and elsewhere. Cllr Atkinson mentioned that soakaways still need to be cleaned and Cllr Davies expressed concern at continuing problems on Bridge Hill because of the camber of the street and the fact that some drains are not capturing the water flow. 82/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Cllr Davies reported on his recent monthly inspection. He raised concerns about the adult exercising equipment which he will share with the Clerk. He will arrange for the disposal of green waste. Council agreed to the repair of the ground near to the adult exercise equipment using astroturf and a quotation supplied by a local contractor. Cllr Davies will plant a new tree to replace a dead chestnut tree. The current maintenance contract holder has applied for a certificate to deal with the mole infestation in ways that do not involve traps which are being stolen. Council agreed to the purchase and installation of new flat swings from Wicksteed (for £3,000) and also to quotations for the repair of the footpath and the metallic bridge. The list of outstanding jobs was also reviewed. Neighbourhood Plan: Reporting on a meeting of the group held on 28 October, the Clerk asked councillors to consider a list of Section 106 funded projects for the village to appear in rank order in the Neighbourhood Plan. This matter will be revisited in December. Cllr Atkinson reported on a meeting (13 October) held with Canterbury City Council planners about the Neighbourhood Plan. The final agreed minutes have not yet been published but he reported that discussion focussed on the process for bringing the plan to a referendum. It is not clear whether the Neighbourhood Plan or the Canterbury Local Plan will be adopted first. 83/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Despite Parish Council representation to the contrary, planning permission had been granted for a development in Bridge Down at the meeting of the Canterbury City Council Planning Committee held on 8 November and attended by 3 parish councillors. Cllr Atkinson reported back on the most recent meeting of the Joint Transportation Board. 84/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Council decided to conduct a traffic survey in the High Street, hiring equipment for the purpose at a cost of £240. The test will be set up outside no 47 High St. The option of using the services of UKC for this purpose remains open. (Action: Clerk and Cllr Dhaliwal) 2. Council was reminded of the procedure for setting the budget 2017-2018. 3. Although not technically an appointment for the Parish Council to make, Councilors expressed their pleasure that Cllr Dhaliwal has agreed to take on the role of parish correspondent for the Kentish Gazette. 4. Council agreed to continue with a variable direct debit for the payment of BT bills. 5. Cllr Hodges mentioned the following issues raised at the KALC committee meeting on 18 October 2016: (KALC = Kent Association of Local Councils)  adoption of soft landscaping responsibilities by Parish Councils,  concerns about the new paperless plans for the planning department (with a request made for a one year referral).  no meeting of the standards committee had taken place for the last year  an apparent loss of contact between parishes and their PCSO’s. (Cllr A Atkinson agreed to raise this matter at the KALC AGM on 19 Nov) 6. Council expressed concern that the leases for the Mill Centre are still not available for final signature. A letter will be drafted to the Parish Council’s solicitor requested full and final versions for signature by 1 December 2016. In the meantime the draft under lease for the Mill Centre Management Committee will be circulated to the members of that body. 7. Cllrs Fawke and Sole outlined proposed developments for Green Court available on a display board at the meeting. Cllr Fawke will let the Clerk know when a meeting needs to be held in the Hunter Room for the relevant residents. (Action: Cllr Fawke) 8. Council adopted the list of roles and responsibilities as appended to these minutes. 9. Cllr Davies encouraged Council to become involved in dealing with parking problems in Western Av-enue which spill over into the High St. It was agreed to involve the community warden (Dan Scul-lion) and to propose the installation of new bollards on the Bridgeway stores side of the road. The Clerk will take this matter up with the KCC Highways steward. 10. Councillors commented on the draft charter outlining the relationship of Canterbury City Council with Bridge Parish Council, pointing out that it has implications for the council’s website. 11. After a wide ranging discussion about websites for parish councils, it was decided to find out from our current webmaster about his future intentions with regard to the parish website. A formal disclaimer will be placed on the village’s facebook page, showing that it is not administered by the Council not that it expresses the views of the Council. Cllr Corfield was asked to prepare an options paper for the next meeting. 85/16-17 The November Correspondence list was noted. 86/16-17 No receipts were recorded since the last meeting. 87/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Crackin’ Glass* Crackin’ Glass* Philip Wicker (Clerk) HMRC BVST Ian Sargent Broxap Sturry Parish Council Cllr Hodges Jim Boot Alan Webster The Information Commissioner Wellers Hedley Amount £292.26 £302.76 £617.77 £154.40 £32.00 £313.85 £613.08 £82.00 £6.00 £492.00 £25.60 £35.00 Purpose Pavilion glazing repair (french doors) Pavilion glazing repair (window panes) Salary and office allowance Tax on clerk’s salary Pavilion hire 3 cuts/3 mole inspections/extra mowing 2 litter bins for recreation ground Handyman labour and travel Grass seeds Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fees Materials for handyman Annual registration for Data Protection £979.20 Mill Centre lease legal costs Councillors also agreed at the meeting to a payment of £202.52 to cover taxation and national insurance arrears. 88/16-17 Points of Information:  Thanks were expressed to the organisers of the Bridge Fireworks event on 5 November. Concerns were raised about the poor parking shown by many visitors to the village on that occasion, which could have caused serious inconvenience had emergency vehicles needed to access parts of the village. These points will be fed back to the Fireworks Committee of the school PTA.  Speedwatch data was fed back by Cllrs Dhaliwal and Dhillon on the three sessions conducted since 13 October. Cllr Davies is to join the volunteers. The meeting concluded at 9.33 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 December 2016 at 7.00 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Councillor in black font Volunteer in red font Role Responsibility Cllr Fawke Cllr Corfield Cllr R Atkinson Katy Brooks Cllrs A Atkinson and Hodges Cllr P Davies EPC, PC PC RGC, NPC ACRA (Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Association Allotment Association Art in Bridge Bridge in Bloom All Councillors Mark Esdale Richard McCarthy Richard McCarthy Cllrs Fawke, Hodges, Corfield and Davies (The Planning Committee) Cllr Sole Cllrs A Atkinson, Davies, Rob Moon, Laurence Dunderdale, Kate Wortham Cllrs A Atkinson and Hodges Cllr R Atkinson Ginny McCarthy, Valerie Wicker Jenny Vye, Cllr Dhaliwal Cllr A Atkinson Cllrs Corfield and Dhaliwal Cllr Davies Cllr Fawke All Councillors Cllr Sole Cllrs Dhillon and Fawke Cllr Fawke Cllr Corfield and Mark Esdale Cllr R Atkinson Cllr Hodges and Barry Bray RGC, PC, EPC Bridge Primary School Liaison Bridge Village Sports Trust Christmas trees coordination Footpaths Public Rights of Way Warden Tree Warden RGC RGC, NPC NPC, EPC, RGC, PC, EPC EPC, PC RGC PC RGC, NPc NPC, RGC, PC Financial Controls/3 monthly oversight Flood Wardens Kent Assoc of Local Councils – Canterbury Litter Picking Co-ordination Mill Centre Management Committee Little Stour & Nailbourne River Man Group Newsletter Editor Police Liaison Rural Area Member Panel Meetings SCA (South Canterbury Alliance) Snow Warden Speedwatch Co-ordination Village Hall Management Committee Village Website Welcome pack Wild Flower Project The Parish Council has a number of committees:  The Finance Committee-to which all councillors belong  The Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) (Cllrs Fawke, A Atkinson, Dhillon, Davies the Clerk and Kate Wortham, Rob Moon and Laurence Dunderdale)  The Planning Committee (PC) (Cllrs Hodges, Fawke (Chair), Davies and Corfield)  The Neighbourhood Plan Committee (NPC) (Cllrs Hodges, A Atkinson, R Atkinson, the Clerk, Christobel Seath, John Hill, Kathy Walder, Esther Hall, Mervyn Gulvin and Terry Wilmshurst and the Chair Prof Joe Connor)  The Recreation Ground Committee (RGC) (Cllrs Hodges, R Atkinson, Dhillon, Sole and Davies). Councillors retain their roles and responsibilities until decided otherwise by the Council as a whole. Volunteers are confirmed on an annual basis by the Parish Council Draft Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 December 2016 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.00 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Fawke, Dhillon, Hodges, Davies, Sole, Corfield and Dhaliwal. 89/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Michael Northey. 90/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 91/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 November 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 92/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.      The trimming of Higham Lane hedge has been done. 60 more sandbags are now at the White Horse Inn. Permission to prune trees on Green Court was agreed with KCC on 22 November 2016 The traffic survey will be set up for the week commencing 9 January 2017 A meeting with the KCC Highway Steward on 6 December suggested that enforcement of existing parking restrictions is the way forward in dealing with parking issues at the corner of High St and Western Avenue. A log of parking infringements should be kept and forwarded to Canterbury City Council who are responsible for enforcement. 93/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook Consultations are now available on the Council’s website regarding the budget and parking permits. There will be no changes to the parking charges in Canterbury City car parks The Parish Council has a slot to speak at the extraordinary Planning Committee meeting on 13 December at 6.30p.m. in the Guildhall to consider the Mountfield development for 4000 houses in South Canterbury Canterbury City Council has employed extra parking enforcement officers. The Concurrent Function Funding applications were agreed at the latest Rural Area Members Panel meeting on 10 November 2016. In response to comments by Councillors, the City Council was congratulated on having installed heavy duty litter bins in lay-bys on the A2. Remote cameras are now in place to catch fly tippers. The limitations on City Council employees dealing with litter on land controlled by Highways England were discussed-especially in relation to the A2 slip roads. 94/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey In his absence, Councillor Northey’s report was read out: “The gritting teams have been out and about several times already. KCC Highways are expecting a harder winter than last year, and have 20,000 tonnes of salt/etc material in store ready. All street lights in Kent are being converted to the LED (Lighting Emitting Diodes) system. So far 56% of residential areas have been done, since March 14th. The project will save over 65% of en ergy and carbon emissions. They will save at today’s prices around £5.2 million per year and will thus pay for themselves in 7-8 years. There is a lot less light pollution as the light is directed down - wards where it is needed and there is no sky glow, such as the current orange glow. Drivers get a much clearer view of the road as they drive, and colours are clearer. These lights have a life of 100,000 burning hours, say around 15 years but maybe as much as 20 or 25 years. All Kent will go back to all night lighting. In addition these lights are controlled centrally and can be made brighter or less bright as wishes and dimmed. Any individual light or area can be switched on and off. So if local people would like them switched off, in any particular place, to give part-night lighting, they can be. There will be no need to report any faults as the central controls will pick up the faults automatic-ally and will then be repaired. The residential areas of Canterbury District will be begun on 16 January and will be completed by 24 March. Then the lighting on the main roads will be started.” 95/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Thanks were recorded to the 60 children and parents who had planted 500 narcissi bulbs and to Barry and Ros Bray for work to hedging plants. The new litter bins are also most welcomed. Cllr Davies went through the list of ongoing jobs, pointing out that he will attend to the grassed footballing area beside the Health Centre car park when time allows. Lighting of the footpath needs to be considered, especially where it does not follow a straight line. Cllr Davies has planted a new tree to replace a dead ash tree. A grant has been applied for to pay for some of the costs of the new flat swings. The work is scheduled for January/February 2017. Neighbourhood Plan: Reporting on a meeting of the group held on November 25, the Clerk read through the salient points of the minutes of the meeting. He also outlined plans for a consultation event for the village in the village hall on 21 January 2017, which will probably refer to the most recent version of the entire Neighbourhood Plan and some photographs of vistas of the village. Final details have yet to be arranged. 96/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Councillor A Atkinson reported back on the following meetings:  The Kent Association of Local Councils AGM-where the presence and availability of rural PCSO’s was discussed.  Lower Stour and Nail Bourne River Management Group, where camera footage was shown of the ongoing problems with drainage at the Conyngham Lane/High St junction  Little Stour/Nail Bourne/Petham Bourne Flood Management Group –where the latest Environment Agency flooding model for the Nail Bourne was demonstrated. It should lead to more funds being accessible from central government to fund flood alleviation measures. Ground water levels are currently well below average. 97/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Council agreed unanimously to raise £30,250 through the Parish Precept for 2017-2018, an in-crease of 1.7% 2. Council unanimously authorised the Chair to sign both Mill Centre leases on behalf of the Parish Council, once the wording of clause 17.3 had been resolved to the satisfaction of the end user and the Parish solicitor. This satisfaction will be ascertained by email. There is an urgency to the con-clusion of the lease negotiations to assist with the raising of the necessary funds in a timely manner. (ACTION: Clerk) 3. Cllr Sole updated the Council on a recent consultation meeting with residents held on 28 November. The Clerk was authorised to seek quotations for the various elements contained with the Green Court proposals as outlined by Cllr Sole, which reflect a desire for an area of aesthetic enjoyment (ACTION: Clerk) rather than a recreational space. 4. Cllr Corfield will report on Website developments at the next meeting. (ACTION: Cllr Corfield) 5. The Chair thanked Councillors who had submitted suggestions for putative Section 106 spending. (ACTION:All ) The issue will return in January 2017. 6. The Clerk was asked to seek a revision to the library bus timetable, to avoid those times when the village is congested with cars parked to collect children from the primary school. (ACTION: Clerk) 7. Council supported unanimously the following motion proposed by Cllr Sole and seconded by Cllr Fawke: “In light of numbers of motorists failing to stop at the White Horse zebra crossing, this coun-cil asks Kent County Council to carry out a safety review of the crossing. This review is to include, but not be limited to: - the adequacy of existing signage; - the type of crossing (i.e. Would a pelican crossing be more suitable?); - the position of the crossing; - the parking of nearby cars and bus stop obscuring pedestrians waiting to cross.” 8. Cllr Davies outlined the planned planting of the area underneath and adjacent to the village sign. (ACTION: Clerk) Permission will be sought through a cultivation licence from KCC. 9. Cllr Hodges invited any proposed changes to the CCC Parish Charter. There were none. However concerns about potential expectations of Parish Councils to operate without the necessary IT infrastructure were raised. The Charter will be seen by the Parish Council as a code of practice rather than as a “tablet of stone”. 98/16-17 The Correspondence list was noted. 99/16-17 Receipts were noted of £130 for repairs to window (Pavilion), £875 from parishioners for Christmas trees, £254.68 from Clerk to cover outstanding NI payments and income tax. 100/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker The Post Office Council for the Protection of Rural England Crackin Glass Canterbury City Council Joe Connor Amount £611.44 £196.52 £36.00 £155.46 £70.00 £80.01 Cllr Atkinson Jim Boot Ewart Clough 101/16-17 Points of Information: £44.10 £314.20 £947.40 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Taxation and national insurance Annual subscription Pavilion window repairs Winter newsletter Printing costs for Neighbourhood Plan (2012- 2016) Travel expenses Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fees Christmas trees 1. Cllr A Atkinson stated Southern Water will unveil plans for a mini treatment works on the Nail Bourne between Bridge and Bishopsbourne, which should the reduce the need for sewage pumping in Bridge at times of high water levels of the Nail Bourne. 2. The Parish Council endorsed the Chair’s warm thanks to those villagers-led and coordinated by Mr Esdale-who prepared and mounted the display of Christmas Trees on the High St on 3 December. 3. Cllr K Dhaliwal asked that her proposal for the Parish Council to run a summer fete (as the school PTA has withdrawn) should be an agenda item for the next meeting. 4. Villagers are all encouraged to report problems with the highways/drainage/drain blockages directly to the KCC Highways website. 5. Cllr A Atkinson reported that the organisers of the Fireworks display are aware of the need to indicate responsible parking areas for the event next year. The meeting concluded at 8.29 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 January 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 January 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Sole and Corfield. A villager addressed Council on a matter concerning trees on the recreation ground. 102/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Fawke, Dhillon and Dhaliwal and from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook and KCC councillor Michael Northey 103/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 104/16-17The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 December 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 105/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. In light of the negative reply received from KCC highways regarding the safety concerns about the  Zebra crossing, council resolved to ask for a survey of the crossing to be conducted by KCC 106/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook Cllr Cook supplied a written report in his absence which pointed out that the business case on the potential East Kent council merger is due by the end of the month. 107/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey’s written report (received after the meeting) indicated that little has happened at Kent County Council since the last meeting. The proposed Budget for 2017-28 is now online and will be voted on in February. 108/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Maple Trees at the Riverside Close ned of the tennis courts: it was resolved to apply for a canopy reduction of 20%. Planning permission will also be requested to thin the weeping willow trees over a two year period. Play area-new swings to be fitted in w/c 23 January. Footpath now resurfaced near the primary school and bridge repairs are about to be carried out. Youth Shelter and vandalism: Council agreed not to promote the removal of the youth shelter to another part of the recreation ground as a result of recent vandalism caused to the fencing of the children’s play area. More stakes will be provided to support the wire fencing in the vicinity of the youth shelter more adequately. The conifers around the tennis courts which have .recently been cut need to have their stumps ground out. A compost bin will be set up by Cllr Davies on the recreation ground. A local contractor who has failed to restore the area used for bonfire night will not be used again by the Parish Council-certainly not until the repairs requested by the PTA of the school have been carried out. Cllr Davies will provide fencing and lighting for the section of the footpath which is not in a straight line and complete the improvements requested on the sandbag store on the recreation ground. Neighbourhood Plan: Joe Connor outlined the contents of the meeting held on 6 January of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. Minutes of the meeting will be published on the parish website once available. He explained why the committee had decided to include housing development sites in the latest version of the plans and the steps still required for the plan to be put before the public in a referendum. He also explained that a meeting with Canterbury City Council planners is scheduled for 17 January, that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on January 20 at 5.30 in the Hunter Room, the day before the planned information event to be held in the village hall from 101.00p.m. on Saturday 21 January. 109/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. There were none to report. 110/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Council decided to nominate a villager for a KALC award. The Clerk was to contact the person concerned before submitting the citation. 2. Council decided to renew the Volunteer Warden Scheme with the concomitant cost of £585 to be borne through the annual budget. It was suggested that the warden could communicate more ef-fectively through Facebook and the village website. 3. Council decided not to apply to the Rural community energy fund though it would support other vil-lage groups who might choose to apply. 4. Council agreed to spend the identified Section 106 monies in accordance with the suggestions put forward by the clerk (approx. £90 towards the Green Court project: £260 towards the resurfacing of parts of the children’s recreation area and £2,900 on a replacement of the “spider” climbing equip-ment. The item purchased will be discussed at the next meeting once councillors have been able to consult village groups about the best value for money item, based on quotations to be supplied by the Clerk. 5. Council deferred a decision on the proposed summer fete due to the absence of Cllr Dhaliwal. Council noted that the Parochial council have already earmarked 24 June 2017 as a date for their summer fete. Council suggested a committee be set up by Cllr Dhaliwal to organise any proposed Parish Council fete and that a proposed date should be finalised at the next meeting. 6. Cllr Corfield proposed no changes to the parish council element of the village website 7. Quotations have been received for the plants and also for the topsoil needed for the agreed Green Court improvements-though not yet for any additional trees. . A licence has yet to be obtained from KCC. Once in place, a tender will be put together for the relevant groundworks. 8. The Mill Centre Lease can be signed by the Chair and one other councillor once clause 17.3 has been satisfactorily resolved. A meeting is planned with CCC to resolve this issue quickly. 9. Cllr Atkinson informed the council that section 106 monies have been identified for village hall im-provements and also to resolve parking problems in the village. These items may find themselves included in the emerging neighbourhood plan 10. Council agreed that councillors should forward ideas for a speaker to the Chair for the Annual Par-ish Meeting on Thursday April 27 2017, to be decided on at the next meeting. 11. The Chair updated Council on a number of governance issues relating to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee which were all agreed to by all Councillors present. These matters included the status of the committee (as an advisory committee of the Parish Council); membership was confirmed as be-ing composed of 3 parish councillors (A Atkinson R Atkinson and S Hodges) and 7 villagers, 6 of whom have been on the Committee since its inception in 2012. These 7 villagers (whose member-ship of the committee will be reviewed in May 2017 at the same time as all other committees) –in-cludes Joe Connor (Chair), Mervyn Gulvin, Terry Wilmshurst, Christobel Seath, Kathy Walder, John Hill and Esther Hall (who is also the minute taker). Neighbourhood Plan meetings are open to all members of the public and the committee is advised by Consultant Jim Boot and the Clerk to the Parish Council. Agendas and minutes will be published in accordance with standing orders. The Parish noticeboard will henceforth have a section devoted to the Neighbourhood Plan and the Clerk resolved to look into the issue of Disclosable Pecuniary interests of the members of the committee, now that its status as an advisory committee of the Parish Council has been agreed. It was also agreed after some discussion that the role of the committee is to produce a neighbourhood plan for the parish of Bridge which would then need be adopted (or otherwise) by the Parish Council. Once this has happened, the Plan can be taken forward for public referendum. The Chair confirmed that the report received recently from a planning expert will be published on the village website. 111/16-17 The Correspondence list for January 2017 was noted. 112/16-17 The following receipts were noted: £425 for Christmas Trees and £3.45 annual payment from UK Power Networks 113/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Wellers Hedley Ashford tarmac Constructors Jim Boot Tulip Philip Wicker Mark Esdale Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Information: Amount £611.14 £171.52 £576.00 £828.00 £120.00 £114.26 £75.46 £302.54 £272.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI Legal Costs (Mill Centre Lease) Repair to footpath in recreation ground Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Green Court development consultancy 4 printer cartridges Christmas Tree expenses (lights) Hire of village hall and Hunter Room for 2016 114/16- 17 Points of      The Clerk pointed out a change to his working pattern for Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week only. Hedge by river near Ford House?? Light bollard on Conyngham Lane? There will be a spring cleaning day in the village on 4 March to be organised by Cllr R Atkinson. Cllr Corfield’s plans for a photographic competition were outlined and well received. Mr David Curl, a villager present at the meeting, offered to support the competition. The meeting concluded at 9.15 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9 February 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9 February 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson (arrived 7.34 p.m.) Hodges, Davies, Dhaliwal, Fawke, Sole and Corfield. 115/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield and KCC Councillor Michael Northey 116/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 117/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 January 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 118/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  A safety report on the Zebra crossing is awaited from KCC. 119/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook The budget for 2017-2018 will be voted on 21 February 2017, with no cuts anticipated to front line services. The business case for the creation of an East Kent Council is available on the Canterbury City Council website. More litter and parking enforcement staff have been appointed. There is much greater enforcement of fly tipping taking place now in the Canterbury area. The modifications to the Local Plan requested by the government inspector are now out for consultation. Cllr Cook expects the plan might be adopted by Summer 2017. Recent changes to the wording of aspects of the plan concerning primary schools on the Mountfield site are semantic and do not represent any change of published policy. 120/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey’s written report stated that KCC is setting the annual Budget on 9 February. In spite of cuts in government grants, rising demand and inflation costs, KCC is maintaining services. The base budget is £907 million, down £200 in the past five years. KCC's spending power has been severely cut but the budget is balanced. The proposed council tax rise is just under 4% which is made up of 1.99% general plus 2% reserved for Adult Social Services. 121/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Council agreed to pay for the pollarding of 3 willow trees and the crown reduction of maple trees mentioned at the previous meeting. The likely cost will be in the region of £1,750 + VAT. Cllr Davies updated the current list of jobs for completion. Council agreed to call on Canterbury City Council enforcement officers at weekends if dogs continue to beon the Recreation Ground, especially after football matches. The community warden might also be involved. No working parties are needed this Spring due to the excellent work already carried out by volunteers. A sensory garden will be created at the instigation of Mr and Mrs Bray-using funds allocated to the wildflower project. (A small digger will need to be employed for this work). Neighbourhood Plan Joe Connor outlined the contents of the meeting held on 6 January of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. The information event held in the village hall on Saturday 21 January attracted many comments and approximately 140 visitors-over 10% of the village electorate. A further meeting has been held with Mr Boot by members of the Neighbourhood Plan committee, focussing on the tasks which need to be completed to bring the plan to fruition, hopefully by late Spring 2017. Cllr Davies commented that he thought elements of the housing plans are contradictory. 122/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. BVST 13 December 2016 . Cllr Davies spoke about the main points from the minutes which had been circulated previously. KALC 17 January 2017 Cllr Hodges spoke about the main points from the minutes which had been circulated previously. These included proposed rationalisation of hospitals in East Kent, the proposed parish charters and problems with the new planning portal on the Canter-bury City Council website. 123/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Council asked Cllr Dhaliwal to present some costed proposals for a Summer Country Fayre to be scrutinised at the next meeting. The date of the event may well fall in late August or early September (Cllr Dhaliwal left at this point as previously agreed at the start of the meeting). 2. Bridge Lay by. Council resolved to support the proposals for a weight limit restricted to 7.5 tons contained in the current annual parking review consultation published by Canterbury City Council. This limit will need to be enforced regularly. If it does not have the required deterrent effect, the council resolved to revisit the issue of installing concrete planters in the layby-in asso-ciation with Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Parish Council. 3. To receive an update on the Mill Centre lease. The Chair informed the meeting that the lease is now ready for signature by himself and Cllr Fawke. The Clerk read out the contents of the email from the PC solicitor dated 9 February which suggests that the final wording will satisfy the PC and the Mill Centre Management Committee. 4. Green Court proposals. Recent correspondence from KCC soft landscaping department was noted. It will be copied to Pam Dobson for comment and implemented as soon as possible once a cultivation licence has been obtained. 5. Prof Stephen Packham of the University of Kent will be invited to address the Annual Parish meeting (7.00 p.m. April 27 2017) about traffic and air pollution. 6. Of the options presented, Council voted unanimously to support Option 3 from the Wicksteed of-fer. The current flat bed swings and “spider” climbing frame will be replaced at a cost of £4,626 for the Parish Council, once section 106 and RAMP grants are taken into account. 7. Governance issues and the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. The Parish Council approved the following motion proposed by Cllr Sole and seconded by Cllr Dhillon with 5 votes in favour and two abstentions: “Non-councillor members of Bridge Neighbourhood Planning Committee should be required to complete declarations of pecuniary interest”. 124/16-17 The Correspondence list for February 2017 was noted. 125/16-17 The following receipts were noted: £522.15 insurance payment for pavilion vandalism; £55 for Christmas Trees; £3.27 bank interest. 126/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Mervyn Gulvin Savills Client Accounting Jackson’s fencing Cllr P Davies Claire Tester Philip Wicker Jim Boot Road Safety Systems Amount £611.44 £171.52 £248.00 £275.00 £35.10 £21.17 £750.00 £44.98 £650.50 £240.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and National Insurance Neighbourhood Plan display photocopying Recreation Ground lease Lock for children’s play area Plants Neighbourhood Plan report Mouse and keyboard for parish computer Neighbourhood Plan consultant Week of measuring road usage asnd traffic speeds. 127/16-17 Points of Information: 3 March 2017: Police webinar for all villagers interested in discussing police work in the local  community.    4 March 2017: Village wide litter pick starting at 9.30 by the pharmacy, ending at the pavilion on the recreation ground at 11.30 where refreshments will be served. There are minor highways works still to be carried out in the village (Cllr Davies) Cllr R Atkinson questioned the positioning of a new road sign regarding HGV’s. The meeting concluded at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9 March 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Corfield. Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Dhaliwal, Dhillon, Fawke and Two members of the public addressed Council on parking restrictions and expenditure of monies on the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. 128/16-17 Apologies for absence There were none; Cllr Sole resigned on 23 Feb 2017. 129/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 130/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 February 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 131/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.   The Zebra crossing safety report from KCC has now been received. The new swings and climber will be installed in the last week of April 2017. 132/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook  The next Rural Area Members Panel meeting will be held on Monday 13 March at 7.00 p.m. in the Guildhall, Canterbury to discuss the proposed Parish Charter and the enforcement of litter and fly tipping restrictions. The budget has been passed, though in future years it may prove impossible to protect front line services. Parking restrictions on Bridge layby (formally in Bekesbourne Parish) have been approved and need to be implemented once the necessary signage has been erected. Canterbury City Council has employed 11 more enforcement officers to deal with poor parking and fly tipping. Cllr Cook will look into refuse collection concerns raised by Cllr Davies. 133/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey  Councillors are preparing for the election campaign to start.  Offers of secondary school places achieved over 80% of first choice requests on March 1 2017. He outlined the appeals procedure available to parents who are unhappy with their allocations. He undertook to look further into the decision not to provide white parking lines at the junction of Laurie’s Way and Union Rd. 134/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be carried out was reviewed by Cllrs Davies and Hodges. A few items were added to the list. It was decided to consider the planting of more trees on the recreation ground at a future meeting (Cllr Davies to lead). It was agreed to engage a structural engineer if necessary to look into the safety of the bridge over the Nail Bourne which leads to the recreation ground. Expenditure of up to £700 on this work was sanctioned, if required. Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Atkinson updated Council on the latest meetings held on January 17, January 20 and February 24. The minutes of these meetings are now available on the village website and the minutes of the meeting on 24 February will be added shortly. The Clerk explained the latest developments regarding a sustainability appraisal by AECOM. Council discussed the expenditure requested on a housing needs survey by the Neighbourhood Plan Committee which will be funded from the DCLG grant (due to end on 31 March 2017) provided to the Parish Council. 135/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies.  Joint Transportation Board (28 Feb). Cllr A Atkinson reported that the Chair is well aware of the con-cerns expressed by Bridge villagers about the state of the drains. He is mindful of the fact that pro-posed drainage works may not have been fully completed. 136/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. The Chair explained that the Mill Centre lease is now ready to be signed between the City Council and the Parish Council. The under-lease between the Mill Centre Management Committee and the Parish Council is still awaited. Both leases will be signed simultaneously. The Chair confirmed that the expenditure of Parish Council reserves on the Mill Centre project (hav-ing taken into account the legal costs already incurred which will be deducted from these re-serves) will need to be addressed fully at a forthcoming Parish Council meeting. 2. A cultivation licence from KCC has been received for the Green Court proposals. The Parish Council is now seeking a licence from KCC to allow for the erection of a diamond railing around the Green Court area of the road island. 3. The current financial regulations had been circulated prior to the meeting. Having reviewed them, Council agreed to renew the regulations for the year ahead. 4. Having received two quotations from contractors to maintain the Recreation Ground for 20172018 it was decided to consult further with the contractor offering the lowest price. Cllr Hodges will meet with the contractor and report back to the next meeting. 5. Following a discussion about the practicalities of installing defibrillators and their cabinets, Cllrs Davies and Corfield agreed to prepare a set of options for consideration at the next meeting about the purchase of defibrillator(s) for the village. Villager David Waltham was thanked for participating in this discussion. 137/16-17 The Correspondence list for March 2017 was noted. 138/16-17 It was noted that in the absence of the relevant bank statements no receipts were recorded. The statements have now arrived and receipts for February will be shown at the next meeting. 139/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Amount Purpose Philip Wicker £611.44 Salary and Office allowance Post Office £171.52 Tax and NI Alec Baptie £516.00 Bridge repairs (ironwork) Philip Wicker £84.74 6 printer cartridges Cllr A Atkinson £240.00 Chair’s allowance Cllr R Atkinson £120.00 Councillor’s allowance Cllr S Fawke £120.00 Councillor’s allowance Ian Sargent £170.00 2 cuts Savills Client Account £275.00 Recreation Ground Lease Jim Boot £692.85 Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Softation £120.00 Domain hosting and email Housing needs survey (Neighbourhood ACRK £1201.20 Plan) Philip Wicker £45.90 Petty Cash top up 140/16-17 Points of Information:  Replacing Cllr Sole: Co-option can take place if no election is triggered by 24 March 2017. Council agreed to thank Cllr Sole through the Clerk for his contributions to the work of the Parish Council.  Village litter pick (4 March 2017): Thanks were given to all villagers and councillors who took part.  Summer event: Cllr Dhaliwal will propose a definite date at the next meeting once she has consul-ted further with key businesses in the village.  Council noted the request made recently by a villager for assistance with the distribution of leaflets requesting funding for a judicial review of the Mountfield development in Canterbury. As yet, no request has been received by the Parish Council for a specific contribution towards this fund.  Cllr Corfield distributed postcards for distribution prior to a Photographic Exhibition on May 7 2017.  The Chair encouraged as many councillors as possible to attend the RAMP meeting on 13 March 2017 (see above) The meeting concluded at 9.12 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 April 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 27 APRIL 2017 7.00 PM BRIDGE VILLAGE HALL AGENDA Welcome by Cllr Alan Atkinson (Chairman, Bridge Parish Council) 1. Apologies for absence 2. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting (28 April 2016) 3. To receive: a) The Chairman’s Report for 2016-17 – Cllr Alan Atkinson b) A report on the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017 – Clerk (Philip Wicker) 4. Presentation by a speaker from CHEK (Concern for Health in East Kent) 5. To receive: A report by Kent County Councillor Michael Northey A report by Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook 6. To receive: Reports on the Mill Centre, the Neighbourhood Plan, the Scout group, the Horticultural Society and the Women’s Institute 7) Any other business concerned with parish affairs including the following 2 motions: 1) That no further work should proceed on the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan until the Canterbury District Local Plan has been adopted. (Proposer Mr D Humphries; seconder Mr K Jenner) 2) Bridge Parish Council should immediately write to the inspector (Mr Moore) appointed to adjudicate on the Canterbury District Local Plan to say that the letter dated 24 March 2017 regarding the green gap, written by the Chair Cllr Atkinson, does not represent the position of the Bridge Parish Council , nor general feeling in the village, and should be disregarded accordingly. (Proposer Cllr P Ferguson; seconder Mrs F.Ferguson) Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 April 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Dhaliwal, Fawke, Ferguson and Corfield. 141/16-17 Apologies for absence were received from Parish Councillor Dhillon and County councillor Northey and City Councillor Cook. Cllr Ferguson was welcomed as a new Councillor following his recent election, having signed a declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the clerk at the start of the meeting. 142/16-17 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - there were none. 143/16-17 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 March 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 144/16-17 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. Cllr Corfield showed a set if postcards which would need to be delivered to all households prior to the photographic exhibition on 7 May 2017. 145/16-17 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook Cllr Cook’s written report was read by the Clerk. It stated: “there's not really a City Council report this month as there's nothing significant to report” 146/16-17 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey’s written report was read by the Clerk. “County Hall is fairly bereft of Members at present, for obvious reasons! KCC has recently launched its Pothole Blitz, now that the weather has warmed. The teams are actively going round the county looking for potholes and repairing them as fast as they can…people are asked to report any they see on the website as usual.” 147/16-17 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be carried out was reviewed by Cllrs Davies and Hodges. A few items had been added to the list since the last meeting. The poor state of the pavilion, especially after football matches was discussed. It was resolved to seek a meeting for councillors A Atkinson, Hodges, Davies and Dhaliwal with the BVST prior to the next BVST AGM and meeting on 8 May 2017 to discuss identified concerns and proposed actions. Cllr Davies will purchase padlocks to assist with the locking of gates to the children’s play area and repair damaged dog fouling signs. A note needs to go to local householders about the fly tipping of cut grass onto the recreation ground. Cllr Fawke will contact Adrian Stewart of Canterbury City Council about dog fouling signs. It was resolved to place a sign near to the Patrixbourne Rd crossing onto the recreation ground indicating that the bridge should not be used by vehicles. The cost and manner of replacement of this bridge was discussed, with the need to consult insurers, Cantley Estates and the Environment Agency as well as bridge suppliers such as KCC, Canterbury City Council and the Kentish Stour group. The width and style of a replacement bridge were not decided upon. (ACTION: Clerk, Cllrs Fawke and Davies) Neighbourhood Plan In the absence of Prof Connor, the Clerk read through the main points of the minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group held on 24 March (to be displayed on the village noticeboard). In response to a question from Cllr Ferguson regarding whether the Chair had, with the approval of Bridge Parish Council or its Neighbourhood Plan Committee, written a letter dated 24 March 2017 to the Inspector dealing with the Canterbury Local Plan about the redrawing of the proposed Green Gap between Canterbury and Bridge, Cllr Atkinson confirmed that the letter had been written as a result of a recommendation made by officers of Canterbury City Council at a meeting held with members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group on 14 March 2017. (The reason for this being that the proposed housing site NW of Conyngham Lane lies within the green gap as defined in the Canterbury Local District Plan) . The Clerk mentioned that a further grant of in excess of £2,000 has been obtained from central government for the work of the Neighbourhood Plan group. 148/16-17 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Rural Area Members Panel (RAMP) held on 13 March. Cllr Atkinson reported that the pro posed Parish Charter defining the working relationship of the City Council with Parish Coun-cils had not found favour and was to be redrafted by the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) before returning to RAMP. KALC meeting (11 April). Cllr A Atkinson reported that the demise of the proposed East  Kent Council scheme does not mean that financial pressures will go away. Also, some form of revised council structure is likely to be forthcoming. Parish Councils will need to operate entirely within their own precept income taking care over assets and their management. . Concurrent Function Funding Bids will be scrutinised by KALC before being presented to Canterbury City Council in future. Allotment AGM (11 April). Cllr Fawke gave a brief report. A copy of the accounts will be  lodged with the Clerk. (ACTION: Cllr Fawke) 149/16-17 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Former Chairman John Hill read a statement about the history of Roger’s garage which has recently closed after almost 100 years of trading. (Much of the information he presented has been available on the parish website). The Clerk will write a letter of thanks to the recent owner Mr Clive Milne-Spaull and his family. Mr Hill suggested potential use of the garage site as a village car park to be purchased by the Parish Council with a public loan and/or increase in the parish council precept. (ACTION: Clerk) 2. Council noted the completion of the Mill Centre leases and retrospectively ratified expenditure of £1,200 on legal advice (as contained in item 9 (11) of the agenda). 3. Council agreed to produce a tender document based upon information supplied for the meeting by Cllr Davies and the Clerk. The Chair’s view that the works should if possible be carried out by a single contractor found favour. The tender document will be written by the Clerk assisted by Cllrs Fawke and Davies. (ACTION: Clerk, Cllrs Fawke and Davies) 4. Cllr Dhaliwal presented plan for a village fayre on Saturday 8 July 2017 to be held on the recre-ation ground. Council agreed to underwrite the event up to a maximum of £1,000. A small work - ing group will be set up to assist with the planning of the event. 5. Following a review of the quotations received by two potential contractors for the grass cutting of the recreation ground Council agreed to appoint Ian Sargent for the year from 13 April 201712 April 2018. 6. Council agreed to spend up to £2,000 on a defibrillator for the village to be located on the Bridgeway Stores wall close to the Cash Machine. A letter will be sent to the owner of the shop (ACTION: Clerk) outlining the Council’s expectations. 7. The Chair stated that the review and readoption of the Emergency Plan would return at the May meeting. 8. Council agreed to the proposed running order for the Annual Parish Meeting on 27 April 2017 published previously by the Clerk. Views were aired on how to make the meeting more relevant to villagers and how to publicise the event using social media. 9. It was agreed to ask the successful candidate at the forthcoming KCC elections to take proposals forward for the creation of a safer environment for those using the Higham Lane Bus stop. A letter will be written to relevant landowners about proposals already put forward by villagers and councillors. (ACTION: Clerk) 10. Council agreed to a written request dated 6 April 2017 by Cllr Ferguson for a dispensation pursuant to section 33 of the Localism Act 2011 relieving him from both of the restrictions in section 31(4) in relation to cases relating to all discussions and votes including votes of the neighbour-hood plan committee in respect of housing allocations within the area served by the parish council and any discussions or votes in connection with its draft neighbourhood plan. The reas-on for this being that a similar dispensation had already been granted to other parish councillors in April 2016. 150/16-17 The Correspondence list for April 2017 was noted. 151/16-17 Receipts as indicated on the agenda were noted 152/16-17 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Amount Purpose Philip Wicker £611.44 Salary and Office allowance The Post Office £171.52 Tax and NI Society of Local Coun£121.00 Subscription for 2017-2018 cil Clerks KALC and NALC £552.94 (of which £92.16 is Subscriptions for 2017-2018 VAT) Coppicewood £211.24 Recreation ground construction expenses The Helping Hand Co £40.20 (of which £6.70 is VAT) Litter pickers. (The sum of £33.50 as published in the agenda for the meeting had been an error) Cllr S Hodges £31.96 Wild Flower project expenses Wellers Hedley £1,200 (of which £200 is VAT) Legal charges for Mill Centre leases Ian Sargent £180.00 2 cuts and strims of the recreation ground Cllr R Atkinson £52.48 Expenses for Bridge in Bloom and Spring Clean BT (75.93 (of which £12.65 is Direct Debit VAT) Items in italics were paid after the 9 March 2017 meeting but in the course of the 2016-2017 Financial Year i.e. before 31 March 2017. 153/16-17 Points of Information: Cllr Davies will show the Clerk the site of the pathway he feels needs attention by highways  (ACTION: Cllr Davies) authorities.  Various roadworks were raised for the attention of both Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council  Councillors will circulate ideas for a newsletter to Cllr Corfield during t May. (ACTION: All)  Welcome packs have been delegated by Cllr R Atkinson to a number of willing volunteers-to ensure that newcomers to the village are welcomed as soon as possible. Further volunteers are sought.  A meeting with Kent Highways Drainage engineer Kevin Gore is awaited. The meeting concluded at 9.47 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 11 May 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 May 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Dhaliwal, Fawke, Ferguson, Corfield Dhillon and the Clerk (P Wicker) A villager spoke about the recent Annual Parish meeting. When asked, Cllr Atkinson stated that a letter had been sent to Inspector Moore in line with a statement made by him at the Annual Parish Meeting. 1/17-18 Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2017-2018 Before passing to the election of the Chair and Vice Chair, a vote was taken as to the means of voting to be used. A proposal to vote by secret ballot was lost by 5 votes to 4. A proposal that each councillor would vote for only one candidate was agreed unanimously. Cllr Atkinson was proposed for the position of Chair by Cllr Corfield and seconded by Cllr Dhaliwal. Cllr Ferguson was proposed by himself and seconded by Cllr Davies. 7 councillors voted for Cllr Atkinson and 2 for Cllr Ferguson. Cllr A Atkinson was duly elected as Chair. Cllr Fawke was proposed as Vice Chair by Cllr A. Atkinson and seconded by Cllr Corfield. In the absence of other candidates, Cllr Fawke was nominated Vice Chair. 2/17-18 Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Northey and City Councillor Cook. 3/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Davies expressed an interest in item 12 (8) as one of those who had tendered for the work and signed the register accordingly. 4/17-18 Following a point of order raised by the Clerk, it was decided unanimously to use version 2 of the agenda as circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting. 5/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13 April 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 6/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 12 of the agenda. The Clerk reported that  a letter had been sent to residents of Riverside Close whose gardens back onto the recreation ground.  A reply had been received from the Environment Agency specifying the process for replacement of the defective bridge leading onto the recreation ground.  A letter has been sent to Clive Milne-Spaull and also to the owner of the Londis stores about the location of a new defibrillator. The wording of this letter was approved by Council having been circulated prior to the meeting.  A potential opportunity has arisen to pursue a grant to aid with the desired works to the bus stop near Higham Lane. This will be forwarded to Cllr Northey. Letters still need to be sent to relevant landowners in the vicinity of the bus stop. 7/17-18 The following motions proposed by Cllr Ferguson were discussed by various speakers and voted upon. a) “That no further work is to proceed on the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan until the Canterbury District Local Plan has been adopted.” This motion was seconded by Cllr P Davies. The motion was not carried.. Three councillors voted for the motion (Ferguson, Davies and Dhillon). Four councillors voted against (Cllrs A Atkinson, Hodges, R Atkinson and Corfield). 2 Cllrs abstained (Fawke and Dhaliwal). b) “That in the event that work is to continue on the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan, membership of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee is to be changed by the adoption of an open and transparent process to appropriately reflect the village’s demographics (e.g. in terms of age, ethnicity, gender split, income groups etc) and to include representation from community and business groups and geography, with the right of membership by councillors maintained; and that a written constitution and working arrangements (terms of reference) be formulated by the NPC for agreement by BPC.” The motion was seconded by Cllr Dhillon. The motion was not carried. Three councillors voted for the motion (Ferguson Davies and Dhillon). Four councillors voted (A Atkinson, Hodges, R Atkinson and Corfield). 2 Cllrs abstained (Fawke and Dhaliwal). 8/ 17-18 Areas of responsibility to committees, sub-committees and outside bodies were allocated as shown in Appendix 1. One vote was taken in the course of deciding upon committee membership. It was about membership of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. Cllr Ferguson proposed himself as a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Davies. 4 Councillors (Ferguson, Davies, Dhaliwal and Dhillon) supported Cllr Ferguson’s proposal. 4 Councillors voted again it (Cllrs Atkinson, Fawke, Corfield and R Atkinson) with one abstention (Cllr Hodges). The Chair’s casting vote was used to vote against the proposal, so the proposal was not carried. As part of the discussion about the Neighbourhood Plan Committee the Chair proposed a motion (seconded by Cllr Fawke) that the Neighbourhood Plan Committee should operate as a task and finish group to bring a draft of the Neighbourhood Plan to the full Parish Council for comments by September 2017 if possible. However, a formal vote on the motion was not taken. 9/17-18 Report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook Cllr Cook’s written report was read by the Clerk. “Our 11 new enforcement officers started last week. Five of them will be aimed at environmental enforcement including fly tipping which should further improve our work here. We have already issued the most fixed penalty notices for fly tipping in Kent and our cameras are proving very useful at gathering evidence. There will be a suggestion at the next RAMP meeting that a portion of the opportunities fund is used to buy more cameras (following an idea by the Herne Bay Area Member Panel) as they are particularly useful in rural areas. Secondly, the community governance review will start in the summer. This will include looking at parish councils and whether they wish to alter their boundaries or merge with neighbours - we'll look forward to hearing your views on this.” 10/17-18 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey’s written report was read by the Clerk. “There is very little to report at present. I am delighted to have been re-elected. At Kent County Council, none of the new Cabinet Members or other posts have been announced and the committees are not known yet. It will all become clear at the KCC Annual General Meeting on May 25th. So things are a bit in limbo at present, though of course the day to day work, road repairs, social work, libraries, etc, carry on as usual.” 11/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be done was reviewed and revised. The resulting list is to be circulated to members of the recreation ground committee. Neighbourhood Plan: The Clerk reported that there had been no meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee since the last Parish Council meeting. The AECOM Strategic Environmental Assessment process is now underway with statutory consultees. It will be published for residents to comment if they so wish. 12/17-18 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. The Chair reported on a meeting held on 10 May with Kevin Gore (drainage planned works team leader) of KCC Highways. Mr Gore acknowledged that works at the Conyngham Lane end of the High St need to be completed satisfactorily. Villagers and councillors are encouraged to report any drainage concerns to the KCCC highways through the online reporting tool. Mr Gore referred to a 50% cut in his budget for this year by KCC and admitted shortcomings with the KCC highways website 13/17-18 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Council agreed to spend £1,000 towards supporting a legal challenge to the Mountfield Park development. The Clerk will write a covering letter to explain the full terms and conditions. (ACTION: Clerk) 2. The Parish Council Insurance policy with Came and Co was renewed for 2017-2018 3. The Chair pointed out that formal allocation of parish council reserves is not a legal requirement. However, the Clerk was authorised to use the allocations announced at the 2016 Annual Parish meeting as a basis for his completion of the financial audit for 2017-2018 4. Council agreed to adopt for all Councillors the wording used in a letter dated 6 April 2017 from Cllr Ferguson relating to the dispensation regarding housing from the Declaration of Public Interests. Specifically the reasons given in the letter were that “ ..a similar dispensation had already been granted to members and co-opted members of the parish council on the basis that without the dispensation, the number of persons prohibited by section 31(4) from participating in discussions of the matters described would be so great a proportion of the parish council as to impede the transaction of the business. In addition, the granting of the dispensation is in the interests of persons living in the village.” The Clerk will seek advice from the Monitoring Officer about this dispensation now that the sites under consideration in the Neighbourhood Plan have changed since the last time this issue was discussed. (ACTION: Clerk) 5. The Emergency Plan was readopted for the following year with one amendment. The plan will be circulated to all councillors. 6. Cllr Dhaliwal provided an update on the summer event scheduled for 8 July 2017 7. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 8 June in the Sports Pavilion. 8. Council agreed unanimously to appoint Coppicewood to carry out tree work on the recreation ground as per the quotation received. 9. Council agreed to the use of the recreation ground for a fireworks display by the school PTA, probably on November 4 2017. Certain conditions regarding the associated groundworks will be communicated to the organisers by the Clerk based upon advice from Cllr Davies. Permission will need to be sought from the landowner. (ACTION: Clerk) 10. Council agreed to write to Bekesbourne Parish Council to see if they were satisfied with the size of the weight restriction notices now in the lay by on Bridge Hill. Cllr Cook will also be reminded of the need to insist upon the enforcement of the new parking restrictions. (ACTION: Clerk) 11. The following motion proposed by Cllr Ferguson was agreed to by all councillors: “That recently BPC received proposals for development by Cantley Limited be published together with associated correspondence.” It was understood from discussion which took place about this motion that it would include all such proposals and correspondence dating from the present back to June 2015. 12. Feedback from the BVST meeting held on 8 May 2017 was provided by Cllr Hodges, concentrating especially on the problems caused by adult football teams leaving the pavilion in a poor state of cleanliness. The BVST will tighten up the contract with these teams in order to address the issues. Cllr Hodges expressed disappointment at the lack of publicity regarding the potential hire of the pavilion. 13. The Chair reported that the Mill Centre leases have now been signed but that the Parish Council copies have not been received in the parish office. 14/17-18 The Correspondence list for May 2017 was noted. 15/17-18 Receipts as indicated on the agenda were noted 16/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker HMRC Came and Co insurance Canterbury City Council Claire Tester Amount £617.71 £173.53 £1,170.99 £127.39 £75 Purpose Salary and office allowance Tax and NI on clerk’s salary Parish Council Insurance Election costs Neighbourhood Plan legal advice S Forde Ian Sargent £87.50 £315.00 Deposit 8 July event 3 cuts and strimming 17/17-18 Points of Information:      Cllr Corfield reminded councillors of the need to use parish email accounts for parish council business and to keep all councillors informed of and copied into parish council correspondence. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Scullion about his current activities as Local Warden. Cllr Corfield asked for further contributions to the next newsletter. Cllr Ferguson recorded thanks for the recent photographic exhibition and received confirmation that works at the base of the village sign can now go ahead. He also raised the issue of tree planting in the High St. Cllr Fawke updated the meeting on minor highways works to be carried out in the village. The meeting concluded at 10.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the Sports Pavilion on Bridge Recreation Ground APPENDIX 1—Roles and responsibilities for 2017-2018 as agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 11 May 2017 Councillor in black font Volunteers in red font Role Responsibility Cllr Fawke Cllr Corfield EPC, PC PC ACRA (Alliance of Canterbury Residents’ Association Allotment Association Art in Bridge Cllrs R Atkinson and Dhillon RGC, NPC Bridge in Bloom Cllrs Ferguson and Fawke Cllrs A Atkinson and Hodges Cllr P Davies Bridge Primary School Liaison RGC, PC, EPC Mark Esdale Richard McCarthy Richard McCarthy Cllrs Fawke, Hodges, Corfield and Davies (The Planning Committee) Cllr Dhillon Cllrs A Atkinson, Davies, Rob Moon, Laurence Dunderdale, Kate Wortham Cllrs A Atkinson and Hodges Cllr R Atkinson Ginny McCarthy, Valerie Wicker Jenny Vye, Cllr Ferguson, David Humphries, Judith and Kevin Jenner Cllr Dhaliwal Cllrs A Atkinson and Davies Cllr Corfield Cllr Davies Cllr Fawke Cllr Ferguson Cllr Davies Cllr Dhillon Cllr Corfield Cllrs Corfield, Dhaliwal and Mark Bridge Village Sports Trust Christmas trees coordination Footpaths Public Rights of Way Warden Tree Warden Financial Controls/3 monthly oversight Flood Wardens Kent Assoc of Local Councils – Canterbury RGC, NPC RGC, PC, EPC EPC, PC ACRA, SCA RGC, PC PC Litter Picking Co-ordination Mill Centre Management Committee Little Stour & Nailbourne River Man Group Newsletter Editor Police Liaison Rural Area Member Panel Meetings SCA (South Canterbury Alliance) Snow Warden Speedwatch Co-ordination Village Hall Management Committee Village Website Esdale Cllr R Atkinson Cllr Hodges, Ros and Barry Bray, Gillian Davies RGC, NPC NPC, RGC, PC Welcome pack Wild Flower Project The Parish Council has a number of committees:  The Finance Committee-to which all councillors belong  The Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) (Cllrs Fawke, A Atkinson, Dhillon, Davies the Clerk and Kate Wortham, Rob Moon and Laurence Dunderdale)  The Planning Committee (PC) (Cllrs Hodges, Fawke (Chair), Davies and Corfield)  The Neighbourhood Plan Committee (NPC) (Cllrs Hodges, A Atkinson, R Atkinson, the Clerk Christobel Seath and John Hill)  The Recreation Ground Committee (RGC) (Cllrs Hodges, R Atkinson, Dhillon and Davies). Councillors retain their roles and responsibilities until decided otherwise by the Council as a whole. Volunteers are confirmed on an annual basis by the Parish Council AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 3 June 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at the Sports Pavilion on Bridge Recreation Ground on Thursday 8 June 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2017 4. 5. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 5 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan c. Village Fayre 8 July 6. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Bridge Village Hall Committee AGM 25 May 2017 (Cllr A Atkinson) 7. Matters for discussion and action. a. To receive the PKF Littlejohn annual audit return for the financial year 2015-2016 b. To approve the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2016-2017 (Section 1 of the form) c. To approve the accounting statement on the Annual Return for 20162017 (Section 2 of the form) d. To accept and approve the report of the internal auditor for 2016-2017 e. To provide an update on Green Court (parking and proposed works) (Cllr Fawke) f. To consider the provision of wi-fi in the village hall and to update Audio Visual projection arrangements. (Cllr Fawke) g. To decide actions on current highways concerns-such as the parking sign outside the hairdressers on Western Avenue and rubbish being dumped on the old oil depot site. (Cllr Fawke) h. Planning for the co-option of a new councillor if there is to be no election. (Chair) i. Dispensations for Councillors to discuss proposed housing site allocations. (Clerk) j. To discuss Canterbury City Council’s proposed Community Governance Review. (Cllr A Atkinson). k. Cantley offered (without prejudice), in return for development in the village, to bring forward an area of land adjacent to the school to provide a new village hall, the specification of which could include meeting rooms and offices, with potential use by the parish council, the school, local businesses and other community users, and a car park, for the benefit of the hall, the school and the village centre. BPC’s clerk is requested to carry out the following enquiries and report back to BPC: a) Whether Cantley’s offer of land for a village hall and car park continues to stand. b) Provide an estimate of construction costs of a suitable village hall and car park based on size of identified site and requirements as set out by Cantley for meeting rooms etc. c) Whether Cantley’s offer includes funding for construction of village hall and car park. d) Based on an assumed development of 30 units, to include 12 affordable homes (i.e. as per recent sites feasibility drawings), provide estimated, or proposed total financial contributions, by Cantley (expressed as a percentage, if necessary), to construction of new village hall and car park. e) Provide estimate of how funding shortfall (i.e. balance of construction costs less Cantley’s direct financial contributions (if any)) could be achieved (e.g. by sale of BPC’s existing assets or use of reserves) and include an estimate of increased precept (over how many years) to fund construction and estimated increase for each village council tax bill as a result. f) What criteria are Cantley setting for lease renewal/grant for recreation ground and allotments. (Cllr Ferguson) l. Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Committee be requested to consider and advise Bridge Parish Council on: a) inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan the site of proposed village hall and access and interplay with other existing community facilities. b) inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan brownfield sites available for development now and prospectively. c) by engagement with our community and infrastructure providers (utility companies, transport infrastructure providers, KCC highways and local health commissioners) and local planning authority, identification and confirmation of what additional essential infrastructure may be needed to enable development proposed in neighbourhood plan to be delivered in a sustainable way; how any additional infrastructure requirements might be funded and delivered; what impact infrastructure requirements may have on viability of Neighbourhood Plan proposals and therefore its delivery and likely impacts of proposed site allocation options or policies on physical infrastructure and on the capacity of existing services, as appropriate. d) future Neighbourhood Plan workplan, activities (to include key project milestones and target dates), chairing and arrangements for management of meetings e.g. terms of reference, quorum, reporting and community engagement. (Cllr Ferguson) m. Bridge Neighbourhood Plan committee continue their work towards the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan and that they should bring an interim report to Bridge Parish Council’s September meeting. (Cllr A Atkinson) 8. Correspondence (List circulated) 9. Receipts: £2,650 grant for Neighbourhood Plan (Groundworks) 10. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Philip Wicker The Post Office Sturry Parish Council MAS seeds Kent county playing fields association Big Prop The Post Office Mrs G Davies Wicksteed Philip Wicker Kent Environment and Community network Richard Nicholson Ian Sargent Amount £617.71 £173.53 £209.60 £25.40 £20 Purpose Salary Tax and National Insurance Handyman expenses Wild flower planting Subscription for 2017 £195 £105.07 £33.28 £9,815.10 £37.00 £1,000.00 Village Fayre 8 July Tax arrears for 2016-2017 financial year Plants for the sensory garden Swing and climber (purchase and installation) Petty cash top up. Legal challenge to Mountfield development £300.00 £230.00 Music for 8 July fayre 2 cuts and strims Items in italics have already been processed since the last meeting to avoid delay. Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 July at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 June 2017 in The Sports Pavilion on Bridge Recreation Ground at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Fawke, Ferguson and the Clerk (P Wicker) 18/17-18 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Dhillon and Dhaliwal and from County Councillor Northey and City Councillor Cook both of whom were subject to purdah restrictions. Cllr Corfield resigned from the Parish Council with effect from 15 May 2017. 19/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 20/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 May 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 21/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 5 of the agenda.              The Clerk reported that an election is to be held to replace Cllr Corfield. Nominations are due to Canterbury City Council by 16 June (4 p.m.) and the election (if contested) will take place on 13 July 2017. Cllr Ferguson asked for a list of all current Bridge Parish Council policies (Action: Clerk). Council agreed to purchase ID badges for flood and snow wardens (Action: Clerk). Cllr Davies will work with the Clerk on a letter to the school about the proposed fireworks event on November 4 and landownership issues close to the Higham Lane bus stop. (Action: Clerk and Cllr Davies). Cllr Davies will clear up the ivy around the acacia trees on the High St. KCC need to be alerted to a trip hazard on Laurie’s Way caused by recently laid bricks. (Action: Clerk). Mr Scullion’s recent email was noted. (Mr Scullion is the Bridge Community Support Warden) Photos need to be sent to Cllr Cook along with a tree report to be written by Cllr Davies about trees causing concern through lack of maintenance in Churchill Close. (Action: Cllr Davies). The Clerk will write to Cllr Corfield about the current state of play regarding the parish newsletter (Cllr A Atkinson will see it through to completion if necessary). (Action: Clerk). The Clerk reported that previous actions on the bridge over the Nail Bourne, the tender for work on Green Court and the updating of the Emergency Plan had been put on hold due to pressure of work since the last meeting. They will however be revived. A response from the owner of the Londis stores is awaited on the siting of the proposed defibrillator, which is to be purchased by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council through a KALC discount scheme. (Action: Clerk). A response is awaited from the Clerk at Bekesbourne about the weight limit signs in the lay by. Final parish copies of the Mill Centre leases (now signed) are awaited and have been paid for by the Parish Council. 22/17-1 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground:  The list of jobs was reviewed and revised. The resulting list is to be circulated to members of the recreation ground committee. A letter is to be sent to the BVST about publicity of the pavilion/ further insulation and the state of the changing rooms. The Clerk reported that the next formal playground inspection will take place in July 2017. Council agree to purchase a new bench to replace the concrete bench. The Clerk will provide prices based upon the previous model of bench provided in the children’s play area. Cllr Davies will bring forward proposals to relocate the youth shelter to the July meeting. (Action: Cllr Davies and Clerk). Neighbourhood Plan:  Cllr Atkinson reported on two recent meetings (minutes of which have been published on the dedicated website). In discussion which followed it was agreed that all Cllrs would assist with the distribution of the Housing Needs Survey, one copy of which will be supplied to each household. The survey will be uploaded onto the Neighbourhood Plan website. (Action: All). Village Fayre July 8: Council thanked Cllr Dhaliwal for her report and her work on this event. 24/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. The Chair attended the AGM of the Bridge Village Hall management committee on 25 May 2017. His report focused on financial arrangements, the accounts presented at the meeting and proposed building works envisaged in the Hall to be undertaken by the Bridge Village Hall Management Committee. Discussion followed on the status of the trust deed dated 1960. 23/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a. Council agreed to receive the PKF Littlejohn annual audit return for the financial year 20152016 and noted that there are no outstanding issues. b. The governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2016-2017 (Section 1 of the form) was approved and signed by the Chair. c. The accounting statement on the Annual Return for 2016-2017 (Section 2 of the form) was approved and signed by the Chair and Clerk. d. Council accepted and approved the report of the internal auditor for 2016-2017. e. Cllr Fawke agreed to price up non parking signs for the private property areas in Western Aven-ue. The entire Council was in favour of this action. Cllr Fawke will consult with local experts and suppliers as to the cost and practicability of installing wi-fi in the village hall. The Clerk will pur - chase the necessary equipment to ensure compatibility between IT devices to enable projection to take place in the village hall. (Action: Clerk and Cllr Fawke). f. Cllr Atkinson reported on the forthcoming meeting (Tuesday 13 June 2017) with KCC highways (within the Joint Transport Board) about drainage in the village. Cllrs are encouraged to provide the Chair with a list of any outstanding Highways jobs which he could raise at that meeting (in addition to the known defects in Union Rd and Conyngham Lane). Cllr Fawke updated the meeting on the parking sign outside the hairdressers on Western Avenue. Rubbish on the old oil depot site has been removed. g. Council learned that there is unlikely to be a co-option to arrange as there is likely to be an election. h. The Clerk thanked Cllrs for returning their written requests for Dispensations for Councillors to discuss proposed housing site allocations. This regularises the existing dispensation granted in April 2016. i. Cllr Atkinson alerted the meeting to the forthcoming Community Governance Review to be held on 26 June 2017. Cllr Ferguson will also attend. The Clerk will send the web link to the background papers. Discussion took place as to how to respond to the consultation and the nature and purpose of the review. j. The motion proposed by Cllr Ferguson (as published in the agenda as item 7 k) was seconded by Cllr Davies. After wide ranging discussion, a vote was taken. 2 councillors voted in favour (Cllrs Davies and Ferguson), three councillors voted against (Cllrs A Atkinson, Hodges and Fawke). Cllr R Atkinson abstained. Although the motion did not pass, the Chair undertook to take the points raised in the debate and also in the motion itself to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for them to decide how they wish to respond. k. The motion proposed by Cllr Ferguson (as published in the agenda as item 7 l) was discussed. After considerable debate the motion was amended to read as shown below in red font. This motion was agreed to unanimously. Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Committee is requested to consider and advise Bridge Parish Council on: a) inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan the site of proposed village hall and access and interplay with other existing community facilities. b) inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan brownfield sites available for development now and pro-spectively. c) by engagement with our community and infrastructure providers (utility companies, transport infrastructure providers, KCC highways and local health commissioners) and local planning authority, identification and confirmation of what additional essential infrastructure may be needed to enable development proposed in neighbourhood plan to be delivered in a sustainable way; how any additional infrastructure requirements might be funded and delivered; what impact infrastructure requirements may have on viability of Neighbourhood Plan proposals and there-fore its delivery and likely impacts of proposed site allocation options or policies on physical in-frastructure and on the capacity of existing services, as appropriate. d) future Neighbourhood Plan work plan, activities (to include key project milestones and target dates), chairing and arrangements for management of meetings e.g. terms of reference, quorum, reporting and community engagement. l. Council then discussed the following motion from the Chair (item 7 m on the agenda): “Bridge Neighbourhood Plan committee continue their work towards the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan and that they should bring an interim report to Bridge Parish Council’s September meeting. “ This motion was carried by a majority of 5 to 0 (with one abstention –Cllr Ferguson). 25/17-18 The Correspondence list for June 2017 was noted. 26/17-18 Receipts as indicated on the agenda were noted 27/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker The Post Office Sturry Parish Council MAS seeds Kent county playing fields association Big Prop The Post Office Mrs G Davies Wicksteed Philip Wicker Kent Environment and Community network Richard Nicholson Ian Sargent Amount £617.71 £173.53 £209.60 £25.40 £20 Purpose Salary Tax and National Insurance Handyman expenses Wild flower planting Subscription for 2017 £195 £105.07 £33.28 £9,815.10 £37.00 £1,000.00 Village Fayre 8 July Tax arrears for 2016-2017 financial year Plants for the sensory garden Swing and climber (purchase and installation) Petty cash top up. Legal challenge to Mountfield development £300.00 £230.00 Music for 8 July fayre 2 cuts and strims 28/17-18 Points of Information:     The Mountfield legal challenge is due to heard on 25/26 July Planting under the village sign can now proceed Residents may be contravening planning regulations by installing satellite dishes on High St frontages New fences in the fields adjacent to Bourne Park suggest sheep may soon be more widespread. The meeting concluded at 10.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 6 July 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 13 July 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 5. Report from Simon Cook 6. Report from Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies ACRA meeting-minutes circulated 22 June 2017 Community Governance Review 26 June (Cllr Atkinson) 9. Matters for discussion and action. a. To discuss the state of the road surface on Town Hill and adjoining roads (Cllr Fawke) b. To discuss issues concerning trees in the vicinity of Churchill Close and no parking signs on Western Avenue (Cllr Fawke) c. To provide an update on the tenders for Green Court (Clerk) d. Update on fireworks event (4 Nov 2017) (Clerk) e. To claim for any Parish Capital Grant funds? (Clerk) f. That Bridge Parish Council holds bi-monthly drop in surgeries for parishioners to raise any issues regarding the parish and within the remit of BPC. (Cllr Ferguson) g. That BPC formulates a strategic plan and objectives for the remainder of its cycle. (Cllr Ferguson) 10. Correspondence (List circulated) 11. Receipts: £25 from the BVST-annual charge; pitch fees of £100 from White Horse, Plough and Harrow and the Red Lion pubs in Bridge towards 8 July Fayre. Pitch fee of £200 from Peckish Catering for 8 July fayre 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Philip Wicker The Post Office Mrs Vicki White Lionel Robbins P K Dosanjh Kiran Dhaliwal BT KALC Kiran Dhaliwal Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Dynamic Production Solutions Arthur Hyam Richard Nicholson (trading as the Neotones) Philip Wicker KALC Ian Sargent Amount £617.71 £173.53 £31.39 £75.00 £70.00 £82.74 £128.45 (of which £21.40 is VAT) £1716 (of which £286 is VAT) £93.20 (of which £3.78 is VAT) £5.00 £31.08 £115.20 (of which £19.20 is VAT) £262.50 £100.00 Purpose Salary Tax and National Insurance Plant for planters Independent internal auditor Village fayre poster Raffle tickets fro Fayre (8 July) Direct Debit ZOLL AED Plus fully automatic defibrillator and AIVIA 200 Outdoor/Indoor AED cabinet c/w Alarm and Heating and 3D steel outdoot wall sign Goods ordered from Amazon for Fayre Printing paper from ASDA Goods from Toolstation for 8 July Fayre Staging for 8 July Fayre (for 6 July) Childrens entertainer 8 July fayre Extra music required for 8 July £89.99 £72 McAfee 2 year anti- virus protection Training fee for Cllr Ferguson 8 July £230 2 cuts and strimming Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 September at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 July 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Fawke (Vice Chair and Chair for this meeting in the absence of the Chair), Ferguson, Dhaliwal, Dhillon, Shirley and the Clerk (P Wicker) A villager addressed the meeting on the issue of speeding traffic in the High St. As a result, Cllr Dhillon was able to confirm that participation in the Speedwatch scheme can be extended to interested villagers. Cllr Shirley signed his declaration of acceptance of office and was duly congratulated by all on having been elected unopposed to the Council with effect from 13 July 2017. His request for a dispensation from pecuniary interests was accorded by the Council (on same basis as for all other councillors outlined in minute 13/17-18 of the May 2017 meeting of the Parish Council). 29/17-18 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Atkinson and from County Councillor Northey and City Councillor Cook both of whom were due to attend meetings elsewhere. 30/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 31/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 June 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 32/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. 1) Cllr Dhaliwal noted that the Fayre on 8 July had been a great success, both socially and financially. Council resolved not to require any repayment of the £1,000 loan from the Parish Council used to underwrite the event. A vote of thanks to Cllr Dhaliwal was passed and the destination of any surplus revenue will be decided at the September meeting once all outstanding expenses have been paid. 2) Cllr Fawke stated that the installation of “wi-fi” in the village hall will be raised with the Charitable trust management committee in November 2017. (Action Cllr Fawke) 3) Cllr Fawke suggested contacting KCC, Sustrans and Ashford Futures over a potential new (Action: Clerk) footbridge. 4) It was decided to order a picnic bench from Earth Anchors (similar to the ones purchased last year for the children’s play area) to replace the broken concrete bench near the wild flower (Action: Clerk) area. 5) Fly-tipping: Tyres remain uncollected from the road to Lower Hardres. (Action: Clerk) 6) A compendium of parish council policies will be available soon through Dropbox (Action: Clerk) 7) ID badges have been ordered and will be ready for the next meeting (Action: Clerk) 8) Land ownership issues remain to be resolved near the Higham Lane bus stop (Action Cllr Davies and Clerk) 9) The Clerk at Bekesbourne reported no adverse comments from councillors there about the size of no parking notices in Bridge lay-by. 10) The Affordable Housing survey will be uploaded to the Neighbourhood Plan website page. (Action: Clerk) 11) The Clerk has yet to purchase to necessary cable to link projector and Parish Council laptop. (Action: Clerk) 33/17-1 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook (read in his absence by the Clerk) The City Council is working with Serco to sort out the recent problems with bin collections. There are several possibilities for the long term, but in the short term the Council is concentrating on mak-ing sure the bins get collected as they should. Please let Cllr Cook know of any continuing issues. The first stage of consultation on the community governance review finishes on 14 July 2017. Villa-gers are asked to feed into this as the Council wish to hear as many points of view as possible. Cllr Cook has spoken with the new Chief Inspector at Canterbury police about a number of things, but in particular for Bridge, to ask his officers to keep an eye on rural parking by lorries especially in dangerous places like the Coldharbour Lane A2 on-slip. Canterbury City Council continue the focus on fly tipping. Please report incidents so they can be cleared up as quickly as possible. 34/17-18 Report from County Councillor Michael Northey (read in his absence by the Clerk) KCC is ticking over as usual with a countywide campaign to discourage people from using mobile phones while driving, which is still surprisingly prevalent. 35/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: Council agreed (by six votes to 2) to remove the youth shelter and to donate it to the primary school. The parish council will redesign and print the publicity leaflet advertising the Pavilion for hire. The list of jobs was reviewed and updated and will be sent to all councillors. The Recreation Ground file was handed to Cllr Dhillon. Neighbourhood Plan: The Clerk outlined the discussions of the most recent NP committee meeting held on 28 June, using the draft minutes which were circulated as a prompt. (These minutes are now on the NP webpage). The Clerk stated that to his knowledge no work has yet been done regarding infrastructure and village hall funding: minute 23/17-18 (k) of the last Parish Council meeting refers. 36/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. The Clerk reported on the recent meeting for local Parish councils on the Community Governance review. The commitment to this review was made by the City Council a number of years ago. All of the slides shown to parish councils at the meeting held on 26 June are available at https://www.canterbury.gov.uk/your-council/have-your-say/consultations/communitygovernance-review/faqs Alliance of Canterbury Residents Associations June 13-minutes circulated on 22 June 2017 37/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a. Cllr Fawke suggested to all councillors that they should log the poor state of the road surface on Town Hill and adjoining roads (Action: All) b. A report on the trees in Churchill Close has been drawn up by Cllr Davies and will be sent to Cllr Fawke for consideration. Council agreed to fund up to 50% of a replacement road sign (total cost £166.64) to be placed at the end of Western Avenue to replace the sign that has gone (Action: Cllr Fawke and Clerk) missing. c. Council decided to agree a strategy proposed by the Clerk for dealing with the proposed works in Green Court if no suitable tenders are forthcoming by 17 July, using local contractors. d. The school PTA has responded positively to the request from the Parish Council to provide guarantees regarding the restoration of the grass playing surface after the fireworks event. The PTA are now able to publicise the event-since the landowner has agreed in principle, on the basis that insurance and health and safety arrangements are of the same standard as in 2016. e. Councillors decided to investigate the possibility of installing a see saw in the children’s play area. The bid for any capital item Parish Capital Grant funds needs to be submitted by 2 Octo-ber 2017, with implementation in the course of the financial year 2018-2019. (Action: All) f. Following the very positive response shown by Council, Cllr Ferguson agreed to organise and publicise monthly drop-in surgeries starting in September 2017 for parishioners to raise any issues regarding the parish which lie within the remit of Bridge Parish Council. (Action: Cllr Ferguson) g. The Clerk will draft a strategic plan and objectives for the remainder of the Parish Council’s cycle and circulate to all Councillors for revision. This is in response to the Council’s agreement that such a document should be drawn up as proposed in a motion by Cllr Ferguson. (Action: Clerk) 38/17-18 The Correspondence list for July 2017 was noted. 39/17-18 Receipts as indicated on the agenda were noted 40/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker The Post Office Mrs Vicki White Lionel Robbins P K Dosanjh Kiran Dhaliwal BT KALC Kiran Dhaliwal Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Dynamic Production Solutions Arthur Hyam Richard Nicholson (trading as the Neotones) Philip Wicker KALC Ian Sargent Amount £617.71 £173.53 £31.39 £75.00 £70.00 £82.74 £128.45 (of which £21.40 is VAT) £1716 (of which £286 is VAT) £93.20 (of which £3.78 is VAT) £5.00 £31.08 £115.20 (of which £19.20 is VAT) £262.50 Purpose Salary Tax and National Insurance Plant for planters Independent internal auditor Village fayre poster Raffle tickets fro Fayre (8 July) Direct Debit ZOLL AED Plus fully automatic defibrillator and AIVIA 200 Outdoor/Indoor AED cabinet c/w Alarm and Heating and 3D steel outdoot wall sign Goods ordered from Amazon for Fayre Printing paper from ASDA Goods from Toolstation for 8 July Fayre Staging for 8 July Fayre (for 6 July) Childrens entertainer 8 July fayre £100.00 Extra music required for 8 July £89.99 £72 McAfee 2 year anti- virus protection Training fee for Cllr Ferguson 8 July £230 2 cuts and strimming Council agreed to provide salary and tax/NI cheques for the Clerk in the course of August when no formal meeting takes place. 41/17-18 Points of Information: 1. Cllr Davies asked about monthly police reports-are they forthcoming? 2. Cllr Hodges offered to replace John Corfield as Art in Bridge Representative on Bridge Parish Council. 3. The Planning Committee are raising concerns about the protection of trees by Canterbury City Council. 4. Council was encouraged to ensure kerbs are dropped on Riverside Close and to see that passing space is guaranteed at the site of Roger’s garage. 5. Cllr Ferguson recently attended a KALC conference (8 July) and will attend the next branch meeting of the CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England). The meeting concluded at 9.24 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 September 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 11 September 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 14 September 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 9. Matters for discussion and action. a. To decide on tenders for Green Court (Clerk) b. To consider a draft version of the Bridge Parish Council Strategic plan and to decide if it should be put out to consultation. (Chair) c. To provide an update on fireworks event (4 Nov 2017) (Clerk) d. Does the Parish Council wish to claim for any Parish Capital Grant funds? (Clerk) e. Should we donate funds raised at the village fayre to charity and if so to which one(s)? (Cllr Dhaliwal) f. To resolve on a course of action regarding Canterbury City Council’s Community Governance review (Clerk)) g. To review flood resilience (including a consultation response to the KCC document issued to councillors on 5 September and requiring a response by 8 October) and hedgerow cutting on Mill Lane (Cllr Davies) h. To discuss the proposed meeting with Quinn Estates on 26 September (Chair) i. To review email security and the archiving of messages (Clerk) j. A resolution to call for dropped kerbs on Riverside Close and passing space by Roger’s Garage to ensure free flowing traffic on the High St (Cllr Fawke) k. To note the conclusion of the annual audit for 2016-2017. (Clerk) l. To receive a report outlining progress with respect to the Neighbourhood Plan (Chair) 10. Correspondence (List circulated) 11. Receipts: £3,543.19 VAT refund, Bank Interest £7.67 and £420.40 cash income from the July fayre and £125 rental from Bridge Tennis Club 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount (£) Purpose Canterbury City Council 69.23 Printing Cllr S Fawke 12.86 Indelible paint marker Cllr P Ferguson 27.90 Travel expenses Big Day Prop Hire 30.00 50 coconuts British Red Cross Society 132.00 Presence at July 2017 Fayre Philip Wicker 617.71 Salary and Office allowance Post Office 173.53 Tax and NI BVHMC 84.00 Hire of Hall for Parish Council meetings BVHMC 107.00 Hire of Hall for Neighbourhood PLan Playsafety Ltd 113.40 Playground inspection Earth Anchors Ltd 590.40 Bench and fixing kit Canterbury City Council 163.01 Undisputed election Canterbury City Council 20.90 Photocopying for planning Cllr Hodges 4.50 Travel expenses Cllr Hodges 38.49 Wild Flower expenses ALCC Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker 10.00 91.96 39.99 20.48 PKFLittlejohn Ian Sargent 240 370 Trade Union Subscription 4 printer cartridges Canon MG 4250 Printer/Scanner No smoking sign and ID badges and holders Annual external auditor fee 3 cuts, 2 strims, extra mowing The following payments were made in the month of August 2017 when there was no formal meeting of the Parish Council Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Jim Boot Amount (£) 617.71 173.53 711.40 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fees Points of information: 1. Collection of bulbs from Serco (Cllr Hodges) 2. Car parking on Patrixbourne Rd (Cllr Dhillon) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 October at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 September 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair) R Atkinson, Hodges, Davies, Ferguson, Dhillon, Shirley and the Clerk (P Wicker) The Chair -having not been present at the previous meeting- welcomed Cllr Scott Shirley to the Parish Council. 42/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Fawke (ill), Cllr Dhaliwal, City Councillor Cook (clashing commitment) and Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. 43/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Paul Davies declared an interest in item 9 (h) of the agenda and signed the relevant book accordingly. 44/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13 July 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 45/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. It was agreed to publish all BPC policies on the website. (Action: Clerk)  Training will be needed for councillors in the use of Dropbox.  Land ownership issues remain to be resolved near the Higham Lane bus stop (Cllr Davies  and Clerk) 46/17-1 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook (read in his absence by the Clerk) “I'm very aware that there have been problems with the bin collection in the village in the last few weeks. There are problems across the district with Serco's resilience which we are work-ing to solve, but there are more local issues too. You'll have seen my posts on the village Facebook page and I will be dropping a leaflet around - I'd be very grateful if villagers can email me any time their bin isn't collected over the next month or so, so I have a full picture of exactly where the issues are. They may be problems with Serco, or their timetabling - or it may be other things such as parking for example - but whatever it is, this needs to be sorted out properly. The community governance review is underway at the moment. Please let us know if there are any changes that you would like to the parish - but equally if you're happy with the cur-rent arrangements, we're very happy to leave them as they are. Finally there seem to be fewer fly tipping incidents at the moment but please do report any that you see - so we can clear them up and also see if there is anything in the rubbish that we can use to trace who did it.” 47/17-18 Report from County Councillor Michael Northey There was no formal report from Cllr Northey. 48/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed and updated. It will be published with these minutes. Cllr Hodges expressed her thanks to volunteers from the village and to other Parish Councillors who have helped in recent weeks on the recreation ground. There will be another working party on 4 November at 9.30am. Neighbourhood Plan: The latest version of the plan (v.6 dated August 2017) is to be uploaded to the village website. Cllr Atkinson reported that at the NP meeting held on 17 August (minutes to be uploaded to the village website) members had been informed that Cantley Ltd were no longer interested in developing the site to the north of Conyngham Lane and that a meeting has been set for 5 October with Canterbury City Council. Further discussion was deferred to the later item on the agenda of this meeting see below). 49/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Bridge Village Sports Trust (BVST) Following discussion of the recent BVST minutes (dated 29 August 2017) it was decided to make consideration of the work of the BVST and the existing Memorandum of Understanding an agenda item for the next meeting. A report on current activities will be circulated to councillors by the Clerk prior the next meeting. (Action: Clerk) 50/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a. Council agreed unanimously to back Option 1 of the proposals for the work in Green Court cir-culated previously, with the expenditure for this financial year likely to rise to £6,600. b. Bridge Parish Council’s draft strategic plan will be published on the website and comments invited from villagers. The Chair emphasised that the document must not be seen as being an ex-clusive or definitive list of activities for the Parish Council, and that it cannot be considered as binding on future councils. (Action: Clerk) c. The Clerk that the parish council’s insurers have given their verbal backing to the fireworks event on 4 Nov 2017. The Clerk will now contact the insurers of the landowner (and the organ-iser of the event (Bridge School PTA) to ensure that they (the landowners’ insurers) are satisfied with all aspects of the proposed arrangements. d. It was decided to put forward pavilion related projects (heating and insulation) to access Parish Capital Grant funds by the deadline of 2 October. (Clerk) e. Council agreed that profits made from the village fayre will be donated to the Pilgrim’s Hospice. f. Councillors decided to attend forthcoming meetings on 18 September regarding Canterbury City Council’s Community Governance Review . Any comments that they have are to be fed back to the Clerk who will draft a Parish Council response for further discussion. The local KALC executive meeting on 26 September in Littlebourne at 7.00 pm. will also discuss this issue. g. Cllr Davies will forward the name of a recent contact with KCC about flood defences to the Chair. He will attend a forthcoming flood warden training event. The clerk will write to the relevant authorities about the cutting of hedgerows during the bird nesting season. Villager Mike Burns-Stark offered to send photographs. (Action: Cllr Davies) h. Councillors agreed to meet with Quinn Estates on 26 September in order to learn more of their proposals for developments in the parish of Bekesbourne at Highland Court Farm. A note will be made of the meeting and circulated to councillors and others unable to attend. i. Councillors were reminded of the need to archive emails. A decision was taken to retain the current 2Gig storage area and to archive existing emails electronically, and for the archive to be held by the Clerk. j. Councillors agreed to formally request of the relevant authorities dropped kerbs on Riverside Close and the retention of a passing space by Roger’s Garage on the High St. (Action: Clerk) k. Council noted that the annual audit for 2016-2017 has now been completed with no action points. l. Council proceeded to discuss issues relating to the Neighbourhood Plan in closed session, because of the potential commercial sensitivity of the subject matter. On the advice of the Clerk, a motion to discuss the item in closed session was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Davies. 5 of the 7 councillors present voted in favour, so the motion was carried. 51/17-18 The Correspondence list for September 2017 was noted. 52/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted 53/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Canterbury City Council Cllr S Fawke Cllr P Ferguson Big Day Prop Hire British Red Cross Society Philip Wicker Post Office BVHMC Amount (£) 69.23 12.86 27.90 30.00 132.00 617.71 173.53 84.00 Purpose Printing Indelible paint marker Travel expenses 50 coconuts Presence at July 2017 Fayre Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI Hire of Hall for Parish Council meetings BVHMC Playsafety Ltd Earth Anchors Ltd Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council Cllr Hodges Cllr Hodges ALCC 107.00 113.40 590.40 163.01 20.90 4.50 38.49 10.00 Hire of Hall for Neighbourhood PLan Playground inspection Bench and fixing kit Undisputed election Photocopying for planning Travel expenses Wild Flower expenses Trade Union Subscription Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker 91.96 39.99 20.48 PKFLittlejohn Ian Sargent 240 370 4 printer cartridges Canon MG 4250 Printer/Scanner No smoking sign and ID badges and holders Annual external auditor fee 3 cuts, 2 strims, extra mowing The following payments made in the month of August 2017 when there was no formal meeting of the Parish Council were also authorised. Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Jim Boot Amount (£) 617.71 173.53 711.40 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fees 54/17-18 Points of Information: 1. Cllr Davies agreed to collect bulbs from Serco for planting by children in the week commencing 4 November. 2. Cllr Dhillon has encouraged a local resident to write to the Clerk with concerns about parking on Patrixbourne Rd and also outlined current administrative difficulties with speedwatch sessions. 3. Art in Bridge-assistance would be appreciated for setting up the display of pictures on Friday 6 October. 4. Cllr Atkinson is happy to accept contributions for a forthcoming edition of the Parish Council newsletter. The meeting concluded at 9.49 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 October 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 9 October 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 12 October 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Allotment association 19 September 2017 (Cllr Fawke) Meeting with Quinn Estates 26 September 2017 (Cllrs Davies, R Atkinson and Fawke) 9. Matter for discussion a) BVST and sports pavilion-to discuss a way forward (paper previously circulated by Clerk) (Cllr Atkinson) b) Do we wish to purchase an additional bench for the Recreation Ground (between the Tennis Courts and the pavilion)? c) To discuss a report on the transfer of the youth shelter to Bridge School (Cllr Davies) d) To consider a proposed realignment of footpaths-consultation from KCC (Clerk) e) To receive an update on the Council’s response to the Community Governance Review and to discuss it further if requested.(Clerk) f) The creation of a new direct debit to pay clerk’s paye and NI from 15 December (Clerk) g) To adopt a Christmas Tree scheme (Chair-supporting scheme proposed by Mr Esdale) h) To receive an update on the Green Court proposals (Cllr Fawke) i) To receive an update on Speedwatch activities (Cllr Dhillon) j) k) To decide how villagers can be encouraged to learn of the operation of the new defibrillator. (Clerk) To decide upon further proposed parking restriction in the High St (Cllr Fawke) 10. Correspondence (List circulated) 11. Receipts: £700 from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Communities Together fund (to subsidise the fayre in July 2017). £2,066.61 VAT refund also. 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Canterbury City Council Ian Sargent Amount (£) 617.71 173.53 30.30 210.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Clerk’s Tax and NI Printing of planning documents 2 cuts and strims Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9 November at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 October 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair) R Atkinson, Fawke, Davies, Ferguson, Dhillon, Shirley and the Clerk (P Wicker) 55/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Hodges and Cllr Dhaliwal. 56/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Fawke declared an interest in item 9 (d) of the agenda and signed the relevant book accordingly. 57/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 September 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 58/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda. 1. Council resolved to donate £1,297.88 to the Pilgrim’s Hospice as result of the summer Fayre in July 2017 using the powers enshrined in section 137 of the Local Gov’t Act of 1972. 2. The Emergency Plan is in need of review and therefore has not yet been uploaded to the parish website. 3. Training on dropbox, a review of land ownership in the vicinity of the Higham Lane bus stop, the reporting of potentially unlawful hedge cutting and minute 50/17-18 (j) are actions carried over. 4. Comments on the strategic plan will be sought from villagers on 2 November and by invitation on the website and in social media. 59/17-1 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook Cllr Cook pointed out that RISE grants are now available from not -for-profit and voluntary organisations with details on the Canterbury City Council website. The same website has been revised to enable villagers to log complaints with SERCO about waste bin emptying. This should reduce the frustrations associated with telephoning SERCO and should also lead to an improved response rate to complaints and feedback from SERCO. The website has also been made more user-friendly for the reporting of fly-tipping. He then answered questions raised about missing signs (regarding roads and dogs) . When asked for his own views about the proposed Highland Court development, he stated that the proposals are changing from week to week and have not been finalised or submitted formally. However, he does not feel convinced by the arguments made by the proposed developers that the reasons given for such extensive developments in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty are of “national significance” as they would indeed need to be. He stressed that these comments were made as the local councillor for North Nailbourne (including Bridge village) rather than as leader of the City Council. 60/17-18 Report from County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey noted that for the sixth consecutive year, Kent county Council is facing cuts of £80m in the next financial year. These cuts will almost certainly lead to cuts in essential services, since all efficiency and non-essential cuts have already been made. Villagers are encouraged to respond to the budget settlement themselves by accessing http://www.kent.gov.uk/about- the- council/finance-and-budget/our-budget. He will also look into the slow replacement of the bollard at the top of Bridge Hill and will formally visit the village school soon. 61/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed and updated. It will be published with these minutes. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Atkinson reported that there has been no formal meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan committee since the last meeting of the Parish Council. A meeting with Canterbury City Council planners was held on 5 October at which the timetable for the planned consultation over the neighbourhood plan was discussed. The Clerk was asked to upload the missing annexes of the latest version of the plan to the relevant section of the village website. 62/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. 1. Allotment association. 19 September 2017 Cllr Fawke tabled the treasurer’s report. The definitive lease from Cantley Ltd is still awaited. 2. Meeting with Quinn Estates re proposed Highland Court development 26 September 2017. Cllrs Davies, R Atkinson and Fawke had attended and answered questions using the notes of the meeting (previously distributed as a guide). Council took the opportunity to vote on the current proposal, which it was recognised does not yet constitute a formal planning application There voted 6 councillors against the proposal with one abstention. The Clerk was asked to set up a meeting with relevant local parishes to see if there is to be common ground in dealing with this proposal. 3. Cllr Atkinson reported on a meeting he and Cllr Fawke had attended with Katie Moreton, the drainage engineer for KCC on 9 October. She had agreed that the current reporting system for drainage faults was not fit for purpose and has recently been redesigned to improve feedback. It is clear that there need to be multiple reports for intervention to take place-so villagers will henceforth be encouraged to report problems “en masse”. There will be a further meeting in March and funding set aside for works in Bridge is likely to focus on known hotspots-identified at the meeting to Ms Moreton. 4. Cllr Davies attended a River Warden meeting on 7 October in East Malling. Many useful issues were covered which will be fed into the forthcoming review of the Emergency Plan. 63/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a) Council noted the report submitted by the Clerk and opted to rescind the current Memorandum of Understanding with the Bridge Village Sports Trust forthwith, albeit recognising the years of voluntary assistance that the Trust has provided to the village over many years. Management of the pavilion will now be taken in house by the parish council with the clerk charged to take on many responsibilities outlined in his paper. This change of management will also involve changes to the contract of the Clerk which were agreed at the meeting. Provision will need to be made for periods when the Clerk is on holiday. (Action: Clerk) b) It was agreed to purchase an additional sturdy, anchored bench for the Recreation Ground (between the Tennis Courts and the pavilion) up to a price of £700. (Action: Clerk) c) The transfer of the youth shelter to Bridge School will take place after 4 November 2017. Arrangements have been finalised between Cllr Davies on behalf of Bridge Parish Council and Mr Moon, Caretaker at Bridge school. d) Council raised no objections to the proposed application for the realignment of footpaths CB 295 and 296 as shown in the consultation document from KCC (Cllr Fawke left the meeting whilst this discussion took place for reasons he has written in the Decla-rations of Interest book). e) Cllr Atkinson outlined what had been said at a witness session on 11 October with mem-bers of the City Council’s Community Governance Review committee. Cllr Cook com-mented that approximately 200 responses had been received from the 160,000 residents of the District. The complexities which the creation of a new Town Council in unparished areas had been exaggerated according to Cllr Cook who gave examples of services which were unlikely to be devolved to any new town councils. f) Council agreed to the creation of a new direct debit to pay the clerk’s paye and NI from 15 December as demanded by HMRC. (Action: Clerk) g) Council agreed to adopt the annual Christmas Tree scheme as proposed by Mr Esdale at the meeting. Trees will go up on December 2 and come down on January 6. Resi-dents of the High St will receive a request to take part in the scheme before the next meeting of the Parish Council. h) Cllr Fawke updated the Council on the Green Court proposals. He referred to a site meeting held on 21 September and to the fact that work is likely to start on 1 November 2017. Residents of Green Court will need to be informed of the works by letter when we know the exact start date. (Action: i) j) k) Cllr Dhillon updated the council on 3 recent Speedwatch sessions. 6 speeding vehicles were reported to police on 29 September and another 11 on 12 October. (2 cars had been travelling over 60 mph near Higham Lane on that occasion). Sessions will be conducted weekly and volunteers are sought from the village. Cllr Shirley offered to help also. It was agreed to advertise the new defibrillator on social media and to encourage training for interested villagers. (Action: Cllr Fawke) Cllr Fawke Council will approach Richard Jenkins of Canterbury City Council over proposals he would like to see in place to alleviate congestion and parking problems in the vicinity of the Red Lion pub and its neighbours on the facing side of the High St. 64/17-18 The Correspondence list for September 2017 was noted. 65/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted 66/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker Post Office Canterbury City Council Amount (£) 617.71 173.53 30.30 Ian Sargent 210.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Clerk’s Tax and NI Printing of planning documents 2 cuts and strims 67/17-18 Points of Information: 1. Correspondence for all councillors from CPRE and KALC was distributed by the Clerk. 2. The Clerk will find out why paper copies of tree applications are not forthcoming from Canterbury City Council. 3. Cllr Davies will shortly set out the new plants as agreed with KCC under the village sign. 4. The drainage works in Union Rd are progressing well and should be finished shortly. The meeting concluded at 9.27 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9 November 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 31 October 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 9 November 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies:  Kent Highways seminar 17 October (Notes circulated on 25 October) (Chair)  Kent Highways transport seminar 2 November 2017 (Clerk) 9. Matters for discussion and action. a. Does Council wish to adopt the KALC community awards scheme? (email sent 17 October) Clerk b. Emergency plan review-timetable and process? (Chair) c. Budget setting for 2018-2019 (more information to be forwarded). Chair. d. To confirm Direct Debits for BT bills and HMRC (Clerk) e. To provide speedwatch feedback (Cllr Dhillon) f. Green Court update (Cllr Fawke) g. Community Governance review update. Chair h. AONB consultation-do we wish to respond? (email sent 3 November) Clerk i. To agree extra hours and new pay scale for the Clerk. (Chair) j. To ensure we have collated all requests for parking changes by November 30. (Clerk) k. Do we wish to publish a parish newsletter? Chair. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since last meeting-none. 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Amount (£) Purpose Philip Wicker 667.52 Salary and Office allowance HMRC (Direct Debits) 298.55 Tax and NI of £207.06 for most recent period and £91.49 overdue Came And Company 600 Parish Insurance Savills Client Account 275 Recreation Ground rent Ovenden Tipper Services 402 Green Court Ovenden Tipper Services 354 Green Court Ovenden tipper services 230 Green Court Philip Wicker 27.99 Toilet seat- pavilion AF Electrical services 217.85 Installation of defibrillator Canterbury City Council 22.94 Printing of planning documents Pilgrim’s Hospice 1,297.88 Donation of fayre profit and section 137 Streetmasters Ltd 834.00 Bench for recreation ground Jacksons fencing 1,196.76 Green Court (paid on 23 October 2017) Philip Wicker 26.10 Travel Expenses Information Commissioner 35 Data Protection fee Coppice Wood (Kent) 660 Pollarding 2 trees and clear self sown trees green Court Jim Boot 392.85 Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Ian Sargent 105 Recreation ground grass cutting Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 December at 7.00pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9 November 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair) R Atkinson, Fawke, Davies, Ferguson, Dhillon, Shirley, Hodges and the Clerk (P Wicker) 68/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Dhaliwal. 69/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 70/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 October 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 71/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  David Latham will contact Cllr Fawke with dates and times for defibrillator training.  Cllr Northey will chase up the Highways work on bollards at the top of Bridge Hill  Richard Jenkins of Canterbury City Council has sent proposals to Cllr Fawke for road signage on High St.  Ideas for RISE strategic grants (for up to £30,000) need to be with the Clerk well before the 28 November deadline from Canterbury City Council.  Training on Dropbox and a review of landownership in the Higham Lane area remain ongoing action points.  Council was apprised of the winding up costs of taking the pavilion under direct Parish Council control from the BVST. It was agreed that outstanding sums of £1,653.27 and £312.95 are to be paid to BVST creditors. 72/17-1 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook Canterbury City Council’s budget for next year, which has to be balanced, is out to consultation. Police cars will be patrolling lorries parked on the Highland Court access road to the A2, with a letter to follow for Highways England if the situation does not improve. It is likely that any boundary changes for local parishes as part of the Community Governance Review will be carried out by consent and without the need for arbitration from Canterbury City Council. Feedback on the new fly tipping section of the Canterbury City Council website is welcome. Cllr Cook is not yet aware of whether the current Ashford pilot campaign of clamping illegally parked lorries will be extended to Canterbury district. 73/17-18 Report from County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey updated the council on KCC Highways winter service policy. Villagers can suggest roads which should be added to the secondary roads list for maintenance during cold weather. The KCC budget is still out to consultation as is the Community Infancy Feeding Support policy. Cllr Northey encouraged employers in particular to be involved in the KCC apprenticeships programme. Cllr Ferguson urged the parish council to send details of potential employers who might take on apprentices to the Clerk and to the village Facebook page. 74/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and published with these minutes. Villager and school PTA chair, Rob Moon, thanked the council for permission to use the Recreation Ground for the recent fireworks event, which was judged by all councillors to have been a great success. New turf has been laid. Cllr Hodges recorded her thanks to the children of the school for planting bulbs. She reminded councillors of the next working party and asked to be involved in a forthcoming meeting with the tennis club to express her concerns about aspects of their maintenance of the Recreation Ground. Cllrs Atkinson asked for any other concerns about the tennis club to be channelled through the Clerk. Graffiti remover needs to be applied to various sites on the Recreation Ground. Neighbourhood Plan: Following a discussion about the nature of the Cantley proposals, whether their current offer represented the best offer obtainable and protocols governing the composition of the Neighbourhood Plan, Council agreed by 6 votes to 2 (those voting against were Cllrs Dhillon and Ferguson) to endorse the recently published Cantley proposals in a forthcoming leaflet and to include a statement from the council in the same leaflet to be distributed to all households over the period 18/19 November. This leaflet will remind villagers of the vote to be held on November 25 in Bridge Village Hall. The statement will be drawn up by Cllrs Hodges and Davies. A list of the required annexes for the plan has recently been received from Mr Boot enabling the Clerk to upload those which are available. Cllrs Hodges and A Atkinson will attend a forthcoming meeting of the school’s governing body to discuss the implications of the proposals further. 75/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Kent Highways Seminar 17 October. The Chair elaborated on the notes circulated on  25 October 2017, a copy of which are to be forwarded to Cllr Northey. Kent Highways Transport Seminar 2 November 2017. The Clerk has full details of how to  set up local public transport arrangements. He has the new toolkit produced by KCC for the purpose. HICO (Highland Court) joint meeting with other invited local parish councils held on 19  October 2017. The Chair reported back on the meeting (notes had previously been circulated). He took the opportunity to clarify that he had voted against the HICO plans at the September meeting of the Parish Council on 14 September 2017. Another joint meeting of the parish councils will take place on November 23 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllr Fawke has joined the Barham Downs Action Group. 76/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a. Council agreed to adopt the KALC community awards scheme for 2018 b. The review of the Emergency plan was deferred until the next meeting. There is very little prospect of groundwater flooding this winter. c. The budget for 2018-2019 will be set on 14 December. A note of the parish precept request has been asked for by Canterbury City Council with a final deadline of 31 December 2017. d. Council confirmed that Direct Debits are in place for BT and HMRC bills. e. Cllr Dhillon provided feedback on 3 separate speedwatch sessions on 16 and 26 October and 2 November. More volunteers are needed. 2 vehicles had been recorded at speeds of over 60 mph. f. Council approved the proposed planting plan for Green Court as well as extra funding of £500 for further fees and purchases and fitting of wood. The overall impression created by the work has been very favourable. Cllr Hodges will relocate a small oak tree to the Recreation Ground. g. The Chair updated Council on the Community Governance Review, indicating that if residents of the “Bekesbourne triangle” wish to become residents of Bridge Parish, then no objections should be raised. No-one spoke against this proposition. h. Council decided not to contribute to the recent AONB consultation. i. It was agreed to increase the Clerk’s hours to 16.5 hours per week and to point 27 of the Clerks’ pay scale with effect from 1 November 2017. This will be reviewed in October 2018. j. The Clerk read out the complete list of road marking amendments to be requested of Canterbury City Council. k. The Chair undertook to draft a parish newsletter for distribution to all councilors for comments. 77/17-18 The Correspondence list for October 2017 was noted. 78/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. 79/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker HMRC (Direct Debits) Amount (£) 667.52 298.55 Came And Company Savills Client Account Ovenden Tipper Services Ovenden Tipper Services Ovenden tipper services Philip Wicker AF Electrical services Canterbury City Council Pilgrim’s Hospice Streetmasters Ltd Jacksons fencing Philip Wicker Information Commissioner Coppice Wood (Kent) 600 275 402 354 230 27.99 217.85 22.94 1,297.88 834.00 1,196.76 26.10 35 660 Jim Boot Ian Sargent 392.85 105 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI of £207.06 for most recent period and £91.49 overdue Parish Insurance Recreation Ground rent Green Court Green Court Green Court Toilet seat-pavilion Installation of defibrillator Printing of planning documents Donation of fayre profit and section 137 Bench for recreation ground Green Court (paid on 23 October 2017) Travel Expenses Data Protection fee Pollarding 2 trees and clear self sown trees Green Court Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Recreation Ground grass cutting 80/17-18 Points of Information:  A bill for the Parish Council’s contribution for the Community Support Warden has been received.  Roles and responsibilities of Parish Councillors will be reviewed at the next meeting.  Details of the next Bridge Village Hall Management Committee meeting will be sent to Cllr Fawke.  CPRE newsletters to be circulated by the Clerk. The meeting concluded at 9.31 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 7.00 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 Email: clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk Date 7 December 2017 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 14 December 2017 at 7.00pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.00pm and 7.15pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8.     9. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: ACRA (association of Canterbury residents Associations) 7 December 2017 (minutes already circulated) BVST 17 November 2017 (minutes already circulated) Joint parish council meeting 23 November (notes already circulated) Village Hall Committee-23 November 2017 (cllr Fawke) Matters for discussion and action. a. To review the Emergency plan review-timetable and process. (Chair) b. To set the budget for 2018-2019 (Chair) c. To provide Speedwatch feedback (Cllr Dhillon) d. To provide a Green Court update (Cllr Fawke) e. To publish a parish newsletter? (Chair) f. To review roles and responsibilities of Parish Councillors (Chair) g. To decide upon a proposed donation to RNLI of £100 (Cllr Ferguson) h. Update on further works in the pavilion: external lighting and internal flooring. (Cllr Fawke) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since last meeting: Pavilion income £167; Christmas trees £1094.00 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Payee Philip Wicker HMRC (Direct Debits) Ovendens Ovendens Ovendens Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Future View Landscapes Chenice Sparkes Amanda Sparkes CCC Mervyn Gulvin Cloughs Jim Boot Wingham Timber Sandra Fawke Domestic Cleaning Mark Esdale Mark Esdale Amount (£) 667.52 207.06 234 420 234 20.78 39.56 4221.16 100 100 120 1653.27 1005 365.70 96.62 93.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI of £207.06 for most recent period and £91.49 overdue Green Court Green Court Green Court Pavilion repairs Printing of planning documents Green Court works Poll expenses Poll expenses Report on housing from Michael Bailey Historic pavilion repairs Christmas Trees Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Green Court Pavilion cleaning 203.69 312.95 Christmas tree sundries Pavilion cleaning April-October 2017 Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 11 January at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 December 2017 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.00 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Davies, Ferguson, Dhillon, Shirley, Hodges, Dhillon (arrived at 7.50 p.m.) and Dhaliwal (arrived at 7.50 p.m.) and the Clerk (P Wicker) 81/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Cook (Canterbury City Council) and Cllr R Atkinson. 82/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 83/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 November 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 84/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  Cllr Northey will chase up work on bollards near Coldharbour Lane and also on a potential stop sign to be placed in the vicinity -with Cllr Davies writing to him (and members of the Joint Transportation Board) with full details.  Cllr Fawke will provide training on Dropbox for interested councillors.  Anti- graffiti paint is needed for the recreation ground.  The community governance review has made only one proposal with regard to Bridge-that the triangle area north of Conyngham Lane and delimited by the A2 should become part of Bridge parish. Canterbury City Council will take the necessary steps to enact this change.  The KCC invoice for the Community Support Warden has no yet been received or paid.  Cllr Ferguson will report soon a on a proposal to promote apprenticeships for young people within our parish and across parishes following a recent meeting he held with Alan Baillie of Kent County Council.  See below for matters arising regarding the Neighbourhood Plan. 85/17-1 There was no report from City Councillor Simon Cook. 86/17-18 Report from County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey reported on latest developments in the budget setting process at Kent County Council (KCC), health initiatives and bus consultations from KCC. He answered questions raised by Cllr Ferguson about the Sustainable Transport Strategy. This correspondence will also be forwarded to the Joint Transportation Board of Canterbury and Kent councils. 87/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and will be published with these minutes. Cllr Hodges extended thanks to the volunteers who participated in the November 11 working party. Cllr Ferguson thanked the clerk for achieving a successful bid to Canterbury City Council for grant aid to improve the heating in the pavilion. The Clerk informed the meeting that an average income of £100 per month over the year was required to keep the pavilion solvent. Graffiti remover needs to be applied to various sites on the Recreation Ground. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Atkinson informed Council of the Neighbourhood Plan Group meeting held on Wednesday 13 December and of the current state of the plan. It will be substantially completed by the week commencing 18 December, when another meeting of the group is to be held. (on Monday 18 December at 4.00 p.m. in the Hunter Room) The report from Michael Bailey of Canterbury City Council is to be made available to all councillors and a meeting with the governors of Bridge Primary School and Councillors Hodges and Atkinson has been rescheduled for the first term of 2018. Appendices still need to be added to the plan. Cllr Atkinson reminded the meeting of the result of the recent parish poll on the Cantley proposals (November 25 2017) and the fact that of the 26% voters who turned out, 65% voted in favour of the proposals. These proposals will now be written in to the Neighbourhood plan and the proposed 10 units of social housing for Brickfields will no longer be in the plan, appearing in the proposed Cantley development instead. The Neighbourhood Plan grant spending window has been extended to 31 January 2018. When asked by the Chair to correct the chronology contained in previous email correspondence regarding the Neighbourhood Plan (dated 17 November and circulated to all parish councillors), Cllr Ferguson declined to circulate a list of complete correspondence on the grounds that he had not corresponded with Cantley on behalf of the Parish Council. 88/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies.  ACRA (Association of Canterbury Residents Associations) 7 December 2017 (minutes had already been circulated)  BVST 17 November 2017 (minutes had already been circulated). A letter of thanks is to be sent to the BVST by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council in recognition of the 30+ years of service which the organisation has provided for the village.  Joint parish council meeting 23 November (notes had already been circulated). Cllr Atkinson said that local representatives (Canterbury and Kent) need to be lobbied about the proposals and any specific concerns should be raised with the Clerk at Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne parish council as they will be dealing formally with any planning application which might be forthcoming.  Village Hall Committee-23 November 2017. Cllr Fawke outlined the solution to damp problems in the hall and the imminent transfer of tables form the hall to the pavilion as new tables are purchased for the village hall.  Tennis Club—a meeting on 29 November between Cllrs Atkinson and Hodges and officers of the Tennis Club revealed that the tennis club would like to upgrade and expand their facilities, though it was surprising to note from the meeting that no adult residents of Bridge apparently were members of the club. 89/17-18 Matters for discussion and action a. A date is being set to review the Emergency plan for completion by March 2018. (Chair) b. The budget was set for 2018-2019. Council agreed unanimously to a 1.9% increase in the precept which will mean that £30,824.75 will be raised through the precept. £254.11 will be added to this total in council tax support grant for the Financial year starting on 1 April 2018 Broad expenditure headings for the year 2016-2017 will be circulated to all councillors c. Cllr Dhillon reported that Speedwatch operations will recommence shortly d. Cllr Fawke gave an update on proposed final works on Green Court, including planting and timber edging. e. The Chair had circulated a draft parish newsletter which will be issued in mid-January, with Cllr Dhailwal taking on responsibility for editing newsletters thereafter. The January edition will invite villagers to propose projects to be considered by the Parish Council and a list of forthcoming events. f. Following a review roles and responsibilities of Parish Councillors, Cllrs Shirley and Fawke will join the recreation ground committee which will henceforth take responsibility for the pavilion also. g. Cllr Ferguson agreed to invite Alex Ellis on behalf of the Parish Council to address the parish meeting scheduled for 26 April 2018 and thereby to contribute £100 towards the RNLI. h. It was agreed to garner quotations for improving the shower room flooring. 90/17-18 The Correspondence list for November 2017 was noted. 91/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. 92/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Payee Philip Wicker HMRC (Direct Debits) Ovendens Ovendens Ovendens Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Future View Landscapes Chenice Sparkes Amanda Sparkes CCC Mervyn Gulvin Cloughs Jim Boot Wingham Timber Sandra Fawke Domestic Cleaning Mark Esdale Mark Esdale Amount (£) 667.52 207.06 234 420 234 20.78 39.56 4221.16 100 100 120 1653.27 1005 365.70 96.62 93.00 Purpose Salary and Office allowance Tax and NI of £207.06 for most recent period and £91.49 overdue Green Court Green Court Green Court Pavilion repairs Printing of planning documents Green Court works Poll expenses Poll expenses Report on housing from Michael Bailey Historic pavilion repairs Christmas Trees Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy Green Court Pavilion cleaning 203.69 312.95 Christmas tree sundries Pavilion cleaning April-October 2017 93/17-18 Points of Information:  The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill has still not been replaced by Canterbury City Council and is now a hazard. The Clerk will take this up with Paul Thompson as soon as possible.  There has been fly tipping in the layby on bridge Hill.  Police need to be reminded of the abandoned vehicle parked in the lay by on Bridge Hill.  Cllr Ferguson asked whether Council had been informed of the recent closures of the A2-we had not.  Cllr Fawke noted that the inability of certain drains to cope with heavy rainfall remains despite recent cleaning.  In the course of the meeting it was resolved to thank formally Robert Moon for the fireworks display and villagers Katy Fuller and Emma Haynes for the recent pebble finding campaign. The meeting concluded at 8.45 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 5 January 22018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 11 January 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2017 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action. To decide on KALC award nominees (due by 26 Jan 2018)  To discuss KCC proposals to cut the no 17 bus service (Cllr Fawke)  To agree on a speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting on  Thursday April 26 2018 (Chair) An update on the visiting library van (Cllr Fawke)  To provide an update on the Parish newsletter (Chair)  Updating the Emergency Plan (Chair)  Speedwatch update (Cllr Dhillon)  An update on the Apprenticeship proposal (Cllr Ferguson)  To note the final precept request for 2018-2019 (£30,824 + £254.11  grant, totalling £32,079.11) (Clerk) To thank volunteers for the Christmas tree display this year  (Cllr Ferguson) To note the registration of two leases relating to the Mill Centre  with HM Land registry. (Clerk) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts. Pavilion income of £227 (£108 + £21+ £98) and £3.45 from UK power networks 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Cloughs P Wicker HMRC BVHMC £9.00 £667.52 £207.06 £101.00 BVHMC £90 P Wicker Mervyn Gulvin Mervyn Gulvin BT phone and broadband Canterbury City Council Whites Electrics Fawke Domestic Services £63 £51.40 £21.75 £124.63 £60.65 £145 £40 One Christmas tree Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Hire of hall and Hunter Room for Neighbourhaood Plan Hire of Hall And Hunter Room by Parish COuncil 3 roof insultation rolls Photocopying for Neighbourhood Plan Photocopyng for Parish Council Phone and broadband provision Printing for Neighbourhood Plan poll Electrical works in the Pavilion Pavilion cleaning Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 February at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 January 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Ferguson and Hodges and the Clerk (P Wicker). 94/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Northey (Kent County Council) and Cllrs Dhaliwal, Dhillon, Shirley (unwell) and Fawke (unwell). 95/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 96/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 December 2017 were confirmed as a true record with one exception (agreed by a vote of 3 to 1, with 1 abstention) relating to item 87/17-18. The revised draft minutes were signed and dated by the Chair. 97/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  The missing illuminated bollard at the top of Bridge Hill is still not repaired  Waste material needs to be cleared and edging strips added to the upgraded Green Court area.  The Clerk will purchase anti-graffiti paint from brewers and take their advice as to the best product to acquire.  Quotations for the shower flooring in the pavilion will be garnered in the week commencing 15 January 2018.  The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill is now the responsibility of a named officer at Canterbury City Council and should be replaced within the next few weeks. 98/17-1 City Councillor Simon Cook reported that Highways England have been asked to remove redundant road signs used for road works and to ensure diverted vehicles coming through the village when the A2 is closed are aware of the village speed limits. He confirmed that Canterbury City Council will put into effect the changes agreed to in the recent Community Governance Review. These changes concern the inclusion of the “Bekesbourne triangle” within the parish of Bridge. The response to the current consultation on disabled parking had been varied and quite small. The council’s requests for parking changes in Bridge will be dealt with by the local Rural Area members Panel meeting (to be held at the Guildhall on Monday 12 March at 7.00 p.m.) with recommendations then forwarded to the Joint Transportation Board for final approval and implementation. 99/17-18 There was no report from County Councillor Michael Northey . 100/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and is published with these minutes. It was agreed to cost proposals for setting the adult exercise equipment outside the enclosed area and to replace it with more play equipment for children. This will form the subject of a capital bid to Canterbury City Council in the course of the next financial year. A fitting spike is to be acquired for the new bench in the recreation ground. Council authorised the expenditure of £200 to pay for further insulation of the pavilion roof. The Clerk will contact Mr Sargent again about the current mole activity on the recreation ground. Thanks were also expressed to Cllr Davies for the work he has carried to recently on the recreation ground and in the pavilion. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Atkinson informed Council of the Neighbourhood Plan Group meeting held on 8 January 2018, the forthcoming meeting with Canterbury planners on 15 January and the proposed submission to the Parish Council of the draft neighbourhood plan for its meeting on 8 February. An assurance was given that the final plan will refer to the strategic green gap between Canterbury and Bridge as stated in the Canterbury Local Plan. The Clerk will revisit the Parish Council minutes of 8 June 2017 and to produce a list for the Neighbourhood Plan Committee of the issues which still need to be actioned. 101/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. There were none too report. 102/17-18 Matters for discussion and action            Council agreed to nominate John Corfield for a KALC community award to be presented on April 26 2018. KCC’s consultation with regard to the cutting of the no 17 bus service is apparently on hold and the matter was therefore deferred. Council agreed to invite Professor Stephen Peckham of UKC as the main speaker (to talk about air pollution matters) for the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday April 26 2018. As Mr Ellis-Roswell was unable to attend the Annual Parish meeting as its guest speaker and therefore unable to raise funds on that occasion for his chosen charity, council decided to contribute £100 towards the RNLI fund in recognition and appreciation of his remarkable fundraising walk around the British Isles, A written request was made by Cllr Fawke for district funding to pay for upgraded vehicle access when the library van parks on Western Avenue. The draft parish newsletter was circulated prior to the meeting and will be printed shortly. The Parish Council Emergency Plan will be formally updated and reviewed in the week commencing 15 January 2018. Speedwatch activities will start again before the end of January. An update on the Apprenticeship proposal from Kent County Council has yet to be received. Council noted the final precept request for 2018-2019 (£30,824 + £254.11 grant, totalling £32,079.11) Council thanked volunteers for the Christmas tree display this year and asked for a letter of thanks to be sent to Mr Esdale. Council noted the registration of two leases relating to the Mill Centre with HM Land Registry which will be held in the parish office henceforth. 103/17-18 The Correspondence list for December 2017-January 2018 was noted. 104/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. 105/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: Cloughs P Wicker HMRC BVHMC £9.00 £667.52 £207.06 £101.00 BVHMC £90 P Wicker Mervyn Gulvin Mervyn Gulvin BT phone and broadband Canterbury City Council Whites Electrics Fawke Domestic Services £63 £51.40 £21.75 £124.63 £60.65 £145 £40 One Christmas tree Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Hire of hall and Hunter Room for Neighbourhaood Plan Hire of Hall And Hunter Room by Parish COuncil 3 roof insultation rolls Photocopying for Neighbourhood Plan Photocopyng for Parish Council Phone and broadband provision Printing for Neighbourhood Plan poll Electrical works in the Pavilion Pavilion cleaning 106/17-18 Points of Information: Neighbourhood Plan meeting with Canterbury City planners-15 January 2018 2.pm. at the Military Rd offices. Bridge PC may be asked to contribute towards the legal costs of opposing the Highland Court  development proposals. The sums requested should become clearer in the week commencing 15 January 2018. There is a KALC meeting on 16 January at 7.30 p.m. in Littlebourne Village Hall  There will be a village litter pick on March 3 meeting at the pavilion at 9.30 am. Doughnuts will be  provided for all volunteers! The meeting concluded at 8.54 p.m.  The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 4 February 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 8 February 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: KALC area committee-16 Jan (Cllrs Hodges and Davies) RAMP (Rural Area members Panel) 22 January 2018 (Cllr A Atkinson) 9. Matters for discussion and action. 1. To consider the draft Neighbourhood Plan and to vote on its adoption. (Cllr A Atkinson) 2. How should we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ending of WW1? 3. To receive an update on the Green Court developments (Cllr Fawke) 4. To consider council’s response to the new law replacing the Data Protection Act. (Clerk) 5. To review the invitation made for a speaker at the Annual Parish Meeting (Clerk) 6. To consider Council’s involvement with Art in Bridge (Cllr Hodges) 7. Councillor allowances 2017-2018 (Clerk) 8. To consider further pavilion investment (Clerk) 9. To note the forthcoming meeting with Quinn Estates regarding the proposed Highland Court development. (Clerk) 10. Does the Parish Council agree to the fireworks and bonfire event to be held on 3 November 2018? 10.Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts (Pavilion bookings £116.00, Christmas tree donations £80 and BVST transfer of funds to the Parish Council £112.19) 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque)-to be advised P Wicker HMRC DUCE P Wicker P Wicker P Wicker KALC Business Stream Fawke Domestic Services Philip Wicker KCC 13. £667.52 £207.06 £150.00 £30.00 £49.33 £7.92 £36.00 £41.76 £35.00 £22.99 £585.00 Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Grinding out tree stump Green Court Printer cartridges Petty Cash top up Travel expenses Training costs Pavilion water Pavilion cleaning Pavilion extra heater Volunteer Support Warden Points of information The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on 8 March 2018 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 12 February 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Sports Pavilion on Thursday 15 February 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. Presentation by Quinn Estates of revised proposals for the proposed redevelopment of Highland Court Farm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on 8 March 2018 at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 February 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Ferguson, Shirley, Fawke and Hodges and the Clerk (P Wicker). 107/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey, and parish councillors Dhillon and Dhaliwal. 108/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Davies expressed an interest in item 9 (9) of the agenda and Cllr Shirley expressed an interest in item 9 (10). Both councillors registered their interests in the appropriate register. 109/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 January 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 110/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  The missing illuminated bollard at the top of Bridge Hill has been repaired, though one bulb is not now working.  The Clerk will liaise with SERCO as to the availability of anti-graffiti paint.  One quotations for the shower flooring in the pavilion has been received. Another will be drawn up on 15 February.  The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill has still not been replaced.  A delivery charge will be paid for the transport of insulation rolls to the roof of the pavilion.  The Clerk provided members of the Neighbourhood Plan committee with a list of actions from the 8 June 2017 parish council meeting.  Any redesign of the roadway to cater for the parking of the village library bus in Western Avenue will be funded through the Joint Transportation Board meeting. 111/17-18 Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook reported that villagers should be encouraged to respond to the current consultation on parking in the village since local knowledge is enormously important in reaching the most effective solutions to identified problems. He has written to Highways England (with the leaders of Dover and Swale Councils) asking that lorry parking on the A2 be addressed as part of the consultation on preparing the road network for the new Thames Crossing. The City Council budget is to be adopted in two weeks time. Enforcement officers can be asked to spend extra hours at work in Bridge if agreement can be reached with the parish council about the cost of such deployment. A litterpick on the A2 is scheduled annually, normally in the spring months. 112/17-18 Kent County Councillor Michael Northey submitted a written report which was read out by the Clerk My report is dominated by the KCC budget, due to be set at the full Council meeting on Tuesday 20th February, and can be watched live by fans of local government on the KCC website. The main points: Council tax to rise by 4.99%, the highest permitted under government rules without a referendum. There was a £53.3m funding gap to bridge. This has been eased a little by a recent grant from the government of an extra £3.9 million for social care, the biggest item of KCC expenditure, and the fact that Kent is one of only 12 authorities piloting the retention of business rate. £947m will be spent on services for the people of Kent. Full details are on the KCC website. . 113/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and is published with these minutes. Council agreed to the proposed insurance cover with Came and Company saving £300+ on the insurance premium, though without cover for flooding by natural causes. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Atkinson reported that copies of the draft neighbourhood plan have been sent to the Environment Agency and Southern Water, prior to the formal consultation period. Canterbury City planners, at their meeting with members of the neighbourhood Committee on 15 January were unable to identify any brownfield sites for development in Bridge which could be included in the plan. They were asked to let us know of any. The draft plan now contains maps authorised with the relevant copyright permissions. 114/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. KALC area meeting (16 January) attended by Cllrs Hodges and Davies. Minutes already circulated. interesting discussion about how Bridge can be linked into other local Neighbourhood watch websites. Clerk to investigate. Bridge PC is requested to indicate to KALC that a training policy and budget is in place. Rural Area Members Panel of Canterbury City Council meeting of 22 January attended by Cllr A Atkinson. Local funds may be available from electricity company in connection with the new Richborough-Canterbury overhead power cable. Cameras can be provided by Canterbury City Council to monitor known fly tipping sites. Parish councils can buy into local enforcement officers for extra time to deal with parking problems. A rate needs to be agreed. 115/17-18 Matters for discussion and action 1. By a vote of 6 to 1 in favour, the following resolution regarding the Neighbourhood Plan was passed: “Bridge Parish Council adopts the Neighbourhood Plan ( as circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting) and asks the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to take the necessary steps towards holding a referendum in the village as soon as possible”. It was observed that 4 councillors had read the entire plan including all of the appendices. The plan will now proceed to regulation 14 consultation as advised by Mr Boot, the planning consultant who has been working with the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. 2. Council agreed that it wished to support celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the ending of WW1. It was agreed to set up a working group, to include Cllrs Fawke and Davies, to put forward detailed proposals. It was also agreed to explore the possibility of celebrating the royal wedding on 19 May, under the guidance of Cllr Dhaliwal, who though absent, had expressed an interest in tak-ing on this project. The new priest in charge, Revd Last will be included in the planning process for both events. Councillors interested in planning for either event should contact the clerk. 3. Cllr Fawke outlined next steps in completing the Green Court development. 4. The Clerk outlined the process for ensuring compliance with the General Data protection regulations which replace the Data Protection Act from 25 May 2018. Further guidance will be available once national and local public sector bodies have clarified their guidance to Parish Councils. 5. Council resolved to invite a range of speakers representing the hospitality sector (including the new owners of the Pig Hotel at Bridge Place) to address the Annual Parish Meeting on 26 April 2018. 6. Cllr Hodges secured the agreement of all councillors to assist with publicity for the forthcoming pho-tographic exhibition in May 2018, using the previously circulated distribution list for newsletter deliv-eries. “Art in Bridge” has been functioning now for 20 years. 7. The Clerk reminded elected Councillors of the procedures regarding Councillor allowances for 2017-2018. 8. Further pavilion investment was covered in discussion of the recreation ground (see above), though it was noted that the cost of lettings will need to rise to cover current outgoings. 9. The forthcoming meeting with Quinn Estates on 15 February was discussed. Councillors voted by 5 to 1 in favour of holding a meeting with Quinn estates about the proposed developments at Highland Court farm, and then subsequently voted by 3 to 1 in favour of holding the meeting in public. 10. Council agreed to the fireworks and bonfire event being held on the recreation ground. The exact date will be confirmed at the next meeting of the Parish Council, once plans for the armistice event (see above) have been clarified. 116/17-18 The Correspondence list for January-February 2018 was noted. 117/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. 118/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: P Wicker £667.52 Salary and office allowance HMRC £207.06 Tax and National Insurance DUCE £150.00 Grinding out tree stump Green Court P Wicker £30.00 Printer cartridges P Wicker £49.33 Petty Cash top up P Wicker £7.92 Travel expenses KALC £36.00 Training costs Business Stream £41.76 Pavilion water Fawke Domestic Services £35.00 Pavilion cleaning Philip Wicker £22.99 Pavilion extra heater KCC £585.00 Volunteer Support Warden 119/17-18 Points of Information: Village wide litterpick on Saturday 3 March, starting at 9.30 am outside the pavilion.  Ideas for inclusion of materials in the parish welcome pack should be sent to Cllr R Atkinson.  Investigation of Wi-Fi provision in the village hall is progressing.  Cllr A Atkinson will raise further concerns about the drainage system in Union Rd with Katie  Moreton of KCC on 18 February at the next River Group meeting. The meeting concluded at 9.24 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 March 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 1 March 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 8 March 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2018 and of the extraordinary meeting held on 15 February 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: AGM postponed until 22 March from 1 March for the Association of Canterbury residents Associations (ACRA) 9. Matters for discussion and action. 1. To agree on a contractor for maintenance of the recreation ground March 2018-March 2019 2. Does the Parish Council agree to the fireworks and bonfire event to being held on 3 November 2018? 3. To review and adopt financial regulations for 2018-2019. (Clerk) 4. Community Governance review-witness session with Canterbury City Council planned for 19 March. Does the Council wish to be represented? (Clerk) 5. To receive an update on Green Court developments (Cllr Fawke) 6. To receive an update on plans to mark the centenary of the ending of World War One (Cllr Fawke) 7. To receive an update of the application of the General Data protection regulations (GDPR) to the Parish Council’s work (Clerk) 8. To update the contents of Bridge Village welcome pack. (Cllr R Atkinson) 9. To discuss the following motions proposed by Cllr Ferguson: a) That BPC does not support the latest revised proposals for development of Highland Court Farm as presented on 15 February 2018 b) That BPC explores the costs and options for a new website. 10. Correspondence (List circulated) 11 Receipts. £27 for pavilion hire. 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) P Wicker HMRC Get Mapping £667.52 £207.06 £120.00 Cllr Alan Atkinson Cllr Rosemary Atkinson Cllr Steven Fawke Cllr Paul Ferguson Fawke Domestic Services Philip Wicker Action for Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Philip Wicker Savills Client Account Jim Boot £240.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £74.22 £40.98 £50.00 Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Digital map for administrative use-sign up fee and £100 annual subscription Chair’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Pavilion cleaning Printer cartridges Annual subscription £36.00 Annual subscription £11.25 £275.00 £244.35 EDF RNLI £106.47 £100.00 Travel expenses Recreation ground lease Neighbourhood Planning Consultant fees Pavilion electricity Donation Points of information: Rural Area Panel meeting (RAMP) at Guildhall on Monday March 12 at 7.00 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 April at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 March 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Ferguson, Fawke, Dhillon and Dhaliwal and the Clerk (P Wicker). Prior to the start of the formal meeting a villager addressed the meeting about concerns she has with the signposting of speed limit signs in the vicinity of Bridge Hill. 120/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey, and parish councillors Shirley, Hodges and Dhaliwal. 121/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Davies expressed an interest in item 9 (9) (a) of the agenda. He registered his interest in the appropriate register and absented himself from discussion of the item. 122/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 and 15 February 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Clarification was added to the minutes regarding the motion to “adopt the Neighbourhood Plan” in the minutes of the 8 February meeting. 122/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.        The Clerk to check if there is still a named representative for Neighbourhood Watch in Bridge. The Clerk to liaise with SERCO as to the availability of anti-graffiti paint. There was good public attendance (about 40 people) at the extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 15 February 2018 to discuss the modified Highland Court proposals. Canterbury City Council have now confirmed a grant of £649 to be put towards improving the heating system in the pavilion. A second quotation for flooring work in the pavilion shower area will be drawn up on 13 March The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill has still not been replaced. Insulation rolls for the roof of the pavilion will be delivered on 13 March 2018 123/17-18 Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook submitted a written report stating: "The majority of homes have now had their delayed bin collection from last week. The priority has been to catch up on the black landfill bins first. We are hoping the outstanding ones will be emptied tomorrow. Some households will have had last week's recycling collection by now, but we are aware that many have not yet happened. For these properties, we will now be carrying out a double recycling collection next week. You will be able to put out extra recycling outside of the usual containers, if required. Please use a plastic storage box or clear sack for recyclables (plastics, cans and glass) and bundle up paper and card, either tied up with string or weighted down, and place it next to your bin. Please do not use black sacks for any extra recycling, as these cannot be taken. Garden waste collections will resume next week on their scheduled day. We're aware some people have missed their food waste collection as a result of garden waste being suspended this week, so please remember to put your food caddy out next week." 124/17-18 Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey submitted a written report which was read aloud by the Clerk: On the subject of rural transport, the original KCC 2018/19 Budget plans were to remove £2million of subsidies which KCC gives to companies to run otherwise uneconomic bus routes. This is not a requirement but a permission given to county councils, to help rural communities. 97% of Kent bus services are commercially run, so it is 3% at present which KCC subsidises at a cost of £5.8 million per year. The budget in fact limited the cut in subsidies to £475,000. This has been achieved by routes in west Kent being reorganised. There has been and will be no effect in East Kent this year. Paul Carter and Highways staff are having detailed negotiations and other discussions on how to improve rural services by a new model of calling for personalised services by dialling or apps, and other service models, to be both cheaper and more tailor made for individual users. 125/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and is published with these minutes. Insurance cover with Came and Company for the pavilion now provides cover for flooding by natural causes with certain conditions. Cllr Davies provided details of a pest control company for the Clerk to follow up (for dealing with moles on the recreation ground). Cardy’s need to be contacted about the ash tree in the small cultivated area outside Bridge Health Centre. Neighbourhood Plan: The Chair reported that the Plan is currently out to regulation 14 consultation. There will be two formal consultation events in the village hall on Sunday March 18 (2-5 p.m.) and Saturday 7 April (5-8 p.m.) The Neighbourhood Plan committee will consider all responses and amend the plan if they choose before the final consultation with Canterbury City Council. The Post Office appears in project A 2 of the Neighbourhood Plan. Council resolved to support the owner of the village post office in continuing to provide this community service. However Council resolved that greater clarity is required from the owner as to how the Par-ish Council can be supportive in particular regarding changes to opening hours before formal correspondence is entered into with the Post Office. 126/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Cllr A Atkinson reported on a meeting of the River Group held on 10 February. An official from Kent County Council outlined the scale of recent budget cuts, though she conceded that further work is needed on the soakaway at the end of Conyngham Lane and that drainage in the High St needs further review. Villagers and councillors should continue to log drainage problems on the KCC highways website. A new installation at Bishopsbourne should reduce the need for tanker relief at times of high groundwater levels in Bridge. The group will meet again in the autumn. The local region is in a state of water stress at the moment- with water levels very low in both reservoirs and aquifers. Further national funding to pay for flood protection in the Nail Bourne valley should be released by the end of 2018. 127/17-18 Matters for discussion and action. 1. After the consideration of two tenders, Bourne to Garden were appointed as contractor for maintenance of the recreation ground for the period March 2018-March 2019. 2. Council agreed to the fireworks and bonfire event being held on 3 November 2018. 3. Council reviewed and adopted the financial regulations circulated prior to the meeting. Red font in the document should now become black font. 4. Councillors (in addition to Cllrs Davies and A Atkinson) who wish to partake in the Community Governance review witness session with Canterbury City Council (Military Rd site) on 19 March at 2.30 p.m. should let the Clerk know so that Canterbury City Council can know num-bers. 5. Cllr Fawke stated that Green Court developments had been hampered by the recent severe weather but that they would be renewed as soon as possible (to include further groundworks, replanting of trees and planting of new shrubs and flowers). (Cllr Fawke) 6. Cllr Fawke outlined his plans for centennial armistice celebrations to focus on a Wine and Wis-dom event in the village hall on 10 November and a church parade on November 11 followed by an event in the Village Hall. (Cllr Davies offered to assist with organisation). 7. The Clerk reminded Council of the guidance it had recently received from him regarding the General Data protection regulations (GDPR) as they apply to the Parish Council’s work. 8. Cllr R Atkinson outlined proposed updates to the contents of Bridge Village welcome pack. She was asked to take the project through to completion, possibly involving more printed mate-rial and local sponsorship. Council voted unanimously in favour of two motions proposed by Cllr Ferguson and seconded by Cllr Dhillon. a) That BPC does not support the latest revised proposals for development of Highland Court Farm as presented on 15 February 2018 b) That BPC explores the costs and options for a new website With regard to motion (b) Council was keen to ensure that the current volunteers who pro-vide an excellent service to the village website are informed of the reasons for this motion and are encouraged to take part in the proposed review. It was also agreed that Cllr Fergu-son will work with the Clerk to bring forward proposals for motion (b). 9. 128/17-18 The Correspondence list for March 2018 was noted. 129/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. P Wicker HMRC Get Mapping £667.52 £207.06 £120.00 Cllr Alan Atkinson Cllr Rosemary Atkinson Cllr Steven Fawke Cllr Paul Ferguson Fawke Domestic Services Philip Wicker Action for Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Philip Wicker Savills Client Account Jim Boot £240.00 £120.00 £120.00 £120.00 £74.22 £40.98 £50.00 Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Digital map for administrative use-sign up fee and £100 annual subscription Chair’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Councillor’s allowance Pavilion cleaning Printer cartridges Annual subscription £36.00 Annual subscription £11.25 £275.00 £244.35 EDF RNLI £106.47 £100.00 Travel expenses Recreation ground lease Neighbourhood Planning Consultant fees Pavilion electricity Donation 131/17-18 Points of Information: 130/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised:  Village wide litterpick on Saturday 10 March, starting at 9.30 am outside the pavilion. The meeting concluded at 9.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 8 April 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 12 April 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. 9. Matters for discussion and action. 1. To receive an update on Green Court developments (Cllr Fawke) 2. To receive an update on plans to mark the centenary of the ending of World War One (Cllr Fawke) 3. To receive an update of the application of the General Data protection regulations (GDPR) to the Parish Council’s work (Clerk) 4. To decide upon a grant request from Reculver Cricket Club 5. “Work is authorised by nominated and agreed individuals in the village acting in a voluntary capacity led by Neil Kirk, in conjunction with Mark Esdale and John Corfield, to put together a proposal for a new parish council website with improved modern design, accessibility (to include ease of data uploads) and features (e.g. incorporating parish council email log ins).” (Cllr Ferguson) 6. Do we wish to purchase more folding tables for the pavilion and remove the wooden tables? (Cllr Fawke) 7. To review the draft programme for the Annual Parish Meeting on 26 April. 8. “That Bridge Parish Council apply to Lloyd’s Bank Ltd for a Business Debit card to be used only by personnel authorised by at least two signatories.” (Clerk) 10. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) 11 Receipts. (£100 pavilion hire). 12. Correspondence (list circulated) P Wicker P Wicker P Wicker Canterbury City Council P Wicker Cllr A Atkinson Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Cllr R Atkinson P Wicker HMRC £5.85 £54.99 £4.10 £76.72 £157.00 £35.96 £200.00 Travel expenses Microwave oven-pavilion Barrel bolts pavilion Printing Insulation rolls -pavilion Printing for NP Churchyard support Date 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March £20.30 £667.52 £207.06 Litterpicker expenses Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance 24 March 12 April 12 April Points of information: 1. To reflect on current roles and responsibilities for parish councillors prior to a formal review in May 2018 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10 May at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 April 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Ferguson, Fawke, Shirley and the Clerk (P Wicker). 132/17-18 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey, and parish councillors Hodges, Dhillon and Dhaliwal. 133/17-18 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. 134/17-18 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 March 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 135/17-18 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 of the agenda.  Michael Laidlow is the Neighbourhood Watch coordinator for East Kent.  SERCO will not provide anti-graffiti paint for sale to the Council.  The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill should be arriving very soon.  The council has not been able to secure a contract or service level agreement with any mole catching provider as yet.  A Land registry check is needed to establish who owns land outside the Health Centre. 136/17-18 There was no report from Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook 137/17-18 Clerk: Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey submitted a written report read by the The only new thing to report is that KCC is putting in just over eleven million pounds, made up of extra KCC funding and extra government grants, for a strong pot-hole find and fix programme. As is well known, this has been a particularly bad winter and the roads are in great need of attention. Even Highways England with their vastly superior resources have been struggling. People should of course report any pot-holes they see, in the usual way, on the KCC website. Cllr Fawke reported on recent meetings with the KCC highways steward Michelle Weston. 138/17-18 Disposal of business from the last meeting Recreation Ground: The list of jobs to be completed was reviewed, updated and is published with these minutes. Neighbourhood Plan: The Chair reported that the Plan is currently out to regulation 14 consultation. There were two formal consultation events in the village hall on Sunday March 18 (2-5 p.m.) and Saturday 7 April (5-8 p.m.) The Neighbourhood Plan committee will consider all responses and amend the plan if they choose before the regulation 15 consultation with Canterbury City Council. Canterbury City Council who are collating the online responses to the consultation hope to have collated all replies by 27 April for the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to consider in early May 2018. The Clerk will confer with the Council’s Neighbourhood Planning consultant about the status of those living in the Bridge triangle and the consultation process. 139/17-18. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies.   Cllr Fawke reported on recent meetings he had attended of the Bridge History Society (in relation to the proposed November 2018 commemoration of the end of World War One), the village allotment association and Bridge Down Action Group (BDAG). The BDAG minutes are to be forwarded to all councillors by the Clerk and Cllr Fawke will let councillors know if they can be published more widely. He also attended the 22 March presentation by Quinn Estates on the latest plans for Highland Court in the village hall. Cllr A Atkinson reported on the 12 March meeting of the Rural Area Members Panel which had  agreed to parking proposals put forward by the parish council and discussed the use of CCTV cameras to deter litterbugs, illegal parking and fly tipping. The Parish Council will put in a bid for more pavilion improvement funding shortly. He had also attended a Community Governance Review with Cllr Davies and the Clerk on 19 March and also attended a meeting with Mr Gooch of Cantley estates (with other members of the Neighbourhood Plan committee) on 20 March. Minutes of this meeting will be made available in the usual way by Monday 16 April. Cllr Ferguson attended a Kent branch meeting of CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) on Monday 9 April. He updated Council on the latest legal challenges concerning the District’s Local Plan, the future of the SERCO site in Canterbury, the high number of student houses in the district and the meeting of the Canterbury Society to be held on 12 April 2018. 140/17-18 Matters for discussion and action. 1. Green Court will be completed on very soon-hopefully during the weekend of 14-15 April. 2. Cllr Fawke updated Council on plans to mark the centenary of the ending of World War One in November 2018 (10-11 November especially). 3. The Clerk updated Council on the latest developments in the application of the General Data Protection regulations (GDPR) to the Parish Council’s work as per his email of 3 April. 4. Council decided to decline a grant request (forwarded on 15 March 2018) from Reculver Cricket Club. The Clerk will write to let them know. 5. The following motion was passed unanimously: “Work is authorised by nominated and agreed individuals in the village acting in a voluntary capacity led by Neil Kirk, in conjunction with Mark Esdale and John Corfield, to put together a proposal for a new parish council website with improved modern design, accessibility (to include ease of data uploads) and features (e.g. incorporating parish council email log ins).” 6. Council decided to purchase 4 more folding tables for the pavilion and remove the wooden tables. The Clerk will order and purchase if under £500. 7. Council reviewed the draft programme for the Annual Parish Meeting on 26 April (as circulated on 27 March) and made recommendations regarding the invitation of village groups. 8. Council decided to defer voting on the motion “That Bridge Parish Council apply to Lloyd’s Bank Ltd for a Business Debit card to be used only by personnel authorised by at least two signatories.” pending further information about securities which can be put in place and advice from the village auditor. 141/17-18 The Correspondence list for April 2018 was noted. 142/17-18 Receipts as shown on the agenda were noted. 143/17-18 The following items for payment were authorised: P Wicker P Wicker P Wicker Canterbury City Council P Wicker Cllr A Atkinson Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Cllr R Atkinson P Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) £5.85 £54.99 £4.10 £76.72 £157.00 £35.96 £200.00 Travel expenses Microwave oven-pavilion Barrel bolts pavilion Printing Insulation rolls -pavilion Printing for NP Churchyard support Date 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 15 March £20.30 £667.52 £207.06 Litterpicker expenses Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance 24 March 12 April 12 April 144/17-18 Points of Information:    CPRE (Council for the protection of Rural England) representation by the Parish Council to be decided upon at the next meeting. Speedwatch will restart soon (as the days are now lengthening) The Butcher’s shop is now for sale by auction. The meeting concluded at 8.58 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 4 May 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 10 May 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA To elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2018-2019 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 16. 5. To allocate areas of responsibility to committees, sub-committees and outside bodies (to include a review of delegation arrangements to committees and employee; a review of the terms of reference for committees; receipt of nominations to existing committees and the appointment of any new committees). 6. Review of arrangements with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities 7. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back 8. Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment 9. Review of the Council’s and employees membership of other bodies 10. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure 11. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 12. Establishing or reviewing the council’s policy for dealing with the press/media 13. Setting the dates and times and place of ordinary meetings of the full council for the year ahead 14. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 15. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 16. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 17. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 18. Matters for discussion and action. 19. a) To note the resignation of Cllr Dhaliwal and the procedures that are now to be followed. (Clerk) b) To consider a number of draft policies associated with the General Data Protection regulations (GDPR) to be circulated separately. (Clerk) c) Plan of campaign for shrub area around the pavilion. (Cllr Hodges) d) To decide upon Parish Council Insurance renewal due for 31 May 2018 (Clerk) e) To discuss and vote upon the following motion proposed by Cllr A Atkinson and seconded by Cllr S Hodges. “Bridge Parish Council accepts the Neighbourhood Plan (as circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting) as the basis for its Regulation 15 consultation and asks the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to take the necessary steps towards holding a referendum in the village as soon as possible”. (Cllr Atkinson) f) Should we order identity badges for Parish Councillors? (Cllr Davies) g) To consider a request for further funding from Kent Environment and Community network regarding paying for a legal challenge to Canterbury City Council’s housing plans on the grounds of increased air pollution. (Clerk) Correspondence (List to be circulated) 20. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) (see below on p.3) 21. Receipts. £384 for pavilion rental; £10,000 transferred between accounts on 1 May 2018. Parish precept and grant £31,079.11; Capital grant from Canterbury City Council £649.92. Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 June at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall SEE BELOW FOR THE TABLE OF PROPOSED PAYMENTS Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Philip Wicker GB Sport and Leisure UK Ltd Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Society of Local Council Clerks Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Association of Local Council Clerks Kent Association of Local Councils Bourne to Garden Sandra Fawke Gopak Ltd Coppicewood Kent £84.50 Hire of rooms for Jan-April 2018 £19.99 £149.99 £13.96 £228.88 £20.97 £37.44 £200.00 £147.00 £667.52 £207.06 £30.00 Paper towels - pavilion New shredder Refreshments for APM Printing 2 litter bins for pavilion Spare parts for play equipment Churchyard grant Subs for 2018-2019 Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance subs for 18-19) £555.02 £312.00 £55.00 £413.23 £59.50 Subs for 2018-2019 Cut and strim Pavilion cleaning March-April 4 folding tables for Pavilion Tress/shrubs/towel dispenser fro pavilion Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 May 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Hodges, Shirley and the Clerk (P Wicker). Cllr Dhillon arrived at 7.55 p.m. 1/18-19 Alan Atkinson was elected unanimously as Chairman and Steve Fawke as Vice Chairman for 2018-2019. Cllr Atkinson signed the acceptance of office document. 2/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. 3/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 4/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 April 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 5/18-19      Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April not dealt with under item 16 of the agenda The road sign for Aunt Betsy’s Hill has been installed Cllr Atkinson will search his personal records for land registry documents concerning the land outside the Health Centre The Bekebourne triangle transfer of residents to the village of Bridge will not happen officially until 2019, in time for the elections in May 2019. The council will apply to the next RAMP meeting in either June or September for more funding for the pavilion. New folding tables for the pavilion have been ordered and will arrive on Thursday 17 May 6/18-19 Councillors’ areas of responsibility to committees, sub-committees and outside bodies were reviewed and updated (see list attached to these minutes). 7/18-19 As a result of a review of arrangements with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities, it was noted and agreed that Bridge Parish Council donates £200 per annum for the upkeep of the churchyard of Patrixbourne church. 8/18-19 A review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back was carried out and noted on the list of responsibilities. 9/18-19 A review of an inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment was deferred until the June meeting-after the visit of the external auditor on 12 June. 10/18-19 A review of the Council’s and employees membership of other bodies led to a list being produced of all bodies receiving subscriptions from Bridge Parish Council. It was agreed to continue for 2018-2019 with the list unamended. 11/18-19 The Council’s complaints procedure needs to be established on the basis of best practice elsewhere, to accommodate the needs of those who may wish to complain about the Council’s corporate actions. 12/18-19 The Clerk outlined the guidance received from NALC regarding procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The guidelines will be circulated to all councilors as well as a list of requests made in the last year with an indication of the time spent in dealing with them. 13/18-19 The council’s policy for dealing with the press/media will be formally written up, noting that all relations with the press and media should be directed through the Chair in liaison with the Clerk. 14/18-19 The dates and times and place of ordinary meetings of the full council for the year ahead were published to all councillors prior to the meeting. There will be 11 full meetings per year on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of the month of August. Meetings start at at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall (starting at 7.00 p.m. in December). Planning committee meetings happen 15 minutes before each full meeting of the council in the same location. 15/18-19 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook: Cllr Cook is due to meet with the Community Payback team shortly. Canterbury City Council are faced with considerable and inexplicable delay from Highways England over the removal of litter from the A2, with staffing and funding already in place to commence the work. He would like further thoughts on solutions to the difficulties being faced by waste lorries accessing Bridgeford Way and will act as a conduit to Kent County Council over concerns about blocked drains in the village. Very early morning waste collections in Bridge are not planned. 16/18-19 A report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey was read by the Clerk: “KCC are putting in an extra £8.5 million into mending potholes and are driving forward a programmes of Find and Fix. £6 million of the money is extra found by KCC from its own resources (pressed as they are) and a grant of £2.5 million from the government. KCC Members are now being given the weekly and cumulative figures for the number of potholes done, with other facts and figures. The figures to the week ending 4 May are, for the Canterbury District: Potholes done to date, 1776, the second highest of any district in Kent, patching area to date 460 square metres, total spend £92,219. The spend to date in the whole of the twelve KCC districts is £1,143,704.” 17/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. Council agreed to proceed with the estimate from Regency Flooring for the reflooring of the shower area of the pavilion. The cost (ex-VAT) will be £782.63. Cllr Davies took Council through the jobs completed since last meeting and the news jobs that have been added. The list is appended to these minutes. b. Neighbourhood Plan-deferred to item 19 (e) 18/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: KALC Area committee meeting 17 April: attended by Cllrs Hodges and Davies. Minutes had been circulated previously. Allotment Association: Cllr Fawke reported on the recent AGM. The treasurers report had already been forwarded to all councilors. Art in Bridge 4 and 5 May: Cllr Hodges thanked councilors for their help with publicising the event which had seen a very high standard of photographs. Bridge Haven: Cllr Fawke reported on the Open Day held on 23 April 2018 19/18-19 Matters for discussion and action. a) The Clerk outlined the procedures that are to be followed, after the resignations of Kiran Dhaliwal and Paul Ferguson. If their places are to be filled by co-option the relevant meeting will take place on 12 June at 6.00 p.m. in the Pavilion. b) A number of policies associated with the General Data Protection regulations (GDPR) were adopted-as published in draft form prior to the meeting, after an update from the Clerk on the Council’s readiness for the implementation of the new GDPR regulations on 25 May 2018. Council provided details of a number of lists held by the council of those whose consent will be required prior to May 25. The Clerk will report back to Council on access rights to the bridgevillage.org.uk domain emails. c) Cllr Hodges outlined a plan of campaign for the shrub area around the pavilion and took the opportunity to thank Cllr Davies and other volunteers for their work in this regard. d) Council decided unanimously to renew its insurance renewal policy through “Inspire” as recommended by Came and Company due for 31 May 2018, based upon the quotations received and circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk will find out about insurance of the speedwatch equipment. e) The following motion proposed by Cllr A Atkinson and seconded by Cllr S Hodges was adopted (6 voted in favour and one abstained) . “Bridge Parish Council accepts the Neighbourhood Plan (as circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting) as the basis for its Regulation 15 consultation and asks the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to take the necessary steps towards holding a referendum in the village as soon as possible”. In his remarks, Cllr Atkinson outlined the process adopted by the Neighbourhood Plan Committee for amending the plan in light of the 50 or so comments received during the regulation 14 consultation and the next steps required in order to undertake regulation 15 consultation. Canterbury City Council will then work with Bridge Parish Council to appoint an inspector who will determine if the plan is fit for a referendum. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee is working hard to get the regulation 15 consultation documentation in place within the next two weeks if possible. Cllr Atkinson undertook to inform the Neighbourhood Plan Committee of the decision taken in this meeting about the above resolution. f) The Clerk was asked to find costings for identity badges for Parish Councillors using currently available photographs. g) Council decided to ask for further details of contributions made by other Parish Councils before considering a request for further funding from Kent Environment and Community network regarding paying for a legal challenge to Canterbury City Council’s housing plans on the grounds of increased air pollution. 20/18-19 The Correspondence List was noted as circulated previously. 21/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted (see below p.3 for details) 22/18-19 The following receipts were noted: £384 for pavilion rental; £10,000 transferred between accounts on 1 May 2018. Parish precept and grant £31,079.11; Capital grant from Canterbury City Council £649.92. Points of information:  Councillors paid their respects to former councilor, Joe Connor, who died recently.  30 sandbags appear to have disappeared from the Plough and Harrow storage containers.  Planting around the village sign-Cllr Davies would like some assistance.  Bridge in Bloom to be held in first week of July 2018  2 trees recently planted in Green Court. Plants/shrubs to be added soon.  The Women’s Institute are now involved in the planned Remembrance Day celebrations. The meeting ended at 9.40 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 14 June at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Philip Wicker GB Sport and Leisure UK Ltd Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC Society of Local Council Clerks Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Association of Local Council Clerks Kent Association of Local Councils Bourne to Garden Sandra Fawke Gopak Ltd Coppicewood Kent £84.50 Hire of rooms for Jan-April 2018 £19.99 £149.99 £13.96 £228.88 £20.97 £37.44 £200.00 £147.00 £667.52 £207.06 £30.00 £555.02 £312.00 £55.00 £413.23 £59.50 Paper towels - pavilion New shredder Refreshments for APM Printing 2 litter bins for pavilion Spare parts for play equipment Churchyard grant Subs for 2018-2019 Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance subs for 18-19) Subs for 2018-2019 Cut and strim Pavilion cleaning March-April 4 folding tables for Pavilion Tress/shrubs/towel dispenser for pavilion AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 7 June 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 14 June 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action. a. To receive the PKF Littlejohn annual audit return for the financial year 2016-2017 (Chair) b. To approve the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2017-2018 (Section 1 of the form) (Chair) c. To approve the accounting statement on the Annual Return for 20172018(Section 2 of the form) (Chair) d. To accept and approve the report of the internal auditor for 2017-2018 (Chair) e. To decide whether to formally adopt updated standing orders (Clerk) f. Should the Parish Council consider purchasing Western Ave open space land from KCC? (Cllr Fawke) g. Should the Parish Council respond formally to an article in Issue 5 of the magazine entitled Bridge and Villages Community Ad magazine which has been distributed to all households? (Cllr Hodges) 10. 11. Correspondence (List to be circulated) Receipts. 12. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Points of information: Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council KM Media Group Ltd Edf Customers Account Ltd £62.50 Hire of hall for Jan-April 2018 £74.97 £30.00 £13.96 £45.00 £667.52 £207.06 £230.40 £39.57 £177.60 £95.43 Printer cartridges Petty cash top-up Refreshments for APM Welcome pack Printing of page Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Neighbourhood Plan consultation analysis Planning document costs Notice re reg 14 consultation Pavilion electricity The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12 July at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 June 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Hodges, Shirley, Kirk and the Clerk (P Wicker). Before the meeting began 2 villagers spoke about the impending closure of the Post Office and changes afoot in the local Health Service. In response the Chair noted: “The owner of the Londis shop informed me, very late May 2018, that the Post Office was to close on 4 June. The Chair asked for a postponement and the shop owner put in an offer of different hours. A new closure date of 15 th/18th was arranged, and the Chair wrote to the Post Office Managers and asked to meet them explaining how our particular mix of residents would be especially badly affected by the closure. Simon Cook and our local M.P. were informed. The Post Office agreed to meet on Thursday 14 June. The Area Manager and her superior attended (was well as the Clerk and Cllr Cook). The Chair was hopeful that we might be able to preserve a Post Office presence in Bridge, but they were determined to hold the shop owner to his notice to terminate, and have turned down his subsequent offer. They will, instead attempt to find what they call an outreach Post Office-a pop-up Post Office that they can site at some place in the village for perhaps two hours a day, perhaps once or twice a week. They are currently trying to arrange that, to begin operating after 29 June. And in the longer term, the Post Office would like to see a Post Office presence in the village.” The Chair welcomed Cllr Neil Kirk to his first meeting, having been co-opted to the Parish Council on 12 June 2018. He noted that Cllr Robert Moon who was co-opted at the same time had given his apologies for the meeting. 23/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllrs Dhillon and Moon. 24/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none, though the Clerk reminded all councillors of the need to keep their Declaration of Pecuniary Interests up to date. 25/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 May 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 26/18-19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 10 May not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda. The Clerk continues to seek approval for the tree work on the land outside the Health Centre The council has applied to the next RAMP meeting in June for funding for Parish projects. New folding tables for the pavilion have arrived, though they may not be large enough. Guidance received from NALC regarding procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 have been circulated to councillors. There had been 6 formal FOI requests in the last 20 months. The following items were carried over for action before July 2018: 1. A review of an inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment 2. Drafting a complaints procedure and policy for dealing with the press/media 27/18-19 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook: Cllr Cook reported on recent discussions with Cllr Fawke and KCC regarding the potential purchase by the Parish Council of open spaces in Western Ave. 10 tonnes of litter has recently been collected from the A2, though more could be done if Highways England allowed more access to the road. The Air Quality consultation is ongoing and residents of Churchill Close agree about which trees need to be felled but not on which trees should be planted as replacements. Nominations for Lord Mayor’s awards are now open. In response to questions, Cllr Cook asked to be notified personally of any breakages to rubbish bins caused by SERCo and told the meeting that concerns about overgrown hedges on the highway should be addressed to Kent County Council. He also said that those littering the A2 (and elsewhere) can now be issued with penalty notices by Canter- 1 bury City Council on the basis of being informed of the registration number and make and model of cars. Again, notify Cllr Cook if you have evidence of littering which can be followed up. Fly tipping should be reported to Canterbury City Council as previously advised. 28/18-19 A report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey: Cllr Northey noted the number of potholes filled in the current campaign in both Canterbury district and Kent as whole. The campaign is due to be completed by the end of August. He highlighted the forthcoming meeting at the University of Kent to discuss the future of rural transport in Kent-10 July 7-9 p.m in the Darwin Conference suite as part of the current Big Conversation consultation due to end on 8 August 2018. Details of poor highways resurfacing workmanship on Mill Lane and the need for weed killer on pavements to be sent to Cllr Northey for follow up. Expressions of frustration with the Highways website were voiced. 29/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered and updated. More mulching capacity is re- quired of the current contractor employed to cut the grass. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson updated the meeting on the latest meeting with Canterbury City Councillors (on Tuesday 13 June) and the next steps to be taken as the plan progresses towards its final period of consultation ( “regulation 15”). The Neighbourhood Plan Committee will meet on 18 June to finalise the regulation 15 draft. 30/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. There were none. 31/18-19. Matters for discussion and action: a. Council noted receipt of the PKF Littlejohn annual audit return for the financial year 2016-2017 b. Council approved the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2017-2018 (Section 1 of the annual governance and accountability return 2017-2018). c. Council approved the accounting statement on the Annual Parish Return for 2017-2018 (Section 2 of the annual governance and accountability return 2017-2018). d. Council accepted and approved the report of the internal auditor for 2017-2018. e. Council adopted updated standing orders covering sections 1-18 of the most recent NALC template. The remaining sections (19-26) will be adopted at the next meeting in July 2018. f. Council decided to investigate further the possibility and mechanisms for purchasing open spaces in the Western Avenue development. Cllr Fawke will circulate a list of options to be considered at the next meeting. Cllr Cook was unanimously supported to speak with KCC about the possibility of a Community Asset Transfer to cut down on potential legal costs of this proposed acquisition. g. Council decided to place an article in Issue 6 of the magazine entitled Bridge and Villages Community Ad magazine. 32/18-19. Correspondence. List had been circulated prior to the meeting. 33/18-19. Receipts. None reported for this meeting. Receipts for May and June will be reported in July. 34/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment (see p.3 of these minutes) was given. 35/18-19. Points of information: a) b) c) d) e) f) Follow up on the recent apprenticeship documentation is required The river bed will be cleaned by the Environmental Agency on the autumn. The missing road sign in Saxon Rd has been reported. Caring for the plants at the foot of the village sign to be an agenda item for next meeting Bridge in Bloom will take place in first week of July 2018 Cllr Kirk updated the meeting on his progress with the village website developments, with a report to follow. The meeting ended at 9.22 2 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Canterbury City Council Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council KM Media Group Ltd Edf Customers Account Ltd £62.50 Hire of hall for Jan-April 2018 £74.97 £30.00 £45.00 £667.52 £207.06 £230.40 £39.57 £177.60 £95.43 Printer cartridges Petty cash top-up Welcome pack Printing of page Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Neighbourhood Plan consultation analysis Planning document costs Notice re reg 14 consultation Pavilion electricity The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday, 12 July at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 4 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 5 July 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 12 July 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: Minutes of ACRA meeting on 14 June circulated (21 June) by Cllr Fawke. RAMP meeting-25 June 2018 (Cllrs Fawke and Atkinson) Planning for Local Councils 2 July (Tenterden). (Cllrs Fawke and Davies) Planning Seminar 5 July (Littlebourne) KCC Big Conversation Seminar on public transport 3 July 2018 (Chair) 9. Matters for discussion and action: a) To decide whether to formally adopt updated remaining standing orders (Clerk) b) To provide an update on developments concerning the Post Office in Bridge. (Chair) c) Should the Parish Council consider purchasing Western Ave open space land from KCC? (Cllr Fawke) d) To discuss proposed improvements to Western Ave (Cllr Fawke) e) To provide an update on Green Court developments (Cllr Fawke) f) What should be done about the Higham Lane bus stop? (Chair) g) Can we find a volunteer to care for plants at the foot of the village sign? (Cllr Davies) h) Should we circulate Apprenticeships literature and to whom? (Clerk) i) To review and to adopt the parish asset register (already circulated) (Clerk) j) To review and to adopt draft policies on dealing with complaints and the press/media (already circulated) (Chair) k) To pay electricity bills for the pavilion by Direct Debit? (Clerk) l) Will there be a hosepipe ban this year? (Chair) m) Bridge in Bloom-an update (Cllrs Atkinson and Dhillon) n) Should we support a further request for funding to fight the legal case against the Mountfield development on environmental grounds? (Chair) o) To discsuss future parking changes in the village (Cllr Fawke) BT (Direct Debit) Jim Boot Cllr S Fawke Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Regency Flooring £136.78 £80.00 £12.49 £667.52 £207.06 £489.14 Victoria White £50.96 Lionel Robbins £75.00 Coppice Wood (Kent) £500.00 Gopak £287.77 Sandra Fawke £40.98 Philip Wicker £46.36 KALC £144.00 Came and Company £1,935.54 Bourne to Garden £396.00 Bourne to Garden £312.00 Sandra Fawke £35.98 Coppice Wood £235.00 Canterbury City Council (plans) £14.92 Cllr Fawke £29.34 Wingham Timber and Mouldings £96.62 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Telephone and broadband Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy fees Printing expenses Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Deposit for pavilion flooring (of which £81.52 is VAT) Plants for planters Internal audit fee Pruning of maple trees on recreation ground 2 new large folding tables for the pavilion Pavilion cleaning-May 2018 Petty Cash top up 2 x training course fees Insurance for the year May cuttings June Cuttings Cleaning pavilion (June) and supplies Green court imrpovements Planning photocopies Travel expenses Green Court-to replace lost cheque no 002539 Receipts. Concurrent function funding £2730.69; Bank interest £11.71; Insurance refund £13.14, pavilion rental income £54;enasfer between funds of £5,000 12. Authorisation of items for payment (see above) (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) Points of information:  KALC AGM 17 July 2018 Littlebourne Memorial Hall, Littlebourne commencing @ 19.30. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13 September at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12 July 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Kirk and the Clerk (P Wicker). Before the meeting began 3 villagers spoke about (a) the closure of the Post Office and the potential use of Parish Council reserve funds to expedite a solution to the current lack of a post office in the village (b) the future and ownership of open spaces in Western Ave and (c) the bus stop on Bridge Hill serving Higham Lane and Bridge Down residents. 36/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Parish Cllrs Dhillon, Hodges, Moon and Shirley and for Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook. 37/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were two which were duly noted in the book provided. Both councillors left the room whilst the issues were under discussion. 38/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 June 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 39/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda.  The Clerk has a site meeting on 15 July to decide upon tree work on the land outside the Health Centre with the landowner.  Bridge Parish Council has been awarded £558 Rural Area panel Member funding for Green Court planting.  2 new large folding tables for the pavilion are to be ordered. 40/18-19 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook:  Lord Mayor's Award nominations close on 15 July 2018  Voluntary organisations should be aware of our RISE grants. Innovation grants -to help with new ideas (grants up to £3,000) -applications now open. Strategic grants for larger projects open -applications open on Monday 16th - the maximum award is £30,000. More information here: https://www.canterbury.gov.uk/info/20053/community_organisations/116/grants_for_community_organisations/2 with officers happy to offer guidance as well.  Let Cllr Cook know where you see litter dropped from cars - liability has now shifted to the owner of the car and penalty notices can be given if you give him details of a car from which litter is dropped. 41/18-19 A report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey: Cllr Northey noted the number of potholes filled in the current campaign in both Canterbury district and Kent. The campaign is due to be completed by the end of August. There are 2 major current consultations: “The Big Conversation” regarding future rural public transport (Kent County Council website) and a consultation by Highways England (closing on 22 July) about Operation Stack (see Highways England website). Cllr Northey undertook to take up Cllr Davies’s concerns about the failure of the Highways England website to show planned road closures and to assist Cllr Atkinson in encouraging Stephen Pay to visit Bridge (see below 44/18-19 (e)) £10k of his members fund allocation (50% of the total) has been donated to Woodpeckers Nursey. (ACTION-Cllrs Northey, Atkinson and Davies) 42/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered and updated. More mulching capacity is re- quired of the current contractor employed to cut the grass. 1 b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson noted that the current regulation 16 consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan will end on 7 September, as stated in the letter sent to all households by Canterbury City Council. Council voted unanimously to accept the regulation 16 version of the plan (currently on Canterbury City Council website and held in hard copy in the parish office) as the version of the plan which it wishes to see progress to a referendum in the village. 43/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Minutes of the ACRA (Association of Canterbury Residents Associations) meeting on 14 June were previously circulated by Cllr Fawke. RAMP (Rural Area Members Panel) meeting on 25 June 2018: Cllrs Fawke and Atkinson reported the award of a £558 grant for planting in Green Court and the decision to recommend to Canterbury City Council the inclusion of the Bekesbourne triangle within the boundary of the parish of Bridge. Planning for Local Councils Cllrs Fawke and Davies attended this Kent Association of Local Councils seminar in Tenterden. Canterbury City Planning Seminar attended by Cllr Fawke. Kent County Council “Big Conversation” seminar on rural public transport attended by the Chair. Cllr Atkinson outlined the major options contained in the consultation such as “Dial a Taxi” and the creation of rural transport hubs. 44/18-19. Matters for discussion and action: a) Council voted to formally adopt the remaining updated standing orders previously circulated. b) The Chair provided an update on the Post Office in Bridge. Discussion focused on the role of a postmaster in opening a temporary post office in the village and on the possible use of Council reserve funds to expedite finding a solution to the current impasse. The Clerk will continue to press for responses from Post Office officials with whom the Council has already been in contact. (ACTION: Clerk) c) Following discussion about asset transfers, the current state of the land and Kent’s historical care of the areas and the merits and demerits of local ownership of these parcels of land, Council resolved to explore taking possession of 4 of the open green spaces in Western Ave from Kent County Council. It was also agreed that maintenance costs of these areas-if they become the responsibility of the Parish Council-need to be budgeted for in future. No formal contact about these proposed land acquisitions has been made yet by Bridge Parish Council to Kent County Council. (ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Fawke) d) A quotation of £1498.20 has been received from Jacksons for diamond rail fencing on the two open green spaces facing the roadway in Western Ave. Other quotes will be required, with a quote from 4 Seasons due soon. e) Cllr Fawke noted that a silver birch and 2 new shrubs are to be planted in Green Court, a new wholesaler has been sourced for the Parish Council and grant funding (see above 43/18-19) for planting will be used as soon as the weather is propitious. Local residents have donated time and materials and the offer of a new bench. f) Cllr Atkinson will write to Cllr Northey and Hazel Watt (East Kent Highways Manager) to encourage Stephen Pay (a Highways Officer at Kent County Council) to discuss with the Parish Council Cllr’s Atkinsons’s idea for transforming the Higham Lane bus stop into an integral part of the future rural transport system proposed as part of the “Big Conversation” (see above 43/18-19). The opportunity will also be taken to discuss plans (drawn up by local resi- 2 dents) for improving the safety of pedestrians accessing the bus stop which is formally located in Bishopsbourne parish. (ACTION: Chair) g) A villager has kindly volunteered to care for plants at the foot of the village sign. A letter of thanks is to be sent. (ACTION: Clerk) h) Council agreed that Bridge Parish Council’s apprenticeships literature should be made available for employers and for young people. (ACTION: Clerk) i) Council reviewed and adopted the parish asset register previously circulated by the Clerk, which now contains the pavilion as a costed asset of the Parish Council. j) Having reviewed draft policies on dealing with complaints and the press/media, Council voted to adopt them without alteration. k) Council agreed to pay electricity bills for the pavilion by Direct Debit. (ACTION: Clerk) l) Council noted that there is almost no prospect of groundwater flooding in this calendar year. m) Cllr R Atkinson reported that she and Cllr Dhillon have awarded first prize in the Bridge in Bloom competition to 1 New Cottages in Renville with second prize going to 19 Riverside close. For large businesses, the prize went to the Red Lion and the small business prize was awarded to Churchill Close on Union Rd. Photos of the winners will be made available on the village website and facebook pages and a prize giving ceremony organised. (ACTION: Cllrs R Atkinson and Dhillon) n) Council will consider a request for funding to fight the legal case against the Mountfield development on environmental grounds in September, once contributions made by other local bodies have been clarified and circulated to all councilors. (ACTION: Clerk) o) Council resolved to inform Cllr Cook of their ideas regarding parking changes in the vicinity of Bridgeford Way and Brewery Lane and the painting of “dogbones” in Bridgeford Way 45/18-19. Correspondence. List had been circulated prior to the meeting. 46/18-19. Receipts as shown on the Agenda were noted. 47/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment (see p.4 of these minutes) was given. The meeting ended at 9.35 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday, 13 September at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 BT (Direct Debit) Jim Boot Cllr S Fawke Philip Wicker HMRC (by Direct Debit) Regency Flooring £136.78 £80.00 £12.49 £667.52 £207.06 £489.14 Victoria White Lionel Robbins Coppice Wood (Kent) Gopak Sandra Fawke Philip Wicker KALC Came and Company Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Sandra Fawke Coppice Wood Canterbury City Council (plans) Cllr Fawke Wingham Timber and Mouldings £50.96 £75.00 £500.00 £287.77 £40.98 £46.36 £144.00 £1,935.54 £396.00 £312.00 £35.98 £235.00 £14.92 £29.34 £96.62 Telephone and broadband Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy fees Printing expenses Salary and office allowance Tax and National Insurance Deposit for pavilion flooring (of which £81.52 is VAT) Plants for planters Internal audit fee Pruning of maple trees on recreation ground 2 new large folding tables for the pavilion Pavilion cleaning-May 2018 Petty Cash top up 2 x training course fees Insurance for the year May cuttings June Cuttings Cleaning pavilion (June) and supplies Green court improvements Planning photocopies Travel expenses Green Court-to replace lost cheque no 002539 4 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 8 September 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 13 September 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. (KCC Cllr Northey-unwell) 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: KALC AGM (17 July 2018) Cllr Davies. Minutes already circulated. 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. To decide upon the publication of unofficial accounts and to review payment of the Clerk’s office allowance. (papers to follow) (Chair) 2. Should the Parish Council draft a response to the initial scoping report for Highland Court? (Cllr Fawke) 3. To receive an update on the armistice weekend. (Cllr Fawke) 4. To decide upon a Section 137 grant request for £120 towards children’s activities in Bridge. (Cllr Moon) 5. To review roles and responsibilities for Parish Councillors (Cllr Fawke) 6. To receive an update on the future of the Post Office (Chair) 7. To determine Parish Capital grant requests-deadline 1 October 2018 (Clerk) 8. What more can be done to reduce speeding in the village? (Cllr Fawke) 9. To agree proposed changes to road markings in the village. (Cllr Hodges) 10. Should we consider self-help to resolve the Higham Lave bus stop access issue? (Cllr Kirk) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since the last meeting From whom Bridge Tennis Club Monument Football Club Various hirers of the pavilion for personal/group activities Canterbury City Council RAMP Amount (£) 125 540 396.50 558 Reason Hire of grounds on recreation ground Hire of football/pavilion (First of two instalments) Hiring of the pavilion for personal/group activities Planting in Green Court funding VAT refund 1838.36 12. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Business Stream* Philip Wicker* Playsafety Ltd* KALC* Wade International* Amount (£) 46.40 667.52 113.40 144.00 212.04 Sandra Fawke Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker BVHMC BVHMC 40.00 240.00 396.00 667.52 37.50 22.50 Savills Client Account Sandra Fawke Cllr Davies 275 30.00 £41.98 Reason Water bill for the pavilion Salary (August) Annual safety survey of play area 3 training courses Necessary plumbing before laying of new floor in pavilion shower area Pavilion cleaning (July) July Mowing of recreation gd August mowing of recreation gd Salary Hire of village hall by PC Hire of Hunter Rm by Neighbourhood Plan Committee of Parish Council Recreation ground lease Pavilion cleaning (August) Printing costs *Payments already made since the last meeting on 12 July 2018 Points of information: • • • Working Party on the recreation ground on Saturday 17th November from 9 am to 12 noon. Refreshments in the pavilion as usual Current status of the allotments lease from Cantley Ltd. KCC Waste disposal consultation live until 1 November 2018 (www.kent.gov.uk/wasteconsultation) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 October at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 September 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Shirley, Hodges, Moon and the Clerk (P Wicker). Before the meeting began 3 villagers spoke about (a) the results of a village wide survey (based on 57 replies) following the closure of the Post Office which show a clear and pressing need for a post office in the village (b) the proposed purchase of brackets for Christmas Trees on High St houses (c) latest news on the proposed Highland Court development. The new Headteacher of the village primary school, Mr Tibbles, introduced himself and reaffirmed his commitment to good community links. 48/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllrs Dhillon and Kirk and for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. 49/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were three which were duly noted in the book provided. Two councillors left the room whilst item 12 was under discussion, the other remained in the meeting for item 56 (18-19) but did not vote on the issue. 50/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 July 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 51/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda.  .Council agreed to make a further donation of £500 towards the legal costs of the campaign to question the legality of the Mountfield development on air quality grounds. 3 councillors voted in favour; one voted against and 3 abstained.  Green Court. Cllr Fawke reported that Cllr Davies is to do some hedge cutting, Pam Dobson continues to advise on planting shrubs and weeding; the Holm Oak needs to have a spot identified on the Recreation ground for planting. 2 more trees are to be bought and planted in Green Ct. by Cllrs Fawke and Davies.  The item on Bridge in Bloom results and photos is to be carried forward to the next meeting.  No further action has been taken with regard to the potential purchase of KCC land in the Western Ave.  A quotation for diamond rail fencing has been received from 4 Seasons which is £300 cheaper than Jacksons.  The 0.028 acres of land outside the doctor’s surgery has been cleared by the landowner improving sightlines considerably. 52/18-19 Report from City Councillor Simon Cook: 1. 1.The Highland Court planning application is likely to be available for consultation for 6-12 weeks-longer than the minimum of 3 weeks. 2. Canterbury City Council advises villagers and the parish council to respond to the Kent County Council consultation on waste management, since it believes that the problem of fly -tipping will be aggravated by the new proposals in the consultation 3. The parking enforcement team will visit Riverside Close at times when parking is especially inconsiderate. Cllr Cook is investigating whether illegal parking on the pavement can be reported and sanctioned by a simple photograph sent to the enforcement team. 4. Churchill House trees have been felled in accordance with residents’ wishes. Replacements need to be purchased. 5. Recommendations for villagers to receive Christmas Gift parcels to Cllr Cook. 6. He will follow up concerns raised by Cllr Davies about waste created by SERCO operatives as they go about their work 1 7. Canterbury officers will contact the Parish Council shortly about the number and location of litter bins in the village. 8. The Rural Area panel meeting is on Monday 17 September at 6.30 p.m. in the Guildhall. 53/18-19 No report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey was received. 54/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered, updated and is published with these min- utes. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson noted that regulation 16 consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan ended on 7 September. Canterbury City Council are in the process of appointing a government examiner/inspector to review the plan. Corrections may need to be made after this process with the referendum (if allowed) to be held shortly afterwards. Cllr Atkinson has written to Canterbury Planners about an internal inconsistency within the plan regarding housing planning requests and approvals, caused by consideration of different starting dates for the calculations. 55/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. Minutes of the KALC (Kent Association of Local Councils) local branch Annual General Meeting in Littlebourne on 17 July 2018 were previously circulated by Cllr Davies. The Chair reported that Southern Water had recently notified the River Management group that a planned control structure in Bishopsbourne was not now to be built by Southern Water due to the high costs for little benefit. Southern Water met with members of the River Group on Tuesday 4 th September 2018. 56/18-19. Matters for discussion and action 1. Council decided to publish on the website a set of unofficial accounts presented by villager Michael Stewart and to review payment of the Clerk’s office allowance taking into account historic underpayment. It was agreed and endorsed by all Councillors that a back payment covering the period since his appointment was due to the Clerk. The amount will be confirmed with Mr M Stewart, who had performed an independent audit of the accounts. (The Clerk’s request to absent himself from the meeting for this item was accorded by the Council) 2. Council was informed that the deadline had now passed for a formal response to the initial scoping report for Highland Court. The Council is prepared to coordinate its response to the proposed development with other local parish councils. The Planning Committee will take a lead in this matter. (Cllr Davies left the room for this item) 3. Cllr Fawke provided an update on the armistice weekend (Nov 10-11) and requested help from more volunteers. He will contact the Womens’ Institute shortly regarding refreshments and publish a programme of activities soon. 4. Council agreed to a Section 137 grant request for £120 towards children’s activities in Bridge. 5. Roles and responsibilities of Parish Councillors (to include new Councillors especially) were updated and are published with these minutes. 6. The Chair provided an update on the future of the Post Office, with the current sticking point being the nomination of a postmaster to take responsibility for a village outreach service. 7. The Clerk outlined the process for application for Parish Capital grant requests, with the deadline for submission being 1 October 2018. 8. In order to reduce speeding in the village Cllr Fawke will look into the costs of a Speed Indication Display (SID) and also look more closely into the speeding policy of KCC (Cllr Fawke) 9. Council agreed to two proposed changes to road markings in the vicinity of Dering Rd. These will be submitted to the Joint Transportation Board at the appropriate time for consideration 10. Consideration of access to the Higham Lane bus stop was deferred until after a meeting with Highways officials on 17 September in the Parish office. 2 57/18-19. Correspondence. List had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Chair circulated a letter recently received from a villager about the potential consequences of a no deal Brexit on traffic in the village. 58/18-19. Receipts as shown on the Agenda were noted. 59/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: (Cllrs Davies and Fawke left the room for this item) PAYEE Business Stream* Philip Wicker* Playsafety Ltd* KALC* Wade International* Amount (£) 46.40 667.52 113.40 144.00 212.04 Sandra Fawke Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker BVHMC BVHMC 40.00 240.00 396.00 667.52 37.50 22.50 Savills Client Account Sandra Fawke Cllr Davies 275 30.00 £41.98 Reason Water bill for the pavilion Salary (August) Annual safety survey of play area 3 training courses Necessary plumbing before laying of new floor in pavilion shower area Pavilion cleaning (July) July Mowing of recreation gd August mowing of recreation gd Salary Hire of village hall by PC Hire of Hunter Room by Neighbourhood Plan Committee of Parish Council Recreation ground lease Pavilion cleaning (August) Printing costs Points of information:  A draft allotment lease has been received from Cantley Ltd which will be presented to the Allotment Association. The draft lease indicates that the likely cost per plot will be in the region of £50 per annum. The lease will return as a full agenda item before it is signed. The meeting ended at 9.20 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday, 11 October at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 4 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 5 October 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 11 October 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: o Rural Forum 17 September (Cllr A Atkinson) o BDAG (Cllr Fawke) 25 September 2018 9. Matters for discussion and action: a) High St Christmas trees-to agree in principle and to get dates agreed (Clerk) b) Bus stop planning Higham Lane -to sanction bids to KCC, Parish Capital fund and Rural Forum (Canterbury City Council) for replacement shelter and associated works. (Clerk) c) Should we install Benches in Union Rd? and on green Court? (Cllr Fawke) d) Which items should be added to the Highways Improvement Plan for Bridge? (Clerk) e) Do we wish to adopt the Kent Community awards scheme run by KALC? (Clerk) f) How to proceed with the Highland Court Farm planning proposal and working with other parish councils. (Cllr Fawke) g) To adopt pavilion documentation distributed by email on 25 Sept 2018 and to consider the purchase of an external noticeboard. (Clerk and Cllr Fawke) h) To discuss traffic movement in the area of Aunt Betsy’s Hill. (Chair) i) To receive an update on Green Court improvements (Cllrs Fawke and Davies) j) To receive an update on Speedwatch activities (Cllr Dhillon) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since the last meeting From whom Various hirers Amount (£) £19 Reason Hire of pavilion 12. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC BT (DD) LexisNexis Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Kent County Playing Fields Association Kent Environmental and Community Network Bourne to Garden Canterbury City Council Bourne to Garden Amount (£) 132 667.52 207.06 117.98 110.99 49.98 17.70 20.00 Reason September 6 cut of grass Office and salary NI and Tax for Clerk’s salary Phone and broadband Arnold Baker publication on local government Printer cartridges Pavilion padlocks Subscription 500 Legal expenses to oppose Mountfield development on air quality grounds 186 119.28 One and half cuts Printing newsletter and planning docs 132 One cut in July Points of information:   Working Party on the Recreation Ground on Saturday 17th November from 9 am to 12 noon. Refreshments in the pavilion as usual KCC Waste disposal consultation live until 1 November 2018 (www.kent.gov.uk/wasteconsultation) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 8 November at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 October 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Shirley, Hodges, Moon and the Clerk (P Wicker). Before the meeting began a villager spoke about the proposed development at Highland Court Farm (planning application CA/18/01948). He asked the Parish Council to object to these proposals on the grounds of them being inappropriate within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 60/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Hodges, Moon, Davies, Dhillon and for KCC Councillor Michael Northey and Canterbury City Councillor Simon Cook. 61/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 62/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 13 September 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 63/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September not dealt with un der item 7 of the agenda.  The 0.028 acres of land outside the doctor’s surgery is to be valued if possible (Action: Clerk)  There has been no contact as yet from Canterbury City Council about the number and location of litter bins in the village.  The unofficial accounts raised at the last meeting need to be verified by the Chair before publication.  The latest update from the Post Office was read out: “Things came to a halt with the proposed outreach service due to having a positive lead for a full local replacement. This meant the potential core branch for the outreach service that we were working with was told we were no longer looking for that type of solution. Unfortu nately the full local replacement dropped out at the application stage and no longer wishes to continue. The Post Office will try again to arrange a core branch to run an outreach at Bridge.”  A Parish Capital grant application for £1,800 has been submitted to Canterbury City Council for a replacement bus shelter opposite Higham Lane. 64/18-19 A report from City Councillor Simon Cook was submitted by email and is shown below: KCC have agreed to start the process of closing the laybys on Bonny Bush Hill. This is quite a lengthy process as it is technically closing part of a highway, but we hope this will solve the problem there. The new ANPR system has been installed at the New Dover Road park and ride car park and will start on Monday 15 October. We will then install it at the Wincheap and Sturry Road sites before moving to the city car parks. There have been some issues with the pavement parking ban in Riverside Close. Does the parish council have ideas about whether it is possible to improve matters by modifying the ban? I have been investigating whether parking offences can be enforced by photo e.g. by parish councillors. The answer from our legal department is that they would be very concerned about members of the public effectively taking on an agent role for the council. It opens up grey areas around insurance cover and protection which might become problematic. I have spoken with the 1 relevant director and she is developing ideas about how we can supply enforcement (over and above what might normally be provided) to a parish. More to follow when suggestions come. 65/18-19 There was no report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey 66/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered, updated and is published with these minutes. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson said a government inspector has been appointed and her correspondence with the Parish Council is available on the village website. Responses to her requests will also be published there. A meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee is planned for Tuesday 16 October at 3.30 in the parish office. 67/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. o Rural Forum 17 September. Cllr A Atkinson pointed out how the Rural Area members Panel has now become the Rural Forum. Monies which can be bid for, are available at each meeting. The criteria are publicly available and Bridge does well to bid for monies which have at times been underspent across the area. o BDAG (Cllr Fawke) 25 September 2018. A leaflet opposing the Highland Court development has been printed and is now being distributed to householders by volunteers. 68/18-19. Matters for discussion and action a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Council agreed to the setting up of High St Christmas trees on December 1 and their removal on January 5 2019. Council agreed to the immediate purchase of 50 Christmas trees brackets for £492 (inclusive of VAT). Grant funding for another 50 will be sought in the course of 2019. Council agreed to sanction bids to KCC (£2,000) and to Canterbury City Council’s Parish Capital fund (£1,800) for a replacement bus shelter and associated works at the junction of Higham Lane and Bridge Hill, having received a written update on progress from Paul O’Leary of Kent County Council Highways. Council voted to purchase a new bench for use in Western Ave which is to be reimbursed by an anonymous village donor. Thanks were expressed for this donation. Contact will be made with Kent Highways about the siting of another proposed new bench for Union Rd. The Clerk asked for items to be added to the Village Highways Improvement Plan, which is likely to be a key document in the prioritising of highways works in the village. Council agreed to adopt the Kent Community awards scheme run by KALC for 2018-2019 Council resolved to invite adjoining parish councils and their clerks to a meeting to be hosted in Bridge to coordinate responses to the planned development at Highland Court. A representative from the Barham Downs Action Group briefed Council on the latest steps being taken by that group. (Action: Clerk) Council decided to adopt the pavilion documentation distributed by email on 25 Sept 2018 and to purchase an external noticeboard for the pavilion (to be affixed to the brick wall by the main entrance) up to a maximum cost of £200 In the course of discussing traffic movement in the area of Aunt Betsy’s Hill Council resolved to purchase a Speed Impact Device for the village at a cost of approx.. £6,880. Concerns about traffic movement in the Aunt Betsy’s Hill/ Union Rd area of the village require a consultation with villagers before proposals are put to the Joint Transportation Board in March 2019. Cllr Kirk offered to draft a consultation document and conversations about the proposals are needed with Richard Jenkins at Canterbury City Council. Cllr Fawke updated councillors on latest developments in Green Court and also on proposed fencing works in Western Avenue which could cost up to £3,000. He referred specifically to the removal of weeds, the planting of new shrubs and flowers and the removal of the baby Holm Oak to the Recreation Ground. A working party on Sunday 14 October will be removing weeds. Mark Esdale and Dave Edmonds are now the speedwatch coordinators. They carry out their work once per week. 69/18-19. Correspondence. List had been circulated prior to the meeting. 2 70/18-19. Receipts as shown on the Agenda were noted. 71/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC BT (DD) LexisNexis Philip Wicker Philip Wicker Kent County Playing Fields Association Kent Environmental and Community Network Bourne to Garden Canterbury City Council Bourne to Garden Amount (£) 132 667.52 207.06 117.98 110.99 49.98 17.70 20.00 Reason September 6 cut of grass Office and salary NI and Tax for Clerk’s salary Phone and broadband Arnold Baker publication on local government Printer cartridges Pavilion padlocks Subscription 500 Legal expenses to oppose Mountfield development on air quality grounds 186 119.28 One and half cuts Printing newsletter and planning docs 132 One cut in July Points of information:  Working Party on the Recreation Ground on Saturday 17th November from 9 am to 12 noon. Refreshments in the pavilion as usual  KCC Waste disposal consultation live until 1 November 2018 (www.kent.gov.uk/wasteconsultation)  Cllr Fawke outlined plans for the Remembrance Weekend of 10/11 November to be held in the Village Hall (starting at 12.00 noon on both days). There will be an array of readings, music and refreshments on wartime themes (to be advertised on social media) in addition to the more formal Remembrance Day celebrations being hosted at the Parish church. The meeting ended at 8.55 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council is on Thursday, 8 November at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 4 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 5 November 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 8 November 2018 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 16 October KALC Area meeting (Cllr Davies-minutes circulated on 30 October 2018) 9. Matters for discussion and action: a) Where should we install Speed Indicator Devices in Bridge? (Cllr Fawke) b) To receive an update on plans and costs for Western Ave refurbishment. (Cllr Fawke) c) To review charges made for pavilion hire in light of a report received on pavilion finances in the FY 2018-2019 (Clerk) d) To understand more of the potential future status of the Kent and Canterbury Hospital (Chair) e) Which items should be added to the Highways Improvement Plan for Bridge? (Clerk) f) To receive an update on Speedwatch activities (Cllr Dhillon) g) To receive an update on the parish response to the Highland Court proposals. (Cllr Fawke) h) To receive an update on the post office situation in the village. (Chair) i) To decide upon procedures for replacing the Clerk (Chair) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since the last meeting From whom Various hirers HMRC Amount (£) £295 £312.72 Reason Hire of pavilion and pitches VAT refund 12. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Amount (£) Reason Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC Philip Wicker Bourne to Garden Earth Anchors Sandra Fawke Philip Wicker The Information Commissioner Philip Wicker Garden Pride Marketing* Emma Haynes** £180 £51.00 £439.26 £667.52 £132 £200.34 £48.94 £43.05 £40.00 Invoice 5688-1 cut and 1 strim Paper and ink cartridges Tax and NI to cover 2 months as per HMRC request Office and salary 1 cut invoice 5738 External noticeboard for pavilion Sept cleaning of pavilion and cleaning supplies Petty Cash top up Compulsory annual registration fee £2092.15 £492 Historic underpayment of Clerk’s office allowanceminute 56/18-19 (1) refers. Brackets for Christmas Trees £120 Painted items for children *Minute 68/18-19 (a) refers **Minute56/18-19 (4) refers Points of information:      Working Party on the Recreation Ground on Saturday 17th November from 9 am to 12 noon. Refreshments in the pavilion as usual KALC AGM 17 November 2018 Ditton Community Hall 9.30- 2 p.m. Commemorative weekend 10-11 November Women’s Institute donated tree for the recreation ground. Bulb planting by primary school children on 14 November on the recreation ground. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13 December at 7.00 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 8 November 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Dhillon, Hodges and Davies. The Clerk (P Wicker) was also present. Before the meeting began a villager spoke about the proposed Speed Indicator Devices. 72/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for KCC Councillor Michael Northey and Cllr Kirk. 73/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were 4 which were duly noted in the relevant book. They concerned Cllrs A Atkinson, R Atkinson, Fawke and Davies. 74/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 October 2018 were added to as shown in the minute book, confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 75/18-19      Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October and not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda. Council decided not to pursue the purchase of the and outside the doctor’s surgery (minute 63/1819 refers) Council decided to limit the parking restrictions on Riverside Close to all properties from Mansfield Court towards Patrixbourne Rd. (Action: Clerk) A new bench for Western Avenue has been ordered and should arrive within the next few weeks The external noticeboard for the pavilion has been purchased and affixed. Cllr Atkinson updated the meeting on the latest funding and engineering developments in the plans to replace the bus stop opposite Higham Lane 76/18-19 City Councillor Simon Cook reported that the draft Canterbury City Council budget is about to go out to consultation. He mentioned the success of the newly installed Advanced Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system in Canterbury Car parks. He encouraged the Parish Council to attend the Rural Forum on November 12 in the Guildhall, since the issue of parking enforcementwith new proposals to be discussed-would be raised. Account holders for the ANPR car parks will be able to use their account car park cards throughout the district and even possibly beyond. 77/18-19 There was no report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey 78/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered, updated and is published with these minutes. Cllr Moon thanked the Parish Council on behalf of the school PTA for the use of the recreation ground for the firework display on November 3. In return Cllr Moon and his team were thanked for yet another excellent display. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson said a government inspector has been appointed. Her correspondence and the responses made by the Parish Council are available on the village website. 79/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. 16 October KALC Area meeting (Cllr Davies). Minutes were circulated on 30 October 2018 80/18-19. Matters for discussion and action a) Council resolved to defer the location of Speed Indicator Devices in Bridge to 13 December 2018 b) Cllr Fawke said that Green Court was now effectively completed. Residents close to the proposed new fencing in Western Avenue have been consulted and given their approval. Council resolved to spend up to £3,000 towards the cost of installing diamond rail fencing in the area described by Cllr 1 Fawke. The Clerk would seek the necessary permissions from KCC and get estimates from potential contractors. c) Council resolved to raise pavilion hire charges by 11% and football pitch fees by 12.5% in light of a report received on pavilion finances in the FY 2018-2019. This is the first increase for at least 4 years. d) Villager Martyn Vye, CHEK committee member, outlined the current nature of plans and consultations for hospital provision in Canterbury and East Kent more widely. He encouraged as many people as possible to participate in the current “listening events” due to close on 25 November. They can be accessed at www.Kentandmedway.nhs.uk/where-you-live/plans-east-kent/ekjccg and www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/EastKentNHS2018 e) Councillors added a number of items to the Highways Improvement Plan for Bridge. f) Villager Mark Esdale gave an update on recent Speedwatch activity. He and his team were thanked for their work in helping to reduce speeding. g) Councillors were reminded of the imminent submission of the draft objection to the proposed development at Highland Court Farm (CA/18/01948) -circulated prior to the meeting. h) Council resolved to work in partnership with Ash Parish Council in dealing with the ongoing failure of the Post Office to open even an outreach branch in the village. i) Council decided on a number of procedures to be adopted for replacing the Clerk who has resigned from 31 December 2018. 81/18-19. Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. 82/18-19. Receipts as shown on the Agenda were noted. 83/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC Philip Wicker Bourne to Garden Earth Anchors Sandra Fawke Philip Wicker The Information Commissioner Philip Wicker Garden Pride Marketing* Emma Haynes** *Minute 68/18-19 (a) refers **Minute56/18-19 (4) refers Amount (£) £180 £51.00 £439.26 £667.52 £132 £200.34 £48.94 £43.05 £40.00 Reason Invoice 5688-1 cut and 1 strim Paper and ink cartridges Tax and NI to cover 2 months as per HMRC request Office and salary 1 cut invoice 5738 External noticeboard for pavilion Sept cleaning of pavilion and cleaning supplies Petty Cash top up Compulsory annual registration fee £2092.15 £492 Historic underpayment of Clerk’s office allowanceminute 56/18-19 (1) refers. Brackets for Christmas Trees £120 Painted items for children Points of information:  Working Party on the Recreation Ground on Saturday 17th November from 9 am to 12 noon. Re freshments to be served in the pavilion as usual.  KALC AGM 17 November 2018 Ditton Community Hall 9.30-2 p.m.  World War One commemorative weekend 10-11 November  The Women’s Institute have decided to donate a tree for the recreation ground.  Bulb planting by primary school children on 14 November on the recreation ground.  Rural Forum meeting on 12 November  Thanks to all who contributed the painted stones towards the Armistice Day celebrations. The meeting ended at 9.24 p.m. Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 13 December at 7.00pm in Bridge Village Hall 2 3 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 4 December 2018 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 13 December 2018 at 7.00pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.00 and 7.15 p.m. Philip Wicker, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 1. Rural Forum 12 November (Cllrs Atkinson and Fawke) 2. KALC AGM-17 Nov 3. NR&LS River Group 24th Nov (Cllr A Atkinson) 4. Little Stour, Nailbourne and Petham Bourne Flood Management Group 21 November 2018(Cllr A Atkinson) 5. Higher Level Planning For Local Councils - A Pilot, 03 December 2018 (Cllr Fawke) 6. ACRA Meeting Thursday 6 December: (Cllr Fawke) 7. Bridge Village Hall AGM 11 November 2018 (Cllr Fawke) 9. Matters for discussion and action: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) To decide on the precept request for 2019-2010 (letter circulated on 15 Nov 18) (Chair) Improvements to the pavilion toilets –specifications (Cllr Hodges) Location of SIDs (speed indicator devices) (from last meeting) Replacement of the Clerk (Chair) FISH scheme DBS grant request?? Proposed parking restrictions on Riverside Close Ideas for a speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting? Dog fouling and signage in different parts of the village (Cllr Fawke) Update on Western Avenue proposals (Cllr Fawke) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts since the last meeting From whom Various hirers Amount (£) 83 Reason Pavilion hiring High St REsidents Bank Interest 905 3.89 Purchase of display Christmas Trees Interest 12. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC (Direct Debit) Maytree Nurseries* Philip Wicker Palmstead Nurseries Ltd Cllr Hodges Tulip Ex-Cllr Corfield Streetmaster Ewart J Clough Mark Esdale BVHMC Maytree Nurseries Amount (£) 54 667.52 207.06 231.00 50 30.48 £8.37 422.82 85.45 968.40 1059.00 193.09 181.50 46.00 Reason Invoice 5661 Office and salary Tax and NI Green court planting Petty cash top up Plants for Green Court Refreshments for Working Party 17 Nov Consultancy and plants for Green Court Expenses for the Bridge Armistice remembrance event November 2018 Bench and plaque (villager donation) Christmas Trees Christmas Tree lights Hire of hall and Hunter room Perennials for Green Court *Cheque signed on 8 November Points of information:   The Bridge Remembrance Event raised £57.13 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal . New bench for Western Avenue to arrive on 11 December The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10 January 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 December 2018 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.00 p.m. PRESENT: Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Dhillon, Hodges and Davies. The Clerk (P Wicker) was also present. 84/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr R Atkinson and KCC Councillor Mike Northey. Cllr Kirk apologised for his late arrival at 7.24 p.m. 85/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 86/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 November 2018 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 87/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November and not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda. The Clerk reported that: 1. No reply had been received to recent correspondence with the regional manager of the Post Office nor from Ash Parish Council. The Chair will now write to the minister in charge, Kelly Tolhurst, who is an MP in the Medway area. 2. The current Highway Improvement Plan for Bridge is now at version 7. 88/18-19 City Councillor Simon Cook reported that: The Riverside Close parking plans (see 9 f below) will go out to public consultation, despite apparent notification from Canterbury City Council to the contrary. Dog bones to be painted in front of nos 23 and 25 Union Rd will not need to go before the public parking review. SERCo are aware of the current traffic restrictions in Brewery Lane and will arrange their waste collections accordingly. 89/18-19 There was no report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey 90/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. The latest list was considered, updated and is published with these minutes. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson advised that the Council should hear soon from the Inspector. He suggested that the Clerk should find out what progress is being made. 91/18-19. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies. 1. Rural Forum 12 November Cllrs Atkinson and Fawke reported that the Bridge Parish Council had been awarded £4,300 in grant funding to help pay for the new bus stop in Higham Lane and Speed Indicator Devices. The meeting also discussed the idea of engaging more enforcement hours for Bridge from parking wardens. The issue was not fully resolved and will reemerge at the January 2019 meeting of the Canterbury KALC branch. 2. The KALC AGM-17 November-no Councillor from Bridge was able to attend. 3. NR&LS River Group 24 November Cllr A Atkinson outlined the composition and work of this committee. The proposed pumping works in Bishopsbourne are no longer to take place. 4. Little Stour, Nailbourne and Petham Bourne Flood Management Group 21 November 2018. Cllr A Atkinson outlined the composition and work of this committee. A digital model of the Nail Bourne has been developed and should allow public bodies to apply for grants to help pay for more flood prevention work in the Nail Bourne Valley. 5. Higher Level Planning For Local Councils - A Pilot, 03 December 2018 Cllr Fawke reported on an interesting meeting which included useful sections on planning appeals and future planning developments envisaged by HM Government. 1 6. ACRA Meeting Thursday 6 December: Cllr Fawke had been unable to attend and gave apologies. 7. Bridge Village Hall AGM 11 November 2018 Cllrs Fawke and Moon reported back on the very businesslike meeting of this group: they attended on behalf of Bridge Parish Council. 92/18-19. Matters for discussion and action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Following the circulation of preparatory information from the Responsible Financial Officer and the Chair, Council decided on a precept request for 2019-2020 which will involve a 2 % rise on the precept requested for 2018-2019. It was noted that the Council Tax Support grant from HM Gov’t no longer applies for 2019-2020. Council agreed to the drawing up of specifications for improvements to the disabled pavilion toilet and replacement internal door. ACTION: Cllrs Hodges and Fawke to lead on this and ensure that grant funding is requested for the works. Location of SIDs (speed indicator devices). A map showing the 5 locations already chosen by speedwatch volunteers will be drawn up so that site visits can be carried out by KCC. ACTION: Cllrs Fawke and Dhillon to lead on this. Replacement of the Clerk. The Chair reminded Councillors of the plans in place for the recruitment of a new Clerk from 1 January 2019. Thanks were expressed to the outgoing Clerk for his work and time. Council decided unanimously to grant £500 (under Section 137) to the Bridge FISH scheme towards meeting data checking requests (DBS) for volunteers Proposed parking restrictions on Riverside Close will go out to public consultation. Council agreed to organise the Annual Parish Meeting on 25 April 2019 and to invite Penny Cox of the Environment Agency to be one of the main speaker to talk about latest ideas of flood controls in the Nail Bourne valley. Other possible invitations are requested from Councillors. Council agreed to relocate dog fouling signs on the recreation ground away from the play area towards entrances to the recreation ground. New signage is required for Green Court. Council agreed to raise the budget for spending on Western Avenue improvements to £3,400 from the previously agreed £3,000 in light of an estimate already received. More estimates will be sought from other contractors. 93/18-19. Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. 94/18-19. Receipts as shown on the Agenda were noted. 95/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker HMRC (Direct Debit) Maytree Nurseries* Philip Wicker Palmstead Nurseries Ltd Cllr Hodges Tulip Ex-Cllr Corfield Streetmaster Ewart J Clough Mark Esdale BVHMC Maytree Nurseries Amount (£) 54 667.52 207.06 231.00 50 30.48 £8.37 422.82 85.45 968.40 1059.00 193.09 181.50 46.00 Reason Invoice 5661 Office and salary Tax and NI Green court planting Petty cash top up Plants for Green Court Refreshments for Working Party 17 Nov Consultancy and plants for Green Court Expenses for the Bridge Armistice remembrance event November 2018 Bench and plaque (villager donation) Christmas Trees Christmas Tree lights Hire of hall and Hunter room Perennials for Green Court 2 Points of information:  The Parish Council January 2019 meeting should consider plans for more trees on the recreation ground and the KALC community service award for 2019.  Thanks were expressed to all who contributed to the successful Remembrance events in November and to the working party and year 1 children of the primary school for their recent work on the recreation ground.  Cllr Fawke reminded Council that it should return to considering the long term future of the bridge onto the recreation ground from Patrixbourne Rd.  Discussion of “mud control” measures in the pavilion also took place. The meeting ended at 8.17 p.m. Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 10 January 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: Maudsley House, 47 High St, Bridge, Ct4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831 085 4 January 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 10 January 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.00 and 7.15 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. 2. 3. To accept apologies for absence. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2018 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Replacing a tree on the recreation ground (Cllr Fawke) To review specifications for improvements to the disabled pavilion toilet and replacement internal door. (Cllrs Hodges and Fawke) Nominations for the KALC community service award for 2019. (Chair) To thank volunteers for the Christmas tree display this year (Chair) To receive an update on the proposed works in Western Ave (Cllr Fawke) Proposal to plan an avenue of Lime trees along the line of the public footpath across the recreation ground (Cllr Davies) 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. No Receipts have been banked since the last meeting 12. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Sandra Fawke Philip Wicker Casement Signs and Graphics Amount (£) 125 667.52 15.31 Reason November and December 2018 pavilion cleaning Salary for December 2018 Recreation ground sign re motor vehicles Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14 February 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 January 2019, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT: present. Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Davies, The Clerk (Fiona Cairns) was also 96/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Cllr Hodges, Cllr Kirk, Cllr Dhillon Councillor Cook and Councillor Michael Northey. 97/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Fawke raised one with regard to Sandra Fawke signed the book and left the room. 98/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 8 November 2018 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 99/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. None 99/18-19 City Councillor Simon Cook “Simon Cook did not offer a report, but is happy to receive queries from Councillors and residents." 100/18-19 Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey Report below:“Drainage We are putting additional resources and recruiting more drainage engineers to helping to ensure our 250,000 drains are kept as clear as possible. Footways I have asked for a programme of works to be set out in the coming 12 months specifically to clear footways of overgrowth and other incursions, especially from mud and earth from adjacent embankments. These incursions narrow pavements and make them impossible for those with pushchairs, wheelchairs or mobility scooters to navigate them safely. This work will also highlight those areas in need of repair. Highways Inspectors We are employing more highways inspectors in the coming months to better ensure that repairs to Highways are done to a good standard. This is particularly important given the additional works that will be done because of the welcome increased budgets we have secured for Highways repairs. Brexit We have been successful if gaining £29m in one-off grant funding from government to assist in preparing Kent's highways for a no-deal Brexit. Works to a range of major routes on our network, including the A20, A299, A256 and A25, will be carried out between now and March 29 to 1 help ensure they are in the best possible condition to deal with any additional traffic that may use our roads as a result of a no-deal Brexit. Particular thanks to our Director Simon Jones for his efforts in securing this funding. Manston The Dft has carried out test runs with approximately 100 HGVs this morning ( 7 Jan) from Manston Airport to Dover and I await feedback on those trials from Dft, Highways England, Kent Police and our own officers. Potholes New pothole blitz contracts are being awarded. I have asked that we resume the weekly pothole and patching reports that so many of you said were useful last year. We will start a running total from 1 January. Waste Our Waste Transfer Stations were running at capacity last week, as bin collections, delayed over Christmas and New Year, started to feed into the system. By way of example, last week KCC was sending 2,400 tonnes per day to Allington, which has a capacity for 1,500 per day. The waste is being stored there until it can be incinerated. However, officers expect things will get back to normal by the middle of this week”. 101/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. Cllr Davies advised due to Christmas holiday here has been little activity. b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Atkinson advised that the Council should hear soon from the Examiner approximately by 28/29th January so should be on February Agenda. 102/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies None 103/18-19 Matters for discussion and action 1. Replacing a tree on the recreation ground (Cllr Fawke). Is In discussion with the family who would like a Copper Beech however Cllr Fawke will discuss with family deferring until November planting and National Tree week. 2. To review specifications for improvements to the disabled pavilion toilet and replacement internal door. (Cllrs Hodges and Fawke), with Baby Changing Mat, Bar Drops etc same as Village Hall – Post meeting: Grant Application to Rural Forum has been completed and Cllr Atkinson will take to RAMP on 21st January, 2019. 3. Nominations for the KALC community service award for 2019. There was one application submitted to the Chairman and the Clerk will forward details to KALC. 4. To thank volunteers for the Christmas tree display this year (Chair). Cllr Atkinson thanked all for their efforts especially Mark Esdale and Christobel Seath and Cllr Davies. 5. To receive an update on the proposed works in Western Ave (Cllr Fawke). Cllr Fawke confirmed this is progressing and the next phase will be completed shortly. 6. Proposal to plant an avenue of Lime trees along the line of the public footpath across the recreation ground (Cllr Davies). As 1 above deferred until November planting. 2 104/18-19 Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. 105/18-19 No receipts have been banked since last meeting. 106/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Sandra Fawke Philip Wicker Amount (£) 125.00 667.52 Reason November and December 2018 pavilion cleaning Salary for December 2018 Casement Signs and Graphics 15.31 Recreation ground sign re motor vehicles Points of information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kent County Councilor – Volunteer Support Warden Contribution - February Agenda. Volunteering Litter Picking – 3rd March Cllr R. Atkinson Cllr. Davies. At the Dover turning there has been another accident. Cllr. Fawke – KCC Speed indicators is moving forward. Highway Improvement Plan – Cllr. Fawke stop junction at Town Hall thinks should be solid white line. The meeting ended at 20.03 Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 14 February 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 7 February 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 14 February 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.15 and 7.30 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 1. Rural Forum – Cllr Atkinson and Cllr Fawke secured £495.00 for Improvement of Pavilion Toilet 2. KALC Meeting due to take place on 22nd January was cancelled. 3. Planning Meeting on Tuesday 5 February – Highland Court. 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Volunteer Support Warden Litter Pick-Up Recreation Ground – 3rd March Cllr R Atkinson Email Response from Toby Donlon – SID Bridge Post Office – response from Kirsty Wallace Highway updates – Give Way issues on Cross Roads at Town Hill Pavement Parking Restrictions in Riverside Road – Email Neighbourhood Plan To discuss the storage of parish council papers Cllr Moon Correspondence (List to be circulated) 10. From whom Various hirers Anonymous Donation EDF 11. Amount (£) 634 696 3.95 Reason Pavilion hiring Western Avenue Bench Compensation Riverside Close Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker Fiona Cairns Business Stream Future View Landscapes Ltd Fiona Cairns Bridge Fish Scheme Fiona Cairns Amount (£) 336.00 28.50 54.00 125.46 470.86 47.32 3693.36 Reason Waste Removal Pavilion, Keys, Paper Towels Contract Mowing Handover Meeting Salary Water into the Pavilion Western Avenue 50 500 25.10 Petty Cash Fish Scheme Additional House Insurance Points of information: 1. Email from Jonathan Crane Managing Agent The Close regarding yellow lines. 2. Dog Bones refreshed at 40 Union Road 3. Meeting at Higham Bus Stop (Friday 8th February) at 10.00 am 4. Annual Parish Meeting 14th March, 2019 at 7.00 in Village Hall The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 7 March 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 February 2019, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30pm. PRESENT: Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Davies, Hodges, R. Atkinson. The Clerk (Fiona Cairns) was also present. At the start of the meeting Janet Potter asked to address the Parish Council with regard to parking in Riverside Close where it has been proposed to lift the ban on Pavement Parking on house numbers 50 to 66. JP explained how much better the parking has been since a parking on pavement ban has been in force. JP explained the background to this and AA believes there has been a mis-communication. Parish Clerk to email Canterbury City Council by 12.00 on 15.02.19 to confirm that the Parish supports the parking ban that is currently happening in Riverside and that it needs to remain in place for the whole road including house numbers 50 to 66. Mr Aaronovitch asked to address the Parish Council with regard to planning permission that has been turned down in respect of Change of Use from Shop to Dwelling 59 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA. Mr Aaronovitch explained that he had been in contact with EA and the whole of Bridge is classed as a flood zone and cannot understand why the flat next door has people living in it and why he has been turned down for his property. AA explained to Mr Aaronovitch that His property sits in E.A. Flood Zone 3, and that this is now a Canterbury City Council matter and although stock damage might be coverable by insurance, it is another matter trying to evacuate further people from residential property in the event of a flood. AA explained to Mr Aaronovitch that BPC could be of no further help to him. 107/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Councillors Kirk, Dhillon and Cook. 108/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. None 109/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 January, 2019 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 110/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. None 111/18-19 City Councilor Simon Cook – report below:“The City Council will be setting its budget tonight. I'm very pleased that we've managed to balance the budget again with no cuts to frontline services. The Rural Forum will be distributing the remainder of the opportunities fund at its next meeting on March 11th as this is the last meeting of the council year. Please be sure to be sure to put any applications in as this is the last opportunity. The parking consultation is underway - in Bridge the only proposal is the variation to pavement parking in Riverside Close. Finally the council has started to roll out ticketless parking in the pay and display car parks. You can sign up for an online account at www.canterbury.gov.uk/parking. The scheme to allow blue badge holders to continue to have concessionary parking has also started. Blue badge holders need an account which they can set up at www.canterbury.gov.uk/bluebadge”. 112/18-19 Kent County Councilor (KCC) Michael Northey - report below:KCC are looking at a 4.9% Council Tax rise. 1 Members Grant this has gone from £20,000 to £15,000 for each Council. Bus Portal has been sent up for feedback – however KCC has no control over this but it would be good to share experiences. Drainage – KCC maintain a quarter of million drains each year. The plan is to do maintenance on road drains once a year however in flood zones (i.e. Bridge) this needs to be done every six months. KCC has five new drainage engineers. KCC looking at repair/improvement for footpaths. With regard to Brexit the Government has given Kent County Council - £25,000,000 to prepare for this and KCC is already spending the money on work currently started on A20, A299, A256 and A25. 113/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground.  Break in the guttering – needs looking at.  Cracked concrete round the pavilion and shed base  Area of turf removed for the fireworks has not all been replaced  Table needs dismantling in Pavilion (Cllr Davies to look at).  Electric Sockets: Two are unusable – Cllr Fawke to look at and to ask electrician to Safety Check.  All grass cuttings removed but also log pile has disappeared – will soon build up.  Pavilion to School path breaking up along edge.  Youth Shelter to be removed or offered to other Parishes (beer cans and needles found in there)..  Outside lights damaged – Cllr Fawke to look at when electrician does safety check.  Cllr Davies to remove traffic cones in trees near Youth Shelter. 114/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 1. 2. 3. Rural Forum – Cllr Atkinson and Cllr Fawke secured £495.00 for Improvement of Disabled toilet in the Pavilion.. KALC meeting due to take place on 22nd January was cancelled. Planning meeting on Tuesday 5th February – Highland Court BPC attended and spoke against the development, which was rejected. 115/18-19 Matters for discussion and action 1. 2. 3. Volunteer Support Warden - Agreed not to be renewed. Litter Pick-Up, Recreation Ground – 3rd March Cllr R Atkinson – Move of date to Saturday 30th March. Email Response from Toby Donlon – SID – Clerk to forward details to Cllr Northey. 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bridge Post Office – response from Kirsty Wallace – Cllr Atkinson explained that they had been referring to Crawley Post Office in his response – Clerk to forward email to Cllr Northey for further investigation. Highway updates – Give Way issues on crossroads at Town Hill Clerk to forward details to Cllr Northey Pavement Parking Restrictions in Riverside Road – Email – JP had referred to this matter at the beginning of the meeting. Neighbourhood Plan. Current Plan is still with the Examiner, but is unlikely to be allowed to pass to Referendum in its current form. Decided by Cllrs to re-write the Neighborhood Plan with new Committee membership comprised of Cllrs and previous Clerk. To discuss the storage of parish council papers Cllr Moon – Cllr Fawke explained that this will be investigated this coming weekend (Saturday 16.02.19). 116/18-19 Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. 117/18-19 Receipts Banked From whom Various hirers Anonymous Donation EDF Amount (£) Reason 634.00 Pavilion hiring 696.00 Western Avenue Bench 3.95 Compensation Riverside Close 106/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker Bourne to Garden Philip Wicker Fiona Cairns Business Stream Future View Landscapes Ltd Fiona Cairns Bridge Fish Scheme Fiona Cairns Amount (£) 336.00 28.50 54.00 125.46 470.86 47.32 3,693.36 50.00 500.00 25.10 Reason Waste Removal Pavilion, Keys, Paper Towels Contract Mowing Handover Meeting Salary Water into the Pavilion Western Avenue Petty Cash Fish Scheme Additional House Insurance Points of information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Email from Jonathan Crane, Managing Agent, The Close regarding yellow lines. Dog Bones need refreshing outside 40 Union Road. Meeting at Higham Bus Stop (Friday 8th February) at 10am. Annual Parish Meeting 14th March, 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall. Cllr Moon commented on posts on Western Avenue, Clerk to contact contractor regarding the posts not being straight and bowing. Cllr Hodges – The flower bed at the base of the village sign needs re-establishing Cllr Shirley has made some amendments to the Master Sheet for equipment in the Recreation Ground and will email the Clerk with the new sheet. Cllr Hodges - Art in Bridge Photographic Exhibition taking place on 30/31 st March. Cllr Hodges – Rural Forum grant for ladies toilet in the Pavilion. The meeting ended at 9.35pm Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 7th March 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 4 March, 2019 – 7.00 pm The Hunter Room To members of the Council: Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To discuss continuous progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 7 March 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 7 March 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30 p.m. and 7.45 Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February, 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Simon Cook 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting. 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. Parking Cones – Cllr Moon Dog Bones – 40 Union Road – Cllr Moon Debit Card - Clerk Rural England Membership – Clerk Bus Stop – Higham Lane – Cllr Fawke Grit Bag to Grit Box – Clerk Road Junctions, SID – Cllr Fawke Tree Issue in Churchill Close – Cllr Fawke Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. From whom Various hirers 12. Amount (£) 238.00 Reason Pavilion hiring Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Fiona Cairns Sandra Fawke Fiona Cairns Savills Fiona Cairns HMRC Amount (£) 470.86 133.19 50 275 49 117.60 Reason Salary Cleaning Pavilion Petty Cash Recreation Ground Lease Mobile Phone upfront and cover cost Tax and NI Rural England Fiona Cairns Sandra Fawke 36.00 180.00 81.60 Membership Shredding Bags and Boxes. February Cleaning Pavilion Points of information: Annual General Meeting – 14th March, 2019 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 April 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 7 March 2019, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30pm. PRESENT: Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Davies, Hodges, R. Atkinson. The Clerk (Fiona Cairns) was also present. 119/18-19 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Councillor Northey. 120/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Two - Cllr Fawke left the room. 121/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 February, 2019 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 122/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. None. 123/18-19 City Councilor Simon Cook (SC) – report below:Cllr Davies raised with Cllr Cook the issue of rubbish along the A2. Cllr cook explained that Rural England have been carrying out work however in order for SC to send litter collectors there needs to be a Survey carried out and this did not happen unfortu nately the Survey needs to be done a month in advance. There is a litter collection twice a year and the next one should take place in April/May. Cllr Cook with regard to so many trees having been cut at Wincheap this is due to work being carried out on the slip road. Reminder that the Rural Forum is taking place next week (21st March). Cllr Cook with regard to lorry parking with Brexit. CCC are planning a lorry park on Brenley Corner however this will not be a massive lorry park (approximately 250). However this does need to be self funded from businesses. Ashford City Council are clamping lorries rather than issuing tickets. Cllr Davies commented that there have been issues with lorry drivers at Highland Court and Gomez have now employed Right Guard Security. 124/18-19 Kent County Councilor (KCC) Michael Northey - report below:No report received. 125/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground. Cllr R Atkinson is arranging for an electrician to go to do some PAT Testing at the Pavilion along with looking at the sockets that need looking at. 126/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 1 The Chairman attended the KALC Meeting held on Tuesday 5th March and there was two main areas of discussion the first being the Brexit Douglas Rattray went on to explain some of the planning being made for a possible no deal Brexit involving multiple agencies such as Highways England, KCC, Kent Police, district councils (including our own CCC), KALC and Kent Fire and Rescue. Traffic management plans have been prepared: Operation Brock on the M20 with a lorry park and a contra flow, Brock Manston a 6000 space lorry park. The next subject was parking enforcement officers Douglas Rattray then went on to speak about parking and environment enforcement. The question was raised about buying into extra enforcement officers for Rural Parish at a cost of £30,000 to be shared amongst Parishes, there would be 2 extra offices 1 for the North and 1 for South working 8 hours a day, however holidays etc would have to be taken into account, however some Parishes do not have Schools so would not buy into this. 127/18-19 Matters for discussion and action 1. Parking Cones – Cllr Moon explained the BPC brought these Cones some years ago and are now broken and has asked are they ok to be dumped? Yes ok to be dumped. 2. Dog Bones – 40 Union Road – Cllr Moon – Cllr Fawke has written to Ruth Goldie and is awaiting a response. 3. Debit Card – Clerk – Yes to Clerk looking into this with a limit of £1,000. 4. Rural England Membership – Clerk – Agreed to renew this. 5. Bus Stop – Higham Lane – Cllr Fawke – Cllrs Fawke and Atkinson along with the Clerk had a meeting with Paul Leary of KCC who has agreed to the Bus Stop being replaced – Clerk circulated picture of this. KCC have asked for contribution of £2,000 towards this and this was agreed by Cllrs. Clerk to email Paul Leary confirmation of this tomorrow so work can begin. PD to obtain written confirmation from Gary that if agreed by KCC they can look at putting a kerb in on other side of the road. Clerk to look back for details from Vanessa to confirm ok for that side of the road. 6. Grit Bag to Grit Box – Clerk – Deferred to next meeting after Cllr Davies has drawn a map of Grit Boxes in Village. 7. Road Junctions, SID – Cllr Fawke – Meeting with Paul Leary after Bus Stop Meeting looked at Road junction on Bridge Interchange as cannot see coming traffic – Paul Leary of KCC will get back to Cllr Fawke. Station Road there is a stop sign on both sides of the road and PL of KCC is looking at possibly of cutting hedge so more visible. The junction at the top of Bridge Hill – PL is going to get repainted and refreshed signs, unfortunately the road layout did not merit stop sign. PL is going to discuss with Toby Dolon if we can get a face to face meeting with him to discuss various locations for the SID. 8. Tree Issue in Churchill Close – Cllr Fawke – Cllr Fawke had heard that there was going to be 2 sculptures however SC knew nothing about this and would look into this. SC explained that the branches were took down last year however the trunks were used for recycling and unfortunately they had been let down by Contractors. However this has happened this week. 128/18-19 Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. 129/18-19 Receipts Banked From whom Various hirers Amount (£) 238.00 Reason Pavilion hiring 130/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: 2 PAYEE Fiona Cairns Sandra Fawke Savills Fiona Cairns HMRC Rural England Fiona Cairns Sandra Fawke Amount (£) 470.86 133.19 275 49 117.60 36.00 180.00 81.60 Reason Salary Cleaning Pavilion Recreation Ground Lease Mobile Phone upfront and cover cost Tax and NI Membership Shredding Bags and Boxes. February Cleaning Pavilion Points of information: Cllr A Atkinson has been asked to speak at the AGM Tennis Meeting and an email received from them had been circulated to all Cllrs Cllr Atkinson wanted to get Cllrs views before attending the meeting. Rural Forum taking place on Monday 11th March all welcome to attend. Meeting at Canterbury City Council on Tuesday 12th March at 10.00 am to discuss Neighborhood Plan. AA to attend Tennis Club AGM on 20th March. Meeting Joint Transport Board on 21st March. Cllr Hodges asked that the Clerk write to Sandra Fawke for all the hard work she has done in keeping the Pavilion clean. Cllr Fawke asked it be noted that due to ill health his mother could not continue with the build up boxes. Neil Kirk mentioned that a group of like-minded people with an interest in software development have ar ranged to meet in the Tulip Tearooms at 10.00 on Saturday 9th March. "Cllr Hodges informed the Parish Council that she would not stand for re -election in May. She passed to the Clerk a pack of information regarding the Wild Flower Project for her successor". The meeting ended at 9.15pm Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 11th April, 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 3 Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 11 April 2019, in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30pm. PRESENT: Cllrs A. Atkinson (Chair), Fawke, Shirley, Moon, Davies, Hodges, R. Atkinson, Dhilllon The Clerk (Fiona Cairns) was also present. 131/18-19 Apologies for absence were received Cllr Kirk and agreed for Councillor Northey. 132/18-19 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Shirley - Item 6 Cllr Moon – Item 11 133/18-19 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 7 March, 2019 were confirmed as a true record then signed and dated by the Chair. 134/18-19 Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. Cllr Davies – Grit Boxes -Cllr Davies has done a map of the village but can currently only find 1 grit box will carry on hunting. “Cllr Atkinson A attended the Tennis Club AGM at their invitation, and discussed possible future arrangements between the Club and BPC. ” Cllr Fawke – The tree issue on Churchill Close has now been resolved. 135/18-19 City Councilor Simon Cook – report below:“The wood from Churchill Close will be recycled and made into different objects, benches etc. Cllr met with Operations Manager from Kent and Sussex there is an issue of land who is responsible for litter picking (not in Bridge) but not Highways are trying to not be responsible for this however Highways need to sort this out. Cllr Cook there was a nasty pothole on A2 where it crosses Patrixbourne Road this has been patched up the reason for this was the water membrane under the tarmac has gone and therefore more water coming up which would in effect cause more potholes . The Operations Manager said they had finished their investment programme and are now moving onto Kent and Sussex. Cllr Cook thanked the current Councilors for all their hard work and said it had been a pleasure working with them”. 136/18-19 Kent County Councilor (KCC) Michael Northey - report below:“Very best wishes to those who are retiring from the parish council now. The service of local parish councilors is much appreciated and you do and have done a great deal for the community. For those who will be on the incoming council, thanks also and all good wishes. Currently more than 3,000 handwritten historic parish registers are held at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone. KCC have in partnership with the family history website Findmypast, have now published on line all these records, making it much easier for people to trace their Kentish family histories. Over 2.6 million fully indexed baptism, wedding banns, 1 marriage and burial records spanning over 400 years of Kent history are now available. For more information, please go to https://www.kentarchives.org.uk”. ‘ 137/18-19 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground -This has been updated by Cllr Hodges and the Clerk where they did a walk round the recreation ground – an updated copy will be recirculated. Clerk to contact Sturry Parish Council to get in contact with their handyperson. b. Neighbhourhood Plan - Cllr Atkinson to fix a meeting date in May for the Neighbhourhood Plan to meet. Cllr Atkinson to forward a copy of the Inspectors Report to all Cllrs. Cllr Atkinson contacted Locality and was informed that we should be able to apply for funding for next financial year. (Currently not open as yet). 138/18-19 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Atkinson secured £342 in funding from the Rural Opps for the Pavilion toilets. BPC are also to receive 120 Rural Crime Pack (for Villagers). 139/18-19 Matters for discussion and action 1. Email Paul Ferguson Planting under Village Sign. Clerk to contact Paul and his wife Fiona and give them Cllr Davies email (who also knows where accounts are to be used for plants). Cllr Fawke brought up the top build up box where his mother is not able to carry on doing this. Cllr Fawke is going to speak to Allotment Society this week and put on Facebook Page/Bridge Website. 2. Email Membership Rural Kent – Clerk to renew. 3. Email KALC Membership – Clerk - Clerk to renew. 4. Email SLCC Membership – Clerk - Clerk to renew. 5. Neighbourhood Plan - Funding for Bridge Parish Council to underwrite the technical work for AECOM (if grants not obtained) – Voted unanimously to do so. 6. Emily Shirley – Canterbury Air Pollution Case Update & Request for Further Funding – In the absence of anyone from the grant requesters, the matter was discussed. No further assistance was to be offered at this time. 7. Clerk Increase in salary after 3 months in post – Yes all in agreement. 8. To receive the FOI request summary. A Bridge resident asked how many questions were asked and from whom, and how much it has cost the Village in Freedom of Information requests. An estimated cost to the village over the last four years is £4,520 with the overwhelming majority of those requests being from a single individual. 9. Bridge Parish Council – Highway Improvement Plan V8. Clerk to update and send out. 10.Mowing Contract for forthcoming year – Clerk to contact existing Contractor with looking to renew for three year contract. Cllr Moon to give Clerk details of Mole contact to Clerk. 11.Use by Bridge School of the Football Pitch on the Recreation Ground for the Village Fete taking place on 29th June – Cllr Moon – Agreed. 12.Update on Debit Card – Clerk – Clerk progressing a credit card. 13.WI Tree – Cllr Fawke WI contacted Cllr Fawke they would like a wild Surbis Tree and have asked Cllr Fawke if himself and Cllr Davies could order this and they will reimburse us. Cllr Davies has obtained a price for this of £130.00 to be planted in National Tree week November. 14.Village gated sign for installation near our new parish border i.e. Bridge Interchange. Our Parish now encompasses the triangle and the land right up to the Bridge Interchange – Cllr Fawke. Clerk to obtain price on this and to find out who owns the land, email KCC to find out price. 15.Road consultation Dering Road/ Union Road – Cllr Fawke and Kirk were talking about organising consultation with residents on how the road works. 2 16.Western Avenue and Green Court – Cllr Fawke – Cllr Fawke been in consultation with Western Avenue and they would like to buy a tree rather than a shrub, there is a specific tree they would like. 17.Consult with residents in Ford Close – Cllr Fawke to consult with what the residents on what they would like and to then go with the majority, Ford Close have also commented on the Tree maintenance. Clerk to add Tree Maintenance for Western Avenue and Ford Close to the current Highway Plan. 18.Bench on Green Court needs repair or replacement – Cllr Fawke. Cllr Fawke to look at repair/replacement. 19.Village Notice Boards – Cllr Fawke Cllr Fawke to buy some oak to repair White Horse Noticeboard. Cllr Fawke is also dealing with the Pharmacy Noticeboard. 20.Bus Stop – Cllr Atkinson/Clerk. Paul Leary KCC is moving forward with this. 21.To discuss arrangements for co-opting Councilor – “The Council was informed of the District’s co-option regulations regarding Parish vacancies.” 140/18-19 Correspondence. The list was circulated prior to the meeting. To include PSO reports to all Councilors in the future. 141/18-19 Receipts Banked From whom Various hirers Amount (£) 249.00 Reason Pavilion hiring 142/18-19 Authorisation of the following items for payment was given: PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns KALC Sarah Hinton SLCC ALCC Canterbury City Council Printing Costs PKF Littlejohn LLP Amount (£) 132.00 675.14 74.70 56.99 553.63 60.00 175.00 40. 00 16.93 Reason Contract Mowing March Salary AGM Drinks and Nibbles Ink Cartridges Membership of Kent Association of Local Councils March Pavilion Cleaning Society of Local Council Clerks Subs 360.00 Annual Governance & Accountability Return for year ended March 2018 Printing Planning Applications Points of information: Clerk to email Michelle at Highways regarding drains on Western Avenue. Cllr Hodges would like to thank John Cornfield for a successful photograph exhibition. Cllr Hodges to respond on Barton Court School Consultation. Cllr Fawke to attend Allotment Meeting – ask about build up boxes. Cllr Atkinson R, would like to thank all the litter pickers who turned up to help with the Spring Clean up. 3 Pavilion Report from P Wicker – to see the Pavilion is breaking even – Clerk to forward Report to Councilors. he meeting ended at 9.10. Next meeting of Bridge Parish Council: Thursday, 9th May 2019 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall 4 AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene Canterbury CT1 3NW 2 May 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 9 May 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA To elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2019- 2020 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 April 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 16 5. To allocate areas of responsibility to committees, sub-committees and outside bodies (to include a review of delegation arrangements to committees and employee; a review of the terms of reference for committees; receipt of nominations to existing committees and the appointment of any new committees). 6. Review of arrangements with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities 7. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back 8. Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment 9. Review of the Council’s and employees membership of other bodies 10. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure 11. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 12. Establishing or reviewing the council’s policy for dealing with the press/ media 13. Setting the dates and times and place of ordinary meetings of the full council for the year ahead 14. Report from City Councillor 15. 16. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 17. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 18. Matters for discussion and action. a) b) c) The Recreation Ground – Cllr Moon Wild Flower Project – Clerk Request by resident that all FOI Requests are minuted. 19. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 20. Authorisation of the following items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Kent County Playing Fields Association Sarah Hinton Patrixborne with Bridge Action with Communities in Rural Kent Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns Kent County Council 21. Amount (£) 48 132 20 99.99 200 75 549.76 50.00 234.75 Reason Contract Mowing April Contract Mowing April Membership April Cleaning Pavilion Grant for Churchyard in Patrixbourne Membership Salary Petty Cash Contribution for VSW Receipts. From whom Girl Guides Football (Prince of Wales Sarah Fagan Art Class Amount (£) 9.00 140.00 70.00 Reason Hire Pavilion Hire Football Pitch Hire Pavilion Points of information: Mowing Contract Mole Man The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 June at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9 May 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Shirley, Dhillon, Kirk and the Clerk Fiona Cairns 1/19-20 Alan Atkinson was elected unanimously as Chairman and Cllr Moon was elected as Vice Chairman for 2019-2020. All Cllr members signed the Acceptance of Office Form and all were handed a DPI Form which needs to be completed and returned to the Clerk 2/19-20 Apologies for absence were received and agreed for Kent County Councillor Michael Northey. 3/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. There were none. 4/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11 April 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 5/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 11 April 2019 not dealt with under item 17 of the agenda Clerk Still looking to get price on new Village sign. 6/19-20 Councillors’ areas of responsibility to committees, sub-committees and outside bodies were reviewed and updated (see draft list attached to these minutes). 7/19-20 As a result of a review of arrangements with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities, it was noted and agreed that Bridge Parish Council donates £200 per annum for the upkeep of the churchyard of Patrixbourne church. 8/19-20 A review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back was carried out and noted on the list of responsibilities. 9/19-20 A review of an inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment was deferred until the June meeting-after the visit of the external auditor on 23 May 2019 10/19-20 A review of the Council’s and employees membership of other bodies led to a list being produced of all bodies receiving subscriptions from Bridge Parish Council. It was agreed to continue for 2019-2020 with the list unamended. 11/19-20 The Council’s complaints procedure only needs to be established relating to the Clerk as after guidance from KALC – the Councillors would be reported via the Monitoring Officer. 12/19-20 This was covered separately under matters for action and discussion. 13/19-20 The council’s policy for dealing with the press/media will be formally written up, noting that all relations with the press and media should be directed through the Chair in liaison with the Clerk. 14/19-20 There will be 11 full meetings per year on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of the month of August. Meetings start at at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall (starting at 7.00 p.m. in December). Planning committee meetings happen 15 minutes before each full meeting of the council in the same location. 15/19-20 Report from City Councillor Mike Sole Cllr Sole apologised for being late – unfortunately he already had a meeting he had to attend. He acknowledged the hard work that Simon Cook had put in on behalf of Bridge. Last night was the official signing in of the new Councillors. There are 39 Councillors and 20 of these are new. Cllr Sole requested if there are any issues not to save these up until the Parish Meeting but to approach him before as he can then attend the meeting hopefully with the answer. Cllr Sole had been involved today with the Tree issue on Churchill Close and has informed the Council not to remove any trees without discussing with residents. 16/19-20 A report from Kent County Councillor (KCC) Michael Northey was read by the Clerk: In the first three months of this year, in Kent an area the equivalent of 46 football pitches was patched, or 274,931sqm. Since Dec 8th to April 26, The figures was 438,374 sqm. Of this the Canterbury District area had 28,576 sqm. KCC has doubled capital investment for the next three years on highway drainage, to over £5 million per annum, and has doubled the number of drainage engineers. Brexit headlines: £33.48 million has been invested in Kent, of which £10m had gone for pothole and footway patching, £15 m on carriageway renewal with low noise surfacing. Other measures have happened with an upgrading of Manston airport. 17/19-20 Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground – It was agreed for the Clerk to get some quotes (Cllr Davies to send contact details) for the area around the Pavilion which is breaking up and along the school pathway. b. Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Atkinson will arrange a meeting later this month. 18/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: Cllr Fawke attended the Allotment Association and it was noted that there is a new Chairman in David Howe. 19/19-20 Matters for discussion and action. a) Recreation Ground – Cllr Moon explained that he had walked round after a football match and there was excessive rubbish being left by the Football teams and he proposed that Philip write to them explaining that going forward there will be £25.00 Fine for excessive rubbish that is left. b) Wild Flower Project Sue Hodges had supplied a list of volunteers with regard to the Wild Flower Project and asked that the list be presented at the Meeting. Cllr Davies will take over the arrangements for the Wild Flower Project c) Following the cost of FOI a resident has asked that going forward this be minuted in the Bridge Parish Council minutes – this was unanimously decided to do this going forward. 20/19-20 The Correspondence List was noted as circulated previously. 21/19-20 Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Kent County Playing Fields Association Sarah Hinton Amount (£) 48 132 20 99.99 Reason Contract Mowing April Contract Mowing April Membership April Cleaning Pavilion Patrixborne with Bridge Action with Communities in Rural Kent Fiona Cairns Fiona Cairns Kent County Council HM Revenue Vodafone 22/19-20 200 Grant for Churchyard in Patrixbourne 75 Membership 549.76 50.00 234.75 117.60 50.00 Salary Petty Cash Contribution for VSW Tax and NI Mobile Telephone The following receipts From whom Girl Guides Football (Prince of Wales Sarah Fagan Art Class Little Lambs Phillips Maxine Precept Amount (£) 9.00 140.00 Reason Hire Pavilion Hire Football Pitch 70.00 70.00 10.00 31,441 Hire Pavilion Hire Pavilion Hire Pavilion Canterbury City Council Points of information:     Mowing Contract has been renewed for 3 years. Mole Man has been asked to come and look at the Recreation Ground with a view to setting traps. Cllr Fawke has asked that we purchase some mulsh for the Green Court Area and will arrange via Pam Dobson who has also carried out a weeding session. Cllr Fawke said the Playgroup is carrying out a Fundraiser on the 27 th July (he has already spoken to Philip and the Pavilion is free) and has asked if they could use the Pavilion free of charge – this was unanimously agreed. The meeting ended at 9.30 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13 June at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene Canterbury CT1 3NW 5 June To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 13 June 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. To co-opt a new Parish Councillor for Bridge Parish Council 3. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May, 2019 5. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7 6. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 7. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 8. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbhourhood Plan 9. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: Rural Forum to take place on 17th June, 2019. 10 Matters for discussion and action: 1. To receive the PKF Littlejohn annual audit return for the financial year 2018-2019 (Chair) 2. To approve the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2018-2019 (Section 1 of the form) (Chair) 3. To approve the accounting statement on the Annual Return for 2018 2019 (Section 2 of the form) (Chair) 4. To accept and approve the report of the internal auditor for 2018-2019 (Chair) 5. Email Mr Terry Wilmhurst removal of dog bin – email attached. 1. Tarmac Quotation – The Pavilion – email attached 2. Community Assets to be re-registered – List of Assets supplied by Clerk 3. Appeal from Woodpeckers regarding help with funding - email attached 4. To confirm details of the Planning Committee. 5. To discuss the enforcement needs of the Parish. To request of the district their enforcement schedule for this Parish. 6. Recreation Ground and Slide – Cllr Moon 7. Shingle for Green Court – Cllr Fawke (Cost of £48.90 plus VAT) 8. Parking Issues at Churchill Close and the parking issues at the junction of Union Road and Dering Road – Cllr Fawke 9. Meeting with Highways regarding Bus Stop and other issues on Highway Plan due to take place on 18th June at 12.45 with Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Fawke and the Clerk 11. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 12. Receipts From whom Whitstable Veterans 13 Amount (£) 80.00 Reason Hire of Football Pitch (15.05.19) Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns HM Revenue Vodafone Joe Electrician for Pavilion KALC Training Courses (last year) Insurance Sarah Hinton Alan Atkinson Rosy Atkinson Amount (£) 132.00 549.76 119.80 50.00 40.00 Reason Contract Mowing March Salary HM Revenue Mobile Telephone PAT Testing at the Pavilion 144.00 Outstanding Invoices from last year 1,992.11 68.00 240.00 120.00 Insurance for year 2019-2020 March Cleaning Councillors Allowance. Councillors Allowance Lionel Robins Steve Fawke Fiona Cairns 100.00 120.00 64.52 V. White 24.96 Auditor Councillors Allowance Cartridges for Printer, Paper and Envelopes Planters in the centre of the village Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 11 July, 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hal Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13 June 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Shirley, and Moon and the Clerk Fiona Cairns 23/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr Kirk and Dhillon At the beginning of the meeting Mr Terry Wilmhurst asked to address the Council with regard to the dog waste bin situated at the end of his drive. Mr Wilmhurst suggested that this be moved. It was agreed that the Clerk would email CCC to ask them to have this removed due to his young grandchildren trying to open this and the consequences of this. A Member of the Public asked that it be minuted that in the April Minutes it was suggested in the minutes that residents of Ford Close were moaning about the tree maintenance in Ford Close, he requested that this be amended and also that wanted reassurance that the Holm Oak tree would not be removed and asked for it to be minuted that residents are consulted before any trees are cut down. Cllr Atkinson said there was no plan for this to be removed and it would be down to CCC not BPC to decide this. Clerk will amend the minutes and will add the tree work to the Highway Works Plan for the Village. 24/19-20 Simon Cook was co-opted as a new Bridge Parish Councillor and was handed the DPI and Acceptance of Office Form which was duly complete and he was formally welcomed as a Member of Bridge Parish Council 24/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Shirley had one which relates to funding for Woodpeckers (he duly signed the book and left the room). 24/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 May 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 25/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2019 not dealt with under item 17 of the agenda Clerk Still looking to get price on new Village sign to encompass the triangle. 26/19-20 Report from City Councillor Mike Sole My first month as city council has been very busy with a lot of training for new councillors, as well as official city council meetings, parish council meetings and meetings and correspondence with various residents and organisations. I would like to report specifically on environmental issues which are very much in the headlines at the moment. At the recent City Council AGM, where Cllr Terry Westgate was appointed as Lord Mayor, there was a very dignified protest by the group Extinction Rebellion and I also attended the recent Student Environmental Day in Canterbury. I believe that the City Council needs to use its position to set an example on environmental policies, in particular reducing CO2 emissions that are causing such damage to our planet. For this reason I have proposed a motion that will be debated and voted on at the next meeting of the full council in July. In summary, this wide ranging motion includes for action to be taken for : 1. 2. 3. 4. The declaration of a climate emergency to raise awareness and support the public in taking action A full audit of the council’s carbon footprint Improved recycling rates The development of carbon neutral transport solutions in the district 5. The council to consider the environmental impact of any new policy I very much hope to obtain cross party support for this motion that will create a framework that council will work within to help reduce CO2 levels whilst we still have time to act. I am serving on four council committees, in addition to the Full Council meetings. These are the Community Committee, Property & Regeneration Committee, Audit Committee and the Rural Forum. You may know that Rural Forum is a less formal meeting that the public are encouraged to attend and take part in the discussions. I hope to see some parish councillors there from time to time. Other issues that have been keeping me busy in the last month include fly-tipping, housing, missed bins, trees, planning enforcement and parking. I have also been asked to deal with other issues outside of my remit that Michael Northey has kindly taken up including on traffic signs and school places. Cllr Davies asked Cllr Sole could you tell us why there are not electric charging points where there are park and rides – Cllr Sole agreed that this is a valid point but not sure why these are not available Cllr A Atkinson mentioned that the Rural Forum taking place this week would be helpful to be more specific on what issues are is being discussed. 27/19-20 Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey Three things to talk about the number of pot holes in Canterbury district is the second highest in Kent and over half a million spare meters (531,717 square meters have been prepared). Kent’s preparation for Brexit – preparing for what the future may bring – the officers have been at work told up until 31st March the government – no deal was unlikely and we had to change and we now need to work on the assumption that there will now not be a deal. A great deal of work has been done we have been told that the French authorities have been very helpful. In addition to this the government has given us about 30 million to get Brexit ready. Manston has been tarmacked (this can hold 5,800 lorries). There are plans for Manston to have food, toilet facilities, etc. There are some really detailed plans in place A new initiative course going on for young people in Maidstone (25th June all day) being safe whilst travelling abroad. Cllr Fawke addressed Cllr Northey with his concerns for the Bridge Down Steps as he feels they do not pass Building Regulations. –Cllr Fawke to send details to Cllr Northey. 28/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Moon has suggested we change our Inspection Services – get a quote from local company due to the difficulty the Clerk had in contacting the existing one. Get some quotes for the divert and play areas, there is also some trip hazards here Cllr Fawke suggested plastic mesh. The Council were happy for Cllr Moon/Cllr Shirley to get this and put this down. Cllr Fawke proposed getting a price to replace the slide. Clerk to Contact Philip Wicker regarding Cllr Fawke putting in quotes for the doors. Neighborhood Plan – The Neighborhood Plan Committee met on Tuesday this week (11 June) ad there was some suggestions how we put the Consultation out to the Village. Cllr Atkinson has tried to contact CCC but the officers are currently off sick. It was suggested that we also consult the residents of the triangle that have not been consulted previously. 29/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Meeting of the Rural Forum taking place on Monday 17th March, if you are planning on attending please let the Clerk know so she can arrange free parking. Cllr Fawke and Moon – Attended the Bridge Hall Committee and the main point of note was that for the forthcoming year there will be a slight increase in costs for hiring the Village Hall. 30/19-20 1. Council approved the audit return for the financial year 2018-2019 (Chair) 2. The Chair approved the governance statement contained within the Annual Parish Return for 2018-2019 (Section 1 of the form) (Chair) 3. The Chair approved the accounting statement on the Annual Return for 2018 - 2019 (Section 2 of the form) 4. The Chair accepted and approved the report of the internal auditor for 2018-2019. 5. Email from Mr Terry Wilmhurst regarding the removal of dog bin – email attached – dealt with above. 6. Tarmac Quotation – The Pavilion – email attached the Clerk is going to organise another quote. 7. Community Assets to be re-registered – List of Assets supplied by Clerk was requested that we defer this to September, 2019 – the Clerk to add to September agenda. 8. Appeal from Woodpeckers regarding - help with funding - email attached. It was agreed that due to this being money for the village that the Bridge Parish Council could not agree to this however they are happy to advertise on Bridge Village website about the Crowdfunding Page Megan Shirley has set up. 9. To confirm details of the Planning Committee – Cllr Fawke was unanimously elected chair of the planning committee, 10. To discuss the enforcement needs of the Parish. To request of CCC their enforcement schedule for this Parish. Clerk to email Canterbury City Council to ask about parking issues around Riverside Close, Dering Road, Union Road, Western Avenue, (8.20, 3.00) Cllr Moon to confirm the times and Clerk to copy in Cllr Sole. 11. Recreation Ground and Slide – Cllr Moon – covered above. 12. Shingle for Green Court – Cllr Fawke (Cost of £48.90 plus VAT) Agreed unanimously. 13. Parking Issues at Churchill Close and the parking issues at the junction of Union Road and Dering Road – Cllr Fawke has spoken to residents and had various conversations Cllr Fawke recommends double yellow line round Churchill Close, Union Close and Dering Road. Small section of double yellow lines – Cllr Fawke plans to have a consultation with residents. 14. Meeting with Highways regarding Bus Stop and other issues on Highway Plan due to take place on 18th June at 12.45 with Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Fawke and the Clerk 31/19-20 Correspondence List Previously circulated 32/19-20 Receipts From whom Whitstable Veterans 33/19-20 Amount (£) 80.00 Reason Hire of Football Pitch (15.05.19) Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns HM Revenue Vodafone Joe KALC Training Courses (last year) Insurance Sarah Hinton Alan Atkinson Rosy Atkinson Amount (£) 132.00 Reason Contract Mowing March 549.76 119.80 50.00 40.00 144.00 Salary HM Revenue Mobile Telephone PAT Testing at the Pavilion Outstanding Invoices from last year 1,992.11 68.00 240.00 120.00 Insurance for year 2019-2020 March Cleaning Councillors Allowance Councillors Allowance Lionel Robins Steve Fawke Fiona Cairns 100.00 120.00 64.52 V. White 24.96 Auditor Councillors Allowance Cartridges for Printer, Paper and Envelopes Planters in the center of the village Points of Interest Bridge Village Fete 29th June, 2019 Salt Bins – Cllr Davies to get a price for replacing the Salt Bins Meeting closed 9.18 pm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 11 July at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 5 July 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 11 July 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30 and 7.45 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June, 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 1. Cllr Atkinson – Rural Forum 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cllr Atkinson/Cllr Fawke Bus Stop (Highway Plans) Clerk to attend KALC Clerks Conference – 17th September, 2019 Cllr Atkinson consider speed limits for within the village – 20mph proposal. Cllr Atkinson - Neighbourhood Plan – Consultation for the village going forward Cllr Atkinson - Christmas Tree Brackets Cllr Fawke – Sign for Pavilion 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Various Hirers 12 Amount (£) 50.00 Reason Hire of the Pavilion Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Canterbury Plumbing Regency Flooring Sarah Hinton Bourne to Garden Amount (£) 180.00 549.76 125 489.15 77.25 180.00 Reason Contract Mowing Clerk Salary Plumbing in the Pavilion Flooring in Pavilion (50% paid last year). June Pavilion Cleaning Contract Mowing Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12 September 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12th July 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllrs A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Kirk and Dhillon and the Clerk Fiona Cairns 34/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllrs Moon and Shirley At the beginning of the meeting a resident asked to address the Parish Council with regard to the Welcome Packs that don’t appear to have been sent out. Her Husband is very happy to remain involved in this. She also wanted to mention signage for the Pavilion – Cllr Atkinson informed her this is on the Agenda. Stuart Field asked to address the Council to introduce himself as the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator for the triangle and if we need to get any messages out to neighbours in that area please contact him. The Clerk has his details. He would welcome the signage being moved to encompass the area of the triangle. 35/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. None. 36/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th June 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 37/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2019 not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Clerk has obtained price on the White Gates this could be up to circa £2,300. Clerk to approach Michelle Matthews/Gary Peak on return from their holidays. Cllr Davies to obtain price on five salt bins for the village. 38/19-20 Report from City Councillor Mike Sole “There have been a number of interesting announcements in the last month from the City Council that I would like to share with you. Nominations are open until 12 July for the Lord Mayor’s Award that recognises and thanks people who work quietly behind the scenes to help others in their community. The nomination forms can be found on the City Council website. There will be a boost to cycling facilities in the district with the doubling of cycle spaces at Canterbury West Station coming soon. This will also include a cycle repair stand, pump, lighting and CCTV. This is a joint project between the City Council and South Eastern Railways. The Invicta steam engine has now moved to its new home in Whitstable Museum. Nine, new electric car charging points are live, each one capable of charging two cars. More points are planned for the future. New free water bottle refill stations are now in operation in five locations across the district. New security bollards will be installed in the city centre on the advice of counter-terrorism police as a precautionary measure. It has not all been good news though. The news that East Kent Housing which manages the Council’s housing stock had failed to carry out annual gas safety checks on hundreds of properties is very worrying and a full enquiry into this neglection of duty will be required. The recent overnight closure of the A2 caused chaos for several days, particularly in Barham. The City Council do not have any control over this but after the first night’s problems that ended up with local residents manning road junctions themselves to stop large lorries cutting through The Street and getting stuck, causing damage and disruption, I contacted the City Council Chief Executive who was able to arrange for Highways England to be contacted explaining the problems, which although it did not resolve the issue completely, did result in improvements to signage. As usual, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.” 39/19-20 Report from Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey also commented on the A2 closures that effected Barham and explained how he went to see the Highways Officers and there was some improvement after signage was put up. KCC are currently holding a consultation from 24th June until 1st September for the Kent Biodiversity Strategy the link is below:https://consultations.kent.gov.uk/consult.ti/Kentbiodiversityconsultation/consultationHome The Kent Public Protection Team have informed KCC that there is currently a new scam in circulation where you receive a telephone call from a caller explaining they are from Enforcement and you need to pay a fine to do with your National Insurance Number and if you don’t pay this you will be taken to court. The other one is there are reports of post being stolen from outside mailboxes i.e. utility bills etc, the criminals are then taking out credit cards in the names of the homeowners and then went the card is delivered – they are stealing the card from outside mail boxes. Any concerns with the above should be reported to – Kent Police, or Citizens Advice telephone 0345304056. Cllr Davies asked Cllr Northey to address the hedge cutting and the concern for the birds. Cllr Davies saw a tractor in our area. Cllr Davis feels that the Highway Inspectors are not watching what they are doing. Cllr Davies also mentioned the hedge cutting and the stop signs that people struggle to see past. Cllr Davies to email the Clerk who will pass this onto Cllr Northey. Cllr Fawke asked would it be possible for Cllr Northey to do a monthly update on what Kent County Council are doing as it is probably relevant to more than just Bridge Parish. 40/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Clerk is still looking to get prices for other quotations for the Tarmac around the Pavilion, signs have been given to Philip Wicker for the Pavilion however Philip has asked that these be amended. Neighborhood Plan – An Informal working group meeting took place on Wednesday (10th July) to discuss the timeline of the project this involved Cllr Kirk, Cllr Moon, Cllr R Atkinson and Cllr A Atkinson. A call for sites has gone out on the website and on noticeboards. Thinking about putting up a website specifically for the NP. The NP Committee needs to meet to discuss the best approach to consultation for the Village and to agree a date for this. Cllr A Atkinson and Cllr Kirk met with Lisa Gadd at CCC. Cllr Cook suggested doing this via email however, Cllr Atkinson explained that John Cornfield has tried to do this and many people do not want to do this via email. Clerk to arrange a NP Meeting once call for sites has been completed. 41/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Atkinson attended the Rural Forum on the 17th June they have a new chairperson in Barbara Flack there are 21 enforcement officers, so in theory we should get a third of this however if there is an event taking place that causes congestion or costal traffic the enforcement officers would get called away. 42/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. Cllr A Atkinson/Cllr Fawke Bus Stop (Highway Plans) Cllr A Atkinson Cllr Fawke and the Clerk met with Michelle Matthews and Gary Peak on 18th June to discuss the Highway Plan and the Bus Stop. The Clerk has chased both Michelle Matthews (who is on annual leave now until 4th September) and Gary Peak however Cllr Northey has said he is snowed under. Clerk to email Cllr Northey with request. It was also agreed that they would refresh some lines on the road junctions and cut the hedges at the crossroads of Town Hill end. They are prioritizing the drop kerb in Riverside Close however the one opposite the Church will not be done this year. 2. Clerk to attend KALC Clerks Conference – 17th September 2019 Agreed by Councillors that Clerk can attend. 3. Cllr Atkinson consider speed limits for within the village – 20 mph proposal Cllr A Atkinson proposed to the Council the need to put 20 mph speed limit for the village and suggested if JITB are looking for a pilot scheme for this that Bridge Parish Council put the village forward for this. Cllr Atkinson suggested a small section of Bridge however Cllr Fawke and Cllr Cook felt that it needed to be blanket 20 mph. Mark Esdale’s (Speedwatch) observation is that in (The London Borough of) Haringay, there is a 20 mph and this seems to work. Some places in Canterbury have a 10 mph. Cllr A Atkinson this will be discussed in September at the next JITB – All Councillors supported the suggestion of the 20 mph being piloted in Bridge if possible. 43/19-20 4. Cllr Atkinson - Neighbourhood Plan – Consultation for the village going forward Discussed above. 5. Cllr Atkinson - Christmas Tree Brackets Mark Esdale has received a quotation for the Christmas Tree Brackets – he needs approximately 25, however the real number is probably nearer to 30 – It was agreed by Councillors he will confirm exact amount and liaise with Clerk to raise cheque to purchase these as this will fall below the £500. 6. Cllr Fawke – Sign for Pavilion Due to the amount that the Pavilion is used it would be nice to have a sign either from the High Street or from Riverside Close pointing out where the Pavilion is based. Cllr Fawke to look to see whether this is possible. However it is probably Highways who would need to decide where. Clerk to approach Highways in this respect. Correspondence List Previously circulated 44/19-20 Receipts From whom Whitstable Veterans 45/19-20 Amount (£) 50.00 Reason Hire of Football Pitch (15.05.19) Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Canterbury Plumbing Regency Flooring Sarah Hinton Amount (£) 180.00 549.76 125 Reason Contract Mowing Clerk Salary Plumbing in the Pavilion 489.15 77.25 Flooring in Pavilion (50% paid last year). June Pavilion Cleaning Bourne to Garden 180.00 Contract Mowing Playsafety Vodafone HMRC 474 50.55 119.80 Inspection Service Mobile Telephone HMRC NDDS Points of Interest Cllrs Dhillon and R Atkinson judged the tubs/hanging basket competition this week. They didn’t realise how beautiful the gardens were at Mansfield Court. Cllr Atkinson said it would be lovely to have an open gardens and see also the back gardens. Kathy Walder commented that the Horticultural Society do have this. Membership is £6.00 an individual or £10.00 per family. Cllr Fawke/Davies – weeding on green court from Tuesday Evening 18 July at 6.30 if any one would like to join them. Meeting closed 9.18 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12th September at 7:30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 5 September 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 12 September 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30 and 7.45 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July, 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. Community Assets to re-register – Clerk confirmation from the BPC to do this. Cllr Cook – Yellow Lines in the High Street Cllr Fawke Criminal Damage – Ford Close Cllr Kirk – NP Committee Meeting – update and notice regarding meetings for residents to input ideas. 5. Cllr Fawke - update re KCC Highways Works, Dropped Kerbs and Bus Stop 6. Cllr Moon Resignation of Clerk. Arrangements to be determined regarding finding a replacement. 7. Cllr Fawke - complaint received regarding the conversion of use of the Butchers Shop. 8. Cllr Fawke - a complaint from residents of Churchill Close about missed landfill collections and Serco. Serco operatives have moaned about having to use the steps to get bins to the lorry and according to one resident who spoke to the crew who do the recycling said “they‘re too lazy to use the disabled access”. Residents of Churchill Close are obviously unable to assist being elderly/ disabled etc. One resident had called Serco to complain about missed bins and the person she spoke to was very dismissive. 9. Cllr Fawke - still issues with access on Churchill Close so double yellows need to be done a.s.a.p. Apparently there were access issues a few weeks back with an Ambulance. Perhaps BPC would consider a little flyer to a few neighbouring properties requesting residents to park their vehicles with more consideration. 10. Cllr Fawke - several residents have mentioned parking issues in the village and have asked me to put forward the idea of resident parking permits. 11. Cllr Fawke - Small section of double yellows opposite the junction with Bourne Park Road. 12. Cllr Fawke Double Yellow lines at the junction of Brewery Lane due to issues with Fish and Chip Van. 13. Cllr Fawke – small narrow roadway leading to the houses behind 59 High Street, (The Old Butchers) a resident has requested double yellow lines to be put in the narrow section adjacent 10. to 59 High Street vehicles accessing the properties to the rear struggle to pass any vehicle parked on this little road. The road is also a major thorough fare for pedestrian traffic utilising the footpath to the school so keeping the road clear and maintaining clear sightlines would also be a major safety aspect of this request. 14. Cllr Davies - Grit Bins (Quotation attached). 15. Cllr Moon – Fireworks use of the Recreation Ground 16. Cllr Fawke Ati-social parking in Patrixbourne Road has recently been making it more difficult to drive out of Riverside Close - not only in school run times, so maybe also due to the popularity of the Red Lion. Cars have started parking in Patrixbourne Road at the junction to the Close, right onto the dotted white line marking the exit, making it quite impossible to see if there is traffic approaching from the High Street. 17. Email from KALC – Further IT Update on Parish Websites and GDPR Issues Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Various Hirers VAT Refund Ground work UK 12 Amount (£) 382 1,172 4,000 Reason Pavilion Hire up to 27/08 HMR Revenue VAT Grant for NP. Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE TULIP Consultancy Business Stream (Pavilion) V White Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden (29/07) Bourne to Garden (21/08) Fiona Cairns Salary Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council Sarah Hinton (July/August) Cleaning ACRA Subscription Paul Davies Phillip Wicker Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Cantley Amount (£) 409.20 2.88 Reason Green Court (Paid on 22/07/19) Water Pavilion (Paid on 22/07/2019 13.00 144.00 132 180 1,099.52 272.55 203.68 148.70 Plants for Planters (Paid 22/07/2019) Recreation Ground (Paid 22/07/2019 Contract Mowing Contract Mowing and Strimming July and August Salary Printing Planning Committee Election Costs Pavilion Cleaning July/August 20 120 17.95 111.50 15.00 ACRA Subscription Councillors Allowance Paper Towels Pavilion Hire of Hall for Council Meetings – January to July including March Annual Parish Meeting Hire Hunter Room for NP Meeting 275 Recreation Ground Points of information: 1. Art in Bridge The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 10 October 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 12th September 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr Moon (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Kirk, Dhillon, Shirley and the Clerk Fiona Cairns 46/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Dhillon and Cllr Mike Sole 47/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Moon and Cllr Shirley declared an interest in discussions and matters arising (point 15 below) and asked that this be discussed as they left the room they duly signed in the declarations book. 48/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 11th July were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. as Cllr Moon was not in attendance at this meeting Cllr Moon asked for confirmation from other Councillors who confirmed they were true record. 49/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 11th Jul 2019 not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Clerk is still awaiting a response from Kent Highways with regard to the cost of adding a gate to the Triangle. Currently awaiting a second quote regarding the Tarmac of the area of the Pavilion along with School Lane (another Contractor is coming out on Saturday 14th September). 50/19-20 Report from City Councillor Mike Sole Report to Bridge Parish Council - September 2019 “After several residents raised with me the issue of foreign lorries and coaches driving on the wrong side of the road after exiting the A2 slip road at Bishopsbourne I am pleased to be able to let you know that action will be taken. It has been agreed that large white arrows will be painted on the road within the next two months to remind drivers to drive on the left. It was very helpful to have reports from residents and dashcam footage to support this action being taken. The City Council has now agreed to declare a climate emergency and I am one of the councillors on the working group that meets for the first time this month to drive this forward. At the last Rural Forum meeting, where residents and councillors can come together to discuss issues, I asked that earlier notice be given to items to be discussed and I am pleased that this has happened. At the next meeting on 16 September Stagecoach will be represented and there will also be details about a seminar about Parish Council Engagement. I am very much aware of the parking issues in the High Street and the problems that this has resulted in. Richard Jenkins, the senior transport office at Canterbury City Council has agreed to meet up with me on site at the end of the month to look at the problems in detail so that the right solution can be found. I shall make the parish council aware when this meeting takes place so that they can be represented if they wish.” 51/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey “Cllr Northey explained that are all working together on climate issues. KCC unofficial approach we have transferred all yellow lighting to led lighting it has saved a lot of power. The system now saves about 8 million a year. There are issues with parking all over all over Kent and Cllr Northey feels that the route problem is there are many more vehicles on the road. Journeys. There is a lot of uncertainty whether we leave with regard to Brexit – the main problem is if we leave without a deal. Kent is the at front line and huge discussions are going on with the Police. We have operation block in place that replaces operation Stack. There is a capacity in Kent to hold up to 12,000 vehicles. Other things going on there are new powers being taken that if the lorries travel to a certain place Highways England will have the power to make them take a certain take route and if they don’t they will be fined. Cllr Fawke – asked why KKC have started charging for hardcore at a cost of £4.00 per bag – Cllr Fawke has heard that Skip Companies are now letting people deliver clean hardcore to them. Cllr Fawke/Cllr Davies we are seeing more fly tipping because of these. Cllr Northey confirmed that this was raised at his meeting this morning and figures do not suggest that this is the case. Cllr Northey to confirm back to BPC the figures with regard to fly tipping.” Cllr Fawke expressed his concern that it appears the Bus Stop has been put back yet again when this was all agreed back in April and we were due to put a contribution to this. Clerk to chase Cllr Northey for progress update from Gary Peakes and Michelle Matthews at least for us to have a copy of the original quotation. 52/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Shirley commented on the adult twister not working and also that the lose branches have all been moved Cllr Davies requested that Bourne Garden to cut off the wild flower garden – and also request that Bournes cut the Hedge by the Doctors. Cllr Shirley will speak to Bournes regarding this. The hole by the gate needs to be filled as soon as possible – Cllr Fawke and Cllr Davies to fill this in Cllr Davies will put concrete down on Monday as this urgently needs to be done before an accident happens. Clerk/Cllr Shirley and Moon to get a quote to replace adult equipment and move this out of the fenced area. The adult equipment needs to be separate from the children’s play area. Quotes to replace/repair and remove. Neighborhood Plan – To be covered under point 4 of matters for discussion and action 53/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies 54/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Community Assets to re-register – Clerk confirmation from the BPC to do this. Confirmation from Bridge Parish Council that the Clerk do this. Cllr Cook – Yellow Lines in the High Street – Cllr Mike Sole has arranged a meeting with Richard Jenkins to discuss this, Bridge Parish Council will also be involved with this. Cllr Fawke Criminal Damage – Ford Close – Covered below Cllr Kirk – NP Committee Meeting – update and notice regarding meetings for residents to input ideas. Cllr Kirk thanked all for their input. Cllr Kirk confirmed that he was doing the consultation this weekend and that he will prepare Comment Forms for this. Also could as many Councilors be available. Cllr Fawke - update re KCC Highways Works, Dropped Kerbs and Bus Stop Cllr Fawke raise this issue with Cllr Michael Northey and Cllr Northey confirmed that as per Michelle Matthews email that they working on crash remedial work. Cllr Fawke accepted that the drop kerbs work would be carried out later on this year. However Cllr Fawke has asked that we move with the Bus Stop at Higham Lane as this was 6. 7. agreed back in April. Clerk to email Cllr Northey to remind his team that we are awaiting on the quotation received from Littlethorpe. Cllr Moon Resignation of Clerk. Arrangements to be determined regarding finding a replacement. Councilors all agreed that the advert and job description was correct and that the Clerk should send to Cllr Fawke for advertising on Bridge Facebook and Mark Esdale for Bridge Website. Cllr Moon thanked the Clerk for the hard work she has done over the past nine months. Cllr Fawke - complaint received regarding the conversion of use of the Butchers Shop. Cllr Fawke explained the background to this in that permission was applied for and was turned down it then went to Appeal and was again turned down. After complaints from residents the Clerk contacted Canterbury City Council Enforcement. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Cllr Fawke - a complaint from residents of Churchill Close about missed landfill collections and Serco. Serco operatives have moaned about having to use the steps to get bins to the lorry and according to one resident who spoke to the crew who do the recycling said “they‘re too lazy to use the disabled access”. Residents of Churchill Close are obviously unable to assist being elderly/ disabled etc. One resident had called Serco to complain about missed bins and the person she spoke to was very dismissive. Clerk to contact Mike Sole with regard to this. Cllr Fawke - still issues with access on Churchill Close so double yellows need to be done a.s.a.p. Apparently there were access issues a few weeks back with an Ambulance. Perhaps BPC would consider a little flyer to a few neighboring properties requesting residents to park their vehicles with more consideration. Covered below Cllr Fawke - several residents have mentioned parking issues in the village and have asked me to put forward the idea of resident parking permits. Covered below Cllr Fawke - Small section of double yellows opposite the junction with Bourne Park Road. Covered below Cllr Fawke Double Yellow lines at the junction of Brewery Lane due to issues with Fish and Chip Van. Covered below Cllr Fawke – small narrow roadway leading to the houses behind 59 High Street, (The Old Butchers) a resident has requested double yellow lines to be put in the narrow section adjacent to 59 High Street vehicles accessing the properties to the rear struggle to pass any vehicle parked on this little road. The road is also a major thorough fare for pedestrian traffic utilizing the footpath to the school so keeping the road clear and maintaining clear sightlines would also be a major safety aspect of this request. Covered below. Cllr Davies - Grit Bins (Quotation attached). This was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Davies would draw a map of the area where the bins are to be located and he would present this at the next meeting and would then liaise with residents. Once the map is decided the Clerk will need to contact KCC to ask for permission. Cllr Moon – Fireworks use of the Recreation Ground. Cllrs Moon and Shirley left the room while this discussion took place it was unanimously agreed that the School could use the Recreation Ground, however if possible for the school to look at the traffic situation for the evening. Cllr Fawke Anti-social parking in Patrixbourne Road has recently been making it more difficult to drive out of Riverside Close - not only in school run times, so maybe also due to the popularity of the Red Lion. Cars have started parking in Patrixbourne Road at the junction to the Close, right onto the dotted white line marking the exit, making it quite impossible to see if there is traffic approaching from the High Street. Covered below Email from KALC – Further IT Update on Parish Websites and GDPR Issues Cllr Moon asked that Councilors read this and we defer it to the October Meeting. Items 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16 to all be addressed together. Cllr Fawke explained the above issues and it was suggested by the Chair that the Councillors arrange a walk around the village to look at these areas and then present an action plan to Richard Jenkins of CCC. Cllr Moon to suggest some dates prior to the next BPC Meeting on 10th October. 55/19-20 Correspondence List Previously circulated 56/19-20 Receipts From whom Various Hirers VAT Refund Ground work UK Amount (£) 382 1,172 4,000 Reason Pavilion Hire up to 27/08 HMR Revenue VAT Grant for NP. Cllr Moon thanked the Clerk for the Grant she has secured for the Neighborhood Plan. 57/19-20 Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE TULIP Consultancy Business Stream (Pavilion) V White Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden (29/07) Bourne to Garden (21/08) Fiona Cairns Salary Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council Sarah Hinton (July/August) Cleaning ACRA Subscription Paul Davies Phillip Wicker Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Cantley Amount (£) 409.20 2.88 Reason Green Court (Paid on 22/07/19) Water Pavilion (Paid on 22/07/2019 13.00 144.00 132 Plants for Planters (Paid 22/07/2019) Recreation Ground (Paid 22/07/2019 Contract Mowing 180 Contract Mowing and Strimming 1,099.52 272.55 July and August Salary Printing Planning Committee 203.68 Election Costs 148.70 Pavilion Cleaning July/August 20 120 17.95 111.50 ACRA Subscription Councilors Allowance Paper Towels Pavilion Hire of Hall for Council Meetings – January to July including March Annual Parish Meeting 15.00 Hire Hunter Room for NP Meeting 275 Recreation Ground Points of Interest 1. Cllr Fawke Art in Bridge Exhibition – Cllr Fawke would like to ask BPC at next Meeting for Contribution towards this event. 2. The winner of Bridge in Bloom was Jenny Vye. 3. The Clerk asked for permission to dispose of the old Cannon Printer that is currently not working and this was agreed by Cllrs. 4. Cllr Moon alerted the Councilors to the Rural Forum taking place on 16th September. 5. Cllr R Atkinson is currently preparing the Welcome Packs for new villagers. 6. Cllr Davies will email the Clerk with information for cutting back of Trees in Recreation Ground. Meeting closed at 09.00 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10th October at 7:30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 1 October 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 10 October 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30 and 7.45 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September, 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey See attached letter on flytipping data 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: Notes circulated from Cllr A Atkinson on the Rural Forum Notes from Kent Police – Parish update (emailed to Councillors) 9. Matters for discussion and action: 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cllr Kirk - Website and Parish email addresses – email sent with Agenda Letter re a possible joint proposal from Barham Parish Council – email sent with Agenda Cllr Fawke – Art in Bridge Contribution (Village Hall Hire is £210) Mark Esdale Christmas Trees Speed Equipment (emailed to Councillors) for Godmersham to borrow. Cllr Davies - Missing Street Sign "Mill Terrace" Cllr Moon - Free Cash Machines available to Village locations. Cllr Fawke – Invitation to Kent Police to attend BPC Meeting. Cllr Fawke – Planting of trees on Recreation Ground – Service Tree - Women’s Institute. Copper Beech in memory of the late John Purchase. Cllr Fawke Dog Waste Bins. 11. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 12. Receipts From whom Various Hirers Amount (£) Reason Hire money has been received but will follow on next month’s Agenda due to accounts being checked and not having the correct paying in book. 12 Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Salary Sarah Hinton September RDP Pest Garden Pride Amount (£) £132.00 £549.76 £75.38 £84.00 £360 Reason Recreation Ground Fiona Cairns Salary September Pavilion Cleaning September Pest Control Recreation Ground Christmas Tree Brackets Points of information: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minute of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 10 October 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr Moon (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Kirk, Shirley, Cook and the Clerk Fiona Cairns 58/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Dhillon, Cllr Mike Sole 59/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. None 60/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 12 Th September, 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 61/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 12th September not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Map of Plan of Salt Bins – Cllr Davies suggested certain sites in the village (some where bins/bags have already been sited). This will now go to Consultation to be put on village website/facebook any comments need to be emailed to clerk@bridgevillage.org.uk. This will be carried forward to November agenda. However nothing will be carried out until the Consultation has taken place. Clerk position – It was agreed that this should be advertised via KALC. 62/19-20 Report from City Councilor Mike Sole “Increases in traffic, both current and projected are focusing minds at all levels of government. Bridge continues to experience issues around illegal and inconsiderate car parking. I am meeting with the council senior transportation officer on site in Bridge to review current restrictions, review the problems and discuss enforcement. New projections are showing the impact of the Canterbury ring road that will get significantly worse with thousands of new homes in the pipeline – it’s not as if that couldn’t have been anticipated. Proposals are being considered to alleviate this. The new slip road off the A2 at Wincheap and the expansion of the park and ride continue to be discussed and debated by councillors. If we should leave the EU on 31 October, especially without a deal, then we are told to expect a knock-on effect as vehicles queue up to cross the Channel. No one can predict the exact level of disruption but if the roads around Dover & Folkestone are congested it will disrupt the Stagecoach buses that serve Nailbourne as well as those seeking to go about their normal daily routines. If lorries are diverted to be held at Manston Airport it will disrupt the Serco trucks that travel there to be emptied. Lorry drivers seeking to avoid the planned diversions will no doubt find themselves travelling through our villages and country lanes even more than usual as well as parking up for sometime. I understand from KCC that they will be able to call on the police and the army if required – whether of not that is reassuring I shall leave to you to decide. Although the A2 has been recently cleaned of litter problems around fly-tipping and other rubbish in both official and unofficial lay-bys continues to be a problem. I have requested some more covert cameras at fly-tipping hotspots in the ward. I have sent details of the Lord Mayor’s Christmas parcel scheme through to the parishes – if anyone knows of a suitable recipient please let me know” 63/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey “Cllr Northey reiterated what Cllr Sole has said but also wanted to add that the French authorities have things in place ready for Brexit. Cllr Northey said KCC is in a state of limbo as they currently have two leaders at the moment. Cllr Northey asked if anyone had any questions on the fly tipping data sent through?” No questions asked. 64/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – ` Clerk received second quote from Contractor for Tarmac this was over £1,000 less, so it was unanimously agreed that the Clerk should email Contractor to accept quote and arrange date for this to be carried out. Cllr Shirley has spent time looking at the adult equipment and this does need to be moved however BPC was not sure how much this equipment is used. Cllr Shirley is happy to look into moving/replacing this outside the children’s play area.. Cllr Shirley along with Cllr Kirk to put a poll on the website for the village to comment. Cllr Fawke has filled the hole that was dangerous and Cllr Davies and Cllr Fawke will do the hole as you go into the Recreation Ground next week. Cllr Fawke is replacing the 4 doors and carrying out other works in the pavilion. Neighborhood Plan – Cllr Kir is still responding directly to certain individuals and also doing FAQ’s for the NP website. 65/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Report from Cllr Atkinson in respect of Rural Forum (previously circulated) Report from Amy Burningham – Kent Police Cllr Fawke and the Clerk met with Gary Peake, Richard Jenkins and Cllr Sole today (Thursday 10th October) it was suggested that we continue double yellow lines up to Bus Stop – however this will not be dealt with until the next JITB. Looked at other issues – Charles Mount Road but again this would need to be under Consultation. Dropped kerbs on Riverside Close will be done at the same time as the Bus Stop on Higham Lane. The Ownership of Biffrons is not clear. Due to the cost of the Bus Shelter KCC need to obtain three quotations. CCC are looking at repainting the dogbones. KCC is looking at Bourne Park and the kerbs. Cllr Fawke asked KCC about SID on the hill and this is still being looked at. 66/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. 2. Cllr Kirk - Website and Parish email addresses – email sent with Agenda – Local web-designer – domain costs £10.00 per year and £5.00 per month and $80 dollars to get template. The Council could then host it’s own emails. This was unanimously agreed by all Cllrs – Cllr Kirk to go ahead with this. Letter re a possible joint proposal from Barham Parish Council – email sent with Agenda. It was felt that this was not something Bridge could not contribute at this time – Clerk to email Barham and let them know. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 67/19-20 Cllr Fawke – Art in Bridge Contribution (Village Hall Hire is £190). Unanimously agreed by all Cllrs to support this and give donation for Hire of Hall for one weekend at a cost of £190.00 Thanks to John Cornfield and all involved. Mark Esdale Christmas Trees – Mark would like to ask permission to put these up on the 30th November this was agreed and they will come down on the 4th January. Speed Equipment (emailed to Councilors) for Goodnestone and Chillenden PC. Due to what they wanted to use it for this was decided that this was not feasible and Mark Esdale has already written to them. Cllr Davies - Missing Street Sign "Mill Terrace" Clerk to contact CCC with regard to missing sign and also one for Saxon Road. Cllr Moon - Free Cash Machines available to Village locations Cllr Fawke to speak to Ranjit before looking into this. Cllr Fawke – Invitation to Kent Police to attend BPC Meeting. Clerk to contact Kent Police to see if someone could attend a BPC in the near future. Cllr Fawke – Planting of trees on Recreation Ground – Service Tree - Women’s Institute. Copper Beech in memory of the late John Purchase. WI will be paying for their wild service tree but the Tree for John Purchase will be paid for by BPC. Cllr Davies has got a quote for £55.00 + VAT. Timing for this will be the last week in November. WI is replacing the one by the Pavilion. The Copper Beach will be at a cost of £81.00. It was agreed that the Recreation Committee would meet on Sunday 13 October at 10.30 at the Recreation Ground. Cllr Fawke Dog Waste Bins. Cllr Fawke is still being asked about more of these. Clerk to contact CCC to suggest Bourne Park Road, Bus Stop at Higham Lane for places to put these. Correspondence List Previously circulated 68/19-20 Receipts No receipts due to not having paying in book will appear on next months. From whom Amount Reason (£) 69/19-20 Authorization of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Bourne to Garden Fiona Cairns Salary Sarah Hinton September RDP Pest Garden Pride Amount (£) £132.00 Reason £549.76 Fiona Cairns Salary September £75.38 Pavilion Cleaning September £84.00 £360.00 Pest Control Recreation Ground Brackets for Christmas Tree Points of Interest High Street to be closed – 26th 28th October. Recreation Ground Precept Meeting to be arranged between now and late November (when papers are received) – Clerk to organize. Resident from Higham Lane, currently does litter collection and there was a green lidless bin that they used to use, however this has gone. It was decided by BPC that clerk should contact Bishops Bourne as the lady who emptied it was from there. It was not something the Parish could supply as it would not be on the normal waste collection via Serco. Meeting closed at 8.42 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 10th October at 7:30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 8 The Dene, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NW 3 November To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30 and 7.45 p.m. Fiona Cairns, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: Cllr Fawke and Cllr Davies attended a training event held at Lower Hardres run by CCC Planners. Police Parish Report (circulated with Agenda) 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cllr Davies – Salt Bins Cllr Fawke – Lockable Cabinets in Pavilion Cllr Davies – Rubbish Bins on Recreation Ground Cllr Atkinson – Budget and Precept Cllr Kirk – Survey Adult Gym Equipment – Recreation Ground Cllr Davies – Tree Guards Cllrs Fawke Changes to dropped curb on the junction of Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Road. A resident has requested that they fit a bully to divert the waterflow away from the dropped curb opposite the church. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Various Hirers Amount (£) 1,178 upto 04/11/19 Reason Hire of the Pavilion 12 Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council Sarah Hinton Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Amount (£) 19.01 181 107.74 54 270.00 Fiona Cairns Art in Bridge 549.76 190 Mr S Fawke 187 Reason Printing of Planning Applications Printing of NP Booklets and Leaflets Cleaning of Pavilion May Strimming (invoice never received) May Strimming and Grounds Maintenance (invoice never received) Salary Donation towards Hire of the Hall for recent Art in Bridge event Repairing the Noticeboard Points of information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cllr Fawke Changes to dropped curb on the junction of Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Road. A resident has requested that they fit a bully to divert the waterflow away from the dropped curb opposite the church. Cllr Fawke Possible meeting to be held in the village with KCC steward Michele Weston and the new KCC drainage officer. Cllr Fawke Environmental Agency have done a riverbed clearance. A resident has informed me that building material i.e. plastic damp proof membrane has appeared in the riverbed behind a house in Bridge Ford Close. Planned tree planting event on the recreation ground 30th November. Planting of a Wild Service tree to commemorate the centenary of the WI and the planting of a Copper Beach in memory of the late John Purchese. Cllr Fawke has fitted new Dog Sign on Recreation Ground. Christmas Trees to go up on 30th November. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 5 December 2019 at 6.45 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 14 November 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr A Atkinson (Chair), R Atkinson, Davies, Fawke, Kirk, Cook, Dhillon and the Clerk Fiona Cairns At the beginning of the meeting a resident addressed Council with regard to the salt bins, the resident was unhappy that the consultation with regard to the salt bins has not taken place. The Resident has spoken to other residents who some are happy to have bins but not yellow bins and also feels the need for these to be in other alternative areas. The resident was disappointed that the maps have not gone up on bridge facebook and Notice Boards. In line with this it is important that the maps should not be vague and see where the salt bins are proposing to go in the Village. Cllr Davies spoke to people in the village, Cllr Cook we need to t ake this forward and have one single consultation to the village. Cllr Cook suggested that we buy one but this is discussed later on. A resident spoke about tree branches on the Recreation Ground that were hanging over into Mansfield Court, there is a second issue with Mansfield Court and this relates to issues with parking on Saturday and Sundays caused by the Footballers, Mansfield Court has no parking available for visitors to Mansfield Court. The resident explained that they have problems with school traffic in the week and then parking with footballers at the weekend. Cllr A Atkinson has brought this up with Enforcement and explained that we do what we can, Cllr A Atkinson explained we have no control over the parking in the district. He explained to the resident that this will need to be taken up with the district enforcement team. Cllr Dhillon explained if they are legally parked there is nothing that can be done. Cllr R Atkinson said about using the health centre/school, Cllr A Atkinson has also suggested that in the Football Contracts that there is a note goes out with the new Contracts to remind the Footballers of the need to park respectively. Cllr Cook asked the PSO how can we get PSO to the village to enforce parking issues ie parking zig zag drop kerbs. The PSO explained In order for a Police to come they cannot attend if a person can get passed a vehicle that is parked. With the pressure the PSO’s are under there is very little chances of getting a police office to enforce zig zag. Another resident said about the amount of dogs on the Recreation Ground and that this should not be happening. Cllr A Atkinson advised that the resident should report this to enforcement at the Canterbury City Council. 7019-20 Apologies were received from Cllr Moon, Cllr Shirley, Cllr Mike Sole and Cllr Michael Northey 71/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Fawke advised of one under point 12. 72/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 10 th October confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 2019 were 73/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 10th October not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Map of Plan of Salt Bins – Cllr Davies suggested certain sites in the village (some where bins/bags have already been sited). See agenda item below:74/19-20 Report from City Councilor Mike Sole “I receive a lot of correspondence from residents in across the ward about bin collections so I recently spent time with a Serco crew emptying bins in Bridge so that I could see for myself the issues that the operatives face when collecting our rubbish. This was a very interesting and informative experience. I have also spent time in Bridge with KCC and City Council transportation officers to review parking restrictions and other issues such as dropped kerbs and the re-marking of white lines. I have asked the city council if they would install some temporary covert cameras in flytipping hotspots in the Womenswold Parish. With lorries continuing to park up in unofficial lay-bys I have asked the City Council for a progress report on the Swale Borough Council lorry park proposals at Brenley Corner and also attended a meeting with Barham Parish Council and Kingston Parish Council with Gomez at Highland Court to discuss how to reduce the number of lorries driving down the Elham Valley. Finally, on Saturday 16 November the City Council is hosting a parish workshop from 9:30am to 1pm at Canterbury College. All parish councillors are invited to join the city councillors that represent the rural wards at this event. Details have been distributed to all clerks. The rural forum meeting on 11 November is therefore cancelled”. 75/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey No report received. 76/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – ` Neighborhood Plan – Cllr Kirk is still responding directly to certain individuals and also doing FAQ’s for the NP website. Cllr A Atkinson and Clr Kirk had a meeting with CCC, Cllr Atkinson and Cllr Kirk met with AECOM and they are going to do an assessment of sites. Cllr A Atkinson cancelled the NP Meeting on Monday as there was nothing further to update. Cllr A Atkinson explained that the Clerk and he are currently putting together a bid for further unding for some technical work. 77/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr A Atkinson went to KALC and they are in the process of putting together a new charter. Report from Amy Burningham, and Emma Coyle who have taken over from Gavin Dobwell – they have all rural wards and Barton and Thannington and we are struggling to get round to meet everyone. Trying to engage with community, visit victims of crime. If there is anyone vulnerable we can always be contacted. Cllr Davies asked do you link with the farm watch. Cllr Atkinson suggested that they take back the residents views on parking in Riverside Close. They plan to visit Schools to look at parking issues with the children. Currently working through the list of wards they have. Cllr Davies thanked them for their reports as found them very useful. Cllr Fake and Cllr Davies attending a Planning Training. CCC have promised to communicate on more issues on planning with regard to Trees. 78/19-20 1. 2. Matters for discussion and action Cllr Davies – Salt Bins – Deferred till December. – Consultation needs to take place. Cllr Fawke – Lockable Cabinets in Pavilion – Clerk to send quotes round. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 79/19-20 Cllr Davies – Rubbish Bins on Recreation Ground. Clerk to contact CCC with regard to getting extra bin adjacent to the football picture. Cllr Atkinson – Budget and Precept Proposal. Cllr Cook said concurrent funding may disappear in future years. Cllr Cook feels people like gentler increases rather than a jump. Cllr Atkinson explained that the concurrent funding is only £2,711. Cllr Cook felt that a lot of money was spent on Western Avenue and this does not benefit everyone in the village. Cllr Cook has said that if this is the last bit of spending on Western Avenue then that makes sense. It was decided that the Precept figure for Tax Band D be £47.95 which will be a less than 1% increase Councilors unanimously agreed this. Cllr Kirk – Survey Adult Gym Equipment – Recreation Ground – deferred till next month. Cllr Davies – Tree Guards – Cllr Davies got a price for Tree guard – price is £45.00 it was agreed to purchase this. Cllrs Fawke Changes to dropped curb on the junction of Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Road. A resident has requested that they fit a bully to divert the waterflow away from the dropped curb opposite the church. Clerk to email KCC (Gary Peake) Correspondence List Previously circulated 80/19-20 Receipts From whom Various Hirers 81/19-20 Amount (£) 1,178 up to 04/11/19 Reason Hire of the Pavilion Authorization of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Canterbury City Council Canterbury City Council Sarah Hinton Bourne to Garden Bourne to Garden Amount (£) 19.01 181 107.74 54 270.00 Fiona Cairns Art in Bridge 549.76 190 Mr S Fawke 187 Reason Printing of Planning Applications Printing of NP Booklets and Leaflets Cleaning of Pavilion May Strimming (invoice never received) May Strimming and Grounds Maintenance (invoice never received) Salary Donation towards Hire of the Hall for recent Art in Bridge event Repairing the Noticeboard Points of Interest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cllr Fawke Changes to dropped curb on the junction of Riverside Close and Patrixbourne Road. A resident has requested that they fit a bully to divert the waterflow away from the dropped curb opposite the church. Cllr Fawke Possible meeting to be held in the village with KCC steward Michele Weston and the new KCC drainage officer – this has been put back to the New Year. Cllr Fawke Environmental Agency have done a riverbed clearance. A resident has informed me that building material i.e. plastic damp proof membrane has appeared in the riverbed behind a house in Bridge Ford Close. Planned tree planting event on the recreation ground 30th November. Planting of a Wild Service tree to commemorate the centenary of the WI and the planting of a Copper Beach in memory of the late John Purchese. Cllr Fawke has fitted new Dog Sign on Recreation Ground. Christmas Trees to go up on 30th November and meet at 9.00 at Village Hall. 6. 7. Cllr A Atkinson has been invited to go to the on 2nd December to a meeting at CCC to discuss how to reduce fluvial flood risk to Nailbourne communities. The Clerk explained due to Elections we only have 3 weeks till the next BPC Meeting and therefore Agenda items will be needed as soon as possible. Meeting closed at 9.00 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 5th December at 6:45 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ 30 November 2019 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 5 December 2019 at 6.45 pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 6.45 and 7.00 Jenny Heap, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. Cllr Davies – Salt Bins 2. Cllr A Atkinson - 20 Mph from Doctors Surgery, The High Street at the Church and High Street at the Triangle, at the Bridge over the A2 and a the Station Road Junction with the lane up past the farm. 3. Precept figure given to Canterbury City Council of £34,000. 4. Cllr Kirk – Adult Play Area. 5. Disposal of Shredder. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Hire of the Pavilion 12 Amount (£) 125.00 Reason Pavilion HIre Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Sarah Hinton Amount (£) 80.00 Reason Pavilion Cleaning November Ewart J Clough Coppicewood Kent 1047 239.52 Steve Fawke Howdens Joinery Company Philip Wicker Fiona Cairns Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin 558.50 317.36 Christmas Trees Purchase of Trees for WI, John Purchase Tree and Stakes purchased on behalf of BPC Work at the Pavilion Materials for the Pavilion. 1,000 1,002.50 295.80 24.50 Management Fee for Pavilion Salary for November and Office Allowance Lights and Tags Printing Points of information: 1. 2. . The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9 January 2020 at 7.30 in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 5th December 2019 in Bridge Village Hall at 6.45 p.m. PRESENT Cllr A Atkinson (Chair), Cllr R Atkinson, Cllr Davies, Cllr Fawke, Cllr Shirley, Cllr Dhillon, Cllr Northey and the Clerk Jennifer Heap At the beginning of the meeting a resident addressed the Council with regards to volunteer gardeners within the village. The resident is concerned there are only a few village volunteers and that there is little organisation amongst the volunteers. The resident would like to know if there are other villagers that can be called upon. Cllr A Atkinson advised there in no one currently in charge and suggested contacting Cllr Davies with requirements. Cllr Atkinson suggested Cllr Davies also do a call out for new volunteers. The resident read out a list of requirements that she will forward on to Cllr Davies that included requesting a list of past volunteers, their contact details and also a list of work to be completed. 82/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr Moon, Cllr Cook, Cllr Kirk and Cllr Sole 83/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Cllr Fawke advised of one under point 12. Cllr Davies advised of one under point 12. 84/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 14 th November 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 85/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 14th November not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Cllr Davies requested help with trees on the recreation field and may need planning permission. Map of Plan of Salt Bins – See agenda item below:86/19-20 Report from City Councilor Mike Sole Parish Council Report – December “The recent parish council workshop was well attended. It was a good opportunity for parish councilors and city councilors to exchange views and to work with city council officers. Communication between the City Council, City Councilors and the Parish Councils was highlighted as an area that needs improvement. There are five parish councils in the Nailbourne Ward and I attend most of their meetings and send a report when I am unable due to diary clashes. There is however no requirement for City Councilors to attend and I was surprised to hear from some parish councils that they have never even met their City Councilor. As a representative on the City Council Climate Emergency Working Group I am pleased that steps are being taken to help move the council forward to being carbon neutral by 2030 and also helping others to do so. More information will follow on this as things develop”. 87/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey Michael Northey commented that normal business has been disrupted due to the upcoming election and the election of the new leader Roger Gough. Cllr Northey advised he has been appointed Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment. Working on promoting a green agenda through a number of measures including reducing c02 emissions, improving public transportation links to reduce road traffic and a programme of tree planning to name a few. Through these initiatives the agenda aims to make Canterbury carbon neutral by 2020 and Kent by 2050. Another example within the green agenda is focused of increasing the number of plant pollinating insects. 88/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Fawke advised tarmac should be completed Friday 6th December. He also spoke to contractors regarding filling in the potholes around the pavilion and is happy with work carried out. Cllr Fawke has reconnected guttering on the pavilion but further work is required. Cllr Fawke commented that both Male and Female football teams use the shower facilities in the pavilion but there are no separate facilities as showers are within the boundary of men’s toilets. Needs further discussion to address layout. Neighborhood Plan – Draft report from AECOM received and submitted to councilors, Cllr Atkinson would like thoughts before the weekend so can be sent off Monday 9th December. Council has applied for recommended grant and have received assurances that there should not be a problem obtaining this grant. Cllr Fawke commented decisions are not ultimately for this council to make. 89/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr A Atkinson advised he has looked at EA’s model of fluvial flooding for the Nailbourne. The EA has made a number of proposals made which have been shortlisted however only one applies to Bridge. A River group meeting will be held in the New Year and flooding of the Nailbourne is not expected this year. Cllr A Atkinson attended CCC meeting with Cllr Fawke, the main issue highlighted was with communication as per Mike Soles report and no Parish Charter set out but they are aware we are looking to establish a Charter. Cllr A Atkinson spoke with Mark Esdale to discuss if the Mill Center has any future prospects. Cllr A Atkinson with look into lease and to identify if there can be another use for the center. 90/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. Salt bins - It was agreed that Cllr Davies and Cllr A Atkinson would consider the responses that are received and then they will circulate a note to Cllrs looking for final agreement as to where the bins will go. Cllr Davies advised the public consultation is taking place awaiting responses by Sunday 5th January. 2. Cllr A Atkinson - 20 Mph from Doctors Surgery, The High Street at the Church and High Street at the Triangle, at the Bridge over the A2 and a the Station Road Junction with the lane up past the farm. Cllr Atkinson commented that the Joint transportation board advised Herne accepted a similar proposal. The Rural Area Members Panel meeting did not go ahead. Cllr A Atkinson has suggested dealing directly with CCC. Cllr A Atkinson suggested including Bridge Down in the scheme which was agreed unanimously by the council. Cllr A Atkinson will take forward. 3. Precept figure given to Canterbury City Council of £34,000. Cllr A Atkinson advised the Council did not accept our previous figure because the Parish Council was not given the information required to calculate the figure accurately. New figure submitted and given agreement by all members. 4. Cllr Shirley – Adult Play Area. Cllr Shirley posted a survey online to understand how frequently the adult equipment is used, who uses it and suggestions for alternative site. The results of the survey reveal that the equipment is mainly used by adults when their children are in the park. The equipment is also played with by the children. Other feedback was for new equipment whilst some residents feel it is a waste of funds. Cllr R Atkinson commented we do not have insurance for children to use equipment and therefore the equipment needs be relocated. Cllr Davies suggested between the fence and the tennis courts. Cllr A Atkinsons suggested obtaining costings for relocating the equipment, new equipment and for repairs. Cllr Shirley to chase costings as none received to date. 5. Disposal of Shredder. Agreed unanimously. 91/19-20 Correspondence List Previously circulated 92/19-20 Receipts From whom Various Hirers 93/19-20 Amount (£) 125.00 Reason Hire of the Pavilion Authorization of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Sarah Hinton Amount (£) 80.00 Reason Pavilion Cleaning November Ewart J Clough Coppicewood Kent 1047 239.52 Steve Fawke Howdens Joinery Company Philip Wicker Fiona Cairns Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin 558.50 317.36 Christmas Trees Purchase of Trees for WI, John Purchase Tree and Stakes purchased on behalf of BPC Work at the Pavilion Materials for the Pavilion. 1,000 1,002.50 295.80 24.50 Management Fee for Pavilion Salary for November and Office Allowance Lights and Tags Printing Points of Interest 1. 2. 3. Christmas trees to come down by 4th January. Thank you from the PTA for use of the recreation field for fireworks display. Jenny Heap has been appointed to the position of Parish Clerk. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 9th January 2020 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ 2nd January 2020 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 9th January 2020 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Jenny Heap, Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2019 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. Salt bins - Update. 2. Cllr Kirk village website update - Progressing well and soon ready for public "alpha" launch. Parish council pages should be reviewed (esp. responsibilities + planning committee)  Still to do: Privacy policy, bus times, next bin collection, Directory (contact societies and businesses), Parish email accounts. 3. Cllr Kirk adult gym equipment - Survey results and next steps. 4. Cllr Kirk project management - Better public engagement and visibility 5. Purchase of a new shredder. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Bridge WI 12 Amount (£) 95.00 Reason WI tree Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Jennifer Heap Amount (£) 1,016.62 Reason Salary for December (Including training and office allowance) Fiona Cairns Sarah Hinton S H Plant ICO PKF Littlejohn LLP CPRE 549.76 69.58 4,800.00 40.00 240.00 36.00 Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee 60.00 33.00 Salary for December. Pavilion cleaning December. Re tarmac of pavilion footpath. Data Protection fee. Accountancy fees (Sept). Campaign to Protect Rural England - membership fee. Hire of Village Hall for Parish Council meetings (Sept-Dec). Hire of Village Hall for NP meetings (Sept). Points of information: 1. 2. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th February 2020, 7.30pm at Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 9th January 2020 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr A Atkinson (Chair), Cllr R Atkinson, Cllr Fawke, Cllr Shirley, Cllr Dhillon, Cllr Kirk, Cllr Northey, Cllr Sole and the Clerk Jennifer Heap. At the beginning of the meeting a resident addressed the Council with regards to the public consultation on salt bins. The resident advised the map on Facebook was incorrect. The resident commented that it would be courteous to consult those residents that live close to the proposed sites. The resident suggested following CCC’s example by putting up signage at the proposed sites so that villagers could respond. The resident also commented that Facebook was not the best medium for the public consultation. Please refer to the ‘Matters for discussion and action’ section below. 94/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr Moon, Cllr Davies and Cllr Cook. 95/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. None. 96/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 5 th December 2019 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 97/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Cllr A Atkinson advised the next Rural Forum meeting is 20th January and all the councilors are welcome to attend. Regarding the 20mph speed limit around the village Cllr A Atkinson has written to the District councilor, Area Manager for Kent Highways and in addition asked the Rural Forum to support Bridge in being a pilot zone. Mike sole will be raising this as an agenda item at the Forum. Cllr A Atkinson Precept figure of £34,000 accepted by CCC. Cllr A Atkinson advised the shredder has been disposed of. 98/19-20 Report from City Councilor Mike Sole Parish Council Report – January “With rising water tables along the Elham Valley it is now likely that we will see the Nailbourne flow this year. I was in touch with the Environment Agency last year to make sure that the river bed and culverts were clear so hopefully we will see flow rather than flood. It would however be prudent for relevant parish councils to review their emergency flood procedures and check up on emergency contacts and sandbag supplies. Between Christmas and New Year I joined Kingston Parish Councillor Laura Spencer on a litter pick. In just under three hours, we collected a horrifying seven full bags of rubbish between the top of Bonny Bush Hill and The Black Robin. As it was only a year since the last litter pick this was particularly concerning. Plastic bottles, food packaging, drink cans and glass bottles, all of which must have been thrown from vehicles made up the bulk of the rubbish. The City Council are currently looking at options for building new £12m council offices. Regardless of the merits of alternative sites, I have yet to be convinced that this is a sensible financial project compared with refurbishment of the existing building. Whilst any new offices should be carbon neutral once built, the carbon footprint of the initial build will be significant. Finally, the recent heavy rains that caused the Stour to burst it banks in many places, flooding areas around the Hambrook Marshes, must bring into question the City Council’s desire to extend the Wincheap Park & Ride onto the water meadows behind B&M Bargains. I believe that it is imperative for other options to be considered to provide additional car parking spaces that does not require building in this location. I have requested that a small dog bone be painted by the new dropped kerb opposite the church as some cars had been reported parking in front of it. This is now in the programme of works but due to a back log it might take a while I am very pleased that KCC have now painted white directional arrows that I asked for either side of the A2 exit onto Bonny Bush Hill. Several residents had asked for action to be taken as there had been cases of lorries driving on the wrong side of the road towards Bridge. I put a motion to full council last night asking for the city council to lobby KCC for changes to the Travel Saver scheme for getting pupils to schools. After some debate I accepted an amendment, which was passed, so that a report will initially be prepared for the Joint Transportation Board. I was specifically concerned that the price of the travel saver can make it cheaper for parents living relatively close to secondary schools, such a Bridge especially if they have more than one child, to drive their children rather than use the bus. This adds to congestion and pollution”. 99/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey Michael Northey commented that KCC has launched a consultation on its strategic statement ‘Your Future, Our Priority’ which is a 5 year plan covering issues concerning the county. KCC would like to receive views from the public and the consultation runs until 17th February 2020. KCC has set up a Select Committee on affordable housing to establish housing at the right price and in the right places. The Committee has launched a consultation which runs until 26th January. KCC has proposed new budget the coming year with a 4% council tax rise, 2% of which is for care of the elderly and other social services. Cllr Northey also advised there has been a stand down of Operation Brock and the barriers are now being removed as it is hoped that the UK will be leaving the EU with a new deal at the end of the month. 100/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Shirley advised tarmac and potholes around the pavilion have been completed and positive feedback has been received. Cllr Shirley asked about the possibility of digitalising files held for recreation ground and the length of time documents need to be kept which is something that needs to be looked into. Cllr Fawke advised that since the last meeting two trees have been planted at the recreation ground, one wild service tree for the WI to mark their 100th anniversary and also a copper beech in memory of John Purchese. Neighborhood Plan – Cllr A Atkinson and Cllr Kirk spoke to AECOM and Canterbury District regarding the need for a new Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment and are awaiting a response. Cllr A Atkinson advised there are no updates on the Neighborhood Plan which is why there has not been a recent meeting. 101/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr A Atkinson has been to the recent EA meeting about the possibility of flooding. The Nailbourne is expected to flow and not flood. The EA has made a number of proposals which have been shortlisted however only one task applies to Bridge. The EA is looking for funding for the tasks they have shortlisted so there are no guarantees they will be completed. Cllr A Atkinson advised the village is as prepared as it can be, the locations of the sandbag stores are within the carparks of the three pubs in the village. Cllr A Atkinson also commented that Kent Highways have been out clearing the drains around the village. 102/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. Salt bins – In response to the suggestion made at the start of the meeting, Cllr A Atkinson suggested that notices should be put up at the three proposed new sites that are not on private land, giving one week’s notice to allow the residents at those locations to comment. Cllr Kirk 2. 3. 4. 5. commented that we need to clarify where those sites are. Cllrs Kirk and Shirley have volunteered to put up the notices. Village website update – Cllr Kirk advised the website is progressing well and it is hoped that the domain will be switched over in February. Cllr Kirk adult gym equipment - Cllr Shirley advised that three separate companies have been asked to quote for moving the gym equipment but none have responded. Cllr Shirley will chase and is contacting other companies for quotations. Cllr Shirley advised the Council is looking to relocate the gym equipment between the play area and tennis courts. Cllr Fawke suggested contacting CCC Parks Department to get details of their contractors. Cllr Kirk project management - Better public engagement and visibility. Cllr Kirk asked if there is a way to keep residents more informed about what the Council does and has achieved. Cllr Kirk suggested a BPC Facebook page for this purpose. Cllr Fawke asked if the new website could be linked to the existing residence Facebook page. Cllr Kirk said he could put some proposals together. Cllr R Atkinson commented that it would be good to continue to with the Council newsletter and to produce one around the time of the AGM. Purchase of a new shredder. Unanimously agreed by all Councilors. 103/19-20 Correspondence List Previously circulated 104/19-20 Receipts From whom Bridge WI Amount (£) 95.00 Reason WI tree 105/19-20 Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Jennifer Heap Fiona Cairns Sarah Hinton S H Plant ICO PKF Littlejohn LLP CPRE Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Bridge Village Hall Management Committee Amount (£) 1,016.62 549.76 69.58 4,800.00 40.00 240.00 36.00 60.00 33.00 Reason Salary for December (Including training and office allowance) Salary for December. Pavilion cleaning December. Re tarmac of pavilion footpath. Data Protection fee. Accountancy fees (Sept). Membership fee. Hire of Village Hall for Parish Council meetings (Sept-Dec). Hire of Village Hall for NP meetings (Sept). Points of Interest 1. 2. 3. 4. EA meeting on flooding Friday 10th in Ashford. Rural Forum meeting 20th January. Recent power cuts have caused problems with village street lighting and Cllr Fawke has reported this. A shortened version of the BPC minutes or a summary Council activity will be featured in the ‘On the Nail’ Parish Magazine. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 13th February 2020 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ 5th February 2020 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 13th February 2020 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Jenny Heap, Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2020 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. Cllr A Atkinson – Update on 20mph zone 2. Cllr A Atkinson - River group update on the Nailbourne. 3. Cllr Fawke – Weight restriction/size restriction for heavy vehicles. 4. Cllr A Atkinson - Bus Stop progress. 5. Cllr Davies - Recycling. 6. Cllr Davies - Town Hill footpath 7. Cllr A Atkinson – Arrangements for the annual parish meeting 2020. 8. Cllr A Atkinson - District Consultation 9. Cllr A Atkinson - Continued membership of Action with Communities in Rural Kent? 10. Cllr Kirk - Parish Council email addresses and website. 11. Cllr Fawke - Pavilion roof repairs. 12. Cllr Fawke – Dering Close yellow lines. 13. Cllr R Atkinson – Arrangements for the Bridge Spring Clean in March. 14. Cllr A Atkinson – Bridge recreation working party, funding and coordination. 15. Cllr Kirk – Parish Council Facebook profile. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Various Whitstable Vets Various Monument Football Team 12 Amount (£) 171.00 40.00 200.00 500.00 Reason Hire of Pavilion - Art classes Hire of Football Pitch Christmas Tree fund Hire of Football Pitch Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Jennifer Heap Sarah Hinton ACRA Howdens P Wicker Bin Shop CCC Rural Kent Membership Amount (£) £773.84 £80.00 £20.00 £19.22 £25.19 £598.74 £59.70 £80.00 Reason Salary for February (Including office allowance) Pavilion cleaning January. Membership fee Materials for the Pavilion Paper towels for Pavilion Grit bins Printing planning applications Membership (If approved under Agenda item 9) Points of information: 1. 2. Salt bins – update. Post Office – Return of service. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 12th March 2020, 7.30pm at Bridge Village Hall Minutes of a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Thursday 13th February 2020 in Bridge Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr A Atkinson (Chair), Cllr R Atkinson, Cllr Fawke, Cllr Shirley, Cllr Davies, Cllr Kirk, Cllr Cook, Cllr Northey and the Clerk Jennifer Heap. 105/19-20 Apologies were received from Cllr Moon, Cllr Dhillon and Cllr Sole. 106/19-20 Declaration of Interest & Lobbying and written Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. None. 107/19-20 The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 9 th January 2020 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 108/19-20 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 9th January not dealt with under item 7 of the agenda Cllr Kirk commented that in order to feature a summary of Parish Council news in the next issue of ‘On the Nail,’ the summary needs to be submitted before 15th February and the 15th of each month thereafter. Clerk to email Cllr Kirk with a draft copy of the minutes the day after each meeting so that a summary can be prepared. 109/19-20 Report from City Councilor Mike Sole Parish Council Report – February “Charges for garden waste collection are now almost certain to start later in the year. I have been opposing these and continue to highlight the reasons why this is a bad idea. The City Council’s own projections show that between 50% - 70% of bins will no longer be collected. Some waste may be composted at home but I believe that the majority will instead be driven to household waste sites creating more congestion and pollution. We may also see more bonfires and fly-tipping as well as less community spirited cleaning up of public areas. Not only will these charges hit those in the villages financially, but they are a backward step in dealing with the climate emergency. There has been huge opposition to the proposed changes in car parking charges and permits. At committee level I have had some success in getting cross party support against some of these changes, such as opposing the introduction of a minimum one hour charge in car parks, and also against the removal of the faith & community permits. Whether those amendments make it beyond further committees is to be seen. With colleagues I have also put forwarded that the next Park & Ride tender includes a service that serves the railway stations and we will have to see how that progresses. The annual parking review consultation runs from 30 January for three weeks. Please do review changes to parking restrictions such as double yellow lines that have been proposed in the local area and make any comments. At the time of writing this report the Nailbourne is flowing through most of the valley. I have not received any reports of flooding and I know that the Environment Agency, Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council have been monitoring the situation on an almost daily basis”. 110/19-20 Report from Councilor Michael Northey Michael Northey commented that the prediction for the Nailbourne is still flow not flood. KCC has agreed the new budget which will see council tax rise by 4% and of that 2% will be spent on adult social services. Those on band ‘C’ will pay just under £1 extra per week. This is the first budget in about 10 years where it is anticipated the country is coming out of austerity. Full details of the budget are on the KCC website. Following the recent storms KCC dealt with over 500 enquires including fallen trees and surface water flooding. Cllr Cook advised that after the recent high winds, reporting fallen trees by phone is very time consuming and the specific location is required which is difficult in the countryside. Cllr Cook suggested that the KCC website needs highlighting to avoid telephone delays and to help locate the problem by using the online map. 111/19-20 Disposal of business form the last meeting Recreation Ground – Cllr Shirley advised that he has contacted the company that installed the adult gym equipment and is awaiting quotes for repairs and moving the equipment. Certain repairs are covered under the guarantee and not incur cost. Cllr Cook will forward the contact at KCC on to Cllr Shirley to obtain a quote from them for moving the equipment. Cllr Shirley and Kirk are working on digitalising the play park records to reduce paperwork that needs to be stored. Cllr A Atkinson suggested copies should be forwarded to Clerk. Neighborhood Plan – Cllr A Atkinson and Cllr Kirk spoke to AECOM and Canterbury District regarding a new Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment. Cllr A Atkinson requested a meeting of the NP committee to discuss suggested changes made by AECOM in order to get assessments started. Cllr Cook suggested arranging the meeting 12th March 7.15pm. Cllr Atkinson and the Clerk had a meeting with the agents for the Chantley estate to update them on progress with the Neighborhood Plan. 112/19-20 Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Cook advised he has not been receiving emails from ACRA. Clerk to contact ACRA. Cllr A Atkinson attended the Rural Forum meeting on 20th January. Please refer ‘Matters for discussion and action’ point 1. Cllr A Atkinson advised he has also attended the recent River Group meeting and been involved in weekly conference calls. Please refer ‘Matters for discussion and action’ point 2. 113/19-20 Matters for discussion and action 1. 20mph zone - Cllr A Atkinson attended the Rural Forum meeting on 20th January. The Rural Forum has agreed to support Bridge in being a pilot zone for the 20mph speed limit and will make the recommendation to the Joint transportation Board. They have requested the village’s traffic survey done in 2017 which is to be forwarded by the Clerk. Cllr Cook raised concern that without enforcement the speed limit will not be observed. Cllr A Atkinson and Fawke advised it does make an improvement to speeds even without enforcement. 2. River Group – Cllr Atkinson advised in addition to weekly conference calls he has been meeting with engineers regarding operations should there be a flood. Cllr A Atkinson and the Secretary for the River Group will be Meeting with Dr Hurst, Chairman of Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee and taking him on a tour of villages in Nailbourne Valley to highlight the need for funding. KCC Have installed a flood gate at the Ford and closed Mill Lane. Cllr A Atkinson advised forecast remains flow not flood 3. Weight restriction/size restriction for Brewery Lane – Cllr Fawke recently observed an articulated lorry stuck down brewery lane. Cllr Fawke recalled Councilors were in favor of having a weight and size restriction. Cllr Cook suggested advisory sign ‘not suitable for HGV’s’. Cllr Fawke will look at restrictions and bring forward for the next meeting. 4. Bus Stop – Gary Peak has agreement from Ruth Goudie at CCC to split the order for the shelter and the base so to stay within spending limits. CCC with pay for the shelter and KCC will purchase the base. Gary is waiting to Hear from Ruth once she has ordered the shelter. There is about a twelve week lead time on orders. 5. Recycling – Cllr Davies commented that a number of residents have brought to his attention that the paper/cardboard insert of the recycling bins are being damaged by SERCO when being emptied. SERCO are charging for replacements even when they are damaged by their own staff. Cllr Davies to put a list together of local residents comments for Clerk to forward on to Serco. Cllr R Atkinson requested clarification on how long are they expected to last. Clerk to contact Serco. 6. Town Hill footpath – Cllr Davies requested that the overgrown vegetation along the foot path be cleared. Clerk to inform KCC. 7. APM – Councilors discussed and agreed this year’s meeting will be held on 30th April. Cllr A Atkinson requested that Councilors email the Clerk with suggested speakers. One speaker has already come forward which is the Option Two 4 U Group 8. Districts Consultation – Cllr A Atkinson advised that CCC together with BPC are holding a Local Plan Workshop on 2nd April. The workshop is an opportunity for CCC to tell us about their new Local Plan and for us to discuss any aspirations for the village. Cllr A Atkinson requested that Councilors come up with ideas for the workshop and are all invited to attend. 9. Continued membership of Action with Communities in Rural Kent. Councilors unanimously agreed to cancel the renewal as the Council have not previously needed their assistance. 10. Parish Council email addresses and website – Cllr A Atkinson advised that once new website is up and running all Cllrs need to use Parish Council emails instead of personal email addresses. Cllr Kirk commented that the website is ready for a public review and will request that residents provide feedback on website via the existing website and Village Facebook Page. Cllr Kirk intends for the new website to be launched in March. 11. Pavilion roof repairs – Cllr Fawke advised a damp patch has appeared in the ceiling of the pavilion. Cllr Fawke has had a look at the roof but was unable to find the cause. Cllr Fawke will carry out a more thorough investigation of the roof tomorrow to establish the cause of the damp patch, warped kitchen ceiling and recent power failures. Cllr A Atkinson suggested obtaining quotes for repairs to put forward a proposal to the Rural Forum 23rd March to try to access funding. Cllr Fawke to obtain quotations. Cllr Cook suggested that it may be more cost effective to have the pavilion revamped rather than funding ongoing repairs. Cllr Shirley offered to obtain quotes for this suggestion. 12. Dering Close yellow lines – Cllr Fawke commented that there is some objection to the proposed yellow lines at the Union road/Dering road junction. The concern is lack of residential parking if the double yellow lines go all the way along Dering road. Residents happy to have lines at the junction with Union road to allow vehicles to turn around. Cllr A Atkinson suggested residents individually comment on the website. Cllr Northey offered to represent the residents on this concern at the JTB meeting. 13. Bridge Spring Clean 2020 – Cllr R Atkinson suggested March 20st which was unanimously agreed by the Councilors. Cllr Shirley to invite the school to take part. 14. Bridge recreation working party meeting 21st March 9.30am – Cllr A Atkinson requested a representative from the Parish Council to be part of the working party. Cllr Davies and Cllr Shirley will be the point of contact. The group have also requested some modest funding for their work which can covered by BPC. 15. Bridge Facebook – Cllr Kirk discussed having a BPC profile. Cllr A Atkinson advised that any announcements should be moderated by Councilors. 114/19-20 Correspondence List Previously circulated 115/19-20 Receipts From whom Various Whitstable Vets Various Monument Football Team Amount (£) 171.00 40.00 200.00 500.00 Reason Hire of Pavilion - Art classes Hire of Football Pitch Christmas Tree fund Hire of Football Pitch 116/19-20 Authorisation of the following items for payment was granted PAYEE Jennifer Heap Sarah Hinton ACRA Amount (£) £773.84 £80.00 £20.00 Reason Salary for February (Including office allowance) Pavilion cleaning January. Membership fee Howdens P Wicker Bin Shop CCC £19.22 £25.19 £598.74 £59.70 Materials for the Pavilion Paper towels for Pavilion Grit bins Printing planning applications Points of Interest 1. 2. 3. 4. Salt bins are now in place at the agreed locations. Following the public consultation it has been decided not the place a bin at the Weston Avenue location. KCC have advised new locations need to be assessed by the Highways Steward. The Post Office service will operate out of the Red Lion Pub Wednesdays and Fridays 9-11am in the coming months, date to be confirmed. Next meeting of the JTB 24th March Next meeting of the Rural Forum 23rd March The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday, 12th March 2020 at 7.30 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall AGENDA BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ 6th March 2020 To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday 12th March 2020 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to address the Council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm. Jenny Heap, Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. To accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest & Lobbying on agenda items and written declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2020 4. Matters arising from the minutes not covered under item 7. 5. Report from City Councillor Mike Sole 6. Report from Kent County Councillor Michael Northey 7. Disposal of business from the last meeting a. Recreation Ground b. Neighbourhood Plan 8. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies: 9. Matters for discussion and action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cllr Moon - £25 donation for the River Group. Cllr Moon – To discuss items for the newsletter. Cllr Shirley – Pavilion repairs. Cllr Shirley – Purchase of 24 litter pickers for ‘Spring Clean’ volunteers. AGM 30th April – Proposals for speakers and discussion of arrangements. Annual Parking review – Recommendations. 10. Correspondence (List to be circulated) 11. Receipts From whom Various 12. Amount (£) 225.00 Reason Hire of Pavilion Authorisation of items for payment (note that 2 signatures are required on the invoice, cheque stub and cheque) PAYEE Jennifer Heap Amount (£) 736.67 Sarah Hinton P Wicker River Group Bourne to Garden 95.50 25.00 25.00 264.00 Savills Mark Esdale 275.00 118.00 Reason Salary adjusted with backdated NI deductions (Including office allowance). Pavilion cleaning February. Padlock for Pavilion. Donation. February mowing of the recreation ground & o/s April invoice. Recreation ground lease. Internet services. Business Stream Argos 49.31 27.99 Water services for the pavilion. Paper shredder Points of information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bridge Spring Clean 2020 with be on 20th March 3.30-5pm Bridge recreation working party meeting 21st March 9.30am Next meeting of the Rural Forum 23rd March Next meeting of the JTB 24th March Higham Lane bus stop has been ordered and should be installed in about 8 weeks. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council will be on Thursday 9th April 2020, 7.30pm at Bridge Village Hall