Bride Parish Councillors Mark Esdale Chairman, Publicity 01227 832740 John Hill Vice Chairman, Planning 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, KAPC 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall 01227 830514 John Corfield Planning, Publicity, Recreation Ground 01227 830976 Pam Dobson Village Hall, Environment, Publicity 01227 832369 Ann Edmonds Environment, Mill Centre 01227 830795 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Sports Trust, Mill Centre 01227 830881 KAPC 01227 830186 To contact the Council Please write, telephone, fax or e-mail the Parish Clerk Tina Burchell, 3 Cranmer Close,Bekesbourne, Can- terbury, CT4 5DF Telephone/Fax: 01227 831085 E—mail: Selwyn Lewis Visit our website on www.bridgevi|| for Minutes of Council meetings and other information Newsletter Autumn 2003 BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Parish Plan meeting Bridge Village Hall 7.30 pm Thursday 23rd October 2003 Open to all living or working in the Village Do come a find out more about how we could all benefit from having a Parish Plan and what is involved in producing it. There will be a speaker from the Kent Ru- ral Community Council to explain it all and answer your questions. Refreshments will be provided after the meeting Newsletter _ _ Autumn Parish Council 2003 Caring for the village Welcome to the Autumn Newsletter Every household and business in Bridge should have received a copy, please let us know if you know of any that have not. The Parish Council is seeking to both keep you informed and make more contact with you via the Newsletter, the Website, notice boards etc.. Occasionally we have informa- tive posters and leaflets that need a ’home’ in the village — any ideas as to where they could go? Has any business a space for community information? Let us know if you have any ideas. The Parish Plan (see inside and on the back) will be an excellent opportunity to find out what we all want for the future in Bndge. Your Parish Council Next Council meetin o 7.30 pm Thursday 13"‘ November 2003 In the Village Hall All welcome Youth News Great news for young people in Bndge Firstly, there is to be a new youth group for 12 — 18 year olds on Tuesdays from 7.00 — 9.00 pm in the Mill Centre, starting on 28”‘ October. An enor- mous thank you to the leaders Tricia Coker, Helen Daley and Rouge. Well done to all con- cerned. Secondly, we are very hopeful that the Rural Youth Bus will be up & running by late Autumn, visiting the new group once a fortnight, to en- hance their facilities. Allotments New Allotments taking shape All of the new Allotments are currently taken and everything is taking shape up there — take a walk and have a look. The running of the allotments is now in the hands of the Bridge Allotment Association and if you would like to go on the waiting list please contact the secretary, Julie Morgan on (01227) 831481. Xmas decorations High Street Christmas trees We hope to have trees on the High Street again this year during the festive season. Everyone on the High Street will receive a letter asking if they would like to host a tree. Parish Plan What is a Parish Plan? Can you help Bridge produce its Parish Plan? Every village is being encouraged to produce and act on their own Parish Plan. A Parish Plan aims to helps us take stock of the vil- lage, identify ways of enhancing it and makes sure that we all have a voice in the future of Bridge. It is up to you to decide what is important to you. Whilst the Parish Council will assist, the Plan will be prepared by a group drawn from all sections of the vil- lage. After everyone in the village has been consulted the Plan is drawn up for the Parish Council and others to implement. It will be a great chance to bring people together and foster a sense of community. There will be a meeting on 23rd October to present and explain the plan (see the reverse for details). Please come along, it is really up to you to decide whether to go ahead with this project to keep Bridge a great place to live in. Planning Committee Planning Committee to meet in public It has been decided that the Planning Committee will hold its meetings in public at 7.00 pm, preceding the full Council meeting at 7.30 pm. They will consider Bridge Planning Applications passed to them for com- ment from the City Council. Conservation & Trees Tree cutting Just a reminder that the majority of us in Bridge live in a Conservation Area, so—cal|ed because the area has a special character and identity which is worth protecting. This means that as well as complying with normal planning controls, extra controls apply. In respect of trees you must not fell or cut branches off most trees unless you have given Canterbury City Council six week’s notice and have obtained written approval for the work. If you fail to comply you could be liable to prosecution. We are currently displaying a leaflet on Conservation Areas on the Parish Council notice board, beside the White Horse Inn. Listed Buildings Listed buildings Listed buildings are subject to further planning con- trols. Many houses in Bridge High Street are listed, so please check before making alterations. Consent is needed before any external or INTERNAL altera- tions are made. Penalties for infringement can be severe. Floral Competition Congratulations to the Floral Com- petition winners Thank you to all who took part in the Floral competi- tion this year. The winners of the small business section was the Harrow B&B, and the White Horse in the large business section. The judges also wanted to commend 33 High Street and other excel- lent displays. Bridge Parish Councillors Mark Esdale John Hill Colin Beesty Barbara Beinder John Corfield Pam Dobson Ann Edmonds Mervyn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis Chairman, Publicity 01227 832740 bpc@esda| Vice Chairman, Planning 01227 830215 john.e.hi|| Recreation Ground, KAPC 07989 495202 cbeesty@hotmai|.com Planning, Village Hall 01227 830514 Planning, Publicity Recreation Ground 01227 830976 john@b|ackvani|| Village Hall, Environment, Publicity 01227 832369 pam_dobson@ hotmai|.com Environment, Mill Centre 01227 830795 Recreation Ground, Sports Trust, Mill Centre 01227 830881 mervyn@ KAPC 01227 830186 linse| We hope to produce a news letter four times a year from now on to keep you up to date. Parish Clerk Tina Burchell — Parish Clerk ,_ Tina is an ex—youth worker and careers adviser. She lives in Bek- esbourne and has been Clerk since November 2003 Contact the Council To contact us please write, telephone, fax or e-mail: Tina Burchell, 3 Cranmer Close, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5DF Telephone/Fax: 01227 831085 E-mail: tinaburchel| Do visit our website www.bridgevi|| where you will find Minutes of Council meetings and other information Newsletter and website published by John Corfield BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Newsletter Summer 2003 Welcome to the new look Parish Council, and thank you all for your votes. We now have four re—elected councillors and five new council- lors — read more about us all inside. Q We look forward to meeting as many of ~ 3 § you as we can, and doing our best for the village. ‘av yin If you have any comments about this Newsletter or other Parish matters do let us know. An important task for the new Council will be to set in motion the production of the Parish Plan. More of which in the next Newsletter. Pam Dobson—Editor Next Council meeting 7.30 pm Thursday 11"‘ September 2003 In the Village Hall Starting with this meeting, for a trial period, we are going to meet in the main hall so that it is easier for everyone to attend — please come along. Mark Esdale Mark is the new Chairman He is a programmer and technical di- rector. He moved to Bridge in 1998 and has two children at Bridge School. He is the Village Hall Secretary and was elected this May. if Barbara Beinder Barbara is a retired primary school teacher. She has lived in Bridge for 30 years. She is a member of the History and Hor- ticultural Societies and the WEA. She was elected in May. Ann is retired and involved with footpaths and the Horticultural Society, She was elected in May — previously on the Council in 1980’s as Ann King. Youth Bus A big thank you to all those who took part in our consultation for the Youth Bus. Along with eight "other Parishes we have now put in a bid for funding and should have news of this very soon. Your newly elected Parish Councillors John Hi||| John is Vice Chairman. He re- cently retired. He has lived in Bridge for 36 years. He founded Bridge Tennis Club, is a member of the PCC and has been a Councillor since 1976, he was Chairman for several years. John is a retired medical physi- cist. He moved to Bridge in . 1994. He is active with the Vil- . lage Hall, Art in Bridge, the vil- lage website and has been a Councillor since 1998. Mervyn is an architect and has lived in Bridge since 1976. He is active with the Village Hall, Bndge Sports Trust, the Mill Centre and has been a Councillor since ' 1979. Allotments The new allotment site has been cleared and The Bridge Allotment Association has been formed. Al- ._.._‘ lotments have been allocated to all -‘-11,, those on the original waiting list. 1 '- Contact Tina if you are interested in sharing or going on the waiting list. Colin Beesty ‘I '1: Pam Dobson Selwyn Lewis . ‘t a. Q Colin is raw materials man- ager for an animal feed busi- ness. He moved to Bridge in 2000 and has a child at Bridge School and the Playgroup. He ‘was elected this May. Pam has been a primary school teacher. She moved to ., Bridge in 1993 and has two " children at the School. She is active with the Village Hall, the School PFA, the Allotment As- " sociation, Art in Bridge and been a Councillor since 2000. Selwyn is a retired teacher and has lived in Bridge since 1966. He is a member of the church choir and is now a clearer of untidy areas in the village. He was elected in May Computer Course Bridge School will be running an intro- ductory 10 week computer course start- ing in September for £75. Each weekly evening session will last 2 hours and be staffed by two qualified tutors. The course is limited to 15 persons and pay- ment is required in advance. Please con- tact the Parish Clerk to reserve a place To contact the Council Please write, telephone, fax or e-mail the Parish Clerk Tina Burchell, 3 Cranmer Close, Bekesbourne, Canterbury, CT4 5DF Telephone/Fax: 01227 831085 E-mail: tinaburchel|@onete|.com Bridge Parish Councillors Annual Parish meeting notice Mark Esdale Chairman, Publicity 01227 832740 John Hill Vice Chairman, Planning 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, KAPC 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall 01227 830514 John Corfield Planning, Publicity, Recreation Ground 01227 830976 Pam Dobson Village Hall, Environment, Publicity 01227 832369 Environment, Mill Centre 01227 830795 Ann Edmonds Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Sports Trust, Mill Centre 01227 830881 KAPC 01227 830186 Brid o Villae web site Visit ourweb site www.bridgevi|| for Minutes of Council meetings and other information Selwyn Lewis BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Newsletter Winter 2oo4 Annual Parish Meeting 7.30 pm Thursday 25th March 2004 Bridge Village Hall This is not a meeting of the Parish Council. It is an open meeting of the Parish, hosted by the Parish Council. It is an opportunity for villagers to get together to discuss issues of concern and to hear about pro- gress of organisations in the village. Any villager is entitled to address the meeting. We already have a list of speakers (which are limited to 3 minutes, please), as well as a guest speaker - DCI Joanna Young from the Kent Po- lice, who recently took over as Area Com- mander. If you'd like to speak, please let the Clerk know in advance so she can plan the timing. Come and meet our Councillors and join them after the meeting for free refreshments We look forward to seeing you there BRIDGE Parish Counci Caring for the village Parish Plan Progress We now have a Steering Committee and they will shortly be starting to involve as many peo- ple as possible in the formation of the Plan. I Newsletter Winter 2oo4 They will be looking for innovative ways of gath- ering information and then turning that informa- tion into action plans for the village. From the public meeting held last year, it is ap- parent that Bridge villagers highly value the shops and amenities and cherish the commu- nity spirit and the rural setting. The Plan could look to ensuring these are retained and main- tained. On the other hand, the villagers‘ over- whelming concerns at the moment relate to speeding traffic and to parking. The Plan could propose solutions to those as well as other is- sues, such as youth services, street lighting and crime. We hope all villagers will provide input to the Plan and that as many as possible will be ac- tively involved in producing it. Next Parish Council meetin o 7.30 pm Thursday 11th March 2004 In the Village Hall All welcome Youth News Rural Streetrunner meets Bridge Youth Group More excellent news for young people - a new youth facility, the Rural Streetrunner, is to be launched in nine parishes, including Bridge. Funding has come from the Countryside Agency, KCC, CCC and your Parish Council. Streetrunner is a vehicle full of equipment that will be brought to the Mill Centre by two youth workers who will staff the evening session, in addition to the Bridge Youth Group leaders. All sessions will be free of charge for 10 - 18 year olds, but places will be limited. Streetrunner begins on 2nd March at 7.30 pm at the Mill Centre and continues on 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month. On the other weeks the Youth Group will meet as normal. Look out for all the information about it on the notices posted throughout the village. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: The Youth Group is seeking volunteers to share the load of pro- viding this really important resource for our young people. If you think you could help in anyway, please contact the Parish Clerk. Traffic monitorin o Volunteers to monitor speeders If you would like to join a group to monitor traf- fic speeds in the village then please contact the Parish Clerk. The initiative is funded largely by the Police and will involve using their special equipment and receiving training in its use. Cit Councillor Our new City Councillor John Anderson John was elected, in January, as our new City Councillor for North Nailbourne Ward, which in- cludes Bridge. . “I will endeavour to serve all of you, as valued members of our local commu- nity, to the best of my ability and integ- rity. I have lived in Bridge long enough to understand fully the many problems that be- set us. With this in mind I intend to work closely with the Parish Council and other bodies where necessary and to hold monthly surgeries around the ward where anyone may come and discuss their problems should they wish. My first surgery will be in the Methodist Church, Patrixbourne Road on Saturday 215‘ February between 10.00 am and 12 noon, with I hope a member of the Parish Council present. There is no need to book, just come along on the date, I look for- ward to seeing you.” John can be contacted on 01227 830260 Christmas decorations Christmas lights A big thank-you to all those who erected and re- moved the Christmas Trees in the High Street. There were a record 45 trees and many favour- able comments. We nearly didn't get them after a last-minute hitch from Allianz Cornhill, the Par- ish Council's insurance company, who did their best to stop the trees being put up. However, the Bridge Village spirit prevailed and the trees stood proud as ever. Village websites Village Web Sites There are several organisations and busi- nesses in the village, including the School and the Church, that have web sites. They are all accessible through the web site www. - once there - click on Village Links. Let us know if there are other links we should include and any other informa- tion you would like to see on the web site. Floral Competition Bridge in Bloom It seems no time at all since we were judging last year’s entries. Spring is only just around the corner, however, and it is time to organise the competition for 2004. We plan to divide the entries into three categories - large Busi- nesses, Small Traders & Private Dwellings. We would like as many households as possi- ble to take part, so please start planning your tubs, hanging baskets etc. and help to make Bridge a riot of colour. If you wish to partici- pate, please contact a Council member before the end of June. Illegal Parking Parking on Zig-Zags A reminder that parking on the zig-zags by ze- bra crossings is a criminal offence and that our Street monitor is reporting registration numbers of offenders to the Police. To contact the Council Please write, telephone, fax or e-mail the acting Parish Clerk (Carol Baker): Telephone/Fax: 01227 831085 E-mail: Bridge Parish Councillors Parish Plan Selwyn Lewis Chairman, KAPC 01227 830186 linse| John Hill Vice Chairman, Planning, Parish Plan 01227 830215 john.e.hi|| Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, KAPC 07989 495202 cbeesty@hotmai|.com Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground 01227 830976 john@b|ackvani|| Pam Dobson Village Hall, Rural Youth Bus, Allotments, Parish Plan, Mill Centre 01227 832369 pam_dobson@hotmai|.com Ann Edmonds Planning, Parish Forum 01227 830795 Mark Esdale Police Forum 01227 832740 mark.esda|e@bridgevi|| Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Sports Trust, Mill Centre 01227 830881 mervyn@gu| Brid o Villae web site Visit our web site for Minutes of Council meetings and other in- formation. BRIDGE Newsletter Parish Council Summerzom Caring for the village Parish Plan progress report This is a government sponsored initiative affect- ing rural communities. It really is a great opportu- nity for us, as people of Bridge, to contribute to our community. Through questionnaires and open days at the village hall we hope to be able to demonstrate to regional and City Council what it is that the people of Bridge really care about. The success of our recent camera survey with over 20 community groups taking part was thrill- ing and encouraging. It is interesting to note that Bridge is a village of 1800 people of whom 80% belong to one or more community groups based within the village. Bridge is no ‘dormitory’ village; it is vibrant and articulate with a strong democ- ratic voice. So please join us and complete the questionnaire, which will be sent to every house in Bridge. It really affects the choices and facili- ties that are being planned for the future of our village. The committee is made up of the following peo- ple: Chris Coshall, Pam Dobson, Joan Hill, John Hill, Ian Macneill (Secretary), Bill Oakey (Chairman), Ailsa William Powell, David Powell and Amanda Sparks, from the City Council. Ian Macneill BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Welcome to all our readers New Chairman elected Newsletter Summer 2004 Congratulations to Selwyn Lewis who was elected Chairman of Bridge Parish Council at the meeting on 1st May. John Hill was elected as Vice-Chairman and all the councillors look forward to an exciting and productive year. Congratulations also to our Clerk, Tina Burchell, who is expecting a baby in August. So, for the next year, while Tina is on maternity leave, we welcome Carol Baker who will be our clerk. Carol can be contacted on the usual C|erk’s number (831085) or by e-mail (c|erk@bridgevi|| A reminder that there is no Council meeting in August but we look forward to seeing you in September. The Planning Committee meets at 7.15 pm and the full Council at 7.30 pm. Next Parish Council meetin o 7.30 pm Thursday 9th September 2004 In the Village Hall All welcome Youth News Rural Streetrunner Can you help out at the new Streetrun- ner sessions? Streetrunner youth sessions for 10 - 18 year- olds began at the Mill Centre in early March. We are now running successfully on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. The sessions are run by two qualified youth workers but require two volunteers to work alongside them. One of our volunteers, Gemma Wood, has been so successful that she is now working at Canterbury City Council as part of their Children and Youth team (well done Gemmal). We now need extra volunteers to make the sessions work and keep the pro- ject going. Could you give up 90 minutes of your time once a month, or every other month, to keep a youth group in Bridge? If you can help, or want more details, please contact Helen Daley (832527) or Pam Dobson (832369). Pam Dobson Parking on Zig-Zags People are still parking on the pedestrian crossing by the Post Office. Such behaviour is putting lives at risk and is a criminal offence. There are no excuses for parking there - Not “|’|| only be a minute”, not ‘‘I just need to pick up a prescription”, not even “|’ve got a disabled badge” Mark Esdale Laurie’s Wa Laurie’s Way named We were delighted to learn that, in honour of Laurie Shirley, who went to that great jazz club in the sky early last year, the footpath that runs between Union Road and Filmer Road has been named “Laurie’s Way”. It was one of the routes he often used, walking or cycling from his home by the ford on Mill Lane, to the Post Office. Except when away on County Council business or working on one of his building projects (invariably in a battered straw hat, threadbare shirt and ancient grey trousers). He made this journey between home and Post Office four times a day over several decades, popping home between one and two o’c|ock for lunch followed by a short nap. One of the walls of the Old Close borders Lau- rie’s Way, who’s conversion from old peop|e’s home to individual households Laurence warmly supponed. Perhaps we can think of Laurie’s Way in a more spiritual sense, symbolic of the way he did things at the Post Office, where he would often take the opportunity to discuss matters of the day with his customers from behind the counter usually with a joke, a teasing word and a smile. Similarly, this was the manner in which he ap- proached his voluntary activities which he con- tinued almost to the last. The Shirley family Broadband in Bridge BT have announced that the Bridge exchange will be enabled for broadband on 6th October 2004. Many residents may have received e- mail from companies asking them to sign up with them. As with most things in life, shop around and make sure you get not only the best financial deal, but also good support. If you can’t wait until October for Broadband, you can get it right now using Te|abria’s wire- less network (www.te| Mark Esdale Untaxed and old cars Canterbury City Council, in conjunction with the DVLA, are going to be running “Operation Cu- bit” over the next couple of weeks - looking for untaxed cars on public highways. The City Council have extended their free car disposal, so if you’ve got an old untaxed car you want rid off, give the City Council a call, before you get a heavy fine. Mark Esdale Allotments taking shape /5 The allotments are now taking ' shape. The sheds are in place and lots of crops are growing well. We have two pesky pheasants that have a taste for young cabbages, but otherwise everything is running smoothly. We have a short waiting list; if any- one is interested in putting their name down, please contact the secretary on 831481 Julie Morgan BRIDGE BRIDGE Please telephone, fax or e—mail the Parish C'e”‘= Parish Council Parish Council Telephone/Fax: 01227 831085 , , , , E-mail: c|erk@bridgevi|| Caring for the village Caring for the village Bridge Parish Councillors Parish Plan SPRING 2005 NEWSLETTER Selwyn Lewis Chairman, KAPC . _ _ Irnfealgggggeet Parish Plan progress report You are invited to the John Hi" Vice chairman! pianningy parish pian The Were the tUrnOUt fOr mi“ti:.;2.§°;:.;“:.::.W::::;:°.:::.:i.i;'3: opentoaninihevmage Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, KAPC this work being carried out. 7.30 pm Thursday 24th March 2005 07989 495202 cbeesty@hotmai|.com Bridge Village Hall The Bridge Parish Plan is continuing to make ex- Barbara Beinder Planning. Village Hall cellent progress. At the moment we have the 01227 830514 data being entered onto computer and the statis— Th .” b Ik b J .f Sh John Corfield Recreation Ground tical analysis of that data will commence within ere W' e 5‘ ta_ y em" er awi 01227830976 the next few WeekS_ Rural Housing Enabler, on "°““@b'a°"“a“"'a'°'g'”“ ‘Affordable houses for Bridge’ Pam Dobson Village Hall, Rural Youth Bus, Allotments, The response to the questionnaire was magnifi- Parish Plan Mill Centre - - 01227 832569 cent with over 200 completed forms being re— - - pam_dobson@hotmai|.com turned for analysis. The results from the Plan can N88 reptortg frOm.|||DanSh’dCf'ty and . . then be used by individuals, groups or indeed the 0”” C_’UnC'_ Ors an_ mm Ann Edmonds Planning, Parish Forum . . . . or amsatlons In the Vllla e 01227 330795 Parish Council to show evidence of village need, 9 9 - edm0ndS@hi9hamlane-fsnet-C0-UK as identified by the Villagers of Bridge them- Mark Esdale Police Forum Selves! 01227 832740 - mark.esda|e@bridgevi|| Ian MCNei” Refrgshments provlded after the _ _ Secretary meeting, when you can meet your "'°""’" G”""" F.‘if§’§,t,'§2 G'°”“d’ S'°°”ST'”St’ Councillors and other parishioners. 01227 830881 mervyn@gu| Bride Villae web site Parish Plan Committee members:- Next Parish Council meetin o , , Chris Coshall, Pam Dobson, Joan Hill, John Hill, - - WWW-b"|d9eV|"a9e-Org-Uk Ian _McNei|| (Secretary), Bill Oakey_(Chairman), 7'157'%% F;,'r&:,n,§'Lri,9’CC:,?Jr,T,:i}'ttee for Agendas & Minutes of Council meetings D_aV'd |?‘_3We"i Amanda Sparks (Guy Councn)’ Thursday 10th March 2005 and lots of other village information. AHS3 W|”|3m30n P0W9" (Tr933Ur9r)- Bridge Village Hall — All welcome Youth News "' street: has moved! runner- The Rural Streetrunner youth group has moved from the Mill Centre to the village hall. Our first session at the village hall was February 8”‘ 2005. We have a new start time of 7 pm, still fin- ishing at 9 pm, on the 2"” and 4"‘ Tuesday of each month, in Bridge Village Hall. If you are aged between 10 and 18 and haven't tried the Streetrunner group yet, why not give it a try? We have PS2, indoor sports games, a drum machine, art activities .... ..or just come along to chill out with your friends. You need to fill in a registration form before you attend a session and then you’re a member. |t’s free to join and attend Ian McDon- ald at Canterbury City Council on 830325 or Pam Dobson at Bridge Parish Council on 832369 to get your registration form. Christmas trees We’d like to thanks all those who had a tree on their house in the High Street — we had a re- cord number of 48 - and those who helped us put them up and take them down. Thanks go to Canterbury City Council and to SERCO, especially Loui. Without working un- der their auspices, we could not have the an- nual tree display. Parish Council funding Each year, around November, the Parish Council prepares a budget. The Council estimates its costs for the coming year (which starts in April); some of this is done by quotes, some by increasing the current year by a figure to allow for inflation and some by sheer guesswork.! We also have to predict what projects we might want to undertake in the next year and what non-recurrent costs might pop up — for example, does it look like something is going to need replacing at some point between April 2005 and March 2006? Having prepared a budget, it is submitted for approval to the November Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council get its money from two main sources. One is the “precept”. This is like a village tax — it goes directly to the Parish Council and can only be spent on items in the budget identified as Precept items. The second source is Canterbury City Council and is called “Concurrent Function Funding”. The Parish Council also get a small income from bank interest. Normally, the Parish Council cannot spend money that has not been allocated in the budget. There are some special situations where extra money can be spent, but there is a limit. So, please, if you feel the Parish Council should be spending money on something, raise it with a councillor before the budget is prepared. Traffic calming & parking The Parish Council has spent a long time discussing traffic issues with Canterbury City Council. The two main concerns are parking and speeding. Several ideas have been suggested and the Parish Council was asked by the City Council to prioritise some of the more important ones. We agreed to the following order: Traffic Calming on Bridge Hill. Before deciding on what measures to request, we have asked the City Council to monitor the speed of traffic both down and up the hill, to ensure we are tackling the right problem. We have requested flashing speed signs, but may not get them. Pavement Extensions. These will jut out into the road on the High Street at the junctions with Aunt Betsy’s Hill, Union Road, Western Avenue and Brewery Lane. They will physically prevent cars parking right on the corner, aid visibility and increase the amount of parking available by removing some yellow lines Parking outside the shops. We are investigating the possibility of having “nose-in” parking instead of the lay-by arrangement. This will increase the number of cars that can park there. We are also looking into marking out parking spaces on the tarmac area in Western Avenue. Bus stops. We have asked for a pavement extension by the bus stop on the bridge. Speed limit on Patrixbourne Road. It was felt that bringing the 30 mph limit nearer the village will help reduce the speed of traffic coming into Bridge from Patrixbourne. We get a lot of comments asking us to do something about people speeding down the High Street, yet also asking to stop people parking there so they can get through quicker. We feel that people parking on the High Street is one of the most effective traffic calming measures there is. Bridge Village Plan By the time you read this, a copy of the Bridge Par- ish Plan will have been delivered to you. Please read the document; it aims to present a snapshot of the village as it was in 2005 and the hopes and wishes of the parishioners for the fu- ture, based on the questionnaire sent to every house in the village. You may or may not agree with some of the things you read. As I said in the Foreword — with 1500 inhabitants, there are proba- bly as many opinions of the way the village should go. If you do not feel the Plan represents your views, then there is a further opportunity to make your voice heard by coming to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held this year on Thursday 27”‘ April. Make a note of the date now! This superbly produced document has been largely funded by the traders and businesses of the village with contributions from the Parish Council and the City Council. I thank them all. It is a great tribute to Bill Oakey, his Committee and Amanda Sparkes of the City Council who have spent nearly two years working on it. Now read on ............ .. John Hill, Chairman Bridge Parish Council Kent Village of the Year award Bridge has won the ‘Older People’ section of Calor Village of the Year competition, organised by ACRK. We also won Highly Commended awards in the other three sections we entered: Young People, Business and Information Technology. Look out for the brass plaque outside the village hall and visit Bridge web site for more information. To contact the Council Please write, telephone/fax or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors John Hill Chairman 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall 01227 830514 Julie Bennett 01227 831038 Recreation Ground 01227 830976 John Corfield Ann Edmonds Vice Chairman, Planning 01227 830795 Police Forum 01227 832740 Recreation Ground, Mill Centre 01227 830881 Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis 01227 830186 BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER New faces on the Council Cllr Pam Dobson has resigned to spend more time with her family. She is a great loss and we shall miss her energy and enthusiasm. The Council have co-opted Julie Bennett to fill the vacancy. Julie has lived in Bridge for 30 years and is well known in the village. The new Parish Clerk is Christobel Seath (see the back page for how to contact the Clerk) Bridge Village web site Visit the web site for Agendas & Minutes of Council meetings and other village news & information Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 9th February 2006 Bridge Village Hall — All welcome Gstreet Youth Group runner- The Streetrunner youth group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall. This vital and vibrant service was set up and funded by Canterbury City Council, but that scheme is ending in March. The youth group are applying for funding and the Parish Council has agreed to provide financial backup, if necessary, to pay for the Youth Workers who arrange and run the eve- nings. We still need volunteers to assist the Youth Work- ers. Without more volunteers, the youth group WILL close. If you can help out, even if it's only once a month, please contact Pam Dobson on 832369 or any Parish Councillor. Odd Jobs Sometimes requests to the Parish Council do not easily fall within its responsibilities. For example, who should clear the leaves, during Autumn, along Bifron's Path? Please contact the Council if you know of anyone who would carry out such jobs, from time to time, for expenses plus a small remuneration. Housing Needs Survey A housing needs survey by ACRK (Action with Communities in Rural Kent) was delivered to every household last year, to find out if there is a need for a local needs housing scheme in Bridge. These schemes provide affordable rented or shared ownership homes (with a housing association — they cannot be sold on the open market) for people who must be able to demonstrate a connection to the Parish, either through residency, close family or employment. There was a good response to the survey and showed that the greatest need is for extra housing for young people. It showed that a small scheme of 6 to 8 affordable homes would meet existing and future needs of local people and the Parish Council will now pursue this further. See the web site for fuller results of the survey and for Minutes of the Council meetings etc. For your information Fish and Chip van: 4.30 — 8.00 pm Fridays Patrixbourne Road Lay—by Mobile Library: 4.15 pm Thursday, Western Avenue Planning Committee: Meets 2nd Thursday in the month (except August) 7.15 pm followed by the full Council at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall Policing in Bridge Big changes are underway in how Kent Police operates. Our area, Canterbury, is merging with Thanet area on 1st April. The government is also considering plans to combine various Police forces around the country. On a local note, please welcome Sue Radcliffe, who is our Police Community Support Officer (PCSO). You will see her out and about in the village — she drives a police car and is in uniform. She has direct radio contact to our local Police Constable, Chris Bull, as well as the full back—up of the rest of the Kent Police. Sue can be contacted on her mobile phone: 07969 584289 News in Brief RECREATION GROUND You may feel re—assured to know that the children’s play equipment is inspected each year by ROSPA for safety and checked every month for damage. A new bench is being installed and another is planned for Patrixbourne Road. One bench and a picnic table are being repaired after being damaged. LIGHTING PROBLEMS To report a problem with street lighting, ring the City Council on 0845 247800 and quote the number that you will find on the lamp post. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The Parish Council recently adopted a progressive Environmental Policy to guide its work. CHRISTMAS TREES Thanks go to all who had a tree (56 in all) on their house in the High Street and to those who helped put them up and take them down. BY-PASS ANNIVERSARY Plans are afoot in the village to celebrate the opening of the By—pass, these include a Supper and a Wine & Wisdom or Barn Dance. CHANGES IN THE VILLAGE Both the Red Lion (re—opens 3rd April) and the White Horse Inn are under new management. We look forward to trying the new fare. FURTHER INFORMATION See the web site for further details related to these News items. Youth shelter ‘- What? Why? Where? These questions are probably your first thoughts, followed very quickly by increased unwanted trouble, vandalism and mischief in the village. Well, picture an open air structure, about the same size as a bus shelter where young people can safely hang out, congregate, call their own, take ownership of and you are getting somewhere close. The results of youth shelters in many areas of the country both urban and rural have led to reductions in low level anti—socia| behaviour in the community. Indeed, the Youth Shelter initiative is so successful across the country that it has the support of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and the Police. Bridge can not afford to ignore the experiences gained from other communities much like ours. To build on this we and Canterbury City Council have been conducting our own consultation exercise with young people of Bridge at the Village Fete, in Scouts, Guides, the Youth Group and year 6 at school. We thank these organisations for their suppon. The next stage is to analyse all the responses and develop a proposal that we can take to the wider community for further consultation and refinement. Bridge in Bloom Despite the hosepipe ban, villagers have continued to create beautiful floral Q 0 displays this year. It was particularly pleasing to see that there are more tubs, planters and baskets in the High Street. Congratulations to you all. Judging will probably have already taken place by the time you read this. To contact the Council Please write, telephone/fax or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds John Hill Colin Beesty Barbara Beinder Julie Bennett John Corlield Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis Chairman, Planning, Footpaths, Parish Forum, Affordable Housing 01227 830795 Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel, Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Recreation Ground 07989 495202 Planning, Village Hall, Recreation Ground 01227 830514 KAPC, Art in Bridge 01227 831038 Recreation Ground, ACRK 01227 830976 Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Youth Group Rural Area Member Panel, Police Forum, 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi| Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevi| Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 selwyn@bridgevil| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Summer 2006 Newsletter In this newsletter, amongst other items, we report on several exciting projects we have in hand. These include an affordable housing scheme, a youth shelter and ways to improve the natural environment in the village, starting with the recreation ground. We need your views on these ideas and will consult the village before decisions are taken. Now you have good reason to read on..... New Chairman At the May meeting of your Parish Council, Ann Edmonds was elected as Chairman and John Hill as Vice—chairman, for the coming year. Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 9th September 2006 Bridge Village Hall — All welcome Enhancing the natural environment The recreation ground in Bridge has been the centre of village life for many years. Residents use it for walking, relaxing and sporting activities. It would be challenging to make it more beautiful and environmentally friendly by developing areas of natural hedge growth and wild flower planting. However lots of help is needed — comments — advice — working groups, etc.. With this in mind we’d like to arrange a meeting in the Village Hall in September and invite a member of the ‘Stour Countryside Project’ to discuss what options are available. No date, as yet, fixed for the meeting—but keep an eye on the village notice board and the web site for further information. Restoration of old names It seems such a pity to lose the old local names from our houses and streets. The link with the past is always intriguing. 6<>.’: We would, therefore, like to propose that some of the former street names be incorporated on new road signs in Bridge. A number of houses and terraces could also have their original names re—instated with the owner’s permission, of course. Please let us have your views and comments on the project. Affordable housing Long term residents are no doubt ' aware that the Parish Council has, for a number of years, been endeavouring to provide some affordable housing in the village. I One of the recommendations in the Parish Plan was that the "low cost housing needs of young families and the elderly be investigated”. Therefore, at the Annual Parish meeting, in March 2005, Jennifer Shaw, Rural Housing Enabler, was invited to speak. Following this talk a survey of every household in Bridge was arranged. This was undertaken in July 2005, and Jennifer Shaw collated the information. The results persuaded us that we should go ahead with trying to provide a small number of houses. Representatives of the Parish Council, Canterbury City Council and Jennifer then walked around the village looking for a suitable site. We have now come to an agreement with the City Council that part of the Brickfields is the most suitable site. This June a meeting was held with Jennifer and the Development Officer of Southern Housing Group, Sally Richards. She will now negotiate, on our behalf, with Canterbury City Council, and present a proposal to us. Once an agreed site is secured residents will be invited to register interest and a form, for this purpose, will again be delivered to every household. To be eligible there must be a Bridge connection. This will be defined nearer the time that building takes place, which will not be soon and is unlikely to happen for at least two years. Bridge Youth Group Thanks to ten volunteers who came .' forward in response to our appeal in the spring, the Youth Group has been saved from closure. Mostly funded by the precept from the parishioners, we pay for two youth workers from Canterbury City Council to run the group and we provide volunteers to make up the cover needed for child protection. The Youth Group meets on the 2”“ and 4”‘ Tuesdays of each month (except August) from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm in the village hall. It is open to all young people aged 11 to 16 living in the area. A small fee (£1.50) is payable for each session. There is a short waiting list, so if you are interested please contact Pam Dobson on 832369 or Mark Esdale on 832740. We are also always on the lookout for more volunteers to go on the list. Welcome pack I We have prepared a welcome pack for new residents in the village. The pack consists of a copy of the Parish Plan, the latest Parish Newsletter and a letter of welcome including additional and updated information. Please let us know (via the Parish Clerk) of any new residents and we will ensure that they receive the pack. Street Cleaning and Litter The accumulation of litter in the village is worsening, despite efforts of individuals and groups who organise occasional ‘blitzes’. Could a rota of volunteers be organised to solve the litter problem? “r . If you would like to help, please contact Cllr Selwyn Lewis on 830186. If sufficient people come forward a meeting will be arranged and a rota drawn up. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Friends of Bridge Wild Flower Project Good news: the Project has been awarded a grant of £904 by the Lottery Commission. Friday, April 20th, saw Bridge and Patrixbourne school out planting the first phase of the wild flower project on the recreation ground. They worked hard all day — digging, hoeing, weeding and planting under the direction of Councillor Barbara Beinder, Year 3 teacher Jen Lewis and Matt Hayes from the Kentish Stour Project, to create an area for wild flowers to grow — and to encourage biodiversity, support of native plants, small mammals and other fauna. By the end of a tiring day, the area was complete and marked out to stop people inadvertently walking over the new planting. Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 John Hill Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Bridge School, Teen Shelter 07989495202 Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, ACRK 01227830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall Youth Group, Police Forum, 01227832740 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227830881 Selwyn Lewis Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC 01227 830310 Summer 2007 Newsletter In this issue: Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council 7.30 pm Thursday 24th May 2007 Bridge Village Hall - To decide the Counci|’s response to the application by the Red Lion for an entertainment licence for music and drinking until 1.00 am. - To decide the Counci|’s .response to the 20 minutes parking restriction in Western Avenue. Affordable Housing Project exhibition 3.00 - 7.00 pm Thursday 24th May 2007 Bridge Village Hall. Both meetings open to anyone to attend New Parish Council signed in Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 14th June 2007 Bridge Village Hall — All welcome Affordable Housing Project Exhibition 3.00 - 7.00 pm Thursday 24th May 2007 | Bridge Village Hall At the exhibition the plans of the proposed housing will be on display and staff from the Southern Housing Group will be on hand to ex- plain how to register your interest and to get on the housing list and any other information you may require. Everyone who is interested in the Affordable Housing Project is invited to attend to learn more of how this scheme will operate after the Parish Council has established the occupancy criteria. Then Council will hand responsibility to the Trust set up with Canterbury City Council to be managed and administered by the Southern Housing Group.. Your City Councillor Congratulations to John Ander- son on being re-elected as our Canterbury City Councillor. John can be contacted on 01227 830260 Your Parish Councillors There being nine seats on the Parish Council and nine nominations, no election took place. The previous Councillors are joined by Terry Wilmshurst. F Colin Beesty Ann Edmonds John ill Terry Wilmshurst Your Parish Clerk Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council 7.30 pm Thursday 24th May 2007 Bridge Village Hall This meeting has been arranged to agree the Parish Counci|’s response to the application from Punch Taverns, the owners of the Red Lion public house, for an entertainment licence that would, amongst other items, extend music/ dance entertainment and the sale of alcohol on and off the premises until 1.00 am on Fridays and Saturdays. Come to the meeting to find out more and express your views. Copies of the Application are on the village notice boards and are available from the Parish Clerk. Objections must be submitted to the City Council before 30th May 2007. The Canterbury City web site www.canterbury. has details of how to object. It makes it clear that the only grounds for objection are on the basis of: * the prevention of children from harm; * public safety; * the prevention of crime and disorder; * the prevention of public nuisance. There will also be discussion of the proposed 20 minutes parking restriction in Western Ave. You are invited to the Annual Parish Meeting Open to all in the village 7.30 pm Thursday 12th April 2007 Bridge Village Hall It is planned to have brief talks by the new Vicar and a representative from Bridge School. Also reports from Parish, City and County Councillors and from organisations in the village. Refreshments provided after the meet- ing, when you can meet your Council- lors and other parishioners. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Parish Council elections Parish Council elections take place on 3rd May 2007 when the present Council ceases and anyone (who is eligible) can stand for election to the Parish Council. Further information from Canterbury City Council and on their web site I “Yes, I will stand for the Parish Council. Off I go, to get my nomination papers from Military Road.” Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 John Hill Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel, Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall, Recreation Ground 01227 830514 John Corlield Recreation Ground, ACRK 01227 830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Youth Group Rural Area Member Panel, Police Forum, 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi| Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevi| Mervyn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 selwyn@bridgevil| (Julie Bennett Resigned, November 2006)) Spring 2007 Newsletter In this issue:- Parish Council elections Could you do it better? If so, why not stand for election to the Parish Council on 3rd May? Annual Parish meeting invitation Affordable Housing site Restoration of old street names Wild flower project report Bridge in Bloom Open Gardens Bye, bye Cat Un—framed Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 19th April 2007 Bridge Village Hall — All welcome Friends of Bridge Wild Flower Project Plans are coming together for the planting of wild flowers and natural hedgerows on the Recreation Ground. A keen group of residents and a representative from the school met to formulate a work plan under the guidance of the project manager from ‘Kentish Stour Countryside Project’. Funding has been applied for from ‘Awards for All’ so fingers crossed something should happen in April. However more helpers are needed for the preparation of the ground and subsequent planting. The work wouldn’t be arduous and the more volunteers there are the easier the task. Please let me have your name for my |ist!! Barbara Beinder 830514 Affordable housing site The site chosen for the new houses is likely to be on the Brick Field, in front of Bourne View with access from Mill Lane. I Negotiations are still in progress but it is hoped soon to be able to write to every household inviting them to express interest and show a need. The exact criteria for eligibility have still to be de- cided but will be based on having a strong family connection with Bridge. Restoration of old road names BRJJJGE PARITSH C‘GUNC‘3I. ' HBREWERY LANE FIJRMERLY _ BREW!-I 0 U5 E LANE Enquiries are still taking place about the restoration of some of the old street names in Bridge. An example of what the signs would look like is shown above. Residents will have the opportunity to comment on the designs at the Annual Parish meeting in April. Any private householder wishing to reinstate their ‘old’ house name would be warmly applauded. Open Gardens After the success of the Garden Opening '\. 0 in 2006, the opening of the Village Gar- dens in 2007 will be combined with the Flower Festival in the Church, at the end of June. If you would like to open your garden, please con- tact Pat Dunderdale (830668) or Evelyn Andrews (830960) Bridge in Bloom 2006 Presentation of the awards for Bridge in Bloom 2006. From the left: John Hill (Parish Council, Vice Chairman), Julie Bennett (winner of the Private Residence category), Mr & Mrs Possee (accepting on behalf of Bridgeway Stores, for the Large Commercial category), Ann Edmonds (Parish Council, Chairman) and Barbara Timlett (accepting on behalf of Colebrook Sturrock, Estate Agents, for the Small Commercial category). Un-framed E .. .9 5 E: Art in Bridge has held an open : 3 exhibition for the last six years. 3 2 n 3 9 In it a Our aim is to encourage everyone, young and old, from novice to accomplished artist, to make and exhibit their work. All forms of visual arts and crafts (painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, craftwork, etc.) are welcome. The work can be un—framed, un—conventional or even un- finished! Now is the time to make your art so that it is ready to exhibit in October. Further details in September and on the web site Bye, bye Cat! The Cat on the Recreation Ground is no more, it has had it’s day! A poll on the village website was overwhelmingly in favour of replacing the Cat with a roundabout instead of a see—saw. The Council have agreed, a roundabout it shall be. Letters to the Council At a recent Council meeting it was agreed that all anonymous letters to the Parish Council will be discarded without consideration. You should know that you can write to the Parish Council in confidence, but under the Freedom of Information Act such letters would be liable for disclosure unless such information could put the writer in danger. Youth Group Bridge Youth Group commenced their meetings in the Village Hall after the Summer break on the 11th September. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. New members between the ages of 10 and 16 are welcome. The sessions are run by Canterbury CC youth workers assisted by adult volunteers. We would also welcome any adults who would like to assist as volunteer helpers. We have a rota of two volunteers at each session working with the youth workers which at present means that attending every 6 weeks. For further information please contact David Edmonds on 830795 or Pam Dobson on 832369. Art in Bridge exhibition Saturday 6th October: 11.00 — 7.00 pm guitar recital from 5.00 pm Sunday 7th October: 11.00 — 5.00 pm Free entrance, refreshments available To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227830795 John Hill Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Bridge School, Teen Shelter 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, ACRK 01227830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall Youth Group, Police Forum, 01227832740 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 Selwyn Lewis Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 se| Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC 01227830310 BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2007 Newsletter Bridge to Canterbury Cycle Route A new and more direct cycle route is to be investigated by Kent County Council Transportation. This was unanimously approved by the Canterbury City Council Joint Transportation Board meeting on 4”‘ September in the Guildhall. Martin Vye, Michael Northey and John Anderson spoke in favour, emphasising the benefits of encouraging cycling and walking. Any reduction in traffic congestion, particularly the school-runs, would be welcome — look at the difference during school holidays. There are three possible routes. The old Elham Valley Railway line is the most promising, being nearly flat and connecting to two schools and could be extended down the valley. We hope to have a High Street stall to canvass support for this project. Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 11th October 2007 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Dogs on the Recreation Ground There has been an increase in the number of dogs on the recreation ground making messes (a serious health hazard) and scaring children using the play equipment. For the sake of the children and other users please ensure that your dog is never on the Rec- reation Ground. Also NO GOLF PRACTICE - it is potentially dan- gerous. Friends of Bridge Wildflower Project Thursday 1st November 2007 is ’th_e important date for seeding and hedge % 0 planting to take place in the Recreation Ground under the guidance of a Kent- ish Stour Countryside Project Officer. Anyone interested in this project and willing to help, please contact me:- Barbara Beinder 830514 It is vital that as many people as possible should take part. The jobs are not onerous and the more helpers the easier the task. Because we have been granted funding from “Awards for All” some publicity is inevitable. Do come along with spades, forks or trowe|—as well as a big smile! Let’s have a good community effort then we can look fon/vard next Spring to a transformed Recreation Ground. Barbara Beinder Street Cleaning and Litter Collection My thanks to the three volunteers who responded to my appeal in the last Newsletter. However, if we are to make a concerted effort to deal with a worsening problem, more volunteers would be needed. If sufficient people are willing, we could consider asking in- dividuals to be responsible for certain streets. Additionally, perhaps, we might organise ‘joint blitzes’ to deal with a problem that might be too great to impose upon one individual. If you are willing to help, please ring Selwyn Lewis on 830186 and leave a message if I am unavailable. When and if sufficient numbers are available to tackle the current problem, I will call a meeting so that we can plan an ac- tion campaign. Finally, I issue a despairing plea to ‘some’ dog owners. Despite the fact that a ‘dog bin’ has been provided at the beginning of Mill Terrace, some owners are ignoring their responsibilities, so that walkers often become victims in ‘dog excrement’ alley. Perhaps the Parish Council should consider running ‘dog owner’ classes, if the situation does not improve! Selwyn Lewis No fly-posting There has been a recent spate of fly-posting and whilst some has been in a ‘good cause’, they have not been taken down afterwards and now there are adverts for car-boot sales, yoga classes, etc.. The Parish Council does not con- done fly-posting, whatever the issue. Bridge in Bloom results Bridge in Bloom was judged at the beginning of August. We were es- 0 Opecially impressed with the Union Road area of the village. For the second year running Bridgeway Stores won the shield for the large retail cate- gory. Once again Julie Bennett, of the High Street, won the trophy for the best individual display. This year the residents of Mansfield Court have been given a special community award for their combined efforts to achieve such a lovely display. The presentation to the win- ners was held in the lounge of Mansfield Court on the 11th September. Keep up the good work everyone, it makes such a difference to the village. Ann Edmonds Overhanging plants Please check that your plants are not en- croaching on to the footpath. There are many places where pedestrians are forced into sin- gle file or even off the pavement and have to face thorns and prickles and after rain a wet surprise. Please cut the growth well back and check on it regularly throughout the growing season. Kent Village of the Year This year Bridge received commendations in the Environment and the Business sections. Youth shelter officially opened - -12‘- T' 5 "\ 4 E _ Mhlael Norfly openiqg tw youth shelter ‘ In May, our County Councillor, Michael Northey officially opened the youth shelter accompanied by Parish Councillors and children of the village. The shelter has been well used and despite some initial concerns there have been no complaints arising from it. Youth group closes Unfortunately, despite funding by the Parish Council for professional youth workers and all the efforts of the volunteer helpers, the Youth Group had to close through lack of enough interested young people. Skateboard park For the next phase of developing the Recreation Ground for young people, the Parish Council are in the early stages of planning for a skateboard park, with hopefully a ‘half pipe’ and a ‘grinding rail’. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing Footpaths, Parish Forum ann@bridgevi|| John Hill Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter 01227 830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum, 01227832740 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevi|| Selwyn Lewis Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 selwyn@bridgevil| Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC 01227830310 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2008 Newsletter Chi|dren’s play equipment with the "new roundabout Included in this issue:- Youth shelter opened Youth group closes Skateboard park planned Art in Bridge exhibition Traffic calming Dogs Trees in Bridge Bridge in Bloom Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 9th October 2008 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Art in Bridge exhibition Saturday 4”‘ October 11 am — 7 pm Sunday 5”‘ October 11 am — 5 pm Bridge Village Hall From 5.00 pm on Saturday, Jon Reeves will give a short classical guitar recital and there will be a free drink for visitors. As in previous years, we expect some 60 or more local artists to exhibit over 150 paintings, sculptures and craft exhibits by artists of all ages, many by children, and of all abilities from amateur to professional. Many of the exhibits will be for sale. Visit for entry form and further information. The organising and manning of the exhibition is the work of a large team of volunteers. Do come and see the results of all their efforts and show them it is all worthwhile. Traffic Calming Later this year we are promised traffic calming measures on Bridge Hill. There will be a ‘build out’ just before Beech Hill, on the field side of the road so that it gives an area to locate the white gate and the 30 mph sign pushed out into the road to give drivers a better line of sight for it. There will be another kerb build out by the church at Bourne Park Road where a flashing speed sign will be placed. Placed like this they will complement the kerb build outs on the approach from Canterbury and slow down speeds on the approach to the village. The Parish Council is not convinced that this will deter drivers speeding up Bridge Hill but we defer to the traffic control experts and hope it is effective. Dogs Please, please clean up after your dog. Especially remember that dogs are not allowed to run on the Recreation Ground. This is an area that must be kept clear of dog mess to protect children and others using the facilities. Trees in Bridge Almost all of Bridge is a Conservation Area and in such areas ALL trees are protected. Before pruning or cutting down ANY tree with a trunk diameter of 75 mm or more measured at 1.5 metres above ground level, approval must be obtained from the City Council. Further details can be found at or by telephoning the City Council on 01227 862 190. Bridge in Bloom Congratulations to the winners of the 2008 Bridge in Bloom competition: Large Business: Bridgeway Stores Community: Mansfield Court Residentia|:— 1st — Julie & Malcolm Bennett, 33 High Street 2nd — Kathy Walder, 17 Union Road 3rd — Jenny Vye, The Dacha, Patrixbourne Rd Bogus callers It seems we have some bogus callers in the area. One pre- tends to be from a wa- ter company, the other | turns up with a copy of I the Parish News, claiming to have been sent by the Vicar. If you've had a visit from either of these peo- ple, please could you let our PCSO, Sue Radcliffe, know (tel: 0777 222 6190). Please check on your neighbours and don't forget that a genuine caller will not mind you checking with their head office (get the num- ber from the phone book, not a number they give you). A History of Bridge The Bridge and District History Society have produced a 36 page booklet covering many aspects of Bridge history, with pictures — and specifically mentions many individual houses in the village. This booklet is available from the Post Office, or Mervyn Gu|vin’s office at just £3.50. Art in Bridge . 4' This year’s exhibition:- 4th & 5th October 2008 - '. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227830795 John Hill Vice-Chairman, Rural Area Member Panel Planning, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 johnh@bridgevil| Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989495202 colin@bridgevi| Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, ACRK, Newsletter 01227830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall Youth Group, Police Forum, 01227832740 mark@bridgevi| Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevi|| Selwyn Lewis Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 selwyn@bridgevil| Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC 01227 830310 BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2008 Newsletter I-‘ Included in this issue:- Youth Shelter arrives Welcome pack Litter pickers Speedwatch Wild flower project Youth group vacancies Annual Parish meeting Thursday 15th May 2008 at 7.30 pm Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevil| Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 10th April 2008 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Speedwatch Youth Shelter arrives Volunteer litter pickers A small team of six volunteers, have been clearing litter in the village for the past few months. We hope that you have noticed the difference. Do you want to help monitor speeding motorists in the village? Thanks to funds from the PC and KCC, the pieces arrive on the R e c r e a t i o n Ground and ‘hey— — presto’ Bridge has its own Youth Shelter. If so, please contact Mark Esdale (tel: 01227 832740) and volunteer to be trained to use Speedwatch. There are several areas where litter or fly tipping continues. The worst of these is at the local re—cyc|ing point. Techni- cally it is not within the village of Bridge, but, apart from Serco, we seem to be the only oth- ers that are keeping the area clear. For further information contact Mark or go to and search for ‘speedwatch’. We could make use of additional volunteers so that we can more regularly clear some of these problem areas. If there is any one else who would like to help, please contact Selwyn Lewis (tel: 01227 830186). Wildflower Project Did you see the spring bulbs in flower on the Recreation Ground? All thanks to the working group and their planting efforts last year. Look out for the shrubs and trees they also planted. [treat Youth Group runner‘ Vacancies We hope the young people of the village will use it on a regular basis and take care of it. Bridge Youth Group has vacancies for new members aged between 10 and 16 years. Meetings are held in the Village Hall between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. The sessions are run by Canterbury City Council Youth The Parish Council have a Welcome pack con- W°rk_er3 Who haVe 3 Varied programme each taining information about the village especially 39390”- for new residents. For more information please see the village If you know of new residents please let the Websfie °r_‘ WWW-br'd9eV'”a9e-Org-Uk Or C|erk know and a pack will be delivered to contact David Edmonds (tel: 01227 830795) them or Pam Dobson (tel: 01227 832369). Summer on the Recreation Ground It is great to see so many families 69 enjoying the Recreation Ground. Please don't dispose of household waste and large numbers of bottles in the litter bins, take them to the dump. Art in Bridge exhibition Saturday 1 0"‘ October 1 1 am — 7 pm Sunday 1 1"‘ October 11 am — 5 pm Bridge Village Hall From 5.00 pm on Saturday, Michael Chandler will give a short piano recital and there will be a free drink for visitors. As in previous years, we expect some 60 or more local artists of all ages and of all abilities to exhibit over 150 paintings, sculptures and craft exhibits — many will be for sale. The artist's Entry Form can be collected from Colebrook Sturrock, Estate Agents, High Street, Bridge or downloaded from To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 John Hill Vice-Chairman, Planning,Rural Area Member Panel, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter 01227 830976 Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum 01227 832740 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST, Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 Selwyn Lewis Planning Committee, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Mark Esdale Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2009 Newsletter Included in this issue: Bridge in Bloom Wild flower Project Obstructed pavements Bridge volunteers Recycling centre Art in Bridge Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 8”‘ October 2009 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome Friends of Bridge Wild Flower Project “Ask not what your Parish Council can do for you — but ask what you can do for Bridge” (apologies to JFK) We urgently need volunteers in October to help with weeding the two areas by the Pavilion and also to plant daffodils along the river bank. The work is not difficult but we do want lots of helpers. Do come along with gardening tools and wear suitable clothing. A good opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Please contact me on 830514 or 17 High Street, Bridge. I look forward to seeing you by the Pavilion at 9.30 am on 24"‘ October 2009. Fingers crossed for a fine morning. Thank you. Barbara Beinder Recycling centre For some years, the unsightly conditions at the recycle centre on Town Hill have given cause for concern. It is of even greater concern to we litter clearers who remove the accumulated rubbish, on a weekly basis. Serco also do a wonderful job with their team of dedicated employees, but they and we, should not be expected to clear away on a routine basis rubbish that has been ‘fly tipped‘. All too often such rubbish spreads along the sides of Town Hill making the whole area unsightly, resulting in a time—consuming clearance. Please do NOT leave materials at the site if there is no provision for them, such as garden waste, old clothes and household waste. Please use your own bins instead. If the position does not improve, we may have to consider asking the local authority to remove the recycle centre. Whatever is to happen, it is up to you. Bridge in Bloom competition Congratulations to the winners of the 2009 Bridge in Bloom competition: Large Business: The White Horse Inn Community: Mansfield Court Residential: Julie Bennett, 33 High Street 2nd place in the residential section went to Mr & Mrs Alison (10 Filmer Road) and 3rd place to Mr & Mrs Spencer (1 Dering Close) The village, especially the High Street, has looked lovely once again, despite the weather. The competition which has been held for a number of years, was instigated by the late Margaret Jones when she was a member of the Council. Should you wish to enter next year, just plant up your baskets and tubs. A short list of the contenders will be drawn up, from the whole village, and final judging will take place in late July. Good luck. Ann Edmonds Thanks to Bridge Volunteers We have a loyal group of volunteers in the village that do sterling work. They do many jobs to support the Parish Council and their contributions are much appreciated. The village is a much better place to live in because of their efforts. We would appreciate further help from young, or not so young, villagers who could sparejust a little time in the following areas:— Litter Picking Traffic Calming duties i.e. Speedwatch Planting and weeding Delivery of Newsletter Christmas trees Please contact the Parish Clerk on 831085 for enquiries. Obstructed pavements Please could you ensure that there are no overhanging branches or shrubbery encroaching on to pathways. A number of people have complained that overgrown greenery is becoming a hazard. Those with walking or sight problems are experiencing particular difficulties. Thank you Wild Flower Project 7”‘ March I Bulbl ng the Recreaton Grod To greet the spring your help is urgently needed on March 7‘ to plant two trees and some shrubs on the Recreation Ground. If you can spare a little time, do come along at 9.30 am. You will need suitable footwear, gloves and garden tools. Your help will be much appreciated, so don’t leave it to someone else. “See you there then". Thank you!! Barbara Beinder - 830514 While the majority of our village is cleared of unsightly litter on a regular basis by our team of volunteers, there remain some areas that need to be given the appropriate treatment. For example, Station Road as far as Whitehill Woods could benefit; Pett Bottom Road is in a terrible state and finally the footpath running from Pett Bottom Road through to Renville Farm needs to be cleared. Not everyone would relish working along the road, so maybe, if there are sufficient volunteers, we could split into two groups, one to clear the roadside while the other group clears the footpath Please meet at the Post Office at 10 a.m. on Saturday 28th March and let us set about ‘Making Bridge Tidy’. Selwyn Lewis - 830186 Calling all Skateboarders Do you want your own skateboard park in Bridge? Show us that you are interested and come on the trip we have organised to see the one in Lyminge on Saturday 4”‘ April. Please contact Cllr Esdale or the Parish Clerk (see reverse) for details of the trip. CC Football Club “Canterbury City Football Club would like to express thanks for the continuing support of many people in Bridge who attend our First team's home matches. We have been asked about next season. Unfortunately, much as we feel at home at the Recreation Ground, should our First team be promoted to a higher division, the regulations regarding pitch size would make it impossible to stay. However, we are keen that one of our teams will continue to play there. We hope that our Reserve side will obtain a place in the Kent County League Reserve division and play all of their home matches at Bridge. Having spent time and money improving the pavilion, we are also keen to continue using this facility both on match days and for meetings." Canterbury City Football Club, 8 January 2009 Annual Parish meeting 21 S‘ May The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the village hall on Thursday 21st May at 7.30pm. There will be a discussion on how to make the village more ecologically aware. The speakers will be Dr Sarah Anderson, Climate Change Programme Officer with KCC and Kate Harrison of Ashton Hayes, the Cheshire village trying to reduce its carbon footprint to zero. Horticultural Society The Horticultural Society is seeking new members. Do come to any of the meetings or contact Ann Edmonds 830795 or Kathy Walden 830057 for further information. Thu Mar 5 BONSAI Talk by Colin & Linda Miles Tue Mar 31 SPRING SHOW Members‘ Exhibits Thu May 7 WILD IN TOWN & GARDEN Illustrated talk by Fred Booth, former Director of Kent Wildlife Trust Thu Jun 18 VISIT TO ABBEY PHYSIC COMMUNITY GARDEN Abbey Place, Faversham Tue Jul 21 SALTWOOD SUMMER by invitation of Bridge WI Illustrated talk by Sue Scrivens - Finding & production of the Orchid Foxglove. Start 8.00pm Sat Jul 25 SUMMER SHOW Members‘ Exhibits at Bridge School 2.30pm. Prizes at 4.00pm Thu Sep 3 WINTER HANGING BASKETS Talk & demonstration by Paul Kennett of Meadow Grange Nurseries Thu Oct 22 ALL YEAR COLOUR IN THE GARDEN Illustrated Talk by Elizabeth Thomas Tue Dec 1 SOCIAL EVENING All evening talks are in Bridge Village Hall and commence at 7.30 pm. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum ann@bridgevi|| Vice-Chairman, Planning, Rural Area Member Panel, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 johnh@bridgevi|| Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 co|in@bridgevi|| Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 Recreation Ground, Newsletter 01227 830976 johnc@bridgevi|| Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum, 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi|| Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST, Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevi|| Planning, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 se|wyn@bridgevi|| Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC 01227 830310 terry@bridgevi|| John Hill Colin Beesty John Corfield Mark Esdale Mervyn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevil| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2009 Newsletter Included in this issue: Wildflower Project Litter blitz Skateboard park visit Canterbury Football Club Annual Parish meeting Horticultural Society Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 12"‘ March 2009 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome Affordable Housing Scheme As a result of a Housing Needs Survey, Bridge Parish Council has for some time been trying to get Affordable Housing for the village. The price of houses in the village has meant that young people, and some older ones, have been unable to stay in the village in which they were brought up or where there are family connections, or return to it. The Parish Counci|’s aims have been frustrated by a very small group who have instigated various initiatives to delay the planning process. Canterbury City Council gave Planning permission in April this year. These opponents then requested permission from the High Court for permission to apply to judicially review this decision. The High Court refused this application on 23”‘ September. The Parish Council were then notified on 12“‘ October of a renewal of this request. The Parish Council deplores this action and regrets the possible delay to the long- standing plans for Affordable Housing in Bndge. John Hill, Vice - Chairman Santa’s Helpers The Christmas trees in the High Street will be going up on 4"‘ December and coming down on 3"‘ January. Please come to the Village Hall at 9.30 am and help with the work involved in putting up and taking down 70 trees and their lights. |t’s good fun! To Market, to Market .. 1*» There is to be a Farmers ' Market in the Red Lion pub garden starting on 13“‘ November and every 2"“ and 4“‘ Saturday in the __ month thereafter (but not on 25‘‘‘ December!). It is planned to have 10 stalls on the first week with an increasing number in the future. The venture is a non-profit making organization and is a formally constituted community group. Village Favourite This year’s 10“‘ annual Exhibition was another great success, with 192 exhibits of a very high standard. Entries included drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures and a variety of craftwork. A quarter of the artists were children. Two thirds of the exhibits were for sale. Bridge School and the Village Hall Play Group provided hanging banners I. —‘,“'.. _“§_- ‘hi.’ _. ".95-"w ,-_q.‘.v ' -' War Re/Ic with White Hunter— Barry Kirk The exhibition took place in Bridge Village Hall on Saturday and Sunday 2"“' and 3"" October with a lively soiree on the Saturday evening when music was played by Mike West and his Jazz Ensemble. Visitors were invited to choose their favourite exhibit. The picture “War Relic with White Hunter” by Barry Kirk took pride of place. Full results and further pictures may be found on the village web site and at Cutbac ks We’re looking for cutbacks — to '- your hedges and shrubs that encroach on to the pavement. " There are many places where pedestrians are forced into single file or even off the pavement and have to face thorns and prickles and after rain a horrible wet surprise, especially in the dark! Please cut the growth well back and check on it regularly throughout the growing season. Thank you. Workers Party There will be a working party on the Recreation Ground to "9 "* plant trees and get ready for _ winter, starting at 9.30 am ; Saturday 6"‘ November. ~ at ,1. _ 7 ' '4": ~71- Barbara Beinder will be in charge of the programme, that will include the replacement of three dead trees, hedge cutting, clearing of flower borders and anything else that springs to mind on the day! Please come and help - if you have any tools that might prove useful, do bring them along. Have fun, get fit If you’ve not yet discovered the new adult fitness equipment on the Recreation Ground, do go and try them out. There are four different pieces designed to give you exercise by twisting, swinging etc.. Have fun. You can take the children to the playground and supervise them whilst you get fit. Dates for your Diary: 6"‘ November - Recreation Ground working party 11“‘ November — Parish Council meeting 13”‘ November — Farmer’s market 27“‘ November — Farmer’s market 4"‘ December - Xmas trees go up 9”‘ December — Parish Council meeting 11“‘ December — Farmer’s market 3"‘ January - Xmas trees come down To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| John Hill Vice-Chairman, Planning, Rural Area Member Panel, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 co| Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter 01227 830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi| Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST, Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevil| Selwyn Lewis Planning Committee, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2010 Newsletter Included in this issue: Farmer’s market Christmas Trees Affordable Housing Adult Exercise Equipment Overhanging hedges & shrubs Recreation ground working party Art in Bridge exhibition Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 1”‘ November 201 0 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Nailbourne Sewage The Parish Council has been extremely concerned regarding the pumping of sewage into the Nailbourne. We have written to Southern Water strongly supporting a request from Canterbury City Cllr Tony Austin for investment to be made in improving pumping arrangements. It is such a pity that at a time when the river is flowing residents have to be warned not to allow children and animals to play in the river. Affordable Housing Southern Housing Group has identified a building company to undertake the project. However work cannot commence until KCC has dealt with the village green application, at the end of May, and the newt survey has been undertaken. Interested parishioners are reminded that they must ensure that they have registered with Affordable Housing section, Canterbury City Housing Department and expressed a preference for a property in Bridge. Bridge Annual Parish Meeting 7.30 pm Thursday 20”‘ May Bridge Village Hall Come and hear about new projects and ideas for Bridge: — Community Orchard Energy Saving, Speedwatch Village Hall Renovations Outdoor Exercise Equipment, Skateboard Ramp This is your opportunity to talk to your councillors over drinks after the meeting. All Bridge residents are welcome to attend. Wild Flower Project The plants on the Recreation Ground have looked splendid this Spring — thanks to everyone who has helped in the past. l’m now looking for volunteers to tidy the area around the Pavilion. The commitment would only be once or twice a year, to keep this area looking great. If you have any time to spare, please give me a ring on 830514. l’d be most grateful. Barbara Beinder Bridge In Bloom Now that Spring has at last arrived it is time to think, once again, about your baskets and tubs. As usual judging will take place in July. This year extra marks will be gained by those residents who use plants that are drought resistant i.e. geraniums, sedums etc. I look forward to seeing a colourful array throughout the village again this summer. Ann Edmonds Bridge Energy Saving Team BEST was formed following the Annual Parish Meeting last year, when the issue of Climate Change was discussed and what we can do to respond to the challenges. Bridge En erg‘; Sawing Team We are a team of volunteers with the aim of: "ensuring that everyone in Bridge who wants to know about reducing carbon emissions can find the information easily and receive recommendations on how to proceed based upon published information and local knowledge and recommendations". So far, we have run two events in the village — a drop-in event in December and a Coffee Morning in March. We intend to run a stall at the village fete on 26 June 2010. For further information contact Philip Wicker, 47 High St, Bridge or to access our first video and information pages on energy saving in Bridge go to: Speedwatch Volunteers We have agreed that the 3rd week of each month will be Speedwatch week. Although we have a small team of volunteers, we need more people to give us an hour or so to note down details. Full training is given and we work in teams. There are several locations around the village and we'll be doing the watch at different times. In our trial of the system, we found that it made a remarkable difference to people's speed going through the village — particularly up Bridge Hill. Further details are on the village web site. Skateboard Ramps in Bridge We are hiring skateboard ramps and a base for the long weekend at the end of May. The kit will be set up near the teen shelter on the Recreation Ground and will be available on — Saturday, Sunday and Monday 29”‘ -31 st May We are doing this to gauge the level of interest, before we possibly spend a large amount of your money on it and also to assess the impact on neighbouring properties and to give them an idea of what it might be like. Help would be appreciated on the Friday to unload the equipment from the truck. Details will be on the village web site. Get your boards out and give it a try! To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| John Hill Vice-Chairman, Planning, Rural Area Member Panel, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 co| Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter 01227 830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi| Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST, Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevil| Selwyn Lewis Planning Committee, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Barbara Beinder Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings www.bridgevi|| BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2010 Newsletter Included in this issue: Annual Parish Meeting Bridge Energy Saving Team Bridge in Bloom Skateboarders Speedwatch volunteers Affordable Housing Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 3”‘ May 201 0 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Parish Council Elections 5”‘ May 2011 Your village needs you On May 5”‘ there will be nine seats to contest. Several existing Councillors will not stand for re-election this year. There will be new faces on the Council. One of these could be yours or someone you know. Perhaps there are people you would want to have on the Council, so — encourage them to stand. Perhaps there are people you would not want to have on the Council, so — ensure that you stand or get others to stand for election. You will only get the Parish Council you want, if you and those like you get involved. These are exciting times to be on the Council as the Government promotes the Big Society and promises more power to Parish Councils, especially in Planning matters. Out with the old Parish Council and in with YOU? Almost any voter can stand for election — you only need have certain connections with the village. If you are interested in standing for election as a councillor do talk to the Parish Clerk on 831085, or contact Electoral Services at Canterbury City Council on 01227 862003 who will also answer your questions and provide Nomination papers (which must be returned between 18th March & 4”‘ April). What services does the Parish Council provide? Their work falls into three main categories: - representing your local community - delivering services to meet local needs - striving to improve the quality of life in Bridge The Parish Council provides, maintains or contributes to services such as: - allotments - bus shelters - parks and open spaces - crime reduction - planning - community centres - leisure facilities - cycle paths - youth projects - street cleaning - traffic calming How does the Parish Council make decisions? Your Parish Council is made up of nine councilors, who are elected every 4 years, who meet regularly. As an elected body, the Parish Council is responsible to the people they represent — that is, Bridge village. Where do they get their money from? Each year a sum of money called a ‘precept’ is collected through your council tax. This money is invested back into your local neighbourhood by your Parish Council to improve facilities and services for you and your neighbours. The Council can also apply for grants. Annual Parish Meeting 7.30 pm Wednesday 27”‘ April Bridge Village Hall Come and hear what the Parish Council has done and how it has spent your money. There will also be speakers talking about applying for the new affordable housing. This is your opportunity to question your local and Parish Councillors and talk to them over a drink after the meeting. Everyone welcome. Farmers’ Market 1 2"‘ & 26"‘ March Every 2”“ & 4‘“ Saturday 9am — 12 noon "-75. Red Lion Inn, Bridge, CT4 5LB Spring Clean Litter-Pick Please come to the Post office at 2.00 pm Saturday 12th March and help clean up the village. Use your Library Did you know that the Mobile Library visits the village every Thursday afternoon, in Green Court, from 4.15 pm until 5.15 pm? Unless more people use it, with the cutbacks in funding, the village could well lose this valuable asset. So do go along, your Library needs you! Hint — their results are judged on the number of books borrowed, rather than the number of borrowers, so that is why on a Thursday evening you may see the ‘regulars’ leaving the library van with armfuls of books. See you there! To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Ann Edmonds Chairman, Affordable Housing, Footpaths, Parish Forum 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| John Hill Vice-Chairman, Planning, Rural Area Member Panel, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST 07989 495202 co| Barbara Beinder Village Hall, Recreation Ground, Bridge School 01227 830514 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Mark Esdale Affordable Housing, Village Hall, Mill Centre, Police Forum, Web site 01227 832740 mark@bridgevi| Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, BVST, Allotment Association, Nailbourne Group 01227 830881 mervyn@bridgevil| Selwyn Lewis Planning Committee, Trees, Police Forum 01227 830186 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2011 Newsletter Included in this issue: Parish Council Elections Annual Parish Meeting Farmers’ Market Spring Clean Litter-Pick Use your library Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 0”‘ March 2011 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Cllr Alan Atkinson Vice Chairman Emergency Planning Committee Nailbourne & Little Stour River Management group Police Forum Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Road tel: 01227 830629 Cllr Ann Edmonds Finance Committee Planning Committee Affordable Housing Committee Footpaths Parish Forum Bridge in Bloom Cosby, Higham Lane tel: 01227 830795 Cllr Bill Oakey Affordable Housing Committee Emergency Planning Committee Major Emergency Contact 4 Brewery Lane tel: 01227 832397 Cllr Simon Cook ' Finance Committee " ' ' Recreation Ground Committee Mill Centre Rural Area member Panel Meetings The Byre, Renville tel: 01227 831532 Cllr Sue Hodges Planning Committee Village Hall Committee Primary School Liaison Wild Flower Project 64 Bridge Down tel: 01227 830311 Cllr Brigitte Ward Recreation Ground Committee Allotment Association Litter picking co- ordination Speedwatch Health Issues 24 Conyngham Lane tel: 01227 830330 Cllr John Corfield Recreation Ground Committee Newsletter Editor Parish Website Art In Bridge High Beech, Patrixbourne Road tel: 01227 830976 Cllr John Hill Chairman Finance Committee Affordable Housing Committee Renville Oast, Renville tel: 01227 830215 Cllr Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee Recreation Ground Committee Emergency Planning Tree Warden Kent Association of Local Councils Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Road tel: 01227 830310 Your Parish Clerk Christobel Seath Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevil| Parish Council Election 2011 Your newly elected Councillors serve for four years. The Parish Council meets on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee meets just before at 7.15 pm. All are welcome to attend and are invited to address the Council at the start of the meeting. The Agendas are displayed on the Notice Boards by the White Horse and Bridge Down steps on the Friday before the meetings and on the web site, as in due course are also the Minutes. To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF, tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Vice Chairman Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Police Forum 01227 830629 a|an@bridgevil| Finance, Mill Centre, Recreation Ground 01227 831532 simon@bridgevil| John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Ann Edmonds Finance, Planning, Affordable Housing, Footpaths 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| Planning, Village Hall, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project 01227 830311 Chairman, Finance, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Affordable Housing, Emergency Planning 01227832397 bi|l@bridgevil| Brigitte Ward Recreation Ground, Allotments, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings Simon Cook Sue Hodges John Hill Bill Oakey BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Summer 2011 Newsletter Your newly elected Parish Councillors: Alan Atkinson Simon Cook John Corfield Ann Edmonds Sue Hodges John Hill Bill Oakey Brigitte Ward Terry Wilmshurst Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 14”‘ July 201 1 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Affordable Housing As those who have been up Mill Lane recently will have seen, the Affordable Housing is in an advanced state of completion. There are 8 units in all, 4 one bedroom flats, 2 two bedroom houses and 2 three bedroom ones. In my view they look very attractive, with tile- hanging on the elevations and rustic looking tiles on the roof. Having seen over the properties, all are extremely spacious and well designed. When the landscaping and replacement hedges have been completed, they will be a real asset and benefit to the village of Bridge. The dwellings are strictly for those people, old or young, who have been unable to stay in Bridge where they grew up or where there are family connections to return to it. The City Council will allocate the units but there are very tight “|oca|ism” qualifications, which the Parish Council will oversee. Only those who are on the housing list of the City Council and fulfil the criteria laid down will be able to get one of these homes. Please contact the City Council for more information on eligibility. We are not sure when the development will finally be ready for occupation as the interiors are still to be completed. Also one never knows with the English climate, it bad weather might delay matters. However, progress is encouraging, so, cross your fingers! John Hill Chairman Bridge Parish Council How to Apply The current forecast is that the homes will become available around March. When they become available, people interested in having one must "bid" (i.e. express their interest) — using the web site It is expected our homes will be advertised in the New Year. The bidding period is only 6 days. Only those who meet the local connection criterion and who have registered with Canterbury City Council by then can bid. Southern Housing wrote to everyone on their list in May. If you are interested in a home and you did not hear from Southern Housing, it means you are not on the list, so you need to get in contact with Canterbury City Council and register now. Do not wait until the bidding opens, as it is unlikely your application would be processed in time. The information will be posted on the village web site as soon as we hear bidding is open. For those unable to get on line (please help your friends if you know anyone unable to use the internet), the advert will be posted on the notice board by the White Horse. Apart from the web site, bidding can also be done by text, digital television, by coupon or by phoning Canterbury City Council directly. Xmas trees in the High Street This year we will be putting up over 70 Xmas trees in the High Street on Saturday morning 3'“ December. If you can help, please come to the Village Hall at 9.30 am. Changes to bus times There is a new timetable on O O routes 16 and 17. The timing of the old 9.28 bus as been changed, so it now comes through Bridge at 9.33am, making it eligible for those holding KCC bus passes. Farmers’ Market November 12”‘ & 26”‘ December 10”‘ Do support the Market and help create a vibrant place to shop at the heart of the community at the Red Lion Inn. Cutting back Hedges Please cut back any of your shrubs and bushes growing out onto the pavement. It is not nice for pedestrians to be slapped in the face by branches and torn by thorns, especially in the wet and in the dark. Thank you. Sandbag Store In case they are ever needed, you should know that there is a supply of sandbags in the hut on the Recreation Ground, next to the Pavilion. The key is held at Mervyn Gu|vin’s office in the High Street, by Bill Oakey and by the Parish Clerk. Wild Flower Project help Do come and help with the Autumn clear up on the Recreation Ground this Saturday 29"‘ October starting at 9.30 am. Please bring warm clothes and tools. The Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II To commemorate the Diamond Jubilee next year there will be a series of public events in Britain centred upon the weekend and double bank holiday of 2““- 5”‘ June 2012. The only other such Diamond Jubilee was in 1897, for Queen Victoria. Such unusual events clearly should be celebrated and Bridge will play its part with a series of events. It is proposed that the Village celebrates with a large party to be held on the Recreation Ground, on Saturday 2”“ June, following the general theme of ‘Ladies Day’ at a Horse Racing Meeting. In addition, a beacon will be constructed atop Star Hill and it is hoped that this will form part of the official chain of beacons that will be lit across Britain on the evening of Monday 4"‘ June. There will be other events too, in and around the Village, next year. We need volunteers to help make these Jubilee Celebration events truly wonderful and memorable. If you can help or if you have ideas for special events, let me know. Contact me, Alan Atkinson, on 01227 830629 or email: Art in Bridge exhibition favourite Katie Zurakovsky received the highest number of votes for her picture ‘Clash at the Salmon Run’, to become the favourite artist for the third year running. You can see the top favourite pictures at To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Vice Chairman, Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Police Forum 01227 830629 a|an@bridgevil| Finance, Mill Centre, Recreation Ground, BVST 01227 831532 simon@bridgevil| John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Ann Edmonds Finance, Planning, Affordable Housing, Footpaths 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| Planning, Village Hall, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project 01227 830311 Chairman, Finance, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Affordable Housing, Emergency Planning 01227832397 bi|l@bridgevil| Brigitte Ward Recreation Ground, Allotments, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Simon Cook Sue Hodges John Hill Bill Oakey Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Winter 2011 Newsletter In this issue: Affordable housing Christmas trees Bus timetable changes Farmers’ Market Cutting back hedges Sandbag store Diamond Jubilee Art in Bridge favourite Wild Flower project Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 0”‘ November 201 1 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Affordable Housing now named Brickfield Close By the time you read this, the eight Affordable Housing units, now called Brickfield Close, will be occupied. We think they are a wonderful addition to the village both for their design, which is modern without being a pastiche, and how they represent a real opportunity for people with a local connection to either stay in, or return to the village. They are also well designed and appointed inside. The Parish Council is proud that after a number of years we have finally achieved something which will ease the housing shortage and will benefit future generations. John Hill Chairman BPC Neighbourhood Plan Under the Localism Act, Parish Councils are expected to draw up a plan as to how they wish their locality would develop in the future. For example, do we want to have any more houses in the village, if so how many and where would they go? Are we lacking any facilities that we ought to have? Are there sufficient open, green spaces and sports facilities? Are the young catered for and what about older people? We have formed a committee from members of village organisations, people in the village who have shown an interest, several Councillors and will call on those who have special knowledge to assist in preparing the Plan. Canterbury City Council is also preparing a Local Development Plan and Bridge’s will be subject to this overall strategy. John Hill Chairman BPC Time Capsule To celebrate the completion of the Affordable Housing, We decided to bury a Time Capsule. This will have in it various articles associated with the village, the school, and items typical of life in England in 2012. There will be an aerial view of Bridge, a copy of the Kentish Gazette, a daily newspaper, details of the Jubilee, the Olympics and current 2012 objects. Children from the school will help bury it at Brickfield Close. If someone digs up the capsule in 100 years or even a thousand, we wish to provide them with a picture of our life now. John Hill Chairman BPC Wanted Mr and Mrs Possee have decided to hang up their gardening gloves after many years of tending the tubs in the centre of the village. Our grateful thanks go to them and NOW we need to find a new volunteer. The Parish Council will reimburse the cost of plants and medium, within reason. All you need supply is the labour. Please contact me (tel: 830795) to apply or for further information. Ann Edmonds Dog Fouling There has been a noticeable increase in dog mess in the village. This has been a recent problem on the recreation 1 ground, from which dogs are banned. Dog fouling has even occurred in the children’s play area, which is particularly unpleasant and even dangerous to small children. There are plenty of country walks around the village where dogs may be exercised. Dog owners who allow their pets to foul public places can be fined, if you are willing to report them to the police. Mill Centre News For the latest information please go to their web site www.mi|| Bridge twins with St. Andre-lez-Lille On February 10”‘ Cllr. John Hill signed the charter that twins Bridge with St. Andre-lez-Lille, and on February 24"‘ Cllr. Bill Oakey signed the French version on behalf of the Parish Council, in St. Andre. These signings completed the Twinning that has, already for the last 2 years, been in place between the two Schools. The Twinning Committee is chaired by Louise Tasou and is comprised of three Bridge Parish Councillors, together with Rene Renault of The Red Lion and other villagers. The next stage will be to produce a list of events to include visits to St. Andre, and Lille, in Northern France. Twinning is all about Friendship, Education, Culture and Economic Benefits to both Communities, and we look fonivard to a long and happy relationship with the residents of St. Andre-lez-Lille! All residents of Bridge are welcome to participate and, if you wish to become more involved please contact Louise on 07800 714165, or e mail her on Bill Oakey The Bridge Big Jubilee Lunch iifi E51’ Efi as as W3 5:» fi M M. M W June 3"‘ 12 - 4pm Recreation Ground In line with the national Jubilee Celebrations, Bridge Village will be holding an event at the recreation ground. The fun will be centred around a ‘street party’, where adults and children can enjoy a family and friends get-together. Bring a picnic or relax and buy food and drink at the event. The day will have a vintage feel, transporting everybody back to simpler times. There will be food, drink, music, entertainments and lots more. There is no admission fee and this will be a non- profit making event. Please support your village party and help make it a success. Any help, however small, will be gratefully received and appreciated. Please contact: Alan Atkinson — or Louise Tasou — | Bridge In Bloom It is that time of year, once again, when the Parish Council sends out a plea for you to hang up your baskets and fill up your tubs. Judging will be in late July and extra points will be awarded this year for insect attracting plants and a red white and blue colour scheme. So let's celebrate the Diamond Jubilee with a colourful display around the village. Ann Edmonds To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Vice Chairman, Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Police Forum 01227 830629 a|an@bridgevil| Finance, Mill Centre, Recreation Ground, BVST 01227 831532 simon@bridgevil| John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Ann Edmonds Finance, Planning, Affordable Housing, Footpaths 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| Planning, Village Hall, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project 01227 830311 Chairman, Finance, Affordable Housing 01227 830215 Affordable Housing, Emergency Planning 01227832397 bi|l@bridgevil| Brigitte Ward Recreation Ground, Allotments, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning Committee, KAPC 01227 830310 Simon Cook Sue Hodges John Hill Bill Oakey Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2012 Newsletter In this issue: Jubilee celebrations EUR 1952-2012- Neighbourhood Plan Affordable housing Time capsule Annual Parish meeting Mill Centre Twinning association Bridge in Bloom High Street Planters Recreation Ground Working Party Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 2”‘ April 201 2 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Thursday 3'“ May 7.30pm Bridge Village Hall The main guest speaker at this year’s Annual Parish Meeting will be Ann Millington, Deputy Chief Executive of Kent Fire and Rescue Service, supported by Steve Griffiths, Director of Service Delivery and Russ Jordan, Group Manager for the service in East Kent. They will give a presentation about the work of the Fire and Rescue Service and answer questions. There will also be reports on the work of the Parish Council over the past year, plans for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, information about the Twinning Association and a report from the Mill Centre Management Committee on their efforts to retain a youth centre in Bridge. The meeting will be followed by refreshments and all Bridge residents are welcome to come and to meet the parish councillors. WILD FLOWER PROJECT Working Party Saturday 21 3‘ April 9.30 am Recreation Ground If you can spare part of the morning to come and help, your time would be appreciated. Please bring warm clothing and your own gardening tools. If you cannot help, come and have a look at the work that has been done in the past. Your ideas and comments would be welcomed. Sue Hodges Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Coin All children, aged 16 or under on 6”‘ February 2012, who live in Bridge Parish are eligible to receive a coin. Those at Bridge school or who are a Scout, Guide, Cub, Brownie, Beaver, Rainbow or MOBY will automatically be offered a coin. If you have other eligible children for whom you would like a coin, then please complete this form and enter the name and date of birth of each child overleaf. Contact name: Address: Email: Telephone: Please return this form by 10"‘ April to: Laurie Wakeham, Nick James, The Red Lion, Londis, Woodlands, or the Post Office. The coins will be available for collection at the Post Office from 213‘ May to 13‘ June. Bridge in Bloom Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 Bridge in Bloom competition. The standard was once again very high throughout the village. Thank you to all those who took part and to the judges who went around the whole village in July. Jim Tamsitz‘ Trophy (Businesses): White Horse Inn 2”“ — Red Lion Inn Margaret Jones vase (Community): Mansfield Court Residential: Julie & Malcolm Bennett, 33 High Street 2nd — Anchorage, Dering Close, g N 3rd — 17 Union Road. High Street Planters These looked very attractive this year and thanks go to Vicky White, who has tended them so lovingly. Dead Weeds KCC have sprayed the weeds in the village but they do not remove them. Please pull up any weeds outside your property so as to improve the appearance of the village. Thank you Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Following the Localism Act (November 2011) which encourages communities to be closely involved in the development of their locality, work on a Neighbourhood Plan for our village commenced in June 2012. The Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) and the Parish Council were given approval by the Executive of Canterbury City Council in July 2013 to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for this Parish. The Plan will be used to develop a vision for Bridge for the next fifteen years or so. It will identify facilities and amenities in the village and indicate where future developments may be needed. A Village Design Statement will be used to influence the appearance of new buildings. The village has been awarded a ‘Locality’ grant of £6640 to assist with expenses involved in the preparation of the Plan. The NPG has already met with representatives of Planning Aid to learn how they may be able to help in the formulation of the Plan. Joe Connor, Chairman of NPG Dogs on Recreation Ground Please, please, please do not run dogs on the Recreation Ground — their mess is a hazard to children and not nice for anyone. Moles on Recreation Ground Moles on the Recreation Ground create a hazard to people tripping over the holes (,1 N, ‘S they make. They have proved very difficult to control and traps have had to be used. These sometimes surface and parents should warn children not to touch the traps. Nailbourne pollution The Nailbourne River Group undertook intensive lobbying this year; many politicians were made aware of the situation; various approaches were made, directly and indirectly, to the water company; many meetings with the water company and the Environment Agency were held. This work continues. As a result of this pressure and the perceived public sentiment, the water company has agreed to undertake whatever remedial work may be required. They began with a camera survey of the sewage pipe, now completed, which revealed over one hundred places requiring engineering work. This has now been sent out to tender, with engineering work scheduled for the autumn. This may cause some disruption. The water company stresses that the work is “an iterative process.” They might not fix all the problems in the pipe this time around. Therefore, the River Group continues to need the support of the village to maintain pressure upon the water company. Please look out for, and attend, the public meetings that will be held later in the year. The River Group thanks you for your support, Alan Atkinson Canterbury District Local Plan The Parish Council has submitted a response to the Canterbury District Local Plan 2013. The comments have taken account of relevant planning policies and views of Bridge residents as expressed in the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire and at recent Neighbourhood Plan consultations. Sue Hodges Village sign People are asking “Where is the village sign?”. After 20 years it was showing signs of wear, so a firm based in Bridge, offered to repaint it. This was duly done but when they tried to put it back, the post gave way due to old age, and broke. A new post is being obtained and in the meantime we would like to thank A Howe and Sons, for their generous gesture. The sign was designed by Julian Kirk and made by John Hill in 1993. We hope it will be back by the end of the summer. Wild Flower Project There will be a Working Party on Saturday 19"‘ October from 9 30 am on the Recreation Ground to carry out a variety of gardening tasks including weeding and pruning. If you can spare part of the morning to come and help your time would be appreciated. Please bring warm clothing and your own gardening tools. If you cannot help, come and have a look at all the work that has been done in the past and some of the plans for the future. Your ideas and comments would be welcome. Refreshment will be provided as usual. Sue Hodges Twinning Association demise The Twinning Agreement between Bridge and St Andre les Lille has come to an end. It was thought that the two places were not well matched. There has been some benefit to Bridge for local businesses but in general it did not bring the mutual benefits hoped for. The possibility of twinning with another French village is not ruled out but will need very careful selection for it to be a success. To contact the Council - Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Finance, Police Forum 01227 830629 a|an@bridgevil| Recreation Ground, Art in Bridge Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Planning, Bridge in Bloom, Footpaths, Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Forum, Finance, Welcome pack 01227 830795 ann@bridgevi| Chairman, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project, KALC, Recreation Ground, Neighbourhood Plan 01227 830311 Vice-chairman, Rural Members Panel, Finance, KALC 01227 830215 Planning, Recreation Ground, BVST, Mill Centre, Village Hall 07749306563 Mike Burns-Stark Emergency Planning, Litter picking, Recreation Ground, Speedwatch Recreation Ground, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Allotments, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning, Recreation Ground, KALC, Tree Warden, Neighbourhood Plan, Emergency Planning, BVST 01227 830310 John Corfield Ann Edmonds Sue Hodges John Hill Rob Moon Brigitte Ward Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news & information, also for agendas & minutes of Council and planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2013 Newsletter Changes on the Parish Council Unfortunately Bill Oakey resigned from the Parish Council because of his health. He did sterling work for the village, as he has done in his role as a City Councillor, which he is continuing to do. A call for volunteers to fill the vacated seat resulted in three excellent offers and the Council co—opted Mike Burns-Stark as your new Councillor Your new Chairman is Cllr Sue Hodges _r,l«=*-I Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 0”‘ October 201 3 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Neighbourhood Plan The City Council is preparing a Local Plan which will decide the future of the District during the next 20 years; where houses are to be built, where schools are needed, what businesses can be attracted, what recreational facilities will be required, are transport facilities enough for a growing population, are there enough community halls and a host of other things that need to be decided. Into this overall plan, we have the opportunity of deciding where Bridge fits into this Local Plan by means of a Neighbourhood Plan. We formed a Neighbourhood Plan Committee comprised of a cross section of the village and several councillors. They have been meeting and have conducted a survey of the village. So far a recommendation of minimum development has been made but a public meeting will be held shortly when villagers will have the opportunity to give their opinion as to how they wish the village to be over the next 20 years. John Hill, Chairman Village Events Diary FE BRUARY There is now a diary/calendar of events in the village on the web site. Groups and organisations are asked to add their dates as soon as they are known so as to reduce the possibility of clashes. Please send details via the web site email link or to Mark Esdale. This year’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13‘ May at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. The main speaker will be Larissa Reid, Head of Canterbury City Counci|’s Environmental Services, who will explain the new system of ., ‘ refuse collection and recycling ‘ v and answer any of your questions about how the scheme will operate. This is your opportunity to come and hear what your Parish Council has done during the past year and to meet the parish councillors. All are welcome to attend and to stay for drinks after the meeting. Bridge twinning signs To celebrate the Twinning agreement with St. Andre—|ez—Li||e, Bridge will have new signs on the entrance gateways from Dover and Canterbury displaying the Union Flag of Britain and the Tricoleur Flag of France. The new signs will state: "BRIDGE twinned with St. Andre—|ez—Li||e" and these will be in place in early summer in time for the Summer visits of our French friends to Bridge. Bridge In Bloom Although it is still winter, it is time to start planning your summer tubs and hanging baskets. The Parish Council is once again intending to judge the entire village on its efforts. Let’s hope that 2013 is less of a challenge, weather wise. Though we could be facing drought or flood, good luck with your entries. Wild Flower Project - 6”‘ April Recreation Ground Working Party There will be a Working Party on Saturday 6th April from 9.30am on the Recreation Ground. 7‘ , If you can spare part of the morning to come and help, your time would be much appreciated. Jobs include weeding, pruning and tidying the areas round the pavilion and further work on establishing the wild flower area by the tennis courts. Please bring warm clothing and your own gardening tools. Hedges You are reminded that the removal of hedges in a conservation area requires planning permission. Please ensure that branches obstructing the pavement are removed or the City Council may be asked to do it and charge you. Your new Parish Councillor Following the resignation of Cllr Simon Cook, an election was held last year and Robert Moon was elected to the Parish Council. "Thank you to everyone who voted for me, |’m looking forward to help Bridge and the parish council and to do my best for the village.” No Bikes and No Dogs please People are riding bikes on the recreation ground and letting their dogs run loose. Villagers are reminded that dogs are not allowed on the recreation ground either on or off the lead and there is a ‘no bikes‘ rule. Speedwatch The Speedwatch scheme has been developed due to an increased demand from the public for greater involvement in reducing the speed of motor vehicles in their communities. It is supported by Kent Police. Its aims are to reduce deaths, injuries and collisions on public roads, to improve the safety and quality of life of local communities and to increase public awareness of speeding. In Bridge we monitor the speed of vehicles most months. If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please contact me: Brigitte Ward on 01227 830330 or e-mail me on To contact the Council Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF tel: 01227 831085 email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Finance, Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Police Forum 01227 830629 a|an@bridgevil| John Corfield Recreation Ground, Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Ann Edmonds Finance, Planning, Footpaths, Bridge in Bloom, Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Forum, Welcome pack 01227830795 ann@bridgevi| Sue Hodges Vice chairman, Planning, Village Hall, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project, KALC, Recreation Ground, Rural Panel 01227 830311 John Hill Chairman, Finance 01227 830215 Robert Moon Mill Centre, Recreation Ground, BVST 07749306563 Emergency Planning, Major Emergency contact, Neighbourhood Plan 01227 832397 bi|l@bridgevil| Brigitte Ward Recreation Ground, Allotments, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning, KAPC, BVST, Emergency Planning, Tree Warden, Neighbourhood Plan, Recreation Ground 01227 830310 Bill Oakey Bridge village web site Visit the web site for village news & information, also for agendas & minutes of Council and planning meetings BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2013 Newsletter -. »- 7‘;- -- J '4. --r. . .. ';' — - ".1 - In this issue: Neighbourhood Plan Annual Parish Meeting Wild Flower Project No Bikes and No Dogs Bridge twinning sign New Parish Councillor Bridge In Bloom Speedwatch Village Diary Hedges Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 1”‘ April 201 3 Bridge Village Hall — all welcome Flooding Groundwater levels are falling and unlikely to deteriorate unless there is considerable rainfall. The Environment Agency still had a flood alert on 7 April and was monitoring the situation closely. Brewerv Lane The recreation ground is open with warning notices about the danger of the river and the need to keep children under close supervision. The government has announced schemes to provide financial support to people who have been flooded. For information, or to apply, contact Canterbury City Council. The Parish Council will take account of the flood in the review of its emergency plan and its work preparing the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan. Kate Wortham Flood heroes All in Bridge will remember the prompt response and continued work of organisations and individuals involved in managing the flooding. Many people have commented on the exceptional community spirit of people in the village and the outstanding work of volunteers. Especial thanks go to Cllr Robert Moon who has worked so hard to help during the flooding and to Cllr Alan Atkinson who helped get Southern Water to repair the sewers last autumn and who will no doubt continue to press for yet better sewers. They have both been nominated for community awards for their work. Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 1S‘May 7.30pm Bridge village hall The main speakers will be Guy Gardener and Ted Edwards of Canterbury City Council, who were responsible for co-ordinating the emergency response to the floods. There will be a discussion of what the main problems were and you would be welcome to contribute your ideas for future flood prevention measure. There will also be reports on the work of the Parish Council during the past year. Come and meet your local councillors. Refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. All Bridge residents are welcome. Wild Flower Project We hope you have been able to enjoy the narcissi and snowdrops planted by the children of Bridge Primary School on the Recreation Ground over the last three years. Adult volunteers continue to plant primroses, aconites and bluebells under the trees and maintain the flower beds. Sue Hodges Sewage and Flooding The rising groundwater that brought the Nailbourne again, also brought us sewage problems. Nailbourne in full flood There were public meetings in the past year, within this parish, and elsewhere, at which we made our views quite clear, and Southern Water did undertake to survey and, where required, refurbish the sewer that runs along the Nailbourne Valley. The work was almost complete when the floods arrived. So there has been another period of tanker operations, and pumping of a sewage/groundwater mix into the watercourse. Southern Water have undertaken to continue to improve the sewer and our local pumping station at Littlebourne, and the Parish Council, via the river management group, continues to apply all possible pressure to see that this is done, in order that we have a sewer system fit for a modern 21st Century country. Alan Atkinson Bridge in Bloom The sun is shining and it is getting warmer and the village is no longer full of pipes and sandbags. On this cheerful note, I am hoping that a great many villagers will partake in "Bridge in Bloom" this year. The tubs and hanging baskets always make a lovely display in the village. Just create your display for the judges to see as they go round the village. A short list will be made in early July and the final winners selected at the end of the month. Happy gardening. Ann Edmonds Boundary Changes The Boundary Commission has reviewed both the number of Councillors on the City Council and the wards they represent. Currently there are 50 City Councillors and the proposal is there should be 38 or 39 in future. For Bridge this means we will be in a larger ward which includes Littlebourne, Barham and goes as far as Adisham. There will be two Councillors representing us but it does mean that in future our representatives will have to act for more residents than with the existing system. The Parish Council opposed these suggestions for that very reason and the fact that reduced numbers will mean that the Executive will have only 8 members, making it even less representative of the views of all members of the Council, than at present. These changes will probably be in place by the 2015 election. For details go to wvvw.| John Hill To contact the Council - Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Tel: 01227 831085 Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Finance, Police Liaison 01227 830629 John Corfield Recreation Ground, Art in Bridge Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Planning, Bridge in Bloom, Footpaths, Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Forum, Finance, Welcome pack 01227 830795 Vice-chairman, Rural Members Panel, Finance, Neighbourhood Plan, KALC 01227 830215 Chairman, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project, KALC, Recreation Ground, Neighbourhood Plan 01227 830311 Planning, Emergency Planning, Snow clearance, Mill Centre, Village Hall 07974637749 Ann Edmonds John Hill Sue Hodges Rob Moon Recreation Ground, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Allotments, Health Issues 01227 830330 Terry Wilmshurst Planning, Recreation Ground, KALC, Tree Warden, Neighbourhood Plan, Emergency Planning, BVST Brigitte Ward 01227 830310 Emergency Planning, Recreation Ground, Health Issues 01227 832900 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for news and information about the village and for agendas & minutes of Parish Council and Planning Committee meetings Kate Wortham BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2014 Newsletter \\ /2’ ‘Q’ / ‘‘''~-.. 1 \ @ Your new Parish Councillor - Kate Wortham Kate was co-opted to fill the vacancy created when Cllr Burns-Stark resigned. “My career was in healthcare, as an orthoptist, manager and management consultant with the NHS and national organisations and a post-graduate teacher. I have recently been elected as Kent Community Health NHS Trust Governor for Canterbury.” Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 8”‘ May 2014 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome FREE Mobile Skatepark Day October Half term Wednesday 28”‘ October 10.00 am — 3.00 pm Bridge Recreation Ground For ages 6 to 16 Equipment is provided (skateboards, scooters, bmx & safety gear)/bring your own if you prefer. Refreshments and tuck shop available in the pavilion. Organised by Bekesbourne-with-Patrixbourne & Bridge Parish Councils and supported by Canterbury City Council. Further information available from the Bekesbourne Parish Clerk - telephone: 01227 831197 Speed Watch For many year’s Bridge has seen a steady increase in motor traffic, parking problems and speeding throughout the village and notjust the High Street. Speed Watch is something our community can get involved with now. It is a scheme whereby we can monitor speed ourselves and report infringements to the police. We are delighted to say that, through County Member Cllr Northey's Local Membership Grant monies, we have purchased our own equipment. In the coming months we would like to start recruiting and training small teams of residents in the use of the new equipment and start addressing the speeding issues in the village. If you wish to be part of Bridge Village Speed Watch then please contact Cllr Paldeep Dhillon or Cllr Steve Fawke. The Cantley Proposals for Bfldge _/' .,_ lb: ' - The ‘area proposed be;/veen the High Street and Conyngham Lane The Recreation Ground is an essential facility for the health and enjoyment of the village. It provides the children's play area, football pitches, tennis courts and importantly an open space. The Recreation Ground is not owned by the village. It is leased by the Parish Council from Cantley Estates who own most of the land around the village. The lease will end in a few years. Naturally, the Parish Council are investigating a renewal of the lease, for, should it expire, the Parish is obliged to return the land to its original, undeveloped, state. Likewise, the allotments play an an important part in village life. The land belongs to Cantley Estates, and whilst it has been actively used for many years, there is no formal lease or permission to use it, leaving the future of the allotments in doubt. Currently, Cantley have proposed that they will: - renew the lease for the Recreation Ground - sign a lease agreement for an enlarged allotment area (to potentially include a community orchard) - provide land and funding towards a new village hall - provide land for a car park and school drop- off area in return for a development of approximately 30 houses, (including 9 affordable houses for the benefit of villagers), on land to the north of Conyngham Lane. They also seek to provide local employment by converting Great Pett Farmyard into office and business units. As plans become more detailed, the Parish Council will share this information with you via the village website and further newsletters and seek your opinions through consultation meetings to be arranged soon. Make sure you tell us whether you want us to support these plans or not. Councillors will be happy to speak with individuals or groups of villagers, as part of this consultation process. Just contact the Clerk to arrange this on 01227 831085 or by email: c|erk@bridgevi|| Pedestrian Crossing, Yellow Lines and White Stop Lines Kent County Council have repainted the pedestrian crossing outside the White Horse and have started to refresh the white paint on stop lines at key junctions. Hopefully, in due course, all the junctions and white lines will be refreshed but we will be monitoring progress. A Canterbury City Council team have also been working in the village refreshing the double yellow lines. Let's hope this will help to deter some motorists from parking illegally and blocking sight lines at some of the junctions within the village. Environment Agency Flood Line Residents are encouraged to register for this service via the Environment Agency website or tel: 0345 988 11 88. Recreation Ground Working Party Saturday 1 7th October 2015 Please come along to the Pavilion, from 9am, wearing warm clothes and bring your gardening tools to help the Autumn tidy-up.. Refreshments provided in the Pavilion. Everyone is welcome. Bridge in Bloom Rosy and Katy spent a hot afternoon in July visiting the Parish and admiring the gardens. The hot weather meant it was a challenge to keep the gardens colourful this year but we loved the variety and it was a hard decision to find the best garden that attracted the bees and butterflies. The winners:- The Dacha in Patrixbourne Road, whose multicoloured baskets and pots integrated well with their cottage garden, was the winner of the households prize and 64 Riverside Close was the runner up. The White Horse was awarded the Shield for Business, for their beautiful hanging baskets. Mansfield Court retained the Margaret Jones Vase for small businesses. New Councillor — Mike Sole Mike responded to our call for volunteers to be co-opted to the vacant seat on the Parish Council and was selected from the three volunteers. Snow Warden Among his other roles, Mike Sole has taken on the role of Snow Warden. If you feel able to help or encounter snow problems, then Mike is the person to contact. To contact the Council - Please telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Tel: 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Rosy Atkinson Katy Brooks John Corfield Paldeep Dhillon Steve Fawke Sue Hodges Rob Moon Mike Sole Chairman, Emergency Planning, Finance, Nailbourne group 01227 830629 Recreation Ground, Allotment Association, Litter Picking, Neighbourhood Plan, Welcome Pack, Bridge in Bloom 01227 830629 BVST/pavilion, Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, Bridge in Bloom, School Liaison, Youth in Bridge. 07516 450941 Planning, Newsletter, Website, Art in Bridge 01227 830976 Recreation Ground, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning, Mill Centre 07740 096261 Planning, ACRA, Neighbourhood Plan, Rural Area Member Panel, SCA, KALC, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 01227 830336 KALC, Neighbourhood Plan, Recreation Ground, Wild Flower Project, School Liaison 01227 830311 Planning (Chairman), Police Liaison, Village Hall Management, Emergency Planning 07874 637749 Snow Warden, Recreation Ground, Rural Area Members Panel, Neighbourhood Plan Emergency Planning 01227 830161 Visit for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings and subscribe to Bridge Bulletin to receive news and information by email Parish Council Caring for the village Autumn 2015 Newsletter A1, . V K In this issue:- Skateboardpark Day New housing proposals New Councillor — Mike Sole Speed Watch recruitment Recreation Ground Working Party Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 8”‘ October 201 5 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome Cllr Alan Atkinson Chairman Emergency Planning Nailbourne & Little Stour River Management Group Tel: 01227 830629 Cllr Steve Fawke Vice-chairman Emergency Planning Planning Committee Neighbourhood Plan Speedwatch Tel: 01227 830336 Cllr Katy Brooks Bridge in Bloom Mill Centre Primary School Liaison Recreation Ground Sports Trust Tel: 07516 450941 Cllr Rosemary Atkinson Allotment Association Bridge in Bloom Litter Picking Neighbourhood Planning Recreation Ground Welcome Pack Tel: 01227 830629 Cllr Sue Hodges Neighbourhood Plan Primary School Liaison Recreation Ground Wild Flower Project Tel: 01227 830311 Cllr Robert Moon Emergency Planning Hall Management Planning Committee (Chairman) Recreation Ground Tel: 07874 637749 Cllr John Corfield Art In Bridge Newsletter Editor Parish Website Planning Committee Tel: 01227 830976 Cllr Paldeep Dhillon Emergency Planning Mill Centre Recreation Ground Speedwatch Tel: 07740 096261 Cllr? This seat was not filled. If you are interested in being co-opted to this seat, then please contact the I Parish Clerk before 315‘ May. Your Parish Clerk Philip Wicker Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Tel: 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Parish Council 2015 As there were only 8 candidates for the 9 seats no election took place. This seat will be filled by co-option. Councillors serve for four years. The Parish Council meets on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at 7.30 pm in Bridge Village Hall. The Planning Committee meets just before at 7.15 pm. All are welcome to attend and are invited to address the Council at the start of the meeting. Agendas and Minutes are displayed on the Notice Boards by the White Horse and Bridge Down steps and on the web site www.bridgevi|| Calling all gardeners Bridge in Bloom Now that Spring has at last arrived it is time to . think, once again, about your flowers on display. As usual judging will take place in July. This year extra marks will be gained by those residents who use plants that attract bees and butterflies. We look forward to seeing a colourful array throughout the village again this summer. Rosy Atkinson and Katy Brooks Calling all artists Art in Bridge 1 5”‘ Open Exhibition 1 0"‘ & 1 1 "‘ October 201 5 Anyone living, working or studying in Bridge or a rural Parish within 5 miles, is invited to submit up to three exhibits — including sculptures and craft work. All abilities are welcomed. Children and young persons are especially encouraged to exhibit. Exhibitor entry form available from:- O O The Bourne Gallery, Chalkpit Farm, Bekesbourne O and in September from Colebrook Sturrock & Co, Estate Agents, High Street, Bridge Further information on the web site and from John Corfield, tel: 01227 830976 Bridge Bulletin We are starting up a Bridge Bulletin If you subscribe, the bulletin will be emailed to you, as and when there is something you might want to know about happenings in the village including:- 0 reminders of meetings and events 0 new items on the village web site 0 links to Minutes and Agendas 0 informing you of issues affecting the village — especially contentious planning matters. Please go to and subscribe to Bridge Bulletin You can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address will ONLY be used for village news. Visit the web site for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings Parish Council Caring for the village Summer 2015 Newsletter Introducing your new Parish Councillors Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 1 1”‘ June 2015 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome FREE Mobile Skatepark Day Saturday 19”‘ March A skateboard park will be set up for the day 10.00 am — 3.00 pm on Bridge Recreation Ground for those aged 6 to 16 years. ’ 17-: ‘ ' ‘ Equipment will be provided (skateboards, scooters, BMX & safety gear) . Bring your own if you prefer.! There will be refreshments and tuck shop in the Pavilion. The event is organised by Bekesbourne-with- Patrixbourne & Bridge Parish Councils and supported by Canterbury City Council. For further information call Bekesbourne Parish Clerk - 01227 831197 Mill Centre Following Canterbury District Counci|’s vote to allow the Mill Centre to be leased to Bridge Parish Council, steps are being taken to transfer control of the building to the Mill Centre Management Committee. The thirty year lease will be confirmed and transferred to the Management Committee as soon as the District’s officers are happy with the schedule of works required to refurbish the building. Pavilion The Pavilion is being refurbished to provide an additional venue in the village and will shortly be available for booking via bookings@bridgevi||ageha|| or by post to 83 High Street, Bridge Groundwater and Nail Bourne Report The Nail Bourne has become a little fuller recently, as the groundwater springs have fed into it. It is now flowing along its full length, and this has caused the recent sudden rise in its level. However, the prediction from the Environment Agency is that there will not be a flood this year, and the decision to put the flood-gate in place was because the ford was too deep to cross safely, rather than because of a need to prevent flooding along Brewery Lane. The groundwater level has also risen sharply recently (see graph below). However, it is expected that the village will escape the need for the tankering and over-pumping that we have experienced previously. In part this is because of the work done by the water company, in part because the rainfall has not been quite as severe, and finally it is expected that spring will begin soon, when the groundwater levels will recede. All the relevant agencies however, are continuing to monitor the situation. NORTH DOWNS- LITTLE BUCKET- CHALK FlalI|llIl'IglI!l‘IlllII filllll aalamrma pQfR|d.]Ill1!l7‘I In II|El:2I'l12 Jul-14 Apr-1| JII-1| Dd-15 .|an—15 Apr-15 .I|.I-15 Oct-15 .IarI—'lE Groundwater levels in Bekesbourne 2014-2016: Q11 2 3 CEEAN FOR mgr: TJE QUEEN Litter-Pick Saturday 5”‘ March Help clean the village this Saturday. Meet 10.30 am at the Post Office. Bring some gloves. Fly-tipping Please report all fly-tipping directly to our City Councillor Simon Cook or the City Council. Recreation Ground Working Party Saturday 1 6"‘ April 201 6 5‘ A . P‘ Working Party 2015 Please come along to the pavilion from 9 30 am, wearing warm clothes and bring your gardening gloves and tools to help with the Spring tidy up. Refreshments provided - everyone is welcome. Bridge in Bloom This year we plan to judge the spring gardens as well as the summer displays. Only front gardens are part of the competition. We look forward to your colourful creations. Queen's Birthday Celebration in Bridge Sunday 12”‘ June The Queen's 90th Birthday will be celebrated on Sunday 12”‘ June from 12 noon to 4pm on the Recreation Ground. There will be cast|e,tea/sandwiches/cakes/strawberries and cream /ice cream. Beer and Pimms tent. live entertainment, bouncy Come and join in the celebrations. All donations to St Johns Ambulance and the Red Cross (who aided the village during the floods). Dog Fouling New signs are to be installed shortly on the recreation ground, at every entrance, stating that dogs are not allowed. Penalty charge notices can be issued for the following reasons for walking a dog in a dog ban area:- failure to keep a dog on a lead in a controlled area failure to clean up after a dog has fouled failure to control a dog when requested to do so They must be paid within 60 days, or a court order may be issued resulting in a fine of up to £1000. Bad Parking Do continue to complain about school and other bad parking to the City Council to keep the pressure on traffic wardens. You can post pictures, of bad parking, anonymously, on the Facebook page - ‘Park It Right Canterbury‘. To contact the Council - Please telephone or email the Parish Clerk: tel: 01227 831085 Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Rosy Atkinson Katy Brooks John Corfield Paldeep Dhillon Steve Fawke Sue Hodges Rob Moon Mike Sole Chairman, Emergency Planning, Finance, Nailbourne group 01227 830629 Recreation Ground, Allotment Association, Litter Picking, Neighbourhood Plan, Welcome Pack, Bridge in Bloom 01227 830629 BVST/pavilion, Recreation Ground, Mill Centre, Bridge in Bloom, School Liaison, Youth in Bridge. 07516 450941 Planning, Newsletter, Website, Art in Bridge 01227 830976 Recreation Ground, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 07740 096261 Planning, ACRA, Neighbourhood Plan, Rural Area Member Panel, SCA, KALC, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 01227 830336 KALC, Neighbourhood Plan, Recreation Ground, Wild Flower Project, School Liaison 01227 830311 Planning (Chairman), Police Liaison, Village Hall Management, Emergency Planning 07874 637749 Snow Warden, Recreation Ground, Rural Area Members Panel, Neighbourhood Plan Emergency Planning 01227 830161 Visit for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings and subscribe to Bridge Bulletin and Bridge Village Facebook page Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2016 Newsletter Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 28th April 7.30 pm Bridge Village Hall Come and find out what the Parish Council has done this year and meet your Councillors. Refreshments provided Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 10”‘ March 201 6 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome Your new Parish Councillors Paul Davies I was born and brought up in Adisham and I spent most of my spare time as a child helping out on one of the farms. I moved to Bridge in 1982 and have lived here ever since. All three of my children attended Bridge School and the various youth groups — Brownies, Cubs and Scouts. Most of my adult life has been spent working with trees. These days I prefer to stay on the ground or use my cherry picker rather than climb them and have mainly gone back to coppicing and underwood cutting. I hope to use these skills as much as I can as a Parish Councillor and am always available to advise on matters arboricultural. Kiran Dhaliwal I was born and raised in Bridge and lived here most of my life until moving to Canada and then back to the UK for University. I hold a degree in politics and have worked in various .5 organisations from the Mayor's Office in London to Universities UK until moving back to Bridge this year where I now work for the University of Kent. I have always worked in the field of communications and PR and hope to use my professional skills to help enhance the profile of Bridge. Pavilion upgraded for hiring The Parish Council has up-graded the , ‘ Pavilion to ensure that P ~ it is available for a \ wide range of people ‘. in the village and ‘- " - surroundings to rent for a function, eg a children's party or an art class, in addition to its use by footballers. The latest addition is a widened access path and a disabled ramp into the building, in addition to the disabled toilet. Why not come and have a look? Please contact the Clerk to arrange a guided tour. Drainage Work Following the surface water flooding last June, Bridge Parish Council met with various Kent County Council (KCC) and Canterbury District engineers and made representations at their Joint Transportation Board meetings. As a result of the pressure applied by Bridge Parish Council, KCC agreed to carry out CCTV surveys of the highways drainage system around the High Street. Everywhere we asked them to look at, they uncovered significant problems with their system, problems that they have now promised to fix as soon as possible. We ask therefore, that villagers bear with the considerable, but temporary, disruption as these works progress. Flood Prevention The Environment Agency’s groundwater charts show the levels returning towards their long term averages and with ‘notably low’ recent rainfall figures, it is unlikely that the village will experience difficulties due to groundwater flooding this winter. The works carried out following the flooding in 2014, supported and partly funded by Bridge Parish Council, continue. It is hoped that the EA will have completed their mapping of the Nail Bourne by the winter. This evidence base will be able to support bids for funding from central Government to further safeguard the Nailbourne valley against future flood risk events. Children's play area The Children's Play area, on the Recreation Ground now has a bright yellow protective fence and we are in the process of replacing the swings. You are reminded that the whole of the Recreation Ground is subject to a Dog Control Order. Cut shrubs/hedges back off pavement Please, please cut back any of your shrubs/hedges that encroach on to the pavement. Pedestrians should be able to use the pavements without hindrance. They certainly should not be forced into the gutter. Please cut them back. Thank you. Canterbury District Council agreed to offer a lease to Bridge Parish Council for the Mill Centre. We are currently working with the Mill Centre Management Committee (MCMC) in order that we can facilitate the transfer of that asset from the District Council to the MCMC. If you can assist the MCMC with their fundraising efforts, as they seek to renovate the building, please contact them directly via their web site| This year we surveyed the village in both May and July. The winner is 13 Dering Road whose small but beautiful garden was full of colour at both times. Second is 49 Bridge Down whose dahlias and summer colour were impressive. The large business trophy this year goes to the Red Lion for their continual colour on the High Street and the small business vase is retained by Mansfield Court. It will soon be time to put up the High Street Christ- mas trees, again. There are nearly 100 trees to be decorated with lights and installed high up for all to see and admire. We can't do this without you help. Please come and help on Saturday 3"‘ December starting at 9.30am in the Village Hall. Please telephone or email the Parish Clerk: tel: 01227 831085 c|erk@bridgevi|| Alan Atkinson Rosy Atkinson John Corfield Paul Davies Kiran Dhaliwal Paldeep Dhillon Steve Fawke Sue Hodges Mike Sole Chairman, Emergency Planning, Finance, Nailbourne group 01227 830629 Recreation Ground, Allotment Association, Litter Picking, Neighbourhood Plan, Welcome Pack, Bridge in Bloom 01227 830629 Planning, Newsletter, Website, Art in Bridge 01227 830976 johnc@bridgevi|| Planning, Recreation Ground, Emergency Planning, BVST, Police Liaison coppicewood@out| Newsletter, Website kiran.dha|iwa|@hotmai|.com Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 07740 096261 pa|deepdhi||on@mai|.com Planning,ACRA, Neighbourhood Plan, Rural Area Member Panel, SCA, KALC, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 01227 830336 steve@bridgevi|| Planning, KALC, Neighbourhood Plan, Recreation Ground, Wild Flower Project, School Liaison 01227 830311 sue@bridgevi|| Snow Warden, Recreation Ground, Rural Area Members Panel, Neighbourhood Plan Emergency Planning 01227 830161 mike@bridgevi|| Speedwatch For many years, Bridge has seen a steady increase in motor traffic, parking problems and speeding throughout the village and not just along the High Street. As residents, we can get involved with Speedwatch now. It is a scheme whereby we monitor speeds ourselves and report infringements to the police. The latest Speedwatch figures are also reported on our website and the village facebook page. We are recruiting and training small teams of residents in the use of the equipment to help address our speeding issues. To be a member of Bridge Village's Speedwatch teams please contact Cllr Paldeep Dhillon. Neighbourhood Plan The Plan has been sent to Canterbury District's Planning Department. They have begun what they term Regulation 16 Consultations, which culminates in an examination of the Plan by a Planning Inspector. If the Inspector is satisfied with the Plan, the electorate of the Village will be able to vote in a referendum to either accept or reject the entire Plan. You can find out more, and send your comments to the Inspector via this web page: https: // neighbourhood-plan-consultation/ To contact the Council — Contact the Parish Clerk on 01227 831085 or at: c|erk(c'Dbridgevi|| Bridge Parish Councillors Cllr. Alan Atkinson - Chairman 01227 830629 pheasantscroft(c'1) Cllr. Steve Fawke - Vice-Chairman 01227 830336 Cllr. Rosy Atkinson 01227 830629 Cllr. Paul Davies 01227 830760 Cllr. Paldeep Dhillon 07740 096261 paldeepdhillon(d) Cllr. Sue Hodges 01227 830311 sue(c'1) Cllr Neil Kirk 07972 281 789 neil(c'1) Cllr Rob Moon r'moonb c Cllr. Scott Shirley 07990 833874 Pavilion and Recreation Ground The Pavilion is available for hire. The building has been refurbished, and the Parish Council has successfully applied for funding towards improving the heating and insulation of the building. It is wheelchair accessible and is available to hire for sports activities, children's parties and adult classes. To hire the Pavilion, at very competitive rates for parish residents, please contact the Clerk. Commemorating the end of WW1 In November Bridge will host several events commemorating the end of the war. If you have an idea for something, or would like to help in any way with the programme, contact Cllr Steve Fawke. Art in Bridge This fine event returns for its 20th exhibition. Further details can be found at htt : www.artinbrid e.or .uk Bridge in Bloom First prize in the Bridge in Bloom competition has been won by 1 New Cottages in Renville with second prize going to 19 Riverside Close. The Prize for large businesses, goes to The Red Lion and the small business prize has been won by Churchill Close on Union Road. DOES BRIDGE NEED A POST OFFICE? [It has had onefor at least 1 70years until it closed on 29]une 2018!] Ifyou think so please complete this form, cut it out and return it URGENTLY to Michael Stewart at 4 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 SAT or, to the Clerk at 47, High St. Bridge CT4 5]Z — or scan it to Post Office officials have said that they will reinstate some form of Post Office in Bridge but it may be minimal and, in any case, not until they can find a postmaster to run it. A mobile Post Office van is not an option according to the Post Office, though it is included below. If you are content to do so, please give your name and address. The information will only be used to help build a case for a Post Office in the Village. So, to some questions:- How often did you use Bridge Post Office? What services did you use it for? Is its closure causing you difficulties? Yes/No If it is re-opened, would you prefer it a) in a mobile van where the library comes to in Western Avenue? b) in the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground? lfthere was to be a choice of day(s) which would you prefer? Any other comments? Thanks to the volunteers who assisted with the recent working parties on the Recreation Ground. There are regular gardening sessions to maintain the wild-flower and sensory plant gardens and to plant bulbs and shrubs. If you would like to assist with any of these groups, contact Cllr Sue Hodges, or keep an eye on the Village webpage for details. Many thanks also to our village litterpickers, Calling all Village Groups: if you would like to have your group's contact details displayed upon the ‘Bridge Village’ webpages, please let the Clerk have the details. And please do remember to inform us -by contacting the Parish Clerk- whenever details change so that the contact information for your group can be updated. Cllr Neil Kirk We have two new councillors, well a new person, and someone not so new, who will contribute to the voluntary work of the Parish Council. Cllr Rob Moon In May 2019 there will be parish council elections. Have you considered standing as a Councillor? BRIDGE Parish Council o Bridge Post Office Questions o Neighbourhood Plan o Bridge in Bloom Winners 0 Speedwatch Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 13th September 2018 Visit for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings and to subscribe to Bridge Bulletin and to the Bridge Village Facebook group.