BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 9"‘ October 2003 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hill, Mark Esdale, Barbara Beinder 1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr Corfield. 2. Planning applications received: the following planning applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/-3/01297/BRl- two storey extension to provide retail and storage space- 26 a High Street CA/03/01301/BRl- two storey front and single storey rear/ side extensions to dwelling- 34 Conyngham Lane (revised scheme) CAL/0300103/BRl- internal alteration and replacement sash window an shop window- 52 High Street Bridge CA/03/01247/BRl- installation of electronically controlled roll up door to front of garage- 26, Conyngham Lane Bridge CA/03/01073/BRl- 16, Union Road Bridge- first floor extension, replacement of flat roof with pitched and replacement conservatory to rear of dwelling (revised scheme) CAM/03/00009/BRl— location is South ofthat granted under CAM/03/0001/BRI. Erection of 15 metres high freestanding pole with 6 antennae on top, one dish and two equipment cabinets at Renville Farm. 3. Planning applications granted: the following planning applications have been notified as being granted: CA/03/00748/BRl- the Purlins, Meadow Close- replacement greenhouse CA/03/00048/BEK- replacement of fire damaged fruit store, new dock levellers and lorry area and new packaging store at Highland Court farm Bekesbourne CAL03/00073/BRl- River House, 67 High Street Bridge- glazed conservatory linking house and cottage with new door into cottage CA/03/01073/BRl- 16, Union Road —first floor extension, replacement of flat roof with pitched and replacement conservatory to rear of dwelling CA/03/01306/BRl- Willows. Patrixbourne Road- single storey rear extension to dwelling and chimney stack CA/03/01169/BRl- Bridge Down, Station Road Bridge- erection of detached garage 4. CAL03/00023/BRl- Church cottage, 104 High Street- It was noted that the date for the appeal would be 24"‘ February 2004 at 10am. 5. CA/89/0680/BRl- The Robbins, Bridge Hill- The receipt of correspondence from Bob Britnall concerning The Robbins was noted. 6. Phone Masts: It was agreed that Cllr Esdale would draft a standard response to applications for phone masts in the area for approval at the next meeting. 7. Document Storage: It was agreed to retain information about planning applications for 6 years. 8.Date of next meeting: It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 13th November 2003 at 7.00pm. 2 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 13"‘ November 2003 at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hill, Mark Esdale, Barbara Beinder and Corfield. 9. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 10. Minutes of the meeting held on 9thOctober 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on 9thOctober 2003 were confirmed as true record 11. Planning applications received: the planning committee agreed the following responses to the planning applications listed below: CA/03/01427/BRl—Coppice Bridge Hill— two storey side/front extension to dwelling— no objections CA/03/01496/BRl— The Dell, Bridge Hill— single storey rear extension to dwelling— no objections 12. Planning applications granted: the following planning applications have been notified as being granted: CA/03/01247/BRI - 26, Conyngham Lane- Roll up garage CA/03/01301/BRl— 34, Conyngham Lane- two storey front and single storey rear/side extension CA/03/01297/BRl— 26a High Street— two storey rear extension to provide retail and storage space 13. Post Decision Revised Plans- the following revised planning application has been received: CA/03/01073- 16 Union Road- first floor extension, replacement of flat roof with pitched and replacement conservatory to rear of dwelling BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 11th December at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hill, Mark Esdale, Barbara Beinder and Corfield. 14. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 15. Election of Chairman Cllr Hill was elected as the new chairman of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee. 16. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13”‘ November 2003 The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13"‘ November 2003 were confirmed as true record 17. Planning applications received: the planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/03/01619/BRl- 20 Windmill Close- garage extension to provide side extension to side of dwelling CA/03/01616/BRl- Church cottage 104 High Street- single storey rear extension to dwelling CAL/03/00137/BRl- Church cottage 104 High Street- single storey rear extension to dwelling (listed building consent) CA/03/01649/BRI-1 Renville New Cottages- two storey side extension to dwelling. CA/03/01649/BRl- 1 Renville New Cottages- two storey side and rear extension to dwelling (revised scheme) 18.Phone Masts It was agreed that the planning committee would adopt the policy Document for phone Masts produced by Cllr Esdale. It was agreed to ask Bridge Parish Council to adopt the policy at the next meeting. 19.0ld Hairdressers, High Street It was agreed that the clerk would contact the planning department with regard to the building work that is being undertaken at the old hairdressers along the High Street. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 8"‘ January 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hill and Esdale. 20. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beinder and Corfield. 21. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11”‘ December 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11"‘ December were confirmed as true record 22. Planning applications received: the planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CAL/03/00147/BRl- Lynton House High Street-installation of satellite dish CA/03/01792/BRl— 88 High Street Bridge— change of use of part ofground floor flat to estate agents office The planning committee objected to the following planning applications: CA/03/01679/BRl- 80 High Street- demolition of existing shop and erection of dwelling CAC/03/00024/BRI-80 high Street- demolition of existing shop 23. Planning applications granted: CAL03/00103/BRl— 52 High Street- internal alterations and replacement sash windows CA/03/01496/BRl— The Dell, Bridge Hill— single storey rear extension to dwelling CA/03/01619/BRl— 20 Windmill Close— garage extension to provide utility room to side of dwelling CAL03/00137/BRl— Church Cottage, 104 High Street- single storey rear extension CA/03/01616/BRl— Church Cottage, 104 High Street- single storey rear extension (revised scheme) 24.0ld Hairdressers, High Street It was noted that Liz Kerr of Development Services has agreeing to investigate the possible breach of planning control at the Old Hairdressers 45 High Street Bridge. 25. The planning committee agreed with the article 4 direction from Canterbury City Council to control alterations to locally listed buildings. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 12”‘ February 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Corfield, Esdale and Hill (chairman) AGENDA 26. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 27. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8"‘ January 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8"‘ January 2004 were confirmed as true record 28. Planning applications received: the planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O3/01790/BR|— La Dacha, Patrixbourne Road — single storey extension to side of dwelling CA/O4/00073/BR|— 6 Bridgeford Way— pitched roof with living accommodation to replace flat roof to rear of dwelling CA/O4/00127/BR|—3 Park View, Mill Lane Bridge— single storey extension and conservatory to rear of dwelling The planning committee objected to the following planning applications: CA/O4/00013/BR|— erection of bungalow on land adjacent to trees at Bridge Hill CA/O4/00020/BRi— 2 Park View Mill Lane Bridge— two storey extension to front and rear of dwelling 29. Planning applications granted: the following applications have been notified as being granted: CA/O3/01649/BR|— 1 Renville New Cottages— two storey side and rear extension to dwelling (revised scheme) CA/O3/01792/BR|— 88 High Street— change of use of part of ground floor flat from residential flat to estate agents office CALO3/00147/BR|— Lynton House, 83, High Street— installation of satellite dish 30.Planning Application Rejected: the following application has been notified as being rejected: CA/O3/01679/BR|— demolition of existing shop and erection of dwelling 80 High Street 31. Stables at Renville: It was agreed to wait for a planning application before taking any action over the stables being constructed at Renville. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee held on Thursday 11th March 2004 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Corfield and Esdale 32. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hill. 33. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12"‘ February 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12"‘ February 2004 were confirmed as true record 34. Planning applications received: the planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O4/00200/BR|— 72 Bridge Down— erection of detached double garage CA/O4/00263/BRl— Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge— single and two storey extensions to dwelling and relocation of dormer window CA/O4/00299/BR|— dormer window to rear of dwelling at 58 Western Avenue. However it was agreed to ask the planning department to bring the loss of a cherry tree outside 72 Bridge Down to the attention of Jon Lambourne, Canterbury City Council’s Aboricultural Officer. 35. Planning applications granted: the following applications have been notified as being granted: CA/O4/00073/BRI — 6 Bridgeford way— pitched roof with living accommodation to replace flat roof to rear of dwelling. 36.Planning Application Rejected: the following application has been notified as being rejected: CA/O4/00020/BR|— 2 Park View, Mill Lane— extension to front and rear of dwelling CA/O4/00013/BR|— erection of bungalow (revised scheme) on land adjacent to Trees, Bridge Hill 37. It was noted that Canterbury City Council has asked the owner of the recently erected stables at Renville to submit a retrospective planning application, as this constitutes a breach of planning control. 7 BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 8th April 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Corfield, Esdale and Hill 38. Apologies for absence No Apologies for absence were received. 39. Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11"‘ March 2004 The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11”‘ March 2004 were confirmed as true record 40. Planning applications received: a. The planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O4/00372/BR|— 14 Green Court— replacement conservatory CA/O4/00409/BR|— 45a High Street— replacement access doors/ gates to rear elevation b. The planning committee objected to the following application. CA/O4/00326/BR|— Garden Cottage— change of use from a clinic to a residential dwelling. It was agreed that changing the location of the entrance from front to back that the number of parking spaces would be reduced to one. In addition to this cars would have to reverse along the private concourse from this house, which is owned by another property, as there is no provision for turning. c. It was agreed to request a time extension from Canterbury City Council to make a decision about the following applications: CA/O4/00465/BR|— Sharnwood Bridge Hill— single story extension to side of dwelling CA/O4/00468/BR|— 12 A Windmill Close— single storey extension to rear of dwelling 41. Planning applications granted: the following applications have been notified as being granted: CA/O3/01790/BRI — The Dacha Patrixbourne Road— single storey extension to side of dwelling CA/O4/00127/BR|— 3 Park View Mill Lane— single storey extension and conservatory to rear of dwelling DRAFT BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 12”‘ May 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and Hill 1. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 2. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14"‘ April were confirmed as a true record. 3. Planning applications received; a. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning application listed below : CA/O5/001516/BRI — Cedars , Higham Lane — Erection of dwelling (Renewal of application first made in 1995) b. CA/O5/00362/BRI — Land South East of Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. (Resubmission) The Planning Committee has written to CCC objecting to the revised plans. 4. It was noted that the following applications are being granted; CA/O5/00280/BRI — Bridge & Patrixbourne C of E School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Stationing of temporary single—storey building. CA/O5/00306/BRI — 34 Western Ave, Bridge — First floor extension to side of dwelling. CA/O5/00322/BRI — The Shires, Old Renville Farm, Bridge — Erection of shed in rear garden The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 9”‘ June at 7.15 in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date 2 BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 10*“ June 2004 in the Hunter Room of Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 7. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 8. Election of the Chairman of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee Cllr Hill was proposed for the post of chairman of the planning committee by Cllr Edmonds and seconded by Cllr Beinder. 9. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13"‘ May 3004 were confirmed as true record. 10. Planning applications received: a. The planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O4/00673/BR|— erection of stables— open field to the north—west of Renville Farmhouse CA/O4/00781/BR|— conversion of integral garage into additional accommodation, porch to front and pitched roofs to existing conservatory and side extension— 72 Bridge Down CA/O4/00757/BEK— erection of B1/B8 storage warehouse building with ancillary parking and servicing— Highland Court Farm Bekesbourne CA/O4/00326/BR|— change of use from clinic to residential dwelling with single storey side extension—Garden Cottage, Bridge Hill (revised plans) 11. It was noted that the following application is being appealed: CA/O4/00013/BR|— erection of bungalow— land adjacent to trees, Bridge Hill 12. It was noted that the following application has been withdrawn: CAL/O1/00124/BR|— external and internal alterations to The Red Lion, 75 High Street Bndge 13. It was agreed circulate any planning applications received during August as normal. It was agreed to arrange an extra planning meeting if any controversial plans were received. Chairman’s signature date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 8”‘ July 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 14. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 15. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10"‘ June 3004 were confirmed as true record. 16. Planning applications received: a. The planning committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O4/00549/BR|— 1 Brewery Lane— single storey extension to side/ rear of dwelling (revised plans) CA/O4/00326/BR|— Garden Cottage, Bridge Hill— change of use from clinic to residential dwelling with single storey side extension (amended/ additional plans) CA/O4/OO465— Sharnwood Bridge Hill— two and single storey extension to side of dwelling and revision to extensions previously granted under CA/98/1030/BRI b. CA/O4/00811/BR|— Archways Conyngham Lane— erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging Cllr Beinder declared an interest as she lives nearby. The planning committee has no objections in principal to the use of this site or the design of the proposed houses, however the planning committee is opposed to the proposed access to the houses for the following reasons: Access to site is not practical as it crosses neighbours land; (permission for this has not been obtained). Increased traffic in busy lane. Concerns re the number of trees that would need to be felled. 17. It was noted that the following application is being granted: CA/O0/00695/B|S— Middle Pett Farm— use of land for storage of seasonal workers caravans during the winter months— Middle Pett Farm, Pett Bottom Road CA/O4/00468/BR|— 12a Windmill Close— single storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/O4/00581/BR|— 80 Riverside Close— replacement single storey pitched roof extension to rear of dwelling CA/O4/00781/BR|— 72 Bridge Down— conversion of integral garage into additional living accommodation, porch to front and pitched roofs to existing conservatory and side extension 18. It was noted that the following application has been withdrawn: CALO4/00059/BR|— 1& 2 Old Renville Farm Cottages— single storey extension to side of dwelling 19. 45 High Street, Bridge. Cllr Hill will speak to the planning department at CCC with a view to a compulsory purchase of the property on the grounds of safety. 20. Article 4 direction passed by CCC. Chairman’ s signature date DRAFT MINUTES BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 9”‘ September 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 21. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 22. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8"‘ July 2004 were confirmed as a true record. 23. Matters arising from the Minutes: 45 High Street, Bridge — Cllr had spoken to CCC regarding a compulsory purchase of the property. Unfortunately, City Council does not have money to make a compulsory purchase of the property. The only thing that they can do to make the property safe is to put wire mesh around it to prevent any one entering the building. They will also Contact the Land Registry to see if the owner can be traced. 24. Planning applications received: The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CALO4/01160/BRI — 6 Bridge Down, Bridge First Floor extension to side and single — storey extension to rear of dwelling. CALO4/001173/BRI -1 Middle Pett Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, Porch and single—storey extension to rear of dwelling. Erection of detached double garage. CA/O4/01100/BRI — Samuel Court, Beech Hill, Bridge — Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling — 31/O8 advised CCC that Councillors have no objections to the proposed plans. CALO4/OOO78/BRI — 15 The Close, Union Road, Bridge — Installation of new windows to front and rear of dwelling — 31/O8 advised CCC that Councillors have no objections to the proposed plans. CAL/O4/00091/BRI — The Old Forge, 49 High Street, Bridge — Internal alterations. (Retrospective application) — still waiting plans from CCC deferred to next meeting. Councillors were not happy with the following application, but have reluctantly agreed to it as the existing structure is already in place: CALO4/01152/BRI — Base station, Nackington Farm, Bridge Road, Bridge — Extension of existing 15 metres high Telecommunications tower to 20 meters high and relocation of existing headframe and antennas. 25. The following application has been referred to the Development Control Committee on 14"‘ September : CALO4/00811/BRI — Land South—east of Archways, Conyngham Lane, revised/additional plans for erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. Cllr Hill had attended the site meeting in August but did not think it was necessary for the Parish Council to be represented at the Development Control meeting. Chairman’s signature date 26. It was noted that the following application are being granted: CALO4/00924/BRI — Allotments, High Street, Bridge — Vehicular Access CALO4/00483/BRI — Garages adjacent to 9 Dering Road, Bridge — Revised plans for erection of three replacement garages. CA/O4/00326/BRI — Garden Cottage, Bridge Hill — Change of use from clinic to residential dwelling with sing|e—storey extension. CA/O4/00847/BRI 1 & 2 Old Renville Farm Cottages, Renville Bridge, Single —storey extension to side of dwelling CA/O4/01100/BRI — Samuel Court, Beech Hill, Bridge — Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 14"‘ October 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 27. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 28. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2004 were confirmed as a true record. 29. Matters arising from the Minutes: 45 High Street, Bridge — Cllr Hill had followed up on his previous conversation with CCC to see if owner of property can be traced through the land registry but to date there was not news. 30. Planning applications received: The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/O4/01298/BRI — Le Picachon, Beech Hill, Bridge — Single storey extension to side of dwelling. Letter sent to CCC 15”‘ September confirming councillors have no objections to the proposed plans. CA/O4/01406/BRI - April Cottage, 1 Meadow Close, Bridge — Two storey side extension incorporating dormer windows to front and rear of dwelling. The Council noted and endorsed the issues raised a neighbour in Meadow Close, with relation to the close proximity of the proposed extension and also the issue of site management which had caused problems with previous works carried out at this site. CAL/O4/00091/BRI — The Old Forge, 49 High Street, Bridge — Internal alterations. (Retrospective application) — Letter to CCC 15”‘ September sent confirming councillors have no objections to the proposed plans. 31. It was noted that the following application are being granted: CALO4/OOO78/BRI — 15 The Close, Union Road, Bridge — Installation of new windows to front and rear of dwelling. CALO4/01152/BRI — Base station, Nackington Farm, Bridge Road, Bridge — Extension of existing 15 metres high Telecommunications tower to 20 meters high and relocation of existing head—frame and antennas. CALO4/01160/BRI — 6 Bridge Down, Bridge First Floor extension to side and single —storey extension to rear of dwelling. CALO4/001173/BRI -1 Middle Pett Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, Porch and single—storey extension to rear of dwelling. Erection of detached double garage. CA/O4/01100/BRI — Samuel Court, Beech Hill, Bridge — Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling 32. It was noted that the following application had been refused : CALO4/00811/BRI — Land South — east of Archways, Conyngham Lane, revised/additional plans for erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. 33. Pre- Planning Application Discussion. Proposed H3G Base Station at Highlands Lay—by, Pippin Ave., Off Bridge Hill (King Sturge) Proposed Orange Telecommunications Installation, Highland Court Farm, Bridge, Site Ref: KNT 0096 CA/O4/01477/BEK — Replacement of existing mast Highland Court Farm, Bekesbourne. The council reluctantly noted and agreed these applications. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 11”‘ November 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 34. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 35. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14"‘ October 2004 were confirmed as a true record. 36. Matters arising from the Minutes: 45 High Street, Bridge — Cllr Hill regretted that there had been no further progress. 37. Planning applications received: CA/O4/01504/BRI — Bourne Park — Installation of a radio base station comprising of 25 metres high lattice telecommunications mast, 2 antennae, 1 dish, radio equipment housing and ancillary development. The Chairman advised that Steve Davis of CCC had confirmed to the clerk that King Sturge had been notified that the application would be refused under delegated powers, and they had withdrawn the application that morning. The clerk would be notified in writing. CA/O4/01595/BRI & CAL/O4/00115/BRI — 19 High Street, Bridge — Conservatory to rear of dwelling. CA/O4/01596/BRI & CAL/O4/00116/BRI — 21 High Street, Bridge — Conservatory to rear of dwelling. Cllr Beinder declared an interest in the application and did not take part in the discussion. A letter was received from a local resident objecting to the plans. After discussion the decision of the PC was that the proposed conservatories were too large for the properties and not in keeping with the listed buildings. The clerk to notify CCC. CA/O4/01575/BRI — 80 High Street, Bridge — Demolition of existing shop and erection of dwelling. (Revised scheme) The Chairman read the reasons the existing application was refused. The new application was rejected because the committee did not think that the new application met the conditions set out for refusing the original application. A letter was received from a local resident objecting to the plans, and the loss of retail premises in the village. The clerk to notify CCC. CA/O4/01556/BRI & CAL/O4/00110/BRI — 10 High Street, Bridge (Grade 2 listed building) — single storey extension, dormer windows and roof lights to rear, light well to front of dwelling and replacement garage CA/O4/01558/BRI & CAL/O4/00110/BRI — (Revised Plans) 10 High Street, Bridge (Grade 2 listed building) — single storey extension, dormer windows and roof lights to rear, light well to front of dwelling and replacement garage. There were no objections to the proposed plans. The clerk to notify CCC. CA/O4/01556/BRI — 40 Union Road, Bridge — Single storey side extension to dwelling. There were no objections to the proposed plans. The clerk to notify CCC. 38. It was noted that the following application are being granted: CA/O4/01298/BRI — Le Picachon, Beech Hill, Bridge — Single storey extension to side of dwelling. CAL/O4/00091/BRI — The Old Forge, 49 High Street, Bridge — Internal alterations. (Retrospective application The date of the next Planning committee meeting was arranged for Thursday 9"‘ December at 6.45 p.m. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 9”‘ December 2004 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 39. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 40. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11"‘ November 2004 were confirmed as a true record. 41. Matters arising from the Minutes: 45 High Street, Bridge — Cllr Hill reported that he had spoken to Liz Kerr of CCC, they were closing their file, as there was nothing further that they can do. If the situation gets worse they will reopen their file. 42. Planning applications received: CA/O4/01674/BRI 3 Riverside Mews, Riverside Close, Bridge, Single storey extension to rear of dwelling. Councillors had no objections to the proposed plans. 43. It was noted that the following application are being granted: CA/O4/01406/BRI — April Cottage, 1 Meadow Close, Bridge — Two storey side extension incorporating dormer windows to front and rear of dwelling. CA/O4/01556/BRI — 40 Union Road, Bridge — Single storey side extension to dwelling. 44. Note that the following application have been withdrawn: CA/O4/01504/BRI Land at Higham Lane, Bridge Installation of a radio base station comprising of a 25 metres high lattice telecommunications mast, 2 antennae, 1 dish, radio equipment housing and ancillary development. 45.Any other Business The clerk was asked to write to CCC requesting a map of all the existing Telephone Masts in the Parish and adjoining Parishes. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 13*“ January 2005 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 13"‘ January 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds, and Hill 46. Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received. 47. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9"‘ December 2004 were confirmed as a true record. 48. Matters arising from the Minutes: The clerk had received a reply from CCC, unfortunately they are only just in the process of producing a schedule identifying the location of all the telephone mast sites, existing, proposed and rejected with the district. They will provide Parish Councils with a copy of the list when completed. 49. Planning applications received: CA/ O4/01857/BRI — Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. Installation of solar collectors to roof of dwelling.— Councillors had no objections to the proposed plans. CA/O4/01870/BRI — Samuel Court, Beech Hill, Bridge. Installation of dormer windows to front of dwelling.— Councillors had no objections to the proposed plans. 50. It was noted that the following application are being granted: CA/O4/01674/BRI 3 Riverside Mews, Riverside Close, Bridge, Single storey extension to rear of dwelling. CA/O4/01556/BRI & CAL/O4/00110/BRI — 10 High Street, Bridge (Grade 2 listed building) — single storey extension, dormer windows and roof lights to rear, light well to front of dwelling and replacement garage CA/O4/01558/BRI & CAL/O4/00110/BRI — (Revised Plans) 10 High Street, Bridge (Grade 2 listed building) — single storey extension, dormer windows and roof lights to rear, light well to front of dwelling and replacement garage. CA/O4/01595/BRI & CAL/O4/00115/BRI — 19 High Street, Bridge — Conservatory to rear of dwelling. CA/O4/01596/BRI & CAL/O4/00116/BRI — 21 High Street, Bridge — Conservatory to rear of dwelling. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 10"‘ February 2005 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 13"‘ January 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Beinder, and Hill 51. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Edmonds. 52. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13"‘ January 2005 were confirmed as a true record. 53. Matters arising from the Minutes: There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. 54. It was noted that the following application had gone to appeal: CA/O4/OOBRI Land southeast of Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. 55. It was noted that the following application are being granted: O4/01857/BRI — Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. Installation of solar collectors to roof of dwelling CA/O4/01870/BRI — Samuel Court, Beech Hill, Bridge. Installation of dormer windows to front of dwelling CA/O4/01575/BRI — 80 High Street, Bridge — Demolition of existing shop and erection of dwelling (Revised scheme) The clerk was asked to write to the planning department to query why this application had been granted when both the PC and neighbours had objected. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 10”‘ March 2005 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 10”‘ March 2005 in Bridge village Hall Present: Cllrs Edmonds and Beinder, 56. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hill 57. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10"‘ February 2005 were confirmed as a true record. 58. Matters arising from the Minutes: CCC had replied to the letter regarding 80 High Street. As only the Parish Council and 1 neighbour had objected, the plans had been agreed by CCC under their delegated powers. Cllr Hill had been unable to Contact Kim Bennett (Head of Development Services) to discuss this further despite a number of phone messages left on both sides The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 14”‘ April 2005 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date Draft Minutes for BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 14"‘ April 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and Hill 59. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 60. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10"‘ March were confirmed as a true record. 61. Planning applications received; a. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below : CA/O5/00280/BRI — Bridge & Patrixbourne C of E School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Stationing of temporary single—storey building. CA/O5/00306/BRI — 34 Western Ave, Bridge — First floor extension to side of dwelling. CA/O5/00322/BRI — The Shires, Old Renville Farm, Bridge — Erection of shed in rear garden CA/O5/00388/BRI — 28 Bridge Down — Installation of external chimney, pitched roof and single storey extension to rear of dwelling. b. CA/O5/00362/BRI — Land South East of Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. (Resubmission) It was noted that the applicants have submitted further plans to CCC revising the proposed access to the site. Copies of these plans have not yet been received by the planning committee. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 12”‘ May at 7.15 in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date DRAFT BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 12”‘ May 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Beinder, Edmonds and Hill 1. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 2. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14"‘ April were confirmed as a true record. 3. Planning applications received; a. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning application listed below : CA/O5/001516/BRI — Cedars , Higham Lane — Erection of dwelling (Renewal of application first made in 1995) b. CA/O5/00362/BRI — Land South East of Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging. (Resubmission) The Planning Committee has written to CCC objecting to the revised plans. 4. It was noted that the following applications are being granted; CA/O5/00280/BRI — Bridge & Patrixbourne C of E School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge — Stationing of temporary single—storey building. CA/O5/00306/BRI — 34 Western Ave, Bridge — First floor extension to side of dwelling. CA/O5/00322/BRI — The Shires, Old Renville Farm, Bridge — Erection of shed in rear garden The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 9”‘ June at 7.15 in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 9”‘ June 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllrs Edmonds and Lewis 5. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Beinder 6. The appointment of a new Chairman was deferred until the next meeting. 7. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12"‘ May were confirmed as a true record. 8. Matters arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. 9. Planning applications received; The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning application listed below : CA/O5/00588/BRI — 22 Union Rd. Bridge Two storey extension to side and rear of dwelling 10. It was noted that the following application is being granted; CA/O5/00388/BRI — 28 Bridge Down, Bridge — Construction of pitched roof extension and single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 14"‘ July at 7.15 in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date DRAFT BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 9"‘ September 2005 in Bridge Village Hall Present ; Cllr Hill — Chairman of the Parish Council— (Chair in absence of Cllr Edmonds) Cllr Beinder and Cllr Lewis 17. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Edmonds 18. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14*“ July 2005 were confirmed as a true record. 19. Matters arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. 20. The following applications were noted as having been approved during August; CAL/O5/00096/BRI (listed building) and CA/O5/00961/BRI — The Red Lion, High Street, Bridge Single storey extension to public house CA/O5/01022/BRI East Bridge House, Bridge Hill, Bridge Erection of detached garage and car port. 21. Planning Applications Received; a) The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objections to the planning applications listed below; CA/O5/01056/BRI -1 Dering Close, Bridge Alterations to roof and extensions to dwelling CAA/O5/00051/BRI — Red Lion, High St, Bridge Externally illuminated sign writing to front and side of public house. CA/O5/01095/BRI — West Barn, Old Renville Farm, Renville Farm Rd. Bridge. Erection of shed in rear garden b) The Planning Committee objected to the planning application listed below; CA/O5/01011/BRI — 14 Riverside Close, Bridge Conversion of one dwelling to two dwellings. Objections raised by residents of the area were noted. The committee object to the application on the grounds of the loss of parking resulting from the demolition of the garage and insufficient parking provision for the two dwellings. In addition, the current plans will result in loss of privacy for residents, which is a valued feature of the original award- winning design of the Close. The architectural uniformity of the terrace will be destroyed and, by creating a possible precedent for similar divisions, the present homogeneous nature of the community will be lost. 22. It was noted that the following applications are being granted; CA/O5/000893/BRI — 12 Riverside Close, Bridge Installation of solar panel to the front roof slope of dwelling. CA/O5/00865/BRI — Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge Two—storey extension to front of dwelling CA/O5/00946/BRI — 51 Union Rd, Bridge First floor extension to side of dwelling CASO4/00266/BRI relating to joinery details, windows, door & gable fascia CASO5/00302/BRI — relating to roof tiles Garden Cottage, Bridge Hill Bndge 7 CAL/O5/00064/BRI (listed building) and CA/O5/00078/BRI — 11 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling 23. It was noted that the following application has been withdrawn; CA/O5/00764/BRI — Land on corner of Dering Rd and Filmer Rd Bridge. Erection of 5 two-storey terraced dwellings and associated works. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee is on Thursday 13"‘ October at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s signature; Date; Minutes BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘ October 2005 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) Cllr Beinder 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Lewis The minutes of the meeting held on 8”‘ September 2005 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes Planning Application Received The Planning committee agreed that they had no objection to the planning application listed below; CA/05/01161/BRI Land adjoining 2 Dering Rd Bridge Erection of detached dwelling and garage It was noted that the following planning applications are being granted: CA/05/01056/BRI 1 Dering Close, Bridge CT4 5ND Alterations to roof and extensions to dwelling CAL05/00096/BRI CA/05/00961/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St, Bridge CT4 5LB Single storey extension & alterations to public house CA/05/01022/BRI East Bridge House, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AS Erection of detached garage, carport and fence CA/05/01095/BRI West Barn, Old Renville Farm, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of shed in rear garden It was noted that the following application has been refused; CA/05/01011/BRI 14 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN First floor extension & conversion of one dwelling to two dwellings The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10th November at 7.00 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10”‘ November 2005 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Lewis 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 13”‘ October 2005 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes Planning Application Received The Planning committee agreed that they had no objection to the planning applications listed below; CA/05/01400/BRI 5 Ford Close, Bridge CT4 5BN Dormer window to rear of dwelling CA/05/01435/BRI Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge , CT4 5AX Single-storey extension to side of dwelling The Planning Committee objected to the application listed below; CA/05/01011/BRI 14 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN First floor extension & conversion of one dwelling to two dwellings (revised scheme) Representatives of local residents, including the Chairman of the Residents’ Association attended the meeting and expressed their objections to the application. These were again noted. The committee felt that, although the design of the dormer windows has been improved, the other objections of the Planning Committee have not been resolved. The demolition of the garage will result in the uniformity of design of this award-winning terrace being lost. In addition, parking problems will be created and the committee believes that two parking places per property are needed to prevent habitual on-street parking. The division of the property into two dwellings will set an undesirable precedent in this community of family homes. It was agreed that Canterbury City Council Development Services Dept would be requested to make a site visit. It was noted that the following planning applications are being granted: CA/05/01161/BRI Land adjoining 2 Dering Rd Bridge Erection of detached dwelling and garage CA/00362/BRI Land South East of Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garaging (Resubmission) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8th . December at 6.45 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8”‘ December 2005 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Hill 35. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lewis. 36. The minutes of the meeting held on 10”‘ November 2005 were confirmed as a true record 37. Matters Arising from the Minutes Plans for 14 Riverside Close, Bridge (Ref; CA/O5/01011/BRI) will be discussed at the Development Control Committee on 13”‘ December. Cllr Edmonds will oppose the application on behalf of Bridge Parish Council. 38. Planning Application Received CA/05/01477/BRI Erection of three two-storey dwellings with associated works (Revised) Land on the corner of Dering Rd and Filmer Rd. Objections were raised to this application by several local residents at the meeting. The main area of concern was over safety issues because of the restricted access to the proposed development in a narrow road with on street parking. The Planning Committee did not feel it could object to the development on these grounds, which in its view were a Highways Department matter rather than a planning issue. It was pointed out that the current planning policy was to infill sites for housing rather than build on ‘green field sites’. It was agreed that the parking issue would be raised by the Planning Committee and additional assurances sought concerning the height of the roofscape. However, it was decided that the Planning Committee would not object to this revised application. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘. January 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘ January 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Lewis 39. 40. 41. 42. There were no apologies for absence The minutes of the meeting held on 8”‘ December 2005 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes Plans for application CA/05/01477/BRI - Erection of three two-storey dwellings with associated works (Revised) - land on the corner of Dering Rd. and Filmer Rd. were passed at the Development Control Committee on 10”‘ December 2005 with a condition that developers carry out an ecological study into the area’s wildlife. It was noted that the following planning applications have been granted; CA/05/01400/BRI 5 Ford Close, Bridge, CT4 5LX Dormer window to rear of dwelling CA/05/01435/BRI Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Single-storey extension to side of dwelling CA/05/01416/BRI 14 Riverside Close, Bridge Conversion of one dwelling into two dwellings (Revised scheme) CAA05/00051/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St, Bridge CT4 5LB Display of advertisements to public house The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9”‘. February 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9”‘ February 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill (Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Lewis 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds The minutes of the meeting held on 12”‘ January 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CAA06/00003/BRI Externally Illuminated Hanging Sign 26 High St Bridge Provided that the illuminated sign is switched off each evening at 11p.m. CA/06/00130/BRI Single storey extension to rear of dwelling 20 Union Rd, Bridge It was noted that the following planning application has been granted; CA/05/01477/BRI Erection of three associated works (Revised) Land on corner of Dering Rd and Filmer Rd, Bridge two-storey dwellings with The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9”‘. March 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9”‘ March 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds(Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Lewis 48. 49. 50. 51. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ February 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/00148/BRI Single storey extension to rear and replace door with windows to front and rear of dwelling 12 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ No objection provided the alterations are in keeping with the Close, which is a conservation area. CA/06/00251/BRI Extension & alterations to dwelling & replacement double garage Meadow Cottage. Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT CA/O6/00267/BRI Erection of greenhouse Granary House, Renville, Bridge CT4 5AD The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. April 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘ April 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Edmonds(Chairman) Cllr Beinder, Cllr Lewis 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ March 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/00393/BRI Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Replacement 2.44 metre high boundary wall to side of dwelling CA/06/00349/BRI Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling Application approved but the committee would have preferred to see more brick rather than weather boarding incorporated into the design as being more in keeping with the existing building. CA/06/00429/BRI Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5DH Extension to rear of garage CA/06/00446/BRI Old Renville Farm Cottages, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5DH Erection of stables on land to rear. The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CAA06/00003/BRI 26, High St, Bridge Non- illuminated hanging sign CA/06/00130/BRI 20 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling The Planning Committee also noted that the following application had been granted; CA/06/00309/BRI 15 Green Court, Bridge Replacement garage Although the committee were in agreement with this decision, the committee had asked for extra time to discuss the application, to which the Planning Department had agreed. It was therefore surprised that the City Council had subsequently approved the application without reference to the Bridge Planning Committee. It was agreed to write to the City Council Planning Department to point this out and to request that in future procedures are followed and decisions are not reached before the Planning Committee has had time to comment. Action; Clerk The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. May 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11"‘ May 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Edmonds(Chairman), Cllr Lewis 1. 2. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Beinder. The minutes of the meeting held on 13"‘. April 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes Cllr Edmonds read out a letter from Nan Barton of Development Control Service, Canterbury City Council, apologising for reaching a decision on an application regarding 15 Green Court without waiting for the comments of the planning committee. This was due to an error on her part, which she regretted. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/00491/BRI 30 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ CAL/06/00037/BRI 30 High St. Bridge CT4 5JZ Replacement conservatory and single and two storey extensions to rear of dwelling CA/06/00528/BRI 26 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/06/00520/BRI 7 High St. Bridge, Ct4 5JY Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling The Planning Committee objected to the following application; CA/06/00545/BRI 8 Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LD Conversion of garage into two dwellings It was felt that this was an over development of the site. There would be no outside space for either house and inadequate parking facilities which would put further pressure on Brewery Lane’s on — street parking. The designated parking place for one of the houses was an access road. The potential loss of a site which until recently was a thriving business was regretted and the committee objected to the change of use from commercial premises. The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/06/00251/BRI Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close CT4 5AT Extension & alteration to dwelling & replacement garage. CA/06/00267/BRI Granary House, Renville, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection ofgreenhouse CA/06/00349/BRI Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/06/00429/BRI Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5DH Extension to rear of garage CA/06/00393/BRI Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Replacement 2.44 metre high boundary wall to side of dwelling The Planning Committee noted, without objection, the modification to the following application; CA/05/01435/BRI Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Single storey extension to side of dwelling. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘. June 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8"‘ June 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 1. 2. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. May 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/00622/BRI 7 High St, Bridge Pitched roof over existing garage CA/06/00699/BRI Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge Installation of wall, railings and gates to front of dwelling CA/06/00608/BRI 29 Brewery Lane Land adjoining Brewery Lane change of land use to residential It was however agreed to point out to the City Council that the change of use from agricultural land in this case should not be regarded as a precedent. The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/06/00446/BRI Land Rear of Old Renville Farm Cottages, Renville Farm Rd. Bridge CT4 5DH Erection of stables CA/06/00148/BRI 12 The Close Union Rd, Bridge Single storey extension to rear and replacement door with window to front and rear of dwelling CAL/06/00010/BRI 12 The Close , Union Rd, Bridge Single storey extension to rear and replacement door with window to front and rear of dwelling CA/06/00520/BRI 7 High St. Bridge, Ct4 5JY Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/06/00528/BRI 26 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘.Ju|y 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date DRAFT BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13"‘ July 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Edmonds 12. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis. 13. The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘ June 2006 were confirmed as a true record 14. Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. 15. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/00817/BRI Land adjoining 2 Dering Rd Erection of detached dwelling and garage (Revised scheme) CA/06/00847/BRI — 20 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Installation of solar panels to roof of dwelling 16. The Planning Committee deferred a decision on the following application; CA/06/00740/BRI Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Conversion of existing dwelling into two dwellings The committee noted that the plans submitted were inadequate. A decision was therefore deferred until better plans could be obtained. There was also a question as to whether the building was listed. 17. The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/06/00608/BRI 29 Brewery Lane Land adjoining Brewery Lane change of land use to residential CA/06/00622/BRI 7 High St, Bridge Pitched roof over existing garage CAL /00037/BRI 30 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Replacement conservatory & single & two storey extensions to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14“‘.September 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘ September 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 13”‘ July 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. Planning Applications Received; The Planning Committee noted the following applications approved during August; CAL/06/00077/BRI 41 High St, Bridge Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/06/00960/BRI 4 Riverside Mews, Bridge, CT4 5TW Single storey extension to front of dwelling (Note; It was subsequently determined by CCC that the applicant did not require planning permission forthe extension) The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/06/01084/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JU Two—storey and single storey extension to dwelling Cllr Lewis objected to the use of cladding in the design for this extension. CA/O6/01164/BEK Waylands, Town Hill, Bridge , Bekesbourne Replacement shed with greenhouse and erection of new detached shed CA/06/01177/BRI Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Erection ofshed The Planning Committee noted the following applications have been granted; CA/06/00699/BRI Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge Installation of wall, railings and gates to front of dwelling CA/06/00740/BRI Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Conversion of existing dwelling into two dwellings CA/06/00847/BRI — 20 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Installation of solar panels to roof of dwelling CA/06/00545/BRI 8 Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LD Conversion of garage into two dwellings The committee expressed its disappointment at the lack of support from Bridge’s City Councillor in its objections to this development The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘.October 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘ October 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 14”‘ September 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. Planning Application Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following application; CA/06/01239/BRI 9 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN Conversion of bungalow to two self-contained bungalows The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CA/06/00817/BRI Land adjoining 2 Dering Rd Erection of detached dwelling and garage (Revised scheme) The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been withdrawn; CA/06/1084/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Two—storey and single-storey extension to dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9"‘.November 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9”‘ November 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 12”‘ October 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes. Planning Application Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following application; CA/06/01404/BRI 38 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Two—storey extension to side of dwelling CA/06/01411/BRI 2 Filmer Rd. Bridge CT4 5NB First-floor extension to side of dwelling CAA/06/00090 26 High St, Bridge CT4 5JZ Externally Illuminated hanging sign (Revised application) The Planning Committee objected the following application ; CA/O6/01431/BEK Higham Park, Bridge Hill, Bekesbourne CT4 5B.J Restoration & renovation of main house and conversion to four residential units, conversion and extension of stables, coach house and garden cottage to four residential units and erection of nine detached houses with associated garaging in grounds. Demolition of Blue Peter Bungalow and No Name Cottage. Representations were made to the committee by residents of Bridge. There were objections on several grounds, including the increased traffic in the village, the inappropriate design of the houses, the large scale ofthe development, loss of a public right of way and development outside the village envelope, which may breach the Regional Development Plan. It was agreed that KAPC would be approached for guidance as to the most effective way to lodge the Parish Council’s objections and that professional planning help would be sought. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted; CA/06/01239/BRI 9 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN Conversion of bungalow to two self-contained bungalows CA/06/01177/BRI Oast Cottage, Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5 AN Erection of shed The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14”‘.December 2006 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘ December 2006 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ November 2006 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes Dr Le-Las, Planning Consultant, had lodged a letter of objection to the proposed development at Higham Park (ref CA/06/01431/BEK) on behalf of Bridge Parish Council with Canterbury City Council Planning Department. Following receipt of the letter, it had been reported by the Planning Officer concerned that the application would be refused. Planning Application Received; The Planning Committee had no objection to the following applications; CA/O6/0152/BRI Land adjacent to 123 Dering Rd, Bridge Erection of a block of three garages with flat over The committee had no objection to the application but queried whether the use of clap boarding was appropriate. CA/O6/01601/BRI Plough & Harrow, 86 High St, Bridge Demolition of toilets and creation of seating area. Councillor Lewis asked to record hIS objection to the retractable awning. He felt that a permanent cover would fit in more appropriately WIth the surrounding area. CA/06/01605/BRI 8 Conyngham Lane Conversion of dwelling into pair of semi—detached chalet bungalows with associated alterations CA/06/01616/BRI 49 High Street, Bridge Conversion ofdetached shed to summer house and single storey extension CA/06/01608/BRI Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge Single-story extension to rear of dwelling The committee had no objection to this provided the neighbours did not object. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted; CA/06/01404/BRI 38 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Two—storey extension to side of dwelling The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused; CA/06/01411/BRI 2 Filmer Rd. Bridge CT4 5NB First-floor extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘.January 2006 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date D raft BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 11”‘ January 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill (Chairman), Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 42. There were no apologies for absence. 43. The minutes of the meeting held on 14”‘ December 2006 were confirmed as a true record 44. Matters Arising from the Minutes; Katie Miller of Canterbury City Council Planning Dept. had advised that the applicant for the Higham Park development intended to submit additional material in support of the application. The applicant had until 15”‘. January to submit this to the Planning Department otherwise the application would be refused under delegated powers. 45. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused; CAA/06/00090 26 High St, Bridge CT4 5JZ Externally Illuminated hanging sign (Revised application) The Parish Council will appeal against this decision. CA/06/0152/BRI Land adjacent to 12a Dering Rd, Bridge Erection of a block of three garages with flat over The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘.February 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 8”‘. March 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Edmonds(Chairman) and Cllr Beinder. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. There were apologies from Cllrs Hill and Lewis. The minutes of the meeting held on 8”‘. February 2007were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the planning application listed below; CA/07/00160/BRI Forge Cottage, 51 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA First—floor extension to side of dwelling It was pointed out that this was a listed building and the City Council planning authorities should ensure the plans were approved by the Conservation Department The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved: CA/06/01605/BRI 8 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Conversion of dwelling into a pair of semi-detached chalet bungalows with associated alterations CA/06/1734/BRI Amity, 23A Union Rd, Bridge, CT4 5LN Single- storey extension to side and dormer window to rear of dwelling CA/O7/00043/BRI 62 Western Ave, Bridge, CT4 5LT Erection of single storey annex to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 19”‘.April 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman's Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 19”‘. April 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill(Chairman) ,Cllrs Beinder and Lewis 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. There were no apologies. The minutes of the meeting held on 8”‘. March 2007were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the planning applications listed below; CA/07/00345/BRI The Shires, Renville , Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of Finger Post CA/07/00338/BRI 53 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Two—storey extension and replacement garage 10 side Of dwelling CA/07/00372/BRI 56 Western Ave, Bridge, CT4 5LT Extension of existing dormer window to rear of dwelling and replacement garage with office/ utility space. CAL/07/00033/BRI 51 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA First floor extension to side of dwelling CAL/07/00039/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St Bridge CT4 5LB Erection ofsmoking shelterto rear of public house CA/07/00392/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St, Bridge CT4 5LB (Linked applications) CAL/07/00043/BRI 7 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5AY Internal and external alterations CA/07/00429/BRI — 2 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Conservatory to Rear of Dwelling CA/O7/00445/BRI The Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Extensions to dwelling CA/07/00468/BRI Sharnwood, Bridge Hill Bridge, CT4 5AX Erection ofgarden shed The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved: CA/O7/00069/BRI 30 Bridge Down, CT4 5AZ Single-storey extension to side of dwelling CA/07/00130/BRI High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Single-storey rear extension, first floor lofl conversion and porch extension to front of dwelling CA/07/00085/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Alterations & Extensions to dwelling (Revised scheme) 62. The Planning Committee noted the following application had been reiected; CA/06/1434/BEK Land at Higham Park, Bridge Hill, Bekesbourne Restoration & renovation of main house and conversion to four residential units, conversion and extension of stables, coach house and garden cottage to four residential units and erection of nine detached houses with associated garaging in grounds plus two detached lodge houses at entrance. Demolition of Blue Peter Bungalow and No Name Cottage. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10”‘.May 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 10”‘. May 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill(Chairman) ,C||rs Beinder and Lewis 1/07-8. 2/07-8. 3/07-8. 4/07-8. 5/07-8. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 19”‘. April 2007were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the Dlannind applications listed below: CA/07/00487/BRI Land at 1 & 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Construction of a track and vehicular access from Pett Hill to 1 & 2 Great Pett Oast The Committee approved this subject to adequate sight lines being provided CA/07/00493/BRI 8 Western Ave, Bridge, CT4 5LS Loft conversion incorporating roof lights to front and dormerwindow to rear of dwelling CA/07/00524/BRI Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two—storey extension and replacement garage to side, two and single storey extensions to rear of dwelling. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CA/07/00345/BRI The Shires, Renville, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of Finger Post CA/07/00338/BRI 53 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Two—storey extension and replacement garage to side of dwelling CA/07/00429/BRI — 2 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Conservatory 10 Rear Of Dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14”‘. June 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘. June 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 6/07-8. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill. 7/07-8. The minutes of the meeting held on 10”‘ May 2007were confirmed as a true record 8/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting 9107-8. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objection to the Dlanning applications listed below: CA/07/00642/BRI Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Conservatory to rear of dwelling CA/07/00724/BRI 11 Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Single- storey extension to rear of bungalow CA/07/00738/BRI 15 Dering Rd, Bridge, CT4 5NA Two- storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/07/00794/BRI 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Installation of windows and doors 10/07-8 The Planning Committee objected to the following application; CA/07/00687/BRI 24 High St, Bridge Erection of detached garage with annex over There were objections to the loss of mature trees and shrubs in a Conservation Area. It was noted that this was one ofthe last large gardens remaining in the village centre and that the house was a listed building. It was pointed out that the house already had a double garage with studio over it together with a large gravelled area for parking. There seemed to be no justification for additional garaging. Objections were raised on the grounds of additional traffic movement should the new entrance in Dering Rd be approved. The area already suffered from a lack of parking spaces and there were considerable problems with larger vehicles trying to gain access to the narrow road. Fears were expressed about the ability of emergency services to access the area. It was also noted that there were existing problems with sewage drainage in the area. The plans submitted by the developer were inaccurate and did not show the existing entrance on Union Rd orthe extent ofthe shrubbery and trees that would be affected by the proposal. They also failed to show the new housing development in Dering Rd. It was agreed to ask Canterbury City Council’s Development Control for a site visit and to object to the application. 11/07-8.The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CA/07/00372/BRI 56 Western Ave, Bridge, CT4 5LT Extension of existing dormerwindow to rear of dwelling and replacement garage with office/utility space CA/07/00445/BRI The Archways, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Extensions to dwelling CAL/07/00033/BRI 51 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA First floor extension to side of dwelling CA/07/00468/BRI Sharnwood, Bridge Hill Bridge, CT4 5AX Erection Of garden shed CA/07/00467/BRI Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Erection of summer house CA/07/00493/BRI 8 Western Ave, Bridge, CT4 5LS Loft conversion incorporating roof lights to front and dormerwindow to rear of dwelling CA/O7/00524/BRI Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two—storey extension and replacement garage to side, two and single storey extensions to rear of dwelling 12/07-8 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CA/07/00487/BRI Land at 1 & 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Construction of a track and vehicular access from Pett Hill to 1 & 2 Great Pett Oast The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘. July 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘. July 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,Cllrs Lewis and Wilmshurst 14/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 15/07—8.The minutes of the meeting held on 14”‘ June 2007were confirmed as a true record 16/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting 17/07-8.The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the planning applications listed below; CA/07/00806/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Internal and external alterations CA/07/00847/BRI The Paddock, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Two and single storey extensions to dwelling CA/07/00849/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Garden shed in garden CA/07/00931/BRI 12 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY CAL/07/00095/BRI Internal and external alterations in connection with single-storey extension, dormer window and roof light to rear, replacement windows to side, light well incorporating window to front of dwelling. 18/07-8.The Planning Committee noted that the f0||0Wl|"lQ applications had been approved; CAL/07/00043/BRI 7 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5AY Internal and external alterations 19/07-8 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CAL/07/00039/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St Bridge CT4 5LB Erection ofsmoking shelterto rear of public house CA/07/00392/BRI Red Lion, 75 High St, Bridge CT4 5LB (Linked applications) 20/07-8 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been withdrawn; CA/07/00724/BRI 11 Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Single- storey extension to rear of bungalow The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. September 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘. September 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 21/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 22/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 12”‘ July 2007 were confirmed as a true record 23/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting 24/07-8. The Planning Committee noted the following applications approved by them during August; CA/07/01065/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Internal and external alterations (Revised scheme) CA/07/00849/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Garden shed in garden CA/O7/00849/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Garden shed in garden (Revised scheme) 25/07-8. The Planning Committee noted that it had objected to the following during August; CA/07/01050/BRI The Farmstead, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Single—storey extension to side of dwelling Against original terms ofthe conversion; change to external appearance CA/07/00687/BRI 24 High St, Bridge Erection of three bay detached carport with residential annex to side and above (Resubmission) No material difference to original application Cllr Mark Esdale will represent the Parish Council in opposing this application at the Development Control Committee meeting on 19"‘ September 26/07-8 The Planning Committee agreed that it had no obiection to the planning applications listed below" CA/07/01148/BRI 8 Bourne View, Bridge CT4 5LJ Erection of two racing pigeon sheds in rear garden (Retrospective application) (No objection, provided that the applicant improved the appearance ofthe sheds and that the issues believed to have been raised by the Senior Environmental Health Officer were satisfactorily addressed.) CA/07/01182/BRI 7 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Single—storey front extension and conservatory and balcony to rear of dwelling CA/07/01200/BRI Wychecroft, 3 Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Replacement Summer House CA/07/01265/BRI Land adjacent to 8 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Demolition of garage and erection of detached dwelling (Outline application) CA/07/01258/BRI The Paddock, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Single—storey extension to dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/07/01274/BRI 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Installation of window at first floor level CA/07/01273/BRI 11 Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Single storey extension to rear of bungalow (Revised scheme) 27/07-8. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CA/07/00642/BRI Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Conservatory to rear of dwelling CA/07/00794/BRI 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Installation Of WlhCl0WS and dO0l'S CA/07/00931/BRI 12 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY CAL/07/00095/BRI Internal and external alterations in connection with single-storey extension, dormer window and roof light to rear, replacement windows to side, lightwell incorporating window to front of dwelling. CA/07/01050/BRI The Farmstead, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Single—storey extension to side of dwelling (see 25 above) 23/07-3 The Planning Committee noted the f0ll0Wl|'l(] applications had been refused; CA/07/00847/BRI The Paddock, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Two and single storey extensions to dwelling CA/07/00738/BRI 15 Dering Rd, Bridge, CT4 5NA Two—storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/07/00980/BRI The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling Against original terms ofthe conversion; change to external appearance 29/07-8 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been withdrawn: Single—storey extension to rear of bungalow CA/07/00806/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Internal and external alterations (see item 4) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. October 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11”‘. October 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 30/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 31/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 13”‘. September 2007 were confirmed as a true record 32/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting 33/07-8. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no objection to the planning applications listed below; CA/07/01292/BRI 9 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN Replacement of covered walkway with single—storey extension to side of dwelling CA/07/01265/BRI Land adjacent to 8 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Demolition of garage and erection ofdetached dwelling (Outline application) (Revised and additional information) 34/07-8.The Planning Committee noted that the t0||0Wl|"lQ applications had been approved; CA/07/00849/BRI The Burrden, 2 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Garden shed in garden CA/07/00687/BRI 24 High St, Bridge Erection of three bay detached car port with residential annex to side & above CA/07/01200/BRI Wychecroft, 3 Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Replacement Summer House 35/07-8 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been refused; CA/O7/01065/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Dormer windows to front and alterations to porch at rear. (Revised scheme) CA/07/01148/BRI 8 Bourne View, Bridge CT4 5LJ Erection of two racing pigeon sheds in rear garden (Retrospective application) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8”‘. November 2007 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 8”‘. November 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 36/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 37/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 11”‘. October 2007 were confirmed as a true record 38/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; It was noted that CA/07/01265/BRI 8 Windmill Close would be decided by CCC’s Development Control Committee on 13”‘. November. It was noted that CAL/06/00116/BEK Higham Park Development had gone to public enquiry. 39/07-8.The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CA/07/01182/BRI 7 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Single—storey front extension and conservatory and balcony to rear of dwelling CA/07/01258/BRI The Paddock, Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Single—storey extension to dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/07/01274/BRI 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Installation of window at first floor level The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. December 2007 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘. December 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 40/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 41/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 8”‘. November 2007 were confirmed as a true record 42/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising. 43/07-8 The Planning Committee agreed that it had no objection to the following applications; CA/07/01547/BRI 26 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Single storey extension to side of dwelling CA/07/01609/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Dormer windows to front and alterations to porch at rear (Revised scheme) CA/07/01620/BRI Nackington Farm, Bridge Rd, Bridge Retention of poly tunnels forthe growth & production of strawberries for a period of five years CA/07/01699/BRI 53 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Two—storey extension and replacement garage to side of dwelling (Revised Scheme) 44/07-8.The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CA/07/01273/BRI 11 Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Single storey extension to rear of bungalow (Revised scheme) CA/07/01292/BRI 9 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN Replacement of covered walkway with single—storey extension to side of dwelling CA/O7/01265/BRI Land adjacent to 8 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Demolition of garage and erection of detached dwelling (Outline application) 45/07-8. The Planning Committee noted that an appeal has been lodged with the Secretarv g‘ state in respect ofthe following application; CA/07/01148/BRI 8 Bourne View, Bridge CT4 5LJ Erection of two racing pigeon sheds in rear garden (Retrospective application) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10”‘. January 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10”‘. January 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,Cllrs Lewis and Wilmshurst 46/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 47/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 13”‘. December 2007 were confirmed as a true record 48/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising. 49/07-8 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been approved; CA/07/01547/BRI 26 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Single storey extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14”‘. February 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘. February 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Edmonds (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 50/07—8.There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill. 51/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 10”‘. January 2008 were confirmed as a true record 52/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising. 53/07-8 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/08/0068/BRI Bridge Village Hall, 28 High St, Bridge Internal alterations t0 rear ground floor CA/08/000120/BRI St Benets Beech Hill, Bridge Roof extension to provide first-floor living accommodation including extensions to front and rear of dwelling CA/08/00157/BRI Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Erection of detached building in rear garden CA/08/00146/BRI Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT CAL/08/00014/BRI Two storey extension to rear of dwelling While the committee had no objections to the application on planning grounds, it was agreed to ask the city council to take account ofthe concerns raised by Mrs West, a near neighbour, when making a decision on this application. 54/07-3 The Planning Committee noted that the f0ll0WlhQ applications had been approved; CA/07/01699/BRI 53 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Two-storey extension and replacement garage to side of dwelling (Revised Scheme) CA/07/01620/BRI Nackington Farm, Bridge Rd, Bridge Retention of poly tunnels forthe growth & production of strawberries for a period of five years 55/07-8 The Planning Committee noted that the following apnlication had been refused: CA/07/01609/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Dormer windows to front and alterations to porch at rear (Revised scheme) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. March 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘. March 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,C||rs Lewis and Wilmshurst 56/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 57/07-8.The minutes ofthe meeting held on 14”‘. February 2008 were confirmed as a true record 58/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising. 59/07-8. The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CAL/08/00019/BRI 12 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY CA/08/00225/BRI Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/08/00233/BRlBridge with Patrixbourne C of E Primary School, Conyngham Lane,Bndge Temporary permission for stationing ofsingle storey modular building. 60/07-8. The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/08/00265/BRI Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Bridge, CT4 5JS Erection of five two storey dwellings. Objections were raised for a number of reasons including proximity to the historic setting of The Close, loss of view ofthe quadrangle form ofthe Workhouse from Station Rd, access and traffic problems, access for emergency vehicles to the rear ofthe Close and over—development ofthe site . The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10”‘. April 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 10”‘. April 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllr Hill (Chairman) ,Cllrs Lewis and Wilmshurst 61/07—8.There were no apologies for absence. 62/07—8.The minutes of the meeting held on 13”‘. March 2008 were confirmed as a true record 63/07-8. Matters Arising from the Minutes; Canterbury City Council had reported that Paigle Ltd. had submitted a s106 agreement to the Planning Inspectorate in respect oftheir Higham Park application last week. A decision is expected in the next few weeks. 64/07-8. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted; CA/08/00157/BRI Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Erection of detached building in rear garden CA/08/000120/BRI St Benets Beech Hill, Bridge Roof extension to provide first-floor living accommodation including extensions to front and rear of dwelling 65/07-8. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused; CA/08/00265/BRI Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Bridge, CT4 5JS Erection of five two storey dwellings. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘. May 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 8”‘. May 2007 in Bridge Village Hall. Present; Cllr Hill(Chairman) and Wilmshurst 1/08-9. 2/08-9. 3/08-9. 4/03-9. 5/08-9. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis. The minutes of the meeting held on 10”‘. April 2008were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the Dlannind applications listed below: CA/08/00507/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Dormer windows to front and alterations to porch at rear (Revised scheme) It was pointed out that the dormers would fit in better with the building ifthe sides were to be tiled. CA/08/00513/BRI Sports Pavilion, Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd. Single—storey extension to rear of pavilion Local residents living nearby asked why the extension was required and expressed concern about the possible loss of light to their properties. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been approved; CAL/08/00019/BRI 12 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY CA/08/00225/BRI Single—storey extension to rear of dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/08/00233/BRI Bridge with Patrixbourne C of E Primary School, Conyngham Lane,Bndge Temporary permission for stationing ofsingle storey modular building. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘. June 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘. June 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 6/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 7/08-9. The minutes of the meeting held on 8”‘. May 2008 were confirmed as a true record 8/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting 9108-9. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the Dlanning applications listed below: CA/08/00609/BRI 15 Dering Rd, Bridge Two—storey extension 10 rear Of dwelling (Revised Scheme) CA/08/00614/BRI Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Construction oftriple bay garage with family room above and separate single bay shed/workshop The committee had no objection in principle to this application. However, after hearing objections from a neighbour, the committee expressed concern about loss of privacy as the Velux windows ofthe proposed room overthe garage would look directly into the neighbours’ bedroom. It was suggested that these windows might be re—positioned on the other side ofthe roof, facing the village. Difficulties over vehicle access and turning space would also need to be resolved. 10/08-9.The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused; CA/08/00146/BRI Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT CAL/08/00014/BRI TWO storey extension 10 rear Of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10”‘. July 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 10”‘. July 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 11/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 12/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 12"‘. June 2008 were confirmed as a true record 13/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting 14/08-9. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the planning applications listed below; CA/08/00743/BRI 34 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of detached leisure building for swimming pool enclosure Following representations from residents it was agreed to point out that assurances should be sought regarding the noise of the pump and the potential damage to nearby trees. CA/08/00745/BRI 6 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of summer house CA/08/00807/BRI 83 High St, Bridge CT4 5AR Green house in rear of dwelling 15/08-9. The Planning Committee objected to the following application; CA/08/00703/BRI 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of three bay garage block with annexe over (Re—submission) Representation was made to the committee by Mr Quinn, the owner. However the committee continue to oppose this application on the grounds, among others that it contravenes Kent and Canterbury local planning policies regarding the impact on the setting of a Grade II listed building. There are also issues regarding the potential tree damage in a conservation area, drainage/flooding problems in Dering Rd and access to Dering Rd. 16/08-9 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted CA/08/00507/BRI The Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Dormer windows to front and alterations to porch at rear (Revised scheme) CA/08/00513/BRI Sports Pavilion, Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd. Single—storey extension to rear of pavilion CA/08/00609/BRI 15 Dering Rd, Bridge Two—storey extension to rear of dwelling (Revised Scheme) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. September 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 11”‘. September 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Lewis(Chairman), and Wilmshurst 17/08-9. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill. 18/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 10”‘. July 2008 were confirmed as a true record 19/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; CA/08/0703 24 High Street, Bridge Erection of three bay garage block with annex over (Resubmission) The committee noted that additional plans had recently been submitted. These were confusing in that two sets of plans showed the proposed garage in different positions within the garden. It had not been possible to contact the relevant planning officerto clarify this. It was noted that one ofthe new plans showed the building closer to the trees and this was a cause for concern. It would also make the new building more visible from the road, especially as extensive removal oftrees and shrubs had taken place. The proposed use of more porous material forthe path seemed to imply that there was a potential problem with flooding in Dering Rd, which the applicant had previously denied. It was thought that the use of a rafl as the base for the garage would do little to prevent tree damage. The main objection that the garage would damage the setting of a Grade II listed building and was therefore contrary to planning policy remained. The committee continued to object to this application. 20/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that there had been no obiection to the following planning application submitted in August; CA/08/00899/08 8 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Erection of porch to front, summer house in rear garden & decking (retrospective) to rear of dwelling 21/08-9. The Planning Committee commented on the following application; CA/08/01030/BRI 12 Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LD Two storey extension to side of dwelling The planning committee had no objection to the plans, however, it noted that the present owners ofthis property habitually parked their car so that it obstructed the pavement outside the house. It was hoped that ifthis application went ahead, the planning department would ensure that the extension was placed far enough back to ensure that the parking spaces were sufficiently large to allow cars to be parked within the boundaries ofthe property, withoutjutting overthe pavement. 22/08-9 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted; CA/08/00614/BRI Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Construction oftriple bay garage with family room above and separate single bay shed/workshop CA/08/00754/BRI 5 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Erection of summer house CA/08/00807/BRI CAL/08/00080/BRI 83 High St, Bridge CT4 5AR Erection of greenhouse in rear garden of dwelling CA/O8/00743/BRI 34 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of detached leisure building for swimming pool enclosure 23/08-9 The Planning Committee noted that an objection has been lodged with the Secretary E‘ State in respect of the following application which was refused in June 2008; CA/08/00146/BRI Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT CAL/08/00014/BRI Two storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9”‘. October 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 9”‘. October 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Lewis 24/08-9. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 25/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 11"‘. September 2008 were confirmed as a true record 26/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; 27/08-9. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the planning applications listed below; CA/08/01101/BRI 11 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Conservatory to rear of dwelling CA/08/01121/BRI Ardgarth, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Conversion ofgarage to additional living accommodation incorporating bay window and infill extension to front incorporating dormer window. 28/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been granted; CA/08/00899/08 8 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Erection of porch to front, summer house in rear garden & decking (retrospective) to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. November 2008 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 13”‘. November 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Wilmshurst 29/08-9. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis. 30/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 9”‘. October 2008 were confirmed as a true record 31/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 32/08-9. The Planning Committee agreed that it had no obiection to the planning application listed below" CA/08/TEMP/0032 Bridge & Patrixbourne CE Primary School Demolition of existing entrance lobby & formation of new extension to provide new entrance lobby and reception. 33l08—9. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been granted; CA/08/01030/BRI 12 Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LD Two storey extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. December 2008 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 11”‘. December 2008 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 34/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 35/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 13"‘. November 2008 were confirmed as a true record 36/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 37/08-9. The Planning Committee objected to the applications listed below; CA/08/01337/BRI Land adjoining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge, CT4 5JS Erection of detached dwelling. Loss of view of Grade II Union Building, inappropriate design of building. CA/08/01228/BRI Land adjoining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5JS Erection of three detached dwellings with associated garaging Objections as stated for previous application in March 2008. Over development of site, lack of access for emergency vehicles, loss of view of Grade II listed building. CA/08/01398/BRI Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Roof extension to provide additional living accommodation and porch to front of dwelling No objection in principle but roof line seems out of proportion and design not in keeping with surrounding properties. Use of weather boarding is not vernacular. CA/08/00703/BRI 24 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of three bay garage block with annex over (Resubmission) Re—positioning is major change in plans. Objections include proximity to other houses, lack of screening and apparent return to use of impermeable material for driveway. Structure does not enhance setting of Grade II listed building 38l08—9. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been granted; CA/08/01121/BRI Ardgarth, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Conversion ofgarage to additional living accommodation incorporating bay window and infill extension to front incorporating dormer window. CA/08/TEMP/0032 Bridge & Patrixbourne CE Primary School Demolition of existing entrance lobby & formation of new extension to provide new entrance lobby and reception. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8”‘. January 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 8”‘. January 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 39/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 40/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 11"‘. December 2008 were confirmed as a true record 41/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 42/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been granted; CA/08/00322/BEK Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bekesbourne CT4 5HN Outline application forthe construction of new business units (Classes B1 .B2 & B8) with associated car parking, landscaping, roads and yards. Conversion of existing Model farm buildings into class B1 units. Retention of residential; uses and removal of ancillary agricultural structures 43/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused; CA/08/01228/BRI Land adjoining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5JS Erection of three detached dwellings with associated garaging The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘. February 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘. February 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 44/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 45/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 8”‘. January 2009 were confirmed as a true record 46/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 47/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA/09/1461 Bridge & Patrixbourne Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Extension to form chill —out room 48/08-9. The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been withdrawn CA/08/01398/BRI Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Roof extension to provide additional living accommodation and porch to front of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘.March 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12”‘. February 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Lewis 49/08-9. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 50/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 12"‘. February 2009 were confirmed as a true record 51/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 52/08-9. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following ; CA/09/00156/FUL 26 Convndham Lane, Bridde. CT4 5JX Single—storey extension to side of dwelling (Revised scheme) 53/08-9 The Planning Committee objected to the following applications; CA/09/00102/FUL Silver Leaves, Bridqe Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Erection of detached building in rear ofgarden (Retrospective application) Objections were raised about the style and size of the building, which were not in keeping with the area. The height ofthe building was 3.7m which was higher than originally agreed. There were complaints from neighbours about the glare from the windows which directly affected their property. It was alleged that the building was being used for commercial purposes and that trees had been removed to accommodate the building without permission. It was suggested that a site visit should take place. CA/09/00259/FUL 1 Saxon Rd, Bridoe CT4 5LR First floor extension above garage It was felt that the extension was overbearing and would have a negative impact and take light from the neighbouring property. It was suggested that the extension should be double storey only to the depth ofthe current building and the remaining section of extension be single storey. The loss of yet another garage in the village was deplored as this would add to the on—street parking problems in Bridge. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9”‘. April 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 9”‘. April 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) Lewis and Wilmshurst 54/08-9. There were no apologies for absence. 55/08-9. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 12"‘. March 2009 were confirmed as a true record 56/08-9. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 57/08-9. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following ; CA/09/00364/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Extensions to side and rear of garage Cllr Hill declared an interest as owner of a neighbouring property 58/08-9 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/09/00102/FUL Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Erection of detached building in rear ofgarden CA/09/00156/FUL 26 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Single—storey extension to side of dwelling (Revised scheme) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council's Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14”‘. May 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘. May 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) Lewis and Wilmshurst 1/09-10. There were no apologies for absence. 2/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘. April 2009 were confirmed as a true record 3/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 4/09-10. The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following application which had been considered between meetings because ofthe deadline for comment" CA/09/00259/FUL (Revised) 1 Saxon Road, Bridge First floor extension above garage 5/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following ; CA/09/00555/FUL Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Roof extension to provide additional living accommodation and porch to front of dwelling (Resubmission) A site meeting had been held at the property by the Parish Planning Committee. The plans were regarded as a big improvement but the committee would prefer the use of brick or rendering to cladding, to fit in with properties in the area. 6/09-10 The Planning Committee noted the f0”0Wlh(] application had been granted; CA/09/00364/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Extensions to side and rear of garage The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. June 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning committee held on Thursday 11”‘. June 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Lewis 7/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 8/09-10. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 14”‘. May 2009 were confirmed as a true record 9/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 10/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following a CA/09/00703/FUL Bridge Place Country Club, Bourne Park Rd, Bridge CT4 5LF Change of use from residential to bed & breakfast accommodation including internal alterations The condition that Bourne Park Road should be the only access route was emphasised by the committee CA/09/00754/LB Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Replacement first floor window to side of dwelling 11/09-10 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/08/00703/BRI 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of three bay garage block with accommodation over (Resubmission) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9”‘. July 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9"‘. July 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Lewis 12/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 13/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. June 2009 were confirmed as a true record 14/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 15/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/09/00783/FUL 20 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension to rear of dwelling CA/09/00875/FUL 7 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Replace extension to rear of dwelling with an orangery 16/09-10 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/09/00809/FULTanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two storey extension to rear of dwelling The committee criticised the roof line which it considered did not fit well with the two bungalows on either side which had all been built at the same time to similar design. The use of clapboard was also considered inappropriate for the setting and it was suggested tiles would look better. 17/09-10 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/09/00754/LB Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Replacement first floor window to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. September 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday10 “I September 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Lewis 18/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 19/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘. July 2009 were confirmed as a true record 20/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; It was agreed to send a copy ofthe Parish Council’s letter to Canterbury City Council objecting to the proposed development of 24 High St CA/09/00827/FUL to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration in the forthcoming planning appeal by the developers. 21/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following applications approved during August; CA/09/00945/TPO Rear of 65 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Remove hanging branches from first sycamore tree and crown reduction to second sycamore tree subject to TPO No3 of 1985 The committee recommended limited reduction of lower branches on Tree 1 and some cutting back to previous cut back points on Tree 2, not crown reduction. 22/09-10 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/09/00944/FUL 1 Riverside Mews, Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TW Erection of greenhouse to side of dwelling CA/09/00703/FUL Bridge Place Country Club, Bourne Park Rd, Bridge CT4 5LF Change of use from residential to bed & breakfast accommodation including internal alterations 23/09-10 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been withdrawn" CA/09/00809/FULTanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/09/00773/FUL & CA/09/00883/LB 73 High St, Bridge CT4 5LB Conversion of restaurant to dwelling with four additional dwellings, first floor rear extension, external staircase, internal & external alterations and associated parking. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘. October 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 “I October 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst. 24/09-10. There were no apologies for absence 25/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘. September 2009 were confirmed as a true record 26/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 27/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/09/01455/FULTanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Dormer windows & single-storey extension to rear of dwelling (Revised scheme) The committee thought the plans were an improvement and were more compatible with the neighbouring properties. It was suggested that tiles rather than cladding on the dormer windows would be more appropriate and easierto maintain CA/09/01452/FUL 21 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘. November 2009 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 "1 November 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) ,Wilmshurst and Edmonds 28/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis 29/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘. October 2009 were confirmed as a true record 30/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 31/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/09/01447/FUL Land adjacent to wall at 22 High St, Bridge Erection of a bus shelter CA/09/01519/FUL 94-94 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Demolition of existing rear bake house, conversion of part of building to dwelling with retention of A1 unit, with flat above, and erection of two dwellings to rear Some concern was expressed by the committee about the loss of parking in front of the retail unit and possible difficulties over vehicular access for commercial vehicles. It was thought that the removal of the old bake house would have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the High Street. CA/09/01537/FUL 26 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/09/01588/FUL Bridge Health Centre, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Extensions to front & rear of health centre and provision of 11 additional parking spaces It was suggested that the additional parking spaces should be grass- based mesh to prevent any loss of ground water absorption by the use of additional hardstanding CA/09/01461/FUL Land adjacent to 8 Windmill Close Demolition of garage and erection of detached dwelling The committee queried the accuracy of the design statement and the poor standard of the plans, which showed two different front elevations. It considered that the hard standing should be of a permeable material to minimise run off. It also appeared that the roof height was greaterthan that of surrounding properties, which were bungalows. Some concern was expressed about the additional on —street parking this additional dwelling could generate. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. December 2009 at 7.00pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 "1 December 2009 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 32/09-10. There were no apologies for absence 33/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 12"‘. November 2009 were confirmed as a true record 34/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 35/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/09/01683/FUL Land at Middle Pett Farm, Pett Bottom Road, Bishopsbourne Erection of polytunnels (For information — no plans supplied. Site lies in Bishopsbourne Parish) 36/09-10 The Planning Committee Noted the following applications had been granted; CA/09/01452/FUL 21 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/09/01447/FUL Land adjacent to wall at 22 High St, Bridge Erection of a bus shelter CA/09/01537/FUL 26 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/O9/00555/FUL Silver Leaves, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Roof extension to provide additional living accommodation and porch to front of dwelling (Resubmission) CA/09/00875/FUL 7 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Replace extension to rear of dwelling with an orangery CA/09/00783/FUL 20 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension to rear of dwelling 37/09-10 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CA/09/01519/FUL 94-94 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Demolition of existing rear bake house, conversion of part of building to dwelling with retention of A1 unit, with flat above, and erection of two dwellings to rear The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. January 2009 at 7.10pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 "1 January 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Lewis (Chairman) and Wilmshurst 38/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill 39/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘. December 2009 were confirmed as a true record 40/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 41/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/09/01912 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Replacement single storey dwelling to rear of dwelling 42/09-10 The Planning Committee Noted the following applications had been granted; CA/09/01461/FUL Land adjacent to 8 Windmill Close Demolition of garage and erection of detached dwelling CA/09/01588/FUL Bridge Health Centre, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Extensions to front & rear of health centre and provision of 16 additional parking spaces CA/09/01455/FULTanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Dormer windows & single-storey extension to rear of dwelling (Revised scheme) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11"‘. February 2010 at 7.10pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11 "1 February 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Edmonds and Lewis 43/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 44/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 14"‘. January 2010 were confirmed as a true record 45/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 46/09-10 The Planning Committee agreed that they had no obiection to the following § CA/10/00026/LB 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Replacement single storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/10/00040/FUL Yew Tree, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5BB Single storey extension to front, two-storey extension to side & single storey to rear of dwelling CA/09/01462/FUL 8 Windmill Close, CT4 5LY First floor extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11"‘. March 2010 at 7.10pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11 "1 March 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 48/09-10. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill 49/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. February 2010 were confirmed as a true record 50/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 51/09-10 The Planning Committee members agreed that they had no obiection to the following application; CA/10/00136/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection ofgreenhouse in rear of garden 52/09-10 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/10/00026/LB 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Replacement single storey dwelling to rear of dwelling CA/09/01462/FUL 8 Windmill Close, CT4 5LY First floor extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘. April 2010 at 7.10pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8"‘ April 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 53/09-10. There were no apologies for absence 54/09-10. The minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. March 2010 were confirmed as a true record 55/09-10. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 56/09-10 The Planning Committee members agreed that they had no obiection to the following agglication; CA/10/000467/FUL 51 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Removal of garage and erection of single storey extension to front & side of dwelling It was pointed out that the extension would result in a four bedroom dwelling with only one bathroom. The flat roof was thought to be an unimaginative feature. 57/09-10 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA/10/00136/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection ofgreenhouse in rear of garden The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘. May 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13"‘.May 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Wilmshurst 1/10-11. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘. April 2010 were confirmed as a 2/10-11. true record 3/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 4/10-11 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA//09/00056/FUL Land fronting 1-3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LG Erection of 8 dwellings with associated parking and access road. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. June 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10"‘.June 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 6/10-11. 7/10-11. 8/10-11. 9/10-11 19/10-11 10/10-11 Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst There were no apologies for absence The minutes of the meeting held on 13"‘. May 2010 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. The Planning Committee members agreed that they had no obiection to the following applications; CA/10/00625/FUL 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of enclosed car port to side and raised decking and pergola to rear of dwelling CA/10/00671/FUL 10 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX First floor extension to side of dwelling The Planning committee obiected to the following application; CA/10/00720/FUL River House, 67 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA CA/10/00721/LB Two storey extension to side of dwelling It was agreed that the extension would not be in keeping with this important historic 18th Century building in the centre of the village. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/10/000467/FUL 51 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Removal of garage and erection of single storey extension to front & side of dwelling CA/08/01337/FUL Land adjoining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge Erection of detached dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘. July 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8"‘.Ju|y 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 11/10-11. There were no apologies for absence 12/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘. June 2010 were confirmed as a true record 13/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe previous meeting. 14/10-11 The Planning Committee members agreed that they had no obiection to the following agglication; CA/10/00915/FUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA First floor extension to side & single storey extension to front of dwelling. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9"‘. September 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9 “I September 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) Lewis and Wilmshurst 15/10-11. There were no apologies for absence. 16/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘. July 2010 were confirmed as a true record 17/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 18/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application; CA/10/01270/FUL 47 High Street, Bridge Single storey extension to rear of dwelling Cllr Lewis registered his objection to the use of cladding in this application 19/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application approved during fl£lU_~°»’i; CA/10/01080/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Installation of chimney 20/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/10/00625/FUL 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of enclosed car port to side and raised decking and pergola to rear of dwelling CA/10/00671/FUL 10 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX First floor extension to side of dwelling CA/10/00915/FUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA First floor extension to side & single storey extension to front of dwelling. CA/10/01080/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Installation of chimney 21/10-11 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused" CA/10/00720/FUL River House, 67 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA CA/10/00721/LB Two storey extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday14"‘. October 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 “I October 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) Lewis and Wilmshurst 22/10-11. There were no apologies for absence. 23/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘. September 2010 were confirmed as a true record 24/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 25/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application; CA/10/01525/LB 18 High Street, Bridge External staircase to basement The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday11"‘. November 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 4 October 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 10 October at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA//19/01834 Proposed single-storey side extension together with enlarged drive and formation of new vehicle a... - 73 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA TRE/19/00406 Tree 1, a weeping willow is situated to the side of the lawn along the bank of the Nailbourne, op... - Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF TRE/19/00413 | T1 - Magnolia - front garden - to re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to previous pollard pruning points and to clear BT and power cables through canopy. | 5 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN TRE/19/00427 | T1) -Sycamore located to the front garden and adjacent to the main road, reduce to a lower pollard, reduce the crown of the tree down to a finished level of approximately 5m above ground level. T2) -Fruit tree to the left of the rear garden, reducing the tree to its previous cutting and to remove the lowest side branch from over the lawn side. T3) -Elderberry tree located to the right reducing the top growth down to approximately 6ft. T4) - Hornbeam tree located to the far end of the rear garden (left) reducing the crown of the tree to its previous cutting points. | 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA//19/01753 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external alterations including work to - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/01754 Application for listed building consent for external alterations including replacement guttering - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TRE/19/00392 | T1 Oak tree located in rear garden reduce crown by approx. 3m in height and balance side growth, lift crown to give an approx. 6m clearance. | 16 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 10 November 7.15 m in Brid e Villa e Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11 in. November 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman) and Wilmshurst 26/10-11. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Lewis. 27/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 14m. October 2010 were confirmed as a true record 28/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 29/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application; CA/10/01875/FUL High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Two- storey extension to rear of dwelling 30/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/10/01270/FUL 47 High Street, Bridge Single storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9m. December 2010 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9 "1 December 2010 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 31/10-11. There were no apologies for absence. 32/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. November 2010 were confirmed as a true record 33/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 34/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/10/01963/FUL 11 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Porch to front, garage and first floor extension to side of dwelling CA/10/01962/FUL 49 Union Rd, Bridge, CT4 5LW Porch to front, first floor and two storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/10/01965/FUL Land Adioining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5JS Erection of a detached dwelling — (Revised Scheme) While confirming their opposition to the original decision to allow the building ofa dwelling in the garden of Mount Charles House, the committee considered that the revised plans were an improvement on the previous plans. The committee were concerned about the ability of emergency vehicles to access the rear of the Union Building in the event of an emergency and wished to make their concerns known to CCC’s Planning Department. 35/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/10/01525/LB 18 High Street, Bridge External staircase to basement The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘. January 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13 "1 January 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst 36/10-11. There were no apologies for absence. 37/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘.December 2010 were confirmed as a true record 38/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 39/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/10/02013/FUL Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Dormer window to rear, roof alterations and porch to front of dwelling Cllr Wilmshurst declared an interest in the above application because of family connections to the property and did not take part in the discussion. 40/10-11. The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/10/02127/LB CA/10/02114/FUL River House,67 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA Two storey extension to side of dwelling (Revised scheme) The committee thought the revised scheme did not address the original objections to this application. The extension was considered to be too dominant, detracting from the appearance of the Grade II listed building and as such it failed to preserve the appearance of the Conservation Area. 41/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/10/01875/FUL High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. February 2010 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 "1 February 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 42/10-11. 43/10-11. 44/10-11. 45/10-11 46/10-11 Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Lewis and Wilmshurst There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hill. The minutes of the meeting held on 13"‘.January 2011 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; It was noted that the Planning Committee had not received notification of the appeal against the decision to refuse the planning application for River House, High Street, Bridge. The committee had therefore had no opportunity to comment on the appeal. It was agreed that the clerk should raise this with the Canterbury City Council’s Planning Department. Action; Clerk The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/11/00035/FUL Wychwood, 1A Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension and garage The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/10/01875/FUL High Banks, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Two-storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/10/01963/FUL 11 Bridge Down, Bridge. CT4 5AZ Porch to front, garage and first floor extension to side of dwelling CA/10/01962/FUL 49 Union Rd, Bridge, CT4 5LW Porch to front, first floor and two storey extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. March 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 "1 March 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill(Chairman) and Lewis 47/10-11. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 48/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘.February 2011 were confirmed as a true record 49/10-11. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 50/10-11 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/11/00144/FUL 43 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Single storey extension to rear of dwelling CA/11/00109/FUL 14A Riverside Close, Bridge CT5 4BN Garden room extension to rear of dwelling While the committee had no objection in principle to this application, it was thought that the roof-line did not fit well with neighbouring properties. 51/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/10/02114/FUL River House, 67 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA CA/10/02127/LB Two storey extension to side of dwelling (revised scheme) 52/10-11 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CA/10/02013/FUL Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, CT4 5BL Dormer window to rear, roof alterations and porch to front The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. April 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 "1 April 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill(Chairman),Lewis and Wilmshurst 53/10-11. Inere were no apologies for absence. 54/10-11. The minutes of the meeting held on 10“‘.March 2011 were confirmed as a 55/10-11. true record 56/10-11 57/1 0'11 Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the 53/1041 minutes. The next meeting Of The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; Egflggiliarish CA/11/00216/FUL 73 Hidh Street, Bridde CT4 5LB planning Conversion and alterations to facilitate a mixed use of commercial (Use Class Committee will A3 restaurant/cafe) and 4 self contained residential units and two-storev be on Thursday 121h_ May 2011 L;/-\/11/U021//LB /3 HIGH street, Brldqe L; I4 51.15 31 _7-15Pf_T1 in Removal of external staircase, two-storev extension to enclose new staircase Brldge V|”a93 with internal and external alterations associated with the mixed use of Hall commercial (Class A3) and 4 self contained units. Ine committee IHOUQHI IHIS was an Improvement on the 0F|C||na| application. Chairman’s S'9“a'“"e CA/11/00163/FUL 10 Bridge Down, Bridqe, CT4 5AZ D t Conversion of garage into a habitable room a e CA/11/00386/FUL Wychwood, 1A Meadow Close, Bridqe,CT4 5AT Demolition of existing garage and erection of part two storey and part single storey side and rear extensions and garage (Revised scheme.) The committee commented that the extension was still very close to a neighbouring property. CA/11/00487/FUL Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridde CT4 5BL Dormer window to rear, roof alterations and porch to front of dwelling (Resubmission) Cllr Wilmshurst declared and interest and did not participate in the discussion. CA/11/00391/VAR Bridde & Patrixbourne C of E School, Convnqham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Variation of condition 01 of planning permission CA/08/0233/BRI relating to the removal of building The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/11/00144/FUL 43 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA single storey extension 10 rear OT dwelling CA/11/00109/FUL 14A Riverside Close, Bridge CT5 4BN Garden room extension to rear of dwelling The Planning Committee noted the following application had been withdrawn; CA/11/00035/FUL Wychwood, 1A Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Demolition of existing garage and erection of two-storey side extension and garage BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 “I May 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Hill(Chairman),Edmonds and Wilmshurst 1/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 2/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 14"‘.April 2011 were confirmed as a true record 3/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 4/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/11/00435/FUL 2A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Single storey rear extension & conservatory to dwelling CA/11/00578/FUL 94/96 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Demolition of rear bake house, conversion of existing building to 2 residential units incorporating alterations & extensions, retention of retail unit & erection of 2 storey dwelling to rear. CA/11/00658/CAC 94/96 High Street, Bridge, CT4 EDemo|ition of rear bake house The committee commented that this was an improvement on the original plans and hoped that work would begin to reverse the deterioration of the listed buildings. It welcomed the retention of the retail unit. However, the committee thought that the development was cramped on the site and noted the objections of a neighbour concerning the size of the proposed dwelling in the back garden, the potential over development of the site and the small turning/parking area for vehicles associated with the development. CA/11/00566/FUL Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Conversion of bungalow into house, including porch to front & alterations to garage. (Cllr Wilmshurst declared an interest & absented himself forthis item) CA/11/00619/FUL 12 Hiclh Street, Bridge CT4 5JY CA/11/00674/LB Application for new planning permission to replace CA/08/0225/BRI for a single storey extension to rear of dwelling (revised scheme) in order to extend the time limit for implementation. CA/11/00432/FUL East Barn, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of shed in rear garden CA/11/00621/FUL New Close Residential Home, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Extensions to residential care home & erection of detached summer house, resurfacing of access/parking areas, erection of walls at front entrance 5/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/11/00163/FUL 10 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Conversion of garage into a habitable room CA/11/00386/FUL Wvchwood, 1A Meadow Close, Bridge,CT4 5AT Demolition of existing garage and erection of part two storey and part single storey side and rear extensions and garage (Revised scheme.) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9"‘. June 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9 th. June 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) and Hodges 6/11-12. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds. 7/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 14m.May 2011 were confirmed as a true record 8/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 9/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/11/00789/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Construction of triple bay garage with first floor storage space & separate single bay workshop/shed (Application for new planning permission to replace planning permission CA/08/00614/BR to extend time for implementation.) 10/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/10/01965/FUL Land Adjoining Mount Charles House, Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5JS Erection of a detached dwelling (Revised Scheme) CA/11/00391/VAR Bridge & Patrixbourne C of E School, Convngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Variation of condition 01 of planning permission CA/08/0233/BRI relating to the removal of building The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday149m. July 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 "1 July 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) and Hodges 11/11-12. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 12/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘.June 2011 were confirmed as a true record 13/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 14/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/11/00578/FUL 94/96 Hiclh Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Demolition of rear bake house & conversion of existing dwelling into 2 residential units, retention of retail unit and erection of2 storey dwelling to rear (Additional submission & revision of plans.) It was noted that the plans had been amended to take account of comments from the Planning Department. CA/11 00867/FUL Filmer House, 5 Filmer Road, Bridge CT4 5NB Erection of garden room /shed in rear garden CA/11/00736/FUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two-storey extension to side of dwelling CA/11/01062/FUL The Bvre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of garden shed. 15/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/11/00435/FUL 2A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Single storey rear extension & conservatory to dwelling CA/11/00566/FUL Jonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT5 4BL Conversion of bungalow into house, including porch to front & alterations to garage. CA/11/00432/FUL East Barn, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of shed in rear garden CA/11/00621/FUL New Close Residential Home, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Extensions to residential care home & erection of detached summer house, resurfacing of access/parking areas, erection of walls at front entrance CA/11/00619/FUL 12 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY CA/11/00674/LB Application for new planning permission to replace CA/08/0225/BRI for a single storey extension to rear of dwelling (revised scheme) in order to extend the time limit for implementation. CA/11/00789/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Construction of triple bay garage with first floor storage space & separate single bay workshop/shed (Application for new planning permission to replace planning permission CA/08/00614/BR to extend time for implementation.) CA/11/00216/FUL 73 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Conversion and alterations to facilitate a mixed use of commercial (Use Class A3 restaurant/cafe) and 4 self contained residential units and two- storey extension. CA/11/00217/LB 73 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Removal of external staircase, two-storey extension to enclose new staircase with internal and external alterations associated with the mixed use of commercial (Class A3) and 4 self contained units. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘.September 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 in. September 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Wilmshurst and Hodges 16/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 17/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 14m.July 2011 were confirmed as a true record 18/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 19/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following considered in August; CA/11/00578/FUL 94/96 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB (Additional information in response to Environment Agency report only) Demolition of rear bake house & conversion of existing dwelling into 2 residential units, retention of retail unit and erection of2 storey dwelling to rear. 20/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/11/01186/FULJonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Replacement front wall and erection of shed in rear garden Cllr Wilmshurst declared an interest as father of the applicant and took no part in the decision making on this application. CA/11/01317/FUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Erection of porch to front of dwelling CA/11/01280/FUL 21 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension incorporating Juliet balcony & single storey garage to side of dwelling CA/11/01408/LBL 94/96 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB External and internal alterations and extensions in association with the conversion to two residential units and retention of retail unit. 54 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Single- storey rear extension and rear dormer 21/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/11 00867/FUL Filmer House, 5 Filmer Road, Bridge CT4 5NB Erection of garden room /shed in rear garden CA/11/01062/FUL the Bvre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD Erection of garden shed. CA/11/00736/FUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Two-storey extension to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13m.October 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13 “I October 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 22/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 23/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘.September 2011 were confirmed as a true record 24/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 25/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/11/01317/FUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Erection of porch to front of dwelling CA/11/01186/FULJonette, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Replacement front wall and erection of shed in rear garden CA/11/00578/FUL 94/96 Hiclh Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Demolition of rear bake house & conversion of existing dwelling into 2 residential units, retention of retail unit and erection of2 storey dwelling to rear. CA/11/01408/LB 94/96 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB External and internal alterations and extensions in association with the conversion to two residential units and retention of retail unit. 54 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Single- storey rear extension and rear dormer The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘.November 2011 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 "1 November 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hill 26/11-12. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hodges. 27/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 13"‘.October 2011 were confirmed as a true record 28/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 29/11-12 The planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/11/01286/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of detached dwelling The application was for a dwelling in the garden of a Grade II listed building in a Conservation Area. It would be detrimental to the setting of the listed building which would be left with a disproportionately small garden. Mature trees would be put underthreat and one of the last green spaces in the village centre would be lost. The committee noted that the as yet uncompleted garage with living accommodation over which in a previous application had been described as ‘vital’ for the owner of 24 High Street’s car collection, now appears to form part of the new application. 30/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/11/01280/FUL 21 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension incorporating Juliet balcony & single storey garage to side of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘.December 2011 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 "1 December 2011 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 31/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 32/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘.November 2011 were confirmed as a true record 33/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 34/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application; CA/11/01863/LB 84 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA New front window 35/11-12 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been refused; CA/11/01286/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 @Erection of detached dwelling CCC stated that; ’By virtue of the size and siting of the proposed building, the proposal would appear out of character within the locality and result in loss of openness, harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area and the setting of 24 High Street, Bridge, a Grade II listed building.’ The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘.January 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 "1 January 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 36/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 37/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘.December 2011 were confirmed as a true record 38/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 39/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application; CA/11/02102/FUL Greenwavs, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Demolition of garage and erection of2 storey side extension to dwelling The committee commented that they thought that the roof scape ofthe proposed extension did not fit well with the design ofthe existing building The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9"‘.February 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9 "1 February 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 40/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 41/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on12"‘January 2012 were confirmed as a true record 42/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 43/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/11/02147/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Single-storey rear extension CA/12/00049/FUL Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LW Erection of four detached dwellings 44/11/-12 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/11/01863/LB 84 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA New front window The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8"‘.March 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 "1 March 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Hill and Hodges 44/11-12. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 45/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 9"‘ February 2012 were confirmed as a true record 46/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 47/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00091/LB 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5NJ Internal Alterations 48/11/-12 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been withdrawn" CA/11/02196/FUL Beechmount, Convngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Extensions & alterations & construction of new garage Although this application had been withdrawn, the Planning Committee considered that the new access, which was still planned by the applicant, should be wider with better sight lines. The Committee also suggested that the existing entrance should be made into a pedestrian only access. This was because that section of Conyngham Lane was a very busy part ofthe road, being only a few metres from the access road to Bridge Primary School. 49/11-12 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA/11/02102/FUL — Greenwavs, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Demolition of existing garage and erection of 2 storey side extension to dwelling 50/11-12 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused" CA/11/02147/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Single-storey rear extension The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘. April 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 "1 April 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 51/11-12. There were no apologies for absence. 52/11-12. The minutes of the meeting held on 8"‘ March 2012 were confirmed as a true record 53/11-12. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes. 54/11-12 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00151/FUL 22 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Two-storey side extension CA/12/00246/FUL 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Single-storey rear extension CA/12/00390/FUL 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD First-floor and single-storey extensions to dwelling. CA/12/00438/LB 15 High Street, CT4 gRemoval of second floor ceiling Whilst having no objection in principle, the Committee considered that this was a matter for the Conservation Department of the city council to decide because the application was for internal alterations in a Grade II listed building. 55/11/-12 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/12/00373/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of two houses and attached garages Representations were made by local residents against this application. The Committee thought that its objections to previous applications to develop this garden site still held good. These proposals would damage the listed building setting of 24 High Street. The additional information submitted with this new application was misleading in parts and confused. For example, the analogy with a village green was completely inaccurate. The plans were unclear particularly with regard to the fencing. The lnspector’s previous decision that any development would harm the listed building setting should remain in force. 56/11-12 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/12/0091/LB 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5NB Internal alterations CA/12/00151/FUL 22 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Two-storey side extension The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. May 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 “I May 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 1/12-13. 2/12-13. 3/12-13. 4/12-13 5/12-13 Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 12"‘ April 2012 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; The Chairman announced that the application from 24 High Street fortwo houses in the garden of a Grade II listed building had been refused by delegated powers. This information had been received too late to be included on the agenda. The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00493/FUL Greenwavs, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Demolition of existing garage and erection of two-storey side extension to dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/12/00541/LB 24 the Close, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5NJ Internal alterations CA/12/00214/ADV Highland Court Farm, Patrixbourne, Bridge CT4 5HW Installation of 2 non-illuminated free standing signs & 1 non-illuminated wall mounted fascia sign The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/12/00246/FUL 45A High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Single-storey rear extension CA/11/02196/FUL Beechmount, Convngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Extensions & alterations & construction of new garage CA/12/00390/FUL 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD First-floor and single-storey extensions to dwelling. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. June 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 "1 June 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 6/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. The minutes of the meeting held on 10"‘ May 2012 were confirmed as a 6/12-13. true record 7/12-13. Matters Arising from the Minutes; 8/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00682/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, CT4 5AD Applications for a new planning permission to replace planning permission CA/09/0364/FUL for extensions to side and rear of garage CA/12/00733/FUL 79 High Street, Bridge CT4 5AR Replacement windows and entrance door to dwelling CA/12/00860/FUL 102 High Street, Bridge CT4 5AR Demolition of garage & carport and erection of two and single-storey side extensions to side & rear including a replacement garage with associated external alterations The Committee had no objection in principle to the extensions proposed. However all members of the Committee objected to the extensive use of cladding. It was considered this would not be in keeping with the adjacent houses, especially as it was proposed to paint it white, thereby making it even more obtrusive. CA/12/00818/LB 73 Hiclh Street, Bridge CT4 5LB CA/12/00817/FUL Retention of two windows in riverside elevation 9/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following application for a certificate of proposed lawful development for a single storey extension; CA/12/00834/LUP Carinna Lodge, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU 10/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/12/00493/FUL Greenwavs, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Demolition of existing garage and erection of two-storey side extension to dwelling (Revised scheme) CA/12/00214/ADV Highland Court Farm, Patrixbourne, Bridge CT4 5HW Installation of 2 non-illuminated free standing signs & 1 non-illuminated wall mounted fascia sign 11/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused CA/12/00373/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of two houses and attached garages The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘. July 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 "1 July 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 12/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 13/12-13. The minutes of the meeting held on 14"‘ June 2012 were confirmed as a true record 14/12-13. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. 15/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00484/LB 94 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Reinstatement of ingle nook fireplace to ground floor CA//12/00898/FUL Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwelling. Cllr Wilmshurst left the room forthe discussion of this application, being a neighbour of the applicant and therefore an interested party. While there was no objection to this application on planning grounds, Councillors thought that the chimney should not be visible from the road and it was difficult to tell from the plans whetherthis would be the case. It was stipulated that the chimney should be painted white to blend with the house, which was in a Conservation Area. It was noted that the extension was very close to the neighbouring property but this was an issue to be resolved between the neighbours. 16/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/12/00682/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, CT4 5AD Application for a new planning permission to replace planning permission CA/09/0364/FUL for extensions to side and rear of garage CA/12/00541/LB 24 the Close, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5NJ Internal alterations CA/12/00733/FUL 79 High Street, Bridge CT4 5AR Replacement windows and entrance door to dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘. September 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 15 I“. August 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hill 17/12-13. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hodges. 18/12-13 The Planning Committee had no objections to the following applications; CA/12/00113/FUL Methodist Chapel, Patrlxbourne Road, Bridge CT4 5BP Change of use from place of worship (Use D1) to residential dwelling (Use C3); single storey extension and associated external alterations The Planning Committee had no objections to this application on planning grounds and welcomed the fact that the historic building would be retained and its fabric and windows restored. There was some concern over possible parking problems on Patrixbourne Road as there is no on site parking and the intention is forthe dwelling to be used as a gallery. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. September 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13 I“. September 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 19/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 20/12/-13 The Minutes ofthe meetings held on 12”‘. July and 15”‘. August were confirmed as true records. 21/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings 22/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/12/01395/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridqe CT4 5AN Single storey extension (Resubmission) 23/12-13 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/12/01258/FUL 3 Bridqeford Wav. Bridqe CT4 5LE Addition of render (Retrospective) The render did not fit in with the other brick houses in the cul de sac and was inappropriate for an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It was recommended that the render be removed. 24/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/12/ 00484/LB 94 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Reinstatement of ingle nook fireplace to ground floor CA/12/00860/FUL 102 High Street, Bridge CT4 5AR Demolition of garage & carport and erection of two and single-storey side extensions to side & rear including a replacement garage with associated external alterations CA/12/00898/FUL Brookside Lodqe, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwelling. CA/12/00818/LB 73 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB CA/12/00817/FUL Retention of two windows in riverside elevation 25/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following development would be M; CA/12/00834/LUP Carinna Lodge, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Single storey extension The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11”‘. October 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11 I“. October 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges 26/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 27/12/-13 The Minutes ofthe meetings held on 13”‘. September August were confirmed as true records. 28/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; The Parish Council had been informed that the retrospective application for rendering of 3 Bridgeford Way CA/12/01258/FUL had been referred to the Development Management Committee on 16”‘ October because ofthe number of local objections. It was decided that no member ofthe Planning Committee would speak at the meeting since the views ofthe Committee had already been put to the city council and were recorded in the papers for the meeting. 29/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/01326/PEN 33 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Two—storey side extension to dwelling CA/12/01557/FUL 28 Convngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Replacement single storey side extension and erection of front porch CA/12/01547/FUL Grindley Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Extension to side and rear of garage to provide enlarged garage, store & conservatory CA/12/01672/FUL 6 Ford Close, Bridge CT4 5LX Loft conversion incorporating a dormer window to rear elevation & replacement of existing conservatory with single-storey side extension CA/12/01703/TPO Land rear of Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Felling of sycamore and raising crowns of yew trees subject of TPO No 6 of 1990/W1 30/12-13 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Erection of summer house/shed (Retrospective) While the shed /summer house was screened from view during the summer, in winter it was very obtrusive and did not blend in with the Conservation Area. It did not seem to be in keeping with the area. 31/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/12/01395/FUL 1 Great Pett Oars, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Single storey extension (Resubmission) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8”‘. November 2012 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 th. November 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges. Cllr Hill for item 4a 32/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 33/12/-13 The Minutes ofthe meetings held on 11”‘. October were confirmed as true records. 34/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 35/12-13 The Planning Committee had no objections to the following applications; CA/12/01844/FUL Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge CT4 5BL Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwelling. (Revised scheme) CA/12/01891/TPO High Beech, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Coppice the group of four Ash and one twin stemmed Sycamore, Coppice/pollard Ash tree subject to T.P.O No 6 1990. 36/12-13 The Planning Committee objected to the following application; CA/12/01789/FUL Land at Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bekesbourne CT4 5HW Use of land for permanent stationing of 32 workers’ caravans, erection of a communal amenities building and a general purpose agricultural building with associated servicing & landscape works. There were objections on the grounds ofthe development being inappropriate and unsightly on a greenfield site in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The number of caravans was regarded as excessive and the plan showed them too close together, with too high an occupancy rate. It seemed that access by emergency vehicles in the event of a fire would be difficult. There were questions raised about the lack of parking at the site and how the ‘no car ‘policy could be policed. 37/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been granted; CA/12/01326/PEN 33 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Two—storey side extension to dwelling CA/12/01547/FUL Grindley Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5AY Extension to side and rear of garage to provide enlarged garage, store & conservatory The next meeting of Bridge Parish Councils Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13”‘. December2012 at 6.00pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13 "1 December 2012 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds(Chairman) Hill and Hodges. 38/12-13. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. The Minutes of the meetings held on 8"‘. November were confirmed as 39/12/-13 true records. 40/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 41/12-13 The Planning Committee obiected to the following appeal; CA/12/00817/FUL 73 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Retention of two windows in riverside elevation It was agreed to write in support of the city council’s decision that the windows overlooking the garden of 69 High Street should be sand blasted with the bottom sash permanently fixed and the opening of the top sash restricted, in orderto preserve the privacy of the garden. Action; Clerk 42/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/12/01672/FUL 6 Ford Close, Bridge CT4 5LX Loft conversion incorporating a dormer window to rear elevation & replacement of existing conservatory with single-storey side extension 43/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused" 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Erection ofsummer house/shed (Retrospective) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. January 2013 at 6.45 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 ‘“- January 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges. 44/12-13. There were no apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 45/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 13"‘. December were confirmed as true records. 46/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 47/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/12/02200/LB Bridge Place Country Club, Brewerv Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Relocation ofthe kitchen and ladies wcs. Restoration ofthe original stain/vell and lower staircase flights; uncovering and exposing an original inglenook fireplace at lower ground floor level and removing modern intermediate floors. Councillors had no objections to the plans but expressed the hope that the work would be carried out as authorized and that all relevant conservation and building regulations would be fully adhered to. 48/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following application had been granted; CA/12/ 01703/TPO Land rear of Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AU Felling of Sycamore and raising crowns of Yew trees subject of T.P.O. No. 6 of 1990/W1. CA/12/ 01891/TPO High Beech, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Coppice the group of four Ash and one twin stemmed Sycamore, pollard further Ash tree subject to T.P.O No 6 1990. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. February 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14 ‘“- February 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman) Hill and Hodges. 49/12-13. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 50/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 10"‘. January 2013 were confirmed as true records. 51/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 52/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/12/00122/FUL Anchorage, 1 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Removal of existing hedge around boundary and replacement with brick wall. While the Committee had no objection to the application, concern was expressed about the growing trend for residents to replace hedges with brick walls, with the consequent loss of wildlife habitat in the village The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. March 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14"‘. March 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges. 53/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 54/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 14"‘. February 2013 were confirmed as true records. 55/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 56/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/12/00278/FUL 9 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed two storey rear extension While the Planning Committee had no objection to the extension itself, they expressed strong objection to the use of cladding. This is not vernacularto Bridge orthis area of Kent and the Committee is concerned about the number of applications that include it, apparently with the approval ofthe City Council’s Planning Department. CA/13/00242/TPO Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL To crown lift, remove ivy and to cut down to ground level identified trees, and plant replacements The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11"‘. April 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11"‘. April 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Hodges. 57/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 58/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 14"‘. March 2013 were confirmed as true records. 59/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 60/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/13/00457/FUL Bridge Road Bridge Erection of Polytunnels for raspberry growing 61/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been Elli; CA/12/02200/LB Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Relocation of the kitchen and ladies wcs. Restoration of the original stain/vell and lower staircase flights; uncovering and exposing an original inglenook fireplace at lower ground floor level and removing modern intermediate floors. CA/12/00122/FUL Anchorage, 1 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Removal of existing hedge around boundary and replacement with brick wall. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9"‘. May 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9"‘. May 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 1/13-14. 2/13/-14 3/13-14 4/13-14 5/13-14 6/12-13 Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Hill and Hodges. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds. The Minutes of the meetings held on 11"‘. April 2013 were confirmed as true records. Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/13/00500/LB CA/13/00494/FUL Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Remove defective flat roof to existing flank elevation, build up external walls to level with main building brick work and extend main roof to forma new hip to the flank end. CA/13/00573/FUL 36 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Demolish existing garage & construct single storey side extension to the property within footprint. The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/13/00529/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge. CT4 5AN Erection of wooden summer house/shed to serve allotment in top field The Committee thought that the re-submission did not address any of their earlier concerns. The exposed shed/summer house was not appropriate for an AONB and was very prominent in autumn and winter when there were no leaves on surrounding trees. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been Elli; CA/12/00278/FUL 9 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed two storey rear extension CA/13/00242/TPO Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL To crown lift, remove ivy and to cut down to ground level identified trees, and plant replacements The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13"‘. June 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13"‘. June 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Moon 7/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 8/13/-14 The Minutes of the meetings held on 9"‘. May 2013 were confirmed as true records. The date of 11"‘ April 2013 at 2/13-14 was amended to 11"‘. May 2013 9/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 10/13-14 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/13/00853/FUL Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LW Erection of four detached dwellings CA/13/00872/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Proposed extension to rear of dwelling The Committee commented that the windows on the front elevation were not in keeping with the rest of the building. It was noted that the Planning Officer concerned had reported that the application submitted had already been approved by the Conservation Dept although this was not recorded on the papers received by the Planning Committee. CA/13/00901/FUL Bridge Haven Care Home, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Change of use of existing summer house to cafe/restaurant (Use Class A3) to allow sale of hot/cold drinks and food at fund raising events. 11/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been ERIE; CA/13/00457/FUL Bridge Road Bridge Erection of Polytunnels for raspberry growing CA/12/001137/FUL Methodist Chapel, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Change of use from Class D1, Place of worship to Class C 3 dwelling Single storey extension and associated external alterations CA/13/00500/LB CA/13/00494/FUL Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Remove defective flat roof to existing flank elevation, build up external walls to level with main building brick work and extend main roof to forma new hip to the flank end. CA/13/00573/FUL 36 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Demolish existing garage & construct single storey side extension to the property within footprint. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11"‘. July 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 11"‘. July 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Hodges and Moon 12/13-14. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. 13/13/-14 The Minutes of the meetings held on 13"‘. June 2013 were confirmed as true records. 14/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 15/13-14 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/13/01059/FUL The Mill Centre, Mill Lane, Bridge CT4 6LH Demolition of and rebuild of reartoilets and entrance area The Committee commented that this was a much-needed renovation and strongly supported the application because the Mill Centre was the only building providing activities specifically for young people in the area. CA/13/01149/FUL 16 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Single storey extension to main house & replacement windows in rear first floor bedroom and en suite. Demolition of detached garage and garden outbuilding. Construction of detached garage and garden office. CA/13/ 01150/CAC 16 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Removal of detached garage and outbuilding. 16/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been Elli; CA/13/00872/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Proposed extension to rear of dwelling The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12"‘. September 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12"‘. September 2013in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 17/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 18/13/-14 The Minutes of the meeting held on 11"‘. July 2013 were confirmed as a true record. 19/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 20/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been Elli; CA/13/01059/FUL The Mill Centre, Mill Lane, Bridge CT4 6LH Demolition of and rebuild of reartoilets and entrance area CA/13/00529/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge. CT4 5AN Erection of wooden summer house/shed to serve allotment in top field The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10"‘. October 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10"‘. October 2013 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 21/13-14. 22/13/-14 23/13-14 24/12-13 Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Hodges and Moon There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. The Minutes of the meeting held on 12"‘. September 2013 were confirmed as a true record. Matters arising from the Minutes; The Committee discussed the change in procedures for responding to planning applications introduced by Canterbury City Council. Several objections were raised including the lack of any consultation before the measures were introduced, the possible consequences of the decision not to allow any extensions in response times and the use of the City Council website as the only means of communicating Parish Council views. It was agreed to write to Development Management setting out the concerns. Action; Clerk The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been Elli; CA/12/00049/FUL Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LW Erection of four detached dwellings The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14"‘. November 2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 14”‘. November 2013 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 25/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 26/13/-14 The Minutes ofthe meeting held on 10”‘. October 2013 were confirmed as a true record. 27/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; No reply had been received from the City Council’s Development Management to the Parish Council’s concerns regarding new planning policies.(Clerk to take up with Cllr Cook.) 28/12-13 The Planning Committee had no objection to the following application; CA/13/02007/FUL The Dell. Bridge Hill. Bridoe CT4 5AX Conversion/extension of integral garage to annexe and erection of replacement garage building 29/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been flflflidi CA/13/01149/FUL 16 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Single storey extension to main house & replacement windows in rear first floor bedroom and en suite. Demolition of detached garage and garden outbuilding. Construction of detached garage and garden office. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12”‘. December2013 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12m. December 2013 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 30/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 31/13/-14 The Minutes of the meeting held on 14m. November 2013 were confirmed as a true record. 32/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; The Committee considered revised plans submitted in respect of CA/13/02007/FUL The Dell. Bridge Hill. Bridge CT4 5AX. There were no objections to these plans. 33/13-14 The Planning Committee considered variations to planning application CA/13/02236/VAR Bridge Methodist Chapel Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BP The Committee noted that this was a locally listed building and therefore it was essential that the original appearance of the building should be maintained. This was one of the undertakings given by the owner when permission was granted for the building’s change of use. There was no objection to the addition of materials for cavity wall filling etc but the original style of cladding must be replaced in orderto keep the appearance of the building as authentic as possible. The Committee did not object to the addition of a side door. 34/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been fl PRE/13/00490/GEN High St Bridge, CT4 5LB Installation of high speed broadband cabinet The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9m. January 2014 at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 29m January 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon and Cllr Hodges as a substitute for Cllr Wilmshurst for application CA/14/00036/FUL as he has a personal interest in the property. 39/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 40/13-14 Cllr Wilmshurst declared a personal interest in application CA/14/00036/FUL 11 Dering Road, Bridge CT4 5ND as owner of the property. 41/13/-14 The Minutes of the meeting held on 9m. January 2014 were confirmed as a true record. 42/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; The Committee discussed the application in respect of 24 High Street in the light of further information which had come to light since the previous Planning Committee. Having heard arguments put fon/vard by residents and the new owner of the property, the Committee was satisfied that it was the owner’s intention to re-instate the whole of the garden and that by moving the 3 bay garage he would be able to achieve this. Issues regarding the trees would be dealt with by the City Council’s Arboricultural Department as the house was in a Conservation Area. It was agreed that the issue regarding the dropped kerb at the Dering Road entrance should be referred to Kent Highways. Objectors were reminded that they could write to the City Council. 43/13-14 The Planning Committee had no objection to the following to planning applications; CA/13/02398/FUL Coleman’s Cottage, Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bridge CT4 5HW Agrochemical storage and distribution facility with office, amenity and service yard, including demolition of Coleman’s Cottage CA/13/02406/LB 16 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Replacement of existing clay peg tile roof and roof structure, including all rainwater goods, fascia and barge board to first floor flat and ground floor retail unit. The City Council would be asked to ensure that hand made peg tiles would be used in the renovations, replacing like for like. CA/14/00013/FUL 14 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Single- Story extension CA/14/00036/FUL 11 Dering Road, Bridge CT4 5ND Erection of detached garage and related drive 44/13-14 The Planning Committee objected to the following planning application; CA/13/02395/FUL Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 flmeation of new vehicular access to garden and woodland The Committee thought that a new entrance onto the High Street would be very dangerous and that a reconfiguration within the grounds of the property should be made instead. It was pointed out that very few visits would be needed each yearto manage woodland. 45/13-14 The Planning Committee requested further information about the following application; CA/13/02396/FUL Beechmount, Convnqham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Proposed replacement dwelling and creation of new garage It was thought that the failure ofthe house to meet current insulation standards was not sufficient reason to demolish the property. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13m. February 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 9m January 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 35/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 36/13/-14 The Minutes of the meeting held on 12m. December 2013 were confirmed as a true record. 37/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; The Clerk reported that two planning applications had been received in the week, both of which had very short deadlines which would require an additional Planning Committee meeting to consider them within the allotted time frame. A request to have extra time to reply had been refused by the Planning Department. This would be one of the matters to be raised at a meeting with Ian Brown, Head of Planning & Regeneration, later in the month. The Clerk would also seek the views of other Parish Clerks to the new procedure which removed any flexibility from the process. 38/13-14 The Planning Committee had no objection to the following to planning application; CA/13/02365/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Construct 3 bay garage with first floor office, install perimeter fencing and undertake associated landscaping. The Committee commented that the new site for the garage would be betterthan the site proposed in the original application forthe garage by the previous owner. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13m. February 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 13m February 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 46/13-14. There were no apologies for absence. 47/13-14 The Minutes of the meeting held on 29m. January 2014 were confirmed as a true record. 48/13-14 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes 49/13-14 The Planning Committee had no objections to the following to planning applications; CA/14/00101/LB 19 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed internal alterations to ground & second floors and alterations to roof CA/14/000102/LB 21 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed internal and external alterations, new internal door & new sash window 50/13-14 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused; CA/13/02236/VAR Bridge Methodist Chapel Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 E Change to 02 condition including changes to material of existing building specifically roof and wall and the addition of architectural details that will affect the appearance of the original building including a porch and ‘bellcote’. Change of position of type of window detailing that has been proposed for the extension. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13m. March 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 13m. March 2014in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Moon 51/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 52/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 13m. February 2014were confirmed as true records. 53/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the minutes ofthe last meeting. 54/12-13 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/14/00244/FUL CA/14/00251/LB 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Rear single storey slate roof replacement with zinc roof and timber glazed lantern light, replacement window to first floor, replacement double door and sidescreen to rear, two solarto rear roof and internal works 55/12-13 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/14/00085/FUL Nackington Farm, Nackington, Bridge CT1 3NU The installation of a Solar Photovoltaic Park complete with mounting fixtures, security fence, inverters, CCTV and all necessary ancillary equipment required for such proposal (Sites A B & C) 56/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/13/ 02007/the Dell, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Conversion/extension of integral garage and erection of replacement garage building. CA/14/00013/FUL 14 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Single- Story extension CA/14/00036/FUL 11 Dering Road, Bridge CT4 5ND Erection of detached garage and related drive CA/13/02396/FUL Beechmount, Convngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Proposed replacement dwelling and creation of new garage The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10m. April 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 10m. April 2014in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Moon 57/12-13. There were no apologies for absence. 58/12/-13 The Minutes of the meetings held on 13m.March 2014were confirmed as true records. 59/12-13 Matters arising from the Minutes; Two statements were read out by residents who objected to the tree work proposed at 24 High Street, Bridge. 60/12-13 The Planning Committee noted the following application; CA/14/00541/LUP 18 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a proposed for a single storey part extension to a semi detached bungalow and detached garage to side 61/12-13 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/14/00101/LB 19 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed internal alterations to ground & second floors and alterations to roof CA/14/000102/LB 21 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed internal and external alterations, new internal door & new sash window CA/14/00244/FUL CA/14/00251/LB 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Rear single storey slate roof replacement with zinc roof and timber glazed lantern light, replacement window to first floor, replacement double door and sidescreen to rear, two solar to rear roof and internal works The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8m. May 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 8 th. May 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Moon and Hodges 1/14-15. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds. 2/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 10m April 2014 were confirmed as a true record 3/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; Cllr Hodges reported that a hard standing base had been laid at the newly planted orchards owned by Mansfield Farms. Cllr Wilmshurst would investigate the purpose of this. The Tennis Club had informed the parish council that they would be replacing a metal shed with a larger one within the confines of the fenced area of the tennis courts. 4/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/14/00775/FUL 16 Union Road Bridge CT4 5LN Detached single- storey garage /store CA/14/00802/FUL & CA/14/00803/LB Stable Block, Bridge Place, Brewerv Lane Alterations and conversion of existing stable block to form new holiday let CA/14/00833/TPO Meadow Cottage, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Works to trees subject of TPO No 2 of 1974/G1. Crown lift sycamore tree T1 to first fork (approx 5 metres) reduce crown by no more than 30% (up to 3 metres in all directions) and crown clean. Fell two subservient sycamore trees T2 & T3. The Planning Committee raised guestions regarding the following 5/14-15 application; CA/14/00827/FUL Great Pett Oast. Pett Hill Bridge CT4 5AN Erection of triple bay garage and single bay shed. It had been pointed out that the position of the garage was further fon/vard than the previous structure for which permission had been given. The current plans did not take account of the extension to the oast, which had been undertaken since the original plans were submitted. There were now three structures proposed for this small area. The height of the new structure was greaterthan the original. The neighbour’s turning circle would be affected by the position of the garage and they had no alternative turning area. 6/14-16 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused" CA/14/00541/LUP 18 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a proposed for a single storey part extension to a semi detached bungalow and detached garage to side The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12m. June 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 12 th. June 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman) Edmonds and Moon 7/14-15. There were no apologies for absence. 8/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 8m May 2014 were confirmed as a true record 9/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 10/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/14/00957/ 90-92 High Street. Bridge CT4 5LB Change of use of ground floor of 92 from architect’s office (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) and associated alterations to form enlarged single dwelling unit. CA/14/00958/LB 90 — 92 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Internal & external alterations in connection with change of use of ground floor of no 92 from architect’s office (Class B1) to residential Class C3) to form enlarged single dwelling unit. CA/14/01000/ful — Drochaid, 74 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Rear extension — single storey CA/14/01096/LB — Sunnvside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge CT4 flwoposed demolition of outbuilding The Committee expressed reservations about the size of the proposed replacement building and suggested that in orderto protect the privacy of neighbours, an opaque window should be installed. CA/14/1102/LB Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge Internal alterations including forming new doon/vays and removal of brick partitions CA/14/01127/FU: Laughing Waters, Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LF Proposed glass veranda to front of dwelling It was noted that close neighbours had not been informed about this application by the City Council. 11/14-15 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/14/01017/LB — 15 High Street, Bridge Formation of a driveway for off street parking to include removal of existing low front boundary wall and hedging and create a new vehicle cross over. The Committee wish to preserve the historic aspect of the Conservation area in the High Street. 12/14-15 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been approved; CA/13/02395/FUL Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Creation of new vehicular access to garden and woodland CA/13/02406/LB 16 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Replacement of existing clay peg tile roof and roof structure, including all rainwater goods, fascia and barge board to first floor flat and ground floor retail unit. 13/14-16 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused" CA/13/02365/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Construct three bay garage with first floor office, incidental accommodation, install perimeter fencing and associated landscaping 14/14-15 Any other business. CA/14/00979/FUL Land North of the Rose garden, Bourne park, Bishopsbourne Construction of stable yard with horse walking arena and change of use of land to equine use and new access track. This application had been drawn to the attention of the Planning Committee by Bishopsbourne Parish Council. The Committee objected to this because of the size of the complex, the destruction of a peaceful corner of the area, the loss of the view of an historic hop garden, the increase in traffic over a small bridge, down a narrow lane which had suffered significant flooding in the past year. In addition, the plans for accommodation were insufficiently detailed. Councillors who had visited the site had been unable to find any City Council planning notices, which should have been prominently displayed at the site. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10m. July 2014 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the additional meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Wednesday 30 th. July 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst (Chairman), Edmonds and Moon 20/14-15. There were no apologies for absence. 21/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 12m July 2014 were confirmed as a true record 22/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 23/14-15. The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/14/01091/FUL. Mount Charles House, 5 Mount Charles Walk, Bridge CT4 5JS (Revised plan) Erection of detached dwelling The repositioning and reduction in size of the building would allow more of the Union Building to be visible from Station Road. The loss of this historic view had been one of the objections to the original plans It was noted that the entrance to the new property was very narrow and residents had expressed the fearthat emergency vehicles would not be able to access the property. It was also noted that construction work had started ahead of any decision on this application. Whilst technically this was permissible, it was regarded as reprehensible by local residents. CA/14/00827/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Erection of triple bay garage and single bay shed (Revised plans) CA/14/01440/FUL 17 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Loft conversion incorporating insertion of flat roof dormer window to rear CA/14/01462/FUL Garden Wavs, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Demolition of existing garage & replacement enlarged garage with first floor extension, new pitched roof and dormer windows to front and rear 24/14-15. The Planning Committee obiected to the following applications; CA/14/00085/FUL (Re submissions) S shaped field north of Bridge Road, Bridge CA/14/00086/FUL North part of field that borders A2 & southern part to the south & east of Nackington Lower Hardres Site B CA/14/00087/FUL Field west of Nackington and south of A2 Lower Hardres Site A Construction of a solar PV generation farm complete with security cameras, security fence, landscaping screening, footpaths, mounting equipment, inverters and all necessary equipment CA/14/0146/ELE Nackington Farm, Lower Hardres Alterations to existing 132kv (PT161) overhead line including new gantry The erection of this pylon is associated with the application for a solar farm (see above) to which the Parish Council objects. 25/14-15 The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been approved; CA/14/01127/FUL Laughing Waters, Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LF Proposed glass veranda to front of dwelling CA/14/1102/LB Great Pett Farm, Pett Hill, Bridge Internal alterations including forming new doon/vays and removal of brick partitions 26/14-15 The Planning Committee notes that the following applications had been refused" CA/14/01017/LB — 15 Hidh Street, Bridde Formation of a driveway for off street parking to include removal of existing low front boundary wall and hedging and create a new vehicle cross over CA/14/01205/FUL Sunnvside, 2 Derinq Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed replacement garage with annex accommodation to form separate unit of accommodation (Previous application deemed withdrawn.) The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11m. September at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning committee held on Thursday 10 th. July 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 15/14-15. 16/14-15. 1714.15. 18/14-15 19/14-15 Cllrs Edmonds(Chairman) Moon and Hodges There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. The minutes ofthe meeting held on 12th June 2014 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; The Committee heard a complaint from Mrs B Beinderthat she had not been informed of the planning application by her neighbours (CA/14/01017/LB 15 High Street) to make a driveway out of their front garden, nor was she aware of any notices of the application posted nearby. When she had become aware of the application, she was told by the City Council that the date for comments had passed. The Committee said that these were matters they would be taken up with the Planning Department. The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following applications; CA/14/01205/FUL Sunnvside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed replacement garage with annex accommodation to form separate unit of accommodation (Previous application deemed withdrawn.) The Committee commented that it was not clear why the original application had been withdrawn by the Planning Department and that their original comments still stood. The Committee expressed reservations about the size of the proposed replacement building and suggested that in orderto protect the privacy of neighbours, an opaque window should be installed. CA/14/01293/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Reinstatement of railing & gate to High Street frontage CA/14/00925/FUL & CA/14/00926/LB 11 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ Single storey rear extension The Committee commented that the extension was too large in comparison with neighbouring properties on this important listed building site The Planning Committee noted the following applications had been approved; CA/14/00775/FUL 16 Union Road Bridge CT4 5LN Detached single- storey garage /store CA/14/00957/ 90-92 High Street. Bridge CT4 5LB Change of use of ground floor of 92 from architect’s office (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) and associated alterations to form enlarged single dwelling unit. CA/14/00958/LB 90 — 92 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Internal & external alterations in connection with change of use of ground floor of no 92 from architect’s office (Class B1) to residential Class C3) to form enlarged single dwelling unit. CA/14/01000/FUL — Drochaid, 74 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Rear extension — single storey The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Wednesday 30"‘. July 2014 at 6.00pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Wednesday 11 th. September 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; 27/14-15. 28/14-15. 29/14-15. 30/14-15 31/14-15 Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), Moon and Hill There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst. The minutes of the meeting held on 30m July 2014 were confirmed as a true record Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. The Planning Committee noted the following application had been approved; CA/14/01293/FUL 24 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Reinstatement of railings & gate to High Street frontage The Planning Committee notes that the following applications had been withdrawn" CA/14/0146/ELE Nackington Farm, Lower Hardres Alterations to existing 132kv (PT161) overhead line including new gantry CA/14/00925/FUL & CA/14/00926/LB 11 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ Single storey rear extension The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9m. October at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 9 th. October 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), Moon and Edmonds 32/14-15. There were no apologies for absence 33/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 11m September 2014 were confirmed as a true record 34/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 35/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiections to the following application; CA/14/01905/FUL Pheasants’ Croft, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Garage extension to provide additional garage with annexe above 36/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been Elli; CA/14/00827/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge Erection of triple bay garage and single bay shed (Revised plans) CA/14/01440/FUL 17 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Loft conversion incorporating insertion of flat roof dormer window to rear CA/14/01462/FUL Gardenwavs, Bridge Hill, Bridge Demolition of existing garage and erection of enlarged garage with extension at first floor including new pitched roof & front & rear dormers The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9m. October at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Additional Planning Committee held on Thursday 27th.. November 2014 in the Hunter Room, Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Edmonds (Chairman), and Hill 42/14-15. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Wilmshurst 43/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 13m. November 2014 were confirmed as a true record 44/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 45/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications ‘ CA/14/02300/FUL 5 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY New dining room /orangery extension to rear CA/14/02130/FUL Old Telephone Exchange, 2A High Street, Bridge Retention of weather boarding to rear gable. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11m. December at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 13 in. November 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), Edmonds and Hill 37/14-15. There were no apologies for absence 38/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 9m October 2014 were confirmed as a true record 39/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 40/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following application ‘ CA/14/02082/LB Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LF Demolition of club facilities and replacement single storey domestic extension 41/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the City Council had obiected to the following application; CA/14/02142/EIA Land at Nackington Farm, Bridge Road, Bridge EIA screening opinion request in relation to a 36.8MW solar farm The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11m. December at 6.45pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 11 th. December 2014 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman),Moon, Hill and Hodges 46/14-15. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds 47/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 27m. November 2014 were confirmed as a true record 48/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 49/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications ‘ CA/14/02130/FUL Old Telephone Exchange, 2A High Street, Bridge Retention of weather boarding to rear gable. CA/14/02398/FUL 13 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Two storey side extension, single story front and rear extensions and erection ofa shed in rear garden While there was no objection in principle, Councillors commented that the extension was very large and would take light from the neighbouring bungalow. It was agreed to make this point to the City Council. It was also suggested that a hipped roof would be a better design. CA/14/02458/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Erection of triple bay garage and single bay shed CA/14/01905/INV Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Garage extension to provide additional garage with annexe above (Revised plans for information only) 50/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA/14/02082/LB Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge CT4 5LF Demolition of club facilities and replacement single storey domestic extension The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8m. January 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 8 th. January 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman),Hill and Hodges 51/14-15. There were apologies for absence from Cllr Edmonds 52/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 11m. December 2014 were confirmed as a true record 53/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 54/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications ‘ J. CA/14/02575/FUL Mount Charles House, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5JS Double garage amended from approved scheme CA/10/01965 CA/14/02630/FUL 55 Union Road CT4 5LW, Bridge Erection of two storey and single storey extension to dwelling, alterations to external finish & formation of new vehicular access CA/14/02660/FUL & 02661/LB 69 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Proposed construction of a flood defence retaining wall on the site boundary adjacent to the River Nailbourne 55/14-15 The Planning Committee obiected to the following application; CA/14/02580/LB 15 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Formation of new driveway/vehicle cross over for off street parking including removal of section of existing low front boundary wall & hedging The Committee objected on the same grounds as when the application was previously made; The Committee wish to preserve the historic aspect ofthe Conservation area in the High Street. A new vehicular entrance would be dangerous to pedestrians and other vehicles and was opposite a blind entrance to the High Street. This application was contrary to Neighbourhood Plan draft policies regarding loss of gardens in a Conservations Area. 56/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been 9%; CA/14/01091/FUL Mount Charles House ,5 Mount Charles Walk, Bridge CT4 5JS Erection of a detached dwelling CA/14/02163/TPO Bridge Hill House, Bridge Works to Lawson Cyprus tree subject to TPO 1969/T2 CA/14/02152/TPO Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd.Brigde Felling of sycamore tree subject of TPO CA/14/02130/FUL Old Telephone Exchange, 2A High Street, Bridge 57/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been withdrawn" CA/14/00802/FUL & CA/14/00803/LB Stable Block, Bridge Place, Brewerv Lane Alterations and conversion of existing stable block to form new holiday let 58/14-15 The Planning Committee noted the following EIA scoping opinion request; CA/14/02550/EIA Renville Farm/ Bri Railway Station The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12m. February 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 February 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present ; Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), Hill and Moon 59/14-15. There were no apologies for absence. 60/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2015 were confirmed as a true record 61/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 62/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications; CA/14/02694/FUL 52 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT Proposed conversion & extension of existing garage with new single storey link extension to create annex accommodation CA/15/00093/FUL 51 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LW Demolish garage, erect side extension to form study, shower room & utility room CA/15/00097/FUL 80 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Construction of first floor extension above a single storey garage & replacement of a single storey shallow pitched glass roof with 40’ tiled roof with roof lights CA/15/00171/FUL 11 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Two storey rear extension & single storey side extension CA/15/00173/VAR 24 High St, Bridge CT45JY Variation of conditions 05 (gates) and 07 (landscaping) of planning permission CA/08/00703/BRI for the erection of three bay garage block with annexe over. 63/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/14/01905/INV Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Garage extension to provide additional garage with annexe above CA/14/02300/FUL 5 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY New dining room /orangery extension to rear CA/14/02398/FUL 13 Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LN Two storey side extension, single story front and rear extensions and erection ofa shed in rear garden CA/14/02458/FUL 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge CT4 5AN Erection of triple bay garage and single bay shed 64/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following application had been refused: CA/14/02580/LB and CA/14/02579/FUL 15 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Formation of new driveway/vehicle cross over for off street parking including removal of section of existing low front boundary wall & hedging. 65/14-15 The Planning Committee noted the following EIA scoping opinion request E received no obiection from Canterbury City Council; CA/14/02550/EIA Renville Farm/ Bri Railway Station EIA scooping opinion request in relation to employment floor space, local shopping facilities, a local community hub, primary schools, a doctors’ surgery, Park & Ride facility, hospital relocation, public open space, woodland planting, newjunction onto the A2 and modifications to the existing junction arrangement and new fast bus link. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12 March 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee held on Thursday 12 March 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), Hill and Moon 66/14-15. There were no apologies for absence. 67/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 68/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 69/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications : CA/15/00097/FUL 80 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Construction of first floor extension above a single storey garage & replacement of a single storey shallow pitched glass roof with 40’ tiled roof with roof lights (Reconsultation) CA/15/00370/FUL 19 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Proposed side extension and loft conversion including external alterations. CA15/00480/TPO 22 Bridge Down, Bridge CT45AZ Proposal to fell 2 corsican (black) pine trees,subject of Tree Preservation Order Number 6 of 1973 (G4) to ground level. 70/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA/14/02575/FUL Mount Charles House, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5JS Double garage amended from approved scheme CA/10/01965 CA/14/02630/FUL 55 Union Road CT4 5LW, Bridge Erection of two storey and single storey extension to dwelling, alterations to external finish & formation of new vehicular access The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9 April 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall. Chairman’s Signature Date Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held on Thursday 9 April 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), Hill and Moon 71/14-15. There were no apologies for absence 72/14-15. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 73/14-15. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 74/14-15 The Planning Committee had no obiection to the following applications : CA//15/00575/FUL 2 Western Avenue Bridge, CT4 5LS Proposed timber summer cabin in garden to serve first floor flat, CA//15/00578/FUL Harrow Cottage, 2 Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LD Garage conversion and first-floor extension incorporating dormer window and high-level window to side elevation. CA//15/00587/FUL 12A Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Double garage to replace existing garage and sheds. 75/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; CA//14/02694/FUL 52 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LT Proposed conversion and extension of existing garage with new single storey link extension to create annexe accommodation. CA//15/00093/FUL 51 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Demolish garage erect side extension to form study, shower room and utility room. CA/15/00171/FUL 11 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JY Two storey rear extension & single storey side extension 76/14-15 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been refused: CA//14/02579/FUL 15 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Formation of a new driveway/vehicle crossover for off-street parking, including removal of a section of existing low front boundary wall and hedging. CA/15/00097/FUL 80 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Construction of first floor extension above a single storey garage & replacement of a single storey shallow pitched glass roof with 40’ tiled roof with roof lights The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 May 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Chairman’s Signature Date Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held on Thursday 14 May 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Wilmshurst, (Chairman), and Edmonds 1/15-16. There was one apology for absence from Cllr Moon. 2/15-16. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 3/15-16. Matters Arising from the Minutes; There were no matters arising from the Minutes ofthe last meeting. 4/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objection to the proposal. 0 CA/15/00903/ADV 2 Western Avenue, Bridge CT4 5LS Installation of illuminated fascia signs 5/15-16 The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; . CA/15/00370/FUL 19 Windmill Close, Bridge CT4 5LY Proposed side extension and loft conversion including external alterations. . CA/14/02660/FUL & 02661/LB 69 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LB Proposed construction of a flood defence retaining wall on the site boundary adjacent to the River Nailbourne . CA /15/00480TPO 22 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Proposal to fell 2 corsican (black) pine trees,subject of Tree Preservation Order Number 6 of 1973 (G4) to ground level 0 CA/15/00517/VAR 94/96 High St The variation proposes to meet Level 3 ‘Very Good’ ofthe Code for Sustainable Homes as opposed to Level 4 ‘Excellent’- The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11 June 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Chairman’s Signature Date Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: 6/15-16. 7/15-16. 8/15-16 9/15-16. 10/15-16 11/15-16 Held on Thursday 11 June 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Moon, Fawke and Atkinson There was one apology_for absence from Cllr Corfield. Cllr Atkinson had agreed to attend in his absence. Cllr Moon was proposed as Chair by Cllr Fawke and seconded by Cllr Atkinson. Cllr Moon agreed to acept the position and was duly appointed. The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: Listed Building Conservation Area GRADE 2 CA//15/01033/FUL Alterations and extension to existing dwelling, including the removal of existing pre-cast concrete garage and timber shed. The Lodge, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF CAI/15I01171IFUL Beech Cottage, Beech Hill, Bridge , CT4 5AU Proposed garage, bin store and new porch CA/15/01232/FUL Small Plot, Canterbury Business Park, Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane Bridge Ct4 5HW Proposed new warehouse with office, yard and car parking All members of the committee agreed that for CA/15/01232/FUL a condition for the apporval of this appplication should be the provision of parking for at least two bicycles (using Sheffield Stands). Preferably this would be sheltered parking for bicycles. The Planning Committee noted that the following applications had been 9%; . CA/15/00575/FUL 2 Western Avenue, Bridge CT4 5LS Proposed timber summer cabin in garden to serve first floor flat 0 CA/015/00578 Harrow Cottage, 2 Brewery Lane, CT45LD 0 CA/15/00587 12A Windmill Close CT4 5LY The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9 July 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Chairman’s Signature Date Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: 12/15-16. Held on Thursday 9 July 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Moon and Fawke. Apologies were received from Cllr Corfield. 13/15-16. The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2015 were confirmed as a true 14/15-16. record, signed and dated by the Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 15/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA//15/01340/FUL (Grade 2 listed building) Insertion of conservation roof light to south-west roof slope. The Close, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5NJ CA//15/01341/LB (same address as above) CA/15/01322/FUL 51 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA Demolition of existing garage and proposed two-storey rear and side extension 16/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no 17/15-16 17/15-16 objections to it, but wished to add a recommendation that any tree(s) removed as part of the works should be replaced with new tree(s) of an equivalent number. CA/15/01426/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed side and rear extensions to garage The Planning Committee considered the following application: CA/15/01338/FUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Proposed three bedroom dwelling on land adjacent to Woodlands, Beech Hill The Committee was unanimous in objecting to this application on the grounds that the site would become overdeveloped (given the size of the proposed new building compared with the existing building) and that Beech Hill and the driveway to the property itself are narrow. Councillors also expressed concerns about the loss of trees and nthe threat of encroachment into the adjacent woods where TPO’s apply. The Planning Committee noted that no applications had been granted since the last meeting on 11 June 2015 The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 September 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held on Thursday 13 August 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Moon, Corfield and Fawke. 18/15-16. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 19/15-16. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 20/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/15/01558/FUL Erection of polytunnels at Middle Pett Farm, Bridge CA/15/01606/FUL 56 Western Avenue single-story rear extension to kitchen 21/15-16 The Committee noted the appeal made against the decision by Canterbury City Council to refuse planning permission for 15 High St (CA/14/02579/FUL) Formation of a new driveway/vehicle crossover for off-street parking, including removal of a section of existing low front boundary wall and hedging. By a majority decision, the Parish Council concurred with the decision of the District council. It was agreed to write to the inspector, before 25 August (copied to Canterbury City Council) stating that we had revisited the application and that we still object to the proposal on the same grounds. 22/15-16 The committee noted the following application has been granted CA/15/01033/FUL The Lodge, Brewery Lane, CT4 5LF The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 September 2015 at 7.15pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held on at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 10 September 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: 23/15-16. 24/15-16. 25/15-16 26/15-16 27/15-16 28/15-16 29/15-16 Cllrs Moon, Corfield and Fawke. The minutes of the meeting held on 13 August 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Clerk explained that a letter had not been sent to the appeals inspector but that an email had been sent instead. He undertook to ensure that a copy of this email was fon/vard to Canterbury City Council. (Clerk) The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them. Comments were placed on the City Council’s planning website about the possible impact on the adjacent property of the current designs for 27 Bridge Down. CA/15/01546/FUL 12 High St Bridge Ct4 4JY Removal of existing glazed aluminium lean-to with sliding doors and replace with white painted Accoya timber glazed lean-to roof and double doors with sidelights. Removal of existing white painted timber windows to rear extension and replace with white painted Accoya timber window and French door, render to the exposed brickwork on the extension to which the timber French doors are to be installed. CA/15/01774/FUL 27 Bridge Down, Bridge, Ct4 5AZ Conversion of garage with side and rear single-storey extensions. The committee noted the following application has been granted CA/15/01426/FUL Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed side and rear extensions to garage CA/15I01171IFUL Beech Cottage, Beech Hill, Bridge , CT4 5AU Proposed garage, bin store and new porch The committee noted the following application has been refused CA/15/01340/FUL (Grade 2 listed building) Insertion of conservation roof light to south-west roof slope. The Close, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5NJ CA/15/01341/LB (same address as above) The committee noted the following application has been deemed unlawful CA/15/01375/LUP Certificate of proposed lawful development for boundary wall and vehicular access Mount Charles House, 5 Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5JS The committee noted the following application has been withdrawn CA/15/01338/FUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Proposed three bedroom dwelling on land adjacent to Woodlands, Beech Hill The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 October 2015 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held on at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 October 2015 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Atkinson 30/15-16. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Moon 31/15-16. Cllr Fawke was elected as Chair forthe meeting (Cllr Moon being absent) 32/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 10September 2015 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 33/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 34/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/15/01929/LB To install a sash window to the ground floor of 23, The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ 35/15-16 The committee noted the following applications have been granted: CA/15/01606 Proposed single storey extension to Kitchen at 56 Western Avenue CT4 5LT CA/15/01558 Polytunnels and retractable roof production system at Middle Pett Farm CT4 5PD CA/15/01322/ Demolition of existing garage and proposed two storey rear and side extension to 51 Bridge Down CT4 5BA 36/15-16 The committee noted the following tree work in a conservation area TRE/15/09621 Dismantling of a mountain ash tree down to near ground level at 7 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE 37/15-16 The committee reviewed communications provided by Canterbury City Council planning department through its weekly email alert system. The Clerk will send details to all members so that they can subscribe. ACTION: CLERK The meeting closed at 7.20 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday12 November 2015 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 November 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 43/15-16. There were no apologies for absence 44/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2015 were confirmed as a true record (though Cllr Atkinson was not present and Cllr Moon was present) signed and dated by the Chair. 45/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 46/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA//15/02290/FUL Single storey rear and side extensions, loft conversion incorporating dormerto rear and porch to front. 12 Dering Close, Bridge 47/15-16 The Planning Committee noted the following applications have been granted CA/15/01774/FUL 27 Bridge Down, Bridge, Ct4 5AZ Conversion of garage with side and rear single-storey extensions. CA/15/01546/FUL 12 High St Bridge CT4 4JY Removal of existing glazed aluminium lean- to with sliding doors and replace with white painted Accoya timber glazed lean-to roof and double doors with sidelights. Removal of existing white painted timber windows to rear extension and replace with white painted Accoya timber window and French door, render to the exposed brickwork on the extension to which the timber French doors are to be installed. CA/15/01929/LB To install an additional sash window to the ground floor 23,The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ 48/15-16 The Committee noted the following proposed tree work in a conservation area: Corvlus Avelana ? Hazel: several coppice stands located throughout the garden at approx. 5 sites. 11 Derind Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Ref._No: TRE/15/09659 Willow tree situated in the rear garden close to stream and bridge with large cavity at 5 metres. Willow Brook, 69 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LB Ref. No: TRE/15/09685 Fell Bramlev Apple tree, currentlv lying on the ground, in front garden. - Hidh Beech, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Ref. No: TRE/15/09679 The meeting closed at 7 20 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 December 2015 at 6.45 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 10 December 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 49/15-16. There were no apologies for absence. 50/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2015 were confirmed as a true record,signed and dated by the Chair. 51/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 52/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/15/02421/FUL Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Ct4 5JX Proposed replacement dwelling and detached garage 53/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA//15/02162 Variation of condition 2 of planning permission CA/15/01558/FUL for erection of polytunnels and a retractable roof production system. Replacement of retractable roof production system with polytunnels to match the proposed adjacent blocks. Middle Pett Farm, Pett Bottom Rd, Bridge CA//15/02131 Proposed repair and replacement of windowjoinery. Sunnyside, 2 Dering Rd, Bridge CT4 5NA TRE 09682- approval has been given forthe pollarding of2 maple trees on the recreation ground. (This permission was the subject of further discussion at the full Parish Council meeting on 10 December 2015) The meeting closed at 7. 20 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 January 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 January 2016 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 54/15-16. There were no apologies for absence. 55/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2015 were confirmed as a true record,signed and dated by the Chair. 56/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 57/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/15/02639/FUL Watlings, 6 Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Ct4 5JS. Erection of a single storey summerhouse, including home office on existing concrete base. CA/15/02088/FUL The Playground Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL. to existing building, including new fenestrations, dormer windows and porch. CA/15/02733 8A Conyngham Lane Bridge CT4 5JX Erection of a car port to the side ofthe dwelling. 58/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA/15/02421 Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Proposed replacement dwelling and detahced garage. 59/15-16 The committee noted that the following application has been refused: CAI15/02290 12 Dering Rd, CT4 5ND Single storey rear and side extensions, loft conversion incorporating dormerto rear and porch to front. The meeting closed at 7. 17 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 16 February 2017 at 47 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Corfield Apologies Cllr Davies 62/16-17 The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CAl16l02951 retrospective application for the erection and display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs, 2 non-illuminated wall mounted signs, 3 internally illuminated wall mounted signs and 1 externally illuminated hanging sign. CAl17l00019 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external lighting and the display of advertisements. Both appllications refer to the White Horse, 53 High St Bridge CT4 5LA The meeting closed at 7.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday March 9 2017 at 7.15 in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 11 February 2016 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 60/15-16. There were no apologies for absence. 61/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2016 were confirmed as a true record,signed and dated by the Chair. 62/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 63/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/16/00101 Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5 AU Proposed two storey extension, new car port, porch, summerhouse and garden studio. Comments were forwarded to the planning authority in Canterbury about the dimensions of the proposed summerhouse. CA/16/00136 12 Dering Close, Bridge CT4 5 ND Single storey rear and side extensions, loft conversion incorporating dormerto rear and porch to front (revised scheme) CA/16/00138 12 Dering Close Bridge CT4 5ND First floor extension and porch to front. CA/16/00181 The Mill Centre, Mill Lane Bridge CT4 5LH Demolition and rebuild of reartoilets and entrance area (renewal of planning permission request CA/13/01509/FUL, granted in July 2013 64/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA/15/02088 The Playground Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL. Proposed change of use from residential to 2 lets; alterations to exisitng building, including new fenestrations, dormer windows and porch. The meeting closed at 7. 21 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 March 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 24 March 2016 at 47 High St, Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke and Moon 70/15-16. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Corfield 71/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 72/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 73/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA//16/00101/FUL Woodlands Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Proposed 2 storey rear extension, new car port, porch, summerhouse and garden studio. CA//16/00505/FUL Ardgarth, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Conversion of garage to additional living accommodation incorporating bay window and infill extension to front incorporating dormer window. CA//16/00512/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Addition of chimney to roof to allow for the installation of a log burning stove. 74/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA/15/02733/FUL 8A Conyngham Lane. Erection of Car port ot the side of dwelling. The meeting closed at 7.06 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 April 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 10 March 2016 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 65/15-16. There were no apologies for absence. 66/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2016 were confirmed as a true record,signed and dated by the Chair. 67/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 68/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/16/00351/FUL 32 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension to side of dwelling CA//16/00430/FUL Watlings, 6 Mount Charles Work, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS Conversion of garage into open bay garage with extension for bike store. CA//16/00469/FUL Palma, Beech Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AU Single-storey extension to rear. 69/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA/15/02639/FUL Watlings, 6 Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Ct4 5JS. Erection of a single storey summerhouse, including home office on existing concrete base. CA/16/00138 12 Dering Close Bridge CT4 5ND First floor extension and porch to front. CA/16/00136 12 Dering Close, Bridge CT4 5 ND Single storey rear and side extensions, loft conversion incorporating dormerto rear and porch to front (revised scheme) The meeting closed at 7.18 p.m. An extra Planning Meeting was set for Tursday 24 March at 7.00 p.m. in the Parish Office at 47 High St Bridge The following meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 April 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: 75/15-16 Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 April 2016 Bridge Village Hall Cllrs Fawke, Corfield and Hodges. Cllr Fawke was elected Chair ofthe Planning Committee 76/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2016 were confirmed as a true 77/15-16 record, signed and dated by the previous Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 78/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no 79/15-16 objections to them: CA//16/00723 Single storey rear extension 38 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT CA//16/00811 Felling of2 Sycamore trees from trunk, removal of large forked branch from Black Pine tree and removal of canopy & 25% reduction of2 Beech trees subject to TPO No. 6 of 1973. 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ. The committee resolved to suggest a reduction of 10-15% of the Beech tree reductions rather than 25%. The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. 16/00430 Garage conversion Watlings, 6 Mount Charles Work, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS Conversion of garage into open bay garage with extension for bike store. CA/16/00101 Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5 AU Proposed two storey extension, new car port, porch, summerhouse and garden studio. TRE 16/00067 25% crown reduction of Ash and Cherry trees at Pheasantscroft, Patrixbourne Lane Bridge Ct 4 5 BL 80/15-16 The committee noted the detailed construction drawings for the Mill Centre, submitted as part of the lease discussion proposals with Canterbury City Council. The meeting closed at 7.22 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12 May 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 May 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair), A Atkinson and K Brooks The meeting began with three parishioners outlining their objections to Planning Application CA//16/00877 (Cedars, Higham Lane see below). 1/16-17 The minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 2/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 3/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA//16/00824 First-floor extension to side with internal and external alterations. 72 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5TN 4/16-17 The planning committee considered the following application and decided to object to the proposal on a number of grounds, to be set out in a formal letter to the Planning Deaprtment at Canterbury City Council and to be uploaded onto the planning portal. CA/16/00877/FUL Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5BB Demolition of bungalow and garage and erection of 6 detached dwellings with associated site access and garages. 5/16-17 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA/16/00181/FUL Mill Centre, Mill Lane, Bridge Ct4 5LH Demolition and rebuilding of reartoilets and entrance area-renewal of planning permission CA/13/01059/FUL RE/16/00150 Fell Sycamore trees, and remove Hawthorn. Dover Road A2 slip road Bridge CA//16/00469/FUL Single Storey extension to the rear. Palma, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU CA//16/00505/FUL Ardgarth, Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 5AT Conversion of garage to additional living accommodation incorporating bay window and infill extension to front incorporating dormer window. CA//16/00512/FUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge CT4 5AD Addition of chimney to roof to allow forthe installation of a log burning stove to kitchen/family room CA//16/00351 32 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ First floor extension to the side The meeting closed at 7.28 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9 June 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 14 June 2016 at 47 High St Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) and S Hodges Apologies were received from Cllr Corfield 11/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to it: CA/16/00586/FUL Erection of 4 detached two storey dwellings. Former Oil Depot, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LW The meeting closed at 7.20 p.m.. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Tuesday 5 July 2016 at 7.00 p.m. at 47 High St, Bridge Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 9 June 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) and S Hodges Apologies were received from Cllr Corfield 6/16-17 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 7/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised 8/16-17 no objections to them: CA//16/01015 Extension to provide swimming pool enclosure and alterations to boundary fence to provide vehicular access. The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD CA//16/00621 Installation of secondary double glazing to windows. 5 The Close, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5NJ CA/16/01064IFUL Erection of single storey extension to replace garage 49 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA CA/16/01033IFUL Erection of garden studio and home office in rear garden and car port to side following demolition of existing garage. Woodlands, Beech Hill Bridge CT4 5AU CAII1 6101187 Replacement ofdoors with powder coated aluminium glazed doors, replacement double door with timber casement windows and replacement timber door. West Barn, Old Renville Farm, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Ct4 5AD CA//16/01159 Installation of window to north east elevation. East Barn, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Ct4 5 AD CA//14/00085 The installation of a Solar Photovoltaic park complete with mounting fixtures, security fence, inverters, CCTV and all necessary ancillary equipment required for such proposal (Site C). The application includes the submission of an environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). S shaped field north of Bridge Road, Bridge. The full text of the committee's response to this application is as follows: Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee considered this proposal at its meeting held on 9 June 2016. By a majority of 2 to 1, councillors decided to take a neutral stance towards this application, though it was not an easy decision. In principle, the committee is in favour of renewal energy but the divisions were caused by the perceived shortcoming of the current proposals. All three councillors were agreed that: this proposal represents a significant loss of prime agricultural land. There are potential sites (SEE ANNEX &7.11) to the North of Canterbury which contain land of lesser value. This is in line with the NPPF guidelines which state that the best and most versatile land (of which this 8 shaped field is an example) should be used for the growing of crops. the emerging Bridge Neighbourhood plan talks of the protection of green spaces within the village envelope and therefore that brownfield sites should be considered for this type of development wherever possible If permission is granted the following conditions should be placed upon the developers: 1) Ensuring safe and adequate access (councillors believe this is not adequate at present) 2) Screening of the sites from the start of the process 3) Screening of some of the equipment is required 4) Upholding and enhancing the biodiversity of the site 9/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised objections to them: CA/l16l01188 Erection of rear first floor extension. 5 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN. The Committee felt that the proposed extension is not in keeping with the award winning (1964) architectural design of the houses in this part of Riverside Close. The size and scale of the proposals are particularly inappropriate. The Parish Council would be prepared to provide a speaker at a meeting of the Development Management Committee if requested. 10/16-17 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA//16/00993 Details submitted pursuant to condition 09 (Code for Sustainable Homes) of planning permission CA//14/01091/FUL for the erection of a detached dwelling. Mount Charles House, 5 Mount Charles Walk, Union Rd, Bridge Ct4 5JS CA//16l00723/FUL Single storey rear extension. 38 Western Ave, Bridge CT4 5LT The meeting closed at 7.35 p.m.. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 July 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 5 July 2016 at 47 High St Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair), Hodges and Corfield 11/16-17 The committee considered the following Listed Building application and found no objection to it, save a number of minot detials to be recorded on the Disrtict Council’s website: CA/16/01222/LB 22 High St, Bridge Ct4 5JY Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with associated parking The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 July 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 July 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges and Corfield 12/16-17 The minutes of the meetings held on 9 June, 14 June and 5 July 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 13/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 14/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/16/01277/FUL 9 High Bridge CT4 5JY A single storey rear extension. CA/16/01336/FUL 22 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with associated parking 15/16-17 The Committee noted the following application and objected to it: CA//16/01156/FUL 3 Mount Charles Wlk, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5JS Proposed single storey rear with dormer window to rear and externa alterations. The objections recorded on the Canterbury City Council Planning portal, reflect comments made by parishioners who addressed the Planning Committee at the start of its meeting. They are based upon the grounds that the extension is out of character and larger than a single storey building. It is also impacts very negatively on the adjoining property. It is apparently in a conservation area also. 16/16-17 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted: CA//16/00621/LB 5 The Close, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5NJ Installation of secondary double glazing to windows. CA//16/ 01015 The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD Extension to provide swimming pool enclosure and alterations to boundary fence to provide vehicular access. 17/16-17 The Committe noted that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council CA//16/00672/LUP 3 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Certificate of proposed lawful development for erection of outbuilding-deemed to be unlawful. CA//16/00811/TPO 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Felling of 2 Sycamore trees due to diseased, removal of large forked branch from Black Pine tree and removal of one beech tree due to diseased and 25% reduction of another Beech tree subject to TPO No. 6 of 1973. The meeting closed at 7.23 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 September 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday 18 August 2016 at High Beech, Patrixbourne Road Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) and Corfield Apologies for absence: Cllr Hodges 18/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: Proposed loft conversion and internal alterations. 18 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Ref. No: CA//16/01620 Proposed first-floor and single-storey rear extension with internal alterations. 18 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Ref. No: CA//16/01508 Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension. 52 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Ref. No: CA//16/01361 The meeting closed at 6.10 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 September 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 21 September 2016 in the Hunter Room Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges,Davies and Corfield 24/16-17 Consideration of the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2016 was deferred until the next meeting on 13 October 2016. 25/16-17 The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/16/02093/FUL Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5AP Proposed first floor extension and porch CA/16/02037/FUL The Old Forge, 49 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing garden room with internal alterations CA/16/02038/LB The Old Forge, 49 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing garden room with internal alterations 26/16-17 The committee considered the following application. CA/16/00877/FUL Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge CT4 5BB Erection of 5 no. detached dwellings with associated site access and garages following demolition of bungalow and garage. It decided to object to it for the following reasons: Bridge Parish Council decided to object to this proposed development for very similar reasons to the objections raised previously in May 2016. The amended plans do not go far enough to assuage the concerns made previously. The Committee fully concurs with the views of the owners of numbers 3 5 and 6 Bridge Down who have made clear their objections in terms of the effect of the development on their living conditions. The development -even in its revised form- will be oppressive and given the previous history of the development in the area and also given the very obvious impacts outlined by these residents. These include loss of sunlight, overshadowing and domination by buildings that remain too large and too close to these properties. The Parish Council remains concerned about the effect of the development on the character and appearance of the area. It considers that the proposed development would compromise the open rural aspect of the area unreasonably and should be therefore be rejected. Too many trees will also be lost-further undermining the character and appearance of the area. The concerns of local residents about the safety of the road junction between and Bridge Hill remain. The new development will simply exacerbate existing problems- which also include parking and refuse collection issues- which have been well outlined in submissions by local residents. These concerns were raised in May 2016 and they remain. The Parish Council therefore remains opposed to this development and urges the Planning Authority to reject it. The Parish Council also supports the assertion that a number of existing and emerging planning policies will be contravened and undermined if the development is approved. 27/16-17 The committee noted that the following application has been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA/16/01064/FUL 49 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Erection of single storey extension to replace garage The meeting closed at 7.15 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13 October 2016 at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: 19/16-17 20/16-17 21/16-17 22/16-17 23/16-17 Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 September 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges and Davies. Apologies had been received from Cllr Corfield. The minutes of the meetings held on 14 July and 18 August 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/16/02003/FUL 102 High St Bridge CT4 5AR retrospective application for a single storey extension, conversion of a garage into additional accommodation, replacement of a car port with a workshop, replacement of almunium windows and render. The committe noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01277/FUL 9 High St Bridge CT4 5JY A single storey rear extension. CA//16/01188 Erection of rear first floor extension. 5 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5BN CA//16/00824 First-floor extension to side with internal and external alterations. 72 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5TN The committee noted that the following application has been withdrawn: CA//14/00085 The installation of a Solar Photovoltaic park complete with mounting fixtures, security fence, inverters, CCTV and all necessary ancillary equipment required for such proposal (Site C). The application includes the submission of an environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). S shaped field north of Bridge Road, Bridge The meeting closed at 7.22 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Wednesday 21 September 2016 at 7.00 pm in the Hunter Room (above the Village Hall Present: 28/16-17 29/16-17 30/16-17 31/16-17 32/16-17 33/16-17 34/16-17 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.45 p.m. on Thursday 13 October 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield. The minutes of the meetings held on 8 and 21 September 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/16/02149/FUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Proposed replacement of existing roof with monopitch roof and installation of French Doors on south- west elevation of existing outbuilding, located to the rear, to create games rooms. The Planning Committee considered the following applications and raised objections to them, full details of which can be found on the Canterbury City Council planning portal. CA//16/02228/ADV and CA//16/02229/LB Bridge Pharmacy 16 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Listed building consent for external alterations including display of non-illuminated pan aluminium fascia sign and halo-illuminated projecting sign to front elevation. The committee felt the proposed signs were too modern in aspect and not sufficiently in keeping with the listing of the building. CA//16/02217/LB 22 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for alterations to access for proposed parking area to dwelling. The committee felt the plans were too intrusive (and potentially unsafe) on the busy pedestrian route which is bisected by the planned access route.. The proposed new exit is also too close to the existing bus stop, will have restricted sight lines and will further reduce on street parking. The committe noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01508 and CA//16/01509: 18 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed first floor and single storey rear extension with internal alterations. The committe noted that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01361/FUL + CA//16/01362/LB 52 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ The committee decided to respond negatively (via the Clerk) to the letter dated 28 September 2016 from Simon Thomas, Head of Planning at Canterbury City Council about the plan to no longer send paper copies of plans to Parish Councillors from November 2016. The meeting closed at 7.22 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 November 2016 at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 28 November 2016 at 47 High St, Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges,Davies and A Atkinson Apologies: Cllr Corfield who was unwell. 41/16-17 The Clerk reminded the committee that he had written to all councillors to remind them of the meeting,in case they wished to add their views to the Mountfield Park planning application discussed below. 42/16-17 The Committee considered the following application and raised no formal objections to it. 0 CA/16/02543/FUL Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5AP Proposed first floor extension and porch (Revised scheme) 43/16-17 The committee considered the following application, set out on the agenda as follows: 0 CA/16/00600/OUT Mountfield Park (4,000 houses-South Canterbury) A response to the documents on the CCC planning portal which include the letter dated 8 November from the developer and also the associated drawings dated 9 November on the same website. The letter of November 8 is summarised as follows: Phase 1A plans - there are a large number ofdrawings, these show the reduction in the height of Block 6 to 15m (apart from clock feature) and the rest of the buildings in Phase 1A to 12m to comply with the proposed parameter plans Amended green infrastructure plan showing an additional 3.3Ha of open space with amended open space typology table Section drawings showing the relationship of Phase 1A buildings to Cobham Close and New Dover Road Highways improvements trigger points and plan showing proposed Kent County Council adopted areas for Phase 1A Amended access and movement plan showing potential future eastern bypass route as requested by Kent County Council St Augustine's Road additional plan showing potential option for a cycle friendly route Visual impact assessments of the development on the Pilgrim's Way and World Heritage Site, together with additional archaeology information The committee decided to object to this proposal for the following reason: The Committee considered the document entitled "Access and Movement" dated 9 November. It decided to object to the proposals contained therein since the inclusion of an uncosted proposal of an eastern corridor relief road indicates that there is an acceptance of the appalling traffic chaos that this new development will bring without any prospect of the new road being funded or built. In other words, it is a worthless proposal in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the transport infrastructure of Canterbury will not be able to cope with the proposed size and scale of the Mountfield Park development. The meeting closed at 7.55 p.m. The next scheduled meetings of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 December 2016 at 6.45 pm in the Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 04 November 2016 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee in the Village Hall Bridge on Thursday, 10 November 2016 at7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2016. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. To consider the following applications: CAll16l02507lFUL 15 High St Bridge CT45JZ Proposed reinstatement of railings and gate to High St frontage 5. The committe is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council CAll16l01620 18 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Proposed loft conversion and internal alterations. CAl16l02149lFUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Proposed replacement of existing roof with monopitch roof and installation of French Doors on south-west elevation of existing outbuilding, located to the rear, to create games rooms. 6. The committe is asked to note that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council CAl16l02093lFUL Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5AP Proposed first floor extension and porch 7. The committee is asked to note the response received from Wendy Taylor on 20 October to the letter sent to the Planning Department about their proposed changes to providing documentation The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 December 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Present: 35/16-17 36/16-17 37/16-17 38/16-17 39/16-17 40/16-17 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 10 November 2016 at Bridge Village Hall Cllrs Fawke(Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield. The minutes of the meetings held on 13 October 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no formal objections to it. Howeverthe committee asked that a hedge should remain in place in orderto provide harmony with other existing frontages. This could be on the house side of the proposed new railings. CA//16/02507/FUL 15 High St Bridge CT45JZ Proposed reinstatement of railings and gate to High St frontage The committe noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//16/01620 18 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Proposed loft conversion and internal alterations. CA/16/02149/FUL Old School House, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5BL Proposed replacement of existing roof with monopitch roof and installation of French Doors on south- west elevation of existing outbuilding, located to the rear, to create games rooms. CA/16/02003/FUL 102 High St Bridge Ct4 5AR Retrospective application for a single storey extension, conversion of a garage into additional accommodation, replacement of a carport with a workshop, replacement of aluminium windows and render The committe noted that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council: CA/16/02093/FUL Tanglewood, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge CT4 5AP Proposed first floor extension and porch The committee noted the response received from Wendy Taylor on 20 October to the letter sent to the Planning Department about their proposed changes to providing documentation The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next scheduled meetings of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Monday 28 November 2016 at 7.00 pm at 47 High St, Bridge and Thursday 10 December in the Village Hall at 6.45 p.m. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 10 December 2015 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Corfield, Fawke and Moon 49/15-16. There were no apologies for absence. 50/15-16 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2015 were confirmed as a true record,signed and dated by the Chair. 51/15-16 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 52/15-16 The Planning Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA/15/02421/FUL Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge Ct4 5JX Proposed replacement dwelling and detached garage 53/15-16 The Committee noted the following applications have been granted. CA//15/02162 Variation of condition 2 of planning permission CA/15/01558/FUL for erection of polytunnels and a retractable roof production system. Replacement of retractable roof production system with polytunnels to match the proposed adjacent blocks. Middle Pett Farm, Pett Bottom Rd, Bridge CA//15/02131 Proposed repair and replacement of windowjoinery. Sunnyside, 2 Dering Rd, Bridge CT4 5NA TRE 09682- approval has been given forthe pollarding of2 maple trees on the recreation ground. (This permission was the subject of further discussion at the full Parish Council meeting on 10 December 2015) The meeting closed at 7. 20 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 January 2016 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 8 December 2016 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Fawke(Chair), Hodges, Davies and Corfield. 44/16-17 The minutes of the meetings held on 10 and 28 November 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 45/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 46/16-17 The Planning Committee noted the various proposed tree works outlined on the agenda forthe meeting, namely: The first acacia tree outside 67 High Street — options discussed for retention or removal as the tree has decay at the base. Preferred option is forthe tree to be removed and replacement planting scheduled List of suitable species to be sent to the parish for consideration (Russell Pearce to action) The second acacia tree on High Street — This tree is covered in ivy, on the basis of the adjacent tree being removed this tree should have the ivy severed and a crown reduction for altered exposure. The third acacia tree on High Street — This has a large amount of dead branches works required to crown reduce to shape with adjacent crown reduction and remove deadwood. Footway on High Street to be inspected by the District Engineer/steward in relation to uneven surface Matters discussed with the resident of 67 High Street. Fell notice to be placed on tree priorto works. The Parish have offered to assist with parking issues for contractors works to these trees. The following tree works have been raised on Western Avenue: 207005 OTETEOGLT8 1 Fpssv XOl)p’l7 Xpooav 7\.L(|)’l7 TO 55p ‘[0 Lvx?vo8s [3p0Ksv nocvywy Bpocvgm (A00) [3pocv)m8cS) 207006 Centre of verge outside Green Court Crown lift to 3m (Low branches) 207007 Outside 10 Green Court Remove basal growth (Epicormics) 207008 00176158 9/10 0p 88oc8 ?vLu[3 ov G188 <|>op'm8cS'r <|>p0u TEpOTE8p’l7L8G (A8oc8o)008) o 207009 Junction of Western Ave and Ford close Crown lift to 3m and select limb removal forthe hazard beam which grows towards the street light. (Low branches) o 207010 Junction of Western Ave and Ford Close Crown lift to 4m to include dead branches on verge side (Low branches) Stump in Ford Close to be removed by KCC contractor. 47/16-17 The committe noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA/16/02037/FUL The Old Forge, 49 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing garden room with internal alterations CA/16/02038/LB The Old Forge, 49 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing garden room with internal alterations The meeting closed at 6.55 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12 January 2017 at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 January 2017 in Bridge Village Hall Present: Cllrs Hodges, Davies and Corfield. Apologies Cllr Fawke (Chair) 48/16-17 In the absence ofthe Chair, Cllr Corfield was proposed, seconded and chosen as meeting Chair. 49/16-17 The minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2016 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 50/16-17 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting. 51/16-17 The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to any ofthem: 0 CA/16/02750NAR 22 Rosedale Villas, High St, Bridge CT5 4JY Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission CA/16/01336/FUL for proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, to allow alterations to positioning of extension. . CA/16/02798/FUL 20 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN Proposed roof conversion with additional dormers to front and rear elevations following removal of existing front and rear dormers. . CA/16/02831/FUL 81 High St, Bridge CT4 5AR Proposed new car parking space following demolition of outbuilding and part of boundary wall. 52/16-17 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: 0 CA/16/00586/FUL Former Oil Depot, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LW Erection of 4 detached two storey dwellings CA//16/02507/FUL 15 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed reinstatement of railings and gate to High St frontage. TRE/16/00611 Various locations along High Street, Bridge Remove excessive ivy and 20% crown reduction on a False Acacia located opposite the bus stop next to No 80. Remove Ivy and 20% crown reduction on a False Acacia located opposite No 80. Fell an Ash tree (ash dieback present) with damaged stem, located opposite No 82 53/16-17 The committee noted that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council: CA/16/ 02216 22 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Alterations to access for proposed parking area to dwelling. CA//16/02217/LB 22 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for alterations to access for proposed parking area to dwelling 54/16-17 The committee decided to recommend the planting of either a Lime or a Plane Tree to replace the tree that has been removed opposite 78 High St. It was noted that the resident of 67 High St had requested that whatever tree was planted it should not pose a risk to that property through excessive height or growth. 55/16-17 The committee deicded to refer item 8 of the published agneda to the meeting of the full parish council held immediately aften/vards in the same location. The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9 February 2017 at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 16 February 2017 at 47 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Corfield Apologies Cllr Davies 62/16-17 The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CAl16l02951 retrospective application for the erection and display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs, 2 non-illuminated wall mounted signs, 3 internally illuminated wall mounted signs and 1 externally illuminated hanging sign. CAl17l00019 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external lighting and the display of advertisements. Both appllications refer to the White Horse, 53 High St Bridge CT4 5LA The meeting closed at 7.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday March 9 2017 at 7.15 in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 9 February 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Davies Apologies Cllr Corfield 56/16-17 The minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 57/16-17 The Clerk mentioned that a further meeting will be needed on February 16 2017 to deal with two planning applications relating to 53 High St, Bridge. It was resolved to write to Canterbury City Council about deficiencies with the current planning portal-with an emphasis on making it easier for Cllrs to access specific parts of the website. 58/16-17 The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: . CAl17l00082lLB 52 High St, Bridge CT5 4JZ Approval for listed building consent for proposed single storey rear extension and associated internal alterations. CAl17l00083 52 High ST, Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed single storey rear extension 59/16-17 The committee noted the following application and decided to raise objections to it. The grounds will be very similar to those advanced previously. The details are available on Canterbury City Council website. CAll17l00153 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 5 No. dwellings with associated access and garages. 60/16-17 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: o CAl16l02750NAR 22 Rosedale Villas, High St, Bridge CT5 4JY Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission CA/16/01336/FUL for proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, to allow alterations to positioning of extension. CAl16l02671 18 High St Bridge CT4 5JY Details submitted pursuant to condition 05 (joinery details) of listed building consent CA//16/01509/LB 61/16-17 The committee noted that no application had been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting in January 2017. The meeting closed at 7.27 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 16 February 2017 at 7.00 pm at 47 High St, Bridge. The meeting after that will be held on March 9 2017 at 7.15 in the Village Hall Present: Apologies: 63/16-17 64/16-17 65/16-17 Minutes of ‘BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 9 March 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield None The minutes of the meetings held on 9 and 16 February 2017 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. The C|erk’s draft letter to Canterbury City Council about deficiencies with the current planning portal-with an emphasis on making it easier for Councillors to access specific parts of the website-was approved and will now be sent. The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA//17/00344 22 Rosedale Villas, High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Details submitted pursuant to conditions 02 (window, door and fittings), 03 (method statement) and 04 (damp proofing and insulation) of listed building consent reference CA/16/01222/LB. TREl17l00074 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge Ct4 5JX Felling of Cherry tree in front garden. TREl17l00092 Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Fell 11 sycamores, remove damaged branch from a yew and remove deadwood from 5 yew trees in woodland. 66/16-17 The committee decided to object to the following application if it still retained proposals for vehicular access across the High St and if there was an excessive loss of green space for parking. CA//17/00337/LB 22 Rosedale Villas, High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension. 67/16-17 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAl16l02831 81 High St Bridge CT4 5AR Demolition of outbuilding and part of rear boundary wall CAl16l02951 53 High St, Bridge, The White Horse CT4 5LA Retrospective application for the erection and display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs, 2 non-illuminated wall mounted signs, 3 internally illuminated wall mounted signs and 1 externally illuminated hanging sign. CAl17l00019 53 High St, Bridge, The White Horse CT 5LA Retrospective application for listed building consent for external lighting and the display of advertisements CAl16l02798lFUL 20 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN Proposed roof conversion with additional dormers to front and rear elevations following removal of existing front and rear dormers. 67/16-17 The committee noted that no application had been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting on 9 February 2017. The meeting closed at 7.28 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be held on April 13 2017 at 7.15 in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 13 April 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield Apologies: None A villager complained about comments he alleged had previously been made about planning application CA//16/01156. by a member of the planning committee. 68/16-17 The minutes of the meetings held on 9 March were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 69/16-17 Matters arising. The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Davies about recent contact from Russell Pearce of Kent County Council about trees on the High Street. (ACTION: Clerk) 70/16-17 The committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA/17/00323 24 Conyngham Lane Bridge CT4 5JX Proposed erection of three-storey rear extension, gabled dormer to front and loft conversion. CA//17/00705/LB Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for external alterations including erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. CA//17/00704/ADV Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. CA//17/00715 100 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5AR Proposed two-storey side extension with Juliet balcony to rear and single storey rear extension with rooflights following the demolition of the existing conservatory and entrance canopy 0 CAI 17/00772 71 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LB Retrospective change of use from retail/storage to residential garage & store. 71/16-17 The committee decided to object to the following application if it still retained proposals for vehicular access across the High St and if there was an excessive loss of green space for parking. The Clerk is to write to the planning officer. (ACTION: Clerk) 0 CA/17/00337 22 High St, Bridge Revised design and access statement. 72/16-17 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: . CA//17/00082 and CA//17/00083 52 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Application for listed building consent for single-storey rear extension and associated internal alterations. CA//16/01156 3 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS Proposed single-storey rear extension with dormer window to rear and external alterations. TRE/17/00074 Springfield, 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Felling of Cherry tree in front garden. TRE/17/00061 The Playground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5BL Re-pollard three willow trees located on the recreation ground side. One is located on the northern bank of the Nail Bourne (within the Recreation ground itself) and the other two are on the southern side of Nail Bourne-close to the main entrance to the recreation ground. TRE/17/00045 Wychecroft 3 Meadow Close, Bridge CT4 SAT 25% reduction to 3 maple trees, 3 metre reduction in height of yew tree, 25% reduction to Tree of Heaven all in front garden. 2 metre reduction and cobra bracing of Common Beech tree and section take down to Tree of Heaven in rear garden. 0 TRE/17/00062 Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Rd, Bridge Reduce 3 trees on the recreation ground by 20% 73/16-17 The committee noted that no application had been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting on 9 March 2017. 74/16-17 The committee decided to request one paper copy of each planning application which can then be circulated amongst members. This is in response to the unsatisfactory nature of the website, which has previously been brought to the attention of Canterbury City Council. The meeting closed at 7.32 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be held on May 11 2017 at 7.15 in the Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday 18 May 2017 at 47 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ (the parish office) Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges, and Davies Apologies: None. 8/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and raised no objections to it: CA//17/00768 existing dwelling. Badgers Mount, 1 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JU Proposed two-storey detached dwelling following demolition of The meeting closed at 6.05 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on 8 June 2017 in the Sports Pavilion on Bridge Recreation Ground at 7.15 p.m. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 11 May 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges, Davies and Corfield. Apologies: None. The minutes of the meetings held on 13 1/17-18 April were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. The Cedars planning application (CA/17/00153) has been deferred to 2/17-18 Matters arising. a later date-possibly in May or June. A lengthy site meeting took place on 5 May. 3/17-18 The Committee considered the following applications and raised no objections to them: CA//17/00930/LB Application for listed building consent for proposed two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA/17/0103 1 Application for lawful development certificate for proposed single-storey rear extension. 27 Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LN The committee decided to object to the following applications, with full text available on 4/17-18 the Canterbury City Council planning portal. Proposed two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of 0 CA//17/00807 single- storey extension. 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE (It is not clear to the Committee that Planners advice has been followed in all respects and the size and scale of the development causes concerns). (C||r Hodges left the meeting for the discussion of item TRE/17/00198) 0 TRE/17/00198 T1 Thuja Placata Fell to ground level H1 Mixed (mainly Thuja) (Hedge) Reduce height of hedge by up to 2 metres and trim both sides of hedge, creating flat top and sides. Sunnyside, Dering Rd, Bridge CT4 5NA (The trees should be subject to a preservation order and wildlife surveys conducted first). 5/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: TRE/17/00092 Fell 11 Sycamores, remove damaged branch from Yew and remove dead wood from 5 Yew trees in Woodland. Beechmount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Details submitted pursuant to condition 03 (archaeology evaluation) of CA/17/00626 planning permission CA//16/01336/FUL 22 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY 6/17-18 The committee noted that the following application has been withdrawn: CA/17/00337 22 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY The committee noted that no application had been refused by Canterbury City Council since 6/17-18 the last meeting on 13 April 2017. The meeting closed at 7.31 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will b_ehe|d on May 18 2017 at 6.00 p.m. in the Parish Office at 47 High St, Bridge. The meeting after that will be held on 8 June 2017 in the Sports Pavilion on the Recreation ground at 7.15 Q.m. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 27 June 2017 at 47 High St, Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) and Davies. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr Hodges. 13/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided not to object to any of them: CAl17l00506 The White Horse, 53 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Wooden tower for proposed play area CAl17l01306 29 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ. Change of use from offices to accommodation CAl17l01230 30 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JX Proposed 2 storey rear extension and attached garage to side elevation, following demolition of existing detached garage together with proposed porch and hipped to gable roof extension to front elevation. 14/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: TREl17l00198 Sunnyside, Dering Rd, Bridge CT4 5NA T1 Thuja Placata Fell to ground level H1 Mixed (mainly Thuja) (Hedge) Reduce height of hedge by up to 2 metres and trim both sides of hedge, creating flat top and sides. The Committee resolved to investigate fruther the powers of the local planning authority (Canterbury City Council) in failing to insist upon a bat survey for these trees to ensure that this endangered species was protected, as requested in the submission made by this planning committee to Canterbury City Council following the 11 May meeting. This will done through Cllr Simon Cook. The committee also resolved to revisit the composition of a heritage tree survey for the village. The meeting closed at 8.10 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be held on 13 July 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 01 June 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at the Sports Pavilion (Recreation Ground) Bridge on Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2017. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following application: 0 CAl17l00153 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 5 no. dwellings with associated access and garages. o CAl17l00506 The White Horse, 53 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Proposed erection of play equipment in rear garden. 5. The committe is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council. 0 CA//17/00705/LB Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for external alterations including erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. 0 CA//17/00704/ADV Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. o CA//17/00715 100 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5AR Proposed two- storey side extension with Juliet balcony to rear and single storey rear extension with rooflights following the demolition of the existing conservatory and entrance canopy 0 TRE/17/00230 The Lodge, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Felling of Alder tree (T1) in rear garden. The committee is asked to note that the following application has been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting. CA/17/00323 24 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed erection of three-storey rear extension, gabled dormer to front and loft conversion. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 13 July 2017 at 7.15 pm in Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 June 2017 in the Sports Pavilion, Bridge Recreation ground. Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Davies. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Apologies: None. Cllr Corfield resigned from the Parish Council on 15 May 2017. 7/17-18 The minutes of the meetings held on 11 and 18 May were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 8/17-18 Matters arising. None. 9/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided to support it: CAl17I00506 The White Horse, 53 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Proposed erection of play equipment in rear garden. 10/17-18 The committee decided to object to the following application, with full text available on the Canterbury City Council planning portal. The Committee agreed fully with the objections of villagers Goddard and Culligan dated 6 June 2017 to be found on the planning portal. CA/17/00153 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 5 no. dwellings with associated access and garages. 11/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//17/00705/LB Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for external alterations including erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. CA//17/00704/ADV Bridge Pharmacy, 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Erection and display of non-illuminated fascia sign, internally-illuminated projecting sign and externally illuminated hanging sign to front elevation. CA//17/00715 100 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5AR Proposed two-storey side extension with Juliet balcony to rear and single storey rear extension with rooflights following the demolition of the existing conservatory and entrance canopy TRE/17/00230 The Lodge, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Felling of Alder tree (T1) in rear garden. 12/17-18 The committee is asked to note that the following application has been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting. CA/17/00323 24 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed erection of three- storey rear extension, gabled dormer to front and loft conversion. The meeting closed at 7.23 p.m. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday,P|anning Committee 27 June 2017 at 6.30 p.m. in the Parish Office at 47 High St, Bridge. The meeting after that will be held on 13 July 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 24 July 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at the Parish Office, 47 High St Bridge on Friday 28 July 2017 at 6.30 pm _ Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAl17l01649 13 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including structural repairs, repair or replacement of rainwater goods, soffits, sash windows and render. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 14 September 2017 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall (unless the timing of new planning applications requires an earlier meeting) Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: Apologies: 13/17-18 14/17-18 15/17-18 16/17-18 17/17-18 Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 13 July 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Davies. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. None. . The minutes of the meetings held on 8 and 27 June were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to either: CAl17l01392 19 Union Rd Bridge Ct4 5LN Proposed single storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear and side dormers CAl17l01561 80 Riverside Close Bridge CT4 5 TN Proposed first-floor extension above garage and roof alterations (revised scheme) The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAl17l00772 71 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LB Retrospective change of use from retail/storage to residential garage and store CAl17l00153 The Cedars Bridge CT4 5BB Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 5 No. dwellings with associated access and garages. CA/17/00807 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Proposed two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of single-storey extension. TREl17l00283 Dover Lodge, 48 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Cut back branches of Eucalyptus tree overgrowing boundary CAl17l0076 8 Badgers Mount, Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5JU Proposed two dwelling. storey detached dwelling following demolition of existing CAl17l0050 6 _ 53 High St, Bridge (The White Horse) Proposed erection of play equipment in rear garden. The Chair said that he was formulating a series of questions for Cllr Cook and the Planning Officers to answer about recent planning issues. The meeting closed at 7.21 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 14 September 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall, though the timing of the receipt of planning applications may require a meeting to be held before then. 1 . 2. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 21 August 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee in the Hunter Room of Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 6.30 p.m. Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAl17l01687 1 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5AZ Proposed two-storey front, side and rear extensions, single-storey rear extension with roof lantern and first-floor side extension. CAl17l01688 Springfield, 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5 JX Proposed single storey front, side and rear extensions together with 10 no. roof lights CAl17l01782 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Proposed timber infills of open bays to garage CAl17l01784 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for insertion of timber window to first floor of Coach House CAl17l01837 Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed erection of a wooden double bay garage and extension of block paving into the garden following removal of fencing . 3. The Committee is asked to note the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council CAl17l01306 29 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ_ Change of use from offices to dwelling. CAl17l01230 30 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed two-storey rear extension and attached garage to side elevation, following demolition of existing detached garage together with proposed porch and hipped to gable roof extension to front elevation. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 14 September 2017 at 7.15 pm in Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 24 August 2017 in the Hunter Room, Bridge Present: Cllrs Fawke (Chair) Hodges and Davies. Apologies: Mr Philip Wicker (Clerk) A villager who owns 12 Conyngham Lane spoke to clarify points made by an objector to CCC planners. Nobody spoke against. 19/17-18 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to any of them (though Canterbury City Council were encouraged to look into the full history of recent planning applications regarding 24 High St) CAl17l01687 1 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5AZ Proposed two-storey front, side and rear extensions, single-storey rear extension with roof lantern and first-floor side extension. CAl17l01688 Springfield, 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge CT4 5 JX Proposed single storey front, side and rear extensions together with 10 no. roof lights CAl17l01782 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Proposed timber infills of open bays to garage CAl17I01784 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for insertion of timber window to first floor of Coach House CAl17l01837 Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed erection of a wooden double bay garage and extension of block paving into the garden following removal of fencing . 20/17-18 The Committee was asked to note the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council CAl17l01306 29 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ_ Change of use from offices to dwelling. CAl17l01230 30 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed two-storey rear extension and attached garage to side elevation, following demolition of existing detached garage together with proposed porch and hipped to gable roof extension to front elevation. The meeting closed at 6.45p.m. The next meeting will be held on on 14 September 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall, é BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 11 September 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 14 September 2017 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 13 and 28 July and 24 August 2017. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following application: TREl17I00353 Saxons Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Conifer - reduce by approximately 50% and reshape the tree back to where the new healthy growth can be seen - in front garden. CAl17l01888 1 Saxon Rd, Bridge CT4 5LR Proposed single-storey front extension together with hardstanding. CAl17l01863 84 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Grade II listed Proposed single-storey rear extension with roof lantern. CAl17l01864 84 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Grade II listed Application for listed building consent for single-storey rear extension with roof lantern The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council. CAll17l01392lFUL 19 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Proposed single-storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear and side dormers. CAl17l01230 30 Conyngham Lane CT4 5JX Proposed two storey rear extension and attached garage to side elevation, following demolition of existing detached garage together with proposed porch and hipped to gable roof extension to front elevation The committee is asked to note that the following application has been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting. CAl17l01561 80 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Proposed first-floor extension above garage and roof alterations (revised scheme). The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 12 October July 2017 at 7.15 pm in Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 September 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllrs Atkinson (Chair deputising for Cllr Fawke) Hodges and Davies. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr Fawke (unwell) A villager spoke briefly at the start of the meeting about one of the planning aplplications to be decided upon in the course of the meeting. 21/17-18 The minutes of the meetings held on 13 and 28 July and 24 August were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 22/17-18 Matters arising. None. 23/17-18 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to any of them: TREl17l00353 Saxons Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Conifer - reduce by approximately 50% and reshape the tree back to where the new healthy growth can be seen - in front garden. CAl17l01888 1 Saxon Rd, Bridge CT4 5LR Proposed single-storey front extension together with hardstanding. CAl17l01863 84 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Grade II listed Proposed single-storey rear extension with roof lantern. CAl17l01864 84 High St, Bridge CT4 5LA Grade II listed Application for listed building consent for single-storey rear extension with roof lantern 24/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//17/01392/FUL 19 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Proposed sing|e—storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear and side dormers. CA/17/01230 30 Conyngham Lane CT4 5JX Proposed two storey rear extension and attached garage to side elevation, following demolition of existing detached garage together with proposed porch and hipped to gable roof extension to front elevation 25/17-18 The committee noted that the following application has been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting. CAl17l01561 80 Riverside Close, Bridge CT4 5TN Proposed first-floor extension above garage and roof alterations (revised scheme). The meeting closed at 7.21 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 12 October 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 9 October 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 12 October 2017 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 14 September 2017. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAI 17l02079 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Proposed erection of polytunnels. CAll17l02226lLB Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including two- storey extension following demolition of single-storey extension. CAll17l02123lFUL The Vicarage, 23 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 2 no. two-storey detached dwellings. TREl17l00460 49 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Fell Eucalyptus tree in rear garden. Application validated 22 September 2017 TREl17l00429 Bournes Corner, Bekesbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5AE Crown reduce two beech trees, and a Sycamore, reduce by 50% and a pine by 50% in height, all located in the hedge. (appplication validated 7 September) TREl17l00439 20 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Prune back to main trunk and remove at least 12ft from height of Lime tree at the rear of yard. (appliocation validated 18 September 2017) TREl17l00464 11 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Re-coppice to ground level approx 9 x Dogwood and re-coppice Hazel in rear garden. (application validated 25 September) TREl17l00468 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Reduce to previous cutting points Apple tree and Horn Beam,in the rear garden and reduce crown of Sycamore by 2 metres on front boundary. (application validated 25 September 2017) 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council. CAll17l01687lFUL Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Proposed two-storey front, side and rear extensions, single-storey rear extension with roof lantern and first-floor side extension. CAl17l01782 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Proposed timber infills of open bays to garage CAI17I01784 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for insertion of timber window to first floor of Coach House CAll17l00929lFUL 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension with roof light. CAll17l00930lLB 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for proposed two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension CAll17l01837lFUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed erection of a wooden double bay garage and extension of block paving into the garden following removal of fencing . CAll17l01688 Springfield, 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single-storey front, side and rear extensions together with 10 no. roof lights TREl17l00403 Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Beech trees x 2 located at front garden, reduce to previous cut. Yew & Beech tree located in Sharnwood (neighbour's garden), reduce back to boundary. Ash tree located in rear garden, reduce to previous cut. Fell Horse Chestnut tree, located in rear boarder. Fell Ash tree, located in rear garden. Yew trees x 2 located in rear garden, reduce to previous cut. TREl17l003546 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS T1 - Ash and T2 - Sycamore - cut back to the trunk to a height of 7m and reduce the rest of the overhang by 2m on the patio side only on side boundary The next meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on 9 November 2017 at 7.15 pm in Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: Apologies: 26/17-18 27/17-18 28/17-18 29/17-18 Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 October 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Fawke, Davies and A Atkinson (deputising for Cllr Hodges). Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Cllr Hodges The minutes of the meetings held on 14 September were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to any of them: CAI 17l02079 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Proposed erection of polytunnels. CAll17l02226lLB Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for |iste%Ji|ding consent for external/internal alterations including two- storey extension following demolition of single-storey extension. The committee has made recommendations to limit the size and weight of delivery vans using the Brewery Lane entrance. TREl17l0046 0 _ 49 High Street, Bridge, CT4 _ 5LA _ Fell tree in rear Eucalyptus garden. _ TREl17l0043 9 T 20 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Prune back to 'r|n2aci[n trunk and remove at least from height of Lime tree at the rear of yard. TREl17l0046 4 11 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 E Re-coppice to ground level approx 9 x Dogwood and re-coppice Hazel in rear garden TREl17l0046 8 _ 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Rejduce to previous cutting points Apple tree and Horn Beam,in the rear garden and re uce crown of Sycamore by 2 metres on front boundary. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to object to them: CA//17/02123/FUL The Vicarage, 23 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 2 no. two-storey detached dwellings. The draft Neighbourhood Plan for the village states (p. 19 version 6 August 2017) that there should be no garden grabbing in the village for the purpose of creating building plots. The committee believes that access to the site for contractors’ vehicles will be too narrow and will therefore impact unacceptably upon existing walls and fences. There appears to be no viable or acceptable alternative access to the site. The committee also believes that the sight lines on exiting the site onto the High Street are inadequate and dangerous. TREl17l00429 Bournes Corner, Bekesbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5AE Crown reduce two beech trees, and a Sycamore, reduce by 50% and a pine by 50% in height, all located in the hedge. The committee has asked for the beech trees not to be reduced by 50%. The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll17l01687lFUL Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Proposed two-storey front, side and rear extensions, single-storey rear extension with roof lantern and first-floor side extension. CAl17l01782 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge CT4 5JY Proposed timber infills of open bays to garage CAl17l01784 Hunter’s House, 24 High St, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for insertion of timber window to first floor of Coach House CAll17l00929lFUL 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension with roof light. CAll17l00930lLB 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for proposed two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension CAll17l01837lFUL Red Deer, Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed erection of a wooden double bay garage and extension of block paving into the garden following removal of fencing . CAll17l01688 Springfield, 12 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single-storey front, side and rear extensions together with 10 no. roof lights TREl17l00403 Coppice, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX 2 Beech trees located at front garden, reduce to previous cut. Yew & Beech tree located in Sharnwood (neighbour's garden), reduce back to boundary. Ash tree located in rear garden, reduce to previous cut. Fell Horse Chestnut tree, located in rear boarder. Fell Ash tree, located in rear garden. Yew trees x 2 located in rear garden, reduce to previous cut. TREl17l003546 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS T1 - Ash and T2 - Sycamore - cut back to the trunk to a height of 7m and reduce the rest of the overhang by 2m on the patio side only on side boundary The meeting closed at 7. 32 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 9 November 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 5 November 2017 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 9 November 2017 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 12 October 2017. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll17l02248lM|N 4 Bridgeford Way Bridge CT4 5LE Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/00807/FUL for a proposed two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of single-storey extension; to allow change of windows from timber to aluminium. TREl17l00526 Robins, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AS T1 and T2 - Yew trees in rear garden - crown lift above a height of 2.7m, reduce heights to 6m and crown reduce to 7m. TREl17l00519 53 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA T1 Ash tree - crown reduce by 30%, T2 Ash tree - to fell, T3 Ash tree - re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points, T4 Ash tree - pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points and T5 Hawthorn tree - crown reduce by 20%. TREl17l00517 The Byre Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Ct4 5AD T1 Horse Chestnut-crown lift to 5m; crown reduce by 20% to new building side and rebalance crown to ensure canopy balance and to remove deadwood. 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council. CAll17l01888lFUL 1 Saxon Road, Bridge, CT4 5LR Proposed single-storey front extension together with hardstanding. CAll17l01649lLB 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for structural repairs, repair or replacement of rainwater goods, soffits, sash windows and render. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 14 December 2017 at 6.45 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Apologies: 30/17-18 31/17-18 32/17-18 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 9 November 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Fawke, Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. None The minutes of the meetings held on 12 October were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAll17l02248lM|N 4 Bridgeford Way Bridge CT4 5LE Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/00807/FUL for a proposed two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of single-storey extension; to allow change of windows from timber to aluminium. TREI17I00526 Robins, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AS T1 and T2 - Yew trees in rear garden - crown lift above a height of 2.7m, reduce heights to 6m and crown reduce to 7m. TREI17l00519 53 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA T1 Ash tree - crown reduce by 30%, T2 Ash tree - to fell, T3 Ash tree - re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points, T4 Ash tree - pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points and T5 Hawthorn tree - crown reduce by 20%. TREl17l00517 The Byre Renville Farm Rd, Bridge Ct4 5AD T1 Horse Chestnut-crown lift to 5m; crown reduce by 20% to new building side and rebalance crown to ensure canopy balance and to remove deadwood. 33/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll17l01888lFUL 1 Saxon Road, Bridge, CT4 5LR Proposed single-storey front extension together with hardstanding. CAll17I01649lLB 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for structural repairs, repair or replacement of rainwater goods, soffits, sash windows and render. The meeting closed at 7. 19 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 14 December 2017 at 6.45 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 4 January 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 14 December 2017. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted_by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on 11 January 2018 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: Apologies: 34/17-18 35/17-18 36/17-18 Held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 14 December 2017 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllrs Fawke, Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. None The minutes of the meetings held on 9 November were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAI 17/0250? Proposed two-storey rear extension and raising of roof incorporating dormers to front and rear. Muntok, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL The committee did however recommend to Canterbury City Planners that the ridge height of the roof of the new extension should be in keeping with neighbouring porperties and either full hip or half hip the gab/es. TREl17l00566 Crown lift 5 Ash and 2 Sycamore trees to clear water growth. Land rear of 5 to 9 Churchill Close, Bridge, CT4 5NH C/Ir Davies is to send a copy of his proposals for further work for these trees to the Clerk and also to an interested villager. TREl17l00560 Remove two Fir trees on corner of front garden. Reduce Acer tree in front garden to previous cutting points and remove two overhanging branches of Ash tree at rear boundary of property. Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF 37/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//17/01863/FUL Single-storey rear extension with roof lantern. 84 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA CA//17/01864/LB Listed building consent for single-storey rear extension. 84 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA TRE/17/00519 T1 Ash tree - crown reduce by 30%, T2 Ash tree - to fell, T3 Ash tree - re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points, T4 Ash tree - pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points and T5 Hawthorn tree - crown reduce by 20%. 53 High St Bridge CT4 5LA TRE/17/00517 T1 Horse Chestnut - Crown lift to 5m; crown reduce by 20% to new building side and rebalance crown to ensure canopy balance and to remove deadwood The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, CT4 5AD The meeting closed at 7.01 p.m The next formal meeting will be held on 8 January at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 4 January 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 14 December 2017. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: 0 CAl17l02905 32 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension together with pitched roof to side garage. 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: o CAll17l02541NAR 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA//17/00807/FUL for the proposed two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of single-storey extension; to allow change of material for the windows and doors . TREl17l00560 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Remove two Fir trees on corner of front garden. Reduce Acer tree in front garden to previous cutting points and remove two overhanging branches of Ash tree at rear boundary of property. . CAl17l02507 Muntok Patrixbourne Rd CT4 5BL Proposed two-storey rear extension and raising of roof with dormer to rear . TREl17l00519 53 High St Bridge CT4 5LA T1 Ash tree - crown reduce by 30%, T2 Ash tree - to fell, T3 Ash tree - re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points, T4 Ash tree - pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points and T5 Hawthorn tree - crown reduce by 20% . TREl17l00517 The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD T1 Horse Chestnut - Crown lift to 5m; crown reduce by 20% to new building side and rebalance crown to ensure canopy balance and to remove deadwood The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 February 2018 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 11 January 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: CllrA Atkinson (standing in as Chair for Cllr Fawke), Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr Fawke (unwell) 38/17-18 The minutes of the meetings held on 14 December were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 39/17-18 Matters arising. None. 40/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to it: CA/17/02905 32 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single- storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension together with pitched roof to side garage. 41/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: o CA//17/02541NAR 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA//17/00807/FUL for the proposed two—storey side and rear extension following demolition of sing|e—storey extension; to allow change of material for the windows and doors TREl17l00560 4 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Remove two Fir trees on corner of front garden. Reduce Acer tree in front garden to previous cutting points and remove two overhanging branches of Ash tree at rear boundary of property. CAl17l02507 Muntok Patrixbourne Rd CT4 5BL Proposed two—storey rear extension and raising of roof with dormer to rear TREl17l00519 53 High St Bridge CT4 5LA T1 Ash tree - crown reduce by 30%, T2 Ash tree - to fell, T3 Ash tree - re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points, T4 Ash tree - pollard, cutting newer growth back to the previous pollard pruning points and T5 Hawthorn tree - crown reduce by 20% TREl17l00517 The Byre, Renville Farm Rd, Bridge CT4 5AD T1 Horse Chestnut - Crown lift to 5m; crown reduce by 20% to new building side and rebalance crown to ensure canopy balance and to remove deadwood The meeting closed at 7.19 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 8 February at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 4 February 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 11 January 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAII18I00082lLUP 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Application for lawful development certificate for proposed single-storey rear extension and velux roof window to front elevation. CAlI18l00092lFUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AU Proposed single-storey rear extension with balcony, one half storey side extension and dormer window to rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. CAl18l00199 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Fell Juvenile Sycamore tree (T1) and semi mature Sycamore tree (T2) located in rear garden. CAI18I00186 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Proposed replacement of ground floor window and door, replacement of first-floor window with french doors and glazed Juliet balcony with pitched roof over. CAl17l02123 The Vicarage, 23 High St, Bridge. The applicant has reduced the proposal from 2 dwellings to 1 dwelling. Does Bridge PC maintain its objection? The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAl17l02079 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Proposed erection of polytunnels. CAl17l02226lLB Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including two- storey extension following demolition of single-storey extension. CAl17l02225lFUL Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coach house and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 8 March 2018 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Present: Apologies: 42/17-18 43/17-18 44/17-18 Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 February 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. C||rFawke, (Chair) ,C||rs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. None The minutes of the meetings held on 11 January were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAII18I00082lLUP 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Application for lawful development certificate for proposed single-storey rear extension and velux roof window to front elevation. CAlI18l00092lFUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AU Proposed single-storey rear extension with balcony, one half storey side extension and dormer window to rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. CA/18/0019 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ 9 Fell Juvenile Sycamore tree (T1) and semi mature Sycamore tree (T2) located in rear garden. CA/18/0018 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN 6 Proposed replacement of ground floor window and door, replacement of first-floor window with french doors and glazed Juliet balcony with pitched roof over. 45/17-18 CA/17/02123 The Vicarage, 23 High St, Bridge. In answer to the question posed by Canterbury City Council planners “does Bridge PC maintain its objection to this proposal even in its revised form ?” the answer was affirmative. Here is the reply sent to the City Council after the meeting: “Councillors were unanimous in maintaining their objection to this proposed development even in its revised form. The revision does nothing to alleviate the objections Councillors identified previously which are principally to do with access to the site and the eflect that the proposed building works would have on neighbouring properties because of the very limited access to the site fiom Bridge High St- the only possible access to the site. You may be interested to know that the Parish Council voted to adopt its draft Neighbourhood Plan last night. The regulation [4 process now ensues. The text under objective F contains the following sentence.‘ The Planning Committee of the Parish Council will follow the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan and ensure that "garden grabbing” i.e. the use of gardens to develop as building plots does not take place in Bridge. Any new building should take place on brown field sites. So Councillors cited this as a further reason to maintain their objections to the proposed development even in its revised form. ” 46/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAI 17/02079 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Proposed erection of polytunnels. CA/17/02226/LB Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including two- storey extension following demolition of single-storey extension. CAl17l02225lFUL Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coach house and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking. The meeting closed at 7.24 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 8 March 2018 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 1 March 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA é Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 8 February 2018. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAII18I00091IFUL 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed three two-storey dwellings with associated parking following demolition of existing dwelling. CAll18l00319 12 Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LD Proposed loft conversion, two rear dormers, 2 rooflights to front elevations and side extension for staircase. CAll18l00333 11 Bridge Down, bridge CT4 5AZ Application for lawful development certificate for proposed conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, alterations to existing ground floor openings and creation of new opening to ground floor side elevation. TREl18l00092 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Fell 8 Lelandias to rear of property. 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll17l02905lFUL 32 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single- storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension together with pitched roof to side garage. CAll18l00082lLUP 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Application for lawful development certificate. Decision is that it WOULD BE LAWFUL The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12 April 2018 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 March 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: CllrFawke, (Chair) ,C||rs Davies and Alan Atkinson (who replaced Cllr Hodges). Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr Hodges. Before the formal start of the meeting, 3 villagers (who live in Filmer Rd and Dering Close) spoke of their objections to the proposed development at no 6 Filmer Rd. The arguments they put forward have been subsumed in the Parish Counci|’s response to be found below (minute 50/17-18). 47/17-18 The minutes of the meetings held on 8 February were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 48/17-18 Matters arising. None. 49/17-18 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CA//18/00319 12 Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LD Proposed loft conversion, two rear dormers, 2 rooflights to front elevations and side extension for staircase. CAII18I00333 11 Bridge Down, bridge CT4 5AZ Application for lawful development certificate for proposed conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, alterations to existing ground floor openings and creation of new opening to ground floor side elevation. TREI18I00092 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Fell 8 Lelandias to rear of property. 50/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided to object to it on the following grounds: CAll18l00091 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed three two-storey dwellings with associated parking following demolition of existing dwelling. References throughout are to the adopted Local Plan. The design and concept are at odds and not in keeping with the typical architecture seen in the village. 1. The design and density of the development is sardine like with the properties, overbearing and out of proportion to neighbouring properties including a grade 2 listed building, The Close. Policy C1 (c) states “the need to conserve and enhance the fabric and setting of any heritage asset”. Policy C1 (I) states “making best use of the site to accommodate development”. The developer certainly wants to get maiximum monetary valule from this land but it would not the best use for the site. Apart from a couple of buildings in this part of the village most houses are period farm cottages or bungalows. The design aspects of the development will certain impact on the character of the street scene. 2. The height of the properties and the density will impact on natural light to the property behind units 1 and 2. The same issues also apply to the very limited garden/yard space provided in the development which is more akin to dense urban development seen in the Victorian era, back to back housing in industrial cities and slums. Policy C1 (a) concerns the height, scale, spacing, density, layout, orientation, design and materials of building. Policy C1 (g) concerns providing sufficient garden space for dwellings to be in keeping with the character of this rural area; Policy C1 (m) states the importance of “respecting the privacy, tranquillity and setting of existing neighbouring properties”. The gardens and open space aspects of the development are clearly insufficient and very much at odds with neighbouring properties. 3. The roads in this part of the village are extremely narrow and in very poor condition. Large vehicle access is difficult at the best of times and delivery vehicles often double park on Union Road while goods are transported by sack barrow.! The issues with waste refuse vehicles gaining access to Dering and Filmer Roads has led Serco doing a separate collection to the main village with a smaller lorry. The proposed turning circle on the plans would only work if there doube yellow lines and what about bin collection days? It wold appear that the planned truning cicrlee might impact upon the gardnes of other residents. 4. Parking in Dering and Filmer Road has always been an issue and while the developer has provided onsite parking for guests and neighbouring properties, who is going to enforce and control the parking aspects on the site? Parking is always a significant isue in this part of the village when the primary school is in session.The parking area is also out of keeping with the established character of the surrounding area. Provision of car parking will have little effect on parking and traffic issues in the area and in many respects create further problems. 8 residenmts currently park in Fillmer Rd. This would be increased to 17 if these plans were accepted (more than a 100% increase). 5. The garden creates a natural green space between the 1950’s build and a grade 2 listed building. The loss of a mature garden to development and car parking will impact on local wildlife. This part of the village has a large stag beetle and slow worm population. Many other species rely on gardens for food as well as habitat and pipistrelles are a common sight. Recently Canterbury City Council gave consent (TRE/17/00198) for the removal of a row of trees very close to this location. Pipistrelles sightings have reduced, and residents have commented on the reduction in bird song. The loss of the garden cannot make this proposed development purely a brownfield proposal. 6. When three terraced houses were built in 2005/2006 in Filmer Road, neighbouring properties suffered issues with flooding in heavy rain because of the loss of natural drainage resulting from displacement caused by the loss of green open space. The loss of yet another large garden will impact further on neighbouring properties and exacerbate the situation especially for those living downhill of this development. Canterbury City Counci|’s CDLP i.e. DBE2, DBE3, DBE4, HE1 should be upheld with regard to this proposed development. The density and design of this proposed development is completely inappropriate for this site and with that in mind we recommend Canterbury City Council refuse this application. 7. The proposal clearly contravenes the statement in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan for the village (currently out to Regulation 14 consultation) to prevent garden grabbing (see p.21 of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation document). 51/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll17l02905lFUL 32 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Proposed single- storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension together with pitched roof to side garage. CAll18l00082lLUP 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Application for lawful development certificate. Decision is that it WOULD BE LAWFUL The meeting closed at 7.33 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 12 April 2018 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall Present: Apologies: 52/17-18 53/17-18 54/17-18 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 April 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. C||rFawke, (Chair) ,C||rs Davies and Alan Atkinson (who replaced Cllr Hodges). Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. Cllr Hodges. The minutes of the meetings held on 8 March were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. None. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAll18l00472lFUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed timber pergola attached to poolhouse. CAll18l00496lFUL 24 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Proposed single-storey front porch extension following demolition of existing porch. CAll18l00625 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed alterations to existing outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAll18l00626 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including roof light to second floor, removal of part of an internal wall, alterations to outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. TREl18l00147 Bridge Place Bridge CT4 5LF Reduce crown of two sycamores by 30% TREl18l00141 25 High St, Bridge CT4 5JZ Fell conifer to side/front boundary TREl18l00130 52 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA T2 - Holly tree to reduce by 30% and reshape as appropriate. T4 - Yew tree to reduce the house side crown by 25% to rebalance and reshape tree. TREl18l00160 7 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Crown reduce Magnolia in front garden and fell Bay Laurel next to garage TREl18l00161 10 Dering Close, Bridge CT4 5ND Reduce 2 cherry trees to 15-20 ft and 3 cob trees to 15-20ft in the rear garden TREl18l00162 49 High St Bridge CT4 5LA Fell walnut tree in rear garden 55/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided to object to it on the following grounds: CAl17l02123 The Vicarage 23 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed 1no. two-storey detached dwelling. The objections remain the same as those raised in October 2017, namely: The Neighbourhood Plan for the village (currently out to regulation 14 inspection) states that there should be no garden grabbing in the village for the purpose of creating building plots. The committee believes that access to the site for contractors‘ vehicles will be too narrow and will therefore impact unacceptably upon existing walls and fences. There appears to be no viable or acceptable alternative access to the site. The committee also believes that the sight lines on exiting the site onto the High Street are inadequate and dangerous. 56/17-18 The committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll18l00092lFUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Proposed single-storey rear extension with balcony, one half storey side extension and dormer window to rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. CAll18l00186 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Proposed replacement of ground floor window and door, replacement of first-floor window with french doors and glazed Juliet balcony with pitched roof over. CAll18l00199lTPO 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Fell juvenile Sycamore tree (T1) and semi mature Sycamore tree (T2) located in rear garden. TREl18l00092 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Fell 8 Lelandias to rear of property. The meeting closed at 7.28 p.m. The next formal meeting will be held on 10 May 2018 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall é BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 8 April 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 8 March 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll18l00472lFUL The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed timber pergola attached to poolhouse. CAll18l00496lFUL 24 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Proposed single-storey front porch extension following demolition of existing porch. CAll18l00625 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed alterations to existing outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAll18l00626 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including roof light to second floor, removal of part of an internal wall, alterations to outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAl17l02123 The Vicarage 23 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ Proposed 1no. two-storey detached dwelling. TREl18l00147 Bridge Place Bridge CT4 5LF Reduce crown of two sycamores by 30% TREl18l00141 25 High St, Bridge CT4 5JZ Fell conifer to side/front boundary TREl18l00130 52 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5BA T2 - Holly tree to reduce by 30% and reshape as appropriate. T4 - Yew tree to reduce the house side crown by 25% to rebalance and reshape tree. TREl18l00160 7 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Crown reduce Magnolia in front garden and fell Bay Laurel next to garage TREl18l00161 10 Dering Close, Bridge CT4 5ND Reduce 2 cherry trees to 15-20 ft and 3 cob trees to 15-20ft in the rear garden TREl18l00162 49 High St Bridge CT4 5LA Fell walnut tree in rear garden The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll18l00092lFUL Woodlands, Beech Hill, Bridge CT4 5AU Proposed single-storey rear extension with balcony, one half storey side extension and dormer window to rear following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. CAll18l00186 2 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Proposed replacement of ground floor window and door, replacement of first-floor window with french doors and glazed Juliet balcony with pitched roof over. CAll18l00199lTPO 24 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Fell juvenile Sycamore tree (T1) and semi mature Sycamore tree (T2) located in rear garden. TREl18l00092 5 Bridgeford Way, Bridge CT4 5LE Fell 8 Lelandias to rear of property. 6. The following application has been withdrawn: CAl18l00091 6 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed three two-storey dwellings with associated parking following demolition of existing dwelling. 7. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 10 May 2018 at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall é BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 4 May 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 12 April 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll18l00866 10 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Proposed rear dormer and rooflights to front. CAll18l00860 Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 3 no. two-storey dwellings with associated parking and access following demolition of existing buildings. CAI 18l00766 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow change of brick and roof tile details. CAll18l00834 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow rewording of condition 11 from pre-commencement of development to pre-occupation. CAll18l00760 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (ecological survey) 15, (landscaping) & 16 (landscape management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL_ CAll18l00813 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 20 (external timber and joinery), 21 (dormers, brick arches, cupola, chimneys and glazed link extension), 22 (joinery - external door designs, skirtings, architraves, windows and featheredge timber boards) and 23 (eaves, ridges and verges) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL. CAl18l00826 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Details submitted pursuant to conditions 04 (biodiversity enhancement plan), 05 (sustainable surface water drainage scheme) and 06 (sustainable drainage scheme maintenance) of planning permission CA/17/02079/FUL. TREl18l00161 10 Dering Close, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5ND Reduce 2 Cherry trees to 15-20ft and 3 Cob trees to 15-20ft in rear garden. TREI18I00194 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Corylus avelana - hazel: Located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road - prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Taxus bacata - common yew: Several trees located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road- prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Betula pendula - silver birch: Specimen tree located on the I/h/s of the garden (as viewed from the road) - reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of approx. 2m metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance. Carpinus betulus - hornbeam: Medium tree located opposite the front of the house; re-reduce this tree back to previous points. Removing approx. 1-1.5 metres from branch tips TREl18l00175 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge T1-Willow-Fell TREl18l00190 8A Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Cut back tree branches to trunk in rear garden. 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll17l02123 The Vicarage, 23 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 1no. two-storey detached dwellings. CAll18l00472 The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed timber pergola attached to poolhouse CAll18l00599 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to condition 17 (archaeology) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. CAll18l00333lLUP 11 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Application for lawful development certificate for proposed use of garage to ancillary accommodation, alterations to existing ground floor openings and creation of new opening to ground floor side elevation. This WOULD be lawful TREl18l00130 52 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA T2 - Holly tree to reduce by 30% and reshape as appropriate. T4 - Yew tree to reduce the house side crown by 25% to rebalance and reshape tree. TREl18l00147 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge Sycamore tree (T1) - reduce crown by 30%. Sycamore tree (T2) - reduce crown by 30%. TREl18l00141 25 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Fell Conifer to front/side boundary. CAI 18l00262 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge Details submitted pursuant to conditions 03 (construction environmental management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. CAl18l00496 24 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Proposed single-storey front porch extension following demolition of existing porch The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 14 June at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 10 May 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. 57/17-18 The minutes of the meetings held 12 April were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 58/17-18 Matters arising. None. 59/17-18 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CA//18/00866 10 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Proposed rear dormer and rooflights to front. CAI 18/00766 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two- storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow change of brick and roof tile details. CA//18/00834 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow rewording of condition 11 from pre-commencement of development to pre-occupation. CA//18/00760 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (ecological survey) 15, (landscaping) & 16 (landscape management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. CA//18/00813 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 20 (external timber and joinery), 21 (dormers, brick arches, cupola, chimneys and glazed link extension), 22 (joinery - external door designs, skirtings, architraves, windows and featheredge timber boards) and 23 (eaves, ridges and verges) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL. CA/18/00826 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Details submitted pursuant to conditions 04 (biodiversity enhancement plan), 05 (sustainable surface water drainage scheme) and 06 (sustainable drainage scheme maintenance) of planning permission CA/17/02079/FUL. TRE/18/00161 10 Dering Close, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5ND Reduce 2 Cherry trees to 15-20ft and 3 Cob trees to 15-20ft in rear garden. TREl18l00194 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Corylus avelana - hazel: Located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road - prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Taxus bacata - common yew: Several trees located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road- prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Betula pendula - silver birch: Specimen tree located on the I/h/s of the garden (as viewed from the road) - reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of approx. 2m metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance. Carpinus betulus - hornbeam: Medium tree located opposite the front of the house; re-reduce this tree back to previous points. Removing approx. 1-1.5 metres from branch tips TREl18l00175 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge T1-Vlfillow-Fell TREl18l00190 8A Windmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY Cut back tree branches to trunk in rear garden. 60/17-18 The Committee considered the following application and decided to object to it. CAll18l00860 Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 3 no. two-storey dwellings with associated parking and access following demolition of existing buildings. The reasons are as follows: Units 1 and 2 fit in with the street scene are well designed and certainly are in keeping with neighbouring properties. This objection concerns the densification and over development of the site, namely the residential accommodation planned above the car port (unit 3 on the drawings and plans). This aspect of the development is ill-conceived as it reduces the outdoor amenity of both units 1 and 2 and cramps the site unnecessarily. There should be more space for gardens; the density of the development at the rear of the site is too great for a village environment. 61/17-18 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll17l02123 The Vicarage, 23 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 1no. two-storey detached dwellings. CAll18l00472 The Byre, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD Proposed timber pergola attached to poolhouse CAll18l00599 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to condition 17 (archaeology) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. CAll18l00333lLUP 11 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Application for lawful development certificate for proposed use of garage to ancillary accommodation, alterations to existing ground floor openings and creation of new opening to ground floor side elevation. This WOULD be lawful TREl18I00130 52 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA T2 - Holly tree to reduce by 30% and reshape as appropriate. T4 - Yew tree to reduce the house side crown by 25% to rebalance and reshape tree. TREl18I00147 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge Sycamore tree (T1) - reduce crown by 30%. Sycamore tree (T2) - reduce crown by 30%. TREl18I00141 25 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Fell Conifer to front/side boundary. CAI 18I00262 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge Details submitted pursuant to conditions 03 (construction environmental management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. CAl18l00496 24 Riverside Close, Bridge, CT4 5BN Proposed single-storey front porch extension following demolition of existing porch The meeting closed at 7.28 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 14 June 2018 at 7.15 pm. in Bridge Village Hall é BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 8 June 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 10 May 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAl18l00935 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition CAll18l01070 6 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed 3-bay car port CAll18l01105 6 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition CAll18l00972 3 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Proposed detached two-storey dwelling and garage together with associated access and landscaping. CAll18l00934 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (contamination) & 13 (verification report) of planning permission CA//13/00853/FUL. TREll18l00223 Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD T1 - Conifer - fell to ground level. T2 - Ash - remove limb back to stem. T3 - Sycamore - fell to ground level. T4&5 - Sycamores - clear BT Cables by 1-2m. G1 - Hawthorn and Conifer hedging - reduce the height to approx. 2m high from ground. T6 - Sycamore approx. 1 metre from garage - fell to ground level. T7&8 Sycamores - dead wood and remove any rubbing and crossing branches. TREI18I00233 6 Bridgeford Way Bridge CT4 5LE T1) Yew Tree - 2m crown reduction, T2) Holly tree - fell, T3) Elder tree - cut back & re-shape. 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll18l00625 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed alterations to existing outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAll18l00626 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including roof light to second floor, removal of part of an internal wall, alterations to outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAI1 8/ 00834 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow rewording of condition 11 from pre-commencement of development to pre-occupation CAl18l00813 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 20 (external timber and joinery), 21 (dormers, brick arches, cupola, chimneys and glazed link extension), 22 (joinery - external door designs, skirtings, architraves, windows and featheredge timber boards) and 23 (eaves, ridges and verges) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL. TREl18l00161 10 Dering Close Bridge CT4 5ND Reduce 2 Cherry trees to 15-20ft and 3 Cob trees to 15-20ft in rear garden. TREl18l00162 49 High St Bridge CT4 5LA Fell walnut tree in rear garden. TREll18l00194 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Corylus avelana - hazel: Located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road - prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Taxus bacata - common yew: Several trees located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road- prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Betula pendula - silver birch: Specimen tree located on the I/h/s of the garden (as viewed from the road) - reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of approx. 2m metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance. Carpinus betulus - hornbeam: Medium tree located opposite the front of the house; re-reduce this tree back to previous points. Removing approx. 1-1.5 metres from branch tips TREl18l00190 8A Windmill Close Bridge CT4 5LY Cut back tree branches to trunk in rear garden TREl18l00175 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge T1- Willow fell. TREll18l00160 7 Bridgeford Way Bridge Ct4 5LE Crown reduce Magnolia in front garden and fell Bay Laurel next to garage. The next meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 12 July at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 June 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,C||rs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. 1/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 10 May 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 2/18-19 Matters arising. None. 3/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CA/18/00935 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition. The committee asked for confirmation that this a one storey development. CAll18l01070 6 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed 3-bay car port CAll18l01105 6 Filmer Rd, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition CAll18l00972 3 Bridge Down, Bridge CT4 5AZ Proposed detached two-storey dwelling and garage together with associated access and landscaping. CA//18/00934 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (contamination) & 13 (verification report) of planning permission CA//13/00853/FUL. TRE//18/00223 Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD T1 - Conifer - fell to ground level. T2 - Ash - remove limb back to stem. T3 - Sycamore - fell to ground level. T4&5 - Sycamores - clear BT Cables by 1-2m. G1 - Hawthorn and Conifer hedging - reduce the height to approx. 2m high from ground. T6 - Sycamore approx. 1 metre from garage - fell to ground level. T7&8 Sycamores - dead wood and remove any rubbing and crossing branches. The committee asked that these works are carried out after the bird nesting season, i.e. after mid TREl18l00233 6 Bridgeford Way Bridge CT4 5LE T1) Yew Tree - 2m crown reduction, T2) Holly tree - fell, T3) Elder tree - cut back & re-shape. The committee asked that these works are carried out after the bird nesting season, i.e. after mid August. 4/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CA//18/00625 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Proposed alterations to existing outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CA//18/00626 Sunnyside, 2 Dering Road, Bridge, CT4 5NA Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including roof light to second floor, removal of part of an internal wall, alterations to outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding. CAI1 8/ 00834 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coachhouse and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites, change of use of the lodge to provide ancillary accommodation, erection of detached garage, greenhouse and plant room/store together with internal alterations and revised parking; to allow rewording of condition 11 from pre-commencement of development to pre-occupation CAl18l00813 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 20 (external timber and joinery), 21 (dormers, brick arches, cupola, chimneys and glazed link extension), 22 (joinery - external door designs, skirtings, architraves, windows and featheredge timber boards) and 23 (eaves, ridges and verges) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL. TREl18l00161 10 Dering Close Bridge CT4 5ND Reduce 2 Cherry trees to 15-20ft and 3 Cob trees to 15-20ft in rear garden. TREl18l00162 49 High St Bridge CT4 5LA Fell walnut tree in rear garden. TREll18l00194 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge CT4 5AX Corylus avelana - hazel: Located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road - prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Taxus bacata - common yew: Several trees located on the r/h/s boundary of the house as viewed from the road- prune to give approx. 2m clearance from the side elevation. Betula pendula - silver birch: Specimen tree located on the I/h/s of the garden (as viewed from the road) - reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of approx. 2m metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance. Carpinus betulus - hornbeam: Medium tree located opposite the front of the house; re-reduce this tree back to previous points. Removing approx. 1-1.5 metres from branch tips TREl18l00190 8A Windmill Close Bridge CT4 5LY Cut back tree branches to trunk in rear garden TREl18l00175 Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge T1- Willow fell. TREll18l00160 7 Bridgeford Way Bridge Ct4 5LE Crown reduce Magnolia in front garden and fell Bay Laurel next to garage. The meeting closed at 7.24 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 12 July 2018 at 7.15 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall g BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 7 July 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 14 June 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: TREl18l00266 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Ash tree for crown reduction to clear away from house and neighbours property CAll18l01144 6 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Change of use from photo and print shop to florists and cafe. CAll18l01165 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external remedial works. CAll18l01283 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed subdivision to 2 no. dwellings with detached garage following demolition of existing garage together with single-storey side extensions, roof extensions and associated alterations. TREl18I00283 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Re-pollard one Vlfillow tree in rear garden, Fell two Leylandii trees in front garden The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll18l00972 3 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Proposed detached two-storey dwelling and garage together with associated access and landscaping. CAl18l00935 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition CAll18l00866 10 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Proposed rear dormer and rooflights to front. CAll18l00760 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (ecological survey) 15, (landscaping) & 16 (landscape management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. TREl18l00265 Nailford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Remove branches overhanging the highway to allow clearance for vehicles - to comply with Kent County Council 8154 notice. TREl18l00223 Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD T1 - Conifer - fell to ground level. T2 - Ash - remove limb back to stem. T3 - Sycamore - fell to ground level. T4&5 - Sycamores - clear BT Cables by 1-2m. G1 - Hawthorn and Conifer hedging - reduce the height to approx. 2m high from ground. T6 - Sycamore approx. 1 metre from garage - fell to ground level. T7&8 Sycamores - dead wood and remove any rubbing and crossing branches. TREl18l00233 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE T1) Yew Tree - 2m crown reduction, T2) Holly tree - fell, T3) Elder tree - cut CAll18l01343 Land Fronting 1 - 3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge Checking compliance of all conditions attached to planning permission CA/09/00056/FUL. It does comply. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 13 September 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 12 July 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Davies and A. Atkinson (standing in for Cllr Hodges). Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. 5/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 14 June 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 6/18-19 Matters arising. Canterbury City Council have confirmed in writing that planning application CA/18/00935 does indeed refer to a single storey building. 7/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: TRE/18/00266 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Ash tree for crown reduction to clear away from house and neighbours property CA//18/01144 6 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Change of use from photo and print shop to florists and cafe. CA//18/01165 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external remedial works. CAll18l01283 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed subdivision to 2 no. dwellings with detached garage following demolition of existing garage together with single-storey side extensions, roof extensions and associated alterations. TREl18l00283 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Re-pollard one Vlfillow tree in rear garden, Fell two Leylandii trees in front garden 8/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll18l00972 3 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Proposed detached two-storey dwelling and garage together with associated access and landscaping. CA/18/00935 2 Middle Pett Farm Cottages, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition CA//18/00866 10 Dering Close, Bridge, CT4 5ND Proposed rear dormer and rooflights to front. CA//18/00760 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (ecological survey) 15, (landscaping) & 16 (landscape management plan) of planning permission CA//17/02225/FUL. TRE/18/00265 Nailford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Remove branches overhanging the highway to allow clearance for vehicles - to comply with Kent County Council S154 notice. TREl18l00223 Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD T1 - Conifer - fell to ground level. T2 - Ash - remove limb back to stem. T3 - Sycamore - fell to ground level. T4&5 - Sycamores - clear BT Cables by 1-2m. G1 - Hawthorn and Conifer hedging - reduce the height to approx. 2m high from ground. T6 - Sycamore approx. 1 metre from garage - fell to ground level. T7&8 Sycamores - dead wood and remove any rubbing and crossing branches. TREl18l00233 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE T1) Yew Tree - 2m crown reduction, T2) Holly tree - fell, T3) Elder tree - cut CAll18l01343 Land Fronting 1 - 3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge Checking compliance of all conditions attached to planning permission CA/09/00056/FUL. It does comply. The meeting closed at 7.22 p.m. The next meetind of the plannind committee is scheduled for 26 Julv 2018 at 7.00 p.m. in the Parish Office g BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 29 July 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at 47 High St Bridge on Thursday, 2 August 2018 at 7.00 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 26 July 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll18l01416 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for internal and external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. TREl18l00304 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ T1 - Felling of Conifer tree. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAl18l01105 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition of garage and porch. CAl18l00766 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coach house and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites; to allow change of brick and roof tile details together with alterations to fenestration of East elevation. TREl18l00266 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Ash tree for crown reduction to clear away from house and neighbours property. CAll18l00860 Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 3 no. two-storey dwellings with associated parking and access following demolition of existing buildings CAll18l01343 Land Fronting 1 - 3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge Checking compliance of all conditions attached to planning permission CA/09/00056/FUL. The check showed that the necessary compliance was in order. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 13 September 7.15 pm in Bridqe Villaqe Hall Present: 17/18-19 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 2 August 2018 at 47 High St Bridge Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July was deferred until the next scheduled meeting on 30 August 2018. 18/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to 19/18-19 them: CAll18l01416 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for internal and external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. CAll18l01415 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed change of use from coach house to No 1 holiday let and No 2 treatment rooms together with external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. TREl18l00304 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ T1 - Felling of Conifer tree. The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAl18l01105 6 Filmer Road, Bridge CT4 5NB Proposed change of flat roof to pitched roof, raising height of chimney, alterations to render, wall and fencing to front and fenestration alterations, following demolition of garage and porch. CAl18l00766 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA/17/02225/FUL for the proposed two-storey extension to provide additional hotel guest bedrooms and restaurant, change of use of the coach house and erection of seven single-storey huts to provide additional guest suites; to allow change of brick and roof tile details together with alterations to fenestration of East elevation. TREl18l00266 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Ash tree for crown reduction to clear away from house and neighbours property. CAll18l00860 Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed 3 no. two-storey dwellings with associated parking and access following demolition of existing buildings CAll18l01343 Land Fronting 1 - 3 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge Checking compliance of all conditions attached to planning permission CA/09/00056/FUL. The check showed that the necessary compliance was in order. The meeting closed at 7.37 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for Thrsdav 30 August at 7.00 p.m. in the Parish Office (47 High St Bridge) g BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 13 August 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at 47 High St Bridge CT4 5JZ on Thursday, 30 August 2018 at 7.00 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 26 July 2018 and 2 August 2018 Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll18l01575 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed single-storey outbuilding to the rear of the property and reinstallation of iron railings to the front elevation. CAll18l01576 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for reinstallation of iron railings to the front elevation. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TREl18I00283 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Re-pollard one Vlfillow tree in rear garden, Fell two Leylandii trees in front garden. CAll18l01144 6 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Change of use from photo and print shop to florists and cafe. CAll18l01283 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed subdivision to 2 no. dwellings with detached garage following demolition of existing garage together with single-storey side extensions, roof extensions and associated alterations. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 13 September at 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 30 August 2018 at 47 High St Bridge Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. 20/18-19 The minutes of the meeting held on 26 July were accepted as a true record, were signed by the Chair. 21/18-19 There were no matters ariising from the minutes dated 30 August 2018 22/18- 19 The Committee considered the following application and raised no objection: CAll18l01576 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for reinstallation of iron railings to the front elevation. 23/18-19 The Committee considered the following application and raised an objection as follows: CAll18l01575 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed single-storey outbuilding to the rear of the property and reinstallation of iron railings to the front elevation. . .Bridge Parish Council's planning committee decided to object to this application because it felt that the definition of what constitutes a garden room was unclear. The committee was also concerned that the garden room might become living accommodation in the future -given that services are to be plumbed in- and that normal planning considerations could be sidestepped. The Parish Council has no issues at all with the reinstallation of iron railings to the front of the property.” 24/18-19 The Committee noted that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TREl18l00283 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Re-pollard one Vlfillow tree in rear garden, Fell two Leylandii trees in front garden. CA//18/01144 6 Western Avenue, Bridge, CT4 5LS Change of use from photo and print shop to florists and cafe. CAll18l01283 6 Filmer Road, Bridge, CT4 5NB Proposed subdivision to 2 no. dwellings with detached garage following demolition of existing garage together with single-storey side extensions, roof extensions and associated alterations. The meeting ended at 7.27 p.m. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13 September at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 7 September 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Wicker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to considerthe following applications: CA 18101702 50 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey rear and side extension with accommodation in roof following demolition of existing garage. TREl18I00371 41 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Yew tree - 50% crown reduction. TREl18I00373 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Monolift the beech tree to main union around 15ft due to white rot. CAII18I01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed two—storey rear extension with juliette balcony to rear and roof lights to side elevation following demolition of garage. TREl18I00339 Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AS (T1) - Holly tree, reduce the tree down to approximately 18-20ft leaving the long weeping growth from this point and tidy the outer growth as required. (T2) - Ash tree located to the left ofthe front garden, dismantle the tree down section - section to near ground level. TREl18I00337 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX T1 Ash in front garden - crown reduce by 10% and crown lift by 20%, T2 Poplar in rear garden - thin crown by 20%. | TREl18I00383 Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Silver birch tree, located in the rear garden - fell. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TREl18I00353 Drochaid, 74 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA T1, T2 & T3 - Sycamores - reduce the crown by a third. T4 - Ash - reduce the crown by approx a third and reduce back overhanging growth back to boundary line. T5 - Hazel & T6 Yew - reduce back overhanging growth to boundary line. TREl18I00289 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Pollard by 2.5metres 1 Yew tree in rear garden. TREI18I00368 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Fell a flowering Cherry tree located in front garden. CAII18I01165 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external alterations. TREl18I00355 Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX T1 - Holm Oak - crown reduce by a third in rear garden. TREl18l00366 Hunters House, 24 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Fell Horse Chestnut Tree in rear garden. (Tree exempt dead or dangerous TREl18I00323 The Close, Union Road, Bridge Fell three Rowan trees in car park area. TREI18l00304 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ T1 - Felling of Conifer tree. CAII18I01377 1 Great Pett Oast, Pett Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AN Proposed replacement of 3 no. windows with doors and glassjuliet balconies on first and second floor to rear elevation. TREI18I00371 41 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW YEW tree - 30% crown reduction. TREI18I00373 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Monolift the beech tree to main union around 15ft due to white rot. The next scheduled meetinq of Bridqe Parish Council’s Planninq Committee will be on Thursday 11 October 7.15 pm in Bridqe Villaqe Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 13 September 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Davies and Hodges. Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. 25/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 30 August 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 26/18-19 Matters arising. The Clerk will write to Canterbury City Council planners about the comments submitted re CA/18/01575 which do not yet appear on the relevant planning website. 27/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CA 18l01702 50 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey rear and side extension with accommodation in roof following demolition of existing garage. TREI18I00371 41 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Yew tree - 50% crown reduction. TREl18l00373 The Cottage, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX Monolift the beech tree to main union around 15ft due to white rot. CAll18l01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed two-storey rear extension with juliette balcony to rear and roof lights to side elevation following demolition of garage. TRE/18/00339 Bourne Lodge, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AS T1 Holly tree, reduce the tree down to approx. 18-20 ft leaving the long weeping growth from this point and tidy the outer growth as required. (T2) - Ash tree located to the left of the front garden, dismantle the tree down section - section to near ground level. TRE/18/00337 Thend House, 38 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX T1 Ash in front garden - crown reduce by 10% and crown lift by 20%, T2 Poplar in rear garden - thin crown by 20%. | TRE/18/00383 Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Silver birch tree, located in the rear garden - fell. 28/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: TRE/18/00353 Drochaid, 74 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA T1, T2 & T3 - Sycamores - reduce the crown by a third. T4 - Ash - reduce the crown by approx a third and reduce back overhanging growth back to boundary line. T5 - Hazel & T6 Yew - reduce back overhanging growth to boundary line. TREl18l00289 6 Bridgeford Way, Bridge, CT4 5LE Pollard by 2.5metres 1 Yew tree in rear garden. TREl18l00368 62 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Fell a flowering Cherry tree located in front garden. CA//18/01165 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for external alterations. TREl18l00355 Sharnwood, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX T1 - Holm Oak - crown reduce by a third in rear garden. TREl18l00366 Hunters House, 24 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Fell Horse Chestnut Tree in rear garden. (Tree exempt dead or dangerous TREl18l00323 The Close, Union Road, Bridge Fell three Rowan trees in car park area. TREl18l00304 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ T1 - Felling of Conifer tree. 29/18-19 Under any other business, the Clerk was asked to write to Canterbury City Council about the change of use for the former butcher’s shop in the village and recent works to the lodge at Bridge Place. The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 11 October 2018 at 7.15 pm. in the Village Hall. g BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 5 October 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 11 October 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAIl18I01895IFUL 2 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 5AT Proposed first-floor extension over existing garage with front and rear dormers together with rear conservatory. CAll18l01348 59 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Change of use from shop to dwelling. TREl18I00412 Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge T70 Fell False Acacia CAll18l01948 Land at Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bekesbourne, CT4 5HN Hybrid planning application for mixed use development for leisure, commercial and tourism uses comprising: (1) A detailed planning application for a centre for sporting excellence (to include sports pitches, changing rooms, clubhouse and floodlights), business innovation centre, food and drinks hub and leisure hub; with access and associated highways works. (2) An outline planning application (with all matters reserved) for business uses, food and drinks hub, innovation centre, home farm centre, artisan offices, mixed use court and holiday homes; plus associated access, landscaping, parking and drainage infrastructure. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll18l00826 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Details submitted pursuant to conditions 04 (biodiversity enhancement plan), 05 (sustainable surface water drainage scheme) and 06 (sustainable drainage scheme maintenance) of planning permission CA/17/02079/FU L. TREl18I00383 Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Silver birch tree, located in the rear garden - fell. CAl18l01416 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for internal and external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. CAll18l01415 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed change of use from coach house to 1 no. holiday let and 2 no. treatment rooms together with external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 8 November 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 11 October 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs A. Atkinson (standing in for Cllr Hodges) Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. Apologies were received from Cllr P Davies. Before formal business was discussed a villager asked the Parish Council to object to plannign application CA//18/01948 Land at Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bekesbourne, CT4 5HN on the grounds that he felt the application is inappropriate in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 30/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 13 September 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 31/18-19 Matters arising. The Clerk mentioned that minute 26/18-19 had been dealt with. A phone call from Canterbury planners had confirmed that safeguards would be written into permission granted to prevent a transformation into living accommodation. Minute 29/18- 19 was to be carried forward to a future meeting for further clarification. 32l18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAll18l01895lFUL 2 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 5AT Proposed first-floor extension over existing garage with front and rear dormers together with rear conservatory. TRE/18I00412 Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge T70 Fell False Acacia 33/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise objections to them: CAll18l01348 59 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Change of use from shop to dwelling. The Committee felt that the proposed change of use contravened all aspects of policy A1 of the draft Neighbourhood Plan. Also, the fact that work had already begun and that planning permission had not been sought beforehand, showed scant regard for the planning process. The committee was also concerned about the loss of yet another business premises. CA//18/01948 Land at Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bekesbourne, CT4 5HN Hybrid planning application for mixed use development for leisure, commercial and tourism uses comprising: (1) A detailed planning application for a centre for sporting excellence (to include sports pitches, changing rooms, clubhouse and floodlights), business innovation centre, food and drinks hub and leisure hub; with access and associated highways works. (2) An outline planning application (with all matters reserved) for business uses, food and drinks hub, innovation centre, home farm centre, artisan offices, mixed use court and holiday homes; plus associated access, landscaping, parking and drainage infrastructure. The Committee resolved to object to all aspects of this application on a number of grounds. The final statement of objections will be composed once a meeting had been set up with other local parish councils. The objection will be lodged with Canterbury City Council by 12 November 2018 34/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll18l00826 Land at Bridge Road, Bridge, CT4 5AL Details submitted pursuant to conditions 04 (biodiversity enhancement plan), 05 (sustainable surface water drainage scheme) and 06 (sustainable drainage scheme maintenance) of planning permission CA/17/02079/FU L. TREl18I00383 Silver Birches, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Silver birch tree, located in the rear garden - fell. CAl18l01416 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Application for listed building consent for internal and external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. CAll18l01415 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed change of use from coach house to 1 no. holiday let and 2 no. treatment rooms together with external alterations including 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and alterations to fenestration. The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 8 November 2018 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 30 October 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 7.15 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAl18l02067 Former Oil Depot, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 03 (external materials) 04 (screen wall/fencing) and 05 (landscaping) of planning permission CA/18/02067/FUL. (Planning permission was initially granted in 2016-CA//00586) TREl18l00439 25 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5JZ To fell 3 no. conifer trees located to rear boundary. Expiry date 26 Nov CAll18l02163 St Germain’s, 39A Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Proposed single-storey side and rear extension and construction of pitched roof over existing flat roof porch to front. TREl18l00445 | Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX To fell a beech tree and a fir tree located towards rear boundary. Expiry date 23 Nov TREl18l00463 18 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY T1 llex aquifolium - holly: Medium tree located on the I/h/s boundary; to continue management of this tree by reducing back to previous points, removing approx. 2-3 metres of growth from the height. The sides to be re-pruned to balance this new height - removing approx 1-2m from these branch tips. T2 Fagus sylvatica "Purpurea" - copper beech: Large tree located on the rear boundary; reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of between 1-2 metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance (to previous pruning points). This is in practice a reduction of leaf mass of approx. 20%. T3 Magnolia spp. Medium tree located near the r/h/s boundary; to fell this tree to ground level. All 3 trees have expiry date of 3 December 2018 The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TREl18l00412 Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge T70 Fell False Acacia CAll18l01702 50 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey rear and side extension with accommodation in roof and rooflights to side elevation following demolition of existing garage. CAll18l01575 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed single-storey outbuilding to rear and reinstallation of iron railings to front boundary. CAll18l01576 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for reinstallation of iron railings to front boundary The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 13 December 2018 @ 6.45 pm in Bridde Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 8 November 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Cllr Hodges and Davies Also present Mr P Vlficker, Clerk. 35/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 11 October 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 36/18-19 Matters arising. Minute 29/18-19 is to be carried out by the Clerk, bringing any possible infringements of granted planning permission to the attention of Canterbury City Council. 37/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CAl18l02067 Former Oil Depot, Union Rd, Bridge CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 03 (external materials) 04 (screen wall/fencing) and 05 (landscaping) of planning permission CA/18/02067/FUL. (Planning permission was initially granted in 2016-CA//00586) TREl18l00439 25 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5JZ To fell 3 no. conifer trees located to rear boundary. Expiry date 26 Nov CAll18l02163 St Germain’s, 39A Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Proposed single-storey side and rear extension and construction of pitched roof over existing flat roof porch to front. TREl18l00445 | Trees, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX To fell a beech tree and a fir tree located towards rear boundary. TREl18l00463 18 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY T1 llex aquifolium - holly: Medium tree located on the I/h/s boundary; to continue management of this tree by reducing back to previous points, removing approx. 2-3 metres of growth from the height. The sides to be re-pruned to balance this new height - removing approx 1-2m from these branch tips. T2 Fagus sylvatica "Purpurea" — copper beech: Large tree located on the rear boundary; reduce the crown of the tree by the selective removal of between 1-2 metres from the branch tips depending on the opportunities for cutting back to suitable live growth in each instance (to previous pruning points). This is in practice a reduction of leaf mass of approx. 20%. T3 Magnolia spp. Medium tree located near the r/h/s boundary; to fell this tree to ground level. 38/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: TREl18l00412 Bridge Recreation Ground, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge T70 Fell False Acacia CAll18l01702 50 Bridge Down Bridge CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey rear and side extension with accommodation in roof and rooflights to side elevation following demolition of existing garage. CAll18l01575 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed single-storey outbuilding to rear and reinstallation of iron railings to front boundary. CAll18l01576 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Application for listed building consent for reinstallation of iron railings to front boundary The meeting closed at 7.23 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 13 December 2018 at 6.45 pm. in the Village Hall. 6. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 3 December 2018 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 6.45 pm Philip Vlficker Parish Clerk AGENDA Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2018. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: TRE/18/00496 Higham Cottage, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5AY T1 Cherry Laurel - on the r/h/s boundary; to crown reduce by removing approx. 1metre from all tips. T2 Holly - nearthe house on the |/h/s boundary; to reduce height by 1m and trim the sides.T3 Fig - on the rear wall, r/h/s; trim back towards the wall, leave the height as is, removing 1-2 metres from branch tips. T4 Cherry Laurel - to trim back to the boundary and reduce the height by approx. 1-2 metres. Expiry date: 25 December TRE/18/00507 13 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Magnolia tree-reduction crown by 25% Expiry date: 31 December 2018 CA//18/01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey extension with accommodation in the roof space to rear and roof lights to side elevation following demolition of garage. (Considered in September 2018 by the planning committee. The committee decided to raise no objections. Juliet balcony now removed: size and scale of the proposed extension also reduced). The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TRE/18/00506 Klisterli, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Fell a conifertree in the front garden Expiry date: 28 December CA//18/01895 2 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 5AT Proposed first-floor extension over existing garage with front and rear dormers together with rear conservatory. The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: CA//18/02223 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Details submitted pursuant to condition 12 (photo survey) of planning permission CA/17/00153/FUL. CA//18/02262 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (contamination) and 13 (verification report) of planning permission CA/16/00586/FUL. CA//18/02418 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to condition 4 (details of dormer windows) of listed building consent (CA/18/01416/LB) The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 10 Januarv 2019 @ 7.15 pm in Bridqe Village Hall Present: 39/18-19 40/18-19 41/18-19 42/18-19 43/18-19 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.45 p.m. on Thursday 13 December 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,C||rs Cllr Hodges and Davies. Also present Mr P Wicker, Clerk. The minutes of the meetings held on 8 November 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. Matters arising. The Clerk reported that there appeared to no compliance issue raised in minute 36/18-19 of the November 8 meeting. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: TRE/18/00496 Higham Cottage, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5AY T1 Cherry Laurel - on the r/h/s boundary; to crown reduce by removing approx. 1metre from all tips. T2 Holly - nearthe house on the I/h/s boundary; to reduce height by 1m and trim the sides.T3 Fig - on the rear wall, r/h/s; trim back towards the wall, leave the height as is, removing 1-2 metres from branch tips. T4 Cherry Laurel - to trim back to the boundary and reduce the height by approx. 1-2 metres. TRE/18/00507 13 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Magnolia tree-reduction crown by 25% The committee recommended that this work should be carried out when there is no risk of frost. CA//18/01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey extension with accommodation in the roof space to rear and roof lights to side elevation following demolition of garage. (Considered in September 2018 by the planning committee. The committee decided to raise no objections. Juliet balcony now removed: size and scale of the proposed extension also reduced). The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: TRE/18/00506 Klisterli, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL Fell a conifertree in the front garden CA//18/01895 2 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 5AT Proposed first-floor extension over existing garage with front and rear dormers together with rear conservatory. The committee noted the following planning activity notified by Canterbury City Council: CA//18/02223 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Details submitted pursuant to condition 12 (photo survey) of planning permission CA/17/00153/FUL. CA//18/02262 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (contamination) and 13 (verification report) of planning permission CA/16/00586/FUL. CA//18/02418 Bridge Place Country Club, Bridge Place, Bridge, CT4 5LF Details submitted pursuant to condition 4 (details of dormer windows) of listed building consent (CA/18/01416/LB) The meeting closed at 6.53 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 10 Januarv 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, Maudsley House, 47 High Street, Bridge CT4 5JZ Tel; 01227 831085 Date 4 January 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 10 January 2019 at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2018. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll18l02532 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed installation of electric substation with GRP enclosure 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll18l01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey extension to rear with accommodation in the roof space with 2 no. roof lights and single-storey side extension following demolition of garage. TREl18l00507 13 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Magnolia Tree - reduction crown by 25%. CAll18l02223 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Details submitted pursuant to condition 12 (photographic survey) of planning permission CA/ 17/00153/FUL. CAll18l02163lFUL St Germain’s, 39A Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Proposed single-storey side and rear extension and construction of pitched roof over existing flat roof porch to front. 6. The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: CAll18l02262 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to conditions 12 (remediation strategy) and 13 (verification report) of planning permission CA/16/00586/FUL. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 14 Februarv 2019 @ 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 10 Januam 2018 in Bridge Village Hall. Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) ,Cllrs Atkinson, Cllr Davies Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. 44/18-19 The minutes of the meetings held on 13 Deccember 2018 were confirmed as a true record, signed and dated by the Chair. 45/18-19 The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to them: CA/19/02532 Bridge Place Country Club, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Proposed installation of electric substation with GrP enclosure. 46/18-19 The committee noted the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council: CAll18I01728 46 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA Proposed single-storey extension to rear with accommodation in the roof space with 2 no. roof lights and single-storey side extension following demolition of garage. TREl18l00507 13 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Magnolia Tree - reduction crown by 25%. CAll18l02223 Cedars, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BB Details submitted pursuant to condition 12 (photographic survey) of planning permission CA/ 17/00153/FUL. CAll18l02163lFUL St Germain’s, 39A Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW Proposed single-storey side and rear extension and construction of pitched roof over existing flat roof porch to front. 47/18-19 The committee noted the following planning activity notified by Canterbury City Council: CA//18/02262 Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge CT4 5LW Details submitted pursuant to condition 12 (remediation strategy and 13 (verification report of palnning permission CA/16/00586/FUL. The meeting closed at 7.24 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 17 Januam at 7.00 pm at 12 Union Road CT4 5LN BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date 4 January 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at 12 Union Road, Bridge, CT5 5LN on Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 7.00 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA//19/OOOO6 Proposed porch to front elevation. — Little Branault, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 SPD The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 14 Februa 2019 7.15 m in Brid e Villa e Hall Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 17 Januam at 12 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN Present: Cllr Fawke, (Chair) and Cllr Davies. Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. Apologies: Cllr Hodges 48/18-19 The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to this. ' CAll19l00006 Proposed porch to front elevation. - Little Branault, Pett Bottom Road, Bridge, CT4 5PD The meeting closed at 7.15 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 14 Febraum 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. 6. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 8 February 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 14 February 2019 at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January, 2019 To confirm the minutes of the meeting hled on 17 January, 2019 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA//19/00029 | Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/16/01156/FUL for the proposed single-storey rear extension with dormer window to rear and external alterations; to allow the continuation of tile run on each side of glass canopy to rear elevation and the installation of 2 no. rooflights. | 3 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS. CA//19/00165 Proposal: Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing single-storey rear extension Location: 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/00166 Proposal: Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including single-storey rear extension following demolition of single-storey rear extension. Location: 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/00022 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 04 (archaeology - partial approval) of planning permission CA/18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ. CA//19/00073 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 05 (contamination) of planning permission CA//18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA//19/00073 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 05 (contamination) of planning permission CA//18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ TRE/19/00013 | Ash tree (A1) - To Fell. | 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: The following Planning Application was refused:— CA//18/01348 Change of Use from Shop to Dwelling 59 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA The next scheduled meetinoi of Bridoie Parish Counci|’s Planninoi Committee will be on Thursdav 7 March 2019 @ 7.15 pm in Bridoie Villaoie Hall Present: 49/18-19 50/18-19 51/18-19 52/18-19 53/18-19. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 14 February at Bridge Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Hodges and Cllr Davies. Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January, 2019 and 17”‘ Janaury 2019. The Committee considered fthe following applications and decided to raise no objections to them CA//19/00029 | Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/16/01156/FUL for the proposed single-storey rear extension with dormer window to rear and external alterations; to allow the continuation of tile run on each side of glass canopy to rear elevation and the installation of2 no. rooflights. | 3 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS. CA//19/00165 Proposal: Proposed single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing single-storey rear extension Location: 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/00166 Proposal: Application for listed building consent for external/internal alterations including single-storey rear extension following demolition of single-storey rear extension. Location: 13 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting:- CA//19/00022 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 04 (archaeology - partial approval) of planning permission CA/18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ. CA//19/00073 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 05 (contamination) of planning permission CA//18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA//19/00073 | Details submitted pursuant to condition 05 (contamination) of planning permission CA//18/00860/FUL. | Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ TRE/19/00013 | Ash tree (A1) - To Fell. | 18 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The following Planning Application was refused: CA//18/01348 Change of Use from Shop to Dwelling 59 High Street, Bridge CT4 5LA The meeting closed at 7.30 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 7 March 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 1 March, 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 7 March 2019 at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: EN F/1 8/00459 — the removal of the redundant post office counter, the erection of stud partitions to form a consultation Room and enlarged dispensary and the partial replacement of floor and ceiling finishes as part of an overall unitary refit. To fell 3 no. Ash trees and 2 no. Conifer trees. - Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/00029 | Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/16/01156/FUL for the proposed single-storey rear extension with dormer window to rear and external alterations; to allow the continuation of tile run on each side of glass canopy to rear elevation and the installation of 2 no. rooflights. | 3 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS 6. The Committee is asked to comment on the below Appeal Application Appeal ref: W/19/3222804, 59 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Change of use from shop to dwe||ing.App|ication ref: 18/01348 The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 11 A ril 2019 7.15 m in Brid e Villa e Hall Present: 54/18-19 55/18-19 56/18-19 57/18-19 58/18-19. Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday 7 March at Bridge Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Hodges and Cllr Davies, Cllr Moon and Cllr Shirley Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019 The Committee considered fthe following applications and decided to raise no objections to them EN F/18/00459 — the removal of the redudant post office couunter, the erectionof stud partitions to forma consultation Room and enlarged dispensary and the partial replacement of floor and ceiling finishes as part of an overall unitary refit. With regard to below as Cllr Davies has an interest he left and Cllr Moon and Shirley sat on panel. There was no objections raised to below item. To fell 3 no. Ash trees and 2 no. Conifer trees. - Pheasants Croft. Patrixbourne Road. Bridge, CT4 5BL The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting:- CA//19/00029 | Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/16/01156/FUL for the proposed single-storey rear extension with dormer window to rear and external alterations; to allow the continuation of tile run on each side of glass canopy to rear elevation and the installation of2 no. rooflights. | 3 Mount Charles Walk, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5JS The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The committee was asked to comment on the below Appeal Application: Appeal ref: W/19/3222804, 59 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5LA Change of use from shop to dwelling. Application ref: 18/0134 Clerk along with Planning Committee to write to inspector with regard to this appeal due to the loss of commercial property. The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 11 April. 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 4 April, 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 11 April 2019 at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: Case Reference CAll19l00422 Proposed enlargement of existing roof together with 2 no. dormers and rooflight to front elevation and dormer to rear elevation to create accommodation in the roofspace, 55 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/00255/LB— the removal of the redudant post office couunter, the erectionof stud partitions to forma consultation Room and enlarged dispensary and the partial replacement of floor and ceiling finishes as part of an overall unitary refit. 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY TRE19/00084 T1 - Sycamore - located on rear boundary - to crown reduce by 30% (approx.4m) The Dell, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX TRE/19/00071/ T1 to T4 Fell 4 no Yew Trees, T5 Fell Ash Tree, T6 Fell Western Red Cedar in rear garden The Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BD TRE/19/00076 To fell 3 no. Ash trees and 2 no. Conifer trees. - Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 9 May @ 7.15 pm in Bridde Villade Hall+-+ Present: 59/18-19 60/18-19 61/18-19 62/18-19 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 11 April at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Hodges and Cllr Davies, Cllr Moon and Cllr Shirley Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March, 2019 The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to this: Case Reference CAll19l00422 Proposed enlargement of existing roof together with 2 no. dormers and rooflight to front elevation and dormer to rear elevation to create accommodation in the roofspace, 55 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting:- CA//19/00255/LB— the removal of the redudant post office couunter, the erectionof stud partitions to forma consultation Room and enlarged dispensary and the partial replacement of floor and ceiling finishes as part of an overall unitary refit. 16 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY TRE19/00084 T1 - Sycamore - located on rear boundary - to crown reduce by 30% (approx.4m) The Dell, Bridge Hill, Bridge, CT4 5AX TRE/19/00071/ T1 to T4 Fell 4 no Yew Trees, T5 Fell Ash Tree, T6 Fell Western Red Cedar in rear garden The Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BD TRE/19/00076 To fell 3 no. Ash trees and 2 no. Conifer trees. - Pheasants Croft, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 9 Mav. 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 2 May 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 9 May at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 Aprl 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAl19l0060 Proposed single storey front and rear extensions, a two storey side extension together with external insulation and render to existing firstfloor brickwork. Location: 2 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CAll19l00758 | Proposed two-storey side extension. 1 Vlfindmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY CAll19l00734 | Proposed two-storey side extension. 42 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA 5. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: Case Reference CAll19l00422 Proposed enlargement of existing roof together with 2 no. dormers and rooflight to front elevation and dormer to rear elevation to create accommodation in the roofspace, 55 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday June @ 7.15 pm in Bridde Villade Hal|+-+ Present: 1/19-20 2/ 1 9-20 3/ 1 9-20 4/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 9 Mav 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Hodges and Cllr Davies. Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 April, 2019 The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to these: CAl19l0060 Proposed single storey front and rear extensions, a two storey side extension together with external insulation and render to existing firstfloor brickwork. Location: 2 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CAll19l00734 | Proposed two-storey side extension. 42 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA The Committee has no planning objections to the below proposed two storey side extension however they would like it minuted that the driveway is very close to the junction. CAII1 9100758 | Proposed two-storey side extension. 1 Vlfindmill Close, Bridge, CT4 5LY The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: Case Reference CAll19l00422 Proposed enlargement of existing roof together with 2 no. dormers and rooflight to front elevation and dormer to rear elevation to create accommodation in the roofspace, 55 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 13 June, 2019 at 7.15 pm. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 2 June 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 13 June at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. 2. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ May , 2019 Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: Non-material amendment to planning permission CAl18l00860lFUL for the proposed 3 no. two-storey d... - Former Rogers Garage, 36 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA16l00600 - Proposal: Planning application for the proposed South Canterbury urban extension, for up to 4,000 dwellings comprising: CA19l01004 Proposal: Proposed two-storey side extension along with 2 no. juliet balconies following demolition of single-storey side extension. Location: The Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BD The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: Proposed single-storey front and rear extensions, two-storey side extension together with external - 2 Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LH TRE l19l00206 HollylAsh: located between rear of garages and stables, Holly tree reduce by approximately - Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 11 Jul 7.15 min Brid e Villa e Hall Present: Apologies: 5/ 1 9-20 6/ 1 9-20 7/ 1 9-20 8/ 1 9-20 9/ 1 9-20 10/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 13 June 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr Atkinson . Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. Cllr Dhillion Cllr Aktinson proposed that Cllr Fawke be Chair of the Planning Committee and this was seconded by Cllr Davies. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May, 2019 The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to these: Non-material amendment to planning permission CAl18l00860lFUL for the proposed 3 no. two-storev. Former Roders Garage. 36 High Street. Bridge. CT4 5JZ CA19l01004 Proposal: Proposed two-storey side extension along with 2 no. juliet balconies following demolition of single-storey side extension. Location: The Lodge, Higham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BD (asking that the materials be kept in keeping with existing). The Clerk on behalf of Bridge Parish Council has witten to Canterbury City Council with regard to the below Proposal. CA16l00600 - Proposal: Planning application for the proposed South Canterbury urban extension, for up to 4,000 dwellings comprising: The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA Proposed single-storey front and rear extensions, two-storey side extension - Park View, Mill Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LH TRE l19l00206 HollylAsh: located between rear of garages and stables, Holly tree reduce by approximately - Old Renville Farmhouse, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.30 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 13 July 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 2 July To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 11 July at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11”‘ June, 2019 Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll19l01143 Proposed side extension to garage MOTlUnit. Highland Court Farm Brasier, Coldharbbour Lane, CT4 5HW ENFl19l00157 — Retrospective Planning application for the installation of air conditioning units and concrete base — Bridge Country Club, CT4 5LF CAll19l01090 Proposed two storey side extension and single storey side and rear extension — 1 Bridge Down, Bridge TREl19l00247 T1 - Crown lift Beech and Labernham to provide 4 metres clearance from ground level T3 - Thuja, fell one spar that is leaning across the road to the rear and top another spar next to the property. T5 - Holly, fell cracked stem to ground level Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge TREl19l00158 T1-6 - 6 x Sycamores - by garage - remove to ground level. - Renville house, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, CT4 5AD TREl19l00259 Fell Lime tree. - Bridge And Patrixbourne Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX TREl19l00202 caldy, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL T1 - Reduce Cherry by up to 2.5metre's . . The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CAll19l00734 | Proposed two-storey side extension. 42 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The next scheduled meetinq of Bridqe Parish Council’s Planninq Committee will be on Thursday 12 September (oi) 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: 11/19-20 12/ 1 9-20 13/20-19 14/ 1 9-20 15/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNC|L’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 11 Julv 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr Dhillon . Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June. The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections to these: CA//19/01143 Proposed side extension to garage MOT/Unit. Highland Court Farm Brasier, Coldharbbour Lane, CT4 5HW ENF/19/00157 — Retrospective Planning application for the installation of air conditioning units and concrete base — Bridge Country Club, CT4 5LF CA//19/01090 Proposed two storey side extension and single storey side and rear extension — 1 Bridge Down, Bridge CA/19/01200 — Propsoed Replacement timber door and windowns to all front elevation and 1 no. on first floor side elevation. TRE/19/00247 T1 - Crown lift Beech and Labernham to provide 4 metres clearance from ground level T3 - Thuja, fell one spar that is leaning across the road to the rear and top another spar next to the property. T5 - Holly, fell cracked stem to ground level Bridge Hill House, Higham Lane, Bridge The Council has raised objections to the below:- TRE/19/00259 Fell Lime tree. - Bridge And Patrixbourne Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX to the proposed removal of the tree on the basis that they feel that the area surrounding the tree could be made safe for the children without the removal of the Lime Tree which is a healthy mature tree and an asset to the playground providing shade for the children please could they need to look at other options. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.29 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 12 September. 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 5 September 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 12 September at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11‘“Ju|y 2019 Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CAll19l01512 |Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding. |Laundry Cottage, 41 Conyngham Lane, Bridge,CT4 5JX The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: Retrospective application for the installation of air conditioning units and concrete base. Bridge Place Country Club, Bourne Park Road, Bridge, CT4 5BH Proposed side extension to garage/MOT unit. - Brasier, Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bridge, CT4 5HW Proposed two-storey front and rear extension and single-storey side extension. - 1 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Fell Lime tree. - Bridge And Patrixbourne Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Details submitted pursuant to conditions 06 (materials) and 07 (windows) of planning permission C... - 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed replacement timber door and windows to all on front elevation and 1 no. on first floors... - 47 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed first- floor extension to side. - Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, Proposed two-storey side extension. - April Cottage, 1 Meadow Close, Bridge, CT4 5AT The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The next scheduled meetinq of Bridqe Parish Council’s Planninq Committee will be on Thursday 10 October @ 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Apologies: 16/ 1 9-20 17/ 1 9-20 18/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 12 September 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr Moon . Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. Cllr Dhillon To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July, 2019. The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise objectionson the following basis: CA//19/01512 |Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding. |Laundry Cottage, 41 Conyngham Lane, Bridge,CT4 5JX Bridge Parish Council objects to this planning application on the basis it is contrary to the emerging Bridge Neighborhood Plan Bridge Parish Council, via this Plan, will not entertain any development which does not include gardens appropriate to the size of the dwelling and in keeping with the established Recognizing the likely impact on the privacy and amenity of neighboring properties, new developments must respect the separation between buildings and between buildings and the site boundaries, allowing for established local settings and local densities to be preserved. Development otherwise will not be supported” We also feel that the building is misplaced architecturally and doesn't fit in with the street scene and will certainly be out of kilter with the neighboring property. The positioning of the building within the development site which is set forward of the neighboring property will cause loss of view and the reduction of light. While the proximity of the building to the boundary may meet planning requirements it is more suited to a dense urban environment than this rural setting which we will not support please see Policy C4 be|ow:- In recent years there has been flooding from the fields above remedial work needs to be put in place for future flooding. The council is also concerned with root compression caused by the construction of the building, the construction of the driveway and vehicle movements Quoted from the emerging Neighbhourhood Plan be|ow:- “Policy C4 “Bridge Parish Council, via this Plan, will not entertain any development which does not include gardens appropriate to the size of the dwelling and in keeping with the established Recognizing the likely impact on the privacy and amenity of neighbouring properties, new developments must respect the separation between buildings and between buildings and the site boundaries, allowing for established local settings and local densities to be preserved. Development otherwise will not be supported” The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: Retrospective application for the installation of air conditioning units and concrete base. Bridge Place Country Club, Bourne Park Road, Bridge, CT4 5BH Proposed side extension to garage/MOT unit. - Brasier, Highland Court Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Bridge, CT4 5HW Proposed two-storey front and rear extension and single-storey side extension. - 1 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Fell Lime tree. - Bridge And Patrixbourne Primary School, Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX Details submitted pursuant to conditions 06 (materials) and 07 (windows) of planning permission C... - 22 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY Proposed replacement timber door and windows to all on front elevation and 1 no. on first floors... - 47 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ Proposed first- floor extension to side. - Barberry Cottage, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, Proposed two-storev side extension. - April Cottage. 1 Meadow Close. Bridde. CT4 5AT 19/19-20 The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.30 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 10 October 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. Present: Apologies: 20/ 1 9-20 21/19-20 22/ 1 9-20 19/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 10 Octobe 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr Moon . Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. Cllr Dhillon To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2019. The Committee considered the following application and decided to raise no objections:- CA//19/01834 Proposed single-storey side extension together with enlarged drive and formation of new vehicle a... - 73 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5BA TRE/19/00406 Tree 1, a weeping willow is situated to the side of the lawn along the bank of the Nailbourne, op... - Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF TRE/19/00413 | T1 - Magnolia - front garden - to re-pollard, cutting newer growth back to previous pollard pruning points and to clear BT and power cables through canopy. | 5 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN TRE/19/00427 | T1) -Sycamore located to the front garden and adjacent to the main road, reduce to a lower pollard, reduce the crown of the tree down to a finished level of approximately 5m above ground level. T2) -Fruit tree to the left of the rear garden, reducing the tree to its previous cutting and to remove the lowest side branch from over the lawn side. T3) -Elderberry tree located to the right reducing the top growth down to approximately 6ft. T4) - Hornbeam tree located to the far end of the rear garden (left) reducing the crown of the tree to its previous cutting points. | 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA//19/01753 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external alterations including work to - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/01754 Application for listed building consent for external alterations including replacement guttering - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TRE/19/00392 | T1 Oak tree located in rear garden reduce crown by approx. 3m in height and balance side growth, lift crown to give an approx. 6m clearance. | 16 Conyngham Lane, Bridge, CT4 5JX The Committee is asked to note the following planning activity: None The meeting closed at 7.30 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 12 November 2019 at 7.15 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 8 The Dene, Canterbury, CT1 3NW Date: 7 November 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 14 November at 7.15 pm Fiona Cairns Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 Octoberr Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA//19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. - 15 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ CA//19/02070 Proposed first-floor rear extension with 1 no. rooflight. - 31 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN CA//19/02123 Proposed single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension and porch to front following the demolition of existing side and rear extensions — 54 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/01834 Proposed single-storey side extension together with enlarged drive and formation of new vehicle access — 73 Bridge Down, CT4 5BA CA//19/01512 Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition... - Laundry Cottage, 41 Conyngham Lane, Bridge,CT4 5JX CA//19/02007 Erection and display of 2 no. aluminium banner signs to existing Highland Court accommodation over... - Highland Court accommodation overbridge, Dover Road, Bridge, CT4 5BG CA//19/02033 Erection and display of 2 no. aluminium banner signs, split into four panels, over the Bridge Sli... - Bridge Slip road, Patrixbourne, CT4 7AA TRE/19/00427 |T1) -Sycamore located to the front garden and adjacent to the main road, reduce to a lower pollar... - 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ TRE/19/00394 T1 Prunus- Fell, T2 Hornbeam- Fell, T3 Silver Birch- Remove one of the co dominant leaders, T4 Oa... - 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 5 December 6.30 m in Brid e Villa e Hall Present: Apologies: 24/1 9-20 25/ 1 9-20 26/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 14 November 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke, (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr . Also present Fiona Cairns, Clerk. Cllr Dhillon To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2019. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to below:- CA//19/02070 Proposed first-floor rear extension with 1 no. rooflight. - 31 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN CA//19/02123 Proposed single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension and porch to front following the demolition of existing side and rear extensions — 54 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN The Committee Considered the application below and the parish council will make comments on this application at Decembers meeting when further paperwork is received. CA//19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. - 15 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ A resident spoke to the council about their concerns that the work could undermine their property and a neighbouring property. Another resident who owns an adjacent property also wrote to the council highlighting their objections. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/01834 Proposed single-storey side extension together with enlarged drive and formation of new vehicle access — 73 Bridge Down, CT4 5BA CA//19/01512 Erection of detached two-storev dwellind together with hardstandind and wall followind demolition... - Laundrv Cottage. 41 Convndham Lane. Bridde.CT4 5JX CA//19/02007 Erection and display of 2 no. aluminium banner signs to existing Highland Court accommodation over... - Highland Court accommodation overbridge, Dover Road, Bridge, CT4 5BG CA//19/02033 Erection and display of 2 no. aluminium banner signs, split into four panels, over the Bridge Sli... - Bridge Slip road, Patrixbourne, CT4 7AA TRE/19/00427 |T1) -Sycamore located to the front garden and adjacent to the main road, reduce to a lower pollar... - 17 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ TRE/19/00394 T1 Prunus- Fell, T2 Hornbeam- Fell, T3 Silver Birch- Remove one of the co dominant leaders, T4 Oa... - 2 Flint Cottages, Bourne Park Lane, Bridge, CT4 5BJ The meeting closed at 7.30 p.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 5 December 2019 at 6.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office, 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Date: 30 November 2019 To members of the Council Planning Committee You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 5 December 2019 at 6.30 Jenny Heap Parish Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November Matters Arising from the Minutes The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA//19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. - 15 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TRE/19/00504 Reduce Ash tree in corner of rear garden, back to previous cutting points - Klisterli, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL CA//19/01753 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external alterations including work to - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/01754 Application for listed building consent for external alterations including replacement guttering - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA/19/01090/FUL Non-material amendment to planning permission for proposed two- storey for proposed two-storey front and rear extension and single-storey side extension; to allow reduction to east elevation of the study by 450mm, reduce by 450mm the rear ground floor elevation, proposed bi-fold door to study omitted and replaced with window, proposed bi-fold door in living room omitted and replaced with a window, and 2 No. rooflights windows omitted from study. 1 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ. CA//19/02114 on-material amendment to planning permission CA/18/01507/FUL for the Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA//18/00690/VAR for the proposed detached pool house; to allow bi-fold doors to west and south facing elevations, remove window and add door on south facing elevation; to allow external single doors to be changed from timber to aluminium to match the bi-fold doors. Coldharbour Farmhouse, Poor Start Lane, Bridge, CT4 5HH The next scheduled meeting of Bridde Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursda 9 Janua 7.15 m in Brid e Villa eHall Present: Apologies: 27/ 1 9-20 28/ 1 9-20 29/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 6.30 p.m. on Thursdav 5th December 2019 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke (Chair), Cllr A Atkinson and Cllr Davies and the Clerk Jennifer Heap. Cllr Dhillon To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14”‘ November 2019. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise the below comments:- CA//19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. - 15 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JZ. Listed Bulidings application has been received. BPC objects to the planning application and listed building consent. This is on the basis that it will alter the external look of the building, there has been no structural survey, Party Wall agreements and legal requirements are not in place. If CCC decide to grant planning permission the the folllowing conditions need to be met; Party Wall agreement in place together with other legal safeguards, full structural survey, due to natural springs basement needs to be tanked and not used as sleeping accommodation. CA/19/10008 Proposed two-storey detached dwelling site Of Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, Kent. Due to the lack of information on this application prior to the planning meeting, the planning committee will be meeting to consider this application (date to be confirmed) once members have had sufficient time to read the paperwork The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: TRE/19/00504 Reduce Ash tree in corner of rear garden, back to previous cutting points - Klisterli, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, CT4 5BL CA//19/01753 Retrospective application for listed building consent for external alterations including work to - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA//19/01754 Application for listed building consent for external alterations including replacement guttering - 8 High Street, Bridge, CT4 5JY CA/19/01090/FUL Non-material amendment to planning permission for proposed two-storey front and rear extension and single-storey side extension; to allow reduction to east elevation of the study by 450mm, reduce by 450mm the rear ground floor elevation, proposed bi-fold door to study omitted and replaced with window, proposed bi-fold door in living room omitted and replaced with a window, and 2 No. rooflights windows omitted from study. 1 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ. CA//19/02114 On-material amendment to planning permission CA/18/01507/FUL for the Variation of condition 02 (drawings) of planning permission CA//18/00690/VAR for the proposed detached pool house; to allow bi-fold doors to west and south facing elevations, remove window and add door on south facing elevation; to allow external single doors to be changed from timber to aluminium to match the bi-fold doors. Coldharbour Farmhouse, Poor Start Lane, Bridge, CT4 5HH The meetina closed at 6.45 pm. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 9th Januam 2020 at 7.15 pm. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Date: 2"“ January 2020 To members of the Council Planning Committee: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursday, 9th January at 7.15 pm. Jennifer Heap Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2019 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA/19/10324 RT1 - Yew x3 and one Thuja - crown lift to provide 5 metres clearance from ground level on the house side. H2 - mixed hedge bottom boundary reduce height of hedge down to 4 metres and trim garden side, creating flat top and side. GT3 - Lellandi and Syvcamore - fell to ground level. GT4 - mixed shrubs- reduce to the height to 4m. Bridge Hill House Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AY. CA/19/10343 Proposed first-floor side extension above garage and existing extension. - 3 Park View Mill Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LH. CA/19/10375 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA//18/01728/FUL for proposed single-storey extension to rear with accommodation in the roof space with 2 no. roof lights and single-storey side extension following demolition of garage; to allow removal of rooflishts and living accommodation in the roofspace - 46 Bridge Down Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BA CA/19/10386 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/19/01512/FUL for the Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding; to allow existing windows to Laundry Cottage to be retained, fixed shut and frosted. - Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/02070 Proposed first-floor rear extension with 1 no. rooflight. - 31 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Council’s Planning Committee will be on Thursday 13th February at 7.15 pm in Bridge Village Hall Present: Apologies: 30/ 1 9-20 31/19-20 32/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 9th Januarv 2020 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke (Chair), Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Shirley and the Clerk Jennifer Heap. Cllr Davies To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5”‘ December 2019. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to below:- CA/19/10324 RT1 - Yew x3 and one Thuja - crown lift to provide 5 metres clearance from ground level on the house side. H2 - mixed hedge bottom boundary reduce height of hedge down to 4 metres and trim garden side, creating flat top and side. GT3 - Lellandi and Syvcamore - fell to ground level. GT4 - mixed shrubs- reduce to the height to 4m. Bridge Hill House Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AY. CA/19/10343 Proposed first—f|oor side extension above garage and existing extension. — 3 Park View Mill Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LH. CA/19/10386 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/19/01512/FUL for the Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding; to allow existing windows to Laundry Cottage to be retained, fixed shut and frosted. - Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. CA/19/10375 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/18/01728/FUL for proposed single-storey extension to rear with accommodation in the roof space with 2 no. roof lights and single-storey side extension following demolition of garage; to allow removal of rooflishts and living accommodation in the roofspace - 46 Bridge Down Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BA. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA//19/02070 Proposed first-floor rear extension with 1 no. rooflight. - 31 Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LN The meeting closed at 7.25 b.m. The next meeting of the planning committee is scheduled for 13th Februam 2020 at 7.15 pm. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Date: 2"“ February 2020 To members of the Council Planning Committee: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursdav. 13th Februarv at 7.15 pm. Jennifer Heap Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ January 2020 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA/19/10413 Application for listed building consent for internal alterations including new flexible liner to stove fireplace and de-tar and new backplates to inglenook fireplace — 53 High St Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LA. CA/19/10388 Proposed single-storey rear extension. 53 Union Road Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LW. CA/20/00018 Proposed two-storey side extension together with 2 no. juliet balconies following demolition of single-storey side extension. The Lodge Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BD. CA/20/00086 Spruce (T1) - reduce by 30% to avoid interference with overhead power lines. Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4. CA/20/00133 (T1) Sweet Chestnut at rear of property - Re-pollard to points of previous pruning. 20 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA/19/10008 Proposed two-storey detached dwelling. - Site Of Former Oil Depot Union Road Bridge Kent. CA/19/02123 Proposed single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension, patio to rear and porch to front following the demolition of existing side and rear extensions. - 54 Union Road Bridge CT4 5LW. CA/19/10386 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/19/01512/FUL for the Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding; to allow existing windows to Laundry Cottage to be retained, fixed shut and frosted. - Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. CA/19/10324 RT1 - Yew x3 and one Thuja - crown lift to provide 5 metres clearance from ground level on the house side. H2 - mixed hedge bottom boundary reduce height of hedge down to 4 metres and trim garden side, creating flat top and side. GT3 - Lellandi and Syvcamore - fell to ground level. GT4 - mixed shrubs- reduce to the height to 4m. Bridge Hill House Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AY. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA/19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. 15 High Street Bridge CT4 5JZ. The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 12th March at 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall Present: Apologies: 33/ 1 9-20 34/1 9-20 35/ 1 9-20 36/ 1 9-20 Minutes of BRIDGE PARISH COUNClL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Held at 7.15 p.m. on Thursdav 13th Februarv 2020 at Bridde Village Hall Cllr Fawke (Chair), Cllr Davies, Cllr A Atkinson, Cllr Shirley and the Clerk Jennifer Heap. Cllr Dhillon and Cllr Moon. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9”‘ January 2020. The Committee considered the following applications and decided to raise no objections to below:- CA/19/10413 Application for listed building consent for internal alterations including new flexible liner to stove fireplace and de-tar and new backplates to lnglenook fireplace — 53 High St Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LA. CA/19/10388 Proposed single-storey rear extension. 53 Union Road Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LW. Cllr Fawke requested BPC add a comment in response to this application regarding concern about the foot print in relation to garden. CA/20/00018 Proposed two-storey side extension together with 2 no. juliet balconies following demolition of single-storey side extension. The Lodge Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BD. CA/20/00086 Spruce (T1) - reduce by 30% to avoid interference with overhead power lines. Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4. CA/20/00133 (T1) Sweet Chestnut at rear of property - Re-pollard to points of previous pruning. 20 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA/19/10008 Proposed two-storey detached dwelling. - Site Of Former Oil Depot Union Road Bridge Kent. CA/19/02123 Proposed single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension, patio to rear and porch to front following the demolition of existing side and rear extensions. - 54 Union Road Bridge CT4 5LW. CA/19/10386 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/19/01512/FUL for the Erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding; to allow existing windows to Laundry Cottage to be retained, fixed shut and frosted. - Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. CA/19/10324 RT1 - Yew x3 and one Thuja - crown lift to provide 5 metres clearance from ground level on the house side. H2 - mixed hedge bottom boundary reduce height of hedge down to 4 metres and trim garden side, creating flat top and side. GT3 - Lellandi and Syvcamore - fell to ground level. GT4 - mixed shrubs- reduce to the height to 4m. Bridge Hill House Higham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AY. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been refused by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA/19/01630 Proposed extension of basement together with railings to front. 15 High Street Bridge CT4 5JZ. CA/19/10343 Proposed first-floor side extension above garage and existing extension. 3 Park View Mill Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LH. New addition. The meetind closed at 7.20 pm. The next meetind of the nlannind committee is scheduled for 12th March 2020 at 7.00 pm. in the Village Hall. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Office: 12 Bridge Down, Bridge, CT4 5AZ Date: 6"‘ March 2020 To members of the Council Planning Committee: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Bridge Parish Council Planning Committee at Bridge Village Hall on Thursdav. 12th March at 7.00 pm. Jennifer Heap Clerk to the Council. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12”‘ February 2020 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. The Committee is asked to consider the following applications: CA/20/00295 Proposed two-storey detached outbuilding for use as workshop, gardenstore & artist studio together with new vehicular access and boundary wall. Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5AD. CA/20/00309 Proposed two-storey detached garage with workshop and store following demolition of existing garage and outbuilding. Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5AD. CA/20/00294 Proposed front porch. Renville House, Renville Farm Road, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5AD. CA/20/00310 Change of use from children's home to residential dwelling. (Retrospective). Brookside Lodge, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5BL. CA/20/00388 Proposed infill of bridge and formation of embankments. Railway Bridge On The Former Canterbury To Folkestone (Elham Valley Branch) Railway Line, Bridge. CA/20/00471 Details submitted pursuant to conditions 03 (materials), 04 (landscaping), 08 (contamination) & 11 (foul and surface water drainage) of planning permission CA//19/10008/FUL. Site Of Former Oil Depot Union Road Bridge Kent. CA/20/00488 Application for listed building consent for internal alterations including formation of a new doorway to ensuite bathroom. 23 The Close, Union Road, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5NJ. CA/20/00468 Proposed 3 no two-storey detached dwellings. Former Oil Depot, Union Road, Bridge, CT4 5LW. CA/20/00454 Non-material amendment to planning permission CA//19/01512/FUL for erection of detached two-storey dwelling together with hardstanding and wall following demolition of existing outbuilding; to allow the alignment of tree preservation fence to the original tree survey recommendation. Laundry Cottage 41 Conyngham Lane Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5JX. CA/20/00463 Application for lawful development certificate for proposed use of detached garage as an annexe, replacement windows, erection of porch canopy, rendering of house and new roof tiles. Four Seasons, Meadow Close, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5AT CA/20/00411 T1) 8no. Yews Crown reduction 2m, Height reduction 2m, Crown thin 25%. T2) V\/hitebeam Crown thin 25%, Crown reduction 25%. T3) 2no. Beech Crown thin 25%, Crown reduction approx 25%. T4) Whitebeam Crown thin 10%, height reduction to previous pruned height. T5) Branches to 2no. neighboring trees reduced where overhanging property. Silver Leaves Bridge Hill Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AX. CA/20/00412 T1) Acacia -trim by 20% located to side of property. Old School House Patrixbourne Road Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BL. CA/20/00477 Silver Birch in rear garden - reduce size by 30% , 5 evergreen oak trees forming hedge on boundary - reduce height by 25%. Silver Birches Patrixbourne Road Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5BL. The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been granted by Canterbury City Council since the last meeting: CA/19/10413 Application for listed building consent for internal alterations including new flexible liner to stove fireplace and de-tar and new backplates to lnglenook fireplace. 53 High Street Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LA The committee is asked to note that the following applications have been withdrawn since the last meeting: CA/19/10388 Proposed single-storey rear extension. 53 Union Road Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LW The next scheduled meeting of Bridge Parish Counci|’s Planning Committee will be on Thursdav 9th April at 7.15 pm in Bridde Village Hall