p.u.«.-on tiny —'u nrgun I01 an-Ir’;-If-t%up‘édjC .—.-1—‘J l'A@$I4IY/an-n|uI——‘4I ,_...._....u.:;.u- an-4—.—.d be-u-. -o-u «loan-no an... —.-.; --u-r-M < . J ...a-rza...-,.-»v-: .:-up-r " i W I :5-_‘_hv I a:— a»«......;..:. " " ""“"“""""“3‘5‘3‘.'»".‘.“ =' 3‘---~“"" ‘ .=‘.=-“... . —-u .—--—-----—— -.-...r “-1. Tho dovolopoont oonsioto of throo and four bodrooo housoo with gorogoo on o oito at Bridgo noar tho contro o tho 1i11ago, with fino vioos ovor Bifrono Pork. Tho houooo hovo hoon dosignod by irohitoots Loonord lonosooh and Portnoro of London to hormonioo with tho oldor houooo in tho villago but at tho sono timo to offor somothing now in panning. looh houso I111 hovo o oollod patio at tho front which will giro oouploto privacy, as wo11 no good oiaod gardona It tho roar. Tho lorgo opon opooo by tho Rivor Nhilhourno will ho laid out with opooinon trooo, ohruho and a graoaod aros. A oh11drons' and odu1ts' gonna sroo, oholtorod and ooroonod by banks will to proporod. Buguostions fro oooupioro will ho ooloonod. Tho principal rooln, phrtioulory tho kitchon, onjoy on unspoilt outlook sod a noxious saount of sunlight. littings inoludo goo worm air control hooting, ouphosrdo and lorktop in tho kitohon, spool for cupboards in most othor rooms (ovlilohlo as on optional oxtro) snd gonoroua provision of olootrio ond goo pointo. A opooiol footuro of tho dovolopnont in the opportunity for oihoro to oonploto solo fihiohoo thomoolvoo, if thoy oo wioh. Ihio applioo to tho root in tho roof (bodroom 4) which. on tho othor hood oon ho onittod ontiroly or oomplotod by tho hnildor. Ioino, goo, rotor and olootrioity oro providod. lain drainago I111 ho availablo in tho noor futuro. Tho drainogo oyotom will to Isintainod and ovontuolly oonnootod to tho moin oowor by tho oovolopor. It in oxpootod that lortghgoo will ho ovailoblo from tho Local ‘I$hu°l-'1‘: o ', I IHE RED LION ESIAIE _ BRIDGE nlnymg fields flu dr.vu1np=on'. caught: :3 U-.rIo nrl frur 5:1.-nu Icunu rill gnrngon an n olta at Jridgo near its con1rI of 1:0 1.i‘.'1|¢u, -uh Han rt:-u nu: E‘.!rr.r.a Fart. fha hcu nu hnvo as-n dnllgnafi by lrunlznatn Lacnarfi Innannon and rartnlro of Lennon to Lnraonlau vish LI oldo: aamcoa is the Villa‘! La: nt Inn 01:: 11:1 to ar't: ranolnlng nli 1n planning. £Aan nouns I311 nnvu n In! 91:1: :3 sh thlfih :11) give aauaiatn p::vnn;, nu --1: II ‘and nizot gnrdunn II H1: r-nr. Thu lnrgu awn E1 EM T111-Ir Snllbc-.|r.-.0 will 5- 19:1 av.-I nth |;o=L=on Ira uh:-ubn and 5 gr: : n. J ah12dror.:' nod |d.u].u' guano nun. umlur-.1 Ind Icrl-H10. by Lntzkl IH1 ho prlplrod. Suggestion: Iron muuplarl H11 be unluannl. Thu prlaaipnl roast. ;|r\Luu1nry 1:: Kliahdfl, Onjay an an-;c:1\ oulluak 1.3!. u atlas: animal cm.’ sunlight. ?:\L1n¢n sncluda gun rnra cl! cnnsrll nlnzing. nuybaurfil uni turtle; in thc klulhnn, npnul £5: :u;n|v:-In--1| :I: znll stun.’ races Invutlnbla an nu apllonnl ulsrni Ind gonnroqn pruvinlnn or olucsrzc and gun puialln .l. npuehi Scum-a of lb: fin-Jule;-«aunt 1. awnorn Io colyluto IOIO fznllhca I 37cm. 1: Ibo: :4 wish. run qppnu so Inc :00! in nu ma Lsnfirocl I.) chub. on the anal.‘ MM cur. bl ulluod Intiraly or nraplolu-I by an- bnlléar. Inlnu. gnu. IIII2 nnd aluctrlalix -1 9ror::I4. la:n Gralnugi I111 5| nvnllnhlc Ln zhu nocr tn: Tho d:1£nagu -yatou will he nn1nIalAO€ and ovuntuall; dunno In In 2:: aaln noun: by age duvulopor. 1: 1- nxpifllld tan: lertgugun :11: ha urlllnhll fro: tho Laonl .IuI!.nr'l.\_r. IL: ngporlunlly fa: THE RED LION ESTATE BRIDGE A The following is a summary ofii and is intended as a guide only to, the Developer's terms of business and no part is intended to, or can be deemed to constitute a Contract or form any part thereof. THE RED LION ESTATE; BRIDGE Terms of Business 1. Plots can be reserved by paying £100 reservation fee, mhiph also acts as a deposit for the plot. The reservation will last until can weektafter the Contracts are presented for signature; if the Contract is not signed, the reservation will lapse and the deposit be refunded. 2. A Contract for the sale of the individual plots and a Building Contract to be signed at the same time, and a Deed of Covenant giving rights over the open land to be signed later.. The Developer reserves the right to combine the Building Contract and the Contract for Site purchase, in which case the oayments will be made firstly by 2100 deuosit and_the remainder on completion of the building work as snecifisd in Contract. The Contracts for building and site purchase will be combined. The £100 reservation fee will go towards the 10? deposit to be paid to the Vendorvs Solicitors (acting as Agents for the Vendor) on the signing of the Contr t ‘ I All mentibn 05 Stage payment can now be ignored. The final payment will now be made on bompletion of the building works as specified é-v \1'\aiss_:r.n. 6. Purchasers are requested to give the Developer's Agent, James Hamilton Brown, Esq. :- 1. Full iililiiun Names, Address and Telephone Number. 2. Names and Address of Solicitor/s who will act, if necessary. 3. A cheque for £100 made out to Messrs. Dawson and Hart, acting as Solicitors for the Developer, as a deposit and reservation fee. Summary of Building Contract 1. After payment for the land,V i7 g" ‘ XE *"i;" ;es; the amounts and description of stn’ . >n monies owed ‘epurchase if A serious delay in payment w at current lending rates and r default is over 30 days. v-5 2. Plans and Specifications are .d any defects Months, Will 3. The work mill be carried out. *' occurring through the use of f be made good. 4. Careful overall supervision Lesa Tzfl .e~: . ;;:~T A ~-»~we~e—~s, Leonard Manasseh and Partners. , ts? Only if there is a substantial rise in labour and material costs during the period of building will the overall price be adjusted. 6. Every endeavour will be made to complete the work by a given date. Q \l\/A-A1153 \JJ- I.lULs2..L.LL\7DD cusu. .l.J.\J lJuu.v 4.1.1 .L.uuu4..Lu.\.au. uug \J4. \l\4Iun u-. u\.a v \.4J.\.IJJ\z-L deemed to constitute a Contract or form any part thereof. THE RED LION ESTATE, BRIDGE Terms of Business 1. Plots can be reserved by paying £100 reservation fee, iph also acts as a deposit for the plot. The reservation will last until out weekcafter the Contracts are presented for signature; if the Contract is not signed, the reservation will lapse and the deposit be refunded. 2. A Contract for the sale of the individual plots and a Building Contract to be signed at the same time, and a Deed of Covenant giving rights over the open land to be signed later. we ;%ve7oper reserves the rifidt to omrdinw the 'ujldinr Cnnérqnt and tha 7gniw~qt 5"-"-T‘ "‘."li~‘”f 'l13."<'J1'l«’7:*=r"r;. "7"'« '\'.r“H‘w.‘1‘1 <"r',fl:"-' tiié "‘/.“"“ ‘-11??‘ 1‘;;3,7‘ 16:7» ‘*1-m§r\ ‘-"'j‘:~5.x1‘,"*‘ bf; t77(‘,(‘ (3.’)‘-‘.:_'\,f;‘i 1 '42:»? the ’I"=.'!-‘mi .1‘7..‘r‘ oi: cc.r:7fl..:2i.77’/)‘.1 0"‘ tr‘.-’> bu? "'-*li11.r' v2:‘wh‘.»r rm :«;:’.»-*v‘>.1I7"*I_C:v‘ in v".m'wi:~-mt. 4. Payments will be in four stages (subject to alteration if Building Societies or Local Council Loans Department require it). 5. The stages ares- 1. Land purchase. 2. Building erected to plate level. 5. Roof on. 4. Complete. 6. Purchasers are requested to give the Developer's Agent, James Hamilton Brown, Esq. 1. Full On Names, Address and Telephone Number. 2. Names and Address of Solicitor/s who will act, if necessary. 5. A cheque for £100 made out to Messrs. Dawson and Hart, acting as Solicitors for the Developer, as a deposit and reservation fee. Summary of Building Contract 1. After payment for the land, the house will be paid for in 3 stages; the amounts and description of stages will be given for each house separately. A serious delay in payment may result in a payment of interest on monies owed at current lending rates and the Developer reserves an option to repurchase if default is over 50 days. +~.-7 Plans and Specifications are available for inspection. The work till he carried out in a good and workmanlike manner and any defects occurring through the use of faulty materials, notified within 6 months, will be made good. Careful overall supervision will be carried out_by the Architects, Leonard Manasseh and Partners. =”> Only if there is a substantial rise in labour and material costs during the period of building will the overall price be adjusted. Every endeavour will be made to complete the Work by a given date. Summary of Building Contract (Cont'd.) 7. At an early stage in the building a decision on the following possible omissions and additions must be made and a price agreed. Possible Omissions .u——-.-......-.-...—.——..—.......—.—.—-....— 1. The decorating will consist of painting woodwork white and emulsion paint on walls and ceilings in not more than 3 different colours chosen by the purchaser; if the purchaser should wish to do the decorating of walls and ceilings, a sum of £ will be deducted from the Contract price. 2. The floors will be covered in Thermoplastic tiles; if these are not required, a sum of £ will be deducted from the Contract price. If any other floor covering is required, a separate price for this must be negotiated. 3. Vymura will be used in bathrooms on splash back area round bath, purchasers having choice of design. If this is not required a sum of £ will be deducted from the price. If any other covering is required, a separate price for this must be negotiated. Possible Additions and Alternatives ___—____-.___....—-__.—-—.———u-.—.——.-—————_.——-.— 1. The room in the roof space in Types A and B will be fitted with an opening window and electric point, and will be ready to convert to a good sized room by incorporating an open staircase, flooring, wall covering, plastering and decorations. This can be done for an additional sum of £ . 2. Most bedrooms have convenient spaces for cupboards, which can be supplied and fixed for £ per cupboard. 3. An additional washbasin in W.C.s in Types A and B can be fitted for £ 4. Sanitary fittings will be supplied in white; if a colour is required, this can be supplied for an additional sum. 5. Kitchen fittings will consist of a double drainer sink unit with stainless steel top and one 3'6" cupboard and one high level cupboard. Every endeavour will be made to satisfy purchaser's requirements in colour, etc., and unpainted cabinets can be had if purchasers wish to paint their own. 6. Fireplaces to purchaser's choice. (P.C. Allowance £ ). Summary of Contract for Site Purchase 1. Price £1,000 per plot. 2. The Estate road will be dedicated to the Council. 3. The continuance of the road to North will not be allowed over land retained by the Developer, without negotiation about the possible diminution of amenities and the views of purchasers will be taken into account. 4. The open space will be kept tidy and will be fully planted and laid out .9 4.1.- vn_.|.....|... /(‘\.-.......~--1...’.-...... ._... $1..-._ ....'71 1..,. 7. At an early stage in the building a decision on the following possible omissions and additions must be made and a price agreed. Possible Omissions _._—...._a—..._._......—..__.___.. 1. The decorating will consist of painting woodwork white and emulsion paint on walls and ceilings in not more than 5 different colours chosen by the purchaser; if the purchaser should wish to do the decorating of walls and ceilings, a sum of £ will be deducted from the Contract price. 2. The floors will be covered in Thermoplastic tiles; if these are not required, a sum of £ will be deducted from the Contract price. If any other floor covering is required, a separate price for this must be negotiated. 3. Vymura will be used in bathrooms on splash back area round bath, purchasers having choice of design. If this is not required a sum of £ will be deducted from the price. If any other covering is required, a separate price for this must be negotiated. Possible Additions and Alternatives —._._—-.___.....—....._..._._._.-..__._-._...——..-.--.__.-..—._....—-.- 1. The room in the roof space in Types A and B will be fitted with an opening window and electric point, and will be ready to convert to a good sized room by incorporating an open staircase, flooring, wall covering, plastering and decorations. This can be done for an additional sum of £ . 2. Most bedrooms have convenient spaces for cupboards, which can be supplied and fixed for £ per cupboard. 3. An additional washbasin in W.C.s in Types A and B can be fitted for £ . 4. Sanitary fittings will be supplied in white; if a colour is required, this can be supplied for an additional sum. 5. Kitchen fittings will consist of a double drainer sink unit with stainless steel top and one 5'6" cupboard and one high level cupboard. Every endeavour will be made to satisfy purchaser's requirements in colour, etc., and unpainted cabinets can be had if purchasers wish to paint their own. 6. Fireplaces to purchaser's choice. (P.C. Allowance £ ). Summary of Contract for Site Purchase 1. Price £1,000 per plot. 2. The Estate road will be dedicated to the Council. 3. The continuance of the road to North will not be allowed over land retained by the Developer, without negotiation about the possible diminution of amenities and the views of purchasers will be taken into account. 4. The open space will be kept tidy and will be fully planted and laid out within 2 years of completion of the Estate. (Suggestions on this will be welcomed, although not necessarily taken up.) Summary of Contract for Site Purchase (Cont‘d.) 5. The following conditions are intended to protect purchasers from a possible interference with the general amenities and appearance; within this framework the maximum freedom of choice is intended. 1. Not to erect any further building or addition or alteration to the exterior of house without approval of Vendor. (The Vendor, in making any decision, will always take into account views of others living in the /3 2. houses.) 2. Not to carry on a business on the land or house (subject to modification under special conditions). 3. Not to do anything which may depreciate the value of the Estate as a private building estate. 4. Maintain walls and fences. 5. Garden Huts and Greenhouses only of approved design. 6. No clothes washing to be seen from Estate roads. 7 . Paint houses every four years white or any colour to be agreed with neighbours unanimously. ofley SPA:/5' Ownership 1. The Company Association will own the freehold of the open space. 2. There will be 27 shares only. The Developer will have 14 shares. The individual owners of the 15 houses will have 1 share each. 5. Each share has 1 voting right. 4. On the sale of any house, the share will pass to the new owner. 5. If the Developer should wish to dispose of his shares, they must be first offered to the house owners, the price being assessed by an independent Valuer. The Developer's Role Obligations 1. To form the Company and issue shares. 2. Issue rules of management and usage. 3. Preside over (or delegate) meetings when requested. 4. Lay out open space, including full planting. Maintain in reasonably tidy condition until planting is complete. 5. Maintain the drainage system. Arrange and pay for emptying when needed. Arrange for joining up to Mains when available. 6. Any amendments to the rules of management put forward by the Developer need vs:-.4’ "I-xrx nan;-x-vx-4-r~.R Txqvr Tnrx-nnrx n'm1nc.1rIc-\ 5. interference with the general amenities and appearance; The following conditions are intended to protect purchasers from a possible within this framework the maximum freedom of choice is intended. 1. Not to erect any further building or addition or alteration to the exterior of house without approval of Vendor. (The Vendor, in making any decision, will always take into account views of others living in the /3 )3’. houses.) Not to carry on a business on the land or house (subject to modification under special conditions). Not to do anything which may depreciate the value of the Estate as a private building estate. Maintain walls and fences. Garden Huts and Greenhouses only of approved design. No clothes washing to be seen from Estate roads. Paint houses every four years white or any colour to be agreed with neighbours unanimously. aflsar S‘/’Ac£ Ownership 1. The Company Association will own the freehold of the open space. 2. There will be 27 shares only. The Developer will have 14 shares. The individual owners of the 13 houses will have 1 share each. 5. Each share has 1 voting right. 4. On the sale of any house, the share will pass to the new owner. 5. If the Developer should wish to dispose of his shares, they must be first offered to the house owners, the price being assessed by an independent Valuer. The Developer's Role Obligations To form the Company and issue shares. Issue rules of management and usage. Preside over (or delegate) meetings when requested. Lay out open space, including full planting. Maintain in reasonably tidy condition until planting is complete. Maintain the drainage system. Arrange and pay for emptying when needed. Arrange for joining up to Mains when available. Any amendments to the rules of management put forward by the Developer need not be accepted by house owners. Summary of Contract for Site Purchase (Cont'd.) 5. The following conditions are intended to protect purchasers from a possible interference with the general amenities and appearance; within this framework the maximum freedom of choice is intended. 1. Not to erect any further building or addition or alteration to the exterior of house without approval of Vendor. (The Vendor, in making any decision, will always take into account views of others living in the /3 1?. houses.) 2. Not to carry on a business on the land or house (subject to modification under special conditions). 3. Not to do anything which may depreciate the value of the Estate as a private building estate. 4 Maintain walls and fences. 5. Garden Huts and Greenhouses only of approved design. 6. No clothes washing to be seen from Estate roads. 7 . Paint houses every four years white or any colour to be agreed with neighbours unanimously. 0/491 $‘PAc£ Ownership 1. The Company Association will own the freehold of the open space. 2. There will be 27 shares only. The Developer will have 14 shares. The individual owners of the 13 houses will have 1 share each. 3. Each share has 1 voting right. 4. On the sale of any house, the share will pass to the new owner. 5. If the Developer should wish to dispose of his shares, they must be first offered to the house owners, the price being assessed by an independent Valuer. The Developer's Role Obligations 1. To form the Company and issue shares. 2. Issue rules of management and usage. 5. Preside over (or delegate) meetings when requested. 4. Lay out open space, including full planting. Maintain in reasonably tidy condition until planting is complete. 5. Maintain the drainage system. Arrange and pay for emptying when needed. Arrange for joining up to Mains when available. 6. Any amendments to the rules of management put forward by the Developer need v«.-.4- ‘tn/\ nnnn-v-.4-AR Tn-n 1f\r\11|'-\)~l!\)—\ O 0 O O 4. The Secretary may claim up to £25 per annum expenses from the general Company fund. Possible Additional Functions for the Residents‘ Association 1. The Developer is willing to discuss with owners ideas concerning possible future additions, alterations or renewal, and the possibility of starting a fund for this purpose. The main purpose would be to organize the machinery to get agreement on major alterations which might seem necessary in the long future with some financial resources. In other words, making some provision so that these houses need never enter that twilight period which most houses have to endure when they have largely outlived their usefulness and are allowed to deteriorate until the value approaches site value. 2. The Developer is also willing to discuss the possibility of organizing a Housing Association so that at some time in the future and when land is available, relatively low cost housing might be made available for parents or children, or other relatives of the house owners and their wives, if required. The main purpose is to give the opportunity to the different generations of families to live close to one another if they so wish.