732 BLEAN DIRECTORY. *Rznnscien Miss G., Birkendule, Honey hill Rrttcliffe Cline. Strziy Loos Reynolds Mm. Box bungalow Rookess Frmilg Hilfrzmson Rose Percy, Mi Cositn. Searlea Geo. Rt. Claxton,'l‘ln‘u_xted Simmons lfifznold ’V., Roseleigli Simpson Geo. Hy, Bourne lodge, Clliapel lu Smart l\=lrs. Brook cottage Southfiold Percy, Wood View cott. Bleon bottom Sl;:\.pley Alvis. 'l‘. Bleau house Stegg-lee Wm, Wynville Summer lvlrs. E. R“, Monté~}31'ia Taylor Eclwd. Percy, Kevington, Honey hill Taylor Hy. Geo., Charbert, Chapel Io. ’1‘:iylox- Wm. (lrcherd ho.Cha el In Te1'r_y llfliss, Langley, '.l.‘y1or hi 1 Terry Wm. Arth. illoneysuckle cott. Honey hill Tripeony Frank, 'Bmeeide Trotter Nathnl. B., C1l‘n.ix‘ter ho. V Honey hill Truoxnen Mrs. II. J. 11., Oolcwell, ’.lI‘ylei- hill Tulloch Mrs. A. II. Tyler Ill ill ho Upton Hy. Jn., Campbell Glen, Tyler hill Wake Sidney, Ileklixigliani Wallis Alld. Victoria. ‘villus Wallis Alfd. Ernest, Hill cot Wallis Mrs. M}. Orchard liutiggulow Wallis Wltr. JzLe., Saffory villa, School In Wa.tei's Thos. (Wood View cottage, Blesm bottom Weeks Miss Alice, The Sevrais West David, LyL:l‘1i.‘l:J.le Wl'ii_te All;it., l~Ia.lxno Williams Jsph. Mill ho. Tyler Hill rd Wilson Rev. Stanley Gordon A.K.C., l3.Litt. (vicar, & sur1'o— gate), The Vicarage Wilson Ha,)'~olcl, Horoeleigh Windybank Arth. Jn. Bleun Hyrst Wood .l‘"r‘a,nk, 2 Poplar cotts Wood Miss A. Yew Tree ho Wright Arthur, Fair View Wright Cl1as., Edleigh Wright ll‘red1c., Ainslee, Tyler hill COM.MEItCIAL. Anderson H y. farmer, W2!-llllll Tree fztrm "“Ban'ncs Wm. 13. Red Lion l.’.ll, Honey hill Bones Itouben, l"'m*1n.or, Pors()iiu.go farm, Denstroucl Brown E. E. (M1's.), eliopkpr. Bloiin bottom .l3x’lo}1\I11i Fly. J. insuix zigt, I.i:(>nny n Butler H. R. Royal Oak RH Cross Jn. Westcompoiiltry l?a.rmer, Broolc lodge, lflerislwoud l)unstors Cecil Geo. .|’zu'mei:,' I’lum n'm1's fumiri, Cliupel la, 'Eldx‘iolg2;e Josue, form bstilill, V Amoiry Court fan.-in, Chapel in l!hj;Jii1E.<4IAll>l;. llldwd. .l'l£I.1‘6 & lfitlcnimha .l<‘r:1.i1cia J an. fu1'mer, Hillside l'n.rm ll'i':i.s01‘ E. M. (Miss), gonl. zstoros Giles Emim (M1‘8.), dairy, Well l'l- (sl-mham .l1'I. funnier, Lu<:lcett’s fr-in (lrowim Ernest, oliimney sweep, 2’, V’ GrlOV(31‘Fi ootts .l“.[lI»l.B6.ll. Mabel lft. ll. (].VIrs.), grocer Holttuin N. (Miss), ehopkpr. ti: post oiilco ' Juli Win. Hy. bldr. 1 Poplar cotts Keir Jn. l'm‘inei', Hotho ct Kixighinn Stanley, petrol filling etmiori "“Lum'1 flflly. shopkpr. Honey hill l,‘/lzittooke Bi-.‘.l‘l}l‘iLIIl S. electrician, Elmsido, Blezm hill Osborne Alfd,Ernest,Peacoclc Bil Parker Cecil, wood dlr. Yew 'l‘i'o<:s Pay Jn. formal‘, Oulcwell fax-in, Tyler hill Price Allot. dairy former, Victoria Daily farm 82; former, Butlefs court Retcliffe Chas. fax‘mer, Stray Lees: ferrn Wallis Albert H. Honey Hill farm Wallis Alfd. Ernest, xnarlioi. zirclener, 1-Iillcot oils Frorlorick (lorries, ‘foriner. Mount Pleasant farm Women’.s Institute (Mrs. L.Wellis, hon. sec) Wood Thou. cycle ogt. Brook noiim doirymzm. BRIDGE DIRECTORY. 738 ZBOSSINGHAM, see Upper Hordres. BRAMLING, see Ioklmmi. BRIDGE, so named from its situation ‘in ii. Valley on the I)ove1q rend at to. bridge over a feeder of tho Stout‘, in ii puriasli in the rural district of Bridge-Bleim, with it station on the (lmiterlnn-y «incl llbllcestone hue of the Southern railway, and la 1!: miles soutli lroin .B€*-.l{l§!fil)C,ll3ll‘l‘tt3 station on the some system, 1.tI1(l I5 eoutlheiuit froxn Cmiterlniry, in the ClLlll‘:Gl‘- lmry «iivision of the oounty, le.l.he of St.’ Augusstirie, lun'iory and diocese of Canterbury’. Gee itnd oleoln-i<:ity are £LV&Ll.lill)l(.‘-. '\-Voter is supplied by the lVla,1>g:ite Corporzitioii. ’,l.‘hn elmreh olf St. Peter is of flint, in the Nornian style, with some mlclitioiis oi‘ the E‘:tl‘l_V English period, and has 2). tower with spire, con— liltllllllg‘ zi. (zluck and 4 hello : the windows are stained : within a. recess in a. vecimihont efligy of ii inzm in robes, in low relief : the (‘.l'l1ll‘L'.l'1 wa.s1'epa.ired and partly rebuilt zihout 1860, [tI1(l alfoirds 350 sittiiigs. The x.'eg'i.~::ter rla.toe from the year 1565. The living is a. Vicarage, annexed to the Vicarage of Putrixboume, joint net yearly value 53356, with 33 acres of ale e zmd residence, in the gift of the Marquess Conynyzham, and held since 1897 by the Rev. Hubert Knight M.A. of Christ‘s College, Camloridge. who resides at Patrixliouriie. In 1920 a. cross was erected in the north- cast of the ol1urcl‘1ya.1‘d in memory of 15 men of the parish who fell in the Great Wm‘, 1.91418. The ll/Iethocliszt church, built in 1894, is of (3OI.’1‘l1g2tl}E3(l iron and wood, orirl seats 150 persons. The principal land— owners are the Marquess Conyngham. who is lord of the manor, and Earl Sondes. The soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and he a; the area is 1,171 acres; the population in 1921 was 699, and in 19.1, 715. l’o.~it, ‘M. 0., T. & T. E. D. Oflice.~—~Rioha—rd Castle, sub-postinitstei-. Letters through Canterbury llriclge Volunteer Fire B1'iga.de; engine houne, Plough & Harrow P.I:I Clerk to the Pairiash Council, 11. E. Cromwell Wood A.C.A. 32 St. Ma.rge.x'et‘s street, Canterbury Public Elementary School (senior mixed & infants), for the joint parishes of Bridge &: Patrixboume ; H. E. V. Bennett, senior inasterg Miss M. W. Bell, infinite’ mistress The school is under the control of the Kent Education Committee (L‘urricra to Conterliury pass through daily 'l.‘l1ei'e is at frequent service of motor omnibussos, which run through from Cimterbury to Dover & Folkestone ll-ziilway Station (Southern Railway), W. O. Hunt, Sl'a&Llil0Il‘Il1a.fii;61‘ pnivima 'J.LESl‘1)mN’1.‘S. Anderson George Knox D.L., J.P. Bridge Hill house Bziiley Mrs. 8 Union vd Bell Miss M. W. Knowesflolvl, Union rd Berry F. R. ‘W. Bom-no lodge Burohett 1”lftl‘Old, Middle Pett Carpenter ll‘1'edl(. Daring rd Cliapmon Mrs. Hillside Clmrli Miss, llosebenlr COll.’l.X‘Cl (Jordon, Great Pett farm Crowley Geo. Lower eott. Bridge hill fD:.inton Geo. 1 Dale villas, Daring r '[3iver.~i Wm. Cti1:ua.2 The Broadway ‘Dolmen Mrs. S The Broadway Dunk Fmnlr Edwcl. 3 Portland tar Fenn Arth. Jn. 1 Albert ter .:‘»{ELLY /?L/D 734 BRIDGE DIRECTORY. File Jn., Middle Pett . Ford Geo. .l3‘., Wayside, High at ,li'oster Miss, Filmer ho Friend Mists E. J. Sunny Pzttch, Union rd Friend Riclierd, Daring road Gray Albt. High st .[-Iawkins Leycester, 1. Sutton villas Highwood Bezrnamd, Station ho Hogben Cyril, 2 Waterloo villas, Brewery in Hogben Leslie Harold, 1 Waterloo villas, Brewery In . Hoghen Stephen, Gordon ho. High st llogbon Sydney, High st I-Iogben Walt. Sunnyside l}Io1l:mds Chas. 6 Union rd Honney Leslie Guy, Yellowdine, Union rd _ ’ Hunter Roger Bennett M.B.,B.Ch. 5 High st Johnson Frederick, 32 Albert tel‘ Johnson Mrs. H. The Bungalow, High st Johnson Wm., Brook-side lodge, Potrixbourne rd Jones Mrs. M. Ronechilo ‘villa Koeler Henry Edwd. Dering road "harming ltd. '.l,‘l1e Bungalow, Dering rd V Laining Rt. Steven, 2 Portland ter Lmnar Geo. F1'ELl]lf, Old M111 ho. Union rd Lockwood Sydney W. 2 Fairview, Union rd McDouga.l1 Miss, 9 Union rd MoDougal1 Wm. High st Marsh Albt. 2 Park villas, Union rd Muslin Capt. Hy. Eclwd. 2 Softon villas Muslin Humplxrey Geo. Ivy ho Mummery Cecil, l. Portlzmd tor Mummery Sidney, 4 Albert tor Nunn Miss,Princess villa.,Union rd Ovenden Ernest J. 2 Dale villas, Dering rd _ Penn Mrs. Ethel, Bridge place Pooley Albt. P. Filmer rd _ Ramsay Miss N. M.En.st l}r1clge_ho Rmnshottom Harold Merrit, Union -d Reiynolds Leonard J. 1 Park villas, Union rd Robson Jas. Alex. MJJ. liars-oh cott. Union rd Smith Philip Sidney, l\’]m‘ln_y llrnr_ Union rd Smaller Aubrey Jams. 6 Alhm-t lm High st Snellor Aubrey Jn., Jnnmen. Brewery lo. Sncpp Col. Jn. VV., O.B.l<.‘.., ll.?sl (rot.), Briclgeford Stickels Alfd. Jn. 3 The 'l‘orrmn Taylor Albt., Lynton ho. lligglu at Townsoncl Lewis Wm. River in: High st Trougliton Mrs.Wych l‘.lrn,l—l'igh al ’.l‘ux-nor Arth. 1\/Ioadoworoft, Union rd Turner V. 4 The Terrace Tutt Miss,Princess villa,Union rd Wtiss Wm. H., Fziirview, Union nl West Clms. 1 The Broadwa.y Williams Lionel Ja.s., Llandogu, Patrixbourne rd Vi/ills Chas. 2 The Terrace Worrell Chas. lily. 5 The Terrmxo-, Wxra,ig;ht Sa.ml., Mereworth, Union rd Wright Rt. Filmer rd Wyhorn flilerbt. High st COMMEIt(‘.‘IAL. Avery Alimlmin W. police sorgt. 2 Albert ter Bzilcer Goo. baker, High st Bnylis l‘Iu.r1-y E. poultry l.'a.rnier, Little P666 Beadle F. E. (M1‘S.), laundry, 5 A.1l>crt tor Blomborg Alma (Miss), district nurse, 7 Union rd B1‘l.(l§§\(/if Nursing Association (M1-:4. S. ount, hon. see), 7 Union rcl Briclge St Patrixbourne Women’s Institute Mrs. M. Stockwcll. hon. see), Iigh st Bnrniston & Co. cool merchants, Union road. See advertisement Burton Geo. Red Lion P.H. High at Castle Rd. deputy registrar of births & deaths for Bridge registmtion district & sub-post- mzxstor, Post office Collard Gordon, farmer, Great Pett farm BRIDGE DIRECTORY. 785 DlJ£[ll50g Geo. Stephen, hairdrssr. ig st De Cent Wltr. grocer, High st Der,1 Vino cotts Sncllor Aubrey Jn. motor engnr. High at Stockwell Victor Geo. chemist, High st Stone M. (Miss), Bridge dairy, High st '.l‘n.ylor Albt. cool mcr. Lynton ho. lligh st Turner Leona.rcl V. radio engnr. 4 The ’l‘e1'race Turner Norman, greengro. High at Wass Wm. Hutchings, registmr of births &._ deaths for Bridge registration district, 10 Union rd West Chas. butcher-,The Brozidwaty White Home Hotel (Wm. Jn. Fnirservice), High st Wyllie ltd. brewer, Cornerways BROAD OAK: see Starry. BROADWAY GREEN, see l?’otlm.m. BECOME, see Burhom. 3R0°MFIELD, see Herne Bay section. CALCOTT, see Stun-y. GIIARTHAM, with HORTON. Cll.AIl.’I‘HAM is a parish and village, near the road from Canterbury t-0 Ashford, on the river Stour, with It station on the Ashford and Ramsgute branch of the Southern railway, miles southwest; from 5 ~ Canterbury, 11 U0l‘l5l'l_‘03Si: from Ashford, miles from London o_..:c-.-..._., . 726 BARHAM DIRECTORY» Goddard Rt. Wm. dairy farmer. Lorine Lees ‘farm (lower Ronald Leveaon. farmer, Ehiiinvsirlo form. \lVootton Hall 1l.rrerton Claude, grrocer Tiicks Ti‘rn.ulr. former, Downs fztrm Iiiggs Gorlfrcy. i:'n.rmer, Breacli & South Borlmm forms liilhz Wm. 8:. Eione. lmlcers HOLT JAME3a motor engnr. (A.A. & lt.A.C.), Mill View garage. Tel. B9,I'l”litTl’l C54 lloniemliiun T<‘.ri.c Chas. i'cncin;r onntrctr. Ovnrlanrl ho. Dover rrl lluniacr 'Rogc\.r llcnnett M.B., B.Ch., B./LO. physcn. & surgn. (a,tl'-cncls tuos. & Fri. 12 noon to 12.30 p.m.), The Bakery Lines C. G». motor car hre—a.lrcr St motor engineer. Shnlvin grove, Wooiztoii. 'l‘el. No. Solatetl 37 Mocldock Arth. Jan. farmer, I-In.m Farm ll/lollz»-tt ‘Bron. ‘Fa1‘rno1‘n,D1u:li.~ihop of Czmtcrbury, and held since 1928 by the Rev. A. .A. .l?lci.cImr HEl{ESB()U RNE l)IREOTORY. 727 Lnmplugh M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The Old Palace, on ancient house, was formerly a country rcsivlonoe of the Archhishope of Cuntcrhury. The Ecclesiastical (‘ommissioncrs and the Marquess Conynglium are the pI‘ln(:l[.)ill landowners, The soil is gravel and chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, outs and l|ODS. The area is 1,091 acres; the population of the civil parish in 1921 was 532 and in 1931, 319, and of tho ecclesiastical parish in 1931, 326. WELL is It detached hamlet and chnpelry district next to Little» bourue, on the west side of the river, formerly belonging to that parish, then annexed to the parish of Ickhnm, and tmnsferI'er.l to r Bckoshourue in 1955. I'hc ruins of the chapel may still be seen. The Manor House, usually called Well Court, stood close to the bank of the river and was formerly the property of the Cliffords. Post & T(.‘lI;‘pllC)Ilf‘ Cull Ofiir.e.»«-Edwin Crouch, suh-postninstor. Lettera through Canterbury. The nearest M. O. & '1‘. oflive is at Bridge. '}‘elogra.xns are dispatched from the railway station & delivered from Bridge Public Elementary School (mixed); Miss E. Allen, mistress Railway Station (Southern Railway) pmvmrn nnsmmsrrs. Arloxm; l\/Ira. E. The Street Allen lilies E. School ho Bovill Fl‘0(ll<. Sondos ho Ooombe ltlerbt. The Old Palace cott Crouch Fulwin. School la Delano-Osborne Ma.j.~G~en.Osho1-no Herbert C.B., C.M.G. The Old Palace For-lirnce Geo. E. The Street Golclup Chas. Holly Tree cott Goodwin I-‘ly., Fettercnirne Gh-oombridge Mrs. The Hill Hull FI'2l.S. V. Springfield Hammond Wm. 1 Station cotts llills Wm. Station rcl . Hogben Chris. The Street Hogben Freclk. Jn., Glencot llordcrn Miss I. E., J.P. Cohham court Horton Fredk. Bekesbourne hill Hulso Wm. The Hill Jarvis Mrs. The Street Loniplugli Rev. A. A. Fletcher M.A. (vicur), The Vicarage Mason Percy, Four Acres, The Hill Mowll Wilfre