Deeds relating to No. 3 Albany Terrace ( 17 High Street) Bridge: Mrs B Beinder 1. 24”‘ August 1837. Lease for a year between George White of Canterbury, Upholsterer, and Robert Sankey of the same, Gentleman of the one part and Henry Bird of Canterbury Upholsterer of the other part. GW and RS sell to HB All that piece or parcel of land . . . situate. . .at or near Bridge Street in the Parish of Bridge. . .abutting to Bridge Street towards the south west and containing on that side sixteen feet and nine inches or thereabouts, .. to a messuage and other land of R Sankey towards the north east containing on that side 194 feet or thereabouts, to other land of R Sankey towards the south east containing on that side sixteen feet and four inches or thereabouts and to a messuage and land late of William Pett but now of Peter ffisenden towards the south east containing on that side 194 feet or thereabouts; together with the messuage or tenement or carcase of a messuage. . .lately erected and built by the said William Pett on the said piece or parcel of land. . . .which said piece. . .are now in the tenure of the said Henry Bird and are more particularly described in the plan drawn in the margin of the indenture of release. . . paying unto the said G White and R Sankey. . .the rent of one peppercorn. . if the same shall be lawfully demanded. . to the intent that H Bird may be in the actual possession of the . . land and may be thereby enabled to accept and take a grant and release of the reversion and inheritance. . .by and indenture already prepared and intended to bear date the day next after the day of these presents to be made between George Gibson of Basinghall Street in the city of London , Henry Pett of Upper Clifton street flinsbury Middlesex Builder and William Tappenden of lckham Kent Brickmaker (assignees of William Pett of Bridge near Canterbury Carpenter and builder a bankrupt) of the first part and George White of the second part R Sankey of the third part, William Pett of the fourth part Henry Bird of the fifth part and William Collard of Canterbury corn factor of the sixth part. Signed and sealed by Geo White, Robt. Sankey and Henry Bird in the presence ofGeo Wyver, Clerk to Mr Sankey 25"‘ August l837. Conveyance between George Gibson of Basinghall St London official assignee, Henry Pett of Upper Clifton St ffinsbury Middlesex builder and William Tappenden of lckham Kent carpenter and builder a bankrupt of the first part, George White of Canterbury upholsterer of the second part, Robert Sankey of Canterbury gentleman of the third part, William Pett of the fourth part, Henry Bird of Canterbury upholsterer of the fifth part and William Collard of Canterbury corn factor of the sixth part. Whereas by indentures dated 10"‘ and 11”‘ April 1835 between Harriet and Sarah Garner of Canterbury spinsters of the first part. Robert Sankey of the second and William Sankey surgeon of the third part, all that piece of land containing by a then late admeasurement three acres and one perch . . .in Bridge, in or near a street called Bridge Street being part of land containing by estimation five acres more or less then in the tenure of Charles Hodges was conveyed. . . .to the use of Robert Sankey for his life. . with the remainder to William Sankey [and vice versa]. On 27*‘ and 28”‘ January 1836 between Robert Sankey (1) William Pett (2) and John Sankey Gent. (3) it was witnessed that for £300 paid by Pett to Robert Sankey, RS sold to WP all that land . . .containing by admeasurement 1 acre 1 mod and 1 1 perches, being part of the piece of land being the subject of the said conveyance to RS which was late in the possession of William Pett and to abut Bridge Street and other land of RS and to land lately sold by RS to William Dutnall towards the south west and to contain on that side next to and adjoining Bridge Street 56 feet; to other land of R Sankey and to land then of the Marchioness of [Cunningham [sic] towards the north west and to contain on that side next to and adjoining the land of the Marchioness 54 feet; to other land of the said Marchioness towards the north east, containing on that side 445 feet and to land of the trustees of Magdalen Loubert toward the south east to contain on that side 384 feet. By indre. date 15‘ and 2”’ June 1836 between William Pett (1) John Sankey (2) and George White (3) in consideration of £700 to William Pett paid by George White WP sold to GW the piece of land. . By an agreement dated 29”‘ August 1836 between Robert Sankey and William Pett RS agreed to sell to WP a further portion of the said piece ofland. . consisting ofa slip of land abutting to Bridge Street towards the south west containing on that side 15 feet six inches or thereabouts, to other land of the said Robert Sankey towards the north west, on that side 194 feet; to other land of RS to the north east containing 16 feet 5 inches and to the said land conveyed by RS to WP on the south east containing 194 feet at the price for the whole of £31 but WP neither paid RS the purchase money for the 3"‘ February 1875. Conveyance between Stephen Solly’s (deceased) trustees and John Gurney Martin. lndre between Henry Cooper, Canterbury, Land Surveyor, John Andrew Anderson the younger. Faversham, cement manufacturer, William Minter Claris, Canterbury, Draper, and John Gurney Martin, Bridge, Saddler. By Stephen Solly’s will dated Zls‘ March I874 he bequeathed the residue of his property to Henry Cooper, John Andrew Anderson and William Minter Claris to sell. Stephen Solly died on 7*‘ July 1874, will proved on 22“ July 1874. Trustees now sell to John Gurney Martin for £280 All that messuage or tenement with the outbuildings garden and appurtenances to the same. . being in Bridge Terrace. . .formerly in the occupation of Stephen Watts and now unoccupied Which said messuage or tenement and outbuildings were erected upon part and in which said garden forms the remainder ofa piece or parcel of land formerly described as abutting to Bridge Street towards the south west and containing on that side sixteen feet and nine inches [etc as before]. . . Restriction as to dower as before. Signed and sealed by Henry Cooper. J A Anderson and W M Claris. Receipt for £280 acknowledged by HC JAA and WMC, witnessed by Walt White, clerk to Messrs Callaway & Furley solicitors Canterbury. 1874 Abstract of Title to a mess[uag]e or ten[e]m[en]t garden & heredit[amen]ts in the p[ar]ish of Bridge in the County of Kent. 24"‘ &25“‘ August 1837. lnd[entu]res of Lease & Rele[ase] the Rele[ase] made betw[ee]n George Gibson of Bassinghall St. in the City of London Ofticial Ass[ig]nee Henry Pett of Upper Clifton Street Finsbury in the Co[unt]y of Middlesex Builder & William Tappleden of lckham in the Co[unt]y of Kent Brickmaker (Ass[ig]nees of William Pett of Bridge near Canterbury in the s[ai]d Co[unt]y of Kent Carpenter & Builder a Bankrupt) of the ls'pa1t George White of the City of Canterbury Upholsterer of the 2”‘! part Robert Sankey of the same place Gent[1ema]n of the 3"’ part the s[ai]d William Pett of the 4”‘ part Henry Bird of the City of Canterbury a1‘Iore]s[ai]d Upholsterer of the 5”‘ part & William Collard of the same place Corn Factor of the 6"‘ part Reciting that by lnd[entu]res of Lease & Release of 10"‘ & 11”‘ April 1835 made between Harriet Garner & Sarah Garner both of the City of Canterbury Spinsters of the 15‘ part the s[ai]d R Sankey of the 2”‘ part & William Sankey Surgeon of the 3”‘ part All that p[ie]ce or p[ar]cel of land contain & by a then late admeasurement 3a[cres] 0r[rood] lp[erch] little more or less lying & being in the s[ai]d p[ar]ish of Bridge in or near a street called Bridge St being part of land containing by estim[ati]on 5 a[cres] more or less then in the tenure or occ[upati]on of Charles Hodges his ass[ig]ns or under1en[an]ts was conveyed & assured To such uses upon & for such trusts intents & p[ur]p[o]ses & with under & subject to such powers prov[isi]o[n]s ag;reem[en]ts & decl[ara]t[i]ons as the s[ai]d R Sankey by any deed or deeds writing or writings to be by him legally executed should from time to time direct limit or appoint And subject thereto to the use of the s[ai]d R Sankey & his ass[ig]ns for his life with rem[ainde]r To the use of the s[ai]d W Sankey & his h[ei]rs during the life of & in trust to the s[ai]d R Sankey with rem[ainde]r to the use of the s[ai]d W Sankey his h[ei]rs & ass[ig]ns for ever, And recit[in]g that by lndres of Lease Appointment & Release of 27 & 28 Jan 1836 made between the sd R Sankey of the 15' part the said W Pett of the 2”’ part & John Sankey Gentleman of the 3"! part it was witned that in concon of£300 to the sd R Sankey pd by the sd W Pett He the sd R Sankey in pursuance / 2 / of the sd power to him reserved by the last recited lndre & of all other powers & did direct limit & appoint that the pee of land && heredits th[e]r[ei]n & next th[e]r[ei]na[fte]r described with the appurts should thenceforth go remain and be To the uses upon & for the trusts intents & ppses thrinar declared concerning the same And it was furr Witnessed that the sd R Sankey granted bargnd sold aliened reled & confirmed unto the sd W Pett & his hrs All that pce or peel of land with the appurts thereunto belong situate at or near Bridge St in the sd psh ofBridge contg in the whole by admeasmt la lr llp little more or less being pcel of the pee of land the subject of the sd convce to the sd R Sankey And which sd pce pce of land the subject of this now recitg lndre was thrn described to have been then late in the posson of the sd W Pett & to abut to Bridge St afsd & to other land of the sd R Sankey & to land then lately sold & conveyed By the sd R Sankey to William Dutnall towds the S W & to contain on that part or side next to & adjoining Bridge St 56 ft or thabts To other land of the sd R Sankey & to land then of the Marchioness of Cunningham towds the N W & to contain on that part or side next to and adjoining the land of the sd Marchioness of Cunningham 54ft or thabts To other land Sankey accdg to their respive intts thrn did & each of them did grant alien & rele the sd G Gibson Pett W Tappenden / 5/ & W Pett did & each of them did rele ratify & confirm unto the sd H Bird & his hrs (in actl posson &c) All that pce or pcel of land with the appurts situate lying and being at or near Bridge Street in the psh of Bridge afsd abutting to Bridge St afsd towds the S W & containing on that side 16 ft & 9in or thabouts To a messe & other land of the sd R Sankey towds the N W & contg on that side 194 ft or thabouts To other land of the sd R Sankey towds the N E & containg on that side 164 it & 4 in or thabouts And to a messe & land then late of the sd W Pett but then of Peter Fisenden towds the S E & contg on that side 194 ft or thabouts as the same was formerly part of the sd pce of land the subject of such Convyce to the sd R Sankey as afsd Toger with the messe or tenmt or Carcase of a messe or tenmt then lately erected and built by the sd W Pett on the sd pce or pcel of land thby reled or on some part thof And which sd pce or pcel of land of land & hdts were then in the tenure or posson of the sd H Bird & were more parlarly described in the plan drawn in the margin thereof And the revon &c And all the estate &c To hold unto the sd H Bird his hrs & assns. Discharged of the sd mtge to the sd G White To such uses upon such trusts & for such ends intents & purposes as the sd H Bird by any deed or deeds shod from time to time direct limit or appoint And in default of & subject to such diron limitn or appoint & in the meantime until the same shod take effect To the use of the sd H Bird & his assns. During his life To the use of the sd W Collard & his hrs during the Remr / 6/ life of the sd H Bird In trust for the sd H Bird & his assns Remr To the use of the sd H Bird his hrs & assns. For ever And it is furr witned that for the conson afsd He the sd R Sankey in exon of such his power of appointment over the same as aforesd under the sd recited lndre of l 1”‘ April 1835 did direct limit & appoint Tha So much of the sd pce of land & heredits thrnbefe described as was then subject to the sd last mentd power of appointmt Should at all times thar remain continue & be To such uses upon such trusts & for such ends intents & ppses as were thrnbefe declared concerning the sd pce of land thby reled. Covenants by each of them the sd G White R Sankey G Gibson H Pett W Tappenden & W Pett that he had done no act to incumber Covenants by the sd R Sankey that notwithstdg any act by him to the contrary so much of the sd hdts as were the subject of the sd agreement of purchase should at all times thrar remain to the uses &c thrnbefore decld concerning the same ~ free from incubs Covenant by each of them the sd R Sankey & W Pett as to the sd R Sankey so far as concerned the pres the subject ofhis covt lastly thrnbfre could & as to the sd W Pett as to the whole of the sd premes for furr assurce. Covenant by the sd R Sankey for prodon of the thrnbfe recited Indres of 27“‘ & 28”‘ Jan 1836 & the 15‘ & 2"“ June 1836 Covenant by the sd H Bird not to erect a buildg within 44 feet of Bridge Street Executed by all the sd parties except the sd W Collard & atted & rccts for conson money and signed & witnessed 12”‘ & 13"‘ Septr 1839 Indres of Lease & Rele the Rele made betwn the sd H Bird of the 1“ part Stephen Watts of the sd City of Canterbury Gentleman of the 2'” part & James Pearce of the same City Innkeeper of the 3’d part, Reciting the hmbfe abstracted Indre, / 7/ And recitg that the sd H Watts (sic) had contracted with the sd H Bird for the absolute purchase of the fee simple & inhance of the heredits thmar described at £140 9‘? Januar l868 The sd Stephen Solly the elder made a Codicil to his hereinbefore abstracted Will of this date not affecting his sd will as hrnbfe abstrctd 7”‘ Au ust 1868 The sd Testr died ll . . . . . 28‘ ‘Au ust 1868 The sd Will & Codicil were proved in Her Majestys Court of Probate at the District Registry at Canterbury by the sd Stephen Solly (thrtofore the younger) the Exor thm named. 51 . . . _ _ The sd Stephen Solly thrn described as of Wingfield House in the City of / 10/ Canterbury Gentleman by his Will of this date after specific bequests of part of his psonal estate & specifically devising his 3 farms at Elham in the Coy of Kent called resply Rhodes Minnis Farm Axted Farm & Mount Bottom Farm devised & bequeathed All the residue of his propy whatsr & wherever real and psonal Unto Henry Cooper John Andrew Anderson the younger and William Minter Claris Upon trust to sell call in and convert into money such parts thof as should not consist of mony & to hold the proceeds arising therefrom Upon the trusts therein mentioned Signed by the sd Testator in the presence of & attested by 2 Witnesses zjiiuiy I874 The sd Testr died 22"d Jul 1874 The sd Will was proved in Her Majestys Court of Probate at the District Registry at Canterbury by the sd H Cooper J A Anderson Yr & W M Claris the exors thrn named. Transfer of Equitable Lien for £360 Richard Wills to S Martin & Walter Claridge This Indenture made the twentieth day of December i895 between Richard wills ofBridge. . .Baker of the one part and Stephen Martin of No 52 Broad Street Cheapside in the City of London Commercial Traveller and Walter Claridge oflnchbrook Hanwell in the County of Middlesex Merchant hereinafter called the transferees of the other part Whereas John Gurney Martin of Bridge Gentleman deposited the Deeds and Writings relating to a messuage. . .at Bridge (purchased by him from the Trustees of the Will of Stephen Solly deceased) with the said Richard Wills for securing repayment of several sums amounting in the aggregate to £360 with interest thereon at the rate of5°/o p.a. And whereas on 13”‘ November 1895 the Transferees paid R Wills the said principal sum. . .all interest having been paid up to date. . . upon such payment being made R Wills handed to the Transferors the Deeds and writings deposited with him as security for the said loan. The transferees have requested the said mortgage debt to be transferred to them, in consideration of £360 paid by the transferees to Richard Wills he assigns to them all that debt. Signed sealed & delivered by Richard Wills and Charles Wills of Bridge 1901 Abstract of title of the executors of John Gurney Martin deceased 3'“ February 1875 lndrte between Henry Cooper of Canterbury Land Surveyor John Andrew Anderson the younger of Faversham Cement Manufacturer and William Minter Claris of Canterbury Draper of one part and John Gurney Martin of Bridge Saddler By his will dated 215‘ March 1874 Stephen Solly devised this property to HC JAA and WMC, to sell. Stephen Solly died on 7'“ July 1874. Will proved on 22”‘ July 1874. They sold to JG Martin for £280 all that messuage or tenement with the outbuildings garden and appurtenances to same belonging situate lying and being in Bridge Terrace in said Parish of Bridge then formerly in the occupation of Stephen Watts and then unoccupied Which said messuage or tenement & outbuildings were erected upon part & which garden formed the remainder of a piece or parcel of land then formerly described as abutting to Bridge Street towards the S W & containing on that side 16 ft 9 in or thereabouts to a messuage and other land of Robert Sankey towds the N W & contg on that side 194 it or thereabouts to other land of Robert Sankey towards the "N E & containing on that side 16 ft 4 in. . & to a messuage and land of Peter Fisenden towards the S E containing 194 ft JG Martin deposited the deeds with Richard Wills for securing £360 and interest. 28”‘ December 1878 J G Martin by his will bequeathed the residue ofhis personal estate to his wife Emma and his sons Stephen Martin and Frederick William Martin, to sell by public auction or private contract, though not in the lifetime of said wife without her consent in writing. Wife and sons named as executors 28”‘ July 1895 J G Martin died. Will proved 16"‘ September 1895 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Conveyance now to‘TH of No. 3 Albany Terrace (as above, No. 11) Signed sealed & delivered by TH and HH Spanton, witnessed by ?AK Mowll solicitor Canterbury. . 13"‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No. 1 Receipt for legacy £10 to Henry Harvey Spanton, Descendant of a sister. Legacy & Succession Duty 65. 13”‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No.1 Receipt for legacy £600 to Mary Spanton. Sister. Legacy & Succession Duty £18 h - . . 13‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No.1 Receipt for legacy £100 to Elizabeth Bradshaw, a stranger being the niece of the late Mr Henry Harvey. Legacy & Succession Duty @10% £10 13”‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No.1 Receipt for legacy £100 to William Harvey, descendant of a brother. Legacy & Succession Duty £3 13*‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No.1 Receipt for legacy (incl household furniture &c) £527 23 Legacy & Succession Duty £15 16s 3d 13”‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form No.1 Receipt for legacy £100 to Philip Horn Harvey. descendant of a brother. Legacy & Succession Duty £3 13th September 1904 Inland revenue form C-2 Receipt for amount directed by the will to be invested for the benefit of Miss Hannah Harvey. £500. Settlement Estate Duty £5 Is. 13"‘ September 1904 Inland revenue form 6- 1. Succession Duty on the house (rental £20 p.a.) paid by Troward Harvey, brother to Henry Harvey. Succession duty £7 16s 9d. Estimated gross principal value £275. 27”‘ March 1923 Inland Revenue Form C- 1 Estate Duty on the death of Hannah Harvey, late of Brookleigh, Cowper Road Deal who died 11"‘ July 1917 aged 83. No direct relatives. Trustees Troward Harvey (brother, died 7”‘ December 1922) of Vine Cottage Bridge & Henry Harvey Spanton (Farmer) of Chislet Court both living at the time of her death. Personal property NSW stock 3.25% 1924 £504 19s 4d @ 86.5% = £436 165 3‘/zd. @3% = £9 15s 2d. Value of aggregable property £1233 4s 2d. Total taxable £1670 Os 5d 3%. Receipt for £9 15s 2d. 215‘ March 1923 Particulars of Sale, very desirable freehold residence, 3 Albany Terrace, at Royal Fountain Hotel Canterbury, 3.00pm. By the direction of the executor of the late Mr Troward Harvey. The house is built of brick tile and contains 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, kitchen & scullery. cellar (containing a large meat safe as fixed). WC, Wood lodge, Galvanised shed with good garden in front and back of house. Gas & water laid on. Bought by Thomas Partridge of Sheringham, Norfolk by private treaty for £400, 5”‘ April 1923. Deposit of £40 paid. 15' May 1923 Conveyance to Thomas Partridge. lndre between Henry Harvey Spanton of Chislet Farmer and Thomas Partridge of Sheringham Norfolk Retired Coastguard Officer of All That messuage. . .being No.3 Albany Terrace abutting to the Kings Highway there towards the SW, to hereditaments now or late of Charles Wills and known as No.2 Albany Terrace towards the NW, to hereditaments of the Marquis Conyngham to the NE and to hdts now or late of Stephen Martin and Frederick William Martin known as No.4 Albany Terrace to the SE Walls to NW and SE being party walls and wall to NE being held with No.3. Formerly in the occupation of Henry Harvey and late of Troward Harvey but now unoccupied. Aggregate value does not exceed £500. Signed by HH Spanton and AK Mowll, Solicitor Canterbury. 37. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. . . . 25‘ April 1944 Conveyance between Hubert William Hockett of 8 St Peters St Canterbury, butcher, and Hubert de Cafour Kinmont of 14 Mountside Guildford., at the price of £450. SS&D by H.W.Hockett, witnessed by W Harris, clerk to Mowll & Mowll h V - . . . _ . . 25‘ August 1944 Form L.L.C.1 Bridge-Blean RDC. Requisition for an official search. Submitted by Fielding & Pembrook, Burgate Street Canterbury. Restriction noted as in No. 34 above. 5 15‘ October 1944 Form L.C.ll Application for an official search on behalfof Alfred John Stickels, formerly of 71 Castle St Canterbury, then of 3 Albany Terrace, retired baker; Hubert William Hockett of 8 St Peters St Canterbury and Hubert de Cafour Kinmont of 14 Mountside Guildford Surrey. From Fielding & Pembrook. 1l“‘ November 1944 Conveyance between Hubert de Cafour Kinmont of 14 Mountside Guildford and Harry Winch Jarvis of 5 St Augustines Road Canterbury at the price of £450. SS&D by H de C Kinmont witnessed by Ernest L Boniface, 56 Quarry Street Guildford, solicitors clerk. 18“‘ November 1963 Form L.C.ll Application for an official search requested by Harry Winch Jarvis of 12 St Marl<’s Crescent, Sompting, Lancing, Sussex. Submitted by Hallett & Co. Ashford. 22”‘ November 1963 Copy fire policy No. 3AD544 by Royal Insurance for one year from l9“‘ November 1963 for 3 Albany Terrace, insured for £2000. Premium £1 105. issued to Major Stephen Gerard Dunn and Mrs Cynthia Thelma Dunn (of 8 Coastguard Cottage. Littlestone-on—Sea. New Romney, Kent) (bracketed text struck out) 5“‘ December 1963 Conveyance between Harry Winch Jarvis of 12 St Mark’s Crescent Sompting Lancing Sussex and Stephen Gerard Dunn & Cynthia Thelma Dunn of Walnut Tree Cottage Fordwich for the purchase of3 Albany Terrace at the price of£l750. Transaction not above £4500. SS&D by Harry Winch Jarvis, Witnessed by NN 4 Western Road, Lancing, Sussex, Capt. R.A. (ret). 14“‘ March 1966 Form L.L.C.1 Bridge-Blean RDC. Requisition for An official search from WGR Sanders & son, Barclays Bank Chambers, 253 Selhurst Road South Norwood SE 25. Countersigned by Registrar 4“‘ April 1966. Receipt for 15s attached. House is within special control area confirmed by the Minister on 25“‘ July 1958. (Town & Country Planning act 1948). Also further enquiry form dated 11"‘ March 1966 from Saunders. l7“‘ March 1966 Form L.L.C.l KCC Requisition for Official search from WGR Saunders re 3 Albany Terrace. Countersigned by Clerk to KCC 25"‘ March 1966. Receipt for 12s 6d. Hand drawn plan of property dated 25“‘ March 1966. Form: enquiries of local authority KCC: ln an area of special landscape value. In these areas it is proposed that the principal industries shall continue to be agricultural and forestry and that development not directly related thereto shall in general only be admitted if a strong case can be proved and subject in any event to appropriate siting and a high standard of design. The order referred to is the County of Kent (Advertisements, Areas of Special Control) Order No 1 1956.. . .The effect ofthe order is fully set out in the Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1960 which can be obtained from the usual sources, and it is regretted that the relevant portions of the regulations are too complex and lengthy to be conveniently summarised. l5“‘ April 1966 Form L.L.C.1 Bridge-Blean RDC. Requisition for an official search from WGR Saunders. Headed Very Urgent Please. For Garage No 9 Bridge Farm Estate. Plan attached. Receipt for 15s attached. Also Part III Schedule to official certificate of search noting condition imposed by planning consent dated 30“‘ November 1960 for residential development of parcels 59, 61, 62 and 65A Bridge and requiring briefly the reservation of land for car parking or garaging. Additional form to \ fl ‘:1 W ——»—‘: _A_;~_A_.__,,_<....... ., .9‘ (o ?” «.0 v ‘——-L~~‘-~~——-‘:_~:-__1-_—:-::' QC 0%? 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