KENT EDUCA'l‘l()N (;0MMl'|"l‘l~lF.. Notice of Removal. All written communications relating to the Committee's business, intended to reach me on and after Monday the 1st of September next. should be addressed: ' The Secretary, Kent Education Committee, Sessions House, MAIDSTONE. The Telegraphic Address will be: Keneducom, Maidstone. and the new Telephone Number: 390. Matdstone. By brder of the Committee, FRAS. W. CROOK, Secretary. Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. . August, 1913.‘ l . \ I1 IM PUI3. IHII. " "/ *‘ %3L'.0"7)’?/2'1’?!-'1/av/(¢vs(.,' ,.,,. ‘J J"; u( ,v",1{:/ ,,t,+! a*’€://K. If V l—('7»2/x£:_r {'17- ;.»*—.t',. ’,-,E I ’ /' 4 ’_,« J'O /.7 /[.1 . ‘.‘://.*r ./'u'/(‘‘'}’, I% /3 (,4! -(‘d’”r‘ yr 7‘ I .14.» 4’, ‘:3, A /255971!-*I)t.o dawékzc. ,.gg;¢;‘,q| _ (.'f4,l'f’g,-,v(» ,2,3‘( . A . V ,9; - 4’ /t 40! any gaff’ ’ ‘ya ('4 t 4 :1 ' I, "‘W':a'«r‘ ., ‘I . ...__ . ---..—.—.-..~......_-.,...,_,__,_ V ‘_ K /dfi‘/.’v!¢I.‘?/C. 4/ - 2/. /{"‘O¢ I-.’6”;(/I ’ ‘ L’ ’ "fin, T -5---~ “°-~wr'.~;: ; .”.'i‘°F‘ A "7 I . _, 1 2? n-at «~~«+~ ” 4444/ff‘ I Al-w-d....;A'. KENT‘ EDUCATICIN (2()lVlMl'l"l‘l'll'I. ’4'—/ . A°%1'a/21/)2.-rm='../‘}.J-1,,’ 1 ° 1 ~’.‘~ V v. H,» Q" ,/7, ' Notice of Removal. / ’ T‘ / ' - .‘ @"‘:¢//,’;.(v 4"" i l 2 All written communications relating to the 9 Committee’s business, intended to reach me on and '47 2/vzr. ‘ l ( " A after Monday the 1st of September next, should 7 be addressed: ' Jr 0- ’ ¢' V 7' ‘75 The Secretary, ,4 Kent Education Committee, - gr K’ [,9 , - F 9 or ‘ ' ‘ 1 ' ’ '25,’ Sesstons House, :5“ C . T T I /)(("7'~"”’ '1 " “(‘4‘&1"( 7' u r , ’v o . I; The Telegraphic Address will be: I r'.’m.>r- - I ‘P’ . V . .,» r Keneducom, Matdstone. ‘ W’. . :5- ‘, / r X . 3 and the new Telephone Number: A 4‘ ’v ' ’ < 3 390. Maidstone. ‘!‘*“*.’7*" , . By Order of the Committee, ‘ T V " ‘ T 3» ,____ FRAS. W. CROOK, ’/‘ :_\ ‘ A Secretary. % 9‘ I . ' V ' Caxton House, 56 Westminster, S.W. . i l I - ‘/91 3,: . August, 1913. i _ c‘..\- n.—m-—a/1391310. “W m,, ‘,1 . .1. ,.. um .nlmlp:1;,~'«-s. It .vM’t‘l in H mun, lnmr in 131110. such ‘Nu ,,m :§ ..a Hvvhw Hull. any plan 0|‘ ’ mu. ,m |;uAuIu4 nl‘ duty 011 mm 4.... the -.w In-«ll Hint muy. “Mu” M M ‘,.,,_,,|. .3 ‘--1.. u-lh-u1im\:~: “iii: MN :23 I1» -ml ml uh ‘I ‘U‘lH“’! “H Mm‘, ,I...nI.| In m.|c\_r by nilwn zahw H” H, 5 34, .LV In |'ln(“l‘il“_\', am; lm Hm ill! hi; ul Ilw wlicvlvl ‘ aw M, , ;,..,..| .4 all Impurlalufl . mélllmsa n nllm MI “W '«|""'“‘ 3;j»A*»;,in~...lw‘ i H’ ”""1 ,= . Y\ 1‘-’;'~.*:x/ll (Ix. MACMlLLAN’S ELENIENTARYMSET OF MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS Pencil Compass, with adjustable screw to permit the use of pencils of different sizes and of an additional Divider Point supplied; 60° Set Square; 6-inch Bdxwood Protractor, showing degrees on the from and inches with tenths, twelfths, sixteenths, and millimetres on the back; Drawing Pencil ; and Square of India-rubber. Complete on Card. 4d. net. LONDON: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. iv’. (.’.'1 . //fly 1001. ./1/4.57 . ....____..:___.:.__... . In HHIN‘. H4: in v.1 I'I'l\ \".'.m I’\|‘|(D‘W‘J' l.'|‘|>.. II. \ ' DELIVEK/.‘~H fio1'E. 1157 TELEGRAM3: .__-——_-__-——-— TELEPHONE: B. GOODEARI-u HIGH WYCOMHE. 550 HIGH WYCOMBE. Desborough. Road, HIGH WYCOMBE, PLIASI ADDRBII IN /4”) .1939 B NJAMIN GOODEARL 8: SONS, WHOLESALE CHAIR MANUFACTURERS. é. /a/./21 6’? ’4"€?z /5’ " " “ /?fWi' 4/3449‘ -9»: //-’$‘)’Y&**4:€ ’ FORM A00. 631. “Ikent Ebucatton (Eommittee. r ‘ :__*___ J > <§ ”M i’ ‘ " ' 1 “ : "“ 0fiices~—SEss1oNs HOUSE, ‘V7'%?::;/2:’? “bf u 7=”/pa’/' To THE HEAD TEACHER. MAIDSTONE, my },,s=.;_;_{p MEMORANDUM. (Date) "_ 3 *3“ > T. Stamped Contribution Cards in respect of the undermentioned are forwarded herewith. $The signatures of the persons concerned should be obtained in column 3, and the form returned to this Ofiice without delay. * ’ E. SALTER DAVIES, Director. <§>:£o¢e 3—».«-so-—..~g.¢-;2a>>&=iIv/’§.«.;~ n‘_gaAg.JgAs»»p~«v1.o\3oi\'/em-..J\,-4“°“ In»-/\,.,,:-,_.," "'-.3: :-...“.x{A»a-u}-."--1*“ .--9 ‘ ..(a‘~"'va;/\."“ ‘ "~,",'*_ " -,-.:".," _‘~"_-.v:‘*-'~~‘\o—'-.~ ~- -.-—.,n._.._~ c//'Z»:J”»1' Q1/Zfnéfieia cg/Z0'i72-I’. wnf gzuyz? C3/Qgaacadfabez, WM ‘/gm 14) -%ficr¢:1z/ertcz/an/. DEPARTMENT or Couwrv Manama. Orncsn. 5C"’°°'- NURSE’ SEss'°"s H°”sE' 151. PEMBURY ROAD, KENT EDUCATION COMMITTEE. MAInsToNE. _mNBmDGE_ KENT. fr 4 sf 6: ,//-U‘v—- «'16 J: //0’ 7 . 1 ajy ,fl'J A3‘ 4%./_ 1‘ w \3T'. , _ '_ 3 x; "4 \a' ‘ ,§ J‘? \:L_ ‘<3 ‘{ “ s M . -. : _,‘. “i 3 9 § M U ‘ - Q’ kn, \\\3 \\ \ \; L Q \g I» \ ‘Q3 2;; ‘,,_‘\\,: I \‘?g V ' * :-'\ : 2 \ ' M \ H . \_ "1, ‘J \’ «,4 \. -J!‘ ‘.3 ~55‘ ‘J \):.: , J :3 3 V) CE. ‘ I " ‘N \N_‘ ‘ & N ‘ ‘:5’ 1 7 Q 3 \Q~»' ‘ . 5 N“ * fl; 3} \”. ‘5: 3 V 4 N V L \ “ ‘ i 8 ) * M . ,4\,......_....,..,...»—... _......~_..,_....»_......-.~._n-”,...n....._...~ .....m-. ~ 3; ‘ca //an ca /A’.7z'44<7 JJ' ed/{: '~ ".7 _ Carriafiou... _ .; - - ‘ 1. ' 1‘ . 1”. _) H’. I ..j 1: " i V . “ ‘. rt‘ . _ wt ('1 (X K.‘ , "LC 9 <1 .. 7‘ Received above in good condition and ‘ have returned packing to contractors. For MANN. EGFRTON 55 "’ ml" .; ',’ X,’ . ........................... .................. .. -- Hood Teacher. I IMPORTANT. (1) Please advise if goods not to hand within 7 days from this date. (2) Delivery sheets should be signed “damaged” if damage apparent; or f§;§?m'.""-d" if suspected. Any damage or shortage must be reported to Carriers in writing within J8 ' 5. (3) Unless the foregoing is complied with, claims will not be entertained ‘ met L ' [National Society's Form No. IOA “RURAL DEANERY of,_..{Zz— ..':4 ~ No. EPORT OF RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. 1%/2; _/gun-au-I ffin SCHOOL. L/hi?/x:.....L£" 141/! /Lmm jm«:2{a*. DEPARTMENT. /Inspected /Q #7 ¢’) ;9;*-ff Correspondenl. //47 ’/“~47 flw/a»->' ( . ,/,.¢.(%..’ '/-:'x-4.-~'-J. 74. / . /,6 ,,,A_/,'w-Z ‘M_,_,..//6’/6 «way/ofiaua ./47 /°‘“-"""7 / , fun 1 . '5?/;., x..,44fZ7;,4.4z,@ , /6:4 4‘, “"1 ’ It is hoped that you will impress these instructions on your child and see that he or she understands What to do if there is an air raid. INFORMATION - ‘ J . This pamphlet deals’ only with sclféiols with which the Kent Education Committee are concerned in reception areas. You may have. friends living in pt;her districts who will have received a ' different pamphlet because their children go_}t,o school in a differentvdistrict. It is also possible iron may. have one chfildattending a school in a reception ‘area aijid another child attending another school which is i1otA"in“‘a reception area. In that case you will get two different parnphlets; The reason is that each pamphlet describes ‘the arrangements being made in the district where the school is :,s_i‘fu_'ated. If there are any points which-you are not clear-aloout, the Head Teacher will be glad tot-explain them to you. Pnvpud by Alabaster, Passmqre 3» Sons, 1,141., Londonnnd Maidnouc 52M. 4362. KENT EDUCATION Ct)MMlTTEE Emergency Arrangements for Schools in Reception Areas To PARENTS A Please read this carefully and keep it handy for reference. P. R. MORRIS, 3“ Director of Education, Springfield, July, 1939. Maidstone. , been classified as a EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS , SCHOOLS IN RECEPTION AREAS The issue of this pamphlet is not intended to suggest that the Kent Education Committee believe that war is likely to come, either in the near future or, indeed, at any time. They have been obliged to consider what they can do to continue the education of children if war should come, and now that plans have been made, they want to give parents as much information as possible. RECEPTION AREAS The district in which your chi1d’s school is situated has “ reception area ” under the Govern- ment’s evacuation scheme. No doubt you have already learnt this from the newspapers. This means that, if war does come, people will be moved from other more dangerous districts into the “ reception ” district and will live there until the danger has passed. Many of the people coming into the district will be school children with their teachers. The arrangements explained in this pamphlet concern only those schools which are in reception areas. CLOSURE OF SCHOOLS It is expected that a state of national emergency will be declared some time before hostilities actually break out. If a declaration is made by the Government, all schools will be closed, and if it happens that the declaration is made While the children are at school, they will be sent home as quickly as possible. The schools will then remain closed for a time— probably for about a week or a fortnight, although it is impossible to say in advance just how long it will be before they can be opened again. 2 ‘ ARRANGEMENT OF SCHOOL LIFE Everyone will agree that the schools should be reopened as soon as it is prudent to do so. It would not be good for the children for the schools to remain closed, and it wfll be a satisfaction to parents and to all concerned if the children can be provided for and their education interrupted as little as possible. The children to be provided for, you will remember, are not only children who normally live in the district but also the children who have come from the more dangerous areas. The result is that in War time the number of children to be educated will be about double the present number. Unfortunately the school buildings are not large enough to hold double the present number of children, and therefore in most places each child wfll be able to go to school for only half the day. The teachers and others concerned will do their best to arrange some means of keeping the chfldren happily occupied during the half day when they are not in school, and it is hoped that in some places it will be possible to get the use of Village Halls, Women’s Institutes, etc., so that there can be such things as games, singing, and other occupations for all children. In some places there are no suitable halls which can be hired, and there the chfldren will probably have to remain at home for half the day. You may, however, be sure that, wherever possible, something will be provided for the children to do during the half day when they are not at school. HOLIDAYS If an emergency should occur during a school holiday, the schools may not reassemble at the end of the holiday, but you will be told of the date when they will reopen. PROTECTION In places, such as towns, where there are a large number of people living Within a comparatively small area, some I 3 moan» 2,. in 35 m=.o8¢$ob. §.= _¢¢ 3.43% as 38¢ mo_poo_m. 85m 3: smsmuw ooumwmd om ¢obS.¢8 S.¢:ow¢¢ _c¢_o€ muossm _¢<¢r 6803 82. 8 $5 moroow Eweum mo S53 :8 259.8 8B .8 moa 88 3.88 49% e%E¢: ma 85¢ mowoorm 9 .892 cm 35 wuoamoiow 89% 53¢ 8 w¢ @8458. .8» mS¢sm§¢P.Em 38¢ _¢ §p§¢<9. mm 235% it mw<¢ m=.o8o.&o: wmmmbme $5 Emma 35 ¢m.=~.a¢~.m 3. 9: ¢Mm8%Bm 88¢ gm pmmmbma ..?.=8m E¢¢¢¢ om $5: muons 9:. 3.8 ¢B$.m.w.2.¢.? M85. £58 :8 48¢. B93. 28% 3 SE3 32:5 3.: 52¢ 8 .U¢ 3.45%. H.¢.H.EoE§._u. 8 $5 so§_-§$ 693 3. $5 oosbaw. ¢~om¢ 8 $5 bongo: .825. 35. 38 SSW SE 8w¢ 83¢ B235. Hm $3 mrocfi §.¢9w oi. .¢¢mon¢ m.88oSo= E5 3% ?.o3 88¢ 55% 8 888 3 89% no» 8 wommwE¢ 8 m?¢ wuoaoaaou. uo¢.H.S¢&§._u. $.25 83¢ mm so 808 won. 253? .c¢¢¢.:m¢ $5 Emufiuosum mm 43% mB9=. E8 825 $8 .285» 858... .3 8_3...8m. Q5535 ¢.£..¢u&bm 28.... 85% SE. R 3 9: wo¢&E¢. 8 m»<¢b $5 owwou8E$~ 8 ¢.S..¢=m ¢Bo$§. m¢8o_ 8 $5 &§.§ Sr¢u¢ vuoeoofiob mm 9<¢.mpE¢. ¢<¢b awosmw «W8. 89% :3 co ¢.E¢ 8 ¢.$¢um won $5 €88 om $5 99%. H». 3 mm s¢¢¢mm¢n.% wow wofi. cram. 8 ¢.$¢bm. §o:§. 852 8 Ass. EB? 29¢ H.H¢¢.m H.¢¢.or¢~. SE 8.,‘ V5: 55:. .25 m.H.¢&osm wvapmnpww m.¢£m 3.8 Esoom 158 .aw¢~.¢ mm m.¢ ¢o:m¢m$ou 2. m.ow:_¢.$oP S53 mm. €38 8:8? H5 Bron Emaoem. wmnflofipiuw 8 z._.m moB¢ m.§.¢E..m 82¢ ¢Mm:.¢mm¢m $6 i¢€ Sum» Fmmim om 96 85 RM %¢¢.H.m om ¢®¢ mwoim. .8 H83 939% $65 ¢¢_poo_ 8 #8. 38¢. :83 o.or¢H.m 82¢ 35 $5.0 28% mwoaa. w¢ ¢.=o€¢m 8 mo 8 mo_uoo_ mo $3 3%. o..&bm.&~ 45% om Ea E 88fi.:3¢m .» pm :38 mm ~¢omm:o_¢. 3%: om: .¢¢ $8. on $5 @=¢¢.aoB o: co? m5¢m. .2: :5 ¢Bm€¢u Emma .553 63.2% 585 $5 nsB_o¢H. cm 58; 8 $5 Emfiwoa. §_=&_=¢. 8».¢B8 oommbm 88 $8 mafia E89. $5 Q.o<¢§B¢E...m ¢§.¢8So: 3399 BE m.¢i..J~ Snob $83 $2. 88¢ oodmwaoum 59% .8. > $33: N39: $5 m2¢=as=n¢ a 83:8 3 mn_8o_m SE _¢¢ n¢m¢r¢a €85 8¢ 38¢ 88% 8 uoocos 25 ¢o_8o_¢. man me: 35 —.¢ 85 a 25» m¢omm8=. >HW w>8m Udmfizfl MQEOOH. mocwm Hm. ¢..m8... 39¢ moroofi w@<¢ w¢¢: 83.3%. $58 mwoim .¢¢ 9: 9%. 33 8 $8 b¢ 23.8 :8 oE5..¢b 98 3 mowoor we: 3: =¢..2:.m=% m¢¢H pfimosm. .3: 3 $055 .¢¢ 9 «$3 5.583 8 Saw 8 38. 85. ovum 88¢ W68 E50. 3 23¢ 9 38¢. flea 3: u¢B¢8_o¢H. $53. 8 $5 m§=6E¢.n &mS.¢¢E..¢m 3% $5 Qo<¢8B¢§ 2.5 8 .35». uaoc. $68 ¢.mim¢m. €w¢a¢ 8 9: BE $u.¢§¢sm. 8 2 8W¢ 849. 3 25¢. Hw¢B¢B_o¢H. 25¢ B03 ow $8 8..:E¢m 8 95 pr, 83 98 omsmmm. :3 SN &_.¢oa E8 3» 88.8. 35 EN 33¢ mH.¢.mB¢u8 2. 85.5 2. E3 3. mr¢=m.: 95¢ ow=%.¢5 3: _¢¢ 8 moon 55% 3 meteor S5 3 man.» 9 58¢ .8: 3: nod 03% .8 588.3... 88 m.¢Bm¢H. %oS.m¢:.. .2: mo: 89% Emo ¢Em8m¢~. «SS. .055; Ed. No: 3: £8 ..B.9W@ :8 $m¢_p¢H.¢. How 803 amaze. mo E¢m¢¢ n¢5¢§.a¢u 83 _8€¢<¢n msumosm «S: 38% .5? 23 :8. 88m 8 mo. mS..¢<¢J&o&..m mmwo. 3 8 898 no N268? 8 mo 8 :8 moves? era m.EE¢m ¢<¢b 38: .582 E“:.¢¢_8bm 3 $8 :B¢ $85 85. erg. $655 =ouB¢.=% 8 ooumbm 9: a 8.03 8 mo 88¢. v¢8.:m¢ w¢ 3. E8 .3: .8 5% 3 mowoow SBSH $5 m.¢Bm¢~. E 39. O2 emu ¢<>M. 60 >25 E82 MQEOOH. H.“ mm. om ooS.m¢. 322% $3 $5 owbmaob B55. .c¢ on Spa“. 39% 8 ow $68 m¢roo_ E85 8 mu. 83 8.w¢m 38¢. H5 353 25¢ R Saw» 93 88. E55 $~¢% 8.85 mo 58 gm QEQEV. mm w¢mm=o_¢. Hm apou. B6 u¢¢.u $6 550.. 38% $85 a go to school, where they can take shelter until the danger has passed. If the children happen to be nearer to one of the public air raid shelters, they ought to take refuge there. The teachers will explain this to the children and they wfll be glad of your help in making quite clear to the children what they should do. ‘ TRAVELLING TO SCHOOL Quite a large number of children now travel by bicycle, by train, or by ’bus to Central and Secondary Schools which are some miles away from their homes. In war time travelling might be difficult and it might be impossible for the children to continue to go to their present schools. In that case you will be at liberty to make arrangements for your child to attend the school nearest to your home, although it may not be the same type of school as the one which he or she now attends. GAS MASKS In war time children must carry their gas masks to and from school with them. Your gas mask may prove to be a very good friend, so please treat it kindly and get your child to do the same. Gas masks must be kept in a cool, dry place. When they are carried about, they should be in their cardboard cartons and must be protected by a waterproof carrier, which is best slung with a strap or band from the shoulder. Please see that your child knows how to put on his or her gas mask. Try also to get your child used to the gas mask. WHAT CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW The teachers are giving the children some simple instructions about what they should——and should not———do 6 F‘-mg»! ‘ if there is an air raid. The things that the teachers are telling the children are these :—- 1. Immediately the air raid warning is heard- take cover, and stay until you are told to come out. 2. Do not stand about during an air raid watching the movement of aircraft, or to see the guns going off—— remember the saying, “ What goes up must come down,” and those puffs of cotton wool you see in the sky are heavy shells exploding, and the pieces will come down 1 Most of the casualties in the last war were caused by people who were spectators when they ought to have been under cover. 3. If you see a bomb burst in the distance, do not go to see the place afterwards——it may be a gas bomb, and the effects would be extremely unpleasant. Leave the investigation to people whose business it is to investigate. You will only be in the way, anyhow. 4. Most of the gases have distinct smells or immediate irritant efi'ects—so if you detect a smell or experience irritation in the eyes, nostrils, throat, or lungs, put your gas mask on and get away from the place at once. 5. Do not step into, or_ poke about, pools or splashes of oily liquids which you see lying about ; they might be blister gases. Keep away from such patches. 6. Remember your gas mask is your best friend, look after it and keep it clean. In a period of emergency keep it with you. 7. Lastly, by your example in remaining cool and not panicking, you can do much to assist in shepherding smaller children to safety. 'I DUPLICATE - * ' ' * Attendance Return for KENT Enuqgrtou COMMITTEE. Form Elem. 353.. p ( Moiith .... _ ’ ' E ‘ _SchOaL Na . 7 KENT EDUCATION COMMITTEE. .......-....... . . . . . . u. . . . . nu. . . . - . ............--. .... ........ ....Educatian Diétrict. ~ l WEE INFANTS Remarks ‘ ‘ K Dates of - Total Dates of ‘ ENDED '1;‘;“eff vSi$_s&£ Egg‘ N1;-Jff‘ 1:523. Vsiegsoof ‘L ........................................................... ..School 1 2 9 10 ' R11 12 13 l I 5 ......................................................................... .. \ .............................................................. .. 1 9 To'rAi.s ‘ x x x ’ Av. for Mth. x x x x x x P’oent‘Ee (see Notes) X x l X x » . x- WHOLE DEPARTMENT I or we the undersigned ’certify'thet the Re ' ‘ . , , . . ‘ . gxstets have be n TOW R011 AV- R011 T0ta1Att- AV- Att» P 0 rage kept. and that the meetings ‘and attendances qhown on th:js_retu:n - ~ have been correctly reckoned in accordanpe With the COnd1t10nS of N b D t Article 21 of the Code. and Administrative Memorandum No. 51. » o. a s. e . , ' . I Depts. on Med. Regllsters AV‘ N°' B M d D t cam last Ck.d_ Under 5 _ signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 032.9 or 3: . ep . Boyg or Mxd I“l§“}uI%L§‘sII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “Girls Debt. {- Girls l _ D'=1"- ~°"‘3' - ....................................................... .. Infzmts Dept. Infanls I Date .............................................. .. PRINTED PAPER. NOTES 1—’I‘1-n: Numeen on Ron. must include ‘ every child whose name was on the Admission ' « Register during any part of the week. % I-IALF~PENNY I 2—The number of children absent under a -. Menxcm. CERTIFICATE covering the period of 1 the return must be shown in the space provided STAMP ‘ on this Form. ; 3—‘T!-IE Due upon which the Registers wexe 1 LAST checked should be stated. ———-———————— < 4--‘nus Form. DULY Commavren. must be l daspatched by the Senior Head Teacher , 1 rLlr"nmed~i{atelca1¢£after thg clfising of the School for , 4’ t e wee en rig on e A31‘ RIDAY or man MONTH : the days, if any. between the last Friday ] and the end of the month are to be included in I the Return for the month following. except in , the 0155 of ghe montll: of Nlartghhwhan thg return ‘ , sto ema euptoteslso tatmont. . . 5'-‘PERCENTAGE. In the case of a Mixed Kent Ed‘l.€Cdt207l. C0mm1tteei 1 Department. or a Mixed or Girls‘ Department { having an Infant Class. the space under the ll:-gaging ‘ Whole Departglent" musttfbe llialled in. - -9 nt ecaseo aseparate epartmen or oys. or - . Girls. or infants the space under the heading Sprmgfield, I Boys. Girls. or Infants, as the case may be. ‘ ' must be filled in. i _ 6—WH§N Owmu 131 Hgnxxlnafsi, Mediofil grger, l or n or x-cause. e o oo 5 c use e are thea1a};t‘Fr?day of the month. this Form is to be I‘DSE' . dcspatched on the day of such closure. The -1 \ period and reason of closure should be stated. ‘ ‘ l V, J . 7-—Fon GENERAL Dmncnous see Instructions as to making the monthly Retugn of Attendance in the Summaries Register. 'Phonc: Canterbury h222. W/R I Dear Sir (Madam), Various enquiries e prescribed for the f as you know, a new under the Education and the prescribing of s to be discussed by th as the case may be. which are to b 31st March, 19 is to be introduced 1st’April next, the first matter Committee or Joi the new Comitte I am to invite the M given,beloW:- .Holidays Easter Whitsun June #6. wuuuabluu ..:.\2;A U UOIHITIITSTIGC CAHTERBURY'DISTRICT COMMITTEE have been nt Committee, e mcv be in a position to gi anagers' observations on School will not meet on Thursday, 29th Earch, 1945 Hondéyy 21st Kay, 1945 Iziondz -y , 11th*Junu}'$9&5 in imgmtfiwm Holiday Principal Christmas fionday, 6th august, 1935 flednesdsy, . 29th august, 19;; Eonday, 24th December, 1945 Occasional holidays discretion of the Education Office, 78 London Road, Canterbury. 18th January, 1945. Prose:-ib ed Holidays, 1914.5/146. received as to the holidays encial year ending the system of administration Act, 19b4, as from the holidays will be one of e Divisional Executive In order that vo full consideration, the suggested holidays 5 The first four sessions fell in the year 1944/L5. Kindly pass this en. en additional copy of this letter information of the~§eed~?eacher; Yours faithfully, R.z—:. srrvsxés, District Secretary. School will reopen No. of ‘at 9 a.m. on Sessions Monday, ii 9th npril, 19h5 10 Tuesday, 22nd I~Za.,;.r, 191,5 2 Monday, , N" , M, ~2nd"5uiTj“T9fi5‘”” 30 Tuesday, 7th August, 192,15 2 Honday, Zhth September, 1945 36 Eonday, 7th January, 1946 20 to be used at the Managers 10 110 is Gn0lQ§§£§£j;05§:.i:he,, ~,-»"*v'—- -i......— in- _”s3::Z“33‘fELi;e; i- you sill «z; [National Society’s Form No.10A of 31% I‘7?T_T?.E"T}RY. RURAL DEANERY of East B“-5‘3e ° No. REPORT OF RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. SCHOOL. Infants ‘ ‘DEPARTMENT. W‘; W Inspciled V J"! '1? 6 LE; ‘N.-fig -“T I93 gt V4‘ ~ M Rev‘) H. Kflighffl Correspondent. The religious instructio nIin this school csntinues ta be carriefi out in a quiet but thorough manner. After the ogening ervice durin- whicL the childrefi eano a nynn pleasingly and V enterefi reversnfily infio fine prayers, fihe quésfiiflns OD tfle Life of our Lorfl anfi on the Commanflments were answerefl readily and with eager interest. The children evidently enjoy their lessons anfl rain much arofit from them. — -\f—,\V—— - r. x [National Society’s Form N0.I°A. DIOCESE of“ L._%YL# - RURAL DEANERY of.,_ §—.w.~A,_‘. _. No. REPORT OF RELIGIOUS lNS'l‘RUC'l‘l0N. .__?,.___scHooL DEPARTMENT. -, ‘ L, . , . Inspected 13 %“\"”3‘.M4\! e...w..( N,W% . MW“; &, MM’ ~«~u=~ fi\J~»«wi_;_1“f.'°c>p‘rz\11_;»yg_‘1_1h;v_t_hat_1at_p”aJl\/Ie_eting‘of Managers, held on than i _ day of I91 ,_, ,,.M __ I ‘I was provisionally apyointerf Teacher in t"te_________________De3:=.:. of the above-name».i School, in place of at a total commencing salary oi‘ £ with future increments as proviied in the Comrnittee’s Scale of Salaries. The appointment is to date from 191 from which _date salary will be "payable, Full particulars as to h_*1 references, qualifications, and experience, are given on the preceding pages of this form, and the Managers have taken the necessary steps to verify the same. The Teacher will be provii E »srrEt'::’*" t.i..,.<§is%1aC¥ Q ’ “ ”‘~”"‘~“ ‘-"-’61:r'rrespendz-pgt;--—:.: ~-:,~¢.:_V .. -. Date 797 . ‘S:.=:e ‘zeta "‘T‘.e'.':e: it:--;=e, 1:-a:...e', er aj:.=.::t::e:t:s j.-.*:~'."ifei FOR USE AT HEAD OFFICE ONLY. TQTAL EXPERIENCE. REFERENCES. MINUTE OR AUTHORITY, GRADE. SALARY‘ ‘AND INCREMENTS. To THE SECRETARY, KENT EDUCATION COMMITTEE. School, No_____ DEAR SIR, ___\__I_ha_ve to i_nfor‘rnH;){ou -that ‘at a Meeting of the Managers, held on the» 4' _ , day of 191 _ , _ _ M was provisionallv at-oointei I_;I::d Teacher 3. t‘te_______________,De_:>t. of the abov -named . - - _ s, School, in place of at a total commencing salary of E with future increments as provided in the Cornmittee’s Scale of Salaries. The appointment is to date from 191 from which _date salary will be ‘payable. T Full particulars as to he references, qualifications, and experience, are given on the preceding pages of this form, and the Managers have taken the necessary steps to verify the same. The Teacher will be provided with'‘‘‘ (.§i8}‘Ed J‘ T " ""“ - “<’—’f.’1J'1‘respartnier:t7'~'-»' '—="— — — —--—>~_- ; Date 79 I . ’S:a:e here v-':-:-the: ‘rm-:52, water, or apartmenzs pro-rifled. FOR USE AT HEAD OFFICE ONLY. REFERENCES. MINUTE OR AUTHORITY. GRADE. SALARY’ AND INCREMENTS. The stage (or grade) and class should bi CERTIFICATES AND SPECIAL (Give dates.) QUALIFICATIONS. Drawing — —_ — — ‘ Singing - — — — (Stated whether _Iogic; Sol—fa,‘ ~ 5 __%_* or Old Notation) — - H L" Science — — — - Physical Training - - Domestic Subj ects—- shown in respect of each certificate. Cookery — — — Laundry if L L — — Housewifery - — — Kindergarten — - — Needlework - - ‘- Manual Instruction (Handi- craft or Light Woodwork) Other Subjects — - — (e.g., Cottage Gardening, Rural Science, &c.) —» —.._~.;.._....._.___' , to is This Form is to be fitted at by the Teach referred to on the Form the sjzace /- .4 er for the in/ormation of the Committee. When the Tea her does not tosses: the quote‘/ieation of their qzcahficattons at each stage of their career, e.g., a Certificated Teacher should state result of Scholarship or other E.rarm'natioa, Teachers should fill in fall particulars AA. Age, and date of birth - VVhether married or single — Has applicant served as (a) Pupil Teacher 9 (b) Student Teacher ? Name of Elementary School Dates — — - - (9) Bursar - - — Name of Secondary School Age. I Day. Married women teachers to give maiden name. - Month. Year. From Month. Year. To Month. Year. Dates I — — - — I From Month. Month. 0 Year. Supplementary Teacher. State if previously recognised by Board of Education — Date of such recognition - Uncertzficated Teacher. Examination taken and Place where examined — — Result of such Examination and particulars of distinc- tion, if any - — — If Examination was other than Preliminary Certificate Ex- amination state subjects in which candidate passed Date of Examination, and Examination. Month. date result announced — Certzficated Teacher. State it recognised by Board of Education - - Month. Year. Date of endorsement of Certificate. Month. '01‘ Year. . Place. . - Year. Date of'Parchment. Date. Certificate Examination re- I Month. I sult — — - — Place—where examined’; *4» *—"*—" Year’s Papers. Eear. Division . Nora. . when I I I I I I I I I Exam. divided the result in each part must be given. Particulars of other qualifying Examination passed and Degree, if any - — Date. Month. I Year. I Degree. I I I Teaching Diploma. I Class in Examination. I I State if Trained, and particulars — — give Name of College. I Period. I Dates. I I I I State if a Contributor under the Superannuation Act and give date of accept- ance - — - — I Registered Number. I I I I I Month, Year. State earliest date applicant can take post if appointed C658 5M 6117 8451 ELEMENTARY TEACI-IER'S QUALIFICATION FORM. 1Rent Eoucation Committee. Name of School in which} appointment is desired ............................................................................ .._Deg5artment. Form Elem. 307. Name of Teacher in full - Postal Address at time of application - - — Age. Month. Age, and date of birth - E Day’ Year. Married women ' Whether married or single - teachers to give maiden name. ‘V . l‘ ’ - Has applicant served as " (a) Pupil Teacher P (b) Student Teacher P Name of Elementary School D at C S _ _ _ _ From Month. Year. To Month. Year. ( c) Bursar - — — Name of Secondary School Month. Year. , Dates A ~ — — —” Fmm To I Month. Year. Supplementary Teacher. State if previously recognised _ by Board of Education - ____ -. ___,. .. Month. Date of such recognition - ‘- Uncertificated Teacher. Examination- Examination taken and Place Where examined — - Result of such Examination and particulars of distinc- tion, if any ~ - - If Examination was other than Preliminary Certificate Ex—‘ amination state subjects in which candidate passed .g., a Certificated Teacher should state result of Scholarship or other Examination, 6-5., (3-0. Year. . Place. Date of Examination, and Month. Year. Month. date result announced — Certificated Teacher. State if recognised by Board of Education — — Date of endorsement or of Certificate. Year. Date of Parchment. C51-i‘-*:*:r-...‘-e ‘pryer-r-:-r,>:~«— -«=- vv.....-. -3';.., ’ ' ‘ ....-.-._ ._.... .. ...-.._ _ - __ ; W 913;‘ - - - - flair for the information of the Committee. When the Teaqher does not possess the qualification referred to an the Form the space is to be left blank.—exanaiened~—» —--———:~—v~-«~»>—-—# «~-~— " ” ‘ “ ” " "l‘““ Date. Month. I Year. Particulars of other qualifying Examination passed and Degree. g Teachiiag Diploma. Degree, if any - — I part must [be given. . >..._~-— ;... ..:_... Class in Examination. Period . Z in full juirtlmlur. of I/mir qzmli/imtions at each stage of their career, 5 I.‘ .5 llad it]: by the Tea Name of College. State it Trained, and give Dates. PARTICULARS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE. ,Name Schools in which engaged in order of date and indicate any interval in teaching service. A§§’;§:i' D S d d Grade or Date of E;u1131dNa”t’.e °f AS‘:l1‘1°°i; t=;ve§ase nffgtrb .§.:I:1g:rt 5 Position Commencement. I Termination. 1 on _ 2 en ance , . - an uca on u Y °f 5°b°°‘- °CCup1ed' Month. I Year. Month. I Year. : Vpsn 3 i t I i 1 9 u l _ I declare the particulars given on this form to be true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Te¢zc}:er‘.s Signature. (Date) .797 Names 2223 A-iiiresses of three rersazzs to whom reference mar be maée. If mentioned by H.M. Inspector in any report, give below copy of such report. _¥_-,, —. »_—._.;...._.__.~._.___._._...,_.~_._.._.,.~.. , ,._. ._ .,»_.. ¥..,._ «cg _ ~ _.. j ._.._._._.—‘A — ........____ ...__._- ¢s ¢!‘l i i i .‘ § I l 3 l _ I declare the particulars given on this form to be true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Teacher's Signature. (Date) 79 7 Names and Addresses of three persons to whom reference may be made. If mentioned by H.M. Inspector in any report, give below copy of such report. Copies of three recent testimonials on one sheet of foolscap may be sent with this application. - NO’!E.—The Names of Head Masters and Head Hiltresses appointed are inserted in the “ Schoolmaster ” and “ Schoolmistress ” Newspapers.