Information about the highway improvements about to start near where you live Council Bridge Down Steps, Stoney Road Maintenance Works What are we planning to do? KCC are carrying out essential maintenance / renewal works to Bridge Down Steps which provide pedestrian access from Stoney Road to Canterbury, as shown on the location plan below. When will the work start and how long will it take? The works will start on Monday 12"‘ November 2018 and will take approximately a week to complete. How will we carry out the works and how will it affect you? The steps will be closed during the works and pedestrians will to use an alternative route. KCC apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Why do we want to do this work? The steps are in need of maintenance, without these works they would need to be closed in the near future. Keeping you and our staff safe We want to complete the works as quickly as we can and without causing you too much inconvenience.. Feedback from our workers suggests that many drivers go too fast through roadworks. Everyone is entitled to a safe workplace and our staff work next to moving traffic and risk injury every day to maintain and improve the highway for everyone. Please keep this leaflet safe in case you need to contact us For further information or to find out more about what we do please visit our website where you can also report a fault on any of our roads across Kent. You can find us on Twitter @KentHighways. If you have a problem during the works or need to contact us in an emergency you can call us on 03000 41 81 81. We may ask residents to fill in a short feedback survey that we will post through your door after we have completed our works so please help us by filling this in and sending it back freepost. You can also do this survey on line at WARNING — Beware Bogus Callers Kent County Council Highways & Transportation do not allow works to be carried out on private properties. If anyone says they are working for us or our specialist contractors and offer to carry out any work for cash they should be treated with caution and you are advised to Contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service Helpline on 03454 04 05 06. ii "‘ -- ~— f*<~l H35“; . ," ' . ”'*~~..I? ‘"~34’::~.~s H’ , ‘*9"9 55 . A‘. :;z‘:~“z NORTH NAILBOURNE WADNEWS Your Local Conservative Team Newsletter Nov/ Dec 2004 HEAVY VEHICLES Canterbury City Councillor John Anderson writes: “Since being elected as a Canterbury City Councillor in January I have been in regular contact with local residents. One of the main areas of concern is the increasing number of heavy goods vehicles driving through our villages and along unsuitable rural roads. I have been in consultation with Kent Highways and I have been working with local Parish Councils. I have asked for improved signs before the Bridge turning off to the A2 to enable traffic for Highland Court Farm complex, and Higham Park Mansion to avoid the centre of Bridge and in some cases Patrixbourne. Working with the Bridge Parish Council and the Highways Department, there are finally plans to not only Increase the amount of parking space in the High Street, but also improve the safety of vehicles entering the High Street by providing greater visibility. I am glad to report that most of the recent Road Works has now been completed in the ward. However to improve and to maintain our local Roads more work by the Highway Department is in the pipeline. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to that public—spirited group who have developed the Bridge Parish Plan, a most innovative scheme to improve the village. It will certainly be receiving my full support and I would encourage others to do the same.” www.cc1nterburyconservotivescom MOBILE PHONE MASTS A Everyone is now aware that the government, at great profit, has licensed a number of mobile phone operators to complete their grid network through out the U.K. With the great increase in the use of mobiles, more masts are required to service this demand. When it comes to stopping the proliferation of phone masts, local authorities are butting their heads against a stone wall. However that will not stop them trying to represent the concerns of their constituents. The increasing demand for mobile phones by the general population then becomes their own worst enemy. in urban areas of course we are not aware of how many masts exist as they are sited in and on taller buildings. In the rural areas, however, we are unfortunately much more aware of the proliferation of these unsightly objects. We can as far as possible plead for areas of outstanding natural beauty to get the masts camouflaged or slightly moved with limited success. We are not allowed by law to use grounds of health. As the law stands we cannot prove that they are not injurious, neither can we prove that they are injurious! You my think that the law is an ass, but one authority in the north was sued for a lot of their taxpayers money having challenged the ruling. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you wish to help or join your local Conservatives please complete the form below and return it to John Anderson C/O 128A John Wilson Business,Park..Whitstahle GT5 3QT I would like to help the local Conservatives by: - Delivering a few leaflets locally Joining the Local Campaign Team Joining the local Conservative Association DUB Name Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printed 8: promoted by N Parsonson on behalf of Jolm Anderson both of 128A John Wilson Business Park CT5 SQT Spotlight on Lib/Lab at Kent County Council: ‘Phe KCC now owes a massive £470 million. It costs more than £1 14,000 every day of the week just to pay the interest. KCC’s own accountants, Price Waterhouse Ltd, said: “KCC must cut its overheads in 1996.”. ‘ In 1996 a table from the Department of Education showed * that KCC passes on less money to its schools than any - other County Council — the rest goes on bureaucracy. If you would like information on joining your local Conservatives, or help deliver material, please send this slip to the address below or call 765332 Canterbury Conservative Association, 9 Hawks Lane, Canterbury CTI ZNU , Please send‘rne Membership details E -_ I would like to help deliver 1iteratureE:| . Park should be more centrally based within‘ Bridge 85 District ( In Touch Editor: Gillian Pembrook /.3 /% At the January meeting of the Policy Committee, Labour. V Councillors urged the City Council to move the Coach Park from Kingsmead out to the South Canterbury site near . Bridge. Not only would this be an environmental disaster for‘ residents at Bridge with about 18,000 coaches a year passing through, but it would also cost council tax payers in the District millions of pounds we can ill afford. Cllr David Pentin believes that the Coach walking distance of the centre, without a shuttle service being required. The green wedge between Canterbury and Bridge must be preserved. We don’t want the Coach Park where it blights peoples lives! Printed and published by Phil Chambers, 9 Hawks Lane, Canterbury CT1 2 Afl Who is to blame? The huge cuts in essential ' public services and grants by the Kent County Council are blamed by Liberal and Labour Councillors on "government . A ‘ cuts". The facts are that Kent has received a 3% increase in funding in the present year and a 2.5% increase in the next year. In spite of a strong economy and low interest and inflation rates, the County Council under Liberal / Labour control still can't manage! \¥ 3/ The KCC Lib/Lab group out £1/zm out of the budget in 1996/7 ' - noxv we are seeing the results. Pavements are getting worse. WAITING LIST GROWS Conservative Cllrs. are pressing the Housing Department to speed up allocations - at the moment it takes up to TEN WEEKS! The Housing stock is getting into an even worse state of repair and the Coun<::l is not even spending the minimum requirement. The Conservatives have argued for years that it is shortsighted not to improve the property. All we have seen is CUTS - CUTS - CUTS ~ KCC and the 1997 Budget! Some things you need to know! “The Conservative Group is committed to keeping all Kent's Libraries open, both before and after May 1st. A Conservative majority on the County Council will mean no library will close, nor will Saturday opening be reduced. If such , reductions take place before the Conservative Group takes control of the County we will restore them.” Keith Ferrin, Conservative Finance Spokesman. “My Conservative Group will oppose any cuts to closures of Fire Stations in Kent, and any reductions that affect the operational arm of the Service.” Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, Conservative Group Leader. ' ‘ “The Government has made available an extra 551.6 million for the Kent Fire Service in 1997/98. This is an above-inflation increase of 5%. On the basis of these figures it is very difficult to see why any need to reduce the budget arises." Michael Howard MP, Secretary of State for the Home Qflice. “This destructive Budget demonstrates the cumulative effect of four years of ill planning and ill judgement by this failed administration. This Budget will bring hardship; it removes _ choice, independence and hope for many of the most vulnerable people who depend upon Social Services.” Julia Pender, Conservative Spokesman for Social Services. “I also welcome the recent news that Kent has received the highest Government Award for school buildings of any County or Education Authority in England”. Ronnie Norman, Conservative Education Spokesman. The KCC has lost responsibility for Further Education, the Careers Service, the Police and for the 50% of secondary school children who are now in Grant Maintained Schools. Yet KCC have employed centrally over 1,000 extra staff - mostly in technical, professional and support areas. A Personal message from Laurence Shirley Little Bridge Place Mill Lane, Bridge i Nr. Canterbury (Cant. 830201) , Dear Electors, », Once again I ask electors in the City and in the Rural Areas to support me. I ask the electors of Win- 1 cheap, together with the villages forming the Canterbury ; South Division, to place their trust in me. i During the next four years I promise, if elected, to 1, discuss any matters of concern to you and to put for- ward your views effectively at County Hall. Drawings for the Barham Flyover have been com- pleted at County Hall and finally approved by the Ministry of Transport. I shall keep pressing the Ministry to begin construction as soon as possible. Four years ago I initiated the Stour Valley plan. This is now in opera- tion and is working well to regulate development and safeguard this beautiful area. Working locally I am in constant contact with all ages of the population and will do my best to continue helping in a practical way. As a former City dweller, I can understand urban as well as rural problems. Please vote for me on the 2nd May. Yours sincerely, LAURENCE SHIRLEY. i . Laurence Shirley Laurence Shirley is married with two children, he lives at Bridge where he runs the Sub Post Office. His 3 wife isawriteron Polar Exploration. I u u u T He has a long record of social service, having ’ worked abroad for the Cheshire Foundation for the sick 3 At home he first became involved in local affairs as _ Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association, secretary V g of the Village Hall Committee and as a founder member 1 of Oxfam in Canterbury. Local Government has been an interest of his for many years, having served as a Parish Councillor, a member of the Bridge—B|ean Rural District Council and i as a former City Councillor. , A member of the County Council for the past ‘ twelve years, he is Chairman of the Planning Sub- ‘ Committee and serves on the Estates Committee. ! Published by J. M. Chapman, 9 Hawks Lane. Canterbury, Kent, and printed r by Telen Printing Ltd, Joseph Wilson Ind Est, Millstrood Road, Whitstable, V Kent Please display in your window or car \ >.. 9'5 U0) 95"‘. .59 0.3. 2% 55:‘: *a'§ Q) . X2 "0 Eu: 98 ‘Do EL. «$775 OE 3'5. mfi _lLU Kc’? ;— £8 o>% :2 o. E; Q_~.E ‘OE 8‘= SE .95 39 30.) Q_|— >'. “J U E " M (“MB >10. °E:l.'. Ear: “(/3 ES. County Council Elections, Canterbury South Division VALUE FOR MONEY - VOTE CONSERVATIVE MONEY MANAGEMENT During the last four years many improve- ments have been introduced by the Conser- vative—led County Council. Examples are: oFueIsavingsof— — — - — — - — - - - 910M 0 Re-organisation of the Highways Dept., means an annual saving of £2 1M oSale of surplus property raised £38M 0 New Technology saved — — - — » — — 2 5M Kent County Council is one_ of the two most efficient in the Country, which enables us to have one of the lowest County rates — this is recognised by the National Audit Commis- sion. YOUR MONEY PUT TO BETTER use -—:.—_ LAW & ORDER Kent Police Force is accepted as being one of the best in the Country. This remains a top priority for Conservatives. Crime_ detection rates have improved and the policeman on the beat has been successful. This will con- tinue. EDUCATION The County Council continues to provide a variety of education systems adapted to local needs OA new St. Nicholas Special School is being built. oTwo-thirds of Primary Schools have a com- puter and within 4 years all Secondary Schools will have at least 5 Computers. 0 Pupil/teacher ratios have improved. OKent’s Youth Training Scheme has been highly successful in helping school-leavers get jobs. 0A £1 M wing has been added to Canterbury College of Technology for Further and Adult Education. HIGHWAYS The County Council is continuing its pro- gramme of road improvements. oWe will continue to carry out improvements to the Thanet Way. oTraffic problems in Canterbury are the sub- ject of various improvement schemes. 0We have a £3OM 5-year programme to bring heavily-used roads up to modern standards. SOCIAL SERVICES Kent has led the way in new methods of Care within the Community. Our priorities are: oC|oser support for families with our new Children and Family Policy. 0 More children fostered, so fewer placed in Homes. 0 Increased provision for the Mentally Handi- capped. OProviding care for the ever-growing num- ber of elderly frail. 0 Increasing Community Care so more elderly people can continue living in their own homes. OContinuing our programme of building new Homes for the Elderly and new Day Care Centres. YOUR VOTE A Kent Economic Development Board has been founded to alleviate unemployment, another example of our determination to tackle today’s problems. Our aim is to maintain services to both indi- viduals and businesses; to boost industry, tourism and commerce. YOUR CONSERVATIVE COUNTY COUN- CILLORS HAVE SERVED YOU WELL — VOTE THEM BACK FOR RESPONSIBLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. CONSERVATIVES SERVE THE COMMUNITY Published by J. M. Chapman, 9 Hawks Lane, Canterbury, Kent, and printed by Telen Printing Ltd, Joseph Wilson Ind Est, Millstrciod Road, Whitstable, Kent. ;__j3//ilZ;oi"‘% URGENT— we need you to vote Dear Bridge Resident, We need you to help protect our village and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. VOTE NO TO THE CANTLEY PROPOSALS This Saturday, November 25"‘ 10am to 4 pm in the Village Hall you are invited by Bridge Neighbourhood Planning Committee to vote on a development proposal submitted by Cantley Ltd. We write to give you what we believe is a balancing view of the proposal by putting our views to you directly. There has not been the opportunity for full and open debate. Due to the very short timescales given to the village residents to consider the proposal and poor communication on the opportunity to consult with the Cantley Ltd representative it is important for the future of the village that you assess this proposal carefully. A number of benefits and risks have been identified to the village by Bridge Parish Council in such a way as to steer towards a ’YES’ vote, so these need to be looked at carefully. 0 There is no allocation for housing in Bridge according to the Canterbury district local plan which was only adopted in July of this year. c A ‘yes’ vote will not strengthen our position to fight future development. It will weaken it by providing clear evidence that the village supports building on agricultural land. It will have a significant negative impact on our designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and historical conservation area. We are not going to ‘lose our valuable community space’ if we vote ’No’, The landowner has always been supportive of the village and it is unlikely that they would not extend the lease for the Recreation Ground and also the allotments. There is no guarantee in the proposal that other planning requests will not be submitted in the future on the land surrounding the village. The building of these houses will put in place key infrastructure that would make the building of further housing in the area more likely. If the plan is approved, the developer will be obliged to put aside land for a village hall and a car park, but they will not be build them. The village will have to raise the funds for the car park and village hall, possibly in excess of £1M. The village is being squeezed on all sides; 4000 houses are planned for the Mountfield site just off the New Dover Road and the proposed Highland Court development will take away further farmland and orchards. We need to be wary that the offer gives us no time to consider. If the proposal is good today for both parties it will still be good when the village has had adequate opportunity for discussion and proper time to consider. Why such a hurry? Vote ’No’ and allow due time for consideration of all aspects. We have to be very clear about what we want; to encourage building on agricultural land within our AONB or not. Do not assist in opening the village to major building works. Keep the planning boundaries clear. Vote ‘No’. Bridge - A Proposal for the Future The Proposal in recent years, Cantley Ltd has closely engaged with local residents and the Parish Council in identifying ways to resolve the Recreation Ground lease renewal and potentially release some of its land for future development. This process has resulted in a proposal outlined below and shown on the masterplan overleaf. Cantley Ltd proposes: - The transfer of the Recreation Ground freehold to the Parish Council to enable its continued community use in perpetuity, subject to receipt of residential planning permission. o Within that development site, to provide land for a village hall and associated car park/ school drop off area. - The relocation of the on—street parking outside the school with a new staff car parking area in the northern part of the Recreation Ground. 0 The creation of suitable vehicular access from Patrixbourne Road, with potential for road improvements and a secondary access via School Lane (subject to right of access). - To build approximately 40 new homes, of which up to 12 (30%) could be affordable. Summary Cantley Ltd wishes to work with the local community to provide the new homes. This includes affordable housing for people with strong connections with the village. Approximately five new homes, on average, are currently being built in the village each year, and this proposal of only 40 homes will fulfil much of the villages housing needs for the next 10 years. The development would enable Cantley Ltd to justify providing land for a new village hall, car park and school drop off area, and for the transfer of the freehold of the Recreation Ground where the lease expires shortly. Other additional benefits to be delivered will include a lease for the existing allotments and for the possible extension to that allotment ground, as well as the possibility of new employment opportunities at Great Pett farmstead. The delivery of all of the benefits within this proposal would have a significant cost, which necessitates the level of residential development to provide the detailed community benefits. Cantley Ltd recognises residential development can be controversial and has sought the minimum amount of development to deliver the significant benefits being proposed. It is also considered that this site is the best location for the majority of residents. Cantley Ltd will continue to work with the community at all stages to ensure the highest quality of development for the village. Next Steps You will be asked to give your view by voting on this proposal, before its possible inclusion in the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and there will be an opportunity to vote at the village hall on Saturday, 25 November 2017. in the meantime, if you would like to discuss the proposals with a representative from Cantley Ltd please call 023 8071 3933 or it you would like to make any comments on the proposals, please send them to Mike Bailey, Senior Strategy and improvement Officer, Canterbury City Council, Military Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YW (telephone: 01227 862059, or e-mail. Who is Cantley Limited? For residents who are not aware, Cantley Ltd has provided significant benefits to the village over the past 30+ years. Cantley Ltd has been the owner of the former Conyngham Estate since 1976. The Estate is managed by Charlie Gooch and Savills, with The Eighth Marquess Conyngham as a consultant. , KEY nwc 7-an . 4.._.,n V . 2 _ skoae 1. , . 1 . _ A . V ,pAmxe.ouu