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35 Items found in category "HP"
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HP1History of “Higham”, Highland Court, Bridge Parish
History of “Higham”, Highland Court, Bridge Parish Council, 1994
HP2Typewritten notes: ‘The Chitty-Bang-Bangs and Coun
Typewritten notes: ‘The Chitty-Bang-Bangs and Count Zborowski’
HP3Cutting (KG?), notice of sale of Highland Court (w
Cutting (KG?), notice of sale of Highland Court (with photo), mounted on A4 sheet
HP4Photocopy photo: Higham, with large crane, undated
Photocopy photo: Higham, with large crane, undated
HP5Cutting: Advert for Parker Knoll sale at Higham, 1
Cutting: Advert for Parker Knoll sale at Higham, 17/18 Oct 1998
HP6Cutting: Obituary Sir Charles Hughes Hallett (Hall
Cutting: Obituary Sir Charles Hughes Hallett (Hallett family at Higham), undated
HP7Photocopy cutting: report on storm of Oct 1987
Photocopy cutting: report on storm of Oct 1987
HP8Cutting: re restoration of gardens at Higham, KG,
Cutting: re restoration of gardens at Higham, KG, 28 Apr 2000
HP9Cutting: re Jubilee carnival at Highland court, un
Cutting: re Jubilee carnival at Highland court, undated (KG, 1935?)
HP10Cutting report of Jubilee celebrations, courtesy W
Cutting report of Jubilee celebrations, courtesy W. K. Whigham (1935)
HP11Photocopy of entry in Kent County Year Book for W.
Photocopy of entry in Kent County Year Book for W. K. Whigham (includes photo), 1948, 2pp.
HP12Cutting: death announcement W. H. Whigham, 1973
Cutting: death announcement W. H. Whigham, 1973
HP13Ticket for Jubilee celebrations held at Highland C
Ticket for Jubilee celebrations held at Highland Court, 1935
HP14Copy of Extra newspaper article: ‘Zborowski – the
Copy of Extra newspaper article: ‘Zborowski – the birth of a legend’ (1968?), see also HP15-16, 31
HP15‘Zborowski – the birth of a legend’ by Martin Shee
‘Zborowski – the birth of a legend’ by Martin Sheersmith, cutting mounted on A4 sheet, undated (Part 1 of 3?), see also HP14, 16, 31
HP16‘Zeppelin power under the bonnet’ by Martin Sheers
‘Zeppelin power under the bonnet’ by Martin Sheersmith, Extra, 1 Jul 1988, text and picture mounted on A4 sheet, (Part 2 of 3), see also HP14-15, 31
HP17Photocopy article ‘The Racing Count’ by P. G. Elga
Photocopy article ‘The Racing Count’ by P. G. Elgar, undated (post 1992), no source, pp. 591-596
HP18Cutting: re Higham, ‘Listed mansion to become luxu
Cutting: re Higham, ‘Listed mansion to become luxury hotel’, sold to Tiller International, mounted on A4 sheet, 1988
HP19Cutting: Telegraph article on restoration of Higha
Cutting: Telegraph article on restoration of Higham, ‘Women behaving madly’, 24 Jun 2000
HP20Photocopy obituary of Sir Charles Hughes Hallett,
Photocopy obituary of Sir Charles Hughes Hallett, undated, 2pp.
HP21Typed/MS notes and timeline for history of Higham
Typed/MS notes and timeline for history of Higham
HP22Cutting: ‘Hit film car to visit roots at stately h
Cutting: ‘Hit film car to visit roots at stately home’, KG, 30 Jan 2003
HP23Quiz photos of rotunda at Higham and Count Zborows
Quiz photos of rotunda at Higham and Count Zborowski at the wheel, 2pp.
HP24Letter from parish clerk to MR re speaking at High
Letter from parish clerk to MR re speaking at Higham Park planning inquiry, Jan 2008
HP25Copy of Higham Park preliminary historical assessm
Copy of Higham Park preliminary historical assessment related to planning application, includes proposed plan elevations and early images of Higham, 2006
HP26Copy of HP1
Copy of HP1
HP27Photocopy article: ‘The Racing Count’ by P. G. Elg
Photocopy article: ‘The Racing Count’ by P. G. Elgar, undated, (post 1992), pp. 591-596
HP28Cutting: photo of Zborowski at the wheel of Chitty
Cutting: photo of Zborowski at the wheel of Chitty, mounted on A4 sheet
HP29Cutting: Telegraph, ‘Playboy Count died at wheel’,
Cutting: Telegraph, ‘Playboy Count died at wheel’, undated
HP30Cutting: The Express, ‘Headless count goes back to
Cutting: The Express, ‘Headless count goes back to his old haunts’, 14 Jun 1998
HP31Cutting: Kent Extra, Chitty recollections by Marti
Cutting: Kent Extra, Chitty recollections by Martin Shearsmith (various accounts), text and pictures mounted on 3 A4 sheets (part 3 of 3?), undated, see also HP14-17
HP32Cutting: Kent Motoring and Leisure, ‘A motoring ag
Cutting: Kent Motoring and Leisure, ‘A motoring age of power and elegance’ by Anne Vansverry, extensive account of Higham and Zborowski, Issue 19, Vol. 1, pp. 7-10, 26 Aug 1983
HP33Web printouts: from ‘Hythe live’ website, entry re
Web printouts: from ‘Hythe live’ website, entry re Higham Park, 2003; from Higham Park website, 2003; from Country Living magazine website, 2003
HP34Weekend magazine article: ‘Our stately home on a s
Weekend magazine article: ‘Our stately home on a shoestring’, Aug 2000
HP35Christmas at Higham
Canterbury Operatic Society 2000 Compact Disc

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