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30 Items found in category "BP"
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BP1Typed copy of notes for article on Bridge Place (l
Typed copy of notes for article on Bridge Place (later published) by M. Raraty, edited version in Journal of Kent History, Sept 2006, No. 63, pp. 2-5
BP2Typed copy of notes (for above article/BP1?) with
Typed copy of notes (for above article/BP1?) with two page timeline of owners/events relating to Bridge Place, undated
BP3Photocopy of article: P. G. Elgar, ‘The Braems of
Photocopy of article: P. G. Elgar, ‘The Braems of Bridge Place’, Bygone Kent, Vol. 18 (1997)
BP4Photocopy of article relating to Sir Arthur Slings
Photocopy of article relating to Sir Arthur Slingsby, Blackmansbury, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1965
BP5Photocopy of article: Jon Kepler, ‘The Internation
Photocopy of article: Jon Kepler, ‘The International Entrepôt at Dover in Crisis: ….’, Arch. Cant., CXVI (1996)
BP6Photocopy of article: Malcolm Pinhorn, ‘Lesser kno
Photocopy of article: Malcolm Pinhorn, ‘Lesser known buildings: Bridge Place, Kent’, Blackmansbury, Vol. 5, Nos 3 & 4, 1968; also photocopy of article: M. Pinhorn, ‘The Braems family of Kent’, Blackmansbury, Vol. 8, Nos 3 & 4, 1971
BP7Braem(e)s Family: Photocopy of miscellaneous notes
Braem(e)s Family: Photocopy of miscellaneous notes, 4 typewritten sheets [Williamson 280]
BP8Typed notes from Parish Magazine, ‘Some Village No
Typed notes from Parish Magazine, ‘Some Village Notes’, Apr 1971
BP9Cuttings (x2): Sotheby’s publishers catalogue: J H
Cuttings (x2): Sotheby’s publishers catalogue: J Harris, The Artist and the Country House 1540-1870, 1979; Picture of Bridge Place, by A. Ocker, 1670s, undated [Williamson 467]
BP10Photograph of front of Bridge Place, 2000, no sour
Photograph of front of Bridge Place, 2000, no source
BP11Copies of two photographs: front of Bridge Place;
Copies of two photographs: front of Bridge Place; alleyway by Primrose Cottage, Bridge High Street, undated, no source
BP12Colour printout of central image
Colour printout of central image of Bridge Place from Ocker painting
BP13As BP 14
As BP 14
BP14Photocopy of section of Journal of William Schelli
Photocopy of section of Journal of William Schellinks’ Travels in England 1661-1663, Camden fifth series Vol. 1, Royal Historical Society, 1993, titlepage, pp. 43, 63-65, 4pp. [Williamson 311]
BP15Photocopy of Schellinks’ image of Bridge Place, Wa
Photocopy of Schellinks’ image of Bridge Place, Walpole Society, Vol. 35, 1959, p.xxiv, see BP16 [Williamson 126]
BP16Photocopy of Schellinks’ picture of The Garden, Br
Photocopy of Schellinks’ picture of The Garden, Bridge Place, frontispiece to article in BP15
BP17Photcopy of entry on Schellinks in German [William
Photcopy of entry on Schellinks in German [Williamson 520]
BP18Print out of sections of Diary of Samuel Pepys rel
Print out of sections of Diary of Samuel Pepys relating to Bridge Place: 15 Nov 1660; 27 Dec 1660; 5 Oct 1661
BP19Printout of TNA will of William Partherich
Printout of TNA will of William Partherich
BP20Photocopy: extracts from registers 1588-1682, 4pp.
Photocopy: extracts from registers 1588-1682, 4pp. [Williamson 322]
BP21Photocopy: extracts from registers 1671-80
Photocopy: extracts from registers 1671-80
BP22Cutting re M. Pinhorn buying Bridge Place, undated
Cutting re M. Pinhorn buying Bridge Place, undated [Williamson 337]
BP23KG article re fire at Bridge Place, 19 Feb 1971
KG article re fire at Bridge Place, 19 Feb 1971
BP24Newspaper article re Peter Malkin returning to UK
Newspaper article re Peter Malkin returning to UK or Bridge Place being sold
BP25Newspaper advert for Bridge Place nightclub with m
Newspaper advert for Bridge Place nightclub with message from Peter Malkin re court case, possibly KG, 1993
BP26Timeline of owners/information for Bridge Place (1
Timeline of owners/information for Bridge Place (14th century to 1950s) and Bridge Hill House (1824-1940)
BP27Photocopies of two newspaper cuttings re sale of B
Photocopies of two newspaper cuttings re sale of Bridge Place: Telegraph, 25 Jun 2005; Times, 24 Mar 2006; Photocopy of Strutt and Parker entry in KG, 25 Jun (2005?)
BP28Photocopy extract re Somner Society excavations at
Photocopy extract re Somner Society excavations at Bridge Place, The Cantuarian, p.63, Dec 1963, 1p. [Williamson 405]
BP29BP papers from Ann Shirley
See F6 for material from Schellinck re Bridge Place
PG4Bridge Place633

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