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79 Items found in category "CH"
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CH1Guide to St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson [
Guide to St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson [Williamson 1]
CH2Photo of repair of lightning damage to Bridge Chur
Photo of repair of lightning damage to Bridge Church spire, undated [Williamson 14]
CH3St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 78]
CH4St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 79]
CH5St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 80]
CH6St Peter’s Church Bridge Visitor’s Guide, 2000
St Peter’s Church Bridge Visitor’s Guide, 2000
CH7St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 81]
CH8 St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 82]
CH9 St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated,
St Peter’s Church Bridge, J. Williamson, undated, 8pp. [Williamson 340]
CH10Cyclostyle copy: typed description of Bridge churc
Cyclostyle copy: typed description of Bridge church, 1 foolscap sheet, undated [Williamson 352]
CH11Photocopy of map of graves in Bridge Churchyard: T
Photocopy of map of graves in Bridge Churchyard: To be read in association with the list of memorial inscriptions (see CH13) [Williamson 386]
CH12As CH11
As CH11
CH13List of the memorial inscriptions of St Peter’s Ch
List of the memorial inscriptions of St Peter’s Churchyard, Bridge, compiled by Bridge with Patrixbourne Women’s Institute in 1978, carbon copy, 45pp. [Williamson 387]
CH14As CH13
As CH13
CH15New graveyard inscriptions St Peter's, Bridge
See CH13 for full list
CH16New graveyard inscriptions St Peter's, Bridge
See CH13 for complete list
CH17Photocopy: notice of closure of St Peter’s Churchy
Photocopy: notice of closure of St Peter’s Churchyard Bridge, 31 Oct 1990, 2pp. [Williamson 401]
CH18Cyclostyled notice: Antiquarian Horological Societ
Cyclostyled notice: Antiquarian Horological Society visit to Bridge, notes on church clock 21 Oct 1989 [Williamson 426]
CH19Cyclostyled copy: notes on Bridge Church (x3), as
Cyclostyled copy: notes on Bridge Church (x3), as CH 10 [Williamson 437]
CH20Photocopy of two pages from CH13 [Williamson 525]
Photocopy of two pages from CH13 [Williamson 525]
CH21Typed notes re Bridge Church, 1p.; early draft of
Typed notes re Bridge Church, 1p.; early draft of CH 10, no source, undated
CH22MS notes re Bridge Church (no source but could be
MS notes re Bridge Church (no source but could be W. Rose who owned Church Cottage, 1984), 1p.
CH23Printed leaflet about St Peter’s Church, Bridge, n
Printed leaflet about St Peter’s Church, Bridge, no source, undated
CH24Photocopy John Williamson’s Guide to St Peter’s Ch
Photocopy John Williamson’s Guide to St Peter’s Church, Bridge (see CH1 for original copy)
CH25MS notes re Bridge Church, 1984, 2 pp.
MS notes re Bridge Church, 1984, 2 pp.
CH26Typed notes re Bridge Church (x2), as CH 10, 1p.
Typed notes re Bridge Church (x2), as CH 10, 1p.
CH27Copy of sketch image of St Peter’s Church Bridge c
Copy of sketch image of St Peter’s Church Bridge cut from a wedding service sheet, no source, undated
CH28Photocopy of entry for Bridge from Igglesden’s Sau
Photocopy of entry for Bridge from Igglesden’s Saunters through Kent, Vol. IX
CH29Card: Drawing of St Peter’s Bridge plus note by MR
Card: Drawing of St Peter’s Bridge plus note by MR re purchase of land to add to burial ground, 28 Aug1860 [Williamson 484]
CH30Typed copy of records held at Canterbury Family Hi
Typed copy of records held at Canterbury Family History Centre (LDS) and in Bridge Church, undated
CH31Memorials of Patrixbourne Church from
Copy of memorials of Patrixbourne Church from document held at Canterbury Cathedral Archive, together with plan of churchyard
CH32MS notes re St Peter’s church, Bridge, 2pp.
MS notes re St Peter’s church, Bridge, 2pp.
CH33St Mary’s church, Patrixbourne, visitor’s guide bo
St Mary’s church, Patrixbourne, visitor’s guide booklet by Mary Berg, 2003
CH34St Mary’s church, Bishopsbourne, visitor’s guide b
St Mary’s church, Bishopsbourne, visitor’s guide booklet, c.1992?
CH35St Peter’s church, Bekesbourne, Son-et-Lumiere pro
St Peter’s church, Bekesbourne, Son-et-Lumiere programme, Sep 2004
CH36Order of Service for licensing and installation of
Order of Service for licensing and installation of Rev. Raymond Gilbert, St Peter’s church, Bridge, Oct1979
CH37MS notes (3pp.), typed notes (4pp.) including tran
MS notes (3pp.), typed notes (4pp.) including transcripts of original documents relating to the Methodist chapel in Bridge
CH38Typed notes: ‘Bridge Village Hall and the early hi
Typed notes: ‘Bridge Village Hall and the early history of Methodism in Bridge’, 3pp. (M.R.)
CH39Further copy of CH38
Further copy of CH38
CH40Notes on the spire, belfry, clock and font in St P
Notes on the spire, belfry, clock and font in St Peter’s church, Bridge by W. Rose, 1p.
CH41Offprint: Mary Berg, ‘Patrixbourne Church: Medieva
Offprint: Mary Berg, ‘Patrixbourne Church: Medieval patronage, fabric and history’, Arch. Cant., CXXII, 2002. Frontispiece with this link to original
CH42Photographs of the first recent wedding and christ
Photographs of the first recent wedding and christening in the Methodist chapel, 1990
CH43Copy of original expenses laid out to build Method
Copy of original expenses laid out to build Methodist chapel, 2pp.; copy of certification for marriages in Methodist chapel, 1990
CH44Two copies visitor guide booklet for St Peter’s ch
Two copies visitor guide booklet for St Peter’s church, Bridge by John Williamson
CH45St Peter’s church, Bridge, Parish gift day leaflet
St Peter’s church, Bridge, Parish gift day leaflet, undated
CH46Copy of MS Terrier, Bridge & Patrixbourne (plate,
Copy of MS Terrier, Bridge & Patrixbourne (plate, vestments, funds), undated, 5pp.
CH47Extract from Cozens, History of Kent: Patrixbourne
Extract from Cozens, History of Kent: Patrixbourne, 7pp.
CH48List of vicars of Bekesbourne (also called Livings
List of vicars of Bekesbourne (also called Livingsbourn or Lythingesbourne), 1180-1913 [Williamson 344]
CH49Cutting: farewell letter from Canon Colin Perry, P
Cutting: farewell letter from Canon Colin Perry, Parish Magazine, pp. 1-6, 13-16, Sep 1979, 5pp. [Williamson 357]
CH50Notes of monumental inscriptions of Bridge church
Notes of monumental inscriptions of Bridge church as noted by Bax & Rice (1892), Bryan Faussett (1757), as presented on KAS website, c. 2014
CH51Copy of St Peter’s church, Bridge booklet by John
Copy of St Peter’s church, Bridge booklet by John Williamson with additional MS note re font
CH52Letter from Friends of St Peter’s, Bridge to Bridg
Letter from Friends of St Peter’s, Bridge to Bridge residents re money for repairs to the church, Sep 2015; leaflet (x2) re church and repairs distributed at the same time
CH53St Mary, Patrixbourne and St Peter, Bridge, Stewar
St Mary, Patrixbourne and St Peter, Bridge, Stewardship Sunday 2015 leaflet
CH54Transcript of the ‘Methodist Chapel’ board from th
Transcript of the ‘Methodist Chapel’ board from the 1994 Bridge Parish Centenary Exhibition
CH55‘Geology in the Churchyard’ leaflet, The Geologist
‘Geology in the Churchyard’ leaflet, The Geologist’s Association, 1992
CH56H. Knight, ‘Guide and historical notes to the Pari
H. Knight, ‘Guide and historical notes to the Parish Church of St Mary, Patrixbourne’ 1930 [Williamson 61]
CH57R.B. Pyper, ‘The story of Bekesbourne Church’, und
R.B. Pyper, ‘The story of Bekesbourne Church’, undated, 16pp. [Williamson 256]
CH58Booklet: ‘The Church in the Garden: St Peter’s Bek
Booklet: ‘The Church in the Garden: St Peter’s Bekesbourne’, May 1975, 20pp. inc cover [Williamson 302]
CH59‘Elham St Mary, a guide to the church’, Trevor Pit
‘Elham St Mary, a guide to the church’, Trevor Pitt Not archived as not related to Bridge
CH60Photocopy of ‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, pre
Photocopy of ‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memory of Mrs Kathleen Wiltshire, 1965
CH61‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memo
‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memory of Mrs Kathleen Wiltshire, 1965
CH62‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memo
‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memory of Mrs Kathleen Wiltshire, 1965 Same as CH61
CH63Transcript and photocopy of original Terrier for B
Transcript and photocopy of original Terrier for Bekesbourne, 1695
CH64Order of service for the Licensing and Installatio
Order of service for the Licensing and Installation of Rev. Raymond Gilbert, St Peter’s Church, Bridge, 20 Oct 1979 Same as CH36
CH65Patrixbourne Memorial Service for men fallen in th
Patrixbourne Memorial Service for men fallen in the war, 17 Oct 1920
CH66Service leaflet: Centenary of Bridge Chapel, 24 Ma
Service leaflet: Centenary of Bridge Chapel, 24 May 1994 [Williamson 450]
CH67Leaflet: Christian Stewardship, St Peter’s, Bridge
Leaflet: Christian Stewardship, St Peter’s, Bridge and St Mary’s, Patrixbourne [Williamson 391]
CH68Parish Magazine: Installation of Rev. Gilbert by A
Parish Magazine: Installation of Rev. Gilbert by Archbishop, Nov 1979, 16pp. [Williamson 390]
CH69Order of service: Christian Unity, St Peter’s, Bri
Order of service: Christian Unity, St Peter’s, Bridge 20 Jan 1977 [Williamson 349]
CH70Appeal for funds St Mary's church 1937
Appeal for funds St Mary's church 4th December 1937 [Williamson 479]
CH71St Peter’s, Bridge & St Mary’s, Patrixbourne, Chri
St Peter’s, Bridge & St Mary’s, Patrixbourne, Christian Stewardship Campaign leaflet, undated Same as CH67
CH72‘Welcome to the Parish Church of Saint John the Ba
‘Welcome to the Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist Barham’ leaflet, undated
CH73‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memo
‘St Mary’s Patrixbourne’ booklet, prepared in memory of Mrs Kathleen Wiltshire, 1965 Same as CH61
CH74List of grant-making bodies for Canterbury Diocese
List of grant-making bodies for Canterbury Diocese churches
CH75Guide to St Mary’s, Patrixbourne, annotated photoc
Guide to St Mary’s, Patrixbourne, annotated photocopy, 1965, 4pp. [Williamson 244]
CH76Typed article: ‘The Swiss enamel glass windows in
Typed article: ‘The Swiss enamel glass windows in Patrixbourne Church’, 10pp.
CH77Licensing and Installation of Rev. Paul Filmer, St
Licensing and Installation of Rev. Paul Filmer, St Peter’s Church, Bridge, 2 May 2000; Two b/w photographs of procession
CH78Memorial service sheet for men of Bridge fallen in
Memorial service sheet for men of Bridge fallen in the war Same as CH65
CH79Concert posters
Coffee, Cake and Concert posters

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